LP Smiles 4 Salikha Term 3
LP Smiles 4 Salikha Term 3
LP Smiles 4 Salikha Term 3
Grade: 4 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Weather 1
Learning objectives recognise words that are spelt out from a limited rung of general and
curricular topics make basic statements which provide information on an increasing
range of general and some curricular topics use conjunctions and, or, but, because to link words and phrases
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
- talk about the weather.
- talk about summer and winter activities.
Value links Family – Family values are moral and ethical principles of typical family
life, including sacrificing for loved ones, putting your loved ones first, and
keeping your loved ones at the centre of your thoughts and actions.
Grade: 4 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Camping Safety
Learning objectives make basic statements which provide information on an increasing
range of general and some curricular topics spell most familiar high-frequency words accurately when writing
independently use common present continuous forms, including short answers and
contractions, to talk about what is happening now and future arrangements on
a limited range of personal and familiar topics, use -ing forms swimming,
spelling as nouns to describe familiar and classroom activities
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
- to talk about camping and camping safety
Value links Loyalty – Loyalty might be a core personal value to you if you highly prize
friends that are reliable and trustworthy. You might put your friends or
chosen family first, always being there for them when they need you.
Value links Honesty – You may highly value telling people the truth. This one gets tricky
when being honest can be hurtful to others. So, a person who really puts
honesty first might be the sort of person who will tell the truth even if it
hurts to do so.
Ex: 27 P: 78
• Refer the pupils to the pictures,
one at a time, and mave a class
discussion. Play the CD. The pupils
listen and follow in their books. Self assessment
Value links Integrity – Integrity is the quality of having strong moral principles. So, a
person with integrity will always act with honesty and adhere to their own
moral code regardless of what others do.
Learning objectives contribute a growing range of suitable words, phrases, and
sentences including giving opinions during short pair, group and whole class
exchanges recognise basic opinions in short, simple texts on an increasing
range of general range of general and some curricular topics link with some support sentences using basic coordinating
Value links Integrity – Integrity is the quality of having strong moral principles. So, a
person with integrity will always act with honesty and adhere to their own
moral code regardless of what others do.
Middle of
Ex:1 P:81
the Pupils look, read and Descriptor:
• The pupils look at the pictures
lesson circle. - look, read and
and circle the correct words.
Presenta ANSWERS circle. Card
tion part. Total: 2 point Worksheet
1 blanket
30 min 2 campfire
3 whistle
4 fishing rod
5 penknife Students
Ex: 2 P: 81
Pupils read and
• The pupils read and complete the
sentences with the correct word
1 snowing self assessment
2 raining
Ex: 3 P: 81 Pupils Nurlan wants to - read and
• Nurlan wants to go camping with go camping with his complete.
his family. What must/mustn't he
family. What Total: 2 point
do? Read and complete.
The pupils read and complete the must/mustn't he do?
Read and complete. Descriptor:
ANSWERS - read and
1 mustn't complete
Total: 2 point
2 mustn't
3 mustn't
4 mustn't
Ex: 3 P: 81 5 must
•The pupils make sentences by Pupils make sentences.
- make sentences
putting the words in the correct ANSWERS Total: 1 point
order 1 Can we visit the
volcano? -Make CCQ
Summative Assessment for the 2 He doesn't have to questions Yes / No
cross curricular unit come with us.
« Hot and cold» 3 Can I use your
4 We have to wash our
Conclusion during the lesson some clothes.
tasks differentiated by outcomes of 5 They don't have to get
the students and by their abilities. up early.
End of FEEDBACK Poster
the Learners provide feedback on what Success
lesson they have learned at the lesson.
5 min Ex:
Home task:
Value links Integrity – Integrity is the quality of having strong moral principles. So, a
person with integrity will always act with honesty and adhere to their own
moral code regardless of what others do.
Middle of
Ex:1 P:83
the • Say and write on the board: Pupils look at the Descriptor:
lesson healthy eating. Elicit/explain what picture. Answer the - look at the
Presenta healthy eating means. Refer the questions. picture. Card
tion part. Worksheet
pupils to the picture and have a ANSWERS - answer the
30 min picture discussion. Use the 1 at the school cafeteria questions.
questions in the activity to elicit 2 salad, sandwich, juice Total: 2 point
from the pupils orally where the
children are, what they are doing, (suggested answers)
what they are eating and if the food 3 yes Students
is healthy. Then ask the pupils what 4 fruit (suggested book
they usually eat at school and elicit answer
answers from individual pupils.
Refer the pupils to the activity.
Allow the pupil's some time to
answer the questions. Check their
self assessment
Ex: 2 P: 83
• Explain the activity. Go through Pupils read and choose.
There are cap two Descriptor:
the prompts and elicit/explain any
extras. - read and choose
unknown words. Allow the pupils
ANSWERS - complete the
some time to complete the activity.
1.2.4 activity
Check their answers. Total: 2 point
Ex: 3 P: 83
• Refer the pupils to the pictures. Descriptor:
Explain that these are all ways to a Pupils make sentences
healthy body. Read the example to complete the poster. - make sentences
and explain the activity. Go through ANSWERS - complete the
the prompts and elicit/explain any 2 Get active every day! poster
unknown words. Allow the pupils Total: 3 point
3 Sleep 10 hours!
some time to complete the activity.
Check them answers. 4 Drink a lot of water!
-Make CCQ
Ex: 4 P: 83 questions Yes / No
Ask the pupils, in pairs to write two Pupils in pairs, write two
more ways to a healthy body and more ways to a healthy
draw pictures. Explain that they can body. Draw pictures.
use the sentences in Ex.3 as Present them to the
models. Allow the pupils some time class.
to complete the activity. Ask each ANSWERS
pair to present their projects to the Students own answer
Conclusion during the lesson some
tasks differentiated by outcomes of
the students and by their abilities.
End of FEEDBACK Poster
the Learners provide feedback on what Success
lesson they have learned at the lesson.
5 min Ex:
Home task:
Value links Integrity – Integrity is the quality of having strong moral principles. So, a
person with integrity will always act with honesty and adhere to their own
moral code regardless of what others do.
Middle of
Ex:5 P:84
the •Put the Time to eat poster up on Pupils listen, point and Descriptor:
lesson the board. Point to the items, one at repeat. Then match - listen, point and
Presenta a time, and say the corresponding ANSWERS repeat Card
tion part. Worksheet
phrases. The pupils repeat, chorally 1b2I3h4g5j 6d - then match
30 min and/or individually. Point to each 7 a 8 c 9 e 10 Total: 2 point
item in random order. Ask individual
pupils to name the item. Explain to
the pupils that in today's lesson Pupils want to make a
you'll talk about food and drinks. salad. Cap In pairs, Students
Ask them to tell you their favourite decide what to include. book
food and drink ANSWERS
Ex: 6 P: 84 A: Let's put some tomatoes
• Refer the pupils to the pictures in our salad.
B: Yes, sure. Why not?
and elicit the names of the food
A: Let's put some carrots in
items. Read the dialogue aloud and our salad. self assessment
explain the activity. The pupils, in B: Oh, no. Let's put some
pairs, ask and answer questions, as cucumbers. Descriptor:
in the example. Go around the A: Let's put some
- make a salad.
classroom providing any necessary mayonnaise in our salad.
help. Ask some pairs to report back B: Yes, sure. Why not? etc - decide what to
to the class. include
Ex: 7 P: 85 Pupils match. Then talk Total: 2 point
• Underline the words in bold. The with your friend.
pupils repeat, chorally and/or ANSWERS Descriptor:
individually. Then say and write on 2a3b 4e 5c - talk with your
the board: I am having a piano friend.
lesson this evening. Underline the Total: 1 point
words in bold. The pupils repeat, A: What are you doing?
chorally and/or individually. B: I'm going to the gym.
A: Going to the gym? -Make CCQ
Ex: 8 P: 85 B: Yes. Exercising gives questions Yes / No
•Refer the pupils to the pictures me more energy!
and elicit the words. Explain the
activity. Play the CD. The pupils
listen and match. Check their Pupils listen and match.
answers. Ask the pupils to tell you
what each person is doing for Then say.
tomorrow's party. ANSWERS
1 Ayaulym
Conclusion during the lesson some 2 Karlygash
tasks differentiated by outcomes of 3 Bakhytzhan
the students and by their abilities. 4 Nurzhan
End of FEEDBACK Poster
the Learners provide feedback on what Success
lesson they have learned at the lesson.
5 min Ex:
Home task:
Middle of
Ex:10 P:86
the Play the CD. The pupils listen and Pupils listen and read Descriptor:
lesson follow the texts in their book. ANSWERS - listen, and read
Presenta Students own answer Total: 2 point Card
tion part. Worksheet
Play the CD. The pupils listen and Pupils read the story and
30 min follow the texts in their books. Ask complete the summary.
the pupils to tell you if they know ANSWERS
any Play the CD. The pupils listen
2 potatoes
and follow the texts in their book.
3 stew Students
4 apples book
Play the CD. The pupils listen and
5 Guy
follow the texts in their books. Ask
6 gardening
the pupils to tell you if they know
any Pupils choose the
• Go through the pictures of the text correct answer. self assessment
and set the scene by asking the ANSWERS
pupils questions about unusual B
snack, healthy snack and sweet Pupils talking point.
Listen and read. Make a - read the story
Ex: 11 P: 87 new dialogue with your
• Explain the activity. Refer the - complete the
friend. summary
pupils to the summary and read the
example aloud. Allow the pupils
ANSWERS Total: 2 point
Gulnara: Hi, Berik. Where
some time to read the story again are you going?
silently and complete the summary. Berik: To the supermarket.
Check their answers. I want to buy some ho
Ex: 12 P: 87 dogs and crisps for my Descriptor:
• Explain the activity. Allow the birthday party.
Gulnara: Oh, is it tonight?
- listen and read
pupils some time to complete it. - make a new
Berik: Yes. Are you
Check their answers.
coming? dialogue
Ex: 13 P: 87 Gulnara: Of course! What Total: 1 point
• Refer the pupils to the picture and else are you planning fo
the dialogue.The pupils, in pairs, your party?
act out similar dialogues. Go Berik:My brother is
around the classroom providing any decorating the house for us
Gulnara: Great! See you
necessary help. Ask some pairs to
tonight, then.
come to the front of the classroom
Pupils listen, point and Descriptor:
and act out the dialogue. If you
wish, write the following on the repeat - listen, point and
board so the pupils can refer to it ANSWERS repeat
while they are completing the /sk/: skate, skip, sky Total: 1 point
/sn/: snow, snake
Conclusion during the lesson some -Make CCQ
tasks differentiated by outcomes of /sp/: space, speak, sport questions Yes / No
the students and by their abilities.
End of FEEDBACK Poster
the Learners provide feedback on what Success
lesson they have learned at the lesson.
5 min Ex:
Home task:
Value links Integrity – Integrity is the quality of having strong moral principles. So, a
person with integrity will always act with honesty and adhere to their own
moral code regardless of what others do.
Middle of
Ex:14 P:88
the • Pupils' books closed. Put the Pupils listen, point and Descriptor:
lesson Snack Time poster up or the board. repeat. Which of these - listen, point and
Presenta Point to the items, one at a time, do you like? Which don't repeat. Card
tion part. Worksheet
and say the corresponding words. you like? -answer the
30 min The pupils repeat, chorally and/or ANSWERS question
individually. Point to each item in I like chocolate, Total: 2 point
random order. Ask individual pupils
to name them. watermelon and crisps. I
don't like peas and Students
walnuts book
Ex: 15 P: 88 Pupils read and choose
• Read aloud the example and the correct word.
explain the activity. Allow the pupils ANSWERS
some time to complete it. Check 2 loaf
their answers. 3 bottle
4 pot
5 carton self assessment
6 bar Descriptor:
7 packet - read and choose
8 bottle - complete the
Ex: 16 P: 88 sentences
• Refer the pupils to the pictures. Total: 2 point
Pupils look at the trays.
Elicit healthy food and junk food. Who eats healthy food?
Ask them to say who eats healthy Descriptor:
Who eats junk food?
food and who eats junk food. - look at the trays
- answer the
Saule eats healthy food.
Ex: 17 P: 88 Ulan eats junk food. Total: 1 point
• Explain the activity. Play the CD.
The pupils listen and choose the Pupils listen and choose Descriptor:
correct picture. Check their the correct trays - listen and choose
answers. ANSWERS the correct trays
Saule: A Total: 1 point
Conclusion during the lesson some
Ulan: B -Make CCQ
tasks differentiated by outcomes of
questions Yes / No
the students and by their abilities.
End of FEEDBACK Poster
the Learners provide feedback on what Success
lesson they have learned at the lesson.
5 min Ex:
Home task:
Value links Integrity – Integrity is the quality of having strong moral principles. So, a
person with integrity will always act with honesty and adhere to their own
moral code regardless of what others do.
Middle of
Ex:21 P:90
the • Explain the activity. The pupils Pupils complete. Then Descriptor:
lesson read the blog entries silently and listen and check. Which - complete the
Presenta complete them. Play the CD. The is your favourite snack? sentences Card
tion part. Worksheet
pupils listen and check their ANSWERS -answer the
30 min answers. 2 yogurt question
3 walnuts Total: 2 point
4 peanuts
5 peppers Students
Ex: 22 P: 90 6 carrots book
• Explain the activity. Allow the
pupils some time to complete it. Pupils read and match.
Check their answers. ANSWERS
Ex: 25 P: 91 2a
• Present the British currency. 3b self assessment
Point to the coins and say the 4d
words. The pupils repeat after you. Descriptor:
Explain that there are 100 pence in - read and match
a pound. Refer the pupils to the - complete the
picture and elicit the items. Read
Pupils read the example.
ANSWERS sentences
the example.The pupils act out Total: 2 point
similar exchanges. Go around the A: Can I have a bar of
classroom providing any necessary chocolate and a packet
help. Ask some pairs to report back of biscuits, please? Descriptor:
to the class. B: Here you are. - read the example
Total: 1 point
A: How much is that?
Conclusion during the lesson some
B: £2.30. etc -Make CCQ
tasks differentiated by outcomes of
the students and by their abilities. questions Yes / No
End of FEEDBACK Poster
the Learners provide feedback on what Success
lesson they have learned at the lesson.
5 min Ex:
Home task:
Middle of
Ex:26 P:92
the • Explain the activity. The pupils Pupils read and write Descriptor:
lesson look at the pictures, read the ANSWERS - read and write
Presenta sentences and say the names of 1 rhino - say the names of Card
tion part. Worksheet
the animals. Allow the pupils some 2 gorilla the animals.
30 min time to complete the activity. Check 3 dolphin Total: 2 point
their answers. 4 polar bear
5 panda
Ex:15 P:64 Ac B
Refer the pupils to the pictures and
elicit the names of the animals.
Explain the activity. Allow the pupils
self assessment
some time to read the sentences
and match them with the correct
pictures. Check their answers. Descriptor:
- read the
Pupils read and match
ANSWERS - match them with
2C the correct pictures
Conclusion during the lesson some 3D Total: 2 point
tasks differentiated by outcomes of 4F
the students and by their abilities. 5B -Make CCQ
6E questions Yes / No
End of FEEDBACK Poster
the Learners provide feedback on what Success
lesson they have learned at the lesson.
5 min Ex:
Home task:
Middle of Descriptor:
the Ex: 27 P: 93 - listen and read.
lesson • Refer the pupils to the dialogue. Pupils listen and read. - act out similar
Presenta Play the CD. The pupils listen and Then act out similar dialogues. Card
tion part. follow along. Pause the CD for the Worksheet
dialogues. Total: 2 point
30 min pupils to repeat, chorally and/or ANSWERS
individually. Refer the pupils to the
pictures and elicit the names of the
A: Look at these amazing
animals and what the pupils know chimpanzees. Where do
about them. Read aloud the fact chimpanzees live? Students
files. The pupils, in pairs, act out B: They live in the jungle. book
similar dialogues using the Did you know they are in
information in the fact files. Go danger?
around the classroom providing any
A: Really? Why?
necessary help. Ask some pairs to
come to the front of the classroom B: Because people hunt
and act out their dialogues. If you them or sell them as
pets. self assessment
wish, write the following on the
board so the pupils can refer to it A: That's a shame. We
while they are completing the must do something to
activity protect them! Descriptor:
- complete the
Ex:16 P:64 Ac B
Read the prompts aloud and the Pupils complete the poem.
example and explain the activity. poem. Draw a picture to - draw a picture
Allow the pupils some time to Total: 2 point
go with the poem.
complete it. Check their answers.
Then ask the pupils to draw a
2 tree
picture to go with the poem.
3 taps
Conclusion during the lesson some 4 walk -Make CCQ
tasks differentiated by outcomes of 5 bin questions Yes / No
the students and by their abilities. 6 Earth
End of FEEDBACK Poster
the Learners provide feedback on what Success
lesson they have learned at the lesson.
5 min Ex:
Home task:
Middle of
Ex:28 P:93
the • Explain the activity. Go through Pupils read and circle. Descriptor:
lesson the sentences and elicit/explain any Then listen and check - read and circle.
Presenta unknown words. Play the CD. The ANSWERS - listen and circle Card
tion part. Worksheet
pupils listen and circle the correct 2 cold the correct words.
30 min words. Check their answers. 3 South America Total: 2 point
4 gen
5 smaller
Ex: 29 P: 93 Pupils design your own book
• Design your own Save the Save the rainforests!
rainforests! poster. Present it to Poster. Present it to the
the class. class.
Read aloud the title of the poster ANSWERS
self assessment
and have a class discussion about
why we must save the rainforests. Descriptor:
Read the instructions and explain - design your own
the activity. Allow the pupils some Save the
time to prepare their posters. Ask rainforests
individual pupils to present their - present it to the
poster to the class Save the rainforests! class.
Rainforests give us Total: 2 point
oxygen and many of the
world's animals live
Conclusion during the lesson some there. We must do
something to protect -Make CCQ
tasks differentiated by outcomes of
them questions Yes / No
the students and by their abilities.
End of FEEDBACK Poster
the Learners provide feedback on what Success
lesson they have learned at the lesson.
5 min Ex:
Home task:
Middle of
Ex:30 P:94
the • Explain the activity. Allow the Pupils read and Descriptor:
lesson pupils some time to complete it. complete. Then listen - read and
Presenta Play the CD. The pupils listen and and check. complete. Card
tion part. Worksheet
check their answers. Then ask the ANSWERS - listen and check.
30 min pupils if they know any other place 2 danger Total: 2 point
or animal that is in danger. Elicit 3 stones
answers. Ask the pupils to say why
this place/animal is in danger 4 litter
5 spots Students
6 mountains book
7 fur
8 trees
Ex: 31 P: 94 Pupils read and
• Explain the activity. The pupils complete.
read the texts again silently and ANSWERS self assessment
complete the activity. Check their 1 the air pollution from Descriptor:
answers. the traffic damages the - read and
stones complete.
Conclusion during the lesson some 2 people hunted them Total: 2 point
tasks differentiated by outcomes of for their fur or cut down -Make CCQ
the trees so they didn't questions Yes / No
the students and by their abilities.
have a home
End of FEEDBACK Poster
the Learners provide feedback on what Success
lesson they have learned at the lesson.
5 min Ex:
Home task:
Short term plan: term 2
Тексерілді: Қ. Байсеитов
Unit 6: Healthy world Lesson 51
Teacher name: Murataliyeva S
Date: 13.03.2024
Lesson title Tasks for the Summative Assessment for the term 3
Learning objectives respond to questions on an increasing range of general and some
curricular topics read and understand with some support short simple fiction and non-
fiction texts link with some support sentences using basic coordinating
connectors use adverbs of time and frequency: sometimes, often, always,
never to indicate when and how often begin to use simple adverbs of
manner e.g. well, badly, use common –ly manner adverbs to describe
actions e/g/ slowly, quickly
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
- Read the text and answer the questions
Value links Open-Mindedness – An open-minded person is someone who is always
willing to hear new points of view and even change their own point of view
if new arguments are highly convincing. It’s the opposite of stubbornness.
Middle of Listening
the Task 1. Listen to the conversation Descriptor:
lesson carefully and complete the Pupils listen and write - listen and write
Presenta sentences. You will listen to the ANSWERS Total: 4 point Card
tion part. recording twice Worksheet
30 min
Descriptor: Students
Task 2. Read the text. Identify
Pupils and answer the - read the text book
True and False sentences.
questions Total: 4 point
- read the text
Writing Descriptor:
Task 3. Link the sentences. Fill in - write sentences
the gaps with connectors so, or, Pupils put the letters in about the animal
because, and. Use each connector the correct order. Total: 4 point
only once ANSWERS
can answer the
Task 4. Work in pairs. Choose
ONE picture. Look at the picture
Total: 4 point
and talk to your classmate about it.
Describe the picture, ask and
answer questions Pupils tell about the
places you lived
Conclusion during the lesson some
- answer the questions.
tasks differentiated by outcomes of
the students and by their abilities.
End of FEEDBACK Poster
the Learners provide feedback on what Success
lesson they have learned at the lesson.
5 min Ex:
Home task:
Value links Integrity – Integrity is the quality of having strong moral principles. So, a
person with integrity will always act with honesty and adhere to their own
moral code regardless of what others do.
Middle of
Ex:1 P:95
the • The pupils read and number the Pupils number the Descriptor:
lesson pictures. pictures. - number the
Presenta ANSWERS pictures. Card
tion part. a3 Total: 2 point Worksheet
30 min b2
e0 Students
Ex: 2 P: 95 f1 book
• The pupils read and underline the Pupils read and
correct words. underline
1 loaf self assessment
2 pot
3 bars Descriptor:
Ex: 3 P: 95 4 bottles - read and
5 carton
• The pupils read and complete the underline
Pupils read and write.
sentences with the correct word. Total: 2 point
Use: some, any, a and
1 any
- read and write
2 any Total: 2 point
3 an
4 some Descriptor:
Ex: 4 P: 95 5a - read and
•The pupils read and complete the Pupils read and complete the
sentences with the present complete the sentences. sentences
continuous of the verbs in brackets. ANSWERS Total: 2 point
1 is cooking
Conclusion during the lesson some 2 are making -Make CCQ
tasks differentiated by outcomes of 3 is climbing questions Yes / No
the students and by their abilities. 4 are visiting
5 is buying
End of FEEDBACK Poster
the Learners provide feedback on what Success
lesson they have learned at the lesson.
5 min Ex:
Home task:
Value links Integrity – Integrity is the quality of having strong moral principles. So, a
person with integrity will always act with honesty and adhere to their own
moral code regardless of what others do.
Middle of
Ex:1 P:96
• Read the title of the lesson. Ask
Pupils read and Descriptor:
the pupils if they have heard about
complete Violet’s - read and
Presenta presentation. Then listen complete Violet’s Card
tion part.
endangered animals, and what they and check. How does presentation Worksheet
mean to them. Explain to the pupils, Violet begin and end her
30 min - listen and check
in LI if necessary, that some presentation. Total: 2 point
animals are in danger of becoming ANSWERS
extinct for various reasons. Some 2 to begin with today
animals are hunted by men. Other Students
3 Did you know
animals lose their homes and some book
4 So, let’s see why
others cannot find food any more.
5 Another reason
Ex: 2 P: 95 6 I will leave today.
• Refer the pupils to the dialogue.
Play the CD.The pupils listen and Pupils listen to Violet’s
presentation again. self assessment
follow along. Pause the CD for the
Answer the question. Descriptor:
pupils to repeat, chorally and/or
ANSWERS - listen to Violet’s
individually. Refer the pupils to the
1 there are only 700 presentation again
pictures and elicit the names of the gorills.
animals and what the pupils know - answer the
2 They live in mountain question
about them. Read aloud the fact rainforests.
files. Go around the classroom 3 hunters kill the gorillas
Total: 2 point
providing any necessary help. Ask for food or to sell as
some pairs to come to the front of souvenirs. People are
the classroom and act out their chopping down the trees -Make CCQ
dialogues. in the rainforests, in questions Yes / No
gorillas’ house.
Conclusion during the lesson some
tasks differentiated by outcomes of
the students and by their abilities.
End of FEEDBACK Poster
the Learners provide feedback on what Success
lesson they have learned at the lesson.
5 min Ex:
Home task:
Value links Integrity – Integrity is the quality of having strong moral principles. So, a
person with integrity will always act with honesty and adhere to their own
moral code regardless of what others do.
Middle of
Ex:1 P:96
• Go through the pictures of the
Pupils listen and read. Descriptor:
story and set the scene by asking the
How does Afolabi teach - listen and read
Presenta the lazy people a lesson. - answer the Card
pupils questions about what they
tion part. ANSWERS question Worksheet
can see in the pictures.
30 min Afolabi told his servants Total: 2 point
Play the CD. The pupils listen and
follow the story in their books. Refer to dig a hole next to the
the pupils to the question and elicit tree and put a bag of
the correct answer gold in in, so Amaki, who Students
Ex: 2 P: 97 tried to move this tree book
• The pupils read the story and the get that bag of gold.
sentences. Then they match the
sentences. Allow the pupils some Pupils read and choose
time to complete the activity. Check
their answers.
1A self assessment
Play the CD again with pauses for
2B Descriptor:
the pupils to repeat, chorally and/or 3A
individually. Then ask individual - read and choose
4A Total: 2 point
pupils to read out the story. 5A
Value links Integrity – Integrity is the quality of having strong moral principles. So, a
person with integrity will always act with honesty and adhere to their own
moral code regardless of what others do.
Middle of
Ex:1 P:101
the Pupils look at the Descriptor:
• Put the Journey into space poster
lesson picture. Would you like - look at the
up on the board. Point to the
Presenta to travel into space? picture Card
tion part. pictures, one at a time, and say the
Why?/Why not? Do you - answer the Worksheet
30 min corresponding words. The pupils question
know any planets bigger
repeat, chorally and/or individually. Total: 2 point
than Earth?
Point to each picture in random
order. Ask individual pupils to name
I would like to travel into Students
space to visit other book
Refer the pupils to the picture on p.94
and have a picture discussion. Ask the planets. (suggested
pupils if they would like to travel into answer) Jupiter, Saturn,
space and why. Elicit answers from Uranus and Neptune are
individual pupils. Then say and write bigger than Earth.
on the board: Earth. Explain to the
pupils that Earth is the name of our self assessment
planet. Ask the pupils to name other
planets (Mercury. Venus, Mars,
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune).
Then ask them to name the planets Descriptor:
that are bigger than Earth. - find these in the
Pupils can you find these
Ex: 2 P: 101 picture
in the picture. Match.
• Explain the activity. Allow the - match the
Then listen and check.
pupils some time to match the pictures with the
pictures with the correct words. correct words
2I 3h 4f 5d6b 7g
Play the CD. The pupils listen and 8e 9c Total: 2 point
check their answers.