Mathematical Methods For Economic Analysis
Mathematical Methods For Economic Analysis
Mathematical Methods For Economic Analysis
3 49,265
1 author:
Paul Schweinzer
Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt
All content following this page was uploaded by Paul Schweinzer on 19 May 2014.
Paul Schweinzer
∗ This version (9th March 2004) is preliminary and incomplete; I am grateful for corrections or suggestions.
I Static analysis 9
1 Mathematical programming 11
1.1 Lagrange theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.1.1 Non-technical Lagrangian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.1.2 General Lagrangian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.1.3 Jargon & remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1.2 Motivation for the rest of the course . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2 Fundamentals 21
2.1 Sets and mappings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.1.1 Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.2 Algebraic structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.2.1 Relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.2.2 Extrema and bounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.2.3 Mappings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.3 Elementary combinatorics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.4 Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.4.1 Geometric properties of spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.4.2 Topological properties of spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2.5 Properties of functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
2.5.1 Continuity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
2.5.2 Differentiability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.5.3 Integrability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
2.5.4 Convexity, concavity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2.5.5 Other properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
2.6 Linear functions on R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
2.6.1 Linear dependence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
2.6.2 Determinants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
2.6.3 Eigenvectors and eigenvalues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
2.6.4 Quadratic forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
4 Kuhn-Tucker theory 73
4.1 Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
4.1.1 The Lagrangian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
4.1.2 The extension proposed by Kuhn and Tucker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
4.2 A cookbook approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
4.2.1 The cookbook version of the Lagrange method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
4.2.2 The cookbook version of the Kuhn-Tucker method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
4.2.3 A first cookbook example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
4.2.4 Another cookbook example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
4.2.5 A last cookbook example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
4.3 Duality of linear programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
A Appendix 217
We will start with a refresher on linear programming, particularly Lagrange Theory. The problems we
will encounter should provide the motivation for the rest of the first part of this course where we will
be concerned mainly with the mathematical foundations of optimisation theory. This includes a revision
of basic set theory, a look at functions, their continuity and their maximisation in n-dimensional vector
space (we will only occasionally glimpse beyond finite spaces). The main results are conceptual, that is,
not illustrated with numerical computation but composed of ideas that should be helpful to understand a
variety of key concepts in modern Microeconomics and Game Theory. We will look at two such results in
detail—both illustrating concepts from Game Theory: (i) that it is not rational to play a strictly dominated
strategy and (ii) Nash’s equilibrium existence theorem. We will not do many proofs throughout the course
but those we will do, we will do thoroughly and you will be asked to proof similar results in the exercises.
The course should provide you with the mathematical tools you will need to follow a master’s level
course in economic theory. Familiarity with the material presented in a ‘September course’ on the level
of Chiang (1984) or Simon and Blume (1994) is assumed and is sufficient to follow the exposition. The
justification for developing the theory in a rigourous way is to get used to the precise mathematical
notation that is used in both the journal literature and modern textbooks. We will seek to illustrate the
abstract concepts we introduce with economic examples but this will not always be possible as definitions
are necessarily abstract. More readily applicable material will follow in later sessions. Some sections are
flagged with daggers† indicating that they can be skipped on first reading.
The main textbook we will use for the Autumn term is (Sundaram 1996). It is more technical and to an
extent more difficult than the course itself. We will cover about a third of the book. If you are interested
in formal analysis or are planning to further pursue economic research, I strongly encourage you to work
through this text. If you find yourself struggling, consult a suitable text from the reference section.
The second part of the course (starting in December) will be devoted to the main optimisation tool
used in dynamic settings as in most modern Macroeconomics: Dynamic Control Theory. We will focus
on the Bellman approach and develop the Hamiltonian in both a deterministic and stochastic setting. In
addition we will derive a cookbook-style recipe of how to solve the optimisation problems you will face in
the Macro-part of your economic theory lectures. To get a firm grasp of this you will need most of the
fundamentals we introduced in the Autumn term sessions. The main text we will use in the Spring term
is (Obstfeld 1992); it forms the basis of section (11) and almost all of (12). You should supplement your
reading by reference to (Kamien and Schwartz 1991) which, although a very good book, is not exactly
cheap. Since we will not touch upon more than a quarter of the text you should only buy it if you lost
your heart to dynamic optimisation.
Like in every mathematics course: Unless you already know the material covered quite well, there is no
way you can understand what is going on without doing at least some of the exercises indicated at the end
of each section. Let me close with a word of warning: This is only the third time these notes are used for
teaching. This means that numerous mistakes, typos and ambiguities have been removed by the students
using the notes in previous years. I am most grateful to them—but I assure you that there are enough
remaining. I apologise for these and would be happy about comments and suggestions. I hope we will
have an interesting and stimulating course.
section on the Lagrangian. I owe a similar debt to Maurice Obstfeld, University of California at Berkeley, for allowing me to
incorporate his paper into the spring-term part of the notes. Pedro Bacao—endowed with endless energy and patience—read
the whole draft and provided very helpful comments and suggestions and an anonymous referee contributed most detailed
notes and corrections.
Static analysis
Chapter 1
Mathematical programming
Reading: Your micro-textbooks (Varian 1992b) and (Mas-Colell, Whinston, and Green 1995)
can be relied on for further illustrations and examples. An undergraduate-level but yet formal
introduction is contained in (Nicholson 1990, chapter II.4).
We will come back to all of the topics glanced over in this introductory chapter more systematically—
and on the basis of (Sundaram 1996)—as soon as we have worked through chapter 2. The main
purpose of this chapter is to review concepts you already know from undergraduate micro courses
and to develop questions which we cannot easily answer without getting more formal.
A typical linear program (i.e. an optimisation problem for which both objective and constraints
are linear in the variables x) in ‘standard form’ consists of:
(a) a set of linear equations or inequalities: Ax = b,
(b) sign constraints on (some of) the unknowns: x ≥ 0,
(c) a linear form to be minimised (maximised): min cT x.
Solutions to (a) & (b) are called feasible and solutions to (a), (b) & (c) are called optimal.
Every primal linear program has a dual statement. The dual program for the above example:
Ax = b, x ≥ 0, cT x = min is yT A ≤ cT , yT b = max. For now we just state this as a fact but
after we have discussed Lagrange theory in some detail we will return to the topic of duality in
section 4.3.
Exl: (Franklin 1980, p4) Portfolio choice problem. Suppose a bank has £100m and wants to put
part of its money into loans (L), another part into securities (S) and keeps also some cash. Loans
earn high interest (say, 10%), securities do not (say, 5%); securities, however, have a liquidity
advantage. Hence we formalise:
L + S=100
L=30 %+
L − 3S=0
30 100
Figure 1.1: A linear program. The dashed lines are level sets, the shaded area is the feasible set.
Consider the problem of a consumer who seeks to distribute his income across the purchase of
the two goods he consumes, subject to the constraint that he spends no more than his total
income. Let us denote the amount of the first good that he buys x1 and the amount of the
second good x2 , the prices of the two goods p1 and p2 , and the consumer’s income y. The utility
that the consumer obtains from consuming x1 units of good 1 and x2 of good two is denoted
u(x1 , x2 ). Thus the consumer’s problem is to maximise u(x1 , x2 ) subject to the constraint that
p1 x1 + p2 x2 ≤ y. (We shall soon write p1 x1 + p2 x2 = y, i.e., we shall assume that the consumer
must (wants to) spend all of his income.) Before discussing the solution of this problem let us
write it in a more ‘mathematical’ way:
max u(x1 , x2 )
x1 ,x2 (1.1.1)
s.t.: p1 x1 + p2 x2 = y
We read this as “Choose x1 and x2 to maximise u(x1 , x2 ) subject to the constraint that p1 x1 +
p2 x2 = y.” Let us assume, as usual, that the indifference curves (i.e., the sets of points (x1 , x2 ) for
which u(x1 , x2 ) is a constant) are convex to the origin. Let us also assume that the indifference
curves are nice and smooth. Then the point (x∗1 , x∗2 ) that solves the maximisation problem (1.1.1)
is the point at which the indifference curve is tangent to the budget line as given in figure 1.2.
One thing we can say about the solution is that at the point (x∗1 , x∗2 ) it must be true that the
u(x1, x2) = const
p1 x 1 + p2 x 2 = y
marginal utility with respect to good 1 divided by the price of good 1 must equal the marginal
utility with respect to good 2 divided by the price of good 2. For if this were not true then the
consumer could, by decreasing the consumption of the good for which this ratio was lower and
increasing the consumption of the other good, increase his utility. This is shown in figure 1.3.
Marginal utilities are, of course, just the partial derivatives of the utility function. Thus we have:
∂u ∗ ∗ ∂u ∗ ∗
∂x1 (x1 , x2 ) ∂x2 (x1 , x2 )
= . (1.1.2)
p1 p2
The argument we have just made seems very ‘economic.’ But it is easy to give an alternative
argument that does not explicitly refer to the economic intuition. Let xu2 be the function that
defines the indifference curve through the point (x∗1 , x∗2 ), i.e.,
∂u ∂u dxu
(x1 , xu2 (x1 )) + (x1 , xu2 (x1 )) 2 (x1 ) = 0.
∂x1 ∂x2 dx1
That is,
∂u u
dxu2 ∂x1 (x1 , x2 (x1 ))
(x1 ) = − ∂u u
dx1 ∂x (x1 , x2 (x1 ))
Now xu2 (x∗1 ) = x∗2 . Thus the slope of the indifference curve at the point (x∗1 , x∗2 ) is
dxu2 ∗ (x∗1 , x∗2 )
(x1 ) = − ∂x
∗ ∗
. (1.1.3)
dx1 ∂x (x1 , x2 )
We know that the budget line is defined as x1 p1 + x2 p2 = y. Setting x2 = 0, we get x1 = p1 and
similarly x2 = p1 for x1 = 0. Hence we know that the slope of the budget line in figure 1.2, is
given by
x1 y/p1 p1 y p1
− =− =− =− .
x2 y/p2 p2 y p2
Combining this with (1.1.3) gives result (1.1.2). Since we also know that (x∗1 , x∗2 ) must satisfy
we have two equations in two unknowns and we—given that we know the utility function, p1 , p2
and y—go happily away and solve the problem (not bothering for the moment with the inequality
constraint that we skillfully ignored above). What we shall develop is a systematic and useful
way to obtain the conditions (1.1.2) and (1.1.4). Let us first denote the common value of the
ratios in (1.1.2) by λ. That is,
∂u ∗ ∗ ∂u ∗ ∗
∂x1 (x1 , x2 ) ∂x2 (x1 , x2 )
=λ= .
p1 p2
∂u ∗ ∗
∂x1 (x1 , x2 ) − λp1 = 0
∂u ∗ ∗ (1.1.5)
∂x2 (x1 , x2 ) − λp2 = 0
y − p1 x∗1 − p2 x∗2 = 0.
Now we have three equations in x∗1 , x∗2 , and the new artificial (or auxiliary) variable λ. Again we
can, perhaps, solve these equations for x∗1 , x∗2 , and λ. Consider the following function known as
the Lagrangian:
L(x1 , x2 , λ) = u(x1 , x2 ) + λ(y − p1 x1 − p2 x2 ).
∂L ∂L ∂L
Now, if we calculate ∂x1 , ∂x2 , and ∂λ , and set the results equal to zero we obtain exactly the
equations given in (1.1.5). We shall now describe this technique in a somewhat more general way.
max f (x1 , . . . , xn )
x1 ,...,xn (1.1.6)
s.t.: g(x1 , . . . , xn ) = c.
then (x∗1 , . . . , x∗n ) solves (1.1.6) and there is a value of λ, say λ∗ such that (for i = 1, . . . , n):
∂L ∗ ∗ ∗
∂xi (x1 , . . . , xn , λ ) = 0
∂L ∗ ∗ ∗
∂λ (x1 , . . . , xn , λ ) = 0.
Notice that the conditions (1.1.7) are precisely the first order conditions for choosing x1 , . . . , xn
to maximise L, once λ∗ has been chosen. This provides an intuition into this method of solving
the constrained maximisation problem. In the constrained problem we have told the decision
maker that he must satisfy g(x1 , . . . , xn ) = c and that he should choose among all points that
satisfy this constraint the point at which f (x1 , . . . , xn ) is greatest. We arrive at the same answer
if we tell the decision maker to choose any point he wishes but that for each unit by which he
violates the constraint g(x1 , . . . , xn ) = c we shall take away λ units from his payoff. Of course we
must be careful to choose λ to be the correct value. If we choose λ too small the decision maker
may choose to violate his constraint—e.g., if we made the penalty for spending more than the
consumer’s income very small the consumer would choose to consume more goods than he could
afford and to pay the penalty in utility terms. On the other hand, if we choose λ too large the
decision maker may violate his constraint in the other direction, e.g., the consumer would choose
not to spend any of his income and just receive λ units of utility for each unit of his income.
It is possible to give a more general statement of this technique, allowing for multiple con-
straints. (We should always have fewer linearly independent constraints than we have variables.)
Suppose we have more than one constraint. Consider the problem with n unknowns and m
max f (x1 , . . . , xn )
x1 ,...,xn
g1 (x1 , . . . , xn ) = c1 (1.1.8)
s.t.: ...
gm (x1 , . . . , xn ) = cm .
L(x1 , . . . , xn , λ1 , . . . , λm ) =
f (x1 , . . . , xn ) + λ1 (c1 − g1 (x1 , . . . , xn )) + . . . + λm (cm − gm (x1 , . . . , xn ))
and again if (x∗1 , . . . , x∗n ) solves (1.1.8) there are values of λ, say λ∗1 , . . . , λ∗m such that (for i =
1, . . . , n, j = 1, . . . , m):
∂L ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
∂xi (x1 , . . . , xn , λ1 , . . . , λm ) = 0
∂L ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
∂λj (x1 , . . . , xn , λ1 , . . . , λm ) = 0.
In order for our procedure to work in general we also have to assume that a constraint quali-
fication holds.1 But since we have not yet developed the tools to explain this condition, so we
just mention it here in passing and explain it in detail later—after all, this chapter is supposed
to be motivational. (For a full treatment, see section 4, especially the discussion of (4.1.4).)
which is just the unit circle in R2 . For future reference we state that f (·) is continuous and D
is compact. Therefore, by the Weierstrass Theorem, we know that there exists a solution to this
problem. Without going into details, we convince ourselves that the constraint qualification holds
Since x21 +x22 = 1 implies that x1 and x2 cannot be both zero on D, we must have rank(∇g((x∗1 , x∗2 ))) =
1 at all (x1 , x2 ) ∈ D. Therefore the constraint qualification holds.
We set up the Lagrangian as
2x1 − 2λx1 = 0
−2x2 − 2λx2 = 0 (1.1.9)
x21 + x22 = 1.
1 For linear f (·), g(·) we are doing more than is required here because for linear programming problems the linearity of
constraints is sufficient for the constraint qualification to hold. But since we develop the theory for non-linear programming
it is really good practise to always check this condition.
We evaluate f at these possible solutions and find that f (1, 0, 1) = f (−1, 0, 1) = 1 beats the other
two. Since the critical points of L contain the global maxima of f on D, the first two points must
be global maximisers of f on D. /
Exl: We want to maximise f (x) = 3x + 5. What produces ∂x = 0? Is this plausible? What goes
wrong? /
Rem: We call an inequality constraint x ≥ y binding (i.e. satisfied with equality) if x = y and
slack (i.e., not satisfied with equality) if x > y.
Rem: As a convention, in a constrained optimisation problem we put a negative multiplier sign
on a minimisation problem and a positive sign on a maximisation problem.
Rem: We very casually transformed the inequality constraints in this section into equality con-
straints. This is not always possible. Especially ignoring non-negativity constraints can be fatal:
max f (x1 , x2 ) = x1 + x2
x1 ,x2
s.t.: (x1 , x2 ) ∈ B(p, I) = {I − p1 x1 − p2 x2 ≥ 0} .
Although the objective is continuous and the budget set B(p, I) is compact we cannot set up the
problem implying that xi > 0 since we get ‘corner’ solutions (i.e. solutions where xi = 0, xj6=i 6= 0)
( p1 , 0) if p1 < p2
(x∗1 , x∗2 ) = (x1 ∈ [0, pI1 ], x2 = I−p1 x1
p2 ) if p1 = p2
(0, I ) if p < p
p2 2 1
that imply that xi = 0 if pi > pj6=i . Thus the non-negativity constraints ‘bite’.
If we had ignored these considerations and set-up the Lagrangian mechanically we would have
got the following system of critical points for L
1 − λp1 = 0
1 − λp2 = 0
p1 x1 + p2 x2 = I.
This implies p1 = p2 which is the only case when the non-negativity constraints do not bite—
which is the clearly very specific case where the budget line and the objective coincide. The
Lagrangian method fails to pick up a solution in any other case.
which maximises the choice of x for the function 2x over an unbounded choice set. Clearly the
greater we make x the greater is 2x, and so, since there is no upper bound on x there is no
maximum. Thus we might want to restrict maximisation problems to those in which we choose
x from some bounded set.
Again, this is not enough. Consider the problem
max .
0≤x≤1 x
This function has a graph that looks like the one in figure 1.4. The smaller we make x the greater
y= x
Figure 1.4: The graph of x in a small neighbourhood of x=0.
1 1
is x and yet at zero x is not even defined. We could define the function to take on some value
at zero, say 7. But then the function would not be continuous. Or we could leave zero out of
the feasible set for x, say 0 < x ≤ 1. Then the set of feasible x is not closed. Since there would
obviously still be no solution to the maximisation problem in these cases we shall want to restrict
maximisation problems to those in which we choose x to maximise some continuous function
from some closed (and because of the previous example) bounded set. (We call a set of numbers,
or more generally a set of vectors, that is both closed and bounded a compact set.) Is there
anything else that could go wrong? No! An important result known as the Weierstrass Theorem
says that if the function to be maximised is continuous and the set over which we are choosing is
both closed and bounded (i.e., is compact), then there is a solution to the maximisation problem.
We will look at the Weierstrass Theorem later on in the course in more detail when we have
introduced the necessary concepts more rigorously.
Notice that in defining compact sets we typically use inequalities, such as x ≥ 0. However, in
Section 1.1 we did not consider such constraints, but rather considered only equality constraints.
Even in the example of utility maximisation at the beginning of that section, there were implicitly
constraints on x1 and x2 of the form x1 ≥ 0, x2 ≥ 0.
A truly satisfactory treatment would make such constraints explicit. It is possible to explicitly
treat the maximisation problem with inequality constraints, at the price of a little additional
complexity. We shall return to this question later in the course when we discuss Kuhn-Tucker
Also, notice that had we wished to solve a minimisation problem we could have transformed
the problem into a maximisation problem by simply multiplying the objective function by −1.
That is, if we wish to minimise f (x) we could do so by maximising −f (x). The maxima and
minima have exactly the same structure—thus we cannot tell whether (x∗1 , . . . , x∗n ) identifies a
minimum or a maximum. Again, this is an illustration of the importance of looking at the higher
order derivatives—as we will do later on.
Exc 1.1: (Sundaram 1996, 142:5.1) (i) Find the maxima and the minima of f (x, y) = x2 − y 2 on
the unit circle x2 + y 2 = 1 using the Lagrange multipliers method. (ii) Using the substitution
y 2 = 1 − x2 , solve the same problem as a single variable unconstrained problem. Do you get the
same results? Why or why not?
Exc 1.2: (Sundaram 1996, 142:5.2) (i) Show that the problem of maximising f (x, y) = x3 + y 3 on
the constraint set D = {(x, y) | x + y = 1} has no solution. (ii) Show also that if the Lagrangian
method were used on this problem, the critical points of the Lagrangian have a unique solution.
(iii) Is the point identified by this solution either a local maximum or a (local or global) minimum?
Exc 1.3: (Sundaram 1996, 142:5.3) Find the maxima of the following functions subject to the
specified constraints:
1 1
2. f (x, y) = x + y
1. f (x, y) = xy
s.t.: ( x1 )2 + ( y1 )2 = ( a1 )2 ;
s.t.: x2 + y 2 = 2a2 ;
3. f (x, y, z) = x + y + z 4. f (x, y, z) = xyz
1 1 1
s.t.: + + = 1;
x y z s.t.: x1 + y1 + 1z = 1;
5. f (x, y) = x + y 6. f (x, y, z) = x2 + 2y − z 2
s.t.: xy = 16; s.t.: 2x − y = 0 and x + z = 6.
Exc 1.4: (Sundaram 1996, 142:5.5) Consider the problem:
max x2 + y 2
x,y (1.2.1)
s.t.: (x − 1)3 − y 2 = 0.
Exc 1.5: (Sundaram 1996, 142:5.11) Consider the problem of maximising the utility function
1 1
max u(x, y) = x 2 + y 2
s.t.: (x, y) ∈ R2+ | px + y = 1 .
Show that if the non-negativity constraints x, y ≥ 0 are ignored, and the problem is written as an
equality constrained one, the resulting Lagrangian has a unique critical point. Does this critical
point identify a solution to the problem? Why or why not?
Chapter 2
Reading: Further discussion and proofs of most topics can be found in (Sundaram 1996). More
advanced but perfectly readable treatments are (Rudin 1975) or (Royden 1988). These references
apply to the whole chapter.
This chapter is where the fun really starts. If this were a proper mathematics course, we would
only have ‘fundamentals’ sections like this one but since it is not, we will treat one particular
theme of (mathematical) economics in each of the chapters to follow. In many respects it would
be more sensible to bring all the basic results needed in these later sections together in a couple
of proper fundamentals chapters but for practical reasons this does not seem feasible in an MSc
economics course. Therefore we will see a lot of definitions and basic results in the opening pages
of the later chapters as well—needless to say this will necessitate some repetition.
We begin with relations and orders that are directly useful in the construction of preference
orderings on sets of goods bundles. We clarify the basic distinction between countably infinite
and uncountably infinite sets and expand on the issue of the equivalence of sets.
We then discuss basic properties of spaces and in particular vector spaces. We focus on the
Euclidean versions of norms, distances, inner products and so forth but also discuss such notions
in a more general fashion. We then take a look at boundary and extreme points of sets, in
particular the infimum and supremum. Our discussion of sequences then leads on to the topic of
convexity (of sets and functions).
The section on the properties of functions includes a discussion of the important concepts of
continuity and differentiability. We make a distinction between single- and set-valued functions.
After that we have all the required elements in place for the principal result we are after in this
chapter: The Weierstrass Theorem. We then discuss some properties of functions that are useful
in microeconomics: Homogeneity, homotheticity, and Euler’s Theorem. We close with a refresher
on quadratic forms.
What follows will be dry. The reason for this is that before we can discuss useful applications
(which are the subject of the following chapter), we have to introduce some basic concepts in a
more formal way than you may be used to. All this might seem a bit cumbersome at the beginning
but an important reason for doing the definitions properly is to get used to the rigourous notation
that is used in the profession today. There is simply no way around that.
Reading: For a much more comprehensive introduction refer to the first chapter of (Kolmogorov
and Fomin 1970). As emphasised there, ‘sets’ and ‘elements’ are concepts that are difficult to
define in a way that does not simply replace the word ‘set’ by something equivalent like ‘class’,
‘family’, ‘collection’ etc and the word ‘element’ by something like ‘member.’ So we follow the
usual ‘naı̈ve’ approach to set theory in mathematics and regard the notions of a set and its
elements as well-understood and primitive.1
2.1.1 Sets
We denote set membership by ‘∈’; writing x ∈ X means that the element x is contained in the
set X. If it is not contained in X, we write x ∈
/ X. Elements of sets are enclosed in curly
brackets {·}. To define a set X of real numbers whose members have a certain property P we
write X = {x ∈ R : P (x)}. Set inclusion is denoted by ‘⊂’; X ⊂ Y means that all elements of X
are also contained in Y .2 The empty set ‘∅’ denotes a set without any elements. It is a subset of
every set.
Let X and Y be any two sets. We denote the union of these two sets—i.e. the set of all
elements belonging to at least one of the two sets—by X ∪ Y . Similarly their intersection—i.e.
the set of all elements belonging to both sets—by X ∩ Y (see figure 2.1). Both concepts can be
Figure 2.1: In the left panel the shaded area is the union X ∪Y (left) and in the right panel the intersection
X ∩ Y (right) of two sets X and Y .
1 The attempts to provide a rigourous axiomatic, i.e. non-naı̈ve, basis for set theory have a fascinating history. One of the
most famous contributions is Gödel’s Theorem which indicates that both an affirmative and a negative answer to the same
question (of a certain type) may be consistent with any particular axiomatisation.
2 We adopt the convention that X ⊂ X, i.e. a set is always a subset of itself. If we want to specify a proper subset we
write X ⊂ Y, X 6= Y .
If sets do not have any elements in common, i.e. if X ∩ Y = ∅, they are said to be disjoint. Union
and intersection have the following properties. ∩ and ∪ are commutative:
X ∪ Y = Y ∪ X, X ∩ Y = Y ∩ X,
(X ∪ Y ) ∩ Z = A ∪ (Y ∪ Z), (X ∩ Y ) ∪ Z = A ∩ (Y ∩ Z),
and distributive:
(X ∪ Y ) ∩ Z = (X ∩ Z) ∪ (Y ∩ Z), (X ∩ Y ) ∪ Z = (X ∪ Z) ∩ (Y ∪ Z).
The difference of two sets X\Y (the order matters!) means all elements of X that are not
contained in Y . The symmetric difference X∆Y is defined as (X\Y ) ∪ (Y \X)—both concepts
are illustrated in figure 2.2.
Figure 2.2: The difference X\Y (left) and symmetric difference X∆Y (right) of two sets X and Y .
We denote the complement of a set X as X C . Obviously this requires some underlying basic
set that X is part of. We can, e.g., view some set X as a subset of the real numbers R. Then
X C = R\X. In the following we use the symbol R to denote this universal set.
An important property of union and intersection we can state now is the duality principle
R\ i Xi = i (R\Xi ),
R\ i Xi = i (R\Xi ).
In words the principle (also called de Morgan’s law) says that the complement of a union of an
arbitrary number of sets equals the intersection of the complements of these sets.3
Subsets of the real line R specified by their end points are called intervals. The kind of
bracket used to denote the (beginning or) end of the interval specifies if that (beginning or) end
point is included in the interval or not. We use a square bracket to specify inclusion and a round
bracket to denote exclusion. Therefore, for a ≤ b ∈ R, the interval (a, b) = {x ∈ R : a < x < b}
is called open, [a, b] = {x ∈ R : a ≤ x ≤ b} is called closed, and [a, b) = {x ∈ R : a ≤ x <
b}, (a, b] = {x ∈ R : a < x ≤ b} are neither open nor closed. More general notions of open- and
closedness will be discussed in the following section.
3 If we use the formulation ‘arbitrary number of sets’ in this way we express the idea that the stated property holds for
If only satisfies (i), it is called a semigroup and if it satisfies only (i) and (ii), it is called
a monoid. If satisfies all of (i-iii) and in addition is commutative, then hX, i is called a
commutative or Abelian group.
Def: A tuple hX, , i consisting of a set X and two binary operations and is called a ring
if hX, i is an Abelian group and satisfies
1. associativity, and
2. is distributive over .
• hZ, +i is a group.
• hQ, +, ·i is a ring.
• hR, +, ·i is a field.
2.2.1 Relations
We want to find a criterion for a decomposition (or partition) of a given set into classes. This
criterion will be something that allows us to assign some elements of the set to one class and
other elements to another. We will call this criterion a relation. Not every relation, however, can
partition a set into classes. Consider for instance the criterion that x, y ∈ R are members of the
same class iff y > x: If y > x, y is a member of the class but then x cannot be an element of the
same class because x < y. Moreover, since y > y is not true, y cannot even be assigned to the
class containing itself! Let M be a set, x, y ∈ M , and let certain ordered pairs (x, y) be called
‘labeled.’ If (x, y) are labeled, we say that x is related to y by the binary relation R, symbolically
xRy. For instance, if M is the set of circles, xRy may define classes with equal diameter—in such
cases dealing with some notion of equality of elements, R is called an equivalence relation. This,
by the way, is a general result: The relation ‘R’ acts as a criterion for assigning two elements of
a set M to the same class iff R is an equivalence relation on M .
The purpose of the enterprise is to find suitable relations that will allow us to describe pref-
erences of individuals over sets of consumption bundles. This introduces some kind of order over
the set of all consumption bundles. Later we will try to express the same order by means of
functions because they give us much more flexibility in solving economic problems (e.g. there is
no derivative for relations).
Def: A relation R from M into M is any subset R of M × M . We interpret the notation ‘xRy’
as (x, y) ∈ R. R is called a (binary) equivalence relation on M if it satisfies:
1. reflexivity xRx, ∀x ∈ M ;
Exl: Take the modulo-b relation as an example for an equivalence relation R. xRy holds if the
integer division b leaves the same remainder m ∈ N/∅ on M as some y 6= x ∈ M . Take, for
example, the modulo-2 relation (b = 2) for x = 5, y = 7. Since 2 leaves the same remainder as
2, namely 1, x and y belong to the same ‘equivalence class.’ Let’s check the above properties:
(1) reflexivity holds because 2 always leaves the same remainder, (2) symmetry holds because
x = 5, y = 7 always leave the same remainder over b = 2, and (3) transitivity holds because if for
some z the remainder for 2 is 1, then all three remainders are the same. A familiar application
should be adding hours (modulo 12, 24) or minutes (modulo 60). Can you find the algebraic
structure the modulo relation gives rise to? /
Def: A relation R on a nonempty set M is called a partial ordering (‘%’) on M if it satisfies:
1. reflexivity xRx, ∀x ∈ M ;
Proof. Wlg we assume that the sets A1 , A2 , . . . are disjoint (we could always construct disjoint
sets by making some of the sets smaller–and thus preserving their countability property). Suppose
we can write the elements of A1 , A2 , . . . in the form of the infinite table below
Now we count all elements in the above table in the ‘diagonal’ way sketched below
this is supposed to mean that we start counting at a11 , and then count a12 , a21 , . . . following the
arrows. This procedure will associate a unique number with any aij in the above matrix and will
eventually cover all elements of all sets. Clearly this establishes a one-to-one correspondence with
the set Z+ .
Proof. Let M be an infinite set. Choose any element a1 ∈ M , then choose any a2 (6= a1 ) ∈ M ,
then a3 (6= a1 , a2 ) ∈ M , and go on picking elements from M in this fashion forever. We will never
run out of elements to pick because M is infinite. Hence we get a (by construction) countable
subset N ⊂ M with N = {a1 , a2 , a3 , . . .}.
Def: Two (infinite) sets M and N are equivalent, symbolically M ∼ N , if there is a one-to-one
relationship between their elements.
Exl: The sets of points in any two closed intervals [a, b] and [c, d] are equivalent (see figure 2.3).
The set of points x in (0, 1) is equivalent to the set of all points y on the whole real line; the
1 1
y= arc tan x +
π 2
is an example of the required one-to-one relationship. /
Rem: Every infinite set is equivalent to one of its proper (i.e. not equal) subsets.
6 Hence countably infinite sets are the smallest infinite sets.
a p b
c q d
Rem: The set of real numbers in [0, 1] is uncountable. Any open interval (a, b) is an uncountable
Def: A partition Z of a set M is a collection of disjoint subsets of M , the union of which is M .
Rem: Any equivalence relation R on M creates a partition Z on M . One example is the modulo-b
operation we encountered previously.
Def: The power set of a set X is the set of all subsets of X. It is denoted by ℘(X). If X is
infinite, we say it has the ‘power of infinity.’
Def: The cardinality of a set X is the number of the elements of X. It is denoted by |X|. A set
with cardinality 1 is called a singleton.
Exl: A set with n elements has 2n subsets. E.g. the set M = {1, 2, 3} can be decomposed into
℘(M ) = {∅, {1}, {2}, {3}, {1, 2}, {2, 3}, {1, 3}, {1, 2, 3}} with |℘(M )| = 23 = 8. /
U (X) = {u ∈ R | u ≥ x}
for all x ∈ X. The set of lower bounds L(X) is the obvious opposite for l ≤ x. A set X is said
to be bounded if both a u ∈ U (X) and a l ∈ L(X) exist.
Exl: (0, 1) ⊂ R is bounded. R is not bounded. /
Def: An infimum is the largest lower bound of the set X, it is written inf X. A supremum is
the smallest upper bound and written sup X.
Def: If the infimum (supremum) of a set X is contained in X it is called a minimum (maximum)
of X.
Exl: Let X = (0, 1), the open unit interval. U (X) = {x ∈ R | x ≥ 1}, L(X) = {x ∈ R | x ≤ 0}.
So sup X = 1 and inf X = 0. We cannot, however, find a minimum or maximum of X. /
Exl: In the multi-dimensional case, the infimum (supremum) can be quite different from the
minimum (maximum). To see this, we first need to agree on an interpretation of what x ≤ y
means for x, y ∈ Rn for n > 1, i.e., we need to agree on a metric. Let us settle on x ≤ y if xi ≤ yi
for all i = 1, . . . , n, but xj < yj for some j. Consider now the set X of points on the unit circle
in R2 with its centre at (1,1).7 Sketching possible min X(max X) and inf X (sup X) results in
figure 2.4. Notice that neither a minimum nor a maximum exists for X in this setting. /
2 sup X=(2,2)
inf X=(0,0) 2
Figure 2.4: The difference between infimum (supremum) and minimum (maximum).
Rem: If the set U (X) is empty, we set sup X = ∞. Conversely, if the set L(X) is empty, we
set inf X = −∞. While this is only a convention, it is an important one because it ensures that
the infimum and supremum of a set always exist while the minimum and maximum of a set may
well be non-existent. Indeed, it can be shown that if the maximum (minimum) exists, it must be
equal to the supremum (infimum).
Rem: Any poset P can have at most one element b satisfying bRy for any y ∈ P . To see this
interpret R as ‘≤’ and suppose that both b1 , b2 have the above bounding property. Then, if it is
true that b1 ≤ b2 and b2 ≤ b1 , we get from antisymmetry b1 = b2 . Such an element b is called the
least element of P . By the same argument, both inf P and sup P are unique (if they exist—which
we ensure adhering to the convention stated in the previous remark).
2.2.3 Mappings
Def: Given two sets X, Y ⊂ Rn , a function f : X 7→ Y maps elements from the domain X
to the range Y .8 Alternatively, we write for x ∈ X, y ∈ Y, y = f (x). f : X 7→ R are called
real(-valued) functions.9
Rem: We (informally) choose to call a mapping a function only if it possesses a unique value of
y = f (x) for each x ∈ X.
Def: A function is into if f (X) ⊂ Y and onto if f (X) = Y .10
Def: A function f : X 7→ Y is called injective if, for every y ∈ Y , there exists at most one x ∈ X
such that f (x) = y.
7 We have not yet introduced the notation but—trust me—we refer to the set X = {x ∈ R2 : kx, (1, 1)k = 1}.
8 Sometimes, im(f ) ⊂ Y is called the image of f and ker(f ) = {x ∈ X | f (x) = 0} the kernel (or null space) of f .
9 This should not be confused with the term ‘functional’ which is used to designate real functions on function or linear
10 Thus every onto mapping is into but not conversely.
Def: A function f : X 7→ Y is called surjective if, for every y ∈ Y , there exists at least one
x ∈ X such that f (x) = y.
Def: A function f : X 7→ Y is called bijective if, for every y ∈ Y , there exists exactly one x ∈ X
such that f (x) = y. Hence a bijective mapping is one-to-one and onto.
Figure 2.5 shows examples for such mappings.
f (X) ⊂ Y f : X 7→ Y f (X) = Y
f (X) ⊂ Y f (X) = Y
Figure 2.5: An injective and into (left-top), surjective and onto (right-top), one-to-one and into (left-
bottom) and a one-to-one and onto (i.e. bijective) mapping (right-bottom).
Def: Let M and M 0 be any two partially ordered sets, let f be a bijection of M onto M 0 and let
x, y ∈ M, f (x), f (y) ∈ M 0 . Then f is said to be order-preserving (or isotone) if x ≤ y =⇒
f (x) ≤ f (y). (An order preserving bijection f such that f (x) ≤ f (y) ⇔ x ≤ y is called an
Rem: If a function is onto and one-to-one (i.e. bijective), its inverse x = f −1 (y) exists.
Def: A function f : Rn 7→ Rm is called a linear function if it satisfies:
1. f (x + y) = f (x) + f (y), ∀x, y ∈ Rn , and
2. f (αx) = αf (x), ∀x ∈ Rn , ∀α ∈ R.
Rem: A function f (x) = αx + β, (α, β ∈ R) does not satisfy the above conditions for b 6= 0.
Functions of the form f (x) = αx + β are called affine functions; these functions are generally
taken to be the sum of a linear function for x ∈ Rn and a constant b ∈ Rm .
Def: A function f : Rn 7→ Rm is called a bilinear function if it satisfies:
for α, β ∈ R and x, y, z ∈ Rn .
Def: A function f : X 7→ Y , x1 , x2 ∈ X, is called nondecreasing if x1 ≤ x2 =⇒ f (x1 ) ≤ f (x2 )
and nonincreasing if x1 ≤ x2 =⇒ f (x1 ) ≥ f (x2 ). A monotonic function is either nonincreasing
or nondecreasing.
Proposition 3. Let A, B be finite sets with A = {a1 , . . . , an } and B = {b1 , . . . , bp }. Then there
are mn distinct bijective mappings of the form f : A 7→ B.
Proof. For any i ∈ [1, n], there are p possible choices of f (ai ). As every choice is independent
from the other ones, the total number of possibilities is n times p or pn .
Proposition 4. Let A, B be finite sets with A = {a1 , . . . , an } and B = {b1 , . . . , bp }. Then the set
of all the injections f : A 7→ B is finite and its number is Apn .
Proof. For f (a1 ) we have n choices, for f (a2 ), we have n − 1 choices, and so on. Each choice
reduces the number of further possible choices of elements in B by one. Hence the total number
of choices is n(n − 1)(n − 2) . . . (n − p + 1) ≡ Apn .
Apn = .
(n − p)!
In particular, the number of ways to order n objects is Ann = (n−n!) = n!.
Def: Combinations are k-element subsets of n distinct elements. The number of combinations
is !
n n!
≡ .
p p!(n − p)!
In particular, we have ! !
n n
= 1, and = n.
0 1
Def: Variations are arrangements of k out of n distinct objects with repetitions allowed. The
number of variations is nk .
2.4 Spaces
Def: Let X ⊂ Rn , then the set S[X] is the set of all linear combinations of vectors from X. S[X]
is called the span of X and we say that X spans S[X].
Def: The Cartesian plane R2 is spanned by the Cartesian product (or cross product) of
R × R = {(x, y) : x ∈ R, y ∈ R}.
Def: A n−dimensional vector x is a finite, ordered collection of elements x1 , . . . , xn of some space
X. Hence x ∈ X n . A vector is defined as a column vector. Its transpose is a row vector xT
usually written down as (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ).
Def: A (real) linear space (or vector space) X is a set of vectors X ⊂ Rn and the set R, together
with an addition and multiplication operation, such that for any x, y, z ∈ X and r, s ∈ R, the
following properties hold:
1. commutativity: x + y = y + x;
2. associativity: (x + y) + z = x + (y + z) and r(sx) = (rs)x;
3. distributivity: r(x + y) = rx + ry and (r + s)x = rx + sx;
4. identity: there exists 0 ∈ X, 1 ∈ R such that x = x + 0 = x and 1x = x1 = x.
Def: Let X be a linear space. A function k·k : X 7→ [0, ∞] is called a norm iff for all x, y ∈ X
and all α ∈ R :
1. positivity: kxk = 0 iff x=0, otherwise kxk > 0,
2. homogeneity: kαxk = kαk kxk, and
3. triangle inequality: kx + yk ≤ kxk + kyk.
Def: The Euclidean norm is defined as
kxk = x21 + x22 + . . . + x2n .
Rem: Notice that the norm of x ∈ R is the absolute of x, denoted by |x|. Intuitively, the absolute
is the distance from the origin. This intuition is unchanged for higher dimensional spaces.
Exl: The L1 -norm k·k1 is a vector norm defined for the vector x ∈ Cn as
kxk1 = |xr |.
Exl: The `2 -norm k·k2 is also a vector norm defined for the complex vector x as
u n
kxk1 = t |xr |2 .
As you can see, for the discrete case this is just the Euclidean Norm—the difference becomes only
2.4. SPACES 33
clear when it is applied to a function φ(x). Then this norm is called L2 -norm and is defined as
kφk ≡ φ · φ ≡ hφ|φi ≡ |φ(x)|dx.
Exl: The sup-norm measures the highest absolute value x takes on the entire set X : kxk =
sup |x|. This is often used when the elements of X are functions: kf k = supx∈X |f (x)|. It is also
used when the elements are infinite sequences: x = (x1 , x2 , . . .); then kxk = supk |xk |. /
Rem: The above norms are also used to define normed linear spaces (see below for definition)
which then come under names such as L1 - or L2 -spaces. The space of bounded, infinite sequences
is usually denoted `∞ and the normed linear space which consists of infinite sequences for which
the norm X `
(xk )p
kxk =
is finite, is denoted `p .
Def: Let X be a set. A distance (metric) is a function d : X × X 7→ [0, ∞] satisfying:
1. positivity: d(x, y) = 0 iff x = y, otherwise d(x, y) > 0,
2. symmetry: d(x, y) = d(y, x), and
3. triangle inequality: d(x, y) ≤ d(x, z) + d(z, y) for any z ∈ X.
Def: The Euclidean distance (Euclidean metric) is defined as
d(x, y) = (x1 − y1 )2 + . . . + (xn − yn )2 .
Def: The inner product (or scalar product or dot product) of two vectors x, y ∈Rn is
defined through the following properties:
1. positivity: x · x = 0 iff x = 0, otherwise x · x > 0,
2. symmetry: x · y = y · x, and
3. bi-linearity: (ax + by) · z = ax · z + by · z, and x · (ay + bz) = x · ay + x · bz for any
z ∈ Rn , a, b ∈ R.
(Sometimes, the inner product x · y is denoted by angular brackets as hx, yi.)
Def: The Euclidean inner product is defined as
x · y = x1 y1 + x2 y2 + . . . + xn yn .
where θ is the angle between the vectors.11 This has the immediate consequence that
Hence the inner product has the geometric interpretation of being proportional to the length of
the orthogonal projection of z onto the unit vector ŷ when the two vectors are placed so that
their tails coincide. This is illustrated in figure 2.6 below. The unit vector ŷ is generated from y
through rotating and scaling of both vectors; z is generated from x.
x3 y x3
ŷ =
θ z · ŷ θ
x1 x1
Figure 2.6: Geometric interpretation of the inner product as proportional to the length of the projection
of one vector onto the unit vector.
Def: The (n-dimensional) Euclidean space (or linear real space) Rn is the cross product of a
finite number n of real lines (R × . . . × R) equipped with the Euclidean inner product
x·y = xi yi
for x, y ∈ Rn .
Rem: As a consequence of this, the following identities hold in Euclidean space:
1. kxk ≡ x · x, and
2. d(x, y) ≡ kx − yk.
Rem: The subspace Rn+ ≡ {x ∈ Rn |x ≥ 0} is sometimes called the positive orthant. Likewise,
Rn− ≡ {x ∈ Rn |x ≤ 0} is called the negative orthant.
Def: The Cauchy-Schwartz inequality relates the inner product to the norm as
|x · y| ≤ kxk kyk .
Exl: Let x = (3, 2) and y = (4, 5). Then the inner product |x · y| = 22 = 3 · 4 + 2 · 5 is smaller
√ √ √
than the product of the norms kxk kyk = 23.09 ≈ 533 = 13 41. Thus, we have confirmed
the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality in R2 . /
Each of the following spaces takes the definition of the linear space as a basis and extends it with
only either the norm, the metric, or the inner product. Only in Euclidean real space where the
Cauchy-Schwartz inequality ensures that all three properties are fulfilled and interlinked, we can
be sure to be able to count on all three properties.
Def: A normed linear space (X, k·k) consists of the vector space X and the norm k·k.
2.4. SPACES 35
hx, yi = kxk2 .
An attempt to replace the notion of norm, metric, or inner product by a purely set-theoretical
concept leads to topological spaces. The precise definition is more difficult than the above ones
but the intuition is easy: Think of an object that we want to measure, say 1×1 square in a set
X ⊂ R2 . Then we can obviously ‘cover’ the square with the whole set X but for certain subsets of
X this may also be possible.13 Using these subsets (called open sets) we can, in a sense, measure
the extent of the square in relation to the structure of the open sets. The coarser the open sets
the coarser is this measure and the finer the open sets of X the finer gets the measure. This is
formalised below.
Def: A topological space is a pair (X, τ ) where X is a set and τ is a collection of subsets of X
Rem: The sets in τ are called open sets and τ is called the topology. The intuition behind
topological spaces is easy to grasp. (Munkres 2000, 77) puts it like this: “We can think of a
topological space as being something like a truckload full of gravel—the pebbles and all unions
of collections of pebbles being the open sets. If now we smash the pebbles into smaller ones, the
collection of open sets has been enlarged, and the topology, like the gravel, is said to have been
made finer by the operation.
Def: Suppose that for each pair of distinct points x and y in a topological space T , there are
neighbourhoods Nε (x) and Nε0 (y) such that Nε (x) ∩ Nε0 (y) = ∅. Then T is called a Hausdorff
space (or T2 space) and said to satisfy the Hausdorff axiom of separation.
Rem: Each pair of disjoint points in a Hausdorff space has a pair of disjoint neighbourhoods.
Def: A sequence {xn } is a function whose domain is the set of positive integers N+ (e.g. 1, 2, 3 . . .).
12 Notice that the metric is part of the definition of a metric space while in the case of a linear space—which was defined
on the sum and product of its elements—the metric was defined independently.
13 The precise definition of a cover can be found on page 89, but the intuition is easy: It is a collection of open sets whose
Def: Let k : N+ 7→ N+ be some increasing rule assigning a number k(n) to each index n of a
sequence {xn }. A subsequence xk(n) of the sequence {xn } is a new sequence whose n-th
element is the k(n)-th element of the original sequence {xn }.
Rem: Sequences have infinitely many elements. Subsequences are order preserving infinite subsets
of sequences.
Def: A sequence {xk } is said to be convergent to x, if the distance d(xk , x) tends towards zero
as k goes to infinity, symbolically {xk } → x. x is called the limit of {xk }.
Rem: A sequence can have at the most one limit.
Def: Alternatively, given a real sequence {xk }, k, l ∈ N, the finite or infinite number
( )
x0 = inf sup xl
is called the upper limit (or lim sup) of {xk }. The lower limit (or lim inf) of {xk } is defined
x0 = sup inf xk .
kxk k = k(xk − x) + xk
≤ kxk − xk + kxk
< 1 + kxk.
Defining M = max {kx1 k, kx2 k, . . . , kxk(1)−1 k, 1 + kxk} establishes M ≥ kxk k for all k.
Def: A set X ⊂ Rn is open if for every x ∈ X, there exists an ε such that Nε (x) ⊂ X.
Def: A set X ⊂ Rn is bounded if for every x ∈ X, there exists an ε < ∞ such that X ⊂ Nε (x).
Def: A point x ∈ Rn is called a contact point of the set X ⊂ Rn if every Nε (x) of x contains at
least one point of X. The set of all contact points of X (which by definition contains the set X)
is called the closure of X. It is denoted by [X] or X.
Def: A set X is called closed if it coincides with its closure X = [X].
Def: A set X ⊂ Rn is called compact if for all sequences of points {xk } such that xk ∈ X for
each k, there exists a subsequence {xm(k) } of {xk } and a point x ∈ X such that {xm(k) } → x.
Theorem 8. (Bolzano-Weierstrass) Every infinite and bounded set in Rn has at least one
limit point.
Proof. If X is open, then for every point x ∈ X there exists a ε > 0 such that Nε (x) ⊂ X. Hence
there are no contact points of R\X in X, therefore all contact points of R\X must be in R\X
itself and hence R\X must be closed.
Conversely, if R\X is closed, then for any point x ∈ X there must exist an Nε (x) ⊂ X. Otherwise
15 Beware, compactness for general sets X is different—the theorem can be found on page 126.
every Nε (x) would also contain points of R\X, meaning that x would be a contact point of R\X
not contained in R\X. Hence X is open.
The above theorem leads naturally to the topological definition of open- and closedness. We
will go further than this in our discussion of fixed points later in the course but for now let us
just state these definitions to complement the above definitions of open- and closedness.
Def: A set O ⊂ R is called open if it is the union of open intervals16
O= Ai .
λx + (1 − λ)y ∈ X.
(The empty set is by definition convex.) X is a strictly convex if x 6= y and all points λx +
(1 − λ)y for λ ∈ (0, 1) are interior points.
Rem: All hyperplanes are convex sets.
Def: The convex hull co(S) is the smallest convex set containing S.17
Rem: Some sets:
1. There are sets that are neither open nor closed such as e.g. [0, 1) which is bounded but not
2. The empty set ∅ and all of the real line R are both open and closed. This follows from
theorem 9.
3. Open intervals, however, may well be convex as e.g. (0, 1) is.
4. The set of non-negative real numbers [0, ∞) is closed by convention since each (sub)sequence
5. [k, ∞), k ∈ N is closed but not bounded; consequently it is non-compact.
6. There are further examples in figure 2.7.
As additional and very important examples, you are asked in the exercises to think about the
open-/closed-/boundedness of (subsets of) R.
16 We are more general than required here because it can be shown that a countable number of open intervals will suffice
Figure 2.7: (Top) Some convex sets and some non-convex sets (bottom).
Exercises 1
Exc 2.1: Give an example of a binary relation which is
a) reflexive and symmetric, but not transitive;
b) reflexive, but neither symmetric nor transitive;
c) symmetric, but neither reflexive nor transitive;
d) transitive, but neither reflexive nor symmetric.
Exc 2.3: Show that the set of real numbers R is uncountable. (A look at the proof of Theorem 1
should help.)
Exc 2.4: Reconsider the example for the infimum and supremum from page 28. Redraw figure
2.4 using the Euclidean norm as the basis for the interpretation of the relation ‘≤’. Indicate
max X, min X, sup X, and inf X for the set X = {x ∈ R2 : kx, (1, 1)k = 1}.
Exc 2.5: (Sundaram 1996, 67:1.4) Let {xk } be a sequence in Rn . Let m(·) be a rule assigning a
value m(k) ∈ N to each k ∈ N. and let m(·) be strictly increasing (i.e. m(k + 1) > m(k)). Given
{xk }, we can define a subsequence {xm(k) } whose kth element is the m(k)th element of the
original sequence. I.e. a subsequence is any infinite subset of the original sequence that preserves
the ordering of terms. The limits of these subsequences are called limit points.
Give an example of a sequence {xk } which has exactly n limit points, where n ∈ {1, 2, . . .}.
Exc 2.6: (Sundaram 1996, 67:1.6) Let x, y ∈ Rn . Show that for any sequences {xk }, {yk } such
that xk → x and yk → y, we have lim d(xk , yk ) = d(x, y), where d is the Euclidean metric on Rn .
Exc 2.7: (Sundaram 1996, 68:1.17) Prove that the ‘closed interval’ [0, 1] is, in fact, a closed set,
and that the ‘open interval’ (0, 1) is, in fact, an open set. Prove also that [0, 1) and (0, 1] are
neither open nor closed.
Exc 2.8: (Sundaram 1996, 68:1.18) Consider the set Z+ = {0, 1, 2, . . .} of non-negative integers
viewed as a subset of R. Is it closed, open or neither?
Exc 2.9: (Sundaram 1996, 68:1.19) Is Rn viewed as a subset of itself an open set? Is it a closed
set? Explain your answer.
Exc 2.10: (Sundaram 1996, 68:1.20) Give an example of an open set in R that is not convex.
Exc 2.11: (Sundaram 1996, 68:1.21) Give an example of a compact set in R that is not convex.
2.5.1 Continuity
f (X) f (X)
f : X 7→ Y
f (y)
f : X 7→ Y
f (x) {{ ±ε
f (y)
f (x) {{ ±ε
y ±δ y ±δ
x̂ x̂
X x X x
0 for x ≤ 0
Exl: Let f : R 7→ R, f (x) = f (·) is discontinuous only at x = 0. /
1 for x > 0
1.2 for x = 1
Exl: Let f (x) = f (·) is discontinuous only at x = 1. /
x for x 6= 1.
Because continuity is such a fundamental concept, we give two alternative definitions.
Def: A real function f : X 7→ f (X) is continuous if f −1 (Y ) is open for each open set Y ⊂ f (X).
Def: A function f : X 7→ Y from X ⊂ Rn , Y ⊂ Rn is called (locally) Lipschitz continuous if
for every compact subset C ⊂ X there exists some real number λ such that for all x, y ∈ C
As suggested by the following example, Lipschitz continuity is more stringent than continuity:
Indeed every Lipschitz continuous function is continuous but the reverse is not true.
Exl: Evidently f (x) = x2 is Lipschitz continuous, and so is the continuous but not (everywhere)
differentiable function f (x) = |x|. In contrast, the continuous but not (everywhere) differentiable
0 for x < 0
function f (x) = √ is not Lipschitz continuous because its rhs slope at x = 0 is
x for x ≥ 0
+∞, and there exists no λ ∈ R that meets (2.5.1) for all y near x = 0. /
2.5.2 Differentiability
The matrix A is called the derivative of f (see figure 2.9). f is said to be differentiable on X if
it is differentiable for all x ∈ X.
Y g(y)
x y X
ky − xk
Rem: Intuitively, the derivative of f at x is the best affine approximation g(y) = Ay + b to f (·)
at x. ‘Best’ means that
kf (y) − g(y)k
−→ 0.
ky − xk y→x
To see this, we set g(y) = Ay +b = f (x) and obtain b = f (x)−Ax. Thus g(y) = Ay +f (x)−Ax =
A(y − x) + f (x). Therefore kf (y) − g(y)k = kf (y) − A(y − x) + f (x)k which is what we used in
the above definition (2.5.2).
−x for x ≤ 0
Exl: Let f : R 7→ R, f (x) = f (·) is not differentiable at x = 0 (note that
x for x > 0
we require the defining property for all ε) and differentiable everywhere else. f is continuous
everywhere. /
Def: Let f : X 7→ Y, X ⊂ Rn , Y ⊂ Rm , be differentiable. Then the derivative of f , denoted Df
(or f 0 (·) or ∇f (·)), itself forms a function Df : X 7→ X × Y . If this function Df is continuous
everywhere, f is called continuously differentiable; we write f is C 1 . If f is twice continuously
differentiable, we write f is C 2 and so on. A function that is sufficiently continuously differentiable
(at the extreme C ∞ ) is called smooth.
Rem: If two functions f (·) and g(·) are differentiable, their sum f (·) + g(·) is differentiable as well.
Moreover, their product f (·) ◦ g(·) is also differentiable (chain rule).
Rem: A function must be continuous in order to be differentiable. The reverse, however, needs
not to hold. For example the trajectories created by a Brownian motion (i.e. a random walk in
continuous time) is—with probability 1—continuous everywhere but nowhere differentiable.
Rem: The derivative of f (x1 , . . . , xn ) with respect to xi while holding all other xj6=i constant is
called the partial derivative of f wrt xi , symbolically ∂xi . It looks at variations only along the
ith dimension of x.
Rem: The derivative of f (x1 , . . . , xn ) with respect to xi while allowing all other xj6=i to vary is
called the total derivative of f wrt xi , symbolically
df X ∂f dxj
= (x1 , . . . , xn )
dxi ∂xj dxi
where the variation dxi = 1. The total derivative looks at variations along all dimensions of x
simultaneously (see figure 2.10).
Def: The gradient of a scalar function f (x); x ∈ Rn is defined as
∂f (x) ∂f (x)
∇f (x) = ,..., .
x1 xn
2.5.3 Integrability
Def: Consider a function f : [a, b] 7→ R, a < b. If a = x0 < x1 < x2 < . . . < xn = b, then Z =
{x0 , x1 , . . . , xn } is called a partition of the interval [a, b] with gap kZk = max {xk − xk−1 | 1 ≤ k ≤ n}.
If the gaps ξ k ∈ [xk − xk−1 ] for all 1 ≤ k ≤ n, then the ξ are called intermediary points of Z.
The sum
S(f, ξ, Z) = f (ξ k )(xk − xk−1 )
u(·) ∂x
a’ u(a0, b0 ) = c2
u(a, b) = c1
Figure 2.10: Illustration of the difference between a partial and a total derivative.
Def: A function f : [a, b] 7→ R, a < b, is called Riemann integrable if lim S(f, ξ n , Zn ) exists
for any sequence of partitions {Zn } and intermediate points {ξ n } with lim {kZn k} → 0.
Def: If a function f : [a, b] 7→ R, a < b, is Riemann integrable, the limit
Z b
lim S(f, ξ n , Zn ) is called f (x)dx.
n→∞ a
Unfinished. Some rules, a statement and proof of the fundamental theorem of calculus, and
a discussion of improper integrals remain to be written. But I guess I’ll keep the Lebesgue story
with the measure theory . . .
Again the function is strictly concave if the permissable unit interval for λ is open. f (x) is
(strictly) convex if −f (x) is (strictly) concave.
Def: Let f : D 7→ R and a ∈ R. Then the upper level set (or upper contour set, or ‘better-than’
set) of f is defined as the set
Uf (a) = {x ∈ D | f (x) ≥ a}.
Def: Let S ⊂ Rn be convex & x ∈ S. A function f (x) is quasiconcave if its upper level (contour)
set P = {x : f (x) ≥ const} is convex (see figure 2.12). It is strictly quasiconcave if the function
f (x) f (x)
f (3) f (x)
f (x)
f (2) f (3)
f (1) + 12 f (3)
f (1) + 12 f (3)
f (1)
f (2)
f (1)
£ £
1 2 3 1 2 3
Figure 2.11: (Left) a (strictly) concave function f (·) and (right) a (strictly) convex function u(·).
f (·)
f (x1, x2)
f (x1, x2)
constraint set
Def: D is called an (open) cone (as illustrated in figure 2.14) if tx ∈ D whenever x ∈ D and
t > 0.
z = f (x, y)
Theorem 12. (Euler) Let f (x) = f (x1 , . . . , xn ) be C 1 . f (x) is homogeneous of degree r in the
open cone D iff for all x ∈ D ⊂ Rn
X 0
rf (x) = xi fi (x) = x∇f (x).
Proof. The defining identity for homogeneity (2.5.3) of degree r says f (tx) ≡ tr f (x). We differ-
entiate wrt t and obtain
x∇f (tx) = rtr−1 f (x).
Which is for t = 1
x∇f (x) = rf (x).
Exl: Let g(x) = x2 which is homogeneous of degree 2. g0 (x) = 2x. Let’s look at x = 4. Euler’s
Theorem tells us that
x g0 (x) = 4 · 2 · 4 = 2 · 16 = r g(x)
which can be very useful if we know the derivative of a function but not the function itself.
((Mas-Colell, Whinston, and Green 1995, 928) contains more on homogeneous functions and the
Euler Theorem.) /
Rem: If f (x) is homogeneous of degree r, then ∂xi is homogeneous of degree r − 1.
Def: f (x) = f (x1 , . . . , xn ) is homothetic in the cone D if for all x, y ∈ D and all r > 0
f (·) = c2
f (·) = c1
Figure 2.15: A homothetic function f (·): If x and y are on the same level set, then so are rx and ry.
Rem: Let f (x) be a continuous, homothetic function (see figure 2.15) defined on the cone D.
Assume f is strictly increasing along each ray in D, i.e. for each x0 ∈ D, f (tx0 ) is a strictly
increasing function of t. Then there exist a homogeneous function g and a strictly increasing
function F such that f (x) = F (g(x)) for all x ∈ D.
Def: A correspondence is a set-valued function y = f (x) ⊂ Y .
Proposition 13. A function f : Rn 7→ Rm is linear iff there exists a m × n matrix A such that
f (x) = Ax for all x ∈ Rn .
Def: A linear subspace of Rn is the subset L that contains all linear combinations of all of its
Def: A set of n vectors v1 , . . . , vn ∈ Rn is called linearly dependent iff there exists a set of
scalars k1 , . . . , kn , not all of which are zero, such that vk = θ. It is called linearly indepen-
dent if this sum is zero only for all ki = 0.
Thus, the collection of vectors v = {v1 , . . . , vn } ∈ Rn is linearly independent iff
ki vi = θ ⇒ ki = 0 ∀i.
Exl: Let v1 = (1, 1) and v2 = (2, 2). Then k = (2, −1) results in
! !
X 1 2
vk = (2) + (−1) = 0.
1 2
tr(A) = aii .
2.6.2 Determinants
a11 a12
a21 a22
is defined as a11 a22 − a21 a12 . If A = (aij )n×n is an n × n matrix, the determinant of A is a number
|A| = ai1 Ai1 + . . . + ain Ain = aij Aij
Rem: As illustrated in figure 2.16, we can interpret the determinant as the absolute value of the
volume of the hypercube spanned by the generating vectors.
6 0 (that is, A has full rank22 n).
Rem: The inverse of a n × n matrix A exists iff |A| =
21 I do not know how to cross out the row vector (a , . . . , a , . . . , a ) and the column vector (a , . . . , a , . . . , a )T .
i1 ij in 1j ij nj
However, in the following equation, they should be crossed out—all I’ve managed so far are the lines between columns/rows
2 and 3.
22 The rank of a matrix is defined in definition 2.6.1.
y z (x1, y1 , z1)
(x1, y1)
(x3, y3 , z3)
(x2, y2)
(x2, y2 , z2)
Rem: Given the equation system x̄ = A−1 d, the solutions for j = 1, . . . , n are given using
Cramer’s rule by
Let f : Rn 7→ Rn be some linear function and x = f (x) of f (which always exists because of
continuity of f ).23 Clearly, the zero vector θ is always a ‘trivial’ fixed point under any such linear
mapping—eigenvectors define the collection of all other fixed points of f .
Def: x ∈ Rn is called an eigenvector of f if x 6= θ and f (x) = kx for some scalar k. The
associated k is called an eigenvalue of f .
Rem: For any scalar k, let V (k) denote the nonempty subspace of Rn for elements x ∈ V (k) of
which f (x) = kx. If θ is the only element of V (k), then k is not an eigenvalue of f , otherwise
V (k) contains an eigenvector associated with k.
Def: If k is an eigenvalue of f , then V (k) is called the eigenspace of k.
Theorem 14. Suppose {k1 , . . . , kn } are distinct eigenvalues of f and let θ 6= xi ∈ V (ki ) for
i = 1, . . . , n. Then the collection of eigenvectors x = {x1 , . . . , xn } is linearly independent.
Theorem 16. (Perron-Frobenius) Every positive square matrix has at least one positive eigen-
value and an accompanying non-negative eigenvector.
After having established that there are eigenvalues out there, let us now try to find them. Consider
any n × n matrix A. x is an eigenvector and k an eigenvalue iff (x, k) ∈ Rn+1 solves the system
of n equations Ax = kx, or, equivalently, the system
(kI − A)x = θ.
Notice that we have one more unknown than equations in this system. For fixed k, the matrix
B = kI − A represents the linear function g : Rn 7→ Rn defined by g(x) = (kI − A)x. The
equation g(x) = θ has a solution x 6= θ iff g is not a bijection, which is the case iff
det[kI − A] = 0. (2.6.1)
(2.6.1) is called the characteristic equation associated with the square matrix A. It is one
equation in one unknown, k.
Allowing for both real and complex roots, any such polynomial p of degree n can be factorised
on the form
p(k) = (k − k1 )(k − k2 ) . . . (k − kn )
for not necessarily distinct (real or complex) numbers k1 , . . . , kn . These are called the algebraic
roots of the characteristic equation. Hence every square matrix A has exactly n eigenvalues.
Exl: Consider the following four examples of a function mapping R2 into itself:
1. e(x) = θ ∀x ∈ R2 ,
2. f (x) = (3x1 , 2x2 ) ∀x ∈ R2 ,
3. g(x) = (−x2 , x1 ) ∀x ∈ R2 ,
4. h(x) = (x1 , 0) ∀x ∈ R2 .
k2 = 0, roots: k1 = k2 = 0,
(k − 3)(k − 2) = 0, roots: k1 = 3, k2 = 2,
k2 + 1 = 0, roots: k1,2 = ±i,
(k − 1)k = 0, roots: k1 = 1, k2 = 0.
Notice that e(·) ‘collapses,’ f (·) ‘dilutes,’ g(·) ‘rotates,’ and h(·) ‘projects’ their respective ranges
into their domains. /
Proposition 18.
Y n
ki = det(A) and ki = tr(A).
i=1 i=1
Def: A form is a polynomial expression in which each component term has a uniform degree.
Def: A quadratic form on Rn is a function gA : Rn 7→ R of the form
n X
X n
gA (x) = x Ax = aij xi xj ,
i=1 j=1
x ∈ Rn , A = (aij ) being a symmetric n × n matrix. Since A fully describes the quadratic form,
sometimes A itself is referred to as quadratic form. !
1 0
Exl: The polynomial f(x,y)=x2 + y 2 is a quadratic form with A = ./
0 1
Rem: If f : Rn 7→ R is C 2 and x ∈ Rn , then the matrix of 2nd partials D2 f (x) (called the
Hessian) defines a quadratic form.
Theorem 19. (Schwartz’s Theorem) Given a C 2 function f (x), x ∈ Rn , the order of com-
puting the second partial derivatives is immaterial. Formally
∂2f ∂2f
= ∀i, j = 1, . . . , n (2.6.2)
∂xi ∂xj ∂xj ∂xi
Rem: If
1. x0 Ax is positive definite, then all eigenvalues of A λi > 0 for i = 1, . . . , n.
2. x0 Ax is positive semi-definite, then all eigenvalues of A λi ≥ 0 for i = 1, . . . , n.
3. x0 Ax is negative definite, then all eigenvalues of A λi < 0 for i = 1, . . . , n.
4. x0 Ax is negative semi-definite, then all eigenvalues of A λi ≤ 0 for i = 1, . . . , n.
5. x0 Ax is indefinite, then there is at least one positive and one negative eigenvalue of A.
Exercises 2
Exc 2.12: We say that a function f (x1 , . . . , xn ) is non-decreasing if x0i ≥ xi for each i implies
that f (x01 , . . . , x0n ) ≥ f (x1 , . . . , xn ), is increasing if x0i > xi for each i implies f (x01 , . . . , x0n ) >
f (x1 , . . . , xn ) and is strictly increasing if x0i ≥ xi and x0j > xj for at least one j implies that
f (x01 , . . . , x0n ) > f (x1 , . . . , xn ). Show that if f is non-decreasing and strictly concave then it must
be strictly increasing.
Exc 2.13: Prove the remark on page 47: If f (x) is homogeneous of degree r, then ∂xi is homoge-
neous of degree r − 1.
Exc 2.14: (Sundaram 1996, 68:1.25) Let B ⊂ R2 be as follows
B = {(x, y) ∈ R2 : y = sin , x > 0 ∪ {(0, 0)}}.
is a closed set.
Exc 2.20: (Sundaram 1996, 71:1.47) Let f : Rn 7→ R be defined by
1 if 0 ≤ x ≤ 1
f (x) =
0 otherwise.
Find an open set O such that f −1 (O) is not open and find a closed set C such that f −1 (C) is not
Exc 2.21: (Sundaram 1996, 71:1.48) Give an example of a function f : R 7→ R which is continuous
at exactly two points (say, at 0 and 1), or show that no such function can exist.
Chapter 3
Reading: Alternative derivations and further examples are contained in (Varian 1992b), (Mas-
Colell, Whinston, and Green 1995), (Kreps 1998) and, on a more introductory level, (Nicholson
As promised in the last chapter, we will do a set of first economic applications in this chapter:
We start with some Game Theory and then we will employ the Envelope Theorem to derive a
number of results that prove to be very useful in microeconomics. Again we will have to start
with a host of definitions to introduce the game theoretic ideas that we will use. But we will
do this in a quite relaxed fashion—relying on the assumption that each of you has already had
at least some exposure to game theory before. If this is not the case, both (Gibbons 1992) and
(Fudenberg and Tirole 1991) give much more detail than you will need for our little example.
In our first application we shall prove that it is not rational to play strictly dominated strate-
gies. This may seem obvious at first sight, but at the very least it will give you a clear under-
standing of what makes a proof. Or, more importantly maybe, what does not constitute a proper
The second application, the Envelope Theorem, will haunt you throughout the program and
pop up in Macro as well as in Industrial Organisation, Game Theory and Micro. So it really can
be argued that it is a good idea to understand it now and get it behind you. Another argument
for this strategy is that no-one else will have the time to go as slowly over the theorem as we
will—so it will only become more difficult.
(As usual, we replace the inequality with an equality if we refer to the frontier only.) According
to the above definition, this defines the budget frontier as a hyperplane: px = m. We show an
example in figure 3.1. /
m = 10 m0 = 20 m00 = 30
Def: A set X is bounded by a hyperplane if the whole of X lies (weakly) on one side of the plane.
I.e. p · x ≤
≥ a for all x ∈ X. In this case, H(p, a) is called a supporting hyperplane for X (see
figure 3.2).
Rem: So a hyperplane in R3 is a plane and a hyperplane in R2 is simply a line. In general a
hyperplane in Rn is a set in Rn−1 .
Exl: Let X = {x = (x1 , x2 ) ∈ R2+ | x1 x2 ≥ 1}, p = (1, 1), and a = 2. The set X is bounded by the
rectangular hyperbola x1 x2 = 1. Then the hyperplane H(p, a) = {x = (x1 , x2 ) ∈ R2 | x1 +x2 = 2}
shown in figure 3.2 bounds X since the H((1, 1), 2) and X share the point p = (1, 1) while X lies
to the northeast of H((1, 1), 2) everywhere else. /
1 2
H((1, 1), 2) = {(x1, x2) ∈ R2 |x1 + x2 = 2}
Def: Two sets X, Y ⊂ Rn are said to be separated by a hyperplane if the whole of X lies
(weakly) on one side of the plane while the whole of Y lies (weakly) on the other side. I.e. for all
x ∈ X, y ∈ Y we have p · x ≤ ≥
≥ a while p · y ≤ a.
Theorem 20. (Minkowski) Suppose that (i) X, Y ⊂ Rn , (ii) X, Y are convex, and (iii) the
interior of the sets does not intersect: int(X) ∩ int(Y ) = ∅. Then there is some non-zero α ∈ Rn
and some k ∈ R such that
x ∈ X =⇒ αx ≤ k
x ∈ Y =⇒ αx ≥ k .
In this section we shall put the instruments we developed to some use. First, however, we require
some additional economics.
Def: Si is the non-empty and finite set of pure strategies for player i ∈ I = {1, . . . , n}.
Def: Player i’s pure strategy is si ∈ Si ; a pure strategy profile for all players is denoted by
s ∈ S1 × . . . × Sn .
Def: Player i’s mixed strategy is a probability distribution over her set of pure strategies
σ i ∈ ∆(Si ). A mixed strategy profile is denoted by σ ∈ ∆(S1 ) × . . . × ∆(Sn ).1
Rem: It is worthwhile to reflect a moment on the difference between ∆(S1 × . . . × Sn ) and
∆(S1 ) × . . . × ∆(Sn ). The first can represent correlated beliefs while the second is necessarily a
product belief.
Def: A profile of all of i’s opponents’ strategies (excluding i’s strategy) is denoted by s−i ∈ S−i
or σ−i ∈ ∆(S1 ) × . . . × ∆(Si−1 ) × ∆(Si+1 ) × . . . × ∆(Sn ).
Def: Player i’s payoff (more precisely, her expected utility) u : S1 × . . . × Sn 7→ R from playing
si while the opponents play s−i is denoted by ui (si , s−i ).
Def: Player i’s belief is a probability distribution over i’s opponents’ strategies µi ∈ ∆(S−i ).
Exl: Let S1 = {T, B} and S2 = {L, R}. A belief of player 1 might be that player 2 mixes at 50:50
between her 2 strategies. This belief would be represented by the mixed strategy σ 1 = 12 L + 12 R.
Def: Strategy si is called Bayesian rational if there is some belief µi ∈ ∆(S−i ) such that
ui (si , µi ) ≥ ui (s0i , µi ) for all s0i ∈ Si .
Exl: Consider the payoff matrix for a 2-player game given in figure 3.2. (This representation
is called normal form and is denoted by G = {2, S1 × S2 , u}.) By convention, player I is the
row-player, II is the column player. The strategy sets are S1 = {T, M1 , M2 , B}, S2 = {L, R}. As
we can see from the right panel, {T, M1 , M2 } are Bayesian rational, but B is not. /
Def: A mixed strategy σ i ∈ ∆(Si ) strictly dominates si ∈ Si if ui (σ i , s−i ) > ui (si , s−i ) for all
s−i ∈ S−i .
Ass: We will confine ourselves to looking only at (i) a finite number of (ii) pure strategies. Nothing
essential changes if these assumptions are relaxed.
1 Nothing is said about why players should wish to play mixed strategies. In particular, we do not assume that they
u1(·,L) u1(·,R)
L R 3 3
T M1
T 3, 1 0, 0
M1 0, 2 3, 0 M2
2 2
M2 2.0 2, 1
B 0, 0 1, 2 1 1
p 1−p
0 0 p
p=0 p=1
Figure 3.3: A 2-player normal form game and player 1’s mixed strategies.
ui (σ i , µi ) > ui (si , µi ).
Since this is true for all µi ∈ ∆(S−i ) there must be at least one s0i ∈ Si such that
The upshot from this example is that the 2 strategy sets do not intersect and can be separated
by a hyperplane that represents a specific belief system µ of player I about player II’s choice of pL
and (1 − p)R. This belief system determines the slope of an indifference curve pL + (1 − p)R = k.
Let’s be more formal and apply Minkowski’s Theorem to our situation (see figure 3.4).
Let n = #S−i (i.e. the number of strategies in player i’s strategy set Si ).
Let X = {(ui (σ i , s−i )s−i ∈S−i | σ i ∈ ∆(Si )} be the set of rational strategies.
Let Y = {x ∈ Rn | x ≥ ui (s∗i , s−i )s−i ∈S−i } be the set of dominating strategies.
u2(R, ·)
T 3 0 2
M1 0 3 M2
M2 2 2
rational µ
B 0 1
p 1−p 1
u1(·, L)
1 2 3
Figure 3.4: Playing a strictly dominated strategy cannot be rational.
Hence s∗i maximises expected utility with beliefs µi . Consequently µi is Bayesian rational and
we are done.
In this section we shall examine a theorem that is particularly useful in the study of consumer
and producer theory, as well as the analysis of incentive constraints in contract and game theory.
It also has numerous applications in macroeconomics. It examines a setting where we have to
maximise a function that depends on its variables (i.e. the argument(s) x that we variate in
order to find the maximum of the function) and other parameters (i.e. the argument(s) a that
we take as given). To be a bit more precise, the theorem describes conditions under which
the value of a parameterised optimisation problem (which can be unconstrained or constrained)
is a differentiable function of the parameters and, if this optimal value exists, it provides us
with a formula for the derivative. Let us examine the canonical parameterised unconstrained
optimisation problem
max f (x(a), a). (3.3.1)
Usually there will also be constraints of the form g(x(a), a) present but for the first example we
will only look at the unconstrained case. As you will see presently, the proof of the Envelope
Theorem is very simple—more importantly, the theorem has a very clear intuition that we try to
convey in figure 3.5 for the case x, a ∈ R : Suppose our problem is to investigate the behaviour
f (x, r)
f (x(r̂ + ε), r̂ + ε)
f (x(r̂), r̂)
x (r + ε)
x∗ (r̂)
Figure 3.5: The (unconstrained) Envelope Theorem: f (x∗ (r̂ + ε), r̂ + ε) ' f (x∗ (r̂), r̂ + ε).
of the maximum on the upper semi-circle shifted to the right by its radius. The variable of
this problem is x and the parameter the radius r. For each optimisation step, the radius is
kept constant. Let’s start with a particular radius r̂; the maximum x∗ (r̂) = f (x∗ (r̂), r̂) = r̂.
Now we change the parameter by a very small amount ε > 0 to r̂ + ε. The new maximum is
x∗ (r̂ + ε) = f (x∗ (r̂ + ε), r̂ + ε) = r̂ + ε. However at a maximum the function is flat (the first
derivative is zero). Thus when we want to know by how much the maximised value of f (x(r), r)
has changed it does not matter (very much) whether or not we take account of how the maximiser
x(r) changes or not: f (x(r̂), r̂) and f (x(r̂), r̂ + ε) give almost the same values.
f (x, a) = ax − x2 , a ∈ R+ (3.3.2)
fx (x, a) = 0 ⇔ a − 2x = 0 ⇔ x∗ = (3.3.3)
A family of functions f (x, a) for different parameters a is shown in figure 3.6. Evidently, the
optimal value of x depends on a, therefore it is justified to write it as x(a). The optimal loci
x(a)∗ are shown as dots.
f (x, a)
2 4 6 8 10
–20 a=8
–40 a=6
–60 a=4
Let’s now define a value function v(a) that parameterises solutions of (3.3.2)
Let’s examine the behaviour of the v(a) under variation of a by taking total derivatives
which equals
v 0 (a) = x(a) + x0 (a) [a − 2x(a)] = x(a) + x0 (a) [0] = x(a).
This employs the fact (3.3.3) that fx (x∗ (a), a) = a − 2x(a) = 0 because we are only looking at
maximised values of x. Hence
∂f (x∗ (a), a)
v 0 (a) = :
the value function only depends on the partial fa (·).
Integrating back (ignoring the constant), we obtain something like e.g.
v(a) = x(a)2
which looks indeed just like the function connecting the foc-dots in figure 3.6. /
We have already seen a number of other applications of this setting. For instance when
we optimised in the previous sections using the Lagrange method, we treated the prices p as
parameters of the (Marshallian) demand functions x∗ (p, m) we derived. Actually, we treated
prices as constant during the maximisation. We will now analyse how these derived functions
react to small changes of the underlying parameters. Given their interpretation as shadow prices,
we should expect the Lagrange multipliers λ to play some role in this.
Def: We denote the maximum value of f (x∗ (a), a), obtained as solution to problem (3.3.1), by
v(a) and call this function the value function.2
For all possible values of the parameter-vector a, we can construct the value function v(a) =
f ∗ (a) as an (upper) envelope of all the different f (x(a), a)—which is where the name for the
theorem comes from. For one variable x(a) and one parameter a, the simplest statement of the
Envelope Theorem is
dv(a) ∂f (x∗ (a), a)
= .
da ∂a
The equivalent statement for constrained problems can be written in terms of the Lagrangian as
According to this remarkable result, the total effect of a small change in a on the value of v(a)
is found by simply differentiating the Lagrangian L(x(a), a, λ) partially wrt a and thus treating
x as well as λ as constants: the indirect effect of changing a on x and λ will be zero because we
look only at optimal values of f (·). This makes life a lot easier. And it is extremely easy to see
2 In the second term, we will be almost exclusively concerned with optimisation of value functions of the form v(t) =
We immediately see that the second half of the rhs in the above equation is zero because it
contains the foc of problem (3.3.1) which is3
∂f (x(a), a)
= 0. (3.3.5)
This must hold since v(a) = f ∗ (a) represents the optimal values of f (·). The intuition of this
is equally easy to grasp: In figure 3.7 we represent f (x, ·) for different values of x = x1 , x2 , x3 .
Since for all a we know that v(a) = maxf (x, a), the value function must give the optimal value of
f (x, a); it must form the upper envelope. Let us fix a at â. Evidently we have v(â) = f (x(â), â)
and v(â) ≥ f (x(â), a), that is, f (x(â), a) lies weakly below v(â) and touches the envelope only at
â = a. This intuition is confirmed by (3.3.4).
f (·)
f (x1(a), a)
f (x2(â), a)
f (x3(a), a)
Let us reconsider the maximisation problem we met in our first discussion of the Envelope The-
orem (3.3.1) but now we include n variables, k parameters, and m constraints
max f (x1 , . . . , xn , a1 , . . . , ak )
x1 ,...,xn
g1 (x1 , . . . , xn , a1 , . . . , ak ) = c1 (3.3.6)
s.t.: ..
gm (x1 , . . . , xn , a1 , . . . , ak ) = cm .
3 ∂L
For completeness the additional foc for the constrained case is ∂λ
(x∗1 , . . . , x∗n , λ∗ ) = 0.
L(x1 , . . . , xn , λ1 , . . . , λm ; a1 , . . . , ak )
= f (x1 , . . . , xn , a1 , . . . , ak ) + λj (cj − gj (x1 , . . . , xn , a1 , . . . , ak )).
Let (x∗1 (a1 , . . . , ak ), . . . , x∗n (a1 , . . . , ak )) and (λ1 (a1 , . . . , ak ), . . . , λm (a1 , . . . , ak )) be the values
of x and λ that solve this problem. Now let
That is, v(a1 , . . . , ak ) is the maximised value of the function f when the parameters are (a1 , . . . , ak ).
The Envelope Theorem says that the derivative of v(·) when varying parameter a is equal to the
derivative of L(·) at the maximising values of x and λ. Let us state this more precisely:4
Theorem 22 (Envelope Theorem). Consider the value function v(a) = f (x∗ (a), a) for the
constrained, parameterised problem (3.3.6). Assume v(·) is differentiable at a and let λ be the
vector of Lagrange multiplies associated with the solution x∗ (a) at a. Then for all h = 1, . . . , k
∂v ∂L ∗
(a) = (x (a), . . . , x∗n (a), λ1 (a), . . . , λm (a), a) (3.3.8)
∂ah ∂ah 1
∂f ∗ ∗
X ∂gh ∗
= (x1 (a), . . . , xn (a), a) − λj (a) (x (a), . . . , x∗n (a), a).
∂ah ∂ah 1
Proof. We use the function v(·) of maximised values of f (·) as defined in (3.3.7). Therefore
∂v ∂f ∗ X ∂f ∂x∗
(a) = (x (a), a) + (x∗ (a), a) i (a). (3.3.9)
∂ah ∂ah ∂xi ∂ah
which we rewrite to
∂f ∗ X ∂gj ∗
(x (a), a) = λj (a) (x (a), a). (3.3.10)
∂xi ∂xi
Since the optimising arguments x∗ (a) satisfy the constraints g(·), we also have for each j
gj (x∗ (a), a) ≡ cj .
4 Unfortunately, the lines are not wide enough to expand all the vectors of variables and parameters. But by now you
X ∂gj ∂x∗i ∂gj ∗
(x∗ (a), a) (a) = − (x (a), a). (3.3.11)
∂xi ∂ah ∂xi
To motivate our discussion of the Envelope Theorem we will now give a whole series of examples.
Our first particular case is the examination of the relation between short and long run average
cost curves. You may remember from micro that in general we assume that the average cost of
producing some good is a function of the amount of the good to be produced. The short run
average cost function is defined to be the function which for any quantity, Q, gives the average
cost of producing that quantity, taking as given the scale of operation, i.e., the size and number
of plants and other fixed capital which we assume cannot be changed in the short run (whatever
that is). On the other hand, the long run average cost function gives, as a function of Q, the
average cost of producing Q units of the good, with the scale of operation selected to be the
optimal scale for that level of production.
That is, if we let the scale of operation be measured by a single variable k, say, and we let the
5 More elegant proofs can be found in (Sydsæter and Hammond 1995, 678ff) or (Mas-Colell, Whinston, and Green 1995,
966). Notice that the proof also applies in the presence of inequality constraints because the set of binding constraints should
be unaltered in the neighbourhood of the optimal a.
short run average cost of producing Q units when the scale is k be given by SRAC(Q, k) and the
long run average cost of producing Q units by LRAC(Q) then we have:
LRAC(Q) = minSRAC(Q, k)
Let us denote, for a given value Q, the optimal level of k by k(Q). That is, k(Q) is the value of
k that minimises the right hand side of the above equation.
Graphically, for any fixed level of k the short run average cost function can be represented
by a curve (normally assumed to be U-shaped) drawn in two dimensions with quantity on the
horizontal axis and cost on the vertical axis. Now think about drawing one short run average
cost curve for each of the (infinite) possible values of k. One way of thinking about the long run
average cost curve is as the ‘bottom’ or envelope of these short run average cost curves. Suppose
that we consider a point on this long run or envelope curve. What can be said about the slope of
the long run average cost curve at this point. A little thought should convince you that it should
be the same as the slope of the short run curve through the same point. (If it were not then that
short run curve would come below the long run curve, a contradiction.) That is,
dLRAC(Q) ∂SRAC(Q, k)
= .
dQ ∂Q
LRAC(Q̂) =
SRAC(Q̂, k(Q̂))
Figure 3.8: An application of the Envelope Theorem to long- & short-term cost functions.
Since we know from (3.4.2) that fx (x∗ (a)) − λ∗ (a)gx (x∗ (a), a) = 0 and gx (x, a) = 0 we conclude
= −λ∗ (a)ga (x, a).
Only the direct effect remains.
We now apply this general notation to the utility maximisation problem:
max u(x1 , x2 )
x1 ,x2
s.t.: p1 x1 + p2 x2 − y = 0.
Let us call the maximised utility at given prices p and income y the indirect utility function and
denote it by v(p1 , p2 , y). Now let us look at the effect of a change in y with p1 , p2 held constant.
By the Envelope Theorem
∂v ∂
= {u(x1 , x2 ) + λ(y − p1 x1 + p2 x2 )} = 0 + λ1 = λ.
∂y ∂y
This is the reason why λ is sometimes referred to as a shadow price: Because it gives precisely
the marginal utility of income or, in other words, the increase in utility one obtains by raising
ones income. As we see above, the effect of the changes in income on the optimal goods bundle
x∗ are ignored. In effect the vector x∗ is treated as constant.
Let us consider the dual problem to the utility maximisation problem we looked at above. In this
case the consumer minimises expenditures px subject to attaining a given level of utility u
min pj xj
x1 ,...,xn (3.4.3)
s.t.: u(x1 , . . . , xn ) − u = 0.
and denote the minimised value of the expenditure function by e(p1 , . . . , pn , u). The Envelope
Theorem states that
∂e(p, u) L(x∗ , λ; p)
∂pj ∂pj
and hence we obtain at the point x∗ which solves the minimisation problem
∂e(p, u) ∂ X
= pj x∗j + λ(u − u(x∗1 , . . . , x∗n )) = x∗j − λ0 = x∗j ≡ hj (p, u).
∂pj ∂pj
This is called the Hicksian (or compensated) demand for good j. We denote it by hj (p1 , . . . , pn , u)
to indicate that it is a function of prices and utility. This differs from the Marshallian (or
uncompensated) demand xj (p1 , . . . , pn , y) for good j which is a function of prices and income.
The above result is known as Shephard’s Lemma. Again you see that the optimal consumption
vector x∗ is treated as constant—substitution effects are ignored. That this is only an approximate
result can be seen from figure 3.9.
e(p, u)
pj + δ
pj A
Figure 3.9: The approximation involved in Shephard’s Lemma: Area ABC is ignored although it is part
of the compensation required to keep the consumer equally well off after a change in prices δ.
It can be shown (by the application of the Duality Theorem (26)) that the compensated demand
at utility u, i.e., hi (p1 , . . . , pn , u) is identically equal to the uncompensated demand at income
e(p1 , . . . , pn , u), i.e., xi (p1 , . . . , pn , e(p1 , . . . , pn , u)). Thus totally differentiating this identity
So for all i, k = 1, . . . , n
∂xi ∂hi ∂xi
= − hk (3.4.4)
∂pk ∂pk ∂y
which is known as the Slutsky equation.
Again let v(p1 , . . . ., pn , y) be the indirect utility function from the utility maximisation example,
that is, the maximised value of the direct utility function u(x1 , . . . , xn ). Then by the Envelope
∂v ∂u
= − λxj (p1 , . . . , pn , y) = −λxj ((p1 , . . . , pn , y)
∂pj ∂pj
since ∂pj = 0. Now, since we have already shown in the above utility maximisation example that
λ= ∂y we have
xj (p1 , . . . , pn , y) = − .
This is known as Roy’s Identity.
Consider the problem of a firm that maximises profits subject to technology constraints. Let
x = (x1 , . . . , xn ) be a vector of net outputs (‘netputs’), i.e., xi is positive if the firm is a net
supplier of good i, negative if the firm is a net user of that good. Let us assume that we can write
the technology constraints as F (x) = 0. Thus the firm’s problem is
max pi xi
x1 ,...,xn
s.t.: F (x1 , . . . , xn ) = 0.
Let ϕi (p) be the value of xi that solves this problem, i.e. the net supply of commodity i at price
vector p. We call this maximised value the profit function which is given by
Π(p) = pi ϕi (p).
Exc 3.1: What changes in our proof of theorem 21 if we (i) do not allow for mixed strategies?,
or if we (ii) do allow for correlated beliefs, i.e. beliefs that are not independent (product) beliefs?
Draw a picture in the spirit of figure 3.4 and concentrate on the set X = {(ui (σ i , s−i )s−i ∈S−i | σ i ∈
∆(Si )}.
Exc 3.2: This exercise is an attempt to convince you that the envelope theorem is useful in
real applications. You do not have to understand the jargon—just setting up the maximisation
problem and differentiate away will lead you to victory.
Consider a direct regulation mechanism based on transfers T (P (θ)) and price regulation as
proposed by (Baron and Myerson 1982).6 A monopolist announces a price P (θ) based on its cost
type θ ∈ [θ L , θH ] and the regulator responds by setting the optimal transfer T (P (θ)) (positive or
negative) in order for the monopolist to produce a socially useful quantity Q(P (θ)). (We are not
concerned with the regulators’ response here.)
1. Set up the profit maximisation problem of the firm.
2. Derive the firms’ optimal price announcement.
3. Now derive the firm’s optimal type announcement.
4. Are profits increasing or decreasing in the quantity produced?
5. What is the relation to the Envelope Theorem?
Exc 3.3: Show that the utility function
δ= .
Let prices be (p1 , p2 ) and let income be m. Assume m > p1 a + p2 b.
Exc 3.4: (Optional) Assume that a consumer’s preferences over (x1 , x2 ) are represented by
(3.4.5). Let prices be (p1 , p2 ) and income be m. Assume m > p1 a + p2 b.7
1. find the direct demand functions xi (p, m) by maximising utility s.t. m ≥ p1 x1 + p2 x2 ;
2. show that the indirect utility function is given by
3. find the Hicksian demands hi (p, ū) by minimising expenditure s.t. u(x) ≥ ū;
4. show that the expenditure function is given by
e(p, ū) = ap1 + bp2 + eū δ −δ (1 − δ)−(1−δ) pδ1 p2 .
6 The reference is given here just to satisfy your curiosity—it is not necessary to read the article in order to solve the
7 This problem is not harder than the rest but it is definitely longer (apart from that it really belongs into a micro course).
Kuhn-Tucker theory
4.1 Theory
We will first recapitulate what we know about the Lagrangian and develop our intuition for
the equality constrained case. Remember that our problem was to maximise a general function
f (x), x ∈ Rn subject to some (non-linear) constraint g(x) = c. In order to allow us to draw a
picture, let x ∈ R2 = (x, y). Our problem is therefore to
max f (x, y)
x,y (4.1.1)
s.t.: g(x, y) = c.
As shown in figure 4.1, the graph of f (·) can be (locally) approximated by a quadratic form.
We recall from section 2.6.4 that in the case depicted above, we look at a negative semi-definite
quadratic form that identifies the underlying objective as (locally) quasiconcave. The ‘normal’
constraint g(·) is the projection of the constraint curve G into the Cartesian plane. The un-
constrained maximum of f (·) is at the point A but since we look at a constrained problem, the
best we can do is B—the highest point on G (this is illustrated in the right panel of figure 4.1).
Understanding why this procedure works is easy. We denote the Lagrangian of the above problem
f (·) x2
f (x1, x2) A
B x2
L(x, λ) = f (x) − λ(g(x) − c)
∂L ∗ ∗ ∗
∂xi (x1 , . . . , xn , λ ) = 0 =⇒ ∇f (x∗ ) = λ∇g(x∗ )
∂L ∗ ∗ ∗
∂λ (x1 , . . . , xn , λ ) = 0 =⇒ g(x∗ ) = c.
Exl: Consider
max f (x, y) = x2 + y 2
s.t.: g(x, y) = x + y = 2.
Then we obtain the foc as
Which is at x∗ = (1, 1)
(2, 2) = 2(1, 1)
1 + 1 = 2.
By the way: In this case, the Lagrangian does not give the right answer. /
The first condition means that the gradient vectors of f (·) and g(·) are proportional at x∗ .
In the case of a single linear constraint g(x, y) in the Cartesian plane, this gives rise to the
interpretation in figure 4.2. You should keep in mind, however, that the price vector is only
orthogonal to the budget hyperplane everywhere in the case of a linear constraint.
Theorem 23. (Lagrange) Suppose f (x, y) and g(x, y) have continuous partial derivatives in a
domain A of the Cartesian plane, and that (x∗ , y ∗ ) is both an interior point of A and a local
extreme point for f (x, y) s.t.: g(x, y) = c. Suppose further that g10 (x∗ , y ∗ ) and f10 (x∗ , y ∗ ) are
not both 0. Then there exists a unique number λ such that the Lagrangian function L(x, y, λ) =
4.1. THEORY 75
∇f (x, y)
x∗ g(x, y)
Global sufficiency for the existence of the solution (x∗ , y ∗ ) to a maximisation (minimisation)
problem is given by concavity (convexity) of L(x, y, λ). We can check this by finding the bordered
Hessian H(x∗ , y ∗ ) > 0 in the maximisation case or H(x∗ , y ∗ ) < 0 in the minimisation case. These
conditions are precisely the same in the Lagrange and Kuhn-Tucker cases. In order to formulate
them, we need some additional notation. Remember that we look at a constrained optimisation
problem of f (x) with n variables xi and m constraints gj . We first define
in order to have a single (vector) variable in our function of critical values L(·).
Def: The determinant of the matrix of second derivatives (the so called Hessian) of the Lagrange
function L(y) is called the bordered Hessian and denoted H(y∗ ). More precisely, for the C 2
function L(y), y ∈ Rn+m , r = 1, . . . , n, the bordered Hessian is defined as1
∂ 2 L(y) ∂ 2 L(y)
0 ... 0 ∂y1 ∂ym+1 ... ∂y1 ∂ym+n
.. .. .. .. .. ..
. . . . . .
∂ 2 L(y) ∂ 2 L(y)
∗ 0 ... 0 ∂ym ∂ym+1 ... ∂ym ∂ym+n
H r (y ) = ∂ 2 L(y) ∂ 2 L(y) ∂ 2 L(y) ∂ 2 L(y)
. (4.1.2)
∂ym+1 ∂y1 ... ∂ym+1 ∂ym ∂ym+1 ∂ym+1 ... ∂ym+1 ∂ym+n
.. .. .. .. .. ..
. . . . . .
∂ 2 L(y) ∂ 2 L(y) ∂ 2 L(y) ∂ 2 L(y)
∂ym+n ∂y1 ... ∂ym+n ∂ym ∂ym+n ∂ym+1 ... ∂ym+n ∂ym+n
1 We will show how to construct the bordered Hessian for constrained problems in the example given below in (4.2.6).
For a more detailed definition (involving more notation) cf. (Sundaram 1996, 120).
∂ 2 L(y)
Rem: We know from section 2.6.4 that ∂yi is a quadratic form.
Proposition 24. From what we know about quadratic forms (section 2.6.4) we summarise that
Rem: Therefore we conclude that a sufficient condition for x∗ to be a local extremum of f (x) on
D is that
1. x∗ satisfies the first order conditions, and
2. the bordered Hessian H(x∗ ) > 0 in the maximisation case and H(x∗ ) < 0 in the minimisation
We return to our problem (4.1.1) but this time, we use inequality constraints
max f (x, y)
x,y (4.1.3)
s.t.: g(x, y) ≤ c.
This gives rise to the same Lagrangian function, but we are going to interpret it differently. Our
problem (4.1.3) can be geometrically interpreted as in the following figure (which shows level sets
of the function represented to the left of figure 4.1).
x2 x2
g(x1, x2) ≤ const.
f (x1, x2) = const.
A f (x1, x2) = const.
In the right panel of figure 4.3, the constraint g(·) is binding at the locally optimal solution
C. In the left panel, however, the constraint is not binding at the global maximum A which
is an interior point of the feasible set D. Therefore, our true optimum is not achieved at the
frontier of the budget set but where our constraint is slack. Therefore the multiplier λ associated
with the problem (4.1.3) is only non-zero in the right panel. Shadow prices are zero on the left.
4.1. THEORY 77
The situation described in the left panel cannot be represented as the solution to a standard-
Lagrangian problem because there we are forced to consider only solution candidates on the
This idea generalises naturally to the case of multiple constraint functions hi (·). Recall from
section 2 that rank(X) denotes the rank of a matrix X and the gradient ∇f (x) of a function
f (x) : Rn 7→ R is the (column) vector of dimension n whose ith entry is ∂xi (x), i = 1, . . . , n.
The Kuhn-Tucker extension of the Lagrangian theory allows precisely for situations like that
depicted at the left of figure 4.3. Loosely speaking it forces the multiplier to be zero if the
constraint does not bind, i.e. g(·) > 0. In any other case (and in good Lagrangian fashion), the
two gradients of the objective and the constraint are forced into line.
Then, there exists a vector λ∗ = (λ∗1 , . . . , λ∗l ) ∈ Rl such that the following conditions are met 2
Rem: The terminology for (KT-1) as ‘complementary slackness’ condition arises from the obser-
vation that by the feasibility of x∗ , we must have gi (x∗ ) ≤ 0 for each i; therefore, for λ∗i gi (x∗ ) = 0
to hold alongside with λ∗i ≥ 0, we must have λ∗i = 0 if gi (x∗ ) < 0, and gi (x∗ ) = 0 if λ∗i > 0. That
is, if the inequality for gi (·) is slack (i.e. not binding), then the other one for λ∗i is binding (and
vice versa).
The complementary slackness condition is the major addition introduced by Kuhn-Tucker that
enables the Lagrange approach to cope with inequality constrained optimisation problems.
Condition: The awkward business of defining f (·) only locally on the intersection of D with an
open set U guarantees the existence of a local solution. In general we will not be able to formulate
our problems this conveniently. Therefore we will have to check the existence of a solution in
each case separately by checking the conditions on the Weierstrass Theorem.
Def: The above full rank condition (4.1.4) is called the constraint qualification. It says that
the number of effective constraints |E| at the candidate solution x∗ must equal the minimum
dimension of the Jacobian of the effective constraints at x∗ .
2 While (KT-1) is usually called the ‘complementary slackness’ condition(s), (KT-2) is referred to as the ‘Kuhn-Tucker
Rem: The constraint qualification ensures that the constraints are independent at the local max-
imum x∗ . More specifically, it requires the rank of the gradient matrix of the constraint set at
the solution candidate to be equal to the number of constraints. This is to ensure that every
direction of displacement z ∈ Rn having no first-order effect on the constraints (i.e. satisfying
∇gi (x∗ ) · z = 0 for every i) must also have no first-order effect on the objective function (i.e.
satisfying ∇f (x∗ ) · z = 0).
∇g2 (x̄)
∇f (x̄)
∇g1 (x̄)
As shown in figure 4.4, at a local maximiser x̄ = x∗ , the gradient of the objective is a linear
combination of the gradients of the constraint functions. The figure shows a situation where we
maximise f (x1 , x2 ) on D = {(x1 , x2 ) ∈ R2 : gi (x1 , x2 ) = b̄i } for i = 1, 2. While the point x̄ is
a global constrained maximum (it is the only vector in the constrained set!), we see that ∇f (x̄)
is not spanned by the vectors ∇g1 (x̄) and ∇g2 (x̄). Since ∇g1 (x̄) = −∇g2 (x̄), the constraint
qualification is violated.
Condition: The constraint qualification is the second condition (in addition to existence) that we
need to satisfy on top of the above two (necessary) conditions (KT-1) and (KT-2).
Notation: From now on, we will say that a pair (x∗ , λ∗ ) meets the first-order necessary conditions
(or Kuhn-Tucker conditions) for a maximum, if it satisfies the above two conditions (KT-1) and
(KT-2) in (4.1.5).
Rem: Because we have now constraints of the form gi (·) ≥ c, we cannot use the substitution
method any more.
We will now develop a cookbook approach of how to apply the Kuhn-Tucker Theorem to inequality
constrained optimisation problems. Our approach closely resembles the methodology that we
developed in section 1.1 for the solution of equality constrained problems.3
3 As in the case of the Lagrangian, we will apply our approach to both linear and non-linear optimisation problems.
L(x, λ) = f (x) + λi (gi (x) − ci ).
∂xj (x, λ) = 0, j = 1, . . . , n.
∂λi (x, λ) = 0 ⇔ gi (x) = ci , i = 1, . . . , l.
Only with equality constraints will setting the partial derivative ∂λi = 0 recover the con-
straint gi (x) = ci and therefore result in a valid procedure to derive the foc. If we have
inequality constraints in place, we have to use the more involved conditions (4.1.5).
3. We solve the n + l equations in (4.2.1) and, given a solution to our problem exists at all, we
are done.
The generalisation to inequality constraints is just a little more difficult. The problem is now to
max f (x)
s.t.: x ∈ D = {g(x) ≥ 0}
L(x, λ) = f (x) + λi gi (x).
(x, λ) = 0, j = 1, . . . , n.
The derivation of the equations for the multipliers (the complementary slackness conditions)
makes the key difference to the pure Lagrangian approach. As usual, we take derivatives
wrt our multipliers i = 1, . . . , l and obtain our original constraints
(x, λ) ≥ 0 ⇔ gi (x) ≥ 0.
But in addition we impose the complementary slackness condition which means that simul-
λi ≥ 0, λi (x, λ) = 0.
This condition is rather tricky. It requires λi to be non-negative, and either λi = 0 if
gi (x) > 0 or λi > 0, if gi (x) = 0. We can alternatively formulate this as
λi ≥ 0, λi [g(x)] = 0. (4.2.2)
It is useful to be systematic about this: In order to fulfil (4.2.2) we can have either
(i) the constraint binding gi (x) = 0 and the multiplier slack λi > 0, or
(ii) the constraint slack gi (x) > 0 and the multiplier binding λi = 0.
Just as before, the multipliers can be interpreted as ‘shadow prices’ associated with in-
creasing the right-hand side of the resource constraint g(x) ≥ 0 by one unit. With this
interpretation, shadow prices are non-negative, and if the resource constraint is not binding
because g(x) > 0 at the optimum, this means that the price associated with increasing g(x)
by one unit is zero.
Now we denote the set of critical points x ∈ U by M .
Usually, the value of x that maximises f over this set is also a solution to the original
maximisation problem. It is not guaranteed, though, that the above procedure really picks
up a maximum. There are two conditions attached for the existence of a λ∗ such that
(x∗ , λ∗ ) is a critical point of L:
max x2 + y 2 + y − 1
s.t.: (x, y) ∈ D = {(x, y) ∈ R2 | g(x, y) = x2 + y 2 ≤ 1}.
2x − 2λx = 0
2y + 1 − 2λy = 0
λ ≥ 0 (= 0 if x2 + y 2 < 1).
The first condition tells us that either λ = 1 or x = 0. If λ = 1, then the second condition
yields 1 = 0, a contradiction. Thus x = 0 and y = ±1 because in the first case we take λ
to be nonzero. We conclude that the candidates for optimality in this case are f (0, 1) and
f (0, −1).
Now we check the case where x = 0 and λ = 0 and therefore x2 + y 2 < 1 ⇔ −1 < y < 1.
Then the third condition implies λ = 0 and therefore the second condition says y = − 12 .
Therefore f (0, − 12 ) is our third candidate.
Let us now check whether the two conditions we attached to the application of the Kuhn-
Tucker Theorem hold.
Condition: (Existence) Since we maximise a continuous function f (·) over a closed and bounded
set D, we know that there is a solution to the problem. We conclude that f (0, 1) = 1 actually
solves the problem.
Condition: (Constraint qualification) The constraint gradient is given by ∇g(x, y) = (2x, 2y)
which, for all the possible candidates in (4.2.3), always has rank 1. Therefore our constraint
qualification holds./
This example is taken from (Sundaram 1996, 155). Let g(x, y) = 1 − x2 − y 2 . Consider the
problem of maximising the objective f (x, y) = x2 − y
max x2 − y
s.t.: (x, y) ∈ D = {(x, y) ∈ R2 | g(x, y) = 1 − x2 − y 2 ≥ 0}.
L(x, y, λ) = x2 − y + λ(1 − x2 − y 2 ).
2x − 2λx = 0
−1 − 2λy = 0
λ ≥ 0, (1 − x2 − y2) ≥ 0, λ(1 − x2 − y2) = 0.
For the first of these to hold we must have either x = 0 or λ = 1. If λ = 1, the second equation
gives y = − 12 and x2 + y 2 = 1 follows from the third. Therefore we get a set of these two points
(x, y, λ) and a third for the case of x = 0 and λ > 0
( √ √ )
3 1 3 1 1
M= (+ , − , 1), (− , − , 1), (0, −1, )
2 2 2 2 2
3 1 5
with f (x, y)1,2 = 4 + 2 = 4 for the first two and f (x, y)3 = 1 for the third.
3. Step: We know that a global maximum for f on D must arise on one of the three points in M .
Evidently the first two are equally good and better than the third.nHence we have two solutions
√ √ o
to the given optimisation problem, namely the two points (x, y) ∈ (+ 23 , − 12 ), (− 23 , − 12 ) .
Again we check whether the two conditions we attached to the application of the KT Theorem
Condition: (Existence) Our feasible set D is the closed unit disk—this set is compact. Since the
objective is continuous (all polynomials are continuous), we know by the Weierstrass Theorem
that a maximum exists. Thus the first condition above is met.
Condition: (Constraint qualification) The constraint qualification is also met: At a point (x, y)
where the constraint binds (i.e., (x, y) ∈ D), we have x2 + y 2 = 1 and we know that either x 6= 0
or y 6= 0. Since ∇g(x, y) = (−2x, −2y) at all (x, y) ∈ D it follows that when g is effective, we
must have rank(∇g(x, y)) = 1. Thus the constraint qualification holds for if the optimum occurs
at a (x, y) where g(x, y) = 0. If the optimum occurs at a (x, y) where g(x, y) > 0, no constraints
are binding, the set D is empty and the constraint qualification is met trivially./
max x1 + x2
x1 ,x2
s.t.: (x1 , x2 ) ∈ D = {(x1 , x2 ) ∈ R2 | I − px ≥ 0, x1 ≥ 0, x2 ≥ 0}.
g1 (x) = I − px ≥ 0
g2 (x) = x1 ≥ 0
g3 (x) = x2 ≥ 0.
L(x1 , x2 , λ1 , λ2 , λ3 ) = x1 + x2 + λ1 x1 + λ2 x2 + λ3 (I − p1 x1 − p2 x2 ).
1 + λ1 − λ3 p1 = 0
1 + λ2 − λ3 p2 = 0
λ1 ≥ 0, x1 ≥ 0, λ1 x1 = 0 (4.2.4)
λ2 ≥ 0, x2 ≥ 0, λ2 x2 = 0
λ3 ≥ 0, I − p1 x1 − p2 x2 ≥ 0, λ1 (I − p1 x1 − p2 x2 ) = 0
We have to check all possible combinations of the three inequality constraints: We can
immediately rule out g1 = g2 = 0 since this implies g3 > 0. Since the utility function
is strictly increasing, all available income will be spent at the optimal point (no interior
solution). Therefore, we know that g3 = 0. Therefore we have only 3 possible values for the
set of effective constraints at the optimum gE . These are
gE = {g1 , g3 }
gE = {g2 , g3 } (4.2.5)
gE = {g3 }.
(a) gE = {g3 } means that only g3 holds with equality. Hence x1 > 0 and x2 > 0. By KT-1,
we know that λ1 = λ2 = 0. Substituting this into the above (4.2.4) yields
λ3 p1 = λ1 p2 = 1.
This implies p ≡ p1 = p2 and therefore λ3 = 1p . But this makes any point a critical
point provided that x1 ∈ (0, Ip ), and x2 = p ; all these points give u(·) = Ip .
(b) gE = {g2 , g3 } means that x2 = 0 and I − px = 0. Thus x1 = p > 0 implying λ1 > 0.
Substituting this into the above (4.2.4) results in
λ3 p1 = 1 ≤ 1 + λ2 = λ3 p2 .
This implies that a critical point can only have p1 ≤ p2 . This gives a unique critical
point at which g1 = g3 = 0 and
I p2 1 I
(x1 , x2 , λ1 , λ2 , λ3 ) = ( , 0, 0, − 1, ); u(·) = .
p1 p1 p1 p1
(c) gE = {g1 , g3 } results in similar considerations as (ii) and the unique critical point
I p1 1 I
(x1 , x2 , λ1 , λ2 , λ3 ) = (0, , − 1, 0, ); u(·) = .
p2 p2 p2 p2
Again we check whether the two conditions that we attached to the application of the Kuhn-
Tucker Theorem hold.
Condition: (Existence) Our usual appeal to the Weierstrass Theorem establishes that maximum
We also check the bordered Hessians
0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 1
H 2 (x ) = 0 0 0 −p1 −p2 =0 (4.2.6)
1 0 −p1 0 0
0 1 −p2 0 0
0 0 0 1
0 0 0 0
H 1 (x∗ ) = = 0.
0 0 0 −p1
1 0 −p1 0
This says that our objective is quasiconcave and quasiconvex at the same time. The only function
that can do this is a (hyper)plane. Therefore we know that our necessary conditions are also
Condition: (Constraint qualification) Again we have to check all possible combinations of the
three inequality constraints. For the same reasons as in (4.2.5) we arrive at the 3 possibilities
gE = {g1 , g3 }
gE = {g2 , g3 }
gE = {g3 }.
3. gE = {g3 } results in
∇gE (x) = [−p1 , −p2 ]
As promised in section (1), we will discuss the concept of duality in a little more detail now.
As we mentioned in the introduction, a most interesting fact about every linear programming
problem is that there is another ‘dual’ problem associated with it: If the primal program is a
maximisation problem (with, say, N variables x and K constraints λ), then the dual program is
a minimisation problem (with K variables and N constraints) and vice versa. This is a general
feature of duality: We get a variable in the dual program for each constraint in the primary
program and we get a constraint in the dual program for each variable in the primary program.
We begin with an example.
Exl: (Mas-Colell, Whinston, and Green 1995, 967) We look at a (primary) maximisation problem
with N = K = 2
max x1 + x2
x1 ,x2
s.t.: 2x1 + x2 ≤ 4
x1 + 3x2 ≤ 7
The associated (dual) minimisation problem is represented by
4 2λ1 + λ2 ≥ 1
x∗ (1,1)
2 1
x1 + 3x2 ≤ 7 3
1 λ∗
x1 + x3 = 3 λ1 + 3λ2 ≥ 1
x2 2 1 1 λ1
1 2 3 7 3 2 4λ1 + 7λ2 = 3
Figure 4.5: (Left) A primal linear program and its dual to the (right).
Theorem 26. Duality Theorem of Linear Programming4 Suppose that the primal problem
max f ·x
s.t.: Ax ≤ c
attains a maximum at v ∈ R. Then v is also the minimum value attained by the dual problem
min c·λ
s.t.: AT λ ≥ f .
There is much more to say about duality than this—it really is the key to understanding
the the difference between direct (Marshallian) demand and compensated (Hicksian) demand
and the associated concepts like indirect utility and expenditure functions (the same is true for
production theory). We have, however, covered the basic ideas and the interested reader must be
referred elsewhere: Any good text on (linear) programming such as (Franklin 1980, chapter 1)
or (Luenberger 1984) will treat duality; (Cornes 1992) and (Sundaram 1996, chapter 2) provide
a host of examples. If you are looking for an illustration of the concept of duality to consumer
theory (i.e. the duality of the utility maximisation and the expenditure minimisation approaches),
please take a look at the discussion of the envelope theorem and figure 3.10, in particular.
4 We talked about the MiniMax Theorem previously and said that it implies that for any constant sum game, there exists
a saddle point where the payoffs of both players are the same. The Duality Theorem is a more general version of the same
result: Maximising player one’s payoff function and minimising player two’s loss function yields the same value because they
are dual problems. Hence the Duality Theorem implies the MiniMax Theorem.
Exc 4.1: (Sundaram 1996, 124) Let f and g be functions on R2 defined by f (x, y) = 2x3 − 3x2 ,
and g(x, y) = (3 − x)3 − y 2 , respectively. Consider the problem of maximising f over the set
D = {(x, y) ∈ R2 | g(x, y) = 0}.
Exc 4.2: (Sundaram 1996, 148) Let f : R2 7→ R and h : R2 7→ R be given by f (x, y) = −(x2 + y 2 ),
and h(x, y) = (x − 1)3 − y 2 , respectively. Consider the problem of maximising f over the set
D = {(x, y) ∈ R2 | h(x, y) ≥ 0}.
Exc 4.3: (Sundaram 1996, 168:6.1) Solve the following maximisation problem
max ln x1 + ln x2
x1 ,x2
s.t.: (i) x21 + x22 = 1, (ii) x1 ≥ 0, (iii) x2 ≥ 0.
Exc 4.4: (Sundaram 1996, 168f:6.2) A firm produces two outputs y and z using a single input x.
The set of attainable output levels H(x) from an input use of x, is given by
The firm has available to it a maximum of one unit of input x. Letting (p1 , p2 ) denote output
prices, determine the firm’s optimal output mix.
Exc 4.5: (Sundaram 1996, 170:6.9) An agent who consumes three commodities has a utility
function given by
Given an income of I and prices p = (p1 , p2 , p3 ), describe the consumer’s utility maximisation
problem. Can the Weierstrass and/or Kuhn-Tucker Theorems be used to obtain and characterise
a solution? Why or why not?
Chapter 5
Reading: A very readable introduction to measure theory is (Capiński and Kopp 1999)—
(Wheeden and Zygmund 1977) is more complete but a harder read.
This section attempts to form a minimal but rigourous introduction to measure theory. We
will look at the theory of Lebesgue measure that we will need in order to discuss some aspects of
the notion of a random draw and infinite sets. The purpose of this chapter is to introduce the
modern notion of probability theory as used in all areas of economics. In particular, we will lay
the foundations for the discussion of probability and expected utility theory in the next chapter.
5.1 Measure
Let us informally define the length of an interval I = [a, b] to be l(I) = |b − a|. Notice that this
length operator is invariant to the different types of interval limits {[(}a, b{)]} we can use. Now
consider a singleton {c} with interval length l(c) = |c − c| = 0. What we are after is to show that
a set that can be constructed as the union of a finite number of null-sets still has length zero.
Any interval [a, b] with a 6= b, however, will have non-zero length.
Def: A collection of sets I = {In }n≥1 is said to cover the set A if
A⊂ In .
If I covers A and there exists a subset J of I which also covers A, then J is called a subcover
of A.
Def: A null-set A ⊂ R is a set that may be covered by a sequence of intervals of arbitrarily small
total length, i.e. given any ε > 0 we can find a sequence {In : n ≥ 1} of intervals such that
[ ∞
A⊂ In and l(In ) < ε.
n=1 n=1
Rem: Clearly, any singleton {x} is a null-set. More generally, any countable set A is also a null-set
and any finite union of countable sets is a null-set as well. Not obvious at all is, however, that
even uncountable sets can be null. The prime example for such a set is the Cantor set C.
Before we discuss this set, let us state an observation which you perhaps remember from school.
Every x ∈ [0, 1] ⊂ R can be approximated arbitrarily closely by an infinite rational expansion of
the form
a1 a2 a3 ak
x= + + 2 + ··· + k + ··· (5.1.1)
n n n n
where the numbers a1 , a2 , . . . can only take the integer values 0, 1, . . . , n.
Exl: For the construction of the Cantor set we start with the unit interval C0 = [0, 1] ⊂ R and
take out the ‘open middle third’ ( 13 , 23 ) such that we are left with C1 = [0, 13 ] ∪ [ 23 , 1]. We proceed
by again removing the open middle thirds of each of the remaining two subintervals and are left
with C2 = [0, 19 ] ∪ [ 29 , 39 ] ∪ [ 69 , 79 ] ∪ [ 89 , 1]. We go on deleting the middle third of each of these
subintervals until we reach, after n steps, the set Cn = [0, 31n ] ∪ · · · ∪ [1 − 31n , 1]. Then the Cantor
set C is defined to be
C= Ci .
Since C consists of 2n intervals of length 3n each, we know that the total length of the set deleted
from the Cantor set l([0, 1]\C) is
X 2i X ∞ ∞ i
1 2 4 2
+ + + ··· = = = 1.
3 9 27 3i 3 i→∞
i=1 i=1
Hence, in the limit, we delete all of the unit interval. Yet given any ε > 0, we can choose an n
large enough to ensure l(C) = 23 < ε. Since C ⊂ Cn by construction and Cn consists of a finite
sequence of intervals that can be covered with a set of length smaller than ε, we know that C is
indeed a null-set.
Now similarly to our argument in the proof of theorem 1, we can express each x ∈ [0, 1] in ‘ternary’
form, i.e. (5.1.1) with n = 3 as
a1 a2 ak X ak
x= + 2 + ··· + k + ··· = (5.1.2)
3 3 3 3k
with each ak ∈ {0, 1, 2}. To believe that this sequence can indeed approximate every x ∈ [0, 1], it
helps to remember a basic fact about infinite power series i≥0 cti , which, for |t| < 1, sum to
X c
c + ct + ct + . . . = cti = .
5.1. MEASURE 91
Subtracting the leading term which is not in our sequence (5.1.2), we find that
1 1 1 1
+ + + ... = .
3 9 27 2
Obviously the sequence of all ak = 0 sums to 0 and the sequence of all ak = 2 sums to 1. So we
can indeed generate all x ∈ [0, 1]. But what we really want to find is a representation for y ∈ C.
It can be easily seen, however, that we have y ∈ C iff ak 6= 1, ∀k in the above expansion (5.1.2)
(can you see why?).
To see that C is indeed uncountable, we associate a point z ∈ [0, 1] of the form
X bk
with each point x ∈ C expanded in (5.1.2) but instead of the ak used there, we use
1 if an = 2,
bn =
0 otherwise.
In this fashion we set up a one-to-one correspondence of the elements of C with [0, 1] which we
know to be uncountable. Hence we proved that the Cantor set is uncountable. /
Our discussion of null-sets is important because their contribution is what we want to ignore
in our general concept of length l. One way of incorporating this idea in a length is Lebesgue’s
outer measure.
Def: The (Lebesgue) outer measure of any set A ⊂ R is the non-negative real number
m∗ (A) = inf(ZA )
∞ ∞
( )
X [
ZA = l(In )| In are intervals, A ⊂ In .
n=1 n=1
It can be shown that the outer measure m∗ (·) has all the nice properties we would like it to
and 0 × ∞ = 0.
5. m∗ ( n En ) ≤ n m∗ (En ), i.e. the outer measure is countably subadditive for any sequence
We will, however, only prove the first two properties and confine ourselves with a discussion of
the others. Proofs of the remaining properties can be found in (Kolmogorov and Fomin 1970),
(Royden 1988) or any other good textbook on real analysis.
Proof. From the definition of a null-set we obtain a sequence of intervals {In } covering A such
that l(In ) < ε for any ε > 0. Hence the infimum of such a collection must be zero.
Conversely, if m∗ (A) = 0, then by the definition of inf there exists a z ∈ ZA for any ε > 0 such
that z < ε. But a z ∈ ZA is a cover of A and therefore A must be a null-set.
Theorem 28. The outer measure m∗ (I) of an interval I equals its length l(I).
Proof. Clearly, m∗ (I) = l(I) = ∞ if I is unbounded. Hence we can restrict attention to bounded
(i) To show that m∗ (I) ≤ l(I), let us cover I using a sequence of intervals {In }n≥1 of the form
I1 = I, I2 = [0, 0], I3 = [0, 0], . . .. The length of this sequence is equal to l(I) and therefore we
know that l(I) ∈ ZI . This is sufficient since the infimum of a set of lengths cannot exceed that
of any of its elements.
(ii) To show that m∗ (I) ≤ l(I), let I = [a, b] and a < b wlg.2 For an arbitrary ε > 0 we choose a
sequence of intervals {In }n≥1 covering [a, b] such that
X ε
l(In ) ≤ m∗ ([a, b]) + . (5.1.3)
Denote the endpoints of the above sequence by In = {[an , bn ]}n≥1 and extend the sequence of
closed intervals In to the sequence of open intervals Jn
n ε ε o
an − , bn + .
2n+2 2n+2 n≥1
∞ ∞
ε X X ε
l(In ) = l(Jn ) − or l(In ) = l(Jn ) − .
2n+1 n=1 n=1
cover [a, b] because [a, b] is compact in R. So there exists a finite m such that3
[a, b] ⊂ Jn .
Let, again, be the endpoints of the open intervals denoted Jn = {(cn , dn )}. Let
with c < a and d > b and therefore l([a, b]) < d − c. Since the intervals {Jn }m
n=1 must overlap by
construction, we have
l([a, b]) < d − c < l(Jn ).
Since with non-negative terms Jn , the finite sum above is less than the infinite sum in (5.1.3),
(5.1.3) follows from the above and (5.1.4).
Until now we have discussed the properties of Lebesgue outer measure only for sets along the
real line. We will drop this simplification now and use a discussion of the subadditivity of the
outer measure to generalise our idea and define the general notion of a Lebesgue measure.
Above, we claimed without proof that the outer measure is countably subadditive for general
sets En . Let us restate this property here:
[ ∞
m∗ ( En ) ≤ m∗ (En ). (5.1.5)
n n
As it turns out, this is the key to understanding the limitations of the outer measure. We would
really like to obtain 5.1.5 with equality, i.e. we would like to show general additivity if the sets
{En } are pairwise disjoint. That, alas, is out of reach. What we can do, however, is to stop
here, register that our problem is precisely to claim general additivity, and postulate the desired
properties for our theory. Which is what we will do. Hence for pairwise disjoint {En }n≥1 we
claim countable additivity
[ ∞
m∗ ( En ) = m∗ (En ). (5.1.6)
n n
Similarly we require our concept of ‘length’ for sets to be additive. In particular, we shall want
our sets E to be able to split every other set A in an additive manner. Formally we define
Def: A set E ⊂ R is (Lebesgue-)measurable if for every set A ⊂ R we have
m∗ (A) = m∗ (A ∩ E) + m∗ (A ∩ E c )
where E c ≡ R\E. We denote the whole class of (Lebesgue-)measurable sets by M and write
E ∈ M.
3 For ease of notation we keep using the (infinite) sequence {J } but we keep in mind that we only use the first finite m
Rem: Once again, we know that by defining M in this way we impose the implicit restriction that
the sets we use to additively split the measurable set must be disjoint (as E and E C obviously
are). This was indeed the reason why we previously laid so much emphasis on the fact that open
sets can be covered by a (finite) number of disjoint intervals. If we do not impose this restriction,
for any A, E ⊂ R, we are only able to claim
E ∈ M ⇔ m∗ (A) ≤ m∗ (A ∩ E) + m∗ (A ∩ E c ) (5.1.7)
m∗ (A ∩ N ) ≤ m∗ (N )
since A ∩ N ⊂ N . And
m∗ (A ∩ N C ) ≤ m∗ (A)
Proof. Suppose I = [a, b] and take any ε > 0 and A ⊂ R. Then we choose a cover for A such that
m (A) ≤ l(In ) ≤ m∗ (A) + ε.
Now let In0 = In ∩ [a, b], ∀n. Clearly these cover A ∩ [a, b] such that we also have
m∗ (A ∩ [a, b]) ≤ l(In0 ).
4 We again only bother to prove the case of the closed interval. The theorem, however, holds in general.
5.1. MEASURE 95
Similarly let In00 = In ∩ [−∞, b] and In000 = In ∩ [a, ∞], ∀n cover [a, b]C such that we have
X ∞
m∗ (A ∩ [a, b]C ) ≤ l(In00 ) + l(In000 ).
n=1 n=1
Def: For any E ∈ M we write m(E) instead of m∗ (E) and call m(E) the Lebesgue measure
of the set E.
Rem: Hence the Lebesgue measure m = M 7→ [0, ∞] is a countably additive set function defined
on a σ−algebra M of measurable sets (properties 1-3 above). The Lebesgue measure of an interval
is its length, and the Lebesgue measure of a null-set is zero. We will return to the discussion of
the Lebesgue measure during the discussion of probability.
We can use the tools we developed above for Lebesgue measures on arbitrary sets: Any set
Ω carrying an outer measure can be equipped with a measure µ defined on a σ−algebra F of
subsets of Ω. The resulting triple (Ω, F, µ) is then called a measure space. We will confine
ourselves, however, with only one particular example: that of probability theory.
Def: Let Ω = (Ω, F, µ) be any measure space. A set E ∈ Ω is called an atom of Ω such that
µ(E) > 0 and, whenever E ⊃ F ∈ F, either
µ(F ) = 0, or µ(E\F ) = 0.
With measurable sets we measured the Lebesgue-measure of sets. With measurable functions
we do not really measure the functions but the areas under them: We integrate. Therefore our
intention is to motivate the idea of the Lebesgue-integral by showing some of the shortcomings of
the usually employed Riemann-integral you know from school (or the September course). Let’s
refresh our memories. Let f : [a, b] 7→ R be a bounded function with a, b ∈ R and P be a partition
of [a, b]. Then, for each i ≤ n, we define the upper (Riemann) sum as
U (P, f ) = sup f (x)(ai − ai−1 ),
i=1 ai−1 ≤ai
The upper integral is the infimum of the set of upper sums (that become smaller and smaller)
for successively finer partitions and the lower integral is the supremum of the set of lower
sums (that become larger and larger) for successively finer partitions of the interval we integrate
over. A function is said to be Riemann-integrable on [a, b] if the lower and the upper integral
coincide. Their common value is called the Riemann-integral.
A useful criterion for checking the integrability is the
Theorem 32. (Riemann Criterion) A function f : [a, b] 7→ R is Riemann-integrable iff for
every ε > 0 there exists a partition Pε such that U (Pε , f ) − L(Pε , f ) < ε.
The important result that links the theory of integration to that of differentiation is
Theorem 33. (Fundamental Theorem of Calculus) Let F : [a, b] 7→ R be equipped with the
continuous derivative f : [a, b] 7→ R, then
Z b
F (b) − F (a) = f (x) dx. (5.1.8)
To see the shortcomings associated with this notion of integrability let us look for an answer
to the following questions:
1. How do we integrate over null-sets? Apparently the ‘area’ above or below the function we
want to integrate depends on the length of the interval [a, b] we integrate over. If a = b we
expect both areas to be zero. But then, by (1), any countable set must also have zero ‘area’ !
2. How can we integrate over unbounded sets or functions without resorting to ‘improper’
3. How can we integrate functions whose values are ‘awkwardly’ distributed? What we mean
by ‘awkward’ is exemplified by the indicator function of Q over [0, 1]
1 if x ∈ Q
1Q (x) ≡ (5.1.9)
0 otherwise.
If we additionally require that each sub-interval of [0, 1] which we allow to be picked for
integration contains both elements of Q and R, then we will always get the ‘upper sum’ as
1 and each ‘lower sum’ as 0. Consequently the Riemann-integral does not exist because the
function is discontinuous at each point.
5.1. MEASURE 97
What we have achieved until now is the following: We have developed a concept of some null-
set N that allows us to define certain properties on e.g. R ∪ N as if we would define them on just
R. This really gives already an answer to most of the questions above, formally
Def: We say that a function f has a property P almost everywhere (a.e.) (or almost surely)
if f has this property at all points of its domain except (possibly) on some null-set.
Exl: The function (
0 for x = 0,
f (x) =
1 otherwise.
is a.e. continuous because {0} is a null-set and f is continuous on R\{0}. /
Given the Riemann approach to the problem of finding the area under general functions,
the Lebesgue integral is really very easy to understand. Consider f : X 7→ Y . We simply
partition not the domain X but the range Y of the function into disjoint (short) intervals {Ii } =
{[ai , ai+1 ]}i≥1 of the same length l([ai , ai+1 ]) and look at the pre-images of these intervals in the
domain f −1 ([ai , ai+1 ]). In general these pre-images will not be intervals but more complicated
sets. If these sets are measurable, we will call the function f measurable, too.
f (x) f (x)
x x
More formally, for each interval [ai , ai+1 ] we define a number ci corresponding to the ‘height’ of
the interval Ii . For instance we can use ci = inf Ii . Then, given all {Ii }i≥1 ∈ M, (the simplest
form of) the Lebesgue integral is defined as
ci m(f −1 (Ii )).
Exl: Any continuous function is measurable. Moreover, every monotone function is measurable.
5 A function is sometimes called Borel-measurable if the sets f −1 (I) are Borel sets but we will not make any distinction.
Theorem 34. The set of real-valued measurable functions defined on E ∈ M is a vector space
closed under addition and multiplication.6
Corollary 37. If {fn } is a sequence of measurable functions defined on E ∈ M and fn (x) → f (x)
almost everywhere, then f (·) is measurable.
5.2 Probability
When we talk about a random variable we mean some quantity that depends on the outcome of
some random experiment such as the toss of a die, draw from an urn, a laboratory measurement,
etc. Such a random variable takes values on a sample space. The sample space is the collection
of possible outcomes of an experiment and is usually denoted by Ω. The possible individual
outcomes themselves are denoted ω ∈ Ω.
Def: A random variable X is a function X : Ω 7→ S taking the sample space into the state
An event E ⊂ Ω is a set of possible outcomes for which the event occurs. The collection
of events we consider is usually denoted by F. The biggest possible such collection would be
the power set ℘(Ω) but it turns out that that is ‘too big’ for most problems with continuous
distributions. For technical reasons relating to probabilities (i.e. that we want them to be non-
negative and sum to 1) we require F to have certain closure properties. The mathematical
construct that meets these requirements is called a σ−algebra. To clarify the origin of the term,
we begin by recalling the concepts of a field, a ring and an algebra from the introductory chapter
Def: A field F = hX, +, ·i is a system of elements X which satisfies for all a, b, c ∈ X the field
axioms for both addition and multiplication
6 I.e. if f, g are measurable functions, then so is f + g and f g.
4. identity: a + 0 = a = 0 + a and a · 1 = a = 1 · a;
5. inverse: a + (−a) = 0 and aa−1 = 1 = a−1 a for a 6= 0 (a−1 is called the multiplicative
Rem: A ring R = hX, +, ·i is an Abelian group under addition and a semigroup under multipli-
Examples for fields include the complex numbers C, the rational numbers Q, and real numbers
R, but not the integers Z, which only form a ring.
Def: An set E is called the unit of a system of sets S, if E ∈ S and A ∩ E = A for all A ∈ S.
Def: An algebra is a ring containing a unit.
Def: A σ−algebra (or Borel algebra) is the collection F of all measurable subsets of R fulfilling
1. R ∈ F, ∅ ∈ F,
2. if E ∈ F then E c ∈ F,
3. if En ∈ F for all n = 1, 2, . . . and Ej ∩ Ek = ∅ for j 6= k, then
[ ∞
m∗ ( En ) = m∗ (En ).
n=1 n=1
Exl: Using the above notation, both (i) F = {∅, R}, and (ii) F = ℘(R) are σ−algebras of R. /
Def: Given any nonempty system of sets R, the unique σ−algebra containing R and contained
in every algebra contained in R is called the minimal σ−algebra generated by R.
Def: The Borel sets are the subsets of the real line belonging to the minimal σ−algebra generated
by the set of all open (or closed, or half-open) intervals (a, b), a < b ∈ R. This particular
(minimal) σ−algebra is typically denoted B.
Exl: By the above definition, all intervals are Borel sets and thus belong to B. Since B is a
σ−algebra, all open sets must belong to B, too, because any open set is a countable union of
intervals. Since the complements of elements are also contained in a σ−algebra, B also contains
all closed intervals. (You are asked in the exercises to show this.) /
Def: A probability assignment (or probability measure) is a rule assigning a number 0 ≤
Pr(A) ≤ 1 to each event A ∈ F:
1. 0 ≤ Pr(A) ≤ 1 for any A ∈ F;
2. Pr(Ω) = 1;
3. For any sequence of disjoint events A1 , A2 , . . . (i.e., Ai ∩ Aj = ∅ for i 6= j),
[ X
Pr( Ai ) = Pr(Ai ).
i≥1 i≥1
Def: A probability (measure) space is a triple (Ω, F, Pr) where Ω is an arbitrary set, F is a
σ−field of subsets of Ω, and Pr is a measurable function on F such that Pr(∅) = 0 and Pr(Ω) = 1.
Def: Suppose that events X, E ∈ F and Pr(E) > 0, then the number
Pr(X ∩ E)
Pr(X|E) = (5.2.1)
where Pr(X|E) is the conditional probability of X given E. Turning this around leads to
Pr(X ∩ E)
Pr(X|E) = .
Pr(E|X) Pr(X)
Pr(X|E) = .
Exl: Assume an agent who wants to submit a bid for an object is uncertain whether the value
of the object v is 0 or 3. He puts prior probability Pr(v = 3) = 1/2 on each of the two possible
states. Further assume that the agent receives some signal s ∈ {0, 1} before he bids which gives
him additional information. The signal’s conditional probabilities Pr(s|v) are given by:
Given the signal s = 1, he will revise his prior Pr(v = 3) as follows by applying Bayes’ Rule
Clearly, Pr(s = 1|v = 3) = 3/4 , the prior Pr(v = 3) = 1/2 , and Pr(s = 1) = (1/2 )1/4 + (1/2 )3/4 =
4/ . So the posterior Pr(v = 3|s = 1) is
3/ 1/ 3
4 2
Pr(v = 3|s = 1) = 1/
= .
2 4
Given the signal s = 0, the agent learns nothing, i.e. his posterior equals his prior. /
A natural way of saying that the event X is probabilistically independent of another event E is that
if, whenever E takes place, this has no influence on the probability of X, i.e. Pr(X|E) = Pr(X).
By the above definition this implies
Def: The events X, E ∈ F are independent if
If this cdf is a continuous and differentiable function, its derivative f (x0 ) ≡ F 0 (x0 ) is called the
probability density function (pdf) of X, and X is said to have a continuous distribution. If instead
it is piecewise constant, changing only by jumps of size pk at the possible values xk of X, then
the function assigning pk = f (xk ) is called the probability function for X and X is called discrete.
Def: A probability density function (pdf) gives the probability density of a random variable
X taking a particular value x0
f (X) ≡ Pr(x0 ).
Rem: Let X be a random variable with pdf f (X) and C 1 cdf F (X). Then we have the following
useful properties
1. F 0 (X) = f (X),
Z +∞
2. f (X) dx = 1.
The ‘same’ random variable X can be constructed in lots of different ways, with lots of different
sample-spaces and even different state spaces—but the distribution µX is unique, whatever Ω
we use. In fact, for real-valued random variables we can always use the canonical probability
space (R, B, µX ), thinking of the ‘random experiment’ as simply observing X, and the ‘possible
outcomes’ as all real numbers x ∈ R. Then the probability assignment is just the distribution
g(µ)f (X|µ)
g(µ|X) = Z .
f (X|µ)g(µ)dµ
If g(µ) and f (X|µ) are both normal, O’Hara (1995, p87) derives the posterior distribution as
normal, too. This is a very nice feature: If the prior is normal and the random variable is
normally distributed, too, then the posterior remains normal. /
Reading: A systematic treatment of expected utility theory is (Mas-Colell, Whinston, and Green
1995, chapter 6).
Expected utility theory is the workhorse of modern economics under uncertainty. The theory
has been developed by John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern in the late 20’s of last century
and was at the centre of their later ‘Theorie der Gesellschaftsspiele.’ In this chapter we will
explain the well-known problems the theory faces and try to convince you that in general the
theory can overcome some but not all of these problems. We will indicate in which direction the
theory can be modified to accommodate all known ‘paradoxes.’ We will introduce and discuss
measures of risk attitude of decision makers. We will end with the discussion of several measures
of the riskiness of generalised lotteries that will allow us to apply the integral results we derived
in the previous chapter.
Def: The expected value of a random variable x drawn from the continuous distribution F (x),
symbolically x ∼ F (x) is Z +∞
E[x] = xdF (x).
Def: A lottery v = (p1 , . . . , pn ), pi ≥ 0, pi = 1 is a collection of probabilities for the sure
outcomes x1 , . . . , xn . We denote the space of lotteries by L.
Def: In the discrete case, a von Neumann-Morgenstern expected utility function U (·)
represents preferences among lotteries v = (p1 , . . . , pn ) ∈ L such that7
U (v) = pi u(xi ).
Def: If we represent the probabilities in a lottery by a continuous random variable, the expected
Rem: Since the single events in a cdf F (·) sum to one, F (·) can be interpreted as a lottery over
mutually exclusive outcomes.
Rem: Bernoulli utility functions of risk averse agents in [x, u(x)] space are concave. The more
concave they are, the more risk-averse is the agent (as depicted in figure 5.3). Conversely, the
expected utility functions of risk loving agents are strictly convex. Notice that this result follows
directly from Jensen’s inequality
Z +∞ Z +∞
u(x)dF (x) ≤ u( xdF (x)). (5.3.1)
−∞ −∞
u(x) u(x)
u(3) u(x)
u(2) u(3)
1 1
2 u(1) + 2 u(3)
2 u(1) + 12 u(3)
£ £
1 2 3 1 2 3
Figure 5.3: Expected utility functions of a risk averse (left) and a risk loving (right) decision-maker.
Rem: The level sets of expected utility functions for n outcomes can be represented in an n − 1
dimensional simplex. In its three dimensional case, a simplex ∆ = {p ∈ Rn :
pi = 1} can
be graphically represented by an equilateral triangle with altitude 1. Each perpendicular then
can be interpreted as the probability of the outcome at the opposing vertex. Thus every point
in the triangle represents a lottery. This is shown in figure 5.4 for the three sure outcomes
£3, £2, £1 placed at the vertices. Notice that these vertices represent degenerate lotteries (i.e.
pi = 1, pj6=i = 0). The Lottery Q = {1 : p1 , 2 : p2 , 3 : p3 }, with all probabilities equal to one
third, is drawn below.
Def: Given a Bernoulli utility function u(·), the certainty equivalent of F (·), denoted c(F, u)
is the amount of money for which the individual is indifferent between the gamble F (·) and the
certain amount c(F, u); that is,
Z +∞
u(c(F, u)) = u(x)dF (x).
£3 £3
p2 p1 1 f+
£1 £2 £1 £2
(a) (b)
Def: Assume u(·) is twice differentiable and increasing. Then the Arrow-Pratt coefficient of
absolute risk aversion r(·) of Bernoulli utility functions (CARA) defined over outcomes xi is
u00 (x)
r(x) = − .
u0 (x)
Rem: Motivation for CARA. We know that linearity of u(·)—that is u00 (·) = 0— implies risk
neutrality. This suggests that we should look at the function’s curvature to get an idea of the
risk behaviour of the agent. The following figure should make this idea clearer: at x, both u1 (·)
and u2 (·) give the same utility u(x), but the lotteries {x − ε, x + ε} are evaluated differently by
the two agents. Hence the shape of the utility function gives an indication of the degree of risk
u1 (·)
u2 (·)
x−ε x x+ε
c(F, u2) c(F, u1)
Since the certainty equivalent c(F, u) is bigger for the utility function with the higher curvature,
we would expect that risk aversion increases with larger curvature. This is indeed the case. The
proof, however, is left to you.
Rem: Indifference curves that show a CARA higher than unity have a steeper slope than de-
pictions of the mathematical expectation that are shown as dashed lines in figure 5.4. Steeper
indifference curves cross the (dashed) iso-expectation lines in the above figure in direction of
increasing expectation. Thus the agent has to be made indifferent for accepting higher risk by
being given higher expected payoffs—she is risk averse (left of figures 5.3 & 5.4). The reverse
holds if the agent accepts higher risks with lower expectations—she is risk loving (right of figures
5.3 & 5.4).
Exl: Consider the Bernoulli utility functions u1 (x) = x 2 and u2 (x) = x2 . Compare the CARA of
the two utility functions. We get the following tables
u = x2
10 u0 = 2x
u00 = 2
0 1 2 3 4 5
r = − x1
r = − uu0
u = x2
0 1 − 12
u = 2x
1 2 3 4 5
–2 u00 = − 14 x− 2
Figure 5.7: The derivatives and CARA of x 2 .
p3F G(x)
0 x 0 x
E[G(x)] E[F(x)] £1 £2 £3
(a) (b)
Figure 5.8: Stochastic dominance in the discrete case (left) and the continuous case (right). Distribution
F first-order stochastically dominates G if distribution F is always at or below the distribution G.
Rem: Fosd is a straightforward extension of the relation ‘’ to the stochastic case: More is better.
‘’ describes a weak order over the continuous probability distributions F and G rather than over
the simple probability measures u and v. So essentially, the discrete probabilities in a lottery are
replaced by a continuous distribution function. Fosd implies that the mean of F is larger than
that of G; it does not imply, however, that each probability value of F (xi ) is larger than that
of G(xi ). Actually, the discrete version of the definition of fosd is F (xi ) ≤ G(xi ) for every xi .
Stochastic dominance of distribution F over G means that F gives unambiguously higher returns
9 Notice that it follows that the mean of F is bigger than that of G. We’ll skip the limits from now on if there is no risk
of confusion.
than G.
Def: Let two probability distributions F, G share the same mean (i.e. xdF (x) = xdG(x)).
Then distribution F second-order stochastically dominates (sosd) distribution G if for con-
cave u(·) Z Z
u(x)dF (x) ≥ u(x)dG(x). (5.3.2)
Rem: Sosd is about distributions with the same mean (expected value) but reflecting different risks
such as a mean preserving spread of a given distribution. Consequently distributions exhibiting
sosd have the same expectations, but the dominated distribution poses a higher risk. Hence, if
F sosd’s G, for all x0 we have Z x0 Z x0
G(t)dt ≥ F (t)dt.
−∞ −∞
Rem: The idea of Sosd is captured by a mean-preserving spread of a given distribution F (·).
This is best illustrated in an example.
Exl: Let F (·) be an even probability distribution between 2 and 3 pounds (i.e. giving probability
2 to both outcomes). We now ‘spread’ the 2 dollars outcome to an even probability between 1
and 2 pounds, and the 3 pounds outcome to an even probability between 3 and 4 pounds (i.e.
giving probability 4 to all outcomes). We call the resulting distribution G(·). Notice that our
probability manipulations do not change the mean of the distributions E(F (·)) = E(G(·)). This
example is shown in figure 5.9 along another example for the continuous case. /
Pr Pr
F (·) F (·)
1 1
1 1
2 2
1 B
4 A
x x
1 2 3 4 x x0
Figure 5.9: A mean-preserving spread in the discrete case (left) and the continuous case (right).
Exl: Let x be uniformly distributed on the unit interval: x ∼ U[0,1] . The expectation of x on
U[0,1] is 12 . (The general expectation of x on U[a,b] is b−a
2 .)
The probability density f (x) is given
Z 1
F (1)=1 2 1
by 1 = 1. Integrating over the left half unit interval for x ≤ 12 gives x dx = . /
0 2
Exl: The expectation of the minimum draw E[min(X)] from n random draws of the random
variable A ∼ U[a,b] is 1+N . What is the expectation of the 2nd smallest draw? What’s the
relevance of this for (second price) auctions? /
Where θ ∼ F[a,b] and π 0 (θ), the first derivative of π(θ), is known as π 0 (θ) = p(θ) − 1. Exogenously,
we find that π(a) = 1 and π(b) = 0. We know that F (a) = 0 and F (b) = 1.
We do not really know how to do this since the function π(θ) does not (directly) depend on the
maximand p(θ). But fortunately we (should) know how to integrate by parts , which gives
Z b b
Z b
f (θ)g0 (θ) dθ = f (x)g(x) | − f (θ)0 g(θ) dθ. (5.3.4)
a a a
This simplifies to
Z b Z b
f (θ)π(θ) dθ = (π(b)F (b) − π(a)F (a)) − π 0 (θ)F (θ) dθ
a Z b a
= 0− π 0 (θ)F (θ) dθ
Z ba
This could be simplified further but without ‘real’ application, it is difficult to see why this would
be helpful.10 It is, however, presently helpful to reconsider our optimisation problem (5.3.3) with
our above result substituted
Z b
max {αp(θ)f (θ) − (1 − α) [p(θ) − 1)F (θ)]} dθ.
p(θ) a
We have entirely removed the dependency on π(θ) and can happily maximise by taking derivatives
wrt p(θ). /
10 The model by (Baron and Myerson 1982) we looked at in exercise 3.4.6 is such a ‘real’ application.
Exc 5.1: Prove the following assertion: If instead of the family of all intervals we take the family
of all open intervals as the basis of the definition of the Borel sets (page 99), then the minimal
σ−algebra B remains unchanged.
Exc 5.2: Consider the problem
max x2 + 2y 2 − x
x,y (5.3.5)
s.t.: g(x, y) = x2 + y 2 ≤ 1.
(i) Write down the Lagrangian and find the critical points.
(ii) What is the complementary slackness condition?
(iii) There are 5 candidates for (x,y) satisfying the necessary conditions. Find the solution to
Exc 5.3: Solve the problem
max y − x2
s.t.: (i) g1 (x, y) = x + e−x ≤ y
(ii) g2 (x) = x ≥ 0.
max ln x1 (x2 + x3 )
s.t.: (i) g1 (x) = x1 + x2 + x3 ≤ 1
(ii) g2 (x) = x1 ≥ 1
(iii) g3 (x) = x21 + x22 ≤ 2.
max (x − 1)3
s.t.: (i) g1 (x) = −x ≤ 0,
(ii) g2 (x) = x ≤ 2.
max 3x + y
s.t.: (i) g1 (x, y) = y ≤ (1 − x)3 ,
(ii) g2 (x) = x ≥ 0,
(iii) g3 (y) = y ≥ 0.
(i) Find the solution graphically and show that the constraint qualification is violated.
(ii) Solve the problem algebraically using the Kuhn-Tucker approach. The unique solution is
(x, y) = (0, 1) with associated multipliers λ = (1, 0, 0). Is this an optimum?
Exc 5.8: Show that fosd (as defined in (5.3.2)) implies F (x) ≤ G(x) for all discrete x (as claimed
in our remark on page 106).
Exc 5.9: (Mas-Colell, Whinston, and Green 1995, 213:6.D.1) The purpose of this exercise is to
prove Proposition 6.D.1. (page 195) in a two-dimensional probability simplex. This proposition
reads as:
Proposition 6.D.1: The distribution of monetary payoffs F (·) first-order stochastically dominates
the distribution G(·) iff F (x) ≤ G(x)for every x.
Suppose that there are three monetary outcomes: 1 pound, 2 pounds, and 3 pounds. Consider
the probability simplex of figure 6.B.1 (b) (page 169—we have done this in ETA).
1. For a given lottery L over these outcomes, determine the region of the probability simplex in
which lie the lotteries whose distributions first-order stochastically dominate the distribution
of L.
2. Given a lottery L, determine the region of the probability simplex in which lie the lotteries
L0 such that F (x) ≤ G(x) for every x, where F (·) is the distribution of L0 and G(·) is the
distribution of L. (Hint: We get the same region.)
Exc 5.10: Optional (Mas-Colell, Whinston, and Green 1995, 213:6.D.4) The purpose of this
exercise is to verify the equivalence of the three statements of Proposition 6.D.2 (page 199) in a
two-dimensional probability simplex. This proposition reads as:
Proposition 6.D.2: Consider two distributions F (·)and G(·) with the same mean. Then the
following statements are equivalent:
(i) F (·) second-order stochastically dominates G(·).
(ii) G(·)
Z ∞ is a mean-preserving
Z ∞ spread of F (·).
(iii) G(t) dt ≥ F (t) dt for all x.
0 0
Suppose there are three monetary outcomes: 1, 2, and 3 pounds. Consider the probability simplex
of figure 6.B.1 (b).
1. If two lotteries have the same mean, what are their positions relative to each other in the
probability simplex?
2. Given a lottery L, determine the region of the probability simplex in which lie the lotteries
Machine-supported mathematics
Reading: Mathematica 4.1: (Wolfram 1999),1 Maple 7: Springer’s maple book,2 MatLab 6:
Whatever MatLab book. An excellent source of applications of Mathematica to economics is
(Varian 1992a).
The purpose of this chapter is to familiarise you with the computer as a tool to solve math-
ematical problems applied to economics (or, preferably, an MSc in Economics). While the first
section is little more than an overview of selected relevant commands, the second section consists
of an in-depth illustration of how to use the software to solve Lagrangian constrained optimisation
problems. This includes an introduction Maple programming. While nothing in this chapter will
help you at your exams, it may be expected that it is a vital supplement for ‘real-life’ quantitative
Individual commands
• Det[M = {{2, 3, 4, 6}, {7, 8, 5, 2}, {2, 3, 1, 1}, {3, 5, 4, −1}}] gives the determinant of the ma-
2 3 4 6
7 8 5 2
2 3 1 1
3 5 4 −1
• Series[eqn, y, x] solves a differential equation for the function y, with independent variable
Exl: P lot[{xˆ2, 2x, 2}, {x, 0, 4}]; produces the output of (part of) figure 5.6. /
• ContourP lot[f [x, y], {x, xmin, xmax}, {y, ymin, xmax}] generates a plot of the level sets of
f in the stated range of x and y.
Exl: ContourP lot[xˆ3 + yˆ3, {x, −5, 5}, {y, −5, 5}] produces /
Linear programming
• LinearProgramming[]
• ConstrainedMax[], ConstrainedMin[] are implementations of the LinearProgramming[] func-
Exl: ConstrainedM ax[x + y, {x < 1, y < 2}, {x, y}] gives {3, {x− > 1, y− > 2}}. /
See (Wolfram 1999, Section 3.9.9).
• D[f, x] gives the partial derivative ∂x .
• D[f, {x, n}] gives the multiple derivative ∂xn .
∂f ∂f
• D[f, x1 , x2 , . . .] gives ∂x1 ∂x2 . . ..
• D[f, x] can be input as ∂x f . The character ∂ can be substituted by P artialD[]. The variable
x is entered as a subscript.
• All quantities that do not explicitly depend on the xi are taken to have zero partial derivative.
• D[f, x1 , . . . , N on − Constants7→{v1 , . . .}] specifies that the vi implicitly depend on the xi ,
so that they do not have zero partial derivatives.
• The derivatives of built-in mathematical functions are evaluated when possible in terms of
other built-in mathematical functions.
• Numerical approximations to derivatives can be found using N .
• D uses the chain rule to simplify derivatives of unknown functions.
• D[f, x, y] can be input as a. The character ∂x,y f .
• Total derivatives can be obtained with Dt.
Integrals R
• Integrate[f, x] gives the indefinite integral f (x) dx.
R x max
• Integrate[f, {x, xmin, xmax}] gives the definite integral x min f (x) dx.
R x max R y max
• Integrate[f, {x, xmin, xmax}, {y, ymin, ymax}] gives the multiple integral x min dx y min f (x, y) dy.
• Integrate[f, x] can be entered as f dx.
• Multiple integrals use a variant of the standard iterator notation. The first variable given
corresponds to the outermost integral, and is done last.
• Integrate can evaluate integrals of rational functions. It can also evaluate integrals that
involve exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions, so long
as the result comes out in terms of the same set of functions.
• Integrate can give results in terms of many special functions.
• Integrate carries out some simplification on integrals it cannot explicitly do.
• You can get a numerical result by applying N to a definite integral.
• You can assign values to patterns involving Integrate to give results for new classes of
• The integration variable can be any expression. However, Integrate uses only its literal
form. The object d(xn ), for example, is not converted to nxn−1 dx.
• For indefinite integrals, Integrate tries to find results that are correct for almost all values
of parameters.
• For definite integrals, the following options can be given:
– P rincipalV alue7→F alse . . . whether to find Cauchy principal values
– GenerateConditions7→T rue . . . whether to generate answers that involve conditions on
– Assumptions7→{. . .} . . . assumptions to make about relations between parameters
• Integrate can evaluate essentially all indefinite integrals and most definite integrals listed
in standard books of tables.
• In StandardForm, Integrate[f, x] is output as a f dx.
xn dx produces
Exl: 1+n . /
See (Wolfram 1999, Sections 1.4.4, 1.5.3, 3.5.6).
Differential equations
• DSolve[eqn, y, x] solves a differential equation for the function y, with independent variable
• DSolve[{eqn1 , eqn2 , . . .}, {y1 , y2 , . . .}, x] solves a list of differential equations.
• DSolve[eqn, y, {x1 , x2 , . . .}] solves a partial differential equation.
• DSolve[eqn, y[x], x] gives solutions for y[x] rather than for the function y itself.
• Differential equations must be stated in terms of derivatives such as y 0 [x], obtained with D,
not total derivatives obtained with Dt.
2x = 4λx3 , 2y = 4λy 3 , x4 + y 4 = 1.
> restart:
> f := (x,y) -> x^2+y^2;
> g := (x,y) -> x^4+y^4-1;
> eq1 := diff(f(x,y),x)=lambda*diff(g(x,y),x);
> eq2 := diff(f(x,y),y)=lambda*diff(g(x,y),y);
> eq3 := g(x,y)=0;
> solution := solve({eq1,eq2,eq3},{x,y,lambda});
> f(1,0);
> f(-1,0);
> allvalues(solution[3]);
Discussion: The first few lines of code define f and g as well as the equations to be solved. In
this example we are using only one constraint for demonstration purposes, but our code would
be easily modified to using two or more constraints. Then we ask Maple to solve our system; this
is where the magic occurs. While this problem might have looked innocuous at the beginning,
it has 8 solutions—in typing f(1,0); and f(-1,0); we are checking the values of f at the first
two solutions to determine what the extrema of f are. When we get to the third solution we find
that unknowns are expressed as solutions to equations; by typing allvalues(solution[3]);
we express all the unknowns of the third solution numerically so we can evaluate f at the third
solution. Since we find that one of the unknowns is imaginary (Maple uses I to denote −1 2 ), we
do not need to evaluate f at the third solution. The 5 remaining solutions are found accordingly.
Solve some of your previous assignments for yourself in Maple.
Chapter 7
Fixed points
Reference: I found (Franklin 1980) to be a very readable and insightful source of ideas particu-
larly on fixed points. On a more fundamental level, (Munkres 2000) is an excellent and complete
treatment of general topology and fixed point theory. There are a few pages in the mathematical
appendix of (Mas-Colell, Whinston, and Green 1995) that give a very brief summary of the most
commonly used fixed point theorems. A most valuable and concise introduction to fixed point
theory from an economists’ point of view is Border (1985). Ferreira (1996) is a short but fruitful
introduction on the subject of fixed points.
7.1 Motivation
7.1.1 Some topological ideas
Informally speaking, topology is the study of those properties that an object retains under
deformation—specifically, bending, stretching and squeezing, but not breaking or tearing. Thus,
a triangle is topologically equivalent to a circle but not to a straight line segment because as soon
as you have collapsed the triangle into a line, you cannot extract the triangle back without using
a non-bijective mapping.1 Similarly, a solid cube made of modeling clay could be deformed into
a ball by kneading. It could not, however, be molded into a solid torus (ring) unless a hole were
bored through it or two surfaces were joined together. A solid cube is therefore not topologically
equivalent to a ring.
More precisely, if there are given two geometric objects or sets of points (and a metric) and
if some two-way transformation (or mapping) takes each point p of either set into one and only
one point p0 of the other and if the transformation is continuous in the sense (that is made
more precise in Definition (7.1.2)) that points close to p become points close to p0 and vice
versa, then the transformation is called a homeomorphism and the two sets are said to be
topologically equivalent. Topology is, then, the study of properties that remain invariant
under homeomorphisms. Below is a simple example of such a homeomorphism h(·) of the straight
line x into the curve y. Before we go on let us define this in a less chatty way.
1 Let us refer to both functions and correspondences as mappings.
Figure 7.1: A homeomorphism h(·) of the straight line x into a curved set y.
Def: Let (X, dX ) and (Y, dY ) be two metric spaces and let f : X 7→ Y be a mapping of the
first into the second space so that y = f (x) ∈ Y for each x ∈ X. The function f (·) is said to
be continuous at x0 if, given any ε > 0, there exists a δ > 0 such that dY (f (x), f (x0 )) < ε
whenever dX (x, x0 ) < δ. f (·) is said to be continuous if it is continuous at every x ∈ X.
Def: Given the above two metric spaces (X, dX ) and (Y, dY ), let f (·) be a one-to-one mapping of
X onto Y and suppose that both f and its inverse f −1 : Y 7→ X exist and are continuous. Then
f is called a homeomorphism (between X and Y ).
Exl: The function
1 1
y = f (x) = arctan x +
π 2
establishes a homeomorphism between all of R, i.e. (−∞, ∞), and (−1, 1). /
You may agree that it is an interesting question to ask whether there are points in the trans-
formed objects or sets that are invariant (i.e. do not move) under homeomorphisms. We call
such points fixed points. Spaces like x and y of figure 7.1 are maybe not terribly interesting. But
fortunately, our theorems about fixed points generalise to more important applications. It is true,
for instance, that at any instant there is always at least one place on the Earth’s surface where
the wind is not blowing. This fact is a direct consequence of the fixed-point theorems that we
will look at in the following section, which state that every homeomorphism of a round spherical
surface onto itself either leaves at least one point fixed or sends some point into its diametric
Def: Let A ⊂ Rn and f : A 7→ A be a mapping of the A into itself. Then a vector x ∈ A is called
a fixed point of f (·) if x = f (x) (if f (·) is a function), or x ∈ f (x) (if f (·) is a correspondence).
Before we talk about fixed point existence theorems, we should pause for a minute and con-
template what we are doing. Look at a fixed point equation in the definition above: The result
of the mapping is the original point—in other words, the mapping leaves the original point un-
changed. For a mapping f (·) of the unit disk onto itself, this looks like in figure 7.2 below. Now
suppose the mapping leaves (at least) one point in the same place: then we have x = y = f (x), a
fixed point. You see: every equation can be a fixed point equation. If this does not convince you,
x = f (x)
f (x)
Figure 7.2: Two mappings of the unit disk; the right panel shows a fixed point.
maybe this will: consider the equation g(x) = 0. We can turn this equation into a fixed point
equation by simply writing
x = x + g(x)
Since we can do this to any equation, our discussion is extremely general: we are indeed talking
about all possible equations. The drawback in our discussion is that none of the results we will
look at below is constructive—an exception is the Contraction Mapping Theorem which we will
look at now.2
Def: Let (X, d) be a metric space. A function f : X 7→ X is called a contraction if there is some
0 ≤ θ < 1 such that for every pair x, y ∈ X
Rem: Every contraction mapping is continuous because (7.1.1) says that for every sequence
{xn }∞
n=1 , f (xn ) 7→ f (x) whenever xn 7→ x.
2 If you forgot all the stuff about metric spaces, Cauchy sequences and completeness it is a good idea to look these up
between x, y.
This can be made arbitrarily small for sufficiently large n, since θ < 1. Since X is complete and
the sequence {xn } is a Cauchy sequence, we know that it has a limit
x = lim xn .
Hence the existence of the fixed point f (x) = x is ensured. Concerning the uniqueness of x,
notice that since both f (x) = x, and f (y) = y, (7.1.1) becomes
with constant θ < 1. Then f (·) is a contraction mapping and, by the above theorem,
x0 , x1 = f (x0 ), x2 = f (x1 ), . . .
converges to a unique fixed point which is the root of the equation f (x) = x. In particular, the
contraction condition (7.1.2) holds if f (·) is C 1 on X such that
f 0 (x) ≤ θ < 1.
This is illustrated in figure 7.3 for the cases of a positively and negatively sloped function f (·).
The alert reader will undoubtedly recognise the connection to the heroic but futile attempts of
the two hedgehogs on the cover page. /
Rem: The above theorem can be used to prove existence and uniqueness of the solution to a
system of linear equations Ax = x. Additional applications, many of which are very interesting,
are obtained if the underlying metric space is a function space: then existence and uniqueness
4 If you are curious about this condition take a look at the definition of Lipschitz continuity, p.41.
f (·) f (·)
b f (x) = x b f (x) = x
f (·) f (a)
f (b)
f (x)
f (x)
f (a) f (b) f (·)
a x a x
a x ... x1 x0 b a x0 x x1 b
Figure 7.3: ‘Successive approximation’ for the cases of 0 < f 0 (x) < 1 (left) and −1 < f 0 (x) < 0 (right).
theorems for differential and integral equations such as the Picard-Lindelöf Theorem (which we
will meet in a later chapter) can be proved using this technique.
Contraction mappings are well behaved and typically easy to study. Unfortunately, (7.1.1) is
often too strong a requirement to be applicable. Therefore we take the chance of introducing an
alternative concept which is less stringent in its requirements as a motivation for the following
discussion of fixed point theorems.
Def: Let X be a metric space. A mapping T : X 7→ X is nonexpansive if, for every x, y ∈ X,
kT x − T yk ≤ kx − yk.
The following two subsections are optional. They can be skipped without loosing much in terms
of understanding the fixed point results in the next section. If you want to get a feeling for
the generality with which these theorems apply, however, you should work through the present
subsections as well.
Def: A topological space is a pair (X, τ ) where X is a set and τ is a collection of subsets of X
Rem: The sets in τ are called open sets and τ is called the topology.
Exl: Points in the n-dimensional Euclidean space are n-tuples of numbers (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ). Basis
elements are the interiors of balls in which the distance between p = (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) and q =
(y1 , y2 , . . . , yn ) is the square root of d(p, q) = (y1 − x1 )2 + (y2 − x2 )2 + . . . + (yn − xn )2 . /
Rem: For a collection of objects that is to be regarded as a topological space with its elements
as points, it is sufficient to describe the subsets of the collection that are to be called open sets.
One possibility is to define all subsets as open, even the one-point sets. The resulting topology is
called the discrete topology.
Def: Let (X, τ ) and (X 0 , τ 0 ) be topological spaces. Let f : X 7→ Y be a bijection. If both the
function f and the inverse function f −1 : Y 7→ X exist and are continuous, then f is called a
homeomorphism .
Def: Let (X, τ ) and (X 0 , τ 0 ) be topological spaces. The function f : X 7→ X is said to be
continuous if for all sets A ∈ τ 0 the set f −1 (A) = {x ∈ X | f (x) ∈ A} ∈ τ . We express this by
saying the inverse of open sets are open.
Def: A collection of open sets {Oα }α∈A is called an open cover of the set M if5
M⊂ Oα .
Theorem 39. (Heine-Borel) A set M is compact iff every open cover of M has a finite
subcover, i.e., a finite subcollection of {Oα }α∈A , say {O1 , . . . , Ok }, such that M ⊂ ki=1 Oi .
Exl: Let M be the closed and unbounded interval [0, ∞). Let k ∈ (A = N ) and define Ok =
(k − 2, k + 2). Then {Ok }k∈N is an open cover of M but there exists no finite subcover. /
Def: A topological space (X, τ ) is called a Hausdorff space if for any two points x, y ∈ X with
x 6= y there are open neighbourhoods of x and y say U (x) and U (y) such that U (x) ∩ U (y) = ∅.
5 This is actually an alternative definition of an open set. Its advantage is that it readily extends to the infinite case.
Def: The open ε-ball about the point x in the metric space (X, d) denoted Bε (x) is the set
{yX | d(x, y) < ε}. A set is open if for any x ∈ X there is some ε > 0 such that Bε (x) ⊂ X. A
set is closed if its complement is open.
Rem: A sequence of points (xi ) ∈ X is said to converge to x ∈ X if for any ε > 0 there is some
integer N such that for all n > N, xn ∈ Bε (x). x is then called the limit of the sequence and the
sequence itself is called convergent. This allows an alternative definition of a closed set: A set is
closed if every convergent sequence in the set converges to a point in the set.
Def: A sequence (xi ) in a metric space (X, d) is called Cauchy sequence if
lim d(xp , xq ) = 0.
Def: A metric space (X, d) is called complete metric space if every Cauchy sequence in (X, d)
converges to a limit in X.
We start by weakening the concept of continuity for functions, then define set-valued functions
(or correspondences) and develop similar ideas there. Then we shall have all the tools in place
which are necessary for the discussion of fixed point existence theorems.
Def: A real function f : X ⊂ Rn 7→ R is called upper semi-continuous at x0 ∈ X if, given
any ε > 0, there is a x ∈ Nε (x0 ) such that f (x) < f (x0 ) + ε. Similarly, f is called lower semi-
continuouslower semi-continuous (lsc) at x0 ∈ X if, given any ε > 0, there is a x ∈ Nε (x0 )
such that f (x) > f (x0 ) − ε. f (·) is called usc (lsc) if it is usc (lsc) everywhere.
Exl: Take a continuous function f and ‘replace’ the value the function takes at x0 with a value
larger than the original f (x0 ). The resulting function is upper semi-continuous. Conversely, if we
decrease the original f (x0 ), the function becomes lower semi-continuous. Figure 7.4 shows such
a function that is usc at x0 and lsc at x1 . (That is, f is neither usc nor lsc.) /
f (x0) f (·)
f (x1)
x0 x1 X
V V {ym } → y 0
F (x) ∈
/V (x, F (x)) (x, F (x))
X x x1 x0 X x1 {xm} → x x1
Figure 7.5: A correspondence F that is lhc but not uhc (left), one that is uhc but not lhc (right) and one
that is neither (in between).
Rem: Notice that the definition of uhc and lhc reduce to the usual definition of continuity for
single-valued correspondences (i.e. a single-valued uhc/lhc correspondence is continuous).
Exl: Figure 7.6 shows a correspondence F : X ⇒ R which is unbounded at x0 . Therefore the
graph Γ(F (x0 )) is not closed in R at x0 and the correspondence is not uhc. It is not uhc at x2
either because, again, Γ(F (x2 )) fails to be closed. F (·) is not lhc at x0 because the limit of the
sequence {ym } → ∞ is not in R. It is not lhc at x3 for the same reason as above—no interior
point in F (x3 ) can be made the limit of a sequence {ym }. F (·) is not lhc at x2 because the lower
branch’s limit does not exist for any sequence {ym }. It is lhc at x1 , though, because both limits
exist in the graph Γ(F (x1 )). /
F (·)
x0 x1 x2 x3 X
Figure 7.6: A correspondence that is neither uhc nor lhc at x0 (where F (x0 ) goes off to ∞), lhc but not
uhc at x1 , neither uhc nor lhc at x2 , and uhc but not lhc at x3 .
Brouwer’s Theorem says that if a ball (or its topological equivalent) is mapped continuously onto
itself, then at least one point must be mapped onto itself. More formally
Theorem 40. (Brouwer 1910) Let K be a non-empty, compact and convex set in Rn and f :
K 7→ K a continuous function. Then f has a fixed point x∗ ∈ K, i.e. a point x∗ such that
f (x∗ ) = x∗ .
Proof. The involved apparatus to show the general case is too massive to be introduced here. If
you are interested, please consult a good book on topology or fixed-point theory as e.g. (Hurewicz
and Wallman 1948). Alternative and more approachable proofs of Brouwer’s Theorem can be
found in (Binmore 1992, 223) and (Munkres 2000, 351).
Discussion For the case of n=1, it is easy to see why the theorem holds. We look at the unit
interval x ∈ [0, 1] ≡ K mapped into itself f (x) ∈ [0, 1] = K. Brouwer’s Theorem says that we
will get at least one fixed point with f (x) − x = 0. We know that f (x) − x is continuous because
f (x) is continuous. By definition of K we have both
0 ≤ f (x) ≤ 1 and 0 ≤ x ≤ 1.
Therefore, we must have f (x) − x ≥ 0 for x = 0 and f (x) − x ≤ 0 for x = 1. Since the fixed point
function’s graph starts out above the abscissa and ends up below the abscissa and is continuous,
we know that there exists a point where it intersects the abscissa. At such a point we have a
fixed point
f (x) − x = 0.
1 1
f (x) = x f (x) = x
f (·)
f (·)
0 0
0 x 1 0 x 1
Figure 7.7: Indispensability of the continuity assumption in Brouwer’s fixed point theorem.
We can also capture the intuition for the case of n=2 graphically. Let’s define K to be the
unit disk K ≡ |x| ≤ 1. Then we get a mapping like in figure 7.2. Imagine that the function f (x)
continuously maps x into f (x) by a rotation of, say, 45◦ . Since the domain and the range must
be the same unit disk, at least one point must remain fixed—in the case of our example it is the
Another intuitive argument given by (Luce and Raiffa 1957, 392) goes as follows: Again let K
be the unit ball (i.e. the unit disk in the plane) and let S be a sphere (i.e. a circle in the plane);
further let f : K 7→ K be a mapping that takes x ∈ K into f (x) ∈ K. If f had no fixed point,
i.e., if the image of every point were to be distinct from the point itself, then we could perform
the following trick. For each x, let g(x) denote the point where the ray beginning at f (x) and
passing through x intersects the boundary of the disk, i.e. the circle S; hence g : K 7→ S. Let’s
leave point of K already on the boundary fixed, i.e. for x ∈ S let g(x) = x. Since f (x) 6= x and
since f is continuous, it follows that g is also continuous. But a function which maps the whole
disk onto its boundary (keeping boundary points fixed) necessitates ‘ripping’ the interior of the
disk, i.e. there must be points ‘close’ together in the interior of S which under the mapping are
shoved ‘far apart.’ Consider, for example, the two points x, y close together at the centre of the
disk shown in figure 7.8. Thus g is not continuous, contrary to what we have shown above. The
assumption that got us into this contradiction was that f had no fixed point, so we must conclude
that f (x) = x for some x.
f (y) x
f (x) y
f (·) g(·)
f (x)
Figure 7.8: A trick that does not work: g : K 7→ S cannot be continuous if it does not have a fixed point.
Rem: The case of n=1 is really Bolzano’s Intermediate Value Theorem that you probably
know from school. It says that a continuous function f : [a, b] 7→ R takes all intermediate values
between the extreme ones min, max, i.e. for each y ∈ [min, max] there is a x ∈ [a, b] such that
y = f (x).
Discussion We only represent the intuition for the n=1-dimensional case. All elements that we
identified as crucial in the case of Brouwer’s Theorem are still in place. In addition, we require a
convex-valued graph. This is illustrated in figure 7.9.
The (somewhat minimal) property of the correspondence that does not allow it to vanish as
it approaches the diagonal is the uhc property which plays the same role as the full continuity
assumption of the function in Brouwer’s Theorem. Notice that uhc alone is insufficient because
the correspondence could ‘jump’ over the diagonal (both up and down) while still possessing a
closed graph. The requirement for the graph Γ(F (·)) to be convex-valued excludes such jumps.
Reading: (Nash 1950), (Fudenberg and Tirole 1991, 29f), (Sundaram 1996, 246f).
Now we are ready to do some ‘real’ economics. The basic question we will answer in this section
is “Does every game have a Nash equilibrium?” The answer is affirmative, but our procedure
1 1
f (x) = x f (x) = x
f (·) f (·)
0 0
0 x 1 0 x 1
to establish this will be a bit involved. First, again, we’ll need some additional economics. (We
stick to the same notation as in the dominance proof we did previously.)
Def: We call the set of player i’s best responses to the opponents’ strategy profile σ −i the best
reply correspondence Bi (·). This correspondence gives player i’s set of best responses
ui (σ ∗i , σ ∗−i ) ≥ ui (σ i , σ ∗−i ).
Rem: Hence the expected equilibrium payoff for i is ui (Bi (σ ∗−i ), σ ∗−i ).
Theorem 42. (Nash) Any game with a finite number of pure strategies and a finite number of
players n has at least one Nash equilibrium in mixed strategies.
Proof. The proof consists of showing that our setting satisfies all of Kakutani’s assumptions and
then concluding that there exists a σ ∗ such that lies in the set of best responses B(σ ∗ ). We will
do this in turn
1. ∆(Si ) is a convex, closed, and bounded subset of Rn :
(a) ∆(Si ) is convex because if σ i , σ 0i ∈ ∆(Si ) then any mixture λσ i + (1 − λ)σ 0i ∈ ∆(Si ) for
all λ ∈ [0, 1].
(b) ∆(Si ) is closed because its boundary points (assigning probability 0 and 1 to some pure
strategy) are included in the set.
(c) ∆(Si ) is bounded because all probabilities are bounded between [0, 1].
(d) ∆(Si ) is finite since every finite dimensional probability simplex is finite.
2. Bi (∆(Si )) is non-empty and convex-valued:
(a) There is a finite number of pure strategies (by assumption), therefore there exists at
least one best reply to a given profile. Thus the best response correspondence cannot
be empty.
(b) Let σ i , σ 0i ∈ ∆(Si ) be best replies (e.g. each yielding 10), then the mixture is a best
reply as well because it will yield the same amount. Hence, Bi (∆(Si )) is convex valued.
3. Bi (∆(Si )) has a closed graph; thus any boundary point of the graph is included.
(a) Let αn , β n with β n ∈ Bi (αn ) be interior points of the graph. Then, if a sequence in the
graph {(αn , β n )∞
n=1 } converges to a point (α, β), we want to show that this point also
belongs to the graph. β n ∈ Bi (αn ) means that, for all i, β 0i
ui (β ni , αn−i ) ≥ ui (β 0i , αn−i ).
But since ui (·) is continuous (it is a polynomial), taking limits of the above preserves
the weak inequality. Therefore, for all i, β 0i
ui (β i , α−i ) ≥ ui (β 0i , α−i )
and therefore β i ∈ B(α−i ). Which is what we wanted to show. This concludes the
This theorem and the setting in which it is used—lattice theory—is important for the theory of
supermodular games. For an advanced discussion of lattice theory consult (Birkhoff 1979). Intu-
itively, supermodular games can be viewed as strategic interactions where the players’ strategies
are a generalisation of the ‘complements’ case in the Slutsky equation (3.4.4). The development
of supermodular games in an economic context is mainly due to the work of (Topkis 1976), (Mil-
grom and Roberts 1990), and (Vives 1990). An introduction to the subject from the point of
view of game theory can be found in (Fudenberg and Tirole 1991, 12.3). From this angle, the
main virtue of lattice theory is that in games of supermodular structure, equilibrium existence
can be assured by the mere assumption of nondecreasing best responses and completeness of the
underlying lattice.
We start by recalling some ideas from set theory.
Rem: Consider the relation ‘≤’, to be interpreted as ‘is contained in,’ ‘is part of,’ or ‘is less or
equal to.’ If this relation partially orders the set M , M is called a poset. By greatest lower bound
(inf or ‘meet’ or ∧) of the poset M , we mean an element z, not necessarily included in M such
that, for any x, y ∈ M , we have both z ≤ x and z ≤ y and there is no l ∈ M such that z < l ≤ x
while still l ≤ y. The least upper bound (sup or ‘join’ or ∨) is interpreted accordingly.6 The
relation x ≤ y is identical to y ≥ x. If x ≤ y and x 6= y we write x < y.
6 You may want to consult figure 2.4 on page 28 and its discussion to refresh your memory with respect to bounds.
Def: Let M be a nonempty partially ordered set (‘poset’) wrt to the relation ‘≤’. M is called a
lattice if both inf M and sup M are contained in M . Sometimes a lattice is denoted hM, ≤i.
Rem: Notice that x ≤ y is ambiguous if n > 1 in x, y ∈ Nn . We will use the interpretation that
x ≤ y, if xi ≤ yi for all i = 1, . . . , n, but xj < yj for some j.
Exl: Let M ⊂ N2 = {(1, 0), (0, 1)}. We can visualise such a set as in figure 7.10. (Full dots
are supposed to be elements of the lattice, empty circles are not.) Notice that M is partially
ordered wrt the relation ‘≤’ but it is not a chain. Observe that inf x M = 0, supx M = 1 and
inf y M = 0, supy M = 1, therefore inf M = (0, 0), sup M = (1, 1) which are not contained in M .
Hence M is not a lattice. /
Figure 7.10: M ⊂ N2 = {(1, 0), (0, 1)} is not a lattice but M = {(0, 0), (1, 1)} is one.
Def: A lattice M is called a complete lattice if for every L ⊂ M , both inf L and sup L are
contained in M .
Def: A subset L of the lattice M is called a sublattice if both inf L ∈ L and sup L ∈ L. (A
sublattice is therefore a lattice in its own right.)
Def: A sublattice L has a greatest element x̄ ∈ L if x ≤ x̄ for all x ∈ L. It has a least element
x ∈ L if x ≤ x for all x ∈ L.
Lemma 43. (Zorn) If M is a poset and every chain (non-decreasing sequence) has an upper
bound in M , then M has a maximal element.
Theorem 44. If L is a nonempty, compact sublattice of Rn then it has a greatest and smallest
Proof. Since L is compact, every chain (non-decreasing sequence) has an upper bound in L,
namely the limit of the sequence. By Zorn’s lemma there exists a maximal element. If this is
not the greatest element, then there exists a maximal element x0 ∈ L and some other element
x ∈ L such that x0 x. Since L is a sublattice, sup L ∈ L and by definition sup L ≥ L which
contradicts the assumption that x0 is maximal. Hence x0 is a greatest element.
Def: A function f (x1 , . . . , xn ) is nondecreasing if x0i ≥ xi for each i implies that f (x01 , . . . , x0n ) ≥
f (x1 , . . . , xn ). It is called increasing if x0i > xi for each i implies f (x01 , . . . , x0n ) > f (x1 , . . . , xn ).
Theorem 45. (Tarski 1955) Every nondecreasing function f mapping a lattice hS, ≤i into
itself has a nonempty set of fixed points P forming itself a complete lattice.
Proof. Consider the ‘primary’ lattice of fixed points hP, ≤i and let
denote the least upper bound of the set of values of f above the diagonal. We clearly have x ≤ u
for every x with f (x) ≥ x. Since the function is nondecreasing,
f (u) ≤ f (f (u)),
so that f (u) belongs to the set above the diagonal {f (x) ≥ x}; consequently, by (7.2.1),
f (u) ≤ u. (7.2.3)
Together, (7.2.2) and (7.2.3) imply that u is a fixed point of f . Hence we conclude by (7.2.1) that
u is the least upper bound of P and
Now consider the ‘dual’ lattice S 0 = hS, ≥i. As the primary lattice, it is complete. Obviously
the supremum of the dual lattice coincides with the infimum of the primary lattice. Hence, by
applying the result established in (7.2.4) to the dual lattice, we obtain
Hence P is a lattice.
x = f (x) ≤ f (sup Y );
Thus, by restricting the domain of f to [sup Y, sup S], we obtain an increasing function f 0 :
[sup Y, sup S] 7→ [sup Y, sup S]. By applying (7.2.5) to the lattice B and the function f 0 , we
conclude that the greatest lower bound v of all fixed points of f 0 is itself a fixed point of f 0 .
Obviously, v is also a fixed point of f , and in fact the least fixed point of f which is an upper
bound of all elements of Y . In other words, v is the least upper bound of Y in the system hP, ≤i.
Hence, by passing to the dual lattices S 0 and B 0 , we see that there exists also a greatest lower
bound of Y in hP, ≤i. Since Y is an arbitrary subset of P , we finally conclude that hP, ≤i is
Discussion Figure 7.11 shows the logic of the argument for a single dimensional lattice [0, 1] ⊂ R.
1 1
f (x) = x f (x) = x
f (x)
f (·) f (·)
0 0
0 x 1 0 1
Exl: Consider again the relation ‘≤’ and let the poset S ⊂ N 2 = {(0, 0), . . . , (3, 3)}. Let L ⊂ S,
L = {x = (1, 1), y = (1, 2), z = (2, 1)}. Furthermore let the function f : S 7→ S be defined as
f (x) = f (y) = f (z) = (2, 2); all other points in S are left unchanged. This situation is illustrated
in the left panel of figure 7.12. As is easily checked, the original poset is a complete lattice and
f is nondecreasing. Hence Tarski’s Theorem predicts that the set of fixed points is a complete
lattice. This is indeed the case.
The right panel shows the same initial lattice. This time let f be defined only as f (x) = (2, 2),
all other points are left unchanged. The requirement of f to be nondecreasing is violated because
although x ≤ y, f (y) ≤ f (x) and x ≤ z, f (z) ≤ f (x). Let us check whether the lattice
of fixed points is complete. Take the set S 0 = {f (y) = (1, 2), f (z) = (2, 1)}. We have no
trouble establishing that sup S = (2, 2) but the infimum is problematic: Both (0, 1) and (1, 0) are
candidates. Recalling that for any set only one element can have the infimum property, we know
that the two points are not infima. But then there is no infimum at all in L because (0, 0) is
smaller than both (0, 1) and (1, 0). Hence the lattice of fixed points is not complete and we have
verified Tarski’s theorem for this case. /
7.2.5 Supermodularity
We now proceed to the discussion of supermodular games (which have nothing to do with fixed
points—we just discuss them here because we want to reap the benefits of introducing lattices).
The theory of supermodular games provides a framework for the analysis of strategic comple-
mentarities. This class of game includes models of oligopolistic competition, macroeconomic
coordination failure, bank runs and R&D competition. Supermodular games are characterised
by the fact that each agent’s strategy set is partially ordered, the marginal returns to increasing
one’s strategy rise with increases in the opponents’ strategies and, in the case of multidimensional
actions, the marginal returns to any one component of the agent’s strategy rise with increases
in the other components. As a result, these games exhibit strategic complementarities that yield
monotone increasing individual best responses as strategies are completely ordered.
Let us begin by recalling from section 2 that a function f : R 7→ R is said to be subadditive if
it satisfies the inequality f (x + y) ≤ f (x) + f (y) whenever x, y ∈ R. It is called superadditive if
f (x + y) ≥ f (x) + f (y).
Def: A function f on the lattice M is said to exhibit increasing first differences7 if, for x, y ∈ M
Exl: (D. Gale) There are 2 players i = 1, 2, with strategy spaces X1 = {0, 1} × {0, 1} and
X2 = {0, 1}. The payoffs to player 1 are given by the following matrices:
By direct calculation, for any (a0 , b0 ) ≥ (a, b), the first differences are:
It is clear that the payoff function u1 satisfies increasing first differences. However, the best
response when c = 0 is (a, b) = (0, 1) and the best response when c = 1 is (a, b) = (1, 0). It is
easy to check that u1 is not supermodular in x1 . From the definition, we should have
for every c, but by putting x1 = (0, 1) and x01 = (1, 0) it is easy to see that
for every c. Hence the best response is not monotonically non-decreasing in the opponent’s
strategy. /
as required.
∂ 2 ui
(xi , x−i ) ≥ 0, ∀j, k = 1, . . . , `.
∂xik ∂xij
Theorem 48. If X = R`n and ui is C 2 , ui is supermodular iff, for any two components xj and
xk of x ∈ X,
∂ 2 ui
(x) ≥ 0, ∀j, k = 1, . . . , `n.
∂xj ∂xk
Proof. Let ek = (0, . . . , 0, 1, 0, . . . , 0) be an `n-vector with the unit in the kth place. Then, for any
small numbers ε, η > 0 and indexes k 6= j, put u = (x + εek ) and u = (x + ηej ). Supermodularity
of ui implies that
ui (sup(u, v)) + ui (inf(u, v)) ≥ ui (u) + ui (v).
as required.
Rem: A normal form game G = {N, M, u}8 and u are payoffs), is supermodular if (i) M is a
sublattice of Rn , (ii) ui exhibits increasing first differences, and (iii) ui is supermodular in xi .
Exl: (D. Gale) There is a neat trick that allows us to treat a 2-player Cournot duopoly with
strategic substitutes as a supermodular game. We simply define the strategy of one producer to
be the negative of his output.9 Then an increase in his strategy reduces his output and under
the usual conditions this encourages his opponent to increase his output and his strategy.
8 In a normal form game G = {N, M, u}, N is the set of players, M is the set of (product) strategies for all players, and
u are payoffs.
9 This trick only works in the case of n = 2 players. For cases n > 2, we do not have a theory for strategic substitutes.
We have two producers i = 1, 2; producer 1’s strategy set is X1 = [0, inf ty) and player 2
chooses from X2 = (−∞, 0]. The total output is Q = q1 + q2 = x1 − x2 and the payoff functions
are defined for xi ∈ Xi as
u1 (x) = P (x1 − x2 )x1
u2 (x) = −P (x1 − x2 )x2 .
∂ 2 u1 (x)
= −P 00 (x1 − x2 )x1 − P 0 (x1 − x2 )
∂x1 ∂x2
∂ 2 u2 (x)
= P 00 (x1 − x2 )x2 − P 0 (x1 − x2 ).
∂x1 ∂x2
If P 00 (x1 − x2 ) ≤ 0, it is easy to check that both cross partials are positive. This would be, for
example, the case if the inverse demand function were affine. /
Exc 7.1: Imagine you stand in front of a ( 34 )-full barrel of water and you stir in it with a stick.
What would a fixed point be? Is there necessarily a fixed point?
Exc 7.2: Try to solve the fixed point equation x = 1 − x5 on the set M = [0, 1] by what is called
successive approximation. This means you compute a sequence for n = 0, 1, 2, . . .
xn+1 = 1 − x5n .
Start with x0 = 0.5 and write down a sequence {xn } for a couple of n. What goes wrong?
Exc 7.3: Let the letter E be mapped continuously into itself. Must there be a fixed point? What
about O or I?
Exc 7.4: Let X be the interval −1 ≤ x ≤ 1. Let F(x) be the set of numbers y satisfying
x2 + y 2 ≥ 14 . Draw the graph G = {(x, y) : x ∈ X, y ∈ F (x)}. Is G closed? Characterise G in
terms of correspondences. Draw the sets F (−1), F (0), F (1/3), F (1/2), F (3/4). Which of them
are convex?
Exc 7.5: For 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 define
17 if x = 0
f (x) = 1
x otherwise
Draw the graph G = {(x, y) : 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, y = f (x)}. Characterise f in terms of closedness and G
in terms of convexity. Define
F (x) = {y : 0 ≤ y ≤ f (x)}.
3. X = X1 ∪ X2 ∪ X3 where
Exc 7.8: (Optional) What happens to our existence proof if we do not allow for mixed strategies,
i.e. if we force the players to use pure strategies? If you can work out the answer if we were to use
Tarski’s theorem (i.e. if we restrict ourselves to the study of equilibria in supermodular games)
you will discover a surprising property of equilibria in supermodular games.
Exc 7.9: Which of the following utility functions are supermodular?
1. The Cobb-Douglas utility function u(x) = xα1 x21−α , where α ∈ (0, 1).
2. The CES utility function u(x) = (xρ1 + xρ2 ) ρ , where ρ > 0.
Dynamic analysis
Chapter 8
Reading: The general reference for dynamic systems is (Kamien and Schwartz 1991) and a
comprehensive textbook on ordinary differential equations is (Hirsch and Smale 1974). We will
give more specific references on our way.
The second part of the notes is meant to prepare you for macroeconomics. Since most modern
macro-models deal with dynamical systems and the classical way to represent (continuous time)
dynamical systems is by means of a system of differential equations we start with these. For a
variety of reasons we will focus on autonomous first-order linear ordinary differential equations
(ODEs)—after all these are the only ones we can be certain to find a closed solution for.1 The
principal reasons are difficulty and time. The general treatment of partial differential equations
(PDEs) is, however interesting, well beyond our grasp and we certainly do not have the time for
a serious treatment of both difference and differential equations. But beyond these pragmatic
reasons there is also the element that most of the higher order systems you may encounter in
macro can be reduced to the simpler first-order case.2 And the mathematical intuition you gain on
the study of differential equations brings you a long way to understanding difference equations.
So it is a reasonable strategy to cover only this special case—and we will do it with care. The best
book I know on the subject is (Hirsch and Smale 1974)—it is not exactly an easy read and if you
do not like it there are a host of further references later on. The remainder of this introduction
contains some motivational examples of dynamical systems that hopefully whet your appetite for
the more serious stuff in the following sections.
In most real economic problems we have to study the development of variables over time. The
intertemporal development of these variables is usually expressed in the form of equations. If
time is taken to be a discrete variable (i.e. we look at non-zero length periods) these equations
are called ordinary difference equations (O∆Es) and if time is taken to be continuous, we speak
of ordinary differential equations (ODEs).3 Both techniques solve essentially the same problem
1 I leave a previous version of my notes on difference equations as a separate section in the notes although I’m doubtful
about their usefulness. It gives, however, a set of references to more useful treatments.
2 Every nth -order general ODE can be written as a system of n first-order ODEs. This is discussed in section 8.1.5.
3 Partial differential equations (PDEs) or partial difference equations (P∆Es) are equations that depend on the partial
derivatives of a number of variables. Their solution is an entirely different business and we will try to stay away from them as
far as possible. Probably the simplest partial differential equation involving a function u(ζ, η) of two independent variables
but depending on how the model is developed, one technique may lend itself more naturally to
the solution then the other.
Exl: Radioactive decay. The law describing radioactive disintegration states that the rate of decay
with time—that is, the amount of a substance changing per time interval—is proportional to the
amount of substance present. Initially, when the material is a pure radioactive element, this rate
of decay is high. As the radioactive element changes into a stable element, however, the rate
of change falls because there is less radioactive material. Therefore, the rate of decay decreases
continuously with time.
In this process the quantity of interest is the amount of substance n remaining after a given
time—i.e., the number of atoms or the mass. Clearly this quantity will depend in some way
on the time that has elapsed; in other words, it is a mathematical function of time and can be
denoted by n(t). A possible formulation of this law is
ṅ ≡ = −λn. (8.0.1)
In this case n represents the amount of radioactive material, λ is a constant, and ṅ ≡ dt is the
notation for the rate at which n increases with time (it decreases here with time because of the
minus sign). /
Exl: When the independent variable of a function is time and the dependent variable distance, the
first derivative is velocity, the rate at which distance changes with time. The second derivative
is acceleration, the rate at which velocity changes. /
Notation: As a notational convention, we denote the time dependent discrete variable x as xt
and the time dependent continuous variable x as x(t). We will exclusively look at systems where
the independent variable is t.
Reading: Both (Chiang 1984, chapters 14, 15) and (Sydsæter and Hammond 1995, chapter
21) give bread and butter, undergraduate-level introductions. A more advanced introduction is
presented by (Cronin 1980) and a concise but yet directly useful version is in the first two chapters
of (Bender and Orszag 1978).4 (Kamien and Schwartz 1991, Appendix B) is a self-contained
introduction to differential equations and finally (Hirsch and Smale 1974) is an excellent full
treatment that goes well beyond our immediate needs.
can be formalised
= 0,
which may readily be seen to have the general solution of an arbitrary function f (y) of the other variable only:
u = f (η).
A comparison with the case of ODEs in which the equation u0 (x) = 0 has solution u(x) = c illustrates the point that the role
played by arbitrary constants in the theory of ODEs is taken over by arbitrary functions in the theory of PDEs. This makes
their solution much more difficult.
4 If you prefer an introduction to ODEs that focusses on micro and evolutionary systems, a look at (Weibull 1995, chapter
6) may be an alternative.
Def: Ordinary differential equations (ODEs) are equations for which the unknown x is a function
of only one variable t.
ODEs differ from ordinary equations in two aspects:
Solving an ODE means to find a function and its derivative that satisfy the given differential
equation. A system of ODEs represents a deterministic dynamic system in continuous time. The
simplest form of an ODE is
ẋ = F (t).
ẋ = t − 1 ⇔ x = (t2 − 1) dt + C = t3 − t + C.
C represents, of course, the constant of integration. Since we cannot pin it down, we really obtain
a whole set of solutions (called a ‘general’ solution) only differing by C. /
As usual, we start with a couple of definitions.
Def: The order of an ODE is the highest order of derivatives appearing.
Def: The degree of an ODE is the highest power of the derivative in the equation.
In general, the ODEs we look at may change in time as the system evolves such as ẋ = F (x, t).
We will, however, not look at such dynamics but only at ones that do not depend on time such
as ẋ = F (x).
Def: A differential equation that does not depend on time is called autonomous or time ho-
Def: A differential equation is called linear if the unknown function ẋ appears only in its first
degree and it can be written in the form
ẋ + u(t)x = w(t)
where u(t) and w(t) are arbitrary functions. We will refer to u(t) as the coefficient of the
dependent variable x and w(t) as the term of the ODE.
Def: An equation is called homogeneous if w(t) ≡ 0.
Def: A general solution to an ODE is the set of all solutions to the ODE.
Def: A particular solution to an ODE is the solution to the ODE that is obtained by specifying
particular values for the constants of integration.
The unknown function F (x, t) is a mapping from an open set X ⊂ Rn to Rn . The mapping
F (x, t) itself is called a vector field, defining at each point x the direction and velocity of the
flow at x. The x = (x1 , . . . , xn ) ∈ X are called the state vector, X is called the state space,
and the rhs of ẋ = F (x, t) specifies the direction and velocity of change of the state vector in the
state space X.
For each component xi of the state x, the autonomous function Fi (x) ∈ R is its time derivative.
See figure 8.1 for the illustration of a vector field in R2 . The dashed curve in the same figure
represents a solution ξ(t, x0 ) through x0 to our ODE.
F (x1)
F (x2)
F (x0)
ξ(t, x)
F (x3) x4
F (x4)
ξ(t, x0 ) = F [ξ(t, x0 )].
As it turns out, the condition that guarantees the existence of a solution ξ(t, x0 ) for all vector
fields F (x) is that F (x) is (locally) Lipschitz continuous as defined in chapter 2. Let us state this
classical result formally.
After this discussion of the basic ideas, let us turn to our cookbook and state a set of rules
that should enable you to solve anything that comes your way.
ẋ + ax = b. (8.1.1)
1.a) In the homogeneous case (b ≡ 0), direct integration gives the general solution of (8.1.1) as
x = Ae− a dt
= Ae−at (8.1.2)
for arbitrary A.
Exl: Let’s look at how we do that in detail: The recipe is to integrate by applying the substitution
f (x) dt = f (x) dx = F (x) + C, (8.1.3)
and then the log rule
dx = ln x + C,
to obtain F (x) = ln |x| + C. In our case this boils down to (i) transforming
= −a,
ẋ dx
dt = = ln |x| + C1 , (8.1.5)
x x
(vi) by realising that eln x = x, we raise each side of (8.1.7) to become the exponent of e (this
5 Notice that this is a version of our radioactive decay analysis in (8.0.1).
by defining A ≡ eC . /
The definite solution to (8.1.1) is
x = x(0)e−at
that pins down a specific initial condition x(0) = A. Any particular value of A that is supplied in
the general solution leads to a particular solution. Notice that all these solution are functions
that do not contain time derivatives any more.
1.b) In the non-homogeneous case, we have to examine two parts of the general solution xc
and xp ; the first one is the solution to the homogeneous equation above
xc = Ae−at + C
but this time every particular solution will also depend on b. In the simplest case that our
dependent variable is just a constant x = k we know that the time derivative will be zero.
Therefore (8.1.1) reduces to ax = b implying the particular integral to be
xp = .
x(t) = xc + xp = Ae−at + .
x(0) = A + a ⇔
A = x(0) − a
2.a) In the homogeneous case (w(t) ≡ 0), we follow the same procedure as in (8.1.2): We
rearrange to
= −u(t)
and get the general solution of this by integrating first the lhs wrt t
ẋ dx
dt = = ln x + c,
x x
(we cannot really do more without specifying the functional form of u(·)) and equating the two
ln x = −C − u(t)dt.
Taking antilogs (cf. 8.1.8) and defining A ≡ e−C finally gives the general solution of (8.1.9) as
x(t) = eln x = e−C e− u(t)dt
= Ae− u(t)dt
. (8.1.10)
The definite solution is obtained exactly as above using the initial condition at t = 0.
2.b) In the non-homogeneous case, we end up with a general solution of the form
− u(t)dt − u(t)dt
x(t) = e A+ w(t)e dt
for arbitrary A. Looking at the term in brackets, we see that the first term, Ae− u(t)dt , is the
same as in (8.1.10) and carries the same intuition as above. The second part stems from the
variable term w(t)—its derivation is straightforward but time constraints do not allow us to do
this here (cf. (Chiang 1984, 482ff)).
Whenever x appears in a power higher than one, our ODE becomes non-linear—even if ẋ is
contained only in the first degree. In general, we look at equations of the form
ẋ = F (x, t)
that are unrestricted in terms of the powers of x and t and the function F (·). Non-linear ODEs
are not generally easily solved because they may give rise to additional solutions that cannot be
obtained from the general solution. Four economically important cases, however, are soluble and
should be mentioned here:
1. So called exact ODEs. An exact ODE is a derivative of an ODE of lower order
Lx = (M x) = 0 (8.1.11)
M x = C.
Reading: See (Kamien and Schwartz 1991, 95) for a more thorough introduction.
One advantage of the qualitative approach we will discuss in this section is that the behaviour
of both linear and non-linear ODEs can be analysed. We loose, however, the precise quantitative
specification of the time path of the ODE. Let us look at the qualitative time behaviour of
ẋ = F (x) (8.1.12)
where F (x) may be linear or non-linear. Since F (x) does not explicitly depend on t, it is
autonomous—F (x), of course, still depends on t through x(t).
A solution to an ODE that does not change over time is called an equilibrium state. More
Def: A point a is called equilibrium state (or steady state or stationary state) of the ODE
ẋ = F (x) if F (a) = 0. In this case, x(t) = a for all t is a solution of the ODE ẋ = F (x).
Def: We obtain a phase diagram showing x on the abscissa by putting y = ẋ on the ordinate
and graphing y = F (x) in the resulting x × ẋ-plane.
The question we want to address in our phase diagrams is whether F (x) has any stable
equilibrium states. We will do this in the following example but first we have to discuss what
precisely we mean by ‘stable’.6 We will introduce two distinct classical notions of stability:
Lyapunov and asymptotic stability. Let C be a compact subset of the state space X. Intuitively, a
state x ∈ C is Lyapunov stable if no small perturbation of the state induces a movement away from
x. While Lyapunov stability thus requires there to be no pushes away from the state, asymptotic
stability requires there to be a pull towards the state. A state x ∈ C is asymptotically stable if it
is Lyapunov stable and all sufficiently small perturbations of the state induce a movement back
toward x. Formally
6 Figure 8.6 shows some intuitive pictures for the discrete case.
lim ξ(t, x0 ) = x.
Clearly, a state x has to be stationary in order to be stable. Otherwise the solution ξ would
lead away from x even in the absence of a perturbation.
Let us now turn to the qualitative, graphical analysis.
Exl: Any solution x = x(t) of (8.1.12) has an associated ẋ = ẋ(t) and for every t, we can identify
a pair (x(t), ẋ(t)) on the curve in the diagram in figure 8.2:
ẋ = F (x)
a1 a2
The key is the observation that F 0 (x), the slope the ODE, is negative to the left of x̂ and
positive to the right of x̂. Thus it is zero at x̂. Let us look at the behaviour of any point
(x(t), ẋ(t)) on the curve above the abscissa (that is, F (·) > 0) and to the left of x̂. For all
points above the abscissa, we have F (x(t)) > 0 and therefore ẋ(t) > 0, so that x(t) increases
with t. It follows that the particular point (x(t), ẋ(t)) we chose, moves from left to right in the
diagram. For all points to the left of x̂, the slope of F (x) is negative and therefore (x(t), ẋ(t))
moves downwards. If we look at any point below the abscissa and to the right of x̂, we will get
ẋ(t) = F (x(t)) < 0 and the point moves from right to left and upwards.7 In figure 8.3, these
movements are indicated through arrows on the graph of F(x).
We can identify two steady states in the above example at the locus ẋ(t) = 0—the abscissa.
But while a1 is stable in the sense that points close to the steady state tend towards the steady
state, a2 is unstable. The reason for the stability behaviour of F (·) is easy to see: F 0 (a1 ) > 0
7 You will have noticed that the movements we are talking about are determined by the vector fields we introduced above.
to the left of a1 , and F 0 (a1 ) < 0 to the right. Therefore, both increasing x at the left of a1 and
decreasing x at the right of a1 will move a point closer to a1 . The opposite is true for a2 . /
Our observation in the above example generalises as follows.
Proposition 50. F (a) = 0 and F 0 (a) < 0 =⇒ a is a stable steady state for ẋ = F (x). F (a) = 0
and F 0 (a) > 0 =⇒ a is an unstable steady state for ẋ = F (x).
Exl: The Solow growth model. Consider the following workhorse of neoclassical growth theory
k̇ = sf (k) − λk.
k̇ = k(t) is capital per worker, s the constant savings rate, f (·) a production function and λ the
constant growth rate per worker. Given that f (·) is zero at k = 0, increasing and concave and
fulfills the so-called Inada conditions
k̇ = sf (k) − λk
Figure 8.3: Phase diagram for the Solow model k̇ = sf (k) − λk.
Following exactly the same analysis as above, we obtain a unique and stable steady state. We
leave this story, however, to your first lecture in growth theory. Alternatively refer to (Barro and
Sala-i Martin 1995, chapter 1). /
Exl: (Kamien and Schwartz 1991, 95) Let’s raise the stakes a bit and consider the following
(quasi-autonomous) problem solutions to which give rise to a second order differential (Euler)
equation Z T
min e−rt [f (ẋ) + g(x)] dt
x(t) 0 (8.1.14)
s.t.: x(t) ≥ x0 ; x(T ) = xT ,
where f 00 (x) > 0 and g00 (x) > 0 and f, g is C 2 and convex. As always, we assume the soc to be
rf 0 (ẋ) + g0 (x)
ẍ = . (8.1.15)
f 00 (ẋ)
Since the integrand of (8.1.14) is convex in x and ẋ, we can be sure that a solution to the above will
be indeed minimising. Although we do not further specify f, g, f 0 , g0 , and f 00 , we still can apply
our diagrammatic analysis in the (x, ẋ) plane. (i) First notice that for any solution consistent
with our law of motion (8.1.15), whenever ẋ > 0, x is increasing. Therefore, from any point
(x, ẋ) above the ẋ = 0 axis, the x coordinate of a solution to (8.1.15) must be increasing. Thus
the ẋ = 0 locus divides the plane as shown in figure 8.4.
(xa + k, ẋa)
(xa, ẋa)
ẋ = 0 x
ẍ = 0
(ii) Next we consider the locus of points (x, ẋ) such that ẍ = 0. From (8.1.15), we know that
such points satisfy
0 = rf 0 (ẋ) + g0 (x) (8.1.16)
Therefore, along the ẍ = 0 locus, a small increase in the x coordinate must be accompanied by
a small decrease in the ẋ coordinate. Therefore, the ẍ = 0 locus divides the (x, ẋ) plane in two
regions as shown in figure 8.4 above—it represents the second axis in our phase diagram.
The regions the ẍ = 0 locus creates are determined by values for (x, ẋ) that cause the rhs of
(8.1.15) to be positive (and hence ẍ > 0, therefore ẋ increasing) and those values of (x, ẋ) for
which the rhs of (8.1.15) is negative (and thus ẍ < 0, and ẋ decreasing).
The direction of movement to the right of the ẍ = 0 locus is determined by a pair (xa , ẋa )
satisfying (8.1.16), so (xa + k, ẋa ) is on the right of it for k > 0. Since g00 > 0, g0 is an increasing
From (8.1.15), this means that ẍ > 0 and thus ẋ is increasing at (xa + k, ẋa ). Similarly, for any
point to the left of the ẍ = 0 locus, we have ẍ < 0 and the ẋ coordinate is decreasing. This gives
the time-paths of points in the four regions created by the ẋ = 0 and ẍ = 0 loci as indicated by
the arrows in the above figure 8.4.8 These paths are vertical (i.e. x = 0) as they cross the ẋ = 0
locus and horizontal (i.e. ẋ = 0) as they cross the ẍ = 0 locus.
The below figure 8.5 shows how to select among possible sets of boundary conditions for
different T . /
ẋ = 0
ẍ = 0
x = x0 x = xτ
Figure 8.5: Different possible time paths for different boundary conditions.
Higher order ODEs frequently appear in economic models. An general example of a second-order
ODE is
ẍ = f (t, x, ẋ)
where f (·) is a given function and x = x(t) the unknown function. We will be unable to find
explicit solutions for more than a small number of rather peculiar functions but an example will
make clear how to approach these cases.
Exl: Consider
ẍ = ẋ + t.
8Since the solution to the above differential equation with given suitable boundary conditions is unique, each point in the
plane lies on exactly one path.
Note that we do not have an explicit dependency on x in the above ODE. We introduce a new
variable u = ẋ and rewrite
u̇ = u + t
u = Aet − t − 1 = ẋ
Aet − t − 1 dt = Aet − t2 − t + B
Reading: (Chiang 1984, chapters 16, 17), (Sydsæter and Hammond 1995, chapter 20), (Hirsch
and Smale 1974).
We develop the same taxonomy as in the previous section on ODEs. Since the ideas are really
the same, we will proceed a little faster.
Def: Let f (t, x) be a function defined for all positive integers t ∈ N+ and all real numbers x ∈ R.
A general first order O∆E relates the value of the function f (·) in each period to the value of
the same function in the previous period. Symbolically
Theorem 51. (Existence and uniqueness) Consider the O∆E (8.2.1) where f (·) is defined for
all values of the variables. If x0 is an arbitrary fixed number (i.e. the initial value of x is defined),
then there exists a uniquely determined function xt that is a solution of the equation.
Rem: Apparently, there is a different solution to the above problem for each different x0 . Since
the above x0 is totally arbitrary, the problem (8.2.1) has infinitely many solutions.
Exl: Let us look at the special (‘constant coefficient’ or stationary) case a ≡ at for all t and let
f (·) be defined as a first-order linear O∆E for t = 1, 2, . . .
xt = axt−1 + bt . (8.2.2)
x1 = ax0 + b1
x2 = ax1 + b2 = a(ax0 + b1 ) + b2 = a2 x0 + ab1 + b2
x3 = ax2 + b3 = a(a2 x0 + ab1 + b2 ) + b3 = a3 x0 + a2 b1 + ab2 + b3
The pattern is clear. We can immediately conjecture that the solution might look like
xt = at x0 + at−k bk .
And indeed this hypothesis is correct. If we consider the special (‘constant term’) case b ≡ bt for
all t, we know from the summation formula for finite geometric series (B.0.2) that we can rewrite
this to
t b b
xt = a x0 − + . (8.2.3)
1−a 1−a
provided, of course, that a 6= 1. /
Rem: In general, of course, there is no reason for the constant a in (8.2.2) to be stationary.
Therefore the more general form is
xt = at xt−1 + bt
which is the basis of, for instance, all compound interest and present discounted value calculations.
We will, however, not go into the more general analysis here (cf. (Chiang 1984, chapter 17)).
Def: A solution x∗ to (8.2.2) with the property that x∗ = xt for all t is called steady state (or
stationary state or equilibrium state).
Exl: If we plug the definition of a steady state into the example in (8.2.3), we obtain
xt − x∗ = a (xt−1 − x∗ ) ⇔ xt − x∗ = at (x0 − x∗ ) .
If |a| < 1, this means that at goes to zero as t becomes large, so we deduce that for t 7→ ∞
xt 7→ x∗ =
Def: If the solution to an O∆E converges to a steady state as t 7→ ∞, the equation is called
stable. This is the case if |a| < 1. If, on the other hand, the solution to the equation tends away
from the steady state as t increases, (the case for |a| > 1), we call the equation explosive. If xt
exhibits decreasing fluctuations, we say that the equation has damped oscillations, and if xt
exhibits increasing fluctuations, we say that the equation has explosive oscillations. This is
illustrated in figure 8.6.
xt xt
x0 x0
x∗ x∗
t t
b b
x0 > x∗ = 1−a , 0<a<1 x0 > x∗ = 1−a
, −1 < a < 0
xt xt
x∗ x∗
x0 x0
t t
b b
x0 < x∗ = 1−a
, a>1 x0 < x∗ = 1−a , a < −1
Def: Let f (t, x) be a function defined for all positive integers t ∈ N+ and all real numbers x ∈ R.
A general second order O∆E relates the value of the function f (·) in each period to the value
of the same function in the two previous periods. Symbolically
Theorem 52. (Existence and uniqueness) Consider the O∆E (8.2.4) where f (·) is defined for
all values of the variables. If x0 and x1 are arbitrary fixed numbers (i.e. the initial values of x are
defined at t = 0 and t = 1), then there exists a uniquely determined function xt that is a solution
of the equation.
Def: The above equation (8.2.5) for the case of ct = 0 is called homogeneous O∆E.
xt+2 + at xt+1 + bt xt = 0
Theorem 54. Then the non-homogeneous O∆E (8.2.5) has the general solution
(1) (2)
xt = Aut + But + u∗t
(1) (2)
where Aut + But is the general solution of the associated homogeneous equation and u∗t is a
particular solution of the non-homogeneous equation.
m2 + am + b = 0 (8.2.7)
2. For 14 a2 − b = 0, the characteristic equation (8.2.7) has two identical real roots, namely
xt = (A + Bt)mt , with m = − a.
1 2
3. For 4a − b < 0, the characteristic equation (8.2.7) has two complex roots for θ ∈ [0, π],
9 The characteristic equation does not drop from the heavens. Actually, if you consider the form x = mt , then x
t t+1 turns
out to be m · mt = mt+1 and xt+2 = mt+2 . For m 6= 0 this gives the above characteristic equation (8.2.7).
√ a
xt = Ar t cos(θt + ω), with r = b and cos(θ) = − √ .
2 b
(1) (2)
ut = 2t , and ut = 3t
(1) (2)
u0 u0 1 1
(1) (2) = = 3 − 2 = 1 6= 0.
u1 u1 2 3
xt = A2t + B3t
u∗t = at + b
might be a solution. We use the “method of undetermined coefficients” in order to find a and b:
We rewrite
u∗t+1 = a(t + 1) + b
u∗t+2 = a(t + 2) + b
which, inserted into (8.2.8) yields for all t
2at − 3a + 2b = 2t − 3.
xt = A2t + B3t + t
(1) (2)
From the discussion above, we know how to find Aut and But . The problem is how to find
u∗t . In some cases this is easy, e.g. for a constant ct = c or a ct that is a linear combination of
known terms. In general, however, we cannot solve this problem.
8.2.3 Stability
The intuition we develop here is closely related to definition (8.2.1). We know that if we can pin
down suitable initial conditions for our (system of) O∆E(s) we will get a unique solution (of the
system). Moreover, if we slightly change these initial conditions, we can look at the behaviour
of the system and define that (i) it is stable if small changes in the initial conditions die out
over time and (ii) unstable if our slight changes multiply over time and significantly change the
A general solution of the second-order non-homogeneous O∆E we considered in (8.2.9) is
(1) (2)
xt = Aut + But + u∗t . (8.2.10)
(1) (2)
Def: The solution (8.2.10) is called globally asymptotically stable if the solution Aut +But
of the associated homogeneous equation approaches zero as t 7→ ∞, for all values of A and B.
Then any solution of the equation approaches the particular solution u∗t which is independent of
the initial conditions. Therefore, the effect of perturbations of the initial conditions dies out over
The following proposition gives a reliable criterion to find out if an equation is stable.
Proposition 55. Equation (8.2.9) is stable iff both roots of the characteristic equation m2 +
am + b = 0 have moduli11 strictly less than 1. This is equivalent to saying that (8.2.9) is stable
|a| < 1 + b, b < 1.
As in the case of ODEs, we have to take to qualitative analysis in order to understand the
dynamics of more complex systems. The technique of the phase diagram that was introduced in
the last section is directly applicable.
11 Moduli of real numbers m ∈ R are just their absolutes |m|. The modulus of a complex number z ∈ C
z = a + bi = r(cos θ + i sin θ)
is given by the length of the vector z from the origin (its Euclidean norm)
kzk = a2 + b2 .
Exc 8.1:Find the general solutions of
1. ẋ = x + t,
2. ẋ − 3x = 5,
3. 3ẋ + 2x + 16 = 0,
4. ẋ + 2x = t2 .
Exc 8.2: Solve ẍ = ẋ + t for x(0) = 1, ẋ(0) = 2.
Exc 8.3: Draw phase diagrams for
1. ẋ = x − 1,
2. ẋ = 24 − 2x,
3. ẋ = x2 − 9.
Exc 8.4: For t = 0, 1, . . .), find the general solution of xt+2 − 5xt+1 + 6xt = 2t − 3.
Exc 8.5: The Solow model.12 In a constant population of L identical workers, the per capita
consumption is c(t). Each worker derives a strictly concave utility U (c) from consumption. We
assume the marginal utility to be increasing without bound as consumption shrinks to zero:
lim U 0 (c) = ∞. A central planner is to select a consumption plan to maximise aggregate dis-
counted utility Z ∞
max e−rt LU (c(t)) dt (8.2.11)
c(t) 0
taking into account the production possibilities of the economy. A single output is produced using
capital K and labour L in the production function F (K, L) which is homogeneous of degree 1.
The output can be consumed or used to increase the capital stock. Thus
F (K, L) = Lc + K 0 , (8.2.12)
and K(0) = K0 .
1. We assume F (0, L) = F (K, 0) = 0. Why?
2. We assume FK , FL to be positive and decreasing. Why?
3. Now choose (c, K) to maximise (8.2.11) s.t.: (8.2.12).
12 Wait with answering this question until the Solow model was covered in macro.
Chapter 9
3. sufficient conditions.
In this and the following two sections we (or really Maurice Obstfeld) will exclusively address
necessity. In this introduction we will look at the motivation for the calculus of variation and
discuss a number of key questions that should help you survive macro.2 That means we will not
at all address (1) and (3) in the above enumeration—you will have to make do with what you
know from the last term.
1 (Sundaram 1996, chapters 11, 12) develops dynamic programming out of the micro we did in the first term. A great
9.1 Discounting
If A pounds are invested at r percent per year, the amount would grow to A + rA = (1 + r)A
after one year and after t years, we’d have
X ≡ A(1 + r)t .
If the interest is compounded m times per year, then the rate per period is m. The amount A
r m
would grow to A(1 + m) after one year and after t years, we get
r mt
X = A(1 + ) .
r mt
lim (1 + ) = ert .
m→∞ m
Therefore, if, one the one hand, we invest A pounds at an annual rate of r under continuous
compounding, we’d get after t years the amount
X = Aert .
If, on the other hand, we want to know to what amount X an investment of B grows to after t
years under continuous compounding with interest rate r, we know from the above that B = Xert
and therefore obtain the present value (PV) of B£ as X = Be−rt .
Exl: The compounded value of £10 invested at r = 10% over t = 10 years under continuous
compounding is X = 10e.1(10) ≈ £27.18. /
Exl: The PV of a terminal amount of £10 invested at r = 10% over t = 10 years under continuous
compounding is X = 10e−.1(10) ≈ £3.68. That is, an amount of £3.68 will grow to £10 after 10
years. /
9.2 Depreciation
If a stock K depreciates at a constant rate b > 0 and is not restocked, then per period the stock
reduces by K̇ = −Kb. Formulated as a growth-rate this is
= −b.
We know from the previous section that the solution to this differential equation is
K(t) = K(0)e−bt .
3 1 m
To understand this result it helps to remember that e is actually defined as lim (1 + m
) .
which we will interpret as a succession of a firm’s optimal production choices that depends on
previous levels of output; therefore xt is the output level and F (t, xt , xt−1 ) is the profit associated
with that particular output at time t; it also depends on last period’s output. We know from
last term that the solution to our static micro problem (if it exists) is a particular number x∗ .
Now the solution to our dynamic problem is a function x(t) that depends on at least one time
derivative: a differential equation. Looking at the same problem in its continuous form,4 we can
rewrite the above problem as
Z ∞
max F (t, x(t), ẋ(t)) dt
x(t) 0
s.t.: x(t) ≥ 0; x(0) given.
We assume F (·) to be continuous in all of its arguments and to be C 1 w.r.t x and ẋ.
Although this is the correct statement of what is to come, we start by looking at an easier
problem first.5,6 Z t1
max F (t, x(t), ẋ(t)) dt
x(t) t0 (9.3.2)
s.t.: x(t0 ) = x0 , x(t1 ) = x1 .
We know that the solution to this problem is a differential equation x(t) and we know the initial
and terminal values of this function. But we know nothing else.
Def: The class of admissible functions among which we are looking for a maximum is defined as
the set of all continuously differentiable functions on [t0 , t1 ].
We are simply looking for any function that is C 1 and goes through both boundary points.
Now suppose that x∗ (t), t ∈ [t0 , t1 ] provides a maximal solution to (9.3.2) and satisfies our
boundary conditions. Let x(t) be some arbitrary other admissible function and let
be the gap between the two for each t. Since both functions are admissible, h(t0 ) = h(t1 ) = 0.
4 Again, notice our convention to switch to the functional notation x(t) when looking at continuous variables.
5 We will solve the infinite horizon problem below using transversality conditions but we will not look at inequality
constraints at all. If you are interested in how to handle these, consult (Kamien and Schwartz 1991, chapters 12, 14), or
(Chiang 1989, chapter 6).
6 For future reference, here is the equivalent statement as an optimal control problem. Let u(t) = ẋ(t), then
Z t1
max F (t, x(t), u(t)) dt
x(t) t0 (9.3.1)
s.t.: ẋ(t) = u(t), x(t0 ) = x0 .
We call a deviation admissible if x∗ + h is admissible. This implies that for any constant a,
the function y(t) = x∗ (t) + ah(t) will also be admissible. Now holding x∗ and h both fixed, we
compute the integral in (9.3.2) for y(t, a). This is illustrated below.
x∗ + h
t0 t1
Z t1
g(a) ≡ F (t, y(t, a), ẏ(t, a)) dt
F t, x∗ (t) + ah(t), ẋ∗ (t) + ah0 (t) dt
Since x∗ maximises (9.3.2), g(a) must assume its maximum at a = 0. But this implies that
g0 (a = 0) = 0 which we exploit (by applying the chain and Leibnitz’ (B.0.4) rules) to establish
dF (t, x∗ (t), ẋ∗ (t))
g0 (0) = dt
Zt0t1 da
Fx (t, x∗ (t), ẋ∗ (t)) h(t) + Fẋ (t, x∗ (t), ẋ∗ (t)) h0 (t) dt
= 0.
Integrating the second term by parts (setting f = Fẋ and g0 = h0 (t)dt in (B.0.3)) yields an easier
dFẋ (·)
form (assuming that the total derivative dt exists)
t1 t1 t1
dFẋ (·)
Fẋ (·) h (·)dt = Fẋ (·) h | − h(t) dt.
t0 t0 t0 dt
Substituting this and our initial and terminal conditions from (9.3.2), into the above condition
g0 (0) = 0 we obtain
dFẋ (t, x∗ (t), ẋ∗ (t))
0 ∗ ∗
g (0) = Fx (t, x (t), ẋ (t)) − h(t)dt = 0. (9.3.3)
t0 dt
Since this condition (9.3.3) holds if x∗ maximises (9.3.2), it must hold for every continuously
differentiable function h that is zero at the beginning and the end. It certainly also holds if the
or, suppressing the variables (t, x∗ (t), ẋ∗ (t)), we get the simpler notation
Fx = , for t0 ≤ t ≤ t1 . (9.3.5)
This equation is called the Euler equation corresponding to problem (9.3.2). It may be viewed as
a generalisation of our standard necessary condition f 0 (x∗ ) = 0 to maximise the function f (x).7
A proof that (9.3.4) is a necessary condition for all t ∈ [t0 , t1 ] can be found in (Kamien and
Schwartz 1991, 16f). Computing the total derivative of the time partial dt = Fẋt + Fẋx ẋ + Fẋẋ ẍ,
we can rewrite the above into an alternative version of the Euler equation that is often more
convenient than (9.3.4)
Fx = Fẋt + Fẋx ẋ + Fẋẋ ẍ, for t0 ≤ t ≤ t1 . (9.3.6)
We conclude that the Euler equation is a second order differential equation for x(t) that has to
be solved for the initial and terminal conditions in (9.3.2). As we know from the previous section
there may well exist no closed form solution to such equations.
More realistic problem settings than the one above will give rise to a whole system of Euler
equations. Solution candidates to the (system of) Euler equation(s) are called extremals—these
are analogous to the solutions to f 0 (x) = 0 in classical calculus. As you may suspect, there
are also corresponding sufficient conditions: If F (t, x, ẋ) is concave in (x, ẋ) then an admissible
function that solves the Euler equation(s) solves our problem. But we will not investigate these
issues here any further. If you’re interested, please take a look at (Kamien and Schwartz 1991,
40ff) or (Chiang 1989, 79ff).
As we have stated rather casually above, we do not know whether there are closed form solutions
to the general form of the Euler equation(s) or not. If we cannot find a useful solution by
analytical means, we may want to employ the qualitative analysis technique of phase diagrams.
There is a whole collection of solutions, however, for certain standard forms of Euler equations.
We will investigate the most common of these now. Again, most of this is taken from (Kamien
and Schwartz 1991, 28ff). Consult the examples and exercises there if you need some practice.
If you know how to solve the Euler equation in the cases below, you are safe; do not expect any
more horrible things to show up in you macro problem sets.
1. F = F (t, ẋ).
7 You may want to convince yourself that if dFẋ /dt = 0, then (9.3.4) reduces to the standard calculus condition.
= 0,
from which follows that Fẋ = const. This is a first order differential equation in (t, ẋ) only
and we can solve it employing the techniques we studied in the previous section.
2. F = F (x, ẋ).
Since F does not depend on t, the Euler equation (9.3.6) reduces to
Fx − Fẋx ẋ − Fẋẋ ẍ = 0,
for which ẋ is an integrating factor. Therefore, multiplying this Euler equation through by
ẋ yields an exact differential, namely,
d(F − ẋFẋ )
ẋ [Fx − Fẋx ẋ − Fẋẋ ẍ] = = 0.
3. F = F (ẋ).
Since F does only depend on ẋ, the Euler equation (9.3.6) reduces to
Fẋẋ ẍ = 0.
Thus, along the extremal at each t, either Fẋẋ (ẋ) = 0 or ẍ(t) = 0. In the latter case, this
indicates that the extremal is linear of the form x(t) = c1 t + c2 . In the former case, either
Fẋẋ ≡ 0 or else ẋ is constant (which is the case we just considered). If F is linear in ẋ, the
Euler equation is an identity and any x satisfies it trivially.
We conclude that if the integrand F depends solely on ẋ but is not linear, then the graphs
of extremals are straight lines. The boundary conditions determine the constants. (This is
a heavy hint towards the answer of exercise 9.6.)
4. F = F (t, x).
This Euler equation is not a differential equation. Therefore, we do not (really) look at a
dynamic problem.
Ax + Bx ẋ = Bt + Bx ẋ,
Ax (t, x) ≡ Bt (t, x)
which is satisfied by any function x. We do not go into this any further here, but be
assured that something called the Integrability Theorem of differential equations says that
in such cases the value of the integral only depends on its endpoints—the path is irrelevant.
Consequently in this case, any feasible path is optimal.
When we look at problems with no fixed end date (or no end date at all) we cannot apply the
above solution method. Regardless, we can set the problem up as
Z t1
max F (t, x(t), ẋ(t)) dt
x(t) t0 (9.5.1)
s.t.: x(t0 ) = x0 given
while leaving t1 unspecified. The intuition of what we are doing now is captured in the following
picture: Rather than pasting a curve in between two points we now have a single initial point
and a vertical line as the terminal condition where we want to paste a smooth curve in between.
t0 t1
the longer one and define the value of the ‘shorter’ function to be of the value indicated by the slope of the last defined point.
Def: We define the distance between the optimum and the comparison function to be
kx∗ (t) − x(t)k ≡ max |h(t)| + max h0 (t) + |δt1 | + |x(t1 + δt1 ) − x∗ (t1 )| .
t t
This is different from the standard Euclidean metric that we studied last term. We indicate
in figure 9.3 below what idea this is supposed to capture.
x1 = x∗(t1)
x1 + δx1 = x(t1 + δt1 )
comparison path
optimal path
t0 t1 t1 + δt1
According to the above definition, two C 2 functions are close if, for each point of the (extended)
domain, both slopes are similar, their values are close and their terminal values are similar. As
before, we define a function g(a)
Z t1 +δt1
F t, x∗ (t1 ) + ah(t), ẋ∗ (t) + ah0 (t) dt
g(a) ≡
that assumes a maximum at a = 0 so that g0 (0) = 0. Leibnitz’ rule and integration by parts
(B.0.4, B.0.3) gives
0 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
g (0) = F (t1 , x (t1 ), ẋ (t1 )) δt1 + Fẋ (t1 , x (t1 ), ẋ (t1 )) h(t1 ) + h Fx − dt (9.5.2)
t0 dt
where the integrand is evaluated at the optimal (t, x∗ (t), ẋ∗ (t)). As depicted above, we call the
difference of the values of the two functions at their terminal points
Now if the optimal function x∗ and the comparison function x = x∗ + h are close in the above
sense, we have approximately
δx1 ≈ x(t1 ) − x∗ (t1 ) + ẋ∗ (t1 )δt1 = h(t1 ) + ẋ∗ (t1 )δt1 .
We rearrange to
h(t1 ) ≈ δx1 − ẋ∗ (t1 )δt1 (9.5.3)
comparison path
optimal path
t0 t1 t1 + δt1
Collecting terms and substituting (9.5.3) into (9.5.2) we get the expression we are after
h Fx − dt + Fẋ | δx1 + (F − ẋFẋ ) | δt1 = 0. (9.5.4)
t0 dt t1 t1
Since the comparison curve could terminate at exactly the same point that x∗ does, with δt1 = 0
and δx1 = 0, it follows that
h Fx − dt = 0
t0 dt
must hold for all admissible functions satisfying h(t0 ) = h(t1 ) = 0. Therefore we again know that
the Euler equation
Fx =
is satisfied and (9.5.4) reduces to
Supposing t1 to be free but x(t1 ) = x1 fixed, we have δx1 = 0 and we can rewrite the above into
the more usual form of
(F − ẋFẋ ) | δt1 = 0 for all δt1 .
Therefore we require
F − ẋFẋ = 0 at t1 if t1 is free.
This expression is called the transversality condition for (9.5.1). Together with the initial value
it determines the two constants of integration in the Euler equation and the terminal time t1 .
Notice that since we do not have an explicit dependency on time we are looking at an autonomous
problem9 —we will not look at anything more complicated. The problem with infinite horizons
is that there may be no necessary transversality condition. Even if the transversality condition
holds, it may be of little help in determining the constants of integration. Be that how it may,
without much ado we argue that in problems such as the one above that depend only on time
through the discount rate, it may be reasonable to expect that the solution x(t) tends towards
a steady state xs for which, by definition, ẋ = ẍ = 0.10 We solve for (the number) xs by setting
ẋ = ẍ = 0 in the Euler equation (9.3.6) and obtain the implicit condition
Given our existence assumption on the steady state, we can define an additional boundary con-
dition on problem (9.6.1) by writing
lim x(t) = xs .
x a + rb
ẍ − r ẋ − =
c 2
discount term, we can still consider the problem autonomous because the Euler equation will be truly autonomous.
10 Notice that the steady state need not be approached in finite time.
All exercises are taken from the first 5 chapters of (Kamien and Schwartz 1991). You should be
able to solve them even if you did not yet cover optimisation in macro.
Exc 9.1: A firm has to fulfill an order for B units of its product to be delivered at time T . It seeks
a production schedule for filling this order at the specified delivery date at minimum cost. Unit
production cost rises linearly with the production rate and the unit cost of holding inventory (per
time unit) is constant.
1. Think about the problem and try to determine (the behaviour of) all variables involved.
2. Set up the firm’s cost minimisation problem.
3. Find a production plan that is feasible (you do not have to show it is minimal).
Exc 9.2: Find the Euler equation and its solutions for
Z 2
x(t) + tx0 (t) − (ẋ(t))2 dt
x(t) 1
s.t.: x(1) = 3, x(2) = 4.
Exc 9.4: Find the shortest distance in the plane between two points (a,A) and (b,B). To state the
problem more formally, recall that the square of the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle
is equal to the sum of squares of lengths of the other two sides. Thus a small distance ds can be
expressed as
p p
ds = (dt)2 + (dx)2 = 1 + ẋ(t)2 .
10.1 Assumptions
There is a single player who takes a single action α ∈ A at every stage of the game. All information
is aggregated into the single state variable y ∈ Y. The transition dynamics of y are determined
by the transition probability π(y ∗ |y, α). The set of states which can be reached with positive
probability from some given state y is defined as
There are two main cases of interest; case (a), where Y and A are finite, and case (b), where
Y is a tree and only immediate successors have positive probability.
Preferences for this decision problem are given by a period utility u(α, y) which is assumed to
be additively separable over time (and states of nature) with discount factor 0 ≤ δ < 1.
We further assume that
5. u is bounded by ū and continuous in α.
10.2 Definitions
Def: The finite history of the game is denoted h = (y1 , y2 , . . . , yt ). For any given history h, we
can recover:
i. the length of the history at t(h) = t,
ii. the final state y(h) = yt ,
iii. the history through the previous period h − 1 = (y1 , y2 , . . . , yt−1 ), and
iv. the initial state y1 (h).
Def: Histories are naturally ordered according to whether or not a history can logically follow
from one another. If a history h0 follows from h we denoted this by h0 ≥ h.
Def: We say that a history is feasible if yτ ∈ S(yτ −1 ); the set of histories that is not feasible has
probability zero. The set of all feasible histories is denoted by H.
Rem: Since we have assumed S(y) to be finite, it follows that H is countable.
Def: An action α is a map from histories to actions α : H 7→ A.
Def: The object of choice is a strategy σ which is a map from all histories to actions for each
stage σ : H 7→ Σ. The space of all strategies the player can choose from is Σ ≡ A∞ .
Def: A strategy is called strong Markov if σ(h) = σ(h0 ) if y(h) = y(h0 ), that is if actions are
determined entirely by the sate. Any strong Markov strategy is equivalent to a map σ : Y 7→ A.
Given a strategy we can define the probabilities of histories by
π(y(h)|y(h − 1), σ(h − 1))π(h − 1|y1 , σ) if t(h) > 1
π(h|y1 , σ) = 1 if t(h) = 1 and y1 (h) = y1
1 if t(h) = 1 and y1 (h) 6= y1 .
We may also—for any given initial state and strategy—compute the expected average present
value utility as
V (y1 , σ) ≡ (1 − δ) δ t(h)−1 u(σ(h), y(h))π(h|y1 , σ).
Lemma 57. The value function is a fixed point of the Bellman equation T (v) = v.
T (w) − T (w0 ) ≤ δ w − w0 .
Lemma 59. There is a strong Markov optimum that may be found from the Bellman equation.
Proof. We define the strong Markov plan in the obvious way, and show recursively that it yields
a present value equal to the value function
v(y1 (h)) =
δ t(h)−1 π(h|y1 (h), σ)u(σ(h), y(h))
(1 − δ) t(h)<T
δ T π(h|y1 (h), σ)v(h).
+ (1 − δ) t(h)=T
Chapter 11
Reading: (Obstfeld 1992) and (Kamien and Schwartz 1991). Alternative sources are (Chiang
1989) and (Seierstad and Sydsæter 1987). A derivation of the Maximum Principle is also contained
in (Sundaram 1996).
The text that forms chapters (11) and (12) is Obstfeld, M., Dynamic Optimisation in Continuous-
Time Economic Models (A Guide for the Perplexed), NBER, 1992. In addition to being concise
and very well written, it has the added advantage to be downloadable for free (from http :
// eld/) while Kamien-Schwartz represents quite a financial invest-
ment. Here I reprint the original Obstfeld paper with some annotations, additional explanations
and pictures.1
11.1 Theory I
The assumption that economic activity takes place continuously is a convenient abstraction in
many applications. In others, such as the study of financial-market equilibrium, the assumption
of continuous trading corresponds closely to reality. Regardless of motivation, continuous-time
modeling allows application of a powerful mathematical tool, the theory of optimal dynamic
The basic idea of optimal control theory is easy to grasp—indeed it follows from elementary
principles similar to those that underlie standard static optimisation problems. The purpose of
these notes is twofold. First, I present intuitive derivations of the first-order necessary conditions
that characterise the solutions of basic continuous-time optimisation problems.2 Second, I show
1 I am grateful to Maurice Obstfeld, University of California at Berkeley, for allowing me to use his paper in this way. Since
I typed in the paper manually, I guarantee for the addition of typos—for which I take full responsibility. My annotations are
usually given in footnotes and marked by a double dagger.‡
2 When the optimisation is done over a finite time horizon, the usual second-order sufficient conditions generalise imme-
diately. (These second-order conditions will be valid in all problems examined here.) When the horizon is infinite, however,
some additional ‘terminal’ conditions are needed to ensure optimality. I make only passing reference to these conditions
below, even though I always assume (for simplicity) that horizons are infinite. Detailed treatment of such technical questions
can be found in some of the later references.
why very similar conditions apply in deterministic and stochastic environments alike.
where k(0) is given and U (c, k) is a strictly concave function and G(c, k) is concave. In practice
there may be some additional inequality constraints on c and/or k; for example, if c stands for
consumption, c must be non-negative. While I will not deal in any detail with such constraints,
they are straightforward to incorporate.4 In general, c and k can be vectors, but I will concen-
trate on the notationally simpler scalar case. I call c the control variable for the optimisation
problem and k the state variable. You should think of the control variable as a flow—for example,
consumption per unit time—and the state variable as a stock—for example, the stock of capital,
measured in units of consumption.
Here is a rough guide of how to choose the control and state variables:‡
The state variables
1. If there is only one asset or consumption good, then the number of state variables
equals the number of Euler equations.
2. The state variable enters the objective.
3. The change of each state variable is determined by a first order differential equation,
the so called state (or transition) equation.
4. State variables must be predetermined at any given point in time, that is, they are
not an object of choice. Therefore, only the rhs of the rules of consumption, saving,
or accumulation are candidates for state variables.
5. State variables can only use sufficient statistics.
6. Avoid using more than one state variable like hell.
The control variables
1. Control variables are always exogenous, i.e. in contrast to the state variables they
are subject to discretionary choice.
2. They influence the state variable(s) (a) directly through their own value and (b)
indirectly through their impact on the evolution of the state variables that enters the
3. Look first at the typical rules of consumption (ct ) saving (bt ) and accumulation
(kt , kt+1 ).
Notice that the number of state variables may be greater or smaller than the number of
control variables.
The problem set out above has a special structure that we can exploit in describing a solution.
In the above problem, planning starts at time t = 0. Since no exogenous variables enter (11.1.1),
the maximised value of (11.1.1) depends only on k(0), the predetermined initial value of the state
variable. In other words, the problem is stationary, i.e., it does not change in form with the
passage of time.5 Let’s denote this maximised value by J[k(0)], and call J(k) the value function
for the problem. If {c∗ (t)}∞ ∗ ∞
t=0 stands for the associated optimal path of the control and {k (t)}t=0
for that of the state,6 then by definition,
Z ∞
J[k(0)] ≡ e−δt U [c∗ (t), k∗ (t)] dt.
The nice structure of this problem relates to the following property. Suppose that the optimal
plan has been followed until a time T > 0, so that k(T ) is equal to the value k∗ (T ) given in the
last footnote. Imagine a new decision maker who maximises the discounted flow of utility from
5 Non-stationary problems often can be handled by methods analogous to those discussed below, but they require additional
time t = T onward, Z ∞
e−δ(t−T ) U [c(t), k(t)] dt
T (11.1.2)
s.t.: k̇t = G [c(t), k(t)]
but with the initial value of k given by k(T ) = k∗ (T ). Then the optimal program determined by
this new decision maker will coincide with the continuation, from time T onward, of the optimal
program determined at time 0, given k(0). You should construct a proof of this fundamental
result, which is intimately related to the notion of dynamic consistency. This basic idea of
dynamic programming—to reduce the general problem to a two period problem—is illustrated in
figure ??.
k ∗(t)
k ∗ (T )
[0, T ] T [T, ∞]
You should also convince yourself of a key implication of this result, namely that
J[k(0)] = e−δt U [c∗ (t), k∗ (t)] dt + e−δT J[k∗ (T )], (11.1.3)
where J[k∗ (T )] denotes the maximised value of (11.1.2) given that k(T ) = k∗ (T ) and the original
constraint k̇t = G [c(t), k(t)] is respected. Equation (11.1.3) implies that we can think of our
original, t = 0, problem as the finite-horizon problem of maximising
e−δt U [c(t), k(t)] dt + e−δT J[k(T )]
0 (11.1.4)
s.t.: k̇t = G [c(t), k(t)] for 0 < t < T.
Of course, in practice it may not be so easy to determine the correct functional form for J(k), as we
shall see below! Nonetheless, this way of formulating our problem—which is known as Bellman’s
principle of dynamic programming—leads directly to a characterisation of the optimum. Because
this characterisation is derived most conveniently by starting in discrete time, I first set up
a discrete-time analogue of our basic maximisation problem and then proceed to the limit of
continuous time.
Let’s imagine that time is carved up into discrete intervals of length h. A decision on the
11.1. THEORY I 185
control variable c, which is a flow, sets c at some fixed level per unit time over an entire period of
duration h. Furthermore, we assume that changes in k, rather than accruing continuously with
time, are ‘credited’ only at the very end of a period, like monthly interest on a bank account. We
thus consider the problem:
max e−δth U [c(t), k(t)] h
t=0 (11.1.5)
s.t.: k(t + h) − k(t) = hG[c(t), k(t)], k(0) given.
Above, c(t) is the fixed rate of consumption over period t while k(t) is the given level of k that
prevails from the very end of period t − 1 until the very end of t. In (11.1.5) I have multiplied
U (c, k) [resp. G(c, k)] by h because the cumulative flow of utility [resp. change in k] over a
period is the product of a fixed instantaneous rate of flow [resp. rate of change] and the period’s
length. Bellman’s principle provides a simple approach to the preceding problem. It states that
the problem’s value function is given by
It implies, in particular, that the optimal c∗ (t) must be chosen to maximise the term in braces. By
taking the functional relationship (11.1.6) to the limit as h 7→ 0, we will find a way to characterise
the continuous-time optimum.7
We will make four changes in (11.1.6) to get it into useful form.
1. First, subtract J[k(t)] from both sides.
2. Second, impose the constraint from (11.1.4) by substituting for k(t+h), k(t)+hG[c(t), k(t)].
3. Third, replace e−δh by its power-series representation,
!−δh ∞
X 1 X (−δh)n δh δ2 h2 δ 3 h3
e = = =1− + − + ...
n! n! 1 2 6
n=1 n=0
The result is
(δ 2 h) δ 3 h2
J [k + hG(c, k)] − J[k]
0 = max U (c, k) − δ − + − . . . J [k + hG(c, k)] +
c 2 6 h
where implicitly all variables are dated t. Notice that
the extended example in this section for a concrete case.) I have also not proven that the value function, when it does exist,
is differentiable. We know that it will be for the type of problem under study here, so I’ll feel free to use the value function’s
first derivative whenever I need it below. With somewhat less justification, I’ll also use its second and third derivatives.
It follows that as h 7→ 0, the left-hand side above approaches J 0 (k)G(c, k). Accordingly, we have
proved the following
Proposition 60. At each moment, the control c∗ optimal for maximising (11.1.1) satisfies the
Bellman equation
This is a very simple and elegant formula. What is its interpretation? As an intermediate
step in interpreting (11.1.8), define the Hamiltonian for this maximisation problem as
In this model, the intertemporal tradeoff involves a choice between higher current c and higher
future k. If c is consumption and k wealth, for example, the model is one in which the utility from
consuming now must continuously be traded off against the utility value of savings. The Hamil-
tonian H(c, k) can be thought of as a measure of the flow value, in current utility terms, of the
consumption-savings combination implied by the consumption choice c, given the predetermined
value of k. The Hamiltonian solves the problem of ‘pricing’ saving in terms of current utility
by multiplying the flow of saving, G(c, k) = k̇, by J 0 (k), the effect of an increment to wealth on
total lifetime utility. A corollary of this observation is that J 0 (k) has a natural interpretation as
the shadow price (or marginal current utility) of wealth.8 More generally, leaving our particular
example aside, J 0 (k) is the shadow price one should associate with the state variable k.
This brings us back to the Bellman equation, equation (11.1.8). Let c∗ be the value of c that
maximises H(c, k), given k, which is arbitrarily predetermined and therefore might not have been
chosen optimally.9 Then (11.1.8) states that
In words, the maximised Hamiltonian is a fraction δ of an optimal plan’s total lifetime value.
Equivalently, the instantaneous value flow from following an optimal plan divided by the plan’s
total value—i.e., the plan’s rate of return—must equal the rate of time preference, δ. Notice that
if we were to measure the current payout of the plan by U (c∗ , k) alone, we would err by not taking
proper account of the value of the current increase in k. This would be like leaving investment
out of our measure of GNP! The Hamiltonian solves this accounting problem by valuing the
increment to k using the shadow price J 0 (k).
To understand the implications of the Bellman equation (11.1.8) for optimal consumption we
must go ahead and perform the maximisation that it specifies (which amounts to maximising the
Hamiltonian). As a by-product, we will obtain the Pontryagin necessary conditions for optimal
8 For reasons that will become clearer later on, J 0 (·) is also called the costate variable.‡
9 It is important to understand clearly that at a given point in time t, k(t) is not an object of choice (which is why we
call it a state variable). Variable c(t) can be chosen freely at time t (which is why it is called a control variable), but its level
influences the change in k(t) over the next infinitesimal time interval, k(t + dt) − k(t), not the current value k(t).
11.1. THEORY I 187
Maximising the term in braces in (11.1.8) over c, we get10
The reason this condition is necessary is easy to grasp. At each moment the decision maker can
decide to ‘consume’ a bit more, but at some cost in terms of the value of current ‘savings.’ A unit
of additional consumption yields a marginal payoff of Uc (c∗ , k), but at the same time, savings
change by Gc (c∗ , k). The utility c value of a marginal fall in savings thus is −Gc (c∗ , k)J 0 (k);
and if the planner is indeed at an optimum, it must be that this marginal cost just equals the
marginal current utility benefit from higher consumption. In other words, unless (11.1.11) holds,
there will be an incentive to change c from c∗ , meaning that c∗ cannot be optimal.
Let’s get some further insight by exploiting again the recursive structure of the problem. It is
easy to see from (11.1.11) that for any date t the optimal level of the control, c∗ (t), depends only
on the inherited state k(t) (regardless of whether k(t) was chosen optimally in the past). Let’s
write this functional relationship between optimal c and k as c∗ = c(k), and assume that c(k) is
differentiable. (For example, if c is consumption and k total wealth, c(k) will be the household’s
consumption function.) Functions like c(k) will be called optimal policy functions, or more simply,
policy functions. Because c(k) is defined as the solution to (11.1.8), it automatically satisfies
Equation (11.1.11) informs us as to the optimal relation between c and k at a point in time.
To learn about the implied optimal behaviour of consumption over time, let’s differentiate the
preceding equation wrt k:
0 = Uc (c∗ , k) + J 0 (k)Gc (c∗ , k) c0 (k) + Uk (c∗ , k) + [Gk [c∗ , k] − δ] J 0 (k) + J 00 (k)G(c∗ , k).
The expression above, far from being a hopeless quagmire, is actually just what we’re looking
for. Notice first that the left-hand term multiplying c0 (k) drops out entirely thanks to (11.1.11):
another example of the Envelope Theorem. This leaves us with the rest,
Even the preceding simplified expression probably is not totally reassuring.11 Do not despair,
however. A familiar economic interpretation is again fortunately available. We saw earlier that
J 0 (k) could be usefully thought of as the shadow price of the state variable k. If we think of k
as an asset stock (capital, foreign bonds, whatever), this shadow price corresponds to an asset
price. Furthermore, we know that under perfect foresight, asset prices adjust so as to equate the
asset’s total instantaneous rate of return to some required or benchmark rate of return, which
10 I assume interior solutions throughout.
11 To us (11.1.12) should be familiar: It is the Euler equation we derived as necessary condition in the last chapter.‡
in the present context can only be the time-preference rate, δ. As an aid to clear thinking, let’s
introduce a new variable, λ, to represent the shadow price J 0 (k) of the asset k:
λ ≡ J 0 (k).
Our next step will be to rewrite (11.1.12) in terms of λ. The key observation allowing us to do
this concerns the last term on the right-hand side of (11.1.12), J 00 (k)G(c∗ , k). The chain rule of
calculus implies that
dJ 0 (k) dk dλ dk dλ
J 00 (k)G(c∗ , k) = = = = λ̇;
dk dt dk dt dt
and with this fact in hand, it is only a matter of substitution to express (11.1.12) in the form
Uk + λGk + λ̇
δ= . (11.1.13)
11.2 Theory II
We will see in the following three sections how to solve continuous-time deterministic problems
using Bellman’s method of dynamic programming, which is based on the value function J(k).
We have seen how to interpret the derivative of the value function, J 0 (k), as a sort of shadow
asset price, denoted by λ. The last order of business is to show that we have actually proved
a simple form of Pontryagin’s Maximum Principle (Pontryagin, Boltyanskii, Gamkrelidze, and
Mishchenko 1962):
Proposition 61. (Maximum Principle) Let c∗ (t) solve the problem (11.1.1). Then there exist
variables λ(t)—called costate variables—such that the Hamiltonian
∂H ∗
(c , k, λ) ≡ Uc (c∗ , k) + λGc (c∗ , k) = 0 (11.2.1)
at all times (assuming, as always, an interior solution). Furthermore, the costate variable obeys
the differential equation
∂H ∗
λ̇ = λδ − (c , k, λ) = λδ − [Uk (c∗ , k) + λGk (c∗ , k)] (11.2.2)
You can verify that if we identify the costate variable with the derivative of the value function,
J 0 (k), the Pontryagin necessary conditions are satisfied by our earlier dynamic-programming
solution. In particular, (11.2.1) coincides with (11.1.11) and (11.2.2) coincides with (11.1.13). So
we have shown, in a simple stationary setting, why the Maximum Principle ‘works.’ The principle
is actually more broadly applicable than you might guess from the foregoing discussion—it easily
handles non-stationary environments, side constraints, etc. And it has a stochastic analogue, to
which we shall turn in the next chapter.13
Let’s step back for a moment from this abstract setting to consolidate what we’ve learned through
an example. Consider the standard Ramsey problem of a consumer social planner who maximises
(Ramsey 1926)14 Z ∞
e−δt U [c(t)] dt
T (11.3.1)
s.t.: k̇ = f (k) − c
(where c is consumption, k capital, and f (k) the production function). Now Uk = 0, G(c, k) =
f (k) − c, Gc = −1, and Gk = f 0 (k). In this setting, (11.1.13) becomes the statement that the
rate of time preference should equal the marginal product of capital plus the rate of accrual of
utility capital gains,
δ = f 0 (k) + .
Condition (11.1.11) becomes
U 0 (c) = λ.
12 You should note that if we integrate differential-equation (11.2.2), we get the general solution
Z ∞
∂H ∗
λ(t) = e−δ(s−t) [c (s), k(s), λ(s)]ds + Aeδt ,
t ∂k
where A is an arbitrary constant. [To check this claim, just differentiate the foregoing expression with respect to t: If the
integral in the expression is I(t), we find that λ̇ = δI − ∂H ∂k
+ δAeδt = δλ − ∂H ∂k
.] I referred in the prior example to an
additional terminal condition requiring the present value of the capital stock to converge to zero along an optimal path. Since
λ(t) is the price of capital at time t, this terminal condition usually requires that lim e−δt λ(t) = 0, or that A = 0 in the
solution above. The particular solution that remains equates the shadow price of a unit of capital to the discounted stream
of its shadow ‘marginal products,’ where the latter are measured by partial derivatives of the flow of value, H, with respect
to k.
13 For more details and complications on the deterministic Maximum Principle, see (Arrow and Kurz 1970).
14 More recent versions of the same model come under the names of (Cass 1965) and (Koopmans 1965). The Ramsey-
Cass-Koopmans model looks at a micro-founded (i.e. based on maximising behaviour), closed-economy growth model.
U 00 (c)ċ = λ̇,
and we can express the optimal dynamics of c and k as a non-linear differential equation system:
ċ = − UU00(c)
(c) [f (k) − δ]
k̇ = f (k) − c.
Assuming the Inada conditions (8.1.13), we obtain the neoclassical production function as graphed
f 0 (k) = n+g n 0
y = f (k) f (k)
You can see the phase diagram for this system in figure 11.3.16
The diagram shows that, given k, any positive initial c initiates a path along which the two
preceding differential equations for c and k are respected. But not all of these paths are optimal,
since the differential equations specify conditions that are merely necessary, but not sufficient,
for optimality.
Indeed, only one path will be optimal in general: we can write the associated policy function
as c∗ = c(k). For given k0 , paths (like D0 in figure 11.3) with initial consumption levels exceeding
c0 = D imply that k becomes negative after a finite time interval. Since a negative capital stock
is nonsensical, such paths are not even feasible, let alone optimal.
Paths (like D 00 in figure 11.3) with initial consumption levels below c0 = D imply that k gets to
be too large, in the sense that the individual could raise lifetime utility by eating some capital and
never replacing it. These ‘overaccumulation’ paths violate a sort of terminal condition stating
that the present value of the capital stock should converge to zero along an optimal path. I shall
15 GR denotes the ‘Golden Rule’ and mGR the ‘modified Golden Rule’ capital stocks k. For a discussion of what these
c(t) ċ = 0 D k̇ = f (k) − c − nk
U 0 (c)
ċ = U 00 (c) [f 0 (k) − δ]
k̇ = 0
D” A
∗ g
k0 k k
Figure 11.3: The phase diagram for the Ramsey model. A population growth term has been added to the
transition equation, i.e. k̇ = f (k) − c − nk, in order to have the k̇ = 0 locus go back to zero. Otherwise,
the k̇ = 0 locus would look like the dashed curve.
= r − η.
= ε(r − δ),
Thus, c(k) = [(1 − ε)r + εδ]k is the optimal policy function. In the case of log utility (ε = 1), we
simply have η = δ. We get the same simple result if it so happens that r and δ are equal.
Equation (11.3.4) has a nice interpretation. In Milton Friedman’s permanent-income model
(Friedman 1957) where δ = r, people consume the annuity value of wealth, so that η = δ = r.
This rule results in a level consumption path. When δ 6= r, however, the optimal consumption
path will be tilted, with consumption rising over time if r > δ and falling over time if r < δ. By
writing (11.3.4) as
η = r − ε(r + δ)
we can see these two effects at work. Why is the deviation from the Friedman permanent-income
path proportional to ε? Recall that ε, the elasticity of intertemporal substitution, measures an
individual’s willingness to substitute consumption today for consumption in the future. If ε is
high and r > δ, for example, people will be quite willing to forgo present consumption to take
advantage of the relatively high rate of return to saving; and the larger is ε, ceteris paribus, the
lower will be η. Alert readers will have noticed a major problem with all this. If r > δ and ε is
sufficiently large, η, and hence ‘optimal’ consumption, will be negative. How can this be? Where
has our analysis gone wrong?
The answer is that when η < 0, no optimum consumption plan exists! After all, nothing we’ve
done demonstrates existence: our arguments merely indicate some properties that an optimum,
if one exists, will need to have. No optimal consumption path exists when η < 0 for the following
reason. Because optimal consumption growth necessarily satisfies c = ε(r − δ), and ε(r − δ) > r
in this case, optimal consumption would have to grow at a rate exceeding the rate of return
on capital, r. Since capital growth obeys k = r − kc , however, and c ≥ 0, the growth rate
of capital, and thus that of output, is at most r. With consumption positive and growing at
3 percent per year, say, but with capital growing at a lower yearly rate, consumption would
eventually grow to be greater than total output—an impossibility in a closed economy. So the
proposed path for consumption is not feasible. This means that no feasible path—other than
the obviously suboptimal path with c(t) = 0, for all t—satisfies the necessary conditions for
optimality. Therefore no feasible path is optimal: no optimal path exists.
Let’s take our analysis a step further to see how the value function J(k) looks. Observe first that
at any time t,
k(t) = k(0)e(r−η)t = k(0)eε(r−δ)t ,
where k(0) is the starting capital stock and η is given by (11.3.4). Evidently, the value function
at t = 0 is just
Z ∞
1 −1
−δt 1− 1ε 1
J[k(0)] = 1− ε e
[ηk(t)] dt −
Z0 ∞ δ
−1 h i1− 1 1
= 1 − 1ε e−δt ηk(0)eε(r−δ)t
dt −
0 δ
1 −1
[ηk(0)]1− ε 1
= 1− ε δ−(ε−1)(r−δ) − δ .
So the value function J(k) has the same general form as the utility function, but with k in place
of c (compare with (11.3.5) with (11.3.3) if you do not believe me). This is not the last time
we’ll encounter this property. Alert readers will again notice that to carry out the final step of
the last calculation, I had to assume that the integral in braces above is convergent, that is, that
δ − (ε − 1)(r − δ) > 0. Notice, however, that δ − (ε − 1)(r − δ) = r − ε(r − δ) = η, so the calculation
is valid provided an optimal consumption program exists. If one does not, the value function
clearly does not exist either: we cannot specify the maximised value of a function that does not
attain a maximum.
This counterexample should serve as a warning against blithely assuming that all problems have
well-defined solutions and value functions.
where c is consumption, k capital, and f (k) the production function—again all variables are in
per capita terms and implicitly understood to be dated at t.
We enjoy the same simplifications as before:
• The transition equation leaves all newly produced wealth that is not directly consumed for
the future. All output that is not eaten can be converted into (storable) wealth. G(c, k) =
f (k) − c; Gc = −1; Gk = f 0 (k).
Contrary to what we’ve done above, we will now generalise our approach and set-up the
Hamiltonian from the principles we derived in our theoretical treatment of optimal control. That
is, we simply apply our insights from (11.1.9) and set-up the Hamiltonian as
We now apply the Maximum principle by taking derivatives of this Hamiltonian wrt the control
c. (Below we will do the same for the state k to obtain the Euler equation. By these means we
actually derive the equivalents of the two conditions for optimality (11.1.8 and 11.1.11) that we
∂H(c, k)
= 0 ⇔ e−δt Uc = λ.
Since we already know that we will also need the time derivative of the costate, we take log-
derivatives, that is, we take logs and derivatives in one step. First the rhs
∂H(c, k)
= −λ̇
into which we plug the above result for λ̇. This immediately yields
δ − f 0 (k) =
ċ = − UU00(c)
(c) [f (k) − δ]
k̇ = f (k) − c.
You will agree that this is identical to the dynamics we derived in the previous example. Therefore
the same solutions (& phase diagrams) apply as we derived above.
Reading: (Blanchard and Fischer 1989, 39-55) or, alternatively, (Barro and Sala-i Martin 1995,
17 You will notice that in the Obstfeld paper, the below e−δt term is missing. This is the case because he defines his costate
variable in ‘present value’ terms as λ̃ = e−δt .
In (11.3.1, 11.4.1) we have set up our optimisation problem in terms of a social planner trying
to achieve a social optimum (which we did not explicitly mention at that point) by ‘artificially’
equilibrating the marginal product of capital and the interest rate and the marginal product of
labour and wages.18 Although this is an useful exercise because it is often easier to show certain
properties of an economy from a planner’s point of view, it does not necessarily imply that we
will also be able to find a decentralised Walrasian equilibrium. But this is what we really want
to show in order to keep microeconomists happy.
The point of the discussion in section is that the information available to the decision maker
and the timing of this information matters a great deal. Although we will be able to show the
equivalence of the centralised and decentralised solutions for the two particular version of the
Ramsey model we choose, we will see that this is by no means an immediate result for a greater
family of models.
To set up the household’s maximisation problem, we will need to look at the role of uncertainty
about the precise paths of future wages and interest rates. We will do this in a separate subsection.
Since it would be simply unbearable to use exactly the same setting as above one more time we
now account for depreciation and population growth. That is, we look at a population of workers
or households N (who supply their labour inelastically) that grows at the rate n and capital
depreciates at the rate β. In order to stick with Obstfeld’s notation, we keep using δ for time
preference (although this is really standard for depreciation) and use β for depreciation. Sorry if
this causes confusion when comparing the text with the literature. All the other features of the
model remain unchanged; in particular we stick with all the neoclassical standard assumptions.
Output is either consumed or invested, i.e.
and we assumed u(·) to be non-negative, increasing and concave.19 As before, the e−δt -multiplier
represents time preference. A positive value of the time preference parameter δ implies that
future utils are valued less the later they are received.20 Since we also have to account for family
growth, we now also have to multiply u(c) by the family size, N = ent . We have to share the
available utils among more and more family members, so the influence of n is positive. To avoid
18 In actual fact we did not introduce these prices of capital and labour explicitly.
19 As we did above, when no confusion is to be feared we shall suppress time subscripts in the further analysis.
20 Ramsey set δ = 0 in 1928 because he considered a social planner who would value future generations’ utility less than
obvious stability problems, we shall assume that δ > n and write the combined multiplier as
e−δt ent = e−(δ−n)t and the ensuing utility function as21
Z ∞
Us ≡ e−(δ−n)(t−s) u(ct ) dt
The most useful interpretation of the basic unit of our economy for the discussion of the centralised
outcome is that of a single household. That is, we conceptualise our economy to consist of precisely
one family. We further assume the existence of a benevolent social planner who has access to all
household information and who maximises social (i.e. family) welfare. His role is to determine
the optimal path of the control variable and thereby make the consumption saving choice for the
Let’s start by setting the social planner’s problem at t = 0 is then to
Z ∞
arg max U0 ≡ e−(δ−n)t u(c) dt
c 0
s.t.: k̇ = f (k) − c − (β + n)k, k(0) given.
c = f 0 (k) − β − δ,
k̇ = f (k) − c − (β + n)k.
We will now replace the somewhat artificial centralised problem with a (‘micro-founded’) decen-
tralised problem. To do this convincingly, we need three additional markets: one for labour (the
rental price of which is the wage w), one for capital services (the rental price of which is the
interest rate r), and one for debt in which the household can borrow and lend (as it turns out,
the rate of return on debt will equal the interest rate r).
21 The awkward business of using the notation e−(δ−n)t rather than e(n−δ)t stems from the desire to constantly reassure
The households own all capital and labour and both can be rented out to the firms. We would
also like to model inter-household borrowing and lending which would be rather unconvincing if
there is only a single household. Therefore, we change our interpretation of the maximising unit
to that of a representative household among many identical households. For now we will assume
that the household knows the future paths of w and r perfectly well in advance. That is, under
‘perfect foresight’ {wt , rt }∞
t=0 are known and can be used in the maximisation problem. Later we
will relax this to the case of uncertainty.
The household’s problem at t = s is to decide how much labour and capital it wishes to rent
out in order to obtain wages it can consume. Since both decisions are inelastic, the household’s
problem at each point in time is to decide upon how much to consume and how much to save:
Z ∞
arg max U0 ≡ e−(δ−n)t u(c)dt (11.5.2)
c 0
ȧ = w + (r − n)a − c, where a ≡ k − bp , and k(0) is given. (11.5.3)
It is useful to distinguish between non-human wealth a, which consists of the household’s cap-
ital holdings k minus its debt services b, and human wealth which is the present value of the
household’s wages w.
We assume that there are many small, profit maximising firms that all employ the same c.r.s.
technology fully characterised by the production function F (K, N ). This amounts to assuming
perfect competition. The firm’s problem is to
Market clearing
The foc for profit maximisation give the market clearing rates for the labour and capital markets
r = f 0 (k) − β,
w = f (k) − kf 0 (k).
No-Ponzi-game condition
In the absence of restrictions on borrowing the solution to the household’s maximisation problem
is trivial: Borrow as much as possible and spend on consumption while deferring repayment
forever by borrowing even more for debt service. Such behaviour is prevented by the introduction
The interpretation is that family debt may increase (asymptotically) no faster than the interest
We maximise (11.5.2) s.t.: (11.5.3) and (11.5.5). We realise that while the control is still c, our
new state must be a. This means we set up our (decentralised) Hamiltonian as
and obtain:
1. The Euler equation as
∂Hd (c, k)
= −λ̇ ⇔ λ̇ = (n − r) λ. (11.5.7)
∂Hd (c, k)
= 0 ⇔ u0 (c)e−(δ−n)t = λ. (11.5.8)
lim aλ = 0.
λ̇ u00 (c)ċ
= −δ + n + 0
λ u (c)
and equalising this to the rhs of our Euler equation (11.5.7) yields
u00 (c)ċ
n − r = −δ + n + .
u0 (c)
Assuming CES utility with the reciprocal of the elasticity of intertemporal substitution
θ ≡ − uu0(c)c
(c) , we obtain
ċ 1
= [r − δ] .
c θ
22 “Charles Ponzi, one of Boston’s sons made a quick fortune in the 1920s using chain letters. He was sent to prison and
died poor.” (Blanchard and Fischer 1989, 84). Therefore, if you want to escape a similar fate, better obey condition (11.5.5).
Assuming logarithmic utility u(c) = ln(c) with (θ = 1) and imposing market clearing, this yields
= f 0 (k) − β − δ.
Since in equilibrium aggregate private debt bp must be zero, there is no equilibrium lending or
borrowing. Thus we conclude that a = k and by inserting the market clearing conditions into
(11.5.3), we obtain
k̇ = (r − n)k + w − c.
The last two equations characterise precisely the same system that we derived for the command
optimum (11.5.1). Therefore our analysis of the dynamics of the command economy carries over
to the decentralised setting.
Exc 11.1: (Kiyotaki) Consider a household maximising the utility of consumption from present
to future under certainty
β t ln ct
s.t.: bt+1 = Rbt + yt − ct
taking as given the initial asset Rb0 , the real gross interest rate R and the path of the wage
income yt .
1. Derive the relationship between permanent income and the initial asset and the wage income
from present to future.
2. Write down the Bellman equation. Derive the value function.
3. Show that the consumption is proportional to permanent income.
4. Suppose that wages grow at the constant rate
yt+1 = (1 + γ)yt
where 1 + γ < R. Derive the relationship between consumption and the initial asset and the
current wage explicitly.
Exc 11.2: (Pissarides) Express the neoclassical production function Y = F (K, N ) in per capita
terms. Let k ≡ N and y ≡ N.
1. On a diagram of y against k, show the marginal products of labour and capital.
2. Show that if the factors are paid according to their marginal product, the wage rental ratio
ω (the ratio of the wage rate to the capital rental rate) may be written as a function of k.
Derive this function, sign its first and second derivatives and graph it on a diagram against
dk ω
3. Calculate the inverse elasticity dω k of the function derived above for the Cobb-Douglas and
CES functions.
Exc 11.3: (Pissarides) Consider the effects of a capital depreciation allowance equal to a fraction
a of total depreciation on a steady-state capital stock and interest rate in the Solow model. The
capital depreciation allowance is financed by lump-sum taxes.
Exc 11.4: (Pissarides) Derive the equilibrium of the Solow growth model when instead of con-
sumption equal to a constant fraction of income, it is equal to all wage income.
Exc 11.5: (Pissarides based on (Mankiw, Romer, and Weil 1992) Consider the production function
Y = K α H λ (AL)1−α−λ ,
where Y is output, K is physical capital, H is human capital, A is the level of technology and L is
labour. The parameters α and λ are positive and α+λ < 1. L and A grow at constant rates n and
x respectively. Output can be used on a one-to-one basis for consumption or investment in either
type of capital. Both types of capital depreciate at the rate δ. Assume that gross investment in
physical capital is a fraction sk of output and that gross investment in human capital is a fraction
sh of output.
1. Obtain the laws of motion for physical and human capital per units of effective labour.
2. What are the steady-state values of physical and human capital and output, all in units of
effective labour?
3. This augmented Solow-Swan model can be tested empirically with cross-country data if we
assume that all countries are in steady-state. Derive a log-linear regression equation for
output per worker. What problems would arise in estimating this regression by OLS?
4. Derive an equation for the growth rate of output per unit of effective labour. How does this
equation look when expressed as a linear approximation in the neighbourhood of the steady-
state? If α = 0.3, λ = 0.5, δ = 0.05, n = 0.01, and x = 0.02, what is the rate of convergence
near the steady-state? Compare the convergence rate in the augmented Solow-Swan model
with that in the standard model.
5. Use the result from
h (d) toi derive a regression equation for the average growth rate of output
1 y(t+T )
per worker, T log y(t) where T is the length of the observation interval. What problems
arise in the econometric estimation of the rate of convergence, for example, if the levels of
technology differ across countries?
Exc 11.6: (Pissarides) The government imposes a proportional tax on output and uses it to finance
a lump sum transfer of goods x to each individual. Compute the economy’s adjustment path to
this tax from the day the tax is announced for the Ramsey model with u(c) = log c. Assume
that both the tax and transfer payments are made in goods.
Chapter 12
Let’s get our bearings by looking first at a discrete-time stochastic model.1 Imagine now that the
decision maker maximises the von Neumann-Morgenstern expected-utility indicator
"∞ #
E0 e−δth U [c(t), k(t)] h , (12.1.1)
where Et [X] is the expected value of the random variable X conditional on all information available
up to (and including) time t.2 Maximisation is to be carried out subject to the constraint that
k(t + h) − k(t) = G[c(t), k(t), θ(t + h), h], k(0) given, (12.1.2)
where {θ(t)}∞
t=−∞ is a sequence of exogenous random variables with known joint distribution,
and such that only realisations up to and including θ(t) are known at time t. For simplicity
I will assume that the θ process is first-order Markov, that is, that the joint distribution of
{θ(t + h), θ(t + 2h), . . .} conditional on {q(t), q(t − h), . . .} depends only on θ(t). For example,
1 An encyclopedic reference on discrete-time dynamic programming and its applications in economics is (Stokey and Lucas
1989). The volume pays special attention to the foundations of stochastic models.
2 Preferences less restrictive than those delimited by the von Neumann-Morgenstern axioms have been proposed, and can
where υ(t) is distributed independently of past θ’s, has this first-order Markov property.
Constraint (12.1.2) differs from its deterministic version in (11.1.4) in that the time interval h
appears as an argument of the transition function, but not necessarily as a multiplicative factor.
Thus, (12.1.2) is somewhat more general than the constraint in (11.1.4). The need for this
generality arises because θ(t + h) is meant to be ‘proportional’ to h in a sense that will become
clearer as we proceed.
Criterion (12.1.1) reflects inherent uncertainty in the realisations of c(t) and k(t) for t > 0.
Unlike in the deterministic case, the object of individual choice is not a single path for the control
variable c. Rather, it is a sequence of contingency plans for c. Now it becomes really essential
to think in terms of a policy function mapping the ‘state’ of the program to the optimal level of
the control variable. The optimal policy function giving c∗ (t) will not be a function of the state
variable k(t) alone, as it was in the last chapter; rather, it will depend on k(t) and θ(t), because
θ(t) (thanks to the first-order Markov assumption) is the piece of current information that helps
forecast the future realisations θ(t + h), θ(t + 2h), etc. Since k(t) and θ(t) evolve stochastically,
c∗ (t) = c[k(t); θ(t)]
makes it clear that from the perspective of any time before t, c∗ (t) will be a random variable,
albeit one that depends in a very particular way on the realised values of k(t) and θ(t).
Bellman’s principle continues to apply, however. To implement it, let us write the value
function—again defined as the maximised value of (12.1.1)—as J[k(0); θ(0)]. Notice that θ(0)
enters the value function for the same reason that θ(t) influences c∗ (t). If θ is a positive shock
to capital productivity (for example), with θ positively serially correlated, then a higher current
value of θ leads us to forecast higher θ’s for the future. This higher expected path for θ both
raises expected lifetime utility and influences the optimal consumption choice.
In the present setting we write the Bellman equation as
n h io
J[k(t); θ(t)] = max U c(t), k(t)]h + e−δh Et [J[k(t + h); θ(t + h)] (12.1.3)
where the maximisation is done subject to (12.1.2). The rationale for this equation basically is
the same as before for (11.1.6). The contingent rules for {c(s)}∞
s=t+1 that maximise
"∞ #
Et e−δsh U [c(s), k(s)] h
subject to (12.1.2), given k(t) and the optimal choice c∗ (t), will also maximise
" #
Et e U [c(s), k(s)] h
subject to (12.1.2), given the probability distribution for k(t + h) induced by c∗ (t).
Equation (12.1.3) is the stochastic analogue of (11.1.6) for the case of first-order Markovian
uncertainty. The equation is immediately useful for discrete-time analysis: just use (12.1.2) to
eliminate k(t + h) from (12.1.3) and differentiate away. But our concern here is with continuous-
time analysis. We would like to proceed as before, letting the market interval h go to zero in
(12.1.3) and, hopefully, deriving some nice expression analogous to (11.1.8). Alas, life is not so
easy. If you try to take the route just described, you will end up with an expression that looks
like the expected value of
J[k(t + h); θ(t + h)] − J[k(t); θ(t)]
This quotient need not, however, converge (as h 7→ 0) to a well-defined random variable. One
way to appreciate the contrast between the present setup and the usual setup of the calculus is
as follows. Because J[k(t); θ(t)] is a random variable, a plot of its realisations against time—
a sample path—is unlikely to be differentiable. Even after time is carved up into very small
intervals, the position of the sample path will change abruptly from period to period as new
realisations occur. Thus, expressions like the quotient displayed above may have no well-defined
limiting behaviour as h 7→ 0. To proceed further we need a new mathematical theory that allows
us to analyse infinitesimal changes in random variables. The stochastic calculus is designed to
accomplish precisely this goal.
Let X(t) be a random variable whose change between periods t−1 and t, ∆X(t) = X(t)−X(t−1),
has mean µ and variance σ 2 . To simplify matters I’ll assume that ∆X(t) is normally distributed,
although this is not at all necessary for the argument.3
We are interested in the case where ∆X(t), the change in random variable X over the period
of length 1 between t − 1 and t, can be viewed as a sum (or integral) of very small (in the
limit, infinitesimal) random changes. We would also like each of these changes, no matter how
small, to have a normal distribution. Our method, as in the usual calculus, is to divide the time
interval [t − 1, t] into small segments. But we need to be sure that no matter how finely we do the
subdivision, ∆X(t), the sum of the smaller changes, remains N (µ, σ 2 ). To begin, carve up the
interval [t − 1, t] into n disjoint subintervals, each of length h = 1/n. For every i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n},
let ν(i) be a N (0, 1) random variable with E [ν(i)ν(j)] = 0 for i 6= j. Suppose that ν can be
written as
∆X(t) = µh + σh 2 ν(i) (12.2.1)
Then since νh = 1, (12.2.1) is consistent with our initial hypothesis that E [∆X(t)] = µ and
3 For a simplified yet rigourous exposition of these matters, see (Merton 1974).
Equation (12.2.1) expresses the finite change ∆X(t) as the sum of tiny independent normal
increments of the form µh + σh 2 ν. It is customary to denote the limit of such an increment as
h 7→ 0 by µdt+σdz, where for any instant τ , dz(τ ) = lim h 2 ν(τ ). When this limit is well-defined,
we say that X(t) follows the Gaussian diffusion process
which means, in notation that is suggestive but that I will not attempt to define rigorously, that
Z t
X(t) = X(τ ) + µ(t − τ ) + σ dz(s) = X(τ ) + µ(t − τ ) + σ[z(t) − z(τ )]
allows the drift and variability of dX to be functions of the level of X(t) itself, which is known
at time t, and of time.
There is a further set of results we’ll need before tackling the one major theorem of stochastic
analysis applied below, Itô’s chain rule. We need to know the rules for multiplying stochastic
differentials. We’re familiar, from the usual differential calculus, with the idea that quantities
4 Vt [X] gives the variance of the random variable X using all information available at time t.
5 Again, see (Merton 1974) for a more rigourous treatment. To make all this more plausible, you may want to write
(12.2.1) (for our earlier case of τ = t − 1) as
X ν(i)
∆X(t) − µ = √ ,
where n = h1 is the number of increments in [t − 1, t]. We know from the Central Limit Theorem 10 that as n 7→ ∞, the
right-hand side above is likely to approach a limiting normal distribution even if the ν(i)’s are not normal (so my assumptions
above were stronger than necessary). Obviously, also, X(t) − X(t − h) will be normally distributed with variance hσ 2 no
matter how small h is. But X(t) − X(t − h) divided by h therefore explodes as h 7→ 0 (its variance is h
). This is why the
sample paths of diffusion processes are not differentiable in the usual sense.
of order dt are important, whereas quantities of order dtm , m > 1,are not. For example, in
calculating the derivative of the function y 2 , we compute h−1 times the limit of (y + h)2 − y =
2yh + h2 as h 7→ 0.
The derivative is simply 2y, because the term h2 goes to zero even after division by h. The
same principle will apply in stochastic calculus. Terms of order greater than h are discarded. In
particular dt2 = lim h2 will be set to zero, just as always.
What about something like the product dzdt? Since this is the limit of h 2 ν as h 7→ ∞, it
shrinks faster than h and accordingly will be reckoned at zero:
dzdt = 0 (12.2.4)
Finally, consider dz 2 = lim hν 2 . This is of order h, and thus does not disappear as h gets very
small. But the variance of this term can be shown to be 2h2 , which is zero asymptotically.6
By Chebyshev’s inequality (cf. B.0.6), hν 2 thus converges in probability to its expected value,
h, as h 7→ 0, and so we write
dz 2 = dt. (12.2.5)
Let’s turn now to Itô’s famous lemma. Suppose that the random variable X(t) follows a diffusion
process such as (12.2.3). The basic idea of Itô’s Lemma is to help us compute the stochastic
differential of the random variable f [X(t)], where f (·) is a differentiable function. If σ(X, t) ≡
0, then the chain rule of ordinary calculus gives us the answer: the change in f (X) over an
infinitesimal time interval is given by df (X) = f 0 (X)dX = f 0 (X)µ(X, t)dt. If σ(X, t) 6= 0 but
f (·) is linear, say f (X) = aX for some constant a, then the answer is also quite obvious: in this
special case, df (X) = f 0 (X)dX = aµ(X, t)dt + aσ(X, t)dz.
Even if f (·) is non-linear, however, there is often a simple answer to the question we’ve posed:
Lemma 62. (Itô’s Lemma) Let X(t) follow a diffusion process, and let f : R 7→ R be twice
continuously differentiable (C 2 ). The stochastic differential of f (X) is
df (X) = f 0 (X)dX + f 00 (X)dX 2 . (12.2.6)
Rem: If X follows the diffusion process (12.2.3), then, using rules (12.2.4) and (12.2.5) to compute
dX 2 in (12.2.6), we get σ(X, t)
σ(X, t)2 00
0 0
df (X) = µ(X, t)f (X) + f (X) dt + σ(X, t)f (X)dz. (12.2.7)
You’ll notice that (12.2.7) differs from the ‘naı̈ve’ chain rule only in modifying the expected drift
in f (X) by a term that depends on the curvature of f (·). If f 00 (X) > 0 so that f (·) is strictly
6 To prove this, note that because n ∼ N (0, 1)
h 2 i
V hν 2 = E hν 2 − h = E h2 ν 4 − 2h2 ν 2 + h2 = 3h2 − 2h2 + h2 = 2h2 .
for convex f (·), and that the opposite inequality holds for concave f (·). So Itô’s Lemma should
not come as a surprise.7
Motivation for Itô’s Lemma. The proof of Itô’s Lemma is quite subtle, so a heuristic
motivation of this key result will have to suffice. Once again I’ll rely on a limit argument. For an
interval length h, Taylor’s Theorem8 (B.0.5) implies that
where ξ(h) ∈ [0, 1]. It may look ‘obvious’ to you that this converges to (12.2.6) as h 7→ 0. Beware.
It turns out to be quite a chore to ensure that the right-hand side of this expression is well behaved
as h 7→ 0, largely because of the complicated dependence of the term f 00 {X(t) + ξ(h)[X(t + h) −
X(t)]} on h. Fortunately, as h 7→ 0, the randomness in this term does disappear quickly enough
that we can safely equate it to f 00 [X(t)] in the limit. The result is (12.2.6). It should now be
clear how one would motivate a multivariate version of Itô’s Lemma using the multivariate Taylor
12.3 Theory IV
The preceding digression on stochastic calculus has equipped us to answer the question raised at
the outset: What is the continuous-time analogue of (12.1.3), the stochastic Bellman equation?
To make matters as simple as possible, in analogy with section (12.1)’s time-stationary setup,
I’ll assume that q(t + h) = X(t + h) − X(t), where X(t) follows the simple diffusion process
(12.2.2), dX = rdt + σdz, for constant r and σ. Under this assumption Et [θ(t + h)] = rh always,
so knowledge of θ(t) gives us no information about future values of θ. Thus the value function
7 In case you do not remember Jensen’s Inequality, here is a quick sketch of a proof. Recall that a convex function has
Let’s carry on by adapting the last section’s strategy of subtracting J[k(t)] from both sides of
(12.1.3) and replacing e−δh by 1 − δh. (We now know we can safely ignore the terms in hm for
m ≥ 2.) The result is
Now let h 7→ 0. According to (12.1.2), dk = G(c, k, dX, dt), and I assume that this transition
equation defines a diffusion process for k. Itô’s Lemma then tells us that
dJ(k) = J 0 (k)dk + J 00 (k)dk2 . (12.3.2)
Thus as h 7→ 0,
Et [J[k(t + h)]] − J[k(t)] 7→ J 0 [k(t)]Et [dk(t)] + J 00 [k(t)]Et dk(t)2 .
Proposition 63. (Continuous-Time Stochastic Bellman Equation) Consider the problem of max-
imising Z ∞
E0 e U (c, k) dt
subject to a diffusion process for k controlled by c, and given k(0). At each moment, the optimal
control c∗ satisfies the Bellman equation
Equation (12.3.3) is to be compared with equation (11.1.8), given in Proposition (61). Indeed,
the interpretation of Proposition (63) is quite similar to that of Proposition (61). Define the
stochastic Hamiltonian [in analogy to (11.1.9)] as
Et [dk] 1 00 Et dk2
H(c, k) ≡ U (c, k) + J (k) + J (k) . (12.3.4)
dt 2 dt
The Hamiltonian has the same interpretation as (11.1.9), but with a stochastic twist. The
effect of a given level of ‘savings’ on next period’s ‘capital stock’ now is uncertain. Thus the
Hamiltonian measures the expected flow value, in current utility terms, of the consumption-
savings combination implied by the consumption choice c, given the predetermined (and known)
value of k. The analogy will be clearer if you use (12.3.2) to write (12.3.3) as
Et [dJ(k)]
H(c, k) ≡ U (c, k) + ,
and if you use the ordinary chain rule to write the deterministic Hamiltonian (11.1.9) as9
U (c, k) + J 0 (k)k̇ = U (c, k) + .
The stochastic Bellman equation therefore implies the same rule as in the deterministic case,
but in an expected-value sense. Once again, optimal consumption c∗ satisfies (11.1.10),
Rather than proceeding exactly as in our deterministic analysis, I will sacrifice generality for
clarity and adopt a specific (but widely used) functional form for the continuous-time version of
(12.1.2), dk = G(c, k, dX, dt). I will assume the linear transition equation
(since dX = rdt + σdz). What form does (12.3.3) now assume? To see this we have to calculate
Et [dk] and Et dk2 . It is clear from (12.3.5) that Et [dk] = (rk − c)dt. Invoking (12.2.4) and
In principle this equation is no harder to analyse than was (11.1.8): the two are identical [if
G(c, k) = rk − c] aside from the additional second derivative term in (12.3.6), due to Itô’s Lemma.
So we proceed as before, starting off by maximising the Hamiltonian.
Since k is predetermined and known at each moment, the necessary condition for c∗ to max-
imise the right hand of (12.3.6) is
Uc (c∗ , k) = J 0 (k), (12.3.7)
which is the same as (11.1.11) because I’ve assumed here that Gc = −1.
We can also define the optimal policy function c∗ = c(k), just as before. By definition c(k)
9 The notation in (12.3.4) and in the next line below is common. Since Et [dk], for example, is deterministic, Etdt
h i
can be viewed as the expected rate of change in k. Since diffusion processes are not differentiable, Et dl is in contrast a
nonsensical expression.
12.3. THEORY IV 211
0 = U [c(k), k] + J 0 (k)[rk − c(k)] + J 00 (k)k2 σ 2 − δJ(k). (12.3.8)
One would hope to understand better the implied dynamics of c by differentiating with respect
to the state variable. The result is
Uk (c∗ , k) + J 0 (k)(r − δ) + J 00 (k)kσ 2 + J 00 (k)(rk − c∗ ) + J 000 (k)k2 σ 2 = 0, (12.3.9)
where I’ve already applied the envelope condition (12.3.7). It is tempting to give up in the face
of all these second and third derivatives; but it is nonetheless possible to interpret (12.3.9) in
familiar economic terms. Let’s again define the shadow price of k, λ,by
λ ≡ J 0 (k).
This shadow price is known at time t, but its change over the interval from t to t+dt is stochastic.
Equation (12.3.9) differs from (11.1.12) only by taking this randomness into account; and by
writing (12.3.9) in terms of λ, we can see precisely how this is done.
To do so we need two observations. First, Itô’s Lemma discloses the stochastic differential of
λ to be
dλ = dJ 0 (k) = J 00 (k)(kdX − cdt) + J 000 (k)k2 σ 2 dt (12.3.10)
(verify this), so that
Et [dλ] 1
= J 00 (k)(rk − c) + J 000 (k)k2 σ 2 . (12.3.11)
dt 2
Second, the term J 00 (k)ks in (12.3.9) can be expressed as
Et [dλ]
Uk (c∗ , k) + λ[r − R(k)σ 2 − δ] + ,
To compare (12.3.13) with (11.1.13), notice that under the linear transition equation (12.3.5),
r corresponds to the expected value of Gk ; we adjust this expectation downward for risk by
subtracting the product of the risk-aversion coefficient and 2 . An identical risk adjustment is
Et [dλ]
made to the expected ‘capital gains’ term, dt . Otherwise, the equation is the same as (11.1.13),
and has a corresponding ‘efficient asset price’ interpretation.
What is the meaning of this savings constraint? Capital has a mean marginal product of r,
but its realised marginal product fluctuates around r according to a white-noise process with
instantaneous variance σ 2 . The flow utility function is
c1− e − 1
U (c) = ,
1 − 1e
as in the second part of the last section’s example. To solve the problem I’ll make the same guess
as before, that the optimal consumption policy function is c(k) = ηk for an appropriate η. As
will be shown below—and as was the case in a deterministic setting—the value function J(k)
is a linear function of k1− e , making the risk aversion coefficient R(k) defined after (12.3.12) a
constant, R ≡ 1ε . For now I will assume this, leaving the justification until the end.
How can we compute η in the policy function c(k) = ηk? The argument parallels our earlier
discussion of the non-stochastic case, which you may wish to review at this point. Start by
thinking about the implications of the postulated policy function for the dynamics of capital. If
c(k) = ηk, then
dk = rkdt + σkdz − c(k)dt = (r − η)kdt + σkdz.
dc = (r − η)cdt + σcdz.
Above we defined λ as J 0 (k); but first-order condition (12.3.7) implies that λ = U 0 (c) = c− ε .
Application of Itô’s Lemma to λ = c− ε leads to
1 −1− 1 1 1 1 −2− 1 2
dλ = − c ε dc + 1+ c ε dc .
ε 2 ε ε
Because we’ve already established that Et [dc] = (r − η)cdt and that dc2 = σ 2 c2 dt, we infer from
the equation above that
c−1− ε
Et [dλ] 1 1
= η−r+ 1+ σ2 .
dt ε 2 ε
But there is an alternative way of describing the dynamics of λ: equation (12.3.13) can be written
here as
Et [dλ] 2
− 1ε
= λ δ − (r − Rσ ) = c δ− r− .
dt ε
Et [dλ]
So we have derived two potentially different equations for dt ; clearly the two are mutually
consistent if and only if
1 1
σ2 σ2
η−r+ 1+
2 ε
δ− r− = ,
ε ε
ε−1 2
η = r − ε(r − δ) + σ .
The implied consumption rule is similar to the one that arose in the non-stochastic example
analysed earlier, but it corrects for the unpredictable component of the return to capital. (Notice
that we again obtain η = δ if ε = 1.) The analogy with (11.3.4) will be clearest if the rule is
written as
η = (1 − ε)(r − Rσ 2 ) + εδ. (12.4.1)
In (12.4.1), η appears as the weighted average of the time-preference rate and a risk-adjusted
expected return on investment. Problems still arise if η ≤ 0. In these cases an optimum fails to
exist, for reasons essentially the same as those discussed in the last section’s example.
As a final exercise let’s calculate the value function J(k) and confirm the assumption about its
form on which I’ve based my analysis of the optimal consumption policy function. In the process
we’ll learn some more about the importance of Itô’s Lemma. One way to approach this task is to
calculate the (random) path for k under an optimal consumption plan, observe that the optimal
contingency rule for consumption is c = ηk, and then use this formula to compute the optimal
(random) consumption path and lifetime expected utility. Indeed, we took a very similar tack in
the deterministic case. So we start by asking what the optimal transition equation for the capital
stock, dk = (r − η)kdt + σdz, implies for the level of k. [Throughout the following discussion, you
should understand that η is as specified by (12.4.1).]
Observe first that the optimal capital-stock transition equation can be written as
= (r − η)dt + σdz.
A crucial warning. You might think that k is the same thing as d log (k), as in the ordinary
calculus. If this were true, we would conclude that the capital stock follows the stochastic process
Z t
log[k(t)] = log[k(0)] + (r − η)t + σ dz(s),
dk 1 2 1
d log(k) = − σ dt = (r − η − σ 2 )dt + σdz.
k 2 2
[The reason for this divergence is Jensen’s inequality—log(·) is a strictly concave function.] It
follows that the formula for k(t) below is the right one:
k(t) = k(0)e(r−η− 2
. (12.4.2)
At an optimum, k(t) will be conditionally log-normally distributed, with an expected growth rate
of r − η 10
E0 [k(t)]
= e(r−h)t .
You’ll recognise the final product above as the same formula for J[k(0)] that we encountered
Rσ 2
in (11.3.3), with the sole amendment that the risk-adjusted expected return r − 2 replaces r
Rσ 2
everywhere [including in η; recall (12.4.1)].11 Because δ − (ε − 1)(r − 2 − δ) = η, η > 0 ensures
convergence of the integral defining J(k). Finally, J(k) is a linear function of k1− ε , as claimed
There is another, more direct way to find the value function, one that also applies in the
deterministic case. [Had we known the value function in advance, we could have used (12.3.7)
to compute the consumption function without trial-and-error guesses.] By (12.3.7), the optimal
control must satisfy
c(k) = J 0 (k)−ε .
Thus by (12.3.6),
[J 0 (k)] 1−ε 1
+ J 0 (k) rk − J 0 (k)−ε + J 00 (k)k2 σ 2 − δJ(k).
0= 1
1− ε 2
10 If X is a normal random variable with mean µ and variance σ 2 , eX is said to be log-normally distributed. The key fact
This is just an ordinary second-order differential equation which in principle can be solved for the
variable J(k). You may wish to verify that the value function J(k) we derived above is indeed a
solution. To do the non-stochastic case, simply set σ 2 = 0.
12.5 Theory V
The similarities between this example and its deterministic analogue are striking. They are
not always so direct. Nonetheless, it is noteworthy that for the linear state transition equation
considered above, there exists a stochastic version of Pontryagin’s Maximum Principle. One could
attack the problem in full generality,12 but as my goal here is the more modest one of illustrating
the basic idea, I will spare you this.
Proposition 64. (Stochastic Maximum Principle) Let c∗ (t) solve the problem of maximising
Z ∞
E0 e U (c(s), k(s)) ds
where z(t) is a standard Gaussian diffusion. Then there exist costate variables λ(t) such that if
ζ(t) is the instantaneous conditional covariance of λ(t) and z(t), the risk-adjusted Hamiltonian
∂H ∗
(c , k, λ, ζ) = Uc (c∗ , k) − λ = 0 (12.5.1)
at all times (assuming an interior solution). Furthermore, the costate variable obeys the stochastic
differential equation
∂H ∗
dλ = λδdt − ∂c (c , k, λ, ζ) + ζdz (12.5.2)
= λδdt − [Uk (c∗ , k) + λr + ζσ] dt + ζdz
for dk = rkdt − c∗ dt + σkdz and k(0) given.
To understand how this proposition follows from our earlier discussion, observe first that
because λ will again equal J 0 (k), the instantaneous conditional covariance of λ(t) and z(t) can
be seen from (12.2.4), (12.2.5), and (12.3.10) to be
Et [dλdz]
ζ= = J 00 (k)σk (12.5.3)
Thus, with reference to the definition (12.3.4) of the unadjusted stochastic Hamiltonian, given
12 As does (Bismut 1975).
here by
H(c, k) = U (c, k) + J 0 (k)(rk − c) + J 00 (k)σ 2 k2 ,
we have
1 λR(k)σ 2
H̃(c, k, λ, ζ) = H(c, k) + U (c, k) + J 00 (k)σ 2 k2 = H(c, k) − ,
2 2
where R(k) is the relative risk-aversion coefficient defined above. Accordingly, we can interpret
H̃ as the expected instantaneous flow of value minus a premium that measures the riskiness of
the stock of capital currently held.
With (12.5.3) in hand it is easy to check the prescriptions of the Stochastic Maximum Principle
against the results we’ve already derived through other arguments. Clearly (12.5.1) corresponds
directly to (12.3.7). Likewise, if you multiply (12.3.9) by dt and combine the result with (12.3.10),
you will retrieve (12.5.2).
12.6 Conclusion
These notes have offered intuitive motivation for the basic optimisation principles economists use
to solve deterministic and stochastic continuous-time models. My emphasis throughout has been
on the Bellman principle of dynamic programming, which offers a unified approach to all types
of problems. The Maximum Principle of optimal control theory follows from Bellman’s approach
in a straightforward manner. I have only been able to scratch the surface of the topic. Methods
like those described above generalise to much more complex environments, and have applications
much richer than those I worked through for you. The only way to gain a true understanding of
these tools is through ‘hands on’ learning: you must apply them yourself in a variety of situations.
As I noted at the outset, abundant applications exist in many areas of economics. I hope these
notes make this fascinating body of research more approachable.
Just kidding.
Appendix A
Exc 1.1:[Bicycle tracks] Peter Doyle1 called attention to the following section from The Adventure
of the Priory School, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: “This track, as you perceive, was made by a
rider who was going from the direction of the school.” “Or towards it?” “No, no, my dear
Watson. The more deeply sunk impression is, of course, the hind wheel, upon which the weight
rests. You perceive several places where it has passed across and obliterated the more shallow
mark of the front one. It was undoubtedly away from the school.”
Does Holmes know what he is talking about? The impression Holmes and Watson are looking at
is this
Exc 1.2:[Bicycle pedals] It is fairly commonly known, at least among bicyclists, that there is
something funny about the way that the pedals of a bicycle screw into the cranks. One of the
pedals has a normal ‘right-hand thread’, so that you screw it in clockwise—the usual way—like
a normal screw or light bulb, and you unscrew it counter-clockwise. The other pedal has a ‘left-
hand thread’, so that it works exactly backwards: You screw it in counter-clockwise, and you
1 The first three problems are from Peter Doyle’s notes Geometry and the Imagination. They can be downloaded from
http : //˜doyle.
unscrew it clockwise.
This ‘asymmetry’ between the two pedals—actually it is a surfeit of symmetry we have here,
rather than a dearth—is not just some whimsical notion on the part of bike manufacturers. If
the pedals both had normal threads, one of them would fall out before you got to the end of the
If you are assembling a new bike out of the box, the fact that one of the pedals screws in the
wrong way may cause some momentary confusion, but you can easily figure out what to do by
looking at the threads. The real confusion comes when for one reason or another you need to
unscrew one of your pedals, and you can not remember whether this pedal is the normal one or
the screwy one, and the pedal is on so tightly that a modest torque in either direction fails to
budge it. You get set to give it a major twist, only which way do you turn it? You worry that if
you to turn it the wrong way you will get it on so tight that you will never get it off.
If you try to figure out which pedal is the normal one using common sense, the chances are
overwhelming that you will figure it out exactly wrong. If you remember this, then you are all
set: Just figure it out by common sense, and then go for the opposite answer. Another good
strategy is to remember that ‘right is right; left is wrong.’
1. What is the difference between a screw and a bolt?
2. Do all barber poles spiral the same way? What about candy canes? What other things
spiral? Do they always spiral the same way?
3. Take two identical bolts or screws or light bulbs or barber poles, and place them tip to tip.
Describe how the two spirals meet.
4. Take a bolt or a screw or a light bulb or a barber pole and hold it perpendicular to a mirror
so that its tip appears to touch the tip of its mirror image. Describe how the two spirals
5. When you hold something up to an ordinary mirror you ca not quite get it to appear to
touch its mirror image. Why not? How close can you come? What if you use a different
kind of mirror?
6. Why is a right-hand thread called a ‘right-hand thread’ ? What is the ‘right-hand rule’ ?
7. Which way do tornados and hurricanes rotate in the northern hemisphere? Why?
8. Which way does water spiral down the drain in the southern hemisphere, and how do you
9. Use common sense to figure out which pedal on a bike has the normal, right-hand thread.
If you come up with the correct answer that ‘right is right; left is wrong’ then we offer you
our humblest apologies.
10. Now see if you can figure out the correct explanation.
11. You can simulate what is going on here by curling your fingers loosely around the eraser
end of a nice long pencil (a long thin stick works even better), so that there is a little extra
room for the pencil to roll around inside your grip. Get someone else to press down gently
on the business end of the pencil, to simulate the weight of the rider’s foot on the pedal,
and see what happens when you rotate your arm like the crank of a bicycle.
12. The best thing is to make a wooden model. Drill a block through a block of wood to
represent the hole in the crank that the pedal screws into, and use a dowel just a little
smaller in diameter than the hole to represent the pedal.
13. If your pedal is on really, really tight, you might be tempted to use a ‘cheater’, which is a
pipe that you slip over the end of a wrench to increase the effective length of the handle. If
it takes a force of 150 pounds on the end of a 9-inch long adjustable wrench to loosen the
pedal, how much force will be required on the end of an 18-inch long cheater?
14. Wrench manufacturers, pipe manufacturers, bicycle manufacturers, your insurance under-
writer, your family doctor, and your geometry teacher all maintain that using a cheater is a
bad idea. Do you understand why? Discuss some of the dangers to which you might expose
yourself by using a cheater. If despite all this well-meaning advice you should go ahead and
use a cheater, and some harm should come to you, who will be to blame?
Exc 1.3:[Pulling back on a pedal] Imagine that I am steadying a bicycle to keep it from falling
over, but without preventing it from moving forward or back if it decides that it wants to. The
reason it might want to move is that there is a string tied to the right-hand pedal (which is to say,
the right-foot pedal), which is at its lowest point, so that the right-hand crank is vertical. You
are squatting behind the bike, a couple of feet back, holding the string so that it runs (nearly)
horizontally from your hand forward to where it is tied to the pedal.
1. Suppose you now pull gently but firmly back on the string. Does the bicycle go forward, or
backward? Remember that I am only steadying it, so that it can move if it has a mind to.
No, this is not a trick; the bike really does move one way or the other. Can you reason it
out? Can you imagine it clearly enough so that you can feel the answer intuitively?
2. Try it and see.
John Conway makes the following outrageous claim. Say that you have a group of six or
more people, none of whom have thought about this problem before. You tell them the problem,
and get them all to agree to the following proposal. They will each take out a dollar bill, and
announce which way they think the bike will go. They will be allowed to change their minds as
often as they like. When everyone has stopped waffling, you will take the dollars from those who
were wrong, give some of the dollars to those who were right, and pocket the rest of the dollars
yourself. You might worry that you stand to lose money if there are more right answers than
wrong answers, but Conway claims that in his experience this never happens. There are always
more wrong answers than right answers, and this despite the fact that you tell them in advance
that there are going to be more wrong answers than right answers, and allow them to bear this
in mind during the waffling process. (Or is it because you tell them that there will be more wrong
answers than right answers?)
Exc 1.4:[The two envelopes problem] You are offered a choice between two envelopes. Each
envelope contains an unstated amount of cash and you are told that one of the envelopes contains
twice as much money as the other. You pick one of them and look inside and find ten dollars.
That means the other envelope has either £5 or £20. Now you are offered the choice of keeping
what you have or exchanging it for the other (unopened) envelope.
Should you switch?
On the one hand one may think “Well, the odds that I picked the envelope with the higher
amount were 50-50 at the start and nothing has changed. It makes no difference that I looked
inside of this one, thus my odds are still 50-50 and It makes no difference whether I keep what I
have or switch. On the average I cannot do any better”.
On the other hand, one might consider the expected value of switching: “There is a 50-50
chance that the envelope contains £20 and a 50-50 chance that it contains £5. If we repeated
this game many times and I switched when I saw £10 in my envelope then half the time I wind
up with £5 and half the time I would wind up with £20. Thus on the average the other envelope
will be worth (.5)5 + (.5)20 = £12.5. Since it will cost me £10 to make the switch (you must
give up the envelope you have), the expected net gain for switching is £2.5. So it makes sense to
Or does it? Do either of these two arguments make sense? Why?
Now suppose there had been another person in the game. This person gets the envelope you
do not choose. You both look inside your envelopes but do not tell the other person how much
you have got. Then you both are offered the opportunity to exchange envelopes. And by the
above logic you both want to switch! Worse still you both would be willing to pay for the privilege
of switching: in your case, seeing £10, you would be willing to pay anything up to £2.5 for the
privilege of switching. Is this possible? After all you had complete free will over your choice at
the start.
But actually things are a lot worse than that. Suppose you do not look into the envelope you
picked. You know there is some unknown amount in the envelope, say X. The other envelope has
either 2X or .5X. The expected value of the other envelope is therefore (.5)(.5)X + (.5)(2)X =
1.25X. Thus if you switch you expect to gain .25X. So which ever envelope you choose to start
with, you immediately want to switch to the other before you even look at it. And of course once
you get that envelope you want to switch back. Well . . .
Can you devise a Bayesian approach to rescue the decision maker(s)?
Exc 1.5: [Brachistochrone problem from (Sengupta and Fanchon 1997)] The Brachistochrone
problem is the study of the ‘fastest’ path a small object can take when moving between two fixed
points under the influence of gravity. It was analysed and solved by the Bernoulli brothers in the
late 17th century; this was the birth of the calculus of variations. Let f be a continuous function
of x, ẋ ≡ dt and t and consider the problem of finding the extreme values of the function
Z b
J= f (x, ẋ, t) dt.
What would you suggest as sensible conditions on optimality? Can you derive and interpret the
to you. It will have one of the numbers 1, 3 ,9, 27, 81, &c written on it. After observing this
number, call it z, you are given the option of exchanging your slip for the other, unseen slip.
Then you are paid in dollars the number on the slip you possess. For which values of z would
you make the exchange? For which values of z would you make the exchange if you had to pay
a 10% commission to the broker who effects the exchange?
Hint: If z = 1, you know the other envelope contains 3 so you should exchange. For an
arbitrary z > 1, we may compute the posterior probability, call it p(z), that the other envelope
contains the number 3z. This is for all z > 1
p(z) = P (X = x| observe z = 3x ) =
P (X=x and observe 3x )
P (observe 3x ) =
.5x 12
.5x 12 +.5x−1 12
= 13 .
2z 1 11
+ 3z = z.
33 3 9
Since this is greater than z, you should exchange. Moreover, you should be willing to give up a
certain percentage of your winnings, say 10%, in order to make this exchange, since your expected
return will still be 10 z which is greater than z. Thus you should make the exchange no matter
what z is observed.
But there is something called the sure-thing principle that says that in this case there is no
need to look at z. One can make the exchange anyway. But then you should be willing to
exchange twice or three times, paying 10% at each exchange. Now you are really losing money.
How do you resolve this problem?
Exc 1.8: Kriegspiel (Ferguson, Shapley, and MacQueen 1996) is the game of chess in which the
players are not allowed to see the moves of the opponent. Instead, there is a ”referee” who keeps
track of the each move on his own private board and tells the players if an attempted move is
legal. If an attempted move is legal, the player must play it; otherwise, the player may try again.
In addition, the referee announces all captures and whether the captured object is a piece or a
pawn. In the RAND rules (see below), the referee also announces checks, and possible captures
by a pawn.
The question is: Can a blind person, hearing only the announcements of the referee, deduce a
mate for one of the players?
Hint: Here is an attempt to answer this question in the affirmative. However, this requires
a clarification of the definition of a “No”. In the following problem, we use the most liberal
definition of a “No” as an attempt by a player to make a move that appears legal only taking into
consideration his pieces on his own board, but is in fact illegal according to the actual position
as seen by the referee. Some players require, in addition, an attempted move by a player to be
“consistent with the current announcement”. In fact most players, and also the RAND rules,
consider this stricter definition of a “No” to be in force if the present announcement is a check of
some sort. Under this stricter definition, the number of “No”s White receives in trying to make
his 10th move must be decreased to, say 14.
Announcement Announcement
1 White Black
2 White Black
3 White Black
4 White Black
5 White Try Q5
6 Pawn gone, Q4 Try QB6
7 Piece gone, QB3. Try there Black
8 Check long diagonal Black
9 Tries, Q7 and KB7 Try QN4
10 Tries, Q7 and KB7. No. No. . . . No. (16 or 17 Nos).
At which time, a person sitting in the next room listening to the game, shouts, “White to
mate in 3”.
The announcements are made according to the RAND rules which are for this problem:
1. Pawn tries (i.e. possible pawn captures) are announced by specifying the square of the
capture. Thus the announcement preceding black’s 5th move tells the players that black
has a pawn that can make a capture by moving to black’s Q5.
2. Captures are announced by specifying the square and whether a pawn or a piece was cap-
tured. Thus the announcement preceding white’s 6th move tells the players that white has
lost a pawn that was on his Q4.
3. Checks and the direction of the check (horizontal, vertical, one of the two diagonals or by
a knight) are announced. Thus, the announcement preceding white’s 8th move tells the
players that white is in check by a diagonally capturing piece (queen, bishop, or pawn) and
that the check is along the longer of the two diagonals that meet at the square the white
king occupies.
4. There are two other types of ‘No‘s. There is the ‘Repeat No‘, announced when a player
tries a move that has already received a ‘No‘, and there is the ‘Hell No‘, announced when a
player tries a move that is illegal on his own board.
Exc 1.9: Two positive integers are chosen. The sum is revealed to logician A, and the sum of the
squares is revealed to logician B. Both A and B are given this information and the information
contained in this sentence. The conversation between A and B goes as follows: B starts. B: ”I
can’t tell what the two numbers are.” A: ”I can’t tell what the two numbers are.” B: ”I can’t tell
what the two numbers are.” A: ”I can’t tell what the two numbers are.” B: ”I can’t tell what the
two numbers are.” A: ”I can’t tell what the two numbers are.” B: ”Now I can tell what the two
numbers are.”
What are the two numbers?
Hint: (Ferguson 1983) After B’s first announcement, the sum of squares must be attainable
in at least two ways, and the possibilities are reduced to a table that begins as follows.
8 50
9 65
10 50
11 65, 85
13 85, 125, 145
14 130, 170
15 125
16 130, 200
17 145, 185, 205
... ...
The only appearances of 50, 65, 85, 125, and 145 as a sum of squares in this table are already
displayed. Keep going and you will find one possible answer. But how do you know it’s the only
possible one?
B’s first announcement gives A a lot of information. But when A makes his first announcement,
B already knows that A cannot possibly tell what the two numbers are. What good does it do B
to listen to A?
Exc 1.10: The outcome of a certain experiment results in three (possibly dependent) random
variables, X, Y, Z, each taking values either zero or one. (So there are 8 possible outcomes to the
experiment.) Is it possible to set up such an experiment so that
P (X = Y ) + P (X = Z) + P (Y = Z) < 1?
Hint: It is impossible. Since among X, Y, Z, there is bound to be at least two zeros or two
ones, at least one of the events X=Y, X=Z. Y=Z is certain to happen. Then since the probability
of the union is less than or equal to the sum of the probabilities,
1 <= P (X = Y ) + P (X = Z) + P (Y = Z).
1. There is an actual physical experiment we may perform that will produce any of six (de-
2. We cannot observe more than two of the variables at the same time. In fact, we can only
observe one primed and one unprimed variable together.
3. When we observe X and X 0 together, they always have the same value, both zero or both one.
Probabilistically, this means P (X = X 0 ) = 1. Similarly, P (Y = Y 0 ) = 1 and P (Z = Z 0 ) = 1.
(Using this, we may reduce the problem to X, Y, Z, by identifying X with X 0 , Y with Y 0 ,
and Z with Z 0 .)
4. When X and Y 0 (= Y ) are observed together, we find that they are the same about f rac14
3 1
of the time, and different about 4 of the time. So we may presume P (X = Y ) = 4
1 1
approximately. Similarly, P (X = Z) = 4 approximately, and P (Y = Z) = 4 approximately.
1 <= P (X = Y ) + P (X = Z) + P (Y = Z) = approximately?????!
Comment: This paradox does not depend on the assumption that the experiments are independent
and identically distributed. In fact, we may imagine a person writing his own personal choices
of X, Y, Z on one slip of paper and of X 0 , Y 0 , Z 0 on another and giving them in sealed envelopes
to two experimenters. Each experimenter then decides which of the three variables to observe.
If the experimenter observing X, Y, Z decides to observe X, then Y and Z vanish and are no
longer observable, &c. The two experimenters make the decisions of which variables to observe
at random, independently (say probability 3 for each variable). Then they compare the results.
It always turns out that if X and X 0 were observed, then X = X 0 ; if X and Y 0 were observed,
then X = Y 0 about 4 of the time; &c. How can the guy writing down the variables do it? He
seems to be able to guess whether or not the experimenters are going to choose to observe the
same lettered variables. He must have ESP!
Appendix B
dx2 fx (x1 , x2 )
=− 1 .
dx1 fx2 (x1 , x2 )
It is easy to see why this is true; totally differentiating f (x1 , x2 ) = 0 gives fx1 dx1 +fx2 dx2 = 0
which only needs to be rearranged to imply the theorem.
6. Vieta’s rule: √
2 −b ± b2 − 4ac
ax + bx + c = 0; x1,2 =
7. The Hessian of a scalar function f (x); x ∈ Rn
∂2f ∂2f
∂x21 ... ∂x1 ∂xn
d2 f .. ..
= . . = H[f (x)]
∂2f ... ∂2f
∂x1 ∂xn ∂x2n
(A · B)−1 = B −1 · A−1
T −1
A−1 = AT
12. Result
δt = x ⇐⇒ t ln(δ) ⇐⇒ t =
13. The probability of r ≤ x on the uniform distribution with support [a, b] is
14. The expectation of the lowest draw from the set [a, b] among n independent draws is
15. The expectation of the highest draw from the set [a, b] among n independent draws is
(b − a)n
16. The expectation of the second highest draw from the set [a, b] among n independent
draws is
(b − a)(n − 1)
17. Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, F 0 (x) = f (x) :
Z b
f (x) dx = F (b) − F (a).
18. Result
xa dx = xa+1 + C; .a 6= −1.
a a+x
19. The sum of the infinite geometric power series a + ak + ak2 + . . . (|k| < 1) is:
20. The sum of the infinite geometric power series with initial term akn +akn+1 +. . . (|k| <
1) is:
. (B.0.1)
21. The sum of the finite geometric power series a + ak + ak2 + . . . + akn−1 (k 6= 1) is:
1 − kn
a . (B.0.2)
22. The normal distribution f (x) = √ 1 exp(− 2σ1 2 (x − m)2 ) with mean m and variance σ 2
f (m) = √ .
2πσ 2
30. The unit normalisation of a vector p ∈ Rn is a rule that sets the sum
pi = 1.
dg(x) T
d [g(x)f (x)] df (x)
= f (x) + g(x)
dx dx dx
df [y(x)] dy T df
= ·
dx dx dy
d xT y
= ẋT y + xT ẏ
d (Ax)
= Ȧx + Aẋ
d (AB)
= ȦB + AḂ
d xT Ax
= ẋT Ax + xT Ȧx + xT Aẋ
42. The log rule
dx = ln x + C
43. The substitution rule
f (x) dt = f (x)dx = F (x) + C
Z b(θ)
45. Leibnitz’ rule: Let F (θ) = f (θ, x) dθ, then the derivative of F is given by1
∂f (θ, x)
F 0 (θ) = f (θ, b(θ))b0 (θ) − f (θ, a(θ))a0 (θ) + dx. (B.0.4)
a(θ) ∂θ
What happens to the value of the integral if the parameter θ is changed a bit? We have
three effects:
(a) The entire curve shifts up or down depending on the derivative ∂θ .
(b) The upper boundary of the integral changes by b0 (θ)dθ. To get the change of the area
under the curve, we multiply this by f (b(θ)).
(c) Analogous for the lower bound.
1! 0 1 1
f (x) = f (0) + f (0)x + . . . + f (n) (0)xn + f (n+1) (c)xn+1 (B.0.5)
1! n! (n + 1)!
for some number c ∈ [0, 1]. (The last term is in the Lagrange form of the remainder.)
1 Take a look at (Feynman 1986) and you will see that this can be actually quite useful.
P (|x − µ| ≥ ε) ≤ . (B.0.6)
10. The Central Limit Theorem states that if x1 , . . . , xn are a random sample from any
probability distribution with finite mean µ and finite variance σ 2 , and xn = n1 i xi , then
(n)(xn − µ) 7→d N [0, σ 2 ].
11. Bernoulli’s theorem (or weak law of large numbers). Let {X1 , . . . , Xn } be a sequence
of independently and identically distributed (iid) random variables, each with mean µ and
standard deviation σ. Define a new variable
X1 + . . . + Xn
x̄ ≡ .
x̄ = = µ. (B.0.7)
X1 +...+Xn
var(X) = var
var Xn1 + . . . Xn
= + var n
σ2 σ2
= n2 + . . . + n2
= n.
var(X) σ2
P (|X − µ| ≥ 0) ≤ =
ε2 nε2
and as n → ∞,
lim P (|X − µ| ≥ 0) = 0.
Appendix C
Notational conventions
zero divisor, 24
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