Measuring Relative Resistance of Wall, Floor, and Roof Construction To Impact Loading
Measuring Relative Resistance of Wall, Floor, and Roof Construction To Impact Loading
Measuring Relative Resistance of Wall, Floor, and Roof Construction To Impact Loading
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: E695 − 22
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
(1) Leather—Use harness leather (oak tanned from packer hides) or latigo leather (alum and vegetable tanned) (see
Terminology D1517, E631 for definitions and terms) (1 oz leather = 1⁄64 in. (0.4 mm) thick).
(2) Thread—Use linen thread (minimum four-ply) in accordance with Fed. Spec. A-A-50197A, Type II, Class 1 or 2.
Double-stitch sidewall seam and seam attaching sidewall to the base.
(3) Shot—Use shot (0.039 in. to 0.138 in. (1 mm to 3.5 mm) diameter). Fill bag with shot and cover with two layers of 3 in.
(76 mm) foam rubber.
FIG. 2 Leather Drop Bag Assembly
need be tested at the option of the client and laboratory bag beginning with a height of 6 in. 6 1⁄4 in. (152 mm 6 6
depending upon information required. The report shall record mm) and increasing the height in 6 in. 6 1⁄4 in. (152 mm 6
which side or sides of the specimen that is tested. For floor and 6 mm) increments. Record set and instantaneous deflection
roof assemblies apply the impact loads only to the upper measurements for each drop. For the first drop, measure the
finish-floor face of the specimen. height of the bag from the upper face of the specimen at a point
NOTE 2—Any criteria for pass/fail or for stopping the test should be directly beneath the bag, and for subsequent drops, from a taut
agreed upon between the sponsor and testing agency prior to testing. Some cord in contact with the upper face directly above the supports.
possible points include: the ability to sustain a specified static load after
the impact drop; limitation on the instantaneous deflection or residual set; 9.4 Loading-Wall Assemblies Specimen Vertical—Position
penetration of panel; destruction of panel (to be defined); or simply a the specimen on cylindrical rollers to prevent transverse
specified height of drop or number of drops per test from a specific height. restraint. The axes of the rollers shall be parallel to the faces of
9.2 Point of Impact—If the construction has structural the specimens. The two supporting rollers shall be in contact
members, that is, studs or joists, test each specimen so that at with the vertical surface of the rigid frame and each roller shall
least one such structural member will be struck by the impact rest horizontally on sponge rubber 5⁄8 in. 6 1⁄8 in. (16 mm 6 3
bag. Test each specimen also so that the impact bag will strike mm) thick to prevent longitudinal restraint. Support the bag as
the facing midway between two members. a pendulum in the frame as shown in Fig. 3. Take care to assure
NOTE 3—As written, this method may not necessarily define or test the that the hold-downs do not affect deflection of the specimen.
most vulnerable part of a panel specimen. Additional tests may be required Apply an impact load to the middle of the outer face of the
to locate such an area if this information is desired. specimens by releasing the bag beginning with a height of 6 in.
9.3 Loading-Floor and Roof Assemblies-Specimen 6 1⁄4 in. (152 mm 6 6 mm) and increasing the height in 6 in.
Horizontal—Test the specimen as a simple beam on a span 6 1⁄4 in. (152 mm 6 6 mm) increments. The maximum useful
nominally 6 in. (150 mm) less than the specimen length. The height of drop will occur when the pendulum or frame is
two supports for the specimens shall prevent longitudinal perpendicular to the specimen. Measure the height of drop
restraint and shall provide bearing for the entire width of the from the point of impact of the center of gravity of the bag as
specimen. Secure the ends of the panel by hold-downs to it strikes the specimen to this same point when the bag is in the
minimize specimen bounce. Take care to assure that the raised position. Release the bag by smoothly and swiftly
hold-downs do not affect deflection of the specimen. Apply an opening the hinged doors, causing it to swing as a true
impact load to the upper face of the specimen by dropping the pendulum thus eliminating wobbling.
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and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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