PAS Kelas 3
PAS Kelas 3
PAS Kelas 3
Jalan Raya Cileungsi Jonggol RT 10/04 Mekarsari Cileungsi Bogor 16820
Petunjuk Umum :
1. Berdoalah dahulu sebelum memulai mengerjakan soal !
2. Dahulukan mengerjakan soal yang kalian anggap lebih mudah !
3. Cetakan soal yang kurang jelas, dapat ditanyakan kepada Bapak/Ibu guru !
Bahasa Inggris
KD Nilai Nilai Nilai KD NIlai KD Nilai
4. This is a ....
a. A glass of milk.
b. A bowl of noodle.
c. A plate of fried rice.
a. It is May. d. A cup of tea.
b. It is June.
c. It is January.
d. It is July. 3.5. Memahami nama benda-benda yang ada di tiap –
tiap ruangan rumah (livingroom, diningroom, bathroom,
bedroom, kitchen);
2. What is five and eleven? 5. A : Where is the refrigerator?
a. It is fifteen. B : The refrigerator is ……
b. It is sixteen.
c. It is sixty.
d. It is seventeen.
6. My grandmother is …..
a. My father’s mother.
b. My father’s sister. a. Yes, that is a knee.
c. My father’s cousin. b. No, that is an elbow.
d. My father’s aunt. c. Yes, that is an eye.
d. No, that is a nose.
3.4 Memahami kata, frasa, dan ungkapan/kalimat
tentang anggota keluarga.
11. Alya: What is twenty and twenty?
7. Father, mother, brother and sister are
my ... Dinda: …………
a. Parents a. It is fourty.
b. Children b. It is forteen.
c. Family c. It is fourteen.
d. Grandparents d. It is fifty.
16. A: What is twenty-six and three? II. Translate these words into English!
B: It is …… (Terjemahkan kata-kata ini kedalam
bahasa Inggris)
a. It is twenty-nine.
b. It is twenty-one.
1. Sikat gigi
c. It is eleven.
d. It is thirty.
2. Secangkir teh
17. What is “Mei” in English?
3. Kulkas
a. May
b. Mai
4. Jari tangan
c. Mei
d. Mey 5. Ruang makan
18. What is “sepupu” in English?
a. Cousin
b. Daughter
c. Mother
d. Grandmother
It is __________________________
It is __________________________
It is __________________________