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Computer Science
Science 122 (2017)000–000
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Just as the Internet has revolutionized interpersonal communication and interaction, CPS is expected to bring about radical
changes and revolution in the interaction between the physical and virtual worlds. CPS is called 'realization technology', and
it creates a new reality space with innovative applications and processes, and dissolves the boundaries between real and virtual
spaces. As a result, the IoT/CPS society is expected to introduce completely new and innovative applications and service
providers, and bring a new paradigm shift in business and market models through new data value chains. In this idea, this
study proposes new manufacturing system optimization strategy through the Cyber Physical system (CPS) and Internet of
Things (IoT).
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 5th International Conference on Information Technology
and and/or peer-review
Quantitative Management,under
ITQM responsibility
2017. of the organizers of ITQM 2017
Keywords: Cyber Physical System, Ineternet of Things, the fourth Industrial Revolution
As information revolutions took place one after another, the widespread distribution and utilization of
computers and the Internet were followed by the IoT/AI/data era, which will be called the third revolution, and
subsequently, technological advances led to the connectivity among things (Internet of things; IoT) and
connectivity among people, things, spaces (Internet of Everything; IoE). Currently, beyond the IoT and IoE, the
hyper-connected society in which 'the real world and cyber space are connected and intelligentization becomes
possible (Intelligent IoE)' is expected to be realized gradually. In addition, new IoTs are realizing the cyber-
physical system (CPS) that enables the control of movements in the real world as a result of processing
information (data) in the cyberspace without human intervention, rapidly expanding digitization and networking
of things as well as human beings. As the IoT is progressing as a result of the rapid innovation of new ICTs, and
CPS is attracting much attention simultaneously, the progress of IoT has made it possible to collect, accumulates
and analyzes the digital data, and provide the feedback of the analysis results from the cyberspace to the real
world, thereby creating a reciprocal relationship between the real world and the cyber world (CPS).
Until now, the Internet has been mainly used to connect human beings with human beings, but in the future,
it is expected that the information obtained from various sensors will be directly connected to the Internet. IoT,
which connects things directly to the Internet without human intervention, is a view centered on the real (physical)
world, and is focused on connecting things to the Internet. However, CPS is focused on connecting the real world
(physical world) with cyber world, the integration and analysis of the information (data) of the real world and
cyber world after the connection, and the feedback of analysis data to the real world.
As the paradigm shift from the information society, where informatization was promoted in each social sector
and industry to the 'IoT/CPS society', where new value and services are created through global optimization,
occurred, in the IoT/CPS society, the interaction between the real world and cyberworld has been fundamentally
changed, and it is possible to provide a service suitable for the situation at all times because all infrastructures in
the society become intelligent (smart home, smart building, smart factory, smart grid, smart transportation, etc.)
and are connected to each other, while in the information society, the main purpose was rationalization and
optimization in each field. In addition, it is expected that if advances such as the evolution of AI enables high-
performance data analysis and the feedback of analysis results is provided, the real world will be autonomous
and automated, and it will bring about a great social change. As a result, the IoT/CPS society is expected to
introduce completely new and innovative applications and service providers, and bring a new paradigm shift in
business and market models through new data value chains.
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520 SungHyun Kim et al. / Procedia Computer Science 122 (2017) 518–524
Fig. 2.
2. Various
in Cyber
in Cyber
[2] [2]
2. CPS
2. CPS
the fourth
the fourth
Since independent
Since independent ICTICT devices began
devices beganto beto used,
be used, technology
technology has has
progressed to the
to thelevellevel
of CPS
of CPS
implementation (level IV) IV)
(level through advances
through advancessuchsuchas networking
as networking of individual
of individualterminals
terminalsand and
processing, and and
processing, as the realization
as the of CPS
realization of CPStakestakes
concrete shape
concrete in various
shape in varioussocial sectors
social including
sectors the the
industrialsector (manufacturing),
sector (manufacturing), it isit bringing
is bringing about radical
about social
radical change
social change beyondbeyond automation
automationand and
intelligentization of development,
intelligentization of development, production
production and and
Systems based
Systems on the
based concept
on the conceptof CPS
of CPS havehavealready beenbeen
already applied
appliedin fields suchsuch
in fields as the semiconductor
as the semiconductor
manufacturing process and and
process chemical
chemicalplants, but but
plants, it was difficult
it was to expand
difficult to expandit toitother
to otherfields in terms
fields of cost
in terms of cost
effectivenessbecause of high
because costscosts
of high of itsofintroduction
its introduction and and
maintenance. However,
However,as a as result of diversification,
a result of diversification,
complexity and and
digitalization of the
digitalization of main
the mainstructure of each
structure sector
of each of society
sector and and
of society industrial systems,
industrial CPSCPS
systems, has has
begun to attract
begun attention
to attract again
attention as a as
again way to optimize
a way to optimizeand and
utilize them.
utilize ThisThis
them. is due to the
is due to fact that that
the fact as theas complexity
the complexity
SungHyun Kim et al. / Procedia Computer Science 122 (2017) 518–524 521
SungHyun Kim/ Procedia Computer Science 00 (2017) 000–000
of the embedded system is increased, a high-quality and reliable design technique is required for the interaction
between SW and the physical world. In addition, CPS is being applied in order to connect increasingly complex
social systems such as the environment, energy, transportation, economy, safety, and medical care in a safe and
efficient manner and to design, operate, and repair them. Moreover, CPS is spreading as the rapid development
of ICT has led to the improvement of the environment that can promote CPS by rapid ICT development and the
element technology enabling complex CPS has been developed. Such change can be attributed to the
reorganization and improvement of the environment for promoting CPS, including development of the ultra-high
speed processors capable of processing massive amounts of collected and accumulated data, the widespread use
of IoT tools due to reduced prices of communication chips, and the development of a network environment that
promotes the cloud.
CPS is analyzed and defined in various ways, but basically, it is , and then enables a series of cycles of
collecting and analyzing the data of the real world and then providing the feedback of the results to the real world
across society as a whole. In other words, by quantitatively analyzing the various states (phenomena) of the
control target of the real world, it is possible to objectively deduce contents learned only by 'experience and
intuition'. Specifically, the sensor is attached to the control target (person, car, manufacturing apparatus, etc.),
and various data transmitted from the sensor are collected as big data in the cloud with IoT tools. IoT and CPS
are designed to support applications that collect and manage vast amounts of diverse data generated by sensors
in real-world environments, and CPS enables us to manage effective resources more efficiently by using data
522 SungHyun Kim et al. / Procedia Computer Science 122 (2017) 518–524
SungHyun Kim/ Procedia Computer Science 00 (2017) 000–000
management and communication technologies, so that we can reduce costs, improve infrastructures, and deliver
innovative and high quality services.
Just as the Internet has revolutionized interpersonal communication and interaction, CPS is expected to bring
about radical changes and revolution in the interaction between the physical and virtual worlds. CPS is called
'realization technology', and it creates a new reality space with innovative applications and processes, and
dissolves the boundaries between real and virtual spaces. The many applications enabled by CPS generate added
value in each sector of society and lead to the development of new business models in a cascading fashion. It is
expected that future CPS will address key challenges facing the national society and its application will also play
a crucial role in diverse industrial sectors and application fields, including automated production technology,
automotive and mechanical engineering, energy, logistics, and telemedicine. In addition, CPS is expected to play
a major role in protecting the environment by contributing to carbon dioxide emission reduction through efficient
system operation as well as improving business efficiency through reductions in cost, energy and time.
In order to apply CPS technology to manufacturing system, it is necessary to set the direction of IoT
implementation that can be linked with CPS and to expand and strengthen the IoT infrastructure. CPS is basically
a system which is expanded and operated when the various data generated as a result of the change and
development of the IoT infrastructure act as a catalyst for change. It is expected that IOT infrastructure will be
gradually transformed from a closed form that is divided by sector and system into an open system that utilizes
the central cloud, and further evolve into an open network that operates in the distributed cloud. It is necessary
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to set the direction of IoT implementation in accordance with such prospects of the change and development of
IoT infrastructure, and to set the directions of IoT system construction and linkage between fields, and collection
and utilization of data from an integrated viewpoint. In addition, support must be provided to ensure that a
systematic and integrated IoT infrastructure will eventually be used based on CPS, and CPS connecting the real
world and the cyber system will be operated smoothly.
It is also necessary to establish a roadmap for constructing CPS manufacturing platforms. With rapid
advances of technologies such as IoT, big data, and sensor technology, CPS is being reevaluated as a catalyst for
promoting industrial efficiency and productivity. CPS is attracting attention again as it is expected to be applied
to a wide range of fields, such as medicine and health care, energy and electric power transmission, transportation,
and defense. With the creation of new industries and areas of business based on CPS, it is expected to affect
various fields and generate great demand for it.
Developed companies such as USA and Germany, and global companies such as GE, IBM, and Cisco
recognize manufacturing CPS as a next-generation core infrastructure, and are concentrating on developing CPS-
related technologies and utilization platforms. In this way, CPS is currently receiving attention again and being
reevaluated, and in order to promote the development of CPS infrastructure and its utilization, it is important to
ascertain the levels of various core technologies such as IoT and AI and provide a blueprint for implementing
them. CPS, which links the real world with the cyberworld with various ICTs, based on IoT, cloud, and big data
analysis, is a very complex and huge platform that requires the connection of numerous physical domains as well
as processing a massive amount of data. In order to construct CPS, it is important to develop and integrate various
technologies such as actuators, security technologies, optimization SW, artificial intelligence, and technologies
for data collection and analysis simultaneously, in addition to sensor technologies. Therefore, it is very important
to establish a systematic roadmap for the selection of technologies to be applied to specific fields and how to
apply, design and operate technologies in order to construct CPS.
CPS is not a system that is operated solely, but it is a complex system that is optimized and improved in
efficiency and acquires increased added value through close cooperation and linkage among various fields. In
order to establish a structured and integrated cross-sectoral manufacturing CPS framework, it is essential for
private companies (manufacturing sector), research institutes (research sector) and the government (regulatory
sector) to cooperate with each other, and it is also necessary to establish integrated CPS framework through
cooperation and linkage between industry and academia, present a model of cooperation among various CPS
stakeholders, and coordinate opinions.
In addition, it is important to construct a specialist group that can select the core fields and agendas that
can become most efficient and be optimized by applying CPS and thereby generate new value, or make
appropriate suggestions on the issue. CPS implementation that will bring about a great transformation of
society and industry structures requires a control tower that can design a new social structure based on CPS as
well as innovation in the private and public sectors.
[1] Fraunhofer-Institut fur Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung IPA Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Bauernhansl, Michael Lickefett, 2014
[2] Cyber-Physical Systems - a Concept Map, http://cyberphysicalsystems.org/
[3] INDUSTRIE 4.0-Smart Manufacturing for the Future (Germany Trade and Invest, 2013)
[4] Industry 4.0 - The new industrial revolution Roland Berger, https://www.rolandberger.com/en/Publications/pub_industry_
4_0_the_new_industrial_ revolution.html