Hematocrit Determination (Packed Cell Volume, PCV) (Relative Corpuscular Volume)
Hematocrit Determination (Packed Cell Volume, PCV) (Relative Corpuscular Volume)
Hematocrit Determination (Packed Cell Volume, PCV) (Relative Corpuscular Volume)
Methods :
can be performed by two methods:
1. Microhematocrit method .
2. Macrohematocrit method .
Equipments :
1. Wintrobe macrohematocrit tube
2. Blood sample
(5 ml venous blood + 4 mg potassium oxalate + 6 mg
ammoniun oxalate).
4. Centrifuge .
Wintrobe macrohematocrit tube:
- A glass tube of 10 cm length and 3 mm
diameter .
- - It carries to graduations (from 0 to 10) one
begins at the top of the tube and the other
begins at the bottom .
(pasteur pipette)
Procedure :
1. Mix the blood sample gently .
2. A blood sample .
3. Microhematocrit centrifuge .
4. Microhematocrit reader .
5. Clay sealant .
(Microhematocrit tube)
(Microhematocrit reader )