OP11 SRF For Exams To 30 Sep 2023
OP11 SRF For Exams To 30 Sep 2023
OP11 SRF For Exams To 30 Sep 2023
GMC/IMC Number
Date of Birth (day/month/year)
Section B
Referee’s Name
GMC/IMC Number
Hospital Address
Post Code
Section E – Technical Operative Skills [See accompanying Guidance Notes on Technical Operative Skills]
Section G – Communication & Language Skills [See accompanying Guidance Notes on Communication & Language Skills]
2. I confirm that I have read and understood the standards set out in the Guidance Notes for Referees and the relevant general and
specialty-specific standards set out in the Intercollegiate Surgical Curriculum for the award of the Certificate of Completion of Training
(CCT) by the GMC or the award of Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training (CCST) by the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and
have completed this structured report with reference to those standards.
3. I confirm that I have direct knowledge of the applicant’s current clinical practice within the last 2 years
[applicable to all referees except Training Programme Directors].
4. I confirm that I am the applicant’s Training Programme Director and confirm that:
• the applicant has acquired the applied knowledge and clinical skills to be assessed at the level of a Day 1 Consultant in the
generality of the Specialty
• The applicant satisfies one of the following criteria:
o Has completed Phase 2 of the relevant specialty curriculum with an ARCP Outcome 1
o Is a maximum of 2 WTE clinical years in advance of the indicative CCT/CCST date and has an ARCP Outcome 1 at that point
in training
[applicable to Training Programme Directors only]
5. I confirm that I have examined the applicant’s portfolio including logbook and summary of operative experience and that this is
commensurate with a UK or Ireland trainee within 2 years of CCT or CCST respectively.
6. I accept that I have a responsibility to the profession and confirm that the information contained in this reference is true and accurate
and referenced to Good Medical Practice.
7. I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge, the information I have given in this structured reference is true and accurate. I understand
that it will be used by the Intercollegiate Specialty Board in its evaluation of this doctor’s application for entry to the Intercollegiate
Specialty Examination.
Section H
I confirm that I am , the sponsoring referee named above and have no reservations about this candidate’s
application for entry to the examination.