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Efficacy of Geosynthetics in Stabilization of Subgrade Soidt

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Article in International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics · June 2018


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International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
Volume 120 No. 6 2018, 6779-6797
ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version)
url: http://www.acadpubl.eu/hub/
Special Issue

Sangeetha DM1 , Naveen Kumar DT2 , Vishnu KB3 ,
Sethuja B4 , Sachu SM5 , Jeevan KV6
Department of Civil Engineering,
Shreedevi Institute of Technology, Kenjar, Mangalore,
Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering, Bangalore

June 26, 2018

Urbanization plays a vital role in generating economic
growth and prosperity. The increase in urbanization has
led to scarcity of lands. As a result roads and buildings
have to be constructed over soils with low bearing capac-
ity. The performance of road depends upon the property
of subgrade. This paper focuses stabilizing locally available
soil with various types of geosynthetics viz. Geomembrane
and Geonets. CBR tests were conducted on soil that is
compacted to optimum moisture content and maximum dry
density. The variations in the CBR value on geosynthetics
for subgrade stabilization considering both performance and
economy could be suggested through this project.
Keywords: California Bearing Ratio (CBR), Optimum
Moisture Content (OMC), Maximum Dry Density (MDD),
Geomembrane, Geonet.

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

FOR the last four decades geosynthetics have been widely used in
geotechnical and environmental engineering. Over the years de-
signers and contractors solved the problems of using conventional
construction materials which are restricted or considerably more
expensive by these products. Geosynthetics is defined as a planar
product manufactured from a polymeric material that is used with
soil, rock, or other geotechnical-related material. There are signifi-
cant number of geosynthetic types and geosynthetic applications in
construction world. Thousands of years before inclusions of differ-
ent sorts mixed with soil have been used. They were used in Roman
construction to stabilize road ways and their edges. These early at-
tempts were made of natural fibres, fabrics or vegetation mixed
with soil to improve road quality. A fundamental problem with us-
ing natural materials (wood, cotton, etc.) in buried environment is
the biodegradation that occur from microorganisms in the soil. To
overcome the limitations civil engineers searched for alternate solu-
tions, one such alternative which has emerged as a popular material
/ technique in recent years is geotextiles and related products now
commonly described as geosynthetics. The first productions and
publications about goesynthetics started with the use of geotextiles
as filters and reinforcement in the 1960s. In 1977 the first congress
on geosynthetic were held in Paris and International Geosynthet-
ics Society (IGS) were established in 1982 [1]. A series of design
elements leading to the required geosynthetics strength, modulus,
anchorage length, and surface friction along with design charts were
discussed for the safe and economical solution for soft soil stabiliza-
tion projects [2]. Majority of cases, synthetics are produced from
man-made fibres; however, they can also be from natural fibres.
In fact, geosynthetics are synthesized for use in civil engineering
projects to facilitate construction, ensure better performance of
the structures and reduce maintenance in the long run. They have
wild applications in almost all geotechnical and hydraulic engineer-
ing projects. Typically, such projects include airport and highway
pavements, railways, canals, dams, embankments, retaining walls,
etc. Common types of geosynthetics used are geotextile, geomem-
brane, geogrid, geonet, geocell, geofoam, geosynthetitic clay liners
and geocomposites. Geotextiles, geogrids and geocells are mainly

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

used for soil reinforcement. Geotextiles are continuous sheets of

woven, non woven, knitted or yarns. These sheets have a fabric
appearance and are flexible and permeable. Geogrids have an ar-
ray of apertures that are uniformly distributed between their lon-
gitudinal and transverse elements. Geocells are three-dimentional
networks constructed from strips of polymeric sheets and are rel-
atively thick. In some cases 0.5m to 1m wide strips of polyolefin
geogrids have been linked with vertical polymeric rods forms deep
geocell layers called geomattresses. Geomembranes, geosynthetic
clay liners, geonets, geocomposites and geopipes are widely used
in environmental protection projects. Geomembranes are manu-
factured from one or more synthetic materials and are continous
flexible sheets. They are relatively impermeable and used as liners
of fluid or gas contaminant and as vapour barriers. Geosynthetic
clay liners are prefabricated bentonite geomembrane or single layer
of geotextile. Geonets are formed by two sets of coarse, parallel,
extruded polymeric strands intersecting at a constant acute angle.
Geocomposites are made by the combination of two or more geosyn-
thetic type viz., geotextile-geonet, geotextile-geogrid. Geopipes are
perforated pipes used for drainage of liquids or gas. The devel-
opments in the technology of the polymer and engineering plastic
industries are greatly incorporated in geosynthetic products as it is
a manufactured material. The research results led the development
of new and more powerful designs and construction methods using
geosynthetics. The improved materials and design methods support
engineers to face challenges and to construct structures in condi-
tions which are considered unfavourable in the past. More than two
decades creative builders were using logs or tree limbs to stabilize
roads. Then by using different types of locally available materials
such as rice husk ash (RHA), sugar cane bagass ash (SCBA) and
cowdung ash subgrade soil can be stabilized and it was found that
the natural soil was found as intermediate plastic clay which re-
duces the dry density and increases the optimum moisture content
after stabilization [3]. With the advent of polymers in the middle
of the 20th century much more stabile materials become available
Geosynthetics have been used to reinforce the base layer of flexible
pavement systems for the past 30 years. The mechanisms as well
as key advances in each one of the multiple applications include
the migration of reflective cracking in asphalt overlays, separation,

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

stabilising of road bases, road soft subgrades and lateral drainage

[4]. Experiments were conducted to know the basic types of geosyn-
thetic materials used in transport constructions and also found that
building machines are vital for the preparation of earth body be-
fore the application of geosynthetics [5]. Results of analysis about
performance of geosynthetics stabilized paved roads built over soft
soil under cyclic plate loads shows that geosynthetics functions as
base reinforcement alone, the value of resilient modulus of the base
course layer can be increased by about one quarter and the thick-
ness of base layer can be reduced by one third for pavement [6].
The United states department of agriculture (USDA) Forest Ser-
vice has been using geosynthetics on its low volume roads for the
past 40 years in applications of separation, reinforcement, drainage
and others. The use of geosynthetics on low volume forest roads are
cost saving, yet utilization is variable and inconsistent [7]. Finite
element modelling of unpaved road reinforced with geosynthetics
provide a numerical investigation using a bi-dimensional Finite El-
ement Method (FEM) using ABAQUS software to analyse the im-
provement of reinforced unpaved road under repeated wheel traffic
load conditions in terms of aggregate base course thickness saving.
This is a technique of soil mechanical stabilization, using geosyn-
thetics extensively used in the construction of unpaved roads with
a low volume of traffic [8].


Different types of geosynthetics are available which are used for
different applications with respect to their functionality are shown
in figure 1.
There are many developments in mechanically stabilized earth
(MSE) walls and slopes in basal stabilization. In 1993 to construct
a road over karsts terrain, textile geogrid was employed using ul-
tra high strength polymer. The reinforcement mechanism is shown
in Figure 2. Another development of construction technique that
permits bridge abutment to construct where the sill beam rests di-
rectly on geosynthetic reinforced soil (GRS), while the GRS does
not require stiffening facing [9]. To build steep slope on column

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Figure 1: Flow chart of types of geosynthetics

and piles, over geosynthetic encased column and in embankment a

combination of textile geogrid reinforcement with the geosynthetic
systems are used. Reinforced construction shows increase in bear-
ing capacity and decrease in displacements while comparing the
reinforced and unreinforced case at same load [10].
It is quite known that the compound behavior of geosynthetics
and soil are not completely understood. Recent research using large
scale tri axial and biaxial combined with modern method of visu-
alization of the displacement of soil particles tries to fill this gap
[11]. In order to prevent the waste generated by the industrializa-
tion it is found that silt soil can be mixed with waste materials and
admixtures to improve strength. Additionaly geogrid mesh also in-
troduced in to soil for the upgradation of strength compared with
the parent soil [12]. Geogrids have been employed to resist reflec-
tive cracking in asphalt for many years. By innovative studies it is
claimed that bitumen provides better bond to other polymers, pre-
venting crack propogation. Geogrids enhances structural capacity
and reduces potential distress. It can effectively reduce horizon-
tal deformation of the aggregate base course layer with 203mm to
457mm thickness in the traffic direction. For thinner layer of ag-
gregate, the optimal location of geogrid in the unbound aggregate-
subgrade interface is the upper third of the layer for thicker base
layer [13]. It can improve the low CBR pavement section perfor-
mance as shown in the Table 1.
Geocells are used in aggregate stabilizing and it provides high
volume drainage and working platform support. In airports de-icig

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Figure 2: Geogrid reinforcement mechanisms. (a) lateral confine-

ment, (b) Increasing bearing capacity and (c) tension membrane

compound, the geocell confines the aggregate by improving the load

capacity of aggregate and subgrade and it contains high volume of
fluids that will drain fluid in a control manner from structures in

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

order to study the rutting behavior of geocell reinforced base layer

overlaying weak sand subgrade, a series of separated model load
tests were performed. The considerable improvement of different
number of cycles and plate settlements were observed on quantifi-
cation of traffic benefit ratios (TBR), cumulative plastic deforma-
tions (CPD), and rut depth reduction for geocell reinforced base
courses, comparatively it shows better improvement [15]. It is evi-
dent that geocell has a proming sustainable ground reinforcement
technique. Due to the use of geocell in infrastructure projects, there
is wide scope of further research to study better about the material.
Geocells used for pavement applications are subjected to repeated
loads. Single and multiple geocell reinforcement granular base with
three infill materials like Kansar river sand, quarrey waste, and ag-
gregate were tested under repeated loadings. The results showed
that it reduced the permanent deformation and increased the per-
centage elastic deformation of granular bases [16]. The application
of geocell in road construction is shown in figure 3.

Figure 3: Geocell geotextile for road construction [17]

Geonet is a mesh structures with overlapped threads (dia 3mm

to 15 mm) and permanent angle 60-90 degree. The main appli-
cations of geonets are constructing new road surfaces, reinforcing
joints of rigid pavements patch work, preventing cracking of roads
[18] shown in figure 4(b). It is also used for reinforcing soft clay
subgrade [19].
Geocomposites are made up of two or more geosynthetics to
achieve better characteristic of each material and cost effective
are shown in figure 4(a). The non perforated polyethylene ge-
oweb has the greatest performance among all the geocomposites.

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Figure 4: (a) SITEDRAIN DS-180 Geocomposite and (b) place-

ment of geonet on the road.

In late 1970, the US Army corps of engineering at the waterways

experiment stations (WES) used plastic tubes in a 300mm three
dimensional mattress prototype with CBR 1-0 and cellular mat-
tress was infilled with sand. By providing repeated loads was ob-
served that wheel ruts under cumulative axle loads equivalent to
the 500mm thick unreinforced sand bases [20]. Geosynthetic clay
liners have advantages such as rapid installation, less skilled labour,
low cost and very low hydraulic conductivity to water. By properly
installing GCL, large differential settlement can withstand and bet-
ter self healing characteristic can be achieved. Hydrated GCL is an
effective gas barrier and it reduces the over burden stress on com-
pressible substructure [21]. In 1987, patent was filed in Germany
concerning about shear resistance modes of manufacture. Needled
fibre was used to stabilize and strengthen the products in this sys-
tem. GCL applications expanded as seals in substructure of earthen
embankment, hydraulic structure and a host of additional appli-
cations. GCL are used in pavement construction to prevent the
uncertainty of sinkhole formation underneath the pavement [22].
Geofoam can be used as a light weight fill material in sub base
on subgrade and simplify the design and construction activities [23].
But in 1998 it was reported that the road construction problems
using geofoams, fires raised during construction in Euro road EC in
Vestby, Norway, pavement failure due to block shifting under traffic,
street reconstruction project in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Also
geofoam damaged due to insect infestation, icing of pavement sur-
face, failure of insulated pavement system, water absorption prob-

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

lem and so on [24].

Geomembranes are used for containment of liquid or vapour
barrier or both. Okhalhoma DOT used geomembrane for undu-
lation problem due to expansion of clay under road surface. The
clay tends to swell due to increase in moisture content and cause
non-homogenous expansion and contraction. This results to detri-
mental effect on pavement and minimize moisture changes in the
pavement. It also provides many facilities like strength properties,
lighter weight, portability, cost savings and so on [25].

Figure 5: More than 630,000 sq. ft. of geomembrane was installed

over expansive clay in Ardmore, Oklahoma to stabilize Interstate
35 highway [25].


The ease of installation of geosynthetic is significant in comparison
to thick soil layers requiring large earth moving equipment. In case
of geogrid reinforcement, it reduces the permanent settlement of
railway tracks particularly on soft soils [26], this geogrid system is
more flexible so they can be used as earthquake resistant, this can
be installed in any weather conditions [27].
Geocell can be used to improve the performance of unsurfaced
rural pavements by reducing the rutting, inclusion of geocell as
reinforcement increases the bearing capacity of foundation over soil,
use of geocell will reduce the risk of the materials sliding down the
steep slope [28].

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

The construction of coastal structures such as breakwaters or

dikes in shallow water by geosynthetic mat method will provide
good lateral stability. While using geofoam, it is 1% to 2% the
density of soil with equal strength, i.e, when density is low it will
achieve high strength, break down of particles is less, so it will not
spread to surrounding soils, geofoams can be installed by simple
hand tool thus it requires limited number of labours for the con-
struction. Geofoam eliminates the high operation cost of heavy
Geotextile-geomembrane composites increases the resistence to
puncture, friction related to sliding as well as tensile strength in the
reinforcement area, they can also be used as a drainage medium.
While comparing to compacted clay liner, geosynthetic clay liner
has some advantages mainly in its hydraulic conductivity perfor-
mance which is less than compacted clay liners.
There are several ways of geosynthetic functionality, well known
mechanisms are functions of separation, filtrating, protecting and
slope reinforcing. There are several publications that explaining
the influence of geosynthetic in engineering aspects, and these may
have some limitations.
Although the reinforcing functionality of geosynthetics is de-
scribed and used in connection with slopes reinforcement, There
are many practical examples of geosynthetic usage as a reinforcing
element of pavement, subbase or subgrade layers at the same time
this application is put to laboratory, full scale or real construction
tests. The results and outputs of the tests are highly incompa-
rable because of the non uniform test methodologies and some of
them being purpose-built by geosynthetic producers. The following
parameters should be taken into account for each experiment: ma-
terial properties (soil, aggregate, geosynthetic, etc.), test condition
(soil bearing capacity, compaction rate, etc.), geometrical parame-
ters (dimensions, etc.). Unfortunately, many published papers are
missing the mentioned parameters this is a serious cause for the
incomparability of the mentioned parameters [29].


International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue


In the present work Geomembrane and Geonets are introduced to
increase the stability and used as a strengthening material for the
stabilization of the subgrade soil. Present investigation is carried
out using available laterite soil in the Mangalore region.

A Laterite soil
Laterite soil usually develop in tropical and other regions with
similar hot and humid climatic conditions. The laterite soil is col-
lected from borrow pits at a depth of 2m from Yekkar, Mangalore.
It is important to understand the detailed properties of soil for the
design of pavement, therefore various basic tests were conducted to
determine the properties of the soil. The results are as tabulated
in Table 2.

B Geosynthetic materials
Geosynthetics materials for the project are collected from Geod-
hukan, Velandipalayam, Coimbatore. The properties of geosyn-
thetic are given in Table 3.

C Results and discussions

Laboratory tests were performed to determine the properties
like specific gravity, grain size analysis of soil sample were deter-


International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

mined as per IS: 2720 [30]; Modified Proctor compaction were car-
ried out to determine the optimum moisture content and maximum
dry density of the sample as per IS: 2720 (Part 8)-1983 [31]. There
after, a series of CBR tests were conducted on laterite soil using
geonet and geomembrane placed at various heights. Each geosyn-
thetic material were placed at three different heights and the height
at which maximum CBR value obtained is found out in unsoaked
condition. The soaked CBR tests were then conducted by rein-
forcing the soil with geosynthetics at optimum height. The various
heights considered in the present investigation are h/4, h/2 and
1) CBR Test on laterite soil reinforced with Geonet
CBR test was conducted on soil reinforced with geonet at three
different heights (v.z., h/4, h/2 and 3h/4). The load-penetration
curve is plotted for all the three heights and is shown in figure 6.
The maximum CBR value for unsoaked condition is observed when
the geonet was placed at one-fourth of the height of the specimen.

Figure 6: Load-penetration graph for soil reinforced with geonet in

unsoaked condition.


International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

2) CBR Test on laterite soil reinforced with Geomembrane

CBR test was conducted on soil reinforced with geomembrane
at three different heights (v.z., h/4, h/2 and 3h/4). The load-
penetration curve is plotted for all the three heights and is shown
in figure 7. The maximum CBR value is observed when the ge-
omembrane was placed at one-fourth of the height of the specimen.

Figure 7: Load-penetration graph of soil reinforced with geomem-

brane in unsoaked condition.

3) CBR Test on laterite soil reinforced with Geonet and Geomem-

brane at a depth of h/4 in soaked condition.
Load versus penetration curves were plotted for the CBR values
obtained for geomembrane and geonet placed at a optimal depth of
one-fourth of the height of the specimen in soaked condition and is
shown in fig. 8. The maximum CBR value is observed in geomem-
brane, as compared to geonet. Hence, it can be concluded as the
best material among both.

4.) Design of pavement

Flexible pavement design by CBR method is used to determine
the total thickness of pavement. Generally there are two methods
to design the pavement from CBR (California bearing ratio) value
namely, CBR method recommended by California State of highways
and CBR method recommended by IRC. For the present study IRC
charts are used to design the pavement and the thickness of soil in
pavement is found to be:
• 460mm in unreinforced soil.
• 230mm in soil reinforced with geomembrane.


International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Figure 8: Load-penetration graph of geomembrane and geonet in

soaked condition

• 280mm in soil reinforced with geonet

5) Cost Analysis
Total cost of the pavement can be analysed by considering the
factors like unit cost of soil, unit cost of the required material, and
thickness of the pavement reinforced with material. Thus the cost
of soil required for unit area of pavement can be determined and the
sum of both soil and material cost gives the total cost of pavement.
Figure 9 shows the cost involved in the construction of pavement
with/without geosynthetics. It can be observed that the cost of
construction is high for the pavement reinforced with geosynthetics
when compared to unreinforced soil. The percentage increase in
cost when compared to unreinforced soil is found to increase by
180% using geomembrane and 213% using geonet.

Figure 9: Cost Analysis with/without geosynthetics


International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Nowadays, the available land with good bearing capacity is not
sufficient enough to meet the increasing population demand. This
leads to the construction of different structures on weak soil with
poor bearing capacity. In those situations stabilization of soil plays
a vital role in achieving the efficiency and performance of the struc-
ture. Geosynthetics are one such material, which are widely used
in soil stabilization.
From the present study, it is observed that both the reinforce-
ments are effective in increasing the strength of soil. The CBR
value of the reinforced laterite soil was obtained as 1.23% after re-
inforcing it with Geonet it was found to increase by 1.4% and with
geomembrane it was 4.70%. Also, the optimum height of placement
was found at a depth of H/4 from the top of the specimen in both.
Hence it is concluded that the maximum strength of the soil was
obtained when the Geomembrane was placed at a height of H/4
from the top of the specimen. And also it gives minimum thickness
of pavement.

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