Efficacy of Geosynthetics in Stabilization of Subgrade Soidt
Efficacy of Geosynthetics in Stabilization of Subgrade Soidt
Efficacy of Geosynthetics in Stabilization of Subgrade Soidt
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Sangeetha DM
National Institute of Technology Karnataka
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Sangeetha DM1 , Naveen Kumar DT2 , Vishnu KB3 ,
Sethuja B4 , Sachu SM5 , Jeevan KV6
Department of Civil Engineering,
Shreedevi Institute of Technology, Kenjar, Mangalore,
Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering, Bangalore
Urbanization plays a vital role in generating economic
growth and prosperity. The increase in urbanization has
led to scarcity of lands. As a result roads and buildings
have to be constructed over soils with low bearing capac-
ity. The performance of road depends upon the property
of subgrade. This paper focuses stabilizing locally available
soil with various types of geosynthetics viz. Geomembrane
and Geonets. CBR tests were conducted on soil that is
compacted to optimum moisture content and maximum dry
density. The variations in the CBR value on geosynthetics
for subgrade stabilization considering both performance and
economy could be suggested through this project.
Keywords: California Bearing Ratio (CBR), Optimum
Moisture Content (OMC), Maximum Dry Density (MDD),
Geomembrane, Geonet.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
FOR the last four decades geosynthetics have been widely used in
geotechnical and environmental engineering. Over the years de-
signers and contractors solved the problems of using conventional
construction materials which are restricted or considerably more
expensive by these products. Geosynthetics is defined as a planar
product manufactured from a polymeric material that is used with
soil, rock, or other geotechnical-related material. There are signifi-
cant number of geosynthetic types and geosynthetic applications in
construction world. Thousands of years before inclusions of differ-
ent sorts mixed with soil have been used. They were used in Roman
construction to stabilize road ways and their edges. These early at-
tempts were made of natural fibres, fabrics or vegetation mixed
with soil to improve road quality. A fundamental problem with us-
ing natural materials (wood, cotton, etc.) in buried environment is
the biodegradation that occur from microorganisms in the soil. To
overcome the limitations civil engineers searched for alternate solu-
tions, one such alternative which has emerged as a popular material
/ technique in recent years is geotextiles and related products now
commonly described as geosynthetics. The first productions and
publications about goesynthetics started with the use of geotextiles
as filters and reinforcement in the 1960s. In 1977 the first congress
on geosynthetic were held in Paris and International Geosynthet-
ics Society (IGS) were established in 1982 [1]. A series of design
elements leading to the required geosynthetics strength, modulus,
anchorage length, and surface friction along with design charts were
discussed for the safe and economical solution for soft soil stabiliza-
tion projects [2]. Majority of cases, synthetics are produced from
man-made fibres; however, they can also be from natural fibres.
In fact, geosynthetics are synthesized for use in civil engineering
projects to facilitate construction, ensure better performance of
the structures and reduce maintenance in the long run. They have
wild applications in almost all geotechnical and hydraulic engineer-
ing projects. Typically, such projects include airport and highway
pavements, railways, canals, dams, embankments, retaining walls,
etc. Common types of geosynthetics used are geotextile, geomem-
brane, geogrid, geonet, geocell, geofoam, geosynthetitic clay liners
and geocomposites. Geotextiles, geogrids and geocells are mainly
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
A Laterite soil
Laterite soil usually develop in tropical and other regions with
similar hot and humid climatic conditions. The laterite soil is col-
lected from borrow pits at a depth of 2m from Yekkar, Mangalore.
It is important to understand the detailed properties of soil for the
design of pavement, therefore various basic tests were conducted to
determine the properties of the soil. The results are as tabulated
in Table 2.
B Geosynthetic materials
Geosynthetics materials for the project are collected from Geod-
hukan, Velandipalayam, Coimbatore. The properties of geosyn-
thetic are given in Table 3.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
mined as per IS: 2720 [30]; Modified Proctor compaction were car-
ried out to determine the optimum moisture content and maximum
dry density of the sample as per IS: 2720 (Part 8)-1983 [31]. There
after, a series of CBR tests were conducted on laterite soil using
geonet and geomembrane placed at various heights. Each geosyn-
thetic material were placed at three different heights and the height
at which maximum CBR value obtained is found out in unsoaked
condition. The soaked CBR tests were then conducted by rein-
forcing the soil with geosynthetics at optimum height. The various
heights considered in the present investigation are h/4, h/2 and
1) CBR Test on laterite soil reinforced with Geonet
CBR test was conducted on soil reinforced with geonet at three
different heights (v.z., h/4, h/2 and 3h/4). The load-penetration
curve is plotted for all the three heights and is shown in figure 6.
The maximum CBR value for unsoaked condition is observed when
the geonet was placed at one-fourth of the height of the specimen.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
5) Cost Analysis
Total cost of the pavement can be analysed by considering the
factors like unit cost of soil, unit cost of the required material, and
thickness of the pavement reinforced with material. Thus the cost
of soil required for unit area of pavement can be determined and the
sum of both soil and material cost gives the total cost of pavement.
Figure 9 shows the cost involved in the construction of pavement
with/without geosynthetics. It can be observed that the cost of
construction is high for the pavement reinforced with geosynthetics
when compared to unreinforced soil. The percentage increase in
cost when compared to unreinforced soil is found to increase by
180% using geomembrane and 213% using geonet.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
Nowadays, the available land with good bearing capacity is not
sufficient enough to meet the increasing population demand. This
leads to the construction of different structures on weak soil with
poor bearing capacity. In those situations stabilization of soil plays
a vital role in achieving the efficiency and performance of the struc-
ture. Geosynthetics are one such material, which are widely used
in soil stabilization.
From the present study, it is observed that both the reinforce-
ments are effective in increasing the strength of soil. The CBR
value of the reinforced laterite soil was obtained as 1.23% after re-
inforcing it with Geonet it was found to increase by 1.4% and with
geomembrane it was 4.70%. Also, the optimum height of placement
was found at a depth of H/4 from the top of the specimen in both.
Hence it is concluded that the maximum strength of the soil was
obtained when the Geomembrane was placed at a height of H/4
from the top of the specimen. And also it gives minimum thickness
of pavement.
[1] Zornberg J G: The International Geosynthetic Society (IGS):
No border for the good use of geosynthetic. 25 year retrorespec-
tives on geosynthetic industry at glimpses into future, Twenty-
fifth geosynthetic research institute conference (GRI-25), Cal-
ifornia, pp.342-357, April, 2013.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
[5] Stopka O, Kuperka D, et. al. Heavy machinery required for the
proper application of geosynthetic products in the implemen-
tation of transport constructions, vol. 161 pp. 445-450,2016.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue