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Statistical Tables: S.SC., A.R.c.s

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Statistical Tables J.

B.Sc., A.R. T.C., A.M.I.Prod.E.
for Science, Engineering, Director of Management
Science Studies,
Management and Cranfield Institute of Technology
Business Studies
J.A. Barnes s.sc., A.R.c.s.
Senior Lecturer in
Third edition Management Science Studies
Revised and expanded Cranfield Institute of Technology

With this edition we have taken the opportunity to expand the range of tables. The new tables cover some
non-parametric tests as well as other areas which we have found to be useful.

The non-parametric tests include both Nair's and Dixon's tests for identifying whether an outlying
observation in a sample is sufficiently extreme to consider discarding it. Tables are provided of Spearman's
and Kendall's Rank Correlation Coefficients and of the one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistics for
goodness of fit.

We have also added a table of Tukey's Wholly Significant Difference- a test of importance in under-
standing and interpreting the practical significance of the results of analysis of variance.

We have also given examples of the use of all the new tables just mentioned.

There is now a table of. the simplified factors using the American practice for constructing control charts
for sample average and sample range. As a final addition, we have included a set of useful formulae
together with the parameters of the most commonly used statistical distributions.

For a more detailed description on the use of the original tables, including those of random numbers, as
well as for specialist statistical tabulations, reference should be made to well-known publications such as
the Biometrika Tables for Statisticians and those of Fisher and Yates. As a cautionary note and since there
is no universal convention for the tabulation of statistical functions, users unfamiliar with these tables
should be careful to check the actual function which is tabulated. For example, many tabulations of the
percentage points of the t-distribution split the probability equally between both tails of the distribution
and quote I t I as the value oft exceeded with the given probability, whereas Table 7 of this edition gives
the value of +t which cuts off the indicated probability in the right-hand tail of the distribution only.

The authors would like to thank their colleague, Mr W. Schroeder, for his development of computer
programs to calculate percentage points of x2 (Table 8) and the tables of discount factors (Tables 39, 40
and 41).

Finally, the authors are indebted to the Literary Executor of the late Sir Ronald A. Fisher, F.R.S.,
Cambridge, to Dr Frank Yates, F.R.S., Rothamsted, and to Messrs. Oliver and Boyd Ltd., Edinburgh, for
permission to reprint all or part of Tables III, IV, V and XXXIII from their book 'Statistical Tables for
Biological, Agricultural and Medical Research', to the Biometrika Trustees for permission to reprint parts
of Tables 8 and 9 from 'Biometrika Tables for Statisticians, Volume I', and also the British Standards
Institution for permission to reprint some tables from B.S. 2564: 1955 and from the withdrawn British
Standard B.S. 600R: 1942. Every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders but if any have
been inadvertently overlooked the publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangement at the
first opportunity.
J. Murdoch
Cranfield 1986 J. A. Barnes

© J. Murdoch and J. A. Barnes 1986 Second edition 1970

(Reprinted 14 times)
All rights reserved. No reproduction, copy or transmission Third edition 1986
of this publication may be made without written permission.
Published by
No paragraph of this publication may be reproduced, copied MACMILLAN EDUCATION LTD
or transmitted save with written permission or in accordance Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 2XS
with the provisions of the Copyright Act 1956 (as amended). and London
Companies and representatives
Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to throughout the world
this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and
civil claims for damages. ISBN 978-0-333-42825-2 ISBN 978-1-349-09107-2 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-1-349-09107-2
First edition 1968
(Reprinted twice)
1 Cumulative Binomial Probabilities 4
2 Cumulative Poisson Probabilities 8
3 Areas in Upper Tail of the Normal Distribution 13
4 Percentage Points of the Normal Distribution 14
5 Ordinates of the Normal Distribution 14
6 Exponential Function 15
7 Percentage Points of the t Distribution 16
8 Percentage Points of the x2 Distribution 17
9 Percentage Points of the F Distribution 18
10 The Correlation Coefficient 20
11 Tukey's Wholly Significant Difference Test 21

12 Percentage Points of Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient 22
13 Kendall's Rank Correlation Coefficient 23
14 Nair's Test: Percentage Points of the 'Studentised' Extreme Deviate from the Mean 24
15 Dixon's Test: Upper Percentage Points of the Rank Difference Ratio 25
16 Kolmogorov-Smirnov One-Sample Test 26


17 Control Chart Limits for Sample Average 28
18 Control Chart Limits for Sample Range (using w) 28
19 Control Chart Limits for Sample Range (using a) 29
20 Control Chart Limits (American Type Charts) 29
21a Minimum Values of the Relative Precision Index 30
21 b Precision of Manufacture 30
22 Modified Control Chart Limits for Sample Average 30


23 Runs on Either Side of the Average, 0.5% Point 32
24 Runs on Either Side of the Average, 5.0% Point 32
25 Runs Above and Below the Median, 0.5% and 5% Points 32
26 Lengths of Runs on Either Side of the Median 33
27 Lengths of Runs Up and Down 33


28 Derivation of Single Sampling Plans 34
29 Construction of O.C. Curves for Single Sampling Plans 35


30 Random Numbers 36
31 Random Standardised Normal Deviates 39

32 Logarithms 40
33 Antilogarithms 41
34 Logarithms of Factorials 42
35 Natural Logarithms 43
36 Squares 44
37 Square Roots (1 to 10) 45
38 Square Roots (10 to 100) 46

39 Present Value Factors 47
40 Cumulative Present Value Factors 49
41 Capital Recovery Factors 51



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