IRJASH Article
IRJASH Article
IRJASH Article
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4 authors, including:
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham
All content following this page was uploaded by Sujithra Ram Manohar on 08 September 2023.
skin’s deeper layers [30]. Diadermic ointments pen- tion which results in irritation and intense itch-
etrate to the deeper layers (Hypodermis) of the skin ing (El et al.). Example for vaginal ointments are
and has a systemic effect. (Eg:nitroglycerine) [31] Rala Malahara and Vranamrita Malahara that are
A schematic representation of different layers of the said to be effective in vrana (wound) caused by
skin is depicted in Figure 2.For example skin dis- Upadamsha (syphilis) and inflammation of the uri-
eases such as ring worm infestation, allergic der- nary tract (Biswas).
matitis, foot cracks and fungal infection are treated
3.5. Rectal ointments
using Gandhaka Malahara . Key Ingredients of the
same are Shudha Gandhaka (sulphur powder), Kar- These ointments are used to treat the perianal area or
poora (Camphor) and Tankana Shudha (Borax). the anal canal (Hegde, Trombold, and Dominguez).
A combination of White paraffin, PEG 300, cetyl
esters, cetyl alcohols are used as bases. (Trusha,
Purohit, and Sara) Sulfacetamide sodium ointment
is used to treat Seborrhea dermatitis; Sarjarasamala-
hara and ArshoharaMalahara are used to cure haem-
orrhoids (Shailesh, V. Singh, and Naini).
3.6. Based on therapeutic uses
Therapeutic effect of an ointment is the ability to
FIGURE 2. Layers of Skin inhibit or kill pathogens and to cure other disease
conditions. Based on their function they are classi-
fied into four groups (H et al.).
3.2. Ophthalmic ointments
Antibiotic ointments (Goswami et al.) are applied
Ophthalmic ointments are used to treat eye infec- topically on the skin to restrict the growth of bacte-
tions, dry eyes and inflammation of eyelid (Sen et ria (Elliott et al.). They prevent infections that may
al.). Depending upon the ailment, specific types of happen when the skin is injured. (Elliott et al.) The
ophthalmic ointment is used: (a) Antibiotic oint- medication though absorbed through the erupted
ment helps to kill the bacteria which cause infec- skin, doesn’t seem to be useful for treating infec-
tion. (b) Lubricating ointment helps to keep the tions in the deeper layers (Negut, V. Grumezescu,
eye moist in case of dryness. Some commonly and A. Grumezescu). Polysporin, Neosporin, and
recommended ophthalmic ointments (Messmer) bacitracin are useful for minor skin injuries (Tong
include Ciprofloxacin ophthalmic which is used et al.). Antibiotics such as mupirocin (Bactroban),
to treat corneal ulcers and inflammation (ker- metronidazole (Metrogel), are prescribed for deeper
atitis) (Hyndiuk et al.) Bacitracin, Polymyxin wounds (Manohar et al.)
B, Neomycin, Tobramycin and Erythromycin are Antifungal ointments (de Castro et al.) can
antibiotics used to treat eye and eyelid infec- be used to treat fungal infections, which are usu-
tions. (Abelson et al.) ally found in skin, hair, and nails (Youngnamkang
3.3. Nasal ointments et al.). Even though fungi are found in all kinds of
The Nasal ointments are used to cure breath- environments, not all species cause illness (Jyothi,
ing related problems, nasal congestion etc (Keller, Koland, and Priya). A group of fungi referred to as
Merkel, and Popp). The ingredients in the nasal Dermatophytes cause infections to skin and mucous
ointments get absorbed into the bloodstream through membrane (Walsh and Dixon). Topical antifungal
the nasal lining (J. Metz et al.). For example iprat- medication is usually in the form of a lotion, cream,
ropium bromide ointment is used to treat wheezing solution, spray or gel (Ameen) .Topical antifungals
and shortness of breath (Kotaniemi-Syrjänen et al. initially kill the fungal cells and later on arrest their
S. Sharma and Rasatarangini). growth (Gamage et al.).
Antipruritic ointments, (M. Metz and Staubach)
3.4. Vaginal ointments are used to treat eczema, dermatitis, allergies,
These ointments are used to treat against infec- rashes etc (Hong et al.). Hydrocortisone acetate
tions in the vaginal area caused due to fungal infec- which is a mild corticosteroid is found to reduce
Hari Prasad P M et al. 2023, Vol. 05, Issue 08 August
swelling, itching, and redness associated with the amount of aqueous portion in it.
ailments (Vempati and Sobel). • Oleaginous base help in increasing the contact
Anti-inflammatory ointments (Thais et al.) time of the medication ingredients with the skin.
can be used to treat several symptoms of pain • Can act as Air and water tight medical dressing
and inflammation, including: Short-term strains in first aid (Ueda)
or sprains, Muscle aches or pain, Tendon pain, Some of the common examples are white petrola-
Joint pain from health conditions like osteoarthri- tum, yellow ointment, white ointment .
tis (Vandana Garg). A non-steroidal anti-
4.2. Absorption base
inflammatory drug like Voltaren works by blocking
an enzyme called cyclooxygenase (COX) (Kitzen The emulsifying property of an ointment is referred
et al.). COX is responsible in the produc- to by the term ‘absorption base’They are generally
tion of prostaglandins, which cause inflamma- insoluble in water and anhydrous lanolin .
tion (Nagaich and Vandana Chaudhary). Voltaren Water in oil emulsion or oleaginous bases allows
gel is used to treat actinic keratosis, arthritis pain the incorporation of aqueous solution .They can-
in joints (Kyuki et al.). The anti-inflammatory effect not be easily washed off with water (Ajala, Eraga,
of diclofenac-sodium ointment was researched upon and Akin-Ajani) e.g. Anhydrous Lanolin and
by H Fujimura et al (B. Nair and Taylor-Gjevre hydrophilic petrolatum are used for emollient appli-
Menassé et al.). The anti-inflammatory effects of cations (Allafi et al.).
different batches of diclofenac-Na ointment pre- 4.2.1. Water-removable Bases
pared with three kinds of bases: lipophilic, emul- Water-removable bases have a semi solid consis-
sion (cream) and gel bases were compared. The tency . The external phase of the emulsion being
cream was found to have the most potent effect in aqueous can be easily washed off from the skin
comparison with indomethacin gel (IM gel), bufexa- and are referred to as ‘water-washable bases .
mac cream (BM cream) and mobilat ointment (ML Hydrophilic ointment, USP consists of the follow-
ointment) (Pandey et al. Mohammed et al.). It was ing ingredients. For the preparation of about 1000 g
found to impart analgesic effect , inhibit prolifera- of the ointment, following ingredients are required
tion of granulation tissue, reduce swelling (Komeh- (Figure 3) (Annaji et al.)
Nkrumah et al. Jurca et al.).
4. Types of Ointment bases
Ointment Base can be referred to as the drug carrier
part (Sadozai, Zafar, and Sajjad). The Quality of the
medicine, the stability and the area of the application
can be determined by the ointment base . There are
mainly three classes of ointments and they are differ-
entiated based on the physical composition (Rahimi
et al.).
4.1. Oleaginous ointment base
The oleaginous ointment base is a mixture of liq-
uid, semisolid or solid hydrocarbon derived from
plants, animals or petroleum (Nwamaka et al. Wid-
hiantara et al.). They possess a wide range of melt-
ing point and viscosity (D et al.). The major hydro-
carbon bases include petroleum, paraffin and lano-
lin. Oleaginous ointments have the following char- FIGURE 3. Approximate percentages of differ-
acteristics (Yeoh and Goh). ent ingredients in ointments
• Possess emollient effect.
• Difficult to be removed from our body. For preparing this ointment, stearyl alcohol and
• Do not get dried up quickly, as there is small white petrolatum are fused together. Sodium lau-
ryl sulphate (SLS) is the emulsifying agent usu- 5.3. Chelating agents
ally used (Kang et al.). Stearyl alcohol, Methyl Small amounts of chelating chemicals such as cit-
paraben, propyl paraben and white petrolatum con- ric acid, maleic acid, and phosphoric acid, can be
stitute the oleaginous phase (S. J. Hassan et al. added to trap metal ions which are known to catal-
Kumar, Shankar, and Mishra). yse oxidative degradations (Mahato et al.).
4.2.2. Water-soluble Bases
5.4. Perfumes
Water-soluble bases are completely water-washable Introducing aroma to the ointments can increase its
and are ‘greaseless’in nature. (Pandey et al.). commercial value (Mohamed). The perfume should
Polyethylene glycol ointment, is an example of be carefully chosen as it needs to blend well with the
water-soluble base. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) is a rest of the ingredients. Essential oils from Jasmine,
polymer which exists in liquid, semisolid or solid rose, lily, and gardenia are among the floral scents in
form based on its average molecular weights the this group. Sandalwood and cedar wood are among
greater the molecular weight, the greater the vis- the woody species (Volpert and Perfume).
cosity (Conway, Brown, et al. K et al. Bhagurkar et
al.). Selection of appropriate base in the ointment is 5.5. Cosmeceutical Activity
based on a) stability of the drug b) characteristics of The use of Ayurvedic beauty products is quite com-
the skin surface to be treated c) release rate of drugs mon among both men and women. Such cosme-
into the ointment d) stability of the drug (Krysiak ceutical ointments can be used for different pur-
and Stachewicz). poses (Chandra, Sodiyal, and Patil). Some of them
5. Other essential ingredients
1. Nurturing and Enhancement of skin – These
5.1. Preservatives in ointments ointments are used to give a balanced nourishment
In order to increase the shelf life of an ointment to the skin. The ingredients includes Grapefruit
it has to be prevented from being contaminated by extract which are the natural source of vitamin A,
bacteria and fungi (O Diovu et al.). The Irritancy C and E (Deshmukh et al.).
and toxicity of the ingredient on the tissue to which 2. Anti Ageing activity – ‘Vayasthapana’ means
the ointment is applied need to be checked thor- arresting age and maintaining youthfulness. These
oughly before using the product (T. Sharma et al.). are the ointments which provide optimum physio-
It is noted that the Nasal passages will get irri- logical functions which encourage the arresting of
tated by methyl and propyl parabens ingredients; the ageing cycle and provide youthful skin. These
Boric acid exposure in nasal passage turns out to ointments are rich in vitamin C, Gallic acid and Tan-
be dangerous (Stjepanovic et al.). The preservatives nins. It also improves cell migration and cell bind-
that we add may be absorbed by the plastic con- ing which known as ‘Sandhaniya’ and improves the
tainers or rubber closures, limiting their availability skin complexion known as ‘Kantikara’. It also has
for antimicrobial action. (Arora, Vats, and Verma) A adaptogenic agent known as ‘Rasayana’ (Mangal).
constant check on the preservative properties have 3. Providing Radiant Skin – These ointments has
to done in order to ensure the purity of the oint- the ability to provide radiance or bright complex-
ment. (Stan et al.) ion. These ointment herbs are known as ‘Varnya’
which includes Sandalwood, Vetiver etc. Jeevan-
5.2. Antioxidants
thyadimalahara is said to be very good for improv-
Antioxidants should be used to prevent the oxidation ing the complexion (Trak and Chauhan).
of the base. It is preferrable to use two antioxidants
rather than one. (Zaitsev et al.) When a base has both 6. Preparation of ointments
aqueous and oil phases, the concentration of antiox- Three methods are commonly adopted for the prepa-
idants can be estimated only by their partition coef- ration of ointments. Incorporation method, fusion
ficients between the two phases. Butylated hydroxy method and emulsification method, the selection of
anisole, propyl gallate, Dihydroguaiaretic acid, are which depends on the physical and chemical char-
commonly used (Choudhary et al.). acteristics of the ingredients. (Phatale et al.)
Hari Prasad P M et al. 2023, Vol. 05, Issue 08 August
Hari Prasad P M et al. 2023, Vol. 05, Issue 08 August
chelating agents, used in perfume industries and also Annaji, Manjusha, et al. “Enhanced Topical Co-
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base which makes the correct consistency and pro- on Pharmaceutical Suspension and Its Advance-
vide maximum action to the affected area . It is ment”. Ann Clin Case Rep (2022).
also to be noted that the ratio of these oil base and
ingredients are different for different Malahara and Ashara, Jalpas Kalpesh Chhotalal, et al. “Micro-
is recommended to follow some precaution to pro- emulsion based emulgel: a novel topical drug
vide uniform consistency of the ointment in order to delivery system”. Asian Pacific Journal of Trop-
provide maximum action of the particular ointment ical Disease 4.1 (2014): 27–32.
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adding to the base carrier . The melting point of rounds at University of California, San Francisco
these ingredients should be higher than the base car- Medical Center”. J Gen Intern Med 23.6 (2008):
rier . This review explains numerous specifications 854–859.
of ointments and their mode of action (Oblong and Bhagurkar, Ajinkya M, et al. “Development of an
Jansen). South India being a rich source of flora and Ointment Formulation Using Hot-Melt Extrusion
fauna, detailed research on the mechanistic aspects Technology”. AAPS PharmSciTech 17.1 (2016):
of plant based ointments in the treatment of various 158–166.
diseases needs to be carried out . In the current sce-
nario Ayurveda turns out to be safer mode of medi- Bharskar, Ganesh and Suhas Siddheshwar. “Formu-
cation with low or any side effects . lation and in-vitro Evaluation of Topical Antimi-
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