Materials Letters: M. Alam Khan, M.O. Manasreh, Yong-Mook Kang
Materials Letters: M. Alam Khan, M.O. Manasreh, Yong-Mook Kang
Materials Letters: M. Alam Khan, M.O. Manasreh, Yong-Mook Kang
Materials Letters
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Article history: Poly-sized iron pyrite nanohusks with an average length of 6 nm were synthesized in ethanolamine
Received 4 February 2014 which acts as a solvent and a surfactant at 210 1C in a Schlenk flask. An X-ray diffraction pattern and
Accepted 10 April 2014 Raman spectra show a cubic iron pyrite structure with prominent Raman peaks at the 339.5 and 378
Available online 18 April 2014
positions, typical of cubic iron pyrite. UV–vis spectra show an increased band gap of 1.34 eV due to
Keywords: quantum size effects. The synthesized semiconducting iron pyrite nanohusks owing to lighter weight
Iron pyrite and strong visible light coverage have advantages over large pyrite nanocrystals, since the larger
Photovoltaics particles usually sink down to the bottom on spin casting due to unavoidable gravity effects. When such
Band gap nanohusks were applied in a bulk-heterojunction type solar cell with an n-type fullerene (PCBM), an
Optical properties
efficiency of 0.23% was observed with a JSC of 1.4 mA/cm 2, a VOC of 0.17 V and a fill factor of 32. The
morphology and optoelectronic properties of the synthesized nanohusks were elucidated by TEM, XRD,
Raman spectra
micro-Raman spectra, UV–vis, SEM, XPS, TEM-EDX and J–V techniques.
& 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction and a very suitable band gap (0.95 eV) [6,7]. The high natural
abundance of iron pyrite translates into an estimated 0.000002 ¢/W
It is increasingly clear that the finite supply of the traditional of material extraction cost. Recently, Wadia et al. placed it among
fuels (fossil, coal and gas) must shift in the favor of renewable the top 23 promising potential candidates for solar electricity
energy resources in order to fulfill the growing global energy generation [8]. The Schottky junction type pyrite photovoltaic
needs (20 TW) [1,2]. Among several promising resources, photo- devices reported so far exhibit high quantum efficiency and photo-
voltaic energy is perceived as reliable, clean and inexhaustible; current but low photovoltage which is often less than 20% of the
however, significant cost reduction is necessary to compete with band gap [9]. The causes of such low voltage and efficiencies are
fossil fuels. At present silicon based solar cells dominate the material issues, such as phase impurity, intrinsic bulk, surface
photovoltaic market; however, their significant cost and complex defects and mid gap defect states which cause Fermi level pinning.
technology impede their wide use. Hence alternative technologies But, the theoretical limit of the power conversion efficiency of FeS2
such as CIGS and CdTe are explored [3]. Most of the alternative is reported to be better than those of CuInSe2, CdTe, and Si based
structures use either toxic or trace elements such as Cd, In, and Pb photovoltaic devices [10]. This is mainly due to the major advantage
[4]. Instead, non-toxic, abundant, and thus cheap materials such as of the diffusion/drift length (0.1–1.0 μm) in iron pyrite. The optical
FeS2, Cu2O, Cu2S and SnS are typical p-type and earth abundant, and electrical properties can be improved by increasing the energy
are much more promising and could make an impact even with band gap (Eg) of FeS2 by tuning the crystal sizes [11,12] where Eg
overall low efficiencies. Among all these materials iron pyrite increases with respect to the size of nanocrystals. Although it is
(FeS2) is the most attractive in both cost and abundance [5]. reported that in pyrite based photovoltaics less than a micron of
Recently iron pyrite (FeS2, fool’s gold) has been getting resurgent total thickness (30–300 nm) is enough to absorb all visible
interest owing to its promising attributes such as abundance, non- spectrums, most of the time it is difficult to make high quality
toxicity, high absorption coefficient ( 5 105 cm 1 for hν 41.3 eV) films because of the large nanocrystals [13], resulting in uneven film
surface, particle aggregation and non-uniformity with nanoscale
separation. Quantum sized pyrite particles owing to lighter weight
Corresponding author at: Department of Energy and Materials Engineering, can be suspended well and expected to form better and uniform
Dongguk University-Seoul, Seoul 100-715, Republic of Korea.
Tel.: þ 1 479 575 5444; fax: þ 1 479 575 7967.
films. Herein, we report phase pure semiconducting iron pyrite
E-mail address: (M. Alam Khan). nanohusks with excellent light absorption properties and processed
0167-577X/& 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
182 M. Alam Khan et al. / Materials Letters 126 (2014) 181–184
for photovoltaic testing. To the best of our knowledge such quantum 4 (311)
sized and band tuned phase pyrite nanohusks have not been (200)
100 nm 50 nm
Fig. 2. TEM image of the synthesized sample: (a) low resolution and (b) corresponding high resolution image; inset (a): Fast fourier transform (FFT) pattern of iron pyrite
800 2.0
= 0.23%
Raman Intensity (arb. units)
600 1.5
250 nm
JSC (mA/cm-2)
400 1.0
200 0.5
0 0.0
300 350 400 450 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30
Wavenumber (cm ) -1
VOC (volt)
Fig. 3. (a) Micro-Raman analysis indicating phonon modes of as synthesized iron pyrite nanohusks, and (b) J–V characteristic of the photovoltaic response; inset shows a
cross-sectional image of thin films.
bigger crystals tend to sink to the bottom which results in large degree of super saturation swiftly with a fast release of
nanoscale separation or renders the film unsuitable/inefficient excess free energy. The cohesive energy between the nuclei are not
for photovoltaic application. strong enough to hold the nanocrystals together at this mild
So in the present study size tuned pyrite nanohusks that are temperature leading to a fast bursting of quantum nanohusks.
lighter in nature are expected to cast uniform and smooth films The band gap tuning (1.34 eV) and light crystal size of the
with better efficiency; however, an efficiency of 0.23% was quite nanohusks make it appealing as a solar absorber material due to
low, which can be attributed to poor contact with the substrate, superior optoelectronic properties and visible light coverage. The
particle boundary involvement, non-perfect ratio of Fe:S (1:1.97) band gap tunability of several semiconductors has led to many
as analyzed by TEM-EDX (Supporting information; Fig. S1) and pioneering applications such as light emitting devices [16], lasers
nanoscale separation in the films of fullerene and inorganic FeS2 [17], high luminescence [18] and low thermal conductivity [19].
due to different physio-chemical natures. X-ray photoelectron The details of the film morphology, solvent effects, and crystals
spectra (XPS) were further analyzed to investigate the pyrite size effects on ITO glass, nanoscale separation, and resistance are
nanohusks and the details are shown in Fig. S2 (supporting under study.
information) where the observed Fe2p spectra clearly show two
resolved peaks at 710 eV and 723 eV, corresponding to Fe 2p3/2, Fe
2p1/2. However, signals of spin orbital S 2p components are weak
at 162 eV and can be attributed to S2p which is in good agreement 4. Conclusion
with the bulk iron pyrite reported elsewhere [15]. Since ethano-
lamine acts both as a solvent and a surfactant and with a suitable Phase pure poly-sized pyrite nanohusks with tapering ends and
temperature (210 1C) the precursor breaks and rearrange to form an average length of 6 nm were synthesized in a high aspect
iron-amine complexes. With the injection of molecular sulfur ratio using ethanolamine as a solvent and a surfactant at 210 1C in
reaction takes place and a large number of pyrite nuclei are a Schlenk flask. The band gap was found to be 1.34 eV by optical
generated in the fast growth process. Since no bulky surfactant absorption spectra and XRD and Raman spectra show a phase pure
(TOPO) was used here, a short chain of ethanolamine results in a pyrite semiconducting structure. A photovoltaic response of 0.23%
184 M. Alam Khan et al. / Materials Letters 126 (2014) 181–184
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