IOT Based Ids System Using ANN
IOT Based Ids System Using ANN
IOT Based Ids System Using ANN
Rao Muhammad Ammar Mohammad Ali Qazi Fasi ur Rehman Manahil Fraz
Department of Electrical Department of Electrical Department of Electrical Department of Electrical
Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering
Usman Institute of Usman Institute of Usman Institute of Usman Institute of
Technology Technology Technology Technology
16b-229- 16b-213- 16b-222- 16b-036-
Abstract— An increasing number of endpoint devices in IoT geared towards IoT device networks or IoT attack traffic.
infrastructure, bringing in different protocols and Fortunately, however, IoT traffic is often distinct from
technology grows complexity and is raising unwanted that of other Internet connected devices (e.g. laptops and
vulnerabilities. Vulnerability in IoT endpoints makes a smart phones) [7]. For example, IoT devices often
backdoor for an attacker to exploit, disrupt the IoT system,
communicate with a small finite set of endpoints rather
or gather any confidential data from an organization.
Hajime and Mirai Botnets have been used to conduct than a large variety of web servers. IoT devices are also
distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks on critical IoT more likely to have repetitive network traffic patterns,
systems. To handle such attacks development of adaptive
techniques are needed which can understand network such as regular network pings with small packets at fixed
behavior and can classify normal and abnormal traffic to time intervals for logging purposes. Building on this
detect anomalies. In this paper, we are going to demonstrate observation, we develop a machine learning pipeline that
how effectively a signature-less, cost-effective IDS can detect performs data collection, feature extraction, and binary
Dos attack in a real-time environment. To train our model classification for IoT traffic DoS detection. The features
we have generated an IoT specific data set for a real-time are designed to capitalize on IoT-specific network
environment. Results show raspberry pi acting as an IDS behaviors, while also leveraging network flow
device can automatically detect DoS attacks using Artificial
characteristics such as packet length, inter-packet
neural network.
intervals, and protocol.
Given the lack of public datasets of IoT attack traffic, we
The proliferation of insecure IoT devices has resulted in generate classifier training data by after developing a real
a surge of IoT botnet attacks on Internet infrastructure. In time environment IoT smart device network. We set up a
October 2016, the Mirai botnet commanded 100,000 IoT local network comprised of a router, some popular IoT
devices (primarily CCTV cameras) to conduct a devices for benign traffic, and some adversarial devices
distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack against Dyn performing DoS attacks. Our classifier successfully
DNS infrastructure [4]. Many popular websites, identifies attack traffic with an accuracy higher than
including Github, Amazon, Netflix, Twitter, CNN, and 0.988. Our pipeline is designed to operate on network
Paypal, were rendered inaccessible for several hours. In middleboxes (e.g. routers, firewalls, or network switches)
January 2017, the Mirai source code was publicly to identify anomalous traffic and corresponding devices
released; DDoS attacks using Mirai-derived IoT botnets that may be part of an ongoing Dos attack. The pipeline
have since increased in frequency and severity [5]. This is flow-based, stateless, and protocol-agnostic; therefore,
growing threat motivates the development of new it is well suited for deployment on gateway routers or
techniques to identify and block attack traffic from IoT ISP-controlled switches. To our knowledge, this is the
botnets. Recent anomaly detection research has shown first network anomaly detection framework to focus on
the promise of machine learning (ML) for identifying IoT specific features, as well as the first to apply anomaly
malicious Internet traffic [6]. Yet, little effort has been detection specifically to IoT smart devices at the real time
made to engineer ML models with features specifically environment local network level.
noisy and incomplete data. ANN has been successfully
Petteri et al. [16] performed a study on the requirement employed in a broad spectrum of data-intensive
analysis of a benchmark dataset for Network and Host applications [10-11]. The neural network consists of an
Intrusions Detection System (NHIDS). The requirements input layer, number of hidden layers and an output layer.
were finalized based on the dataset features, overall Each layer has number of neurons. The information
composition, and systems used to produce the datasets. enters the neural network via the input layer, it is
Nine datasets starting from the traditional KDD CUP’99 processed in the hidden layers and the result can be
dataset to UNSW-NB15 were reviewed. The coexistence retrieved in the output layer. A typical neural network
of both Host-based and Network-based entities was rare model with a hidden layer is shown in Fig.1.
in a single dataset. According to this study, the real-world
network environment is difficult to replicate using the
test-bed Datasets
Kelton et al. [17] reviewed various machine learning
techniques suitable for intrusion detection in IoT
environment. The recent research works related to IoT
security were analyzed with a special concern on the
Intrusion Detection Systems using machine learning
approaches. In this review the protocols, intelligent
techniques like machine learning techniques and
precision obtained in the recent works were highlighted.
Finally, the research challenges and future directions for
IoT security were also emphasized.