Lepidop Terra
Lepidop Terra
Lepidop Terra
The size and shape of a space settlement are Even though gravity can be kept stable this
crucial to its functionality and efficiency. Moreover, requires a design with double shell outer walls. The
we aim to create a ship constructed with minimal main disadvantage this shape presents is that it has
use of materials. Therefore, LepidopTerra consists the largest surface area to volume ratio, becoming
of a central cylinder, two Stanford Tori, and six less cost-efficient. Therefore, we chose to only use
ellipsoidal capsules, which we will refer to as disks. them for the life support and industrial areas, which
A Stanford torus is a truncated torus with a are significantly smaller than the living area.
semicircle cross-section. We plan for the ellipsoidal The advantages of the disks are that they form
capsules to look like two small circles of ellipsoids large, plain-like surface areas perfect for building
connected through a cylinder. The central cylinder human habitats as well as facilitating the transport
will form an elevator, which connects the 3 main network (see more in 7.3. Transport Network).
bodies of the settlement. These shapes create more space for the solar
The fact that our ship is made out of panels that will be located on their exterior surface.
components shaped like Stanford Tori allows us to Their structural simplicity implies a reduction of
reduce the mass of the settlement while construction time and effort. However, this shape's
maximizing the habitable space per ton of nitrogen. lack of testing and brief study represents a
4.1.3 Construction Phases
Phase 0 – Lift Construction
As mentioned in the chapter regarding the launch of the settlement, we will use a space elevator for
that operation. More precisely, the launch refers to bringing the pieces needed into space, as it is easier for
objects with smaller masses to leave Earth’s atmosphere.
LepidopTerra will be assembled on Moon’s surface. As the elevator is built from Earth up until the
Moon’s orbit, a less powerful propulsion system than the one needed to leave Earth’s atmosphere will be
attached to each piece to get it from the elevator’s platform and satellite’s orbit respectively, and land on its
surface. We chose to finish building it on the Moon instead of the final location, L4, because the conditions
(regarding radiation and potential damage created by space debris) are better there.
After the settlement is entirely assembled, a propulsion system will be used again for it to leave Moon
and get to the final location, Lagrange point L4.
Phase III – Stanford Tori
The Tori will be the places where the ‘Life Support’
areas will mostly operate. The higher one will partly be used
for agriculture while the other section will be where animals
live. The lower Torus will serve an industrial and storage
purpose. Both of the two will be mounted to the central
cylinder by the same type of connection tubes, but with lasso-
like “claws” which will grip to the curve of the shapes.
They will also be constructed in parts and we expect
the need to use the Space Lift 8 times for their construction.
The first 2 trips will each bring 2 quarters of the Agricultural
Torus to be mounted on the moon and launched into space.
The next 2 lifts will each bring 2 connection tubes. The Fig. 5
industrial Torus will be constructed similarly.
F Centripetal force
m Mass
a Acceleration
R Radius
v Velocity
m∙a= m∙
Dividing by m into both sides the equation becomes:
v2 = a ∙ R
v = √a ∙ R
Rotations per
Area Distance (Radius) Acceleration Velocity
𝑚 𝑚
Residential 1800 1g = 9.85 113.15 0.6
𝑠2 𝑠
Agricultural & 𝑚 𝑚
1000 0.6g = 5.91 86.97 1.2
Industrial 𝑠2 𝑠
The ratio of head to feet acceleration for a person with a height h of 1.75 m would be calculated as:
a head v 2 ∙ (R − h) R−h
= 2
∙ 100 = ∙ 100
a feet v ∙R R
*These gravity gradients are neglectable since they would not be perceived by LepidopTerrian citizens.
3.2.3 Rotation Mechanism
In order to generate the specific rotations for each area,
electric thrusters will be used in combination with solar panels
placed on the outside of the tori and of the disks. The central
cylinder will be separated into six parts rotating at different
speeds, three of which will be connected to the main areas. The
lift will have three ‘stops’, where it will spin at constant speeds
calculated above and where passengers and cargo will be able to
make their way to and from the residential, agricultural, and
industrial areas. When making its’ way from one station to the
other, the lift platform will gradually match the speed of its
destination. This is so that passengers and cargo can safely enter
the spokes. The docking port and section 7 will be the only non-
rotating parts of LepidopTerra.
Section 1
This section connects the docking port to the other parts of the
settlement. It will gradually increase to the speed of Section 2
Sections 2 & 6
These sections connect the Central Cylinder to the
Industrial and Agricultural torus. They will spin at the
constant speed of 86,97 m/s.
Sections 3 & 5
These sections will serve the purpose of transporting
residents and cargo to and from Section 4. Their speed will
gradually lower to the speed of 86,97 m/s when going
towards the tori.
Section 4
This section connects the Central Cylinder to the Disks.
It will spin at a constant speed of 113,15 m/s.
Section 7
This section will only serve infrastructural purposes and will
not be accessible. It will not spin.
Fig. 6
4.3. Pressure
Another threat for the safety of Therefore, the materials mentioned in the
LepidopTerra’s external structure, besides the shielding chapter must have a high compressive
space debris, is the effect of the pressure inside it strength as well. The atmospheric pressure created
on its walls. On our ship the pressure will be similar on the habitable parts of LepidopTerra with air
to the one back on earth, there being a compressors will be equal to 101,325 Pa.
considerable difference between the exterior Considering that our shielding configuration
pressure (the value of pressure in outer space is includes a layer made of 6 sheets of Kevlar, with
1.322 × 10-11 Pa, essentially 0) and the one created compressive strength of 117.3 × 106 Pa, the tension
in order for the settlement to be habitable. That created by the pressure should not be noted as a
could potentially cause the walls to break down. threat to our construction.
4.4. Resistance
4.4.1 Debris Shielding
Our settlement will be located in the Lagrange point L4, which is characterized by stability, but also
known to contain space dust and large space debris that can represent a threat to the ship’s safety. In order to
protect it, the structural design will include a specific shielding configuration.
• The Whipple Shield, consisting of two layers - an outer bumper and a catcher plate, usually made out
of aluminum. This shielding configuration is commonly used for areas with less prone to get affected by
space debris;
• The Stuffed Whipple Shield is similar to the one presented above, but it is more complex and effective.
This shielding configuration consists of multiple layers: the outer bumper, the catcher plate, and, in
addition, an intermediate layer that improves the protection of the spacecraft. This intermediate layer
should lead to further diffusion of the impact and it consists of materials like Nextel (ceramic composite
cloth) and Kevlar (high-strength cloth), cloth epoxy panels or glass-reinforced polymeric composites;
• The Flexible Multi-Shock Shield consists of multiple Nextel bumpers and a Kevlar rear wall, effective
against hypervelocity particles;
Since the protection of our space settlement is crucial considering the location chosen, the simple
Whipple Shield Configuration cannot be used, considering the fact that the whole exterior surface could be
damaged by space debris. The more effective shielding methods would be the Stuffed Whipple Shielding or the
Flexible Multi-Shock Shielding. The first one mentioned is preferred, as it is easier to create protection against
radiation within the secondary plate of it than it would have been in between the Nextel bumpers of a Flexible
Multi-Shock Shield. Thus, we chose the Stuffed Whipple Shield model for LepidopTerra.
Open-cell foam
4.4.2. Radiation Shielding and Thermal-Insulation
Another threat to the settlement’s safety is represented by the presence of high radiation in space. This
threat does not refer to the structure of the settlement, but the health of the inhabitants. The whole purpose
of LepidopTerra is to create a new, reborn society, which means it will be permanently inhabited. To keep the
residents healthy, a radiation shield will be needed.
Ionizing radiation has enough energy to create damage to the living cells, consequently to the genetic
material, DNA. Even though the cells have the propriety to repair themselves after such damage was done, if
the repairing is not done properly cells may die or even become cancerous. This thing can happen even due to
exposure to low levels of radiation.
In order to create an efficient radiation shield, materials that absorb it should be included in the debris
shield. Generally speaking, highly hydrogenated materials are the best radiation shields. Such materials are
Polyethylene and Kevlar, mentioned before in the list of the Debris Shield components.
Polyethylene is 50% better than aluminum, which is not as efficient at blocking radiation, while Kevlar
is known to absorb almost as much radiation as polyethylene, around 80-90% of the quantity of the polyethylene
The thermo-insulation is assured by materials such as Nextel and Fiberglass, both presented as Debris
Shield components.
4.4.3. Stability
Stability on our base will be ensured by its symmetrical shape. Al Globulus [2010] mentions that the
height to radius ratio must be 1.3 or less. By following this span with a height of 2340m and a radius of 1800m,
we ensure the safety of the LepidopTerrian people while rotating the base. Various factors can influence the
spaceship to shift from its original spinning axis. The velocity at which the two Torususi are spun is the same to
avoid any possible nutation. Nevertheless, in the unlikely case of this happening, the system of propulsors used
to bring the ship to the L4 point will be used in order to redirect its sway.
Fig. 7
4.5. Internal layout
4.5.1. The disks
Taking into consideration the need for efficiency we have decided to situate the residential areas in
disks, since they provide large flat surfaces ideal for building human settlements.
Just like on Earth, our ship will have cities with different themes and traditions for each and one of
them, to make it feel more like home and to strengthen the bonds between people. The residential areas will
be situated in the middle of the disks, while the factories will be on the outskirts, preventing air and noise
pollution from reaching people.
The living area will consist of houses and blocks of flats, suiting the needs of all residents. In every disk,
the middle will be a place for recreation, a park where kids can play, people can walk their dogs, etc. It is
important to mention that the disks will each be divided into four sectors, to make the living space safer. Each
sector will have its hospital in the center, making it accessible for everyone. The police station will be situated
near the park to prevent unwanted incidents. Fire stations and the prison will be near the outskirts. The fire
station will be closer to the factories in case of accidents. The prison will be situated within the industrial area
for the inmates to be able to work inside the factories.
Malls will also be included on our settlement, two on each disk. Because we wish for them to be larger
and to have a variety of stores, one mall will be shared by two sectors. In close proximity to the parks will be the
blocks of flats. Because the people living in the apartments don’t have a garden, we thought it will be better to
situate them near the park so they also have an outdoor space they can enjoy. The blocks will be dispersed in 3
rows, on 3 different streets, 25 blocks on each of them. After the three rows of blocks, the houses will continue
on the rest of the disk. These will be dispersed also in 3 rows, only this time, the first 2 rows will contain 15
houses, and then one row with 20 houses. Everything is connected through roads. The main ones are between
the sectors, but every street will be a two-way
We wish to evolve on the ship and that
includes perpetuating our species so we have
decided to build apartments for one to two
people and, for families, we are going to build
houses. We believe that families should live in
bigger houses with gardens they need more
living space.
We have learned that humans are more
productive when they are happy so the living
environment is very important. Every living
space will be supplied with running hot water
and power stations. Every one of them can be
personalized by the owners as they like, without
jeopardizing the property and also keeping up
with the themes of the cities, as they are very
dear to us.
Legend: Fig. 8
Fig. 9
Nova Euthalia
Nova is a modern disk with modern houses and Euthalia is an Amazonian-like space. With beautiful
beautiful nova butterflies that roam the place every day. tropical summer looks, this disk will make the people feel like
This disk is for people who love the city and live a they are in the Hawaiian Islands or Brazil’s tropical forests. It
luxurious lifestyle. We wanted to integrate a “concrete perfectly complements the personalities of people who live
jungle” where people who used to live in big cities feel at in the moment. Just like its butterflies, the color palette of
home. The house design for this disk helps when setting Euthalia is warm and bright, with pastel browns and bright
the mood of sky-high buildings, active lifestyles, and busy blues and greens. It is a lively and exciting place, best suited
people. A bustling disk with many business people and for open-minded people who used to live an active life and
designs that make the future a time we all want to live in. that think having fun is one of the most important aspects of
Chrysalis {Atlanta}
Chrysalis represents the rocky mountains of
Earth. The houses from this disk are rustic and tell the Atlanta is a disk of balance. It is as calm as the
story of the Himalayan people. The butterflies of sea, but it can also be vibrant and restless. We built this
Chrysalis have a red subtone, in contradiction with the disk with the idea of the ocean in mind, its
winter theme, but very fitting, because, like mountains unpredictability inspired us in the process of creating the
and snow, everything can turn from a peaceful fairytale design for the houses, as well as the traditions of this
into an energetic environment. This place will attract place. The butterflies from this disk are bright coloured,
courageous people, who also have a taste for coziness, and give a special feel to the area. We wish for Atlanta
like sitting by the fire while drinking a warm cup of hot to attract people who love the water and enjoy being
chocolate active.
Sommerflue LepidopTerrarium
Sommerflue is the place for you gardners and cat LepidopTerrarium is a place that unites everyone.
lovers. It’s made to give off a countryside feel, like you just This disk was made to bring people, colors, and many
wandered into a house hidden in a beautiful forest, species of butterflies together. It is the heart of
smelling the wonderful tea brewing inside. This disk is LepidopTerra, and we recommend it to everyone who
made in appreciation of the Earth, of the natural beauty wants to feel part of a family. Every citizen of our ship
that surrounded us all along. The butterflies here make the should visit this place at least once in their lifetime, as it is
place even more lively than it already is. We wanted to of cultural importance to the creation of the settlement. It
keep the beauty of nature in our hearts, taking it up in is a very special place to us and we will always hold it close
space to never forget our origins. The design of the houses to our hearts.
gives this place a warm feeling and calms people, bringing
kindness into their hearts.
4.5.2. Houses
The houses will be spacious, in order to give the same energy as a traditional house would but also be
practical for the conditions of the ship. The building alone will be 80m2 and the garden will be 70 m2 and it will
have one storey. The look of the houses will be different for every theme, making every disk unique. For
practicality, the houses will have the same interior layout. The interior layout consists of one kitchen, three
bathrooms, one living room, and three bedrooms.
We designed the houses in a way in which people can work from home as well, so we incorporated
desks in every bedroom. On top of that, the houses will have a patio, a place where they can enjoy themselves
in their free time. We wish for the population of the ship to be as comfortable as they can and that includes
using technology for basic chores, to give them time for recreation, work, and socializing.
Nova Fig. 10
Euthalia Fig. 11
Chrysalis Fig. 12
Atlanta Fig. 13
Sommerflue Fig. 14
Lepidopterrarium Fig. 15
4.5.3. Apartments
We don’t want the people who live in apartments to feel neglected. We want everyone to have a good
time on our ship so we made sure to make the apartments spacious, practical, and beautiful. We think everyone
deserves a happy life in a beautiful home that suits their taste. An apartment will be 80 m2 and will contain one
kitchen, one bathroom, one living room, one bedroom, and one dressing. In this apartment we also included
desks, like in the houses, we created spaces for people to be able to work and to relax as well (see fig.). The
blocks of flats will have four storeys and one storey alone will have the capacity of two mirrored apartments
(see fig. ). The interior design of these flats will have a modern look and they are the same for every theme.
aPartments Fig. 16
Atanasov Daniela
Fig. 17
4.5.4. Parks
The park is the main recreation place and we wanted to make it spacious for the 5.000 people who live
in the disk, so the park is 600.000 m2 . It includes benches on which people can sit and enjoy a good book, picnic
tables for when they want to throw picnic parties, a fountain, and many decorations. We also wanted to show
our respect towards religion, so we have included a sacral place where people can pray in privacy in a beautifully
designed place. All the trees and plants from these parks will be artificial.
Parks Fig. 18
All images in chapters 4.5.2. and 4.5.4. were created in The Sims 4TM. {{Fairuse|<Copyright by EA>}}
4.6. Annexes
4.6.1 Docking
Docking refers to joining two separate space vehicles, in order to transfer crew or resupply the space
The docking station has an important role in the transportation infrastructure of the settlement, therefore
it will be located near the industrial torus, one of the peripheral tori, on the lower base of the central cylinder.
The station is composed of the berthing port and the base main platform which allows the cargo to be
transferred and stored in the industrial area.
The main process will be realized in two stages, following the International Docking System Standard
model using the soft capture system and the hard capture system. The first stage implies the connection
between the cargo carrier and the docking port, realized through the soft capture system. This is the
mechanical coupling that secures the link between the ships. The next phase implies the final structural mating
after which the cargo will be transported in the industrial tori after reaching the base main platform. This final
stage (hard capture system) is possible due to the adaptors on both the cargo carrier and the main cylinder,
adaptors which consist of retractable arms arranged in a cylindrical shape.
The life of our people is in our hands so we must provide them with
qualitative living conditions. We wanted to create an Earth-like feel
for all of our residents to feel at home.
5.1. Air management
5.1.1. Earth’s atmosphere
In order to determine the ideal air composition on our ship, our team found it absolutely necessary to
first analyze the atmosphere on the Earth, and how it influences the living world, so that we can create the
best possible environment for people on our ship (of all ages), plants and animals.
The approximate volumetric percentages on Earth of the components of the atmosphere are as follows:
• 78.084% diatomic molecular nitrogen
• 20.946% diatomic molecular oxygen Volumetric percentages
• 0.934% argon
• 0.038% carbon dioxide
• 0.002 % other: neon, helium, water
vapor, methane, krypton, molecular
diatomic hydrogen, nitrous oxide, xenon,
ozone, monatomic oxygen, monatomic
nitrogen, dust, smoke, aerosols, etc.
Diatomic molecular nitrogen Diatomic molecular oxygen
This graph helped us to draw the
conclusion of what our air will consist of: Argon Carbon dioxide
nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide. These Others
3 will be the ones we will pay attention to
because they are highly essential for all life on board.
Accounting for about 78% of the Earth's atmosphere, nitrogen is essential to life on Earth, being vital for all
living organisms. Despite the fact that Earth's atmosphere is considered to be a primary source of nitrogen, plants
cannot use the nitrogen from the atmosphere, imposing certain nitrogen transformations, known under the name of
“nitrogen cycle in nature”. These complex processes will not take place on our ship because of the aeroponic system we
use for plant growth.
Animals and humans do not use nitrogen through the breathing process, but they take their needed form of
nitrogen through the consumption of plants or other animals.
Thus, nitrogen will be the majority component of the air on our ship because it is chemically inert and will not
negatively influence the air composition, taking the role of “filler”.
As the second component of the Earth's atmosphere, it differentiates from nitrogen in many aspects and is
absolutely necessary for life.
According to various studies, the optimum oxygen percentage in the air varies from 19.5% to 23.5%. The
percentage of oxygen in the air in our ship will also be found in this interval to prevent undesirable adverse effects that
may occur.
Adverse effects which may occur include:
• a percentage that exceeds 23.5% increases the chances of a possible explosion or fire; moreover, very high
oxygen percentages will be able to cause human death in a long term;
• between 16%-19.5% - human body cells can no longer take their oxygen, during a normal physical activity;
• between 10%-16% - mental functions become affected and breathing becomes a process that manifests itself at
irregular periods of time, and during a typical physical activity the body becomes very tired;
• less than 6% - a human cannot survive.
Carbon dioxide
Found in very small percentages in the Earth's atmosphere, carbon dioxide is also necessary, for it is the
chemical that plants intake during the day and transform, in the presence of water and solar energy, into oxygen and
energy, process called photosynthesis (keeps constant the chemical composition of our air). It is also produced by
plants, animals and humans through the expiration process.
Thus, the optimum value is approximately 0.03% and the minimum is 0.01%. However, it may become toxic if
it exceeds a percentage of 2-5%. 24
In conclusion, our air will initially be made of 78.97% nitrogen, 21% oxygen and 0.03% carbon dioxide.
However, our air composition will not stay constant because other gaseous compounds will appear (such as
water vapors), and the percentages listed above will change due to humans, plants, animals and certain
activities held on board.
Fig. 20
5.1.5. Control of other gases and ventilation
As said before, our air will get contaminated with other gases (odors, gaseous pollutants) resulted
from plants, animals, humans and certain activities held on board. This is why we will get rid of these gases
that are not necessary using activated carbon air filters. These will filter the gases wanted through a bed of
activated carbon (also known as charcoal).
Ventilation will be mandatory because we will need our air to be kept free of dust, fumes, unpleasant
odors and other air contaminants. In order to do that we will use common fans this will be placed in houses,
schools, police stations, etc. More than that, we will use HOPPERJET filters incorporated in the ventilation
systems around the ship to prevent any possible fire from spreading.
2. External Active Heat Control System (EATCS): uses ammonia loops to collect heat from external
electronic equipment and interface heat exchangers and transport it to radiators, where it is rejected into
space. Instead of initially using EATCS, we used EEATCS.
3. External external active thermal control system (EEATCS): works as a temporary thermal cooling
system: it consists of two separate ammonia cooling loops, which work simultaneously. The loops carry heat
from the Interface Heat Exchanger to the radiators.
4. Photovoltaic thermal control system (PVTCS): consists of ammonia coolant, two flow control pump
subassemblies (PFCS), eleven hotplates, and a photovoltaic radiator (PVR). PFCS is the pumping capacity,
controls and valves, essential for pumping ammonia that transports heat to the radiator. It also regulates the
thermal temperature of the coolant. The PVR has two individual flow paths, through 7 panels. Each flow path
is connected to a PFCS. The PVR rejects up to 14kW of heat.
5.2. Water Management
Water is essential for everything around us creatures, from plants to us, humans. Therefore, we must have it in
large quantities to maintain a healthy lifestyle on the ship.
Water is not as common as it is on Earth in space, so obtaining it will be more complicated. In this case, we have
tried to obtain and reuse water from all the sources at hand.
*an abundant quantity of water will be taken on board when leaving Earth
Fig. 21
The Synthesis of MOF-801
MOF-801: Zr6O4(OH)4(fumarate)6 ⇒ Zr6O4(OH)4(C4H2O2)6
Necessary substances:
• ZrCl4 (C=98%, anhidru)
• CH2O2 = formic acid (C≥98%)
• C4H4O4 = fumaric acid (C≥99%)
• (C8H14O2)n = polyvinyl butyral (PVB)
• (C2H4O)n = polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)
- molecular mass = 31.000-60.000
- C = 98%-99%
- hydrolyzed
• C12H22O11 = sucrose
- C≥99,9%
• round-bottom flask (500 mL)
- water (377 mL)
- formic acid (78 mL, 2.1 mol)
- stirred until clear
+ZrCl4 (4.8g, 2.1 mmol) → stirred until clear (gradually added);
+C4H4O4 (72g, 6.2 mmol) → stirred until clear;
• heated and allowed to reflux for 6 days;
• the solution is cooled;
• the reaction mixture is divided into centrifuge tubes and centrifuging (5000rpm, 5 min) until the
supernatant solution is clear;
• the solid is redispersed in an equally divided mixture of water and ethanol (50mL per tube) while
being agitated with a tilt table for 1 hour;
• repeat the process once;
• the solid is dispersed in acetone (50mL per tube) and agitated in the same manner for the same
⇒4.0g MOF-801
For about 2.5-3 liters lost a day/person (through urine and perspiration):
3l × 30.000 people ≅ 90.000 liters of water are recovered daily, excluding waste water.
5.2.3. Extraction and Reuse of Soil Water from Space
To extract the water from space soil (e.g. moon soil) we decided to use the constant vacuum method.
The tools we need will be:
• Pore water or leachate samplers;
• Vacuum station VS without controlling Tensiometer.
Then the soil water obtained will be sent to the main filter to become drinkable water.
This is not a calculable considering that we do not know how often we are in the possesion of space
! Using all the methods listed above we will be able to obtain enough water for humans, plants,
animals and other uses for water (e.g. showers, etc.). All the water will be divided equally across the station
in storage tanks located all over LepidopTerra !
5.3. Electricity
Electricity is used to power the network of electrical circuits that illuminate and heat the rooms of the
ship. We will use two methods to produce electricity:
(1): Solar panels: we will use sunlight, which consists of direct solar radiation, represented by direct
electromagnetic rays of light. Some of the radiation will penetrate the photovoltaic and thermal panels on the
surface of the disks, and the rest will pass through the transparent walls of the ship to the mirrors mounted so
as to change the direction of propagation of light beams to the solar panels mounted on the roofs of houses
and spaces. public. The panels will convert light energy into electricity, and its photovoltaic cells will convert it
into electricity. They have a power of 455W (= 0.455kw) each, a voltage of 41.7 volts and an electric current of
10.92 amps, with a lithium-ion battery. A 66sqm house consumes around 29 kw per day, 10,649 kw per year.
This will be the main method of lighting and heating, because it has a very high efficiency: no fuel is consumed
and, therefore, there are no greenhouse gas emissions.
(2): Electric generators: although they pollute more, they are more advantageous in terms of rated
power: we chose to have 2 generators in each disk and 3 in torI, each of 3kw (or 7CP). These generators will
convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.
5.4. Agriculture
Our vision for this ship has always been to create a familiar, healthy and efficient living environment.
We want to provide the people on board with all the comforts they need, including a proper diet for a long and
healthy life.
Agriculture is about growing plants and raising animals, which is very important because almost
everything we eat, wear and use every day is made from these. Agriculture is expanding every day as people
find innovative ways to increase production, making farming a vital activity that we implement on our ship.
The aeroponic system
The aeroponic system is the way of growing plants that involves leaving the roots free and spraying
them with nutrient-enriched water. Plants are placed in holes in expanded polystyrene panels; their roots are
left to grow suspended under the panel, where there are sprayers that keep the roots hydrated. The roots
need to grow in a saturated, dark moist environment to prevent mould and algae growth, which is why the
system is a closed one.
We opted for the vertical aeroponic system because we want to grow as many plants as possible in
the space we have allocated for agriculture. It doesn't work very differently from the horizontal one. The
vertical one is cylindrical with a tank at the bottom, which is filled with water and nutrients. The roots of the
plants grow freely inside the cylinder, being able to extract as much oxygen as they need, and, with the help of
a pump, water is lifted to the top of the cylinder, and then it falls towards the roots to hydrate them.
Aeroponic System
Fig. 23
5.1.2. Growing animals on the ship
Although people can implement a vegan diet in their daily lives, we cannot ignore the benefits of an
omnivorous diet in terms of nutrients and calories (caloric intake), nor can we force people on the ship to
drastically change their tastes. Thus, on the ship we will be breeding animals that we can feed on. These
animals are not only used as a food resource, but they also provide materials for things such as clothes and
many more. Taking into consideration the fact that we cannot exactly estimate how many people we can feed
from one cow, one pig etc. because the animals all defer in sizes, meat percentage, fat percentage and so on,
we approximated that 1kg of meat can feed 4 people. With that in mind, the table below shows how many
animals we will raise in the agriculture torus:
On our ship we want healthy and strong people, so we will provide a diet suited to their needs. A
healthy diet consists of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and healthy protein. According to these criteria we
have chosen which plants to grow and which animals to raise.
Beans 6 grams 0.5 grams 27 grams 119.5 calories
Avocado 2 grams 14.5 grams 8.5 grams 161 calories
Butter 1 gram 94 grams 0.1 grams 810 calories
Quinoa 4.1 grams 1.8 grams 20 grams 114 calories
Oats 10.6 grams 5.2 grams 54 grams 311 calories
Bananas 1.3 grams 0.4 grams 27 grams 103 calories
Sweet potatoes 2.3 grams 0.2 grams 24 grams 103 calories
Oranges 1.3 grams 0.2 grams 18 grams 69 calories
Blueberries 0.7 grams - 14.4 grams 56.2 calories
Grapefruit 0.9 grams 0.2 grams 13 grams 51 calories
Apples 0.2 grams 0.2 grams 12.5 grams 48 calories
Chickpeas 7.5 grams 2.1 grams 22.5 grams 152 calories
Tomatoes 1.1 grams 0.3 grams 4.8 grams 23 calories
Cucumbers 0.7 grams 0.1 grams 3.6 grams 15 calories
Peppers 1.1 grams 0.2 grams 7.5 grams 30 calories
Strawberries 0.6 grams 0.3 grams 6.9 grams 31 calories
Potatoes 2.9 grams 0.4 grams 20.4 grams 93 calories
Grapes 1 gram 0.24 grams 27.33 grams 95 calories
Cherries 1.6 grams 0.3 grams 24 grams 95 calories
Pineapple 0.5 grams 0.1 grams 13 grams 50 calories
Pears 0.4 grams 0.1 grams 15 grams 57 calories
Raspberry 1.2 grams 0.7 grams 12 grams 52 calories
Peas 4.3 grams 0.2 grams 12.5 grams 72 calories
Pistachios 21.6 grams 46.1 grams 27.4 grams 576 calories
Pumpkin 0.9 grams 0.1 grams 6 grams 25 calories
Mushrooms 2.3 grams 0.5 grams 5.7 grams 30 calories
Broccoli 2.4 grams 0.4 grams 7.2 grams 35 calories
Lemon 0.9 grams 0.3 grams 8 grams 26 calories
Medicinal plants
Agriculture is not only a big part in nutrition, but it also plays a very important part in medicine. A
multitude of plants are used for making pills and medicinal teas, so it is only rational for us to make sure we
include these plants into the agriculture of our ship. We have selected a number of plants that are useful for
the pharmaceutical industry (see more in 5.5.1.Biodiversity)
5.5. Ecosystem
First of all, for the ship's population to be possible, we had to take into account the factors that
influence the biotope and the characteristics and relationships between organisms of a biocenosis, taken from
the earth by us, in normal conditions of existence.
5.5.1. Biodiversity
When we talked about the ecosystem, we first thought of the multitude of organisms that would be
necessary for a normal life of an individual, taking into account both the benefits and the disadvantages of the
ship's population with that species. Thus, on the ship we will perpetuate and use the creatures from the
following kingdoms, classes and subclasses:
The MONERA kingdom:
• Actinomycete bacteria: streptomycin and actinomycin are both important medical antibiotics isolated
from actinomycetes. Almost two-thirds of the natural antibacterial compounds used on the ship will be made
from different types of actinomycetes - that's why we used streptomyces bacteria. Other saprophytic bacteria:
Acetobacter, Clostridium aceto-butylicum, Lactobacillus, Zygomonas (oxidizes and ferments organic
substances, produces alcohol, lactic acid)
• Cyanobacteria: are a source of food for both humans and other aquatic animals. They are also used as
natural remedies in the preparation of medicines, being considered a synthesis of the healing properties of the
sea. Therefore, we chose to have the following species of algae: Spirulina (role in the immunity of the human
body) and Chlorella (rich in nutrients).
The PLANTAE kingdom: they perform photosynthesis-synthesize organic substances from CO2 and
H2O with the help of sunlight, thus releasing oxygen (process performed in chloroplasts). Plants used in the
o Fuels: peat moss (Sphagnum), cereals, sugar cane-primary resources in the production of bioethanol
and biodiesel.
o Pharmaceutical / medicinal: Blueberry - Centaurea cyanus; Mousetail - Achillea millefolium; Arnica
montana; Autumn toad - Colchicum autumnale; Sea buckthorn - Hippophae rhamnoides; Primula officinalis; St.
John's wort - Hypericum perforatum; Marigold - Calendula officinalis; Rhamnus frangula; Chamomile -
Matricaria chamomilla; Arctium Lappa; Hawthorn - Aconitum napellus; Wormwood - Artemisia absinthium;
Anise - Pimpinella anisum; Horsetail - Equisetum arvense; Lemon balm-Melissa officinalis; Celandine -
Chelidonium majus; Valerian - Valeriana officinalis; Artichoke - artichoke plant.
o Food: cereals-wheat, corn, rice, rye, triticale, barley, oats, sorghum and millet, artichokes, broccoli,
cauliflower, endive, thyme, watercress, lettuce, larch, lobster, sorrel, dill, parsley, tarragon, salad, Stevia,
Celery, Cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Peppers, Lobster, Cucumber, Pumpkin, Zucchini, Watermelon, Watermelon,
Tomato, Potato, Eggplant, Bob, Beans, Lentils, Peas, Chickpeas, Soybean, Potato, Sweet Potato, Onion , Ginger,
Gully, Hashem, Leek, Revent, Asparagus, Celery, Garlic, Horseradish, Carrot, Parsley, Radish, Black radish,
Cinnamon, Beetroot, various edible fruit plants, basil, rosemary, sunflower, Saffron, wild garlic, turmeric,
lemon, wormwood, Lemon balm, cloves, oregano, anise, cumin, horseradish, nutmeg; sesame; marjoram;
mustard; mint; oregano; anise; ienibahar; vanilla; masala; cress.
o Textile: Cotton, Jute, Agave, Miraguano, Nettle, Ceiba, Hemp, Raffia, Sisal, Flax, Kenaf, Linden.
o Cosmetics: mint, ash, asthma, lavender, mallow, mouse tail, sage, shock, lime, aloe vera, marigold.
o Ornamental plants: echinacea, geraniums, chrysanthemums, lupine, gaillardia, bergenia, iris,
hyacinth, tulip, lily of the valley, freesia, brandy, lily, begonia, rose, peony, pansies, daisy, queen of the night,
daisy, anemone, honeysuckle, eranthis, gladiola, wisteria, hydrangea, violet, daffodil, dahlia, orchid.
The ANIMALIA kingdom: we will have, for the most part, animals for consumption, necessary for
• Domestic animals of the mammalian class: guinea fowl, goats, turkeys, roosters, chickens, geese,
rabbits, sheep, pigs, quails, ducks, cattle, horses and bees.
• Water animals: -vertebrates: fish:
• Trout; bream; perch; salmon; avocado; crucian; clean; carp; catfish; pike.
• Invertebrates: mollusks: octopus, squid, mussels, oysters, squid, crabs, lobsters.
• Pets: Dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) and Cats (Felis silvestris catus)
5.5.2. Biotope
When talking about abiotic factors, we can say that the Sun plays a very important role in both
terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. This influences both the physiological activity of terrestrial species and
their behavior and mood, so it must be appropriate: between 22°-25°C. That is why there will be a thermostat
in every sector. Sunlight consists of direct solar radiation, represented by direct electromagnetic rays of light,
and diffuses solar radiation, air-absorbed radiation, scattered by gas molecules, dust, water vapors. Lack of
light leads to depigmentation of the skin of certain animal species and atrophy of their eyes, being
indispensable to animals, but especially to plants, which perform photosynthesis with its help, CO 2 and water,
releasing oxygen, vital gas for respiration, while also procuring nutrients (glucose-C₆H₁₂O₆), the main food
source for consumers.
The chemical factors that ensure the proper functioning of the respiratory system and we had to take
into account are the following:
1. Gases in the composition of air - oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide (see more in 5.1. Air
2. The lower the pH of the water in aquatic ecosystems, the more acidic the waters, resulting in a very
nutrient-poor ecosystem, with reduced productivity of organisms. We did not want the aquatic life to be
endangered, so we came to the conclusion that a neutral pH (6.8-7.2) is best suited for all types of marine
life, given that aquatic life can only exist between the values of 5-9 of the hydrogen ion concentration. The
pH will be adjusted with the help of sulfuric acid (H₂SO₄) or acetic acid (CH₃COOH) or other acids, in case of
an increase in it and with various alkaline substances - for example, sodium hydroxide (NaOH) - otherwise.
3. Salinity will be adjusted with the help of various salts - sodium chloride (NaCl), copper sulfate (CuSO4),
and minerals will be procured from the near outer space environment (on the surface of the moon, for
example, there are magnesium oxides, calcium , iron, etc.) in the raw state or in inorganic compounds, by
means of the system of transport capsules. (see more in 4.6.1. Outer Spaceships)
5.5.3. Biogenesis
The living components of the ecosystem fall into three categories, according to their role:
Autotrophs turn abiotic factors into food for consumers. The most common path and of course the
one we have chosen is photosynthesis (6H2O + 6CO2 → C6H12O6 + 6O2). For the most part, we have used higher
plants, but also some protists, such as green-blue alleles or other bacteria that have chlorophyll (see 5.5.1.
Heterotrophs procure their food from producers, being, in the ship's biocenosis, more domestic
animals, because meat and products provided by them are the main source of protein in human food: grass
species grown in within the spacecraft are green plants that synthesize organic matter from carbon dioxide,
turning it into glucose and other nutrients, which in turn are consumed by cattle, for example.
Decomposers: Fig. 24
Detritivores break down the nutrients
produced by the other 2 trophic categories into
simple molecules, which are used by producers,
creating an infinite cycle of substantial resources for
the species at the top of the food web, man. Being
indispensable for the continuation of a normal life in
the great unknown, we decided that our main
decomposers are the saprophytic bacteria (as
mentioned above), which transform the organic
compounds and the matter in the process of
disintegration back into primary substances.
5.6. Sustainability
Oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and carbon are the four essentials of life which are widely found in both
humans and animals. Oxygen together with hydrogen produce water, an indispensable element of life.
Nitrogen and oxygen are the largest percentages of air in the Earth's atmosphere to which the human body is
adapted. Carbon is also essential to life because it is found in virtually every molecule in the body. As a result,
it can build enormous chains of molecules, each with its own set of features.
Nutrients are essential components of the human body (carbohydrates, fats, fiber, minerals, proteins,
vitamins, and water). Since 2004, nutrients have been divided into two categories: macronutrients and
micronutrients. The term macronutrient has been defined in a variety of ways over the years, but it is generally
defined as a chemical molecule that is digested in large amounts and gives energy to the body while also
supporting metabolism. Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and water are all included in this group. The energy
released during the processing of these materials is measured in Joules or kilocalories, which are commonly
referred to as Calories and are represented by the letter C. Micronutrients are vitamins and minerals that are
found in minute amounts in the body, the body needs less than 100 milligrams per day.
Carbohydrates are the main source of energy in the human body. They are split into three structural
categories: monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides, however we commonly refer to them as
sugars, fiber, and starchy meals. These organic compounds are vital. The brain, as well as the cardiac muscles
and the central nervous system, cannot function effectively without the energy they produce. Furthermore, a
lack of carbs in the body causes chronic weariness, concentration problems, and dizziness.
Dietary fiber is a term used to describe a set of compounds found in plant meals that cannot be broken
down entirely by human digestive enzymes. There are two categories: soluble (that feed the “good” bacteria)
and insoluble. It is recommended to eat 38 grams per day for men and 25 grams per day for women.
They provide a significant and rich source of dietary energy, as well as crucial structural and metabolic
functions in most living beings, including energy storage, waterproofing, and thermal insulation. Fats also help
keep skin and hair healthy and absorb vitamins. Except for a few essential fatty acids that must be included in
the diet, the human body can generate the fat it needs from other food elements. Some flavor and fragrance
compounds, as well as water-insoluble vitamins, are carried by dietary fats. It also acts as a barrier that keeps
any virus from reaching the body at a distance. When a substance enters the bloodstream, by storing the
harmful compounds in new fat tissue, the body can effectively dilute the offending substances. All types of fats
are rich in energy, 1 gram of fat equating to 9 kilocalories. Compared with the 4 kilocalories offered by
carbohydrates we can say that a small amount of fat in nutrition is sufficient.
There are several types of fats such as saturated and unsaturated fats. Saturated fats raise the level of
cholesterol, harmful to the body, and automatically the risk of cardiovascular disease because it solidifies at
room temperature. Instead, unsaturated fats lower the level of this cholesterol, providing the body with the
essential acids it needs. Many foods have different fat content and quantities of saturated and unsaturated
fatty acids. Saturated fatty acids are found in some animal products, such as beef and dairy products prepared
with full or reduced fat milk, such as yogurt, ice cream, cheese, and butter. Pork, poultry, eggs, and shellfish,
for example, are largely made up of unsaturated fats. Industrialized baked goods, especially those containing
partially hydrogenated oils, may use fats with high unsaturated fat content, while processed foods that are
deep-fried in hydrogenated oil have a high saturated fat level. Foods full of beneficial / unsaturated fats are:
• Sunflower, rapeseed or olive oil
• hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds, cashews, pistachios
• peanut butter
• olives
• avocado
Amino acids
Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, which are in turn the building blocks of many animal body
parts (including muscles, skin, and hair), as well as the enzymes that control chemical reactions in the body.
Amino acids contain nitrogen and, on rare occasions, sulphur. They are found in almost every region of the
human body, accounting for over 75 percent of it. Amino acids consumed in excess of those required for the
synthesis of nitrogenous tissue components are not saved but degraded; the nitrogen is released as urea, and
the keto acids left over after the amino corporations have been removed are either used immediately as
reassets of strength or converted to carbohydrate or fat.
Water is an essential component of human life. Without it, organisms would not be able to survive for
more than three days. It is critical since it is the primary mode of nutrient transfer. As a result, everybody on
our ship will have access to water at all times. Another advantage of drinking enough water is that pollutants
can be eliminated by urine, feces, or sweating. It is advised that a normal individual drink at least 3 liters of
water per day.
Vitamins are a variety of substances that each body requires for optimum development. Some vitamins
are vital, such as:
• A vitamin
• B vitamin (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, vitamin B-6, vitamin B-12 and folate)
• C vitamin
• D-vitamin
• E (vitamin E)
• K-vitamin
Pig meat
Beef liver Ocular disturbance
Benefits for nervous
Fish Changes in mental
Vitamin B1- system,digestive Drowsiness and
Cereals state
thiamine system, fot the muscles muscle relaxation
Rice Unsteady stance and
and even heart
Potatos and gait
Liver and meat Inflammation of the
Milk corners of the mouth
Vitamin B2- Energy and biochemical
Green vegetables sore throat, painful -
Riboflavin processes
bananas red tongue, and hair
almonds loss
Inflamed skin,
Keep the heart and the Chicken
Vitamin B3 – diarrhea, dementia,
metabolism at a optimal Turkey Liver damage
Niaicin and sores in the
level Fish (tuna)
Vitamin B5- Meat Diarrhea; possibly
Synthesis of coenzyme Abnormal sensation
pantothenic Broccoli nausea and
A of the skin
acid Avocados heartburn
Reduction of high blood Meat Anemia, Impairment of
Vitamin B6 levels of the amino acid Vegetables Peripheral proprioception,
homocysteine Nuts neuropathy nerve damage
Metabolical processes Egg
Vitamin B7- related to Liver
Dermatitis, enteritis -
Biotin carbohydrates, fats and Peanuts
amino acids Green vegetables
Vitamin B9- Proper functioning of Megaloblastic
Bread -
Folates the body anemia
cofactor in DNA
Vitamin B12 Fish Anemia None proven
Supports collagen
Friuts citrus Stomach Pain,
Vitamin C Increases the Scurvy
Vegetables Diarrhoea
absorption of vitamins
and minerals
Keeps normal levels of Rickets and Vomiting
Vitamin D Fish
Ca and P in blood osteomalacia Diarrhea
Decreased appetite
Prevents the formation Anemia in newborn
Vitamin E Nuts Heart failure
of blood clots infants
Vitamin K Improves cognitive and Green vegetables Bleeding diathesis Anticoagulation
heart health Eggs effect
Minerals, chemical elements, compose about 4% of the human body. You may think that they are not as
important as the main four elements (oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and carbon) but they play a vital role in
human nutrition.
There are some minerals that are considered essential but the scientists are not sure. For our people
to be safe in any posibles cases we decided to provide them with these too. On our shipe we will make some
tested in order to help developing the nutritionist niche.
Caloric requirements
Calories are a form of energy produced by the human body from food and beverages consumed.
physical activity deposited. According to the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, Department of Health and
Human Services, these are the following caloric needs:
Men have a larger caloric demand than women, as shown in the diagram above. It rises until the age
of 30, then declines with time for both genders.
It's worth noting that those who will be living on our ship will not be required to adhere to this diet.
The food we decided to grow in the agricultural part is high in essential nutrients for the development of
healthy individuals and a healthy lifestyle. They will also have influence over their food choices, as they will be
able to choose what to consume. However, I should keep in mind that experts advise a diversified diet that
varies based on the individual. We believe we can offer the essential food for the entire population on the ship
based on this table and those with food sources for nutrition.
Gen Age A(μg B1(m B2(m B3 B5(m B6 B7(μ B9(μ B12(μ C(mg D(μg E(mg K
der /d) g/d) g/d) (mg/ g/d) (mg/ g/d) g/d) g/d) /d) /d) /d) (mg/
d) d) d)
2-3 300 0,5 0,5 6 2 0,5 8 150 0,9 15 15 6 30
Gen Age K Cl Na Ca P Mg Fe Zn Mn Cu I Cr Mo Se
2-3 200 1,5 800 700 460 80 7 3 1,2 340 90 11 17 20
0 0 0
9- 230 2,3 120 130 125 240 8 8 1,6 700 120 21 34 40
13 0 0 0 0
14- 260 2,3 150 130 125 360 15 9 1,6 890 150 25 43 55
18 0 0 0 0
19- 260 2,3 150 120 700 310 18 8 1,8 900 150 25 45 55
30 0 0 0
31- 260 2,3 150 120 700 300 18 8 1,8 900 150 25 45 55
50 0 0 0
51+ 260 1,8 150 120 700 320 8 8 1,8 900 150 25 45 55
0 0 0
4-8 230 1,9 100 100 500 130 10 5 1,5 440 90 15 22 30
0 0 0
9- 250 2,3 120 130 125 240 8 8 1,9 700 120 25 34 40
13 0 0 0 0
14- 300 2,3 150 130 125 410 11 11 2,2 890 150 35 43 55
18 0 0 0 0
19- 300 2,3 150 100 700 400 8 11 2,3 900 150 35 45 55
30 0 0 0
31- 300 2,3 150 100 700 420 8 11 2,3 900 150 35 45 55
50 0 0 0
51+ 300 2,0 150 100 700 420 8 11 2,3 900 150 35 45 55
0 0 0
The process of industrialization is vital to the flourishment of any economy. In
this chapter, we will talk about the transformations materials undergo in the
journey of becoming of use to our citizens.
6.1. Chemical Industry 6.2 Computer and Electronics Industry
This industry utilizes chemical processes Everything on our ship will be digitalized. Consequently, the
to convert raw materials such as oil, natural computer industry is crucial to the lifestyle we want to achieve.
gas, air, water, metals, minerals, etc. (all raw Computers and electronics are a useful and necessary part of our
materials come from soil extractions from the society. They have been used in everyday life for the past decades.
Moon, asteroids, etc.). These products include The computer industry is everything from benefiting from to
petrochemicals, ceramics, rubber (elastomers), creating computing machinery, while the electronics industry
oleochemicals (oils, fats, and waxes), focuses on the production and development of electronics.
explosives, fragrances, and flavors. The All the computers on the settlement will be connected
chemical industry is, therefore, central to our through a WLAN*1 in order for all the computers to receive the
economy. Most of the products manufactured important information from the main computer – a mainframe
are used in the manufacture of other items, computer. In addition, there will be produced PCs that check the list
thus a smaller number is used directly by of all that may be required with advanced software and the research
consumers. will be continued so as not to stop the development.
Examples of the product types produced The electronics industry’s products can range from TVs and
are: inorganic industrial, organic industrial, smartphones to medical equipment to industrial equipment to
agrochemicals, elastomers, oleochemicals, house appliances (e.g. fridge, stove, etc.). As seen, it produces and
fragrances, and flavours. develops some of the things that we need as a modern society.
Fig. 25 43
6.4. Manufacturing Industry
The manufacturing industry is the production of goods from raw materials using equipment,
tools, machines, etc. It represents the majority of the secondary sector of the economy, producing
most of the items we use in our day-to-day life.
Medicines acting respiratory Medicines for endocrine disorders Muscles relaxants
system Diabetes an eating disorder determined We use muscle relaxants
Respiratory tract infections by the insulin activity, the medicines such as atracurium,
can be classified as upper transformation of food into sugar. Any neostigmine, suxamethonium,
respiratory tract infection type of diabet can be treated with vecuronium to reduce short-
which affects sinuses and insulin injections (when the cells don’t term discomfort.
throat and lowe respiratory react anymore to insulin)
system tract which affects Diuretics
Thyroid hormones - The thyroid gland
lungs and airways. The Help eliminate liquids through
produces hormones. If it makes too
treatments include: urine.
much hormones, the disorder is called
• Budesonide/fo Ex: Amiloride, Furosemide,
hyperthyroidism. To treat that it is
rmoterol Hydrochlorothiazide
recommended to take radioactive
• Epinephrine
iodine, beta blockers or even surgery. If
(adrenaline) Antispetics and desinfectants
it makes too little hormones, the
• Ipratropium To eliminate micro-organisms
disorder is called hypothyroidism. You
bromide on suprafaces
should use daily levothyroxine or
• Salbutamol potassium iodide. Ex: ethanol, alcohol-based
• Tiotropium hand rub
6.8. Textile Industry
The textile industry is primarily concerned with the design, production, and distribution of clothing. The
raw material will be natural (e.g. wool) and synthetic (using products of 6.1. Chemical Industry).
Clothes are necessary considering that they do not persist for long periods. We will have our brand of
clothes that will include normal everyday clothes and also more specific clothes (e.g. gym wear which makes the
process of perspiration faster, suits or dresser for special occasions, job uniforms, etc.).
They will be sold in stores, an experience that will help the normalization of our society’s lifestyle.
LepidopTerra does not agree with racial discrimination or sexism and does not take
into account the financial situation, nationality or origins of individuals. We want to live
together in harmony and in equality.
7.1. Social organization
Social organization can be defined as an instrument of social roles and institutions, behavioral model,
action technique and social control that ensures the objectives of a community, ensures the stability and
harmony of the group. A social organization is constant in the way communities, groups and societies maintain
balance and functionality.
From an administrative point of view, LepidopTerra is organized in six habitable disks with specific
themes: {Atlanta}-water, Chrysalis-winter, Nova-metropola, LepidopTerrarum,-diversity Sommerflue-
cottage and Euthalia-tropical. When arriving to LepidopTerra, one will complete a personality quiz which will
match them to the disk they most fit in. However, they can choose wherever they want to live on the ship.
7.1.2. Government
Psychological test
I. 1. Order the words logically: always, sometimes, rarely, never, often, starting with "never".
2. Complete series: 1 4 16 ? 256.
3. Complete series: B F J ?
7.2.1 Ruling
A model of ruling we want to put into practice is the one divided into branches. Each "branch" will have
as much power as the others, but the two persons who will be responsible for coordinating them are the
Commander and the President.
Justice shall be carried out through the following courts:
• High Power
• Courts of Appeal (judge processes)
• Tribunals
• Judges.
In judicial activity, the public Ministry represents the general interests of society and protects the rule of
law, as well as the rights and freedoms of citizens. The public prosecutors operate before the courts, conduct
and supervise the criminal investigation activity of the judicial police under the law.
The supreme power lies with the master and the president, who will call on a president to carry out the
managerial duties in order to organize the ship's activity effectively.
At the time of launching, 30.000 people will be at the base of the ship’s society.
The important decisions to be taken shall be made at a regular meeting or, in the event of an emergency,
shall be immediately one in a conference room specially arranged together with the Commander, the 'High
Power`, the Second of the Commander, the Head of Security, and the Senior Officer.
The court system will be based on the Romanian legal system. The court will also include five prosecutors,
five judges, and ten lawyers.
The management department will be countered by the Second of the Commander, and it has 3 sub-
categories: Agriculture and Recycling, Politics, and Laboratory Research.
• The Department of Agriculture and Recycling takes into account the quantity of food for the
inhabitants, the maintenance of the food and its cultivation in special areas, but also the
• The Laboratory Research department will be in constant contact with the laboratories on Earth,
and those interested and highly educated will be able to work with those on the spaceship. The
Department of Transportation will have the possibility to physically communicate with the
laboratories on the Earth every 5-6 months or in special cases, to transport materials, supplies
and the change of crews and people.
• The department that will be directly subordinated to the Commander is the one of navigation.
He will deal with the Human Resources (employment contract, taxes and monthly salaries of
each of them through a very well-established banking system – see more in7.7. Monetization).
7.4.1. Administration
The administrative control system of our ship is a well-established body of oversight and control, created
to maintain order and discipline so that we can provide a good life for our people. It was designed to monitor
the financial condition and to manage the correct strategies in use by setting policies and objectives. There will
also be a council that will have the role of establishing, approving and making important decisions about the
well-being of life on the ship, ensuring that everything is kept under control and that our people are safe.
However, our council team will be open to new suggestions from citizens, which will be analyzed and eventually
introduced depending on the benefits they could bring us and how important they might be. In this category we
also include the police and fire departments that will maintain safety and which can be contacted in case of need
by calling a universal phone number.
In order to ensure that our inhabitants are treated equally and have a fair trial, there will be numerous
courts and law firms that will be at their disposal in case of any injustice, violated laws or legal problems
7.4.2 Health centers
The health of our citizens is very important to us, so we will make sure that they do not lack any form of
health center that they may need. Our ship will include numerous hospitals equipped with advanced technology
and well-trained staff. They will be available to everyone at any time of the day. Also, in case of emergency, the
ambulance number can be contacted by calling an universal phone number.
• General healthcare
Most emergencies will be dealt with in here. The general hospital will be prepared with the requisite
equipment of the latest generation and with a specialized staff. It will be supplied with special medicaments and
treatments from our industrial factory (farmaceutical industry) as well as food supplies for the hospital canteen,
health care products, blankets and clothes to ensure that our hospital feels a little like home. This hospital will
be open non-stop.
• Nursing homes
Our nursing home was created in order to offer those who suffer of acute illnesses or injuries the chance to
recover in an environment outside the hospital. We want to make sure that they feel safe, leaving all their
worries in our hands. That’s why we created a space comfortable enough for them to call this place some sort
of home.
• Dentistry center
The dentistry center will be equipped with the appropriate dental equipment. The staff will take care of the
patients carefully, making sure that their oral cavity is well.
o Our drug stores will be provided with farmaceutical medications manufactured in our
farmaceutical factory.
o In the case where surgery is needed, depending on the severity of the situation, the decision to
move the patient to the emergency room will be made by the medical staff.
7.4.3. Education
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
-Nelson Mandela
For us, education is an important factor that underlies the training of a person. That is why our ship
focuses on education because we believe it is important for a society to be made up of educated and intelligent
people. All young people, regardless of background, will have free courses at the "LepidopTerra Pre-University
Educational Institute". After completing their studies, it is up to the individual if they want to enroll in university
education at “University of LepidopTerra” (UOL) and become a researcher or scientist. However, if any resident
would want to follow another path, he would have a job provided by us, in one of the following fields: agriculture,
construction, installations, electricity, mechanics, sales, industry or education (the distributions are made
according to the school profile and competencies, some exams taken at the end of the pre-university cycle).
The school's role is to prepare young people to become responsible members of society. However, we
want the schools on our ship to have a different education system than the one we have right now. We want to
combine the hobbies of our students with the subjects taught, so that they do not feel overwhelmed. Therefore,
our educational system will also focus on practice, combining the materials taught with specific workshops so
that everyone has the opportunity to practice in addition to a subject or something they are good at. It should
be mentioned that the schools will still have in the curriculum the customary classes that will be compulsory
such as Math classes, English classes, Chemistry, Biology and History classes.
• Elementary school
Elementary school is for children going from kindergarden to 5th grade. Elementary school is based on
learning the children the basics such as how to count, read, etc. This stage in their life is super important because
it is basically the stage in which they shape their character and learn how to behave in a society.
• Middle school
Middle school is for pre-teens going from 6th grade to 8th grade. In this stage, pre-teens are on their way
of becoming teenagers and it is super important for them to start searching for new hobbies that they may like,
which could help them find a possible future career depending on what they like to do and what they’re good
• High school
High school is for teenagers going from 9th grade to 12th grade. In this stage, teenagers are reaching
maturity and are on their way of becoming young adults. Our job is to guide them into finding a possible future
career by letting them have the freedom to chose classes that they could benefit from, so that it would be easier
for them to achieve their dream job.
• Universities
Our ship will have several universities for different fields inside UOL, which will be located in
LepidopTerrarium. These are very important because they prepare our young adults to become grown adults
and help them to develop skills and knowledge employers need.
7.4.5 Shopping centers and supermarkets
There will be numerous shopping centers and supermarkets on our ship for people to buy what they
need. Supermarkets will be stocked daily to make sure our people have fresh produce. Also, shopping malls will
not miss the many clothing stores. We want to make sure that our people have the freedom to buy things they
need on their own.
Note: The shopping centers and supermarkets will be open from 8 in the morning to 10 at night and
some supermarkets will be open non-stop.
• Gyms
• Parks
• Playgrounds for children
• Stitching, crocheting, painting workshops
• Places where first aid and debate courses will be organized.
• Football, basketball, tennis courts
• Cafes, restaurants
So, through our entertainment center called "Nymphalis", people will be able to relax doing what they
o Note: This center will be open from Monday to Sunday.
• Gyms
The gyms on our ship will be provided with adequate sports equipment. While researching, we chose some
models of fitness equipment that could train the muscles of the people on the ship. It is worth mentioning that
there will be a gym at the base of the blocks of flats.
• Parks
Parks are a method of relaxation, an energy boost. It is scientifically proven that walking in nature improves
your mood, helping to reduce anxiety and stress. Also, walking can help strengthen the muscles in the whole
body, especially the leg muscles, which is an important factor for people on the ship.
These will be provided with playgrounds for children, meditation spaces and a few cafes, ensuring a space
as pleasant as possible for our inhabitants so that they do not feel the difference between the Earth and their
new habitat.
• Nymphalis Entertainment and Educational Center
The Nymphalis Center plays an important role in the mental and physical development of the people on our
ship. So, to ensure their well-being, our ship has created an interactive center that offers both courses through
which people can discover and capitalize on their talents (crochet workshops, painting workshops, etc.) and
sports halls (basketball, football) to keep them in shape, but also educational courses such as debate or first aid
courses to expand their knowledge so that they can be prepared to deal with any intermittent situation that
might occur.
Fig. 27
7.7. Iris Scanning Identification System
There is a saying affirming that the eye of a person is the window to their soul and their identity. The iris
is a muscle that adjusts the quantity of light meant to enter in the eye in different conditions of lighting and it’s
compound out of pigmented fibrovascular woven (stroma irideo) and muscles, containing tiny textural patterns.
DNA is the one that determines the color and the structure of the iris, and because of the random furrows, twirls,
lines, pits and rifts that occur during fetal development, it makes every iris so unique that even your two irises
don’t match each other.
With this in mind, we have come to the conclusion that we are going to use the iris scanning
identification system to identify people and to also make it be the key for them to enter their houses, as it’s one
of the most secure and reliable systems for ensuring our population’s privacy of personal space and data,
allowing no other person to try to abuse or to trick the system into obtaining access to this information or to
others people houses.
Fig. 28
• Fast Matching – if an individual is already registered in the biometric system, the studies have shown
that the Iris Recognition is one of the fastest and accurate forms of biometric identification.
Companies selling iris recognition identification systems include Aware, BioID, Biometric Intelligence and
Identification Technologies, Crossmatch, EyeLock, Gemalto, Idemia, Iridian Technologies, Iris Guard, Iris
ID, IriTech, Neurotechnology, Panasonic, Tascent, SRI International, and Unisys.
An iris recognition system is up to 339 euro or more, depending on the quality or to what it generally
provides/the functions of the product.
7.8. Monetization
Monetization on our spaceship is based on online banking, a virtual system named Lepidopecunia. Since
the population on LepidopTerra is at a very low number compared to population on Terra, this system will make
it easier for our space society to have control of money. This online banking method allows citizens to keep their
balance in an online account, as well as letting them make bank loans, or even transactions of each kind. People
will receive their salaries via this virtual bank, and will also be able to shop this way.
Since each citizen is scanned into our database via iris, they will be able to pay this way, their iris being scanned
any time they have to pay something, or even doing any kind of activity in Lepidopecunia. Besides this, the
scanning of the iris also represents a form of a high security.
Our currency will be the ,,Obrinus”. People will have their own credit cards and will be able to control
their personal account and so their balance through the online application, and for any question, the virtual host
will answer. The Commander will be in charge of sending scholarships to students, or any kind of grant of
supporting the school activity. The same will happen with the social assistance scholarships and pensions, which
will be sent only to those in need.
We are aware of the fact that there will be no longer homeless people, all citizens will have their own job,
not all jobs are equally paid, so the goverment won’t have to allocate money for those with no shelter. This way,
the money owned by LepidopTerra owns will be easier to allocate.
People will be able to pay their fees and taxes through this online banking. What is more, this online
banking charges an amount of money every month so as to support it. For example, about 2 obrinus per month
will have to be paid, which means 3 USD per month. It is not a large amount of money, but represents enough
for Lepidopecunia to be supported.
7.8.2. The story of Obrinus and LepidoPecunia.
The official coin of LepidopTerra is named after the green butterfly, Obrinus Olivewing in order to
commemorate the most famous banknote, the US dollar (USD). The banking system’s name is composed of the
prefix “lepido” - the first element of scholarly composition, meaning scaly, and the latin word “pecunia” which
means money.
Life on our base will be provided with everything needed in order for humans to live properly.
However, there are high chances that some problems might occur, and we need strategies to solve them
immediately, so that we can ensure our people’s safety.
Protection from outer threats
If our ship was struck and we detected air leaks, we would instantly send our mechanics outside the
ship so that they could fix the possible damage. However, our shielding will be strong enough in order to avoid
this kind of problem. Moreover, we will have sensors that will help us detect objects coming towards our ship
in advance. These sensors will be of two types: active and passive remote sensors.
Remote sensors are used to detect distant remote objects rather than their localized environment.
They can help us figure out our spacecraft positional changes as well. Active sensors detect objects using their
own energy, whereas passive sensors do it by using the reflection of the Sun’s energy.
Fire, explosion
In spite of the fact that our oxygen levels will be held lower enough so that there is no high chance of
fire, accidents can occur. If this happens, we will need to evacuate and then extinguish the fire. This extinguish
will not be water-based because our water supply is limited. Therefore, our rooms will be provided with VEMs
(Vacuum Extinguish Method), which are considered to be the opposite procedure of the conventional fire
extinguishing procedure: it inhales both the combustion products and firing source, sucking them into a
vacuum chamber. This concept is worth it because it prevents the spread of harmful combustion products in
the enclosed environment.
More than that, people will be sent in bunkers. Every disk is divided into 4 sectors. Right under every
sector, there is a room, designed like a bunker. These are metallic constructions, which are steel-based (a
homogeneous material that has very good mechanical properties). They are very well covered and isolated, so
as to not let the toxic fumes enter the rooms, the walls being necessarily rigid.
These rooms are equipped with ventilation systems, named HOPPERJET - for a high-efficiency
ventilation of the bunker.
In case of fire, people will go towards the ends of the sector they are in, and will find the doors to the
bunkers which will be opened in critical situations. Immediately after people get in, they will be able to go
down some stairs that will lead to the bunker. They will be also able to use the slides that are next to the stairs.
We recommend using the slides as it is a faster way of reaching the bunker room. Every bunker is associated
with a sector and has more entries. For preventing the toxic fumes not to enter the bunker, there will be
HOPPERTOP ventilation systems, at every entry. When all people will be in the bunker room, no toxic fumes
will be let in. In addition, the bunkers will be equipped with gas masks, etc.
The fire will be controlled from the interior of the bunker by people, using the help of the supervising
cameras which are placed frequently in every sector.
Every sector will have gas extinguishing systems that use an inert gas in the installation, namely the
energy that decreases the oxygen concentration in the space where the fire broke out, up to the limit that
allows combustion. This process takes approximately 2:30 minutes since the alarm went off, until the gas
begins to fill the enclosure. After 5 minutes from the system started, the fire is extinguished.
Note! For people that could not take shelter in the bunker, it will not be fatal, as they will have the
impression of breathing from a height of 2.000 meters.
Oxygen deficiency
If we run out of oxygen, we will communicate with our base from Earth through our GSAT-3 satellite
so they can send us oxygen on the Moon using the space elevator. Then we will send our retriever outer ship
(see more in 4.6.1. Outer Spaceships) to get us the supplies that have been sent from Earth. This method can
also be used for other supplies that we may require.
First of all we are going to evacuate the area of the flooding. Then we are going to save everything
that can still be saved (furniture, different kind of supplies, etc.), followed by moving the water in storage
tanks so that we can fuel the oxygen generators used for water electrolysis.
Power outage
In case of a possible blackout, the first thing to do is to switch on the emergency power generators in
each disk. Then we are going to send our mechanics immediately to solve the problem.
Angry residents
Whether people want to return back to Earth or they want bigger salaries, causing certain types of
strikes, we will solve these exterior conflicts by trying to talk the problem out with them and getting to a
common point. The Head of Security will be involved, taking them to the police station.
This won’t happen because in a period of 5 years we will start building other ships, thus increasing the
capacity on our initial settlement.
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