Down & Out in Waterdeep - A Level 0 Adventure
Down & Out in Waterdeep - A Level 0 Adventure
Down & Out in Waterdeep - A Level 0 Adventure
By Zack Sporen
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Poverty, hunger, violence, uncertainty and despair: Season, Weather & Time of Day
these grim circumstances and conditions may lead Our adventure is meant to take place in the early
our players down a more dangerous path than tendays of Eleasis, just before the world begins to
expected. How the players fall victim to or cope with cool and the harvest is prepared. Periods of heavy
their lives and the environment of the quarantined rain and high temperature toggle as the days pass.
Field Ward may have a profound effect on them. Choking humidity or overbearing sunshine is
When appropriate, but not usually more than once prevalent. The result of these weather conditions are
per day, you can require a character to make a DC 10 poor roads and paths, large puddles and a unique
Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the character is odor as an expression of the unwashed combined
afflicted. Roll a d10 to determine the effects, using with ever growing and consuming refuse.
the Field Ward Madness table. You can substitute Sanitation and general welfare, while typically
different despair effects of your own creation. These well managed by the city's guilds are a major issue in
effects are not permanent, can be dispelled, the face of the quarantine. To a commoner, the lack
overcome through roleplaying or at the end of this of structure within the ward lends itself to erratic
adventure. The Madness tables and their sleep patterns, labor and activities. As a result, the
corresponding rules in the DUNGEON MASTER’S Field Ward never truly sleeps. Foragers, gangs and
GUIDE beginning on page 258 are also acceptable beggars roam the pathways through the day, while
alternatives. the more sinister or criminally inclined tend to live
Field Ward Madness by night.
d10 Result Buildings & Shelter
Apathy. The character has disadvantage on death Poverty in the ward does not necessarily mean you
1-3 saving throws and Dexterity checks for initiative, and will be without shelter. Out of basic need, many
gains the following flaw: "I don't believe I can make a residents formed encampments and even built small
difference to anyone or anything." dwellings from stolen or salvaged materials.
4-5 Dread. The character has disadvantage on Intelligence,
Recovered stone and wood shelters, tents and
Wisdom and Charisma saving throws. They gain the
camping carts line all pathways of the Ward from
following flaw: "I am convinced that this place is going
to kill me."
wall-to-wall in every direction. Few structures stand
6-7 Madness. The character has disadvantage on ability at proper height or even stand taller than a single
checks and saving throws that use Intelligence, ground level. These ramshackle, poorly built
Wisdom, or Charisma, and gains the following flaw: "I structures are where the overcrowded masses of the
can't tell what's real anymore." ward call “Home.”
8 Treachery. The character gains the following flaw: "I For those with the right coin, you may purchase
can only achieve my goals by making sure that my lodgings on a nightly basis at either of the inns listed
companions don't achieve theirs." in this adventure: Almondine’s Delight or The
9 Bloodlust. The character gains the following flaw: "I Scrap'd Rafter. There are other available options
enjoy hurting living things for my own pleasure. Once I tucked away in the tangle of the ward, should the
start, it's hard to stop." players choose to seek them. No lifestyle or rest
10 Dark Ambition. The character gains the following flaw: period in the ward exceeds poor or squalid levels.
"I am destined to rule Waterdeep and my companions Within the grip of poverty, players may choose to
are tools to that end."
take their chances on the rough streets for the night.
This would open them up to the possibilities of theft,
violence or encounters with the City Watch. If your
players choose to spend either a short or long rest
Character Creation
In this adventure, players begin without a class at
level 0 and play their way through perils and trials
to reach sufficient milestone experience for level 1.
When they level up, players will determine their
character’s class via the narrative or their own
reasoning. A level 0 character will make use of most
of the same features that level 1 characters have at
their disposal.
Our level 0 players will not have access to a
character class, its related equipment and abilities.
The level 0 adventurers are encouraged to heavily
rely on the features that are granted to them prior to
gaining a character class to better explore their
origins and innate capabilities. The characters will
begin with the information in the Level 0 Breakdown
marked on their sheet.
From your time here, you've become fluent in a
bastardized form of the Common language known
simply as Peasantspeak. Many natives, merchants,
and traders speak this dialect and it may prove
useful in areas highly populated within the Ward.
From Northgate to the walls of the North Ward lies
The Main Road, which serves as a median between
the west and east areas. Rare patches of lush grass,
dappled with few trees lie to the east of the main
Act I
You Meet in a Ditch … Where to Start
“It may sound like I'm complaining, but I'm not. The soon-to-be party members are all likely to rush
After all, with Your help, I'm starving to death. for this pouch at the same time, thus meeting each
Oh, dear Lord. You made many, many poor people. I other. At which point, a fight may break out and/or
realize, of course, it's no shame to be poor... but it's no introductions can be made. A DC 5 Intelligence or
great honor either. So what would be so terrible... if I Wisdom (Medicine) check would reveal to the party
had a small fortune?” that tucked within the leather pouch is abundant
- Tevye, Fiddler on the Roof amount of the drug known as Chimera. A recent
import to the city, the drug is a dangerous and newly
Our adventure begins in the Central Field Ward of
prevalent among the peoples of the Ward.
Waterdeep, with rows of makeshift dwellings lining
While in possession of this pouch, with or without
a muddy road. This passages through the Ward
its contents, a DC 10 Intelligence or Wisdom check
shakenly, much as a sick imitation of life elsewhere
will reveal that it may be wise for the party to avoid
in the city, perhaps as a reminder of the hope still
entanglements with the City Watch, as it is a serious
alive in some its inhabitants. Shabby hovels, tents,
crime and the chief reason for the quarantine. At this
stacks of bricks, reclaimed wood planted into the
point, their windfall may cause the party to retain,
dirt to form walls, even some small animals that
consume, sell or destroy the contents of the pouch.
Almondine’s Delight padded booth. Oils and sauce dribble to his chin.
A disgraced scholar turned career criminal,
This rarified sight, a two story stone building serves Maestro deals in illegal items and sensitive
as a gathering place, an inn and den of vice in the information. His broken patterns of speech, with
Field Ward. Owned and operated by the lady gnome, constant stops and starts make him hard to follow in
Allegra Almondine at the pleasure of the Zhentarim. conversation. This informant works with Iomhar in
Neat wooden floors with card and dice tables exchange for Traveler’s Dust, a potent drug. A DC 10
covered in shoddy velvet make up the ground floor, Wisdom (Medicine) or (Insight) check will reveal
with the rooms above assigned to lodging and more this knowledge to the players. “Anyone using
private forms of recreation. A massive wooden traveler's dust showed these telltale signs: trembling
serving counter wraps around the walls across from hands, sometimes slurred speech, and most telling,
the main entrance, accompanied by servers and bar- eyes the color of blood. All who used the drug
hands from all walks of low life. eventually died.”
The crowds that often occupy this inn are among This mage is a foul sort, but given his arrangement
the worst kinds of the people in the Field Ward. Liars, with Iomhar, he will be begrudgingly honest and
cardsharps, thieves, and the like will congregate offer simple but vague information aiding in their
here on a regular basis to shave their share of coin entanglements. He will produce and light his pipe
the adventure, the party should likely plan to
confront the issue of the quarantine and therefore
return to The ‘Dhavian Trill Music Hall to enter the
The Sound of No Hands Clapping secret passage and chamber within. The possibilities
are explained below.
Despair. The Field Ward of Waterdeep is rotting
Return to Dhavian Trill
from within from the vice grip of a dangerous
4: The Alchemy Laboratory
street drug, Chimera. Danger is present at every
turn and the population is plummeting at a
The carved out tunnel behind a tattered curtain on
the stage leads to Ivan’s Alchemy Laboratory, (Map
catastrophic pace. With the City Watch unable to
Appendix G). The laboratory exists underground
root out this corruption and bring it to an end, our and is only accessible if the command word “Bravo”
champions are in the midst of their own is spoken. A DC 10 Intelligence check will raise a
investigation. As quarantine continues, the party player’s suspicion and help a player remember
seeks to find and still the beating heart of this vile
Ivan’s overuse of the word. The air is damp and acrid
in the long passage; an uncomforting mist that
affliction …
smells of acid hangs about. Between beams of the
large wooden planks, a fine purple moss can be seen.
Further adding to the vile threat, a group of The sounds of rushing water, bubbling pots and
Addicted Loyals will murder Jaxim and Dallas in metal clanging can be heard ahead of the PCs from
secret, claiming the merchant cart for their own. The down the hallway. The hallway stretches for 55ft.
intention behind this is to sell Chimera poisoned and snakes on for only a bit further back on itself,
kaeth to the denizens of the ward, with small enough ending with a square chamber.
doses to create cravings for the substance among the At the end of a narrow 5ft. wide passage with low
Delacourt’s many patrons. ceilings the party will find an 80ft. square room.
Residents of the Ward may become suspicious of Much like the man-made hallway before it, the room
the party as they begin building a reputation has crumbling dirt walls, supported by wooden
throughout the adventure, believing them to be pillars throughout to support the packed stone and
members of secret factions or even that they are dirt ceilings. Discarded brown envelopes of Chimera
undercover members of the City Watch. For social litter the corridor, considering his loyal servants are
interactions with less than honorable members of eager to consume their “payment”. There is dim
the Ward in Act III, Commoners will make overt, magical light that fills the corridor and the
extensive amounts of Wisdom (Insight) or Wisdom laboratory chamber. An acrid scent permeates the
(Perception) checks against characters in an effort to air.
discern their motives. The walls of the square workroom are lined with
While traveling throughout the Ward, the party is tables and crude graffiti. There are pillars, each in
likely to encounter groups of 3d6 Commoners the corners and center of the room. DC 10
engaged in use of Chimera. Their use of the drug Intelligence (Arcana) check will explain an
will become more overt as the days continue onward, extinguished Brazier of Green Flame stands in this
until The Alchemist is confronted. These room. A variety of steel pots hang from the ceiling
for use in the experiments to create the Alchemical
Regardless of the choices made and the outcomes,
the party should be in a non-combat scenario,
preferably at a state of rest and away from danger
(likely at The Scrap'd Rafter or the players on
dwellings). Therein the conditions, all players reach
the milestone experience for level 1 at the end of this
adventure. As a benefit for completing this
adventure, all characters will gain the benefit of the
Folk Hero trait while in the Field Ward of Waterdeep.
Story threads that began in this adventure may
lead you to return to or further explore The Field
Ward such as: Will the commoners of the Field Ward
ever recover from the widespread use of Chimera?
Will Allegra continue to fulfill her pact with
Mephistopheles? Did Redhawke take over the drug
trade? If he instead died at the hands of the party,
Appendix C:
Waterdhavian Trinkets & Oddities
d20 Result
1 A small cast-iron centipede in the shape of a figure eight
2 A brass bracelet shaped like an ouroboros, emblazoned with the letters T and D on each head
3 A palm-sized petrified scorpion with oversized pincers
4 A small, crudely painted lizard skull
5 A tiny iron sculpture of a toad that is heavier than it should be
6 A vintage wine-cork that smells profusely of sulfur and ash
7 A small hand-puppet of a smiling hobgoblin
8 An expertly painted ceramic tile that depicts a goldfish in flight
9 Five iron rings linked in a honeycomb pattern
10 A pocket-sized driftwood carving of a pirate galleon
11 An ivory colored coin made of bone, stained in red ink
12 A pouch of seven marbles made of a lustrous orange glass, decorated with stars
13 A steel-tipped, solid oak prosthetic finger
14 A black cotton bandana with an Infernal monogram
15 A leather cord necklace with a pewter medallion of a charging bull
16 A well-crafted inkwell with the letters ‘MA’ etched on the bottom in Elven
17 A child’s toy set of 1d4 +1 identical wooden Firbolg men, joined with purple twine
18 A miniature ledger book with a Walrus on the cover, filled to the margins with odd doodles
19 A broken compass with an intricate diagram of an Amyna moth inside the lid
20 A 4ft. long woven bootlace, firmly tied at the ends, that always smells of the ocean
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit,
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4)
piercing damage.
Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage plus
10 (3d6) fire damage.
Olohorn’s Belt
Wondrous Item, rare
(requires attunement by a monk)
This oversized leather belt is rather unremarkable to
the naked eye. However, the inside is worked over
with finely tooled diagrams and written passages on
the martial arts and the practice of mindfulness.
Most prominently displayed among these is the
quote, “We as living things, at our best, can only
create opportunities.”
While wearing this belt, twice per day you may
gain advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks.