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Down & Out in Waterdeep - A Level 0 Adventure

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Down & Out in Waterdeep: a Level 0 Adventure

An exploratory look at life in the Field Ward of Waterdeep,

with heroism, or villainy, in the face of adversity as level 0 characters.
for the world’s greatest roleplaying game

Introduction: This adventure module is designed to allow players to grow

into their character, determine their class and what will motivate them to
take on life as an adventurer. No matter what may lead them to their
conclusions and their first full strides into adventure, this module will aid in
honing narrative roleplay skills and exploring the origins of your party.

An adventure module for level 0 characters

By Zack Sporen

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D
Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All
characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any
reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast.

©2016 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boéchat 31, 2800 Delémont, CH. Represented by Hasbro
Europe, 4 The Square, Stockley Park, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB11 1ET, UK.

Down & Out in Waterdeep: a Level 0 Adventure

Credits Foreword
Lead Designer: Zack Sporen In the ever-churning world of doctors’ offices,
Development and Editing: Joshua Perault, Neil Gow agency appointments, shelters, waiting rooms, coffee
Additional Editing: Ernie Laurence shops, all-night diners, bus terminals, city streets,
Level 0 Rules Consultant: Ruty Rutenberg
libraries, subway stations and public parks, the
Setting Consultant: Ed Greenwood
following pages were born. My personal adventure
Layout: Zack Sporen over the time it took me to write this offering was
Cover illustrator: XistheWeapon, with Artemis Nolasco sometimes unreal; I only hope to honor those
Interior Art: Creative Commons, & DMs Guild Resources experiences and the people I’ve met along the way
Cartography: Neil Gow with this module.
Thank you. It is my sincere hope that this module
Playtesting: Judith T. Barbosa as Nymaris Aelegeth, might inspire you to seek your own adventure in life.
Francis Nuñez Carrero as Deralex Achardirion, Seek growth, endurance, and to inspire others to
and Jose Andujar as Jokin Mair
come to together; if only to stay at the table for a bit
Special Thanks: Matthew Wang, Manuel Rosario,
Felix Baez, Ed Greenwood, Christopher Perkins, Monte
Cook, Joe Manganiello, Damian Higgins & the crew from Zack Sporen
Death Saves, Michael Ziobrowski, Matthew Mercer September 13, 2018
& the cast of Critical Role, Keith Baker, Ivan Van Norman,
Ruty Rutenberg, Satine Phoenix, Maze Arcana, Greg Tito,
Shelly Mazzanoble, Pelham Green, Scott Kurtz,
Acquisitions Inc., WebDM, Nerd Poker, Barron Vangor
Toth, Poison Clan Gaming, Neutral Ground NY,
VideoGameCentral, Christopher Lance Brown and the
Plaza, Alfonse Buscaino, Gloria DeCamps, Charles Deveaux,
Hex & Co., the Brooklyn Strategist, and all of the amazing
people that make this culture worth escaping to.

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s
Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the
USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast. This material is protected under the
copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without
the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast.

©2016 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boéchat 31, 2800 Delémont, CH.
Represented by Hasbro Europe, 4 The Square, Stockley Park, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB11 1ET, UK.

Down & Out in Waterdeep: a Level 0 Adventure

Down & Out in Waterdeep: a Level 0 Adventure
 Intended Narrative Path
 Act I: You Meet in a Ditch …
o Where to Start
 Introduction o The Scrap’d Rafter
 Story Overview  Warble Bandlewagon
o The Quarantine  Iomhar ‘Bodee’ Rackham
o Chimera  Kemper Copperfury
o Developments
 Running the Adventure
o Dhavian Trill Music Hall
 Life in the Field Ward  1: The Foyer
o Product of your Environment  2: The Lounge
o Races of the Field Ward  3: The Stage & Seating
o Season, Weather & Time of Day o What’s Next?
o Buildings & Shelter
o Hygiene, Nourishment & Scarcity
 Act II: To Live & Die in Waterdeep
o Almondine’s Delight
o Goods & Services
 Ivan Kayd Maestro
o Cultural Diaspora & Identity
 Maestro’s Information
o Vice, Addiction & Disease
 Concluding the Meeting
o Environmental Hazards
o Developments
o Crime & Self Preservation
o What’s Next?
 Character Creation
o Personality Is Character
 Act III: The Sound of No Hands Clapping
o Return to The ‘Dhavian Trill
o Level 0 Breakdown
o 4: The Alchemy Laboratory
o Character Hooks
 Siding with the Alchemist …
o Available Backgrounds
 Bringing the Alchemist
o Background: Quarantined Peasant
to Justice …
 Character Advancement  The Alchemist is battled …
o Class Mentors  Treasure
o Character Death o A Turn for the Worse …
 Important Locations  Conclusion
 Dramatis Personae  Becoming Level 1
o The Flower Girl
o ‘The Alchemist’
 Appendix A: Found Weapons
o Dewberry  Appendix B: Random Encounter Tables
o Barton Illweiss  Appendix C: Waterdhavian Trinkets & Oddities
o Hargadon Dudley  Appendix D: Stat blocks
o Civilar Alonzo Redhawke  Appendix E: Consumables & Magic Items
o Lady Allegra Almondine  Appendix F: The ‘Dhavian Trill Music Hall Map
o Master Olohorn ‘Buzz’ Dorbolor
o Waterdeep City Watch
 Appendix G:The Alchemy Laboratory Map
o Zhentarim Operatives  Appendix H:Ruminations on the Field Ward of
o Addicted Loyals Waterdeep, by Elminster Aumar, Sage of
o Alasha Gaige Shadowdale
o Kalastoz Endtooth
o Rufus, Hurris, & Dert Howlson
o Brother Valther Cornish
o Finnbar Oldenquist
o Maricost Shayne
o Jaxim & Dallas Delacourt
 The Field Ward Locales
o Throughout
o Central
o West
o East

Down & Out in Waterdeep: a Level 0 Adventure

of gaining wealth, status and power. Origins of
heroism or villainy.
 With the stash of drugs in their possession, the
aterdeep, the City of Splendors, is characters seek answers and the opportunity to
known to many across all of the change their lives while affected by a quarantine
Realms. However, for some in the containing a dangerous addiction epidemic.
lower rungs of society, this urban  The characters become further embroiled in
sprawl is a maze of poverty, crime, investigation and intrigue by meeting NPCs while
menace and despair. The promise of opportunity in actively investigating. Heroic or Villainous
Waterdeep leads many from all walks of life to the inclinations may arise as a result.
center. Conversely, some strive to escape the living  The characters grow into adventurers; they
puzzle for adventure beyond its walls. The succeed in tracing the drug to its source.
wilderness is not the only place where survival is a  The characters may suffer deep trauma, personal
way of life, and not even the ones who survive will loss or injury to reach their goals. Heroic or
make it out whole. This is one such a tale. villainous inclinations grow further.
Down & Out in Waterdeep is a Dungeons &  The characters now champion to end the spread of
Dragons adventure designed for characters starting crime and addiction OR they seek to take over the
at level 0. By the end of this module, the characters Alchemist’s operation, usurping him. Heroic or
will grow into themselves, determine their origins as villainous inclinations now become apparent.
heroes or villains of varying classes and discover  Characters confront the criminal mastermind
what will motivate them to take on life as known as the Alchemist saving their community
adventurers. If you plan to participate in this module from the spread of addiction and ending the
as a player, please stop reading here. Knowing the quarantine OR taking over the operation,
details of this module will make it less fun to play for becoming the villains of the campaign going
all concerned. forward. Commitment to being heroes or villains.
What will motivate these characters into a life of
adventure? Will it be righting the mistakes of the The Quarantine
past? Perhaps they seek to fulfill a divine quest? The City Watch decided to conduct a fruitless
Defending their community? Maybe they have investigation while putting the Field Ward under
aspirations of achieving peak arcane or martial lockdown. The quarantine is strictly enforced with
power? Uncovering the secrets of the planes? help from the City Guard, in hopes of rooting out the
No matter what may lead them to these cause of the spreading addiction and growing crime
conclusions and their first full strides into the city wave overtaking and ruining the lives of the afflicted
and lands beyond, this module will aid in honing citizens.
narrative roleplay skills and to explore the origins of The Endshift Tavern, located at the corner of
their party. Breezeway and Endshift Street, serves a special
If you are seeking to continue with more purpose. Once a popular gathering place for off-duty
adventures in Waterdeep, this module may serve as members of the Watch, this tavern now serves as a
an effective prequel adventure to Waterdeep: Dragon forward command post, as well as the detention
Heist and was developed to be just so. center during the investigation. A two-member City
Guard detail stands watch outside the location at all
Story Overview times.
Without access to the rest of the city or the lands
Down and Out in Waterdeep is a tale of urban beyond its walls, the Field Ward is suffering
survival and intrigue set during a temporary immensely. Many traders, travelers and others are
quarantine meant to stop the spread of crime and stranded and locked in the Field Ward, much like the
addiction coming from the city’s Field Ward. native residents.
 The characters are surviving in apathetic poverty
in the Field Ward. At this point, personality is
generally played as written by player.
 The characters discover an enchanted pouch of
the drug, leading to questions and the opportunity

Down & Out in Waterdeep: a Level 0 Adventure

Chimera Running the Adventure
This alchemical and arcane concoction is an DOWN & OUT IN WATERDEEP is an adventure for
inexpensive, bastardized, highly addictive and often three to four characters of zero level. During the
fatal drug developed by the Alchemist. He plans to course of the story, the characters will advance to
cripple Waterdhavian society from the lowest class 1st level. The adventure is set within the Field Ward
all the way to the top by spreading an addiction to of Waterdeep, a city based in the Sword Coast region
the harmful substance. Chimera is almost always of the Forgotten Realms setting. The Sword Coast is
sold in small brown envelopes made of waxed paper, part of the North, a vast realm of free settlements
marked with a crude stamp of its monstrous surrounded by wilderness and adventure. You don't
namesake in red ink. need to be a Forgotten Realms expert to run this
As a bonus action, anyone who ingests this module; everything you need to know about the
substance will experience staunch endurance, setting is contained in this text.
intense anger, mighty strength or all of these effects
at once for 1 minute. The user must make a DC 10 Abbreviations
Constitution saving throw or take 1d4 (2) poison hp = hit points LG = lawful good
damage. With a success, the user rolls from the AC = Armor Class CG = chaotic good
Chimera Effect table. The user gains 1 point of DC = Difficultly Class NG = neutral good
exhaustion after the effect ends, regardless of saving XP = experience points LN = lawful neutral
throw success as withdrawal begins. Users pp = platinum pieces N = neutral
experiencing withdrawal may become lethargic, gp = gold pieces CN = chaotic neutral
irritated and/or lose muscle control in fits or spasms. ep = electrum pieces LE = lawful evil
sp = silver pieces CE = chaotic evil
Chimera Effect cp = copper pieces NE = neutral evil
d4 Result NPC = non-player character DM = Dungeon Master
1 Endurance, the Goat: You gain resistance to
non-magical damage
2 Anger, the Dragon: As a bonus action, you Life in the Field Ward
may make a second attack at disadvantage In our real world, many of us do not live stunning
3 Strength, the Lion: You deal +2 damage to lives of adventure. We have routines, mundane tasks
any target you hit with a melee attack and responsibilities. While many of us may play this
4 Monstrosity, the Chimera: Combined effects game for an escape, the level 0 characters have not
of 1, 2 and 3 yet reached a means to break the chains of their
normal lives. Effectively living as commoners of the
poorest class and area in Waterdeep, this is where
Traveler’s Dust we intend hard fantasy and realism to collide.
Following the Spellplague, this highly addictive and What does the average day in the life of level 0
dangerous drug made its appearance in the Realms. Soon characters look like? Do they rise early and work all
after, most civilized places outlawed the use and sale of the day at an abysmal job? Do they beg in areas with lots
substance. Many users refer to "walking the crimson road" of foot traffic or high-volume corners? Do they
due to the tiny roseate crystals only slightly larger than a awaken late in the day and skulk through the night
grain of spice which is applied to and dissolved in the eyes. seeking prey and plunder? Where and how does
As a result, it leaves the user’s eyes blood red, bodies shaking your character stay fed? Where and when do they
and speech slurred. The drug enables the user to gain a sleep? What are their personal plans and
limited form of Truesight and, according to rumors, motivations? Do they have neither and simply float
esoterically charged powers over vision itself, including the on the breeze? Do they indulge in a vice?
ability to “see” emotional and existential connections, the Consider how the characters navigate everyday
true appearance of illusions and other planes of existence. life in concert with the other choices they’ve made in
creating them and you will find more rewarding and
relatable results. It is to be stressed that poverty is
not the single narrative of this adventure. To solely
insist on the negatives would cheapen and flatten
our story and the experiences within.

Down & Out in Waterdeep: a Level 0 Adventure

Field Ward Map Races of the Field Ward
The included map of the Field Ward was written specifically Population: Unknown, but in excess of 10,000
for this adventure. However, if you own WATERDEEP: Dwarf 3.5% Elf 3.5%
DRAGON HEIST, the well-detailed map of the entire city may Halfling 2.0% Human 80%
be amended to include these elements, further enriching the Dragonborn 2.0% Gnome 2.0%
game experience. Half-Elf 2.0% Half-Orc 2.0%
Product of Your Environment Tiefling 1.5% Other 1.5%

Poverty, hunger, violence, uncertainty and despair: Season, Weather & Time of Day
these grim circumstances and conditions may lead Our adventure is meant to take place in the early
our players down a more dangerous path than tendays of Eleasis, just before the world begins to
expected. How the players fall victim to or cope with cool and the harvest is prepared. Periods of heavy
their lives and the environment of the quarantined rain and high temperature toggle as the days pass.
Field Ward may have a profound effect on them. Choking humidity or overbearing sunshine is
When appropriate, but not usually more than once prevalent. The result of these weather conditions are
per day, you can require a character to make a DC 10 poor roads and paths, large puddles and a unique
Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the character is odor as an expression of the unwashed combined
afflicted. Roll a d10 to determine the effects, using with ever growing and consuming refuse.
the Field Ward Madness table. You can substitute Sanitation and general welfare, while typically
different despair effects of your own creation. These well managed by the city's guilds are a major issue in
effects are not permanent, can be dispelled, the face of the quarantine. To a commoner, the lack
overcome through roleplaying or at the end of this of structure within the ward lends itself to erratic
adventure. The Madness tables and their sleep patterns, labor and activities. As a result, the
corresponding rules in the DUNGEON MASTER’S Field Ward never truly sleeps. Foragers, gangs and
GUIDE beginning on page 258 are also acceptable beggars roam the pathways through the day, while
alternatives. the more sinister or criminally inclined tend to live
Field Ward Madness by night.
d10 Result Buildings & Shelter
Apathy. The character has disadvantage on death Poverty in the ward does not necessarily mean you
1-3 saving throws and Dexterity checks for initiative, and will be without shelter. Out of basic need, many
gains the following flaw: "I don't believe I can make a residents formed encampments and even built small
difference to anyone or anything." dwellings from stolen or salvaged materials.
4-5 Dread. The character has disadvantage on Intelligence,
Recovered stone and wood shelters, tents and
Wisdom and Charisma saving throws. They gain the
camping carts line all pathways of the Ward from
following flaw: "I am convinced that this place is going
to kill me."
wall-to-wall in every direction. Few structures stand
6-7 Madness. The character has disadvantage on ability at proper height or even stand taller than a single
checks and saving throws that use Intelligence, ground level. These ramshackle, poorly built
Wisdom, or Charisma, and gains the following flaw: "I structures are where the overcrowded masses of the
can't tell what's real anymore." ward call “Home.”
8 Treachery. The character gains the following flaw: "I For those with the right coin, you may purchase
can only achieve my goals by making sure that my lodgings on a nightly basis at either of the inns listed
companions don't achieve theirs." in this adventure: Almondine’s Delight or The
9 Bloodlust. The character gains the following flaw: "I Scrap'd Rafter. There are other available options
enjoy hurting living things for my own pleasure. Once I tucked away in the tangle of the ward, should the
start, it's hard to stop." players choose to seek them. No lifestyle or rest
10 Dark Ambition. The character gains the following flaw: period in the ward exceeds poor or squalid levels.
"I am destined to rule Waterdeep and my companions Within the grip of poverty, players may choose to
are tools to that end."
take their chances on the rough streets for the night.
This would open them up to the possibilities of theft,
violence or encounters with the City Watch. If your
players choose to spend either a short or long rest

Down & Out in Waterdeep: a Level 0 Adventure

period in the open, consult the Outdoor Rest table Goods & Services
These are the offerings in the ward, during the
Outdoor Rest quarantine.
d6 Result  Simple meal
1 2d4 Guards accost the party, forcing them to
(Inns, Taverns, Merchants)
 Dry Goods / Rations
2 A stray Ward Dog will approach the party
 Garments, poor or average
seeking food
 (Merchants)
3 2d4 Addicted Loyals attempt to rob the party
 Ale / Alcohol, poor or average
4 2d4 Commoners who claimed this area
(Inns, Taverns)
previously confronts the party
 Kaeth (Coffee)
5 A Swarm of Rats attacks the party
6 The party enjoys rare, restful sleep
 Chimera, 10% chance of fatal dose
(Addicted Loyals)
Hygiene, Nourishment & Scarcity  Simple Goods
In the travel diary DOWN AND OUT IN PARIS AND (Merchants)
LONDON , George Orwell wrote, ‘Poverty frees them  Trade Goods
from ordinary standards of behaviour, just as money (Merchants)
frees people from work.’ This much is especially true  Meats, average quality
in cases of hygiene and appearance relative to the (Butcher Brothers)
poor folk of the Field Ward. To be well dressed or  Fruits
even bathed is a rarity and typically seen as a target (Merchants)
on your back, an objectification of wealth that is  Illicit Weapons,
often meant to be torn down or pillaged of value by (Alasha Gaige)
the desperate or hopeless.  Flowers / Vegetables
The meager balances of wealth and moral fiber in (Flower Girl)
the ward lend themselves to desperate thinking,  Building Materials
especially in the face of poverty and the quarantine. (Merchants, Scavengers)
Sundries, consumables and foodstuffs all typically  Medical Attention
come at a higher than average price in the Field (Inns, Clerics, Druids)
Ward. In the setting of the quarantine, availabilities  Garment Mending or Patching
and resources are plummeting at an alarming rate.  (Merchants)
Characters faced with hunger may resort to outright  Overnight Lodging, squalid or poor
theft or alternatively, engage in urban foraging when  (Inns, Taverns)
necessary.  ‘Companionship’
(Almondine’s Delight)
Urban Foraging  Barbering & Dentistry
A character in search of nourishment may make a DC (Inns)
20 Wisdom (Survival) check. On a success, the
 Skinning & Tanning
search yields 1d4 pounds of edible food in the form (Kalastoz)
of discarded scraps from taverns and inns, as well as
 Body Disposal
1d4 gallons of drinkable water from rain-barrels,
(Maricost Shayne)
cisterns or catch basins located among the alleys and
 Information & Rumors
(Dewberry, Iomhar, Maestro)
 Protection
(Tent Town Thugs, Zhentarim)
 Construction, poor or average
(Able Commoners)
The practice of price gouging and bartering will
increase as the quarantine lockdown drags on.

Down & Out in Waterdeep: a Level 0 Adventure

Cultural Diaspora & Identity Vice, Addiction & Disease
Many people find themselves in the Field Ward by These are negative coping mechanisms at all levels
cruel chance and rarely by choice. As such, all of the of society; their presence and related risks in the
people of races that reside here often cling to and Field Ward are far direr, exacerbated by the harsh
firmly uphold their faiths, lifestyles and racial nature of the quarantine. While gambling is a
identities. Many immigrants, refugees, nomads and typically common vice, it is a risky behavior among
other displaced individuals come to Waterdeep those suffering from poverty. Too often does hope or
seeking opportunity, sanctuary, fortune, and a better greed cloud the judgement of a commoner who then
life apart from their homelands or roots. loses their purse, bringing them to ruin or even
Native-born Waterdhavian common to the ward sending them further down the path of desperation,
generally aren’t of older or more established houses, becoming a catalyst for violence and envy.
since they were recently transplanted to the city Courtesans, ‘companions’ and paid company are
within the last one or two generations. Regardless also considered a common vice in Waterdeep;
of origin or status, everyone who calls Waterdeep however the risks of disease or entanglement with
their home is Waterdhavian the criminal underworld that controls the “skin
trade” are prevalent at the lower rungs of the city’s
Discrimination established order. Patrons of the flesh should tread
Regardless of the massive and diverse population, lightly.
the hard living status common to Field Ward Alcoholism and drug addiction are common
residents caused an inherent lack of trust and threats in communities stricken with poverty; the
kindness to the wide array of races living there. This Field Ward is no different. These habits often lead to
ignorance is truly their loss and not to their credit. erratic, violent and self-destructive behavior. Those
Players may exhibit or be confronted with cultural, who suffer from these afflictions will often take great
religious, racial or other biases. If this is an issue risks to sustain their habits, if only to function as
deemed too sensitive for your group, be aware that they have grown accustomed to. Victims of this
it is absolutely not the crux of the gameplay behavior may engage in crime or sell personal
experience and may be omitted. As an alternative, belongings at bargain rates to continue the flow of
this topic could be alluded to or addressed lightly in coin to satisfy their urges.
the narrative to demonstrate intended tension and
realism in a diverse setting. Player comfort comes Environmental Hazards
first and foremost. Nature or accidents may spite the denizens of the
Understand that this topic may easily be omitted Field Ward and cause serious issues going forward
from gameplay, and instead could be addressed during the quarantine. Fires are not uncommon and
lightly in the narrative to demonstrate intended they may lead to serious damage, injury and/or
tension and realism in a diverse setting. death. Should a fire break out, all firefighting efforts
are volunteered by the ward’s citizens. Water is
Peasantspeak Racial Slang scarce and is usually taken with buckets or various
Most denizens of the Field Ward speak a particular dialect of other containers ranging from rain barrels, catch
Common known as Peasantspeak. This language has its own basins and uncommon cisterns located on rooftops
racial slang. and in alleyways.
 Round-Ear: Human As a reaction to this, some of the less honorable or
 Sharp-Ear: Elf ill-concerned people in the area may loot or pillage
the site of these unfortunate incidents for riches,
 Beardish: Dwarf
building materials or other salvage, sometimes even
 Short-Stack: Halfling as the flames are still burning bright. Periods of
 Itty-Bitty: Gnome heavy rain may cause extensive damage to
 Tusker: Half-Orc
entrenched properties, poorly fortified dwellings
and tent encampments. Without paved or cobbled
 Half-Sharp: Half-Elf roads and pathways, the muddy trails that crisscross
 Scale-Face: Dragonborn the ward are rather treacherous.
 Horn-Bastard, Horn-Bitch: Tiefling

Down & Out in Waterdeep: a Level 0 Adventure

Crime & Self-Preservation Personality is Character
The ward has an ever expanding and contracting Character creation is a joy to many players from any
population of outlaws, outsiders and other unlovable edition of the game and this adventure should be no
types that hail from different walks of life. Crime is different. The process is much like you remember;
common within the ward and is further aggravated however, there are a few guidelines and new rules to
by the tension created by the quarantine. Everything follow. Your level 0 character won't begin with very
is available in the ward, provided that you can much in the traditional sense, but they have what is
muster the coin. Stolen goods, sensitive information, considered to be the core of a character: personality.
illegal items, poisons and all manner of black market With an emphasis on narrative development &
goods are exchanged within the taverns, alleys and roleplay, this adventure is built to let the players and
dark corners. dungeon master shine by making use of core
Pickpockets will attempt to steal from members of mechanics, such as race, personality details and
your party in subtle and clever ways. Shady dealers backgrounds. In the absence of a formal level 1 class,
will offer to sell party members stolen simple goods, these are effective prime indicators of their means
sometimes including items stolen from the party and goals. Alignment may change through the course
themselves. Thieves will attempt to rob or steal from of this or any adventure. Be sure to award players
the party in the night or during long rests. Some with inspiration for creativity and effective
addicts will often instigate, beg or attack the party. roleplaying.
These denizens are found in all areas of the Field
The characters may seek to arm themselves with
equipment to keep them safe, especially given that
they are embroiled in the intrigue of this adventure.
Once per day, a player may scavenge in a densely
littered area for an improvised weapon, rolling on
the Found Weapons table in Appendix A. Each of
these weapons function like its actual counterpart
but deals less effective damage. At the DM’s
discretion, it has the possibility of breaking to the
point of uselessness. Carrying these weapons in the
open may lead to confrontational questioning from
the City Watch.

Character Creation
In this adventure, players begin without a class at
level 0 and play their way through perils and trials
to reach sufficient milestone experience for level 1.
When they level up, players will determine their
character’s class via the narrative or their own
reasoning. A level 0 character will make use of most
of the same features that level 1 characters have at
their disposal.
Our level 0 players will not have access to a
character class, its related equipment and abilities.
The level 0 adventurers are encouraged to heavily
rely on the features that are granted to them prior to
gaining a character class to better explore their
origins and innate capabilities. The characters will
begin with the information in the Level 0 Breakdown
marked on their sheet.

Down & Out in Waterdeep: a Level 0 Adventure

Level 0 Breakdown Character Hooks
 Name Atmosphere is a character in this adventure; Poverty,
 Appearance & Identity desperation and a hopeful dream; a dream of
o Age adventure beyond the mundane drudgery of your
o Gender normal life.
o Height  Were you born into poverty and abandoned
o Weight or orphaned?
o Eye color  Were you released from servitude or jail
o Skin color only to end up here?
o Hair color  Did you come to ruin from a position of
 Race wealth, grace or station?
o Equipment  Did you settle here from a far-off land?
o Skills  Are you seeking asylum from violence in
o Proficiencies your homeland?
o Features/s  Were you excommunicated by your faith or
 Background ousted from your halls of study?
o Equipment  Did you escape your post or duties to
o Skills assume a new life?
o Proficiencies  Are you estranged by your family and now
o Features/s alone in the world?
 Personal details  Did you awaken here after being beset by
o Alignment traitorous companions, mid-heist?
o Traits  Are you on the run from the authorities for a
o Ideals crime you did not commit?
o Bonds
o Flaws Some of these hooks may allow you to pick up a
 Ability scores particular background or vice-versa. The dungeon
 Additional Stats master might ask deep personal questions to each
o Proficiency +1 player privately, such as:
o Armor Class  What is your intention for joining the party?
o Initiative  Who did you wrong or make an enemy of?
o Speed  What is something that you would give
 Hit points (1d4 hit die + CON bonus) anything to know?
 Attacks & Spellcasting
 Passive Wisdom (Perception) A Look at Actions
For narrative purposes of this adventure, the At level 0 and in the absence of many of the fantastic
character’s lives are met in the midst of this abilities allotted to characters by their class choice,
quarantine. It should be noted that character ideals, some players may feel a bit lost in combat situations.
bonds, flaws, personality traits and alignment You may be doing a service to your players by
ARE NOT STATIC! These elements may change as the reminding them of the different actions they can
players develop their characters through the course take in combat, especially the lesser known or not
of this adventure. commonly used ones.
Be sure to address and discuss these shifts with
your players as they come up or in between sessions.  Attack, or Cast a Spell
For equipment, the player characters only begin  Dash
with the equipment afforded to them by their  Disengage
background, along with a trinket from the Trinkets  Dodge
table in the DUNGEON MASTER’S GUIDE on page 159  Help
or the Waterdhavian Oddities & Trinkets table  Hide
provided in Appendix C. Available currency amounts  Ready
of ALL chosen backgrounds are adjusted to 6d6 or  Search
21 cp.  Use an Object

Down & Out in Waterdeep: a Level 0 Adventure

Available Backgrounds
 Acolyte, Sage, or Cloistered Scholar: In the case Background:
of a more scholarly character, these backgrounds
should suffice. Quarantined Peasant
 Charlatan, Entertainer, Folk Hero, or Urchin: In You have grown familiar and accustomed to the
the case of a character with a focus on clever ever-churning mass of poverty in The Field Ward of
thinking and wit, your choices here are varied and Waterdeep. You live in a climate of contagious
quite interesting. apathy and subsequent violence, yet you are hopeful
 Criminal, Spy, Faction Agent, or Urban Bounty that someday, an opportunity may present itself to
Hunter: Characters with a strong affinity for crime move up or move on in your life. For now, you’re just
intrigue and independence would be very taking life as it comes to you; from hand to mouth, all
comfortable with the benefits found in these while making a clever art of keeping yourself among
options. the living. You make the most of what you have at
 Guild Artisan, Clan Crafter: A character with a every opportunity. You have often longingly watched
focus on mercantilism would do well to choose from the roadside as intrepid bands of adventurers
either of these options. left the city together to find fame and fortune,
 Noble, Courtier, Inheritor, or Waterdhavian wondering what it would be like. Perhaps your
Noble: A character with a focus on matters of destiny will find you, if you can make it through
court may be well suited to choose from these. another day.
 Outlander, Hermit, Far Traveler, or Uthgardt Skill Proficiencies: Choose two from Medicine,
Tribe Member: These characters prominently Survival, Sleight of Hand or Stealth.
feature a bond with the wilderness or seclusion Languages: Peasantspeak.
and would benefit from these backgrounds. Equipment: Urban Survival Pack, and an item from
 Soldier, Sailor, City Watch, Knight of the Order, the Waterdhavian Oddities & Trinkets table.
or Mercenary Veteran: These backgrounds are
overall a general choice for the more martial Feature: Unquestionable Grit
focused characters at the table. The rough existence you’ve endured thus far has
molded you and made you keen to the nature of the
slums and their denizens. Those who do not share
your roots may acknowledge this quality in you and
empathize. Though they might fear you, commoners
will extend you every courtesy and do their utmost
to help you. Unless you have shown yourself to be a
danger to them, they may even take up arms to fight
alongside you, should you find yourself facing an
enemy alone.

From your time here, you've become fluent in a
bastardized form of the Common language known
simply as Peasantspeak. Many natives, merchants,
and traders speak this dialect and it may prove
useful in areas highly populated within the Ward.

Down & Out in Waterdeep: a Level 0 Adventure

Optional Starting Equipment d4 Personality Trait
Urban Survival Pack 1 I have grown ashamed of my hunger and will
Instead of your character’s starting equipment and only eat when & where people cannot see me
gold provided by their background, you may begin 2 Life is cruel, yet I often laugh uproariously at
with an Urban Survival Pack, which includes the other people’s misfortunes
following: A backpack or a sack, a poor quality 3 I strive to be a good example and uplift others
bedroll or a poor quality traveler’s cloak, an that share the same struggles
outdated map of the city, a set of threadbare 4 I will stop at nothing to get what I want
common clothes including a hood or shawl, a
tinderbox, a tankard or waterskin, and a small belt d4 Ideal
pouch containing 6d6 or 21 cp.
1 Compassion. If I can spare it, I will help my
d10 Causes 2 Hope. I long to live a normal, well-adjusted,
1 You were born into this poverty, abandoned and productive life
or orphaned 3 Grounded. I’ll never forget where I came from
2 You were released from servitude or jail only 4 Dignity. Regardless of my situation, I will not
to end up here tolerate unfair treatment
3 You fell to ruin from a position of wealth,
grace or station d4 Bond
4 You settled here from a far-off land 1 I once shared my food with a stray dog that
5 You sought asylum here from violence in now visits me every day
your homeland 2 I routinely stole goods from the back of a
6 You excommunicated by your faith or ousted merchant's wagon to make it through hard
from your halls of study times
7 You fled your post or duties to assume a 3 I sometimes wash dishes at the inn for copper
new life 4 I once had a fistfight with a wealthy noble
8 You estranged from your family and now
alone in the world d4 Flaw
9 You awoke here after traitorous cohorts 1 I am deeply fearful of that this may be my lot
turned on you in the middle of a heist in life
10 You are on the run from the authorities for a 2 I too quickly lose my temper with other people
crime you did not commit 3 Money comes and goes too quickly in my
Suggested Characteristics 4 I have a sometimes crippling addiction
In your experiences, you have learned to navigate a
life in poverty. You are a true survivor, hopeful that
one day the rest of your life can begin.

Down & Out in Waterdeep: a Level 0 Adventure

Character Advancement
doesn't get along with other children, mentioning
that she is bullied for her love of flowers, her pointy
This adventure is structured to work with milestone ears, freckles and red hair. Her small garden is stolen
experience. The player-characters will be reaching from often by denizens of the area. She will also
level 1 when they complete the adventure module. comment on the weather and inform the party of it
each time they visit.
Class Mentors If the party comments on her not having a name,
Many of the named NPCs in this adventure may she will become bashful and with a big smile will say
serve as class inspirations or mentors to the “Maybe I’ll grow one, someday.” This child will sell
fledgling level 0 characters of the party, offering flowers and cherry tomatoes for a few copper pieces
guidance, training, or pearls of wisdom. Many of each. She keeps her earnings in a leather pouch
these class mentors are able to enlighten players on which she buries under her bedroll in the center of
their respective backgrounds and the factions of the the garden, each night. The Flower Girl can be
Realms. found in the Eastern Field Ward.
Location 1
Character Death
The Field Ward is a dangerous place, and the
The Alchemist
quarantine’s lockdown has increased the mortality The villain of this adventure is known and referred
rate to drastic proportions. Should one of the to in whispers as ‘the Alchemist’ and is responsible
fledgling characters meet their untimely demise as a for the creation of the dangerous and highly
result of rash action or any of the many dangers addictive drug, Chimera. For the purposes of this
present in this adventure, the surviving members of adventure, ‘the Alchemist’ is only a known title for
the party will inevitably meet Cleric Dudley who the villain. In the case of playing the adventure as
will arrive in uncanny fashion, guided by the will of written, Ivan Kayd Maestro is the NPC who holds
his patron deity Kelemvor to sanctify the recently this title and plays the role of the criminal
deceased and have the body interred until it can be mastermind.
buried properly.
Variant Rule: Who is ‘the Alchemist’?
In an effort to better serve the players, ‘the Alchemist’ is a
Important Locations street-name or title given to the creator of Chimera and the
criminal mastermind behind the spread of addiction and
Many of the named locations in this adventure are
crime. In your game, ‘the Alchemist’ may not be Ivan Kayd
synchronized within acts but can be explored as Maestro; ideally, other candidates for this villain may be:
openly as the rest of the Field Ward area during the Alasha Gaige, Warble Bandlewagon, Dewberry, Alonzo
quarantine. Do not discourage your player’s urge to Redhawke, or any of the NPCs introduced in this adventure.
travel and explore. Also, several key NPCs are
introduced in the different Acts of this module to Dewberry
better correspond with plot action.
CN male wood elf spy, information broker
An aged Elven confidence artist, who pretends to be
Dramatis Personae partially crippled, he is extremely tall and wiry, and
These notable NPCs are commoners, merchants, and even while leaning on his equally tall and knotted
the criminal element present in different areas crutch. His long black hair is well kept and often
throughout the Field Ward of Waterdeep and are hangs in his face, which he always brushes away
present to aid or hinder the party on their adventure. dramatically.
After building a rapport with him, he may disclose
The Flower Girl that he once operated with the Harpers, but was
NG female half-elf life cleric, gardener never formally inducted as a member. Dewberry,
sometimes known as “the Rag Man” is an
This cheerful and wise child is a half-elven female
accomplished and skilled counterfeiter who has
commoner, of only ten years. The unnamed child
mastered the art of forgery and document recreation.
will ideally teach the party the value of hope in the
He can be found in the Central Field Ward.
face of adversity. She can be found tending a small
Location 2
garden and has a fondness for cherry tomatoes. She

Down & Out in Waterdeep: a Level 0 Adventure

Barton Illweiss tyranny, Bane. In conversation with the party, his
LN male gold dwarf fighter, locksmith cavalier attitude creates a deep sense of unease.
In truth, Alonzo is well aware of The Alchemist’s
This elderly Dwarven man is a blacklisted member operation and which he is planning to infiltrate only
of the ‘The Splendid Order of Armorers, Locksmiths, to take over for himself. He intends to strictly to
and Finesmiths’. This squat, barrel-chested Gold profit from the drug sales and not to incite societal
Dwarf is usually found sharpening a longsword, his collapse. Captain Redhawke should encounter the
eyes always darting, ever vigilant of his party in Act I, but can be found throughout the
surroundings in his advancing years. Given his Western Field Ward, lodging at Almondine’s Delight.
fondness for maintaining his longsword, he has Location 7
earned the nickname “the Sharpener”. His long
stringy beard is pearl and grey spreading over his Lady Allegra Almondine
broad chest. Barton can be found in the Central LE female gnome warlock of the fiend, innkeeper
Field Ward.
Location 3 This cunning lady gnome is the owner and
proprietor of her own inn, at the behest of the
Hargadon Dudley Zhentarim. She carries herself with a strong veneer
NG male Waterdhavian human grave cleric, custodian of kindness and mischief much like other gnomes,
albeit with a tint of grit much like the rest of the
A stubbornly quiet middle-aged Waterdhavian man, Field Ward’s residents.
he dutifully carries out his responsibilities as a Unknown to all, Allegra is a warlock of immense
custodian of the dead. His devotion to the god power, bound to Mephistopheles by an eldritch pact.
Kelemvor makes this not just a duty, but a privilege Allegra prefers the long con, demonstrating extreme
among those in the order. patience and rarely tips her hand. Her inn is a vice-
Custodian Dudley wears simple dark robes and a ridden establishment in the Field Ward serving as a
silvered amulet that serves as a holy symbol of his spiral of damnation for her patrons, drawing their
faith. If the party manages to build a rapport with souls to the Lord of the Eighth. She benefits deeply
this tight-lipped civil servant, he will detail the and truly from her work, but sees no real joy in it as
effects of Chimera and its highly fatal qualities which it is the exacted price she must pay to her patron and
have made him a “very busy man indeed …” He can is highly contrary to her Gnomish heritage.
be found throughout the Field Ward handling his The quarantine of the Field Ward in the wake of
duties and sleeps at the Scrap’d Rafter. this addiction outbreak is stifling her work for her
dark lord. She wishes to see it end; if only to
Civilar Alonzo Redhawke continue in her duties to Mephistopheles and the
NE male Waterdhavian human champion fighter long ran vicious cycle she has created. She can be
This dusky skinned human of about fifty is a native found exclusively in her inn, Almondine’s Delight in
of Waterdeep and a Civilar (Captain) in the City the Western Field Ward. Location 8
Watch. Alonzo is clad in a chain shirt of green and
gold. His two standard issue short swords at either Master Olohorn ‘Buzz’ Dorbolor
side of a bandolier are all kept under a masterwork NG male Illuskan human drunken master monk
black leather overcoat. This world wise drunken master is former
He is in peak physical condition for a man of his prizefighting pugilist from Luskan. Olohorn was an
age and not to be trifled with. Tactically, he prefers adventurer for many years, before tragedy led him
intimidation and deception but is a formidable down a path of self-doubt that he never recovered
combatant often fighting with both short-swords. from. He will sarcastically comment on his ‘glorious
Civilar Redhawke was issued orders to supervise the retirement’.
quarantine from within the walls of the Field Ward Adorned in an ill-fitting brown robe with a
and oddly, does not seem bothered by it. massive leather cord wound around the waist,
Born in the Field Ward, he dreamed of a life Olohorn is a human male monk of extreme prowess.
keeping the people of his city safe. After years at his His profound self-awareness allows him to carry
rank, he is now a cynical, ruthless operator driven by himself with an air of cool calm in spite of daily
greed and contempt for his fellow man. He is dangers. He will relate tales of great masters from
extremely secretive about his devotion to the god of before his time and of his own journeys to the party.

Down & Out in Waterdeep: a Level 0 Adventure

He is often seen perched on a wooden crate Jaxim & Dallas Delacourt
outside of a small tent or in his favorite hammock.
NG male and female Amnian human merchants
The party may seek him for advice or wisdom about
the current state of affairs; once his acquaintance is A pair of human commoner guild merchant siblings
made he will insist on you calling him Master from Baldur’s Gate who didn't make it out of the city
Dolbolor, and not by his nickname ‘Buzz’. before the quarantine began. They are now trapped
Should this old master become a mentor to an in the Field Ward and unable to return home. They
aspiring monk, in life or after death, he will impart to will sell simple items from their portable cart. Jaxim
that character his leather belt. Unremarkable to the and Dallas are located at Northgate, in the central
naked eye, the inside of Olohorn’s Belt is worked region of the Field Ward.
over with finely tooled diagrams and passages on Location 6
the martial arts. He can be found in the Western
Field Ward. Delacourt Kaeth
Location 10 The one thing they seem to have no end of is coffee (also
called Kaeth in the Forgotten Realms), which they brew all
Waterdeep City Watch day and night for a 1cp per mug. Consuming a mug of
LN humanoids of various races Delacourt Kaeth will give players a +2 bonus to Wisdom
(Perception), Dexterity (Sleight of Hand), and Initiative checks
These Armars, Civilars and Officers will take a for a 2d4 hours. Otherwise, they have a limited array of
successful DC 18 Charisma (Persuasion) check to supplies and generally higher prices.
even be engaged with socially. Given the quarantine
and the rash of resultant crime, members of the Addicted Loyals
Watch will typically appear in groups of two to four.
NE humanoids of various races
All members of the Watch should be expressed
with the Guard stat block with corresponding racial These once able-bodied farmhands and other
features. Overwhelmed and underprepared for the commoners have fallen to ruin and now engage in
peacekeeping duties amidst this crisis, some may crime, including the sale and distribution of
carry on diligently, while members may become Chimera. They are indefinitely loyal to “the
inept through fear. Higher ranking officers are in Alchemist” but have been known to display erratic
charge of the investigation to root out the causes of behavior, from extreme aggression or crippling
death and sickness, to link someone or something cowardice when faced with danger or those who
back to the spread of Chimera. uphold the law. They are often seen wear foraged
Detachments of the Waterdeep City Watch can be red shawls in various ways, and are found in all
found in all areas of the Field Ward and are most areas of the Field Ward, especially near The ’Dhavian
likely to be found at the areas nearest North Tower, Trill.
Northgate, Farwatch Tower and Endcliff Tower,
while rotating their schedules between rest and Alasha Gaige
patrol from those Towers. NE female half-Elf mastermind rogue
An unscrupulous Half-Elven woman in her thirties
Zhentarim Operatives who took to a life of crime after being disgraced and
LE humanoids of various races
unnamed by the noble family she was born into. Her
A training cell of Black Network urban operatives youthful appearance is generally unremarkable with
live and operate among the common people. These the exception of her noticeably sickly yellow eyes
Fangs are often proliferating crime, sowing discord and complexion. These features rest among sunken
and honing their craft as dangerous operators and features due to jaundice. A permanent fixture of the
infiltrators. They may be expressed with the Thug Ward, she has become the most feared and
stat block with corresponding racial features. They respected woman in Eastern edges and is often
can be found in all areas of the Field Ward. referred to as ‘the Kingpin of Tent Town’.
Her temperament changes with the success of her
business in the sale of poisons and the trade illicit
weapons, operating exclusively within the Ward and
away from the watchful eye of the City Watch.
Despite the immense education she received as a

Down & Out in Waterdeep: a Level 0 Adventure

child, her speech is like that of a guttersnipe if only they are gruff and often rude but never fail to carry
to hide her pedigree and acute intelligence. Alasha is out their duties.
well guarded, accompanied by a contingent of local Single-minded and rather ignorant about their
Tent Town Thugs. These loyal followers will engage environment, they would rather focus on their
the party in an extensive pat-down, bag and body mundane line of work and carousing so long as the
check before they are even allowed near her or the coin continues to flow. The brothers were
central area of the settlement. The Great Tent, abandoned in the wilds outside of the city. Due to
Alasha’s dwelling is in Eastern area of the Field this, they are unsure of their ages and will
Ward, in the center Tent Town. continually argue over who is the eldest when it
Quest: End the quarantine so she may resume comes to contention. Their indifference to the
business. quarantine is worrisome, but not alarming. The
Howlson Brothers are half-orc commoners with
Kalastoz Endtooth the guild merchant background. Their establishment
LN male lizardfolk barbarian, leatherworker is located in the Western area of the Field Ward.
Location 12
In the Central Field Ward, west of the Northgate
Tower lays a medium-sized hovel with no roof
Brother Valther Cornish
where the young Lizardfolk artisan of the Field Ward
NG male Waterdhavian human light cleric
lives and works as a skinner and tanner. This
pragmatic and skilled craftsman is often found Brother Cornish is a human commoner with the
working alone, tearing over hide and hair to create acolyte background, once a priest in the Spires of the
workable materials for the hunters and pelt Morning (Temple of Lathander) before he began to
collectors of the city. experience the horrors and dread from visions of the
Clad in a stained hooded robe with no sleeves, his dark god, Bane gaining the portfolio of Dusk at the
larger than average scales and upright posture lead Edict of Amanatour. (The Heresy of the Three-Faced
people to mistake him for a Dragonborn. Kalastoz Sun) Consumed by dread and madness, he is now a
will claim to be descended from the Great Green ragged, grim reminder of the eternal struggle
Dragon of Kryptgarden Forest, outside of Red Larch. between the powers of the Realms.
If asked why his robe has no sleeves, he will Valther will exclaim that the quarantine is a “Sign
comment: “Sleeves. Ack. They are. ACK. Bullshit.” of the Dark Lord’s power in Waterdeep!” and that
He will speak rarely and succinctly on any and all “None will be spared but in the light of the Morning
matters of business. Kalastoz is well aware that Lord!” If confronted by Civilar Redhawke, Brother
lizardfolk are not common within the city but his Cornish will see through his ruse of being a hard-
efficiency and skill in craft is without equal. He boiled keeper of the peace. Cornish will rant and
secretly fears that it is only a matter of time before rave, attempting to expose Alonzo as a servant of
he is discriminately removed from the Ward or Bane. This wildly evangelical and crazed street-
killed by racially motivated violence. Kalastoz is a preacher wanders all areas of the Field Ward,
lizardfolk commoner with the guild merchant typically sleeping for a few hours at roadsides. Each
background. morning he will return to the main road that leads
Location 11 westward in the Ward, symbolic against the rising
sun in the faith of Lathander.
Rufus, Hurris, & Dert Howlson
Three CN male half-orc barbarians, butchers Finnbar Oldenquist
CN halfling guild merchant
These hulking, ill-tempered but chuckle-headed
brothers are responsible for the butchering of This middle-aged Halfling is a quick-witted shady
animals for meat and material. Prone to heavy bouts dealer was once a proud cleric of Tymora. Now
of drinking, womanizing and fighting amongst each weathered, faithless and seeking to sate his greed,
other, they are regardless hard-working and fiercely his devotion is to commerce and shaving coin in any
loyal. They are average and even stereotypical deal he makes. Finnbar will often remark “Crates
outcasts as half-orcs go, dressed in leather aprons fall off of wagons all the time. The world is an
and blood spattered leathers befitting their imperfect place.” Finnbar is a halfling commoner
profession and fits of anger. In matters of business, with the Guild Merchant background. From his
portable cart, this acquisition specialist will sell

Down & Out in Waterdeep: a Level 0 Adventure

different items such as simple clothes, cloaks, etc. He road in an area known as The Lawns. Hugging the
carries a wide array of supplies and goods at higher main road, makeshift booths and hovels usually
than average prices. Oldenquist is located in the accompanied by packs of Dwarven bargain hunters
western region of the Field Ward. comprise The Merchants’ Corridor. An abandoned
Location 4 guard post still stands outside of the tremendous
archway known to all as Northgate.
Maricost Shayne
LE female human criminal, farmer West
Densely packed clusters of makeshift shacks, hovels
A young human woman, slight of figure with pale
and lean-tos are surprisingly well arranged from The
skin, long jet black hair and a chip on her shoulder.
Main Road to the very boundary the city walls.
She functions as a grocer, selling simple meats,
Almondine’s Delight is a three floor stone and wood
vegetables. This person is actually Maricost Shayne’s
building that serves as a den of vice and a hotel. A
murderer, who took over her life without notice.
single floored, wide wooden tenement building is
This Black Network operative disposes of bodies in
not far from it.
the wake of crimes by feeding them to her pigs.
Maricost should be expressed with the commoner East
stat block as a variant human with the Actor feat.
The Scrap’d Rafter, a simple and sometimes jovial
She is located in the western region of the Field
watering hole is the social hub of area. There is also
Ward. Location 5
a complex warren of colorful, patchwork structures
known as the ‘Tent Town Slums’ which stand just
The Field Ward Locales before Overlook where the cliff side geography of
the city begins. The Music Hall, once a proud beacon
of the arts stands within the bounds of and against
Throughout walls of the ward. The Cliffside Sprawl is a
In the shadow of Trollwall to the west and the city
dangerous run of hovels, tents and simple shelters
most proper lays the Field Ward of Waterdeep. The that the worst among Ward commoners call “home”.
dense population of commoners leaves few areas The Endshift Tavern is located at the corner of the
unclaimed and resources among them scant. These
Breezeway and Endshift Street.
conditions have only worsened since the City Watch
has imposed quarantine on this section, allowing no
one in or out of its confines. The landscape of the
ward is packed with ruined structures, makeshift
dwellings and unpaved dirt roads crisscrossing from
wall to wall. Patches of uneven scrubland are
speckled wherever people have not taken to the land
with heel or made rest.
Considering the underdevelopment of the Ward,
there are no sewers. To this point, should you not be
mindful of your pathing, you may even step directly
into a slop hole or a latrine. Crime is a constant and
permanent fixture in the Ward, alongside some of
the more foul dirty jobs that are not welcome within
the rest of the city such as tanning, skinning, and
slaughter. The quarantine has cut the Field Ward off
from the many essential services provided by guilds
that made life a bit more bearable. The Ward is an
overall filthy and noisy place from end to end.

From Northgate to the walls of the North Ward lies
The Main Road, which serves as a median between
the west and east areas. Rare patches of lush grass,
dappled with few trees lie to the east of the main

Down & Out in Waterdeep: a Level 0 Adventure

Intended Narrative Path
haven't been stolen or eaten; they all collage to form
this avenue from North Trollwall to the very edge of
The party's adventure is most likely to play out as the North Ward.
follows: Location A1
 The discovery of the pouch/drug stash in
Act I leads the party to interactions with It is an overcast day on the Sword Coast and
various named and unnamed NPCs, and to lately, loose coin is as rare as can barely be
the Scrap'd Rafter followed by The ’Dhavian
stomached. You’ve just been turned away by the
 There, the party will discover intrigue and a firmly locked portcullis at the North Wall Gate by
secret locked door which is the entrance to the City Watch due to an ‘Ongoing investigation’
the alchemy lab. Returning back to your usual resting place along
 Back outside, the PCs might witness more of the makeshift road, you pass a dense clot of wood,
the complex drug trade and make the
broken glassware and other refuse all garnished in
acquaintance of a young urchin who will
lead them to Almondine's Delight with the scraps from old caravan tents left to rot and waste
intention of a meeting with Iomhar away in the elements. They've been picked clean of
Rackham and Ivan Maestro. all value long ago. You would know. You poked
 The PCs likely hear tales of the spread of around them last week for yourself. You feel
Chimera use and seek out more information. desperately sick eyes on you at times, you know
Iomhar can offer them knowledge about the
that keeping to yourself is often enough to make it
drug and indirect clues to make them
suspicious of Ivan. back to your hovel safely. While trudging your way
 As their investigations expose important back from a daily frustration on the borders of the
information regarding the Alchemist and Field Ward, you feel your stomach groaning. No
the spread of Chimera, the gang may lunch today or breakfast for that matter. As you
respond to this by ambushing the party in
look down to your hunger pains made manifest,
the streets.
 After a confrontation, they will be you happen upon a small glint in the dirt ten feet
indefinitely led back to The ’Dhavian Trill ahead of you. Near this glint, you spot a gorgeously
Music Hall and the final confrontation with crafted leather pouch. You look up and see eyes
the Alchemist Ivan Kayd Maestro. darting to you and to the pouch now uncovered of
mud and plainly visible. What do you do?

Act I
You Meet in a Ditch … Where to Start
“It may sound like I'm complaining, but I'm not. The soon-to-be party members are all likely to rush
After all, with Your help, I'm starving to death. for this pouch at the same time, thus meeting each
Oh, dear Lord. You made many, many poor people. I other. At which point, a fight may break out and/or
realize, of course, it's no shame to be poor... but it's no introductions can be made. A DC 5 Intelligence or
great honor either. So what would be so terrible... if I Wisdom (Medicine) check would reveal to the party
had a small fortune?” that tucked within the leather pouch is abundant
- Tevye, Fiddler on the Roof amount of the drug known as Chimera. A recent
import to the city, the drug is a dangerous and newly
Our adventure begins in the Central Field Ward of
prevalent among the peoples of the Ward.
Waterdeep, with rows of makeshift dwellings lining
While in possession of this pouch, with or without
a muddy road. This passages through the Ward
its contents, a DC 10 Intelligence or Wisdom check
shakenly, much as a sick imitation of life elsewhere
will reveal that it may be wise for the party to avoid
in the city, perhaps as a reminder of the hope still
entanglements with the City Watch, as it is a serious
alive in some its inhabitants. Shabby hovels, tents,
crime and the chief reason for the quarantine. At this
stacks of bricks, reclaimed wood planted into the
point, their windfall may cause the party to retain,
dirt to form walls, even some small animals that
consume, sell or destroy the contents of the pouch.

Down & Out in Waterdeep: a Level 0 Adventure

Seeking a quiet place that is light of presence by the somehow. He refers to the Rafter as “Melora’s House”
City Watch, they may seek the Scrap’d Rafter in the when people question his ways. “Deres rules here.
Eastern Field Ward. We got rules, yah know.” When asked about the bar
patrons, Warble may make reference of a strange
The Scrap’d Rafter fellow and mention rumor of “a Fella bard he said he
Should you wander the Eastern Field Ward for long was, told him he musta taken a wrong turn ta up
enough, you may notice to a simple two-story, free down 'err. He was quick to be on his way and looked
standing U-shaped building. The inn known as The a spot of worry. Dey says each one, teach one. Yah
Scrap'd Rafter is crowded wall to wall with few seats know?” This should serve as a token of information
and is populated by the broke, hungry and damned toward the investigation. Inn pricing for a poor
of this part of down. Some gambling, some bartering, quality single room is 2cp per night and
and some even locals just licking their wounds. Most accommodations are located within the building.
are too broke to be lost in their cups. Quest: End the quarantine, so he can plan to reclaim
The damp planks that make up the floor are worn, The ‘Dhavian Trill.
creaking or squishing with the corresponding
weather. The walls that divide the room inside are Iomhar ‘Bodee’ Rackham
paper-thin to the fault that when a candle is carried N male half-elf inquisitive rogue
you can almost perfectly trace a dweller's shadow. Among the motley crowd of the inn is Iomhar
The windows would be perpetually fogged from the Rackham. This Half-Elf is a known scoundrel who
heat and stink of the crowds if there were any full recently arrived from Baldur's Gate in search of
panes of glass to them. A shoddy wooden staircase leads pertaining to the Zhentarim and the
fills the back wall across from the door of the inn, quarantine. Standing above average height with a
and leads to the second level where the rentable malnourished but sturdy build, he is very young
rooms are. Patrons often barter for lodgings at a fair among other Half-elves and his olive skin is dressed
rate, but those rates soon become unreasonable for in tattered black traveler's clothes and a boot-length
“unreasonable” clientele. charcoal cloak. Under the cloak, two simple, pitted
Location A2 daggers are on the right side of his belt and a well-
made leather satchel hanging heavily from the left.
Warble Bandlewagon Under his gray hood, his short black hair and equally
LN male stout halfling innkeeper, bard, former ranger short, scruffy beard would lead you to believe he is
If the PCs engage the owner of the Scrap'd Rafter, human.
they will encounter a stout Halfling of nearly 100, Although he has no active knowledge of the bard
who hops along on a pronounced limp on a platform or the pouch you found, Iomhar is aware that a
behind the normal-sized bar counter. Warble is a concert is taking place in the city this evening but
worn-down stump of a barkeep that will easily does not know where. When asked about the concert,
recognize other Halflings and figures of any he will refer to it as an expensive waste of time and
reputation. He was also the builder and is owner of state he has no direct interest therein.
this establishment. Warble is shaved bald, with very Currently on the run from local authorities, he is
thick bags under his eyes and a few missing teeth forced to temporarily suspend his search for the
due to exposure and his old age. He stands shorter Zhents and keep a low profile during the quarantine
than the average Halfling with a surprisingly round as not to arouse suspicion. He is willing to trade
belly. information to the PCs with a successful DC 10
He is curt in times of stress or looming danger. PCs Charisma (Persuasion) check, including falsehoods
will notice he wears many gold painted lead rings and simple rumors. Iomhar is first met in the
and a thick leaden chain with a pan-flute hanging Scrap’d Rafter and will be recognizable to the party
from it, over his leather apron. His family once in other areas of the Field Ward afterwards.
owned and ran a now abandoned music hall Quest: Aid him in tracking down the Zhents.
formerly known as The ’Dhavian Trill, that now
stands as a squatting place in the Field Ward. Kemper Copperfury
A younger Warble rejected his family tradition of LE female gold dwarf criminal informant
bardship, and spent time as a ranger after he found Playing Liar’s Dice at the table, aggressively taunting
his faith in Melora. His inadequate skill as a the other patrons sits Kemper Copperfury. She is a
trailblazer led to the loss of his right thumb, Gold Dwarf with a love for gambling, misfortune and

Down & Out in Waterdeep: a Level 0 Adventure

schadenfreude. Her tight, painted red braids hang without the help of named characters, the party will
low to the small of her back with mats and tangles encounter an Addicted Loyal and a shady dealer on
throughout. She will use Dwarvish curse words often their way out of the inn. A successful DC 12 Wisdom
and stands at average build and height. Kemper will (Perception) check will reveal telltale signs that the
lose her patience with the PCs if they don’t wish to addict is a Chimera user; a lower result will indicate
engage her in games of chance and will shun them, that he is a sickly. Additional Intelligence
returning to her games with other NPCs. (Investigation) or Wisdom (Survival) checks about
Unknown to all, she is a newly recruited but this Addicted Loyal will allow the PCs to ascertain
reliable Zhentarim Fang who is planted at the inn to that he has been seen leaving his room here and
keep an eye on Iomhar Rackham. She relies on heading to a building on the far end of the Northern
gambling money away from patrons to thin the wall.
crowd and sate her greed. Telling Kemper anything After learning the addict’s destination, the party
about the drug filled pouch, the party or any other will find themselves on the trail of “the bard” and at
sensitive knowledge is not good and PCs should not The ’Dhavian Trill. The face of the building is an
trust her. eyesore among other structures that make up this
A successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check area, covered in smears of oddly colored paint with
will notice that she carries no weapons and wears no makeshift planks nailed over the windows and door
visible armor but doesn’t seem worried about the frame. With a DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation)
often dangerous surroundings. A successful DC 18 check, PCs will notice that these planks have been
Wisdom (Insight) check will note that she is being removed and replaced many times. A DC 10 Strength
directly dismissive and does not want to be (Athletics) check can pry the boards loose from the
distracted from the far corner of the room when doorframe and allow the party to enter. What
Iomhar is seated. Kemper does not leave the Scrap’d appears to be the main entrance is adorned with a
Rafter. poorly painted representation of a ferocious
Quest: Lead Rackham to capture and interrogation. chimera; a DC 10 Intelligence (History) check will
reveal the building to be an abandoned concert or
Liar’s Dice gathering hall.
A simple game is played with each player having five dice,

Dhavian Trill Music Hall

plus a cup that conceals their roll from the other players.
Players roll their dice at the start of a game, should any dice
land on top of one another, then that particular roll needs to This simple single level, multi-roomed building is
be taken again. Once all players have rolled their dice, they located against the North Eastern wall of the Field
must be kept concealed, thus the use of the cup. Players then Ward made of simple but hearty wood construction.
make bids on how the value of dice as a whole. For example, Deep within, below the stage lies a secret passage to
a player declaring that there are ‘two 3’s’ is stating that there the laboratory where the alchemical version of
at least two dice showing a 3. The player can either
Traveler’s Dust is being produced by Ivan Maestro
continuing playing, or challenge that particular player. Should
and his cadre of loyal, drug addicted thugs.
they have the dice described, or more, then the player who
made the initial challenge will lose a die.
It is to be noted that Ivan sees this hired help as
highly expendable and is likely to influence them
Only the current bid can be challenged, and you can only into becoming users of the product. As a result, these
challenge players during your turn. The game continues until Thugs are weakened and operate at a manageable
only one player remains. High risk betting and deception are threshold for the party. The secret passage is not
the game’s key features. accessible until Act III, though the players may
discover it during their investigation.
Upon entering the complex, the party will see a
state of pillaged, flame-scarred ruin following
Developments abandonment and squatting from commoners of the
The other patrons are generally unhelpful or too Ward. A considerable amount of random filth, rubble
despondent to care but will suggest you speak to and debris litter the floors. The walls are
Kemper if you’re feeling lucky, or to Warble if you pockmarked with dried blood, nicks and scrapes.
want to know more about the town or to speak to Many of the rooms are of a rickety, wooden
Iomhar if you are looking for a slice of the shadier construction, with simple shale and dirt floors
side. After gathering sufficient information, with or among ruined wooden floors. There are no hallways

Down & Out in Waterdeep: a Level 0 Adventure

between the rooms. This once proud home of the of the family are either missing, have died or moved
arts is now in a state of utter decay with danger to other cities.
around every corner; The PCs will enter at 1: The
Foyer. Each room of the complex is unlit, musty and
rife with the smell of refuse and decay. They are as What’s Next?
follows: (Map Appendix F) The Alchemist has an investigation of his own. After
losing a valuable stash of Chimera in an ornate
1: The Foyer pouch, he will have his Addicted Loyals on the hunt
The PCs enter into a 40’ by 40’ square room marked for anyone who may have found it, incidentally that
with faint outlines that adorn the walls where would be the player characters.
picture frames once hung. DC 12 Wisdom Have the player characters decided to sell the
(Perception) Intelligence (Arcana) or (Investigation) Chimera Drug stash? Have they chosen to
check reveals a specific faint outline of where experiment with the drug? What were the results?
someone was slain by a magical acid attack. Did they opt to destroy the drugs? Bearing these
Generally considered bare, but littered with trash outcomes in mind, the Alchemist may have
and an empty armor rack in the corner of the room. knowledge of the group's actions when he seeks
A statue of the goddess Meilil once stood on a raised them out in Act II.
dais in the center of this chamber, upon the PCs
entering this room the walls will flicker dimly with
golden light if they are of good nature. A DC 10
Intelligence check will reveal that the shrine appears
to be desecrated by arcane means.
2: The Lounge
The room is reeks of rotten ale and is littered with
the charred remains of tables, stools and chairs.
Amidst all of the damage of the inside of the
compound, a portrait of a much younger, happier
Warble Bandlewagon holding a set of golden
panpipes still adorns the wall. Magically enchanted,
it is pristine under a thick coat of ash and affixed to
the wall. DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) Strength
(Athletics) or Thieves’ Tools check will allow you to
remove it from the mounting. The DC of this check is
reduced by 5 for each PC who said something “nice”
about Warble after entering the room.
Destroyed chandeliers along the floors of this
room create difficult terrain. Among the wreckage, a
successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check, the
party will notice ruined instrument of your choosing.
If the party returns the enormous portrait to Warble
at the Scrap’d Rafter, he will sullenly thank them
before rolling it up and hiding it under the bar. In
exchange he will offer the party permanent lodgings
as a gesture of appreciation.
3: The Stage and Seating
The largest room of the complex is lined with rows
of benches, rafters and other seating. Melted wax
adorns four iron pillars arranged at the corners of
the room. Removing the wax in any way reveals the
name placards of Bandlewagon family members:
Janne, Anton, Daario, and Carradine. These members

Down & Out in Waterdeep: a Level 0 Adventure

Act II
from passers-through and the less fortunate who are
seeking to try their luck.
Should violence or malice erupt within the inn, the
To Live & Die in Waterdeep servers and bar-hands are magically capable of
removing the elements found undesirable via spells
like Suggestion or Hold Person. Almondine rarely
Chaos! The City of Waterdeep is being corrupted
makes appearances but when she does, the throng of
from within by the spread of a dangerous street patrons can only stare agape at the small yet
drug, Chimera. There is death in every ward. In an commanding Gnome woman who has provided such
effort to combat the spread of these addictions, the a fantasy and respite from the dangers outside. All
City Watch has traced its origin to The Field Ward manner of alcohol, poor quality lodging, and other
vices are available at this inn at affordable rates,
and established Quarantine. As the denizens of
adjusted for the local economy.
this ward suffer from this spreading corruption in
conditions of severe poverty, a group of unlikely Ivan Kayd Maestro
champions find themselves entangled … At such time as they arrive at the den of vice known
as Almondine’s Delight, the party will be ushered
over to a dimly lit corner table by Ivan Kayd
After the party investigates the derelict music hall,
Maestro, aka The Alchemist.
they are likely to see the prevalent use of Chimera
Ivan is a tall, sallow middle-aged Illuskan wizard
visibly and without apology. A nameless young
wearing stained, loose-fitting robes. Below his
guttersnipe in a simple sackcloth tunic will rush up
greasy, stringy black hair is a pair of red-veined eyes
to them and stop directly in their path. Looking them
that dart around often with a visible tinge of
over to be certain, the urchin will reach into their
paranoia. A series of empty pouches and scroll-tubes
pocket and produce a letter that reads:
under his threadbare coat are only mildly noticeable
in the dim light.
Friends, Maestro was previously a scholar at Candlekeep
It seems you are making too much noise and before being expelled from their services for reasons
things have become rickety. Meet me at The he will not disclose. Ivan was seated alone and will
Delight at your nearest convenience. return to his seat to continue slobbering over a plate
of random greasy foods. Showing no sign of shame,
his ritual for eating is visibly disgusting and could be
described as grotesque. From fingertips to sleeve
The child is shy and having the task accomplished, cuffs, his greasy hands push back a barren, empty
will run off before answering any questions. plate as he looks up and entreats the party. With his
mouth still full, he leans back into the comfort of the

Almondine’s Delight padded booth. Oils and sauce dribble to his chin.
A disgraced scholar turned career criminal,
This rarified sight, a two story stone building serves Maestro deals in illegal items and sensitive
as a gathering place, an inn and den of vice in the information. His broken patterns of speech, with
Field Ward. Owned and operated by the lady gnome, constant stops and starts make him hard to follow in
Allegra Almondine at the pleasure of the Zhentarim. conversation. This informant works with Iomhar in
Neat wooden floors with card and dice tables exchange for Traveler’s Dust, a potent drug. A DC 10
covered in shoddy velvet make up the ground floor, Wisdom (Medicine) or (Insight) check will reveal
with the rooms above assigned to lodging and more this knowledge to the players. “Anyone using
private forms of recreation. A massive wooden traveler's dust showed these telltale signs: trembling
serving counter wraps around the walls across from hands, sometimes slurred speech, and most telling,
the main entrance, accompanied by servers and bar- eyes the color of blood. All who used the drug
hands from all walks of low life. eventually died.”
The crowds that often occupy this inn are among This mage is a foul sort, but given his arrangement
the worst kinds of the people in the Field Ward. Liars, with Iomhar, he will be begrudgingly honest and
cardsharps, thieves, and the like will congregate offer simple but vague information aiding in their
here on a regular basis to shave their share of coin entanglements. He will produce and light his pipe

Down & Out in Waterdeep: a Level 0 Adventure

after his meal and before he engages the group in Iomhar has been an unwitting mule for Maestro’s
discourse. Topics of conversation may include the operation for a long time, and will exchange a sizable,
recent outbreak of sickness in the Field Ward, details sealed pouch of Traveler’s Dust with him for four
about The ’Dhavian Trill, how he met Iomhar and scroll-tubes. He attempts to secret these tubes away
simple facts about Waterdeep. before anyone else is able to identify what they are.
Regardless of the topics discussed, Ivan should use A contested Wisdom (Perception) check against
the word “Bravo” whenever possible as to make it Iomhar’s Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) will indicate
impressionable on the party. “Bravo” is the they are leather scroll-tubes marked with a seal
command word which opens the secret door in the from Candlekeep. If questioned about them, he will
Music Hall. casually comment that they are four maps meant for
Due to the nature of his drug-use and a later job; a DC 20 Wisdom (Insight) check will
accompanying forgetfulness, he chose a word that is reveal this to be a lie.
rather unique to him that he uses often. This shady deal is meant to immerse the PCs in the
underworld of Waterdeep and the Sword Coast, and
Maestro’s Information you as the DM will know these five documents are
If asked about the crisis in the Field Ward, Maestro encoded letters for dead drops and trade of
will comment that inhabitants here, by and large are Traveler’s Dust.
generally of no use or circumstance to anyone. “A
sick tragedy for the already sick, if you ask me. I Concluding the Meeting
can’t imagine anything more foolish than doctors or As he leaves the table, Ivan needing to sate his
clerics risking their lives for the chance at a more addiction is now anxious to find privacy and will
fulfilling life.” tuck the table’s bill into the hood of Iomhar’s cloak.
If asked about The ’Dhavian Trill, Maestro will Gently patting him on the shoulder before he walks
admit that he had visited as a judge in hopes of away he will insincerely thank him for the meal. As a
changing his poor mood and is familiar with the manner of engagement, he may ask a player who
internal layout. “It seems that the stringers are so set showed him the most visible disgust for some coin
on changing their fortune that they just take the before he goes, claiming “the hard times haven’t yet
reins and push into the unknown. If they go far passed.” If coin is given by any member of the party,
enough, the lady rewards them. Strange, yeah?” he will exclaim at the sight of their riches and he will
If asked about Iomhar, we will use his street name grovel for more coin before finding his way out of
alias of ‘Bodee’ and mention that Iomhar helped him the scene.
travel from Baldur’s Gate to a city where he could
blend in more. If too much information is told to the Simple Card Games & Gambling
party, Iomhar will interrupt and end the meeting Make use of familiar games known throughout the Forgotten
immediately, sending him away. Maestro will use Realms, such as Three Dragon Ante, Liar’s Dice or others to
Thieves’ Cant to speak to Iomhar whenever immerse the players in the setting of Almondine’s Delight.
information is sensitive.
If asked about Waterdeep, feel free to elaborate
with your favorite facts about the City of Splendors. Developments
You may instead relate to the party that the city’s The party will begin to pick up on conversations and
state is irrelevant and that they should get their rumors that the quarantine is in effect to keep a vile,
heads back to the task at hand. highly addictive, fatal drug from spreading
If asked about Chimera, Ivan will become visibly throughout the city. This is meant to be their first
agitated with the party and ask them about their line major call to action, a path to heroism and right or
of questioning. Having foolishly lost the ornate drug opportunism and evil. Players may seek to stop the
pouch on his way to further fund his operation and threat of this spreading drug and save the Field
his drug habit, he is highly motivated to reclaim it by Ward from destroying itself from within. Conversely,
any means necessary to support his villainous players may seek to find themselves in league with
agenda. If the party reveals their possession of the the architect of this man-made plague.
item, he may show restraint and bargain for it. If the
party does not comply with his demands, he will
have them tailed or outright followed by a group of
his Addicted Loyals.

Down & Out in Waterdeep: a Level 0 Adventure

What’s Next?
commoners may seem rude, preoccupied or
The one responsible for the creation of this As this Act progresses, the party may seek to
dangerous concoction is no other than Ivan Kayd confront the Addicted Loyals and trace the path of
Maestro himself. His addiction to Traveler’s Dust Chimera traffic back to the source. If the party
and knowledge of Arcane magic led him to create a shows no interest in the Addicted Loyals, a group of
dangerous, alchemical version that is less expensive, four will descend on the party in broad daylight to
additionally causing higher rates of addiction and provoke a battle. After two of them are defeated, the
even more frequent fatal results. His most recent third and fourth will run back The ‘Dhavian Trill,
batch had been compromised and has an increased leading the party directly to the Alchemist.
risk of death. The party may come to a consensus or be
dissonant on how to proceed. Through the course of

the adventure, the party should likely plan to
confront the issue of the quarantine and therefore
return to The ‘Dhavian Trill Music Hall to enter the
The Sound of No Hands Clapping secret passage and chamber within. The possibilities
are explained below.
Despair. The Field Ward of Waterdeep is rotting
Return to Dhavian Trill
from within from the vice grip of a dangerous
4: The Alchemy Laboratory
street drug, Chimera. Danger is present at every
turn and the population is plummeting at a
The carved out tunnel behind a tattered curtain on
the stage leads to Ivan’s Alchemy Laboratory, (Map
catastrophic pace. With the City Watch unable to
Appendix G). The laboratory exists underground
root out this corruption and bring it to an end, our and is only accessible if the command word “Bravo”
champions are in the midst of their own is spoken. A DC 10 Intelligence check will raise a
investigation. As quarantine continues, the party player’s suspicion and help a player remember
seeks to find and still the beating heart of this vile
Ivan’s overuse of the word. The air is damp and acrid
in the long passage; an uncomforting mist that
affliction …
smells of acid hangs about. Between beams of the
large wooden planks, a fine purple moss can be seen.
Further adding to the vile threat, a group of The sounds of rushing water, bubbling pots and
Addicted Loyals will murder Jaxim and Dallas in metal clanging can be heard ahead of the PCs from
secret, claiming the merchant cart for their own. The down the hallway. The hallway stretches for 55ft.
intention behind this is to sell Chimera poisoned and snakes on for only a bit further back on itself,
kaeth to the denizens of the ward, with small enough ending with a square chamber.
doses to create cravings for the substance among the At the end of a narrow 5ft. wide passage with low
Delacourt’s many patrons. ceilings the party will find an 80ft. square room.
Residents of the Ward may become suspicious of Much like the man-made hallway before it, the room
the party as they begin building a reputation has crumbling dirt walls, supported by wooden
throughout the adventure, believing them to be pillars throughout to support the packed stone and
members of secret factions or even that they are dirt ceilings. Discarded brown envelopes of Chimera
undercover members of the City Watch. For social litter the corridor, considering his loyal servants are
interactions with less than honorable members of eager to consume their “payment”. There is dim
the Ward in Act III, Commoners will make overt, magical light that fills the corridor and the
extensive amounts of Wisdom (Insight) or Wisdom laboratory chamber. An acrid scent permeates the
(Perception) checks against characters in an effort to air.
discern their motives. The walls of the square workroom are lined with
While traveling throughout the Ward, the party is tables and crude graffiti. There are pillars, each in
likely to encounter groups of 3d6 Commoners the corners and center of the room. DC 10
engaged in use of Chimera. Their use of the drug Intelligence (Arcana) check will explain an
will become more overt as the days continue onward, extinguished Brazier of Green Flame stands in this
until The Alchemist is confronted. These room. A variety of steel pots hang from the ceiling
for use in the experiments to create the Alchemical

Down & Out in Waterdeep: a Level 0 Adventure

Traveler’s Dust. A small library carved into the wall The Alchemist is sided with …
opposite the entrance is lined with bookshelves from The party may find themselves siding with Ivan and
floor to ceiling. The books in this library recount a taking up roles in his spiraling criminal endeavor. In
history of the Waterdeep, and various arcane rites this case, they will find themselves on the wrong
and rituals. A successful DC 12 Intelligence side of the law and attempting to placate the City
(Investigation) check reveals the wizard used these Watch to lure suspicion away from their operation
books often and was much disorganized. The value or even hatching a plan to have the quarantine lifted.
of these books will vary. A successful DC 15 This morally would put them within the alignments
Intelligence (Arcana) check finds another wizard’s of Lawful, Chaotic or Neutral Evil. Party dissonance,
spellbook among the shelves; Leather and worn, criminal enterprise and possibly redemption can be
adorned with the image of a monstrous Chimera in themes leveraged while moving forward into the
gold leaf on the cover worth 10 gp. All of the books campaign.
are written in or translated into Common. On a
nearby desk in plain sight are a waterlogged journal Bringing the Alchemist to Justice …
(8 sp) and a dagger with an ornamental hilt. (3 gp) The party may decide to seek Civilar Redhawke to
Ivan Kayd Maestro will be present, flanked by bring Ivan into custody. Alonzo will aid the party in
two Addicted Watchers. He will offer the party a combat against Ivan and his thugs, claiming to take
chance to join him in his budding plan to control the the insurrection personally, “He is too dangerous to
poor and desperate of Waterdeep, and having the be left alive.” This statement and his villainous
rate of addiction spread to eventually cripple the ferocity in battle should serve as warning to the
city. party that he does not have the best intentions. After
Ivan is defeated, he will swear the party members to
What do YOU care of Waterdeep? It’s simple you secrecy about the events that have transpired and
see, I love Waterdeep. This is precisely why I plan will hatch a plan to end the quarantine with a cover-
up. His plans to expand the endeavor and take
to bring it to its knees. The nobles live in their
control may unfurl slowly afterward.
great keeps, the population swells with ignorant, Allow your party to make a considerable amount
wasteful life at every boundary and I plan feed it to of Wisdom (Insight) checks against him if they do
my ravenous Chimera. not exhibit suspicion of his renegade intentions. If
they choose to engage Alonzo in combat after alarm
or high suspicion, they will have to deal with the
Most of you have already seen what the city has in
grave consequences of battle or possibly killing a
store for you. You face despair, hunger and poverty high ranking member of the City Watch.
for the rest of your miserable lives. Your live those
lives at the pleasure of the masters you’ll never The Alchemist is battled …
even see. The boundaries of the ward were The party may find themselves in direct conflict with
Ivan and take their first steps toward a life of
established so that they would see this entire
adventure, with their lives as commoners now
corner to rot and die. The system will crumble, fading into the past. What Ivan is doing is morally
even if we only stand tall atop what’s left. wrong and the party may take this to heart, being
that it affects them, their community in the Field
This desperate existence must be brought to an Ward and threatens the very safety of Waterdeep at
end with this sickness at my command! The
Tactically, the encounter with The Alchemist and
addiction that has already spread to the borders of his two Addicted Watchers named Krantz and Stern
this ward will devour Waterdeep, Ward by Ward. is meant to challenge the party and feel dramatic.
How long will it take before it consumes the entire Ivan is a first level spell caster with access to
Crown of the North?! Join me or their fate will be damaging spells and flasks of Alchemist’s Fire. His
two minions, Bounder & Azaven are likely to use
yours as well...
Chimera to boost their effectiveness in combat. If
this battle takes a turn for the worse for the party,
you are given a few thematic elements to bring
misfortune to their foes. A fire can erupt from the

Down & Out in Waterdeep: a Level 0 Adventure

now unattended laboratory equipment, damaging will an investigation implicate the party? Will
one or all of the antagonists. Our foes use of Bandlewagon polish his magical Songbird panpipes
Chimera as a stimulant in battle may lead to varied and reopen The ’Dhavian Trill? What will become of
effects on their ability to fight, or even cause self- the Flower Girl? Only you and your party will be able
harm. to determine these fates with play beyond this
Alchemical laboratory equipment, valued at
(moderate gp value for each player.), ‘the Alchemist’s
Overcoat (a +1 Leather Armor with many pockets
and scroll-tube loops. During the events of Act III, he
has had the same crude image of a chimera found on
the drugs’ envelopes emblazoned onto the back.), a
stockpile of Chimera (valued at 500 gp),
additionally, an opportunity to reclaim the ornate
pouch (worth 100 gp) if it is in Maestro’s possession.
A Turn for the Worse …
Should the party become apathetic to the events of
this Act, they will see the Ward come to total and
complete ruin as bodies begin to line the streets.
Many of the characters they have met thus far will
succumb to mounting violence and/or addiction to
Chimera. Conditions in the Ward will become
increasingly difficult in terms of survival and social
interactivity, also leading to many of the average
commoners to now be represented as Addicted
Loyals. The aggression of this gang will increase as
the epidemic of dependence spreads. Members of
the City Watch may also undergo changes in
perspective and are also not resilient to the
temptation of the drug. Members of the City Watch
who become addicted to Chimera are now
considered Addicted Watchers.

Regardless of the choices made and the outcomes,
the party should be in a non-combat scenario,
preferably at a state of rest and away from danger
(likely at The Scrap'd Rafter or the players on
dwellings). Therein the conditions, all players reach
the milestone experience for level 1 at the end of this
adventure. As a benefit for completing this
adventure, all characters will gain the benefit of the
Folk Hero trait while in the Field Ward of Waterdeep.
Story threads that began in this adventure may
lead you to return to or further explore The Field
Ward such as: Will the commoners of the Field Ward
ever recover from the widespread use of Chimera?
Will Allegra continue to fulfill her pact with
Mephistopheles? Did Redhawke take over the drug
trade? If he instead died at the hands of the party,

Down & Out in Waterdeep: a Level 0 Adventure

Becoming Level 1
mentor one of the players who show an affinity for
nature at level 1.
At the conclusion of this adventure, player  Fighter - The wizened veteran known as The
characters will have reached the milestone Sharpener will encourage more physical members
appropriate for becoming level one. Upon selecting of the party as trainees under his tutelage in
their character class, players will gain: martial combat at level 1.
 Class equipment  Monk - A perspective of mindfulness and physical
 Class features swiftness may lead the player to their peak
 Saving throws proficiencies potential, starting at level 1.
 Proficiency bonus of +2  Paladin - A player who encounters The Flower
 Skill, tool, language proficiencies afforded to Girl may seek the power and guidance of a God to
them by their class choice. deliver them purpose or a means to an end. At
Players will also receive the starting gold values of a level 1, that God may answer them in full and lead
level one character corresponding with their choice. them into their service.
THE PLAYER’S HANDBOOK provides this table on page  Ranger - Players who show an affinity for
143. wanderlust and an escape from the field ward may
Some player characters may opt to stay behind in seek guidance in the wilds beyond the city limits
the Ward, deciding that a life of adventure does not at level 1. This player may likely leave The Field
suit them or even go their own way, seeking to Ward for an expedition and return changed.
venture the land for their own ends. Regardless of  Rogue - Throughout the adventure this player
the choices made from this point by the characters, may outsmart, exploit, connive or steal with great
they are all newly minted level one adventurers. ease or finesse. They may choose to sharpen their
skills and blades at level 1. Possibly siding with the
 Barbarian - Characters who show a tendency to criminal element or seeking the guidance of the
depend on their physical advantages and keen Ragman as their mentor are all available options
senses may take up the class of Barbarian when for budding rogues.
attain level 1.
 Sorcerer - An awakening occurs in a player at
 Bard - Characters who show an affinity for art, jest, level 1, igniting on the power of their bloodline to
quick-wittedness or song. Perhaps they find an manifest magical power. Perhaps confronting the
instrument within the abandoned music hall or alchemist will be just the experience they need.
are provided one as equipment from their
 Warlock - This player may feel stunted
background that will lead them to choosing this
throughout the adventure, seeking greater means
class at level 1.
to accomplish the tasks ahead. That player who
 Cleric - The Flower Girl in this adventure is meant seeks power as a means to an end may strike an
to teach our players the value of hope and if a eldritch bargain at level 1.
particular player takes this lesson to heart or if
 Wizard - A player who is methodical and curious
they form a bond with other divinely influenced
in the ways of magic may begin their path to
NPCs are likely to choose the Cleric class at level 1.
mastery when they reach level 1. The Alchemists’
 Druid - The charitable druids from the random possessions may provide that beginning.
encounter table may serve as an example or even

Down & Out in Waterdeep: a Level 0 Adventure

Appendix A: Found Weapons
Found Weapons
d20 Result
1 Snapped fence post -1 Spear
2 Broken lamp post -1 Quarterstaff
3 Shard of clothbound glass -1 Dagger
4 Twine-bound sharpened stone -1 Dagger
5 Smashed wine bottle -1 Dagger
6 Broken furniture leg -1 Club
7 Cracked frying pan -1 Club
8 Wagon wheel spoke -1 Club
9 Cracked Shovel -1 Greatclub
10 Rusted tent pole -1 Javelin
11 Sharpened tent pole -1 Javelin
12 Scraps of metal -1 Darts
13 Cobbler’s mallet -1 Light Hammer
14 Rusted block & tackle -1 Flail
15 Gardener’s machete -1 Scimitar
16 Wagon wheel scrap -1 Warpick
17 Leather cord -1 Whip
18 Sack of nails -1 Caltrops
19 Flimsy fishing pole -1 Rapier
20 Dull cleaver -1 Hand Axe

Down & Out in Waterdeep: a Level 0 Adventure

Appendix B: Random Encounter Tables
General Field Ward Random Encounters
d20 Result
1 Members of the City Watch publicly humiliate the party in front of onlookers.
2 A member of the party steps in a pile of vile refuse
3 Sudden unexplained sickness overcomes a random half of the party. They take a -2 penalty to all stats until
they eat a decent meal and have a long rest.
4 An aloof cripple offers the party some homemade alcohol/hooch. If they refuse, the cripple will offer to share
some of his Traveler’s Dust.
5 A child alights upon the party, chasing a goat. Mid-chase, the child will beg the party to help.
6 A young commoner and a member of the City Watch are seen chasing a group of urchin children running
away from them with an oversized tapestry.
7 A raving mad person shows up and follows the party around, clanging a cowbell.
8 A haughty woman proclaims her undying love for her donkey, invites the party to her “wedding”
9 A puckish Gnome, Frankie Funnelflask offers the party a Gold Dragon if they can make her laugh. If they
succeed she hands them a small gold painted, wood carving of an actual dragon.
10 A roaring fire breaks out near the party’s location.
11 A distraught family of religious pilgrims and their broken cart are stuck on the path out of town
12 An obese Dwarven beggar named Daveed is seen gorging himself from a sack of filthy potatoes and
mushrooms. He begs the party for some Calimshite hot sauce.
13 The party happens upon an overdosed dead couple, who met their end while holding hands.
14 A small orphan child is standing atop a stack of empty crates, ringing a bell and shouting the number of days
under quarantine claiming “No end in sight!”
15 In the distance, an angry commoner is coincidentally screaming the first name of a party member.
16 A squabble between to two commoners turns violent. A chunk of stone is thrown, accidently striking a player
character. These commoners only use Peasantspeak.
17 Young urchin Del Horace is seen playing with a ball & cup. He excitedly invites the party to play.
18 A group of 2d4 belligerent, Half-Orc Commoners will harass the party, attempting to start a fight.
19 Sharifa, a meandering robed Tiefling babbling incoherently to herself will attempt to pickpocket a member of
the party.
20 Druids of Chauntea cross the boundary lines and stay in the Field Ward to nourish the hungry with baskets of
goodberry and casks of created water.

Tent Town Random Encounters

d20 Result
1 Confronted by Gaige’s personal guard.
2 Greeted by 2d6 mixed adult beggars.
3 Followed around by 2d4 stray dogs.
4 Taunted and followed by 2d8 young children
5 Assaulted by 1d4 Half-Orc bullies.
6 Assaulted by 1d4 Addicted Loyals.
7 Assaulted by 1d4 angry commoners.
8 Assaulted by 1d4 Addicted Loyals. Roll again.

Down & Out in Waterdeep: a Level 0 Adventure

Western Field Ward Random Encounters
d20 Result
1 A puppet show depicting the Trial of Asmodeus.
2 The party is in shoulder to shoulder walking traffic behind a woman and her six small children.
3 The party sees a group of scavengers. Intelligence (Investigation) DC 10, Junk Weapon Table.
4 A ramshackle cart is abandoned in the middle of the path. Intelligence (Investigation) DC 10, Junk Weapon
5 A sleeping, Dwarven drunkard with knapsack. Intelligence (Investigation) DC 10, 52 cp & waterskin full of ale.
6 1d4 party members fall ill to the heat. DC 10 Constitution, 1 point of exhaustion. Short rest or water also
7 Human barker for Jaxim & Dallas Delacourt.
8 2d6 Children crying about their ball going over the city walls.
9 2d4 Addicted Loyals will harass the Party.
10 1d4 Addicted Loyals making drug deal. Wisdom (Perception) DC 15
11 1d4 Addicted Loyals making drug deal. Wisdom (Perception) DC 15
12 2 Addicted Loyals, fist fighting.
13 Human barker for Howlson Butcher Brothers.
14 Human wandering shawl vendor, gang info. Charisma (Any) DC 15.
15 Dwarven barker for the barber/dentist.
16 Dewberry hobbles past the party, Gang info. Charisma (Any) DC 15, lower price.
17 Brother Cornish begs party to repent.
18 Tiefling barker for Almondine’s Delight.
19 2d6 Half-Orcs will harass the party.
20 Human. Former Ranger, info of Warble’s past. Charisma (Any) DC 15.

Eastern Field Ward Random Encounters

d20 Result
1 4d6 Commoners chanting ‘Disaster Parade’ begin rioting against the quarantine.
2 2d6 City Watch arresting 2d4 Commoners.
3 Human commoner attempts seducing party member, Almondine’s Delight hook.
4 Found Trinket. Roll on Waterdhavian Oddities Table.
5 Elven bard performing at intersection for kindnesses.
6 2d4 City Watch harass the party.
7 Funeral procession. Cleric Dudley is present.
8 1d4 Addicted Loyals making drug deal. Wisdom (Perception) DC 15
9 Massive trash heap. Intelligence (Investigation) DC 10, Junk Weapon Table.
10 Human barker for Scrap'd Rafter.
11 Peaceful procession. “Let my people go …”
12 Human raving madman shouting about monsters in the Ward. Chimera info, Charisma (Any) DC 10.
13 Calm travel.
14 2d6 Tent Town Thugs playing cards near a bonfire.
15 Collapsed hovel. Intelligence (Investigation) DC 10, Junk Weapon Table.
16 Medium trash heap. Intelligence (Investigation) DC 10, Junk Weapon Table.
17 An uncommon sun shower happens.
18 2d6 commoners are seen looting the remains of a scorched area of vacant homes.
19 In a large crowd, 1d4 skilled pickpockets attempt to steal from each member of the party. DC 18 Wisdom
(Perception) saves.
20 The party is invited into the home of a young human family for dinner. They gain 2d4 temporary hit-points.

Down & Out in Waterdeep: a Level 0 Adventure

Escalation Act II & III Random Encounters
d20 Result
1 The party hears the distant cries of a mother giving birth.
2 A stranger, convinced that he “did time” with a member of the party provokes a lengthy and intrusive
3 A gang of 2d4 Addicted Loyals are clustered at the next intersection.
4 A commoner is being pummeled by two Addicted Loyals, claiming he owes them money.
5 The Flower Girl’s money purse is brazenly stolen from her in the middle of the day by an Addicted Loyal.
6 The party witnesses a wife violently beating her husband for squandering their savings.
7 A commoner is seen purchasing Chimera from two Addicted Loyals.
8 A small child dressed in temple vestments is seen feeding stale bread to a group of pigeons.
9 A commoner is running full speed down the same road as the party, clutching a large sack.
10 A commoner profusely begs the party for help finding their dog.
11 A fire breaks out in the next area of the Field Ward, visible to the party from a great distance.
12 Two members of the City Watch are seen violently beating an innocent commoner.
13 While passing an overhanging eave, a pigeon relieves itself on a party member.
14 ‘Buzz’ silently gives in to his grief and dies from his first dose of Chimera.
15 Barton Illweiss suffers a heart attack and dies.
16 Dewberry is beaten senseless by the City Watch for not complying in their investigation.
17 The party will be victims of attempted robbery later this night.
18 Two commoners are seen fist fighting in the middle of the road.
19 Members of the City Watch are seen at the scene of a particularly violent murder.
20 The party witnesses a commoner overdosing on Chimera.

Appendix C:
Waterdhavian Trinkets & Oddities
d20 Result
1 A small cast-iron centipede in the shape of a figure eight
2 A brass bracelet shaped like an ouroboros, emblazoned with the letters T and D on each head
3 A palm-sized petrified scorpion with oversized pincers
4 A small, crudely painted lizard skull
5 A tiny iron sculpture of a toad that is heavier than it should be
6 A vintage wine-cork that smells profusely of sulfur and ash
7 A small hand-puppet of a smiling hobgoblin
8 An expertly painted ceramic tile that depicts a goldfish in flight
9 Five iron rings linked in a honeycomb pattern
10 A pocket-sized driftwood carving of a pirate galleon
11 An ivory colored coin made of bone, stained in red ink
12 A pouch of seven marbles made of a lustrous orange glass, decorated with stars
13 A steel-tipped, solid oak prosthetic finger
14 A black cotton bandana with an Infernal monogram
15 A leather cord necklace with a pewter medallion of a charging bull
16 A well-crafted inkwell with the letters ‘MA’ etched on the bottom in Elven
17 A child’s toy set of 1d4 +1 identical wooden Firbolg men, joined with purple twine
18 A miniature ledger book with a Walrus on the cover, filled to the margins with odd doodles
19 A broken compass with an intricate diagram of an Amyna moth inside the lid
20 A 4ft. long woven bootlace, firmly tied at the ends, that always smells of the ocean

Down & Out in Waterdeep: a Level 0 Adventure

Appendix D:
Stat blocks
Ivan Kayd Maestro / ‘the Alchemist’ Addicted Watcher, Fallen City Watch
Medium humanoid Human, Chaotic Evil Medium humanoid (any race), Neutral Evil
Armor Class 12 (+1 Leather Armor, 16 mage armor) Armor Class 13 (chain shirt)
Hit Points 12 Hit Points 12
Speed 30ft. Speed 30ft.
STR 10 (+0) DEX 10 (+0) STR 14 (+2) DEX 10 (+0)
CON 10 (+0) INT 14 (+2) CON 14 (+2) INT 10(+0)
WIS 10 (+0) CHA 11 (+0) WIS 10 (+0) CHA 12 (+1)
Skills: Deception +2, Medicine +2, Arcana +4 Skills: Athletics +4, Intimidation +3, Deception +3
Senses: passive Perception 10 Senses: passive Perception 10
Languages: Common, Peasantspeak, Thieves’ Cant Languages: Common
Spellcasting. Ivan Kayd Maestro is a 1st-level
Pack Tactics. Addicted Watcher has advantage on an
spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is Intelligence
attack roll against a creature if at least one of its allies
(spell save DC 12, +4 to hit with spell attacks). Ivan
is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't
has following spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): acid splash, dancing lights, magic
1st level (3 slots): identify, disguise self, mage armor
Short Sword / Multiattack. Melee Weapon Attack: +4
ACTIONS to hit, reach 5 ft. Hit: 2 (1d6) slashing damage.
Leaden Spellbook. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning Addicted Loyals
damage. Medium humanoid (any race), Neutral Evil
Alchemist’s Fire. (2) Thrown weapon: +0 to hit, Armor Class 11 (leather armor)
range 20ft./40ft., On hit: 1d4 fire damage. If hit, at Hit Points 13
the start of each of its turns. A creature can end this Speed 20ft.
damage by using its action to make a DC 10 STR 10 (+0) DEX 10 (+0)
Dexterity check to extinguish the flames. “Stop, drop CON 12 (+1) INT 10 (+0)
& roll” is also acceptable. WIS 10 (+0) CHA 10 (+0)
Skills: None
Senses: passive Perception 10
Languages: Common, Peasantspeak, Thieves’ Cant
Pack Tactics. This unit has advantage on an attack
roll against a creature if at least one of its allies is
within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't

Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit,
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4)
piercing damage.

Down & Out in Waterdeep: a Level 0 Adventure

Guard Allegra Almondine, the Delighted
Medium Humanoid (any race), any alignment Small humanoid Gnome, Lawful Evil
Armor Class 16 (chain shirt, shield) Armor Class 12 (15 with Mage Armor)
Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2) Hit Points 78
Speed 30ft. Speed 30ft.
STR 13 (+1) DEX 12 (+1) STR 10 (+0) DEX 14 (+2)
CON 12 (+1) INT 10 (+0) CON 15 (+2) INT 13 (+1)
WIS 11 (+0) CHA 10 (+0) WIS 12 (+2) CHA 18 (+4)
Skills: Perception +2 Saving Throws: Wisdom +4, Charisma +7
Senses: passive Perception 12 Skills: Arcana +4, Deception +4, Persuasion +7,
Languages: any one language (usually Common) Religion +4
Senses: Darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 11
ACTIONS Languages: Common, Gnomish, Infernal
Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, Gnome Cunning. Allegra has advantage on all
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws
+ 1) piercing damage, or 5 (1d8 + 1 ) piercing against magic.
damage if used with two hands to make a melee Innate Spellcasting. Allegra’s innate spellcasting
attack. ability is Charisma. It can innately cast the following
spells (spell save DC 15), requiring no material
Warble Bandlewagon, Innkeeper At will: alter self. false life, levitate (self only), mage
Small humanoid Halfling, Lawful Neutral armor (self only), silent image
Armor Class 13 (Leather armor) 1/day each: feeblemind, finger of death, forcecage
Hit Points 12| Speed 25ft.
STR 10 (+0) DEX 16(+3) Spellcasting. Allegra is a 17th-level spellcaster. Her
CON 10(+1) INT 10 (+0) spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15, +7
WIS 14 (+2) CHA 16 (+3) to hit with spell attacks). She regains expended spell
Skills: Insight +4, Perception +4, Persuasion +5, slots when she finishes a short or long rest. She
Sleight of Hand +5 knows the following warlock spells:
Lucky: Three Uses. When you roll a 1 on The D20 for Cantrips (at will): eldritch blast, fire bolt, friends,
an Attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can mage hand, minor illusion, prestidigitation
reroll the die and must use the new roll. 1st-5th level (4 5th-level slots): banishment,
Brave: Warble has advantage on Saving Throws burning hands, flame strike, hellish rebuke, magic
against being Frightened. circle, scorching ray, scrying, stinking cloud,
Halfling Nimbleness: Warble can move through the suggestion, wall of fire
space of any creature that is of a size larger than his
Dark One's Own Luck (Recharges after a Short or
Long Rest). When Allegra makes an ability check or
Senses: passive Perception 14
saving throw, she can add a d10 to the roll. She can
Languages: Common, Peasantspeak, Halfling
do this after the roll is made but before any of the
roll's effects occur.
Spell Shield. As a servant of Mephistopheles, Allegra
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, gains advantage on saving throws against spells. If
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) she succeeds on such a saving throw, she gains
piercing damage. temporary hit points equal to the spell's level.
Spell Leech. As a servant of Mephistopheles, Allegra
chooses one ally she can see within 30 feet of her as
a bonus action. The target loses its lowest-level spell
slot, and Allegra gains it.

Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage plus
10 (3d6) fire damage.

Down & Out in Waterdeep: a Level 0 Adventure

Olohorn ‘Buzz’ Dorbolor, the Old Master Barton Illweiss, the Sharpener
Medium humanoid Human, Neutral Good Medium humanoid Dwarf, Lawful Neutral
Armor Class 14 (Unarmored) Armor Class 17 (Split)
Hit Points 38 Hit Points 27
Speed 30ft. Speed 30ft.
STR 12 (+1) DEX 15 (+2) STR 16 (+3) DEX 13 (+1)
CON 12 (+1) INT 13 (+1) CON 14 (+2) INT 10 (+0)
WIS 14 (+2) CHA 10 (+0) WIS 11 (+0) CHA 10 (+0)
Skills: Insight +4, Perception +4 Skills: Perception +2
Senses: passive Perception 14 Dwarven Resilience: Barton has advantage on
Languages: Common, Peasantspeak Saving Throws against poison, and has Resistance
ACTIONS against poison damage.
Senses: Darkvision, 60ft., passive Perception 12
Multiattack. ‘Buzz’ makes two unarmed strikes. Languages: Common, Peasantspeak, Dwarvish
Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 +2) bludgeoning ACTIONS
damage. Multiattack. Barton makes two club attacks.
Redirect Attack. When a creature misses ‘Buzz’ with Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
a melee attack roll, as a reaction he can cause that target. Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage.
attack to hit one creature of his choice, other than
the attacker, that he can see within 5 feet of him. Cleric Hargadon Dudley, Custodian
Medium humanoid Human, Neutral Good
Dewberry, the Rag man Armor Class 10 (Unarmored)
Medium humanoid Elf, Chaotic Neutral Hit Points 8
Armor Class 12 (Unarmored) Speed 30ft.
Hit Points 27 STR 10 (+0) DEX 10 (+0)
Speed 30ft. CON 10 (+0) INT 10 (+0)
STR 10 (+0) DEX 15 (+2) WIS 14 (+2) CHA 11 (+0)
CON 10 (+0) INT 12 (+1) Skills: Medicine +4, Religion +2
WIS 14 (+2) CHA 16 (+3) Senses: passive Perception 10
Skills: Deception +5, Insight +4, Investigation +5, Languages: Common
Perception +6, Persuasion +5, Sleight of Hand +4, Spellcasting. Hargadon is a 1st-level spellcaster. His
Stealth +4 spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 12, +4
Fey Ancestry: Dewberry has advantage on Saving to hit with spell attacks). Ivan has following spells
Throws against being Charmed and magic can’t put prepared:
him to sleep. Cantrips (at will) : Spare the dying, light, thaumaturgy,
Senses: Darkvision, 60ft., passive Perception 16 toll the dead
Languages: Common, Elvish, Peasantspeak, Thieves’
1st level (3 slots): bane, false life, cure wounds,
Cunning Action. On each of its turns, Dewberry can
use a bonus action to take the Dash, Disengage, or Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Hide action. target. Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage.
Sneak Attack (1/Turn). Dewberry deals an extra 7
(2d6) damage when it hit s a target with a weapon
attack and has advantage on the attack roll , or when
the target is within 5 feet of an ally of Dewberry that
isn't incapacitated and Dewberry doesn't have
disadvantage on the attack roll.
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4)
piercing damage.

Down & Out in Waterdeep: a Level 0 Adventure

Civilar Alonzo Redhawke, City Watch Kemper Copperfury, Zhentarim Fang
Medium humanoid Human, Neutral Evil Medium humanoid Dwarf, Neutral Evil
Armor Class 13 (chain shirt) Armor Class 12 (Leather armor)
Hit Points 12 Hit Points 12
Speed 30ft. Speed 30ft.
STR 14 (+2) DEX 10 (+0) STR 10 (+0) DEX 12 (+1)
CON 14 (+2) INT 10(+0) CON 12 (+1) INT 10 (+0)
WIS 10 (+0) CHA 12 (+1) WIS 10 (+0) CHA 12 (+1)
Skills: Athletics +4, Intimidation +3, Deception +3 Skills: Sleight of Hand +3, Intimidation +3, Deception
Senses: passive Perception 10 +3
Languages: Common, Peasantspeak, Thieves’ Cant, Dwarven Resilience: Kemper has advantage on
Infernal (Verbal) Saving Throws against poison, and has Resistance
against poison damage.
ACTIONS Senses: Darkvision, 60ft., passive Perception 10
Short Sword / Multiattack. Melee Weapon Attack: Languages: Common, Dwarvish, Peasantspeak,
+4 to hit, reach 5 ft. Hit: 2 (1d6) slashing damage. Thieves’ Cant
Lesser Healing Potion (4) located in his bandolier.
Will not use.
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
Iomhar ‘Bodee’ Rackham, Operator reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4)
Medium humanoid Half-Elf, Unaligned piercing damage.
Armor Class 12 (Leather armor)
Hit Points 12 Thug
Speed 30ft. Medium humanoid (any race), any non-good alignment
STR 9 (+0) DEX 12 (+1) Armor Class 11 (Leather armor)
CON 10 (+0) INT 10 (+0) Hit Points 32 (5d8 + 10)
WIS 10 (+0) CHA 12 (+1) Speed 30ft.
Skills: Stealth +3, Acrobatics +3, Sleight of Hand +3, STR 15 (+2) DEX 11 (+0)
Deception +3 CON 14 (+2) INT 10 (+0)
Fey Ancestry: Iomhar has advantage on Saving WIS 10 (+0) CHA 11 (+0)
Throws against being Charmed, and magic can’t put Skills: Intimidation +2
him to sleep. Senses: passive Perception 10
Senses: Darkvision, 60ft., passive Perception 10 Languages: any one language (usually Common)
Languages: Common, Elvish, Peasantspeak, Thieves’
Multiattack. The thug makes two melee attacks.
ACTIONS Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Multiattack. Iomhar makes two dagger attacks. one creature. Hit: 5 (1d6 +2 ) bludgeoning damage.
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit,
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) reach 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d10) piercing
piercing damage. damage.

Down & Out in Waterdeep: a Level 0 Adventure

Alasha Gaige, Tent Town Kingpin Ward Dog
Medium humanoid Half-Elf, Neutral Evil Medium Beast, unaligned
Armor Class 12 (Unarmored) Armor Class 12
Hit Points 27 Hit Points 5 (1d8 + 1)
Speed 30ft. Speed 40ft.
STR 10 (+0) DEX 15 (+2) STR 13 (+1) DEX 14 (+2)
CON 10 (+0) INT 16 (+3) CON 12 (+1) INT 3 (-4)
WIS 14 (+2) CHA 16 (+3) WIS 12 (+1) CHA 7 (-2)
Skills: Deception +5, Insight +4, Perception +6, Skills: Perception +3
Intimidation +5, Persuasion +5, Sleight of Hand +4, Senses: passive Perception 12
Stealth +4 Languages: Understands Peasantspeak but can’t speak
Fey Ancestry: Alasha has advantage on Saving it.
Throws against being Charmed, and magic can’t put
Keen Hearing and Smell. The Ward Dog has advantage
him to sleep.
on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or
Senses: Darkvision, 60ft., passive Perception 16
Languages: Common, Elvish, Peasantspeak, Thieves’
Pack Tactics. Alasha has advantage on an attack roll
against a creature if at least one of her allies is Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't target. Hit: 4 (1d6+1) piercing damage. If the target is a
incapacitated. creature, it must succeed on a DC 11 Strength saving
throw or be knocked prone.
Cunning Action. On each of her turns, Alasha can Swarm of Rats
use a bonus action to take the Dash, Disengage, or Medium swarm of tiny beasts, unaligned
Hide action. Armor Class 10
Sneak Attack (1/Turn). Alasha deals an extra 7 Hit Points 24 (7d8 - 7)
(2d6) damage when it hits a target with a weapon Speed 30ft.
attack and has advantage on the attack roll , or when STR 9 (-1) DEX 11 (+0)
the target is within 5 feet of an ally of Alasha that CON 9 (-1) INT 2 (-4)
isn't incapacitated and Alasha doesn't have
WIS 10 (+0) CHA 3 (-4)
disadvantage on the attack roll.
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, slashing
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
Condition Immunities: charmed, frightened, grappled,
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4)
paralyzed, petrified, prone, restrained, stunned
piercing damage.
Senses: darkvision 30ft., passive Perception 10
Languages: --
Ward Commoner
Keen Smell. The swarm has advantage on Wisdom
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment
(Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Armor Class 10
Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature’s
Hit Points 4 (1d8)
space and vice versa, and the swarm can move through
Speed 30ft.
any opening large enough for a Tiny rat. The swarm
STR 10 (+0) DEX 10 (+0)
can’t regain hit points or gain temporary hit points.
CON 10 (+0) INT 10 (+0)
WIS 10 (+0) CHA 10 (+0)
Senses: passive Perception 10
Languages: any one language (usually racial), Bites. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 0 ft., one
understands Peasantspeak target in the swarm’s space. Hit: 7 (2d6) piercing
damage, or 2 (1d6) piercing damage if the swarm has
ACTIONS half of its hit points or fewer.
Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +0 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning

Down & Out in Waterdeep: a Level 0 Adventure

Appendix E:
Wondrous Item, rare
(requires attunement by a bard, a character proficient
Consumables & Magic Items in performance, or wind instruments)
A Bandlewagon family heirloom handed down
Delacourt Kaeth through generations; these leaden panpipes are
Potion, common painted gold and are much heavier than they appear.
The one thing the Delacourts seem to have no end of A creature that attempts to play the instrument
is coffee (also called Kaeth in the Forgotten Realms), without being attuned to it or permitted by its
which they brew all day and night for a 1cp per mug. owner must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving
Consuming a mug of this kaeth will give players a +2 throw or take 2d4 force damage.
bonus to Wisdom (Perception), Dexterity (Sleight of While holding or wearing the instrument, you
Hand), and Initiative checks for 2d4 hours. have advantage on Charisma based skill checks and
death saving throws.
Lorenzo’s Badge
Wondrous Item, rare
(requires attunement by an evil character)
Unlike other officers of the City Watch, Lorenzo
carries a token of his misplaced faith in Bane as his
While wearing this badge visibly, twice per day
you may gain advantage on Charisma (Intimidation)

The Alchemist’s Overcoat

Armor (light), rare (requires attunement)
This shabby leather duster has many pockets and
scroll-tube loops located within the inner lining, and
serves as a set of +1 Leather Armor. While wearing
this coat, you have a +1 bonus to your Armor Class.
The coat’s deteriorated state is magically preserved
and cannot be changed without removal of the
During the events of Act III, the Alchemist decides
boldly to have the same crude image of a Chimera
found on the drugs’ envelopes emblazoned onto the
back of it,

Olohorn’s Belt
Wondrous Item, rare
(requires attunement by a monk)
This oversized leather belt is rather unremarkable to
the naked eye. However, the inside is worked over
with finely tooled diagrams and written passages on
the martial arts and the practice of mindfulness.
Most prominently displayed among these is the
quote, “We as living things, at our best, can only
create opportunities.”
While wearing this belt, twice per day you may
gain advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks.

Down & Out in Waterdeep: a Level 0 Adventure

Appendix F: The ‘Dhavian Trill Music Hall Map

Down & Out in Waterdeep: a Level 0 Adventure

Appendix G: The Alchemy Laboratory Map

Down & Out in Waterdeep: a Level 0 Adventure

Appendix H:
Ruminations on the Field Ward of Waterdeep by Elminster Aumar, Sage of Shadowdale
First off, it's not an official ward of the city, so...no sewers (hence: lots of excrement in the streets, with accompanying
stink) and no regular Watch patrols (they go in, in force = at least double patrol strength, when they have to go "get"
someone or somebody), so…
...darned near lawless. Also adding to the stink: slaughterhouses, tanneries, and many other "stinky" industries are
situated in Field Ward, now, because pressure from citizens got them pushed out of other locations in the city. Most
buildings are ramshackle, fire-scarred,...
...and patched, and in either case sloppily constructed (many buildings have props and buttresses holding them up by
transferring force to the ground or nearby buildings). Alleys are many, wide streets are few, but stalls and
encroachments are almost unknown (instead, there are..
...many portable carts vendors sell from) because the one thing that will bring the authorities out in force is anyone
blocking the streets (traffic must flow freely into and out of the city, between the various gates in the inner and outer
north walls of the city). Refugees…
...and outlaws and half-orcs and the truly ugly and others who might be outcasts or unwelcome (kenku, humans with
scaly skin) are found in great numbers here than elsewhere in the Deep, and everywhere one walks is mud, mud, and
more noisome mud. Want to buy counterfeit docs?...
Dubious maps? Poisons? Stolen goods? Weapons? You can get such everywhere in Waterdeep, but if you want them
cheap and to buy them more or less out in the open, this is the place. If you want to deal with "respectable" citizens or
guilds, they shun Field Ward. And most water…
...in Field Ward comes from rooftop catch-cisterns or has to be bought from carts, so it's not a place where bathing is
popular, either. It DOES have many taverns and "easy" (no formal registrations or taxes collected) mini-inns (a few
upstairs rooms or beds for rent) and clubs..
...and ill-repaired because firefighting is all volunteer (as in, if your place catches light, you and your neighbors are
going to be ALL the firefighting). So brick, salvaged stone, and so on construction is commonplace, with wooden upper
storeys that are either new or charred..
...And, yes, is very much a clean slate for the game designer and writer, so have fun! ;}
You're very welcome! The closest place in Cormyr to the lawless busy crowded chaos of Field Ward is
Marsember. ANOTHER place I just haven't had time and opportunity to explore as deeply as I'd like to, in print. So many
places, so much lore to get to…

Down & Out in Waterdeep: a Level 0 Adventure

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