HW 30,3
HW 30,3
HW 30,3
The demand for roses was estimated using quarterly figures for the period 1971 (3rd quarter) to 1975 (2nd
quarter). Two models were estimated, and the following results were obtained:
Correlation matrix:
ln X 2 ln X 3 ln X 4 X5
ln X 2 1.0000 −.7219 .3160 −.7792
ln X 3 −.7219 1.0000 −.1716 .5521
ln X 4 .3160 −.1716 1.0000 −.6765
X5 −.7792 .5521 −.6765 1.0000
How would you interpret the coefficients of ln X 2, ln X 3 and ln X 4 in model A? What sign
would you expect these coefficients to have? Do the results concur with your expectation?
iii) Rose is a luxury good (demand increases more than proportionally as income rises)
d) Are the results of (b) and (c) in accordance with your expectations? If any of the tests are
statistically insignificant, give a suggestion as to what may be the reason.
f) Do the variables lnX 3, ln X 4 and X 5 contribute significantly to the analysis? Test the joint
significance of these variables. Hint: Use F test
g) Starting from model B, assuming that at the time point of January, 1973, there was a disaster
that heavily affected the quantity of roses produced. Suggest a model to check if we have to use
two different models for the data before and after the disaster. (Using dummy variable).
Two large US corporations, General Electric and Westinghouse, compete with each other and
produce many similar products. To investigate whether they have similar investment
strategies, we estimate the following model using pooled time series data for the period 1935
to 1954 for the two firms:
¿ V t =b1 +b 2 D V t +b 3 V t +b 4 ( DV ×V )t + b5 K t +b 6 ( DV × K )t +u t (1)
All three continuous variables are measured in millions of 1947 dollars. Pooling the data
yields 40 observations with which to estimate the parameters of the investment function.
However, pooling is valid only if the regression parameters are the same for both firms. In
order to test this hypothesis, intercept and slope dummy variables are included in the model.
(a) Interpret all the coefficient estimates, stating whether the signs are as you would expect,
and comment on the statistical significance of the individual coefficients.
(b) Comment on the overall fit and statistical significance of the model.
(c) On the basis of the above results, is pooling the data from the two firms appropriate?
(d) An alternative way of testing whether pooling the data is appropriate, without using
dummy variables, is to use the Chow breakpoint test. Referring to table below, briefly
discuss how the test works and whether the results are consistent with the earlier model
(which includes dummy variables).
(e) Explain the results and implications of the following Ramsey RESET test. (Note that the
dummy variables have been omitted from the original model).
Ramsey RESET Test:
F-statistic 0.000200 Probability 0.988806
Log likelihood ratio 0.000219 Probability 0.988189
Test Equation:
Dependent Variable: INV
Method: Least Squares
Date: 05/15/02 Time: 13:07
Sample: 1 40
Included observations: 40
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
C 17.81458 8.199161 2.172732 0.0365
V 0.015226 0.006706 2.270632 0.0293
K 0.144467 0.065596 2.202383 0.0341
FITTED^2 -2.87E-05 0.002028 -0.014128 0.9888
R-squared 0.809773 Mean dependent var 72.59075
Adjusted R-squared 0.793921 S.D. dependent var 47.24981
S.E. of regression 21.44950 Akaike info criterion 9.063919
Sum squared resid 16562.91 Schwarz criterion 9.232807
Log likelihood -177.2784 F-statistic 51.08255
Durbin-Watson stat 1.106556 Prob(F-statistic) 0.000000
(f) What are your conclusions with following results from the above regression