Ie-T Dotnhs 02
Ie-T Dotnhs 02
Ie-T Dotnhs 02
An Investigatory Project
Presented to the Board of Judges
As entry to the 2023-2024
Division Science Fair
Division Level
Science Innovation Expo - Team
*Tristan Angelo Relucio Nabong
Trisha Rose Silvestre Baclig
Ace Nicole Maxine Julian
Title: iSAH: Tin Can Solar Generated Air Heater
Region: III
Grade Level: 10
within the area to measure and monitor the heat released during the
between the generated heat of the different trials with different area
sizes. Whereas the findings revealed that the device works well in
The rising concern for climate change and global energy demand
can be an alternative for solar air heaters which can provide a cost-
effective way to heat air for various purposes such as space heating,
solar air heater has also many benefits, including lower energy bills,
of the system. Tin cans that are made up of aluminum or steel provide
solar air heaters that are not expensive and can assemble by
Literature Review
in state waterways, and 49% of litter at all sites, with about 425 cans
Agency (EPA) has found the coatings of the cans to contain volatile
the air that can contaminate local wildlife and communities. The
purpose. When other materials are recycled, they are broken into finer
recycled over and over again in a true ‘closed loop’ recycling process.
efficient for flat panel solar water heaters than standard black paint
panel and evacuated tube designs, both of which are used in different
types of climate.
This study also aims to make a solar air heater that is more cost-
sunlight to heat air; this heated air can then be circulated through
buildings to provide heat. Solar air heating technologies use only free,
renewable, and clean energy, and can help defray the rising cost of
conventional energy. solar air heating systems should face within 30°
active solar heating system that uses perforated metal cladding can
climates, solar air heating can be used for more intense work, like
drying crops. Apart from the upfront costs, solar air heating requires
only routine maintenance—the energy it generates is free. (Juneau,
In this study, we will create a solar air heater made out of tin
cans. Despite the change of components, both devices work the same
way. However, a tin can solar generated air heater is eco-friendlier and
has been warmed in the collector and transmits its heat through
and sustainable methods to carry out daily activities. Ideally, the solar
overall system design largely determine the output of a solar hot water
system. An efficient solar hot water system must be designed with the
collector and storage tank sized appropriately for the amount of hot
water that will be used. All solar water heaters must also include
converts it into heat, and transfers this heat to a fluid flowing through
the collector. The solar energy thus collected is carried from the
system are that they can utilize a small amount of diffuse radiation
Solar Panel
solar cell, which converts the Sun’s energy to usable electrical energy.
cleaner, more natural sources. But solar panels won’t draw the sun’s
Solar heaters and solar panels both use solar to work. Both
devices are turned to face the Sun and may require regular
this study, the solar heater was made from recyclable materials.
Solar Energy
Solar energy is any type of energy generated by the sun. Solar
energy is created by nuclear fusion that takes place in the sun. Fusion
core and fuse to create a helium atom. Since sunlight only shines for
about half of the day in most parts of the world, solar energy
dark hours. Thermal mass systems use paraffin wax or various forms
can send excess electricity to the local power grid, or store the energy
in rechargeable batteries.
on Earth for a year. Solar energy is clean. After the solar technology
equipment is constructed and put in place, solar energy does not need
to people and businesses using solar energy, and the technology can
eliminate electricity bills, the initial cost is too steep for many to
install solar panels on the roof of a building, the roof must be strong,
large, and oriented toward the sun’s path. Sunlight must be abundant
audios, videos, and other data. In some cases, people tend to just
throw these discs away because they think they are no longer useful,
but little did they know that CDs are not biodegradable, and it is
predicted that a disc will take over a million years to degrade entirely
shiny surfaces. It can help to enhance the quantity of light that enters
the solar cell by reflecting more of the sun's rays, which can help to
boost the solar cell's efficiency. In this study, a compact disc made out
benefit consumers because they will have a solar panel that is not
benefit the environment because the CDs that we will use are
thereby saving the environment and also providing raw materials for
silicon to convert energy from sunlight into electricity. Soda cans can't
It has been found that soda cans can serve as solar collector
system. The soda cans are used as the absorber plate of a solar
collector air heater and with the sun as the heat source. This therefore
Solar Cookers
freedom from the necessity for fuel. Solar ovens thus not only remove
heat things up. Both devices are turned to face the Sun and may
solar gain. However, in this study, the solar heater was made from
Conceptual Framework
the device works. It also illustrates how the testing of the device is
a. Thermal performance
b. Air concentration
c. Released heat
1. What can be the effect of Tin can Solar Generated Air Heater as
This study aims to make a solar air heater made out of a tin
can and produce heat by it. This study aims to make a solar air heater
the materials to gather and duration to test the device. This study
savings because they will have solar air heaters that are not expensive
solar air heaters which can ensure security of supply, meet the energy
Farmers - This study benefits farmers from using solar air heaters to
dry crops as it can help them to increase their crop yields and even
heat source, and often chosen for its high thermal conductivity, light
iSAH - This is inspired by the apple products ‘i’ in iPhone, iPad, and
this study, ‘i’ means innovated, as this study shows a new way in
Solar Air Heater - a device that uses solar energy to heat air
Solar Energy - the radiation from the Sun capable of producing heat,
Steel - a metal alloy made mostly of iron and carbon, and is often
Research Design
Analyzing Conclusion
Trial phase
Research Locale
conducted in local stores and junk shops from Talavera. The device
determines if the solar air heater made out of tin can can generate
flat black spray, wood glue. Almost all materials were bought from
local stores and junk shops. Some are from the researcher's home.
The necessary equipment that is used in the making of the device are
inside the edge of the wooden frame. Then 7 holes were made at the
lower part of the wooden frame with the use of the drill. Fly screen is
attached at the bottom of the device to cover the holes to protect the
Thirty-two (32) pieces of 155 grams Tin Cans or 7x5 cans are
attached inside the frame respectively, the cans and cardboards are
painted using a flat black spray. At the upper part of the back frame,
one hole was made and the hair blower was installed, the exhaust
hose is then connected to the blower. For the cover of the device, a
40x49 cm fiberglass is attached. The device is finally done and ready
for testing.
The device is turned to face the Sun and may require regular
area used in this study is 12x8 feet, 6x4 feet, and 6.6x3.11 feet wide.
The device is tested whether the area has sufficient heat done by the
The data was collected right after the experiment. The device is
Data Analysis
heat. The data was recorded every 30 minutes. In trial 1, at 12x8 feet
had passed, and the temperature rose to 35.1 °C. 120 minutes later,
the temperature rose to 35.2 °C. After 150 minutes, the temperature
dropped to 34.9 °C. One of the causes of the temperature drop is the
device’s sunlight exposure. When a cloud blocks the sun, the device
device did not warm the area. The device is also too small to warm the
rose to 32.3 °C, and after 150 minutes, the temperature remained the
same. Lastly, after 180 minutes, the temperature still remained the
same at 32.3 °C. One of the causes of the temperature drop is the
device’s sunlight exposure. When a cloud blocks the sun, the device
Another one is the room that is almost fully covered with tiles, since
tiles repel heat, keeping the room cool. The hose is also too long
making more air pressure lost on route. Since the temperature did not
exceed the initial temperature, the device did not warm the area.
the tiles with plastic-coated aluminum foil for better testing. The
34.1 °C, and after 30 minutes, the temperature remained the same.
passed, and the temperature remained the same. 120 minutes later,
the temperature rose to 39.3 °C. After 150 minutes, the temperature
dropped to 37.5 °C. Lastly, after 180 minutes, the temperature
dropped to 36.4 °C. One of the causes of the temperature drop is the
device’s sunlight exposure. When a cloud blocks the sun, the device
Since trial 1 and 2 thermal performance did not exceed the initial
gathered using temperature strips that are attached to the wall while
the device was on for 180 minutes. The data was gathered right after
with the lower portion. The left, mid, and right portion shows the
Table 3 shows the test results of the released heat of Tin Can
test results of thermal performance in trial 3, the one that exceeds the
from the device. Trial 3 is used because it is more exact than other
lower than the F value of 12.7027 which indicates that the null
The results show that the area can affect the thermal
area is. The device works well in smaller areas, and works
1. 2 Area Concentration
in mid and lower portions of the wall. From the left to right in
higher than the left to right in the upper portion. Therefore, the
as low as 34.1 °C. The average released heat of the Tin Can
However, it depends on the area as the device did not exceed the
the different trials with different area sizes that is tested using a
5. Use different testing methods (i.e. crop drying) for more precise
Retrieved from:
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Appendix A
Appendix B
Calendar of Activities
Year 2023 August September
Major Project Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week
Time Plan 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Brainstorming of
ideas to greater
Elimination for
possible topic
proposed topic
Research about
proposed topic
with Research
Writing of
Chapter 1
Literature review
Writing of
Submission and
Approval of
Chapter 1 & 2
Gathering of
Making of Device
Writing of
Chapter 3:
Interpretation of
Writing of our
conclusions and
Submission of
Appendix C
Gathering of Materials
junk shops. The researchers also bought things that will be used for
Ecija. The researcher noticed that the air coming out from the device
is weak.
The air coming out from the device was found to be weak.
Trial 1
becoming lower than the usual one. The researchers thought that
Trial 2
the temperature is falling. The researchers thought that the tiles were
Trial 3
covered the tiles and tested it again. The temperature finally becomes
Bill of Materials
The tabulated cost of the materials that were used for the
TOTAL ₱2245.00
Appendix E
Appendix F
Trial 3