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All content following this page was uploaded by Mahmood Hunar Dheyaaldin on 11 April 2020.
ABSTRACT. In This study define the technologies of data that will be collected by the several method for
pavement for managing the cost and operation and sustainability. In the pavement and road management there
are a expand technologies range in the pavements are available for the descrying and determining qualities of
the both pavement and road networks. Various types of data that require for the pavement frameworks which’s
data of inventory and data of condition then, Inventory data is define the physical feature of the pavement system
and condition data is define the condition of feature that could be estimated to changing over the time. The use
of the collection service has been increasable for gathering both of network and project level condition of
pavement data. Three factor should be combination by this trend which’s first of all, demand increasable for
time quality of data for supporting the decision of pavement management ‘second, public staff sector reduction
then obtainability more equipment refined could collect huge amount of data efficiently and quickly but, that is
frequently costly and difficult to activate. The key technologies highlights and present techniques by which
activities could select the most appropriate technology given their definite necessities
Keywords: Pavement management system, data collection technologies, GIS, Infrastructure, data quality.
Various kinds of data information have been utilized for pavement management. Technologies of data collection
and information needs change contingent upon which framework component is estimated. When all is said in common
terms, including traffic, there are two main data collection types using for a pavement management system which's:
Inventory and condition data collection. Inventory data is described the physical element of the pavement framework.
These don't change uniquely after some time. Condition of element used to describe by the condition data that be able
to estimate to change over time. PMS can demonstrate the profits of confident maintenance strategies, such as applying
protective maintenance [1]. PMSs are broadly utilized for state and occupant pavement systems; nonetheless, a
significant number of cities, especially little cities, implementation of this system haven't yet [2]. it is the standard
manual methods for the data collection is collected data by the mobile application, and the general structure framework
was compared data collection by a variety of vendor methods on a sample roadways [3]. To recognize assets, Digital
image processing was utilized in the literature. the image has been taken by the automated mobile application data
collection transportation vehicle at highway speeds or satellites and aircraft [3,4].
The efficient, reliable and secure pavement evaluation has been confirm and ensure by the data collection equipment
tools. It is a five class that giving to the type of pavement specification was divided by the equipment tools being
estimated: equipment for the measuring and calculating location, geometry, safety, serviceability and structure
capability. Then each of them equipment’s will be subdivided by the sort of equipment affording to the collection of
data information precision, and the collection of data type and the methodology of data collection was used to define
pavement characteristics [5].
Data collection is costly, each data collection and data element involves (Time, Money and Effort) to assemble, store,
use and save. The main regulation collection of data attitude is that data requirement ought to never be collected, it
could be agreeable to get the data information or because’ it might be useable in the future. Some of the issues in this
section that faced by road managers have described in determining the exact content of their data requirements and to
meet and get these requirements, it should know how to select the appropriate techniques of data collection.
The significant methods have been utilized for data quality of pavement administration are:
1. Before the collection of data check and Calibration of equipment’s or theoretically examination criteria.
2. Control known by Testing or check destinations previously and amid collection of data.
3. Software schedules for proving the sensibility, dependability, and completeness of the data.
PMS is imagined because of a move from the structure and construct examples to fix and maintenance models.
The country's highway and significant street systems have nearly been completed, and the essential obligation of the
road organizations is to ensure the huge investments in pavements. The system approaches can use limited more
efficiently that pavement designer and planner believe and trust that. From these convictions, the idea of PMS was
conceived. An itemized argument of the key drivers for the underlying PMS improvement could be found in Pavement
Management Systems [6]. The requirements collection of data could be characterized in the three following groups:
which’s (location, physical attribute and condition) [7]. Different techniques and method of technologies utilized for
foundation collection of data have demonstrated a pattern to systematization and automation. Techniques utilized for
the collection of data Asset Management incorporate: [8, 9].
Remote collection.
The newest date collection equipment has accomplished high robotization and precision and is prepared to do
extremely fast, extensive data collection [10,11]. Along with the a source [12] organizations preparation to involve in
collection of data have to study and define the subsequently parameters:
decision-makers locate the best technique for giving and maintaining pavement in a usable state for a given timeframe.
The database is the center capacity of the PMS. It fills in as archive for data expected to help practically any decision,
including a decision about looking after and rehabilitation. Furthermore, the quality of three data will decide the
estimation charge of the Pavement management system [15].
1.1.2 GPS- Devices
The Global Positioning System (GPS) was created through the help of the US Department of Defense to help route
and military situating necessities. The current Navistar framework works on 24 satellites that circle the Earth in six
planes that are slanted at 55 degrees from the central plane and transmit signals that must be gotten on the powdered.
There are 6 satellites in every air ship. Data from these satellites could be utilized to decide the situation of the GPS
recipient with high exactness. So as to decide the area, the GPS must have data from in any event 4 of the 24 satellites.
On the off chance that more satellites can be seen in the meantime, higher precision can be accomplished when
deciding the situation of the point [16].
Contrasted with conventional area data collection methods, our task advancement framework is increasingly
advantageous for controllers since it just needs to remain in the distress area to get GPS facilitates. Regardless of
whether the GPS directions of the upset area can't be gotten because of a physical blockage of sign from adjacent
buildings, the examiner can utilize the offset methods, which can remain at the fitting area and define the offset
distance to the actual area. GPS provided huge upgrades in the capacity to catch spatially found data. By using
technology of GPS problem can be solve and prove successfully. The reason for utilizing G P S for collection of data
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in SHAPMS is to get GIS information, for example, the area of the pate, the length or territory of the watched distress.
So as to accomplish this capacity, the Trimble ongoing sub-meter GPS collector and the field PC are gotten [17].
1.1.3 Geographic Information Systems- (GIS)
GIS are an uncommon instance of data frameworks, where databases incorporate spatial circulation highlights,
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perceptions of activities or event. These can be characterized as raster-based depictions or vector-based portrayals that
recognize spaces as focuses, lines, or districts. When all is said in done, GIS can be characterized as a sorted out
arrangement of PC hardware, programming, geographic information, and individual information intended to
proficiently catch, store, recover, update, control, analysis, and display all types of geo-referenced data [18]. Four
major fundamental segments commonly viewed and ought to list as follow which’s: data management, spatial data
input. Data display and data analysis. Since GIS can show spatial data, yet in addition non-spatial, it is entirely
appropriate for overseeing databases that join spatial data information and non-spatial data information. There are
numerous GIS programming programs available. In the underlying plan stage, an essential guide is created utilizing
the GIS programming ArcGIS Desktop. Actually, ArcGIS is a lot of three incorporated applications, to be specific
ArcMap, Arc-Catalog and Arc-Toolbox. Use Arc-Catalog to make various layers of the zone guide and consolidate
them utilizing ArcMap. All layers are made in a vector group (shape record) [19].
when power is not reachable [20]. PMS data collection has traditionally used linear location referencing methods like
route name and mile-post / log point. In situations where inspection of digital vehicles are not obtainable, the survey
of the pavement condition is still performed manually from a van with a speed range of (8 to 15 mph) consuming data
collection support software [21]. Measurement with mobile application and technology of data collection evaluations
involved comparing asset condition of ground-truth surveys via asset inventory and condition data collected by
different mobile components [22,23].
Road geometry data collection was automated using two techniques. While, primary technique is to use a G P S- . .
enabled mobile component at high-way speeds for measuring evaluations, high altitude and head measurements. Some
other technique is to analyze existing road centerline and visual documentation in the place of work [24,25]. An
i .
amalgamation of road practice on robotized pavement trouble collection systems issued in 2004 archived endeavors
in computerized pavement condition collection and handling of data methods utilized in system level pavement the
board [26]. There are methodological difficulties in the setting The limit so that the advantages of both of the
approaches could be used and the collection of data could be applied. Use a carbon footprint example to give a
respectable introduction to the three approach methodologies by Wiedmann [27]
Three following levels are considered for the data collection:
Network-level data:
Should react to network-level RMS-supported general planning, programming and policy decisions. Under the
Federal Transportation Authorization Performance of (1991), the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act
(ISTEA) mandatory all Federal Assistance Roads to be managed through pavement management systems. This
requirement encouraged the embracing of new technologies to gather the data that necessary for analyzing the network
system of pavement management system. Because the specification has been later abolished, most state road agencies
keep collecting data on the condition of the network level and use the principles of pavement administration to manage
their road network [28]. Network-level pavement condition data are commonly collected in large volumes and often,
but sometimes not, at highway speeds.
The technic methods that allow collection in a relatively short time over a large network to utilize current (and still
evolving) technologies that preset much of the data collection and giving out effort. Such advancements technologies
and methods enable organizations to assemble and report data on an increasingly frequent pavement plan and are
commonly more financially effective than manual systems techniques. Numerous organizations for collecting sensor
data (roughness, rut depth, and issue through transverse and longitudinal profile) on a yearly or semiannual premise
and less continuous data on distress (for example fatigue cracking , longitudinal cracking, and fixing) [26].
In the huge of volume network-level pavement conditions are generally collected and often, but sometimes not in the
highway speed. The methods of data collection that allow comparatively in short time above a huge modern network
use, and it is still developing technologies that preset much more of the collection of data and giving out effort.
Project-level data:
The best behavior for applying to select section of pavement, it must maintenance decision. The data has been
collected, these data could be deposited for producing a more comprehensive database over time. However, a method
could be recognized to hold onto the data existing [29].
Research-level data:
Have to recognize to collect comprehensive data on characteristic specification to response selected question.
2.1 Network- level Data versus project-level Data collection
Data collection usually for Network-level decision-making is generally extraordinary for the project level
decision-making in assurance, techniques and the real data collection, in this manner the value necessities for the
pavement condition data wanted are so unique. For the huge condition data of pavement information that arrange level
on data of collection have incorporates collection of the large quantities on data of pavement condition, which is
regularly changed over to specific form files or total into combined condition For the enormous amounts of pavement
condition data that organize level of data collection have incorporates collection of the immense amounts of data
pavement condition, which is frequently changed over to specific condition files or total into combination condition
files . The pavement condition data information things collected for network level choices be diverse fairly from those
utilized for project level choices, For instance, International Roughness Index (IRI), rut depth, faulting, and surface
distress are collected at the network level by numerous activities however basic limit (which isn't at present collected
at high speeds) is collected fundamentally at the project-level [30]. Both type of the data support decision making, by
the way project level, project level data have been used to enhance the network level pavement management system.
Table 1 further explain the details collection of data for project and network-level road ways.
Figure-2. Relationship between the differently levels of decision-making, decisions, the conforming detail and
quantity of necessary data. [31]
Table-1: Network- and project-level data collection by [30]
So as to execute a network level auxiliary investigation component in a PMS improved with (FWD) Falling Weight
Deflect meter tests utilizing a stochastic model, the accompanying information components are required:
level of advancement required for decision-making and techniques for assembling collect and preparing data. The
Information Quality Level (IQL) guidelines is explain in Figure 3, could be monitored when considering on data
collection: [33]
Road inventory data normally in a once-off exercise are gathered. At the point when changes have been made
to the street, they are also effective. It isn't unexpected to confirm/update the data information like each five
years randomly
Pavement condition data rely on the road class in different frequencies are generally collected, normal
intervals include the main road and major highways which’s about (1 and 2 years), although minor roads
intervals might be observed at (2 and 5 year). To recognize major modifications, the frequency requirements
to be sufficient which will effect road preservation decisions.
Bridge condition data in two cycles have a tendency to to be collected. For collection general data on bridge
condition that regularity surveys are shown (1 and 2 years) of intervals. The investigation are being done
with more intensive at lengthier intervals, characteristically on the order of 5 years.
Data information of traffic is generally collected through a lot of changeless of the count traffic stations
around the nation, enhanced by momentary counts (normally 7 days for traffic volumes) at different areas.
Geometry Geometry GP S . .
In general, overview led of the literature of equipment makers and clients. General instructions on equipment’s cost
and operational estimations are three components the survey considered. Initial, operational and maintenance costs
are the cost estimation reflected. Also, the operational evaluation is considered different characteristics. Those
characteristics are related to equipment performance. Ease of setting up, ease of operation, ease of calibration,
maintenance , data collection speed and portability are the some examples of the characteristics [40]
The Suitability Index is important for cost and operational characteristics. Also, it is defined by a linear equation. This
linear equation included characteristic of the cost and operational. Table 3 explains the values for suitability index
calculations [41]. In general, roads of not higher standards can express on not higher budget technologies.
The suitability index analysis result indicated that condition of the pavement are that balance between cost and
This paper studied data collection which can be included in a pavement management system and highlights key
technologies. For managing the road infrastructure various kind of data are required such as inventory, condition data.
Inventory data explain physical components of a pavement and road system. Condition data explain the condition of
components. There are lots of technologies available to the road manager. The problem is to choose the suitable
equipment. In addition, another problem is the way in which of the data is expected it could be used.
Pavement management system has some critical components such as pavement condition data. This data information,
collected reliably and above a dated of time. Inventory, traffic and cost data combined with network condition data
and it allows pavement management system to analyze. Most countries have adopted data collection equipment. Also,
choosing the appropriate technologies for pavement management system, conclusion as shown below:
1) Data collection is expensive. In addition, data can be collected at a frequency.
2) Dynamic measuring devices and roughness evaluation suggested for use in country.
3) Portable equipment might be used in vehicles.
4) Data could be accurately referenced by a referencing system.
A few developing countries use manual methods and it is not expensive in these countries. However, these countries
find it difficulty investments in their road networks. But, automated technologies have better cost and operational
performance than manual methods. The collection of data equipment’s are supplied and it will give data for use in the
pavement management system for the use of the World Bank.
I ‘d like to say thanks to my pavement management system course instructor Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Ali
Mosaberpanah and his personality with a students that we left very useful and necessary semester with full of
experience about pavement management system. Also he is always push on to telling his student to learn more
information about pavement and getting more experience with him about this course.