17.13 WIND POWER 713
qt P3*Pi
—\ 1 2 3 —
Figure 17.20 A schematic diagram illustrating a venturi flow-
measuring device.
velocity may be determined by knowing the pressure change and the flow rate,
determined from 1 = pAv. The throat contraction is small, so the pressure change is
also small. If the flow is compressible, the velocity change may be found as follows. If
adensity change occurs and must be accounted for, the equation po* = Ccan be used
to determine the functional relationship in the following integral.
The conservation of energy applied between state 1 and state 2 yields for isen-
tropic flow
hy + (ke), = hy + (key
¥a_vi, [?
272 + ; vdp
where dh = T ds + v dp = v dp for isentropic flow: For incompressible flow, v= C.
7 + 20,(D2 — py)? m/s (17.52a)
V2 = [v3 + 2geri(P2 — py)]"? ft/sec (17.52b)
The velocity, specific volume, and area being known, the mass flow rate may be
There are other flow-measuring devices, such as orifices, but we will not discuss
these or the empirical coefficients that must be included in any study of flow-measur-
ing devices. Most fluid dynamics texts cover this area in greater detail.
The use of wind power as a power source appears attractive for several reasons. First,
wind power is a renewable resource, for which the required technology has already
been developed. Second, no air, water, or thermal pollution is associated with it.
Third, weather modification due to wind utilization is negligible. The drawbacks to
wind-power utilization are relatively low efficiencies, high capital costs, noise, aes-
thetic problems, and reliability of equipment.14
Wind power is not a reliable energy source, the output being a function of the
wind velocity. Since wind-velocity fluctuations do not normally coincide with power-
requirement variations, most wind-power systems must include energy storage sys-
There are several types of wind-driven machines, operating on several different
principles. Although each type has its advantages, the onc type that stands out as the
most promising is the horizontal-axis, two-bladed propeller wind turbine, illustrated
in Figure 17.21.
Awind turbine should have the following characteristics: the ability to maintain
optimum alignment with the wind; a low starting torque; the ability to endure high
winds; and, if used to drive a generator, a high rotational speed.
The propeller windmill is almost always either a two- or three-bladed design; the
two-bladed design is more widely used because it is strong, simple, and less expensive.
The horizontal-axis windmill can be positioned so that the blades lie upwind or
downwind of the tower. The downwind design is usually preferred for larger ma-
chines, where a tail vane is not practical. On smaller models, a tail vane keeps the
blades pointing into the wind. Large windmills are usually steered by a pilot wind
vane, coupled to the drive gear, which operates to keep the windmill in constant
alignment with the wind. The pilot wind vane is more sensitive to wind shifts than is
[PiPilot wind vane
Rotor axis
Figure 17.21 A two-bladed horizontal
windmill.17.13 WIND POWER 715
Force on
Figure 17.22 Windmill propeller in a flow field.
the large windmill, At the cutout wind speed, the blades are turned edgewise to the
wind to protect the machine against damage due to high winds.
Let us develop the equations governing the windmill, Figure 17.22 illustrates a
windmill propeller located in a moving fluid.
When the fluid between planes | and 4 is isolated, the only force acting is that
exerted by the fluid on the propeller. The force acting on tne windmill is equal to the
pressure drop across the blades.
F=(p,—p3)A (17.53)
The force is also equal to
F= mv, —v4)
If we let v be the mean velocity across the blades and p be the air density,
F=pvA(vy — v4) (17.54)
Combining equations (17.53) and (17.54) yields
Pa Ps = pV(Yy — Va) (17.55)
Applying the first law to the flow between planes 1 and 2 yields
4, + Dd + $V} = ey + Pad + $V} (17.56)
The temperature is constant; hence u, = u, and
Pit Spit = Bo t+ 4p.vi (17.57a)
Similarly, for planes 3 and 4,
Pst $p3v3 = Da + $Dav4 (17.57)
Fora windmill operating in an unconfined fluid, pressures p, and p, are equal. Since
thisis so, equations (17.56) and (17.57) may be combined, on the assumption that the
density is constant and by virtue of the conservation of mass Vj = V2.
Pa Py = tAVi— vd) (17.58)716
Combining equations (17.55) and (17.58) yields
yom (17.59)
‘The mean velocity across the propeller blades is equal to the average of the upstream
and downstream velocities, measured at some distance from the windmill. Thus, the
velocity drop through the propeller is the same ahead as behind.
The windmill efficiency is the ratio of the power output to the total power
available in the airstream of area A and velocity v. This was derived in Chapter 3.
Power available =
2 ya
Power output = inne
ait vot =v)
a 2v3
The maximum efficiency is found by differentiating 7 with respect to (v,/v,) and
setting the result equal to zero. Let
2 — y2y2) -y
1 SE ey) (rn y’) (761)
My 3y2 4 2y-1
dy mee
The only physically possible solution is y= }. This results in a value of v4/v; = 4,
which when substituted in equation (17.61) yields a maximum efficiency of 59.3%.
Thisis the maximum percentage of energy that can be used from the available energy,
the inlet wind’s kinetic energy.
The word turbomachine is derived from two Latin words, turbo, a spinning object,
and machina, a solid device. If these are combined, the result is a “machine that spins
or rotates.” The rotating portion, or rotor, interacts with the fluid that encompasses it.
A turbomachine is, therefore, a device that imparts energy to (does work on) or
receives energy from (has work done by) a fluid. Sce Figure 17.23 for a simplified
sketch noting the rotor; fixed portion, or stator; and fluid flow direction. Thermody-
namically, the effect of the energy transfer is manifested as a change in the stagnation