Quality Management Practices in Manufacturing Enterprises in The Context of Their Performance
Quality Management Practices in Manufacturing Enterprises in The Context of Their Performance
Quality Management Practices in Manufacturing Enterprises in The Context of Their Performance
Keywords: quality, quality management practices, competitiveness, manufacturing enterprises, return on sales,
JEL Classification: M11, M21, L15
The current globalized market economic environment, which involves national economies in
global economic ties through the growing use of communication technologies, increases the
98 Journal of Competitiveness
The quality of each product can be measured in terms of performance, reliability and durability.
This is a key parameter that distinguishes a company from its competitors. Quality management
tools ensure changes in systems and processes, which ultimately lead to higher product quality
and building a competitive position. Within quality approaches, companies have a relatively
broad portfolio of quality management methods, tools and concepts that can be presented as
a scale of QMPs (Santos et al., 2021; Kuhn et al., 2018). In this sense, the concept of Total
Quality Management, Kaizen philosophy, Six Sigma method, ISO standards 9000, process
management approach, and quality management tools are considered QMPs in this study. Other
authors (Wu, 2020; Saleh et al., 2018) also name them. It is up to enterprises to implement the
right scale of QMPs. The portfolio of these practices is relatively broad. Kuhn et al. (2018)
state that “Traditional QMPs showed to be inefficient when applied in the context of complex
processes”. The future direction of the quality movement will have to take into account the
quality of products manufactured in the era of the digital economy (Popkova, 2019). Carnerud
(2018) specifies trends in quality management, emphasizing the importance of some of them as
more important (Six Sigma, ISO standards, Lean and Innovation) than others. The following
part of the paper presents the essence of selected concepts of QMPs.
Six Sigma (SS) is a method of improving the productivity, performance and quality of
implemented products (Uluskan, 2020). The essence of this method is based on a thorough
understanding of customer requirements and expectations while applying proven tools to
eliminate defects in processes. The purpose of Six Sigma (6σ) is to achieve a state in which the
value of the standard deviation σ would acquire such a size that would guarantee the coverage
of the entire tolerance area of the monitored parameter. In practice, this means taking measures
that would significantly eliminate the variability of processes and thus significantly increase their
stability (Sordan et al., 2020). Six Sigma ultimately reduces the number of defective products
with a consequent increase in revenues and greater customer satisfaction (Yadav et al., 2019).
Mueller & Cross (2020) and Aparisi (2019) dealt with using the SS method in manufacturing
enterprises. However, the aim of these studies was mainly the area of presentation of conceptual
models of implementation of the method without identifying the range of its use in the industrial
sphere in the context of other QMPs. Total Quality Management (TQM) is a concept focused
on improving all activities of the organization. It is a dynamic tool for managing and improving
performance to gain a competitive advantage in terms of quality, productivity, customer
satisfaction, and profitability (Kiseĺáková et al., 2020). TQM is widely used in manufacturing,
education, hospitals, government, and service industries, as well as space and science programs.
Yanya & Mahamat (2020) studied the TQM concept in manufacturing enterprises. However, the
𝑝𝑝 − 𝑧𝑧chi-square
𝛼𝛼 ∙ √
𝑝𝑝(1−𝑝𝑝) test becomes increasingly
< 𝜋𝜋 < 𝑝𝑝 + 𝑧𝑧𝛼𝛼 ∙ √ 𝑛𝑛 significant as the numbers deviate further
(3) from this
pattern. The only 2assumption underlying the Chi-square statistics is that the expected
frequencies 𝑛𝑛 𝑛𝑛 are
|𝑧𝑧| = √ 1 2 ∙ 1 2
|𝑝𝑝 not
−𝑝𝑝 | very small (below five). The coefficient of contingency measures the relation
𝑛𝑛1 +𝑛𝑛2 √𝑝𝑝(1−𝑝𝑝)
between two categorical variables with a scale from 0 to 1, where 0 means complete independence.
For estimation
(𝑓𝑓 −𝑓𝑓 )2
of population proportions, 95% confidence intervals (commonly used in practice)
𝜒𝜒 2 = ∑ 0 𝑓𝑓 𝑒𝑒 (2)
were constructed
𝑒𝑒 according to the formula (Lind, 2020):
𝑝𝑝(1−𝑝𝑝) 𝑝𝑝(1−𝑝𝑝) (3)
𝑝𝑝 − 𝑧𝑧𝛼𝛼 ∙ √ < 𝜋𝜋 < 𝑝𝑝 + 𝑧𝑧𝛼𝛼 ∙ √ (3)
2 𝑛𝑛 2 𝑛𝑛
|𝑧𝑧| = √estimating
𝑛𝑛1 𝑛𝑛2
∙ 1 2the population proportion π in the case of samples with a sufficiently
|𝑝𝑝 −𝑝𝑝 |
(4) large
𝑛𝑛1 +𝑛𝑛2 √𝑝𝑝(1−𝑝𝑝)
range (n>30), based on the central limit theorem, the random variable has an approximately
|𝑧𝑧| = √
𝑛𝑛1 𝑛𝑛2
|𝑝𝑝1 −𝑝𝑝2 | (4)
𝑛𝑛1 +𝑛𝑛2 √𝑝𝑝(1−𝑝𝑝)
where p=(p1.n1+p2 .n 2)/(n1+n 2), p1 and p2 are the sample proportions, and n1, n 2 are the sample
Based on the literature review, the following hypotheses (H1, H2) and a research question
(RQ) were formulated following the research question concept:
H1: It is assumed that there is a difference between manufacturing enterprises with a different
capital structure in the scope of the use of quality management practices.
H2: It is assumed that manufacturing enterprises that use a wider scale of quality management
practices also achieve a higher level of performance measured by the Return on Sales indicator.
RQ: Are there differences in the use of quality management practices within the industries of
manufacturing enterprises in Slovakia?
All statistical analyses were performed using STATISTICA 12 software. Due to the categorical
character of all variables, selected tools of descriptive and inferential statistics were concerned
with proportions. In the H1 and H2 hypotheses, testing the Chi-square statistic was involved.
An alpha level of 0.05 was traditionally used in similar studies as the decision rule was applied.
The output tables were edited in the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet editor. For better clarity,
some results were also presented graphically using a line graph and bar chart, or 3D sequential
At first, it was necessary to identify the practical use of QMPs concerning the scale of their
use within the survey population and the Industry-standard classification system, section C
Manufacturing (NACE classification). The proportion of investigated manufacturing enterprises
that use QMPs is 176 out of 364, i.e., 48.35%. Subsequently, the confidence interval for the
population proportion was calculated to show the occurrence of the observed characteristic
within the target population with a reliability of 95%. The ratio of enterprises that apply at
least two or more proposed QMPs was estimated in the population of Slovak manufacturing
enterprises by the interval from 43% to 53%.
Table 2 presents 95% interval estimates for the proportions of Slovak manufacturing enterprises
that use any of QMP. It is evident that the most frequent is the use of ISO standards 9000,
between 91% to 98% of enterprises. Another activity was the use of basic quality tools. It is
the application of one or more standard tools for evaluating the quality of production and the
quality system: Pareto and Fishbone diagram, Shewart diagram, flowchart, histogram, affinity
and interrelationship diagram, and others. These were used in spans from 55% to 70%. This was
followed by a process management approach and TQM between 39% to 53%, respectively, 35%
to 50% of enterprises. Among the least preferred approaches on a scale of 11% to 21%, resp. 7%
to 16% belonged to the Kaizen philosophy and preventive quality methods (Quality Function
Deployment method - QFD and Failure Mode and Effects Analysis - FMEA).
The concept of quality standardization through ISO 9000 standards, the TQM philosophy and
also the higher number of applications of the Six Sigma method were identified to a greater
extent in the manufacture of motor vehicles (NACE 29), in the manufacture of machinery and
equipment (NACE 28), manufacture of fabricated metal products (NACE 25) and also in the
manufacture of food and beverages (NACE 10+11). In the companies, NACE 29, 28, 25, process
management approaches and basic quality management tools were identified with greater
frequency. The necessity to use the ISO standards 9000 in the environment of manufacturing
enterprises was highlighted by (Dahar & Roudies, 2021; Siltori et al., 2020). Yanya & Mahamat
(2020), Kisel'akova et al. (2020), Sordan et al. (2020) focused their attention on the importance of
TQM and SS method in their studies. The survey results also confirmed that the use of a wider
scale of QMPs is demonstrable in large and partly medium-sized enterprises with higher levels of
total added value. Figure 1 presents the development of value-added indicators in 2009 to 2020
in the selected Slovak manufacturing enterprises with the highest and lowest value. NACE 29,
28, 25, and 22 present the highest value-added and the scale of use of QMPs. At the same time,
these are industries with a high level of technology. Conversely, lower utilization rates for QMPs
were identified in lower value-added industries (NACE 21, 32, 15). Based on these findings, it
can be stated that there are some differences in the use of the scale of QMPs within the sector
of manufacturing enterprises in Slovakia, while the difference factor is the size of the enterprise,
the industry itself, and partly the technology and performance of the industry measured by value-
If a company uses two or more approaches as part of its approach to quality management, it is
possible to speak of the wider use of QMPs. With each new tool, this utilization rate increases.
This assumption was followed when testing hypothesis H1. In terms of H1, the examined
sample was divided into two groups based on the capital structure of manufacturing enterprises.
The group of enterprises with a predominance of domestic capital included 198 enterprises.
The second group was represented by 166 enterprises with a predominance of foreign capital
structure. In relative numbers, it was 54.40% and 45.60%.
In each of the two groups of manufacturing enterprises, the share of those that use QMPs
was calculated. These practices are applied with 29.80% in enterprises with a predominance of
domestic capital and 70.48% in enterprises with foreign capital structure. Based on the given
point estimate, the statistical significance of the difference within the respective populations
was tested, i. e. within population of manufacturing enterprises with domestic and foreign capital
structures applying quality management control. The results of the testing are presented in
Table 3. The null hypothesis stating no difference between the two population proportions was
rejected (p=0.000). The alternative hypothesis about the significant difference was supported.
Table 3 presents the interval estimates, based on which the following can be stated. With 95%
confidence, the percentage of Slovak manufacturing enterprises with a domestic capital structure
that uses QMPs is between 23% and 36%. In the population of Slovak manufacturing enterprises
with a foreign capital structure, the estimate is from 64% to 77%. Manufacturing enterprises
in Slovakia with a foreign capital structure are more successful and competitive in the market
than enterprises with a domestic capital structure. This is due to a certain level of know-how of
a flexible approach in the field of management but also quality. Several authors have confirmed
this assumption in their studies (Zandi et al., 2020; Belas et al., 2018). The H1 hypothesis was
confirmed by our research.
Tab. 4 – Contingency table – relative frequencies for combinations using quality management
practices and ROS. Source: own research
Contingency table - relative frequencies
QMPs ROS up to ROS (2.6% to
ROS negat. ROS > 5% Total
2.5% 5%)
is not used 9.62% 31.59% 7.42% 3.02% 51.65%
is used 4.40% 18.41% 17.31% 8.24% 48.35%
Total 14.01% 50.00% 24.73% 11.26% 100.00%
The results of the contingency testing are presented in Table 5. Using Pearson’s Chi-square test,
the null hypothesis about independence was rejected at the 5% significance level. The relationship
between the two examined variables was evaluated as significantly dependent (p=0.000) with a
moderate strength of contingency coefficient of 0.32.
Tab. 5 – Results of Pearson Chi-square test for hypothesis (H2). Source: own research
Quality management practices versus Return on Sales
Contingency Chi-square test degree of freedom p-level Contingency
42.59 3 0.000 0.32
Residual frequencies are presented in Table 6. Cells with large deviations between observed and
expected frequencies were detected and highlighted in bold.
Tab. 6 – Contingency table – residual frequencies for combinations using quality management
practices and the level of Return on Sales. Source: own research
Contingency table – residual frequencies
ROS negative ROS up to 2.5% ROS (2.6% - 5%) ROS > 5%
is not used 8.66 21.00 -19.48 -10.18
is used -8.66 -21.00 19.48 10.18
Fig. 2 – Use of quality management practices and the ROS level. Source: own research
Figure 3 presents the development of the ROS indicator in the years 2009 to 2020 in the selected
Slovak manufacturing enterprises with the highest and lowest value. A high rate of ROS is
reported in the manufacture of rubber products (NACE 22), manufacture of basic pharmaceutical
products (NACE 21), and manufacture of paper products (NACE 17). Nevertheless, with a
decrease in recent years. In the previous years, ROS values above 2.5% reached NACE with high
value-added, NACE 29 and 25 but with some decline in performance during the pandemic crisis.
Fig. 4 – Decrease in sales due to the pandemic crisis and labour productivity in Slovak manufacturing enterprises in
2020. Source: own research
The quality management and scale of the use of the QMPs portfolio are also justified in the
effort to eliminate economic shocks. An example is the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic.
The economic downturn was evident in almost every country and the pandemic has negatively
influenced all areas of human life. Figure 4 presents data on the real decline in sales caused by the
COVID-19 pandemic crisis in 2020, expressed as a percentage compared to 2019. Manufacturing
enterprises are identified by the relevant NACE classification. The size of the ring characterizes
the share of the industry’s sales within the overall manufacturing industry. At the same time,
the industries are classified with respect to the growing value of labour productivity, determined
as the ratio value-added/average number of employees. Based on the analysed data from the
yearbook of industry 2021, it is possible to confirm that the highest decline in sales with a focus
on the level of value-added per employee was recorded in the manufacture of motor vehicles
(NACE 29), manufacture of computer products (NACE 26), manufacture of fabricated metal
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