org © 2023 IJCRT | Volume 11, Issue 3 March 2023 | ISSN: 2320-2882
*1 Professor and HOD, Dept. of Ilmul Advia,Iqra Unani Medical College, Hospital& Research Center, Jalgaon.
Professor and HOD, Dept. of Amraze Ain Uzn Anf Halaq, Iqra Unani Medical College, Hospital & Research
Center, Jalgaon.
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Kulliyat Umoor-e-Tabiya, Iqra Unani Medical College, Hospital &Research
Center, Jalgaon.
Professor, Dept. of Amraz-e-Jild wa Tazeeniyat, Iqra Unani Medical College, Hospital & Research Center,
Lecturer, Dept. of Niswan wa Qabalat, Iqra Unani Medical College, Hospital & Research Center,Jalgaon.
Herbal medicine is an ancient form of medicine that has been used by humans for thousands of years.
The vital systems of primordial medicines include Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, and folk medicine and, the most
developed and widely practiced medicinal system in India is Ayurveda. Hibiscus species are commonly shrubs,
herbs or trees with many useful properties, of which H. syriacus is one of the prime species of the genus. It is
endowed as the national flower of South Korea, commonly known as ‘Rose of Sharon’ and is found along
valleys, open slopes, roadsides and sea cliffs. The plant species is used as a medicine in many diseases such as
amoebic colitis, hemorrhoids, hemorrhoidal bleeding, migraine, headache, cold, cough, nausea, vomiting,
abdominal pain, ascariasis, colitis, diarrhea, dysentery, dyspepsia, gas, stomach ache, hematochezia, ascariasis
etc. Several biological activities of the plant are attributed to the presence of various active compounds like
botulin, coumarins, fumaric acid, hydroquinone, is vitexin, linoleic acid, nonanoic acid, naringenin acid, Para
hydroxybenzaldehyde, palmitic acid, Syracusans A-C, triterpenoids and vanillic acid. Some phytochemicals,
including linolenic acid, palmitic acid, hydroxyhibiscone A, hibiscuses D, Syracusans A, pentacyclic triterpene
esters, triterpenoid, nonanoic acid, anthocyanins, and others, are responsible for its biological importance like
anti-cancer, anti-aging, anti-depressant, anti-fungal, anti-melanogenic, anti-oxidant, cytoprotective,
neuroprotective, etc., Detailed information extracted by reviewing the medicinal utilities & Phyto-
pharmacological properties, provide elaborated evidences for the application of H. syriacus in many ailments.
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He was instrumental in the establishment of Unani andAyurvedic College at Karol Bagh, Delhi. He was
a keenresearcher and has supervised many studies on Rauwolfiaserpentina- the source plant for many well-
known alkaloidslike reserpine, Ajamaloon etc. Another great contributor isHakim kabeeruddin (1894-1976); he
has translated 88 Unanibooks of Arabic and Persian languages into Urdu. The firstinstitution of Unani medicine
was established in 1872 asOriental College at Lahore in the undivided India. Thereaftermany institutions came
into existence [2, 4, 6]. Though the system was originated in Greece and developed inArab countries like
Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Persia etc., now it iswide spread in all over the globe and became as a part ofIndian
Traditional systems of Medicine. At present Unanisystem of medicine, with its own recognized
practitioners,hospitals, educational and research institutions, forms as anintegral part of the national health care
system. Today India isgrowing as a world leader in Unani medicine. The governmentis also constantly
increasing its support to develop, to validateits classical claims and to popularize the Unani system ofmedicine
in India to provide best reliable natural, safety andefficacious health care to its public. The World
HealthOrganization (WHO) has recognized the Unani System ofMedicine as an alternative system to cater the
health careneeds of human population [2].At present there are more than 30 colleges offering degreecourse in
Unani medicine and the approximate number ofphysician turn out is around 20,000. There are around
177hospitals. A National Institute of Unani Medicine has beenestablished at Bangalore in Karnataka state in
1983 incollaboration with the Govt. of Karnataka- for catering to bothacademic and R & D requirements.
Central Council forResearch in Unani Medicine is the premier agencyinvolved in R & D activities [6]
In the modern world, as people become more aware of the strength and side effects of synthetic
pharmaceuticals, there is an increasing interest in natural product cures. Throughout history, herbal-based
medicines have been used to treat a variety of infectious illnesses, and several scientific investigations have
underlined the importance and contribution of various plant species. Ayurvedic as well as, natural herbs had
been used since ancient times by all the civilizations in history. Herbal remedies have shown modest growth in
recent decades [1]. According to the World Health Organization, traditional medicines are used by more than
80% of the world's population for primary healthcare [2]. Hibiscus has around 250 species that are extensively
dispersed throughout the world's tropical and subtropical climates, with approximately 40 species found in
India. Many species are grown for their decorative value. H. syriacus is an important species in the genus,
which have great economic and medicinal value and is also used in beverages, in Asian countries [3]. It is used
against many diseases such as amoebic colitis, ascariasis, abdominal pain, cold, cough, colitis, dermophytes,
diarrhoea, dysentery, dyspepsia, gas, haemorrhoids, haematochezia, haemorrhoidal bleeding, headache,
itchiness, migraine, nausea, psoriasis, painful skin diseases, stomach ache, scabies, ulcers, vomiting, vertigo etc.
It also contains numerous secondary metabolites which have anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fertility,
anti-fungal, anti-oxidative, anti-hypertensive and hypoglycemic like biological activities [4].
Currently, the anti-proliferative effect of root bark against cancer cells has recently been discovered, and
various tri-terpenoids have been identified as active chemicals responsible for the activity [5]. Although, several
research works have been already performed previously, but a comprehensive review is still lacking which may
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aid in future research. The current study has been attempted to summarise the most recent knowledge on
pharmacological actions, ethnomedicinal and phytochemical properties of H. syriacus, which in-turn will be
valuable for future implications. The study will deliver detailed authentication for the application of the plant in
various maladies.
II. Traditional Uses of Hibiscus
In India, Hibiscus flowers and leaves are used for the abortion,antifertility, contraceptive, Diuretic,
Menorrhagia, Bronchitis, Emmengogue,Demulcent, and Cough. In Africa and neighbouring tropicalcountries
has lengthy history, Hibiscus flowers have been used in sachets andperfumes. In areas of Northern Nigeria,
Hibiscus has been used to treatconstipation. The fleshy red calyx is used in the preparation of jam, jelliesand
cold and warm teas and drinks. The leaves have been used like spinach.The leaves are used in traditional
medicines as emollients and aperients totreat burning sensations, skin disease, and constipation. In Egypt, the
plant used for the treatment of cardiac and nerve diseasesand has been described as diuretic. In Japan, Hibiscus
leaves are used asantidiarrheal. Iran, sour tea used for the treatment of hypertension. In westerncountries,
Hibiscus flowers often are found as component of herbal teamixture. In Thailand, people consume Roselle juice
to quench thirst.
III. Morphological description of Hibiscus
It is a shrub or small tree, 4 m tall. Stems erect or ascending, sparsely to moderately hairy when young,
becoming globous or nearly so with age. Leaves stipulate, petiole densely hairy adaxially. Inflorescence has
solitary flowers or few-flowered clusters in the axil of distal leaves. Flowers horizontal or ascending,
sometimes double, pedicel 1.5 cm long, minutely, densely, stellate-hairy, epicalyx bracts 7 or 8, 0.9-2.2 cm
long, linear or narrowly oblanceolate, margin not ciliate, densely stellate-hairy throughout, calyx lobed, widely
campanulate, 1.6-2 cm long, lobes triangular, apices sharp or short-acuminate, minutely and thickly stellate-
hairy throughout, corolla broadly funnel shape, staminal column 2.5-3.5 cm long, white, carrying filaments
virtually throughout, free section of filaments not secund, generally 1.5-3 mm long, style 8 mm long, white,
branches sometimes of unequal lengths, stigma white. Fruits capsules, 1.5-2.5 cm long, greenish tan, ovoid,
apex apiculate, minutely, densely stellate-hairy. Seeds 5-8 per locule, 4-5 mm long, reniform-ovoid, laterally
flattened, reddish brown, laterally globous, dorsally long, hairy, hair straight, reddish orange in colour [6,7].
IV. Pharmacological activities of Hibiscus.
A. Anti-noceceptive and Anti-inflammatory Activity
The anti-noceceptive and anti-inflammatory activities of methanolic extract of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis leaves
at dose of 250 and 500 mg/kg body weight were studied. Result showed a significant dose dependent anti-
inflammatory activity in carrageenin and dextran induced rat paw edema, animal model. In the same study, the
significant dose dependent peripheral analgesic activity was also studied using acetic acid induced writhing
response and tail flick method at same dose. The analgesic activity of aqueous and alcoholic extract of Hibiscus
rosa-sinensis leaves were studied8. Result showed that plant leaves have significant analgesic activity at dose of
100, 200 mg/kg body weight.
B. Anti-convulsant Activity
Different extract of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis flower was evaluated for anticonvulsant activity at a dose of 250
mg/kg body weight. It showed significant anticonvulsant activity in maximum electroshock seizure method but
did not show any significant activity in Isoniazid induced model. The result was analyzed by studying the
various phases of convulsion viz. flexon, extensor, clonus, stupor, recovery and death.
C. Anti-ulcer Activity
Various extract of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis root were prepared by cold maceration method and evaluated for
antiulcer activity. The result revealed that aqueous extract of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis at dose of 500 mg/kg
showed highly significant dose dependent antiulcer activity in pylorus ligation induced gastric ulcer model. The
gastroprotective activity was also performed on the various extract of flower. The result showed significant
reduction in ulcer index and ulcer score.
D. Anti-diabetic Activity
The anti-diabetic activity of ethanolic extract of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis leaves at dose of 100 and 200 mg/kg
body weight was reported. Result showed that plant has significant hypoglycemic activity in non obese diabetic
(NOD) mice. In this study, various parameters such as blood glycosylated haemoglobin level, Plasma insulin,
Blood triglycerides, cholesterol, and blood urea were evaluated. Aqueous and ethanolic extract of Hibiscus
rosa-sinensis flower at 250 mg/kg body weight was evaluated for antidiabetic activity. Result revealed that
aqueous extract did not alter the glucose level in normoglycemic as well as in STZ induced diabetic but
ethanolic extract of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis flower at doses of 250 and 500 mg/kg showed significant reduction
in blood glucose level in both acute and sub-acute treatment. The insulin secreting activity of Hibiscus rosa-
sinensis leaf extract in Alloxan induced diabetic rat. Result demonstrated that treatment of leaf aqueous extract
was enhanced the serum insulin level and had a therapeutic efficacy in recovering type- I diabetes in Wistar
Fig. 4 Hibiscus for Cardiac and Fig. 5 Hibiscus for Hair conditioner and
Cholesterol Diseases and Weight Loss Cosmetics
E. Anti-pyretic Activity
Ethanolic extract of two varieties of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis flower, Lahina and China were evaluated for
antipyretic activity. The result showed that flower extract of China rose have significant antipyretic activity at
dose of 300 mg/kg on Brewer’s yeast induced pyrexia model.
F. Wound Healing Activity
The wound healing activity of ethanolic extract of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis flower at dose of 120 mg/kg/day
was evaluated. The result showed significant reduction in wound area. The study was performed by using
excision, incision, and dead space wound model and activity was assessed by the rate of wound contraction,
period of epithelization, tensile strength, granulation tissue weight and hydroxyproline content.
G. Hair growth Activity
The hair growth activity of petroleum ether extract of leaves and flower of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis was
evaluated by in-vitro and in-vivo methods. Result revealed that leaf extract exhibit more potency on hair growth
than flower extract. The same activity on 2.0 % Ethanolic extract of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis flower was
evaluated. The result showed that extract has potential hair growth activity in female Wistar rats.
Fig. 6 Hibiscus capsules for various Fig. 7 Hibiscus against Anti- Cancer
H. Anti-bacterial Activity
Different extract of leaves and flower of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis was evaluated for its activity against Gram
positive and Gram negative bacteria by agar well diffusion and agar disk diffusion methods. Result revealed
that plant have highly positive antibacterial activity against some pathogens.
I. Anti-fertility Activity
Ethanolic extract of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis root was evaluated for antifertility activity by and result showed
its potential post-coital Antifertility, estrogenic and anti-implantation activity at dose of 400 mg/kg body
J. Anti-cancer Activity
The anticancer activity of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis extract was evaluated at dose of 3.5 and 7.0 mg/kg body
weight and studied showed protective effect in the tumour promotion stage of cancer development against the
single topical application of benzoyl peroxide (20 mg/0.2ml/animal) followed by UV radiation (0.420J/m2/s).
The role of gentisic acid in the chemopreventive activity of Hibiscus rosa sinensis extract on 7, 12-dimethyl
benz(a)anthracene (DMBA)/croton oil-mediated carcinogenesis in mouse skin via 12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol-
13-acetate (TPA)-induced tumour promotion response and oxidative stress. The result revealed that extract and
gentisic acid has a role in the modulating activity of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis that reduced the MDA formation
and H2O2 content.
K. Immuno-modulatory Activity
The immune modulatory activity of hydro-alcoholic extract of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis flower was studied
and observation showed significant immune stimulatory activity at 75, 150, 300 mg/kg in carbon clearance
method, haem-agglutination antibody titre method and footpad swelling method.
L. Anti-estrous Activity
Benzene extract of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis flower was evaluated for anti-estrous activity on estrous cycle and
reproductive organs in female albino mice. The result revealed that flower extract disrupt the estrous cycle and
reduce the weight of ovaries, uterus and pituitary gland.
M. Aphrodisiac Activity
The aqueous and alcoholic extract of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis leaves was evaluated for its aphrodisiac activity
in immature albino male rats. The gain in body weight and isolated sexual organs compared to control group
confirmed its anabolic property.
N. Antifungal activity
According to previous studies, the methanol extracts prepared from the leaves of the Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
were shown to have antimicrobial activities against Candida albicans, Aspergillus niger, Candida parapsilosis
and Trichophyton rubrum. Using well diffusion method and after an incubation period of 24 hours at 37° C, the
maximum observed zone of inhibition was 9.3 ± 0.57 mm and it was against Aspergillus niger followed by 6.6
± 0.57 mm against Candida albicans at 80 μg/ml concentration of of leaves methanolic extract. These fungi
were obtained from infected skins, and the chemical coumpounds responsible for the antifungal activity may be
due to flavonoids, tannins, terpenoids, saponins, or alkaloids identified in the study.
O. Cardio-protective Effect
The cardio-protective activity of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis flower was studied and observation showed cardio-
protective effect at concentration of 125, 250 and 500 mg/kg in isoproterenol induced myocardial injury and
study also founded that it also augments endogenous antioxidant molecules.
P. Hepato-protective Activity
The hepato-protective potential of anthocyanin extract from the petals of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis against
carbon tetrachloride-induced acute liver damage in Wistar rats. Result revealed that pre-treatment with the
anthocyanin fraction reduced the levels of these markers and hence, the degree of liver damage.
Q. Hypo-lipidemic Activity
The hypo-lipidemic activity of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis root extract (500mg/kg) was studied against triton and
cholesterol-rich high fat diet-induced hyperlipidemia in rats. Guggulipid (200mg/kg) was taken as standard
drug. Result of histopathological findings in rat liver supported the protective role of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis root
extract in both the models.
R. Effect on CNS
The effect of methanolic extract of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis leaves on sedative, anxiolytic, depressant and
skeletal muscle relaxant was studied. Result showed that methanolic extract have sedative, anxiolytic, CNS-
depressant and skeletal muscle relaxant effects.
S. Anti-hypertension Activity
The effect of anthocyanidin fraction (100 and 300mg/kg) of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis on blood pressure in
Deoxycorticosterone Acetate (DOCA)-salt hypertensive rats was studied. Blood pressure was measured by both
non-invasive and invasive technique. The result was revealed that anthocyanidin fraction of Hibiscus rosa-
sinensis have anti-hypertensive as well as antioxidant activity.
Majority of the population pursue the drugs derived from the plant origin for their health care. Several
medicinal plants derived components are used directly or indirectly for the therapeutic applications. The
antioxidant properties of the Hibiscus rosa sinensis plants are particular interest in view of the oxidative
modification. The diabetes related complications like
hyperglycimia, hypercholesteromia, hyperlipidemia also controlled by the Hibiscus rosa sinensis plants in
animals. The Hibiscus rosa sinensis plant has been identified for their various therapeutic applications but the
more research is needed for the future prospective. With time, we can expect to see a greater body of scientific
evidence supporting the benefits of Hibiscus rosa sinensis in the overall maintenance of health and protection
from disease. All of its parts have been used in the treatment of fever, inflammation, bacterial infections, and
even as contraceptive agent. Flavonoids, tannins, terpenoids, saponins, and alkaloids are the main
phytochemicals as they are present in different extracts, and are more likely responsible for their biological
activities. Lower toxicity of this plant can be an advantage to qualify it to be used as new therapeutic agent. In
some areas, the research is very limited and therefore further studies must be carried out to explore the
phytochemicals mechanism of action such as anti-cancer activity. However, these biological compounds must
be first isolated and identified successfully. Moreover, clinical trials on the toxicity of this plant and its
pharmacological effects must be carried out to assess its safe application and desirable side effects.
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