7th Voyage
7th Voyage
7th Voyage
Wargaming in the world of stop motion my
thic fantasy
Magic 20
What is Magic in 7th Voyage? 20
Gifts of the Gods 20
Performing Spells 20
Animation and Summoning 21
Choosing Spells 22
Luck 22
Armoury 23
Weapons 23
Weapon Effects 25
Special Effects 26
What are Special Effects? 26
Combat 28
Knowledge 28
Otherworldly 29
Physical 30
Traits 31
Disadvantages 32
Monstrous 33
Film Guides 55
The Golden Fleece 55
Gorgon! 58
The Voyages of Sinbad 61
The Rogue of Baghdad 64
Scene Guide 67
What Scene to Play? 67
Battle 68
Escape 69
Race 70
Skirmish 71
Slay 72
Steal 73
Location Manager 74
In cities and ports across the ancient world,
stories are told and retold of great heroes ROUGH DIAMOND STUDIOS
setting sail, and travelling to the ends of the AND BARRON PRODUCTIONS
Earth, to find and fulfil their destiny. Watched Founded by director Ron Carpenter and special
over by Gods and spirits, whether for good effects genius William Henry Harrison, Rough
or ill, these adventurous souls risk all, taking Diamond Studios created some of the finest action-
adventure films and stop motion effects of the 60s
fate into their own hands. and 70s. Together they brought the myths and
legends they adored as children to life for generations
Teeming with all walks of life, from princes and of their fans.
paupers, holy men and sorcerers, to merchants selling
exotic goods from east and west, the great ports are Representing the first foray into Hollywood by Sidney
gateways to adventure for anyone brave enough to step Barron, the mogul behind the UK based 7TV Studios,
aboard a ship. In these cultural melting pots, stories are Barron Productions provided the financial backing
traded as readily as the finest wines, and the ones that for Rough Diamond. Although eight movies were
have aged the best often hail from Arabia and Greece. produced in fourteen years, under the surface creative
tensions and financial pressures eventually tore the
Overseen by powerful and, at times, capricious Gods, endeavour apart, but not before Barron choose to take
the heroes and heroines of Greece have seen their his revenge publicly.
fair share of both triumph and tragedy. Often tasked
with the seemingly impossible, the retrieval of a fabled In the pages that follow, movie listings, quotes and
gift, such as the Golden Fleece, or the slaying of some scripts from their filmic voyage are presented for your
titan, such as Medusa, these fated heroes battle to viewing pleasure.
succeed, aided by or in spite of the Gods’ efforts.
This is a world of myth and legend, the world of Theseus ............................... JOCK MALONEY
7th Voyage. Ariadne ................................ NATALIA WOOD
King Minos ........................ PETER USTINOW
Daedalus ...................... GEORGE SAUNDERS
Pasiphaë ........................... CAROLINE JONES
Icarus ........................... HORST BOOKWOOD
Phaedra ........................... ANNE MARGARET
idney Barron’s first taste Harrison was a gifted model maker
of Hollywood came through and animator, particularly interested
his collaboration with Ron in making stop motion films, and
Carpenter, his stepson from his first as equally obsessed with myths
marriage, to the American actress and legends as Carpenter. Together
Claudia Carpenter, better known as they went on to produce a series of
Claudia Cadence. Although their student films, exploring the themes
marriage was fleeting, with the that so delighted them, combining
venomous lovebirds flying their stop motion monsters and special
separate ways within two years, effects with footage of actors
Barron's relationship with Ron from the campus society. These
Carpenter lasted longer, but was short films focused on American
destined to be far bitterer in the end. and European folklore, in which
Harrison at work
all manner of goblins, spirits and
A creative mind, Carpenter had on Minotaur!
sprites would come to life.
grown up on film sets as part of
his mother’s entourage, and was After university, the pair’s first
heavily influenced by the world professional break came in 1957.
around him. At the age of fifteen, Working as second unit director, In the wake of their success,
he wrote and directed his first Carpenter worked with Harrison they set up their own production
short film, a tale inspired by the developing all of the magical company, Rough Diamond
One Thousand and One Nights sequences in the epic The Rogue Studios, and embarked on their
and entitled The Hand of Destiny, of Baghdad, including the living first feature. It was at this point
which used sets and props from his shadow and walking tree fights. A that Carpenter approached Barron
mother’s latest movie, Mata Hari. critical and commercial triumph, for finance. Although triumphs,
However, it was not until university, the film earned them much praise many in Hollywood saw the films
where he formed a lifelong and was followed by their equally as passing fads and, with the nature
friendship with his film partner, acclaimed second unit work on of the animation process, time
William Henry Harrison, that his The Odyssey. consuming ones to produce at that.
star truly began to rise. True to form, Sidney Barron had
problems with only one of those
issues. It all hinged on whether the
films could be made cheaply and
AND quickly enough to capitalise on and
THE sustain the current interest.
horns, head and shoulders above
the B movie creature flicks of the
previous two decades.
Three more epics inspired by
Greek myth followed, The WATCH THE MAGIC!
Golden Fleece, Herakles!, and the FEEL THE TERROR!
terrifying Gorgon!, but it was the LIVE THE LEGEND!
duo’s love of Arabian stories that
the rules
All of the basic mechanics of 7th Voyage are Basic principals
explained in this chapter, including profiles,
movement, actions, combat and morale. It’s a Game
First and foremost 7th Voyage is intended to be a
game that is enjoyable for all involved. The rules
common terms that follow are guidelines to enable balanced and
As a set of rules based on movies and TV programmes, fair play, but should not be adhered to strictly at the
7th Voyage renames several commonly used game expense of having fun. If a situation arises where
terms to better reflect the setting, for example: you feel something should be possible or it will add
to the drama of a scene, you should use your own
l The models that compose your side are called a cast. judgement to resolve it fairly for everyone playing. This
l Your cast is made up of Stars, Co-Stars, Guest could be as simple as making a statistic or opposed
Stars and Extras. test to resolve an action, to developing your own
l Special abilities they may possess are defined as house rules to cover the unfolding drama.
special effects.
l Some models have their own abilities, defined as Dice Modifiers
either star qualities or unique effects. All dice modifiers, whether bonuses or penalties,
l The value of models and your cast are expressed are applied to the result of the die rolled and not the
in ratings. statistics governing them, i.e. a +1 to hit bonus or −1
l And finally, the game scenarios you play are penalty to a Morale test is applied to the result of the
called scenes. dice. All such modifiers are cumulative, with bonuses
reducing penalties and vice versa. However, a die roll of
1 will always fail, regardless of any modifiers, including
Audience Appreciation tokens and Event cards.
Statistic Modifiers
All Statistic Modifiers, whether they raise or lower the
3.20 Film value, are applied to the statistic itself, i.e. a model
The Rogue of Baghdad that must count their Def as 1 less to a minimum of 1,
would go from Def 3 to Def 2. All such modifiers are
starring Salvatore Mineo & Kim Novack cumulative, but a model can never raise a stat above
With her father magically enslaved by the 10 or lower it to less than 1. Statistic values of 0 are
Vizier, the Caliph’s Daughter finds herself special and can never be raised or lowered under any
fleeing from the palace guards and seeking circumstances.
refuge on the streets. There she meets an
unlikely hero, an urchin and honourable thief, Re-rolls
and together they embark on a journey to stop A dice can be re-rolled only once. No matter how
the Vizier from rewriting history (1957). many sources or special effects may provide a re-roll,
a dice can only benefit from one of them. When two
The Rogue ....................... SALVATORE MINEO or more dice are rolled and the best result is chosen,
The Caliph’s Daughter .............. KIM NOVACK only one of the dice can be re-rolled.
The Vizier ........................ JOHN CARRADYNE
The Djinn ................................... TOR JONSON Line of Sight
The Caliph ....................... CHARLES LAWTON To charge, shoot or target another model with a
The Shadow Prince .............. VINCENT PRYCE special effect or Spell, the model performing the
The Apothecary .................. JOSEPH SWEENIE action must be able to see part of the model or
models they’re targeting. For the purposes of line of
Producer Terrence Marter sight, a model is assumed to be able to see in a 360°
Director William Powell
arc for charging, using special effects and Spells, but
may only shoot at models in their front 180° arc.
Defence (Def)
The higher a model’s Def the less likely they are to
come to harm. Factors determining Def include armour
worn, natural toughness, thick skin or hide. Models
with a Def of 0 cannot be harmed by physical attacks
because of their invulnerability or lack of substance.
A model can take a number of wounds equal to their
Hits before they are removed from play. There is no
maximum Hits value, but most models have between
1 and 3 Hits.
Strength (Str)
Str is used in melee or when performing other feats of
brute force. Models with a Str of 0 are non-corporeal
and cannot interact with the physical world.
Agility (Agi)
Agi represents both bodily manoeuvrability and
manual dexterity. High Agi allows a model to avoid
falls and other perilous situations where less agile
models would suffer.
Intelligence (Int)
Int represents both knowledge and wisdom, and is
key to performing Spells. Models with an Int of 0 are
considered to be mindless and can’t perform Spells.
Both Guards have been drugged, and the great stone door stands
unbarred and slightly ajar.
Always forwards, never left or right.
POV. In the dim light from the candles of the wall sconces, a
looming shadow moves.
Within the crack, the dead Athenian's vacant eye sockets watch
the shadow pass with a skeletal smile.
1. Determine Initiative & Audience Appreciation Place a token next to each model you wish to activate
2. First Player’s Action Phase this turn. Once you have placed all of the tokens you
3. Second Player’s Action Phase want to use, you may begin activating models. One at a
4. End Phase time, choose a model, activate it and remove its token.
Initiative Activation
Both players roll 1D6 and whoever rolls the highest Each model gets to make up to two actions when
becomes the first player. On a tie the person who was activated. The available actions are:
the second player last turn becomes the first player
this turn. If you tie for the first turn, roll again. l Movement up to the model’s Move value
l Shoot with a ranged weapon
Audience Appreciation l Aim prior to shooting a ranged weapon
7th Voyage audiences enjoy moments l Make a melee attack if in base contact with an
of high drama and action, filled with enemy
incredible adventure and improbable l Perform a special action
deeds, and Audience Appreciation AUDIENCE
reflects this in game. APPRECIATION Models can make multiple move, melee attack or
special actions in the same turn, but cannot shoot or
Determine the difference between the aim more than once in a turn.
two Initiative rolls. The first player is given a number
of Audience Appreciation tokens equal to half this Free Actions
amount, rounding up, and the second player gains the In addition to the normal limit of two actions, all
remainder. AA tokens can be used to do the following: models may make any number of free actions during
their activation or the turn. Free actions represent
l 1 token can be spent to add a +1 bonus to a die quick or opportune activities, effects and situations
roll, even after the die is rolled. such as going prone, escaping capture, or making a
l 2 tokens can be spent to purchase an additional wish for example.
Activation token, see Action Phase below.
The End Phase
Audience Appreciation tokens can only be used on In the End Phase, the first player and then the second
a player’s own rolls, but more than one token can be player should:
used to make a greater adjustment to the same roll.
Any AA tokens not used in the same turn in which l Remove from play all of their models that have no
they are gained are lost. Hits remaining.
l Check to see if their cast is Shaken or Wiped Out,
see page 17.
l Attempt to remove any statuses that models in
their cast are suffering from, see page 18.
l Discard any unused Audience Appreciation tokens.
Movement Charging
Models ending a move action in base contact with
an opposing model that was 3” or more from them
at the start of their activation are considered to have
charged. Models can only charge once in a turn, no
matter how many move actions they may make. A
charging model can make an immediate, free melee
For each action spent on movement, a model may attack and gains both of the following benefits:
move up to its Move value in inches. Models can turn
in any direction during this movement, changing the l +1 bonus to their to hit roll
direction in which they face as many times as they l +1 bonus to their to damage roll
like, but their final facing is important for the purposes
of shooting and melee. Models can move through Climbing
friendly models, but cannot move through the bases When in base contact with a climbable surface or piece
of enemy models. of terrain, models can climb up or down one or more
levels (count each level as being 2” in height), as part
Models moving through or out of rough ground, such of their move action if they successfully pass an Agi
as in woods, across a sand dune or in shallow water, test. If the test is failed they don’t climb, but remain
can only move 1D6” per move action. where they were. If a 1 is rolled while attempting to
climb, the model has fallen from the highest level they
Models moving over an obstacle less than 1½” high, could potentially have reached in their move.
such as a wall, can only move 1D6” per move action.
Place the model past the intervening obstacle if the Falls
die roll allows sufficient movement to reach the other Models who fall, drop or jump down one or more
side. Otherwise, place the model up to the distance levels (count each level as being 2” in height), must
rolled, but no farther than the nearest edge or part of make an immediate Agi test, with a –1 penalty for
the obstacle. each level beyond the first fallen. If the Agi test is
passed the model is not harmed, but can do nothing
Models jumping over a gap, such as the space further this turn. If the test is failed the model has
between buildings or over a chasm, can only jump fallen badly and gains the Stunned status.
1D6” per move action. Place the model on the other
side if the die roll allows sufficient movement to Swimming
cross the gap. Otherwise, move the model up to the When in or in base contact with deep water, such as
distance rolled, if this would take them over an edge, a lake, a river or the sea, models can swim 1D6” as
the model has fallen. a move action if they successfully pass a Str test. If
the test is failed, they either remain in place or move
Going Prone 1d3” in the direction of the current. If a 1 is rolled while
Models may drop to the ground as a free action and attempting to swim, the model has floundered and is
go prone. Place prone models on their side, but face potentially in real trouble, and will suffer a Str 4 hit as
up. Movement while prone is at half their normal rate. they struggle for breath.
Models can stand up by making a move action and can
also move up to half their normal rate when doing so. At the start of a scene, it is a good idea to agree the
direction of current for all relevant pieces of terrain. If
this is not obvious, you can determine direction with a
scatter die.
Optional rule Dragging Another Model
Moving out of base contact A Captured or Stunned model can be dragged by
When a model attempts to move out of base other models in base contact. A single model can drag
contact with one or more opposing models, they another up to half of their movement, while two or
must make an opposed Agi test. If successful more models can drag them up to their full movement.
the model may move as normal. If failed, one In the case of the latter, all of the dragging models
opposing enemy model may make a free melee must have Activation tokens and any move actions
attack, after which the model may move as taken as a group count towards their actions when
normal. Other models, both friends and enemies they’re individually activated.
in base contact, can contribute to the opposed
Agi test. Add +1 to each side’s roll for each Models with the Large or Massive special effects
additional model they have in base contact with cannot be dragged except by other Large or Massive
the ‛moving out of base contact’ model. models. In addition, Large or Massive models can
drag smaller sized models up to their full movement.
Shooting Melee
Models armed with a ranged weapon can take one Models in base contact with one or more enemy
shooting action per turn, as long as: models can make one melee attack for each melee
action they take. Charging models gain an immediate,
l They have not already used a shooting action of free melee attack. Only the activating model gets to
any kind this turn make an attack, but other models may strike back on
l They are not in base contact with any opposing their own activation in that turn.
l Distance to the target is equal to or less than the Roll to Hit
weapon’s range Roll 1D6, a hit will be scored if the result is equal to or
l Target is not hidden, blocked by terrain or another greater than the ‛Hit’ value of the attack being used.
model, or in melee This is normally written as Spear (4+) and, in this
l Target is in view of the front 180° arc of the example, a hit would be scored on a 1D6 roll of 4, 5
shooting model’s base or 6. In addition there are modifiers to this die roll, see
the Melee Attack Modifiers table. A die roll of 1 will
Roll to Hit always miss, regardless of any modifiers.
Roll 1D6, a hit will be scored if the result is equal
to or greater than the ‛Hit’ value of the attack being Melee Attack Modifiers table
used. This is normally written as Bow (5+) and, in this
example, a hit would be scored on a 1D6 roll of 5 or Condition To hit modifier
6. In addition there are modifiers to this die roll, see
+1 to both hit
the Ranged Attack Modifiers table. A die roll of 1 will Charging bonus
always miss, regardless of any modifiers. and damage
Target is Prone and more than 6” away -1 Attacking a Stunned model roll 2+ to hit,
+1 to damage
Target or Shooting model is flying -1
Attacking over an −1 to both hit
Target is Small -1 intervening obstacle and damage
Causing Damage
If a hit is scored, see page 15 for details of how to
determine the damage caused.
Damage table
strength higher defence higher
2 or more 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 or more
When a model is hit or suffers potential damage from Models that have suffered wounds,
any source, make a damage roll by comparing the but are not incapacitated should
attacking Str with the model’s Def and rolling 1D6 on have the wounds they’ve taken
the Damage table above. A wound is caused if the recorded, either on the player’s
result is equal to or greater than the target number cast list or by using wound tokens
listed. In addition there are modifiers to this damage placed next to the model. During
roll, see the Melee Attack Modifiers table. A die roll the End Phase remove from play any
of 1 will always fail, regardless of any modifiers. models that have no Hits remaining.
When two numbers are given, such as 6 then 5+, two Capturing Models
rolls must be made. The first roll, plus any modifiers, Instead of removing a model’s last remaining Hit with
must be equal to or greater than 6 and the second roll, a melee attack, an attacking model may choose to
plus any modifiers, must be equal to or greater than capture them instead. Discount any wounds the model
the second target number listed to cause a wound. would normally have received from the attack, instead
the model gains the Captured status. As long as they
Wound or Stun remain in base contact the attacking model can now
Most attacks cause serious damage. Unless noted choose to relocate themselves and the model just
otherwise, a successful damage roll will always cause captured to:
a wound. Unarmed melee attacks, such as Brawl, can
normally only Stun a model. However, if the attacking l Anywhere in their deployment area
model’s Str is greater than the model's Def they may l Within 4” of a friendly member of their cast
choose to cause a wound instead.
Multiple Wounds
Normally only one wound is caused, but some
Monsters, weapons or circumstances may cause
more. When multiple wounds may be caused, make
damage rolls for each potential wound separately.
Special Actions
to or higher than the target number, the model has
successfully passed the test. Models that have a
statistic value of 0 automatically fail any statistic test
they’re required to take. The only exception to this are
Morale tests, see page 17.
Alone Example
Many models do not operate well far from help. If an Shaken Morale test
Extra that doesn’t already have the Scared status is Your cast has lost half of its models and your
within 6” of three or more enemy models and there only active Star is Circe, a Vile Tyrant with
are no friendly models within 6” of them when they are Morale 4. During the End Phase she must
activated, then that model must make a Morale test. make a Morale test with a −1 penalty and
If this test is passed the model will stand firm, but if it needs to roll a 3+ to be successful. She rolls a 5
is failed they suffer the Scared status. Models in base and passes the test (5-1 = 4), and everything is
contact with one or more enemy models, or models fine. If she had rolled a 3 she would have failed
possessing the Fearsome special effect, are not (3-1 = 2), and you would have to choose 1D3
required to make Alone tests. models from your cast to be removed from play.
If a model that doesn’t already have the Scared
status is activated or finishes any move action they
take within 6” of an enemy model with the Fearsome Wiped Out
special effect, they must make an immediate Morale If your cast has lost three quarters or more of its
test. If this test is passed, the model may continue models (include Captured, Dominated and Stunned
as normal. If the test is failed, the model suffers the models as being lost), you must make a single Morale
Scared status. Models in base contact with one or test like you would for being Shaken, but with a −2
more enemy models, or models possessing the penalty instead. If the test is failed your opponent
Fearsome special effect themselves, are not required may choose 1D3 of your models to be immediately
to make Fear tests. removed from play. If you do not have any active
Stars, Co-Stars or Guest Stars remaining to make the
test, your opponent may choose to remove 1D6 of
your models from play instead.
Wiped Out Morale test
Things have gone from bad to worse, your cast
has lost three quarters of its models. Your only
active Star is Circe, a Vile Tyrant with Morale 4.
During the End Phase she must make a Morale
test with a −2 penalty and needs to roll a 3+ to
be successful. She rolls a 4 and fails the test
(4-2 = 2), and your opponent now chooses 1D3
models from your cast to be removed from play.
If Circe had not been active, had been Stunned
for instance, there would be no Star, Co-Star or
Guest Star to make the Morale test and instead
your opponent would choose 1D6 models from
your cast to be removed from play.
statuses. There are six statuses used in 7th Voyage, models On Fire must make a
each one is represented by a token that should be Morale test. If the test is passed
placed next to any model suffering from that status. they have controlled their fear and
may use special actions to try and
Captured put themselves out. If the Morale test
Captured models cannot activate CAPTURED is failed they move 1D6” in a random direction and
and take no further part in the can take no further actions this turn. At the end of
game, apart from rolling to remove their cast’s Action Phase if they’re still On Fire, they
statuses affecting them. However, suffer a Str 4 hit. As a special action, the model or a
a model cannot attempt to remove friendly model in base contact may attempt to put out
the Captured status while affected by the flames, remove the On Fire status on a 1D6 roll
other statuses, as a Scared or Stunned of 4+. On Fire models suffer a −2 to hit penalty on all
model is unlikely to want or be able to escape for attacks, count both their Def and Agi as 1 less to a
example. A model may remove other statuses first minimum of 1, and are unable to perform Spells.
and then the Captured status in the same End Phase.
If the Captured status is removed then the model Scared
has managed to escape and is allowed to make an Scared models cannot use move
immediate free action. A Captured model counts as actions to move closer to enemy
being lost for Shaken and Wiped Out Morale tests. models with the Fearsome special
effect, but are free to move away
Confused as normal. Scared models suffer a
Confused models can only take −2 to hit penalty on all attacks, count
one action when activated. As a both their Def and Morale as 1 less to a
special action, a model can try to minimum of 1, and are unable to perform Spells.
snap out of their confusion, remove
the Confused status on a 1D6 roll of Stunned
4+. Confused models suffer a −2 to hit Only models with 1 Hit or less
penalty on all attacks, count both their Def and Int as remaining can become stunned,
1 less to a minimum of 1, and are unable to perform they immediately fall Prone and
Spells. cannot activate until this status is
removed. Models with more than
Dominated 1 Hit remaining do not become
Dominated models leave their stunned, but suffer a wound instead
original cast and become part that cannot be prevented by any means. A Stunned
of the dominating model’s cast model counts as being lost for Shaken and Wiped Out
instead, effectively changing sides. Morale tests.
They become like any other model
in their new cast, counting towards Removing Statuses
Activation tokens and Morale tests, and can be In the End Phase, every model can attempt to recover
activated as normal. While dominated, the model’s from the statuses that are affecting them. Choose a
original owner does not count them as part of their model and choose a status affecting it, roll 1D6 for
cast and cannot activate them. If they attack or target each Hit the model has remaining on its profile. You
their original cast they must make an Int test before may remove the chosen status and its token if any
doing so. If the test is passed they immediately dice rolled comes up 6. Otherwise, the model will
remove their Dominated status and may take no continue to suffer the effects of that status. Repeat
further actions. In addition, the model’s original owner this for each status affecting that model. Audience
can roll to remove this status as normal during the Appreciation tokens may be spent to modify the die
End Phase. A Dominated model counts as being lost roll as normal.
for Shaken and Wiped Out Morale tests.
Events Victory
At the start of a scene, before the Initiative for the first Whether a cast has won or lost at the end of a scene can
turn is determined, each player should draw three be determined in two ways, but both players must agree
Event cards from the deck. Event cards can be kept before a scene begins which method is being used.
hidden until used, and once played are discarded to
the bottom of the deck. There are two ways to use an Last Model Standing
Event card: This is a quick and easy way to play and determine the
winning cast. In Last Model Standing, play continues
Major Events until either one cast has no active models left in play
These are written on the cards themselves and or one player concedes. Models with the Captured,
represent major twists, not just in the plot, but the Dominated or Stunned statuses do not count as
filming of a scene itself. Most Event cards can be active models for this purpose. The losing cast is the
played only at certain points in a turn, such as while one which has no active models left in play and the
determining Initiative and Audience Appreciation, opposing player’s cast is declared the winner.
before a roll to hit, or during the End Phase, where
this is the case, it will be defined on the card when Victory Points (VPs)
it can be played and what effect it will have on the This is a goal orientated way of playing and
scene. determining the winning cast. Like Last Model
Standing, play continues until either one cast has no
Minor Events active models left in play or one player concedes, but
Any Event card can also be discarded to gain a +2 it can also end after a set or variable number of turns
bonus to a single die roll. This must be declared depending on the scene being played. Models with
before the roll is made and, whatever the outcome, the Captured, Dominated or Stunned statuses do not
the card is then discarded. Only one Event card can count as active models.
be used per die roll, and when multiple dice are rolled
and the best result is chosen, the +2 bonus is added Each cast receives Victory Points (VPs) for achieving
to the chosen result. various conditions, and the winning cast is the one
with the highest score at the end of the scene. Victory
Points are cumulative, so a cast that has Shaken
and Wiped Out their opponents receive +3 VPs for
example. Conditions will be determined by the scene
being played, but the following conditions in the
Victory Point table below always apply.
If one player concedes, the opposing player’s cast is
automatically declared the winner.
Victory Point table
Victory Condition Description Victory Points
For each enemy Star, Co-Star or For each enemy Star, Co-Star or Guest Star removed from +1 VP per
Guest Star eliminated the scene gain a number of VPs equal to their starting Hits starting Hit
For each enemy Star, Co-Star or For each enemy Star, Co-Star or Guest Star affected by + 1 VP
Guest Star affected by a status one or more statuses at the end of the scene
Enemy cast Wiped Out Opposing cast took a Wiped Out test + 2 VP
Model specific Some models and special effects have specific VP Varies
What is Magic in 7th Voyage? Gifts of the Gods
Magic in 7th Voyage lies somewhere between the What Gifts you’re able to use are determined by your
whim of the Gods and the willpower of mortals. It ranks in Gifts of the Gods (x). Each rank enables you
represents the Gods granting gifts and powers to to purchase one Gift at the rating cost listed for your
favoured followers, but also knowledgable practitioners cast. You may only choose one of each Gift available
forging magical items and making pacts with great as these magic items, forged by the Gods or the
and terrible forces. artifice of mortals, are unique.
It is governed by three special effects, Gifts of the This uniqueness extends to the scenes they’re used
Gods (x), Luck (x) and Magic (x). Gifts of the Gods (x) in too. At the start of a scene each player must reveal
governs how much the Gods or your own endeavour what Gifts they have purchased, as the power of such
furnishes your cast with wondrous items. Luck (x) is wondrous items is difficult to conceal. If the same Gift
more elusive, a blend of divine favour, fate and bravura. has been chosen by more than one player, no player
Magic (x) not only represents prayers to the Gods, receives that Gift in this scene.
Spells of a white nature, but the crueller side of the
divine, such as black magic. Once you have determined which cast has which
Gifts, you may give them to any of your Stars, Co-
Stars or Guest Stars to use, not just the ones with the
Gifts of the Gods (x) special effect.
A model with a Summoning Spell can use it to bring
extras with the Summoned special effect into play.
Summoned models are not placed on the table
Examples as normal at the start of a scene, but are held in a
Summoning Reserve area for their cast. Models in a Reserve area
The villainous cast includes three Skeleton do not count as in play, and therefore do not count
Warriors, purchased at the cost of 15 ratings towards determining Activation tokens or active and
each, which are placed in the Reserve lost models for Shaken and Wiped Out tests. They
area. Ja’far, a Vile Tyrant in their cast, has can only enter play when successfully summoned, at
successfully performed the Awaken the Dead which point they become part of their cast as normal.
Spell. He rolls 1D3, and rolls a 1, so one
Skeleton Warrior is removed from the Reserve Banishing
area and put into play within 6” of Ja’far. A model with a Banishing Spell can use it to return a
Next turn he successfully performs Awaken Summoned model back to the original cast’s Reserve
the Dead again. This time his 1D3 roll is a 3. area. A model banished in this way does not count as
However, as there are two Skeleton Warriors either active or lost for Shaken and Wiped Out tests,
left in the Reserve area, only the last two but may be returned to play again with the relevant
Skeleton Warriors are put into play. Summoning Spell.
Choosing Spells
Circe, a Vile Tyrant, has Magic (3). She can
Choosing Spells
A model can learn a number of Spells equal to their
choose three Spells, which include those
rank in Magic (x). These Spells can be chosen freely
marked as Villain only. She decides to choose
from those available and the same Spell can be
Aspect of Terror, which is Villain only, Cage the
known by more than one model. Certain Guest Stars
Soul and Unweave Fate. She could not choose
may have their own unique Spells and are assumed to
Beacon of Hope or Return the Fallen, as these
learn these before choosing any additional Spells for
two Spells are Hero only.
having left over ranks in Magic (x). In addition, Spells
should be selected when Choosing and Customising
Calculating and using the Luck Pool Your Cast, before casts are revealed to opponents.
The hero player starts with three models with
the Luck (x) special effect: a Dashing Rogue Some Spells are so evil that only a true villain would
with Luck (2), plus an Enchanting Beauty and ever consider using them. A Spell marked ‘Villain only’
Wise Elder who each have Luck (1). Between cannot be used by a heroic cast member. Equally,
them they have four ranks in Luck, so they the more compassionate side of the magical coin
start the scene with four tokens in their Luck is impossible for a twisted soul to master. A Spell
Pool. Each of them can use one Luck token marked ‘Hero only’ cannot be used by a villainous cast
per turn from the pool. member.
Agi test and succeeds. He dances out the way you make yourself, certain models
of the blow, but can’t use a Luck token again seem able to sway the Fates in their
this turn. favour. At the start of the game, add
a token for each rank of Luck (x) in
your cast to your Luck Pool.
In the ancient world, sharpened steel and a sturdy shield were
essential to defend against the bandit’s blade or the Minotaur’s horns.
Weapons and the attacks you can make with them fall The ratings cost listed in the Weapons table is
into two broad categories: melee and ranged, which the basic cost for an Extra to be equipped with the
also includes thrown weapons. Weapons are further weapon, see Extras page 44 for their various options.
subdivided into four types: Basic, Trained, Advanced Stars and Co-Stars pay double the rating cost listed,
and Special. see Customising Your Cast page 35.
Different Stars, Co-Stars and Extras have access to The Anatomy of a Weapon
different weapon types, often limiting their choice of l Description - the name of the weapon.
attacks. For example a model that has only a Basic l Type - Basic, Trained, Advanced or Special.
attack can never use Trained, Advanced or Special l Range - the maximum range the weapon can be
weapons. Almost all models are able to make a Basic shot.
attack of some sort and many can also make Trained l Strength - the power of the weapon, used to
attacks, but only a very few possess the knowledge to determine to damage rolls.
employ Advanced attacks. Finally, Special attacks are l Effects - list of rules, weapon effects and special
limited to Animals and Monsters. effects for the weapon.
l Ratings - the basic cost of the weapon for an Extra.
Weapons table
Weapon Type Range Strength Effects Rating
Weapon Effects
Blast Scatter
The weapon uses a blast template of the size indicated. A missed blast or shot will land the designated
Centre the template on a target point, which does not distance away from its target point in a random
necessarily need to be an enemy model. If the blast direction. Resolve the blast or shot as if it hit this point
hits its target all models whose bases are touched by or model instead.
the template are hit and must roll for damage.
Set On Fire
Brutal A model hit with this weapon gains the On Fire status.
This weapon is deadly in combat. Models electing to
use this weapon in melee combat roll an extra die when Stuns
making to damage rolls and count the highest roll. This attack Stuns rather than wounds, see Wound or
Stun on page 15.
This weapon is difficult to use. Models deciding to use Thrown
this weapon in melee combat do not get the to hit and This weapon has a range of the wielder’s (Str +1) x2
to damage benefits associated with charging, but can in inches. In addition, Thrown weapons do not suffer
still make the free attack as part of their move action. the –1 to hit penalty for long range shots.
Dangerous Thrust
Difficult and dangerous to use, this weapon can be The reach of this weapon is a distinct advantage
somewhat unpredictable. On a to hit roll of 1 the against certain foes. Models electing to use this
weapon explodes, causing a Str 4 hit to the user. The weapon in melee combat against models with the
weapon or supply of ammunition is now useless and Flyer, Large or Massive special effects roll an extra
can’t be used again in this scene. die when making to hit rolls and count the highest roll.
Entangle Two-handed
On a successful hit the model may choose to entangle This weapon requires the use of both hands. Models
the victim instead of rolling to damage. An entangled that are equipped with this weapon, regardless of
model is knocked Prone. Entangled models with the whether they’re using it or not, cannot benefit from the
Flyer special effect cannot take to the air during their Shield special effect.
next activation, but may stand up and move on the
ground as normal. Two Shots
This weapon can be fired twice with a single shooting
Move or Fire action. If two shots are taken, each suffers a –1 to hit
The weapon is slow or clumsy to use. It cannot be penalty. Both shots can be taken against the same
fired if the model using it has moved this turn. A model target or two separate targets within 4” of each other.
that has turned, even slightly, counts as moving.
Parry This weapon is not only Cumbersome, but is very
Models electing to use this weapon can attempt to difficult to use. Models deciding to use this weapon
parry the first successful melee attack against them in melee combat do not get the to hit and to damage
each turn, but only if their Str is equal to or greater benefits or the free attack immediately after charging,
than the Str of the attack. Roll 1D6 and compare it to but can make an attack by using an action as normal.
the attacking model’s highest roll to hit, if it is greater
than their roll to hit the attack has been parried and is
On screen, your cast can perform incredible
feats and daring exploits, and demonstrate
uncanny powers. Your choice of special
effects can mean the difference between a Examples
blockbuster and a box office flop. Shield of Force
Having the special effect Shield of Force
twice, via a model’s own special effects and
What are special effects? a Gift such as Shield of Darkness, does not
Special effects represent abilities and powers a enable the model to make two Shield of Force
model may possess. They include everything from rolls, instead they count as having Shield of
the mundane, such as Armour and Swimming, to Force only once.
the incredible, such as Herculean Strength and
Regeneration. Most Extras will only have one or two Invulnerable: Melee (x)
special effects, but Stars, Co-Stars, Guest Stars and Having the special effect Invulnerable: Melee
Monsters may have many more. (1) and Invulnerable: Melee (2), via a model’s
own special effects and a Gift such as Armour
Multiple Special Effects of the Leviathan, does not grant the model
If a model receives the same special effect from Invulnerable: Melee (3), instead they use the
multiple sources, i.e. from their own special effects, best value, which in this case is Invulnerable:
from a Gift of the Gods, or from a Spell, they do not Melee (2).
gain multiple uses of that special effect, but count
as having the special effect only once. In the case of
special effects with an (x) value, such as Invulnerable:
Melee (x), the special effects values do not stack and
only the best value is used.
Knowledge Traits
Weak Willed
Healer Courageous
Inspirational Fanatic
Psychic Summoned
Regeneration Swarm
Shield of Force
Telekinesis ● These special effects can be chosen more than once, and each
additional time it is chosen adds +1 to the rank in brackets.
◊ These special effects can be chosen more than once, and each
Teleportation additional time it is chosen adds +1 to the rank in brackets, up to
a maximum of 2.
Combat Knowledge
Models can attempt to dodge the first successful
melee hit made against them each turn. The attack
is counted as a miss if the model can succeed at an
Agi test.
Shopping in
the marketplace
could be murder!
model in their cast (Stars can only choose another this special effect. This ability can
Star, Co-Stars can choose either a Star or another be chosen more than once, each
Co-Star, and Extras can choose any model). If the additional time it is chosen adds +1
chosen model activates, the Follower gains an to the rank in brackets. A model with
Activation token if they are within 6”, have not activated the Luck (x) special effect can remove
already this turn and do not already have a token. a token from your Luck Pool to re-roll any single D6
directly effecting them or another model from your
Gifts of the Gods (x) cast within 6”. Each model with Luck (x) can only do
The Gods favour, mystical knowledge or acquiring this once per turn. This could be a hit or damage roll,
fingers of this model enables their cast to purchase statistic or Morale test, or roll to remove a status. See
one Gift for each rank in this special effect. This ability Luck, page 22.
can be chosen more than once, each additional time it
is chosen adds +1 to the rank in brackets. See Gifts of Obey Me!
the Gods, page 78. Once per turn, when an enemy model is activated, but
before they take any actions, a model with Obey Me!
Honour Bound may immediately command a friendly model within 6”
This model has a strict code of honour. They will not to take a free move action, which may be a charge.
attack Prone models nor do they gain the usual +1 to
hit bonus when making rear attacks. You receive +1 Seduce
VP if this model is still active at the end of any scene. The model can captivate an opponent with their
If you have any Honour Bound models in your cast charms! As a special action, this model can attempt to
you must declare them at the start of a scene. seduce an Extra within 2”. If the target fails an opposed
Morale test it will receive the Confused status.
Models within 6” of a friendly Inspirational model may
re-roll a single failed Morale test per turn.
I Will Return!
Models with this ability always manage to escape. If
this model has the Captured status at the end of a
scene, the capturing cast do not gain any benefits or
VPs for having done so.
If this model has the Captured status at the end of the
6.30 Film game, they are worth an additional +2 VP. If you have
any Wanted models in your cast you must declare
The Odyssey them at the start of a scene.
starring Carlton Heston & Jean Collins
Weak Willed
Cursed by Poseidon for blinding his son, Any failed attempt to Hypnotise or Seduce a Weak
the Cyclops Polyphemus, Odysseus must Willed Extra can be re-rolled. In addition, Hypnotise
overcome many trials on his ten year voyage and Seduce can be used on Weak Willed Stars, Co-
to return to his beloved family. An epic Stars and Guest Stars. Furthermore, no Weak Willed
journey that sees him confront the gigantic models can use the Leader (x) special effect.
Laestrygonians, find a path between Scylla
and Charybdis, and outwit the charms of
the seductive witch Circe (1960).
Odysseus ....................... CARLTON HESTON
Circe ..................................... JEAN COLLINS
Athena ......................... AGNES MOORHEAD
Poseidon ..................... GEORGE SAUNDERS
Penelope ..................................... JANET LEE
Antinous .............................. HENRY SILVER
Telemachus .................. JAMES MCARTHUR
Animal Large
If this model is activated and is not in base contact The model is so huge that any attacks against it receive
with an enemy model, roll 1D6. On a roll of 1, the a +1 to hit bonus. Large models suffer no movement
opposing player may decide their actions this turn, on penalties for travelling over difficult ground or obstacles.
a 2, they wait, watching their potential prey, and may Large models can only be affected by Entangle,
not take any actions this turn, on a 3, they move 1D6” Pushback or Knockdown caused by other models with
towards the nearest enemy model, but stop 1” away, the Large or Massive special effects. Large models
and on a 4, 5 or 6, they activate as normal this turn. cannot be dragged except by other Large or Massive
models. In addition, Large models can drag smaller
Animated sized models up to their full movement.
This model may set up anywhere on the table at the
start of a scene, but may not activate until the relevant Massive
Animating Spell is successfully performed by a This model is truly gigantic, any attacks against it
member of their cast. Until then they can’t be harmed receive a +1 to hit bonus. Massive models suffer no
by any means, nor can they affect or hinder any other movement penalties for travelling over difficult ground
model. See Animation & Summoning on page 21. or obstacles, and can attack any model within 2” as if
they were in base contact. Massive models can only
Aquatic be affected by Entangle, Pushback or Knockdown
This model can breathe underwater and move through caused by other models with the Massive special
deep water without requiring a Str test. They may also effect. Massive models cannot be dragged except
move up to their full Move value in all water. by other Massive models. In addition, Massive
models can drag smaller sized models up to their full
Fanatic movement.
The model fears almost nothing. It never needs to
make Alone or Fear based Morale tests. This model Mount
cannot be removed from play due to a failed Shaken Models with the Mount special effect may be ridden
or Wiped Out Morale test if there are other non- by other non-mount, humanoid models in their cast.
Fanatic models still in play. As a special action a model may mount or dismount
a model with the Mount special effect. When doing
Fearsome so the models must be in base contact. While being
This model emits a terrifying aura that causes Fear ridden, a model with the Mount special effect cannot
tests in other models, see Morale Tests on page 17. be activated. When the riding model takes a move
action, use the mount’s Move and any special effects,
Flyer such as Daring Leap or Flyer, to determine their
The model can take to the air via combined movement. A riding model may also use
wings or magic as part of its move their mount’s attacks in place of their own.
Hurl Swarm
The model is incredibly powerful in its attacks. On a This model is a teeming mass of smaller creatures,
successful damage roll, they may choose to knock such as scarabs or snakes, moving en masse. If
the damaged model 2” directly away and knock them they gain the On Fire status, this model is instantly
Prone in addition to the wounds caused. removed. Swarms make one attack against each
opposing model in base contact when they attack.
Casting Couch
Will your cast be a crew of seafaring Extras
swashbucklers charting lost islands? A The unnamed bodies in the background. Extras are
demigod and his companions on an endless useful as backup or to send in when you don’t want to
risk your leading men and ladies.
quest? Or will you play a sinister sorcerer
trying to harness the power of dark gods? All Extras are listed in the Central Casting chapter on
pages 44 to 53.
+1 2 Also Starring
One Extra in your cast can be given a greater role in a
+2 3 scene. This can be any Extra model apart from those
possessing the Animal or Fearsome special effect.
+3 5 These Animal or Fearsome Extras already have a
starring role, being monsters or beasts that often steal
Choose Special Effects the scene.
Stars and Co-Stars receive all of the Basic special
effects listed on their profiles. In addition, they For +15 ratings the Also Starring Extra can either
can freely choose from amongst the Additional increase two statistics by +1 each and gain one
special effects available up to the amount listed. special effect, or increase one statistic by +1 and gain
Disadvantages may be taken and an Additional two special effects. They may choose special effects
special effect can be gained for each one chosen up from Leader (x), Luck (x), or from any of the special
to the amount listed. One adjustment may also be effects listed under Also Starring on their profile.
made, a Basic special effect can be removed to gain Unlike Stars or Co-Stars, Also Starring Extras may
one Additional special effect. choose to increase their Hits by +1.
is your choice to embrace or
reject the path before you, but
whatever you do, your actions
will shape the future and
Hero | Star become the stuff of legend.
50 Ratings
"we are the sons Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
of herakles, we
have our father’s
6 3 3 4 3 3 4
strength, and we Basic: 3
this day."
(–2 to Move)
Special Effects
Alcaeus of Sparta Basic: Gifts of the Gods (1), Inspirational, Leader (1)
Additional: 4 from Combat, Knowledge (Martial Training only),
Physical or Traits
Disadvantages: 0–2 (one Additional special effect per Disadvantage
Adjust: Gain one Additional special effect if you remove either
Inspirational or Leader (1)
Basic: Brawl 4+ and one Basic attack 4+
New Attack: Any Basic attack 4+ (+5 ratings)
Improved Attacks: Improve the Hit numbers of one attack by 1 (+5 ratings)
Star Quality
Those favoured by the Gods are watched over by their divine benefactors,
who intercede in their fate. This model can remove statuses affecting
them on any die roll of 5 or 6, instead of the usual 6.
of fame and fortune, you
nevertheless have a kind
soul and champion the
oppressed wherever you find
injustice and tyranny.
Hero | Star
45 Ratings
"it is a dangerous Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
voyage to the
temple, to where
6 3 3 3 4 3 4
the earth itself Basic: 3
bleeds at the
Additional: 0–2 (+5 ratings each)
Adjust: Gain an additional point if you allocate –1 to one statistic
edge of the
(–2 to Move)
Special Effects
world, but the Basic: Dodge, Luck (2), Sixth Sense
rewards… well,
Additional: 4 from Combat, Physical or Traits
Disadvantages: 0–2 (one Additional special effect per Disadvantage
they’re beyond
Adjust: Gain one Additional special effect if you remove either Dodge or
the dreams of
Sixth Sense
mortals… who’s Basic: Brawl 4+ and one Basic attack 4+
with me?"
New Attack: Any Basic attack 4+ (+5 ratings)
Improved Attacks: Improve the Hit numbers of one attack by 1 (+5 ratings)
"choose your
crew wisely,
captain sinbad. IN ARMS
not all men are
prepared for
the dangers that
await you!"
Hero | Co-Star | 25 Ratings
The Merchant King
Stalwart and true, you are sworn to
your cause, but place the lives of your
companions above all, even your own.
Skilled in the use of arms and armour, you
prefer to be in the thick of the fight.
3.30 Film Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Mor
Hero | Co-Star | 25 Ratings Hero | Co-Star | 30 Ratings
Not just a pretty face, you combine A slowness of body does not mean slowness
athleticism with intelligence and esoteric of mind, and you exemplify this through your
knowledge. You use these abilities to avoid study of the ancients or the magical arts and
and confound your foes, while using cunning a deep well of wisdom that has taken you a
and magic to overcome them. lifetime to fill.
Statistics Statistics
Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Mor Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Mor
6 3 2 3 3 3 3 6 3 2 2 2 4 3
Points Points
Basic: 2 Basic: 2
Additional: 0–2 (+5 ratings each) Additional: 0–2 (+5 ratings each)
Adjust: Gain an additional point if you allocate −1 to Adjust: Gain an additional point if you allocate −1 to
one statistic (-2 to Move) one statistic (-2 to Move)
Attacks Attacks
Basic: Brawl 4+ and one Basic attack 5+ Basic: Brawl 5+
New Attack: Any Basic attack 5+ (+5 ratings) New Attack: Any Basic or Advanced attack 5+
Improved Attacks: Improve the Hit number of one (+5 ratings)
attack by 1 (+5 ratings) Improved Attacks: Improve the Hit number of one
attack by 1 (+5 ratings)
Cursed, you have been
forsaken by mortals and
Gods alike, but your will
shall never be crushed
VILLAIN | Star and you are far from being
60 Ratings defeated. Your anger
and bitterness sustains
you and you will have
"you think Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
me vile and
wretched? you
6 3 3 4 3 3 3
know, have seen Basic: 3
nothing… it is my
Additional: 0–2 (+5 ratings each)
Adjust: Gain an additional point if you allocate –1 to one statistic
Special Effects
marked me so!" Basic: A Good Offence, Blocker, Damned
Additional: 3 from Combat, Physical or Traits
Teleklos, Beast of Laconia Disadvantages: 0–2 (one Additional special effect per Disadvantage
Adjust: Gain one Additional special effect if you remove either A Good
Offence or Blocker
Basic: Brawl 3+ and one Basic attack 4+
New Attack: Any Basic or Trained attack 4+ (+5 ratings)
Improved Attacks: Improve the Hit number of one attack by 1 (+5 ratings)
Star Quality
Bitter and Twisted
Those cursed by the Gods are hideous to behold. Outcast by mortals,
they brood in darkness, filling their souls with rage and spite. Wounding
them only unleashes this bitterness. Whenever this model suffers a
wound roll 1D6, on a 1-3 raise their Str by 1, and on a 4-6 raise their
Morale by 1 instead. Wretched in the eyes of the Gods, these fallen souls
can never recover their lost Hits by any means.
of mundane and otherworldly
resources to achieve your
ends. Such power does not
come without a price and
the infernal pacts you have
struck must be paid in full.
60 Ratings
"none can Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
disobey my will,
least of all
6 3 3 3 3 4 3
you… look! my Basic: 3
Special Effects
will soon swell Basic: Obey Me!, Leader (1), Magic (2)
their ranks."
Additional: 3 from Knowledge, Otherworldly or Traits
Disadvantages: 0–2 (one Additional special effect per Disadvantage
Abd-ar-Rahman Adjust: Gain one Additional special effect if you remove either Obey Me!
or Leader (1)
Basic: Brawl 5+ and one Basic attack 5+
New Attack: Any Basic attack 5+ (+5 ratings)
Improved Attacks: Improve the Hit number of one attack by 1 (+5 ratings)
Star Quality
Dark Pact
Having struck infernal bargains for knowledge and power the Vile Tyrant
can call on their dark allies for aid. However, the cost of such intervention
is always high. When attempting a Spell they can choose to sacrifice one
of their own Hits to add a further D6 to the result. They can choose to do
this after the dice are rolled to attempt the Spell, but they must always use
at least one D6 from their own Magic Pool in the attempt.
VILLAIN | Co-Star | 35 Ratings VILLAIN | Co-Star | 35 Ratings
Conditioned and trained to protect, you are You delight in performing your art, in using
your master’s iron fist and shield. You obey cunning and subterfuge to eliminate your
without faltering and without questioning, foes. Adept with weapons and unarmed
whatever the orders given, even at the cost fighting techniques, your best defence is
of your own life. speed and agility, and a deadly offence.
Statistics Statistics
Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Mor Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Mor
6 3 2 3 3 3 3 6 3 2 3 3 3 3
Points Points
Basic: 2 Basic: 2
Additional: 0–2 (+5 ratings each) Additional: 0–2 (+5 ratings each)
Adjust: Gain an additional point if you allocate –1 to Adjust: Gain an additional point if you allocate –1 to
one statistic (–2 to Move) one statistic (–2 to Move)
2.45 Film
Sinbad and the Forbidden Isle
starring Doug Maclure & Martine Boswick
Against his better judgment, Sinbad agrees
to take Princess Aasera to Samarkand
to deliver a peace offering to the Sultan
Shāhzamān. Unbeknownst to either of
them, Shāhzamān has struck a bargain
with a sorcerer, Ali Sharn, to prevent the
peace envoy from reaching him and start a
war. Caught in a terrible storm, marooned
on the sorcerer’s mysterious island, they
must battle Cyclopian Giants, Harpies and
Skeletons if they’re to escape (1964).
Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Mor
6 3 2 3 3 3 3
Basic: 2
Additional: 0–2 (+5 ratings each)
Adjust: Gain an additional point if you allocate –1 to
one statistic (–2 to Move)
Special Effects
Basic: Leader (1), Luck (1), Magic (1)
Additional: 2 from Knowledge, Physical or Traits
Disadvantages: 0-1 (gain one Additional special
effect per Disadvantage chosen)
have me loosen
Improved Attacks: Improve the Hit number of one
attack by 1 (+5 ratings)
their tongues..."
Cepheus the Snake
Central Casting
As Stars and Co-Stars are notoriously
expensive, it is the Extras who will make up
the majority of your cast, allowing you to stage
the climactic scenes that sand-and-sorcery
epics are known for.
Extras come with the special effects, attacks and Civilian 4/3 ratings
weapons listed in their profiles and may take any of
the options at the ratings cost listed. Citizens, nobles, slaves
Civilians represent all levels of society, from artisans
Extras are divided into three categories: and farmers to merchants and philosophers, but they
are more or less equal in every respect when facing
l Mortals – Seasoned warriors, noble senators, the monsters of myth and legend.
and sinister cultists are gathered here to form your
ship's crew or loyal worshippers. Move 6 Def 2 Hits 1 Str 2 Agi 3 Int 2 Morale 2
l Stop Motion models – Springing from the pages
of legend, these mythical beings and creatures are Special Effects: None
a wonder to behold, and a terror to face.
l Animals – From mundane beasts of burden to Attacks: Brawl (6+)
giant predators lurking in the dark corners of the
world, animals can be unpredictable companions Also Starring: Knowledge (Healer only)
or foes.
Upgrade Options
l Exchange Club for an Axe (4+) or Sword (4+)
(+1 ratings)
l Exchange Club for a Two-handed Axe (4+) or
Two-handed Sword (4+) (+2 ratings)
l Equip with Throwing Knives (4+) (+1 ratings)
l Equip with Sling (5+) (+2 ratings)
l If five or more Cultists in a cast, you may upgrade
one to an Acolyte - gain Leader (2) special effect
(+10 ratings)
Move 6 Def 3 Hits 1 Str 3 Agi 3 Int 3 Morale 3 Move 6 Def 3 Hits 1 Str 3 Agi 3 Int 2 Morale 3
Attacks: Brawl (4+), Spear (4+) Attacks: Brawl (4+), Spear (4+)
Special Effects: Concealment Move 6 Def 3 Hits 1 Str 3 Agi 3 Int 2 Morale 2
Also Starring: Combat, Physical and Knowledge Attacks: Brawl (5+), Javelin (5+)
(Healer, Hypnotise and Infiltrator only)
Also Starring: Physical
Upgrade Options
l Equip with a Net (4+) (+1 ratings) Upgrade Options
l Equip with a Blowpipe (4+) or Sling (5+) l Exchange Javelin for a Sling (5+) (free)
(+2 ratings)
l If five or more Natives in a cast, you may upgrade
one to a Chief - gain Leader (1) special effect
(+5 ratings)
As Commanded
When summoned, a Djinn will attack one model
chosen by the owner of the lamp. They won’t attack
any other model, unless that model is already in base
contact with them or is preventing them from reaching
the chosen model. The Djinn will appear within 6”
of the owner of the lamp and vanish, returning to its
Reserve area, once they have killed, Captured or
Stunned the chosen model.
Freedom Denied
If the final wish is not to grant the Djinn their freedom
or the owner of the lamp is removed from play by the
opposing cast, the lamp will immediately betray its
current owner and become the possession of the
nearest Star, Co-Star or Guest Star in the opposing
Special Effects: A Good Offence, Armour, Fearsome, Move 6 Def 4 Hits 1 Str 3 Agi 3 Int 3 Morale 3
Rage, Roar
Special Effects: Daring Leap, Seduce
Bull Rush - A Minotaur model that makes a move
action in a straight line may add 1D3” to the distance Also Starring: Physical and Knowledge (Healer and
moved. In addition to attempting to cause damage, a Hypnotise only)
charging Minotaur’s successful Brawl or Horn attacks
can also either Knockdown or Pushback the hit model. Attacks: Brawl (4+), Club (4+)
Luring beauty
Transfixing the weak-willed with their charms and Snakeman -/12 ratings
songs, Sirens will attempt to drag those that succumb
down to a watery grave. Homo Serpentes
Cold-blooded, both physically and in temperament,
Move 5 Def 3 Hits 1 Str 3 Agi 3 Int 3 Morale 3 Snakemen are a deadly subspecies of human
that practice macabre rites on the dark fringes of
Special Effects: Aquatic, Seduce civilisation.
Daughter of the Oceans - During their activation, a Move 5 Def 4 Hits 1 Str 3 Agi 2 Int 3 Morale 4
Siren model cannot voluntarily move more than 3”
away from water. If they’re ever more than 3” away Special Effects: Armour, Dodge
from water, the Siren model immediately gains the
Confused and Stunned statuses. Attacks: Brawl (4+), Spear (4+)
Siren Song - A Siren model’s Seduce special Also Starring: Combat, Physical and Knowledge
effect has a range of 12” instead of the usual 2”. (Healer and Hypnotise only)
Furthermore, if they attempt to Seduce a model who
already has the Confused status and that model fails Upgrade Options
an opposed Morale test they gain the Captured status l Exchange Spear for an Axe (4+), Sword (4+) or
instead. Place Captured models in base contact with Javelin (5+) (free)
the Siren. l If five or more Snakemen in a cast, you may
upgrade one to an Overseer - gain Leader (2)
Also Starring: Physical special effect (+10 ratings)
Snip, Snap! - A Giant Scorpion can attack with both Move 8 Def 3 Hits 1 Str 4 Agi 2 Int 1 Morale 2
its pincers at once. It may make two Claw attacks as a
special action. Special Effects: Animal, Daring Leap, Mount
Sting in the Tail - If both of a Giant Scorpion’s Snip, Pillion - Two models may ride the same horse, but the
Snap! attacks hit, it gets a +1 to hit bonus with its second model may not attack, use special abilities or
Venom attack. perform Spells while doing so.
At last, it shall be mine.
Shahryar holds the Eye aloft. Red fire sparks, kindles in the
faceted heart of the great jewel.
I claim the power of the Eye. I claim the power of
What have you done?
With a heaving lurch, the floor cracks and the temple shakes.
Dust and rocks begin to fall, and the waters churn.
And my first command...
This chapter provides backgrounds for some of Barron
Productions most popular films and some of the more notable
legendary heroes and iconic villains that graced our screens.
Jason is joined on his voyage by the Argonauts, these
brave souls are recruited from Veteran, Warrior and
Psiloi Extras.
An inspiring leader and a bold adventurer, Jason The daughter of the king of Colchis, Medea is a
is the rightful king of Iolcos and must recover the priestess of Hecate and thus learned in herbs, both
mythical Golden Fleece in order to reclaim his throne. beneficial and poisonous, as well as practised in the
magic arts.
Gathering together the Argonauts, the finest crew in
all of Greece, Jason sets sail for Colchis to find this She betrays her father for love of Jason, using all of
treasured prize. With only his bravery and wits, he has her powers and guile to aid him in his quest.
many tests and trials to overcome on their long and
dangerous voyage. Hero | Guest Star | 50 ratings
Hero | Guest Star | 60 ratings Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Mor
6 4 3 3 3 4 5 Special Effects
Healer, Loner, Luck (1), Magic (2), Seduce
Special Effects
Armour, Honour Bound, Inspirational, Leader (2), Luck Unique Effects
(2), Martial Training, Shield, Swimming Potions and Salves
Medea is an incredibly skilled herbalist. Once per
Unique Effects activation, as a special action, she may use one of
A Leader of Men the following potions if she successfully passes an
Jason’s Inspirational and Leader (2) special effects Int test. Potions must be immediately administered to
have a range of 12” rather than the usual 6”. herself or another model in base contact.
Weapon Range Hit Str Effects Narcotic herbs If the target fails an opposed Int
test it will receive the Confused
Brawl Melee 4+ 3 Stuns status.
Sword Melee 3+ 3 Parry Protective balm Target gains the Invulnerable: All
(1) special effect against the next
successful attack. Place a suitable
token next to the model.
Weapon Range Hit Str Effects
Not as versed as his sisters, the cruel Circe and tragic Unlike its cousin, the Dragon of Colchis lacks the
Pasiphaë, Aeëtes is still a powerful sorcerer able to ability to sprout additional heads when one is lost,
command an army of skeletal warriors sown from but it is nonetheless possessed of formidable
dragon’s teeth. regenerative powers and a thick armour of scales.
Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Mor Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Mor
6 3 2 3 3 4 4 6 5 5 6 2 3 6
To fulfil his vow, Perseus must claim the head Villains
of Medusa. Medusa is one of the Gorgons, a trio of dreadful and
horrific female creatures cursed by the Gods. Her
Tricked by one of the suitors pursuing his mother, immortal sisters, Stheno and Euryale, are arguably
Perseus must return with the head of Medusa, a more terrible than she is.
hideous Gorgon who can turn any mortal that meets
her gaze to stone. Undeterred by his impossible task, Extras
Perseus must embark on a long journey to find and Heroes
outwit the Graeae crones and, aided by the gorgeous Perseus is joined on his quest by Veteran, Palace
Andromeda, enter the sanctum of Medusa. Guard and Psiloi Extras, who are the soldiers of
Queen Cassiopeia.
Supporting Characters
Heroes Villains
Perseus is often aided in his quest by both Medusa makes use of Giant Snake, Snakeman and
supernatural and powerful women, including the Swarm Extras, shunning all other mortals.
Hesperides nymphs, Queen Cassiopeia (Also Starring
Civilian) and her daughter, the beautiful Andromeda Being powerful oracles, the Graeae have attracted
(Enchanting Beauty). a loathsome cult of worshippers over the centuries,
and make use of Cultist, Native, Swarm and,
potentially via the dark arts, Shadow and Skeleton
Warrior Extras.
3.15 Film
starring James Francisco & Lynda Harrison
A fantasy epic, Perseus must find and
defeat Medusa, the only mortal Gorgon, if
he is to fulfil his vow and claim the hand
of Andromeda. Featuring special effects by
William Henry Harrison (1973).
In protecting his mother, Danaë, from the advances A winged horse, brilliant white in colour, Pegasus has
of Polydectes, Perseus was tricked into delivering the the ability to gallop through the air, carrying those who
head of Medusa, the only mortal Gorgon, as a gift for are worthy on his back.
the cunning suitor.
Conceived through the union of Poseidon and
A son of the god Zeus, Perseus must confront and Medusa. In classic myth, Pegasus was not born
overcome the three hags known as the Graeae and until Medusa was decapitated by Perseus, at which
win the hand of the beautiful Andromeda in his quest point he sprang from his mother’s neck, taking to
to claim Medusa’s head. the skies.
Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Mor Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Mor
6 4 3 4 4 3 5 8 4 2 4 3 3 3
Weapon Range Hit Str Effects
Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Mor Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Mor
5 4 3 4 3 4 5 4 3 3 3 2 5 4
Bow 24” 4+ 3 -
Unsurprisingly, Sinbad’s crew is mostly formed of Sea
Dogs, but occasionally a few Warrior, Palace Guard or
Civilian Extras can be found onboard, depending on
who is travelling with Sinbad at the time.
Shahryar commonly employs Mercenary, Palace
Guard and Civilian Extras. In addition, he can make
use of the fabled menagerie of his palace and include
SINBAD Scheherazade
An adventurer and sailor, Sinbad’s true origins are a Using her gift of storytelling, Scheherazade is able to
mystery known only to him, but when pressed he calls escape the fate Shahryar has decreed for his wives.
the city of Al Basrah home. Pressed further, he admits With the threat of execution at dawn hanging over her,
he squandered the wealth of his mother and father, she ends and begins a new story each night, and thus
and now seeks new fortune and fame too. enchanted he spares her until she can finish.
His many voyages are legendary, but whether facing Widely read of the classics, philosophers and poetics,
the gigantic Rocs or Polyphemus-like Cyclops, it is Scheherazade's stories become the epic that is the
Sinbad’s cunning, bravery and trust in fate that sees One Thousand and One Nights, but the truths hidden
him through. within her tales are more real than many know.
Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Mor Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Mor
6 4 3 4 4 3 5 6 3 2 3 4 4 4
Shahryar Roc
Ruler of the Persian Sassanid Empire, Shahryar An enormous, predatory bird, the Roc is known of
is a cruel and ruthless tyrant, most dramatically in many cultures and in many stories. Even small
exemplified by ordering the execution of each of his examples are large enough to carry off an elephant,
wives for the morning after their wedding. while the most venerable and gigantic of birds can
pluck a ship from the sea.
Scheherazade breaks this bitter cycle by entertaining
and thrilling Shahryar again, who had even become Territorial in nature, stealing a Roc’s egg is a
bored of his wondrous menagerie and collection of herculean task, but a bird hatched from such a marvel
treasures, through the stories she spins. can be taught and trained to obey.
6 4 3 4 3 4 4 6 5 5 5 3 3 5
The Rogue of Baghdad can rely upon the orphans and
urchins of his city to aid him, Psiloi (with slings), while
the Caliph’s Daughter can count on a few Palace Guard
and Civilian Extras still loyal to her father.
The Vizier makes use of Cultist, Palace Guard and
Civilian Extras. The Shadow Prince, and possibly the
Vizier depending on his choice of Spells, may also
make use of Shadow Extras.
2.30 Film
The Rogue of Baghdad
starring Salvatore Mineo & Kim Novack
A runaway princess and an honourable thief
embark on a journey to stop a mad magician
from rewriting history (1957).
The Rogue ....................... SALVATORE MINEO
The Caliph’s Daughter .............. KIM NOVACK
The Vizier ........................ JOHN CARRADYNE
The Djinn ................................... TOR JONSON
The Caliph ....................... CHARLES LAWTON
The Shadow Prince .............. VINCENT PRYCE
The Apothecary .................. JOSEPH SWEENIE
Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Mor Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Mor
6 4 3 3 5 3 4 6 3 2 3 4 3 4
The Vizier's
assassins strike!
But that is not the end, he now needs the Caliph’s Formed of shadow, straddling past, present and
Daughter to realise his full obsession and rewrite future, the Shadow Prince can never be truly slain, not
time, making his potential self, the Shadow Prince, while the Vizier lives and seeks to alter the past.
ruler of Baghdad.
Villain | Guest Star | 50 ratings
Villain | Guest Star | 70 ratings
Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Mor
Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Mor
6 4 2 4 4 4 4
6 3 3 3 3 5 4
Special Effects
Special Effects Fearsome, Incorporeal, Magic (2), Shield of Force,
Gifts of the Gods (1), Hypnotise, Love To Hate, Teleportation
Magic (3), Obey Me!, Telekinesis
Unique Effects
Unique Effects Bound to the Master
Schemes and Machinations If the Vizier loses a Hit, by whatever means, the
If the Vizier is in your cast, when drawing Event cards Shadow Prince also loses a Hit.
draw an additional card and then choose one to
immediately discard. Shadow Servants
The Shadow Prince’s Spells must be Awaken the
Unravelling Time Dead (Shadows only) and Shadow of the Self.
The Vizier’s first Spell must be Unweave Fate, but he
is free to choose his other two Spells as normal. Attacks
Attacks Weapon Range Hit Str Effects
This chapter deals with the types of scenes, Scene Size table
often called scenarios in other games, that you
Scene Rating Size of cast Suggested
can play with 7th Voyage, offering a number table size
of options to capture that epic celluloid action.
150 or less 1+ 2’x2’
You can either choose one of the six scenes that best
fits the story you’d like to play or randomly determine
which one you’ll use on the table below. Straight Up Fight
To play a straight up fight between casts:
Random Scene table
1D6 Scene Cast
Agree a ratings value for the scene up to
1 Battle a maximum of 300, both casts receive this
2 Escape
3 Race The table could represent any location
appropriate to the casts involved.
4 Skirmish
Set Up
5 Slay Both sides roll 1D6 and whoever rolls the
highest chooses a table half and sets up their
6 Steal models first, anywhere in their chosen half.
The other side sets up their models second,
Attacking or Defending cast? anywhere in the opposing table half, but no
Decide between you which casts will be the Attacking closer than 8” to any enemy model.
and which will be the Defending, although in some
scenes, the difference between attacking and And… Action!
defending may be negligible. If you can’t decide, each Determine Initiative as normal.
cast should roll a dice and the highest gets to make
the choice. Cut
The scene ends when one cast has no active
Size of Location? models in play.
What size of table you should play on is a matter
of personal preference, but 7th Voyage works well
on anything between 2’x2’ and 4’x4’. It’s suggested
Victory Points
There are no additional VPs awarded for this
you take into account the Scene rating and size
of the casts you’re playing when determining table
dimensions, but for a rough guide, see the Scene
Size table below.
An out-and-out fight between the heroic and villainous
forces, normally the major turning point in or the
climax of a film. Whether it is the conflict that begins it
all or the final scene in which the palace is stormed, The Last Voyage of Sinbad
nothing will be the same after this battle. With the black ship gaining behind them
and, even at this distance, the challenging
Cast screech of the Roc ringing in their ears,
Decide which cast will be Attacking and which will be they knew it was hopeless. Realising that
Defending, and agree a ratings value for the scene up Shahryar would never cease hounding
to a maximum of 300, both casts receive this amount. them, would chase Scheherazade to the
edge of the world and use every means
Location at his disposal to recapture her, Sinbad
The table could represent any location, from a turned his ship to face their pursuer.
battlefield between opposing encampments to two Whatever the outcome, this would be his
ships locked together in a boarding action. final voyage.
Victory Points
In addition to the normal VPs awarded, a cast receives
+2 VP for pulling down the opposing cast’s banner.
One cast, usually the heroes, have been caught in
the territory of the opposing cast. Whether they’re
discovered while trying to slip through a market
unseen or attempting to infiltrate a palace or temple, The Rogue of Baghdad
the original plan has failed and the only course of The Rogue of Baghdad and the Caliph’s
action left is to fight and evade capture. Daughter are escaping through the city’s
busy marketplace and are being chased by
Cast the Vizier’s guards and the Shadow Prince.
Decide whether the heroes or the villains will be the With the Caliph under The Vizier’s Spell
Escaping cast, that cast has a maximum rating of their only hope is to find a way to break his
100. The other becomes the Chasing cast and has a mind control, but first they must escape.
maximum rating of 150. Thankfully, the Caliph’s Daughter was able
to steal the Vizier’s treasured Magic Lamp
Location while fleeing from the palace.
The table should represent a busy public space,
ideally a market, temple or the outer precinct of a
Heroes (Escaping)
palace that the Escaping cast were trying to negotiate.
The Rogue of Baghdad (Guest Star 50R)
Plenty of obstacles, such as barrels, crates and stalls,
and the Caliph’s Daughter (Guest Star with
statues or ornamental gardens, and buildings to climb
the Magic Lamp, 46R).
and jump between are ideal.
Both casts are attempting to reach the prize, a fabled
and wondrous item, one of the Gifts of the Gods,
before the other cast can claim it. To compound
matters, the location is highly unstable, either the roof Sinbad and The Eye of the Idol
is threatening to collapse or the whole area is about to Some say, that at an appointed time
disappear beneath the waves at any moment. Poseidon releases Atlantis from its watery
tomb. Those same storytellers tell of Sinbad
Cast and Shahryar racing to claim the ultimate
Decide which cast will be Attacking and which will be prize from the cursed city, a diamond,
Defending, and agree a ratings value for the scene up reputedly as big as an ostrich egg, with the
to a maximum of 300, both casts receive this amount. power of the Sun at its heart. It is a terrible
Gift, not meant for mortals to possess, and
Location was the cause of Atlantis’ downfall.
The table should represent a long forgotten and ruined
palace or temple. Heroes (Defending)
Sinbad (Guest Star, 60R), Scheherazade
Set Up (Guest Star, 45R), eight Sea Dogs (five
The Attacking cast chooses a table quarter in the armed with swords, including a Mate,
centre of which the prize should be set up. The and three armed with clubs and throwing
Defending cast then chooses any of the remaining knives, 93R).
three table quarters and sets up their models first. The
Attacking cast then chooses any of the remaining two
table quarters and sets up their models second, but
Villains (Attacking)
Shahryar (Guest Star with the Horn of the
no closer than 8” to any enemy model.
Hunt and Shield of Darkness, 80R), three
Palace Guard (armed with two-handed
And… Action!
swords, 21R), eight Palace Guard (four
The Attacking cast gains the Initiative in the first
armed with spears and four armed with
turn as they make a run for it, but roll for Initiative as
bows, 48R) and a Guardian Beast (50R).
normal in the following turns.
Whether it is a planned ambush or a chance
encounter, this minor skirmish takes either one or
both casts by complete surprise.
Decide which cast will be Attacking and which will be
Defending, and agree a ratings value for the scene up
to a maximum of 200, both casts receive this amount.
The table could represent any location, from a ruined
acropolis to a wild region of countryside, but should
include a variety of terrain from which an ambush
could conceivably be sprung.
Set Up
The Defending cast chooses a table quarter and sets
up their models first, anywhere in their chosen area.
Phineus and the Harpies
Plagued by the Harpies for forsaking the
The Attacking cast sets up their models second, in
Gods, Phineus’ price for aiding Jason
any two of the three remaining table quarters, but no
is deliverance from his tormentors. In
closer than 8” to any enemy model.
exchange for their capture, he promises to
reveal the location of the Fleece and how
And… Action! to navigate safely through the Clashing
Determine Initiative as normal, but the Attacking cast
Rocks to obtain it.
may roll an extra die and choose which one to use
when determining Initiative in the first turn.
Heroes (Attacking)
Special Rules Jason (Guest Star, 60R), Phineus (Also
During the first turn only, at the start of the Action Starring Civilian, 19R), six Veterans (three
Phase each cast must make a single Morale test armed with spears, three armed with
using the highest Morale value of any active Star, swords, including a Companion, 82R) and
Co-Star or Guest Star. If this test is passed your cast six Psiloi (armed with javelins, 36R).
are not surprised or hesitant in carrying out the plan
as instructed, and will activate normally. If the test is Villains (Defending)
failed models in your cast may only take one action Podarge (Also Starring Harpy, armed with
when activated instead of two during the first turn. an axe, 37R), 7 Harpies (two armed with
axes, two armed with spears, three armed
Cut with bows, 154R).
The scene ends when one cast has no active models
in play. Additional rule: Cowardly Birds
As Podarge is only an Also Starring Extra,
Victory Points she can’t be used for taking Shaken or
There are no additional VPs awarded for this scene. Wiped Out Morale tests, nor any other
Morale test requiring an active Star, Co-
Star or Guest Star.
One cast is seeking to assassinate or defeat a mortal
or monster in the opposing cast. Whether it is a
personal vendetta or the culmination of a quest, they
mean to confront and defeat their enemy at all costs. GORGON!
Having reached the gates of Medusa’s
Cast sanctum, accompanied by his
Decide which cast will be Attacking and which will be companions and their attendants,
Defending, and agree a ratings value for the scene up Perseus now faces one last test to satisfy
to a maximum of 300. Both casts receive this amount. Polydectes - claiming the Gorgon’s head.
Entering the ruined acropolis, Perseus
Location and his men must steel themselves
The table could represent any location, from a long against the horrors within.
forgotten and ruined temple to a bustling and well
guarded palace, but there should be a focal point near Heroes (Attacking)
the centre that can be defended. Perseus (Guest Star, 70R), Pegasus
(Guest Star, 30R), five Veterans (armed
Set Up with swords and including a Commander,
The Defending cast chooses a table quarter. The 70R) and five Psiloi (30R).
Attacking cast sets up their models first, in the
opposite table quarter, but no closer than 8” to the
Villains (Defending)
centre of the table. The Defending cast sets up their
Medusa (Guest Star, 100R), two Giant
models second, in their chosen table quarter.
Snakes (40R) and four Swarms (60R).
And… Action!
Determine Initiative as normal. Additional rule:
A Garden of Statues
Special Rules Medusa’s sanctum is littered with statues, in
The Attacking cast must nominate a model in the various states of repair, unfortunate victims
Defending cast, either a Star, Co-Star, Guest Star that have fallen foul of her charms. The
or an Extra with 3 Hits or more and the Fearsome villainous player can place 1D6 complete
special effect, to be the focus of their attack. statues as the scene is being set up.
These statues must not be placed within 6”
Cut of another, but can be placed anywhere on
The scene ends when one cast has no active models the table. A heroic cast member within 2”
in play. of one of these statues cannot re-roll failed
Morale tests under any circumstances, so
Victory Points disturbed are they by the horrific reminder
In addition to the normal VPs awarded, the Attacking of the fate that awaits them.
cast receives +3 VP if their nominated model is
eliminated, while the Defending cast receives +3 VP
if the nominated model is still active at the end of the
One cast is attempting to steal a fabled and wondrous
item, one of the Gifts of the Gods, that is being
guarded by the opposing cast.
The Golden Fleece
Cast With their attempts at subterfuge failing,
Decide which cast will be Attacking and which will be Medea leads Jason and his Argonauts
Defending, and agree a ratings value for the scene up to the sacred grove of Ares, where the
to a maximum of 300. Both casts receive this amount. Golden Fleece can be found. However,
forewarned of their treachery by Acastus,
Location it is not just the Dragon that they face, but
The table could represent any location, from a long King Aeëtes and his men.
forgotten and ruined temple to a bustling and well
guarded palace, but there should be a focal point near
Heroes (Attacking)
the centre in which to place the Gift.
Jason (Guest Star, 60R), Medea (Guest
Star, 50R), six Veterans (three armed with
Set Up spears, three armed with swords, including
The Defending cast sets up first, anywhere on the
a Companion, 82R) six Warriors (three
table, but no closer than 8” to any table edge, and
armed with spears, three armed with
places the Gift they’re guarding in the centre of this
swords, 60R) and eight Psiloi (armed with
area. The Attacking cast sets up second, anywhere
javelins, 48R).
within 4” of any table edge.
The scene ends when one cast has no active models
in play.
Victory Points
In addition to the normal VPs awarded, the cast with a
model carrying the guarded Gift receives +3 VP at the
end of the scene.
LOCATION manager
Games of 7th Voyage can take place in all Each item of terrain should be about 6” square,
manner of locations – dusty ruins, grand although you can amend to what you have – so 4” x
8” is also fine. Linear items such as walls, ditches and
palaces, lost islands, jungles or deserts. hedges can be up to 12” x 2”. The terrain descriptions
will specify if an item of terrain should have other
Our published scenes will sometimes dictate the terrain dimensions.
to be set out before play. But if you’re setting up a
quick game, you can use the following table to allocate If you don’t have a particular item of terrain, either
suitable scenery before you start playing. Use the basic agree with your opponent on another piece or roll
overall terrain type to determine which column to roll again. Feel free to amend the table below to suit the
on, then roll 2D6 on the Random Terrain table for terrain you can get your hands on. And don’t forget
each square foot of table space you have. you can always fill spaces with small items of scatter
terrain – trees, rocks, barrels or crates – depending on
Each item of terrain generated should be placed in its your location.
own 12” square, although you can join similar items
of terrain together with neighbouring items to create If you know what kind of location you want to battle
larger scenic items. over then you can use the following rules and tables
to generate a table full of scenery to play on.
Random Terrain table
2D6 Valleys Islands Deserts Cities
and Mountains and Jungles and Plains
Clearing Hill
This area is naturally or artificially clear of the This rise affords a commanding view, and everyone
undergrowth prevalent on the rest of the table. Roll 1D6; knows higher ground is a good place to be. To see
on the roll of 5+ you can place a single item of scenery how big your hill is, roll 1D6. On the roll of 5+ you can
in the centre of this area, such as an idol, ruin, pile of have a large hill with two levels, otherwise it’s a single
bones etc. There should be no other items of scenery level rise. Up to half of the slopes on your hill can
in this area except at the very edges of this section. either be rough ground (scree) or impassable (steep
rocky slopes). Depending on the space atop your hill
Cliff/Glacier you might want to roll again to see if it contains any
A sheer face of rock at least 2 levels (4”) high. You more terrain.
can either decide to have the cliff as the edge of the
table, or as part of a large hill. In any case the cliff Lost Temple
should extend for at least the entire 12” section. Cliffs This can be an interior or exterior location full of
count as impassable to models on foot, although they crumbling columns, gargantuan statues and often
can be ascended or descended by Climbing (see the lair of some stop motion horror. If your opponent
page 12). agrees, you can roll 1D6 to see what the temple
contains: 1–2 nothing; 3–4 one random Gift of the
Gods card; and 5–6 as 3–4, but guarded by Stop
Motion models or Animals of up to 50 ratings, which
will activate and charge and/or attack the nearest
model within 6” before the first player’s Action Phase.
A deck of Spell cards are available to download Banish (Difficulty 10)
for free from Crooked-Dice.co.uk, but the Begone! Return to the foul pit from whence you came!
description and effects are also listed below. Banishing Spell. Send a model with the Summoned
special effect within 6” of the caster back to the
original cast’s Reserve area.
Animate the Idol (Difficulty 12)
I gift you a heart of fire and sulphur. Awaken my Beacon of Hope (Difficulty 8)
servant and perform my will. Feel the shadow of fear driven from your hearts.
Villain only. Animation Spell. Animates a single Living Hero only. Until the next turn, friendly models within
Idol within 6” of the caster. See Extras for profile. 12” of one or more models successfully performing
this Spell count their Morale as being one higher.
Aspect of Terror (Difficulty 10)
From the darkness crawls your terror and your bane! Cage the Soul (Difficulty 12)
Villain only. Until the next turn, enemy models within I bind you! Cage you! In a prison of your flesh!
12” of one or more models successfully performing One use only. An enemy model within 12” of the caster
this Spell count their Morale as being one less and gains the Captured status. Leave the Captured model
can’t use the Leader (x) special effect. in place.
Manifest the Spirit (Difficulty 10) Unleash the Whirlwind (Difficulty 12)
I beseech you, Spirits, guard us and waylay our foes! Let the Four Winds rage! Let them howl and scream,
All friendly models gain the Blocker special effect until and tear at you!
the caster takes another action. Enemy models gain the Slow special effect until the
caster takes another action.
Pillar of Wrath (Difficulty 10)
Let my anger, and my spite, become an inferno that Unspoken Curse (Difficulty 8)
consumes you! May you…
Summons a pillar of flame, which is treated as a Remove one Luck token from an opposing Player,
weapon: Range 12”, Str 4, hits on a (3+), Burst 3”, which is deducted from their Luck Pool.
Scatter 1D6”, Set On Fire.
Unweave Fate (Difficulty 10)
Quiet Blessing (Difficulty 8) No! That is not how it happened.
Aid us… Discard all of your Event cards, shuffle the deck and
Gain one Luck token, which is added to your Luck Pool. then draw a number of cards equal to the amount you
Return the Fallen (Difficulty 12)
Your fate is not to die this day, but to… Word of Command (Difficulty 15)
One use only. Hero only. Return to the game a model Obey! You will obey, obey my commands, and hear
from your cast that was removed from play. They only my words.
appear within 3” of the caster. Models return with 1 One use only. An enemy model within 12” of the caster
Hit, but can subsequently be healed as normal. suffers the Dominated status.
A deck of Event cards are available to download Intermission
for free from Crooked-Dice.co.uk, but the Ice cream! Get your ice cream!
description and effects are also listed below. Play this card to cancel an Event card just played
by another player. That player may draw another
Event card.
Diamond in the Rough
A new talent is spotted amongst the Extras. Not As Bad As You Think
When making an attack, Morale or statistic test, or Not so much hamming it up as playing it down.
rolling to remove a status, an Extra may roll 3D6 and Play on a model that is attempting to recover from a
choose one die as the result. This card may not be status, they can remove the status on any die roll of 4,
used on Extras who possess the Animal or Fearsome 5 or 6, instead of the usual 6. Play this card before the
special effects. roll is made.
I pray you were right, old man.
A cold welcome...
What are you doing here? I could have killed you.
My father knows. His guard is being roused, and they
will follow you as easily as I...
I had to warn you.
It is not them I fear. You must go back, Ariadne. I beg
No. No, we end this together. My life is in as much
peril as yours. For aiding you. For helping Daedalus and
his son to escape.
I am not frightened. I do not fear my half-brother. He-
You should, my sister.
You will.
The following pages list supporting material
to help you plan and play your games. Token Key
Token Key 85 Audience
Tokens 86 Activation Appreciation Captured
Event Cards 88
Gift of the Gods Cards 90
Spell Cards 93
Extra and Guest Profiles 96
Cast List 101 AUDIENCE
Player Reference Sheet 102 ACTIVATED
Templates 103
Miniatures & Scenery 104
Confused Dominated Flying
you need to play 7th Voyage from the Crooked Dice
Activation Luck On Fire
E1 of 18 E2 of 18 E3 of 18
E4 of 18 E5 of 18 E6 of 18
E7 of 18 E8 of 18 E9 of 18
G1 of 27 G2 of 27 G3 of 27
G4 of 27 G5 of 27 G6 of 27
G7 of 27 G8 of 27 G9 of 27
S1 of 18 S2 of 18 S3 of 18
S4 of 18 S5 of 18 S6 of 18
S7 of 18 S8 of 18 S9 of 18
7 Voyage th
7 Voyage th
7 Voyage
Brawl (4+),
Native Concealment Spear (4+) -/6 Medium 25-30mm
Brawl (4+),
Palace Guard Blocker Spear (4+) 9/6 Medium 25-30mm
Brawl (5+),
Psiloi - Javelin (5+) 6/5 Medium 25-30mm
Brawl (4+),
Centaur Daring Leap, Mount, Rage Spear (4+) 15/20 Monster 40-50mm
Brawl (4+),
Harpy Eagle Eyes, Dodge, Flyer Claw (5+) -/20 Medium 25-30mm
Brawl (4+),
Satyr Daring Leap, Seduce Club (4+) 15/10 Medium 25-30mm
Brawl (5+),
Siren Aquatic, Seduce Claws (5+) -/15 Medium 25-30mm
Brawl (4+),
Snakeman Armour, Dodge Spear (4+) -/12 Medium 25-30mm
Dire Wolf A Good Offence, Animal Bite (3+) -/12 Animal 40-50mm
Giant Crab Animal, Aquatic, Armour, Claw (4+) -/25 Monster 40-50mm
Blocker, Fearsome, Loner
Giant Snake Animal, Concealment, Constrictor: Tail (4+), or -/20 Monster 40-50mm
Dodge, Fearsome, Loner Viper: Venom (4+)
Dodge, Follower
The Caliph’s (The Rogue of Baghdad), Guest
Daughter Gifts of the Gods (1), Brawl (4+) 30/- Star 25-30mm
Luck (1), Seduce
Name/Archetype/No. Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Mor Luck Weapon To Hit Range Str Effect Rating
Name/Archetype/No. Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Mor Luck Weapon To Hit Range Str Effect Rating
Name/Archetype/No. Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Mor Luck Weapon To Hit Range Str Effect Rating
Name/Archetype/No. Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Mor Luck Weapon To Hit Range Str Effect Rating
Attacking over an −1 to both hit Shooting model has Aimed +2 Models can make multiple move, melee attack or
intervening obstacle and damage special actions in the same turn, but cannot shoot
or aim more than once in a turn.
Attacking while Prone −1 to hit
MINATUREs + scenery
Get your 7th Voyage games started with
some suitable mythic miniatures and
tabletop scenery.
Utilising Graeme and Karl’s action:engine, which to make them distinct from Otherworldly special
provides a basis to create and play tabletop miniature effects. In general they are more powerful, but include
skirmishes for almost every genre, 7th Voyage is limitations such as a difficulty value and in some
intended to streamline the system for games inspired cases being ‘one use only’, as well as an element of
by stop motion movies, fantasy and action-adventure risk with a model potentially forfeiting its remaining
programmes. actions. Gifts on the other hand provide many special
effects and abilities not normally accessible to most
From the outset, we decided melee should be more models, as well as improving existing ones. Available
important than shooting in 7th Voyage to reflect the to any cast with Gift of the Gods that pays the ratings
action and swashbuckling nature of the genre, and cost, we have tried to balance Gifts by making them
new weapon rules such as Brutal, Parry and Thrust, unique, so that if more than one cast selects the same
and special effects such as Shield reflect this. With one, they cancel each other out.
powerful creatures and monsters appearing in most
scenes, rules such as Shield also help to increase One of the most difficult areas of the new magic rules
the life expectancy of mortals, giving some models was animating and summoning. Being able to breathe
at least a chance to survive the crushing blows of a life into statues or cause skeletons to erupt from the
Giant or Minotaur. ground is an essential part of the genre, but could
easily unbalance the game by creating models from
In 7TV, models flee from Fearsome opponents and, nowhere. Hopefully our solution, purchasing models
if they can’t get away, are automatically removed from and then bringing them into play via magic, solves this
the game. This could be devastating in 7th Voyage while still maintaining both theme and game balance.
with so many frightening models potentially in play. At
worst it could make for one-sided games that would Nothing is set in stone though, and these rules are
be over quickly, or bizarre games of Extra pinball, intended to be a starting point for your own games, a
as models flee back and forth between Fearsome means to build your own scenes and stories, and we
beasties. Because of this we introduced the Scared hope you will enjoy creating, playing and telling them.
status, which lowers a model's chance to hit and
Morale, and prohibits their movement, at least towards Special thanks to Graeme and Karl, for letting me play
Fearsome models, but doesn’t send them running or in their world, all of the playtesters for their insightful
straight off the table. feedback, Helena for proofreading, and most of all
Vicky, for everything.
Magic, both Gifts and Spells, is the greatest addition
to 7th Voyage. In the case of Spells, we have tried Matt Gibbs
A word from our sponsors... And there are lots of other folks that have helped us
I love Stop Motion movies. Back in the day, you get this flying carpet off the ground. Special thanks
got your special effects via beautifully hand-crafted are due to:
models and painstaking attention to detail. It's
testament to the artists that created these celluloid Helena Nash; Les Fulbrook; Paul Jenkins; Martin
gems, that they look as magical to me today as they Brimacombe; Paul Smith; Ross Bowrage; Chris
did back on a August afternoon in 1977. Wilson; Rich Jones; Pete Gill and the Royal Air
Force Wargaming Association; Kevin Dallimore;
And I suspect it's that love of tiny recreated worlds Martin Buck; Andrew Maclachlan; David Marshall;
that drew me to miniature wargaming. So combining Jon Atter; Vicky Cox; Chris Wildgoose; Laura
the two has been any idea I've had for many years. Trinder; Steve Coulson; and Richard Scott of
And it seems I'm not alone, because Mr Gibbs Otherworld Miniatures.
shared the same passion and seemed to quite like
the challenge of adapting the action:engine for the Karl and Graeme
mythic fantasy world. I think he's done a cracking job! February 2013
Or rule it…
Evil mastermind the Guru spearheads our
villainous releases, and is backed by all
manner of henchmen. Foremost there are a
range of bolier-suited Minions.
7th Voyage is a
tabletop miniatures
game set in the world
of classic stop motion
mythic fantasy films
of the 60s and 70s.
cr ked dice
ACTION:ENGINE 9 780956 839046
Mateo Felez Lecha (Order #26513501)