Revised RFP V2
Revised RFP V2
Revised RFP V2
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Abbreviation Description
LLP Limited Liability Partnership
LAN Local Area Network
MeitY Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology
MSP Managed Service Provider
MPLS Multiprotocol Label Switching
NAS Network Attached Storage
NDA Non-Disclosure Agreement
NIDS Network Intrusion Detection System
NSP Network Service Provider
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OPEX Operational Expenditure
PBG Performance Bank Guarantee
PoC Proof of Concept
PCI-DSS Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard
RAM Random Access Memory
RDBMS Relational Database Management System
RFP Request for Proposal
ROC Registrar of Companies
RPO Recovery Point Objective
RTO Recovery Time Objective
SAN Storage Area Network
SAS Serial Attached SCSI
SCSI Small Computer System Interface
SDC State Data Centre
SDD System Design Documents
SIEM Security Information and Event Management
SITC Supply Installation Testing & Commission
SLA Service Level Agreement
STQC Standardisation Testing and Quality Certification
SSD Solid State Drive
SSH Secure Shell
SSL Secure Socket Layer
TLS Transport Layer Security
TRAI Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
UAT User Acceptance Testing
vCPU Virtual Central Processing Unit
VLBS Virtual Load Balancer Services
VM Virtual Machine
VTL Virtual Tape library
WAN Wide Area Network
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Glossary of Terms .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Contents ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
DISCLAIMER .................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
1 Notice Inviting Tender..................................................................................................................................................... 13
2 Fact Sheet .............................................................................................................................................................................. 14
3 Project Background .......................................................................................................................................................... 16
3.1 About JAPIT ........................................................................................................................................................... 17
3.2 About this REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) ........................................................................................... 18
4 Objective & Brief Scope of Work ................................................................................................................................. 19
4.1 Objective ................................................................................................................................................................. 19
4.2 Key Consideration ............................................................................................................................................... 20
4.2.1 Scalability .......................................................................................................................................................... 20
4.2.2 Availability ........................................................................................................................................................ 21
4.2.3 Interoperability ............................................................................................................................................... 21
4.2.4 Security ............................................................................................................................................................... 22
4.2.5 Manageability................................................................................................................................................... 22
4.2.6 Integration of SDC with SWAN ................................................................................................................. 22
4.2.7 IPv6 Compatibility ......................................................................................................................................... 22
4.2.8 Secure Internet Connectivity ..................................................................................................................... 23
4.2.9 Storage Availability........................................................................................................................................ 23
4.2.10 Cloud Services .................................................................................................................................................. 23
4.2.11 Application Hosting ....................................................................................................................................... 24
4.3 Brief Scope of Work............................................................................................................................................ 24
4.3.1 Scope of Work (Civil, Renovation & Restructuring) ........................................................................ 25
4.3.2 Scope of Work (Non-IT)............................................................................................................................... 25
4.3.3 Scope of Work (IT) ......................................................................................................................................... 26
4.3.4 HOTO of existing Infrastructure, Data and Applications ............................................................... 26
4.3.5 Acceptance Tests - PAT and FAT.............................................................................................................. 27
4.3.6 Operation & Maintenance with Comprehensive AMC & FMS ...................................................... 27
5 Pre –Qualification Criteria ............................................................................................................................................. 28
5.1 Pre-Qualification for JHSDC 2.0 ..................................................................................................................... 28
5.2 Technical Bid Evaluation Scoring Matrix .................................................................................................. 35
5.3 Opening of Bids .................................................................................................................................................... 40
5.4 Evaluation of Proposals .................................................................................................................................... 40
5.5 Evaluation of Financial Bids ........................................................................................................................... 42
6 Procedure to Submission of BID.................................................................................................................................. 44
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6.1 General..................................................................................................................................................................... 44
6.2 Instructions to Bidders ..................................................................................................................................... 45
6.3 Submission of Proposal .................................................................................................................................... 46
6.4 Details of documents to be furnished for online bidding ................................................................... 47
6.5 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) ...................................................................................................................... 47
6.6 Performance Bank Guarantee ........................................................................................................................ 48
6.7 Pre-bid Meetings Clarification ....................................................................................................................... 48
6.8 Responses to pre-bid queries and issue of corrigendum ................................................................... 49
6.9 Format & Signing ................................................................................................................................................. 49
6.10 Submission of Hardcopy of Pre-Qualification and Technical bid .................................................... 49
6.11 Completeness of Tender Offer ....................................................................................................................... 50
6.12 Authentication of Bid ......................................................................................................................................... 50
6.13 Validation of interlineations in Bid .............................................................................................................. 51
6.14 Cost for Bidding ................................................................................................................................................... 51
6.15 Language of Proposal & Correspondence ................................................................................................. 51
6.16 Modification and withdrawal of Bids .......................................................................................................... 51
6.17 Proposal Forms .................................................................................................................................................... 52
6.18 Local Conditions .................................................................................................................................................. 52
6.19 Contacting the JAPIT, Ranchi .......................................................................................................................... 52
6.20 Site Visit by Bidder ............................................................................................................................................. 53
6.21 Last Date for Receipt of Bids........................................................................................................................... 53
6.22 Late Bids.................................................................................................................................................................. 53
6.23 Tender Opening ................................................................................................................................................... 53
6.24 Tender Validity..................................................................................................................................................... 54
6.25 Documents Comprising the Bids................................................................................................................... 54
6.26 Bid Prices ................................................................................................................................................................ 55
6.27 Bidder Qualification ........................................................................................................................................... 55
6.28 Format and Signing of Bid ............................................................................................................................... 56
6.29 Revelation of Prices ............................................................................................................................................ 56
6.30 Proposal Validity Period................................................................................................................................... 56
6.31 Terms and Conditions of Bidders ................................................................................................................. 57
6.32 Modification and Withdrawal of Bids ......................................................................................................... 57
6.33 Contacting the Purchaser ................................................................................................................................. 57
6.34 Opening of Technical Bids by Purchaser ................................................................................................... 57
6.35 Purchaser's Right to Vary Scope of Contract ........................................................................................... 57
6.36 Notification of Award ........................................................................................................................................ 58
6.37 Award of Contract ............................................................................................................................................... 58
6.38 Purchaser's Right to Accept or Reject Any or All Bids ......................................................................... 58
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6.39 Placing of Work Order ....................................................................................................................................... 59
6.40 Tender Related Condition................................................................................................................................ 59
6.41 Rejection Criteria ................................................................................................................................................ 59
6.42 Fraud and Corrupt Practices .......................................................................................................................... 60
6.43 Clarification of Bidding Documents ............................................................................................................. 62
6.44 Amendment of Bidding Documents............................................................................................................. 62
6.45 Clarification of Bids ............................................................................................................................................ 62
6.46 Notification of Acceptance of Proposal ...................................................................................................... 62
7 General Instructions of Contract ................................................................................................................................. 63
7.1 Definitions .............................................................................................................................................................. 63
7.2 General..................................................................................................................................................................... 65
7.3 Interpretations ..................................................................................................................................................... 67
7.4 Conditions Precedent ........................................................................................................................................ 68
7.5 Representations ................................................................................................................................................... 68
7.6 Warranty................................................................................................................................................................. 70
7.7 Scope of Contract................................................................................................................................................. 72
7.8 Key Performance Measurements ................................................................................................................. 73
7.9 Commencement and progress ....................................................................................................................... 73
7.10 Standards of Performance ............................................................................................................................... 74
7.11 Sub-contract .......................................................................................................................................................... 74
7.12 Bidder’s Obligations ........................................................................................................................................... 74
7.13 Bidder’s Personnel.............................................................................................................................................. 80
7.14 Contract Administration .................................................................................................................................. 80
7.15 Purchaser’s Right of Monitoring, Inspection and Periodic Audit .................................................... 81
7.16 Purchaser’s Obligations .................................................................................................................................... 81
7.17 Information Security .......................................................................................................................................... 82
7.18 Records of Contract Documents.................................................................................................................... 82
7.19 Ownership and Retention of Documents .................................................................................................. 83
7.20 Ownership of Equipment ................................................................................................................................. 83
7.21 Taxes & Duties ...................................................................................................................................................... 83
7.22 Change Orders / Alteration / Variation ..................................................................................................... 84
7.23 Change Order Procedure.................................................................................................................................. 86
7.24 Modification and withdrawal of bids .......................................................................................................... 89
7.25 Right to terminate the process ...................................................................................................................... 89
7.26 Right to accept and to reject any or all proposals.................................................................................. 89
7.27 Suspension of Work Order .............................................................................................................................. 89
7.28 Fraud and Corrupt practices .......................................................................................................................... 90
7.29 Issue Management Procedures ..................................................................................................................... 91
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7.30 Insurance ................................................................................................................................................................ 94
7.31 Transfer of Ownership ...................................................................................................................................... 95
7.32 Limitation of the Bidder’s Liability towards the Purchaser .............................................................. 95
7.33 Conflict of Interest .............................................................................................................................................. 96
7.34 Publicity .................................................................................................................................................................. 96
7.35 “No Claim” Certificate ........................................................................................................................................ 96
7.36 Governing Law & Jurisdiction ........................................................................................................................ 96
7.37 IT Act 2008............................................................................................................................................................. 96
7.38 Contacting JAPIT .................................................................................................................................................. 96
7.39 Notices ..................................................................................................................................................................... 97
8 General Terms & Conditions of Contract ................................................................................................................. 98
8.1 Termination and Effects of Termination ................................................................................................... 98
8.2 Consequences of Termination .....................................................................................................................100
8.3 Consequences of Breach and penalties ....................................................................................................101
8.4 Statutory Compliances ....................................................................................................................................101
8.5 Indemnification ..................................................................................................................................................102
8.6 Dispute Resolution and Arbitration ..........................................................................................................103
8.7 Confidentiality ....................................................................................................................................................105
8.8 Limitation of Liability and Risk Purchase ...............................................................................................106
8.9 Liquidated Damages.........................................................................................................................................106
8.10 Applicability of Liquidated Damages ........................................................................................................107
8.11 Event of Default by the Bidder.....................................................................................................................107
8.12 Consequences of Event of Default ..............................................................................................................108
8.13 Force Majeure .....................................................................................................................................................109
8.14 Exit Management Plan.....................................................................................................................................111
8.15 Severability and Waiver .................................................................................................................................113
8.16 Intellectual Property Rights ..........................................................................................................................113
8.17 Failure to agree with terms & conditions of the contract.................................................................115
8.18 Audit, Access and Reporting .........................................................................................................................115
8.19 Ownership of Deliverables ............................................................................................................................115
8.20 Terms & Extension of the Project ...............................................................................................................116
9 Project Milestone, Timelines & Penalty ..................................................................................................................117
10 Payment schedule.......................................................................................................................................................122
10.1 Submission of Invoice......................................................................................................................................123
10.2 Payment of Tax ...................................................................................................................................................123
11 SLA & Penalties ............................................................................................................................................................124
11.1 SLA Definitions ...................................................................................................................................................124
11.2 Targets of Service Level Agreement ..........................................................................................................125
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11.3 IT Infrastructure Service Level ....................................................................................................................126
11.4 Non-IT Infrastructure Service Level..........................................................................................................127
11.5 Virtual infrastructure related Service Levels ........................................................................................129
11.6 Security and Incident Management Service Levels.............................................................................131
11.7 Patch Management Service Levels .............................................................................................................132
11.8 Fire Suppression refilling Service Levels ................................................................................................133
11.9 Civil & Restructuring Work Service Levels.............................................................................................133
11.10 Help Desk Support Services Level ..............................................................................................................134
11.11 Human Resource Service Levels .................................................................................................................135
11.12 Compliance & Reporting Procedures ........................................................................................................137
11.13 SLA Change Control ..........................................................................................................................................138
11.14 Notes on SLA & Penalty ..................................................................................................................................138
12 Project Management..................................................................................................................................................139
12.1 Partial Acceptance Test (PAT) .....................................................................................................................140
12.2 Final Acceptance Testing (FAT) ..................................................................................................................140
12.3 Roles and Responsibilities.............................................................................................................................141
12.4 Responsibility (RACI) Matrix .......................................................................................................................143
13 Broad Scope of Work .................................................................................................................................................146
13.1 Brief description of the Scope of Work ....................................................................................................146
13.2 Renovation & Restructuring Work (Civil Infrastructure) ................................................................147
13.2.1 Restructuring of Media Room as a Telecom Room ........................................................................147
13.2.2 Construction of a New Room as a Breakout Room at terrace ....................................................148
13.2.3 Renovation of Storeroom ..........................................................................................................................149
13.2.4 Restructuring of Guard Room & Washroom Area ..........................................................................149
13.2.5 Restructuring of Ramps under Data Center premises ..................................................................149
13.2.6 Renovation of Server Farm Area............................................................................................................150
13.2.7 Renovation of DG Set Area........................................................................................................................150
13.2.8 Renovation of Seating Space under PM Room, NOC Room, Meeting Room, Spare Rooms
13.2.9 Waterproofing works for Roof................................................................................................................151
13.2.10 Denting & Painting for entire area of Data Center .....................................................................151
13.2.11 Notes on Renovation and Restructuring works..........................................................................152
13.3 Non-IT Infrastructure Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance .......................................154
13.3.1 Electrical Power and Distribution .........................................................................................................154
13.3.2 Building Management System................................................................................................................155
13.3.3 Safety, Security Surveillance and Monitoring ...................................................................................155
13.3.4 Presession and Comfort Air Conditioning..........................................................................................156
13.3.5 Diesel Generator and Panels ....................................................................................................................157
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13.3.6 Earthing and Grounding ............................................................................................................................158
13.3.7 Fire Detection and Alarm System ..........................................................................................................159
13.3.8 Gas Based Fire Suppression System .....................................................................................................159
13.3.9 Provisioning of IT Racks ............................................................................................................................159
13.3.10 Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) and Battery .......................................................................160
13.3.11 Notes on Non-IT Infrastructure Support & Services.................................................................161
13.4 IT Infrastructure Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance .................................................162
13.4.1 Detailed functional Scope of Work for proposed IT Infrastructure ........................................162
13.4.2 Installation and Configuration of the Commissioned IT Infrastructure ................................165
13.4.3 Onsite Support ...............................................................................................................................................166
13.4.4 Technical Support ........................................................................................................................................166
13.4.5 Cyber Security................................................................................................................................................167
13.4.6 Network & Security Monitoring .............................................................................................................167
13.4.7 Backup & Restore .........................................................................................................................................168
13.4.8 Patch Management ......................................................................................................................................168
13.4.9 Container Platform ......................................................................................................................................169
13.4.10 Monitoring of IT & Non-IT Infrastructure .....................................................................................169
13.4.11 Notes on IT Infrastructure Support Services ...............................................................................170
13.5 Hand Over & Take Over (HOTO) .................................................................................................................172
13.5.1 HOTO from current DCO............................................................................................................................172
13.5.2 Migration of Existing Infra into JHSDC 2.0 .........................................................................................175
13.6 Acceptance Tests – PAT & FAT ....................................................................................................................176
13.7 Operation & Maintenance with Comprehensive AMC & FMS .........................................................177
13.7.1 Human Resource and Organization ......................................................................................................177
13.7.2 Resource Planning during Operation and Maintenance ..............................................................180
13.7.3 Resource Qualification and Experience ..............................................................................................180
13.7.4 Resource Job Responsibility ....................................................................................................................183
13.7.5 Policies and Procedures.............................................................................................................................186
13.7.6 Maintenance Program ................................................................................................................................187
13.7.7 Performance Monitoring & Management...........................................................................................188
13.7.8 Application Related Services ...................................................................................................................188
13.7.9 Reporting .........................................................................................................................................................189
13.7.10 MIS reports and deliverables..............................................................................................................189
13.7.11 Trainings and Induction .......................................................................................................................192
13.7.12 Documentation .........................................................................................................................................192
13.7.13 Certification ...............................................................................................................................................194
13.7.14 Visitor Management ...............................................................................................................................194
13.7.15 Notes on Operation and Maintenance Services ..........................................................................194
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13.8 Notes on other scope and terms .................................................................................................................196
14 Minimum Bill of Quantity ........................................................................................................................................199
14.1.1 Bill of Quantity for IT material to be procured for JHSDC2.0..........................................................199
14.2 Bill of Quantity for IT material to provision AMC under JHSDC2.0 ..............................................203
14.3 Bill of Quantity for IT material to provision AMC & Upgrade OR provide new upgraded
solution for the same under JHSDC2.0 ........................................................................................................................205
14.4 Bill of Quantity that is under procurement, to be a part of operation and maintenance
under JHSDC2.0 .....................................................................................................................................................................206
14.5 Bill of Quantity for Non-IT material to be procured for JHSDC2.0 ...............................................207
14.6 Bill of Quantity for Non-IT material to provision AMC for JHSDC2.0 ..........................................209
14.7 Civil and Reconstructing work detail with all material & Services under JHSDC2.0 ............211
14.8 Bill of material to be procured in future for JHSDC2.0 ......................................................................213
14.9 Any Other material requirement for JHSDC2.0 ....................................................................................213
15 Minimum Technical Specification ........................................................................................................................214
15.1 Technical Specification for IT Equipment ...............................................................................................214
15.1.1. Blade Server....................................................................................................................................................214
15.1.2. Blade Server Enclosure ..............................................................................................................................215
15.1.3. Fabric Interconnect Switch ......................................................................................................................217
15.1.4. Hyper Converged Infrastructure for staging ....................................................................................218
15.1.5. Containerization Platform ........................................................................................................................218
15.1.6. Leaf Switch ......................................................................................................................................................220
15.1.7. Management Switch ....................................................................................................................................221
15.1.8. IP KVM Switch................................................................................................................................................221
15.1.9. Internet Router..............................................................................................................................................222
15.1.10. FC SAN Switch ...........................................................................................................................................223
15.1.11. Enterprise Storage (SAN 1 & SAN 2) ...............................................................................................224
15.1.12. Network Attached Storage (NAS) .....................................................................................................226
15.1.13. Link Load balancer..................................................................................................................................227
15.1.14. Server Load Balancer .............................................................................................................................228
15.1.15. IPS- Intrusion Prevention System.....................................................................................................229
15.1.16. WAF – Web Application firewall .......................................................................................................231
15.1.17. D2D Backup Appliance ..........................................................................................................................232
15.1.18. EMS, NMS & HMS Solution ...................................................................................................................234
15.1.19. Server Virtualization Hypervisor Solution....................................................................................243
15.1.20. DLP – Data loss prevention .................................................................................................................244
15.1.21. Web Security Solution ...........................................................................................................................245
15.1.22. HIPS- Host Intrusion Prevention System.......................................................................................248
15.1.23. Backup Software/Tool ..........................................................................................................................250
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15.1 Technical Specification for Non-IT Equipment .....................................................................................252
15.2.1. Air-conditioning system ............................................................................................................................252
15.2.2. IT Racks & PDUs............................................................................................................................................252
15.2.3. IP Based CCTV System ................................................................................................................................253
15.2.4. Network Video Recorder (NVR).............................................................................................................253
15.2.5. Integrated Building Management System (IBMS) ..........................................................................254
15.2.6. Fire Alarm System ........................................................................................................................................258
15.2.7. Diesel Generator Set ....................................................................................................................................260
15.2.8. Video Screen 55" (3x2) (Wall Mount) .................................................................................................263
15.2.9. UPS Modules for existing UPS Frames .................................................................................................265
16 High Level Network Architecture for JHSDC2.0 .............................................................................................266
17 Existing Server, Storage & Application Detail .................................................................................................267
17.1 Current Server Infra Detail - JHSDC ...........................................................................................................267
17.2 Current Storage Infra Detail - JHSDC.........................................................................................................267
17.3 Current Application Detail - JHSDC............................................................................................................271
18 Proforma and Schedules ..........................................................................................................................................280
18.1 Proforma 1: Proposal Covering Letter .....................................................................................................280
18.2 Proforma 2: Authorization Certificate ......................................................................................................283
18.3 Proforma 3: Declaration of Acceptance of Terms & Conditions and SLA of RFP ....................285
18.4 Proforma 4: Pre-qualification Compliance Cover Letter ..................................................................286
18.5 Proforma 5: Pre-qualification Compliance Checklist .........................................................................287
18.6 Proforma 6: Technical Bid Cover Letter ..................................................................................................292
18.7 Proforma 7: Technical Qualification Compliance Checklist.............................................................293
18.8 Proforma 8: Format for furnishing Earnest Money Deposit ...........................................................296
18.9 Proforma 9: Format for Company Profile of Bidder ...........................................................................298
18.10 Proforma-10: Format for Pre-Bid queries /Request for Clarification.........................................300
18.11 Proforma 11: Format for Undertaking on Non-Blacklisted .............................................................301
18.12 Proforma 12: Format for Undertaking on Land Border ....................................................................302
18.13 Proforma 13: Format for Manufacturer/OEM Authorization Letter ...........................................303
18.14 Proforma 14: Format for OEM’s Support Form ....................................................................................304
18.15 Proforma 15: Warranty Certificate ............................................................................................................306
18.16 Proforma 16: Format for Annual Turnover & Net worth Detail ....................................................307
18.17 Proforma 17: Statement of Deviation from Requirement Specifications ..................................309
18.18 Proforma 18: Local Presence of Bidder ...................................................................................................310
18.19 Proforma 19: Citations Format....................................................................................................................311
18.20 Proforma 20: Format for providing detail & CVs of Key Personnel .............................................313
18.21 Proforma 21: Format for Performance for Bank Guarantee (PBG) ..............................................315
18.22 Proforma 22: Detail Timeline and Work Plan with proposed Manpower Strength ..............317
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18.23 Proforma 23: Format for Unpriced Bill of Material ............................................................................319
18.24 Proforma 24: Financial Proposal Cover Letter .....................................................................................320
18.25 Proforma 25: Financial Bid Proposal ........................................................................................................322
18.26 Proforma 26: Undertaking on Exit Management and Transition ..................................................324
18.27 Proforma 27: Site Visit Certificate ..............................................................................................................326
18.28 Proforma 28: Documentary Evidence to be submitted .....................................................................327
18.29 Proforma 29: JHSDC Site Visit Request Form ........................................................................................331
18.30 Proforma 30: Confirmation of submission of Cost Sheet in V-2 ....................................................333
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The information contained in this Request for Proposal (hereinafter referred to as "RFP")
document provided to the Bidders, by the Jharkhand Agency for Promotion of Information
Technology, Ranchi, hereinafter referred to as JAPIT, or any of their employees or advisors, is
provided to the Bidder(s) on the terms and conditions set out in this RFP document and all
other terms and conditions subject to which such information is provided.
JAPIT, their employees and advisors make no representation or warranty and shall incur no
liability under any law, statute, rules or regulations as to the accuracy, reliability or
completeness of the RFP document.
JAPIT may, in its absolute discretion, but without being under any obligation to do so, update,
amend or supplement the information in this RFP document.
The assumptions, assessments, statements and information contained in this Tender, may not
be complete or adequate. Each bidder should, therefore, conduct its own investigations and
analysis and should check the accuracy, adequacy, correctness, reliability and completeness of
the assumptions, assessments and information contained in this Tender and obtains
independent advice from appropriate sources. Information provided in this Tender to the
bidders is on a wide range of matters, some of which depends upon interpretation of law.
JAPIT also accepts no liability of any nature whether resulting from negligence or otherwise
however, caused arising from reliance of any bidder upon the statements contained in this
JAPIT may in its absolute discretion, but without being under any obligation to do so, update,
amend or supplement the information, assessment or assumption contained in this tender. The
issue of this tender does not imply that JAPIT is bound to select a Bidder or bidders, as the case
may be, for the selection of JHSDC 2.0 solutions and JAPIT reserves the right to reject all or any
of the proposals without assigning any reasons whatsoever. The Bidder shall bear all its costs
associated with or relating to the preparation and submission of its Proposal including but not
limited to preparation, copying, postage, delivery fees, expenses associated with any
demonstrations or presentations which may be required by JAPIT or any other costs incurred
in connection with or relating to its proposal.
All such costs and expenses will remain with the bidder and JAPIT shall not be liable in any
manner whatsoever for the same or for any other costs or other expenses incurred by a bidder
in preparation or submission of the Bid proposal, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the
Selection process.
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1 Notice Inviting Tender
Jharkhand Agency for Promotion of Information Technology (JAPIT), the nodal agency of
Department of Information Technology & e-Governance, Government of Jharkhand invites
technical and financial proposals from eligible Bidders to be appointed as Selection of System
Integrator for Upgradation, Operation and Maintenance of Jharkhand State Data Centre 2.0
(JHSDC 2.0). as detailed in the Scope of Work in this RFP.
The document can be downloaded from the website, in
response to this tender shall be deemed to have been done after careful study and examination
of this document with full understanding of its implications. This section provides general
information about the Issuer, important dates and addresses and the overall eligibility criteria
for the parties.
Overall, Scope and objective of this RFP is to select a System Integrator for “Upgradation,
Operation and Maintenance of Jharkhand State Data Centre 2.0 at Ranchi. It includes the
Operation & Maintenance of the Project for a period of five years from the date of FAT.
The bidders are advised to study the tender document carefully. Submission of bids shall be
deemed to have been done after careful study and examination of the tender document with
full understanding of its implications. A firm shall be selected under procedures described in
this RFP.
Proposals must be received not later than time and date mentioned in the Fact Sheet. Proposals
that are received after the deadline WILL NOT be considered in this procurement process.
To obtain first-hand information on the assignment, Bidders are encouraged to attend a pre-
bid meeting. Attending the pre-bid meeting is optional.
Jharkhand Agency for Promotion of Information Technology, Ranchi
Ground Floor, Engineers hostel 1,
Near Golchakkar, Dhurwa, Ranchi-834004.
Tel: 0651-2401044
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2 Fact Sheet
S. Basic Requirement Specific Requirement
1. Tender Ref No. JAPIT/JH-SDC2.0/01/2023
2. Name of the Work Selection of System Integrator for Upgradation,
Operation and Maintenance of Jharkhand State Data
Centre 2.0 (JHSDC 2.0)
3. Name & address of the issuer of The CEO,
this tender Jharkhand Agency for Promotion of Information
Technology (JAPIT)
Ground Floor, Engineers hostel 1,
Near Golchakkar, Dhurwa, Ranchi-834004.
Tel: 0651-2401044
4. Date of download of tender 11/02/2023 at 10.30 PM
5. Date for sending Pre-Bid Query NA
as per Proforma -10 of RFP
6. Pre-Bid Meeting onsite at JAP- NA
7. Site Visit Schedule 17/04/2023 to 21/04/2023
From 11.30 AM at 4.30 PM
8. Start Date for Submission of 01/05/2023 from 10:00 AM.
Bids online
9. Last Date for Submission of 15/05/2023 up to 6:00 PM.
Bids online
10. Submission of original copy of 17/05/2023 up to 3:00 PM.
tender cost & EMD
11. Date of Opening of Pre- 17/05/2023 at 3:30 PM
qualification & Technical Bid
12. Date and Time of Presentation To be announced latter
13. Date of Commercial Bid To be announced latter
14. Address of Communication / The CEO,
Place of bid Submission / Jharkhand Agency for Promotion of Information
Opening of Bids / Contact / Technology,
Address Ground Floor, Engineers hostel 1,
Near Golchakkar, Dhurwa , Ranchi-834004.
Tel: 0651-2401044
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S. Basic Requirement Specific Requirement
15. Cost of Tender Document Rs. 10,000/- (Rs. Ten Thousand only) non-
refundable through Demand Draft from any
Nationalized/Schedule Bank in favour of “CEO,
JAPIT“ payable at Ranchi to be submitted with the
Technical Bid.
16. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) Rs. 3,00,00,000/- (Rupees Three Crore only) in
form of Bank Guarantee in favour of CEO, JAPIT
payable at Ranchi
17. RFP can be downloaded from Downloaded from However, in this
case, the bidders are required to submit the tender
cost in the form of a demand draft (details
mentioned in above para) along with the Proposal.
I. JAPIT reserves the right to change any schedule of bidding process. Please visit
Procurement website regularly for the same.
II. Proposals must be received not later than time, date and venue mentioned in the Fact
Sheet. Proposals that are received after the deadline WILL NOT be considered in this
procurement process.
III. The Bidders are advised to submit the Bids well in advance of the deadline as JAPIT/
GoJ will not be liable or responsible for non-submission of the bids because of any
technical glitches or any problems in connectivity services used by the Bidder.
Page 15 of 333
3 Project Background
The upgraded Data Center should have the High Level IT Infrastructure and Non-IT Solution.
Basic Infrastructure such as civil facilities, Power, Cooling, etc. to cater all racks within Sever
farm area along with the other utility areas. The Data Centre is established in Ground Floor with
Server and Network racks.
The IT infrastructure for JHSDC 2.0 at Ranchi will require various set of IT components for
running additional applications. The bidder is responsible to Supply, Install, Configure, Test and
Maintain the entire solution for a period of five years from FAT. The bidder should propose only
one solution that is in accordance with the tender specifications.
The following is a list of categories of components that the bidder is expected to supply, install,
configure and test:
i. The bidder should ensure that all the peripherals, accessories, sub-components
required for the functionality and completeness of the solution, including but not
limited to the devices, equipment, accessories, software, licenses, tools, etc. should also
be provisioned according to the requirements of the solution.
ii. JAPIT will not be responsible if the bidder has not provisioned for any components,
sub-components, assemblies, sub-assemblies as part of bill of material in the bid
response. The bidder will have to provision to meet the solution requirements, the
same at no additional cost and time implications to JAPIT.
iii. The bidder should ensure there is a 24x7x365 comprehensive onsite support
arrangement for a period of 5 years after FAT. The bidder should ensure remote
Page 16 of 333
support arrangement with all the OEM for respective IT components for complete
iv. It is expected that bidder shall ensure that the new equipment/components being
supplied will be supported by respective OEMs for minimum 5 years from date of FAT.
If the same is de-supported by the OEM for any reason whatsoever, the bidder shall
replace it with an equivalent or better substitute without any additional cost to
department and without impacting the performance of the solution. In this case JAPIT
may take appropriate action against the respective OEM.
Page 17 of 333
State Data Centres (SDC)’s are built for the States to consolidate services, applications and
infrastructure to provide efficient electronic delivery of G2G, G2C and G2B services. These
services can be rendered by the States through common delivery platform seamlessly
supported by core connectivity infrastructure such as State Wide Area Network (JharNet) and
Common Service Centre (CSC) connectivity extended up to village level. SDCs provide many
functionalities and some of the key functionalities are Central Repository of the State, Secure
Data Storage, Online Delivery of Services, Citizen Information/Services Portal, State Intranet
Portal, Disaster Recovery, Remote Management and Service Integration etc. SDCs would also
provide better operation & management control and minimize overall cost of Data
Management, IT Resource Management, Deployment and other costs.
The State Data Centre is a key-supporting element of e-Government Initiatives & businesses for
delivering services to the citizens with greater reliability, availability and serviceability. The
SDC provides better operations & management control and minimizes overall cost of Data
Management, IT Management, Deployment and other costs.
State Data Centre acts as a mediator and convergence point between open unsecured public
domain and sensitive government environment. It enables various State departments to host
their services/applications on a common infrastructure leading to ease of integration and
efficient management, ensuring that computing resources and the support connectivity
infrastructure (JharNet) is adequately and optimally used.
To extend the success of computerization, Government of Jharkhand (GoJ) in support with its
nodal agency JAPIT had set up State Data Centre for hosting the departmental applications. The
State Date Canter is catering the IT infrastructural needs of all departmental owned
applications and e-Gov. applications envisaged to provide a wider range of services to the
Citizens of Jharkhand by computerizing the operations of various department of GoJ.
Keeping in view of above objectives, Department of IT and e-Governance, Government of
Jharkhand had set up State Data Centre to provide efficient electronic service delivery of G2G,
G2C and G2B services, to enable various State departments to host their services/applications
on a common infrastructure leading to ease of integration and efficient management, ensuring
that computing resources and the support connectivity infrastructure is adequately and
optimally used, to provide better operations & management control, to minimize overall cost
of Data Management, IT Management and Deployment through use of common infrastructure.
All the IT initiatives taken by the State Government are being matured and most of the business
processes are being made paperless and are being kept digitally.
All the above, IT services are being provided and maintained from the Jharkhand State Data
Centre (JHSDC). JHSDC is located at Jharkhand Agency for Promotion of Information
Technology, Ground Floor, Engineers hostel 1, Near Golchakkar, Dhurwa, Ranchi-834004.
Page 18 of 333
The existing State Data Centre (SDC) is a core infrastructure project situated within the JAPIT
premises. JHSDC was made operational in November 2016. There are 22 Racks placed in JHSDC
and out of which 6 racks are for network infrastructure rest are for servers, storage, tape library
etc, over an area of 6000 Sq. ft which included the server farm area of 1475 Sq. ft.
JAPIT offers expansion of the Data Centre in the same building which is built exclusively and
dedicatedly for Jharkhand State Data Centre within the same campus. For the purpose of design,
supply, installation, configuration, operation & maintenance of renovation of civil, Non-IT and
IT infrastructure of JHSDC 2.0 proposals are invited from the perspective bidders through this
Page 19 of 333
conducive to infrastructure fluctuations and more programmable while enabling the
underlying infrastructure to support containers, bare metal, and virtualized workloads.
Moreover, the planned JHSDC2.0 upgradation needs to be ready for both composable as well as
hyper-converged workloads in future.
The JHSDC 2.0 data centre will be a key-supporting element of e-Government initiatives &
businesses for delivering services to the citizens with greater reliability, availability and
As of now JHSDC has hosted 166 (126 in Production & 40 in Staging) applications. Considering
the growth of user base and quantum of data generated/ stored, projection of hosted
applications for next 5 years shall be 250 or more applications.
JHSDC’s existing utilization is shown below:
Page 20 of 333
All the additional hardware & software required i.e. Racks, Storage, Licenses etc would be
procured from the State funds by the State & would be maintained by the DCO. JAP-IT shall be
responsible for the procurement of all additionally required hardware & software at its own
cost. However, the DCO would extend support for the same as a part of operation &
maintenance of the State Data Centre.
DCO shall be responsible for the operation & maintenance of all additional hardware &
software. DCO responsibility shall include the following but not limited to:
i. In future, if any new additional hardware or software is procured by the
State/Department with AMC support, which will be hosted in the State Data Centre, the
DCO shall maintain the SLA for the same. Accordingly, DCO shall maintain the SLA of the
respective hardware and/or software with the additional O&M charge of 1% per quarter
of respective CAPEX cost of the hardware and/or software.
ii. In future, if any new additional hardware or software is procured by the
State/Department without AMC or warranty support, which will be hosted in the State
Data Centre, the DCO shall maintain the SLA for the same. Accordingly, DCO shall
provision the AMC of the hardware & software and maintain the SLA of the respective
hardware and/or software with the additional O&M charge of 3% per quarter of
respective CAPEX cost of the hardware and/or software.
iii. DCO will be responsible for providing required Space, Power, Cooling and monitoring
through EMS/NMS and Anti-Virus support for all the equipment/devices/ hardware or
Software installed/hosted in the SDC, without any additional cost.
iv. The new EMS tools deployed for the State Data Centre shall have the ability to manage the
entire IT infrastructure proposed by the bidder as part of the SDC solution. The bidder is
required to provide the sufficient licenses to meet the above mentioned requirement, at
no extra cost to JAPIT.
v. The monitoring & management of the entire JHSDC infrastructure is the responsibility of
the DCO and the DCO would provide adequate licenses for the monitoring & management
components to be brought in the JHSDC. All costs for the same should be factored by the
bidder in the JHSDC bid and no extra bills / invoices for the same would be entertained
once the bid is submitted. For ITIL based Helpdesk System, the bidder should support
concurrent helpdesk at the same time.
4.2.2 Availability
All the components of the JHSDC must provide adequate redundancy to ensure high availability
of the e-Governance applications and the Data Centre services. Designing for availability
assumes that systems will fail, and therefore the systems are configured to mask and recover
from component or server failures with minimum application outage.
4.2.3 Interoperability
The entire system/subsystem should be interoperable, in order to support information flow
and integration. Operating systems, database and storage technologies from several vendors
must interact well with each other. These systems should support the open architecture
Page 21 of 333
solutions such as XML, LDAP, SOAP, etc. where information/data can be ported to any system,
whenever desired. The system should adhere to the Interoperability framework for e-
Governance evolved by MeitY.
4.2.4 Security
The JHSDC shall be designed and upgrade for an end-to-end security blanket to protect
applications, services, data and the infrastructure from malicious attacks or theft from external
(through internet) and internal (through intranet) hackers. Using Firewalls and Intrusion
detection systems such attacks and theft should be controlled and well supported (and
implemented) with the security policy. JHSDC should be designed to make use of the SSL/VPN
technologies to have secured communication between Applications and its end users.
Furthermore, all the system logs should be properly stored & archived for future analysis and
forensics whenever desired.
The SDC layout should be divided into domains such as:
• Militarized Zone (MZ) –Militarized Zone is a Trusted Zone or secure zone which has a
restricted access. This zone mainly consists of storage, database and management
servers which are not directly accessible to the outside zone. The trusted zone is
separated using strong access control and a firewall, which provides an additional level
of security to the infrastructure.
• De-militarized Zone (DMZ) – De-militarized Zone would be a "neutral zone" between
SDC's internal network and the outside extranet network. It would prevent extranet
users from getting direct access to the servers. In other words, this is a small network
that lies between a trusted internal network (SDC LAN), and an un-trusted external
network (such as the public Internet). Mostly the DMZ contains devices accessible to
Internet traffic, such as Web, FTP, SMTP and DNS servers.
4.2.5 Manageability
The SDC must be designed and upgraded in an efficient way to ensure an ease in maintenance.
It must facilitate ease of configuration, ongoing health monitoring, and failure detection that
are vital to the goals of scalability, availability, and security. The SDC shall be designed to match
the growth of the environment including IT Infrastructure, Government data & information, etc
4.2.6 Integration of SDC with SWAN
Another most important aspect which should be taken care while designing and upgradation of
the SDC is about seamless integration with SWAN and CSC. Provisioning of connectivity
between the SDC and SWAN shall be the responsibility of JAPIT. However, the DCO should be
responsible for integrating SDC with SWAN.
4.2.7 IPv6 Compatibility
All the hardware and software (including but not limited to all the routers, switches, firewall,
servers, and operating systems) supplied under this tender shall be IPv6 ready from day one.
The performance as specified in the specification of each component in the RFP is for IPv6.
These components should also be ready to work on IPv4 whenever required.
Page 22 of 333
4.2.8 Secure Internet Connectivity
Provisioning and upgradation of internet bandwidth will be the responsibility of State
Government Agency (SIA). DCO will only liaison with the ISPs. Internet Bandwidth from
different service providers will be provisioned at the SDC. The cost of procuring the fiber
backbone between the State Data Centre and SWAN is the responsibility of the SIA and Internet
Bandwidth shall be minimum aggregate bandwidth of100 Mbps (1:1) and as departments are
added, bandwidth can be scaled up accordingly by the SIA. Internet Bandwidth shall be
provided from different service providers with minimum 40 Mbps each.
4.2.9 Storage Availability
An assessment of the storage requirement for the entire SDC environment should also be taken
into consideration. This would be based on the number of applications, their database
structure, users and transactions volume. DCO should design the storage solution keeping in
mind the relevant requirement and its usage in line with SDC’s objective. The storage system
should be scalable enough to handle future requirements. The DCO should also adopt detailed
system and Data back-up processes and methodologies, using industry standard tools to
provide long term storage and archival solution.
4.2.10 Cloud Services
State Data Centers shall equipped with infrastructure which will enable State departments with
seamless, highly reliable/robust, shared and secured infrastructure with scalable capacity. For
better and optimal utilization of the compute infrastructure and using same infrastructure can
be shared amongst multiple applications, this can be achieved through adoption of adequate
technology components across all SDCs. This technology (Virtualization) will also drive
consolidation of IT resources resulting in power savings which will be a significant step towards
adopting Green technologies.
Virtualization is a step toward Cloud based services by inclusion of various other tools which
provide the framework for delivering the services on demand by using simple to use web
portals. To address issues typically faced by different departments of the State, such as long IT
infrastructure procurement cycles, underutilization of resources, need for dynamic Scalability,
appropriate disaster recovery of applications and data and for simplifying IT infrastructure
provisioning & availability or line departments to cloud based service delivery in accelerated
manner, to start with, it would be required to leverage the benefits of Cloud enabled services in
State Data Centre.
A holistic approach has been undertaken where the requirements are defined in a way that it
should cover the Cloud based services as an end goal wherein server virtualization is going to
be the integral part. These Cloud requirements would include all the necessary components/
modules which are necessary to provide Infrastructure / Platform / Software as a service to
various line departments within the State (Private Cloud). The following has been congregated
that need to be considered as requirement for Cloud requirements:
• Self Provisioning
Page 23 of 333
• Service Catalogue
• Migration of VMs within and across SDCs
• Automation
• Utilization and Billing
• Capacity Optimization
While we are moving towards Cloud based service approach, it is also very essential that the
security requirements are adequately addressed. However, for a project (SDC Scheme) of this
nature it is prudent to assess the need for integrating latest but matured technology
advancements to make the project future proof for optimal utilization.
The implementation shall also include comprehensive training of the State Data Centre Team.
Comprehensive training shall hold key to successful operations and maintenance, hence the
bidder is required to undertake smart training.
4.2.11 Application Hosting
JHSDC offers the application hosting under two model format.
• Dedicated Services: In this model, state departments will host their application on the
JHSDC servers purchased under JHSDC project.
• Co-located: In this model, State department will transfer the entire application
infrastructure at JHSDC
JHSDC has offering the application hosting services for govt. department and DCO will be
responsible to facilitate the department for their application hosing at JHSDC. The majority of
the services would be based on dedicated hosting services and the other will be co-located
model services. In either case, DCO has to facilitate the required services in all the models such
• Storage & backup
• Security
• Networking
• Monitoring & Management
• Power, cooling & other basic infrastructure requirement etc.
Page 24 of 333
mentioned here but is essential to complete this project may, bring to the notice of the tender
authority during pre-bid meeting
The minimum specified work to be undertaken by the bidder for setting up and operating the
proposed JHSDC 2.0 has been categorized as under:
➢ Schedule I: Supply, Installation and Commissioning of the Civil and Renovation Work
including associated AMC & FMS for the proposed JHSDC 2.0 project
➢ Schedule II: Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of the newly proposed
Non-IT Infrastructure and AMC & FMS of exiting Non-IT infrastructure under JHSDC
2.0 project
➢ Schedule III: Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of the IT Infrastructure
and AMC & FMS for the exiting IT Infrastructure under JHSDC 2.0 project
➢ Schedule VI: HOTO of existing IT & Non-IT Infrastructure, Data and Applications from
current DCO Team.
➢ Schedule V: Acceptance Tests i.e. PAT and FAT
➢ Schedule VI: Operations and Maintenance services for the complete Infrastructure
under JHSDC 2.0 at project for the period of 5 years from the date of FAT.
Note: The bidders are requested to submit their proposals for these Schedules in their bid
which would be combined for evaluation purposes.
4.3.1 Scope of Work (Civil, Renovation & Restructuring)
The overall Scope of Work (SoW) for the bidder to be appointed through this Tender for the
renovation work (Civil Infrastructure) includes the following but not limited to:
➢ Construction of a Breakout Room
➢ Restructuring of Media room as an ISP/Network room
➢ Restructuring of Lift Room as a Storeroom
➢ Restructuring of Spare Room 1 & Spare Room 2
➢ Restructuring of Washroom Area
➢ Restructuring of Ramps under Data Center premises
➢ Renovation of Server Farm Area
➢ Renovation of DG Sets Area
➢ Renovation of Storeroom at terrace
➢ Renovation of Seating Space under NOC Room, Meeting Room etc.
➢ Waterproofing works for complete roof area
➢ Denting & Painting for entire Data Center area
➢ Maintenance of complete Interior works under Data Center premises
Page 26 of 333
➢ The Data and Application migration will be the responsibility of the bidder. The bidder
will identify the GAP and pre-requisite for application migration and submit the detail
to JAPIT. The Application owner/department will fulfil the GAP and pre-requisite for
migration of application.
➢ All applications (including Application Data) need to be migrated from JHSDC to JHSDC
2.0 setup. On the request of bidder, JAIPT would align the respective application
vendors during the planning and implementation of application migration.
The Scope of Work (SoW) for the bidder to be appointed through this tender under the
operation and facility management work is includes the following but not limited to:
➢ Five years on-site comprehensive maintenance and provisioning of services of all the
IT & Non-IT Infrastructure including all the components after successful execution and
acceptance by JAPIT.
➢ Annual Maintenance of complete IT equipment for entire contract period
➢ Annual Maintenance of complete Non-IT devices for entire contract period
➢ Annual Maintenance of complete Interior, furniture and systems etc. for entire contract
➢ Service Level Adherence
➢ Periodic Health Audit
➢ Onsite support for Data Centre Operations on 24x7x365 basis by qualified and trained
engineers/professionals for a period of five years to ensure more than 99.75% service
Page 27 of 333
5 Pre –Qualification Criteria
The bidder should have mandatory pre-qualification as per the following table. The
proposal of the bidder who is fulfilling the mandatory pre-qualification criteria shall be
consider for technical evaluation. The proposal will be rejected if any bidder does not fulfil
any pre-qualification criteria or not submitting requisite supporting documents /
documentary evidence for supporting eligibility criteria.
A bidder participating in the procurement process shall possess the following minimum
prequalification/ eligibility criteria
Parameter Pre-Qualification Criteria Required Documentary Evidence
The Bidder should be Valid documentary proof of:
incorporated or registered under A) Certification of Incorporation
Companies Act, 1956 or as B) Certificate of Commencement
amended 2013 or LLP C) Certificate consequent to
firm/Partnership firm register change of name (if applicable)
under LLP Act 2008 since last five D) PAN Card
financial years as on March 31, E) GST registration
2022 F) Valid Document for subsidiary
company (Bidder) of its parent
NB: - A bid submitted by a Bidder G)
who has acquired a
Company/Division/Business Unit
Legal Entity NB: BTA or Board regulation of both
of a company OR subsidiary
1. company or valid order of merger &
company of its parent
acquisition from ROC and/or Court.
organisation OR a bidder
AND/OR Name change document (In
organisation undergone name
case of name change)
changes, shall also be considered
for evaluation if the eligibility and NB: The financial experience of
technical evaluation criteria is Parent company would be
met jointly by the bidder and the considered for eligibility, provided
parent Company/Division/ CA Certificate with CA’s Registration
Business Unit acquired. Number & Seal and copy of audited
profit & loss account and balance
• For a bidder to be eligible to
sheet of the last five years. (The
use the credentials of its
parent and subsidiary company
parent company; the parent
must operate in similar field of
company should hold at least
70% ownership in the
Page 28 of 333
Parameter Pre-Qualification Criteria Required Documentary Evidence
subsidiary company (bidder).
At least 5 years of Operations in A) Valid Supportive Document
India as on bid submission date. having proof of 5 years of
Operations in India on
organization letter head.
Page 29 of 333
Parameter Pre-Qualification Criteria Required Documentary Evidence
Audited Balance Sheets of the
NB: In case the Bidder is a subsidiary
of a company then the audited
financial statements & CA Certificate
of both the Parent Company and the
Subsidiary Company (Bidder) will be
considered for Pre-Qualification
compliance. (With Valid
documentary proof)
The Bidder’s should have the A) Certificate from statutory
average annual turnover (INR) auditor or Company Secretary
300 crores in last five financial OR CA Certificate stating the
years (i.e. FY 2016-17 to FY 20-21 company turnover from ICT
OR FY 2017-18 to FY 21-22) from infrastructure & services like-ICT
below element - infrastructure/IT System
Integration i.e. from System
ICT infrastructure/IT System
Integration of Data Centre
Integration i.e. from System
Services OR Sale of IT system
Integration of Data Centre
(like Networking systems,
Services OR Sale of IT system
Servers, Cloud Computing
(like Networking systems,
System, Cyber Security systems,
Servers, Cloud Computing
Storage Systems, Tape Library,
System, Cyber Security
Backup solution, SAN or other
Turnover: systems, Storage Systems,
5. ICT Infrastructure components)
IT/ ICT Infra Tape Library, Backup solution,
etc. OR/AND
SAN or other ICT
Infrastructure components)
ICT infrastructure/IT System
etc. OR/AND
Services (Consulting / Facility
Management Services/IT
ICT infrastructure/IT System
Support etc.)
Services (Consulting / Facility
NB: In case the Bidder is a subsidiary
Management Services/IT
of a company then the audited
Support etc.)
financial statements & CA Certificate
of both the Parent Company and the
Subsidiary Company (Bidder) will
be considered for Pre-Qualification
compliance. (With valid
Documentary proof)
Page 30 of 333
Parameter Pre-Qualification Criteria Required Documentary Evidence
The Bidder should have
experience of implementation / A) Copy of Work Order /Purchase
completion or operation of Order/ Contract Agreement
project having Data Centre/Data clearly highlighting the scope of
centre projects (Other than work, bill of material and value
SDC/NDC project) having IT & of the contract/order. AND
NON-IT components for any B) Certificate of Completion or Go
Central / State Governments / Live or PAT/FAT Certificate by
PSUs / Banking & Financial competent authority from
Institutions, Telecom and IT customer/end client
6. Experience:
companies in India during the NB: In case the Bidder is a
Data Centre
last Seven (7) Financial years to subsidiary of a company then the
as on date of bid submission audited financial statements & CA
a) One project of value min 100 Certificate of both the Parent
Crores which includes the DC Company and the Subsidiary
component value min 25 Cr OR Company (Bidder) will be
considered for Pre-Qualification
b) Two projects of value min 70
compliance. (With valid
Crores which includes the DC
Documentary proof)
component value min 20 Cr. Each
The Bidder should have A) Copy of Work Order /Purchase
experience of implementation / Order/ Contract Agreement
completion or operation of min clearly highlighting the scope of
one State/National Data Centre work, bill of material and value
project/Disaster Recovery Centre of the contract/order. AND
(NDC/SDC/DRC) for any Central B) Certificate of Completion or Go
/ State Governments / PSUs in Live or PAT/FAT Certificate by
India with the project value of competent authority from
Experience –
7. more than INR 25 Cr. during the customer/end client
last seven (7) years as on the last NB: In case the Bidder is a subsidiary
date of bid submission. of a company then the audited
financial statements & CA Certificate
of both the Parent Company and the
Subsidiary Company (Bidder) will be
considered for Pre-Qualification
compliance. (With valid
Documentary proof)
The Bidder should have the A) Copy of ISO 9001:2015 or latest
Bidder’s following Certifications at the Certificates
Certifications time of bidding, B) Copy of ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018
or latest Certificate
Page 31 of 333
Parameter Pre-Qualification Criteria Required Documentary Evidence
a. ISO 9001:2015 or latest C) Copy of ISO/IEC 27001:2013 or
b. ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018 or latest Certificate
c. ISO/IEC 27001:2013 or latest
The Bidder should have on its pay A) Certificate from bidder’s Head of
roll at least 100 technically HR Department for the 100
qualified professionals in the ICT number of Technically Qualified
domains i.e. Cyber security, professionals employed by the
networking, storage, Backup company in the following format.
solution, cloud solution who have
Year Of
prior the experience in providing Em
the Data Centre Infrastructure p Qualifica Certifi
nce in
maintenance services as on bid Na tion cation
submission date. me
Bidder should have at least
Technical following technical manpower on
9. Manpower its role.
Strength i. At least fifty (50)
resources should be B.E/B.
Tech/MCA or equivalent.
B) HR certificate on company’s
ii. At least Twenty five (25)
letterhead stating the points
resources should be OEM
with employee Name,
certified like CCNA/ CCNP/ITIL/
Qualification, Certification to be
submitted along with copy of the
relevant valid certificate as on
date of bid submission
iii. At least five (5) Project
management professionals with
PMP or Prince-2 certified or
A) Relevant Documents supporting
The Bidder should have an office Office addresses/ Undertaking.
in Ranchi, Jharkhand. However, if Bidder to submit the office
the presence is not there in the possession proof such as Rent
Presence in
10. state, the Bidder should give an Agreement/ ownership papers
undertaking for establishment of and establishment license from
an office, within one month of local municipal authorities. Or
award of the contract. Lease Agreement on the name of
11. Mandatory The Bidder should not have been A) A self-certified letter by the
Undertaking: black-listed/ debarred by any authorized signatory of the
Page 32 of 333
Parameter Pre-Qualification Criteria Required Documentary Evidence
Non-Black- Central/State Government or any bidder that the bidder has not
listed government agency as on bid been blacklisted by any Central
submission date. / State Government or any
government agency
(Central/State Government and
Public Sector) or under a
declaration of ineligibility for
corrupt or fraudulent practices
as on bid submission date, must
be submitted on original letter
head of the bidder with
signature and stamp (Should be
filled as per this tender
Mandatory The bidder should provide a
Certificate: Solvency Certificate indicating its A) Bidder shall submit Banker's
12. Solvency Certificate of the same
Solvency financial capacity of INR 100
Certificate Crore. value.
Page 33 of 333
Parameter Pre-Qualification Criteria Required Documentary Evidence
filled as per this tender Performa
Note: In case of consortium opted for this tender, the Lead Bidder would be considered as the
Bidder for this complete document/bid/tender and all the required documentary evidence for
Pre-qualification & Technical Qualification which must be submitted by the lead bidder and the
lead bidder will be responsible for all the terms and conditions under this contract. The Bidder
or Lead Bidder (in case of consortium) shall be liable for adherence to all provisions of the
contract. The Bidder or Lead Bidder (in case of consortium) will be responsible for submission
of the Bid and performance security as specified in this tender.
Page 34 of 333
5.2 Technical Bid Evaluation Scoring Matrix
Sl. Technical Qualification Scoring
um Credentials Required
No Criteria Mechanism
The Bidder average annual A) Certificate from the
turnover in last five years in (i.e. Statutory Auditor/
FY 2016-17 to FY 20-21 OR FY Company
2017-18 to FY 21-22) Secretary/CA with
CA’s Registration
Number/ Seal on
turnover details for
the last five (5)
financial years (i.e.
FY 2016-17 to FY
20-21 OR FY 2017-
18 to FY 21-22)
15 Marks for B) Copy of audited
500 Crores profit and loss
turnover AND account and balance
1 20 additional 1 sheet of the same.
mark each for
every additional NB: In case the Bidder
40 Crores is a subsidiary of a
company then the
audited financial
statements & CA
Certificate of both the
Parent Company and
the Subsidiary
Company (Bidder) will
be considered for
Technical -
compliance. (With
valid Documentary
Page 35 of 333
Sl. Technical Qualification Scoring
um Credentials Required
No Criteria Mechanism
The Bidder’s average annual Certificate from
turnover in last five financial statutory auditor or
years from below elements – Company Secretary OR
CA Certificate stating
IT /ICT Infrastructure the company turnover
Integration i.e. from System detail for last five (5)
Integration of Data Centre financial years from
Services OR Sale of IT system defined elements as per
(like Networking systems, 15 marks for this clause
Servers, Cloud Computing 300 Crores
System, Cyber Security turnover AND NB: In case the Bidder is
2 systems, Storage Systems, 20 additional 1 a subsidiary of a
Tape Library, Backup solution, mark for every company then the
SAN or other Data Centre ICT additional 20 audited financial
Infrastructure components) Crore statements & CA
etc. OR/AND Certificate of both the
IT/ICT Services (Consulting / Parent Company and
Facility Management the Subsidiary
Services/IT Support etc.) Company (Bidder) will
be considered for
Technical -Qualification
compliance. (With valid
Documentary proof)
The Bidder experience of Copy of Work Order(s)
implementation / completion / Purchase Order/
and operation of project having Contract agreement
Data Centre/Data centre 9 marks for clearly highlighting the
projects (Other than SDC/NDC each project of scope of work, bill of
project) having IT & NON-IT Value >= 100 Cr material and value of
components for any Central / the contract/order.
State Governments / PSUs / Or
3 18 AND
Banking & Financial
Institutions, Telecom and IT 6 marks for Certificate of
companies in India during the each project of Completion or Go Live
last Seven (7) years as on the Value >= 70 Cr or PAT/FAT Certificate
last date of bid submission and < 100 Cr by competent authority
from customer/end
Page 36 of 333
Sl. Technical Qualification Scoring
um Credentials Required
No Criteria Mechanism
Self certificate for
validation of actual
project value (Certified
by the Statutory
NB: In case the Bidder
is a subsidiary of a
company then the
audited financial
statements & CA
Certificate of both the
Parent Company and
the Subsidiary
Company (Bidder) will
be considered for
Technical -Qualification
compliance. (With valid
Documentary proof)
Copy of Work Order(s)
/ Purchase Order/
9 Marks for Contract agreement
each clearly highlighting the
SDC/NDC/DRC scope of work, bill of
The Bidder experience of
project with the material and value of
implementation / completion
project value >= the contract/order.
and operation of National/State
40 Crore
Data Centre project/Disaster AND
Recovery Centre
OR Certificate of
4 (NDC/SDC/DRC) for any Central 18
Completion or Go Live
/ State Governments / PSUs in
6 Marks for or PAT/FAT Certificate
India with the project value of
each by competent authority
more than INR 25 Crore during
SDC/NDC/DRC from customer/end
the last Seven (7) years as on
project with the client
the last date of bid submission
project value >=
25 Crore and <
40 Cr. Self certificate for
validation of actual
project value (Certified
by the Statutory
Page 37 of 333
Sl. Technical Qualification Scoring
um Credentials Required
No Criteria Mechanism
Bidders achieving 80 or more marks in the technical evaluation would be eligible for evaluation
of financial proposal. However, in case of three bidders is not scoring 80 or more marks then
cut-off marks may go down upto 70 marks until top three bidders are shortlisted for evaluation
of their financial proposal.
1. Bidder’s need to provide relevant and valid credentials for all of the above points, for
2. JAPIT reserves the right to verify the correctness of documentary evidence furnished by
the bidder for successful operation and performance of qualifying projects and Bidder
shall arrange permission for the same
3. The product technical architecture, supporting documentation etc. describing the various
technical parameters need to be provided.
4. The proposed, Project Management Plan submitted by bidder, as part of their proposal,
will also be evaluated.
5. The overall proposal, implementation methodology, adherence to project plan etc. will be
6. In case of consortium opted for this tender, the Lead Bidder would be considered as the
Bidder for this complete document/bid/tender and all the required documentary
evidence for Pre-qualification & Technical Qualification must be submitted by the lead
bidder and the lead bidder will be responsible for all the terms and conditions under this
contract. The Bidder or Lead Bidder (in case of consortium) shall be liable for adherence
to all provisions of the contract. The Bidder or Lead Bidder (in case of consortium) will be
responsible for submission of the Bid and performance security as specified in this tender.
Page 39 of 333
5.3 Opening of Bids
a) Minimum three proposal will be required to Open their General & Technical Bids
and start the normal evaluation process, in case of single or double proposal
received against the tender then JAPIT reserves the right to go for re-tender process
or continue the evaluation process with available proposal/s.
b) The evaluation process of the tender will be adopted by JAPIT is written under
clauses. The purpose of these clause is only to provide the bidders an idea of the
evaluation process which JAPIT may adopt. However, JAPIT reserves the right to
modify the evaluation process at any time during the tender process, without
assigning any reason, whatsoever and without any requirement of intimating the
bidders of any such change.
If required, the bidder may be given a time slot of 30 minutes to present the Approach and
Methodology, components and resources proposed for project. Bidders who score
minimum cut-off marks will be qualified for the evaluation of their Financial Proposal.
All the bidders who will achieve 80 or more marks in the technical evaluation would be
eligible for evaluation of their financial proposal. However, in case of three bidders is not
scoring 80 or more marks then cut-off marks may go down up to 70 marks until top three
bidders are shortlisted for evaluation of their financial proposal. In case only less than
three qualified proposal submitted, the final decision in such an occurrence lies with
The amount quoted as per the financial bid format will only be considered for financial
The Evaluation Methodology proposed to be adopted by JAPIT will be Quality cum Cost
Based System (QCBS) method of evaluation where Technical Score will get a weightage
of 70% (denoted by ST) and Commercial Bid Score a weightage of 30% (denoted by SF).
The process of selection of successful bidder for the purpose of award of contract shall be
as follow,
A. Calculation of Technical Score (ST)
Page 42 of 333
FL= Lowest Total Financial Bid amount quoted among all Bidders.
The Final Composite Score (S) shall be computed for each firm by assigning 70%
weightage to the Technical Score (ST) and 40% weightage to Financial Score (SF)
using the formula given below:
Bidder with the highest final composite score (S) will be awarded the contract. In
case of a tie in the final composite score, the bidder with the higher Technical
Score will be invited for negotiations and selection first.
Notes: -
The CAPEX (Capital Expenditure) and Operational Expenditure (OPEX) ratio should not
be greater than 70:30 of the total quoted value including all taxes.
CAPEX may include the cost of Civil & renovation work, Active and Passive component
under required for JHSDC i.e. Year 0 Cost.
OPEX may include operational expenditure as Manpower cost, Operation & Maintenance
cost of all the equipment/devices for next 05 (Five) years i.e. (Year 1+ Year 2+ Year 3+
Year 4+ Year 5) after Go-Live.
The Bidder shall quote for all costs as asked for in the financial templates.
An Un-priced BOQ has to be submitted on company letterhead mentioning the name,
make and model, number of all the items in the technical bid. More than one Make and
Model would not be accepted in the technical and financial bid against each line item.
The successful Bidder will not be eligible for any other benefits (such as interest on
capital, rate of returns, amortization on capital, salaries of the employees etc.) except the
payments specified as per the contract.
Page 43 of 333
6 Procedure to Submission of BID
6.1 General
• Sealed offers prepared in accordance with the procedure enumerated in the tender
document should be submitted to CEO, JAPIT, not later than the date and time laid
down, at the address given in the schedule for invitation for BID.
• EMD of all unsuccessful bidders would be refunded by JAPIT within 60 Days of the
bidder being notified as being unsuccessful. The EMD, for the amount mentioned
above, of successful bidder would be returned upon submission of Performance Bank
Guarantee as per the format provided in Proforma-8
• EMD amount is interest free and will be refundable to the unsuccessful bidders without
any accrued interest on it.
• The bid / proposal submitted without EMD, mentioned above, will be summarily
• The EMD may be forfeited:
i) If a bidder withdraws its bid during the period of bid validity.
ii) In case of a successful bidder, if the bidder fails to sign the contract in
accordance with the terms and condition of this RFP.
• Consortium partnership is allowed only for Civil, Electrical & Non-IT for this tender.
Proposal can either be submitted Solely by a Bidder OR by a Bidder with a consortium
partner. Only one consortium partner should be allowed for any bidder for this tender.
In either case only the prime bidder shall be liable for adherence to all provisions of
the Agreement.
• The bidder cannot be a partner in more than one consortium. In case of consortium no
company will be allowed to participate in more than one bid i.e. they should have
exclusive partners in case it is observed that any consortium have a common partner
then such consortiums will stand disqualified and under no circumstances their bids
will be entertained. An undertaking in this regard has to be enclosed.
• In case of a consortium partner with the main bidder, applicant consortia shall have a
valid Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) / agreement (duly registered) among all
the members signed by the Chief Executives/ Authorized Signatories of the companies
dated prior to the submission of the bid. The MoU shall clearly state the complete
description of the consortium partner and the roles and responsibilities of the
consortium partner. The MoU shall be exclusively for this project.
• The consortium partner should also be registered under company’s act 1956.
• The consortium partner shall have company registration certificate,
• The consortium partner shall have registration under labour laws & contract act, valid
sales tax registration certificate, valid Service tax registration certificate and
Permanent Account Number (PAN) issued by income Tax department. (Copy of each
registration should be provided) (in case of consortium partner).
• The consortium partner should not Blacklisted by any Govt. dept. /agency in India.
Page 44 of 333
• The tenders will be opened on the date and time indicated in the presence of Bidders
if any present on the occasion. If the date of opening is declared to be a holiday the
tenders will be opened on the next working day or as decided by Purchaser.
• This tender document is not transferable
• Guidelines for online submission of bids can be downloaded from the website
• Interested bidders can download the bid from the website
• Bidders in order to participate in the bidding process have to get ‘Digital
Signature Certificate (DSC)’ as per Information Technology Act-2000 to
participate in online bidding. This certificate will be required for digitally signing
the bid. Bidders can get the above-mentioned digital signature certificate from
any approved vendors (CA). Bidders, who already possess valid Digital
Certificate, need not procure new Digital Certificate.
• Bidders must have to submit their bids online in electronic format with
digital Signature. Bids without digital signature will not be accepted. The
bidders are also required to submit the hardcopy (seal and signed) of the
technical bid documents latest by the last date and time of submission of
online bids. In case of any discrepancies in the submitted documents (hard
copy), JAPIT will accept the online bid documents as authentic and final.
This shall be binding to all parties.
• JAPIT reserves the right to verify, if it desires, the correctness of
documentary evidence furnished by the bidder.
• Quantity/ location mentioned in this TENDER are indicative may vary
• Bids will be opened online as per time schedule mentioned in the Invitation for
Bids (IFB).
• Bidders should be ready with the scanned copies of cost of documents & bid
security as specified in the tender document. Before submission of bids online,
bidders must ensure that scanned copies of all the necessary documents have
been attached with bid.
• Bidders must have to submit original Demand Draft towards tender fee & bids
security as mentioned in the tender during the period & time as mentioned in the
TENDER failing which bid will not be accepted. The details of cost of documents,
bid security specified in the tender documents should be the same as submitted
online (scanned copies), otherwise bid will summarily be rejected.
• Uploaded documents of successful bidder will be verified with the original before
signing the agreement. The successful bidder has to provide the originals to the
concerned authority.
• The JAPIT will not be responsible for delay in online submission of bids due
to any reason, whatsoever.
Page 45 of 333
• All required information for bid must be filled and submitted online.
• This tender document is not transferable at any circumstances.
• The bidder should clearly indicate the availability of service and maintenance
facilities at Ranchi for the items quoted.
Page 46 of 333
• All pages of the proposal including the duplicate copies, shall be initialed and
stamped by the authorized person or persons who sign the proposal.
a. If a Bidder withdraws its bid during the period of bid validity specified by
the Bidder in the Bid; or
Page 47 of 333
b. In case of a successful bidder, if the Bidder fails;
i. to sign the Contract with Purchaser in accordance with Clause Award of
ii. to furnish Bank Guarantee for Contract Performance in accordance with
Clause Performance Bank Guarantee
Page 48 of 333
At any time prior to the last date of submission of proposal, JAPIT may for any reason
be able to modify the RFP. Any modifications in RFP or reply to queries shall be hosted
on the site
JAPIT at its discretion may extend the last date for the receipt of proposals.
6.12Authentication of Bid
An authorized representative (or representatives) of the Bidder shall initial all pages
of the Pre- Qualification and Technical Bid. Bid should be accompanied by an
Page 50 of 333
authorization in the name of the signatory (or signatories) of the Bid. The authorization
shall be in the form of a written power of attorney accompanying the bid or in any other
form demonstrating that the representative has been duly authorized to sign.
The bid response shall be typed or written in indelible ink. The bid response shall be
signed by the Bidder or a person or persons duly authorized to bind the Bidder to the
Contract. A letter of authorization shall be supported by a written power-of-attorney
accompanying the bid. All pages of the bid, except for un-amended printed literature,
shall be initiated and stamped by the person or persons signing the bid.
The Proposal should be filled by the bidders in English language only. If any
supporting documents submitted are in any language other than English, translation
of the same in English language is to be duly attested by the Bidders. For purposes of
interpretation of the documents, the English translation shall govern.
6.17Proposal Forms
a) Wherever a specific form is prescribed in the Proposal document, the Bidder shall
use the form to provide relevant information. If the form does not provide space
for any required information, space at the end of the form or additional sheets
shall be used to convey the required information.
b) For all other cases, the Bidder shall design a form to hold the required
c) JAPIT shall not be bound by any printed conditions or provisions in the Bidder’s
Proposal Forms, packaging document.
6.18Local Conditions
a) Each Bidder is expected to become fully acquainted with the local conditions and
factors, which may affect the performance of the contract and /or the cost.
b) The Bidder is expected to know all conditions and factors, which may have any
effect on the execution of the contract after issue of letter of Award as described
in the bidding document. The JAPIT shall not entertain any request for
clarification from the Bidder regarding such local conditions.
c) It is the Bidder’s responsibility that such factors have been properly investigated
and considered before submitting the proposal. No claim, what-so-ever, including
that for financial adjustment to the contract awarded under the bidding
document will be entertained by the JAPIT. Neither any change in the time
schedule of the contract nor any financial adjustments arising there-of shall be
permitted by the JAPIT on account of failure of the Bidder to know the local laws
/ conditions.
d) The Bidder is expected to visit and examine and study the location of Govt. offices
and its surroundings and obtain all information that may be necessary for
preparing the proposal at its own interest and cost.
Page 52 of 333
6.20 Site Visit by Bidder
It is mandatory for all the bidders to visit Jharkhand SDC premises before submitting
their proposal, at the scheduled date & time and agreed by JAPIT and obtain all the
necessary information regarding the existing Civil, IT & Non-IT infrastructure and the
running solution under JHSDC that may be necessary for preparing the Bid document.
The visit may not be used to raise questions or seek clarification on the RFP.
It is mandatory to submit the tender fee in advance to JAPIT and produce the proof of
submission before the schedule site visit. The cost of the site visit for the bidder’s team
member shall be borne by the respective bidder only. After completion of successful
site visit, each bidder need to take sign and seal by JAPIT authorized personal on the
‘Site Visit Certificate’ as per proforma -27 to produce in proposal.
6.22Late Bids
a) Bids received after the due date and the specified time (including the extended
period if any) for any reason whatsoever, shall not be entertained and shall be
returned unopened.
b) The bids submitted by telex/telegram/ fax/e-mail etc. shall not be considered. No
correspondence will be entertained on this matter.
c) JAPIT shall not be responsible for any postal delay or non-receipt/ non-delivery
of the documents. No further correspondence on the subject will be entertained.
d) JAPIT reserve the right to modify and amend any of the above-stipulated
condition/criterion depending upon project priorities vis-à-vis urgent
6.23Tender Opening
The Proposals submitted up to date and time mentioned in this Tender document by
Proposal evaluation committee authorized by JAPIT, in the presence of such of those
Bidders or their representatives who may be present at the time of opening.
The representatives of the bidders should be advised to carry the identity card or a
Page 53 of 333
letter of authority from the tendering firms to identify their Bonafede for attending
the opening of the proposal.
6.24Tender Validity
The offer submitted by the Bidders should be valid for minimum period of 180 days
from the date of submission of Tender.
ii. Technical Bid - The Technical Bid shall comprise of the following:
a. Proforma-16: Format for Annual Turnover and Net worth Detail
b. Proforma-6: Technical Bid Cover Letter (Company Letter head)
c. Proforma-7: Technical Bid Compliance Checklist
d. Proforma-19: Project Citation / Case Studies
e. Proforma-20: CV for proposed Project Team (Design, Development &
Implementation and Operations & Maintenance Phase)
f. Proforma-13: Format for Manufacturer/OEM Authorization Letter
g. Proforma-14: Format for OEM’s Support Form
h. Proforma-15: Warranty Certificate
i. Proforma-22: Detail Timeline and work Plan with manpower strength
j. Proforma-23: Format for Unpriced Bill of Material
k. Proforma-26: Undertaking on Exit Management and Transition
l. Approach, Methodology and Solution Proposed with Work Plan and
Staffing Schedule
iii. Financial Bid -The Financial Bid proposal shall comprise of the following:
a. Proforma-24: Financial Bid Proposal Cover Letter (Company Letter head)
Page 54 of 333
b. Proforma-25: Financial Bid Proposal
6.26Bid Prices
i) The Bidder shall indicate in the pro-forma prescribed, the unit rates and total Bid
Prices of the equipment/services, it proposes to provide under the Contract.
Prices should be shown separately for each item as detailed in tender.
ii) In absence of information requested in above Clause, a bid may be considered
incomplete and be summarily rejected
iii) The Bidder shall prepare the bid based on details provided in the tender. It must
be clearly understood that the Scope of Work is intended to give the Bidder
an idea about the order and magnitude of the work and is not in any way
exhaustive and guaranteed by the Purchaser. The Bidder shall carry out all
the tasks in accordance with the requirement of the tender and it shall be
the responsibility of the Bidder to fully meet all the requirements of the
iv) Prices quoted in the bid must be firm and final and shall not be subject to any
upward modifications, on any account whatsoever. However, the Purchaser
reserves the right to negotiate the prices quoted by the successful Bidder to effect
downward modification. The Bid Prices shall be indicated in Indian Rupees (INR)
v) The Financial bid should clearly indicate the price to be charged and Taxes shall
be applicable as per actuals. It is mandatory that such charges wherever
applicable/payable should be indicated separately. However, should there be a
change in the applicable taxes, the same may apply
vi) The Bidders are advised not to indicate any separate discount in the Financial
Bid. Discount, if any, should be merged with the quoted prices. Discount of any
type, indicated separately, shall not be taken into account for evaluation purpose.
However, in the event of such an offer is found to be the lowest without taking
into account the discount, the Purchaser shall avail such discount at the time of
award of Contract.
6.27Bidder Qualification
i) The "Bidder" as used in the Tender shall mean the one who has signed the Tender
Form. The Bidder may be either the Principal Officer or his duly Authorized
Representative, in either case he/she shall submit a certificate of authority. All
certificates and documents (including any clarifications sought and any
subsequent correspondences) received hereby, shall be furnished and signed by
the authorized representative and the Principal Officer.
ii) It is further clarified that the individual signing the tender or other documents in
connection with the tender must certify whether he/she signs as the Constituted
attorney of the firm, or a company
iii) The authorization shall be indicated by written Power-of-Attorney
accompanying the bid
Page 55 of 333
iv) The power or authorization and any other document consisting of adequate proof
of the ability of the signatory to bind the Bidder shall be annexed to the bid
v) Any change in the Principal Officer or his duly Authorized Representative shall be
intimated to JAPIT in advance
6.29Revelation of Prices
Prices in any form or by any reason before opening the Financial Bid should not be
revealed, failing which the offer shall be liable to be rejected
Page 56 of 333
6.31Terms and Conditions of Bidders
Any terms and conditions of the Bidders shall not be considered as forming part of
their Bids
Page 57 of 333
6.36Notification of Award
i) Prior to the expiry of the period of bid validity, pursuant to Clause 4.20 - Period
of Validity of Bid, the Purchaser shall notify the successful Bidder by registered
letter to be confirm in writing that its bid has been accepted
ii) The notification of award shall constitute the formation of the Contract
iii) Upon the successful Bidder's furnishing of Performance Bank Guarantee for
Contract Performance, the Purchaser may notify each unsuccessful Bidder and
shall discharge their EMD
6.37Award of Contract
i) There shall be only one Successful Bidder
ii) At the same time as the Purchaser notifies the successful Bidder that its bid has
been accepted, the Purchaser shall send the Bidder the proforma for Contract,
incorporating all agreements mutually agreed between the parties
iii) Within 15 days of receipt of the final Contract agreement, the successful Bidder
shall sign and date the Contract and return it to the Purchaser
iv) Keeping in view the Project commitment, JAPIT reserves the right to ask the
vendor to add new features/process or modify the existing solution to take care
the service delivery for matching the Project requirements as and when required
on mutual discussion.
v) Bidder has to agree for honouring all tender conditions and adherence to all
aspects of fair trade practices in executing the work orders placed by JAPIT
vi) If the name of the system/service/process is changed for describing substantially
the same in a renamed form; then all techno-fiscal benefits agreed with respect
to the original product/service, shall be passed on to JAPIT and the obligations
with JAPIT taken by the Vendor with respect to the product/service with the old
name shall be passed on along with the product so renamed
vii) In the case of Bidder whose bids are accepted, Bidder shall be required to give
Performance Bank Guarantee as mentioned in Clause – Performance Bank
viii) JAPIT may, at any time, terminate the contact by giving written notice to the
Bidder without any compensation, if the bidder becomes bankrupt or otherwise
insolvent, provided that such termination shall not prejudice or affect any right
of action or remedy which has accrued or shall accrue thereafter to JAPIT
ix) If at any point during the Contract, if the Bidder fails to, deliver as per the tender
terms and conditions or any other reason amounting to disruption in service, the
Termination and Exit Management clause shall be invoked
6.41Rejection Criteria
Besides other conditions and terms highlighted in the tender, bids may be rejected
under following circumstances:
Page 59 of 333
vi. Bids without power of authorization and any other document consisting of
adequate proof of the ability of the signatory to bind the Bidder
b. Technical Rejection Criteria
i. Technical Bid containing Financial Bid details
ii. Revelation of Prices in any form or by any reason before opening the Financial
iii. Failure to furnish all information required by the tender or submission of a bid
not substantially responsive to the tender in every respect
iv. Bidder not quoting for the complete Scope of Work as indicated in the tender,
addendum (if any) and any subsequent information given to the Bidder
v. Bidders not complying with the functionality, specifications and other Terms and
Conditions as stated in the tender
vi. The Bidder not conforming unconditional acceptance of full responsibility of
providing Goods and Services in accordance with the Section - Scope of Work and
Section - General Conditions of Contract
vii. If the Bid does not conform to the timelines indicated in the Bid
viii. Bidder not scoring minimum marks as mentioned in the tender
6.45Clarification of Bids
During evaluation of bids, Tendering Authority may at its discretion, asks the
Bidder for clarification of its bid .The request for clarification and response shall be
in writing and no change in prices or substance of the bid shall be sought, offered
or permitted.
Page 62 of 333
7 General Instructions of Contract
7.1 Definitions
In this Tender, unless the context otherwise requires
Page 64 of 333
y) “Software” means the software designed, developed/customized, tested and
deployed by the Successful Bidder for the purposes of the Project and includes
the source along with associated documentation, which is the work product of
the development efforts involved in the Project and the improvements and
enhancements effected during the Term of the Project.
z) “Solution” means all the hardware, equipment, servers, third party tools,
databases, and software provided by successful bidder to meet the functional and
technical requirements of JAPIT and required to setup Disaster Recovery site for
Jharkhand State Data Centre.
aa) “Service Integrator” means the Successful Bidder selected by this tendering
process for Supply, installation, commissioning and maintenance of Network
equipment and software through this tender.
bb) “Tender” or “Tender Document” means RFP
cc) “Term” means the period of the Contract commencing from the Effective Date
and continuing till the last day of Operations & Maintenance Services, or the date
of termination, in case of earlier termination of the Contract
dd) “Timelines” means the timelines for performance of Scope of Work as described
in the tender
ee) “Working Day” means any day on which any of the office of JAPIT shall be
functioning, including gazette holidays, restricted holidays or other holidays,
Saturdays and Sundays
7.2 General
i) Relationship between the Parties
a. Nothing in this Contract constitutes any fiduciary relationship between the
Purchaser and Agency / Bidder’s Team or any relationship of employer
employee, principal and agent, or partnership, between the Purchaser and Bidder
b. No Party has any authority to bind the other Party in any manner whatsoever
except as agreed under the terms of this Contract
c. The Purchaser has no obligations to the Bidder’s Team except as agreed under
the terms of this Contract
ii) No Assignment
The Bidder shall not transfer any interest, right, benefit or obligation under this
Contract without the prior written consent of the Purchaser. The Purchaser
shall not assign, delegate or otherwise transfer any of its liabilities or
obligations under this contract without prior written permission of the Bidder.
iii) Survival
The provisions of the clauses of this Contract in relation to documents, data,
processes, property, Intellectual Property Rights, indemnity, publicity and
confidentiality and ownership survive the expiry or termination of this Contract
and in relation to confidentiality, the obligations continue to apply unless the
Purchaser notifies the Bidder of its release from those obligations
Page 65 of 333
iv) Entire Contract
The terms and conditions laid down in the tender and all annexure thereto as
also the Bid and any attachments/annexes thereto shall be read in consonance
with and form an integral part of this Contract. This Contract supersedes any
prior Contract, understanding or representation of the Parties on the subject
v) Governing Law
This Contract shall be governed in accordance with the Laws of India
viii) Notices
A “notice” means:
i. A notice; or
ii. A consent, approval or other communication required to be in writing
under this Contract
All notices, requests or consents provided for or permitted to be given under this
Contract shall be in writing and shall be deemed effectively given when personally
delivered or mailed by pre-paid certified/registered mail, return receipt requested,
addressed as follows and shall be deemed received two days after mailing or on the
date of delivery if personally delivered:
To Purchaser at:
To Bidder at:
Any Party may change the address to which notices are to be directed to it by notice
to the other parties in the manner specified above.
Page 66 of 333
A notice served on a Representative is taken to be notice to that Representative’s
ix) Waiver
a. Any waiver of any provision of this Contract is ineffective unless it is in writing
and signed by the Party waiving its rights
b. A waiver by either Party in respect of a breach of a provision of this Contract by
the other Party is not a waiver in respect of any other breach of that or any other
c. The failure of either Party to enforce at any time any of the provisions of this
Contract shall not be interpreted as a waiver of such provision
x) Modification
Any modification of this Contract shall be in writing and signed by an authorized
representative of each Party
xi) Application
These General Conditions shall apply to the extent that provisions in other parts
of the Contract do not supersede them
7.3 Interpretations
In this tender, unless otherwise specified:
7.5 Representations
i) In order to induce the Purchaser to enter into this Contract, the Bidder hereby
represents and warrants as of the date hereof, the following:
a. That the selected Bidder has the power and the authority that would be required
to enter into this Contract and the requisite experience, the technical know-how
and the financial wherewithal required to successfully execute the terms of this
Contract and to provide Services sought by the Purchaser under this Contract
b. That the Bidder is not involved in any litigation or legal proceedings, pending,
existing, potential or threatened, that may have an impact of affecting or
compromising the performance or delivery of Services under this Contract
Page 68 of 333
c. That the representations and warranties made by the Bidder in its Bid, tender
and Contract are and shall continue to remain true and fulfil all the requirements
as are necessary for executing the obligations and responsibilities as laid down
in the Contract and the tender and unless the Purchaser specifies to the contrary,
the Bidder shall be bound by all the terms of the Bid and the Contract through the
term of the Contract
d. That the Bidder has the professional skills, personnel, infrastructure and
resources/authorizations that are necessary for providing all such Services as are
necessary to fulfil the Scope of Work stipulated in the tender and the Contract
e. That the Bidder shall ensure that all assets/components including but not limited
to equipment, software, licenses, processes, documents, etc. installed, developed,
procured, deployed and created during the term of this Contract are duly
maintained and suitably updated with regard to contemporary requirements
f. That the Bidder shall use such assets of the Purchaser as the Purchaser may
permit for the sole purpose of execution of its obligations under the terms of the
Bid, the tender or this Contract. The Bidder shall however, have no claim to any
right, title, lien or other interest in any such property, and any possession of
property for any duration whatsoever shall not create any right in equity or
otherwise, merely by fact of such use or possession during or after the term
g. That there shall not be any privilege, claim or assertion made by a third party
with respect to right or interest in, ownership, mortgage or disposal of any asset,
property, movable or immovable as mentioned in any Intellectual Property
Rights, licenses and permits
h. That the Bidder shall arrange all the necessary permissions and adequate
approvals and procure licenses for use of various software and any copyrighted
process/product free from all claims, titles, interests and liens thereon and shall
keep the Purchaser indemnified in relation thereto subject to Clause - Indemnity
i. That the execution of the Scope of Work and the Services herein is and shall be in
accordance and in compliance with all Applicable Laws
j. That all conditions precedent under the Contract have been satisfied
k. That neither the execution and delivery by the Bidder of the Contract nor the
Bidder’s compliance with or performance of the terms and provisions of the
Contract (i) shall contravene any provision of any Applicable Laws or any order,
writ, injunction or decree of any court or Governmental Authority binding on the
Bidder, (ii) shall conflict or be inconsistent with or result in any breach of any or
the terms, covenants, conditions or provisions of, or constitute a default under
any Contract, Contract or instrument to which the Bidder is a party or by which
it or any of its property or assets is bound or to which it may be subject or (iii)
shall violate any provision of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the
l. That the Bidder certifies that all registrations, recordings, filings and
notarizations of the Contract and all payments of any tax or duty, including but
not limited to stamp duty, registration charges or similar amounts which are
Page 69 of 333
required to be effected or made by the Bidder which is necessary to ensure the
legality, validity, enforceability or admissibility in evidence of the Contract have
been made
m. That the Bidder confirms that there has not and shall not occur any execution,
amendment or modification of any agreement/contract without the prior written
consent of the Purchaser, which may directly or indirectly have a bearing on the
Contract or the Project
n. That the Bidder owns or has good, legal or beneficial title, or other interest in, to
the property, assets and revenues of the Bidder on which it grants or purports to
grant or create any interest pursuant to the Contract, in each case free and clear
of any encumbrance and further confirms that such interests created or
expressed to be created are valid and enforceable
o. That the Bidder owns, has license to use or otherwise has the right to use, which
are required or desirable for performance of its services under this Contract. All
Intellectual Property Rights (owned by the Bidder or which the Bidder is licensed
to use) required by the Bidder for the performance of the Contract are valid and
subsisting. All actions (including registration, payment of all registration and
renewal fees) required to maintain the same in full force and effect have been
taken thereon and shall keep the Purchaser indemnified in relation thereto
subject to Clause - Indemnity.
p. That the Bidder shall at all times maintain sufficient manpower, resources, and
facilities, to provide the Services in a workmanlike manner on a timely basis
q. That its security measures, policies and procedures are adequate to protect and
maintain the confidentiality of the Confidential Information
r. That in providing the Services or Deliverables or materials, neither Bidder nor its
agent, nor any of its employees, shall utilize information which may be
considered confidential information of, or proprietary to, any prior employer or
any other person or entity;
s. Either party shall not employ serving other party's employees without prior
written permission of the first party for an initial period of one year. Either party
also confirms that it shall not employ ex-personnel of the other party within the
initial two years period after their retirement/resignation/severance from the
service without specific permission of the first party.
t. That the Bidder shall provide adequate and appropriate support and
participation, on a continuing basis, in tuning all supplied assets/components
including but not limited to equipment, software, licenses, processes, documents,
etc. to meet the requirements of the applications
7.6 Warranty
The Successful bidder shall warrant that all equipment to be supplied shall be new and
free from all defects and faults in material, workmanship and manufacture and shall be
of the highest grade and consistent with the established and generally accepted
standards for materials of the type ordered and shall perform in full conformity with
the specifications and drawings. The Successful bidder shall be responsible for any
Page 70 of 333
defects that may develop under the conditions provided by the contractor and under
proper use, arising from faulty materials, design or workmanship such as corrosion of
the equipment, inadequate quality of material to meet equipment requirements,
inadequate contact protection, deficiencies in circuit design and or otherwise and shall
remedy such defects at his own cost when called upon to do so by the purchaser who
shall state in writing in what respect stores is faulty. The warranty shall survive
inspection or payment for, and acceptance of goods, but shall expire except in respect
of complaints notified prior to such date; five years after the equipment have been
successfully commissioned. Warranty shall also include replacement of faulty software
& Firmware. However, Warranty for Microsoft covers patches and updates only.
Antivirus licenses will be for five years from the date of Commissioning of the project.
The period of Warranty (including spares and consumables) shall be for five years from
the date of commissioning of the entire project comprising of all locations as per the
terms and conditions as applicable for Warranty period. Antivirus licenses will be for
five years period from the date of commissioning.
If it becomes necessary for The Successful bidder to replace or renew any defective
portion/portions of the equipment under this clause, the provisions of the clause shall
apply to the portion/portions of equipment so replaced or renewed or until the end of
the mentioned warranty period. If any defect is not remedied within a reasonable time,
the purchaser may proceed to do the work at the contractor’s risk and expenses, but
without prejudice to any other rights, which the purchaser may have against the
contractor in respect of such defects.
Replacement under warranty clause shall be made by the contractor free of all charges
at site including freight, insurance and other incidental charges.
If the performance of any individual equipment or System fails to meet the Agreement
specifications, then the same shall be replaced by the vendor free of cost during the
term of the Warranty and Extended Warranty period.
Vendor shall provide necessary software updates, if applicable for the software
supplied under this project free of cost during the Warranty period.
During the warranty and extended warranty, the complete network will be maintained
by vendor including spare parts without any extra cost.
During the term of Warranty, the service / repair calls will have to be attended by the
vendor within two hours from the time of such calls. The defective card/ item/
equipment should be repaired the same day on Client location. In case of major defects
requiring the defective card/ item/ equipment to be taken to vendor’s workshop, it
would be returned within four weeks duly repaired and an immediate substitute card/
item/ equipment will be provided by the vendor for the smooth operation of the
system. The to and fro transportation of the card/ item/ equipment will be the
responsibility of the vendor.
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During Warranty period, delays in attending the calls and or repairing the defective
card/ item/ equipment beyond time limit specified in this clause, without providing
the substitute, will attract the penalties as per the provisions in this tender. For the
calculation of penalty during warranty the cost of the equipment at relevant site will
be taken as base price.
If the vender fails to repair or replace the defective equipment / Item within 12 hours,
JAPIT will be free to get the same repaired / replaced from the market in case services
to JHSDC are impaired and its cost will be adjusted from the Vendor’s Performance
Bank Guarantee or recovered from the vendor. This cost will be in addition to penalties
to be levied on bidder for delay in repair/replacement of equipment without any cap.
During the warranty period the successful vendor shall meet the SLA requirements as
per SLA agreement failure of which will attract penalties as defined in the SLA
agreement and will be recoverable from the vendor or from PBG.
During warranty period, half yearly preventive maintenance service of the system
must be carried out by the vendor as per schedule. The vendor will submit half yearly
maintenance schedule with JAPIT, covering all the activities to be undertaken during
preventive maintenance. JAPIT will approve the yearly Preventive Maintenance
The successful bidder shall have Technical Support Centres within Bihar/Jharkhand to
provide technical assistance.
During the warranty period the vendor will abide by the terms & conditions of the SLA
requirement and match the SLA requirements for uptime failing which the penalties as
provisioned in the SLA shall be applicable/recoverable from the vendor.
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delivered for the Charges, as if such services, functions or responsibilities were
specifically described in this Contract
iv) The Purchaser or Purchaser’s Technical Representative reserves the right to
amend any of the terms and conditions with mutual agreement in relation to the
Scope of Work and may issue any such directions which are not necessarily
stipulated therein if it deems necessary for the fulfilment of the Scope of Work
pursuant to Clause - Change Orders / Alteration / Variation
7.10Standards of Performance
The Bidder shall perform the Services and carry out its obligations under the Contract
with due diligence, efficiency and economy, in accordance with generally accepted
techniques and practices used in the industry and with professional engineering and
consulting standards recognized by international professional bodies and shall
observe sound management, engineering and security practices. It shall employ
appropriate advanced technology and engineering practices and safe and effective
equipment, machinery, material and methods. The Bidder shall always act, in respect
of any matter relating to this Contract, as faithful advisors to the Purchaser and shall,
at all times, support and safeguard the Purchaser's legitimate interests in any dealings
with Third Parties.
The successful Bidder shall provide all the Services through its own or their registered
vendor company (only for the Civil, Electrical Non-IT related works, provision of non-
key resources i.e. L1 and NA level resource). Also note that the subcontracting or
subletting is not allowed for the project.
7.12Bidder’s Obligations
i) The Bidder’s obligations shall include supply, installation, commissioning and
maintenance of all the IT & Non-IT equipment/devices and software delivered
through this tender. The bidder shall be required to supply, install, configure and
test the components and their integration with the existing infrastructure of the
Jharkhand State Data Centre. It will be the bidder’s responsibility to ensure
compliance to the requirements and continued support of the supplied
component in accordance with and in strict adherence to the terms of this SLA,
Scope of work and the Terms & Conditions of the contract.
ii) In addition to the aforementioned, the Bidder shall perform the Services specified
by the ‘Scope of Work’ requirements as specified in the tender and changes
iii) The Bidder shall ensure that the Bidder’s Team is competent, professional and
possesses the requisite qualifications and experience appropriate to the task they
are required to perform under this Contract. The Bidder shall ensure that the
Services are performed through the efforts of the Bidder’s Team, in accordance
with the terms hereof and to the satisfaction of the Purchaser. Nothing in this
Contract relieves the Bidder from its liabilities or obligations under this Contract
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to provide the Services in accordance with the Contract and the Bid to the extent
accepted by the Purchaser.
iv) The Bidder shall be responsible on an ongoing basis for coordination with other
vendors and agencies of the Purchaser in order to resolve issues and oversee
implementation of the same
v) Bidder will not involve himself or any of his representatives in Price manipulation
of any kind directly or indirectly with other suppliers / Bidder
vi) Bidder will not divulge either his Bid details or any other details of Bank to any
other party without written permission from the Bank.
vii) The Bidder’s Representative shall have all the powers requisite for the
performance of Services under this Contract. The Bidder’s Representative shall
liaise with the Purchaser’s Representative for the proper coordination and timely
completion of the works and on any other matters pertaining to the works. He
shall extend full co-operation to Purchaser’s representative in the manner
required by them for supervision/inspection/observation of the IT
Infrastructure, procedures, performance, reports and records pertaining to the
works. He shall also have complete charge of the Bidder’s personnel engaged in
the performance of the works and to ensure internal discipline, compliance of
rules, regulations and safety practice. He shall also co-ordinate and co-operate
with the other service providers of the Purchaser working at the site/offsite for
activities related to planning, execution of Scope of Work and providing Services
under this Contract.
viii) Reporting Progress:
a. The Bidder shall monitor progress of all the activities related to the execution of
this Contract and shall submit to the Purchaser, at no extra cost, progress reports
with reference to all related work, milestones and their progress during the
implementation phase at the end of each month or before the expiry of the last
day of each month and as and when required by JAPIT.
b. Periodic meetings shall be held between the representatives of the Purchaser and
the Bidder once in every 15 days during the implementation phase to discuss the
progress of implementation. After the implementation phase is over, the meeting
shall be held on an ongoing basis, once in every 30 days to discuss the
performance of the Contract.
c. The Bidder shall ensure that the respective implementation team involved in the
execution of work are part of such meetings.
d. A Committee involving representatives of the Purchaser and senior officials of the
Bidder shall be formed for the purpose of this Contract. This committee shall
meet at intervals, as decided by the Purchaser later, to oversee the progress of
the Project.
e. The IT Infrastructure, Services and manpower to be provided/deployed by the
Bidder under the Contract and the manner and speed of Implementation &
Maintenance of the work and Services are to be conducted in a manner to the
satisfaction of Purchaser’s representative in accordance with the Contract
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f. The Purchaser reserves the right to inspect and monitor/assess the
progress/performance of the work/services at any time during the course of the
Contract. The Purchaser may demand and upon such demand being made, the
Bidder shall provide documents, data, material or any other information which
the Purchaser may require, to enable it to assess the progress/performance of the
g. At any time during the course of the Contract, the Purchaser shall also have the
right to conduct, either itself or through an independent audit firm appointed by
the Purchaser as it may deem fit, an audit to monitor the performance by the
Bidder of its obligations/functions in accordance with the standards committed
to or required by the Purchaser and the Bidder undertakes to cooperate with and
provide to the Purchaser / any other Bidder appointed by the Purchaser, all
documents and other details as may be required by them for this purpose
h. Should the rate of progress of the works or any part of them at any time fall
behind the stipulated time for completion or is found to be too slow to ensure
completion of the works by the stipulated time, or is in deviation to tender
requirements/standards, the Purchaser’s representative shall so notify the
Bidder in writing
i. The Bidder shall reply to the written notice giving details of the measures he
proposes to take to expedite the progress so as to complete the works by the
prescribed time or to ensure compliance to tender requirements. The Bidder
shall not be entitled to any additional payment for taking such steps. If at any time
it should appear to the Purchaser or Purchaser’s Representative that the actual
progress of work does not conform to the approved programme the Bidder shall
produce at the request of the Purchaser’s Representative a revised programme
showing the modification to the approved programme necessary to ensure
completion of the works within the time for completion or steps initiated to
ensure compliance to the stipulated requirements.
j. The submission seeking approval by the Purchaser or Purchaser’s Representative
of such programme shall not relieve the Bidder of any of his duties or
responsibilities under the Contract
k. In case during execution of works, the progress falls behind schedule or does not
meet the tender timeline, Bidder shall deploy additional manpower/resources to
make up the progress or to meet the tender requirements. Programme for
deployment of additional manpower/resources shall be submitted to the
Purchaser for its review and approval, which approval shall not be unreasonably
withheld. All time and cost effect in this respect shall be borne, by the Bidder
within the Contract Value.
Page 76 of 333
of all risks, contingencies and circumstances affecting his obligations and
responsibilities therewith under the Contract and his ability to perform it.
However, if during delivery or installation, Bidder observes physical conditions
and/or obstructions affecting the work, the Bidder shall take all measures to
overcome them.
b. Bidder shall be deemed to have satisfied himself as to the correctness and
sufficiency of the Contract Price for the works. The consideration provided in the
Contract for the Bidder undertaking the works shall cover all the Bidder’s
obligation and all matters and things necessary for proper execution and
maintenance of the works in accordance with the Contract and for complying
with any instructions which the Purchaser’s Representative may issue in
accordance with the connection therewith and of any proper and reasonable
measures which the Bidder takes in the absence of specific instructions from the
Purchaser’s Representative.
c. The Bidder shall have conducted its own due diligence with regard to the
information contained in the tender. The Purchaser does not make any
representation or warranty as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the
information in this tender and it is not possible for the Purchaser to consider
particular needs of each Bidder who reads or uses this tender. Each prospective
Bidder should conduct its own investigations and analyses and check the
accuracy, reliability and completeness of the information provided in this tender
and obtain independent advice from appropriate sources.
d. The Purchaser shall not have any liability to any prospective Bidder or any other
person under any laws (including without limitation the law of contract or tort),
the principles of equity, restitution or unjust enrichment or otherwise for any
loss, expense or damage which may arise from or be incurred or suffered in
connection with anything contained in this tender, any matter deemed to form
part of this tender, the declaration of the Bidders, the information supplied by or
on behalf of the Purchaser or its employees, any consultants, or otherwise arising
in any way from the bidding process. The Purchaser shall also not be liable in any
manner whether resulting from negligence or otherwise however caused arising
from reliance of any Bidder upon any statements contained in this tender.
x) Program of Work
a. Within 2 weeks, after the award of work under this Contract or prior to kick-off
meeting whichever is earlier, the Bidder shall submit to the Purchaser for its
approval a detailed programme showing the sequence, procedure and method in
which he proposes to carry out the works as stipulated in the Contract and shall,
whenever reasonably required by the Purchaser’s Representative furnish in
writing the arrangements and methods proposed to be made for carrying out the
works. The programme so submitted by the Bidder shall conform to the duties
and periods specified in the Contract. The Purchaser and the Bidder shall discuss
and agree upon the work procedures to be followed for effective execution of the
works, which the Bidder intends to deploy and shall be clearly specified. Approval
Page 77 of 333
by the Purchaser’s Representative of a programme shall not relieve the Bidder of
any of his duties or responsibilities under the Contract.
b. If the Bidder’s work plans necessitate a disruption/shutdown in Purchaser’s
operation, the plan shall be mutually discussed and developed so as to keep such
disruption/shutdown to the barest unavoidable minimum. Any time and cost
arising due to failure of the Bidder to develop/adhere such a work plan shall be
to his account.
Page 78 of 333
competent to deliver in a proper and timely manner the work they are required
to perform or to manage/supervise the work
i. The Purchaser’s Representative may at any time object to and require the Bidder
to remove forthwith from the Project any authorized representative or employee
of the Bidder or any person(s) of the Bidder’s Team, if, in the opinion of the
Purchaser’s Representative the person in question has misconducted or his/her
deployment is otherwise considered undesirable by the Purchaser’s
Representative. The Bidder shall forthwith remove and shall not again deploy the
person without the written consent of the Purchaser’s Representative.
j. The Purchaser’s Representative may at any time object to and request the Bidder
to remove from the Project any of Bidder’s authorized representative including
any employee of the Bidder or his team or any person(s) deployed by Bidder or
his team for professional incompetence or negligence or for being deployed for
work for which he is not suited. The Bidder shall consider the Purchaser’s
Representative request and may accede to or disregard it. The Purchaser’s
Representative, having made a request, as aforesaid in the case of any person,
which the Bidder has disregarded, may in the case of the same person at any time
but on a different occasion, and for a different instance of one of the reasons
referred to above in this clause object to and require the Bidder to remove that
person from deployment on the work, which the Bidder shall then forthwith do
and shall not again deploy any person so objected to on the work or on the sort
of work in question (as the case may be) without the written consent of the
Purchaser’s Representative.
k. The Purchaser’s Representative shall state to the Bidder in writing his reasons
for any request or requirement pursuant to this clause
l. The Bidder shall maintain backup personnel and shall promptly replace every
person removed, pursuant to this section, with an equally competent substitute
from the pool of backup personnel
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a. During the tenure of this Contract nothing shall be done by the Bidder in
contravention of any law, act and/or rules/regulations, there under or any
amendment thereof governing inter-alia customs, stowaways, foreign exchange
etc. and shall keep Purchaser indemnified in this regard
b. The Bidder and their personnel/representative shall not alter/change/replace
any hardware component proprietary to the Purchaser and/or under warranty
or AMC of Third Party without prior consent of the Purchaser
c. The Bidder and their personnel/representative shall not without consent of the
Purchaser install any hardware or software not purchased/owned by the
7.13Bidder’s Personnel
i) The Bidder shall employ and provide such qualified and experienced personnel
as are required to perform the Services under the Contract
ii) All the personnel, also of the Bidder’s partners shall be deployed only after
adequate background verification check. The Bidder shall submit consolidated
certificate of background verification from HR, counter signed by the authorized
signatory, for the personnel before their deployment on the Project. Any
deviations, if observed, would lead to removal of the personnel from the Project.
Purchaser reserves the right to review/audit the background verification
documents of any employee of bidder involved in the Project.
7.14Contract Administration
i) No variation or modification of the terms of the Contract shall be made except by
written amendment signed by the parties
ii) Either party may appoint any individual/organization as their authorized
representative through a written notice to the other party. Each Representative
shall have the authority to:
a. exercise all of the powers and functions of his/her Party under this Contract
other than the power to amend this Contract and ensure the proper
administration and performance of the terms hereof; and
b. bind his or her Party in relation to any matter arising out of or in connection with
this Contract
iii) The Bidder along with other members / third parties / CSPs shall be bound by all
undertakings and representations made by the authorized representative of the
Bidder and any covenants stipulated hereunder, with respect to this Contract, for
and on their behalf
iv) For the purpose of execution or performance of the obligations under this
Contract, the Purchaser’s representative would act as an interface with the
nominated representative of the Bidder. The Bidder shall comply with any
instructions that are given by the Purchaser’s representative during the course of
Page 80 of 333
this Contract in relation to the performance of its obligations under the terms of
this Contract and the tender.
7.16Purchaser’s Obligations
i) The Purchaser’s Representative shall interface with the Bidder, to provide the
required information, clarifications, and to resolve any issues as may arise during
the execution of the Contract. Purchaser shall provide adequate cooperation in
providing details, assisting with coordinating and obtaining of approvals from
various governmental agencies, in cases, where the intervention of the Purchaser
is proper and necessary
ii) Purchaser shall ensure that timely approval is provided to the Bidder, where
deemed necessary, which should include technical architecture diagrams and all
the specifications related to IT infrastructure required to be provided as part of
the Scope of Work. All such documents shall be approved within 15 days of the
receipt of the documents by the Purchaser.
iii) The Purchaser shall approve all such documents as per above Clause
iv) The Purchaser’s Representative shall interface with the Bidder, to provide the
required information, clarifications, and to resolve any issues as may arise during
the execution of the Contract
Page 81 of 333
7.17Information Security
i) The Bidder shall not carry any written/printed document, layout diagrams,
floppy diskettes, hard disk, storage tapes, other storage devices or any other
goods/material proprietary to Purchaser in/out of the DC, DR and Project Office
without written permission from the Purchaser
ii) The Bidder shall not destroy any unwanted documents, defective tapes/media
present at the DC, DR and Project Office on their own. All such documents,
tapes/media shall be handed over to the Purchaser.
iii) The Bidder acknowledges that Purchaser’s business Data and other proprietary
information or materials, whether developed by Purchaser or being used by
Purchaser pursuant to a license agreement with a third party (the foregoing
collectively referred to herein as “Proprietary Information”) are confidential and
Proprietary to Purchaser; and the Bidder along with its team agrees to use
reasonable care to safeguard the Proprietary Information and to prevent the
unauthorized use or disclosure thereof, which care shall not be less than that used
by the Bidder to protect its own Proprietary Information. The Bidder recognizes
that the goodwill of Purchaser depends, among other things, upon the Bidder
keeping such Proprietary Information confidential and that unauthorized
disclosure of the same by the Bidder or its team could damage the goodwill of
Purchaser, and that by reason of the Bidder’s duties hereunder. The Bidder may
come into possession of such Proprietary Information, even though the Bidder
does not take any direct part in or furnish the services performed for the creation
of said Proprietary Information and shall limit access thereto to employees with
a need to such access to perform the Services required by this Contract. The
Bidder shall use such information only for the purpose of performing the said
iv) The Bidder shall, upon termination of this Contract for any reason, or upon
demand by Purchaser, whichever is earliest, return any and all information
provided to the Bidder by Purchaser, including any copies or reproductions, both
hardcopy and electronic
v) The Bidder shall maintain strict confidentiality with respect to the Proprietary
Information that it obtains during the term of this Contract. Such confidentiality
shall be maintained by the Bidder even post termination or expiry of the term of
the Contract for 15 years
Page 82 of 333
available at all times for use by the Purchaser’s Representative and by any other
person authorized by the Purchaser’s Representative
7.20Ownership of Equipment
i) The Purchaser shall own the assets/components including but not limited to
equipment, software, licenses, processes, Documents, etc., supplied by the Bidder
arising out of or in connection with this Contract
ii) However, all the risk and liability arising out of or in connection with the usage of
the equipment, assets/components during the term of the Contract shall be borne
by the bidder
Page 83 of 333
concerned Indian authorities the returns and all other connected documents
required for this purpose. The Bidder shall also provide the Purchaser such
information, as it may be required in regard to the Bidder’s details of payment
made by the Purchaser under the Contract for proper assessment of taxes and
duties. The amount of tax withheld by the Purchaser shall at all times be in
accordance with Indian Tax Law and the Purchaser shall promptly furnish to the
Bidder original certificates for tax deduction at source and paid to the Tax
iv) If there is any reduction in taxes/duties/levies due to any reason whatsoever,
after Notification of Award, the difference shall be passed on to the Purchaser. In
case of increase in taxation, Purchaser shall pay the tax as applicable.
v) The Bidder agrees that he and his Team shall comply with the Indian Income Tax
act in force from time to time and pay Indian Income Tax, as may be
imposed/levied on them by the Indian Income Tax Authorities, for the payments
received by them for the works under the Contract
vi) The Bidders shall fully familiarize themselves about the applicable domestic
taxes (such as value added or sales tax, service tax, income taxes, duties, fees,
levies, etc.) on amounts payable by the Purchaser under the Contract. All such
taxes must be included by Bidders in the Financial Bid (Bidder to find out
applicable taxes for the components being proposed).
vii) Should the Bidder fail to submit returns / pay taxes in times as stipulated under
applicable Indian/State Tax Laws and consequently any interest or penalty is
imposed by the concerned authority, the Bidder shall pay the same. The Bidder
shall indemnify Purchaser against any and all liabilities or claims arising out of
this Contract for such taxes including interest and penalty by any such Tax
Authority may assess or levy against the Purchaser/Bidder.
viii) The Purchaser shall if so required by applicable laws in force, at the time of
payment, deduct income tax payable by the Bidder at the rates in force, from the
amount due to the Bidder and pay to the concerned tax authority directl
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requirements to those specified by the Bidder in his bid Documents, that may be
required to be made during the installation of delivered devices or at any time
during the contract in order to meet the conceptual design, objective and
performance levels or other requirements as defined in the tender. These
changes shall be carried as per mutual consent.
ii) The Purchaser may at any time, by a written change order given to the Bidder,
make changes within the general scope of the Contract. The Purchaser shall have
the option to increase or decrease (decrease only if communicated to Bidder
prior to availing of Services/dispatch of Goods/Equipment) the quantities,
licenses and/or specifications of the Goods/Equipment to be supplied and
installed by the Bidder or Service requirements, as mentioned in the Contract, at
any time during the Contract period.
iii) The written advice to any change shall be issued by the Purchaser to the Bidder
up to 8 (Eight) weeks prior to the due date of provisioning/supply of such
Goods/Equipment or commencement of Services
iv) In case of increase in quantities/licenses/specifications or Service requirements
or in case of additional requirement, the rate as provided in the Contract shall be
considered as benchmark rates for procurement of the additional requirement
from the Bidder. However, based on the industry trends, Purchaser retains the
right to review these rates. The additional requirement shall also be governed by
the same terms and conditions as provided in the Contract except for the
appropriate extension of time to be allowed for delivery/installation of such extra
Goods/Equipment or for commencement of such Services. In case of decrease in
Quantities or Specifications of Goods/Equipment or Service requirements, the
Bidder shall give a reduction in price at the rate given in the Contract
corresponding to the said decrease.
v) In case applicable rates for the increase/decrease in question are not available in
the Contract then the rates as may be mutually agreed shall apply. The Bidder
shall not be entitled to any claim by way of change of price, damages, losses, etc.
The Bidder shall be compensated at actual for any cancellation charges provided
the claim is duly supported by documentary evidence of having incurred
cancellation charges, which results from Purchaser’s action in
reducing/cancelling Scope of Work.
vi) Conditions for Change Order
a. The change order shall be initiated only in case (i) the Purchaser or Purchaser’s
Technical Representative directs in writing the Bidder to incorporate changes to
the Goods or design requirements already covered in the Contract (ii) the
Purchaser or Purchaser’s Technical Representative directs in writing to the
Bidder to include any addition to the Scope of Work or Services covered under
this Contract or delete any part thereof, (iii) Bidder requests to delete any part of
the work which shall not adversely affect the operational capabilities and
functioning of the system and if the deletions proposed are agreed to by the
Page 85 of 333
Purchaser and for which cost and time benefits shall be passed on to the
b. Any change order comprising an alteration which involves change in the cost of
the Goods and/or Services (which sort of alteration is hereinafter called a
“Variation”) shall be the subject of an amendment to the Contract by way of an
increase or decrease in the Contract Value and adjustment of the implementation
schedule if any
c. If the Contract provides applicable rates for the valuation of the variation in
question the Contract Value shall subject to Clause below be increased or
decreased in accordance with those rates
d. If parties agree that the Contract does not contain applicable rates or that the said
rates are inappropriate or the said rates are not precisely applicable to the
variation in question, then the parties shall review of the Contract Value which
shall represent the change in cost of the goods and/or works caused by the
Variations. Any change order shall be duly approved by the Purchaser in writing.
e. If there is a difference of opinion between the Bidder and Purchaser’s
Representative on whether a particular item, work or part of the work constitutes
a change order or not, the matter shall be handled in accordance with the
procedures set forth in Clause - Change Order / Alteration / Variation
Page 87 of 333
• material evidence to prove that the proposed change is not already
covered within the scope of the Project, SLAs, or Contract
ii. Prior to submission of the completed CCN/CNS to JAPIT, the Bidder shall
undertake its own internal review of the proposal and obtain all necessary
internal approvals. As a part of this internal review process, the Bidder shall
consider the materiality of the proposed change in the context of the
Contract, the Project Implementation & Maintenance including SLAs
affected by the change and the total effect that may arise from
implementation of the change.
iii. Materiality criteria shall be established by JAPIT and the DCO. Changes
requiring no escalation of authority can be implemented. Discussion and
Contract as to materiality shall be held in accordance with the Governance
iv. Upon receipt of the Change Proposal, JAPIT and the Bidder shall mutually
agree upon all matters contained in the Change Proposal. Within fourteen
(14) days after such agreement, JAPIT shall, if it intends to proceed with the
Change, issue the Bidder a Change Order. If the JAPIT is unable to reach a
decision within fourteen (14) days, it shall notify the Bidder with details of
when the Bidder can expect a decision. If JAPIT decides not to proceed with
the Change for whatever reason, it shall, within the said period of fourteen
(14) days, notify the Bidder accordingly.
d. Costs
Bidder shall be responsible for its own costs incurred in the quotation, preparation
of CCNs/CNSs and in the completion of its obligations described in this process
provided the Bidder meets the obligations as set in the CCN/CNS. In the event the
Bidder is unable to meet the obligations as defined in the CCN/CNS then the cost of
getting it done by third party shall be borne by the Bidder.
e. Reporting/Review
The Status on the progress of the change requests and CCNs/CNSs shall be reported
by Bidder to JAPIT on a periodic basis and same shall be reviewed by both the parties
on fort-nightly basis. For any changes in the network infrastructure, identified by
either party, Bidder shall prepare a detailed Change Control Note / Change Note on
Scope of Work within 10 (ten) working days from the date of intimation of such
f. Obligations
The Bidder shall be obliged to implement any proposed changes once approval from
JAPIT in accordance with this CCN/CNS has been given, with effect from the date
agreed for implementation.
g. Payment for Change Order
Payment for any change order on Scope of Work (CNS) shall be on the basis of the
blended Man-month rate as quoted in the Financial Bid (exclusive of any Tax) and
would be paid quarterly.
Page 88 of 333
7.24 Modification and withdrawal of bids
1. The Bidder may be allowed to modify or withdraw its submitted proposal any time
prior to the last date prescribed for receipt of bids, by giving a written notice to
2. The Bidder's modification or withdrawal notice shall be prepared, sealed, marked
and dispatched in a manner similar to the original Proposal.
3. Subsequent to the last date for receipt of bids, no modification of bids shall be
allowed. No bid may be withdrawn in the interval between the deadline for
submission of bids and expiration of the of bid validity period specified.
Withdrawal of a bid during this period will result in Bidder’s forfeiture of bid
Page 89 of 333
period of more than 2 months, the Bidder shall have the option to request the
Purchaser to terminate the Contract with mutual consent.
ii) In the event that the Purchaser suspends the progress of work for any reason not
attributable to the Bidder for a period in excess of 30 days in aggregate, rendering
the Bidder to extend his performance bank guarantee then Purchaser shall bear
only the cost of extension of such bank guarantee for such extended period
restricted to the normal bank rates as applicable in the international banking
procedures subject to the Bidder producing the requisite evidence from the bank
Page 90 of 333
b) “fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation or omission of facts or
disclosure of incomplete facts, in order to influence the Selection Process; the
offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting, directly or indirectly, of anything of
value to influence the action of any person connected with the Selection Process
(for avoidance of doubt, offering of employment to or employing or engaging in
any manner whatsoever, directly or indirectly, any official of JAPIT who is or has
been associated in any manner, directly or indirectly with the Selection Process
or the LoA or has dealt with matters concerning the Agreement or arising there
from, before or after the execution thereof, at any time prior to the expiry of one
year from the date such official resigns or retires from or otherwise ceases to be
in the service of JAPIT, shall be deemed to constitute influencing the actions of
a person connected with the Selection Process); or
4. “Undesirable practice” means establishing contact with any person connected with
or employed or engaged by JAPIT with the objective of canvassing, lobbying or in
any manner influencing or attempting to influence the Selection Process; or having
a Conflict of Interest; and
5. “Restrictive practice” means forming a cartel or arriving at any understanding or
arrangement among SIs with the objective of restricting or manipulating a full and
fair competition in the Selection Process.
a. General
It is acknowledged that this SLA may change as JAPIT’s business needs evolve
over the course of the Contract period. This document also defines the following
management procedures:
i. A process for negotiating changes to the SLA
ii. An issue management process for documenting and resolving difficult
iii. JAPIT and Bidder management escalation process to be used in the event
that an issue is not being resolved in a timely manner by the lowest possible
level of management
Any changes to the levels of Service provided during the Term of this Contract
shall be requested, documented and negotiated in good faith by both parties.
Either party can request a change. Changes shall be documented as an
addendum to this SLA and, subsequently, the Contract.
If there is any confusion or conflict between this document and the Contract, the
tender and its addenda, the Contract shall supersede.
The Bidder shall maintain and distribute current copies of the SLA document as
directed by JAPIT. Additional copies of the current SLA shall be made available
at all times to authorized parties.
c. Version Control
All negotiated SLA changes shall require changing the version control number.
As appropriate, minor changes may be accumulated for periodic release (e.g.
every quarter) or for release when a critical threshold of change has occurred.
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d. Responsibilities of the Parties
Bidder is responsible for executing this Contract and delivering the services, while
maintaining the specified performance targets.
Additionally, the Bidder is responsible for:
i. Reporting problems to JAPIT as soon as possible
ii. Assisting JAPIT in management of the SLA
iii. Providing early warning of any organizational, functional or technical
changes that might affect Bidder’s ability to deliver the services
iv. Assisting JAPIT to address and resolve issues from time to time Bidder shall
take immediate action to identify problems and follow up with appropriate
action to fix them as quickly as possible.
JAPIT is responsible for:
i. Reporting defects and problems to the Bidder as soon as possible
ii. Assisting Bidder in management of the SLA
iii. Providing early warning of any organizational, functional or technical
changes that might affect Bidder’s ability to deliver the services
iv. Assisting Bidder to address and resolve issues from time to time
e. Penalties
i. The quarterly deduction shall not exceed 10% of the QGR Value.
ii. The quarterly penalty for three consecutive quarter calculated as equal to or
more than 10% of the QGR value on account of any reasons, shall be deemed
to be an Event of Default and termination General Conditions of the Contract
and the consequences shall follow
Escalation Procedure
Escalation should take place on an exception basis and only if successful issue
resolution cannot be achieved in a reasonable time frame.
Contact Map
JAPIT Bidder
Representative Bidder Escalation Representative
JAPIT Escalation Level
with contact Level with contact
Details Details
Project Manager (PMU) Project Director
OSD, JAPIT Delivery Head
Chief Executive Officer Senior Manager
g. Acceptance of SLA
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Service Level Agreement
vide Tender No. JAPIT/JH-SDC2.0/01/2023 Dated xx.xx.xxxx to be executed by their
respective authorized representatives
For and on behalf of: For and on behalf of:
_________________Bidder __________________JAPIT
i) The bidder has to ensure the standard Insurance coverage for all the newly
procured IT and Non-IT product, delivered and installed and all the existing items
which would be the part of JHSDC2.0 project. The Insurance coverage should be
renewed perpetually for the complete project period for any theft, losses,
damages of the equipment/devices. The cost of insurance would be borne by the
bidder only.
ii) The goods supplied under this Contract shall be fully insured by the Bidder,
against any loss or damage up to the time it is delivered to the bidder-designated
carrier for shipment to Purchaser or to Purchaser’s designated location, The
bidder shall submit to the Purchaser, certificate of insurance issued by the
insurance company, indicating that such insurance has been taken.
Page 94 of 333
iii) The Bidder shall bear all the statutory levies like customs, insurance, freight, etc.
applicable on the goods during their shipment from respective
manufacturing/shipment site of the OEM to the port of landing
iv) The bidder has to take a transit insurance, which shall cover until the delivery of
products to the customer’s premises
v) All charges like transportation charges, loading-unloading charges etc. that may
be applicable till the delivery of goods at the respective site of installation shall
also be borne by the Bidder
vi) The Bidder during the term of this Contract undertakes to ensure that it has taken
or shall take up all appropriate insurances for the delivery of Goods that it is
required to undertake under law as well as to adequately cover its obligations
under this Contract:
a. shall take out and maintain, at his own cost insurance with IRDA approved
insurers against the risks, and for the coverage, as specified below: shall pay
all premium in relation thereto and shall ensure that nothing is done to make
such insurance policies void or voidable at the Purchaser’s request, shall
provide certificate of insurance to the Purchaser showing that such insurance
has been taken out and maintained. Employer's liability and workers'
compensation insurance in respect of the Personnel of the Bidder / Bidder’s
Team, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Applicable Law, as
well as, with respect to such Personnel, any such life, health, accident, travel or
other insurance as may be appropriate; and
b. Insurance against loss of or damage to
i. Equipment or assets procured or developed in whole or in part for
fulfilment of obligations under this Contract
ii. the Bidder’s assets and property used in the performance of the Services
vii) If the Bidder fails to effect and maintain insurances as described above, the client
may procure and maintain such insurances on behalf of the Bidder and deduct
such amounts from the amounts due and payable to the Bidder
7.31Transfer of Ownership
The Bidder must transfer all goods, clear and unencumbered titles to the assets and
goods procured for the purpose of the Project to the Purchaser at the time of delivery
of assets and goods. This includes all licenses, titles, source code, certificates, hardware,
devices, equipment’s etc. related to the system designed, developed, installed and
maintained by the Bidder.
7.33Conflict of Interest
The Bidder shall disclose to the Purchaser in writing, all actual and potential Conflicts
of Interest that exist, arise or may arise (either for the Bidder or the Bidder’s Team) in
the course of performing the Services as soon as practical after it becomes aware of
that conflict.
The Bidder shall not make or permit to be made a public announcement or media
release about any aspect of this Contract unless the Purchaser first gives the Bidder its
written consent
Page 96 of 333
7.39 Notices
Any queries or other document, which may be given by either Party under this
Agreement or under the SLA, shall be given in writing in person or by pre-paid recorded
delivery post or by facsimile transmission or through email to the notified address.
In relation to a notice given under this Agreement, any such notice or other document
shall be addressed to the other Party's principal or registered office address as set out
(i) To JAPIT:
Attention: [CEO]
The CEO,
Jharkhand Agency for Promotion of IT (JAPIT)
Ranchi, Jharkhand
Phone: [0651-2401044]
(ii) To
Any notice or other document shall be deemed to have been given to the other Party (or,
if relevant, its relevant associated company) when delivered (if delivered in person) if
delivered between the hours of 10.00 am and 5.00 pm on a working day at the address of
the other Party set forth above or if sent by fax, provided the copy of the fax is
accompanied by a confirmation of transmission, or on the next working day thereafter if
delivered outside such hours, and 7 days from the date of posting (if by letter).
Notice can also be given through email address furnished by the System Integrator. The
time of the sent message in outbox of the sender will be considered to be time of delivery
of the message.
Either Party to this Agreement or to the SLA may change its address, telephone number,
facsimile number and nominated email for notification purposes by giving the other
reasonable prior written notice of the new information and its effective date.
Page 97 of 333
8 General Terms & Conditions of Contract
8.1 Termination and Effects of Termination
(I) The Purchaser may, terminate this Contract in whole or in part by giving the Bidder a
prior and written notice indicating its intention to terminate the Contract under the
following circumstances:
a. Where either Party committing a material breach or being in default of all or any of
the major and significant terms, conditions, covenants, undertakings and
stipulations of this Agreement. In case the material breach is remediable the
aggrieved Party shall give notice in writing of such default in observance or
performance of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, to the Party in
default. If the Party in default effectively remedies such breach or default within the
period, not being less that 60 (sixty) days, designated by such notice then the
Agreement shall remain in force. Where the default by the System Integrator is as a
result of or consequent to technical non-feasibility, which requires to modify/alter
the scope of work so as to replace the technical non-feasible deliverable, with a
feasible deliverable, then such default shall not be considered a default by the
System Integrator under the provisions of this clause
b. Where it comes to the Purchaser’s attention that the Bidder (or the Bidder’s Team)
is in a position of actual conflict of interest with the interests of the Purchaser, in
relation to any of terms of the Bidder’s Bid, the tender or this Contract
c. Where the Bidder’s ability to survive as an independent corporate entity is
threatened or is lost owing to any reason whatsoever, including inter-alia the filing
of any bankruptcy proceedings against the Bidder, any failure by the Bidder to pay
any of its dues to its creditors, the institution of any winding up proceedings against
the Bidder or the happening of any such events that are adverse to the commercial
viability of the Bidder. In the event of the happening of any events of the above
nature, the Purchaser shall reserve the right to take any steps as are necessary, to
ensure the effective transition of the Project to a successor Bidder / service
provider, and to ensure business continuity.
d. Where the mutual agreement in writing between the parties.
e. Termination for Insolvency or bankrupt: The Purchaser may at any time terminate
the Contract by giving written notice to the Bidder, without compensation to the
Bidder, if the Bidder becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent, provided that such
termination shall not prejudice or affect any right of action or remedy which has
accrued or shall accrue thereafter to the Purchaser
f. Termination for Convenience: The Purchaser, may, by prior written notice sent to
the Bidder at least 6 months in advance, terminate the Contract, in whole or in part
at any time for its convenience. The notice of termination shall specify that
termination is for the Purchaser’s convenience, the extent to which performance of
work under the Contract is terminated, and the date upon which such termination
becomes effective. In case of termination, JAPIT shall pay for accepted
Goods/Services completed up to the date of termination.
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g. Termination for Breach- In the event of the breach of any of the major and significant
terms and conditions of this Agreement by the system integrator, JAPIT shall be
entitled to terminate this agreement by giving 60 days’ notice. The decision of JAPIT
as to such breach shall be final and binding on the system integrator
h. In the event of the breach of any of the major and significant terms and conditions
of this agreement by the system integrator, JAPIT will give 60 days’ notice to system
integrator to cure the breach of the terms and conditions of the agreement then in
that case System Integrator must cure within 60 days. In case the breach will
continue till/after expiry of such cure period, JAPIT will terminate the agreement.
8.5 Indemnification
Successful System Integrator hereby indemnifies, hold harmless & undertakes to defend JAPIT,
its affiliates and their respective employees, officers and directors against any claim by a third
party including but not limited to damages, costs, expenses as a result of such claim with regard
i. the extent that the System Integrator provided to JAPIT by System Integrator under
this Agreement infringes any third party’s intellectual property rights;
ii. taxes/charges/cess/levies (and interest or penalties assessed thereon) against
JAPIT that are obligations of System Integrator pursuant to this Agreement;
iii. any damages for bodily injury (including death) and damage to real property and
tangible personal property caused by the System Integrator;
iv. any claim or action by or on behalf of the System Integrator personnel based on his
or her employment with the System Integrator, including claims arising under
occupational health and safety, worker’s compensation, provident fund or other
applicable laws or regulations;
v. claims by government regulators or agencies for fines, penalties, sanctions or other
remedies arising from or in connection with the System Integrator failure to comply
with its regulatory/legal requirements and compliances;
vi. any claim on account of an alleged breach of confidentiality and security of data
occurring as a result of acts of omissions or commission of the System Integrator
employees or sub-contractors;
vii. any claim occurring on account of misconduct,
viii. negligence or wrongful acts of omission and commission of employees of the System
Integrator, and/or its sub-contractors;
ix. any claim occurring on account of misuse or negligent application, misuse of
systems, failure to follow established procedure by the System Integrator and/or
sub-contractor’s employees;
x. System Integrator shall ensure compliance with all applicable laws, local and
Central, including all labor laws like ESI, EPF, Minimum Wages Act, Jharkhand Shops
& Establishments Act, Contract Labour (Regulation and abolition) Act 1970,
Payment of Bonus Act etc. and shall keep First Part indemnified and harmless in case
of any action for violation by Second Part of any of the applicable laws so long as this
arrangement is in force. For all purposes the persons deployed will be employees of
second part and they will have no relation whatsoever with First Part. Second Part
shall be responsible to furnish all such information/documents to First Part in this
i) The Purchaser and the Bidder shall make every effort to resolve amicably by
direct informal negotiations, any disagreement or disputes, arising between them
under or in connection with the Contract
ii) If, after Thirty (30) days from the commencement of such direct informal
negotiations, the Purchaser and the Bidder have been unable to resolve amicably
a Contract dispute, either party may require that the dispute be referred for
resolution to the formal mechanism.
iii) In the case of a dispute or difference arising between the Purchaser and the
Bidder relating to any matter arising out of or connected with this Contract, such
dispute or difference shall be referred to the award of two Arbitrators, one
Arbitrator to be nominated by the Purchaser and the other to be nominated by
the Bidder or in case of the said Arbitrators not agreeing, then to the award of an
Umpire to be appointed by the Arbitrators in writing before proceeding with the
reference, and in case the Arbitrators cannot agree to the Umpire, he may be
nominated by the High Court of Jharkhand, Ranchi. The award of the Arbitrators,
and in the event of their not agreeing, of the Umpire appointed by them or by the
High Court of Jharkhand, Ranchi shall be final and binding on the parties.
iv) The Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996, the rules hereunder and any statutory
modification or re-enactment thereof, shall apply to the arbitration proceedings
v) The Arbitration proceedings shall be held in Ranchi, Jharkhand.
vi) The Arbitration proceeding shall be governed by the substantive laws of India
vii) The proceedings of Arbitration shall be in English language
viii) Except as otherwise provided elsewhere in the Contract if any dispute, difference,
question or disagreement arises between the parties hereto or their respective
II. Arbitration
i. Any and all disputes, controversies and conflicts ("Disputes") arising out of this
Agreement between the Parties or arising out of or relating to or in connection with
this Agreement or the performance or non-performance of the rights and
Page 104 of 333
obligations set forth herein or the breach, termination, invalidity or interpretation
thereof shall be referred for arbitration in terms of the Arbitration and Conciliation
Act, 1996 or any amendments thereof. Prior to submitting the Disputes to
arbitration, the Parties shall resolve to settle the Dispute/s through mutual
negotiation and discussions. In the event that the said Dispute/s are not settled
within thirty (30) days of the arising thereof, the same shall finally be settled and
determined by arbitration in accordance with the Arbitration & Conciliation Act
,1996 or any amendment thereof. The place of arbitration shall be Ranchi and the
language used in the arbitral proceedings shall be English.
ii. The arbitral award shall be in writing and shall be final and binding on each Party
and shall be enforceable in any court of competent jurisdiction. None of the Parties
shall be entitled to commence or maintain any action in a court of law upon any
Dispute arising out of or relating to or in connection with this Agreement
(infringement of IPR Excepted), except for the enforcement of an arbitral award or
as permitted under the Arbitration & Conciliation Act , 1996 .
8.7 Confidentiality
i. JAPIT may allow the System Integrator to utilize Confidential Information and the
System Integrator shall maintain the highest level of secrecy, confidentiality and
privacy with regard to such Confidential Information. The System Integrator shall
use its best efforts to protect the confidentiality and proprietary of Confidential
ii. Additionally, the System Integrator shall keep confidential all the details and
information with regard to the Project, including systems, facilities, operations,
management and maintenance of the systems/facilities. The System Integrator shall
use the information only to execute the Project.
iii. JAPIT shall retain all rights to prevent, stop and if required take the necessary
punitive action against the System Integrator regarding any forbidden disclosure.
iv. The System Integrator may share the confidential information with its employees,
affiliates, agents and subcontractors but only strictly on the need to know basis in
order to accomplish the scope of services under this Agreement. Upon request of
JAPIT, the System Integrator shall execute a corporate non-disclosure agreement
with JAPIT in the mutually agreed format provided by JAPIT shall ensure that all its
employees, agents and sub-contractors are governed by confidential obligations
similar to the one contained herein.
v. To the extent the System Integrator shares its confidential or proprietary
information with JAPIT for effective performance of the Services, the provisions of
the confidentiality Clause (I) to (iii) shall apply mutatis mutandis on JAPIT.
vi. The Bidder shall not, either during the term or 6 months after expiration of this
Contract, disclose any Proprietary or Confidential Information relating to the
Services, Contract or the Network architecture of Jharkhand DC or DR architecture,
ii. Subject to the above and not withstanding anything to the contrary elsewhere
contained herein, the maximum aggregate liability of the bidder for all claims under
or in relation to this agreement shall be regardless of the form of claims shall be
limited to 100% of the amount to be paid to SI by JAPIT under the applicable
statement of work that gives rise to such liability (as of the date the liability arose).
ii) The Purchaser may without prejudice to its right to effect recovery by any other
method, deduct the amount of liquidated damages from any money belonging to
the Bidder in its hands under this Contract only (which includes the Purchaser’s
right to claim such amount against Bidder’s Bank Guarantee) or which may
become due to the Bidder. Any such recovery or liquidated damages shall not in
any way relieve the Bidder from any of its obligations to complete the work or
from any other obligations and liabilities under the Contract.
iii) Delay not attributable to the Bidder shall be considered for exclusion for the
purpose of computing liquidated damages
If the liquidated damages exceed the cap as mentioned in the Agreement, the Purchaser
or JAPIT shall have the right to terminate the agreement for default and consequences
for such termination as provided in the agreement shall be applicable. In case it leads to
termination, JAPIT shall give 60 (Sixty) Days’ notice to the SI of its intention to terminate
the contract and shall so terminate the contract unless during the Sixty days’ notice
period, the SI initiates remedial action acceptable to JAPIT.
Each of the Parties shall ensure that the range of the Services/Deliverables under the
SLA shall not be varied, reduced or increased except with the prior written agreement
/consent between the Purchaser and the SI in accordance with the provisions of change
request procedure as set out in this Agreement.
c) Where JAPIT deems necessary it shall have the right to insist the bidder for the
replacement of any of their subcontractors / vendors with another suitable member.
The bidder shall in such case terminate forthwith all their agreements/contracts
other arrangements with such member and find of the suitable replacement for such
outgoing member with another member to the satisfaction of JAPIT who shall
execute such contracts with JAPIT, as JAPIT may require. Failure on the part of the
bidder to find a suitable replacement and/or terminate all agreements/contracts
with such member shall amount to a breach of the terms hereof and JAPIT in
addition to all other rights, JAP-IT may procure similar services from other Service
provider at the cost of bidder and JAPIT will also have the right to claim the damages
and recover from the bidder all losses/ or other damages that may have resulted
from such failure.
d) JAPIT has reserves the right to terminate the contract with 30 days notice.
e) JAPIT has reserves the right to impose a reasonable amount of penalty, in case of fail
to comply or resolve the issue within the 30 days notice period.
8.13Force Majeure
i) Force Majeure is herein defined as any cause, which is beyond the control of the
SI or JAPIT as the case may be which they could not foresee or with a reasonable
amount of diligence could not have foreseen and which substantially affect the
performance of the contract, it including but not limited to:
a. act of God (such as, but not limited to, fires, explosions, earthquakes, drought,
tidal waves and floods);
b. war, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), invasion, act of foreign enemies,
mobilization, requisition, or embargo;
c. rebellion, revolution, insurrection, or military or usurped power, or civil war;
d. contamination by radio-activity from any nuclear fuel, or from any nuclear waste
from the combustion of nuclear fuel, radio-active toxic explosive, or other
hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear component of
such assembly;
e. riot, commotion, strikes, go slows, lock outs or disorder, unless solely restricted
to employees of the Supplier or of his Subcontractors; or
f. acts or threats of terrorism
g. Pandemic
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ii) Force Majeure shall not include any events caused due to acts/omissions of such
Party or result from a breach/contravention of any of the terms of the Contract,
Bid and/or the tender. It shall also not include any default on the part of a Party
due to its negligence or failure to implement the stipulated/proposed
precautions, as were required to be taken under the Contract. However, the
Bidder shall note that cyber-attack, corruption of information, software
corruption, destruction of information, virus attack in the system or any such
software malfunction shall not constitute a Force Majeure event and the
rectification of the same shall be borne by the Bidder.
iii) The failure or occurrence of a delay in performance of any of the obligations of
either party shall constitute a Force Majeure event only where such failure or
delay could not have reasonably been foreseen, or where despite the presence of
adequate and stipulated safeguards the failure to perform obligations has
occurred. In such an event, the affected party shall inform the other party in
writing within five days of the occurrence of such event. The Purchaser shall
make the payments due for Services rendered till the occurrence of Force
Majeure. However, any failure or lapse on the part of the Bidder in performing
any obligation as is necessary and proper, to negate the damage due to projected
Force Majeure events or to mitigate the damage that may be caused due to the
above-mentioned events or the failure to provide adequate recovery or any
failure in setting up a contingency mechanism would not constitute Force
Majeure, as set out above.
iv) In case of a Force Majeure, all Parties shall endeavour to agree on an alternate
mode of performance in order to ensure the continuity of Service and
implementation of the obligations of a party under the Contract and to minimize
any adverse consequences of Force Majeure
v) In case of Force Majeure, all the Parties shall bear their own costs, and the
Purchaser shall not be liable to the Bidder for any costs that the latter incurs on
account of such Force Majeure
vi) The System Integrator shall be excused from performance of his obligations in
whole or part as long as such cases, circumstances or events shall continue to
prevent or delay such performance. Neither Party shall have any liability to the
other Party in respect of the termination of this Agreement as a result of an event
of Force Majeure. System Integrator shall be paid for supply and services till last
date of termination in case of force majeure
vii) If a Force Majeure arises, the System Integrator shall notify promptly within a 48
hours of event occurrence to JAPIT in writing of such condition and the cause
thereof. Unless otherwise directed by JAPIT, System Integrator shall continue to
perform his obligations under the Agreement as far as is reasonably practical and
shall seek all reasonable alternative means for performance not prevented by the
Force Majeure event.
viii) In the event that the Force Majeure continues for 180 (One Hundred and Eighty)
days, the Contract shall be deemed to have been terminated.
If the System Integrator fails to complete the work within the agreed time schedule (Project
Timeline) as specified in the Contract Agreement or any extension thereof, JAPIT shall recover
Liquidated Damage/Penalty from the System Integrator as per calculation detailed in the table
mentioned below. Equipment / work would be deemed to have been delivered / completed,
only when it’s all components, Parts / all item of works are also delivered / completed. If certain
components / items of equipment / work are not delivered in time, the same will be considered
as delayed until such time due missing / incomplete parts / item of works are delivered /
plan & Project terrace of the current building and all Project Plan for JHSDC
Plan for JHSDC other civil work under JHSDC 2.0 2.0, before submission.
Bidder should have to collect all the
information or suggestions and
recommendation by JAPIT within this
timeline and accommodate in the final
Bidder should perform the following
1. If the material supply
tasks during this timeline:-
could not be completed
1. 1. Preparation of site readiness for
within timeline:-
renovation and installation work
LD for non-delivery of
2. 2. Preparation of space for equipment
Supply of all materials-
installation at SDC area
material LD will be deducted @
3. 3. Preparation of electrical and
required for 0.5 % per week of the
network cabling.
T3 + 8 complete civil value of the undelivered
4. 4. Work on prerequisite of civil and
Week =T4 and renovation material.
renovation work and start the
work under 2. Note:-Inspection report
renovation work
JHSDC2.0 of the complete
5. 5. Arrangement of all tool &
Project supplied material to be
accessories required for renovation
jointly signed by both
and installation works
the parties, after the
6. Arrangement of inspection for
confirmation of material
supplied materials with complete
delivery by the bidder.
detail sheet.
3. If the material supply
could not be completed
Bidder should perform the following
within timeline: -
tasks during this timeline: -
Supply of Non- LD for non-delivery of
6. 1. Backup of the existing configuration
IT, IT materials-
of all equipment
equipment LD will be deducted @
7. 2. Arrangement of any required data
with all 0.5 % per week of the
T3+ 24 backup
required value of the undelivered
Week = 8. 3. Deployment of Onsite human
accessories & material.
T5 resource for renovation and installation
Cables, Note: -Inspection report
till FAT.
Licenses, and of the complete
9. 4. Arrangement of inspection for
other required supplied material to be
supplied device, equipment,
materials jointly signed by both
accessories and cable etc. with
the parties, after the
complete detail sheet.
confirmation of material
delivery by the bidder.
It is Bidder’s responsibility to assure MSA signoff will be complete maximum within Four
weeks from the date of issuing of LOI, else next milestone would be start from the last
schedule date of MSA signing for the JHSDC2.0 project.
Each week time will be counted for 7 Days for the complete period of the project.
If the Bidder fails to complete the work within the agreed time schedule (Project
Timeline) as specified in the Contract Agreement or any extension thereof, JAPIT shall
recover Liquidated Damage from the Bidder as per calculation detailed in the table
mentioned above.
Equipment / services would be deemed to have been delivered / Completed, only when
it’s all components/ Parts/ all item of works are also delivered / completed. If certain
parts /components / items of equipment / services would not be delivered in time, the
same will be considered as delayed until all the missing / incomplete parts / item of
works/ services are delivered / completed.
If fail in delivery of equipment or services for more than 5 week, a show cause letter will
be issue for explanation for delay and future plan for Improvement. If delay is more than
10 weeks then, JAPIT is free to cancel the Work Order/contract. The remaining part of
work will be completed by JAPIT or any agency engaged by JAPIT, at the cost of selected
1. The recovery against aggregated liquidated damage (LD) shall not exceed from the 10%
of the Total CAPEX Value. And the penalty for the beach of SLA shall not exceed from the
10% of the QGR value for the same quarter.
2. In case bidder fails to complete the renewal of the mentioned certification in the RFP
within timeline, a penalty of 1% of consolidated certificate cost will be charged per week.
1. MSA signed by both parties and PBG @ 10% of total After Bank
10% of the TCV (Total Contract Value) CAPEX Value confirmation of
submitted to JAPIT submitted PBG
Signed Material
Inspection Report with
After Delivery of Complete Material
the item details like
(material for Civil & renovation work) 70% of total Item Description,
(Within T4 Timeline) Material Serial No., Part Code
Verification of delivered material would be Invoice on no., Qty. etc.
done by JAPIT / any duly appointed Pro-rata basis AND
Dispatch Challan
AND/OR Courier Copy.
Signed Material
After Delivery of Complete Material Inspection Report with
(Material for Non-IT Devices & associated the item details like
accessories) 70% of total Item Description,
Material Serial No., Part Code
3. (Within T5 Timeline)
Invoice on no., Qty. etc.
Verification of delivered material would be pro-rata basis
done by JAPIT / any duly appointed
agency. Dispatch Challan
AND/OR Courier Copy.
Signed Material
After Delivery of Complete Material Inspection Report with
(Material for IT Equipment & software the item details like
licenses) 70% of total Item Description,
Material Serial No., Part Code
4. (Within T5 Timeline)
Invoice on no., Qty. etc.
Verification of delivered material would be pro-rata basis
done by JAPIT / any duly appointed
agency. Dispatch Challan
AND/OR Courier Copy.
After verification of
5% of OPEX value of every quarter after SLA, Report and
Go- live. 5% of Total Supporting Document
6. OPEX Value = Total AMC cost of all new and OPEX value in submitted by SI and
existing IT & Non-IT Material and human each QGR verified by JAPIT/
resource cost for the years TPA/ any duly
authorised agency
Bidder shall raise their Invoice after completion of each QGR during operation and maintenance
period and submit the invoice with detail covering letter and all necessary document as a proof
of SLA compliance.
It is bidder’s responsibility check the actual requirement of fuel for DG sets and refill the fuel to
DG sets before due time and do the timely payment for the same. Bidder shall raise their Debit
Note/Invoice for reimbursement of actual amount for Fuel Charge, Electric Charge &
Bandwidth Charges and submit the invoice with detail covering letter and all necessary
document of proof of Invoice/Bill, Usage, Payment detail and SLA compliance.
In case of any new incidence of tax or any change in existing tax rates taking place during the
agreement period, that shall be borne and payable by department over and above the agreed
price, for each item it may be applicable on the invoice raised by the either party. Similarly, any
reduction in taxes shall be to the benefit of department. All invoices produced to department
for the payment should be submit as a TAX invoice.
The Bidder shall have to submit a quarterly report to monitor the performance of the services
being provided by the Bidder and the effectiveness of this SLA
✓ "Availability" shall mean the time period for which the services, components and
facilities offered by the Bidders are available to the state and user department for
conducting operations from the equipment hosted in the Data Centre.
✓ “Downtime” is the time the services and facilities are not available to Customer, which
excludes the scheduled outages planned in advance for the Data Centre.
✓ "Helpdesk Support" shall mean the Bidder’s 24x7x365 Helpdesk Support Centre which
shall handle Fault reporting, Trouble handling, Ticketing and related enquiries during
this contract
✓ “Resolution Time”, means time taken by the Bidder’s staff in resolving (diagnosing,
troubleshooting and fixing) an incident from the time, the call has been reported to
Helpdesk and the time the problem has been resolved. The resolution time shall vary
based on the severity of the incident reported at the helpdesk. The severity would be as
o Critical: Incidents, whose resolution shall require additional investment in
component or time or shall involve coordination with OEMs. These incidents
shall impact the overall functioning of the SDC. For example, Power failure,
failure of SAN switch, etc.
✓ Check performance of the Bidder against this SLA over the review period and consider
any key issues of the past period’s performance statistics including major incidents,
service trends, etc.
✓ Discuss escalated problems, new issues and matters still outstanding for resolution.
✓ Review of statistics related to rectification of outstanding faults and agreed changes.
✓ Obtain suggestions for changes to improve the service levels.
In case desired, JAPIT /TPA may initiate an interim review to check the performance and the
obligations of the Bidder. The SLA may be reviewed and revised in accordance with the define
procedures. If there is a dispute between JAPIT/TPA / Any authorised agency or the bidder
Sl. Measurement
Service Matrix Target Penalty
No. Interval
>=99.75% No Penalty
< 99.75% to 1 % of the QGR
Server Availability >=99.0% value
(The average
1 (including the OS,
availability of all < 99.0% to >= 3 % of the QGR
Hypervisor & VMs)
the servers) 98.0% value
5% of the QGR
>=99.75% No Penalty
< 99.75% to 1% of the QGR
>=99.0% value
(The average
2 Storage Availability
availability of the
< 99.0% to >= 3% of the QGR
SAN storage and
98.0% value
SAN switches)
5% of the QGR
>=99.75% No Penalty
4 >=99.75% No Penalty
>=99.75% No Penalty
< 99.75% to 0.75% of the QGR
LAN availability (Availability of >=99.0% value
5 (Active and passive LAN/ Access
1.5% of the QGR
components) switch active < 99.0% to >=
98.0% value
availability) 3% of the QGR
<98.00% value
>=99.75% No Penalty
(Average < 99.75% to >=99.0% 1% of the QGR value
3 (Availability of
availability of IP
CCTV, NVR system
system < 99.0% to >= 98.0% 2% of the QGR value
<98.00% 3% of the QGR value
Fire Suppression
Quarterly =100.00% No Penalty
and Detection
availability >=99.75% 1% of the QGR value
availability of Fire
Suppression and
(Availability of < 99.75% to >=
Detection System 2% of the QGR value
Fire Suppression 98.00%
as per BMS Fire
and Detection
panel console) 3% of the QGR value
System) <98.00%
>=99.75% No Penalty
Access Control
availability < 99.75% to >=99.0% 1% of the QGR value
5 (Availability of
availability of
Access Control
Access Control < 99.0% to >= 98.0% 2% of the QGR value
Devices / systems)
<98.00% 3% of the QGR value
Public Address Quarterly
System and >=99.75% No Penalty
6 other physical (Average
equipment availability of < 99.75% to >=99.0% 0.25 % of the QGR
availability Public Address value
Page 128 of 333
Sl. Measurement
Service Matrix Target Penalty
No. Interval
System and other
(Availability of physical 0.75 % of the QGR
< 99.0% to >= 98.0%
Public Address equipment as per value
System and BMS console)
other physical
<98.00% 1% of the QGR value
Sl. Measurement
Service Matrix Target Penalty
No. Interval
Delay <= 1
Quarterly No Penalty
Provisioning and De- Hour
Provisioning of Virtual
(Provisioning Delay >1 0.10% of the QGR value
and De- hour to <=5 (For Every instance in
1 provisioning Hours the Quarter)
(Within 1 Hour after the
time after 0.25% for every 1hrs
approval by the
approval for delay & there will be
concerned Authority on Delay >5
individual maximum penalty of 2%
the request of customer) hours
request) of the QGR value for all
the instances combined.
>=99.75% No Penalty
< 99.75% to 0.5 % of the QGR
Overall Cloud Solution (Availability of
2 >=99.00% value
Availability Overall Cloud
solution) < 99.00% to 0.75 % of the QGR
>= 98.00% value
<98.00% 1% of the QGR value
>=99.75% No Penalty
< 99.75% to 0.5 % of the QGR
Cloud Network (Availability of >=99.00% value
Availability Cloud < 99.00% to 0.75 % of the QGR
Network) >= 98.00% value
>=99.75% No Penalty
Security and Incident management Services includes, but is not limited to the following:
• DCO needs to provide complete document on policy that will be followed in SDC, and
periodic report as and when required by JAPIT to track those policy in line with the
policy document
• Monitoring of various devices / tools such as firewall, intrusion detection, content
filtering and blocking, virus protection, and vulnerability protection.
• Setting the root level security policies such as authentication mechanisms (single/multi
factor), password policies such as password length, password complexity, password
expiry, account lockout policy, certificate policies, IPSEC policies etc.
• Maintaining an updated knowledge base of all published security vulnerabilities and
virus threats for related software and microcode etc.
• Ensuring that patches / workarounds for identified vulnerabilities are patched / blocked
• Respond to security breaches or other security incidents and coordinate with respective
OEM in case of a new threat is observed to ensure that workaround / patch is made
available for the same.
• Operating system hardening through appropriate configuration and patch updates.
Periodic reviews of domain level rights and privileges.
• Cooperate with the investigation agency when an incident has been identified.
Sl. Measurement
Service Matrix Target Penalty
No. Interval
Within 2
Hours from
No Penalty
the call
Critical Call Resolution logged
(High Severity Call) Beyond 2 0.25 % of QGR Value
1 Hours and For every 60 minutes
(Time starts from the
(Resolution of penalty delay & there will be
time of call logged at
Critical Call) repeat for maximum penalty of 5
every 60 % for all calls
minutes combined.
Within 24
hours from
No Penalty
the call
Medium Call Resolution Quarterly logged
(Medium Severity Call) 0.25 % of QGR Value
2 Beyond 24 For every 60 minutes
(Time starts from the (Resolution of hours and
time of call logged at Medium type penalty delay & there will be
Helpdesk) Call) maximum penalty of 3
repeat for
% for all calls
every 24
hours delay combined.
Within 60
Minutes from
No Penalty
Quarterly reporting the
Beyond 60
(Reporting to Minutes and
Application Monitoring
4 User penalty 0.25 % of QGR value
Fault Departments in repeat for For every 60 minutes
case of every 60 delay.
application minutes maximum penalty of 1
unavailability) delay from %
reporting the
>=95% to
3% of the QGR value
availability of
the total
Human Resource of any > 7 Days 0.50% of the QGR
2 replacement provided manpower by value (For Each &
under this project equivalent Every unavailable
qualification resource in the
and Quarter)
Note: - To illustrate the human resource availability in case there are 3 shifts per day which
will have 2 people in each shift.
Total shift days in quarter would be = Total days in the quarter x Total shift days
In a quarter if two people were not present in shift-1 for 7 days then, 2 x 7 = 14 shifts days will
be considered for the unavailability of resources.
Uptime % = (Total available shift days for all resources in quarter / total number of shifts days
for all resource in quarter) x 100
Any changes to the levels of service provided during the term of this agreement will be
requested, documented and negotiated in good faith by both parties. Either party can request
and propose the change/s. Changes will be documented as an addendum to this SLA and
subsequently adopt as a part of the Contract.
12 Project Management
To consider the complexity of the project, the implementation of the same requires a robust but
flexible project governance and management structure. It is proposed to form a Project
Monitoring Committee chaired by Competent Authority for providing overall strategy and
policy guidelines with adequate members from the project stakeholders. Further, it is proposed
that a Project Management Unit (PMU) shall be designed and set up for ongoing tracking of the
project. The proposed PMU shall be supporting JAPIT in project monitoring and management
of the project. The Project Governance team should be adequately staffed and strong enough to
identify the risk and suggest risk mitigation.
The Project Monitoring Committee, chaired by Competent Authority, a flexible membership will
exist from the stakeholders on need basis. The committee will be supported by the Project
Management Unit (PMU).
Partial Acceptance Test will be conducted by the JAPIT/ any authorised agency in accordance
with the timelines, scope of work as mentioned in the RFP and the solution documents
proposed by the System Integrator and accepted by JAPIT.
Pre-arrangement for partial Acceptance Test (PAT) would be conducted after successful
renovation & installation and commissioning of equipment, would be the responsibility of
Bidder. PAT process would only be start after the submission of Test case scenario report by
1. All civil, electrical, air conditioning works, etc., are completed as per the RFP
specifications and solution documents proposed by the System Integrator and accepted
2. All hardware and software items must be installed at DC site as per RFP specifications
and solution documents.
3. Availability of all the defined services shall be verified. The System Integrator shall be
required to demonstrate all the features/facilities/functionalities as mentioned in the
RFP and solution documents.
4. System Integrator will arrange the test equipment’s required for performance
verification and also provide documented test results.
5. The System Integrator shall be responsible for the security compliance of the IT
infrastructure and network before the final acceptance test.
6. All documentation as defined in the RFP should be completed before the final acceptance
7. All punch-points of Partial Acceptance Test (PAT) must be addressed and resolved
before the final acceptance test.
Any delay by the DCO in the Final Acceptance Testing shall render the Bidder liable to the
imposition of appropriate Penalties. In the event of the non-completing of the installation in
schedule time due to any delay from JAPIT/Department side then JAPIT may wave-off the
penalty with mutually agreed terms.
Any delay by the System Integrator in the Final Acceptance Testing shall liable the SI for
imposition of appropriate Penalties.
✓ Provide suitable space required for JHSDC 2.0 operation & maintenance and deployment
of associated infrastructure and facilities.
✓ JAPIT shall be responsible for provisioning of the 3-phase power supply to the DCO, and
provide the adequate electricity power for the running of SDC during the complete
contract period.
✓ The overall facilitation and moderation of the HOTO would be the done.
✓ JAPIT would be responsible to arrange for the required number of licenses for JHSDC.
Licenses for applications have to be provided by respective user departments.
✓ Provide the approval of design, implementation plan and schedules.
✓ Provide all necessary support in terms of site availability, clearances, access etc.
✓ Support in resolving issues and escalations with the consortium partner if any.
✓ Timely process the payment as per invoice submitted by system integrator and TPA
✓ If any dependencies/delay occur from JAPIT/Govt. Dept side, before or during the
implementation, the bidder will be entitled for extension of timelines and exemption of
SLA LD/penalties for that dependency/delay only. In this case DCO would not be
accountable for the same.
✓ Any change-request and configuration change will be reviewed and approved by TPA.
✓ NMS system should be configured for auto-reporting of SLA, Dashboard, Ticket Closure
✓ Monitoring of SLA parameters defined for System Integrator/Managed Service
Provider(s) as per the signed agreement.
✓ Periodic Inventory audit of JHSDC 2.0 equipment.
✓ Periodic audit of the operation & associated services and submission of audited report
of JHSDC 2.0.
✓ Periodic Security audit of the JHSDC 2.0 as per Security Standards preferably at an
interval of 6 months after start of successful operation.
✓ Verification and Generation of Reports for implementing SLA.
✓ Verification of Invoices submitted by the System Integrator/Managed Service
Provider(s) and submission of signed reports on Correctness of the same after
incorporating SLA Penalties for the purpose of release of payment by JAPIT.
Various Stakeholders identified for Jharkhand State Data Centre 2.0 are as below:
TPA – Third Party Auditor (After releasing of FAT for the project)
Responsibilities are shown using RACI Matrix which splits project tasks down to four
participatory responsibility types that are then assigned to different Stakeholders in the
Implementation Phase
1. Issue of LOI/PO I R&A --- ---
2. Signing of Agreement (MSA) R A C ---
3. Site Survey for the finalization of proposed solution R&A C --- ---
4. Sharing of Detail Project Plan / Design document R&A C --- ---
5. Approval of Project Plan (Submitted by SI) R A I C
6. Resource planning (Submitted by SI) R&A C --- ---
7. Approval of resource plan R A I C
Restructuring, Procurement, Installation &
8. R&A C I ---
Commissioning of IT and Non-IT devices
Monitoring and Administrative Support as required
9. I R A C
for the Project (By JAPIT)
Periodic updates for progress of Implementation
10. (weekly / monthly / quarterly reports) (Submitted by R&A I I I
11. Review of Project Tracking / Reports submitted by SI I A --- R
12. Dispute Resolution R R A C
13. Escalation Handling I R A C
14. Risk analysis and mitigation I R A C
15. Process for handling Change requests and approvals I R A C
16. Completion of HOTO from existing DCO team R&A C I ---
17. Preparation of Plan and Schedule for Acceptance Test R A I ---
18. Conduct of Acceptance Test I R&A --- C
19. Release of Final Acceptance Certificate I R&A C ---
Release of Payments after completion of agreed
20. I R&A --- C
AMC, FMS and Operation & Maintenance Phase
AMC, FMS and Operations & Maintenance for next five
21. R&A C --- C
years (After FAT)
Finalization of procedures, guidelines, checklists and
22. R A --- C
report Formats
23. SLA Verification and Payment Recommendation I R --- A
24. Release of QGR payment I R&A --- I
The minimum specified work to be undertaken by the bidder for Supply, Installation and
Commissioning for Civil & Renovation Work, Non-IT & IT equipment, and AMC & FMS of JHSDC
2.0 has been categorized as under:
➢ Schedule I: Supply, Installation and Commissioning of the Civil, Restructuring and
Renovation Work including associated AMC & FMS for the proposed JHSDC 2.0 project
➢ Schedule II: Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of the newly proposed
Non-IT Infrastructure and AMC & FMS of exiting Non-IT infrastructure under JHSDC
2.0 project
➢ Schedule III: Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of the IT Infrastructure
and AMC & FMS for the exiting IT Infrastructure under JHSDC 2.0 project
➢ Schedule VI: HOTO of existing IT & Non-IT Infrastructure, Data and Applications from
current DCO Team.
➢ Schedule V: Acceptance Tests i.e. PAT and FAT
➢ Schedule VI: Operations and Maintenance services for the complete Infrastructure
under JHSDC 2.0 which include Civil & Renovation works, IT & Non-IT and Human
Resource at project for the period of 5 years from the date of FAT.
Note:- It is mandatory to the bidder to visit the site and analyze the current status and
future requirement of the Civil, Restructuring and Renovation works under this
Note:- Bidders are advised to study the RFP document carefully and completely. The
selected bidder has to provide the certificate from National Accreditation Board for
Testing & Calibration Laboratories (NABL) for relevant items from their newly
proposed item/device/equipment, at their own cost.
✓ Site Preparation of the proposed Data Centre in terms of the restructuring of Civil, Non-
IT and IT infrastructure, electrical, mechanical and other works required to maintain the
Data Centre.
The overall Scope of Work (SoW) for the bidder to be appointed through this Tender for the
Renovation & Restructuring works (Civil Infrastructure) includes the following but not limited
i) Restructuring of Media Room as an ISP (Telecom) Room
ii) Construction of a New Room as a Breakout Room at terrace
iii) Renovation of Storeroom
iv) Restructuring of Guard Room & Washroom Area
v) Restructuring of Ramps under Data Center premises
vi) Renovation of Server Farm Area
vii) Renovation of DG Sets Area
viii) Renovation of Seating Space under PM Room, NOC Room, Meeting Room, Spare
Rooms etc.
ix) Waterproofing works for Roof
x) Denting & Painting for entire area of Data Center
xi) Maintenance of complete Interior works under Data Center premises
It also includes the scope of relocation of existing ISPs or Telecom links and proper
arrangement of future links for State Data Center. It also included the scope of
relocation of existing fire safe storage (Fireproof almirah) to another place as provided
by JPAIT. Bidder must have to provision biometric access control system for the new
room provided as a media room.
Bidder shall have to Construction of a New Room as a Breakout Room with the
minimum size of 15 ft x 20ft at terrace of the current SDC building. The room shall be
built in temporary manner as side wall with bricks, Roof with Dyna roofing Sheet with
false ceiling, Flooring with vinyl sheets. All sides of the room should be smooth and
painted with suitable quality colour. It should have minimum One Comfort Air
conditioning system and two Fans for proper colling for entire area. The proposed
Breakout Room should be equipped with all the amenities like proper cooling system,
RO system for drinking water.
Bidder shall have to renovate the existing Storeroom structure available at terrace of
the building, it needs to repair the walls, roof and flooring, wall painting, seepage
rectification work is also included in the scope. It shall have to provision the door with
lock and arrangement of electricity and Fans.
It must be equipped with access control system along with the One dome camera for
surveillance system.
Bidder shall have to renovate the current security guard room as one changing room
for security guards besides the stairs space at ground floor which need to be covered
by the ply woods or Gypsum sheet with good finishing and painting of the walls & one
door also need to be provision for the purpose. Proper lighting and fan must be
provision for the area. AND
Bidder shall have to restructure and renovate the current Washroom Area, it needs to
repair the entire washroom area and connecting area which include the complete
replacement of tiles and repairing of pipe lines. It shall have proper arrangement of
cleaning on regular basis. It shall have proper gate and one full length glass in each side.
It needs to replace all the flooring outside of the server farm area with high quality
vitrified tiles.
It needs to provision, One wooden shelf under the staircase area to keep user
departments belongings safe on temporary basis and another closed wooden shelf with
lock & key facility for the employee (min 12) in the current water dispenser area at 1st
It needs to renovate Server Farm area for proper accommodation of new Racks and
devices. It also includes the scope of relocation of existing Racks, devices and links and
proper arrangement of all future requirement of Racks and Devices for State Data
Center. Bidder shall have to provision the proper power and cooling arrangement for
all racks and devices.
It needs to renovate the DG Sets area for proper accommodation of new DG sets and
relocation of existing DG Sets. It includes the scope of develop the foundation for new
DG sets, accommodation of Fuel Tank, proper installation and operation of DG sets and
Panels. Exhaust pipes from DG sets have to be taken over the roof through a shaft or
along all as per CPCB norms. It needs to done all the required cabling for DG sets to
panels and DB Boxes etc.
13.2.8 Renovation of Seating Space under PM Room, NOC Room, Meeting Room,
Spare Rooms
Brief scope of renovation of PM Room, NOC Room, Meeting Room, Spare Rooms etc.
includes but not limited to the following
Bidder shall have to restructure and renovate the current PM Room, NOC Room,
Meeting Room and Spare Rooms, it needs to repair the NOC Room, Meeting Room and
Spare Rooms and connecting area which include the repairing floor, walls, windows,
doors and pipe lines connected to these rooms. The scope includes the seepage
treatment as per the requirement in all these rooms.
It also includes the scope of restructure the seating arrangement for NOC Room (16
Seats), Spare Room1 (06 cubical seats), Spare Room2 (08 cubical seats) & BMS Room
(2 Seats). Bidder shall provision all the seating space must equipped with high end
desktop terminal (Windows latest addition OS, minimum 16 GB of RAM and 500 GB of
SSD disk drive and 21” of screen) with quality chairs. Bidder shall provision one
number of all-in-one laser printer for office use.
Bidder shall have to provision 3x2 number of minimum 55 inch screen for NOC room
and One smart TV of minimum 75 inch for meeting room with all accessories for
monitoring and presentation respectively.
The cabling media selection is based on the connectivity requirements not only for
present day needs but also for future requirements. The expected life of the cabling
shall be considered for minimum 20 Years in respect to supporting multiple
generations of electronic equipment and bandwidth performance improvements, with
minimal requirements for pulling up floor tiles for adding media to raceways.
The cables would be appropriately marked and labelled.
The cables laid to the work area will be routed into the furniture, wall or access outlet
boxes as required and terminated in the respective information outlet and fixed with a
Single/Dual Faceplate.
Bidder shall have done a good quality of waterproofing works for complete roof area.
it needs to repair the connected pipelines for proper flow of rain water in the chamber
at the ground. It shall have proper arrangement of cleaning on regular basis.
Brief scope of work for Denting & Painting for entire area of Data Center
Bidder shall have to renovate the entire Data Center inner and outer area, after
completion of all repairing works, it needs to paint the entire Data Center area. Bidder
must have to use fire rated paint under the data center with smooth finishing and
Exterior paint has to be weather shield proof. All surfaces of the building internal side
must be panted with suitable colour, quality, shade or texture.
a) All electrical cables and wires to be used in the building should be FRLS type.
b) All broken or damaged floor tiles/marvel must be replaced with high quality
vitrified tiles or marvel and complete maintenance of Data Centre building
including, exterior civil works, all electrical installations, sanitary installations,
plumbing works & fittings, cooling installations & fittings, painting and all other
interior and furnishing works during the O&M phase is the sole responsibility of the
successful bidder.
c) Fire alarm system is a must be operative for entire building area.
d) Best Quality materials should be used in Civil Construction, restructuring and
repairing works under this project and for throughout O&M period it should only be
replaced with the same quality products. Below are the dimensions of areas/rooms
of the current SDC required for Civil Construction, restructuring and repairing
works under this project
e) One additional network rack with all amenities like network and power cabling
needs to provision for the existing staging room.
f) Existing UPS and electrical room must be renovated with Electrical Insulation Mats
as per the standard.
g) The Bidder shall take all precautions for safeguarding the environment during the
course of the construction of the works. They shall abide by all laws, rules and
regulations in force governing pollution and environmental protection that are
applicable in the area where the works are situated.
The overall Scope of Work (SoW) for the bidder to be appointed through this Tender for the
Non-IT works include the following but not limited to:
Gas Based Fire Suppression System: The technical area such as Server farm area,
staging area, UPS room, Panel and battery room have fire suppression system with an
alarm such that in case of fire the gas agent gets released through the nozzles and
suppress the fire fully without damaging the electronic devices.
Fire suppression systems are designed to automatically detect and extinguish a fire and
shall be proposed for Server farm area. The system shall be so designed that a fire
condition in any one protected area shall actuate automatically the total flooding of
Close Circuit Television System (CCTV): Surveillance of inside and outside of the facility
have different type of cameras such as fixed/Dome/PTZ high definition cameras with
facility of motion based recording and video analytics. The bidder needs to appraise
the existing and provision for the same.
All critical areas of the Data Centre shall be well equipped with CCTV cameras for online
surveillance on a 24*7 basis. The cameras will be integrated & monitored from the
centralized BMS room. The CCTV system will also incorporate network Video Recorder
and Cameras. The scope includes supply, installation, testing, commissioning of fixed
type as well as PTZ cameras & integration with NVR system for monitoring etc.
Equipotential bonding:
• To overcome the problem of potential differences & increased earthing resistances, it is
proposed to interconnect all the earth pits to make the system as Equipotential bonding
• With this overall earth resistance comes down & redundancy is available for the earth
The following earth stations shall be interconnected at pit level, to achieve Equipotential
• Third pin earthing
• Body earthing of all equipment
Page 158 of 333
13.3.7 Fire Detection and Alarm System
The bidder shall check the working status of existing Fire Alarm System, integrated Fire
Detection & alarm system for the entire premises. Which include all the sensors,
modules, devices are too installed in all areas and voids to cover the entire premises.
The fire alarm system should also be integrated with the BMS through SNMP
CARD/Modbus/BACnet interface to get all the alerts and alarm on the BMS. Each Loop
with 252 device capacity capable to handle the following detectors and devices. All the
detectors/ devices shall be Polarity insensitive. There shall be integration of FACP with
PAC & BMS system.
An alarm extender panel shall be provided where needed. The power supply shall be
a minimum of 6 amps. The power supply shall contain four supervised notification
circuits maximum of 3 amps each circuit. The power supply shall contain built-in
synchronizing modules for strobes and audibles. There shall be a 3 amp filtered
auxiliary power limited output. There shall be a minimum of 8 options as to the
operations of the inputs and outputs.
As per NFPA72/75/76 Standards, the spacing between the Smoke Detectors shall be
designed based on the Air Movement. The system should include Heat Detectors,
Monitor Modules, Response Indicators, Isolation modules & control modules.
Gas suppression system must be operative within the server farm area, staging room,
telecom room, UPS rooms etc. The bidder needs to perform Hydro test for existing Gas
based Fire Suppression system before final renewal the support of the same.
a) The system of wiring shall consist of PVC insulated copper stranded conductor
flexible FRLS wires in non-metallic conduits and shall be concealed or surface
mounted above false ceiling as called for. Wires and conduits shall be IS approved
and ISI marked
b) Prior to laying and fixing of conduits, the contractor shall mark the conduit route,
carefully examine the working layout and satisfy about the non-interference in the
route, sufficiency of number and sizes of conduits, location of junction boxes, sizes
and location of switch boxes and other relevant details.
c) Flexible conduits shall be made of heavy gauge MS strip galvanized after making the
spiral. Both edges of the strip to have interlocking to avoid opening up
d) Wires carrying current shall be so bunched that the outgoing and return wires are
drawn into the same conduit. Wires originating from two different phases shall not
run in the same conduit. All wires shall have ferrules for identification. Lighting and
power circuits shall be separate.
e) Every socket outlet shall be controlled by an individual switch unless mentioned
otherwise. The switch for 6 and 16 amps, socket outlet shall be kept along with the
socket outlet.
f) Existing Lightning Conductor must be revamped and would be properly connected
with Earthing pit through copper wire and maintain its working status for the entire
period of the contract.
g) The Bidder need to check and refill the Gas (if required) for all the Fire Extinguisher
unit. The bidder needs to check the Novec 1230 gas based fire-fighting system or
perform Hydro testing (if required) before extension of the support.
h) The Bidder need to check all the existing metering units installed in PDU, LT Panels,
Utility panels, UPS Output panels and perform the calibration (if required) before
extension of the support.
As a way forward, the broad scope of work under this phase will include the following, but is
not limited to:
The overall Scope of Work (SoW) for the bidder to be appointed through this Tender for the IT
Infrastructure includes the following but not limited to:
a. The bidder shall be responsible for the delivery, installation testing and commissioning of
the servers, storage, network, security, EMS and related equipment in the Data Centre.
b. The bidder shall carry out the planning and layout design for the placement of equipment
in the provisioned Data Centre. The plan and layout design should be developed in a
manner so as to optimally and efficiently use the resources and facilities being
provisioned at the Data Centre.
c. The plan and design documents thus developed shall be submitted to JAPIT for approval
and the acceptance would be obtained prior to commencement of installation.
d. The bidder shall carry out installation of equipment in accordance with plans and layout
design as approved by JAPIT.
e. The seamless integration of all IT and Non-IT devices would be the bidder's responsibility
holistically. Although IT-devices OEM's professional services for integration and
upgradation should be added for best utilisation of these devices.
f. After successful commissioning and FAT completions of the project, the bidder has to
ensure complete handover and knowledge transfer from OEMs for operations and
The bidder along with all of their associated OEMs should commit to provide all necessary
resources and expertise to resolve any issues and carry out required changes, optimizations
and modification to ensure that the IT infrastructure is operational in accordance with the
stipulated service standards in Service Level Agreement.
a. The bidder should provide comprehensive onsite warranty on a 24x7x365 basis for a
period of 5 (Five) years from the date of FAT for all IT infrastructure solution within the
Jharkhand State Data Center. The warranty period shall commence from the date of
acceptance of the entire system i.e. FAT.
b. The onsite technical support should also include all the upgrades, updates and patches
that are released by the respective OEMs during the period of contract.
13.4.4 Technical Support
The onsite Technical Support Team will coordinate JAPIT officials for the resolution of all IT
infrastructure related issues / problems. Technical Support Team shall undertake the
following activities:
a. Log the issues/complaints related to IT infrastructure at the Data Centre and issue an ID
number against the issue/complaint.
b. Assign severity level to each issue/complaint so as to maintain categorization and
differentiate the criticality of the incident via the priority levels, severity levels and
impact levels
c. Track each issue / complaint to resolution.
d. Escalate the issues / complaints, to JAPIT officials if necessary as per the escalation
matrix defined in discussion with JAPIT.
e. Analyse the issue / complaint statistics and bidder’s SLA
a. The bidder shall be responsible for monitoring and administering the network within
the Data Centre up to the integration points with WAN. The bidder will be required to
provide network related services for routers, switches, load balancer services etc.
b. The bidder shall be responsible for creating and modifying VLAN, assignment of ports
to appropriate applications and segmentation of traffic.
c. The bidder would also be responsible for the overall solution within the data Centre
and its integration with other solutions such as NMS, EMS and Cloud Management etc.
d. The bidder shall co-ordinate with the all the stakeholders in case of break fix
maintenance of the OFC/LAN cabling or required maintenance work.
e. The bidder shall be responsible for Installation and maintenance of all devices.
f. The bidder shall be responsible for Configuration, Hardening and Monitoring of all
devices within Data Center
g. The bidder shall be responsible for Implementation and changes of Rule based policy,
Configuration of Security Policy for all devices.
a. The bidder shall be responsible for monitoring and enhancing the performance of
scheduled backups, schedule regular testing of backups and ensuring adherence to
related retention policies
b. The bidder shall be responsible for prompt execution of on-demand backups of
volumes and files whenever required by departments or in case of upgrades and
configuration changes to the system.
c. The bidder shall be responsible for real-time monitoring, log maintenance and
reporting of backup status on a regular basis. The bidder shall appoint administrators
to ensure prompt problem resolution in case of failures in the backup processes.
d. The administrators shall undertake media management tasks, including, but not
limited to, tagging, cross-referencing, storing, logging, testing, and vaulting in fire-proof
cabinets (onsite and/or offsite).
e. The bidder shall also provide a 24 x 7 support for file and volume restoration requests
at the Data Centre.
13.4.8 Patch Management
The bidder shall be responsible to provide all the services related to Patch Management.
The security administrators should be aware of security precautions in place in their
Ensure that there is available documentation of approval as to what traffic is being
allowed through to the internal network. Personnel designated to evaluate patch stability
should have expertise in mission critical systems and be capable of verifying stability of
systems after patch installation.
Before any patch is installed, a full backup of all data and server configuration information
must be made. Best practices for disaster recovery recommend periodic testing of the
restore process to ensure the integrity of the backed up data. The patch management
Page 168 of 333
should be executed efficiently for all kinds of environments like for operating systems and
Data bases.
Selected SI should undertake takeover of equipment and operations from the current DCO
with due diligence and prepare a detailed documentation of the transfer process.
The bidder shall be responsible to take the complete handover of the complete IT equipment,
Non-IT Devices, ISP Links, Other links, other running services for the purpose of availability
and manageability of the services being rendered by currently operational SDC till the time
of complete migration of all the data, applications and services.
Successful bidder has to complete the handover takeover (HOTO) process from current SDC
operator before FAT of JHSDC 2.0. Successful bidder has to deploy the requisite manpower
to maintain the services. Selected bidder has also to maintain operational SLA like uptime of
devices and facility management services etc. AMC support of existing hardware, software
and all devices will be taken care by new team.
Successful bidder shall have to complete the migration of all the applications and services
from current SDC to JHSDC 2.0 within the timeline of FAT.
Testing of the migrated applications and services for the purpose of successful delivery of
the migrated services from JHSDC 2.0 shall be completed within the timeline of FAT.
The bidder shall ensure proper handover and takeover of documents & other relevant
materials in the event of change in personnel.
The current DCO will provide the following to the selected SI:
• Complete and detailed exit management plan prepared by the Existing SI
▪ Current scope of work of DCO under JHSDC project
▪ Complete knowledge transfer about the total IT & Non-IT infrastructure and existing
▪ Proper communication matrix with such like DCO, staff, suppliers, IPSs, Customers and
any related third party as are necessary during operation.
▪ Information relating to the current services rendered and performance data relating to
the performance of the services; Documentation relating to Intellectual Property Rights;
any other project data and confidential information; all current and updated SDC Project
data as is reasonably required for purposes of the SDC Project or for transitioning of the
services to selected SI in a readily available format.
▪ All other information (including but not limited to documents, records and agreements)
relating to the services reasonably necessary to enable the Client and its nominated
agencies, or it’s selected SI to carry out due diligence in order to transition the provision
of the Services to Client or its nominated agencies, or its replacement by Selected SI (as
the case may be).
Page 173 of 333
HOTO Activity Schedule for JHSDC2.0
S. Existing DCO
Activity TimeLine New DCO Scope
No. Scope
Share the detailed Check the shared
Complete and detailed exit
exit management plan and prepare
1. management plan prepare and 4 Weeks
plan to JAPIT & their HOTO plan
share by the Existing DCO
New DCO accordingly.
Share a document Check and share
Scope of work of current DCO under for Scope of work their input (if any)
2. JH-SDC 2 Weeks
with complete or confirm
Share the assets Check and verify
detail sheets for the detail and
Inventory & Assets details (IT, Non- complete IT, Non- share their
3. IT and Utilities) 4 Weeks
IT and other input/additional
utilities request (if any) or
Proper communication matrix with Share a document Check and verify
such like DCO staff, suppliers, IPSs, with complete the detail and
Customers and any related third detail of share their input
4. 2 Weeks communication (if any) or confirm
party as are necessary during
matrix with all
operation. stake holders
Share a document Check and share
Complete knowledge transfer about
for total existing IT their input (if any),
5. the total IT & Non-IT infrastructure 4 weeks & Non-IT infra and confirm after
and existing solution solution complete discussion and
detail verification
Information relating to the current Share a document Check and verify
services rendered and performance with complete the detail and
data relating to the performance of detail which share their input
required for (if any) or confirm
the services; Documentation
transition of the
relating to Intellectual Property services and share AND/OR
Rights; any other project data and the available
6. confidential information; all current 4 Weeks documentation Share the list of
and updated SDC Project data as is relating to IP list, other detail
reasonably required for purposes of User name & required for
the SDC Project or for transitioning Password and smooth O&M
other project data.
of the services to selected SI in a
readily available format.
All other information (including but Share a document Check and verify
not limited to documents, records with detail of all the detail and
and agreements) relating to the the documents, share their input
records, (if any) or confirm
services reasonably necessary to
7. 4 Weeks agreements or any
enable the Client and its nominated other detail
agencies, or it’s selected SI to carry required and
out due diligence in order to requested by New
transition the provision of the DCO
The deliverable for completion of HOTO process would be the sign-off of HOTO Report from
JAPIT, which shall be prepared and submitted by selected SI.
a. Data migration from existing storage to new storage under the guidelines of JAPIT. The
migration process has to be seamless within approved downtime. Bidder has to submit a
complete migration plan to JAPIT for approved and the migration activity shall be
performed by the bidder as per the approved plan.
b. Application migration in coordination with application owners / departments and under
the guidance of JAPIT. The Bidder will get all the necessary support from the application
vendor & JAPIT in terms of migration.
c. The bidder shall have to ensure that required dependencies along with their associated
items are met and/or are included in their solution for the said application migration to
JHSDC 2.0. The bidder shall ensure the migration of all the required application to
upgraded infrastructure.
d. Migration of complete existing infrastructure to the new platform under proposed
solution without any major service impact or within agreed/approved downtime.
e. All applications (including Application Data) need to be migrated from JHSDC to JHSDC
2.0 setup. On the request of bidder, JAIPT would align the respective application vendors
during the planning and implementation of application migration.
f. All other support required for migration process would be provided by JAPIT, respective
department and application vendors
• Organizational Structure - this shows the structure of ITS department and define which
team is responsible or related to the Data Centre operations.
• DC Team Escalation Matrix – this specifies multiple user contacts to be notified in the
event of critical issues or emergency.
• Staff Qualifications – this is to ensure that the team assign to handle the Data Centre are
qualified, trained and has enough experience to properly manage its operations.
• RACI Matrix – this clearly states or assigns who is Responsible, Accountable, Consulted
and Informed in relation to each specific task to be defined as per the requirement
• The bidder shall provide adequate number of manpower, each responsible for its
respective specific role at the SDC. The bidder must provide clear definition of the role
and responsibility of each resource as part of the Bid.
• If the technical qualification of the offered manpower’s CV doesn’t match as per the
resource Qualification and Experience as mentioned in the RFP, then the bidder will
disqualify from this tender process.
• Further JAPIT may consider 25% of maximum deviation in the proposed CVs of
resources at the time of deployment by the successful bidders. The successful bidder
must submit the proper justification from their HR Head at the company letter head.
• Onsite resources will follow six working days per week cycle and will be entitled for all
national holidays. In required resources would be called on Holiday/odd hours, in such
case they will be entitled for compensatory leaves.
• All the critical (L2 & above) onsite resources deployed at SDC have to be on the bidder’s
• Onsite resources for Network, Security and technical support will work in shifts to
provide 24x7x365 onsite operations and maintenance services to SDC.
• All the concerned onsite staff shall log an attendance on a daily basis. The bidder shall
maintain a database of attendance of his staff at the SDC. The attendance database
should have facility to track attendance and draw out MIS reports for verification. The
DCO shall submit the attendance records in the prescribed format, as per schedule or as
and when requested by JAPIT.
Page 178 of 333
• The bidder should ensure that all the personnel identified for this project have high level
of integrity. The bidder should undertake necessary due diligence to ensure that the
personnel have high standard of trustworthiness. The bidder should obtain an
undertaking from each of the personnel assigned and the same should be submitted to
JAPIT as and when demanded.
• The bidder shall be responsible for any mishaps or security breaches that happen due
to bidder’s personnel / personnel appointed by bidder for execution of services.
• A Data Center Manager should be appointed on a full-time basis. The Data Center
Manager shall be responsible for the overall project and shall be a single point of contact
for JAPIT.
• The DCO shall provide and deploy the required human resource on the Site for carrying
out the work, all the provided resources must be skilled and experienced in their
respective trades competent to execute or manage or supervise the work in a proper
and timely manner.
• The bidder shall provide the complied resource with the approval of JAPIT. JAPIT shall
approve all the submitted resource on the basis of Qualification, Experience and/or
Interview and the approval from JAPIT shall be issued within 15 working days from the
date of submission of the request for the same. In case the approval not received from
JAPIT within 15 working days, the fully complied (as per RFP terms) resource may be
deemed approved but in case of non-complied resource it supposed to deemed rejected
whatsoever would be the condition. In case of non-complied resource, it shall only
consider, if JAPIT provide an exceptional approval in view of his/her experience and/or
exclusive knowledge about the product or solution.
• The FAT/Go-live shall be issued by JAPIT, only after the acceptance of the submitted fully
complied (as per RFP terms) resource list.
• Non-complied resource cost would not be considered in the QGR amount, the final QGR
amount would be considered after deduction of non-complied resource cost and all the
penalty would be deducted from the final QGR amount only. Penalty capping would also
be calculated on the final QGR amount after deduction of non-complied resource cost (if
Note: Above human resource requirement table is indicative as minimum requirement for
JHSDC 2.0, bidder should have a clear prospective of the requirement of human resource to
maintain the project and achieve the required SLA. Bidder should have their enough additional
resource to meet the challenge of leave/replacement/changes and smooth delivery of services.
• Data Centre User Manual – This includes all information that is critical to run the Data
Centre from construction phase to operation.
• Data Centre Instructions – This are set of rules inside the Data Centre that prevents any
risk to Data Centre operations.
• Emergency / Crisis Management Plan – This is to ensure control and management inside
the Data Centre during an emergency or abnormal situation.
• SOP’s – Set of instructions or guide to operate DC configurations on normal conditions
and rules for troubleshooting in different space like network, Sever, Cloud, Security, EMS
& NMS, Helpdesk services etc.
• Health & Safety Procedures – Set of HSE guidelines specifically for the Data Centre to
prevent accidents or harm to the DC operation team and visitors.
• Change Management Procedures – This is to review and approve the proposed changes
and evaluate the risk that comes with that change.
• Access Procedures - This access guideline specifies the criteria for granting access to
specific individuals or groups, and the different levels of access allowed.
• List of Equipment – this includes Generator (DG Set), UPS, LT Panel cooling, Fire Alarm
& Suppression, Access control & CCTV and related sensors. It is an indicative list not an
exhaustive one.
• Specialized Vendor Details – This contains the details of the vendor(s) assigned to
maintain DC equipment. Technician information, qualifications and certifications should
be available.
• Service Level Agreements – Should clearly define the Response Time and Conditions to
match our requirement as well as OEM recommendations.
• Planned Preventive Maintenance (PPM) – PPM schedule should be fixed for the entire
period of contract. So that team can plan other activities accordingly without conflict.
• Sequence of Operation – This shows the operation of any equipment with redundant
functionality in case of a primary source failure. Example: UPS, Generator, etc.
• Escalation Matrix or Emergency Call-out Matrix – This allows to clearly identify the
response team responsible for any equipment failure
• Housekeeping Schedule – This can either be planned or on-call but otherwise required.
Housekeeping Team will be supervised at all times.
• Critical Spare Parts - A detail of spare parts to be made available on site to sustain
operation of DC critical equipment.
Monitor everything continuously at the network level for all assets, physical and virtual, that
reside on the LAN, even those that are offline, and all interconnections between them. This
monitoring should be done on a continuous basis and should be capable of monitoring dynamic
networks & fabrics. Monitor for missing patches or application or configuration changes that
can introduce vulnerabilities or that can be exploited due to any reason.
• Physical or Visual Inspection – This should be on daily basis at random times. Daily
inspection should be routine work for the Data Centre managers. This involves visual
checking of the electrical devices, cooling equipment, UPS, sensors, lighting, etc.
• Online / Remote monitoring – This type of monitoring is applied to all Data Centre
components connected to the network (DCIM) and also to the BMS alerts. This shows
actual information received from sensors, smart devices, etc.
• Critical Alerts – There should be an automated system capable of sending alerts or
notification through Email or SMS to maintain the Data Centre critical system failure that
requires immediate action.
13.7.9 Reporting
This is to communicate the compiled information as outcome of any activity related to the Data
Centre operations. It is important that these documents are accurate, objective and complete
according to its purpose as this is the only relevant factor used for referencing.
a) Data Centre Activity Report – This includes total number of PTA (Permit to access),
PTW (Permit to Work), NOC and CR (Change Request) can be monitored monthly,
quarterly and annually.
b) PM (Preventive maintenance Reports) – This should be submitted on Quarterly basis.
This ensures proper maintenance has been done for each item.
c) Incident Report – It is required to monitor every incident to prevent recurrence.
d) KPI Report – This is to monitor all targeted activities. Can be monitored monthly,
quarterly and annually.
e) The reports supported must include one that monitors service availability (including
Mean Time to Repair (MTTR), Mean Time between Failure (MTBF), and Maximum
Outage Time thresholds (MOTT) and the other that monitors service transaction
response time.
f) The system must provide a historical reporting facility that will allow for the
generation of on-demand and scheduled reports of service related metrics with
capabilities for customization of the report presentation.
g) Infrastructure and Application utilization report & other mandatory or requested
reports need to be submitted by DCO to JAPIT on monthly basis or as and when
required/requested by JAPIT/department
Weekly reports
Consolidated component-wise ICT infrastructure availability and resource utilization
report as mentioned bellow has to be submitted to JAPIT and any authorized agency in
i) Issues / Complaints Analysis report for virus calls, call trend, call history, etc.
ii) Summary of systems rebooted.
iii) Summary of issues / complaints logged with the OEMs/Venders.
iv) Inventory of spare parts in the Data Centre.
v) Summary of changes undertaken in the Data Centre including major changes like
configuration changes, patch upgrades, database reorganization, storage
reorganization, etc. and minor changes like log truncation, volume expansion,
user creation, user password reset, etc.
vi) Log of backup and restoration undertaken
Monthly reports
Consolidated component-wise ICT infrastructure availability and resource utilization
report as mentioned bellow has to be submitted to JAPIT and any authorized agency in
hardcopy as well as in softcopy.
i) Component wise IT infrastructure availability and resource utilization.
ii) Consolidated SLA / non-conformance report.
iii) Summary of component wise Data Centre uptime.
iv) Summary of changes in the Data Centre.
v) Log of preventive / scheduled maintenance undertaken
vi) Log of break-fix maintenance undertaken
vii) Summary of attendance of On-Role/Off-Role Human Resource worked for
Jharkhand State Data Centre 2.0 Project.
Quarterly reports
Consolidated as well as detail component-wise ICT infrastructure availability, bandwidth
utilization, resource utilization and human resource availability report as mentioned
bellow has to be submitted to all the stockholders involved in the project in hardcopy as
well as in softcopy.
i) Component wise IT infrastructure availability and resource utilization.
ii) Consolidated SLA / (non)-conformance report.
Page 190 of 333
iii) Summary of component wise Data Centre uptime.
iv) Summary of changes in the Data Centre.
v) Log of preventive / scheduled maintenance undertaken
vi) Log of break-fix maintenance undertaken
vii) Details of attendance of all manpower availability at the Data Centre.
Half-Yearly reports
Consolidated component-wise ICT infrastructure availability and resource utilization
report as mentioned bellow has to be submitted to all the stockholders involved in the
project in softcopy.
i) Data Centre Security Audit Report
ii) IT infrastructure Upgrade / Obsolescence Report.
iii) Consolidated component-wise ICT infrastructure availability and resource
utilization report to be submitted to all the stockholders involved in the project
in hardcopy.
After completion of Upgradation, Installation and Commissioning of all IT and Non-IT devices,
the selected bidder shall provide a min 7days training to 10-15 people at the SDC premise.
Training will cover the SDC Implementation, operations & management and other aspects or as
decided by the JAPIT/Department. All the required training material will be provided to the
participants by the successful bidder. The training shall cover both IT and Non-IT components
involved in the civil renovation part of SDC and shall be provided by Certified Professionals. All
the training material will be provided by the successful bidder, before the commencement of
Bidder shall provide the necessary training to JAPIT officials and authorised team members for
the purpose of concrete monitoring of the Data Centre operation and management. Data Centre
Trainings facilitate the team for the basic and effective knowledge on how the facility operates
as per the implemented design. This involves network connections, ISP links detail, Power (Raw
& UPS) utilization, cooling and all other support.
The training, in addition to the topics mentioned in the table below, shall cover the following
important technical areas:
13.7.12 Documentation
The bidder shall be required to submit documentation in the format, media and number of
copies as decided mutually with JAPIT. The documentation shall be kept updated throughout
the contract period with appropriate change management procedures and version control. It is
advisable to follow international standards and best practices like ISO standards while creating
the documentation.
i. Project Commencement: Project Plan in MS Project giving out micro level activities
with milestones & deadlines
ii. Delivery of Material: Original Manuals from OEMs.
iii. Training: Training Material will be provided which will include the presentations
used for trainings and also the required relevant documents for the topics being
iv. Process Documentation: the bidder shall be responsible for preparing process
documentation related to the operation and maintenance of each and every IT
component of the SDC. The prepared process document shall be formally signed off
by JAPIT before completion of final acceptance test.
v. The bidder shall document all the installation and commissioning procedures and
provide the same to JAPIT within one week of the commissioning of the SDC.
vi. Manuals for configuring of switches, firewall, IPS etc shall be provided by the bidder.
vii. The bidder shall be responsible for documenting configuration of all devices and
keeping back up of all configuration files, so as to enable quick recovery in case of
failure of devices.
viii. The bidder shall submit the report on best security practices & further improvement
& enhancement of the SDC to JAPIT.
ix. SDC, being a property of JAPIT, it reserves the right to verify the process and
documentation submitted, at any given point of time
x. The bidder shall be responsible for creation and maintenance of all the
documentation including but not limited to configuration documents, network
diagram, Data Centre operation manual, system administration manual, security
administration manual, password management manual, etc. The servicing manual
should cover all the procedures and information necessary for the diagnosis and
repair of faulty units or components of every type.
xi. The bidder shall get all these documents approved by JAPIT.
xii. The bidder shall be also responsible for maintenance and updation of all the policy
documents including but not limited to security policy, backup policy, archival
policy, backup policy, anti-virus policy, etc.
xiii. The bidder shall make changes to the documents as and when there is change in the
IT infrastructure components or policies or as and when required by JAPIT.
xiv. The bidder shall maintain a library of various artefacts including, but not limited to,
documents, manuals, knowledge bases, CD / DVDs, etc. pertaining to all the
components supplied by various OEMs. The bidder should keep a track of all the
artefacts and manage the issue and return of the artefacts into the library.
xv. All the documents would be solely owned by JAPIT.
Page 193 of 333
• Asset list – detail of equipment/devices installed at Data Centre.
• Licenses – licenses for all IT, Non-IT, applications, databases and passive components
(wherever applicable) should be made available for support and service.
• Operation manuals – used as reference for the equipment functions.
• Procedure manuals – used as reference for the specified OEM procedures.
• Data Sheets – reference for ala equipment specification.
• Equipment Set Points – reference for equipment configuration.
• Testing and Commissioning – verifies proper operations of systems via documented
testing procedures and establishes performance criteria in line with OEM standards.
• Warranty Certification – an effective warranty management program secures
operational stability through knowing the limits and exceptions of the product as per
OEM. This includes all electrical, IT, Non-IT, and passive components (wherever
applicable) and should be made available for support and service
13.7.13 Certification
There are many operational standards have been chosen from International Standard
Organization (ISO) which provide the standards that guide day-to-day processes and
procedures for Data Centre operation. Bidder shall be responsible to perform Sustenance audit
for all below certification (latest version) for the entire contract period and these Data Centre
Certification should be renewed on schedule and all related cost for the certification will be
borne by bidder:
a. ISO : 27001
b. ISO : 20000
Visitors have to refrain from entering State Data Center premises except when permission has
been granted by a JAPIT, and only when accompanied by a data center team, unless otherwise
RR4312X with
10TB* 6 SATA * AMC for 1
3.7 NETGEAR RR4312 Nos 1 1
Enterprise Hard Year only
Drive with RAID-
NAS 4312V2
with 10TB* 6 * AMC for 1
3.8 NETGEAR 4312V2 Nos 1 1
SATA Enterprise Year only
Hard Drive with
Cyber Security
4 Software &
Antivirus Client Extension of
4.1 F-Secure Ver. 15 Nos. 100 Yes
(End Point Support
Extension of
4.2 Server Security F-Secure Ver. 15 Nos. 100 Yes
Extension of
4.3 Server Security F-Secure Ver. 11 Nos. 100 Yes
Cyber Security Extension of
4.4 Acunetix Ver. 14.1 Set 1 Yes
VA Tool Support
SQL Server Perpetual
4.5 Microsoft 2017 Nos. 4 N/A
Enterprise Core license
Infrastructure Perpetual
4.6 Microsoft 2016/2019 Nos. 768 N/A
Server Suite Data license
center Core
SQL Server Perpetual
4.7 Microsoft 2019 Nos. 200 N/A
Enterprise Core license
System Center Perpetual
4.8 Microsoft 2019 Nos. 1024 N/A
Data Center Core license
Windows Server Perpetual
4.9 Microsoft 2019 Nos. 1920 N/A
Data center Core license
Note: - *A proposal for One year AMC shall be asked by JAPIT and after review of submitted
proposal, Work order for One year AMC would be issued by JAPIT as per requirement.
Note: JAPIT may request for AMC proposal for the remaining tenure of the project for the above
equipment/solution after completion of 5 years of AMC support period for the above
14.6 Bill of Quantity for Non-IT material to provision AMC for JHSDC2.0
Sr. Existing
Asset Description Make Model, if any Support
No. Quantity
1 Precision AC (22 Tr) FlaktGroup D73AVH 4 4
400 KVA Isolation
2 Voltex Voltex 2 2
3 125 Kva UPS Frame Eaton Eaton 4 4
4 Votex IT25 2 2
5 20 KVA UPS Eaton 9145 2 2
6 Fixed Dome Camera Honeywell CALIPD-1A/36-VP 18 18
Outdoor PTZ
7 Honeywell CALIPD-1A/36-VP 4 4
8 Manual Call Point Honeywell XLS-270(MCP) 5 5
NOVEC 1230
9 Fenwal/Rama NOVEC1230 3 3
10 Gas Release Panel Ravel RE-120GR 1 1
11 Release Switch Ravel RE-716MG 1 1
12 Abort Switch Ravel RE-716MY 1 1
13 Actuator Assembly Fenwal 890191 1 1
14 ACS Controller Honeywell TS2 1 1
15 Door Controller Honeywell RTU-A08 12 12
16 Smart Card Reader HID HID-iclass SE 10 10
17 Bio-Metric Reader HID HID-iclass 2 2
18 Ceiling Speaker BOSCH LBD 0606/10 22 22
19 Box Speaker BOSCH LBD 3902/D 2 2
20 Voice Alarm
BOSCH LBD 0606/10 1 1
21 Amplifier BOSCH NA 1 1
22 Call Station BOSCH NA 1 1
23 RH Sensor Greystone RH100B03K 3 3
24 Rodent Repellent
Maser NA 3 3
25 WLD Panel Jayfire systems JE-3523 1 1
Notes:- All the above materials are under warranty/AMC till Nov’2023, So comprehensive AMC support
shall be extended for 5 years for JHSDC2.0 project period or the till the declared EOSL of respective
Notes:- Bidder need to provide the cost in the financial bid, for all the buy-back equipment after Go-live
till completion of the project.
14.7 Civil and Reconstructing work detail with all material & Services
under JHSDC2.0
Miscellaneous Charges
(Charges for the completion of all the
7 Quote 7 LOT 1
tasks as per the RFP scope but not listed
Note: - Bidder must visit the JHSDC site for estimating the civil work and reconstructing of the existing
structure, as per mentioned in the RFP.
1 Bidder shall be sole responsible for JHSDC 2.0 Implementation, Migration, Operation &
Maintenance along with regular data backup as per SLA.
2 Bidder shall comply with the overall terms and conditions of RFP.
3 JAPIT may ask the SI to supply the additional equipment (Hardware & Software) during the
entire contract period at the terms of contract.
Hard disk
5 Minimum 2 x 960 GB 12G SSD Drives
drive with carrier
6 SAS Raid Controller with RAID 0/1 with 4GB cache
Dual port 25G (50GbE per blade bandwidth) Ethernet Adaptor. Dual
Port 32G (64 Gbps per blade bandwidth) should be provided to SAN.
In case the bidder decides to provide converge architecture instead of
separate network and FC ports, server should provide a minimum of
100 Gbps of bandwidth with Converged network adapter ports across
Connectivity to
7 two or more cards. Card level redundancy should be offered for both
the architecture (Converged, Separate Ethernet and FC).
Each Blade should have redundant network Connectivity to all the
Chassis Interconnect modules.
Server must be populated with all internal mLOM, PCI-e slots with
Connectivity cards to offer maximum throughput to the overall
Network on Day 1.
8 Redundancy The blade server to be provided with card level redundancy.
KVM should be able to allow Server access from Windows, Linux, Sun or Mac desktops via
a wide range of Web browsers or standalone client.
KVM should have Tiering/ Cascading/ Daisy Channing capacity to access minimum 16 to
maximum 256 servers.
The KVM should be capable of providing view access of a connected server to multiple IP
18 It should support 256-bit SSL AES or 128-bit RC4 encryption.
Single window access to all the equipment connected to the switch, equipment access logs,
and event history and should send email alerts based on log details as triggers.
It should have the capability to integrate with centralized management tool to give central
access to multiple devices i.e. KVM switches, Serial consoles and IPDUs.
19’’ TFT monitor/ Console Specifications
21 Form Factor - 1U 19-inch Rack mountable
22 Display Type - 19" LCD
23 Display Size -19" TFT
24 Video Input - VGA
25 Contrast Ratio - Min 1000:01:00
26 Display Colors - Min 16.7 million or better
27 Resolution - Min 1280x1024 @75 Hz or better
28 Keyboard - Notebook style
29 Number of Keys - 104 keys with number pad
30 Pointing Device - Integrated touchpad
31 Power - 110-240V, 50~60Hz, auto-sensing
23 The proposed IPS must be able to support GTP inspection for GPRS/3G mobile networks
The proposed IPS must be able to control the known bad host such as spyware, botnet C2
server, spam and so on based on country of origin, exploit type and the reputation score
The proposed management system shall also be able to provide a customized 'At-a-glance-
Dashboard' to provide overall status of the network traffic and attack going through
The proposed IPS system must support SNMP and a private MIB that can be utilized from
an Enterprise Management Application such as HP OpenView, MRTG, etc.
The central management server should serve as a central point for IPS security policies
management including versioning, rollback, import and export (backup) tasks.
The management server must provide rich reporting capabilities include report for All
28 attacks, Specific & Top N attack, Source, Destination, Misuse and Abuse report, Rate limiting
report, Traffic Threshold report, Device Traffic Statistics and Advance DDoS report
The management server must support the archiving and backup of events and export to
29 NFS, SMB, SCP and sFTP and must allow the report to be exported into other format such as
The proposed IPS should have simulation engine to submit unknown samples for simulation
30 and create IOC's on real time basis as per analysis and revert back to NIPS to block threats
for zero day threat protection.
Should have at least inbuilt 15000 signatures/Filters pertaining to security and applications
apart from user define signatures/filters
32 Proposed solution should not be declared end of sale and end of support for coming 5 years
33 Solution should be in Gartner leader's quadrant as per latest report.
12 The backup software should be capable to supporting 99,999 backup sessions in day one
13 The backup software should be capable of supporting min 1000 concurrent sessions
The proposed backup solution has certified “hot-online” backup solution for different type
of databases such as of Microsoft Exchange Server, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft
14 SharePoint Server, Oracle, Informix Server, SAP R/3, SAP MaxDB, Lotus Notes/Domino
Server, IBM DB2 UDB, Sybase database objects, SAP HANA, VMware vSphere, Hyper-V
objects etc.
The proposed backup solution must be able to rebuild the backup database/catalogue
from tapes in the event of catalogue loss/corruption.
16 The proposed backup solution shall provide granularity of single file restore.
The proposed backup solution shall support synthetic full backup so that an incremental
17 forever approach may be implemented, where an actual full backup is no longer necessary
as it can be constructed directly from the disk based incremental backups.
18 The proposed backup solution shall also support disk based virtual full backup approach.
The proposed backup software should be able to integrate with the existing backup
software media / devices also.
Wall hanging Automatic Voltage Stabilizer having Delay timer, power indicator with Volt-
8 Propose the machine having robust performance with 5 year onsite support & service
6 Side panels should be split type with single locking slam latch.
The proposed system shall be based on Distributed Networkable Intelligent system. The
4 system shall be microprocessor based Direct Digital Controllers (DDC) shall interface with
relays, sensors, actuators and safety & utility systems
System architectural design shall eliminate dependence upon any single device for alarm
5 reporting and control execution. Each DDC Controller shall operate independently by
performing its own specified control, alarm management, operator I/O and data collection.
Page 254 of 333
Sr. No. Minimum Requirement Specification
The failure of any single component or network connection shall not interrupt the execution
of control strategies at other operational devices.
DDC Controllers shall be able to access any data from any other DDC Controller or
combination of controllers on the network without dependence upon a central processing
device. DDC Controllers shall also be able to send alarm reports to multiple operator
workstations without dependence upon a central processing device.
The BMS system shall utilize industry standard protocols like BACnet, LON, KNX, OPC,
7 DALI,M-Bus and thereby support various third party systems using standard hardware and
software to link various functional nodes into a single integrated system.
The database shall be scalable. The data sources of the web server can be from the local
nodes or from different computers on the network and via DSL/ ADSL/ ISDN. Archiving
8 should be capable of being done based on time, data quantity or manually. The database
should contain alarm and event data from the process level, event data from the controller
level and management level, trends, user log data
It should be possible to regulate activities and processes based on working and operating
9 times as well as legal and personal holidays. It should be possible to implement switching
circuits across various controllers and networks.
Apart from the time based scheduling, it should be possible to switch and operate circuits
10 based on specific events. It should be possible to combine several events and conduct batch
type switching.
It should be possible to document chronologically and monitor real time data (online) and
11 past process data (offline). All monitored data shall be recorded and shall be available in
graphical format for viewing on screen or printing.
Control Level DDC Controllers shall be at least a 32 Bit Microprocessor. They shall also be
multi-tasking, multi-user, real-time digital control processors consisting of modular
hardware within a protective enclosure for ease of maintenance. Controller size shall be
sufficient to fully meet the requirements of this specification and the attached point list. The
system shall be both compact, i.e. DDC‟s with on board inputs and modular with Capability
of adding additional Input/ Output modules as required. Overall, the system shall permit
12 expansion of both capacity and functionality through the addition of sensors, actuators, DDC
Controllers, Application Specific Controllers and operator devices. The DDC‟s shall have be
onboard Ethernet interface. The controllers should also have an option of connecting to
other controllers through a high speed network/ bus. They should be available with
interfaces to 3rd party equipment using standard protocols like BACnet, Modbus, M-Bus,
KNX. The DDC controller shall have an Integral Display which should display all parameters
and allow overriding of outputs.
Online configuration The DDC‟s shall support remote configuration and operation. All
configurations shall be permissible while the system is on-line without interruption to
monitoring and control on other channels. Systems that require going off line for
programming/ configuration shall not be acceptable. The configuration tool must be web
based and be easily deployable. It should contain all modules necessary for configuring the
All products (PCU's, TDCU's and ID's) shall contain LonWorks/ BACNet/ Modbus
networking elements to allow ease of integration of devices from multiple vendors.
Reports and Logs. Provide a reporting package that allows the operator to select, modify, or
create reports. Each report shall be definable as to data content, format, interval, and date.
Total current harmonic distortion to be 3% or less at 100% rated load
Each pluggable type, swappable and user replaceable Power module should have its own
full rated rectifier, full rated inverter & battery charging circuit.
The Modules should have Redundant variable speed fans and capable of maintaining the
system in event of single fan failure.
The Modules should be mounted on to safe back plane of separate AC and DC power without
use of any interconnecting power cables.
The 3 Phase UPS modules comprising of rectifier, Inverter, charger etc. must be hot
9 swappable. It shall be possible to plug out the Heathy or Faulty UPS sub module from the
frame in normal Online Double Conversion operation.
Battery bank to be VRLA (SMF) type. Each UPS must have battery backup for 15 minutes
considering load power factor of 0.9 till end of 5th year.
Sn. Application Name URL Status
Dept of Labour.
1 Employment & CLMS Portal Production
2 Dept of Law Advocate General Production
3 Dept of Law vidhi Portal Production
Dept of State
Urban Property Tax
4 Production
Development Application
Dept of Land &
5 MRR Application Production
Dept of Mines &
6 JIMMS Application Production
Dept of Mines &
7 JIMMS Portal Production
Dept of Mines &
8 JIMMS Services Production
Dept of Mines &
9 JIMMS Vehicle Production
Dept of Mines &
10 JIMMS API Production
Dept. of Mines &
11 VTS Application Production
Dept of IT & e-
12 AUA API Production
Dept of CM
13 CM Portal Production
Dept of
14 Jharkhand JTDCL Application Production
Dept of
15 Jharkhand JTDCL Portal Production
Dept of Food,
16 Distribution & PDS Application Production
Dept of Food,
17 Distribution & PDS Food service Production
Dept of Food,
18 Distribution & PDS Web service Production
Dept of Food,
19 Uparjan Portal Production
The CEO,
Jharkhand Agency for Promotion of IT (JAPIT)
Ranchi, Jharkhand
Subject: Request for Proposal (RFP): Selection of System Integrator for Upgradation, Operation
and Maintenance of Jharkhand State Data Centre 2.0 (JHSDC 2.0).
We have examined the RFP, the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we, the
undersigned, offer to provide best of quality goods and professional services as required and
outlined in the RFP for the Selection of System Integrator for Upgradation, Operation and
Maintenance of Jharkhand State Data Centre 2.0 (JHSDC 2.0) to meet such requirements and
provide such services as required are set out in the RFP.
We attach hereto the technical response as required by the RFP, which constitutes our proposal.
We undertake that, if our proposal is accepted, to adhere to the Project Timeline and Service
Levels given in the RFP for various activities.
If our proposal is accepted, we will obtain a performance bank guarantee in the given format in
the RFP document issued by a Scheduled Commercial Bank in India, acceptable to JAPIT, for a
sum equivalent to 10% of the total price quoted in our financial proposal for the due
performance of the contract.
We agree for unconditional acceptance of all the terms and conditions set out in the RFP
document and also agree to abide by this tender response for a period of 180 days from the bid
opening date and it shall remain binding upon us with full force and virtue, until within this
period a formal contract is prepared and executed, this tender response, together with your
written acceptance thereof in your notification of award, shall constitute a binding contract
between us and JAPIT.
We confirm that the information contained in this proposal or any part thereof, including its
exhibits, schedules, and other documents and instruments delivered or to be delivered to JAPIT
is true, accurate, and complete. This proposal includes all information necessary to ensure that
the statements therein do not in whole or in part mislead JAPIT as to any material fact.
We agree that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any tender response you may receive.
We also agree that you reserve the right in absolute sense to reject all or any of the products /
services specified in the tender response.
We declare that our bid prices are for the entire scope of the work as specified in the technical
specification and bid documents. These prices are indicated as per the bid form attached with
our proposal as part of the Financial Bid.
It is hereby confirmed that we are entitled to act on behalf of our corporation/ company/ firm
/ organization and empowered to sign this document as well as such relevant documents, which
may be required in this connection.
Having the Power of Attorney & duly authorized to sign the Tender Response for and on
behalf of:
Witness Signature:
Witness Name:
Witness Address:
The CEO,
Jharkhand Agency for Promotion of IT (JAPIT)
Ranchi, Jharkhand
Thanking you,
Name: ___________________________________
Designation: _____________________________
The CEO,
Jharkhand Agency for Promotion of IT (JAPIT)
Ranchi, Jharkhand
I have carefully gone through the Terms & Conditions contained in the RFP Document
[JAPIT/JH-SDC2.0/01/2021] regarding RFP for the Selection of System Integrator for
Upgradation, Operation and Maintenance of Jharkhand State Data Centre 2.0 (JHSDC 2.0) at
JAPIT Campus, Dhurva, Ranchi.
I declare that all the provisions of this tender document read along with the proposal submitted
by my Company along with my all partners. I certify that I am an authorized signatory of my
company and therefore, competent to make this declaration. I further certify that,
interpretation made by JAPIT technical committee is the final and binding on me.
We as Implementing Agency do hereby undertake that we shall monitor, maintain, and comply
with the service levels stated in the RFP to provide quality service to JAPIT. However, if the
proposed resources, Non-IT Infrastructure and ICT components are found to be insufficient in
meeting the RFP scope and/or the service level requirements given by JAPIT, then we will
augment and commission the same without any additional cost to JAPIT.
Yours sincerely,
The CEO,
Jharkhand Agency for Promotion of IT(JAPIT)
Ranchi, Jharkhand
Sub: Submission of the pre-qualification compliance in response to the RFP No. JAPIT/JH-
SDC2.0/01/2023dated DD/MM/YYY, RFP for the Selection of System Integrator for
Upgradation, Operation and Maintenance of Jharkhand State Data Centre 2.0 (JHSDC 2.0)
Dear Sir,
We, the undersigned, offer to the supply and installation approach in response to the Request
for Proposal No. JAPIT/JH-SDC2.0/01/2023 dated DD/MM/YYYY for the “Selection of System
Integrator for Upgradation, Operation and Maintenance of Jharkhand State Data Centre 2.0
(JHSDC 2.0)”. We are hereby submitting our pre-qualification compliance in response of the
We hereby declare that all the information and statements made in this eligibility criteria are
true and accept that any misinterpretation contained in it may lead to our disqualification.
We undertake, if our Proposal is accepted, to initiate the Implementation services related to the
assignment not later than the date indicated in Fact Sheet.
We agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of the RFP and related
corrigendum(s)/addendum(s). We would hold the terms of our bid valid for 180 days as
stipulated in the RFP.
We hereby declare that as per RFP requirement, we have not been black-listed/debarred by
any Central/State Government during last five (5) years.
We understand that you are not bound to accept any Proposal, you received.
Yours sincerely,
(Seal & Signature of the Authorized signatory of the System Integrator)
S. Documentary Compliance
Eligibility Criteria Reference
No. Evidence (Yes/No)
(Page No.)
The Bidder should be incorporated or
registered under Companies Act, 1956 or
as amended 2013 or LLP
firm/Partnership firm register under LLP
Act 2008 since last five financial years as
on March 31, 2022
We hereby confirm that all the above information and statements made in this eligibility
criteria are true and accept that any misinterpretation contained in it may lead to our
Yours sincerely,
The CEO,
Jharkhand Agency for Promotion of IT(JAPIT)
Ranchi, Jharkhand
Sub: Submission of the Technical bid in response to the RFP No. JAPIT/JH-
SDC2.0/01/2023dated DD/MM/YYY, RFP for the Selection of System Integrator for
Upgradation, Operation and Maintenance of Jharkhand State Data Centre 2.0 (JHSDC 2.0)
We, the undersigned, offer to the supply and installation approach in response to the Request
for Proposal No. JAPIT/JH-SDC2.0/01/2023 dated DD/MM/YYYY for the “Selection of System
Integrator for Upgradation, Operation and Maintenance of Jharkhand State Data Centre 2.0
(JHSDC 2.0)”. We are hereby submitting our Technical Bid in response of your request.
We undertake, if our Technical Proposal is accepted, to initiate the Implementation services
related to the assignment not later than the date indicated in Data sheet.
We agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of the RFP document. We would hold the
terms of our bid valid for 180 days as stipulated in the RFP document.
We hereby declare that we are not insolvent, in receivership, bankrupt or being wound up, our
affairs are not being administered by a court or a judicial officer, our business activities have
not been suspended and we are not the subject of legal proceedings for any of the foregoing.
We understand you are not bound to accept any Proposal you receive.
Yours sincerely,
Documentary Proposal
S. Obtained
Technical Qualification Evidence Reference
No. (Self-
(Y/N) (Page No.)
The Bidder average annual turnover in
1. last five years in (i.e. FY 2016-17 to FY
20-21 OR FY 2017-18 to FY 21-22)
The Bidder’s average annual turnover in
last five financial years from below
elements –
IT/ICT Services (Consulting / Facility
Management Services/IT Support etc.)
The Bidder experience of
implementation / completion and
operation of project having Data
Centre/Data centre projects (Other than
SDC/NDC project) having IT & NON-IT
components for any Central / State
3 Governments / PSUs / Banking &
Financial Institutions, Telecom and IT
companies in India during the last Seven
(7) years as on the last date of bid
We hereby confirm that all the above information and statements made in this technical
qualification compliance are true and accept that any misinterpretation contained in it may lead
to our disqualification.
Yours sincerely,
Whereas _______________ (hereinafter called the “tenderer”) has submitted their offer
dated DD/MM/YYY for the Selection of System Integrator for Upgradation, Operation
and Maintenance of Jharkhand State Data Centre 2.0 (JHSDC 2.0) hereinafter called the
“tender”) against the purchaser’s tender enquiry No. JAPIT/JH-SDC2.0/01/2023 Dated
DD/MM/YYY KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that We ______________< Bank Name> of
__________________ _______________________having our registered office at _______________
_____________________________ are bound unto ___________________ _________________________
(hereinafter called the “Purchaser) in the sum of ______________ _____________________________
for which payment will and truly to be made to the said Purchaser, the Bank binds itself,
its successors and assigns by these presents.
Sealed with the Common Seal of the said Bank this ___ day of _____ , 2018.
(1) If the tenderer withdraws or amends, impairs or derogates from the tender in any
respect within the period of validity of this tender.
(2) If the tenderer having been notified of the acceptance of his tender by the purchaser
during the period of its validity:-
a. If the tenderer fails to furnish the Performance Security for the due performance of the
We undertake to pay the Purchaser up to the above amount upon receipt of its first
written demand, without the Purchaser having to substantiate its demand, provided
that in its demand the Purchaser will note that the amount claimed by it is due to it
owing to the occurrence of one or both the two conditions, specifying the occurred
condition or conditions.
Page 296 of 333
This guarantee will remain in force up to and including 180 days from the last date of
tender submission date/ tender validity date and any demand in respect thereof should
reach the Bank not later than the above date.
Seal, name & address of the Bank and address of the Branch
Yours sincerely,
Bidders requiring specific points of clarification may submit queries in MS excel or MS word
documents only using the following format:
Note: The name of the organization and the date shall appear in each page of such as
document/email in the header or footer portion.
(To be executed on Non – judicial stamp paper of INR 100/-or such equivalent amount
and document duly attested by notary public)
This is to certify that << COMPANY NAME >> is not blacklisted by the Government of Jharkhand
or any of its agencies for any reasons whatsoever and not blacklisted by Central / any other
State/UT Government or its agencies for indulging in corrupt or fraudulent practices or for
indulging in unfair trade practices and not backed out from executing the work after award of
the work as on the tender submission date.
Yours sincerely,
Name of Signatory:
Name of Firm:
We M/s ------------- << Company Name with Head office Address >> hereby declare that we have
read the clause regarding restrictions on procurement from a OEM/Supplier/Dealer of a
country which shares a land border with India as per office memorandum dated 23 July 2020
Rule 144(xi) in General Financial Rule (GFRs), 2017 and all addendums and clarifications issued
by Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, Public Procurement Division, Government
of India (F. No. 6/18/2019-PPD).
We certify that our all the quoted products in this tender/RFP (RFP Number - JAPIT/JH-
SDC2.0/01/2023 Dated DD/MM/YYYY) are not from such a country and fulfills all
requirements in this regard and is eligible to be considered.
Yours sincerely,
The CEO,
Jharkhand Agency for Promotion of IT (JAPIT)
Ranchi, Jharkhand
We _______________________, (name and address of the manufacturer) who are established and
reputed manufacturers of __________________ having factories at __________________ (addresses of
manufacturing locations) do hereby authorize M/s _______________________ (name and address of
the Bidder) to bid, negotiate and conclude the contract with you against the above mentioned
tender for the above equipment manufactured by us.
Yours faithfully,
The CEO,
Jharkhand Agency for Promotion of IT (JAPIT)
Ranchi, Jharkhand
We _______________________, (name and address of the manufacturer) who are established and
reputed manufacturers of __________________ having factories at __________________ (addresses of
manufacturing locations) do hereby assure that we would support our
equipment/software/license and freely upgrade them for a period of Five Years of Operations
and Maintenance, from the date of FAT of the project, by M/s _______________________ (name and
address of the Bidder) who has proposed to use for the project Upgradation, Operation and
Maintenance of Jharkhand State Data Centre 2.0 (JHSDC 2.0) or his successor. We would also
adhere to the timelines for maintenance as indicated in this RFP by closely working with the
Bidder or his successor for a period of Six Years from the date of supply of the equipment. We
abide by the commercials quoted by the Bidder towards AMC charges for five years from the
date of successful commissioning of equipment(s) i.e. FAT.
We confirm that the products quoted will not be end of life for next Five Years from the date of
FAT and the proposed equipment/device model is not being introduced in the market later than
2 years back as on date of the bid submission.
Yours faithfully,
Note: This letter of authority should be on the letterhead of the concerned manufacturer and
should be signed by a person competent and having the power of attorney to bind the
The CEO,
Jharkhand Agency for Promotion of IT (JAPIT)
Ranchi, Jharkhand
We warrant that the equipment(s) supplied under the contract would be newly manufactured,
free from all encumbrances, defects and faults in material or workmanship or manufacture,
shall be of the highest grade and quality, shall be consistent with the established and generally
accepted standards for materials of the type ordered, shall be in full conformity with the
specifications, drawings of samples, if any, and shall operate as designed. We shall be fully
responsible for its efficient and effective operation. We also warrant that the services provided
under the contract shall be as per the Service Level Agreement (SLA) with GoJ/JAPIT.
The obligations under the warranty expressed above shall include all costs relating to labour,
spares, maintenance (preventive as well as unscheduled), and transport charges from site to
manufacturer’s works / service facilities and back for repair or modification or replacement at
site of the equipment or any part of the equipment, which under normal care and proper use
and maintenance proves defective in design, material or workmanship or fails to operate
effectively and efficiently or conform to the specifications and for which notice is promptly
given by GoJ/JAPIT to us (Bidder). We shall provide on-site support for all the equipment and
services supplied hereunder during the warranty period of 5 years from the date of FAT and
also provide the entire services for this period.
Average Annual
S. No. Financial Year Annual Turnover
(INR Crores)
(INR Crores)
1 Financial Year 2016-17
2 Financial Year 2017-18
3 Financial Year 2018-19
4 Financial Year 2019-20
5 Financial Year 2020-21
6 Financial Year 2021-22
Note: The audited Financial Statements for the corresponding year (Which ever would be
applicable for the bidder) have to be enclosed.
The CEO,
Jharkhand Agency for Promotion of IT (JAPIT)
Ranchi, Jharkhand
We hereby declare that there are no technical deviations (null deviations) from the
requirement specifications of tendered items and schedule of requirements. The entire work
shall be performed as per your specifications and documents. OR (Strike out whatever is not
applicable) Following is the exhaustive list of technical deviations and variations from the
requirement specifications of tendered items and schedule of requirements. Except for these
deviations and variations, the entire work shall be performed as per your specifications and
Statement of
Specification OEM/
Sl. Specification deviations
Item Name Reference (Page Bidder
No. Description and
& Line No) Name
The CEO,
Jharkhand Agency for Promotion of IT (JAPIT)
Ranchi, Jharkhand
We hereby declare that the below is our local Office/establishment address and detail.
S Phone/ Operation
Location Full Address GST No.
No. Fax since
Project Details
3. Name of the project
4. Government/Non-government
5. Start Date & Completion Date
Current Status
I do hereby acknowledge that the details provided above are true to best of my knowledge.
Yours sincerely,
The bidder shall provide the summary table of details of the human resource that will be
deployed on this project during the implementation phase.
Highest Academic
Qualifications and Years of
S Type of Name of Key
Certifications(e.g. Relevant
No Resource Resources Responsibilities
PMP/CDCP Experience
1 Data Center
2 ---
3 ---
4 ---
5 ---
6 ---
I hereby declare that the above mentioned resource would be available for the project as per
Yours sincerely,
The bidder shall provide the CVs of the proposed human resource that will be deployed on this
project during the implementation phase.
3. Academic Qualifications
Degree Year of Passing Institution/ Specialization (If Any)
From - To University
Name: Signature:
Ref. No._____________________________
The CEO,
Jharkhand Agency for Promotion of IT (JAPIT)
Ranchi, Jharkhand
Dear Sir,
In consideration of Jharkhand Agency for Promotion of IT, JAPIT, Ranchi – 8340004, Jharkhand,
India, (hereinafter referred to as ‘JAPIT’, which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context
or meaning thereof, include all its successors, administrators, executors and assignees) after
receipt of the Letter of Intent (LOI) dated _______________ with M/s __________________________ having
it’s registered / head office at ________________________________________________ (hereinafter referred to
as the SYSTEMS INTEGRATOR) which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or
meaning thereof include all its successors, administrators, executors and assignees) and JAPIT
having agreed that the SYSTEM INTEGRATOR shall furnish to JAPIT a performance guarantee for
10% of the Total Project Cost (TPC) for the faithful performance of the entire contract.
We (name of the bank) ______________________________ registered under the laws of _______ having head
/ registered office at __________________________ (hereinafter referred to as "the Bank", which
expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, include all its successors,
administrators, executors and permitted assignees) do hereby guarantee and undertake to pay
immediately on first demand in writing any / all moneys to the extent of 10% of the Total Project
Cost without any demur, reservation, contest or protest and / or without any reference to the
SYSTEMS INTEGRATOR. Any such demand made by JAPIT on the Bank by serving a written notice
shall be conclusive and binding, without any proof, on the bank as regards the amount due and
payable, notwithstanding any dispute(s) pending before any Court, Tribunal, Arbitrator or any
other authority and / or any other matter or thing whatsoever, as liability under these presents
being absolute and unequivocal. We agree that the guarantee herein contained shall be irrevocable
and shall continue to be enforceable until it is discharged by JAPIT in writing. This guarantee shall
not be determined, discharged or affected by the liquidation, winding up, dissolution or insolvency
of the SYSTEM INTEGRATOR and shall remain valid, binding and operative against the bank.
The Bank also agrees that JAPIT at its option shall be entitled to enforce this Guarantee against the
Bank as a principal debtor, in the first instance, without proceeding against the SYSTEM
INTEGRATOR and notwithstanding any security or other guarantee that JAPIT may have in
The Bank further agrees that JAPIT shall have the fullest liberty without our consented without
affecting in any manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the
said contract or to extend time of performance by the said SYSTEMS INTEGRATOR(s) from time
to time or to postpone for any time or from time to time exercise of any of the powers vested in
JAPIT against the said SYSTEMS INTEGRATOR(s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and
conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability by reason
of any such variation, or extension being granted to the said SYSTEMS INTEGRATOR(s) or for any
forbearance, act or omission on the part of JAPIT or any indulgence by JAPIT to the said SYSTEMS
INTEGRATOR(s) or any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties
would, but for this provision, have effect of so relieving us.
The Bank further agrees that the Guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force during the
period that is taken for the performance of the contract and all dues of JAPIT under or by virtue of
this contract have been fully paid and its claim satisfied or discharged or till JAPIT discharges this
guarantee in writing, whichever is earlier.
This Guarantee shall not be discharged by any change in our constitution, in the constitution of
The Bank confirms that this guarantee has been issued with observance of appropriate laws of the
country of issue.
The Bank also agrees that this guarantee shall be governed and construed in accordance with
Indian Laws and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of Indian Courts of JAPIT.
Notwithstanding anything contained herein above, our liability under this Guarantee is limited to
Indian Rs. (in figures) ______________ (Indian Rupees (in words) ____________________) and our
guarantee shall remain in force until ______________________ (indicate JAPIT date of expiry of bank
guarantee). Any claim under this Guarantee must be received by us before the expiry of this Bank
Guarantee. If no such claim has been received by us by the said date, the rights of JAPIT under this
Guarantee will cease. However, if such a claim has been received by us within the said date, all the
rights of JAPIT under this Guarantee shall be valid and shall not cease until we have satisfied that
In witness whereof, the Bank through its authorized officer has set its hand and stamp on this
_________ Day of _______________ 2023 at ________________
Authorized Signature(s)
The Bidder is supposed to specify a detailed work plan for all activities that will be carried out
during the project implementation phase and proposed engagement of manpower strength on
monthly basis.
Above table is indicate some of the main activities of the assignment, including delivery of
reports (e.g. inception, interim and final reports) and other benchmarks such as Customer
approvals. Duration of activities shall be indicated in the form of a bar chart.
Yours sincerely,
Yours sincerely,
The CEO,
Jharkhand Agency for Promotion of IT (JAPIT)
Ranchi, Jharkhand
Subject: Submission of Financial proposal for “Selection of System Integrator for Upgradation,
Operation and Maintenance of Jharkhand State Data Centre 2.0 (JHSDC 2.0)”.
We, the undersigned Bidder, having read and examined in detail the tender documents for “RFP
for Selection of System Integrator for Upgradation, Operation and Maintenance of Jharkhand
State Data Centre 2.0 (JHSDC 2.0)”. I / we do hereby propose to provide services as specified in
the Tender documents number JAPIT/JH-SDC2.0/01/2023 Dated __/__/______
All the prices mentioned in our Tender are in accordance with the terms as specified in the
Tender documents. All the prices and other terms and conditions of this Tender are valid for a
period of 180 days as desired in the tender
We hereby confirm that our Tender prices include all taxes. However, all the taxes are quoted
separately under relevant sections.
We hereby declare that if any income tax, surcharge on Income Tax, Professional and any other
corporate Tax in altercated under the law, we shall pay the same.
We have indicated in the relevant schedules enclosed the unit rates for the purpose of on
account of payment as well as for price adjustment in case of any increase to / decrease from
the scope of work under the contract.
We declare that all the services shall be performed strictly in accordance with the Tender
documents except for the variations and deviations, all of which have been detailed out
We further confirm that the prices stated in our proposal are in accordance with your
Instruction to Bidders included in Tender documents.
We confirm having submitted the information as required by you in your Instruction to Bidders.
In case you require any other further information/documentary proof in this regard before
evaluation of our Tender, we agree to furnish the same in time to your satisfaction.
We declare that our Proposal Price is for the entire scope of the work as specified in the
Schedule of Requirements and Tender documents.
We hereby declare that in case the contract is awarded to us, we shall submit the PBG bond in
the form prescribed in Proforma of Bank Guarantee towards PBG and as per General Conditions
of Contract. We hereby declare that our tender is made in good faith, without collusion or fraud
and the information contained in the tender is true and correct to the best of our knowledge
and belief. We understand that our tender is binding on us and that you are not bound to accept
a Tender you receive. We confirm that no technical deviations are attached here with this
commercial offer.
Yours sincerely,
The CEO,
Jharkhand Agency for Promotion of IT (JAPIT)
Ranchi, Jharkhand
Subject: Submission of Financial Bid proposal for “Selection of System Integrator for
Upgradation, Operation and Maintenance of Jharkhand State Data Centre 2.0 (JHSDC 2.0)”.
We, the undersigned, offer to provide above service in accordance with your RFP. Our
financial proposal for project is given as below:
Unit Price
(Exclusive Tax at
S.N Item Description Make Model UOM Qty (Inclusive
of all Unit Price
of all
Yours sincerely,
The CEO,
Jharkhand Agency for Promotion of IT (JAPIT)
Ranchi, Jharkhand
1. I/We hereby undertake that at the time of completion of our engagement with JAPIT, either
at the End of Contract or termination of Contract before planned Contract Period for any
reason, we shall successfully carry out the exit management and transition of this Project to
JAPIT or to an agency identified by JAPIT to the satisfaction of JAPIT. I/We further undertake
to complete the following as part of the Exit management and transition:
a. We undertake to complete the updation of all Project documents and other artefacts
and handover the same to JAPIT before transition.
c. If JAPIT decides to take over the operations and maintenance of the Project on its
own or identifies or selects any other agency for providing operations &
maintenance services on this Project, then we shall provide necessary handholding
and transition support, which shall include but not be limited to, conducting detailed
walkthrough and demonstrations for the IT Infrastructure, handing over all relevant
documentation, addressing the queries/clarifications of the new agency with respect
to the working / performance levels of the ICT components , conducting Training
sessions etc.
2. I/We also understand that the Exit management and transition will be considered complete
on the basis of approval from JAPIT.
The following members of the above firms were involved in this Site Visit.
1. ____________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________
Date: _________________
5 Total technically qualified manpower HR Certificates along with employee ID, Name and
(Graduate + OEM certified like CCNA DOJ
VCP/CISA/CISSP or equivalent)
strength working with the
organization in India on company
payroll for past 1 Year
6 The Bidder should have a registered A) Rent Agreement/ownership papers
office in Ranchi. B) Establishment license from local municipal
authorities/Lease Agreement on the name of
7 Technical Presentation for Project Technical Presentation with clearly mentioned all
execution the requested aspects for validation and marking.
Note :-
1. Maximum Three visitors from one organization will be allowed for site visit.
2. During the site visit authorized person of JAPIT will accompany the
3. Any queries related to site visit will entertained at the time of site visit. No
Page 331 of 333
queries will be response after the site visit.
4. Site visit shall be allowed only after tender fee. If Bidders who already visited
the site and wish to re-visit the site, needs to re-submit the tender fee again.
5. The Bidders must submit the “JHSDC Site Visit Request Form” at least one
day prior to proposed date of site visit at IAP-IT office in hardcopy format
along with the tender fee and the copy of all the relevant document mentioned
Yours sincerely,
Important instruction:
1. Commercial bid must be submitted in the BoQ uploaded with Pre-Bid Queries Response
2. Cost sheet (filled and dully signed) as per Performa-30 of the RFP V-2.0 must be
submitted in the PDF format and other required document (if any) in PDF format along
with the BoQ under finical Bid cover.
3. Bidders are advised to read the RFP carefully before filling the cost sheet.
Yours sincerely,