33 Awesome Vegan Thanksgiving Recipes
33 Awesome Vegan Thanksgiving Recipes
33 Awesome Vegan Thanksgiving Recipes
Page 2
Savory Vegan Shepherd's Pie
Simple Vegan “Turkey” Log
Very Vegan Seitan-Tofurkey with Crispy Skin
Leek & Mushroom Couscous Stuffed Squash
Dijon Mushroom Wellington
Vegan Stuffed Tofurkey
Rich Tawny Port Stuffing
Comforting Corn Muffins
Super-Creamy Vegan Mashed Potatoes
Easy & Satisfying Vegan Gravy
Mama’s Best Vegan Gravy
Classic Thanksgiving Stuffing
Italiano Tempeh Stuffing
Green Bean & Mushroom Casserole
Fast & Easy Zucchini Potato Casserole
Gorgeous Garden Squash Bake
Creamy Green Bean & Cashew Casserole
Classic Vegan Mac and Cheese
Spicy Butternut Squash & Quinoa Bake
Maple Glazed Delicata Squash Roast
Unbelievable Umami Root Veggies
Spiced Roasted Veggie Quinoa Salad
Perfect Pumpkin Focaccia Bread
Maple Glazed Pumpkin Cookies
Awesome American Apple Pie
Maca Cacao Truffles
Pumpkin Pie Squares
Pumpkin Spice Muffins
Possibly Perfect Vegan Pumpkin Pie
Oat & Almond Bars With Pumpkin Frosting
Autumn Pumpkin Tart
Vegan Whipped Cream
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Savory Vegan Shepherd's Pie
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● A medium saucepan
● A medium to large frying or saute pan
● A square or round baking dish
● Vegetable peeler
● Potato masher
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b. Spread the potato mixture over top of the veggies. You’ll aim for an even
layer of about ½-1 inch thick.
c. Once the potato topping is spread out, use a fork to create even lines and
fill in the holes. (This will give it some texture and help crisp up the top.)
20. Bake in the center of the oven for 25-30 minutes. There should be at least a
touch of bubbling of the sauce.
21. For a nice browned top, you can grill the dish under the broiler for a couple of
minutes. Some people like to add more vegan cheese to the top for the final
minute, too.
22. Once happy with the brown and cook, take out of the oven and allow it to rest for
at least 5 minutes.
23. Use a knife to cut and a spatula or large cooking spoon to serve. The longer it
rests, the more set it will be. :-).
1. If you're using frozen peas, you should probably cook them with the carrot and
onion, from the start. This will allow enough time for them to cook through during
the whole cooking process.
2. For mashing your potatoes, you can of course use a hand mixer or food
processor if you wish.
3. Consider a topping garnish of roasted or raw pumpkin seeds, or similar, for extra
flavor and protein.
Page 7
Simple Vegan “Turkey” Log
1 TSP onion powder
1/2 TSP garlic powder
1/4 TSP ground black pepper
3 TBSP nutritional yeast
1/2 TSP seasoning herbs*
1 and 1/2 cups wheat gluten
15 oz can of chickpeas, rinsed and drained
3/4 cup water
2 TBSP sesame oil
2 TBSP soy sauce
3 ½ cups of vegan “chicken” stock
1 TSP onion powder
1 1/2 cups wheat gluten
*Seasoning: Create a mix using your favorite herbs. Try a few sprinkles of thyme and rosemary.
Sage would be good, in moderation. It’s a strong flavor, but will help it taste like traditional turkey
● Food processor
● Large glass mixing bowl – glass prevents the gluten from sticking too easily, but
any large mixing bowl you have in your cupboard will work
● Spatula
● Medium pot
● Steamer insert**
**Or counter-top a steamer
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1. In a food processor bowl, add canned and drained chickpeas, nutritional yeast,
Seasoning herbs, garlic powder, onion powder, black pepper, water soy sauce
and 1 TBSP of vegan stock.
2. Process the ingredients at medium speed until smooth. Scrap down ideas to
ensure everything is well blended. Take the mixture out in a large glass mixing
3. Add wheat gluten to the chickpea mixture and mix well using your hands until
everything is well incorporated. The mixture should feel firm.
4. Take the mixture out of the bowl and place it on a clean workstation. Knead the
mixture at least 12 to 15 times until it firms up.
5. Shape the dough into a log. Adjust the size of the log to fit the size of the pot.
6. Place a steamer rack at the bottom of a medium-sized pot.
7. Place the prepared vegan turkey log on the steamer rack. Pour the remaining
vegan stock into the bottom of the pot. Cover the pot with a lid and place it over
medium heat.
8. Once the vegan stock starts to boil, reduce the heat to low and let it simmer for
about an hour, total.
a. Important: Take the lid off after 30 minutes to see if the stock has dried
out. Add more stock as needed.
9. When the vegan turkey loaf is cooked, carefully remove it from the pot and place
it on the cutting board to rest for 15 minutes.
10. Slice and serve with your favorite sides.
Page 9
Very Vegan Seitan-Tofurkey with Crispy Skin
Prep Time: 2 hours (plus overnight chilling)
Servings: 4
1/2 TSP dried thyme leaves
1/4 TSP ground sage
3 TBSP nutritional yeast
2 TSP onion powder
1 TSP garlic powder
½ TSP salt
1 ½ cups vital wheat gluten
14oz firm tofu, drained and lightly pressed
2 TBSP water
1 TBSP white miso paste
2 TSP vegetable broth powder / 1 cube
Crispy “Skin”:
2 sheets rice paper
1/2 TSP dried thyme leaves
1/4 TSP dried rosemary
1/4 TSP black pepper
4 cloves crushed garlic
1/4 cup vegan butter melted
1 1/2 TSP tamari
● Food processor
● Large bowl
● Aluminum foil
● Parchment paper
● Large pot
● Steamer basket
● Baking tray
● Small bowl
● Food thermometer\
● Basting brush
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1. Add vital wheat gluten, tofu, water, nutritional yeast, onion powder, miso paste,
garlic powder, vegetable broth powder (or cube), thyme, salt and sage to your
food processing bowl.
2. Process until all the ingredients are well combined and make a ball.
3. Put your seitan-tofurkey ball onto a piece of parchment paper. Put them both on
top of a piece of foil.
4. Shape your ball into an oval or log shape (whatever fits your steamer best).
5. Wrap the parchment paper gently around the log, and secure the foil around this
combination. Set aside.
6. Fill your pot with water about 1.5 inches below the bottom of your steamer basket
or insert. Cover and set to boil with the insert still inside.
7. When the water is boiling and steam is rising, add your foil-covered tofurkey to
the basket and steam over medium heat for 1 hour. It’s done when the food
thermometer shows the center is at 160°F.
8. Remove from the steamer and allow to cool. Store in the refrigerator overnight.
9. Prepare for Baking:
a. Preheat oven to 400°F.
b. Lightly grease a baking tray with olive oil.
c. Add garlic, melted butter, salt, soy sauce, thyme and black pepper to a
small bowl, and mix well.
d. Remove the foil and parchment from your setan-tofurkey. Place on the
baking tray.
e. Rub about half of your garlic butter mix over the chilled log.
f. Starting with one piece, use your fingers to gently rub water on both sides
of rice paper. Let it rest on a piece of parchment paper for about a minute,
until it softens.
g. Carefully place it over the roast. If you need another piece repeat the
above soaking steps for the 2nd piece of rice paper.
h. Cover the rice paper with the rest of your garlic butter mix
10. Bake in the center of the oven for 15 to 25 minutes, or until the “skin” turns
golden brown.
11. Remove from the oven and cool for 10 minutes.
12. Slice and serve.
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1. For a stuffed seitan-tofurkey, before adding the skin and baking your log, you can try to
gently cut it in half and scoop out half of the middle. Make sure to keep 1-2 inches
minimum of your log. You can then fill the two sides with a precooked stuffing. If you try
this, you’ll want to bake it in a loaf pan or similar, in order to hold it together after you add
your skin. Alternatively, you can forgo the skin and wrap your stuffed log in cheesecloth
and tie with cooking string, then bake.
2. You can crumble and fry up the scooped out bits as ‘sausage’ in a casserole or
another stuffing recipe.
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Leek & Mushroom Couscous Stuffed Squash
Prep Time: 1 hour
Servings: 6
● Medium Pot
● Baking sheet
● Small bowl
● Foil or parchment paper
● Basting brush
Page 13
7. Remove from oven and brush a bit of your maple and soy sauce to the top and
inside of your cooked squash. Reserve the rest of the sauce and return the
squash to the over to bake for 10 more minutes.
8. Prepare your filling:
a. Heat 1 TBSP of olive oil in a medium pot over medium to high heat.
b. Chop your tempeh bacon and fry for about a minute. Add in the leeks,
carrots and mushrooms and cook until soft.
c. Add in 1/4 salt, the minced garlic, pecans, chickpeas, thyme, cooked
couscous, remaining maple soy sauce and pepper to taste.
d. Set aside until the squash is fully cooked.
9. Remove your cooked squash from the oven. Allow to cool slightly until you can
scoop and hollow out about half of the flesh from the inside of each piece. Add
the scooped out squash to your couscous mix. Gently blend it together.
10. Divide your couscous mix in two, and fill the hollowed out squash halves.
11. Return to oven for 10 more minutes.
1. Before returning to the oven for the last 10 minutes, dust the tops with
breadcrumbs, finishing salt and cracked pepper.
2. You can also garnish with crispy onions or vegan cheese.
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Dijon Mushroom Wellington
Prep Time: 1 hour
Servings: 4
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Vegan Stuffed Tofurkey
Prep Time: 5 hours (including chilling)
Serves: 8
🥕 ½ TSP Salt
🥕 Ground pepper to taste
🥕 1 TBSP vegetable broth powder
🥕 2 TBSP poultry seasoning
🥕 2 TBSP fresh sage, chopped
🥕 1 TBSP fresh thyme, minced
🥕 1 TBSP fresh rosemary, minced
🥕 14 oz firm or extra-firm tofu
🥕 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
🥕 1/3 cup vegan red wine
🥕 2 TSP Dijon mustard
🥕 2 TSP soy sauce
🥕 2 cups cooked stuffing
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e. Gently press the tofu, first with your hand. You can add weight with
something like a pot or bowl to continue the pressing. The tray or sheet
underneath will capture any liquids.
f. Chill in the fridge for up to 3 hours.
2. Preheat oven to 350°F.
3. Lightly oil a baking sheet or line with parchment paper.
4. Once chilled and still in the colander, scoop a well out of the center of your half
moon tofurkey. Be sure to leave at least 2 inches of tofu shell. Set the scooped
tofu aside.
5. Fill ¾ of your tofurkey well with pre-cooked stuffing.
6. Close the well by gently pressing the remaining tofu over top.
7. Cover your lined baking sheet over the top of your colander so that when you flip
it over, the tofurkey is on top of the parchment.
8. Flip your colander and baking sheet upside down.
9. Gently remove the cheese cloth and colander.
10. Whisk together the mustard, vinegar, soy sauce and red wine in a bowl.
11. Brush over the top of your tofurkey, evenly.
12. Bake for 90 minutes, basting after every 10-12 minutes.
13. Remove from the oven and serve.
1. You can prepare the uncooked tofurkey the day or night before.
2. Add a pinch of cumin to your tofu mix before chilling for a nice flavor addition.
3. You can use a thin towel instead of cheesecloth.
4. Add a crispy ‘skin’ using the rice paper trick in the recipe above.
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Rich Tawny Port Stuffing
Prep Time: 1.5 hrs
Serves: 6
● Baking sheet
● Parchment paper
● Large pan
● Large bowl
● Large casserole dish
● Aluminum foil
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1. Preheat to 350°F.
2. Line your baking sheet with parchment paper or a silicon mat.
3. Spread all your bread pieces onto the baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes.
4. Remove and set aside.
5. Put your large saucepan on high heat. Add ½ cup of vegetable broth, the celery,
onion, carrots and mushrooms and cook until tender.
6. Remove from heat and set aside.
7. In a large bowl, add the toasted bread pieces, apples, cooked vegetables,
almonds, cranberries, thyme, sage, oregano, salt, pepper, garlic powder. Mix
8. Pour over the port, as evenly as you can. Mix well.
9. Add as much remaining broth as you need to get the consistency you like. For a
soggy, softer stuffing, you’ll use more. For a crunchier stuffing, less.
10. Transfer the stuffing mix to your casserole dish. Cover with foil (shiny side out)
and bake for 45 minutes.
11. Remove the foil cover, and cook another 10 minutes.
12. Remove from oven.
13. Serve when ready.
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Comforting Corn Muffins
Prep Time: 45 mins
Serves: 4
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Super-Creamy Vegan Mashed Potatoes
Preparation Time: 1 hour
Serves: 6-8
● Large pot
● 2 Large mixing bowls
● Hand mixer or potato masher
● Colander
1. Adding vegan butter and/or cheese will add flavor and creaminess.
2. Try adding your favorite herbs for extra flavor. Consider thyme, rosemary, or
garlic powder.
Page 23
Easy & Satisfying Vegan Gravy
● Large pot
1. Add the vegetable stock, nutritional yeast, onion powder, soy sauce, mustard, flour,
herbs and pepper if you’re including it. Bring to a boil over medium heat.
2. Reduce heat to low, simmer, stirring frequently until the gravy thickens.
3. When you reach the desired consistency, remove from heat and serve.
1. For more gravy, you can simply double or triple the recipe.
2. Best served fresh, but it’ll reheat nicely if prepared in advance.
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Mama’s Best Vegan Gravy
Prep Time:
Servings: 4
● Medium saucepan
● Wisk
1. Add vegan butter in a saucepan over low heat. When the butter melts, add
chopped onions and garlic.
2. Cook until garlic and onions get tender and the butter becomes transparent.
3. Add half of the soy milk and flour, and mix well until the mixture becomes a
paste. (Like a roux)
4. Gradually add the remaining half of the soy milk and whisk continuously. The
mixture should not have any lumps.
5. Add the rest of the gluten-free flour, the vegetable broth and gluten-free dark soy
sauce, and whisk well for another minute.
6. Increase temperature to medium and cook for 3 to 4 minutes, stirring
continuously until it becomes thick.
7. Sprinkle it with black pepper and salt to taste and serve.
1. You can use coconut milk or dairy free milk instead of soy.
2. You can use light soy sauce instead of dark but dark will give you more flavor and
more of a traditional gravy flavor.
3. If reheating, you might need to add some water to create a better consistency.
4. If you like the taste, consider a sprinkle of nutritional yeast for added depth.
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Classic Thanksgiving Stuffing
● Baking sheet
● Baking dish
● Large skillet
● Large pan
● Parchment paper
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Bread Cubes:
1. Raise your oven temp to 350°F and lightly grease your baking pan with olive oil.
2. Chop up the onion and celery into small pieces, mince the garlic and roughly
chop the rosemary and sage.
3. Put the skillet on medium heat and add 1 TBSP of olive oil. When the oil is
sizzling, add your chopped onion and cook until soft and translucent.
4. Add the garlic and celery and cook until the celery becomes transparent, stirring
frequently. The garlic will probably brown.
5. Add the vegetable broth, salt and pepper to the veggies in the skillet and let
simmer for about a minute, scraping any cooked bits off the bottom and sides
6. Add your bread cubes and remaining herbs to the skillet and cook for 2-3
minutes. Add more broth if you prefer a softer stuffing.
7. Transfer the stuffing mixture to your greased baking pan.
8. Cover with parchment paper (or foil) and bake for 40 minutes.
9. Remove the parchment and bake for another 35 minutes or until the stuffing color
becomes golden brown and the top becomes crispy.
10. Garnish with some herbs or crispy onion and serve.
1. If you want your stuffing extra crunchy, you can prepare the bread cubes the day
before and leave them out to harden overnight. Simply cover with a tea towel.
2. Alternatively, if you are merely pre-prepping to get ahead of things, you can cook
the cubes the day before and pop them in a ziploc until you’re ready to use them.
Page 27
Italiano Tempeh Stuffing
Tempeh Sausage:
1 TBSP Dried basil
1 TBSP Dried oregano
1 ½ TSP Smoked paprika
½ TSP Crushed red pepper flakes
1 TSP Dried sage
3 Cloves garlic
2 Cups tempeh
½ TSP Pure maple syrup
3 TBSP Olive oil
¼ Cup soy sauce
¼ Cup water
Sourdough Breading:
🥕 2 TBSP fresh sage
2 TBSP fresh thyme leaves (1 TBSP Dried thyme)
½ TSP ground pepper
¼ TSP salt
¼ cup fresh parsley, chopped
½ cup vegan butter
1 large onion
2 carrots
4 celery stalks
¼ cup red or white wine vinegar
¼ cup of water
1. Large skillet
2. Baking sheet
3. Large saucepan
4. Large baking dish
5. Parchment paper
6. Spatula
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1. Dice bread into small cubes on the cutting board, cut the vegetables, and
crumble the tempeh.
2. Preheat your oven to 300°F.
Tempeh “Sausage”:
1. Set your skillet over medium heat, add the water and tempeh. Cook until all the
water evaporates.
2. Add the fennel seed, basil, oregano, paprika, red pepper flakes, sage and garlic,
and saute for 1 minute.
3. Add the soy sauce, maple syrup, and olive oil, and cook for 5 to 8 minutes stirring
regularly, or until the tempeh becomes crispy and brown.
4. Remove from heat and set aside.
Page 29
Green Bean & Mushroom Casserole
Prep Time: 1-1.5 hrs
Serves: 4
1. Medium saucepan
2. Bowl
3. Medium sized skillet
4. Oven-proof casserole dish
5. Food processor
6. Colander (sieve)
7. Whisk
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8. Add to the bowl 1 TBSP of vegan butter, 2 TBSP of the nutritional yeast and 1
garlic clove.
9. Process on and off, until the crumbs are finely ground.
10. Add the bread mixture and the cooled onions to a bowl and set aside.
11. Add 1 TBSP vegan butter to your skillet over medium-low heat.
12. When the butter is melted, add half of the salt and pepper, the sliced mushrooms,
and the sprigs of thyme. Ssauté for 7-10 minutes, or until the mushrooms are
golden brown.
13. Add the garlic to the pan and cook for 1 minute.
14. Reduce the heat to low, remove the thyme, add the all-purpose flour and stir.
Continue cooking and stirring for 1 minute.
15. Slowly add about ½ cup of vegetable broth, stirring with your whisk all the while
to avoid lumps.
16. When the flour is blended fully (no lumps) add another ¼ cup of vegetable broth
to the mixture and continue to stir as it begins to thicken.
17. Add the unsweetened milk and the rest of your nutritional yeast, salt and pepper.
Continue stirring until the mixture becomes thick.
18. When your mix is a nice gravy thickness, remove from the heat and add any
other seasoning, to taste.
1. Preheat oven to 400°F.
2. Add the green beans to the mushroom sauce. Stir gently and coat the beans
3. Transfer the mushroom and green bean mix to an oven-proof casserole dish.
Spread it out evenly.
4. Sprinkle the break crumb mixture over the top and bake for 25 minutes or until
breadcrumbs become golden and the sauce is bubbling on the edges.
5. When ready, remove from the oven and serve.
1. The cooking time of green beans is important. Don’t over boil or they will be
2. You can use olive oil instead of vegan butter.
3. Choose cornstarch instead of all-purpose flour for a more crumbly topping.
4. If you want a more interesting texture on top, don’t process the bread so finely.
It's best to bake this casserole just before serving. It will be more fresh and the
leftovers will last longer in the fridge.
Page 31
Fast & Easy Zucchini Potato Casserole
Prep Time: 1 hour
Serves: 4
1. If the top is browning too much, cover with foil.
2. Consider topping with vegan cheese, or even the breadcrumbs in the green bean
3. You can also make and add the mushroom sauce from the green bean recipe.
4. For extra fun, put the green beans and this recipe together and bake in a large
baking dish. It’s ready when it’s bubbling and browned.
Page 32
Gorgeous Garden Squash Bake
Prep Time: 45 minutes
Serves: 4
● Baking dish
● Parchment paper
1. Preheat to 400°F.
2. Grease your baking dish.
3. Rinse vegetables and pat dry. Slice into rounds about ⅓ inch thick.
4. Arrange your vegetables in alternating layers, in the greased baking dish.
5. Season with pepper, salt and Italian seasoning and drizzle olive oil or broth over
the veggie mix.
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6. Sprinkle breadcrumbs on top, evenly.
7. Cover with parchment paper or foil, and bake 20 minutes.
8. Remove the covering and bake for another 10 minutes, or until the top is golden
brown and the juices are bubbling at the sides.
9. Remove from the oven, garnish with chopped basil and serve.
1. On busy days, store all the ingredients in a tightly covered container and store
them in the refrigerator. Add 5 to 10 minutes to the baking time to account for the
2. If you’re in a rush, you can skip the layering, and add all the veggies in with your
seasoning and mix in a true casserole style.
3. For extra taste and texture, you can blend your breadcrumbs with extra herbs
and either coconut oil cubes or vegan butter. It’ll add a nice fatty, “buttery” aspect.
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Creamy Green Bean & Cashew Casserole
Prep Time: 45 mins
Serves: 4
● Large pot
● Casserole dish
● Parchment paper
● Blender
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Classic Vegan Mac and Cheese
Prep Time: 30 mins
Servings: 3
● Large pot
● Colander / Strainer
● Blender
1. Boil water in your pot and cook your pasta according to the package instructions.
2. Add all the remaining ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth and
consistent. You can adjust the consistency by adding more water.
3. Once the pasta is done, shut off the burners, drain the pasta well and then return
it to your pot.
4. Pour the cheezy sauce all over the pasta. Mix it gently using a spatula, until all
the pasta is well coated. The heat from your pop should help heat it up. If
needed, put on low heat and stir as the sauce flavors deepen.
1. If you keep a few tablespoons of your pasta water, you can use it to thicken the
cheesy sauce as you heat it in the final step.
2. Consider adding pre-cooked chopped vegetables for extra nutrients and variety.
3. Hot sauce or pepper flakes can add a nice zing of heat.
4. A dribble of coconut or cashew milk to your cheesy sauce could add some nice
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Spicy Butternut Squash & Quinoa Bake
Prep Time: 45 minutes
Servings: 6
🥕 Salt
🥕 Pepper
🥕 1 TBSP cumin
🥕 2 cups of water
🥕 2 TBSP olive oil
🥕 6 cups butternut squash cubes
🥕 1 cup uncooked quinoa
🥕 2 cups cooked corn
🥕 15 oz cooked black beans
🥕 Lime juice (1 small lime or 1 TBSP)
🥕 1 cup vegan cheese
🥕 1 tomato, chopped
🥕 1 avocado, sliced
🥕 Vegan salsa or hot sauce (optional)
● Baking dish
● Large pot
● Casserole dish
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Maple Glazed Delicata Squash Roast
Prep Time: 40 mins
Serves: 4
⅓ cup toasted, crushed hazelnuts
¼ cup fresh Italian parsley, chopped
4 Shallots, finely chopped
¼ TSP salt
½ TSP Aleppo chili flakes
1 TSP Cumin seeds
1/3 Cup Apple cider vinegar
3 TBSP maple syrup
2 delicata squash
1 TSP salt
½ TSP pepper
2 TBSP olive oil
3 TBSP maple syrup
● Medium bowl
● Baking sheet
● Parchment paper
● Small saucepan
● Serving dish
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Unbelievable Umami Root Veggies
Prep Time: 1 hour
Servings: 8
¼ TBSP sesame seeds
1 TBSP chopped scallions
½ TBSP pepper
½ TBSP salt
1 head of garlic
1 large red onion
3 cups sweet potatoes
3 cups potatoes
3 cups carrots
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6. Add 1 cup of water to your pot, insert the steamer insert or basket and heat on
7. Add the sweet potatoes, potatoes and carrots into the steamer basket, no lid.
8. When the steam is rising, cover the pot and steam for 10 minutes, or when the
vegetables are tender.
9. Add your steamed veggies, the garlic cloves and onions to your roaster. Season
with salt and pepper (and any other spices or herbs you like).
10. Bake for 30 minutes, or until vegetables are golden brown.
11. Make your glaze while the veggies cook:
a. Add the rice vinegar, miso paste, tahini, maple syrup, and minced garlic to
a bowl.
b. Whisk well or blend with a hand blender until uniform and runny.
12. Pour your glaze over the roasted veggies and toss gently but well.
13. Garnish with sesame seeds and scallions on top and serve.
Page 42
Spiced Roasted Veggie Quinoa Salad
Prep Time: 40 mins
Servings: 4
¼ cup pomegranate seeds
¼ cup parsley leaves
🥕 1 TSP cinnamon
🥕 1 TBSP cumin
🥕 ½ TSP cayenne pepper
🥕 ½ TSP black pepper
🥕 ½ TSP sea salt
🥕 ¼ TSP cardamom
🥕 2 cups butternut squash
🥕 1 large apple (tart)
🥕 3 cloves garlic
🥕 4 small red onions
🥕 2 TBSP olive oil
🥕 1 cup dried quinoa (or 2 cups cooked)
● Casserole dish
● Large Pot
● Small bowl
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You can gently mix the dressing, veggies and quinoa together in a large bowl, so you
can easily serve at a family-style meal or potluck.
Page 44
Perfect Pumpkin Focaccia Bread
Prep Time: 2-3 hours (with rise time)
Serves: 4-6
1. Mix well in a bowl; add yeast, warm water, and maple syrup. Then leave to
rest for 5 minutes or until foam appears on the surface.
2. In the meantime, dust the cooking board with flour and prepare two bowls
while greasing one with olive oil.
3. Add flour and make a well in the center in an ungreased bowl. Then add sea
salt, pumpkin puree, and 1 TBSP of olive oil and yeast. Mix all the ingredients
thoroughly until well combined.
4. Once all the ingredients are well combined, transfer to the dusted cooking
board and knead for 2 to 3 minutes or until the dough becomes springy and
smooth. Add more flour according to the requirement.
5. Once the dough is ready, roll it into a ball shape and transfer it to the greased
bowl, cover it with a kitchen towel, place it in a dry place and leave to rise until
double the volume. In the meantime, prepare a baking sheet by lining it with
parchment paper.
6. Once ready, punch down the dough and transfer it to the flour-dusted surface.
Knead again for 15 to 20 seconds and place on the prepared baking sheet.
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7. Transform the dough into a 6" to 12" rectangle, and using a pointer poke many
holes in the dough.
8. Apply a thin layer of olive oil on top of the dough using the brush and spread
rosemary, salt and sliced red onion all over the surface.
9. Loosely cover the dough using parchment paper and leave it to rice for
another 45 minutes. In the meanwhile, prepare the oven and preheat it to
10. Once ready, transfer the baking sheet to the preheated oven and bake for 25
to 35 minutes or until it becomes crispy and the bottom color changes to a
golden brown.
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Page 47
Maple Glazed Pumpkin Cookies
½ Cup White sugar
¼ Cup Brown sugar
1 ½ Cups Gluten-free flour
1 TBSP Cinnamon
⅓ TBSP Nutmeg
¼ TBSP Salt
½ TBSP Baking powder
1 Cup Powdered sugar
2 TBSP Maple syrup
1 TBSP Vanilla extract
2 TBSP Soy milk
Page 48
● Large mixing bowl
● Baking tray
● Parchment paper
● Small mixing bowl
1. In a mixer bowl, add white sugar, brown sugar and vegan butter, mix for 30
seconds, then add 1 tbsp of vanilla extract and pumpkin puree while mixing
2. Transfer the mixture to the bowl and add nutmeg, cinnamon, salt, baking soda,
gluten-free flour, and baking powder; mix well using your hands until thoroughly
3. Prepare the oven and preheat to 350°F. Also, prepare a baking tray by lining it
with parchment paper. Once the tray is ready, scoop the cookie dough (around
20 cookies) and arrange it on the prepared baking tray, flatting them using a fork.
4. Place the cookie tray in the preheated oven and bake for 15 minutes.
5. Once ready, remove from the oven and allow to cool.
6. Meanwhile, prepare maple glaze by adding maple syrup, soy milk, and 1 tbsp. of
vanilla extract and powdered sugar in a small mixing bowl; mix well.
7. Once the cookies are cool, drizzle or spread the maple glaze on them and serve.
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Awesome American Apple Pie
Pie Crust:
🥕 ¾ TBSP Salt
🥕 1 ½ TSP Organic raw cane sugar
🥕 2 ½ cups All-purpose flour
🥕 1 cup Solid coconut oil
🥕 6-8 TBSP Ice cold water (70-60°F)
🥕 1 TBSP Melted coconut oil
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Optional Topping:
1. Dice the solid coconut oil into small pieces and store it in the refrigerator for
future use.
2. Squeeze your lemon juice, removing any pits. Set aside.
3. Peel and core the apples then cut them into thin slices.
1. To the mixing bowl, add your apples, cane sugar and brown sugar. Toss the
mixture gently to get an even coating. Let them sit for 5-10 minutes. (There will
be liquid pooled at the bottom of your bowl.)
2. Add the flour, cinnamon nutmeg, salt and lemon juice to the bowl, mix well and
set aside.
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6. Put your ball of dough onto a plate (slightly oiled will help with sticking), cover it
lightly with some plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator until it sets (30 mins or
7. Once set, take the dough out of the refrigerator and let it sit for 10 more minutes.
8. Divide your dough into two (2) pieces.
a. Piece A:
i. Dust your working surface and rolling pin with flour.
ii. Roll the dough out into a circle, moving from the middle to the
iii. Gently pick it up off the work surface, dust the surface with a bit
more flour, rotate the circle of dough and continue to roll out until it’s
about 1 inch bigger than the top of your pie plate (upside down) and
1/8th of an inch (2-4 mm).
iv. Dust your rolling pin again.
v. Gently pick up your rolled dough and lay it over the dusted rolling
pin. You can roll it over the top of your greased pie plate, centering
vi. Lightly press the crust into the bottom and sides of the pan until the
whole pan is covered and the crust extends about ¼ inch.
vii. Add your apples to the pie plate. You can pour and gently spread
them evenly, or layer them out more individually.
b. Piece B:
i. Roll the dough out as did with the first piece. Then, cut it into ½” to
1” strips.
ii. Place half the strips across the top of your pie, joining to the edges
of the bottom by tucking and pressing them.
iii. Do the same with the rest of the strips, but across the first ones, in
a woven (tic tac toe) pattern. Remember to crimp them to the
edges of your base so that they stick together nicely.
c. Brush a thin layer of unsweetened almond milk over the top of the pie
crust. Sprinkle over some turbinado sugar.
d. Bake in the center of the oven for 50 to 70 minutes or until it turns golden
brown and the apples are lightly bubbling.
e. Remove from the oven and allow to cool and thicken.
● Use firm apples of varying sweetness (ex. Tart and sweet) to get a more
interesting flavor.
● You can pre-bake the crust for about 10 minutes, if you want to make sure it’s
fully cooked and less soggy.
● Put the pie into the freezer for about an hour before baking, so the filling is less
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● If you need to prepare this in advance, store the uncooked pie and then bake. It
will be fresher and last longer.
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Maca Cacao Truffles
Prep Time: 20 mins
Servings: 6
🥕 1 TSP cinnamon
🥕 2 TSP vanilla
● Food processor
● Waxed paper
● Baking sheet or tray
1. Add all ingredients (except the coconut) to your mixing bowl or food processor.
2. Mix or blend until nice and smooth.
3. Roll heaping TBSP of the mix into individual balls and place on some waxed
4. Roll the balls in coconut until evenly coated.
1. When forming your balls, coat your spoon and fingers in a light oil (like avocado).
This will decrease sticky residue and add a touch of omegas. :D
2. You can double or even triple the recipe to make more and store them in the
fridge or freezer.
3. If you like coconut, go ahead and add the coconut into the mixer and have it
4. For an extra cacao boost, roll in cacao instead of coconut. It’ll be more bitter, but
if you love chocolate, you’ll love the addition.
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Pumpkin Pie Squares
Prep Time: 1 hour
Servings: 6-8
● Small bowl
● 8”x8” baking pan
● Parchment paper
● Large bowl
● Blender or food processor
1. Preheat oven to 375ºF.
2. Line baking pan with parchment paper (or silicon).
3. Soak dates in ¾ cup of water for about 15 minutes. Do not drain.
4. Blend the pumpkin pie spice and flour in a large bowl.
5. In a blender, blend the soaked dates and their water, the vanilla extract, and
chosen plant milk. Blend to a smooth purée.
6. Add your puree and the pumpkin to the bowl of flour and spices.
7. Mix gently until all the dry ingredients are well combined.
8. Spread the batter evenly onto the lined baking pan.
9. Bake for 25 minutes, until lightly browned. There should be some visible cracks.
10. Remove from oven, and cool before cutting and serving.
11. Top with vegan whipped cream or vegan frosting before serving.
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Pumpkin Spice Muffins
1 ½ TBSP Flaxseed Meal
⅓ TBSP Sea Salt
2 TBSP Baking Soda
½ TBSP Ground Cinnamon
1 ¼ TBSP Pumpkin Pie Spice
¾ Cup Gluten-Free Rolled Oats
3 ½ TBSP Gluten-Free Flour Blend
⅔ Cup Muscovado (Or Organic Brown) Sugar
½ Cup Almond Meal
4 TBSP Water
2 TBSP Mashed Ripe Banana
¾ Cup Pumpkin Pureé (canned or handmade)
¼ Cup Maple Syrup
¼ Cup Olive Oil
1 TBSP Vanilla Extract
1 ¼ TBSP Pumpkin Pie Spice
½ Cup Water
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3 TBSP Muscovado sugar
1 cup Gluten-free flour blend
2 TBSP Roughly chopped pecans (can be pepitas or walnuts)
1 ¼ TBSP Coconut oil
● Muffin Tins
● Large Mixing bowl
● Small Mixing bowl
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Possibly Perfect Vegan Pumpkin Pie
Prep Time: 3 hours (plus overnight chilling)
Servings: 8
Crust Prep:
1. Add sea salt and gluten-free flour to a large mixing bowl, and whisk well to blend.
2. Add cold vegan butter slices and cut into the flour mix with knives, your whisk or
a pastry cutter.
3. Gradually add in ice-cold water and stir the mixture using a spoon or spatula, to
create a dough. It should gather together well - Not too sticky and not too dry.
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4. When the dough forms an even consistency and ball, put it on a plate, cover it
with plastic wrap and place it in the refrigerator overnight.
5. When ready to complete the pie, take the dough out of the refrigerator and allow
it to sit for some time.
6. Put all the filling ingredients into a large bowl. Blend well with a whisk or spoon
until well combined.
7. Add or adjust seasonings and flavors to taste.
1. You can use store-bought vegan pie crust if you can find it.
2. Serve with vegan whipped cream.
3. Sprinkle cinnamon, nutmeg, pumpkin spice or icing sugar on top for added flavor.
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Oat & Almond Bars With Pumpkin Frosting
Prep Time: 1.5 -2 hrs
Servings: 16
2 TBSP arrowroot powder
1½ TBSP pure cane sugar
2 (15-ounce) cans pumpkin puree (3 cups)
¾ cup applesauce
2 TBSP pure vanilla extract
½ cup dried cranberries, chopped
¼ cup pecans, chopped (optional)
1 TBSP pumpkin pie spice
1 TSP baking soda
½ TSP sea salt
1½ cups oat flour
⅓ cup sorghum flour
½ cup pure cane sugar
2 TSP ground flaxseed
1 TBSP pure vanilla extract
¾ cup applesauce
½ cup almond butter
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6. Spread the doughy batter evenly onto your sheet pan.
7. If needed, trim the edges to form a rectangle.
8. You can divide the dough into 16 squares ahead of cooking, while it’s still soft.
Use a knife to draw the division lines.
9. Bake for 30 - 35 minutes. or until the top appears lightly browned and dry.
10. Remove from the oven and leave to cool.
11. Prepare your toppings:
a. Add 2 TBSP pumpkin puree and 2 TBSP arrowroot powder to a small
bowl. Mix well and set aside.
b. Add ¾ cup of applesauce, the remaining pumpkin puree, and 2 tbsps. of
vanilla extract and 1 ½ tbsps. of sugar. To your saucepan.
c. Cook over medium to low heat for 25 minutes, or until it thickens. Be sure
to stir regularly.
d. Add the arrowroot–pumpkin mixture to your saucepan and continue
cooking for 5 more minutes. It should be translucent and smooth in
e. Remove from heat and allow to cool for 10 to 15 minutes.
12. Spread the frosting onto the bars in an even layer.
13. Sprinkle with pecans and cranberries, to taste.
14. Cut bars into pieces and serve.
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Autumn Pumpkin Tart
Prep Time: 1.5 hrs (plus chill time)
Servings: 4
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Vegan Whipped Cream
Prep Time: 10 mins
Servings: 4
1. Simply add the tofu, maple syrup and vanilla to your food processor bowl and
whip for 1 minute. You want to get it smooth, creamy and as “airy” as you can..
2. If you desire more sweetness, add some sifted icing sugar and blend for about a
3. Add a dollop on your favorite pie or other dessert.
4. If you’re feeling fancy, sprinkle some sweet vegan cocoa powder, or nutmeg on
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We hope you love these recipes!
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