Advances in Nutrition & Food Science
Advances in Nutrition & Food Science
Advances in Nutrition & Food Science
Background: Infant and child nutrition in Zambia remains a pressing public health problem. The Zambia Demographic and
Health Survey (ZDHS) indicates that 35% of children under-five and 36 % among those aged 6-23 months are stunted. This
study set out to assess the influence of Infant and Child Feeding (IYCF) practices on child stunting (6-23 months) in Zambia.
Methods: The 2008 ZDHS children’s data were analysed to measure stunting among infants aged 6-23 months. We fitted
a bivariate logistic regression to measure association between feeding practices and stunting in children. Pearson’s Chi-
square test of proportions and adjusted odd ratios (AOR) with confidence intervals at 95% are reported.
Results: Findings indicate that 36% of children 6-23 months old were stunted. IYCF practices indicators remain relatively
poor in Zambia with only 13% of children age 6-23 months having received minimum acceptable diet, 23% received
minimum dietary diversity and 42% received minimum meal frequency. Breastfeeding and receipt of a minimum dietary
diversity reduced the odds of stunting among children age 6-23 months by 38% and 33% respectively. A child’s perceived
low birth size, being male, maternal anaemia status and mother’s use of the internet were significant predictors of stunting.
Conclusion: The study shows that IYCF practices have an influence on stunting in Zambia and that socio-economic and
demographic factors are likewise associated with stunting although the main determinants are amendable to intervention.
Promoting the recommended WHO IYCF practices; breastfeeding, minimum meal frequency, receiving foods with diverse
dietary content and accelerated investment in nutrition programs is recommended.
Introduction Over the last two decades, childhood stunting has shown a posi-
Childhood stunting is one of the significant public health challeng- tive downward trend from 53% in 2001-02 to 35 % in 2018 [4].
es and impediments to child development in Zambia and the world Despite the considerable decline, the levels of stunting in Zambia
over, and reflects the country’s poor social and economic devel- remain among the highest in the region and is barely 5 percentage
opment[1]. Globally, 144 million children representing 21.3% are points below the World Health Assembly resolution 65.6 aimed at
stunted or they are too short for their age [2]. Thirty-nine per cent reducing to below 40% the number of children under-5 who are
of the worlds stunted children are in Africa[3]. According to the stunted [1].
Africa Development Bank President Ainwumi Adesina “Africa is
the only continent where the number of stunted children has in- Stunting is defined as a height that is less than two standard de-
creased over the last two decades: 58.5 million in 2018, up from viations below the World Health Organization (WHO) Child
50.3 million at the turn of the century” [3]. In Zambia, 35% of Growth Standards [5]. It is generally a manifestation of chronic
children under five are stunted with Northern and Luapula Prov- undernutrition which predisposes children to physical and cogni-
inces having the highest prevalence – 36% and 45% respectively. tive underdevelopment as well as exposes them to a greater risk of
Adv Nutr Food Sci, 2022 Volume 7 | Issue 1 | 117
morbidity and mortality from common preventable infections as practice of breastfeeding and presence of childhood clinical and
well as worsening the severity and chance of recovery from such subclinical infections (diarrhoea and fever ) [12, 13].
infections. Whereas poor child health undermines societal devel-
opment, improved health is the first step toward enabling children Proper infant and young child feeding practices are central to
to break out of a cycle of ill health and poverty that may other- prevent irreversible consequences of nutritional problems among
wise continue for generations [6]. Literature suggests that mater- children [14]. At least 200 million children living in developing
nal, child-related factors and low socio-economic and households countries fail to meet their developmental potential[3]. Along with
characteristics of mothers [7] as well as the prevalence of anaemia undernutrition, related influences of infectious disease, environ-
among mothers are associated with childhood stunting. In Zambia, mental hazards, and societal and household violence, all contribute
it is unclear what drives the high prevalence of stunted children de- to this loss of potential. Unlike many other influences that are im-
spite considerable investment in Infant and Young Child Feeding mutable or tremendously difficult to change, nutrition is something
(IYCF) practices policies, programmes and nutrition interventions that can be controlled[15]. It is therefore important to prevent un-
[8]. dernutrition during the critical 1000 days of life from conception
up to two years of a child’s life by ensuring robust IYCF practices
Feeding practices remain an important part of reducing childhood based on the 8 core indicators of early initiation of breastfeeding;
stunting. Thus, what, when and how children are fed particularly exclusive breastfeeding for six months; continued breastfeeding at
in the first two years of life is critical to their health, development one year; introduction of solid, semi-solid or soft foods; minimum
and survival [9]. WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding for dietary diversity; minimum meal frequency; minimum acceptable
the first 6 months of life because of its protective effect on the diet; and consumption of iron-rich or iron-fortified foods [16].
child from infections, malnutrition and obesity in later life [10, This study, therefore, sought to examine the association between
11]. In Zambia, breastfeeding is very common with the majority stunting (Nutritional status) and IYCF practices in Zambia. Con-
of children 98% breastfed and 70% of children under six months ceptual Framework
exclusively breastfed. In addition to breastfeeding, vitamin A and
iron supplementation are important to a child’s life. The 2018 To examine the effect of IYCF practices on stunting, the study
ZDHS shows that 79% of children 6-23 months ate foods rich in adapted an extract of the WHO conceptual framework of child-
vitamin A and about a three quarter (73%) of children 6-59 months hood stunting [12]. The key independent variables were based on
received vitamin A supplements six months before the survey the five IYCF indicators; currently breastfeeding, minimum dietary
[4]. The WHO framework for childhood stunting (see appendix diversity, minimum meal frequency, minimum acceptable diet, and
A) highlights four broad factors of stunting namely; household consumption of iron-rich foods controlled for other covariates such
characteristics, inadequate complementary feeding, inadequate child, maternal and household characteristics (figure 1).
Stunting Framework
Figure 1: Conceptual Framework of child stunting (6-23 months) and IYCF Practices by Child, Maternal and Household Characteristics
(Adapted from the WHO Childhood)
Adv Nutr Food Sci, 2022 Volume 7 | Issue 1 | 118
Methods or four times for non-breastfed children age 6-23 months.
This study was based on a cross-sectional nationally representa- “Meals” include both standard meals and snacks (other than
tive Survey (ZDHS 2018) to provide reliable estimates on the core trivial amounts), and frequency was based on caregiver report.
health and demographic indicators at provincial and rural-urban 3. Minimum acceptable diet was measured based on the propor-
level. The ZDHS captured a total of 10,094 children under-5. A tion of children age 6–23 months who received a minimum
sample was drawn from 9,606 children under-5 with valid mea- acceptable diet. This indicator is a composite of children who
surement of height-for-age. To determine the effect of IYCF on met minimum dietary diversity and minimum meal frequency.
stunting, the study used data for 2730 children age 6-23 months 4. Consumption of iron-rich foods is defined as the proportion of
whose information on feeding practices was collected through in- children age 6-23 months who receive iron-rich food, which
terviews with their mothers in the ZDHS survey Variables. includes meat (and organ meat), fish, poultry, and eggs
5. Currently breastfed is defined as children age 6-23 months
Dependent Variable still being breastfed.
The dependent variable, stunting (height-for-age) was categorised 6. Covariates included were based on child’s characteristics such
as 1 if the child had -2 SD and 0 if otherwise based on the WHO as: age, sex, perceived size of the child at birth and whether a
Child Growth Standards reference population (WHO, 2006). child had received vitamin A recently as well as the presence
Stunting was computed from valid height-for-age Z-score. Chil- of common child illness two weeks prior to the survey (diar-
dren whose height-for-age Z-score was below minus two standard rhoea and fever). Other covariates were maternal that included
deviation (-2SD) from the median reference point were considered mother’s age, education level, employment status, number of
to be too short for their age (stunted) (WHO, 2009) and coded as antenatal visits, the birth interval between births and whether
1 (1=stunted) and if otherwise not stunted and coded 0 (0= Not a mother had anaemia (below 11g/dl) and Household charac-
Stunted). teristics included residence, wealth index and household wa-
ter and sanitation factors (source of drinking water, type of
Independent Variables toilet facilities and disposal of child’s stool).
The key independent variables were the five IYCF practices indi-
cators: currently being breastfed, minimum dietary diversity, min- Statistical analysis
imum meal frequency, minimum acceptable diet, and consumption The study analysis was performed in two steps. The first step in-
of iron-rich foods. These were defined into dummy binary vari- volved descriptive and bivariate analysis to generate the average
ables, were 1 if the child was currently breastfeeding, received percentages of children with stunting by IYCF practices and child,
minimum dietary diversity, was fed at minimum meal frequency, maternal and household characteristics. The second step involved
received a minimum acceptable diet and received iron-rich foods Survey-weighted logistic regression modelling was used to mea-
and 0 if otherwise (e.g. 1= Yes, currently breastfeeding and 0= Not sure the effect of independent variables on the dependent variable
currently breastfeeding). stunting among children 6-23 months, adjusted odds ratios (AOR)
and 95% confidence were used. Only significant variables from
1. Minimum dietary diversity refers to the proportion of chil- the bivariate analysis using the Pearson’s chi-square test (P<0.05)
dren age 6–23 months who received a minimum of 5 out of 8 (5%) were added in the model. Some variables at p<0.1 (10%) lev-
food groups during the previous day. These include; i. breast el were permitted into the model, this was done to retain as many
milk; ii. infant formula, milk other than breast milk, cheese or determinants as possible. All analyses were conducted using Stata
yoghurt or other milk products; iii. foods made from grains, version 14 and are based on weighted data.
roots, and tubers, including porridge and fortified baby food
from grains; iv. vitamin A-rich fruits and vegetables; v. other Results
fruits and vegetables; vi. eggs; g. meat, poultry, fish, and shell- Child Stunting and Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices
fish (and organ meats); vii. legumes and nuts. in Zambia
2. Minimum meal frequency denotes the proportion of children The 2018 Zambia Demographic and Health Survey shows that out
age 6-23 months who received solid, semi-solid, or soft food of the 9609 children under five (0-59 months) with valid measure-
(including milk feeds for non-breastfed children) the mini- ment for height and age, 35% were stunted. Of the 2730 children
mum number of times or more during the previous day. The ages 6-23 months, 2694 had valid measurement for height and age
minimum is defined as two times for breastfed infants age 6-8 and of those, 36% were stunted (Table 1).
months, three times for breastfed children age 9-23 months,
Figure 3: Prevalence of infant and Young Child Feeding Practices Childs perceived size at birth is significantly associated with child
(IYCF) among children ages 6-23 months, ZDHS 2013/14 and 2018 stunting. Children with a perceived below average size at birth had
Adv Nutr Food Sci, 2022 Volume 7 | Issue 1 | 120
a higher prevalence of stunting (47%) compared to those with a Zambia’s stunting prevalence among children ages 6-23 months
perceived above average size at birth. Similarly, maternal edu- appears to vary significantly by region and residence. The high-
cation, women’s access to the internet, the number of antenatal est prevalence is reported in Luapula (47%) and Northern (43%)
visits attended, household wealth status is significantly (p<0.01) provinces. Rural areas have a higher prevalence of child stunting
associated with child stunting. Stunting among children age 6-23 compared to urban areas (38% versus 33%; p<0.01). Children from
months appears to decrease with increasing mother’s level of ed- poorer households appear to have a higher prevalence of stunting
ucation. Household Characteristics on Stunting among Children at 45% compared with 25% among those from richer households
age 6-23 months. (p<0.01).
Table 2: Prevalence of stunting among children age 6-23 months by child, maternal, Household and IYCF characteristics(n=2730)
Characteristic % CI P-Value
Child’s Characteristics
Sex of the Child
Female 29.2 [26.5, 32.1]
Male 43.1 [39.9, 46.3] <0.001
Age of Child (Months)
6-8 Months 22.7 [18.6, 27.5]
9-11 Months 27.4 [22.2, 32.7] <0.001
12-17 Months 37.0 [33.2, 41.1]
18-23 Months 46.4 [42.8, 49.9]
Perceived Size of Child at Birth
Average and Above 34.5 [32.2, 36.8]
Below Average 46.8 [42.1, 52.7] <0.001
Birth Order
1st Child 36.2 [31.8, 40.9]
2nd Child 38.5 [33.5, 43.7]
3rd Child 32.6 [27.5, 38.1] 0.466
4th and Above 36.3 [33.2, 39.4]
Vitamin A in the last 6 months
Not Received/Not Known 30.2 [26.2, 34.6]
Received 37.9 [35.4, 40.4] 0.003
Child Anemia (<11g/dl)
No 30.4 [26.2, 34.8]
Yes 38.3 [35.7, 40.6] 0.003
Diarrhoea in the last 2 weeks
No 37.0 [34.5, 39.6]
Yes 33.9 [30.3, 37.6] 0.154
Maternal Characteristics
Age of Mother
Under 20 39.4 [33.7, 45.4]
20-29 35.9 [32.9, 39.2]
30-39 35.1 [30.9, 39.4] 0.702
40-49 36.0 [28.4, 44.4]
Mother’s Level of Education
No Education 41.2 [34.8, 47.9]
Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) Practices on Stunting aternal characteristics such as the interval between the births,
among Children age 6-23 Months. mother’s employment status and maternal education were sig-
nificantly associated with stunting however, the odds of stunting
To measure the magnitude of association between IYCF and stunt- among children 6-23 months appear to reduce with increasing lev-
ing of children age 6-23 months, we ran an adjusted multiple re- el of education. Children born from mothers with anaemia (<11g/
gression logistic model. Table 3 shows the results of the adjusted dl) had 36% higher odds of being stunted than children born from
multiple regression model of stunting among children age 6-23 mothers with no anemia (AOR 1.36; 95% 0.061, 1.744).
months. The odds of stunting among currently breastfed children
age 6-23 months were 38% lower than for children who were not Among children from rich households, the odds of stunting were
breastfed (AOR 0.62; 95% CI 0.48, 0.79). Among children who 43% lower than children from poor households (AOR 0.57; 95%
received a minimum dietary diversity, the odds of stunting were CI 0.365, 0.889). The use of the internet by mothers at the house-
33% lower than children age 6-23 who did not receive a minimum hold level was significantly associated with child stunting. The
dietary diversity 24 hours prior the interview (AOR 0.67; 95% CI odds of stunting among children whose mothers reported the use
0.470, 0.951). of the internet within 12 months prior to the 2018 ZDHS were
54% lower than those who have never used or used more than 12
Child’s characteristics, sex and perceived weight of the child months ago (AOR 0.47; 95% CI 0.190, 1.135). Some coefficients
at birth by the mother are significantly associated with stunting on the IYCF practices variables (minimum acceptable diet and
among children age 6-23 months. Female children were 55% less consumption of iron-rich foods) failed to reach statistical signifi-
likely to be stunted than male children (AOR 0.45; 95% CI 0.359, cance at the 95% level and the variable minimum meal frequency
0.552). Among children with a perceived birth size of less than failed collinearity test with other IYCF practices variables hence,
average, the odds of stunting were 88% higher than those whose and thus was not included in the final model.
mothers said the birth size was more than average (AOR 1.88;
95% CI 1.381, 2.557).
Table 3: An Association between IYCF Practices and Stunting among children age 6-23 months adjusted for other variables
(Child, Maternal and Household characteristics)
Discussion tion in Stunting levels from 53% in 2001-02 to 35% in 2018, stunt-
This study investigated the influence of IYCF practices on stunting ing remains a public health challenge. More so, stunting among
in children age 6 – 23 months in Zambia using the 2018 ZDHS children age 6-23 months, a critical period for child growth and
data. Specifically, the study sought to determine the influence development, is even higher at 36%. The importance of age range
that breastfeeding, Minimum Acceptable Diet, Minimum Dietary 6-23 months for the growth and development of children as it af-
Diversity , Minimum Meal Frequency and consumption of Iron fects both the physical and mental growth of a child cannot be
rich-foods have on child stunting in Zambia and to determine the over-emphasized. Zambia’s Ministry of Health recognizes that ad-
child, maternal and household characteristics associated with equate nutrition is critical to children’s growth and development
child stunting in Zambia. The study, based on a sufficiently large and that the period from birth to age two is especially important
sample of nationally representative women in Zambia found that, for optimal physical and cognitive growth and development [17].
the level of under-five child stunting is at 35% and is the highest Stunting is the devastating result of poor nutrition in early child-
in Sub-Saharan Africa, it is only 4 percentage points short of the hood. Children suffering from stunting may never grow to their
developing world average (39%) and 5 percentage points short of full height and their cognitive ability may never develop to their
the sub-Saharan regional average of 40% [2]. Despite the reduc- full potential [9].
This study identified several children, maternal and household Conclusion and policy implications
characteristics associated with stunting among children 6-23 With 36% of children age 6-23 months stunted, this child nutrition
months in Zambia. The findings suggest that sex of the child, is still a public health challenge in Zambia. The study identified
child’s age, perceived size of child at birth, receipt of vitamin A sex of child, perceived size of child at birth, household wealth and
supplementation and child’s anaemia are significantly associated mother’s internet access as strong determinants of stunting. Male
with stunting, the results are consistent with other studies on stunt- children and children with perceived low birth size were more
ing among children age 6-23 months [19-21]. likely to be stunted whereas children from rich households have
the lowest odds of stunting. Children with mothers who have in-
Further, male children, older children (18-23 months), children ternet access also have lower odds of being stunted. Maternal ed-
with a perceived low birth size and children who did not receive ucation and antenatal attendance are significantly associated with
Vitamin A supplementation are more likely to be stunted. UNICEF stunting. Stunting levels reduce with increase in mother’s educa-
indicates that painful and debilitating cycles of illness, depressed tion and an increase in wealth status. Breast feeding and Minimum
appetite, insufficient food and inadequate care contribute to stunt- Dietary Diversity are two important IYCF practices that influence
ing. Many children do not survive such detriment while many of stunting. Children who are breastfed and have minimum dietary
those who do survive carry long-term defects in mental capacity diversity are less likely to be stunted. We, therefore, recommend
along with losses in stature [2]. Analysis of maternal characteristics that programmes on Infant and Young Child Feeding should em-
Child Nutritional Concurrent Problems & Short Term Consequences Long-term Consequences