Stereo Directory 1988
Stereo Directory 1988
Stereo Directory 1988
o 272701 3
"Matthew Polk Has a Passion for Perfection!"
Experience the Awesome Sonic Superiority of
His Grand Prix Award Winning SDA Loudspeakers.
AudioWdeo Speaker of the Year basic concept of stereo is that a much more "Mindboggling, astounding,
1982 - SDA 1 lifelike three-dimensional sound is achieved by
Speaker of the Year
having 2 different signals, each played back
flabbergasting" High Fidelity Magazine
1983 - SDA 2 Speaker of the Year Words alone cannot fully describe how much
1984 - SDA CRS Speaker of the Year through a separate speaker and each meant to more lifelike SDA TRUE STEREO reproduction
/985 - SDA SRS Speaker of the Year be heard by only one ear apiece (L or R). So
is. Reviewers, critical listeners and novices alike
/986 - SDA SRS 2 Speaker of the Year quite simply, a mono loudspeaker is designed to
are overwhelmed by the magnitude of the sonic
be heard by two ears at once while true stereo
improvement achieved by Polk's TRUE STEREO
"They trub, represent!: a loudspeakers should each be heard by only one technology. You will hear a huge sound stage
breakthrough. Mulling Stone Magazine ear apiece (like headphones). The revolutionary
Polk SDAs are the first TRUE STEREO speakers
which extends not only beyond the speakers, but
Polk's critically acclaimed, 5 time AudioVideo beyond the walls of your listening room itself
engineered to accomplish this and fully realize The lifelike ambience revealed by the SDAs
Grand Prix Award winning SDA technology is the
the astonishingly lifelike three-dimensional makes it sound as though you have been
most important fundamental advance in loud-
imaging capabilities of the stereophonic sound transported to the acoustic environment of the
speaker technology since stereo itself Listeners
are amazed when they hear the huge, lifelike, original sonic event. Every instrument, vocalist
three-dimensional sonic image produced by "A stunning achievement" and sound becomes tangible, distinct, alive and
Polk's SDA speakers. The nation's top audio Australian RIFT firmly placed in its own natural spatial position.
experts agree that Polk SDA loudspeakers al- Polk SDA Technology solves one of the You will hear instruments, ambience and subtle
ways sound better than conventional loud- greatest problems in stereo reproduction. When musical nuances (normally masked by conven-
speakers. Stereo Review said, "Spectacular... each ear hears both speakers and signals, as tional speakers), revealed for your enjoyment by
the result is always better than would be occurs when you use conventional (Mono) the SDAs. This benefit is accurately described by
achieved by conventional speakers." High speakers to listen in stereo, full stereo separa- Julian Hirsch in Stereo Review, "...the sense of
Fidelity said, "Astounding...We have yet to hear tion is lost. The undesirable signal reaching discovery experienced when playing an old
any stereo program that doesn't benefit." Now each ear from the "wrong" speaker is a form of favorite stereo record and hearing, quite liter-
all 5 SDAs incorporate many of the 3rd genera- acoustic distortion called interaural crosstalk, ally, a new dimension in the sound is a most
tion advances in SDA technology pioneered in which confuses your hearing. attractive bonus..." Records, CDs, tapes, video
the Signature Edition SRS and SRS2 including and FM all benefit equally as dramatically.
full complement sub -bass drive, time -compen-
sated phase -coherent driver alignment and "Literally a New "You owe it to yourself to
bandwidth -optimized dimensional signal. Dimension in the Sound audition them." MO Fidelity Magazine
Stereo Review Magazine SDAs allow you to experience the spine
Why SDAs Aluxtys Sound Better tingling excitement, majesty and pleasure of
Stereo Review confirmed the unqualified The Polk SDA systems eliminate interaural live music in your home. You must hear the
sonic superiority of Matthew Polk's revolution- crosstalk distortion and maintain full, True remarkable sonic benefits of SDA technology
ary SDA Technology when they wrote, "These Stereo separation, by incorporating two com- for yourself You too will agree with Stereo
speakers always sounded different from con- pletely separate sets of drivers (stereo and Review's dramatic conclusion: "the result
ventional speakers - and in our view better - dimensional) into each speaker cabinet. The is always better than would be achieved by
as a result of their SDA design. stereo drivers radiate the normal stereo signal, conventional speakers... it does indeed add
Without exaggeration, the design principals while the dimensional drivers radiate a differ- a new dimension to reproduced sound."
embodied in the SDAs make them the world's ence signal that acoustically and effectively
first true stereo speakers. The basic concept of cancels the interaural crosstalk distortion and
speaker design was never modified to take into thereby restores the stereo separation, imaging
account the fundamental difference between a
mono and stereo signal. The fundamental and
basic concept of mono is that you have one
and detail lost when you listen to normal
"mono"speakers. The dramatic sonic benefits
are immediately audible and remarkable.
polk The Speaker Specialists ®
signal (and speaker) meant to be heard by both
ears at once. However, the fundamental and 5601 Metro Drive, Baltimore. Md. 21215
Receivers 43 Cover components: at left. Sota Star Sapphire turntable (see
product listing on page 124) with Sumiko Premier MMT
Power Amplifiers 61 tonearm (page 131) and Talisman B cartridge (page 135);
Preamplifiers 73 NEC SW -300 subwoofer (page 166) At nght. JBL Pro III
mini -monitor speakers (page 156); NAD 6300 cassette deck
Integrated Amplifiers 83 (page 111). Pioneer CLD-1010 CD/CDV/LV player (page
Tuners 88 100). AR X -I0 receiver (page 43); a/d/s B3 storage module
Compact Disc Players 94 (page 198)
Midwestern Office
The Pains Group
4761 West Touhy Ave
Lincolnwood, IL 60646
(312) 679-1100
Arnold S Hoffman
Dirk Barenbrugge
Western Office
W Curtis & Associates
4827 Sepulveda Blvd.. Suite 220
WILLIAM BURTON Editor Sherman Oaks. CA 91403
(818) 784-0700
WILLIAM WOLFE Managing Editor Western Director: William 3. Curtis
Regional Manager Meg Roberts
Japan Office
DAVID STEIN Assistant Managing Editor twat Trading Co.. Ltd
BARBARA AIKEN, JOHN WEINBERG Editorial Assistants 603 Ginza Sky Heights Building
18-13. Ginza 7-Chome
Chou -Ku, Tokyo. Japan 104
LOUISE BOUNDAS Editorial Director Telephone (03) 545-3908
Account Manager. 1. S. Yagi
MICHAEL SMOLEN Executive Editor
CBS Magazines, a division of CBS Inc.
President Peter G Diamandis
ROMAN BEYER Vice President and Publisher Vice president. editorial director Carey Winfrey
Senior vice president, publishing. Robert F Spillane
Stereo Review Presents is published four times a year by CBS Magazines, Senior vice president. circulation. Robert E Alexander
a division of CBS Inc., 1515 Broadway, New York, NY 10036 Senior vice president. operations & administration:
Vice president, finance Arthur Sukel
PERMISSIONS: Material in this publication may not be reproduced in any form without permission. Vice president, subscription circulation: Bernard B Lacy
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Requests for permissions should be directed to William Bunchuck,
Murray M. Romer
Rights and Permissions, CBS Magazines, One Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016. President. CBS Magazine Marketing, Carl Kopf
Our best: The OMS-7A11. one of five For the name of your nearest
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Shopping for a GOOD stereo system can create Dollars are not the only numbers
the illusion that musicians are associated with buying stereo compo-
stereo system performing live in your living nents: You will also see many specifi-
-or just one room or that your armchair is cations that measure their perfor-
the best seat in the concert hall. mance. Specs can be useful because
component-can If you read about stereo components,
for comparing features and perfor-
they help you compare components.
The "Audio Glossary" starting on
be fun. Preparing mance, and take your time when you page 221 explains many common au-
go shopping, you can have a system dio specs, technical terms, features,
thoroughly makes that brings the pleasures of high-fi- and functions.
all the difference. delity music into your home.
The first thing you should do when Buying a System
you start searching for a system-or If you are choosing components for
by William Burton even a single component-is to set a an entire system, you should first de-
budget. (The prices given in this cide which types of components you
guide are the manufacturers' suggest- want. These decisions can be made in
ed retail prices. Stores are free to set three steps: selecting your speakers,
prices as they wish, and they may cut choosing a type of amplifier, and de-
as much as one-half off the suggested ciding on source components.
list price.) If you want to buy an en- If you take these decisions one at a
tire system, you need to allocate your time, you can put together a good
total budget among the various indi- system within your budget. When
vidual components you want. Start- you divide your money between
ing with fewer components means speakers, amplification, and sources,
you can afford better ones. A simple you may have to choose between an
system might consist of a source com- elaborate system with many inexpen-
ponent (compact disc player, cassette sive components and a more basic
deck, or turntable), a receiver, and system with a few high -quality ones.
speakers. You can add other compo- While source components produce
nents later. For a $1,000 system, you the musical signal, and amplifiers and
might budget $250 for a program receivers process and strengthen it,
source, $250 for a receiver, and $500 the last link in the chain is the most
for speakers. important-the speakers. Speakers
turn the electrical signal coming from provement will probably come from a other things as recordings and con-
the receiver or amplifier into sound. better antenna. Another common up- cert tickets.
Whether you are selecting speakers grade is replacing a receiver with a
for your first system or upgrading the complete set of separates or making Receivers
speakers you have, don't make this the intermediate step to an integrated A receiver handles three main jobs:
decision lightly. Speakers affect the amplifier with separate tuner. Be- it tunes in radio stations, switches
sound you hear more than any other cause separates specialize in one func- and processes all source signals, and
component. tion-tuning, controlling, or power- makes these signals powerful enough
You need an amplifier of some ing-they usually outperform all -in - to drive the speakers. You can think
kind because speakers require more one receivers. of a receiver as a tuner, preamplifier,
electrical power than source compo- Upgrading can be an endless pro- and power amplifier in one box.
nents such as tuners, turntables, tape cess, but the path towards sonic per- In fact, you can read about tuners,
decks, or compact disc players can fection is endlessly rewarding. Take power amplifiers, and preamplifiers
provide. The necessary amplification your time, read about the compo- and get a good idea of the choices to
may be done by a receiver, a power nents you're interested in, and talk to make when buying a receiver. Be-
amplifier, or an integrated amplifier. trustworthy experts. Then each up- cause receivers are all -in -one package
The differences between these compo- grade will improve your system with- deals, you may have to make some
nents are explained below. out depleting your budget for such compromises. The most powerful re-
In choosing source components, ceiver may not have the best tuning
consider the types of programs you section, for example, or the receiver
will want to hear. To listen to radio with the most input jacks may have
broadcasts, you need a tuner or a re- the least flexible signal processing.
ceiver. To play compact discs, you And receivers that excel in one or
need a CD player. To play cassettes more of these areas tend to be more
and to record music or spoken -word expensive than basic and ordinary re-
programs from other sources, you ceivers. So what do you do?
need a cassette deck. To play LP's First, look back at your budget. Ig-
and 45 -rpm singles, you need a turn- nore the receivers out of your price
table. range. Forget about the ones without
pgrading can enough power for your speakers.
Upgrading Hints Avoid the ones that might damage
If you are upgrading your system, be an endless your speakers with too much power.
you may already have a good idea From the remaining models, you can
which component is the weakest link process, but make your final choice on the basis of
in it. If something breaks and you de- path toward sonic tuning, switching, or processing fea-
cide it's not worth fixing, your deci- tures and overall performance.
sion is made for you. If you want to perfection is Power Amplifiers
upgrade your system by adding a new
source component (such as a CD endlessly rewarding. Most power amplifiers have only
player), you again have your answer. one control, a button to turn it on
Unfortunately, it is not always so Take your time, and off. Although most amplifiers to-
easy to upgrade a system. day use only transistors, some still
Perhaps you only have a vague read about the use vacuum tubes instead. The sound
feeling that your system is just not as components you're of tube amps is sometimes described
good as it could be. If so, try to define as "warm," "natural," or "musical."
what is missing-this will help you interested in, Tube amps may also, however, pro-
focus on which components need up- duce more distortion and less power
grading. If you want more bass, larg- and talk to for the money than solid-state (tran-
er speakers or a subwoofer could be sistor) amps. You should listen to
the answer. Upgrading your speakers trustworthy both types to decide if you prefer one
can easily lead to upgrading your am-
experts. or the other. But remember that
plification, however, since large while each amplifier sounds different
speakers that move a lot of air may from every other one, most casual lis-
demand more power. teners cannot hear those differences.
Because speakers are so important Measuring the power produced by
in defining the sound of any system, a power amplifier is not simple. The
changing to a new pair is most likely specification for power may look like
to make a big difference in how this: "100 W/ch [watts per channel]
things sound. Besides seeking better into 8 ohms." The impedance, mea-
sound, you may decide to upgrade sured in ohms, is important because
other components if you want fea- different speaker impedances draw
tures they lack or if one of them is far different amounts of power from an
below the quality of the others in amplifier. Other specs tell you how
your system. much power the unit can produce for
If poor radio reception is the prob- brief periods, which is important be-
lem, you can upgrade your tuner or cause music contains many short,
receiver-although the greatest im- loud sounds such as drum beats.
S S I E.Rto Bt Gt iiit. i9SS
Since the invention d the Compact Disc, speaher Cieck for yourself at your nearest SPL Monitor
companies have been taking about how their healer. Be surprised at how great this digital sound
speakers are "digital -eacy". This seems odd when miracle of CD and DA really can be.
except for the additicn o' "digital ready" sticker,
many name brand speakers are pretty much wl-at "FIRST CAME THE CD, THEN CAME THE SPEAKER"
they vvere in the days of analogue. SPL MONITORS.
dB PLUS 135 Torbay Road. Markham. Ontario, Canada L3R 'G7 1-416-475-0050
into tracks and in their speed options spindle directly with the motor shaft low -frequency driver) and a tweeter
(in inches per second, or ips). "Quar- (for precise speed control). (a high -frequency driver). A three-
ter -track" machines record two chan- way speaker adds a separate mid-
nels, left and right, on each side of the Cartridges range driver for the middle frequen-
tape, much like cassettes; you turn Cartridges hold the stylus ("nee- cies instead of assigning part of these
the tape over to record or play the dle") that is vibrated by the record's to the woofer and part to the tweeter.
other side. "Half-track" recorders di- groove. The cartridge turns these vi- Some speakers have drivers on every
vide the tape into only two parts, for brations into an electrical signal. side, some are large flat panels with
the left and right channels, and re- Most cartridges are either standard only one driver, and others are too es-
cord and play in only one direction. half -inch types or P -mounts, and they oteric to describe simply. Regardless
"Four -track" machines also work in must be used in compatible tonearms. of looks, their primary purpose is to
only one direction, but, like quarter - Cartridges also differ in the way they transform an electrical audio signal
track machines, have two pairs of ste- turn motion into electrical signals. into sound waves as accurately as
reo tracks. The moving -magnet design is most possible.
Faster speeds allow better sound common, the moving -coil less com- How do you find the best speaker
quality but use more tape. Slower mon, and there are still other meth- for you? First, rule out all models be-
speeds reduce the recorded sound ods. The stylus itself may be-in in- yond your budget. If you know which
quality but increase recording time creasing order of price and perfor- receiver or amplifier you will use,
and conserve tape. To get both high - mance-spherical, elliptical, or a lin- check the suggested power range of
quality sound and long playing times, ear -contact type. the remaining speakers and cross out
look for decks that handle large reels More important to the sound of those that are not compatible. Check
of tape (10 -inch diameter). your system, however, is the perfor- frequency -response specs to compare
mance of the cartridge, which is de- speakers' accuracy, looking especially
Turntables scribed by specifications such as fre- for an extended bass response (down
Also called phonographs or record quency response and channel separa- toward 20 Hz) and a small range of
players, turntables spin vinyl discs so tion. Figures for output voltage and variation (± 3 dB or less) between the
that the record grooves make the sty- tracking force tell you how compati- lower and upper extremes, which in-
lus in the cartridge vibrate, generat- ble a cartridge is with various phono- dicates a smooth and well-balanced
ing a signal that replicates the origi- preamplifier sections and tonearms. response.
nal recording. Many turntables come If your receiver or preamplifier When you have reduced the num-
with tonearms to hold a cartridge, doesn't have an input for a low -out- ber of speakers to a manageable few,
and some even include the cartridge. put cartridge, you can't use such a it's time to start shopping. Even
A turntable doesn't have to be ultra - cartridge without buying a head am- though speakers sound different in
sophisticated to spin a record and plifier, or pre -preamplifier, to match showrooms than in living rooms, you
hold a cartridge. What is difficult is the cartridge to your phono input. should listen carefully to a variety of
to spin a record at exactly the right speakers before you buy.
speed and hold a cartridge at exactly Tonearms Bring a recording that you know
the correct angle so the recorded in- Tonearms are usually divided into very well. Since people hear the hu-
formation in the grooves is transmit- two types: pivoted and linear (or radi- man voice so often, singing and
ted accurately, with no added noise al) tracking. Despite some theoretical speaking voices are good for testing
or distortion. advantages of linear tracking, the per- speakers. If a speaker sounds unnatu-
If a turntable comes with a tone - formance of a tonearm depends more ral on voices, it will be unnatural on
arm, the tonearm will be designed to on how well the design is executed everything. Experts recommend us-
accept one of a few different types of than on what type it is. ing acoustic music such as folk songs,
cartridges. The standard half -inch Some tonearms are "dynamically piano trios, or violin music-but if
cartridge is most common, but they balanced," which means that the you only listen to heavy-metal or
can be difficult to mount. "P -mount" downward force they exert to hold electronic music, bring your fave-rave
cartridges are easy to install-they the stylus in the groove is generated screamer to make sure the speakers
just plug into the end of the tone- by some means other than gravity. make it sound the way you want it to
arm-but they have been criticized "Statically balanced" arms depend on sound.
for insufficient rigidity (a wobbling gravity to produce tracking force.
cartridge adds spurious motion to the Light weight and rigidity are desir- Headphones
stylus). able tonearm traits. Some headphones are small and
Turntables differ in their degree of Because moderately priced and light so they can be used with pocket
automation and in their drive sys- budget turntables usually include radios or cassette players and porta-
tems. An automatic turntable will tonearms, separate arms are "high - ble CD players. Others are large and
start play at the touch of a button and end" components. You don't need to heavy, providing more isolation from
return the tonearm to its rest when worry about separate tonearms unless external noises, and are normally
the record finishes. A semiautomatic you buy a high -end turntable. Match- used at home. Outdoor headphones
must be started manually, but it picks ing a tonearm to a turntable and car- usually have Vs -inch mini plugs,
up the arm at the end and returns it tridge should not be undertaken while home headphones use the larg-
to its rest. And a manual turntable lightly by beginners. er 1/4 -inch phone plugs.
makes you do all the work, but it uses After deciding on the type of head-
fewer moving parts for increased reli- Speakers phones you want, you can begin to
ability. Some turntables connect the Most speakers are wooden boxes compare price and performance to
motor to the platter with a belt (to with a couple of drivers in the front. find the best -sounding phones possi-
lessen vibration), and others drive the A typical speaker has a woofer (a ble within your budget. Head -
"A STUNNING ACHIEVEMENT" Miami, Florida, Audio By Caruso, Don Caruso - Owner. The RE=ERENCE
Top Retail Experts CONNOISSEURS are among the most neutral. uncolored. speakers we have found!!
They provide very relaxing list?ming.-
Personal Views About El Paso, Texas, Sound Room, Mark Pearson - Owner. -Energy 22 pro monitor is
the most three dimensional speaker ever."
The Energy 22 Phoenix, Mesa, Arizona, HI Fl Sales, Dave Ross - G. Mgr. -ENERGY 22. One of
the most accurate. best imaging speakers we have ever heard
New York, New 'fork, The Listening Roan, Ron Mintz - Owner. "As one of the Los Angeles, California, Christopher Hanson Ltd., Christopher Hanson -
First dealers in the U.S to realize ,he quality of the E-22. we continue to be amazed by Owner. The Energy 22 is very musically irmolving - 'Absolutely Brilliant''
the imagirg and spaciousness of this speaker of such compact size & price. San Diego, California, Stereo Sound Co., Bob Kokley - Owner. Over the
Hicksville, Long Island, New York, Designatron, John Thomas - Manager. years we have heard many promises of new breakthroughs in speakers with
"Never before have we experienced a speaker system which exhibits the level of realism disappointing results. The ENERGY 22 is one of the only products which performed
that the Energy provides. The excitement generared by Energy speakers is only beyond those promises. A lob well cone'
exceeded by the pleasure of owning them. The Energy 22 sets a reference standard by Berkley, California, The Sounding Board, Jeff Smith, Jim Serena
which all other speakers must be iudgecI" Co -Owners.
Washington D.C., Audio Associates, Mike Zazanis -Owner...The ENERGY -The Energy 22 is an outstanding speaker. What's incredible is the value. compact size
22 is a wry mus cal speaker at a very inexpen§ve once that easily could cost a lot more and its peformace
Chicago. Illinois. Pro Musica. Ken Chrisilanson, John Schwarz -
Co -owners. The Energy 22 Reference Connoisseur & Pro Monitors simply
outperform the competition. Musically salis!ying to the most demanding listeners EMZE722
Energy Loudspeakers. 135 Torbay Road. Markham. Ontario
Copyright API 1985 Energy Loudspeak.r., CIRCLE NO 85 ON READER SERVICE CARD L3R 1G7 -(41E)475-0050 TLX 06-986689
phones-especially the more expen- Many systems require accessories used to connect the machines to a
sive ones-are usually easy to audi- such as signal switchers, turntable home stereo system or powered
tion. Bring your favorite CD, LP, or isolation devices, or pre -preamplifiers speakers.
cassette to your dealer and plug the (head amps) for low -output car- Many pocket units have both a
headphones into the jack of the re- tridges. And you can use a spectrum tuner section and a cassette section.
ceiver or amplifier being used. Listen analyzer to evaluate the effects of To save space, the tuner section is
for solid lows, undistorted highs, real- equalization, acoustic treatments, and sometimes built into a cassette -
istic voices, clear peaks, and whatever other accessories. shaped pack that snaps into the play-
other qualities you deem important. er. Some portables can record cas-
Headphone specifications can tell Pocket Stereo settes as well as play them, taking sig-
you something about the perfor- Battery -powered portable music nals from microphones, a built-in
mance of particular models. The fre- systems can receive radio broadcasts tuner section, or line -level inputs
quency -response spec tells you the or play cassettes or CD's, producing from other components.
lowest and the highest sounds they signals for headphones. Most can also Features that increase the perfor-
can produce within a certain range. be powered with an adaptor that mance-and price-of pocket tuner/
Lower lows, higher highs, and tighter plugs into an AC power outlet, and tape players include autoreverse, anti -
tolerances are better, so 20-20,000 Hz the headphone output jacks can be roll mechanisms, automatic frequen-
± 2 dB is better than 50-15,000 Hz cy control (for more accurate tuning),
± 4 dB. Sensitivity specs tell you how Dolby B noise reduction, an EQ
much sound the phones will produce switch for metal and chrome tape,
with a thousandth of a watt input. tone controls (including built-in
More sensitive headphones play loud- equalizers), and so on. Only you can
er with the same input. decide if all these features are worth
the cost, but for superior sound I rec-
Signal Processors ommend Dolby NR and EQ switching
These are components such as at the very least.
equalizers, surround -sound proces- Using a pocket unit a lot can take a
sors, and PCM processors whose pri- lot of batteries. Rechargeable batter-
mary function is to make desired ies are more expensive than regular
changes in the audio signal provided alkalines, but they will save you mon-
by the source component. Most allow ignal processors ey in the long run. Some machines
the user to fine-tune the processing, cannot use rechargeable batteries,
adjusting sliders on an equalizer, for perform various however, so check that when you're
example, or setting the rear -channel comparing models.
volume in a surround -sound system. functions to
Signal processors can solve prob- enhance the Blank Tape
lems and expand your system beyond Tape comes in different formats,
its present capabilities. Equalizers
compensate for frequency -response
experience of but the tape inside the different shells
is usually made of plastic strips with
variations in source material, other listening to music, tiny particles of a metallic oxide or
components, and the listening room. pure metal stuck on them. Because of
Surround -sound units expand the usually increasing the distortions inherent in the tape
sound stage-when used with extra medium, a "bias" signal is used dur-
amplification and speakers-to put your involvement ing recording, and equalization (EQ)
you in the middle of the action. Other with your system is used during both recording and
types of signal processors perform playback. Bias is a very high -frequen-
various functions to enhance the ex- and improving cy signal-usually between 150,000
perience of listening to music, usually to 180,000 Hz, much higher than hu-
increasing your involvement with the its sound. man beings can hear-that is added
system and the resulting sound. to the signal being recorded. Tape EQ
(or pre -emphasis) boosts low and
Accessories high frequencies during recording
Cleaning and maintenance prod- and lowers them during playback.
ucts are perhaps the most important Cassette tape comes in four differ-
accessories. Dirt can ruin recordings ent types. Type I is ferric oxide and
on disc and tape as well as damage uses normal bias and 120 -microsec-
delicate mechanical components. ond (120-µs) EQ. Type II, whether
Tape recorders are especially vulnera- chromium dioxide (Cr02) or a
ble to dirt build-up and other prob- chrome -equivalent formulation, is
lems of use and wear. Every system called high -bias because it requires
needs speaker cables, interconnects, more bias current than Type I; it uses
and other wiring. The sound of most 70-µs EQ. Type III, ferrichrome, also
systems can be improved by better requires 70-ps EQ. Type IV is pure
antennas, more precisely aligned car- metal -particle tape, which can pro-
tridges, room acoustical treatments, vide the best sound on cassette; it re-
etc. And most people need storage ac- quires even more bias than Type II
cessories for software or hardware. but uses the same EQ.
If yot. aspire to owning the famous
Energy 22 "'T. Monitor but can't quite
afford t -war the ESM-2. With size and
performance. approaching the 22, it is
"both a fine loud;peaker and an
excellent va ue."
Or Jer ps the more compact ESM-3
will beter ;uit y1:30-1 - it is "definitely an
excellent va ue."
On a ;luoi2nt b Ago? Try the new
ESM-4 bookshelf monitor - very
Auc it cn any Di the ESM monitors. We
think ,ecu'l Igree with what Stereo
Review, H1 (7 Fidelity anc Audio Ideas
say br Icvw.
"a tine loudspeaker and an excellent value ... very smooth and quite flat, falling within ± 31/2 dB on -axis throughout the range above the 50
Hz band ... in the lab's 300 Hz pulse test the ESM-2 accepted without noticeable complaint the full output of the testamplifier ... (470 watts,
peak into 8 ohms), for a calculated SPL (Sound Pressure Level) of 114 3/4 dB. Loud transients thus should be handled well ... bass sounds
more extended than the response curves might suggest, with surprising heft at the very bottom ... Stereo imaging, too is very good ... Even if
your budget can accommodate twice the ESM-2's price - you owe it to yourself to audition Energy's latest design."
High Fidelity January 1986, on the ESM-2
'exceptional overtone balance ... imaging was just about the best I've heard ... excellent dynamic range ... it sounds great ... no real
compromises in its design ... anyone looking fora $1,500.00 to $2,000.00 system would be foolish not to carefully audition the Energy ESM-
2 ... amazing at the price." Audio Ideas, 1985 edition, on the ESM-2
Cop righ: API 1986, Energy Loudpeakers THE #1 CHOICE ale1CTSYSTEAA M01,1102
by a2L9.A1
CIRCLE NO. 81 ON READER SERVICE CARD Energy Loudspeakers 135 Torbay Road. Markham. Ontario
L3R 1G7 -(416.175-0050 TL X 06966689
The music that goes into many of today's domed drivers. Virtues like
highly priced loudspeakers isn't always the same these compelled Stereo
music that comes out. Many of the finer notes and Review to also comment on
nuances are often trapped or lost. Why? Because Altec Lansing's "...high sensi-
advanced recording techniques and digital pro- tivity and ability to absorb
cessing demand a dynamic range of over 90 dB large power inputs...a Carbon Fibers in Woofer Cone
and an extended frequency response. Demands speaker that can develop high sound pressure
that are often beyond the limits of ordinary levels in any environment. Even the hand crafted
loudspeakers. walnut veneered cabinets utilize the latest com-
The truth is, most people can't hear what's puter aided design techniques, thick walls and
missing from their music-like a broad frequency extra bracing to eliminate resonance.
range-or what's been added-like coloring or So come hear Alec Lansing loudspeakers.
distortion. But there are a few who can. And discover just how much of your music has
For that select group, listeners with well trained been trapped by less than extraordinary loud-
ears, Altec Lansing has engineered a new line of speakers. Call 1-800-ALTEC 88 for information
loudspeakers to recreate every subtlety and the Altec dealer nearest you. (In PA 717-296
of recorded music with a clear open HIFI.) In Canada call 416-4%-0587 or write 265
sound and without coloring or Hood Road, Markham, Ontario L3R 4N3.
distortion. Even the accuracy of CD CIRCLE NO. 21 ON READER SERVICE CARD
recordings can be more fully appreci-
ated on these Altec Lansing loud-
speakers, prompting Stereo Review
Mid -range to remark " ...the bass distortion
was among the lowest we have measured.
The speakers have...very good bass, and a warm,
extended and unstrained character. -
The secret to Altec Lansing's consummate per-
formance? Remarkably sophisticated technology.
Like woofers of a woven carbon fiber material
(instead of paper or polypropylene) that is
extremely rigid yet sufficiently light for maximum
transient response and extraordinary low fre-
quency definition. The result is a pure, clean, deep ALTEC LANSING
bass that beautifully complements the performance LOUDSPEAKERS FOR
of our mid and high frequency polyimide/titanium THE WELL -TRAINED EAR
ANY of us grew up with the When you are making your pur- there will be a strong temptation to rip
sort of one-piece stereo sys- chases, bear in mind what you will all the boxes open immediately, pull out
tem called-not always fond- eventually have to do to make the sys- the components, and plug them togeth-
Ml y-a "coffin." These "con- tem work. All systems require different er in some fashion just to see how they
sole" entertainment centers usually types of wires, for instance, so before work. While this is a natural enough
owed more to the art of furniture mak- you leave the store make sure you have impulse, it's one that should be con-
ing than to good electronic design, but the right kinds and enough of each. trolled.
they had one major advantage over to- Most components are supplied with the Before you remove any component
day's sophisticated audio systems: they appropriate patch cords, but a few may from its box, it's essential to look at the
came already assembled. Once the not be. Rather than get all the boxes first few pages of the instruction book
bruisers from the local appliance store home and then find you have to run out supplied with it for any specific direc-
had deposited the console in your living and buy more wires before you can tions about unpacking. When you have
room, all you had to do was turn it on. even begin, it's a good idea to make removed a component, put all the pack-
Things are a bit more complicated sure you have what you need from the ing material back in the carton and save
now. To take advantage of the capabili- start. it. If you ever have to send equipment
ties of even a modest system, you will The one thing you will definitely in for service, or if you move to a new
have to plan carefully and pay attention have to buy is speaker wire. Determin- house or apartment, you will need the
both to physical placement and to the ing the length you'll need is fairly cartons for safe shipping.
interconnection of the components. straightforward as long as you know in When all the pieces are unpacked,
advance roughly where your amplifier look at the back of each one and write
Plan Ahead and speakers will be. The cables should down the serial number. You could do
Even before you decide what equip- be of equal length. As for the type of this at any time, of course, but it's usu-
ment you want to buy, you should do a speaker wire you should buy, the main ally easier before the equipment is on
careful survey of the room it will go in, determining factor is its thickness. the shelf with a tangle of wires behind
as its physical configuration can deter- Most specialty speaker cables sold by it. You will need the numbers to fill out
mine how well specific components will audio or audio/video dealers are heavy the warranty cards. Note all the serial
perform. For instance, the size of the enough to be appropriate for the long- numbers on a separate sheet and keep it
room may affect your decision on the est of runs, but avoid the light, clear - in a safe place.
sort of loudspeaker to buy-a small plastic -coated wires often labeled After they have been unpacked, some
room may dictate small speakers, and a "speaker wire" in department stores or components require a small amount of
large room with high ceilings may re- discount outlets. When buying conven- assembly or adjustment before they can
quire large ones. tional wire, however, there is a wide be used. Most CD players, and some
What you want the system to do choice of thicknesses. Ordinary 18- or cassette decks, have transit screws to
should also influence your plans. A re- 16 -gauge lamp cord ("zip cord") is keep their moving parts from rattling
ceiver, a cassette deck, and a pair of probably adequate for short runs (15 around during shipment, and these
speakers may be sufficient for you now, feet or less); otherwise, you should use must be loosened or removed. The in-
but as you add functions in the future, at least 12 -gauge cable. struction booklet will describe this pro-
space demands will become that much cess in detail; if it does say to remove
greater. As you can see, planning your The First Steps anything, keep the part either with the
setup before you head out to buy the Once you have brought home your booklet or in the empty carton for fu-
equipment is very important. system and everything else you need, ture repacking.
1-I,G1-4 CUT
o IMILLIMjaalptAMP 11101111111111M11111111111
mac ON
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NCI& C[ti*tw
Where audio and video are one.
Next, if you don't have an all -in -one speaker only and repeat the test; the im-
receiver, the central audio compo- provement, or deterioration, should be
nents-the integrated amplifier, or the obvious immediately.
preamplifier and power amplifier, and If you spend much of your time lis-
the tuner-should be connected using tening to FM, it's worth taking the time
the appropriate cords. Make sure the to make sure that you are receiving a
power switches are off while you make high -quality signal. This process can be
the connections. At this point, when simple or difficult, but you will never
you have the nucleus of your system as- really know how well you can pick up
sembled, you should perform a few sim- radio broadcasts until you actually
ple tests to make sure it is connected hook up an antenna and see what the
properly. tuner does.
The simplest kind of antenna is the
System Checks T-shaped wire "dipole" provided with
Recheck that all your connections most receivers and tuners. For many
are solid, and then connect the AC pow- applications-particularly in cities,
er, if you have not already done so. Be- where you are close to the broadcasting
fore you turn the power on, check the antennas-a dipole is enough, but it has
receiver, the integrated amplifier, or the to be postioned carefully. Simply hook
preamplifier to make sure that the vol- it to the 300 -ohm antenna terminals on
ume control is set at a low position. the rear panel of your receiver or tuner
Then check that the tape -monitor and move it about till it works best. It's
switches are off, the tone controls are in not a good idea to secure it to the wall
the "flat" position, the balance control just yet, however, as you may find a
is in the center, and any speaker -selec- better position after living with it for a
tion switches are activated correctly for while.
your setup. If the dipole turns out to be clearly
Turn on the power and check to see inadequate, an indoor tunable antenna
that all the appropriate lights are illu- may be the answer. The next step up is
minated. If you have a receiver or tun- a rooftop antenna, though this may be
er, select FM as a signal source, tune in impossible if you live in an apartment
a station, and turn the volume up very building. If you do, and if the service is
Feed a mono signal gradually. (If you don't have a tuner, offered, you may have to subscribe to
o your speakers use an LP or a tape.) Observe if there is your cable -TV company's FM feed.
sound being produced and if it is com-
with the balance ing out of both speakers. If there is a Tape Connections
centered-they are in problem, shut the system down imme- With the basic setup in working or-
diately and recheck your connections der, it is time to start connecting your
phase if the sound comes and settings. other components, such as a cassette
from a distinct midpoint. If you have been careful in the earlier deck, a CD player, and so on.
stages, however, there should be no Before you actually make any of
problem in getting sound out of the these connections, you may have to
speakers at this point. Now it is time to make some decisions, especially if you
make sure that your system is produc- wish to attach more than one recording
ing the correct sounds. First, turn the device. All but the most modest receiv-
balance control on the receiver, inte- ers and preamplifiers provide two or
grated amplifier, or preamplifier all the more tape -monitor circuits, and these
way to the left and then to the right, are usually interconnected in some way,
and note whether sound is being pro- so this is the time to decide which re-
duced only by the corresponding speak- corder should be attached to which cir-
er in each case. cuit. If you are planning to use your
Another important check, of speaker system occasionally for dubbing tapes,
phasing, should now be performed. the choice may be critical, as many pre-
Place the speakers a few feet apart and amplifiers and receivers allow copying
feed a mono signal to them with the from Deck A to Deck B but not the
balance control centered. If the speak- other way around.
ers are in phase, the sound will appear Setting up your tape equipment is
to come from a very distinct point mid- normally straightforward. It can be-
way between them. To exaggerate the come more complicated, however, if
effect, put your head directly between you also have an equalizer or a sur-
the speakers-the sound should seem to round -sound processor. These signal -
originate right between your ears (rath- processing devices are often designed to
er like the effect you sometimes get be inserted in the signal path between
with headphones). If you are in any the preamplifier and the power amplifi-
doubt, reverse the polarity on one er. With separate components, this is
sv traiernark ,. internam ,nal Jens,' me c '987 internat,,a, Jensen ioc CIRCLE NO 30 ON READER SERVICE CARD
easy to accomplish, and some receivers ground wire is included because the sig-
and integrated amplifiers allow you to nal from a phono cartridge is extremely
interrupt the signal between the preamp low and, therefore, is more inclined to
and power -amp sections. With others, pick up hum than other parts of the
however, a signal processor will have to system. It's a matter of insurance and is
be placed in one of the tape -monitor often not needed.
loops. For this reason, most of these
components have their own built-in The Last Steps
tape -monitor circuits to replace the When all your components are
ones they occupy. hooked up, it's time to put them into
their final locations. As you move each
Playback -Only Sources component into position, pay some at-
The remaining components, such as tention to the cables joining them to-
compact disc players, should be much gether. Make sure that the cables are as
simpler to hook up because they are far away as possible from power cords,
single-ended-in other words, they sim- and keep runs of wire as short as possi-
ply supply a signal to be reproduced. ble. Keeping the tangle behind your
The only difficulty you are likely to face system to a minimum makes sense both
with this sort of component is if you electrically and aesthetically.
have more of them than your preampli- Once the electronics are in place and
fier or receiver can accommodate. functioning, it's time to place your
About the only way you can prevent speakers. The sound they produce is as
this is by choosing equipment with the much a product of their acoustic envi-
right number of inputs in the first place. ronment as of their technological so-
though you may be able to use one of phistication, and great care should be
the tape -monitor inputs for a source taken so they can perform optimally.
component. But in the real world, there are only so
One very common playback -only many places in a room that you can put
source is, of course, the turntable, and speakers, particularly large ones.
you should tackle it next. The majority Make sure your speakers are
of turntables are supplied with a tone - acoustic environments that are as simi-
arm that is already mounted in the lar as possible. All surfaces-especially
lace your speakers chassis, but in some of the more elabo- those close to a speaker-reflect its
in similar acoustic rate systems the tonearms are separate sound, and this can have a profound in-
components. If possible, have your fluence on the overall impression it
environments-moving dealer mount the arm before you take makes. It is important that the two
them even slightly can the system home. But if you find you channels sound as much alike as possi-
make a big difference in have to do it yourself, or if you want to, ble, and this is extremely hard to
follow the instructions exactly-any achieve if the room acts on them differ-
how good they sound. shortcuts in positioning or securing the ently. Avoid putting one speaker in a
tonearm may seriously compromise its corner and the other along a wall or
performance. next to a doorway, for example, and be
It's more probable that you will have prepared to move them around a bit.
to mount just the phono cartridge your- Very slight adjustments of position can
self-although if you can get the dealer result in dramatic improvements in the
to do it, you can avoid one of the more sound-but make these judgments from
awkward and frustrating tasks in audio. the spot where you'll do most of your
Be very careful to check the positioning listening and not standing next to the
of the cartridge in the headshell. Also speakers.
make sure that the electrical connec- The final step is to sit down and read
tions are both secure and correct-most allthe instruction manuals cover to
tonearm and cartridge manufacturers cover. If there is a function that you
color -code their connections, but some were unaware of or that is unclear from
do not. You may have to do some care- the manual's description, try it out.
ful reading in the instruction manuals Play with each component until you
to determine just what should be con- really have the "feel" of your system
nected to what. If your cartridge and and can put it through all its paces.
arm are modular, or "P -mount," types, An audio system can be complex,
things will be much simpler: just plug and it may be some time before you fig-
in the cartridge and forget about it. ure out how to make it do everything
After you have seen to the turntable/ you want it to. But you can give your-
arm/cartridge combination, you should self a head start: a well -planned and
move the turntable to its approximate carefully assembled system should be
final location and make the electrical an exciting source of entertainment
connections. Incidentally, a separate right from the beginning. 0
Reference Control Amplifier
Reference Power Amplifier
We've given the C-90 a twin -mono amp construction which features The demand for a reliable and high -output power amplifier has never
separate power supplies and chassis layouts for the left and right chan- been greater now with the wide dynamic range made possible by the
nels. This elaborate construction shuts out mutual interference Compact Disc. The M-90 Reference Power Amplifier was designed
between channels, thus dramatically reducing intermodulation distor- especially for this digital age.
tion. There's also an independent power supply that uses an exclusive Speaker systems can have rated impedances of, say, 6 or 8 ohms,
transformer for video circuits, displays, relays, microcomputers and but when they play music wit wide dynamic variations, the actual
electronic switches. impedance can go much lower, especially at low frequencies. With
We've also isolated the circuits in the C-90 from the external world dynamic digital sound, an amplifier must be equipped with a power
because we know that a preamplifier is as susceptible to external supply that performs re,iably even under the heaviest load. And that's
disturbances and vibration as any other component. Preamps handle why we've created the M-90: its power supply features two outsize
very delicate signals measured in microvolts and millivolts. When sub- transformers, large electrolytic capacitors (for a total capacitance of
jected to vibration, parts vibrate in sympathy, resulting in a type of 48,000µF) and four bridged rectifier circuits with fast -recovery diodes.
distortion called "microphonics." Though subtle, this effect is discern- And in the power amplifier, 16 high -power transistors (8 per channel)
able, especially with the tremendously wide dynamic range possible are used in an elaborate "four -in -parallel" configuration.
with digital programs. So we constructed feet from polycarbonate (for What this means is that the M-90 is ready to deliver a continuous
optimum shock absorbing response), anchored circuit boards to the average power output of 20C watts*per channel, min., at 8 ohms
chassis with rubber dampers, used flexible copper screws to cushion from 20Hz to 20,000Hz with no more than 0.003% total har-
shocks, and employed a massive solid -aluminum volume control knob. monic distortion. What's even more amazing is its dynamic power.
In order to retain higher purity and integrity, we shortened signal 300 watts at 8 ohms, 550 watts at 4 ohms and 800 watts at 2 ohms
paths as much as possible through the use of relays, electronic (with EIA dynamic test signal).
switches and other means of electronic control wherever applicable. We also have made signal paths as short as possible to ensure
This has resulted in a drastic reduction of signal loss and deterioration signal integrity. The volume control for CD input is located on the front
(noise, distortion, crosstalk, etc.). panel, of course, but actual level adjustment is performed by a poten-
To boost the delicate signals from moving -coil cartridges, tiometer located behind the input terminals and linked by a long shaft.
Pioneer's exclusive "hybrid" booster combines a quality transformer In addition to the input for a control amp, the M-90 has an input,
and an optimum -gain phono equalizer. With one-half the normal with volume control, for airect connection of a Compact Disc player to
number of turns of coil, the transformer's thicker wire reduces DC allow you to enjoy purer -than -ever digital sound. Another line -level
resistance and stray wire capacitance for better high -frequency direct input is also provided that permits you to add other digital equip-
response. The reduced gain in the transformer is compensated for oy ment in the future. The M-90 also has an output to allow you to return
an equalizer specially designed for low -noise performance. All this the signals to the preamp for equalization or recording on a tape deck.
ensures that our "hybrid" booster provides a flat response from lows to We used our exclusive Non -Switching Circuit Type II for the power
highs and well -damped sound, making your "analog" records sound output stage, thus ending switching distortion. And we have elaborated
better than ever. on this design to reduce distortion further across a wide power output
Pioneer's policy of using only quality parts is expressed through- range. Thermal distortion is also drastically reduced by stabilizing the
out the amplifier, from circuit boards to wiring, from capacitors to idling current supplied to power transistors from the moment power is
semiconductors. Copper plating is used for the chassis and screws, for turned on. Moreover, we've reduced non-linear distortion of power tran-
instance, to reduce subtle magnetic distortion. sistors to 1 t30 that of our class -B amps.
In addition to high -quality sound, the C-90 also provides tremen- To ensure quality sound, we used quality parts, such as gold-
dous convenience: it connects, switches and controls six video com- plated in/output jacks, OFC (Oxygen -Free Copper) wiring, and 70µm -
ponents - two play -only units (LD players, TV tuners, etc.), three thick copper -plated circuit boards. To reduce magnetic distortion, the
record/playback VCRs, and one processor unit. Besides, it provides entire chassis is copper -plated, and so are screws used throughout.
two monitor outputs, and a 5 -pin RF converter output that accepts an Sophisticated craftsmansh,p is evident from the exterior: the
optional RF modulator (JA-RF5) for connecting a conventional TV. power amp's aluminum panel front glows with a traditional lacquer -like
Using the sharpness, detail and noise reduction controls, you can even luster. The front panel also con'ains large fluorescent power output
enhance the video as you watch or dub. indicators.
And for added convenience, the C-90 comes with a remote con-
trol that lets you control volume and input selection, as well as handle
other Pioneer audio/video equipment with the "SR" mark. Adding a
touch of class to the amplifier is an aluminum front panel finished with *Measured pursuant to the Federal Trade Commission's Trade Regulation Rule on
a lacquer -like shine. Power Output Claims for Amplifiers.
Digital output
There is a digital output for connection to an outboard DAC (Digital -to -
Analog Converter) unit or an amplifier featuring a built-in DAC like the
Pioneer A -91D, so that you'll enjoy better yet, purer yet digital sound.
Note: The PD-M9OX comes with both a 6 -disc magazine and a single -disc loader.
Additional magazines (JD -M100) are available as options.
PL -90
Think of it as the most advanced form in turntable by a precise quartz-PLL servo system to provide
technology. The PL -90 is designed to let you enjoy cog -free and ripple -free smooth torque generation.
the maximum dynamic range and low distortion The motor is fitted with a Stable Hanging Rotor to
that today's best analog recordings can deliver. improve stability. The platter is large (14-3/16
To get the best performance out of today's inches across), heavy (7 lbs. 4 oz.) and has a high
sophisticated phono cartridges, we've fashioned moment of inertia (655 kilograms per square centi-
its straight tone arm out of light yet rigid alumina - meter), to smooth out rotation.
ceramics. Then we've fitted on it a Pioneer DRA The important tone arm and motor are fully in-
(Dynamic Resonance Absorber), a combination sulated from external influences through a Double
of a viscous damper and weight, to eliminate Insulation System that shuts out vibration in both
resonance. horizontal and vertical planes. The cabinet is made
To ensure that your records are played with of high -density material to suppress resonance.
extremely low noise and wow and flutter, we use a Ease of use is enhanced with the addition
coreless direct -drive DC -servo motor controlled of automatic arm lift -up at the end of record play.
Here's a pair of speaker systems specifically designed to serve as duces double the amount of usable bass sound, extending the low-
standards for accurate digital reproduction. A number of Pioneer requency response substantially.
exclusive designs has contributed to the making of our reference Our DRS (Dynamic Response Suspension) improves the linearity
speaker systems. of the damper and surround of the woofer, so that the driver responds
One is the LDMC (Linear -Drive Magnetic Circuit) in the woofer. accurately to a wide range of inputs from the loudest to scftest sounds.
It creates a uniform magnetic field over a wide range within the voice -his adds to a wider dynamic range.
coil gap. As a result, the voice coil is driven by the same uniform force The diaphragm of the woofer is made of Pioneer's PG or Polymer
whether it is being pushed far outward to create very loud sounds, Graphite* that's light and firm. It combines low distortion, smooth
or is hardly moving to produce the faintest notes. The LDMC response and low coloration. The midranges are made of hard boron
makes the sound you hear refreshingly transparent, powerful and to improve sensitivity and assure natural response. Tweeters are
exceptionally lifelike. lightweight and responsive beryllium ribbons combining better tran-
Our woofers also feature the EBD (Electronic Bass Drive). This sient response and low distortion.
design uses two voice coils wound on the bobbin, one on top of the
other. Driven by two frequency -divided voice coils, the woofer pro - *Polymer Graphite is a trademark of Pioneer Electronic Corporation.
The best in picture and sound Elaborate power supply and quality parts
Here's the finest LD player available to consumers anywhere in the The LD-S1's power supply is elaborate, using two transformers, one for
world. Designed and engineered specifically for the videophile with an servo and digital circuits, and another for audio and video circuits. And
ear for excellent sound. Take a look at some of the LD-S1's standout to shut out interference between audio and video circuits, each has a
specifications: 420 -line horizontal resolution, 48dB video signal-to- separate power supply (independent coil windings on the transformer)
noise ratio, 105dB audio signal-to-noise ratio and 97dB audio dynamic and is laid out so that it is separated from the other. Quality parts are
range. used for improved sound and picture, including a 1mm-thick OFC
(Oxygen -Free Copper) ground bus plate, gold-plated terminals, copper -
Full -floating drive system plated chassis, and OFC AC power cable.
Subjected to vibration, the pickup of an LD player can cause jitter,
patchy colors and streaks in solid colors. And vibrating PC boards Superb operating conveniences
can muddy the sound. So we've isolated the motor disc drive from the The LD-S1 is equipped with a number of features to make operations
rest of the chassis, to reduce the amount of vibration passed from the superbly easy. Any part of a disc can be accessed in one-half the nor-
motor to other parts of the player. The result is a drastic reduction of mal time of conventional players. A large fluorescent panel serves as
jitter and streaks. Specifically: Our new Dynamic Pressure Bearing has your guide to operation. A new addition is the "Last Memory" feature:
lessened the load applied to the metal bearing. As the shaft starts to press the "LAST MEMORY" button before shutting off the power, and
rotate, liquid silicone collects under the shaft, cushioning it and support- at the next viewing play resumes with a scene a few seconds back
ing it to prevent direct contact with the bearing. Transmission of motor from where you left off. The front panel has all the controls you need
vibration is lessened and friction reduced for smoother motor rotation. for operation. And the remote control is ergonomically designed for
Our magnetic disc clamper uses a powerful magnet to hold the ease of use.
disc. The moment a disc is in place, the clamper arm is removed from Available functions include Still/Step, Dual -Speed Scan, Frame/
the clamper, thus ending the transmission of the motor vibration to Time Search, Chapter Search, 9 -Step Multi -Speed Play, 4 -Mode Repeat,
other parts of the player. Chapter -Skip Search and Chapter Program. Other features include on-
screen display, picture tone control, two video outputs, I/O port for
Accu-Focus System computer interface, gold-platec headphone output, and an SR terminal.
The tracking beams reflected from the disc are added by the quadrant
photodetector inside the pickup assembly. But there is a slight phase
difference between the outputs from leading and trailing beams. In the
LD-S1, however, the outputs from the leading beam are delayed so that
they can be added to those from the trailing beam in time. This reduces
distortion and improves frequency response, especially the highs, of
the RF output. Both audio and video benefit.
Digital memory
Eight -bit digital memory brings you versatile and clean special effects
- the LD-S1 is the first player ever to be equipped with this innovative
feature. You can freeze and store a picture in memory for view ng
anytime. You can enjoy still and multi -speed play even from CLV
(Extended -Play) discs, not to mention CAV (Standard -Play) discs. You'll
also enjoy "strobe motion" and still with sound, two exciting new dioitat
additions. Pictures are exceptionally stable and free of noise. Scanned
pictures are also free of noise bars.
I roe ampellr
11114.011,1 NILO%
C-90 A -91D
Rated Output 8V (20 - 20.000Hz, 10k ohms. TH D 0 001%) Continuous average power output of 120 watts* per channel, min.,
Input Sensitivity/Impedance
at 8 ohms from 2CHz to 20,000Hz with no more than 0.003% total
PHONO (MM) 2 5mV/50k ohms
PHONO (MC) 0 25mV/40 ohms or 0 125mV/3 ohms
harmonic distortion
'o!al Harmonic Distortion 0.003% (20 - 20.000Hz, 8 ohms, continuous
CD. TUNER. AUX. TAPE 150mV/50k ohms
rated power output)
Output Level/Impedance
Input Sensitivity/Impedance
PRE OUT. 1V/600 ohms
PHONO (MM). 2 5mV/50k ohms
TAPE REC: 150mV/Ik ohms
PHONO (MC) 0 25mV/40 ohms
Total Harmonic Distortion 0002% (20 - 20.000Hz, 10k ohms, output 1V) CD. TUNER. AUX. TAPE. 150mV/50k ohms
Intermodulation Distortion. 0.002% (output IV)
PHONO Overload Level (1kHz)
(50Hz 7.000Hz= 4 1. 8 ohms)
MM/MC. 200mV/20mV (TH D 0.008%)
Frequency Response
Output Level/Impedance
PHONO (RIM Equalization) 20 - 20.000Hz ± 0 2dB TAPE REC 150mV/0 8k ohms
CD. TUNER. AUX. TAPE 20 - 20.000Hz OdB - 1dB SPEAKERS A. B. A+B. OFF
Tone Control
HEADPHONES Low impedance
BASS ±9dB (100Hz)
Frequency Response
TREBLE ±9dB (10kHz)
PHONO (RIM Equalization)
Muting 20dB
Signal -to -Noise Ratio (IHF, A -network)
MM 20 - 20,000Hz ±0 2dB
MC 20 - 20.000Hz ±0 3dB
96dB IMM) 86dB (MC)
CD. TUNER. AUX. TAPE 1 - 150,000Hz OdB. - 3dB
Tone Control
BASS ± 8dB (100Hz)
Input Sensitivity/Impedance
TREBLE ± 8dB (10kHz)
VDP, VCR, TV Tuner, Adaptor 1Vp-p/75 ohms
Filter (Subsonic) 17Hz ( - 12dB/oct )
Output Level/Impedance
Loudness Contour +5dB (100Hz) +348 (10kHz)
Monitor. Adaptor. REC Monitor 1Vp-p/75 Ohms
(Volume at - 40dB position)
Frequency Range. 10Hz - 10MHz OclEi - 3dB
Signal -to -Noise Ratio (IHF. snort-circuited A -network)
PHONO (MM/MC) 95dB/83dB
Power Requirements 120V 60Hz
Power Consumption 40W
Dimensions (W x H x DI 18 x 4-15(16 x 15-15/16 inches Power Requirements 120V 60Hz
(without 457 x 125 x 405 mm Power Consumption. 670W (UL)
Weight (without package). 21 IDs. 6 oz /9 7kg
Dimensions (W x H a D). 18 x 6-13/16 x 18-11/16 inches
(without package) 457 x 173 x 475 mm
Weight (without package). 65 lbs. 15 oz /29 9kg
Continuous average power output of 200 watts* per channel. min.. F-91
at 8 ohms, from 20Hz to 20,000Hz with no more than 0.003% total FM TUNER SECTION
harmonic distortion. Usable Sensitivity (mono) 9 8dB! (0 85µV 75 Ohms)
Total Harmonic Distortion 0 003% (20 - 20,000Hz. 8 ohms. continuous 50dB Quieting Sensitivity
rated power output) Mono 12 8dBf (1 214V. 75 ohms)
Intermodulation Distortion. 0 002% (continuous rated power output) Stereo 34 8d13f (15AV. 75 ohms)
(50Hz 7.000Hz = 4 1. 8 ohms) Signal -to -Noise Ratio
Input Sensitivity/Impedance Mono/Stereo (IHF) 95dB/87dB
CONTROL AMP 1V/50k ohms (fixed) Distortion (at 80dElt)
CD DIRECT. LINE DIRECT 1V/50k ohms (variable) 100Hz (mono/stereo) 0 015%/0 02%
Output 1kHz (mono/stereo) 0 009% /0 02%
SPEAKERS A. B. A+9. OFF 6kHz (mono/stereo). 002°/ /0.07°/
HEADPHONES Low impedance Frequency Response 20 - 15.000Hz +0 2dB, -0 8dB
Frequency Response (CD) 20 - 20,000Hz OdB. -0 tcB Capture Ratio 0 8dB
Signal -to -Noise Ratio 125dB (IMF, A -network) Alternate Channel Seiectivity 85dB (400kHz)
MISCELLANEOUS Spurious Response Ratio. 80dB
Power Requirements. 120V 60Hz Image Response Ratio 70dB
Power Consumption 430W (UL) IF Response Ratio 100dB
Dimensions (W x H x D) 18 x 6-1116 x 16-15/16 inches AM Suppression Ratio 70dB
(without package) 457 x 154 x 430 mm Subcarner Product Ratio. 60dB
Weight (without package). 49 lbs. 13 oz./22.6kg Muting Threshold 25 2dB115mV. 75 ohms)
Stereo Separation
1kHz. 65dB
20 - 10.000Hz 55dB
Antenna Input. 75 ohms unbalanced
IHF. Loop Antenna. 150,4V/m
Selectivity 1808
Signal -to -Noise Ratio 50dB
Image Response Ratio 40dB
IF Response Ratio 60dB
Antenna Loop antenna
Output (Level/Impedance)
FM (100% Mod. Fired). 650mV/900 ohms
AM (30% Mod. Feed) 150mV/900 ohms
Power Requirements 120V 60Hz
Power Consumption. 25W
Dimensions (W x H x 18 x 3-5/16 x 12-7/16 inches
'Measured pursuant to the Federal Trade Commission's Trade Regulation Rule on Power Output
(without package) 457 x 84 x 316 mm
Weight (without package). 11 lbs 7 oz /5 2kg
Claims for Amplifiers
System. Compact disc digital audio system TYPE LaserVision videodisc system
Frequency Response: 4 - 20,000Hz ± 0.5dB OUTPUTS
Signal -to -Noise Ratio (EIAJ). 100dB VHF Output (NTSC)
Dynamic Range (EIAJ). 9608 Channel Channel 3 or 4 (switchable)
Channel Separation (EIAJ). 93dB Terminal. F -type jack (75 ohms, unbalanced)
Wow and Flutter (EIAJ) Unmeasurable ( ± 0 001%. weighted peak) Video Output
Distortion(EIAJ). 00035% Output Level. 1Vp-p (75 ohms, sync negative)
Output Voltage (EIAJ). 2V ± 0 5V Output Terminals. RCA jack (75 ohms. unbalanced)
Power Requirements. 120V 60Hz Audio Output
Power Consumption. 23W Channels. Discrete 2 channels (1 /L. 2/R, 1 /L+2/R.
Dimensions (W x H x D). 18 x 4-1/8 x 12-3/8 inches switchable)
(without package) 457 x 104 x 315 mm Output Level. Digital sound. 200mV rms (1kHz, - 20dB)
Weight (without package). 15 lbs /6 8kg Analog sound: 200mV rms (1kHz. 40%)
Output Terminals RCA jacks
Frequency Response. 4 - 20.000Hz (+0 5dB)
PL -90 Signal -to -Noise Ratio. 105dB
Dynamic Range. 97dB
Channel Separation.
Drive System: Direct Drive
Total Harmonic Distortion. 0 0035%
Motor. Coreless, Ouartz-PLL DC -servo motor with
Stable Hanging Rotor."'
14-3116 inches (36cm)
Frequency Response. 20 - 20,000Hz
Turntable Platter:
Signal -to -Noise Ratio. 70dB (CX on)
Inertial Mass. 655kg/cm2
Dynamic Range 70dB (CX on)
Speed. 33-1/3 and 45 rpm
Wow and Flutter (WRMS). 0.018% (0.008%*)
Power Requirements. 120V 60Hz
Signal -to -Noise Ratio: 85dB (DIN B)
Power Consumption. 55W
TONE ARM Dimensions (W x H x 18 x 5-3/8 x 18-7116 inches
Type. Statically balanced, alumina -ceramics st'aight
(without Package) 457 x 136 x 468 mm
tone arm with DRA
Weqh! (without package). 36 lbs. 15 oz /16 8kg
Effective Arm Length. 11-1/8 inches (282mm)
Overhang. 9/16 inch (13.5mm)
Usable Cartridge Weight: 2.4g - 12g
Power Requirements. 120V 60Hz Barb
Power Consumption: 14W LaserDisc rs a trademark of Pioneer Electronic Corporation.
Dimensions (W x H x 0).
(without package)
Weight (without package):
'Measured directly from FG output.
23-7116 x 8-7/16 x 17-1/16 inches
596 x 215 x 434 mm
38 lbs 2 oz /17 3kg
The LaserVision mark certifies compatibility with other laser optical video products Dearing
the mark.
DSS-E1 0 This mark indicates the compatibility for the Pioneer system remote control.
Enclosure. Bass -reflex bookshelf type
Unit Layout Symmetrical
Woofer 12 -inch (30cm) PG"' cone type
Midrange. 4 -3/4 -inch (12cm) boron cone type
Tweeter Beryllium ribbon type
Impedance 6 ohms
Frequency Range. 30 - 50.000Hz
Sensitivity 91dB/W (1m)
Maximum Music Power. 240W
Rated Power. BOW
Crossover Frequencies 650Hz (Low/Mid)
4,000Hz (Mid/High)
Dimensions (W x H x 0). 15-3/8 x 26-3/4 x 13-7/8 inches
(without package) 390 x 680 x 353 mm
Weight (without package). 57 lbs 5 oz /26kg
Enclosure. Bass -reflex bookshelf type
Unit Layout Symmetrical
Woofer 8 -inch (20cm) PGT" cone type
Midrange. 2 -1/2 -inch (6 6cm) boron cone type
Tweeter Beryllium ribbon type
Impedance. 6 ohms
Frequency Range. 40 - 50,000Hz
Sensitivity. 90dB/W (1m)
Maximum Music Power 120W
Rated Power. 40W
Crossover Frequencies. 1.000Hz (Upw/Mid) Note. Specifications and design subject to modification without notice.
5.000Hz (Mid/High)
Dimensions (W x H x D). 10-5/8 x 18-1/2 x 9-9/16 inches
(without package) 270 x 470 x 243 mm
Weight (without package). 23 lbs 2 oz /10.54 CIRCLE NO 70 ON READER SERVICE CARD
P 0 Box 1540. Long Beach. Cantor -11a 90801
ACOUSTIC RESEARCH nents); digital volume and tone controls; RS -232 ance controls; loudness switch; programmable
port allows control through personal computer; volume level; auto compression to prevent over-
AR X-10 AM/FM Stereo Receiver capable of multi -room remote control Amp sec- load; mounts on wall with accessory brackets;
Receiver with infrared remote to control power, tion: 70 W/ch into 8/4 ohms; dynamic headroom
volume, tuning, input selection, and AR CD 2 dB. Tuner section: IHF sens 26 dBf stereo; sig-
player functions. Features audio and video dub- nal strength for 50 -dB quieting 35 dBf stereo.
bing; close -tolerance metal -film resistors and film 17.5" w x 2.8" h x 14.8" d; 23 lb $1,100
capacitors for RIAA; concealed bass, midrange,
treble, balance, tone -defeat, loudness, filter, tape, RC1 Unified Remote Control
FM/AM, memory, and speaker -switching controls; Wireless remote controls R4 and other a/d/s/
8 AM /8 I'M station presets: gold-plated phono in components $100
AA -V405 -B 100-W/ch A/V Receiver
With wireless remote control; surround -sound de-
coding; 7 -band EQ; 16 AM/FM presets; video
and RF inputs/outputs; comprehensive LCD. In- headphone jack; drives 2 pairs of speakers. 25 W/
puts for MM phono; tape; aux; CD player; video ch into 8 ohms; 50 -dB quieting sens 43 dBf stereo.
sound source; VCR I; VCR 2; VDP; RF. Amp 24.5" w s 2.75" h x 10" d; 15.4 lb $799
section: 100 W/ch into 8 ohms. FM section: 50 -
puts. Inputs for N1M phono, sic phono; tape; AUX; dB quieting sens stereo 37.2 dBf; max S/N with
CD player; video sound source; VCR I; VCR 2. 65 dBf A-wtd stereo 65 dB; capture ratio 1.5 dB.
Amp section: 100 contiuous average W/ch from 17" w x 4" h x 13.5" d; 16.2 lb $589 200-W/ch AM/FM Receiver 2000
20-20,000 -Hz into 8 ohms with less than 0.03% With Magnetic Field Amp, Sonic Holography,
THD, 130 W into 4 ohms; dynamic headroom 2 AA -V305 -B 80-W/ch A/V Receiver and special FM NR. Features AM stereo; MC
dB; 200 -ms dynamic power 150 W; 40 -ampere Wireless remote control; surround -sound decod- cartridge preamp; remote control. Inputs for MM
current capability. FM section 50 -dB quieting sens ing; 5 -band EQ; 16 AM/FM presets; video and phono, MC phono, tape, AUX, extra AUX, CD
stereo 25 µV (33.2 dBf); FM S/N (at 65 dBf) 75 dB RF inputs/outputs; comprehensive LCD. Inputs player, video sound source. Amp section: 200 W/
stereo, 80 dB mono; THD stereo 0.3%; capture ra- for MM phono; tape; aux; CD player; video ch into 8 ohms; dynamic headroom 0.2 dB. FM
tio 1.0 dB; AM rejection 60 dB; alt-ch sel 75 dB. sound source; VCR 1; VCR 2; VDP; RF. Amp section: alternate-ch sel 58 dB; adjacent-ch sel 40
17" w x 4.33" h x 14.5" d $800 section: 80 W/ch into 8 ohms. FM section: 50 -dB dB; 50 -dB quieting sens stereo 5µV; sep 40 dB at
quieting sens stereo 37.2 dBf; max S/N with 65 1,000 Hz; capture ratio 1.0 dB. AM section: sens
AR X-06 AM/FM-Stereo Receiver dBf A-wtd stereo 65 dB; capture ratio 1 5 dB. 17" 250 µV $1,595
Receiver with infrared remote to control power, w x 4" h x 13.5" d $499
volume, tuning, input selection, and AR CD 150-W/cb AVR100 Audio/Video Receiver
player functions. Features audio and video dub- AA -V205 -B 60-W/ch A/V Receiver Magnetic Field Amplifier; 6 AM/6 FM presets;
bing; close -tolerance metal -film resistors and film Wireless remote control; surround -sound decod- Asymmetrical Charge -Coupled FM Detector;
capacitors for RIAA; concealed bass, midrange, ing; 5 -band EQ; 16 AM/FM presets; video and Sonic Holography; bass control boosts or cuts
treble, balance, loudness, mono; tape, VCR, tun- RF inputs/outputs; comprehensive LCD. Inputs 100 Hz max 8 dB; treble boosts or cuts 10,000 Hz
ing, and speaker -switching controls; 8 AM/8 FM for MM phono; tape; aux; CD player; video max 8 dB; 4 video inputs, 3 video outputs, with
station presets; gold-plated phono inputs. Inputs sound source; VCR I; VCR 2; VDP; RF. Amp switching and dubbing; antenna/cable switching;
for MM phono; sic phono; tape; AUX; co player; section: 60 W/ch into 8 ohms. FM section: 50 -dB surround -sound processor with 50 W; 20 -function
video sound source; VCR I; VCR 2. Amp section: quieting sens stereo 37.2 dBf; capture ratio 1.5 remote. 150 W/ch. Tuner section: FM sens IHF
60 contiuous average W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz dB. 17.3" w x 4" h x 13.5" d; 16.2 lb $399 2.0 µV; FM 50 -dB quieting sens 4.5 µV mono or
into 8 ohms with less than 0.03% THD, 80 W into stereo; capture ratio 1.5 dB; AM distortion at 2
4 ohms; dynamic headroom 2 dB. 17" w x 3.25" mV 0.6% $1,199
h x 15.5" d $600
Beomaster 5500 50-W/ch AM/FM Receiver 150-W/ch AM/FM Receiver 150
AR X-04 AM/FM-Stereo Receiver Includes Master Control Panel remote control Designed for noise -free stereo FM and adequate
AM/FM receiver with concealed ergonomic con- and handheld infrared remote; presets for 20 AM power for CD's; PLL fully digital -synthesized
trols. Features 8 AM/8 FM station presets; mute and FM stations; Auto Power Handling Control AM/FM stereo tuner section; Magnetic Field
button; headphone jack; inputs for MM phono; compression; double-acting auto gain control in Amp; Asymmetrical Charge -Coupled FM Detec-
tape; AUX; CD player; video sound source. Amp FM; volume, bass, treble, and balance controlled tor; phono input; video/digital audio input; aux
section: 40 contiuous average W/ch from 20- from knob on MCP remote; works with other input; 2 tape inputs; 6 station presets; mono
20,000 Hz into 8 ohms with less than 0.03% THD, Beosystem 5500 components for multi -room re- switch; bass, mid, treble controls; balance control;
50 W into 4 ohms; dynamic headroom 1.4 dB; mote control; direct selection of any FM or AM switches for tone defeat, speaker selection, tape
200 -ms dynamic power 60 W. FM section 50 -dB station by frequency; station search; silver and monitoring, tape dubbing, FM muting, AM noise
quieting sens stereo 40 µV (37.2 dBf); FM S/N (at black finish. Power output 50 W/ch into 8 ohms; filter, loudness contour. 150 W/ch into 8 ohms.
65 dBf) 74 DB stereo, 78 dB mono; THD stereo dynamic headroom 1.5 dB; 50 -dB quieting sens FM section (stereo, 75 ohms, with Charge -Cou-
0.3%. 17" w x 3.25" h x 13" d $400 40 dBf; capture ratio 1.7 dB. 16.5" w x 3" h x pled Detector engaged): usable sens 16.3 dBf
12.75" d; 19.2 lb $1,950 (1.78 µV) 50 -dB quieting sens 23.5 dBf (4.0
a/d/s/ Beomaster 3300 25-W/ch AM/FM Receiver
R4 Remote -Controllable 70-W/ch Receiver Works with other Beosystem 3300 components 90-W/ch Receiver 900
Alphanumeric display on front panel indicating for multi -room remote control; sensi-touch ca- With Magietic Field Amp and special FM NR.
input source or received radio station. Digital - pacitance controls; volume controlled from wire- Inputs for MM phono, tape, Aux, extra AUX, CD
synthesized tuner with 30 memory presets for less remote; 4 FM, I AM presets; auto power player, video sound source. Amp section: 90 W/
AM or FM stations; optional wireless remote with source selection; bass (max +9, -14 dB at 40 ch into 8 ohms; dynamic headroom 0.2 dB. FM
control (which also controls other a/d/s/ compo- Hz), treble (max +9, -14 dB at 12,500 Hz), bal- section: alternate-ch sel 58 dB; adjacent-ch sel 40
single, remote control the compact Receiver 2000 wireless remote control.
Touch the POWER button. Two hundred watts
spring to life. More than any other
PO Box 1237 Lynnwood WA 98046
Distnbuted Canada by technology
output: 35 W/ch into 8 ohms from 40-20,000 Hz preset scan; 10 -key direct frequency input (re-
with no more than 0.08% THD $260 mote); 2 video sound inputs; 5 -band graphic LUXMAN
equalizer; equalizer recording switch; two tape in- R-117 160-W/Ch AM/FM Receiver
RX150BK AM/FM Receiver puts with monitor; muting; electronic input selec- Receiver with full -function system remote control
Features digital synthesis tuning; 8 AM/8 FM sta- tors; fluorescent multi -display; speaker A/B se- including video and video sound switching. Fea-
tion presets; auto loudness contour; connections lector; headphone jack. 55 W/ch min rms. both tures low -impedance drive capability: CD
for 2 pairs of speakers; FM mode/muting switch. channels driven at 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz straight mode; 1-1-1 differential phono input; 5
25 W/ch into 8 ohms from 40-20,000 Hz with no with no more than 0.08% THD; s/N phono 73 dB,
more than 0.5% THD SI85 CD, AUX, tape 100 dB; FM 50 dB quieting sens
17.2 dBf (mono), 38.2 dBf (stereo). 16.56" w x
KENWOOD 4.31" h x 9" d; 11.7 lb $295
Put Everytr
You've Got '%
Into It. Ex tN/<
McINTOSH no more than 0.1% THD into 8 ohms; dynamic R-25 AM/FM Receiver
headroom 1.5 dB; 200 -ms dynamic power 64 Features 2 tape monitor inputs; phono input; CD
MAC 4200 Receiver watts. FM 50 -dB quieting sens stereo 37.5 dBf; input; subsonic filter. 25 W/ch rms with 0.05%
Stereo AM/FM receiver with 100 W/ch into 4 N 74 dBA at 65 dBf; THD stereo 0.07%; capture
ohms, 75 W/ch into 8 ohms. 54 lb $2,890 ratio 2 dB; AM rejection 60 dB; alt-ch sel 55 dB.
16.94" w x 3.94" h x 14.56" d $650
SR -2A AM/FM Stereo Receiver
7175 PE AM/FM Receiver Stereo receiver with Stasis power amp, multi -reg-
Features power -envelope circuitry; inputs for ulated power supply. Inputs for MM phono, tape,
MM phono, MC phono, tape; aux, CD player, CD player. 30 continuous average W/ch from 20-
video sound source. 75 continuous average W/ch 20,000 Hz with no more than 0.1% THD into 8
from 20-20,000 Hz into 8 ohms with less than ohms; dynamic headroom 1.7 dB; 200 -ms dynam- THD; FM usuable sens. 15 dBf (1.5 µV); s/N 120
0.03% THD. 16.5" w x 4.25" h x 15" d; 20 lb, 4 ic power 45 watts. FM 50 -dB quieting sens stereo dB $200
oz $748 37.5 dBf; s/N 74 dBA at 65 dBf; THD stereo
0.07%; capture ratio 2 dB; AM rejection 60 dB;
D250 PE AM/FM Receiver alt-ch sel 55 dB. 16.94" w x 3.94" h x 14.56" d; 16 ONKYO
Features power -envelope circuitry; inputs for lb, 9 oz $449 TX-SV7 Audio/Video Receiver
MM phono, MC phono, aux, CD player, video Audio/video AM/FM receiver with Onkyo's RV-
sound source. 50 continuous average W/ch from AV7M universal remote control to operate re-
20-20,000 Hz into 8 ohms with less than 0.03% NEC
ceiver plus a variety of other audio and video
THD. 16.5" w x 4.25" h x 15" d; 20 lb, 6 oz$598 AVR-1000 Audio/Video Receiver componetns. Features built-in MTh decoder for
AM/FM receiver with built-in Dolby and matrix stereo broadcasts; built-in surround -sound pro-
7130 Digital AM/FM Receiver surround -sound processors. Features unified re- cessor with Dolby, matix, and hall surround
AM/FM receiver with inputs for MM phono; mote control with LCD readout that can operate sound; simulated stereo; 12 AM/FM station pre-
MC phono; aux, tape. Amp section: 30 continu- other NEC audio and video components; four sets; FM mute; inputs for 4 speakers; bass, treble,
ous average W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz with no built-in power amps (one for each front and rear and balance controls. Inputs for CD player, pho-
more than 0.03% THD into 8 ohms; dynamic ch); quartz-PLL digital -synthesis tuning; 16 AM/ no; VDP, VCR, tape I. and tape 2. 100 W/ch, 75
headroom +3 dB; IHF IMD 0.03%. FM section: W/ch (front) and 25 W/ch (rear) in surround
alt-ch sel 70 dB; 50 -dB quieting sens mono 2.8 mode $1,000
µV (14.2 dBf), stereo 28 µV (34.2 dBf); max S/N,
A-wtd, mono 82 dB, stereo 75 dB; THD mono Integra TX -108 AM/FM Receiver
0.09%, stereo 0.09%; sep 50 dB at 1,000 Hz; cap- Computer -controlled AM/FM receiver with full -
ture ratio 1.5 dB. AM section: sens 300 µV. 42 function wireless remote control that can also op -
cm w a 10.8 h x 38 d; 17 lb, 9 oz $378 crate selected Onkyo turntables, tape decks, and
CD players. Automatic precision reception sys-
7125 AM/FM-Stereo Receiver tem controls stereo/mono, local/ox, high -blend
Digitally tuned receiver with Dyn Sep circuit. on/off, and NR on/off functions. 100 continuous
Features presets for 5 stations; center -tune indica- average W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz into 8 ohms
tor; loudness compensation and bass EQ switch- with - 0 0:!'"; ittn FM section: 50 -dB quieting
es; mono button. Amp section: continuous aver- FM station presets; preset scan; FM mute; selecta-
age power output 25 W at 8 ohms min rms power ble wide/narrow IF bandwidth; 3 volume level/
per channel 20-20,000 Hz both chs driven with channel balance presets; computer -controlled vol-
no more than rated distortion 20-20,000 Hz THD ume and input selection; audio mute; a master
<0.05%; THD <0.05% 20-20,000 Hz from 250 volume control; front/rear volume control; front -
mW to rated output; TIM <0.02% with 15,000 left, front -right, rear -left, and rear -right volume
Hz sine wave +3.18 Hz square wave at rated out- controls; rear and front bass/treble controls. In-
put. Tuner section: IHF usable sens 1.9 g.a.V (10.8 puts for phono, CD player, tape deck, AUX, Tv,
dBf); 50 -dB quieting mono 3.0 D.LV (14.8 d131); 50 - and VCR. Tuner section: FM usable sens 10.8 dBf
dB quieting stereo 30 µV (34.8 dBf); S/N 65 dB (0.95 µV); FM s/N 74 dB stereo. Amp section: sens 40 µV (37.2 dBf) stereo; capture ratio 1.3
A-wtd, mono/stereo 80/75 dB; FR 30-15,000 Hz; 100 W/ch into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz with dB; alt-ch sel 70 dB. 18.88" w x 5.88" h x 18.12"
3.25" h x 16.5" w x 11.25" d $298 0.02% THD (front), 50 W/ch into 8 ohms (rear). d; 33 lb $850
16.94" w x 5.5" h x 16.94" d; 35 lb $869
NAKAMICHI Integra TX -88 AM/FM Receiver
AVR-700 Audio/Video Receiver Computer -controlled Am/Fm receiver with full -
SR -4A AM/FM Stereo Receiver Similar features as AVR-I000 except has 70 W/ function wireless remote control that also oper-
Stereo receiver with Stasis power amp, multi -reg- ch into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz with 0.02% ates selected Onkyo turntables, tape decks, and
ulated power supply, extensive video switching. THD (front), 35 W/ch into 8 ohms (rear). 16.94" CD players. Automatic precision reception sys-
Inputs for MM phono, MC phono, tape, CD play- w x 5.5" h x 16.94" d $649 tem controls stereo/mono, local/ox, high -blend
er, video sound source; vcanaser disc. 60 contin- on/off, and NR on/off functions. Features real -
R-510 Audio/Video Receiver phase power supply; dynamic bass expander; sim-
Remote -controlled AM/FM receiver with 16 Am/ ulated stereo; preset memory scan; motorized vol-
FM station presets. 50 W/ch $499 ume control; FM/video simulcast capability. In-
puts for MM phono; tape; tape 2; CD player; vid-
NIKKO eo sound source; VCR; VDP. Amp section: 80 con-
tinuous average W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz into 8
AVR-65 Audio/Video Receiver ohms with <0.025% THD. FM section: 50 -dB
Remote -controlled Am/Fm, UHF, CATV stereo re- quieting sens 40 µV (37.2 dBf) stereo; capture ra-
ceiver with built-in m-rs/sAP decoder and 139 - tio 1.5 dB; alt-ch sel 70 dB. 17.75" w x 5.88" h x
uous average W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz with no channel tuning. Features quartz -locked tuner; 2 18.12" d; 26 lb $680
more than 0.1% THD into 8 ohms; dynamic head- video inputs/outputs; 10 AM/I0 FM presets. 65
room 1.3 dB; 200 -ms dynamic power 80 W. FM W/ch into 8 ohms with 0.05% THD; FR 20-20,000 TX-RV47 AM/FM Receiver
50 -dB quieting sens stereo 37.5 dBf; s/N 74 dBA Hz. s/N 65 db $900 Audio/video receiver with full -function wireless
at 65 dBf; THD stereo 0.07%; capture ratio 1.5 remote control that also operates selected Onkyo
dB; AM rejection 60 dB; alt-ch sel 60 dB. 16.94" NR -1050R Audio/Video Receiver turntables, tape decks, and CD players. Features
w x 3.94" h x 19.56" d; 22 lb, 4 oz $895 Remote -controlled receiver with 100 W/ch; 2 matrix surround -sound system for theater sur-
tape inputs; 20 station presets; bi-directional dub- round sound from movie sound tracks with 4 -
SR -3A AM/FM Stereo Receiver bing; LA mic; 4 -band graphic ei3 $700 speaker systems; dynamic bass expander; stereo -
Stereo receiver with Stasis power amp, multi -reg- NR -850R. Same as above with 65 W/ch $500 image expander; stereo synthesizer; preset memo-
ulated power supply, defeatable subsonic filter. NR -750. Same as above with 48 W/ch/ ry scan; FM/video simulcast capability. 55 contin-
Inputs for MM phono, MC phono, tape, CD play- rms $299.95 uous average W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz into 8
er, video sound source; 2 video sources. 45 con- NR -650. Same as above with 38 W/ch/ ohms with <0.08% THD. FM 50 -dB quieting sens
tinuous average W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz with rms $259.95 40 µV (37.2 dBf) stereo $500
Cerwin-Vega's new Select Edition Series. at extra Drdinary output levels, reproduction
remains remarkably defined and distortion free.
Sonic realism that creates a new dimension.
Finally, speakers that do justice to everything
These stunning speakers give you high-tech outside, you've got-from compact discs to 8mm digital
and inside-where it counts most. We've combined video playback.
exacting engineering standards with superior inno-
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matched componentry for clear linear
response and electrifying depth. Cerwin-Vega's SE Series.
A new classic
Advances in consumer electronics demand
progressive loudspeakers. With its unsur-
passed efficiency (as high as 102dB 1W @ WI)
and power handling (up to 405 watts con-
Fs, more information pea.e wroe or c
tinuous), the SE Series delivers incompara- ortetn Vest., 12250 Mont ewe St /Arleta CA 91331 18181 896 0771
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ble dynamic range (exceeding 92dB). Even Cwwin-Ve.38 Europe. Skoodattopprej 71 /MEMO ft, Denmark
TX -84 AM/FM Receiver watts -per -channel 20-20,000 Hz into 8 ohms; dy- processor with simulated stereo; multi -function
Remote -controlled AM/FM receiver with a com- namic headroom 2 dB. 17.5" w x 3.25" h x I I" d; FL display; connections for 2 pairs of speakers;
puter -controlled automatic precision reception 16 lb $240 VCR noise filter; audio adaptor loop; electronic
system to control the stereo/mono, local/Dx, violume control; programmable 24 -hr digital time
high -blend on/off, and NR on/o8 functions. Fea- and clock display; anti -resonance construction
tures dynamic bass expander; stereo image expan- PIONEER with copper -plated screws. 60 continuous average
der; simulated stereo; audio/video dubbing; selec- VSX-5000(BK) Audio/Video Receiver W/ch into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz with no
tive tone control; discrete output stage. Inputs for Features unified remote control to operate all more than 0.05% nip. 4.75" h x 16.56" w x
VCR I/VDP, VCR 2, tape I, tape 2, MM phono, and Pioneer "SR" components; nonswitching-amp 12.62" d $350
CD player. Amp section: 60 W/ch min rms into 8 (Type -II); low -imp drive capability; 3 video in-
ohms from 20-20.000 Hz with no more than puts with stereo audio; 2 -way video dubbing and VSX-2000 Audio/Video Receiver
0.04% THD; FR 20-30,000 Hz ± 1 dB. FM section: simultaneous recording; video enhancer with split Features unified remote control to operate Pio-
usable sens 17.2 dBf (4 1.LV)stereo; 50 -dB quieting screen; built-in 4 -mode surround -sound processor neer "SR" components; 2 video inputs; built-in 5 -
sens 37.2 dBf (40 p.V) stereo; capture ratio 1.5 band graphic EQ; video signal selector for sepa-
dB. 17.12" w x 4.38" h x 13.5" d; 18.8 lb $450
rate audio/video switching; quartz-PiL sunthesis
TX -84(M). Same as TX -84 except includes RC - tuner with 20 random station presets; auto and
AV I M universal remote control $530 manual station search; multi -function FL display;
simulated stereo; connections for 2 pairs of speak-
TX -82 AM/FM Receiver ers; electronic volume control; programmable 24 -
Remote -controlled AM/FM receiver wi:h a com- hr digital time and clock display; anti -resonance
puter -controlled automatic precision reception construction with copper -plated screws. 50 con-
system to control the stereo/mono, local/Dx, and tinuous average W/ch into 8 ohms from 20-
high -blend on/off functions. Features simulated 20.000 Hz with no more than 0.1% THD. 4.75" h
stereo; audio/video dubbing; selective tone con- x 19.56" w x 12.62" d $300
trol; discrete output stage. Inputs for VCR 1/vDP, with Dolby; video noise filter; dynamic expander;
VCR 2, tape 1, tape 2. MM phono, and CD player. quartz-PLL digital -synthesis tuner with 20 ran- SX-1600 AM/FM Receiver
Amp section: 45 W/ch min rms into 8 ohms from dom presets; 2 RF inputs (standard FM and cable Features built-in 5 -band graphic EQ; quartz -Pi
20-20,000 Hz with no more than 0.08% THD; FR FM); direct -access tuning; 3 -position tone con- synthesis tuner with 20 random station presets;
20-30,000 Hz ± 1 dB. FM section: usable sens 17.2 trols; separate audio and video switching; audio auto and manual station search; connections for 2
dBf (4 µV) stereo. 17.12" w x 4.38" h x 13.5" d; tape dubbing; front -panel LCD readout; selectable pairs of speakers; simulated stereo; anti -resonance
16.5 lb $350 FM display (frequency or call letters). 100 contin- construction. 50 continuous average W/ch into 8
TX -82(M). Same as TX -82 except includes RC- uous average W/ch into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 ohms form 20-20,000 Hz with <0.3% THD. 3.88"
AVIM universal remote control 5430 Hz with no more than 0.005% THD in stereo h x 16.56" w x 8.69" d $240
mode, 70 W/ch with 0.007% THD in surround
TX -80 AM/FM Receiver mode. 4.88" h x 16.56" w x 15.12" d $570 SX-1100 AM/FM Receiver
Remote -controlled AM/FM receiver with a com- Features built-in 5 -band graphic EQ; quartz-PLL
puter -controlled automatic precision reception VSX-4000(BK) Audio/Video Receiver synthesis tuner with 20 random station presets;
system to control the stereo/mono and local/Dx Features unified remote control to operate Pio- auto and manual station search; connections for 2
functions. Features electronic feather -touch input neer "SR" components; 3 video inputs with ste- pairs of speakers; anti -resonance construction. 25
selectors; direct tone controls; 16 AM/FM station reo audio; 2 -way video dubbing and simultaneous continuous avergae W/ch into 8 ohms from 40-
presets. Amp section: 33 W/ch min rms into 8 recording; video enhancer with split screen; 20.000 Hz with <0.3% THD. 3.88" h x 16.56" w x
ohms from 20-20.000 Hz with no more than speaker -matrix surround -sound processor; video 8.69" d $200
0.3% -nip; FR 20-30,000 Hz ± 1 dB $230 noise filter; nonswitching-amp (Type -II); low -imp
drive capability; quartz-PLi digital -synthesis tun- Accessories
PARASOUND er with 20 random station presets; direct -access
tuning; simulated stereo; 3 -position tone controls; JA-RF5 RF Modulator
DR65 65-W/ch AM/FM Receiver separate audio and video switching; audio tape Converts composite (baseband) video to RF so
Quartz -synthesizer tuning; full -function wireless dubbing; front -panel LCD readout; selectable FM that video from an A/V system can be viewed on
remote; electronic input switching and volume display (frequency or call letters). 60 continuous a TV without a video input. Features selectable
control; 6 AM/FM presets; T -I0 discrete output average W/ch into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz output frequency; video/Tv switch for VHF an-
transistors; discrete phono preamp; separate pho- with no more than 0.005% THD. 4.88" h x 16.56" tenna loop -through; 5 -pin DIN connector and
no output selector; subsonic filter; preamp output w x 15.12" d 5430 "F" -type for video in/Tv out. For use with Pio-
jacks; auto/manual tuning; variable loudness; S- neer VSX-5000, 4000, 3000, and 2000 audio/vid-
LED tuning meters. 65 W/ch into 8 ohms; dy- VSX-3000 Audio/Video Receiver eo receivers $50
namic headroom 2 dB. FM section: alt-ch sel 68 Features unified remote control to operate Pio-
dB; quieting sens mono 15.3 dBf, stereo 39.2 dBf; neer "SR" components; 3 video inputs with 2 -
max S/N, A-wtd mono 80 dB, stereo 77 dB; sep way dubbing and simultaneous recording; built-in PROTON
44 dB at 1,000 Hz; 17.25" w x 3.33" h x 11.5" d; D940 AM/FM Receiver
23 lb $495 Receiver with Dynamic Power on Demand (DPD)
circuitry and Schotz NR. Features high dynamic
DR40 40-W/ch AM/FM Receiver power capabilities (rating 8/4/2 ohms to 160/
Quartz -synthesizer tuning; variable loudness; in- 280/380 W/ch); 4 -gang FM front end; 2 -gang AM
frasonic filter; discrete output transistors; 5 pre- front end; selectable phono section for MM and
sets; detented controls; relay protection with 2 - mc phono; speaker EQ; separate low -noise mc
color LED's; 5 -LED signal -strength meter; sepa- amp; active volume control; infrasonic filter. In-
rate preamp output jacks. Inputs for MM phono, puts for MM, Mc phono; phono 2; tape; AUX; ex-
tape, CD, video sound source. Amp section: 40 tra AUX; CD; video sound source. Amp section:
W/ch into 8 ohms. 17.25" x 3.25" x I I" .. $325 40 continuous average W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz
5 -band graphic EQ; video signal selector for sepa- with less than 0.02% THD into 8 ohms; dynamic
DR25 25-W/ch AM/FM Receiver rate audio/video switching; quartz-PLL synthesis headroom 6 dB; IHF IMD 0.008%; FR 20-20,000
Digital frequency readout. Inputs for MM phono, tuning with 20 random station presets; auto and Hz ± 0.2 dB. FM section: alt-ch sel 55 dB; adj-ch
tape, CD, video sound source. Amp section: 25 - manual station search; built-in surround -sound sel 90 dB; 50 -dB quieting sens 33.2 dBf stereo; s/
N 70 dB stereo; THD stereo 0.2%; sep 45 dB at
1,000 Hz; capture ratio 1.5 dB. 16.5" w x 4" h x
PRICES LISTED 10.12" d; 20 lb $449
µM Apikendro
on. Roam around the room listen-
ing to a record. Dance to a CD.
Enjoy stereo or monc TV broad-
casts and videos in bed. Jr
whatever else moves you. Sound
impressive? You bet it does. And
the best way to appreciate tiis
major advance n tecnnology is
to visit your nearest Koss Kord-
less Stereophone dealer. One
listen, and you'll never sit still
for ordinary headphcnes again.
Koss Stereorhones, 4129 N.
Port Washington Rd., Milwaul-ee.
WI 53212. Koss Limited, 4112 S.
Service Rd., Burlington, Ontaio
L7L4X5. Koss -Europe: CH -6E55,
throughs in studio recording, heritage runs strongest in CD
disc pressing, home high fidel- players from Denon. Because
ity and professional equipment,
we were uniquely prepared "One orate most finell-
to take the next step. A tape evineered pieces as "a winner on every count;'
"the player I recommend most
of -audio gearon tlw highly," "superlatives have to be
planet:" Ken Pohlmann, used:' and "in several respects,
Digital Audio, on the DCD-3300
the best I've ever heard"
the same engineers who design Reactions which simply
Denon pro machines design demonstrate one point. It's a lot
zine. And now tion 50 dB; alt-ch sel 60 dB. 16.94" W x 3.89" H
x 9.89" D; 10.8 lbs $165
in either direction; Mc head amp; high and sub- RX-700U Audio/Video Receiver
straight to your mailbox. You sonic filters; parallel speaker switching .... $600 AM/FM reciever with RS integrated system re-
save HALF the $11.97 regular mote control. Features digtal tuner; high dynamic
VRX-7200R Audio/Video Receiver power; low -impedance drive capability; 16 -station
subscription price. It's a great .W/ch A/V receiver with full -function remote random access preset tuning; continuously vari-
deal-and it'll mean a great control. Features motorized rotary volume con-
trol; built-in matrix surround; pre-out/main-in
able loudness control; two video source inputs;
video and audio record out selectors; video en-
deal of stereo enjoyment for jacks; video signal routing; A/V processing loop; hancer with level control. 65 W/ch min rms into
you. video monitor output; dedictated CD input; 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz with less than 0.015%
quartz -synthesis tuning; 16 station presets; THD. Black finish; 17 lb $549
To order, send your name, ad- mono/stereo switch; A/B RF antenna inputs; FM
autoscan; 2 tape monitors with dubbing; mc head RX-500U AM/FM Receiver
dress, and a check for $5.99 to amp; loudness contour; parallel speaker switch- AM/FM reciever with wireless remote control.
the address below. Or, send in ing $450 Features digtal tuner; high dynamic power; low -
the subscription card you'll VRX-4200 Audio/Video Receiver
impedance drive capability; continuously variable
loudness control; switching for two pairs of
find in this issue. 65-W/ch A/V receiver with built-in matrix sur- speakers. 50 W/ch min rms into 8 ohms from 20-
Savings based on full one-year subscription round. Features pre-out/main-in jacks; video sig- 20,000 Hz with less than 0.015% THD. Black fin-
price of $11.97. nal routing; video monitor output; dedictated CD ish; 15 lb $379
input; quartz -synthesis tuning; 16 station presets;
Foreign postage: Add $3 a year for Canada. mono/stereo switch; A/B RE antenna inputs; FM RX-300U AM/FM Receiver
Add $5 a year (cash payment in U.S. currency autoscan; 2 tape monitors with dubbing; mc head Features digtal tuner; high dynamic power; low -
only) for other countries outside U.S. and amp; loudness; parallel speaker switching . $350 impedance drive capability; 16 -station random
possessions. Please allow 30 to 60 days for access preset tuning; 10 -segment signal -strength
delivery of first issue.
meter; tape monitor selector; dynamic bass exten-
For explanations of abbreviations. sion control; continuously variable loudness con-
specifications. and technical terms. trol. 37 W/ch min rms into 8 ohms from 20-
Stereo Review consult the glossary on page 221. 20,000 Hz with less than 0.015% THD. Black fin-
P.O. Box 55627 ish; 15 lb $269
Boulder, CO 80322-5627
The affordable new hybrid
from Audio Research...
the one myth waiting for!
audio research .
The SP9 Hybrid Stereo Preamplifier represents a STEREO PREAMPLIFIER
further evolution of the innovative electronic
design first embodied in the widely acclaimed
Audio Research SP11 Stereo Preamplifier. The
SP9 is not a "stripped -down" version of the
SP11, but rather represents an adaptation of
some of the SP11's patented hybrid technology
to a simpler, more economical single -chassis format.
Using just two 6DJ8 vacuum tubes (one in the
ahono section and one in the high-level stage) in
intermediary gain stages, the SP9 expresses the
musicality and natural "rightness" vacuum -tube
preamplifiers have been noted for, yet it
does so with the quickness and dynamic
vigor of the best solid-state designs.
imudie research
Because its two vacuum tubes are used so
conservatively, the SP9 will undoubtedly prove
11111111111111 to be one of the most reliable and low -
maintenance Audio Research preamps ever -
up to 10,000 hours of service life are possible
before replacement of these tubes might be
necessary. And, replacement tubes are not
required to be select, low -noise (and expensive)
types. Audio Research brand vacuum tubes
obtained from your authorized dealer will
provide the best performance and reliability.
Although the SP9 contains an on -board power
supply (as opposed to the SP11's isolated
Operational Features supply), it is a highly advanced, tightly
regulated design employing a shielded toroidal
Automatic muting circuit for warmup, powerline voltage power transformer to minimize any potential
drop or interruption; plus manual (switchable) muting of problems of mechanical noise or hum. Location
main preamplifier outputs. of this transformer in relation to special
low -hum input circuitry has been optimized
Full tape functions: two inputs, two outputs, plus within the SP9 chassis layout to virtually
two -position tape monitor switching. eliminate transformer -related noise. (Note that
Gold-plated input/output jacks selected for sonic purity. while outboard power supplies have become a
popular design trend among high -end audio
These connect "ground" before "hot," disconnect "hot" manufacturers, simply isolating the power
before "ground" for protection of other components. supply from the main chassis has little benefit
Shielded, toroidal power transformer for minimal if the basic design of the supply itself is
second-rate. In such cases, outboard isolation
mechanical noise and "hum." may be little more than a cosmetic cure for
Phono section impedance internally adjustable for more serious deficiencies.)
precise matching to moving -coil or moving -magnet While the SP9 is designed to provide superb
phono cartridges. playback from phono records, its high-level
circuits have also been optimized for other
Tube complement: two 6DJ8 vacuum tubes (one in popular input sources, including compact discs.
phono stage, one in line stage). In this respect, the SP9 is virtually overload -
Low noise (78dB below 1V RMS input phono, more proof, insuring maximum enjoyment of today's
most dynamic program material. And, with two
than 100dB below 1V RMS input high-level) plus sub- tape monitor loops, the SP9 offers the tape -
stantial overall gain (66dB) makes the SP9 usable with dubbing flexibility so many listeners want but
a wide range of popular moving -coil phono cartridges. seldom find in an audiophile -grade preamplifier.
Of course, all controls and switches used in the
SP9 Specifications SP9 have been carefully specified and selected
High level section: Electronically -regulated low and high to insure minimal sonic degradation - as have
± 5dB. 5Hz to 50kHz/ - 3dB points voltage supplies and electronic the other active and passive components used
below 1Hz and above 200kHz decoupling Shielded toroid transformer in the construction of the SP9. While the SP9 is
Phono: ± 3dB of RIAA, 30Hz to 40kHz Line regulation better than 01%
more affordable than some other Audio
DISTORTION: Less than 01% at 2V NOISE:
RMS output (typically less than .005% in High Level: Research preamplifiers, its more modest price
midband) (1) 70uV RMS maximum residual was not achieved at the sacrifice of component
GAIN: Phono input to tape output: 46dB unweighted wideband noise at main quality. Careful, elegant design, structural
High level inputs to tape output: 0dB output with gain control minimum
(98dB below 5V RMS output) simplicity and efficient manufacturing
Phono input to main output: 66dB
High level inputs to main output: 20dB (2) More than 100dB below 1V RMS input techniques have all contributed to a standard
(less than 7uV equivalent input noise) of physical integrity and musical accuracy
Inputs. 47K Phono (Phono provisions for Phono: 0 12uV equivalent input noise. never before achieved in this price class.
any value below 47K ohms or added IHF weighted. shorted input (78dB below
input capacitance for matching certain 1mV input)
To audition the SP9 Stereo Preamplifier, visit your authorized
magnetic cartridges ) TUBE COMPLEMENT: Audio Research dealer Black front panel available at additional
OUTPUT IMPEDANCE: 500 ohms 2 6DJ8/ECC88 dual triodes
(Hybrid FET/Tube audio circuit. cost Call o write for literature on the complete line of Audio
main output. 850 ohms recorder output Research products
Recommended load 60K ohms and solid-state power supply)
100pF (20K ohms minimum and 1000pF POWER REQUIREMENTS:
maximum) 100-135VAC 60Hz (200-270VAC
MAXIMUM INPUTS: Phono. 200mV at 50/60Hz) 50 Watts
1kHz (1000mV RMS, 10kHZ). High level
inputs essentially overload -proof
DIMENSIONS: 19" (48 cm) W x 51/4"
(13 4 cm) H (standard rack panel) x inaudio research
50kHz. all outputs. 60K ohm load (main
output capability is 50V RMS output at
101/4" (26cm) D Handles extend 15/8"
(4 1) cm forward of front panel Rear
chassis fittings extend Tie" (2.3 cm)
corporation 6801 Shingle Creek Parkway
1/2% THD at 1kHz into a 100K ohm load WEIGHT: 13 lbs (5 9 kg) Net, 22 lbs Minneapolis, Minnesota 55430
with 5V RMS high level input) (10 kg) Shipping Area Code 612 566-7570
Telex 290-583
ACCUPHASE ohms; 200 -ms dynamic power 300 W; dynamic PT -50 Power Amplifier
BY MADRIGAL headroom 4.3 dB; s/N 95 dB; slew rate 30 V/p.s; Compact power amp capable of handling 2 -ohm
P-600 Stereo Power Amplifier IMD 0.03%. 17" w x 4.33" h x 14.5" d 5800 loads. Features 10 -segment LED output meters;
7 parallel push-pull output stages with MOSFET rear -panel power fuse; front -panel gain controls;
pre -driver incorporating push-pull circuitry in all toroidal power transformer; fan cooled; standard
stages; digital peak power display; bridge connec-
ADA (AUDIO DESIGN ASSOC.) EIA rack -mountable. 25 continuous average W/
tion switch; 1 -dB -per -step input -level control. PBA-500 Subwoofer Amplifier ch from 20-20,000 Hz with no more than 0.02%
Drives 2 -ohm speaker with guaranteed output of Continuously variable level, frequency and band- THD into 8 ohms; 40 W into 4 ohms; s/N 104 dB;
700 W/ch. 300 W/ch into 8 ohms; 1,000 W into 8 width controls. 20 -segment LED output meter; to- IMD 0.04%. 8 lb; 19" w x 1.75" h x 11.5" d$895
ohms bridged; damping factor 300 IHF 50 Hz; S/ roidal power transformer; fan cooled; front -panel
N <125 dB IHF-A; rated input 2 V; 18.94" w x switch and fuse; 800 W bridged mono from 20-
9.19" h x 18.75" d 56,725 200 Hz with no more than 0.05% THD into 8 ADCOM
ohms; 1,2130 W into 4 ohms; slew rate 10 v/Asec; GFA-555 Power Amplifier
M-100 Monophonic Power Amplifier IMD 0.08%; 19" w x 7.5" h x 12.5" d; 49 1144,295 High -current amp able to drive I -ohm loads with
MOSFET driver stage; digital peak -power dis- no current limiting and low feedback. Bridgeable
play; heavy-duty octo-parallel push-pull output PF-300 Power Amplifier for mono operation. 200'W/ch into 8 ohms; 350
stage; cascode bootstrap, push-pull differential mosi-E-r. power amplifier capable of driving V2 - W/ch into 4 ohms with <0.09% THD and
amp input section; DC servo -controlled direct - ohm loads continuously. Front -panel power <0.05% IMD; constant damping factor >100 20-
coupled input stage; series regulator regulated switches, indicators, and fuses; dual -mono design 20,000 Hz $700
power supply; I -dB stepping precision attenuator; with independent toroidal transformers; fan GFA-555W. As above with white front panel$775
low filter with selectable 10, 17, 30, or 50 Hz cut- cooled; 200 W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz with no GFA-555S. With silver front panel 5775
off; phase -inverting switch; provision for ventila- more than 0.05% THD into 8 ohms; 300 W into 4 RM-7. Optional rack -mount adaptors for GFA-
tion fan. Guaranteed specs: power output 800 W ohms; slew rate pa v/p,sec; IMD 0.08%; 48 lb; 19" 555 520/pr
into 4 ohms, 500 W into 8 ohms, 250 W into 16 w x 7" h x 15.5 d 53,995 RM-7W. As RM-7 in white 525/pr
ohms, all min RMS; damping factor 300; S/N RM-7S. As RM-7 in silver 525/pr
130 dB; 91.4 lb 55,750 PT -200 Power Amplifier
Dual -mono power amp capable of driving 1 -ohm GFA-545 Power Amplifier
P-500 Stereo Power Amplifier loads. Features 44 -segment triangular LED output High -current amp able to drive low -imp, includ-
Basic amp with power meters; bridge conection meters with peak indication; front -panel power ing 1 -ohm loads. Features low -negative -feedback
allows 1,000 W mono into 4 ohms, 500 W/ch switches, indicators, fuses; stepped attenuator design; constant damping factor; toroidal trans-
into 2 ohms. 250 W/ch into 8 ohms; 19" w x 8.6" gain controls; soft -clipping circuit; dual toroidal former, no current limiting except for fuses; in-
h x 17.5" d; 73.7 lb 55,750 power transformers; fan cooled; standard EIA stantaneous distortion alert with distortion prod-
rack -mountable. 60 continuous average W/ch ucts higher than I% at speaker outputs; direct -
P -300V 180-W/ch Power Amplifier from 20-20,000 Hz with no more than 0.06% coupled design. 100 continuous average W/ch
With power meters. 180 W/ch into 8 ohms; THD into 8 ohms; 110 watts into 4 ohms; S/N 102 from 20-20,000 Hz into 8 ohms with no more
bridgeable for 500 W into 8 ohms, 300 W into 2 dB; slew rate 12 V/p.sec; IMD 0.15%. 28 Ib; 19" w than 0.09% THD, 150 W/ch into 4 ohms; IMO
ohms; 17.5" w x 6.4" h a 14.7" D; 50.6 lbS4.000 x 3.5" h x 16.88" d 52,195 0.008%. 17" w x 5.5" h a 12.5" d; 25 lbs . 5480
GFA-545W. As above with white front pane15550
PF-300 Power Amplifier GFA-545S. With silver front panel 5550
ACOUSTAT MOSFET power amplifier capable of driving 1/2 - RM-5. Optional rack -mount adaptors for GFA-
Trans -Nova Twin -200 Power Amplifier ohm loads continuosly. Front -panel power 545 520/pr
Full FET amp designed to obtain > LOCO damping switches, indicators, fuses; dual -mono design with RM-5W. As RM-5 in white 525/pr
factor in audio band with no first -order distortion independent toroidal transformers; 100 W/ch RM-5S. As RM-5 in silver 525/pr
in output stage. Features Complement Feedback from 20-20,000 Hz with no more than 0.09%
circuit to eliminate negative -feedback problems. THD into 8 ohms; 160 W/ch into 4 ohms; slew GFA-535 Power Amplifier
Output power 200 W/ch into 8 ohms at 0.1% rate 15 V/p.sec; IMD 0.07%; 37 Ib; 19" w x 5.25" High -current amp able to drive low -imp loads.
THD; full -power FR 2-400,000 Hz +0/-3 dB; slew h x 15.5" d $1,495 Features low -negative -feedback design; constant
rate 165 V/p.sec; 40 lb $1,249 damping factor; hookup for 2 sets of speakers; in-
120. Smaller version of TNT 200. 120 W/ch into PBA-150 Subwoofer Amplifier stantaneous distortion alert with distortion prod-
8 ohms at 0.1% THD; slew rate 165 V/p,s; 28 Subwoofer amp with continuously variable ad- ucts higher than 1% at speaker outputs; direct -
lb 5799 justable level, frequency and bandwidth controls. coupled design; separate power transformers for
Features 20 -segment LED output meter. Front - each ch. 60 continuous average W/ch from 20-
panel power switch, indicator, fuse; fan cooled; 20,000 Hz into 8 ohms with no more than 0.09%
ACOUSTIC RESEARCH standard EIA rack -mountable. 100 continuous THD, 100 W/ch into 4 ohms; Imo 0.008%. 17" w
AR P -I0 Power Amplifier average W/ch from 20-200 Hz with no more than x 3.25' h x 12.5" d 5300
Power amp with massive transient (IHF dynam- 0.06% THD into 8 ohms; 125 watts into 4 ohms; GFA-535W. As above with white front pane15375
ic) power capibility of 1,200 W/ch in 2 ohms, 800 s/N 101 dB; slew rate 10 V/u.sec; intermodula- GFA-535S. With silver front panel 5375
tion distortion 0.07%. 20 lbs; 19 w x 5.25" h x RM-3. Optional rack -mount adaptors for GFA-
12.5" d 51.295 535 S20/pr
RM-3W. As RM-5 in white 525/pr
PF-200 Power Amplifier RM-3S. As RM-5 in silver 525/pr
MOSFET power amp capable of driving 1 -ohm
loads. Features 4 -segment LED output meters;
front -panel power switch; indicator and fuse; to- a/d/s/
roidal power transformer; fan cooled; standard High -Current 150-W/ch Power Amp
EIA rack -mountable. 60 continuous average W/ Desired for wide bandwidth and high current;
ch from 20-20,000 Hz with no more than 0.07 % all discrete transistors; polypropylene capacitors;
W into 4 ohm., and 400 into 8 ohms. 150 contin- THD into 8 ohms; 110 watts into 4 ohms; s/N 95 metal -film resistors; 10 bipolar output devices per
uous average W/ch from 20-20.000 Hz into 8 dB; slew rate 10 V/Ixsec: IMD 0.07%. 25 Ib; 19" w ch; open -loop bandwidth of <100 MHz to avoid
ohms with no more than 0.3% THD, 200 W into 4 x 5.25" h x 15.5" d 5995 rate limiting and stability with complex speaker
"Gyntte,109Mansolork? I 1 I
Perhaps no man can be better said to represent the talented audio professionals. Their design brief is
philosophy of excellence in audio than Saul Marantz. startlingly simple: To develop quality products of
Many audiophiles and journalists consider him the lasting value.
father of high performance audio. The electronic The CP 100 Control Preamplifier, shown above, is the
components he created during the 1950's and 60's are
considered classics-respected and in demand in the first of these new classics. The CP 100 employs an
U.S., Europe and Japan. innovative all-F.E.T. circuit topology and precision
parts to assure true audiophile sound quality. It
In the 1970's, when Saul Marantz was introducing the also offers a full complement of features, ease of
first Phased Array loudspeaker, a young electronics operation and an integrity of construction that will
designer named John Curl was gaining international provide years of musical pleasure.
recognition for his innovative solid state electronics.
These designs were also destined to become classics. Lineage components are made available through a
network of experienced audio/video specialists.
Today, Saul Marantz and John Curl have joined They are knowledgeable professionals who offer
together in a new endeavor-one whose name, quality products, proper demonstration fac.lities and
Lineage, reflects not only a distinguished history, but a commitment to after -sale service and support.
also a future of continued leadership in the American
audio industry.
The first Lineage products will be available in late
1987. We hope that you'll take the opportunity to
To create new classics for the 1980's and 90's, Lineage audition Lineage, the new audio company with three
has brought together a multi -generational group of decades of experience.
adds incredible power CS06. 6 ft, stacking banana both ends, coaxi-
al $74/pr
C512. 12 ft, stacking banana both ends, coaxi-
to his legendary musical accuracy. al S106/pr
CS25. 25 ft, stacking banana both ends, coaxi-
al $176/pr
The new PMF5550 with its huge Make an appointment for your CSSO. 50 ft, stacking banana both ends, coaxi-
power reserve meets the demands al S308/pr
own personal exploration of
of the most sophisticated record- NSOI. Terminator pair for use at speaker .. S39
this powerful new world at your
ings you have or may encounter, Perreaux dealer, or write for
regardless of speaker efficiency. details today. BRYSTON
Yet its ability to delineate the most 500 watts RMS per channel, continuous into 6B 500-W/ch Power Amplifier
delicate nuances is without peer. 8 ohms, both channels driven ,from 20Hz to Mono power amp with high voltage and current.
Whether you judge a power 20kHz, at no more than 0.03% THD from 0.25 Max 120+ amperes instantaneously into I ohm;
amplifier by such basic objective watts to rated output. 100 W into 4 ohms with average current of 22
measures as phase response, amperes; 1,000 W into I ohm with 3.5 amperes
average; ground lift switch. 500 continuous W/ch
distortion, band width, rise time
and the like, or simply trust your from 20-20,000 Hz with <0.005% THD into 8
ohms; S/N 105 dB; slew rate >60 V/µsec; IMD
ears to make the judgement, the 0.005%; 55 Ib; 19" w x 5.75" h x 12" d..$1,700
Perreaux PMF5550 cannot be
overlooked. 4B 200-W/ch Power Amplifier
Featuring significant, evolution- Fully complementary class -AB power amp with
ary advances in internal signal bridging switch, 1,500-sq-in. heat -sink area; regu-
management, the PMF5550 Power Perreaux audiophile products are lated power supplies to all voltage gain stages; ch
distributed in the U.S. exclusively by sep back to line cord; red LED clipping indicator.
Amplifier extends Peter Perreaux's Output power 200 W/ch, 800 W bridged into 8
tradition of uncompromising Signet ohms, 20-20,000 Hz at 0.01% THD; IMD
excellence. 4701 Hudson Drive, Stow, OH 44224 0.01%, 10 mW-200 W; noise -100 dB; slew rate
60 V/psec; power bandwidth 1-100,000 Hz; Premier Five Vacuum -Tube Mono Power Amp cuitry. Quietly shuts down under thermal stress.
damping factor 500 at 20 Hz, 8 ohms; input sens/ Low -imp power supplies and extensive use of Power output into 2 channels: 400 W/ch into 8
imp 1.25 V/50k ohms; 19" w x 13.5" d x 5.25" polystyrene capacitors; LED bias indicators. 200 ohms, 650 W/ch into 4 ohms, 800 W/ch into 2
h 51,503 W into 8 ohms; S/N 94 dB; 19" w x 9" h x 20.5" ohms, 1.400 W/ch into I ohm. Power output into
3B. Similar to 4B except 100 W/ch, 400 W d; 90 lb $3,000 4 channels: 100 W/ch into 8 ohms, 200 W/ch
bridged; input sens/imp 1 V/50k ohms; 500-sq- Premier Four. Similar to Premier Five except 100 into 4 ohms, 325 W/ch into 2 ohms, 400 W/ch in
in. heat -sink area; 9" D 5975 W $2,950 I ohm; slew rate 200 V/pS $2,500
2B. Similar to 3B except 50 W/ch, 200 W MV50. Similar to Premier Five except stereo, 50
bridged; input sons/imp 0.75 V/50k ohms; 250- W/ch into 8 ohms; S/N 94 dB; 40 lb $1,485
sq-in. heat -sink area; 19" w x 10" d x 3.5" 14550 DENNESEN ELECTROSTATICS
COUNTERPOINT Antares II 75-W/ch Power Amplifier
4 -Way Switch Box
mosFET power amp. 75 continuous average W/ch
No active components; designed for high -current SA -4 130-W/ch Power Amplifier from 20-20,000 Hz with no >0.1% THD into 8
applications. For Bryston equipment only$195.03 Power amp with 130 continuous average W/ch ohms; FR 10-100,000 Hz I 0.1 dB; s/N 90 dB; dy-
from 20-20,000 Hz with no more than 0.2% THD namic headroom 3 dB; slew rate 30 V/ps; IMD
CAMBRIDGE AUDIO into 8 ohms; s/N 92 dB; dynamic headroom 2 dB; 0.1%. 19" w x 5.25" h x 8" d; 30 lb $595
IMD 0.65%; 19" w x 6.7" h x 19" d; 60 lb$5,225 Orion. Same as above except 150 W mono$1,500
A75 Power Amplifier
Separate power amp with power -on switch only. SA 20/20 600-W/ch Power Amplifier
FR 5-50,000 Hz -1 dB; S/N >100 dB; THD 0.5%. Mono hybrid power amp with tube front end and DENON
17.5" w x 2.5" h x 11" d; 21 lb. Wood side panels mosFET output stage. Features no overall loop POA-3000Z 250-W/ch Power Amplifier
included $599 feedback; warm-up and shut-off auto speaker Features dual super non-NFB circuitry; 4 large -
muting. Includes vacuum -tube rectification. 600 capacity high-speed power transitstors; floating
CARVER continuous average W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz into load circuitry; self diagnostic display; CD direct
8 ohms with no more than 0.5% THD, 988 W into input terminals. 250 continuous average W/ch
M -1.5t 400-W/ch Power Amplifier 4 ohms, 1,500 W into I ohm; 20 -ms peak amper- from 20-20,000 Hz with no more than 0.008%
Magnetic Field stereo power amp with LED dual age into 0.1 ohm 50 amperes; s/N 84 dB; slew
peak -responding power displays, infrasonic and rate 0.6 V/p.; IMD 0.02%. 19" w x 6.7' h x 19" d;
ultrasonic filters. 400 W/ch into 8 ohms; dynamic 55 lb ea $3,990/pr
headroom/ch 600 W at 4 and 8 ohms; 16 1135899
SA 20 Hybrid Power Amplifier
M -500t 250-W/ch Power Amplifier Hybrid power amp with tube front end and
Stereo power amp with Magnetic Field circuitry MOSFET output stage. Features no overall loop
in slim cabinet; peak -responding power meters; feedback; warm-up and shut-off auto speaker
cool operation; annodized brushed aluminum in muting; internal switching to operate as a bridged
dark pewter finish. 250 W/ch into 8 ohms; slew mono amp for 3x power. Includes vacuum -tube
rate 40 V/psec 5629 rectification. 220 continuous average 1.1"ch from
20-20,000 Hz into 8 ohms with no more than
MI.Ot 200-W/ch Power Amplifier 0.5% THD, 420 W into 4 ohms, 1,000 W into I
Magnetic Field amplifier with long-term, high ohm; 20 -ms peak amperage into 0.1 ohm 50 am- THD into 8 ohms; FR 1-300,000 Hz +0, -3 dB; s/
headroom and dual peak -responding power peres; s/N 84 dB; slew rate 0.6 V/p; IMD 0.02%. N 123 dB A-wtd; dynamic power 315 W + 315 W
LED's. Features electronic protection; sonic 19" w x 6.7" h x 19" d; 55 lb $1,995 (8 ohms), 585 W + 585 W (4 ohms), 900 W + 900
transfer modification. 200 W/ch into 8 ohms; dy- W (2 ohms); slew rate t 500 V/psec; IMD
namic headroom 3 dB; slew rate 200 V/ps. 19" w SA -12 Hybrid Power Amplifier 0.0015% $2,400
x 3.5" h x 10.5" d; 12 lb $499 Hybrid power amp with tube front end and
MOSFET output stage. Features no overall loop POA-6600 250-W Mono Power Amplifier
M400t 200-W/ch Power Amplifier feedback; warm-up and shut-off automatic speak- Mono power amp with Dual Super Non-NFB cir-
Stereo power amp with Magnetic Field Circuitry er muting. 85 continuous average W/ch from 20- cuit for high-speed signal transmission. Features
that eliminates oversize heat sinks. Features dual 20,000 Hz with no more than 1% THD into 8 pure current power supply; separate power sup-
vertical LED peak -level display; dark pewter fin- ohms; FR 5-100.000 Hz t 0.2 dB; s/N 92 dB; dy- ply block chassis; Cannon -type balanced input
ish. 200 W/ch into 8 ohms; slew rate 40 V/psec; namic headroom 2 dB; channel-to-ch sep >85 dB connector; conventional RCA input jack with se-
6.75" w x 6.75" h x 6.75" d $499 from 100-10,000 Hz; 19" x 4.5" x 12.5" ... $995 lector switch; front -panel level control; extra -
large speaker terminals; peak indicators; high-
M200t 120-W/ch Power Amplifier speed reset -type protection circuit; remote power
Magnetic Field power amp produces 120 W/ch DB SYSTEMS
on/off switching from DAP -5500 or PRA -I 100
into 8 ohms. Dark pewter finish; LED's indicate DB-6A 40-W/ch Power Amplifier preamps. 250 W min rms into 8 ohms from 20-
power and use of speaker -protection circuitry. Stereo power amp able to drive I -ohm loads. Fea- 20,000 Hz with no more than 0.02% THD; dy-
17.3" w x 9" d x 2.55" h; 10.25 lb 5399 tures l2-dB/octave infrasonic filter; peak -clip- namic power 800 W at I ohm; intermodulation
ping LED's; electronic clamp. Output power 40 distortion <0.002%; signal-to-noise ratio 123 dB;
Z-1 Wide -Band Z Coupler W/ch continuous into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz slew rate ±500 V/psec 5700
Imp -matching device enables Carver Magnetic at 0.003% THD; THD 0.0008% at 1,000 Hz; IMD
Field power amp to be used with receiver or inte- <0.002%; FR 20-40,003 Hz +0/-1 dB; input POA-2200 200-W/ch Power Amplifier
grated amp. Receiver or integrated amp outputs sens/imp I V/50 kilohms; s/N 112 dB at I V A- Features unity -current interface; twin pure -cur-
drive power amp through Z-1 coupler, which pre- wtd; slew rate 15 V/ps; damping factor >400, 20- rent power supply; dual super non-NFB; direct
sents an optimum noninductive load S49 1.000 Hz. 4.9" h x 16" w x 12.8" d $750 CD input; 200 W/ch $675
DB-6A-M. Similar to DB-6A except bndged
CELLO mono amp at 140 W continuous with 0.008%
THD; slew rate 30V/psec $750 DISCRETE TECHNOLOGY
7000-00 Performance Amplifier Set 19" Rack adaptor $55 Distech LSII 1100 W/ch Power Amplifier
2 mono amps (left and right) and 2 mono supplies Mono conversion of DB-6A to DB-6A-M $39 Power amp with MOSFET output and Distech AC
(left and right) for stereo; power output section DB-6A-M(2). Similar to DB-6A-M except pair of power cable. 100 continuous average W/ch from
has 40 output devices per ch 512,500 mono amplifiers 51,450 20-20,000 Hz into 8 ohms with less than 0.95%
Tito, 200 W into 4 ohms; 200 -millisecond dynam-
Master Supply ic power 200 W; dynamic headroom 3.2 dB; s/N
120 V AC $2,250 dbx
90 dB below 10 -watt output; slew rate 40 V/mi-
BXI Configurable Power Amplifier crosecond; intermodulation distortion <0.09%.
CONRAD-JOHNSON Configurable 2 -/3 -/4 -channel power amplifier 16" w x 5" h x 14" d; 25 lb $950
with 3 sets of fuses and complementary circuitry
Premier One Vacuum -Tube Power Amp throughout. Features high -quality film capaci-
Power amplifier using vacuum tubes and low - tors; 8 x 250-W high-speed bipolar devices/ch; 2 DNM BY MUSIC HALL
noise precision parts in audio circuitry; LED bias x 3,200 VA toroidal transformers with 2 taps Gem 30-W/ch Power Amplifier
indicators. Output power 200 W/ch into 4, 8, or each; separate rectifiers for each ch; t 55-V pow- Star -Earth technology; MOSFET's; nonmetal
16 ohms; S/N 90 dB $4,800 er -supply rails. Contains no fans or limiting cir- case; Filmcap capacitors; 30 W/ch $1,600
XL -600 MOSFET Power Amplifier Basic M2A Stereo Power Amplifier
Excelinear near -zero -phase shift circuit with 1- Features Super Dynamic Linear Drive (DLD)
FET double differential push-pull cascoded 'tube- dual -output power amplifier; low -impedance
like' input and current -mirroring 2nd stage. 16 drive capability; dynamic power (EIA) 616 W/ch
MOSFET outputs; direct coupled; stable into all into 2 ohms; wide range FL peak power meters
loads; high capacitance (72,000 mfd); Excelinear with selectable peak -hold and two hold times;
speaker tweaking adjustment; gold inputs; mono 130-W power transistors per ch; clipping indica- Sigma Drive Type B; full circuit protection with
bridging switch; variable speed DC fan cooling. tors; LED power meters; anodized brushed alu- thermostat -controlled fan cooling; 2 speaker pair
305 W/ch into 8 ohms at <0.05% THD, 20- minum blue/black finish with rubber trim. 200 selection; gold-plated input terminals; headphone
jack; power indicator; muting relay. 220 continu-
ous average W/ch from 20-20.000 Hz with no
more than 0.004% THD into 8 ohms; damping
PRICES LISTED factor 1,000 at 50 Hz. 17.31" w x 6.25" h a
are manufacturers' suggested retail prices 14.69" d; 34.1 lb $650
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0.25 mV input, phono-3 MM 90 dB ar 2.5 mV in
duced crosstalk; tight tracking volume control;
loudness compensation switch; gold-plated jacks;
and solid oak cabinet with hand -rubbed Lung -oil
finish $530 out 20-20,000 Hz into 10 kilohm load; phono sec-
tion s/N >80 dB; high-level section s/N >100 dB.
dbx Front -panel controls allow selection of program
source for monitoring or recording, tape monitor-
CX1 Preamplifier ing, recorder disengagement (removes recoreder's
Audio/video preamplifier with a 2 -channel input characteristics as a load factor for other
switchable all -digital delay for ambience recov- source equipment), channel balance, audio level.
ery. The built-in Dolby Pro Logic surround sys- put; sep 20 Hz -I,000 Hz 80 dB, 20,000 Hz 70 dB. 19" w x 1.75" h x 7" d $775
tem has a 5-ch calibration signal and input -level Flat amplifier: input sens/imp 150 mV/47
adjustments for precise setup. Inputs for MM and kohms; THD <0.0315% (20-20,000 Hz, 4 V out-
mc phono, tuner, CD player, VCR, AUX, and 3 put); FR 1-300,000 Hz +0, -3 dB; s/N A-wtd 105 HAFLER
tape decks or 2 tape decks and 1 VCR (with vid- dB; sep 20 Hz 100 dB, 1,000 Hz 75 dB, 20,000 Hz DH -110 Discrete Preamplifier
eo). Outputs for front L&R and side/rear stereo 65 dB $1,600 Preamplifier operates all discrete devices (no inte-
or Dolby Surround with center ch, 3 stereo -to - grated circuits in signal path) in full symmetry
tape jacks, and a video -signal monitor. Features DAP -5500 Digital Preamplifier format. Controls: volume, balance, bass, treble,
stereo audio external -processor loop; audio/video Preamplifier with built-in D/A convener. Digital input selector, phono selector, monitor selector,
dubbing; independent recording and listening se- section features 4 DA push-pull Super Linear mono/stereo, high-pass filter; external processor
lectors; switchable tone controls (conventional Converter system; separate digital and analog loop, tone control engage. Features rack -mount-
bass/treble curves or low -bass only/spectral tilt); chassis; 3 digital inputs (1 optical, 2 coaxial); co- ing capability; single active circuit board; step -ac-
switchable infrasonic and high filter for all axial digital tape -monitor loop; 4 -times oversam- tion volume control; integral muting circuit; 2
sources; precision -tracking 5-ch volume control; pling digital filter; optical isolators between digi- pairs of audio outputs; low -imp power supply;
ch-mode controls for L/R stereo, RL reverse, L tal and analog sections; D/A convener output full power bandwidth to 200,000 Hz; 2 phono,
or R only, L+R mono, and L -R positions; head- jacks. Audio section features Unity Gain In- tuner, AUX, 2 tape deck, EPL inputs; 2 tape (buff-
phone jack; anti -resonance chassis and aluminum terface amplifier; Cannon -type input/output; 2 ered), 2 line, EPL outputs; headphone jack. THD
feet $1,500 RCA line -in; 1 RCA line out; front -panel mount- <0.0006% at 1,000 Hz, 3 V RMS; phono input FR
ed RCA input/output jacks; two tape loops; 20-20,003 Hz +0-0.25 dB; s/N weighted 87 dB;
DENNESEN ELECTROSTATIC source direct switch; separate power supplies for rated output 3 V rms, 4-210,000 Hz; THD
digital section and analog section; nonresonant, <0.001% 20-20,000 Hz; 17" wide x 3" high x
JC-80 Preamplifier vibration -resistant chassis to reduce the effects of 8.5" deep; 10 lb.
Dual mono, all FET, Dc -coupled, fully comple- microphonic and acoustic feedback. 17.09" w x Assembled $450
mentary, push-pull, A preamp. No interstage 5.2" h x 15" d $ I ,400 Kit $375
coupling caps; feedback input stage; virtually
PRA 1100 Preamplifier DH -100 Preamplifier
Features unity -gain interference -output amp; "No frills" preamp with RIAA EQ utilizing 1% -
[he listings are based on data variable loudness; 5 audio, 3 video inputs; mc/ tolerance components; low -imp power supply;
MM inputs 5425 power on delay circuit; Inputs for MM phono,
provided by the manufacturers. For tape, AUX, tuner. Features volume, balance, tre-
more product information, contact DNM BY MUSIC HALL ble, bass, tape monitor, power controls; 2
an authorized dealer or the switched outlets. FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 0.25 dB; max
Series 3 Preamplifier output 8 V; THD <0.005%; IMD below residual
manufacturer directly. Manufacturers' Full Star -Earth return system; DNM Filmcap noise of current test instruments; MM phono sens
addresses and phone numbers are electrolytic capacitors; nonconducting acrylic 10 millivolts for 0.5-V output; 13.5" wide a 3"
listed in the directory case; Twin 3 power supply $3,000 high a 9" deep; 7 lb.
beginning on page 226. With more complex (Six -3 type) power sup- Assembled $225
ply $4,000 Kit $175
at low volume; 4 -way filter system; loudness CONE MULTI REMOTE CONTROLLER GE 9806
switch; mono/stereo switch; headphone jack with CANON VRHF1100 (PN.P DIGITAL HI El) $1145
level control; output on/off switch; power and TOSHIBA DX900 (PCM DIGITA_ AUDIO OSP) PANASONIC AG160 LOW PRICE
output LED indicators. FR 1-350,000 Hz -0.3 dB; OL YMPUS VX802 8MM
THD 0.002% phono, 0.001% line; input sens/imp MINOLTA CR3300 VHS.0 CAMCORDER COMPONENT VHS CAMERAS
MM 2.5 mV/47 kilohms, line 150 mV/47 ki- SONY CCD V5 8MM HANDYCAM CANNON VC50A 7 LUX
lohms; S/N 110 dB; MM 88 dB; 17.31" w x 3.06" MINOLTA CRABS
h x 12.63" d; 9.9 lb S3I0 PANASONIC PV350 1 LUX SUPER VHS CAMCORDER
Basic Cl Preamplifier
Features CD/Aux input; MM/MC cartridge selec- We Amp, ARIEL Vlsa. MasterCard, sM Olsawer. C.O.D. mimeo.
tor; advanced single NFB loop phono equalizer
amplifier; 2 tape inputs with dubbing and moni- Allprices quote] include
manufactxrer s standard
toring; subsonic filter; continuously variable loud- accessories 8 U S Warranty All
ness control; Kenwood NF-CR tone controls; units are factory sealec Shipping
handling extra Not responsible for
typographical errors S b H Non -
Refundable Circle ND 74 on Reader Service Card. OLYMPUS YX01
PA -101 Preamplifier discrete and operates in Class -A mode. Fitted
KYOCERA Hybrid FET and electron tube preamp with with 2 LI line amps. PLS-154 power supply
C-910 Preamplifier enough gain for even lowest output Mc car- maintains load regulation of 0.05% with wide -
Control preamp with input and output level con- tridges. Features separate transformer; adjustable band noise output of 18 µV; external 5 -pin self-
trols. Features complete DC configuration; cut - imp loading with custom select setting; muting locking connector parallels. Camac phono inputs
less -core power transformer; single -stage push- function for no system crash due to power loss; for cartridge loading; 10 or 20 dB of line gain. LI
pull amplification. Inputs for MM phono, MC slow turn -on circuitry to prevent thermal shock provides up to 26 dB of gain, with 0.003% THD
phono, tape, tape 2, AUX, phono 2, CD player, to tubes. Inputs for mc phono, 2 line level. FR I- and 0.002% IMD typical, typical S/N of 100 dB
tuner/aux 2. FR DC -200,000 Hz ± 3 dB; max 1,000,000 Hz ± 3 dB; max output 160 V; THD unwtd below 2 V ref. Hand -brushed black anod-
output 2 V at rated input; THD 0.003%; MM <0.2%; IMD <0.2% sens for line -level inputs 300 ized finish. ML -7: 2.25" h a 19" w x 10.12" d;
phono sens 2.2 mV for 0.5 V output at 1,000 Hz; mV; 19" w x 1.75" h x 7" d; separate transformer PLS-154: 4.36" h a 4" w x 10.62" d; 14 lb. With
MM phono input overload level 300 mV; sens for $2,395 no phono section $4,450
line -level inputs 125 mV; 17" w x 5.75" h x 13" d; With L2 phono module. Gain 38 or 44 dB$5,400
22 lb $1,200 With L3 or L3A. L3 gain 67 dB; L3A gain 55
LUXMAN dB $6,050
LAZARUS C-05 Preamplifier
Duo-Beta/S Class A preamp. Inputs for MM pho- ML -10A Stereo Preamplifier
Cascade Basic Preamplifier no, mc phono, tape, tape 2, AUX, phono 2, CD Simplified version of L -series circuitry in single
Tube preamp with inputs for MM phono; tape; circuit board configuration. All audio circuitry
tuner. FR 10-32,000 Hz ± 3 dB; S/N 90 dB; THD completely discrete and operates in Class A. In-
1.2%; MM phono sens 1.5 mV for 0.5-V output at puts for 2 line sources, monitors tape deck, phono
1,000 Hz; moving -magnet phono cartridge input section for virtually any cartridge. Camac con-
overload level >250 millivolts at 1,000 Hz; sensi- nectors. Line section provides up to 22 dB of gain
tivity for line -level inputs 50 mV. 19" w x 1.12" h with typical distortion of 0.004% THD and
x 1.88" d; 8 lb $599 0.004% IMD and typical S/N of 95 dB unwtd
below 2 V reference. Phono section offers selecta-
LINEAGE ble gain of 42, 53 or 63 dB. Six internal switches
and gold-plated loading sockets allow infinite car-
CP 100 Control Preamplifier tridge -loading capability. Typical distortion for
Class -A preamp with all -discrete audio circuitry. player, tuner. FR 2-100,000 Hz ± 0.5 dB; max phono circuit are 0.014% THD and 0.005%
Features full -complementary dsirect-coupled output 18 V; THD 0.005%; 18.12" w x 5.25" h x IMD and S/N typically -72 dB. Internal power
wide -bandwidth design using all Field -Effect 17.44" d; 24.3 lb $2,200 supply with high-speed push-pull regulator; bi-
transistors; oc servo to eliminate all capacitors in ased for Class A; load regulation of 0.05%; wide -
signal path except as required for phono EQ; com- C-02 Preamplifier band noise output 23 V; 7 or 17 dB line gain.
plementary differential inputs; 2 -stage phono EQ; Duo-Beta/S preamp. Inputs for MM phono, MC Hand -brushed black anodized finish. 2.25" h x
electronic input switching; front -panel phono phono, tape, tape 2, AUX, CD player, tuner. FR 19" w a 10.12" d; 8 lbs $3,325
gain for both MM and mc phonos; rear -panel con- 10-100,000 Hz ± 1 dB; max output 18 V/100
trol with continuously variable resistive cartridge ohms; THD 0.005%, 0.037% MC; 17.81" w x ML -12A Stereo Preamplifier
loading; tone controls for low bass and upper tre- 3.19" h x 12.16" $600 For use with ML -11 power amp, or with other
ble; tone in, mute, stereo/mono, and ploarity in- power amp if used with PLS-124 power supply
vert switches; gold-plated connectors. Inputs for F-105 Surround Sound System Remote (see below). Inputs for MM phono, MC phono,
phono; tuner; CD player; video sound source; Full remote -control -system center with surround tape, AUX, tuner. Phono section accepts any car-
aux; 2 tape monitors for 2 -way dubbing. Rated sound. Provides inputs/outputs for complete sys- tridge, gain 42, 53, or 63 dB and gold-plated
output 3 V RMS; max output 15 V. Includes sepa- tem. Integrated amp, EQ, tuner, CD, turntable, 2 sockets for precise cartridge loading. Line -level
rate power supply to provide 3 switched AC con- tape decks, 2 VCR'S, LaserDisc player, and video section gain 4, 9, 13, or 17 dB to match amps,
venience outlets. Matte silver with removable monitor or TV with video input. Switchable dub- speakers, sources. Gold-plated Camac connectors
teak pedestal base. Dimensions: 17" w x 12" d x bing for audio/video; 25 W/ch rear speaker amp; for inputs and outputs and separate level controls
6.36" h (with base), 17" w x 12" d x 5.25" h Dolby Surround sound; time delay surround; in- for each section. Hand -engraved black anodized
(without base) $1,995 cludes input for connecting external remote con- front panel. Phono S/N <75 dB unwtd at 63 dB
trol sensors for A/v remotes. 17.25" w x 2.94" h x gain; THD 0.006% and IMD 0.004% SMPTE at
LINN PRODUCTS 11.88" d; 13.2 lb $550 6 V output; S/N <92 dB below 1 V ref; 19" w x
BY AUDIOPHILE SYSTEMS U-100 A/V System Controller. Same as above 9.75" d x 2.25" h $1,600
without surround sound $350 PLS-124. Optional power supply with separate
LK1 Remote -Controlled Preamp rectification and filtering for each ch. Ripple 40
Stereo microprocessor preamp with independent- mV before regulation in ML -12A. 7.25" w x
ly adjustable input -level matching; keyboard MARK LEVINSON BY MADRIGAL 2.25" h x 8.62" d $455
lockout; all switching and level adjustments elec- ML -6B Modular Preamps
tronic on board. Inputs for MM phono; MC pho- Mono preamps in 2 separate chassis (with sepa-
no; tape; tape 2; AUX; tuner. 10.5" w x 3" h x rate power supplies) with only essential control McINTOSH
10.5" d; 9 lb $845 functions and connection. L -series open -frame C -31V A/V Control Center
plug-in modules; all audio circuitry completely Audio/video control center with wireless IR re-
LOGAN LABS BY SYMDEX discrete and operates in Class -A; each chassis has mote control. Features McIntosh Electronic Pre-
1 LI line amp and 1 phono amp module for any cision Ladder Attenuator; 5 -band equalizer; ad-
PA -10B Preamplifier cartridge; LI provides up to 26 dB gain with justable loudness contour; 9 source inputs;
Electron tube phono-only preamp with separate 0.003% THD typical and 0.002% IMD; S/N 100 switching of 2 VCR'S with two-way dubbing; re-
power supply. Features symmetrical layout for dB (unwtd below 2 V reference); gain of L2 pho- mote -control expandable allowing remote control
both chs; muting function for no system crash no module 38 or 44 dB; L3 gain 67 dB; L3A gain in two additional listening areas $1,895
due to power loss; slow turn -on circuitry to pre- 55 dB. Phono module THD ± 0.008%, IMD C -MV. A/V control center. 38 lb $2,195
vent thermal shock to tubes. Input for MM phono, 0.005%. PLS-154 power supply maintains load
1010T is required for moving coils. FR I- regulation of 0.05% with wideband noise output C-30 Stereo Preamplifier
3,000,000 Hz ± 3 dB; max output 160 V; THD 18 µV. Camac connectors for all input and out- Preamp with inputs for CD, tuner, phono, video-
<0.2%; IMD <0.2%; separate transformer; 19" w put connections; gold-plated cartridge -loading disc, TV, VCR, and Aux. Features two tape mon-
x 3.5" h x 7" d; $5,495 sockets on main circuit board and internal itors with switchable dubbing; two external pro-
HLE-1010T. Companion pre -preamplifier for switches to select 10, 20, or 26 dB of line gain. cessor loops; current sensing power outlet acti-
moving -coil cartridges to be used in conjuction Hand -brushed black anodized finish. ML -6B: vates preamp when component connected to it is
with PA -10B $3,495 2.25" H x 19" W x 8" D. PLS- 154: 4.36" h x 4" turned on; 6 switched, one unswitched outlet; 5 -
w x 10.62" d. 12 lb. With L2 $7,050/pr band equalizer; output signal mode selector; vari-
With L3 or L3A $7,780/pr able loudness compensation control; headphone
jacks with independent level control. FR 20-
For explanations of abbreviations, ML -7A Preamplifier 20,000 Hz +0 -0.5 dB; max output 10 V; THD
specifications, and technical terms, Inputs for 5 line sources, monitors 2 tape decks, 0.007% max from 20-20,000 Hz at 2.5 V rated
consult the glossary on page 221. with choice of 3 plug-in phono sections for virtu- output; s/N phono 90 dB below 10 mV input; s/N
ally any cartridge. All audio circuitry completely high level !CO dB below rated output; Sensitivity:
MC8 Stereo Preamplifier 0.01%; MM phono sens 2.5 mV for 0.5 V output
Similar to MC7 except stereo with internal power at 1,000 Hz; MM phono input overload level 250
supply. Inputs for MM phono; Mc phono; tape; mV; phono gain 34 or 40 dB switchable; line -level PIONEER
tape 2; CD player; tuner. FR 5-100,000 Hz t 3 sens 98 mV Black finish with oak side panels. C-90omo Audio/Video Preamplifier
dB; THD 0.1%; MM phono sens 0.35 mV for 0.5-V 19" w x 4" h x 9.5" d; 14 lb $1,995 Features wireless remote control; motorized rota-
output at 1,000 Hz; sens for line -level inputs 50 PPA-202. JFET mc head -amp card plugs into ry volume control; 5 audio inputs; 5 video inputs
mV; MM phono input overload level 150 mV at CPA -100A. Features selectable input imp; 3 gain (3 input/outputs, 2 input only); 3 different power
1,000 Hz. 19" w x 3.5" h x 12" d; 15 lbs .S2,250 settings; mc phono input. High -overload capabili- supplies; copper -plated chassis; 2 video outputs;
ty allows greater than I V rms undistorted out- recorcing selector/tape-dubbing switch; subsonic
NAD put. FR 0.05-1.5 mHz ± 3 dB; s/N 71 dB; THD and high/low filters; loudness, muting, and tone
0.01%. 6.75" w x 3" h x 1.5" d; 1 lb $300 controls; video enhancer (detail, sharpness, and
1300 Monitor Series Preamplifier noise cancel). 8.88" h x 21.69" w x 18.88" d$900
Features high -resolution phono preamp; bass EQ; JA-RF5. RF modulator converts composite (ba-
null switch to amplify L -R difference signal; low - ONKYO seband) video to RF so that video from an A/V
noise MC pre-preamp; external processor loop; Grand Integra P-308 Preamplifier system can be viewed on a TV without a video in-
semiparametric tone controls (bass center switch - Dual -mono preamp with electrically separate left put. Features selectable output frequency; video/
able to 50, 120, or 250 Hz, treble to 3,000, 6,000. and right circuitry and 2 sets of preamp outputs: Tv switch for VHF antenna loop -through; 5 -pin
12,000 Hz) with 1.5 -octave bandwidth, 12 -dB output #1 is from precision -paired master vol- DIN connector and F -type for video in/Tv out.
max boost or cut; 2 -way tape dubbing; infrasonic ume control using ALPS potentiometers, output For use with Pioneer C-90 audio/video preampli-
filter. Max output 12 V; RIAA response accuracy #2 includes fines balance adjustment via stepped fier $50
± 0.3 $498 left and right precision resistor aattenuators. Fea-
tures passive tone control system. dual record
1240 7 -Input Preamplifier output selectors; individual stereo/mono switch- PROTON
Features discrete transistors in phono preamp; in- ing for output 1 and 2; contra bass equalization. 1100 Preamplifier
puts for MM or MC phono, CD player, tuner, Wood side panels included. Inputs for MM phono; Stereo preamp with separate MC phono input.
tape, video, aux 1, aux 2; treble boost or cut max mc phono; tape; tape 2; tape 3; AUX, AUX 2; tun- Features built-in headphone amp; bass EQ switch;
7 dB at 10.000 Hz, bass boost or cut max 10 dB at er; CD player and DAT with input common - listen/record selector; high-level pre -out 18 V.
50 Hz; switchable infrasonic filter down 3 dB at mode noise filters. FR 0.8-170,000 Hz ± 3 dB; THD 0.003% (20-20,000 Hz, 2 V output); IMD
12 Hz at 12 dB/octave; high -current (15 V) head- phono s/N 92 dB; THD 0.0005%. 18.25" w x 4" h 0.003% (2 V output); FR 20-20,000 ± 2 dB; high-
phone amp; bass EQ; 2 outputs; cartridge capaci- x 15.88" d; 19 lb $650 level input resistance 30 kilohms; line -level input
tance loading $298 sens 150 µV, 2.5 µV MM phono, 0.2 µV high-lev-
Integra P-304 Preamplifier el mc, 0.1 µV low-level MC; s/N A-wtd 105 dB
NAKAMICHI Dual -mono preamp with electrically separate left line level, 94 dB MM phono, 79 dB MC phono;
and right circuitry. Features direct tone controls bass control at 100 Hz ± 10 dB; treble control at
CA -7A Control Amplifier with passive equalization; dual record output se- 10,000 Hz ± 10 dB; bass EQ at 75 Hz +3 dB; in-
Preamp with full -system wireless remote control lectors; adjustable phono gain and load imp. In- frasonic filter at 20 Hz -3 dB, slope -12 dB/oct;
of Nakamichi series 7 or 5 components. Features puts for MM phono; mc phono; tape; tape 2; tape phono input capacitance selectable between 100,
``""11 0
353946 353771 355990 355529 351692 356675 DIG TAL AUDIO
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equalizer but with 2 external signal -processor mote optional. Rosewood panels; 17.13" w x lion even when driving loads less than 500 ohms.
loops; 3.5" w x 19" h x 11" d $439 3.25" h x 13.75" d; 11 lb $995 Circuit boards are military -grade glass -epoxy
with gold -over -nickel -over -copper -plated paths.
Pro Control Four -Control Center/Preamplifier Precision metal film and wirewound resistors are
Digital c-mos mos-rBot.. Features 5 tape moni- TECHNICS used throughout. Bandwidth response 1.5 Hz and
tors for audio or video tape, CD, tuner and phono SU-A200 Class AA Preamplifier 125,000 Hz at -3 dB points; distortion 0.01% at
inputs. 2 signal -processor loops, subsonic filter, Features Class AA circuitry to separate voltage 3 V rms from 20-20,000 Hz into 1,000 -ohm load;
and direct mode to bypass all processing. Head- amplification from current amplification for ideal crosstalk no greater than -75 dB at 20,000 Hz
phone jack, auto -bridge circuit to triple amplifier voltage/current phase relationship. Voltage amp with 1,000 -ohm source; noise no greater than
output. FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 0.1 dB; THD operates in Class A driving Class AA bridge cir- -110 dBA referenced to I V input; input imp
<0.005%; s/N: phono 97 dB, high-level 116 dB. cuit which provides ideal load characteristics for 25,000 ohms, nominal; output imp 100 ohms.
Rack -mount front panel. 19" w x 3.5" h x 10.5" max linearity and isolation from imp fluctuations. Controls for program source selector; record sig-
d $699 Class AA EQ circuit isolates voltage amp from nal routing; monitor signal selection; mode; bal-
load -imp fluctuations. Active Servo power supply ance; audio level. 1.75" high x 19" wide x 6.5"
DX3000 Preamplifier provides improved regulation and contributes to deep $1,800
Features bass and treble controls; 2 tape monitors low -noise performance. Switches video signals
with dubbing; stereo video inputs; loudness com- form A/V inputs as well as audio signals from 8 Model FET ten/pc Cartridge Preamplifier
pensation; signal -processor input/output. Inputs inputs with video output for monitor. Inputs for Dual-ch noninverting field-effect transistor
for MM phono, tape, tape 2, CD player, tuner, MM phono; MC phono; tape; tape 2/VCR; aux; preamp dedicated specifically to phono-cartridge
video. CD inputs matched to high dynamic range phono 2; CD player; tuner; video (AV 1). FR 0.5- gain applications. Accepts inputs from high- and
of players. FR 5-60.000 Hz +0, >1 dB; S/N 95 dB; 180,000 Hz +0, -3 dB. 17" w x 5" h x 14.25" d; low-level mc, MM or other velocity -output char-
THD 0.01%; MM phono sens 1.4 my for 0.5-v 20 lb $1,150 acteristic phono cartridge and provides RIAA
output at 1,000 Hz; MM phono input overload equalized output suitable for preamp high-level
level 200 my at 1,000 HZ; sens for line -level in- SU-A4MK2 Stereo DC Preamplifier inputs. Single gain -variable high-performance
puts 140 my. 19" wide x 2.36" high x 10" deep; Features amorphous step-up transformer for ex- stage provides signal increase required by differ-
10 lb $329 tended linear response; full matching phono ent cartridge types. Combination of active low -
equalizer for all types of cartridges; all Class A frequency and active and passive high -frequency
SUMO with ICL ultra -low -noise FET input; low output equalization make up RIAA equalization. Up to
imp allows remote power amp placement; shelv- 16 different cartridge -loading characteristics may
ATHENA Preamplifier ing tone controls for EQ; presettable CD/Aux/ be user selected with internal DIP switch assem-
Stereo preamp with built-in moving -coil head video input selector; 4 -ganged master volume blies. External power supply in separate chassis.
amp. Features discrete circuitry utilizing 1% control; infrasonic and high filter switches; loud- Circuit boards are military -grade glass -epoxy
metal film resistors and metalized polypropylene ness contour switch; separate record selector with with gold -over -nickel -over -copper -plated paths.
capacitors; gold-plated input/output jacks; sepa- 2 -way dubbing; 2 tape monitors. Maximum out- Gold-plated connectors with Teflon insulation.
rate record/mode select functions; linear -phase - put voltage 8 V; 16.94" w x 3.81" h x 14.19" d; Precision metal film and wirewound resistors are
matrix subsonic filter; high-level bypass; laser - 17.6 lb $1,160 used throughout. crosstalk no greater than -70
trimmed stepped volume control. FR 20-20,000 dB at 20,000 Hz with 1,000 -ohm source; output
Hz ± 0.1 dB; crosstalk 80 dB; THD/IM <0.01% SU-A6MK2 Stereo DC Preamplifier imp 420 ohms. 1.75" high x 19" wide x 6.5"
below 10 V output $649 Features shelving tone controls, selectable turn- deep $1,100
over frequencies, infrasonic filter, audio muting.
TANDBERG Inputs for MM phono, MC phono, tape 3, tape 2, Model FET nine Preamplifier
aux 2, phono 2, CD player, tuner, computer, Dual-ch noninverting field-effect transistor
TCA 3018 Control Preamplifier VCR, DAT recorder, TV. Max output 8 V; preamp. Accepts inputs from high- and low-level
Preamplifier with zero -negative -feedback design. 16.94" w x 3.88" h x 14.19" D $600 MC, MM or other velocity -output characteristic
All high-level inputs have overload rating of 20 phono cartridge, 3 high-level sources, and 2 tape
V; toroidal transformer with seperate winding for decks with full flexibility in record/monitor sig-
each ch; seperate power supply for each ch; se- THRESHOLD nal routing. Cartridge section uses single gain -
lected metal -film resistors and polypropylene ca- Model FET ten/hi Control Preamplifier variable preamplification stage for MC and MM
pacitors; no tone controls; seperate record and Dual-ch, high-level noninverting field-effect tran- cartridges. Cartridge loading selected by internal
program selection. 17.13" w x 3.25" h x 13.75" d; sistor preamp dedicated specifically to line -level DIP switch assemblies. Signal -path topologies and
12.5 lb $2,195 ignal applications. Accepts 5 high-level sources power -regulation circuits derived from FET ten
such as compact disc players) and 2 tape decks research. External power supply in separate chas-
TCA 3038A Control Preamplifier with full flexibility in record/monitor signal rout- sis. Circuit boards are military -grade glass -epoxy
Fully remote controlled unit similar to above. ing. External power supply in separate chassis. with gold -over -nickel -over -copper -plated paths.
Input .1-FETS operated in parallel, doubling trans - Gold-plated connectors with Teflon insulation.
Precision metal film and wirewound resistors are
used throughout. FR 1.5 Hz and 125,000 Hz at -3
dB down points; distortion 0.01% at 3 V rms
from 20-20,000 Hz into 10,000 -ohm load; high-
level input imp 25,000 ohms, nominal; output
imp 100 ohms. Controls for program source se-
lector; record signal routing; monitor signal selec-
tion; ch balance; audio level. 1.75" h x 19" w x
6.5" d $1,600
Threshold FET ten/hl control preamplifier
(top) and FET ten/pc (bottom).
Servo controlled volume (when used with re- conductance and lowering noise and distortion. 1000 Remote -Controlled Audio/Video Preamp
mote); tone controls; tone defeat; loudness; MM Secondary gain stages use cascoded MOSFETS to Switches 3 video sources; separate audio and vid-
and mc; DAT, CD, video, and tape inputs. Re- supress voltage fluctuations, allowing low distor- eo record -out selectors; selectable phase inver-
sion; ultra -low -noise MC phono input; zero -feed-
back all -field -effect -transistors and pure -Class -A
circuitry $2,600
Without remote control $2,200
ACCUPHASE BY MADRIGAL tape; AUX; CD player; tuner; video. 40 continu- DCA-40 Digital Control Amplifier
ous average W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz with no Integrated amp with inputs for MM phono, tape,
E -303X 150-W/ch Integrated Amp more than 0.03% THD into 8 ohms; 60 watts into tape 2, aux, CD player, tuner. Features electronic
Power meters: 3 -position loudness compensation; 4 ohms; 200 -ms dynamic power 60 watts; dynam- digital volume control; separate phono preamp.
inputs for MM phono, MC phono, tuner, tape, ic headroom 2 dB; slew rate 40 V/ms; FR 13- 40 continuous average W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz
tape 2, AUX, phono 2, CD player, line 2. 150 W/ 50,000 Hz ± 3 dB; THD 0.03%; s/N 90 dB; IMD with no more than 0.06% THD into 8 ohms; 50 W
ch into 8 ohms; 250 W/ch into 2 ohms; MM pho- 0.03%; 25 -ampere current capability. 17" w x into 4 ohms; FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; THD
no sens 0.22 mV for 0.5 V output at 1,000 Hz; 3.31" h x 13" d $340 0.06%. 6 lb; 19" w x 3.5" h x 12" d $950
sens for line -level inputs 13.9 mV; 45.2 Ib; 17.5"
w x 6.4" h x 14.6" D $3,300
E-302 120-W/ch Integrated Amp Atelier A2 88-W/ch Amplifier P35 Integrated Amplifier
3 -position loudness compensation and power me- Stereo integrated amp with separate input selec- Features passive tone controls; passive segmented
ters. Inputs for MM phono; MC phono; tape; tors for recording and listening. Features 2 tape phono section; MC/MM switchable inputs; large
tape 2; phono 2; CD player; 3 line inputs. S/N monitor loops; 2 seprate phono preamps, one for toroidal input transformer; solid -wood end pan-
120 dB; MM phono sens 0.22 mV for 0.5 V out- MM cartridges and one for MCs; preamp output els. 60 W/ch; THD 0.05%; s/N MM 80 dB, MC 73
put at 1,000 Hz; sens for line -level inputs 7.1 mV; and main amp input jacks; fast -response linear dB, line 80 dB. 17.5" w x 2.5" h x I I" d; 17
120 W/ch into 8 ohms; 180 W/ch into 4 ohms; LED displays; clipping indicators; power output lb $665
35.6 Ib; 17.5" w x 5.75" h x 14.6" d $2,575 100 W/ch into 4 ohms, 80 W/ch into 8 ohms, 70
W/ch into 2 ohms. 17.5" w x 2.8" h x 14.8" d; 20
E-205 80-W/ch Integrated Amp lbs $699
Parallel push-pull output stage driven by MOS- 4040 35-W/ch Integrated Amplifier
FET driver stage; large power supply; direct -cou- Inputs for MM phono, CD, tuner, tape in and
pled circuitry with DC servo; high -gain equalizer; AKAI out. Designed for extreme clarity and warmth. 35
MC -input imp selector; 9 inputs; turnover selec- AM -A402 -B 100-W/ch Integrated Amp W/ch into 8 ohms $350
tor switch; tape monitor and dubbing switches; DC -servo circuitry for increased dynamic range; 4140. Similar to above but with 40-65 W/ch; MC
subsonic filter; outputs for 2 pairs of speakers; electronic circuit protection for system and switch; increased sens and gain $450
speaker selection switch; mono switch. Inputs for speakers; 5 -band EQ; processing loop; output lev-
MM phono; MC phono; tape; tape 2; CD player; el meter; loudness circuit. Inputs for CD player;
tuner; 3 line -level inputs. Champagne -gold or tuner; MM phono; tape; tape 2; aux. 100 W/ch DENON
black -anodized finish. 80 W/ch into 8 ohms, 100 into 8 ohms; EQ center frequencies at 63, 250, PMA-900V Integrated Amplifier
W/ch into 4 ohms. 17.5" w x 5.75" h x 14.56" d; 1,000, 4,003, 16,000 Hz with 10 -dB maximum Features 120 W/ch; pure-curent power; high-
30.8 lb $1,600 boost/cut. 17.3" wide x 3.9" high x 9.8" deep; speed dual non-NFB amp; A/V switching; front -
16.1 lb $300
ACOUSTIC RESEARCH AM -A202 -B 50-W/ch Integrated Amp
AR A-06 Integrated Amplifier DC amp construction; 5 -band EQ; processing
Features infrared remote control of input func- loop; loudness contour. Inputs for MM phono;
tions and volume via cable link to AR T-04 tuner. tape; CD player; tuner. 50 W/ch into 8 ohms; EQ
Pre and power amps can be split. Inputs for MM center frequencies at 63, 250, 1,00, 4,000, 16,000
phono; MC phono; tape; tape 2; AUX; CD player; Hz with max 10 -dB boost/cut. 17.3" w x 3.9" h x
tuner; video. 60 continuous average W/ch from 9.8" d; 12.8 lb $189
20-20,000 Hz with no more than 0.03% THD into
8 ohms; 90 watts into 4 ohms; 200 -ms dynamic
power 90 watts; dynamic headroom 2 dB; slew AUDIO DESIGN ASSOCIATES panel video input; MM/MC input; processor loop;
rate 40 V/ms; FR 13-50,000 Hz ± 3 dB; THD MRA-808 Multiroom Amp. Mainframe muting switch. Side panels standard $700
0.03%; s/N 90 dB; IMD 0.03%; 40 -ampere cur- Contains 8 integrated amplifier modules. Each
rent capability. 17" w x 3.31" h x 13" d $440 module features digitally controlled volume, bass PMA-700V Integrated Amplifier
and treble. 40 W/ch continuous from 20-20,030 Features 100 W/ch; pure -current power; high-
AR A-04 Integrated Amplifier Hz into 8 ohms with no more than 0.03% THD; speed dual super non-NFB amp; A/V switching;
Features infrared remote control of basic func- 60 W/ch into 4 ohms; slew rate 10 v/p.sec; inter - front -panel video input; mai/aic input; processor
tions via cable link to AR T-04 tuner; gold-plated modulation distortion 0.02%; 50 Ib; 19" w x loop $530
phono inputs. Inputs for MM phono; MC phono; 12.5" h x 14.5" d $9,927 ACA -38. Side panels for PMA-700V $30
was possible
like this S 6eSIVS
a tunic be dcok3sets
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P,ste, ard corwerIceag
tIccta'Y'ethought ace
niosk Pe6occclac\re
"AO at011:40\e
122 Dupont St
orroion Rainview. N.Y 11803
track, disc; full -function remote control; I-beam DX -1500 Compact Disc Player
ACCUPHASE BY MADRIGAL laser; I4 -bit digital filtering; dual D/A converter. Drawer -loading CD player with 9 -function re-
DP-80/DC-81 Two -Part CD Player Oversamples at 176.4 kHz. Displays current mote control. Features programming of 16 tracks
DP -80 transport plays discs and DC -81 digital track number, elapsed time of current track, in any order, 99 tracks in sequential order; skip
processor converts digital signals to analog; opti- elapsed time on disc, remaining time on disc. 17" forward; skip back; fast forward; fast reverse;
cal fiber cable. DP -80 features I master clock; lin- w x 4.33" h x 14.5" d $490 cancel; repeat track, disc, program; headphone
ear motor laser pickup; <1 -sec selection time; ce- jack with adjustable level; sound audible during
ramic -resin mounting floated from chassis; play, fast scan. Samples at 44.1 kHz. Displays current
search, pause, skip back, fast forward, fast re-
ADC track number, elapsed time on disc, program in
verse, repeat disc or phrase; cues by track num- 16/2R Compact Disc Player memory, remaining time on disc. 13" w x 2.89" h
ber; displays current track number. DC -8I fea- Slide -drawer -loading CD player with full -func- x 11.75" d; 7.5 lb $295
tures D/A converter with discrete elements; wi- tion remote control and advanced error -process-
deband optical -fiber inputs; 16 -bit digital signal ing circuitry for precise tracking and stability.
and deglitch signal for each ch input to D/A con- Features programming of 16 tracks in any order;
verter through 17 optoisolators; 12I -stage double- skip forward; skip back; fast forward; fast reverse; CD -A70 -B Easy -Programming CD Player
oversampling digital filter per ch; 9 -pole GIC cancel; repeat track, disc, or program; 7 -pole Programs virtually unlimited number of tracks
Butterworth active filters; direclty coupled 0 -dB (7th -order) analog filtering; 3 -beam laser. Cues by with AND, TO and WITHOUT keys (to play
gain buffer amp as output stage; de -emphasis cir- track number. Samples at 44.1 kHz. Displays cur- tracks I, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, press 1
cuit consisting of passive elements and buffer rent track number, elapsed time of current track; AND 5 AND 10 TO 18 WITHOUT 15); skip
amp; independent power transformer for each remaining time on disc; program in memory. 17" forward; skip back; fast forward; fast reverse;
digital and analog circuit; fixed- and variable -lev- w x 3.12" h x 11.75" d; 10 lb $250 cancel; repeat track, disc, phrase, program; 32 -
el audio output; XLR-type balanced output; con- function remote control; 3 -beam laser; 90 -dB per
nects to other CD players with 75 -ohm coaxial - octave digital filter; 7th -order active analog filter;
cable terminal $8,000
a/d/s/ single D/A converter; sound audible during fast
Atelier CD3 CD Player scan. Cues by track and index number. Oversam-
DP -70 Remote -Controlled CD Player Programs 30 tracks in any order; sound audible ples at 88.2 kHz. Displays current track number,
Play, track search, pause on front panel; number during fast forward and fast reverse; skip for- elapsed time of current track, elapsed time on
keypad, stop, repeat (all, I, phrase), index search, ward; skip back; fast forward; fast reverse; cancel; disc, program in memory. Anti -resonant con-
display (track and index or time), scan, and out- repeat track, disc, phrase, program; headphone struction including high -polymer cabinet, insulat-
put -level controls behind panel; fixed and variable jack with adjustable level; digital filtering (resam- ed floating suspension, and support feet for accu-
RCA outputs; XLR balanced output; 75 -ohm co- pling frequency 88.2 kHz); 3 -beam laser. Displays rate tracking; gold-plated RCA jacks; subcode
axial cable output; optional wide -band optical -fi- current track number, elapsed time of current terminal; stabilized servo control system; inde-
ber output; digital output pins; track selection in track, remaining time on disc, program in memo- pendent left/right monaural amps. 17.3" w x 3.1"
<1 sec with linear motor; 4 -times oversampling ry. Cues by track number, index number. Max h x 10.2" d; 8.6 lb $399
(176.4 kHz) digital filters; discrete digital -to -ana- line output 2 V; headphone output 2 V; 20 Ib;
log converter; 5 -pole GIC Butterworth low-pass 17.5" w x 2.75" h x 14.8" d $1,399 CD -A305 -B Remote -Controlled CD Player
filters; isolating optocouplers; independent power Programs 36 tracks; headphone jack; multi -func-
supply for digital and analog circuits; 4 opto- Atelier CD4 Compact Disc Player tion display; 2 -times oversampling digital fil-
couplers input digital data, latch clock signal, Cast laser and transport assembly shock mounted ter $329
deglitch signal to D/A converter; directly cou- with rubber isolators, aluminum and steel chas-
pled 0 -dB -gain buffer amp as output stage with sis/housing, and multiple power supplies to iso-
late digital and analog stages for minimum inter-
action and noise generation. Servo -laser intensity Beogram 5500 Programmable CD Player
system switches focus intensity depending on Integrates with Beosystem 5500; programs 20
quality of disc to maximize performance. Brick - tracks; adds time of programmed tracks; displays
wall digital filter works in conjunction with ad- time remaining on disc; skip forward and back; 3 -
vanced multiple -pole low-pass filter. Error cor- speed forward and reverse; direct access by track
rection uses variable -size window; I6 -bit D/A number; intro scan; 16 -bit quadruple oversam-
converters; fast -focus 3 -beam laser; programming
of 16 tracks in random order; repeat disc, track,
phrase, or program; random access by time with-
in a track; access by index point; audible fast
search. Displays elapsed time from track start, re-
push-pull DC servo direct coupling; metal shield- maining time to disc end, track/program selec-
ng; passive elements and buffer amp in de -em- tion number, index, program in memory .. $999
phasis circuit; ceramic composite resin floating
mounting; legs lathed from pure brass bar; hair- RCI Unified Remote Control
line -finish golden panel and natural persimmon Infrared wireless remote control for CD3, CD4,
sideboard; infrared remote needs 2 AA batteries. and other Atelier components $100
Pass -band ripple of digital filters ± 0.00005 dB
with attenuation of <100 dB; 46.4 lb .... $5,000
XC-001 Compact Disc Player piing; Bessel elliptical analog filters; auto space;
ACOUSTIC RESEARCH Features remote control; programming of 20 silver and black; controlled by Master Control
CD -04 Compact Disc Player tracks in any order; timer play function; repeat Panel (comes with Beomaster 5500 receiver); 2
Drawer -loading CD player with proven 14 -bit disc and program; audible 2 -speed cue and re- digital -to -analog converters; digital output. 16.5"
quadruple oversampling DAc system. Features view; auto blank system; 10 -key direct -access w x 3" h x 12.75" d $999
programming of 99 tracks in any order, 99 tracks pads on front panel and remote; comprehensive
in sequential order; skip forward; skip back; fast FL display. Oversamples at 176.4 kHz. 16.94" w x Beogram 3300 Remote -Controlled CD Player
forward; fast reverse; time/track selection; repeat 3.9" h x 12.06" d; 9.9 lb $500 Communicates with other Beosystem 3300 corn -
add 4 -second blanks between dubbing sections. DA990 Remote -Controlled CD Player graphic EQ; auto program search system (APss)
Features programming of 16 tracks in any order; 3 -beam laser; digital filtering (oversamples at 88.2 for tape 2; 2 -way 4 -speaker system with 4" free -
fast forward; fast reverse; repeat track, disc, pro- kHz); full -function wireless remote; programs 20 edge woofers and tweeters; CD output jacks. Uses
gram; 4 -function remote control; headphone jack tracks in any order; I6 -bit 0/A convertor; switch 10 D batteries. 23.25" w x 5.63" h x 7.63" d; 12.2
with adjustable level; combination digital/analog lb. (without batteries) $400
filtering; 3 -beam laser; sound audible during fast
scan. Cues by track number, index number, time. DX -R750 Remote -Controlled CD Player
Displays current track number, elapsed time of Compact disc player with infrared remote con-
current track, elapsed time on disc, remaining trol; APMS; APLD; APSS; cue/review; playback
time on disc, program in memory. 8.8 lb; 16.94" time display in seconds and minutes. 17" w x
w x 3.22" h x 12.36" d $370 3.13" h x 11.75" d; 9.7 lb $280
SANYO able analog tiller; headphone jack with volume DX -650 Programmable CD Player
control; big chrome -plated feet; auto space to add Compact disc player with 3 -beam laser; 20 -selec-
CPM1000 10 -Disc CI) Changer extra time between tracks $450 tion random-access programming; APSS; cue/re-
10 -disc CD -changer with remote control. Fea- view; repeat; front -loading disc table $200
tures 10 -disc magazine; single disc magazine; 24 - DA963 Remote -Controlled CD Player
button remote control; 32 -track programmability; Programs 15 tracks in any order; skip forward;
random play; intro -scan; 3 -beam tracking mecha- skip back; fast forward; fast reverse; repeat track, SHERWOOD
nism; skip & search mechanism; multi -function disc, program; 8 -function remote control; 3 -beam CDP-300R Remote -Controlled CD Player
Ft. display; internally -damped suspension system; laser; digital and analog filtering; single o/A con- Drawer -loading CD player remote compatible
mic mixing; 3 -way repeat operation; 3 -beam verter; sound audible during fast scan. Cues by with Sherwood remote -controlled receivers. Fea-
tracking system; adjustable output level from re- track number. Displays current track number, tures programming of 20 tracks in any order; skip
mote and front panel; timer play. 16.75" w x 4.5" elapsed time of current track, elapsed time on forward; skip back; fast forward; fast reverse;
h x 12" d; 11 Ib, 14 oz $480 disc, remaining time on disc, program in memo- one -beam laser; quadruple oversampling digital
ry. 11.1 Ib; measures 17.25" wide x 3.75" high x filtering; 1st -order linear -phase analog filtering;
MCD40 CD Boombox 11" deep $300 sound audible during fast scan. Displays current
Portable CD player, AM/FM tuner, cassette DA952. Same as above without remote con- track number, elapsed time of current track,
deck. Features programming of 16 tracks in any trol $200 elapsed time on disc. 17.36" w x 3.25" h x 9.75"
order; auto reverse; synchro dubbing; Dolby NR; d; II lb $300
soft -touch controls; graphic EQ; line -in and -out
jacks; auto stop; 2 -way speakers; 3 -way power SEARS ROEBUCK CDP-250R Oversampling CD Player
source; LED indicators; LCD $335 97551 Programmable CD Player Features Sherwood Digi-Link remote compatibil-
Drawer -loading CD player with direct, index, ity; 3 -beam laser pick-up; double oversampling
CP12 Portable CD Player and skip search. Features 3 -beam laser; program.
Ultra -thin portable CD player with new drive ming of 16 tracks in any order; skip forward; skip
back; fast forward; fast reverse; repeat track, disc,
and program; 9 -key remote control. Displays cur-
rent track number, elapsed time of current track,
elapsed time on disc. 420 mm w x 85 h x 270 d;
II lb $250
a/d/s/ w&F 0.0055% deck 1, 0.028% deck 2; s/N 80 dB tal tape counter; feather -touch is logic controls;
with Dolby C, metal tape above 5,000 Hz; FR 10- cue & review; fluorescent peak meters. w&F
C4 3 -Head Dolby B/C/HX Pro Cassette Deck 17,000 Hz normal -bias tape, 10-19,000 Hz high - 0.028% wrms; FR 20-16,000 Hz ± 3 dB normal -
Microprocessor operating system for digital re- bias, 10-20,000 Hz metal. 16.94" w x 4.38" h x bias tape, 20-17,000 Hz ± 3 dB high bias, 20-
cording -level and balance controls; full status dis- 11.75" d; 14.5Ib $750 18,000 Hz ± 3 dB metal; s/N (A-wtd) metal: 78
plays; remote controlled through a/d/s/ R4 re- dB Dolby C. 16.63" w x 4.38" h x 11.63" d; 10.4
ceiver or CC4 tuner/preamp; auto bias/EQ for all AD -A70 Autoreverse Cassette Deck lb $350
tape types; memorizes adjustable bias and level Cassette deck holds up to 5 cassettes for quick -re-
settings for each tape type; displays elapsed or re- verse I5 -selection random -programmed playback AD-WX707 Double Cassette Deck
maining time; quartz-controlled-PLL capstan and sequential -timed recording. Features 4 mo- Autoreverse cassette deck with Dolby B and C.
motor drive in die-cast metal chassis; timer re- tors; Dolby B & C; blank skip; music search; rec Features bias fine tuning; continuous playback;
cord and play; auto repeat; music search; mic/ mute; headphone jack; LED meters; electronic feather -touch ic logic controls; high-speed dub-
line mixing; adjustable headphone output; LED tape counter; auto tape selector. w&F 0.06% bing; auto rec mute; auto tape selector; rec/play
rec-level meters; rec-level range 80 dB in l -dB wrms; FR metal 30-15,000 Hz ± 3 dB; s/N metal timer standby (deck 2). s/N 78 dB Dolby C, 65
steps. Speed deviation <0.5%; W&F <0.04% wtd 78 dB Dolby C. 13" w x 4.25" h x 13.62" d; 13.2 dB Dolby B; FR 20-16,000 Hz normal -bias tape,
rms; FR with all tape types 20-20,000 Hz ± 2 dB; lb $650 20-17,000 Hz high bias, 20-18,000 metal. 16.94"
S/N >74 dBA with Dolby C and metal tape (op- w x 5" h x 12.31" d; 1 Ilb $250
tional outboard NR system extends S/N to >93 AD-F77OUB Dolby B & C Cassette Deck
dBA). 17.5" w x 2.75" h a 14.8" d $1,400 Features 3 heads; 2 motors; auto bias/EQ; Dolby AD -R30 Autoreverse Cassette Deck
HX Pro; dual capstans; bias fine tuning; remain- Features 3 -way reverse operation for continuous,
RC1 Unified Remote Control ing -time counter; music search; output level con- one cycle, or unidirectional operation; horizontal
Infrared wireless remote controls CC4, R4 receiv- trol; memory stop/play; mike inputs; headphone flat keyboard operation panel; feather -touch is
er, and other a/d/s/ components $100 jack; rec mute; digital automatic tape adaptation; logic control; Dolby B & C; bias fine tuning; auto
ic logic controls; fluorescent meters with peak MC mute. w&F 0.065% wrens; FR 20-16,000 Hz
Atelier C3 2 -Speed Cassette Deck hold; auto Dolby NR detector; intro play ADMS. normal -bias tape, 20-16,000 Hz high bias, 20-
Records and plays at 1.88 ips (standard speed) W&F 0.025% wrms; FR 20-17,000 Hz ± 3 dB nor- 17,000 Hz metal; s/N 78 dB
and 3.75 ips (double speed). Remote controlled mal -bias tape, 20-18,000 Hz ± 3 dB high bias, 20- DX head; erase double -gap ferrite. 16.56" w x
through a/d/s/ R4 receiver or CC4 tuner/ 19,000 Hz ± 3 dB metal; s/N (A-wtd) metal: 68 4.38" h x 11.94" d; 11.4 lb $180
preamp. Quartz-PLL direct -drive -capstan multi- dB Dolby B, 80 dB Dolby C. 16.56" w a 4.38" h x AD -S15. As above without autoreverse $150
ple -pole outer -rotor motor; repeat; mic/line mix - 11.31" d; 12.1 lb $550 AD -S10. Same as above without soft -touch con-
'fig; 3 heads; 2 motors; Dolby B; Dolby C; music trols and no auto tape selector $120
search; memory stop/play; LED meters; head AD-WX22OU Double Cassette Deck
Features 2 heads; 2 motors; auto bias/EQ; bias
fine tuning; music search; output level control; AKAI
LED meters; mike inputs; headphone jack; rec GX-R99-B 3 -Head Autoreverse Cassette Deck
mute; 0.25- time dubbing cassette deck random Sets and maintains optimum record level; teflon-
programmable; dubbing playback; random Dolby bonded head housing of beryllium -alloyed die-
B & C; I -touch synchrodubbing. w&F 0.038% cast zinc to maintain accurate azimuth; super GX
wrms; FR 20-13,000 Hz ± 3 dB normal -bias tape, (glass and crystal) head; high -tuned DC amp with
phone jack. W&F standard speed 0.04% wrms, 20-15,000 Hz ± 3 dB high bias, 20-16,000 Hz ± 3 Foldback Electrode Transistors (FBET) for in-
high speed 0.035%; FR (with all tape types) stan- dB metal; s/N (A-wtd) metal: 66 dB Dolby B, 78 creased midrange resolution and widened dynam-
dard speed 20-20,000 Hz ± 2 dB, high speed 25- dB Dolby C. 16.56" w x 4.38" h x 12.75" d; 12.3 ic range; 5 motors; auto bias/EQ; Dolby B; Dolby
22,000 Hz ± 2 dB; S/N (A-wtd, all tape types) lb $550 C; dual capstans; bias fine tuning; direct drive;
standard speed: >58 dBA no NR, >66 dBA elapsed -time counter; remaining -time counter;
Dolby B, >74 dBA Dolby C, high speed: >60 AD -W20 Double Cassette Deck music search; output level control; memory stop/
dBA no NR, >68 dBA Dolby B, >76 dBA Dolby High-speed dubbing casssete deck with quick -re- play; rec mute; headphone jack; auto fader; FLD
C. 17.5" w x 2.75" h x 14.8" d; 19.6 lb ... $969 verse record/playback in both decks. Features display; record cancel; gold RCA jacks; auto tape
2+2 heads; 2 motors; continuous record/play- monitor; timer start; feather -touch full -logic con-
AIWA back; programmable 18 -selection edit dubbing; trols; direct lead-in; power eject. Wireless remote
auto bias/EQ; Dolby B; Dolby C; music search; control optional. W&F 0.028% WRMS; FR fer-
AD-WX909 Autoreverse Double Cassette Deck blank skip; LED meters; headphone jack; rec ric 20-18,000 Hz ± 3 dB, high bias 20-19,000 Hz
Features 3 heads with micro -grain -surfaced cap- mute. w&F 0.6% wrms; s/N metal 78 dB Dolby ± 3 dB, metal 20-21,000 Hz ± 3 dB; S/N (A-wtd)
stan; auto tape/source monitor selector; ADMS C. 16.63" w x 4.38" h x 12.75" d; 12.3 lb $550
. metal: 70 dB Dolby B, 80 dB Dolby C, 60 dB no
NR. 17.3" w x 4.1" h w 14.6" d; 19.1 lbs . $649
AD-WX808 Double Cassette Deck
Autoreverse cassette deck with Dolby HX Pro GX-8-B 3 -Head 3 -NR -System Cassette Deck
and Dolby B & C. Features Amorphous head; Quartz-PLL direct -drive motor for low W&F; su-
el "i"' blank skip continuous playback; double -speed per GX (glass and crystal) head; manual bias
playback; Ic logic control; digital tape counter; trim; extended -range peak meter; 3 motors;
auto rec mute; rec/timer standby. w&F 0.055% Dolby B; Dolby C; dbx; dual capstans; bias fine
wrms; s/N metal: 78 dB Dolby C, 65 dB Dolby B; tuning; elapsed -time counter; remaining -time
FR 20-17,000 Hz normal -bias tape, 20-19,000 Hz counter; music search; output -level control; rec
high bias, 20-20,000 Hz metal. 16.94" w x 5" h x mute; headphone jack; auto mute; rec cancel;
(auto demagnetizing system); Dolby HX Pro 12.31" d; I I lb $350 gold-plated RCA and headphone jacks; FLD dis-
(deck 2); Dolby B & C (both decks); gold-plated play; feather -touch full -logic controls; direct lead-
CD inputs and LINE/CD front panel selector; AD -S40 Dolby B & C Cassette Deck in; power eject. W&F 0.04% wrens; FR ferric 20-
high-speed dubbing; feather -touch lc logic con- Features 3 heads; 2 motors; auto bias/FQ; Dolby 19,000 Hz ± 3 dB, high bias 20-20,000 Hz ± 3
trols; independant digital tape counters; bias fine HX Pro; dual capstans; bias fine tuning; head- dB, metal 20-21,000 Hz ± 3 dB; S/N (A-wtd)
adjustment for Cr02/normal-bias tape (± 20%); phone jack; rec mute; computer designed key- metal: 70 dB Dolby B, 80 dB Dolby C, 115 dB
music sensor (both decks); continuous playback. board front control panel; ADMS; electronic digi- dbx, 60 dB no NR.3.9" d; 14.3 lb $609
M -T 8-8 FRI 9-8
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MARANTZ VR560 $569 TECHNICS SAR510 $459 PIONEER CLD909 $549 SHERWOOD CRD350 $ 1 89
61...r_75...311W2L7-'114L MM
$274 $169 - $899
ACA -20. Side panels for DR-M3OHX, M2OHX,
M I4HX, and M I2HX cassette decks
....._ -=la
Pro; solenoid logic transport; bias fine trim with TDV66JBK Cassette Deck
test -tone oscillator; output level control; weighted Computer -controlled discrete three -head cassette
_ .
LED meters; headphone jack; rec mute. W&F deck is remote controllable with optional remote
0.05% WRMS; FR with all tape types 20-22,000 or when used with selected JVC Compu-Link
Hz t 3 dB; S/N (A-wtd, with high -bias tape) 58 components. Features Dolby B & C NR with NIPX
dB no NR, 66 dB Dolby B, 75 dB C $675 filter; full -logic transport controls; SA head; mon-
itor -capable discrete 3 -head configuration; DC
metal tape capability (both transports); electronic CD302 Cassette Deck configured amps; index scan; blank search; block
full -logic controls; FL display/level indicators. Cassette deck with sendust record/play head and repeat; music scan $450
Black $400 logic -controlled solenoid transport; Dolby B; R70E. Remote control unit $50
Dolby C; Dolby HX Pro; bias fine tuning; output
CR-W96 Double Cassette Deck level control; rec mute; headphone jack; defeats- TDVV660JBK Double Cassette Deck
Features autoreverse for both transports; syn- ble multiplex filter. W&F 0.05% WRMS; record - Double autoreverse cassette deck is remote con-
chronized 1 -touch high-speed dubbing; sequential play FR, ferric 20-21,000 Hz t 3 dB, high -bias trollable when used with selected JVC Compu-
play; Dolby B & C NR; metal tape capability 20-21,000 Hz t 3 dB, metal 20-21,000 Hz t 3 dB; Link components. Features Dolby B & C NR;
(both transports); soft -touch controls; switchable S/N (A-wtd), high bias 65 with Dolby B, 73 with twin quick autoreverse systems; two -motor full -
NIPX filter. Black $300 Dolby C $450 logic mechanisms; double -speed editing with syn-
chro start; continuous back-to-back play of two
CR-W95 Double Cassette Deck CD202 Cassette Deck tapes auto/synchro rec mute (deck B); auto tape
Features autoreverse for both transports; syn- Narrow -gap permalloy record/play head; Dolby selection; music scan; timer start; oversize LCD
chronized 1 -touch high-speed dubbing; sequential B and C NR; logic transport with solenoid con- panel with electronic tape counter $385
play; Dolby B & C NR; metal tape capability trols; bias fine tuning; 2 heads; LED meters.
(both transports). Silver $300 W&F 0.05% wrms; record -play FR, metal 20- TDW6OJBK Double Cassette Deck
20,000 Hz t 3 dB; S/N (A-wtd) high bias 65 with Double autoreverse cassette deck is remote con-
CR-W86 Double Cassette Deck Dolby B, 73 with Dolby C $325 trollable when used with selected JVC Compu-
Features autoreverse record/playback for deck 1; Link components. Features Dolby B & C NR;
synchronized I -touch high-speed dubbing; se- CD102 Cassette Deck twin quick autoreverse systems; two -motor full -
quential play; Dolby NR; metal tape capability Narrow -gap permalloy record/play head; Dolby logic mechanisms; double -speed dubbing with
(both transports); soft -touch controls; switchable B NR; full -logic transport with solenoid controls; synchro start; continuous back-to-back play of
MPX filter. Black $250 2 heads; I motor; LED meters. W&F 0.05% two tapes; auto/synchro rec mute (deck B); music
wrms; record -play FR, metal 20-20,000 Hz t 3 scan: timer start; 6 -LED multi -peak indicator;
CR-W85 Double Cassette Deck dB $285 mode indicator $385
Features autoreverse record/playback for deck 1;
synchronized 1 -touch high-speed dubbing; se- TDW550JBK Double Cassette Deck
quential play; Dolby NR; metal tape capability HITACHI Double cassette deck is remote controllable when
(both transports). Silver $250 DW99 Double Autoreverse Cassette Deck used with selected JVC Compu-Link compo-
High-speed 1 -touch dubbing; 20 -part Ft. peak me- nents. Features two -motor full -logic mechanisms;
CR-W56 Double Cassette Deck ter with peak -hold selector; timer rec/play; 4 -dig- double -speed editing with synchro-start; continu-
Features synchronized I -touch high-speed dub- it FL counter; music scan; random memory pro- ous back-to-back play of two tapes; Dolby B & C
bing; sequential play; Dolby NR; metal tape capa- gram search; 3 motors; Dolby B and Dolby C; NR; auto/synchro rec mute (deck B); auto tape
bility (both transports). Silver $250 blank skip; memory stop/play; unified -remote - selector; music scan; timer start; oversized LCD
control compatibility. w&F 0.04% wnns; FR fer- panel with electronic tape counter $305
FOSTEX ric 30-14,000 Hz t 3 dB, high bias 30-15,000 Hz
t 3 dB, metal 30-16,000 Hz t 3 dB; s/N metal 66 TDW330JVK Double Cassette Deck
Model 160 4 -Track Cassette Deck/Mixer dB Dolby B, 72 dB Dolby C; 12.62" w x 3.5" h x Double cassette deck is remote controllable when
Records 4 tracks in I direction; 3.75 ips; Dolby C 14.12" d; 15.5 lb $500 used with selected JVC Compu-Link compo-
NR; pitch control; 2 mic inputs; 4 line outputs; nents. Features two -motor full -logic mechanisms;
overdubs and punches in; sync input to track 4 DW77 Double Autoreverse Cassette Deck double -speed editing with synchro-start; continu-
for MIDI; ch insert points for signal processors. Logic control; high-speed dubbing; Dolby B and ous back-to-back play of 2 tapes; Dolby B and C
Each input ch has straight-line fader, high and Dolby C; music scan; random memory program NR; auto tape selector; 6 -LED multi -peak indica-
low tone controls, source/tape button, assign- search; 4 motors; auto tape selector; timer rec/ tor $265
ment button to mix buss or direct, pan control, play; blank skip; LED meters; rec mute; head-
aux send control. W&F 0.1% peak wtd; FR 40- phone jack; unified -remote -control compatibility. TDX301JBK Cassette Deck
14,000 Hz; S/N 70 dB wtd $795 FR ferric 30-14,000 Hz t 3 dB, high bias 30- Computer -controlled autoreverse cassette deck
15,000 Hz t 3 dB, metal 30-16,000 Hz t 3 dB; s/ with Dolby B & C NR. Features full -logic trans-
Model X-30 4 -Track Cassette Deck/Mixer N 66 dB Dolby B, 72 dB Dolby C. 14.5" w x port mechanism; quick autoreverse system with
Records 4 tracks in 1 direction (up to 2 at once); 5.12" h x 11" d; 10.5 lb $400 flip reverse head; Compu-Link remote compati-
Dolby B and Dolby C NR; pitch control; color - ble; stereo microphone imputs; 6 -.LED multi -peak
coordinated controls; 4 track by 2 ch submixer DW33 Double Autoreverse Cassette Deck indicator; auto rec mute $240
for overdub monitoring; optional foot control for High speed; soft -touch controls; auto tape selec-
overdubbing, punch -in, programming. W&F tor; timer rec/play; continuous play; synchro- TDW220JBK Double Cassette Deck
0.1% peak wtd; FR 40-12,500 Hz; S/N 70 dB nized dubbing start; 2 motors; Dolby B; blank Doable cassette deck with Dolby B & C NR. Fea-
wtd $595 skip; LED meters; headphone jack. w&F 0.08% tures U-turn autoreverse system (deck B); soft -
wrms; FR ferric 30-14,000 Hz t 3 dB, high bias touch logic control mechanisms; double -speed
HARMAN KARDON 30-15,000 Hz t 3 dB; 30-15,000 Hz t 3 dB; s/N editing with synchro start; auto tape selector
metal 65 dB Dolby B $220 (deck A); electronic record/play switching; 6 -
CD491 Dolby B/C/HX Pro Cassette Deck LED multi -peak indicator for each channel; stereo
Ultrawideband cassette deck with direct -drive microphone inputs
dual -capstan transport; 3 heads; 2 motors; Dolby JVC $235
B; Dolby C; Dolby HX Pro; bias fine trim with DDVR77J Cassette Deck TDX201JBK Cassette Deck
record and bias calibration test -tone oscillators; Autoreverse cassette deck with Multi -Editor that Computer -controlled full -logic cassette deck with
music search; output level control; memory stop/ allows creation of fade-ins and fade-outs after a Compu-Link remote capability. Features Dolby B
QLA75 Quartz -Locked Turntable
Select Series turntable features double -servo
quartz control; dynamic -Q damping system for
tonearm; 1 -shaped tonearm interchangeable with less than 0.025 wrms. 16.56" w x 3.56" h x 14.13"
black wood base $350 straight arm; gimbal support; high -torque corless d; 11 lb $240
DC servo motor and heavy platter. Mirror -fin-
CS505-2 Belt -Drive Turntable ished multi -layer solid cabinet. w&F 0.18% KD-66F Linear -Tracking Turntable
Semiautomatic turntable with acoustic mat. Fea- wrms; s/N 80 dB (DIN -B). 19.5" w x 8.25" h x Automatic direct -drive turntable with auto lead-
tures floating -chassis design; vario-pitch; ULM 16.5" d; 30.8 lb $650 in and return. Features slotless/coreless FG servo
tonearm. Available in black or walnut wood drive; P -mount cartridge connector (cartridge in-
base $290 ALFQ5BK Quartz -Locked Turntable cluded); cueing control; repeat switch; auto disc
Automatic direct -drive turntable with double -ser- size/speed selector; w&F less than 0.025% wrms;
CS503-1 Semiautomatic Turntable vo quartz control and Super-FG servo for speed remote controlled through KC -206 preamp and
Belt drive turntable features solid block shock -ab- accuracy. Features coreless Dc-FG-servo direct - Kenwood receivers. 16.56U w x 3.75U h x
sorbing chassis with damping feet; heavily drive motor with smooth cog -free rotation; inde- 14.I3U d; 9 lb $200
damped platter; ut.Nt tonearm; carbon fiber head - pendent suspension system; low -mass straight
shell. 33/45 rpm, w&F <0.07%/0.04%; rumble, tonearm with low -center -of -gravity support for KD-56R Direct -Drive Turntable
unwtd. >46dB. 17.3" w x 4.5" h x 14.3" d Black reduced IMD and w&F; space -efficient dustcover; Semiautomatic turntable with slotless/coreless FG
base $250 P -mount compatible; repeat; strobe; cueing lever; servo drive. Features P -mount cartridge connec-
33.33 and 45 rpm; floating tonearm/platter sus- tor (cartridge included); straight tonearm; cueing;
CS2215GM Fully Automatic Turntable pension. w&F 0.025% wrms; rumble 78 dB; ef- w&F less than 0.028% wrms. 16.56" w x 4.06" h
Belt drive featuring die-cast aluminum platter fective tonearm length 220 mm; max tracking er- x 14.38" d; 7.7 lb $130
with vario-pitch; shock absorber chassis; GIN, ror -0'43', +3°35'. 17.19" w x 3.19" h x 14.19" d
tonearm with detachable headshell. Black (dustcover down); 10.8 lbs $180 KD-36R Belt -Drive Turntable
base $250 Semiautomatic turntable features straight ton-
ALF350BK Automatic Turntable earm; P -mount cartridge connector (cartridge in-
CS2110GM Semiautomatic Turntable Automatic turntable with remote control capabil- cluded); cueing; w&F less than 0.05% wrms.
Belt drive with electronic speed control and ity when used with JVC Compu-Link compo- 16.56" w a 4.06" h a 14.38" d; 7 lb $120
shock absorber chassis. Black base $180 nents. Features new cabinet support system and
large insulators; low -mass straight tonearm with
low -center -of -gravity support for reduced IMD
HARMAN KARDON and w&F; precision Dc -servo motor; P -mount PL -910 Manual Turntable
T65C Semiautomatic Turntable compatible; front -mounted cueing control . $165 Armless belt -drive turntable with ceramic platter
Belt -drive turntable with AC sine -wave driven and base. Features 33.33 and 45 rpm; variable
motor; 33.33 and 45 rpm; ± 3% speed pitch con- ALF3BK Automatic Turntable speed control with strobe; cutless-core power
trol; 3 -point floating suspension with counter- Automatic direct -drive turntable with new cabi- transformer; dual suspension; heavy-duty Dc -ser-
weighted subchassis; 3.3 lb. platter; highly absor- net support system and large insulators for better vo brushless motor; I I -lb platter assembly. w&F
bent platter mat; disc stabilizer; removable ultra - stability and higher resistance to vibration and 0.025% wrms; s/N 78 dB DIN -B; accepts 9"-I0"
low capacitance cables with gold-plated plugs. acoustic feedback. Features coreless Dc-FG-servo tonearms. 18" x 7.5" x 15.25"; 44 lb .... $2,000
W&F 0.025% wrms; rumble -70 dB DIN -B; ton- direct -drive motor with smooth cog -free rotation;
earm mass without cartridge 9.5 g $575 low -mass straight tonearm with low -center -of - PL -701 Automatic Turntable
gravity support for reduced Imo and w&F; P - Fully automatic turntable with 4.6 -lb platter and
mount compatible; pivoted arm; strobe; cueing le- microcomputer electronic sensing tonearm. Fea-
HEYBROOK ver; 33.33 and 45 rpm; variable speed control. tures belt drive; pivoted arm; 33.33 and 45 rpm;
BY D'ASCANIO AUDIO w&F 0.03% wrms; rumble 78 dB; effective ton- variable speed control; strobe. Supplied with sta-
Tr -2 Series II Turntable earm length 220 mm; max tracking error -0'43', bilizer (0.7 Ib); straight aluminum tonearm; dual
Hand -assembled belt -drive 33.33- and 45 -rpm +3°35'. 17.19" w x 4.25" h x 14.19" d (dustcover suspension. W&F 0.03% wrms; S/N 70 dB DIN -
armless manual turntable with removable arm - down); 10.1 lbs $145 B; effective tonearm length 8.88" (0.6" over-
board. Features low -speed synchronous motor hang); max tracking error ± 2°; 18.12" w x 6" h x
driving massive 2 -piece platter; adjustable 3 -point AL-A1BK Semiautomatic Turntable 15.36" d; 19.6 lb $450
spring -suspension subchassis of cast aluminum; Semiautomatic belt -drive turntable with new cab-
laminated armboard; massive wood base. Fin- inet support system and large insulators for better PL -601 Semiautomatic Turntable
ished in real walnut or gloss black. w&F <0.1% stability and higher resistance to vibration and Front -panel controls; belt drive; dual suspension;
DIN peak wtd; rumble -73 dB wtd DIN -B. 6.25" acoustic feedback. Features coreless oc-servo pivoted arm; 33.33 and 45 rpm; variable speed
h x 17.5" w x 14.25" d; 26 lb $580 belt -drive motor with powerful torque and low control with strobe; wood base with adjustable
noise; low -mass straigh tonearm with low -center - feet; nonfriction electronic sensing; straight alu-
of -gravity support for reduced IMD and w&F; P - minum tonearm. W&F 0.035% wrms; S/N 68 dB
HITACHI mount compatible; pivoted arm; cueing lever; DIN -B; effective tonearm length 8.5" (0.6" over-
HTMD46 Automatic Turntable 33.33 and 45 rpm. w&F 0.045% wrms; rumble 65 hang); max tracking error ± 2"; 18.12" w x 6" h
Linear tracking; belt drive; MM cartridge with dB; effective tonearm length 220 mm; max track- 15.36" d; 17.4 lb $350
diamond stylus; auto size/speed selector; photo ing error -0°43', +3°35'. 17.19" w x 4.25" h
sensor return; feather -touch IC -logic control; 14.19" d (dustcover down); 8.1 lbs $105
muting; front -panel operation; die-cast alumi-
num -alloy platter; remote controlled through Hi- KENWOOD
tachi HTA50AV or HPTI20AV. W&F 0.045% LP12 Manual Single -Play Turntable
wrms; S/N 70 dB DIN -B $180 KD-76FC Linear -Tracking Turntable Belt -drive 33.33 -rpm turntable with manual ton-
Programmable direct -drive turntable with 7 -track earm; 24 -pole synchronous motor; 12" zinc -alu-
random program memory. Features auto disc minum alloy die-cast platter with felt mat; 1-
J.A. MICHELL BY RMI size/speed selector; slotless/coreless FG servo point oil -bath bearing; hardened tool -steel spin-
Gyrodec Manual Turntable drive; dual -magnet type cartridge; cartridge sen- dle; adjustable 3 -point spring -suspension subchas-
Belt drive; 33.33 and 45 rpm; balanced 3 -point sor sensitivity selector; remote controlled through sis; heavy -gauge stainless -steel base plate; solid
suspension. W&F 0.04% wrms; rumble <78 dB; KC -206 preamp and Kenwood receivers; w&F hardwood base; optional 45 -rpm adapter. W&F
SAVE 37% on
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P-3 Semiautomatic Turntable 0.045% wrms; rumble -70 dB; effective tonearm
MICRO SEIKI Semiautomatic full-size belt -drive turntable with length 210 mm; max tracking error +4.5', 1°
BY ANALOG EXCELLENCE P -mount tonearm, repeat key, and manual 16.5" w x 5.06" h x 14.75" d S110
SZ-IT Manual Turntable damped cueing. w&F 0.045% $100
Massive zinc -alloy turntable system with vacuum RC -5T Wired Remote Control
hold-down; belt drive; 33.33 and 45 rpm; variable NP -550 Turntable Optional wired remote control that operates se-
speed control; strobe; outboard air -bearing motor Belt -drive turntable with 4 -pole synchronous mo- lected tape and phono functions with 14 -ft cord.
with high -inertia flywheel spindle; 44 -lb bronze tor $90 Features record; rewind; play; fast foward; stop;
platter. W&F 0.025% wrms; S/N 90 dB A-wtd. pause; repeat; search; cue; play/reject. For use
35" w x 12" h x 18" d (dustcover down); 240 ONKYO with remote -compatible Onkyo turntables and
lbs $15,000 cassette decks $55
SZ-ITSS. Same as above with 48 -lb steel platter, CP-1057FB Integra Automatic Turntable
2 tonearms, and isolation base. 260 lbs $20,000 Computer -controlled quartz-PLL direct -drive
turntable. Features pivoted arm; strobe; 33.33
SX-555FVW Manual Turntable and 45 rpm; triple -stage isolation; floating sub - Premiere Mark III Manual Turntable
Belt -drive turntable with patented quadraplex chassis on 3 -point suspension; gimbal -support Belt -drive turntable without tonearm. Remote
isolation feet and vacuum hold-down; rosewood tonearm bearings; computer -controlled tonearm control power drive module, 33.33 and 45 RPM;
cabinet; 17 -lb air -bearing bronze and aluminum functions; separate motor for tonearm; 2 -speed variable -speed control; strobe; hi -torque Dc mo-
duplex platter; 33.33 and 45 rpm; variable speed search; straight low -mass tonearm; Polysorb vi- tor; adjustable spring -suspension system; record -
control. W&F 0.025% wrms; S/N 78 dB A-wtd. bration absorbing compound for record mat and coupling system; tone arm cartridge protractor,
21.5" w x 7.5" h x 17.5" d (dustcover down); 47 cabinet feet; gold -lacquered platter; gold -anod- strobe disc included. 20" w x 6.5" h x 15" d; 42
lbs $2,495 ized tonearm; opto-electronic record -end detec- lb $2,350
tor; black finish. Remote control optional. w&F Gold Plated. Premiere Mark III aluminum and
SX-111FV Belt -Drive Turntable 0.023% wrms; rumble -80 dB; effective tonearm 24k gold plating $2,950
Vacuum hold-down; air -bearing system; rose- length 226 mm; max tracking error +3', -1'.
wood cabinet; 22 -lb bronze platter; 33.33 and 45 17.44" w x 6.25" h x 16.12" d; 20 lb $350 Delphi MK III Manual Turntable
Belt -drive turntable without tonearm. Features
33.33 and 45 RPM; hi -torque ix motor; adjust-
able spring -suspension system; record -coupling
system; tonearm/cartridge protractor and strobe
PRICES LISTED disc included. 19" w x 6" h x 14." d; 35 lb$1,395
are manufacturers' suggested retail prices Dephi Aluminum. Aluminum/24k gold plat-
ing $1,970
(also referred to as list prices); Delphi Black. 24k gold plating $2,295
actual selling prices are set by individual dealers. Alexandria Mark III Manual Turntable
All prices are subject to change without notice. Belt -drive turntable without tonearm. Features
33.33 and 45 RPM; hi -torque DC motor; adjust -
312-664-0020 800-621-8042
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Rebate 516.00'10
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CA -W75 AM/FM, Dubbing
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Cassette W/CD $348.00 AMPS/PROCESSORS MAXELL XL'S' 11-90
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Freight charges not included in these prices.
ACCUPHASE BY MADRIGAL PSX-10 Phono Cartridge brush; screwdriver; antiresonance compound.
Induced -magnet cartridge with P -mount adaptor Output 2.7 mV at 3.54 cm/sec rms; FR 10-28,000
AC -2 MC Phono Cartridge so cartridge is usable for in conventional and P -
Stiff, low -mass tubular sapphire cantilever; mount tonearms. Features bonded conical dia-
damped damper; rare-earth samarium -cobalt mond stylus, 0.7 mil; tubular aluminum cantile-
magnet; permalloy core; large -diameter coil wire; ver. FR 20-18,000 Hz; tracking force 1.25 ± 0.2 g;
die-cast aluminum alloy hard housing. Sep 30 dB weight 5.9 (7.2 g with adaptor) $60
at I kHz; output 0.18 mV at I kHz, 5 cm/sec;
tracking force 1.0-3.0 g $750
AC -3 MC Phono Cartridge SXC-van den Hul MC Phono Cartridge
Tubular boron and beryllium rod cantilever; mi- High -output Mc cartridge with tubular sapphire
crotrack stylus, rare-earth samarium -cobalt mag- cantilever and van den Hul stylus. Features 3.5 -
net, die-cast aluminum alloy hard housing. Out- micron contact radius; vertical groove extended
put 0.2 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 20-20,000 Hz ± I to 85 microns; aluminum cantilever; crosscoil ar- Hz; sep ± I dB; tracking -force range 0.75-1.25 g;
dB; sep 30 dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking force 1.5-2.0 mature. Output 2.3 mV at 5 cm/s; FR 20-20,000 'Analog -Six" stylus mass 0.015 mg; 3.5 g . $250
g; cartridge weight 7.5 g $610 Hz +3, -0 dB;tracking force 1.8 g; square -wave
rise time 7 ms; ch sep 20 dB; 4.7g $500 P -15S Phono Cartridge
ADC Variable -reluctance, induced -magnet cartridge
XC-MRII Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge with patented diamond -technology transverse -
TRX 3 Phono Cartridge High -output mc cartridge with nude -mounted suspension system, cylindrical magnet. Features
Induced -magnet cartridge with line -contact nude square -shank stylus. Features thin -walled alumi- FR/crosstalk curve; carbon -fiber stylus brush;
rectangular diamond stylus; precision die-cast num cantilever; crosscoil armature. Output 2.3 screwdriver, antiresonance compound. Output
metal body; ultra -rigid beryllium cantilever; mV at 5 cm/s; FR 20-20,000 Hz ± I dB; ch sep 28 3.4 mV rms at 3.54 cm/sec; FR 10-23,000 Hz; sep
screw -down lock stylus system mount. FR 20- dB at I kHz; tracking force 1.8 g; effective tip ± 1.5 dB; tracking force 1.0-1.5 g; elliptical dia-
26,000 Hz ± I dB; recommended tracking force mass 0.35 mg; 0.15 mil x 3.0 mil scanning radius; mond stylus; stylus mass 0.018 mg; 3.5 g $165
1.2 g ± 0.2 g; output voltage 3 mV (5 cm/sec at I weight 4.7 g $360
kHz); ch balance within 0.5 dB (I kHz); ch sep PIOED Studio Phono Cartridge
>30 dB (1 kHz); compliance 40 x 10-6 cm/dyne XC-LTII Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge Designed for broadcast and disco; built-in stylus
static; imp 3.9 ohms (I kHz); co resistance 650 High -output sic cartridge with Line -Trace stylus, guard prevents damage during use. Output 5.8
ohms; load resistance 47 kilohms; load capaci- thin -wall aluminum cantilever, crosscoil arma- mV at 3.54 cm/sec; FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 2 dB; sep
tance 275 pf; weight 8 g; stylus tip nude PH line ture. Output 2.3 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 20-20,000 25 dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking force range 2.5-4.5 g;
contact; 0.12 x 0.06 x 0.05 (vital III) $300 Hz ± I dB; ch sep 28 dB at I kHz; tracking force cartridge weight 3.5 g $120
1.8 g; tip mass 0.35 mg; weight 4.7 g $290
TRX I Phono Cartridge P -10S Phono Cartridge
Induced -magnet cartridge with line -contact nude HC-vdH H Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge Variable -reluctance, induced -magnet cartridge
diamond stylus; precision die-cast metal body; High -output Mc cartridge with van den Hul sty- with patented transverse suspension, cylindrical
screw down lock stylus system mount; titanium lus. Features thin -wall aluminum cantilever; magnet. Features carbon -fiber stylus brush;
beryllium cantilever. FR 20-24,000 Hz ± I dB; crosscoil armature. Output 2.3 mV at 5 cm/s; FR screwdriver; antiresonance compound. Output
recommended tracking force 1.2 g ± 0.2 g; output 20-15,000 Hz +1.5/-1 dB, 20-20,000 Hz +2.5/-I 5.8 mV rms at 3.54 cm/sec; FR 20-20,000 Hz; sep
voltage 3 mV (5 cm/sec at 1 kHz); ch balance dB; ch balance within 1.5 dB; tracking force 2 g; ± 2dB; tracking force 1.25-2.0 g; elliptical dia-
within 1 dB (1 kHz); ch sep >30 dB (1 kHz); effective tip mass 0.35 mg; 4.7g $250 mond stylus; stylus mass 0.25 mg; 3.5 g $115
compliance 40 x 10-6 cm/dyne static; imp 3.9 HC -E II. Similar to HC-VDH II except with el-
ohms (I kHz); oc resistance 650 ohms; load resis- liptical stylus $160 P-SED Phono Cartridge
tance 47 kilohms; load capacitance 275 pf; weight Variable -reluctance, induced -magnet cartridge
8 g; stylus tip nude PH line contact 0.3 x 0.22 x with patented transverse suspension, cylindrical
0.5 (vital I) $225
AKG ACOUSTICS magnet. Features compatability with automatic
P100LE Phono Cartridge turntables, record changers; elliptical diamond
PSX-40 Phono Cartridge Hand -made cartridge using the patented Trans- stylus. Output 5.8 mV rms at 3.54 cm/sec; FR 20-
Induced -magnet cartridge with P -mount adaptor verse -Suspension, Tapered Beryllium Cantilever. 20,000 Hz; tracking force 1.5-2.0 g $80
so cartridge is usable for both conventional and Features analog -6 stylus; adjustable vertical
P -mount tonearms. Features 0.2 x 0.7 mil nude tracking angle; 5 year warranty; limited edition. P4 Phono Cartridge
diamond stylus, tapered titanium tube cantilever. Moving -iron cartridge $1,000 Standard 0.5" -mount cartridge designed for
FR 20-24,000 Hz; tracking force L25 ± 0.2 g; PIOOLE-vdH. Same as PIOOLE except stylus is a heavy/medium heavy tonearms. FR 20-20,000
weight 5.9 g (7.2 g with adaptor) $135 van den Hull II type $1,000 Hz; sep 20 dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking force 1.5 g;
cartridge weight 3.5 g $50
PSX-30 Phono Cartridge Super Nova PEES Phono Cartridge P4DP. As above; standard TP4 mount $50
Induced -magnet cartridge with P -mount adaptor Moving -iron cartridge with patented transversal
so cartridge is usable in both conventional and P - suspension system with the new van den Hul II
mount tonearms. Features 0.3 x 0.7 mil nude dia- replaceable diamond. Features FR/crosstalk ANDANTE By SUMIKO
mond stylus; aluminum tapered cantilever. FR 20- curve; carbon -fiber stylus brush; screwdriver. S Phono Cartridge
22,000 Hz; tracking force 1.25 ± 0.2 g; weight 5.9 Output 2.8 mV at 3.54 cm/sec; FR 10-28.000 Hz Micro -mass cartridge with aluminum -alloy tubu-
g (7.2 g with adaptor) $110 ± I dB; sep 30 dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking force lar cantilever; 0.5 -mil polished bonded -diamond
range 1-1.5 g; cartridge weight 3.5 g $450 spherical stylus; hand -wound coils. Output 5.0
PSX-20 Phono Cartridge mV; FR 18-27,000 Hz; sep 28 dB at 1 kHz com-
Induced -magnet cartridge with P -mount adaptor P -25S Phono Cartridge pliance 18 x 106 cm/dyme; tracking force 1-2.5 g;
so cartridge is usable in both conventional and P - Variable -reluctance, induced -magnet cartridge input imp 47k ohms; 6 g $39
mount tonearms. Features 0.3 x 0.7 mil bonded with patented diamond -technology transverse - H. Similar to S except output 10 mV; FR 18-
elliptical diamond stylus; aluminum cantilever. suspension system, cylindrical/magnet design. 23,000 Hz; sep 27 dB at I kHz; compliance 15 x
FR 20-20,000 Hz; tracking force 1.5 ± 0.2 g. $90 Features FR/crosstalk curve; carbon -fiber stylus 106 cm/dyne $27
pliance 50 x 10-6 cm/dyne $290 nude -mounted square -shank linear -contact stylus. kHz; tracking -force range 1-1.5 g; cartridge
MF 200. Output 4.2 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 10- beryllium cantilever; Vector -Aligned dual mag- weight 6 g; 0.5" mounting adapter $55
20,000 Hz t 2 dB; sep 23 dB at 1 kHz; tracking net; pare -toroidal coil $250
force 1.5-2 g; Shibata parabolic stylus; compli- ATN155LC. Replacement stylus $100 ATI52MLP Phono Cartridge
ance 45 x 10-6 cm/dyne $160 Direct -plug-in cartridge for P -mount turntables.
MF 300. Output 4.2 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 10- AT140ML Vector -Aligned Phono Cartridge Features extremely stiff but lightweight beryllium
20,000 Hz t 2.5 dB; sep 20 dB at 1 kHz; tracking Output 5 0 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 5-32,000 Hz with cantilever and nude -mounted square -shank Mi-
force 1.5-2.0 g; elliptical diamond stylus; compli- class II tolerance; ch balance/sep 0.75/30 dB at I croLine'" diamond stylus $250
ance 35 x 10-6 cm/dyne $100 kHz; tracking force 0.8-1.8 g; nude -mounted
MF 400. Output 3.5 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 10- square -shank MicroLine"' stylus; Vector -Aligned AT132EP Phono Cartridge
18,000 Hz t 3 dB; sep 20 dB at 1 kHz; tracking dual magnet; para-toroidal coil $195 Direct plug-in cartridge for P -mount turntables.
force 1.5-2.5 g; spherical diamond stylus; compli- ATN140ML. Replacement stylus $75 Features Vector -Aligned dual -magnet system
ance 35 x 10-6 cm/dyne $80 with tapered alloy cantilever; 0.2 x 0.7 -mil nude -
ATI3OE Vector -Aligned Phono Cartridge mounted biradial diamond stylus $150
Induced -Magnet Series Para -toroidal coil construction; output 5.0 mV at
IM -10E. User -replaceable, 0.3 x 0.7 -mil elliptical 5 cm/sec; FR 10-30,000 Hz with class II toler-
diamond stylus. Output 4.1 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR ance; ch balance/sep .75/30 dB at 1 kHz; 0.2 x AZDEN
10-20,000 Hz t 2.5 dB; sep 22 dB at 1,000 Hz; 0.7 mil nude biradial stylus $135 GM-P5L Phono Cartridge
tracking force 1.5-2.5 g; cartridge weight 7.5 g; ATN130E. Replacement stylus $50 P -mount Mc cartridge with Nude line -contact
compliance 35 x 10.6 cm/dyne $52 stylus and boron cantilever. Output 0.2 mV at 5
IM -25P. P -mount; user -replaceable spherical dia- AT125LC Vector -Aligned Phono Cartridge cm/sec; sep 30 dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking force
mond stylus. Output 4.2 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 20- Para -toroidal coil construction; output 5.0 mV at range 1-1.5 g; cartridge weight 5.9 g $250
20,000 Hz t 3 dB; sep 20 dB at 1,000 Hz; track- 5 cm/sec; FR 15-28,000 Hz with class II toler-
ing force 1-1.5 g; cartridge weight 5.9 g; compli- ance; ch balance/sep .59 dB at I kHz; linear -con- YM-P5OVL Moving -Magnet Phono Cartridge
ance 30 x 10-6 cm/dyne $50 tact titanium -bonded stylus $150 MM cartridge with Vital Nude line -contact stylus
1M-10. User -replaceable diamond stylus. Output ATN125LC. Replacement stylus $60 and tapered aluminum cantilever. Output 4 mV
4.2 mV at 5 cm/s; FR 10-20,000 Hz t 3 dB; sep at 5 cm/sec; sep 30 dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking force
20 dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking force 2.0-2.5 g; car- AT120E Vector -Aligned Phono Cartridge range 1-1.5 g; cartridge weight 5.9 g $150
tridge weight 7.5 g; compliance 30 x 10-6 cm/ Para -toroidal coil construction. output 5.0 mV at
dyne $40 5 cm/sec; FR 15-25,000 Hz with class II toler- GM -1E Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge
ance; ch balance/sep .59 dB at 1 kHz; tracking Mc cartridge. Output 2 mV at 5 cm/sec; sep 28
AUDIO-TECHNICA force 1-1.8 g; Vector -Aligned dual magnet; 0.3 x dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking force range 1.5-2.5 g;
0.7 -mil BiRadial nude -mounted diamond sty- cartridge weight 2.7 g $125
Dual Moving-MicroCoil Series lus S95
AT35E Phono Cartridge ATN120E. Replacement stylus $45 YM-10VE Moving -Magnet Phono Cartridge
Cartridge with user -replaceable Moving Micro - MM cartridge with 0.3 x 0.7 mil Vital elliptical
Coil stylus assembly. Features low -mass design; AT110E Phono Cartridge stylus. Output 4.5 mV at 5 cm/sec; sep 26 dB at
0.2 x 0.7 -mil nude -mounted BiRadial square - Output 4.5 mV at 5 cm/sec; ch sep 26 dB at I 1,000 Hz; tracking force range 1.5-2.5 g; cartridge
shank diamond stylus. Output 0.4 mV at 5 cm/ kHz; tracking force 1-2 g; 0.4 x 0.7 -mil BiRadial weight 4.5 g; ch bal 1.5 dB at 1,000 Hz .... $90
Fg Replicant 100 stylus mounted on a rigid alu- Hz +4. -1.5 dB; sep >22 dB at 1,000 Hz; track- equivalent stylus tip mass 0.5 mg; recommended
minum conical cantilever; carbon fiber armature ing -force range 1.75-2.2 g; cartridge weight 4.1 g; load 47k ohms/200 pF; tracking force 1.25g S89
wound with pure silver coils and a neodymium vertical tracking angle 23' $100 TM7U. Cartridge with elliptical diamond stylus
permanent magnet. Aluminum oxide, ceramic X1 -MCP. P -mount version of X1 -MC $100 and universal mount. FR 20-20,000 Hz; output 5
cartrige housing with Moh scale hardness factor mV at I kHz, 5 cm/sec; sep/balance 22/2 dB at 1
of 9. Output voltage at 1.000 Hz 5cm/sec 0.1 mV; Diamond Collection 500 Series kHz; tracking force 1.25 g $60
ch.sep. at 1,000 Hz >25dB; FR 5-90,000 Hz +4 540. MM cartridge utilizing proprietary slotted
-1dB; tracking ability at 315 Hz at recommended pole pin construction for improved high frequen- VMS Series Phono Cartridges
tracking force >80 pm; 9.5 g $1500 cy response. Patented locking stylus guard to se- FF15XE MkII. Variable Magnetic Shunt car-
MC2000. Mc cartridge with low -mass (0 27 mg) cure sylus to cartridge body avoiding unwanted tridge with 8-µm elliptical diamond stylus tip.
moving system; wide -range damping and rigid resonances. Square -shank nude diamond Fg type Output 3.2 mV at 1 kHz. I cm/sec; FR 20-20,000
V15 Type V -MR Phono Cartridge 1.25 g. Replacement stylus N104E $76
C -I MC Phono Cartridge MM cartridge with improved low -distortion Mi-
Medium output; beryllium cantilever; line -con- cro -Ridge stylus tip and Microwall beryllium sty- M55E Phono Cartridge
tact stylus; nonresonant metal -alloy body. Output lus shank for increased trackability. Features vis- MM cartridge. Output 6.2 mV at 5 cm/sec peak
0.4 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 10-50,000 Hz ± 2 dB; cous -damped Dynamic Stabilizer and Side -Guard velocity (1 kHz); FR 20-20,000 Hz; tracking force
sep 30 dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking force 1.4-1.6 g; stylus protection system; includes Duo -Point 0.75-2 g; sep 20 dB (I kHz); 0.2 x 0.7 -mil biradial
cartridge weight 9 g; internal imp 40 ohms; com- Alignment Gauge and computer performance (elliptical) stylus, replacement stylus N55E . 571
pliance 10 x 10-6 cm/dyne 5595 printout. Output 3.2 mV at 1,000 Hz (5 cm/sec
peak velocity); FR 10-28,000 Hz; sep >25 dB at M44E Phono Cartridge
C-2 High -Output MC Cartridge 1,000 Hz; tracking force 1.0 g 5297 MM cartridge. Output 9.5 mV at 5 cm/sec peak
Beryllium pipe cantilver; line -contact stylus. Out- velocity (1 kHz); FR 20-20.000 Hz; tracking force
put 2.5 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 10-30,000 Hz; track- V15 Type V -B Phono Cartridge 1.75-4 g; sep 20 dB (1 kHz); 0.4 x 0.7 -mil biradial
ing force 1.8 g ± 0.25 g; cartridge weight 9.5 g; in- MM cartridge with exclusive Hyperelliptical tip, (elliptical) stylus; replacement stylus N44E . $62
ternal imp 120 ohms 5395 Microwall beryllium stylus shank, Dynamic Sta-
bilizer and Side -Guard stylus protection system. M99E Phono Cartridge
C-102 MC Phono Cartridge Includes individual computer performance print- Heat -treated tubular aluminum stylus shank and
Medium -output; aluminum cantilever; nude dia- out. Output 3.2 mV at 1 kHz (5 cm/sec peak ve- 0.2 x 0.7 mil elliptical stylus tip. P -Mount com-
mond stylus. Output 0.6 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 20- locity); FR 10-28,000 Hz; sep 25 dB or greater at patible and fits conventional 0.5" -mount ton-
30,000 Hz ± 2 dB; sep 25 dB at 1,000 Hz; track- 1,000 Hz; tracking force 1.0 g 5237 earms with rigid converter. Output 5.0 mV at 1
ing force 1.6-1.8 g; cartridge weight 7 g; internal kHz (5 cm/sec peak velocity); FR 20-20,000 Hz;
imp 40 ohms; compliance 10 x 10-6 cm/dyneS295 V15 Type V -P Phono Cartridge sep 20 dB; tracking force 1.25 g $54
Specifically designed for ultimate performance in
Tonearms P -Mount tonearms. Features Hyperelliptical tip; M92E Phono Cartridge
Microwall beryllium stylus shank; computer per- Heat -treated tubular aluminum stylus shank and
WE-8000S/T Straight Tonearm formance printout. Same specs as VI5 type V -B. 0.4 x 0.7 mil elliptical stylus tip. P -Mount com-
Statically balanced tonearm with offset angle Replacement stylus VN5P $221 patible and fits conventional 0.5" -mount ton-
built into ceramic headshell. Features titanium/ earms with rigid converter. Output 5.0 mV at I
aluminum alloy pipe with 10° taper; lateral bal- ML14OHE Phono Cartridge kHz (5 cm/sec peak velocity); FR 20-18.000 Hz;
ance control; double -knife edge bearings; decou- Slim -line high -efficiency cartridge body provides sep 20 dB; tracking force 1.25 g $33
pled counterweight. For medium- to high -compli- an extremely flat frequency response from 20-
ance cartridges. Headshell of fine ceramic, beryl- 22,000 Hz. Superb trackability with Microwall
lium connector; tracking force 0-3 g calibrated to beryllium shank and accurate tracing with Hy- SIGNET
0.1 g; offset angle 18 °: stylus overhang 13 mm; perelliptical tip. Slim Dynamic Stabilizer combats MK440ML MC Cartridge
overall length 400 mm; effective length 293 mm; record warp problems while destaticizing and Dual moving MicroCoil design features microline
tracking error <I° $1,500 cleaning the record, and Side -Guard helps protect stylus on gold-plated beryllium cantilever. Out-
stylus from accidental damage. Includes over- put 0.1 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 5-50,000 Hz; sep 25
WE -506/30 J -Shaped Tonearm hang gauge. Output 4.0 mV at 1,000 Hz (5 cm/ dB at 1,000 Hz, 18 dB at 10,000 Hz; tracking -
Statically balanced; decoupled counterweight; sec peak velocity); sep 25 dB or greater at 1 kHz; force range 1-1.6 g; cartridge weight 7 g $600
special alloy pipe; universal design. Headshell of tracking force 1.0 g $205
fine ceramic; tracking force 0-4.0 g calibrated to TK10m1 Series II MM Cartridge
0.1 g; offset angle 16% stylus overhang 9 mm; ML12OHE Phono Cartridge Features full toroidal coil wound with LC-OFC
overall length 392mm; effective length 286 mm; Slim -line high -efficiency cartridge body provides wire for generating system; Microline nude stylus
tracking error <1.5° 51,500 flat FR from 20-22,000 Hz. Low -mass, high -stiff- mounted on boron cantilever. Reduced compli-
ness telescoped stylus shank, Hyperelliptical tip. ance on stylus assembly for compatiblity with
WE -407/23 J -Shaped Tonearm slim Dynamic Stabilizer and Side -Guard stylus wide range of tonearms. Output 2 mV at 5 cm/s;
Statically balanced tonearm with patented forged - protecton system. Output 4.0 mV at I kHz (5 FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; sep 35 dB at 1,000 Hz;
steel double -knife-edge bearing. Each arm indi- cm/sec peak velocity); sep 25 dB or greater at 1 tracking -force range 1-1.5 g; cartridge weight 7.5
vidually balanced in all 3 planes (horizontal; ver- kHz; tracking force 1.0 g $167 g; scanning radius 2.5 micrometers; vertical
tical; front/back). Headshell sintered and multi- tracking angle 20° 5450
crystaled aluminum oxide, ceramic; tracking M 111H E Phono Cartridge TKN10m1 Series II. Replacement stylus for
force 0-4 g calibrated to 0.1 g; offset angle 18% Features telescoped stylus shank, Hyperelliptical TK 10m1 Series II cartridge $250
stylus overhang 12 mm; overall length 311 mm; tip. Dynamic Stabilizer, Side -Guard stylus pro-
effective length 221 mm $895 tection system; rigid, low -mass converter allows MK220E MC Cartridge
mounting to either conventional 0.5" -mount ton- Dual moving MicroCoil design with non -user re-
WE -317S J -Shaped Tonearm earms or most P -Mount tonearms; output 5.0 mV placeable stylus. Features 0.2 x 0.7 mil nude
Statically balanced tonearm with double -edge at 1 kHz (5 cm/sec peak velocity); FR 20-20,000 square -shank miniature elliptical diamond. Out-
bearings. Headshell of aluminum/titanium; Hz; sep 25 dB; tracking force 1.25 g $146 put 0.4mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 5-50,000 Hz; sep 25
tracking force 0-3 g calibrated to 0.1 g; offset an- dB at 1,000 Hz; cartridge weight 4.8 g.... $400
gle 20°. stylus overhang 13 mm; overall length MI1OHE Phono Cartridge
331.5 mm; effective length 235 mm; tracking er- Features telescoped stylus shank, Hyperelliptical MR5.0m1 MM Cartridge
ror <1.5' $695 tip, and Side -Guard stylus protection system; rig- Unicore-coil generating system with LC-OFC
id, low -mass converter allows mounting to either wire and microline stylus on gold-plated berylli-
WE -308N J -Shaped Tonearm conventional 0.5" -mount tonearms or all P - um cantilever. Output 5 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 5-
Statically balanced tonearm with double -knife- mount tonearms; same specs as MI 11HE . 5119 37,000 Hz; sep 33 dB at 1,000 Hz, 25 dB at
edge bearing and stainless steel pipe. Universal 10,000 Hz; tracking -force 0.8-1.8 g 5350
aluminum/titanium alloy headshell; tracking M105E Phono Cartridge
force 0-3 g calibrated to 0.1 g; offset angle 12.5% Features 0.2 x 0.7 mil elliptical tip and thin - MR5.01c MM Cartridge
stylus overhang 5 mm; overall length 329 mm; ef- walled, reinforced aluminum shank. Features Unicore-coil generating system with LC-OFC
fective length 235 mm; tracking error <1.5' $395 Destaticizer Brush to clean dust from record wire and square -shank nude stylus on beryllium
grooves and remove static electricity from record cantilever. Output 50 mV; FR 5-35.000 Hz; sep 33
surface, Side -Guard stylus protection system dB at 1,000 Hz, 23 dB at 10,000 Hz; tracking -
SHURE helps prevent accidental stylus damage. Fits most force range 0.8-1.6 g; cartridge weight 6 g . $275
Ultra 500. All of V15 type V MR (see below) plus P -Mount tonearms and includes rigid a 5" -mount
other features. Total eff mass 0.165 mg; dynamic converter. Output 5.0 mV at 1 kHz (5 cm/sec TK8LCp P -Mount MM Cartridge
vertical stylus compliance at 10 Hz 20; peak velocity); FR 20-20,000 Hz; sep 25 dB at I Universal design with straight -line -contact stylus
output at 1,000 Hz 3.2 mV 5400 kHz; tracking force 1.25 g $108 on beryllium cantilever. Output 5 mV at 5 cm/
Unicore-coil generating system with LC-OFC lus. Output 5/cm/sec 5mV; FR 20-20,000 Hz; 24 imp 47k ohms; 5.5 g. Precision -ground and pol-
wire and 0.2 x 0.7 mil square -shank nude stylus. dB sep at 1,000 Hz, 15 dB at 10,000 Hz; tracking ished biradial elliptical stylus; tracking force
Output 5 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 5-30,000 Hz; sep 30 force 1.0-1.5 g; cartridge weight 6 g $60 range 1.5-2 g $80
dB at 1.000 Hz. 20 dB at 10.000 Hz; tracking - RCB-23. Replacement stylus $40
force range 0.8-1.6 g; cartridge weight 6 g . $225 Tonearms
SR -202 Stereo Cartridge
MK120He MC Cartridge XK-35 Tonearm Moving -iron cartridge with low -mass elliptical
High -output design features user -replaceable sty- Tonearm with Signetrace damped planar track- stylus; designed for moderate S -and J -shaped ton-
lus with 0.2 x 0.7 mil nude square -shank dia- ing, nonremovable tube. Tracking error t 1°; ca- earms. Compliance 25 x 10-6 cm/dyne; balance
mond. Output 2 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 15-30,000 ble capacitance 75 pF; effective length (stylus tip sep ±2/25 dB at 1 kHz; 5.5 g $60
Hz; sep 29 dB at 1.000 Hz, 20 dB at 10,000 Hz; to pivot) 240 mm; tracking force range 0-2 g; ac- RSR-25. Replacement stylus $25
tracking force 1.2-1.8 g; weight 5 g $200 ceptable cartridge weight 2-9 g; anti -skating ad-
justment $125 SPM-5 Plug -In Cartridge
MK66e MC Cartridge Nude line -contact stylus plus low -mass aluminum
Low -mass cartridge with dual moving MicroCoil Tonearm Accessories cantilever. FR 20-20,000 Hz -3 dB; sep 25 dB at
design. Features user -replaceable stylus with 0.2 x XKS451. Interconnect cables for XK-35 and XK- 1.000 Hz. Available with adapter for fitting on
0.7 mil square -shank nude diamond. Output 0.5 50. Also compatible with all tonearms employing standard tonearms. $160
mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 15-30.000 Hz; sep 29 dB at universal Japanese tonearm connector .. $35-50 SPM-4. Similar to SPM-5 but has bonded line -
1.000 Hz. 20 dB at 10,000 Hz; tracking -force ATB-2. Tonearm adapter mates Signet tonearms contact stylus. Tracking force 1.25 gm ± 0.25;
range 1.2-1.8 g; cartridge weight 4.2 g $200 to SME armboards $40 output 4.0 mV at 5 cm/sec $135
ARO-1. Replacement damping trough with sili-
MR5.0e MM Cartridge cone damping fluid in syringe. For XK-35 $15 SPM-3 Cartridge
Unicore-coil generating system with LC-OFC Low -mass elliptical stylus 0.2 x 0.7 mil; FR 20-
wire and 0.3 x 0.7 mil nude stylus. Output 5 mV 20,000 Hz, thin wall tube cantilever; ch balance
at 5 cm/sec; FR 10-30,000 Hz; sep 29 dB at 1.000
SME BY SUMIKO ± 1 5 dB (replacement stylus RPSM-3) ... $115
Hz, 19 dB at 10,000 Hz; tracking -force range 0.9- SME Series V Straight Tonearm
1.9 g: cartridge weight 6 g $195 Dynamically balanced tonearm with ultra -rigid 1 - SPM-2 Cartridge
piece magnesium casting from headshell to rear Elliptical stylus 0.2 x 0.7 mil. sep 20 dB at 1.000
MK55e MC Cartridge of counterweight rails. Features captive ball -race Hz; 6.0 g $90
Low mass; dual moving MicroCoil design; user - bearings; VTA adjustable during play; internally SPM-1. Similar to SPM-2 but has 0.3 x 0.7 mil
replaceable stylus with 0.3 x 0.7 mil nude mount- tapered arm tube for reduced mass and better elliptical stylus $60
ed diamond. Output 0.5 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 20- control of standing waves; silver wiring through-
28.000 Hz; sep 28 dB at 1.000 Hz. 18 dB at out. Tracking force 0-3 grams calibrated to 0.1;
10,000 Hz; tracking -force range 1.2-1.8 g; car- effective mass 11 g; offset angle 23° 38'; tonearm
tridge weight 4.2 g $150 weight 720 g $2,050 Veritas Moving -Coil Cartridge
Series IV. Similar to Series V $1,250 MC cartridge with coils on each side of pivot and
TK6Ep MM P -mount Cartridge hollow boron cantilever. Features line -contact di-
Universal design with 0.2 x 0.7 mil square -shank amond. Output 0.5 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 20-60,000
nude diamond. Output 5 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 10-
SONUS BY SONIC RESEARCH Hz I 0.5 dB; sep 30 dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking -
30,000 Hz; sep 29 dB at 1,000 Hz. 20 dB at CD -ii D-5 Dimension 5 Phono Cartridge force range 1.75-2.25 g; cartridge weight 4.4
10,000 Hz; tracking -force range 1-1.5 g $150 Magnetic cartridge with Lambda diamond stylus, $800
integrated tapered aluminum cantilever; micro - Gamma. As above except 25 -dB sep $450
HiTec 107 P -mount Cartridge machined armature; designed to reproduce di-
Universal with 2 magnets, linear -contact stylus. rect -to -disc and PCM-mastered recordings. Out- Tonearms
Output at 1.000 Hz, 5 cm/sec 3.0 mV; FR 10- put 0.8 mV/cm/sec; FR 10-20,000 Hz t I dB, 20-
30.000 Hz; sep at 1,000 Hz 31 dB, 10.000 Hz 21 40,000 Hz +2/-5 dB; compliance 50 cm/dyne x Tribeam 12 Straight Tonearm
dB; tracking force 1-1.5 g; weight 6 g $150 10-6; balance/sep t .330 dB at 1.000 Hz; tracking Statically balanced tonearm with stainless -steel
force range 1-1.5 g; 5.5 g $250 Flagship. Features tri-quartz track sand -filled
MR5.0 Basic MM Cartridge RCD-11. Replacement stylus $125 chassis; one -knob VTA adjust while playing. Ve-
Unicore-coil generating system with LC-OFC CC -11 Calibrated D-5. Similar to Dimension 5 lox and titanium headshell; tracking -force range
wire and 0.4 x 0.7 mil bonded elliptical stylus. except hand calibrated $350 0.5-2.5 grams; effective mass adjustable med to
Output 5 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 15-25,000 Hz; sep Replacement stylus $175 high; offset angle 0.; overall length 254 millime-
27 dB at 1.000 Hz, 17 dB at 10,000 Hz; tracking - ters; effective length 50 millimeters $3,000
force range 1.3-2.3 g; cartridge weight 6 g . $125 SB-11 Super Blue Phono Cartridge Tribeam 16. For 16" discs $3,500
Moving -iron cartridge with Lambda stylus and
HiTec 105 MM P -mount Cartridge super -lightweight moving system. Sep 20 dB. 20- SLA 3 Tri-Quartz Straight Tonearm
Universal cartridge with dual magnets, 0.3 x 0.7 20.000 Hz; output 4 mV at 5 cm/sec; tracking Statically balanced ttmearm with pure -quartz
mil elliptical stylus. Output 5.0 mV at 1,000 Hz, force 1-1.5 g; 5.5 g $195 track and equimass-patented system. Velox and
5/cm/sec; FR 15-27,000 Hz; 29 dB sep 1,000 Hz, RSB-11. Replacement stylus $98 titanium headshell; tracking force range 0.5-2.5
18 dB 10,000 Hz; tracking force range 1.0-1.5 g; grams; effective mass adjustable from medium to
cartridge weight 6 g $110 CG -12 Gold Blue Phono Cartridge high; offset angle 0°; overall length 254 mm; effec-
High -compliance cartridge with low moving tive length 50 mm; tracking error CY; 13.4 oz$850
TK4Ep MM P -mount Cartridge mass, sophisticated modified line -contact stylus.
Universal design with 0.3 x 0.7 mil nude stylus. Output 4 mV at 5 cm/sec; compliance 50 cm/ Southern Junior Straight Tonearm
Output 5 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 15-20,000 Hz; sep dyne x 10-6; vertical tracking angle 202; sep 30 Statically balanced tonearm with special cover
28 dB at 1,000 Hz, 19 dB at 10.000 Hz; tracking - dB at I kHz; tracking force 1-1.5 g; 5.5 g $165
. and linear and track guage. Velox and titanium
force range 1-1.5 g; cartridge weight 6 g $95 RCG-12. Replacement stylus $87 headshell; tracking force range 0.5-2.5 grams; ef-
fective mass 50 grams; offset angle Cr; overall
HiTec 103 MM P -mount Cartridge .Silver Phony Cartridges length 254 mm; effective length 50 mm; tracking
Universal design with dual magnets. 0.4 x 0.7 mil Similar to Gold series Output 1.0 m V/cm/sec at / error 0*; 13 oz $550
elliptical stylus. Output 5.0 mV, 5/cm/sec; FR 15- kHz: compliance 40 cms/dyne x 10-°: balance ± 2
25,000 Hz; 25 dB sep at 1,000 Hz. 17 dB at dB: ch sep 30 dB at 1 kHz: load imp 47k ohms; STANTON
10,000 Hz; recommended tracking force range tracking force range 1-1.5 g: 5.5 g.
1.0-1.5 g; cartridge weight 6 g $90 CS -22 Silver P. Modified line -contact stylus Calibration Series
(RCS -22 replacement stylus) $100
TK2Ep MM P -mount Cartridge CS -23 Silver E. Biradial (elliptical) stylus FR 10- 981LZ Mk Its Phono Cartridge
Universal design with 0.4 x 0.7 mil elliptical sty- 20,000 Hz ± 1.5 dB $95 Low -imp cartridge, fully calibrated for exact pre-
lus. Output 5 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 15-25,000 Hz; RCS -23. Replacement stylus $45 cision with nude Stereohedron diamond stylus.
(Continued from page 124.1 nous motor. I -piece solid -core chassis and sprang
damping elements in feet. w&F 0.045%; rumble
-48 dB unwtd, -70 dB wtd $249 PF-800B Semiautomatic Turntable
THORENS BY EPI Belt -drive pivoted -arm turntable with dynamic
All Thorens turntables are belt -driven. single -play balance twin -pipe tonearm. Features 2 -section
units having straight tubular tonearms for maxi- VECTOR RESEARCH zinc plus aluminum platter; 33.33 and 45 rpm
mum rigidity: gimbal suspension: antiskate con- VT -185 Belt -Drive Turntable speeds; variable speed control ± 6%. w&F
trol: 9.12" effective tonearm length: frocking error Features quick -start 1x -servo motor; traditional 0.023% wrms; rumble 80 dB; effective tonearm
<0.18/cm (<0.467in.). plug-in head -shell with standard 0.5" mourning length 8.75"; 35 lb $519
centers; front -panel controls; aluminum -alloy
Phantasie Semiautomatic Single -Play Turntable TT -500U Automatic Turntable
Belt -drive 33.33 and 45 -rpm turntable with solid Direct -drive turntable with RS integrated remote
plexiglass chassis; 16 -pole synchronous motor; system compatibility. Features straight tonearm
twin solid -core chassis and 3 -point leaf -spring design; resonance absorbing turntable mat; disc
suspension. w&F 0.35%, rumble -52 dB unwtd. damper. Black; 15 lb $229
-72 dB wtd $2,295
TD 320. As above with wood chassis $549 PF-50B Automatic Turntable
TD 321. Armless version of TD -320 $450 Direct -drive turntable with 3 -point floating sus-
pension and knife-edge dynamic -balance ton-
TD 520 Semiautomatic Single -Play Turntable earm. P -mount compatible; 33.33 and 45 rpm;
Belt drive with auto tonearm lift, motor shut-off. resonance -absorbing mat; disc clamper/EP adap-
33.33, 45, 78 rpm; electronic speed selection; tor; overhang adjustment gauge. w&F 0.15%
± 6% pitch control; twin solid -core chassis; 3 - wrms; s/N 78 dBA; 9 lb. 14 oz $229
point leaf -spring suspension. w&F 0.035% $999 PF-30B. Similar to PF-50 except belt -drive $179
TD 521. Same as above without tonearm $900 PF-20B. Similar to PF-30 except semiautomatic,
platter; auto -return and shut-off; auto -start func- standard EP adapter $149
TD 318 Semiautomatic Single -Play Turntable ion; separate pitch controls for 33 and 45 rpm
Belt -drive 33.33 and 45 rpm turntable with 16 - ± 3%); strobe. w&F 0.05% wrms; s/N 68 dB TT -400U Automatic Turntable
pole synchronous motor; twin solid -core chassis; DIN B). 17.38" w x 4.5" h x 14.63" d; 11.5 Belt -drive; compatible with RS system remote
3 -pointleaf -spring suspension. W&F 0.04%; b $150 straight tonearm; resonance -absorbing mat; disc
rumble -50 dB unwtd, -70 dB unwtd $399 damper. Black; 15 lb $179
TD 316. Manual turntable similar to TD 318 VT -155 Belt -Drive Turntable
without auto lift and shut off $299 Features ix -servo motor; P -mount cartridge TT -300U Semiautomatic Turntable
compatibility; front -panel controls; aluminum -al- Belt -drive; straight tonearm design; resonance -ab-
TD 280 Semiautomatic Single -Play Turntable loy platter; auto -return and shut-off; pitch con- sorbing turntable mat; EP adaptor. Black finish;
Belt -drive 33.33/45 rpm with 24 -pole synchro- trol; strobe; 8.75 lb $100 10 lb $149
3D ACOUSTICS Studio Reference Speaker ± 2 dB. 28" wide x 94" high x 4" deep; 340 Ib/
Vented speaker with 12" woofer, 15" x 4" horn system 54.500/pr
3D610 Surround 5 -Piece Speaker System midrange; 5.25 x 2" horn tweeter. Features mid-
5 -piece phase -conditioned surround -sound speak- range, tweeter level controls; oiled walnut or oak Spectra 3 Electrostatic Speaker
er system with all matrixing built in to 3D10 cabinet; black cloth grille. FR 22-20,000 Hz ± 2.5 Three -panel variable -width electrostatic with
magnetically shielded subwoofer. Features 10" dB; crossovers 880 and 5,000 Hz; sens 98 dB sPL/ built-in selectable woofer. Mirror image pair. Min
shield dual -wind -voice -coil woofer; 6- rubber -roll W/m; mim power 15 W; imp 8 ohms; 48" h x power 70 W; imp 4 ohms; FR 30-20,000 Hz ± 2
midrange; 1" cloth -dome foam -encased tweeter. 18.5" w x 16" d; 102 lb 53,180/pr dB. 33" wide x 66" high x 2" deep; 220 lb/sys-
FR 30-20,000 Hz t 3 dB; min power 30 W rms; tem $2,995/pr
max power 150 W rms; sens 88 dB sPL/W/m; Professional Series II Speaker
imp 16 ohms. Oiled -walnut and black finishes. Vented speaker with 12" woofer; 2" dome mid- Spectra 2 Electrostatic Speaker
Subwoofer: 24" wide x 16" high x 13.75" deep; 49 range; I" dome tweeter. Features midrange and Two -panel variable -width electrostatic with built-
lb, satellites 14" wide x 8.5" high x 7.25" deep; 30 tweeter controls; oiled walnut or oak cabinet; in selectable woofer. Mirror image pair. Min
lb/pr $975/system black cloth grille. FR 29-20,000 Hz ± 2.5 dB; power 70 W; imp 4 ohms; FR 30-20,000 Hz ± 3
crossovers 800 and 6,600 Hz; sens 95 dB sPi./W/ dB. 22" wide x 66- high x 2" deep; 180 lb/sys-
3D610 System 3 -Piece Speaker System m; min power 15 W; imp 8 ohms; 36" h x 18.5" w tem $2,795/pr
3 -piece speaker system with built-in matrixing for x 16" d; 80 lb 51,780/pr
3D phase -conditioned surround sound. Magneti- Model Two + Two Electrostatic Speaker
cally shielded for near -video placement. Features Transcendent Speaker Four -panel vertical -array electrostatic speaker.
10" dual -wind -voice -coil woofer; 6" rubber -roll Vented speaker with 12" woofer, 1.25" dome Min power 50 W; imp 4 ohms; FR 28-20,000 Hz
midrange; 1" cloth -dome foam -encased tweeter. midrange/tweeter. Features midrange, tweeter ± 2 dB. 20" w x 94" h x 4" d; 200 lb/sys-
FR 30-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min power 30 W rms; level controls; oiled walnut or oak cabinet; black tem 52,599/pr
max power 150 W rms; sens 88 dB sPL/W/m; cloth grille. FR 38-20,000 Hz ± 2.5 dB; crossover
imp 8 ohms. Oiled -walnut and black finishes. 1,900 Hz; sens 94 dB sPL/W/m; min power 15 Model Three Electrostatic Speaker
Subwoofer: 24" wide x 16" high x 13.75" deep; 49 W; imp 8 ohms; 51 lb 5980/pr Three -panel curved -array electrostatic speaker.
lb, satellites 14" wide x 8.5" high x 7.25" deep; 30 Min power 70 W; imp 4 ohms; FR 30-20,000 Hz
lb/pr S650/system Intimate Speaker ± 2 dB. 28" w x 72" h x 4" d; 196 lb/sys-
Acoustic -suspension speaker with 10" woofer, 1" tem 52,199/pr
3D Column Passive -Radiator Speaker dome tweeter. Features tweeter level control;
Magnetically sheilded speaker with built-in ma- oiled walnut or oak cabinet; black cloth grille. FR Model One + One Electrostatic Speaker
trixing for 3D phase -conditioned surround sound. 49-20,000 Hz ± 2.5 dB; crossover 5,000 Hz; sens Two -panel vertical line -source electrostatic
Features 10" cone passive radiator; 6" controlled - 93 dB sPL/W/m; min power 15 W; imp 8 ohms; speaker. Min power 70 W; imp 4 ohms; FR 30-
output rubber -roll woofer; I" cloth -dome tweeter. 19" h x 12" w x 12" d; 29 lb $580/pr 20,000 Hz ± 2 dB. 11" w x 94" h x 4" d; 144 lb/
FR 35-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min power 25 W rms; system 51,750/pr
max power 150 W rms sens 88 dB sPL/W/m; imp Shadow Speaker
8 ohms. Tech black with solid walnut finish. 12" Acoustic -suspension speaker with 8" woofer, 1" Model One Electrostatic Speaker
w x 31" h x 10.5" d; 42 lb 5490/pr dome tweeter. Features cylindrical cabinet cov- Single -panel electrostatic speaker with satellite
ered with black cloth grille. FR 69-20,000 Hz woofer. Min power 75 W; imp 4 ohms; FR 30-
3D Cube Acoustic -Suspension Speaker ± 2.5 dB; crossover 5,000 Hz; sens 91 dB sPI./W/ 18,000 Hz ± 3 dB. 11" w x 72" h x 4" d; 180 lb/
Bookshelf 2 -way speaker with 7 -element low -dis- m; min power 15 W; imp 8 ohms; 24.5" h x 8.75" system $1,299/pr
tortion crossover network. Features 6" rubber - d 5380/pr
roll controlled -output cone woofer; 0.75" poly -
carbonate -dome ferrofluid-damped tweeter. FR Angstrom Speaker ACOUSTIC RESEARCH
70-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min power 15 W rms; max Acoustic -suspension speaker with 6.5" woofer, I" MGC-1 Ambience -Subsystem Speaker
power 150 W rms; sens 88 dB SPL/W/m; imp 8 dome tweeter. Features charcoal enamel cabinet; Floor -standing acoustic -suspension speaker with
ohms. Tech black with solid walnut finish. Mir- black cloth grille. FR 78-20,000 Hz ± 2.5 dB; sens delayed ambience subsystem built into enclosure
ror -imaged matched pairs. 9.75" w x 9.75" h x 90 dB sPL/W/m; min power 15 W; imp 8 ohms. plus MGC- le control and amplification electron-
9.75" d; 15 lb ea 5240/pr 12.88" h x 7.5" w x 6.5" d; 9 Ib; walnut or oak ics. Speakers are mirror -imaged pairs consisting
finish 5350/pr of a 4 -way passive system and a 2 -way active sub-
ACOUSTIC INTERFACE Charcoal -enamel finish 5250/pr system for delayed ambience radiation. Electronic
unit controls system parameters and provides sig-
Sound Prism Speaker Tremor Subwoofer nal processing, delay, and power amplification for
Vented -horn speaker with 24" x 52" compression Vented subwoofer with 2 woofers in separate su- delayed ambience subsystem. Main system fea-
woofer, 13" x 22" horn midrange, 7.25" x 3" benclosures. Features oiled walnut or oak cabinet; tures two 8" cone woofers; two 4" cone lower/
horn tweeter, built-in triamplification (1,500 W/ black cloth grille. FR 29-200 Hz ± 2.5 dB; sens 96 midrange drivers; one dual -dome driver with a
woofer, 300 W/midrange, 100 W/tweeter). Fea- dB sPL/W/m; min power 15 W; imp 8 ohms; 27" 1.5" upper midrange dome and a 0.75" tweeter
tures midrange, tweeter level controls; oiled wal- h x 63.5" x 16" d; 150 lb 51,090 ea dome closely spaced on a single magnet. Delayed -
nut or oak cabinet. FR 10-10,000 Hz t I dB; sens With 2 800 W/ch amps 51,790 ea ambience system features 6" woofer in sub -enclo-
105 dB sPL/W/m; crossovers 550 and 5,000 Hz; sure; 1" dome tweeter. FR (3 -dB down point, half
imp 8 ohms; 72" h x 27" w x 36" d; 500 power) 39 and 32,000 Hz; power range 25-250 W;
lb 530,000/pr ACOUSTAT sens 88 dB SPL/W/m; imp 4 ohms; 26.25" w x
Model Eight Electrostatic Speaker 52" h x 16.12" d; 150 Ibs; oiled solid and walnut
Sound Portal Speaker Eight -panel vertical -array electrostatic speaker. veneers 53,600/pr
Vented -horn speaker with 24" x 32" compression Min power 50 W x 2; imp 6 ohms; FR 24-20,000
woofer, 19" x 7" horn midrange, 5" x 5" horn Hz ± 2 dB. 36" w x 94" h x 4" d; total weight of MGC-2 Ambience -Subsystem Speaker
tweeter. Features midrange, tweeter level con- each system 440 lb 55,500/pr Floor -standing acoustic -suspension speaker with
trols; oiled walnut or oak cabinet. FR 15-20,000 delayed ambience subsystem built into enclosure
Hz ± 2.5 dB; crossovers 800 and 5,000 Hz; sens Model Six Electrostatic Speaker plus MGC- le control and amplification electron-
101 dB sPI./W/m; min power 15 W; imp 8 ohms; Six -panel vertical -array electrostatic speaker. Min ics. Speakers are mirror -imaged pairs consisting
48" h x 25.5" w x 24" d; 175 lb 57,000/pr power 50 W x 2; imp 6 ohms; FR 26-20,000 Hz of a 3 -way passive system and an active subsys-
We speak from expEri!nc
11.36" h x 8.3:" d $320/pr B-145. Floor -standing subwoofer with 10" cone
woofer and built-in 40-W amp. FR 30-200 Hz ± 3
LS -Seven Speaker dB; 102 dB SPL from 30-200 Hz ± 1.5 dB. Wal-
2 -way compact speaker with 6.5" polywoofer I" nut, black ash, or white lacquer finish. 14.75" w x
soft -dome tweeter, wood enclosure. FR 70-20,000 20.25" h x 14.75" d; 48 lb 5875/ea
Hz; max power 60 W; imp 8 ohms; sens 87 dB
sPL/W/m; L -C crossover at 2 kHz; genuine white -
prox 5" x 5" flat wave; strontium magnet; tweeter oak veneer, cloth grille; 8.88" w x 13.62" h x 6.44" BANG & OLUFSEN
approx 1.5" Dyna-ribbon. Available in ivory or d; 7 lb $260/pr Beolab Penta Floor -Standing Speaker
black; 9" h x 9" w x 1.5" d; 2.6 lb/ea $320/pr
. Powered 5 -sided bass -reflex speaker with 150-W
LS -One Speaker amp in each cabinet; 9 drivers in 3 -way configura-
DX -7 Compact Powered Speaker Acoustic -suspension 2 -way speaker with 4" poly- tion (4 5" woofers, 4 3" mids, 11" dome tweeter
10-W/ch speakers with 4 surround sound selec- propylene woofer, 1" tweeter. FR 100-20,000 Hz; vertically aligned); dynamic clipping attenuator for
tions (stereo, music/movie, delay) enclosed in die power range 12-40 W; imp 8 ohms; sens 87 dB compression; 3 -position bass -level switch; auto
cast aluminum; THD I% at 10.5 W; 3 amp fuse sPL/W/m; crossover 2.5 kHz; black cast -alumi- turn on and off; when used with Beosystem 5500,
protection. Speaker section 4" full range; SPL 88 num enclosure with metal grille, bracket included; digital display shows source, volume, recording
dB/W/m; imp 3 ohm $200/pr 7.12" h x 4.5" w x 4.561" d; 5.5 lb $180/pr status, overload; finished in brushed stainless steel
IS -One Walnut. Walnut veneer 8" x 5" x with black grille. Frequency response 40-20,000
BAW-103 Weatherized Mini Speaker 4.69" 5200/pr Hz +4, -8 dB; 65" high x 5" wide x 5" deep; 53
Indoor/outdoor 3 -way system 4" polypropylene IS -One W/T. Weathertight, stainless -steel grille lb 52.999/pr
woofer; 2" mylar tweeter; as- mylar tweeter. and bracket 5200/pr
Power capacity 50 W/rms, 100 W max; imp 8 RL 140 Speaker
ohm; sens 92 dB W/m; available in cream or Floor -standing bass -reflex speaker with 2 6.5"
black; 7" h x 4.5" w x 4" d; 10 lb/pr $160/pr AUDIO PRO woofers, 5" mid, I" dome tweeter in gray plastic
BAW-50. Similar to BAW-103 above except 2 - BY SONIC RESEARCH enclosure with black grille. Frequency response
way design $140/pr A4-14 Biamplified Speaker System 40-20,000 Hz +4, -8 dB; sensitivity 93 dB SPL/
Biamplified 3 -way bass -reflex bookshelf speaker W/m; minimum power 10 W; imp 8 ohms; 28" x
BA -200 Compact Speaker incorporates Ace -Bass subwoofer with two 5" 20" x 9"; 43 lb $900/pr
Compact 2 -way bookshelf speaker with 4" cone down -firing rear -mounted woofers and own amp,
woofer; 1" soft dome tweeter enclosed in black flush -mounted 4.5" cone midrange, 1" soft -dome Beovox S-80.2 Speaker
aluminum diecast enclosure. Imp 8 ohm; power tweeter with separate amp. Features room -match- 3 -way speaker in infinite -baffle cabinet with 8"
capacity 30-50 W/rms; sens 85 dB W/m. hx ing bass control. tweeter control, sens control (100 woofer, 3' dome phase -link midrange. 1" tweeter;
4.5" w x 4" d; 10 lb/pr $140/pr mV -50 V range), tIR signal pushbutton, bass - baffle moldings designed for min diffraction; verti-
blend push-button control, power on/off signal -ac- cally aligned drivers; auto driver protection; rose-
BA -402 Compact 3 -Way Speaker tuated in automode; walnut or black -ash finish; wood veneer (other finishes available). Max power
4" cone woofer; 2" cone tweeter; 0.5" super dome speaker stands included. FR 30-20,000 Hz t 2 dB; 80 W rms; dispersion 100' $700/pr
tweeter. Power capacity 50 W/rms, 100 W max; crossovers 300 and 2.5 kHz; distortion 2% at 96
imp 8 ohm; sens 91 dB W/m. Available in black, dB sPi./half-space/m at 30 Hz; 20.5" h x 2.12" w RL 60.2 Speaker
cream, yellow, red. 7" h x 4.5" w x 4" d; 10 Ib/ x 10.5" d $2,095/system Floor -standing speaker with I" dome tweeter, 2 5"
pr $140/pr cone woofers, aluminum passive radiator; charcoal
BA -101. As above except 2 -way design SI20/pr A2-2 Mini Powered Speaker black. FR 45-20,000 Hz +4, -8 dB; power range
Mini speaker with Ace -Bass and Ace -Plus circuits 10-90 W; sens 93 dB SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms;
ATC LOUDSPEAKER in each channel. Includes volume control, three 21.25" w II 16" h x 7" d; 19.6 lb $500/pr
line inputs and tape output on amp carrying case.
SCM-50 Speaker FR 50-20.000 Hz; sens 99 dB sPL/W/m. Glossy Beovox MOO Compact Speaker
Bass -reflex floor -standing near -field studio control lacquer finish available in white, black, red or Black or brushed aluminum bookshelf box speaker
monitors with drivers employing soft domes, short grey. 8.25" h x 5.5" w x 4.13" d; 22 lbS1195/sys- with 2 4" woofers, I" dome tweeter. Power range
voice coils in long magnetic gaps, high -flux densi- tem 10-110 W: sensitivity 89 dB sound -pressure level
ty, dual suspensions, and cast frames for low dis- with I -W input measured at 1 m; imp 6 ohms; 4"
tortion and high SPI.. Features 9" cone woofer; 3" A2.1 Mini Powered Speaker w x 12" h x 8" d; 13.5 lb 5350/pr
soft -dome midrange; I" dome tweeter. FR 45- Mini powered speaker with Ace -Bass and Ace - Beovox CX50. Black finish; 8 lb $250/pr
18,000 Hz I 3 dB, 80-12,000 Hz t 2 dB; min pow- Plus circuits. Includes volume control and tape
er 50 W rms; max power 500 W rms; sens 85 dB output on amp carrying case. FR 50-20,000 Hz;
sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms. Oak and black standard sens 99 dB sPL/w/M. Glossy lacquer finish avail- B&W LOUDSPEAKERS
finishes. 12" w x 28" h x 16" d; 85 lb able in white, black, red or grey. 7.5" h x 4.75" w x 808 Ported Speaker
ea $3,300/pr 3.75" d; 18 lb 5895/system Floor -standing speaker with two 300 -mm thermo-
SCM-50A. Similar to SCM50 except contains 3 - plastic cone woofers, two 100 -mm polyamide ma-
way modified 2nd -order active filter with phase 3-40 Passive Speaker trix -cone midranges, 32 -mm polyamide dome
correction driving 3 amps (200-W bass. 100-W Floor -standing 2 -way speaker with two 8" cone tweeter. Features computer -optimized drivers and
mid, 50-W highs). Overload protection by active woofers and I" soft -dome tweeter. FR 43-20,000 cabinet; Audio Powered Overload Circuit; 4th -or-
FET momentary gain reduction plus tweeter ther- Hz t 3 dB; min power 25 W rms; max power 125 der Butterworth crossover; sep terminals for bi
mal protection by light distinguishing resistor W rms; sens 92 dB sPL/W/m; imp 6 ohms. Wal- and triamping. FR 30-20,000 Hz ± 2 de; min power
(LDR). Well balanced continuous SPL of 112 dB nut, black ash, or white laquer finish. 12" w x 24" 100 W; seta 91 de sPt./w/m; imp 8 ohms; walnut,
with substantial transient headroom. 12" w x 28" h x I I" d $648/pr or black ash finish; 25.75" w x 41.25" h x 20" d;
h x 16" d; 95 lb ea $5,500/pr 180 lb 57,500/pr
SCM-100. Similar to SCM50 except 12" cone 2-25 2 -Way Speaker Rosewood finish 59,500/pr
woofer. Sens 88 dB sPt./W/m, max continuous Features 1" soft -dome tweeter; 8" midrange woof-
sound -pressure level 115 decibels plus transient er. FR 50-20,000 Hz -3 dB; crossover at 2,000 Matrix 801 Series 2 Speaker
headroom; frequency response 35-18,000 Hz t 3 Hz; imp 4 ohms 20.25" x 11.25" x 10.25"; sens 90 Floor -standing 6th -order Butterworth -vented
dB, 60-12,000 Hz t 2 dB. 16" w x 33" h x 19" d; dB sPL/W/m; walnut finish $549/pr speaker with vertically aligned drivers to minimize
115 lb ea $4,200 time delays; APOC to prevent driver damage. FR
SCM-100A. Similar to SCM50A except 12" cone Amplified Subwoofers 20 Hz -20 kHz t 2 dB; imp 8 ohms; power range
woofer, max continuous SPL 115 dB plus transient 50-600/W. 39.75" x 17" x 22"; 110 lb ea.
headroom. 16" w x 33" h x 19" d; 125 lb B4-200. Super subwoofer features 4 long -throw 8" Available in walnut or black ash 54,503/pr
ea $6,400/pr woofers; built-in 150-W amp giving 110 dB SPL Rosewood finish $5,200/pr
It's been a rare virtue in sound.
Introducing the new Design Acoustics
Until no_W PS103 3 -Way Loudspeaker
While other speakers attempt to make their mark with bombast and sizzle, the
Design Acoustics PS103 loudspeaker system has been created to accurately
reflect the actual sonic drama of the music. No more. And certainly no less.
Hear the original acoustic space
The PS -103 starts with smooth, uniform response for every octave of music.
That's basic. Dispersion at the higher frequencies is also enhanced by a
tapered, sealed, independent Point Source enclosure for the 6" mid -range
and 3/4" tweeter. The result of this comb,nation is an appropriate spaciousness
to the reproduced souna ...neither collapsed, nor overextended. With the
PS103, the illusion of a live performance is more accurate, making possible a
more intense reaction to the music.
Bass you can feel
The illusion is enhanced by the extended bass performance from the 10"
down -firing woofer, housed in its own cabinet with unique multi -element
baffles that stiffen the enclosure while smoothing and extending useful sound
output. You both hear and feel the deepest bass, while sensing the original
room acoustics all around you.
Honestly superior
Before you settle for an artificial sounding speaker, give our spectacular
honesty a chance. Audition the Design Acoustcs PS103 loudspeaker system
today. Write for the names of Design Acoustics dealers in your area. Like you,
they are very serious about very good sound.
An A..ocho Technic() Cornoony
1225 Commerce Drive, Stow, OH 44224
stant -dispersion horn tweeters; dual level con- crossover 900 Hz; max power 160 W music; imp woofer, 4.5" TPX cone midrange, 0.75" treated
trols; closed frame. Crossovers at 500 and 4,000 6 ohms; horizontal/vertical dispersion 120730% linen dome tweeter. FR 36-19,000 Hz ± 2.5 dB;
Hz; power range 10-350 W peak; nominal imped- sens 91 dB sPL/W/m/; 33.75" h x 15.5" w x sans 91 dB 48 2.83 V rms; min imp 4 ohms; 36" h
ance 4 ohms. Walnut -grain vinyl -veneered cabi- 15.5" d; 65 lb $899/pr x 11.5" w x 11.5" d; 53 lb/ea $1,550
net and brown grille cloth; 10.5" high x 17" wide
x 10.88" deep $700/pr Mini Monitor 620 Speaker FISHER
2 -way mini Bookshelf speaker. Features dynamic
EPI Magnus Al2 3 -Way Speaker 5.25" long excursion woofer; 1.25" dome shape STV-440 3 -Way Speaker
Bookshelf speaker with 12" woofer, 6" mid/bass tweeter; 5" passive radiator. FR 60-20,000 Hz ± 4 Features 15" woofer; 5" ferrofluid midrange; 3"
driver, and CDH tweeter. Crossovers 500 and dB; power range 10-60 W; sens 87 dB sPL/W/m; ferrofluid tweeter; magnetic field compensated;
4,000 Hz; power range 10-300 W peak; imp 4 imp 8 ohms; oiled walnut veneer finish; 7" w x
ohms; walnut -grain vinyl -veneered cabinet and 12" h x 7.5" d; 16.5 lb/pr $158/pr
brown grille cloth; 25.88" h a 15.36- w x 11.5"
d $500/pr High -Dynamic -Range Speakers
You don't have to know where they are ... until you hear them.
The scund and look of
Scandinavia's leading
loudspeaker manufacturer.
5985 Atlantic Dr N.T., Unit 6, Mississauca, Ontario L4)A, 1S4 Phone: (416) 673-3777
pairs; front -mounted fuse and noninductive level tweeter; crossovers at 600 and 5,000 Hz. Sens 93 with an impulse power of 500 W. Features built-
controls. Interconnecting harness of color -coded dB sm./W/m; imp 4-8 ohms; 14.2" w x 24.7" h x in adjustable electronic crossover (80, 120, 150
high-performance speaker cables; 5 -way heavy- 11.9" d 51,450/pr Hz); vo'ume control; 12" long -excursion sub -
duty binding posts. Mirror -matched high-grade woofer. FR 20-80, 20-120, 20-150 Hz t 5 dB; max
walnut veneer. Black grille with nonresonant Monitor Tower 140 3 -Way Speaker power 500 W; walnut, mahogany, black/antique/
frame. FR 18-22,000 Hz t 1.5 dB; min power 20 Floor -standing acoustic -suspension speaker with unfinished oak finishes; 14.62" w x 15.12" h x
W, max 200 W; sens 92 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 10" long -excursion woofer, 2" suprynol-dome 14.62" d $999
ohms; 115 Ib; 16" w x 40" h x 14" d . 52,000/pr midrange with 2.3 -lb magnet, 0.75- titanium -
dome tweeter; 8 wood or 4 glossy lacquer finish-
Stat Monitor es. Power range 10-140 W; sens 93 dB sPL/W/m; KLIPSCH
Floor -standing or large -shelf 3 -way ported speak- imp 4-8 ohms. 11.12" w x 37" h x 11.12" Klipachorn 3 -Way Speaker
er. Features 12" polypropylene -cone woofer; 6.5" d $1,400/pr Fully horn -loaded speaker requiring corner place-
polypropylene -cone midrange; 1.12" synthetic - ment. Sens 104 dB sPL/W/m; power handling
dome tweeter with magnetic -liquid cooling/ Monitor 141 3 -Way Speaker 100 W; FR 35-17,000 Hz t 5 dB. 52" h x 31.25" w
damping. Crossover points 90, 2,000 Hz; linear - Floor -standing or bookshelf infinite -baffle speak- x 28.5" d. Priced depending on finish from ap-
phased driver arrangement in mirror -image pairs; er. Features 12" long -excursion woofer; 2" soft - proximately $3,198/pr
front -mounted fuse and noninductive level con- metal dome midrange; 0.75" titanium -dome
trols. Interconnecting harness of color -coded tweeter. FR 20-32,000 Hz t 5 dB; imp 4-8 ohms; Belle Klipsch 3 -Way Speaker
high-performance speaker cables; 5 -way heavy- walnut, mahogany, teak, cherry, black/white/an- Horn -loaded floor -standing speaker with same
duty binding posts. Mirror -matched high-grade tique/dark/unfinished oak finishes; 13.75" w x drive components as Klipschorn. Sens 104 dB
walnut veneer. Black grille with nonresonant 22.88" h x 10.62" d 51,250/pr SPI /W/m; power handling 100 W; FR 45-17,000
frame. FR 18-22,000 Hz t 1.5 dB; min power 15
W, max 200 W; sens 93 dB sm./W/m; imp 8 Monitor Tower 125 3 -Way Speaker
ohms; 95 Ib; 14.5" w x 26" h x 14" d. 51,000/pr Floor -standing acoustic -suspension infinite -baffle
speaker with 8.5" long -excursion woofer, 2" su-
Stat Miniature Monitor prynol-dome midrange with 2.3 -lb magnet; 0.75"
2 -way ported speaker. Features 6.5" polypropyl- titanium -dome tweeter; 8 wood or 4 glossy !ac-
ene -cone woofer; 1.12" synthetic -dome tweeter quer finishes. Power range 10-125 W; sens 93 dB
with magnetic -liquid cooling/damping; crossover SPL/W/m; imp 4-8 ohms; 9.5" w x 33" h x 9.5"
point 2,000 Hz; linear -phased driver arrangement d 51,149/pr
in mirror -image pairs; front -mounted fuse and
noninductive level controls. Interconnecting har- Monitor 121 3 -Way Speaker
ness of color -coded high-performance speaker ca- Bookshelf infinite -baffle speaker. Features 8"
bles.5 -way heavy-duty binding posts. Mirror - long -excursion woofer; 2" suprynol dome mid-
matched high-grade walnut veneer. Black grille range; 0.25" titanium -dome tweeter with Ferro -
with nonresonant frame. Frequency response 38- fluid magnet. FR 22-32,000 Hz t 5 dB; power
22,000 Hz t 2 dB; minimum power 5 W, maxi- range 10-130 W; sens 92 dB sm./W/m; imp 4-8
mum ISO W; sensitivity 93 dB SPL/W/m; im- ohms; walnut, mahogany, teak, cherry, black/
pedance 8 ohms; 30 Ib; 9" w x 15" h x 9" d$700 white/antique/dark/unfinished oak finishes;
12.25" w x 20.5" h x 10.25" d 5900/pr
Monitor 101 2 -Way Speaker
Trapezoid Subwoofer Bookshelf infinite -baffle speaker. Features 8"
Floor -standing subwoofer with 12" polypropyl- long -excursion woofer; 1" titanium -dome tweeter
ene -cone driver, built-in 180 -Hz passive cross- with twin magnet. FR 35-32,000 Hz t 5 dB; pow-
over, and separate direct -to -woofer terminals. er range 10-80 W; sens 92 dB sm./W/m; imp 4-8
May be used with electronic crossover or optional ohms; walnut, mahogany, teak, cherry, black/ Hz t 5 dB. 35.62" h x 30.12" w x 18.75" d.
low -loss 4 -point passive crossover/low-pass filter, white/antique/dark/unfinished oak finishes; Available in exotic woods. Priced depending on
in mirror -image pairs. Features interconnecting 10.62" w x 18.36" h x 8.62" d 5903/pr finish from approx $2,598/pr
harness of color -coded high-performance speaker La Scala. Fully horn -loaded 3 -way speaker simi-
cables; 5 -way heavy-duty binding posts. Mirror - SAT -1 2 -Way Ported Speaker lar to Belle Klipsch but available only in natural
matched high-grade walnut veneer. Black grille Bookshelf speaker with 4.25" long -excursion birch, stained birch, or black finishes. Specs same
with nonresonant frame. FR 16-2,000 Hz t 1.5 woofer and 7" titanium -dome midrange/tweeter as Belle Klipsch. 35.5" h x 23.75" w x 24.5" d.
dB; min power 25 W, max 350 W; sens 92 dB with twin magnets. FR 68-32,000 Hz t 5 dB; pow- Priced depending on finish from approx$1,706/pr
SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; 95 Ib; 16" w x 40" h x er range 15-70 W; sens 89 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4-8
14" d 5600/pr ohms; walnut, mahogany, teak, cherry, black/ Cornwall 113 -Way Speaker
white/antique/dark/unfinished oak finishes; 5.5" Features 15" woofer in ported enclosure; horn -
Stat Subwoofer w x 9.88" h x 7" d $560/pr loaded compression tweeter and midrange. Sens
Ported subwoofer with 12" polypropylene cone 100 dB sm../W/m; power handling 100 W; FR 38-
driver, built-in 180 -Hz crossover, and separate di- Subwoofers 20,000 Hz t 3 dB. 35.75" h x 25.5" w x 15.5" d.
rect -to -woofer terminals. Features interconnect- Available in exotic woods. Priced depending on
ing harness of color -coded high-performance Subwoofer 501 Active finish from approx 51,638/pr
speaker cables; 5 -way heavy-duty binding posts; 12" long -excursion woofer; subsonic filter; stan-
mirror -matched high-grade walnut veneer; black dard feedback; room -matching control; double -T Forte 3 -Way Speaker
grille with nonresonant frame. FR 18-2,000 Hz filer; RCA/DIN inputs for preamp, CD player, Features horn -loaded compression drivers for
t 2 dB; min power 15 W, max 350 W; sens 93 dB etc.; I -way crossover at 80, 120, or 160 Hz; tweeter and midrange; 12" woofer; 12" passive
SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; 80 lb; 14.5" w x 26" h x choice of finishes. Impulse power 500 W; 16.6" w radiator mounted on rear of cabinet. FR 32-20,000
14" d 5450/pr x 15.8" h x 16.2" d; 46 lb 51,400 t 3 dB; sens 98 dB sm./W/m; power handling
100 W. 35.38" h x 16.5" w x 12" d. Available in
KIRKSAETER Subwoofer 500 exotic woods. Priced according to finish from ap-
Floor -standing infinite -baffle amplified subwoofer prox $1,180/pr
Monitor Tower 260 4 -Way Speaker
Floor -standing acoustic -suspension speaker with Heresy II 3 -Way Speaker
2 10" long -excursion woofers, 4.5" coated -cone The listings are based on data
Feature horn -loaded compression tweeter and
lower midrange, 2" soft -metal midrange with 2.3 - provided by the manufacturers. For midrange; 12" woofer in sealed enclosure. FR 50-
lb magnet; 0.75- titanium -dome supertweeter more product information, contact 20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; max handling power 100 W;
with Ferrofluid; 8 wood or 4 glossy lacquer fin- an authorized dealer or the sens 96 dB sm./W/m. 21.36" h x 15.5" w x 13.5"
ishes. Power range 10-250 W; sens 93 dB sm./W/ d. Available in exotic woods. Priced depending
m; imp 4-8 ohms 52,000/pr manufacturer directly. Manufacturers'
on finish from approx 5882/pr
addresses and phone numbers are
Monitor 201 3 -Way Bookshelf Speaker listed in the directory Kg' 2 -Way Speaker
Air -suspension speaker with 12" long -excursion beginning on page 226. Floor -standing speaker with 12" rear -mounted
woofer; 2" soft -metal midrange; 0.75" titanium passive radiator, 2 8" polymer -cone woofers, and
- Inn INS
PA*, +0411111111r4
ems .-;11/110
Acoustics are among the top rated For more information, contact
loudspeakers across the country your nearest authorized American
according to the Audio Video Acoustics dealer. Or call us at
international poll. (815) 367-3000.
Listen to the Experts: GENERATION III
Dig tal
'Acoustic SPL (Sound Pressure Level) Lot. dspealc. rs
impressively high; octave -to -octave
V "instrument" you
play, you'll be the Boss
frequency balance exceptionally uni-
form and smooth"-Stereo Review
with American Acoustics "Low -frequency reproduction quite
Generation Ill loudspeakers. You smooth and tight and extends well
can really feel the music! But watch into the deep bass; imaging very
out ...when you crank up American good, wide dynamic range"
Acoustics, you'll have the power to -High Fidelity.
shake the room. "Unusually high sensitivity; orches- American Acoustics
Get caught up in the experience with tral sound 'big' with a good sense of A Mitek Group Product
Generation III loudspeakers. You'll get space; can play loud without any One Mitek Plaza
audible distress"-Digital Audio. Winslow, IL 61089
excellent depth and sound separa- 815-367-3000
tion, plus extraordinary wide dynamic All this and an outstanding 10 -year FAX: 815-367-3851
range...a must for CDs. American warranty...and built in the U.S.A. TELEX: 989 790 MTX INC UD
input of I watt measured at 1 meter; power range coated -paper cone woofer; 1.1" soft -dome tweet- sens 91 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; natural oak,
15-70 W; 15" x 9" x 9"; 15 lb each.... $230/pr er. FR 38-25,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min power 20 W dark oak veneer finishes; 39 Ib; 23.5" w x 11.88"
rms; max power 150 W rms; sensitivity 89 dB h x 11.88" d $699/pr
sound -pressure level with input of 1 watt mea-
MISSION ELECTRONICS sured at I meter; impedance 8 ohms. Walnut,
Argonaut Floor -Standing Speaker teak, or black finish. 12" wide x 20" high x 12"
2 -way speaker with time -aligned drivers and deep; 25 lb ea $595/pr 300A 3 -Way Speaker
transverse -folded cabinet. Optimum placement Internally braced acoustic -suspension tower
near rear wall; 2 reinforced homopolymer 8" MLP-202 II Bookshelf Speaker speaker with IOU long -throw woofer with butyl
cone woofers; I" super-elipse cavity -loaded tweet- Acoustic -suspension linear -phase speaker. FR 60- surround, 1.5U midrange, IU soft -dome tweeter.
er; spikes. FR 35-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power range 28,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min power 10 W, max power Large magnets for powerful bass and no over-
50-200 W; sens 94.5 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4 ohms; 150 W rms; sens 89 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4-6 ohms; hang. Power range 10-150 W/ch; nominal imp 4
walnut, gray, black; 50 Ibs; II" w x 38" h x 12" in walnut, teak, or black; 8" w x 13" h x 10" ohms; crossovers at 900 and 3,000 Hz; resonance
d $1,499/pr d $445/pr 45 Hz; sens 90 dB sPL/W/m. 10.75" w x 11.5" d
x 31.5" h; 57 lb 5750/pr
Freedom 2 -Way Speaker CR-7 2 -Way Speaker 200A. Similar to above except no midrange driver
Time -aligned drivers; integral locking stand; Acoustic -suspension bookshelf speaker with and 8" woofer. Crossover at 1,700. Power range
transverse -folded cabinet with visco-elastic damp- asymmetrical cabinet design to eliminate internal 10-120 W/ch. 39 lb 5500/pr
ing; optimum placement near rear wall; 8" rein- standing waves and improve dispersion and flat-
forced-homopolymer cone woofer; 1" super -el- ness of frequency response. Features 6" treated -
lipse cavity -loaded tweeter. FR 40-20,000 Hz ± 3 paper cone woofer with metal grille; I" soft -dome
dB; min power 20 W; max power 150 W; sens 92 tweeter with metal grille. Available in mirrored WTS-1 Speaker
dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; black, gray, walnut; pairs. Black finish. FR 70-25,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min Portable self -powered speaker with I5 -W cordless
28 lb; 11" w x 24.5" h w 12" d $899/pr power 20 W rms; max power 200 W rms; sens 90 amplifier. Features 2 -channel FM receiver; micro-
dB sPL/W/m; imp 4-8 ohms. II" w x 7.5" h x phone; miniature body pack stereo transmitter.
Renaissance 2 -Way Speaker 4.75" x 7" d; 10 lb ea $395/pr Speaker houses 6.5" woofer; 1.5" cone tweeter.
Integral locking stands; transverse -folded cabinet 8.5" w x 12.75" h x 7.31" d 5200/sytem
with visco-elastically dampened walls; 8" poly- MLP-201 2 -Way Speaker
propylene cone woofer; 0.75" polymer -dome Acoustic -suspension bookshelf speaker with 9"
tweeter with ferrofluid; crossover frequency 2,400 free -edge paper -cone woofer, 1.1" dome tweeter.
Hz. FR 40-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; nominal imp 8 FR 48-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power range 10-100 W RS -100 3 -Way Speaker
ohms; power range 20-125 W/ch; sens 90 dB Floor -standing speaker with twin -transmission -
SPL/W/m; 10" h w 21.6" w x 11" d; 23 lbs/ea; path low -frequency (varibly damped) enclosure.
black/walnut $649
MTX by MITEK Features Poly -Arc adjustable high -frequency ar-
Pro 215 Floor -Standing Speaker ray; 10" polypropylene passive radiator; 2 8"
707 Bass -Reflex Speaker Bass -reflex speaker with computer -aided Thiele/ polypropylene woofers; 1.38" cambric -dome mid-
2 -way speaker with limestone/polypropylene Small -aligned cabinet. Features 2 15" cone woof- range; I" elliptical -dome tweeter. FR 28-18,500
front baffle board; steel -reinforced 8" paper woof- ers; 2 5" PL -5 cone midranges; 3" horn -loaded Hz ± 3 dB; power range 25-200 W; sens 90 dB
er; 0.75" ferrofluid dome tweeter. FR 50-20,000 tweeter. FR 50-21,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power range 5- sPL/W/m; imp 4 ohms. 14" w x 42" h x 16" d;
Hz ± 3 dB; min power 20 W, max power 100 W; 400 W rms; sens 102.2 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4 103 lb 51,500/pr
sens 92 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; black and ohms; heavy-duty aviation carpet; 125 Ib; 18.5" w
walnut; 17.7 lb; 10" w x 19" h x 11" d $499/pr x 46.5" h x 16" d 51,400/pr RS -500 3 -Way Speaker
Floor -standing acoustic -suspension magnetically
700 Leading Edge Acoustic -Suspension Speaker Pro 115 Floor -Standing Speaker shielded speaker with mirror -image dsign. Fea-
7" high -rigidity plastiflex cone woofer and 0.75" Bass -reflex speaker with computer -aided Thiele/ tures 12" cone woofer; 5" polyvinyl acetate -cone
ferrofluid-cooled dome tweeter; injection -molded Small -aligned cabinet. Features 15" cone woofer, midrange; 1" soft -dome tweeter. FR 40-20,000 Hz
polypropylene and limestone baffle board. FR 50- 2 5" PL -5 cone midranges; 3" horn -loaded tweet- ± 3 dB; power range 15-130 W rms; sens 92 dB
20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min power 15 W rms; max er. FR 60-21,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power range 5-200 W sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms. Teton oak finish. 14" w x
power 100 W rms; sens 90 dB sPL/W/m; imp 6 rms; sens 99.6 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4 ohms; heavy- 27" h x 10.75" d 5499/pr
ohms; black, walnut $349/pr duty aviation carpet; 77 Ib; 21.25" w x 29.75" h x
16" d 51,200/pr SWO-300BU Subwoofer
70 II Acoustic -Suspension Speaker Magnetically shielded bass -reflex subwoofer with
Constraint -layer -damped cabinet to reduce reso- Pro 210 Floor -Standing Speaker 12" cone woofer, built-in 60-W amplifier, and 3
nances; 7" plastiflex cone woofer; 0.75" ferro- Bass -reflex speaker with computer -aided Thiele/ selectable turnover frequencies (70, 100, 150 Hz).
fluid-cooled dome tweeter; black. FR 60-20,000 Small aligned cabinet. Features 2 10" cone woof- FR 20-150 Hz, 20-100 Hz, or 20-70 Hz depending
Hz ± 3 dB; power range 15-75 W rms; sens 90 dB ers; 2 5" PL -5 cone midranges; 3" horn -loaded on selected turnover frequency. 20.69" w x 17.94"
SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; 10.5 Ib; 8.5" w x 15.2" h tweeter. FR 70-21,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power range 5- h x 15.34" d; 32 lb $299 ea
x 8.5" d $249/pr 300 W rms; sens 101.6 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4
ohms; heavy-duty aviation carpet; 67 Ib; 23.5" w AVS-300E 2 -Way Surround -Sound Speaker
x 18.25" h x 12.5" d 5880/pr Compact acoustic -suspension speaker designed
MOREL ACOUSTICS for rear -channel reproduction of surround sound.
Duet 2 -Way Double -Magnet Speaker Pro 110 Bass -Reflex Monitor Speaker Features 5.5" cone woofer; I" polymer -dome
New MDT -33 tweeter, 28 mm soft -dome design Thiele/Small alignment; 10" cone woofer; 4.5" tweeter. Power range 5-60 W; nominal imp 8
with double -magnet structure, Hexatech tech- cone midrange; 1" horn -loaded dome tweeter; ohms; sens 89 dB sPL/W/m; FR 60-20,000 Hz.
nique winding (aluminum wire, wound hexago- covered with heavy-duty aviation carpet. FR 75- 6.5" w x 9.75" h x 5.62" d 5199/pr
nally) and ferrofluid cooled. MW -164 6" double - 21,000 Hz; power range 5-100 W rms; sens 94.8
magnet woofer also using the Hexatech voice coil. dB sPL/W/m; imp 4/8 ohms; 14" w x 18.5" h x
FR 40-22,000 Hz ± 2 dB; power handling 150 W 12.75" d; 42 lb 5680/pr
rms; 8" w x 15" h x 12" d; 20 lb 5950/pr LS -100 3 -Way Speaker
Floor -standing acoustic -suspension speaker. Fea-
MLP-403-II 3 -Way Speaker
MUSIC AND SOUND IMPORTS tures 12" cone woofer with 20 -oz magnet; 3" cone
Ported floor -standing speaker with Variovent. 9" Mas 925 III 3 -Way Speaker midrange; I" cone tweeter; auto protection unit.
free -edge paper -cone woofer; 3" dome midrange; Floor -standing speaker with 10" polypropylene - Sens 86 dB sPL/W/m. Glossy black oak enclo-
1.1" dome tweeter. FR 38-25,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min cone passive radiator; 8" poly -cone woofer; 1.75" sure 5250/pr
power 10 W, max power 125 W rms; sens 88 dB textile -dome tweeter; 0.75" textile -dome tweeter.
sPL/W/m; imp 4-8 ohms; finished in walnut, FR 30-18,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power range 25-150 W;
teak, or black; 21" h x 12" w x 10" d; 26 lb5750/
pr Model 2 Vented 2 -Way Speaker
6.5 plastic cone woofer vertically aligned with fer-
For explanations of abbreviations, rofluid-damped dome tweeter; 4th -order Butter-
MLP-206 2 -Way Speaker
Acoustic -suspension bookshelf speaker with cabi- specifications, and technical terms, worth woofer loading; 1st -order crossover with
net proportioned similarly to the smaller MLP- consult the glossary on page 221. mylar capacitors; min -diffraction baffle; nonaller-
202 II (below) with 33 -litre volume. Features 9" genic antistatic black foam grille; external fuses.
3X0 Floor -Standing Speaker speaker 22 ohms; power output 60 W nns from
Bass -reflex speaker features inverted conical sur- S-58 3 -Way Speaker 20-180 Hz with -0.05% THD; low-pass cross-
face driver; press -connector inputs accept banana Floor -standing bass -reflex speaker with self -reset- over adjustable from 63-180 Hz; 12-dB/octave
plugs or up to 12 gauge wire; lead -lined cabinet; ting overload protection. Features IS" polypro- slope and infrasonic filter. 27.5" h x 15.75" w x
casters; tufliex transmission block; ferrofluid pylene -cone woofer; 5" PVA-treated ferrofluid- 13.75" D $525 ea
cooled; protection circuits; acoustical attenuator; cooled cone midrange; 1" polycarbonate-dome
circular metal grille. Standard finish walnut and ferrofluid-cooled tweeter. FR 65-20,000 Hz ± 3
oak, available in Scandinavian rosewood, black, dB; power range 10-100 W rms; sens 92 dB sPt./ PENTAGRAM
or white lacquer. FR 36-22,000 Hz ± 4 dB; sens W/m; imp 8 ohms. Oak vinyl finish. 17.5" w x P -10A Floor -Standing 3 -Way Speaker
90.6 dB sm/m/2.83 V; power range 18-200 W; 33.12" h x 12.88" d; 48 lb $400/pr Pentagonal pyramid speaker with external or in-
peak handling 300 W; imp 8 ohms. 36" h x 13.5" ternal crossover and no resistors. 15" damped -
x 13.5" at base tapering to 10.5" x 10.5" at top; S-38 3 -Way Speaker cone passive rad; 10" cone woofer; 3" dome mid-
43 lb $1,500/pr Floor -standing bass -reflex speaker with self -reset- range; 2" ribbon tweeter; discteck wiring; poly-
ting overload protection. Features polypropylene - propylene capacitors; 10 -gauge aircore coil. FR
2X0 Floor -Standing Speaker cone woofer; Pv A -treated ferrofluid-cooled cone 24-20,000 Hz ± 2 dB; min power 35 W; max pow-
Bass -reflex speaker features inverted conical sur- midrange; I" polycarbonate ferrofluid-cooled er 250 W; sens 90 dB sPL/W/m; imp 7.3 ohms.
face driver; press -connector inputs accept banana dome tweeter. FR 65-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power 26.5" w x 33.25" h x 24.5" d; 92 Ibs; oak or wal-
plugs or up to 12 gauge wire; sub -bass activator; range 10-100 W nns; sens 91 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 nut finishes $2,250/pr
tufflex transmission block; ferrofluid cooled; pro- ohms. Oak vinyl finish. 14.5" w x 33" h x 11.5" d;
tection circuits; acoustical attenuator; circular 37 lb $300/pr P -8A Floor -Standing 3 -Way Speaker
metal grille. Standard finish walnut and oak, Damped pentagonal pyramid speaker with no re-
available in Scandinavian rosewood, black, or HS -15 2 -Way Speaker sistors. Features 12" damped -cone passive rad; 8"
white lacquer. FR 44-21,000 Hz ± 4 dB; sens 90.2 Compact speaker with high -strength mesh grille, polypropylene cone woofer; 3" dome midrange;
dB sm./m/2.83 V; power range 15-120 W; peak 6.25" cone woofer, 2 2.75" cone tweeters. Dark 2" ribbon tweeter; discteck wiring; polypropylene
handling 203 W; imp 8 ohms. 32.5" h x 11.5" x gray finish; mirror -image pairs; FR 55-20,000 Hz; capacitors series circuit; quasi 12-dB/crossover.
11.5" at base tapering to 9.25" x 9.25" at top; 29 max power 45 W; imp 8 ohms. 8.12" w x 13.87" h FR 34-20,000 Hz ± 2 dB; min power 25 W; max
lb $1,000/pr x 9.62" d; 10 lb $250/pr power 150 W; sans 90 dB sPL/W/m; imp 7.3
ohms. 18.5" w x 23.5" h x 18.5" d; 54 lbs. Oak or
Ohm C, Speaker walnut finishes $1,100/pr
Features 10" polypropylene driver with 38 -oz fer- PARASOUND
rite magnet; 1.5" liquid -cooled voice coil; penta- AWs280 All -Weather Speaker P-6 2 -Way Speaker
vented liquid -cooled 1" soft dome tweeter; 10 -oz Ported bookshelf speaker designed to function Speaker with specially shaped internal bracing
ferrite magnet; 2,400 Hz/14,000 Hz Sub -Bass Ac- outdoors year-round. 6" polypropylene cone system. Features 6.5" polypropylene cone woofer;
tivator; vented (quasi -third order Butterworth fil- woofer, labyrinth bass loading, 1.5" poly cone 1" dome tweeter. FR 45-22,000 Hz ± 2.5 dB; pow-
ter); press connectors; 0.62" flakeboard stock - tweeter. High -density particle -board beige enclo- er handling 60 W; sans 91 dB sPL/W/m; walnut
oiled walnut finish, oak on special order. FR 37- sure with molded outer shell and mounting or oak veneer; 14.5" w x 18" h x 8.25" d; 22
21,000 Hz ± 4 dB; imp 4 ohms; 26.36" h x 15" w hooks. FR 65-20,000 Hz ± 4 dB; power range 10- lbs $495/pr
x 11.75" d $750/pr 60 W; sans 88 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms. 10" w x
14.5" h x 9.5" d; II lb $245/pr WP -1 Wall -Mounting 2 -Way Speaker
1XO Floor -Standing Speaker Transmission -line speaker with discteck wiring
Bass -reflex speaker features inverted conical sur- CPI -440b1 Compact Perfect Image Speaker and polypropylene capacitors. Features 6.5" poly-
face driver; press -connector inputs accept banana 2 -way speaker with 4" high -compliance carbon - propylene cone woofer; I" dome tweeter. FR 40-
plugs or up to 12 -gauge wire; tuffiex transmission fiber -reinforced polypropylene cone woofer and 20,000 Hz ± 2.5 dB; min power 15 W; max power
block; ferrofluid cooled; protection circuits; I" ferrofluid-damped soft -dome tweeter with 60 W; sens 91 dB sPL/W/m; imp 7.6 ohms. 13.5"
acoustical attenuator; circular metal grille. Wal- acoustic blanket. Nondiffraction cabinet; 1st -or- W x 36" h x 3.44" d; 23 lbs. Black grille
nut finish. FR 48-20,003 Hz ± 4 dB; sens 90 dB der network with polypropylene capacitor; 4th - face $495/pr
leap is a trademark of American PAotors. Walkman and Discman are trademarks of Sony Cap.
For those of you who have wanted to listen to high quality Walkman'" or Stereo TV Receiver to the latest portable CD
sound both in and out of the listening room, your wait is over. players. A oattery pack, DC adaptor, and carrying case
AR's new Powered Partners' stereo loudspeakers are unlike featuring Music Windows with Velcro' closures, are optional
any portable or transportable speakers to date. They feature touches of perfection.
an individual powerful amplifier, a 4" woofer and 1" tweeter Simply put, the Powered Partners deliver the best sound
in each impact -resistant, black crackle, cast aluminum you can carry. No surprise. They come from AR, the company
enclosure. They also feature individual volume and tone that's beer making speakers sound great
controls, inputs for anything from an FM or cassette for 32 years.
Steeped audio
breakthrcughs and As the world's first High Voltage/High Current power
advanced designs. arripthers. the 200 -Watt -per -channel' Citation
Harman <ardons twenty-two and the 100 -Watt -per -channel' Citation
CAticri division intro- twenty-forir redefine amplfier design. With just the
duce° the world's flick of a switch, their exc'usne High Voltage/High
first Uira4'ideband Current technology lets you select the optimum
amplifier in 1963- mode for driving either 8 Ohm or 4 -Ohm loud-
the Citation 2 speakers. The result is higher power output and
vac rum tube ampli- cleaner clearer sound than any traditional design,
fier In 1g2. the without distortion, overheating or current limiting.
Citation '4 the first
In an area where the smallest interference can result
FM stereo tuner with
Dr Saner Harman Founder and Chairman in the biggest problems, te new Citation twenty-one.
ot Haman Kardon Phase Locked Loop
preampl(ier further ensures accurate signal repro-
(PL) MPX decoding
duction its symmetrical circuitry and many
was introduced. In 1977 The 150 -Was -per -channel
design Rfinements offer the most precise
Citation 19 became the first power amplifier to
amplification, for a difference you can hear
feature low negative feedback 1961 saw the
introduction of the Citation XX Its exciLsive High
instantaneous Current Cagabikty design
provided the instantaneous curter! !expired to
precisely drive and contro, any loudspeaker system.
Now just as the original Oration separates GoldiNaled input
established design innovatons that were years tacks on the
Citation twenty-
ahead of their time. the new Citaton series sets the one preamplifier
standards for the decade -o come. Provide reduced
signal loss and
The new Citation twenty-three mates tuner design improved long-
term conductivity
history as the world's first 4ctive Trackiag tuner and
the worlds first synthesize.1 tuner with 4nalog Fine
Tuning. This patented system delivers two aspects Citation's attention to detail can be seen
of tuner performance that were p-ewously mutually as well as heard. The heavy rolled-steel
exclusive high selectivity and high Prdetty Its rubber-nounted chassis creates a solid
superior adjacent vibrator -free environment that combines
world class styling with sophisticated
and elte'nate channel
rejector lets you American Industrial design.
tune r 'pore stations The new Citation series Prom Harman Kardon. The
witi more fidelity next generation of the world's premier high fidelity
than 41.33 ever before components.
possible For more information and yoir nearest dealer call toll free
1 800 525-7000 Ext. 165 or write 240 Crossways Park West.
Box 9165 Woodbury. New York 11797
A tIon:wgb analySIS cA
internal larcJI and a stncl
cod ot surnmetndal cIrcuary
enSare ap. I accurate repro
ducaon d ire music signal
Enigma Dipole Subwoofer
Free-standing enclosureless single -source moving -
coil subwoofer with electronic crossovers and all
More than
cables. Features fail-safe over -excursion protec-
tion device; 2 self-contained signal generators; ac-
tive 3rd -order (18 dB/octave) electronic cross-
just a
overs with FET/polystyrene highpass and FET/
polycarbonate lowpass design; straight -through
(no switch contacts or controls) highpass and
gold Tiffany input and output jacks; internal -sys-
tem polarity testing; 1" solid rock -maple speaker
frame; front -panel switch for before/after com-
a complete
paring; optional 450-W MOSFET drive amp. Min
power 50 W; max power 600 W continuous, 1,200
W pulses; sens 88 dB sPL/W/m at 50 Hz; imp 6
ohms min. Solid exotic hardwood finish. Without
amp $2,495 ea
1500 Concert Monitor
Computer -tuned 2 -way bass -reflex, mirror -im-
aged pairs with matched parts. 1" horn -loaded
soft -dome tweeter with free-floating dome sus-
pension; 15" woofer with high -gauss linear forced SIGNET
motor and epoxy potting. FR 28-23,000 Hz ± 3 SL -100
dB; sens 102 dB sPL/W/m; min power 20 W;
max power 250 W; imp 8 ohms. 34.75" x 18" x
16"; 90 lbs ea; walnut grain vinyl; base at-
tached 5900/pr The Ferrallipse Acoustic Lens
700 Concert Monitor
combines and focuses the output
Computer -tuned 2 -way bass -reflex mirror -imaged Many speakers offer a reasonable of two precision 1" high frequency
pairs with matched parts. 1" horn -loaded soft - illusion of simple left -right stereo. transducers to achieve truly uni-
dome tweeter with free-floating suspension; 12" And some can also provide well- form 120° dispersion coupled with
woofer with high -gauss linear forced motor and
epoxy potting. FR 32-23,000 Hz ± 3 dB; sens 101 balanced, full -range sound. But the uncommonly high power handling
dB sPL/W/m; min power 15 W; max power 200 new SL -100 loudspeaker system from capacity.
W; nominal impedance 8 ohms. 27.75" x 14.36" x Signet goes a significant step further. Before you select a speaker system,
12"; 45 lbs ea; walnut grain vinyl; with 10"
stands $700/pr It reaches beyond the speakers' visit your Signet dealer. Bring your
physical location to precisely most demanding analog or digital
500 Concert Monitor recreate the spatial dimensions of recordings, and your memories of
Computer -tuned 2 -way bass -reflex mirror -imaged
pairs with matched parts. 1" horn -loaded soft - the original recording. how music really sounds. Then sit
dome tweeter with free-floating suspension; 10" This three-dimensional accuracy down, relax, and close your eyes.
high -gauss plastic -coated woofer. FR 34-23,000 is achieved by a patented break- You'll be transported by a remarkably
Hz ± 3 dB; sens 98.5 dB sPL/W/m; min power 10
W; max power 200 W; imp 8 ohms. 23.36" x through in directivity control: the convincing sonic illusion. The new
12.12" x 11.88"; 38 lbs each; walnut grain vinyl; Ferrallipse Acoustic Lens.* A remark- Definitive Image Loudspeaker,
with 10" stands 5500/pr able dual -ellipsoid sonic reflector, only from Signet.
100 Concert Monitor
it was originally presented to the Ferrallipse. is a registered trademark of
Phase Coherent Audio, Inc.
Computer -tuned 2 -way bass -reflex mirror -imaged scientific community at the Audio
pairs with matched parts. 1" horn -loaded soft - Engineering Society Convention on
dome tweeter with free-floating suspension; 6"
high -gauss plastic -coated woofer. FR 38-23,000
Hz ± 3 dB; sens 96 dB sPL/W/m; min power 5
W; max power 150 W; imp 8 ohms. 16.75" x 9" x
9.5"; 20 lbs each; walnut grain vinyl; with 26"
October 14,1985. A reprint of the AES
paper is available on written request.
The Signet SL -100 loudspeaker is its
first commercial audio application.
4701 Hudson Drive, Stow, OH 44224
stands 5300/pr
Hz at 16 dB below average level; max power 120
SB-RX50 Bass -Reflex Bookshelf Speaker W music; sens 92 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms.
2 -way speaker with 9.5" flat -diaphragm woofer Simulated woodgrain finish. 12.78" w x 25.59" h
and coaxial 1.12" flat -diaphragm tweeter. Can be x 10.56" d; 18.7 lbs $220/pr
placed upright or sideways without affecting
sound quality. FR 30-48,000 Hz at 16 dB below SB-L35 2 -Way floor -Standing Speaker
average level; max power 160 W music; sens 87 Bass -reflex speaker with 10" cone woofer, 2.12"
dB sPL/W/m; imp 6 ohms. Wood finish. 11.89" cone tweeter. FR 42-22,000 Hz at 16 dB below av-
w x 18.92" h x 11.09" d; 36.4 lbs $920/pr erage level; max power 100 W music; sans 92 dB
sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms. 12.78" w x 25.16" h x
SB-R200 Wall -Mounting 3 -Way Speaker 8.97" d; 16.3 lbs $150/pr
Passive radiator speaker with concentric coaxial
honeycomb -disc drivers, passive radiator outside. Micro Series
all in the same plane for phase linearity. Reset -
table thermal relay protection; internally shield- SB-F2MK2 Mini Honeycomb -Disc Speaker CS 2 Coherent Source Speaker
ed. Includes wall kit, angled stands, flat speaker Sealed -box speaker in die-cast metal enclosure. Floor -standing ported speaker with 8" cone woof-
cables. 12.5" passive radiator; woofer; tweeter. FR Internally shielded. Resettable thermal relay pro- er, 3" cone midrange, and 1" dome tweeter. Com-
65-25,000 Hz ± 5 dB; max power 160 W music, tection. Protective metal grilles. Switchable 4/8 - pletely time and phase coherent. Time coherence
80 W DIN; imp 8 ohms; available in black; 19.8 ohm imp; tripod mountable. Linear -phase design. achieved with sloping baffle; phase coherence
Ibs; 23.88" x 14.88" x 3.75" d $675/pr Contains 5.5" honeycomb disc woofer; 1.12" hon- achieved with synthesized first -order crossover
eycomb disc tweeter. FR 55-33,000 Hz ± 5; max networks. Features anti -diffraction grille; cast -
SB-X700A Ported Floor -Standing Speaker power 100 W music, 50 W DIN; sens 88 dB sPL/ magnesium driver baskets; polypropylene cross-
Honeycomb -disc speaker with thermal relay pro- W/m; impedance 4/8 ohms; metallic enclosure; over capacitors. FR 38-20,000 Hz ± 2 dB; power
tection; easy connections; 12" woofer; 3.12" mid- II lbs; 6.25" wide x law high x 6.75" range 50-250 W; sens 87 dB sPL/W/m; imp 6
range; 1.12" tweeter. FR 35-30.000 Hz ± 10 dB; deep 5370/pr ohms. Oak, walnut, black, rosewood, teak finish-
max power 180 W; sans 90 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 es. 12" w x 39" h x 12" d; 62 lb $ I .550/pr
ohms; walnut grain finish; 15.33" w x 27.33" h x SB-R100 Passive -Radiator Speaker
12.88" d; 39.6 lbs $550/pr Ported speaker for wall mounting. Features 3 CS1 Coherent Source Speaker
concentric coaxial honeycomb -disc drivers, outer- Floor -standing bass -reflex speaker with 7" cone
SB-X500A Rprted floor -Standing Speaker most of which is a passive radiator, all in the woofer and 1" dome tweeter. Features complete
Honeycomb -disc speaker with thermal relay pro- same plane for phase linearity; resettable thermal time coherence by sloping baffle; complete phase
tection; easy connections; 10" woofer; 3.12" mid- relay protection; internally shielded; includes coherence by synthesized first -order crossover
range; 1.12" tweeter. FR 37-30,000 Hz ± 10 dB; wall -mounting kit and flat speaker cables. Con- system; anti -diffraction grille; polypropylene
max power 130 W; sans 90 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 tains 10" (outer diameter) honeycomb -disc pas- crossover capacitors; cast -magnesium woofer
ohms; walnut -grain finish; 14.19" w x 24.81" h x sive radiator; honeycomb -disc woofer; I honey- chassis; 30 -mm thick cabinet panels; real wood
12.88" d; 33 lbs $420/pr comb -disc midrange; I honeycomb -disc tweeter. veneer. Frequency response 56-17,000 Hz ± 2 dB;
FR 70-25.000 Hz = 5 dB; max power 100 W mu- power range 40-150 W rms; sensitivity 87 dB
SB-RX30 2 -Way Bookshelf Speaker sic, 50 W DIN; sens 87 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 sPL/W/m; impedance 6 ohms. Teak, oak, walnut,
Bass -reflex speaker with magnetic shielding for ohms; finished in black; 9.9 Ib; 12.36" w x 12.36" black, or rosewood finishes. 10.5" wide x 36"
placement near TV's. Features 9" flat -diaphragm h x 2.5" d $325/pr high x 10.5" deep; 41 lb $950/pr
woofer and 1.12" flat -diaphragm coaxial tweeter.
FR 44-30.000 Hz at 16 dB below average level; SB-FIMK2 Mini Honeycomb -Disc Speaker
max power 120 W music; sens 88 dB sPL/W/m; Sealed -box speaker in die-cast metal enclosure; TRIAD DESIGN
imp 6 ohms. Wood finish. 10.56" w x 14.97" h x Internal shielding: resettable thermal relay pro- System Two Speaker
8.97" d; 16.5 lbs $420/pr tection; protective metal grille; switchable 4/8 - Floor -standing acoustic -suspension speaker sys-
kst -
Headphones that work with your ears,
HA610 Open -Air Stereo Headphones not against them.
Lightweight headphones feature moving -coil
drivers and a double headband for lightweght
comfort. Sens 105 dB at I mW; max input 100
mW. 7.1 oz. with cord S50
KPL/1 Headphones
ONKYO EAH-Z17 0.16 -Oz Earphones
Pivoting earcups ultra lightweight, .25" adapter. DP -G4 Circumaural Headphones In black, pink, or blue, with matching cassette -
2 oz $10 Light -contact -over -the -ear headphones with soft style case. Max input 50 mV (119 dB); imp 26
leatherette adjustable headband. Features high ef- ohms; sens 102 dB SPL/mW; 3.3 -ft straight
KFF/100 Headphones ficiency and wide dynamic range for digital cord $10
Red/blue/yellow lightweight stereophones. In- sources. FR 10-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; imp 32 ohms;
cludes .25" adaptor. Sens 100 dB; imp 35 ohms; 2 max power 150 mW; sens 111 dB at I mV/ch at
oz $10 1,000 Hz. 0.25" connector. 5 oz $52
CD -4 Headphones
DP-L2X Dynamic Headphones For digital or analog playback, lightweight. FR
Supra -aural headphones with 28mm tangential - 20-20,000 Hz; sens 110 dB W/m. 7.5 ft cord with
The listings are based on data edge diaphragm for improved deep bass response. standard gold plated plug $60
provided by the manufacturers. For Special earpad adjusts to individual ear contours.
more product information, contact Mini connector and mini -to -0.25" adaptor includ- CD -2 Stereo Headphones
an authorized dealer or the ed. FR 15-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; imp 30 ohms; max Headphone for digital or analog playback. Sa-
power 100 mW; sens 110 dB at 1 mV/ch at 1,000 marium Cobalt drivers, lightweight. FR 20-20,000
manufacturer directly. Manufacturers' Hz. 2 oz $44 Hz; 7.5 ft cord with standard stereo plug; Y type
addresses and phone numbers are 4 -conductor cord $45
listed in the directory DP-LIX Dynamic Headphones
beginning on page 226. Supra -aural lightweight folding headphones with CD -1 Elliptical Shaped Headphones
volume control and stereo/mono selector. Mini Intermediate size eliptical shaped headphone. FR
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product information?
Whenever an advertised product sounds
interesting, turn up the volume!
to get the detailed facts and figures you
need to make sound purchasing
Manufacturers are only too glad to send TODAY
you their and without
obligation. Digital music has challenged the engineering capabilities of the
world's leading headphone manufacturers.
AZDEN CORPORATION (A leader in transducer technology for 35
Just make a note of the Readers Service years) proudly introduces 3 new models designed to provide maximum
Number at the bottom of an ad, and circle performance for Compact Disc, Digital Audio Tape, and standard analog
record/tape formats.
that number on one of the FREE INFOR- Utilizing the latest state-of-the-art designs, matenals, and manu-
facturing techniques, Azden delivers great performance and maximum
MATION SERVICE cards in this issue. comfort.
DSR-50 (Full-sized headphone) $79.95
Fill in your name and address and drop the DSR-48 (Lightweight headphone) 69.95
DSR-88 (In -ear earphone) 44.95
card in the mail. No postage necessary. As with all great audio products the proof is in the listening. For more
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ON, TURN TO A AZDEN. 147 New Hyde Park Road
Franklin Square, NY 11010 (516)328-7500
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Whenever an advertised product sounds interesting, turn up the
Use our FREE INFORMATION SERVICE to get the detailed facts and
figures you need to make sound purchasing decisions.
Manufacturers are only too glad to send you their
literature ... free and without obligation.
Just make a note of the Reader Service Number at the bottom of an
ad, and circle that number on one of the FREE INFORMATION
SERVICE cards in this issue. Fill in your name and address and
drop the card in the mail. No postage necessary.
ACCUPHASE BY MADRIGAL 6000 -SF. Similar to model 6000 but also contains ±3 dB; S/N -118 dB; THD 0.005%; IMD
a built-in subsonic filter (18 dB/octave below 15 0.01%. 17" w x 2.75" h x 8.5" d; 5 lbs $259
G-18 33 -Band Graphic Equalizer Hz) $181
Third -octave stereo graphic equalizer with sepa- Octave Plus Equalizer
rate power supply for each ch; fully balanced in- Unit combines 10 -band octave graphic equalizer,
puts and outputs; 66 individual filter amps, each AUDIO CONTROL warble tone generator/analyzer, measurement
with discrete components and operating with c -l01 Series Two Equalizer/Analyzer mike. Features center frequencies 31.5, 63. 125,
constant Q throughout their range of 4.3; cham- Stereo graphic equalizer features 101 -LED spec- 250, 500, lk, 2k, 4k, 8k, 17k Hz; max 12 dB boost
pagne -gold or black -anodized finish. S/N 110 dB. trum analyzer display that operates on various or cut; stereo warble tone source adjustable to
17.5" w a 6.31" h x 14.81" d; 26.4 lb .... $3,650 levels; shows controllable peak -reading modes each band center via rotary switch. 2 -position
(fast/slow); horizontal LED's indicate SPL; range buttons; -20 to +3 dB lighted meter regis-
FISL Electronic Crossover switchable calibration levels from 2/dB/LED tering mike input; 18 dB/octave infrasonic filter,
For stereo bi- or triamplification; plug-in boards (analyzes pink noise and mike) to 4 dB/LED source/tape monitoring. FR 3-100,000 Hz ± I
select crossover frequencies and slopes; 0.5 -dB - (displays wider dynamic range). Center frequen- dB; THD 0.008%; input imp 100,000 ohms; out-
per -step level controls from 0 dB to 20.5 dB for cies 32, 60, 120. 480, 960, 1,920, 3,840, 7,680, and put imp 150 ohms; S/N 116 dB, charcoal face-
passbands. S/N 100 dB; 18.3 Ib; 17.5" w x 4.4" h 15,500 Hz; boost/cut range max 15 dB; -1 dB plate $239
x 14.7" d $2,425 subsonic rolloff at 25 Hz, -3 dB rolloff at 20 Hz,
-21 dB rolloff at 10 Hz; variable input level sens Ten Series Two Equalizer
ACE AUDIO with calibration; auto mike/line input switching; Stereo graphic equalizer with video/sound input
pink -noise generator; stereo paired equalizer slid- and switching, 18 dB/octave infrasonic filter.
6000-6 Transient -Perfect Electronic Crossover ers; 18 dB/octave subsonic filter; phase correla- Features LED's in slide controls; flashing LED to
Designed for optimum transient performance at tion rumble reducer circuit. FR 3-100,000 Hz indicate when in tape EQ mode. Center frequen-
any crossover frequency; passes perfect square ± 0.75 dB; distortion 0.009%; hum and noise cies 31.5, 63, 125, 250, 500, 1 k. 2k, 4k, 8k, 16k
waves. With 1frequency module (interchange- -116 dB; 10,000 Hz bandwidth; input/output im- Hz; boost/cut range max 12 dB; FR 3.100,003
able), 6 dB/octave slope, dual level controls. Dis- pedance 100k/I50 ohms; 19" wide x 6.5" high x Hz ± 1 dB; THD 0.005%; S/N 120 dB ... S229
tortion 0.002%; noise <95 dB; 2.25" h x 6" w x 3.5" deep $429
4.36" d $175 Video Soundtracker
Ten Plus Series Two Equalizer Stereo synthesizer with dynamic noise reduction
6500-DSB Electronic Crossover Stereo 10 -band equalizer with LED indicators in and 5 -band equalizer for television or VCR
Designed to operate with any pair of stereo sub - slide controls with warble tone analyzer Features sound. Frequency centers at 60, 250, 1,000, 3,500,
woofers to provide extra bass below 100 Hz; twin video sound input and switching; 18 dB/octave 10,000 Hz; Digital stereo synthesizer; 14 -dB noise
level controls; Bessel filters provide optimum infrasonic filter. tape EQ with flashing LED reduction at 7,000 Hz. FR 10-15,750 Hz ± I dB;
slope and improved group delay; any frequency warning indicator; calibrated mike with response S/N -80 dB; THD 0.05%; 17" w x 2.5" h a 6" d;
available from 40-200 Hz; slope 12 dB/octave, curve; sound pressure meter with 0 dB LED. FR 6 lbs $159
distortion typically 0.002% at 2 V output; in- 3-100,000 Hz ± IdB; THD 0.07%; S/N 120
cludes 1 plug-in frequency module $156 dB $329 Oetave Equalizer
6500 -SF. Similar to model 6500-DSB but also Features paired -octave slider controls, tape re-
contains a built-in subsonic filter (18 dB/octave Richter Scale Series Ill Equalizer/Analyzer cord EQ; 18 dB/octave subsonic filter. FR 3-
below 15 Hz) $181 Designed to enhance bass response; perfect for in- 100,000 Hz ± 1 dB; S/N 118 dB; THD 0.008%;
tegrating subwoofer and satellites, smoothing 17" w x 2 5" h x 6" d; 6 lbs $149
5000-6 Subwoofer Electronic Crossover transition from bass to middle frequencies; com-
For mono subwoofers; crossover frequency 100 bines six -band half -octave bass equalizer, warble
Hz (other frequency optional: extra charge $16). tone analyzer, programmable Linkwitz-Riley 24- AUDIO DESIGN ASSOCIATES
Provides 18 dB/octave slope on subwoofer; 6 dB/ dB/octave electronic crossover; measurement EQ-5 Stereo Equalizer
octave on satellites for smoothest overall re- mike; center frequency slide controls at 22.5, Two channel, 5 -band equalizer with ± 0 dB range
sponse. More than 1 subwoofer can be connected; 31.5, 45, 63, 90 and 125 Hz, ± 12 dB; stereo war- and unity gain controls; Features bypass switch;
built-in bridging amp; 1% precision compo- ble tone source adjustable to each center band via power switch and indicator; external DC power
nents $161 rotary knob; -20 to +6 dB lighted meter register- supply; compact design; standard EIA rack -
5000 -6 -SF. Similar to 5000-6 but also contains ing mike input; 18 dB/octave infrasonic filter; mountable. Frequencies 37 Hz/109 Hz/675 Hz/
built-in subsonic filter (18 dB/octave below 15 source/tape monitoring; equalize program; low - 1,300 Hz/15,900 Hz; FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; s/
Hz) $186 frequency (12 dB/octave at 200 Hz) summing cir- N 85 dBl THD 0.05%. 2 Ib; 19" w x 1.75" h x 5.5"
cuit for rumble reduction; frequency point pro- d $659
5000 Subwoofer Electronic Crossover grammable (24 dB/octave) electronic crossover
Designed to operate with subwoofers or mini circuit for subwoofer and biamplification modes;
speaker systems. Features level control, defeat mono and inverted mono outputs for bridging; AUDIONICS BY FOSGATE
switch. Crossover 18 dB/octave at 100 Hz; noise gold jacks. FR 3-100,000 Hz ± 1dB; THD SD -3 Dolby Surround
-90 dB; distortion 0.025% at 2 V out, 0.01% typ- 0.005%; input imp 100,000 ohms; output imp 150 Dolby Surround'", Pro -Logic"' surround audio
ically; 2.25" h x 6" w x 4.36" d $161 ohms, S/N 120 dB $349 processor. Provides high seperation of Dolby Sur-
Kit $120 round software utilizing newly developed Dolby
5000 -SF. Similar to 5000 but includes subsonic Phase -Coupled Activator Laboratories technology. All technical specifica-
filter. 18 dB/oct below 15 Hz $186 Detects and dig.tally reconstructs fundamental tions are essentially identical to Dolby Labs
musical frequencies attenuated in the recording CAT -I50 theatre processor. Built in 40 W/ch
6000 Electronic Crossover processes. Propnetary intelligent circuitry dis- amp; pink noise generator for speaker calibration
Designed for bi- or tri- (with 2 6000s) amplifying. criminates between sound sources, passing some with autosequencing, and logic derived center
Features plug-in frequency module; built-in pow- (like most voices) without adding spurious lows, front channel. Variable time delay; infrared re-
er supply; IS crossover frequencies, 200-10,000 while restoring missing musical fundamentals. mote control; All analog circuitry operates in
Hz at 12-dB/octave; 2 tweeter level controls. Features in/out switch; subsonic filter 18 dB/oct; class A mode. FR L/R front 20 -20,000 Hz ± 1 dB;
THD and IMD 0.002%; input imp 220 k/ohms; programmable electronic crossover; crossover CF 103-20000 Hz ± 1 dB; Dolby surround out-
output imp 100 ohms; hum and noise -90 dB; 6" output level; tape monitor; detection ratio sensi- puts -3 dB at 7500 Hz; s/N front channels typicl-
w x 4.36" d x 2.25" h $156 tivity adjustment; rack mount. FR 5-100,000 Hz ly 90 dB $795
R( :A
MSP400 Dolls) Surround Sound Processor
are manufacturers' suggested retail prices
Dimensia surround sound processor with built in (also referred to as list prices);
amplifier and Dimensia remote operation. Fea- actual selling prices are set by individual dealers.
tures Dolby Surround; simulated surround; the-
ater surround; stadium surround; front/rear All prices are subject to change without notice.
channel volume with mute; loudness; bass boost;
d $99.95
ACE AUDIO GFS-6. Similar to above except handles up to 6 APATURE BY ACR
4100 -X -24b Infrasonic/Ultrasonic Filter SP -518 Speaker Cable
Active filter designed to eliminate infrasonic 518 strands of electrolytic copper speaker wire
(turntable and record) noise and ultrasonic (RF, with 7 bundles of 37 36 -gauge wires per conduc-
high -frequency noise, etc.) interference. Infrason- tor; ultraflexible PVC jacket $350
ic rate 24 dB/octave below 20 Hz; ultrasonic sec- SP -134. Same as SP -518 but with 134
tion rate 12 dB/octave above 20,000 Hz. Distor- strands $195
tion 0.002% at 2 V output $142
pairs of speakers $149 95 LSD Silver Cable
4000-X-24 Super Infrasonic Filter GFS-6W. As GFS-6 but with stylish white front Linear Synthesized Digital cable for compact disc
Combined active Besse' and passive filter sections panel $199 95 players.. balanced line: 8 conductor with Teflon.
provide low phase shift and an ultra -sharp cutoff GFS-6S. With silver front panel $199.95 0.5 -meter set $40
(24 dB/octave); removes all infrasonic distur- RM-3. Optional rack -mount adaptors for GFS- 1 -meter set $50
bances; individually hand -calibrated. Distortion 6 S20/pr 2 -meter set $65
0.002%; response -3 dB at 20 Hz (24 dB/oc- RM-3W. RM-3 in white $25/pr
tave) $132 RM-3S. RM-3 in silver 525/pr Gold Interconnect Cables
Patch cords for audio and video patch components.
4100 Infrasonic/Ultrasonic Filter 0.5 -meter set
Active filter with infrasonic section rolloff 18 dB/ a/d/s/ 1 -meter set
octave below 20 Hz; ultrasonic sction rolloff 12 B3 Storage Module -Featured on cover 2 -meter set 524
dB/octave beyond 20,000 Hz; IMD 0.002% typi- Stackable wooden cube divided into 3 sections by
cal, 20-20,000 Hz $108 2 vertical dividers. Tambour door in front slides
up into top of unit. Each section holds about 33 AUDIO DESIGN ASSOCIATES
4000b Subsonic Filter LP's (about 99 total per unit). With optional 12 - CC -5 Control Center
Low -frequency filter with 4 rear -panel connectors slot trays, each section holds 24 compact discs Computer control center for system 56. Features
providing 18 dB/octave rolloff at 20 Hz or below, (72 total per unit) or 36 cassettes (108 total per central power control; source constantly monitors
-3 dB. For use with direct -coupled receivers, unit). Single unit can hold 33 LP's in 1 section, 24 all room controls; provides 6 source simultaneous
amps, and/or subwoofers. IMD 0.01% at I V CD's in second, and 36 cassettes in third. Length listening; 5 V opto-isolated control inputs; digital
output; input imp 47k ohms; output imp 150 and width matches measurements of Atelier com- source selection. 25 lb; 19" w x 8.75" h x 11"
ohms; min output load 10k ohms; hum and noise ponents. Black or white $249 d $4,100
- 86 dB; 6" w x 4.75" d x 2.25" h $98 B4. Similar to B3 except open front with adjust-
able shelf $:69 SC -1 Remote Control Speaker Selector
3900 Ground Liminator Centrally switches up to 8 pairs of speakers an AC
Designed to break up ground -loop faults in con- power to audio components. Ability to play any
necting cables, thus reducing hum; employs pas- ALLSOP or all pairs simultaneously with control of a
sive circuitry 521 72560 Audio Care System source transport function and main system off.
Kit $16 Includes record cleaning kit, stylus care kit, and LED status indicators display on/off for each pair.
ultraline deluxe audio tape deck cleaning One 10 amp switched outlet. Used in conjunction
kit $39.95 w/ MC -II and MC -110. 19" w x 3.5" h x II"
d $1,395
AR SRC Stereo Remote Control 59000 Rotary CD Cleaning Device SC -10 Remote Control Speaker Selector. Same
Remote control system compatible with all com- Hand -operated wet -system compact disc cleaner as SC -I except additional 2 switched outlets and
ponent audio systems features 8 -bit custom pro- using soft, replaceable pad to clean from center to ability to control power and transport function
grammed microprocessor and 15 -function hand- edge of disc. Gear drive automatically rotates disc for 2 sources. Used in conjunction w/MC-33 and
held remote module. Operating distance 40 feet while cleaning pad is being turned $29.95 MC -330. 19" w x 3.5" h x II" d $2,600
nominal. Remote functions include system on/ SC -88 Remote Control Speaker Selector. Same
off, volume control, balance control, -20 dB 5800 Orbitrac Record Cleaning System as SC -I except additional wire harness assembly
mute, full audio mute, source switching via re- Hand -operated groove -aligning cleaning head for input source readout. Used in conjunction w/
mote tape monitor, left/right speaker compari- that deep -cleans each record groove with replace- DSP-8 preamplifier and MC -1100. 19" w x 3.5" h
son, sleep timer, full memory of control settings able cleaning pads. Suitable for on or off turntable x 11" d $1,495
with power off. Inputs for main, tape monitor, use. Includes orbitrac cleaner, record pad, solu-
and EPI. (external processor loop) return; outputs tion, spray bottle, dirt removal brush, in storage LD-6 Line Driver
for main, tape record, and EPI. send; indicators case $18.95 Accepts all six input sources for system. Provides
for power on, balance centered, and EPL selected. Model 57000. Suitable for on turntable cleaning 600 ohm buffered outputs; balances source levels;
Attenuation range 0-75 dB plus full -off (>85 dB) only, without record pad and case $13.95 AC power control for six sources. 8 lb ...$2,500
in 1.5 dB steps; noise 95 dB below I V rms, A-
wtd; noise decreases with increasing attenuation; 71200 Automatic Cassette Deck Cleaner ASU-10 AC -Switching Unit
THD <0.01%, I Vrms, 20-20,000 Hz; FR 6-60,000 Features replaceable, non-abrasive cleaning car- Provides AC power switching of 8 music sources
Hz ± 0.25 dB; phono cables, battery and instruc- tridges. Dual pad design makes it unnecessary to and 2 power amplifiers. Used in conjunction with
tions included $189.95 turn cassette over to clean both sides of auto -re- SC -88 central controller and DSP-8 preamp. 5 Ib;
verse decks. Suitable for both home and car 19" w x 1.75" h x 8.75" d 5895
decks. Comes with storage box, carrying pouch,
ADCOM and extra set of cleaning cartridges $15.95 MC -11 Remote Room Control
GFS-3 Speaker Selector Provides control over speakers on/off; system off;
Handles up to 3 pairs of speakers with built-in 75100 Cassette Storage System independent R and t. speaker volume; and control
load protection for low -imp loads; headphone Book -shaped cassette storage system for home or of transport functions. System status LED and
output; Twist'n'Lock speaker connectors for travel. Stores tapes in original boxes with labels thermally protected volume controls. Available in
heavy -gauge speaker wire. Can be used with amps showing. Holds 12 tapes and comes with double - wall mount and table top version. Fits into 2 -gang
rated up to 200 W/ch. 7" w x 2.75" h x 5.25" sided tape to secure original tape boxes ... $9.95 electric box. Used with SC -1 $195
PRICES LISTED Soundtraktor
are manufacturers' suggested retail prices Geometric cartridge -alignment device; sets up
turntable to Baerwald parameters; metal con-
(also referred to as list prices); struction $195
actual selling prices are set by individual dealers. Pivotram
All prices are subject to change without notice. For accurate spindle -to -pivot distance for ton-
earm mounting holes SI95
0.25" Mylar Reel Tabs C-911 Autoreversing Cassette Cleaner Stereo Amplifier/Speaker Selector
QM -531. 1,000/pkg $111.39 In cassette shell; contains S-711 fluid to clean Switches 2 stereo amps into single pair of speak-
QM -526. 200/pkg $23.39 heads, capstan, pinch rollers; nonabrasive clean- ers or 2 pairs of speakers from single stereo
QM -521. 50/pkg $7.56 ing band; automatically switches direction in au- amp $150.00
toreverse decks, replaceable pads $12.95
Cassette Mylar Reel Tabs C-912. Replacement pad kit $3.95
QM -522. 50/pkg $6.68
QM -524. 50/pkg $9.22 D-501 Cassette Demagnetizer SK -3 Pm -Preamplifier
In cassette shel: for insertion into decks .. $24.95 Preamp for phono amplification only. Ultra low
distortion, high resolution design. Adjustable
HEYBROOK D-511 Wand Demagnetizer gain for low output mc and high output cart.
HBS-3 Speaker Stand Hand-held plug-in demagnetizer for heads, cap- Gain at i kHz, 37, 50, 64 dB. External power
Loudspeaker stand designed for stable, rigid sup- stans, tape guides, other metal along tape path; supply. Input imp 0-47k. output imp. 300 ohms.
port. 4 adjustable pointed spike feet top and bot- auto shutoff when not in use $21.95 Adjustable high freq. contour $950
tom. 13" w x 10" h x 11" d 5139.95/pr
HBS-1. Like HBS-3 except 18" tall $149.95/pr C-Sl Audio Cotton Swabs SK -2A Pre -Preamplifier
P -5S. 20" speaker stand $89.95/pr 6 long highly polished maple stick; tightly wound Pre -preamplifier for low -output Mc cartridges.
tip mounted with solven-resistant glue .... $2.95 Features ultra -low distortion and high -resolution
HB-2S Speaker Stand design. Gain 24 dB; Bandwidth 0.8-350 kHz; ad-
Metal, wall -mount stand designed for rigid sup- CD -10I Compact Disc Cleaner justable high frequency contour; output imp 300
port. 9.25" w x 10" h x 9.25" d 599.03/pr Chamois -like brush; cleaning solution; disc hold- ohms $750
er $16.95
TS -1 Turntable Wall Shelf CD -102. Replacement cleaning pads $6.95
Metal turntable wall shelf designed to eliminate CD -103. CD cleaning fluid
structural feedback from reaching the turntable. Portable Stereo Speakers
Features adjustable spike feet for leveling. 20" w Mini speakers designed to plug into headphone
x 16" h x 16" d; 12 lb $98
JVC jack of a portable stereo system.
CK-50 Compac: Disc Cleaner KSC/8000. Dual -amplified speakers. 2-250 mW/
Heybrook Interconnects Automatic CD cleaner features speacially pro- ch; 8.9 oz (w/o battery $25/pr
Hand -assembled RCA to RCA interconnect ca- cessed rotating cleaning pad; auto stop mecha- KSC/5000. Mylar-covered diaphram driver and
bles with gold-plated plugs. 3 -ft length $59.95/pr nism $49.95 amplified power booster $ 1 6/pr
KSC/50. Features dual full -range transducers;
AK -I Cartridge -Mounting Kit 3 2 oz $10/pr
Cartridge -mounting kit with high -tensile screws
and nuts; alien key wrench; open-end nut wrench; SRC -4000 Audio Rack LASER BY SWIRE MAGNETICS
overhang protractor $9.95 Basic series component cabinet features tempered
smoked -glass front door; casters; record -storage Tape Accessories
compartment. 19.31" w x 45.81" h x 16.63" Audio Head Demagnetizer $15.99
HIGHPHONIC d $230 Wet Head Cleaner $4.99
BY ANALOG EXCELLENCE Dry Head Cleaner $1.39
MC Step -Up Transformers AT -56 Audio Timer
HP-T7H. For use with 15-40 ohm MC car- Features 24 -hour clock -timer wtih 12 hour FL
CD -2400 Compact Disc Storage Unit
Holds up to 24 CD's. Securing Release Mecha-
PRICES LISTED nism locks disc in slot and releases disc cartridge
are manufacturers' suggested retail prices at a touch. Made of impact -resistant, high-grade
p;astic. Modular design for adding additional
(also referred to as list prices); units. 18.66" w x 4.9" h w 6.75" D; 3.59 lb$29.95
actual selling prices are set by individual dealers. CD -1200. Same as CD -2400 except holds up to 12
CD's. 12.6" w x 3.95" h x 6.75" d; 2.15 11419.95
All prices are subject to change without notice. CD -800. Same as CD -2400 except holds up to 8
CD's. 6.4" w x 4.9" h x 6.75" d; 1.07 lb .. $9.95
Formula 6 CD Protection System Electronic Cassette Demaganetizer Headphone Extension. 20 -ft lightweight stereo
Guaranteed to clean discs safely and protect them Battery -powered head demagnetizing system. headphone extension cable $5.99
from minor scratches; smudge protectant; hun- Eliminates residual magnetism to keep recordings Y -Adapter. Dual -headphone adapter $2.99
dreds of treatments; applicator and base . $14.95 free of noise and distortion. Works in less than 1 Mono Adapter. Mono adapter for stereo head-
sec on any deck $24.99 phones $1.99
Formula 7 Cassette Head Cleaner
Guaranteed to clean tape heads and tape -path Auto Lighter iw Power Adapter
rollers; 2 cassette mechanisms; exclusive formula; Power battery -operated radio, tape player, or per- MICRO SEIKI
0.5 oz $13.95 sonal portable through car lighter socket. Fea- BY ANALOG EXCELLENCE
tures 6 plug types, 5 voltages, and 2 polari- MT-l000l. Step -Up Transformer
Combination Kits ties $14.99 For 3 -ohm MC cartridges. FR 15-60,000 Hz; 13
See above for contents of each formula. cm w x 6.5 cm h x 13 cm d; 12.6 lb $995
Formulas 2 and 3 519.95 Compact Disc Cleaner MT -1000H. For 40 -ohm cartridges $995
Formulas 4 and 5 $24.95 Cleans digital discs for accurate music; restores
uniform disc reflectivity. Includes cleaning solu- MT -500 Step -Up Transformer
Trial -Size Kits tion, pad, bristle brush, and storage case . $14 99 For 3- or 40 -ohm MC cartridges. FR 15-60,000
0.5 oz of each formula. Hz; 13 cm w x 6.5 cm h x 13 cm d; 6.6 lb $595
Formulas 1 and 3 $7.95 Double Pair Stereo Cable
Formulas 2 and 3 $9.95 4 coaxial cables in 1; stranded pure copper con-
Formulas 1, 2, and 3 $13.95 ductors; color -coded RCA phono-type plugs. Gold MISSION ELECTRONICS
plated for maximum signal transfer and interfer- Isoplat Isolation Platform
Microfiber Applicators ence -free reception $11 99 Isolates vibrations and resonances from equip-
10 in each packet $12.50 ment. Design based on critical application of ver-
Deluxe Speaker Cable tical sandwich of highly inert fiberboard and Sor-
LEBO 16 gauge heavy-duty cable (60% more copper bothane feet. Capable of controlling damping vi-
than 18 gauge) and 19 strand pure copper con- brations in all 6 rotational translational
Voyager series nylon carry cases are water resistant ductors for high conductivity and low signal axes $69
and are suitable to carry a variety of personal ac- loss $11.99
cessories. Features include; zippered openings; pad- The Mission Cable
ded construction; adjustable straps. Various colors Safeguard Voltage Spike Protector Speaker cable in 1 pair of separated conductors
are available. Guards against brief high -voltage spikes in stan- made from pure annealed oxygen -free copper
20030 First Class Voyager. For 30 boxed or 48 dard 110-120-V AC outlets $7.99 strands (651 x 0.07 mm) with nominal cross-sec-
unboxed cassettes, with large personal accessory tion of 2.5 mm; marked + and -; conductors laid
pocket, removable tray, detachable, padded Compact Disc Player Dustcover parallel, separated and insulated together in fig-
shoulder strap, handle, color coordinated hard- Soft durable vinyl CD player dustcover with clear ure -eight section; nominal insulation thickness
ware $19.95 front panel for convenient viewing of controls. 0.7 mm; moninal dimension 3.8 x 9.6 mm; direc-
21230 Custom Lite Voyager. For 30 boxed or 48 Available in medium (14" a 12.5" x 3") and large tional, designed for use with "M" of Mission to-
unboxed cassettes, with large personal accessory (18" x 14" x 3") sizes $5.99 wards amp and "n" towards speakers. Specs at
pocket, removable tray $16.95 20° centigrade: single conductor resistance 7.7
21220. Same as above for 20 boxed or 32 unboxed Graphite Filament Record Cleaner ohms/km; inductance 1.6 µH/m; nominal capac-
cassettes $13.95 Cleans and neutralizes static electricity. Features itance 35 pF/m $2.00/ft
21030 Venturer. For 30 boxed or 48 unboxed cas- electrically conductive graphite microbristles that
settes, adjustable shoulder strap $13.95 fully reach into the bottom of record grooves for
25212. For 12 regular or 6 twin box CD's with thorough cleaning $5.99 M.M. NEWMAN
outside personal accessory pocket and detachable Heli-Tube. Spirally cut industrial grade cable
shoulder strap; interior velcro compartment di- Audio Patch Cables wrap. .25", .38",.50" sizes for bundles up to 4"
vider $11.95 Features gold plating for maximum signal trans- dia; 8 ft lengths; 0.50" $2.25
25006. For 6 regular or 3 twin boxed CD's, dta- fer; low capacitance, heavy shielding for truest 0.38" $1.60
chable shoulder strap and belt loop $7.95 sound; 95% braided copper shielding for high fre- 0.25" $1.45
From Spool $9.00/ft
4,309 Transworld Rooc, Sch.Ile. Pork, IL 60176
A Division of International Jensen, Inc
Iwo -Dior
TV Cart Wall Unit Wall TVAIURCatinet
Atidel 72600 Model 80632 Model 0630 Mode 80632 Maki 74636
O'Sullivan (walk): furniture is
available at Fnc audio and
video dealer_, catalog show -
Call or write for a free color brochure O'Sullivan Incase -km Inc 19.11GulfStrcct Lamar, MO 64759 (4175682-3322 moms and r_ta:krs
RC -014 Electronic Static Eliminator justable, retractable top shelf mounted on steel Tape Control Center
Ion gun with trigger control bombards record glides; concealed storage area for tapes and acces- Connects to tape -monitor loop to allow use of
surface with static -neutralizing ion particles; will sories; dual -wheel casters. Bartonwood laminates. three tape decks for monitoring, recording, and
not harm pets, insects, visitors, or furniture$21.95 Overall: 41.25" h x 20" d a 19.5" w, component dubbing; with illustrated manual $25.95
area: 25" h x 15.75" d x 17.88" w, turntable area Micro Head Cleaner
RC -017 Acoustic Shock Absorbers 5.12" h a 15.75" d x 15.75" W $149.95 Nonabrasive tape in microcassette-type shell
4 adjustable shock -absorbing feet help prevent cleans tape path of microcassette machines $2.99
acoustic feedback and allow for leveling turnta- 52192 Audio Cabinet
ble. For use with turntables up to 45 lb .. $21.95 Features tempered, clear -glass lift -lid and door; Mini anc. Micro Tape Tray
black -pebble -grain laminate shelves; adjustable Holds 12 minicassettes or microcassettes; smoke -
CD -040 Compact Disc Maintenance Kit middle shelf; album and/or accessory storage tinted cover $2.49
Includes cleaning cloth, cleaning spray, lens spacel dual -wheel casters. Bartonwood laminate.
cleaner, in album storage box with padded clean- Overall 37.74" h x 15.75" d x 19" w. turntable Tape Recorder Maintenance
ing surface $19.95 area: 5.12" h x 17.62" d, component area: 13.12" Lighted Demagnetizer. 3.5"; for all tape
CD -042. Replacement spray for CD -040 .. $6.50 h a 14.36" d x 17.62" w $89.95 decks $13.95
Universal Demagnetizer. For all tape decks; 2 an-
CC -020 Autoreverse Cassette Cleaner gled tips $9.95
Wet -type cleaning cassette cleans all tape heads, PARASOUND Cassette Head Demagnetizer. In cassette shell;
capstans, and pinch -rollers in autoreverse cassette SAS -22 Spiked Speaker Stands works in I sec; with battery $9.95
decks in 30 sec. Includes cleaning solution and re- Stands adjust up to 22" high; all steel construc- Demagnetizer/Cleaning Kit. Demagnetizer cas-
placement pads $12.95 tion; matte black $85.00/pr sette, probe, mirror, solution, cloth $5.95
Cleaner Cassette. Felt pads clean heads, pinch
RC -013 Record Care Kit LS -20 Steel Speaker Stands roller, capstan; with 0.5 oz of fluid $3.99
Includes walnut record brush with one-way pile; All -steel; matte -black finish; channel conceals 8 -Track Cleaner. Cleans heads and capstan
record cleaning solution to remove dirt and elimi- wires. 22" maximum height. Holds speakers of up rollers; nonabrasive $2.99
nate static; stylus cleaner $16.95 to 50 lb $85.00/pr Cassette Head Cleaner. Removes oxide from
RC -011. Replacement fluid for RC -013 ... $4.95 head and capstan; with fluid $2.69
IS -8 Welded -Steel Speaker Stands Head -Cleaning Kit. With 6 -dram bottle of Freon
RC -010 Carbon Fiber Brush Elevates bookshelf speakers 9" above floor. Holds TF solvent and 6 foam swabs $2.59
Record cleaner with polished carbon fibers to re- speakers weighing up to 150 lbs. Textured matte - Pro -Style Solvent. Freon dissolves dirt and ox-
move dirt from record grooves while built-in cop- black finish $65.00/pr ides on heads; 2 oz $2.39
per -wire grounding system eliminates static build- Head -Cleaning Spray. Removes dirt and oxide
up $9.95 without residue
8 -Track Cleaner. Removes oxide from heads;
RC -016 Disc Coupler Catalyst Interconnect Cables nonabrasive $1.99
Designed to couple the record to the platter for Designed for low series inductance; zero audio Cleaning Swabs. Reusable lintless foam; 10
increased bass response and improved imaging. transfer loss; transposed twin axial internal wire pack $1.95
Includes 2 hubs to fit most spindles $9.95 for low magnetic interference; 1 -end grounded Cassette Head Cleaner. Nonabrasive tape in cas-
shield; gold-plated connectors; connection points sette shell $1.89
RC -018 Alignment Tool machined from solid body; teflon dielectric. Cus- Recorder Cleaning Kit. 2 I.25 -oz bottles of clean-
Phono cartridge alignment tool features mirrored tom lengths available on request. er and lubricant; 10 swabs $1.69
surface with two -point alignment system and cen- 0.5 meter stereo pair $92 Cleaning Cloths. To clean tapes and equipment
ter spindle cutout $4.95 1.0 meter stereo pair $100 dustcovers; 4 pack $1.49
2.0 meter stereo pair $119 Cleaning Sticks. Cotton -tipped 6" wood sticks;
RC -012 Stylus Cleaner 100 pack $1.29
Cleaning fluid removes residue from stylus. In- VTA-16 VTA Tonearm Adjustment Device Head -Cleaner Solution. Cleans heads, tape
cludes fluid and applicator brush $3.49 To adjust tonearm height even while record is guides, capstans, metal parts; 2 oz $0.99
RC -009. Stylus pressure gauge $2.95 playing; tooled :o complement MMT and other "Nonslip" Solvent. Reduces slipping of idler
arms with I6 -mm mounting posts $85 wheels, belts, etc.; fast drying; won't harm rub-
PIB-1 Interface Box
52650 Audio Cabinet Terminates any standard tonearm JIS plug to Cassette Accessories
Solid oak frame & door; finished in oak lami- gold-plated female RCA's; eliminates drag on Tape Splicer. Chrome cut/trim lever; with splic-
nates; 2 adjustable or removable shelves; clear turntable suspension; electrically neutral interface ing tape and instructions $6.49
tempered glass door; casters; Overall 45" h x for interconnect cable $80 Repair Kit. With 32 -page manual, housing, la-
20.75" d x 21.88" w; component area 26.13" h x bels, splicing materials $4.99
17.75" d x 20.5" w $164.95 HS -12 Universal Headshell Hand -Winder. For winding cassettes $3.99
Features solid magnesium; double -lock pins; ad- Index Cards. Fits standard cassette boxes; 20
7920 Entertainment Center justable azimuth. linear-cystal oxygen -free copper pack $1.19
Finished in white laminates with adjustable or re- wire. Includes high -rigidity mounting -hardware Tape Housing. With 24" leader tape and instruc-
movable VCR shelf and ten component shelves. kit $32 tions $1.19
Features pull-out turntable shelf; TV area; tem- HL -29. LC-OFC headshell wires as used in HS - Cassette Boxes. Hinged; clear plastic; 3
pered clear -glass door and twin doors concealing 12 $12 pack $1.19
storage area below. Overall 47.25" h a 15" d x Index Labels. Adhesive; 6 each of red, yellow,
47.88" h; TV area 27.38" h (adj.) 15.38" d a 27" blue, green; total 24 $0.99
w; VCR shelf 6-8" h (adj) x 15.13" d x 27" w; PROTON Molded Mailers. Meets first-class postal regula-
component area 27.38" h x 14.38" d x 19" Equipment racks for audio systems tions; 3 paic $0.89
w $159.95 R12 $249 Budget Mailers. Cardboard boxes with labels;
RI1A $229 meets first-class postal regulations; 6 pack . $0.79
79280 Entertainment Center
Finished in colonial oak laminates with twin tem- Open -Reel Accessories
pered clear -glass doors. Features twin component REALISTIC 7" Metal Reel. With box $6.95
shelving; large TV area for most 19" TVs; twin Walnut -Veneer Audio Cabinet 7" Plastic Tape Reel. $1.39
vein -lined doors concealing storage area; solid Tempered glass door; hinged top, heavy-duty Tape -Reel Holders. Fits most recorders; 2
oak door pulls. Overall 47.25" h x 15.5" d x swiveling casters: software storage space; unas- pack $1.19
48.13" w; TV shelf 21.75" - 20.5" - 19.25" h x sembled. 45" x 18.37" x 17.5" $130 5" Plastic Tape Reel. $0.99
15.5" d x 27.13" w; VCR shelf 4" - 5.25" - 6.5" h x 3" Plastic Tape Reel. With index and timing
15.5" d x 27.13" w; component area 27.13" h x Hickory -Grained Audio Cabinet chart $0.69
13.75" d a 19.13" w $149.95 Full-length tempered glass doors; hinged top; 3
adjustable shelves; storage space for LP's and General Tape Accessories
52550 Audio Cabinet tapes; metal supports; heavy-duty swiveling cast- Bulk Eraser. For all tape except metal and video-
Features twin, tempered clear -glass doors; 3 ad- ers; unassembled; hickory -grained vinyl finish. tape $15.95
justable component shelves; turntable area; ad- 37.5" x 21.25" a 17.25" $120 Editing Block. Aluminum splicer for all tape
tor. Works with rechargeables. Uses 2 AAA bat- RY-278 AM/FM Headphone Receiver
AIWA teries. 2.88" w x 4.19" h x 0.94" d; 7.6 oz . $150 AM/FM-multiplex featherweight headphone ra-
HS-J600A AM/FM Cassette Pocket Stereo dio with adjustable headband that folds up for
Features rechargable battery system; metal/Cr02 HS -T200 Autoreverse AM/FM Pocket Stereo storage. Features foam -padded earpieces; LED
EQ switch; Dolby B; EQ; autoreverse; anti -roll Features metal/chrome EQ switch; Dolby B; anti - stereo indicator; in -out jack; doubles to connect
mechanism; recording capability; battery indica- roll mechanism; battery indicator. Uses 2 AA with other personal or home stereos (connecting
tor. Uses 2 AAA batteries. 2.94" w x 4.5" h x batteries. 3.36" x 4.5" x 1.36"; 10.1 oz $115 cables not included); operates on 2 AA batteries
1.06" d; 9 oz $230 (not included) $25
HS -J600. As above without rechargable battery HS -T360 Autoreverse AM/FM Pocket Stereo
system $210 Features 3 -band graphic EQ; metal/Cr02 tape se- RY-275 AM/FM Pocket Stereo
lector; anti -rolling mechanism; compatible with Includes folding headphones; adjustable elastic
HS-T600A AM/FM Cassette Pocket Stereo rechargeable NiCad batteries. Uses 2 AA batteries arm band; transparent pouch for all-weather use.
Features rechargable battery system; metal/CrOz (not included). 3.38" w x 4.5" h x 1.38" d; 10.01 3.75" x 1.25" x 0.63" $24
EQ switch; Dolby B; EQ; headphones; autoreverse; oz $100
anti -roll mechanism. Uses 2 AAA batteries. 2.94" HS -T260. Same as above without autoreverse and RY-271 Cassette Pocket Stereo
w x 4.5" h x 1.06" d; 8.7 oz $210 graphic EQ $65 Cassette pocket stereo features slide volume con-
trol; stereo headphone; high -impact case. Uses 2
HS-J700A Autoreverse Pocket Stereo HR-SOIMKII AM/FM Pocket Stereo AA batteries. 4.25" x 3.25" x 1.38" $20
Pocket cassette player/recorder with AM/FM ra- Features folding headphones; second headphone
dio. Features stereo recording directly from the jack. Uses 2 AA batteries. 4.6 oz $75 RY-212 AM/FM/Cassette Pocket Stereo
built in tuner or from included one -point stereo Cassette pocket stereo with AM/FM tuner. Fea-
mic; 3 -way autoreverse; 3 FM presets; 4 -band HR -S08 AM/FM Headphone Receiver tures FM -stereo indicator; belt -clip; carrying
graphic EQ for playback; Dolby B (playback); Features double folding headband; FM mono/ - strap; L/R volume controls; stereo headphone.
one -hour battery charge system. AC -200 battery Uses 2 AA batteries. Available blue, black, or
charger/AC adaptors and Ni-cad batteries sup- mauve; 5" x 3.25" x 1.38" $16
plied. Uses 2 AAA batteries. 3.19" w x 4.75" h x
1.19" d; 9.2 oz $200 RY-273 Mini FM Receiver
Features headphon; slide switch for power and
HS -T500 AM/FM Cassette Pocket Stereo volume. Uses 3 A76 button -cell batteries (not in-
Features remote control; music sensor with feath- cluded). 3" x 1.25" x 0.44" $12
er -touch control; metal/CrOz EQ switch; Dolby
B; headphones; auto reverse; anti -roll mechanism; HITACHI
second headphone jack; battery indicator. Works
with rechargeables. Uses 2 AAA batteries. 3.25" w CP-203R AM/FM Cassette Recorder
x 4.5" h x 1.06" d; 9.4 oz $185 With headphones; locking rewind; auto stop. 3.5"
x 5.5" x 1.5"; <1 lb $60
HS -J350 Autoreverse Pocket Stereo
Pocket cassette player/recorder with AM/FM ra- CP 201R AM/FM Cassette Player
dio. Features stereo recording directly from built- Auto stop; fast forward and rewind; FM AFC;
in tuner, built-in electret mic, and optional stereo headphones; carrying clip; needs 2 AA batteries.
stereo switch; 15 mW output; FM wire antenna FR 60-12,000 Hz ± 3 dB with normal tape; w&F
included; uses I AAA battery; weight (with bat - 0.35% wrms. 12 oz; 3.33" w x 5.5" h x 1.36"
tery) 95 grams. Available in red, black or sil- d $30
ver $70
SCP-17 Stereo Cassette Recorder WR66 Pocket AM/FM Stereo Cassette Player
Mono speaker; records in stereo with built-in Mini -size splash -proof cassette player with built-
mics; jacks for external mics; FF and rewind; L in AM/FM tuner. Features specially sealed case;
and R volume controls; compatible with rechar- anti -rolling mechanism; AFC; stereo/mono
geable batteries; case with shoulder strap; needs 2 switch; FM -stereo indicator; auto -stop mecha-
AA batteries. 5" x 3.4" x 1.9" $80 and yellow. 3.44" w x 5.44" h x 1.44" d; 9.35 oz
(without batteries) $29.95
SCP-19 Stereo Cassette Player
Dolby B; autoreverse; EQ switch for all tapes; SONY
LED's for tape direction, batteries; belt clip;
needs 2 AA batteries. 4.75" x 3.5" x 1.4" .. $60 WM-D6C Pocket Cassette Recorder
Features record and play modes; Dolby B & C;
SCP-20 Stereo Cassette Player disc quartz -lock drive system; stereo mini micro-
Equalizer boosts or cuts bands centered at 100, phone jack; anti -rolling mechanism; 3 -way power
1,000, and 10,000 Hz; auto stop; LED for batter- supply. Includes headphones, case, and connec-
ies; detachable belt clip; needs 2 AA batteries. tion cord. Uses 4 AA batteries. 6.74" h x 1.5" w x
4.5" x 3.25" x 1.3" $30 3.75" d; I Ib, 7 oz $380
DX Series GT-II Series Cassette Tape
BASF High bias. 70 -microsecond EQ. Heat -resistant tape,
Metal IV Cassette DX4 Ferric Normal Cassettes shell, and clear plastic case. Dual spring pressure
Metal particle fcrmulation features high perfor- Type -I formulation with extended frequency re- pad.
mance cassette mechanism. sponse. Residual flux density 1,700 Gauss, MOL C-46. 54.39
C120. i20 min $5.99 -4.5 dB at 10 kHz. C-60 $4.89
DX4-90. 90 min. $4 C-90. $6.49
Chromdioxid Maxima II Cassettes DX4-60. 60 min. $3
High -density chrome formulation features high- GT-I Series Cassette Tape
performance cassette mechanism. DX3 Ferric Normal Cassettes Normal bias, 120 µsec EQ car audio cassette with
C90. 90 min $2.99 Improved DX3 offers a 12% increase in both re- heat -resistant tape, shell, and clear plastic case;
C60. 60 min $2.24 tentivity and coercivity yielding better high -fre- tensilized polyester backing.
quency response and dynamic range. mot. -6.0 GT (C-46). 46 min $3.79
Chromdioxid Extra II Cassettes dB at 10 kHz. GT (C-60). 60 min $4.19
Pure chrome formulation features high-perfor- DX3-90. 90 min $3 GT (C-90). 90 min $5.49
mance cassette mechanism. DX3-60. 60 min $2.50
C120. 120 min $2.99
C90. 90 min $2.49 DX1 Ferric Normal Cassettes
C60. 60 min $1.74 Low -noise high -output type I cassette with high All tapes have tensilized polyester base material;
sensitivity and high MOL (-9.5 dB at 10 kHz). tape width 3.81 mm: tape length 135 m: yield
LH Maxima I Cassettes DXI-90. 90 min $2.25 strength (5%) kg; breaking strength 1.0 kg; resid-
Ferric tape with high maximum -output -level for DXI-60. 60 min $1.75 ual elongation 0.05%; squareness ratio 0.85; sens
increased signal -to noise ratio. Features high-per- uniformity a3 dB; output fluctuation a4 dB (ex-
formance cassette mechanism. cept for HD: as dB).
C90. 90 min $1.79
C60. 60 min $1.49 FR Series Cassette Tape HD Normal -Bias Cassettes
Type 1 normal -bias casettes with 120 las EQ and co- Coercivity 340 Oe; retentivity 1.300 Gauss: sens
LH Extra I Cassettes balt -modified fine Beridox particles. +as dB (315 Hz).
Ferric tape with extended sin and precision mech- FR (C-46). 46 min $2.69 C-90. 45 min per side $2
anism. FR (C-60). 60 min $2.99
C90. 90 min $1.49 FR (C-90). 90 min $3.99 HR Normal -Bias Cassettes
C60. 60 min $1.24 Coercivity 340 0e; retentivity 1,500 Gauss sens
FR Series Metal Cassette Tape +1.0 dB (315 Hz).
Metal -coated tape with tensilized polyester base; C-90. 45 min per side $3
DENON designed for metal bias, 70 -u -sec EQ; packaged in
All Denon cassettes feature large window, life -time hinged plastic box. HZ Normal -Bias Cassettes
warranty, head cleaning leader, and transparent, FR (C-46). 46 min $5.79 Coercivity 360 Oe; retentivity 1.600 Gauss; sens
H-shaped slip sheets for optimal back tension. FR (C-60). 60 min $6.39 +2.0 dB (315 Hz).
FR (C-90). 90 min $8.49 C-90. 45 min per side $4
High Density Series
FR -I Super Series Cassette Tape CRX High -Bias Cassettes
HD -M Metal Cassettes Super -premium Type I normal -bias casettes with Cobalt -doped iron -oxide particles. Coercivity 550
High -stability pure metal tape formulation uses 120 fAs EQ and cobalt -modified fine Beridox mag- 0e; retentivity 1.600 Gauss; sens +2.5 dB.
high -density dispersion technology that yields a netic particles. C-90. 45 min per side $5
residual magnetic flux density of over 3,500 FR -I Super (C-46). 46 min $3.79
Gauss and a coercivity of 1,200 Oersted. FR -I Super (C-60). 60 min $4.19 MTX Metal -Bias Cassettes
HDM-90. 90 min $6.50 FR -I Super (C-90). 90 min $5.49 Pure metal particles. Coercivity 1.050 Oe; retenti-
HDM-60. 60 min $5 vity 3.000 Gauss.; sens +2.0 dB (315 Hz)
FR -II Series Cassette Tape C-90. 45 min per side $6
HD8 High -Bias Cassettes Chromium -dioxide cassettes with tensilized polyes-
High -density metal particle formula uses New ter base; designed for Type II/Cr0, bias, 70-p.sec
High Technoroum magnetic pigment to increase equalization; packaged in hinged plastic box. Fea-
residual flux density to 2,800 gauss yielding an tures super -fine Beridox magnetic particles High -Output Cassettes
mot_ of -3.5 dB at 10 kHz. FR -II (C-46). 46 min $3.99 Precision -shell ferric cassette in Norelco box.
HD8-90. 90 min $4.75 FR -II (C-60). 60 min $4.49 XR-90. 45 min per side $2.70
HD8-60. 60 min $3.75 FR -II (C-90). 90 min $5.99 XR-60. 30 min per side $2.10
HD7 High -Bias Cassettes FR -II Super Series Cassette Tape Low -Noise Cassettes
Type -II formulation with extended high -frequen- Super -premium Type II high -bias casettes with 70 Precision -shell ferric cassette in Norelco box.
cy response and low noise. Residual flux density EQ and cobalt -modified super -fine Beridox LN-90. 45 min per side $2.15
1,700 Gauss, mot_ -7.0 dB at 10 kHz. magnetic particles. LN-60. 30 min per side $1.75
HD7-90. 90 min $3 FR -II Super (C-46). 46 min $4.39 LN-30. 15 min per side $1.50
HD7-60. 60 min $4 FR -II Super (C-60). 60 min $4.89
FR -II Super (C-90). 90 min 56.49
HD6 High -Bias Cassettes
Type -II formulation with extended high -frequen- DR Series Cassette Tape ME -PRO!! Metal Cassette Tape
cy response. Residual flux density 1,700 Gauss, DR (C-46). 46 min $2.39 Metal -particle tape with high magnetic density
mot, -6.0 dB at 10 kHz. DR (C-60). 60 min $2.59 and high particle acicularity for high MOL Coer-
HD6-90. 90 min $3.25 DR (C-90). 90 min $3.49 civity 1.100 Oe.
HD6-60. 60 min $2.50 DR (C-120). 120 min $4.99 ME-90PII. 90 min $3.90
audio-technica /tette exlano 22Z-47071
LIANA. 0110Elt TVGINE Co POW. 1145 G. S. s': is DEALERS WANTED
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