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Module 2.6 PowerAnalysis

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Center for Effective Global Action

University of California, Berkeley

Module 2.6: Power Analysis and Sample

1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 3
2. Motivation ............................................................................................................................. 4
3. Definition of Key Terms .......................................................................................................... 7
4. Power Analysis and Sample Design in STATA .......................................................................... 9
5. Power Analysis for Cluster Randomized Control Trials ...........................................................12
6. Bibliography/Further Readings ..............................................................................................13
Learning Guide: Power Analysis and Sample Design

List of Figures
Figure 1. Regression using entire population to demonstrate true population level impact ............... 5
Figure 2. Regression using sample (n = 3000) of population to estimate sample level impacts ........... 6
Figure 3. Regression using sample (n = 50) of population to estimate sample level impacts ............... 6
Figure 4. Power command to estimate MDE ......................................................................................... 9
Figure 5. Power command to estimate power of a given sample ....................................................... 10
Figure 6. Power command to estimate the sample size ...................................................................... 10
Figure 7. Effect of power and alpha on sample size ............................................................................ 11
Figure 8. Effect of sample size in MDE ................................................................................................. 11

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In the first section of this course, we introduced you to various statistical and econometrics
techniques used when analyzing the impact of a program, and introduced you to STATA. So far in
Section 2, we discussed the “missing data” problem of causal inference that we hope to overcome
with different experimental and quasi-experimental methodologies. This module will be slightly
different, as we move towards the set-up a priori an experiment or evaluation of a prospective
project, and how to make sure we have a sufficient sample size to detect an effect if one is actually

In the previous modules we have used statistical tests to determine whether the detected difference
in mean of an outcome between two groups (treatment and control) is statistically significant. We
do so by specifying a null hypothesis that the means are not different from each other, or that the
mean difference is zero. The t-statistic and the p-value help us determine whether we can reject the
null hypothesis on basis of the role of “chance” or sampling error in the observed difference
between the two means. We have covered these concepts in Modules 1.2 and 1.3 already. In the
output of any regression analysis in STATA, the coefficient and its standard error is reported along
with the p-value for a two-sided test to evaluate the null hypothesis that the coefficient is 0. The
norm is to consider coefficients with p-values less than 0.1, 0.05 or 0.01 as statistically significant at
that level. In short, we assessed the probability of detecting a statistically significant impact
(difference in the means), or rejecting the null hypothesis when in reality the null hypothesis was the
truth. Let’s call this latter probability a measurement of “false positive” impact.

What about situations in which we fail to reject the null when in reality an impact occurred? Indeed,
this “false negative” estimate is also of concern in statistical testing. The level of acceptable false
positive and false negative by which evaluators are willing to abide determines the sample size
needed in the study, along with some other population- and intervention-related factors.

It is important to distinguish between a cross-sectional representative sample to measure a

population parameter and a sample to detect the difference between the means of two groups of
populations. In the former, we mainly worry about estimating the sample size necessary to measure
the “expected or assumed” population parameter (e.g. mean income, prevalence of a diseases, etc.)
to a predefined level of precision. In the latter, our main concern is to determine a sample size large
enough to restrict the prevalence of false positives and false negatives to acceptable minimum levels
in measuring “expected” or “assumed” mean difference between two populations.

The objective of this module is to introduce power calculations and sample size determination from
an impact evaluation perspective. However, sample design for measuring a population parameter
for a given precision is a key precursor to understanding these concepts. Therefore, we urge
students to cover the basics of sampling by taking a short online course prepared by Sistemas
Integrales (http://lsms.adeptanalytics.org/course/fscommand/session3/Ses3_eng.html)

This module is not designed to provide in-depth knowledge of theoretical issues involved in sample
design and power analysis, but to give tools and skills in STATA that students can use in
straightforward situations. In reality, sample design is both a science and art; it has to balance
statistical theory with field implementation, logistics, and economics considerations.

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The learning objectives of this module are:

 Understanding the terms minimum detectable effect (MDE), power, and sample size
 Using STATA commands to estimate sample size, determine MDE, and assess the power of
given sample size for randomized control trials
 Understanding the effect of sample design assumptions on power, sample size and MDE


To demonstrate how sample size and power analysis are useful, let’s conduct a simulation in STATA.
We are going to create an artificial program that randomly assigns college education (a dummy
treatment variable equal to 1 for those who are treated) in a population of 3 million individuals. We
then evaluate the impact of college education on weekly earnings (measured in logs). Since we are
generating this artificial data yourself, we will fix in advance that the true impact of this intervention
will be 0.1; in other words, those with college education will have a 10% higher weekly earnings with
respect to those without a college education. We also simulate the natural log of the mean of
income for the control group as 5 (or 148 dollars per week).

After create a dataset with 3 million observations, we generate an unobservable composite variable
u, which we assume is distributed as a standard normal curve. Then we create the random
treatment variable edu_random. Finally, we simulate the natural log of weekly earnings
(lny_random). The effect of edu_random on lny_random in the population can be estimated
by regression analysis. The STATA code is as follows.

* Hypothetical program: 3 million of participants

clear all

set seed 521

*Creating a dataset
set obs 3000000

*Creating variables

generate u = rnormal(0)

generate aux_random=rnormal(0)

generate edu_random=0
replace edu_random=1 if aux_random>0
drop aux_random

generate lny_random = 5 + 0.1*edu_random + u

*Checking true impact: regression

regress lny_random edu_random

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The regression output is presented in Figure 1. The results show exactly what we would expect by
our construction of the simulated data. The coefficient for the treatment is 0.1 and the constant
is ~5.

Figure 1. Regression using entire population to demonstrate true population level impact

We now take a random sample of 3,000 observations from the original population and re-estimate
the impact of the intervention from this sample. We use the command preserve to made
temporary changes in the dataset and the command restore to recover the original population.
We use the command sample to take samples from the population, and then proceed with the
regression. The code is as follows:

*Sample size:3000


sample 3000, count

*Testing impact: regression

regress lny_random edu_random


The regression output is given in Figure 2. We again find that the impact, or the average treatment
effect (ATE), is approximately 0.1 and the constant term is approx. 5 as expected. Note that,
because the sample is random, the sample estimated parameters are unbiased expectations of the
population level parameters. However, we find that the standard errors are larger relative to those
from our analysis using the full population. We discussed in Module 1.3 how standard errors shrink
as sample size increases.

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Figure 2. Regression using a sample (n = 3000) of population to estimate sample level impacts

We can repeat above analysis but with a sample size of 50 as follows. The results of regression
analysis are given in Figure 3. The ATE is now 0.36, which is higher than the true ATE of 0.1.
However, the standard errors are large so that the ATE is statistically not significantly different from
0 (or 0.1, the true ATE) at conventional levels. Therefore, this analysis would not have provided
evidence that the true ATE is greater the zero (rejecting the null hypothesis that it’s equal to zero),
despite the fact that it is! Therefore, we would commit a ‘false negative’ error in our inference.

*Sample size:50


sample 50, count

*Testing impact: regression

regress lny_random edu_random


Figure 3. Regression using a sample (n = 50) of population to estimate sample level impacts

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We now understand the terms hypothesis testing and statistical significance. We have discussed that
‘false positive’ errors can happen when we infer that the difference between two means is
statistically significantly different when in reality both groups have the same mean. The rate or
probability of observing false-positive errors is called the rate of Type I error. The most common
convention is to keep the rate of Type I error to 0.05 or less. However, the values of 0.1 and 0.01 are
also sometimes used in literature.

‘False negative’ errors happen when we statistically fail to detect a difference between two means
when in fact the difference exists. The rate or probability of observing ‘false negative’ error is called
the rate of Type II error. The typical acceptable value of Type II Error used in literature is 0.1, or as
high as 0.2.

The Power of the test is a concept closely related to the Type II error rate. Power is defined as 1
minus the Type II error rate. For example, for a Type II error rate of 0.2 we have (1 – 0.2 =) 80%
power. Power is therefore the probability of detecting an effect when this effect truly exists.

Minimum Detectable Effect (MDE) is the smallest difference in means we can measure between
two groups for the given sample size, power, and Type I error rate. If the estimated difference is less
than the MDE, then we may not be able to find statistical evidence of impacts when they truly exist.

The sample size is the number of observations or participants in the study. Sometimes sample size is
reported for each group being compared, and sometimes the total sample size is reported along
with the proportion in each of the groups.

Although STATA and other statistical software can do all calculations related to power analysis and
sample design, we list a few formulae for your reference.

Consider the following simple regression to evaluate the impact of a randomized intervention (D):

Yi     Di   i ;

where Di is the treatment variable and  i is an error term, both defined for individual i. Yi is the
outcome of interest and  is the impact of the intervention.

If we assume that the observations are independent of each other and are identically distributed,
then the variance of the treatment effect can be written:

where  2 is the variance of the outcome of interest, N is the sample size and P is the fraction of
the sample assigned to the treatment group.

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The MDE is estimated as,

1 2
MDE (k ,  , N , P)  (t1 k   t ) *
P(1  P) N

where t1k  is the t-statistic associated to the inverse of the power (Type II error rate) and t is the
t-statistic associated with the significance level (Type I error rate). For a level of power of 80% and a
significance level of 5%, these values are 0.84 and 1.96 respectively for large sample; for smaller
samples, we have to use a student’s t distribution with N-1 degrees of freedom instead of the
normal distribution. To interpret the MDE, it is important to compare it to a given “standard” or
reference value. This standard or reference value is usually derived from the theory of change and
the indicator for success. For example, for a new cash transfer program the funders or
implementers might decide that the anticipated treatment effect will be 100 US dollars in annual
income. If the MDE for a given sample is $150, then we will not be able to statistically detect
differences less than $150, and thus risk finding no statistical evidence of a positive treatment effect
despite the effect’s existence!

Power can be computed as,

t1 k  ( N ,  ,  E , P)   ;
1 2
P(1  P) N

where  E is the effect size, or the expected change in the outcome as a consequence of the
intervention. Notice that the MDE is also an effect size, but it is the minimum effect size for a given
level of power and sample size. We distinguish between these two just to emphasize that the MDE is
an estimate, whereas the effect size is a parameter (an assumption we make at the baseline).

The sample size can be estimated as,

 1 
  *(t1 k   t ) * 
 P(1  P) 
N (k ,  ,  E , P)  ;
 E 
 
 

where all the terms have been previously defined.

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Sometimes we may work with secondary data and have to determine the power for given “fixed”
sample size. Other times, we mainly need to recommend a sample size before conducting a survey.
We will start a STATA session but we don’t need to load any data. We will demonstrate some
features of the power command in STATA in this section. We will only demonstrate basic features
and options; students are encouraged to read the help files for more advanced options.

MDE for comparing two means

The command below is used to estimate the MDE (called ‘delta’ in power command output) for
given sample size (N), power and alpha or Type I error rate. We use the option twomeans in the
power command because we are using a t-test for a comparison of two means. Figure 4 presents
the command and the output. We have specified that the mean in the control group (or expected
outcome without the treatment) would be 2500; this is a frequently-made assumption, but
alternatively we could use an estimate from secondary data. Note that we have specified the power
as 90% and Type I error rate or alpha as 0.05 (or 5%). The output suggests that we can detect a
difference of approx. 290 units in the mean between the treatment and control groups.

Figure 4. Power command to estimate MDE

Power for detecting given treatment effect

Figure 5 presents an additional STATA command and the output. Here, we want to detect a 200 unit
difference in means, but the sample size is adequate to have power of only 62%. This is expected,
because the MDE for a sample size of 1000 was 287 (see Figure 4) and in detecting a smaller
difference we are bound to lose some power.

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Figure 5. Power command to estimate power of a given sample

Sample size estimation

Figure 6 presents a power command used to estimate the necessary sample size of an intervention.
We find that, in order to detect a treatment effect of 200 units, with our other assumption about
parameters, we need more than 2000 participants in our survey.

Figure 6. Power command to estimate the sample size

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Effect of Power and Type I error assumptions

STATA 13’s power command has a powerful feature to graph the sample size for different alpha and
power values. Figure 7 is produced by the following command: power twomeans 2500 2700,
sd(1400) alpha(0.01 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25) power(0.6(0.05)0.95)
graph(y(power)). Figure 8 presents the minimum value of the mean in the treatment group
(MDE) that we could detect with sample sizes ranging from 500 to 10,000. Both figures show that
the estimated sample size is a function of assumptions we make.

Power for a two-sample means test

t test assuming 1 = 2 =
H0: 2 = 1 versus Ha: 2 1

Power (1-



0 1000 2000 3000 4000
Total sample size (N)

Significance level ( )
.01 .05
.1 .15
.2 .25
Parameters: = 200, 1 = 2500, 2 = 2700, = 1400

Figure 7. The relationships between power, alpha, and sample size

Estimated experimental-group mean for a two-sample means test

t test assuming 1 = 2 =
H0: 2 = 1 versus Ha: 2 1; 2 > 1





0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000

Total sample size (N)
Parameters: = .05, 1- = .9, 1 = 2500, = 1400

Figure 8. The relationship between MDE and sample size

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In addition to the parameters described above, the following parameters affect the sample size,
power and MDE:
 Variance of the outcome of interest in treatment and control groups (larger variances imply
higher sample sizes)
 Whether we need one-sided and two-sided test (one sided test needs a smaller sample)
 Proportion of sample in treatment and control groups (50-50 allocation results in minimum
sample size)

Standardized effect size

In the STATA demonstrations above we used a case of assumed means and standard deviations of
outcomes in the treatment and control group. What if we don’t know the means or the standard
deviations? In such situation, we can take advantage of “standardized” outcome variables. A
variable Y can be standardized such that it has a mean 0 and standard deviation of 1 as,

𝑌 − 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛(𝑌)
𝑌𝑠𝑡𝑑 =
Then, for the control group, the mean is 0 and the common standard deviation of the outcome in
both groups is 1. Cohen (1988) provides some guidelines for “standardized” effect sizes based on a
meta-analysis, given estimates of the mean and standard deviation of the outcome. For example, an
intervention with a change of 0.2 standard deviations is considered a “small” impact, a 0.5 standard
deviation change is considered medium impact, and a 0.8 standard deviation change is considered a
large impact. Based on these guidelines, assumptions, or secondary data analysis, we can express
the mean outcome in the treatment group in terms of a standard deviation change from the mean
of the control group (=0). For example, to design a sample able to identify weak impacts (0.2 SD
changes) from the control mean of 0, we will specify following command in STATA: power
twomeans 0 0.2, sd(1) alpha(0.05) n(1000).



So far, we have assumed that the examined intervention is randomized at the individual levels.
However, often interventions are randomized at a cluster level and all eligible individuals in the
cluster receive the intervention. For example, PROGRESA was implemented at—and thus
randomized at—the village level. The main implication of this type of designs is that observations are
no longer independent and identically distributed. Since individuals within a group are exposed to
the same treatment, it is very likely that their outcomes are going to be correlated within the group
or cluster. Individuals in the same cluster may also share other common facilities and infrastructure,
and their socio-economic and cultural factors could be correlated.

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Consider two drastic examples:

 The outcomes and covariates for all individuals in a given cluster are correlated with
correlation coefficient of almost 1. In this case, whether we measure 1 or 100 individuals from
each village, we get the same information.
 If outcomes and covariates for individuals in a village are not at all correlated, then each
individual adds “information” to our sample.

Therefore, the amount of variability we observe in our sample depends on the degree of similarity
between individuals within each cluster and between different clusters. This is captured in a
parameter called Intra-Cluster-Correlation (ICC). Higher ICCs imply higher required sample sizes. We
calculate the increase in the sample size required, compared to the sample size estimated in the
individual RCT, as:

𝐷𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛 𝐸𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡 (𝐷𝐸) = 1 + √(𝑚 − 1)𝜌

where m is the number of individuals included in the sample per cluster and  is the ICC. We then
multiply the sample size estimated for individual RCT by DE and divide by m to obtain the number of
clusters required. For example, if we decide that m is 40 per village (there exist guidelines about
how to select m, but this is often left up to the researcher), then for different , we will get different
DEs as follows:
  = 0.05  DE = 1.72
 = 0.5  DE = 4.53
  = 0.95  DE = 6.17

Higher correlation within clusters thus leads to higher required sample sizes. We will not cover this
topic further in this module, but the computation of DE becomes more complicated when we select
the sample in multiple stages (such as by districts, by villages, and then by households.


1. Bloom, Howard (1995), “Minimum Detectable Effects: A Simple Way to Report the Statistical
Power of Experimental Designs,” Evaluation Review, 19(5), 547-556, October.
2. Cohen, Jacob (1988). Statistical Power for the Behavioral Sciences. Second Edition. Lawrence
Erlbaum Publishers.
3. Duflo, Esther; Rachel Glannester and Micheal Kremer (2008). “Using Randomization in
Economic Development Research: A Toolkit,” Handbook of Development Economics, Vol. 4,
Elservier Science.
4. Gertler, Paul J., Sebastian Martinez, Patrick Premand, Laura B. Rawlings, and Christel MJ
Vermeersch. “Impact evaluation in practice.” World Bank Publications, 2011.

Center for Effective Global Action

University of California, Berkeley

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