Employee Tracking
Employee Tracking
Employee Tracking
8. Even though employees must agree to being tracked, some people 4. What is the main concern of the civil rights group,
believe they may lose their job if they don’t agree. Liberty, regarding these services?
9. Liberty is working to ensure that employers continue to comply 5. How does the company, Followus, respond to this
with these regulations. concern?
Copyright 2013, Red River Press Inc. For use by members of ESL-library.com in accordance with membership terms. 1
Employee Tracking
A. Match the words on the left with the correct meaning on the right.
Copyright 2013, Red River Press Inc. For use by members of ESL-library.com in accordance with membership terms. 2
Teachers’ Notes
Employee Tracking
Please note: The reading for this topic is also available in full-page format at the end of the lesson.
1. Some employers are now using cell-phone tracking technology to watch over their employees’ e-mail, Inter-
net use, telephone calls, and job-related travel.
2. Followus and Verilocation are two companies offering businesses such tracking technology.
3. Companies are subscribing to tracking services in order to help reduce their operating costs.
4. Liberty believes that the use of electronic tracking may threaten employees’ rights to privacy.
5. Followus says this is not true because tracking companies must obey strict government regulations. Employ-
ees must agree to have their phones tracked, and every phone that is tracked must give out random alerts so
that employees know their phone tracking device is still operating.
Copyright 2013, Red River Press Inc. For use by members of ESL-library.com in accordance with membership terms. 3
Teachers’ Notes
Employee Tracking
Copyright 2013, Red River Press Inc. For use by members of ESL-library.com in accordance with membership terms. 4
Employee Tracking
Employee Tracking
1. Employers can now use technology to watch over their employees’ e-mail, Internet use, telephone calls, and job-
related travel.
2. The British company Followus is one of a number of companies that help businesses keep track of their
employees, their vehicles, and their merchandise.
3. Businesses can use this tracking information to operate more efficiently. For example, a business that delivers
goods can have more flexible delivery schedules and one that employs sales staff or trades people can provide
better customer service.
4. Employees are tracked through their cell phones, using a computer with an Internet connection. Their phone acts
as a mobile electronic device and the service provider’s Web site can locate its approximate location.
5. More and more businesses are interested in using cell-phone tracking technology. Since starting up in 2003,
Followus had gained 50,000 subscribers by 2005 and was adding 5,000 more each month. Verilocation, another
British company, had 60,000 subscribers as of 2005.
6. Most of these subscribers are small businesses wanting to reduce their operating costs. They do this by checking
that employees take the shortest route to a job, that they are actually on the job when they are supposed to be,
and that they submit accurate travel expense claims for each job.
7. A British civil rights group known as Liberty believes that the use of electronic tracking may threaten
employees’ rights to privacy. However, a spokesperson for Followus says this is not true because tracking
companies must obey strict government regulations. Employees must agree to have their phones tracked, and
every phone that is tracked must give out random alerts so that employees know their phone tracking device is
still operating.
8. Even though employees must agree to being tracked, some people believe they may lose their job if they don’t
9. Liberty is working to ensure that employers continue to comply with these regulations.
Copyright 2013, Red River Press Inc. For use by members of ESL-library.com in accordance with membership terms. 5