Enforcement of Maritime Claims - D. C. Jackson
Enforcement of Maritime Claims - D. C. Jackson
Enforcement of Maritime Claims - D. C. Jackson
The Ratification of Maritime Conventions
edited by The Institute of Maritime Law
University of Southampton
(1990) (looseleaf)
EC Shipping Law
second edition by
Vincent Power
Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims
third edition
P. & I. Clubs: Law and Practice
third edition
by Steven J. Hazelwood
Enforcement of Maritime Claims
third edition
by D. C. Jackson
Berlingieri on Arrest of Ships
third edition
by Francesco Berlingieri
The Law of Ship Mortgages
by Julian Cooke,
Timothy Young, Q.C., Andrew Taylor, John D. Kimball, David Martowski and
LeRoy Lambert
Ship Registration: Law and Practice
by Richard M. F. Coles
London Maritime Arbitration
second edition
The Law of Shipbuilding Contracts
third edition
by Simon Curtis
The Law of Tug and Tow
second edition
by Simon Rainey
Ship Sale & Purchase
fourth edition
Time Charters
fifth edition
Admiralty Jurisdiction and Practice
third edition
by Nigel Meeson
Merchant Shipping Legislation
second edition
by Aengus R. M. Fogarty
Laytime and Demurrage
fifth edition
by John Schofield
Marine War Risks
third edition
by Michael D. Miller
Bareboat Charters
second edition
by Mark Davis
Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims
third edition
Enforcement of Maritime Claims
Fourth Edition
D. C. Jackson
Informa Professional
Singapore 239693
© D. C. Jackson, 2005
First edition 1985
Second edition 1996
Third edition 2000
Fourth edition 2005
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN 1–84311–4240
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
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MPG Books
Bodmin, Cornwall
Since the third edition (of 2000) there have been substantial European and national
developments. The extension of the European Union has meant the increase in scope of
European law. With particular relevance to this work this extension has been
accompanied by bringing the jurisdiction and judgments regime of the Brussels
Convention into that law through Regulation 44/2001. However that Convention and the
Lugano Convention remain in force—the first as regards Member States and Denmark
and the second as it was prior to the Regulation. The issue of whether the national or
European regime applies has occupied a great deal of English judicial attention with the
European Court not always seeing the assertion of Engl ish principles as consistent with
the European structure. The advent of the Regulation means an additional question of
which European regime is applicable, and has raised serious issues of the power of
Member States to become parties to multilateral mariti me treaties.
In English law, apart from European matters, the principal relevant developments
have been the full inclusion in the Civil Procedure Rules of Admiralty and Arbitration
proceedings, the continuing construction of the Rules as compared to the ea rlier Rules
of the Supreme Court and on a particular jurisdictional issue, the approach to the anti -
suit injunction.
The pattern of the book remains as in previous editions. There are five parts.
Parts I and II encompass:
(1) the extent to which a connection is required between England and a dispute for
an English court to hear and determine the dispute;
(2) the characteristics of the actions in personam and in rem as methods of
enforcing a claim;
(3) grounds for and restrictions on powers (and their exercise) of English courts to
hear and determine disputes—including the relationship between English and European
(4) time restrictions on the bringing and pursuit of a claim:
(5) the availability and nature of arbitration as an alternative to litigation.
Part III is a discussion of interim relief and the extent to which, if at all, a claimant
can ensure that the defendant’s assets are available to satisfy a judgment.
Part IV is concerned with the security interests in assets —particularly those
created or enforceable by an action in rem. There is a detailed examination of the
concept of a lien, the connections between a lien and the action in rem, the
characteristics of different types of lien and priorities between liens. Finally in this part,
a short chapter is devoted to the complex question of the creation of liens by contract,
particularly in charterparties and bills of lading.
Part V deals with the question at the heart of the p ursuit of any claim—the remedy
available and likely to be awarded and limitations there may be on the amount of
Part VI is concerned with the foreign element more often than not part of a
maritime claim—the law which governs particular issues befo re an English court and
the recognition or enforcement of foreign judgments.
Relevant legislative and Convention text together with Civil Procedure Rules
concerning jurisdiction are set out in the appendices.
As has been the case in previous editions I am grateful to the publishers for their
encouragement and patience, to my colleagues of the Institute of Maritime Law and the
Faculty of Law for their valued assistance, to my scretary Mrs Marion Dalton for her
remarkable continuing expertise in deciphering illegible manuscript, and to my wife for
the (as ever) countless aspects of support that she gives.
Outline Table of Contents
Preface Table of Cases Table of Statutes Table of Statu tory Instruments Table of
Conventions and Treaties
Chapter 24 Limitation of liability
Chapter 25 Remedies determinative of substantive issues
Chapter 26 Application of foreign law
Chapter 27 Enforcement of foreign judgments and arbitral awards outside the
Brussels and Lugano Conventions
Chapter 28 Judgments and settlements within a European judgments regime
Appendix 1 Statutes
Appendix 2 Council Regulation (EC) No 44/2001 of 22 December 2000
Appendix 3 Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Order 2001 No 3929
Appendix 4 Conventions Index
1. Effect of delay Delay and the Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) Extinguishment of
right or remedy? Avoidance of effect of delay
2. Aspects of delay 1. Effect of foreign time bar 2. Notice of the claim
3. Commencement of suit—issue of claim form
3. Delay in service of claim form
4. Delay in complying with the procedural requirements
5. Abuse of process and want of prosecution
6. Delay in assertion of the remedy Judgment on order on the merits Provisional
1. The nature of a “lien”—or what's in a word? Lien and mortgage Lien and charge
2. The development of liens in English law A. A common law, equity and statute B.
3. Which lien and when? One lien or more? Priorities
4. Foreign liens
5. Liens and the registration of interests
6. Insolvency and liens 1. Companies 2. Individuals—bankruptcy
7. Maritime liens, statutory liens in Admiralty and the action “in rem”
1. The categories of claim enforceable by action “in rem”
2. The Supreme Court Act 1981 and the action “ in rem”
3. Remaining uncertainties of the scope of the lien in Admiralty
4. Lien and action “in rem”
1. The substance of the lien Equitable lien and equitable charge Reservation of title
2. The equitable lien in Admiralty
3. Creation of the lien
1. By contract
2. Arising from the relationship of the parties
3. Arising from a course of conduct
4. Enforceability of the lien
1. Against third parties
2. Tracing into other assets
5. Transferability
6. Termination
1. The lien clause —general considerations Common clauses Multi-lien clauses The
lien clause in context
2. The liens created
1. Owner's lien on cargo
2. Owner's lien on subfreights or sub-hire
3. Charterer's lien on ship
4. Lien not to be suffered or permitted to continue
3. Charterer's liability dependent on exercise of owner's lien—a “cesser clause”
4. The need for registration 5. The governing law
1. The general principle The link between liability and limitation proceedings
2. International limitation frameworks Global limitation Limitation for particular
claims in addition to “global” limitation
3. Limitation of liability in English law The general pattern
1. Global limitation
2. Oil pollution claims
3. The Pilotage Act 1987
4. Dock and canal owners, harbour and conservancy authorities
1. The general pattern Judgments The link between recognition and enforcement
“Authentic instruments” and court settlements
2. Judgments within the regimes “Civil or commercial matters” Connection
with a member State Types of judgments
3. The jurisdiction of the recognising or enforcing court
4. Grounds of non-recognition or non-enforcement 1. Relevance of jurisdiction of
adjudicating court 2. Grounds other than jurisdiction of the adjudicating court
5. The recognition and enforcement process
1. Recognition
2. Enforcement
6. Appeals against recognition or enforcement decision
1. Measures of enforcement during period for appeal
2. Stay of recognition or enforcement appeal proceedings pending appeal in state of
3. Appeal against declaration of enforceability 4. Appeal against refusal of
enforcement 5. Further appeal
Table of Cases
A v. B [1984] 1 All E.R. 265 20.21, 20.24
A v. B [1989] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 423 16.14
A v. B (X intervening) [1983] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 532 16.45
A v. C (No. 1) [1980] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 200 14.24, 21.15
A and B v. C, D, E, F, G and H (No. 2) [1981] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 559 16.45
A & B v. C & D [1982] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 166 9.95, 13.39
ABB Lummus Global Ltd v. Keppel Fels Ltd (formerly Far East Levingston
Shipbuilding Ltd) [1999] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 24 13.21
ABC Shipbrokers v. The Ship Offi Gloria [1993] 3 NZLR 576 26.17 1 A Co.
Ltd v. Republic of X [1990] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 520 12.119, 12.120 AEK (Athletic
Union of Constantinople) v. National Basketball Association
[2002] lLloyd's Rep. 305 13.47
AG v. Anderson (1988) The Independent, 31 March 15.94
AGF v. Chiyoda Fire and Marine Co (UK) Ltd [1992] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 325 12.26
AIG Europe (UK) Ltd v. The Ethniki [2000] 2 All E.R. 566; [2000] 1 All E.R.
(Comm) 65; [2000] Lloyd's Rep. I.R. 343 (C.A.); af firming [1998] 4 All E.R. 301;
[1999] Lloyd's Rep. I.R. 221 5.45, 6.146
AIG Europe SA v. QBE International Insurance Ltd [2001] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 268
5.45, 12.19, 12.59
AJP Pritt, The [1991] I.L.Pr. 194 (Corte di App. (Genoa)) 6.151
ANCAP (Administracion Naci onal de Combustibles Alcohol Y Portland) v.
Ridgley Shipping Inc. [1996] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 570 9.21
APJ Shalin, The [1991] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 62 15.106, 15.120
AS-Autoteile Service GmbH v. Malhe (Pierre) (C220/84) [1985] ECR 2267;
[1986] 3 CMLR 321 (ECJ) 5.29
AS/DS Svendborg D/S v. All Hussein Akar [2003] EWHC 797 25.35
Abbey National Plc v. Frost [1999] 2 All E.R. 206; [1999] Lloyd's Rep. P.N. 301
Abdullah Ali Almunajem Sons Co. v. Recourse Shipping Co. Ltd (The Reefer
Creole) [1994] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 584 9.100
Abidin Daver, The. See Owners of the Las Mercedes v. Owners of the Abidin
Ace Insurance SA-NV (formerly Cigna Insurance Co. of Europe SA NV) v. Zurich
Insurance Co. [2001] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 618; [2001] Lloyd's Rep. I.R. 504 (C.A.) 12.14,
Acrux, The (No. 2) [1962] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 405 23.160, 23.169, 25.58
Acrux, The (No. 3) [1965] P. 391; [1965] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 565 ... 2.41, 2.81, 2.82,
2.121, 2.129, 2.130, 10.23, 19.5, 26.13, 26.14, 26.20, 26.25, 26.6,26.175
Adah, The (1830) 2 Hag. Adm. 326 2.114
Adams v. Cape Industries Plc [1991] 1 All E.R. 929 (C.A.) 9.51, 10.44, 27.34,
27.35, 27.38
Addax BV Geneva Branch v. Coral Suki SA [2004] All E.R. (D) 138 9.45
Aden Refinery Co. Ltd v. Ugland Management Co. Ltd (The Ugland Obo One)
[1986] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 336 (C.A.) 13.50
Adhiguna Meranti, The [1988] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 384 (C.A. (HK) 24.100
Admiralty Commissioners v. Owners of the Valverda [1938] A.C. 173; (1937) 59
Ll. L. Rep. 231 (H.L.) 2.46
Adolf Leonhardt, The [1973] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 318 26.142
Adolf Warski, The and Sniadecki, The [1976] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 241 (C.A.); affirming
[1976] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 107 11.9, 12.76, 12.79, 12.81, 12.83, 26.71
Advent Capital v. Ellinas [2005] EWHC 2005 2.13
Aegean Sea Traders Corpn v. Repsol Petroleo SA (The Aegean Sea) [1998] 2
Lloyd's Rep. 39 24.52, 24.53, 24.58
Aegnoussiotis Shipping Corpn of Monrovia v. Kristian Jebsens Reden of Bergen
AS (The Aegnoussiotis) [1977] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 268 22.17, 22.18
Afala, The. See Interatlantic (Namibia) (Pty) Ltd v. Okeanski Ribolov Ltd
Africano, The [1894] P. 141 23.159
Afro Continental Nigeria v. Meridian Shipping Co SA (The Vrontados) [1982] 2
Lloyd’s Rep. 241 (C.A.) 9.22, 9.72, 9.100, 11.4
Agence Belgo Danoise NV v. Rederij Hapag Lloyd AG (Rechtbank Koophandel
Antwerp) Judgment of 25 July 1976 R CD 1-57-B3 6.53
Agenor, The [1984] LMLN 130 25.36
Aggeliki Charis Compania Maritima SA v. Pagnan SpA (The Angelic Grace)
[1995] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 87 (C.A.) 13.20, 25.17
Agia Skepi, The. See Compania Continental del Peru SA v. Evelpis Shipping
Agios Giorgis, The [1976] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 192 22.17, 22.18
Agip SpA v. Navigazione Alta Italia SpA (The Nai Genova and The Nai Superba)
[1984] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 353 (C.A.) 25.42
Agnew v. Inland Revenue Commissioner [2001] UKPC 28; [2001] 2 A.C. 710;
[2001] 3 W.L.R. 454; [2001] Lloyd's Rep. Bank. 251 (P.C.) 21.4
Agnew v. Lansforsakringsbolagens A.B. [2000] 1 A11E.R.727; [1998] I.L.Pr. 231
(C.A.) 6.98, 6.137, 6.138, 6.143, 8.1, 8.9
Agrafax Public Relations Ltd v. United Scottish Society Inc. [1995] TLR 297;
[1995] I.L.Pr. 753 (C.A.) 5.86, 9.75
Agrabele (No. 1), The. See Gebr Van Weelde Scheepvaart Kantoor BV v. Homeric
Marine Services
Ahmed and Patel v. Secretary of State for the Home Department [1998] INLR 570
Aifanourios, The. See West of Scotland Ship Owners Mutual Protection and
Indemnity Association (Luxembourg) v. Aifanourios Shipping SA
Airbus Industrie GIE v. Patel [1998] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 631 (H.L.) 15.96, 25.15,
25.16, 25.18, 28.57
Air Foyle Ltd v. Center Capital Ltd [2004] I.L.Pr. 15 26.183, 27.1
Akai Pty Ltd v. People's Insurance Co. Ltd [1998] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 90; [1999] I.L.Pr.
24 12.66, 25.17, 25.20, 26.71, 27.39
Akerblom v. Price Potter Walker & Co. (1881) L.R. 7 Q.B.D. 129 (C.A.) 26.150
Akzo Nobel NV’s European Patent (No.189958) [1997] TLR 522 5.28
Al Battani, The [1993] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 219 12.75, 12.77, 12.79, 12.82, 12.102
Al-Naimi (t/a Buildmaster Construction Services) v. Islamic Press Agency Inc.
[2000] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 522 (C.A.) 12.54, 13.41, 13.53
Al Tabith and Alanfushi, The [1995] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 336 (C .A.) 11.4, 11.25
Al Wahab, The. See Amin Rasheed Shipping Corpn v. Kuwait Insurance Co.
Alaskan Trader (No. 2), The. See Clea Shipping Corpn v. Bulk Oil International
Albany and Marie Josaine. The [1983] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 195 11.25
Albeko Schuhmaschinen AG v. Kamborian Shoe Machine Co. (1961) 111 L.J. 519
Albemarle Supply Co. Ltd v. Hind & Co. [1928] 1 K.B. 307 (C.A.) 23.116
Alcom v. Columbia [1984] 2 All E.R. 6; [1984] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 24 (H.L.) 12.119
Aldington Shipping Ltd v. Bradstock Shipping Corpn (The Waylink and The Brady
Maria) [1988] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 475 (C.A. (Gib.)) 24.100
Alexander, The (1811) 1 Dods 282 15.52
Alexander Larsen, The (1841) W. Rob. 288 18.13
Alexandros G Tsavilis, The [1993] LMLN 369 23.9
Algrete Shipping v. IOPC Fund [2003] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 2237 2.15 1
Ali Fahd Shobokshi Group v. Moneim [1989] 1 W.L.R. 710; [1989] 2 All E.R. 404
Aliakmon, The. See Leigh and Sillivan Ltd v. Aliakmon Shipping Co. Ltd
Alina, The (1880) L.R. 5 Ex. D. 227 (C.A.) 2.179, 2.192
Aline, The (1839) 1 W. Rob. 111 2.99, 23.134, 23.144
Alletta, The [1974] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 40 11.37, 14.84, 15.63, 15.64, 15.67, 15.139
Allgemeine Treuhand, AG v. Owners of the Arosa Kulm (The Arosa Kulm) (No.2)
[1960] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 97 2.81, 26.24
Allianz Versicherungs AG v. Fortuna Co. Inc. (The Baltic Universal) [1999] 1
Lloyd's Rep. 497 13.54
Allied Arab Bank v. Hajjar (1988) The Times, 18 January 16.2
Allpac Holding BV v. Maier am Tor [1982] ECC 200 (Hof (Amsterdam)) 5.37
Alltrans Inc. v. Interdom Holdings Ltd [1991] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 571 (C.A.) 14.63
Ally, The [1952] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 427 20.7, 20.12, 20.36, 23.116
Almare Societa di Navigazione SpA v. Derby & Co Ltd (The Almare Prima)
[1989] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 376 13.1
Alnwick, The [1965] P. 357; [1965] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 320 (C.A.) 11.25
Alpina Compagnia di Assicurazione SA v. Agenzia Marittima LV Ghianda Snc
(The Ice Express) [1990] I.L.Pr. 263 (Trib. (I.)) 5.49
Aluflet SA v. Vinave Empresa de Navegacao Maritima Lda (The Faial) [2000] 1
Lloyd’s Rep. 473 2.192, 10.39
Aluminium Industrie Vaassen BV v. Romalpa Aluminium [1976] 2 All E.R. 552;
[1976] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 443 (C.A.) 23.17, 25.41
Amazona, The. See Sierra Leone v. Marmaro Shipping Co.
Amazonia, The. See Furness Withy (Australia) Ltd v. Metal Distributors (UK) Ltd
Ambatielos, The and The Cephalonia, The [1923] P. 68 2.112, 2.113
American Cyanamid Go. v. Ethicon Ltd [1975] A.C. 396; [1975] 2 W.L.R. 316;
[1975] 1 All E.R. 504 (H.L.) 14.21
American Motorists Insurance Co. (AMICO) v. Cellstar Corpn [2002] EWCA Civ
206 (C.A.) 26.105A, 26.118
American Specialty Lines Insurance Co. v. Abbot Laboratories [2003] 1 Lloyd’s
Rep. 267 25.17
Amin Rasheed Shipping Corpn v. Kuwait Insurance Co. (The A1 Wahab) [1983] 2
All E.R. 884; [1983] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 365 (H.L.) 26.56, 26.57
Ammerlaan Agro Projecten BY v. Les Serres de Cosquerou [1999] I.L.Pr. 627
(Cour de Cass. (F.)) 6.186
Amoco (UK) Exploration Co. v. British American Offshore Ltd (Service of
Process) [1999] 2 All E.R. (Comm.) 201; [1999] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 772 9.87, 9.91, 25.11,
Andalina, The (1886) L.R. 12 P.D. 1 18.39
Anderton v. Clwyd CC [2002] EWCA Civ 953; [2002] 2 All E.R. 813 (C.A.) 0.12,
9.22, 9.24, 9.34
Andre Theodore, The (1904) 10 Asp. M.L.C. 94 2.184, 26.24
Andrea Merzario Ltd v. Internationale Spedition Leitner Gesellschaft GmbH
[2001] EWCA Civ 61; [2001] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 490 (C.A.) 6.54
Andrea Ursula, The. See Medway Drydock and Engineering Co. v. Owners of the
MV Andrea Ursula
Andrew Weir Shipping Ltd v. Wartsila UK Ltd [2004] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 1 6.191
Andria, The. See Owners of the Vasso v. Owners of Cargo Lately Laden on Board
the Vasso
Andrico Unity, The 1989 (4) S.A. 325 (A): 26.171
Anema BV v. Broekman Motorships BV (Case 4127/86) [1991] I.L.Pr. 285 (RB
(Rotterdam)) 5.51
Angel Bell, The. See Iraqi Ministry of Defence v. Arcepey Shipping Co. SA and
Gillespie Bros & Co Ltd
Angelic Grace, The. See Aggeliki Charis Compania Maritima SA v. Pagnan SpA
Anglo Irish Beef Processors International v. Federated Stevedores Geelong [1997]
1 Lloyd's Rep. 207 (Sup. Ct (Vic.)) 11.18
Anichab, The (No. 2) [1921] P. 218; (1921) 6 LI. L. Rep. 561 2.135
Anna H, The [1995] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 11 (C.A.); affirming [1994] 1 Lloyd'sRep. 287
5.34, 9.65, 11.65, 14.78, 15.12, 15.24, 15.25, 15.69, 15.72, 15.134
Anna L, The. See Leond Maritime Inc. v. MC Amethyst Shipping Ltd
Annandale, The (1877) 2 P.D. 218 2.132
Annangel Glory Compania Naviera SA v. M. Golodetz Ltd (The Annangel Glory)
[1988] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 45 17.10, 17.20, 21.11, 22.21, 22.23, 23.55, 23.62, 23.69, 23.94,
Annette, The [1919] P. 105 12.156
Antaios Compania Naviera SA v. Salen Redenerna AB (The Antaios) [1984] 2
Lloyd's Rep. 235 (H.L.) 13.49
Antares Shipping Corpn v. The Ship "Capricorn" [1978] DLR (3d) 28; [1973] F.C.
955 25.64
Antares (No. 1), The. See Kenya Railways v. Antares Co. Pte Ltd
Anterist v. Credit Lyonnais (C22/85) [1986] ECR 1951; [1987] 1 CMLR 333
(ECJ) 5.68
Anton Durbeck GmbH v. Den Norske Bank ASA (The Tropical Reefer) [2003] 2
W.L.R. 1286; [2004] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 1 6.178, 15.116
Anton Piller KG v. Manufacturing Processes Ltd [1976] Ch. 55; [ 1976] 2 W.L.R.
162; [1976] 1 All E.R. 779 (C.A.) 14.16
Antonis P. Lemos, The. See Samick Lines Co. v. Owners of the Antonis P. Lemos
Aprile Sri v. Amministrazione delle Finanze dello Stato (C228/96) [2000] 1 WLR
126; [1998] ECR I—7141 (ECJ) 3.12
Andres Bonifaco, The [1994] LMLN 382 (H.C. Sing.) 10.45
Arab Business Consortium International Finance & Investment Co. v. Banque
Franco-Tunisienne [1997] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 531 (C.A.); [1996] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 485 27.63
Arab Monetary Fund v. Hashim (No. 2) [1990] 1 All E.R. 673 14.16
Arab Monetary Fund v. Hashim (No. 8) [1989] 3 All E.R. 461 14.16
Arab Monetary Fund v. Hashim (No. 9) [1993] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 543 11.7, 26.34
Arantzazu Mendi, The [1939] A.C. 256; (1939) 63 Ll. L. Rep. 89 (H.L.) 10.16,
15. 106
Aratra Potato Co. Ltd v. Egyptian Navigation Co. (The El Amria) [1981] 2 Lloyd's
Rep. 119 (C.A.) 12.76, 12.78, 12.81, 12.83, 24.98, 26.71
Arbuthnot Latham Bank Ltd v. Trafalgar Holdings Ltd [1998] 2 All E.R. 181 (C.A.)
Arctic Explorer. The [1984] AMC 2413 24.119
Arctic Star. The (1985) The Times, 5 February (C.A.) 15.73, 15.74, 15.136, 18.99,
18. 106
Aries Tanker Corpn v. Total Transport Ltd (The Aries) [1977] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 334;
[1977] 1 All E.R. 398 (H.L.) 11.3, 11.18
Arina, The (1886) 12 P.D. 119 2.88
Armar Shipping Co. v. Caisse Algerienne d'Assurance et de Reassurance (The
Armar) [1981] 1 All E.R. 498; [1980] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 450 (C.A.) 26.56, 26.57, 26.154,
26.156, 26.157
Aro Co. Ltd, Re [1980] Ch. 196; [1980] 2 W.L.R. 453; [1980] 1 All E.R. 1067
(C.A.) 15.49, 17.29, 18.113, 19.10
Arochem v. Wilomi 962 F. 2d 496 (1992) 26.169
Arosa Kulm (No. 2), The. See Allgemeine Treuhand. AG v. Owners of the Arosa
Arosa Star. The [1959] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 396 (Sup. Ct. (Ber.)) 2.81, 26.24
Arraiz, The (No. 1) (1924) 19 Ll. L. Rep. 235 11.24, 11.25
Arros Invest Ltd v. Nishanor [2004] EWHC 57 9.100
Arum, The [1921] P. 12: (1920) 5 Ll. L. Rep. 25 26.123
Arzpeta, The (1921) 15 Asp. M.L.C. 426 26.24
Ascot Commodities NV v. Northern Pacific Shipping (The Irini A) (No. 2) [1999]
1 Lloyd's Rep. 189 12.112, 27.34, 27.36
Ashingdane v. United Kingdom (A/93) (1985) 7 EHRR 528 0.18
Ashtiani v. Kashi [1986] 2 All E.R. 970 (C.A.) 16.20
Ashurst v. Pollard [2001] 2 All E.R. 75 (C.A.); affirming [2000] 2 All E.R. 772
Asianac International Panama SA and Transocean Transport Corpn v. Transocean
Ro-Ro-Corp (The Seaspeed America) [1990] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 150 11.25
Askin v. Absa Bank Ltd [1999] T.L.R. 127 12.103
Assertion of Set-Off and Counterclaim. Re [2003] I.L.Pr. 543 (Reg. C.A.
(Rostock)) 6.197
Assicurazioni Generali SpA v. Arab Insurance Group (BSC) [2003] 1 W.L.R. 577
Assunzione. The (No. 1) [1954] P. 150; [1953] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 716 (C.A.) 26.57,
Astro Exito Navegacion SA v. W.T. Hsu (The Messiniaki Tolmi) [1984] 1 Lloyd's
Rep. 266 (C.A.) 9.56, 9.60
Astro Exito Navegacion SA v. Southland Enterprise Co. (The Messiniaki Tolmi)
(No. 2) [1983] 3 W.L.R. 130; (H.L.); affirming [1982] Q.B. 1248; [1982] 3 W.L.R. 296;
[1982] 3 All E.R. 335 (C.A.) 14.30
Astro Vencedor Compania Naviera SA of Panama v. Mabanaft GmbH (The
Damianos) [1971] 2 Q.B. 588; [1971] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 502 (C.A.) 15.117
Astro Venturoso Compania Naviera v. Hellenic Shipyards SA (The Mariannina)
[1983] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 12 (C.A.) 13.32
Athena, The (Ships Necessaries: Priorities) (1921) 8 L l. L. Rep. 482 23.141
Athenic, The (Practice Note) (1932) 42 Ll. L. Rep. 7 23.122
Athens Cape Naviera SA v. Deutsche Dampfschiffahrts-Gesellschaft Hansa AG
(The Barenbels) [1985] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 528; (C.A.); affirming [1984] 2 Lloyd's Rep.
388 2.41, 15.109, 18.3, 22.4
Athol, The (1842) 1 W. Rob. 374 12.134
Atlantic Emperor, The. See Marc Rich & Co. AG v. Societa Italiana Impianti SpA
(The Atlantic Emperor)
Atlantic Song, The [1983] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 394 12.81
Atlantic Span, The [1987] ETL 40 (Rech. Van Koop. An twerp) 5.55
Atlantic Star, The. See Owners of the Atlantic Star v. Owners of the Bona Spes
Atlantic Telecom GmbH, Re [2004] Scots CS 152 26.8, 26.51
Atlantis Two, The [1998] LMLN 495 (Fed. Ct (Can.)) 23.9
Atlas, The (1827) 2 Hag. Adm. 48 2.101
Atlas Maritime Co. SA v. Avalon Maritime Ltd (The Coral Rose) (No. 1) [1991] 1
Lloyd's Rep. 563 (C.A.) 10.44
Atlas Maritime Co, SA v. Avalon Maritime Ltd (The Coral Rose) (No. 3) [1991] 2
Lloyd's Rep. 374 (C.A.) 10.44, 16.46
Atlas Pride, The [1994] LMLN 388 (H.C. (Si ng.)) 15.65
Atlas Shipping Agency (UK) Ltd v. Suisse Atlantique Societe d'Armement
Maritime SA (The Gulf Grain and The El Amaan) [1995] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 188; [1995]
I.L.Pr. 600 6.134
Atle Marine v. Owners of the Skylark (The Skylark) [1965] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 25 0
Attika Hope, The. See G & N Angelakis Shipping Co. SA v. Compagnie National
Algerienne de Navigation
Attock Cement Co. Ltd v. Romanian Bank for Foreign Trade [1989] 1 Lloyd's Rep.
572 (C.A.) 12.66, 26.55
Attorney General of New Zealand v. Ortiz [1982] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 224 (C.A.);
reversing [1982] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 173 26.9
August Leonhardt, The. See K. Lokumal & Sons (London) Ltd v. Lotte Shipping Co.
Pte Ltd
Australian Commercial Research & Development Ltd v. ANZ McCaughan
Merchant Bank Ltd [1989] 3 All E.R. 65 12.93
Avant Petroleum Inc. v. Gatoil Overseas Inc. [1986] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 236 (C.A.)
Aveling Barford Ltd, Re [1988] 3 All E.R. 1019 20.24
Aventicum, The [1978] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 184 10.44
Azov Shipping Co. v. Baltic Shipping Co. [No. 1) [1999] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 68 13.47
BMG Trading Ltd v. AS McKay Ltd [1998] I.L.Pr. 691 (C.A.) 11.9
Babanaft International Co. SA v. Avanti Petroleum Inc. (The Oltenia) [1982] 2
Lloyd's Rep. 99; [1982] 3 All E.R. 244 (C.A.) 13.46
Baccus Srl v. Servicio Nacional del Trigo [1957] 1 Q.B. 438; [1956] 2 Lloyd’s
Rep. 448 (C.A.) 12.115
Babcock v. Jackson 240 N.Y.S. 2d 743 (1963); [1963] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 286 (US Ct)
26. 126
Baghlaf A1 Zafer Factory Co. BR for Industry Ltd v. Pakistan National Shipping
Co. (No. 1) [1998] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 229 (CA) 9.49, 9.58, 11.9, 12.53, 12.75, 12.76,
12.79, 12.83, 12.84
Baghlaf A1 Zafer Factory Co. BR for Industry Ltd v. Pakistan National Shipping
Co. (No. 2) [2000] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 1 (C.A.) 11.9, 12.84
Bain Clarkson v. Owners of the Ship "Sea Friends" (The Sea Friends) [1991] 2
Lloyd's Rep. 322 2.232, 2.234
Bakarim v. Victoria P. Shipping Co. Ltd (The Tatiangela) [1980] 2 Lloyd's Rep.
193 16.38
Balkanbank v. Taher (No. 2) [1995] 2 All E.R. 904 (C.A.) 14.48, 16.30
Baltic Shipping Co. v. Owners of Cargo on the Mekhanik Evgrafov (The Mekhanik
Evgrafov and The Ivan Derbenev) [1988] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 330 24.75
Baltic Universal, The. See Allianz Versicherungs AG v. Fortuna Co. Inc.
Banco Atlantico SA v. British Bank of the Middle East [1990] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 504
(C.A.) 12.97, 12.102
Banco Nacional de Cuba, Re [2001] 1 W.L.R. 2039; [2001] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 147;
[2001] Lloyd s Rep. Bank. 203 9.68, 9.70
Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association v. Chrismas (The
Kyriaki) [1993] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 137 11.35
Bank of Baroda v. Vysya Bank Ltd [1994] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 87 26.16, 26.55, 26.115
Bank of Credit & Commerce Hong Kong Ltd v. Sonali Bank [1995] 1 Lloyd’s Rep.
227 12.93
Bank of Credit and Commerce International SA v. Al-Kaylani [1999] I.L.Pr. 278
Bank of Scotland v. Seitz 1990 SLT 584; 1990 SCLR 418; [1991] I.L.Pr. 426 (I.H.)
6.124, 6.151, 7.8
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi Ltd v. Baskan Gilda Senayi Ve Pazarlama AS [2004] 2
Lloyd's Rep. 395 5.92, 6.162, 6.163, 12.19
Banters Trust Co. v. PT Jakarta International Hotels and Development [1999] 1
Lloyd's Rep. 910 25.10, 25.17, 25.20
Bankers Trust Co. v. Shapira [1980] 3 All E.R. 353 16.53
Bankers Trust International v. Todd Shipyards Corpn (The Halcyon Isle) [1981]
A.C. 221; [1980] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 325 (P.C.) 2.41, 2.51, 1 7.57, 18.15, 18.19, 18.21-
18.23, 18.99, 23.75, 23.76, 23.126, 26.20, 26.25, 26.32, 26.38, 26.40, 26.41, 26.169,
26.170, 26.171, 26.173. 26.175, 26.189, 27.36
Banque Cantonale Vaudoise v. Waterlilly Maritime Inc. [1997] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 347
5.68, 12.17
Barber v. Lamb (1860) 8 C.B. (N.S.) 95 27.44
Barclays Bank v. Rosenberg [1985] LMLN 147 16.30
Barclays Bank Plc v. Glasgow City Council [1994] 4 All E.R. 865 (C.A.) 6.192.
7.8, 26.146
Barclays Bank of Swaziland v. Hahn [1989] 2 All E.R. 723 (H.L.) 9.49
Barclay-Johnson v. Yuill [1980] 1 W.L.R. 1259 16.15. 16.42
Barenbels, The. See Athens Cape Naviera SA v. Deutsche Dampfschiffahrts-
Gesellschaft Hansa AG
Barings Plc (In Administration) v. Coopers & Lybrand [1997] I.L.Pr. 12 9.76
Barnato, Re [1949] Ch. 258; [1949] 1 All E.R. 515 (C.A.) 25.49
Barros Mattos Junior v. General Securities and Finance Ltd [2004] 2 Lloyd's Rep.
475 26.146
Barton Henderson Rasen v. Merrett and Ernst & Young [1993] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 540
12. 157
Bass Reefer. The [1992] LMLN 335 2.2 18
Bassini v. Santor [1986] Eld 354 5.51
Baumwoll Manufactur Von Carl Scheibler v. Furness [1893] A.C. 8 (H.L.) 18.64
Baytur SA v. Finagro Holdings SA [1992] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 134 (C.A.) 13.17
Bazias 3 and The Bazias 4, The. See Greenmar Navigation v. Owners of Ships
Bazias 3 and Bazias 4 and Sally Line
Beals v. Soldenha 2003 SC 72 27.34
Beazley v. Horizon Offshore Contractors Inc. [2004] EWHC 2555 9.95, 12.66
Beckham v. Drake (1849) 2 H.L. Cas. 579 (H.L.) 18.89
Bee, The (1822) 2 Dods. 498 2.113, 2.217
Behnke v. Bede Shipping Co. Ltd [1927] 1 K.B. 649; (1927) 27 Ll. L. Rep. 24
20.30, 25.42
Bekhor (A. J.) & Co. Ltd v. Bilton [1981] Q.B. 923; [1981] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 491
(C.A.) 16.49, 10.50
Beldis, The [1936] P. 51; (1935) 53 Ll. L. Rep. 255 (C.A.) 2.179, 2.201, 2.203,
2.204, 10.12, 19.10
Belgian Default Judgment, Re (IX ZB 5/91) [1992] I.L.Pr. 528 (BGH (Ger.))
28.63, 28.68
Benarty (No. 2), The. See R. A. Lister & Co. v. EG Thomson (Shipping) Ltd and
PT Djakarta Lloyd
Beneficial Finance Corpn Co. v. Price [1965] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 5 56 (Sup. Ct.
(N.S.W.)) 2.123
Benincasa v. Dentalkit Srl (C269/95) [1998] All E.R. (EC) 135; [1997] ECR I –
3767 (ECJ) 5.52, 5.86, 6.117
Bergen, The (No. 1) [1997] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 380 5.42, 6.3, 6.15, 6.16
Bergen, The (No. 2) [1997] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 710 11.9, 1 2.83
Berghoefer (F.) GmbH & Co KG v. ASA SA (C221/84) [1985] ECR 2699; [1986]
1 CMLR 13 (ECJ) 5.45
Berisford (S. & W.) Plc v. New Hampshire Insurance Co. Ltd [1990] 2 All E.R.
321; [1990] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 454 5.73, 6.105, 12.66
Berkeley Administration Inc. v. McClelland (Security for Costs) [1990] 2 Q.B.
407; [1990] 2 W.L.R. 1021; [1990] 1 All E.R. 958 (C.A.) 14.37
Berliner Bank AG v. C. Czarnikow Sugar Ltd (The Rama) [1996] 2 Lloyd's Rep.
281 2.67, 18.64
Berliner Bank AG v. Karageorgis [1996] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 426 9.54
Berny, The. See Owners of Cargo Lately Laden on Board the Berny v. Owners of
the Berny
Berostar, The [1970] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 403 18.88
Berris, The 1905 Fo. 497 25.55
Bertie, The (1886) 6 Asp. M.L.C. 26 12.145
Besix S.A. v. Wabag and Anor. (C-256/00) [2004] 1 All E.R. (Comm.) 521 6.128
Best Cheese Corpn v. All-Ways Forwarding International Inc. (1994) 646 LMNL 3
Beta, The (1869) L.R. 2 P.C. (PC.) 2.69
Betty Ott, The [1992] 1 N.Z.L.R. 655 (C.A. (NZ)) 23.89, 26.13
Biguzzi v. Rank Leisure Plc [1999] 4 All E.R. 934 (C.A.) 9.3, 11.2, 11.2, 11.40,
11.44, 12.157, 16.9
Bineta, The [1967] 1 W.L.R. 121; [1966] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 419 2.122, 23.32
Binning Bros Ltd (In Liquidation) v. Thomas Eggar Verrall Bowles [1998] 1 All
E.R. 409 (C.A.) 9.37
Birchglen, The [1996] 3 F.C. 301 18.91, 18.106, 18.110
Birkett v. James [1978] A.C. 297; [1977] 3 W.L.R. 38; [1977] 2 All E.R. 801
(H.L.) 11.42, 11.44
Bishopsgate Investment Management Ltd (In Liquidation) v. Homan [1994] 3
W.L.R. 1270 (C.A.) 21.16
Black v. Williams [1895] 1 Ch. 408 23.75, 23.83
Black v. Yates [1991] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 181 27.4
Black Clawson International Ltd v. Papierwerke Waldhof-Aschaffenburg AG
[1981] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 446 13.37, 26.76, 26.80
Blanche, The (1887) 6 Asp. M.L.C. 272 23.46
Blanckaert and Willems PVBA v. Trost (139/80) [1981] ECR 819; [1982] 2
CMLR 1 (ECJ) 6.172
Blankenstein, The. See Damon Compania Naviera SA v. Hapag-Lloyd International
Blitz, The [1992] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 441 15.143, 20.59, 23.9, 23.83, 23.115, 23.169
Blue Nile Shipping Co. Ltd v. Iguana Shipping & Finance Inc. (The Happy Fellow)
[1998] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 13 (C.A.); affirming [1997] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 130 12.27, 12.38,
12.50, 12.106, 24.92, 24.114
Blue Wave, The [1982] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 151 11.9, 12.83
Bock v. Gorriesen (1861) 30 L.J. Ch. 39 20.33
Blohn v. Desser [1962] 2 Q.B. 116; [1961] 3 W.L.R. 719; [1961] 3 All E.R. 1
Bold Buccleugh, The (1851) 7 Moo. P.C. 267 2.36, 2.47, 2.64, 2.68, 2.78, 10.9,
10.12, 10.13, 11.37, 18.7-18.12, 18.16-18.20, 18.21, 18.49, 18.57
Boleslaw Chrobry, The [1974] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 308 26.142
Bonacina, Re [1912] 2 Ch. 394 (C.A.) 26.59
Bonapart, The (1853) 8 Moo. P.C. 459 18.73
Bonaparte. The (1859) 7 Not.Cas.Supp. 55 2.98
Boocock v. Hilton International Co. [1993] 4 All E.R. 19 (C.A.) 9.50
Bond Worth Ltd. Re [1980] Ch. 228; [1979] 3 W.L.R. 629; [1979] 3 All E.R. 919
23.1, 23.17
Booth v. Phillips [2004] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 457 9.88
Booth Steamship Co. Ltd v. Cargo Fleet Iron Co. Ltd [1916] 2 K.B. 570 (C.A.)
Borag, The. See Compania Financiera Soleada SA v. Hamoor Tanker Corpn Inc.
Boral Gas, The. See Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Ltd v. Huddart Parker
Industries Ltd
Borden (UK) Ltd v. Scottish Timber Products Ltd [1981] Ch. 25; [1980] 1 Lloyd's
Rep. 160 (C.A.) 21.16, 23.17, 25.41
Bosma Huygen Meubelimpex BV v. Hacker Kuchen GmbH (Case 3693/85) [1991]
I.L.Pr. 384 6.147, 6.15 1
Boss Group Ltd v. Boss France SA [1996] 4 All E.R. 970 (C.A.) 4.41, 6.135
Bosworth (No. 3), The. See Grand Union (Shipping) Ltd v London Steamship
Owners Mutual Insurance Association Lt d
Bouygues Offshore SA v. Caspian Shipping Co. (Nos. 1. 3. 4 and 5) [1998] 2
Lloyd's Rep. 461 (C.A.); [1997] 2 Lloyds Rep. 507 12.75, 12.106, 12.107, 24.7, 24.11,
24.28, 24.75, 24.91, 24.92, 24.99, 24.102, 24.105, 24.124, 24.131, 25.20
Bovenkerk, The [1973] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 63 26.142
Bowbelle, The [1990] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 532
15.124, 24.53, 24.80, 24.107
Bowes (Administration of Estate), Re (1886) L.R. 33 Ch. D. 586 20.33
Bowmaker, Ltd v. Wycombe Motors, Ltd [1946] K.B. 505 20.37, 23.112
Bowring (CT) & Co. (Insurance) Ltd v. Corsi & Partners Ltd [1994] 2 Lloyd's
Rep. 567 (C.A.) 14.37, 14.42, 16.31
Boys v. Chaplin [1971] A.C. 356; [1969] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 487 (H.L.) 26.44, 26.123,
26.127, 26.128, 26.131
Bradford & Bingley Building Society v. Seddon (Hancock t/a Hancocks) [1999] 1
W.L.R. 1482; [1999] 4 All E.R. 217; [1999] Lloyd's Rep. RN. 657 (C.A.) 25.1
Bradley v. H. Newsom Sons & Co. [1919] A.C. 16 (H.L.) 18.43
Bragg v. Oceanus Mutual Underwr
Bramarand, The (1968) (unreported) 18.108
Brandao v. Barnett (1846) 3 C.B. 519 20.33
Brazendale & Co. v. Saint Freres SA [1970] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 34 27.64
Bremen, The and Another v. Zapata Offshore Co. (The Chaparral) [1972] 2 Lloyd's
Rep. 315; 407 U.S. 1 (1972) (US Ct) 12.75
Bremer Oeltransport GmbH v. Drewry [1933] 1 K.B. 753; (1933 ) 45 Ll. L. Rep.
133 (C.A.) 2.20 1, 2.203
Brenner v. Dean Witter Reynolds Inc. (C318/93) [1995] All E.R. (EC) 278; [1994]
ECR I-4275; [1994] I.L.Pr. 720 (ECJ) 5.73, 6.119
Brennero SAS v. Wendel GmbH Schuhproduktion International (C258/83) [1984]
ECR 3971; [1986] 2 CMLR 5 (ECJ) 28.85, 28.104
Breydon Merchant, The [1992] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 373 24.76
Bridge Oil Ltd v. Owners and/or Demise Charterers of the Ship Guiseppe di
Vittorio (No. 1) (The Guiseppe di Vittorio) [1998] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 136 (C.A.) 10.42,
10.43, 10.48, 12.117, 15.78
Bridge Oil Ltd v. Owners and/or Demise Charterers of the Ship Guiseppe di
Vittorio (The Guiseppe di Vittorio) (No. 2) [1998] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 661 12.117
Brightlife Ltd, Re [1986] 3 All E.R. 673 21.5
Brink’s-MAT Ltd v. Elcombe [1988] 1 W.L.R. 1350; [1988] 3 All E.R. 188 (C.A.)
Bristol Airport Plc v. Powdrill [1990] 2 All E.R. 493 (C.A.) 20.16, 20.60
Bristow Helicopters Ltd v. Sikorsky Aircraft Corpn [2004] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 150
12.98, 25.50, 25.51
British Aerospace Plc v. Dee Howard Co. [1993] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 368 12.64,
12.66, 12.110
British Airways Board v. Laker Airways Ltd [1984] 3 All E.R. 39 (H.L.) 25.26
British Mexican Petroleum Co. Ltd v. Owners of the Motorship Westport (The
Westport) (No. 1) [1965] 2 All E.R. 167 (Note); [196 5] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 547 15.126,
British Trade, The [1924] P. 104; (1924) 18 Ll. L. Rep. 65 2.79, 2.81
British Transport Docks Board v. Owners of the Proceeds of Sale of the Charger,
Probe, Vigia, Dideki, Surveyor, Constellation, Errol and Regency (The Charger) (No. 1)
[1966] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 670; [1966] 3 All E.R. 117 15.143, 20.56, 23.9, 23.158, 23.169
Broadmayne, The [1916] P. 64 (C.A.) 12.140
Brodin v. A/R Seljan 1973 S.C. 213: 1973 SLT 198 26.52, 26.64, 26.120
Broken Hill Proprietary Co. Pty Ltd v. Th eodore Xenakis [1982] 2 Lloyd's Rep.
304 9.107
Brond v. Broomhall [1906] 1 K B. 571 2.123, 2.127, 23.32
Brown v. Thornton (1837) 6 Ad. & E. 185 26.46
Brownton Ltd v. Edward Moore Inbucom Ltd [1985] 3 All E.R. 499 (C.A.) 18.78,
Brunton v. Electrical Engineering Corporation [1892] 1 Ch. 434 23.63, 23.104
Bua International Ltd v. Hai Hing Shipping Co. Ltd (The Hai Hing) [2000] 1
Lloyd's Rep. 300 9.2, 9.38, 9.55, 9.83, 11.2, 11.18, 11.40
Bulgaria, The [1964] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 524 14.134
Bumbesti, The [1999] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 481 2.179, 2.203, 2.206, 15.56, 15.67,
15.79, 15.118, 15.120, 8.118, 25.5
Bureau Wijsmuller NV v. Owners of the Tojo Maru (The Tojo Maru) (No. 2)
[1972] A.C. 242; [1971] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 341 (H.L.) 2.46
Burgis v. Constantine [1908] 2 K.B. 484 (C.A.) 23.75, 23.85
Burnet v. Francis Industries Plc [1987] 1 W.L.R. 802; [1987] 2 All E.R. 323 (C.A.)
Burns, The [1907] P. 137 (C.A.) 25.60
Burston Finance, Ltd v. Speirway, Ltd [1974] 1 W.L.R. 1648 17.22, 20.20
Byzantio, The [2004] EWHC 3067; [2004 ] All E.R. (D) 219 9.30, 9.34
Byzantion, The (1922.) 12 Ll. L. Rep. 9 15.114, 23.129
C Inc. Plc v. L [2001] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 459 9.40, 16.48
CAN Insurance Co. Ltd v. Office Depot International [2005] All E.R. (D) 325:
[2005] EWHC 456 9.56
CBS United Kingdom Ltd v. Lambert [1982] 3 All E.R. 237 (C.A.) 16.49
CFEM/Facades SA v. Bovis Construction Ltd [1992] I.L.Pr. 561 14.65, 14.68
CILFIT Srl v. Ministro della Sanita (Minister of Health) (C283/81) [1982] ECR
3415: [1983] 1 CMLR 472 (ECJ) 4.11
CMA COM SA v. Classics Shipping Co. Ltd [2004] 1 All E.R. (Comm.) 865
(C.A.) 24.52, 24.53
CN Marine Inc. v. StenaLine A/B (The Stena Nautical (No. 2) [1982] 2Lloyd's
Rep. 336 (C.A.) 20.30, 25.42
Cadle Co. v. Hearley [2002] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 143 26.46
Cahill v. Dawson (1857) 3 C.B. (N.S.) 106 20.26, 20.54
Cala Cristal SA v. Al-Borno (Emran) (1994) The Times, 6 May; [1994] LMLN 383
Caledonia Subsea Ltd v. Micoperi Srl 2002 SLT 1022 26.116
Caltex Oil (Australia) Pty. Ltd v. The Dredge "Willemstad" (1975-76) 136 C.L.R.
529 (H.C. (Australia)) 2.148, 10.84
Caltex Singapore Pte Ltd v. BP Shipping Ltd [1996] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 286 12.108,
24.7, 24.92, 24.120, 24.123, 24.124, 26.22, 26.45
Caltex Trading Pte Ltd v. Metro Trading International Inc. [1999] 2 Lloyd’s Rep.
724 6.193, 9.56
Campbell International Trading House Ltd v. Van Aart [1993] I.L.Pr. 314 (H.C.
(Irl.)) 6.146, 6.15 1
Campbell Mussells v. Thompson (1984) 81 L.S.G. 2140 16.45
Canada Enterprises Corpn Ltd v. MacNab Distilleries Ltd [1981] Com. L.R. 167
(C.A.) 10.44, 25.67
Canada Trust Co. v. Stolzenberg (No. 1) [1998] I.L.Pr. 30; [1997] EWCA Civ
1545; [1997] 1 W.L.R. 1582; [1997] 4 All E.R. 983; [1997] I.L.Pr. 30 (C.A.) 3.1, 9.55,
14.9, 14.15, 25.8
Canada Trust Co. v. Stolzenberg (No. 2) [2000] 4 All E.R. 481 (H.L.); affirmin g
[1998] 1 All E.R. 318 (C.A.) 5.78, 5.82, 5.88, 5.90, 6.139, 6.184, 9.78
Canadian National S.S. Co. v. Watson [1959] 1 D.L.R. 273 26.12 1
Canadian Pacific (Bermuda) Ltd v. Lagon Maritime Overseas (The Fort Kipp)
[1985] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 168 20.44, 22.5
Cannon Screen Entertainments Ltd v. Handmade Films Ltd, 11 July 1989
(unreported) 12.65, 12.66
Capelloni and Aquilini v. Pelkmans (119/84) [1985] ECR 3147; [1986] 1 CMLR
388 (ECJ) 28.78, 28.85, 28.96, 28.97
Capital Finance Co. Ltd v. Stokes [1969] 1 Ch. 261; [1968] 3 W.L.R. 899; [1968]
3 All E.R. 625 (C.A. ) 23.63 Capitan San Luis, The [1993] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 573 0.35,
Care Shipping Corpn v. Latin American Shipping Corpn (The Cebu) [1983] 1
Lloyd's Rep. 302 22.17, 22.21, 22.22, 22.26 -22.29
Cargo Ex Galam (1863) 2 Moo. P.C., N.S. 216 23.145
Cargo Ex Schiller (1877) 2 P.D. 145 18.30
Cargo Ex Sultan, The (1859) Swab. 504 2.23
Caribbean Gold Ltd v. Alga Shipping Co. Ltd (The Nova Scotia) [1993] 1 Lloyd's
Rep. 154 9.56
Carmania II. The. See J. & J. Harrison v. Owners of the Carmania II
Carnoustie Universal SA v. ITFW [2002] EWHC 1624; [2003] I.L.Pr. 7 6.192,
Carrick v. Hancock (1895) 12 T.L.R. 59 27.38
Carron v. Germany (C198/85) [1986] ER 2437; [1987] 1 CMLR 838 (ECJ) 28.89
Carrow Towing Co. v. The Ed McWilliams (1919) 46 D.L.R. 506 2.112
Casper Trader. The. See Hancock Shipping Co. Ltd v. Kawasaki Heavy Industries
Cassils & Co. and Sassoon & Co. v. Holder Wood Bleaching Co. (1915) 84 L.J.
K.B. 834 20.26
Caspian Basin Specialised Emergency Salvage Admini stration v. Bouygues
Offshore SA. See Bouygues Offshore SA v. Caspian Shipping Co (Nos. 1, 3, 4 and 5)
Castanho v. Brown & Root (UK) Ltd [1981] A.C. 557; [1981] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 113
(H.L.) 12.157
Castle Insurance Co. v. Hong Kong Islands Shipping Co. (The Po toi Chau) [1983]
2 Lloyd's Rep. 376 (PC.) 11.15
Castlegate, The. See Morgan v. Steamship Castlegate and the Freight Due for the
Transportation of the Cargo Lately Laden on Board
Castrique v. Imrie (1870) L.R. 4 H.L. 414 (H.L.) 27.30, 27.46
Caterpillar Financial Services Corpn v. SNC Passion [2004] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 99
26. 100
Catherine Helen, The. See Cathiship SA v. Allanasons Ltd
Cathiship SA v. Allanasons Ltd (The Catherine Helen) [1998] 3 All E.R. 714;
[1998] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 511 13.54
Cave v. Robinson Jarvis & Rolf (A Firm) [2002] 2 All E.R. 641 (H.L.) 11.29
Cavendish, The. See Oceangas (Gibraltar) v. Port of London Authority
Cayne v. Global Natural Resources Plc [1984] 1 All E.R. 225 (C.A.) 14.20
Cebu, The. See Care Shipping Corpn v.Latin American Shipping Corpn
Cebu (No. 2), The. See Itex Itagrani Export SA v. Care Shipping Corpn
Celtic King, The [1894] P. 175 23.44
Centro Latino Americano de Commercio Exterior SA v. Owners of the Kommunar
(The Kommunar) (No. 1) [1997] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 1 2.218
Centro Latino Americano de Commercio Exterior SA v. Owners of the Kommunar
(The Kommunar) (No. 2) [1997] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 8 10.35, 10.42, 15.43, 15.55, 15.75,
Centro Latino Americano de Commercio Exterior SA v. Owners of the Kommunar
(The Kommunar) (No. 3) [1997] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 22 15.51, 15.117
Cerro Colorado, The [1993] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 58 15.106, 18.119, 23.160, 25.58
Ceskoslovena Obchodni Banka As v. Nomerva International Plc [2003] I.L.Pr. 20
12.102 Chailease Finance Corpn v. Credit Agricole Indosuez [2000] 1 Lloyd 's Rep.
348 (C.A.) 6.145, 6.146
Chalmers v. Pardoe [1963] 3 All E.R. 552 (P.C.) 21.13
Champion, The [1934] P. 1 18.31
Channel Tunnel Group Ltd v. Balfour Beatty Construction Ltd [1993] A.C. 334;
[1993] 1 All E.R. 664; [1993] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 291 (H.L.) 9.92, 14.19, 14.58, 16.10
Chappell v. Cooper [1980] 2 All E.R. 463 (C.A.) 11.30
Charger (No. 1), The. See British Transport Docks Board v. Owners of the
Proceeds of Sale of the Charger, Probe, Vigia, Dideki, Surveyor, Constellation, Errol
and Regency
Charman v. WOC Offshore BV [1993] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 551 (C.A.) 6.97, 6.106,
6.109, 12.37
Chartered Bank v. Daklouche [1980] 1 All E.R. 205 (C.A.) 16.15
Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, London and China v. Netherlands India Steam
Navigation Co. Ltd (1883) L.R. 10 Q.B .D. 521 26.57, 26.122
Chase Manhattan Bank NA v. Israel-British Bank (London) Ltd [1981] Ch. 105;
[1980] 2 W.L.R. 202; [1979] 3 All E.R. 1025 26.147
Chellaram (K.) & Sons (London) v. Butlers Warehousing & Distribution [1978] 2
Lloyd's Rep. 412 (C.A.) 20.13, 20.24, 20.26
Chelsea Yacht & Boat Co Ltd v. Pope [2001] 2 All E.R. 409 (CA.) 2.46, 18.31
Cheltenham & Gloucester Building Society v. Ricketts [1993] 4 All E.R. 276
(C.A.) 16.30, 16.33
Cheshire Witch, The (1864) B. & L. 362 15.117
Chief Harry Akande v. Balfour Beatty Construction Ltd [1998] I.L.Pr. 110 27.39
Chieftain, The (1863) B. & L. 104 2.94, 18.114
Chimera, The (1852) 11 L.J. 113 23.133, 23.134
Chimimport Plc v. G D'Alesio SAS (The Paula D'Alesio) [1994] 2 Lloyd's Rep.
366 9.56
China Ocean Shipping Co. (The Xingcheng) v. Andros (The Andros) [1987] 2
Lloyd's Rep. 210 (P. C.) .... 11.18
China-Pacific SA v. Food Corpn of India (The Winson) [1982] A.C. 939; [1982] 1
Lloyd s Rep. 117 (H.L.) 17.21, 20.4, 20.21, 20.44, 20.46
Chr Knudsen, The [1932] P. 153; (1932) 43 Ll. L. Rep. 423 2.66
Christiansborg, The (1885) 10 P.D. 141 15.74, 18.99, 18.105, 18.109
Christina. The [1938] A.C. 485 10.16, 12.115
Chrysovalandou-Dyo, The. See Santiren Shipping Ltd v. Unimarine SA
Chubb Insurance Co of Europe SA v. Davies [2004] EWHC 2138 9.40, 10.80
Cil v. Owners of the Turiddu (The Turiddu) [1999] 2 All E.R. (Comm) 161;
[1999] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 401 2.80, 18.88
Cinderella Rockerfellas v. Rudd, 3 February 2003 18.31
Ciola v. Land Vorarlberg (C224/97) [1999] E.C.R. I —2517, 29 April 1999 (ECJ)
Citibank NA v. Rafidan Bank [2003] EWHC 1950 0.17
Citi-March Ltd v. Neptune Orient Lines Ltd [1997] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 72 11.9, 12.83,
City of Mecca, The (1881) 6 P.D. 106 (C.A.); reversing (1880) 5 P.D. 28 2.22,
15.134, 27.30, 27.48
Claim for Payment for a Timeshare, Re (9 O 62/95) [1997] I.L.Pr. 524 (Darmstadt
Dist Ct.) 5.20
Clan Grant, The (1887) 6 Asp. M.L.C. 144 2.113
Clara, The (1855) Swab. 1 15.133
Clark v. Bowring 1908 S.C. 1168 18.88
Clark (Inspector of Taxes) v. Perks [2000] STC 428 2.46, 18.32
Clay v. Sudgrave (1700) 1 Salk 33 10.8, 18.70
Clea Shipping Corpn v. Bulk Oil International (The Alaskan Trader) (No. 2)
[1984] 1 All E.R. 129; [1983] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 645 25.44
Clifford Chance v. Owners of the Vessel "Atlantic Trader" [1991] 2 Lloyd's Rep.
324n (H.C. (H.K.)) 2.232
Clifford Harris v. Solland International Ltd [2005] EWHC 141 20.20, 23.111
Clifford Maersk, The [1982] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 251 11.4
Clipper Maritime Co Ltd of Monrovia v. Mineral Import-Export (The Marie
Leonhardt) [1981] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 458 16.18, 16.34
Clothing Sales Contract, Re [1995] I.L.Pr. 72 (OBG (Munchen)) 12.37
Clough Mill Ltd v. Martin [1984] 3 All E.R. 982 (C.A.) 23.1, 23.64
Clupea, The [1982] LMLN 62 (Ct of Se ss. 20.55
Clydesdale Bank v. Walker and Bain 1926 S.C. 72 18.88
Coast Lines v. Hudig & Veder Chartering NV [1972] 2 Q.B. 34; [1972] 1 Lloyd's
Rep. 53 (C.A.) 26.56, 26.70
Cocona Energy, The (1977) (unreported) 2.234
Cohn, Re [1945] Ch. 5 26.51
Coin Controls Ltd v. Suzo International (UK) Ltd [1997] 3 All E.R. 45 5.17, 5.28
Coker, Ex p. (18775 ) L.R. 10 Ch. App. 652 15.48
Colorado, The [1923] P. 102 (C.A.) 26.41
Colegio de Offiales de la Marina Merchant Epsilon v. Administracia del Estado
(ECJ Case 405/0 1) 1.34
Colt Industries Inc v. Sarlie [1966] 3 All E.R. 673 (C.A.) 9.18
Coltman v. Bibby Tankers Ltd (The Derbyshire) [1988] A.C. 276; [1988] 1
Lloyd'sRep. 109 (H.L.) 2.167
Comet, The [1965] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 195 2.96, 2.39
Commercial Bank of the Near East Ltd v. A, B, C, and D [1989] 2 Lloyd's Rep.
319 16.40
Commission v. Netherlands ((ECJ Case C—2999/02) 1.34
Commission of the European Communities v. Belgium and Luxembourg 11 June
1998 (ECJ) 3.12
Commission of the European Communities v. France C–334/94 [1996] ECR I—
1307, 7 March 1996 (ECJ) 3.12
Commission of the European Communities v. Ireland C–191/96 12 June 1997
(ECJ) 3.12
Commission of the European Communities v. Netherlands C–299/02 14 October
2004 (ECJ) 3.12
Compagnie Noga D’Importation v. AN2 Banking Group [2004] EWHC 2601 14.36
Compagnie Tunisienne de Navigation SA v. Compagnie d'Armement Maritime SA;
sub nom. Compagnie d'Armement Maritime SA v. Compagnie Tunisienne de Navigation
SA [1971] A.C. 572; [1970] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 99 (H.L.) 13.32, 26.57, 26.69, 26.79
Companhia de Seguros Imperio v. Heath (REBX) Ltd [2001] 1 W.L.R. 112; [2001]
Lloyd's Rep. I.R. 109 (C.A.) 11.31
Compania Continental del Peru SA v. Evelpis Shipping Corpn (The Agia Skepi)
[1992] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 467 9.80
Compania Financiera Soleada SA v. Hamoor Tanker Corpn Inc. (The Borag)
[1981] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 483 (C.A.) 15.117
Compania Naviera Micro SA v. Shipley International Inc. (The Parouth) [1982] 2
Lloyd's Rep. 351 (C.A.) 13.32, 26.19, 26.59, 26.73
Comoco v. M/V El Centro Americano [1984] AMC 1434 26.25
Connelly v. RTZ Corpn Plc (No. 2) [1998] A.C. 854; [1997] 3 W.L.R. 373; [1997]
4 All E.R. 335 (H.L.) 12.102
Conoco Britannia, The. See J. H. Pigott & Son Ltd v. Owners of the Conoco
Consolidated Investment & Contracting v. Saponaria Shipping Co. (The Virgo)
[1978] 3 All E.R. 988; [1978] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 167 (C.A.) 13.52
Constables case (1610) 5 Co. Rep. 106a 18.43
Constancia, The (1846) 2 W. Rob. 460 23.9
Constellation, The [1965] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 538 15.48
Continental Bank NA v. Aeakos Compania Naviera SA [1994] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 505
(C.A.) 5.44, 11.9, 12.19, 12.65
Continental Fertilizer Co. Ltd v. Pionier Shipping CV (The Pionier) [1995] 1
Lloyd's Rep. 223 11.18
Continental Grain Co. v. Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines and Government
Trading Corp of Iran (The Iran Rohanar) [1983] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 620 (C.A.) 25.42
Cool Carriers AB v. HSBC Bank USA [2001] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 22 9.19
Coral Rose (No. 1), The. See Atlas Maritime Co. SA v. Avalon Maritime Ltd
Coral Rose (No. 3), The. See Atlas Maritime Co. SA v. Avalon Maritime Ltd
Corps (t/a Corps Bros) v. Owners of the Paddle Steamer Queen of the South (The
Queen of the South) [1968] P. 449; [1968] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 18 2 2.19, 2.139, 2.192,
2.199, 2.218, 2.219, 10.25, 15.106, 15.143, 20.57, 20.59, 23.9, 23.170
Coreclc Maritime GmbH v Handelsveem BV (C387/98) [2000]ECR I—933; [200]
I.L.Pr. 263 (Op. Alber A.G.) 5.36, 5.55, 5.60, 5.61
Corfu Navigation Co. v. Mobil Shipping Co. (The Alpha) (No. 1) [1991] 2 Lloyd's
Rep. 52 (C.A.) 14.37
Cornelia Henrietta, The v. Cassels (1866) L.R. 1 A. & E. 51 18.88
Cornhill Insurance Plc v. Barclay [1992] LMLN 340 16.30
Corser v. Husely (1688) Comb. 135 10.8
Corsica Ferries France SA v. Gruppo Antichi Ormeggiaton del Porto di Genova
Coop arl (C266/96) [1998] ECR I—3949; [1998] 5 CMLR 402 (ECJ) 3.12
Coscol Marine Corpn v. Owners of the "Salina" [1999] LMLN 500 (C.A. Sing.)
Costellow v. Somerset County Council [1993] 1 All E.R. 952 (C.A.) 11.43
Coulthard v. Disco Mix Club Ltd [2000] 1 W.L.R. 707; [1999] 2 All E.R. 457
Countess, The [1923] A.C. 345 23.172
Coupland v. Arabian Gulf Oil Co. [1983] 1 W.L.R. 1136; [198 3] 3 All E.R. 226
(C.A.): affirming [1983] 1 W.L.R. 1136; [1983] 2 All E.R. 434 26.44, 26.52
Courageous Coloctronis, The [1979] W.A.R. 19 2.124
Coursier v. Fortis Bank SA (C267/97) [1999] ECR I –2543; [2000] I.L.Pr. 202
(ECJ) 28.3, 28.12
Cox v. Owners of the Esso Malaysia (The Esso Malaysia) [1974] 2 Lloyd's Rep.
143; [1974] 2 All E.R. 705; [1975] Q.B. 198 2.168, 26.12, 26.137
Craighall, The [1910] P. 207 (C.A.) 18.31
Cranfield v. Bridgegrove Ltd [2003] 3 All E.R. 129 9.24, 9.50
Crathie, The [1897] P. 178 24.85
Credit Lyonnais v. New Hampshire Insurance Co. Ltd [1997] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 1
(C.A.) 26.109, 26.118
Credit Suisse Fides Trust SA v. Cuoghi [1998] Q.B. 818; [1997] 3 All E.R. 724
(CA.) 14.16, 16.22, 16.25, 16.51, 25.17
Credit Suisse Financial Products v. Societe Generale D’Enterprises [1997] I.L.Pr.
165 (C.A.) 5.45
Credit Suisse First Boston (Europe) Ltd v. MLC (Bermuda) Ltd [1999] 1 Lloyd’s
Rep. 767 12.65, 25.15, 25.20
Cretan Harmony, The [1978] 3 All E.R. 164; [1978] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 425 (C.A. )
23.102, 23.118
Cretanor Maritime Co. Ltd v. Irish Marine Management Ltd (The Cretan Harmony)
[1978] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 425 (C.A.) 16.4
Cronos Containers NU v. Palatin [2003] I.L.Pr. 16 6.153
Crusader. The [1907] P. 15 2.46
Cumming v. Scottish Daily Record and Sunday Mail Ltd [1995] EMLR 538; The
Times, 8 June 1995 7.28
Currie v. M'Knight [1897] A.C. 97 (H.L.) 2.47, 2.64, 2.66, 2.170, 19.3
Curtis v. Wild [1991] 4 All E.R. 172 2.44
Custom Made Commercial Ltd v Stawa Metallbau GmbH (C288/92) [1994] ECR I
—2913; [1994] I.L.Pr. 516 (ECJ); [1993] I.L.Pr. 490 (BGH (Ger.)) 5.36, 5.86, 6.144,
6.147, 6.149
Customs and Excise Commissioners v. Air Canada [1991] 2 Q.B. 446 (C.A.)
Customs and Excise Commissioners v. Anchor Foods Ltd (No. 2) [1999] 3 All
E.R. 268 16.30
Customs and Excise Commissioners v. Barclays Bank Plc [2005] 1 Lloyd’s Rep.
165 16.55
Cybele, The (1878) 3 P.D. 8 12.145
Cyber Sea Technologies Inc. v. Triton Logging Co. Inc. [2003] 1 F.C. 569; 2002
FCT 794 (Can.) ......2.46, 18.32
Czarnikow-Rionda Sugar Trading Inc. v. Standard Bank London Ltd [1999] 2
Lloyd's Rep. 187 14.21, 14.22, 16.39
D/S A/S Idaho v. Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co. Ltd (The
Strathnewton) [1983] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 219 (C.A.) 11. 4
DSQ Property Co Ltd v. Lotus Cars Ltd [1987] 1 W.L.R. 127 14.36, 14.40
DSV Silo und Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH v. Owners of the Sennar (The Sennar)
(No. 2) [1985] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 521 (H.L.) 12.62, 12.12
Dagmara, The and Ama Antxine, The [1988] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 431 2.66
Daien Maru No.18, The [1986] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 387 (H.C. (Sing.)) 2.139, 10.25,
10.57, 14.84
D'Almeida Araujo LDA v. Sir Frederick Becker & Co. Ltd [1953] 2 Q.B. 329;
[1953] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 30 26.44
Dalmia Cement Ltd v. National Bank of Pakistan [1975] Q.B. 9; [1974] 3 W.L.R.
138; [1974] 3 All E.R. 189; [1974] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 98 27.64
Damavand, The [1993] LMLN 357 (C.A. (Sing.)) 10.68, 15.55
Damon Compania Naviera SA v. Hapag-Lloyd International SA (The Blankenstein)
[1983] 3 All E.R. 510; [1983] 2 Lloyd" Rep. 522 25.44
Danmarks Redenforening v. Lo Landsorganisationen 1 Sveirge (C-18/02) [2004] 2
Lloyd's Rep. 162 (ECJ) 6.159, 6.165
Dansommer A/S v. Gotz (C8/98) [2001] 1 W.L.R. 1069 (ECJ) 5.20
Dante, The (1846) 2 W. Rob. 427 2.98
Danvaern Production A/S v. Schuhfabriken Otterbeck GmbH & Co. (C341/93)
[1995] ECR I—-2053; [1995] I.L.Pr. 649 (ECJ) 6.197
Darfur, The [2004] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 469 24.55, 24.56
Daring, The (1868) L.R. 2 A. & E. 260 23.133
Daval Aciers D'Usinor et de Sacilor v. Armare Sri (The Nerarno) [1996] 1
Lloyd's Rep. 1 (C.A.) 12.61, 13.17. 13.38
Davenport v. Corinthian Motor Policies at Lloyd's 1991 SLT 774 6.160, 7.8
Davy International Ltd v Voest Alpine Industneanlagenblau GmbH [1999] 1 A1 1
E.R. 103; [2000] I.L.Pr. 148 (C.A.) 8.1
De Bloos Sprl v. Bouyer SA (C14/76) [1976] ECR 1497; [1977] 1 CMLR 60
(ECJ) 6.144, 6.172
De Dampierre v. De Dampierre [1988] A.C. 92; [1987] 2 W.L.R. 1006; [1987] 2
All E.R. 1 (H.L.) .... 12.104
De Pina v. MS Birka Beutler Schiffahrts KG (The Birka) [1994] I.L.Pr. 694 12.47
De Wolf v. Harry Cox BV (C42/76) [19761 ECR 1759; [1977] 2 CMLR 43 (ECJ)
12.9, 28.6
Dearie v. Hall (1823) 3 Russ. 1 23.96
Deaville v. Aeroflot Russian International Airlines [1997] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 67 25.18
Debaecker v. Bouwman (C49/84) [1985] ECR 1779; [1986] 2 CMLR 400 (ECJ)
28.64, 28.67, 28.68
Deerness v. John R. Keeble & Son (Brantham) Ltd [1983] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 260
(H.L.) 11.30
Definitely Maybe (Touring) Ltd v. Marek Lieberberg Konzertagentur GmbH (No.
2) [2001] 1 W.L.R. 1745; [2001] 4 All E.R. 283; [2001] 2 All E.R. (Comm) 1; [2001] 2
Lloyd's Rep. 455 26.114
Deichland, The. See Owners of Cargo Lately Laden on Board the Deichland v.
Owners and/or Demise Charterers of the Deichland
Den Norske Bank ASA v. Antonatos [1998] 3 All E.R. 74: [1998] Lloyd's Rep.
Bank. 253 (C.A.) .... 16.50, 16.51
Den Norske Bank A/S and Irish Intercontinental Bank v. Owners of Ships Eurosun
and Eurostar and Euro Marine Carriers BV (The Eurosun and The Eurostar) [1993] 1
Lloyd's Rep. 106 18.36, 19.34, 25.55
Denby v. Hellenic Mediterranean Line Co. Ltd [1994] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 320 12.66
Denilauler v. SNC Couehet Freres (125/79) [1980] ECR 1553; [1 981] 1 CMLR 62
(ECI) 14.64, 14.65. 28.17
Den Norske Bank ASA v. Antonatos [1998] 3 All E.R. 74; [1998] Lloyd's Rep.
Bank. 253 (C.A.) 16.3
Dennis & Sons Ltd v. Cork Steamship Co. Ltd [1913] 2 K.B. 393 20.46
Derby & Co. Ltd v. Weldon (No. 1) [1989] 1 All E.R. 469; [1989] 1 Lloyd's Rep.
122 (C.A.) 16.20
Derby & Co. Ltd v. Weldon (No. 2) [1989] 1 All E.R. 1002 14.65, 16.1, 16.20,
16.44, 16.53, 25.8, 25.67
Derby & Co. Ltd v. Weldon (No. 6) [1990] 3 All E.R. 263 (C.A.) 16.21
Derbyshire, The. See Coltman v. Bibby Tankers Ltd
Despina GK, The [1983] Q.B. 214; [1982] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 555 2.14, 2.22, 10.84,
14.85, 15.64, 19.23, 27.33, 27.48
Despina Pontikos, The [1975] E.A.R. 38 (C.A. E. Africa) 10.47, 23.30 Despina
R, The [1979] A.C. 685; [1979] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 1 (H.L.) 25.36 Deutsche
Genossenschaftsbank v. Brasserie du Pecheur (148/84) [1985] ECR
1981; [1986] 2 CMLR 496 (ECJ) 28.10, 28.84, 28.106
Devon, The (1923) 16 Asp. M.L.C. 268 2.141
Deweer v. Belgium (A/35) (1979-1980) 2 EHRR 439 0.19
Dictator, The [1892] P. 304 9.61, 10.10, 15.137, 25.59
Dimbleby & Sons v. National Union of Journalists [1984] 1 All E.R. 751 (H.L.)
Dimskal Shipping Co. SA v. International Transport Workers Federation (The Evia
Luck) (No. 2) [1992] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 115 (H.L.) 26.63
Diplock's Estate, Re [1951] A.C. 251; [1950] 2 All E.R. 1137 (H.L.); affirming
[1948] Ch. 465; [1948] 2 All E.R. 318 (C.A.) 21.15
Disperser, The [1920] P. 228; (1920) 3 Ll. L. Rep. 145 11.26
Ditta Estasis Salotti di Colzani Aimo e Gianmario Colzani v. RUWA
Polstereimaschinen GmbH (C24/76) [1976] ECR 1831; [1977] 1 CMLR 345 (ECJ)
Domansa v. Derin Shipping & Trading Co. Inc. (The Sletreal) [2001] 1 Lloyd’s
Rep. 362 12.63
Domicrest Ltd v. Swiss Bank Corpn [1999] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 80 6.147, 6.161, 6.163
Dong Wha Enterprise Co. Ltd v. Crownson Shipping Ltd [1995] 1 Lloyd’s Rep.
113 9.36
Donoghue v. Stevenson [1932] A.C. 562; 1932 S.C. (H.L.) 31 (H.L.) 18.7
Donohue v. Armco Inc. [2002] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 425 (H.L.); reversing [2000] 1
Lloyd's Rep. 579; (C.A.); reversing [1999] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 649 9.95, 25.15, 25.17,
Doran v. Power [1997] I.L.Pr. 52 (Sup. Ct (Irl.)) 6.25, 6.26
Doris v. The Ship Ferdinand (Can. Fed. Ct) LMLN 498 2.232
Dowthorpe, The (1843) 2 W. Rob. 73 2.98, 2.99, 18.38, 18.42
Dresser UK v. Falcongate Freight Management (The Duke of Yare) [1991] 2
Lloyd's Rep. 557 (C.A.) 5.62, 12.26, 12.28, 12.29, 12.50, 12.62, 14.47
Drouot Assurances SA v. Consolidated Metallurgical Industries (CMI Industrial
Sites) (C351/96) [1998] All E.R. (EC) 483; [1998] ECR I —3075; [1999] Lloyd's Rep.
I.R. 338 (ECJ) 12.43
Druid, The (1842) 2 W. Rob. 391 18.64
Du Pont (EI) de Nemours & Co. v. Agnew [1987] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 585 (C.A.) 12.97
Dubai Bank Ltd v. Abbas [1998] I.L.Pr. 391; [1998] Lloyd’s Rep. Bank. 230 4.38,
11.7, 26.34
Dubai Electricity Co. v. Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines (The Iran Vojdan)
[1984] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 380 12.56, 26.56
Duijnstee (Liquidator) v. Lodewijk Goderbauer (C288/82) [1983] ECR 3663;
[1985] 1 CMLR 220 (ECJ) 4.48
Dumez France SA v. Hessische Landesbank (C228/88) [19901 ECR I —49; [1990]
I.L.Pr. 299 (ECJ) 6.162
Dunhill (Alfred) Ltd v. Diffusion Internationale de Maroquinerie de Prestige Sarl
[2002] 1 All E.R. (Comm) 950 6.163
Duna, The (1861) 5 L.T. 217 23.133
Dunbee Ltd v. Oilman & Co. (Australia) Pty Ltd [1968] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 394 (Sup.
Ct (NSW)) 26.83
Dunnett v. Railtrack plc [2002] 1 W.L.R. 2434 0.14
ED & F Man Ship Ltd v. Kvaerner Gibraltar Ltd (The Rothnie) [1996] 2 Lloyd’s
Rep. 206 12.99, 12.103
ED & F Man (Sugar) Ltd v. Haryanto Yani (No. 2) [1991] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 429
(C.A.) 27.8
EMI Records Ltd v. Modern Music Karl-Ulrich Walterbach GmbH [1992] Q.B.
115; [1991] 3 W.L.R. 663; [1992] 1 All E.R. 616 28.17
Eagle, The. See Hollingworth v. Southern Ferries
Eastern Trader, The. See Industrial Maritime Carriers (Bahamas) Inc. v. Sinoca
International Inc.
Edinburgh Castle. The [1999] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 362 2.218
Edward Oliver, The (1867) L.R. 1 A. & E. 379 23.14 1
Edwin, The (1864) B. & L. 281 18.70
Effer SpA v. Kantner (C38/81) [1982] ECR 825; [1984] 2 CMLR 667 (ECJ) 5.86,
Egon Oldendorff v. Libera Corpn (No. 1) [1995] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 64 12.88
Egon Oldendorff v. Libera Corpn (No. 2) [1996] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 380 13.32, 26.79,
Eide UK Ltd v. Lowndes Lambert Group Ltd [1998] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 389 (C.A.)
17.15, 20.3, 20.52
El Ajou v. Dollar Land Holdings Plc (No. 1) [1993] 3 All E.R. 717 26.147
El Ajou v. Dollar Land Holdings Plc (No. 2) [1995] 2 All E.R. 213 21.15
El Amria, The. See Aratra Potato Co. Ltd v. Egyptian Navigation Co.
El Amria, The and El Minia, The [1982] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 28 (C.A.) 26.59, 26.71
Eleanora Charlotta, The (1823) 1 Hag. Adm. 156 2.47
Electric Supply Stores v. Gaywood [1909] 100 L.T. 855 20.30, 23.112
Elefanten Schuh GmbH v. Jacqmain (150/80) [1981] ECR 1671; [1982] 3 CMLR 1
(ECJ) 5.31, 5.41, 5.69
Eleftheria, The. See Owners of Cargo Lately Laden on Board the Elefthena v.
Owners of the Eleftheria
Eleftherios, The. See Galaxia Maritima SA v. Mineral Importexport
Eli Lilly & Co. v. Novo Nordisk A/S (No. 1) [2000] I.L.Pr. 74 12.14, 12.14
Elin, The (1882) 8 P.D. 39 23.9, 23.133, 23.134
Eliza, The (1833) 3 Hag. Adm. 87 2.217
Ella A. Clarke, The (1863 ) B. & L. 32 18.13
Ellerman Lines Ltd v. Lancaster Maritime Co. Ltd (The Lancaster) [1 980] 2
Lloyd's Rep. 497 17.8, 17.10, 17.20, 20.7, 20.8, 22.11, 22.30
Elli 2, The. See Ilyssia Compania Naviera SA v. Ahmed Abdul-Qawi Bamaodah
Elmvilie (No. 2), The [1904] P. 422 2.93, 2.94
Elpis, The [1999] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 606 15.139
Elton, The [1891] P. 265 18.9
Elwyn (Cottons) Ltd v. Pearle Designs Ltd [1990] I.L.Pr. 40 (H.C. (Irl)) 14.62
Emre II, The [1989] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 182 15.93, 15.126
Enforcement of a Foreign Costs Order, Re [1986] ECC 481 (OLG (Frankfurt Am
Main)) 28.14
Enforcement of an English Anti-Suit Injunction, Re (3 VA 11/95) [1997] I.L.Pr. 320
(OLG (Dusseldorf)) 28.57
Enforcement of a French Sequestration Order, Re (VIII ZB 8/79) [1979] ECC 321
(BGH (Ger.)) 28.55
Engdiv Ltd v. G. Percy Trentham Ltd 1990 SLT 617 6.134, 7.8
Engler v. Janus Versand GmbH (C—27/02) [2005] I.L.Pr. 8 6.117, 6.134
English Judgment, Re (20 W 27/92) [1993] I.L.Pr. 653 (OLG (Hamm)) 28.47
Ennstone Building Products Ltd v. Stanger Ltd [2002] 2 All E.R. (Comm.) 479;
[2002] B.L.R. 82 26.107
Epimenidis, The [1986] LMLN 186 (C.A. (Ghent)) 26.179
Epsilon Rosa (No. 2), The [2003] I.L.Pr. 18 25.25
Ernst & Young v. Butte Mining Plc (No. 2) [1997] 2 All E.R. 471; [1997] 1 Lloyd's
Rep. 313 11.32
Esal (Commodities) Ltd v. Mahendra Pujara [1989] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 479 (C.A.)
5.34, 9.56, 9.106
Eskbridge, The [1931] P. 51; (1931) 39 Ll. L. Rep. 12 23.152
Esso Brussels, The [1973] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 73 (C.A.) 26.142
Esso Malaysia, The. See Cox v. Owners of the Esso Malaysia
Etablissement Esefka International Anstalt v. Central Bank of Nigeria [1979] 1
Lloyd's Rep. 445 (C.A.) 16.42
Euro Commercial Leasing Ltd v. Cartwright & Lewis [1995] 2 B.C.L.C. 618
20.16, 20.19
Europa, The (1863) 2 Moo. N.S. 1 11.37
Eurostar, The. See Den Norske Bank A/S and Irish Intercontinental Bank v. Owners
of Ships Eurosun and Eurostar and Euro Marine Carriers BV
Eva, The; sub nom. Eva, The (Question of Priorities) [1921] P. 454; (1921) 8 L1.
L. Rep. 315 23.9
Evangelismos, The (1858) Swab. 378 15.117
Evelyn, ex p. General Public Works and Assets Co Ltd, Re [1894] 2 Q.B. 302
15.48, 17.34, 18.112
Ever Glory, The, 27 June 2003 25.18
Ever Success, The [1999] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 824 2.80, 2.92, 18.70, 19.3
Evia Luck (No. 2), The. See Dimskal Shipping Co. SA v. International Transport
Workers Federation
Evialis SA v. SIAT [2003] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 311 12.27
Evpo Agnic, The [1988] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 411; [1988] 3 All E.R. 810 (C.A.) 10.37,
10.38, 10.39, 10.45
Excess Insurance Co. Ltd v. Allendale (C.A.) 8 March 1995 9.95, 12.64
Excess Insurance Co. Ltd v. Astra SA Insurance & Reinsurance Co. [1997] I.L.Pr.
252 (CA.) 9.82
Exchange Control and a Greek Guarantor. Re (IX ZR 250/90) [1993] I.L.Pr. 298
(BGH (Ger.)) 5.55
Exeter, The (1799) 1 C. Rob. 173 23.145
Exhill Coal Mining Co., Re (1864) 4 De G.J. and Sm. 377 17.30
FMC Corpn v. Russell 1999 SLT 99 (Ct Sess.) 25.18
Faial, The. See Aluflet SA v. Vinave Empresa de Navegacao Maritima Lda
Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co. Ltd v. Gardner. Mountain & Co. Ltd
(1911) 104 L.T. 288 20.53
Fairfold Properties Ltd v. Exmouth Docks Co. Ltd (No. 2) [1992] 4 All E.R. 289
Fairport, The (1882) L.R. 8 P.D. 48 2.93, 2.94, 11.37
Fairport, The (No. 1) [1965] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 183 2.81, 2.82, 15.105, 25 .55, 26.24
Fairport, The (No. 3) [1966] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 253 2.81
Fairport, The (No. 5) [1967] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 162 2.218
Falcon, The [1981] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 13 15.100, 15.104, 23.9
Falk, The (1882) 4 Asp. M.L.C. 592 18.104
Falstria, The [1988] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 49 5 24.101. 24.107, 24.117
Fanchon, The (1880) 5 P.D. 173 23.45
Far Eastern Shipping Co. v. AKP Sovcomflot [1995] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 520 27.67
Father Thames, The [1979] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 364 2.68, 10.32. 18.60, 18.64
Fehmarn, The. See Owners of Cargo Lately on Board the Fehmarn v. Owners of the
Felixstowe Dock & Railway Co. v. United States Lines Inc. [1988] 2 All E.R. 77;
[1987] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 76 16.21
Feronia, The (1868) L.R. 2 A. & E. 65 2.90, 2.94
Ferret, The (1883) 8 App. Cas. 529 18.70
Fierbinti, The [1994] LMLN 396 10.73, 15.59
Finagra (UK) Ltd v. OT Africa Line Ltd [1998] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 622 11.1, 11.18
Finnish Marine Insurance Co. Ltd v. Protective National Insurance Co. [1989] 2
Lloyd's Rep. 99; [1989] 2 All E.R. 929 9.60, 9.80
Finnrose, The. See Fort Sterling Ltd v. South Atlantic Cargo Shipping NV
Fireman's Fund Ins Co. v. M/V Dsr Atlantic 1998 A.M.C. 344 12.74
Firma Hengst Import BV v. Campese [1995] ECR I—2113; [1995] I.L.Pr. 587
(ECJ) 28.72
Firma Mund & Fester v. Firma Hatrex International Transport (C398/92) [1994]
ECR I—467; [1994] I.L.Pr. 264 (ECJ) 28.7, 28.93
Firma P v. Firma K (C178/83) [1984] ECR 3033; [1985] 2 CMLR 271 (ECJ)
First American Corpn v. Sheikh Zayed Al-Nahyan [1999] 1 W.L.R. 1154; [1998] 4
All E.R. 439; [1998] Lloyd's Rep. Bank. 213 (C.A.) 26.46
First Security Bank National Association v. Compagnie Nationale Air Gabon (No.
1) [1999] I.L.Pr. 617 28.57
Fisher v. Smith (1878) 4 App. Cas. 1 20.20
Fitzgerald v. Lloyd Williams [1996] I.L.Pr. 275 (C.A.) 14.22, 16.39
Flightline v. Edwards [2003] 1 W.L.R. 1200 16.4
Flora. The v. De Laca (1886) L.R. 1 A. & E. 45 15.54, 18.104
Fondation Solomon R Guggenheim v. Helion [1997] I.L.Pr. 457 (Cour. De Ca ss.)
5.19 Foreign Exchange Rates, Re (IX ZB 55/92) [1994] I.L.Pr. 703 (BGH (Ger.)) 28.54
Fornjot, The (1907) 24 T.L.R. 26 10.73
Forsythe International (UK) Ltd v. Silver Shipping Co Ltd and Petroglobe
International Ltd (The Saetta) [1993] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 268; [1994] 1 All E.R. 851 2.123,
18.36, 22.1, 25.55
Fort Kipp, The. See Canadian Pacific (Bermuda) Ltd v. Lagon Maritime Overseas
Fort Laramie, The (1922) 31 C.L.R. 56 10.42
Fort Sterling Ltd v. South Atlantic Cargo Shipping NV (The Finnrose) [1994] 1
Lloyd's Rep. 559 11.18, 11.46
Forward v. Hendricks [1997] 2 All E.R. 395 (C.A.) 11.30
Forward v. West Sussex CC [1995] 4 All E.R. 207 9.43
Foskett v. McKeown [2001] 1 A.C. 102; [2000] Lloyd's Rep. I.R. 627 (H.L.)
21.15, 21.16
Fournier v. The Ship "Margaret 2" (1999) LMLN 514 2.68, 18.64
Fox v. Taher [1997] I.L.Pr. 441 (C.A.) 12.34
Foxcraft v. Wood (1828) 4 Russ. 487 20.33
Foxe v. Scotsman Publications Ltd (1994) T.L.R. 84 7.28
Frahuil SA v. Assitalia SpA (C265/02) [2004] All E.R. (EC) 373 (ECJ) 6.1, 6.134
Frances, The (1820) 2 Dods. 420 2.123
Francesco Nullo, The [1973] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 72 26.142
Francovich v. Italy (C6/90); Bonifacti v. Italy (C9/90) [1991] ECR I—5357;
[1993] 2 CMLR 66 (ECJ) 3.12
Frans Maas Logistics (UK) Ltd v. CDR Trucking BV [1999] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 179
Frawley v. Neill (1999) The Times, 5 April 11.2, 11.32
Freccia del Nord and Nord Sea, The [1989] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 388 12.30
Freedom, The (1871) 1 Asp. M.L.C. 136 15.62
Freightline One, The [1986] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 266 20.58, 20.59, 23.9, 23.170
Freir, The and The Albert (1875) 2 Asp. M.L.C. 589 15.62
Front Comor, The [2005] EWHC 454; [2005] All E.R. (D) 350 13.14, 25.23
Fulgurit v. La Compagnie d'Assurances PFA [1996] I.L.Pr. 495 (Cour de Cass. (F.))
Fulham, The [1899] P. 251 (C.A.); affirming [1898] P. 206 2.59, 20.49
Furness Withy (Australia) Ltd v. Metal Distributors (UK) Ltd (The Amazonia)
[1990] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 236 13.1, 13.33, 26.81
Fusilier, The (1865) 3 Moo. P.C. N.S. 51 2.48, 2.53
G & N Angelakis Shipping Co. SA v. Compagnie National Algenenne de
Navigation (The Attika Hope) [1988] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 439 22.21, 23.153
GIE Groupe Concorde v. Master of the Vessel Suhadiwarno Panjan (C440/97)
[1999] I.L.Pr. 14 (Cass. (F.)) 5.86, 6.147
GIE Reunion v. Zurich Espana Case (C77/04), Judgment 26 May 2005 6.98, 6.196
GN Preziosi di Gon & Nibi sdf v. Swiss Gold Imports Pic (In Bankruptcy) [1997]
I.L.Pr. 509 (HD (Swe)) 28.9
Gaetano and Maria, The (1882) L.R. 7 P.D. 137 (C.A.) 26.46
Galaxia Maritima SA v. Mineral Importexport (The Elefthenos) [1982] 1 Lloyd's
Rep. 351 (C.A.) 16.18, 16.34, 16.58
Galaxias, The 1980 1 Can. Fed. 386 26.171
Galaxias, The [1989] IEC 386 23.9
Galaxy Energy International Ltd v. Assuranceforeningen Skuld (Ejensidie) (The
Oakwell) [1999] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 249 10.73, 15.141
Galeries Segoura Sprl v. Firma Rahim Bonakdarian (C25/76) [1976] ECR 1851;
[1977] 1 CMLR 361 (ECJ) 5.45, 5.46
Gamelstaden v. Casa de Suecia SA [1994] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 43 3 12.16
Gan Insurance Co. Ltd v. Tai Ping Insurance Co. Ltd (No. 1) [1999] 2 All E.R.
(Comm.) 54; [1999] I.L.Pr. 729 (C.A.) 26.105A
Ganges, The (1869) L.R. 2 A. & E. 370 18.86
Gangway Ltd v. Caledonian Park Investments (Jersey) Ltd [2001] 2 Lloyd's Rep.
715 16.55
Gannon v. B&I Steam Packet Co Ltd [1994] I.L.Pr. 405 (Sup. Ct (Irl.)) 6.192
Gapp v. Bond (1887) L.R. 19 Q.B.D. 200 (C.A.) 23.31
Gardner v. Lachlan (1838) 4 Myl. & Cr. 129 23.95
Gartner Electronic GmbH v. Basch Exploitatie Maatshappij BV (Case C—111/01)
(ECJ) 12.28, 12.31, 12.37
Gas Float Whitton (No. 2), The [1897] A.C. 337 (H.L.) 18.31, 18.41
Gascoine v. Pyrah [1994] I.L.Pr. 82 (C.A.) 5.91, 6.124, 6.192
Gasser v. MISAT (C—116/02) [2004] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 222 (ECJ) 4.37, 5.44, 12.19,
Gatoil International Inc. v. Arkwright-Boston Manufacturers Mutual Insurance Co.
(The Sandrina) [1985] A.C. 255; [1985] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 181 (H.L.) 2.183, 2.185, 2.188,
2.194, 2.2 14, 2.22 1
Gaupen, The (1925) 22 L1. L. Rep. 57 23.116
Gay Tucan, The [1968] 2 Lloyd's Rep . 245
Gebr Van Weelde Scheepvaart Kantoor BV v. Homeric Marine Services (The
Agrabele) (No. 1) [1979] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 117 16.15
Geemente Steenburgen v. Baten (C—271/00) [2003] W.L.R. 1966 (ECJ) 4.25
Geha Naftiiaki EPE v. NPDD Limenko Tamio Dodekanisou (Case C—435/00)
[2003] 1 All E.R. (Comm.) 45 1.34
Gemma, The [1899] P. 285 (C.A.) 15.137, 18.104
Genel Maklyati SA v. Compagnie Générale Maritime SA (1982) 1983 ECD 144
General Palmer. The (1828) 2 Hag. Adm. 176 2.217
Geobra Brandstatter GmbH & Co KG v. Big Spielwarenfabrik (1977) (ECD 1 -
5.3-B5) (District Court Amsterdam) 6.162
George Barker (Transport) Ltd v. Eynon [1974] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 65 (C.A.) 17.20,
George Gordon, The (1884) L.R. 9 P.D. 46 15.133
Gerling Konzern Speziale Kreditversicherung AG v. Amministrazione del Tesoro
dello Stato (C201/82) [1983] ECR 2503; [1984] 3 CMLR 638 (ECJ) 5.58, 5.60, 6.105,
Giacinto Motta, The [1977] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 221 .24.29, 24.85, 24.117, 24.128
Gidrxslme Shipping Co. Ltd v. Tantomar Transportes Maritimos Ltd (The Naftilos)
[1994] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 392; [1994] 4 All E.R. 507 16.52
Gilbert Rowe (No. 1), The. See Rowan Companies Inc. v. Lambert Eggink
Offshore Transport Consultants vof (The Gilbert Rowe) (No. 1)
Gilkes v. Venizelos ANESA [2000] I.L.Pr. 487 25.17
Gill & Duffus SA v. Rionda Futures Ltd [1994] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 67 17.21
Gina, The [1980] 1 Lloyd's Rep., 398 2.191, 15.62, 15.117
Giovanna, The. See Gulf Interstate Oil Co. v. ANT Trade & Transport Ltd of Malta
Gladstone v. Birley (1817) 2 Mer. 401 21.1
Glatzer v. Bradston Ltd (The Ocean Enterprise) [1997] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 449 2.123,
10.25, 10.57, 19.19, 23.32, 23.36, 23.42, 23.83, 25.40, 25.65
Gleason v. The Ship "Dawn Light" [1997] LMLN 455 (Fed. Ct (Canada)) 10.57
Glegg v. Bromley [1912] 3 K.B. 474 (C.A.) 18.81
Glencore International AG v. Exeter Shipping Ltd [2002] 2 All E.R. (Comm.) 1
(C.A.) 25.18
Glencore International AG v. Metro Trading International Inc. (No. 1) [1999] 2
Lloyd's Rep. 632 5.62, 12.38, 12.62
Glencore International AG v. Shell International Trading & Shipping Co. Ltd
[1999] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 692 12.38
Global Marine Drilling Co. v. Triton Holdings Ltd (No. 1) 1999 G.W.D. 39 -1905,
23 November 1999 18.31
Godwin v. Swindon Borough Council [2001] 4 All E.R. 641 (C.A.) 9.22, 9.23
Golaa, The [1926] P. 103; (1926) 24 L1. L. Rep. 294 15.74
Golden Elephant, The [1976] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 462 (C.A. (Sing.)) 15.112
Good Challenger, The [2003] EWCA Civ 1668 (C.A.) 27.1
Good Herald, The [1987] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 236 10.74
Goode v. Martin [2002] 1 W.L.R. 1828 (C.A.) 0.16, 9.41
Goring, The [1988] A.C. 831; [1988] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 397 (H.L.) 0.34, 2.49, 2.51,
Goulandris, The [1927] P. 182; (1927) 27 L1. L. Rep. 120 18.114
Gourdain (Liquidator) v. Nadler (C133/78) [1979] ECR 733; [1979] 3 CMLR 180
(ECJ) 4.27, 28.12
Governor and Company of Bank of Scotland v. SA Banque Nationale de Paris
1996 S.L.T. 103; [1996] I.L.Pr. 668 (O.H.) 5.44
Grand Union (Shipping) Ltd v London Steamshi p Owners Mutual Insurance
Association Ltd (The Rosworth) (No. 3) [1962] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 483 2.53
Great Future International Ltd v. Sealand Housing Corpn [2003] EWCA Civ 682
Greenmar Navigation v. Owners of Ships Bazias 3 and Bazias 4 and Sally Line
(The Bazias 3 and The Bazias 4) [1993] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 101 (C.A.) 0.35, 14.43, 15.91,
15.106, 15.120, 15.128
Greenway and Barkers Case (1577) Godb. 260 10.8
Greenwich Ltd v. National Westminster Bank plc [1999] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 308 4.21,
14.36, 14.40
Greenwood v. Bennett [1973] Q.B. 195; [1972] 3 W.L.R. 691; [1972] 3 All E.R.
586 (C.A.) 20.31
Gregos, The [1985] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 347 20.2, 20.7
Gregson v. Channel Four Television Co Ltd The Times, 11 August 2000 (C.A.)
Gnmaldi Compagnia di Navigazione SpA v. Sekihyo Lines Ltd (The Seki Rolette)
[1998] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 638; [1998] 3 All E.R. 943 11.18, 13.52, 13.53
Group Josi Reinsurance Co. SA v. Universal General Insurance Co. (UGIC)
(C412/98) [2000] All E.R. (EC) 653; [2 001] Lloyd's Rep. I.R. 483 (ECJ) 4.7, 6.98
Grovit v. Doctor [1997] 2 All E.R. 417 (H.L.) 11.2, 11.43
Gruber v. Bay Wa AG Case (C464/01) 20 January 2005 6.117
Grupo Mexicano Desarollo v. Alliance Bond Fund Inc. 527 U.S. 308 (1999) (US
S.C.) 16.26
Grupo Torras SA v. Al-Sabah (No. 1) [1996] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 7; [1995] I.L.Pr. 667
(C.A.); affirming [1995] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 374 5.22, 12.16, 12.26, 12.28, 12.33, 12.34,
Grupo Torras SA v. Al-Sabah (No. 7) [2001] EWCA Civ 1370 (C.A.) 16.30
Gubisch Maschinenfabrik KG v. Palumbo (C144/86) [1987] ECR 4861; [1989]
ECC 420 (ECJ) 12.36, 12.37
Guiseppe di Vittono (No. 1), The. See Bridge Oil Ltd v. Owners and/or Demise
Charterers of the Ship Guiseppe di Vittorio
Guiseppe di Vittono (No. 2), The. See Bridge Oil Ltd v. Owners and/or Demise
Charterers of the Ship Guiseppe di Vittorio
Gulf Grain, The. See Atlas Shipping Agency (UK) Ltd v. Suisse Atlantique Societe
d'Armement Maritime SA (The Gulf Grain and The El Amaan)
Gulf Interstate Oil Co. v. ANT Trade & Transport Ltd of Malta (The Giovanna)
[1999] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 867 14.22, 16.39
Gulf Shipping Lines Ltd v. Jadranska Slobodna Plovidba(The Matija Gubec)
[1981] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 31 11.14
Gulf Venture, The (No. 1) [1984] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 445 15.133
Gustaf, The (1862) Lush. 506 23.133
Haabet, The [1899] P. 295 2.98
Haeger and Schmidt GmbH v. Compagnie Francaise de Navigation (C.A. of
Central Commission for Navigation of the Rhine). Decision of 2 March 1977, ECD 1 -
57-B4 6.71
Hai Hing, The. See Bua International Ltd v. Hai Hing Shipping Co. Ltd
Haiti v. Duvalier (Mareva Injunction) (No. 2) [1989] 1 Lloyd's Rep. Ill; [1989] 1
All E.R. 456 (C.A.) 9.71, 14.71, 16.11A, 16.28
Haji-Ioannou v. Frangos [1999] 2 Lloyd s Rep. 337 (C.A.) 5.88, 9.86, 10.38,
10.58, 10.67, 12.14, 12.20, 12.22, 12.38, 12.99, 12.102
Halcyon Isle, The. See Bankers Trust International v. Todd Shipyards Corpn
Halcyon the Great, The (No. 2) [1975] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 525 25.57
Halcyon Skies (No. 1), The. See Powell v. Owners of the Proceeds of Sale of the
Halcyon Skies
Halki Shipping Corpn v. Sopex Oils Ltd (The Halki) [1998] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 465
(C.A.) 13.41, 13.56
Halley, The (1868) L.R. 2 P.C. 193 (P.C.) 26.123, 26.124
Halsey v. Milton Keynes WHS Trust [2004] EWCA Civ (C.A.) 0.14, 0.15
Hamble Fisheries Ltd v. L Gardner & Sons Ltd (The Rebecca Elaine) [1999] 2
Lloyd's Rep. 1 (C.A.) 2.148
Hamburg Star, The [1994] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 399 12.102
Hamed el Chiaty & Co. (t/a Travco Nile Cruise Lines) v. Thomas Cook Group Ltd
(The Nile Rhapsody) [1994] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 382 (C.A.) 12.75, 12.76, 12.77, 12.79,
Hanbridge Services Ltd v. British Aerospace Communications Ltd [1993] I.L.Pr.
778 (Sup. Ct (Irl.)) 6.151
Hamburg Star, The [1994] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 399 2.182
Hancock Shipping Co. Ltd v. Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd (The Casper Trader)
[1992] 3 All E.R. 132; [1991] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 237 (C.A.) 9.41
Handelswekenj GJ Bier BV and Stichtung Rein water (The Rem water Foundation)
v. Mines de Potasse D'Alsace SA (C21/76) [1977] 1 CMLR 284 (ECJ) 6.162
Handte (Jakob) & Co. GmbH v. Societe Traitments Mecano -Chimiques des
Surfaces (TMCS) (C26/91) [1992] ECR I -3967; [1993] I.L.Pr. 5 (ECJ) 6.1, 6.134
Hantarex SpA v. Digital Research SA [1993] I.L.Pr. 501 (Cour d'A (Paris)) 5.44
Happy Fellow, The. See Blue Nile Shipping Co. Ltd v. Iguana Shipping & Finance
Happy Pioneer, The [1983] H.K.L.R. 43 26.66
Harbour and General Works Ltd v. Environment Agency [2000] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 65
(C.A.) 13.52
Harlow, The [1922] P. 175 18.31
Harmonie, The (1841) 1 W. Rob. 178 23.122
Harris v. Quine (1869) L.R. 4 Q.B. 653 26.34, 27.44
Harrods (Buenos Aires) Ltd (No. 1), Re [1991] 4 All E.R. 334 (C.A) 12.14, 12.15
Harrods (Buenos Aires) Ltd (No, 2), Re [1992] Ch 72; [1991] 4 All E.R. 348
(C.A.) 3.32, 4.36-4.3 8, 4.42, 9.68, 9.70
Hartford v. Jones (1698) 1 Ld. Ray. 393 20.49
Hashstroodi v. Hancock [2004] EWCA Civ 652 932
Hassneh Insurance Co. of Israel v. Stuart J. Mew [1993] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 243 13.44,
Havhelt, The [1993] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 523 11.18, 12.79, 14.43, 15.95
Heather Bell, The [1901] P. 143 23.46
Heidberg, The. See Partenreederei M/S Heidberg v. Grosvenor Grain & Feed Co.
Heinrich, The (Costs) (1872) L.R. 3 A. & E. 505 23.111, 2 3.17 1
Henrich Biorn, The. sub nom. Northcote v. Owners of the Henrich Biorn (1886) 11
App. Cas. 270; (1885) 10 P.D. 44 18.9, 18.13
Helene Roth. The [1980] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 477; [1980] 1 All E.R. 1078 10.71
Hellenic Lines v. Rhoditis 398 U.S. 306 (1970) 26.30
Hellenic Steel Co. v. Svolamar Shipping Co. Ltd (The Komninos S) [1991] 1
Lloyd's Rep. 370 (C.A.) 7.5, 11.7, 12.57, 26.11, 26.34, 26.67
Henderson v. Jaouen [2002] 1 W.L.R. 2971; [2002] 2 All E.R. 705 (C.A.) 6.162
Hendrikman v. Magenta Druck & Verlag GmbH (C78/95) [1997] Q.B. 426; [1997]
2 W.L.R. 349; [1996] All E.R. (EC) 944 (ECJ) 28.68, 28.69
Hendy Lennox (Industrial Engines) Ltd v. Grahame Puttick Ltd [1984] 2 All E.R.
152; [1984] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 422 23.17
Henrich Bjorn, The (1885) 10 P.D. 44; on appeal (1886) 11 App. Cas. 270 2.42,
2.68, 2.111, 2.112, 19.3, 19.9
Henrik Sif, The. See Pacol Ltd v. Trade Lines Ltd
Henry Boot Construction (UK) Ltd v. Malmaison Hotel (Manchester) Ltd (25 May
2000 (C.A.)) 13.50
Herceg Novi, The. See Owners of the Herceg Novi v. Owners of the Ming Galaxy
Hereward, The [1895] P. 284 2.124
Hero, The (1865) B. & L. 446 15.73
Hesperides Hotels v. Muftizade [1978] 2 All E.R. 1168 (H.L.) 12.15 1
Hew, The (1863) 13 W.R. 927 18.105
Hill v. Wilson (1879) 4 C.P.D. 329 26.153
Hine Bros v. The Steamship Syndicate Ltd (1895) 72 L.T. 79 20.52
Hingston v. Wendt (1876) L.R. 1 Q.B.D. 367 20.43, 20.48, 20.49, 20.50
Hiscox v. Outhwaite (No. 1) [1991] 3 All E.R. 641; [1991] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 435
(H.L.) 13.35, 27.66
Hiscox Underwriting Ltd v. Dickson. Manchester and Co. Ltd [2004] 1 All E.R.
(Comm.) 753 .. 13.44, 14.54
Hispanica de Petroles SA v. Vencedora Oceanica Navegacion SA (The Kapetan
Markos NL) (No. 1) [1986] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 211 (C.A.) 11.18
Hjemmet, The (1880) 5 P.D. 227 2.216
Hoegh Silvercrest. The [1962] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 9 2.141
Hoffmann v. Krieg (145/86) [1988] ECR 645; [1990] I.L.Pr. 4 (Ed) 28.21, 28.56,
Holderness v. Shacfcels (1824) 8 B. & C. 612 20.35
Hollingworth v. Southern Ferries (The Eagle) [1977] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 70 2.168
Holmes (Keito) v. Bangladesh Biman Corpn [1989] 1 All E.R. 852; [1989] 1
Lloyd's Rep. 444 (H.L.) 26.13
Honshu Gloria, The (No. 1) [1986] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 63 23.9
Hope, The (1873) 1 Asp. M.L.C. 563 23.133, 23.136, 23.1 40, 23.144
Horlock, The (1877) 2 P.D. 243 23.35
Home Roberts v. SmithKline Beecham Plc [2002] 1 W.L.R. 1662 11.28, 11.32
Hough v. P & O Containers Ltd [1998] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 318 6.186, 6.193
Huber v. Steiner (1835) 2 Bing. N.C. 202 26.34
Hughes v. Clewley (The Siben) (No. 1) [1994] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 420 (C.A. (Jer.))
Hughes v. Hughes [1958] P. 221; [1958] 2 W.L.R. 934; [1958] 2 All E.R. 366
Hull No. 1 and Hull No. 2, The [1991] LMLN 310 23.9
Hulse v. Chambers [2001] 1 W.L.R. 2386 26.44
Hurst, The [1999] LMLN 507 23.169
Huth & Co. v. Lamport (1886) L.R. 16 Q.B.D. 735 (C.A.) 20.47
Hutton (London) v. Mofarrij [1989] 2 All E.R. 633; [1989] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 348
(C.A.) 9.75
I Congreso del Partido, The. See Owners of Cargo Lately Laden on Board the
Playa Larga v. Owners of the I Congreso del Partido
ICI Fibres v. Mat Transport [1987] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 354; [1987] 1 E.T.L.R. 145
ICL Vikraman, The [2004] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 21 24.6, 24.39, 24.44, 24.48, 24.73,
IP Metal Ltd v. Ruote Oz SpA [1993] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 60 5.44, 5.45
IP Metal Ltd v. Ruote Oz SpA (No. 2) [1994] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 560 (C.A.) 5.44, 5.45,
ISC Technologies v. Guerin (James Howard) [1992] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 482 9.96
Ice Express, The. See Alpina Compagnia di Assicurazione SA v. Agenzia
Marittima LV Ghianda Snc
Igor, The [1956] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 271 23.160
Ikarian Reefer (No. 2), The. See National Justice Compania Naviera SA v.
Prudential Assurance Co Ltd
Ile de Ceylan, The [1922] P. 256; (192 2) 12 Ll. L. Rep. 257 23.173
Ilyssia Compania Naviera SA v. Ahmed Abdul -Qawi Bamaodah (The Elli 2)
[1985] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 107 (C.A.) 13.39
Immacolata Concezione (Costs), The (1884) L.R. 9 P.D. 37 2.81, 23.9, 23.121
Import Export Ltd v. Compania Sud Americana de Vapores SA [2003] 1 Lloyd's
Rep. 405 12.66
Import of Italian Sports Cars, Re [1992] I.L.Pr. 188 (OLG (Stuttgart)) 5.38
Inco Europe Ltd v. First Choice Distribution [2000] 2 All E.R. 109; [2000] 1
Lloyd's Rep. 467 (H.L.) 13.50
Ideal Gavel, The [1999] LMLN 502 26.22
India v. India Steamship Co Ltd (The Indian Endurance and The Indian Grace) (No.
2) [1998] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 1 (H.L.) ....0.10, 0.36, 1.12, 1.28, 9.67, 10.84, 12.44, 12.63,
15.44, 15.66, 16.13, 17.41, 17.57, 17.59, 17.62, 18.4, 18.45, 18.64, 18.66, 19.8, 19.12,
25.2, 27.5
India v. Taylor [1955] A.C. 491; [1955] 2 W.L.R. 303; [1955] 1 All E.R. 292
(H.L.) 26.9, 27.34
India Videogram Association Ltd v. Patel [1991] 1 All E.R. 214 9.49
Indian Grace (No. 1), The. See Republic of India v. India Steamship Co. Ltd (The
Indian Endurance and The Indian Grace) (No. 1)
Indian Grace (No. 2), The. See India v. India Steamship Co Ltd (The Indian
Endurance and The Indian Grace) (No. 2)
Indian Oil Corporation Ltd v. Vanol Inc. [1992] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 563 (C.A.) 11.1,
Indussa Corpn v. Owners of the Ranborg (The Ranborg) [1967] 2 Lloyd’s Rep.
101 (US Ct) 12.74
Industrial Diamond Supplies v. Riva (C43/77) [1977] ECR 2175; [1978] 1 CMLR
349 (ECJ) 28.102
Industrial Maritime Carriers (Bahamas) Inc. v. Sinoca International Inc. (The
Eastern Trader) [1996] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 585 27.40, 27.41
Nndustrie Chimiche Italia Centrale v. Alexander G. Tsavliris & Sons Maritime Co
(The Choko Star) (1995) [1995] 2 Lloyd’s Re p. 608 9.41, 11.32
Industrie Tessili Italians Como v. Dunlop AG (12/76) [1976] ECR 1473; [1977] 1
CMLR 26 (ECJ) 6.147
Industrie, The (1871) L.R. 3 A. & E. 303 2.146
Industrie. The [1894] P. 58 (C.A.) 26.57
Ines, The. See MB Pyramid Sound NV v. Briese Schiffahrts GmbH & Go. KG MS
Ingmar GB Ltd v. Eaton Leonard Technologies Inc. (C381/98) [2001] All E.R.
(EC) 57; [2001] 1 All E.R. (Comm.) 329 (ECJ) 26.3
Ingosstrakh Ltd v. Latvian Shipping Co. [2000] I.L.Pr. 164 (C.A.) 12.64, 12.76,
12.79, 24.98
Inna, The [1938] P. 148; (1938) 60 L1. L. Rep. 414 23.133, 23.134
Insurance Co. v. Lloyd's Syndicate [1995] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 272 13.44, 25.46
Insured Financial structures Ltd v. Elektrocie plocoyna Tychy SA [2003] 2 W.L.R.
656 (C.A.) 5.44, 12.19
Inter-Islands Exporters Ltd v. Berna Steamship Co. Ltd 1960 S.L.T. 21 18.88
Inter Tel Inc. v. Ocis Plc [2004] EWHC 2269 12.98
Interatlantic (Namibia) (Pty) Ltd v. Okeanski Ribolov Ltd (The Afala) [1995] 2
Lloyd's Rep. 286 15.52
Interdesco SA v. Nullifire Ltd [1992] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 180; [1992] I.L.Pr. 97 28.54,
28.55, 28.56, 28.102, 28.104
Intermetal Group Ltd v. Worslade Trading Ltd [1998] I.L.Pr. 765 (Sup. Ct (Irl))
International Credit and Investment Co. (Overseas) Ltd v. Shikh Kamal Adham
(Share Ownership) [1999] I.L.Pr. 302 (C.A.) 12.98
Internationale Nederlanden Aviation Lease BV v. Civil Aviation Authority [1997]
1 Lloyd’s Rep. 80 12.22, 12.23
Interpool Ltd v. Galani [1987] 2 All E.R. 981 (C.A.) 5.29
Inwards v. Baker [1965] 2 Q.B. 29; [1965] 2 W.L.R. 212; [1965] 1 All E.R. 446
Ion. The. See Nippon Yusen Kaisha v. Pacifica Navegacion SA
Ioannis Daskalelis, The [1974] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 174 (Sup. Ct (Can.)) 26.17 1
Iran Amanar, The [1999] LMNL 511 (H.C. Australia) 1 0.27
Iran Bohanar, The. See Continental Grain Co. v. Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping
Lines and Government Trading Corp of Iran (The Iran Bohanar)
Iran Vojdan, The. See Dubai Electricity Co. v. Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping
Irina Zharkikh, The and Ksenia Zharkikh, The [2001] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 319 (H.C.
(NZ)) 25.4
Irini A (No. 2), The. See Ascot Commodities NV v. Northern Pacific Shipping
Irish Fir, The (1943) 76 L1. L. Rep. 51 15.133
Iraqi Ministry of Defence v. Arcepey Shipping Co SA and Gillespie Bros & Co
Ltd (The Angel Bell) [1979] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 491 5.26, 16.4, 16.18, 16.43, 16.44, 16.45,
19.7, 23.102, 23.118, 26.166, 26.167
Isabella, The (1838) 3 Hag. Adm. 427 2.215
Isabelle Lancray SA v. Peters und Sickert KG (C305/88) [ 1990] ECR I—2725;
[1991] I.L.Pr. 99 (ECJ) 28.62
Isca, The (1886) 12 P.D. 34 2.192, 2.199
Ishikazi Kisen Co. Ltd v. US (18-975) AMC 287 (C.A. (US)) 26.142
Island Archon, The. See Triad Shipping Co. v. Stellar Chartering and Brokerage
Islanders Canning Corpn. v. Hoekstra District Court Leeuwarden Netherlands ECD
1-17.1.12—B4 5.58
Ismail v. Richards Butler [1996] T.L.R. 107; [1996] 3 W.L.R. 129; [1996] 2 All
E.R. 506 23.111
Israel Discount Bank of New York v. Hadjipateras [1984] 1 W.L.R. 137; [1983] 3
All E.R. 129; [1983] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 490 (C.A. ) 27.44
Italian Cargo of Adulterated Wine, Re (2 U 1795/89) [1991] I.L.Pr. 473 (OLG
(Koblenz)) 14.63
Italian Leather SpA v. Weco Polstermobel GmbH & Co. (C80/00) [2002] I.L.Pr.
41 28.75
Italy II, The [1987] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 162 15.11
Itel Containers Corpn v. Atlantrafik Express Service Ltd, USCA 2nd Circuit
[1992] LMLN 345 2.220
Itex Itagrani Export SA v. Care Shipping Corpn (The Cebu) (No. 2) [1990] 2
Lloyd's Rep. 316 22.4, 22.21, 22.26
Ivan Zagubanski, The. See Navigation Maritime Bulgare v. Rustal Trading Ltd
Iveco Fiat SpA v. Van Hool SA (C313/85) [1986] ECR 3337; [1988] 1 CMLR 57
(ECJ) 5.45
Ivenel v. Schwab (133/81) [1982] ECR 1891 (ECJ) 6.152
J. & J. Harrison v. Owners of the Carmania II (The Carmania II) [1963] 2 Lloyd's
Rep. 152 2.218
JOB Sales v. Wallenuss Lines [1998] LMLN 474 (US C.A) 12.74
J.F.S. (UK) Ltd v. Dwr Cymru Cyf (No. 1) [1999] 1 W.L.R. 231; [1999] B.L.R. 17
(C.A.) 11.32
J. H. Pigott & Son Ltd v. Owners of the Conoco Britannia (The Conoco Britannia)
[1972] 2 Q.B. 543; [1972] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 342 2.139, 2.192, 2.199, 2.216, 9.61, 10.25,
16.12, 25.30, 25.61, 25.63
J.P. Morgan Europe Ltd v. Primacom [2005] EWHC 508 12.19
JSC Zestafoni Plant v. Ronly Holdings Ltd [2004] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 335 13.47
Jacobson v. Frachon (1928) 138 L.T. 386 27.35
Jade, The. See Owners of Cargo Lately Laden on Board the MV Erkowit v.
Owners of the Eschersheim (The Eschersheim, the Jade and the Erkowit)
Jalamatsya, The [1987] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 164 15.94
James Miller & Partners Ltd v. Whitworth Street Estates (Manchester) Ltd [1970]
A.C. 583; [1970] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 269 26.82
James Seddon, The v. Jeffares (1866) 1 A. & E. 62 2.94
James W. Elwell, The [1921] P. 351; (1921) 8 Ll . L. Rep. 115 2.98, 15.109,
15.142, 18.88, 23.173, 23.178, 23.180
Janet Wilson, The (1857) Swab. 261 2.99
Jangmi, The (k/a The Grigorpan) [1989] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 1 (C.A.) 9.41
Jarl Tra AB v. Convoys Ltd [2003] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 459 20.26
Jarlinn, The [1965] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 191 15.106
Jarrett v. Barclays Bank plc [1997] I.L.Pr. 531 (C.A.) 5.19, 5.20
Jarvis Brake, The [1976] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 320 15.106, 25.57
Jaura v. Ahmed [2004] EWCA Civ 210 (C.A.) 25.38
Jay Bola, The. See Payabi v. Armstel Shipping Corpn
Jeff Davis, The (1867) L.R. 2 A. & E. 1 23.111
Jemrix, The [1981] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 544 13.38
Jenny Lind, The (1872) L.R. 3 A. & E. 529 23.9, 23.141
Jeumont-Schneider SA v. Gruppo Industriale Ercole Marelli SpA [1994] I.L.Pr. 12
(It. Cass. (I.)) 5.49
Joanna Borchard. The. See Katzenstein Adler Industries (1975) Ltd v. Borchard
Joannis Vatis, The (No. 2) [1922] P. 213; (1922) 10 L1. L. Rep. 756 15.137
Jogoo, The [1981] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 513 15.116, 23.9
John Carlbom & Co. Ltd v. Owners of the Zafiro (The Zafiro) [1960] P. 1; [1959]
1 Lloyd's Rep. 359 15.48, 15.49
John C Helmsing, The. See Mayer Newman v. A1 Ferro Commodities Corpn SA
John Franetovich & Co. v. Ministry of Defence (The Norwhale) [1975] 1 Lloyd's
Rep. 610 11.24
Johnny Two, The [1992] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 257 15.98
Johnson v. Coventry Churchill International Ltd [1992] 3 All E.R. 14 26.130
Johnson v. Hill (1822) 3 Stark. 172 20.1
Johnson v. Shippin (1704) 1 Salk 35 10.8
Johnson Matthey and Wallace Ltd v. Ahmad Alloush [1985] N.L.J. 1012 (C.A.)
Jonathan Godhue, The (1858) Swab. 355 18.42
Jones v. Trollope Colls Cementation Overseas (1990) The Times, 26 January
(C.A.) 11.7, 26.34
Jordan Grand Prix Ltd v. Baltic Insurance Group [1999] 1 All E.R. 289; [199 9] 1
Lloyd s Rep. I.R. 93 (H.L.); affirming [1997] T.L.R. 562; [1998] Lloyd's Rep. I.R. 180
(C.A.) 5.73, 6.95, 6.102, 6.104
Jordan Nicolov, The. See Montedipe SpA v. JTP-RO Jugotanker
Jowitt & Sons v. Union Cold Storage Co. [1913] 3 K.B. 1 20.12, 20.25
Joyce v. Joyce [1979] 1 All E.R. 175 11.38
Jugoslavenska Oceanska Plovidba v. Castle Investment Co. Inc. (The Kozara)
[1974] Q.B. 292; [1973] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 1 (C.A.) 25.36
Juntha Rajprueck, The [2003] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 107 (C.A.) 10.73
Jupiter, The (No. 2) [1925] P. 69; (1925) 21 Ll. L. Rep. 116 (C.A.) 2.126, 12.156
Jurisdiction Clause in an Auctioneer’s Standard Contract, Re [1998] I.L.Pr. 243
(BGH (Ger.)) 6.144
K. Lokumal & Sons (London) Ltd v. Lotte Shipping Co. Pte Ltd (The August
Leonhardt) [1984] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 322 11.4
KCM Plc v. Coromin [2005] EWHC 898 (Comm) 5.57
K/S A/S Admiral Shipping v. Portlink Ferries [1984] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 166 (C.A.)
16.44, 23.118
Kahan v. Pakistan Federation [1951] 2 K.B. 1003 (C.A.) 12.115
Kaleten, The (1914) 30 T.L.R. 572 18.39
Kalfelis v. Bankhaus Schroder, Munchmeyer, Hengst & Co. (t/a Hema
Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH) (189/87) [1988] ECR 5565 6.1, 6.126, 6.159, 6.188
Kalmneft JSC v. Glencore International AG [2002] 1 All E.R. 76: [2002] 1 Lloyd's
Rep. 128 13.47
Kapetan Markos NL (No. 1), The. See Hispanica de Petroles SA v. Vencedora
Oceanica Navegacion SA
Karlung v. Svensk Vagguide Comertex AB [1999] I.L.Pr. 298 (H.R. (N.)) 5.86,
Karnak, The (1869) L.R. 2 P.C. 505 2.97
Katingaki, The [1976] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 372 15.111, 20.4, 20.32
Katzenstein Adler Industries (1975) Ltd v. Borchard Lines (The Joanna Borchard)
[1988] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 274 11.33
Keary Developments Ltd v. Tarmac Construction Ltd [1995] 3 All E.R. 534 (C.A.)
Kenburn Waste Management Ltd v. Bergmann [2002] EWCA Civ 98; [2002] I.L.Pr.
33 (C.A.) 6.128, 6.145
Kenya Railways v. Antares Co. Pte Ltd (The Antares) (No. 1) [1987] 1 Lloyd’s
Rep. 424 (C.A.) 11.18, 13.52
Ketteman v. Hansel Properties Ltd [1987] A.C. 189; [1987] 2 W.L.R. 312; [1988]
1 All E.R. 38 (H.L.) 11.19, 11.33, 11.34
Kherson, The [1992] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 261 12.64, 15.82
Kianta Osakeyhtio v. Britain & Overseas Trading Co. [1954] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 247
(C.A.) 13.60
King v. Crown Energy Trading AC [2003] EWHC 163 5.85
Kinnear v. Falconfilms NV [1994] 3 All E.R. 42 6.193
Kleinwort Benson Ltd v. Barbrak Ltd (The Myrto) [1987] J Lloyd's Rep. 1 (H.L.)
Kleinwort Benson Ltd v. City of Glasgow DC (C346/93) [1995] All E.R. (EC )
514 (ECJ) 4.33, 6.136, 6.161, 7.8
Kleinwort Benson Ltd v. Glasgow City Council (No. 1) [1994] 4 All E.R. 865
(C.A.) 7.22, 7.24
Kleinwort Benson Ltd v. Glasgow City Council (No, 2) [1997] 4 All E.R. 641;
[1998] Lloyd's Rep. Bank. 10 (H.L.) 6.136, 6.138, 6.161, 7.22
Kleinwort Benson Ltd v. Lincoln City Council [1998] 4 All E.R. 513; [1998]
Lloyd's Rep. Bank. 387 (H.L.) 11.29
Kloebe, Re (1885) L.R. 28 Ch. D. 175 26.38
Klomps v. Michel (166/80) [1981] ECR 1593; [1982] 2 CMLR 773 (ECJ) 28.62,
28.66, 28.71
Knauf UK GmbH v. British Gypsum Ltd (No. 1) [2001] EWCA Civ 1570; [2002] 1
Lloyd's Rep. 199; [2002] 1 W.L.R. 907 (C.A.) 5.88, 9.45, 9.46, 12.34
Knauf UK GmbH v. British Gypsum Ltd (No. 2) [2002] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 907 5.92
Knight v. Rochdale Healthcare NHS Trust [2004] 1 W.L.R. 371 11.28
Kohn v. Rinson & Stafford (Bros) Ltd [1947] 2 All E.R. 839 14.40
Komninos S, The. See Hellenic Steel Co. v. Svolamar Shipping Co. Ltd
Kommunar (No. 1), The. See Centro Latino Americano de Commercio Exterior SA
v. Owners of the Kommunar
Kommunar (No. 2), The. See Centro Latino Americano de Commercio Exterior SA
v. Owners of the Kommunar
Kommunar (No. 3), The. See Centro Latino Americano de Commercio Exterior SA
v. Owners of the Kommunar
Kong Magnus, The [1891] P. 223 11.37
Kongress Agentur Hagen GmbH v. Zeehaghe BV (C365/88) [1990] ECR I -1845;
[1991] I.L.Pr. 3 (ECJ) 6.195
Konkola Copper Mines Plc v. Coromin [2005] EWHC 898 4.38
Konstantinidis v. World Tankers Corpn Inc. (The World Harmony) [1967] P. 341;
[1965] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 244 11.24, 26.180
Koop, re the M/S [1982] ECC 333 (BGH) 6.146
Koop v. Bebb (1957) 84 C.L.R. 629 (H.C. (Aus.)) 26.5
Kribi (No. 1), The. See OT Africa Line Ltd v. Hijazy
Kronprinz Olav, The [1921] P. 52; (1920) 5 L1. L. Rep. 203 (C.A.) 24.85, 24.128
Krunhofer v. Maier (Case C—168/02) Judgment 10 June 2004 6.162
Kurz v. Stella Musical Veranstaltungs GmbH [1992] 1 All E.R. 630 5.34, 5.44,
Kusu Island, The (1989) (Sigapre C.A.) 10.79
Kuwait Airways Corpn v. Iraqi Airways Co (No. 1) [1995] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 317
(H.L.); affirming in part [1994] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 276 12.118
Kuwait Airways Corpn v. Iraqi Airways Co (Nos 4 and 5) [2002] 2 A.C. 883
(H.L.) 26.9
Kuzma Gridash 2001 HKEC 929 (Hong Kong) 2.180
Kwasind, The (1915) 84 L.J.P. 102 2.168
Kyriaki, The. See Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association v.
LTU GmbH & Co. KG v. Eurocontrol (C29/76) [1976] ECR 1541; [1977] 1 CMLR
88 (ECJ) 4.24, 28.12
La ConStancia (1846) 2 W. Rob. 404; (1846) 4 Not.Cas. 512 2.114, 18.10
La Pintada (No. 1), The. See President of India v. La Pintada Compania
Navigacion SA
Lady Katherine Barham, The (1861) Lush. 404 18.109
Lady Navigation Inc. v. Lauritzencool, AB [2005] EWCA Civ 579 (C.A.) 25.42
Laemthong International Lines Co. Ltd v. Artis [2005] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 100 16.38
Laemthong International Lines Co. Ltd v. BPS Shipping Ltd [1997] 149 A.L.R. 675
Lafi Office & International Business SL v. Meriden Animal Health Ltd [2000] 2
Lloyd's Rep. 51 5.68, 12.46
Lakah v. Al Jaazeera [2003] EWHC 1297 9.24
Lake Avery, The. See Union de Remorquage et de Sauvetage SA v. Lake Avery Inc
Lakhta, The [1992] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 269 2.124, 12.102
Lamb (W.T.) & Sons v. Rider [1948] 2 All E.R. 402 (C.A.) 11.48
Lancaster. The. See Ellerman Lines Ltd v. Lancaster Maritime Co. Ltd
Landcatch Ltd v. International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund [1999] 2 Lloyd's
Rep. 316 2.151
Landhurst Leasing Plc v. Marcq [1998] I.L.Pr. 822 (C.A.) 27.52, 28.9, 28.11, 28.76
Langen & Wind Ltd v. Bell [1972] 1 All E.R. 296 21.12
Lauritzen v. Larsen (1952) 345 U.S. 271 26.30
Lavington International Ltd v. Bareboat Charterers of Nore Challenger and Nore
Commander [2001] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 103 2.218
Law Guarantee and Trust Society v. Russian Bank for Foreign Trade [1905] 1 K.B.
815 (C.A.) 23.45
Lazenby (James) & Co. v. McNicholas Construction Co. Ltd [1995] 3 All E.R.
820; [1995] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 30 13.58
Leathertex Divisione Sintetici SpA v. Bodetex BVBA (C420/97) [1999] 2 All E.R.
(Comm) 769; [1999] ER I-6747; [2000] I.L.Pr. 273 (ECJ) 6.145
Leerort, The; sub nom. Schiffahrtsgesellschaft MS Merkur Sky mbH & Co. KG v.
MS Leerort Nth Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG [2001] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 291
Leif Hoegh & Co. A/S v. Petrolsea Inc. (The World Era) (No. 2) [1993] 1 Lloyd's
Rep. 363 13.44
Leigh and Sillivan Ltd v. Aliakmon Shipping Co. Ltd (The Aliakmon) [1986] 2 All
E.R. 145; [1986] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 1 (H.L.) 10.47, 21.12, 23.18
Leni, The. See Transworld Oil (USA) Inc. v. Minos Compania Naviera SAL
Lennox Lewis v. King [2004] EWCA Civ 1329 12.97, 12.100
Leo, The (1862) Lush. 444 18.41
Leoborg, The [1962] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 146 2.216
Leoborg, The (No. 4) [1964] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 380 18.14, 18.88, 23.9, 23.9, 23.126,
23.133, 23.158
Leon XIII, The (1883) 8 P.D. 121 12.154
Leon Blum, The [1915] P. 290 18.114
Leon, The (1881) 6 P.D. 148 26.122
Leond Maritime Inc. v. MC Amethyst Shipping Ltd (The Anna L) [1994] 2 Lloyd's
Rep. 379 11.28
Leroux v. Brown (1852) 12 C.B. 801 26.46
Les Verreries de Saint-Gobain SA v. Martinswerk GmbH [1999] I.L.Pr. 296 (Cass.
(F.)) 6.149
Lesotho Highland Development Agency v. Impreglio SpA [2004] 1 All E.R.
(Comm) 97 (C.A.) 13.36
Leur-Bloem v. Inspecteur der Belastingdienst/Ondernemingen Amsterdam 2
(C28/95) [1998] 2 W.L.R. 27 (ECJ) 7.8
Levy v. Barnard (1819) 8 Taunt. 149 20.19
Lewis v. Eliades [2004] 1 W.L.R. 692 (C.A.) 27.58
Lexmar Corpn and Steamship Mutual Underwriting Association (Bermuda) Ltd v.
Nordisk Skibsrederforening [1997] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 289 4.28
Leyland DAF Ltd (No. 1), Re [1993] B.C.C. 426 20.1
Liability for Investment in Futures Options (XI ZR 377/97), Re [1999] I.L.Pr. 758
(BGH (Ger.)) 27.35
Lieber v. Gobel (C292/93) [1994] ECR I—2535; [1994] I.L.Pr. 590 (ECJ) 5.20
Liff v. Peasley [1980] 1 All E.R. 623 (C.A.) 11.33
Lincoln National Life Insurance v. Sun Life Assurance of Canada [2005] 1 Lloyd's
Rep. 606 27.8
Linda, The [1988] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 175 12.36, 12.49
Linda Flor, The (1857) Swab. 309 23.9, 23.133, 23.134
Lindsay Petroleum Co. v. Hurd (1874) L.R. 5 P.C. 221 (P.C. (Can.)) 11.38
Linea Naviera Paramaconi SA v. Abnormal Load Engineering Ltd [2001] 1 Lloyd's
Rep. 763 11.18
Lines Bros (In Liquidation) (No. 1), Re [1983] Ch. 1; [1982] 2 W.L.R. 1010;
[1982] 2 All E.R. 183 (C.A.) 25.36
Lipkin Gorman v. Karpnale Ltd [1991] 2 A.C. 548; [1991] 3 W.L.R. 10; [1992] 4
All E.R. 512 (H.L.) 26.146
Lisboa, The. See Mike Trading and Transport v. R. Pagnan & Fratelli
Lister v. Stubbs (1890) 45 Ch.D. 1 14.14, 14.30
Littauer Glove Corpn v. FW Millington (1928) 44 T.L.R. 746 27.38
Livietta, The (1883) 8 P.D. 209 23.17 1
Llandovery Castle, The [1920] P. 119; (1920) 2 L1. L. Rep. 273 11.3
Lloyd Pacifico, The [1995] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 54 2.194, 2.195, 2.219, 2.232, 15.97,
Lloyd v. Guibert (1865) L.R. 1 Q.B. 115 26.153
Lloyd v. Wright [1983] 2 All E.R. 969 (C.A.) 13.18
Lloyds Bowmaker Ltd v. Britannia Arrow Holdings [1988] 3 All E.R. 178; [1988]
1 W.L.R. 1337 11.38, 16.40
Lloyd's Register of Shipping v Societe Campenon Bernard (C439/93) [1995] All
E.R. (EC) 531; [1995] ECR I-961; [1995] I.L.Pr. 457 (ECJ) 6.177
Lombard North Central v. Lord Advocate 1983 S.L.T. 361 23.83
London and Cheshire Insurance Co. Ltd v. Laplagrene Property Co. Ltd [1971] Ch.
499; [1971] 2 W.L.R. 257; [1971] 1 All E.R. 766 23.63
Lord Strathcona Steamship Co. Ltd v. Dominion Coal Co. Ltd [1926] A.C. 108;
(1925) 23 Ll L. Rep. 145 (P.C. (Can.)) 15.114
Lord Strathcona, The (No. 3) [1926] P. 18; (1925) 23 Ll. L. Rep. 225 15.114
Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports v. R. (1831) 2 Hag. Adm. 438 2.135
Lorna Doon, The [1993] LMLN 367 (Ct of FI (Piraeus, Greece) No. 2505/1991);
(Cour d'App. (d'Aix en Provence, France) 9 June) 24.40
Lougher v. Donovan [1948] 2 All E.R. 11 (C.A.) 11.48
Loucks v. Standard Oil Co. 224 N.Y. 99 (1918) 26.68
Lowland Yachts BV v. Firma Dahm International GmbH (Case 89/139) [1991]
I.L.Pr. 350 (RB (Den Haag)) 14.63
Lowsley v. Forbes (t/a LE Design Services) [1998] 3 All E.R. 897; [1998] 2
Lloyd's Rep. 577 (H.L.) 11.48
Lubbe v. Gape Plc (No. 2) [2000] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 139; [1999] I.L.Pr. 113 (C.A.)
12.102, 12.103
Lusitania, The. See Pierce v. Bemis
Luz v. Bertram [1992] I.L.Pr. 537 (It Ct di Cass. (I.)) 5.47
Lyle Shipping Co. v. Cardiff Corpn [1900] 2 Q.B. 638 17.21, 22.5
Lyrma (No. 2), The [1978] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 30 2.47, 2.49, 14.25, 23.133, 23.136,
23.137, 23.139, 23.144
M Eregli, The. See Tradax Internacional SA v. Cerrahogullari TAS
MB Pyramid Sound NV v. Briese Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG MS "Sina" (The
Ines) (1993) [1993] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 492 9.87
MBPXL Corpn v. International Banking Corpn [1975] C.A. Transcript 411 16.15
MC Pearl, The. See Mahavir Minerals Ltd v. Cho Yang Shipping Co. Ltd
MRG (Japan) Ltd v. Englehard Metals Japan Ltd [2003] EWHC 3418 9.83
MSC Mediterranean Shipping Co. SA v. Delumar BVBA (The MSC Rosa M)
[2000] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 399 24.64
MSC Mediterranean Shipping Co. SA v Polish Ocean Lines (The Tychy) (No. 1)
[1999] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 11 (C.A.) 2.139, 2.192, 2.194, 10.26, 10.38, 10.39, 10.40, 10.42,
15.118, 24.51
MSG (Mainschiffahrts Genossenschaft eG) v. Les Gravieres Rhenanes Sari
(CI06/95) [1997] All E.R. (E.C.) 385 (ECJ) 5.47, 6.157
M/4 Swibon [1985] AMC 722 24.119
Mac, The (1882) 7 P.D. 126 18.31
Macartney (No. 2), Re [1921] 1 Ch. 522 27.3 5
McGowan v. Summit at Lloyd's (Court of Session, 12 June 2002) 7.26
Machinale Glasfabriek de Maas BV v. Amaillerie Alsacienne SA [1984] ECC 124
(R.B. (Arnhem)) ... 6.146
Maciej Rataj, The. See Owners of Cargo Lately Laden on Board the Tatry v.
Owners of the Maciej Rataj
Mackender v. Feldia AG [1966] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 449; [1966] 3 All E.R. 847 (C.A.)
26.17, 26.59
Mackinnon v. Donaldson Lufkin & Jenrette Securities Ltd [1986] 1 All E.R. 653
3.4, 14.9, 16.11A, 25.8
Mackinnon v. Iberia Shipping Co. [1954] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 372; 1955 S.C. 20 (1
Div.) 26.44, 26.138
Maclaine Watson & Co. Ltd v. International Tin Council (No. 1) [1988] 3 All E.R.
257 (C.A.) 12.113
Macmillan Inc. v. Bishopsgate Investment Trust Pic (No. 3) [1996] 1 All E.R. 585
(C.A.) 26.4, 26.22, 26.28, 26.36, 26.38, 26.43, 26.52, 26.146, 26.163, 26.178
MacShannon v. Rockware Glass Ltd [1978] A.C. 795; [1978] 1 All E.R. 625
(H.L.) 12.94, 12.96
Madonna D. Idra, The (1811) 1 Dods. 37 23.140
Maersk Nimrod, The. See Petrofina SA v. AOT
Maersk Olie and Gas A/S v. Firma M de Haan (C—39/02) [2005] 1 Lloyd's Rep.
210 (ECJ) 6.89, 12.40, 12.50, 12.105, 24.113, 24.13 1, 28.16
Maharanee Seethadevi Gaekwar of Baroda v. Wildenstein [1972] 2 All E.R. 689
(C.A.) 9.18
Maharani Woollen Mills Co. v. Anchor Line (1927–28) 29 Ll. L. Rep. 169 (C.A.)
Mahavir Minerals Ltd v. Cho Yang Shipping Co. Ltd (The MC Pearl) [1997]
lLloyd'sRep. 566 11.9, 11.11, 12.83, 12.84
Mahkutai, The [1996] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 1 (P.C.) 12.62
Maitre de Grandpre v. Ifafood SA [1993] I.L.Pr. 657 (Cour d'A. (Paris)) 28.54
Maitre Pierrel v. Ergur [1993] I.L.Pr. 523 (C d'A (Paris)) 4.27
Makefjell, The [1976] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 29 (C.A.) 12.76, 12.79,12.81
Manchester Ship Canal Co. v. Horlock [1914] 1 Ch. 453 20.59
Mangles v. Dixon (1852) 3 H.L. Cas. 702 18.78
Mansour v. Mansour (1989) The Times, 2 January 11.4
Manta Line Inc. v. Seraphim Sofianites [1984] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 14 (C.A.) 9.56
Mara, The. See Mawan, The
Marazura Navegacion SA v. Oceanus Mutual Underwriting Association (Bermuda)
Ltd and John Laing (Management) Ltd [1977] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 283 15.96
Marc Rich & Co. AG v. Societa Italiana Impianti SpA (The Atlantic Emperor)
[1989] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 548 (C.A.) 26.19, 26.73
Marc Rich & Co. AG v. Societa Italiana Impianti PA (The Atlantic Emperor) (No.
2) [1992] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 624 (C.A.) 13.17, 13.20, 27.40
Marc Rich & Co. AG v. Societa Italiana Impianti pA (C190/89) [1992] 1 Lloyd's
Rep. 342 (ECJ) 4.29, 14.79
Marc Rich & Co. AG v. Societa Italiana Impianti pA [1993] I.L.Pr. 402 (Cor. Di
Cass.) 4.31
Marc Rich & Co Holding GmbH v. Krasner, 15 January 1999, CHANI 99/0009/3
(C.A.) 14.33
Marco Reefer, The [1981] LMLN 50 25.56
Mardina Merchant, The [1974] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 424; [1974] 3 All E.R. 749 10.80,
10.84, 15.99, 15.107, 5.115
Mareva Compania Naviera SA v. International Bulk Carriers SA (The Mareva)
[1975] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 509 (C.A.) 14.26
Margaret Jane, The (1869) L.R. 2 A. & E. 345 15.117
Margarethe Mana, The [2002] EWCA Civ 509 2.28
Margolle v. Delta Marine Co. Ltd [2003] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 203 24.63
Mari Chandris, The [No. 3) [1942] P. 94; (1941) 71 L1. L. Rep. 225 15.143
Marie Brizard et Roger International SA, Petitioners [1997] ECC 366; [1997]
I.L.Pr. 373 28.101, 28.104
Marie Gartz, The (Charging Order) [1920] P. 460 23.111
Marie Glaeser, The [1914] P. 218 18.20
Mariannina, The. See Astro Venturoso Compania Naviera v. Hellenic Shipyards
Marie Leonhardt, The. See Clipper Maritime Co Ltd of Monrovia v. Mineral
Marinari v. Lloyds Bant Plc (C364/93) [1995] I.L.Pr. 737 (ECJ) 6.162
Marinero, The. See Owners of the Cressington Court v. Owners of the Marinero
Marinor, The. See Noranda Inc. v. Barton (Time Charter) Ltd
Maritime Harmony, The [1982] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 400 26.142
Maritime Trader, The. See Unitramp SA v. Maritime Trader
Maritime Transport Operators GmbH v. Louis Dreyfus & Cie (The Tropwave)
[1981] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 159 22.32
Marks & Spencer plc v. Customs and Excise Commissioners ((ECJ) Case 62/00]
[2003] 2 W.L.R. 111 1.34
Marlex Petroleum v. The Ship "Har Rai" (1984) 4 D.L.R. (4th) 739 26.171
Maronier v. Larmer [2003] 1 All E.R. (Comm.) 225 28.56
Martin Fierro, The [1974] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 203 26.142
Marubeni Corpn v. Pearlstone Shipping Corpn (The Puerto Acevedo) [1978] 1
Lloyd's Rep. 38 (C.A.) 11.19
Mary Ann,. The (1845) 9 Jur. 94 23.140, 23.144
Mary Ann, The (No. 1) (1865 ) L.R. 1 A. & E. 8 2.72, 19.3
Mason v. Uxbridge Boat Centre and Wright [1980] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 592 24.171
Masters v. Leaver (No. 2) [2000] I.L.Pr. 387 (C.A.) 27.6
Matharu v. Matharu [1994] 2 F.L.R. 597; [1994] 3 F.C.R. 216; (1994) The Times,
13 May 21.13
Mathilde Maersk, The, 22 December 2003 [2004] LMLN 636 12.72
Matija Gubec, The. See Gulf Shipping Lines Ltd v. Jadranska Slobodna Plovidba
Maunns v. Henderson (1801) 1 East 335 20.53
Mauritius Oil Refineries Ltd v Stolt-Nielsen Nederlands BV (The Stolt Sydness)
[1997] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 273 11.18, 26.22, 26.66
Mawan (Now Named Mara), The [1988] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 459 10.81, 15.1 14
Mayer Newman v. A1 Ferro Commodities Corpn SA (The John C Helmsing)
[1990] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 290 9.98. 13.23
May hew Foods v. Overseas Containers [1984] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 317 26.11
Meadows Indemnity Co. Ltd v. Insurance Corpn of Ireland Pic [1989] 2 Lloyd's
Rep. 298 (C.A.); reversing [1989] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 181 12.102, 12.104
Meandros, The [1925] P. 61; (1924) 20 Ll. L. Rep. 316 18.53, 18.64, 18.66, 18.67,
Mecklermedia Corpn v. DC Congress GmbH [1998] 1 All E.R. 148 5.91, 6.163,
Medicale Equipex SA v. Farmitalia Carlo Erba Srl [1990] I.L.Pr. 192 (Cour. d’A.
(Versailles)) 28.18, 28.101
Med way Dry dock and Engineering Co. v. Owners of the MV Andrea Ursula (The
Andrea Ursula) [1973] Q.B. 265; [1971] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 145 10.32
Med way Packaging Ltd v. Meurer Maschinen GmbH & Co. KG [1990] 2 Lloyd's
Rep. 112 (C.A.) 6.144, 6.146, 6.151, 12.155
Meeth (Nikolous) v. Glacetal Sarl (C23/78) [1978] ECR 2133; [1979] 1 CMLR
520 (ECJ) 5.53, 5.54
Mekhanik Evgrafov, The. See Baltic Shipping Co. v. Owners of Cargo on the
Mekhanik Evgrafov
Melbourn, Ex p. (1871) L.R. 6 Ch. App. 64 26.38
Menetone v. Gibbons (1789) 3 T.R. 267 10.8, 18.8
Merak, The. See TB&S Batchelor & Co. Ltd v. Owners of the SS Merak
Mercantile Group (Europe) AG v. Aiyela [1994] 1 All E.R. 110 (C.A.) 16.2,
16.52, 25.67
Mercedes-Benz AG v. Leiduck [1995] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 417 (P.C.) 9.89, 14.27, 16.4,
16.14, 23.102, 23.118
Mercury Communications Ltd v. Director General of Telecommunications [1996] 1
W.L.R. 48; [1996] 1 All E.R. 575 (H.L.) 25.49
Mercury Publicity Ltd v. Wolfgang Loerke GmbH [1993] I.L.Pr. 142 (C.A.) 6.146,
6.147, 6.152
Merle, The (1874) 2 Asp. M.L.C. 402 2.117
Merzario (Andrea) Ltd v. Internationale Spedition Leitner Gesellschaft GmbH
[2001] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 490 (C.A.) 12.6
Messier Dowty Ltd v. Sabena SA (Appeal against Set Aside) [2000] 1 Lloyd's
Rep. 428 (C.A.) 6.192, 9.4, 12.18, 25.49, 25.51
Messiniaki Tolmi, The. See Astro Exito Navegacion SA v. W.T. Hsu
Messiniaki Tolmi (No. 2), The. See Astro Exito Navegacion SA v. Southland
Enterprise Co.
Metall und Rohstoff AG v. Donaldson Lufkin & Jenrette Inc. [1990] 1 Q.B. 391;
[1989] 3 W.L.R. 563; [1989] 3 All E.R. 14 (C.A.) 12.100, 26.120
Midland Bank Plc v. Laker Airways Ltd [1986] Q.B. 689; [1986] 2 W.L.R. 707;
[1986] 1 All E.R. 526 (C.A.) 25.18
Mietz v. Intership Yachting Sneek BV (C99/96) [1999] ECR I -2277; [1999] I.L.Pr.
541 (ECJ) 6.117, 14.60, 14.61, 14.66
Mikado, The. See NCNB Texas National Bank v. Evensong Co.
Mike Trading and Transport v. R. Pagnan & Fratelli (The Lisboa) [1980] 2 Lloyd's
Rep. 546 12.63, 15.96
Miles Piatt Ltd v. Townroe Ltd [2003] 1 All E.R. (Comm.) 561 12.17
Miliangos v. George Frank (Textiles) Ltd (No. 1) [1976] A.C. 443; [1976] 1
Lloyd's Rep. 201 (H.L.) 25.36
Minalmet GmbH v. Brandeis Ltd (C123/91) [1992] ECR I —5661; [1993] I.L.Pr.
132 (ECJ) 28.69
Minerva, The [1933] P. 224; (1933) 46 L1. L. Rep. 212 2.66
Minister of Public Works of Kuwait v. Sir Frederick Snow & Partners [1984] 1
Lloyd's Rep. 458 (H.L. ); [1981] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 656 13.9, 27.65
Minster Investments Ltd v. Hyundai Precision & Industry Co. Ltd [1988] 2 Lloyd's
Rep. 621 6.163
Minna Craig Steamship Co. v. Chartered Mercantile Bank of India London and
China [1897] 1 Q.B. 460 (C.A.); affirming [1897] 1 Q.B. 55 27.36
Miranores v. Owners of the George Livanos (The Miranores, The Abadesa and
The Livanos) [1967] 1 A.C. 826; [1967] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 191 2.146
Miramar Maritime Corpn v. Holborn Oil Trading (The Miramar) [1984] 2 Lloyd's
Rep. 129 (H.L.); affirming [1984] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 142 (C.A.); affirming [1983] 2
Lloyd's Rep. 319 22.19
Miriam, The (1874) 2 Asp. M.L.C. 259 15.62
Missing Share Certificates, Re (15 U 5989/88) [1991] I.L.Pr. 298 (OLG
(Munchen)) 5.36
Mito, The [1987] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 197 16.30
Mode Jeune Diffusion SA v. Maglificio il Falco di Tiziana God [1998] I.L.Pr. 812
(Cass. (F.)) 6.149
Modus Vivendi Ltd v. British Products Sanmex Co. Ltd [1997] I.L.Pr. 654 6.163
Moliere, The [1925] P. 27; (1924) 20 L1. L. Rep. 101 2.168
Molins Plc v. GD SpA [2000] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 234 (C.A.) 9.22
Molnlycke AB v. Procter & Gamble Ltd (No. 4) [1992] 4 All E.R. 47 (C.A.) 5.82,
Monaco Philomel, The (1968) (ureported) 18.108
Monica S, The. See Owners of Cargo Laden on Board the Monica Smith v Owners
of the Monica Smith
Mons. The; sub nom. Mots. The v. Eirini N Rallia, The [1932] P. 109; (1932) 43
Ll. L. Rep. 151 23.9, 23.133, 23.141, 23.142, 23.143
Montedipe SpA v. JTP-RO Jugotanker (The Jordan Nicolov) [1990] 2 Lloyd's
Rep. 11 13.17
Monterosso Shipping Co. v. International Transport Workers' Federation (The
Rosso) [1982] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 120 (C.A.) 26.14, 26.70
Moorgate Mercantile Co. Ltd v. Twitchings [1977] A.C. 890; [1976] 3 W.L.R. 66;
[1976] 2 All E.R. 641 (H.L.); reversing [1976] Q.B. 225; [1975] 3 W.L.R. 286; [1975]
3 All E.R. 314 (C.A.) 21.13, 23.42
Mora Shipping Inc. v. Axa Assurance SA and Ors [2005] EWCA Civ 1069 6.128
Morgan v. Steamship Castlegate and the Freight Due for the Transporta tion of the
Cargo Lately Laden on Board [1893] A.C. 38 (H.L.) 2.90, 2.95, 18.38, 18.39, 18.40,
18.58, 18.64, 18.65, 18.70, 18.84
Morgan EST (Scotland) Ltd v. Hanson Concrete Products Ltd [2005] EWCA Civ
134 9.41
Morley v. Hay (1829) 7 L.J.K.B. (O.S.) 104 20.20
Morlines Agency Ltd v. Proceeds of Sale of Ship Skulptor Vuichetich (1997)
26. 171
Morviken, The. See Owners of Cargo on Board the Morviken v. Owners of the
Hollandia (The Hollandia and the Morviken)
Moschanthy, The [1971] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 37 10.27, 10.67, 12.157, 15.120, 15.140,
18. 109
Moscow City Council v. Bankers Trust Co. [2004] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 179 (C.A) 13.1,
Motorola Credit Corporation v. Uzan [2004] 1 W.L.R. 113 16.28
Mouana, The [1991] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 441 11.4
Mousaka Inc. v. Golden Seagull Maritime Inc. [2001] EWCA Civ 576 0.17
Mulliner v. Florence (1878) 3 Q.B.D. 484 (C.A.) 20.2
Mulox IBC Ltd v. Geels (C125/92) [1993] ECR I–4075; [1993] I.L.Pr. 668 (ECJ)
6.152, 6.153
Murthy v. Sivajothi [1999] 1 W.L.R. 467; [1999] 1 All E.R. 721; [1999] I.L.Pr.
320 (C.A.) 27.6, 27.39
Myerson v. Martin [1979] 3 All E.R. 667 (C.A.) 9.18, 9.22, 9.48
Myrto, The. See Kleinwort Benson Ltd v. Barbrak Ltd
Myrto (No. 3), The [1978] 1 Lloyd’s Rep . 11 (C.A.); reversing [1977] 2 Lloyd’s
Rep. 243 9.37, 14.23, 15.126, 23.9, 25.55
NCNB Texas National Bank v. Evensong Co. (The Mikado) [1992] 1 Lloyd's Rep.
163 2.123, 2.244, 14.23
NWL Ltd v. Woods (The Nawala) (No. 2) [1979] 3 All E. R. 614; [1980] 1 Lloyd's
Rep. 1 (H.L.) 14.20
Nagasaki Spirit. The [1994] LMLN 386 (H.C. (Sing.)) 23.9
Nai Genova, The and The Nai Superba. See Agip SpA v. Navigazione Alta Italia
Nanfri, The [1979] A.C. 757; [1979] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 201 (H.L.) 22.12, 22.14,
Napier (Lord) and Ettrick v. Hunter [1993] 1 All E.R. 385; [1993] 1 Lloyd's Rep.
197 (H.L.) 26.146
Nasser v. United Bank of Kuwait (Security for Costs) [2002] 1 All E.R. 401 (C.A .)
National Bank of Greece and Athens SA v. Metliss [1958] A.C. 509; [1957] 3
W.L.R. 1056; [1957] 3 All E.R. 608 (H.L.) 11.6
National Iranian Oil Co v. Banque Paribas (Suisse) [1993] LMLN 366 15.116
National Justice Compania Naviera SA v. Prudential Assurance Co Ltd (The
Ikarian Reefer) (No. 2); sub nom. Comnimos v. Prudential Assurance Co. Ltd [2000] 1
Lloyd's Rep. 129; [2000] 1 All E.R. 37 (1999) 149 N.L.J. 1561 (C.A.) 4.35, 4.41,
6.188, 6.193, 9.72
Naviera Amazonica Peruana SA v. Compania Internacional de Seguros de Peru
[1988] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 116 (C.A.) 13.35
Navigation Maritime Bulgare v. Rustal Trading Ltd (The Ivan Zagubanski) [2002]
1 Lloyd's Rep. 106 4.30. 5.44, 28.12
Navigazione Alta Italia SpA v. Concordia Maritime Chartering AB (The Stena
Pacinca) [1990] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 234 13.17
Navarro v. Larrinaga Steamship Co. Ltd (The Niceto de Larrinaga) [1966] P. 80;
[1965] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 134 11.24
Nazym Khikmet, The. See Owners of Cargo Lately on Board the Nazym Khikmet v.
Owners of the Nazym Khikmet
Near East Relief v. King Chasseur & Co. Ltd [1930] 2 K.B. 40; (1930) 36 L1. L.
Rep. 91 20.26, 20.54
Nelson, The (1805) 7 C. Rob. 227 2.114, 2.2 17
Nelson, The (1823) 1 Hag. Adm. 169 2.97
Nema (No. 2), The. See Pioneer Shipping Ltd v. BTP Tioxide Ltd
Neptune, The (1824) 1 Hag. Adm. 227 2.46, 18.8, 18.30
Nerarno, The. See Daval Aciers D'Usinor et de Sacilor v. Armare Srl
Neste Chemicals SA v. DK Line SA (The Sargasso) [1994] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 6
(C.A.) 5.33, 12.17, 12.29, 15.135, 16.10
Nestor, The (1831) 18 Fed. Cas. 9 10.13, 18.19
Netherlands v. Ruffer (C814/79) [1980] ECR 3807; [1981] 3 CMLR 293 (ECJ)
4.25, 6.9
Network Telecom (Europe) Ltd v. Telephone Systems International Inc. [2004] 1
All E.R. (Comm.) 418 9.83
New Hampshire Insurance Co. Ltd v. Aerospace Finance Ltd [1998] 2 Lloyd's
Rep. 539 12.157
New Hampshire Insurance Co. Ltd v. Strabag Bau AG [1992] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 361
(C.A.) 4.31, 6.98
Newport Association Football Clu b Ltd v. Football Association of Wales Ltd
[1995] 2 All E.R. 87 14.21
Newtherapeuties Ltd v. Katz [1991] 2 All E.R. 151 5.22, 9.87
Niceto de Larrinaga, The. See Navarro v. Larrinaga Steamship Co. Ltd
Nickolay Golanov, The [1994] LMLN 391 2.220
Niedersachsen, The. See Ninemia Maritime Corpn v. Trave Schiffahrts GmbH &
Co. KG
Nile, The (1875) 3 Asp. M.L.C. 11 12.145
Nile Rhapsody, The. See Hamed el Chiaty & Co. (t/a Travco Nile Cruise Lines) v.
Thomas Cook Group Ltd
Nina, The (1867) L.R. 2 A. & E. 44; (1867) L.R. 2 P.C. 38 12.154
Ninemia Maritime Corpn v. Trave Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG (The
Niedersachsen) [1983] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 600 (C.A.) 16.1, 16.9, 16.42
Nippon Yusen Kaisha v. Karageorgis [1975] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 137 (C.A.) 14.26
Nippon Yusen Kaisha v. Paeifica Navegacion SA (The Ion) [1980] 2 Lloyd's Rep.
245 11.4
Nishen Kisen Kaishan Ltd v. Canadian National Railway Co. [1982] 1 F.C. 530
Njegos, The [1936] P. 90; (1935) 53 L1. L. Rep. 286 26.55
Noirhomme (Thierry) v. Walklate (David) [1992] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 427; [1991]
I.L.Pr. 581 28.62, 28.63, 28.101
Noranda Inc. v. Barton (Time Charter) Ltd (The Marinor) [1996] 1 Lloyd's Rep.
301 11.18
Nordglimt, The [1987] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 470; [ 1988] 2 All E.R. 531 6.10, 11.18,
12.17, 12.30, 14.74, 14.76, 15.44
Nordstjernen, The (1857) Swab. 260 23.122
"Nore Challenger" and "Nore Commander", The. See Lavington International Ltd v.
Bareboat Charterers of Nore Challenger and Nore Commander
Norfolk v. My Travel Group Plc [2004] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 106 11.22
Normaco Ltd v. Lundman [1999] I.L.Pr. 381; (1999) The Times, 6 January 14.65,
27.6, 28.21
North Range Shipping Ltd v. Seatrans Shipping Corpn [2002] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 1
(C.A.) 13.49
Northern Pioneer. The [2003] 1 W.L.R. 1015 13.47
Norton v. Florence Land and Public Works Co. (1877) L.R. 7 Ch. D. 332 26.38
Norwest Hoist Civil Engineering v. Polysius (1987) The Times, 23 July 16.30
Norwhale, The. See John Franetovich & Co. v. Ministry of Defence
Norwich Pharmacal Co. v. Customs and Excise Commissioners [1973] 2 All E.R.
943 (H.L.) 16.52
Nottingham Building Society v. Eurodynamics Systems Plc [1995] F.S.R. 468
Nova Scotia. The. See Caribbean Gold Ltd v. Alga Shipping Co. Ltd
Nugent v. Smith (1876) L.R. 1 C.P.D. 423 (C.A.); reversing (1875) L.R. 1 C.P.D.
19 20.30
Nuova Raffaelina, The (1871) L.R. 3 A. & E. 483 2.178
Nurnberger Allgemeine Versicherungs AG v. Portbndge Transport International BV
Case C-148/03, Judgement 28 October 2004 5.42
OHM Mariana EX Peony, The [1993] LMLN 361 10.38
OOCL Bravery, The [2000] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 394 24.22
OT Africa Line Ltd v. Hijazy (The Kribi) (No. I) [2002] IL.Pr. 18; [2001] 1
Lloyd's Rep. 76; [2002] I.L.Pr. 18 0.17
OT Africa Line Ltd v. Magic Sportswear Corpn [2005] EWCA Civ 710 25.13,
Oakwell, The. See Galaxy Energy International Ltd v. Assuranceforeningen Skuld
(Ej ensidie)
Oakworth, The [1975] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 586 23.44
Oberlandsgenicht Nurnberg (1974) Case No. 9 V 167/75 ECD 1 -16.5-B2 5.30
Ocarina Marine Ltd v. Marcard Stein & Co. [1994] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 524 5.45
Ocean Blessing, The [1994] LMLN 386 (H.C. (Sing.) 15.102
Ocean Chemical Transport Inc. v. Exnor Craggs Ltd [2000] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 446
(C.A.) 11.1
Ocean Enterprise, The. See Glatzer v. Bradston Ltd
Ocean Glory, The [2002] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 679 15.104, 23.9
Oceangas (Gibraltar) v. Port of London Authority (The Cavendish) [1993] 2
Lloyd's Rep. 292 18.56
Oceanica Castelana Armadora SA v. Mineralimportexport (The Theotokos, The
Minoan Bull and The Turgi Furmoss) [1983] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 204 16.45, 16.55, 16.57,
Octavie, The (1836) B. & L. 215 12.154
Oinoussin Pride, The. See Pride Shipping Corpn v. Chung Hwa Pulp Corpn
Oldendorff (Egon) v. Libera Corpn (No. 1) [1995] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 64 26.19, 26.95
Oldekerk, The [1974] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 95 26.142
Oltenia, The. See Babanaft International Co. SA v. Avanti Petroleum Inc.
Omnium de Traitement et de Valorisation SA v. Hilmarton Ltd [1999] 2 All E.R.
(Comm.) 146; [1999] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 222 26.63, 27.66
Oppenheimerv. Cattermole (Inspector of Taxes) [1976] A.C. 249; [1975] 2 W.L.R.
347; [1975] 1 All E.R. 538 (H.L.) 12.81, 26.9
Opthalmic Innovations International (UK) Ltd v. Opthalmic Innovations
International Inc. [2004] EWHC 2948 9.75
Optima, The (1905) 74 L.T.P. 94 10.73
Ore Chief, The [1974] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 427 26.142
Orienta, The [1895] P. 49 (C.A.); affirming [1894] P. 271 2.93, 18.84
Oriental, The (1851) 7 Moo. P.C. 398 18.73
Orpheus, The (1871) L.R. 3 A. & E. 308 18.39
Orri v. Moundreas [1981] Com. L.R. 168 10.44, 25.67
Orwell Steel (Erection and Fabrication) Ltd v. Asphalt and Tarmac (UK) Ltd
[1984] 1 W.L.R. 1097; [1985] 3 All E.R. 747 14.84, 16.2, 25.67
O'Sullivan v. Williams [1992] 3 All E.R. 385 (C.A.) 23.49
Ousel. The [1957] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 151 20.57
Overseas Aviation Engineering (GB), Re [1963] Ch. 24; [1962] 3 W.L.R. 594;
[1962] 3 All E.R. 12 (CA.) 23.64
Overseas Union Insurance Ltd v. New Hampshire Insurance Co. (C351/89) [1992]
2 All E.R. 138; [1992] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 204 (ECJ) 4.42, 12.16
Oving Diepeveen Sturycken NV v. Berlinen Franchtschiffart [1983] ELD 361
Owenbawn, The [1973] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 56 11.25
Owens Bank Ltd v. Braeco (No. 2) [1994] 1 All E.R. 336 (ECJ); [1992] 2 All
E.R. 193 (H.L.) ...4.39, 5.29, 27.35, 27.53, 28.25
Owners of Cargo on Board the Morviken v. Owners of the Hollandia (The
Hollandia and the Morviken) [1983] 1 A.C. 565; [1983] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 1 (H.L.) 3.27,
6.42, 12.73, 13.29, 24.96, 26.14, 26.65, 26.101
Owners of Cargo Lately on Board the Fehmarn v. Owners of the Fehmarn (The
Fehmarn) [1957] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 551 (C.A.) 12.81
Owners of Cargo Laden on Board the Monica Smith v. Owners of the Monica
Smith [1968] P. 741; [1967] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 113 0.34, 10.32
Owners of Cargo Lately on Board the Nazym Khikmet v. Owners of the Nazym
Khikmet [1996] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 362 (C.A.) 10.42
Owners of Cargo Lately Laden on Board the Berny v. Owners of the Berny (The
Berny) [1979] Q.B. 80; [1977] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 533; [1978] 1 All E.R. 1068 10.32,
Owners of Cargo Lately Laden on Board the Deichland v. Owners and/or Demise
Charterers of the Deichland (The Deichland) [1989] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 113; [1989] 2 All
E.R. 1066 (C.A.) 4.34, 5.102, 6.14, 10.63, 17.57, 17.62, 18.61, 28.115
Owners of Cargo Lately Laden on Board the Eleftheria v. Owners of the Eleftheria
(The Eleftheria) [1970] P. 94; [1969] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 237 12.77, 12.78, 12.80
Owners of Cargo Lately Laden on Board the MV Erkowit v. Owners of the
Eschersheim (The Eschersheim. the Jade and the Erkowit) [1976] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 1
(H.L.); affirming [1976] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 81 (C.A.); affirming [1974] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 188
2.15, 2.66, 2.139, 2.142, 2.143, 2.146, 2.147, 2.148, 2.172, 2.173, 2.175, 2.176, 2.177,
2.179, 2.180, 2.192, 2.197-2.200, 2.209, 2.210, 10.25, 10.52
Owners of Cargo Lately Laden on Board the Playa Larga v. Owners of the I
Congreso del Partido [1981] 2 All E.R. 1064; [1981] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 367 (H.L.); [1978]
1 All E.R. 1169; [1977] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 536 10.32, 10.38, 10.43, 12.116, 12.132
Owners of Cargo Lately Laden on Board the Rewia v. Caribbean Liners
(Caribtainer) Ltd (The Rewia) [1991] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 325 (C.A.) 5.91, 5.102, 6.185,
6.188, 12.62
Owners of Cargo Lately Laden on Board the Siskina v. Distos Compania Naviera
SA (The Siskina) [1979] A.C. 210; [1978] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 1 (H.L.) 9.89, 9.92, 14.9,
14.19, 16.11A
Owners of Cargo Lately Laden on Board the River Gurara v. Nigerian National
Shipping Line Ltd (The River Gurara) [1998] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 225 (C.A.) 24.23
Owners of Cargo Lately Laden on Board the Tatry v. Owners of the Maciej Rataj
(The Maciej Rataj) (C406/92) [1995] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 302; [1994] ECR 1 -5439; [1995]
I.L.Pr. 81; [1997] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 380 (ECJ); [1992] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 552 (C.A.) 6.3,
6.16, 6.26, 6.187A, 10.83, 12.6, 12.18, 12.33, 12.34, 12.35, 12.36, 12.37, 12.39, 12.41,
12.42, 12.47, 12.49, 17.62, 28.15, 28.32, 28.75
Owners of Ship "Bow Spring" v. Owners of ship "Manzcnillo II" [2004] EWCA
Civ 1007 (C.A.) 0.17
Owners of SS Melanie v. Owners of SS San Onofre [1925] A.C. 246; (1924) 20
Ll. L. Rep. 288 (H.L.) 2.46
Owners of the Atlantic Star v. Owners of the Bona Spes (The Atlantic Star and The
Bona Spes) [1974] A.C. 436; [1973] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 197 (H.L.) 12.94, 12.95
Owners of the Bowditch v. Owners of the Po (The Po) [1991] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 206
(C.A.) 5.15, 6.10, 6.25, 6.187A, 10.64, 10.65, 12.14, 15.3 7, 15.45
Owners of the Cressington Court v. Owners of the Marinero (The Marinero)
[1955] P. 68; [1955] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 230 15.74
Owners of the Herceg Novi v. Owners of the Ming Galaxy [1998] 2 Lloyd's Rep.
454 (C.A.) 12.108, 24.7, 24.99, 24.109, 24.124, 26. 45
Owners of the Las Mercedes v. Owners of the Abidin Daver [1984] 1 All E.R.
470; [1984] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 339 (H.L.) 12.78, 12.95, 12.104
Owners of the Philippine Admiral v. Wallem Shipping (Hong Kong) Ltd (The
Philippine Admiral) [1977] A.C. 373; [1976] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 234 (P.C.) 12.115
Owners of The Spirit of Independence v. Wear Dockyard Ltd (The Spirit of
Independence) [1999] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 43 15.139
Owners of the Vasso v. Owners of Cargo Lately Laden on Board the Vasso [1984]
1 Lloyd's Rep. 235 (C.A.) 12.89, 12.157
Owners of the Zenatia v. Owners of the Putbus (The Putbus) [1969] P. 136; [1969]
1 Lloyd's Rep. 253 (C.A.) 15.12 1
Owusu v. Jackson [2002] EWCA Civ 877 (C.A.) 4.37
Owusu v. Jackson (C–281/02) [2005] 2 W.L.R. 942; [2005] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 452
(ECJ) 4.37, 4.38, 5.56, 12.15, 12.21, 12.24
PCW (Underwriting Agencies) Ltd v. Dixon (PS) [1983] 2 All E.R. 697 (Note)
(C.A.); affirming [1983] 2 All E.R. 158; [1983] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 197 14.24, 16.5
P & O Nedlloyd v. Arab Metals [2005] EWHC 1276 11.28
P & O Scottish Ferries Ltd v. Braer Corporation and others [1999] 2 Lloyd’s Rep.
535 2.151
PT Pan Indonesian Bank Ltd TBK v. Marconi Communictions International Ltd
[2005] EWCA Civ 422 (C.A.) 26.117
Pacific, The (1864) B. & L. 243 18.13
Pacific Bear, The [1979] Hong Kong L.R. 125 10.73, 15.59
Pacol Ltd v. Trade Lines Ltd (The Henrik Sif) [1982] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 456 11.4,
Palaquin, The [1996] LMLN 439 (Fed. Ct, Canada) 10.18, 15.52
Palmisani v. Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Socia le (INPS) (C261/95) [1997]
ECR I-4025; [1997] 3 CMLR 1356 (ECJ) 3.12
Pan Ocean Shipping Co. v. Creditcorp (The Trident Beauty) [1994] 1 Lloyd's Rep.
365 (H.L.) 26.146
Panama, The (1870) L.R. 3 P.C. 1999 18.73
Panda, The (1842) 1 W. Rob. 423 2.135
Panglobal Friendship. The [1978] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 368 17.20, 22.30
Papamichael v. National Westminster Bank Plc [2002] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 332 16.14
Papanicolaou v. Thielen [1997] I.L.Pr. 37 (H.C. (Irl.)) 5.22
Paragon Finance Plc v. DB Thakerar & Co. [1999] 1 All E.R. 400 (C.A.) 9.41.
Paragon Group Ltd v. Burnell [1991] 2 All E.R. 388 (C.A.) 9.22
Parallel Proceedings Relating to an International Contract of Carriage of Goods By
Road, Re [2004] I.L.Pr. 20 6.54
Paramount Airways Ltd (No. 2), Re [1993] Ch. 223; [1992] 3 W.L.R. 690; [1992]
3 All E.R. 1 (H.L.) 26.13
Pardo v. Bingham (1868) L.R. 6 Eq. 485 26.36
Paris, The [1896] P. 77 23.111
Parker v. CS Structures Credit Fund Ltd [2003] 1 W.L.R. 1680 14.27, 16.51
Parlement Beige, The (1880) 5 P.D. 197 18.64
Parouth, The. See Compania Naviera Micro SA v. Shipley International Inc.
Partenreederei M/S Heidberg v. Grosvenor Grain & Feed Co. Ltd (The Heidberg)
(No. 2) [1994] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 287 4.30, 13.17, 13.29, 26.19, 2 6.59, 26.62, 26.75,
Partenreederei MS Tilly Russ v. Haven & Vervoerbednjf Nova (C71/83) [1984]
ECR 2417; [1984] 3 CMLR 499 (ECJ) 5.45, 5.59, 5.60, 5.62, 6.193
Paschalis v. The Ship Tona Maria [1975] 1 Cyp. L.R. 162 2.96
Pascoe v. Turner [1979] 1 W.L.R. 431; [1979] 2 All E.R. 945 21.13
Patel (Jitendra) v. Patel (Dilesh) [1999] 3 W.L.R. 322; [1999] 1 All E.R. (Comm.)
923; [1999] B.L.R. 227 (C.A.) 13.41
Paula D'Alesio, The See Chimimport Plc v. G D'Alesio SAS
Pauling's Settlement Trusts, Re [1963] 3 All E.R. 1 (CA.) 11.37
Payabi v. Armstel Shipping Corpn (The Jay Bola) [1992] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 62 9.41,
11.18, 11.19, 11.33
Pearce Ex p. Official Receiver, Re [1919] 1 K B. 354 (C.A.) 25.67
Pearce v. Ove Arup Partnership Ltd (Jurisdiction) [1999] 1 All E.R. 769 (C.A.)
3.4, 6.9, 12.152, 26.132
Pearson Education Ltd v. Prentice Hall of India Ltd [2005] EWHC 655 9.75
Peer International Corpn v. Termidor Music Publishers Ltd [2004] 2 W.L.R. 849
(C.A.) 26.9
Peer International Corpn v. Termidor Music Publishers Ltd (No. 3 ) [2005] EWHC
1048 12.103, 26.9
Pemberton v. Hughes [1899] 1 Ch. 781 (C.A.) 27.34
Pendy Plastic Products BV v. Pluspunkt Handelsgesellschaft mbH (C228/81)
[1982] ECR 2723; [1983] 1 CMLR 665 (ECJ) 28.61
Penelope II, The [1980] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 17 (C.A.) 24.74, 24.75
Peoples Insurance Co. v. Vysanthi Shipping Co. Ltd [2003] EWHC 1655 13.47
Perfetto v. Parlapiano [1993] I.L.Pr. 190 (Cour d'App (Liege)) 5.49
Permina 108, The [1978] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 311 (C.A. (Sing.)) 10.52, 15.14
Permina 3001, The [1979] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 327 (C.A. (Sing.)) 6.180, 10.43, 10.47,
Permina Samudra XIV, The [1978] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 315 15.55, 23.30
Pestrioka, The [2003] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 327 (C.A.) 11.11
Petereit v. Babcock International Holdings Ltd [1990] 1 W.L.R. 350; [1990] 2 All
E.R. 135; [1992] I.L.Pr. 331 28.100
Peters (Martin) Bauunternehmung GmbH v. ZNAV (Zuid Nederlandse Aannemers
Vereniging) (C34/82) [1983] ECR 987; [1984] 2 CMLR 605 (ECJ) 6.124, 6.133
Petone, The [1917] P. 198 2.95, 18.78, 18.82, 18.88
Petr Shmidt, The. See Swiss Bank Corpn v. Novorissiysk Shipping Co.
Petro Ranger, The. See Petroships Pte Ltd of Singapore v. Petec Trading &
Investment Corpn of Vietnam
Petrofina SA v. AOT (The Maersk Nimrod) [1992] Q.B. 571; [1991] 1 Lloyd's
Rep. 269 2.185, 2.188
Petromin SA v. Secnav Marine Ltd [1995] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 603 15.96
Petroships Pte Ltd of Singapore v. Petec Trading & Investment Corpn of Vietnam
(The Petro Ranger) [2001] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 348 13.47
Petrotrade Inc. v. Smith (Jurisdiction) [1998] 2 All E.R. 346 5.82, 6.184
Philippine Admiral, The. See Owners of the Philippine Admiral v. Wallem
Shipping (Hong Kong) Ltd
Phillip Alexander Securities & Futures Ltd v. Bamberger [1997] I.L.Pr. 73 (C.A.)
Photo Production Ltd v. Securicor Transport Ltd [1980] A.C. 827; [1980] 1
Lloyd’s Rep. 545 (H.L.) 25.44
Phrantzes v. Argenti [1960] 2 Q.B. 19; [1960] 2 W.L.R. 521; [1960] 1 All E.R.
778 25.8, 26.44
Pickaninny, The [1960] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 533 23.9
Pierce v. Bemis (The Lusitania) [1986] Q.B. 384; [1986] 1 A11 E.R. 1011; [1986]
1 Lloyd's Rep. 132 2.135, 2.137, 18.43
Pioneer Container, The [1994] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 593 (P.C.) 11.9, 12.62, 12.76, 12.83
Pioneer Shipping Ltd v. BTP Tioxide Ltd (The Nema) (No. 2) [1981] 2 Lloyd's
Rep. 239 (H.L.) 13.49
Pionier, The. See Continental Fertilizer Co. Ltd v. Pionier Shipping CV
Pirelli Cables Ltd v. United Thai Shipping Corpn Ltd [2000] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 663
Pitsa T, The. See Unicorn Shipping Ltd v. Demet Navy Shipping Co. Ltd
Po, The. See Owners of the Bowditch v. Owners of the Po
Polessk, The and Akademik Iosif Orbeli, The [1996] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 40 12.102
Polly Peck International Plc v. (Asil) Nadir (No. 2) [1992] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 238
(C.A.) 16.38
Polly Peck International Plc v. Citibank NA [1994] I.L.Pr. 71 8.9
Polo II, The [1977] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 115 2.24, 15.140, 18.109
Polpen Shipping Co. Ltd v. Commercial Union Assurance Go. Ltd [1943] K.B.
161; (1942) 74 Ll. L. Rep. 157 18.30, 18.32
Polypetrol Sari v. Societe Generate Routiere [1993] I.L.Pr. 107 (Cass. (F.)) 28.54,
Port Caledonia, The; Anna, The [1903] P. 184 26.150
Port Line v. Ben Line Steamers Ltd [1958] 2 Q.B. 146; [1958] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 290
21.1, 23.44, 26.180
Port Victoria, The [1902] P. 25 2.66
Porta-Leasing GmbH v. Prestige International SA (C784/79) [1980] ECR 1517;
[1981] 1 CMLR 135 (ECJ) 5.45, 5.70
Porzelack KG v. Porzelack (UK) Ltd [1987] 1 All E.R. 1074 14.37
Potoi Chau, The. See Castle Insurance Co. v. Hong Kong Islands Shipping Co.
Potts Ex p. Taylor. Re [1893] 1 Q.B. 648 (C.A.) 25.67
Powell v. Owners of the Proceeds of Sale of the Halcyon Skies (The Halcyon
Skies) (No. 1) [1977] Q.B. 14; [1976] 1 All E.R. 856; [1976] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 461 2.42,
2.47, 2.79, 2.81, 18.71, 19.33, 23.126
Powell Duffryn plc v. Petereit (C214/89) [1992] ECR I –1745 (ECJ) 4.27, 5.36,
Powstaniec Wielkopolski, The [1989] 1 Lloyd’s Rep . 58 2.61
Practice Direction (ECJ: References to the ECJ by C.A. and H.C. under Art. 177)
[1999] 2 CMLR 799 (ECJ) 4.11
Practice Direction (QBD: Judgment: Foreign currency) [1976] 1 W.L.R. 83;
[1976] 1 All E.R. 669; [1976] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 282 25.36
Prekookeanska Plovidba v. LNT Lines SrL [1988] 3 All E.R. 897 16.17
Preservatrice fonciére TIARD SA v. The Netherlands (C—266/01) 4.25
President of India v. La Pintada Compania Navigacion SA (The La Pintada) (No.
1) [1984] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 9 (H.L.) 0.34, 25.38
Preveze, The [1973] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 202 11.24
Pride Shipping Corpn v. Chung Hwa Pulp Corpn (The Oinoussin Pride) [1991] 1
Lloyd's Rep. 126 ... 9.100
Prince Abdul Rahman bin Turki Al-Sudairy v. Abu-Taha [1980] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 565
(C.A.) 16.15
Prince George, The (1837) 3 Hag. Adm. 376 2.78, 2.86
Princess Alice, The (1849} 3 W. Rob. 138 2.216
Prinsengracht, The [1993] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 41 5.34, 15.134
Priscilla, The (1859) Lush. 1 23.145
Promac Sprl v. Sogeservice SA [1993] I.L.Pr. 309 (Cour. d'A (Paris)) 6.146, 12.36
Puerto Acevedo, The. See Marubeni Corpn v. Pearlstone Shipping Corpn
Pugliese v. Finmeccanica SpA Case (C437/00) Judgment 10 April 2003 6.153
Pugsley & Co. v. Ropkins & Co. Ltd [1892] 2 Q.B. 184 (C.A.) 2.192
Putbus, The. See Owners of the Zenatia v. Owners of the Putbus
QRS 1 ApS v. Frandsen [1999] 1 W.L.R. 2169; [1999] 3 All E.R. 289 (C.A.);
affirming [1999] I.L.Pr. 432 4.25, 4.41, 26.9
Qingdao Ocean Shipping Co. v. Grace Shipping Establishment Transatlantic
Schiffahrtskontor GmbH (The Xing Su Hai) [1995] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 15 5.91, 6.185,
6.188, 16.4
Q's Estate, Re [1999] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 931 13.24, 13.38
Queen of the South, The. See Corps (t/a Corps Bros) v. Owners of the Paddle
Steamer Queen of the South
R. v. Carrick DC, ex p. Prankerd (The Winnie Rigg) [1998] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 675
R. v. City of London Court Judge and Owners of the S.S. Michigan (1890) 25
Q.B.D. 339 2.86, 2.87
R. v. Judge of the City of London Court (1883) 12 Q.B.D. 115 2.176
R. v. Judge of the City of London Court [1892] 1 Q.B. 273 (C.A.) 18.9
R. v. Forty Nine Casks of Brandy (1836) Hag. Adm. 257 2.135
R. v. Property Derelict (1825) 1 Hag. Adm. 383 2.135
R. v. Secretary of State for Transport, ex p. Factortame Ltd (No. 3) (C221/89)
[1991] 3 All E.R. 769; [1991] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 648 (ECJ) 3.12
R. v. Secretary of State for Transport, ex p. Factortame Ltd (No. 5) [1999] 4 All
E.R. 906 (H.L.) 3.12
R. v. Secretary of State for Transport, ex p. Factortame Ltd (C48/93) [1996] All
E.R. (EC) 301 (ECJ) 3.12
R. v. International Stock Exchange of the United Kingdom and the Republic of
Ireland Ltd, ex p. Else (1982) Ltd [1993] Q.B. 534; [1993] 2 W.L.R. 70 (C.A.) 4.11
R. A. Lister & Co. v. EG Thomson (Shipping) Ltd and PT Djakarta Lloyd (The
Benarty) (No. 2) [1985] Q.B. 325; [1984] 2Lloyd's Rep. 244 (C.A.): reversing [1983] 2
Lloyd's Rep. 50 6.42, 12.74, 12.79, 24.21, 26.14
RPS Prodotti Siderurgici Sri v. Owners of the Sea Maas (The Sea Maas) [1999] 2
Lloyd's Rep. 281 6.145, 6.146
Radhakrishna Hospitality Service Private Ltd v. EIH Ltd [1999] 2 Lloyd's Rep.
249 12.103
Radiant, The [1958] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 596 24.28
Raeburn v. Andrews (1874) L.R. 9 Q.B. 118 14.40
Raiffeisen Zentralbank Osterreich AG v. Five Star General Trading LLC (The
Mount I) [2001] 1 All E.R. (Comm) 961; [2001] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 597 (C.A.) 26.4, 26.8,
26.22, 26.38, 26.39, 26.55, 26.163, 26.164
Raiffeisen Zentral Bank Osterreich AG v. Tranos [2001] I.L.Pr. 85 6.163
Rainbow, The (1885) 5 Asp. M.L.C. 479 18.114
Ralli Bros v. Compania Naviera Sota y Aznar [1920] 2 K.B. 287; (1920) 2 L1. L.
Rep. 550 (C.A.) 26.63
Rama, The. See Berliner Bank AG v. C Czarnikow Sugar Ltd
Rank Enterprises Ltd v. Gerard [2000] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 403 (C.A.) 15.109
Rank Film Distributors Ltd v. Lanterna Editrice SRL [1992] I.L.Pr. 57 6.139, 12.17
Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Ltd v. Huddart Parker Industries Ltd (The
Boral Gas) [1988] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 342 22.5
Rasu Maritima SA v. Perusahaan Pertambangan Minyak Dan Gas Bunn Negara
(Pertamina) and Govt of Indonesia (Intervener) [1978] Q.B. 644; [1977] 2 Lloyd's Rep.
397 (C.A.) 14.27, 16.4, 16.18, 16.38
Rayner v. Davies [2003] 1 All E.R. (Comm) 39 4 6.117 Rebecca, The (1804) 5 C.
Rob. 102 18.76 Rebecca Elaine, The. See Hamble Fisheries Ltd v. L Gardner & Sons
Red Sea Insurance Co. Ltd v. Bouygues SA [1995] 1 A.C. 190; [1994] 3 W.L.R.
926; [1994] 3 All E.R. 749 (P.C.) 26.130, 26.131
Reed Executive Plc v. Reed Business Information Ltd [2004] EWCA Civ 887
(C.A.) 0.14
Reefer Creole, The. See Abdullah Ali Almunajem Sons Co. v. Recourse Shipping
Co. Ltd
Refco Inc. v. Eastern Trading Co. [1999] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 159 (C.A.) 16.26, 16.42
Regie Nationale desUsines Renault SA v. Maxicar SpA (C38/98) [2000] ECRI -
2973; [2000] ECDR 415 (ECJ) 28.54
Reich v. Purcell 432 P.2d 727 (1967) 26.126
Reichert v. Dresdner Bank (No. 1) (C115/88) [1990] I.L.Pr. 105 (ECJ) 5.18, 5.20
Reichert v. Dresdner Bank (No. 2) (C261/90) [1992] ECR I–2149; [1992] I.L.Pr.
404 (ECJ) 5.30, 6.159, 14.61
Reichhold Norway ASA v. Goldman Sachs International [1999] 2 All E.R.
(Comm.) 174; [1999] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 567 (C.A.) 9.4, 9.96, 12.54, 12.76
Republic of India v. India Steamship Co. Ltd (The Indian Endurance and The
Indian Grace) (No. 1) [1993] A.C. 410; [1993] 2 W.L.R. 461; [1993] 1 All E.R. 998;
[1993] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 387 (H.L.) 10.15, 10.16, 12.112, 12.157, 15.64, 25.1, 25.2, 25.5,
Reliance Industries Ltd v. Enron Oil and Gas India Ltd [2002] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 645
Rena K, The [1979] Q.B. 377; [1979] 1 All E.R. 397; [1978] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 545
10.84, 12.90, 12.92, 14.27, 15.86, 15.120, 16.18, 18.99, 25.2, 25.4, 25.5
Rene. The (Registrar's Report: Priorities) (1922) 12 Ll. L. Rep. 202 23.159
Reunion Europeenne SA v. Spliethoffs Bevrachtingskantoor BV (C5 1/97) [1998]
ECR I-6511; [1999] I.L.Pr. 205 (ECJ) 6.1, 6.134, 6.159, 6.166, 6.188, 6.189
Rewia, The. See Owners of Cargo Lately Laden on Board the Rewia v. Caribbean
Liners (Caribtainer) Ltd
Rhodian River Shipping Co. SA v. Halla Maritime Corpn (The Rhodian River and
The Rhodian Sailor) [1984] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 373 25.42
Richard SA v. Pavan [1998] I.L.Pr. 193 (Cour de Cass. (F.T) 5.49
Richardson v. Schwarzenegger [2004] EWHC 2422 12.102
Ring, The [1931] P. 58; (1931) 39 L1. L. Rep. 251 15.133
Ringdove, The (1858) Swab. 310 18.39
Rinifcer v. University College London [1999] T.L.R. 2999 9.21
Rinkau, Re (157/80) [1981] ECR 1391; [1983] 1 CMLR 205 (ECJ) 6.182
Rio Assu (No.2), The [1999] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 115 (C.A.) 15.139
Ripon City, The [1897] P. 226 2.90, 2.93, 2.94, 2.99, 18.58, 18.62, 18.64, 18.65,
18.69, 18.71, 18.84, 18.85
River Gurara, The. See Owners of Cargo Lately Laden on Board the River Gurara
v. Nigerian National Shipping Line Ltd
River Rima, The [1988] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 193 (H.L.) 0.34, 1.4, 2.195, 2.220
Robert Pow, The (1863) B. & L. 99 2.144
Roberta, The (1937) 58 L1. L. Rep. 159 26.46
Roberta, The (Bail) [1938] P. 1; (1937) 58 L1. L. Rep. 374 1 5.133
Roche Products Ltd v. Provimi [2003] EWHC 961 5.88
Roebuck v. Mungovin [1994] 1 All E.R. 568; [1994] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 481 (H.L.)
Roecliff, The (1869) L.R. 2 A. & E. 363 18.39
Roerig v. Valiant Trawlers Ltd [2002] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 681 (C.A.) 26.44
Rohr SA v. Ossberger (C27/81) [1981] ECR 2431; [1982] 3 CMLR 29 (ECJ) 5.33
Rohstoff Einfuhr v. La Continentale Nucleaire (1977) ECD 1 -22—B 1 (Cour Sus.
de Justice (Lux.)) 12.47
Romalpa's case. See Aluminium Industrie Vaassen BV v. Romalpa Aluminium
Rome v. Punjab National Bank (No. 1) [1989] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 424; The Times, 14
July, 1988 3.4
Rome v. Punjab National Bank (No. 2) [1990] 1 All E.R. 58; [1989] 2 Lloyd's
Rep. 354 (C.A.) 9.51
Roaario, The (1866) 2 P.D. 41 18.86
Robert Whitmore, The [2004] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 47 (Sup. Ct (NSW)) 24.61
Rosco BV v. Fraisgel Sarl [1986] ECC 175 (Trib. Gde Inst. (Paris)) 28.68
Rose (Deceased), Re [1952] Ch. 499; [1952] 1 All E.R. 1217 (C.A.) 23.20
Rosler v. Rottwinkel (C241/83) [1985] ECR 99 (ECJ) 5.20
Rosseel NV v. Oriental Commercial & Shipping Co. (UK) Ltd [1990] 3 All E.R.
545 (C.A.) 16.24, 16.26
Rosseel NV v. Oriental Commercial & Shipping Co. (UK) Ltd [1991] 2 Lloyd's
Rep. 625 9.98, 27.65
Rosso, The. See Monterosso Shipping Co. v. International Transport Workers'
Rothnie, The. See ED & F Man Ship Ltd v. Kvaerner Gibraltar Ltd
Rowan Companies Inc. v. Lambert Eggink Offshore Transport Consultants vof (The
Gilbert Rowe) (No. 1) [1997] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 218 26.22
Royal and Sun Alliance v. Hi Tec Electronics A/S and Ors [2005] EWHC 1408
(Comm) 6.53, 12.6, 12.24
Royal Arch, The (1857) Swab. 269 2.97, 2.98, 18.114
Royal Bank of Canada v. Cooperatieve Centrale Raffejsen Boerenleenbank BA
[2004] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 471 25.18, 25.19
Royal Bank of Scotland Plc v. Cassa di Risparmio delle Provincie Lombarde SA
[1991] I.L.Pr. 411 6.146
Royal Wells, The [1984] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 255 2.88, 23.141
Ruapehu, The (No. 2) [1927] A.C. 523; (1927) 27 L1. L. Rep. 385 (H.L.) 24.171
Rubi Sea, The [1992] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 634 15.103, 23.9
Russland, The [1924] P. 55; (1923-24) 17 L1. L. Rep. 306 15.133, 23.121, 23.137
Ruta, The [2000] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 359 15.67, 15.73, 18.93, 18.105, 18.106, 18.109,
23.9, 23.133-23.166, 23.139, 23.181
Rutten v. Cross Medical Ltd (C383/95) [1997] All E.R. (EC) 121; [1 997] ECR I-
57; [1997] I.L.Pr. 199 (ECJ) 6.153
Ryan v. Friction Dynamics Ltd [2001] C.P. Rep. 75; (2000) The Times, 14 June
S & T Bautrading v. Nordling [1997] 3 All E.R. 718 16.26
SA Consortium General Textiles v. Sun & Sand Agencies [1978] Q.B. 279; [1978]
2 W.L.R. 1; [1978] 2 All E.R. 339; [1978] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 134 (C.A.) 27.54
SA Continental Pharma v. SA Labaz (1978) ECD 1-3 8—B3 (Brussels) 28.102
SA CNV (Belgian Firm) v. S GmbH (2 TJ 1072/89) [1991] I.L.Pr. 588 (OLG
(Koblenz)) 12.16
SCAS (Transport) (USA) Inc. v. Adriatica SpA di Navigazione 1982 ECD 457
SCF Finance Co. Ltd v. Masri (No. 1) [1985] 2 All E.R. 747; [1985] 2 Lloyd's
Rep. 206 (C.A.) 16.2
SCF Finance Co. Ltd v. Masri (No. 3) [1987] 1 All E.R. 194 (C.A.) 25.1
SC Johnson & Son Inc. v. Mobilar Export Import GmbH [1986] ECC 360 (RB
(Rotterdam)) 28.18
Saint Anna, The (No. 2) [1983] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 637 2.201, 2.202, 15.65, 25.5
St Elefterio, The. See Schwarz & Co. (Grain) Ltd v. Owners of the St Elefterio ex
St George, The (Action of Bottomry) [1926] P. 217 2.97, 2.98
St Lawrence, The (1880) L.R. 5 P.D. 250 2.114, 18.88
St Merriel, The. See Smith's Dock Co Ltd v. Owners of the St Merriel
St Olaf, The (1869) L.R. 2 A. & E. 360 18.33
St Olaf, The (1877) 2 P.D. 113 2.123
Saab v. Saudi American Bank [1999] 1 W.L.R. 1861; [1999] 4 All E.R. 32 (C.A.)
9.17, 9.50
Sabah Shipyard (Pakistan) Ltd v. Islamic Republic of Pakistan [2003] 2 Lloyd's
Rep. 571 (C.A.) 25.19
Sabine, The [1974] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 465 26.142
Sadler v. Robins (1808) 1 Camp. 253 27.34
Saetta, The. See Forsythe International (UK) Ltd v. Silver Shipping Co Ltd and
Petroglobe International Ltd
Saipem SpA v. Dredging V02 BV (The Volvox Hollandia) (No. 1) [1988] 2
Lloyd's Rep. 361; [1989] E.C.C. 16 (C.A.) 12.106, 24.91, 24.104, 24.108
Salacia, The (1862) Lush. 545 18.39, 23.141, 23.144
Salvesen (otherwise von Lorang) v. Administrator of Austrian Property [1927]
A.C. 641 (H.L.) 27.27
Samarkand, The (1996) LMLN (C.A. N.Z.) 2.191
Samick Lines Co. v. Owners of the Antonis P. Lemos [1985] A.C. 711; [1985] 2
W.L.R. 468; [1985] 1 All E.R. 695; [1985] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 283 (H.L.); affirming [1984]
2 W.L.R. 825; [1984] 2 All E.R. 353; [1984] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 464 (C.A.) 2.14, 2.178,
2.182, 2.183, 2.187, 2.204, 2.214, 19.21, 27.33
San Carlo Gruppo Alimentare SpA v. SNC Vico [1996] I.L.Pr. 493 (Cass. (F.))
Sanders v. Van der Putte (C73/77) [1977] ECR 2383; [1978] 1 CMLR 331 5.20
Sanders Lead Co. Inc. v. Entones Metal Brokers [1984] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 276 (C.A.)
16.4, 16.58
Sandrina, The. See Gatoil International Inc. v. Arkwright-Boston Manufacturers
Mutual Insurance Co.
Sanicentral GmbH v. Collin (C25/79) [1979] ECR 3423; [1980] 2 CMLR 164
(ECJ) 4.25, 5.41
Santa Fe (UK) Ltd v. Gates Europe [1991] LMLN 295 6.160, 7.8
Santa Maria, The (1917) 36 D.L.R. 619 2.112
Santiren Shipping Ltd v. Unimarine SA (The Chrysovalandou -Dyo) [1981] 1
Lloyd's Rep. 159 22.19
Sara, The (1889) 14 App. Cas. 209 2.42, 2.68, 2.72, 19.3
Sarah Bell, The (1864) 4 Not. Cas. 144 18.43
Sargasso, The. See Neste Chemicals SA v. DK Line SA
Sarl Ivresse v. Societe Tesserlana [1999] I.L.Pr. 332 (Cour d'A. (Paris)) 28.9
Sarpen, The [1916] P. 306 (C.A.) 12.145
Sarq Jubail, The [1985] LMLN 140 15.117
Sarrio SA v. Kuwait Investment Authority 1998] 1 Llo yd's Rep. 129; reversing
[1997] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 113 (C.A.); reversing [1996] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 650 12.14, 12.20,
Saudi Prince, The (No. 1) [1982] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 255 10.45, 10.46
Saudi Star, The (1982, unreported) 15.132, 15.133, 15.136
Savina, The [1975] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 141 (C.A.) 26.142
Sayers v. International Drilling Co. NV [1971] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 105; [1971] 3 All
E.R. 163 (CA.) 26.14, 26.52. 26.64, 26.138
Scandinavian Trading Tanker Co. AB v. Flota Petrolera Ecuatonana (The
Scaptrade) [1983] 2 All E.R. 763; [1983] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 253 (H.L.) 25.42
Scaptrade, The. See Scandinavian Trading Tanker Co. AB v. Flota Petrolera
Schiffahrtsgesellschaft Detlev Von Appen GmbH v. Voest Alpine Intertrading
GmbH [1997] 2 Lloyd s Rep. 279 (C.A.) 12.62, 13.17
Schiller (Cargo ex), The (1877) L.R. 2 P.D. 145 (C.A.) 2.47, 2.53
Schimmel Pianofortefabrik GmbH v. Bion [1992] I.L.Pr. 199 (Cour de Cass. (F.))
Schwarz & Co. (Grain) Ltd v. Owners of the St Elefterio ex Arion (The St
Elefterio) [1957] P. 179; [1957] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 283 2.171, 10.27, 19.38
Scio, The (1867) L.R. 1 A. & E. 353 20.7, 23.112
Sea Assets Ltd v. P.T. Garuda Indonesia (No. 1) [2000] 4 All E.R. 371 9.50
Sea Cap XII, The [1995] LMLN 415 (F.C.) 24.14
Sea Maas, The. See RPS Prodotti Siderargici Srl v. Owners of the Sea Maas
Sea Spray, The [1907] P. 133 23.9
Seabridge Shipping AB v. AC Orsleff's EFTS A/S [1999] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 685
Seaconsar (Far East) Ltd v. Bank Markazi Jomhoun Islami Iran (Service Outside
Jurisdiction) [1993] 4 All E.R. 456; [1994] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 1 (H.L.) 5.82, 9.74, 9.75
Searose v. Seatrain UK [1981] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 556 16.34
Seaspeed America, The. See Asianac International Panama SA and Transocean
Transport Corpn v. Transocean Ro-Ro-Corp
Seaspeed Dora, The. See Slazengers Ltd v. Seaspeed Ferries International Ltd
Securities and Investments Board v. Lloyd-Wright [1993] 4 All E.R 210 16.30
Securum Finance Ltd v. Ashton [2001] Ch. 291; [2000] 3 W.L.R. 1400 (C.A.)
Sedex (Societe Europeenne d'Ex pansion) v. Societe Vetex [1990] I.L.Pr. 254
(Cass. (F.)) 6.144
Seki Rolette. The. See Grimaldi Compagnia di Navigazione SpA v. Sekihyo Lines
Selby Paradigm, The [2004] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 714 10.77A, 27.49
Selina, The (1842) 2 Not. Cas. 18 23.144
Sennar, The. See DSV Silo und Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH v. Owners of the
Servia. The and the Carinthia [1898] P. 36 2.114
Sewell v. Burdick (The Zoe) (1884) L.R. 10 App. Cas. 74 (H.L.) 23.92, 23.106
Shalson v. Onofrio Russo [2003] EWHC 1637 21.15
Shamil Bank of Bahrain v. Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd [2004] EWCA Civ 19
Shapland v Palmer [1999] 1 W.L.R. 2068; [1999] 3 All E.R. 50 (C.A.) 11.29 11.30
Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc. v. TVB (Treuhandgesellschaft fur Vermogens -
Verwaltung und Beteiligungen mbH) (C89/91) [1993] Ecr I-139; [1993] I.L.Pr. 199
(ECJ) 6.1, 6.115, 6.117
Sheldon v. RHM Outhwaite (Underwriting Agencies) Ltd [1995] 2 All E.R. 558;
[1995] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 197 (H.L.) 11.29
Shell International Petroleum Co. Ltd v. Coral Oil Co. Ltd (No. 2) [1999] 2 Lloyd's
Rep. 606 25.18
Shell Oil Co. v. The Ship Lastrigoni [197475] 1313 C.L.R. 1 (H.C. (Aus.)) 19.28
Shenavai v. Kreischer (C266/85) [1987] ECR 239; [1987] 3 CMLR 782 (ECJ)
6.144, 6.145, 6.152
Shevill v. Presse Alliance SA (C68/93) [1995] All E.R. (EC) 289 (ECJ) 5.90,
5.91, 6.164, 6.167
Shiblaq v. Sadikoglu (No. 2) [2004] 2 All E.R. (Comm) 596 9.46, 9.102
Shikari v. Malik [1999] T.L.R. 392 (C.A.) 9.3
Ship Galaxias, The [1989] LMLN 240 (Fed. Ct (Can.)) 25.58
Shizelle, The [1992] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 444 23.35 -23.39, 23.75-23.77, 23.129,
23.148, 23.162, 23.163
Showlag v. Mansour [1995] 1 A.C. 431; [1994] 2 W.L.R. 615; [1994] 2 All E.R.
129 (P.C.) 27.7
Siamar v. Spedimex [1990] I.L.Pr. 266 (It. Cass. (I.)) 6.14
Siben (No. 1), The. See Hughes v. Clewley
Siboti K/S v. BP France SA [2003] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 364 12.19, 12.58
Sierra Leone v. Marmaro Shipping Co. (The Amazona and The Yayamaria) [1989]
2 Lloyd's Rep. 130 (C.A.) 11.18
Sierra Leone Telecommunications Co. Ltd v. Barclays Bank Plc [1998] 2 All E.R.
820 ...................... 26.110
Sierra Nevada, The (1932) 42 Ll. L. Rep. 309 23.170
Silia, The [1981] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 534; [1981] LMLN 36 2.82, 2.225, 15.53, 18.33,
18.36, 19.34, 23.176, 23.177, 25.55
Sim Swee Joo v. Shirlstar [1994] LMLN 374 13.1, 18.24
Simlah, The (1851) 18 L.T. (O.S.) 35 18.114
Simon v. Taylor [1975] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 338 (H.C. (Sing.)) 2.46
Simon Engineering Plc v. Butte Mining Plc (No. 2) [1996] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 91;
[1997] I.L.Pr. 599 25.18
Simonds v. White (1824) 2 B. & G. 805 26.153
Singh (Joginder) v. Duport Harper Foundries Ltd [1994] 2 All E.R. 889 (C.A.)
Sinochem International Oil (London) Co. Ltd v. Mobil Sales and Supply Corpn
(No. 2) [2000] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 670 12.57, 12.65, 12.66, 12.110
Sinoe, The [1972] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 201 (C.A.) 22.32
Sion v. Hampstead Health Authority (1994) The Times, 10 June (C.A.) 11.32
Siporex Trade SA v. Comdel Commodities [1986] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 428 14.33, 16.40
Siskina, The. See Owners of Cargo Lately Laden on Boar d the Siskina v. Distos
Compania Naviera SA
Six Constructions Ltd v. Humbert (C32/88) [1989] ECR 341; [1990] I.L.Pr. 206
(ECJ) 6.152, 8.5
Skaw Prince. The [1994] LMLN 390 (H.C. Sing.) 10.45
Skinner v. Upshaw (1702) 2 Ld. Ray. 752 20.37
Skylark, The. See Atle Marine v. Owners of the Skylark
Slavenburg's Bank NV v. Intercontinental Natural Resources [1980] 1 All E.R. 955
23.58, 23.61, 23.65, 23.68
Slazengers Ltd v. Seaspeed Ferries International Ltd (The Seaspeed Dora) [1988]
1 Lloyd's Rep. 36; [1987] 3 All E.R. 967 (C.A.) 14.37
Smay Investments v. Sachev [2003] 1 W.L.R. 1973 5.34, 9.56, 9.106
Smit International (Deutschland) GmbH v. Josef Mobius Baugesellschaft GmbH &
Co. [2001] 2 All E.R. (Comm) 265 24.51
Smit International Singapore Pte Ltd v. Kurnia Dewi Shipping SA (The Kurnia
Dewi) [1997] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 552 9.85
Smith v. Peters (1875) L.R. 20 Eq. 511 14.30
Smith's Dock Co Ltd v. Owners of the St Merriel (The St Merriel) [1963] P. 247;
[1963] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 63 2.109, 2.12 1, 2.129, 10.23, 10 .27, 19.5, 19.38
Smyth v. Behbehani [1999] I.L.Pr. 584 (C.A.) 25.51
Soc. Sectom v. Soc. Fremo (1981) 1982 ECD 230 28.55
Societa Kretsehmer v. Muratori [1991] I.L.Pr. 361 (It. Cass. (I.)) 6.146
Société Biomecanique Integree v. Fabrique Nationale de Herstal SA [1993] I.L.Pr.
127 (Cass. (Fr.)) 28.71
Société Brasserie du Pecheur v. Kreissparkasse Main-Spessart [1997] I.L.Pr. 173
(Cass. (Fr.)) 28.47
Société Commerciale de Reassurance v. Eras International Ltd (formerly Eras
(UK)) [1992] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 570; [1992 ] 3 All E.R. 82 (C.A.) 11.7, 11.15
Société Commerciale de Reassurance v. Eras International Ltd (No. 2) [1995] 2
All E.R. 278; [1995] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 64 14.18
Société d'Informatique Service Realisation Organisation (SISRO) v. Ampersand
Software BV (C432/93) [1996] Q.B. 127; [1996] 2 W.L.R. 30; [1995] All E.R. (E.C.)
783 (ECJ) 28.55, 28.99, 28.115
Société Filtertechniek Nederland BV v. Hoff [1998] I.L.Pr. 196 (C d'A (Paris))
6.145, 6.146
Société Gola Werke Gotz KG v. André Barseghian (1979) ECD 1-5.1.2—B25
(Cour d'Appel Lyon) 5.32
Société Launay v. Deyglat (1979) ECD 1-28-B2 (Cour d'A. (Orleans)) 28.47
Société Leybold v. Seima (1978) ECD 1-6-B3 6.188
Societe Luxguard v. Societe SN Sitraco [1996] I.L.Pr. 5 (Cour d'A (Versail les))
Société Marcel Marie v. Societe Henco [1998] I.L.Pr. 807 (Cour d'A (Paris)) 5.47
Société Montedison v. Departement de la Haute Corse (1977) ECD 1 -5.3—B3
(Cour d'Appel (Bastia)) 12.47
Société Nationale Industrielle Aerospatiale (SNIA) v. Lee Kui Jak [1987] A.C.
871; [1987] 3 W.L.R. 59; [1987] 3 All E.R. 510 (P.C.) 25.18
Society of Lloyd's v. White (No. 1} (2000) The Times, 14 April 25.17, 25.20
Soeraya Emas, The [1992] LMLN 3.3 (H.C. (Sing.)) 10.81
Sohio Supply Co. v. Gatoil (USA) Inc. [1989] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 588 12.64
Soinco SACI v. Novokuznetsk Aluminium Plant Base Metal -Trading Co.
(Appointment of Receiver) [1997] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 330 25.67
Soinco SACI v. Novokuznetsk Aluminium Plant (No. 1) [1998] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 337
(C.A.) 27.66
Soinco SACI v. Novokuznetsk Aluminium Plant (No. 2) [1998] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 346
(C.A.) 27.35
Sokana Industries Inc. v. Freyre & Co. Inc. [1994] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 57 13.44, 25.10
Soleh Boneh International v. Uganda and National Housing Corpn [1993] 2 Lloyd’s
Rep. 208 (C.A.) 12.119
Soleimany v. Soleimany [1999] Q.B. 785; [1998] 3 W.L.R. 811; [1999] 3 All E.R.
847 (C.A.) 27.66
Solo Kleinmotoren GmbH v. Emilio Boch (C414/92) [1994] ECR I–2237; [1994]
I.L.Pr. 457 (ECJ) 28.11
Somafer SA v. Saar-Ferngas AG (C33/78) [1978] ECR 2183; [1979] 1 CMLR 490
(ECJ) 6.1, 6.124. 6.125. 6.172, 6.173, 6.175, 6.177
Somes v. British Empire Shipping Co. (1860) 8 H.L. Cas. 338 20.4
Sonatrach Petroleum Corpn (BVI) v. Ferrell International Ltd [2002] 1 All E.R.
(Comm.) 627 26.56
Sonia S, The [1983] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 63 2.188
Sonntag (Volker)Waidmann (Hans) (C172/91) [1993] ECR I —1963; [1993] I.L.Pr.
466 (ECJ) 28.12, 28.68, 28.115
Source Ltd v. TUV Rheinland Holding AG [1997] I.L.Pr. 514 (C.A.) 6.137, 6.143,
South Carolina Insurance Co. v. Assurantie Maatshappij "De Zeven Provincien"
NV [1986] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 317 (H.L.) 14.19
Span Terza. The [1982] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 225 2.139, 10.26, 10.39, 10.52, 10.53,
Span Terza (No. 2), The [1984] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 119 (H.L.) ; reversing [1983] 1
Lloyd's Rep. 441 (C.A.); affirming [1982] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 72 25.57
Spears v. Hartley (1800) 3 Esp. 81 20.22
Spedag Scheepvaart en Expeditebednff BV v. Andria Reederei GmbH and Co. KG,
1985 [1986] ELD 206 (R.B. Rotterdam) 5.49
Speed Investments Ltd v. Formula One Holdings Ltd [2004] EWCA Civ. 1512
(C.A.); [2004] EWHC 3215 5.22, 5.25, 5.26
Spermina, The (1923) 17 Ll. L. Rep. 52 23.170
Spiliada Maritime Corpn v. Cansulex Ltd (The Spiliada) [1986] 3 All E.R. 843;
[1987] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 1 (H.L.) 9.74, 9.78, 9.93, 9.94, 11.10, 11.11, 12.97, 12.100 -
12.102, 12.104, 12.108
Spirit of Independence, The. See Owners of The Spirit of Independence v. Wear
Dockyard Ltd
Staffordshire, The (1872) Asp. M.L.C. 365; (1872) L.R. 4 P .C. 194 15.120,
15.133, 18.39
Stainbank v. Fenning (1851) 11 C.B. 51 2.98, 18.73
Stainbank v. Shephard (1853) 13 C.B. 418 2.98, 18.73, 18.114
Standard Bank London Ltd v. Apostolakis (No. 1) [2003] I.L.Pr. 29 (First Inst. Ct
(Athens)); [2000] I.L.Pr. 766 (Q.B.D. (Comm. Ct)) 6.115
Stapleton v. Hayman (1864) 2 H. & C. 918 23.31
Star of Luxor, The [1981] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 139 12.78
Star Shipping AG v. China National Foreign Trade Transportation Corpn (The Star
Texas) [1993] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 445 (C.A.) 12.56, 13.32, 26.56, 26.71, 26.79, 26.82,
26. 157
Starlight International Inc. v. Bruce [2002] I.L.Pr. 35 27.40
Steedman v. Schofield [1992] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 163 2.44, 2.46, 11.23, 18.31, 18.32
Stella Nova, The [1981] Com. L.R. 200 2.192, 2.202, 15.65, 25.5
Stena Nautica (No. 2), The. See CN Marine Inc. v. Stena Line A/B
Stena Pacifica, The. See Navigazione Alta Italia SpA v. Concordia Maritime
Chartering AB
Stephan J. The [1985] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 344 10.68, 15.55
Stocznia Gdanska SA v. Latvian Shipping Co. [1998] 1 All E.R. 883; [1998] 1
Lloyd's Rep. 609 (H.L.) ... 25.44
Stolt Filia, The [1980] LMLN 15 16.12, 25.64
Stolt Loyalty, The [1995] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 598 (C.A.) 11.4
Stolt Sydness, The. See Mauritius Oil Refineries Ltd v Stolt -Nielsen Nederlands
Stoppani SPA v. Stoppani France [1999] I.L.Pr. 384 (Cass. (F.)) 6.147
Strang Steel & Co. v. A. Scott & Co. (1889) L.R. 14 App. Cas. 601 (PC.) 20.47
Strathaird Farms Ltd v. G. A. Chattaway & Co. 1993 SLT (Sh. Ct.) 6.134, 7.8
Strathnaver, The (1875) L.R. 1 App. Cas. 58 (P.C.) 15.117
Strathnewton, The. See D/S A/S Idaho v. Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation
Co. Ltd
Stream Fisher, The [1927] P. 73; (1926) 26 L1. L. Rep. 4 2.65, 23.133, 23.136,
23. 159
Struma, The [1978] AMC 2146 26.180
Sullivar, The [1965] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 350 25.55
Sultan (Cargo ex), The (1850) Swab. 504 2.99
Sumitomo v. Alexandrea [2002] 3 S.L.R. 56 (H.C. Sing.) 10.25
Supply of Equipment for the Purification of Waste Gases, Re [1998 ] I.L.Pr. 77
((B.G. (Swi.)) 6.147, 6.149
Surzur Overseas Ltd v. Koros [1999] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 611 (C.A.) 5.82, 5.91
Swan v. Barber (1879) 5 Ex. D. 130 20.39
Swiss Bank Corpn v. Novorissiysk Shipping Co. (The Petr Shmidt) [1995] 1
Lloyd's Rep. 202 13.17
Swiss Reinsurance Co. Ltd v. United India Insurance Co. [2004] EWHC 237 9.75
Syal v. Heyward [1948] 2 K.B. 443; [1948] 2 All E.R. 576 (C.A.) 27.35
Sylph. The (1867) L.R. 2 A. & E. 24 2.69
Sylt. The [1991] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 240 15.93, 15.94, 24.123, 27.33
Sylvan Arrow, The (No. 1) [1923] P. 14; (1922) 13 Ll. L. Rep. 50 18.64, 18.67
Sydney Cove, The (1815) 2 Dods. 11 2.78, 23.140
Sydney Express, The [1988] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 257 5.34
Synovia, The [1976] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 40 15.106
Szalatnay-Stacho v. Fink [1947] K.B. 1; [1946] 2 All E.R. 231 (C.A.) 26.120
TB&S Batchelor & Co. Ltd v. Owners of the SS Merak (The Merak) [1965] 1 All
E.R. 230; [1964] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 527 (C.A.) 11.18
TDK Tape Distributors (UK) Ltd v. Videochoice Ltd [1985] 3 All E.R. 345 16.17
TSM Compagnie d'Assurance Transports v. Geisseler Transport AG [1993] I.L.Pr.
61; [1991] I.L.Pr. 164 (HR (NL)) 6.53
TSN Kunststoffrecycling GmbH v. Jurgens [2002] 1 W.L.R. 2459; [2002] 1 All
E.R. (Comm.) 282 (C.A.) 28.65
Tacoma City, The [1991] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 330 (C.A.) 2.83
Tagart Beaton & Co. v. James Fisher & Sons [1903] 1 K.B. 391 (C.A.) 22.24
Tagus, The [1903] P. 44 2.95, 18.88, 26.41
Tanfern Ltd v. Cameron-MacDonald [2000] 1 W.L.R. 1311; [2000] 2 All E.R. 801
(C.A.) 9.4
Tangiora, The and Ranini and Takitimu [2000] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 36 (H.C. N.Z.) 10.45
Tappenden (t/a English & American Autos) v. Artus [1964] 2 Q.B. 185; [1963] 3
W.L.R. 685; [1963] 3 All E.R. 213 (CA.) 20.13, 20. 37
Tasmania, The (1888) 13 P.D. 110 18.64
Tatiangela, The. See Bakarim v. Victoria P. Shipping Co. Ltd
Tavolareas v. Tsavliris [2004] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 445 (C.A.) 12.28
Tehno-Impex v. Gebr Van Weelde Scheepvaart Kantoor BV [1981] Q.B. 648;
[1981] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 587 (C.A.) 0.34, 13.36
Technocrats International Inc. v. Fredic Ltd [2004] EWHC 2674 16.5
Tekron Resources Ltd v. Guinea Investment Co. Ltd [2004] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 26
Tenacia, The [1982] LMLN 55 26.56
Tergeste, The [1903] P. 26 20.7, 20.19, 23.116, 23.121
Termination of an Agency Contract, Re [1998] I.L.Pr. 815 (OLG (Munchen)) 12.18
Tervaete, The [1922] P. 259; (1922) 12 Ll. L. Rep. 252 18.53, 18.62, 18.64, 18.66,
18.67, 18.68, 18.95
Tesaba, The [1982] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 397 2.171, 2.190, 2.192, 2.196, 2.198-2.200,
2.209, 2.210, 3.213
Tesam Distribution Ltd v. Schuh Mode Team GmbH [1990] I.L.Pr. 149 (C.A.) 5.91,
Texaco Southampton, The [1983] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 94 (C.A. (N.S.W.)) 2.46 Thane
Investments Ltd v. Tomlinson [2003] EWCA Civ 12 72 (C.A.) 16.37 Tharros
Shipping Co. Ltd v. Bias Shipping Ltd (The Gnparion) (No. 1) [1994] 1
Lloyd's Rep. 577 16.32
Themehelp Ltd v. West [1995] 4 All E.R. 215 (C.A.) 14.21
Theotokos, The. See Oceanica Castelana Armadora SA v. Mineralimportexport
Theta, The [1894] P. 280 2.66
Third Chandris Shipping Corpn v. Unimarine SA (The Angelic Wings, The Genie
and The Pythia) [1979] Q.B. 645; [1979] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 184 (C.A.) 16.1, 16.15, 16.42
Thistle Hotels Ltd v. Gamma Four Ltd [2004] 2 B.C.L.C. 174 14.37
Thomas v. Bunn [1991] 1 All E.R. 193 (H.L.) 25.37
Thompson v. Brown Construction (Ebbw Vale) Ltd [1981] 2 All E.R. 296 (H.L.)
11.30, 11.42
Thompson v. H & W Nelson Ltd [1913] 2 K.B. 523 2.87
Thompson v. Masterson [2004] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 304 24.61
Three Rivers DC v. Bank of England (No. 1) [1995] 4 All E.R. 312 (C.A.) 18.78,
Through Transport Mutual Insurance Assoc. (Eurasia) Ltd v. New India Assurance
Co Ltd [2003] EWHC 3158 (Comm.); [2004] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 206 (H.C.); [2004] EWCA
Civ 1598; [2005] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 67 (C.A.) 4.12, 4.30, 13.14, 25.18, 25.23, 26.16,
Thyssen Inc. v. Calypso Shipping Corpn SA [2000] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 243 11.18
Ticonderoga, The (1857) Swab. 215 18.60
Tiernan v. Magen Insurance Co Ltd [2000] I.L.Pr. 517 12.104
Tinnelly & Sons Ltd v. United Kingdom [19098] 27 ECHR 72 0.18
Tjaskemolen (Now Named Visvliet), The (No. 1) [1997] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 465
10.44, 10.46
Tjaskemolen (Now Named Visvliet), The (No. 2) [1997] 2 Lloy d's Rep. 476
15.51, 15.56, 15.73, 15.79, 15.118, 18.99, 18.106
Tobago, The (1804) 5 C. Rob. 218 2.99, 18.20
Todd v. Williams [2002] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 293 24.58
Toepfer (Alfred C) International GmbH v. Molino Boschi Srl [1996] 1 Lloyd's
Rep. 510 4.30
Toepfer (Alfred C) International GmbH v. Societe Cargill France [1998] 1 Lloyd's
Rep. 379 (C.A.); [1997] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 98 25.16, 28.12
Tojo Mara (No. 2), The. See Bureau WijMiiuller NV v. Owners of the Tojo Mara
Tolstoy Miloslavsky v. United Kingdom (A/323): (1995) 20 EHRR 442 0.17
Tolten. The [1946] P. 135 (C.A.) 2.65, 2.70, 12.151, 26.123, 26.164
Toluca, The [1981] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 548 26.142
Tonicstar Ltd v. American Home Assurance Co. [2005] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 32 25.19
Toprak Enerji Sanayi AS v. Sale Tilney Technology Plc [1994] 3 All E.R. 483;
[1994] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 303 11.32
Tor Britannia, The [1982] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 410 13.29
Torch Offshore LLC v. Cable Shipping Inc. [2004] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 446 13.47
Totty v. Snowden [2002] 1 W.L.R. 1384 (C.A.) 9.35
Tracomin SA v. Sudan Oil Seeds (No. 1) [1983] 1 W.L.R. 1026; [1983] 3 All E.R.
137; [1983] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 384 (C.A.) 27.41
Tradax Internacional SA v. Cerrahogullari TAS [1981] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 169 3.56
Trade Indemnity plc v. Forsakringsaktiebolaget Njord [1995] 1 All E.R. 796 6.143
Tradigrain SA v. S.I.A.T. SpA [2002] EWHC 106 (Comm) 6.106
Trafigura Beheer BV v. Golden Stavraetos Maritime Inc [2003] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 201
(C.A.) 11.18
Trans Atlantic SpA v. Vertom Shipping 1984 ELD 393 (Italy) 28.67
Transoceanica Francesca, The and Nicos V, The [1987] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 155 25.36
Transporti Castelletti Spedizioni Internazionali SpA v. Hugo Trampy SpA
(C159/97) [1999] ECR I-1597; [1999] I.L.Pr. 492 (ECJ) 5.41, 5.45, 5.47, 5.48, 5.62
Transworld Oil (USA) Inc. v. Minos Compania Naviera SAL (The Leni) [1992] 2
Lloyd's Rep. 48 11.18
Traugutt, The [1985] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 76 26.17
Travelers Casualty Co. v. Arkwright [2004] EWHC 1704 12.14
Trendtex Trading Corpn v. Central Bank of Nigeria [1977] 1 All E.R. 881; [1977]
1 Lloyd's Rep. 581 (C.A.) 12.115, 12.142
Trendtex Trading Corpn v. Credit Suisse [1982] AC. 679; 1981] 3 All E.R. 520
(H.L.); affirmed [1980] 3 All E.R. 721 (C.A.) 12.63, 12.75, 12.76, 12.79, 18.78, 2 3.94
Trepca Mines Ltd, Re [1960] 1 W.L.R. 1273; [1960] 3 All E.R. 304n (C.A.) 27.46
Triad Shipping Co. v. Stellar Chartering and Brokerage Inc. (The Island Archon)
[1994] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 227 (C.A.); affirming [1993] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 388 13.17
Trident Beauty, The. See Pan Ocean Shipping Co. v. Creditcorp
Trident International Ltd v. Barlow [1999] 2 B.C.L.C. 506 (C.A.) 17.20, 20.7,
20.10, 21.4
Troll River, The [1974] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 181 26.142
Tropical Reefer, The. See Anton Durbeck GmbH v. Den Norske Bank ASA
Tropwave, The. See Maritime Transport Operators GmbH v. Louis Dreyfus & Cie
Troubadour, The (1866) L.R. 1 A. & E. 302 18.13
Trustor AB v. Barclays Bank Plc (2000) The Times, 22 November 9.69
Tubantia, The (No. 2) [1924] P. 78; (1924) 18 Ll. L. Rep. 158 2.22
Turiddu, The. See Cil v. Owners of the Turiddu
Turkiye Is Bankasi AS v. Bank of China (1994) [1993] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 132 26.55
Turner v. Grovit [2002] 1 W.L.R. 107 (H.L.); [1999] 3 All ER. 61 6 (C.A.) 4.44,
12.157, 25.11, 25.16
Turner v. Grovit (C–159/02) [2004] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 169 (ECJ) 4.37, 5.44, 6.196,
12.8, 25.16, 25.18, 25.21, 28.57
Turner v. Mersey Docks and Harbour Board (The Zeta) [1893] A.C. 468 (H.L.)
2.21, 2.69, 2.144
Tuyuti, The [1984] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 51 (C.A.) 12.92, 14.31, 14.56, 15.86, 15.89,
15.92, 15.120
Two Ellens, The (1872) L.R. 4 P.C. 161; (1871) L.R. 3 A. & E. 345 2.68, 18.13,
23.31, 23.126
Two Friends, The (1799) 1 C. Rob. 271 10.8, 18.8
Tychy, The. See MSC Mediterranean Shipping Co. SA v. Polish Ocean Lines
UBS AG v. Omni Holding AG (In Liquidation) [2000] I.L.Pr. 51 (H.C.) 4.27
Ugland Trailer, The. See Welsh Irish Ferries. Re
IJltisol Transport Contractors Ltd v. Bouygues Offshore SA [1996] 2 Lloyd's Rep.
139 4.38, 5.55
Unibank A/S v. Christensen (C260/97) [2000] 1 W.L.R. 1060; [2000] All E.R.
(EC) 374 (ECJ) 28.10
Unicorn Shipping Ltd v. Demet Navy Shipping Co. Ltd (The Pitsa T) [1987] 2
Lloyd’s Rep. 404 16.34, 16.38, 16.58
Union, The (1860) Lush. 128 23.140
Union Bank of London v. Lenanton (1878) L.R. 3 C.P.D. 243 (C.A.) 23.31, 26.167
Union de Remorquage et de Sauvetage SA v. Lake Avery Inc (The Lake Avery)
[1997] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 540 4.30
Union Discount Co. Ltd v. Zoller (Casts) [2001] EWCA Civ 1755; [2002] 1
W.L.R. 1517; [2002] 1 All E.R. 693 (C.A.) 25.34
Union of India v. McDonnell Douglas Corpn [1993] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 48 13.35,
Union International Insurance Co. Ltd v. Jubilee Insurance Co. Ltd [1991] 2
Lloyd’s Rep. 89 9.84
Union Nationale des Cooperatives Agncoles de Cereales v. Robert Catterall & Co.
[1959] 2 Q.B. 44; [1959] 2 W.L.R. 532; [1959] 1 All E.R. 721; [1959] 1 Lloyd's Rep.
111 (C.A.) 27.64
Union Steel America Co. v. M/r Santo Spruce [1999] A.M.C. 344 11.9, 12.74
Union Transport Group Plc v. Continental Lines SA [1992] 1 All E.R. 161; [1992]
1 Lloyd's Rep. 229 (H.L.) 6.145
Unique Mariner, The (No. 2) [1979] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 37 2.46, 2.48
United Mizrahi Bank Ltd v. Doherty [1998] 2 All E.R. 230 16.5
United Railways of Havana and Regla Wa rehouses Ltd, Re [1960] Ch. 52; [1959]
2 W.L.R. 251; [1959] 1 All E.R. 214 (C.A.) 26.57
United States Steel Products Co. v. Great Western Railway Co. [1916] 1 A.C. 189
(H.L.) 20.25
Unitramp SA v. Maritime Trader (The Maritime Trader) [1981] 2 Lloyd’s Rep.
153 10.44, 10.52, 10.53, 15.89
Universal Steels Ltd v. Skanska Construction UK Ltd [2003] Scots C.S. 271 7.8
Utopia, The [1893] A.C. 492 (P.C. (Gib.) 2.141, 18.64
Vadala v. Lawes (1890) L.R. 25 Q.B.D. 310 (C.A.) 27.35
Vale do Rio doce Navegacao SA v. Shanghai Bao Steel Ocean Shipping Co. Ltd
(t/a Baosteel Ocean Shipping Co.) [2000] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 1; [2000] 2 All E.R. (Comm)
70 9.98, 13.12, 13.21, 13.23, 13.24, 25.45
Van Dalfsen v. Van Loon (C183/90) [1991] ECR I—4743; [1992] I.L.Pr. 5 (ECJ)
28.6, 28.101, 28.115
Van Der Linden v. Berufsgenossenschaft Der Feinmechanik Und Elektrotechnik
(C275/94) [1996] ECR I-1393; [1996] I.L.Pr. 200 (ECJ) 28.89
Van Eijck v. Zoon-Somerville [1906] A.C. 489 (H.L.) 24.13
Van Uden Maritime BV (t/a Van Uden Africa Line) v. Kommanditgesellschaft in
Firma Deco-Line (C391/95) [1999] I.L.Pr. 73 (ECJ) 4.40, 14.61, 14.63, 14.64, 14.79,
15.22, 16.23, 16.26, 28.50
Vanessa Ann, The [1985] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 549 2.125, 15.120, 15.127, 19.19
Vao Exportkhleb v. Navigation Maritime Bulgare (The Varna) (No. 2) [1994] 2
Lloyd's Rep. 41 12.104, 19.12
Varna, The [1993] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 253 (C.A.) 10.29, 15.56, 15.82, 15.98, 15.118
Varna (No. 2), The. See Vao Exportkhleb v. Navigation Maritime Bulgare
Vasilia, The [1972] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 51 18.88, 25.55
Vera Cruz, The [1992] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 353 16.14
Vera Cruz (No. 2), The (1884) L.R. 10 App. Cas. 59 (H.L.) 2.73, 2.75
Verein fur Konsumenteninformation v. KH Henkel (C167/00) [2003] I.L.Pr. 1
(ECJ) 4.25, 6.158
Veritas, The [1901] P. 304 2.42, 2.49, 2.65, 2.68, 23.133
Vestland, The [1980] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 171 15.109, 22.31
Victor, The (1860) Lush. 72 18.41
Victrix Steamshop SA v. Salem Dry Cargo AB (SDNY) 1987 AMC 276 4.29,
Vikfrost. The. See W & R Fletcher (New Zealand) v. Sigurd Haavik A/S
Vimar Seguros Y Reaseguros SA v. M/V The Sky Reefer 1995 A.M.C. 1817 12.74
Virani Ltd v. Manuel Revert y Cia SA [2004] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 14 (C.A.) 25.36
Virgin Aviation Services Ltd v. CAD Aviation Services [1991] I.L.Pr. 79; (1990)
The Times, 2 February 12.17, 12.49, 28.17
Virgo, The. See Consolidated Investment & Contracting v. Saponaria Shipping Co.
Vishra Ajay, The [1989] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 558 12.102
Vishva Abha, The [1990] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 312 12.102, 12.108, 24.100
Viskase Ltd v. Paul Kiefal GmbH [1999] 1 W.L.R. 1305; [1999] 3 All E.R. 362
(C.A.) 6.15 1
Vita, The [1990] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 528 11.4
Vita Food Products Inc. v. Unus Shipping Co Ltd (In Liquidation) [1939] A.C. 277;
(1939) 63 Ll. L. Rep. 21 (P.C.) 26.56, 26.64, 26.102
Vitol Energy (Bermuda) Ltd v. Pisco Shipping Co. Ltd [1998] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 509
(C.A.) 9.27, 9.29
Volvox Hollandia (No. 1), The. See Saipem SpA v. Dredging VO2 BV
Von Horn v. Cinnamond (C163/95) [1997] All E.R. (EC) 913 (ECJ) 8.1, 12.13
Von Rocks, The [1998] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 198 (Sup. Ct (Ir.)) 2.44, 2.46, 11.23, 15.40,
18.31, 18.32
Vosnoc Ltd v. Transglobal Projects Ltd [1998] 1 W.L.R. 101; [1998] 1 Lloyd’s
Rep. 711 13.54
Vrontados, The. See Afro Continental Nigeria v. Meridian Shipping Co SA
WEA Records Ltd v. Visions Channel 4 Ltd [1983] 2 All E.R. 589 (C.A.) 14.32
W. H. Martin Ltd v. Feldbinder Spezialfahrzeugwerke GmbH [1998] I.L.Pr. 794
(C.A.) 6.146
W & R Fletcher (New Zealand) v. Sigurd Haavik A/S (The Vikfrost) [1980] 1
Lloyd's Rep. 560 13.38
Waddon v. Whitecroft-Scovill Ltd [1988] 1 All E.R. 996 (H.L.) 9.37
Wagner v. Tettweiler [1985] ECC 258 (Cass. (F.)) 28.58
Wahda Bank v. Arab Bank Pic (Conflict of Law) [1996] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 470 (C.A.)
Wait. Re [1927] 1 Ch. 606 (C.A.) 10.47, 21.12, 23.18
Walker v. Rowe [2000] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 116 25.39
Walkley v. Precision Forgings Ltd [1979] 2 All E.R. 548 (H.L.) 11.30
Wasp, The (1867) US 1 A. & E. 367 18.83
Waterford Wedgwood Plc v. David Nagli Ltd (Third Party Notice) [1999] I.L.Pr. 9
6.162, 6.193, 9.69
Watson v. First Choice Holidays & Flights Ltd and Aparta [2001] 2 Lloyd’s Rep.
339 (C.A.) 6.190, 6.191, 6.192
Wavertree Sailing Ship Co. Ltd v. Love [1897] A.C. 373 (P.C.) 26.153
Waverley Asset Management Ltd v. Saha 1989 SLT (Sh. Ct.) 87 7.8
Wayling v. Jones [1993] EGCS 153 21.13
Waziristan, The and The Seristad [1953] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 361 26.123
Wealands v. CLC Contractors Ltd [1999] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 739 (C.A.) 13.42. 13.56
Webb (George Lawrence) v. Webb (Lawrence Desmond) (C294/92) [1994] 3 All
E.R. 911 (ECJ) 5.20
Weber v. Eurocard Belgium-Luxembourg SA [1993] I.L.Pr. 55 (C d'A (Lux.)) 5.70
Weber v. Universal Ogden Services Ltd (C37/00) [2002] All E.R. (EC) 397 (ECJ)
Weinor v. Sari Wirion Mod'enfants (1975) ECD 1-28-B1 28.47
Welex AG v. Rosa Maritime Ltd [2003] EWCA Civ 938 (C.A.) 25.17
Wells v. Osman (1704) 2 Ld Ray 1044 10.8, 18.70
Wells v. Owners of the Gas Float Whitton (No. 2) [1897] A.C. 337 (H.L.) 2.46.
Welsh Development Agency v. Redpath Dorman Long Ltd [1994] 1 W.L.R. 1409;
[1994] 4 All E.R. 10: (1994) The Times, 4 April (C.A.) 11.35
Welsh Irish Ferries, Re (The Ugland Trailer) [1985] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 372 17.8,
21.11, 22.21, 22.22, 23.62, 23.69
West of Scotland Ship Owners Mutual P rotection and Indemnity Association
(Luxembourg) v. Aifanourios Shipping SA (The Aifanourios) [1980] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 403
2.184, 2.185, 2.193
Westacre Investments Inc. v. Jugoimport SPDR Holding Co. Ltd [1999] 1 All E.R.
(Comm.) 865; [1999] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 65 , (C.A.) 26.63, 26.68, 27.66
Western Fish Products Ltd v. Penwith DC [1981] 2 All E.R. 204 (C.A.) 21.13
Western Regent, The [2005] EWHC 460 12.51, 24.15, 24.46, 24.93, 25.19
Westland Helicopters Ltd v. Arab Organisation for Industrialisation [1995] 2 All
E.R. 387; [1994] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 608 26.57
Westminster, The (1841) 1 W. Rob. 229 2.48
Westminster Bank Ltd v. West of England Steamship Owners Protection and
Indemnity Association Ltd (1933) 46 Ll. L. Rep. 101 18.105
Westport, The (No. 1). See British Mexican Petroleum Co. Ltd v. Owners of the
Motorship Westport
Westport, The (No. 3) [1966] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 342 2.234
Westport, The (No. 4) [1968] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 559 2.81, 2.82
Westrup v. Great Yarmouth Steam Carrying Co. (1889) 43 Ch. D. 241 2.112
Westwood v. Bell (1815) 4 Camp. 349 20.54
Wexford, The (18831 13 P.D. 10 15.126, 25.55
Wild Ranger, The (1863) B. & L. 84 18.105
Wflhelm Tell. The [1892] P. 337 2.88, 18.86
Willem III, The (1871) L.R. 3 A. & E. 487 18.41
Wilkey v. BBC [2003] 1 W.L.R. 2 9.24
William Grant & Sons International Ltd v. Marie Brizard et Roger International SA
[1997] I.L.Pr. 391 12.38, 28.101
William Money. The (1827) 2 Hag. Adm. 136 18.114
William Safford, The (1860) Lush. 69 23.140, 23.144
Williams v. Allsup (1861) 10 C.B. (N.S.) 417 23.112
Williams & Glyn's Bank v. Astro Dinamico Comp Nav SA [1984] 1 Lloyd's Rep.
453; [1984] 1 All E.R. 760 (H.L.) 9.60, 12.53, 27.39
Williams & Humbert Ltd v. W&H Trade Marks (Jersey) Ltd [1986] A.C. 368;
[1986] 2 W.L.R. 24; [1986] 1 All E.R. 129 (H.L.) 26.9
Winkfield, The [1902] P. 42; [1900-03] All E.R. Rep. 346 (C.A.) 23.49
Winnie Rigg. The. See R. v. Carrick DC. ex p. Prankerd
Winson, The. See China-Pacific SA v. Food Corpn of India
Winter Maritime Ltd v. North End Oil Ltd (The Winter) [2000] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 298
Wladyslaw Lokietek, The [1978] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 520 15.122. 24.13, 24.34, 24.128
Woodhouse v. Consignia Pic [2002] EWCA Civ 275 (C.A.) 0.18
Woolfson v. Strathclyde Regional Council 1978 SLT 159 (H.L.) 10.44
World Harmony, The. See Konstantinidis v. World Tankers Corpn Inc.
World Star, The (No. 1) [1986] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 274 15.91
World Star, The (No. 2) [1987] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 452 15.102, 15.115, 23.9
Worldwide Carriers Ltd v. Ardtran International Ltd [1983] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 61
Wrightson v. Mcarthur & Hutchisons Ltd [1921] 2 K.B. 807 23.63
X v. Y and Y Establishment [1989] 3 All E.R. 689; [1989] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 561
9.71, 9.92
Xenos v. Wickham (1863) C.B. (N.S.) 435 20.52
Xin Yang, The and An Kang Jiang. The [1996] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 217 12.20
Xing Su Hai, The. See Qingdao Ocean Shipping Co. v. Grace Shipping
Establishment Transatlantic Schiffahrtskontor GmbH
Xingcheng and Andro, The. See China Ocean Shipping Co. (The Xingcheng) v.
Andros (The Andros)
Yorkshire Insurance Co. Ltd v. Nisbet Shipping Co. Ltd [1962] 2 Q.B. 330: [1961]
1 Lloyd's Rep. 479 18.87
Youell v. Kara Mara Shipping Co. Ltd [2000] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 102 9 .87, 25.17,
Young Mechanic, The (1845) 30 Fed. Cas. 783 10.13, 18.20
Young v. S.S. Scotia, The [1903] A.C. 501 (PC ) 12.140, 12.145
Young v. Western Power Distribution (South West) Plc [2003] EWCA Civ 1034
Yukong Line Ltd of Korea v. Rendsburg Investments Corp. of Liberia (The Rialto)
(Injunctive Relief) [2001] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 113 (C.A.) 16.47
Yukos Oil Co. v. Dardana Ltd [2002] EWCA Civ 543 (C.A.) 14.55
Yuta Bondarovskaya, The [1998] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 357 10.6, 10.67
Z Bank v. D1 [1994] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 656 16.53, 16.57
Z Ltd v. A-Z and AA-LL [1982] Q.B. 558; [1982] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 240 (CA.)
14.27,16.1, 16.18, 16.37, 16.38, 16.42, 16.49, 16.53, 16.55, 16.56, 16.57, 16.59,
23.102, 23.118
Zafiro, The. See John Carlbom & Co. Ltd v. Owners of the Zafiro
Zair v. Eastern Health and Social Services Board [1999] I.L.Pr. 823 (C.A.) 5.91
Zelger v. Salinitri (C56/79) [1980] ECR 89; [1980] 2 CMLR 635 (ECJ): 5.41,
Zelger v. Salinitri (129/83) [1984] ECR 2397; [1985] 3 CMLR 366 (ECJ) 12.26 ,
Zellner v. Phillip Alexander Securities & Futures Ltd (6 O 186/95) [1997] I.L.Pr.
716 (L.G. (Krefeld)) 6.175
Zeta, The. See Turner v. Mersey Docks and Harbour Board
Zeus, The (1886) 6 Asp. M.L.C. 312 2.192
Zeus. The (1888) 13 P.D. 188 2.188
Zhi Jiang Kou, The [1991] LMLN 300, [1991] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 493 (C.A. (N.S.W.))
Ziemniak v. ETPM Deep Sea Ltd [2003] EWCA Civ 636 2.28
Zigurds, The; sub nom. Smith v. Owners of the SS Zigurds [1934] A.C. 209;
(1933) 47 Ll. L. Rep. 267 (H.L.); affirming [1933] P. 87; (1933) 45 Ll. L. Rep. 1
(C.A.); reversing [1932] P. 113; (1932) 43 Ll. L. Rep. 387 23.9, 23.95, 23.96, 23.152,
23.153, 23.159, 26.41
Zirje, The [1989] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 493 11.25
Zucker v. Tyndall Holdings Plc [1992] 1 W.L.R. 1127; [1993] 1 All E.R. 124
(C.A.) 16.14
Zygal Dynamics Plc v. McNulty [1989] C.A. Transcript 571 16.3
Table of Statutes
Access to Justice Act 1999—
s. 31 9.79
Administration of Justice Act 1920 2.178, 19.4, 27.13, 27.26, 27.52, 27.54, 27.55,
s. 4(1)(a), (b) 27.56
s. 5 2.174
s. 9(2) 27.53
ss. 12–14 27.52
Administration of Justice Act 1956 0.25, 0.27, 0.34, 2.13, 2.15, 2.18, 2.19, 2.22,
2.43, 2.72, 2.81, 2.87, 2.96, 2.121, 2.122, 2.128, 2.130, 2.139, 2.165, 2.167, 2.174,
2.217. 2.218, 2.225, 2.232, 2.235, 2.244, 10.2, 10.3, 10.32, 10.43, 10.51, 10.54,12.148,
19.5, 23.151, 25.61
Pt V 1.1, 12.140
s. 1 2.87, 3.28
(1) 2.87
(g), (h) 2.178
(o) 2.224, 2.229, 18.71
ss. 2–6 3.28
s. 7 3.28
(1) 2.105
s. 8 3.28
s. 47 2. 184
(2)(d), (e) 2.184
s. 48 18.31
s. 51(1) 27.67
Administration of Justice Act 1982 2.168, 25.38
s. 4 18.89 s. 6
14.12 s. 15 13.36,
s. 53 25.67
Sch. 1 13.36
Pt I 25.38
Admiralty Court Act 1840 0.24, 2.42, 2.59, 2.68, 2.69, 2.79, 2.102, 2.216, 2.215,
18.6, 18.10, 19.2, 19.3
s. 3 2.127
s. 4 2.122
s. 6 2.42, 2.49, 2.59, 2.2 18, 19.3
Admiralty Court Act 1861 0.24, 0.34, 2.42, 2.43, 2.68, 2.69, 2.79, 2.90, 2.102,
2.124, 18.6, 18.71, 19.2, 19.3
s. 4, 5 2.218
s. 6 2.178
s. 7 2.69, 19.3
s. 9 19.3
s. 10 2.42, 2.81, 19.3
s. 11 2.127
Arbitration Act 1950 9.98, 13.45
Pt II 13.10, 13.60, 27.63, 27.64
Pt III 27.65
s. 12(1) 14.31
s. 21 13.45
s. 27 13.52
s. 36(1) 27.64 s. 37(1) 27.64 s. 40(a)
27.64 Arbitration Act 1975 9.60, 9.95,
Arbitration Act 1979 9.98, 13.46, 13.49, 13.50
s. 1(2) 13.46
s. 2 13.46
Arbitration Act 1996 0.13, 3.31, 9.98, 12.74, 12.88, 13.1, 13.3, 13.5, 13.7, 13.8,
13.9, 13.17, 13.27, 13.28, 13.31, 13.34, 13.40, 13.42, 13.49, 13.51, 13.54, 13.59,
13.60, 14.1, 14.4, 14.58, 25.17, 25.46, 26.2, 26.14, 26.78, 26.82, 27.65, 27.67
Pt I (ss. 1–84) 13.50
s. 1 13.8
s. 2 9.98, 13.25, 26.13, 26.78
(3) 14.57
(b) 16.10
(5) 13.28, 13.33, 13.37
s. 3 13.25, 27.65
s. 4 13.28
(1) 13.8
(5) 25.39
s. 5 13.17
13.33, 13.37,
s. 7 13.28, 26.78
(3) 13.9 13.41, 13.44,
s. 8 13.28
s. 9 12.88, 13.50, 26.78
(2) 13.41
s. 10 13.44, 26.78
s. 10A 27.67
s. 11 14.56, 26.78
s. 12 11.18, 13.44, 13.52
(1) 27.67
(2), (6) 13.52
s. 13 11.16, 11.28, 13.44
(1) 11.28, 13.51
(2) 11. 28
s. 13(3) 11.28, 13.51
(4)(a), (b) 13.51
s. 14 11.13, 11.16, 11.28, 13.54
ss. 16–19, 21, 24, 25 13.44
s. 27 13.52, 13.56
s. 30 13.21, 13.37, 13.44
s. 31 13.37, 13.44
(1)-(5) 13.21
s. 32 13.44, 13.47
(2)(b) 13.21
(4)–(6) 13.21
ss. 33, 34, 37 13.44
s. 38 13.44
(1) 13.44, 14.53
(2)–(6) 13.53
s. 39 14.53
(4) 14.53
s. 41 13.44
(1) 13.44
(3), (5), (6) 13.57
s. 42 13.44
s. 43 13.44, 26.78
(3), (4) 14.54
s. 44 13.8, 13.44, 14.7, 14.54, 16.10, 26.78
(1)-(4), (6) 14.54
s. 45 13.8, 13.44, 13.47, 14.54
(2) 13.47
s. 46 13.28, 13.44
s. 48 13.44
s. 49 13.44, 25.39
ss. 50, 59–65 13.44
s. 66 13.44, 26.78, 27.65
(2) 25.39
s. 67 13.44, 13.47, 25.46
(4) 13.49
s. 68 13.44, 13.47, 25.46
(4) 13.49
s. 69 13.8, 13.44, 13.47, 13.50, 25.46
(6), (8) 13.49
s. 70 13.44, 13.47, 25.46
s. 71 13.44
s. 72 13.49
(2) 13.47
(a), (b) 13.47
s. 73 13.21
s. 79 13.44, 13.59
s. 80(5) 13.47
s. 81(1)(a) 13.41
(c) 13.30, 13.41, 25.7
s. 85 12.88, 13.8
s. 86 12.88, 13.8, 13.44
(2)(a), (b) 13.41
s. 87 13.8, 13.47
s. 99 13.10, 27.63
s. 100(1) 27.65
(2)(b) 27.65
s. 101 13.44, 27.67
s. 102 27.67
s. 103 27.67
(3) 25.7
s. 104 27.65 s.
107 13.50 Sch. 1
13.8, 13.28
Sch. 3
Para. 37 13.50
Sch. 4 14.46A, 14.46
Arbitration (International Disputes) Act 1966 27.63
Bankers’ Books Evidence Act 1879 3.4
Banking Act 1987—
s. 108(1) 25.67
Sch. 6 25.67
Bills of Sale Act 1878 21.8, 21.9, 21.15, 23.7, 23.20, 23.21, 23.31, 23.56, 23.57,
23.58, 23.103, 23.106
s. 4 21.9, 23.58 ss. 8, 10 23.23 Bills of Sale Act 1882 21.8, 21.9, 21.15, 23.7,
23.21, 23.31, 23.57, 23.103,
23. 106
s. 3 21.9
ss. 4, 5, 8, 9 23.59
Bills of Sale Act 1890—
s. 1 23.58
British Nationally Act 1981 4.21
Carriage by Air Act 1961— Schedule 11.12
Carriage by Air and Road Act 1961— Sch. 1 11.12
Carriage by Railway Act 1972—
s. 6 11.12
Schedule 11.12
Carriage of Goods by Road Act 1965 11.16, 12.69, 12.72, 15.32, 24.22
s. 1 10.61
s. 4 27.56
s. 7 27.67
Schedule 3.25, 10.61, 11.12
Art. 31, 33 13.16
Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1971 11.16, 11.18, 12.71, 24.22, 26.65, 26.101
s. 1(3) 26.11
(6)(a) 26.11
Schedule 11.12
Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1992 5.62, 9.10, 9.87, 12.62, 12.68, 17.20, 23.1,
23.92, 23.106, 26.162
s. 6(5)—(8) 9.10
Carriage of Passengers by Road Act 1974 —
s. 5 27.56
Charging Orders Act 1979 21.3, 23.101, 25.67
Children Act 1989—
s. 3(4) 23.101
Sch. 13 7.10
Civil Aviation Act 1982 20.60
s. 87 2.2 12
Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 0.30, 0.31, 1.6, 1.42, 1.46, 1.47, 2.19,
3.41, 3.42, 7.2, 9.68, 9.70, 9.71, 9.96, 10.27, 10.34, 12.72, 14.12, 14.28, 14.71, 14.75,
15.129, 27.4, 27.10, 27.11, 27.13, 28.10, 28.87
s. 1(1), (2) 27.54
s. 1(3) 3.47
(10) 27.54
s. 2A 27.54
s. 3 4.10
s. 4(3) 28. 101
s. 10 4.20, 7.5
s. 10A 27.54
s. 16 4.20, 7.2, 7.5
(3) 7.8
s. 17 7.10
s. 18 27.10
(1) 27.62
(2)(e) 27.62
(5)(b), (d) 27.10
(7 ) 2 7 . 1 0
(8 ) 2 7 . 6 2
s. 19(1) 27.12, 27.62
s. 24 14.12, 14.45, 14.46A, 15.89, 15.129
(1) 14.15, 14.45
(2) 1 4 . 4 5
s. 25 9.71, 9.79, 9.91, 9.92, 14.45, 14.46, 14.46A, 14.48, 14.49, 14.60, 14.70,
14.71, 14.72, 15.89, 15.129, 16.1, 16.11A, 16.25
(1) 14.12, 14.46A
(2) 14.46A, 16.25
(3) 14.12, 14.46A, 26.5
(4), (5) 14.46A
S. 26 10.29, 12.79, 12.87, 12.91, 12.157, 14.12, 14.47, 14.72, 15.44, 15.86, 15.87,
15.92, 15.94, 15.120, 18.100, 19.37
(2) 14.43, 15.51, 15.95
(3) 18.101
s. 27 15.87
s. 30 3.4, 26.123, 26.164
(1) 12.152
s. 31 27.61
(3) 27.61
s. 32 27.35, 27.41
(1) 27.42
(4) 27.42, 27.56
s. 33 27.39, 27.40, 27.43
(2) 27.39
s. 34 10.15, 12.112, 15.64, 19.12, 27.4
s. 35(1) 27.54
(2) 27.52
s. 38 27.56
s. 39 4.21
s. 41 4.18, 4.19, 5.96
(4), (5), (6) 7.3
s. 42 4.18, 4.19, 5.102
(4), (5) 7.3
s. 43 4.18, 5.24, 5.106, 5.107, 5.113, 7.5
s. 44 4.18, 4.19, 5.96, 7.5
s. 45 4.18, 4.19, 5.110
s. 46 5.111
s. 49 12.97
s. 50 4.18, 5.102
Sch. 4 6.136, 7.2, 7.6, 7.8, 12.152, 27.26
Sch. 5 7.2, 7.6, 7.10, 7.11, 7.14, 12.152
Sch. 6 27.10, 27.16
Para. 5 27.18
Para. 7, 8 27.15
Para. 9 27.19
Para. 10 27.20
Sch. 7 27.10
Para. 7 27.15
Sch. 10 27.54, 27.67
Sch. 13
Para. 8(3) 27.56
Civil Jurisdiction and Judgements Act 1991 0.30, 1.6, 1.46, 1.47, 3.41, 3.47, 7.2,
9.68, 9.70, 12.72, 28.87
Sch. 2
Para. 12 9.79, 14.46A, 15.87
Para. 15 27.39
Civil Liability (Contribution) Act 1978 11.28
S, 1(5) 26.5
Civil Procedure Act 1997 14.16
s. 1 2.8
s. 8 14.15
Companies Act 1948 15.49, 18.113, 23.60
Companies Act 1985 5.26, 7.11, 9.50, 20.10, 21.1, 21.5, 21.8, 21.11, 22.33, 23.67,
23.82, 23.106, 23.113
Pt XII 23.7, 23.56, 23.60, 23.67, 23.74, 23.103
Pt XXIII 23.68
s. 150 21.8
s. 395(1) 23.61
(2) 23.61, 23.67
(3) 2 3 . 6 7 s. 396
21.10, 21.10, 22.33
(1) 23.69
(2) 2 3 . 6
9 (b), (c)
(9) 23.69
s. 398 23.67
s. 399(1) 23.67
s. 400 21.10
s. 402 23.67
ss. 404–406 23.70
s. 407(1) 23.67
s. 410 23.71
s. 415(2)(a) 23.71
s. 691 9.50
s. 692 9.51
s. 694A 9.50
s. 695(1), (2) 9.50
s. 703L 23.68
(2) 23.68
s. 725 9.50
s. 726 14.36
Companies Act 1989 20.10, 21.1, 21.8, 21.10, 21.11, 23.60, 23.81, 23.104,
23.106, 23.113
s. 92 23.67, 23.68
ss. 93–104 23.67
s. 105 23.67, 23.68
s. 106 23.68
s. 106 23.67, 23.68
s. 107 23.67
Consular Relations Act 1968 12.114, 12.155
s. 16 12.114
Consumer Protection Act 1987—
ss. 6, 11A 11.28
Continental Shelf Act 1964—
s. 6, 7 9.27
Sch. 1 11.28
Contracts (Applicable Law) Act 1990 11.8, 12.56. 26.2, 26.3, 26.14, 26.35, 26.46,
26.53, 26.56, 26.85
s. 2(3) 26.54
Sch. 1
Art. 3(3) 26.14
7(1), (2) 26.14
10(1)(c) 26.44
Sch. 2 26.85
Sch. 3 26.88
Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 9.10, 9.87, 12.62, 23.1
s. 6 5.62
County Courts Act 1984—
ss. 26, 27 9.110, 10.85
County Courts Admiralty Jurisdiction Amendment Act 1869 —
s. 2 2. 178, 2. 199
Courts Act 2003—
Sch. 7 25.67
Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 —
s. 4 9.79
Crown Proceedings Act 1947 12.135, 12.141, 12.142, 12.144, 12.144, 12.146,
s. 2 12.136
ss. 5, 6 12.137
s. 7 12.137
(3) 12.142
s. 8(1) 12.141
ss. 10, 11 12.136
s. 29(1) 12.139, 15.77
(2) 12.139
s. 30(1) 11.23
s. 38(2) 12.137, 12.144
s. 40(1) 12.136
Crown Proceedings (Armed Forces) Act 1987 12.135
Customs and Excise Management Act 1979 —
s. 28(2) 2.134
ss. 49, 53 2.134
s. 66(2) 2.134
s. 67 2.134
s. 68(5) 2.133
s. 74 2.133
s. 76 2. 131
s. 78(4) 2.134
ss. 88-90, 141 2.133
s. 142 2.13 1, 2. 134
Dangerous Vessels Act 1985 24.171
s. 2 24.171
Diplomatic Privileges Act 1964 12.114
Diseases of Animals Act 1950—
s. 75(2) 2.105
Employers' Liability (Defective Equipment) Act 1969 2.167
Enterprise Act 2002 17.30, 17.32, 20.16
s. 15(1)–(5) 17.32
s. 128 17.32
s. 248(3) 17.30
Sch. 16 17.32
Sch. 17
Para. 22 20.15
European Communities Act 1972 1.33, 3.11
European Economic Area Act 1993 3.10
Evidence (Foreign, Dominion and Colonial Documents) Act 1933 26.46
Factors Act 1889 23.42
s. 2, 8, 9 23.42, 23.107
Fatal Accidents Act 1846 2.73, 2.74
Fatal Accidents Act 1976 2.74, 2.168, 2.169, 9.88, 11.28, 26.5, 26.12, 26.44
Financial Services Act 1986—
s. 188 7.11
Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 9.79
Food Safety Act 1990—
s. 8(2) 9.27
Foreign Judgments (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act 1933 1.38, 14.40, 24.143, 27.13,
27.26, 27.42, 27.56, 27.63, 27.67
s. 4(3)(b) 27.56
Foreign Limitation Periods Act 1984 9.41, 11.3, 11.6, 11.7, 13.51, 26.2, 26.3,
26.34, 27.55
s. 1 11.7
s. 2 11.7
(1), (2) 26.34
(3) 11.7, 26.34
s. 3 27.44
s. 4(3) 26.34
s. 7 11.7
Friendly Societies Act 1992 26.90
s. 101 26.90
Sch. 20 26.90
Harbour Act 1964—
s. 26 2.223
s. 57(1) 2.223
Harbours, Docks and Piers Clauses Act 1847 —
s. 44 2.223, 20.55
s. 47, 56 20.55
s. 74 2.115
Hotel Proprietors Act 1956—
s. 2 20.30
Housing Act 1988 18.31
Hovercraft Act 1968 18.30
s. 1 2.208
(1)(h) 2.1
s. 2 2.1, 2.208
(2) 2.46, 2.63, 18.30, 18.41
(3) 2.63, 12.140
Inferior Courts Judgments Extension Act 1882 27.10
Insolvency Act 1986 17.32, 18.113, 20.10
s. 11 20.19 s. 73 17.29 s.
112 15.49, 17.29, 20.17
s. 125 15.49
s. 126 15.49, 20.17
s. 127 17.30
s. 128 15.49, 17.30, 20.17
s. 130 15.49
(2) 17.30, 20.17
s. 183 15.49 s. 236
20.24 s. 238 17.30,
ss. 239–245 17.30
s. 246 17.30, 20.15
s. 247 17.30 s. 283
18.89 s. 285 15.48
(1)-(4) 17.34, 18.112
s. 346 15.48
(1) 17.34
Sch. B1 17.32
Para. 41(1) 17.32
(2) 20.16
Insolvency (No. 2) Act 1994 17.30
Insurance Companies Act 1982 26.90, 26.118
s. 94B 26.90
Sch. 3A 26.5, 26.90, 26.92
International Transport Conventions Act 1983 11 .12
s. 6 27.56
Interpretation Act 1968—
s. 17(2)(b) 23.24
Judgments Act 1838 25.37
Judicature Act 1873 1.15, 1.19, 2.19, 16.12
Judicature Acts 1875 1.19, 2.19, 16.12
Late Payments of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 25.37
s. 12 26.5, 26.13
Latent Damage Act 1986 11.15, 11.28
Law of Property Act 1925—
s. 136(1) 22.21, 23.94, 23.100
Law Reform (Limitation of Actions) Act 1954 —
s. 5(1), (2) 11.23
Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1934 2.168, 25.38
Limitation Act 1939 11.14
Limitation Act 1980 9.41, 11.14, 11.17, 11.19. 11.22, 11.28, 11.36, 13.51
s. 2 11.28
s. 3 11.3, 11.28
ss. 5, 7–9 11.28
s. 10 11.28
(3), (4) 11.28
s. 11 11.15, 11.28
s. 12 11.14, 11.15, 11.28
s. 13 11.28
ss. 14, 14A 11.14, 11.28
s. 14B 11.14, 11.15
s. 15 11.8
s. 16 11.28
s. 17 11.3
ss. 20–23 11.28
s. 24 11.14, 11.48
(2) 11.48
s. 25 11.3
ss. 29–3 1 11.28, 11.29
s 32 11.28
(1) 11.29
s. 33 11.15, 11.30, 11.32
s. 34 13.54
s. 35 9.41, 11.7, 11.14, 11.32, 11.34
(1). (6) 11.32
s. 36(1) 11.31, 11.36
(2) 11.31
s. 39 9.41, 11.16
Limitation Amendment Act 1980—
s. 8 11.32
s. 9 11.14
(2) 11.28
s. 24(2 ) 11.48
Limitation of Liability Act 1976 3.8, 12.72
Marine Insurance Act 1906 2.235, 18.87, 20.3
s. 4 12.147
s. 53(2) 17.15, 20.27, 20.52, 23.110
s. 66(2) 2.235
s. 79 18.87
Marine Insurance (Gambling Policies) Act 1909 12.147
Marine Safety Act 2003 1.31
Merchant Shipping and Maritime and Shipping Security Act 1997 11.16
Sell. 3 12.137
Maritime Conventions Act 1911 2.69, 2.71. 2.75, 2.76, 11.16, 11.23, 11.24, 11.27,
19.4, 26.140
s. 1 26.140
ss. 2, 3 18.90
s. 5 2.74, 2.167, 2.168
s. 8 11.3, 11.16, 11.23
s. 9(4) 18.90
Merchant Seamen Act 1844—
s. 16 2.88, 18.8, 18.71
Merchant Shipping Act 1854 2.86, 18.8, 23.55, 24.1
s. 2 2.86
s. 191 2.88, 18.71
s. 458 2.59
Merchant Shipping Act 1889 18.8
s. 1 2.89
Merchant Shipping Act 1894 2.56, 2.86, 2.104, 2.170, 2.208, 23.20, 23.38
Pt IX 2.136
s. 3 23.24
s. 30 2.123, 2.244, 14.23
s. 55 2.244
s. 167(1) 2.88
(2) 2.89
s. 310(1) 18.43
s. 449(1) 2.134
s. 458 2.53
ss. 493–498 20.46
s. 503 26.22
s. 504 24.74, 26.22
s. 513(1), (2) 2.108
s. 523 2.137
s. 544 2.211, 2.2213, 18.37, 23.137
(21 2.52, 2.54
s. 545 2.213, 18.37
s. 546 2.49, 2.58, 2.60, 2.61, 2.62, 2.211, 2.213
ss. 552, 554 18.109
s. 556 2.208
s. 567(2) 2.104
s. 568(1) 2.106
s. 741 12.137, 12.144
s. 742 2.60, 2.61, 2.81
Merchant Shipping Act 1906—
s. 72 2.136
s. 80 12.138, 12.144
Merchant Shipping Act 1970 2.229
s. 7 2.78, 2.84
ss. 8–11 2.78
s. 12 2.78, 2.81
ss. 13–15 2.78
s. 16 2.48, 2.78, 2.81
s. 17 2.78
s. 18 2.78, 2.81, 2.88, 2.91
s. 43 2.86
s. 100(3) 2.88
Sch. 3
Para. 4 2.88
Merchant Shipping Act 1974 2.77, 2.153, 2.154. 3.35, 11.16, 24.31
s. 7 11.16
Merchant Shipping Act 1979 ...13.17, 15.123, 18.107, 23.172, 24.31, 24.79,
24.80, 24.81
s. 17 24.40
(4) 24.40
s. 18 24.40
s. 19 24.171
ss. 20, 20A 3.34
s. 37(1) 2.78
s. 47 26.139
s. 50(4) 12.148
Sch. 3 11.12
Sch. 4
Para. 9 24.25
Sch. 5
Pt I 24.171
Para. 5 12.137
Merchant Shipping Act 1983 23.24
Merchant Shipping Act 1985—
Sch. 3A
Para. 16 1.31
Merchant Shipping Act 1988 2.49, 23.24
s. 30A 15.142
s. 46 2.78, 2.84
Sch. 1
Para. 32 2.244
Sch. 4
Pt II 3.35
Sch. 5
Para. 3 2.49
Merchant Shipping Act 1995 1.30, 1.31, 2.25, 2.26,
2.29, 2.33, 2.42, 2.44, 2.46, 2.127, 2.149,
2.170, 2.171, 2.207, 2.224, 2.227-2.230,
2.241, 2.244, 2.246, 3.8, 5.26, 11.16,
12.136, 12.138, 12.144, 12.150, 15.123,
18.30, 18.44, 23.20, 23.33, 23.47, 23.56,
23.61, 23.75, 23.82, 23.84, 23.90,
23.113, 23.155, 23.172, 24.3, 24.12,
24.41, 24.79, 24.146, 24.147, 26.143
Pt I (ss. 1–7) 23.7, 23.24, 26.167
s. 1 2.56
s. 2 2.132
s. 3 2.132
(2)-(5) 2.132
s. 4(3), (4) 2.132
Pt II (ss. 8–23) 23.7, 23.24, 23.55, 23.74
s. 15(1) 23.24 s. 16(1) 23.75 s. 17(7)
23.26, 23.47, 23.90, 26.5, 26.23
s. 19 3.8
Pt III (ss. 24–84) 23.24
s. 30 2.78, 2.88
(1) 2.84
ss. 3 1–33 2.78, 2.88
s. 34 2.78, 2.88
(1) 25.67
(3) 18.86
s. 35 2.78, 2.81, 2.88
s. 36 2.78, 2.88
s. 37 2.78, 2.88, 2.229
s. 38 2.78, 2.88
s. 39 2.48, 2.78, 2.81, 2.88, 18.58
s. 40 2.78, 2.88
s. 41 2.78, 2.81, 2.88, 2.91, 18.58
s. 45 2.81, 2.228
s. 47 2.87
s. 66(4) 27.56
s. 73 2.81, 2.228
ss. 74, 75 2.228
Pt IV (ss. 85–108) 23.24
s. 85 3.8, 26.140
(1) 26.139
s. 86 3.8, 26.140
s. 87(1) 2.134
ss. 89, 93 3.8
s. 95 15.142, 23.61
s. 97 23.61
Pt VI (ss. 128-182) 3.28, 3.35, 15.114, 18.90, 18.107, 24.31, 24.34, 24.137,
24. 145
s. 128 3.8, 3.34
(4), (6) 3.8
s. 129 3.8, 3.28
ss. 137–138A, 149 2.26
Pt VI Ch. III (ss. 152–171) 24.132
s. 153 2.151, 15.97
s. 154 2.151
s. 157 2.152
(2) 3.8
(3) 24. 136
s. 158 24.135
(8) 2.152
ss. 159, 160 24.140
s. 162 11.16
s. 165 2.152
(3) 24.136
s. 166 12.149
(2) 3.34
(4) 24.143
s. 167 12.137
s. 169 24.141
s. 170 3.34
Pt VI Ch. IV (ss. 172–182) 24.133
s. 175 2.153, 2.154, 12.149, 24.146
(1) 3.35
(2) 3.35
(a), (b) 3.35
(4)–(7) 2.54 (8)
2.54, 24.146
(10) 24.146
s. 176 2.153, 24.146
(3) 24.148
s. 177 2.153
(4) 27.56
s. 178 2.153, 11.16
ss. 179–182 2.153
s. 182B 2.157, 3.8, 3.19
s. 182C 3.8
Pt VII (ss. 183-192) 9.97, 12.148, 24.137, 24.139. 24.165, 24.171
s. 183 2.153, 11.16, 24.22
(1) 12.72
s. 184 3.21
s. 185 12.72
(1) 24.40
(2A)–(2C) 3.8, 24.43
(2D), (2E) 24.43
(3) 24.40
( 4 ) 24.41, 24.58, 24.60
(5) 24.43
s. 186 24.17, 24.27, 24.40
s. 187 26.140
s. 188 26.140
(1), (2) 18.90
s. 189 18.90
s. 190 9.41, 11.3, 11.16, 11.23
(6) 11.23
S. 191 24.171
s. 192 11.23, 12.137
Pt IX (ss. 224—255) 2.56, 2.136
Pt IX Ch. I (ss. 224-230) 18.86
s. 224 2.213, 11.16, 12.72, 23.9
s. 226(3) 18.109
s. 230 12.136, 12.141
s. 234(6) 2.108
s. 236 2.136
s. 239(1) 11.16
s. 241 2.137
s. 249(3) 2.104
s. 250(2) 2.106
s. 255 18.43
(1) 2.46, 2.136
s. 274 11.16
s. 275 11.16
s. 284 20.55
s. 307 26.139
s. 308 12.136, 12.137, 23.24
(2) 12.138
(3) 12.144
s. 309 23.24
s. 311 18.30
s. 313(1) 2.81, 2.86, 2.88, 2.170, 12.144, 18.30
Sch. 1 23.7
Para. 1 23.75
(1) 23.27, 23.84
(2) 23.28, 23.30
Para. 2 2.244, 23.27
(1)-(4) 23.31
Para. 3 23.27, 23.31
Para. 4 23.27, 23.31
(4) 2.132
Para. 5 23.27, 23.31
Para. 6 2.123, 2.244, 14.23, 23.27
Para. 7 23.27, 23.75
(2) 23.28
Para. 8 23.27, 23.82
(2) 23.82
Para. 9 23.27
Para. 10 23.27, 23.53
Para. 11-13 23.27
Sch. 3 3.8
Para. 1 2.132
Para. 5, (1), (4), (5) 2.132
Sch. 3A
Art. 38 12.150
Sch. 4 2.150
Sch. 5 24.146
Sch. 5A ... 2.157, 3.8, 3.19, 3.28, 3.34, 11.16, 24.27, 24.152, 27.56, 28.37
Sch. 6 3.20, 9.70, 11.12, 11.16, 18.30, 24.22
Sch. 7 3.8, 24.33, 26.5
Para. 8(1) 3.8, 24.79
(2) 24.14
( 3 ) 2 4 . 5 0 Para. 9 18.124,
23.172, 24.25, 24.84
Para. 10 24.112
Sch. 8
Para. 10 15.33
Sch. 11 2.44, 11.16, 11.27, 18.37, 18.115, 23.9
Para. 1 2.62
Para. 2 2.50, 2.62
Para. 5 2.56, 23.137
Sch. 13
Para. 59 2.77, 2.149
(2) 2.213
Para. 74 24.17 1
Merchant Shipping and Maritime Security Act 1997 2.157, 3.8, 3.9, 24.135
s. 3 2.26
s. 14 2.157, 3.8
(2) 24.152, 28.10
s. 15(1) 24.43
s. 24 2.46, 2.136, 3.8
s. 26(1) 2.135
Sch. 3 2.157, 3.8, 24.152, 28.10
Sch. 5 2.135
Merchant Shipping (Liability of Shipowners and Others) Act 1900 —
s. 2 24.171
Merchant Shipping (Liability of Shipowners and Others) Act 1958 15.121, 15.123,
s. 5 15.122
Merchant Shipping (Oil Pollution) Act 1971 2.77, 2.150, 2.154, 11.16, 24.31,
24.34, 24.138
s. 9 11.16
s. 13(4) 3.34
s. 14 12.137
Merchant Shipping (Registration etc) Act 1993 15.142, 23.20, 23.24, 23.33, 23.55,
23.38, 23.74
s. 7(7) 23.90
s. 87(3) 2.134
Sch. 1
Para. 6 2.123, 14.23
Sch. 2
Para. 3 12.138
Sch. 4
Pt IX 2.136
Para. 11(2)(a) 2.134
Sch. 5 18.109
Merchant Shipping (Salvage and Pollution) Act 1994 2.44, 2.56, 2.62, 2.150,
2.171, 2.207, 11.16, 12.135, 18.37, 19.33, 23.137, 26.160
s. 1(6) 2.62, 2.207, 23.9
s. 4 3.35
Sch. 1
Para. 2 2.62
Sch. 2 23.9
Para. 1 2.62
(2) 2.2 13, 19.3
Para. 3 12.141, 15.77
Para. 4 2.207
Para. 6 2.207, 19.1
(3) 2.212, 2.213
Para. 7 2.207
Merchant Shipping (Stevedores and Trimmers) Act 1911 19.4
Nuclear Installations Act 1965 2.163, 2.164, 3.28, 9.79, 12.148
s. 13 3.34
s. 14 2.63, 12.148
s. 17 3.38
(4) 27.56
Oath and Evidence (Overseas Authorities and Countries) Act 1963 —
s. 5 26.46
Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957 2.169
Petroleum Act 1998—
s. 11 9.27
s. 13 7.11
Pilotage Act 19 13—
s. 15(1) 18.55
Pilotage Act 1983—
s. 35 18.55
Pilotage Act 1987 18.55
s.10(9) 2.217
s. 22(1), (2) 24.164
(3) 24.164, 24.165
(4) 2 4 . 1 6 5 (6)
24.167 Piracy Act
s. 5 2.135
Post Office Act 1969—
s. 6(5) 12.142
ss. 29, 30 12.142
Prevention of Oil Pollution 197 1—
s. 24 12.137, 12.144
Private International Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1995 26.2, 26.3, 26.34,
26.119, 26.133, 26.137, 26.138
s. 1 25.37
s. 9(2) 26.4, 26.51
s. 11 26.133, 26.134
s. 12 26.30, 26.44, 26.133, 26.134
s. 14(2) 26.134
(3) 26.9, 26.134
(b) 26.32, 26.44
(4) 26.136
Protection of Trading Interests Act 1980 7.11, 25.26, 26.9, 27.35, 27.54, 27.57
s. 1 25.26
s. 2 25.26
(2), (3) 25.26
s. 3(2) 25.26
s. 4 25.26
s. 5(1) 27.55, 27.58
(2) 27.58
(c) 27.58
(4), (5) 27.58
s. 7 27.56
Protection of Wrecks Act 1973 2.46, 2.136
Railways and Transport Safety Act 2003 —
s. 112 3.8, 18.30
(2) 18.30
Responsibility of Shipowners Act 1733 24.1
Sale of Goods Act 1979 10.47, 17.15, 20.39, 21.12, 23.18, 23.42, 23.114, 25.42
ss. 21, 23 23.42
ss. 24, 25 22.1, 22.3, 23.7, 23.42, 23.107
s. 39 20.4, 20.39
s. 41 21.12, 23.110
s. 47 23.7, 23.114
s. 48 20.4, 20.39, 23.114
s. 52 25.42
Sale of Goods (Amendment) Act 1995 23.18
Shipping and Trading Interests (Protection) Act 1995 25.26, 26.9
Shipping Contracts and Commercial Documents Act 1964—
s. 8(4) 25.26
Social Security (Consequential Provisions) Act 1992 —
Sch. 2 7.10
Solicitors Act 1974 20.24, 20.39
s. 73 23.110, 23.111
State Immunity Act 1978 12.114, 12.117, 15.76, 27.60, 27.61
s. 1(1) 12.117
s. 2 12.117, 12.120
(4), (5) 12.120
s. 3 12.117, 122
(2) 12. 122
(3) 12.122, 12.131
s. 4 12.117, 12.123
(2), (4) 12.123
s. 5 12.117, 12.124
s. 6 12.117, 12.125
s. 7 12.117, 12.126
s. 8 12.117, 12.127
s. 9 12.117, 12.121
s. 10 12.117, 12.131
(1), (2) 12.131
(3) 12.131, 12.146
(4) 12.131
(5) 12.131, 12.146
(6) 12.133
s. 11 12.117, 12.128
s. 12 12.131
(7) 12.131
s. 13 12.119
(2) 15.76
(4) 12.119, 12.131, 15.76
(5) 12.119
s. 14 12.118
s. 15 12.117
s. 17(1) 12.13 1
s. 18, 19 27.60
Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1993—
Sch. 1
Group 6 20.46
Supreme Court Act 1981 0.27, 0.33, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.14, 1.15, 1.31, 1.50, 2.1,2.19,
2.21, 2.22, 2.30, 2.34, 2.72, 2.81, 2.87, 2.96, 2.101, 2.121, 2.141, 2.169, 2.174, 2.240,
3.30, 10.1, 10.48, 10.54, 10.61, 12.142, 12.144, 12.145, 12.146, 12.148, 13.50, 14.12,
14.29, 14.58, 14.59, 15.14. 15.41, 15.42, 15.45, 15.52, 15.55, 15.65, 15.77, 15.143,
18.28, 18.30, 18.31, 19.6,23.16, 23.50, 23.105, 23.127, 24.88
s. 5 1.25
s. 6(i)(b) 1.1
s. 13 13.44
s. 18(1) 13.50
s. 20 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 2.3, 2.6, 2.11, 2.28, 2.35, 2.40, 2.226,, 9.7,9.9,
12.140. 12-155, 15.14, 19.1, 19.35,23.156, 26.24, 26.169
(1) 2.3, 2.40
(a) 2.4
s.20(l)(b) 2.5, 2.26, 2.224, 2.227, 2.228, 2.229, 2.244, 2. 246
(c) 2.7, 2.13, 20.14, 2.87, 2.139, 2.243, 10.5, 10.60, 17.49, 19.1, 19.22, 19.28,
19.31, 19.32, 19.33, 19.38
(d) 2.1, 2.7, 2.25, 2.26, 2.149, 2.230, 19.1. 19.28, 19.31, 19.38
(e) 2.241, 10.31
(f) 2.25, 10.31
(g)–(i) 10.31
(j) 2.2 12, 10.31
(k)–(r) 10.31
(2) 1.12, 2.3, 2.4, 2.56, 2.138, 2.139, 2.173, 2.175, 2.227, 2.242, 10.3
(a) 1.11, 2.122, 10.28, 10.57, 10.60, 17.46, 17.48, 19.1, 19.6, 19.16, 19.17, 19.38
(b) 1.11, 2.124, 2.224, 19.28, 10.57, 10.60, 17.46, 17.48, 19.1, 19.6, 19.16, 19.17,
(c) 1.11, 2.127, 10.28, 10.57, 10.60, 17.46, 17.48, 19.1, 19.6, 19.16, 19.17, 19.38,
(d) 1.12, 2.138, 2.241, 10.3, 19.38
(e) 1.11, 2.138, 2.145, 10.3, 10.20, 10.24, 10.31, 10.57, 10.60, 17.50, 18.51, 19.1,
19.6, 19.10, 19.15, 19.16, 19.17, 19.21, 19.29, 19.38
(f) 1.11, 2.66, 2.138, 2.166, 2.167, 2.245, 10.3, 10.20, 10.24, 10.31, 10.57, 10.60,
17.50, 18.51, 19.1, 19.10, 19.15, 19.16, 19.17, 19.21, 19.29, 19.38
(g) 1.11, 2.138, 2.171, 2.178, 2.180, 10.3, 10.20, 10.24, 10.31, 10.57, 10.60,
17.49, 18.51, 19.1, 19.10, 19.15, 19.16, 19.17, 19.21, 19.29, 19.38
(h) 1.11, 2.138, 2.178, 2.180, 2.181, 2.194, 10.3, 10.20, 10.24, 10.31, 10.57,
10.60, 17.49, 18.51, 18.118, 19.1, 19.10. 19.15, 19.16, 19.17, 19.21, 19.29, 19.38
(i) 1.11, 2.138, 10.3, 10.20, 10.24, 10.31, 10.57, 10.60, 17.49, 18.51, 19.1, 19.10,
19.15, 19.16, 19.17, 19.21, 19.29, 19.38
(j) 1.11, 2.1, 2.138, 2.207, 2.208, 10.3, 10.20, 10.24, 10.31, 10.57, 10.60, 17.49,
18.51, 19.1, 19.6, 19.10, 19.15, 19.16, 19.17, 19.21, 19.29, 19.38
(k) 1.11, 2.1, 2.138, 2.216, 10.3, 10.20, 10.24, 10.31, 10.57, 10.60, 17.49, 18.51,
19.1, 19.10, 19.15, 19.16, 19.17, 19.21, 19.29, 19.38
(l) 1.11, 2.1, 2.138, 2.217, 10.3, 10.20, 10.24, 10.31, 10.57, 10.60, 17.49, 18.51,
19.1, 19.10, 19.15, 19.16, 19.17, 19.21, 19.29, 19.38
(m) 1.11, 2.138, 2.217, 10.3, 10.20, 10.24, 10.31, 10.57, 10.60, 17.49, 18.51,
19.1, 19.6, 19.10, 19.15, 19.16, 19.17, 19.21, 19.29, 19.38
s. 20(2)(n) 1.11, 2.138, 2.223, 10.3, 10.20, 10.24, 10.31, 10.57, 10.60, 17.49,
18.51, 19.1, 19.6, 19.10, 19.15, 19.16, 19.17, 19.21, 19.29, 19.38
(o) 1.11, 2.81, 2.138, 2.224, 2.226, 10.3, 10.20, 10.24, 10.31, 10.57, 10.60, 1 7.49,
18.51, 18.71, 19.1, 19.10, 19.15, 19.16, 19.17, 19.21, 19.29, 19.38, 26.5
(p) 1.11, 2138, 2.218, 2.231, 10.3, 10.20, 10.24, 10.31, 10.57, 10.60,17.49, 18.51,
19.1, 19.10, 19.15, 19.16, 19.17, 19.21, 19.29, 19.38
(q) 1.11, 2.138, 2.235, 2.237, 2.238, 10.3, 10.20, 10.24, 10.31, 10.57, 10.60,
17.49, 18.51, 19.1, 19.10, 19.15, 19.16, 19.17, 19.21, 19.29, 19.38
(r) 1.11, 2.138, 2.239, 10.3, 10.20, 10.24, 10.31, 10.57, 10.60, 17.49, 18.51, 19.1,
19.10, 19.15, 19.16, 19.17, 19.21, 19.29, 19.38, 23.99
(s) 1.11, 2.131, 2.134, 10.28, 10.57, 10.60, 17.48, 19.1, 19.6, 19.16, 19.17
(3) 2.3, 2.5, 2.56, 2.2 12, 2.227, 2.241, 2.244
(a) 2.224, 2.227, 2.229, 2.244
(b) 2 . 2 4 5
(c) 2.246, 9.97, 24.82
(l) 2.123
(4) 2.3, 2.4, 2.56, 2.124, 19.24
(5) 2.3, 2.4, 2.26, 2.28, 2.56, 2.149, 19.6
(a) 2.77
(b) 2.77
(6) 2.3, 2.4, 2.52, 2.56, 2.57, 2.58, 2.1207, 2.208, 2.2 13
(a) 2.213
(7) 2.9, 2.224, 2.227, 23.127
(b) 2.208
(c) 2.127, 21.7, 26.23
s. 21 1.1, 1.3, 1.6, 1.11, 2.14, 2.139, 2.221, 2.224, 10.3, 12.140, 12.155, 23.133,
26.24, 26.169
(1) 1.9, 9.1, 10.2, 23.156
(a)-(c) 10.19
(e)-(r) 10.19
(s) 10.19
(2) 2.31, 10.1, 10.2, 10.17, 10.19, 10.20, 10.25, 10.27, 21.60, 17.46, 19.31, 19.34,
19.35, 21.7, 23.105
(c) 23.130
(3) 1.3, 1.5, 2.3, 2.6, 2.31, 2.34, 2.87, 2.215, 2.226, 10.1, 10.17, 10.19, 10.22,
10.25, 10.60, 17.46, 17.47, 19.6
(4) 2.31, 2.138, 2.139, 2.173-2.175, 2.192, 2.200, 2.222, 2.238, 2.239, 10.1, 10.2,
10.19, 10.20, 10.21, 10.24, 10.39, 10.54, 10.60, 15.55, 15.97, 17.46, 17.50, 18.1,
18.30, 19.6, 19.32, 19.23, 23.156
(a) 2.173, 2.176
(b) 19.23
(6 ) 2 5. 5 5
(7 ) 1 9. 3 8
(c) 23.130
s. 21(8) 10.21, 10.24, 10.42, 10.60, 10.68, 15.43, 15.55, 15.75, 18.1, 19.10
s. 22 1.1, 1.3, 2.224, 3.28, 3.31, 3.32, 9.70, 9.97, 12.140, 12.155, 15.26, 24.87
(2)–(4) 2.240
(5) 2.240, 24.94
(6), (7) 2.240
s. 23 1.1. 1.3, 2.224, 3.28. 3.37, 12.140, 12.153, 12.155
s. 24 1.1, 1.3, 12.140
(1) 2.215, 2.217, 2.225
(2) 15.77
(a) 2.224, 12.155, 18.30
(c) 12.140
s. 33 14.15
(1) 14.25
s. 34 14.15, 16.11A
s. 35 14.15, 14.25
s. 35A 25.38
(2 ) 2 5. 3 8
(3 ) 25.38, 25.39
s. 37 14.16, 14.26. 14.54, 16.10. 25.17
(1) 14.18, 16.7, 25.67
(3) 14.27, 16.1, 16.7, 16.15
s. 40 25.67
s. 49 16.12, 25.28
(3) 4.48, 12.54
s. 51 9.79
s. 72 14.16
s. 137 14.1
(1) 14.4
s. 152(i) 2.208
Sch. 5 2.1, 2.208
Supreme Court of Judicature Act 1873 14.12
Supreme Court or Judicature (Consolidation) Act 1925 0.24, 2.72, 2.127, 14.12,
19.4, 25.61
s. 22 2.167, 2.168, 2.232
(1) 2.218
(a)(i) 2.122
(iii), (iv) 2.68
(vii) 2.87, 2.127
(xii) 2.174, 2.178
(2)(i), (Vii), (x) 2.128
s. 43 25.28 s. 45 14.26
Telecommunications Act 1984—
s. 107 9.27
Territorial Sea Act 1987 9.27
Third Party (Rights against Insurers) Act 1930 18.89
Torts (Interference with Goods) Act 1977 —
s. 4 14.30
s. 12, 13 20.2
Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 —
s. 219(1) 12.147
s. 221(2) 14.21
Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977—
s. 27 26.5
Wrecks and Salvage Act 1846—
s. 19 2.59
Sea Carriage of Goods Act 1924—
Trade Practices Act—
Marine Liability Act—
Code of Civil Procedure—
Civil Code—
s. 9 12.72
s. 81(1A) 27.58
Law of Court Jurisdiction—
Art. 99 5.6
Civil Code—
Art. 14 5.6
s. 46 12.72
Chap. 10
section 1 5.6
Arts. 14, 15 5.6
Code of Civil Procedure—
Art. 23 5.6
Code of Civil Procedures—
Art. 40 5.6
Jurisdiction of Courts (Maritime Conventions) Act 1989 15.40
Act 218 of 31 May 1995—
Arts. 3, 4 5.7
Code of Civil Procedure 5.7
Art. 14 5.6
Civil Code—
Arts. 14, 15 5.6
Code of Civil Procedure—
Art. 14 5.6
Code of Civil Procedure—
Art. 165 5.6
Admiralty Jurisdiction Regulation Act 1983 —
s. 5(3) 15.89
Code of Judicial Procedure—
Chap. 10, section 3 5.6
Federal Arbitration Act .. 15.89
Limitation of Liability Act 24.118
Table of Statutory Instruments
Arbitration (Foreign Awards) Order 1984 (S.I. No. 1168) 27.64
Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage by Sea (Domestic Carriage) Order 1987
(S.I. No. 670) 3.20
Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage by Sea (United Kingdom Carriers) Order
1998 (S.I. No. 2917) 3.20
Sch. 6
Para. 4 24/2 1
Civil Courts (Amendment) (No. 2) Order 1999 (S.I. No. 1011) 1.3, 2.178, 9.110,
Civil Courts Order 1983 (S.I. No. 713) 9.10, 10.85
Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments (Authentic Instruments and Court Settlements)
Order 1993 (S.I. No. 604) 28.10, 28.11
Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments (Authentic Instruments and Court Settlements)
Order 2001 (S.I. No. 3928) 1.45, 28.10
Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 (Amendment) Order 2000 (S.I. No.
1824) 1.44, 1.47, 3.47
Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 (Gibraltar) Order 1997 (S.I. No. 2602)
4.21, 14.60, 27.25
Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 (Interim Relief) Order 1997 (S.I. No.
302) 9.79. 9.92, 14.46A, 16.1, 16.11A
Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 (Provisional and Protective Measures)
(Scotland) Order 1997 (S.I. No. 2780) 9.91, 14.46A, 16.1
Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Order 2001 (S.I. No. 3929) 0.30, 1.45, 1.47,
4.18, 7.2, 7.6, 9.68, 9.91, 14.46A, 28.10
Arts. 3–5 7.6
Art. 6 5.106, 7.6
Art. 7 4.20, 5.106
Art. 9 4.18, 5.96
Art. 10 5.24, 5.106, 5.107
Art. 11 4.19, 5.96
Art. 12 4.19, 5.110
Art. 16 5.106
Sch. 1
Para. 3 4.20
Paras. 7, 9–12 7.5
Sch. 2
Para. 3 7.5
Para. 9 14.12
Para. 10(a) 14.46A
Civil Jurisdiction (Offshore Activities) Order 1987 (S.I. No. 2197) 9.27
Civil Procedure (Amendment No. 5) Rules 2001 (S.I. No. 4015) 0.6
Civil Procedure (Modification of Enactments) Order 1998 (S.I. No. 2940) 14.15,
Civil Procedure Rules 1998 (S.I. No. 1860) 0.14, 0.33, 1.6, 2.8, 2.215, 2.244, 3.2,
7.9, 9.2, 9.17, 11.1,11.32, 11.40, 12.34, 12.92, 13.58, 14.12, 14.15, 14.30, 14.31,
14.36, 14.38, 16.30, 16.35, 18.103, 18.118, 24.46, 24.48, 24.79, 24.172
r. 1.2(b) 0.16
r. 2.3 9.27
r. 2.3.1 9.40
r. 2.8 9.22
r. 2.11 9.39, 11.4
r. 3.1 11.32
(2) 14.41
(a) 11.4
(3) 1 8 . 1 0 8 (5)
14.24 r. 3.3 11.40, 14.4,
r. 3.4 10.67, 11.40, 12.157
(2)(b) 11.43
(c) 11.2
r. 3.5 12.157, 14.4, 14.41
r. 3.6A 11.40, 14.4, 14.41
r. 3.8(3) 11.4
r. 3.10 9.59, 9.102
Part 4 9.21
Part 6 9.5, 9.17, 9.79
r. 6.2 9.22, 9.50, 13.41
(1) 9.82
r. 6.4 9.43
(1) 9.43
r. 6.5 9.22, 9.43. 9.50
(1) 10.73 r. 6.6
9.99 r. 6.7 9.22,
(1) 9.22
r. 6.8 9.22, 9.43, 9.102, 10.73
r. 6.9 9.26, 9.102, 9.107
r. 6.10.1 9.64
r. 6.14 9.43
r. 6.14.2 9.26
r. 6.15 9.22
r. 6.16 9.42, 9.44
r. 6.19 9.68, 9.79, 14.52, 14.71
(1) 7.9, 9.70, 13.23
(1A) 13.23
(2) 3.32, 9.68
(3) 9.69
r. 6.20 9.19, 9.68, 9.72, 9.79
(2) 9.89, 9.92, 16.11A
(3) 9.86
(4) 9.92, 14.9, 14.52, 16.11A
(5) 9.87
(c) 26.16, 26.18
(6), (7) 9.87
(8)(a) 9.88
(9) 13.23, 25.8
(10) 7.22
r. 6.21 9.75
(1) 9.75
(2A) 9.74
(4) 9.73
r. 6.22 9.99
r. 6.23, 6.25 9.10 1
r. 6.26A 9.101, 9.103
r. 6.27 9.101
r. 6.28, 6.29 9.103
7.1–7.4 9.99
8.1 9.99
14 9.69
51 9.72
r. 7.5 9.27
r. 7.6 9.27, 9.32, 10.69
(4) 9.32
r. 7.7 9.26
(3). 9.26
Part 8 9.21, 9.52, 14.48
r. 8.2A 9.21 r.
8.3 9.52 r.
10.1 5.34 (3)
9.52, 10.77
r. 10.2(2) 9.52
Pt 11 5.34, 9.55, 9.73, 11.40, 12.53
r. 11.1–4 9.55
r. 11.5 9.56, 9.105
r. 11.6 15.81, 15.82
r. 11.7 9.55
r. 11.8 9.56
r. 11.9 9.55
r. 11.15 9.52
Pt 12 9.52
r. 12.2 9.54
(b). 9.52
r. 12.3(3) 9.54
r. 15.2 9.44
r. 15.3 9.54
Pt 16 11.3
PD16 11.3
r. 16.8 9.21
Pt 17 11.32 r.
17.1 9.40 r. 17.2
9.40, 11.33
r. 17.3 11.33
r. 17.4 9.41, 11.32, 11.34
(2) 0.16
Part 19 9.40, 10.80, 11.32, 12.142
r. 19.210.80
r. 19.4 9.41, 11.32, 11.34
(2), (3) 11.32
r. 19.5 9.41
Part 20 9.27, 9.86
r. 20.2 9.40
r. 21(1)(i), (j) 14.9
Part 23 9.55, 9.73, 11.40, 14.36, 14.48, 25.57
r. 23.9 14.32, 16.9
r. 23.10 14.32, 16.9
r. 23.15 14.36
Pt 24 10.77A
r. 24.3 10.67
(2)(b) 9.54
r. 24.4 9.54
Part 25 14.3, 16.3, 16.24, 16.29, 16.35, 16.36
r. 25.1 9.109, 25.67
(1)(a) 14.18
(b) 14.18, 14.21, 25.49
(c)(i) 14.24
(v) 25.54
(e) 14.30
(f)14.27, 16.9, 25.67
(g) 14.27, 16.3, 16.9, 16.51
(j) 16.11A, 16.52
(k) 1 4 . 2 9
(l) 14.25
r. 25.2 14.5, 16.9
(1) 14.84
(2) 16.9
r. 25.3 16.9
(1) 14.32
r. 25.4 14.9
r. 25.6–25.9 14.30
r. 25.11 14.4, 14.35
r. 25.13 14.36, 14.81
r. 25.18(1) 28.7
r. 30.5(3) 9.7
Part 31 16.49
Part 32 16.49
Part 41 14.30
Part 49 2.25, 2.127, 9.61
Part 58 9.6
r. 58.6 9.52
Part 61 0.6, 1.1, 2.28, 3.2, 9.6, 9.21, 9.65, 10.78, 14.4
r. 61.1 2.215, 9.26
r. 61.2 2.25, 2.31, 2.2 15, 9.7
(b ) 2 . 2 4 5
(c ) 2. 247
(3) 9.7
r. 61.2(1) 10.1
r. 61.2(1)(i) 2.127,
(iii) 2.122, 2.127
(iv) 2.149. 2.230. 2.244
r. 61.3 9.52, 10.61
(3) 9.6, 10.72
(4) 9.63, 10.77
(5) 10.68
(6) 5.34, 9.63, 10.75
r. 61.4 9.9
(2) 9.21, 10.72
(3) 9.52
(5) 9.21
(7) 2.240, 9.68, 9.96
r. 61.4.11 3.4
r. 61.5 10.61, 14.85
(1) 18.117
(b) 14.84, 15.67, 25.68
(3) 14.31, 15.56, 15.79
(4) 14.31, 15.79, 15.98
(5) 2.224, 14.31, 15.56, 15.78, 15.98
(6) 14.31, 15.56, 15.98
(8) 14.31
(9) 15.105
(10) 10.75, 15.139, 15.140
r. 61.6 15.140
r. 61.7 9.72, 10.78, 10.80
( 4 ) 1 5 . 70
(5) 1 5 . 7 0
(b) 15.117 r.
61.8(1) 15.106
(4) 15.118
(5) 15.113
(7) 15.114
(8), (9) 15.54, 25.55
(10) 25.55
r. 61.9 10.77A
(2) 9.21
(5) 10.77A
r. 61.10 10.78, 14.17, 15.126, 25.55
(2). 25.55
r. 61.11 9.52, 9.72, 24.80, 24.82
(2), (3) 24.82
(4) 24.82
( 5 ) 9.68, 9.96, 24.87, 24.88
( 6 ) 9.52, 24.83
( 7 ) 2 4 . 83
( 8 ) 2 4 . 83
(9), (10) 24.93
(13), (14) 24.93
(15) 24.84
(18), (19) 24.93
r. 61.12 12.87, 15.62
r. 61.21(2A) 9.96
Part 62 13.47, 14.4, 25.46
r. 62.5 9.68, 9.72, 9.98, 9.103, 13.23, 16.11A
r. 62.10 13.1
r. 62.16 9.68, 9.72, 9.73, 9.98, 13.23, 25.8
r. 62.18 25.69
r. 62.20 25.69
r. 62.21 27.63
r. 62.58 9.98
Part 74 28.87
r. 74.1 27.52, 27.54
r. 74.11(3) 27.52
(5) 27.54
r. 74.15 27.16
r. 74.16 27.16
(2), (4) 27.23
Sch. 1 10.44, 25.67, 25.68
Collision Regulations and Distress Signals Order 1977 (S.I. No. 682) 26.142
Consular Relations (Merchant Shipping) (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)
(Revocation) Order 1999 (S.I. No. 1124) 12.155
Contracts (Applicable Law) Act 1990 (Amendment) Order 19 94 (S.I. No. 1900)
26.3, 26.85
Contracts (Applicable Law) Act 1990 (Amendment) Order 2000 (S.I. No. 1825)
26.3, 26.53, 26.85
County Court Remedies Regulations 1991 (S.I. No. 1222) —
Reg. 3(2) 16.1
County Court Rules 1981 (S.I. No. 1687) 9.2
Enterprise Act 2002 (Commencement No. 4 and Transitional Provisions and
Savings) Order 2003 ((S.I. No.2093) 17.32
European Economic Interest Grouping Regulations 1989 (S.I. No. 638) 23.24
Extraterritorial US Legislation (Sanctions against Cuba, Iran and Libya)
(Protection of Trading Interests) Order 1996 (S.I. No. 3171) 27.58
Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Law Applicable to Contracts of
Insurance) Regulations 2001 (S.I. No. 2635) 26.5, 26.90, 26.118
Fishing vessels (Life-Saving Appliances) (Amendment) Regulations 1998 (S.I. No.
927) 3.12
Friendly Societies (Amendment) Regulations 1993 (S.I. No. 2519) 26.90
Hovercraft (Application of Enactments) Order 1972 (S.I. No. 971) 2.1
Art. 8 2.46, 2.208
Hovercraft (Civil Liability) (Amendment) Order 1987 (S.I. No. 1835) 24.17,
Hovercraft (Civil Liability) Order 1986 (S.I. No. 1305) 24.17, 24.35
Art. 8 24.33
Hovercraft (Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims)
(Amendment) Order 1998 (S.I. No. 1257) 24.33
Insurance Companies (Amendment) Regula tions 1990 (S.I. No. 1333) 26.90
Insurance Companies (Amendment) Regulations 1993 (S.I. No. 174) 26.90
Insurance Companies (Third Insurance Directives) Regulations 1994 (S.I. No.
1696) 26.90
Judgment Debts (Rate of Interest) Order 1993 (S.I. No. 564) 25.37
Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Rate of Interest) (No. 3) Order 2002 (S.I. No.
1675) 25.37
Late Payment of Commercial Debts Regulations 2002 (S.I. No. 1674) 25.37
Limited Liability Partnerships Regulations 2001 (S.I. No. 1090) 17.32
Merchant Shipping Act 1979 (Overseas Territories) (Amendment) Order 1993
(S.I. No. 1786) 26.139
Merchant Shipping Act 1979 (Overseas Territories) Order 1989 (S.I. No. 2400)
26. 139
Merchant Shipping (Additional Safety Measures for Bulk Carriers) Regulations
1999 (S.I. No. 1644) 3.8
Merchant Shipping and Maritime Security Act 1997 (Commencement No. 2) Order
(S.I. No. 1539) 24.152
Merchant Shipping (Cargo Ship Construction) Regulations 1997 (S.I. No. 1509)
Merchant Shipping (Carriage of Cargoes) Regulations 1999 (S.I. No. 336) 3.8
Merchant Shipping (Control of Pollution) (SOLAS) Order 1998 (S.I. No. 1500)
Art. 2 3.8
Merchant Shipping (Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims)
(Amendment) Order 1998 (S.I. No. 1258) 3.8, 24.33, 24.43, 24.69
Merchant Shipping (Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims)
(Amendment) Order 2004 (S.I. No. 1273) 3.8, 24.33, 24.43, 24.69
Art. 2 3.8
Merchant Shipping (Dangerous or Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk)
(Amendment) Regulations 1998 (S.I. No. 1153) 20.55
Merchant Shipping (Dangerous or Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk)
(Amendment) Regulations 2004 (S.I. No. 930) 20.55
Merchant Shipping (Dangerous or Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk) Regulations
1996 (S.I. No. 3010) 20.55
Merchant Shipping (Distress Messages) Regulations 1998 (S.I. No. 1691) 3.8
Merchant Shipping (Distress Signals and Prevention of Collision) Regulations (S.I.
No. 75) 26.139, 26.140
Merchant Shipping and Fishing Vessels (Health and Safety at Work) Regulations
1997 (S.I. No. 2962) 3.10
Merchant Shipping and Fishing Vessels (Manual Handling Operations) Regulations
1998 (S.I. No. 2857) 3.12
Merchant Shipping and Fishing Vessels (Personal Protective Equipment)
Regulations 1999 (S.I. No. 2205) 3.10, 3.12
Merchant Shipping (Gas Carriers) Regulations (S.I. No. 2464) 20.55
Merchant Shipping (High Speed Craft) Regulations 1995 (S.I. No. 3188) 20.55
Merchant Shipping (High Speed Craft) Regulations 2004 (S.I. No. 302) 3.8,
26. 139
Merchant Shipping (Hours of Work) Amendment Regulations 2004 (S.I. No. 1469)
237. See MSA 1995 ss. 175–183; the 1996 and 1997 Orders set out in fns 230,
238. Section 175. Including expenses reasonably incurred and sacrifices
reasonably made (s.175 (4), (6)).
239. Section 175(7), (8).
240. Section 177(5). As to limitation of liability see Chapter 24.
241. This being three months after the requirements of the number of states (8) and
receipt of contributing cargo were met. As at commencement date the parties are
Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Norway and Spain.
242. Section 182B of the 1995 Act (inserted by s.14 of the 1997 Act). Any draft
Order must be approved by a resolution of each House of Parliament. Section 14 and
Sch. 3 (inserting Sch. 5A into the 1995 Act) came into force on 17 July 1997.
243. Article 46(1)—once in force, it will come into force for any new State Party
three months after the expression (Art. 46(2)). As to "contributing cargo" see infra. By
31 January 2005 the Convention had been ratified by Angola, Cyprus, Morocco,
Russian Federation and Tonga. By Decision of 18 November 2002 (OJ L337/55) by an
EU Council Decision Member States are directed to become parties if possible before
30 June 2008. As to the need for such a Decision see 3.17, 5.12.
244. See Arts 3, 4.
245. A r t i c l e 5 .
246. Articles 38, 39, 40.
247. Article 7. Other persons may be liable if acting intentionally or recklessly in
respect of the damage (see Art. 7(5)). Rights of recourse against third parties are not
affected (Art. 7(6)).
248. Articles 9, 11.
249. A rt ic le 1 0 .
250. Article 37(1)(3)(4).
251. A rt ic le 1 2 .
252. Articles 13 –36.
253. Articles 13, 14.
254. Article 37(2)(3)(4).
255. Articles 16 –22.
256. A rt ic le 2 3 .
257. Reference is made only to Administration of Justice Act 1956 when excluding
claims, but if no lien can arise it must follow that no action in rem can be brought.
258. Supreme Court of Judicature (Consolidation) Act 1925, s.22, repealing and
replacing the Maritime Conventions Act 1911, s.5. It would follow that the loss (e.g.)
flowing from damages done by a ship would be recoverable even if such a claim could
not fall within s.20(2)(f).
259. A ship is "equipment" for the purpose of deeming defects in it to be deemed
attributable to the "negligence" of the shipowner by virtue of the Employers’ Liability
(Defective Equipment) Act 1969. So where a seaman who suffers injury or loss of life
due to the unseaworthiness of the ship the owner is liable in negligence (The
Derbyshire [1988] A.C. 276; [1988] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 109 (H.L.)).
260. See e.g. The Kwasind (1915) 84 L.J.P. 102—commenting on the Maritime
Conventions Act 1911, s.5 (repealed and replaced in similar language by the Supreme
Court of Judicature (Consolidation) Act 1925, s.22).
261. It was held in 1925 in The Moliere [1925] P. 27 that a claim for indemnity for
compensation paid under statutory obligation in respect of loss of life was not within
Admiralty jurisdiction.
262. As amended by the Administration of Justice Act 1982. The Act applies to
foreign vessels on the high seas whether the deceased is British or foreign ( The Esso
Malaysia [1974] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 143).
263. The phrase being adopted from the Fatal Accidents Act 1976 and including
breach of contractual liability under the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957 (see e.g. The
Eagle [1977] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 70).
264. As in the Merchant Shipping Acts 1894 and 1995 "master" includes every
person (except a pilot) having command or charge of a ship (1995 Act, s.313(1)).
265. [1897] A.C. 97.
266. See (in support) the construction of "any claim" in para. (h) in The St
Elefterio [1957] P. 179.
267. [1982] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 397. Since the Salvage and Pollution Act 1994 there is
no need to attempt to apply non-salvage bases to a clearly salvage claim —the claim in
the Tesaba is within the statutory definition (now contained in the Merchant Shipping
Act 1995—see 2.208).
268. It may just be arguable that waiver of the lien because of the defendant’s acts
could amount to loss—but it does not appear that this was the case in The Tesaba
[1982] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 397.
269. [1976] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 1.
270. It was conceded before Brandon J. that the cargo owners’ claim fell within
para. (g) but the concession was withdrawn before the Court of Appeal. As to the
meaning of "in connection with a ship", see further 10.25.
271. As to which, see supra .
272. [1974] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 188, at p. 194. No appeal was brought from this part of
the decision.
273. (1883) 12 Q.B.D. 115.
274. The term used in the Arrest Convention 1952 (para. 1(f)) is "baggage" —in the
1999 Convention it changed to "luggage" (para. 2(h)).
275. This leaves open the question of cause and consequence. So while damages
for delay or loss of profit may be recoverable , indemnity for pollution liability may not.
(See The Jade [1976] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 81, at p. 85.) Such liability, it may be argued, is
hardly the result of damage to goods unless caused by the goods. To say that the
provision does not include a claim for ind emnity (Thomas, Maritime Liens, para. 183)
seems too wide when basing that assertion on the exclusion of the pollution indemnity in
The Jade.
276. Convention Relating to the Arrest of Sea Going Ships 1952, Art. 1(d) and (e)
which read "ww(d) agreement relating to the use or hire of any ship whether by
charterparty or otherwise; (e) agreement relating to the carriage of goods in any ship
whether by charterparty or otherwise." (Convention 1999, paras 1(f)(g) —para. (f) also
including carriage of passengers.) For full text see Appendix 3.
277. Admiralty Court Act 1861, s.6. It was confined also to carriage into England
or Wales and cases where the owners were not domiciled in England or Wales. The
Administration of Justice Act 1920 enacted the provisions later appearing as s.22(1)(a)
(xii) of the Supreme Court of Judicature (Consolidation) Act 1925. The County Courts
Admiralty Jurisdiction Amendment Act 1869, s.2, conferred jurisdiction on a county
court with Admiralty jurisdiction in relation to "any claim arising out of any agreement
made in relation to the use or hire of any ship" and the early authorities on the scope of
para. (g) are those construing this clause. County court Admiralty jurisdiction was
removed in respect of proceedings commenced or transferred on or after 26 April 1999
(Civil Courts (Amendment (No. 2) Order 1999 (SI 1999/10 11)). For prior jurisdiction
see Chapters 9, 10.
278. Which includes claims based on contract or tort ( The St Elefterio [1957] P.
179, at p. 183).
279. The Nuova Raffealina (1871) L.R. 3 A. & E. 483.
280. The Antonis P. Lemos [1985] A.C. 711; [1985] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 283 (H.L.).
281. [1974] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 188, at p. 195.
282. The Alina (1880) L.R. 5 Ex.D. 227 settles the question —in favour of
inclusion of the claim. In The Jade, Brandon J. rejected a contention that the provision
was limited to agreements similar to charterparties (see [1974] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 188, at
p. 196).
283. [1976] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 1, at p. 8. See also in Court of Appeal [1976] 1
Lloyd’s Rep. 81, at p. 86 (Cairns L.J.). Compare the restrictive approach in The
Bumbesti [1999] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 481 relating to arbitration awards applying The Beldis,
a C.A. decision concerned with county court jurisdiction ( see infra "Claims on
arbitration awards").
284. Per Sir Gordon Willmer [1976] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 81, at p. 93.
285. Or that the claimant must be the user of the ship. See Kuzma Gridash 2001
HKEC 929 (Hong Kong).
286. See infra "Claims on arbitration awards".
287. [1985] A.C. 711; [1985] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 283.
288. Applied in actions by cargo owners against shipowners where there is no
contractual relationship: The Hamburg Star [1994] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 399.
289. [1985] A.C. 255; [1985] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 181.
290. Lord Wilberforce placed emphasis on the travaux preparatoire of the Arrest
Convention. In The Antonis P. Lemos Lord Brandon distinguished The Sandrina
primarily on the ground that in the Convention "arising out of" applied to all claims and
the wide reading only would make sense of the phrase in that context. The reasoning
remains relevant to the 1999 Convention.
291. [1980] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 403. The jurisdiction provisions applicable to
Scotland are set out in the Administration of Justice Act 1956, s.47 ( see Appendix 1)
and are based more closely on the Arrest Convention than those applicable to England
and Wales. The provisions equivalent to para. (h) applicable to England are s.47(2)(d )
and (e) each worded identically to the Arrest Convention (as to which, see Appendix
292. They also fell outside the concept of necessaries in Scotland —they also were
excluded in England (The Andre Theodore (1904) 10 Asp. M.L.C. 94).
293. [1992] 1 Q.B. 571; [1991] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 169.
294. Unlike a claim for demurrage in a charterparty where the demurrage
provisions are in a c.i.f. contract: The Maersk Nimrod. In holding that a demurrage
claim was not a carriage claim or one based on the use of a shi p, Phillips J. held
himself bound by The Zeus (1888) 13 P.D. 188, approved in The Sandrina.
295. [1983] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 63.
296. Containers supplied to a shipowner for use on his ships without naming the
ships and so used are not goods supplied for the operation of a ship—a perhaps even
more commercially unrealistic decision ( see (i) infra).
297. [1982] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 397.
298. At p . 4 0 1 .
299. So a claim for wrongful detention of goods carried is within the phrase: The
Gina [1980] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 398. See also The Samarkand (1996) LMLN 444 (C.A. of
New Zealand) (negligent misrepresentation to subcharterers of cargo capacity).
300. See The Jade [1976] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 1, at p. 8 (H.L.) and supra fn. 250. In
The Zeus (1886) 6 Asp. M.L.C. 312 an agreement to deliver coal entered into pursuant
to a charterparty between the charterers and a coal merchant was held not to be an
agreement relating to the use of a ship —and there can be little argument with the
301.The Alina (1880) L.R. 5 Ex.D. 227. Including a part of a ship (a slot
charterer) (The Tychy [1999] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 11) but as regards all charterers only in
respect of liabilities incurred during the period of the charter ( see Supreme Court Act,
s.21(4); The "Faial" [2000] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 473). See generally Chapter 10.
302.The Stella Nova [1981] Comm.L.R. 200.
303.The Conoco Britannia [1972] 2 Q.B. 543; The Isca (1886) 12 P.D. 34.
304.The Jade [1976] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 1. But see The Tesaba (infra).
305.Pugsley & Co. v. Ropkins & Co. [1892] 2 Q.B. 184—although it is not clear
which branch of the provision (carriage or hire) was thought to apply.
306.The Queen of the South [1968] P. 449.
307.The Jade [1976] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 81, at p. 86 (Cairns L.J.).
308. [1995] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 54.
309. As will a contract for part of a ship (e.g. a slot charterer). See The Tychy
[1999] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 11, at p. 14 (C.A.) and 10.38 to 10.40.
310. As to salvage claims as a separate category, see infra.
311. I.e. owners to use their best endeavours to ensure that cargo owners provide
security (see Clause 4(d) of LOF 1995 —in LOF 2000 the obligation is generally not to
release any of the property salved until security is provided (Clause 4.6)).
312. [1982] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 397, at p. 401.
313. [1972] 2 Q.B. 543. See also The Isca (1886) 12 P.D. 34 (decided under
the provisions of the County Courts Admiralty Jurisdiction Amendment Act 1869, s.2).
314. [1968] P. 449.
315. In The Tesaba [1982] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 397 the purpose of issuing the
writ in rem appeared to obtain security as the dispute had already been submitted to
arbitration —as to which see Chapters 13 and 15.
316. The matter may be rendered less relevant by the extension in 1994 of
the "salvage" head of jurisdiction (see (f) supra).
317. See further Chapter 13 and generally Mustill and Boyd Commercial
Arbitration (3rd edn), Butterworth 1999, Chapter 28.
318. [1936] P. 51.
319. [1933] 1 K.B. 753.
320. [1983] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 637.
321. [1981] Com. L.R. 200.
322. [1999] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 481.
323. This is in effect the converse view to that expressed in The Beldis—
that it would be wrong to assert jurisdiction "merely because the arbitration was held
pursuant to an arbitration clause in a charterparty . . . "—but surely that is to
subordinate the substantive contract to the arbitration agreement, whereas the
agreement can only be seen in the context of the substantive contract.
324. Insurance claims are included as maritime claims in the Ar rest
Convention 1999 (see supra and Chapter 15).
325. The substance of a salvage claim is considered in relation to claims
attracting a maritime lien. See supra.
326. Section 1(6), Sch. 2, para. 6, substituting new text in the Supreme Court
Act 1981, ss.20(2)(j), (6). Scottish and county court jurisdiction was similarly
amended (Sch. 2, paras 4, 7) but as to county courts, see 9.99. The 1994 Act was
repealed and consolidated with other Merchant Shipping Acts into the Merchant
Shipping Act 1995 (in force on 1 January 1996).
327. Supreme Court Act 1981, s.20(6). It is also extended to aircraft
(ibid., ss.20(2)(j) and 20(6)).
328. As to which, see supra .
329. Supreme Court Act 1981, s.20(7)(b). Salvage jurisdiction is extended
to hovercraft (Hovercraft Act 1968, ss.1 and 2 (as amended by the Supreme Court Act
1981, s.152(i), Sch. 5); the Hovercraft (Application of Enactments) Order 1972, Art. 8).
330. As to which, see supra .
331. See [1974] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 188, at p. 196; [1976] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 81,
at pp. 85, 93. In the House of Lords the plaintiffs appear not to have relied on this
332. [1982] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 397.
333. For a suggestion that the provision is "confined to a salvage award
arising from beneficial service" see Thomas Maritime Liens, op. cit., paras 251, 252.
But this
seems to ignore the link between the legislation and the Arrest Convention (simply
""salvag"’) and to be unnecessarily restricted. As to the Arrest Convention 1999, see
334. See supra, pp. 27–32.
335. As to which see supra"‘maritime lien claim"’. Apportionment between
salvors is provided for in Art. 15.
336. Or a corresponding claim in connection with an aircraft under the Civil
Aviation Act 1982, s.87 (providing for salvage services by or to aircraft in or over the
sea) (s.20(3) as substituted by the 1994 Act, Sch. 2, pa ra. 6(3)). The Arrest Convention
provides (in para. 1(c)) "salvage operations, or any salvage agreement including, if
applicable, special compensation relating to salvage operations in respect of a ship
which by itself or its cargo threatened damage to the environment" (the inclusion
referring directly to Art. 14 of the Salvage Convention 1989). The difference in wording
does not seem to reflect any difference in substance.
337. Supreme Court Act, s.20(6), as substituted by the M erchant Shipping (Salvage
and Pollution) Act 1994, Sch. 2, para. 6(3). The provisions of the Merchant Shipping
Act 1894 relating to life salvage and coastal salvage (ss.544, 545, 546) ceased to have
effect (ibid., Sch. 2, para. 1(2)). As from 1 January 199 6 the reference to the 1994 Act,
s.1, in the Supreme Court Act 1981, s.20(6)(a) became a reference to the Merchant
Shipping Act 1995, s.224 (1995 Act, Sch. 13, para. 59(2)).
338. See the definition of a salvage claim in the Civil Procedure Rules (n. 333b) .
339. By the Civil Procedure Rules a salvage claim must be started in the Admiralty
Court. Such a claim is defined as one in the nature of salvage, for special compensation
because of environmental factors (as to which see fn. 336), or for apportionment or
"arising out of or connected with" any contract for salvage services (CPR 61.1, 2).
340. S e e 2 . 4 5 .
341. Or aircraft while water-borne (ibid., s.24(1)). The equivalent reference in the
Arrest Convention 1952 (para. 1(1)(i)) and 1999 (para. 1(1)(j)) is simply to "towage" .
342. It is uncertain whether the Admiralty Court had jurisdiction in towage prior to
the Admiralty Court Act 1840, but accepting that there is no maritime lien, nothing turns
on this. For an award for towage prior to 1840, see The Isabella (1838) 3 Hag.Adm.
427. As to possibility of such a claim attracting a maritime lien, see supra, 2.112.
343. The Princess Alice (1849) 3 W. Rob. 138, at p. 140.
344. The Hjemmet (1880) 5 P.D. 227.
345. [1962] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 146. In The Conoco Britannia [1972] 2 Q.B. 543 it
was argued that the provision covered a claim for indemnity under a towage contract for
loss flowing from a collision between a tug supplied by the plaintiffs and the ship to
which it was rendering towage service. Brandon J. decided that the claim fell within the
provision concerning hire of a ship and made no finding on this point.
346. Or aircraft while water-borne (ibid., s.24(1)). The Arrest Conventions 1952,
1999 provide simply for "pilotage"—paras 1(1)(j), 1(k).
347. See The Nelson (1805) 7 C. Rob. 227; The Bee (1822) 2 Dods. 498; The
Eliza (1833) 3 Hag.Adm. 87; The General Palmer (1828) 2 Hag.Adm. 176. As to
uncertainty of a pilotage claim attracting a maritime lien, see supra. Harbour authorities
may recover pilotage charges for provision of pilotage services "as a civil debt or in
any other manner by which ship passengers and goods dues are recoverable by th e
authority": Pilotage Act 1987, s.10(9).
348. The equivalent Arrest Convention 1952 provision is "goods or materials
wherever supplied to a ship for her operation or maintenance" (Art. 1(k)). The
Australian legislation adds "services" to "goods and materials". In The Bass Reefer
[1992] LMLN 335 the Federal Court thought there was a strong argument that a purely
berthing agreement was within the meaning of "services". The Arrest Convention 1999
(para. 1(1)) is more elaborate—"goods, materials, provisions, bunkers, equipment
(including containers) supplied or services rendered to the ship for its operation,
management, preservation or maintenance".
349. Jurisdiction over necessaries was, with restric tions, conferred on the
Admiralty Court by the Admiralty Court Act 1840, s.6, and extended by the Act of 1861,
s.5. Jurisdiction over claims for ship repair, building and equipping was conferred in
addition by the Act of 1861, s.4, where a ship or proceeds were under arrest. The
Supreme Court of Judicature (Consolidation) Act 1925, s.22(1)(2)(i), (vii) and (x)
reflected the jurisdiction as extended. In The Queen of the South [1968] 1 Lloyd’s Rep.
182 Brandon J. suggested that the jurisdiction regarding nece ssaries under the latter Act
was preserved through the "sweeping up" provision of the Administration of Justice Act
1956. As to this argument, see supra. Necessaries are connected with masters’
disbursements which operated on similar principles. As to disb ursements, see s.20(2)
(p) of the Supreme Court Act 1981 and infra. As to the need for liability in personam of
the owner for an action in rem to lie, see Chapter 10 and infra.
350. Old habits sometimes continue. See the claims for necessaries in The
Carmania II [1963] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 152; The Queen of the South [1968] 1 Lloyd’s Rep.
351. The Fairport (No. 5) [1967] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 162—applying the reasoning
applied to necessaries in The Mogileff[1921] P. 236.
352. The Kommunar [1997] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 1. Clarke J. referred to a number of
authorities on necessaries. Although he thought none conclusive, he also thought none
indicated that under the previous law such a claim would not be within the concept.
353. The Edinburgh Castle [1999] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 362; The "Nore Challenger"
and "Nore Commander" [2001] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 103.
354. Cf. Halsbury’s Laws, 4th edn, para. 337.
355. [1968] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 182, at p. 189—where it was argued that the rendering
of mooring services through the provision of motor boats was a supply of materials.
Brandon J. limited his comment to the context of the case before him.
356. [1988] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 193 (H.L.), applied in construing para. (i) in The
Lloyd Pacifico [1995] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 54 (see supra).
357. For a similar approach in the United States see Itel Containers Corpn v.
Atlantrafik Express Service Ltd, USCA 2nd Circuit [1992] LMLN 345. For a wholly
different approach based on "equitable" maritime jurisdiction in Ca nada, see The
Nikolay Golanov [1994] LMLN 391. For a critique of the US approach see [1994]
Tulane Journal of Maritime Law 33 (Borchens).
358. It is to be hoped that the change in the 1999 Convention to "the" ship (a
change made in respect of many of the heads of claim) does not herald the need for
particularisation of one (or each) of a fleet of ships.
359. See The Sandrina [1985] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 181 per Lord Wilberforce (at p.
183). The criticism of focusing on domestic precedents rather than the Convention ( see
[2004] LMCLQ at p. 155) with respect ignores the origin of the Convention.
360. There must be at least an argument that the identity of a particular ship goes
more to the action in rem (i.e. s.21) than Admiralty jurisdiction—although whether an
action in personam is within or outside that jurisdiction in a contract case may not be of
the greatest importance. The argument in the text is against the need for identification of
a particular ship for the supply prior to the supply itself.
361. As to the present connection of liability in personam and action in rem, see
Chapter 10.
362. See Chapter 23.
363. See Chapter 10.
364. Article 1(l). Port dues attract a maritime lien un der the Conventions on
Mortgages and Liens 1926, 1967 and 1993 ( see Chapter 17). In the 1999 Arrest
Convention the heading is divided—"construction, reconstruction, repair, converting or
equipping of the ship" (para. 1(m)); "port, canal, dock, harbour and other waterway
dues and charges" (para. 1(n)).
365. The general statutory power of distraint for such dues (Harbour, Docks and
Piers Clauses Act 1847, s.44) is under the Harbour Act 1964, ss.26, 57(1) for charges "
. . . for entering, using or leaving the harbour". That does not extend to charges for
additional or optional services, such as mooring The Winnie Rigg [1998] 2 Lloyd’s
Rep. 675.
366. See, for treaty requirements of notice to the appropriate consul of arres t of a
foreign ship, CPR 61.5(5), (6) (considered in Chapter 15). The Supreme Court Act
provides only that ss.21–23 do not limit jurisdiction not to hear claims by masters or
crew of a non-British ship (see s.24(2)(a)).
367. Offices made expressly wider in the 1999 Convention, para. 1(1)(o)—"wages
and other sums due to the master, officers and other members of ship’s complement in
respect of their employment on the ship, costs of repatriation and social insurance
contributions payable on their behalf"—it is hopefully not arguable that this phraseology
introduces a limitation to sums earned on board the ship (as to which see "maritime
liens" supra).
368. Supreme Court Act 1981, s.20(1)(b). See infra. Section 20(7) retains any
limitation on the recovery of "money or property" specified in the Merchant Shipping
Act 1995. Compare the wording of the equivalent provision of the Administration of
Justice Act 1956, s.1(1)(o) of which reads: "( o) any claim by a master or member of the
crew of a ship for wages and any claim by or in respect of a master or member of the
crew of a ship for any money or property which, under any of the provisions of the
Merchant Shipping Acts, 1894 to 1954, is recoverable as wages or in the court and in
the manner in which wages may be recovered."
369. Defined in the Supreme Court Act (s.24(1)) as under the Merchant Shipping
Act 1995.
370. The Silia [1981] LMLN 36.
371. See fn. 359. Any argument as to possible restriction of jurisdiction by the Act
of 1981 is met by the sweeping up provision —as to which, see supra.
372. Supreme Court Act 1981, s.20(1)(b) and (3)(a).
373. S e e s . 4 5 .
374. See ibid., ss.73–75.
375. Ibid., s.37. By this provision the person to whom the wag es are allotted has
the right to recover in his or her own name and "the same remedies as the seaman has
for the recovery of his wages" .
376. CPR 61.2(1)(iv) replacing (as, in the 1981 Act) "any application under the
Merchant Shipping Act 1995" (49F P.D. 1.5(d)).
377. See para. 2.8.
378. Simplified in the 1999 Convention to read "disbursements incurred on behalf
of the ship or its owners".
379. Bain Clarkson v. Owners of the Ship "Sea Friends" [1991] 2 Lloyd’s Rep.
322 (C.A.) disagreeing with a Hong Kong decision ( Clifford Chance v. Owners of the
Vessel "Atlantic Trader") that legal fees came within this provision.
380. The Lloyd Pacifico [1995] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 54 (as to which see supra). See
also Doris v. The Ship Ferdinand (Can. Fed. Court) LMLN 498 (not including
disbursements as director for the general administration of a holding company, with 12
subsidiary companies each owning a floating home). But a head of claim under the 1999
Arrest Convention (para. 1(v)) is "any commission, brokerages or agency fees payable
in respect of the ship by or on behalf of the shipowner or demise charterer".
381. The Westport (No. 3) [1966] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 342. Agent probably includes
"managing agent"—not being restricted to ship’s agent (The Cocona Energy 1977 folio
No. 174, cited in Bain Clarkson v. Owners of the Ship "Sea Friends" (supra)).
382. Article 1(1)(g) (and also in the 1999 Convention (Art. 1(i)). This type of
claim attracts a maritime lien under the Convention on Mortgages and Liens 1926 and
1967 (as to which, see Chapter 18).
383. Marine Insurance Act 1906, s.66(2).
384. Cf. General Average and York-Antwerp Rules, Lowndes and Rudolph, 12th
edn, 1997.
385. Marine insurance claims for premiums are not of themselves within Admiralty
jurisdiction nor within the Arrest Convention 1952 but may fall within it if brought
under any of the heads of the Supreme Court Act 1981, s.20. Cf. supra. The Arrest
Convention (1999) includes such claims ( para. 1(q)). See Chapter 15.
386. Presumably an action might lie against a bondholder or, possibly, against a
borrower on some matter arising from the bond other than the liability to repay.
387. As to possible confusion between in rem jurisdiction and Admiralty
jurisdiction see supra.
388. See the Supreme Court Act 1981, s.22(2) –(7); CPR 61.4(7). A claim form
may be served out of England only in such actions and with the permission of the court
(CPR 61.4(7)). For comment see Chapter 9.
389. For examples, see applications in connection with transfers of ships —a
person with a proprietary interest in a ship may apply for an order prohibiting for a
specified time any dealing in a ship (Merchant Shipping Act 1995, Sch. 1, paras 2, 6).
This is a substantive right not limited to the jurisdiction of the court (such as to
transmission transfer and sale of ships) to which the preceding paragraphs of the
Schedule apply: The Mikado [1992] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 163 (construing s.30 of the
Merchant Shipping Act 1894) (see supra). Section 55 of the Merchant Shipping Act
1894 applications under which were excluded from s.20(3)(a) was repealed by the
Merchant Shipping Act 1988, Sch. 1, para. 32.
390. See RSC Ord. 75, r. 1, CPR 49 F PD 1.5, 1.6. The plaintiff selects the
appropriate Division for his claims but the proceedings may be transferred (Supreme
Court Act 1981, ss.64, 65, 49 F PD 1.7, 1.8).
391. See 2.222, 2.224 for discussion of its application to claims for recovery of
money, wages or property.
392. 6 1.2(i), (iv).
393. See further Chapters 9, 10.
394. RSC Ord. 75, r. 2(1).
395. 6 1 . 2 (1 )( b ).
396. 61.2(1)(c). As to restriction on service of the claim form out of England see
Chapters 9, 24.
Part II
personisthebeneficialownerasrespectsallthesharesin it.”Theprovisionsdonotdefinean"actioninrem"anymorethansection21(1)
defines an action in personam. But in varying degrees the provisions indicate the assets
(ship or property) in relation to which the action may be brought and the connection (if
any) which there must be between the asset and the person liable in personam.2 The
claims are examined in Ch apter 2. Admiralty Claims Excluded from "in Rem"
Jurisdiction? The Admiralty claim excluded from "in rem " jurisdiction
10.3 The only claim specified in section 20(2) as within Admiralty jurisdiction but
not included within the in rem jurisdiction by section 21 is section 20(2)(d) —"damage
received by a ship". Such a claim would in many cases also fall within other categories —
(such as, for example, damage done by a ship). It does not appear in the Arrest
Convention 1952 or 1999. The claim based on "damage received" was included in the
Administration of Justice Act 1956 in the list of those claims enforceable by an action
in rem but, in 1976, in The Jade, the House of Lords intimated that it was wrongly
included. The basis of that opinion was the requirement that (in common with the claims
now listed in paragraphs (e)–(r) the claim arose "in connection with a ship". That
requirement was said to refer to the ship in relation to which the action in rem was
brought—the ship subject to arrest. It followed that claims based on "damage received
by a ship" referred to the plaintiff’s ship. As a plaintiff could not arrest his own ship, no
action in rem would lie.
10.4 In discussing the claim in Chapter 2 it is pointed out that if the sweeping up
clause encompasses in rem jurisdiction the omission of the claim from the 1981 Act is
of no effect. It may be, however, that its non -inclusion in either the Arrest Convention
1952 or 1999 is a factor pointing to its appropriate exclusion. It may be argued that the
"maritime" content of such a claim may not of itself justify it being considered as
enforceable by an action in rem the damage is caused by a maritime activity. Wheth er
this be so, it seems unfortunate that its rejection was based on the construction of the
need for a claim to be "in connection with a ship" as referring only to the defendant’s
ship. The requirement is discussed infra. The “sweeping up” clause (section 20(1)(c))
10.5 Following the specification of claims within Admiralty jurisdiction the
Supreme Court Act 1981, section 20(1)(c), provides that within that jurisdiction of the
High Court there shall be "any other Admiralty jurisdiction which it had immediat ely
before the commencement of this Act". The scope of this provision was considered in
Chapter 2 in the examination of "maritime claims" and further reference is made to it
after discussion of the nature and development of the action in rem. 2. The Nature of
the Action “in Rem” The action in rem, lien and arrest
10.6 These three aspects of enforcing a maritime claim have not always been
separated, particularly as the bringing of the action in rem (i) may either enforce a lien
(a maritime lien) or create one (a statutory lien) and (ii) creates the foundation for arrest
of the property. To analyse and discuss development of the enforcement of maritime
claims it is, however, essential to keep the connected strands distinct. The li en reflects
the interest to be enforced, the action in rem is the method of enforcement and arrest a
powerful measure of interim relief. 3 The relationship of action in rem and the lien is
discussed in Chapter 17 and arrest and alternative security in Chapt er 15. Consideration
of the action in rem must take place in its historical context —to appreciate both to its
current nature and to form the background for future development. Historical
development of the action in rem
10.7 The phraseology of the statute continues to use the expression of "against the
ship or property . . . " arguably reflecting the fiction built up over the years that the
defendant was the ship or property —the "personification" theory. That theory was
opposed by the view that the action in rem was procedural. Personification
10.8 The personification school (followed in the United States and Canada) looks
on the action in rem as an action against "res" (usually the ship) as the defendant. It
followed that the action is indepen dent of any action against the owner and that it is
based on a substantive claim against the thing. Price 4 and Herbert 5 see the availability
of an action in rem independent of a maritime lien as a consequence of the procedural
view. But this is so only if the action in rem itself is seen as procedural and substantive
effects limited to the maritime lien. In effect, it is an argument which depends for its
validity on the assumption that once the "action in rem" spread outside the "maritime
lien" it somehow changed its character. It therefore begs the question of procedure or
substance through an assumption that a change in character flowed from a wider scope.
But, in reality, the question of the nature of the action remains.
10.9 There are eighteenth century (and earlier) cases stressing the liability of the
ship as distinct from the owners. 6 So the maritime lien may not simply have developed
from the weapon of arrest used to get at the defendant but may have been attached to
substantive rights which in The Bold Buccleugh were brought together into a legal
group. On this view the lien is not the consequence of arrest but rather the continued
acceptance of a substantive right enforced by arrest and sale. In a sense, the arrest is
procedural but it is so because it is attached to a substantive right. The procedural view
10.10 According to this approach (followed in part by English courts) the action in
rem was procedural in origin. Its purpose was to persuade a defendant to appear and
one powerful weapon was the seizure of his assets. The view is exemplified by the
judgment in 1892 in The Dictator7 in which Jeune J. held that shipowners were liable
for the full salvage award once they had appeared in an action in rem even though bail
of less value had been accepted. The judge made it clear that the basis of liability was
liability for the full amount found due, rather than any principle based on the ability of
claim up to the full value of the ship if the bail lodged was less than that value. 8
10.11 The judgment started from the proposition that in the eighteenth century
courts of common law, in considering limitations on Admiralty jurisdiction through
writs of prohibition on proceedings, distinguished between actions based on
jurisdiction over a res and jurisdiction over individuals being concerned with
jurisdiction over individuals. So jurisdiction over a res would not fall within the scope
of such a writ. Secondly, said Jeune J., Admiralty did not regard the action in rem as a
"special form of action" but looked upon arrest of personal property as a means of
obtaining bail for satisfaction of a judgment. The distinction between "in rem" and "in
personam" turned on whether goods or person was arrested. Thirdly, arrest of the
person had become obsolete by the end of the eighteenth century and, finally, the
limitation that the property arrested was that in regard to which a claim was made,
became established "as the idea of a pre -existing maritime lien developed". As a result,
said Jeune J., arrest became the distinctive feature of the action in rem. In supporting
this approach, it has been said the maritime lien is "a later outgrowth from the practice
of arrest" .9
10.12 This historical doctrine is supported by Marsden 10 and Roscoe11 who both
stressed that in early Admiralty practice actions would be started by arrest of the debtor
or of his goods. In 1935 in The Beldis12 the Court of Appeal rejected a contention that
arrest was not restricted to the property in connectio n with the claim, primarily on the
ground that such restriction was clearly accepted by 1851 (in The Bold Buccleugh).13
The court accepted the accounts of Marsden and Roscoe and emphasised that in all
probability arrest was a procedure to provide security (as Marsden said) and in turn
provided a jurisdictional ground in the struggle between Admiralty and common law
courts. Roscoe had argued that the prohibitions issued by common law courts in respect
of actions against individuals encouraged the development of proceedings "in rem",
with which the common law courts had nothing to do. A third view—suggested origin
of Admiralty liens in hypothec and deodand
10.13 Holmes J. attempted to trace the origins of the liens insofar as they were
contractual to the Roman law of hypothec and insofar as they were tortious (i.e.
collision) to a responsibility of the thing for the harm analogous to the old English idea
of deodand. Under this theory the "thing" doing the harm is delivered up. The histor ical
evidence to support this third view is slight, but by the middle of the nineteenth century,
the language of the hypothec was being used to describe the lien in maritime law 14 and
to distinguish if from the possessory lien of common law. The relevance of the three
10.14 The three views are of relevance today not only because, according to their
protagonists, they reflect the development of the action in rem, but because each view
has certain consequences as to enforceability and liability flowing from it. In particular
they are relevant to the issue of whether the whole edifice of action in rem, arrest and
lien is simply a matter of procedure or whether the act ion in rem and arrest are, with
judicial sale, methods of enforcement of either a maritime or statutory lien. The current
nature of the action in rem
10.15 In 1997 the House of Lords took a large step in recognising reality in
analysing the action in rem.15 The House held that where on a foreign judgment in an
action in personam had been given in favour of a party, any further action in rem on the
same matter was prohibited by section 34 of the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act
1982. By that provision
"No proceedings may be brought by a person in England and Wales or Northern
Ireland on a cause of action in respect of which a judgment has been given in his favour
in proceedings between the same parties, or their privies, by a court in another part of
the United Kingdom or in a court of an overseas country, unless their judgment is not
enforceable or entitled to recognition in England or Wales or, as the case may be, in
Northern Ireland."
In the view of the House an action in rem in relation to a ship was in substance an
action against the shipowner. Therefore where a claimant had obtained judgment in a
foreign court in respect of a cause of action it could not bring further proceedings as
regards further asserted damage involving the same cause of action. 16 An essential issue
in the proceedings in 1997 was whether the action in rem was the same cause of action
as theaction in personam.17 The House held that it was the same and hence prohibited
by the statutory provision.
10.16 In reviewing the development of the action in rem Lord Steyn referred to the
use of "personification" of the ship by the Admiralty Court to protect its jurisdiction,
and the increasing dominance of the procedural theory after the Judicature Acts. 18 While
generally supporting the procedural approach, Lord Steyn acknowledged that it failed to
explain how some maritime liens could be enforced against an owner and bona fide
purchaser despite the lack of personal liability in an owner. 19 But there the matter was
left as the case before the House was not concerned with maritime liens. 20 Whatever
inconsistencies there were did not affect the general conclusion that in reality an action
in rem was against the owner, and not the ship. 21 It is that conclusion which is to be
emphasised in the examination of the nature of the action in rem. The relationship
between that action and the lien (a matter directly linked with the nature and role of the
action in rem) is discussed in the context of liens ( see Chapter 17). “Property” subject
to the action in rem
10.17 The action lies in relation to a ship or (in respect of section 21(2), (3))
"other property" either to create or enforce the lien which attaches to the ship or other
property. It follows that it is such property that may be arrested.
10.18 Property falling within that subject to a lien (and in particular that which
forms or remains part of a ship) and therefore to an action in rem and arrest is discussed
in Chapters 15, 18 and 19. 22 The property subject to an action in rem and arrest is
identified in kind by that subject to the applicable lien but its value (and even its nature)
may change during the enforcement process. So a ship may be damaged or almost
destroyed. Anomalously it has been hel d that property of the shipowner aboard the ship
(in the particular case, bunkers) were available for arrest and form part of any fund
available to the "in rem" creditors. 23 But there is a fundamental difficulty in the
availability of property not initially subject to a lien to enforce that lien ( see Chapter
3. Claims for Which Action "in Rem" Is Available under Section 21(2)-(4)
10.19 The conditions relevant to bringing an action in rem vary according to
whether the claim (i) attracts a maritime lien or (ii) falls within section 21(1 )(e) –(r) or
(iii) section 2 1(a), (b), (c) or (s). (i) Maritime Liens (Section 21(3))
10.20 The claims to which a maritime lien is attached are examined in Chapter 2.
As has been said, they are well established and unlikely to be judicially extended. The
claims are:
(1) Bottomry and respondentia
(2) Damage done by a ship
(3) Salvage
(4) Seamen’s and masters’ wages
(5) Masters’ disbursements.
All such claims, save respondentia, fall within section 20(2)(e) –(r) and are
enforceable by action in rem as maritime liens or by an action in rem under the
framework of section 2 1(4). The action in rem enforcing a claim as a maritime lien
under section 2 1(3) is against the "ship or other property" in which there is a maritime
lien. To be enforceable under section 21(4) the claim must be in connection with a ship,
and against a ship, and there must be a required contact between ship and the person
liable in personam. However, there may be an action in relation to a ship other than that
directly concerned (see infra).
10.21 The general restriction of arrest to "one ship for one claim" (now enshrined
in respect of section 21(4) in section 21(8)) would prevent the use of both methods in
enforcement of the same claim against more than one ship. There may be no action in
relation to a ship not directly concerned. The concept of maritime lien
10.22 The Supreme Court Act 1981 does not define the maritime lien. It does not
specify the claims which attract it and, apart from limiting its force to the asset to which
it may attach, ignores its characteristics. There is no specific indication of the
"property" apart from ships to which it may attach, nor of the conditions of its
attachment and there is no reference to any link with liability in personam. To discover
the effect of section 21(3), therefore, recourse must be had to judicial definition and
development. The characteristics of the maritime lien are discussed in Chapter 18. "Or
other charge"
10.23 As is said in Chapter 2, the phrase has been judicially declared to
encompass only (in English law) any statutory charge equated to a maritime lien or (in
foreign law) a charge amounting to an English maritime lien. 24 (ii) In Relation to
Claims within Section 20(2) (e)-(r)
10.24 The action may be brought under section 21(4) against either the particular
ship creating the claim or (in broad terms) a "sister ship". Although in respect of any
claim any number of claim forms may be issued or any number of ships named in one
claim form, one ship only may be served with a claim form or arrested in respect of on e
claim.25 There are a number of prerequisites for bringing the action. A Against the
particular ship
10.25 The claim must arise "in connection with a ship" . The provision may be
read simply as restricting the jurisdiction to "ship" claims, i.e. excluding the other
"property" referred to in section 21(2) and (3). 26 As indicated in the discussion of
"damage received by a ship" it may restrict claims to the ship in relation to which
claims arise (as in relation to claims for ownership, possession or mortgage). 27 If the
latter construction is correct, as in The Jade,28 an owner cannot bring an action in rem
in relation to damage received by his ship, nor, despite cases prior to The Jade in which
such an action had been allowed, 29 a tug owner in respect of a contract of towage. 30
Given the focus of the "in rem" process on maritime matters there seems no reason to
exclude such claims from it. Their exclusion certainly does not follow nece ssarily from
the exclusion of "damage received by a ship", for the focus of the claim would be on
maritime activity specifically within the Arrest Convention and legislation.
10.26 If the "ship" must be the defendant’s ship there is the possibility that "s ister
ship" claims may also be restricted, in that no in rem claim will lie against the ship
involved. However, in 1982 in The Span Terza 31 no point seems to have been taken by
counsel or the court that an owner seeking to enforce an action for breach of
charterparty could not bring an action in rem against a ship owned by a charterer. In
1999 in The Tychy 32 it was conceded that such an action was "in connection with a
10.27 The person who would be liable on the claim in an action in personam 33
was when the cause of action arose the owner or charterer 34 or in possession or
control of the ship and when the action was brought must be either the beneficial
owner of that ship as respects all the shares in it or the charterer of it under a charter by
10.28 The ability to bring an action in rem under this provision, therefore, requires
at two critical times a link between the person liable in personam and the ship
concerned in the claim. Such a link does not appear in the provision relating to mariti me
liens or that relating to the claims of section 20(2)(a) –(c) and (s). (a) Legislative history
and present scope
10.29 The Supreme Court Act 1981 largely reflects the Administration of Justice
Act 1956 which enacted (in part) the Arrest Convention 1952 i nto English law.
Although the United Kingdom has ratified the Convention it did not bring English law
into line with its provisions for availability of arrest apart from an action on the merits
in England. 35 First, as regards the availability of arrest apa rt from an action on the
merits in England, in traditional English terms, to allow arrest necessarily implies the
bringing of the action in rem of which arrest is an inherent part. So the enactment of the
Convention had to be in terms of in rem jurisdiction from which follows liability to
arrest whereas under the Convention arrest is provided as an interim remedy and as the
foundation for an action on the merits. The Convention could only be accurately
reflected in English law through separation of arrest from the action on the merits.
10.30 Secondly, there is no requirement in the Arrest Convention of liability when
the action is brought. Thirdly, there was no reflection in English law of the ability under
the Convention to arrest a demise (or arguably other) chartered ship.
Rejection of Convention provisions
10.31 The Supreme Court Bill 1981 (which was to lead to the Act) attempted to
bring English law "up to the limits" provided by the Convention with the replacement of
the requirement of the legislative provision requiring personal liability of persons
linked with the ship. In respect of any claim now set out in section 20(2)(e) –(r) it was
proposed that "being a claim which arises in connection with a ship . . . an actio n in rem
may be brought in the High Court against that ship". Strong objection was voiced to the
clause in the debate in the House of Lords by Lord Diplock acting, as he said, on behalf
of various shipping organisations. He complained that "in what is prim arily a Bill to
consolidate procedural matters a serious and important change in substantive law was
slipping through. 36 Indeed it was. And it may be said that it was only last minute
attention to the clause and its effects that prevented English law from moving towards
meeting its international obligations.
Extension to demise chartered ships
10.32 In relation to the claims now set out in section 20(1)(e) –(r) the
Administration of Justice Act 1956 linked the action in rem to liability in personam of
the user (i.e. owner, charterer or in possession or control) who was or by the time of
issue of writ had become the beneficial owner. An action in rem against the ship in
respect of which the claim arose would lie only if the person liable on the claim in
personam was the beneficial owner “ as respect all the shares" in the ship when the
jurisdiction was invoked. 37 In 1970 in The Andrea Ursula38 Brandon J. held that demise
charterers were beneficial owners within the meaning of the statutory requirement: bu t
in 1977 in The I Congreso del Partido 39 Goff J. held that "beneficially owned" meant
what it said, i.e. equitable ownership whether or not accompanied by legal ownership.
In 1979 in The Father Thames 40 Sheen J. agreed that demise charterers did not quali fy
as beneficial owners.
10.33 This construction underlined the conclusion that the England legislation was
out of step with the Arrest Convention. By the Supreme Court Act 1981 one of the
divergences was cured in that the requirements at the time of the action were widened to
include charter by demise. 41
10.34 The Supreme Court Act 1981 therefore brought England one step closer to
compliance with international obligations, and in recognising jurisdiction on the basis
of the Arrest Convention 42 the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 provided a
further shuffle in the same direction. The Arrest Convention 1999 perhaps provides
some justification for the failure wholly to adopt the 1952 Convention. 43 First, apart
from maritime liens, or actions relating to possession, ownership mortgage or charge,
liability to arrest requires that the person liable be owner or demise charterer both at
the time the action arose and at the time of arrest. Secondly, a ship not owned by the
person liable may only be arrested if by national law it is subject to judicial sale to
enforce any judgment (see Chapters 2, 6). But, particularly given the understandable
Convention focus on arrest, the need in English law to separate arrest and merits
jurisdiction remains. (b) The critical “in personam” liability link points under the statute
"When the cause of action arose"
10.35 The links (owner, charterer or in possession or control) apply to both the
ship in regard to which the claim is brought (the particular ship) and to "any other ship".
While therefore they must be considered in the context of the particula r ship, apart from
ownership and demise charterer they are particularly relevant in practice to the "other
ship". In regard to the particular ship the connection requirements when the action is
brought (beneficial owner or demise charterer) 44 in most cases provide the effective
limitations on availability. Whether time or voyage charters provide sufficient
connection is in practice a matter chiefly relevant to availability of "other" ships in their
ownership (see 10.49–10.56).
10.36 This refers to the happening of the event on which the claim is based (such
as collision or damage to goods). The requirement is that the person who would if sued
be liable in personam—must be the "owner, charterer or in possession or control". If,
therefore, the owner would be liable in personam the existence of a charterparty will
not affect the liability of the ship to an action in rem and hence arrest. Conversely, if the
ship were in the possession of a person without authority of the owner this requirement
would on the literal wording still be met by that person’s liability in personam.
The ownership of the ship
10.37 In 1988 in The Evpo Agnic 45 Lord Donaldson expressed the view that
"owner" meant "registered owner" and did not in this context encompass a be neficial
owner who was not a registered owner. That conclusion followed, thought Lord
Donaldson, because in the statute "owners" and "beneficial owners" appeared and in the
Arrest Convention 1952 "owner" is equated with "registered owner", and nominal
registered owners were a contradiction in the context of registers of owners relied on
for flag purposes.
10.38 In 1993 in The OHM Mariana Ex Peony 46 the Singapore Court of Appeal
disagreed with the construction, holding that "owner" in this context meant the "right to
sell, dispose of or alienate the ship". So, where under a financing arrangement the
defendants were beneficial but not registered owners, they were "owners" for the
purposes of the provision. And with respect this seems clearly correct —"owner" in
both statute and the Arrest Convention can include beneficial owner. 47
The charterer of the ship 48
10.39 In 1999 in The Tychy49 after a comprehensive reference to the authorities 50the
Court of Appeal held that "charterer" included a ti me, voyage or slot charterer
following and approving of its earlier decision and reasoning (in 1988) in the Span
Terza51 in relation to the charterer. The Court disagreed with comments by Lord
Donaldson in The Evpo Agnic that it was limited to "demise charterer". So to confine
the phrase would be to qualify a clear statutory phrase. 52
10.40 Secondly, it would exclude from liability in rem, maritime property of the
time or voyage charterer against whom action is brought. As the Court said in The Tychy
the time or voyage charterer has a sufficient connection with the ship for an in rem claim
to lie (see infra). No distinction could be drawn in this context between the two and,
further, no difference between a voyage charterer of the whole or part of the ship,
including in the latter a slot charterer. Further, said Clarke L.J. delivering the judgment
of the Court, the phrase "the charterer" includes a charterer who is one of a number of
different charterers (as, for example, de mise, time, voyage) or one of a concurrent
number of the same kind.
10.41 It may be arguable that to attach liability of a shipowner to a ship in the
possession of another without authority is going too far towards pure "in rem" liability,
but such liability could not accrue because of the second link requirement and it would
open the door to enforcement against any ship owned by the wrongdoer ( see infra).
"When the action is brought"
10.42 This requirement greatly restricts the availability of the action in rem in
respect of theclaims to which it refers. The person who would be liable in personam
must be either the beneficial owner as respects all the shares in the ship or the charterer
by demise when the action is brought. So t he same person must satisfy the requirements
at the different times. There is no room for any principle of "universal succession" the
taking over of one enterprise by another —the legal personality must remain the same. 53
As a result, it would seem that a s hip in beneficial co-ownership will be liable to an
action in rem only if all the co-owners would if sued be liable in personam. 54
However, so long as beneficial owners are so liable the existence of other registered
owners would not affect the availability of the action. 55
The claim lies on the issue rather than on the service of the in rem claim form.56 As
a consequence, any change in ownership after the form is issued is irrelevant to the
availability of the action in rem, and it follows that practical advice to plaintiffs must be
to issue a claim form as soon as possible. 57
"The beneficial owner"
10.43 In the context of the equivalent provision of the Administration of Justice Act
1956 (which did not include the alternative of charterer by demise) the phrase refers
"only to such ownership as is vested in a person who whether or not he is the legal
owner is in any case the equitable owner". 58 The prime example of a beneficial owner
is the beneficiary under a trust, but it would perhaps more often apply to an unregistered
owner (e.g. having purchased but not registered). It may include the purchaser once a
contract of sale has been entered into provided:
(i) the vendor had no right to terminate the contract for non-payment of the price or
breach of some other obligation by the purchaser; and
(ii)the contract is capable of specific performance. 59
10.44 In strict English legal theory the corporate veil provides substantive
protection. No matter who the shareholders are or whether the corporate ownership is
but a part of a corporate structure which in every aspect save legal theory is a whole,
the corporation presents a solid legal obstacle to a plaintiff. If a ship is "owned" by a
company it matters not that that company is in turn effectively owned by an individual or
another company. The beneficial owner of the ship is a legal person and it is irrelevant
that that "person" is itself beneficially owned by another. Clearly, such an approach is a
boon to the one-ship company and encourages growth of such entities. In 1977 in The
Aventicum60 the issue was whether the corporate veil could be lifted so as to tr ace the
ownership of a ship through its registered corporate owner. Slynn J. expressed some
willingness to look beyond the immediate ownership. But in 1980 in The Maritime
Trader61 Sheen J. indicated that, in his view, it is only where the relationship between
corporate "owner" and ship is clearly a sham or amounts to fraud that any other legal
person can be said to be the beneficial owner. 62
10.45 In the Evpo Agnic63 the Court of Appeal maintained the effectiveness of the
veil, reiterating that the possibility of lifting it depends on establishing registration as a
sham. Lord Donaldson thought that a governing shareholder in a number of one -ship
companies could control the use of the assets of individual companies to his advantage
without any structure of holding and subsidiary companies or sham registered
companies. There was a legitimate interest in running the ships as a fleet and this could
be accomplished by a series of one -ship companies. The statutory provision did not
permit the arrest of a ship of a sister company of the owners of a particular ship. 64 Such
an approach places a heavy onus on the claimant. 65
10.46 However, in two cases the claimant has satisfied the onus —in 1982 in The
Saudi Prince66 and in 1997 in The Tjaskmolen.67 In the latter case Clarke J. wrestled
with the criteria in the light of the authorities, both maritime and general on the subject
of lifting the corporate veil, drawing a distinction between the setting up of o ne ship
companies and a group
"arranging its affairs in such a way to divest a company within the group of its
assets with the purpose and effect of ensuring that they will not be available to meet its
existing liabilities at any rate where the transfer is made to another member of the group
at an undervalue" .
The sale at issue (as described above) was a sham or facade. As a result it did not
transfer ¸ beneficial ownership. Clarke J. commented that the courts had not worked out
the meaning of "piercing the corporate veil" but it seems to require the moving of assets
to defeat current or perhaps potential liability with (arguably) no commercial benefit
save that of defeat.
10.47 The traditional method of ship financing through mortgage of the ship and
assignment of insurance policies and charter -hire raises no question as to beneficial
ownership of the ship. This clearly remains with the mortgagor borrower. But where the
financing arrangement is an instalment sa le or, in effect, hire purchase (with an option to
buy built in) it may be argued that the "purchaser" is the beneficial owner. It seems clear
that it is only if the arrangement could be enforced by specific performance that any such
contention could be argued. If the vendor has the power to revoke the agreement in
default of payment this is a compelling factor in the "beneficial ownership" remaining in
the vendor. 68 Even where the remedy of specific performance is available it does not
necessarily follow that as regards a ship (a chattel) the beneficial ownership has
passed.69 The remedy is discretionary and, further, it may be argued, the principle of
transfer of equitable ownership resulting from a contract to sell has little place in the
context of the code represented by the Sale of Goods Act 1979. 70
"The charterer by demise"
10.48 As a result of amendment by the Supreme Court Act 1981 specifying demise
charterer liability of a ship to an action in rem (and thence arrest) where the owner is
not liable in personam such liability may now occur where the ship is demise chartered
without any reference to beneficial ownership. 71 In the context of the Arrest Convention
1952 and the legislation, charter by demise is to be defined by the relationship between
owner and charterer and not as requiring a document recording a consensual agreement.
So exclusive possession and control may be sufficient. 72 B. Against a "sister" ship (i.e.
a ship other than the particular ship)
10.49 For an action in rem to lie:
(i) the claim must arise in connection with a ship—an identical requirement to that
relating to the particular ship;
(ii) the person who would be liable on the claim in an action in personam was
when the cause of action arose the owner or charterer or in possession or control of the
ship; and
when the action was brought the beneficial owner as respects all the shares in the
"sister" ship.
The Arrest Convention 1952 provid es in Article 3(1) that "subject to the
provisions of paragraph (4) of this Article and Article 10 a claimant may arrest the ship
in respect of which the claim arose" (in Convention terms "the particular ship") or "any
other ship which is owned by the person who was, at the time when the maritime claim
arose, the owner of the particular ship . . . ". 73
10.50 Article 3, paragraph 4 provides:
"When in the case of a charter by demise of a ship the charterer and not the
registered owner is liable in respect of a maritime claim relating to that ship, the
claimant may arrest such ship or any other ship in the ownership of the charterer by
demise, subject to the provisions of this Convention but no other ship in the ownership
of the registered owner shall be liable to arrest in respect of such maritime claims. 74
The provisions of this paragraph shall apply to any case in which a person other
than the registered owner of a ship is liable in respect of a maritime claim relating to
that ship."
The construction of "beneficial owner" is identical to that discussed in relation to
an action "against" the particular ship concerned in the claim. Apart from this, two
questions arose in relation to the English statutory provision:
(a) could an action in rem be brought against a "sister ship" other than one in the
same ownership as the ship in respect of which the claim arose;
(b) if so, could an action in rem be brought against a ship owned by any charterer
(i.e. time or voyage as well as demise). (a) May an action "in rem" be brought against a
sister ship other than that in the same ownership as the ship in respect of which the
claim arose?
The Administration of Justice Act 1956
10.51 Under the Act of 1956 it was clear that, as with the Convention, an action
could be brought against a ship other than the ship in respect of which the claim arose if
owned by the owner of the ship in respect of which the claim arose. But it was not clear
whether an action could be brought against any ship owned by a charterer liable in
respect of a claim.
10.52 The suggestion of the restriction of the sister ship clause in English law to
ships owned by the owner of the particular ship had its root in what can only be called a
throwaway line of Lord Diplock in The Jade75—a case not at all concerned with this
issue. In The Permina 108 76 the Court of Appeal of Singapore refused to restrict the
sister ship remedy to ships in common ownership with that in respect of which the claim
arose, but in The Maritime Trader 77 Sheen J. felt obliged to follow Lord Diplock’s
view. In 1981 in The Span Terza 78 (apparently to be approached with caution because
of the hurried nature of the proceedings) the Court of Appeal felt no constraint because
of Lord Diplock’s dictum and approached the matter as one of construction of the Act of
10.53 In The Span Terza the question was whether, in an action by shipowners
against time charterers of their ship, the plaintiffs could arrest a ship owned by the time
charterers. Contrary to the decision in The Maritime Trader, it seemed to be assumed
that had the defendants been demise charterers there would be no issue —the arrest
could stand. By a majority the court held that the arrest of the ship did stand ( see infra).
The Supreme Court Act 1981
10.54 Whatever doubts there may have been because of the drafting of the Act of
1956 and Lord Diplock’s statement, it seems clear that under section 2 1(4) of the
Supreme Court Act 1981 79 an action in rem will lie against ships owned by "charterers"
of or those in possession or control of the ship in respect of which the claim arose.
Redrafting has cured the ambiguity of the language, and the only poin t remaining is
whether "charterer" is restricted to demise charterers. (b) If an action "in rem" may be
brought in relation to a ship owned by a "charterer" does this include time or voyage
10.55 This point is discussed in the context of the par ticular ship. As there
indicated, although it applies to both particular and other ships, in practice it arises
most frequently as regards the "other ship". In that context it is critical, for, as construed
to include time, voyage and slot charterers, it p rovides the route for an action in rem
relating to ships owned by them. Any exclusion of a type of charterer would mean that
no action in rem would lie in respect of a maritime claim for which the charterer was
liable in personam.
10.56 The construction accords with a policy of making ships owned by those
liable on maritime claims available to claimants. It may be arguable that (as the English
legislation continues to provide) a ship under time or voyage charter should not be
available to a claimant who has a claim against the charterers. But if this is so it seems
only sensible to make ships owned by such charterers available to arrest in the
enforcement of the claim. 80 (iii) In Relation to Claims and Questions within Section
20(2)(a), (b), (c), (s)
10.57 While the provision relating to claims falling within paragraphs (e) –(r) does
not define an action in rem, it specifies the circumstances in which it may lie. The
provision in relating to claims concerning ownership, possessio n, mortgage, forfeiture
or restoration of a seized ship simply provides that an action in rem may be brought
"against the ship or property in connection with which the claim . . . arises". It may
therefore be brought against property 81 other than a ship but is restricted to the ship or
property involved in the claim. Understandably, given the nature of the claim, the
provision is geared entirely to the kind of issue with no jurisdictional requirement
relating to the defendant’s liability in personam.82
10.58 It was held by the Court of Appeal in Haji Ioannou v. Frangos83 that the
claim is concerned solely with "legal ownership" on the basis that where beneficial
ownership is the focus, it is so stated. But while "beneficial ownership" indicates
specifically the type of the ownership, it does not follow that "ownership" excludes any
kind but "legal". The "sweeping up" clause
10.59 The clause is expressed in jurisdictional terms—and arguably incorporates
without any qualification "jurisdiction" exercised by the Admiralty Court prior to the
Act of 1981. If the jurisdiction encompasses "in rem" claims the nature of those claims
and prerequisites for enforceability must be sought elsewhere than in the Act ( see
Chapter 2). 4. Jurisdiction Prerequisites Other Than the Supreme Court Act 1981
10.60 The statute provides part of the jurisdictional structure for the enforcement
of maritime claims. In specifying the detailed conditions for bringing an action, (i)
section 2 1(4) (referring to paragraphs (e) –(r)) treats the question of enforceability
through the action in rem as a jurisdictional question; (ii) section 2 1(2) and (3)
(referring to paragraphs (a)–(c) and (s) and maritime liens) omits any reference to
prerequisites in bringing such an action; (iii)section 20(1)(c) (the sweeping up clause)
specifies no jurisdictional or other details. No reference is made in relation to any
claim to:
(i) the link required between the dispute and England for the establishment of
English jurisdiction in a case with a foreign element; and
(ii) apart from maritime lien (undefined) any connection between the action in rem
and lien; and
(iii) save in restricting service of a claim form or arrest to one ship (section 21(8))
the remedies available in an action in rem.
The prerequisite of the English link goes essentially to jurisdiction —to the ability
to bring the action—and is considered in this chapter. Liens are considered in Chapters
17–23 and remedies in Chapters 15 (interim) and 25 (substantive). Link between the
Issue and England Required for an Action "in Rem" to Be Brought The basic rule
10.61 As with the action in personam, no hint is given in the Supreme Court Act
1981 of the basic rule for either the establishment of substantive jurisdiction or the
procedural commencement of the action in rem. As with the action in personam in
English law, apart from statutory provisions, substantive jurisdiction is connected with
procedural commencement. Both jurisdiction and commencement depend primarily on
the service of an in rem claim form in a manner provided in the Admiralty Practice
Direction 3.6 84 (see infra "service of the claim form"). Jurisdiction does not require
arrest of the ship, but it would seem under English law arrest would provide substantive
jurisdiction with procedural commencement through service of the claim form. 85 Unlike
the in personam claim form, an in rem claim form cannot be served out of England or
its territorial waters. Such service initiates the action in rem and, subject to any
challenge to jurisdiction, may provide the basis for the defendant’s submission to the
jurisdiction formerly provided by appearance to create jurisdiction in personam.86 The
effect of Conventions enacted into English law
10.62 The availability of the action in rem is subject to Convention jurisdiction
bases just as is an action in personam. The action in rem as a national method of
enforcement of a maritime claim is as such affected by Convention jurisdiction
provisions restricting the courts before which a case may be brought. However, given
the required Convention link (as, for example, t he court of the state of embarking in the
Athens Convention 1974 concerning passengers) the availability of the action as a
method of suit would only be restricted if the Convention provisions went directly to the
method of enforcement or essential element s of the action in rem. So an action under the
Collision Jurisdiction Convention requires a specified connection (including arrest or
security given in lieu of arrest), and so it would therefore seem service of the in rem
claim form would not of itself constitute jurisdiction if the Convention were directly
enacted. Conventions and their effect are discussed in Chapter 3. The effect of (a) the
Brussels and Lugano Conventions (b) EC Regulation 44/200 1
(a) The Conventions
10.63 The effect of the Lugano Convention is identical to that of the Brussels
Convention. As said in Chapter 4 neither Convention makes any specific reference to an
action in rem. In The Deichland87 the Court of Appeal rejected the contention that the
action in rem fell outside the Brussels Convention. For the purposes of the Conventions
the person who would be liable in personam was "the defendant", a conclusion now
part of English law apart from the Conventions. So, apart from any other Convention
jurisdiction base, the defendant chart erer in that case had to be sued in the court of
domicile (see Chapter 4). If the domicile was in the United Kingdom the Convention
would have no relevance to suit by an action in rem. The Convention is concerned only
with allocation of jurisdiction not in the method of its exercise.
10.64 However, as has also been seen, Convention jurisdiction may be based on
elements directly relevant to the action in rem—arrest or security given in lieu. 88 So
again, provided the Convention link is pr esent the action in rem will lie. As a
consequence where a dispute falls within the Brussels or Lugano Convention the action
in rem will not lie simply through service of the claim form, this not being a jurisdiction
base of either Convention or of a Conve ntion applied through Article 57 (see Chapters
5, 6).
10.65 As with the action in personam in the face of the need to satisfy jurisdiction
requirements the service of the claim form loses its jurisdictional role. As with the in
personam claim form, the in rem claim form retains its procedural role in commencing
proceedings, but, it also retains its function in initiating a method of suit which of itself
in English law has substantive consequences. These, however, are irrelevant to the
Convention jurisdiction requirements which turn entirely on assessing whether they are
satisfied as they appear in the Convention ( see Chapters 5, 12). 89 Participation in the
proceedings save to contest jurisdiction and creating in domestic terms jurisdiction in
personam will amount to the Convention jurisdiction base of "appearance". 90
(b) EC Regulation 44/2001
10.66 Save for limiting the priority of the Arrest Convention 1952 the relevant
provisions of the Regulation are identical and the analysis in 10.63 –10.65 applies. The
limitation of priority of other Conventions to those entered into prior to 1 March 2002
does not affect any issue involving States which became parties prior to that date. But it
radically affects any EU Member State not such a party (e. g. Malta) and presumably
issues involving such a State and a State which became a party prior to that date. The
issue and possible remedy through a Council Decision is discussed in 5.12. 91 5.
Procedure of an Action "in Rem" Jurisdiction in Rem
10.67 The jurisdiction in a claim in rem depends on satisfaction of the procedural
requirements and not on the likely success of the claim. 92 A claim may be stayed or
struck out on the ground that it has no chance of success 93—but this course reflects the
exercise of jurisdiction. Commencement
10.68 An action in rem is commenced by the issue of an in rem claim form in
England. It may not be served out of the jurisdiction. Where an action may be brought
against a "sister ship" one or more ships may be named in the claim form. Only one ship
may, however, be served—but service on a ship liable in a claim will not be prohibited
by service (in mistake) of a ship not liable. 94 If the claim form is amended to delete a
claim in respect of a particular ship that clai m may be served on a further ship. 95
Subject to extension the claim form must be served within 12 months of issue 96 by the
claimant or, if on property arrested or to be arrested the Admiralty Marshal at the
claimant’s request. 97
10.69 Extension of time is subject to the same rules as for an action in personam
as set out in the Civil Procedure Rules 7.6 and discussed in Chapter 9. As there said,
authorities on renewal under the Rules of the Supreme Court must be treated with
circumspection given the general objectives of the Civil Procedure Rules and the terms
of the rules. 98 There is no prohibition because of the expiry of a statutory limitation
period but the court’s powers of extension after expiry of t he initial period for service
may be exercised only if (i) the claimant has taken all reasonable steps to serve but been
unable to do so and (ii) the application for extension is made promptly.
10.70 In 1977 in The Berny99 Brandon J. reviewed the principles of renewal of a
writ in rem when the basis was impossibility of service, and those principles remain
"In my opinion, when the ground for renewal is broadly that it has not been
possible to effect service, a plaintiff must in order to show good and sufficient cause for
renewal establish one or other of three matters as follows: (1) that none of the ships
proceeded against in respect of the same claim, whether in one action or more than on e
action, has been, or will be, present at a place within the jurisdiction during the
currency of the writ; alternatively (2) that if any of the ships has been, or will be,
present at a place within the jurisdiction during the currency of the writ, the len gth or
other circumstances of her visit to or stay at such place were not, or will not be, such as
to afford reasonable opportunity for effecting service on her and arresting her;
alternatively (3) that if any of the ships has been, or will be, present at a place within
the jurisdiction during the currency of the writ, the value of such ship was not or will
not be, great enough to provide adequate security for the claim, whereas the value of all
or some or one of the other ships proceeded against would be s ufficient, or anyhow
more nearly sufficient, to do so." 100
10.71 In 1979 in The Helene Roth 101 it was argued that where, after the issue of a
writ but before its service, a ship was sold, the writ should not be renewed even if the
claimant satisfied the criteria set out by Brandon J. It was said that, particularly where
the ship was sold after the writ had expired, it was bought with immunity from service
just as if a time bar had operated and the ship had achieved immunity from sui t. Sheen J.
refused to accept the analogy:
"The existence of a time-bar is known to the plaintiff’s advisers. They are under a
duty to pursue an action diligently. If, due to their inaction, the validity of a writ expires,
it is not necessarily unjust that the plaintiff should lose his right to proceed. But a change
of ownership of a ship has a different quality. The sale may be carried out secretly, and
it is voluntary. If it is to have the effect for which counsel contends , then the defendants
are able to introduce their own time -bar without bringing it to the notice of the
Sheen J. held that where the ownership had changed, the case for renewal was
"overwhelming" as, unlike most actions, the claimant could not issue a fresh writ.
Unless the claim attracted a maritime lien, sale of a ship subject to an action in rem
would defeat the claim in rem.102 The claim form and particulars of claim
10.72 The claimant and defendant may be described rather than named and sa ve in
collision claims particulars of claim must be contained in or served with the claim form
or served on the defendant within 75 days of service of the form. 103 Service of the claim
10.73 The Admiralty Claims Practice Direction (61 PD) 3.6 provides:
A claim form in rem may be served in the following ways:
(1) on the property against which the claim is brought by fixing a copy of the claim
(a) on the outside of the property in a position which may reasonably be expected
to be seen; or104
(b) where the property is freight, either —
(i) on the cargo in respect of which the freight was earned; or
(ii) on the ship on which the cargo was carried;
(2) if the property to be served is in the custody of a person who will not permit
access to it, by leaving a copy of the claim form with that person 105;
(3) where the property has been sold by the Marshal, by filing the claim form at the
(4) where there is a notice against arrest, on the person named in the notice as
being authorised to accept service;
(5) on any solicitor authorised to accept service;
(6) in accordance with any agreement providing for service of proceedings; or
(7) in any other manner as the court may direct under rule 6.8 provided that the
property against which the claim is brought or part of it is within the juridiction of the
Rule 6.8 of the Civil Procedure Rules permits a court to authorise service by a
method not specified in the rules 106 (see Chapter 9).
10.74 The reasoning and conclusion in The Good Herald107 that under the former
Rules of the Supreme Court "substituted service" was not applicable to an action in rem
does not therefore continue to hold good. 108 First, there is specific reference to the Civil
Procedure Rule replacing the former rule concerning like service, secondly, there is an
acceptance that a person is a defendant and thirdly there are more permitted methods of
service. Acknowledgment and Amendment of the Claim Form Acknowledgment of
service of the claim form (i) Prior to Service
10.75 A defendant who wishes to defend the claim may file an acknowledgment of
service although the claim form has not been served. 109
10.76 As this is termed "acknowledgment of service" it would seem that the
jurisdictional consequences relating to and following from such an acknowledgment
given after service apply. The filing of such acknowledgment requires an intention to
defend. However, it would seem that it could be the vehicle for any intention to dispute
the jurisdiction and, once filed without the expression of any such intention, there is a
risk that it is to be taken that jurisdiction is to be accepted. However, the non -filing of
such acknowledgment prior to service cannot have any jurisdictional or substantive
consequence—it is a voluntary act.110 (ii) Of Service
10.77 As with an action in personam a "defendant" served with a claim form must
acknowledge service of it within 14 days whether or not the claim form contains
particulars of claim and identify himself by name. 111 As with in personam claims such
acknowledgment of service does not affect the right to dispute the Court’s jurisdiction
and indeed is prerequisite for doing so 112 but failure to file will have the consequence
that jurisdiction is accepted. 113
10.77A Failure to file an acknowledgment may lead to a default judgment on proof
of service and evidence proving the claim to the satisfaction of the court. 114 A default
judgment may be varied or set aside. 115 The burden on the claimant is no higher than that
relevant to setting aside a summary judgment under Part 24. 116 Procedure subsequent to
acknowledgment of service
10.78 This is as for in personam claims 117 save for becoming a party or
intervening because of an interest in or concerning arrested property, 118 the need to
prove the case to obtain a default judgment and procedures applicable only to claims in
rem—arrest, cautions against arrest or release and judicial sale. 119 It is to be noted that
a caution against arrest does not constitute submission to the jurisdiction. 120 Amendment of
the claim form
10.79 A claim form may be amended on the same principles as an in personam
claim form including the relevance of expiry of the limitation period ( see Chapter 9).
The addition of a ship or property is not, it is suggested, adding a new party but it is
creating either a new claim or a new liability in relation to which if the limitation
period had expired the defendant would have an accrued defence. The amendment
should not be allowed therefore, because the defendant will be deprived of a limitation
defence in respect of an asset for which there could be no liability in rem if another
action was brought. 121 It is suggested that such circumstances cannot fall within the
provision permitting amendment if a new claim arises out of the same facts, as one of
the "facts" is the ship in relation to which the action is brought. 122 Persons Other Than
10.80 Persons interested in a dispute may participate in proceedings as a party or a
third party by making the appropriate claim and (where appropriate) obtaining a court
order.123 In addition in an action in rem a person who has an interest in property
arrested or proceedings of the sale of that property in court may be made a party. 124
Further, there is inherent jurisdiction to allow intervention if, although there is no
interest in the property, its arrest causes serious hardship, difficulty or danger. 125
10.81 A person whose interest in the claim is solely because of an interest in the
property (as the purchaser) should not acknowledge service of a claim form but apply to
intervene on the action. 126 In this way a clear procedural distinction is drawn between a
person liable on the claim (and who would therefore be subject to in personam
injunctions through acknowledgment) and the person whose "liability" is limited to the
value of the interest in the property. There is no in personam jurisdiction in respect of
the intervention because of the leave to intervene. 127 Duration of Action "in Rem"
10.82 An action in rem has as its target ship, cargo or freight, although it is now
recognised that the defendant is the person who has an interest in property ( see supra).
The "lien" created or enforced by the action in rem may be initially enforced through
arrest, but apart from the "arrest" jurisdiction base un der the EC Regulation 44/200 1 or
the Brussels or Lugano Convention 128 the action in rem is not dependent initially on
arrest, that such arrest continues or bail given in lieu.
10.83 The view of Sheen J. that release of a ship from arrest upon the giving o f
contractual security ended the action in rem was disapproved by the Court of Appeal in
The Maciej Rataj.129 Sheen J.’s view with respect ignores the difference between the
action in rem and arrest. Clearly an action in rem may exist without arrest or any
alternative security and it rather reverses the respective roles to see arrest as
controlling the action. The lodging of bail certainly will not end the action in rem
although it replaces property which could form the target for many claimants with a fund
what is security only for the particular claim ( see Chapter 15). Further, without express
terms a contractual security should not be taken to be more than the replacement of the
property by the undertaking (while the undertaking is good). It is not to be implied that it
is necessarily to replace the lien reflected by the action in rem or to affect any maritime
lien—but at most not to enforce it while the contract is in existence ( see Chapter 18). 6.
The Inter-Relationship of Action "in Personam" and Action "in Rem"
10.84 A claim in rem may be brought concurrently or consecutively with a claim in
personam. Even where in personam jurisdiction is rooted in acknowledgment of
service of an in rem claim form (as to which see Chapter 9) the two actions do not
merge. They continue cumulatively. 130 However, it is only persons having an interest in
the ship or other property attacked in the action who can normally be defendants and
who, by joining issue on the writ in rem, thereby submit to an action in personam. So an
action in personam cannot be created through a "non-defendant in rem" acknowledging
service of an in rem claim form. Service of an in personam claim form or the joinder of
a defendant in personam through acknowledgment by an "in rem defendant" would be
required.131 7. County Court Jurisdiction
10.85 County court jurisdiction in Admiralty proceedings conferred under the Civil
Courts Order 1983 was removed as from 26 April 1999 as regards all proceedings
commenced or transferred to such a court after that d ate.132
1. CPR 6 1.2(1). The terminology of the rules focuses on claims "in rem" and
"other claims" but action in personam or in rem remains the statutory terminology. (See
Chapter 1.)
2. The Act of 1981 rid the framework of the confusing concept of "invocation" of
jurisdiction used in the Administration of Justice Act of 1956. "Invocation" was
replaced by the more direct and simple: "an action may be brought".
3. See e.g. the reasoning, involving all three aspects in The Yuta Bondarovskaya
[1998] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 357.
4. Law of Maritime Liens (1936) at p. 12.
5. See 4 Tulane Law Review 380 (1929 –30) at p. 388.
6. See Johnson v. Shippin (1704) 1 Salk 35 (necessaries); Clay v. Sudgrave
(1700) 1 Salk 33; Wells v. Osman (1704) 2 Ld Ray 1044 (seaman’s wages); The Two
Friends (1799) 1 C. Rob. 271 (salvage); Menetone v. Gibbons (1789) 3 T.R. 267, 270
(bottomry); Greenway and Barkers Case (1577) Godb. 260; 3 Black Book of Admiralty
103, 243, 245, 261–263; Corser v. Husely Comb. 135 (1688); Roscoe, op cit. note 118,
at pp. 213 and 214.
7. [1892] P. 64, 304.
8. As to the ability to rearrest a ship after the lodging of bail, see Chapter 15.
9. Mansfield (1888) 4 L.Q.R. 385.
10. See "Select Pleas in Court of Admiralty", Seldon Soc. p. xxi.
11. Admiralty Practice (3rd edn) at p. 27, citing Clark’s Praxis.
12. [1936] P. 51.
13. (1851) 7 Moo. P.C. 267.
14. See The Young Mechanic (1845) 30 Fed. Cas. 783; The Nestor (1831) 18 Fed.
Cas. 9; The Bold Buccleugh (1851) 7 Moo. P.C. 267. In The Nestor Story J. cited Lord
Tenterden, the author of Abbot’s Merchant Ships.
15. A step bemoaned by some—see e.g. Teare [1998] LMCLQ 33.
16. In prior proceedings it had been held by the House that the effect of s.34 was to
bar proceedings rather than exclude jurisdiction ( Republic of India v. Indian Steamship
Co. [1993] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 387—see Chapter 27). Hence the matter was remitted to
consider the operation of s.34 and in particular whether there was any agreement,
waiver or estoppel which could defeat it —and reliance was placed on issue estoppel
(see Chapter 27). The further issue of the identity of causes of action was also raised.
The House ruled against the plaintiffs on both issues.
17. It must be stressed that for the operation of s.34 identity of parties is required
as well as identity of cause of action. Where therefore a ship is sold it will remain open
to a claimant to bring any available action in rem in relation to the new owner (see
18. Including a line of "sovereign immunity" cases holding that in an action in rem
a sovereign owner is directly impleaded. See e.g. The Christina [1938] A.C. 485; The
Aruntzaza Mendi [1939] A.C. 256 and infra.
19. At p. 4 (citing Thomas "Maritime Liens", op cit. at pp. 7–8).
20. Nor with any person save the owner at the date of the act creating the liability.
Such liability cannot be explained away on the basis of t he procedural theory by the
requirement of an in personam liability as arguably may the liability of an owner apart
from maritime liens. See the Indian Grace and supra. As to enforceability against third
parties as a lien see Chapter 17.
21. Interestingly reached in part after reference to the position under the Brussels
Convention and the approach of the European Court of Justice.
22. So parts removed for repair or safe keeping may remain liable to arrest and an
action in rem. See The Palaquin (Federal Court, Canada) 1996 LMLN 439.
23. The Silia [1981] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 314.
24. See The Acrux [1965] P. 391; The St Merriel [1963] P. 247.
25. Supreme Court Act 1981, s.2 1(8) the writ being replaced by the claim form. As
to arrest see Chapter 15. As to the possibility of pre -empting the claimant’s choice of
ship see infra.
26.I.e. cargo or freight.
27.In that context an obvious and sensible focus. See e.g. The Ocean Enterprise
[1997] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 489; The Daien Maru No 18 [1986] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 387
(Singapore H.C.).
28.[1976] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 1.
29. The Queen of the South [1968] P. 449. See also The Conoco Britannia [1972]
1 Q.B. 543. For a criticism of the decisions, see The Jade [1976] 1 All E.R. 441, at p.
459 (C.A.) per Sir Gordon Willmer.
30.As e.g The Conoco Britannia [1972] 1 Q.B. 543. See further Sumitomo v.
Alexandrea [2002] 3 S.L.R. 56 (Singapore High Court) as e.g. of restricting the meaning
in respect of goods supplied to a ship to actions regarding that ship and excluding the
supplying ship (marine fuel oil).
31.[1982] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 225.
32.[1999] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 11.
33.I.e. who would be liable if the action succeeded. See The St Elefterio [1957]
P. 179, at p. 185; The St Merriel [1963] 1 All E.R. 537, at p. 544; The Moscanthy
[1971] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 37. An identical approach is adopted by the High Court of
Australia, see The Iran Amanar [1999] LMLN 511. It is assumed that the relevant
person has his habitual residence or place of business in England (Supreme Court Act
1981, s.21(2))—a provision designed to overcome the necessity of such a link in
collision actions (see Chapter 3), but which isneeded in a wider sphere in respect of
actions within the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 ( see Chapter 4).
34.For a discussion on whether the “ charterer” is confined to demise charterer,
see infra.
35.The Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 (s.26) permits the retention of
"property" arrested or other security given if proceedings are stayed —the arrest or
security requires that an action in rem has been instituted. As to the lack of control of the
court over the issue of the warrant of arrest, see The Varna [1993] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 253
and Chapter 15.
36.H.L. Vol. 418, col. 1308 but the 1999 Convention is closer to English law. See
Chapter 15.
37.I.e. when the writ was issued. See The Monica S [1968] P. 741; The Vasso
[1984] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 235. Reliance on "invoking of jur isdiction" led to problems of
interpretation (compare The Monica S with The Berny [1979] Q.B. 80) and has been
sensibly replaced in the Supreme Court Act 1981 by "the bringing of an action".
38.[1973] Q.B. 265.
39.[1978] 1 All E.R. 1169. The case went to the House of Lords on a separate
point of sovereign immunity ([1981] 2 All E.R. 1064).
40.[1979] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 364.
41.Strictly the amendment means that a ship owned, chartered or in possession or
control of a person liable on a claim when the cause of action arose and demise
chartered by the same person at the time the action is brought may be attacked through an
action in rem. In practice it is the ship under demise charter at both times that is the
prime focus of the amendment.
42. I.e. through its application under Art. 72 of EC Regulation 44/200 1 or Art. 57
of the Brussels and Lugano Conventions ( see Chapter 6).
43. The Convention provides that it is not to be construed as creating a right of
action not arising under the law of the court having seisin of the case (Art. 9) —but there
would be little point in the Convention if it did not impose an obligation to adopt its
44. See e.g. The Kommunar (No. 2) [1997] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 8.
45. [1988] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 411; [1988] 3 All E.R. 810.
46. [1993] LMLN 361.
47. See also Haji Ioannou v. Frangos [1999] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 337 (C.A.)
considering an "ownership" claim (see infra) advancing as "accepted law" (citing The
Evpo Agnic (fn. 45) and Congreso del Partido (fn. 39)) that "ownership" in the
Convention and Statute meant legal ownership unless qualified by "beneficial". It is
difficult to appreciate the reasoning or the construction, nor, with respect, do the two
authorities cited provide a foundation that the construction is accepted law. While there
may be two (or more) registered owners "beneficial ownership" means that the ship
must be wholly beneficially owned by the beneficial owner who is liable in personam
(see The Tychy (fn. 49) and infra).
48. I.e. the charter being in existence —it not being sufficient that liability arises
out of having been a charterer (see The Faial [2000] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 47). Compare
Coscol Marine Corpn v. Owners of the "Salina" (Singapore C.A.) [1999] LMLN 500.
49. [1999] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 11.
50. Including those of other jurisdictions and, in particular, relying on the decision
of the High Court of Australia in Laemthong International Lines Co. Ltd v. BPS
Shipping Ltd [1997] 149 A.L.R. 675.
51. [1982] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 225.
52. A point underlined by the use of s.2 1(4) of "charter by demise" where that was
53. See The Kommunar (No. 2) [1997] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 8—a privatised Russian
state enterprise was not the same legal person as it was prior to privatisation. See also
The Nazym Khikmet [1996] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 362 (C.A.); The Guiseppe di Vittorio
[1998] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 136 the relationship between a trading enterprise (Black Sea
Shipping Co.) and the State of Ukraine did not amount to equitable ownership and hence
the enterprise was not a beneficial owner.
54. See e.g. The Fort Laramie (1922) 31 C.L.R. 56.
55. See The Tychy (fn. 49).
56. See fn. 37 supra.
57. More than one form may be issued and more than one ship named in one form
but only one ship may be served (see infra), s.21(8)). As to the renewal of claim forms,
see infra and Chapter 11.
58. The I Congreso del Partido [1978] 1 All E.R. 1169, at p. 1201 (Goff J.). As to
the possibility that such an owner may be estopped from denying that a person holding
out himself to be the owner see The Guiseppe di Vittorio [1998] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 136.
59. See The Permina 3001 [1979] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 327 (Singapore C.A.) and infra.
A contract of sale specifying that ownership is transferred only on registration would
also not operate to transfer any "beneficial ownership".
60. [1978] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 184.
61. [1981] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 153.
62. For continued legal emphasis on the separate legal identity of companies
within a group and the need to prove a sham see Woolfson v. Strathclyde Regional
Council 1978 SLT 159 (H.L.); Adams v. Cape Industries [1991] 1 All E.R. 929 at pp.
10 16–1026 (C.A.) and cases cited in The Tjaskmolen (fn. 67). But as accepted in
Adams the veil is not entirely prohibitive, see e.g. (i) two cases involving RSC Ord. 47
(contained in CPR Sch.) (conferring the power to stay execution of a judgment or order)
where the courts have expressed a willingness to look behind the corporate structure —
on the basis that the discretion given by the Order is sufficiently wide for the purpose
(see Orri v. Moundreas [1981] Com.L.R. 168; Canada Enterprises Corpn Ltd v.
MacNab Distilleries Ltd [1981] Com.L.R. 167); Burnet v. Francis Industries Plc
[1987] 1 W.L.R. 802 and (ii) the scope of injunctive relief ( The Coral Rose [1991] 1
Lloyd’s Rep. 563; The Coral Rose (No. 3) [1991] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 374 (as to which see
Chapter 16—Freezing order)).
63. [1988] 3 All E.R. 810; [1988] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 411.
64. Distinguishing the "spiriting away of a ship from legal owners with, however,
the retention of beneficial ownership" (such as, said Lord Donaldson, had occurred in
The Saudi Prince (supra)). See also for a similar approach The Skaw Prince [1994]
L.M.L.N. 390 (Singapore High Court); The Andres Bonifaco [1994] LMLN 382
(Singapore High Court); The Tangiora, Ranginui and Takitimu [2000] 1 Lloyd’s Rep.
36 (New Zealand High Court).
65. Even if the somewhat wider approach of Slynn J. be followed a further hurdle
for the plaintiff is whether "ownership" of the company requires ownership of 100 per
cent of the shares in the company—in turn owning all the shares in the ship.
66. [1982] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 255.
67. [1997] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 465.
68. See The Permina 3001 [1979] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 327.
69. See The Despina Pontikos [1975] E.A.R. 38 (East Africa C.A.).
70. See Re Wait [1927] 1 Ch. 606; The Aliakmon [1986] 2 All E.R. 145; [1986] 2
Lloyd’s Rep. 1 (H.L.).
71. Such liability may also occur through the maritime lien provision or (more
unlikely) the sweeping up clause. See infra and Chapter 18.
72. The Guiseppe di Vittorio [1998] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 136 (C.A.). The omission of
"possession or control" as regards the requirement relating to the time the action is
brought is of no significance in deciding whether a relationship can be described as a
charter by demise (ibid.).
73. The provision does not apply to claims concerning o wnership mortgage or
dispute between co-owners (ibid.).
74. As to the revision of the Convention see Chapter 15.
75.[1976] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 1.
76.[1978] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 311.
77.[1981] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 153.
78.[1982] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 225.
79. See supra.
80. For a contrary view, see Tettenborn [1981] LMCLQ 507. It is also arguable
that for some countries the Convention simply restricted "saisie conservatoire" and by
definition therefore affected only the debtor’ s property. As to the limiting of arrest under
the Arrest Convention 1999 of ships not owned by the person liable see Chapter 15.
81. The only relevant "property" other than a ship appears to be in para. (s) —
"goods" which are forfeited or condemned or su bject of a claim for droits of
Admiralty (cf. Chapter 2).
82. See e.g. The Ocean Enterprise [1997] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 449; The Daien Maru
No. 18 [1986] Lloyd’s Rep. 387 (Singapore H.C.); Gleason v. The Ship "Dawn Light"
Federal Court Canada [1997] LMLN 455. Fo r discussion of the claim see Chapter 2.
83. See fn. 47.
84. In contrast to RSC Ord. 75, r. 8 not providing as a basic rule that service must
be on the property, but simply varying methods of service. The rules governing issues
and service of the in rem claim form and the issue and service of the warrant of arrest
are set out in CPR 61.3, 5: 61 PD3, 5 (see 10.72, 73). See infra.
85. Under some Conventions arrest would provide jurisdiction —as e.g. under
Arrest Convention 1952 as given direct effect in English law through the Brussels and
Lugano Conventions Art. 57 (see infra); the CMR Art. 36. (See Carriage of Goods by
Road Act 1965, s.1 and Sch.) Under the Hamburg Rules, Art. 21, a defendant may, on
providing adequate security, obtain transfer of the action in a jurisdiction based on
arrest to a jurisdiction specified. See Chapter 15.
86.See infra and Chapter 9.
87. [1989] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 113; [1989] 2 All E.R. 1066.
88. Through Art. 57. See The Deichland (fn. 59); The Po [1991] 2 Lloyd’s Rep.
206 and Chapter 6.
89. Whether the Arrest Convention 1952 has become part of English law directly
thereby overriding any jurisdictional aspect of service or whether its provisions are
simply additional requirements was left open by the C.A. in The Po (fn. 60). But to give
jurisdiction significance to service of a claim form would seem unjustifiably to qualify
the Convention provisions even if as in this case consistent with them. See Chapter 6.
90. See The Anna H [1995] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 11 and Chapter 5.
91. The restriction also means that no EU Member State may become a party to the
Arrest Convention 1999 without such a Decision.
92. See The Moscanthy [1971] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 39 (applied in The Yuta
Bonderovskaya [1998] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 357). See also Haji Ioannou v. Frangos [1999]
2 Lloyd’s Rep. 337 (C.A.).
93. CPR 3.4. Summary judgment is not available (CPR 24.3). As to default
judgment see 10.76 and Chapter 27.
94. Supreme Court Act 1981, s.21(8); The Stephan J [1985] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 344.
95. See The Damavand [1993] LMLN 357 (Singapore C.A.). The court also held
that a plaintiff could amend the writ at any time subject to the rules of court and the
abuse of process and therefore was not prohibited from deleting a claim so as to remove
a ship as the target for a claim. As to amendment of the claim form through addition of a
ship outside the limitation period see infra.
96. CPR 61.3(5).
97. CPR 61 PD 3.7, 3.8.
98. The note in "Civil Procedure" (the White Book Service) indicates that the rule
does not effect a change in practice but clarifies RSC Ord. 6, r. 8. With respect it does
more than this by specifying strict conditions for renewal after the pe riod for service
has expired. As to the use of the power to order an alternative method of service or to
dispense with service to overcome non compliance see Chapter 9.
99. [1977] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 533; [1978] 1 All E.R. 1068.
100. [1977] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. at 546. Brandon J. thereby disapproved of previous
Admiralty practice of considering renewal of a writ naming a number of ships on a ship
by ship basis—it is necessary for the plaintiff to prove that none of the ships become
available to him within the criteria laid down.
101. [1980] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 477; [1980] 1 All E.R. 1078.
102. Since 1 January 1982 a sale of a ship remaining under the same demise
charterer after issue of a claim form would not defeat the claim against the demise
charterer—otherwise the situation is unchanged (see Chapter 4).
103. CPR 61.3(3), 61 PD 3.2. The claim form is Form ADM 1. A claimant who is
not named, must be named at the defendant’s request. There is no requirement of
particulars of claim in a collision claim 61 .4(2).
104. An in rem claim form may be served on property under arrest ( ibid., 6.5(1)).
105. Part of the proceeds must still be in court. A claim form may not be served on
proceeds held by an agent who sold the property ( The Optima (1905) 74 L.T.P. 94; The
Fornjot (1907) 24 T.L.R. 26).
106. It has been held (rightly it is suggested) by the Singapore C.A. in relation to
rules equivalent to the former RSC that acceptance of service by an authorised solicitor
cannot operate to remove a plaintiff’ s choice of ship where a writ names numerous
ships—the rule then rendering service on the ship unnecessary but not providing that
such service is deemed to have been made. See The Fierbinti [1994] LMLN 396. See
also The Pacific Bear [1979] Hong Kong L.R. 125. That reasoning seems equally
applicable to any acknowledgment of service in relation to the various methods of
service apart from on the ship. An undertaking to accept service of an in rem claim form
in respect of a "competent court" meant a court comp etent to hear the claim not a court
having at that date in rem jurisdiction The Juntha Rajprueck [2003] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 107
(C.A.). See further??. The Oakwell [1999] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 249 and Chapter 15.
107. [1987] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 236.
108. Ord. 65, r. 4, i.e. that it applies only to personal service —the purpose being
to bring it to the notice of the defendant (indeed the reasoning was always perhaps
109. CPR 6 1.3(6). Once a claim form has been issued and security sought a p erson
who has filed an acknowledgment of service may apply for a court order specifying the
amount and form (ibid., 61.5(10)).
110. As to failure to file an acknowledgment see Chapter 9.
111. CPR 61.3(4) 61 PD 3.4, 3.5. The acknowledgment is Form ADM 2. Where
the defendants were described on the claim form as e.g. "Owners of The Ship X" those
acknowledging service must be named and the nature of ownership stated 61 PD 3.9.
112. Ibid. 61 PD 3.11 referring to CPR 10.1(3). See Chapter 9. As to specifying
security see fn. 108.
113. See Chapter 9.
114. Ibid. 61.9. Claim must be proved because of the traditional view of the action
in rem with the ship as the defendant. Now that fiction has gone there seems little need
for the difference in approach.
115. CPR 61.9(5).
116. The Selby Paradigm [2004] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 714 and see Chapter 27.
117. Ibid. 2.5—but the claim continues as "in rem" (ibid.).
118. See 61.8(7), (10) and Chapter 15.
119. See Chapters 15, 25.
120. CPR 61 PD 6.1.
121. See the approach in The Kusu Island (1989) Singapore C.A. construing the
Singapore rules of court (for discussion see [1990] LMCLQ 169). As to the limitation
period see Chapter 11.
122. As to the grounds on which amendment may be permitted after the limitation
period has expired see Chapter 11.
123. See CPR 19. Save for specific restrictions where an applicable time limit has
expired the power to add a new party is general, and does not require that the new party
have an existing cause of action. See 19.2. Chubb Insurance Co. v. Davies [2004]
EWHC 2138. As to time limits see Chapter 11.
124. C P R 6 1. 7 .
125. The Mardina Merchant [1974] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 424—harbour authority
affected by presence of vessel.
126. See The Mara [1988] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 459.
127. For an example of the procedural distinction operating to preserve a claim
see The Soeraya Emas (Singapore H.C.) [1992] LMLN 338.
128. I.e. either through the application (through Art. 57) of the Arrest Convention
1952 or Collision Jurisdiction Convention 1952 or in respect of salvage of cargo or
freight (Art. 5(7)).
129. [1992] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 552.
130. Even though subsequent to filing an acknowledgment the procedure is mainly
as for in personam claims (see 61 PD 3.10). As to the merging (or not ) of an action in
rem in a judgment in personam see e.g. The Rena K [1979] 1 All E.R. 397 at p. 416;
The Indian Grace (No. 2) [1997] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 1. As to the enforcement of a judgment
in rem by an action in rem see The Despina GK [1982] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 555 and
Chapters 27, 28 and as to enforcement of an arbitration award by an action in rem see
Chapters 3, 13.
131. See generally Caltex Oil (Australia) Pty Ltd v. The dredge Willemstad
(1975–76) 136 C.L.R. 529 (High Court of Australi a). A person threatened with loss
through an arrest may be permitted to intervene. See The Mardina Merchant [1974] 3
All E.R. 749.
132. Civil Courts (Amendment) (No. 2) Order 1999 (SI 1999/10 1 1). The
jurisdiction prior to that date was set out in the Co unty Courts Act 1984, ss.27, 28. It
was not greatly used.
Chapter 11
Restrictions on Jurisdiction
12.1 A restriction on jurisdiction as discussed in this chapter reflects the
prohibition on bringing suit even though there is compliance with any general or
specific jurisdiction base and the service of a claim form. The prohibition may go to the
creation of jurisdiction in providing a further jurisdiction requirement, or it may go to
the exercise of established jurisdiction. The distinction is probably of little practical
significance save where the suit is at the court’s discretion and weight is given to the
existence of jurisdiction apart from the discretion. The rules differ according to whether
the substantive regimes of the EC Regulation 44/200 1 or the Brussels or Lugano
Convention apply.
12.2 An English court, as any national court untrammelled by any system of which
it is part or agreement has the power to decide its own jurisdiction. That in evitably
changes once the state becomes part of a system an element of which is allocation of
jurisdiction. Under the Community regime that allocation imposes an obligation to take
or decline jurisdiction. So the primary rule is that, subject to exceptions , jurisdiction is
linked to the defendant’s domicile. A critical issue is therefore whether a case falls
within the regime, in the sense that (a) the issue is within its scope, and (b) the required
link between Member State and issue is present. 1. Regulation 44/2001, Brussels and
Lugano Conventions
12.3 The approach of the English courts has been to maintain the untrammelled
jurisdiction powers unless these are restricted by the regime. In particular they have
construed the Brussels Convention—
(i) as regards initial jurisdiction as only affecting an issue connected with a non -
contracting State if specifically provided for in the Convention.
(ii)in respect of multiple proceedings
(a) as not preventing the use of the anti suit injunction in resp ect of foreign
proceedings in respect of contracting and non -contracting States
(b) despite Convention provisions for allocation of jurisdiction between
contracting States maintaining power to (i) assert jurisdiction contrary to those
provisions if there is an English exclusive jurisdiction clause, or (ii) decline
jurisdiction on the basis of forum non conveniens where the English initial jurisdiction
is not based on a Convention provision.
12.4 All three of these approaches has now been declared to be contrary to the
Brussels Convention and hence the EC Regulation. 1 It would seem inconceivable that
the courts would then persist with them as regards the Lugano Convention. Priority of
other conventions
12.5 The provisions of the Regulation and Conventions maintaining or overriding
other conventions prevents conflict of jurisdiction. Such priority however goes to the
identity of the governing structure rather than resolving potential conflicts within a
12.6 Such conflicts may arise within the structure from concurrent or consecutive
litigation on the same issue in different courts and resolution is by giving priority to one
court or action where one action is already pending. It is only where there are
provisions dealing with pending actions applicable to the case in another maintained
Convention that the Regulation allocation will be replaced. 2 Prevention of foreign
proceedings by an English court—the anti suit injunction
12.7 Under English law an English court may, through such an injunction, prohibit a
party within its jurisdiction from taking or continuing proceedings in a foreign court.
The primary purpose of this power is to enforce jurisdiction and arbitration clauses
conferring jurisdiction on an English court, or generally to prevent that which English
courts see as abuse of process. At one time courts took the view that this was no
interference with foreign courts. However, in a number of cases it has been conceded
that it may be seen as at least indirect interference. It is by its nature a means of
preventing proceedings running concurrently those in England.
12.8 Until 2004 the English courts did not differentiate in applying this remedy to
proceedings before courts of States parties to the Brussels or Lugano Conventions and
to issues within those Conventions. In Turner v. Grovit3 the European Court held that
the grant of such an injunction was "incompatible" with the system of the Convention as
between courts of contracting states—that being based on the "trust which the
Contracting States accord to each other legal systems and judicial institutions". In
essence the use of an anti suit injunction in the Convention context is to interfere with
the functions of the other court. This approach is simply underlined by Regulation
44/2001, that being part of EU law. The approach applies to the Lugano Convention for
the reasons given. The sole argument in regard to the grant of such injunctions within the
EU goes to the scope of the judgment and particularly as to whether it is exclusively
linked to issues substantively within the appropriate Convention or the Regulation. 4
That matter is discussed in Chapter 25 in the context of remedies, its relevance to this
chapter lying only in the question of the attitude of an English court to an anti suit
injunction in relation to its jurisdiction. The Regulation and Brussels and Lugano
Convention—Multiple Proceedings
12.9 Under the regimes a national court must decide its own jurisdiction in
accordance with the potentially appropriate structure. So it must decide if the subject -
matter falls within the applicable regime (as, for example, whether "arbitration" is
excluded—see Chapter 5). If the matter is within the regime, is not subject to national
law or another Convention and has not previously been litigated, a court in which
jurisdiction is conferred prior to any other court there is no Regulation or Convention
provision allowing the court to decline to hear the case. A fundamental purpose of the
regimes is to prevent irreconcilable judgments between courts of Member States. So
there is a need to prevent relitigation of disputes decided, provide for ready recognition
and enforcement of judgments 5 and allocate jurisdiction where proceedings are taken
concerning the same claim or related claims in courts of different Member States.
12.10 The need for "multiple proceedings" provisions arises first as in regard to
initial proceedings there may be more than one Community jurisdiction (as, for example,
the domicile of the defendant or the place of the damage in a tort action). Secondly, the
principle of prevention of irreconcilable judgments extends to judgments on any dispute
whether or not the jurisdiction in each case was based on Community substantive
provisions. It encompasses initial jurisdiction rules of national law —but it is to be
recalled that the application of national law is itself through the Regulation or
12.11 Articles 27–30 of the Regulations provide:
"Article 27
1. Where proceedings involving the same cause of action and between the same
parties are brought in the courts of different Member States, any court other than the
court first seised shall of its own motion stay its proceedings until such time as the
jurisdiction of the court first seised is established.
2. Where the jurisdiction of the court first seised is established, any court other
than the court first seised shall decline jurisdiction in favour of that court.
Article 28
1. Where related actions are pending in the courts of different Member States, any
court other than the court first seised may stay its proceedings.
2. Where these actions are pending at first instance, any court other than the court
first seised may also, on the application of one of the parties, decline jurisdiction if the
court first seised has jurisdiction over the actions in question and its law permits the
consolidation thereof.
3. For the purposes of this Article, actions are deemed to be related where they are
so closely connected that it is expedient to hear and determine them together to avoid the
risk of irreconcilable judgments resulting from separate proceedings.
Article 29
Where actions come within the exclusive jurisdiction of several courts, any court
other than the court first seised shall decline jurisdiction in favour of that court.
Article 30
For the purposes of this Section, a court shall be deemed to be seised:
1. at the time when the document instituting the proceedings or an equivalent
document is lodged with the court, provided that the plaintiff has not subsequently failed
to take the steps he was required to take to have service effected on the defendant, or
2. if the document has to be served before being lodged with the court, at the time
when it is received by the authority responsible for service, provided that the plaintiff
has not subsequently failed to take the steps he was required to take to have the
document lodged with the court.
12.12 The only substantive differences from the Brus sels Convention are—
(a) (in Article 28.1) to allow proceedings to be stayed at any level instead of only
"at first instance" and (b) (in Article 28.2) to limit the power to decline jurisdiction to
circumstances where the actions are pending at firs t instance;
(ii) (in Article 30) a Regulation definition of seised replacing the reference of that
issue to the internal law of the forum court (Article 52) —thereby removing one possible
ground of conflict of jurisdictions.
In regard to all other matters the authorities interpreting the Convention continue to
be applicable. The relevance of accession by a Member State
12.13 In relation to the Brussels Convention where an Accession Treaty simply
provides for its applicability to procee dings instituted after it comes into force, that
applicability is not clear if proceedings are brought in a member State prior to
accession and later proceedings in another member State after accession. 6 In Von Horn
v. Cinnamond7 the European Court held that the court second seised should decline
jurisdiction once the jurisdiction of the court first seised was established unless the
basis of that jurisdiction meant that under the Convention the judgment would not be
recognised by the court second seised. That principle appears equally applicable to the
Regulation regarding accession in 2004 of the ten new Member States. As between a
Member and Non Member State
12.14 Jurisdiction dependent on whether a court of a contracting State h as any
discretion to decline jurisdiction in favour of a non-contracting State depends on the
scope of the initial jurisdiction Convention provisions and, if these provisions do not
apply, on national law. In 1991 in Re Harrods the Court of Appeal held that the Brussels
Convention had no application to such an issue and national law is to apply. 8 In other
words, no Convention base 9 carries the consequence of excluding national law from the
question of whether or not the jurisdiction of that base should be exercised as against
that of a court of a non-Convention country. In particular, therefore, an English court
should consider the principle of forum conveniens and, if necessary, an anti sui t
injunction (see infra). Such a conclusion it was said is to be supported by the
provisions preventing multiplicity of actions being limited to courts of contracting
12.15 This decision stood and was consistently applied by English courts until
2005 when in Owusu v. Jackson10 the European Court, dealing (as in Re Harrods) with
the primary Convention basis of domicile (Article 2) held
(i) there was nothing in that provision that limited it to legal issues involving only
contractual States and the Convention was intended to remove disparities between
national legislations
(ii) forum non conveniens was not compatible with the Convention, the
Convention structure provided certainty of allocation of jurisdiction, the discretionary
nature of the principle would undermine that certainty and there would be no uniform
application of it.11
Re Harrods has always been controversial. It reflects an approach which saw the
Convention as an intervention in national law. The approach of the Euro pean court is the
converse—emphasising the aims of the Convention in its European context. And that can
only be emphasised in the context of the Regulation. As between Member States
12.16 The provisions apply to concurrent proceedings pending in different states12
but require that they all started consecutively. 13 On the face of Articles 27 and 28 no
distinction is drawn between (i) actions brought on a Regulation jurisdiction base and
those brought on jurisdiction based on national law applied through Article 4 (i.e.
where the defendant is not domiciled in a Member State) 14 or (ii) exclusive and non-
exclusive Regulation jurisdiction. 15 There is simply an allocation of jurisdiction as
between actions involving the same cause of action or related claims provided there is a
risk of irreconcilable judgments. Provisional measures 16
12.17 An action for provisional measures in one state and an action on the merits
in another will not without more attract these provisions. 17 The concept of lis alibi
pendens may however be relevant to two actions for protective measures if the
measures are not restricted to the state of the court ordering them or if the making of the
order means that the court will hear the dispute. 18 Negative declarations
12.18 Negative declarations as a remedy have long been used in European states.
They are now accepted as available in English courts not only in matters within the
Brussels and Lugano Conventions but in English domestic law. 19 It follows that an
action for damages and an action for a declaration of non –liability may be a classic
situation in which Articles 21–23 operate.20
Limitations declared by English courts now overruled
"Exclusive jurisdiction" agreements
12.19 In 1993 in Continental Bank NA v. Aeakos Naviera SA 21 the Court of
Appeal held that where jurisdiction is said to be based on an agreement under Article
17 of the Brussels Convention that court must assess the validity and effect of the
clause.22 If it is in its view effective in being "exclusive", it takes precedence over
Articles 21 and 22. 23 So the fact that the English court was second seised could not
affect the jurisdiction.
In 2003 in Gasser v. MISAT24 the European Court rejected this approach as being
contrary to the plain wording of the provision "based clearly and solely on the
chronological order in which the courts involved are seised". In the Court’s view the
court second seised is never in a be tter position to determine the jurisdiction of the
court first seised. Further, the agreement may not be effective or disputes may arise as to
its existence.25 These possibilities would be contrary to the Convention aim of certainty
of jurisdiction.
Forum non conveniens and the defendant’s domicile
12.20 English courts excluded the strict chronological provisions of allocation of
jurisdiction from the assessment of whether an English court should exercise
jurisdiction as against that of another contra cting State when the defendant is not
domiciled in a Convention state. 26 The basis for this view is that by Article 4, in cases
other than those within Article 16, the jurisdiction of a contracting State is to be
determined by the law of that state. 27 So before getting to a conflict to which Article 21
or 22 apply there should first be a decision whether the English court has (or will
exercise) jurisdiction. So whether Article 21 or 22 may apply even if it is the court first
seised it still could decline the exercise of jurisdiction.
12.21 This is an entirely different point to that of the application of the Convention
to the choice of jurisdiction between contracting and non -contracting States, for it is
based on the construction of Convention rules. It has a certain logic about it but whether
it is consistent with underlying Convention principles was always dubious and in the
light of Owusu v. Jackson (see 12.15) probably now unarguable. It introduces forum
conveniens into circumstances plainly within a Convention rule, and, more, it seems to
ignore the wording of Articles 21 and 22. In neither is there any reference to the
jurisdictional basis of the rival proceedings —the provisions refer simply to when
"proceedings" or "related actions" are brought. So the Convention criterion for choice
applies, and it would seem inconsistent to approach this only after considering if the
proceedings "brought" should be stayed on grounds of national law.
12.22 This point is dealt with, at least in part, in the context of the English
approach by the theory that a stay of proceedings while the court second seised
exercises jurisdiction amounts to the English court effectively "disseising" itself. 28
Articles 21 and 22 only operate when there are concurrent proceedings and it must be
open to the court first seised to declare that it has no jurisdiction. But the question is,
given the Convention framework, may that court decline jurisdiction on the basis that the
court second seised should exercise it. That seems directly contrary to Convention
allocation,29 particularly when the effective disseising is contingent on the other court
exercising jurisdiction. If, as the English courts accept, this course would be contrar y to
the Convention if the initial jurisdiction was based on the Convention, it is difficult to
appreciate why Convention rules giving priority to the court first seised in the
prevention of the risk of irreconcilable judgments should vary according to the base of
the initial jurisdiction.
12.23 The issue is complicated by the fact the English rule of forum conveniens
domestically covers both single forum and alternative forum cases. Articles 21 and 22
require concurrent proceedings. 30 But the scope of the domestic rule must be governed
by the Convention’s framework. So there is no anomaly in the domestic rule continuing
to control initial jurisdiction but giving way to the Convention rule as soon as there are
concurrent proceedings. Any power domestically to bring jurisdiction to an end cannot,
it is suggested, operate contrary to the Convention’s method of doing so.
12.24 Whatever the merits of the above arguments it seems almost inconceivable
that in the light of Owusu v. Jackson forum non conveniens can have any application as
between Member States. 30a The English approach depends on a narrow legalistic
analysis of doubtful strength. It is high unlikely that, particularly given the wording of
the provisions, an uncertainty of jurisdiction allocation would be seen as compatible
with the Regulation. Powers and Duties of the Courts The power or duty to halt
12.25 A court must decline jurisdiction of its own motion if seised of a claim o ver
which a court of another Member State has exclusive jurisdiction by virtue of its subject
matter (Article 25). Subject to that duty, there is no power under Articles 27 –29 for the
court first seised to decline jurisdiction or stay proceedings. Under Ar ticle 27 (the
same cause of action) the court later seised must stay proceedings pending a decision
by the court first seised 31 on any contest as to its jurisdiction. Once that jurisdiction is
established the court later seised must de cline jurisdiction. Under Article 28 (related
actions)32 the court later seised may stay its proceedings where related actions are
pending. If the actions are pending at first instance the court later seised may on the
application of a party decline jurisd iction if the court first seised has jurisdiction over
the actions in question and its law permits consolidation of the actions. Under Article
29 (exclusive jurisdiction) the court second seised must decline jurisdiction.
Consideration of the jurisdiction of the foreign court
12.26 A court before which it is asserted that another is seised has the jurisdiction
to decide whether in accordance with the Regulation 33 it is so seised. It is only if it is
held to be seised that any question of allocation of jurisdiction arises. 34 Elements of
the Provisions "Seised"
12.27 The provisions are geared to "proceedings" (Article 27) or "actions"
(Article 28), and are not focused on "issues". It would therefore be "a misreading of the
Regulation to ask which court is first seised of issues raised or might be raised" —for to
do that would result in fragmentation of decisions and the risk of irreconcilable
judgments the provisions are designed to avoid. 35 The Brussels and Lugano
Convention (Arts 21, 22)
12.28 In 1984 in Zelger v. Salinitri36 the European Court rejected an argument that
"seised" was a Convention concept. The Court said that the object of the Convention
was not to unify the formalities "closely linked to the organization of judicial procedure
in the various states". The question of when a court was seised fell within the area of
formalities and is to be referred to the rules of each national law. However, for the
purposes of the Convention a court is seised if the action is "definitively pending" —a
general Convention concept 37 construed by the English Court of Appeal as "decisive,
conclusive, final or definitive litigational relationship between the Court and
litigants".38 It is however directed at a time before the arguments of the defendant are
12.29 Both in actions in personam and in rem it is now accepted that an English
court is seised on the service of the claim form, it not being sufficient of itself to be
seised of the dispute on the merits if jurisdiction is exercised in respect of provisional
measures.40 The latter step illustrates how the courts are treading the European path of
distinguishing between provisional matters and issues on the merits, thereby easing
English law (at least in the context of Europe) away from the illogicality of viewing the
two as necessarily interlinked.41
12.30 In an action in rem the court may be seised on arrest of a ship where that act
was the foundation of jurisdiction on the merits. 42 Where the arrest was a provisional
measure only (as where the merits action is elsewhere) the court wou ld arguably not be
"seised" of the merits. 43 Although the purpose of the arrest may be irrelevant to its
validity under English law it may be relevant to whether it is a provisional measure or
the foundation of merits jurisdiction under the Brussels Conven tion or the Arrest
Convention. The Regulation (Arts 27, 28)
12.31 There is a change of approach and an attempt to bring the different national
procedures within one Convention concept. The date of seisin depends on the action of
the claimant in (i) lodging the document initiating the proceedings with the court or
(when appropriate) the authority for service and (ii) (as appropriate) ensuring either
service or complying with the time limit for lodging the document. 44
12.32 In terms of English law the court will be seised on issue of the claim form
provided (as regards the Admiralty or Commercial Court) the claimant serves the form
in accordance with the Civil Procedure Rules (including applicable Practice
Directions) (as to which see Chapter 9). So whether or not a Court is seised at the date
of issue will not be known till subsequently and may depend on whether an extension of
time for service is granted. Nevertheless it would seem that a common approach is more
satisfactory than leaving the matter to the various national laws. Taking the initial act of
the claimant either in lodging the initiating document with the court or the authority for
service as the critical act is defensible in that that is the start of the process, whether or
not it continues.45 Multi defendants
12.33 In 1994 in Grupo Torras SA v. Al Sabah46 Mance J. had to wrestle with
numerous issues under the Brussels Convention some of which were already on their
way to the European Court in The Maciej Rataj.47 One issue apparently relevant to both
cases but only argued in Grupo Torras was the date of definitive pendency in a case
involving multiple defendants. Mance J. felt the only practical date was that of service
on the defendant first seised. Otherwise the re would be fragmentation and confusion
with different courts having jurisdiction in the same related causes of action. In such
actions the approach was to compare the whole and not take a defendant by defendant
12.34 However such a construction involves the concept of a defendant being
treated as served although not served and being notified of proceedings without
knowing of them. The subsequent decision of the European Court in The Maciej Rataj
accepted the disadvantage of fragmentation in taking a strict view of "the same parties"
in Article 21 (see infra). As the Court of Appeal accepted in The Grupo Torras case 48
the approach of Mance J. could not stand with the party by party approach underly ing
the decision in The Maciej Rataj. There was no escape from the conclusion that those
defendants not served are not parties. It must surely be the responsibility of the claimant
to ensure contemporaneous service or accept that there will be consecutive parties.49
That is simply underlined by the focus of the Regulation. The same cause of action and
between the same parties
12.35 Subject to the limitations discussed above, a court must decline jurisdiction
if proceedings involving the same parties and sam e cause of action are in being
elsewhere when proceedings are commenced before it unless the jurisdiction of the
other court is not established. The matter must be considered whether or not raised by a
party—the court’s duty is to stay proceedings "of its own motion" until it is
established.50 Whether or not there is identity of causes of action and parties is a matter
for European law to be interpreted independently of "the special features of the law in
force in each Contracting [i.e. Member] State". 51
The same cause of action
12.36 Whether or not proceedings are based on the same cause of action is a matter
for European and not national law. In Gubisch Maschinenfabrik KA v. Palumbo52 it
was held they were the same in this sense if they have the same "subject -matter". So
following this criterion causes of action are the same when in respect of a collision
each party sues the other 53 or as regards a sales contract the vendor sought payment and
the purchaser a declaration that the contract had been revoked or rescission of the
12.37 In The Maciej Rataj55 one issue was whether an action for damages and an
action for declaration of non-liability were the "same cause of action". It was p ointed
out (citing Gubisch) that the language versions other than English distinguish between
the cause of action and the object requiring that they be the same. The cause of action in
this context "comprises the facts and rules of law relied on as the bas is of the action"
while the object is "the end of the action in view". In assessing the matter no account is
to be taken of defences raised by the defendant. 56
12.38 So an analysis must be undertaken of the grounds of the action and its
purpose. The reliance on a different basis of liability may not of itself lead to a
conclusion that "cause" is not identical 57 but different factual elements would probably
do so.58 Reliance on categorisation of rights as substantive and procedural may do more
to conceal than reveal critical identities or differences. However, the categorisation
may indicate a different ground and certainly a different rule of law. So at least liability
and limitation actions at least where there are multi parties may be sa id to differ in that
the liability action is asserting a claim whereas a limitation action is limiting the amount
payable to the claimants proportionately. 59 An interpleader action will differ from
liability actions in respect of the various claimants rele vant to the interpleader claim,
that claim being made by machinery aimed at allowing the claimant in that claim to
force a decision in regard to which the admitted liability lies and should be met. 60
12.39 In The Maciej Rataj itself the court held that an action for a declaration of
nonliability and an action asserting liability based on the same carriage of bulk cargo
and on identical contracts had the same cause of action. Further, the two actions had the
same object, the issue of liability being central to both. The fact that damage is sought in
one but not the other "does not alter the principal object of the action" and further a
declaration of non-liability disputes liability for loss. It follows that a defendant (or
potential defendant) may take the initiative through a "pre -emptive strike" for a
declaration of non-liability. That court would therefore be the first seised and the
plaintiff will find that his claim must be adjudged in that court.
Liability and limitation proceedings
12.40 While both are "proceedings" for the purposes of Article 27 they clearly
have neither the same subject matter nor the same cause of action. The subject matter of
the limitation proceedings is to limit compensation not to assess liabili ty. The cause of
actions differ as liability is based on non contractual liability and limitation on
Convention or statute 61 (see Chapter 24).
An action in personam and an action in rem
12.41 In The Maciej Rataj the European Court held that the distinction between an
action in personam and an action in rem was not material to the multiple proceedings
provisions of the Brussels Convention. These were "special features of the law in force
in each Contracting State" and hence irrelevant. The holding of the Court in the
circumstances of the case does not, however, deal with the question of whether an
action in personam and an action in rem always reflect the "same cause of action". It
would seem that both have the same "object" (liability and damages), although this is
accomplished by a different method. They are both based on the same facts but would
differ as to rule of law insofar as liability in the action in rem was based on liability
other than in personam. Whether that is so will depend on the claim and probably that
any difference will be limited to a case in which there is also a difference in parties. 62
Between the same parties
12.42 In The Maciej Rat aj 63 the European Court stressed that the purpose of the
provision was to preclude the non -recognition of a judgment because of
irreconcilability with another between the same parties. Subject to identity of interests
(see infra), for Article 21 to apply therefore the parties to the different proceedings
must be identical. Where there is identity in the case of some parties but not others it is
only in respect of the same parties in the two proceedings that Article 21 will operate.
This construction may make the handling of multi -party cases somewhat difficult save
that, as the Court pointed out, the actions with "new" parties will in all probability be
"related actions". There must be a strong case for a stay in any court second seised
where there is such common ground between actions.
Identity of interest
12.43 Where there is such an identity of interest between parties that a judgment
against one would be res judicata in respect of the other, there is identity of the parties
for the purposes of Article 21. That would occur, for example, if an insurer brought an
action by virtue of subrogation in the name of its insured and the insured could not
influence the proceedings. On the other hand if the interests of the insurer and insured
diverge there is no such identity. 64
An action in personam and an action in rem
12.44 The recognition in The Indian Grace (No. 2) 65 that an action in rem is
against a defendant meant that the statutory prohibition against a further action
subsequently to a judgment of a foreign court involving the same defendant could apply.
The critical factor in relation to the parties is therefore in English law not the existence
but the identity of the defendant and in support of the view that an action in rem was
against a defendant Lord Steyn cited the approach to the issue by the European Court.
12.45 So the question of identity of the parties is identical whether the domestic
actions are in rem or in personam. That may not occur insofar as the action in rem is not
against a person liable in personam (as, for example, a purchaser or a shipowne r when
the person liable in personam is a charterer). 66 Related actions (Regulation Art. 28,
Conventions Art. 22)
12.46 It is in this context that, even as regards allocation between jurisdictions
based on Convention grounds, forum non conveniens may continue to play a part in the
conferring of a power on a court other than the court first seised to stay the proceedings
or to decline jurisdiction. The latter power is limited to actions pending at first instance
and on application by a party. 67 "To avoid the risk of irreconcilable judgments"
12.47 The central purpose of all the "multiple proceedings" provisions is that
according to which in Article 28 a national court must consider a stay —where the risk
of irreconcilable judgments makes it "expedient" to hear the cases together. 68 The
purpose becomes a relevant criterion for a court only insofar as Article 27 or Article 29
are not applicable. "Irreconcilable" is not to be construed in this context in the same
way as the identical phrase providing a ground for non -recognition of a judgment of a
court of another state—the objectives are different. Non -recognition of a judgment
requires that the decisions must have "mutually exclusive legal consequences", i.e . be
necessarily inconsistent. The objective of the "multiple proceedings" provision is,
however, to "avoid conflicting and contradictory decisions even where the separate
enforcement of each of them is not precluded". In other words it is the avoidance of risk
and not the necessary consequence at which provision is aimed. So proceedings in two
states by different cargo owners against the same shipowner in relation to different but
identical contracts of carriage in respect of different parts of the same bu lk cargo were
within (now) Article 28. 69
12.48 In determining if there is such a risk there should be a broad common sense
approach. There is no restriction to facts necessary to establish the cause of action (so -
called "primary issues"). The criterion of "expediency" indicates a wide range of
circumstances. To confine consideration to primary issues would encourage complexity
of approach and come close to adopting the narrower text of "mutually exclusive legal
consequences" disapproved by the European Cou rt.70
12.49 There is a strong argument generally for staying the proceedings for, once the
actions are related, the risk of irreconcilable (and hence) unenforceable judgments must
be great.71 If, because of the presence of additional parties, the actions do not fall within
Article 21 the presence of a common party must mean the risk of irreconcilable
judgments.72 The discretion of the court later seised therefore comes into operation and
that discretion must be exercised with the risk firmly in mind. 73 Further, it is possible
that actions relating to identical subject -matter and defendant but brought by different
plaintiffs may be "related". Where in The Maciej Rataj different cargo consignees of
parts of the same cargo of soya bean oil brought actions against the shipowner the
European Court held that the "related actions" provision would mitigate the
disadvantage of its holding that the requirement of the same parties in Article 21 meant
identical parties (see supra). The juridical advantage of a party in a suit in the court
later seised should play even less of a role than where the discretion to stay is exercised
outside the Convention framework —that framework recognising each legal syst em
within it as equal. 74 Liability and limitation proceedings
12.50 In 1991 in Dresser UK Ltd v. Falcongate Freight Management Ltd 75 and in
1997 in The Happy Fellow 76 the Court of Appeal accepted that limitation and liability
proceedings were in principle "related" —there was the risk of irreconcilable
judgments.77 In the latter case the Court rejected arguments that an admission of liability
removed the risk, but on the particular facts of that case. First, there had been admission
only after the first instance hearing in the second seised English court, and the decision
as to stay, it was held, must be based on the facts as they existed at that hearing.
Secondly, it was open to the French court considering the liability action both to base its
judgment on facts yet to be found by a survey and to consider limitation. 78
12.51 It follows that whenever the actions are related a shipowner could therefore
make "a pre-emptive strike" and then by the use of Article 28 force the liability claimant
into a jurisdiction of the shipowner’s choosing. 79
Multiple "exclusive" jurisdiction (Article 23)
12.52 Exclusive jurisdiction is a phrase used in respect of jurisdiction : (a)
imposed by Article 16 if a matter falls within it; or (b) conferred by Articles 17 and 18
through agreement or submission through appearance. Article 16 is expressly given
priority over Articles 17 and 18 and it has been held that appearance under Ar ticle 18
overrides any agreement under Article 17. Article 23 must therefore be of limited
scope. It will apply only where there is no priority principle —as, for example, in
proceedings within Article 16 elements which lead to different jurisdiction or if an
agreement under Article 17 leads to two different jurisdictions. 2. Restrictions on
English Proceedings Other Than under the Brussels or Lugano Convention
12.53 The claimant who complies with the requirements for the establish ing of
jurisdiction in the English Court to hear a maritime claim may be met by objections to
the exercise of that jurisdiction. 79a These possible objections are based on general
principles applicable to all claims but also have consequences peculiar to th e maritime
area because of the linking of provisional remedy and security aspects to jurisdiction
over the merits of a claim.
The restrictions to be considered are:
Inherent jurisdiction to stay proceedings;
Agreements to submit dispute to foreign forum;
Arbitration agreements;
The appropriate forum (forum conveniens);
Issue estoppel and res judicata;
State immunity (whether foreign or English);
Restrictions on specific claims;
Abuse of process. 1. Inherent Jurisdiction to Stay Proceedings80
12.54 There is an inherent jurisdiction in the High Court and higher appellate
courts to stay proceedings. It is relatively rarely asserted as most stay applications will
be based on one of grounds 2–8 above. But it is often emphasized, and it has been
suggested as the basis of stay where, for example, in the exceptional case for a court
rather than the arbitral tribunal to determine if there is a valid arbitration 81 agreement or
to stay proceedings between two parties pending an arbitration between o ne of the
parties and a third party. 82 2. Foreign Forum Agreements
12.55 Many maritime contracts (in particular, bills of lading) include jurisdiction
clauses; and in many cases the same clause will specify the law which is to govern the
contract. To what extent will such a clause be upheld by the English courts?
The issue will usually arise:
(a) as part of a request for permission to serve a defendant out of the jurisdiction in
an action in personam (as to which see Chapter 9);
(b) (most commonly) through a request for a stay of proceedings instituted in an
English court contrary to such a clause. Construction of the clause
12.56 Forum and arbitration clauses are excluded from the ambit of the Rome
Convention on the Law Applicable to Contracts 1980 enacted by the 1990 Act, and it is
therefore to the principles of law in being prior to and apart from that Act that reference
must be made. Governing law is discussed in Chapter 26 but in the present context it
should be stressed that if there is no effective choice of law in the bill of lading or other
contract, the validity of the jurisdiction clause (and hence the jurisdiction) will be
assessed in accordance with the law having the closest connection with the contract. In
particular it should be borne in mind that English law does not recognise a "floating"
choice of law substantively governing the contract —as, for example, an option as to the
law given to the shipowner. 83
12.57 The clause must not be so equivocal as to be uncertain. Howe ver, given the
construction of “British courts” in an international maritime contract by the Court of
Appeal as the Commercial Court and Admiralty Court 84 there may be room for evidence
as to type of court that reference might have been expected to be made . Where there are
two different exclusive jurisdiction clauses in contracts so related as to create common
issues the English court will consider issues of forum conveniens, the circumstances
surrounding the contracts and their creation. So where one jurisdiction is English the
question would be in relation to each clause whether the party seeking to litigate in the
particular court had satisfied the burden of showing a stay justifiable (as to which see
infra). If not, the proceedings would take their separate courses. 85 Litigation or
12.58 A persistent problem stems from the incorporation (or arguable
incorporation) of charterparty terms into a bill of lading when the charterparty c ontains
a jurisdiction or arbitration clause. The principles of incorporation have been discussed
at length and were admirably summarised in 2003 in Siboti K/S v. B.P. France SA.86 In
that Gross J. stressed the need for clarity and certainty given the stat us of bills of lading
as negotiable instruments and the jurisdictional consequence of incorporation. But all in
the end depends on the intentions of the parties.
12.59 In assessing incorporation, construction of the bill of lading is the startpoint,
and on one view the end point. 87 There is no difference for this purpose between a
jurisdiction and arbitration clause. 88 Incorporation is not merely notice and general
words of incorporation without reference to the jurisdiction or ar bitration clause will
not suffice. There must not be a need for undue manipulation of the wording. 89
12.60 A further problem relevant in the present context arises when the question of
incorporation of a charterparty arbitration clause arises in relation t o a bill of lading
containing a jurisdiction clause (see Chapter 13). It may be argued, it is then more
difficult to incorporate an arbitration clause particularly where it is necessary to
"manipulate" a clause referring to shipowners and charterers so as to apply to charterers
and shippers.
12.61 Where under the principles of incorporation the arbitration clause would be
incorporated in a bill of lading, any inconsistency with a jurisdiction clause is a matter
of construction. Precedence is given to specific provision rather than standard clauses
and normally the express term against the incorporated term. 90 Provision simply for
"English jurisdiction" is not necessarily inconsistent with a concurrent express
reference of any dispute to arbitration —for the arbitration must itself be subject to a
particular jurisdiction. Especially is this so if there is also provision for the application
of the law of the place in which jurisdiction is conferred —the arbitration clause
operates.91 Scope of the clause
12.62 The first question goes to the extent to which the parties are bound by the
agreement. So a clause limited to disputes "arising under this docume nt" (i.e. a bill of
lading) does not of itself include a non -party.92 Provided the clause is not drafted so as
to exclude them, non-parties to the contract may be bound under the general principles
of holders of bills of lading, as persons to whom the good s are delivered, 93 or as
bailees of the goods. 94 A jurisdiction agreement (just as an arbitration agreement)
should be seen as part of any right assigned and therefore to benefit and bind an
assignee of the right. 95 But a shipowner cannot rely on a clause under which the
shipowner as subcontractor was entitled to benefits conferred on the carrier (a
Himalaya clause) to take advantage of a jurisdiction clause. The jurisdiction clause
creates mutual rights and obligations and as such falls outside the clause conferring only
benefits on the non-party.96
12.63 There may be a limitation by reference to the claims 97 or the kind of
proceedings specified. So in 1980 the Court of Appeal was prepared to consider that a
clause focusing on "legal proceedings against the Carrier" did not include proceedings
against the ship. 98 That particular contention would stand little chance of success now it
is accepted that the defendant in an action in rem is the person having an interest in the
ship,99 but the point as to scope remains relevant. Construction problems are inevitable
but it is at least necessary to be conscious of their potential consequences, particularly
in the use of standard forms. Whether the clause is "exclusive"
12.64 A non-exclusive (i.e. a permissive) clause may have less weight than an
agreement excluding all jurisdiction save that selected. English courts have construed
the relevance and nature of the issue primarily in respect of English jurisdiction clauses
but the principles must be identical. 100 Whether the clause is exclusive or permissive is
a matter of construction—the word "exclusive" is not necessary. 101 There is nothing
inherently wrong in law or practice in providing for more than one jurisdiction but if
only one is specified there may be little point in so providing unless it is intended that
the jurisdiction be exclusive. 102 A "service of suit" clause by which one party agrees to
submit to the jurisdiction chosen by another does not deprive either party from initiating
proceedings in any place where it is entitled to act —it simply imposes the obligation
12.65 In deciding whether or not a clause is exclusive a distinction has been drawn
between an intransitive clause by which the parties agree to submit themsel ves to a
court chosen by one of them and a clause having a "transitive sense" and by which the
parties agree to submit disputes to a particular court. The former is apt to describe an
intention to agree to submit while the latter imposes a contractual obli gation.104 A
clause of submission followed by the reservation of an option in one party to bring suit
elsewhere leads to the conclusion that the clause is "exclusive" in respect of the other
12.66 However, it all depends on the contract. So in Berisford v. New Hampshire
Insurance106 Hobhouse J. held that a clause in an insurance contract that "this insurance
is subject to English jurisdiction" was non -exclusive.107 In that role it had a purpose in
indicating to the plaintiff (who would normally be the assured) that an action could be
brought in the English courts. Further it would necessarily be a strong factor in any issue
of whether England was the appropriate forum —a point made even more strongly in
British Aerospace Ltd v. Dee Howard Co.108 In that case Waller J. expressed the view
that in the face of an agreement for English jurisdiction the plea of forum non
conveniens was not open to the parties save as to circumstances not foreseeable when
the bargain was struck. 109 Such a view should apply to militate against English
jurisdiction where the clause is in favour of a foreign court 110—although English courts
may "look with favour" at the choice of English jurisdiction as a neutral forum. 111
Limitations on agreements as a jurisdiction base
12.67 The recognition of agreement as a jurisdictional ground is subject to any
requirement of a mandatory link between territory and dispute as a jurisdictional
prerequisite, or the imposition of mandatory rules to the dispute. To give effect to those
rules it may be held that any agreement in favour of a foreign forum is void.
12.68 In English law the imposition of jurisdiction contacts or mandatory
substantive rules tends to be rooted in Conventions enacte d into national law. 112 So the
Collision Jurisdiction Convention 1952 requires one or more of specified links for an
action in personam.113 The Athens Convention Relating to the Carriage of Passengers
and Their Luggage by Sea, 114 the CMR (relating to international carriage by road) but
which applies in part to sea carriage 115 specify where actions must be brought.
12.69 In the Athens Convention a jurisdiction agreement is permitted only after the
event creating the dispute. In the Collision Jurisdiction Convention and the CMR
jurisdictional choice is but one of a number of permissible jurisdiction grounds; and it
must be arguable that in the face of an action in one of a number of permitted
jurisdiction the English presumption of upholding the choice of jurisdiction by
agreement (see infra) would not apply. The Hague and Hague -Visby Rules
12.70 The Hague and Hague -Visby Rules contain no express jurisdiction
provisions.116 In the only reported English case on the effect of a jurisdiction clause in
relation to a dispute within the English version of the Hague Rules the clause was
upheld. The basis of the decision was that the law to be applied would be the same as
English law.117
12.71 The replacement in England of the Hague Rules by the Hague -Visby Rules
has changed the picture in two respects. First, the rules as enacted in England now apply
by statute to many more voyages than previously and may so apply to a voyage having
no connection with England. Secondly, the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1971 provides
that the rules are to have "the force of law".
12.72 The phrase "force of law" has become the traditional method of enacting
Conventions into English law where this is done by settin g out the Convention
provisions in a schedule to the enabling provision. In particular the phrase is employed
in the Carriage of Goods by Road Act 1965, section 1 (in relation to the CMR
Convention); the Merchant Shipping Act 1995, section 183(1) (in relat ion to the Athens
Convention 1974); section 185 (in relation to the Limitation of Liability Convention
1976); section 224 (in relation to the Salvage Convention 1989); and the Civil
Jurisdiction and Judgments Acts 1982 and 1991 (in relation to the Brussels and Lugano
Conventions). On its face the phrase is not necessarily mandatory in the sense of
directing an English court to apply the statute despite any choice of jurisdiction or law
by a party which would evade it. It remains somewhat of a mystery why, i f it was
intended to be mandatory, it is not drafted in clear language so providing. A glance at
section 9 of the Australian Sea Carriage of Goods Act 1924 provides a model.
"9(1) All parties to any bill of lading or document relating to the carriage of go ods
from any place in Australia to any place outside Australia shall be deemed to have
intended to contract according to the laws in force at the place of sh ipment, and any
stipulation or agreement to the contrary, or purporting to oust or lessen the jurisdiction
of the Courts of the Commonwealth or of a State in respect of the bill of lading or
document, shall be illegal, null and void, and of no effect.
(2) Any stipulation or agreement, whether made in the Commonwealth or
elsewhere, purporting to oust or lessen the jurisdiction of the Courts of the
Commonwealth or of a State in respect of any bill of lading or document relating to the
carriage of goods from any place outside Australia to any place in Australia shall be
illegal, null and void, and of no effect" 118
12.73 The lack of statutory clarity enabled argument and counter -argument on the
issue of "force of law" to carry The Morviken119 to the House of Lords in 1982. In the
case, the bill of lading provided in the same clause:
(i) for exclusive jurisdiction in the court of Amsterdam;
(ii) choice of law and a maximum carrier’s liability according to the Hague Rules
(to which the Netherlands was then a party) well below that according to the Hague -
Visby Rules (to which the United Kingdom was a party).
Proceedings were brought in England and it was argued by the cargo owners that
because of the maximum liability less t han the Hague-Visby Rules the whole clause
(including the provision for jurisdiction) was invalid. It lessened the liability of the
carrier and was, therefore, "null and void and of no effect" by Article III, rule 8, of the
12.74 The House of Lords held that Article III, rule 8, applied not only to clauses
the carrier’s liability but to any clause which, if applied, would lessen that liability. In
respect of a choice of forum clause if, when relied on, it would have that consequence"
an English court is . . . commanded by the 1971 Act to treat the clause as of no effect".
As a result, a choice of forum or a choice of law clause in a bill of lading to which the
Hague-Visby Rules apply " by force of law" will be treated by an English court as void
to the extent that it falls foul of Article III, rule 8, of the rules. 120 However, it will
remain valid in all other respects. 121 Further a reference to a jurisdiction which would
not apply the Hague-Visby Rules but would apply a domestic statute relating to
limitation of shipowner’s liability is not invalid. 122 It comes within Article VIII of the
Rules providing that the rules:
"shall not affect the rights and obligations of the carrier under any statute for the
time being in force relating to the limitation of the liability of owners of sea going
vessels." The effect in English law (a) Stay of proceedings
12.75 In theory the presumption of upholding contracts holds full sway. 123 Yet at
one time it seemed difficult to trace any consistent principle through the cases. The
cynic may say that the issue turned to a large extent on the identity of the jurisdiction for
which the parties have opted, but even this focus (hardly a principle) is di fficult to
establish. Judicial concern has often been expressed at the cost in time and expense of
lengthy proceedings solely directed at the place of trial (one aspect of "satellite
litigation"). In some cases such contests may be tactical moves to furthe r settlements124
but, whatever the motive, courts on occasion are not over -impressed by lengthy
documentation and argument. 125 However, lengthy and complex arguments seem to
continue,126 and, perhaps, because of this the issues now seem to be considered in detail
and, it may be said, with full discussion of relevant issues.
12.76 English appellate courts take the view that the matter of upholding an
agreement is one for the discretion of the trial judge. It is not enough to overrule the
exercise of the discretion that the appeal court disagrees with it. It must be shown that
the judge made an error in principle or that he has taken into account matter s which he
ought not to have done or has failed to take into account matters which he ought to have
done or because of wrongful evaluation of the circumstances his decision was "plainly
wrong".127 So, in 1976, the Court of Appeal (applying these principles ) upheld Brandon
J. in The Adolf Warski 128 (refusing a stay) and The Makefjell129 (granting a stay)—two
decisions on very similar facts. 130
12.77 It was Brandon J. who in 1969 formulated the factors which should be
investigated to decide whether the presumption of upholding the contract is rebutted. In
The Eleftheria he said:
"The principles established by the authorities can, I think, be summarised as
follows: (1) Where plaintiffs sue in England in breach of an agreement to refer dispu tes
to a foreign court, and the defendants apply for a stay, the English court, assuming the
claim to be otherwise within its jurisdiction, is not bound to grant a stay but has a
discretion whether to do so or not. (2) The discretion should be exercised by granting a
stay unless strong cause for not doing so is shown. (3) The burden of proving such
strong cause is on the plaintiffs. (4) In exercising its discretion the court should take into
account all the circumstances of the particular case. (5) In parti cular, but without
prejudice to (4), the following matters, where they arise, may properly be regarded: (a)
In what country the evidence on the issues of fact is situated, or more readily available,
and the effect of that on the relative convenience and ex pense of trial as between the
English and foreign courts. (b) Whether the law of the foreign court applies and, if so,
whether it differs from English law in any material respects. (c) With what country
either party is connected, and how closely. (d) Wheth er the defendants genuinely desire
trial in the foreign country, or are only seeking procedural advantages. (e) Whether the
plaintiffs would be prejudiced by having to sue in the foreign court because they would:
(i) be deprived of security for their claim ; (ii) be unable to enforce any judgment
obtained; (iii) be faced with a time-bar not applicable in England; or (iv) for political,
racial, religious or other reasons be unlikely to get a fair trial." 131
12.78 In The El Amria the same judge (as Brandon L.J.) gave the leading judgment
affirming these principles subject to these qualifications. At first instance Sheen J. had
expressed the view that if the matter were to be heard in Egypt the parties "would not
obtain the full and thorough investigation" which they desired.132 The Court of Appeal
thought it improper for an English judge to compare the English and Egyptian system of
justice and even more improper to pronounce on the respective merits. 133 Brandon L.J.
(with whom Rees L.J. and Stephenson L.J. agre ed) qualified this general prohibition,
saying that it would be right to take into account:
(a) the availability of a remedy in an English court which is not available in the
foreign court;
(b) the involvement of very great delay through foreign court procedure; and
(c) "in wholly exceptional cases" clearly established serious defects in foreign
To the extent that paragraph 5(d) of the principles of The Eleftheria might be
interpreted as excluding procedural considerations it was to be qua lified by (a), (b) and
(c) as set out in this case. 134
12.79 In The Havhelt135 Saville J. pointed out that the deprivation of security in the
foreign court (5(e)(i)) has been "somewhat overtaken" by the introduction of the
statutory ability of the English court to retain security. 136 Subject to this, the factors have
been consistently applied 137 but there is less apparent consistency in the results of their
application. Indeed, it is not easy to differentiate between The Adolf Warski and The
Makefjell given that the Polish time bar in The Adolf Warski was put on one side. There
have been more than traces of suspicion that English judges have not been averse to
exercising English jurisdiction, even if as a consequence they must apply foreign law. It
is perhaps curious that where a jurisdiction clause was linked to a choice of law there
seems some reluctance to reject the first while upholding the second. The clim ate may
be changing with, in particular, a greater readiness to grant a stay on undertakings —such
as, for example, not to rely on a package limitation less than the Hague -Visby Rules138
or a time bar. 139 There is also perhaps a greater readiness to see cho ice of law as
relevant to jurisdiction.
12.80 Of the factors specifically mentioned in The Eleftheria, the foreign law, the
time bar, and the possibility of an unfair trial call for further consideration.
The relevance of the foreign law
12.81 As Brandon J. said in The Makefjell: "where the decision of a dispute
depends in part at least on the law of a foreign country that is a circumstance which
makes it better, other things being equal, for that dispute to be decided by the Courts of
that country."140 Any such difference is a factor in favour of upholding the jurisdiction
clause. It is suggested that the simple fact of choice of a law which is the law of the
selected forum should be a strong factor in upholding the clause. Unless there are
reasons of policy for rejecting the choice of law the matching of jurisdiction and law
should not be underestimated. Reliance on easy accessibility of foreign law should
perhaps be treated with caution. 141 Further, to apply the artificial rule of the
presumption that foreign law is to be equated with English law 142 is to allow a rule
which may justifiably operate to prevent a court being found with "no law" to operate to
prevent the application by a tribunal of its own law.
12.82 In The Al Battani143 Sheen J. thought that there was no reason why as a
matter of comity a jurisdiction clause should be upheld when the forum chosen would
regard the clause as null and void. It still, however, remains a matter of contract, but, as
in that case the foreign law allowed the plaintiff an option to litigate in England there
was little point in practice or principle in a stay.
The time bar
12.83 The operation of a time bar is discussed in the general context of delay in
Chapter 11. It is sufficient here to summaris e the approaches. Despite the apparent role
given to it in The El Amria in favour of refusal of a stay, three different and
contradictory approaches have been identified:
(1) that it operated against a stay as it would deprive the plaintiffs of any remed y;
(2) that it operated in favour of a stay as it would deprive the defendants of a
defence available in the selected jurisdiction;
(3) that balancing (1) and (2) it was neutral.
It would seem that the principle to emerge is that it is for the claimant to show
either a strong cause for English jurisdiction apart from the time bar, or (arguably) that
the allowing of time to run out in the selected jurisdiction was not unreasonable. 144 On
the first approach the reasonableness of letting time run out is sh own by the strong
12.84 The existence of and justification for the second criterion is more debatable
and in effect equates cases of forum non conveniens (see infra) with a jurisdiction
clause. That plainly ignores the very factors emphasized by the courts in upholding
contractual bargains and should, it is suggested, extend only to cases where, such as in
applying the Hague-Visby Rules, the English court would declare the agreement
invalid.146 In any event a stay may be granted on an undertaking not to raise or rely on
the time bar, provided that there is little risk that such a cause would not be permitted by
the foreign court. 147 Assessment of such a risk is a matter of discretion for t he English
court.148 (b) Arrest
12.85 The effect of a jurisdiction agreement in favour of a foreign court on the
power to arrest in England is considered fully in Chapter 15. It suffices here to
emphasise that apart from statutory intervention permitting retention on stay of
proceedings (see infra), the power to arrest is dependent on the issue of a warrant, in
turn dependent on the issue of an in rem claim form; and that arguably a stay of
proceedings commenced with such issue removes the basis for the arrest. The claim
form is no longer effective. However, even if this be analytically correct, the stay (being
discretionary) may be made conditional on the provision of an equivalent security.
12.86 The inability to retain a ship under arrest pending the outcome of foreign
proceedings because of the need for an action in rem before the English court was
probably contrary to the provisions of the Arrest Convention 1952 ratified by the United
Kingdom. There seemed little in principle or policy why the international obligations
should not be complied with. And, more radically, it would make considerable sense to
apply the now established division of provisional remedies and remedies 149 on the
merits to distinguish between arrest as a jurisdiction base and as a provisional measure.
12.87 The Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982, section 26, went some way
towards meeting international obligations but (regrettably it is submitted) underlines the
connection between arrest and "merits" jurisdiction. It provides that on the staying or
dismissal of Admiralty proceedings on the basis that the dispute be submitted to another
court, a court may order property arrested to "be retained as security" or order the stay
or dismissal to be conditional on provision of security equivalent to the arrested
property. This is taken a step further by the CPR. It is there provided that, unless the
court orders otherwise where a court orders a stay of any claim in rem, any property
under arrest remains so any security representing the property remains in force. 150 So
the principle of dependence of arrest on issue of the in rem claim form remains 151—but
the retention under arrest is no longer dependent on the continuation of proceedings
begun by the issue of the claim form. 3. Arbitration Agreements
12.88 Such agreements are common in maritime transactions. Insofar as they are
"non domestic" in character (i.e. have a relevant foreign element) English courts under
the Arbitration Act 1996 must stay proceedings commenced inconsistently with them. 152
Provisions of the 1996 Act continue the statutory discretion if the arbitration clause is
domestic whether or not to order a stay. 153 Arbitration is discussed generally in Chapter
13 and the enforceability of awards in Chapters 25 and 27. Arrest and arbitration
12.89 The principles of (i) the dependence of the power of arrest on jurisdiction in
an action in rem and (ii) the mandatory stay of such an action created difficulties for an
English court in exercising its power of arrest in the face of a non -domestic arbitration
clause. In particular, the connection between arrest and writ in rem illustrated a policy
of the inappropriateness of arrest as a security for arbitration proceedings. 155
12.90 The "alternative security" method of avoiding the limitations on the power to
retain under arrest available in the context of a jurisdictional clause (i.e. attaching of
conditions to the stay of proceedings) is less obviously available where the stay is
mandatory. In such circumstances a court may not attach conditions on the stay, but in
1978 in The Rena K156 Brandon J. was prepared to consider attaching conditions to th e
release or refusing a release where there was a likelihood that any arbitration award
would not be met. As is argued elsewhere in this work, 157 the legal justification for this
approach seemed as dubious as its commercial justification was obvious.
12.91 The Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982, section 26, makes specific
provision for the retention of property arrested or alternative security if Admiralty
proceedings are stayed or dismissed, by reason of submission to arbitration. The CPR
provides generally on a stay for property to remain under arrest or security to remain in
force (see 12.85). But an in rem claim form is a prerequisite for the arrest —arbitration
proceedings are still not of themselves the basis of security through arrest.
12.92 However, the introduction of the statutory provision removed any policy
objection to the issue of the claim form for the purpose of security in arbitration. In
some part the need to attach conditions to release was removed by the later view taken
by the Court of Appeal that the stay required, because of arbitration, was limited to
substantive issues to be arbitrated. 158 The criteria for release of the security it was held
by the Court of Appeal are those applicable generally in The Rena K and this is
underlined by the CPR provision that the arrest remains unless ordered otherwise ( see
Chapter 15). There would be no need for such an indirect approach if either the power
to arrest was seen in its realistic light—a provisional remedy not linked exclusively to a
judicial hearing on the merits—or specific statutory provisions made for arrest in
support of arbitration. 4. The Appropriate Forum—"Forum Conveniens"
12.93 An English court may refuse to exercise jurisdiction established as of right
on the basis that it is an inappropriate forum. Until 1972, a defendant seeking a stay of
proceedings had to prove that the continuance of the proceedings would be "vexatious
and oppressive" which, it was taken to mean, indicated the claimant’s harassment of the
defendant. Simply taking advantage of English rules or causing gross inconvenience was
not enough for a stay. Harassment of this kind was most easily established by the
institution of duplicate proceedings by the plaintiff. Under the modern approach unless
there are other factors the claimant may simply be required to elect in which jurisdiction
the suit is to be brought—the issue of forum non conveniens is not reached.159 It would,
however, apply to the forum elected (see infra).
12.94 In 1972 in The Atlantic Star160 the House of Lords moved away from the
claimant-oriented approach which emphasized the availability of the English process to
any plaintiff catching his defendant within the territory. In 1978 this movement was
continued in MacShannon v. Rockware Glass Ltd.161 The principles to be followed in
English courts were to be gathered from the judgments in that case, but it was by no
means easy to determine quite how far there had been a move from "vexatious and
oppressive" towards "appropriateness" in any but a semantic sense.
12.95 In 1984, in The Abidin Daver 162 (a case in which foreign proceedings were
in existence) the Court of Appeal (displaying a fine disregard for the developing
doctrine) reverted to the view held in The Atlantic Star by the Court of Appeal but
rejected emphatically by the House of Lords. Sir John Donaldson, referring to the
expertise of the English Admiralty Court, took a similar line to that condemned so
roundly by Lord Reid some 12 years previously. In the House of Lords 163 he drew a
similar rebuke in the terms that he was in effect comparing English and foreign courts.
The judgments in The Abidin Daver moved English law closer to a substantive doctrine
of forum non conveniens.
12.96 Yet qualifications remained. First, the House of Lords in MacShannon made
it quite clear that "balance of convenience" was not enough. Secondly, the plea for a
stay could be defeated by proof that the plaintiff had a personal or juridical advantage in
suing in England. Yet to allow a plaintiff to substantiate his claim to be heard on the
grounds that he had a better chance to win was inconsistent with the idea of balancing
one forum against another on the basis of links with the dispute. Thirdly, the question of
stay remained a matter of discretion.
12.97 The uncertainties were largely set at rest in 1986 by the House of Lords (and
particularly the judgment of Lord Goff) in The Spiliada.164 It is that case which now
forms the root of the principle. It is made clear that it applies both to discretion to
permit a claim form to be served out of England and the stay of proceedings in which
jurisdiction is established. The principle is statutorily recognised by section 49 of the
Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982. 165 Lord Goff stressed that the principle was
not one of convenience but of appropriateness and made it clear in the application of the
principle to the facts of the case it remains essentially a matter for the discretion of the
trial judge. An appellate court will not interfere simply because it disagrees. 166
12.98 Fundamental elements of the principle are that for a stay:
(a) there must be another available forum having competent jurisdiction "in which
the case may be tried more suitably for the interests of the parties and the ends of
(b) the defendant must show that the stay should be granted but if the court is
satisfied that prima facie there is a more appropriate forum it is for the plaintiff to show
any special circumstances why a stay should not be granted; 167
(c) the defendant must establish that the other forum is "clearly or more distinctly
appropriate"—this standard recognising that jurisdiction in England has been founded
as of right;168
(d)the court will look first to see if there are factors connecting the dispute to
another forum making that the "natural forum", these "connecting factors" including
matters affecting convenience, expense, place of parties’ residence or business and
governing law;
(e)normally, another national forum is shown to exist (this principle encompassing
the case where there is no natural forum); 169
(f) if a natural forum other than in England is shown to exist, normally a stay will
be granted unless in the circumstances of the case as a whole justice required that it be
not granted.
In considering (f) relevant factors are, for example, it being shown "by cogent
evidence" that the claimant will not obtain justice in the other forum, and consideration
of the relative advantage and disadvantage to the parties in invoking English
jurisdiction. In Lord Goff’s view a stay should not be refused simply because of such
advantages as the availability in England of higher damages, more effective discovery,
power to award interest or a more generous limitation period. However, a stay which
would mean that the claimant would obtain only an empty judgment provides a powerful
factor against it. 170 Further if the claimant would be shut out in the foreign forum
because of a time bar it should not be granted if the claimant did not act unreasonably in
failing to commence proceedings in the foreign forum. A stay could be granted on
condition that any foreign time bar was waived. In general if a stay is granted it would
"nnot normally be wron"’ to allow a claimant to keep the benefit of security obtained i n
this country by commencing proceedings here.
12.99 These principles provide a framework for a balanced regime of
"appropriate forum". The curious view that a juridical advantage for the claimant should
be a strong, if not a conclusive, factor leading to a refusal of stay is replaced by a
balancing of the relative advantage to each party. 171 The burden put on the defendant
takes into account, without unduly emphasising, the establishment of jurisdiction in this
country by the claimant, particularly where t he basis of the jurisdiction is a relatively
slight connection. A non-exclusive jurisdiction clause is a weighty factor. 172 The role of
the appellate court remains restricted to ensuring a correct approach in principle or that
the judge was not plainly wrong in applying the principle. 173
12.100 It would appear that on the approach in The Spiliada any inquiry into such
an advantage would be to ascertain whether any otherwise appropriate forum should
nevertheless not be supported (a third stage). 174 Doubt has been expressed in the Court
of Appeal about the defensibility of (e.g.) allowing a claimant to proceed in an
inappropriate forum "because he has acted reasonably (for instance) to differential time
bars applicable in the candidate jurisdictions" . The Court, however, acknowledged that
such was the law. 175
12.101 The factors relevant to adjudging whether there is a natural forum are
various, those linked by Lord Goff simply being examples. So in The Spiliada in the
circumstance of the potentially lengthy and complex litigation the judge was entitled to
treat the existence of a like action concerning another ship (the Cambridgeshire)
involving the same legal advisers on both sides as the crucial point. Further relevant
factors pointing to England were English insurers and governing law. 176
12.102 Relevant factors will vary according to the circumstances of the case but
the important categorisation by The Spiliada is to see the appropriate forum as
essentially based (at the first stage) on connection with the dispute (the natural forum
issue).177 Establishment that connections to foreign courts are of more force than the
English court opens the door to the second stage —consideration of the nature of the
proceedings and factors affecting the parties, such as delay and the level of damages. 178
A natural foreign forum will mean that factors other than "connection" will be for the
claimant to establish as grounds for refusal of stay. Where there is no natural forum
either in England or abroad the factors remain relevant but it is then for the defendant to
make the case for a stay on those factors. 179 In any event if a stay is granted it may be
subject to conditions or undertakings, such as not to take any point as to time bar o r
matters relating to limitation or costs. 180
12.103 As said in the development of the principle it would be wrong to enter into
a general comparison of procedures. 181 It would also be wrong to exercise jurisdiction
simply to identify particular issues according to case management procedure and
possibly retain jurisdiction over some. That would follow if a stay was refused. 182 The
availability of the forum should, it would seem, be a factor in the second stage rather
than considered in the context of "connections". However, it may be that there is a
difference only where the case turns on where the onus of proof lies. 183 Concurrent
12.104 The issues as to forum conveniens are identical where there are
proceedings in a foreign court by the defendant in the English proceedings and where
there are no proceedings but the foreign court is said to be more appropriate. 184 The
existence of the proceedings may be a relevant factor, depending for its weight on the
stages reached. It does not, however, shift the burden of proof to the claimant in the
English proceedings. 185 Nor is it sufficient that the defendant showed that the forum in
which proceedings had started was a (as distinct from the) natural forum. 186 Limitation
of liability
12.105 Apart from obligations (a) to contracting States within the framework of the
Limitation Convention 1976 and (b) to recognise judgments of Member States under EC
Regulation 44/200 1, the Brussels and Lugano Conventions 187 it is unlikely that an
English court would simply recognise a limitation decree of another state. Limitation
has traditionally been seen as a matter for the forum, particularly where the limit
otherwise applicable differs. 188
12.106 Two basic principles appear to be the right of the shipowner to select the
forum for limitation action and the relationship of the limitation and liability actions. As
to the first the courts have on occasion declined to grant negative declarations to
liability claimants. 189 As to the second there are statements that limitation and liability
are separate issues, and perhaps, to the contrary, that they are related. 190
12.107 In practice, as is shown by the cases under the Brussels Convention ( see
12.50), they will be related insofar as there may be any risk of an overlap of factual
findings. The extent of the relationship depends on the number of live issues, and, it may
be argued, once liability is accepted any limitation issue is separate and consequ ential.
The benefit of deciding all issues in the same state is not to be ignored, any more than
the initial right of a shipowner to select the forum. In essence any question of stay will
depend on The Spiliada approach with relevant factors including the place of any
liability proceeding. 191
12.108 The relevance of the Limitation Convention 1976 . In 1998 in The Herceg
Novi and Ming Galaxy 192 the Court of Appeal reversed a decision by Clarke J. that the
application of the Limitation Convention 1976 constit uted a ground for refusal of stay of
limitation proceedings even though the natural forum for the substantive claim and
quantum was Singapore. In the view of the Court of Appeal the Convention was simply
a reflection of the views of the State parties and ( in the terms of The Spiliada
principles) it was impossible to say that substantial justice was not available in
Singapore through the Limitation Convention 1957. So at least as between the 1957 and
1976 Convention states the difference in the limits is irr elevant to the weighing of
factors relevant to the substantive claim. 193 Forum non conveniens and jurisdiction
12.109 In a sense these two grounds are variations on a theme. Both are essentially
matters of discretion for the judge of first insta nce, and it may be argued that a
jurisdictional agreement is but an additional factor in an overall consideration of
appropriateness. Conversely, it may be said that such an agreement provides the
opposite starting point from the argument of appropriatenes s. An agreement should be
upheld; where a stay is requested on grounds of appropriateness the onus is on the
defendant to justify it.
12.110 The English law starts with the latter view but if the forum selected is
equated with the natural forum the issues become similar. Yet differences in the factors
elucidated in respect of each may remain. So a different attitude may be justifiably
adopted in respect of limitation of liability or time bars ( see supra). It is accepted that
where it is contractually agreed to litigate in a particular forum (exclusively or not) it is
not open to one party to raise matters foreseeable at the time of contract in support of a
stay. 194 5. Issue Estoppel and Cause of Action Estoppel
12.111 Once there has been a judgment by an En glish court of an action before it,
either (if successful) the cause of action becomes merged in the judgment or (if
unsuccessful) the plaintiff is estopped by the judgment from relitigating it (cause of
action estoppel). Where an issue (or condition) in a cause of action is resolved by
judgment or a matter should have been raised in earlier proceedings the issue resolved
or not raised cannot be litigated in any other action dependent upon it. Thirdly, litigation
may be an abuse of process if the matter sho uld have been raised in earlier proceedings.
12.112 A foreign judgment may lead to a cause of action estoppel, issue
estoppel195 or abuse of process in the sense that issues should have been raised in
earlier proceedings. The principle of merger of judgments does not apply. The Civil
Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982, section 34, provides that no proceedings may be
brought by a person in England on a cause of action in respect of which a judgment has
been given in his favour in proceedings between the same parties or their privies. It was
held in 1993 by the House of Lords in The Indian Grace 196 that this section does not
limit jurisdiction but simply provides a defence —a defence which may be defeated by
estoppel, waiver or contrary agreement. When the case again reached the House of
Lords, it was held that it was irrelevant whether the actions were in personam or in rem —
both types of actions were brought against defendants —either the person liable or the
person having an interest in the ship. So the issues remained of identity of parties and
estoppel (see Chapters 10, 18). 6. Sovereign Immunity A. Foreign governments
12.113 A claim to immunity must be decided as a preliminary issue —it is not
enough to show a good arguable case for an exception to the general principle. 197 The
general framework
12.114 The long-established immunity from legal proceedings of foreign
"sovereigns" can be divided into:
(a) immunities conferred on sovereigns pers onally and diplomatic officials whose
role is perhaps seen as an extension of that of the sovereign (diplomatic immunity); 198
(b) immunities of state entities from civil proceedings, concerning persons or
property in which there is a state interest.
It is with the latter, as they apply to maritime claims, that this work is concerned.
The rules of state immunity from civil proceedings within the United Kingdom are now
to be found in the State Immunity Act 1978 which came into operation on 22 November
The law prior to 22 November 1978
12.115 English law traditionally followed the theory of absolute as distinct from
restricted immunity. Once it was decided that the act on which the action was based was
a sovereign act the doctrine applied. 200 Unless a foreign sovereign submitted to the
jurisdiction 201 English law would not allow it to be impleaded or "by its process
whether the sovereign is a party to the proceedings or not seize or detain property which
is his or of which he is in possession or c ontrol".202 Insofar as the claim was aimed at
assets (and, in particular, through an action in rem)203 the central issue was the
connection between sovereign and the asset. But once that was sufficiently established
or if the action involved only personal liability, the role of the sovereign was
considered irrelevant—it mattered not whether the act leading to the claim was truly
"governmental" or purely "commercial". This "absolute" view was replaced by the
restrictive view by the House of Lords in decisions of 1975 (in respect of the action in
rem)204 and of 1981 (in respect of the action in personam).205
12.116 The adoption of the restrictive theory means the creation of a "boundary"
problem in addition to that of the scope of a sovereign —the dividing line between
governmental and trade acts. In 1981 in The I Congreso del Partido the difficulty posed
by the division was compounded by the claim that the breach of the trading activity wa s
a governmental act. The difficulty was reflected in the division of judicial opinion, and
the criterion advanced did little more than state the two types of act:
"The conclusion which emerges is that in considering, under the ‘restri ctive’ theory
whether state immunity should be granted or not, the Court must consider the whole
context in which the claim against the state is made, with a view to deciding whether the
relevant act(s) upon which the claim is based, should, in that contex t, be considered as
fairly within an area of activity, trading, or commercial, or otherwise of a private law
character, in which the state has chosen to engage, or whether the relevant act(s) should
be considered as having been done outside that area, and within the sphere of
governmental or sovereign activity." 206
State Immunity Act 1978
12.117 The State Immunity Act 1978 207 takes as its starting-point the general
proposition that a "State is immune from the jurisdiction of the court of the United
Kingdom"208 and then sets out a number of exceptions. 209 It contains particular rules for
maritime claims. The structure is qualified by the power by Orders in Council (i) to
reduce the immunities under the Act if they exceed those accorded to the United
Kingdom by that state and (ii) to extend the immunities if they are less than required by
any Convention to which the state and the United Kingdom are parties. 210
12.118 A state includes a sovereign in his public capacity, a government and any
department of a government, but not a "separate entity" which is "distinct from the
executive organ of the State and capable of suing or being sued". Such a separate entity
is immune if the relevant proceedings relate to anything done by it in the exercise of
sovereign authority and if as a state it would have been immune. 211 The task of dividing
government departments from separate entities remains —unhindered by any statutory
12.119 There are restrictions on remedies when a state is impleaded. 212 In
particular, injunctions and specific performance can be obtained only with the written
consent of the state, 213 and state property not intended or being used for commercial
purposes may not be subject to any process for the enforcement of a judgment or
arbitration award or in an action in rem for its detention or sale. 214 Exceptions to
immunity are:
12.120 Submission to jurisdiction. This can be by agreement, institution of
proceedings, intervention or taking any step in proceedings. A choice of law clause is
not submission and simply claiming immunity is not a step in proceedings in assessing
whether there has been submission. 215
12.121 Submission to arbitration. Subject to any contrary provision a written
arbitration agreement deprives the state of any immunity claim in respect of court
proceedings relating to the arbitration. 216
12.122 Commercial transactions and contracts to be performed in the United
Kingdom.217 There is no immunity for such transactions or such contracts unless all the
parties to the dispute are states or the parties have agreed to immunity.
12.123 Contracts of employment between a state and an individual made in the
United Kingdom or where the work is to be performed here. 218 Parties may exclude
this provision by written agreement unless the law of the United Kingdom requires the
proceedings to be brought before a United Kingdom court. 219 It has limited application
only where the individual is a national of the state or where the individual is neither a
national of the United Kingdom nor habitually resident therein.
12.124 Death or personal injury or damage to or loss of tangible property
caused by an act or omission in the United Kingdom. 220
12.125 Interest in and possession or use of immovable property in the United
12.126 Claims relating to patents, trademarks, designs or plant breeders’ rights,
copyright or business or trade names connected with the Un ited Kingdom in a
specified way.222
12.127 Proceedings relating to a state’s membership of corporate,
unincorporated body or partnership connected as specified with the United Kingdom
and which has members other than states being proceedings between the state and the
body, or other members. 223
12.128 Proceedings relating to liability for value added tax, customs or excise
duty or agricultural levy or rates in respect of premises occupie d for it for commercial
12.129 Admiralty proceedings. See infra.
Maritime Claims
12.130 Maritime claims are treated as a distinct category by the Act in that they are
the subject of a particular section—section 10. The effect is that the general immunity
rules are bolstered in respect of maritime claims by further removal of immunities
based on the commercial use of ships or other property. So, in respect of a maritime
claim, a state may lose its immunity either because of a commercial transaction or
because of a commercial use of a ship.
12.131 Section 10 encompasses all claims which are or would be the subject of
Admiralty proceedings. 225 It applies the restrictive theory of immunity to actions in
personam and actions in rem in relation to a ship or property belonging to a state, which
is in its possession or control or in which it claims an interest. 226 Subject to a special
rule for cargo, a state is therefore not immune if the ship or other proper ty was, when
the cause of action arose, 227 in use or intended for use for commercial purposes. 228Where
an action in rem is brought against cargo, immunity is lost only if both cargo and carrying
ship are "commercial": where an action in personam is brought in respect of cargo it is
enough if the carrying ship is "commercial". It is somewhat difficult to appreciate
why, in relation to a claim in connection with cargo, immunity depends not on the
commercial character of the cargo but of the carrying ship. The Act provides for sister
ship actions and a state loses its immunity in such actions only where both ships are
"commercial". 229
12.132 An argument advanced (and accepted by some of the judges) in The I
Congreso del Partido was that even if the relevant activity is commercial there may be
immunity still if the act giving rise to the claim is governmental (such as statutory
requirement). It seems as if this contention has only a modified place in the statutory
framework which in relation to maritime claims focuses on the commercial or non -
commercial use of the ship. In that context a government action must therefore have the
effect of changing the use of the ship for it to create immunity in a maritime claim
connected with that ship.
12.133 The Brussels Convention Relating to State Owned Ships of 1926 equates
claims in respect of the operation of such ships or cargoes carried in them to those of
privately owned ships—subject to certain immunities granted to vessels employed
exclusively on government and non-commercial service when the cause of action arose.
In regard to states party to the Brussels Convention 1926 therefore, the State Immunity
Act allows the text of the earlier Convention to control. 230 In relation to those states the
rule is simply that a commercial transaction or a commercial use of a ship will remove
immunity in respect of claims relevant to the transaction or ship. B. Government of the
United Kingdom
12.134 The immunity from suit of the Crown as the sovereign i s rooted in
history.231 That immunity was extended from the sovereign to government, but as
government increased its commercial activities so the net of immunity became at once
too broad and, particularly because of the commercial nature of the activities,
12.135 The ability to pursue a claim in contract or recover property in respect of
claims other than against the sovereign in person was until 1948 available through a
petition of right. This procedure was abolished by the Crown Proceedings Act 1947 and
an action is now available largely as against any other defendant. General rules of
Crown liability in tort (both personal and governmental) are now set out in the Crown
Proceedings Act 1947. 232 The applicability of statutes to the Crown depends on the
particular statute. 233 "Crown" liability "in personam"
12.136 Apart from personal liability of the sovereign, 234 Crown liability in the
sense of governmental liability is largely 235 equated to that of the private individual.
However, unless otherwise provided the Merchant Shipping Acts are not applied to Her
Majesty’s ships (see Merchant Shipping Act 1995, section 308). Provisions applying to
Her Majesty’s ships are those relating to
(i) limitation of liability in accordance with the Limitation of Liability Convention
(as to which see Chapter 24);
(ii) apportionment of liability where damage or loss is caused to a ship or ships
through the fault of more than one ship;
(iii) time limits for proceedings to enforce any claim "or lien" in respect of damage
or loss caused by the fault of a ship (as to which see Chapter 11);
(iv) salvage claims 236 (as to which see Chapter 2);
and the provisions relating to limitation of liability of harbour, dock and canal
authorities apply to the Crown.
12.137 Further the provisions relating to the prevention of oil pollution and
offences in that regard and civil liability for oil pollution under the 1992 Liability
Convention (as to which see Chapter 2) apply to "government ships" other than (in the
case of prevention of oil pollution) ships of or employees for the purposes of Her
Majesty’s navy or (in the case of civil liability) any warship or a ship being used by the
government for other than commercial purposes. 237
12.138 Thirdly, regulations may be made for the registration under the Merchant
Shipping Act 1995 of government ships not otherwise registrable and the application of
the Act (or parts) to them. 238 "Crown" liability "in rem"
12.139 The Crown Proceedings Act 1947 provides in section 29(1):
"Nothing in this Act shall authorise proceedings in rem in respect of any claim
against the Crown, or the arrest, detention or sale of any of Her Majesty’s ships or
aircraft, or of any cargo or other property belonging to the Crown, or give to any person
any lien on any such ship, aircraft, cargo or other property." 239
12.140 The Supreme Court Act 1981, section 24(2)(c), provides that nothing in the
provisions conferring Admiralty jurisdiction:
"shall authorise proceedings in rem in respect of any claim against the Crown or
the arrest, detention or sale of any of Her Majesty’s ships or subject to section 2(3) of
the Hovercraft Act 1968, Her Majesty’ s hovercraft, or of any cargo or any other
property belonging to the Crown". 240
The effect of such negative provisions is to require references to the rules existing
prior to the statutes. This hardly makes for clarity in the legal rules, 241 and the failure to
enact a positive framework seems as difficult to defend in this context as any other.
While immunity of the Crown from suit in rem is well established,242 the extent of that
immunity continues to depend on pre-statute rules.
12.141 The operation of the exclusion of in rem proceedings by the Crown
Proceedings Act 1947 in regard to salvage claims is expressly only insofar as it is
consistent with the Salvage Convention 1989. 243 That Convention applies to state
owned or operated noncomm ercial vessels only insofar as each state applies it.
Likewise no Convention provision can be used as a basis for the "seizure, arrest or
detention" or proceedings in rem against non-commercial cargo owned by the state and
entitled to sovereign immunity. As a consequence the statutory prohibition on the arrest
and detention is, it would seem, limited in respect of salvage operations to non -
commercial Crown ships or cargo. The "Crown" and "Crown property"
(i) The Crown
(a) The Crown Proceedings Act 1947 an d Supreme Court Act 1981
12.142 Neither the Crown Proceedings Act 1947 nor the Supreme Court Act 1981
defines the Crown. 244 In the words of Lord Denning M.R. the phrase is "elastic". 245 It
seems accepted that it generally includes government departments, officers, servants and
agents of the Crown. 246 Departments and other bodies falling within the "Crown" for the
purpose of the Crown Proceedings Act 1947 are listed by the Treasury. 247
(b) The pre-statute framework
12.143 It would seem unlikely that the elasticity of the label "The Crown" will
differ in extent whether the issue arises under positive statutory provisions or as regards
an excluded "in rem" claim. It would seem unlikely that, subject to any specific statutory
provision, the definition of the Crown (such as it is) would not be accepted as uniformly
(ii) Crown property
(a) Ship s
12.144 "Her Majesty’s ships", for the purpose of the negative statutory provisions
of the Crown Proceedings Act 1947 and the Supreme Court Act 1981, are defined as:
" . . . ships of which the beneficial interest is vested in His Majesty or which are
registered as Government ships for the purposes of the Merchant Shipping Act 1995, or
which are for the time being demised or subdemised to or in the exclusive possession of
the Crown, except that the said expression does not include any ship in which His
Majesty is interested otherwise than in right of Hi s Government in the United Kingdom
unless that ship is for the time being demised or subdemised to His Majesty in right of
His said Government or in the exclusive possession of His Majesty in that right . .. " 248
Crown immunity has two connected but separa te aspects. The immunity from
proceedings in rem is straightforward in that such proceedings are not available for any
claim against the Crown. But "Crown property" may be the focus of an action not aimed
at the Crown (as, for example, where the Crown has chartered a ship or has engaged in
a charter of a Crown ship). Further, both the Crown Proceedings Act 1947 and the
Supreme Court Act 1981 specifically prohibit the "arrest, detention or sale" of Crown
property. It is, therefore, necessary both to define " Crown" and "Crown property" .
12.145 It seems clear that for a ship to be considered as a Crown ship apart from
the statute the Crown must exercise "dominion" and control. A demise charterparty
would give that control, while a time or voyage charterparty w ould not.249 Whether a
requisition gave it depends on the terms of the requisition. 250 The statutory provisions of
the Crown Proceedings Act and the Supreme Court Act as to Her Majesty’s ships are,
therefore, in line with the earlier authority, although it may be arguable that the reference
to "exclusive possession" as an alternative to "demise" extends the scope of the
definition.251 Save for salvage claims whether or not the ship is used for commercial
purposes appears to be irrelevant both apart from and under the statute.252
(b) Cargo and other property—"belonging to the Crown"
12.146 There is no reason to suppose that the phrase in the Crown Proceedings Act
and Supreme Court Act indicates any different connection between property and Crown
than is relevant to ships—ownership by or (probably) bailment to the Crown would
suffice to bring the property under the Crown umbrella. 253 7. Jurisdiction Restrictions
Relating to Specific Types of Claim
12.147 Restrictions may be imposed through the scope of the claim itself, 254
inability to bring a claim (i.e. immunity from suit), 255 or in jurisdiction terms. The
consequences of such restriction are identical in that no action will lie but the
consideration of whether it will lie is based on different elements. I t is only the
restriction that focuses on the power of the court to consider whether there is a claim
that is relevant in the present context. (i) Nuclear activities
12.148 A claim arising from a breach of duty imposed by the Nuclear Installations
Act 1965256 not to cause injury or damage in connection with occurrences involving
nuclear matter specified in the Act does not "give rise to any lien or other right in
respect of" a ship. The provisions of the Ad ministration of Justice Act 1956 relating to
action in rem and maritime liens were excluded from such claims. 257 Like provisions of
the Supreme Court Act 1981 do not appear to be excluded. Nevertheless, there being no
right in respect of a ship, there can be no action in rem. (ii) Claims arising out of Oil
Pollution or Carriage of Hazardous or Noxious Substances by Sea (HNS Convention)
(a) Oil Pollution
12.149 Reflecting the Oil Pollution Liability Convention 1992 there is no
jurisdiction in actions against the shipowners in relation to damage suffered or
preventative measures taken in a Convention state unless there has been such damage or
measure in the United Kingdom. 258 (b) HNS Convention
12.150 Under the Convention provisions (as set out in the Merchant Shipping Act
1995 but not yet in force) actions in relation to damage suffered or preventative
measures taken in a State party may be brought in the courts of that state. Actions for
compensation in relation to damage suffered or preventative measures taken outside the
territory of any state may be brought only in the state of registration of the relevant ship
or in which the habitual residence or owner has his principal place of business. 259 (iii)
Trespass to foreign land
12.151 Such actions have long been held to be outside the jurisdiction of the
English courts and in 1978 the House of Lords affirmed that the general rule extended to
any action raising the issue of title, possession or simp ly damages.260 But this rule did
not apply in maritime law and such actions as, for example, claims in respect of damage
caused by collision between a ship and a pier are subject to the general rules of actions
in rem and in personam.261
12.152 The Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982, section 30(1), provides
that jurisdiction:
"to entertain proceedings for trespass to, or any tort affecting immovable property
shall extend to cases in which the property in question is situated"
out of the part of the United Kingdom in which the court is situated
"unless the proceedings are principally concerned with a question of the title to or
the right to possession of that property".
Such jurisdiction is subject to EC Regulation 44/200 1 and the Brussels and Lugano
Conventions and special rules set out in the Act applying the Regulation to intra United
Kingdom disputes. As a consequence 262 the jurisdiction in relation to land in a Member
State is that providing for exclusive jurisdiction in Article 16(1) —a claim having as its
object rights in rem or a tenancy.263 (iv) The Rhine Navigation Convention 1868
12.153 The Supreme Court Act 1981, section 23, provides:
"23. The High Court shall not have jurisdiction to determine any claim or question
certified by the Secretary of State to be a claim or question which, under the Rhine
Navigation Convention, falls to be determined in accordance with the provisions of that
Convention; and any proceedings to enforce such a claim which are commenced in the
High Court shall be set aside."
The Convention was denounced by the United Kingdom on 31 December 1993. 264
(v) Foreign ships265 Wages actions
12.154 "The ancient practice was that without the express consent of the foreign
consul the Court would not exercise jurisdiction" in wages claims in respect of foreign
ships.266 However, in the nineteenth century the practice was modified to require notice
of any claim to be given and (lacking protest) the court heard the case. 267 If there was
protest, the court would consider the protest and its grounds and exercise discretion
whether to proceed. 268
12.155 The modern framework 269 is contained in the Consular Re lations Act
1968.270 Her Majesty may by Order in Council exclude or limit the jurisdiction of a
United Kingdom court "to entertain proceedings relating to the remuneration or any
contract of service of" the master or crew of any ship "belonging to" a state specified in
the order except where a consular officer of that state has been notified and has not
objected. 271 Orders have been in respect of several states —some in terms of ships
registered (or the equivalent) in the appropriate state and some in terms of the ships
flying the flag of the appropriate state. 272 All make the power to hear a claim within the
statutory provision dependent on notification to the consul, lack of objection within two
weeks of such notification and a statement to this effect incl uded in the details of
claim. 273 The requirements of notice to the consul were a central feature of the
nineteenth century line of authority emphasising the discretionary power to hear wages
actions in respect of foreign ships. It seems doubtful, therefore , whether any
discretionary power survives apart from that related to the statutory provisions and that
generally applicable through the principle of forum conveniens. Title to or possession
of a foreign ship
12.156 Old authorities support restrictions on jurisdiction to hear a dispute
between foreigners regarding the title to a right to possession of a foreign ship —in
particular (as with wages actions) contingent upon the consent of the parties or a
representative of their state or states. 274 However, it seems clear that in a modern
context any such restriction is to be considered as part of a general rule of forum non
conveniens.275 8. Abuse of Process
12.157 The High Court has an inherent power to prevent abuse of its process, and
the Civil Procedure Rules expressly provide that a statement of case may be struck out
on this ground. 276 "Abuse of process" is an undefinable term but has been used to
prevent the demand of excessive security as a condition for the release of a ship from
arrest,277 relitigation of an issue already investigated and decided if the relitigation is a
collateral attack on the decision, 278 institution of proceedings in a foreign court to
harass a party to English proceedings, 279 to prevent the exercise of the power to arrest
in furtherance of arbitration proceedings, 280 and to strike out a discontinuance of
proceedings where admission of liability and interim payments has been received and
foreign proceedings then instituted. 281 It is an abuse of process to issue a writ on the off -
chance that grounds of claim will be discovered —but not if no action will be pursued
until the chances of success are assessed. 282
1. As to initial proceedings see Chapter 4, as to anti suit injunction see Chapter 25,
and as to forum non conveniens 12.9.
2. See e.g. (control through prohibiting a new action) CMR Article 31.2
prohibiting two actions whether both be substantive or remedial claims. See Merzario
v. Leitner [2001] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 490. Compare Royal and Sun Alliance Plc v. Hi Tec
Electronics [2005] EWHC 1408. Contrast the prohibition under the Arrest Convention
of two arrests of ships (See the Maciej Rataj (fn. 55) paras. 27, 28).
3. [2004] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 169. As to a preaccession injunction see n. 6 and Chapter
4. So it has been held by the English courts that it does not apply to arbitration. See
Chapters 13, 25.
5. So having obtained a judgment there is an obligation to enforce that rather t han
seek to relitigate (De Wolf v. Cox [1977] 2 CMLR 43 and see Chapter 28).
6. As to a preaccession anti suit injunction see Advent Capital v. Ellinas [2005]
EWHC 2005 and Chapter 25.
7. [1997] All E.R. (EC) 913.
8. Re Harrods (Buenos Aires) Ltd (No. 1) [1991] 4 All E.R. 334; The Po [1991] 2
Lloyd’s Rep. 206; Eli Lilly and Co. v. Novo Nordisk A/S [2000] I.L.Pr. 74. See also
Sarrio SA v. Kuwait Investment Authority [1997] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 113 (C.A.) (not
considered in H.L.); Haji Ioannou v. Frangos [1999] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 337. Ace
Insurance SA-NV v. Zurich Insurance Co. [2001] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 504 (C.A.)—but there
have been some contrary decisions. See the review in Travelers Casualty Co. v.
Arkwright [2004] EWHC 1704—with that decision treating Re Harrods as binding.
9. In Re Harrods (fn. 8), and Travelers Casualty Co. the defendant was domiciled
in England in Ace (concerning the Lugano Convention) the defendant domiciled in
Switzerland in Eli Lilly the defendant was domiciled in Denmark and there was a
jurisdiction agreement that ultimately the matter was for the English courts.
10. [2005] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 452. For comments see [2005] LMCLQ 363, 378.
11. The court declined to respond to questions not related to the facts of the case—
so areas for possible continued application of forum non conveniens are where related
proceedings are pending before the court of a non -member state, a Convention confers
jurisdiction on such a court or there is a subject matter connection similar to that which
would confer exclusive jurisdiction under the Regulation. But it should be emphasised
that the principle of Owusu is reliance on the Convention structure and the situations
posed would probably be resolved by princi ples analogous to that. As to jurisdiction
agreements see 4.38.
12. i.e. concurrent at the date of the judgment considering the issue (see Grupo
Torras [1995] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. at p. 418). So they do not apply where proceedings in one
state have been concluded prior to the court in another state being seised of an action.
See Gramlesraden plc v. Casa De Suecia SA [1994] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 433.
13. See SA CNV v. S GmbH [1991] I.L.Pr. 588 (Oberlandsgericht Koblenz) —it
may be arguable that actions may be treated as consecutive according to the hours when
lodged. As to multi defendants see infra. In the case at issue the court held that the
question of irreconcilable judgments had to be resolved by Art. 27(3) —the power not to
enforce a judgment on that ground (see Chapter 28). As to multi defendants see infra. So
they may not apply to actions started on the same day.
14. Overseas Union Insurance Ltd v. New Hampshire Insurance Ltd [1992] 1
Lloyd’s Rep. 204 (ECJ). As to Art. 4 see Chapter 4.
15. Exclusive Regulation jurisdiction being expressly set out in Art. 22 (categories
of cases connected by their nature to a particular state) or Art. 23 (jurisdiction
agreements)—but Art. 23 being subject to Art. 24 (appearance) ( see Chapters 4, 5).
16. Provisional measures jurisdiction may be based on substantive jurisdiction or
Art. 31. See Chapter 14.
17. See e.g. The Nordglimt [1987] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 470 (Hobhouse J.); The
Sargasso [1994] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 6 and infra; Rank Film Distribution Ltd v. Lanterna
Editrice Svl and Another [1992] I.L.Pr. 58 (English H.C.); and see Miles Platt Ltd. v.
Townroe Ltd. [2003] 1 All E.R. (Comm.) 561.
18. See Virgin Aviation Service Ltd v. CAD Aviation Services [1991] I.L.Pr. 79;
Banque Cantonale Verdoise v. Waterlily Maritime Inc. [1997] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 347.
19. See Messier Dowty v. Sabena SA [2000] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 428 (C.A.) and
Chapter 25.
20. See The Maciej Rataj [1995] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 302 (ECJ) and infra. But,
distinguish a defensive assertion in response to a claim. It has been held that Arts 21, 22
of the Brussels Convention (Arts. 27, 28 of the Regulation) will not apply where a
defendant asserts a right of set off or retention in a state other than that in w hich
proceedings are against him—there is no bringing of an action (Re Termination of an
Agency Contract [1998] I.L.Pr. 815 (Munich (C.A.)).
21. [1994] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 505. See also IP Metal Ltd v. Ruote (No. 2) [1994] 2
Lloyd’s Rep. 560.
22. In that case the jurisdiction agreement was subject to English law.
23. Later cases consistently construed the phrase "exclusive jurisdiction" in Art. 17
of the Brussels Convention as meaning exclusive of other Convention bases. See e.g.
Insured Financial Structures Ltd. v. Tychy SA [2003] 2 W.L.R. 656 (C.A.). That
approach seems to have less force on the amended wording of Art. 23 of the Regulation
—but not to be entirely impossible for there is still no statement of that which is
24. Case 116/02 [2004] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 222. For applications by an English court
see J.P. Morgan Europe Ltd v. Primacom [2005] EWHC 508; Bank of Tokyo-
Mitsubishi Ltd v. Baskan Gida Sanayi Ve Pazarlama AS [2004] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 395.
25. As inquiry into "real consent" of the parties where a clause is said to be
incorporated into a contract ( see para. 50) and (e.g.) AIG Europe SA v. QBE
International Insurance Ltd. [2001] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 268; Siboti K/S v. BP France SA
[2003] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 364.
26. See Haji Ioannou v. Frangos [1999] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 337 citing with approval
Sarrio SA v. Kuwait Investment Authority [1997] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 113 (C.A.) approving
Mance J. [1996] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 650; The Xin Yang [1996] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 217 (Clarke
J.). As to the standard of proof of non-domicile being "the good arguable case" see Haji
Ioannou and Chapters 4, 9.
27. Cases within Arts 23 and 24 must also lie outside Art. 4 as Convention
jurisdiction is conferred on grounds other than the defendant’s domicile in a contracting
State (see Chapter 5).
28. See Haji Ioannou v. Frangos (fn. 21).
29. As would be discontinuance in the court first seised simply to continue
proceedings in the court second seised. See e.g. International Nederlandes Aviation
Lease BV v. Civil Aviation Authority [1997] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 80.
30. See The Nederlandes case (fn. 29) and cases there cited.
30a. See Royal and Sun Alliance (fn. 2).
31. See Gasser v. MISAT Case C–116/02 ECJ [2004] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 222 and
32. I.e. so closely connected that it is expedient to hear and determine them
together to avoid the risk of irreconcilable judgments.
33. As provided by Art. 30 (see 12.24). Under the Brussels and Lugano
Conventions this was a matter for national law.
34. (Decided under the Brussels Convention) AGF v. Chiyoda [1992] 1 Lloyd’s
Rep. 325 applying Zelger v. Salinitri [1984] ECR 2397 and Dresser v. Falcongate
[1991] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 557 (as to which see infra). See also Grupo Torras SA v. Sheikh
Fahad Mohammed [1995] I.L.Pr. 667 (C.A.)—the principle surely applicable to the
35. The Happy Fellow [1998] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 13, Evialis SA v. SIAT [2003] 2
Lloyd’s Rep. 311.
36. 129/83 [1984] ECR 2397; [1985] 3 CMLR 366.
37. Zelger v. Salinitri 129/83 [1984] ECR 2397.
38. See Dresser UK Ltd v. Falcongate Freight Management Ltd [1991] 2 Lloyd’s
Rep. 557 (C.A.) as applied in Grupo Torras SA v. Al Sabah [1995] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 374.
This refers to pendency at the moment the court is seise d and requires a court of a
contracting State to consider when in accordance with the law of the other state the
action became definitely pending, any procedural consequence being irrelevant ( Grupo
Torras SA v. Al Sabah [1995] I.L.Pr. 667 C.A.). But it doe s not necessarily mean
service of a document, but insofar as a legal system links the two this will depend as
between EU States on Regulation 1348/2000 on service of documents. See e.g.
Tavoulareas v. Tsavliris [2004] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 445 (C.A.).
39. See Gartner Electronic GmbH v. Basch Exploitatie Maatshappij BV Case C-
111/01 ECJ.
40. Dresser UK Ltd v. Falcongate Freight Management Ltd [1991] 2 Lloyd’s
Rep. 557 (C.A.) as qualified by The Sargasso [1994] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 6.
41. Underlined by the power to award interim relief for foreign proceedings ( see
Chapter 14).
42. The Freccia Del Nord [1989] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 388. As to the need for arrest for
jurisdiction in an action in rem under the Conventions see Chapter 10.
43. Thus resolving the problem perceived in The Nordglimt [1987] 2 Lloyd’s Rep.
470 but resolved through construction of Arts 21, 22 and the Arrest Convention.
44. But it underlines the focus on the time before the defendant has put arguments —
thus supporting the view that the nature of the defence is irrelevant to Art. 27 ( see
Gantner fn. 39) at paras 28, 29.
45. The emphasis on the initiating document seems to rule out a court being seised
on the arrest (or issue of warrant of arrest) of a ship as may be po ssible under the
Brussels or Lugano Convention (see p. 286).
46. [1995] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 374.
47. [1995] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 302.
48. [1996] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 7. See also Fox v. Taher [1997] I.L.Pr. 441.
49. It is not subverting Art. 27 to authorise service in accordance with the CPR to
obtain chronological jurisdiction over multi defendants but it would be to undermine the
Regulation to exercise a discretion solely to be first seised. Compare Carnoustie
Universal SA v. ITWF [2003] I.L.Pr. 7 with Knauf UK GmbH v. British Gypsum Ltd.
(No. 1) [2002] 1 W.L.R. 907.
50. But not to stay proceedings generally. The duty under the Brussels and Lugano
Conventions is substantively the same.
51. The Maciej Rataj (supra) at p. 47.
52. [1989] ECC 420.
53. See The Linda [1988] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 175—a view approved generally by the
ECJ in The Maciej Rataj [1995] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 302.
54. See Gubisch (fn. 52) but not where two different contracts are involved
(Poomac Sprl v. SA Sogoservice [1993] I.L.Pr. 309).
55. [1995] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 302 affirming the view taken by the C.A. —see [1992] 2
Lloyd’s Rep. 552; see also Charman v. WOC Offshore [1993] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 551; Re a
Clothing Sales Contract (Oberlandsgericht Munchen) [1995 ] I.L.Pr. 72. As to
limitation and liability claims see infra "Related actions".
56. Gantner (fn. 39).
57. See e.g. Haji Ioannou v. Frangos [1999] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 337 (C.A.); Glencore
International AG v. Metro Trading International Inc . [1999] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 632;
William Grant v. Marie Brizard [1997] I.L.Pr. 391 (Court of Session).
58. See e.g. Sarrio SA v. Kuwait Investment Authority [1996] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 650
(Mance J.)—the point not arising in C.A. or H.L.
59. See The Happy Fellow [1997] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 330—the C.A. not dealing with
the point save for one comment indicating possible disagreement with the conclusion
[1998] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 13—but it may be arguable (particularly if there is only one
liability defendant that limitation and liability ar e so intertwined that they cannot be
considered as separate). It is accepted that they are related ( see infra).
60. See Glencore International AG v. Shell International Trading and Shipping
Co. Ltd [1999] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 692.
61. See, for European Court confirmation of these propositions, Maersk Olie and
Gras A/S v. Firma M de Haan Case C–39/02, [2005] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 210.
62. As (e.g.) where a shipowner is liable "in rem" because the claim attracts a
maritime lien. In essence therefore any distinction would lie in the interest asserted and
not in the method of assertion—whether the action was based on a lien different in
critical elements from liability in personam. Such a focus is consistent with the
domestic code which should be recognized as appropriate for the action in rem (as to
which see Chapters 10, 18).
63. [1995] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 302.
64. Drouot Assurance SA v. CMI [1998] All E.R. (EC) 483 (ECJ). In the case the
ECJ referred the issue of whether the interest o f a hull insurer was "indissoluble" from
that of the owner and charterer of the vessel.
65. [1998] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 1.
66. And the claim attracted a maritime lien or (in the case of a purchaser) a
statutory lien in Admiralty where the purchase was after th e issue of the claim form.
67. The change from the Brussels Convention in transfering the restriction to first
instance courts from stay to declining jurisdiction was says the Commission, a
correction of an error in the Brussels Convention. There is also a correction in the
drafting to make it clear that the condition of the power to consolidate applies to the
court first seised (see 12.5). As to the court first seised see Lafiv. Meriden [2000] 2
Lloyd’s Rep. 51.
68. So it would be difficult to envisage a related action if wholly different parties
are involved. See e.g. Societ ´e Montedison ´v. Departement de la Haute Corse
(1977) Court d’Appel Bastia ECD 1 –5.3–B3; Rohstoff Einfuhr v. La Continentale
Nucléaire (1977) Cour Suspencion de Justice Lux) ECD 1 –22–B 1 but perhaps not
impossible (see The Grupo Torras case (fn. 63)). There cannot be related actions
unless the court first seised has jurisdiction over both actions De Pina v. MS Birka
[1994] I.L.Pr. 694.
69. The Maciej Rataj [1995] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 302.
70. Sarrio SA v. Kuwait Investment Authority [1998] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 129 (H.L.)
disapproves of the C.A. focus on "primary issues".
71. See e.g. Virgin Aviation Services Ltd v. CAD Aviation Service [1991] I.L.Pr.
79. There can be no partial stay (ibid.).
72. See e.g. The Linda [1988] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 175 (a collision case in which the
parties were identical but reversed—Art. 21 case and Art. 22 was also considered).
73. Ibid.
74. See Virgin Aviation v. CAD Aviation [1991] I.L.Pr. 79; The Times, 2 February
75. [1991] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 557.
76. [1998] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 13.
77. See also Maersk Olie (ECJ) 2004 (fn. 61) at para. 40. So, for example, a court
may decline jurisdiction in liability proceedings if a court first seised of the limitation
action also has jurisdiction over the liability action. The court first seised has no power
to decline jurisdiction.
78. The Court rejected (i) the arguments that the holding that concurrent liability
and limitation proceedings are not within Art. 21 ( see supra) meant that the French
court was not seised of the latter—the seisin requirement goes to proceedings and not
issues (see supra), (ii) that there was no power to stay multi party limitation
proceedings (see Chapter 24 and infra)—that is conferred by Art. 22.
79. It has been held at first instance that the constitution of a limitation fund is not a
precondition of limitation jurisdiction. See The Western Regent [2005] EWHC 460 and
Chapter 24.
79a. Objections to the jurisdiction on any ground are made through application to
the High Court under CPR Part 11 which sets out the relevant procedural steps. An
application for a stay is not a submission to jurisdiction and should be heard prior to a
challenge to jurisdiction (Williams & Glyn ’s Bank Plc v. Astro Dinamico Compania
Naviera SA [1984] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 453 (H.L.). Establishing jurisdiction through
acceptance of service of the claim form is not submission to jurisdiction preventing any
plea of forum non conveniens unless the acceptance implied waiver ( Baghlaf Al Zafer
Factory Co. v. Pakistan National Shipping Co. [1998] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 229).
80. Preserved in Supreme Court Act 1981, s.49(3).
81. Al Naimi v. Islamic Press Agency Inc. [2000] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 522.
82. Reichhold Norway ASA v. Goldman Sachs International [1999] 2 All E.R.
(Comm.) 174.
83. For an example of how not to draft a clause see The Iran Vojdan [1984] 2
Lloyd’s Rep. 380. The choice of a floating curial law for arbitration does not invalidate
an arbitration clause: The Star Texas [1993] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 445 and see Chapters 13,
26. For a robust striking out of a "floating" part of a jurisdiction clause see The Frank
Pais [1986] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 529—but it would be unwise to rely on a judicial initiative
to validate a clause invalid because a party seeks to retain control of the governing law.
84. See The Komninos S [1991] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 370.
85. See e.g. Sinochem International Oil (London) Co. Ltd v. Mobil Sales and
Supply Corpn [2000] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 670. The case concerned English and Hong Kong
jurisdiction and because of the circumstances did not raise any question of staying any
party from litigating in Hong Kong, but did raise not only the issue of stay of the English
proceedings but whether service of the claim be permitted out of the jurisdiction. The
proceedings were not stayed and service out was permitted.
86. [2003] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 364.
87. Gross J. did not restrict his consideration to the bill of lading but also
considered the charterparty.
88. As to arbitration clauses see also Chapter 13.
89. European law (through the EC Regulation 44/2001) is similar in aim to English
law focusing on the need for real consensus ( ibid.—applying and following AIG v. QBE
[2001] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 268).
90. See Chapter 13.
91. See The Nerano [1996] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 1—incorporation of charterparty terms
including specifically the arbitration clause together with clause "English law and
jurisdiction applies".
92. Dresser UK Ltd v. Falcongate Freight Management Ltd [1991] 2 Lloyd’s
Rep. 557. So in this as in any context of contractual dispute it may be critical as to
whether the bills of lading are owners’ or charterers’ bills. See The Rewia [1991] 2
Lloyd’s Rep. 325. A decision by a foreign court on the ambit of a jurisdiction clause
creates a "classic case" of issue estoppel ( The Sennar (No. 2) [1985] 1 Lloyd’s Rep.
521) (as to issue estoppel see infra).
93. As under the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1992.
94. See e.g. The Dresser case (fn. 85); The Pioneer Container [1994] 1 Lloyd’s
Rep. 593.
95. See e.g. Glencore International AG v. Metro Trading International Inc .
[1999] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 632. As to an arbitration clause see also Schiffartgesellschaft
Detler Von Appen GmbH v. Voest Alpine Intertrading GmbH [1997] 2 Lloyd’s Rep.
279. Such a clause may confer a benefit on a non -party in contracts within the Carriage
of Goods by Sea Act 1992 or the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.
96. The Mahkutai [1996] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 1.
97. See e.g. Trendtex Trading Corpn v. Credit Suisse ´[1980] 3 All E.R. 721—
but, as there, may play a predominant part in the court’s vie w as to where the claims
may be heard. (Decision affirmed by H.L. [1981] 3 All E.R. 520.) Domansa v. Derin
Shipping and Trading Co. Ltd [2001] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 362—claims "in relation to the
terms of employment and the employment contract" does not cover tortious claims.
98. The Lisboa [1980] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 541.
99. See The Indian Grace (No. 2) [1998] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 1 and Chapter 10.
100. For an example of construction of an agreement in re lation to a foreign court
as non-exclusive see The Kherson [1992] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 261. As to non -exclusive
jurisdiction clauses and the operation of the mandatory jurisdiction based on forum
agreement under EC Regulation 44/200 1 and the Brussels and Lugano Conventions see
Chapter 5.
101. Sohio Supply Co. v. Gatoil [1989] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 585. An exclusive
provision in relation to one party may aid in so construing a provision relating to the
other. (See Insurance Co. "Ingosstrakh" Ltd v. Latvian Shipping Co. [2000] I.L.Pr.
102. Ibid.; British Aerospace plc v. Dee Howard Co. [1993] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 368
(together with English law governing contract the courts "shall have jurisdiction"). This
reasoning does not apply without qualificatio n to the Brussels or Lugano Convention for
in those contexts the emphasis is on providing jurisdiction by agreement rather than any
other jurisdiction base. Under EC Regulation 44/2001 the distinction between exclusive
and non exclusive is expressly made ( see Chapter 5).
103. See Excess Insurance v. Allendale Mutual Insurance (C.A.) 8 March 1995.
104. Compare Cannon Screen Entertainments Ltd v. Handmade Films Ltd 11 July
1989 (unreported) with British Aerospace Plc v. Dee Howard Co. [1993] 1 Lloyd’s
Rep. 368 considering (inter alia) Cannon. The provision of an address for service will
point to the transitive sense. See Continental Bank NA v. Aeakos Compania Naviera SA
[1994] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 505 (C.A.). See also Sinochem International Oil (London) Co.
Ltd v. Mobil Sales and Supply Corpn [2000] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 670.
105. Continental Bank NA v. Aeakos (fn. 96); Credit Suisse First Boston (Europe)
Ltd v. MLC (Bermuda) Ltd [1999] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 767.
106. [1990] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 454. See also Cannon Screen Entertainments v.
Handmade Films Ltd 11 July 1989 (unreported) (Hobhouse J.).
107. Compare Denby v. Hellenic Mediterranean Lines [1994] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 320
in which it appears that (in the context of the Brussels Conventi on) such a clause in a
well-known marine insurance policy with shipowners was held "exclusive".
108. [1993] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 368.
109. But see its consideration where there were relevant English and foreign court
agreements (Sinochem v. Mobil (fn. 96)).
110. See as to jurisdiction clauses generally Akai v. Peoples Insurance [1998] 1
Lloyd’s Rep. 90 at p. 108, or "enter into the interests of justice itself". See Import
Export Ltd v. Compania Sud Americana de Vapores SA [2003] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 405 in
that case Gross J. treating Waller J. ’s approach as the "benchmark" and reviewing the
111. See Attock Cement v. Romanian Bank [1989] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 572 at p. 582—
but also see Beazley v. Horizon Offshore Contractors Inc [2004] EWHC 25 55—
pointing out that a "home" jurisdiction of one party had been agreed to by the other.
112. But not necessarily—for discussion as to whether the Carriage of Goods by
Sea Act 1992 (providing for the transmission of rights and liabilities of a shipper to
persons not parties to the initial contract) is mandatory in this sense see [1994] LMCLQ
113. See Chapter 9.
114. Article 17.
115. The CMR is enacted into English law by the Carriage of Goods by Road Act
1965. As to specified links, see Sch. Art. 31. The Convention applies to the sea carriage
of goods in vehicles (see Art. 2(1)) —thereby providing an action against the road
carrier for damage or loss caused in a sea leg. However, an action against the sea
carrier would still lie under the Hague-Visby Rules if they apply to that leg.
116. Contrast the Hamburg Rules which (in Art. 21) specify jurisdictional
provisions in a similar manner to the CMR. The Article (inserted at the urging of cargo
interests) provides for a number of jurisdictions connected with the dispute at the option
of the plaintiff. One such option is the jurisdiction agreed by the parties which,
therefore, confers a mandatory effect on such agreements subject to exercise of the
plaintiff’s option.
117. See Maharani Woollen Mills Co. v. Anchor Line (1927) 29 Ll.L.Rep. 169.
118. See also Marine Liability Act, s.46 of Canada relating to carriage of goods by
water to which the Hamburg Rules do not apply. This, it has been held, does not
displace forum non conveniens. The Mathilde Maersk, 22 December 2003. See [2004]
LMLN 636.
119. [1983] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 1.
120. A view adopted by the US Supreme Court in Vimar Seguros Y
Reaseguros SA v. M/V The Sky Reefer 1995 A.M.C. 1817 (overruling a long -standing
decision of the USCA (2nd Circuit) in Indussa Corpn v. The Ramhorg [1967] 2
Lloyd’s Rep. 101 holding invalid such an agreement because of the high hurdle in the
way of enforcing liability and no assurances that COGSA would be enforced). See also
Fireman’s Fund Ins Co. v. M/V DSR Atlantic 1998 A.M.C. 583; JCB Sales v. Wallenuss
Lines (USCA) 1998 LMLN 474; Union Steel America Ltd v. MV Sanko Spruce 1999
A.M.C. 344, 366, 372.
121. The effect of such a holding on the validity of arbitration clauses is not
clear, particularly in light of the duty to recognise such clauses imposed by the Arbitration
Act 1996 (see further Chapter 13). The reasoning applies to choice of law as to choice
of forum, for otherwise an English court may simply have to apply the law of the source
of the objection to jurisdiction. As to choice of law see Chapter 26. As a consequence
of the decision defendants often undertake not to rely on a package limitation less than the
Hague-Visby Rules.
122. The Benarty [1984] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 244 (C.A.) reversing [1983] 2 Lloyd’s
Rep. 50 (in which the rules would not be applied in the selected court ( Djakarta) as not
incorporated into the bill of lading).
123. See e.g. Trendtex Trading Corpn v. Credit Suisse ´[1980] 3 All E.R.
721, at p. 744 (per Lord Denning M.R.)—the jurisdiction clause "must be given full
effect unless its enforcement would be unreasonable and unjust or that the clause was
invoked for such reasons as fraud or ove rreaching". The United States view is similar.
See The Bremen and Another v. Zapata Off-shore Co. [1972] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 315; 407
U.S. 1 (1972).
124. See the comments of Sheen J. in The Al Battani [1993] 2 Lloyd’s Rep.
219; Phillips L.J. in Baghlaf (fn. 137).
125. See The Nile Rhapsody [1994] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 382.
126. As e.g. in the five sets of proceedings in the litigation concerning
Bouygues Offshore Co. and various parties in England and South Africa. (See all save
No. 2 in C.A. [1998] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 461.)
127. See e.g. The Nile Rhapsody [1994] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 382 and generally
as to stay of proceedings Reichhold Norway ASA v. Goldman Sachs International
[1999] 2 All E.R. (Comm.) 174; (for relatively rare examples of Court Appeal discretion)
The El Amria [1981] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 119; The Pioneer Container [1994] 1 Lloyd’s Rep.
593; Insurance Co. "Ingosstrakh" Ltd v. Latvian Shipping Co. [2000] I.L.Pr. 164 (but
also a disagreement on the effect of a jurisdiction clause); Baghlaf (fn. 137) where the
judge approached the issue as one of forum non conveniens (as to which see infra).
128. [1976] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 241—a Polish jurisdiction clause. There was a
time bar question in this case but the fact was treated as neutral ( see infra).
129.[1976] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 29 —an Oslo jurisdiction clause.
130.See also the comments of the House of Lords and Court of Appeal in Trendtex
Trading Corpn v. Credit ´Suisse [1981] 3 All E.R. 520 (H.L.), [1980] 3 All E.R. 721,
at p. 758 (C.A.).
131.[1970] P. 94, at pp. 99–100. The factors are not unlike those applicable to the
appropriateness of the forum but the existence of a foreign forum agreement should make
the case for a stay very much stronger. See The Nile Rhapsody (fn. 127). For an
apparent reversal of the force of the two doctrines see The Al Battani (fn. 124).
132.Cf. The Star of Luxor [1981] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 139 (an Egyptian jurisdiction
clause) in which Sheen J. said that The El Amria "was based on the special facts of the
case" and that he now had the benefit of much fuller information as to the Egyptian trial
procedure (p. 140).
133.But compare the somewhat more gentle "comparison" in the context of "forum
non conveniens" made by Sir John Donaldson M.R. in The Abidin Daver [1984] 1
Lloyd’s Rep. 339. He doubted whether Turkish courts had the "maritime experience" of
the English Admiralty Court —the experience being a matter of "history and
geography"—but the tone did not make the comparison less invidious (see [1984] 1 All
E.R. at p. 486 (H.L.—Lord Brandon)).
134.The comments made it clear that procedural advantage could work both ways.
135.[1993] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 523.
136.Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982, s.26 (as to which see Chapter 15).
137.See e.g. Trendtex Trading Corpn v. Credit Suisse ´[1980] 3 All E.R. 721, at
pp. 735–737, [1981] 3 All E.R. 520; The Benarty [1984] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 244 (C.A.),
[1983] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 50; The Al Battani [1993] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 219; The Nile
Rhapsody [1994] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 382; [1992] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 399 (particularly the
procedural disadvantages); Baghlaf Al Zafer Factory Co. v. Pakistan National
Shipping Co. [1998] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 229; Insurance Co. "Ingosstrakh" Ltd v. Latvian
Shipping Co. (fn. 115).
138.See e.g. Pirelli Cables Ltd v. United Thai Shipping Corpn Ltd [2000] 1
Lloyd’s Rep. 663 (Langley J.).
139. See infra.
140.In The El Amria, the Court of Appeal thought the test of "with what country is
the dispute most closely concerned" (applied by Lord Denning M.R. in The Fehmarn
[1957] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 551) too simplistic to cover all cases.
141.For reference to accessibility as a factor, see e.g. The Adolf Warski [1976] 1
Lloyd’s Rep. 107, at p. 111; The Atlantic Song [1983] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 394. The
unfortunate (and presumably costly) course of the proceedings in Oppenheimer v.
Cattermole [1976] A.C. 249 (where the appreciation of the foreign law on which the
Court of Appeal based its decision was accepted as wrong) should provide some
discouragement to those ready to interpret foreign as well as English law.
142.See e.g. The Adolf Warski [1976] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 241, at pp. 246 and 247.
143.F n . 1 2 4 .
144.See The Adolph Warski [1976] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 241; [1976] 1 Lloyd’s Rep.
107 (Brandon J.); The Blue Wave [1982] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 151; The Pioneer Container
[1994] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 593 (P.C.); Citi March Ltd v. Neptune Orient Lines Ltd [1997]
1 Lloyd’s Rep. 72; The MC Pearl [1997] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 566 (a comprehensive
analysis of authority and principle by Rix J.); The Bergen (No. 2) [1997] 2 Lloyd’s Rep.
710; Baghlaf Al Zafer Factory Co. v. Pakistan National Shipping Co. [1998] 2
Lloyd’s Rep. 229 (C.A.).
145. Strong cause may be shown by the existence of multi parties. (See The MC
Pearl (fn. 144).)
146. Compare Citi March (fn. 144); Baghlaf (fn. 137) with The MC Pearl (fn.
147. Baghl af (No. 2) [2000] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 1 (C.A.).
148. Ibid.
149. See Chapter 14.
150. CPR 61.12.
151. Proceedings leading to arrest as security for a foreign suit are not of
themselves "multiple proceedings" within EC Regulation 44/200 1 the Brussels or
Lugano Convention obligating the release from arrest. ( See supra and Chapter 15.)
152. Section 9. A putative English arbitration clause is a significant factor in
considering the issue of the appropriate forum in the context of the service of a claim
form out of England. See Egon Oldendorff v. Liberia Corpn [1995] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 64
and Chapter 9.
153. Sections 85, 86 but these are not yet in force.
154. Cf. Chapter 15 (Arrest).
155. See The Andria now renamed Vasso [1984] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 235.
156. [1978] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 545. Cf. The Tuyuti [1984] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 51.
157. See Chapter 15.
158. The Tuyuti [1984] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 51.
159. Australian Commercial Research and Development Ltd v. ANZ Bank Ltd
[1989] 3 All E.R. 65. Compare Bank of Credit and Commerce (Hong Kong) Ltd v.
Sonali Bank [1995] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 227—where there were many claims in respect of
which apparently only in one was stay of proceedings considered on forum non
conveniens basis and refused.
160. [1974] A.C. 436.
161. [1978] A.C. 795; [1978] 1 All E.R. 625.
162. [1983] 3 All E.R. 46.
163. [1984] 1 All E.R. 470.
164. [1986] 3 All E.R. 843 (H.L.). As to its application in Ireland see
International Group Ltd v. Worslade Trading Ltd [1998] I.L.Pr. 765 (Irish Supreme
165. Providing that nothing in the Act "shall prevent" any United Kin gdom court
from staying or dismissing proceedings "on the ground of forum non conveniens where
to do so is not inconsistent with" the Brussels or Lugano Conventions. It applies to
cases within EC Regulation 44/2001 adapted to the UK that adaptation being a domestic
scheme (see Chapter 7).
166.See The Spiliada [1986] 3 All E.R. 843; The Nile Rhapsody [1994] 1
Lloyd’s Rep. 382; but it may review the discretion anew if the principles have not been
correctly applied. See e.g. Du Pont v. Agnew [1987] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 585; Banco
Atlantico v. British Bank of the Middle East [1990] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 504; Lennox Lewis
v. King (fn. 175)—C.A. would exercise its discretion if a mistake of law.
167.As is the general principle that the evidential burd en in respect of any fact
rests on the party asserting it.
168.This standard and burden applies to an action for declaratory relief as to a
substantive claim. Bristow Helicopters Ltd v. Sikorsky Aircraft Corpn. [2004] 2
Lloyd’s Rep. 150. But the strength of the connection establishing it (e.g. temporary
presence) being taken into account.
169.As in a collision on the high seas.
170.See Inter Tel Inc. v. Ocis Plc [2004] EWHC 2269 applying International
Credit and Investment Co. v. Shaikh Kamal Adham [1999] I.L.Pr. 302 C.A
(enforceability in Brussels Convention states.)
171.Lord Goff expressed the principle that a court should not be deterred from
stay because of an advantage to the claimant provided “substantial justice will be done
in the alternative appropriate forum” .
172. The Rothnie [1996] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 206.
173.See Haji Ioannou v. Frangos (fn. 177).
174.See The Spiliada (fn. 164) per Lord Goff; Metull und Rohstoff AG v.
Donaldson Lufkin and Jenette Inc. [1990] 1 QB 391.
175. Lennox Lewis v. King [2004] EWCA Civ 1329.
176. The Spiliada was a case of service of a writ out of the jurisdiction under RSC
Ord. 11 but these elements would be as relevant to a stay of proceedings with the
burden on the defendant rather than the claimant. They will apply as elements of forum
conveniens whenever service does not require permission and the case is not wholly
within any Convention prohibiting it. As to the Brussels and Lugano Conventions, see
177.For examples of a stay based on the "natural forum" see The Lakhta [1992] 2
Lloyd’s Rep. 269 (ownership and the right to regulate a ship, the parties being Latvia
and Russia and the ship registered in St Petersburg); The Polessk and Adamemik Josef
Orbeli [1996] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 240 (focus of litigation Russian). For refusal of stay
apparently on the ground of England being the natural forum see Meadows Ltd v.
Insurance Corpn of Ireland [1989] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 181, [1989] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 298
(C.A.) (all parties before English court in one action). The Hamburg Star [1994] 1
Lloyd’s Rep. 399; Haji Ioannou v. Frangos [1999] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 337 (weighing many
factors). Usually difficult to deny that the place of a tort was the natural forum
Richardson v. Schwarzenegger [2004] EWHC 2422.
178.See Banco Atlantico SA v. British Bank of the Middle East [1990] 2 Lloyd’s
Rep. 504 (non-applicability of the non-forum governing law); The Al Battani [1993] 2
Lloyd’s Rep. 219 (documents, witnesses, different costs a nd interest rules); The Vishva
Ajay [1989] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 558 (delay and lack of availability of costs). Availability of
financial assistance in England may exceptionally be a relevant factor ( Connelly v. RTZ
Corpn Plc [1998] A.C. 854; Lubbe v. Cape Plc [2000] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 139 (C.A.)).
Art. 6 of the Human Rights Convention is relevant to the nature of proceedings and
delay—see Ceskoslovenska Obchodni Banka AS v. Nomerva International Plc [2003]
I.L.Pr. 20.
179. See e.g. The Vishva Abha [1990] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 312 (no stay —limits of
liability lower abroad—no discharge of onus by defendant).
180. The risk of such undertakings being of value must be taken into account where
relevant. The issue is identical to that discussed in the context of forum agreements ( see
181. See e.g. The Rothnie (fn. 172) and cases cited.
182. See Radhaknshna Hospitality Service Private Ltd v. Eih Ltd [1999] 2
Lloyd’s Rep. 249. Peer International Corpn. v. Termidor Music Publishers Ltd [2004]
—22 November.
183. See Askins v. Absa Bank Ltd [1999] T.L.R. 127. In Lubbe v. Cape Plc [1999]
I.L.Pr. 113 (C.A.) it seems as if it may have played a part in consideration of the first
stage (in the case the South African forum was available only if the defendants
submitted to it—a factor in holding that the defendants had not shown that South Africa
was the more appropriate forum. But in a rerun ( Lubbe v. Cape Plc [2000] 1 Lloyd’s
Rep. 239) it was treated as simply a factor —the C.A. there holding that South Africa
was a more appropriate forum (it now being clear that the action in England was a
group action).
184. The Varna (No. 2) [1994] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 4 (applying The Spiliada). For
cases prior to The Spiliada see De Dampierre v. De Dampierre [1988] A.C. 92 and (in
the context of shipping) The Abidin Daver [1984] A.C. 398.
185. Meadows Indemnity Co. Ltd v. Insurance Corporation [1989] 1 Lloyd’s
Rep. 181 applying The Spiliada criteria. A claimant suing in two jurisdictions would be
asked to elect in which the case should proceed ( see supra). As to declarations of non-
liability see Tiernan v. Magen Insurance [2000] I.L.Pr. 517.
186. The Varna (No. 2) [1994] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 41—rejecting the submission that "a
natural forum" was all that was required where there were foreign and English
proceedings (see fn. 120).
187. As to which see Maersk Olie and Gas A/S v. Firma M. de Haan Case C–
39/02, ECJ Judgment 14 October 2004.
188. Although it must be arguable that enforcement of a judgment for a sum
reflecting limited liability should be enforceable on general principles of recognition
(as to which see Chapter 27). As to limitation of liability generally see Chapter 24.
189. As e.g. in The Volvox Hollandia [1988] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 360. As to negative
declarations see Chapter 25.
190. Compare e.g. Bouygues Offshore SA v. Caspian Shipping Co. [1998] 2
Lloyd’s Rep. 461 (C.A.) with The Happy Fellow [1998] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 13 (C.A.).
191. See e.g. Bouygues Offshore SA v. Caspian Shipping Co. (fn. 174).
192. [1998] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 454, also thereby disapproving the approach in Caltex
Singapore Pte Ltd v. B Shipping Ltd [1996] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 286 (Clarke J.) and the
Vishva Abba [1990] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 312 (Sheen J.).
193. In the Caltex case (fn. 192) Clarke J. thought liability and quantum should be
decided in Singapore but if the stay had to be determined without such decision the
issue was whether the difference between th e arguable claim and the Singapore limit
was such that it would be unjust to stay the action.
194. British Aerospace Plc v. Dee Howard Co. [1993] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 368. Ace
Insurance SA–NV v. Zurich Insurance Co. [2001] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 618. As to conflict
between two relevant jurisdiction clauses see Sinochem v. Mobil (fn. 85). See further
195. See e.g. The Sennar (No. 2) [1985] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 521 (H.L.); The Irini A
(No. 2) [1999] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 186.
196. [1993] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 387.
197. Maclaine Watson v. Dept of Trade [1988] 3 All E.R. 257 at p. 314 (C.A.).
198. As to diplomatic immunities, see the Diplomatic Privileges Act 1964; as to
consular immunities, see the Consular Relations Act 1968.
199. The Act does not affect any immunity o r privilege conferred by the
Diplomatic Privileges Act 1964 or the Consular Relations Act 1968 (s.16). It applies
only to matters occurring after the date of coming into force.
200. The problem of whether an entity is part of a "sovereign" or "government"
became particularly acute with the increase in "government" bodies. So in Trendtex
Trading Corpn v. Central Bank of Nigeria [1977] Q.B. 529 it was claimed that the
Central Bank was a government body. The court looked at the decrees creating and
governing the bank and its activities and concluded that it was not.
201. Actual submission with knowledge of the immunity is required. (See Baccus
SRL v. Services National del Trigo [1957] 1 Q.B. 438.) An agreement to submit is not
sufficient (see Kahan v. Pakistan Federation [1951] 2 K.B. 1003).
202. The Cristina [1938] A.C. 485, at p. 490 (per Lord Atkin).
203. As in The Cristina where the issue was whether the Spanish Government,
which had requisitioned all ships, had a sufficient interest for the plea. It was held that
there was such an interest.
204. The Philippine Admiral [1977] A.C. 373.
205. The I Congreso del Partido [1981] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 367.
206. Ibid., at p. 375.
207. The Act (inter alia) brought into English law the provisions of (i) the
International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to the Immunity of
State Owned Ships 1926 and its Protocol; (ii) the European Convention on State
Immunity 1972.
208. State Immunity Act 1978, s.1(1).
209. State Immunity Act 1978, ss.2 –11.
210. Section 15. By the State Immunity (Merchant Shipping) (USSR) Order 1978
(SI 1967/1524) provision was made to reflect a Convention (i) requiring notice to a
consular officer of any intended arrest of a ship owned by the USSR or UK, (ii) that no
ship or cargo owned by either the USSR or UK was subject to enforcement of a
judgment. Following the consideration by the C.A. of its applicability to successor
states (The Guiseppe di Vittorio [1998] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 136) the 1978 Order was
revoked and replaced by SI 1997/2591 making similar provision in relation to Georgia,
the Russian Federation and Ukraine (that Order being held not to be retrospec tively
applicable to an order for sale already made ( Guiseppe di Vittorio (No. 2) [1998] 1
Lloyd’s Rep. 661). The requirement of notice is contained in the CPR 6 1.5(5). On
termination of the Convention by the UK the 1997 Order was revoked by SI 1999/668
as from 29 April 1999. There appears no other provision to which para. 5.5 applies.
211. State Immunity Act 1978, s.14. For disagreement as to the "sovereign" nature
of acts done by a separate entity see Kuwait Airways Corpn v. Iraq Airways Co. and
Republic of Iraq [1995] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 317 (H.L.).
212. State Immunity Act 1978, s.13.
213. An order for the payment of money from no specific source is not an
injunction prohibited by s.13. Soleh Bonah International v. Govt of Uganda and
National Housing Corpn [1993] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 208 (C.A.) (order for security). A
freezing injunction could not be allowed to continue in the face of an immunity claim
simply on an arguable case for the plaintiff ( Company A v. Republic of X [1990] 2
Lloyd’s Rep. 520).
214. A current account balance to the credit of a diplomatic mission can only be
garnished if it is shown that the funds are solely for commercial purposes (and a
certificate by the ambassador that they were not, is conclusive —s.13(5)): Alcom Ltd v.
Republic of Colombia [1984] 2 All E.R. 6 (H.L.). There are limitations relating to the
use of process relating to property of States parties to the European Convention on State
Immunity 1972 where the claim is not maritime (s.13(4)). As to former res trictions on
maritime claims in relation to USSR and successor states, see fn. 194.
215. State Immunity Act 1978, s.2. Claiming immunity is not a step in the
proceedings for this purpose (s.2(4)). See Kuwait Airways Corpn v. Iraq Airways Co.
[1994] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 276. Intervening or taking any step in ignorance of facts entitling
a state to immunity is not submission for this purpose if immunity is claimed as soon as
practicable (s.2(5)). Submission through waiver in an inter partes contract will not
bind the state to waive its immunities—that required consent to the court. Company A v.
Republic of X [1990] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 520.
216. State Immunity Act 1978, s.9.
217. State Immunity Act 1978, s.3. A commercial transaction means a contract for
the supply of goods or services, transaction for the provision of finance and any other
transaction of a "commercial industrial financial professional or other similar character
entered into otherwise than in the exercise of sovereign authority" but contrac ts of
individual employment are excluded (s.3(3)). The exception does not extend to non -
commercial contracts made in the territory of the state concerned and governed by its
administrative law (s.3(2)).
218. State Immunity Act 1978, s.4.
219. Ibid., s.4(2) and (4).
220. Ibid., s.5.
221. Ibid., s.6.
222. Ibid., s.7.
223. Ibid., s.8. Parties may agree in writing or through the constitution of the body
that immunity may apply.
224. State Immunity Act 1978, s.11.
225. Ibid., s.10(1).
226. Procedural rules relating to service of documents and appearance set out in
s.12 do not apply to actions in rem (s.12(7)). Arrest may play its usual role in an action
in rem where such an action will lie (see s. 13(4)).
227. The time of the issue of the claim form (a critical time for the enforceability
of an action in rem against a ship in many cases ( see Chapter 10)) is therefore
228. State Immunity Act 1978, s.10(2) and (5). As to when an action in rem may
lie against cargo, see Chapter 10. As to the meaning of commercial purposes, see s.3(3)
(applied by s.17(1)). As to s.3(3), see fn. 201 supra.
229. State Immunity Act 1978, s.10(3) and (4). Cargo may presumably attract
immunity under the general provisions of the statute.
230. State Immunity Act 1978, s.10(6).
231. See e.g. (in a maritime case) The Athol (1842) 1 W. Rob. 374.
232. As amended by Crown Proceedings (Armed Forces) Act 1987 and Merchant
Shipping (Salvage and Pollution) Act 1994 (to take ac count of the International
Convention on Salvage 1989).
233. There is a general principle of statutory construction that, lacking express
provision, the Crown is not bound by statute. Provision is usually made in modern
statutes regarding the effect on the Crown—and reference must be made to each such
statute to ascertain the Crown position.
234. Crown Proceedings Act 1947, s.40(1) —referring specifically to proceedings
in tort.
235. Specific provisions deal with the Crown prerogative and statutory powers
(s.11). For other limitations, see ss.2 and 10, s.10 being repealed by the Crown
Proceedings (Armed Forces) Act 1987 subject to powers of revival.
236. See Merchant Shipping Act 1995, s.230.
237. Merchant Shipping Act 1995, ss.149, 167, 192, 308 repeali ng and
consolidating provisions of the Crown Proceedings Act 1947, ss.5 –7, 38(2), the
Prevention of Oil Pollution Act 1971, s.24, Merchant Shipping Act 1894, s.741,
Merchant Shipping (Oil Pollution) Act 1971, s.14, Merchant Shipping Act 1979, Sch. 5,
para. 5. The HNS Convention 1996 (not yet in force) applies to state owned ships used
for commercial purposes and may be applied by a state to ships used only on
government non-commercial service (Art. 4). See Merchant Shipping and Maritime
Security Act 1997, Sch. 3 and Chapter 3.
238. Merchant Shipping Act 1995, s.308(2), repealing and re -enacting Merchant
Shipping Act 1906, s.80, as amended by Merchant Shipping (Registration etc.) Act
1993, Sch. 2, para. 3. There have been numerous Orders in Council made. See e.g.
Merchant Shipping (MOD Commercially Managed Ships) Order 1992, SI 1992/1293;
Merchant Shipping (MOD Yachts) Order 1992, SI 1992/1294.
239. An action in rem instituted in the reasonable belief that the property at issue
did not belong to the Crown may be permitted by the court to continue as an action in
personam (s.29(2)). As to Arrest of Crown sh ips, see further Chapter 15. As to liens,
see Part III. As to the effect of purchase, sale, requisition or release from requisition by
a foreign government on “ liens” on a ship, see Chapter 18. There is no reason why the
principles should not apply to the Crown.
240. Section 2(3) of the Hovercraft Act 1968 empowers the non -application by
Order in Council (inter alia) of the Supreme Court Act 1981, ss.20 –24 and
Administration of Justice Act 1956, Part V (Scottish Admiralty Jurisdiction) to
hovercraft. No order has been made.
241. Compare (e.g.) the sweeping up clause of the Supreme Court Act 1981. ( See
Chapter 2.)
242. See e.g. The Broadmayne [1916] P. 64; Young v. S.S. Scotia [1903] A.C. 501
243. Crown Proceedings Act 1947, s.8(1) (as amended by the Merchant Shipping
(Salvage and Pollution) Act 1994, Sch. 2, para. 3); Merchant Shipping Act 1995, s.230.
244. "Her Majesty" is defined in the Crown Proceedings Act 1947, s.7(3) dealing
with liability in respect of Crown docks and harb ours to "include references to any
Government Department and to any officer of the Crown in his capacity as such".
"Officer" is defined in the Act as including "any servant of Her Majesty" including a
Minister of the Crown.
245. See Trendtex Trading Corpn v. Central Bank of Nigeria [1977] 1 All E.R.
881, at p. 894.
246. The Post Office is not a servant or agent of the Crown (Post Office Act 1969,
s.6(5)) but has its own immunity from liability in tort (s.29). For limitation on immunity
in respect of registered inland packets, see s.30.
247. In accordance with s.17(1) of the Act. For the current list, see current CPR 19
PD Annex.
248. Crown Proceedings Act 1957, s.38(2). The phrase "Her Majesty’s ships" has
not been uniform in maritime legislation. See e .g. the Merchant Shipping Act 1894,
s.741, 1995 Act, s.308(1)—"ships belonging to Her Majesty"; the Merchant Shipping
Act 1906, s.80—"government ships" (excluding ships of "Her Majesty’s Navy") applied
in the Prevention of Oil Pollution Act 1971, s.24 —see 1995 Act, ss.149, 308(3),
3 13(1). Each provision must, therefore, be approached with possible distinctions of
definition in mind.
249. The Bertie (1886) 6 Asp. M.L.C. 26, in which the Crown had chartered a ship
on a voyage charter—no point was taken as to immunity. Cf. The Nile (1875) 3 Asp.
M.L.C. 11; The Cybele (1878) 3 P.D. 8 (cases in which there were claims for salvage
by crews of ships chartered to the Crown).
250. See e.g. The Sarpen [1916] P. 306.
251. Cf. Thomas, Maritime Liens, op. cit. at pp. 80, 81. It seems doubtful,
however, whether the cases can be said to hold that despite possession by the Crown
the ship was not a Crown ship—they turn more on exclusive control.
252. See Young v. S.S. Scotia [1903] A.C. 501 (P.C.) disapproving The Cybele
(1878) 3 P.D. 8. Contrast the immunity of foreign sovereigns and s.167(1) of the 1995
Act relating to liability for oil pollution ( see supra).
253. Cf. State Immunity Act 1978, s.10(3) and (5) (referring to the immunity of
cargo "belonging to" a foreign state)—it would be unlikely that a foreign state would be
granted a wider immunity than the Crown without express provision —although the
converse is perhaps not so.
254. As e.g. a "gaming and wagering" marine insurance contr act (lack of insurable
interest). See Marine Insurance Act 1906, s.4; Marine Insurance (Gambling Policies)
Act 1909.
255. As e.g. immunity from suit in tort in relation to acts done in furtherance of a
trade dispute (see Trade Union and Labour Relations ( Consolidation) Act 1992,
256. Section 14 amended by the Merchant Shipping Act 1979, s.50(4). Nuclear
claims are excluded from the Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims
1976 (see Art. 3) (as to which see Merchant Shipping Act 1995, Part VII). As to nuclear
damage as the foundation for a maritime claim see Chapter 2.
257. Nuclear Installations Act 1965, s.14. The Act provides its own liability
framework (see Chapter 2).
258. Merchant Shipping Act 1995, s.166. In relation to the Oil Pollution
Compensation Fund the restrictions are attached to the liability in actions in State
parties—in the case of the UK it is extended while Fund headquarters are in London
(see Merchant Shipping Act 1995, s.175). As to jurisdiction, see s.177 (1) and Chapter
259. Merchant Shipping Act 1995, Sch. 3A, Art. 38. Jurisdiction in actions against
the HNS Fund are linked to actions against the owner (Art. 39). See Chapter 6.
260. Hesperides Hotels Ltd v. Muftizade [1978] 2 All E.R. 1168.
261. See The Tolten [1946] P. 135.
262. For Convention rules relating to immovable property, see (e.g.) Arts 9, 12(4)
and 16(1). For special rules see Sch. 4, Art. 16(1).
263. Pearce v. Ove Arup Partnership Ltd [1999] 1 All E.R. 769. It follows that
insofar as the case is within the provisions adapting the Convention to intra United
Kingdom disputes the limitation is identical. (See Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act
1982, Schs 4, 5 and Chapter 8.)
264. The current parties are France, Germany, Belg ium, Netherlands and
Switzerland. The text (English translation) with amendments of 1898, 1922, 1923 and
1963 is set out in Cmnd 242 1/1963. See further Chapter 6.
265. As to the exemption from enforcement of judgments owned and notice of
intended arrest of ships owned by a foreign state see supra fn. 194.
266. Dr Lushington in The Octavie (1836) B. & L. 215, at p. 217.
267. Ibid. The Admiralty Rules 1859 (r. 10) required notice to be given (see also
RSC Rules 1883, Ord. V, r. 16).
268. See e.g. The Nina (1867) L.R. 2 A. & E. 44 (on appeal (1867) L.R. 2 P.C.
38); The Leon XIII (1883) 8 P.D. 121.
269. Nothing in the Supreme Court Act 1981, ss.20 –23, limits the jurisdiction to
refuse to hear a claim for wages by the master or crew of a ship not being a British ship
(s.24(2)(a)). As to the definition of "British ships", see the Merchant Shipping Act
1995, s.1(1).
270. Consular Relations Act 1968, s.4. There is also power to limit criminal
jurisdiction (s.5).
271. It should be noted that the relevant category of claims is wider than wage
272. Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Germany, Greece,
Hungary, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Norway, Poland, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Yugoslavia
and United States. (See SI 1970; 1903 –1905; 1907–1914; 1917–1920; 1971/1846;
1976/768; 1152; 1978/275 (revoking 1970/1919); 1999/1124 (revoking 1970/1916)).
The position in respect of successor states to Yugoslavia is not certain and inquires may
need to be made of each.
273. Failure to comply with statutory requirements renders the proceedings a
nullity (The Andrea Ursula, Lloyd’s List and Shipping Gazette, 14 January 1971). The
provisions with respect to Mexico allow proceedings in respect of British su bjects
(with some extensions) without notice (SI 1970/19 11).
274. See The Jupiter (No. 2) [1925] P. 69.
275. Ibid., at pp. 74–75; The Annett [1919] P. 105, at pp. 114–115.
276. CPR 3.4, 3.5. As to the importance of alternative courses to striking out i n
case management under the CPR see Biguzzi v. Rank Leisure Plc [1999] 4 All E.R. 934
(C.A.). As to vexatious litigants see Supreme Court Act 1981, s.42.
277. See The Moschanthy [1971] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 37.
278. See Bragg v. Oceanus Mutual Underwriting Assoc. (Bermuda) Ltd [1982] 2
Lloyd’s Rep. 132 and cases there cited. In the Bragg case "relitigation" was allowed by
the same defendant in different actions. See also The Indian Grace [1993] 1 Lloyd’s
Rep. 387, at p. 391.
279. Turner v. Grovit [1999] 3 All E.R. 616 (C.A.)—a jurisdiction exercisable to
grant an anti suit injunction even if the proceedings are in a State party to the Brussels
Convention (see further Chapter 4). It may be abuse to seek such an injunction (see New
Hampshire Insurance Co. v. Aerospace Finance Ltd [1998] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 539).
280. The Andria now renamed Vasso [1984] A.C. 293, now see Civil Jurisdiction
and Judgments Act 1982, s.26 (and Chapter 15).
281. See Castanho v. Brown and Root (UK) [1981] A.C. 557.
282. See Barton Henderson v. Merrett [1993] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 540.
Chapter 13
13.1 Arbitration clauses are commonplace in maritime contracts. 1 Subject to
statutory limitations it is always open to parties to a dispute to agree to submit that
dispute to an arbitration rather than a court either when the dispute occurs or prior to it —
preferring a decision making process partly at least in the han ds of non-lawyers,
confidential2 and arguably less costly and more speedy. In English law, as is seen in
Chapter 12, an arbitration agreement can form the basis for the stay of court proceedings
commenced contrary to it or an injunction to restrain a party from foreign proceedings
contrary to it. Such an agreement is a contract enforceable through the courts as such but
with a superimposed statutory framework applicable to it through the Arbitration Act
1996. An arbitration agreement is not a ground for ref usal to issue a claim form in legal
proceedings contrary to it. It is a ground for stay of those proceedings ( see infra). 1.
English Law and International Agreements
13.2 The United Kingdom is one of over 100 states to have ratified the New York
Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards 1958. This
imposes on States parties the duty to stay court proceedings if a dispute exists and a
valid arbitration agreement is established, and to recognise and enforce foreign
arbitration awards.
13.3 The most radical and comprehensive international attempt at an agreed format
for arbitrations is that contained in the UNCITRAL Model Law. This provides a model
for states to adopt. Scotland is among the states to have adopted it. Although England
has not adopted it, much of it is reflected in the 1996 Act. The Uncitral Model Law—
Transnational Arbitration
13.4 While recognising arbitration as a valued agreed way of dispute settle ment
English law has been relatively slow in differentiating between private, domestic and
transnational arbitrations. While advancing London as an arbitration centre, there was
some reluctance to see international commercial arbitration in terms other tha n a
contractual process applying English law and in regard to which courts should continue
to exercise control and retain broad powers of intervention.
13.5 International agreement on arbitration was taken a stage further through the
UNCTIRAL Model Law 1985 on international commercial arbitration. This is not a
Convention but, as its name implies, provides the opportunity for states to adopt a
uniform approach to matters within its scope. It has been adopted or applied in a
number of states (including Scotland) but rejected in England 3—largely on the grounds
that in English law there is a well-developed arbitral process. The danger that through
non-application England would be out of step with internationally recognised principles
is to a large extent avoided by the influence of the Model Law on the 1996 Act.
13.6 The Model Law is concerned with the arbitral process as a whole —the
arbitration agreement, the arbitral tribunal, the proceedings and the making of the award.
It is based on the perceived distinctio n between international and domestic arbitrations
and largely adopts the broad principles of party autonomy to opt for arbitration rather
than litigation. Mandatory provisions are few and the role of courts seen as supervisory
and providing assistance—rather than arbitration being a contract to be enforced within
and as part of a structure of dispute resolution primarily based on litigation.
13.7 Fundamental differences between the approach of the Model Law and that of
English law prior to the 1996 Act were (i) the conferment on the arbitral tribunal of the
power to decide its own jurisdiction, including the validity of an arbitration agreement;
(ii)the ability of the parties to agree to resolve the dispute not according to a particular
law but ex aequo et bono or through the offices of an amiable composituer; and (iii) the
prohibition on recourse to the courts save on special grounds.
13.8 The 1996 Act provides a comprehensive but not exhaustive structure. If
sections 85–87 are brought into force it differentiates between domestic and
international agreements in respect of mandatory stay of legal proceedings and the
court’s control, but in large measure treats them in the same way. It goes far to meeting
the approach of the Model Law. Sub ject to mandatory provisions the Act largely
recognises party autonomy in respect of the conduct of the arbitration and reduces the
scope for intervention by the courts (section 1). 4 So, unless otherwise agreed, the
tribunal has power to rule on its own substantive jurisdiction (section 30), and the
parties are free to agree on the powers of the tribunal in relation to the proceedings
(section 38). Further, the parties may agree that considerations apart from law are to be
criteria for deciding the dispute (section 46) 5—i.e. following generally the Model Law
in respect to the relevance of "ex aequo et bono ". Multi state Conventions The New
York Conventions on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards
13.9 The United Kingdom ratified the New York Convention on 24 September
1975. It was enacted into national law by the Arbitration Act 1975, which came into
operation on 23 December 1975 and now is reflected in the Ar bitration Act 1996. The
Convention is carried into domestic law by providing first for a mandatory stay of court
proceedings commenced contrary to a valid arbitration agreement 6 other than a domestic
agreement and, secondly, for the recognition of arbitration awards made in the territory
of any other party to the Convention 7 (see Chapter 27). The Geneva Convention on the
Execution of Foreign Awards 1923
13.10 The Arbitration Act 1950, Part II enacted into English law this Convention
and the Protocol on Arbitration Clause 1927. These provisions are continued in force
by the Arbitration Act 1996, section 99 in respect of relatively few states which are not
parties to the New York Convention. The Convention on the Law Applicable to
Contractual Obligations 1980
13.11 Arbitration agreements are excluded from the Convention (Article 2(d)) but
will play a part in determining the law applicable to any containing them ( see infra and
Chapter 26). EC Regulation 44/2001 and the Brussels and Lugano Conventions
13.12 “ Arbitration” is excluded from Regulation and both Conventions (Article
1(4)). The width of the exclusion is discussed in Chapter 5. In summary all aspects of
the arbitration proceedings are excluded, 8 but uncertainty remains at European level as
to the issue of validity of an arbitration agreement arising other than in the context of the
process.8a It is settled that measures in support of an arbitration may be included if their
subject-matter is within the Convention.
13.13 The European Court has held that (i) priority of jurisdiction as provided for
in the applicable Community regime must be followed despite an exclusive jurisdiction
agreement for a particular court, and (ii) anti suit injunctions in respect of proceedings
within the regime in another State are not consistent with the Convention. As
"arbitration" is outside the Convention clearly (i) cannot be applied by analogy. As to
(ii) the critical issues are whether (a) all aspects of arbitration are outside the regime,
and (b) the prohibition on anti suit injunctions in respect of Member States is limited to
issues within the regime or stems from membership of the Community.
13.14 The current English judicial view 9 is (unsurprisingly given the predilection
in this area of upholding the national approach 10) that all arbitration issues, including
the question whether there is a valid arbitration c lause, are outside the Community
regimes. Hence first, where there are multiple proceedings, the priority given to the
court first seised to determine its jurisdiction does not apply. Secondly, there was no
prohibition on comity or other grounds to prevent the grant of anti suit injunctions. 11
13.15 Both aspects are no doubt destined (in time) for the European Court. 12 As to
arbitration it seems a curious logic to maintain that whether a national court has or has
not jurisdiction under the Community regime is itself outside that regime. Surely to
claim jurisdiction contrary to the regime without allowing the Court on which regime
jurisdiction is conferred is to interfere with the regime allocation. It is difficult to see
how that decision is not regime based. Other Conventions
13.16 The Hamburg Rules (Article 22) contain a detailed arbitration provision
limiting the places in which it may be held. 13 Maritime Conventions containing
arbitration provisions do not generally impose such limits. 14 Arbitration and
13.17 An arbitration agreement is within the Arbitration Act 1996 and is therefore
capable of avoiding any dispute as to the forum and method of resolution of the dispute
—but only if the arbitration clause is first clearly drafted and clearly ag reed,15 secondly
is in writing16 and thirdly that it is enforceable. As to the first it may be surprisingly
easy to include clauses which on their face provide for both jurisdiction and
arbitration17 or do not express the scope of the arbitration agreement with clarity, or
arguably provide for arbitration in two places. 18 An arbitration agreement may be
assigned 19 and will be assigned on the assignment of the rights to which it is
13.18 An enforceable arbitration agreement does not of itself e xclude litigation—
the two are not mutually exclusive. The issue of a claim form while an arbitration is
proceeding does not bring the arbitration to an end, 21 nor does an arbitration clause
mean that any concurrent court proceedings are in some way void. However, unless
there is no remaining dispute, there is a statutory obligation on courts of member States
of the New York Convention to stay court proceedings if there is a valid arbitration
agreement (see infra).
13.19 The question of whether an arbitration agreement is enforceable may arise as
a preliminary issue of itself or through one party initiating litigation contrary to the
asserted clause. In the latter circumstances the arbitration clause is only as enforceable
as the court in which the litigation is launched recognizes. If the agreement is regarded
as enforceable in the state in which the arbitration is to take place but not in the state
where the litigation is started, just as with multiplicity of court procee dings the party
seeking arbitration may have to tread carefully in respect of the court proceedings. If it
does not participate there may be judgment in default, but if there is participation there
may be held to be submission and hence enforceability of t he judgment. In any event
insistence on the arbitration will mean fighting on two fronts.
13.20 In English law there are protective measures —an English court satisfied as
to the validity (or not) of an arbitration clause may enjoin a party from taking
proceedings or arbitrating elsewhere. 22 Even without such an injunction participation in
foreign proceedings simply to contest jurisdiction will not amount to submission for the
purposes of enforcing a judgment and any judgment obtained in breach of an arb itration
agreement is not enforceable in England ( see Chapter 27). But care must still be taken
not to take any step which would result in submission to foreign proceedings. 23
Arbitrations and English Law Court jurisdiction over arbitration matters
13.21 The powers of courts in relation to arbitrations are set out in the Arbitration
Act 1996. In part they are mandatory and in part subject to the consent of the parties or
tribunal. The jurisdiction of the court is restricted in that unless otherwise agreed the
tribunal has power to rule on its own jurisdiction (i.e. whether there is a valid
arbitration agreement, the constitution of the tribunal and whether matters submitted are
within the agreement). 24 Any objection to jurisdiction must be taken as soon as possible
and, subject to the discretion of the tribunal, if before the proceedings have commenced
before the first relevant step in the proceedings. 25 The tribunal may deal with the issue
or stay the proceedings pending an application to the court and must follow such of the
courses agreed by the parties. 26 Such an application requires the written agreement of
the parties or the permission of the tribunal. 27
13.22 The jurisdiction of the courts to deal with matters within their power
depends on the rules generally applicable. So, subject to the applicability of EC
Regulation 44/2001 or the Brussels or Lugano Conventions and any other substantive
jurisdiction requirement it will depend on service of the arbitration claim form either in
England or with permission of the court outside England. Service out of the jurisdiction
13.23 Save as the claim may be within EC Regulation 44/200 1 the Brussels or
Lugano Conventions 28 and falls within the provisions of CPR 6.19(1), (1A), permission
of the court is required. Permission may be given under the CPR for service on a party
to the arbitration or agreement for (i) an application for the exercise of one of the
specified powers supporting the arbitration, (ii) where the 1996 Act is applicable by
virtue of the seat of the arbitration or connection with England, some other remedy or
determination of other questions affecting an arbitration, arbitration agreement or
award, or (iii) challenge to or an appeal from an award, (iv) any order made on an
arbitration application. 29 Permission may be given under CPR 6.20(9) to enforce an
award30 and, it would seem, could be considered in relation to the arbitration agreement
as a contract under CPR 6.20(5). 31
13.24 In considering whether permission may or should be given due account must
be taken of the nature of and limitations on the court’s powers under the 1996 Act (as to
which see infra) and the terms of the arbitration clause. So permission will not
normally be given in respect of a matter concerning the tribunal’s jurisdiction which is
within the tribunal’s power to decide. 32 On the other hand it could be considered in
relation to powers supporting the process (such as a freezing injunction) unless the
parties specifically excluded them. 33 Powers apart from provisions directed
specifically at domestic or foreign awards (Parts II and III)
13.25 The applicability of the powers of an English court are largely set out in the
Arbitration Act 1996, sections 2, 3. They are focused on "the seat" of the arbitration.
This is to be designated by the parties or by any institution, person or the tribunal
authorized by them. If not so designated it is to be determined "having regard to the
parties’ agreement and all relevant circumstances", section 3.
13.26 The provisions relating to the arbitration process (Part I) apply where the
seat of the arbitration is in England or Northern Ireland. Provisions also applicable
where the seat is outside those two territories or no seat is designated are:
(i) stay of legal proceedings
(ii) enforcement of awards
(iii) subject to the power not to apply if inappropriate because the seat is not in
England or Northern Ireland—
(a) attendance of witnesses in the United Kingdom in proceedings in the United
(b) court’s powers in support of the arbitration
(iv) where the law applicable is that of England or Northern Ireland the
separability of the arbitration agreement and provisions relating to the effect of death of
a party.
The court may exercise any other powers to support an arbitration if no seat is
designated and the connection with England or Northern Ireland makes it appropriate.
13.27 So there is jurisdiction under the 1996 Act to stay Engl ish proceedings for
foreign arbitrations and to enforce foreign awards and, within limits, to support foreign
arbitrations. The law to be applied to substantive matters Selection by the parties
Mandatory and non-mandatory provisions
13.28 It is provided in the Arbitration Act 1996 that the non -mandatory provisions
of the Act are subject to arrangements of the parties including choice of the law
applicable to the agreement. 34 Provisions which are mandatory include those relating to
the stay of legal proceedings, the application of the Limitation Acts, extension of time
limits, some relating to arbitrations, general duties of parties and the tribunal, some
relating to decisions as to jurisdiction and awards. 35 It follows that subject to the
mandatory provisions the parties to an arbitration agreement may select the law which
is to govern it substantively and it and the proceedings procedurally —either directly or
through selection of an arbitral structure (e.g. Suga r Association) which specifies the
governing law. 36
13.29 Other mandatory rules may be through a Convention directing that "the
Convention" be applied 37 through statutory provision or through a particular substantive
rule being of such fundamental importance to the place of arbitration that an option for
another law would be void. 38 Whether there is or is not an arbitration agreement is a
matter to be decided either by putative proper law (i.e. the law which would be t he
proper law if there was an agreement) or in some circumstances by English law, on the
basis that that is to govern unless it is shown that some other law is applicable. 39
Public policy
13.30 The recognition or enforcement of an award is specifically sub ject to public
policy,40 and the scope of the choice is simply to make arrangements instead of the non -
mandatory provisions. So that choice as is generally the rule will be subject to public
policy considerations and any other limit stemming from a mandat ory rule. The
applicable law if no selection
13.31 Under the Arbitration Act 1996 a non -mandatory provision directs the
tribunal to apply the conflicts of law rule it considers applicable. This will no doubt be
the law "most closely connected" to the issue assessing this either generally or on the
presumptive principles of the Rome Convention ( see Chapter 26).
13.32 The provision for arbitration at a particular place will be a factor indicating
that the substantive contract is to be governed by th at law—but a factor that may be
outweighed by other contact points in the contract. 41 When the agreement provides for
an option as to the place the indication as to proper law is much less strong and will not
of itself indicate a "floating" proper law. The agreement is not therefore void for lack of
a governing law. 42
13.33 It does not necessarily follow that the same law as governs the substantive
contract will govern either the arbitration agreement or individual submissions to
arbitration under that agreement.43 In the usual run of events the law governing the
substantive contract and the arbitration agreement will be the same and that governing
the individual submission will be the lex fori—but not always. 44 The law governing
procedure (the curial law)
13.34 Apart from mandatory provisions of the Arbitration Act 1996 (as to which
see supra) the parties may choose any law as applicable to the procedure, or a law may
be treated as chosen if it is chosen in accordance with the parties agreement or
"objectively determined in the absence of any express or implied choice". Such
determination will no doubt be according to the criteria applicable to the law
applicable to substantive matters—the law most closely connected with the issue.
13.35 The law most closely connected with the procedure would normally be the
law of the seat of the arbitration 45—although English law recognizes the possibility that,
within the permissible limits of choice, there may be an election for the procedural laws
of another country. Such an election leads to such difficulties in respect of English law
that in Union of India v. McDonnell Douglas Corpn 46 Saville J. construed a contract as
submission to English procedure with foreign procedure adapted insofar as not
inconsistent with it.
13.36 While subject to express selection English law will govern the procedure of
an arbitration in England by English arbitrators but an arbitrator is not bound to apply
rules of practice applied by an English court. As with most dis tinctions of this nature,
the concept of "rule of practice" tends to expand or decrease according to the
desirability of freedom of action. So the ability to make an award in foreign currency
when a court could not do so, was said to be procedural, and (it has been said)
"properly described as a rule of practice". 47 But in the same case it was also said that
rules of practice become so entrenched and so authoritatively pronounced as to become
substantive law. As a result, once English law is applicable it i s unlikely that an
arbitrator can rely for any divergence from it on the classification of a remedy as a rule
of practice. But in this respect the arbitrator can do what a court could do.
Enforceability of Arbitration Agreements in English Law The arbitration
agreements, the substantive contract and separability
13.37 Where the law applicable to the arbitration agreement is English law, unless
otherwise agreed by the parties, an arbitration clause is separable from the contract to
which it is relevant. 48 Where there is an arbitration clause in a contract there are
normally three sets of contractual relations: the substantive contract; the contract to
submit future disputes to arbitration; and the individual bilateral arbitration con tract
arising on the assertion of claim within the general arbitration contract. The substantive
contract and the two arbitration contracts may be brought to an end by repudiation or
frustration but, consistently with the principle of separability, the bri nging of one to an
end does not necessarily bring the others to an end. 49 So the validity, existence and
effectiveness of the arbitration agreement will be decided with that as its focus. 50
13.38 As indicated earlier it is essential that any arbitration cl ause be clear as to
scope.51 Further, care should be taken that there is no confusion as between different
arbitration clauses, or arbitration and jurisdiction clauses. There is no inconsistency
between an arbitration clause in a charterparty and a jurisdiction clause in bills of
lading issued under it on the charterer’s orders. The parties to the dispute are
different. 52 Further, it is not necessarily conclusive in an application for stay of
proceedings where there is a discretion, that if the stay were granted there would be a
multiplicity of proceedings in such circumstances. 53 Inconsistency may arise between
the bill of lading and charterparty where terms of the charterparty are arguably
incorporated into the bill of lading and there are in both, clauses relating to arbitration
or jurisdiction. However, reference to jurisdiction is not necessarily inconsistent with
arbitration, and an arbitration clause may be incorporated by specific reference even if
this requires manipulation of the words to adapt it to the bill of lading parties. 54 Stay of
court proceedings
13.39 Enforcement of the arbitration process is through the statutory structure for
arbitral proceedings and also a stay of court proceedings. 55 The "stay" (rather than
"dismissal") of proceedings leaves it open to the court to intervene should the
conditions required for the stay cease to exist. Further, in the end it may be necessary to
return to court to enforce the award through judgment and execution.
13.40 An application for a stay may be made either in the terms of the Arbitration
Act 1996 or the inherent jurisdiction of the court. An application under the 1996 Act
may be made by a party to an arbitration agreement against whom a claim or
counterclaim is brought who has acknowledged the legal proceedings.
13.41 It may not be made after the party has taken a step in the proceedings to
answer the substantive claim. 56 The stay is to be granted unless the arbitration
agreement is "null and void, inoperative or incapable of being performed" 57 or, in
addition in the case of a domestic agreement, other sufficient grounds. 58 So, it may be
argued that a prerequisite for a stay may be satisfaction that there was an arbitration
clause and that the matter at issue was within it. A stay under the inherent jurisdiction
may be ordered at the discretion of the courts and in this context when there was
uncertainty and the need for a hearing to determine these points. 59 2. The English
Statutory Framework—The Arbitration Act 1996 The General Framework
13.42 The framework is governed largely by the Arbitration Act 1996 which,
though not exhaustive, 60 is comprehensive first as regards the general boundary
provisions considered earlier in this chapter and Chapter 27, relating to the relationship
of arbitrators and courts and their respective jurisdiction and powers and recognition
and enforcement of awards. Secondly, there are the provisions going to the details of the
arbitration process—appointment, constitution and authority of the arbitral tribunal, the
arbitral proceedings (including powers and duties of the tribunal, and procedural
matters, the making and nature of the award and costs. There is provision for adaptation
to statutory arbitrations.
13.43 The focus of the Act is, as has been said, on the upholding of the selected
method of dispute resolution by the parties. To that end m ost provisions relating to the
arbitration process are subject to other arrangements by the parties. Those that are not
(the mandatory provisions) go to the essential element of enforcement such as, for
example, (apart from jurisdiction issues) general dut ies of the tribunal and parties. The
powers of the arbitral tribunal
(1) Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, and subject to a limited review by the
courts the competence to rule on its own jurisdiction (ss. 30 –34).
(2) Subject to the right of parties to agree any matter, to decide all procedural and
evidential matters (section 34) 61 including, subject to the agreement of the parties,
appointment of assessors (section 37).
(3) Unless otherwise agreed by the parties to order as interim relie f security for
costs, inspection, preservation of property subject to the proceedings or taking samples
from the property and preservation of evidence (section 38).
(4) The parties may agree that the tribunal may make provisional awards (section
(5) Unless otherwise agreed by the parties powers in case of a party’s default (a)
to dismiss the claim for inordinate delay by the claimant either giving rise to a
substantial risk that the matters cannot fairly be resolved or likely to cause serious
prejudice to the respondent, or (b) failure to attend or give written evidence after due
notice, to continue proceedings in the absence of a party and make an award on the
evidence before it (section 41). 62
(6) Decide the law applicable to the substance of the dispute (section 46) ( see
(7) Unless otherwise agreed by the parties as to remedies make a declaration,
award a sum of money, order a party to do or refrain from doing anything, specific
performances or rectification of a contract (section 48). 63
(8) Unless otherwise agreed by the parties award pre award and post award
interest (section 49) 64 (see Chapter 25).
(9) Unless otherwise agreed by the parties decide on the form, place and date of
the award, extend the time for making the award, correct a slip in an award or make an
additional award.
(10) Withhold an award for non-payment of fees and expenses (sections 50, 52 –
(11) Subject to the permitted agreement of the parties, award costs including fees
and expenses of the arbitrations (sections 59 –65).
The appellate structure is discussed below. The powers of a court include:
(1) Stay of legal proceedings (sections 9, 86), and directing interpleader issues be
determined in accordance with any applicable arbitration agreement (section 10).
(2) Extension of time to begin or in relation to arbitral proceedings (sections 12,
13 79) (see infra).
(3) Powers in respect of application of Limitations Acts (section 13) ( see Chapter
(4) Subject to the agreement of the parties appointment and consequences of
resignation of members of arbitral tribunal on failure of parties to agree (sections 16 –
19, 21, 25) and removal (section 24).
(5) Subject to the agreement of the parties or tribunal consideration of objection to
jurisdiction of the tribunal (sections 30–32) (see supra).
(6) Unless otherwise agreed by the parties determination of preliminary point of
law (section 45).
(7) Unless otherwise agreed by the parties enforcement of peremptory orders of
tribunal in case of party’s default (section 42).
(8) Support of arbitral proceedings through interim relief (including retention of
security in Admiralty proceedings 66 and attendance of witnesses (sections 11, 43, 44) 67—
apart from retention of Admiralty security subject to agreement of the parties or
(9) Unless otherwise agreed by the parties in relation to the award extend the time
for making it (section 50), or service of documents (section 77).
(10) Consider the withholding for non-payment (section 56), give leave to enforce
as to judgment (sections 66, 101), consider a challenge because of lack of substantive
jurisdiction, serious irregularity or unless otherwise agreed by the parties an appea l on
a point of law (sections 66–7 1).
(11) Subject to agreement of the parties to costs determine the costs if tribunal does
not do so (section 63).
(12) As provided, confirm vary limit or set aside an award.
As a consequence of the 1996 Act control of the tribunal’s powers are vested more
in the parties and the tribunal. The court’s powers are in essence there to ensure the
working of the process and the ultimate enforcement of the award. Review of and
Appeal to Courts from Arbitration Decisions
13.45 The Arbitration Act 1950 provided for review of arbitration awards through
an application by a party to the High Court that the arbitrator state a case for the court. 68
As judicially construed, this developed into an almost unfettered right of review
provided there was a point of law at issue. Paradoxically, although such review was
openly available, under the Arbitration Act 1950 there was no requirement that an
arbitrator state reasons for an awar d, and reasons were often avoided so as to remove
any possibility that a court could set aside an award for an error on the face of it.
13.46 Delay in the finality of arbitration awards through requests for stated cases
led to judicial and commercial frust ration and the right to review was severely
restricted by the Arbitration Act 1979. 69 The 1979 Act abolished the special case
procedure and setting aside an award for error on the face of the record. Appeals to the
court were limited. 70 The appeal process is, with some further restrictions, much as it
was under the repealed legislation. Judicial construction of those provisions therefore
remains relevant. The 1996 Act
13.47 Appeals remain but their availability is even more limited. Save for appeals
on a point of law the process is contained in mandatory provisions. The procedure is set
out in the CPR Part 62.
(i) the court may, subject to prerequisites of consent of the parties or tribunal
permission on the application of any party determine any question of substantive
jurisdiction of the tribunal 71 (see above);
(ii) the court may unless otherwise agreed by the parties and subject to parties’
agreement and tribunal consent 72 on application by a party determine any question of
law substantially affecting the rights of a party arising during the proceedings; 73
(iii) a party may challenge an award before the court on the ground of lack of
substantive jurisdiction, 74 serious irregularity (of the type listed); 75
(iv) the court may unless agreed by the parties and subject to agreement of the
parties or permission of the court hear an appeal on a question of law arising out of the
award.76 Permission is to be given only on the basis that the decision substantially
affects the rights of a party, is obviously wrong or involves a point of general public
importance and is open to serious doubt and that, despite the arbitration agreement, it is
just and proper to determine the question. 77 An appeal from the decision whether to
grant permission requires permission. 78
In respect of (ii), (iii) and (iv) an appeal may not be brought until all arbitral
powers are exhausted. It must be brought within 28 days of the award or the notification
of the result of any further process. 79
13.48 A person alleged to be a party to arbitral proceedings but who takes no part
in them may challenge whether there is a valid arbitration agreement, th e constitution of
the tribunal or the matters submitted to arbitration. 80
13.49 The further restrictions on appeals introduced by the 1996 Act reflect
judicial construction of the 1979 Act in pursuing the perceived Parliamentary aim of
speedy finality in arbitration. 81 The restrictions on appeals are in respect of specified
matters. They go both to the need for permission of the High Court and the provision as
regards a point of law that the question is of general importance or there is some other
special reason. 82 The pre 1996 practice of not giving reasons for the refusal of
permission to appeal on a point of law does not entirely fit with the obligations under
Article 6 of the Human Rights Convention. At least an applicant should be told which of
the statutory requirements had not been met. Where the ground was that the decision was
obviously wrong or open to serious doubt it may be necessary to give brief further
reasons.83 13.50 On general principles no appeal will lie to the Court of Appeal or
House of Lords from a refusal of the High Court to grant permission to appeal. 84
However, the apparent restriction of appeals to the Court of Appeal by the Arbitration
Act to appeals provided by that Act is not to be so construed. 85 The jurisdiction of the
Court of Appeal stems from the Supreme Court Act 1981 and the general provision of
the 1996 Act is to be construed as referring only to the particular provisions of that Act
which regulate and restrict appeals to the Court of Appeal. So, for example, an appeal
will lie from a decision as to stay of proceedings (section 9) against a decision on a
point of law (section 69) by leave of the High Court and in accordance with the
requirements of the particular provision. 86 3. Delay in Arbitration Proceedings In
Commencement of Proceedings Application of Limitation Acts
13.51 The Limitation Act 1980 and the Foreign Limitation Periods Act 1984 and
any other "limitation" enactment whenever passed are applied by the Arbitration Act
1996 to arbitral proceedings as they apply to legal proceedings. In determining for the
purpose of those Acts when a cause of action accrued any provision that an award is a
prerequisite for legal proceedings is to be disregarded. 87 Where an award is ordered to
be set aside or declared of no effect the court may exclude the period between the
commencement of the proceedings and the order in determining when the cause of action
13.52 There is power in the courts to extend time for commencing arbitral
proceedings or in relation to matters relating to the proceedings. By a mandatory
provision,88 subject to the Limitation Acts 89 where by agreement a claim is barred or
extinguished unless a step is taken within a fixed time to begin arbitral or other dispute
resolution procedures prerequisite to starting arbitral proceedings, the court may extend
that time. The court may only make such an order if satisfied that the circumstances were
outside the reasonable contemplation of the parties when agreeing the provision 90 and
that it would be just to extend the time or the conduct of one party makes it unjust to
apply the provision to the other party. 91 The order may be made whether or not the time
has expired and may be for such period or such terms as the court thinks fit.
13.53 Where the right to stay of proceedings depends on whether a time bar was
incorporated into the substantive contract, or if so, if the claim was within it, that was a
matter that had been agreed should be referred to arbitration. Unless there was
agreement by the parties that the court should decide the matter should be referred to the
arbitrators.92 However, where there was also an application to extend time if the time
bar applied that could be decided by the court. When proceedings commence
13.54 The point at which proceedings are commenced is critical in respect of the
time bar of the Limitation Acts and therefore to the power to extend time. It is provided
in the Arbitration Act 1996 that for these purposes the parties are free to agree when the
proceedings are regarded to have commenced. Lacking such agreement they are
(i) on written notice given to an arbitrator designated in the agreement;
(ii) where the arbitrators are to be appointed by the parties on written notice being
given by one party to the other to make the appointment;
(iii) where the appointment is to be by a third party on written notice by one party
requesting the appointment to be made.93 Extension of time and summary judgment
13.55 The legislation prior to the 1996 Act contained a ground on which a stay of
proceedings is to be refused which is now omitted. The grounds now are "that the
arbitration agreement is null and void, inoperable or incapable of being performed" (as
to which see supra). The additional ground was "there is not in fact any dispute
between the parties with regard to the matter agreed to be referred". Based on this
ground the courts would exercise jurisdiction often as an application for extension of
time to give summary judgment if the defendant had no arguable defence.
13.56 In The M Eregli 94 Kerr J. held that, when an arbitration clause contains a
time limit clause, the limit can be ignored only if there is no dispute (i.e. liability and
quantum is admitted). If there is a failure to comply with a time limit, extension must be
sought under the statutory provision.
"In my view, the correct position is as follows. Where there is a claim which is
subject to a time limit in an arbitration clause, the claimant must operate the arbitration
clause unless there is no dispute because the other party had admitted liability. If he
fails to abide by the clause, then he can only re cover if he succeeds in obtaining an
extension of time under s.27. However, if he does, then the bar to his claim is removed,
and if the claim, or part of it, is indisputably due he can either obtain a final or interim
award in the arbitration, as the case may be, or summary judgment under RSC O. 14 in
an action, even though the action and the arbitration are both concurrent. However, if
both are concurrent, as here, and the claim is indisputably due, it is obviously far more
sensible and convenient to give judgment under O. 14 then [sic] to refer the undisputed
claim back to the arbitrator." 95
Because of the change in statutory wording, that power no longer exists, for, as
Kerr J. said, whether a claim is indisputably due is not the criterion of whether a
dispute exists. So long as there is a dispute in the sense that the claim is not admitted
(see supra) there must be a stay and the matter be dealt with in accordance with the
intentions of the parties—by arbitration.96 Delay in Prosecution of Proceedings The
power of the tribunal
13.57 The tribunal may be given powers by the parties in case of a party’s failure
"to do something necessary for the proper and expeditious conduct of the arbitration".
Unless otherwise agreed by the parties if a party fails to comply with an order by the
tribunal it may prescribe a time for compliance. A failure to comply empowers the
tribunal to draw justifiable inferences, direct that a party may not rely on any allega tion
or material subject of the order, make a costs order or proceed to an award on the
material before it. 97 Further and fundamentally unless otherwise agreed by the parties
one of the powers of the tribunal in support of the arbitration is to make an award
dismissing the claim if there has been an "inordinate and inexcusable delay" on the part
of the claimant in pursuing the claim and the delay:
(a) gives rise or is likely to give rise to a substantial risk that it is not possible to
have a fair resolution of the issues in that claim or
(b) has caused or is likely to cause or to have caused serious prejudice to the
respondent. 98
13.58 The tribunal is therefore given a rang e of powers and no doubt the bringing
of proceedings to a conclusion because of default is to be used only if other measures
have failed or are inappropriate. Despite the rigorous attitude of the courts to delay now
reflected in the Civil Procedure Rules it would seem that the dismissal of the claim for
inordinate delay even though the limitation period has not expired should be only in the
exceptional case. 99 Extension by the courts of time limits for steps to be taken
13.59 Unless the parties otherwise agree the court may extend the time limit agreed
by them in relation to any matter or under the 1996 Act having effect in default. The
power is exercisable whether or not the limit has expired on application by a party or
the tribunal and only if all arbitral steps are exhausted and that substantial injustice
would otherwise be done. 100 4. The Arbitration Award and Its Enforcement English
Arbitration Awards
13.60 An award made in English arbitration proceedings is enforceable:
(i) by an action on the award, based on the implied promise of parties to an
arbitration agreement to comply with the award and (possibly) the implied promise
implicit in the award itself; 101
(ii) in the same manner as a court judgment or order on application to leave
granted by the High Court (this being simply a mode of procedural speed). In substance
it is akin to the action on the award.
Enforcement (including the effect of earlier awards or judgments) is considered in
Chapter 25. Foreign Arbitration Awards
Foreign arbitration awards are enforceable (a) in the same manner as English
awards; (b) as a Convention award under the Arbitration Act 1996; or (c) as a "foreign
award" under the Arbitration Act 1950, Part II, continued in force by t he Arbitration Act
1996. These methods are discussed, together with foreign judgments, in Chapter 27.
1. See generally Mustill and Boyd, Commercial Arbitration 3rd edn, 1999;
Redfern, Law and Practice of International Commercial Arbitration 3rd edn, 1999.
Jurisdiction may also be conferred on arbitrators by an ad hoc agreement (even if a
contractual agreement is void) by conduct or estoppel. See e.g. The Almare Prima
[1989] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 376; The Amazonia [1990] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 236; Sim Swee Joo v.
Shirlstar [1994] LMLN 374.
2. A party may apply for a hearing in public or for an order or judgment published
(CPR 62.10). As to the approach to this provision as a start point and the balancing of
public and private interest see Moscow City Council v. Bankers Trust Co. [2004] 2
Lloyd’s Rep. 179 (C.A.).
3. Report of the Department Advisory Committee on Arbitration Law, June 1989
(chaired by Lord Mustill). The Committee recommended the drafting of a new
consolidating and updated statute ( see fn. 2). For discussion of the Model Law see
(1993) 10 Arb. Int. 179 et seq.
4. An appeal on point of law is retained (s.69), but powers of the court in support
of the process are in large respects subject to the agreement of the parties (see ss.44,
45). Listed provisions are mandatory and cannot be excluded (s.4(1), Sch. 1).
5. Including allowing the tribunal to determine the considerations (s.46(1)(b)).
6. For definition see Stay of Proceedings, infra.
7. The restriction to contracting States reflects the ability to make a reservation of
reciprocity under Art. I(3) of the Convention and most states (including the UK) did so.
Orders in Council may be made declaring the parties —and such Orders are conclusive
evidence of that status (s.7). As to the declaration in force, see SI 1984/1168. Such
orders are not exclusive evidence, see Government of the State of Kuwait v. Sir
Frederick Snow & Partners [1981] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 656, at p. 666 (Mocatta J.) (not
challenged on appeal). The Act applies to awards made in states which are parties
when enforcement action on the award is commenced rather than confined to the date of
the award (Government of the State of Kuwait v. Sir Frederick Snow & Partners
[1984] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 458 (H.L.)).
8. Although the criteria for deciding whether matters are part of the process are
difficult to state and apply (see Chapter 5). But it would seem restricted to the parties to
the arbitration. See Vale Do Rio Doce Navegacao SA v. Shanghai Bao Steel Ocean
Shipping Co. Ltd [2000] 2 All E.R. (Comm.) 70.
8a. See 4.25.
9. Through Transport Mutual Insurance Assoc (Eurasia) Ltd v. New India
Assurance Assoc Co. Ltd [2004] EWCA Civ 1598 applied in The Front Comor [2005]
EWHC 454.
10. See discussion on jurisdiction clauses in Chapter 12.
11. See Chapter 16.
12. The time lag for reference to the Court now lengthened by limitations on power
of refusal in respect of the Regulation ( see Chapter 12).
13. So in any contract governed by a law importing those rules the validity of any
arbitration clause is dependent on compliance with the requirements. The requirements
are deemed to be part of the arbitration agreement (Art. 22(5)).
14. As to the CMR 1956 (Carriage of Goods by Road) see Carriage of Goods by
Road Act 1965, Sch., Arts 31 and 33. As to the application of the CMR to sea carriage,
see Chapter 5. As to the Athens Convention 1974 (carriage by sea of passengers and
their luggage) (enacted by the Merchant Shipping Act 1979) see Art. 17.
15. For a telling example of a basic mistake (apparently assuming agreement) see
Marc Rich v. Impianti [1992] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 624.
16. 1996 Act, s.5. To be in writing it is sufficient for it to be recorded by any
means, there to be an exchange of communications in writing, it is evidenced in writing,
oral reference to writing, an oral agreement recorded in written submissions in arbitral
or legal proceedings and not denied (ibid.).
17. Particularly where provisions of one document are incorporated into another.
See e.g. The Nerano [1996] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 1 (English jurisdiction and arbitration not
inconsistent given the supervisory jurisdiction of the English courts). Indian Oil Corpn
v. Vanol Inc. [1992] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 563.
18. See e.g. The Stena Pacifica (whether included future disputes) [1990] 2
Lloyd’s Rep. 234; The Island Archon [1993] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 388 (on appeal on a
substantive issue [1994] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 227); The Heidberg [1994] 2 Lloyd’s Rep.
287; The Petr Shmidt [1995] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 202.
19. Including on notice to the other party and the arbitration after arbitration
proceedings started The Jordan Nicolov [1990] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 11; Baytur v. Finagro
[1992] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 134.
20. See e.g. Schiffartgesellschaft Detlev v. Voest Alpine Intertrading GmbH
[1997] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 279.
21. Lloyd v. Wright [1983] 2 All E.R. 969 (C.A.).
22. See e.g. The Angelic Grace [1995] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 87 and Chapter 25.
23. See Marc Rich v. Impianti [1992] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 624—a case made even
more complex by the question of whether the issue of the validity of an arbitration
agreement fell for jurisdiction purposes within the European Convention on Jurisdiction
(see Chapter 4).
24. Arbitration Act 1996, s.30.
25. Ibid., s.31(1)–(3). The right to object may be lost through taking part in the
arbitration (see n. 73).
26. Ibid., s.31(4)(5). In dealing with the matter it may rule in a jurisdiction or
mertis award (ibid.). Unless otherwise agreed by the parties the tribunal may continue
the arbitration (s.32(4)).
27. Ibid., s.32. The provisions relating to loss of the right to object (s.73) apply to
court proceedings. As to further requirements if the ba sis is tribunal permission see
s.32(2)(b). As to restrictions on appeal from any decision see s.32(5)(6). Recourse to
the court under this provision is to be seen as exceptional ( ABB Lummus Global Ltd v.
Keppel Fells Ltd [1999] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 24. Permission to serve out of the jurisdiction
will be refused if the matter falls within s.30 ( Vale Do Rio, fn. 8).
28. As e.g. powers in support of an arbitration or issues concerning the arbitration
agreement (see Chapter 14).
29. CPR 62.5, 16, 17(4). Permission may only be granted to a party ( Vale Do Rio
Doce Navegacao SA ` v. Shanghai Bao Steel Ocean Shipping Co. Ltd [2000] 2 All
E.R. (Comm.) 70, Thomas J. As to awards see Chapter 27. As to "arbitration
application" see 4.2(5) and infra.
30. See Chapter 27.
31. As to an award see Chapter 27 and as to contracts see Chapter 9. It would
seem more appropriate to base the application on the Arbitrations Practice Direction.
But there may continue to be some difficult requirements as to supporting documentation
—and approach to the discretion. See The John C. Helmsing [1990] 2 Lloyd’s Rep.
290. See also CPR 62.16, 18.
32. See Vale Do Rio (fn. 8).
33. See Re O’s Estate [1999] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 931.
34. Sections 4, 46. The parties may agree on consideration upon which the tribunal
will decide the dispute (s.46(1)(b)) including without reference to any particular law. In
those circumstances there could be no appeal on point of law (as to which see infra). If
the English law is applicable unless otherwise agreed the arbitration agreement is
separable from its underlying contract and death of a party will not discharge it (ss.2(5),
7, 8). As to separability see infra. As to mandatory provisions see Sch. 1 and infra.
35. The provisions are listed in Sch. 1.
36. Although an arbitration agreement is not within the scope of the Rome
Convention on Contracts ( see supra) relevant to the applicable law will be the
applicable law of the substantive contract —which may be subject to the Convention. As
to the governing law of contracts generally see Chapter 26.
37. See e.g. the CMR Art. 33—failure to apply the Convention will invalidate the
agreement—The Tor Britannia [1982] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 410; (regarding agree ments prior
to claim arising) the Hamburg Rules Art. 22(4) —any clause inconsistent with that
provision is null and void (Art. 22(5)).
38. See The Morviken [1983] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 1 and Chapter 26.
39. See for a comprehensive discussion The Heidberg [1994] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 287
itself discussed in Chapter26.
40. Section 81(1)(c)—continuing the application of the principle applicable
outside the Act.
41. See the Compagnie Tunisienne case [1971] A.C. 572; The Mariannina [1983]
1 Lloyd’s Rep. 12; The Parouth [1982] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 351 (where the arbitration
clause led to a conclusion that as English law probably governed, leave could be given
to serve a writ out of the jurisdiction); The Star Texas [1993] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 445; Egon
Oldendorffv. Libera Corpn (No. 2) [1996] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 380.
42. The Star Texas [1993] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 445. As to the need for a governing law
at the start of a contract see Chapter 26. There is no such requirement in respect of the
curial law—the law governing the arbitration (ibid.).
43. Unless otherwise agreed where English law is the law applicable to the
arbitration agreement, the agreement is not invalid because of the invalidity or
ineffectiveness of any substantive agreement of which it forms part (Arbitrati on Act
1996, ss.2(5), 7). It may be that if by the proper law an arbitration agreement is invalid
the entry into arbitration by the parties will indicate an ad hoc arbitration agreement
governed by a different law—and even if that be invalid the parties may be bound by
estoppel (itself having a governing law). See The Amazonia [1990] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 236.
44. See fn. 34 as to the application of provisions of the Arbitration Act 1996
concerning separability of the arbitration agree ment and the lack of effect on the
agreement of death of a party if English law applies to the agreement.
45. See supra. This will not necessarily be the physical place which may change.
See Naviera Amazonia Peruana v. Cie Internacional de Serguros del Pe ru [1988] 1
Lloyd’s Rep. 116. The curial law may differ from the place of an arbitral award see
Hiscox v. Outhwaite (No. 1) [1991] 3 All E.R. 641 (H.L.). As to the making of New
York Convention awards see s.100(2)(b).
46. [1993] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 48. Saville J. thought that in respect of an English
arbitration it was not open to parties to exclude jurisdiction of the English court under
the Arbitration Acts and stressed that then it was not possible under English law to
provide for procedures unconnected to any national law.
47. See Tehno-Impex v. Gebr van Weelde Scheepvaartkantoor BV [1981] 1
Lloyd’s Rep. 587, at p. 596 (Oliver L.J.). In that case Lord Denning M.R. said that
arbitrators were not bound by the "strict rules of common law courts or the statutes
applicable to them" relating to the power (or lack of power) to award interest on money
paid late. Oliver and Watkins L.JJ. disagreed. The issue was settled as to judicial
ability as from 1 April 1983 by the conferring of power by the Administration of Justice
Act 1982, s.15, Sch. 1. As to arbitrators see 1996 Act, s.48(4). But the power does not
mean that the award may be in a currency different to that stipulated in a con tract
Lesotho Highland Development Authority v. Impregilo SpA [2004] 1 All E.R. (Comm.)
97 (C.A.).
48. Arbitration Act 1996, ss.2(5), 7.
49. See generally the analysis in Black Clawson International Ltd v. Papierwerke
Waldof-Aschaffenburg AG [1981] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 446.
50. Arbitration Act 1996, s.7. The tribunal is to decide its own jurisdiction with
reference to the courts only exceptionally (ss.30, 31) (and see supra).
51. If the parties wish to exclude the powers of the court to support the arbitration
(s.44 of the 1996 Act) they must do so specifically. In Re Q’s Estate [1999] 1 Lloyd’s
Rep. 931.
52. See The Vikfrost [1980] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 560.
53. The Jemrix [1981] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 544.
54. See The Nerano [1996] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 1 (C.A.). See further 12.58.
55. Where a party seeks leave to serve a claim form out of the jurisdiction an
English arbitration clause may indicate that the governing law of the contract is En glish
(see e.g. The Elli 2 [1985] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 107) but if it is clear that the defendant will
elect to go for arbitration, leave would normally be refused (see A and B and D [1982]
1 Lloyd’s Rep. 166).
56. It is not taking such a step to apply for a default judgment to be set aside where
the defendant unnecessarily sought leave to defend and counterclaim but said that he
intended to seek a stay (Patel v. Patel [1999] 2 W.L.R. 322 (C.A.)).
57. Arbitration Act 1996, ss.9, 86(2)(a) (s.9 being a mandatory provision) (s.86
relating to domestic arbitration agreements ( see fn. 54) not yet in force). Such an
application may be made although exhaustion of other dispute resolution procedure is a
prerequisite of the arbitration (s.9(2)). A stay must be granted if none of the specified
grounds were present and the action was brought in respect of a matter within the
agreement. So where a “ dispute” is (as normal) the matter referred, all that was needed
was disagreement and such disagreement may be created by silence. In contrast to the
former provision because of a change in wording there is no inquiry to be made as to
whether there is in fact any dispute between the parties and no room for the summary
judgment procedure (The Halki [1998] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 465 (C.A.)). It may be, however,
that a stay would be refused if the matter referred to arbitration was not capable of
resolution in that way (see s.81(1)(a)). As to refusal of recognition or enforcement of an
award on grounds of public policy see s.81(1)(c) and Chapter 27.
58. Section 86(2)(b). A domestic agreement is one to which no party is an
individual who is a national of or habitually resident in a state other than the UK or a
body corporate incorporated in or whose central control and management is exercised
in such a state and in which the seat is in the UK —the categorisation to be determined at
the commencement of legal proceedings (ss.85, 86(4)). The grounds may consist of lack
of readiness or unwillingness by th e applicant to do all things necessary for the
arbitration or other procedures.
59. Ahmad Al Naimi v. Islamic Press Agency [2000] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 522. That
matter would normally be remitted to the arbitration. But it may be that if the parties
agree the court could resolve it in affidavit evidence ( ibid.). As to directions by the
court see CPR 6.2.
60. See Wealands v. CLC Construction Ltd [1999] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 739—nothing
to remove an arbitration power to award contribution if within the arbitr ation clause.
61. Section 38. As to these powers see Chapter 14. The parties are free to agree
the powers exercisable by the tribunal for the purposes of the proceedings (s.38(1)).
62. See infra. The parties are free to agree on the tribunal’s power if a party fails
to do something necessary for the conduct of the proceedings (s.41(1)).
63. The parties are free to agree such powers.
64. See fn. 47.
65. The parties are free to agree the form of the award notification requirement,
correction of the award.
66. See Chapters 10, 15.
67. Whether a court may exercise powers other than those specified in support of
an arbitration is perhaps affected by the restrictive wording of the Act and the emphasis
that interim remedies are first for the tribunal. Under the previous regime the court did
so act and the Arbitration Act 1996 not being an exhaustive code there is reason to think
that, where appropriate, the powers remain. The power to grant interim injunctions
should be exercised only within the framework of the Act and in support of the
arbitration, Hiscox Underwriting Ltd v. Dickson, Manchester and Co. Ltd [2004] 1
All E.R. (Comm.) 753. However, the powers linked to a reference to arbitration, do not
encompass an injunction or damages for breach of an arbitration agreement through
issuing proceedings: Sokana Industries Inc. v. Frere and Co. Inc. [1994] 2 Lloyd’s
Rep. 57. They are "interim protection orders" —a limitation remaining relevant. See e.g.
(preventing disclosure of documents contrary to the duty of confidence stemming from
the proceedings) Hassneh Insurance Co. v. Mew [1993] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 243; Insurance
Co. v. Lloyd’s Syndicate [1995] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 272, delay in providing documents
(Hiscox (above). As to LOF and confidentiality see The Hamtun [1999] 1 All E.R.
(Comm.) 587. As to privilege stemming from the conduct of an arbitration between
principal and agent so as to protect documents from production in the arbitration see
Leif Hoegh and Co. A/S v. Petrolsea Inc. [1993] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 363. As to the powers
to grant injunctions under the Supreme Court Act 1981, s.13 and interim relief generally
see Chapter 14.
68. Section 21.
69. See generally R. Thomas, Law and Practice Relating to Appeals from
Arbitration Awards, 1993, Lloyd’s of London Press.
70. Section 1(2). Subject to exclusion agreements the ability to obtain a decision of
the High Court on a question of law arising in the course of reference was retained (see
s.2). An appeal on this ground to the Court of Appeal would create unacceptable delay
in most cases (The Oltenia [1982] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 99; [1982] 3 All E.R. 244 (C.A.)).
71. Section 32.
72. If made with tribunal consent the court must be satisfied that there will be a
substantial saving in costs and the application is made without delay (s.45(2)).
73. Section 45. An agreement to dispense with reasons for the award is to be
considered an agreement to exclude the appeal (s.45).
74. Sections 67, 72(2)(a). The right to object may be lost through continued
participation or not questioning a tribunal decision (s.73) see e.g. JSC Zestafoni Plant
v. Ronly Holdings Ltd [2004] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 335. As to the relationship of the power
and the power of a tribunal to decide its jurisdiction see Azov Shipping Co. v. Baltic
Shipping Co. [1999] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 68.
75. Sections 68, 72(2)(b). It is available only in "extreme cases" of serious
irregularity, The Petro Ranger [2001] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 348 e.g. failure of tribunal to
comply with procedure agreed by the parties on issues put before it or statutory duties,
exceeding powers, uncertainty as to effect of the award.
76. I.e. English law, see AEK v. National Basketball Assoc. [2002] 1 Lloyd’s Rep.
305; Reliance Industries Ltd v. Enron Oil and Gas India Ltd [2002] 1 Lloyd’s Rep.
77. Section 69. See generally The Northern Pioneer [2003] 1 W.L.R. 1015. In a
domestic arbitration agreement any agreement to exclude the court’s jurisdiction is
effective only if entered into after the award (s.87) (not yet in force).
78. Save as to (iii) where the applicant has taken no part in the proceedings
(s.72(2)). The exercise of the power includes the ability of a party to obtain
clarification Torch Offshore LLC v. Cable Shipping Inc [2004] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 446.
79. See s.70. The period may be extended under the discretionary provisions of
CPR 3.12, that being incorporated into the Arbitration Act 1996 by s.80(5), but in
applying the discretion the twin principles of party autonomy and finality must be taken
into account Kalmneft JSC v. Glencove AG [2002] 1 All E.R. 76. As to material factors
see Kalmneft as added to in Peoples Insurance Co. v. Vysanthi Shipping Co. Ltd
[2003] EWHC 1655. There is power to order security for costs ( see Chapter 14).
80. Section 72. Subject to the agreement of the parties the tribunal may rule on
these matters whether there is participation or not and appeal or review may be sought
from such a decision (s.30).
81. See e.g. The Nema [1981] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 239 (H.L.); The Antaias [1984] 2
Lloyd’s Rep. 235.
82. Sections 67(4), 68(4), 69(6), (8).
83. North Range Shipping Ltd v. Seatrans Shipping Corpn. [2002] 2 Lloyd’s
Rep. 1 (C.A.).
84. See Aden Refinery Co. Ltd v. Ugland Management Co. [1986] 2 Lloyd’s Rep.
336 (considering the Arbitration Act 1979, but the reasoning remaining applicable).
85. Amending the Supreme Court Act, s.18(1) (as a "consequential" amendment) to
provide that no appeal will lie to the Court of Appeal except as provided by Part I of
the Arbitration Act 1996 from any decision of the High Court under that Act" (s.107,
Sch. 3, para. 37).
86. Inco Europe Ltd v. First Choice Distribution [2000] 2 All E.R. 109 (H.L.).
But not under this provision from a refusal of leave by the High Court ( Henry Boot
Construction (UK) Ltd v. Malmaison Hotel (Manchester) Ltd Judgment 25 May 2000
87. Section 13(1)(3)(4)(a). As to Northern Ireland see s.13(1)(4)(b).
88. Section 12. An application may be made only (i) on notice to the other party,
(ii) after a claim has arisen and (iii) exhausting any available arbitral process for
extending the time (s.12(2)). Leave of the High Court to appeal is required for any
appeal (s.12(6)).
89. If, therefore, the Hague-Visby Rules are incorporated into a contract with an
arbitration clause the provision that the cause of action is extinguished after one year
removes the power to extend the time under s.27 once the year has expired. The Antares
(Nos 1 and 2) [1987] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 424 (C.A.)—the Hague-Visby Rules having the
force of law. Where the rules are applied by contract s.27 will be applicable (see The
Virgo [1978] 3 All E.R. 988).
90. Requiring that at least if drawn to their attention the parties would have
contemplated that the time bar would apply ( Harbour and General Works Ltd v.
Environment Agency [2000] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 65 (C.A.). The change of law introducing
this provision could not be said to justify the application of this requirement, nor that
neither party thought of the time limit under the Hague Rules (Grimaldi, fn. 92).
91. Under the provisions replaced (Arbitration Act 1950, s.27) the test was "undue
hardship". The 1996 provision requires first that if the circumstances had been drawn to
the attention of the parties they would at the very least have contemplated that the time
bar might not apply and if so for the court to rule as to whether justice required an
extension (Harbour and General Works Ltd v. Environmental Agency [2000] 1 Lloyd’s
Rep. 65 and cases cited). As to the width of "circumstances" see Grimaldi (fn. 92); The
Catherine Helen [1998] 3 All E.R. 714.
92. See Grimaldi Compagnie di Navigazione SpA v. Sekihyo Line Ltd [1998] 3
All E.R. 943 (although Mance J. gave his view). As to whether the Court or an
arbitrator should on an application for a stay resolves any issue as to the existence of an
arbitration agreement see 49 G PD 6.2 ( Ahmad Al Naimi v. Islamic Press Agency
[2000] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 522 and supra).
93. Section 14—a provision to be interpreted "b roadly and flexibly" —an
objectively clear reference to arbitration would probably mean an implied request to
appoint an arbitrator, otherwise commencement may only be on the ways expressly set
out. See Seabridge Shipping AB v. AC Orsslef’s EFTF’s AS [1999] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 665
(an approach adopted in respect of the similarly worded Limitation Act 1980, s.34
(repealed and replaced by s.14) in The Baltic Universal [1999] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. but
compare Vosnoc Ltd v. Transglobal Projects Ltd [1998] 1 W.L.R. 101.
94. [1981] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 169.
95. Ibid., at p. 175.
96. The Halki [1998] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 465 (C.A.); Wealands v. CLC Contractors
Ltd [1999] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 739 (C.A.).
97. Arbitration Act 1996, s.41(5)(6). Other powers if a party is in default are to
draw justifiable inferences, direct that a party is not entitled to rely on an allegation or
material or make an order for costs (ibid.). The court has power on application to order
compliance (see s.42).
98. Arbitration Act 1996, s.41(3) re -enacting an amendment to the arbitrator’s
powers introduced as from 1 January 1992. There is a further general power to make an
99. See for discussion of principles prior to the CPR Lazenby v. McNicholas
[1995] 3 All E.R. 820.
100. Arbitration Act 1996, s.79. Leave of the court is required for any appeal from
the decision (s.79(6)).
101. It is argued that both elements are necessary to enforcement (Mustill and
Boyd, op. cit. Chapter 28). A plaintiff must also at le ast base his case on an award
"appearing to be regular and with jurisdiction" ( Kianta Osakeyhtio v. Britain &
Overseas Trading Co. Ltd [1954] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 247, at pp. 250–25 1).
Part III
Interim Relief
Chapter 14
79. CPR 3.3, 3.5, 3.6A. A defendant has the right to treat all or part of money paid
into court as a Part 36 payment.
80. See Chapter 16. The courts power to direct an enquiry into damages on a claim
based on an undertaking is discretionary and may be refused on the ground of abuse of
process—the basis of the jurisdiction is that the court is being asked to release or vary
the undertaking (CT Bowring v. Corsi Partners Ltd [1994] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 567 per
Millett L.J.)—but it would seem the court is being asked to enforce the undertaking.
81. See Chapter 15.
82. Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982, s.26(2). Further it may be imposed
on rearrest (see generally Chapter 15).
83. The Bazias 3 and Bazias 4 [1993] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 101.
84. The Havhelt [1993] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 523.
85. As to limited availability of damages for wrongful arrest see Chapter 15.
86. Section 24(1) as amended by the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Order 2001
(SI 2001/3929) Sched. 2, para. 9. There is like provision for Scotland (s.24(2)) as
similarly amended.
87. Adapting Article 234 (powers of European Court to give preliminary rulings)
to Title IV under which the Regulation is made. The power and duty to refer is restricted
to the House of Lords (Article 68.1). See further 4.11, 12.
88. By the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1991, Sched. 2, para. 12, SI
200 1/3929, Sched. 2. Pt IV, para. 10(a) Arbitration Act 1996, Sched. 4.
89. Power to extend it to arbitration was repealed by the Arbitration Act 1996,
Sched. 4. Provision is made in that Act for remedies in support of arbitrations the seat,
i.e. the judicial centre of which is not in England (see infra). As to the concept of the
seat see Chapter 13.
90. Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 (Interim Relief) Order 1997 (SI
1997/302) as amended in regard to the Regulation by SI 200 1/3929. See as to Scotland
(SI 1997/2780).
91. See infra and Chapter 15.
92. See The Sargasso [1994] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 6 disagreeing with dicta in Dresser v.
Falcongate [1991] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 557.
93. [1995] 2 All E.R. 904.
94. That at that time both substantive and interlocutory relief were claimed through
an action begun by originating summons. Now see CPR Parts 8, 23; and 14.52
95. See Part 8 Practice Directions and Comment Civil Procedure 25.4.1. As to
Part 8 claims see Chapter 9.
96. CPR 6.19, 6.20(4).
97. Arbitration Act 1996, s.38(1). They may agree that the tribunal make
provisional orders for relief which is in its power to grant in a final award (s.39), but
without agreement there is no such power (s.39(4 )).
98. Arbitration Act 1996, s.38(2) –(6).
99. Arbitration Act 1996, s.44. The court may order that the order ceases to have
effect (s.44(6)). As to decisions on a preliminary point of law see Arbitration Act 1996,
79. CPR 3.3, 3.5, 3.6A. A defendant has the right to treat all or part of money paid
into court as a Part 36 payment.
100. Section 44(1)(2). Unless urgent an application requires permission of the
tribunal or agreement in writing by all parties (s.44(3)(4)). As to the need to consider
the limits and not to usurp the function of the arbitrator see Hiscox Underwriting v.
Dickson Manchester [2004] 1 All E.R. (Comm.) 753. However in addition to these
powers in relation to injunction the court has a residual power under The Supreme
Court Act, s.37 and an inherent jurisdiction to act outside the limits —but it would be
exceptional to act in this way (ibid.).
101. Ibid., s.44(1)(2).
102. Ibid., s.43. The witness must be in the United Kingdom and arbitral
proceedings conducted in England or Northern Ireland (s.43(3)). A person cannot be
compelled to produce evidence which he cou ld not be compelled to produce in legal
proceedings (s.43(4)).
103. But only when there is a true adjournment and not as a condition of non -
enforcement Yukos Oil v. Dardana Ltd [2002] EWCA Civ 543.
104. Arbitration Act 1996, s.11. See further Chapters 13, 15.
105. The Tuyuti [1984] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 51. See Chapter 13.
106. Arbitration Act 1996, s.2(3). The limits of s.43 relating to attendance of
witnesses continue to apply. As to procedure see 62 PD 7.
107. Arbitration Act 1996, s.2(3).
108. As to which see Chapter 13.
109. Although there is reference to "interim injunctions".
110. See Channel Tunnel Group Ltd v. Balfour Beatty Construction Ltd [1993] 1
All E.R. 664 (H.L.). As to the relevance of a need for a legal or equitable substantive
right see Chapter 16.
111. 62 PD 8.1. As to the procedure for injunctions under the Supreme Court Act
1981, see Chapter 25.
112. Regulation Art. 31, Convention Art. 24.
113. See the Van Uden case (fn. 116), para. 19; Mietz v. Intership Yachting Sneek
BV C99/96 [1999] I.L.Pr. 541, para. 41.
114. This applies not only to those based on the subject -matter of the claim but also
to appearance by the defendant (see Mietz v. Intership Yachting Sneek BV). It must also
apply to a jurisdiction agreement. If the matter is within Art. 24 the bases are not
needed, if it is not neither base will bring it within the Convention ( ibid.).
115. The Convention’s text is identical in substance. Implemented in English law
by Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982, s.25 (as to which see supra). The
Brussels Convention has been applied as between the United Kingdom and Gibraltar as
if each were a separate contracting State (SI 1997/2602) —and the principles of the
Convention therefore applies in that context. As to the Regulation see Chapter 4.
116. Van Uden Maritime BV v. Kommanditgesellschaft in Frima Deco -Line
C391/95 [1999] I.L.Pr. 73 (ECJ); Reichert v. Dresdner Bank (No. 2) 261/90 [1992]
I.L.Pr. 404—an action seeking to alter rather than preserve the circumstances of the case
is not within Art. 24. It is irrelevant that substantive proceedings have started elsewhere
(the Van Uden case).
117. Ibid., para. 34.
118. The Van Uden case (fn. 116), para. 47; Mietz v. Intership Yachting Sneek BV
C99/96 [1999] I.L.Pr. 541.
119. See infra. As to enforcement of judgments see Chapter 28. It has been held by
the Irish High Court that measures ancillary to the enforcement of a foreign judgment
must be ordered once there is an order for enforcement and jurisdiction to make the
order: Elwyn (Cottons) Ltd v. Pearle Designs Ltd [1990] I.L.Pr. 40.
120. Until recently English law has seen interim relief as essentially connected
with proceedings on the merits and limited the power to grant such relief to support for
proceedings in English courts. In particular arrest depends on the issue of an in rem
claim form and the Mareva injunction initially depended on the assertion of a right
under English law and proceedings in an English court to enforce that right.
121. So it is the national law which determines the scope of the interim relief (see
Re an Italian Cargo of Adulterated Wine [1991] I.L.Pr. 473 (Oberlandsgericht
Koblenz); Lowland Yachts BV v. Firma Dahm International [1991] I.L.Pr. 350
(District Court The Hague)).
122. There is no prohibition on making the interim relief available when not within
the Convention (e.g. prior to the Convention coming into operation): Alltrans Inc. v.
Interdom Holdings Ltd [1991] 2 All E.R. 571 (C.A.).
123. The Van Uden case (fn. 116), para. 42. The prohibited rules are set out in Art.
3 and the prohibition applies to Arts 2–18 dealing with substantive claims.
124. Ibid., para. 39 following Denilauler v. SNC Couchet Freres (fn. 55).
125. The Van Uden case (fn. 116), paras 40, 41, in particular the limiting of the
measure to a period of time.
126. Denilauler v. Couchet Freres 125/79 [1981] 1 CMLR 62 which in England
should then be certified forrecognition and enforcement. See Normaco v. Lundman, The
Times, 6 January 1999. See generally Chapter 28.
127. See CFEM Facades SA v. Bovis Construction Ltd [1992] I.L.Pr. 561.
128. See Derby v. Weldon (No. 2) [1989] 1 All E.R. 1002 (C.A.). See Chapter 16.
129. See CFEM Facades case (fn. 56).
130. Mietz v. Intership Yachting Sneek BV [1999] I.L.Pr. 541 (ECJ). The court
thereby avoided the charge that refusal to enforce meant considering the jurisdiction of
the adjudicating court by categorising the judgment as concerned with a matter not
within the Convention. As to enforcement of judgments see Chapter 28.
131. Regulation Art. 71, Conventions Art. 57.
132. As, for example (insofar as it still applies), the Hague Convention concerning
the service of documents in relation to interlocutory orders. See the CFEM Facades
case (fn. 117).
133. See Haiti v. Duvalier [1989] 1 All E.R. 456. As to the conditions see
Chapter 9.
134. As to nature of arrest and its rela tion to the action in rem, lien and judicial
sale, see Chapter 15.
135. [1987] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 470.
136. In The Anna H [1995] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 11 the C.A. held that under the Arrest
Convention there could be an arrest to found jurisdiction even if there was other
adequate security an arguably overenthusiastic recognition of the double function,
perhaps only then being appreciated in English law.
137. See Marc Rich v. Societa Impianti [1992] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 342 and Chapter 4.
138. Van Uden Maritime BV v. Kommanditgerettschaft In Firma Deco -Line
[1999] I.L.Pr. 73.
139. Unless one of a number of conditions is met. These conditions go to actions
which would make enforcement of an order difficult (e.g. changing address with a view
to evading the consequence of the litigation). See CPR 25.13.
140. CPR 25.2(1); Orwell Steel v. Asphalt and Tarmac (UK) [1984] 1 W.L.R.
1097; [1985] 3 All E.R. 747.
141. See The Alletta [1974] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 40. But see new CPR 61.5(1)(b) —
declaring arrest available to a judgment creditor in rem.
142. [1986] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 387.
143. For availability through an action in rem to enforce a foreign judgment see
The Despina GK [1983] Q.B. 214; [1982] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 555 and Chapter 10. See
generally Chapters 10, 15, 17.
144. Protective measures are excluded from the prohibition of enforcement
measures while an appeal ispending and the decision authorising enforcement carries
with it the power to proceed to such measures (Regulation Art. 47, Conventions Art.
Chapter 15
Statutory Liens in Admiralty 1. The Action "in Rem" and Statutory Liens in
19.1 The claims enforceable by action in rem are those listed or referred to in the
Supreme Court Act 1981, section 20. They are discussed in Chapter 2. As said in
Chapter 17, the label "statutory liens" when used in an Admiralty context is used as
equivalent to "statutory rights in rem", and to some the latter is the more accurate
description of the right. The present legislative framework provides for three categories
of claim which, apart from the maritime lien, attract the action in rem and a fourth
category which arguably does so. These are claims based on:
(i) s.20(2)(e)–(r) 1 ;
(ii) s.20(2)(a), (b), (c) and (s);
(iii) future jurisdiction (s.20(1)(d)); and
(iv) (arguably) the sweeping up clause (s.20(1)(c)).
of the action in rem have helped to confuse its substantive and procedural security
aspects. These should be disentangled. 2. Nature of the "Statutory Lien" 1. Origins
and Early Development
19.2 The statutory lien in Admiralty followed recognition of the concept of
"maritime lien". Statutory liens in Admiralty originate in the Admiralty Court Acts 1840
and 1861, both of which provided that the High Court of Admiralty "shal l have
jurisdiction" over a number of claims. The Act of 1861, section 35, further specifically
provided that the jurisdiction conferred by that Act "may be exercised either by
proceedings in rem or by proceedings in personam". The statutory liens in Admiralty
are based and depend on the availability of the action in rem. Admiralty Court Acts
1840 and 1861 and maritime liens
19.3 The two statutes were judicially construed to mean that unless a maritime lien
existed in relation to the claim prior to the statute or was expressly conferred by the
statute, the rights conferred were simply to enforce a claim by Admiralty proceedings
and in particular by proceedings in rem.2 As a result, the limited effect these and later
statutes had as regards maritime liens was to include within claims for attracting a
maritime lien (a) damage or salvage arising within the body of a county, 3 (b) wages
claims on special contracts, 4 (c) (possibly) claims for life salvage and property damage
under statutory provisions, 5 and (d) (possibly) claims for personal injury and loss of
life.6 Apart from these claims the provisions in the Acts that the Admiralty Court "shall
have jurisdiction... " meant just that. Statutory extensions of the action "in rem"
between 1861 and 1925
19.4 The availability of the action in rem in Admiralty was increased through
enlarging Admiralty jurisdiction in the Maritime Conventions Act 1911 (maritime
personal injury or wrongful death); the Merchant Shipping (Stevedores and Trimmers)
Act 1911 (claims by such persons); and the Administration of Justice Act 1920 (in
relation to foreign shipowner defendants, charterparties, carriage of goods and torts in
respect of goods carried). The Supreme Court of Judicature (Consolidation) Act 1925
further extended the scope of proceedings in rem by removing territorial restrictions
from claims for necessaries and salvage and towage. 2. The Supreme Court Act 1981
—the Present Framework for the Action "in Rem"
19.5 The Administration of Justice Act 1956 greatly extended the territorial
jurisdiction, added to the number of claims for which proceedings in rem will lie and
formed the foundation for the present framework set out in the Supreme Court Act 1981
(as amended). That (discussed in Chapter 2) clearly distinguishes the exercise of the
Admiralty jurisdiction through (a) an action in personam, (b) a maritime lien and (c) an
action in rem apart from a maritime lien. 7
19.6 As to the framework of the 1981 Act:
(a) statutory provisions have settled a dispute once relevant whether Admiralty
jurisdiction includes claims attracting proceedings in rem which are neither statutorily
based nor maritime liens. At most, these claims related to pilotage, towage and
necessaries8 and all are included in the claims now statutorily set out;
(b) the statute creates two categories of specific heads of claims which wh ether or
not they attract a maritime lien attract the action in rem—those specified in s.20(2)(a),
(b), (c) and (s) and those specified in s.20(2)(e) –(r)9;
(c) the claims attracting maritime liens are included in the list of heads of claims
for which an action in rem may be brought. It is clear that a claimant whose claim
attracts a maritime lien may base his claim on the provision relating to maritime lien
(s.21(3)) and also, when the claim is within the provision, on that relating to the ac tion
in rem apart from the maritime lien (s.21(4)) 10;
(d) there are catch-all provisions including jurisdiction (other than the claims
specified) allocated after the coming into force of the Act or (arguably) exercised
immediately prior to the Act. These provisions do not specify any particular claims. 3.
"The Statutory Lien in Admiralty"—Is It to Be Equated with the Action "in Rem"?
19.7 Some take the view that all claims apart from maritime liens enforceable by
an action in rem should be lumped together simply as "actions in rem".11 But this fails
(a)toindicate the substantive proprietary and priority characteristics conferred by the
action on those claims to which it is attached, and (b) to distinguish between the two
statutory categories of claim referred to in 2(b) above. (a) The action "in rem"—
substance and procedure
19.8 In Chapters 17 and 18 emphasis is given to the importance of the decision by
the House of Lords in The Indian Grace (No. 2) 12 in the analysis of the action in rem. It
legally removes the fiction of the defendant in such an action being the ship. As
contended earlier that is one step towards the separation of the interest being enforced
and the method of enforcement.
19.9 In Chapter 18 it was suggested that a maritime lien confers a right of
substance rather than procedure. Much of the supporting reasoning applies to the
bringing of action in rem in respect of an otherwise non -proprietary claim. In The
Heinrich Bjorn, delivering the judgment of the Court of Appeal, Fry L.J. drew a
distinction between a maritime lien and the right to the exercise of Admiralty
jurisdiction. He contrasted arrest as a means of giving effect to a pre -existent lien (the
maritime lien) and arrest as "one of several alternative modes of procedure". In the first
case, he said, the proceeding related back to the first moment the lien attached: in the
second it did not. And further, he added, arrest to enforce a maritime lien can only be of
the ship involved, but the lien does travel with the ship: arrest in other contexts could be
of other assets of the defendant but is available only against the property of the person
liable in personam.13
19.10 However, it is now clear that almost all claims not being maritime liens
attracting an action in rem will be effective against a purchaser 14 and that arrest can
only be of the ship involved 15 or (within the parameters of the Supreme Court Act 1981,
section 2 1(4)), a sister ship. Further, the "relation back" of the maritime lien goes to the
moment of creation of the "lien" rather than any unique enforceability against
purchasers, and the issue of an in rem claim form means that (whether the claim att racts
a maritime lien or not) the claimant becomes a secured creditor. 16 The distinction,
therefore, is not between a "maritime lien" in the sense of a substantive right 17 and a
right to benefit from proceedings (a procedural right) but between rights of s ubstance.
Whether all claims attracting an action in rem should be classified together as having
identical characteristics is a question to be debated; but, with enforcement against third
parties and the holder having the status of secured creditor, the basic right can hardly be
described as simply "one of several alternative modes of procedure". It is proprietary.
19.11 This is not to say that the action in rem as such is not also a method of
procedure. It is the means of asserting an interest —that interest being a maritime lien, a
statutory lien or a proprietary right itself. The error is to equate the statutory lien with
the method of enforcement—an error, particularly liable to occur whe n the lien is
created by the issue of the in rem claim form. In that context the same act creates the
interest as initiates the enforcement process.
19.12 Further, the proprietary interest created by the lien does not mean that the
cause of action being enforced by a writ in rem is any different to that enforced by a
writ in personam simply because of the method of enforcement. 18 The basis of the claim
is identical, the distinctions stemming from the interest (the lien) recognised by English
law as enforceable (or available to be created), its method of enforceability and any
difference in the identity of the parties. 19 (b) The nature of the claims attracting the
action "in rem"
19.13 To the extent to which a claim enforceable by an action in rem asserts a
proprietary interest, the action in rem may be said to be primarily procedural. However,
the majority of claims assertable by an action in rem have no proprietary characteristic
in themselves. It is the availability of the action in rem which transposes a claim against
the person liable in personam in the narrow sense of direct responsibility for the act of
which complaint is made to a claim enforceable against third parties. 20 On the other
hand, claims in respect of ownership and mortgage (and possibly possession) are
"proprietary", quite apart from the availability of the action in rem in the sense that
enforceability of the interest the basis of the claim is not restricted to the person
creating the relationship. The differing nature of these claims and their characteristics
are acknowledged in the priority context, for enforceability against purchasers is treated
separately to enforceability against creditors, and mortgage is given a priority ranking
of its own (see Chapter 23).
19.14 More generally it is arguable that ownership and possession claims not
involving claims otherwise within Admiralty jurisdiction raise questions different in
kind to other claims attracting actions in rem. So a question of title may raise different
policy issues in its enforceability against other claimants than a creditor’s claim.
Finally, claims based on forfeiture or condemnation of a ship or goods carried in a ship,
restoration of a ship or goods after seizure or for droits of Admiralty seem to involve
considerations apart from liability in a purely civil suit. They focus on public aspects of
Admiralty jurisdiction far removed from the majority of claims in respect of which the
jurisdiction exists. (i) Claims in section 20(2)(e) —(r)—the proprietary role of the
action "in rem"
19.15 As to those claims falling within section 20(2)(e) –(r), i.e. (claims not
generally proprietary)21 the Act specifies the characteristics of the right i n setting out the
framework for bringing the action in rem. The substantive interest created by the
availability of the action in rem is, therefore, made clear by the rules governing the
bringing of it. These rules were discussed in Chapter 2. It is clear that the claims within
section 20(2)(e)–(r) have common proprietary characteristics flowing from attracting
the action in rem in respect of the property at which the action is aimed (preferred
creditor status, enforceability against purchasers and, in the case of demise charters,
owners at the time of creation of the claim). These characteristics are sufficiently
distinct from those attaching to claims not attracting the action in rem to justify a
grouping to indicate that substantive proprietary nature. It is therefore appropriate that
they should be labelled "statutory liens in Admiralty". (ii) Claims in section 20(2)(a),
(b), (c) and (s)—the procedural role of the action "in rem"
19.16 In contrast to the provisions relating to section 20(2)(e) –(r) the Act does not
specify the framework for bringing the action in rem in respect of claims included in
section 20(2)(a), (b), (c) and (s). In relation to claims based on ownership, possession,
mortgage, forfeiture, condemnation or droits in Admiralty the Act provides simply that
proceedings in rem against the ship involved will lie. It therefore makes enforceability
depend on, first, the nature of the action in rem of itself and, secondly, the nature of the
claim. Further, apart from mortgage claims, there is little if any guidance in judicial
decisions as to the priority of these claims as against others or as between themselves.
Conversely, as to mortgages, it is certain that they have a higher priori ty than other
claims attracting an action in rem but not qualifying as maritime liens.
19.17 The common characteristics between the group of claims set out in section
20(2)(e)–(r) and those set out in section 20(2)(a), (b), (c) and (s) is the availability of
the action in rem. But in regard to the latter first, the action is available in some cases
against property other than a ship; secondly, the action is available only agains t the
property in question and not against any "sister" property; thirdly, any required link
between liability in personam and the relevant property is left to be gathered from the
nature of the action in rem itself; finally, at least one claim—mortgage—is given a
distinct priority. It seems, therefore, that the availability of the action in rem for claims
in section 20(2)(e)–(r) has undeniable substantive consequences, but that in its
availability in relation to claims within section 20(2)(a), (b) and (c) it fulfils much more
of a procedural role.
19.18 In the case of mortgage claims its primary role seems to be to provide
arrest and the availability of judicial sale to enforce a claim by nature proprietary and
having a high priority.
19.19 A claim for ownership or possession will depend in substance on the legal
foundation for the claim, and, again, its scope of enforceability will depend on the claim
rather than the availability of the action in rem. So in The "Ocean Enterprise"22 the
claimants in rem asserted that a sale purportedly on behalf of the claimants was void for
fraud and lack of authority and hence a further sale was also void. Further, the relevance
of the sale by the court as a remedy is somewhat peripheral to such claims—a claimant
(as in The "Ocean Enterprise")23 will be primarily seeking a declaration of ownership
or acquisition of possession through a specific order, and taking advantage of the arrest
process to ensure that the ship is available when the order is made. 24
19.20 Claims based on forfeiture, condemnation or droits of Admiralty are of a
completely different order to all other claims for which the action in rem is available
and, once again, enforceability will primarily depend on the nature of the claim.
19.21 In these groups, therefore, the twin primary characteristics of the action in
rem (the preferred creditor status and enforceability against purchasers) established in
relation to claims in section 20(1)(e) –(r) are of doubtful application except as
characteristics of the claims themselves. (iii) Claims within section 20(1)(c) —past
19.22 It is arguable that on the statutory wording this head of jurisdiction applies
only to actions in personam—the 1981 Act, it is said, specifying that the in rem
jurisdiction is exclusively there set out. 25 However, as indicated in Chapter 2 it all
depends on which provision of the Act takes precedence —that conferring in rem
jurisdiction or the sweeping up clause. Given the presenc e of the provision, there seems
just as strong an argument for inclusion of "in rem" jurisdiction in the latter given its
presence and the importance of such jurisdiction to Admiralty claims.
19.23 Assuming the inclusion of "in rem" jurisdiction within the clause the claims
are those which attracted the action in rem prior to 1 November 1875. Their proprietary
characteristics depend, therefore, on first, the nature of the claim and, secondly, the
effect of the action in rem, both of which questions must be the subject of enquiry in
each particular case. In the Despina GK Sheen J. based the ability to issue a writ in rem
in respect of a foreign judgment on this ground. He held specifically that the beneficiary
of a foreign judgment in rem did not have a maritime lien but that:
"A judgment creditor who has obtained a final judgment against a shipowner by
proceeding in rem in a foreign Admiralty Court can bring an action in rem in this Court
against that ship to enforce the decree of the foreign Court if that is necessary to
complete the execution of that judgment, provided that the ship is the property of the
judgment debtor at the time when she is arrested." 26
19.24 In this case the claim itself (action on a judgment) is not proprietary. The
approach of the learned judge meant that the "action in rem" was equated (almost) with
the action in rem as specified in section 2 1(4) of the Supreme Court Act. It is not clear
why the property must remain in the judgment debtor until arrest rather than the issue of
in rem proceedings. Such a requirement adds one more complication in differentiating
between the characteristics of the action in rem depending on the claim to which it
attaches; and it emphasises that each claim in this category must be scrutinised to
discover its own characteristics. 4. Summary (i) The need for precise analysis
19.25 Legislative development of maritime claims has ignored the distinction
between the provision of (i) a positive security interest created through the availabilit y
of an action in rem; and (ii) a method of enforcement of a security interest already held
or that created by the issue of the writ in rem through the action in rem and hence the
availability of arrest and (consequently) sale by the court. Judicial commen t has largely
been restricted to an overall classification of maritime and statutory liens as
"procedural" or "substantive". But this, with respect, simply confuses the interest the
basis of the claim with the method of enforcement.
19.26 In effect, the over-generalised and rather bland labels of substance and
procedure tend to conceal the hard analysis required to link claim and action in rem and
to conclude whether there is any "lien" characteristic. Even if a claim (such as
ownership or mortgage) is proprietary, the availability of judicial sale (through arrest)
may add another proprietary dimension. But the extent to which it does confer a
proprietary characteristic needs examination in the context of each claim and each
characteristic. So, for example, the effect of the availability of an action in rem (if any)
on enforceability and priority of the claim to enforce an equitable mortgage or a claim
for possession between demise and sub -demise charterer remains uncertain.
Examination of the link between the nature of a claim and effect of the availability of the
action in rem should follow the recognition that the defendant in an action in rem no less
than an action in personam is a person. (ii) The need for legislative clarification (a)
19.27 It is suggested that the legislative aim must be to ensure that the availability
of an action in rem carries common characteristics whatever the claim, and that apart
from any clearly indicated exceptions it is the action in rem (and not the claim) which
rules enforceability and priority in rem. The presently established exceptions are the
maritime lien and the mortgage. In both cases it is internationally recognised that of
themselves they form priority categories and have "in rem" enforceability
characteristics of their own. Uncertainty exists as to the unregistered ship mortgage
recognised in English law but not universally. Because of the lack of international
recognition it is arguable that it should be treated as having no mo re powerful priority
or enforceability than a statutory lien. The issue is discussed in Chapter 23. (b)
Enforceability against third parties
19.28 The uncertainty of the scope of the action in rem in relation to claims for
which it is provided but not defined 27 goes to enforceability against third parties. First,
it would appear that historically it was available only in relation to property, the
owners (or those asserting ownership) of which are liable in personam 28—it would
take statutory provisions to render a ship liable if personal liability lay with, for
example, a charterer. However, as the court controls the imposition of sale it is arguable
that an action in rem could be brought in relation to a possession dis pute between a
charterer by demise and a subcharterer by demise. So long as the aim is the availability
of a ship for an order of restoration of possession such an action would not offend
against basic principles. However, any action resulting in liability being attached to a
ship so as to affect the owner’s interest would be contrary to principle.
19.29 It is suggested that, subject to limitations on the use of sale in such a case,
the enforceability of any action in rem against purchasers should be placed on an
identical footing with that applicable to claims under section 20(2)(e) –(r), i.e. that once
a claim form is issued the "lien" is good against purchasers. Save for a mortgage claim
(for which there are established special rules) the priority in rem of all claims in rem
not being maritime liens is and should be equal ( see Chapter 23).
19.30 While the action in rem governs enforceability and priority in rem it is the
claim which governs enforceability and priority in personam. However, in personam
liability will not affect in rem liability (except insofar as the latter depends on it) in
respect of the "in rem" fund (i.e. the "res" or the proceeds of its sale). 3. Creation of
the Lien
19.31 The statutory lien is created on the issue of the claim form. As from that
time, therefore, the claimant is a secured creditor and can enforce his right against
purchasers and subject to other creditors. The modern authorities supporting these
propositions were concerned with claims now falli ng within the Supreme Court Act,
section 2 1(4). However, there is no reason why in this aspect there should be any
distinction between that category of claim and that making up section 2 1(2) or, subject
to any rule applicable to a particular claim, any c laims enforceable "in rem" within
section 20(1)(c) and (d).
19.32 The claims under section 2 1(4) may be enforced by an action in rem
provided there are specified links between the person liable in personam and the ship
against which proceedings are taken. The claims under section 2 1(2) and probably any
claim enforceable "in rem" under section 20(1)(c) may be enforced by an action in rem
against the relevant property without the need for such conditions. Any difference
between the two categories is, therefore, limited to the conditions required for the
bringing of the action and the assets subject to the lien. There is no reason for any
distinction as to creation. 4. Assets Subject to the Lien 1. Claims under Section
19.33 The statutory lien under section 2 1(4) is exercisable against the ship
involved or a "sister ship" within section 21(4)(b). The ambit of the "sister ship" clause
is discussed in Chapter 10. By statutory wording, cargo and freight are excluded as
assets to which the lien may attach. Yet claims in relation to salvage include life and
property salvage under any contract relating to salvage service and in the nature of
salvage generally. The amendments by the Merchant Shipping (Salvage and Pollution)
Act 1994 have extended the scope of the salvage action in rem in respect of ships
without necessarily increasing the scope of the maritime lien. Insofar as cargo is liable
in rem otherwise than through a maritime lien it can only be by virtue of jurisdiction
which the Admiralty Court had immediately prior to the Supreme Court Act 1981. 29
Likewise, the extension of Admiralty jurisdiction in damage claims to personal injury
and loss of life presumably rendered freight liable to the lien. Again, if either claim
does not attract a maritime lien it is to the jurisdiction prior to the Act that a claimant
must look for any lien against freight. 30 And it is arguable that no "in rem" jurisdiction
is preserved by the 1981 Act.
19.34 In both The Silia31 and The Eurostar32 Sheen J. held that bunkers owned by
the shipowner were an asset subject to the in rem liability of the ship—apparently on
the ground that they were property on the ship of the owner of the ship. Unless, however,
they were to be considered part of the ship or the express phraseology limiting the ambit
of section 2 1(4) to ships is ignored it is difficult to see how any liability can attach in
respect of claims brought under that provision. 33 2. Claims under Section 21(2) or
Section 20(1)(C)
19.35 The lien is limited to the property relevant to the claim, thereby
encompassing cargo and freight. By section 20 claims for forfeiture and condemnation
and droits of Admiralty extend to goods but claims in relation to ownership, possession
and mortgage are limited by the statutory wording to ships. So the point made in relation
to bunkers in the context of claims under section 2 1(4) applies. 5. Transferability
19.36 Identical considerations apply as apply to maritime liens. These
considerations are discussed in Chapter 18. 6. Termination
19.37 In addition to the factors relevant to the termination of a maritime lien, as the
validity of the lien depends on the issu e of an in rem claim form its existence depends
on either:
(i) the continued validity of the claim form or, at least, the proceedings consequent
on its issue, or
(ii) the establishment of the claim through a conclusion of the proceedings in the
plaintiff’s favour.
The need for continuing proceedings does not mean that if proceedings properly
commenced are stayed and property arrested is maintained under arrest that the "lien" is
extinguished. It is provided by section 26 of the Civil Jurisdiction and Ju dgments Act
1982 that the same "law and practice" applies as if the property is held for proceedings
in the English court. 34 Further, for the lien to be effective, as for the maritime lien it must
continue to exist in the property until a claim is satisfie d—and therefore may be
continued or revived by the power of rearrest (as to which see Chapter 18). 7. The
Legal Consequences of Attracting the Action "in Rem "—a Summary
19.38 The legal effect of a claim attracting the action in rem is that:
(i) The action in rem confers a right and a remedy in addition to any available
against the defendant "in personam" (i.e. by reason of the defendant’s responsibility for
acts the basis of the claim).
(ii) Inherent in the action in rem
(a) the ship, cargo or freight subject to it is liable to arrest prior to the hearing on
the merits;
(b) jurisdiction on the merits is founded (i) outside the European jurisdiction
regimes on service of an in rem claim form, on the property, or on a defendant or his
solicitor or filed in the registry or by any method permitted by the Civil Procedure
Rules (see 61 PD 3.6), or it is suggested, arrest without such service; or (ii) within one
of the regimes, on the establishment of a jurisdiction base and arguably compliance with
the "in rem" service rules procedurally to satisfy English law.
(iii) If a lien is created it arises on the bringing of the action in rem (i.e. the issue
of the claim form).
(iv) The enforceability of the lien against property other than the ship and against
persons other than the shipowner liable in personam depends on the nature of the claim.
(a) If the claim is within (s.20(2)(e)–(r)35 it would appear that the lien:
(1) (unless within s.20(1)(c)) will not attach to cargo or freight, the rules for
jurisdiction based on s.20(1)(c) depending on the rules applicable to each claim;
(2) will attach to a ship relevant to the claim provided that the person liable in
personam 36 was at the time the cause of action arose the owner, charterer or in
possession or control at the time of the act the basis of the claim and is at the issue of
the claim form either owner or demise charterer;
(3) will attach to the ship relevant to the claim and is enforceable against a
purchaser as it is enforceable against the owner;
(4)will be enforceable against a ship other than that relevant to the claim if, on the
issue of the claim form, that ship is own ed by theperson who was owner, charterer or in
possession or control of the relevant ship at the time the action arose and that person is
liable in personam;
(5) is enforceable against unsecured creditors (whenever the creditor’s claim
arises) but (apart from any personal liability because of representations made), is
subject to (i) mortgages arising before the issue of the claim form, (ii) maritime liens
whenever created, (iii)possessory liens created before the issue of the claim form. 37 It
is clear that the effect of the action in rem on these claims confers on them common
proprietary characteristics: for want of a better phrase they are "statutory liens in
(b) If the claim is within s.20(2)(a)(b)(c) or (s) (i.e. relates to ownership,
possession, or mortgage of a ship or forfeiture or condemnation of a ship or goods or
droits of Admiralty) or is within s.20(1)(c)(d) (i.e. past or future in rem jurisdiction
having its roots outside the Act)
(1) ship, cargo or freight as relevant to the claim may be arrested; but
(2) the enforceability by virtue of the action in rem against persons not liable in
personam, purchasers and other creditors is uncertain.
(v) Any lien created is extinguished on destruction of the ship or other property.
(vi) A ship or other property arrested as part of an action in rem enforcing the lien
is subject to judicial sale and the proceeds available to the claimants in rem.
(vii) It is uncertain whether, as the enforcement is through the action in rem,
(a) recovery of damages can be in excess of the value of the ship, property or fund;
(b) remedies in personam (e.g. injunction) are available. 38
(viii) Judicial sale as a step in enforcement of any lien extinguishes the lien and
transfers it to the proceeds.
(ix) Any lien may be extinguished by laches, waiver or satisfaction and possibly
the lodging of bail or payment into court to the extent to which the bail or payment
reflects the value of the ship or other property.
(x) The claims attracting the lien may be extinguished by rules relating to effluxion
of time, or the withdrawal or nullity of proceedings, and hence the lien would also be
1. As amended by the Merchant Shipping (Salvage and Pollution) Act 1994, Sch.
2, para. 6 (s.20(2)(j)) (applicable to salvage services started on or after 1 January
2. See e.g. The Heinrich Bjorn (1866) 11 App. Cas. 270; The Mary Ann (1865)
L.R. 1 A. & E. 8; The Sara (1889) 14 App. Cas. 209; Currie v. M’Knight [1897] A.C.
97; The Halcyon Skies [1977] Q.B. 14.
3. Admiralty Court Act 1840, s.6; 1861, s.7.
4. See The Halcyon Skies [1977] Q.B. 14; The Ever Success [1998] 2 Lloyd’s
Rep. 824 (jurisdiction extended by the Admiralty Court Act 1861, s.10).
5. See the Admiralty Court Act 1861, s.9 and Chapter 2. These provisions “ceased
to have effect” from 1 January 1995 (Merchant Shipping (Salvage and Pollution) Act
1994, Sch. 2, para. 1(2)). As to life salvage see Chapters 2, 18.
6. See Chapter 2. It was held that the jurisdictional provisions relating to masters’
disbursements (Admiralty Court Act 1861, s.10) did not confer a maritime lien ( The
Sara (1889), s.1). As to the continued operation of prior statutory provisions defining
the ambit of claims see infra and Chapter 1.
7. The distinction is blurred by the statutory linking of "other charge" to maritime
lien as a basis for an action in rem. The phrase has been construed to mean such charge
as is in English law statutorily equated with a maritime lien or under foreign law is
similar to an English maritime lien. The Acrux [1965] P. 391; The St Merriel [1963] P.
247 and Chapter 2.
8. Necessaries are not specifically referred to but seem to be covered by s.20(2)
(m) and (n).
9. As to s.20(2)(j) see fn 1. Section 20(2)(e) is extended by s.20(5) ( see Chapter
10. Although only one ship will ultimately be available for enforcement of the
claim (s.21(8)). See generally Chapters 10, 15.
11. It is an easy step from such a description to "statutory rights in rem" (see e.g.
Price, op. cit., at p. 92). But so to label the availability of an action in rem is to
generalise still further in that there may well be rights in rem apart from actions in rem
(e.g. any common law property right). And it unnecessarily introduces an overused and
uncertain concept (see, for example, of confusion through the use of "in rem" in more
than one sense, The Angel Bell [1979] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 491). As to the use of r ight in rem
in EC Regulation 44/200 1 and the Brussels and Lugano Conventions see Chapter 5.
12. [1998] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 1.
13. (1885) 10 P.D. 44, at p. 54.
14. The Monica S [1968] P. 741. But it is not clear that, for example, an equitable
mortgagee would be able to enforce his claim against a bona fide purchaser or whether
forfeiture can operate against a bona fide purchaser ( see Chapters 2 and 23).
15. The Beldis [1936] P. 51; Supreme Court Act 1981, s.21(8) (as to claims within
16. Re Aro Co. Ltd [1980] Ch. 196. Because of the historical distinctions drawn
between maritime and statutory liens the same cause of action may relate to a maritime
lien or a statutory lien. So a salvage claim under the 1989 Convention wi ll only attract a
maritime lien if it does so in accordance with principles established outside that
Convention. As to categorisation of the claims see generally Chapter 2.
17. See Chapter 18 for argument that a maritime lien is a substantive right.
18. So an action in rem cannot be brought in England between the same parties in
relation to the same claim in respect of which an enforceable judgment in an action in
personam has been given in a court of another part of the UK or an overseas country
(Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982, s.34 as construed in The Indian Grace (No.
2) [1998] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 1).
19. See e.g. The Varna (No. 2) [1994] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 41.
20. I.e. other creditors and purchasers and where the demise charterer is liable in
personam, the present owner.
21. But not exclusively non-proprietary, e.g. a claim to enforce a demise
charterparty would be within s.20(2)(h), a bottomry claim is the subject of s.20(2)(r)
and a salvage claim of s.20(2)(j).
22. [1997] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 449.
23. In that case with rectification of the register a further remedy ( see Chapter 25).
24. Although claims as between co-owner may be for accounts or damages. See
e.g. The Vanessa Ann [1985] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 549.
25. See The Antonis P. Lemos [1984] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 464 (C.A.).
26. [1982] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 555, at p. 559.
27. I.e. claims within ss.21(2), 20(1)(c) and 20(1)(d).
28. See Shell Oil Co. v. The Ship Lastrigoni [1974–75] 131 C.L.R. 1 (H.C. of
29. Through an application of s.20(1)(c), as to which see supra.
30. No such question can arise in regard to wages (see The Halcyon Skies [1977]
Q.B. 14) or masters’ wages or disbursements, Admiralty jurisdiction in rem being co-
extensive with maritime liens. See generally Chapter2.
31. [1981] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 534.
32. [1993] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 106.
33. The point was not taken in either case.
34. So it would appear that in an English court, English law would continue to
govern enforceability against the security . See further Chapter 25.
35. For an argument that a claim within s.20(2)(d) (damage received by a ship) can
found an action in rem and hence a statutory lien on the same basis, see Chapter 2.
36. I.e. would if sued successfully be liable in personam. See The St Merriel
[1963] P. 247; The St Elefterio [1957] P. 179, at p. 185. And see s.21(7).
37. And possibly whenever created. As to priorities between statutory liens, see
Chapter 23.
38. See Chapters 2 and 10.
Chapter 20
Chapter 24
24.4 Although the limitation framework does not normally include mandatory
security for a claim, in maritime law there are compensating factors favouring a liability
to make the claim not worth pursuing.
24.12 There was no obstacle in the Merchant Shipping Act 1995 or the Limitation
Convention 1976 now enacted by the statute (as to which see infra). Indeed support was
to be found in the Convention provision that the act of invoking limitation is not to
constitute an admission of liability. 9 Connections between liability and limitation (i)
Findings in proceedings
24.13 In The Wladyslaw Lokietek 10 Brandon J. took the view that a right of
recovery declared in liability proceedings was not " res judicata" in respect of
limitation proceedings. Whether in English law this means that, lacking admission of
liability, the whole question of liability remains open to argument despite a finding in
liability proceedings seems unlikely. For the general proposition Brandon J. rel ied on
CA Van Eijk and Zoon-Somerville 11—a case concerned only with challenge in
limitation proceedings to the value of the ship assessed in liability proceedings. When
there are different proceedings dealing with liability and the amount recoverable, the
value of the ship would seem to be connected with the latter, and any permitted
challenge not to be seen as authority for raising issues of liability again. (ii) Powers of
“limitation” court to decide liability
24.14 While liability and limitation raise di fferent but connected issues it seems
clear that an English court has the power to decide liability in limitation proceedings.
The power is emphasised by the ability conferred by statute to enjoin claimants from
taking other proceedings. 12 In Canada, the Federal Court of Appeal has stressed that
such a power to stay should not be used to prevent a claimant establishing liability if the
shipowner does not admit it, particularly if the claimant challenges the shipowner’s
right to limit.13
24.15 It is clear that there are benefits in liability and limitation proceedings taking
place in the same court or at least in the courts of one state, and if that occurs issues of
potential inconsistency are limited to the binding effect of findings within the same
system. Where proceedings are brought in different states there is a far greater risk of
irreconcilable judgments simply because of different views of the scope of necessary
factual and legal inquiry, and where liability is not admitted of liability. In En glish law,
apart from the Brussels and Lugano Conventions, the question of whether where
permission is required it should be granted to serve a liability or limitation claim form
out of England or whether jurisdiction in one of the two types of action shou ld be
exercised is a matter of a jurisdiction agreement or forum non conveniens.14 The
interests of the parties and the weight to be given to relevant factors is discussed infra.
2. International Limitation Frameworks Global Limitation
24.16 Global limitation operates in relation to specified types of claim, the
liability for which is a matter for national law. The liability principles may be based on
other Conventions (as, for example, carriage claims) or may depend directly on national
law. In English law, save in the case of conduct entitling a liability claimant to break the
limit (see infra), liability of an owner, charterer, manager or operator of a British ship
is specifically excluded in respect of:
(a) property on board lost or damaged by reason of fire on board the ship
(b) gold, silver watches, jewels or precious stones lost or damaged by reason of
theft, robbery or other dishonest conduct and their nature in value not declared by the
owner or shipper to the owner or master in the bill of lading or in writing.
24.17 Liability for such damage or loss is likewise excluded (a) of a master or
member of the crew or servant of the owner where the damage or loss arises from
anything done or omitted by that person in that capacity and (b) any person of whom the
master, crew member or the servant and who is not himself excluded from liability
under the provision. 15
24.18 The development of an effective international limitation framework is
bedevilled as ever by the problem of the overlapping of consecutive Conventions
caused by the appreciation of the need for change or that general rules are not
appropriate for particular claims as they emerge. The most recent Convention seeking to
provide a general limitation for all claims arising from a single incident, save those
excepted, is the Convention on Limitation for Liability for Maritime Claims 1976.
Excepted claims include claims within the limitation schemes of the Convention on
Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage 1969 and those within limitation of liability
Conventions or national provisions relating to nuclear damage. 16 As of 31 March 2005
48 states (including the United Kingdom) are parties to the 1976 Convention. A Protocol
of 1996 came into force on 13 May 2004. As of 31 March 2005 14 States (including the
United Kingdom) were parties. 17
24.19 The 1976 Convention was intended to replace the International Convention
Relating to the Limitation of Liability of Owners of Sea Going Ships 1957 in turn
intended to replace the International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules
Relating to the Limitation of Liability of Owners of Sea Going Ships 1924. But not all
States parties to earlier Conventions become (or at least immediately become) parties
to later Conventions. So a number of states remain parties to the 1957 Convention.
Hence the very achievement of some international agreement ten ds at least initially to
create a conflict between laws. However, as is occurring with the 1957 and 1976
Conventions, hopefully the later takes over from the earlier. Limitation for Particular
Claims in Addition to “Global” Limitation
24.20 Claims for damage to or loss of cargo or injury or death of passengers are
subject to further limitation within the global limitation. Carriage Conventions
24.21 The Conventions relating to sea carriage of goods provide for principles of
liability and impose limitation of liability on the basis of limit per package. 18 By the
Athens Convention Relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage 1974
principles of liability for the death or personal injury to passengers are established and
compensation limited to a sum per carriage. 19 These Conventions all provide that the
limitation provisions do not affect the rights and duties under any Convention relating to
limitation of liability in respect of sea going ships (i.e. global limitation). 20
24.22 Of the particular Conventions the Hague-Visby Rules concerning carriage of
goods by sea21 and the Athens Convention concerning the carriage of passengers and
luggage by sea 22 are part of English law. It may be that in combined road and sea
carriage of goods in a vehicle the applicable Convention is the CMR 1956 concerning
primarily carriage by road (also part of English law). In that case the limitation
provision of that Convention would apply. 23
24.23 The Hague-Visby Rules reflect the stage of development in an international
agreement on liability for loss of or damage to cargo carried by sea. An earlier stage is
reflected by the Hague Rules to which the United Kingdom was a party until it became a
party to the Hague-Visby Rules and a later stage by the Hamburg Rules to which the
United Kingdom is not a party. Both these Conventions, however, are in force in a
number of states. 24 Mortgages and liens Conventions
24.24 The International Conventions for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating
to Maritime Liens and Mortgages 1926, 1967 and 1993 each refer to limitation of
liability. The Convention of 1926 (Art. 7) provides simply that no sum apportioned to a
creditor may exceed the sum due under limitation of liability rules. The Convention of
1967 (Art. 14(2)) provides any party may reserve the right to apply the 1957 Limitation
Convention. Article 15 of the 1993 Convention reads that nothing in the Convention
"shall affect the application of any international convention providing for limitatio n of
liability or of national legislation giving effect thereto" .
24.25 The Mortgage and Lien Conventions are relevant to the 1976 Limitation
Convention insofar as they create or recognise liens based on claims subject to
limitation and provide for priority between them. Limitation of liability necessarily
imposes a limitation on the amount secured by a lien and the establishment of the fund in
essence provides an alternative security to that which the lien would arguably attach.
However, the provision in the 1976 Convention, Article 12(1), that subject to the
Convention priority provisions ... "the fund shall be distributed among the claimants in
proportion to their established claims against the fund" is clearly inconsistent with the
priority rules set out in the Lien and Mortgage Conventions. The overriding effect of the
1976 Convention is reflected in English law through the statutory provision that "no lien
or other right in respect of any ship or property shall affect the proportion in which . . .
the fund is distributed among several claimants". 25 None of the Mortgage and Lien
Conventions is ratified by the United Kingdom. E. C. Regulation 44/2001 and other
relevant Conventions
24.26 The European jurisdiction regimes are relevant to provisions of the
Limitation of Liability Convention concerning jurisdiction to hear limitation claims and
(dealing with more particular matters) the Collision (Civil Jurisdiction) Convention
1952 and, relevant to the release of security under the Limitation Convention, upon the
establishment of a limitation fund, are the Conventions relating to the Arrest of Sea
Going Ships 1952 and 1999. Apart from the 1999 Convention which is not yet in force
these Conventions are either reflected in or part of English law they are discuss ed
generally in the context of their primary purposes. They are considered later in this
chapter as regards jurisdiction and security in respect of limitation claims. 3.
Limitation of Liability in English Law The General Pattern Claims subject to
24.27 Save where liability itself is excluded or the appropriate Convention
qualified, claims subject to limitation are those:
(i) within the 1976 Convention relating to global limitation currently incorporated
into English law; 26
(ii)relating to oil pollution;
(iii) carriage of goods and passengers;
(iv) relating to nuclear damage;
(v) against pilots, harbour authorities and those supplying pilotage services under
the Pilotage Act 1987;
(vi) those against harbour authorities and dock owners in respect of damage to
ships and cargoes; and
(vii) when the provisions are brought into force claims under the HNS Convention
1996 in respect of damage flowing from the carriage of hazardous and noxious
substance by sea.27 Claiming limitation
24.28 Limitation claimed as against the particular liability claimant may always be
pleaded as part of the defence 28 or counterclaim. 29 Apart from jurisdictional issues
where there may be foreign liability or other limitation proceedings there is no reason
why limitation should not be the subject of an action for declaration. 30 Thirdly,
limitation of liability may be claimed through a lim itation action in respect of all loss or
damage arising from one incident or occurrence and hence against numerous potential
claimants concurrently. This type of limitation is geared to claims against categories of
persons concerned with ships (e.g. shipow ners and operators, pilots, and harbours and
docks authorities) or exceptionally with a particular type of claim (i.e. oil pollution
claims). The procedure (in a varying degree of detail or certainty) is set out in statute
and Civil Procedure Rules.
24.29 The jurisdiction of English courts in relation to limitation claims, the law
which governs them and the recognition of any foreign decree or settlement in English
law, was traditionally approached on the basis that the issue was essentially procedural
or remedial. It was therefore seen as a matter solely for English courts and English law.
A claimant entitled to a limitation decree under an English statute was not deprived of
such a decree because of foreign proceedings, foreign connection, foreign judgment or
foreign payments. At most any payment made abroad would be taken into account on the
basis on which such a claim could be made in English law. 31
24.30 This almost exclusive forum-based approach has been qualified by:
(i) Conventions on Limitation of Liability 1957 and 1976 and the attempts at
provision of a limitation fund in one state, with the focus of claims where the fund is
(ii) EC Regulation 44/200 1 and Convention provisions as to jurisdiction and
recognition of judgments over claims in relation to which limitation may be claimed —in
particular the (a) Brussels and Lugano Conventions on jurisdiction between European
States, (b) Conventions concerning claims in respect of oil pollution, (c) damage
through the carriage of hazardous and noxious substances (not yet in force) and (d) rules
relating to nuclear damage.
(iii) Consideration of the connection between liability and limitation when
deciding whether to exercise jurisdiction (or possibly assessing the governing law) in
one or the other type of proceedings. Limitation proceedings creating issues of
24.31 Where limitation is pleaded in a liability action there are no distinct issues
of jurisdiction, applicable law or recognition of judgments. Issues of this kind unique to
limitation arise in the context of the limitation action —the claim by the liability
defendant to limit. It is particularly this type of action that is the subject of this chapter.
It applies to claims (1) within the Merchant Shipping Act 1995, Part VI ("global
limitation") (repealing and re-enacting the Merchant Shipping Act 1979), (2) made in
oil pollution claims under the Merchant Shipping Act 1995, Part VI (repealing and re -
enacting the Merchant Shipping (Oil Pollution) Act 1971 and the Merchant Shipping Act
1974), (3) under the Pilotage Act 1987 and (4) by docks and canal owners, harbour and
conservancy authorities. Consideration is also given to (5) the structure of the HNS
Convention which is not yet in force. 1. Global Limitation
24.32 The limiting of liability in respect of all claims arising from a single
maritime incident has long been recognised by many states. Some follow the system of
removing personal liability from the shipowner with the ship and freight the target of the
claims. Others, notably the United States, allow the shipowner to avoid liability by
abandoning the ship (or what is left of it) to the claimant. The United Kingdom approach
(also that adopted in the 1976 and 1957 Limitation Conventions) was to fix an amount
per ton of the ship and create from that a fund to be distributed in proportion to the
24.33 The United Kingdom is a party to the Convention for Liability for Maritime
Claims 1976. As between the pa rties to the 1976 Convention are concerned that
Convention abrogates earlier Conventions. 32 The 1976 Convention came into force in
the United Kingdom on 1 December 1986. The Protocol of 1996 came into force on 13
May 2004 and was implemented in United King dom laws on that date. 33
24.34 The United Kingdom was a party to the 1957 Convention which was
incorporated into English law through the Merchant Shipping (Liability of Shipowners
and Others) Act 1958. Difficulties were almost invited by incorporation in t hat manner
without the direct application of the Convention text. More fundamentally the framework
of the Convention was soon seen as defective, permitting claimants to break the limits
too easily while setting compensation amounts too low. Dissatisfaction with the
Convention played its part in the creation of separate frameworks for oil pollution
claims.34 Further, the construction of the Convention provision that no other security
could be held once security was provided by limitation fund was largely def eated in
English law because of an unduly restrictive judicial construction of the English
24.35 The 1976 Convention and 1996 Protocol are directly enacted into English
law, the text now forming Part I of Schedule 7 of the M erchant Shipping Act 1995 36 with
Part II adding English law provisions "having effect in connection with the Convention".
The Convention adopts as the basis of limitation the tonnage of ship in respect of which
the claim is made, the tonnage being measured in accordance with the International
Convention on Tonnage Measurements of Ships 1969. 37 As a consequence, subject to
any argument as to stay of proceedings and the applicable law the Convention will be
applied in any proceedings in an English court to any limitation matter within the scope
of the Convention. The 1976 Convention and 1996 Protocol
24.36 The Convention provides a framework for limitation of liability 38 of
shipowners, ship operators and salvors in respect of the aggregate of all claims arising
on a distinct occasion and for the setting up by the persons claiming limitation of a
limitation fund. 39 Invoking limitation is not an admission of liability. 40 Once a fund is
constituted in a State party having a Convention connection with the claim, other assets
held as security must be released by the court of any State party, and, if the fund is
constituted elsewhere may be ordered to be released. 41 Any person making a claim
against the fund is barred from "exercising any right in respect of such claim against any
other asset" of the person setting up the fund. 42 Applicability of the Convention 43
24.37 The Convention applies to claims within it once a person within the
Convention entitled to limit liability seeks before the court of a State party to limit
liability or procure the release of a ship or other security in respect of a claim within
the Convention. A State party may limit the ambit of the Convention in a numbe r of
ways. First, it may exclude from the Convention (a) any person not having his habitual
residence in a State party; (b) any ship not flying the flag of a State party. Secondly, it
may provide its own system of limitation for (a) ships intended for navi gation on inland
waterways; (b) ships of less than 300 tons; (c) ships engaged in drilling; 44 (d) claims in
which only its own nationals are involved and (e) it may reserve the right to exclude
claims in respect of wreck or cargo removal. 45
24.38 By the Protocol of 1996 a State party may in relation to another State party
(i) despite the Convention provisions regulate by national law the liability system for
claims for loss of life or personal injury to passengers providing the limit is not lower
than that specified in the Protocol and (ii) exclude claims for damage within the HNS
Convention. 46 A procedure is created for amendments of the limits by a maximum
amount by two thirds majority of the contracting States. 47 Geographical scope of the
24.39 The scope has been held by the English High Court to be limited to States
parties to the Convention. 48 Indeed any other conclusion would be surprising given the
general principles of applicability and the focus of the critical provision of limit ation
proceedings and limitation fund on courts of State parties. 49 Application of the 1976
Convention and 1996 Protocol in United Kingdom laws (i) The 1976 Convention
24.40 The text of the Convention is applied directly (i.e. has "the force of law")
with accompanying provisions specifying the national options taken by the United
Kingdom and where necessary translating Convention into national law. 50 The
Convention applies to occurrences taking place on or after 1 December 1986. 51 It
applies to "Her Majesty’s ships" as to others. 52
24.41 The national law options under the Convention and the adaptation of
Convention provisions into national law are set out in the 1995 Act. 53 The Convention
is applied to any ship whether seagoing or not, a ship including any structure (whether
completed or in the course of completion) launched and intended for use in navigation
as a ship, and to ships under 300 tons with lower limitation amounts. There is no
provision making the setting up of a limitation fund a prerequisite for claiming
limitation. Where security is released because of the constitution of a limitation fund,
the applicant seeking release is deemed to have submitted to the jurisdiction of the
English courts.
24.42 In respect of wreck removal the Convention is applied only where a fund has
been established by order of the Secretary of State to compensate harbour authorities for
reduction of amounts recoverable under the Act. Claims excepted from the Convention
in respect of oil pollution damage and nuclear damage are specified in terms of English
law. It is further specified that the exclusion of salvage claims encompasses a clai m for
special compensation in respect of damage or threatened damage to the environment. 54
(ii) The 1996 Protocol 55
24.43 The provisions came into force on 13 May 2004 in respect of other States
parties to the Protocol the United Kingdom 56 by virtue of the Merchant Shipping
(Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims) (Amendment) Order 1998
(as amended by the identically named Order 2004). 57 It implements the Protocol and
national options exercised by the United Kingdom. The exclusion of spec ial
compensation claims in respect of salvage is now included in the Convention. Claims
under the HNS Convention are excluded and is modified in respect of passengers on
non-sea going ships to apply the limit of liability for death or personal injury i n respect
of each passenger. The limits of liability for ships under 300 tons are increased.
Courts in which limitation may be claimed
24.44 There is no provision expressly specifying any connection between forum
and dispute as a prerequisite for claiming limitation. A limitation fund may be
constituted in accordance with Article 11 with "the court or other competent authority in
any State Party in which legal proceedings are instituted in respect of claims subject to
limitation". It has been held by the En glish High Court that "legal proceedings" in the
context of the Convention includes arbitration. 58 The inclusion, it was held, would not
cause any limitation or security consequences different from court proceedings. Further
it would obviate the possibility that the shipowners ability to limit would depend on
whether there was an arbitration clause in a bill of lading —and that might differ in
relation to any one particular incident. Limitation may be claimed without constituting a
fund but a State party may provide that limitation may be invoked only if a fund has been
constituted (Article 10). In that event therefore a limitation claim may be made only
where a liability action has been brought so preventing a pre -emptive jurisdictional
strike by the limitation claimant. As the Convention makes no jurisdictional provision it
is arguable that a national law may impose its own restrictions. Conversely it may be
argued that as the Convention specifically gives one restrictive option (to requ ire a
fund) it impliedly permits the bringing of a limitation action in any court.
24.45 It has been contended 59 that the requirement of liability proceedings is to be
applied "by analogy" where there is no prerequisite of a fund. It would then follow that
limitation cannot be claimed save where liability proceedings are brought. However,
with respect, this construction changes an express Convention optional jurisdiction al
requirement (constitution of a fund) into a mandatory one. That seems contrary to the
24.46 The application of the Convention in English law contains no restriction on
the claiming of limitation to the constitution of a fund. In 2005 in The Western Regent 60
the Court of Appeal held, with respect rightly, there to be no restriction in the
Convention or the CPR on limitation claims to the bringing of liability proceedings or
the creation of a fund either in the Convention or the CPR (as to the latter shown by the
power to order a fund after a decree).
24.47 It has been that the arrest of a vessel amounts to the institution of legal
proceedings for the purpose of jurisdiction over limitation claims. This contention is
based on the argument that arrest is a preliminary step for the enforcement of a claim
and if the vessel is not released the claim may be enforced on the vessel. However, a
vessel may be arrested solely for security with proceedings taken elsewhere. If such
arrest is seen as the institution of proceedings it provides the shipowner with the power
to constitute a fund in a jurisdiction solely invoked for security. At the least it poses a
problem of multiple proceedings.
24.48 There is no Convention provision as to jurisdiction in respect of liability
claims (against the shipowner) which would be within the scope of any limitation
decree but have not been made against the fund. Under English law to bring such claims
within any decree would require the serving of a limitation claim form, and that may be
within England or under the Civil Procedure Rules, as construed in The ICL Vikraman 61
out of England.
24.49 There are no Convention provisions in respect of multiple proceedings and
in this context there is little doubt that the Convention role is restricted to its emphasis
on one fund and jurisdiction in respect of the state in which it is constituted. It is then a
matter for that court to consider whether to stay limitation proceedings on the ground of
limitation or liability proceedings elsewhere (as to which see infra). In this context it is
important to consider the power of a limitation claimant to establish a jurisdiction by
starting first—and then dragging in the liability claimant.
24.50 The inclusion of arbitration within "proceedings" in English law ( see 26.39)
creates a difficulty with the power conferred on English courts to stay proceedings on
the constitution of a fund (Merchant Shipping Act 1995 Sch. 7, para. 8(3)). As Colman
J. pointed out any such stay of an international arbitration would be inconsistent with the
New York Convention—but held (rightly it is suggested) that that provision could not be
used to construe the Convention. In effect this would simply restrict the po wer of the
limitation claimant to control jurisdiction.
Persons entitled to limit liability62
24.51 By the Convention liability may be limited in respect of claims within the
Convention by
(a) a shipowner—this including owner, charterer,63 manager or operator of a
seagoing ship
(b) a salvor—this being defined as a person rendering services in direct
connection with salvage services, and
(c) an insurer of liability for claims subject to limitation.
The liability of a shipowner includes liability in an action brought against the
vessel itself. Limitation may also be claimed by any person for whose act, neglect or
default the shipowner or salvor is responsible. 64
24.52 In a decision being appealed to the House of Lords the Court of Appeal has
held that a charterer’s ability to limit is not restricted to circumstances in which he is
acting as a shipowner. 65 It does, however, depend on the nature of the claim brought
against him (see below). It does not extend to claims in relation to the ship by reference
to the tonnage of which it was sought to limit liability ( see below).
Claims within the Convention66
24.53 Subject to exceptions and conduct ( see infra) the claims are set out in
Article 2.1 and 2.2. Article 2.1 provides:
"Subject to Articles 3 and 4 the following claims, whatever the basis of liability
may be, shall be subject to limitation of liability:
(a) claims in respect of loss of life or personal injury or loss of or damage to
property (including damage to harbour works, basins and waterways and aids to
navigation), occurring on board or in direct connection with the operation of the ship 67
or with salvage operations, and consequential loss resulting therefrom 68;
(b) claims in respect of loss resulting from delay in the carriage by sea of cargo,
passengers or their luggage;
(c) claims in respect of other loss resulting from infringement of rights other than
contractual rights, 69 occurring in direct connexion with the operation of the ship or
salvage operations;
(d) claims in respect of the raising, removal, destruction or the rendering harmless
of a ship which is sunk, wrecked, stranded or abandoned, including anything that is or
has been on board such ship;
(e) claims in respect of the removal, destruction or the rendering harmless of the
cargo of the ship;
(f) claims of a person other than the person liable in respect of measures taken in
order to avert or minimize loss for which the person liable may limit his liability in
accordance with this Convention, and further loss caused by such measures." 70
24.54 Article 2.2 provides:
"Claims set out in paragraph 1 shall be subject to limitation of liability even if
brought by way of recourse or for indemnity under a contract or otherwise. However,
claims set out under paragraph 1(d), (e) and (f) shall not be subjec t to limitation of
liability to the extent that they relate to remuneration under a contract with the person
24.55 The power to limit does not extend to claims in relation to the ship by
reference to the tonnage of which it was sought to limit lia bility. So there is no such
power in respect of a claim by a shipowner against a charterer based on explosion
caused by dangerous cargo. The phrase (in Article 2.1(a)) "in direct connection with the
operation of a ship" refers to damage to another ship or cargo. Following and adapting
this approach there is no power in shipowners to limit liability in respect of charterers
for loss or damage to or consequential on damage to a ship. 71 The restrictions are based
not on the class of persons entitled to limit b ut the nature of the claim.
24.56 There is power to limit however in respect of a shipowner’s claim to be
indemnified as against actions by cargo owners. 72 Such a claim fell with Article 2.1(a)
as based on damage to property on board the ship. In that regard a charterer could limit
liability as against cargo owner and it would be anomalous if that power did not exist as
against the shipowner.
24.57 The court was unable to envisage any other claim by a shipowner where
there would be ability to limit. In effect therefore there is little difference in
consequence between the approach that a charterer must act as a shipowner and that
focusing on the nature of the claim. It is perhaps simply a preferenc e for the means of
reaching a like conclusion. The matter is now for the House of Lords.
24.58 Claims excepted by Article 3 are: 73
(a) claims for salvage or contribution in general average; 74
(b) claims for oil pollution damage within the meaning of th e International
Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, dated November 29 1969 or of
any amendment or Protocol thereto which is in force; [i.e. now the 1992 Convention 75]
(c) claims subject to any international Convention or national legislation governing
or prohibiting limitation of liability for nuclear damage;
(d) claims against the shipowner of a nuclear ship for nuclear damage;
(e) claims by servants of the shipowner or salvor whose duties are connected with
the ship or the salvage operations, including claims of their heirs, dependants or other
persons entitled to make such claims, if under the law governing the contract of service
between the shipowner or salvor and s uch servants the shipowner or salvor is not
entitled to limit his liability in respect of such claims, or if he is by such law only
permitted to limit his liability to an amount greater than that provided for in Article 6. 76
24.59 By the Protocol of 1996 ( a) is amended to add claims for special
compensation under the Salvage Convention Article 14 (i.e in relation to threatened
damage to the environment).
24.60 In regard to the exclusion under (e) in United Kingdom laws the Convention
is excluded from liability for loss of life, personal injury or property of a person "on
board the ship in question or employed in connection with that ship or with the salvage
operations in question" if he was on board or employed under a contract of service
governed by the law of any part of the United Kingdom. 77 It has been pointed out that
this may be construed to exclude a wider category of persons than provided for by the
Convention—the Convention focus on "servants of the shipowner or salvor" being
replaced by persons " on board the ship or employed in connection with the ship or
salvage operation". 78 Costs
24.61 Limitation is available "in respect of" specified claims and given the
differing national approaches to costs it would have been thought that if costs were to be
included it would be so stated. Further it would mean that the fund was reduced in
relation to liability claimants other than parties to a particular claim and possibly
provide a safeguard for limitation claimants in contesting claims. These factors have
played a part in two decisions holding (rightly) that costs are excluded from the
Convention.79 “Breaking the limits” (Article 4)
24.62 It is provided in Article 4 that a person may not limit his liability "if it
proved that the loss resulted from his personal act or omission, committed with the
intent to cause such loss or recklessly and with knowledge that such loss would result".
24.63 This reflects a critical change of approach to the breaking of the limits under
the 1957 Convention. Under that Convention the test was that the damage was due to the
"actual fault or privity" of the person seeking to limit. The more stringent criter ia now
adopted is coupled with a change in burden of proof. Formerly it was for the shipowner
to show lack of actual fault or privity. Under the 1976 Convention the liability claimant
has to establish on the part of the limitation claimant either intent to cause the damage or
loss or "both reckless conduct and knowledge that the relevant loss would probably
result". This requires foresight of the precise loss which occurred, loss of that type not
being sufficient. Where damage results from collision this me ans deliberate or reckless
action in a way which the claimant knew was likely to cause loss or damage to the
property of another where the same would be likely to flow to his own vessel. 80 24.64
The difficulty of establishing that there is no limit is incr eased when the defendant is a
company. It must then be shown that acts of the person responsible for the damage are
the acts of the company—this depending on where the person is in the company
hierarchy. It seems accepted that the limits will normally be u nbreakable—a trade off
for the higher limits established in the 1976 Convention. The higher limits have,
however, now met the fate of those which they replaced —they became out of date, and
are further increased by the 1996 Protocol. The limitation amounts
(a) under the unamended Convention 81
24.65 The amounts are calculated by special drawing rights as defined by the
International Monetary Funds. 82 They are converted into the currency of the state in
which limitation is sought according to the value of the currency at the date the
limitation fund is constituted. In respect of loss of life and personal injury the amounts
(i) 333,000 Units of Account for a ship with a tonnage not exceeding 500 tons;
(ii) for a ship with a tonnage in excess thereof, the following amount in addition to
that mentioned in (i):
for each ton from 501 to 3,000 tons, 500 Units of Account;
for each ton from 3,001 to 30,000 tons, 333 Units of Account;
for each ton from 30,001 to 70,000 tons, 250 Units of Account; and
for each ton in excess of 70,000 tons, 167 Units of Account,
In respect of other claims the amounts are —
(i) 167,000 Units of Account for a ship with a tonnage not exceeding 500 tons;
(ii) for a ship with a tonnage in excess thereof the following amount in addition to
that mentioned in (i):
for each ton from 501 to 30,000 tons, 167 Units of Account;
for each ton from 30,001 to 70,000 tons, 125 Units of Account; and
for each ton in excess of 70,000 tons, 83 Units of Account.
The limits of liability for a salvor operating without a ship are calculated
according to a tonnage of 1,500 tons.
24.66 It is further provided—
Article 7
any stage of the proceedings in rem on the application of a party to the action. 82, 83 An
order for sale may have added to it an order specifying the period after which priorities
will be determined and publication of the details of sale and the opportunity to lodge
claims within the period. 84
25.56 A sale pending suit is normally ordered o n the grounds that retention of the
property will cause the plaintiff’s security to diminish if for no other reason than the
mounting costs of arrest. It is unusual that such an order is made in a defended case
where alternative security will be provided, but it may be made where it would be
unreasonable to keep property (particularly a ship) under arrest for a long period. 85
However, where (i) the plaintiff would be in no better position except that arrest costs
would cease; and (ii) a sale after release would bring a greater price, the ship may be
released from arrest rather than sold. 86
25.57 A notice of an application concerning the sale of any property under arrest
must be served on all parties to the claim an d all persons who have requested cautions
against release.87 The order will be issued to the Admiralty Marshal that the property to
be sold "for the highest price that can be obtained" but not for less than the certified
value without an order of court or in such other way as may be ordered. 88 The
applicant’s solicitors will be required to undertake to pay all fees and expenses. Once
an order is made it is contempt of court for the owner to attempt to sell the ship. 89 To
allow such a course would make the Marshal’s task impossible. 90
25.58 The Marshal may sell the property in a foreign currency. The proceeds,
whether in a foreign currency or in sterling, will be paid into court. 91 The effect of a
sale of property under arrest in an action in rem is to give a title free of encumbrances
to the purchaser. 92 The practicality of such an order depends on mutual recognition
between states. 93
Remedies "in personam"
25.59 Since the decision in The Dictator in 1892 the English rule is clear in that
participation in the proceedings of any kind will mean that henceforth the action is one
of personam as well as rem (see Chapter 9). As a consequence all remedies in
personam and in rem are available.
25.60 If in an action in rem no person appears as a defendant the weight of English
authority supports the proposition that there can be no liability against the defendant
other than that connected with the asset in relation to which the claim in rem is made.
The liability is limited to the thing and matters concerning it. 94 In 1907, in The Burns,95the
Court of Appeal emphasised that "no personal liability can be established" ag ainst
owners who do not appear and this is not affected by the later recognition that, as with a
claim in personam, a claim in rem is against a defendant. The point as to remedy goes
not to whether any person is liable but the focus of the remedy on the re levant asset.
This focus is reflected not necessarily in any remedy which by definition is " in rem" but
in the limitation of remedies to the asset. It follows that the remedies are limited in kind
and amount to the res.
25.61 However, in 1972 in The Conoco Britannia,96 Brandon J. suggested that if
the issue of liability for an action greater than the value of the thing arose a court would
have to look carefully "at the form of judgments in Admiralty actions in rem in the High
Court and the relevance and app licability of the present rules of the Supreme Court
relating to money judgments". He suggested that perhaps the provisions of the Supreme
Court of Judicature (Consolidation) Act 1925 and the Administration of Justice Act
1956 would lead to the disappearan ce of any distinction between "what can be done
when a defendant appears and what can be done when he does not appear". However,
with respect, neither practice as to forms of judgment nor statutory provisions relating to
money judgments can overturn the cl ear focus of the claim in rem on a particular asset
of the defendant.
25.62 Although a claim in rem lies against a defendant there is no basis for the
award of damages other than those made available through sale of the property or a fund
representing the property. Given the nature of the action in rem that limitation follows
unless that defendant creates jurisdiction in personam by acknowledging service of a
claim form without contesting jurisdiction. To move to such a position is to move to an
acceptance that seizure of assets gives jurisdiction generally over a defendant. And that,
surely, is contrary to accepted English jurisdictional principles.
25.63 Specific performance or injunction. In The Conoco Britannia, Brandon J.
held that a claim for specific performance could be made in an action in rem, and that
any question of whether it should be made against a "defendant" who has not appe ared
was a matter of discretion and not jurisdiction. The view was based on statutory
provisions conferring the power to consider all claims (legal or equitable) in one
proceeding. But, with respect, this assumes the validity of the argument that there is no
difference between an action in personam and an action in rem—the question at issue. It
is the same question as that raised in the context of damages.
25.64 The principle that equitable remedies in personam require jurisdiction in
personam was applied in 1973 in the Canadian Federal Court in Antares Shipping
Corpn v. The ship "Capricorn"97 and in 1980 by Sheen J. in the High Court in The Stolt
Filia.98 So long as jurisdiction in personam is not based on seizure or presen ce of
property it is difficult to see how liability in personam can follow from an action in
rem only. 25.65 That is not to say, however, that any remedy apart from sale is restricted
to damages. The key is the focus on the property and in that context there may be
proprietary relief (see supra) including a declaration and, where appropriate,
rectification of the register. 99 2. Enforcement of Judgments of English Courts
25.66 A judgment for the payment of money or delivery of goods will order the
defendant to pay or render up the goods. Interest runs in respect of a judgment debt from
the moment of judgment when damages are assessed ( see above). A judgment for an
order other than the payment of mon ey will simply order that an act be done or be not
done. Judgment for money payment
25.67 A judgment for the payment of money may be enforced through one of the
(i) A writ of fieri facias authorises an enforcement officer to seize and sell the
debtor’s goods to satisfy the judgment, although the execution of this may be stayed. 100
The effect of such a sale of property in execution of a judgment does not provide a
purchaser with any better title than that held by the debtor. A purchaser with not ice of
the issue of the writ will take subject to any claim reflected in it once the writ is
delivered to the officer. 101
(ii) Through third party debt orders the court may order any person in the
jurisdiction indebted to the judgment debtor to pay the judgment creditor. On application
a judge may make an interim order imposing an obligation to retain a specified amount
until leaving. A final order may be made at the hearing requiring payment. 102
(iii) An order for foreclosure or sale. A mortgage may be enforced by an order for
foreclosure, for sale or appointment of a receiver. An equitable charge may be enforced
by an order for sale or appointment of a receiver.
(iv)A charging order103 on a judgment debtor’s interest in land, securities or funds
in court will create an equitable charge enforceable against a trustee in bankruptcy or
liquidator of a company—such charge not being a direct method of enforceability but
providing security for the claim. An order will be enforced by the remedy applicable to
an equitable charge, i.e. by obtaining an order for sale.
(v) Appointment of a receiver by way of equitable execution .104 As a method of
execution the appointment of a receiver is seen as available lacking any other method. It
amounts to a charge over personal property but only if the receiver is directed to pay the
money to or hold it for the execution creditor. 105
(vi) An order for sequestration of property or committal of or fine imposed on
the defendant for contempt of court may result from failure to comply with an order of
the court.106
(vii) Proceedings may be taken in bankruptcy or winding up of a company.
(viii) A freezing injunction may be granted to ensure the non -dissipation of assets
pending execution of a judgment, 107 with the sanctions set out in (vi) for failure to
comply with the injunction.
(ix) According to the Civil Procedure Rules by a judgment creditor in rem, arrest
of maritime property. 108 Judgment other than for money payment
25.68 A judgment for an order other than the payment of money may be enforced:
(a) through a writ of delivery up of goods or money or where the order is to
deliver within a specified time and delivery is not made, a writ of sequestration or
order of committal;109
(b) in the case of an order to do or refrain from doing an act through a writ of
sequestration or order of committal. 110
(c) According to the Civil Procedure Rules by a judgment creditor in rem, arrest of
maritime property. Enforcement of arbitral awards made in England
25.69 Awards will be enforced either as a judgment on an action on an award or
after application to enforce in the same man ner as a judgment. 111
1. So it may be abuse of process (but not res judicata) not to join all persons in an
action who were later said to be liable and sued. In such circumstances it is for the
party claiming abuse of process to establish it and for the c ourt to balance the interests
of the parties in that context (Bradford and Bingley Building Soc. v. Seddon [1999] 1
W.L.R. 1482).
2. The Indian Grace [1993] A.C. 410; [1993] 1 All E.R. 998 ( see Chapter 27). An
issue estoppel may arise when there has been no argument on the merits if a case has
been put followed by submission to an order —the issue could have been litigated. See
SCF Finance Co. Ltd v. Masri (No. 3) [1987] 1 All E.R. 194.
3. [1997] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 1.
4. See The Rena K [1979] 1 All E.R. 397—the point being raised subsequently to
the Indian Grace in The Bumbesti [1999] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 481 at 489 in relation to a
non-maritime lien claim.
5. Or the claimant has a twofold security. See The Irina Zharkikh [2001] 2 Lloyd’s
Rep. 319 (N2) (and the analysis of authorities in the judgment) —holding an action in
rem available after an unsatisfied arbitral award, applying the Rena K (fn. 4).
6. See The Rena K [1979] 1 All E.R. 397 at p. 416; The Stella Nova [1981]
Com.L.R. 200.
7. The Stella Nova (fn. 6). As to whether an action in rem may be brought on the
award compare The Saint Anna [1983] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 637, with The Bumbesti [1999]
2 Lloyd’s Rep. 481—discussed in Chapter 2. See also fn. 4.
8. But not contrary to public policy if the award is to be enforced. See Arbitration
Act 1996, ss.81(1)(c), 103(3).
9. One of the grounds on which a claim form may be served out of the jurisdiction
with permission is to enforce a judgment or arbitral award ( CPR 6.20(9)) and the nature
of the judgment and contacts of the party with England are relevant to the grant of
permission and any enforcement (see infra). As to enforce an arbitration award see also
CPR 62.16, 18. As to enforcement of judgments under the Brussels and Lugano
Conventions see Chapter 28. As to costs see The Ikarian Reefer [2000] 1 All E.R. 37.
10. See Mackinnon v. Donaldson Lufkin Corpn [1986] 1 All E.R. 653 (the issue
being disclosure of documents by a bank not a party to the proceedings). In Canada
Trust v. Stolzenberg [1997] 4 All E.R. 983 (C.A.) the court stressed the power to order
production of such documents from a third party bank to decide if there is jurisdiction
over the substantive claim. But whether it would be exercised depends on an assessment
of the various relevant factors referred to in Mackinnon. See also Derby v. Weldon (No.
2) [1989] 1 All E.R. 1002. As to a somewhat modified concern over intervention se e
the anti suit injunction (see 25.11).
11. See Phrantzes v. Argenti [1960] 2 Q.B. 19.
12. As to interim relief in litigation see Chapters 14–16, in arbitration proceedings
see Chapter 13.
13. See e.g. Sokana v. Freyre [1994] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 57. So the court requires the
case for the injunction to be established to a high degree of probability. See Bankers
Trust Co. v. Pt Jakarta International Hotels [1999] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 910, and see
14. See e.g. Amoco (UK) Exploration Co . v. British American Offshore Ltd
[1999] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 772.
15. But the rationale remains.
16. As expressed by Lord Hobhouse in Turner v. Grovit [2002] 1 W.L.R. 107
17. At para. 26. See O.T. Africa Line v. Magic Sportswear Corpn. [2005] EWCA
Civ 710.
18. O.T. Africa (fn. 2) in which Canadian and English proceedings were
concurrently extant at the date of the C.A. decision.
19. See Airbus Industrie Gie v. Patel [1998] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 631 (H.L.) per Lord
Goff (describing the common law world as a "jungle of separate, broadly based
jurisdictions); Donoghue v. Armco [2000] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 579 (C.A.), para. 56 per
Brooke L.J. (the right of English courts "to protect their own jurisdiction" where there is
a jurisdiction agreement) but note the view of H.L. that in this case outweighed by other
proceedings (see fn. 27). There must be jurisdiction over the defendants to the
injunction claim—through service in or out of England. See e.g. Amoco (UK)
Exploration Co. v. British American Offshore Ltd [1999] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 772; Credit
Suisse First Boston (Europe) Ltd v. MLC (Bermuda) Ltd [1999] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 767.
20. The English courts seeing the power as based on abuse of process. See Turner
v. Grovit [1999] 3 All E.R. 616 (C.A.). But see the contrast drawn by Lord Goff
between the Convention regimes and the common law in Airbus Industrie Gie v. Patel
(fn. 19). The relationship of an anti suit proceedings to the suit in which there is a
challenge to jurisdiction in the suit was referred to the ECJ ( Toepfer International
GmbH v. Société Cargill France [1998] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 379 (C.A.), but the case was
settled. It finally reached the ECJ in Turner v. Grovit (fn. 37).
21. See 25.
22. So in relation to arbitrations it is irrelevant that there is no power to grant final
injunctions under the Arbitration Act 1996 (see Welex A. G. v. Rosa Maritime Ltd
[2003] EWCA Civ 938, para. 40).
23. Donohue v. Armco (C.A.) fn. 19 paras 24, 45 (H.L.) (fn. 36), paras 35, 39. But
there may still be a reference to the criterion of "vexatious and oppressive" relevant to
non-jurisdiction agreement cases (as to which see infra). See Society of Lloyd's v.
White, The Times, 14 April 2000. It may be the sole relief sought (Youell, fn. 79). But it
must be shown to a high degree of probability that the proceedings are in breach of
contract—it is not sufficient that it is simply arguable ( American International
Specialty Lines Insurance Co v. Abbot Laboratories [2003] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 267.
24. See in particular The Angelic Grace [1995] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 87 at p. 96 per
Millett L.J. but see Credit Suisse Fides Trust SA v. Cuoghi [1998] Q.B. 818 at 827 per
Millett L.J.—comity requires mutual respect for the territorial integrity of jurisdiction.
Cp. Gilkes v. Venizelos [2000] I.L.Pr. 487.
25. Bankers Trust v. Pt Jakarta International Hotels [1999] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 910.
26. See Donohue v. Armco (fn. 19), para. 60 per Brooke L.J.; Akai Pty Ltd v.
People’s Insurance Ltd [1998] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 90. But choice of England as a neutral
forum will render factors such as location of witnesses or convenience of parties of
little relevance (ibid.).
27. Involving consideration of whether England is the natural forum (see Airbus
Industrie v. Patel (fn. 19 Société Nationale Industielle Aerospatiale v. Lee Kim Jak
[1987] A.C. 871 and Chapter 12). For an application of the principles see e.g. Simon
Engineering Plc v. Butte Mining Plc [1997] I.L.Pr. 599 (refusing an injunction taking
into account foreign court proceedings); FMC Corpn v. Russell 1999 SLT 99 (Court of
Session), Deaville Aeroflot Russian International Airlines [1997] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 67
(construction of Warsaw Convention jurisdiction provisions). And see Through
Transport Mutual Assurance Assoc. v. New India Assurance Assoc. [2004] EWCA Civ
1598 paras 93–97 (considering the principle of Turner v. Grovit (fn. 37) in the context
of a non-EU State.
28. See e.g. Royal Bank of Canada (fn. 32) at paras 9, 10. In a converse situation
the Singapore High Court has issued an injunction to restrain a liability claimant seeking
to preempt a limitation claimant from opting from the choice o f jurisdiction to claim
limitation The Ever Glory, 27 June 2003.
29. As in Midland Bank Plc v. Laker Airways Ltd [1986] W.B. 689. There must be
an interest in the English courts to deal with such cases, i.e. is the natural forum for the
consideration of the issue, see Shell International Petroleum Ltd v. Coral Oil Co. Ltd
[1999] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 606 (issuing an injunction in respect of proceedings in Lebanon
on the ground that they were bound to fail —"in the true sense purely vexatious").
30. Comity lying at the heart of the matter. See the analysis of Lord Goff in Airbus
Industrie v. Patel (fn. 15). See also the summary of the principles in Glencore
International v. Exter Shipping [2002] 2 All E.R. (Comm.) 1 at para. 42.
31. Airbus Industrie v. Patel (fn. 19)—where the ground for the application was
that one of the foreign states had no jurisdiction to grant such an injunction —that was
not sufficient for intervention by an English court.
32. Compare Sabah Shipyard (Pakistan) Ltd v. Islamic Republic of Pakistan
[2003] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 571 (C.A.) with Royal Bank of Canada v. Cooperatieve
Centrale Raffejsen Boerenleeenbank BA [2004] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 471 applied to
limitation proceedings in The Western Regent (24. ).
33. See Tonicstar Ltd v. American Home Assurance Co. [2005] 1 Lloyd’s Rep.
34. Donohue v. Armco (fn. 19), para. 24 (H.L.) para. 63 (C.A) and authorities
cited. In that case Brooke L.J. dissented on this point.
35. See Donohue v. Armco (fn. 19) Akai Pty Ltd v. People’s Insurance Ltd [1998]
1 Lloyd’s Rep. 90 (although this is in some cases precisely the issue and there may be a
debate about the view of the foreign court (as in Donohue (fn. 19)); Society of Lloyd’s
v. White, The Times, 14 April 2000. Consideration should be give n to the stage reached
in the foreign proceedings (Bankers Trust Co. v. Pt Jakarta International Hotels (fn.
36. See Donohue v. Armco [2002] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 425 (H.L.) the House exercising
its own discretion and this factor outweighing the force of an English exclusive
jurisdiction in respect of some of claims relevant to the case. Bouygues Offshore SA v.
Caspian Shipping Co. [1998] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 461 (C.A.). But an injunction may be
granted in respect of the parties to which it does apply despit e the duplication of
litigation (Credit Suisse First Boston (Europe) Ltd v. MLC (Bermuda) Ltd [1999] 1
Lloyd’s Rep. 767).
37. Case 159/02 [2004] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 169 (ECJ).
38. Through Transport Mutual Insurance Assoc (Eurasia) Ltd v. New India
Assurance Assoc. Co. Ltd [2005] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 67 applied in The Front Comor
[2005] All E.R. (D) 350. For a detailed and balanced assessment of the various issues
see Gross [2005] LMLLQ 10.
39. In Toepfer International GmbH v. Société Cargill France [1997] 2 Lloyd’s
Rep. 98 Colman J. expressed the view that matters relevant to forum non conveniens
were irrelevant when considering an anti suit injunction to restrain foreign proceedings
to protect arbitration agreements (followed at first instance in The Epsilon Rosa No. 2
[2003] I.L.Pr. 18). But with respect the issue is whether there should be any such
40. The Act follows, extends and supersedes the Shipping Contracts and
Commercial Documents Act 1964 (see s.8(5)). For the power to regul ate shipping by
statutory instrument see Shipping and Trading Interests (Protection) Act 1995.
41. Protection of Trading Interests Act 1980, s.1. Orders made are concerned with
US Re-export Control (SI 1982/855, SI 1983/900) relating to US anti -trust laws as they
affect certain UK airlines. 1992 No. 2449 relating to United States control of Cuban
assets. SI 1988/569 relating to enforceability of judgments regarding Australian Trade
Practices (see Chapter 27). As to the scope of the 1983 Order and an unsucc essful
challenge to its validity see British Airways Board v. Laker Airways [1984] 3 All E.R.
39 (H.L.). As to overlap with the EC Counter Measures Regulation in relation to
Extraterritorial US Legislation regarding Cuba and Iran see SI 1 996/3171.
42. I.e. it infringes the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom or is otherwise
prejudicial to its sovereignty, security or relations with other governments (s.2(2)).
Prohibition may also be ordered if court proceedings are not the basis of the
requirement or the requirement does not go to specific documents (s.2(3)).
43. Protection of Trading Interests Act 1980, s.2. Courts are also prohibited from
giving effect to requests for evidence from foreign courts which otherwise could be
acceded to in accordance with the Evidence (Proceedings in Other Jurisdictions) Act
1975 where the Secretary of State certifies that the request infringes on United Kingdom
jurisdiction or is prejudicial to its sovereignty (s.4).
44. See s.4. The effect of the prohibition is limited to acts done in the United
Kingdom in the case of noncitizens or companies not incorporated in the United
Kingdom (s.3(2)).
45. So the principle of limitation of liability in respect of maritime claims attracts
principles of its own, see Chapter 24. The remedy, however, is, in the end, an order for
payment of money as compensation for loss.
46. [1972] 2 Q.B. 543.
47. Union Discount Co. Ltd v. Zoller [2001] EWCA Civ 1755.
48. The principle is not limited to cases in which costs are irrecoverable and an
indemnity against further costs may be awarded AS/DS Svendborg D/S v. Ali Hussein
Akar [2003] EWHC 797.
49. Miliangos v. George Frank (Textiles) Ltd [1976] A.C. 443.
50. Jugoslavenska Oceanska Plovidba v. Castle Investment Co. Inc. [1974] Q.B.
292 (C.A.).
51. Miliangos v. George Frank (Textiles) Ltd [1976] A.C. 443. See Practice
Direction [1976] 1 W.L.R. 83. Where a company goes into liquidation the conversion
date in respect of foreign currency creditors is the starting of the winding up ( Re Lines
Bros Ltd [1983] Ch. 1), disagreeing with the suggestion in Miliangos that it is the date
of admission of the claim.
52. The Despina R [1979] A.C. 685. Virani Ltd v. Manuel Revert y Cia SA [2004]
2 Lloyd’s Rep. 14 (C.A.). As to agreed rate of exchange, see The Agenor [1984] LMLN
130. Where there is a claim and counterclaim the liability is finalised on settlement of
the amounts owing and that is the date for any necessary conversion. See The
Transoceanica Francesca [1987] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 15.
53. SI 1993/564. As to the statutory rate of interest on unpaid debts see Late
Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 as amended by SI 2002/1674
implementing EC Directive 2000/3 5 wholly in force on 7 August 2002. (SI 2002/1673).
As to the rate see SI 2002/1675.
54. Civil Procedure (Modification of Enactme nts) Order 1998 (SI 1998/2940).
Interest payable on a judgment will run from the date when judgment is given (i.e.
damages assessed or agreed) subject to a specific provision in the CPR or a court
ordering otherwise (including a date prior to judgment bein g) CPR 40.8; Thomas v.
Bunn [1991] 1 All E.R. 193 (H.L.). As to interest in a default judgment see CPR 12.6,
12.7 where a claim is admitted 14.14. As to the power to award an increased rate of
interest when a judgment exceeds an offer of settlement see 36. 21.
55. CPR 16.4.
56. Where an interim payment exceeds the total liability interest may be awarded
on the overpaid amount CPR 25.8(4).
57. Section 15, Sch. 1, Part 1. In respect of damages for personal injuries or death
exceeding £200 interest shall be included unless the court finds special reasons why it
should not be (s.35A(2)). Interest may not be so awarded for any period while interest
is already running (s.35A(3)). As to the prior rule, see The La Pintada [1984] 2
Lloyd’s Rep. 9. As to a flexible approach depending on the borrowing rate likely to
apply to the claimant see Jaura v. Ahmed [2004] EWCA Civ 210.
58. Section 35A(3).
59. Arbitration Act 1996, s.49. The choice of law or a law objectively applied is
equivalent to agreement of the parties (s.4(5)) and this may affect the scope of the
60. Walker v. Rowe [2000] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 116. Prior to the 1996 Act such interest
would automatically attach (see ibid., para. 17). The reasoning must apply to costs and
interest of any kind.
61. In the case of ships the court has an inherent power to order that rectification
(The Ocean Enterprise [1997] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 449—the court there qualifying the
statement of power by "at least where there has been no transfer of title to a bona fide
purchaser without notice"—but that surely goes to the exercise of the power, dependent
on the right).
62. See e.g. Romalpa Case [1976] 2 All E.R. 552; Borden (UK) Ltd v. Scottish
Timber Products [1981] Ch. 25 and Chapter 21. As to tracing as an ancillary remedy to
a freezing injunction, see Chapter 16.
63. See e.g. Behnke v. Bede Shipping Co. [1927] 1 K.B. 649; The Stena Nautica
(No. 2) [1982] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 336. A contra ct may be rectified to reflect the parties’
intention. See e.g. for an application of the principle to a charterparty The Nai Genova
and Nai Superba [1984] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 353; The Rhodian River [1984] 1 Lloyd’s Rep.
64. The remedy is made available by the Sale of Goods Act 1979, s.52. As to the
consideration of "equitable ownership" in such a context, see The Permina 3001 [1979]
1 Lloyd’s Rep. 327. A purchaser must show that damages are not adequate —The Stena
Nautica (No. 2) [1982] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 336.
65. Compare The Iran Bohonar [1983] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 620 with The Scaptrade
[1983] 2 All E.R. 763.
66. Lady Navigation Inc v. Lauritzencool, AB [2005] EWCA Civ 579.
67. See Photo Production Ltd v. Securicor Transport Ltd [1980] A.C. 827. As to
the right to choose whether to treat the contract as at an end and claim damages, or seek
to enforce it, see The Alaskan Trader [1984] 1 All E.R. 129 (shipowners’ no legitimate
interest in keeping a charterparty in existence). The obligation accrued by the date of
acceptance of repudiation remains. See The Blankenstein [1983] 3 All E.R. 510 (the
deposit due in contract of sale of a ship). As to the relationship of rescission,
repudiation and the right to claim damages in the context of the wording of a part icular
contract see Stocznia Gdanska SA v. Lativan Shipping Co. [1998] 1 All E.R. 883.
68. Arbitration Act 1996, ss.9, 86 (not in force). As to limits on court intervention
see s.32(2), Valo do Rio v. Bao Steel [2000] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 1. See also Chapter 13.
69. As to the procedure see CPR Part 62, 62 PD. An application may be made
without notice but the court may direct that the enforcement form be served on specified
parties to the arbitration (62.18). The form may, with the permissio n of the court, be
served out of England 62.16(2), 18(4). The award itself is confidential unless it was
reasonably necessary to disclose it to establish legal rights against a third party:
Hassneh Insurance v. Mew [1993] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 243; Insurance Co. v. Lloyd’s
Syndicate [1995] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 272. As to the judgment on appeal see City of Moscow
v. Bankers Trust Co. [2004] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 179 (C.A.).
70. Arbitration Act 1996, ss.67 –71.
71. As to interim (including freezing) injunctions see Chapters 14, 16. As to anti
suit injunctions see above.
72. See CPR 25.1(b), 40.20. It will not however use this power to decide
hypothetical or future disputes: Re Barnato [1949] Ch. 258. As to the use of and
limitations on declarations of right when the parties have nominated a body other than
the courts to resolve disputes see Mercury Communications Ltd v. DG of
Telecommunications [1996] 1 All E.R. 975 (H.L.). As to interim declarations, see
Chapter 14.
73. Messier Dowty Ltd v. Sabena SA [2000] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 428 at p. 434 per
Lord Woolf M.R.
74. Provided as in any case there is jurisdiction over the defendant.
75. See Bristow Helicopters Ltd v. Sikorsky Aircraft Corpn and others [2004] 2
Lloyd’s Rep. 150.
76. Messier Dowty Ltd v. Sabena SA (fn. 73) treating with reserve the statements
in earlier cases limiting the power to grant negative declarations. Under the European
jurisdiction regimes they are treated no differently to any other remedy ( see ibid. and
Chapter 4).
77. See Bristow fn. 75.
78. In Messier Dowty v. Sabena S.A. (fn. 73) the court refused a negative
declaration on the basis that there was at the time of the hearing no justification in
joining Sabena in order to claim the declaration of non -liability as Sabena had not
claimed against Dowty in the substantive proceedings in France and it was doubtful if it
79. See Smyth v. Behbehani [1999] I.L.Pr. 584 (C.A.) —an approach not
inconsistent with the later analysis in Messier Dowty (fn. 73); Youell v. Kara Mara
[2000] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 102.
80. CPR 25.1(c)(v). See Chapter 14 "interim relief". As to sale as execution of a
judgment see infra.
81. The sale of a ship includes all property on board other than that owned by
someone other than the shipowner (The Silia) [1981] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 534. As to bunkers
see The Eurosun and the Eurostar [1993] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 106; The Saetta [1993] 2
Lloyd’s Rep. 268. For jurisdiction as to proceedings, cf. the Supreme Court Act 1981,
s.21(6) and Chapter 2.
82. CPR 61.10. The order may be directed to lie in the office until crew still
aboard her have left. (See e.g. The Vasilia [1972] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 51; The Fairport
[1965] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 183 or, pending repairs, see e.g. The Sullivar [1965] 2 Lloyd’s
Rep. 350.) An order for sale before judgment under this rule may only be made by the
Admiralty Judge (61 PD 9.3) while most orders may be made by the Court of the
Admiralty Registrar. It is said in the comments in Civil Procedure that save in special
circumstances according to case authorities the property must be under arrest ( The
Wexford (1888) 13 P.D. 10, The Berris 1905 Fo. 497) but the rule contains no such
restriction. There is no such restriction in the power applicable generally. A court may
order the discharge and sale of cargo not under arrest where a ship in which the cargo is
loaded is under arrest and an order for sale is made in respect of it. (See The Myrto
[1978] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 11, at p. 13.) For the general power in relation to discharge of
cargo where either cargo or ship is not under arrest see 61.8(8) –(10).
83. It would seem that such an application may be made by the Marshal as part of
the general powers in respect of property under arrest.
84. CPR 61.10(2).
85. See The Myrto [1977] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 243, at pp. 259 –261 where Brandon J.
considered the principle of sale pendente lite. On appeal, his decision on this point was
upheld ([1978] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 11).
86. See The Marco Reefer [1981] LMLN 50.
87. 61 PD 9.1. Any application not falling within this rule would be within CPR
Part 23 (applications) or Part
25 (interim remedies). For an example of a defendant owner requesting the order,
see The Westport [1965] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 547.
88. See 61 PD 9.2 and Admiralty Form No. ADM 14. In The Halcyon the Great
(No. 2) [1975] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 525, Brandon J. ordered a re -offering of a ship on the
undertaking of parties opposing a sale below the apprais ed value to indemnifying the
court against any loss following from non -acceptance of the highest bid then available.
89. The Jarvis Brake [1976] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 320.
90. Ibid. But an arrest and subsequent order for appraisement and sale does not
affect the terms of a charterparty in relation to the ship. So if by those terms a ship is
redelivered by charterer to owner and the owner takes over and pays for fuel on board
the title to the fuel passes to the owner despite the order ( The Span Terza (No. 2) [1982]
2 Lloyd’s Rep. 72 reversed on a construction point [1984] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 199 (H.L.)).
91. ADM 14. As to investment when in foreign currency see 61 PD 9.5 –8.
92. See e.g. The Acrux [1962] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 405; The Cerro Colorado [1993] 1
Lloyd’s Rep. 58. It may be contempt of court to place an advertisement stating that
despite any sale the ship will remain encumbered ( ibid.). Compare the sale under a writ
of fieri facias (see infra).
93. See The Acrux (fn. 92); The Ship Galaxias [1989] LMLN 240 (Fed. Ct.
94. Although there are "defendants" in actions in rem. See Chapters 2, 10.
95. [1907] P 137. See further Chapter 10.
96. [1972] 2 Q.B. 543. See further Chapter 10.
97. [1973] F.C. 955—on appeal held not within Admiralty jurisdiction [1978]
DLR (3d) 28.
98. [1980] LMLN 15.
99. E.g. as in The Ocean Enterprise [1997] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 449.
100. Enforcement officers have the powers of sheriffs at common law (Courts Act
2003 s.99, Sched. 7.) See CPR Sched. 1, RSC Ord. 46, r. 1. Ord. 47, r. 1). In granting a
stay under Ord. 47 the court has declared its powers to pierce the corporate veil and to
probe into real control of companies. Orri v. Moundreas [1981] Com.L.R. 168;
Canada Enterprises Corpn Ltd v. MacNab Distilleries Ltd [1981] Com.L.R. 167.
101. Courts Act 2003, Sched. 7. Notice of an issued but unexecuted warrant of
execution in the hands of a district judge or county court results in a similarly lower
priority of a purchaser (ibid.).
102. Seamen’s wages may not generally be attached. (See the Merchant Shipping
Act 1995, s.34(1) and Chapter 18.) As to that which may be attached, see extension of
procedure through the Supreme Court Act 1981, s.40, as amended by the A dministration
of Justice Act 1982, s.53, Banking Act 1987, s.108(1), Sch. 6.
103. See Charging Orders Act 1979; (replacing garnishee proceedings) CPR 73,
Sect. 1.
104. See the Supreme Court Act 1981, s.37(1); CPR 69, 69 PD 4.1.
105. See e.g. Re Potts [1893] 1 Q.B. 648; Re Pearce [1919] 1 K.B. 354. As to
appointing a receiver in respect of foreign assets see Derby v. Weldon (No. 2) [1989] 1
All E.R. 1002. A receiver may be appointed to receive future debts as well as debts due
at the date of order (Soinco Saci v. Norokuznetsk Aluminium Plant Base Metal Trading
Co. [1997] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 339).
106. See RSC Ord. 45, r. 5; RSC Ord. 52. Where there is non -compliance with an
injunction or specific performance, so far as practicable the court may direct that t he act
be done by another at the cost of the disobedient party, Ord. 45, r. 8.
107. See CPR 25.1(f), 25.2. (Orwell Steel Erections v. Asphalt and Tarmac (UK)
Ltd [1985] 3 All E.R. 747). As there is a power to grant such an injunction as incidental
to and dependent on the enforcement of a substantive right it may be granted in respect
of a judgment debt owed by another (Mercantile Group AG v. Aiyela [1994] 1 All E.R.
110). Such an order may apply to assets brought into England after the order is made
(Soinco Saci (fn. 105)). Other interim remedies for preservation of assets may be
available (see CPR 25.1 and Chapter 14).
108. CPR 61.5(1)(b). See Chapter 15.
109. RSC Ord. 45, r. 4 (CPR Sch. 1). As to the procedure relating to issue of writs
of execution see RSC Ord. 46 (CPR Sch. 1).
110. RSC Ord. 45, r. 5.
111. See 62.18 referring to the statutory provisions authorising such enforcement.
As to foreign awards see Chapter 27. As to foreign awards enforceable in the country
where made as judgments see 62.20 and Chapter 27.
Part VI
Foreign Law
Chapter 26
26.85 The law applicable to a contract entered into on or after 1 April 1991 (if
within the Convention) is to be identified in accordance with the criteria of the Rome
Convention on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations 1980 (as amended) as
enacted in the 1990 Act. 141 Save for insurance contracts covering risks in the European
Union,142 if the issue falls outside the Convention it will remain subject to the criteria in
operation prior to the Act. The Convention adopts as its basic principles those in force
in English law (though with different terminology) —the choice of the parties and,
lacking choice, the law of the country most closely connected with the contract.
26.86 In addition to special protective provisions in respect of consumers and
employees the Convention differs from the common law in adopting, where there is no
choice of law by the parties, the "characteristic performance" of the contract as the focal
point for identifying the governing law and rebuttable presumptions of the applicable
law as the law of the place of residence or of the party undertaking that performance. As
with the common law renvoi is excluded.
26.87 Special mandatory protection is accorded to consumers under certain
consumer contracts 143 and individual employment contracts and effect of a choice of
law by the parties is qualified. 144 If there is no choice (a) in specified circumstances the
consumer contract is governed by the law of the country of the consumer’s habitual
domicile; (b) an individual employment contract is governed by the law of the place of
habitual work or, if there is no such law, that of the place of business through which the
employee was engaged. 145
26.88 Apart from provisions relating to the application of mandatory rules of
foreign law, rather than the law applicable to the contract an d issues of nullity, the
Convention is given the force of law in the United Kingdom and applies whether or not
the law applicable is the law of a contracting State. 146 It is subject to the interpretation
of national courts and, since 1 March 2005 when the appropriate Protocols came into
force, the European Court of Justice. 147
Matters excluded from the Convention
26.89 Article 1 provides:
"1. The rules of this Convention shall apply to contractual obligations in any
situation involving a choice between the laws of different countries.
2. They shall not apply to:
(a) questions involving the status or legal capacity of natural persons, without
prejudice to Article 11;
(b) contractual obligations relating to:
wills and succession,
rights in property arising out of a matrimonial relationship,
rights and duties arising out of a family relationship, parentage, marriage or
affinity, including maintenance obligations in respect of children who are not legitimate;
(c) obligations arising under bills of exchange, cheques and promissory notes and
other negotiable instruments to the extent that the obligations under such other negotiable
instruments arise out of their negotiable character;
(d) arbitration agreements and agreements on the choice of court;
(e) questions governed by the law of companies and other bodies corporate or
26.85 The law applicable to a contract entered into on or after 1 April 1991 (if
within the Convention) is to be identified in accordance with t he criteria of the Rome
unincorporated such as the creation, by registration or otherwise, legal capacity, internal
organisation or winding up of companies and other bodies corporate or unincorporated
and the personal liability of officers and members as such for the obligations of the
company or body;
(f) the question whether an agent is able to bind a principal, or an organ to bind a
company or body corporate or unincorporated, to a third party;
(g)the constitution of trusts and the relationship between settlers, trustees and
(h)evidence and procedure, without prejudice to Article 14.
3. The rules of this Convention do not apply to contracts of insurance which cover
risks situated in the territories of the Member States of the European Economic
Community. In order to determine whether a risk is situated in these territories the court
shall apply its internal law.
4. The preceding paragraph does not apply to contracts of re -insurance."148
Insurance contracts covering risks in the European Union
26.90 The regime was initially set out in the Insurance Companies Act 1982 (as
amended) and the Friendly Societies Act 1992 (as amended) and since 1 December
2001 is contained in the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Law Applicable to
Contracts of Insurance) Regulations 2001. 149 It implements European Union Council
Directives on Insurance and, in particular in relation to the applicable law, Article 7 of
the Second Directive. 150 The regime is similar to that of the Convention with
qualifications necessary to achieve the aim of protection of policy holders. 151 It is
summarised after consideration of the Convention.
Matters within the Convention
26.91 Save for the exceptions specified, the Convention applies to "contractual
obligations" in any situation involving a choice between the laws of different countries
(Article 1). Approaching the Convention from a broad internationalist angle that
includes the aspects of assignment set out in Article 12 ( see 26.36) and, it would seem
on the principles there applied, subrogation (Article 13) ( see 26.94). Apart from
arbitration and jurisdiction and within 1(3) insurance agreements few matters directly
relevant to maritime contracts will fall outside the 1990 Act. Problems of classification
(whether a matter is contractual or falls into some other category such as tort or
property) will remain but construing the Convention scope broadly.
26.92 Many of the exclusions relate to matters which, although they may involve
contract, may be seen as essentially within another legal category —such as, for
example, legal capacity, company law, trusts and negotiable instruments. It is for this
general reason that the consequences of nullity of a contract are excluded —in English
law they are seen as matters of restitution. Conversely where excluded matters are seen
as contractual the common law principles will apply. So the pre Act contract rules will
apply to contracts of arbitration or jurisdiction, capacity to enter a contract, whether an
agent can bind a principal and such other contract issues as may arise in an y of the
excluded matters. Bills of lading would be excluded only if classified by the forum
(either by the lex fori or law applied) as negotiable instruments—not simply as creating
a transferable obligation.
The Convention rules
26.93 Subject to provisions relating to mandatory provisions of national laws,
ordre public and protection of consumers and employees and some specific
qualifications, the Convention law applicable to the contract will be (a) if demonstrated
with reasonable certainty the law chosen by the parties or (b) if there is no choice the
law of the country with which the contract is most closely connected (Articles 3, 4 —see
26.94 It applies specifically to material and formal validity (with alternative
applicable laws), interpretation, performance (with qualification), consequence of
breach and extinction and limitation of claims, and rules of presumption or burden of
proof and (not enacted in the United Kingdom) the consequences of the nullity of a
contract. In relation to "the manner of performance and the steps to be taken in the event
of defective performance" "regard is to be had to the law of the country of
26.95 The existence and material validity of any choice is to be determined by the
law applicable if it were valid but if it is not reasonable to use that law to adjudge the
conduct of a party, that party may rely on the law of his habitual residence (Article
8).152 The formal validity of a contract is to be governed (subject to consumer contracts
and some contracts relating to immovables) by the law applicable if it were vali d or,
depending on whether parties are in the same or different countries when concluding the
contract, the law of the country in which it is concluded or the country in which either of
the parties is (Article 9(1), (5), (6)).
26.96 An act intended to have legal effect in respect of an existing or contemplated
contract is formally valid if it satisfies the law governing the contract or the law of the
country where it was done (Article 9(4)). Where a contract is concluded by parties in
the same country incapacity by a different law may be raised only if the other party was
aware or negligently unaware of it.
26.97 It is difficult to see how regard is to be had in relation to the manner of
performance and steps to be taken in the event o f defective performance unless that law
is to be applied at least in the sense that nothing inconsistent with that law should be
permitted. More, despite the relative vagueness of the phrase in comparison with other
provisions it would seem to confer a dis cretion on a court to consider if the law of the
place is more relevant than the generally applicable law to the matters specified. It
makes it easier to apply the law of the place of performance as the law governing a
severable part of the contract.
26.98 Third party rights. The mutual obligations of assignor and assignee under a
voluntary assignment of a right against a debtor is governed by the law applicable to the
contract between the assignor and assignee. "The law governing the right to which the
assignment relates" determines its "assignability, the relationship between the assignee
and the debtor, the conditions under which the assignment can be invoked against the
debtor and any question whether the debtor’s obligations have be en discharged"
(Article 12).153 Whether or not this provision is relevant to priority of competing claims
by two assignees seems uncertain as the priority necessarily involves the relationship of
each assignee and the debtor.
26.99 Subrogation. The law governing a third person’s duty to satisfy the creditor
in relation to a contractual claim determines whether the person paying is entitled to
exercise against the debtor the rights of the person satisfied under the law governing the
relationship of creditor and debtor (Art. 13). “Mandatory rules”
26.100 The effect of a mandatory rule is to override the general selection
principles of choice and close connection. Whether a rule is "mandatory" must be a
matter initially for the enacting country. Where it is a rule of a state other than the forum,
the courts of the forum will have to decide whether in its national role the rule is
"mandatory". The Convention provides for the application of mandatory rules:
(i) 154
despite choice of a foreign law, the rules of another country which cannot be
derogated from by contract when "all the other elements relevant to the situation at the
time of the choice" are connected only with that country (Article 3.3)
(ii) of the forum "in a situation where they are mandatory irrespective of the law
otherwise applicable to the contract" (Article 7.2)
(iii) of a country other than that of the law otherwise applicable if that country has
a close connection and the rules would be there applied wh atever the law applicable to
the contract155 (Article 7.1).
26.101 The purpose of the Article is to prevent contracting out of compulsory rules
with (iii) extending the concept beyond forum law or the law applicable. The United
Kingdom has enacted (i) and (ii) but not (iii). In none of these contexts is there a
positive Convention obligation to apply the mandatory rule. As to (i) to apply the
"mandatory rule" the choice of the parties "shall not prejudice" the application of the
mandatory rule, in (ii) "nothing in the Convention" restricts the application of such a
rule and in (iii) "effect may be given" to the rule in the light of its nature and purpose
and the consequences of its application. There is little doubt that (in (ii)) a forum would
apply its own mandatory rule (as, for example, the House of Lords did in The
Morviken156 in applying the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1971). Application of a
foreign mandatory rule under (i) is discretionary taking into account the factors
expressed and under (ii) appears to be at the general discretion of the forum court.
26.102 The Convention creates no change in English law in respect of the concept
and application of forum mandatory rules save the general principle is expressed. On
the other hand while the foreign mandatory rule applicable under Article 3(3) could in
theory have been applied prior to the Convention as a limitation on choice based on
"public policy", this would have been highly unlikely, the concept of such policy being
almost exclusively policy of forum law. 157 “Ordre public” (Article 16)
26.103 The application of a rule of the law of any country may be refused "only if
such application is manifestly incompatible with the public policy (‘ ordre public’) of
the forum". This simply applies the established negative limitation on the general
selection principles. It is expressed in narrow and strict language. As with the domestic
"public policy" reservation there is no provision for any further consequential enquiry
into any other appropriate foreign law.
26.104 The existence and validity of the choice is governed by the Convention
rules relating to material and formal validity ( see supra). The choice must be express or
demonstrated with reasonable certainty. It may go to the whole or a part only of the
contract. The choice may subject the contract to a law other than that earlier governing it
whatever the basis on which that law governed the contract.
26.105 It is certainly arguable that as the parties may "at any time" agree to a
change, the change may be subsequent to or part of the initial agreement. This does not
seem to authorise a floating choice but the ability to contract for a change in the
selection, for example, at the carrier’s option. 158
Implied choice
26.105A Both express and implied choice are thereby recognised, but it is not
permitted to attempt to read the minds of the parties to assess a selection that would
have been made if it had been considered. The choice may be inferred from the terms of
the contract.159 An arbitration clause may, as in English law, indicate a choice of law if,
for example, not only the place but the nature of the tribunal or the backgro und of the
contract including the clause points to a particular law. It has been held that, if in that
regard there is a difference in emphasis from English law, "it is a small one". 160 That
conclusion seems justified with the criterion of "reasonable cert ainty" providing an
express focus for the approach.
26.106 Subject to the exceptions considered above, where there is no choice
within Article 3 the law applicable to the contract is that of the country with which it is
most closely connected. Subject to specified exceptions and another country appearing
more closely connected, the general presumption is that the law most closely connected
is, if the characteristic performance can be determin ed, that of the country in which the
party who is "to effect the performance which is characteristic of the contract" has his
habitual residence or, if a corporation, its central administration. As an exception to the
general rule a severable part of the c ontract which has a close connection with another
country may be governed by the law of that country (Article 4(1)(5)).
Exceptions to the general presumption
26.107 These are:
(i) if the contract is entered into in the course of the trade or business of th e party
effecting the characteristic performance, the country most closely connected is presumed
to be that of the principal place of business or where the performance is to be effected
in a place of business elsewhere, the country in which that place is situated 161 (Article
4(2)); (ii) to the extent the subject of the contract is a right in or to use immovable
property the country presumed most closely connected is that in which the property is
situated (Article 4(3));
(iii) in respect of a contract for the carriage of goods 162 the general presumption
has no application—the only presumption which operates to identify th e law most
closely concerned is that of the law of a country (a) in which when the contract is
concluded the carrier has its principal place of business and (b) which is either the
place of loading or discharge or the principal place of business of the con signee
(Article 4(4)).
The general and exceptional presumptions are to be disregarded if it appears from
the circumstances as a whole the contract is more closely connected with another
country (Article 4(5)). Where the characteristic performance cannot be determined the
assessment of the "connection" is therefore at large. Although theoretically and literally
if closer connection to another country is the reason the assessment is also at large
(including the country "disregarded") it is highly likely that the close connection will
supply the link to the applicable law.
26.108 While the selection of the governing law is on its face according to a
criterion identical to that of English law prior to the Act, the method and emphasis on
primarily relevant factors of selection are different. As indicated earlier, under English
law outside the Convention the weighing of various and unspecified types of connecting
factors had some of the appearance of a lottery depending on the importance given by
any particular court to any particular link. The approach was in direct contrast to that of
selection by single factors as, for example, the place of the contract or the place of
business of the parties. The Convention adopts a middle line of presumptions —to be
"disregarded" in specified circumstances. That, it may be said, a more satisfactory
approach than either of the extremes. It provides a startpoint but allows for that to be
26.109 More fundamentally perhaps is that save for immovable property the initial
focus is on the place of the party whose performance lies at the heart of the contract.
There is no relevance of inferred intention as to contractual relations or the governing
law or any of the other links taken as relevant in the common law approach. 163 So the
difference in approach may in practice be more marked than it would seem on the
26.110 Whatever the difference between the English and Convention approach the
distinctions in approach give focus to the enquiry. There is introduced first the concept
of "characteristic performance", 164 secondly the approach by rebuttable presumption,
thirdly the importance given as a presumptive principle to the residence or place of
business of the party undertaking the critical obligation under the contract, and fourthly
the presumptions applicable to contracts relating to immovable property and carriage of
Performance characteristic of the contract
26.111 The focus on this concept resolves the preliminary question of whether that
which is to be linked to a law is the contract as a whole or the particular issue before
the court. There may be difficulties in ascertaining the performance but it is concept
which makes sense in that it focuses selection on the heart of the contract. Ther e is
recognition that it may not be discoverable, but, if it is, it provides the focal point
lacking in the law outside the Convention.
26.112 The concept was new to English law. It is said in the Report on the
Convention that such performance will not nor mally be that of a party providing
monetary worth for some act (service or provision of goods). However, this does not
necessarily resolve the identification of the central obligation of contracts solely
concerned with the provisions of funds or credit. Th ese must be analysed to identify the
focus of the contract.
26.113 The presumptions. Again it may be argued that because the presumptions
are to be disregarded if it appears that the contract is more closely connected to another
country little has changed. But, as with the characteristic performance, the presumptions
provide a startpoint for enquiry. It will require positive evidence of connection to
prevent their application and they prevent the type of case arising where it is difficult to
evaluate numerous connections pointing in different directions. They reflect the
emphasis on residence of the party on whom the critical obligation falls —much as the
European jurisdiction regimes adopt the domicile of the defendant as the generally
applicable rule of jurisdiction.
26.114 Until 2002 there was some uncertainty as to the strength of the
presumptions, with, possible supporters of the "weak" school harking back to the
common law approach. 165 It is now settled in English law at Court of Appeal level that
the exception in Article 2(5) is to be applied restrictively. So as regards Article 2(2) it
is only where circumstances "clearly demonstrate" "the existence of connecting factors
justifying the disregarding of the presumption.
26.115 The Convention approach is well illustrated by the decision of Mance J. in
1994 in The Bank of Baroda v. The Vysya Bank Ltd166 In the context of a writ sought to be
served out of the jurisdiction the issue was the law applicable to a contract between the
bank issuing a letter of credit (in India) and the bank confirming the credit (in
England). It involved the consideration of the presumption of Article 4(2) (place of
residence, business or incorporation) and the justifiability of applying Article 4(5)
because the circumstances as a whole pointed elsewhere. Also relevant to the law
applicable to the contract between the banks were the contracts between the beneficiary
and each bank. Mance J. agreed with the general principle that the place of residence of
Article 4(2) would easily be rebutted where the place of performance was elsewhere.
He held that the performance characteristic of the contract between the banks was the
confirmation and the honouring of the obligation of the issuing bank to the benefic iary,
rather than the obligation of the issuing bank to reimburse the confirming bank —the
latter was consequential on the character of the contract. By Article 4(2) of the
Convention on the facts the presumption therefore was that of English law and the
ground established for service of the writ out of the jurisdiction.
26.116 Mance J. also dealt with the law applicable to the contracts between the
banks and the beneficiary, pointing out that it would be impracticable and uncommercial
if contracts relating to the same credit were subjected to different laws. The contract
between beneficiary and confirming bank was clearly subject to English law (whether
by Article 4(2) or Article 4(5)) but by Article 4(2) of the Convention the contract
between beneficiary and issuing bank was subject to the law of India (the place of
incorporation of the issuing bank). However the escape route from the presumptions
(Article 4(5)) was applied to select English law (the law of the place of payment). And
this, it was held, would be so whether the credit was confirmed or not. The law of the
place of performance was the appropriate law to apply. While this conclusion is clearly
right in respect of letters of credit, the place of performance should not be though t
always to apply—it will depend on the issue. 167
26.117 This approach to letters of credit was confirmed and underlined by the
Court of Appeal in 2005. 168 The Court held that the presumption of Article 4(2) would
usually be displaced as regards the beneficiary and confirming bank where the
documents were to be presented and payments made by an advising bank in another
jurisdiction. Further, the presumption could not apply to a letter of credit as a
transaction because of the number of bilateral contracts involved. It was desirable that
the same system of law should apply to all and that was the place of presentation of the
documents and payment made.
Insurance contracts covering risks in an EEA State 169
26.118 Subject to qualifications and mandatory rules 170 the applicable law for
contracts of general insurance 171 is the law of the EEA State in which the policyholder
resides172 or if permitted by that law, the choice of the parties. Where the p olicyholder
does not reside in an EEA State the parties may choose the law of the State in which the
risk is situated or the country of the policyholder’s residence and exercise any greater
freedom of choice conferred by such law.
The basic rules are qualified by the ability to select any law if the contract is
concerned with a large risk, or if the contract refers to events in an EEA State other than
that in which the risk is situated, the law of that State.
Lacking effecting choice, the applicable law is the law of the State referred to in
the provision applicable to the case which is most closely connected with the contract,
rebuttably presumed to be the State in which the risk is situated. 173 Subject to the
particular provisions the 1990 Act applies. 174
There are therefore three basic departures in principle from the Convention
framework, consequential on the underlying aim of protection of the policy holder. First,
where relevant, the residence or central a dministration is that of the insured and not of
the insurer. Secondly, the scope for selection by consent is limited and thirdly the
presumptive link is simply "rebuttable" without any specified exceptions. 175 (b) Tort
26.119 As in other areas, questions of procedure are referred to the forum. The
traditional English choice of law rules relating to substantive issues in tort were (to
some extent) hardly defensible in a legal system which admits a choice of law process.
First, foreign law became relevant only to a tort committed outside England. Secondly,
until recently even if the tort is committed out of England, English law largely
controlled. As regards the latter there were some judicial inroads and the Private
International Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1995 has from 1 May 1996 rid the
approach of this application of English law as such rather than because of its connection
with the dispute. The focus of the governing law is now on the place of injury or da mage
or a country having a significant connection with the issue ( see p. 668). (i) Torts
committed in England
26.120 Apart from the 1995 Act English law applies 176—but whether on the same
or a different basis as the rule applicable to tort on foreign terri tory seems uncertain
(see below). (ii) Torts committed on the high seas
(a) Acts occurring on board one ship
26.121 There seems to be no English authority, but on principle the relevant
foreign law is the law of the country of registration of the ship. I t follows that so far as
the relevant choice of law framework is concerned the situation does not differ to that in
which a tort is committed on land, 177 the ship being foreign territory.
(b) More than one ship involved
26.122 It is established that the "general maritime law" (i.e. English law)
applies.178 While the fact that a tort is committed at a place not within any country gives
the circumstances a particular character, it is difficult to defend the automatic
application of English law. Wrapping English law in general maritime clothes perhaps
illustrates that its application as English law could be attacked, but it does nothing to
conceal the body. (iii) Torts committed on foreign land or waters —prior to 1969 179
26.123 Prior to 1969 and the decision of the House of Lords in Boys v. Chaplin180
there was no doubt that to succeed in England in an action based on a tort committed in
another country in regard to substantive issues a plaintiff had to overcome two hurdles.
Proof was required that:
(i) the act would have been actionable if committed in England; and
(ii) the act was not justifiable (or actionable) according to the law of the place
where the tort was committed.
26.124 The rule reflects a primitive view of the role of En glish law in a case
involving a foreign element. Instead of searching for a "governing law" this choice of
law rule referred to foreign law only as a preliminary hurdle for a plaintiff. As a result,
a plaintiff must satisfy the criteria of two legal systems and English law would not
recognise a tortious liability "in respect of an act which according to its own principles
imposes no liability on the person from whom damages are claimed". 181
26.125 This approach comes close to denial of a process aimed at se lection of a
governing law dependent on close connection with an issue. The traditional rule in the
United States was to refer the question to the law of the place of the act. Such a rule at
least recognises the "reference" role of a choice of law process, but has its own defects.
Apart from the difficulty of selecting a place, the place may be entirely coincidental or
at the least have little contact with the issue.
26.126 Since 1963 courts in the United States have moved towards an approach
similar in some respects to that adopted in England to contractual issues —"the centre of
gravity" approach. According to the original judicial expression of this approach
reference is to be made "to the law of the jurisdiction which be cause of its relationship
or contact with the occurrence or the parties has the greatest concern with the specific
issue raised in the litigation". 182
26.127 Somewhat similar, but less precise in its criteria, was an English
suggestion in 1949 that the English rule should give way to the "proper law of the tort",
i.e. an adaptation of the rule in contract by reference to law of the place "with the most
significant relationship to the occurrence and the parties". In Boys v. Chaplin,183
however, the House of Lords failed to take the opportunity to move away from the
traditional "double-barrelled" rule. Worse, each member of the House followed his own
track with the result that tradition was maintained primarily through lack of any positive
move away from it.
Boys v. Chaplin and its consequences
26.128 Following Boys v. Chaplin, in considering an action based on an act done
abroad, The English court would:
(i) continue to refer all "procedural" matters to English law as the law of the forum
(matters of quantification of damage being a "procedural" matter for this purpose); 184
(ii) require the plaintiff to prove that civil liability would ensue under the law of
the place of the act;
(iii) require the plaintiff to prove that the act would have been actionable in
English law.
26.129 Although in the case the majority retained the traditional approach and Lord
Hodson applied the most significant relation ship test, Lord Wilberforce, having
approved that approach as a general, qualified its application. In his view in a
particular case in respect of the foreign rule applicable it was necessary "to identify the
policy of the rule, to enquire to what situation with what contacts it was intended to
apply; whether or not to apply it in the circumstances of the instant case would serve
any interest which the rule was devised to mee". 185
26.130 The exception created by Lord Wilberforce was recognised by text book
writers186 and applied in two subsequent cases. 187
26.131 In 1993 the Privy Council affirmed the general "double actionability" rule
but applied "the most significant relationship" to exclude the lex fori—and held that it
could apply to the whole claim (and not merely one issue as in Boys v. Chaplin) if all
or virtually all the significant factors pointed to the law of the place of the occurrence.
In this case such factors all pointed to Saudi Arabia. 188
26.132 There seems little doubt that English law in this respect was on the familiar
route of judicial step by step reform (as, for example, occurred in the acceptance of
forum non conveniens as a doctrine). One of the problems of this type of self -imposed
judicial limitation is that the cost of reform is laid at the door of litigants and each step
creates the uncertainty of the next step. But that is not to deny an unqualified welcome to
the move away not only from double actionability but, at last, from E nglish law as
always controlling. This approach continues to be relevant in respect of any claim
based on events prior to 1 May 1996. 189 Statutory reform
26.133 The judicial development found its way into and is itself developed by
statute through the Private International Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1995. In
respect of acts or omissions occurring after 1 May 1996 the rules of common law
requiring double actionability and as an exception allowing "the law of a single
country" to be applied are abolished. In their place is put the following:
"11.—(1) The general rule is that the applicable law is the law of the country in
which the events constituting the tort or delict in question occur.
(2) Where significant elements of those events occur in different countries, the
applicable law under the general rule is to be taken as being —
(a) for a cause of action in respect of personal injury caused to an individual or
death resulting from personal injury, the law of the country where the individual was
when he sustained the injury;
(b) for a cause of action in respect of damage to property, the law of the country
where the property was when it was damaged; and
(c) in any other case, the law of the country in which the most significant element
or elements of those events occurred.
(3) In this section ‘personal injury’ includes disease or any impairment of physical
or mental condition.
12.—(1) If it appears, in all the circumstances, from a comp arison of—
(a) the significance of the factors which connect a tort or delict with the country
whose law would be the applicable law under the general rule; and
(b) the significance of any factors connecting the tort of delict with another country,
that it is substantially more appropriate for the applicable law to be the law of the
other country, the general rule is displaced and the applicable law is the law of that
other country.
(2) The factors that may be taken into account as connecting a tort or delict with a
country for the purposes of this section include, in particular, factors relating to the
parties, to any of the events which constitute the tort or delict in question or to any of the
circumstances or consequences of those events."
26.134 The substitution of the rules of sections 11, 12 for the double actionability
rule is to apply to events occurring in the forum as it applies to events in another
country. However the introduction of sections 11, 12 is limited to the abolition of
double actionability and any exception. 190
26.135 Whether the provisions apply to a tort committed in England depends
therefore on the basis of the pre-statute rule that English law was solely applicable.
About that there must be considerable doubt, it being said that that rule had no
application to a tort committed in England ( see fn. 151). Further, the new approach does
not apply to torts at sea involving more than one ship —an exception difficult to justify.
The forum mandatory rule
26.136 Apart from the statutory reform and apart from the application of the most
significant relationship exception English law applies to all tort actions before English
courts. It is specified in the Private International La w Act that the reform is without
prejudice to any mandatory rule (section 14(4)). The context of the applicable English
26.136A English law (particularly statute) does not necessarily apply to acts
outside England as it does to acts within England.
Torts on the high seas involving more than one ship
26.137 Even after the 1995 Act in proceedings before English courts English law
alone applies to all torts occurring on the high seas involving more than one ship. The
only issue as to the applicability of a statutory provision of such torts is therefore
whether, considering the purposes of the provision, it applies to the tortious act (i.e. is
within the boundary rule). So, for example, in The Esso Malaysia 191 the court had to
decide whether the Fatal Accidents Act applied to a collision on the high seas.
Torts in foreign territory or on board a foreign ship
26.138 Where a tort occurs on foreign land or waters or on board a foreign ship
the applicability of an English legislative provision will first depend on whether the
circumstances fall within the provision (i.e. the boundary rule). Assuming that the
provision by its terms is applicable the second issue is whether it is mandatory. If not it
will apply, apart from the 1995 Act as part of the applicable English law 192 and under
the 1995 Act only if according to its criteria English law is applicable.
English statutory implementation of maritime international provisions
26.139 The exclusive applicability of English statutory frameworks reflecting
international Conventions outside English territorial waters has tended to be assumed 193—
probably because of the relevance of English law to all issues of tortious liability.
Given that the statute by its terms applies, it forms part of English law applying to the
high seas where more than one ship is involved. Whether it applies to the high seas
where only one ship is involved or to foreign waters is, as was said above, a matt er of
construction. In this context applicability may be supported if the statute is based on an
international Convention.
26.140 Included in the statutory provision of international rules relating to tortious
liability are:
(i) the rule as to division of loss where more than one ship is to blame for a
collision enshrined initially in the Maritime Conventions Act 1911; 194
(ii) the statutory limitation of liability framework (if not procedural) ( see Chapter
(iii)the Collision Regulations. 195
26.141 The International Collision Regulations apply to "all vessels upon the high
seas and in all waters connected therewith navigable by seagoing vessels". They are
applied by statutory instrument to United Kingdom ships wherever they may be and to
other ships within the territorial waters of the United Kingdom. 196 Within the ambit of
the Order the first question is whether the regulations constitute a mandatory rule, for if
the English regulations are not mandatory there is no reason why the general conf licts
approach should not apply.
26.142 In 1973 The Esso Brussels 197 the Court of Appeal held that the Collision
Regulations applied within Belgian territorial waters only through Belgian law —
apparently on the basis that the law of the place of the collision governed the issue.
However, there are many cases in which the regulations have been applied simply on
the basis that the collision occurred in waters connected with the high seas and there fore
within the boundary rules of the regulations. 198 Neither in The Esso Brussels nor in the
cases applying the regulations directly did the court approach the question on the basis
of the accepted choice of law framework for tortious issues; and in no case did the court
refer to the imposition of the regulations through a mandatory legislative provision.
Apart from the 1995 Act:
(i) the regulations themselves and the statutes under which they are made set out the
limitations of their application 199 (the boundary rules);
(ii)by general choice of law rules civil liability stemming from an event in foreign
waters depends on actionability under foreign law and (assuming that it had occurred in
England) English law;
(iii) where an English mandatory rule is applied to foreign waters or a foreign ship
on the high seas it is arguable that it excludes foreign law. If so, and the Regulations are
mandatory, in The Esso Brussels it was wrong to hold that the Collision Regulations
applied only through Belgian law. 200
26.143 Under the 1995 Act in relation to the governing law of tortious matters the
issue of the applicability remains but in a different form. In relation to a ship of a
foreign country not within the regulations the first question is, as before, whether the
English regulations are mandatory —if not and the act occurred in foreign territorial
waters the foreign law applies unless displaced because of significant facts point ing
elsewhere. (c) Restitution or unjust enrichment The nature of claims within the
26.144 In English law restitution —once known more artificially as " quasi
contract" and perhaps more accurately unjust enrichment —tended at one time to be
more a label of desperation than a term of definition. Under it would be found claims
which do not spring from tort or contract. The use of "unjust enrichment" at least
describes the ground of claim whereas "restitution" may indicate too narrowly a claim
for restoration of some interest lost. "Quasi contract" indicates nothing at all.
26.145 As might be expected from its general development pattern, in English law
the claims which may fall within "unjust enrichment" or restitution have developed
piecemeal. So recovery of money paid by mistake or fraud (including tracing into the
hands of their parties), the consequences of the invalidity of a contract, or illegality or
duress on the validity of contracts, the right to contribution between wrongdoe rs, the
relief from unreasonable bargains and in maritime law payment for salvage services
have tended to develop as heads of claim, distinct in nature rather than as application of
any general principle. However "restitutionary claims" now seem recognised as having
a common theme.201
26.146 "Restitutionary" claims are recognised as a domestic category —although
the boundaries are still being worked out. 202 As with other domestic categories it may
then become a basis for the selection of governing law. Such claims are almost by
definition "non-contractual", and a restitutionary claim based on invalidity of a contract
has been held not to be a claim "relating to a contract" for t he purposes of jurisdiction
under the Brussels Convention. 203 The concept is given further shape with the
recognition that the basis of the claim is unjust enrichment at the expense of the plaintiff
and that change of position is a good defence. 204 There remains, however, in each case
the issue whether the restitutionary claim creates a proprietary interest or is simply a
claim in personam 205—a matter directly relevant to identifying the governing law.
Further the relationship between tort, contract, property and restitution remains open to
debate.206 Any uncertainty as to the boundary of the category must be reflected in its
application as a foundation for identifying the governing law. So classificatio n remains
as the first and fundamental step, and, as applies generally, part of that process may be a
distinction drawn between a claim itself and the question of priority of a particular
claim.207 The governing law
26.147 The identification of rules for a ssessing the governing law in relation to
unjust enrichment in general remains speculative. 208 Dicey and Morris suggest that it is
the proper law which is the focus—if the claim arises out of a contract, the proper law
of the contract and in any other circ umstances (save that involving an immovable) the
law of thecountry where the enrichment occurs. 209 This has been judicially applied
through the general principle that the proper law of any restitutionary claim based on
receipt is the country in which the receipt takes place. 210 Whether, however, this should
be taken necessarily to be the governing law is perhaps open to the same type of
objection as a single factor rule applying to contract. The place of performance does not
have the same dominant force as for a commercial credit, for the place of receipt may
be as transitory as the payment of funds. The substance of the enrichment may have a
quite different focus and it is certainly arguable that in many cases it will have mo re of
the character of property than tort or even contract.
26.148 Whether or not a restitutionary claim is based in domestic law on a
proprietary interest such as a trust, where it is an assertion of entitlement to restoration
it is arguable that its "property" element should control. That, it is suggested, should
lead to the law of the place of that which is claimed rather than the place of the
enrichment. Even if the unjust enrichment is not so much "restitution" of a claim as a
claim to a benefit (as, for example, for salvage) and is seen simply as a claim in
personam the law of the place of the unjust enrichment seems to have less to offer than
an analogy to a contract claim. There seems no reason not to apply the proper law
approach—if desirable, qualified by presumptions. Maritime claims —general average
and salvage
26.149 Dicey and Morris suggest that, as regards general average and salvage,
maritime law has worked out its own rules of governing law, and as regards general
average has adopted an international structure in the York-Antwerp Rules, thereby
avoiding conflicts problems. It is true that bills of lading and charter -parties almost
invariably incorporate the York-Antwerp Rules (a new text coming into operation on 1
January 2005) but it does not follow that no issues remain as to the governing law as
respects general average. And it certainly is not the case that salvage claims are
somehow immune from problems of identifying the law which governs them.
26.150 Either contract or unjust enrichment may form a basis for claims in salvage
and general average. There is a readiness in courts to intervene on the grounds of
"injustice" in sal vage agreements where the agreements are regarded as
General average 212
26.152 A general average claim may be based on contract —either as part of the
contract of carriage or based on an average bond —or on unjust enrichment.
26.153 Contract of carriage and adjustment of average. The proper law of (or
within the Rome Convention the "law applicable" to) a charterparty, bill of lading or
other contract of carriage will apply to resolve the validity of a general average clause.
However, apart from the Rome Convention, it is not necessarily (or perhaps even
presumptively) the case that the law which will govern the adjustment of average is that
governing the contract. 213 A specific choice of law to govern the adjustment 214 will be
recognised as with any other express choice. Lacking that, it appeared accepted that the
governing law was the law of the port of destination. 215 Where there is a reference to
the York-Antwerp Rules this will be recognised but when, as usual, the reference is
coupled with adjustment at the port of destination it will follow that the rules as
interpreted at that place will apply.
26.154 Prior to the Rome Convention it was held that a contract must have a
proper law from and at its inception and therefore a clause providing (e.g.) a carrier
with an option to select a law would not operate to postpone the selection of a law but
would itself be subject to the proper law ascertained from the contract as a whole. A
general average clause may give the carrier an option as to port or place of
adjustment,216 and the question is whether the proper law of the contract would allow
the option to operate.
26.155 Under the Rome Convention the parties choice remains the prima ry ground
of selection of the governing law. Lacking choice, the law of the port of destination may
govern the adjustment even if the law generally applicable to the contract as a whole be
some other law. The adjustment arguably is a severable part of the contract, although
hardly severable from the provisions of general average. Even if not severable it may
be referred to the law of the place of performance as going to the manner of
performance (see supra).
26.156 Average bond. On general principles the governing law is the law having
the closest and most real connection. Apart from the Rome Convention an express
selection of the place of adjustment would be a strong —but not apparently a conclusive
—indication of its proper law. 217 Under the Convention for the reasons suggested in
respect of the adjustment of average it is arguable that the law of the place would
govern the bond.
26.157 In 1980 in The Armar218 the Court of Appeal held that a decision as to the
place of adjustment reached after the entry into an average bond could not dictate the
proper law of the bond. The bond as a contract had to have a proper law from its
inception. Such a decision goes only to the rejection of the dependence of the proper
law of a contract relating to average (as distinct from the law governing the adjustment)
on a subsequent selection of the place of adjustment. It is arguable that, unlike the need
for a proper law applicable to a contract because of the possibility of dispu tes at any
time, there is no such need in relation to adjustment. The proper law of the adjustment
applies only to the adjustment and there is, therefore, no reason not to recognise
selection by the parties—or postponement of its ascertainment. 219 Under the Rome
Convention parties may change the law applicable to the contract by subsequent
selection (see supra) but the specification of the place of adjustment would not of itself
be a selection of the law applicable to the bond.
26.158 It may be argued that even when raised in a contractual context an average
claim is based on the obligation to contribute to the general sacrifice. Whatever its basis
in a contract context, an average obligation can arise where there is no contract on
which it can possibly be based—as where it exists between cargo owners. It would
appear clear that the same rule applies as for average claims arising out of contract —
that adjustment is referred to the law of the place of destination.
26.159 Where salvage services are rendered pursuant to contract the governing
law is ascertained as any other contract. Lloyd’s Standard Form of Salvage Agreement
2000 contains a specific choice of English law. 220
26.160 Where salvage services are rendered without agreement the basis for
recovery is the conferment of benefit and therefore enrichment which would be unjust
without payment. As regards salvage services started on or after 1 January 1995 the
principles are enshrined in the Salvage Convention 1989 which is given the force of
law in the United Kingdom by the Merchant Shipping (Salvage and Pollution) Act 1994.
The Convention applies whenever relevant judicial or arbitral proceedings are bought
in a State party. 221 While it sets out the criteria of and conditions for an award the
apportionment as between persons in the service of each salving vessel is to be
determined by the law of the flag of the vessel. 222
26.161 As regards salvage prior to 1 January 1995 the law of the flag is applied to
a dispute as to apportionment between persons in the service of a foreign vessel. 223
Apart from that there is no evidence that the law applied would be other than English
law. (d) Proprietary issues General approach
26.162 A substantive proprietary claim in relation to a tangible movable or
immovable is governed by the law of the place of the thing, and in relation to an
intangible the law of residence of the "debtor". A proprie tary claim may involve either
or both of two distinct issues:
(i) the assertion of an interest against a defendant who is not a party to its creation
(i.e. against a third party) where (a) the claim is against a defendant who has no interest
in the relevant asset (as where he has inflicted damage) or (b) the defendant has a
competing interest (e.g. ownership or a similar interest to the claimant);
(ii)the enforcement of a claim on the basis of the transfer of a proprietary interest
which may create two competing interests within (i) ( see p. 681).
Some claims will clearly have proprietary and other aspects. So, the ability of a
cargo owner to sue for damage to the cargo carried prior to his acquisition of ownership
of the cargo,224 or a time charterer for loss caused through damage to the ship, poses
issues which can be seen as either property or tort or both. The enforcement of a
security by a mortgagee against a mortgagor or a purchaser of a ship in respect of the
sale could be seen as contract or property.
26.163 The difficulty of classification underlines the artificiality of using domestic
concepts (some not at all clear) as a basis for the selection of a go verning law and the
constant need to focus on the issue before the court. 225 There is, therefore, a preliminary
question of construction. Once the issue is classified as a property issue the choice of
law process requires the identification of the "asset" in which the interest is held (e.g. a
ship, goods or a debt) as tangible (and if tangible movable or immovable) or intangible.
The base for the application of the choice of law process is then established.
26.164 The philosophy behind the choice of law framework is not difficult to
appreciate. "Title" is essentially connected with the thing in relation to which it is
claimed and is fully enforceable only where the thing is. 226 This applies with most force
to immovables and, until the coming into force of section 30 of the Civil Jurisdiction
and Judgments Act 1982, on 24 August 1982, English courts adopted the general
principle, save for maritime claims, 227 that they would not even adjudicate on matters
involving any question of title to foreign immovables. 228 The general focus on the place
of the thing applies with less logic to movables or intangibles, for the place at a critical
time may have little to do with the parties, the dispute, or the ability to enforce the
claim, particularly where it is for damages. 229 The Rome Convention applies the law
governing the contract to matters connected with an assignment of contractual rights,
including assignability and enforceability against the debtor. However, in the context of
the Convention and adopting a broad internationalist approach these issues have been
considered as "contractual" (see 26.3 9).230 Proprietary maritime claims
26.165 Such claims concern aspects of:
(a) ownership, mortgages, liens and chartering of ships (ship claims);
(b) ownership, mortgages and liens of cargo (cargo claims);
(c) ownership, mortgages and liens (where applicable) of freight or charter or
insurance moneys (money claims).
(i) Assertion of a proprietary interest
26.166 It is likely that questions of ownership and mortgage of ships would be
referred to the law of the flag, on the principle that a ship reflects the territory of the
flag. In 1979 in The Angel Bell231 Donaldson J. equated ships to land for the purpose of
deciding on the law to govern a mortgage and applied the law of the flag. The reasoning
applies with as much if not greater force to ownership. Even apart from the reasoning
(and on the basis that a ship was "a floating piece of the nation whose flag it wears") it
scarcely makes sense to refer questions of the validity and effect of proprietary
transactions to the law of the place of a ship at the time of the transaction. It is
commercially unrealistic to follow the appro ach applicable generally and link a transfer
or creation of an interest to a situs when the transaction is between parties whose
physical contact with the ship is probably minimal and the very purpose of the ship is
that it continuously changes its situs. Further, the normal maritime framework for
ownership and mortgage is built on registration under the law of the flag and it would be
contrary to the principle of uniformity to adapt a different reference point.
26.167 Even if the general rule of reference of proprietary questions to the situs
applies to ships, there are specific statutory rules applicable to registered ships. The
Merchant Shipping Act 1995, Part I provides a code for governing the transfer of a title
to a registered ship (which must be a British ship) or a share therein and the creation or
transfer of a registered mortgage in such a ship or share. 232 It specifies those qualified
to own British ships and the effect of transfer or transmission on death, ma rriage or
bankruptcy to unqualified persons. Such provisions are not exclusive in the sense that a
proprietary interest may be created in ways other than provided by statute. 233 It is,
however, unlikely that a transaction creating rights under foreign law in a British ship or
even more so a registered British ship would be recognised if contrary to the law of the
applicable part of the United Kingdom. 234
26.168 Mortgage and sale contracts. Contractual issues are governed by the law
applicable to such contracts but the creation of proprietary interests by virtue of the
contract, it is suggested, should be referred to the law governing the validity of such
interests. However, in considering the validity of a mortgage claim against a th ird party
in The Angel Bell, Donaldson J. held that a contract to create a mortgage governed by
English law created an equitable mortgage as that was the result in English law. With
respect, this confuses contractual and property questions. While the Engli sh
"classification" approach may be open to criticism, while it is there it should be
26.169 Liens.235 In English law it seems that the question of whether a lien
attaches to a claim is a matter for the law of the forum —primarily on the basis that the
question is procedural. 236 This argument formed at least one ground of the decision of
the Privy Council in The Halcyon Isle 237 concerning maritime liens. If it applies to
maritime liens, even more so will it apply to statutory liens in Admiralty. It is arguable
that even accepting these as procedural an equitable lien and a possessory lien are
substantive in that neither depends on legal proceedings for its existence.
26.170 It has already been contended (i) in Chapters 17, 18 that the question of
whether a lien attaches is substantive; (ii) earlier in this chapter that it makes little sense
to separate matters of priority from the characteristics of proprietary interests un less
such interests are governed by separate laws. However, the present English law in
respect of maritime liens and hence statutory liens in Admiralty hinges on the decision
in The Halcyon Isle. Possessory liens and equitable liens co uld be governed by the law
of the place of the asset 238—or treated as procedural and be brought within the principle
of The Halcyon Isle. Whatever its scope the decision calls for comment.
26.171 The decision of "The Halcyon Isle". In this case the High Co urt in
Singapore was faced with claims against a fund resulting from the sale of a ship by a
mortgagee and a ship repairer. The ship was a British ship registered in London and the
mortgage was also registered in London. The repair was carried out in New York.
There were insufficient funds to meet both claims. According to the law of the United
States the shiprepairer has a maritime lien which would take priority to the mortgage.
According to the law of Singapore (which was identical with English law) the
shiprepairer had a statutory lien and the mortgagee’s claim took priority over it. The
Court of Appeal in Singapore had followed a decision of the Supreme Court of Canada
(The Ioannis Daskalelis 239) in holding that the question of whether a claim attracte d a
maritime lien was for the law of the place where it was created (the lex loci
contractus) whereas the question of priority was for Singapore (the law of the forum).
By a majority of 3–2 the Privy Council took the contrary view, holding that:
" . . . the English authorities on close examination support the principle that, in the
application of English rules of conflict of laws, maritime claims are classified as giving
rise to maritime liens which are enforceable in actions in rem in English cou rts where
and only where the events on which the claim is founded would have given rise to a
maritime lien in English law, if those events had occurred within the territorial
jurisdiction of the English court". 240
Previous authorities are by no means certain in their direction but in The Halcyon
Isle the minority roundly declared that "the balance of authorities, the comity of nations,
private international law and natural justice" all supported its view that in English law
the matter of whether a maritime lien based on contracts exists is for the lex loci
26.172 The effect of the decision. If the decision is followed by English courts it
settles for English law the issue of the law governing the creation of maritime liens. It
obviates and removes the necessity for the kind of examination of previous authority that
judges and text writers hitherto traditionally undertook on the question. Substantively,
first, the superiority of English law in English courts on this matter avoid s problems
posed by reference to the law of the place of the thing or the act when the root of the
maritime lien is tortious, a problem accentuated if the event causing the lien to arise
occurs on the high seas. Secondly, it appears that the issue of creat ion is one for the law
of the forum only. It is not necessary to show that a maritime lien exists under any other
law. Thirdly, it resolves the problem of separation of issues of nature and priority. Both
are referred to the law of the forum.
26.173 However, because of reference to forum law a ship will attract and shed
maritime liens as she journeys around the world. Such a selection rule encourages forum
shopping. There is much to be said for a uniform Convention on liens but pending the
acceptance of the 1993 Convention by a reasonable number of states the view of the
majority in The Halcyon Isle may not be thought consistent with a common international
view. The majority did use present confusion of national policies in support of its own
nationalist approach, and it may be that continued national emphasis will bring
international agreement out of desperation.
26.174 Rationale of the decision. It is suggested that as much because of its
reasoning as its conclusion the decision is unsatisfactory. The major ity relied on the
arguments that questions of the existence of a maritime lien were (i) jurisdictional and
(ii) procedural or remedial. The minority founded its opinion on the classification of a
maritime lien as a "right of property". The decision therefo re reflects the dependence of
the English approach on classification of issues into choice of law "categories". A
primary danger is that classification is a first step away from reality.
26.175 (i) JURISDICTION. The argument relied on by the majority that the
proprietary characteristics of a maritime lien (in its enforceability against purchasers
and the question of its creation) are matters of jurisdiction seems to confuse an issue of
whether a right (a matter of substance) exists with whether a court can adjudicate on
whether it can exist (a matter of jurisdiction). Even if an English court is directed by a
mandatory statutory rule that only those claims attracting maritime liens in English
domestic law can be recognised in English proceedings as attractin g such liens this is a
matter of choice of law and not jurisdiction. 241 At the least, it leads to lack of clarity to
confuse the nature of rights with the power to decide on their existence.
26.176 (ii) PROCEDURE OR REMEDY. It has been argued in this work that a
"lien" is a proprietary concept and that a maritime lien is part of that concept ( see
Chapter 18). It simply destroys any meaning of the term "procedure" to apply it to
describe characteristics of enforceability and priority.
26.177 The issue in the case. Under United States law, priority (in English law
terms) was conferred on the shiprepairer through the conferring of a maritime lien on the
claim. Therefore, it may be argued, the issue is not priority but the nature of the right.
Whether the claim is one focusing on nature or priority depends simply on the national
approach—but in substance the issue was priority between two preferred claims. The
issue, therefore, was a straight fight between a shiprepairer and a mortgagee with
different views as to their priority being taken by the relevant legal systems. This was
lost in the classification or labelling process adopted.
26.178 The desirable approach. As has been argued, there is much to be said for
referring priority matters to the law governing the validity and enforceability of the
competing interests where only one law is relevant to all such interests. Where more
than one law is relevant (as where the question of creation of the competing interests is
referred to more than one law) there has to b e an "adjudicating" law. In respect of
tangible movables it is said that the law of the situs should continue to govern, that being
the law of the last relevant transaction. In other words has the interest created and
recognised in the earlier place been made subject to the law of the later place. 242
26.179 Where the issue is priority between interests in chattels the controlling law
will therefore be that of the place of the thing and that in respect of intangibles the law
of the place of the debtor or the law creating the interest. 243 However, there is an
internationally accepted link between a ship and the country of her flag and the
registration framework relevant to ownership and mortgages reflecting that link. It is
strongly arguable that, lacking uniform substantive rules introduced through a
Convention, all issues of property in a ship should be referred to the law of the flag. 244
Such a rule would avoid the comings and goings of rights involved in any reference to
the law of the forum, avoid the difficulties of reference to "place" in relation to acts
occurring on the high seas and provide the maximum amount of certainty for those
proposing to create interests in the ship.
26.180 Chartering of ships. English law draws a distinction between demise
charters on the one hand and time and voyage charters on the other. It has concluded that
as possession and control of the ship is not transferred under a time or voyage charter
the charterer has no proprietary interest. It follows that such a charterer cannot enforce
the charter against a purchaser of the ship, 245 nor can he recover damages for loss
suffered as a result of damage to the ship. 246 It is by no means certain that such a
distinction would be universally recognise d247 and it is, therefore, relevant to decide
which law should apply to decide the proprietary consequences of a charterparty.
26.181 Insofar as a charterer’s claim depends on a proprietary interest in the ship,
the question should be referred to the law o f the flag. The very presence of a proprietary
issue means that a party unconnected with the original transaction is involved and it will
often mean that a matter of priority between claimants is at issue. It would be preferable
to refer the question of all proprietary consequences of transactions to the same law,
unless there are strong reasons to select a particular law for a particular transaction. In
the case of charterparties, the only reason displacing the law of the flag wo uld seem to
be the expectation of the parties that the proper law of the contract should govern its
contractual and proprietary characteristics. Insofar as the issue concerns those parties,
the factor is of predominant importance but insofar as either part y is vying with a third
party it is less so. When the question is the effect of one transaction on another, it seems
desirable and logical to refer the question of the effect of each to the same law and that
that law should be the law of the flag. That as regards ships seems preferable to the
uncertainties of the effect of an ever changing law of the situs and (as with shares) gives
force to the existence of a system of registration.
26.182 The factors of the flag, registration and the inherent element of continuous
movement relevant to ships do not apply to cargo or freight, charter or insurance
moneys. There is no reason why the general choice of law framework should not apply.
(ii) Transfer of a proprietary interest
26.183 Clearly, the issue of acquisition of a proprietary interest overlaps with its
assertion, for its validity may depend on the validity of a transfer. Such a transfer may
be a voluntary transfer during the life or on the death of the owner, a contract b etween
owner and potential purchaser, assignment 248 or bankruptcy 249 or (in the case of
tangibles) user, or the imposition of a lien by the legal system or sale by a court. 250 It
cannot be said that the general rules governing the question of the governing law to these
questions are clearly established. It must suffice to draw attention to the contenders.
26.184 The validity of the transfer inter vivos of an interest in a tangible movable
(formalities and validity) is governed by the law of its situs. The assignment of a
contractual right is to be taken as a contractual matter by the Rome Convention governed
by the law applicable to the contract between assignor and assignee ( see above). Apart
from the Convention the transfer of an intangible thing (such as a debt) will be referred
either to the law of its situs (the residence of the debtor) or to the proper law of the
assignment with formal validity being governed by the law of the place of the
assignment. As has been said, apart from the Rome Convention, priorities generally are
taken to be governed by the law of the forum. Succession to intangibles or tangible
immovables is governed by the law of the deceased’s domicile.
26.185 Apart from succession, therefore, little distinction is drawn for choice of
law purposes between issues of assertion and transfer of a proprietary interest. It may
be that different national laws will apply to different issues for the focus of the enquiry
may differ according to whether acquisition or assertion forms the point of enquiry.
Assertion, transfer and priority
26.186 Whether a transfer (or purported transfer) of an interest can affect that
interest may be seen as an assertion of ownership, transfer of ownership or priority. So
the nature of the equitable interest and the power of a bona fide purchaser from a non -
owner to defeat the interest of an owner involve all three proprietary asp ects. Priority
cannot be distinguished from the substantive ownership issue.
26.187 It would seem that in this regard there is no call for forum intervention but
that the governing law should be that applicable either to the creation and validity of
interest or the transfer on which the transferee relies, or, in the case of ships, the law of
the flag (see above). 4. Summary
26.188 In many cases, a maritime claim will involve a foreign element. Selection
of the law to govern the issue is, therefore, a necessary preliminary step in its
resolution. To some extent in the maritime area Conventions have introduced a measure
of uniformity but realisation that there is a question of the governing law is a
commercial necessity. The availability of choice of law by parties and its limitations
should be considered on entry into any contract and the choice of law through choice of
forum appreciated in initiating legal proceedings. Finally, undue emphasis by English
courts on English law will simply lead to forum shopping —both home and away—as
well as the global uncertainty which is brought through any nationalistic approach.
26.189 In addition, in basing the selection system on classification of legal issues,
English law runs a serious risk of selection of a law on a base removed from the
problem at issue. The decision in The Halcyon Isle seems a prime example of
concealment of reality through abstruse legal labels. If English law is to govern, let it be
seen that the choice is geared to the issue before the court in its commercial context (in
that case the mortgagee as against the shiprepairer) rather than artificial legal categories
(such as priority and substance).
1. For a fundamental division into mandatory and non -mandatory provisions, see
e.g. Arbitration Act 1996 (see Chapter 13).
2. Including the Brussels Protocols 1988 conferring on the European Court power
to interpret the Convention and setting out the principles of interpretation. In forc e as
from 1 August 2004 (2nd Protocol conferring jurisdiction) 1 March 2005 (UK) (1st
Protocol—SI 2004/3448) and as amended by the Luxembourg Convention 1984 (on the
accession of Greece) and, as from 1 December 1997 by SI 1994/1900 on UK
ratification of the Convention bringing into its ambit the Funchal Convention 1992 (on
the accession of Portugal and Spain). As to the Convention and its effect see generally
Plender, The European Contracts Convention , Sweet & Maxwell, 1991; Kaye, The
New Private International Law of Contract of the European Community (Dartmouth),
1993. The States acceding to the EU on 1 May 2004 are under an obligation to accede to
the Convention (see Act of Accession Art. 4 and list supplied by Commission to
Council (Doc 10637/0 1). Discussion are taking place within the EU to convert the
Convention to a Community instrument (see OJ 241 28/09/04).
3. As amended by SI 2000/1825.
4. A Commission proposal for an EC Regulation on the law applicable to non
contractual was transmitted to the European Parliament on 22 July 2003 (COM(2003)
5. As also with EU laws. See Ingmar GB Ltd v. Eaton Leonard Technologies
Case 38 1/98 [2001] All E.R. (Comm.) 329.
6. Classification or characterisation being recogni sed as regards tort by the Private
International Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1995, s.9(2). Domestic law
categories may not always be suitable for translation into conflicts categories and
should be undertaken in an internationalist spirit. See e.g. Macmillan Inc. v.
Bishopsgate Investment Trust (No. 3) [1996] 1 All E.R. 585 at p. 604 (per Auld L.J.).
Raffesisen (fn. 11).
7. That being the terminology of the Rome Convention 1980 (as to which see
infra), the common law phrase being "proper law of the contract".
8. For provisions dealing with choice of law in respect of particular matters, see
e.g. the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977, s.27; the Employment Protection
(Consolidation) Act 1978, s.153(3); the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982,
s.26(3) (property retained pending foreign court’s judgment); the Merchant Shipping Act
1995, s.17(7) (law governing ownership and mortgages of ships registered in UK
because of demise charters). See also Civil Liability (Contribution) Act 1978, s.1(5);
Merchant Shipping Act 1995, Sch. 7—the Limitation Convention 1976, Art. 14 (as to
which see Chapter 24). See also the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act
1998, s.12. Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Law Applicable to Contracts of
Insurance) Regulations 2001 (SI 2001/2635) following EU Insurance Directives and
replacing Schedule 3A of Insurance Companies Act 1982. See p. 658.
9. See e.g. Koop v. Bebb (1957) 84 C.L.R. 629 (High Ct. of Australia).
10. See 26.51.
11. See Raffeisen Zentralbank Osterreich AG v. Five Star General Trading LLC
[2001] 1 All E.R. (Comm.) 961 (C.A.); Re Atlantic Telecom GmbH [2004] Scot CS
12. See e.g. Government of India v. Taylor [1955] A.C. 491; QRS 1 Aps v.
Frandsen [1999] 3 All E.R. 289. As to exclusion from the Brussels Convention see
ibid. and Chapter 4.
13. I.e. a law imposing a penalty by a state as distinct (e.g.) from a "penalty" in a
contract. It is for the English court to determine if a law is "penal" in this context. See
Attorney General of New Zealand v. Ortiz and Others [1982] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 224. A
further category of unenforceable foreign laws is said to be "public laws" but the
existence and content of this group is debatable. See e.g. Attorney General of New
Zealand v. Ortiz (supra). Compare Staughton J. (at first instance) [1982] 1 Lloyd’s
Rep. 173, at pp. 185–187; Lord Denning M.R. (in C.A.) [1982] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 224, at
pp. 23 1–233. See also Private International Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1995,
s.14(3), referring to "penal revenue or other public law". "Revenue law" extends to
"indirect" enforcement at least where a liquidator as nominee of a foreign state seeks to
give extra-territorial effect to a revenue law (QRS 1 Aps v. Frandsen [1999] 3 All E.R.
14. Kuwait Airways Corpn v. Iraq Airways Co. (Nos 4 and 5) [2002] 2 A.C. 883.
15. A concept as impossible to define in this context as any other, but it does not
extend to foreign laws simply inconsistent with English law —it is focused on laws
contrary to fundamental concepts or national interest. See also the exception to
governing law principles of the Rome Convention of "ordre public" (Art. 16)—as to
which see infra.
16. See William and Humbert Ltd v. W. and H. Trade Marks (Jersey) Ltd [1986]
1 All E.R. 129 (H.L.) Peer International Corpn. v. Termidor Music Publishers Ltd
[2004] 2 W.L.R. 849 (C.A.) and authorities there considered. A discriminatory law (e.g.
based on racial grounds) may not be recognised. See Oppenheimer v. Cattermole and
Co. [1975] 1 All E.R. 538 (H.L.). As to positive provisions for non -recognition or
enforcement see Protection of Trading Interests Act 1980; Shipping and Trading
Interests Act 1995.
17. As ss.1(3), (6)(a) of the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1971.
18. See also International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972 which
subject to special rules for harbours, roadsteads and inland waterways connected with
the high seas apply to "all vessels upon the high seas and in all waters connected
therewith navigable by seagoing vessels" (r. 1(a), (b)). As to application in English law
to UK ships and any other ships in UK waters see SI 1996/75. The Regulations are
contained in Merchant Shipping Notice M 1642/COLREG 1, "part of" SI 1996/75 ( see
pp. 669–670). The conflicts rule may require the applicability of the English regulations
applying the rules as part of the governing laws or as a mandatory rule ( see infra). The
scope of any Convention in any country depends on the national enacting provisions. For
a case turning on the construction of the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1971, s.1(3)
(enacting the Hague-Visby Rules) see Mayhew Foods Ltd v. Overseas Containers Ltd
[1984] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 317.
19. [1991] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 370. The bill was not issued in a contracting State, the
carriage was not from a contracting State a nd, it was held, simply opting for "British
law" did not of itself mean that the legislation giving effect to the rules should apply to
the contract.
20. [1974] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 143; [1974] 2 All E.R. 705.
21. Adopting Dicey and Morris, Conflict of Laws, 9th edn, p. 352. See now
general and more comprehensive discussion of statutes and their varying effects (13th
edn), pp. 16–26.
22. Such as in the Arbitration Act 1996 (see s.2); Late Payment of Commercial
Debts (Interest) Act 1998 (see s.12).
23. See the discussion in Re Paramount Airways Ltd [1992] 3 All E.R. 1—
holding that "any person" in the Insolvency Act 1986, s.238 (in the context of reversal of
transactions for undervalue) included a person abroad having a connection with
England. Compare the approach of the New Zealand C.A. to a statutory provision
relating to the priority of registered ship mortgages in The Betty Ott [1992] 1 NZLR
655 (as to which see Chapter 23).
24. So the power to legislate in respect of "carriage by air" is limited to carriage
within the UK or carriage having departure or destination in the UK —it could not apply
to carriage within a foreign state ( Holmes v. Bangladesh Biman Corpn. [1985] 1 All
E.R. 852 H.L.).
25. See e.g. The Acrux [1965] P. 391 (maritime lien); The Betty Ott (New
Zealand) fn. 7.
26. In tort until the introduction of statutory reform through the 1995 Act the general
selection principles impose actionability under English and foreig n law—thereby
mandatorily applying English law to every case as part of the conflicts process. (See
generally Tort, infra.)
27. [1965] P. 391. Compare e.g. Sayers v. International Drilling Co. NV [1971] 2
Lloyd’s Rep. 105; The Rosso [1982] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 120, in which the Court of Appeal
ignored the question of whether a relevant statutory provision was mandatory.
28. [1983] A.C. 565. See also The Benarty [1984] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 244 (C.A.). The
prohibition of evasion through a jurisdiction clause is now subject to the mandatory
recognition of jurisdiction clauses under the European jurisdiction regimes ( see Chapter
29. Schedule Art. 7(2). Article 7(1) (providing for the discretionary application of
the mandatory rules of a country of close connec tion) is not enacted into English law.
30. Schedule Art. 3(3)—the choice is "not to prejudice" the application of these
rules. See infra "Contract".
31. Some of the mandatory provisions apply whether or not the seat of the
arbitration is in England (see ss.2, 3, 4). See generally Chapter 13.
32. See Art. 21.
33. See Art. 17.
34. See e.g. Through Transport Mutual Insurance Assoc. (Eurasia) Ltd v. New
India Assurance Co. [2004] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 206, [2005] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 67 ( C.A.).
35. CPR 6.20(5)(c). Although this rule applies only outside the European
jurisdiction regimes whether or not English law is arguably the governing law will,
depend on the Rome Convention if the matter is within it. See Bank of Baroda v. Vysya
Bank Ltd [1994] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 87. For discussion of the point see Morse [1994]
LMCLQ 560.
36. Neither type of agreement is within the Rome Convention (Contracts
(Applicable Law) Act 1990, Sch. Art. 1(2)(d)). See below.
37. This is said to be relevant in deciding whether to uphold a foreign jurisdiction
clause but on occasions English courts refuse to uphold such clauses without
considering the task they impose on themselves of applying foreign law ( see Chapter
12). For an example of the rejection of the argument that the appropriate forum was the
country the law of which governed the issue, see The Traugutt [1985] 1 Lloyd’s Rep.
38. See e.g. Mackender v. Feldia AG [1966] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 449, [1966] 2 All
E.R. 847.
39. Article 8(1)—an alternative is the law of country of habitual residence of a
party where it is not reasonable to determine the effect of the conduct under the law
specified (Art. 8(2)).
40. As under CPR 6.20(5)(c).
41. The Parouth [1982] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 351; The Atlantic Emperor (No. 1) [1989]
1 Lloyd’s Rep. 554; Oldendorffv. Liberia Corpn [1995] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 64.
42. The Heidberg [1994] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 287—it not being shown any other law
should apply and rejecting the contention that the matter should be considered as if there
was no arbitration clause.
43. Compare the approach in The Acrux [1965] P. 391 with The Halcyon Isle
[1981] A.C. 221. See further Chapter 18.
44. As to which, see infra "Tort".
45. See (e.g.) Raffeisen (fn. 11).
46. See e.g. the construction of the statutory provisions of the Merchant Shipping
Act 1894 (ss.503, 504) relating to limitation of liability in Caltex Singapore Plc Ltd v.
BP Shipping Ltd [1996] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 286. As to limitation and conflicts of laws see
further Chapter 24.
47. As to a discussion of categories, see infra.
48. See (e.g.) the approach to classification by Staughton L.J. in Macmillan Inc. v.
Bishopgate Investment Trust plc (No. 3) [1996] 1 All E.R. 585 at pp. 594 –596;
Raffeison v. Five Star (fn. 11).
49. Reference may be made to foreign law for some particular factor without it
being the governing law. See e.g. The Gilbert Rowe [1997] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 218; The
Ideal Gavel [1999] LMLN 502 (did the claimant organisation still exist?) or may be
incorporated into an aspect of the contract (raising the question of the extent of the
incorporation). See e.g. The Stolt Sydness [1997] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 273. See infra.
50. Supreme Court Act, s.20(7)(c). The provision extends to mortgage "or charge".
See Chapters 2 and17.
51. As e.g. The Merchant Shipping Act 1995, s.17(7) referring issues of transfer
and mortgage of foreign registered ships registered in the UK as chartered to a British
charterer to the law of original registration.
52. See The Fairport [1965] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 183.
53. See e.g. The Arosa Kulm (No. 2) [1960] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 97; The Arosa Star
[1959] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 396.
54. See The Arzpeta (1921) 15 Asp. M.L.C. 426; The Andre Theodore (1904) 10
Asp. M.L.C. 94 (insurance premiums).
55. [1965] P. 391.
56. [1981] A.C. 221. See also Comoco v. M/V El Centro Americano [1984] AMC
57. Or with reference to a foreign law to determine an aspect of the case ( see fn.
58. For an English sceptical comment see Macmillan Inc. v. Bishopgate
Investment Trust plc (No. 3) [1995] 3 All E.R. 747. The nature of the approach in the
United States not arising in the C.A. (as to which see [1996] 1 All E.R. 855 and infra).
59. But see Lauritzen v. Larsen (1952) 345 U.S. 271; Hellenic Lines v. Rhoditis
398 U.S. 306 (1970).
60. To some it is the "rule" which is classified as procedural or substantive but the
rule can only be reached on the basis of its application to the issue. It is, therefore,
essential to formulate the issue precisely.
61. See e.g. Private International Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1995,
s.14(3)(b)—referring to "rules of evidence, pleading or practice" or "questions of
procedure in any proceedings".
62. See e.g. Johnson Matthey and Wallace Ltd v. Ahmad Alloush [1985] N.L.J.
1012 (C.A.).
63. [1981] A.C. 221; [1980] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 325.
64. The Act applies whether the limitation period is certain or uncertain, any
question of a cliam in perpetuity being one of "hardship" (as to which see infra) (Dubai
Bank Ltd v. Fouad Haji Abbas [1998] I.L.Pr. 391—see further Chapter 11).
65. See s.1. The scope of the exception (which refers to tortious issues) is affected
by the Private International Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1995 removing the
"double actionability" choice of law rule ( see infra). Any foreign extension or
interruption because of absence from the country is to be disregarded (1984 Act,
s.2(3)). The English law principles of acquiescence and other grounds of refusal of
equitable relief may be applied, but where the case turns on like foreign law principles
the court "shall have regard" to those principles (s.4(3)).
66. Section 2(1)(2), i.e. "excessive hards hip" or hardship more than the
circumstances warranted (Jones v. Trollope Colls Cementation Overseas Ltd The
Times, 26 January 1990. Such hardship may be caused by the application of a governing
law not realised by the parties to be such (see The Komninos S [1991] 1 Lloyd’s Rep.
370). An argument that a foreign law disapplied on hardship grounds could then, if
substantive, apply as a consequence of the conflicts process was rejected. See also
(applying these decisions) Arab Monetary Fund v. Hashim [1993] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 543.
67. See e.g. Huber v. Steiner (1835) 2 Bing. N.C. 202; Harris v. Quine (1869)
L.R. 4 Q.B. 653.
68. But it remains critical to identify the issue. See e.g. Macmillan (fn. 48). See
further p. 679.
69. Pardo v. Bingham (1868) L.R. 6 Eq. 485; Ex parte Melbourn (1870) L.R. 6
Ch. App. 64; Re Kloebe (1884) 28 Ch.D. 175.
70. The Halcyon Isle [1981] A.C. 221. See infra.
71. See e.g. Norton v. Florence Land Co. (1877) 7 Ch.D. 332.
72. See Macmillan Inc. v. Bishopgate Investment Trust Plc [1996] 1 All E.R. 585
at pp. 596–597 (Staughton L.J.).
73. See Raffeisen paras 37–42.
74. Raffeisen (fn. 11). There was detailed consideration as to whether the question
at issue (requirement of notice to the debtor) was contractual or proprietary.
75. [1981] A.C. 221.
76. See e.g. The Colorado [1923] P. 102; The Zigurds [1932] P. 113. Compare
The Tagus [1903] P. 44.
77. A contention supported by the analysis of the C. A. in Macmillan Inc. v.
Bishopgate Investment Trust Plc (No. 3) in relation to competing interests in shares.
78. See Phrantzes v. Argenti [1960] 2 Q.B. 19.
79. As e.g. the Fatal Accidents Act 1976 —see Roerig v. Valiant Trawlers Ltd
[2002] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 681. Quantification is to be treated as procedural under the 1995
Act and therefore for the forum (s.14(3)(b)) Hulse v. Chambers [2001] 1 W.L.R. 2386.
80. Mackinnon v. Iberia Shipping Co. Ltd 1955 S.C. 20; Coupland v. Arabian
Gulf Petroleum Co. [1983] 2 All E.R. 434; [1983] 3 All E.R. 226 (C.A.); D’Almeida
Araujo Lda. v. Becker & Co. [1953] 2 Q.B. 329 (contract) (but see the Contracts
(Applicable Law) Act 1990, Sch. 1, Art. 10(1)(c)). Under the Rome Convention
assessment of damages is seen as substa ntive but made subject to the "procedural law"
of the member States (Art. 10(1)(c)—see infra).
81. Boys v. Chaplin [1971] A.C. 356—it must be said that it is difficult to extract a
common principle from this unfortunate case and that two members of the House viewed
all questions of damage in that case as matters of quantification. See Private
International Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1995 focusing on "the issues" (s.12).
82. See Caltex Singapore Ltd v. BP Shipping Ltd [1996] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 286.
83. Although the existence of a number of Conventions with the earlier superseded
by the later may add to the problem of conflict because of the difference in parties and
the importance given by states to laws based on Conventions and partly for this reason
the 1976 Convention cannot be said to reflect international standards so as to justify the
refusal to stay proceedings as against a natural forum in which the earlier 1957
Convention would be applied (The Herceg Novi and Ming Galaxy [1998] 2 Lloyd’s
Rep. 454 (C.A.)).
84. Leroux v. Brown (1852) 12 C.B. 801; Brown v. Thornton (1837) 6 Ad. & E.
185. The Cadle Co. v. Hearley [2002] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 143. The Crown has power to
make Orders in Council providing that copies of entries in foreign public registers shall
be admissible in English proceedings (Evidence (Foreign, Dominion and Colonial
Documents) Act 1933, as amended by Oath and Evidence (Overseas Authorities and
Countries) Act 1963, s.5). As to powers of UK courts to take evidence in connection
with foreign proceedings see Evidence (Proceedings in Other Jurisdictions) Act 1975;
First American Corpn v. Zayed [1999] 1 W.L.R. 1154 (requests refused as
85. See The Gaetano and Maria (1882) 7 P.D. 137—where Italian law was the
governing law and under which a bottomry bond was valid. The requirement of English
law (the law of the forum) of the need of the master to communicate with the owner was
not relevant.
86. See Dicey and Morris, op. cit., 13th edn, pp. 167–168. As to the Rome
Convention see infra. It seems unclear whether, apart from the Convention, the question
of ability to sue and liability to be sued in a particular action is substantive or
procedural. As to the relevance of the question to the application of the Carriage of
Goods by Sea Act 1992 to bills of lading governed by foreign law see Toh [1994]
LMCLQ 280.
87. See e.g. The Roberta (1937) 58 Ll. L. Rep. 159. But see Dicey and Morris, op.
cit., pp. 166–167.
88. Article 14(1). Modes of proof may be according to those recognised by the law
of the forum or of any country by the law of which under the Convention the contract is
formally valid (Art. 14(2)).
89. If the law to which the matter is referred is allowed to reclassify (e.g. from
substance to procedure or contract to tort) it may create a reference back to the law of
the forum, and undermines the foundation for the reference. For an example of
reclassification see Re Cohn [1945] 1 Ch. 5. The Private International Law
(Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1995 provides that "the characterisation for the
purposes of private international law of issues arising in a claim as issues relating to
tort or delict is a matter for courts of the forum" (s.9(2)).
90. See Re Atlantic Telecom GmbH [2004] Scot CS 152 (Court of Session)
agreeing with Cheshire and North p 39.
91. As emphasised in Macmillan Inc. v. Bishopsgate Investments Trust plc (No.
3) (fn. 40).
92. [1971] 3 All E.R. 163; see also Coupland v. Arabian Gulf Petroleum Co.
[1983] 3 All E.R. 226 and infra. Compare Brodin v. Selj an 1973 S.C. 213 (a contract
of employment governed by Norwegian law could not effect tortious liability under
Scottish statute where all events took place in Scotland and Scotland was the forum).
93. As amended by SI 2000/1825 to take account of the accessions of Austria,
Finland and Sweden.
94. SI 2004/3448.
95. Shamil Bank of Bahrain v. Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd [2004] EWCA Civ
19, para. 48. So any application of a non national law would be through the governing
national law.
96. See (e.g.) Raffeisen (fn. 11) putting the issue into the broad context of the
97. So a substantive commercial transaction is to be distinguished from a
documentary credit or performance bond ( Attock Cement Co. Ltd v. Romanian Bank for
Foreign Trade [1989] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 572) but there may be such a connection as to
mean the proper law of one contract controls the others. See e.g. Turkiye Is Bankasi SA
v. Bank of China [1993] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 132 (guarantees); The Nj egos [1936] P. 90
(bill of lading and charterparty); Bank of Baroda v. Vysya Bank [1994] 2 Lloyd’s Rep.
87 (contracts relevant to letters of credit); Wahda Bank v. Arab Bank Plc [1996] 2
Lloyd’s Rep. 470 (C.A.) (counter guarantees and performance bonds).
98. See e.g. Vita Food Products Inc. v. Unus Shipping Co. Ltd [1939] A.C. 277.
As to limitations on choice, see infra. Choice may be implied but care must be taken not
to overemphasise one factor. The use of the English language is not necessarily the
choice of English law as it is used for many maritime standard forms. See e.g. The Al
Wahab [1983] 2 All E.R. 884 (H.L.); The Armar [1980] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 450.
99. See e.g. Compagnie d’Armement Maritime SA v. Compagnie Tunisienne de
Navigation SA [1971] A.C. 572. There is no presumption in favour of any particular
connection (Coast Lines Ltd v. Hudig & Veder Chartering NV [1972] 1 Q.B. 34).
100. See The Armar [1981] 1 All E.R. 498, and infra. Sonatrach Petroleum
Corpn. v. Ferrell International Ltd [2002] 1 All E.R. (Comm.) 627, Colman J.
101. The Armar [1981] 1 All E.R. 498.
102. The Tenacia [1982] LMLN 55; The Iran Vojdan [1984] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 380.
103. The Star Texas [1993] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 445 (C.A.). Further there is no
requirement that the law governing the arbitration proceedings has to be fixed at the date
of the arbitration agreement (ibid.).
104. Such as, for example, liability under a charterparty ( The Tunisienne Case
(supra fn. 99)); entitlement to sell cargo (The Industrie [1894] P. 58); whether loss of
goods due to "perils" excepted by the bill of lading ( Chartered Mercantile Bank of
India v. Netherlands India Navigation Co. (1883) 10 Q.B. 521); liability under a bill
for short delivery (see The Assunzione [1954] P. 150); claim under an average bond
(The Armar [1981] 1 All E.R. 498); international organisation constitution ( Westland v.
Arab Organisation [1995] 2 All E.R. 387).
105. See Re United Railways of Havana and Regla Warehouses Ltd [1960] Ch.
52, at pp. 96–97, 115 (C.A.); The Al Wahab [1983] 2 All E.R. 884. For a suggestion
that an English court applying English law as the proper law may refer matters to a
foreign law through the proper law, see The Armar [1981] 1 All E.R. 498, at p. 505.
Renvoi is excluded by the Rome Convention (Art. 15).
106. See e.g. Dicey and Morris, op. cit., at p. 1231 (distinguishing between
existence and validity of consent).
107. As to offer and acceptance, see Albeko Schuhmaschinen v. Kamborian Shoe
Machine Co. Ltd (1961) 111 L.J. 519; as to consideration, see Re Bonacina [1912] 2
Ch. 394; as to parties, see The El Amria and El Minia [1982] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 28. As to
the service out of a claim form based on an asserted contract see The Parouth [1982] 2
Lloyd’s Rep. 351. See generally the discussion in The Heidberg [1994] 2 Lloyd’s Rep.
287. For an application of the lex fori in such circumstances see Mackender v. Feldia
AG [1966] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 449.
108. See the Rome Convention on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations
(1980), Arts 8 and 9 (discussed below).
109. Compare Art. 11 giving a limited capacity role to the law of the place of
contracting or where the issue is whether a contract has been created, the putative
proper law.
110.As was decided in The Heidberg [1994] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 287.
111. A contract illegal by English law and that law being the proper law is
voidable by an English court. It is irrelevant that it is lawful where performed. The Evia
Luck [1992] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 115 (H.L.). See also Tekron Resources Ltd v. Guinea
Investment Co. Ltd [2004] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 26.
112. In Ralli Bros v. Companie Naviera Sota y Aznar [1920] 2 K.B. 287 a
shipowner’s actions to recover freight of a value of the difference between the contract
price and the price allowed as "legal" at the place of discharge failed —but in this case
the contract was governed by English law. As to the relationship of contract illegal by
its place of performance, an arbitration agreement and a foreign arbitration award under
the proper law enforcing the contract see Westacre Investments Inc. v. Jugoimport-
SDPR Holding Co. Ltd [1999] 1 All E.R. (Comm.) 865 (C.A.); Omnium de Traitement
et de Valorisation SA v. Hilmartin Ltd [1999] 2 All E.R. (Comm.) 146 (holding not
against English public policy to enforce the award) —and see Chapter 27.
113. [1939] A.C. 277.
114. As to arguable application of a Scottish statute to override a contractual
defence to a tort see Brodin v. Selj an 1973 S.C. 213. Compare Sayers v. International
Drilling Co. NV [1971] 3 All E.R. 163. The forum mandatory rule is to be distinguished
in principle from the application of a forum rule as a result of the choice of law process.
115. [1983] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 1.
116. See The Happy Pioneer [1983] H.K.L.R. 43 or a foreign ve rsion into a
contract governed by English law (see The Stolt Sydness [1997] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 273)—
in that case construing "suit" appearing in the US version in accordance with English
law because of the governing law. As to the importance of the issue see Chapters 11, 13.
117. [1991] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 370.
118. See e.g. Loucks v. Standard Oil Co. 224 N.Y. 99, at p. 111 (1918); Westacre
Investments Inc. v. Jugoimport—SPDR Holding Co. Ltd [1999] 1 All E.R. 865 (C.A.).
119. See e.g. The Assunzione [1954] P. 150 (Willmer J.).
120. See e.g. Compagnie d’Armement Maritime SA v. Compagnie Tunisienne de
Navigation SA [1971] A.C. 572, in which the distinction between inferred intention and
objective assessment is clearly drawn.
121. It has been suggested that there may be a presumption towards a law which
regards the contract as valid in opposition to one that regards it as invalid. See e.g.
Coast Lines Ltd v. Hudig & Veder Chartering NV [1972] 2 Q.B. 34. But see The Rosso
[1982] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 120. As to the law to govern validity see supra.
122. [1972] 1 Q.B. 34.
123. Compare the Convention focus on "characteristic performance" .
124. See e.g. The Adolf Warski [1976] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 241; The El Amria [1981] 2
Lloyd’s Rep. 119. For standard bill of lading form, see e.g. Visconbill, Clause 20.
125. An option of an arbitration place would give no indication of the proper law
and it cannot be argued that it is provision of a floating applicable law ( The Star Texas
[1993] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 445). See infra.
126. Where the parties have selected English jurisdiction and law, any decision of
a foreign court declaring the jurisdiction clause void because of domestic legislation is
not to be recognised save on public policy groun ds—and in assessing that the territorial
scope of the foreign legislation applicable to the substantive issue should be taken into
account. See Akai Pty Ltd v. People’s Insurance Co. Ltd [1999] I.L.Pr. 24—assessing
the upholding of the jurisdiction clause on principles generally applicable (as to which
see Chapter 12).
127. [1982] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 351.
128. [1994] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 287.
129. [1981] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 446.
130. Sections 9–11 (stay of legal proceedings), s.66 (enforcement of awards), s.43
(securing attendance of witnesses in proceedings in England or Northern Ireland), s.44
(powers exercisable in support of proceedings); the powers in ss.43, 44 being
discretionary—see Chapter 13.
131. Section 7 (separability of arbitration proceedings), s.8 (effect of death of a
132. Section 2.
133. Compagnie d’Armement Maritime SA v. Compagnie Tunisienne de
Navigation SA [1971] A.C. 572; Egon Oldendorffv. Libera Corpn [1996] 1 Lloyd’s
Rep. 380.
134. The Star Texas [1993] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 445.
135. In Black Clawson (fn. 129) Mustill J. thought the two agreements may be
subject to differing laws.
136.See The Amazonia [1990] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 236.
137. The Star Texas [1993] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 445.
138. See e.g. James Miller & Partners Ltd v. Whitworth St. Estates (Manchester)
Ltd [1970] A.C. 583.
139. See Union of India v. McDonnell Douglas Corpn [1993] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 48
—choice of English law in respect of an arbitration in England matched with Indian law
provisions in respect of the internal content of the arbitration inconsistent with English
140. See Dunbee Ltd v. Gilman & Co. (Australia) Pty [1968] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 394
141. The Convention is amended by the Luxembourg Convention 1984 (on the
accession of Greece) the Funchal Convention 1992 (on the accession of Portugal and
Spain) and the Brussels Convention 1996 (on the accession of Austria, Finland and
Sweden). The Luxembourg Convention forms Schedule 2 of the Act. The Funchal
Convention was as from 1 December 1997 enacted through SI 1994/1900 and the
Brussels Convention through SI 2000/1825. As to the application of Convention
principle to jurisdiction issues under see fn. 28 . The report of Giuliano and Lagarde,
OCJ, 31 October 1990, may be considered in interpreting the Convention.
142.As to such contracts, see infra 26.85.
143.Article 5. A consumer contract is the supply of goods or services or provision
of credit for that purpose to a person for a purpose outside his trade or profession (Art.
5(1)). The protection does not extend to contracts of carriage nor, apart from contracts
for travel and accommodation, to contracts for services in a country other than that of
the consumer’s habitual residence (Art. 5(4), (5)).
144.Articles 5(2), 6(1).
145.Articles 5(3), 6(2).
146.See s.2(1), (2), Art. 2 It applies to conflicts between the parts of the UK as
well as between the UK and other countries (s.2(3)).
147.See the Brussels 1st Protocol 1988 (Sch. 3 of the Act).
148.Article 11 (referred to in 2(a)) imposes a limitation on a plea of incapacity to
contract and Art. 14 (referred to in 2(h)) burden of proof.
149.SI 2001/2635.
150."Internal law" within the U K for the purposes of 1(3) is set out in the
Insurance Companies Act 1982, s.94B, Sch. 3A (inserted by SI 1990/1333 and amended
by 1993/174 and 1994/1696) and the Friendly Societies Act 1992, s.101, Sch. 20
(amended by SI 1993/2519)—providing rules for the determining of applicable law
(1990 Act, s.2(1A) as inserted by SI 1993/2519, reg. 6(5) referring to Sch. 3A of the
1982 Act and Sch. 20 of the 1992 Act).
151.As in the European jurisdiction regimes.
152.Applied to a jurisdiction issue in Oldendorff v. Liberia Corpn [1995] 2
Lloyd’s Rep. 64, the onus of showing its applicability being on the party relying on it.
This provision may prevent problems where there is more than one potential proper law
(see supra).
153. See 26.39.
154.In construing (i) the startpoint is whether or not there are elements connected
with more than one country, not with the mandatory rule and factors relevant to that rule
(Caterpillar Financial Services Corpn. v. SNC Passion [2004] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 99.
155.As e.g. the Hamburg Rules where enacted.
156.[1983] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 1.
157.See the Vita Foods case [1939] A.C. 277.
158.Compare the common law prohibition on the floating law ( see supra).
Presumably any change would bind the consignee of a bill of lading who claims under
the contract (see the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1992, s.3(1) —being "subject to the
same liabilities under that contract as if he had been a party to that contract" ).
159.As with a reinsurance contract placed on the London market with terms
consistent with the practice of the market ( Gan Insurance Co. Ltd v. Tai Ping
Insurance Co. Ltd [1999] I.L.Pr. 729) or the terms of an insurance policy issued by a
Texas broker and an insurer situated in Texas Amico v. Cellstar Corpn. [2003] EWCA
Civ 206.
160. See Egon Oldendorffv. Libera Corpn (No. 2) [1996] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 380.
161. To achieve the certainty aimed at by the Convention only where the contract
specifies by express or implied term that performance is to be elsewhere and not simply
anticipated will the qualification operate ( Ennstone Building Products Ltd v. Stanger
Ltd [2002] 2 All E.R. (Comm.) 479).
162. Including single voyage charterparties and other contracts the main purpose of
which is carriage of goods.
163. See the comments of Hobhouse L.J. in Credit Lyonnais v. New Hampshire
Insurance Co. [1997] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 1 at p. 5.
164. As to the approach see e.g. Sierra Leone Telecommunications Co. Ltd v.
Barclays Bank Plc [1998] 2 All E.R. 821—characteristic performance of a claim for
repayment of funds in a bank account is by the bank, and place of central administration
the place of the branch where the account was kept.
165. See eg the summary in Definitely Maybe (Touring) Ltd v. Marek Lieberberg
Konzeragenter GmbH [2001] 2 All E.R. (Comm.) 1.
166. [1994] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 87. For comment see Morse [1994] LMCLQ 560. As
to the applicability of the Convention in a jurisdiction context see fn. 152.
167.See Caledonia Subsea Ltd v. Micopevi S.R.L. [2002] SLT 1022.
168. PT Pan Indonesia Bank Ltd TBK v. Marconi Communications International
Ltd [2005] EWCA Civ 422.
169. As provided in SI 200 1/2635.
170. I.e. of the UK or any EEA State to which all other elements other than choice
are connected.
171.As to long term insurance see Part III.
172. Where not, an individual the place of central administration, Reg. 2(3).
173. Reg. 4. Where the policyholder carried on a business and the risks are in
more than one State the parties may take advantage of freedom of choice of the laws of
any such State (4(4)).
174. Reg. 7.
175. See the approach of the C.A. (considering Insuranc e Companies Act 1982) in
Credit Lyonnais v. New Hampshire Insurance Co. [1997] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 1 (pointing
out that the first instance court had taken into account factors relevant at common law
but not under the Directives). See also Thomas (ed.) Baatz Modern Law of Marine
Insurance (1996) at p. 336. For a detailed analysis of difficulties posed by the
provisions see Amico v. Cellstar Corpn. [2002] EWCA Civ 206.
176. See e.g. Szalatray-Stacho v. Fink [1947] 1 K.B. 1; Metall und Rostoffv.
Donaldson Lufkin Inc. [1989] 3 All E.R. 14. Whether a defence in a contract governed
by foreign law would be recognised depends on whether the tort rule is seen as
mandatory (see e.g. Brodin v. Selj an 1973 S.C. 213).
177. For a Canadian application, see Canadian National S.S. Co. v. Watson
[1959] 1 D.L.R. 273.
178. See e.g. The Leon (1881) 6 P.D. 148; Chartered Mercantile Bank of India v.
Netherlands India Steam Navigation Co . (1883) 10 Q.B.D. 521. The statutory reform
does not affect this rule (see infra).
179. I.e. on land or within territorial waters. As to territorial waters, see The
Halley (1868) L.R. 2 P.C. 193; The Arum [1921] P. 12; The Wazirstan [1953] 2 Lloyd’s
Rep. 361, but see also Sayers v. International Drilling Co. NV [1971] 3 All E.R. 163
in which, however, the predominant view was that it was a case in contract. For an
example of a collision between a ship and a foreign pier, see The Tolten [1946] P. 135.
The rule that English courts lacked jurisdiction to hear actions in regard to foreign land
does not apply to maritime claims ( ibid.), and is greatly modified by the Civil
Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982, s.30. ( See Chapter 12.)
180. [1971] A.C. 356.
181. The Halley (1868) L.R. 2 P.C. 193—stemming from a collision in Belgian
waters which raised the defence of compulsory pilotage —a defence in English law but
not in Belgian law. The vessels were Belgian and Norwegian. As to the effect of a
contractual defence and the relevant choice of law p rocess, see supra.
182. Babcock v. Jackson 240 N.Y.S. 2d 743 (1963); [1963] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 286,
289 (an action in New York arising out of a vehicle collision in Ontario). Such a
formula, taken on its own, is not limited to tort. The approach may have been varied in
1967 in Reich v. Purcell 432 P. 2d 727 (1967) through assessment of state interests.
183. [1971] A.C. 356.
184. Lord Guest and Lord Donovan included the question of t he head of damage (in
this case "pain and suffering") as procedure. See [1971] A.C. 356, at pp. 382, 383.) As
to time bars, see supra.
185. At p. 391.
186. See e.g. Morris, Conflict of Laws (McLean), 4th edn, 1993, p. 288; Dicey and
Morris, 12th edn, 1993, p. 1480; Cheshire and North, 12th edn, 1992, Chap. 20.
187. Johnson v. Coventry Churchill International Ltd [1992] 3 All E.R. 14 (J. W.
Kay Q.C.); Red Sea Insurance Co. Ltd v. Bouygues SA [1994] 3 All E.R. 749 (P.C.).
188. Red Sea Insurance Co. Ltd v. Bouygues SA (fn. 187).
189. For an application of the "exception" to the double actionability requirement
see Pearce v. Ove Arup Partnership Ltd [1999] 1 All E.R. 769.
190. By s.14(2) it is expressly specified that change applies only where the
common law rules also specified would have applied. The change is not to affect any
rule of law except as abolished, and in particular is not to authorise any question of
procedure to be determined otherwise than by the lex fori or affect the non-application
of foreign law because of public policy or that it consists of a penal, revenue or other
public law as would not be enforceable under forum law (14(3)).
191. [1974] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 143; [1975] Q.B. 198.
192. The foreign law should apply whether or not the ac ts take place only on one
ship and whether the ship is British or not. See Mackinnon v. The Iberia Shipping Co.
1955 S.C. 20 (Sc.). But cf. Sayers v. International Drilling Co. [1971] 3 All E.R. 163
in which the Court of Appeal treated the foreign law as irrelevant. It may be that foreign
law should be excluded.
193. So Sturt, The Collision Regulations (3rd edn, para. 1.15), ignores both
choice of law process and the mandatory ru le in declaring that "within the territorial
jurisdiction of a foreign State the application of the rule would be subject to the relevant
municipal law of that State". The Regulations are currently enacted by SI 1996/75 as
amended by SI 2004/302. They have been extended under the power conferred by
Merchant Shipping Act 1979, s.47 to Bermuda, Falkland Islands, Montserrat, St Helena
and Turks and Caicos Islands (SI 1989/2400 as amended by SI 1993/1786). There is a
power to apply to ships other than those of the United Kingdom the provisions of an
international agreement involving safety (Merchant Shipping Act 1995, s.85(1)) and
provisions of the Merchant Shipping Acts generally (Merchant Shipping Act 1995,
194. Section 1 (after 1 January 1996, Merchant Shipping Act 1995, ss.187, 188).
195. Currently enacted into English law by the Merchant Shipping (Distress
Signals and Prevention of Collision) Regulations 1996, SI 1996/75 Merchant Shipping
Act 1995, ss.85, 86. See further fn. 12.
196. Regulation 2(1)(a) 2. They also apply to seaplanes registered in the UK on the
surface of water anywhere and other seaplanes on the surface of water in the UK or
territorial waters (reg. 2(i)(b)).
197. [1973] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 73. For an example of a US court applying foreign law
to a collision in foreign waters, see Ishikazi Kisen Co. Ltd v. US (18–975) AMC 287
(US Ct. of Appeals).
198. The Toluca [1981] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 548; The Maritime Harmony [1982] 2
Lloyd’s Rep. 400; The Savina [1975] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 141; The Troll River [1974] 2
Lloyd’s Rep. 181; The Francesco Nullo [1973] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 72; The Bovenkerk
[1973] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 63; The Adolf Leonhardt [1973] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 318; The Ore
Chief [1974] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 427; The Martin Fierro [1974] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 203; The
Sabine [1974] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 465; The Oldekerk [1974] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 95; The
Boleslaw Chrobry [1974] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 308. Cf. SI 1989/1798.
199. By the Collision Regulations and Distress Signals Order 1977 (SI 1977/682)
and the Safety (Collision Regulations and Distress Signals) Regulations 1979 (SI
1979/1659) the Regulations were extended to vessels of specified foreign countries
whether within British jurisdiction or not. These provisions were revoked by SI
200. This argument assumes that the relevance of the Collision Regulations in
assessing civil liability is a matter of substance. If it is a matter of procedure, burden of
proof, or evidence it is a matter for the forum and the English regulation would again
201. See generally Goff and Jones, Law of Restitution, 5th edn, 1998; Birks,
Restitution—The Future (1992); Burrows, The Law of Restitution, (1993) and the
advent of the Restitution Law Review 1993. The consequences of nullity of contract are
excluded from UK enactment of the Rome Convention as a matter of restitution ( see
202. See e.g. [1996] LMCLQ 63, 463, 556; Rose (ed.), Restitution and the
Conflict of Laws (1995). The defence is not available where the charge is illegal,
including illegality under foreign law (See Barros Mattos Junior v. General Securities
and Finance Ltd [2004] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 475.
203. Barclays Bank v. Glasgow City Council [1994] 4 All E.R. 865.
204. See Lipkin Gorman v. Karpnale Ltd [1992] 4 All E.R. 512 (H.L.); Birks,
"English Recognition of Unjust Enrichment" [1991] LMCLQ 473.
205. See Napier v. Hunter [1993] 1 All E.R. 385 and e.g. Key [1994] LMCLQ
421 and authorities there cited.
206. For an example of the limitations on the role of restitution see The Trident
Beauty [1994] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 365 (H.L.)—a charterer cannot recover from an assignee
of receivables including hire or charter monies paid in advance and not earned. For
discussion see Barker [1994] LMCLQ 305.
207. Macmillan Inc. v. Bishopgate Investment Trust Plc (fn. 40).
208. See e.g. Goff and Jones, Law of Restitution, 1st edn, at p. 506. In the second
edition the authors omitted the subject of conflict of laws, having, they said, little to add
to Dicey and Morris. In the 4th edn it is dealt with (at pp. 730 –731) in the context of
209. 14th edn, rule 201.
210. El Ajou v. Dollar Land Holdings Plc [1993] 3 All E.R. 717; Chase
Manhattan Bank v. Israel British Bank [1979] 3 All E.R. 1025. In both cases the court
thought it unnecessary to enquire if the basis of claim was procedural or substantive —in
the Chase Manhattan case as the right existed in foreign and English law however
classified and in the El Ajou case as English law was the law of the place of receipt and
law of the forum.
211. See e.g. The Port Caledonia and the Anna [1903] P. 184; Akerblom v. Price
Potter Walker & Co. (1881)
7 Q.B.D. 129, 132–133 (per Brett C.J.). The Salvage Convention 1989 provides
for annulment or modification if the terms are inequitable (Art. 7).
212. See generally Lowndes and Rudolph, General Average and the York Antwerp
Rules, 12th edn, 1997.
213. See ibid. G38–G53.
214. As, for example, Gencon 1994 cl. 12 and NYPE 1993 cl. 25.
215. See Simonds v. White (1824) 2 B. & C. 805; Lloyd v. Guibert (1865) L.R. 1
Q.B. 115; Wavertree Sailing Ship Co. v. Love [1897] A.C. 373. The port may be where
a voyage is broken by agreement or necessity (see Hill v. Wilson (1879) 4 C.P.D. 329).
216. See The Armar [1980] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 450.
217. The Armar (supra) at p. 454. It should be noted that the issue in this case was
whether the contract was governed by English law so as to allow service of writ out of
the jurisdiction under RSC Ord. 11, r. 1(1 )(f)(iii) and therefore that no question arose as
to whether different issues were governed by different laws (Megaw J.).
218. [1980] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 450.
219. Just as there is no reason not to permit postponement of decision as to the
place of arbitration—the only effect is to neutralise that factor as relevant to the law
governing the substantive contract. See The Star Texas [1993] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 445 and
220. See LOF 2000 cl. J.
221. A r t i c l e 1 .
222. Article 15(2). If there is no vessel involved the matter is to be governed by
the law of the contract between salvor and his servants ( ibid.).
223. Maritime Conventions Act 1911, s.7.
224. As to which see now Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1992 —a statutory
transfer of contractual rights. It is uncertain whether the Act will be seen as mandatory
or whether, there being no express provision, it applies o nly to contracts in relation to
which the applicable law is English. There is no enactment of a Convention to lead to
the former and there seems little in principle to suppose a mandatory approach. See Toh
[1994] LMCLQ 280.
225. See Macmillan Inc. v. Bishopgate Investment Trust (No. 3) (fn. 48).
Raffeisen (fn. 11).
226. So, unlike classification into categories whether an asset is immovable or
movable is referred to the lex situs, but the situs is a matter for English conflicts rules.
227. See The Tolten [1946] P. 135.
228. The jurisdiction is now excluded only where the proceedings are principally
connected with title or the right to possession (see s.30 of the 1982 Act).
229. See the discussion in the Court of Appeal decision in Raffeisen (fn. 11).
230. Art. 12(2). As to subrogation see Art. 13 (and 26.99).
231. [1979] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 491.
232. See Chapter 23.
233. Ibid.
234. In Union Bank v. Lenanton (1878) C.P.D. 243 no question of foreign law
seems to have been contemplated in respect of a ship sold by British owners to Turkish
buyers, the issue being whether title could pass by bill of sale in a ship which in English
law was unregistered (and unregistrable).
235. The question of whether a lien created by foreign law and recognised in
English law is relevant only if the claim can be brought in an English court —i.e. if the
court has jurisdiction. As regards maritime claims, therefore, the claim must comply
with the Supreme Court Act 1981, ss.20 and 21. As to the availability of claims under
foreign law under these provisions, see supra and Chapter 2.
236. Compare a US approach of assessing which law should apply on the basis of
connecting factors between state and the issue where the rival inter ests are a
contractually created lien and that of a non -party to the contract (see Arochem v. Wilomi
962 F. 2d 496 (1992)).
237. [1981] A.C. 221.
238. In relation to contractual liens a third possibility is the proper law of any
contract creating such a lien and this seems sometimes to have been confused with the
law of the place of creation of the lien (see The Halcyon Isle [1981] A.C. 221, at p.
230). Such a possibility confuses contract and property.
239. The Federal Court of Appeal in Canada approved and followed The Ioannis
Daskalelis in Marlex Petroleum v. The Ship "Har Rai" (1984) 4 D.L.R. (4th) 739. See
also The Galaxias 1980 1 Can. Fed. 386. After some uncertainty the approach in The
Halcyon Isle was approved in South Africa (The Andrico Unity 1989 (4) S.A. 325 (A))
(see generally Staniland [1989] LMCLQ 174; [1990] LMCLQ 491), in Australia
(Morlines Agency Ltd v. Proceeds of Sale of Ship Skulptor Vuichetich (1997) and in
New Zealand (ABC Ship Brokers v. The Ship Offi Gloria [1993] 3 NZLR 576—see
[1998] LMCLQ 403).
240. [1981] A.C. 221, at pp. 238 –239.
241. The "jurisdictional" approach is encouraged by the statutory framework of
Admiralty jurisdiction in that it provides that an action in rem will lie to enforce a
maritime lien (see Chapter 2). (Compare The Acrux [1965] P. 391 with The Halcyon
Isle [1981] A.C. 221.)
242. See e.g. Macmillan Inc. v. Bishopgate Investment Trust (No. 3) (fn. 41). See
the view of Staughton L.J. that to refer prioriti es to the law of the forum is "an invitation
to forum shopping if ever I saw one" (at p. 599).
243. As the situs will under English law be the debtor’s residence a more certain
reference may be to the law creating the interest ( see ibid.). And see the criticism of the
debtors residence as the governing law of intangibles in Raffeisen (fn. 11).
244. See e.g. The Epimenidis [1986] LMLN 186 (Court of Appeal Ghent).
245. See Port Line Ltd v. Ben Line Steamers Ltd [1958] 12 Q.B. 146. As to prior
mortgages cf. Chapter 23.
246. See e.g. The World Harmony [1967] P. 341.
247. See e.g. The Struma [1978] AMC 2146.
248. Assignment on marriage is not treated here as its relevance to commercial
maritime claims must be peripheral. However, it should not be ignored as a root of
ownership. Where there is a marriage contract its validity will be referred to its proper
law; where there is no contract the effect of marriage on movable assets seems to
depend on the domicile of the parties but the rules are imprecise and unclear. Cf. Dicey
and Morris, 14th edn, Chapter 28.
249. Questions in bankruptcy include the effect of an English adjudication on assets
situated out of the jurisdiction, the effect of a foreign adjudication, the ability to prove
foreign debts and the effect of discharge in England or a foreign country. Cf. Dicey and
Morris, 14th edn, Chapter 31. As to winding up of companies and choice of law, see
ibid., Chapter 30.
250. See e.g. Air Foyle Ltd v. Center Capital Ltd [2004] I.L.Pr. 15 (sale of an
Chapter 27
The President
1. OJ L 228, 16.8.1973, p. 3. Directive as last amended by Directive 2000/26/EC
of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 181, 20.7.2000, p. 65).
2. OJ L 172, 4.7.1988, p. 1. Directive as last amended by Directive 2000/26/EC.
3. OJ L 330, 29.11.1990, p. 44.
4. OJ L 160, 30.6.2000, p. 37.
Appendix 3
The Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Order 2001 2001 No. 3929 Citation and
1. This Order may be cited as the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Order 2001 and
shall come into force—
(a) as to articles 1 and 2, paragraphs 1(a), 1(b)(ii) and 17 of Schedule 2 and, so far
as it relates to those paragraphs, article 4, on 25th January 2002; and
(b) as to the remainder of this Order, on 1st March 2002. Interpretation
2.—(1) In this Order—
"the Act" means the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982;
"the Regulation" means Council Regulation (EC) No. 44/2001 of 22nd December
2000 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and
commercial matters;
"Regulation State" in any provision, in the application of that provision in relation
to the Regulation, has the same meaning as "Member State" in the Regulation, that is all
Member States except Denmark.
(2) In Schedule 2 to this Order, a section, Part, S chedule or paragraph referred to
by number alone is a reference to the section, Part, Schedule or paragraph so numbered
in the Act. The Regulation
3. Schedule 1 to this Order (which applies certain provisions of the Act with
modifications for the purposes of the Regulation) shall have effect. Amendments to the
Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982
4. Schedule 2 to this Order (which makes amendments to the Act) shall have
effect.* Consequential amendments
5. Schedule 3 to this Order (which makes conse quential amendments) shall have
effect. Transitional provisions
6.—(1) Where proceedings are begun before 1st March 2002 in any part of the
United Kingdom on the basis of jurisdiction determined in accordance with section 16
of, and Schedule 4 to, the Act, the proceedings may be continued as if the amendments
made by paragraphs 3 and 4 of Schedule 2 to this Order had not been made and those
amendments shall not apply in respect of any proceedings begun before that date.
(2) Where proceedings are begun before 1st March 2002 in any court in Scotland
on the basis of jurisdiction determined in accordance with section 20 of, and Schedule 8
to, the Act, the proceedings may be continued as if the amendments made by paragraphs
6 and 7 of Schedule 2 to this Order had not been made and those amendments shall not
apply in respect of any proceedings begun before that date. Schedule 1 the Regulation
Article 3 Interpretation
1.—(1) In this Schedule—
"court", without more, includes a tribunal;
"judgment" has the meaning given by Article 32 of the Regulation;
"magistrates’ court", in relation to Northern Ireland, means a court of summary
"maintenance order" means a maintenance judgment within the meaning of the
"part of the United Kingdom" means England and Wales, Scotland or Northern
"payer", in relation to a maintenance order, means the person liable to make the
payments for which the order provides;
"prescribed" means prescribed by rules of court.
(2) In this Schedule, any reference to a numbered Article or Annex is a reference to
the Article or Annex so numbered in the Regulation, and any reference to a sub -division
of a numbered Article shall be construed accordingly.
(3) References in paragraphs 2 to 8 to a judgment registered under the Regulation
include, to the extent of its registration, references to a judgment so registered to a
limited extent only.
(4) Anything authorised or required by the Regulation or paragraphs 2 to 8 to be
done by, to or before a particular magistrates’ court may be done by, to or before any
magistrates’ court acting for the same petty sessions area (or, in Northern Ireland, petty
sessions district) as that court. Enforcement of judgments other than maintenance
orders (section 4)
2.—(1) Where a judgment is registered under the Regulation, the reasonable costs
or expenses of and incidental to its registration shall be recoverable as if they were
sums recoverable under the judgment.
(2) A judgment registered under the Regulation shall, for the purposes of its
enforcement, be of the same force and effect, the registering court shall have in relation
to its enforcement the same powers, and proceedings for or with respect to its
enforcement may be taken, as if the judgment had been originally given by the
registering court and had (where relevant) been entered.
(3) Sub-paragraph (2) is subject to Article 47 (restriction on enforcement where
appeal pending or time for appeal unexpired), to paragraph 5 and to any provision made
by rules of court as to the manner in which and conditions subject to which a judgment
registered under the Regulation may be enforced. Appeals under Article 44 and Annex
IV (section 6)
4.—(1) The single further appeal on a point of law referred to under Article 44
and Annex IV in relation to the recognition or enforcement of a judgment other than a
maintenance order lies—
(a) in England and Wales or Northern Ireland, to the Court of Appea l or to the
House of Lords in accordance with Part II of the Administration of Justice Act 1969
(appeals direct from the High Court to the House of Lords);
(b) in Scotland, to the Inner House of the Court of Session.
(2) Paragraph (a) of sub-paragraph (1) has effect notwithstanding section 15(2) of
the Administration of Justice Act 1969 (exclusion of direct appeal to the House of Lords
in cases where no appeal to that House lies from a decision of the Court of Appeal).
(3) The single further appeal on a point of law referred to in Article 44 and Annex
IV in relation to the recognition or enforcement of a maintenance order lies —
(a) in England and Wales, to the High Court by way of case stated in accordance
with section 111 of the Magistrates’ Courts Act 1980;
(b) in Scotland, to the Inner House of the Court of Session;
(c) in Northern Ireland, to the Court of Appeal. Interest on registered judgments
(section 7)
5.—(1) Subject to sub-paragraph (3), where in connection with an application for
registration of a judgment under the Regulation the applicant shows —
(a) that the judgment provides for the payment of a sum of money; and
(b) that in accordance with the law of the Regulation State in which the judgment
was given interest on that sum is recoverable under the judgment from a particular date
or time,
the rate of interest and the date or time from which it is so recoverable shall be
registered with the judgment and, subject to rules of court, the debt result ing, apart from
paragraph 2(1), from the registration of the judgment shall carry interest in accordance
with the registered particulars.
(2) Costs or expenses recoverable by virtue of paragraph 2(1) shall carry interest
as if they were the subject of an order for the payment of costs or expenses made by the
registering court on the date of registration.
(3) Interest on arrears of sums payable under a maintenance order registered under
the Regulation in a magistrates’ court in England and Wales or North ern Ireland shall not
be recoverable in that court, but without prejudice to the operation in relation to any
such order of section 2A of the Maintenance Orders Act 1958 1 or section 11A of the
Maintenance and Affiliation Orders Act (Northern Ireland) 1966 2 (which enable interest
to be recovered if the order is re-registered for enforcement in the High Court).
(4) Except as mentioned in sub-paragraph (3), debts under judgments registered
under the Regulation shall carry interest only as provided by this pa ragraph. Allocation
within United Kingdom of jurisdiction with respect to trusts and consumer contracts
(section 10)
7.—(1) The provisions of this paragraph have effect for the purpose of allocating
within the United Kingdom jurisdiction in certain proceedings in respect of which the
Regulation confers jurisdiction on the courts of the United Kingdom generally and to
which section 16 of the Act does not apply.
(2) Any proceedings which by virtue of Article 5(6) (trusts) are brought in the
United Kingdom shall be brought in the courts of the part of the United Kingdom in
which the trust is domiciled.
(3) Any proceedings which by virtue of the Article 16(1) (consumer contracts) are
brought in the United Kingdom by a consumer on the ground that he is himself domiciled
there shall be brought in the courts of the part of the United Kingdom in which he is
domiciled. Proof and admissibility of certain judgments and related documents
(section 11)
8.—(1) For the purposes of the Regulation—
(a) a document, duly authenticated, which purports to be a copy of a judgment
given by a court of a Regulation State other than the United Kingdom shall without
further proof be deemed to be a true copy, unless the contra ry is shown; and
(b) a certificate obtained in accordance with Article 54 and Annex V shall be
evidence, and in Scotland sufficient evidence, that the judgment is enforceable in the
Regulation State of origin.
(2) A document purporting to be a copy of a judgment given by any such court as is
mentioned in sub-paragraph (1)(a) is duly authenticated for the purposes of this
paragraph if it purports—
(a) to bear the seal of that court; or
(b) to be certified by any person in his capacity as a judge or officer of that court to
be a true copy of a judgment given by that court.
(3) Nothing in this paragraph shall prejudice the admission in evidence of any
document which is admissible apart from this paragrap h. Domicile of individuals
(section 41)
9.—(1) Subject to Article 59 (which contains provisions for determining whether a
party is domiciled in a Regulation State), the following provisions of this paragraph
determine, for the purposes of the Regulation, w hether an individual is domiciled in the
United Kingdom or in a particular part of, or place in, the United Kingdom or in a state
other than a Regulation State.
(2) An individual is domiciled in the United Kingdom if and only if —
(a) he is resident in the United Kingdom; and
(b) the nature and circumstances of his residence indicate that he has a substantial
connection with the United Kingdom.
(3) Subject to sub-paragraph (5), an individual is domiciled in a particular part of
the United Kingdom if and only if—
(a) he is resident in that part; and
(b) the nature and circumstances of his residence indicate that he has a substantial
connection with that part.
(4) An individual is domiciled in a particular place in the United K ingdom if and
only if he—
(a) is domiciled in the part of the United Kingdom in which that place is situated;
(b) is resident in that place.
(5) An individual who is domiciled in the United Kingdom but in whose case the
requirements of sub-paragraph (3)(b) are not satisfied in relation to any particular part
of the United Kingdom shall be treated as domiciled in the part of the United Kingdom
in which he is resident.
(6) In the case of an individual who —
(a) is resident in the United Kingdom, or in a particular part of the United
Kingdom; and
(b) has been so resident for the last three months or more,
the requirements of sub-paragraph (2)(b) or, as the case may be, sub -paragraph (3)
(b) shall be presumed to be fulfilled unless the contrary is proved.
(7) An individual is domiciled in a state other than a Regulation State if and only if
(a) he is resident in that state; and
(b) the nature and circumstances of his residence indicate that he has a substantial
connection with that state. Seat of company, or other legal person or association for
purposes of Article 22(2) (section 43)
10.—(1) The following provisions of this paragraph determine where a company,
legal person or association has its seat for the purposes of Article 22(2) (which confers
exclusive jurisdiction over proceedings relating to the formation or dissolution of such
bodies, or to the decisions of their organs).
(2) A company, legal person or association has its seat in the United Kingdom if
and only if—
(a) it was incorporated or formed under the law of a part of the United Kingdom;
(b) its central management and control is exercised in the United Kingdom.
(3) Subject to sub-paragraph (4), a company, legal person or association has its
seat in a Regulation State other than the United Kingdom if and only if —
(a) it was incorporated or formed under the law of that state; or
(b) its central management and control is exercised in that state.
(4) A company, legal person or association shall not be regarded as having its seat
in a Regulation State other than the United Kingdom if –
(a) it has its seat in the United Kingdom by virtue of sub-paragraph (2)(a); or
(b) it is shown that the courts of that other state would not regard it for the
purposes of Article 22(2) as having its seat there. Persons deemed to be domiciled in
the United Kingdom for certain purpos es (section 44)
11.—(1) This paragraph applies to
(a) proceedings within Section 3 of Chapter II of the Regulation (insurance
(b) proceedings within Section 4 of Chapter II of the Regulation (consumer
contracts), and
(c) proceedings within Section 5 of Chapter II of the Regulation (employment
(2) A person who, for the purposes of proceedings to which this paragraph applies
arising out of the operations of a branch, agency or other establishment in the Unite d
Kingdom, is deemed for the purposes of the Regulation to be domiciled in the United
Kingdom by virtue of—
(a) Article 9(2) (insurers); or
(b) Article 15(2) (suppliers of goods, services or credit to consumers), or
(c) Article 18(2) (employers),
shall, for the purposes of those proceedings, be treated as so domiciled and as
domiciled in the part of the United Kingdom in which the branch, agency or
establishment in question is situated. Domicile of trusts (section 45)
12.—(1) The following provisions of this paragraph determine for the purposes of
the Regulation where a trust is domiciled.
(2) A trust is domiciled in the United Kingdom if and only if it is by virtue of sub -
paragraph (3) domiciled in a part of the United K ingdom.
(3) A trust is domiciled in a part of the United Kingdom if and only if the system of
law of that part is the system of law with which the trust has its closest and most real
connection. Schedule 2 Amendments to the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act
1982 Article 4
The text of the Act (Appendix 1 is as amended) Schedule 3 Consequential
Amendments Article 5 The Naval Forces (Enforcement of Maintenance Liabilities)
Act 1947 (c. 24)
1. In section 1 of the Naval Forces (Enforcement of Maintenance Liabilities) Act
1947 (deduction from pay in respect of liabilities for maintenance, etc), in subsection
(2A)(b) after "Part I of the Maintenance Orders (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act 1972"
add "or under Council Regulation (EC) No. 44/200 1 of 22nd December 2000 on
jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial
matters". The Army Act 1955 (c. 18)
2. In section 150 of the Army Act 1955 2 (enforcement of maintenance and
affiliation orders by deduction from pay), in subsection (5) after "Part I of the Civil
Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982" insert "or Council Regulation (EC) No. 44/200 1
of 22nd December 2000 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of
judgments in civil and commercial matters". The Air Force Act 1955 (c. 19)
3. In section 150 of the Air Force Act 1955 3 (enforcement of maintenance and
affiliation orders by deduction from pay), in subsection (5) after "Part I of the Civil
Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982" insert "or Council Regulation (EC) No. 44/200 1
of 22nd December 2000 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of
judgments in civil and commercial matters". The Naval Discipline Act 1957 (c. 53)
4. In section 101 of the Naval Discipline Act 1957 4 (service of proceedings for
maintenance, etc), in subsection (5) after "Part I of the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments
Act 1982" insert "or Council Regulation (EC) No. 44/200 1 of 22nd December 2000 on
jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial
matters". The Maintenance Orders Act 1958 (c. 39)
5. In section 1 of the Maintenance Orders Act 1958 5 (application of Part I), in
subsection (4) after "Part I of the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982" insert "or
Council Regulation (EC) No. 44/2001 of 22nd December 2000 on jurisdiction and the
recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters". The Legal
Aid (General) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1965 (S.R. & O. (N.I.) 1965 No. 217
6. In regulation 3B(1) of the Legal Aid (General) Regulations (Northern Ireland)
1965 (registration of certain foreign orders and judgments) after "the Civil Jurisdiction
and Judgments Act 1982" insert—
"or who applies for the registration of a judgment under Council Regulation (EC)
No. 44/200 1 of 22nd December 2000 on jurisdiction and the recognition and
enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters". The Maintenance and
Affiliation Orders Act (Northern Ireland) 1966 (c. 35)(N.I.)
7. In section 10 of the Maintenance and Affiliation Orders Act (Northern Ireland)
1966 (orders to which Part II of that Act applies), in subsections (2) and (5), after "the
Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982" insert—
"or Council Regulation (EC) No. 44/2001 of 22nd December 2000 on jurisdiction
and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters". The
Administration of Justice Act 1970 (c. 31)
8. In Schedule 8 to the Administration of Justice Act 1970 8 (which lists
maintenance orders for the purposes of Part II of that Act), after paragraph 13 insert —
"1 3A. A maintenance judgment within the meaning of Council Regulation (EC) No.
44/200 1 of 22nd December 2000 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of
judgments in civil and commercial matters, which is registered in a magistrates’ court
under that Regulation.". The Attachment of Earnings Act 1971 (c. 32)
9. In Schedule 1 to the Attachment of Earnings Act 19719 (which lists maintenance
orders to which that Act applies) after paragraph 13 insert —
"14. A maintenance judgment within the meaning of Council Regulation (EC) No.
44/200 1 of 22nd December 2000 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforce ment of
judgments in civil and commercial matters, which is registered in a magistrates’ court
under that Regulation.". The Magistrates' Courts Act 1980 (c. 43)
10. The Magistrates’ Courts Act 1980 10 is amended as follows.
11. In section 6511 (meaning of family proceedings)—
(a) after subsection (1)(q) insert— "(r) Council Regulation (EC) No. 44/2001 of
22nd December 2000 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments
in civil and commercial matters, so far as that Regulation relates to the recognition or
enforcement of maintenance orders;"; and
(b) in subsection (2)(a) for "and (p)" substitute ", (p) and (r)".
12. In subsection 7 of section 95 12 (remission of arrears and manner in which
arrears to be paid) in paragraph (a) of the definition of "non -English maintenance
(a) at the end of sub-paragraph (iii) omit "or";
(b) at the end of sub-paragraph (iv) add "or";
(c) after sub-paragraph (iv) insert— "(v) under Council Regulation (EC) No.
44/200 1 of 22nd December 2000 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of
judgments in civil and commercial matters;". The Magistrates' Courts (Northern
Ireland) Order 1981 (S.I. 1981/1675 (N.I.26))
13. The Magistrates’ Courts (Northern Ireland) Order 1981 13 is amended as
14. In paragraph (7) of Article 87 14 (remission of arrears and manner in which
arrears to be paid) in paragraph (a) of the definition of "non -Northern Ireland
maintenance order"—
(a) at the end of sub-paragraph (iii) omit "or";
(b) at the end of sub-paragraph (iv) add "or";
(c) after sub-paragraph (iv) insert— "(v) under Council Regulation (EC) No.
44/200 1 of 22nd December 2000 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of
judgments in civil and commercial matters;".
15. In Article 8815 (definition of "domestic proceedings" for the purposes of that
Order), at the end of paragraph (a) insert —
"or under Council Regulation (EC) No. 44/200 1 of 22nd December 2000 on
jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial
matters, so far as that Regulation relates to the recognition or enforcement of
maintenance orders;".
16. In Article 9816 (enforcement of orders for periodical payment of money) at the
end of paragraph (11 )(b) insert—
"or Council Regulation (EC) No. 44/2001 of 22nd December 2000 on jurisdiction
and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters;".
The Merchant Shipping (Liner Conferences) Act 1982 (c. 37)
17. In section 5 of the Merchant Shipping (Liner Conferences) Act 1982 17 (liability
of members of conference to be in proportion to their responsibility), in subsection (6),
after "Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982" insert "or Council Regulation (EC)
No. 44/200 1 of 22nd December 2000 on jurisdiction and the recognition and
enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters". The Matrimonial and
Family Proceedings Act 1984 (c. 42)
18. The Matrimonial and Family Proceedings Act 1984 18 is amended as follows.
19. In section 15 (jurisdiction of the court), in subsection (2) —
(a) after "(implementation of certain European conventions)" insert "or by virtue of
Council Regulation (EC) No. 44/2001 of 22nd December 2000 on jurisdiction and the
recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters or"; and
(b) in paragraph (a) and (b) after "by virtue of" insert "that Regulation or".
20. In section 28 (circumstances in which a Scottish court may entertain
application for financial provision), in subsection (4) —
(a) after "(implementation of certain European conventions)" insert "or by virtue of
Council Regulation (EC) No. 44/2001 of 22nd December 2000 on jurisdiction and the
recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters or"; and
(b) in paragraph (a) and (b) after "by virtue of" insert "that Regulation or". The
Companies Act 1989 (c. 40)
21. In section 183 of the Companies Act 1989 19 (insolvency proceedings in other
jurisdictions), in subsection (3) after "the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982"
insert "or Council Regulation (EC) No. 44/200 1 of 22nd December 2000 on juris diction
and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters". The
Matrimonial and Family Proceedings (Northern Ireland) Order 1989 (S.I. 1989/677
22. In Article 19 of the Matrimonial and Family Proceedings (Northern Ir eland)
Order 198920 (jurisdiction of the court), in paragraph (2) —
(a) after "(implementation of certain European conventions)" insert "or by virtue of
Council Regulation (EC) No. 44/2001 of 22nd December 2000 on jurisdiction and the
recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters or"; and
(b) in sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) after "by virtue of" insert "that Regulation or".
The Companies (No. 2) (Northern Ireland) Order 1990 (S.I. 1990/1504 (N.I. 10))
23. In Article 104 of the Companies (No.2) (Northern Ireland) Order 1990 21
(insolvency proceedings in other jurisdictions) in paragraph (3) after "the Civil
Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982" insert "or Council Regulation (EC) No. 44/200 1
of 22nd December 2000 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of
judgments in civil and commercial matters". The Social Security Administration Act
1992 (c. 5)
24. In section 108 of the Social Security Administration Act 1992 22 (reduction of
expenditure on income support: certain maintenance orders to be enforceable by the
Secretary of State) in subsection (4)(a) —
(a) at the end of sub-paragraph (ii) omit "or";
(b) at the end of sub-paragraph (iii) substitute "or" for "and"; and
(c) after sub-paragraph (iii) insert— "(iv) Council Regulation (EC) No. 44/2001
of 22nd December 2000 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of
judgments in civil and commercial matters; and". The Social Security Administration
(Northern Ireland) Act 1992 (c. 8) (N.I.)
25. In section 103 of the Social Security Administration (Northern Ireland) Act
1992 (reduction of expenditure on income support: certain maintenance orders to be
enforceable by the Department) in subsection (4)(a) —
(a) at the end of sub-paragraph (ii) omit "or";
(b) at the end of sub-paragraph (iii) substitute "or" for "and"; and
(c) after sub-paragraph (iii) insert— "(iv) the Council Regulation (EC) No.
44/200 1 of 22nd December 2000 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of
judgments in civil and commercial matters; and". The Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments
Act 1982 (Interim Relief) Order 1997 (S.I. 199 7/302)
26. In article 2 of the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 (Interim Relief)
Order 1997 24—
(a) in paragraph (a) after "Lugano Contracting State" insert "or Regulation State";
(b) for paragraph (b) substitute— "(b) proceedings whose subject-matter is not
within the scope of the Regulation as determined by Article 1 of the Regulation".
Explanatory Note
(This note is not part of the Order)
This Order in Council makes legislative changes needed in consequence of t he
coming into force on 1st March 2002 of Council Regulation (EC) No. 44/2001 of 22nd
December 2000 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in
civil and commercial matters ("the Regulation").
The Regulation applies to all Member St ates except Denmark and to that extent
replaces the 1968 Brussels Convention on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgments
in civil and commercial matters, to which the United Kingdom became party by an
Accession Convention signed in 1978. The Conventio ns were given the force of law in
the United Kingdom by the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 ("the Act"). The
Act was later amended by the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1991 to give the
force of law also to the 1988 Lugano Convention on jur isdiction and the enforcement of
judgments in civil and commercial matters, which made similar arrangements with a
number of non-Member States.
The Brussels Convention, in so far as it governs relationships with Denmark, and
the Lugano Convention, remain in place. The main purpose of this Order is to amend the
Act so as to preserve the current position in respect of the Brussels Convention, so far
as it relates to Denmark, and the Lugano Convention, and to make new but analogous
provision in respect of the Regulation.
In particular, the Order—
(a) contains various provisions applicable for the purposes of the Regulation; these
are, with appropriate modifications, modelled on the equivalent provisions of the Act
(Schedule 1);
(b) amends certain provisions of the Act to apply for the purposes of the
Regulation in the same way that they apply for the purposes of the Brussels and Lugano
Conventions (Schedule 2);
(c) amends the Act to clarify the relationship between the Regulation, the Brussels
Convention and the Lugano Convention (Schedule 2, paragraph 1(c));
(d) amends Schedule 4 to the Act, which contains provisions for the allocation of
intra-UK jurisdiction which previously were modelled on the Brussels Convention,
broadly so as to bring those provisions into line with the equivalent provisions of the
Regulation; an exception is jurisdiction in contractual matters, which continues to be
aligned on article 5(1) of the Convention rather than article 5(1) of the Regulation
(Schedule 2, paragraphs 3 and 4);
(e) makes similar amendments to Schedule 8 to the Act, which contains provisions
on jurisdiction in Scotland (Schedule 2, paragraphs 6 and 7);
(f) amends section 48 of the Act to allow for the making of appropriate
amendments to rules of court; this provision is commenced early, on 25th January 2002,
so that any such amendments to rules of court which rely on section 48 can be made in
time to come into force on 1st March 2002 (Schedule 2, paragraph 17); and
(g) makes various consequential amendments (Schedule 3). Part 6. Service of
Documents I General rules about service 6.1 Part 6 rules about service apply
The rules in this Part apply to the service of documents, except where —
(a) any other enactment, a rule in another Part, or a practice direction makes a
different provision; or
(b) the court orders otherwise. 6.2 Methods of service —general
(1) A document may be served by any of the following methods —
(a) personal service, in accordance with rule 6.4;
(b) first class post;
(c) leaving the document at a place specified in rule 6.5;
(d) through a document exchange in accordance with the relevant practice
direction; or
(e) by fax or other means of electronic communication in accordance with the
relevant practice direction.
(Rule 6.8 provides for the court to permit service by an alternative method)
(2) A company may be served by any method permitted under this Part as an
alternative to the methods of service set out in —
(a) section 725 of the Companies Act 1985 1 (service by leaving a document at or
posting it to an authorised place);
(b) section 695 of that Act (service on overseas companies); and
(c) section 694A of that Act (service of documents on companies incorporated
outside the UK and Gibraltar and having a branch in Great Britain). 6.3 Who is to serve
(1) The court will serve a document which it has issued or prepared except where
(a) a rule provides that a party must serve the document in question;
(b) the party on whose behalf the document is to be served notifies the court that he
wishes to serve it himself;
(c) a practice direction provides otherwise;
(d) the court orders otherwise; or
(e) the court has failed to serve and has sent a notice of non -service to the party on
whose behalf the document is to be served in accordance with rule 6.11.
(2) Where the court is to serve a document, it is for the court to decide which of the
methods of service specified in rule 6.2 is to be used.
(3) Where a party prepares a document which is to be served by the court, that
party must file a copy for the court, and for each party to be served. 6.4 Personal
(1) A document to be served may be served personally, except as provided in
paragraphs (2) and (2A)
(2) Where a solicitor—
(a) is authorised to accept service on behalf of a party; and
(b) has notified the party serving the document in writing that he is s o authorised, a
document must be served on the solicitor, unless personal service is required by an
enactment, rule, practice direction or court order.
(2A) (Civil Proceedings against the Crown)
(3) A document is served personally on an individual by leaving it with that
(4) A document is served personally on a company or other corporation by leaving
it with a person holding a senior position within the company or corporation. (The
service practice direction sets out the meaning of "senior position")
(5) A document is served personally on a partnership where partners are being
sued in the name of their firm by leaving it with —
(a) a partner; or
(b) a person who, at the time of service, has the control or management of the
partnership business at its principal place of business. 6.5 Address for service
(1) Except as provided by Section III of this Part (service out of the jurisdiction) a
document must be served within the jurisdiction.
("Jurisdiction" is defined in rule 2.3)
(2) A party must give an address for service within the jurisdiction. Such address
must include a full postcode, unless the court otherwise orders,
(3) Where a party—
(a) does not give the business address of his solicitor as his address for service;
(b) resides or carries on business within the jurisdiction, he must give his
residence or place of business as his address for service.
(4) Any document to be served—
(a) by first class post;
(b) by leaving it at the place of service;
(c) through a document exchange; or
(d) by fax or by other means of electronic communication, must be sent or
transmitted to, or left at, the address for service given by the party to be served.
(5) Where—
(a) a solicitor is acting for the party to be served; and
(b) the document to be served is not the claim form; the party’s address for service
is the business address of his solicitor.
(6) Where—
(a) no solicitor is acting for the party to be served; and
(b) the party has not given an address for service, the document must be sent or
transmitted to, or left at, the place shown in the following table.
(7) This rule does not apply where an order made by the court under rule 6.8
(service by an alternative method) specifies where the document in question may be
(Rule 42.1 provides that if the business address of his solicitor is given that
solicitor will be treated as acting for that party).
(8) (Civil proceedings against the Crown). 6.6 Service of documents on children
and patients
(1) The following table shows the person on whom a document must be served if it
is a document which would otherwise be served on a child or a patient—
(2) The court may make an order permitting a document to be served on the child
or patient, or on some person other tha n the person specified in the table in this rule.
(3) An application for an order under paragraph (2) may be made without notice.
(4) The court may order that, although a document has been served on someone
other than the person specified in the table, the document is to be treated as if it had
been properly served.
(5) This rule does not apply where the court has made an order under rule 2 1.2(3)
allowing a child to conduct proceedings without a litigation friend. 6.7 Deemed service
(1) A document which is served in accordance with these rules or any relevant
practice direction shall be deemed to be served on the day shown in the following table
(a) a document to be served by the court is served by post; and
(b) such document is returned to the court,
the court must send notification to the party who requested service stating that the
document has been returned 6.11A Notice of non -service by bailiff
(a) a document the court bailiff is to serve; and
(b) the bailiff is unable to serve it,
the court must send a notification to the party who requested service. II Special
provisions about service of the claim form 6.12 General rules about service subject to
special rules about service of claim form
The general rules about service are subject t o the special rules about service
contained in rules 6.13 to 6.16. 6.13 Service of claim form by the court —defendant's
address for service
(1) Where a claim form is to be served by the court, the claim form must include
the defendant’s address for service.
(2) For the purposes of paragraph (1), the defendant’s address for service may be
the business address of the defendant’s solicitor if he is authorised to accept service on
the defendant’s behalf but not otherwise. 6.14 Certificate of service relating to the claim
(1) Where a claim form is served by the court, the court must send the claimant a
notice which will include the date when the claim form is deemed to be served under
rule 6.7.
(2) Where the claim form is served by the claimant —
(a) he must file a certificate of service within 7 days of service of the claim form;
(b) he may not obtain judgment in default under Part 12 unless he has filed the
certificate of service. 6.15 Service of claim form by contractually agreed method
(1) Where—
(a) a contract contains a term providing that, in the event of a claim being issued in
relation to the contract, the claim form may be served by a method specifi ed in the
contract; and
(b) a claim form containing only a claim in respect of that contract is issued, the
claim form shall, subject to paragraph (2), be deemed to be served on the defendant if it
is served by a method specified in the contract.
(2) Where the claim form is served out of the jurisdiction in accordance with the
contract, it shall not be deemed to be served on the defendant unless —
(a) permission to serve it out of the jurisdiction has been granted under rule 6.20;
(b) it may be served without permission under rule 6.19. 6.16 Service of claim
form on agent of principal who is overseas
(1) Where—
(a) the defendant is overseas; and
(b) the conditions specified in paragraph (2) are satisfied, the court may, on an
application only, permit a claim form relating to a contract to be served on a defendant’s
(2) The court may not make an order under this rule unless it is satisfied that —
(a) the contract to which the claim relates was entered into within the jurisdiction
with or through the defendant’s agent; and
(b) at the time of the application either the agent’s authority has not been terminated
or he is still in business relations with his principal.
(3) An application under this rule—
(a) must be supported by evidence; and
(b) may be made without notice.
(4) An order under this rule must state a period within which the defendant must
respond to the particulars of claim.
(Rule 9.2 sets out how a defendant may respond to particulars of clai m)
(5) The power conferred by this rule is additional to the power conferred by rule
6.8 (service by an alternative method).
(6) Where the court makes an order under this rule, the claimant must send to the
defendant copies of—
(a) the order; and
(b)the claim form. III Special provisions about service out of the jurisdiction
6.17 Scope of this section
This Section contains rules about—
(a) service out of the jurisdiction;
(b) how to obtain the permission of the court to s erve out of the jurisdiction; and
(c) the procedure for serving out of the jurisdiction.
(Rule 2.3 defines "jurisdiction") 6.18 Definitions
For the purposes of this Part—
(a) "the 1982 Act" means the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 3;
(b) "the Hague Convention" means the Convention on the service abroad of
judicial and extrajudicial documents in civil or commercial matters signed at the Hague
on November 15, 1965 4;
(c) "Contracting State" has the meaning given by section 1(3) of the 198 2 Act;
(d) "Convention territory" means the territory or territories of any Contracting State
to which the Brussels or Lugano Conventions (as defined in section 1(1) of the 1982
Act) apply;
(e) "Civil Procedure Convention" means the Brussels and Lugano Con ventions and
any other Convention entered into by the United Kingdom regarding service outside the
(ea) "the Service regulation" means Council Regulation (EC) No 1348/2000 of 29
May 2000 on the service in the Member States of judical and extr ajudical documents in
civil or commercial matters;
(f) "United Kingdom Overseas Territory" means those territories as set out in the
relevant practice direction.
(g) "domicile" is to be determined—
(i) in relation to a Convention territory, in accordance with sections 41 to 46 of the
1982 Act;
(ii) in relation to a Regulation State, in accordance with the Judgments Regulation
and paragraphs 9 to 12 of Schedule 1 to the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Order
(h) "claim form" includes petition and application notice;
(i) "claim" includes petition and application.
(j) "the Judgments Regulation" means Council Regulation (EC) No. 44/200 1 of
22nd December 2000 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments
in civil and commercial matters; and
(k) "Regulation State" has the same meaning as "Member State" in the Judgments
Regulation, that is all Member States except Denmark.
(Rule 6.30 provides that where an application notice is to be served out of the
jurisdiction under this Part, rules 6.21(4), 6.22 and 6.23 do not apply) 6.19 Service out
of the jurisdiction where the permission of the court is not required
(1) A claim form may be served on a defendant out of the jurisdiction where each
claim included in the claim form made against the defendant to be served is a claim
which the court has power to determine under the 1982 Act and —
(a)no proceedings between the parties concerning the same claim are pending in
the courts of any other part of the United Kingdom or any other Convention territory; and
(i) the defendant is domiciled in the United Kingdom or in any Convention
(ii) Article 16 of Schedule 1 or 3C to the 1982 Act, or paragraph 11 of Sche dule 4
to that Act, refers to the proceedings; or
(iii) the defendant is a party to an agreement conferring jurisdiction to which
Article 17 of Schedule 1 or 3C to the 1982 Act, or paragraph 12 of Schedule 4 to that
Act, refers.
(1A) A claim form may be served on a defendant out of the jurisdiction where each
claim included in the claim form made against the defendant to be served is a claim
which the court has power to determine under the Judgments Regulation and —
(a)no proceedings between the parties concerning the same claim are pending in
the courts of any other part of the United Kingdom or any other Regulation State; and
(i) the defendant is domiciled in the United Kingdom or in any Regulation State;
(ii) Article 22 of the Judgments Regulation refers to the proceedings; or
(iii) the defendant is a party to an agreement conferring jurisdiction to which
Article 23 of the Judgments Regulation refers.
(2) A claim form may be served on a defendant out of th e jurisdiction where each
claim included in the claim form made against the defendant to be served is a claim
which, under any other enactment, the court has power to determine, although —
(a) the person against whom the claim is made is not within the ju risdiction; or
(b) the facts giving rise to the claim did not occur within the jurisdiction.
(3) Where a claim form is to be served out of the jurisdiction under this rule, it
must contain a statement of the grounds on which the claimant is entitled to s erve it out
of the jurisdiction. 6.20 Service out of the jurisdiction where the permission of the court
is required
In any proceedings to which rule 6.19 does not apply, a claim form may be served
out of the jurisdiction with the permission of the court if —
General Grounds
(1) a claim is made for a remedy against a person domiciled within the
(2) a claim is made for an injunction ordering (GL) the defendant to do or refrain
from doing an act within the jurisdiction.
(3) a claim is made against someone on whom the claim form has been or will be
served (otherwise than in reliance on this paragraph) and —
(a) there is between the claimant and that person a real issue which it is reasonable
for the court to try; and
(b) the claimant wishes to serve the claim form on another person who is a
necessary or proper party to that claim.
(3A) a claim is a Part 20 claim and the person to be served is a necessary or
proper party to the claim against the Part 20 claimant.
Claims for interim remedies
(4) a claim is made for an interim remedy under section 25(1) of the 1982 Act. 5
Claims in relation to contracts
(5) a claim is made in respect of a contract where the contract —
(a) was made within the jurisdiction;
(b) was made by or through an agent trading or residing within the jurisdiction;
(c) is governed by English law; or
(d) contains a term to the effect that the court shall have jurisdiction to determine
any claim in respect of the contract.
(6) a claim is made in respect of a breach of contract committed within the
(7) a claim is made for a declaration that no contract exists where, if the contract
was found to exist, it would comply with the conditions set out in paragraph (5).
Claims in tort
(8) a claim is made in tort where—
(a) damage was sustained within the jurisdiction; or
(b) the damage sustained resulted from an act committed within the jurisdiction.
(9) a claim is made to enforce any judgment or arbitral awa rd.
Claims about property within the jurisdiction
(10) the whole subject matter of a claim relates to property located within the
Claims about trusts etc.
(11) a claim is made for any remedy which might be obtained in proceedings to
execute the trusts of a written instrument where —
(a) the trusts ought to be executed according to English law; and
(b) the person on whom the claim form is to be served is a trustee of the trusts.
(12) a claim is made for any remedy which might be obtained in proceedings for
the administration of the estate of a person who died domiciled within the jurisdiction.
(13) a claim is made in probate proceedings which includes a claim for the
rectification of a will.
(14) a claim is made for a remedy against the defendant as constructive trustee
where the defendant’s alleged liability arises out of acts committed within the
(15) a claim is made for restitution where the defendant’s alleged liabilit y arises
out of acts committed within the jurisdiction.
Claims by HM Revenue and Customs
(16) a claim is made by the Commissioners for HM Revenue and Customs relating
to duties or taxes against a defendant not domiciled in Scotland or Northern Ireland.
Claim for costs order in favour of or against third parties
(17) a claim is made by a party to proceedings for an order that the court exercise
its power under section 51 of the Supreme Court Act 1981 6 to make a costs order in
favour of or against a person who is not a party to those proceedings.
(Rule 48.2 sets out the procedure where the court is considering whether to
exercise its discretion to make a costs order in favour of or against a non -party)
Admiralty claims
(17A) a claim is—
(a) in the nature of salvage and any part of the services took place within the
jurisdiction; or
(b) to enforce a claim under section 153, 154 or 175 of the Merchant Shipping Act
Claims under various enactments
(18) a claim is made under an enactment specified in the relevant practice
direction. 6.21 Application for permission to serve claim form out of jurisdiction
(1) An application for permission under rule 6.20 must be supported by written
evidence stating—
(a) the grounds on which the application is made and the paragraph or paragraphs
of rule 6.20 relied on;
(b) that the claimant believes that his claim has a reasonable prospect of success;
(c) the defendant’s address or, if not known, in what place or country the defendant
is, or is likely, to be found.
(2) Where the application is made in respect of a claim referred to in rule 6.20(3),
the written evidence must also state the grounds on which the witness believes that there
is between the claimant and the person on whom the claim form has been, or will be
served, a real issue which it is reasonable for the court to try.
(2A) The court will not give permission unless satisfied that England and Wales is
the proper place in which to bring the claim.
(3) Where—
(a) the application is for permission to serve a claim form in Scotland or Northern
Ireland; and
(b) it appears to the court that the claimant may also be entitled to a remedy there,
the court, in deciding whether to give permission, shall —
(i) compare the cost and convenience of proceeding there or in the jurisdiction; and
(ii)(where relevant) have regard to the powers and jurisdiction of the Sheriff court
in Scotland or the county courts or courts of summary jurisdiction in Northern Ireland.
(4) An order giving permission to serve a claim form out of the jurisdiction must
specify the periods within which the defendant may —
(a) file an acknowledgment of service;
(b) file or serve an admission; and
(c) file a defence.
(Part 11 sets out the procedure by which a defendant may dispute the court’s
(The second practice direction to this Part sets out how the periods referred to in
paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) are calculated.) 6.22 Period for acknowledging service or
admitting the claim where the claim form is served out of the jurisdiction under rule
(1) This rule sets out the period for filing an acknowledgment of service or filing
or serving an admission where a claim form has been served out of the jurisdiction
under rule 6.19.
(Part 10 contains rules about the acknowledgment of service and Part 14 contains
rules about admissions)
(2) If the claim form is to be served under rule 6.19(1) or (1A) in Scotland,
Northern Ireland or in the European territory of another Contracting State or Regulation
State the period is—
(a) where the defendant is served with a claim form which states that particulars of
claim are to follow, 21 days after the service of the particulars of claim; and
(b) in any other case, 21 days after service of the claim form.
(3) If the claim form is to be served under rule 6.19(1) in any other territory of a
Contracting State the period is—
(a) where the defendant is served with a claim form which states that partic ulars of
claim are to follow, 31 days after the service of the particulars of claim; and
(b) in any other case, 31 days after service of the claim form.
(4) If the claim form is to be served under —
(a) rule 6.19(1) or (1A) in a country not referred to in paragraphs (2) or (3); or
(b) rule 6.19(2), the period is set out in the relevant practice direction. 6.23 Period
for filing a defence where the claim form is served out of the jurisdiction under rule
(1) This rule sets out the period for filing a defence where a claim form has been
served out of the jurisdiction under rule 6.19.
(Part 15 contains rules about the defence)
(2) If the claim form is to be served under rule 6.19(1) or (1A) in Scotland,
Northern Ireland or in the European territory of another Contracting State or Regulation
State the period is—
(a) 21 days after service of the particulars of claim; or
(b) if the defendant files an acknowledgment of service, 35 days after service of
the particulars of claim.
(3) If the claim form is to be served under rule 6.19(1) in any other territory of a
Contracting State the period is—
(a) 31 days after service of the particulars of claim; or
(b) if the defendant files an acknowledgment of se rvice, 45 days after service of
the particulars of claim.
(4) If the claim form is to be served under —
(a) rule 6.19(1) or (1A) in a country not referred to in paragraphs (2) or (3); or
(b) rule 6.19(2), the period is set out in the relevant practice direction. 6.24
Method of service—general provisions
(1) Where a claim form is to be served out of the jurisdiction, it may be served by
any method—
(a) permitted by the law of the country in w hich it is to be served;
(b) provided for by —
(i) rule 6.25 (service through foreign governments, judicial authorities and British
Consular authorities);
(ii)rule 6.26A (service in accordance with the Service Regulation); or
(iii) rule 6.27 (service on a State); or
(c) permitted by a Civil Procedure Convention.
(2) Nothing in this rule or in any court order shall authorise or require any person
to do anything in the country where the claim form is to be served which is against the
law of that country. 6.25 Service through foreign governments, judicial authorities and
British Consular authorities
(1) Where a claim form is to be served on a defenda nt in any country which is a
party to the Hague Convention, the claim form may be served —
(a) through the authority designated under the Hague Convention in respect of that
country; or
(b) if the law of that country permits —
(i) through the judicial authorities of that country, or
(ii) through a British Consular authority in that country.
(2) Where—
(a) paragraph (4) (service in Scotland etc., other than under the Hague Convention)
does not apply; and
(b) a claim form is to be served on a defendant in any country which is a party to a
Civil Procedure Convention (other than the Hague Convention) providing for service in
that country, the claim form may be served, if the law of that country permits —
(i) through the judicial authorities of that country; or
(ii) through a British Consular authority in that country (subject to any provisions
of the applicable convention about the nationality of persons who may be served by
such a method).
(3) Where—
(a) paragraph (4) (service in Scotland etc., other than under the Hague Convention)
does not apply; and
(b) a claim form is to be served on a defendant in any country with respect to
which there is no Civil Procedure Convention providing for service in that coun try, the
claim form may be served, if the law of that country so permits —
(i) through the government of that country, where that government is willing to
serve it; or
(ii) through a British Consular authority in that country.
(4) Except where a claim form is to be served in accordance with paragraph (1)
(service under the Hague Convention), the methods of service permitted by this rule are
not available where the claim form is to be served in —
(a) Scotland, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands;
(b) any Commonwealth State; or
(c) any United Kingdom Overseas Territory.
(5) This rule does not apply where service is to be effected in accordance with the
Service Regulation. 6.26 Procedure where service is to be through foreign governments,
judicial authorities and British Consular authorities
(1) This rule applies where the claimant wishes to serve the claim form through —
(a) the judicial authorities of the country where the claim form is to be served;
(b) a British Consular authority in that country;
(c) the authority designated under the Hague Convention in respect of that country;
(d) the government of that country.
(2) Where this rule applies, the claimant must file —
(a) a request for service of the claim form by the method in paragraph (1) that he
has chosen;
(b) a copy of the claim form;
(c) any translation required under rule 6.28; and
(d) any other documents, copies of documents or translations required by the
relevant practice direction.
(3) When the claimant files the documents specified in paragraph (2), the court
officer will—
(a) seal (GL) the copy of the claim form; and
(b) forward the documents to the Senior Master.
(4) The Senior Master will send documents forwarded under this rule —
(a) where the claim form is being served through the authority designated under the
Hague Convention, to that authority; or
(b) in any other case, to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office with a request that
it arranges for the claim to be served by the method indicated in the request for service
filed under paragraph (2) or, where that request indicates alternative methods, by the
most convenient method.
(5) An official certificate which—
(a) states that the claim form has been served in accordance with this rule either
personally, or in accordance with the law of the country in which service was effected;
(b) specifies the date on which the claim form was served; and
(c) is made by—
(i) a British Consular authority in the country where the claim form was served;
(ii) the government or judicial authorities in that country; or
(iii) any other authority designated in respect of that country under the Hague
Convention, shall be evidence of the facts stated in the certificate.
(6) A document purporting to be an official certificate under paragraph (5) shall be
treated as such a certificate, unless it is proved not to be.
(7) This rule does not apply where service is to be effected in accordance with the
Service Regulation. 6.26A Service in accordance with the Service Regulation
(1) This rule applies where a claim form is to be served in accordance with the
Service Regulation.
(2) The claimant must file the claim form and any translations or other documents
required by the Service Regulation.
(3) When the claimant files the documents referred to in paragraph (2), the court
officer will—
(a) seal (GL) the copy of the claim form; and
(b) forward the documents to the Senior Master.
(4) Rule 6.31 does not apply. 6.27 Service of claim form on State where court
permits service out of the jurisdiction
(1) This rule applies where a claimant wishes to serve the claim form on a State.
(2) The claimant must file in the Central Office of the Royal Courts of Justice —
(a) a request for service to be arranged by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office;
(b) a copy of the claim form; and
(c) any translation required under rule 6.28.
(3) The Senior Master will send documents filed under this rule to the Foreign and
Commonwealth Office with a request that it arranges for the claim form to be served.
(4) An official certificate by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office stating that a
claim form has been duly served on a specified date in accordance with a request made
under this rule shall be evidence of that fact.
(5) A document purporting to be such a certificate shall be treated as such a
certificate, unless it is proved not to be.
(6) Where—
(a) section 12(6) of the State Immunity Act 1978 7 applies; and
(b) the State has agreed to a method of service other than through the Foreign and
Commonwealth Office,
the claim may be served either by the method agreed or in accordance with this
rule. (Section 12(6) of the State Immunity Act 1978 provides that section 12(1) of that
Act, which prescribes a method for serving documents on a State, does not prevent the
service of a claim form or other document in a manner to which the State has agreed)
(7) In this rule "State" has the meaning given by section 14 of the State Immunity
Act 1978. 6.28 Translation of claim form
(1) Except where paragraph (4) or (5) applies, every copy of the claim form filed
under rule 6.26 (service through judicial authorities, foreign governments etc.) or 6.27
(service on State) must be accompanied by a translation of the claim form.
(2) The translation must be—
(a) in the official language of the country in which it is to be served; or
(b) if there is more than one official language of that country, in any official
language which is appropriate to the place in the country where the claim form i s to be
(3) Every translation filed under this rule must be accompanied by a statement by
the person making it that it is a correct translation, and the statement must include —
(a) the name of the person making the translation;
(b) his address; and
(c) his qualifications for making a translation.
(4) The claimant is not required to file a translation of a claim form filed under
rule 6.26 (service through judicial authorities, foreign governments etc.) where the
claim form is to be served—
(a) in a country of which English is an official language; or
(b) on a British subject,
unless a Civil Procedure Convention expressly requires a translation.
(5) The claimant is not required to file a translation of a claim form filed under
rule 6.27 (service on State) where English is an official language of the State where the
claim form is to be served. 6.29 Undertaking to be responsible for expenses of the
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Every request for service filed under rule 6.26 (service through judicial
authorities, foreign governments etc.) or rule 6.27 (service on State) must contain an
undertaking by the person making the request —
(a) to be responsible for all expenses incurred by the Foreign and Commonwealth
Office or foreign judicial authority; and
(b) to pay those expenses to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office or foreign
judicial authority on being informed of the amount. 6.30 Service of documents other than
the claim form
(1) Where an application notice is to be served out of the jurisdiction under this
Section of this Part—
(a) rules 6.2 1(4), 6.22 and 6.23 do not apply; and
(b) where the person on whom the application notice has been served is not a party
to proceedings in the jurisdiction in which the application is made, that person may
make an application to the court under rule 11(1) as if he were a defendant and rule
11(2) does not apply.
(Rule 6.21(4) provides that an order giving permission to serve a claim for m out of
the jurisdiction must specify the periods within which the defendant may (a) file an
acknowledgment of service, (b) file or serve an admission, and (c) file a defence.)
(Rule 6.22 provides rules for the period for acknowledging service or admittin g
the claim where the claim form is served out of the jurisdiction under rule 6.19)
(Rule 6.23 provides rules for the period for filing a defence where the claim form
is served out of the jurisdiction under rule 6.19)
(The practice direction supplementing this Section of this Part provides that where
an application notice is to be served out of the jurisdiction in accordance with this
Section of this Part, the court must have regard to the country in which the applicati on
notice is to be served in setting the date for the hearing of the application and giving any
direction about service of the respondent’s evidence)
(Rule 11(1) provides that a defendant may make an application to the court to
dispute the court’s jurisdiction to try the claim or argue that the court should not exercise
its jurisdiction. Rule 11(2) provides that a defendant who wishes to make such an
application must first file an acknowledgment of service in accordance with Part 10)
(2) Unless paragraph (3) applies, where the permission of the court is required for
a claim form to be served out of the jurisdiction the permission of the court must also be
obtained for service out of the jurisdiction of any other document to be served in the
(3) Where—
(a) the court gives permission for a claim form to be served out of the jurisdiction;
(b) the claim form states that particulars of claim are to follow, the permission of
the court is not required to serve the particulars of claim out of the jurisdiction. 6.31
Proof of service
(a) a hearing is fixed when the claim is issued;
(b) the claim form is served on a defendant out of the jurisdiction; and
(c) that defendant does not appear at the hearing, the claimant may take no further
steps against that defendant until the claimant files written evidence showing that the
claim form has been duly served. IV Service of foreign process 6.32 Scope and
(1) This Section of this Part—
(a) applies to the service in England or Wales of any court process in connection
with civil or commercial proceedings in a foreign court or tribunal; but
(b) does not apply where the Service Regulation applies.
(The Service Regulation is annexed to the relevant practice direction)
(2) In this Section—
(a) "convention country" —
(i) means a foreign country in relation to which there is a civil procedure
convention providing for service in that country of process of the High Court; and
(ii) includes a country which is a party to the Convention on the Service Abroad of
Judicial and Extra-Judicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters signed at the
Hague on 15 November 1965; and
(b) "process server" means—
(i) a process server appointed by the Lord Chancellor to serve documents to which
this Section applies, or
(ii)his authorised agent. 6.33 Request for service
Process will be served where the Senior Master receives —
(a) a written request for service —
(i) where the foreign court or tribunal is in a convention country, from a consular
or other authority of that country; or
(ii) from the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, with a
recommendation that service should be effected;
(b) a translation of that request into English;
(c) two copies of the process to be served; and
(d) unless the foreign court or tribunal certifies that the person to be served
understands the language of the process, two copies of a translation of it into English.
6.34 Method of service
The process must be served as directed by the Senior Master. 6.35 After service
(1) The process server must—
(a) send the Senior Master a copy of the process, and
(i) proof of service; or
(ii) a statement why the process could not be served; and
(b) if the Senior Master directs, specify the costs incurred in serving or attempting
to serve the process.
(2) The Senior Master will send the following documents to the person who
requested service—
(a) a certificate, sealed with the seal of the Supreme Court for use out of the
jurisdiction, stating—
(i) when and how the process was served or the reason why it has not been served;
(ii) where appropriate, an amount certified by a costs judge to be the costs of
serving or attempting to serve the process; and
(b) a copy of the process. Part 7. How to Start Proceedings—The Claim Form
7.1 Where to start proceedings
Restrictions on where proceedings may be started are set out in the relevant
practice direction. 7.2 How to start proceedings
(1) Proceedings are started when the court issues a claim form at the request of the
(2) A claim form is issued on the date entered on the form by the court. (Part
16 sets out what the claim form must include) 7.5 Service of a claim form
(1) After a claim form has been issued, it must be served on the defendant.
(2) The general rule is that a claim form must be served within 4 months after the
date of issue.
(3) The period for service is 6 months where the claim form is to be served out of
the jurisdiction. 7.6 Extension of time for serving a claim form
(1) The claimant may apply for an order extending the period within which the
claim form may be served.
(2) The general rule is that an application to extend the time for service must be
(a) within the period for serving the claim form specified by rule 7.5; or
(b) where an order has been made under this rule, within the period for service
specified by that order.
(3) If the claimant applies for an order to extend the time for service of the claim
form after the end of the period specified by rule 7.5 or by an order made under this
rule, the court may make such an order only if —
(a) the court has been unable to serve the claim form; or
(b) the claimant has taken all reasonable steps to serve the claim form but ha s been
unable to do so; and
(c) in either case, the claimant has acted promptly in making the application.
(4) An application for an order extending the time for service —
(a) must be supported by evidence; and
(b) may be made without notice. 7.7 Application by defendant for service of claim
(1) Where a claim form has been issued against a defendant, but has not yet been
served on him, the defendant may serve a notice on the claimant requiring him to serve
the claim form or discontinue the claim within a period specified in the notice.
(2) The period specified in a notice served under paragraph (1) must be at least 14
days after service of the notice.
(3) If the claimant fails to comply with the notice, the court may, on the application
of the defendant—
(a) dismiss the claim; or
(b) make any other order it thinks just. Part 8. Alternative Procedure for Claims
8.1 Types of claim in which Part 8 procedure may be followed
(1) The Part 8 procedure is the procedure set out in this Part.
(2) A claimant may use the Part 8 procedure where —
(a) he seeks the court’s decision on a question which is unlikely to involve a
substantial dispute of fact; or
(b) paragraph (6) applies.
(3) The court may at any stage order the claim to continue as if the claimant had not
used the Part 8 procedure and, if it does so, the court may give any directions it
considers appropriate.
(4) Paragraph (2) does not apply if a practice direction provides that the Part 8
procedure may not be used in relation to the type of claim in question.
(5) Where the claimant uses the Part 8 procedure he may not obtain default
judgment under Part 12.
(6) A rule or practice direction may, in relation to a specified type of proceedings
(a) require or permit the use of the Part 8 procedure; and
(b) disapply or modify any of the rules set out in this Part as they apply to those
proceedings. 8.2 Contents of the claim form
Where the claimant uses the Part 8 procedure the claim form must state —
(a) that this Part applies;
(i) the question which the claimant wants the court to decide; or
(ii) the remedy which the claimant is seeking and the legal basis for the claim to
that remedy;
(c) if the claim is being made under an enactment, what that enactment is;
(d) if the claimant is claiming in a representative capacity, what that capacity is;
(e) if the defendant is sued in a representative capacity, what that capacity is. 8.2A
Issue of claim form without naming defendants 8.3 Acknowledgment of service
(1) The defendant must—
(a) file an acknowledgment of service in the relevant practice form not more than
14 days after service of the claim form; and
(b) serve the acknowledgment of service on the claimant and any other party.
(2) The acknowledgment of service must state —
(a) whether the defendant contests the claim; and
(b) if the defendant seeks a different remedy from that set out in the claim form,
what that remedy is.
(3) The following rules of Part 10 (acknowledgment of service) apply —
(a) rule 10.3(2) (exceptions to the period for filing an acknowledgment of service);
(b) rule 10.5 (contents of acknowledgment of service).
(4) Omitted 8.9 Modifications to the general rules
Where the Part 8 procedure is followed —
(a) provision is made in this Part for the matters which must be stated in the claim
form and the defendant is not required to file a defence and therefore —
(i) Part 16 (statements of case) does not apply;
(ii) Part 15 (defence and reply) does not apply;
(iii) any time limit in these Rules which prevents the parties from taking a step
before a defence is filed does not apply;
(iv) the requirement under rule 7.8 to serve on the defendant a form for defending
the claim does not apply;
(b) the claimant may not obtain judgment by request on an admission and therefore
(i) rules 14.4 to 14.7 do not apply; and
(ii) the requirement under rule 7.8 to serve on the defendant a form for admitting
the claim does not apply; and
(c) the claim shall be treated as allocated to the multi -track and therefore Part 26
does not apply. Part 10. Acknowledgment of Service 10.1 Acknowledgment of service
(1) This Part deals with the procedure for filing an acknowledgment of service.
(2) Where the claimant uses the procedure set out in Part 8 (alternative procedure
for claims) this Part applies subject to the modifications set out in rule 8.3.
(3) A defendant may file an acknowledgment of service if —
(a) he is unable to file a defence with in the period specified in rule 15.4; or
(b) he wishes to dispute the court’s jurisdiction. 10.2 Consequence of not filing an
acknowledgment of service
(a) a defendant fails to file an acknowledgment of service within the period
specified in rule 10.3; and
(b) does not within that period file a defence in accordance with Part 15 or serve
or file an admission in accordance with Part 14, the claimant may obtain default
judgment if Part 12 allows it. 10.3 The period for filing an acknowledgment of service
(1) The general rule is that the period for filing an acknowledgment of service is —
(a) where the defendant is served with a claim form which states that particulars of
claim are to follow, 14 days after service of the particulars of claim; and
(b) in any other case, 14 days after service of the claim form.
(2) The general rule is subject to the following rules —
(a) rule 6.22 (which specifies how the period for filing a n acknowledgment of
service is calculated where the claim form is served out of the jurisdiction); and
(b) rule 6.16(4) (which requires the court to specify the period for responding to
the particulars of claim when it makes an order under that rule).
(c) rule 6.21(4) (which requires the court to specify the period within which the
defendant may file an acknowledgment of service calculated by reference to Practice
Direction 6B when it makes an order giving permission to serve a clai m form out of the
jurisdiction). 10.4 Notice to claimant that defendant has filed an acknowledgment of
On receipt of an acknowledgment of service, the court must notify the claimant in
writing. 10.5 Contents of acknowledgment of service
(1) An acknowledgment of service must—
(a) be signed by the defendant or his legal representative; and
(b) include the defendants’ address for service. Part 11. Disputing the Court's
Jurisdiction 11 Procedure for disputing the court's jurisdiction
(1) A defendant who wishes to—
(a) dispute the court’s jurisdiction to try the claim; or
(b) argue that the court should not exercise its jurisdiction may apply to the court
for an order declaring that it has no such jurisdiction or should not exercise any
jurisdiction which it may have.
(2) A defendant who wishes to make such an application must first file an
acknowledgment of service in accordance with Part 10.
(3) A defendant who files an acknowledgment of service does not, by doing so,
lose any right that he may have to dispute the court’s jurisdiction.
(4) An application under this rule must—
(a) be made within 14 days after filing an acknowledgment of service; and
(b) be supported by evidence.
(5) If the defendant—
(a) files an acknowledgment of service; and
(b) does not make such an application within the period specified in paragraph (4),
he is to be treated as having accepted that the court has jurisdiction to try the claim.
(6) An order containing a declaration tha t the court has no jurisdiction or will not
exercise its jurisdiction may also make further provision including —
(a) setting aside the claim form;
(b) setting aside service of the claim form;
(c) discharging any order made before the claim was commenced or before the
claim form was served; and
(d) staying(GL) the proceedings.
(7) If on an application under this rule the court does not make a declaration —
(a) the acknowledgment of service shall cease to have effect; and
(b) the defendant may file a further acknowledgment of service within 14 days or
such other period as the court may direct.
(8) If the defendant files a further acknowledgment of service in accordance with
paragraph (7)(b) he shall be treated as having accepted that the court has jurisdiction to
try the claim.
(9) If a defendant makes an application under this rule, he must file and serve his
written evidence in support with the application notice, but he need not before the
hearing of the application file—
(a) in a Part 7 claim, a defence; or
(b) in a Part 8 claim, any other written evidence.
(10) Omitted Part 20. Counterclaims and Other Additional Claims 20.1
Purpose of Part 20
The purpose of Part 20 is to enable Part 20 claims to be managed in the most
convenient and effective manner. 20.2 Meaning of “Part 20 claim”
(1) A Part 20 claim is any claim other than a claim by a claimant against a
defendant and includes—
(a) a counterclaim by a defendant against the claimant or against the claimant and
some other person;
(b) a claim by a defendant against any person (whether or not already a party) for
contribution(GL) or indemnity(GL) or some other remedy; and
(c) where a Part 20 claim has been made against a person who is not already a
party, any claim made by that person against any other person (whether or not already a
(2) In this Part "Part 20 claimant" means a person who makes a Part 20 claim. 20.3
Part 20 claim to be treated as a claim for the purposes of the Rules
(1) A Part 20 claim shall be treated as if it were a claim for the purposes of these
Rules, except as provided by this Part.
(2) The following rules do not apply to Part 20 claims —
(a) rules 7.5 and 7.6 (time within which a claim form may be served);
(b) rule 16.3(5) (statement of value where claim to be issued in the High Court);
(c) Part 26 (case management—preliminary stage).
(3) Part 12 (default judgment) applies to a Part 20 claim only if it is a
(4) With the exception of—
(a) rules 14.1(1) and 14.1(2) (which provide that a party may admit the truth of
another party’s case in writing); and
(b) rule 14.(3) (admission by notice in writing —application for judgment), which
apply to all Part 20 claims, Part 14 (admissions) applies to a Part 20 claim only if it is a
(Rule 12.3(2) sets out how to obtain judgment in default of defence where the Part
20 claim is a counterclaim against the claimant, and rule 20.11 makes special provision
for default judgment in some categories of Part 20 claims) 20.4 Defendant's
counterclaim against the claimant
(1) A defendant may make a counterclaim against a claimant by filing particulars of
the counterclaim.
(2) A defendant may make a counterclaim against a claimant —
(a) without the court’s permission if he files it with his defence; or
(b) at any other time with the court’s permission.
(Part 15 makes provision for a defence to a claim and applies to a defence to a
counterclaim by virtue of rule 20.3)
(3) Part 10 (acknowledgment of servic e) does not apply to a claimant who wishes
to defend a counterclaim. 20.5 Counterclaim against a person other than the claimant
(1) A defendant who wishes to counterclaim against a person other than the
claimant must apply to the court for an order that that person be added as defendant to
the counterclaim.
(2) An application for an order under paragraph (1) may be made without notice
unless the court directs otherwise.
(3) Where the court makes an order under paragraph (1), it will give directions as
to the management of the case. 20.8 Service of a Part 20 claim form
(1) Where a Part 20 claim may be made without the court’s permission, the Part 20
claim form must—
(a) in the case of a counterclaim against an existing party only, be served on every
other party when a copy of the defence is served;
(b) in the case of any other Part 20 claim, be served on the person against whom it
is made within 14 days after the date on which the Part 20 claim is issued by the court.
(2) Paragraph (1) does not apply to a claim for contribution (GL) or indemnity(GL)made
in accordance with rule 20.6.
(3) Where the court gives permission to make a Part 20 claim it will at the same
time give directions as to the service of the Part 20 claim. 20.10 Effect of service of a
Part 20 claim
(1) A person on whom a Part 20 claim is served becomes a party to the
proceedings if he is not a party already.
(2) When a Part 20 claim is served on an existing party for the purpose of requiring
the court to decide a question against that party in a further capacity, that party also
becomes a party in the further capacity specified in the Part 20 claim. Part 61.
Admiralty Claims 61.1 Scope and interpretation
(1) This Part applies to admiralty claims.
(2) In this Part—
(a) "admiralty claim" means a claim within the Admiralty jurisdiction of the High
Court as set out in section 20 of the Supreme Court Act 1981 8;
(b) "the Admiralty Court" means the Admiralty Court of the Queen’s Bench
Division of the High Court of Justice;
(c) "claim in rem" means a claim in an admiralty action in rem;
(d) "collision claim" means a claim within section 20(3)(b) of the Supreme Court
Act 1981;
(e) "limitation claim" means a claim under the Merchant Shipping Act 1995 9 for
the limitation of liability in connection with a ship or other property;
(f) "salvage claim" means a claim —
(i) for or in the nature of salvage;
(ii) for special compensation under Article 14 of Schedule 11 to the Merchant
Shipping Act 1995;
(iii) for the apportionment of salvage; and
(iv) arising out of or connected with any contract for salvage services;
(g)"caution against arrest" means a caution entered in the Register under rule 61.7;
(h)"caution against release" means a caution entered in the Register under rule
(i) "the Register" means the Register of cautions against arrest and release which is
open to inspection as provided by the practice direction;
(j) "the Marshal" means the Admiralty Marshal;
(k)"ship" includes any vessel used in navigation; and
(l) "the Registrar" means the Queen’s Bench Master with responsibility for
Admiralty claims.
(3) Part 58 (Commercial Court) applies to claims in the Admiralty Court except
where this Part provides otherwise.
(4) The Registrar has all the powers of the Admiralty judge except where a rule or
practice direction provides otherwise. 61.2 Admiralty claims
(1) The following claims must be started in the Admiralty Court —
(a) a claim—
(i) in rem;
(ii) for damage done by a ship;
(iii)concerning the ownership of a ship;
(iv) under the Merchant Shipping Act 1995;
(v) for loss of life or personal injury specified in section 20(2)(f) of the Supreme
Court Act 1981;
(vi) by a master or member of a crew for wages;
(vii) in the nature of towage; or
(viii) in the nature of pilotage;
(b) a collision claim;
(c) a limitation claim; or
(d) a salvage claim.
(2) Any other admiralty claim may be started in the Admiralty Court.
(3) Rule 30.5(3) applies to claims in the Admiralty Court except that the Admiralty
Court may order the transfer of a claim to —
(a) the Commercial list;
(b) a Mercantile Court;
(c) the Mercantile list at the Central London County Court; or
(d) any other appropriate court. 61.3 Claims in rem
(1) This rule applies to claims in rem.
(2) A claim in rem is started by the issue of an in rem claim form as set out in the
practice direction.
(3) Subject to rule 61.4, the particulars of claim must —
(a) be contained in or served with the claim form; or
(b) be served on the defendant by the claimant within 75 days after service of the
claim form.
(4) An acknowledgment of service must be filed within 14 days after service of the
claim form.
(5) The claim form must be served—
(a) in accordance with the practice direction; and
(b) within 12 months after the date of issue and rules 7.5 and 7.6 are modified
(6) If a claim form has been issued (whether served or not), any person who
wishes to defend the claim may file an acknowledgment of service. 61.4 Special
provisions relating to collision claims
(1) This rule applies to collision claims.
(2) A claim form need not contain or be followed by particulars of claim and rule
7.4 does not apply.
(3) An acknowledgment of service must be filed.
(4) A party who wishes to dispute the court’s jurisdiction must make an application
under Part 11 within 2 months after filing his acknowledgment of service.
(5) Every party must—
(a) within 2 months after the defendant files the acknowledgment of service; or
(b) where the defendant applies under Part 11, within 2 months after the defendant
files the further acknowledgment of service, file at the court a completed collision
statement of case in the form specified in the practice direction.
(6) A collision statement of case must be—
(a) in the form set out in the practice direction; and
(b) verified by a statement of truth.
(7) A claim form in a collision claim may not be served out of the jurisdiction
(a) the case falls within section 22(2)(a), (b) or (c) of the Supreme Court Act
1981 ; or
(b) the defendant has submitted to or agreed to submit to the jurisdiction; and the
court gives permission in accordance with Section III of Part 6.
(8) Where permission to serve a claim form out of the jurisdiction is given, the
court will specify the period within which the defendant may file an acknowledgment of
service and, where appropriate, a collision statement of case.
(9) Where, in a collision claim in rem ("the original claim") —
(i) a Part 20 claim; or
(ii) a cross claim in rem arising out of the same collision or occurrence is made;
(i) the party bringing the original claim has caused the arrest of a ship or has
obtained security in order to prevent such arrest; and
(ii) the party bringing the Part 20 claim or cross claim is unable to arrest a ship or
otherwise obtain security,
the party bringing the Part 20 claim or cross claim may apply to the court to stay
the original claim until sufficient security is given to satisfy any judgment that may be
given in favour of that party.
(10) The consequences set out in paragraph (11) apply where a party to a claim to
establish liability for a collision claim (other than a claim for loss of life or personal
(a) makes an offer to settle in the form set out in paragraph (12) not less than 21
days before the start of the trial;
(b) that offer is not accepted; and
(c) the maker of the offer obtains at trial an apportionment equal to or more
favourable than his offer.
(11) Where paragraph (10) applies the parties will, unless the court considers it
unjust, be entitled to the following costs—
(a) the maker of the offer will be entitled to —
(i) all his costs from 21 days after the offer was ma de; and
(ii) his costs before then in the percentage to which he would have been entitled
had the offer been accepted; and
(b) all other parties to whom the offer was made —
(i) will be entitled to their costs up to 21 days after the offer w as made in the
percentage to which they would have been entitled had the offer been accepted; but
(ii) will not be entitled to their costs thereafter.
(12) An offer under paragraph (10) must be in writing and must contain —
(a) an offer to settle liability at stated percentages;
(b) an offer to pay costs in accordance with the same percentages;
(c) a term that the offer remain open for 21 days after the date it is made; and
(d) a term that, unless the court orders otherwise, on expiry of that perio d the offer
remains open on the same terms except that the offeree should pay all the costs from that
date until acceptance. 61.5 Arrest
(1) In a claim in rem—
(a) a claimant; and
(b) a judgment creditor may apply to have the property proceeded against arrested.
(2) The practice direction sets out the procedure for applying for arrest.
(3) A party making an application for arrest must —
(a) request a search to be made in the Register before the warrant is issued to
determine whether there is a caution against arrest in force with respect to that property;
(b) file a declaration in the form set out in the practice direction.
(4) A warrant of arrest may not be issued as of right in the case of property in
respect of which the beneficial ownership, as a result of a sale or disposal by any court
in any jurisdiction exercising admiralty jurisdiction in rem, has changed since the claim
form was issued.
(5) A warrant of arrest may not be issued against a ship owned by a State where by
any convention or treaty, the United Kingdom has undertaken to minimise the possibility
of arrest of ships of that State until—
(a) notice in the form set out in the practice direction has been served on a consular
officer at the consular office of that State in London or the port at which it is intended to
arrest the ship; and
(b) a copy of that notice is attached to any declaration under pa ragraph (3)(b).
(6) Except—
(a) with the permission of the court; or
(b) where notice has been given under paragraph (5), a warrant of arrest may not
be issued in a claim in rem against a foreign ship belonging to a port of a State in
respect of which an order in council has been made under section 4 of the Consular
Relations Act 1968 11, until the expiration of 2 weeks from appropriate notice to the
(7) A warrant of arrest is valid for 12 months but may only be executed if the claim
(a) has been served; or
(b) remains valid for service at the date of execution.
(8) Property may only be arrested by the Marshal or his substitute.
(9) Property under arrest—
(a) may not be moved unless the court orders otherwise; and
(b) may be immobilised or prevented from sailing in such manner as the Marshal
may consider appropriate.
(10) Where an in rem claim form has been issued and security sought, any person
who has filed an acknowledgment of service may apply for an order specifying the
amount and form of security to be provided. 61.6 Security in claim in rem
(1) This rule applies if, in a claim in rem, security has been given to —
(a) obtain the release of property under arrest; or
(b) prevent the arrest of property.
(2) The court may order that the—
(a) amount of security be reduced and may stay the claim until the order is
complied with; or
(b) claimant may arrest or re-arrest the property proceeded against to obtain
further security.
(3) The court may not make an order under paragraph (2)(b) if the total security to
be provided would exceed the value of the property at the time —
(a) of the original arrest; or
(b) security was first given (if the property was not arrested). 61.7 Cautions
against arrest
(1) Any person may file a request for a caution against arrest.
(2) When a request under paragraph (1) is filed the court will enter the caution in
the Register if the request is in the form set out in the practice direction and — (a)
the person filing the request undertakes—
(i) to file an acknowledgment of service; and
(ii) to give sufficient security to satisfy the claim with interest and costs; or
(b) where the person filing the request has constituted a limitation fund in
accordance with Article 11 of the Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime
Claims 197612 he—
(i) states that such a fund has been constituted; and
(ii) undertakes that the claimant will acknowledge service of the claim form by
which any claim may be begun against the property described in the request.
(3) A caution against arrest—
(a) is valid for 12 months after the date it is entered in the Register; but
(b) may be renewed for a further 12 months by filing a further reques t.
(4) Paragraphs (1) and (2) apply to a further request under paragraph (3)(b).
(5) Property may be arrested if a caution against arrest has been entered in the
Register but the court may order that—
(a) the arrest be discharged; and
(b) the party procuring the arrest pays compensation to the owner of or other
persons interested in the arrested property. 61.8 Release and cautions against release
(1) Where property is under arrest—
(a) an in rem claim form may be served upon it; and
(b) it may be arrested by any other person claiming to have an in rem claim against
(2) Any person who—
(a) claims to have an in rem right against any property under arrest; and
(b) wishes to be given notice of any application in respect of that property or its
proceeds of sale, may file a request for a caution against release in the form set out in
the practice direction.
(3) When a request under paragraph (2) is filed, a caution against release will be
entered in the Register.
(4) Property will be released from arrest if —
(a) it is sold by the court;
(b) the court orders release on an application made by any party;
(i) the arresting party; and
(ii) all persons who have entered cautions against release file a request for
release in the form set out in the practice direction; or
(d) any party files—
(i) a request for release in the form set out in the practice direction (containing an
undertaking); and
(ii) consents to the release of the arresting party and all persons who have entered
cautions against release.
(5) Where the release of any property is delayed by the entry of a caution against
release under this rule any person who has an interest in the property may apply for an
order that the person who entered the caution pay damages for losses suffered by the
applicant because of the delay.
(6) The court may not make an order under paragraph (5) if satisfied that there was
good reason to—
(a) request the entry of; and
(b) maintain the caution.
(7) Any person—
(a) interested in property under arrest or in the proceeds of sale of such property;
(b) whose interests are affected by any order sought or made, may be made a party
to any claim in rem against the property or proceeds of sale.
(8) Where—
(i) a ship is not under arrest but cargo on board her is; or
(ii) a ship is under arrest but cargo on board her is not; and
(b) persons interested in the ship or cargo wish to discharge the cargo, they may
without being made parties, request the Marshal to author ise steps to discharge the
(9) If—
(a) the Marshal considers a request under paragraph (8) reasonable; and
(b) the applicant gives an undertaking in writing acceptable to the Marshal to pay
(i)his fees; and
(ii) all expenses to be incurred by him or on his behalf on demand, the Marshal
will apply to the court for an order to permit the discharge of the cargo.
(10) Where persons interested in the ship or cargo are unable or unwilling to give
an undertaking as referred to in paragraph (9)(b), they may—
(a) be made parties to the claim; and
(b) apply to the court for an order for —
(i) discharge of the cargo; and
(ii) directions as to the fees and expenses of the Marshal with regard to the
discharge and storage of the cargo. 61.9 Judgment in default
(1) In a claim in rem (other than a collision claim) the claimant may obtain
judgment in default of—
(a) an acknowledgment of service only if —
(i) the defendant has not filed an acknowledgment of service; and
(ii) the time for doing so set out in rule 61.3(4) has expired; and
(b) defence only if—
(i) a defence has not been filed; and
(ii) the relevant time limit for doing so has expired.
(2) In a collision claim, a party who has filed a co llision statement of case within
the time specified by rule 6 1.4(5) may obtain judgment in default of a collision
statement of case only if—
(a) the party against whom judgment is sought has not filed a collision statement of
case; and
(b) the time for doing so set out in rule 61.4(5) has expired.
(3) An application for judgment in default—
(a) under paragraph (1) or paragraph (2) in an in rem claim must be made by filing
(i) an application notice as set out in the practice direction;
(ii) a certificate proving service of the claim form; and
(iii) evidence proving the claim to the satisfaction of the court; and
(b) under paragraph (2) in any other claim must be made in acco rdance with Part
12 with any necessary modifications.
(4) An application notice seeking judgment in default and, unless the court orders
otherwise, all evidence in support, must be served on all persons who have entered
cautions against release on the Register.
(5) The court may set aside or vary any judgment in default entered under this rule.
(6) The claimant may apply to the court for judgment against a party at whose
instance a notice against arrest was entered where —
(a) the claim form has been serve d on that party;
(b) the sum claimed in the claim form does not exceed the amount specified in the
undertaking given by that party in accordance with rule 61 .7(2)(a)(ii); and
(c) that party has not fulfilled that undertaking within 14 days after service on him
of the claim form. 61.10 Sale by the court, priorities and payment out
(1) An application for an order for the survey, appraisement or sale of a ship may
be made in a claim in rem at any stage by any party.
(2) If the court makes an order for sale, it may —
(a) set a time within which notice of claims against the proceeds of sale must be
filed; and
(b) the time and manner in which such notice must be advertised.
(3) Any party with a judgment against the property or proceeds of sale may at any
time after the time referred to in paragraph (2) apply to the court for the determination of
(4) An application notice under paragraph (3) must be served on all perso ns who
have filed a claim against the property.
(5) Payment out of the proceeds of sale will be made only to judgment creditors
(a) in accordance with the determination of priorities; or
(b) as the court orders. 61.11 Limitation claims
(1) This rule applies to limitation claims.
(2) A claim is started by the issue of a limitation claim form as set out in the
practice direction.
(3) The—
(a) claimant; and
(b) at least one defendant must be named in the claim form, but all other defendants
may be described.
(4) The claim form—
(a) must be served on all named defendants and any other defendant who requests
service upon him; and
(b) may be served on any other defendant.
(5) The claim form may not be served out of the j urisdiction unless—
(a) the claim falls within section 22(2)(a), (b) or (c) of the Supreme Court Act
1981 ;
(b) the defendant has submitted to or agreed to submit to the jurisdiction of the
court; or
(c) the Admiralty Court has jurisdiction over the claim under any applicable
Convention; and the court grants permission in accordance with Section III of Part 6.
(6) An acknowledgment of service is not required.
(7) Every defendant upon whom a claim form is served must —
(a) within 28 days of service file—
(i) a defence; or
(ii) a notice that he admits the right of the claimant to limit liability; or
(b) if he wishes to—
(i) dispute the jurisdiction of the court; or
(ii) argue that the court should not exercise its jurisdiction, file within 14 days of
service (or where the claim form is served out of the jurisdiction, within the time
specified in rule 6.22) an acknowledgment of service as set out in the practice direction.
(8) If a defendant files an acknowledgment of service under paragraph (7)(b) he
will be treated as having accepted that the court has jurisdiction to hear the claim unless
he applies under Part 11 within 14 days after filing the acknowledgment of service.
(9) Where one or more named defendants admits the right to limit —
(a) the claimant may apply for a restricted limitation decree in the form set out in
the practice direction; and
(b) the court will issue a decree in the form set out in the practice di rection
limiting liability only against those named defendants who have admitted the claimant’s
right to limit liability.
(10) A restricted limitation decree—
(a) may be obtained against any named defendant who fails to file a defence within
the time specified for doing so; and
(b) need not be advertised, but a copy must be served on the defendants to whom it
(11) Where all the defendants upon whom the claim form has been served admit the
claimant’s right to limit liability—
(a) the claimant may apply to the Admiralty Registrar for a general limitation
decree in the form set out in the practice direction; and
(b) the court will issue a limitation decree.
(12) Where one or more of the defendants upon whom the claim form has been
served do not admit the claimant’s right to limit, the claimant may apply for a general
limitation decree in the form set out in the practice direction.
(13) When a limitation decree is granted the court —
(a) may—
(i) order that any proceedings relating to any claim arising out of the occurrence be
(ii)order the claimant to establish a limitation fund if one has not been established
or make such other arrangements for payment of claims against which liability is
limited; or
(iii) if the decree is a restricted limitation decree, distribute the limitation fund;
(b) will, if the decree is a general limitation decree, give directions as to
advertisement of the decree and set a time within which notice of claims against the fund
must be filed or an application made to set aside the decree.
(14) When the court grants a general limitation decree the claimant must —
(a) advertise it in such manner and within such time as the court directs; and
(b) f i l e —
(i) a declaration that the decree has been advertised in accordance with paragraph
(a); and
(ii)copies of the advertisements.
(15) No later than the time set in the decree for filing claims, each of the
defendants who wishes to assert a claim must file and serve his statement of case on —
(a) the limiting party; and
(b) all other defendants except where the court orders otherwise.
(16) Any person other than a defendant upon whom the claim form has been served
may apply to the court within the time fixed in the decree to have a general limitation
decree set aside.
(17) An application under paragraph (16) must be supported by a declaration —
(a) stating that the applicant has a claim against the claimant arising out of the
occurrence; and
(b) setting out grounds for contending that the claimant is not entitled to the decree,
either in the amount of limitation or at all.
(18) The claimant may constitute a limitation fund by making a payment into court.
(19) A limitation fund may be established before or after a limitation claim has
been started.
(20) If a limitation claim is not commenced within 75 days after the date the fund
was established—
(a) the fund will lapse; and
(b) all money in court (including interest) will be repaid to the person who made
the payment into court.
(21) Money paid into court under paragraph (18) will not be paid out except under
an order of the court.
(22) A limitation claim for—
(a) a restricted decree may be brought by counterclaim; and
(b) a general decree may only be brought by counterclaim with the permission of
the court. 61.12 Stay of proceedings
Where the court orders a stay of any claim in rem —
(a) any property under arrest in the claim remains under arrest; and
(b) any security representing the property remains in force, unless the court orders
otherwise. 61.13 Assessors
The court may sit with assessors when hearing—
(a) collision claims; or
(b) other claims involving issues of navigation or seamanship, and the parties will
not be permitted to call expert witnesses unless the court orders otherwise. Admiralty
Claims Practice Direction This Practice Direction Supplements CPR Part 61 61.1—
1.1 The practice direction supplementing Part 58 (Commercial Claims) also
applies to Admiralty claims except where it is inconsistent with Part 61 or this practice
direction. Case management
2.1 After a claim form is issued the Registrar will issue a direction in writing
(1) whether the claim will remain in the Admiralty Court or be transferred to
another court; and
(2) if the claim remains in the Admiralty Court —
(a) whether it will be dealt with by—
(i) the Admiralty judge; or
(ii) the Registrar; and
(b) whether the trial will be in London or elsewhere.
2.2 In making these directions the Registrar will have regard to —
(1) the nature of the issues and the sums in dispute; and
(2) the criteria set in rule 26.8 so far as they are applicable.
2.3 Where the Registrar directs that the claim will be dealt with by the Admiralty
judge, case management directions will be given and any case management conference
or pre-trial review will be heard by the Admiralty judge. 61.3—Claims in rem
3.1 A claim form in rem must be in Form ADM1.
3.2 The claimant in a claim in rem may be named or may be described, but if not
named in the claim form must identify himself by name if requested to do so by any other
3.3 The defendant must be described in the claim form.
3.4 The acknowledgment of service must be in Form ADM2. The person who
acknowledges service must identify himself by name.
3.5 The period for acknowledging service under rule 61.3(4) applies irrespective
of whether the claim form contains particulars of claim.
3.6 A claim form in rem may be served in the following ways:
(1) on the property against which the claim is brought by fixing a copy of the claim
(a) on the outside of the property in a position which may reasonably be expected
to be seen; or
(b) where the property is freight, either—
(i) on the cargo in respect of which the freight was earned; or
(ii) on the ship on which the cargo was carried;
(2) if the property to be served is in the custody of a person who will not permit
access to it, by leaving a copy of the claim form with that person;
(3) where the property has been sold by the Marshal, by filing the claim form at the
(4) where there is a notice against arrest, on the person named in the notice as
being authorised to accept service;
(5) on any solicitor authorised to accept service;
(6) in accordance with any agreement providing for service of proceedings; or
(7) in any other manner as the court may direct under rule 6.8 provided that the
property against which the claim is brought or part of it is within the jurisdiction of the
3.7 In claims where the property—
(1) is to be arrested; or
(2) is already under arrest in current proceedings, the Marshal will serve the in
rem claim form if the claimant requests the court to do so.
3.8 In all other cases in rem claim forms must be served by the claimant.
3.9 Where the defendants are described and not named on the claim form (for
example as "the Owners of the Ship X"), any acknowledgment of service in addition to
stating that description must also state the full names of the persons acknowledging
service and the nature of their ownership.
3.10 After the acknowledgment of service has been filed, the claim will follow the
procedure applicable to a claim proceeding in the Commercial list except that the
claimant is allowed 75 days to serve the particulars of claim.
3.11 A defendant who files an acknowledgment of service to an in rem claim does
not lose any right he may have to dispute the jurisdiction of the court (see rule 10.1(3)
(b) and Part 11).
3.12 Any person who pays the prescribed fee may, during office hours, search for,
inspect and take a copy of any claim form in rem whether or not it has been served. 61.4 —
Collision claims
4.1 A collision statement of case must be in form ADM3.
4.2 A collision statement of case must contain—
(1) in Part 1 of the form, answers to the questions set out in that Part; and
(2) in Part 2 of the form, a statement—
(a) of any other facts and matters on which the party filing the collision statement
of case relies;
(b) of all allegations of negligence or other fault which the party filing the collision
statement of case makes; and
(c) of the remedy which the party filing the collision statement of case claims.
4.3 When he files his collision statement of case each party must give notice to
every other party that he has done so.
4.4 Within 14 days after the last collision statement of case is filed each party must
serve a copy of his collision statement of case on every other party.
4.5 Before the coming into force of Part 61, a collision statement of case was
known as a Preliminary Act and the law relating to Preliminary Acts will continue to
apply to collision statements of case. 61.5—Arrest
5.1 An application for arrest must be—
(1) in form ADM4 (which must also contain an undertaking); and
(2) accompanied by a declaration in form ADM5.
5.2 When it receives an application for arrest that complies with the rules and the
practice direction the court will issue an arrest warrant.
5.3 The declaration required by rule 61.5(3)(b) must be verified by a statement of
truth and must state—
(1) in every claim—
(a) the nature of the claim or counterclaim and that it has not been satisfied and if it
arises in connection with a ship, the name o f that ship;
(b) the nature of the property to be arrested and, if the property is a ship, the name
of the ship and her port of registry; and
(c) the amount of the security sought, if any.
(2) in a claim against a ship by virtue of section 21(4) of the Supreme Court Act
(a) the name of the person who would be liable on the claim if it were not
commenced in rem;
(b) that the person referred to in sub-paragraph (a) was, when the right to bring the
claim arose—
(i) the owner or charterer of; or
(ii) in possession or in control of, the ship in connection with which the claim
arose; and
(c) that at the time the claim form was issued the person referred to in sub -
paragraph (a) was either—
(i) the beneficial owner of all the shares in the ship in respect of which the warrant
is required; or
(ii)the charterer of it under a charter by demise;
(3) in the cases set out in rules 61.5 (5) and (6) that the relevant notice has been
sent or served, as appropriate; and
(4) in the case of a claim in respect of liability incurred under section 153 of the
Merchant Shipping Act 1995, the facts relied on as establishing that the court is not
prevented from considering the claim by reason of section 166(2) of that Act.
5.4 The notice required by rule 61.5(5)(a) must be in form ADM6.
5.5 Property is arrested—
(1) by service on it of an arrest warrant in form ADM9 in the manner set out at
paragraph 3.6(1); or
(2) where it is not reasonably practicable to serve the warrant, by service of a
notice of the issue of the warrant—
(a) in the manner set out in paragraph 3.6(1) on the property; or
(b) by giving notice to those in charge of the property.
5.6 When property is arrested the Registrar will issue standard directions in form
ADM1 0.
5.7 The Marshal does not insure property under arrest. 61.7—Cautions against
6.1 The entry of a caution against arrest is not treated as a submission to the
jurisdiction of the court.
6.2 The request for a caution against arrest must be in form ADM7.
6.3 On the filing of such a request, a caution against arrest will be entered in the
6.4 The Register is open for inspection when the Admiralty and Commercial
Registry is open. 61.8—Release and cautions against release
7.1 The request for a caution against release must be in form ADM11.
7.2 On the filing of such a request, a caution against release will be entered in the
7.3 The Register is open for inspection when the Admiralty and Commercial
Registry is open.
7.4 A request for release under rule 61 .8(4)(c) and (d) must be in form ADM1 2.
7.5 A withdrawal of a caution against release must be in form ADM12A. 61.9—
Judgment in default
8.1 An application notice for judgment in default must be in form ADM13. 61.10—
Sale by the court and priorities
9.1 Any application to the court concerning—
(1) the sale of the property under arrest; or
(2) the proceeds of sale of property sold by the court will be heard in public and
the application notice served on—
(a) all parties to the claim;
(b) all persons who have requested cautions against release with regard to the
property or the proceeds of sale; and
(c) the Marshal.
9.2 Unless the court orders otherwise an order for sale will be in form ADM1 4.
9.3 An order for sale before judgment may only be made by the Admiralty judge.
9.4 Unless the Admiralty judge orders otherwise, a determination of priorities may
only be made by the Admiralty judge.
9.5 When—
(1) proceeds of sale are paid into court by the Marshal; and
(2) such proceeds are in a foreign currency, the funds will be placed on one day
call interest bearing account unless the court orders otherwise.
9.6 Unless made at the same time as an application for sale, or other prior
application, an application to place foreign currency on longer term deposit may be
made to the Registrar.
9.7 Notice of the placement of foreign currency in an in terest bearing account must
be given to all parties interested in the fund by the party who made the application under
paragraph 9.6.
9.8 Any interested party who wishes to object to the mode of investment of foreign
currency paid into court may apply to t he Registrar for directions. 61.11—Limitation
10.1 The claim form in a limitation claim must be —
(1) in form ADM15; and
(2) accompanied by a declaration—
(a) setting out the facts upon which the claimant relies; and
(b) stating the names and addresses (if known) of all persons who, to the
knowledge of the claimant, have claims against him in respect of the occurrence to
which the claim relates (other than named defendants), verified by a statement of truth.
10.2 A defence to a limitation claim must be in form ADM1 6A.
10.3 A notice admitting the right of the claimant to limit liability in a limitation
claim must be in form ADM1 6.
10.4 An acknowledgment of service in a limitation claim must be in form
10.5 An application for a restricted limitation decree must be in form ADM17 and
the decree issued by the court on such an application must be in form ADM1 8.
10.6 An application for a general limitation decree must be in form ADM17A.
10.7 Where—
(1) the right to limit is not admitted; and
(2) the claimant seeks a general limitation decree in form ADM1 7A, the claimant
must, within 7 days after the date of the filing of the defence of the defendant last served
or the expiry of the time for doing so, apply for an appointment before the Registrar for
a case management conference.
10.8 On an application under rule 61.11(12) the Registrar may —
(1) grant a general limitation decree; or
(2) if he does not grant a decree—
(a) order service of a defence ;
(b) order disclosure by the claimant; or
(c) make such other case management directions as may be appropriate. 10.9
The fact that a limitation fund has lapsed under rule 61.11(20)(a) does not prevent
the establishment of a new fund.
10.10 Where a limitation fund is established, it must be —
(1) the sterling equivalent of the number of special drawing rights to which [the
claimant] claims to be entitled to limit his liability under the Merchant Shipping Act
1995; together with
(2) interest from the date of the occurrence giving rise to his liability to the date of
payment into court.
10.11 Where the claimant does not know the sterling equivalent referred to in
paragraph 10.10(1) on the date of payment into court he may —
(1) calculate it on the basis of the latest available published sterling equivalent of
a special drawing right as fixed by the International Monetary Fund; and
(2) in the event of the sterling equivalent of a special drawing right on the date of
payment into court being different from that used for calculating the amount of that
payment into court the claimant may—
(a) make up any deficiency by making a further payment into court which, if made
within 14 days after the payment into court, will be tr eated, except for the purpose of the
rules relating to the accrual of interest on money paid into court, as if made on the date
of that payment into court; or
(b) apply to the court for payment out of any excess amount (together w ith any
interest accrued) paid into court.
10.12 An application under paragraph 10.1 1(2)(b) —
(1) may be made without notice to any party; and
(2) must be supported by evidence proving, to the satisfaction of the court, the
sterling equivalent of the appropriate number of special drawing rights on the date of
payment into court.
10.13 The claimant must give notice in writing to every named defendant of —
(1) any payment into court specifying—
(a) the date of the payment in;
(b) the amount paid in;
(c) the amount and rate of interest included; and
(d) the period to which it relates; and
(2) any excess amount (and interest) paid out to him under paragraph 10. 11(2)(b).
10.14 A claim against the fund must be in form ADM20.
10.15 A defendant’s statement of case filed and served in accordance with rule
6 1.11(15) must contain particulars of the defendant’s claim.
10.16 Any defendant who is unable to file and serve a statement of case in
accordance with rule 6 1.11(15) and par agraph 10.15 must file a declaration, verified by
a statement of truth, in form ADM21 stating the reason for his inability.
10.17 No later than 7 days after the time for filing claims [or declarations], the
Registrar will fix a date for a case management c onference at which directions will be
given for the further conduct of the proceedings.
10.18 Nothing in rule 61.11 prevents limitation being relied on by way of defence.
Proceeding against or concerning the international oil pollution compensation fund
11.1 For the purposes of section 177 of the Merchant Shipping Act 1995 ("the
Act") and the corresponding provision of Schedule 4 to the Act, the Fund may be given
notice of proceedings by any party to a claim against an owner or guarantor in respect of
liability under—
(1) section 153 or section 154 of the Act; or
(2) the corresponding provisions of Schedule 4 to the Act by that person serving a
notice in writing on the Fund together with copies of the claim form and any statements
of case served in the claim.
11.2 The Fund may intervene in any claim to which paragraph 11.1 applies,
(whether or not served with the notice), by serving notice of intervention on the —
(1) owner;
(2) guarantor; and
(3) court.
11.3 Where a judgment is given against the Fund in any claim under —
(1) section 175 of the Act; or
(2) the corresponding provisions of Schedule 4 to the Act, the Registrar will
arrange for a stamped copy of the judgment to be sent to the Fund by post.
11.4 Notice to the Registrar of the matters set out in —
(1) section 176(3)(b) of the Act; or
(2) the corresponding provisions of Schedule 4 to the Act, must be given by the
Fund in writing and sent to the court. Other Claims
12.1 This section applies to Admiralty claims which, before the coming into force
of Part 61, would have been called claims in personam. Subject to the provisions of
Part 61 and this practice direction relating to limitation claims and to collision claims,
the following provisions apply to such claims.
12.2 All such claims will proceed in accordance with Part 58 (Commercial
12.3 The claim form must be in Form ADMIA and must be served by the claimant.
12.4 The claimant may be named or may be described , but if not named in the
claim form must identify himself by name if requested to do so by any other party.
12.5 The defendant must be named in the claim form.
12.6 Any person who files a defence must identify himself by name in the defence.
References to the Registrar
13.1 The court may at any stage in the claim refer any question or issue for
determination by the Registrar (a "reference").
13.2 Unless the court orders otherwise, where a reference has been ordered —
(1) if particulars of claim have not already been served, the claimant must file and
serve particulars of claim on all other parties within 14 days after the date of the order;
(2) any party opposing the claim must file a defence to the claim within 14 d ays
after service of the particulars of claim on him.
13.3 Within 7 days after the defence is filed, the claimant must apply for an
appointment before the Registrar for a case management conference. Undertakings
14.1 Where, in [Part 61] or this practice direction, any undertaking to the Marshal
is required it must be given—
(1) in writing and to his satisfaction; or
(2) in accordance with such other arrangements as he may require.
14.2 Where any party is dissatisfied with a direction given by the Marshal in this
respect he may apply to the Registrar for a ruling. Part 62. Arbitration Claims 62.1
Scope of this Part and interpretation
(1) This Part contains rules about arbitration claims.
(3) Part 58 (Commercial Court) applies to arbitration claims in the Commercial
Court, Part 59 (Mercantile Court) applies to arbitration claims in the Mercantile Court
and Part 60 (Technology and Construction Court claims) applies to arbitration claims in
the Technology and Construction Court, except where this Part provides otherwise. I
Claims under the 1996 act
62.2 Interpretation
(1) In this Section of this Part "arbitration claim" means —
(a) any application to the court under the 1996 Act;
(b) a claim to determine—
(i) whether there is a valid arbitration agreement;
(ii) whether an arbitration tribunal is properly constituted; or what matters have
been submitted to arbitration in accordance with an arbitration agreement;
(c) a claim to declare that an award by an arbitral tribunal is not binding on a
party; and
(d) any other application affecting—
(i) arbitration proceedings (whether started or not); or
(ii) an arbitration agreement.
(2) This Section of this Part does not apply to an arbitration claim to which
Sections II or III of this Part apply.
62.3 Starting the claim
(1) Except where paragraph (2) applies an arbitration claim must be started by the
issue of an arbitration claim form in accordance with the Part 8 procedure.
(2) An application under section 9 of the 1996 Act to stay legal proceedings must
be made by application notice to the court dealing with those proceedings.
(3) The courts in which an arbitration claim may be s tarted are set out in the
practice direction.
(4) Rule 30.5(3) applies with the modification that a judge of the Technology and
Construction Court may transfer the claim to any other court or specialist list. 62.4
Arbitration claim form
62.5 Service out of the jurisdiction
(1) The court may give permission to serve an arbitration claim form out of the
jurisdiction if—
(a) the claimant seeks to—
(i)challenge; or
(ii) appeal on a question of law arising out of, an arbitration award mad e within
the jurisdiction;
(The place where an award is treated as made is determined by section 53 of the
1996 Act.)
(b) the claim is for an order under section 44 of the 1996 Act; or
(c) the claimant—
(i) seeks some other remedy or requires a question to be decided by the court
affecting an arbitration (whether started or not), an arbitration agreement or an
arbitration award; and
(ii) the seat of the arbitration is or will be within the jurisdiction or t he conditions
in section 2(4) of the 1996 Act are satisfied.
(2) An application for permission under paragraph (1) must be supported by
written evidence—
(a) stating the grounds on which the application is made; and
(b) showing in what place or country the person to be served is, or probably may
be found.
(3) Rules 6.24 to 6.29 apply to the service of an arbitration claim form under
paragraph (1).
(4) An order giving permission to serve an arbitration claim form out of th e
jurisdiction must specify the period within which the defendant may file an
acknowledgment of service.
62.8 Stay of legal proceedings
(1) An application notice seeking a stay of legal proceedings under section 9 of the
1996 Act14 must be served on all parties to those proceedings who have given an
address for service.
(2) A copy of an application notice under paragraph (1) must be served on any
other party to the legal proceedings (whether or not he is within the jurisdiction) who
has not given an address for service, at —
(a) his last known address; or
(b) a place where it is likely to come to his attention.
(3) Where a question arises as to whether —
(a) an arbitration agreement has been concluded; or
(b) the dispute which is the subject-matter of the proceedings falls within the terms
of such an agreement,
the court may decide that question or give directions to enable it to be decided and
may order the proceedings to be stayed pending its decision.
(c) if the court extends the period of 28 days, each defendant’s time for
acknowledging service and serving evidence shall start to run as if the arbitration claim
form had been served on the date when the court’s order is served on that defendant.
62.10 Hearings
(1) The court may order that an arbitration claim be heard either in public or in
(2) Rule 39.2 does not apply.
(3) Subject to any order made under paragraph (1) —
(a) the determination of—
(i) a preliminary point of law under section 4 5 of the 1996 Act; or
(ii) an appeal under section 69 of the 1996 Act on a question of law arising out of
an award, will be heard in public; and
(b) all other arbitration claims will be heard in private.
(4) Paragraph (3)(a) does not apply to—
(a) the preliminary question of whether the court is satisfied of the matters set out
in section 45(2)(b); or
(b) an application for permission to appeal under section 69(2)(b). II Other
Arbitration Claims
62.11 Scope of this Section
(1) This Section of this Part contains rules about arbitration claims to which the
old law applies.
(2) In this Section
(a) "the old law" means the enactments specified in Schedules 3 and 4 of the 1996
Act as they were in force before their amendment or repeal by that Act; and
(b) "arbitration claim" means any application to the court under the old law and
includes an appeal (or application for permission to appeal) to the High Court under
section 1(2) of the 1979 Act. 15
(3) This Section does not apply to—
(a) a claim to which Section III of this Part applies; or
(b) a claim on the award.
62.12 Applications to Judge
62.13 Starting the claim
(1) Except where paragraph (2) applies an arbitration claim must be started by the
issue of an arbitration claim form in accordance with the Part 8 procedure.
(2) Where an arbitration claim is to be made in existing proceedings —
(a) it must be made by way of application notice; and
(b) any reference in this Section of this Part to an arbitration claim form includes a
reference to an application notice.
(3) The arbitration claim form in an arbitration claim under section 1(5) of the
1979 Act (including any claim seeking permission) must be served on —
(a) the arbitrator or umpire; and
(b) any other party to the reference.
62.16 Service out of the jurisdiction
(1) Subject to paragraph (2)—
(a) any arbitration claim form in an arbitration claim under the 1950 Act or the
1979 Act; or
(b) any order made in such a claim, may be served out of the jurisdiction with the
permission of the court if the arbitration to which the claim relates —
(i) is governed by the law of England and Wales; or
(ii) has been, is being, or will be, held within t he jurisdiction.
(2) An arbitration claim form seeking permission to enforce an award may be
served out of the jurisdiction with the permission of the court whether or not the
arbitration is governed by the law of England and Wales.
(3) An application for permission to serve an arbitration claim form out of the
jurisdiction must be supported by written evidence —
(a) stating the grounds on which the application is made; and
(b) showing in what place or country the person to be served is, or probably may
be found.
Rules 6.24 to 6.29 apply to the service of an arbitration claim form under
paragraph (1).
(4) Omitted
(5) An order giving permission to serve an arbitration claim form out of the
jurisdiction must specify the period within which the defendant may file an
acknowledgment of service. III Enforcement
62.17 Scope of this Section
This Section of this Part applies to all arbitration enforcement proceedings other
than by a claim on the award.
62.18 Enforcement of awards
(1) An application for permission under—
(a) section 66 of the 1996 Act 16;
(b) section 101 of the 1996 Act;
(c) section 26 of the 1950 Act 17; or
(d) section 3(1)(a) of the 1975 Act, 18 to enforce an award in the same manner as a
judgment or order may be made without notice in an arbitration claim form. 62.20
Registration in High Court of foreign awards
(1) Where—
(a) an award is made in proceedings on an arbitration in any part of a United
Kingdom Overseas Territory (within the meaning of rule 6.18(f)) or other territory to
which Part I of the Foreign Judgments (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act 1933 19 ("the 1933
Act") extends;
(b) Part II of the Administration of Justice Act 1920 20 extended to that part
immediately before Part I of the 1933 Act was extended to that part; and
(c) an award has, under the law in force in the place where it was made, become
enforceable in the same manner as a judgment give n by a court in that place, rules 74.1
to 74.7 and 74.9 apply in relation to the award as they apply in relation to a judgment
given by the court subject to the modifications in paragraph (2).
(2) The modifications referred to in paragraph (1) are as follo ws—
(a) for references to the State of origin are substituted references to the place
where the award was made; and
(b) the written evidence required by rule 74.4 must state (in addition to the matters
required by that rule) that to the best of the information or belief of the maker of the
statement the award has, under the law in force in the place where it was made, become
enforceable in the same manner as a judgment given by a court in that place.
* The text of the 1982 Act set out in Appendix 1 is as amended by the Order.
1. 1958 c. 39; section 2A was inserted by the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act
1982 (c. 27), section 37, Schedule 1, Part II.
2. 1966 c. 53, section 11A was inserted by the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments
Act 1982 (c. 27), paragraph 7 of Schedule 11.
1. 1947 c. 24. Section 1(2A) was inserted by section 15 of the Armed Forces Act
1991 (c. 62).
2. 1955 c. 18. The first paragraph of subsection (5) was amended by section 22(1)
of, and paragraph 2 of the Schedule to, the Maintenance Orders (Reciprocal
Enforcement) Act 1972 (c. 18) and section 15(4) of, and paragraph 1 of Part I of
Schedule 12 to, the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 (c. 27).
3. 1955 c. 19. The first paragraph of subsection (5) was amended by section 22(1)
of, and paragraph 2 of the Schedule to, the Maintenance Orders (Reciprocal
Enforcement) Act 1972 (c. 18) and section 15(4) of, and paragraph 1 of Part I o f
Schedule 12 to, the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 (c. 27).
4. 1957 c. 53. Subsection (5) was amended by section 22(1) of, and paragraph 3 of
the Schedule to, the Maintenance Orders (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act 1972 (c. 18)
and section 15(4) of, and paragraph 2 of Part I of Schedule 12 to, the Civil Jurisdiction
and Judgments Act 1982 (c. 27).
5. 1958 c. 39. Subsection (4) was added by section 22(1) of, and paragraph 4 of
the Schedule to, the Maintenance Orders (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act 19 72 (c. 18)
and section 15(4) of, and paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12 to, the Civil Jurisdiction
and Judgments Act 1982 (c. 27).
6. S.R. & O. (N.I.) 1965 No. 217. Regulation 3B was inserted by regulation 2 of
the Legal Aid (General) (Amendment) (No. 2 ) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1968
(S.R. 1986 No. 346).
7. 1966 c. 35 (N.I.). Subsection 10(5) was inserted by section 22 of, and paragraph
5(b) of the Schedule to, the Maintenance Orders (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act 1972 (c.
18). Sections 10(2) and (5) were amended by section 15(4) of, and paragraph 4 of Part I
of Schedule 12 to, the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 (c. 27).
8. 1970 c. 31. Paragraph 13 was inserted by section 15(4) of, and paragraph 5 of
Part I of Schedule 12 to, the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 (c. 27).
9. 1971 c. 32. Paragraph 13 was inserted by section 15(4) of, and paragraph 6 of
Part I of Schedule 12 to, the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 (c. 27).
10. 1980 c. 43.
11. Section 65(1)(m) was inserted by section 15(4) of, and paragraph 7 of Part I of
Schedule 12 to, the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 (c. 27).
12. Section 95 was substituted by section 11(1) of, and paragraph 8 of Schedule 2
to, the Maintenance Enforcement Act 1991 (c. 17).
13. S.I. 198 1/1675 (N.I. 26).
14. Article 87 was substituted by Article 9(2) of the Family Law (Northern
Ireland) Order 1993 (S.I. 1993/1576 (N.I.6)).
15. Article 88(a) was amended by section 15(4) of, and paragraph 8(1) of Part I of
Schedule 12 to, the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 (c. 27).
16. Article 98(11)(b) was amended by section 15(4) of, and paragraph 8(2) of
Part I of Schedule 12 to, the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 (c. 27).
17. 1982 c. 37.
18. 1984 c. 42.
19. 1989 c. 40.
20. S.I. 1989/677 (N.I.4.)
21. S.I. 1990/1504 (N.I.10)
22. 1992 c. 5.
23. 1992 c. 8 (N.I.).
24. S.I. 1997/302.
1. 1985 c. 6.
3. 1982 c. 27, as amended by the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1991 (c.
4. Cmnd. 3986.
5. 1982 c. 27. Section 25 has been amended by the Civil Jurisdiction and
Judgments Act 1991 (c. 12), Schedule 2, paragraph 12, and extended by S.I. 1997/302.
6. 1981 c. 54. Section 51 was substituted by section 4 of the Courts and Legal
Services Act 1990 (c. 41), and is amended prospectively by section 31 of the Access to
Justice Act 1999 (c. 22).
7. 1978 c. 33.
8. 1981 c. 54; section 20 was amended by the M erchant Shipping (Salvage and
Pollution) Act 1994 (c. 28), section 1(6) and Schedule 2, paragraph 6; the Merchant
Shipping Act 1995 (c. 21), section 3 14(2) and Schedule 13, paragraph 59 and by the
Merchant Shipping and Maritime Security Act 1997 (c. 28), section 29(1) and Schedule
6, paragraph 2.
9. 1995 c. 21.
10. 1981 c. 54.
11. 1968 c. 18.
12. The text of the Convention is set out in Schedule 7 to the Merchant Shipping
Act 1995 (c. 21).
13. 1981 c. 54.
14. 1996 c. 23.
15. 1979 c. 42; repealed by the Arbitration Act 1996 (c. 23), section 107(2) and
Schedule 4 but continues to apply to claims commenced before 31st January 1997 by
virtue of the Arbitration Act 1996 (Commencement No. 1) Order 1996 (S.I.
1996/3 146), article 4 and Schedule 2.
16. 1996 c. 23.
17. 1950 c. 27; section 26 was repealed by the Arbitration Act 1996 (c. 23),
section 107(2) and Schedule 4 but continues to apply to claims commenced before 31st
January 1997 by virtue of the Arbitration Act 1996 (Commencement No. 1) Order 1996
(S.I. 1996/3 146), article 4 and Schedule 2.
18. 1975 c. 3; repealed by the Arbitration Act 1996 (c. 23), section 107(2) and
Schedule 4 but continues to apply to claims commenced before 31st January 1997 by
virtue of the Arbitration Act 1996 (Commencement No. 1) Order 1996 (S.I.
1996/3 146), article 4 and Schedule 2.
19. 1933 c. 13 (23 & 24 Geo. 5).
20. 1920 c. 81 (10 & 11 Geo. 5); section 10 of Part II was substituted by the Civil
Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 (c. 27), section 3 5(2) and section 14 of Part II was
amended by the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 (c. 27), section 35(3).
Appendix 4