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Strength and Conditioning For Muay Thai Athletes

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Strength and

Conditioning for Muay

Thai Athletes
Anthony N. Turner, MSc, CSCS
London Sport Institute, Middlesex University, London, England

SUMMARY appears to be gained through a tradi- BIOMECHANICAL ANALYSIS OF

tional combination of running, pad MUAY THAI
work, and sparring. Most athletes are STRIKING
reluctant to undergo strength training The straight, hook, and uppercut
SPORT IN WHICH CONTESTANTS because of fears of a loss in flexibility (Figures 1–3, respectively) are the 3
CAN KICK, PUNCH, KNEE, ELBOW, and a gain in body mass. The latter principle punches used in Muay Thai
AND GRAPPLE WITH THEIR point is especially important and and are identical to those used in
OPPONENTS. LIKE MOST MARTIAL provides for a significant barrier, as boxing. Each punch involves triple
ARTS, MUAY THAI ATHLETES TEND athletes will often aim to compete at extension whereby the ankle, knee,
TO PLAY THEMSELVES FIT, OFTEN their lowest possible weight to fight and hip extend to generate force from
BECAUSE THIS HAS LONG BEEN opponents of lower mass. the ground. Using the additional links
THE TRADITIONAL APPROACH BUT of the kinetic chain, the trunk, shoul-
The aim of this paper therefore was to
ALSO BECAUSE OF THE MANY der, and arm, they then apply this force
rationalize the use of strength and
MYTHS THAT SURROUND conditioning (S&C) within Muay Thai to the opponent. The need for this
GYM-BASED TRAINING and dispel any myths that prevent this synchronization can be evidenced
EXERCISES. THIS PAPER form of intervention. The paper further from studies conducted by Filimonov
THEREFORE AIMS TO JUSTIFY THE aims to describe and rationalize ‘‘gym- et al. (33) and Verkhoshansky (101).
INCLUSION OF STRENGTH AND based’’ methods to further enhance Filimonov et al. (33) analyzed the
CONDITIONING WITHIN MUAY THAI athletic performance and finally pres- straight punch of 120 boxers, ranging
AS AN INTERVENTION TO FURTHER ent the reader with an evidence-based from elite to junior ranks. All boxers
ENHANCE ATHLETIC S&C program. were instructed to perform a straight
PERFORMANCE. IN ADDITION, AN right to the head, ‘‘maximally fast and
EVIDENCE-BASED PROGRAM IS powerful.’’ The results of this study are
SUGGESTED. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS illustrated in Table 1 where it can be
As with any sport to which S&C noted that elite level boxers predom-
interventions are to be implemented, inately generate force from the leg
the S&C coach must first undergo a musculature, whereas lower ranked
INTRODUCTION performance analysis (also referred to boxers generate the majority of force
uay Thai, literally Thai box-

M as a needs analysis) to identify the from the trunk and arms. This finding
ing, was developed in Thai- biomechanical and physiological re- is corroborated by data acquired by
land and is known as the art quirements of the sport. Following this, Verkhoshansky (101) who showed that
of 8 limbs. Athletes can kick, punch, the S&C coach must construct an with mastery in the shot put, which
knee, elbow, and grapple with their appropriate test battery to measure may be considered biomechanically
opponents. A Muay Thai match lasts the strengths and weaknesses of the similar to a straight punch, the em-
up to 5 rounds of 3 minutes but is athlete against these variables. In phasis gradually shifts from the
often manipulated depending on the addition, it is fundamental to identify
skill of the athletes. As in most mechanisms of injury and prehabilita-
martial arts, contestants are weight tive strategies. Finally, through consul- KEY WORDS:
matched. tation with the athlete and sports Muay Thai; boxing; martial arts;
In Muay Thai and more than likely coach, individual goals must be combat; power; strength; ballistic;
boxing and most martial arts, fitness identified. plyometrics; testing

78 VOLUME 31 | NUMBER 6 | DECEMBER 2009 Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association
As illustrated in Figures 4–7, Triple
extensions movements are also required
for kicking, kneeing, and elbowing. The
development of this synchronization
and use of triple extension–based exer-
cises may therefore be considered
essential to the generation of force
within Muay Thai. Weightlifting and
the associated lifts are often hypothe-
sized to provide an appropriate stimulus
for motor skills requiring triple exten-
sion (52,59,61,93). Moreover, the sec-
ond pull position (Figure 8) provides
a biomechanical comparison with the
punching start position; therefore, sport
specificity can be further gained by
commencing lifts from this position.
To further facilitate the development of
optimal synchronization patterns
within the kinetic chain, and assist in
the carryover of triple extension–based
exercises to Muay Thai techniques,
a derivative of complex training,
termed ‘‘carry-over training,’’ is recom-
Figure 1. Straight. mended (see 25,27 for a review of
complex training). In this context,
shoulder to the leg musculature. This muscles is 0.83 and with leg strength is however, the objective is not the
investigation revealed that for begin- 0.37. For highly qualified athletes, potentiation of force (although this
ners, the correlation between athletic however, the correlations were 0.73 may be an outcome) but rather the
achievements and strength of the arm and 0.87, respectively. carryover of neuromuscular stimulus/
firing sequence. For example, an athlete
may perform a set of power snatches
(often from the second pull/hang),
followed by performing straight
punches to the bag during the rest
period. The athlete is encouraged to
visualize the carryover and draw com-
parisons with the 2 forms of triple
extension and in effect, regard the
punch as synonymous with the power
snatch. It is important to only perform
a few punches (usually 3 per arm) and
ensure the emphasis lies with power
generation with enough rest between
reps to minimize fatigue. It is hypoth-
esized that this will assist in neural
development and carryover, ultimately
facilitating an increase in force pro-
duction when striking. This form of
carryover training is currently being
tested within our laboratory to provide
an objective assessment of its validity.
Reactive strength, which describes
Figure 2. Hook. the stretch-shortening cycle (SSC)

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S&C for Muay Thai

Optimization of SSC mechanics dic-

tates that these movements, which (in
the opinion of the author) may be
considered biomechanically similar to
sprint running (whereby the knee is
‘‘punched’’ forward and then the leg is
quickly driven back down into the
ground), require that ground contact
be made via a forefoot landing only
(51,69), thus minimizing ground con-
tact time (GCT; 4,55,71), increasing
energy return (and thus striking force;
51,69) and rate of force development
(RFD; 13), and reducing the duration
and metabolic cost of movement
This SSC efficiency, however, is
a learned ability gained through the
generation of muscle stiffness, thereby
optimally using the elastic recoil prop-
erties of the tendon (3,24,53,55,70,73).
Muscle stiffness, however, is under the
subconscious control of the nervous
system, whereby the Golgi tendon
organ (GTO) inhibits the generation
of high forces (and muscle stiffness) as
a protective mechanism against the risk
of injury (88). Through observations
Figure 3. Uppercut. made by this author, most athletes do
not train SSC mechanics (enabling
GTO disinhibition) beyond that gained
capabilities of an athlete, may also be each strike, the leg is quickly driven
from their sports practice. This is
considered fundamental to force gen- back down into the ground and then
illustrated by the fact that the majority
eration within Muay Thai. It is well quickly driven back up toward the
of athletes make heel contact, which is
documented that efficient SSC me- opponent. In addition, when the ath-
suggestive of a prolonged amortization
chanics result in enhanced propulsive lete wants to deliver a powerful strike
phase and muscle compliance conse-
forces (11,14,15) and conservation of with the front leg, they must first
quent to GTO inhibition (34).
energy (12,100,102), and this therefore switch stance (change from a left foot
suggests that within martial arts, this forward, right foot back stance, to It appears evident therefore that
may translate into enhanced power a right foot forward, left foot back sports practices do not provide suffi-
and power endurance of striking. As an stance), thus allowing the kicking leg to cient stimulus for this adaptation
example, double kicks or consecutive develop sufficient power through the and that purposeful exercises such
knees to an opponent require that after SSC mechanism (Figure 9–11). as plyometrics must be included

Table 1
Level of mastery and the contribution to punching force by key components of the kinetic chain (33)

Arm extension Trunk rotation Push off with extension Total

Category (%) (%) of back leg (%) (%)

Masters of sport and candidates 24.12 37.42 38.46 100

for masters of sport
Class I 25.94 41.84 32.22 100
Classes II and III 37.99 45.50 16.51 100


(72,75,78,82,85,88,90). For example,
Kyrolainen et al. (72) reported that 4
months of plyometric training, consist-
ing of various jumping exercises such
as drop jumps, hurdle jumps, and
hopping, was required for the disinhi-
bition of the GTO and the generation
of muscle stiffness (concurrent with
pre-activation tensioning and antago-
nistic cocontraction). Moreover, as
well as takeoff velocity increasing by
8%, energy expenditure decreased by
24% suggesting that adaptations from
this plyometrics protocol also resulted
in a reduction in the metabolic cost of
these movements (72). It appears
apparent therefore that chronic plyo-
metrics training is required to not only
condition the Muay Thai athlete to
increase striking forces of this nature
but also facilitate them in employing
these strikes with regularity (aid the
development of power endurance).
Finally, inherent to plyometric exer-
cises is the powerful execution of triple
extension (as previously described), so
these exercises are also likely to have
a carryover to kicking and punching
Figure 4. Elbow. mechanics and striking power.
Appropriate plyometric drills include
drop lands (Figure 12; ensuring the
athlete initiates the exercise by step-
ping from the box, Figure 13) whereby
the body is hypothesized to adapt to
high landing forces (eccentric loads)
and disinhibition of the GTO is learned
(105). This drill may then be progressed
to drop jumps whereby the focus shifts
to reducing the amortization phase and
GCT and thus the loss of elastic energy
(34). It may be prudent, however, to
commence plyometric training with
ankling/stiff leg hops (Caption 1),
which enhance the stiffness of the
ankle joint, as overall leg stiffness has
been reported to largely depend on
ankle stiffness (4,31,32). Of course, the
S&C coach must determine safe and
conducive plyometric intensities (e.g.,
drop height). It may be appropriate
therefore to first practice landing drills
by jumping up to a box (Figure 14) or
simply jumping forward along the
ground, as the intensity of each is less
Figure 5. Push kick. than when dropping from a box.

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S&C for Muay Thai

powerlifting (i.e., back squat, deadlift,

and bench press) produce approxi-
mately 12 W/kg of body weight (40).
However, during the second pull phase
of both the clean and the snatch, an
average of 52 W/kg of body weight is
produced (40).
It should be noted that a high and posi-
tive correlation exists between peak
power and maximum strength (r =
0.77–0.94; 6), illustrating the signifi-
cance of strength training as a pre-
requisite to power development. With
this in mind and because strength
levels may only be maintained for
approximately 2 weeks (60), it is
advisable to include strength sessions
throughout the entirety of a periodized
program so as to optimize and main-
tain high levels of power output. In
further support of using a combined
strength and power training approach,
Cormie et al. (21), Harris et al. (50), and
Figure 6. Roundhouse kick.
Toji et al. (96) concluded that when
considering the improvement of a wide
variety of athletic performance variables
FORCE GENERATION generally recognized that although requiring strength, power, and speed,
CHARACTERISTICS heavy resistance training improves combination training produces superior
Boxing movements (i.e., punches) in- the final height of the force-time (F- results (compared with strength training
volve contraction times of 50–250 ms T) curve, ballistic training improves the only and power training only). The
(1). As described earlier, GCT during slope of the initial portion of the F-T premise of this approach is thought to
double kicks and knees should (anec- curve, specifically within the first 200– result from the additive improvements
dotally) resemble that of sprint running 300 ms (45,80) when striking is most in both maximum force (through
where this has been reported to be 101 likely to occur. strength training) and maximum veloc-
ms (77). Muay Thai motor skills ity (through power training), thus
Ballistic exercises can best be described
therefore, like the vast majority of leading to a greater enhancements in
as explosive movements (rapid accel-
athletic movements, occur within power output across the entire force-
eration against resistance) whereby the
250–300 ms (93,104) and the oppor- velocity curve (96).
body or object is explosively subjected
tunity to develop peak force, which Finally, because most movements
to full acceleration. Reviews by Flana-
may require up to 600–800 ms (29,68), within Muay Thai are performed
gan and Comyns (34) and Hori et al.
is not a time luxury afforded to these unilaterally, this should therefore be
(58) recommended the use of plyo-
athletes. This therefore suggests the trained accordingly to increase the
metric training and weightlifting, re-
need for these athletes to develop sport-performance carryover. This sug-
spectively, to train RFD, as in addition
power. gestion is corroborated by Coyle et al.
to their ability to be adapted to the
It is hypothesized that if the time specifics of the sport, they encourage (23) and Vandervoort et al. (99) who
available for force development is less full acceleration with zero velocity reported the existence of a bilateral
than 0.3 seconds (as is the case in Muay achieved only by the effects of gravity. deficit whereby when the limbs are
Thai), training should focus on im- In addition, weightlifting produces working together, their net force is
proving RFD (80,87,105). Because some of the highest power outputs of smaller than the combined total of
RFD is a function of neuromuscular any exercise modality. For example, when each limb is working indepen-
activation (86) and is representative of Garhammer (40) reported that the dently. Ballistic movements therefore,
an individual’s ability to accelerate snatch and clean and jerk exhibit much such as plyometrics, should advance to
objects (87), many authors recommend greater power outputs compared with incorporate unilateral movements and
ballistic (explosive) training to improve the squat and deadlift. For example, the barbells should be progressed to
this quality (10,43,45,46,103). It is relatively slow velocities involved in dumbbells.


populations, maximal strength gains
are elicited at a mean training intensity
of 85% 1 repetition maximum (1 RM),
#6 reps, 2 days training per week, and
with a mean training volume of 8 sets
per muscle group (81). In addition, a
buildup of lactate and hydrogen ions
should be avoided as these are a con-
tributing factor to the release of
anabolic hormones and subsequent
muscle hypertrophy (and therefore
body mass; 41,47). These metabolic
by-products may be dissipated with
long rest periods and/or alternating
body parts in a set for set or exercise for
exercise format. For example, an ath-
lete can alternate between upper-body
and lower-body exercises or between
agonist and antagonist exercises.

Scientific data on Muay Thai are cur-
rently unavailable, therefore deductions
must be based on empirically similar
sports. In the opinions of the author,
sports such as wrestling, fencing, boxing,
and mixed martial arts (MMA) provide
for a good comparison. In addition,
Cordes (20) compares boxing with
basketball, therefore this will also be
considered. Table 2 illustrates the pri-
mary metabolic demands of these sports
as described by Ratamess (84).
Figure 7. Knee.
From the information presented above
and through empirical observations,
REPS, SETS, INTENSITY, AND REST ensure quality of repetitions is through Muay Thai involves predominate an-
Like most sports, developing an ath- the use of cluster training (44). This aerobic energy contribution and the
lete’s power output is considered a key form of training involves interrepeti- speed and explosive nature of the sport
component to successful sports perfor- tion rest intervals of between 10 and 30 further suggests phosphogen system
mance (as most activities are force and seconds (interval length depends on dominance. In addition, rounds are
time dependent). Because power pro- exercise complexity) whereby the fewer than boxing (5 versus 12) and
duction is largely a consequence of quality of performance is enhanced shorter than both wrestling and MMA
efficient neuromuscular processes, through decreases in repetition- (3 versus 5 minutes). Therefore, aero-
quality should be stressed at all times. induced fatigue. This method therefore bic energy system contribution may be
Therefore, the effectiveness of a power should be used for both power/ballistic minimal and be involved only in ring
program may be related to the quality training and strength training. movement and recovery mechanisms.
of each repetition. It has been hypoth- As previously mentioned, strength is These findings likely suggest that road
esized that each repetition should the prerequisite to power and therefore running is detrimental to Muay Thai
achieve $90% of maximum power adequate strength training must be performance and unfavorably alters
output or velocity (36) and that this, included. However, as Muay Thai is energy system adaptations. This is in
anecdotally, is best achieved with the weight classed, S&C coaches should agreement with Hoffman et al. (58)
use of 3 reps per set, at least 3 minutes aim to increase athletic strength with- who analyzed basketball competitions
rest between sets (7,36) and a maximum out concomitant increases in muscle over a 4-year period and reported that
of 5 sets (36). An additional method to cross-sectional area. For athlete aerobic capacity had a significant

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S&C for Muay Thai

negative correlation to performance.

This is further corroborated by authors
who suggest that once an aerobic base
is achieved, sport-specific team practi-
ces and games are sufficient to main-
tain aerobic fitness in anaerobic-
dominant sports (17,56,57). Training
programs therefore need to be directed
toward high-intensity training such as
interval and repetition training. Many
athletes, however, use long distance
running as a means to rapid weight loss
(RWL). This, however, may be to the
detriment of sports performance and
perhaps more emphasis needs to be
placed on nutritional interventions (but
those based on scientific research). RWL
is briefly discussed later in this text.
In summary of the above, therefore,
interval training may be the optimal
intervention to bring about efficacious
adaptations within the metabolic sys-
tem. Anecdotally, sparring provides
the most specificity and optimally
adapts the energy systems for the
purposes of competition. However, it
is not always reasonable to call on this
intervention. Therefore, again anecdot-
ally, it is suggested that coaches use
a ‘‘5 s on 5 s off’’ protocol termed
‘‘Combat Intervals.’’ For this, athletes
Figure 8. Second pull position. hit the pad for 5 seconds and then rest
for 5 seconds throughout the entirety
of a round. This time frame was chosen
to represent the amount of time an
athlete may attack for. The pad man
can of course manipulate each interval
by increasing or decreasing the time
the athlete is attacking or resting (or
both). Empirically, it is challenging for
the pad man to continually use times
less than 5 seconds. The pad man can
also change the type of striking
combinations between intervals and
even attack during the rest period
causing the athlete to defend and
further increasing the intensity. Finally,
it is recommended that the athlete uses
2-hit striking combinations only, for
example, straight then hook, left up-
percut then right roundhouse kick.
This is to ensure a fast and continuing
rhythm when attacking the pad. It
should be noted that the S&C coach
Figure 9. Front leg knee starting position. should not be considered responsible


therefore, between the combat ath-
letes’ perception that RWL is associ-
ated with good performance, and the
research that consistently demon-
strates that athletes perform signifi-
cantly below expectations. This
perception may be explained by the
fact that an athlete can win a contest
despite performing below expectations
(48). After all, both contestants likely
underwent a RWL intervention.
Testing enables coaches to identify the
physical capabilities of their athletes.
This further enables coaches to mon-
itor the efficacy of the programs
(allowing adjustments accordingly)
Figure 10. Front leg knee—the athlete switches stance. and make predictions on competition
performance. Based on the needs
analysis conducted above, a suggested
battery of tests has been identified and
for delivering this aspect of training; stores (19,94), reduced lean muscle is illustrated in Table 3.
however, it is important to note that mass (66), and negative mood
It is important to conduct the tests in
these are suggestions that can be made (48,66,91). Significant to the latter
the order described in Table 3 as this
to the sports coach. factor, mood has been shown to be
will reduce the negative effects of
an effective predictor of performance in
accumulated fatigue as the athlete
RAPID WEIGHT LOSS combat sport with 92% of winning and
progresses through the testing battery.
Research investigating the consequen- losing performances in karate correctly
This is in agreement with Harman (49)
ces of making weight in combat sports classified from precompetition mood
who suggests that for these reasons,
such as wrestling (42,54,56,65,67) and (95). Losing karate performance was
tests should be conducted in the
boxing (48) has shown that RWL is associated with high scores of confu-
following order: nonfatiguing tests
associated with concurrent decrements sion, depression, fatigue, and tension
(e.g., anthropometry), agility, maxi-
in performance. This may be because coupled with low vigor scores (95).
mum power and strength, sprint tests,
of dehydration (97), depleted glycogen There appears an evident paradox,
local muscular endurance, anaerobic,
and then finally aerobic capacity tests.
Again deductions must be based on
empirically similar sports. For example,
within wrestling, injuries occur pre-
dominately at the knee, shoulder, and
ankle (63). Within boxing, injury is more
likely at the shoulder, elbow, wrist/-
hand, low back, and neck (30). This is
corroborated by Cordes (20) who
suggests that injury occurs primarily at
the hand and wrist, followed by shoul-
der then elbow. However, the knee,
ankle, leg, and foot are also at risk.
The author is of the assumption that
many of the athletes from whom these
data were gathered were not under-
taking efficacious S&C programs. With
this assumption in mind, strength
Figure 11. Front leg knee strike. training may have reduced the

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S&C for Muay Thai

movement skills. This enhanced ec-

centric strength may have defensive
benefits through absorbing blows (20).
For example, impact to brain depends
on the acceleration and rapid turn of the
head (20). A stronger neck, especially
eccentrically, can help absorb forces.
This is also likely to be true of the arms
that are often up to guard the face.
Specific to the former point, it may be
concluded that Muay Thai athletes per-
form exercises specifically for the neck.
As well as preventing injury, this may
also prevent the occurrence of knock-
outs. Cordes (20) also suggests that
knockouts resulting from blows to the
thorax or abdomen may be less likely
with the addition of strength training.
The S&C coach is also advised to
check for movement dysfunctions
within the kinetic chain. For example,
much research has centered around
gluteus medius dysfunctions (8,26,38,
39,83,89,98). However, this, along with
many other factors that are likely to
contribute to the occurrence and
reoccurrence of injury within this
sport, is beyond the scope of this paper.


The following program (Tables 4 and
5) is based on 2 S&C sessions per week
(as this anecdotally appears to be the
Figure 12. Drop land. mean training time allocated/available
to S&C training for these athletes) and
has been developed based on the
incidence of these injuries through its of movement (62). This has been hypo- reviewed research. Plyometrics (to de-
positive adaptations on the structural thesized to occur because of alterations velop the SSC mechanism) or carry-
integrity of all involved joints. For in neural firing patterns, leading to over training (see previous text) is
example, as well as an increase in a decrease in the braking time and performed during most rest intervals
muscle strength, tendon, ligament, and accuracy of the limbs in rapid ballistic and the selected drills should be
cartilage strength would also increase movements (62). Therefore, strength alternated to avoid neural monotony,
along with bone mineral density balance is needed to break the agonists thereby ensuring the neuromuscular
(35,37,92). Furthermore, boxers tend succinctly in rapid limb movements. system is continually challenged to
to use (and therefore develop) the When one muscle or movement action develop. This ‘‘complex training’’ ap-
anterior musculature more than the is stronger than its antagonist’s, per- proach (performing ballistic exercises in
posterior (2), thereby leaving them formance may be compromised. This the rest period) is a valuable tool to
exposed to muscle strains in the weaker is likely to provide the athlete with S&C coaches who are limited to 1 or 2
muscles. S&C training can ensure a greater source of motivation to S&C sessions per week as it enables
the development and maintenance of develop the posterior musculature than them to effectively use the rest period
proper ratios. Most significantly and that of reducing the risk of injury alone. without detriment to performance
pertinent to performance, increasing In addition, strength training, unlike (28). As previously described, plyomet-
antagonist muscle strength may in- sports training (e.g., pad work, spar- ric drills should be logically progressed
crease movement speed and accuracy ring), will train the eccentric phase of to ensure appropriate overload and an


ethos of quality over quantity should be
Strength exercises should be prescribed
at intensity slightly below the maxi-
mum intensity for that prescription of
repetitions. This point was concluded
in a meta-analysis conducted by
Peterson et al. (81) where it was
revealed that training to failure does
not elicit greater gains than not training
to failure, and in addition, athletes are
less likely to overtrain. Finally, for all
power exercises, the load should be
varied as this will also vary the velocity
and further increase sport specificity.
Although it is well understood that
peak power output occurs at 80% 1RM
in weightlifting (namely the power
clean, 22) and using body mass only
for squat jumps (22,76), it is likely that
this is of greater theoretical relevance
than practical significance.
Finally, it is important to address the
issue of flexibility. The athlete and
coach should be assured that providing
weight training is performed using the
full range of motion, flexibility will not
be lost (9,64) and may even be in-
creased (9,74). This can be further
corroborated by data collected at one
of the Olympic games whereby
weightlifters were second only to
gymnasts in a battery of flexibility tests
(64). Moreover, in shoulder flexion,
a movement specific to the snatch and
jerk, their flexibility was significantly
better than any other group. Therefore,
the persistent myth that weight train-
ing negatively affects flexibility is un-
founded and is most likely based on
Figure 13. Step from box (before drop land or drop jump).
bodybuilding athletes who may have

Table 2
Energy system contribution to sports considered empirically similar to Muay Thai

Sport Phosphagen system Anaerobic glycolysis Aerobic metabolism

Wrestling High Low Low
Fencing High Moderate —
Boxing High High Moderate
Mixed martial arts High High Moderate
Basketball High Moderate to high —
Table adapted from Ratamess (84).

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S&C for Muay Thai

Table 3
Battery of fitness tests suitable for Muay Thai athletes

Performance tests and supporting comments (with reference literature where relevant)
Skinfold assessment: this identifies body fat percentage that has been reported to be from 10.9% in high school
wrestlers (18), 6.5% in elite level freestyle wrestlers (16), and 9.5% in Olympic Kung-Fu athletes (5). This assessment is to
enable the regulation of nonfunctional mass
Vertical jump: measure of lower-body power
Medicine ball throw: this should be conducted in the relevant stance and should mimic the action of the straight punch.
The data can also be used as described by Verkhoshansky (101)
RSI (height jumped/GCT): as described by Flanagan and Comyns (34) and Newton and Dugan (79), this
test can provide strength and conditioning coaches with a good indication of an athletes’ SSC ability. The athlete is usually
tested over the following drop heights: 30, 45, 60, and 75cm (79). Efficient SSC mechanics should result in greater jump
heights from greater drop heights (also reflected by the RSI score). If equipment is not available to measure GCT, the
coaches can simply monitor the drop height that produces the greatest vertical displacement
1RM power clean: this test evaluates the athlete’s speed strength (power under heavy loading) but should only be included
once the athlete’s technique is of sufficient standard
1RM bench press and back squat: evaluation of maximum muscular strength, which as described, is significantly correlated
with peak power output
Aerobic tests: not applicable because of the minimal contribution of the aerobic energy system
GCT = ground contact time; SSC = stretch-shortening cycle; 1RM = repetition maximum; RSI = reactive strength index.

bulk above a certain amount, thereby a means to enhance athletic perfor- critical of some traditional training
affecting the flexibility of that joint (9). mance. Programs can be manipulated methods such as long distance running
to increase both strength and power and RWL interventions because of
CONCLUSIONS and neither need be at the expense of their detrimental effects on perfor-
The vast majority of scientific literature an increase in body mass or a loss of mance. In summary, a more scientific
supports the use of S&C training as flexibility. Moreover, athletes should be approach to performance training is

Table 4
Strength and conditioning program for Muay Thai athletes: 2 example
strength suggestions and 2 example power sessions

Strength session 1 Strength session 2 Power session 1 Power session 2

(sets 3 reps) (sets 3 reps) (sets 3 reps) (sets 3 reps)

Squat snatch (4 3 2) Squat clean and split Squats (3 3 3) Front squats (3 3 3)

jerk (4 3 2)
Dumbbell chest press Lat pull down or Power snatch from Power clean from hang and
(*10° incline) (4 3 4) chins (4 3 6) hang ! power split split jerk (5 3 3)
snatch from hang (5 3 3)
Bent over row or seated Dumbbell fly Squat jumps (5 3 3) Dumbbell chest press
row (4 3 6) (*10° incline) (4 3 6) (*10° incline) (3 3 3)
Back squats (4 3 4) Stiff leg dead lift or
Nordics (4 3 6)
! = progress to.

*10° represents the angle at the shoulder during punching.


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Table 5
Example plyometric and carryover drills that can be performed in the rest interval

Plyometric (SSC) and carryover drills (sets 3 reps)

Lower-body SSC (1 3 3): ankling (1 repetition = ankling over 4 m; Caption 1) ! jump up to box (gradually increase the
height; Figure 12) ! drop lands (gradually increase the height; Figure 13) ! drop jumps (gradually increase the height;
Figure 14) ! progress to consecutive jumps (e.g., drop jump followed by jump over 3 3 hurdles) ! progress to lateral
jumps ! progress to single leg variants of above
Upper-body SSC (1 3 3): Smith machine bench press throws ! medicine ball throws (in sports stance and mimicking
punching techniques, i.e., straight, hook, and uppercut) ! medicine ball drops (Caption 2) ! push-up claps
Carryover training (1 3 3/per limb): kicks (roundhouses/push kicks), punches (straights/hooks/uppercuts), knees, elbows
SSC = stretch-shortening cycle; ! = progress to.

Caption 1. Ankling: The knees should remain straight as the athlete hops from one foot to the other. Throughout the swing phase, the
foot should be dorisflexed. At ground contact and the instant before, the plantar flexor muscles should forcefully contract. Only the ball
of the foot should make contact.

Caption 2. Medicine ball drops: The strength and conditioning (S&C) coach stands on a box above the athlete who is lying supine on the
ground (head is closest to the box). The S&C coach drops the medicine ball into the arms of the athlete who immediately throws it back up
to the S&C coach. The athlete must aim to catch and throw the ball as quickly and as powerful as possible. Intensity may be increased
by increasing the weight of the medicine ball or height of the box.

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