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Autobiography of VR Krishna Iyer

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4Toavel cOnikng

Wondering in Many
Jushrte V.R. Koishra lye

Sbmlhad By
Rot oo: 63
5h Sem 8 Boteh

ve qrottode to rmy leuche
qove me hig opouhnty to wyrt vpun

qol o knuw ony neo intbrmaine, white fov


Yous Svorla.


Judral Actvism

Spirteo lity
(onuson 06

Intso ducthon

outobrognphy "ondoina trovgh

ttory cooo de', Justte v k ahna lypo reflects on hrg

louayo, minigtos, legigotos, high rost jude ond

9, (pme toal jvdae. de oides abot the
injustns he hos Gpen Ond he
peope he hosos torght for ,ond he aprsas he Ongoo ord uatroton
0 he
(ortiroed vppesion ohe por morqralged
g bging tho chapes by derni hing hrs chid hood in ar obstve
korola.lde onitre ahat the poeoty hoods hip he Prpeoiered
Ond he re cohe he mony timec rope being rploited ard
obosed. This coly pre to
Ond mode hre a
injoshre hoped ly
tdetong (ous adoo too Soonl juste

bgn only |04t04 when he rked 04
a lowygo in Tholasny foolo He
qurty gained
ndvo code dor the poon ord mor
he corote qiralgd He reprefrded
Ortrleg Ond cpnheg
hen in taot, ond
4heir dfe tte abo tor ked to
0rsibe to the poos
in the tiv fomuny
He imole mented a nunber d poltes , toised mmiuw
tosg,pOrded arress to edutatn ond a
numtr things
In hey ole olao he qhircd ord ed
pokd tho ho 4

Ihdio, tn ha ue , he totinvool to Aah for oeral jothe. e uns

te In ohrrh he aitrized tho
falve to prolert he
numbes ahdoa Ond peenhe, in euhirh he alle tor a rore jl
Ond equitabde orety

as morked bu his
vcd h tommt}en to 0 al jstrre
corrgrsca to ehotong
the strhs

detrgçoon ohrth voc, the poone,

proboma Ho oleo Voa l

He holoed to
prdowd impoe rdvak, tegal ym
moke tthe aut more
@reiHe ore
morqiral igdOnd he roised
humon 1qht tte is (orgidored ehe
One o he moet
importort odgee
Judeva Aettyism
a propnrn Jud
he dotaine ho jloa,
junlgg, hald take
Artvrgm, cohvch r
on achve rote
torus ovd
protrg the
indpetrg tre
brgrt. he peoe. tte
behevd ho touvte
hold nol he po9e ch'eove & te legol ayhn bd chold
to intead he
hdore enANe tho! wstre is
ynk Shnvgl ontvrar
Ponde in tho tose Horoka Vth tor hoho, he glrurk
qove he
Gornmed he pouer to detain per e
Coihad toal ,Ho obo ated thod ho
olvary Ond ho he
to poson'e
chooce thev Oun
Hhes Judiral Activis, n eong rot
oithat it oitrs ome Orqued a
he wooc to mae
Houpve (er'e Suppors Orgued
hot he
too Simy hyng to ersVe thot he loo wo0a vsed
prah the
oNqlt a d' the people. fhd dot's tuhy he wos ca lted

VK Krshna
Judges ard
(ornmigsiond irn hra tHe bebee hat he
prorSs o0
too polhtol Grd t dhd rol alooyc
reaH in the 0ppoid ment the
beg! peode or the, job.
tte orqcd tot he apontre d judlga shald be bogd on naos
Ond rot on polheot cAloten. tte obo
beteved ot the morsS
the to

htunah ondatA ko

Niewa n te annotlent volges, and tomss 'onq ore

politeat ord tere ra a lock d -kansyorery

hhe fon moi bosed o0pointmane Ond

Spnikalty CUae a
Spirtuol ee kry coho t d peore ond hormony
thragh ton gendal madiattn. te
believed that mediHaton told het p
eple to arhve inner peae Ond
hormony Ond he promted it o4

Outgphy Condeing in Hooy coosld s. lyer covitns ahud
juny Ond his (ommtmeg to
He degira how nditothon halped hin to
tronrerdentl medvoti on.
ortone his Oon pmsongl
chaengrs, Ond he roque g tha! 4 ton be a poroI tol r
Avay .0nd he
eeved o! mdithon ald elp vc
y Ond toneo lop trto hra
Coth o nner regy 4
rd obod oqco ptrg Arom he
in the prest momae
etet Sin s to Ie nlved mone nt" Ord he
fonnoe Coih heiv innergr%, Ond coith
+he eoo d arand
take On
Spiritoo lity cooc tnige rofshng
Atdtoral rerqovs bqvie ,bt he cax adeeply
meoning rpose i'n He through heg metoton pintal mn cutho hund
rochne te insgnts
spritoly Cor be hlp to orpne more dtfg

Jehre 1S VoS+ nd voried bt omne o hS most

hotable totrbhon fnotude
Hig (ommitne to cooval jghre rd hman orqhts Joshre
Co0s a stounch advoa te or the orghte the poos, the

áqinoliqed ,ond the opprtcsed. He be lheved thot the loo shald be Used to
proseot the ogrk al peope tegordless d teir be al atetuc or
eroromc tondtor

iberal intpretaton he (ungtittton, Jushre lyer

Sirong belevP in te pouorr dhe fonsttton to bring obost dom!
Chongp. te inrprekd he torgtihton in a proqressive 4 1be rat mánna,

lwc Ond poctreg -hol doraimirotd
lse douon
d i4 to ghyke down

goinst e poos 4 the onyinalgad

ervironmental protehen Jushre yer
p'oneen in the elol Pnvionmenta l touo He reonned
nportee d prortng the pnviro nmem f the ske hore
ynebrg, Qrd he BAed Grprol Ordo dg me nds on pnvironmena)

Hia fommitnent to edocaton ord publse ge rvite.Jatre tyor

hdelong leorneo and edu Cartus. He belrevec thot edu atron as the
pleass to promote du cahon
ey to nrogres,and the Cuor ked
rd pcble Sevv ie

Justhe vR Kiris hno lyr In hdron ou

Gnd Soney a
tong tne Ond hig coork totinues to

Irspe and matrate people o orovnd

h hs atob'oqro ny Juchte vk Krishna tye Shorg hrs lMe ghovy
Grd hra (ommtnan to Soorol jvshre and humon
rrgis He tor teq
towypr ,hg irvoNemert in dom thoqgle.
Ond hig oork 69 a juole. He ako shoreg
tegal ard Sonol SSues,
Ssues, ineloding oventy. incqgoly ond
Jugtre Kris hno lye'g outobrograçhy fe a volvoble reONYe for
leqony o lodng ore, Ond ha, oovk

indetcd in he iued


Cin htpa:P blg ipkudere in


hns: CotO0. borondhe.tom

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