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Pradip Tripura, Et Al PHD

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Sci (2018) 7(9): 781-794

International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences

ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 7 Number 09 (2018)
Journal homepage: http://www.ijcmas.com

Original Research Article https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2018.709.094

Influence of Long Term Fertilization on Yield and Active Pools of Soil

Organic Carbon in an Typic Haplustepts under Groundnut-Wheat
Cropping Sequence

Pradip Tripura1*, K.B. Polara1 and Mayur Shitab2

Department of Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science, 2Department of Agricultural
Statistics, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh, 362001, Gujarat, India

*Corresponding author


The effect of integrated nutrient management (INM) on yields and active pools of soil
Keywords organic carbon (SOC) under groundnut-wheat cropping sequence of a Haplustepts soil was
studied in a long term field experiment initiated since 1999 at Junagadh, Gujarat. Effect on
Integrated nutrient varying doses of N, NP, NPK, NPK with FYM, Zn, S and Rhizobium on yields and active
management, Long term
fertilizer experiment,
pools of SOC viz., soil microbial biomass carbon (SMBC), soil microbial biomass nitrogen
Yield, Active pools, Soil (SMBN), soil microbial biomass phosphorus (SMBP), water soluble carbon (WSC), water
organic carbon soluble carbohydrate (WS-CHO) and dehydrogenase activity (DHA) after 16 year of
Article Info groundnut-wheat crop sequence was studied. The result revealed that application of 50 %
NPK + FYM @ 10 t ha-1 to groundnut and 100 % NPK to wheat significantly increased the
Accepted: groundnut yield and wheat yield. The highest and significant increase active pools of soil
06 August 2018 organic carbon was also observed under combine application of 50% NPK + FYM @ 10 t
Available Online: ha-1 to groundnut and 100 % NPK to wheat. These results indicate that long-term
10 September 2018 integrated use of FYM with chemical fertilizers or use of FYM alone exerted significant
effect on the active pools of soil organic carbon.

Introduction management to improve soil quality and crop

productivity (Verma and Sharma, 2007).
Soil organic matter (SOM) plays a key role in Many studies have shown that balanced
the improvement of soil physical, chemical application of inorganic fertilizers or organic
and biological properties. Conservation of the manure plus inorganic fertilizers can increase
quantity and quality of soil organic matter SOC and maintain soil productivity. Soil
(SOM) is considered a central component of organic carbon (SOC) is an important index of
sustainable soil management and maintenance soil fertility because of its relationship to crop
of soil quality (Doran et al., 1996). Organic productivity (Vinther et al., 2004; Pan et al.,
manure and inorganic fertilizer are the most 2009). For instance, declining SOC levels
common materials applied in agricultural often leads to decreased crop productivity

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(9): 781-794

(Lal, 2006). Thus, maintaining SOC level is Materials and Methods

essential for agricultural sustainability. The
concept of sustainable agricultural production Study site description
emphasizes the importance of SOC
management for food security and The AICRP LTFE was started in the year
environment protection (Pan et al., 2009). 1999 at Instructional Farm, College of
Agriculture, Junagadh Agricultural University
Plant residue is the primary source of SOM at Junagadh to study effect of continuous
formation. The SOM is composed of series of application of fertilizers (N, P, and K) and
fractions from very active and passive pools. manure in a groundnut-wheat crop rotation.
These fractions act as highly sensitive
indicators of soil fertility and productivity. In In present work of LTFE soils, which was
the sequence of humification process, first the started 16 years back on Typic Haplustepts
decomposition products of the original plant calcareous clay soil, there was addition of
residues are active fractions. The active different amounts of major nutrients
fractions include soil microbial biomass; water fertilizers, which changes in soil status in
soluble carbohydrates and it rarely comprise terms of major nutrients as well as soil organic
more than 10 to 20 % of total SOM (Smith carbon fraction content in soil.
and Paul, 1990). It provides most of the
readily accessible food for the soil organisms. The climate is tropical in Junagadh. The
Microbial biomass and its activity are usually average annual temperature is 25.7 °C in
positively correlated with SOM due to a Junagadh. Average annual rainfall is about
dependence on both the quantity and quality 903 mm with 45 rainy days. About 91% of the
of degradable carbon sources. Microbial annual rainfall is received during southwest
biomass represents a significant part of the monsoon season (June-September).
active SOM pool (Schnurer et al., 1985). The
active fractions can be readily increased by the Soil description
addition of fresh plant and animal residues,
but they are also readily lost when such The experiment soils are calcareous in nature
additions are reduced or tillage is intensified. derived from trap basalt, lime stone and sand
Particularly, the presence of SOM is regarded stone under semi-arid climate. Taxonomically,
as being critical for soil function and soil the soil is classified as Haplustepts. The soil is
quality. Soil organic matter is one of our most dominated by smectite group of clay minerals,
important natural resources and from antiquity which give rise to mild cracking in dry season,
man has recognized that soil fertility may be due to which it is further classified as Typic
maintained or improved by adding organic Haplustepts at sub group level.
manures. Our objective was to study the
changes of SOC fractions under a 16-year The experimental soils was calcareous
field experiment in Typic Haplustepts soil and (CaCO3- 42.2 %) in nature, alkaline in
to explain the relationship between different reaction (pH 8.2), free from salinity (EC2.5-
active pools of SOC fractions and crop yield. 0.19 dS m-1), had CEC 27.3 cmol (p+) kg and
Improved understanding of active pools of soil clayey in texture. From fertility point of
organic carbon will provide valuable views, it was medium in available nitrogen
information for establishing sustainable (271.23 kg ha-1), low in available phosphorus
fertilizer management systems to maintain and (P2O5-25.51 kg ha-1) but high in available
enhance soil quality. potassium (K2O-363.57 kg ha-1).

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(9): 781-794

Treatments air-drying, were ground with wooden mortar

and pestle to pass through a 2 mm plastic
The long-term experiment included twelve sieve. The bulk soil samples were stored in
fertilization treatments and each treatment had polyethylene bags for chemical analysis.
four replicates were arranged in a randomized
block design. All plots were continuously The soil samples were analyzed for
under groundnut - wheat rotation from the determining the active fraction of organic
beginning of the experiment. carbon on the basis of method mentioned
The twelve treatments were T1- 50 % NPK of
recommended doses in Groundnut-wheat Organic carbon
sequence, T2- 100 % N P K of recommended
doses in Groundnut -wheat sequence, T3 -150 Organic carbon was determined by wet
%N P K of recommended doses in Groundnut oxidation method (Walkley and Black, 1935).
-wheat sequence, T4 - 100 % N P K of
recommended doses in Groundnut –wheat Soil microbial biomass carbon
sequence + ZnSO4 @ 50 kg ha-1 once in three
year to Groundnut only (i.e. 99, 02, 05 etc.), Soil microbial biomass carbon was determined
T5 - N P K as per soil test, T6 - 100 % N P of by chloroform-fumigation incubation method
recommended doses in Groundnut –wheat (Jenkinson and Powlson, 1976; Jenkinson and
sequence, T7 - 100 % N of recommended Ladd, 1981)
doses in Groundnut -wheat sequence, T8 - 50
% N P K of recommended doses+ FYM @ 10 Soil microbial biomass nitrogen
t ha-1 to Groundnut and 100 % N P K to wheat,
T9 - Only FYM @ 25 t ha-1 to Groundnut only, Soil microbial biomass nitrogen was
T10 - 50 % N P K of recommended doses + determined by chloroform-fumigation
Rhizobium + PSM to Groundnut and100 % N extraction method (Brookes et al., 1985)
P K to wheat, T11 - 100 % N P K of
recommended doses in Groundnut -wheat Soil microbial biomass phosphorous
sequence (P as SSP) and T12 –Control.
Soil microbial biomass phosphorous was
Soil sampling and analysis determined by chloroform- fumigation
incubation method (Brookes et al., 1982;
In the experiment, groundnut crop was grown Srivastava and Singh, 1988)
during kharif 1999-2000 and wheat crop was
grown during rabi 1999-2000. The soil Water soluble carbon
samples were collected during three periods
(1st and 16thyears), initial year (1999- before Water soluble carbon was determined by acid
Groundnut) and 16thyear (2015- after Wheat). extraction method (Meloon and Sommcr's,
For the present study, soil samples were
collected after harvest of wheat crop with the Water soluble carbohydrates
help of tube auger from the each plot of the
above mentioned treatments representing the Water soluble carbohydrates were determined
plough layer (20 cm). These soil samples were by hydralytic extraction with H2SO4 (Chebire
cleaned and air-dried. The soil samples, after and Mundie, 1966)

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(9): 781-794

Soil dehydrogenase activity fertilizer. Vala et al., (2017) also reported that
the yield of groundnut was significantly
Soil dehydrogenase activity was determined increased with combine application of organic
by anthrone extraction method (Casida et al., and inorganic fertilizers. Similarly
1964) Bhattacharyya et al., (2015) found that the
crop yield was increased significantly by 74 %
Statistical analysis over the control under the combined
application of FYM + NPK.
All the analytical data recorded during the
course of investigation were subjected to Groundnut haulm yield
statistical analysis by using Randomized
Block Design. Statistical analysis was The haulm yields of groundnut were
completed using the SPSS 16.0 software significantly influenced by various treatments
package for Windows. Statistically significant in 16th years result and maximum haulm yield
differences were identified using analysis of (2614.66 and 2037.25 kg ha-1) were recorded
variance ANOVA. As per the method outlined under 50 % NPK of RDF + FYM @ 10 t ha-1
by Panse and Sukhatme (1985), the value of to groundnut-wheat sequence and 100 % NPK
test at 5 and 1 per cent level of significant was to wheat (T8) and this treatment also
determine and the values of SEm, CV per cent statistically at par with T2, T3, T4 and T9
also calculate. The pooled analysis of two treatment respectively. The haulm yield of
cycles of data was carried out as per procedure groundnut did not influenced significantly by
suggested by Cochran and Cox (1967). various treatments of experiment, in 1st year,
but numerically higher haulm yield was
Results and Discussion recorded under T2 treatment. Balaguravaih et
al., (2005) reported that influence of long-term
Groundnut pod yield use of inorganic and organic manures
increased sustainable production of groundnut
The pod yield of groundnut were significantly yield. Similar Das et al., (2011) reported that
influenced by various treatments in 16th years FYM application @ 15 t ha-1 along with 100
result and maximum values of pod yield % NPK fertilizers and optimal dose of NPK
(1146.75 kg ha-1) were recorded under (100 %) along with Zn produced maximum
application of 50 % NPK of RDF + FYM @ yields in comparison to alone application of
10 t ha-1 to groundnut-wheat sequence & NPK fertilizers.
100% NPK to wheat (T8) followed by
(1046.75 kg ha-1) FYM @ 25 t.ha-1 to Wheat grain yield
groundnut only (T9). The pod yield of
groundnut were not influenced significantly The grain yields of wheat were significantly
by various treatments of experiment, in 1st affected by various fertilization treatments of
year but numerically higher pod yield was LTFE experiment in 1st year as well as in 16
recorded under T6 treatment (100 % NP of years. Significantly maximum values of grain
recommended dose of Groundnut-Wheat yield (3407 kg ha-1) were obtained under
sequence) in 1st year (Table 1). This finding treatment of 50 % NPK of RDF + FYM @ 10
result was support from the work of Redda t ha-1 to groundnut-wheat sequence & 100%
and Kebede (2017) who observed that NPK to wheat (T8) and this treatment was at
increased crop yield with combine application par (3309.50 kg ha-1) with FYM @ 25 t ha-1 to
of FYM @ 9 t ha-1 and 75 kg ha-1 inorganic groundnut only (T9) during 16th year, whereas

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(9): 781-794

significantly the higher grain yield of 1908.50 Organic Carbon (O. C.)
kg ha-1 was recorded under T2 treatment (100
% NPK of RDF) and it was at par with T3, T4, The organic carbon was significantly affected
T5, T6, T8 and T11 treatment in first year by difference INM treatment in 16th year and it
results (Table 1). Verma et al., (2012) also was recorded higher under application of
reported similar results that the use of FYM FYM @ 25 t/ha to groundnut only (T9)
along with 100 % NPK increased crop followed by 50 % NPK of RDF + FYM @ 10
productivity. The overall wheat grain yield t ha-1 to groundnut-wheat sequence and 100%
increased after 16 year of experimentation NPK to wheat (T8). In long term, there seems
compare to initial year. Rawal et al., (2015) to be an increase in soil organic carbon after
observed that wheat grain yields were 16th year experimentation (Table 2). This
consistently higher in the NPK and FYM result is corroborated with the finding of
treatments than in treatments, where one or Reddy et al., (2017) who reported that among
more nutrients were lacking. This result was the various treatment continuous use of farm
also supported by Singh et al., (2017) who yard manure with 100 % NPK treatment
reported that highest productivity of wheat resulted in highest organic carbon content in
was recorded in the treatment comprising 100 soil compared to other treatments. There was
% NPK + FYM in long term fertilizers overall increased in organic carbon status of
experiment. LTFE soils after 16th year as compared to
initial status (1st year). In 1st year the non-
Wheat straw yield significantly higher value of organic carbon
was observed under 50 % NPK of RDF in
The significantly higher straw yields (3911 Groundnut-Wheat sequence (T1) treatment
and 4406 kg ha-1) were registered with T8 followed by T6 (150 % NPK of RDF in
treatment (50 % NPK of RDF + FYM @ 10 t Groundnut-Wheat sequence).
ha-1 to groundnut-wheat sequence & 100%
NPK to wheat) during 16th year, respectively Pant et al., (2017) reported that long-term
and this treatment was statistically at par with combine application of 100 % NPK and FYM
T9 treatment (FYM @ 25 t.ha-1 to groundnut increased the organic carbon content in soil
only) during 16th year. Whereas significantly after crop harvest. The FYM application
higher straw yield (3090 kg ha-1) was recorded improved soil physical condition, ultimately
with T2 treatment which was at par with T3, root growth increases and more biomass added
T4, T5, T6, T8 and T11 during 1st year (Table 1). to the soil, seems to increases organic carbon
The results corroborate the finding of status of the particular soil.
Ravankar et al., (2004) who reported that the
highest yield of wheat were recorded by 100 Soil microbial biomass carbon
% NPK with 10 tonnes FYM ha-1 and the
lowest under control. Sarawad and Sing With respect to status of SMBC, during 2000
(2004) was also reported that significant and 2016, with treatment T8 (50 % NPK of
higher yield was observed under plots treated recommended doses in Groundnut -Wheat
with 100 % NPK + FYM than others. sequence + FYM @ 10 t ha-1 to Groundnut
Similarly result was also found by Brar et al., and 100 % NPK to Wheat) showed the
(2015) who reported that continuous cropping significantly higher value of SMBC (Table 3).
and integrated use of organic and inorganic In 1st year result it is at par with T5 (NPK as
fertilizers increased soil C sequestration and per soil test) and T9 (FYM @ 25 t ha-1 to
crop yields. Groundnut only).

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(9): 781-794

Table.1 Influence of different treatment on groundnut and wheat yield in 1st year and
16th year of LTFE soils

Treatment Groundnut Yield (kg ha-1) Wheat Yield (kg ha-1)

Pod Yield Haulm Yield Grain Yield Straw Yield
1st 16th 1st 16th 1st 16th 1st 16th
year year year year year Year year year
T1 962.00 816.25 1790.50 1640.75 1589.00 2093.00 2696.75 2802.50
T2 984.75 941.50 2018.25 1781.00 1908.50 2758.50 3090.25 3526.75
T3 916.25 1012.75 1758.00 1960.50 1878.50 2893.00 2847.25 3728.75
T4 1048.00 951.50 1985.75 1969.75 1806.50 2694.50 2650.25 3419.25
T5 929.25 928.50 1676.50 1757.50 1856.50 2720.25 2819.50 3434.75
T6 1101.75 735.50 1969.50 1610.75 1718.75 2426.00 2696.75 2992.50
T7 927.50 622.00 1693.00 1370.00 1111.00 1562.50 1921.25 2056.75
T8 916.25 1146.75 1888.00 2037.25 1898.25 3407.00 2766.00 4406.25
T9 875.75 1046.75 1693.00 1873.50 1289.25 3309.50 2141.25 3966.75
T10 963.50 856.00 2002.00 1709.00 1419.00 2566.50 2581.00 3307.50
T11 1017.25 918.50 1871.50 1735.00 1608.75 2752.50 2963.00 3494.25
T12 968.25 709.75 1725.50 1400.25 1309.25 1678.75 2072.00 2231.25
MEAN 967.54 890.48 1839.29 1737.10 1616.10 2571.83 2603.77 3280.60
S.Em.± 74.12 46.13 131.39 90.22 107.36 132.29 155.89 176.34
C.D. at 5 % NS 132.73 NS 259.58 309.12 380.62 448.86 507.37
C.V. % 15.32 10.36 14.29 10.39 13.29 10.29 11.97 10.75

Table.2 Influence of different treatment on status of organic carbon in

1st and 16th year of LTFE soils

Treatment Organic Carbon (%)

1st year 16th year
T1 0.615 0.621
T2 0.548 0.677
T3 0.510 0.668
T4 0.555 0.684
T5 0.525 0.670
T6 0.600 0.621
T7 0.510 0.631
T8 0.563 0.758
T9 0.525 0.790
T10 0.563 0.649
T11 0.563 0.667
T12 0.540 0.631
MEAN 0.551 0.672
S.Em.± 0.048 0.015
C.D. at 5 % NS 0.044
C.V. % 17.240 4.550

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(9): 781-794

Table.3 Influence of different treatment on status of soil microbial biomass carbon, soil
microbial biomass nitrogen and soil microbial biomass phosphorus in
1st and 16th year of LTFE soils

Treatment SMBC (mg kg-1) SMBN (mg kg-1) SMBP (mg kg-1)
1st year 16th year 1st year 16th year 1st year 16th year
T1 87.72 122.52 6.70 10.27 12.53 10.54
T2 104.84 144.65 6.96 11.86 11.30 10.63
T3 101.02 227.91 7.04 12.51 14.42 11.03
T4 100.80 181.98 7.88 12.83 12.90 10.38
T5 232.51 218.29 8.00 11.84 10.10 9.68
T6 184.33 209.48 6.95 10.23 11.72 9.33
T7 180.50 193.93 8.18 11.30 14.31 8.98
T8 243.01 268.68 10.18 17.17 16.82 12.07
T9 222.32 244.71 8.85 15.42 15.00 11.74
T10 196.30 222.33 7.08 12.13 14.02 11.21
T11 124.32 188.39 7.88 11.07 14.22 10.73
T12 86.50 112.26 6.40 9.63 8.51 7.51
MEAN 155.35 194.59 7.67 12.19 12.99 10.32
S.Em.± 9.45 7.68 0.40 0.59 0.47 0.46
C.D. at 5 % 27.20 22.08 1.14 1.70 1.35 1.32
C.V. % 12.17 7.89 10.36 9.69 7.23 8.89

Table.4 Influence of different treatment on status of water soluble carbon, water soluble
carbohydrate and dehydrogenase activity in 1st and 16th year of LTFE soils

Treatment WSC (mg kg-1) WS-CHO (mg kg-1) DHA (μg TPF-1 24 hr-1
g-1 soil)
1st year 16th year 1st year 16th year 1st year 16th year
T1 24.00 33.75 36.50 43.25 36.50 32.25
T2 30.00 38.25 37.50 45.00 42.50 41.25
T3 38.00 41.00 38.50 44.50 30.00 33.75
T4 34.75 42.00 31.50 41.00 46.50 35.50
T5 29.50 40.75 41.50 45.50 33.50 38.00
T6 34.50 38.25 40.50 47.50 38.25 33.75
T7 36.50 39.25 33.50 40.25 46.50 35.50
T8 44.50 52.50 46.50 54.25 52.50 44.25
T9 40.50 47.50 42.50 50.50 49.50 42.75
T10 21.50 33.75 27.50 37.00 31.50 32.75
T11 28.50 35.75 41.00 44.25 40.50 33.75
T12 20.50 28.50 26.50 34.00 29.50 27.25
MEAN 31.90 39.27 36.96 43.92 39.77 35.90
S.Em.± 0.90 1.11 1.38 1.26 2.30 2.26
C.D. at 5 % 2.58 3.19 3.98 3.62 6.61 6.51
C.V. % 5.62 5.65 7.48 5.74 11.56 12.6

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(9): 781-794

Soil and crop management practices can application of organic manure alone or in
greatly influences soil biological activity combination with inorganic fertilizer
through their effect on quantity and quality of significantly influenced the soil microbial
organic carbon added to soil. Use of FYM biomass nitrogen. FYM is not only rich in C
alone or in combination with chemical but also in N and other macro and
fertilizers significantly increased soil micronutrients. But the availability of
microbial biomass carbon (SMBC). There nutrients to the crop from FYM is generally
was overall increase in SMBC status of soil lower than N from inorganic fertilizer because
after 16 years as compared to initial status. of the slow release of organically bound N
Khan and Wani (2017) reported that and volatilization of NH3 from the manure
significant build-up of soil microbial biomass especially in calcareous soil (Beauchamp,
carbon (SMBC) were maintained under FYM 1983). Therefore, a combined application of
and integrated nutrient management involving FYM and fertilizer in the present study
FYM and NPK than unfertilized control plot apparently provided supply of nutrients in
in 0-15 and 15-30 cm soil depths. Similar balanced proportion which was reflected in
results were also found by Verma and Mathur terms of increased amounts of microbial
(2007). The supply of additional biomass N. Other alternate amendments, viz.,
mineralizable and readily hydrolysable C due ZnSO4 fertilizer application produced similar
to organic manure application resulted in effect on microbial biomass N as that of NPK.
higher microbial activity and higher SMBC. It In control, there was reduction in biomass N
indicated that manure addition resulted in from that observed with optimal NPK for both
higher SMBC than inorganic fertilization or crops (groundnut and wheat). With increase in
no fertilization (Control). The availability of fertilizer level from 100 to 150 % there was a
soil microbial biomass carbon were significant increase in biomass N over
significantly increased with the integrated control. There was overall increase in SMBN
application of organic manure (FYM @ 10 t status of soil after 16 years as compared to
ha-1) and mineral fertilizers (100 % NPK) initial status. Because the SMBN was
over control and other fertilizer treatment influence by added N through organic and in
Katkar et al., (2011). organic fertilizers as its produce large
quantity of crop residues which provided
Soil microbial biomass nitrogen available substrate for maintains of larger
SMBN during the growing season (Salinas et
The soil microbial biomass nitrogen content al., 1997). Kaur et al., (2008) also observed
of soils showed significant difference in the that soil microbial biomass nitrogen was
years 2000 and 2016 (Table 3) with increased with an application of NPK and
application of different INM treatment. The NPK + FYM than others treatment.
treatment T8 (50 % NPK of recommended
doses in Groundnut -Wheat sequence + FYM Soil microbial biomass phosphorus
@ 10 t ha-1 to Groundnut and 100 % NPK to
Wheat.) showed significantly higher value of The soil microbial biomass phosphorus
SMBN in the year 2000 and 2016. High soil content in soils of different treatments showed
carbon content, more root proliferation and significant difference under the LTFE in the
additional supply of N by FYM to years 2000 and 2016 (Table 3). The results
microorganism might be responsible for revealed that the treatment T8 (50 % N P K of
increasing the level of SMBN. Kumari et al., recommended doses in Groundnut -Wheat
(2011) also reported that continuous sequence + FYM @ 10 t ha-1 Groundnut and

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(9): 781-794

100 % N P K to Wheat.) registered % NPK of recommended doses in Groundnut

significantly higher value of SMBP (16.8 mg -Wheat sequence + FYM @ 10 t ha-1
kg-1) in year 2000. Similarly the same Groundnut and 100 % NPK to Wheat)
treatment T8 showed significantly higher registered significantly higher (44.50 and
values (12.07 mg kg-1) of SMBP in year 2016 52.50 mg kg-1) WSC during 2000 and 2016
and it was at par with T9, T10 and T3 respectively followed by treatment T9 (FYM
treatment. There was overall decrease in @ 25 t ha-1 to Groundnut only). There was
SMBP status of soil after 16 years as overall increase in WSC status of soil after 16
compared to initial status. The continuous years as compared to initial status. Of course,
application of chemical fertilizers either alone this built-up was after many years as a result
or in combination with FYM increased the of large amount of clay particles enriched
soil microbial biomass phosphorus (SMBP) with water soluble carbon through addition of
content as compared to zero fertilized plots. FYM and chemical fertilizers (Liang et al.,
Integrated use of organic and inorganic 1995).
significantly increased the crop productivity
and thereby provided substrates essential for Highest water soluble carbon was observed in
microbial growth and activity which are treatment receiving FYM alone followed by
probably responsible for this increase in treatment with continuous addition of FYM in
SMBP. The low content in control plot could association with 100 % NPK fertilizers,
be due to no addition of any external input whereas the lowest content was found in
into the soil over the years and thereby poor controlled treatment in both the crop. The
crop productivity. Low content of SMBP in newly humified organic carbon through FYM
100 % N alone was observed. Reason addition might have sustained higher amount
attributed is the reduction of microbial cells of WSC in sole FYM treatment, whereas
due to absence of any phosphate substrate. higher amount of water soluble carbon in the
The addition of higher levels of phosphorus T8 treatment (50 % NPK + FYM @ 10 t ha-1
through external source might have to groundnut and 100 % NPK to wheat) might
influenced the metabolism of be due to its origin and root exudates and
microorganisms, which is probably lysates and its presence in soil solution.
responsible for higher levels of SMBP.
Similar elevation in SMBP with the The results are in agreement with Yagi et al.,
application of super-optimal dose of NPK and (2005) who attributed the same to the priming
the rise in content of SMBP were also effect of the application of inorganic N or
reported by Santhy et al., (2004). The result fresh organic material to the soil which
finding was also corroborated with Kumari et stimulates the microbial activity and
al., (2011) who observed that continuous mineralization of N forms present in SOC
application of organic manure alone or in helping thereby in decomposition of SOC
combination with inorganic fertilizer with rapid release of WSC fraction.
significantly influenced the soil microbial
biomass phosphorus. This finding was also supported by Singh et
al., (2003) who reported that the application
Water Soluble Carbon (WSC) of 100 % NPK + FYM for about twenty eight
years increased water soluble carbon by about
Water soluble carbon (WSC) increased year 32 to 41 % compared to the plot receiving
wise irrespective of the treatments (Table 4). only 100 % NPK. Thus balance fertilization
The results showed that the treatment T8 (50 favored enrichment of water soluble carbon.

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(9): 781-794

Water soluble carbohydrates application of NPK and NPK + FYM than

others treatment. The application of N
The significant higher value of WSC as 46.50 fertilizers half as well as full doze although
and 54.25 mg kg-1 were registered with T8 affect the dehydrogenase activity because of
treatment (50 % NPK of recommended doses activity is strongly influenced by the presence
in groundnut -wheat sequence + FYM @ 10 t of nitrate, which serves as an alternative
ha-1 Groundnut and 100 % NPK to Wheat) electron acceptor resulting in low activity
during 2000 and 2016 respectively (Table 4). (Sneh et al., 1998). The dehydrogenase
Water soluble carbohydrates serves as source activity is increase with increasing level of
and sink for mineral nutrients and organic mineral fertilizer doses from 50 to 150 NPK.
substrates in a short – term and as a catalyst The increase in DHA was 18.6 % due to INM
for conversion of plant nutrients from over a over 100% NPK through mineral fertilizers.
longer period and therefore influence crop The results are in line with the findings
productivity and nutrient cycling (Kumari et reported by Bhattacharyya et al., (2008),
al., 2011). There was overall increase in water whereas the dehydrogenase activity increases
soluble carbohydrate status of soil after 16 4-5 folds due to FYM application along with
year as compared to initial status. The higher NPK. This result also supported by Katkar et
water soluble carbohydrate was observed in al., (2011) who reported that the availability
treatment which received FYM with mineral of dehydrogenase activity were significantly
fertilizers in all span of LTFE experiment. increased with the integrated application of
This finding also corroborated with Mishra et organic manure (FYM @ 10 tones ha-1) and
al., (2008) who reported that continuous mineral fertilizers (100 % NPK) over control
organic manure application or in combination and other fertilizer treatment.
with inorganic fertilizer, significantly
influenced water soluble carbohydrates over The result of present investigation showed
100 % NPK and control. that combine application of mineral fertilizers
with FYM maintain soil organic carbon level
Dehydrogenase activity in soil, crop yield and showed significant
higher values as compare to control. However
During 2000, treatment T8 (50 % NPK of significant higher values of organic carbon
recommended doses in Groundnut -Wheat status and crop yields were observed with
sequence + FYM @ 10 t ha-1 Groundnut and application of 50 % NPK + FYM @ 10 t ha-1
100 % NPK to Wheat) registered significantly than other treatment. Integrated use of mineral
higher value of dehydrogenase activity and it fertilizers along with FYM significantly
was at par with T4, T7 and T9 treatment. In increased active pools of soil organic carbon
case of the year during 2016, treatment T8 and yield of groundnut and wheat as compare
showed higher value of dehydrogenase to unfertilized control and the initial values.
activity and it was at par with T9, T2 and T5 The addition of NPK with FYM increased
treatment (Table 4). The addition of farmyard active fraction of organic carbon viz. SMBC,
manure couple with mineral fertilization SMBN, SMBP, WSC, WS-CHO, DHA and
exerted a stimulating influence on yields of both groundnut and wheat under
preponderance of bacteria (Selvi et al., 2004). long term fertilization. Thus, NPK + FYM
Similar result was found by Kaur et al., were the best option for increasing organic
(2008) who observed that continuous carbon status in soil and enhance crop yields.
application of fertilizers increased These results conclude that for sustainable
dehydrogenase activity significantly with an crop production and maintaining soil quality,

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(9): 781-794

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How to cite this article:

Pradip Tripura, K.B. Polara and Mayur Shitab. 2018. Influence of Long Term Fertilization on
Yield and Active Pools of Soil Organic Carbon in an Typic Haplustepts under Groundnut-
Wheat Cropping Sequence. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 7(09): 781-794.
doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2018.709.094


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