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Summer Express Between Grades 3 - 4

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SuMMER 3 4


Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

NEW YoRk ∫฀ToRo

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Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources
Scholastic Inc. grants teachers permission to photocopy the designated reproducible pages from this book for classroom use. No other part
of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. For information regarding permission,
write to Scholastic Inc., 557 Broadway, New York, NY 10012.

Cover design by Brian LaRossa

Cover photo by www.imagesource.com
Interior illustrations by Robert Alley, Abbey Carter, Maxie Chambliss, Sue Dennen,
Shelley Dieterichs, Jane Dippold, Julie Durrell, Rusty Fletcher, James Hale,
Mike Moran, Sherry Neidigh, Cary Pillo, Carol Tiernon, and Lynn Vineyard

ISBN-13 978-0-545-22693-6 / ISBN-10 0-545-22693-7

Copyright © 2010 by Scholastic Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 40 16 15 14 13 12 11 10
Table of Contents

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

Dear Parent Letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Terrific Tips for Using This Book . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Week 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Week 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Week 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Week 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Week 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Week 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

Week 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

Week 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

Week 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

Week 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117

Answer Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129

Certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Dear Parent:

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

Congratulations! You hold in your hands an exceptional educational tool that
will give your child a head start into the coming school year.

Inside this book, you’ll find one hundred practice pages that will help your
child review and learn math, reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, and so
much more! Summer Express is divided into 10 weeks, with two practice
pages for each day of the week, Monday to Friday. However, feel free to use
the pages in any order that your child would like. Here are other features
you’ll find inside:

• A weekly incentive chart and certificate to motivate and reward

your child for his or her efforts.
• Suggestions for fun, creative learning activities you can do with
your child each week.
• A recommended reading list of age-appropriate books that you and
your child can read throughout the summer.
• A certificate of completion to celebrate your child’s accomplishments.

We hope you and your child will have a lot of fun as you work together to
complete this workbook.

The editors
Terrific Tips for Using This Book

1 Pick a good time

5 Encourage

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

Us w

for your child your child

T ace a path to Ocean Beach Week 9
2 • Day
cannot pa s hrough any a eas 4
fo ce you to go back and t y a ae

to work on the to complete the ld own

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activities. You worksheet, but

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2 the
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3 the
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may want to do don’t force the

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6 hav
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9 hav like a i s hea
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10 ea hard
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morning, or early may want to

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11 ook ma k
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afternoon when your ensure that your

30 R ad mo
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ks On
not er
she t of pap
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child is not too tired. child succeeds, it’s

also important that your child
maintain a positive and relaxed attitude
toward school and learning.

2 Make sure your child

has all the supplies
he or she needs, such as
pencils and markers. Set
aside a special place for your
child to work.
6 After you’ve given your
child a few minutes
to look over the practice
pages he or she will be
working on, ask your child
’s lncentiv
to tell you his or her plan

art: Week
ame H re
e Ch
At the beginning 1
This wee

Week 1
k l plan to
minutes eac
h day
of action: “Tell me about what we’re doing
of each week, on these pages.” Hearing the explanation
D y1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4 Day 5

l read for

discuss with your aloud can provide you with insight into
m nutes
m nutes
Put a st cker
o show you
comp eted

child how many your child’s thinking processes. Can he

ea h
day s work

minutes a day he or or she complete the work independently?

she would like to 1 ns!
# Wow! You d d
a great j
ob th s
With guidance? If your child needs
read. Write the goal Parent or
Careg ver’
s S gnature
l ce
s i ker e
e support from a family member, try offering
at the top of the choices regarding with whom he or she
incentive chart for the week. will be working. Providing choices is an
(We recommend that a child entering approach that can help boost your child’s
fourth grade read 20 to 25 minutes a day.) confidence and help him or her feel more
ownership of the work to be done.

4 Reward your child’s efforts This certif

ies that
______ _
with the small stickers
at the end of each day. As an
added bonus, let him or her
7 When your child
has finished the
workbook, present congratu
is now rea
for Grad
e ___

affix a large sticker at the him or her with ________


bottom of the incentive chart the certificate of

for completing the activities completion on page 143. Feel free to
each week. frame or laminate the certificate and
display it on the wall for everyone to see.
Your child will be so proud!
Skill-Building Activities for Any Time

The following activities are designed to

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

complement the ten weeks of practice
pages in this book. These activities
don’t take more than a few minutes to
complete and are just a handful of ways
in which you can enrich and enliven your
child’s learning. Use the activities to take
advantage of the time you might ordinarily
disregard—for example, standing in line or
waiting at a bus stop. You’ll be working to
practice key skills and have fun together An Eye for Patterns
at the same time. A red-brick sidewalk, a beaded necklace,
a Sunday newspaper—all show evidence
Finding Real-Life Connections of structure and organization. You can
One of the reasons for schooling is to help your child recognize something’s
help children function out in the real structure or organization by observing
world, to empower them with the abilities and talking about patterns they see. Your
they’ll truly need. So child will apply his or her developing
why not put those ability to spot patterns across all school
developing skills into subject areas, including alphabet letter
action by enlisting formation (writing), attributes of shapes
your child’s help and solids (geometry), and characteristics
butter of narrative stories (reading). Being able
with reading a map,
sugar to notice patterns is a skill shared by
following a recipe,
milk effective readers and writers, scientists,
checking grocery
eggs and mathematicians.
receipts, and so on. bread
He or she can apply flour
reading, writing,
science, and math
skills in important and practical ways,
connecting what he or she is learning with
everyday tasks.

Journals as Learning Tools

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

Most of us associate journal writing with
Promote Reading
reading comprehension, but having your
child keep a journal can help you keep
at Home
up with his or her developing skills in ◆ Let your child catch you
in the act of reading for
other academic areas as well—from adding
pleasure, whether you like
fractions to combining sentences. To get
reading science fiction
started, provide your child with several
novels or do-it-yourself
sheets of paper, folded in half, and stapled
magazines. Store them someplace
together. Explain that he or she will be that encourages you to read in front
writing and/or drawing in the journal to of your child and demonstrate that
complement the practice pages completed reading is an activity you enjoy.
each week. The journal is another tool you For example, locate your reading
both can use to monitor progress of skills materials on the coffee table instead
newly learned or practiced, or those that of your nightstand.
need improvement. Before moving on to
◆ Set aside a family reading time. By
another set of practice pages, take a few
designating a reading time each
minutes to read and discuss that week’s
week, your family is assured an
journal entries together. opportunity to discuss with each other
what you’re reading. You can, for
example, share a funny quote from
an article. Or your child can tell you
his or her favorite part of a story. The
key is to make a family tradition of
reading and sharing books of all kinds

◆ Put together collections of reading

materials your child can access
easily. Gather them in baskets or
bins that you can place in the family
room, the car, and your child’s
bedroom. You can refresh your child’s
library by borrowing materials from
your community’s library, buying
used books, or swapping books and
magazines with friends and neighbors.

Skills Review and Practice
Educators have established learning standards for math and language arts. Listed below are some
of the important skills covered in Summer Express that will help your child review and prepare for
the coming school year so that he or she is better prepared to meet these learning standards.

Skills Your Child Will Review Skills Your Child Will Practice to Prepare for Grade Four

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

◆ identifying fractions ◆ solving word problems

◆ demonstrating knowledge of addition and ◆ matching equivalent fractions

subtraction facts
◆ identifying numerators and denominators of fractions
◆ adding 3-digit numbers without regrouping
◆ adding 4-digit numbers without regrouping
◆ subtracting 2-digit numbers without
◆ adding and subtracting decimals
◆ demonstrating knowledge of multiplication facts
◆ identifying coin and dollar values; logic
◆ multiplying 2-digit and 3-digit numbers; logic

◆ dividing with remainders

◆ adding simple fractions with like denominators

◆ finding area and perimeter (e.g., feet, yards)

◆ adding and subtracting decimals; money

◆ identifying attributes (e.g., angles, sides)

◆ reading and using data from a table and chart

Language Arts
Skills Your Child Will Review Skills Your Child Will Practice to Prepare for Grade Four

◆ proofreading (e.g., meaning, spelling, ◆ Using prewriting strategies (e.g., graphic organizers, outlines)
sentence variety, and grammar)
◆ writing for a purpose (e.g., a news story, expository paragraph,
◆ expanding and combining sentences persuasive paragraph, descriptive paragraph)
◆ using parts of speech in written compositions ◆ using topic sentences
(e.g., common nouns, proper nouns, plural
◆ writing in paragraph form
nouns, pronouns, present- and past-tense
verbs, adjectives, prepositions) ◆ diagramming sentences to demonstrate understanding of parts of
speech and sentence structures
◆ punctuating (e.g., possessives, quotation
marks, contractions) ◆ understanding an author’s purpose for writing (e.g., to inform, persuade)

◆ writing in upper- and lowercase cursive ◆ recognizing and identifying literary devices (e.g., simile, metaphor)
◆ demonstrating knowledge of level-appropriate reading vocabulary
◆ writing cursive numerals 0–9 (e.g., compound words, contractions, idioms, and so on)
◆ demonstrating knowledge of level-appropriate ◆ demonstrating knowledge of level-appropriate identification of root words
reading vocabulary (e.g., homophones, (e.g., pos, phon, photo, port, pop)
synonyms, antonyms, prefixes [un-],
compound words, analogies, word ◆ establishing a purpose for reading (e.g., standardized test taking)
relationships) ◆ identifying story elements

◆ using graphic organizers to interpret information

◆ understanding different techniques convey messages

(e.g., comics, advertising)
Helping Your Child Get Ready: Week 1

Here are some activities you and your child might enjoy.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

These are the skills your child Listen and Draw Describe an object, animal, or person to
will be working on this week. your child and ask him or her to draw it. How close does the
drawing come to looking like the real thing? Then, ask him

Math or her to describe something for you to draw.
addition/subtraction facts
. adding 3-digit numbers
Comic Order Build up your child’s sequencing skills. Cut a
without regrouping
comic strip into sections. Ask your child to put the strip in
the correct order and to explain his or her thinking.
making predictions
Make a Time Capsule Make a time capsule with your

child. Ask him or her to think about what objects could be
combining sentences
. writing a newsletter
included in the capsule that will tell people in the future
what your family and the time you are living in is like. Put
all the items in a container and bury it. (A metal container
antonyms and synonyms will work best.)

My Summer Plan Suggest that your child come up with a
your and you’re
plan to achieve a goal by the end of the summer. Help him
or her map out a way to be successful. Periodically, check to
uppercase cursive letters see how he or she is progressing.

Your child might enjoy reading the following books:

Leonardo da Vinci
by Diane Stanley

The Mud Flat Mystery

by James Stevenson

Charlotte’s Web
by E. B. White
1. Read 5 Books
2. Go to the library
3. Learn to dive
Special Note: The activity for Day 3 of this week is entails creating a 4. Build a treehouse
mini-book. Have your child tear out the page along the perforation and
cut along the dotted line. After he or she positions the two sections so the 5. Learn a magic trick
mini-book pages are in sequence, your child can staple and fold to form
a book. Then he or she can complete all the puzzles in the mini-book.

Name Here
This week, l plan to read minutes each day.

Week฀1 Day 1 Day 5

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

l฀read฀for... minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes

Put a sticker
to show you
completed each
day’s work.

Wow! You did a great job this week!
# 1


Great States
Add or subtract. Connect the matching answers
to find each state’s shape. 9

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

4+3= + 9
Delaware 16 – 9 =

Massachusetts 7+7=

New Hampshire 15 – 6 =

New York 17 + 1 =
– 8
South Carolina 14 – 3 =
Maryland 15 – 2 =

Pennsylvania 14 – 9 = 6
+ 5
Connecticut 12 + 5 =
Rhode Island 7+3=
North Carolina 13 – 7 =
Georgia 7+5= – 6

New Jersey 14 – 6 = 17 – 7 =

Virginia 7+8=

18 – 1 =
– 9 12 – 4 =
+ 6

Your, You’re

Grammar Cop
and the Education of Snow White

Snow White has left the seven dwarfs’ cottage. She

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

wants to explain her disappearance, but she doesn’t
really understand the difference between your and
you’re. Can you help Grammar Cop fill in the blanks?
Directions: The word your or you’re belongs in each of the
boxes. Choose the correct word and write it in.

Dear Dwarfs,
Remember these basic
laws of your and you’re:
probably wondering why I left. I have to
admit I have gotten tired of strange habits. Your is the possessive
It seems like if not sneezing, then form of you. Use it when
sleeping or acting grumpy.
you are talking about
something that belongs to
Also, it turned out that the prince wasn’t for me. the person with whom you
As I said to him, “ really nice, but I don’t are speaking. (Example: I
really like your new jeans.
want to sit around castle all day while Where did you get them?)
off slaying dragons.”
The other day, I took a good look in the You’re is a contraction of
mirror. Sure it said, “ the fairest of them “you are.” Here’s a tip:
Whenever you write you’re,
all.” But it also said, “Plan for future. What read over the sentence
about education? career?” and substitute you are for
That was it. “Snow,” I said, “say good-bye to
you’re. If the sentence
makes sense, you’ve made
dwarfs. going back to school.” the right choice. (Example:
I hope I haven’t hurt feelings. I I always tell people that
you’re my best friend.)
appreciate kindness. all very
generous. But for now, on own.

Snow White

Use with page 14.
Making Predictions

Homer’s Big Adventure

Use details from a story to help determine what will happen next. This is called
making predictions.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

Brian was in such a hurry to get to the school bus on time that he forgot to
close the door on Homer’s cage after he fed him. Homer T. Hamster knew this
was his big chance. He crawled out of
his cage and ran downstairs, careful to
sneak past Brian’s mother without being
seen. He ducked through a hole in the
screen door and stepped out into the
great backyard.
“Yippeeee!” cried Homer,
throwing his little arms into the air. “I’m
free at last!” He zipped through the
gate and down the alley. The first thing
Homer saw was a huge, snarling German
shepherd who thought it was fun to
chase anything that could run. “R-r-ruff!
R-r-ruff!” Homer scurried here and there
only inches ahead of the dog. He barely
escaped by hiding under a flowerpot. “Whew, that was close!” he thought.
He waited there a while, shaking like a leaf.
Then he crept out into the alley again. He looked this way and that. The
coast was clear, so he skipped happily along. He looked up just in time to see
the big black tires of a pickup truck that was backing out of a driveway. He
almost got squooshed! So, he darted quickly into someone’s backyard where a
boy was mowing the lawn. R-r-r-r-r-r! Homer had to jump out of the way again.
Back in the alley, he decided to rest somewhere that was safe. He crawled
into a garbage dumpster and fell asleep. Later, he heard the sound of a big
truck. He felt himself going high up into the air. The dumpster turned upside
down, and the lid opened. Homer was falling. “Yikes!” screamed Homer. He had
to think fast. He reached out and grabbed the side of the truck, holding on for
dear life.
Use with page 13.
Making Predictions

The truck rolled down the alley and into the

street. As it turned the corner, Homer was flung off
the truck and onto the hood of a school bus. He

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

grabbed onto the windshield wipers as the bus
drove to the corner and stopped.
The bus driver exclaimed, “Look, kids! There is
a hamster riding on our bus!” All the kids rushed
forward to see the funny sight. Homer looked
through the windshield at all the surprised faces.
All of a sudden, Homer saw Brian! Brian ran out of the bus and carefully picked
up Homer. “Hey, buddy, how did you get out here? Are you okay?” Brian asked
as he petted Homer’s fur.

1. What do you think happened next? Color the picture that seems to be the
most likely ending to the story.

2. Underline the sentence that tells the main idea of the story.
Homer hid under a flowerpot to escape from a German shepherd.
Homer had many exciting adventures after crawling out of his cage.
Brian was surprised to see Homer riding the school bus.

3. Do you think Homer will leave his cage again? Write a sentence to tell why

or why not. _______________________________________________________________

On another sheet of paper, write a paragraph telling about one more adventure
Homer might have had. Read your paragraph to a family member.
Complete the antonym for 1 Complete the antonym for 1
each word below. The last a t each word below. The last
letter of each antonym is letter of each antonym is
the first letter of the next the first letter of the next
2 3 2
antonym. So, in this chain, p antonym. So, in this chain,
the first antonym ends with the first antonym ends with
“p” in square 2. “l” in square 2.
3 4

1. awake e 1. horizontal
2. rude 2. quiet
3. tiny 4 8 3. safe 5
4. save s w 4. sweet
5. shallow 5. forget
6. wealthy 5 7
6. give
7. cooked d r
8. strongest 6
6 3

Complete the antonym for 3 1

each word below. The last r a

letter of each antonym is
the first letter of the next The antonyms in these puzzle
antonym. So, in this chain, w chains zig and zag, but the
the first antonym ends with chains hang together. That’s 1 3

“w” in square 2. because the last letter of each l o a i r

4 5 antonym in the chain is also
l t s p e
the first letter of the next
1. forbid 2
2. shout antonym in the chain. e r e d
3. conceal
4. most
6 1. winner
5. alone r p x e c
2. break
6. fake 7
3. increase a
7. follower l
4. shrink 5

r 5. wet n d r y
Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources
Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources
Complete the antonym for 1 Complete the antonym for 1
each word below. The last f each word below. The last f
3 3
letter of each antonym is d letter of each antonym is y
the first letter of the next 2
the first letter of the next 2
antonym. So, in this chain, d antonym. So, in this chain, h
the first antonym ends with the first antonym ends
“d” in square 2. with “h” in square 2.
1. backward 1. wise 4
2. attack 2. sick g
3. same 3. old
d t
4. catch 4. selfish 7 5
5. best 5. float d s
6. bottom 5 6. cruel
7. ashamed w 7. arrive
7 6 6
p t t k
4 5
Complete the antonym for 1 3
Complete the antonym for 1
each word below. The last q r i
each word below. The last
letter of each antonym is n letter of each antonym is
the first letter of the next the first letter of the next 4 2
antonym. So, in this chain, antonym. So, in this chain, e t
the first antonym ends with the first antonym ends with
“n” in square 2. 4
“t” in square 2. 5
h n
1. answer 6 5 1. guilty 3
2. always l d 2. wild e
3. smooth 3. exit
4. soft 7 4. odd 6
5. shiny e 5. wide w e
6. truth 6. east 7
7. cheap 7. thick
8 8
8. full y e 8. all n
2 7

It All Adds Up!

Add. Fill in the missing numbers.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

3 2 4 2 4 5 5 2 3

+ 6 3 + 5 1 + 3 1 + 1 3

6 7 2 4 8 5 2

4 1 4 3 2 3 1

+ 3 2 + 1 4 + 2 1 6 + 4

3 7 2 9 1 8 8 5 3

1 2 4 1 3 3 1 2

+ 3 3 + 1 3 + 3 + 2 2

3 7 6 5 6 6 8 9 4

2 2 5 4 2 2 4 1 6

+ 3 1 4 + 3 4 + 1 3 + 1 3

4 8 4 6 5 8

Joe and Ellie were going to the movies. Joe brought $5. 0, and Ellie brought $ .35.
If they had $9.75 altogether, how much money did they each have? Show your work.

Writing a Newsletter

My Family News

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

Draw a picture about something that happened at
home and glue it in this space. Write a sentence
about it underneath.





____________________________ ___________________________________________

____________________________ ___________________________________________

Just for Laughs This Week’s Newsmaker

____________________________ _______________________

____________________________ _______________________

____________________________ _______________________

____________________________ _______________________

____________________________ _________________________________________________

____________________________ _________________________________________________

Combining Sentences

Applause for the Clause

Sometimes you can use words such as when, because, while, and before to combine two sentences
with related ideas into one sentence with a main clause and a dependent clause. A clause is
a group of words with a subject and a predicate. A dependent clause cannot stand alone. An

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

independent clause can stand alone.
Lee woke up late today. He realized he hadn’t set the alarm last night.
When Lee woke up late today, he realized he hadn’t set his alarm last night.

This is a dependent clause. This is an independent clause.

When the dependent clause comes before the main clause as in the above
sentence, add a comma after the dependent clause. If the dependent clause
follows the main clause, you do not need a comma. Here’s an example.
Lee was upset. He was going to be late for school.
Lee was upset because he was going to be late for school.

Use the word inside the parentheses to combine each pair of sentences into one.

1. I waited for my parents to get home. I watched a movie. (while)


2. My brother was in his room. He had homework to do. (because)


3. The movie was over. The power went out. (before)


4. This happens all the time. I wasn’t concerned. (since)


5. I didn’t mind the dark at first. I heard a scratching sound. (until)


6. I found my flashlight. I started to look around. (when)


7. I was checking the living room. I caught Alex trying to hide. (when)

Cursive Writing

A‡ -Z™

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

A‡ B C‡ D E‡ F
G H I J™ K‡ L M‡
N‡ O P Q R‡ S T
U‡ V W X Á™ Z™


Helping Your Child Get Ready: Week 2

Here are some activities you and your child might enjoy.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

These are the skills your child Newspaper Treasure Hunt In this special hunt, your child
will be working on this week. looks for various “treasures” in a newspaper article. The
treasures are letters or symbols to which you’ve assigned

Math a value. For example, a z might be worth $10 and an
addition of 4-digit numbers exclamation point might be $5. Have your child search an
without regrouping
. subtraction of 2-digit numbers
article to find out how valuable its “treasure” is.

without regrouping
. identifying multiplication
Two-Minute Lists Give your child two minutes to list as
many words as he or she can think of that include double

following directions
. identifying fact and opinion
What’s in a Name? Have your child research his or her

. comparing and contrasting

name. Have him or her find out what the name means. Then
tell your child the story of how you chose it. Encourage him
or her to find out the meanings of other family members’

names as well.
compound sentences

. Leaf Survey What kinds of leaves are there

. analogies
in your neighborhood? Have your child
do a leaf survey. He or she can collect
leaves, use reference books to identify
them, and then make a list of all the
different trees found in your area.

Your child might enjoy reading

the following books:
The Family Under the Bridge
by Natalie Savage Carlson

Fourth Grade Rats

by Jerry Spinelli

Hey Kid, Want to Buy a Bridge?

by Jon Scieszka

Name Here
This week, l plan to read minutes each day.

Week฀1 Day 1 Day 5

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

l฀read฀for... minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes

Put a sticker
to show you
completed each
day’s work.

Wow! You did a great job this week!
# 1


Who Said What?

Many words end with a suffix that means “one who” or “one who does an action.”

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

astronomer merchant superintendent inventor dentist
librarian pharmacist photographer editor waiter

Read the sentences. Write the word from the box that identifies who said what.
1. “Your prescription is ready,” said the _______________________.
2. “Would you like fries, mashed, or baked potatoes?”
asked the _______________________.
3. “I am canceling classes today,” the school
_______________________ decided.
4. “These watches were imported from Germany,”
explained the _______________________.
5. “Star system Alpha Centauri is 4.3 light-years away,”
explained the _______________________.
6. “The fine for the overdue books is five dollars,”
stated the _______________________.
7. “Face the camera and smile,” instructed
the _______________________.
8. “This incredible engine will revolutionize transportation,”
explained the _______________________.
9. “It took two years to prepare this book for
publication,” said the _______________________.
10. “You have a small cavity in this back molar,”
said the _______________________.

What do you want to be when you are an adult? What about your friends? Take a survey
to find out. On another sheet of paper, list all the careers suggested.

Compound Sentences

A New Challenge
When you write, you may want to show how the ideas in two simple sentences are related.
You can combine the two sentences by using a comma and the conjunctions and, but, or or to
show the connection. And shows a link between the ideas, but shows a contrast, and or shows a

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

choice. The new sentence is called a compound sentence.
My sister wants to join a football team. My parents aren’t so happy about it.
My sister wants to join a football team, but my parents aren’t so happy about it.
Annie is determined. Her friends think she’d make a great place kicker.
Annie is determined, and her friends think she’d make a great place kicker.
Should Annie play football? Should she try something else?
Should Annie play football, or should she try something else?

Combine each pair of sentences. Use and, but, or or to show the connection between
the ideas and make a compound sentence.

1. My sister Annie has always participated in sports. Many say she’s a natural athlete.



2. Soccer, basketball, and softball are fun. She wanted a new challenge.



3. My sister talked to my brother and me. We were honest with her.



4. I told Annie to go for it. My brother told her to stick with soccer or basketball.



5. Will Dad convince her to try skiing? Will he suggest ice skating?



Continue the story about Annie’s choice on another sheet of paper. Include some
compound sentences to tell what happens. Make sure your sentences begin and
end correctly. Remember to check for spelling errors.

Picking Pairs
For each number, a line connects two things that go together. Find two other things
that go together in the same way. Draw a line to connect them.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

1. imaginary number 5. core see
ban make-believe time hear
allow forbid here corps

2. secret midnight 6. snake mammal

huge tiny tiger jungle
solid liquid skin reptile

3. clap permit 7. perfect flawless

prevent applaud puppy stare
allow pretend stroll walk

4. terrier retriever 8. chair candle

lime strawberry wick soft
penguin crowd cord lamp

Tell a family member how the pairs you matched go together.


Majestic Mountains
Add. Use the code to name four different mountain

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

N 6,348
2,033 2,411 2,504 4,328
R 8,789
+ 3,030 + 1,310 + 1,323 + 4,421
A 5,063

I 7,695

O 2,429
4,258 1,326 1,012 2,321 1,231
K 5,642 + 4,531 + 1,103 + 2,000 + 3,321 + 1,120

E 7,483

C 3,012

Y 2,351
1,204 2,113 2,042 3,746 4,131
Z 5,234 + 1,225 + 3,121 + 3,021 + 5,043 + 1,511

L 3,721

U 6,704

P 3,827
4,053 2,216 2,506 6,471 7,326
S 8,749 + 1,010 + 4,132 + 2,401 + 1,012 + 1,423

D 4,907

Following Directions

Fun With Words

Follow the directions to play each word game.
1. A palindrome is a word that is 2. Some words imitate the noise

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

spelled the same forward or that they stand for. For example,
backward. Write each word when you say “pop,” it sounds like
backward. Circle each word that a popping sound! That is called
is a palindrome. Put an X on each onomatopoeia. Unscramble each
word that is not. noise word. Write it correctly.

wow _____________________ seechrc _____________________

dad _____________________ owp _____________________

mom _____________________ plurs _____________________

funny _____________________ mobo _____________________

noon _____________________ lckic _____________________

tall _____________________ zzisel _____________________

deed _____________________ chnucr _____________________

3. Homophones are words that 4. Add or subtract letters from each

sound alike when you say word to change it into another
them but are spelled differently word. Write the new word.
and have different meanings.
peach – ch + r = _________________
For example, see and sea are
homophones. Draw a line to shirt – irt + oe = __________________
match each pair of homophones.
sports – p – rts + ccer = ___________
knot flew
love – ove + ike = ________________
break soar
flu not stove – st + n = ___________________

sore write chicken – c – ick = ________________

right road brother – bro + nei = _____________
rode brake

Some names sound funny when you pronounce them backward. For example, Carol would
be pronounced Lorac, and Jason would be pronounced Nosaj! Write your name and each of
your family members’ names backward. Then pronounce each name. Are any of the names
Fact or Opinion

TV Commercials
When you watch TV, you see a lot of commercials advertising different products.
The people making the commercial want you to buy their product, so they
make it sound as good as possible. Some of the things they say are facts, which

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

can be proven. Other things are just the advertiser’s opinion about how good
the product is or how it will make you feel. Read each advertisement below.
Write an F in the box beside each fact and an O in the box beside each opinion.
The first one is done for you.

Eat at Billy Bob’s Drive You’ll be the Coolest

an XJ-80 Sports Car Kid on Your Block
today. with a Pair of
Xtreme In-Line Skates!

You’ll never want to

drive your old car
O best burgers in town again.
available in black,
F made with 100% beef red, and silver on sale for $79.99

Sky-Diving Elastic Man, the Movie

full of heart-stopping action and
Video Game mind-blowing special effects

“this year’s best motion picture”

starring Academy-Award Winning

joystick sold separately Actor, Stretch Hamstring

You’ll have hours and now showing at the new

hours of fun! Movie Town Theater rated PG

On another sheet of paper, design an ad for the Super Squirt Water Toy. Include
two facts and two opinions.
Use with page 30.

There are over 350 different kinds of sharks. The whale shark
is the largest. It is as big as a whale. The pygmy shark is the

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

smallest. It is only about seven inches long.
All sharks live in the ocean, which is salt water, but
a few kinds can swim from salt water to fresh water.
Bull sharks have been found in the Mississippi River!
Sharks do not have bones. They have skeletons
made of cartilage, which is the same thing your
ears and nose are made of. A shark’s skin is made
of spiky, hard scales. The jaws of a shark are the most
powerful on earth. When a great white shark bites, it clamps
down on its prey and thrashes its head from side to side. It is the deadliest shark.
Sharks eat fish, dolphins, and seals. The tiger shark will eat just about
anything. Some fishermen have discovered unopened cans of food, clocks,
boat cushions, and even a keg of nails inside tiger sharks. Sometimes sharks
even eat other sharks. For example, a tiger shark might eat a bull shark. The bull
shark might have eaten a blacktip shark. The blacktip shark might have eaten a
dogfish shark. So a tiger shark could be found with three sharks in its stomach!
Some sharks are very strange. The hammerhead shark has a head shaped
somewhat like a hammer, with eyes set very far apart. A cookie cutter shark has
a circular set of teeth. When it bites a dolphin
or whale, it leaves a perfectly round hole in its
victim. The sawshark has a snout with sharp
teeth on the outside, which makes it look like
a saw. The goblin shark has a sharp-pointed
spear coming out of its head, and its ragged
teeth make it look scary!
The mako shark is the fastest swimmer.
Sometimes makos have been known to
leap out of the water, right into a boat!
These are just a few of the many kinds of
fascinating sharks.

Use with page 29.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

Complete the chart with the name of the correct shark. If the statement is about
all sharks, write all.

1. the largest shark whale shark

2. the smallest shark

3. the deadliest shark

4. the fastest swimmer

5. live in the ocean

6. have skeletons of cartilage

7. has a sharp-pointed spear coming out of its head

8. has a head shaped like a hammer

9. have skin of spiky, hard scales

10. leaves a round bite mark

11. looks like a saw

12. has eaten unopened cans,

clocks, and boat cushions

Read more about two different kinds of sharks. On another sheet of paper, list two
30 similarities and two differences.

Find the Patterns

What is the pattern for the numbers 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18?
The pattern shows multiples of 2.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

Complete each pattern.

A. 3, 6, 9, 12, _____, ______, _____, ______, _____

B. 4, 8, 12, 16, _____, ______, _____, ______, _____

C. 1, 2, 3, 4, _____, ______, _____, ______, _____

D. 7, 14, 21, _____, ______, _____, ______, _____

E. 10, 20, 30, _____, ______, _____, ______, _____

F. _____, 18, 27, _____, ______, _____, ______

G. 6, 12, _____, ______, 30, _____, ______, _____

H. _____, 22, _____, 44, _____, _____,77

I. 5, 10, 15, _____, ______, _____, ______, _____

J. 8, _____, 24, ______, 40, ______, _____, _____

K. 10, 12, 14, _____, ______, _____, 22, _____, _____

L. _____, 24, _____, 48, 60, _____, ______, _____, ______

Sam ran every afternoon last week. On Sunday, he ran 3 miles. On Monday, he ran 6 miles.
On Wednesday, he ran 12 miles. How many miles do you think he ran on Tuesday?

Moving West
Subtract. Follow the even sums to guide the settlers to their new home.


Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

58 99 – 11
– 33 – 27
74 57
– 60 – 33

65 94
95 86 – 41
– 22
– 43 – 42
– 41
48 68
– 22 47
– 44
66 – 25
53 – 24
– 41
61 – 32
34 97 – 21
– 13 54
– 42
– 10
74 49
– 63 82
86 – 15
76 – 62
– 53
– 26
76 29
83 37 – 55 – 16
– 61 79 – 13
– 25
– 14
– 41
98 57
– 24 – 23
45 88
– 13 – 46

Helping Your Child Get Ready: Week 3

Here are some activities you and your child might enjoy.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

These are the skills your child Menu Planner Invite your child to plan the family’s dinner
will be working on this week. menu. Be sure he or she heeds the food pyramid nutritional

subtraction 2-digit numbers
Start Collecting Having a collection is a great way for a
with regrouping
. adding and subtracting
child to develop higher-level thinking skills like sorting and
analyzing. Encourage your child to start one. Leaves, rocks,
stamps, or shells are all easy and fun things to collect.

. identifying story elements
Invent a Board Game With a few pieces of cardboard and
some colored markers, your child can create his or her own
board game. To start, suggest he or she model the game on

any popular board game. The game might have a special
theme, like knights or dinosaurs. Be sure he or she writes
out directions for the game. Then play a round!
often-confused words
. roots words Flashcard Facts Have your child create his or her own
set of multiplication facts flashcards. Then use them on a

regular basis to help keep computation skills sharp.
. parts of speech

Your child might enjoy reading the following books:

Get the Picture, Jenny Archer?
by Ellen Conford

The Boy Who Loved to Draw: Benjamin West

by Barbara Brenner

Amber Brown Is Not a

by Paula Danziger
12 x5

Name Here
This week, l plan to read minutes each day.

Week฀1 Day 1 Day 5

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

l฀read฀for... minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes

Put a sticker
to show you
completed each
day’s work.

Wow! You did a great job this week!
# 1


My Crazy Dream
I don’t know why, but I went to school in my underwear. Everyone was
laughing! I walked up and down the hall looking for my classroom, but I could

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

never find it. Then I went to the Lost and Found box and put on some clothes. I
heard my principal say, “Son, are you lost?” However, when I turned around, it
was the President of the United States talking to me. He asked me to fly on his
jet with him. As we were flying, I looked out the window and saw a pterodactyl
flying next to us! How could that be? They are extinct! It smiled and waved
good-bye. Then all of a sudden, the airplane turned into a roller coaster. It
climbed upward a million miles, then down we went! For hours and hours we
just kept going straight down! The roller coaster finally came to a stop, and I was
on an island made entirely of chocolate. I ate a whole tree made of fudge!
Then someone sneaked up behind me and captured me. He put me in a pot of
boiling water to make soup out of me. I got hotter and hotter and hotter! Finally,
I woke up and realized I had fallen asleep with my electric blanket on high.
Number the pictures to retell the order of what happened in the dream.

On another sheet of paper, draw a picture of a dream you once had. Then write a sentence
about the beginning, middle, and end of the dream on separate strips of paper. Have a
family member put the sentences in order.
Parts of Speech

Attack of the Massive Melon!

Don’t read this story yet!
Give it to a partner and

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

ask him or her to tell you
the parts of speech under
the blanks below. You give I decided that I was going to grow
a word for each part of
speech, and your partner the 1
garden in the world. I used a
writes it in the blank. Then
he or she writes the words 2
to dig holes in the backyard; then I
in the story and reads the
story aloud. spread seeds and 3
all around. Pretty
ADJECTIVE ENDING IN EST soon, my garden started looking 4
. I had
2. NOUN planted seeds, but a watermelon

3. PLURAL NOUN started out of the ground! It grew


4. ADJECTIVE and grew. This watermelon became bigger than

5. NOUN ! Mom said we should eat it before


6. it turned . So every day I climbed


up a , then leaped
9 10

8. to the top of the melon and cut off huge pieces.


9. We made watermelon shakes, peanut butter and


10. watermelon sandwiches, and 11


11. watermelon sauce. I’ve eaten almost nothing but


12. melon for the last 12

months! Mom

13. said, “Don’t look a gift horse in the 13


I sure learned a lesson: Don’t bite off more than you

14. VERB

can 14
Confusing Words

Accept or Except?
Some words are confusing because they are similar in some way.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

Read each sentence and question. Decide which underlined word correctly
answers the question. Then write the word.

1. A package 2. Sam had a

just arrived for sundae after
Jason. Did he dinner. Did he
accept it or did have desert or
he except it? _______________ dessert? _______________

3. Beth made a 4. All the actors sang

right triangle. and danced the last
Does it have number. Did they
three angels or perform the finale or
angles? _______________ the finally? _______________

5. Megan swam the 6. Aaron’s socks

length of the pool slid down to his
underwater. Did she ankles. Were they
hold her breathe or loose or lose?
her breath? _______________ _______________

7. Jerome just made a 8. Lisa opened the gate and

dental appointment. watched as the cows
Should he mark it on ate grass. Are the
the colander or the cows out to pastor or
calendar? _______________ pasture? _______________

9. Meg addressed an 10. Anna sketched a

envelope. Should scene from a story
she add a coma or she just read. Did
comma between she draw a pitcher
the town and state?_______________ or a picture? _______________

Are there any words that confuse you? Record them in a notebook. Include the definition
and a sentence using the word. Think of ways to help yourself remember confusing words.


Great Vacations
Subtract. Draw a line from each difference to the vacation spot on the map.

Mount Niagara Gateway Four Corners Statue of

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

Rushmore Falls Arch Monument Liberty
72 57 58 93 94
– 27 – 29 – 39 – 19 – 29

79 28


53 74


Grand Canyon Devil’s Tower Golden Gate The Alamo Old

Bridge Faithful
82 93 64 66 94
– 29 – 14 – 27 – 28 – 28

On the map above, mark and write the name of a vacation spot in the United
States you would like to visit. Write a subtraction problem for it.

Diary of a Dog
by Louie the Dog
Find and mark the twelve errors. They may be spelling, punctuation, capitalization, or
grammar errors.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

Dear Diary,
Today I get up. I did some scrathing because my neck itched. Then I slept. Then I
did some sniffing around. Then I slept. Then I barked at the maillman. After that, I took
a nap until dinnertime. for dinner, I had pellets in a dish. then I went back to sleep.
Yours truly, Louie

Dear Diary,
Today I saw a small white cats out in the yard. This really made me mad! So I
barked a lot. I felt better afterwards. Do you know what I ate for dinner. I ate pellets!
I washed it all down with a big slirp of water. Then I go back to sleep.
Yours truly, Louie

Dear Diary,
I just felt like barking todae.
So I barked and barked. Then I
eaten pellets and went to sleep.
Yours truly, Louie฀

Dear Diary,
That mailman comes every day.
I’m getting tired of banking at him. But I did it anyway. Also, I took a walk.
Tomorrow I’ll catch up on my sleeping.
Yours truly, Louie


Did You Know?

Add or subtract. Write the letter for the matching number below to find out
whose face is on the $50 bill.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

S. $27.99 L. $25.59 R. $71.90


+ $63.84 + $44.96 – $59.17



E. $13.88 S. $80.31 S. $25.79


+ $28.08 – $46.16 + $38.51




T. $53.97 Y. $27.66 N. $32.48



– $29.09 + $43.74 + $17.77





S. $94.33 U. $13.88 G. $68.74
– $56.34 + $18.88 – $55.29



A. $63.89
+ $26.53

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

$32.76 $70.55 $71.40 $64.30 $91.83 $41.96 $37.99

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

$34.15 $13.45 $12.73 $90.42 $50.25 $24.88

Use with page 42.
Story Elements

Best Friends
Amy dreaded recess every day. She did
not have any friends to play with. All the

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

girls in her class were paired up with a best
friend or in groups, and she always felt left
out. So, instead of playing with anyone, Amy
just walked around by herself. She wanted
to seesaw, but that is something you need
to do with a friend. She liked to swing, but
she could not go very high. She wished
someone would push her to get her started.
One day, the teacher, Mrs. Gibbs,
walked up and put her arm around Amy.
“What’s the matter, Amy? Why don’t you
play with the other children?” she asked.
Amy replied, “Everyone has a friend
except me. I don’t have anyone.” Mrs. Gibbs smiled and said, “Amy, the way to
get a friend is to be a friend.” Amy asked, “How do I do that?”
Mrs. Gibbs answered, “Look around the playground. There are three classes
of third-graders out here during this recess time. Find someone who is alone and
needs a friend. Then go to that person and ask them to play.” Amy said she
would think about it, but she was afraid she would be too embarrassed. She
wasn’t sure she could do it.
The next day, Amy noticed a dark-haired girl all alone on the playground.
She worked up her courage and walked over to the girl. “Hi! My name is Amy.
Do you want to play with me?” she asked.
“Okay,” the girl said shyly. As they took turns pushing each other on the
swings, Amy found out that the girl’s name was Ming. She and her family had
just moved from Japan. She did not know anyone and could not speak much
English yet. She needed a friend.
“Want to seesaw?” Amy asked. Ming looked puzzled. Amy pointed to the
seesaw. Ming smiled and nodded. Amy was so happy. She finally had a friend!

Use with page 41.
Story Elements

On each blank, write the letter of the picture that correctly answers the
question. One answer is used twice.

1. Where does this story take place? ___________

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

2. Who is the main character in the story? ___________
Who are the other two characters in the story? ___________ and ___________
3. What is the problem in the story? ___________
4. How does Amy solve her problem? ___________
5. What is Ming’s problem? ___________
How does Ming’s problem get solved? ___________
A. C. D.

Mrs. Gibbs
B. E.

playground Ming needed a friend, too. Amy

F. G.

Amy asked Ming to play, and

they became friends. Amy needed a friend.

Think about what you did during breakfast or another part of your day. On another
sheet of paper, list the characters, setting, problem, and solution. Use this list to
42 write a story. Read the story to a family member.

Add an Adjective
An adjective is a word that describes a noun. An
adjective often tells what kind or how many.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

Look at the noun, arrow, at the top of the triangle.
Then read each line. The adjectives are underlined. red arrow
Note how they help to tell more about the arrow.
sleek red arrow
Complete these triangles. Add adjectives on each
straight sleek red arrow
line to describe the nouns.





mitten clown

mitten clown

mitten clown

mitten clown

Write a sentence using the noun and all the adjectives from one of the triangles you

Root Words

The Root of the Matter

A word can have different parts. Many words have a main
part, or root. The root contains the basic meaning of the
word. For example, ped is the root in the word pedal. The

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

meaning of ped is “foot.” Feet are used to push down on the
pedals of a bicycle to cause it to move.

The root is missing from a word in each sentence below.

Use context clues and the meaning of the roots in
the box to figure out the missing word part.
Then write it in the space to complete the word.

pos = place phon = sound photo = light

port = carry pop = people

1. The ______ulation of our town is just over 20,000.

2. The orchestra will perform a sym______y by Beethoven next week.

3. The ______ition of the hour hand shows that it is 2:00 P.M.

4. What goods does our country ex______ to other countries?

5. During ______synthesis, plants use sunlight to make food.

List the words you completed. Then write your own definition for each word.
Use a dictionary if you are not sure.
6. ___________________________________________________________________________

7. ___________________________________________________________________________

8. ___________________________________________________________________________

9. ___________________________________________________________________________

10. ___________________________________________________________________________
What other words do you know with the roots ped, pos, phon, photo, port, and pop?
On another sheet of paper, write a word containing each root. Circle the root.

Helping Your Child Get Ready: Week 4

Here are some activities you and your child might enjoy.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

These are the skills your child Idiom Illustrations Help your child develop an
will be working on this week. understanding of idioms by asking him or her to illustrate
some. Some examples are “have your cake and eat it too”

Math and “out of the frying pan and into the fire.”
multiplication facts
. identifying fractions
. division
Compound It Ask your child to see how many compound
words he or she can list that contain the word man.

making inferences
. using context clues
ABC Order Read a list of eight to ten words to your child.

. identifying overused words

Then have him or her put the words in alphabetical order.

Weather Watch Have your child track the weather

combining sentences for a week. He or she can record the temperature and
precipitation each day on a chart. You might also have him

. or her compare the weather forecast to the actual weather.


Your child might enjoy reading the following books:
quotation marks, commas,
The Piñata Maker
and underlining
by George Ancona

by Paul O. Zelinksy

My Name Is Georgie: A Portrait

by Jeannette Winter

Math Appeal
by Greg Tang

Name Here
This week, l plan to read minutes each day.

Week฀1 Day 1 Day 5

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

l฀read฀for... minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes

Put a sticker
to show you
completed each
day’s work.

Wow! You did a great job this week!
# 1

Multiplication Facts

Multiplication Success
Why are multiplicationists so successful?
To find out, multiply. Then use the code to write the letter of each multiplication

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

sentence on the blank above its product.

A. 10 x 10 = G. 3 x 1 = N. 12 x 8 = S. 6 x 9 =
B. 6 x 7 = H. 9 x 9 = O. 6 x 6 = T. 6 x 0 =
C. 5 x 6 = I. 8x9= P. 11 x 12 = U. 5 x 8 =
E. 7 x 7 = L. 12 x 2 = Q. 8 x 8 = V. 7 x 3 =
F. 3 x 9 = M. 3 x 6 = R. 4 x 5 = Y. 2 x 8 =

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
49 21 49 20 16 132 20 36 42 24 49 18

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
0 81 49 16 49 96 30 36 40 96 0 49 20

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

72 96 24 72 27 49

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

42 49 30 36 18 49 54 100

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

30 81 100 24 24 49 96 3 49

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ !

0 36 30 36 96 64 40 49 20

Combining Sentences

Order the Combination

Have you ever noticed how short sentences can make your writing sound choppy? When two
sentences have different subjects and the same predicate, you can use the conjunction and to
combine them into one sentence with a compound subject.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

My friends ordered a pepperoni pizza. I ordered a pepperoni pizza.
My friends and I ordered a pepperoni pizza.
When two sentences have the same subject and different predicates, you can use and to combine
them into one sentence with a compound predicate.
My mom ordered. She had pasta instead.
My mom ordered and had pasta instead.
When two sentences have the same subject and predicate and different objects, you can combine
them into one sentence with a compound object using and.
My dad wanted anchovies on his pizza. He also wanted onions.
My dad wanted anchovies and onions on his pizza.

Fill in the missing subject, object, or predicate in each set of shorter sentences. Then
combine the sentences by making compound subjects, objects, or predicates using and.
1. ___________________________________ are sweet and juicy.

___________________________________ are sweet and juicy.


2. I ___________________________________ about the history of basketball for homework.

I ___________________________________ about the history of basketball for homework.


3. ___________________________________ is so much fun!

___________________________________ is also so much fun! (Change is to are.)


4. I like ___________________________________ more than broccoli or cauliflower.

I like ___________________________________ more than broccoli or cauliflower.


5. I’d like to have ___________________________________ for breakfast.

I’d also like to have ___________________________________ for breakfast.


Part of a Whole
Some things are parts of other things. For example, a page is a part of a book.
First read each sentence. Note the underlined words. Then tell how the words in
the first pair are related and how the words in the second pair are related.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

A page is to a notebook as an eraser is to a pencil.
Say to yourself: A page is part of a notebook, and an eraser is part of a pencil.

1. A map is to an atlas as a definition is to a dictionary. ______________________


2. A wing is to a bird as a fin is to a fish. _________________________________


3. Sand is to a beach as trees are to a forest. _____________________________


4. A mattress is to a bed as a cushion is to a chair. ________________________


5. A recipe is to a cookbook as a photo is to an album. ______________________


Make up a part/whole analogy for someone in your home to complete.


No Way!
To divide with remainders, follow these steps.
1. Does 8 x __ = 34? No! 2. Use the closest 3. Subtract to find 4. The remainder is
smaller dividend. the remainder. always less than

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

8 x 4 = 32 the divisor.
8 34 4 4 4 R2
8 34 8 34 8 34
32 – 32 – 32
2 2
Divide. Then use the code to complete the riddle below.

E. L. S. O.
9 84 3 29 7 67 5 24

T. N. P. I.
6 23 6 47 6 39 7 52

O. A. T. S.
4 19 8 70 3 26 9 55

H. ! R. N.
4 23 7 45 5 27 8 79

Emily: Yesterday I saw a man at the mall with very long arms.
Every time he went up the stairs he stepped on them.
Jack: Wow! He stepped on his arms?
Emily: ____ ____, ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
7 R5 4 R4 4 R3 9 R7 8 R2 5 R3 9 R3

____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

9 R4 3 R5 8 R6 7 R3 5 R2 6 R1 6 R3
Use with page 52.
Context Clues

Monroe’s Mighty Youth Tonic

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

Way back yonder in 1853, a traveling salesman named “Shifty” Sam
Monroe rode into our little town of Dry Gulch. I was there that day when Shifty
stood on the steps of his buckboard selling Monroe’s Mighty Youth Tonic. Shifty
announced, “Ladies and gentlemen, lend me your ears. I, Sam Monroe, have
invented a tonic that will give you back your youth. It will put a spring in your
step. You’ll feel years younger if you take a spoonful of this heavenly elixir once
a day. It contains a special blend of secret ingredients. Why, it once made a
94-year-old cowboy feel so young, he went back to bustin’ broncs again! An
old settler that was over 100 felt so young he let out a war whoop that could
be heard in Pike County! It’s a steal at only one dollar a bottle. Step right up
and get yours now.” Well, I wondered what those secret ingredients were, so
I bought a bottle and tasted it. It tasted like nothing but sugar water. So I hid
behind Shifty Sam’s wagon and waited for the crowd to mosey on home.
When Shifty went inside to make some more tonic, I kept my eye on him. Sure
enough, he mixed sugar and water and added a drop of vanilla. We’d been
hornswoggled! I hightailed it right then over to the sheriff’s office and had him
arrest that no-good varmint. Old Shifty is now spending the rest of his “mighty
youth” behind bars! 51
Use with page 51.
Context Clues

Howdy, partner! Read the bolded words

in the story on page 51. What do they
mean? Hitch up the words on the left with

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

the correct meanings on the right.

1. way back yonder walk slowly

2. buckboard cheated; tricked

3. Lend me your ears. watched him closely

4. Put a spring in your step. making wild horses gentle

5. heavenly elixir ran quickly

6. special blend of secret troublesome creature

Listen to me.
7. bustin’ broncs
in jail
8. war whoop
9. It’s a steal!
You are getting it for a low
10. mosey
11. kept my eye on him
I won’t tell what’s in it.
12. hornswoggled
makes you feel peppy
13. hightailed it
many years ago
14. no-good varmint
loud yell
15. behind bars
wonderful tonic
Making Inferences

Where Am I?
Making inferences means to use information in a story to make judgments about
information not given in the story.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

Read each riddle below. Look for clues to help you answer each question.
1. It is dark in here. I hear bats flying. 2. Let’s sit in the front row! Ha ha ha!
With my flashlight, I see stalactites That’s funny . . . a cartoon about
hanging above me. I hear water a drink cup that is singing to a
dripping. Where am I? candy bar. That makes me hungry.
I think I’ll go get some popcorn
before it starts. Where am I?

3. This thing keeps going faster and __________________________________

faster, up and down, and over and
around. It tickles my tummy. The 4. I can see rivers and highways
girls behind me are screaming. I that look like tiny ribbons. I am
hope I don’t go flying out of my glad I got to sit by the window.
seat! Where am I? Wow, we are in a cloud! Yes,
ma’am. I would like a snack.
_________________________________ Thank you. Where am I?

5. I am all dressed up, sitting here __________________________________

quietly with my parents. The
flowers are pretty. The music is 6. Doctor, can you help my dog? His
starting. Here she comes down name is Champ. He was bitten by
the aisle. I wish they would hurry a snake, and his leg is swollen. I
so I can have some cake! hope he will be all right. Where
Where am I? am I?

__________________________________ __________________________________

7. How will I ever decide? Look at 8. This row has carrots growing, and
all the different kinds. There are this one has onions. The corn is
red hots, chocolates, candy corn, getting tall. The soil feels dry. I
gummy worms, jawbreakers, and better water the plants today.
lollipops. Boy, this is my favorite Don’t you think so, Mr. Scarecrow?
place in the mall! Where am I? Where am I?

__________________________________ __________________________________

On another sheet of paper, write two “Where Am I?” riddles of your own.
Read your riddles to someone else and have them guess where you are.

Using Punctuation
Quotation marks show the exact words of a speaker. Commas appear between the
day and year in a date, between the city and state in a location, between the lines of
an address, and after all but the last item in a series. Underlining shows book titles.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

A. Read each sentence. Add any missing commas.
1. Mrs.Wu’sbankislocatedat92MapleAvenue Inwood Texas75209.
2. SheopenedanaccountthereonSeptember8 2001.
3. ShealsousesthebranchofficeinLakewood Texas.
4. Thatbranchisopenweekdays Saturdays andsomeevenings.
5. ThemainofficeisclosedSaturdays Sundays andallholidays.
6.  rs.WusawMs.Ames Mr.Pacheco andMrs.Jeffersonatthebank
7. Theycarriedchecks bills anddeposits.
8. Mr.PachecohashadanaccountatthatbanksinceMay2 1974.

B. Read the sentences below. Add any missing quotation marks,

commas, or underlining.
1. MyfavoriteauthorisJerrySpinelli saidRick.
2. SpinelliwasbornonFebruary1 1941.
3. HishometownisNorristown Pennsylvania.
4. Whatareyourfavoritebooksbyhim? askedTeresa.
5. IlikeManiacMagee DumpDays andFourthGradeRats repliedRick.

Write a sentence that tells your own mailing address. Then name three things
you enjoy receiving in the mail, such as letters from friends, magazines, or
54 catalogs.
Overused Words

Numerous, Spectacular Words

When you write, do you sometimes overuse descriptive words like good, bad, nice, or wonderful?
Overused words can make your writing boring.
The weather was good for our first camping trip. (fair)

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

A ranger gave us some really good tips about the park. (useful)
Mom thought the campsite near the stream was good. (lovely)
My older brother is a good fly fisherman. (skilled)
He said his equipment is too good for me to use, though! (valuable)
Now reread the sentences. This time use the words in parentheses in place of the word good.
You can use a thesaurus to help find words. A thesaurus is a reference tool that gives
synonyms and antonyms for words.

Identify eight frequently overused descriptive words in the passage below and list them
in the answer spaces. Next, use a thesaurus to write three synonyms for each word, or
write three synonyms you know. Then revise the passage. Use editing symbols to cross
out the overused words and add the more effective synonyms to replace them.

Our family has a dog named Scooter. He’s normally good until it’s time

to bathe him. That’s when our nice, little terrier turns into a big, furry monster.

Scooter isn’t really bad. He’s just hard to handle when he doesn’t want to do

something. I think he’s afraid of water. You should see how sad he looks once

we manage to get him into the tub.

1.____________________ _________________________________________________________

2.____________________ _________________________________________________________

3.____________________ _________________________________________________________

4.____________________ _________________________________________________________

5.____________________ _________________________________________________________

6.____________________ _________________________________________________________

7.____________________ _________________________________________________________

8.____________________ _________________________________________________________

Reread a composition you wrote last year. Look for overused words and then
use a thesaurus to find other words that you could use instead to make your writing
more interesting.
Identifying Fractions

What Is a Fraction?
A fraction consists of two parts.
3 The numerator tells how many parts are being identified.
The denominator tells the total number of equal parts in the whole.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

Write the name of each fraction.


____ ____ ____ ____ ____


____ ____ ____

____ ____

____ ____ ____

____ ____

Helping Your Child Get Ready: Week 5

Here are some activities you and your child might enjoy.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

These are the skills your child Homograph Duos Ask your child to use each of the
will be working on this week. homographs pen, uniform, and base in two sentences that
each show one of the word’s meanings. For example, Joe’s

Math pen was out of ink and The pigs ran out of the pen.
multiplication facts
. 2-digit multiplication; logic
What’s Your Estimate Ask your child to estimate how
many times in 60 seconds he or she can . . .
finding the main idea a) say “Alabama” b) touch his or her toes
. comparing and contrasting Then have him or her try each activity and compare the
results with the estimate.
using similes and metaphors
. expanding sentences Order, Please! Have your child put these time-period
words in order from shortest to longest.

hour week millisecond
decade day minute

verb tenses
. contractions
Tongue Twisters Have fun with tongue twisters. See how
many times your child can say a tongue twister in one
minute. Here are some examples to get you started: “Some
shun sunshine” and “How much wood would a wood chuck
chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?”

Some shun Your child might enjoy reading the following books:
sunshine The Dragons Are Singing Tonight
by Jack Prelutsky

Ben and Me
by Robert Lawson

Accidents May Happen

by Charlotte Foltz Jones

Name Here
This week, l plan to read minutes each day.

Week฀1 Day 1 Day 5

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

l฀read฀for... minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes

Put a sticker
to show you
completed each
day’s work.

Wow! You did a great job this week!
# 1


Colorful Clues
You can compare two things that are not alike in order to give your readers a clearer and more
colorful picture. When you use like or as to make a comparison, it is called a simile.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

Max is as slow as molasses when he doesn’t want to do something.
My sister leaped over the puddles like a frog to avoid getting her shoes wet.
The angry man erupted like a volcano.

When you make a comparison without like or as, it is called a metaphor.

You compare things directly, saying the subject is something else.
The disturbed anthill was a whirlwind of activity.
The oak trees, silent sentries around the cabin, stood guard.
Jenny and I were all ears as we listened to the latest gossip.

Finish the metaphors and similes.

1. Crowds of commuters piled into the subway cars like ____________________________


2. Chirping crickets on warm summer night are _____________________________________


3. After rolling in the mud, our dog looked like ______________________________________

4. Happiness is ____________________________________________________________________

5. Just learning to walk, the toddler was as wobbly as ______________________________


6. After scoring the winning point, I felt as __________________________________________


7. Having a tooth filled is about as much fun as _____________________________________


8. A summer thunderstorm is _______________________________________________________


9. ______________________________ is _______________________________________________

10. ______________________________ is like ____________________________________________


Piece of Cake!
Piece of cake is an example of a common idiom, or
expression. It means “an easy task.” It is difficult to
understand the meaning of the idiom by using the

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

ordinary meaning of the words.
What does the idiom in each sentence mean?
Circle the letter of the meaning that makes the
most sense.
1. Jason was so tired that he hit the hay right after dinner.
a. went to bed b. went back to work c. cut the grass

2. Do not waste your money on this video because it is for the birds.
a. worthless b. fantastic c. expensive
3. Jasmine was down in the dumps after losing the game.
a. smelly b. excited c. sad
4. “Rap music is definitely not my cup of tea,” said Jack’s grandmother.
a. not cheap b. not to my liking c. not hot enough

5. Ben and Lisa do not see eye to eye about which movie to watch.
a. agree b. disagree c. argue
6. “I don’t recall his name,” said Kim, “but his face rings a bell.”
a. is unfamiliar b. stirs a memory c. appears
7. Carlos has been on cloud nine since winning the contest.
a. very unhappy b. unfriendly c. joyous
8. The two old men were sitting on the park bench chewing the fat.
a. feeding the squirrels b. having a friendly chat c. eating lunch
9. Although he was losing by 20 points, Alex refused to throw in the towel.
a. give up b. take a shower c. do laundry

10. I kept a straight face when I saw Ann’s wild new hairdo.
a. poked fun b. kept from laughing c. stared

Listen for idioms in conversations you hear throughout the day. Write them down
in a notebook. If you do not know what an idiom means, try to find out.

Trace a path to Ocean Beach through seven correctly spelled contractions. You
cannot pass through any areas with misspelled contractions; they act like blocks and
force you to go back and try a different route.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources


Slow Town
Old Town You shouldn’t
You ca’nt get drive fast here.
gas here. LONG LAKE

Fish Harbor Beachville

The fish don’t The water isn’t
ever stop biting. cold here.

We’re not riding
MOUNTAINS bikes here.

Ski Resort Minersburg

Ive never Theyv’e found
skied before. gold here.

State Forest
Super Mall Youre not
I wont spend allowed to Plains City
too much. camp here. Couldn’t we
eat here?

Army Base
We have’nt got State Park
a pass. There’s plenty
of food in my
Tiny Town backpack.
Our car would’nt
fit into that
River City

OCEAN Ocean Beach
We’ve reached our
destination! Twin City
FINISH Let’s eat at that

Finding the Main Idea

What a Nose!
An elephant’s trunk is probably the most useful nose in the world. Of course, it
is used for breathing and smelling, like most noses are. However, elephants also

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

use their trunks like arms and hands to lift food to their mouths. They suck water
into their trunks and pour it into their mouths to get a drink. Sometimes they spray
the water on their backs to give themselves a cool shower. An adult elephant
can hold up to four gallons of water in its trunk. Elephants can use their trunks to
carry heavy things, such as logs that weigh up to 600 pounds! The tip of the trunk
has a little knob on it that the elephant uses like a thumb. An elephant can use
the “thumb” to pick up something as small as a coin. Trunks are also used for
communication. Two elephants that meet each other touch their trunks to each
other’s mouth, kind of like a kiss. Sometimes a mother elephant will calm her baby
by stroking it with her trunk. Can your nose do all those things?

Find the statement below that is the main idea of the story. Write M.I. in the
elephant next to it. Then find the details of the story. Write D in the elephant next
to each detail. Be careful! There are two sentences that do not belong in this story.

Elephants use their trunks to Elephants use their trunks to

greet each other, like giving give themselves a shower.
a kiss.

Some people like to ride Elephants can carry heavy

on elephants. things with their trunks.

Mother elephants calm their Elephants use their trunks to

babies by stroking them with eat and drink.
their trunks.

Elephants use their noses for Elephants have very useful

smelling and breathing. noses.

Giraffes are the tallest animals

in the world.

On another sheet of paper, finish this story: When I was on safari, I looked up and saw
a herd of elephants. Underline the main idea.
Expanding Sentences

Stretching Sentences
A sentence is more interesting when it includes more than just a subject and a verb.
It may tell where or when the sentence is happening. It may also tell why something
is happening.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

Write a sentence describing each set of pictures. Include a part that tells where,
why, or how something is happening.

1. _________________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________________________

Find a cartoon in the newspaper. Use the pictures to write a sentence on another sheet of
paper that includes a subject, a verb, and a part that tells where, when, or why.
Multiplication Facts

Geometric Multiplication
Multiply. Color each triangle with an even product orange. Color each triangle
with an odd product blue.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

8 x 6 = ____ 9 x 4 = ____ 8 x 9 = ____ 8 x 12 = ____

7 x 9 = ____ 7 x 7 = ____ 9 x 3 = ____ 9 x 11 = ____

7 x 7 = ____ 4 x 6 = ____ 8 x 7 = ____ 1 x 7 = ____

8 x 8 = ____ 9 x 5 = ____ 5 x 7 = ____ 8 x 10 = ____

6 x 9 = ____ 9 x 9 = ____ 7 x 3 = ____ 6 x 6 = ____

7 x 11 = ____ 5 x 8 = ____ 6 x 3 = ____ 9 x 7 = ____

1 x 9 = ____ 5 x 9 = ____ 7 x 5 = ____ 3 x 9 = ____

7 x 10 = ____ 7 x 6 = ____ 9 x 8 = ____ 6 x 12 = ____

Maria was decorating a picture frame for her friend’s birthday. She chose seven different-
sized, diamond-shaped tiles to glue around the frame. There was enough room to glue
four colors of each size of tile. How many tiles did she use altogether to decorate the
frame? On another sheet of paper, solve this problem and draw a picture of what the
64 frame might look like.

Special Charts
Comparing and contrasting means to show the similarities and differences of things. A
Venn diagram is a chart made of overlapping circles that can be used to organize the
similarities and differences. The overlapping parts of the circles show how things are

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

similar. The other part of the circles show how things are different.

Joe, Kim, and Rob each got a lunch tray, went through the lunch line, and
sat together to eat. These students all had the same lunch menu, but each
one only ate what he or she liked. Joe ate chicken nuggets, green beans,
applesauce, and carrots. Rob ate chicken nuggets, green beans, a roll, and
corn. Kim ate chicken nuggets, a roll, applesauce, and salad.

chicken nuggets carrots
green beans
roll green apple-
applesauce beans sauce Kim
Rob corn roll

1. What food did all three students eat? ____________________

2. What did Joe and Rob eat that Kim did not? _________________
3. What did Joe and Kim eat that Rob did not? ___________________
4. What did Kim and Rob eat that Joe did not? ____________________
5. What did Joe eat that no one else ate? ____________________
6. What did Rob eat that no one else ate? ___________________
7. What did Kim eat that no one else ate? __________________ 65
Verb Tenses

Present- and Past-Tense Verbs

Present-tense verbs show action that is happening now. They agree in number with
who or what is doing the action. Past-tense verbs show action that took place in the
past. Most past-tense verbs end in -ed.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

A. Read each sentence. If the underlined verb is in the present tense,
write present on the line. If it is in the past tense, write past.
1. Weworkedtogetherona
2. Momhelpedus.
3. Sheenjoyspuzzles,too.
4. Tompickedouttheborderpieces.
5. Hedroppedapuzzlepieceonthefloor.
6. Ilookedfortheflowerpieces.
7. Dadlikescrosswordpuzzlesbetter.
8. Mylittlesisterwatchesus.
9. Momhurriesusbeforedinner.
10. Werushedtofinishquickly.

B. Underline the verb in each sentence. Then rewrite the sentence.

Change the present-tense verb to the past. Change the past-tense
verb to the present.
1. Themancrossestheriver.

2. Herowedhisboat.


In the Wink of an Eye

Solve the problems. If the answer is even, connect the dot beside each problem to the
heart on the right- and left-hand sides of the circle. If the answer is odd, do nothing.
Two lines have been drawn for you.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

24 57 98
37 x 20 x 73 x 34 23
x 11 x 13
26 30
x 35 x 42
x 61
x 45
x 20
x 12
25 x 33
x 17

95 79
x 36 x 12

25 81
x 46 x 14

83 55
x 17 x 13

49 58
x 52 x 42
71 25
x 17 x 13
27 60
x 34 61 x 33
x 73 16 41 72 x 11
x 34 x 23 x 32


Swimming in Logic
Logic clues put the final finish on our swimming competition. Read the clues and place
these swimmers in the correct finishing order.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

Dive Into These Clues!
1. Asher finished before Grace but after Emily.
2. Grace finished after Alicia but before Finn and Dillon.
3. Alicia finished before Emily.
4. Finn came in last.



Helping Your Child Get Ready: Week 6

Here are some activities you and your child might enjoy.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

These are the skills your child Quick Look Ask your child to look around your kitchen
will be working on this week. and find ten or more items that begin with the letter S.

Listen Up Help your child develop good listening and
division with remainders
. money
memorization skills. Read the names of the first five
presidents of the United States (listed here) two times.
Then ask your child to repeat the list back to you in order.
. drawing conclusions
George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson,
James Madison, and James Monroe

expanding sentences Birthday Futures Have your child figure out what day
. combining sentences of the week his or her birthday will fall on this year, next
year, and the year after that. Ask him or her to describe any

Vocabulary pattern he or she notices.

Vegetable Know-How The vegetables we eat come from

capitalization different parts of plants. Ask your child to keep track
. statements and questions of the vegetables you eat for dinner for one week.
Then have him or her create a chart to show
which part of the plant each vegetable
comes from.

Your child might enjoy reading the following books:

What Do Authors Do?
by Eileen Christelow

In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson

by Betty Bao Lord

Justin and the Best Biscuits in the World

by Mildred Pitts Walter

Name Here
This week, l plan to read minutes each day.

Week฀1 Day 1 Day 5

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

l฀read฀for... minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes

Put a sticker
to show you
completed each
day’s work.

Wow! You did a great job this week!
# 1


Grammar Cop
and the case of the missing capital letters

The person who wrote this letter didn’t really understand

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

the laws of capital letters. Can you help Grammar Cop find
the mistakes?

Circle the letters that should have been capitalized.

Hint: There are 19 mistakes.

Remember these basic

Dear cinderella and Prince Charming, laws of capital letters:
there must be a terrible mistake! the
stepsisters and I have not yet received an Always capitalize
invitation to your wedding. i keep telling someone’s proper name.
the stepsisters that the invitation will (Example: Gina, Kenneth,
arrive soon. i’m getting worried that our Tyrone)
invitation got lost. i hear you often have •฀Places
problems with the unicorns that deliver the Always capitalize the
palace mail. name of the town, city,
state, and country.
I’m sure you intend to invite us! After
(Example: I live in Orchard
all, you were always my special favorite. Beach, California, which
How i spoiled you! i let you do all the best is in the United States.)
chores around the house. are you still mad
about that trip to disney world? i don’t Always capitalize the
know how we could have forgotten you! letter I when it stands for
anyway, florida is too hot in the summer. a person. (Example: I am
so cinderella, dear, please send along in fourth grade, and I’m
ten years old.)
another invitation as soon as you can. i
know how busy you are in your new palace. •฀First฀letter
if you need any cleaning help, i can send Always capitalize the first
letter of the first word of a
one of your stepsisters along. they both
miss you so much!
Best wishes,
Your not really so wicked stepmother


Division Decoder

Riddle: What kind of tools

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

do you use for math?

Find each quotient. Then use the Decoder to 8 ........................
solve the riddle by filling in the spaces at the . I
3 remainder
bottom of the page. 2 L
7 ....................
. W
8 remainder
1 S
1. 8÷2 = ____________ 6 ....................
.... U
9 ....................
2. 10 ÷ 5 = ____________ .... A
15 remainde
3. 24 ÷ 4 = ____________ 4 ....................
.... L
2 remainder
3. D
4. 50 ÷ 10 = ____________ 9 remainder
2. T
1 ....................
5. 72 ÷ 9 = ____________ .... F
7 remainder
6. N
6. 32 ÷ 10 = ____________ 6 remainder
6.. I
2 ....................
.... E
7. 48 ÷ 7 = ____________ 11 ................
. O
15 remainde
8. 29 ÷ 3 = ____________ r2P
2 remainder
5. X
9. 65 ÷ 8 = ____________ 10 ..................
... C
5 ....................
.... R
10. 92 ÷ 6 = ____________

“M ___ ___ ___ ___” ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
3 1 8 5 10 6 7 2 4 9

On the Contrary
Antonyms are words that have opposite or nearly opposite meanings. A suffix is added
to the end of a word to change its meaning. The suffix -ous means “having” or “full of.”

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

Write a word from the box that is the antonym of the clue word to complete the
crossword puzzle.

tiny silly unclear unknown stingy tasteless

calm few rude careless safe timid

1. 2. 3.
1. delicious
4. anxious 4. 5.
5. numerous
6. courteous
10. enormous 6. 7. 8.
11. cautious
9. 10.

1. courageous
2. dangerous
3. generous
7. famous
8. serious
9. obvious

What other words do you know that end with -ous? On another sheet of paper, make a list of
five words. Write your own definition for each word.


Statements and Questions

A statement begins with a capital letter and ends with a period. A question begins with
a capital letter and ends with a question mark.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

A. Rewrite each sentence correctly. Begin each sentence with a capital letter.
Use periods and question marks correctly.
1. canwetakeataxidowntown

2. wheredoesthebusgo

3. thepeopleonthebuswavedtous

4. wegotontheelevator

5. shouldIpushtheelevatorbutton

B. Write a question. Then write an answer that is a statement.

1. Question:

2. Statement:

Expanding Sentences

Stretch It!
A sentence includes a subject and a verb.
A sentence is more interesting when it also
includes a part that tells where, when, or why.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

Add more information to each sentence
by telling where, when, or why. Write the
complete new sentence.

1. Mom is taking us shopping. Where?


2. The stores are closing. When?


3. We need to find a gift for Dad. Why?


4. I will buy new jeans. Where?


5. We may eat lunch. When?


Find two sentences in your favorite book that include a subject, verb, and a part that tells
where, when, or why. Write the sentences on another sheet of paper.
Combining Sentences

Let’s Eat Out!

Two sentences can be combined to make one sentence by using the words although,
after, because, until, and while.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

Choose a word from the menu to combine the two sentences into one sentence.

although after
while until

1. We are eating out tonight. Mom worked late.


2. We are going to Joe’s Fish Shack. I do not like fish.


3. Dad said I can play outside. It’s time to leave.


4. We can play video games. We are waiting for our food.


5. We may stop by Ida’s Ice Cream Shop. We leave the restaurant.


Read the back of a cereal box. Find two sentences that could be combined.

The Lake Cabin

As you read the paragraph, imagine the scene that the words are describing. In
the picture below, draw everything that has been left out. Color the picture.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

My favorite thing to do in the summer is to go to Grandpa’s lake cabin. In the
evening after a full day of fishing, Grandpa and I sit on the back porch and enjoy
the scenery. The sun setting behind the mountain fills the blue sky with streaks of
orange and yellow. Colorful sailboats float by us in slow motion. Suddenly a fish
jumps out of the water, making tiny waves in rings. A deer quietly walks to the
edge of the water to get a drink. Red and yellow wildflowers grow near the big
rock. On the shore across the lake, we see a couple of tents. Someone must be
camping there. A flock of geese fly over the lake in the shape of a V. Every time
we sit and look at the lake, Grandpa says, “This is the best place on earth!”

On another sheet of paper, write a paragraph describing the place that you think is “the
best place on earth.” Read your paragraph to someone in your family.

Put the Brakes on Math Mistakes!

Take a look at the signs on Bob’s store. Circle any mistakes you see.
Then fix the mistakes so that the signs are correct.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

Use with page 80.

Drawing Conclusions

Where Is Holly?
Drawing conclusions means to make reasonable conclusions about events in a story
using the information given.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

One day, while Mom was washing dishes in the kitchen, she realized that she
had not heard a peep out of three-year-old Holly in a long time. The last time she
had seen her, she was playing in the living room with some building blocks. “She
sure is being good,” thought Mom.
Write an X next to the best answer.
1. Why did Mom think Holly was being good?

_______ Holly was washing dishes for her.

_______ Holly was playing with dolls.
_______ Holly was being so quiet.

After rinsing the last dish, Mom went to the living room to see what Holly had
built. But Holly was not there. “Holly! Where are you?” Mom asked. Mom heard a
faraway voice say, “Mommy!” So Mom went outside to see if Holly was there.

2. Why did Mom go outside to look for Holly?

_______ Holly’s voice sounded so far away.
_______ The last time Mom saw Holly, she
was riding her tricycle.
_______ Holly said, “I’m outside, Mommy.”

Mom looked down the street, up in the tree, and in the backyard, but Holly
was not outside. She called her again but did not hear her voice. So, she went
back inside. “Holly! Where are you? Come out right now.”
3. Why did Mom say, “Come out right now.”
_______ She was mean.
_______ She heard Holly’s voice coming from
the closet.
_______ She thought Holly might be hiding.
Use with page 79.
Drawing Conclusions

Once again, Mom heard a faraway sound. “Help me!” cried Holly. Mom ran
to the bathroom, but Holly was not there. She ran to the garage, but Holly was
not there either. Finally, she ran to Holly’s room and saw Holly’s feet sticking out

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

of the toy box, kicking wildly in the air!
4. What had happened to Holly?
_______ She had fallen headfirst into the toy
box and could not get out.
_______ She was playing with the blocks again.
_______ She was playing hide-and-seek with Mom.

Mom lifted Holly out of the toy box and asked, “Holly, are you all right?”
Holly replied, “I think so.” Holly then told Mom that she had been looking for her
toy piano because she wanted to play a song for her. “Do you want to hear
the song now?” Holly asked. “First, let’s have a special snack. You can play the
piano for me later,” Mom suggested. Holly thought that was a great idea!
5. Where was Holly’s toy piano?
_______ The piano was under Holly’s bed.
_______ The piano was at the bottom of the toy box.
_______ She was playing hide-and-seek with Mom.

Mom and Holly walked to the kitchen. Mom made Holly a bowl of ice cream
with chocolate sauce and a cherry on top. Holly told Mom that she wanted to
go to the park. Mom really liked that idea.
6. What will Mom and Holly do next?
_______ Mom and Holly will go shopping.
_______ Mom and Holly will go for a bike ride.
_______ Mom and Holly will play on the swings in
the park.

Helping Your Child Get Ready: Week 7

Here are some activities you and your child might enjoy.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

These are the skills your child Mum’s the Word This is a fun dinnertime family
will be working on this week. game. Agree on a small word that is used frequently in
conversation, such as the or and. This word becomes

Math “mum.” No one can say it! Anyone who does, drops out. The
reading a table
. word problems
last person left is the winner.

. 2- and 3-digit multiplication

. division
Palindrome Collection Palindromes are words that are

. equivalent fractions
spelled the same backward and forward. Start a palindrome
collection with your child. Here are some to get you going:
bob, toot, Anna, and refer.
reading for details
. identifying story elements One-Minute Categories Ask your child to name as
many examples as possible of a particular category in one

minute. For example, for animals, he or she might name
sentence elaboration
dog, cat, zebra, horse, and so on. Make the categories more
challenging as his or her skill increases.
synonyms, antonyms, and
homophones What’s the Math Question? Ask your child to make up a
question or problem to go with an answer. For example, if

you say the answer is “48,” he or she could say the question
parts of speech
is “What is 12 x 4?” or “What is 54 – 6?”

Your child might enjoy reading the following books:

Little House on the Prairie
by Laura Ingalls Wilder

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

by Gordon Korman

Hurricanes: Earth’s Mightiest Storms

by Patricia Lauber

Name Here
This week, l plan to read minutes each day.

Week฀1 Day 1 Day 5

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

l฀read฀for... minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes

Put a sticker
to show you
completed each
day’s work.

Wow! You did a great job this week!
# 1


A Perfect Match?
Each word in column 1 has a match in column 2.
The match in column 2 is either a synonym (means
the same thing, such as right and correct), antonym

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

(means the opposite, such as right and wrong), or
homophone (sounds the same, such as one and won).
Draw a line between each match and write which type
of match it is. There is only one correct match for each word.

Column 1 Column 2 Type of Match

1. modern a. where 1.
2. sail b. dusk 2.
3. thaw c. gargantuan 3.
4. tired d. late 4.
5. blue e. sale 5.
6. dawn f. ancient 6.
7. right g. exhausted 7.
8. miniscule h. blew 8.
9. wear j. correct 9.
10. tardy k. freeze 10.
11. grate l. kernel 11.
12. assemble m. live 12.
13. danger n. hazard 13.
14. dwell o. dismantle 14.
15. colonel p. great 15.

Make a puzzle of your own like the one above. Use synonyms,
antonyms, and homophones. Then have someone in your
family figure out what the matches are.

Sentence Elaboration

At the Beach
A describing word makes a sentence more interesting.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

Read the describing words found in the beach balls. Add the describing words
to make each sentence more interesting. Write each new sentence.

melting bright
1. The snow cone sat in the sun.


excited crashing
2. Many children ran toward the ocean waves.


new large
3. My friends built a sandcastle.


younger favorite
4. My brother grabbed his beach toys.


playful flying
5. Our dog tried to catch beach balls.


On another sheet of paper, draw a beach ball. Fill it with words that describe a day
at the beach.

Flying Carpet
Solve the problems. If the answer is between 100 and 250, color the shape yellow. If the
answer is between 251 and 900, color the shape blue. Finish the design by coloring the
other shapes with the colors of your choice.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

2 880

3 996 4 576 2 502

2 992
3 603 3 903
2 392 2 982

3 897
6 738 2 742

4 3 2
3 990
2 8
– 6
0 4
Taking It Further: Fill in the missing digits – 4
in the problem to the right. 0

Parts of Speech

Don’t read this story yet!

Super Silly Circus
Give it to a member of your
family and ask him or her to
tell you the parts of speech

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

under the blanks below. You
give a word for each part
of speech, and your partner
writes it in the blank. Then
he or she writes the words in
the story and reads the story



3. YOUR LAST NAME Over the summer, the circus came to

4. NOUN . Not just any
1 2

5. ADJECTIVE circus, it was the Ringling Brothers and Barnum

6. and Circus! My favorite performer

7. ADVERB was the tamer who was fearless


8. VERB and . The tightrope

5 6

9. NUMBER teetered above the stage, looking


10. PLURAL NOUN like she was about to .


11. NOUN We saw a -foot-tall man juggling


12. BODY PART while wearing a

10 11

13. PLURAL NOUN on his . All day we ate


14. ADJECTIVE , peanuts, and popcorn


15. until we felt . It really was


the 15
show on earth!
Word Problems

Hmmm . . .
Hey, Weatherman. What

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

are the chances of a
late shower today?

I say go ahead and take

one if you feel you really Figure It Out!
need it.
1. Showers on Monday morning produced
Har har. 0.5 inches of rain by noon. By 6 p.m.,
a total of 2 inches of rain had fallen.
How many inches of rain fell between
noon and 6 p.m.? ______________

2. On Tuesday, 1.2 inches of rain fell. Two more inches of rain fell the next day. How many

inches of rain fell on Wednesday? ___________________

High Temperatures (°F)
3. The graph shows the high temperatures for Wednesday 90°
through Sunday. On which day was the highest temperature 60°



reached? The lowest? What was the difference between the two


temperatures? ___________________________________ 0°

4. Between which two days did the temperature drop 15 degrees?

Increase by 15 degrees? ___________________________

5. Saturday’s low temperature was 38°. How many degrees did the temperature rise to

reach Saturday’s high temperature? _________________

SUPER CHALLENGE: What was the average high temperature for all five days shown
on the graph?

Reading a Table

Dining with Dinosaurs

This “Dino” table provides specific information about different kinds of dinosaurs. Use
the table to choose the best answer to each question below.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

Dinosaur Facts

name What it Means size Weight Food

Ankylosaurus Crooked lizard 25 feet 3 tons plants
Baryonyx Heavy claw 30 feet 3,300 pounds fish
Eoraptor Dawn thief 3 feet 11–16 pounds meat, insects
Maiasaura Good mother lizard 30 feet 3 tons plants
Plateosaurus Broad lizard 20–26 feet 2,000–4,000 lb. plants
Seismosaurus Earthquake lizard 120–150 feet 40 tons plants
Spinosaurus Spined lizard 40 feet 4 tons fish
Velociraptor Fast thief 6 feet 30 pounds meat

1. How much did the dinosaur called Maiasaura weigh?

a. 30 pounds c. 4 tons
b. 3 tons d. 40 tons

2. Which dinosaur’s name means “broad lizard?”

a. Ankylosaurus c. Plateosaurus
b. Eoraptor d. Spinosaurus

3. How many feet long was the dinosaur called Velociraptor?

a. 3 feet c. 25 feet
b. 6 feet d. 30 feet

4. Which of these dinosaurs ate fish?

a. Ankylosaurus c. Velociraptor
b. Maiasaura d. Spinosaurus

5. Which is the largest, heaviest dinosaur listed in the chart?

a. Seismosaurus c. Eoraptor
b. Plateosaurus d. Baryonyx
Reading for Details

Wagon Train
Will and Kate thought it would be a great adventure to travel west with the
wagon train. In the spring of 1880, their family left their home in Pennsylvania and

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

joined a wagon train headed for California. For months, their only home was the
wagon. A large canvas was spread over metal hoops on top of the wagon to
make a roof. Will helped his father oil the canvas so that the rain would slide
off and keep them dry inside. Each day Kate and Will gathered wood as they
walked beside the wagon. In the evening when the wagons stopped, Kate and
her mother built a campfire for cooking supper. They hauled supplies with them
so that they could cook beans and biscuits. Sometimes the men went hunting and
brought back fresh deer meat or a rabbit for stew. When it rained for several days,
the roads were so muddy that the wagons got stuck. There was always danger
of snakes and bad weather. There were rivers and mountains to cross. There was
no doctor to take care of those who got sick or injured. Will and Kate were right.
Traveling with a wagon train was a great adventure, but it was a very hard life.
Unscramble the words to make a complete sentence that tells the main idea.

wagon dangerous. on a Life hard and was train _________________________________


Choose a word from the wagon to complete each detail.

1. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ the canvas 8. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ rivers
and mountains
2. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
wood 9. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ sick or
hurt with no doctor to help
3. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ over a
getting gathering hunt
4. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ supplies
oiling waiting hauling
5. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ for meat
crossing cooking watching
6. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ out
for snakes
7. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ for
the rain to stop

Timothy the Tiger

Timothy the tiger is a weight lifter, and he
loves to look at himself in the mirror. Only

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

one of the reflections below is his real mirror
image. Can you figure out which one it is
and circle it? To check your answer, do the
multiplication problems below each tiger.
The product that matches the number under
Timothy is his exact mirror image.

214 407 563 505 499

x 36 x 22 x 17 x 18 x 12

486 107 386 719 802

x 13 x 34 x 24 x 12 x 11

272 315 189 106 610

x 19 x 22 x 41 x 53 x 11

Story Elements

The Math Contest

Story elements are the different parts of a story. The characters are the people,
animals, or animated objects in the story. The setting is the place and time in which
the story takes place. The plot of the story includes the events and often includes a

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

problem and a solution.

Every Friday, Mr. Jefferson, the math teacher, held a contest for his students.
Sometimes they played math baseball. Sometimes they had math relays with
flash cards. Other times, they were handed a sheet of paper with a hundred
multiplication problems on it. The student who finished fastest with the most
correct answers won the contest. One Friday, there was a math bee. It was
similar to a spelling bee, except the students worked math problems in their
heads. There was fierce competition, until finally, everyone was out of the
game except Riley and Rhonda. Mr. Jefferson challenged them with problem
after problem, but both students continued to answer correctly every time. It
was almost time for class to end, so Mr. Jefferson gave them the same difficult
problem. They had to work it in their heads. Riley thought hard and answered,
“20.” Rhonda answered, “18.” Finally they had a winner!
To find out who won the game, work the 7 4 6 5 3 1 2 6 4 8 0
problem below in your head. Write the 6 9 1 4 3 5 6 2 8 6 7
answer on the blank. 5 0 8 6 0 4 9 7 3 1 4
6 + 4 + 6 – 4 – 4 + 6 + 6 = ______ 3 1 7 4 0 6 5 8 7 2 6
Now, to see if you are correct, circle only 7 0 6 5 8 4 9 3 2 9 6
the 6’s and 4’s in the box. The answer will 8 4 9 8 0 6 1 5 7 8 4
appear. 6 2 7 3 9 2 4 8 1 6 5
Answer each question below. 6 4 4 6 1 9 0 6 6 2 3

1. Name the three people in the story. _______________________,

________________, and ___________________

2. Circle where the story takes place.

a. in the gym b. in the cafeteria c. in Mr. Jefferson’s classroom

3. Circle the problem in the story.

a. Mr. Jefferson held the contest on Thursday.
b. Class was almost over, and the contest was still tied.
c. Riley and Rhonda both answered incorrectly.

4. Who answered the difficult question correctly? ____________ 91

Equivalent Fractions

It’s All the Same!

Equivalent fractions have the same amount.
1 4 3 1
= =

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

2 8 6 2

Write each missing numerator to show equivalent fractions.

A. B. C. D.

1 1 1 1
2 = 4 3 = 6 4 = 8 3 = 9

E. F. G. H.

1 1 1 1
5 = 10 2 = 8 2 = 16 4 = 20

Write the number sentence that shows each set of equivalent fractions.

I. J. K. L.

= = = =

Raymond’s pizza has been cut into fourths. Debbie’s pizza has been cut into eighths.
Raymond eats 2/4 of his pizza. Debbie eats 4/8 of her pizza. Did they eat the same amount
of pizza? On another sheet of paper, draw a picture to show your answer.
Helping Your Child Get Ready: Week 8

Here are some activities you and your child might enjoy.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

These are the skills your child Word Chain Develop your child’s listening skills by playing
will be working on this week. Word Chain. In this game, someone says a word, and the
next person must say a word that begins with the last letter

Math of the previous player’s word.
. word problems
Movie Review Ask your child to write a movie review.
Be sure he or she writes the review immediately after the
finding the main idea movie—just like real critics do. Encourage him or her to
include lots of descriptive words in the review.

using an outline to organize
Poems to Remember Encourage your child to memorize a
. expository paragraph
short poem. Doing so will require him or her to read a poem
over and over—a great way to build reading fluency. You
might suggest a poem by Jack Prelutsky or Shel Silverstein.
portmanteau words (Their books are readily available at the library.) Give your
. compound words child plenty of time to learn the poem and then give him or
her a chance to recite it to the rest of the family.

Bug Safari Have your child go on a bug safari!
Mark off a small section of your backyard or a park.
writing lowercase cursive Then start hunting. Have him or her keep a list of
letters the different kinds of creepy crawlies he or she sees.
You might want to have a field guide handy so bug
identification is easy.

Your child might enjoy reading the following books:

Pink and Say
by Patricia Polacco

The Adventures of Captain Underpants

by Dav Pilkey

Dear Mr. Henshaw

by Beverly Cleary

Name Here
This week, l plan to read minutes each day.

Week฀1 Day 1 Day 5

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

l฀read฀for... minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes

Put a sticker
to show you
completed each
day’s work.

Wow! You did a great job this week!
# 1


Riddle Teller
Read the riddle. Then draw the shape it describes.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

I have 3 sides and have no corners.
3 corners. One of One half of me is like
my corners is at the top. the other half.
1. 2.

I have 4 corners and I have 5 sides and 5

4 sides. You can draw corners. Draw a square
me by joining 2 triangles. and a triangle together.
3. 4.

I am not a square, I have 4 sides and 4

but I have 4 sides corners. My 2 opposite
and 4 corners. sides are slanted.
5. 6.

Cursive Writing

a‡ -Óz™

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

a‡ Çb« c‡ d‡ fle‡ Çf‡ g™
Çh‡ ‡i‡ ‡j™ Çk‡ Çl‡ Óm‡
Ón‡ o« ‡p› q‡ ‡r‡ ‡s› ‡t‡
‡u‡ Óvœ ‡wœ Óx‡ Óy™ Óz™


Portmanteau Words

Fourteen + Nights = Fortnight

Fortnight is a word that was formed by blending the sound and meaning of the words
fourteen and nights. It means “two weeks.” Here are more words that were formed in a
similar way.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

boost smash flop twirl brunch
motel smog telethon flurry intercom

What word was made by blending the sound and meaning of each pair of words
below? For each pair, choose a word from the box and write it on the line. What
does each word mean? Write the letter of the definition for each blended word.

____ 1. motor + hotel = ____________ a. break violently

into pieces
____ 2. breakfast + lunch = ____________
b. push from
below or behind
____ 3. smoke + fog = ____________
c. sit or lie down
____ 4. twist + whirl = ____________ heavily

____ 5. television + marathon = ____________ d. a two-way

____ 6. flap + drop = ____________ system
e. late morning
____ 7. flutter + hurry = ____________ meal

____ 8. smack + mash = ____________ f. spin rapidly

g. a long program
____ 9. boom + hoist = ____________
for charity
____ 10. internal + communication = ____________ h. a form of air
i. roadside
lodging for
j. a sudden


What Did You Say?

Some stories may include dialogue, or the exact words of story
characters. Dialogue lets readers know something about the
characters, plot, setting, and problem or conflict in a story. Use

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

quotation marks around a speaker’s exact words and commas
to set off quotations. Remember to put periods, question marks,
exclamation points, and commas inside the quotation marks.
“Get away from my bowl!” yelled Little Miss Muffet when
she saw the approaching spider.
“Please don’t get so excited,” replied the startled spider. “I
just wanted a little taste. I’ve never tried curds and whey before.”

Use your imagination to complete the dialogue between the fairy tale or nursery rhyme
characters. Include quotation marks and commas where they belong and the correct
end punctuation.

1.When Baby Bear saw the strange girl asleep in his bed, he asked his parents, ____


His mother replied, ____________________________________________________________

2.Humpty Dumpty was sitting on the wall when he suddenly fell off. On the way down

he shouted, ____________________________________________________________________

Two of the king’s men approached. One whispered nervously to the other, _______


3. When Jack realized he was about to fall down the hill with a pail of water, he

yelled, ________________________________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________________ cried Jill,

as she went tumbling down the hill after Jack.

4.The wolf knocked on the door of the third little pig’s house. When there was no

answer, the wolf bellowed, ____________________________________________________

Knowing that he and his brother were safe inside his sturdy brick house, the third

little pig replied, _______________________________________________________________

Organizing Ideas

Let’s Get Organized

When you write a report or story, it helps to review your notes and organize them into an
outline to show the order in which you want to discuss them.
Chester Greenwood → subject of the report

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

I. Who was Chester Greenwood? → main idea becomes topic sentence
A. born in 1858 → supporting details become supporting sentences
B. grew up in Farmington, Maine
C. as a child had ear problems in winter
II. His first invention–earmuffs
A. needed a way to protect ears from cold
B. 1873 at age 15 began testing his ideas
C. idea for fur-covered earflaps worked
D. people saw and also wanted earflaps
E. grandmother helped produce them
III. His later accomplishments
A. founded a telephone company
B. manufactured steam heaters
C. over 100 inventions

Study the outline above. Then answer the questions.

1. What is the topic of the report? ________________________________________________

2. How many paragraphs will there be? __________________________________________

3. What is main topic of the first paragraph? ______________________________________


4.How many details tell about the second main idea? ______________________________

On another sheet of paper, develop an outline for preparing an interesting and unusual
dish that your family enjoys.

Word Problems

White Socks, Black Socks

Hey, nice socks. I didn’t know

you could buy a pair

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

Are they a pair?
of socks that had
one white sock and
one black sock.

You know, it’s funny. I’ve

Figure it out!
got ANOTHER pair just like
this one at home.
1. Rowena Pig is wearing 1 white sock
and 1 black sock. What fraction of the
You don’t socks she’s wearing is white? What
fraction is black?

2. Rowena puts 7 socks in the washing machine. Four of them are black and 3 are white.
What fraction of the socks is black? What fraction is white?
3. Rowena hangs 8 socks out to dry. Two of the socks are black and 6 are white. What
fraction is black? Write your answer in simplest form.
4. Judy Frog brings 6 socks on a trip. One third of the socks are red. The rest are green.
How many socks are red? How many are green?
5. Six out of 10 socks are blue. The rest are red. What fraction of the socks is red? Write
your answer in simplest form.
SUPER CHALLENGE: Judy has 12 socks. One third of them are white. One fourth of
them are red. The rest are yellow. How many socks are yellow? How many socks are
white and red?

Use with page 102.
Finding the Main Idea

Super Duper Lance

The main idea tells what a story or paragraph is mostly about.
Details in a story provide the reader with information about
the main idea and help the reader better understand the story.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

Lance Armstrong is an awesome athlete! This American
bicyclist won the Tour de France bicycle race for seven
consecutive years, from 1999 to 2005. What makes
Armstrong’s accomplishment even more amazing is that
he was battling cancer before competing in the 1999
Tour de France race.
In 1996, Armstrong was diagnosed with cancer. This
challenging disease was advancing rapidly. He was given
only a 50% chance to live. Armstrong was faced with serious operations. In 1997,
Armstrong received great news—he had won the race against cancer! This incredible
athlete went on to win seven straight Tour de France races.
The Tour de France is the world’s premier cycling event. It takes its competitors all
over France, even through the Alps and the Pyrenees Mountains. The course changes
each year but is always over 2,000 miles long and always ends in Paris.

Circle the main idea for each paragraph.

1. Paragraph 1:
a. Armstrong was the first American bicyclist to win the Tour de France.
b. Armstrong is an accomplished bicyclist.
c. Armstrong rides all over France in the summer.

2. Paragraph 2:
a. Armstrong was the first American bicyclist to win the Tour de France.
b. Armstrong had cancer in 1996.
c. Armstrong won an important “health” race.

3. Paragraph 3:
a. Riders in the Tour de France get to see all of France.
b. Tour de France competitors must be very strong to ride through two
mountainous regions.
c. The impressive Tour de France runs all over France and ends in Paris.
Use with page 101.
Finding the Main Idea

4. Use details from the story to write why you think Armstrong is an accomplished

athlete. _________________________________________________________________________


Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources






5. Write a detail about the Tour de France bicycle race on each tire.

6. What are some of the challenges Armstrong has faced? Which one do you think

was the most difficult? ___________________________________________________________



_ ____________________________________________________________________________

Read a magazine article about another sports figure. On another sheet of paper,
write the main idea of the article.

Expository Paragraph

A Paragraph Plan
Follow these steps in planning a paragraph.
1. Choose a topic (main idea).
2. Brainstorm ideas about the topic. (You will need at least three.)

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

3. Write a topic sentence.
4. Write a closing sentence by retelling the topic sentence.

Follow this plan to write a paragraph about Ben Franklin.

1. Ben Franklin

2. a) inventor of bifocal eyeglasses and Franklin stove

b) scientist who proved that lightning is electricity
c) involved in writing the Declaration of Independence
3. Ben Franklin was a man of many talents.

4. Ben Franklin displayed his talents in many ways.











Read your paragraph to yourself. Then add a describing word to each supporting sentence.

Compound Words

A Happy Marriage
When you marry or join two different words you create a new
word called a “compound word.” Look at the list below. Can
you figure out the word that can be added to the end of each

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

set of words in these examples to make new compound words?
Write the word and the compound words it creates in the blanks.
The first one is done for you.

1. half, night, over = time (halftime, nighttime, overtime)


2. every, no, some = __________________________________________

3. bed, bath, store = __________________________________________

4. fire, work, birth = __________________________________________

5. soft, kitchen, gift = __________________________________________

6. border, bee, on = __________________________________________

What word can be added to the beginning of each set of words in these
examples to make new compound words?

1. ball, line, board = __________________________________________

2. proof, color, melon = __________________________________________

3. bread, cut, stop = __________________________________________

4. ground, pen, mate = __________________________________________

5. fish, gaze, struck = __________________________________________

6. stairs, side, beat = __________________________________________


Think of one more set of compound words that use the same word
either at the beginning or the end as in the examples above.

Helping Your Child Get Ready: Week 9

Here are some activities you and your child might enjoy.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

These are the skills your child Word Box Create a word box by labeling a small box. Invite
will be working on this week. family members to put interesting words written on slips
of paper into the word box. Once a week, take the slips out

Math and talk about the words with your child.
adding like fractions
. decimals
Newspaper Read Aloud Choose an article from your
newspaper that might be of interest to your child. Read it
standardized reading test aloud to him or her and then discuss it.
. reading for details Family Quiz Show Have your child host your own family
quiz show. He or she will need to spend some time writing

up questions. The quiz show can be modeled on Jeopardy
topic sentences
. writing a news story
and include 40 questions that are sorted into categories.
Decide on a prize for the winner before you start.

content-area vocabulary Shopping List Maker Invite your child to become your
official shopping-list maker. Dictate to him or her all the

items you’ll need to purchase on your next trip to the
grocery store. This is a great way to building spelling skills

Your child might enjoy reading the following books:

Stage Fright on a Summer Night
by Mary Pope Osborne

William Shakespeare and the Globe

by Aliki

Bunnicula: A Rabbit Tale of Mystery

by Deborah and James Howe

Name Here
This week, l plan to read minutes each day.

Week฀1 Day 1 Day 5

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

l฀read฀for... minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes

Put a sticker
to show you
completed each
day’s work.

Wow! You did a great job this week!
# 1

Adding Fractions

Into Infinity
Solve the problems. Then rename the answers in lowest terms.
1 1 1
If the answer is 4 , 8 , or 16 , color the shape purple.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

1 1 1
If the answer is 2 , 3 , or 7 , color the shape blue.
2 3 7
If the answer is 3 , 4 , or 8 , color the shape green.
3 4 5
If the answer is 5 , 5 , or 7 , color the shape yellow.
9 11
If the answer is 10 or 12 , color the shape pink.
Finish the design by coloring the other shapes with colors of your choice.

3 + 2 2 + 2
20 20 16 16
1 + 1 1 + 2
14 14 9 9
1 + 2 4 + 2
4 4 9 9
4 + 2 1 + 2
10 10 5 5
6 + 5 4 + 5
12 12 10 10

4 + 7 1 + 8
12 12 10 10
4 + 6 6 + 2
14 14 10 10
4 + 2 4 + 3
8 8 8 8
2 + 3 1 + 2
10 10 6 6
1 + 1 3 + 7
16 16 40 40


From This to That

Below are three lists of words that have to do with geography,
history, and math. You’ll need to know the meaning of the
words in order to rank them as indicated. If you need help,

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

use a dictionary or other reference source.

1. Write these geographic terms in order from the

smallest in area to the biggest in area.

city _________________________

county _________________________

continent _________________________

town _________________________

hemisphere _________________________

2. Write these historical figures in order from

earliest time period to most recent time period.

medieval knight _________________________

Pilgrim _________________________

Neanderthal _________________________

Roman gladiator _________________________

Viking _________________________

3. Write these number words from least in amount

to greatest in amount.

gross _________________________

dozen _________________________

million _________________________

billion _________________________

score _________________________

Use with page 110.

Reading for Details

Food for Thought

Would you like another serving of potatoes?
How much is a serving anyway? For people
on diets, it’s often hard to determine what a

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

serving is. Luckily, a healthcare company has
come up with guidelines that can help people
visualize different serving sizes. For example, a
medium potato is about the size of a computer
mouse. Are you thinking of having a cup of
fruit? Think about a baseball—it’s about the
right size. A cup of chopped vegetables equals
a fist. A hockey puck is about the size of
an average bagel. For three ounces of meat,
visualize a bar of soap, but for three ounces
of fish, imagine a checkbook!

Decide what the main

idea of the paragraph is.
Write it in the center
circle. Find details from
the paragraph that tell
about the topic. Write
them in the web.

Think of your own visual examples of servings for these foods—

1/2 cup of rice, 2 ounces of cheese, and 1 cup of pasta.

Use with page 109.
Reading for Details

Testing It Out
Use after completing Food for Thought on page 109.
Fill in the circle next to the best answer.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

1. The main idea of the passage is that people can use visual guidelines to—
a make their food taste better c believe in the success of their diet
b figure out the size of a serving of food d determine the best way to cook food

2. Visual guidelines for food servings were suggested by a—

a healthcare company c group of dieters
b hockey team d computer company

3. According to the guidelines, a cup of chopped vegetables is about the size of a—

a baseball c bagel
b hockey puck d fist

4. A computer mouse is about the size of—

a three ounces of fish c three ounces of meat
b a medium potato d a cup of fruit

5. You can guess that three ounces of meat—

a is about what someone on a diet should eat c tastes like a bar of soap
b is more than what someone on a diet should eat d tastes better than fish

6. To get the right portions without visual guidelines, you might need a—
a scale and bar of soap c measuring cup and checkbook
b computer mouse and baseball d scale and measuring cup

7. The visual guidelines assume that people know something about—

a sports and computers c desserts without sugar
b exercising to lose weight d healthcare companies

8. These guidelines would be most helpful to people who—

a learn by doing c think visually
b don’t listen well d enjoy music


What’s Wrong With This Picture?

The Halloween Museum may be full of visual treats, but it seems to play tricks on some
of the people who work and visit there. It makes them misuse apostrophes. See if
you can you find 16 spelling errors that they have made. Write the misspelled words

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

correctly in the appropriate spaces.

Spelling Corrections
Plurals that should Singular possessives that Plural possessives that
end in -s: should end in -’s: should end in -s’:
1. __________________ 1. __________________ 1. __________________
2. __________________ 2. __________________ 2. __________________
3. __________________ 3. __________________ 3. __________________
4. __________________ 4. __________________ 4. __________________
5. __________________ 5. __________________ 5. __________________
6. __________________

This black cats tail

These witches broom- has magical powers’.
sticks are supersonic!

These goblin’s
are friendly.

Please don’t touch

the display’s or feed The werewolves love
the vampire bats! the full moons light.
All the Those three old
cats eyes ladies fingernails That werewolf’s howl
look evil! need cleaning! sounds like your fathers
voice when he sings.

Beware! These The werewolves howls

bats’ fangs may give me goosebumps! Draculas eyes
scare you! just opened!
The coffins lid has
Yuk! The cauldron is blood stain’s!
full of snake’s tails
and toadstools.

Trick-or-Treat Bag’s Do not drink from this
sorcerers cauldron! This gentleman’s bed
is a coffin!
Topic Sentences

It Just Doesn’t Belong!

The sentence that tells the topic of a paragraph is called the topic sentence.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

Draw a line through the sentence that does not belong with the topic.

Topic: Dogs make great family pets.

Dogs have great hearing, which helps them protect a family from danger.

Most dogs welcome their owners with wagging tails.

My favorite kind of dog is a boxer.

Many dogs are willing to play with children in a safe manner.

Topic: The history of the American flag is quite interesting.

The first American flag had no stars at all.

Not much is known about the history of Chinese flags.

Historians cannot prove that Betsy Ross really made the first American flag.

The American flag has changed 27 times.

Topic: Hurricanes are called by different names depending on where they occur.
Hurricanes have strong, powerful winds.

In the Philippines, hurricanes are called baguios.

Hurricanes are called typhoons in the Far East.

Australian people use the name willy-willies to describe hurricanes.

Read a paragraph from a favorite chapter book. Read the topic sentence to someone
at home.

Kaleidoscope of Flowers
If the number has a 5 in the ones place, color the shape green.
If the number has a 5 in the tenths place, color the shape pink.
If the number has a 5 in the hundredths place, color the shape yellow.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

Finish the design by coloring the other shapes with colors of your choice.

13.95 1.151 6,543.5 7.5

5.91 5.4

21.05 3.45 30.51 2.589

5.7 5.89 5 675

0.51 1.50 7.95 0.951

25.13 5.98

0.5 1.57 0.050 6.05

Taking It Further: Place the following decimals in the correct places on the lines
below the dots: 4.9, 1.7, 2.5, and 0.2.
0 1 2 3 4 5

Writing a News Story

Read All About It

A news story reports just the facts about an event and answers the questions who, what, when,
where, why, and how. The most important information is included at the beginning of the article
in a paragraph called the lead.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

Grass Fires Burn Out of Control headline
WHERE did it happen? GREENSBURG—Grass fires, fueled by
wind gusts up to 50 miles per hour, WHY did it happen?
spread into a residential area early
Tuesday morning. All residents had to be WHEN did it happen?
evacuated. Within minutes over 25 homes
WHO was affected?
were engulfed by flames and destroyed.
According to officials, no injuries have
been reported.
Planes and helicopters battling the
blaze had to be grounded because the
heat of the flames was so intense.
Write a news story using the information below. Remember to write about the facts and
events in the order they occurred. Follow the model lead above.
Who: Roseville Emergency Rescue Team
When: April 10, 2003; 5 A.M.
Where: Slate Run River
What: team and rescue vehicles sent;
worked for three hours; rescued residents
How: used helicopter and boats
Why: residents along river stranded by flash flood after storm

_______________________________ —____________________________________________________

Use your imagination to write a news story on a sheet of paper for one of the following
headlines or one of your own.
Mystery of the Missing Dinosaur Solved Students Protest School Lunch Menu
City High Wins Championship First Female Elected President
Use with page 116.
Test Practice

A Letter from Washington, D.C.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

’s  c a p it a l,butI’ve
, tion 
d m a  a n d Grandpa o u r  tr ip tothena h a s  b e e n reallyfun
n bou t .C. is
DearGra  to  te ll youalla W a s h ington,D  s o  I  thoughtth
e d  in  h t,
Ipromis  w rite!Our
g  a nywhere
b u s y  to no t g o in
beentoo a u s ti ng.We’re , m y favorite
e x h m

d  ti m e  to write.  a n d  S p a ceMus e u
b e tt e r . Y ouknow
agoo lAir tory 
wouldbe e n t to  th eNationa u m  o f N aturalHis a u r skeletons e

 w e  w the M u s e and d in o s
Today N ickliked ts  offossils u ti fulgems.
s o  fa r . a v e  lo e r  b e a
museum d in o saurs!Th
o n d  andlotso
v e s  ia m
howhelo osawtheHopeD s  w e  s a w before
als day. in g
there.We le  d a y  th ereyester ll  y o u  a bouttheth atAuntAnn’s
who and te ttobed
spentthe I’dbetterbackup d  w en t s tr a ig h
r a in ing,sow
e ll , h t a n t w a s  t
h e r e  S a tu rdaynig  N a ti o n a lZoo.I h a t n ig h twewen
got tothe ’reindoor
e x t d a y  wewent s . ( T h e y e  m u s ic 
en ptile eth nt
house.Th ti m e  lo o kingatre k  a n d  I didn’tlik h in g to n  Monume
tof tN ic as
spentalo it h  A u n tAnn,bu  to  th e  to poftheW ewewereup
rtw ato r whil
toaconce y , w e  to okanelev estudiedthemap in g  is . O urnext
a veryth
OnMond viewofthecity.W fwheree use
t a  g r e a t a  b e tt e r  id e a  o
g  a n d  s a wtheHo
andgo ve din ln
 th a t w e wouldha k  a  to u r  ofthebuil ,wesawtheLinco You
theres o etoo oon rial.
a s  th e  C apitol.W e n a te . I n theaftern e  J e ff e r s onMemo
stopw ti
vesandth ransMemorial,an
e s e n ta !
ofRep r
e  V ie tn amVete th e  e n d  oftheday enwewenttothe
l, th ereat Th
Memoria o w  ti redwew e  W h it eHouse. e u m  o fAfrican
e  h of th M u s
canimagin y,wetookatour r , w e  w enttothe  a r e  fr e e?It’sso
d a a te r e
OnTues e r ic anHistor
 th emuseum
 th e nsatonth
o f A m ab o u t a ll rden  a n d
Museum  b e li e v ethatjust  a  s c ulpturega s  a  b e autifulda
y o u alke d  in s.It w a
Art.Can r  s u p per,wew  p e o p leflykite ia . T h atiswher
A ft e atch in g Vir g in
amazing. e  c r e amandw o u n t Vernonin  w e ’r e leaving
n g  ic visit  M turd a y d.
grasseati w e ’r e goingto e d . T henonSa IslandinMarylan
o w   li v
Tomorr r th aWashin
e  toAssatea
y o uallabou
d  M a  to  d r iv e!I ’l l te ll 
Georgean D.C.We’regoing oniesther ve,
s h in g to n , e in g  th e  w il d  p
Wa outse  Ali
 r e a ll y  excitedab   

Use with page 115.
Test Practice

1. What kind of letter is this?

 a.abusinessletter c.aninvitation
 b.athank-younote d.afriendlyletter

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

2. Where did Alicia and her family go to get a good view of
Washington, D.C.?
 f. theWashingtonMonument h. theCapitol
 g.theLincolnMemorial j. theJeffersonMemorial

3. Which museum did Alicia and her family go to first?


4. Where did Alicia’s family go on the day it rained?

5. What did Alicia and her family plan to see in Virginia

and Maryland?

6. In the boxes on the left, write two words that

describe Alicia. In the boxes on the right, give a
detail from the letter to support each word
you choose.

Words That Supporting Details

Describe Alicia

Helping Your Child Get Ready: Week 10

Here are some activities you and your child might enjoy.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

These are the skills your child Cartoon Flip Books With a little bit of patience, your child
will be working on this week. can make his or her own cartoon flip book. Explain that in a
cartoon, lots of images—one just slightly different from the last

Math —are put together to make it appear as though a character is
area and perimeter
. reading a chart
moving. For example, here’s how to draw a character jumping.
Have your child draw a character on the last sheet of a small
pad of paper. On the next sheet, have him or her draw the
character just a bit above where the character last was. Have
using a graphic organizer to
your child continue doing this until the entire act of jumping
find details
. understanding cause and
is illustrated. When he or she flips the pages of the book, the
character will appear to be jumping.

Writing Constellation Watch Help your child identify a few
writing a persuasive constellations. Easy ones to start with are the Big
. writing a descriptive
Dipper and Orion. Then have him or her research other
constellations and their names.
. proofreading
Family Coat of Arms Have your child make a family coat
of arms on a piece of posterboard. Have him or her divide
organizing words by their a shield shape into quadrants. In each quadrant, he or
meanings she can draw a symbol that represents one aspect of your
family. Then proudly display your coat of arms.

diagramming sentences
. forming plurals
Sign Your Name Invite your child to learn how
to spell his or her name in sign language. He or
she can use an encyclopedia or go online to find
the sign language alphabet.

Your child might enjoy reading the following

books: C
Seasons: A Book of Poems
by Charlotte Zolotow

First in the Field: Baseball Hero Jackie Robinson

A B by Derek T. Dingle

James and the Giant Peach

by Roald Dahl

Name Here
This week, l plan to read minutes each day.

Week฀1 Day 1 Day 5

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

l฀read฀for... minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes

Put a sticker
to show you
completed each
day’s work.

Wow! You did a great job this week!
# 1

Reading for Details

Preview of Prefixes
A prefix is a word part that always comes at the
beginning of a word. When a prefix is added to a base
word, it changes the word’s meaning. The prefix dis-

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

means “not.” Think about how dis- affects the meaning
of the words disloyal, dishonest, and disagree. One
meaning for the prefix re- is “again.” You see this prefix
in words such as redo, rebuild, reconsider, and renew.
The meaning of the prefix over- is “too much.” Some
examples of words containing this prefix are overjoyed,
oversleep, overflow, and overworked.

Write the topic and three

subtopics on the web. Complete
the web by writing details for
each subtopic.

Find out the meaning of the

prefixes ex-, trans-, and inter-.

Diagramming Sentences

Diagramming Sentences
Diagramming a sentence shows how all the words in the sentence work together.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

A. Underline the articles and adjectives in each
sentence. Circle any adverbs. Then diagram each
sentence. The model diagram will help you.

 subject verb directobject






1. Thedancermadeagracefulmovement.

2. Thetinycricketslowlyatethegreenleaf.

B. Complete the diagram for the following sentence.

1. Theplayfulkittengleefullychasedtheredball.

Persuasive Paragraph

I’m Sure You’ll Agree!

A persuasive paragraph gives your opinion and tries to
convince the reader to agree. Its supporting ideas are
reasons that back up your opinion.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

Reason 1
Topic sentence
Our family should have a dog for three reasons.

First, pets teach responsibility. If we get a dog, I will

feed him and take him for walks after school. The

second reason for having a pet is that he would Reason 2

make a good companion for me when everyone else is busy. I won’t
Reason 3
drive Dad crazy always asking him to play catch with me. The third

reason we need a dog is for safety. He would warn us of danger and

keep our house safe. For all of these reasons, I’m sure you’ll agree that

we should jump in the car and head toward the adoption agency right

away. I don’t know how we have made it this long without a dog! closing

Plan and write a persuasive paragraph asking your parents for something (such
as a family trip, expensive new shoes, or an in-ground pool).

1. Choose a topic. __________________________________________________________

2. Write a topic sentence. ___________________________________________________

3. Brainstorm three supporting reasons.

Reason 1 _________________________________________________________________

Reason 2 _________________________________________________________________

Reason 3 _________________________________________________________________

On another sheet of paper, use your plan to write a persuasive paragraph.

Organizing Words

Out of Here!
One item on each list below actually belongs in
another list. To get the item “out of here,” circle it.
Then write the number of the list where it really

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

belongs. When you’re done, write what each list
is about. The first one is done for you.

Circled Word What Is This

List Belongs on List About?
List #?
1. thigh, cylinder, calf 6 parts of a leg
2. slingshot, pavement, tomahawk

3. pond, palette, lagoon

4. bog, town, village

5. jaguar, panther, creek

6. cube, sphere, triathlon

7. swamp, marsh, puma

8. easel, canvas, catapult

9. blacktop, hamlet, asphalt

10. decathlon, marathon, shin


Create a chart of your own like the one above but using only four lists. See
whether someone in your family can figure out which item doesn’t belong,
where it should go, and what each list is all about.

Area and Perimeter

Math’s Got It Covered

This soccer player sure has a lot of ground to cover. Just how much exactly? Look at
the picture and answer the questions.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

width: 50 yards

length: 100 yards

1. a. What is the length of the field? yards _______ feet _______

b. What is the width of the field? yards _______ feet _______
c. What is the perimeter of the field? yards _______ feet _______
d. What is the area of the field? yards _______ feet _______

2. a. What is the perimeter of half of the field? yards _______ feet _______
b. What is the area of half of the field? yards _______ feet _______

3. Imagine a field with a length of 130 yards and a width of 75 yards.

a. What is the perimeter of that field? _________
b. What is the area of that field? _________
length: 1 unit

All-Star Math!
length: 1 unit

Is the perimeter of half the field what area = 1 square

you expected? Why or why not? unit
perimeter = 4 units

area = length x width

perimeter = sum of the sides
Reading a Chart

Adorable Animals
Do you know what a baby goat is called? The chart below provides the names for
many baby animals. Use the chart to choose the best answer to each question.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

naMes For baby aniMals

animal name for baby animal name for baby

Bear Cub Fox Kit

Cow Calf Goat Kid

Deer Fawn Kangaroo Joey

Dog Pup Sheep Lamb

1. What is the name for a baby deer? 4. A “joey” is what kind of animal?
a. cub c. fawn a. cow c. kangaroo
b. calf d. pup b. fox d. sheep
2. What is a baby fox called? 5. A baby goat is a —
a. kit c. cub a. kid c. pup
b. kid d. lamb b. lamb d. calf
3. Which kind of animal has cubs?
a. goat c. kangaroo
b. sheep d. bear


What’s Wrong With This Picture?

Herman Hound is a smart and successful storekeeper, but he sure needs help spelling
plurals! Herman knows that you usually add -s to the singular form but that sometimes
you must add -es or change the final y of a word to i and then add -es. Help Herman

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

by finding and correcting 15 misspelled plurals in his store.

Magazines and Books Signes Snackes
Dog Teen Doghouse Canine Beware the Trail Mixs
Human Being
Life Puppys Beautiful Digest Owner
Twelve Monthes Couchs Are for Sleeping Crossing Kitten Cat Cookys
in the Doghouse Kisses
Kittys Beware! Danger:
Mad Dogs and Englishmen Porcupines
Outfoxing Foxs
A Bird in the Bushes

Bath Toies
Grooming Department
Collars and
Powders for Fleas, Leashes
Ticks, and Flys

Combs and Brushs

Hunting Supplys
Duck Decoies Earplugs
Bowls and Dishs

and Pouchs Sweaters

Descriptive Paragraph

A Vivid Picture
A descriptive paragraph creates a vivid image or picture for readers. By choosing just the right
adjectives, you can reveal how something looks, sounds, smells, tastes, and feels. Compare the
sentences from two different paragraphs. Which one creates a more vivid picture?

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

The pizza with sausage and onions tasted so good.

The smooth, sweet sauce and bubbly mozzarella topped

with bite-sized chunks of extra hot sausage and thin
slivers of sweet onion on a perfectly baked, thin crust
delighted my taste buds.

Cut out a picture of something interesting and paste

it in the box. Then brainstorm a list adjectives and
descriptive phrases to tell about it.
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
Now, write a paragraph about the picture. Begin your paragraph with a topic sentence
that will grab readers. Add supporting sentences that include the adjectives and
descriptive phrases listed to create a vivid picture.






Here is a set of adjectives: bumpy, dusty, narrow, steep, curvy, unpaved, well-worn.
Think about what they might describe. Then on a sheet of paper use the words to
write a descriptive paragraph that paints a picture.
Cause and Effect

The Elves of Iceland

If you visited Iceland, would you look for elves?
Many people in Iceland believe in elves and
other magical folk that can cause mischief. Some

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

Icelanders consult a person called an elf-spotter
before building a home. The elf-spotter ensures
that the land is elf free. The country’s Public
Roads Administration has been known to reroute
highways because of angry elves. Some Icelandic
tourist groups have even made maps charting elf
haunts for curious visitors!

Read the cause and one of its effects on the map.

Find two other effects in the passage. Write them
on the map.

People consult elf-spotters
before building homes.
Icelanders believe in elves.

Locate Iceland on a
globe or world map.


This Day in History

Find and mark the twelve errors. They may be spelling, punctuation,
capitalization, or grammar errors.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

One Year Ago
National Eat Lunch with a Tree Day was

declared a holiday on monday, April 2. No

one has figureed out how you would actually

eat lunch with a tree. If they do, this will be a

great celebration.

37 Years Ago
The excuse, “The dog ate my homwork” was

first used by Timmy Murtz of ogden, ohio.

Timmy don’t actually have a dog—or any

homework, for that matter! His techer didn’t

believe the excuse for even one second.

50 Years Ago
On august 7, the annoying telephone call were invented in Newark, New Jersey.

Homeowners were called and ask if they would like a free offer.

100 Years Ago

Scientest Alexander Graham Baloney said that water is actually not wet. It just seems wet

because the other things around it are very dry. His idea were later proved to be purely


Week 1 • Day 1 Week 1 • Day 1
Addit on/Subtraction Your You’re

Great States Grammar Cop

Add or subtract Connect the matching answers and the Education of Snow White
to find each state’s shape 9
Snow Wh te has left the seven dwarfs’ cottage She
+ 9
4+3= 7 wants to explain her disappearance but she doesn’t
Delaware 16 9= 7 18 eally understand the difference between your and
you’re Can you help Grammar Cop fi l in the blanks?
Massachusetts 7+7= 14 Directions: The word your or you re belongs in each of the
boxes Choose the correct word and write it in
New Hampshire 15 6= 9

New York 17 + 1 = 18 Dear Dwarfs

Remember these basic
laws of your and you’re:
South Caro ina 14 3 = 11 You’re probably wondering why I left I have to
5 admit I have gotten tired of your strange habits
• Your
7+2= 9 Your is the possessive
Maryland 15 2 = 13 It seems like if you’re not sneezing then you’re form of you Use it when
sleeping or you’re acting grumpy you are talking about
Pennsylvania 14 9= 5 6
something that be ongs to
Also it turned out that the prince wasn t for me the person with whom you
+ 5
Connecticut 12 + 5 = 17 11
As I said to him You’re really nice but I don t are speaking (Example: I
8+5= 13 really ike your new jeans
want to sit around your castle all day while

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

Where did you get them?)
Rhode Island 7+3= 10 you’re off slaying dragons
• You’re
6 + 8 = 14 The other day I took a good look in the You re is a contract on of
North Caro ina 13 7= 6
mirror Sure it said You’re the fairest of them you are Here s a tip:
Whenever you write you re
Georgia 7+5= 12 6 all But it also said Plan for your future What read over the sentence
12 about your education? Your career? and substitute you are for
New Jersey 14 6= 8 17 7 = 10 That was it Snow I said say good bye to
you re If the sentence
makes sense you ve made
your You’re going back to school
Virginia 7+8= 15 the right choice (Examp e:

S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

your feelings I
I hope I haven t hurt I always tell people that
you’re my best fr end )
appreciate your kindness You’re a l very
18 1= 17
15 generous But for now you’re on your own
9 12 4= 8 9
Your friend
6 + 6
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Snow White

11 12

page 11 page 12

Use wi h page 14 Use wi h page 13

Week 1 • Day 2 Week 1 • Day 2




Making Predictions Making Predictions




Homer’s Big Adventure



The truck ro led down the alley and into the



street As it turned the corner Homer was flung off

Use details from a story to help determine what will happen next Th s is called



making predictions the truck and onto the hood of a school bus He


grabbed onto the windshield wipers as the bus

Brian was in such a hurry to get to the school bus on time that he forgot to




drove to the corner and stopped

close the door on Homer’s cage after he fed him Homer T Hamster knew this

The antonyms in thes puzzle

because the last letter of each

The bus driver exclaimed “Look kids! There is

antonym in the chain is also

chains hang together. That s
the first antonym ends with

chains zig and zag, but the

was his big chance He crawled out of

antonym. So, i this chain,

Complete the antonym for
each word below. The ast

the first letter of he next

the first letter of the next
a hamster riding on our bus!” A l the kids rushed

letter of each antonym is

his cage and ran downstairs careful to

antonym in the chain.

forward to see the funny sight Homer looked
sneak past Brian’s mother without being
through the windshield at all the surprised faces
seen He ducked through a hole in the

l in qu re 2.

A l of a sudden Homer saw Brian! Brian ran out of the bus and carefully picked
screen door and stepped out into the

up Homer “Hey buddy how did you get out here? Are you okay?” Brian asked


great backyard
as he petted Homer’s fur
“Yippeeee!” cried Homer

throwing his l ttle arms into the air “I’m 1 What do you think happened next? Color the picture that seems to be the
free at last!” He zipped through the most likely ending to the story Sc ol s ic nc Summer Exp e s B tween G ades 3 & 4

gate and down the alley The first thing

Homer saw was a huge snar ing German
shepherd who thought it was fun to
chase anything that could run “R r ruff!




w o



R r ruff!” Homer scurried here and there



only inches ahead of the dog He barely





escaped by hiding under a flowerpot “Whew that was close!” he thought






He waited there a while shaking ike a leaf

2 Underline the sentence that tells the main idea of the story



Then he crept out into the alley again He looked this way and that The




coast was clear so he skipped happily along He looked up just in time to see



Homer hid under a flowerpot to escape from a German shepherd


the big black tires of a pickup truck that was backing out of a driveway He
Homer had many exciting adventures after craw ing out of his cage
almost got squooshed! So he darted quickly into someone’s backyard where a
S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

the first antonym ends with

the first antonym ends with

a tonym. So, in this chain,

antonym. So, in this chain,

Brian was surprised to see Homer riding the school bus
Comp ete the antonym for

Comp ete the antonym for

each word below. The last

each word below. The last

boy was mowing the lawn R r r r r r! Homer had to jump out of the way again
the first etter of the next

the first etter of the next

letter of ea h antonym is

l tter of e ch antonym is
Back in the alley he decided to rest somewhere that was safe He crawled 3 Do you think Homer will leave his cage again? Write a sentence to tell why
into a garbage dumpster and fe l asleep Later he heard the sound of a big
Answers will vary.

w in square 2.
p in square 2.

truck He felt himself going high up into the air The dumpster turned upside or why not
8 st ongest

6. wealthy


7 cooked

down and the lid opened Homer was falling “Yikes!” screamed Homer He had


Scho a t c nc

Scho a t c nc




to think fast He reached out and grabbed the side of the truck holding on for
On another sheet of paper, write a paragraph telling about one more adventure
dear life

Homer might have had. Read your paragraph to a fam ly member.

13 14

page 13 page 14 page 15



the first antonym ends with

antonym. So, in this chain,
the first letter of the next

each word below. The last

Complete the antonym for


the first antonym ends with

antonym. So, in this chain,
the first letter of the next
letter of each antonym is
each word below. The last
Complete the antonym for
etter of each antonym is
n in square 2.

d in square 2.

Week 1 • Day 4 Week 1 • Day 4


Add tion Wr ting a Newsletter

It All Adds Up! My Family News

Add Fi l in the missing numbers

Draw a picture about something that happened at

3 2 4 2 4 1 1 5 5 2 1 3
home and glue it in this space Write a sentence
+ 6 3 2 + 5 5 1 + 3 3 1 + 3 1 3 about it underneath









6 6

9 5 6 7 9 2 4 8 5 2











4 1 5 1 4 3 2 0 2 4 3 1




2 2 2 ill var

+ 3 2 + 1 4 6 + 2 1 6 + 4





S ho as c nc S mmer E pr ss Betw en G ad s 3 & 4
7 3 7 2 8 9 4 1 8 8 5 3

1 4 2 5 4 1 3 3 5 7 1 2

“t” in square 2.
the first antonym ends with
an onym. So, in this chain,
the first letter of the next
letter of each antonym is
each word below. The last
Complete the antonym for



with h in square 2.
the first antonym ends
antonym. So, in this chain,
the first letter of the next
letter of each antonym is
each word below. The last
Complete the antonym for

+ 2 3 3 + 1 3 4 + 3 3 3 + 2 3 2
wi d



3 7 5 6 7 5 6 6 8 9 4 4
Just for Laughs This Week’s Newsmaker
2 2 0 5 4 2 2 4 4 1 6
+ 3 1 4 + 3 3 4 + 1 4 3 + 1 3 2


Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des 3 & 4

Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des 3 & 4







5 3 4 8 4 8 3 6 7 5 4 8







Joe and Ellie were going to the movies. Joe brought $5 4 0, and Ell e brought $ 4 .35.





If they had $9.75 altogether, how much money did they each have? Show your work.


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17 18

page 16 page 17 page 18

Week 1 • Day 5 Week 1 • Day 5
Comb n ng Sentences Cursive Wr ting

Applause for the Clause A‡ Z™

Sometimes you can use words such as when because whi e and before to combine two sentences
with related ideas into one sentence with a main clause and a dependent clause A clause is
a group of words with a subject and a predicate A dependent clause cannot stand alone An
independent clause can stand alone
Lee woke up late today. He realized he hadn’t set the alarm last night.
When Lee woke up late today, he realized he hadn’t set his alarm last night. A‡ B C‡ D E‡ F
This is a dependent clause Th s s an independent clause
When the dependent clause comes before the main clause as in the above
sentence add a comma after the dependent clause If the dependent clause
G H I J™ K‡ L M‡
fo lows the main clause you do not need a comma Here s an example
Lee was upset. He was going to be late for school.
Lee was upset because he was go ng to be late for school.
N‡ O P Q R‡ S T
Use the word inside the parentheses to combine each pair of sentences into one
(Sentences may vary.)
1 I waited for my parents to get home I watched a movie (while)
U‡ V W X Á™ Z™
While I waited for my parents to get home, I watched a movie.

2 My brother was in his room He had homework to do (because)

My brother was in his room because he had homework to do.

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

3 The movie was over The power went out (before) Write
Before the movie was over, the power went out.

4 This happens all the time I wasn’t concerned (since)

Since this happens a l the time, I wasn’t concerned.
5 I didn’t mind the dark at first I heard a scratching sound (until) r ch
S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

I didn’t mind the dark at first until I heard a scratching sound. k
C hec
6 I found my flashlight I started to look around (when)
When I found my flashlight, I started to look around.
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I was checking the iving room I caught Alex trying to hide (when)
I was checking the living room when I caught Alex trying to hide.
19 20

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Week 2 • Day 1 Week 2 • Day 1 Week 2 • Day 2

Suff xes Compound Sentences Analog es

Who Said What? A New Challenge Picking Pairs

Many words end with a suff x that means “one who” or “one who does an action ” When you write you may want to show how the ideas in two s mple sentences are related
For each number a line connects two things that go together Find two other things
You can combine the two sentences by using a comma and the conjunct ons and but or or to
that go together in the same way Draw a line to connect them
show the connect on And shows a link between the ideas but shows a contrast and or shows a
astronomer merchant superintendent inventor dentist choice The new sentence is called a compound sentence
librarian pharmacist photographer editor wa ter
My sister wants to join a football team. My parents aren’t so happy about it. 1 imaginary number 5 core see
My sister wants to join a football team, but my parents aren’t so happy about it.
Read the sentences Write the word from the box that identifies who said what ban make be ieve time hear
Annie is determined. Her friends think she’d make a great place kicker.
1 “Your prescription is ready ” said the pharmacist Annie is determined, and her fr ends think she’d make a great place kicker. a low forbid here corps

2 “Would you ike fries mashed or baked potatoes?” Should Annie play football? Should she try something else?
Should Annie play football, or should she try something else?
asked the waiter
Combine each pair of sentences Use and but or or to show the connection between 2 secret midnight 6 snake mammal
3 “I am canceling classes today ” the school the ideas and make a compound sentence
superintendent decided huge tiny tiger jungle
1 My sister Annie has always participated in sports Many say she’s a natural athlete
4 “These watches were imported from Germany ” solid liquid skin reptile
My sister Annie has always participated in sports, and many say she’s
explained the merchant
a natural athlete.
5 “Star system Alpha Centauri is 4 3 light years away ”
2 Soccer basketba l and softball are fun She wanted a new challenge
explained the astronomer 3 clap permit 7 perfect flawless
Soccer, basketball, and softball are fun, but she wanted a new prevent applaud puppy stare
6 “The fine for the overdue books is five dollars ”
cha lenge.
stated the librarian a low pretend stroll walk
3 My sister talked to my brother and me We were honest w th her
7 “Face the camera and smile ” instructed
photographer My sister talked to my brother and me, and we were honest with her.
8 “This incredible engine will revolutionize transportation ” 4 terrier retriever 8 chair candle

inventor 4 I told Annie to go for it My brother told her to stick with soccer or basketball lime strawberry wick soft
explained the
I told Annie to go for it, but my brother told her to stick with soccer penguin crowd cord lamp
9 “It took two years to prepare this book for
or basketball.
S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

publication ” said the editor

10 “You have a small cav ty in this back molar ” 5 Will Dad convince her to try sk ing? Will he suggest ice skating?

said the dentist Will Dad convince her to try skiing, or will he suggest ice skating?
Tell a family member how the pairs you matched go together.

What do you want to be when you are an adult? What about your friends? Take a survey
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Scho a t c nc

to find out. On another sheet of paper, list all the careers suggested. Continue the story about Annie s choice on another sheet of paper. Include some
compound sentences to tell what happens. Make sure your sentences begin and
end correctly. Remember to check for spelling errors.
23 24 25

page 23 page 24 page 25

Week 2 • Day 2 Week 2 • Day 3 Week 2 • Day 3

Add tion Following D rections Fact or Op n on

Majestic Mountains Fun With Words TV Commercials

Add Use the code to name four different mountain Follow the directions to play each word game When you watch TV, you see a lot of commercials advertising different products
ranges 1 A palindrome is a word that is 2 Some words imitate the noise The people making the commercial want you to buy their product, so they
spelled the same forward or that they stand for For example, make it sound as good as possible Some of the things they say are facts, which
backward Write each word when you say “pop,” it sounds like can be proven Other things are just the advertiser’s opinion about how good
N 6,348
backward Circle each word that a popping sound! That is called the product is or how it will make you feel Read each advertisement below
2,033 2,411 2,504 4,328 is a palindrome Put an X on each onomatopoeia Unscramble each Write an F in the box beside each fact and an O in the box beside each opinion
R 8,789 The first one is done for you
+ 3,030 + 1,310 + 1,323 + 4,421 word that is not noise word Wr te it correctly
A 5,063 5,063 3,721 3,827 8,749 wow seechrc creech Eat at Billy Bob’s Drive O You’ll be the Coolest
pow an XJ-80 Sports Car Kid on Your Block
A L P S dad owp Burgers.
I 7,695 today. with a Pair of
mom plurs slurp Xtreme In-Line Skates!
O 2,429 boom
funny mobo
4,258 1,326 1,012 2,321 1,231
K 5,642 + 4,531 + 1,103 + 2,000 + 3,321 + 1,120 noon lckic click
8,789 2,429 3,012 5,642 2,351 tall zzisel sizzle O You’ll never want to
E 7,483 drive your old car
deed chnucr crunch again.
R O C K Y O best burgers in town
C 3,012
3 Homophones are words that 4 Add or subtract letters from each F available in black,
Y 2,351 sound alike when you say word to change it into another F made with 100% beef red, and silver F on sale for $79.99
them but are spelled differently word Write the new word
1,204 2,113 2,042 3,746 4,131
Z 5,234 + 1,225 + 3,121 + 3,021 + 5,043 + 1,511 and have different meanings
peach ch + r = pear Sky-Diving Elastic Man, the Movie
For example, see and sea are
2,429 5,234 5,063 8,789 5,642 shoe Adventure
L 3,721 homophones Draw a line to shirt irt + oe =
match each pair of homophones Video Game O full of heart-stopping action and
O Z A R K sports p rts + ccer = soccer mind-blowing special effects
U 6,704 knot flew
love ove + ke = like
break soar O “this year’s best motion picture”
P 3,827 stove st + n = oven
flu not
Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des 3 & 4

Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des 3 & 4

Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des 3 & 4

4,053 2,216 2,506 6,471 7,326

S 8,749 + 1,010 + 4,132 + 2,401 + 1,012 + 1,423 sore write chicken c ick =
F starring Academy-Award Winning
5,063 6,348 4,907 7,483 8,749 right road brother bro + nei = neither F joystick sold separately Actor, Stretch Hamstring
D 4,907
rode brake
A N D E S You’ll have hours and now showing at the new
Some names sound funny when you pronounce them backward. For example, Carol would
hours of fun! Movie Town Theater F rated PG

be pronounced Lorac, and Jason would be pronounced Nosaj! Write your name and each of
Scho a t c

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your family members’ names backward. Then pronounce each name. Are any of the names On another sheet of paper, design an ad for the Super Squ rt Water Toy. Include
palindromes? two facts and two opinions.
26 27 28

page 26 page 27 page 28

U e with page 30 Use wi h page 29
Week 2 • Day 4 Week 2 • Day 4 Week 2 • Day 5
Compare/Contrast ae a Multiplication

Sharks Find the Patterns

There are over 350 different kinds of sharks The whale shark What is the pattern for the numbers 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18?
is the largest It is as big as a whale The pygmy shark is the The pattern shows multiples of 2
smallest It is only about seven inches long Complete each pattern
All sharks live in the ocean which is salt water but
a few kinds can swim from salt water to fresh water A 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 , 18 , 21 , 24 , 27
Bu l sharks have been found in the Mississippi River!
Sharks do not have bones They have skeletons B 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 , 24 , 28 , 32 , 36
made of cartilage which is the same thing your
Complete the chart with the name of the correct shark If the statement is about
ears and nose are made of A shark’s skin is made all sharks, write a l C 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9
of spiky hard scales The jaws of a shark are the most
powerful on earth When a great white shark bites it clamps 1 the largest shark whale shark
down on ts prey and thrashes its head from side to side It is the dead iest shark D 7, 14, 21, 28 , 35 , 42 , 49 , 56
2 the smallest shark pygmy shark
Sharks eat fish dolphins and seals The tiger shark will eat just about
anything Some fishermen have discovered unopened cans of food clocks
3 the deadliest shark great white shark E 10, 20, 30, 40 , 50 , 60 , 70 , 80
boat cushions and even a keg of nails inside tiger sharks Sometimes sharks
even eat other sharks For example a tiger shark might eat a bull shark The bull 4 the fastest swimmer mako shark F 9 , 18, 27, 36 , 45 , 54 , 63
shark might have eaten a blacktip shark The blacktip shark might have eaten a
dogfish shark So a tiger shark could be found with three sharks in its stomach! 5 live in the ocean all

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

G 6, 12, 18 , 24 , 30, 36 , 42 , 48
Some sharks are very strange The hammerhead shark has a head shaped
somewhat like a hammer w th eyes set very far apart A cookie cutter shark has
6 have skeletons of cartilage all
a circular set of teeth When it bites a dolphin H 11 , 22, 33 , 44, 55 , 66 ,77
7 has a sharp pointed spear coming out of its head goblin shark
or whale it leaves a perfectly round hole in ts
victim The sawshark has a snout w th sharp 8 has a head shaped like a hammer hammerhead I 5, 10, 15, 20 , 25 , 30 , 35 , 40
teeth on the outside which makes it look like
a saw The goblin shark has a sharp pointed 9 have skin of spiky hard scales all
J 8, 16 , 24, 32 , 40, 48 , 56 , 64
S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

spear coming out of its head and ts ragged
teeth make it look scary!
10 leaves a round b te mark cookie cutter shark
The mako shark is the fastest swimmer K 10, 12, 14, 16 , 18 , 20 , 22, 24 , 26
Sometimes makos have been known to
11 looks ike a saw sawshark
leap out of the water right into a boat! 12 has eaten unopened cans L 12 , 24, 36 , 48, 60, 72 , 84 , 96 , 108
tiger shark
These are just a few of the many kinds of clocks and boat cushions
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fascinating sharks Sam ran every afternoon last week. On Sunday, he ran 3 miles. On Monday, he ran 6 m les.
Read more about two different kinds of sharks. On another sheet of paper, ist two On Wednesday, he ran 12 miles. How many miles do you think he ran on Tuesday?
29 30 s milarities and two d fferences. 24 31

page 29 page 30 page 31

Week 2 • Day 5 Week 3 • Day 1

Subtraction Sequenc ng

Moving West My Crazy Dream

Subtract Fo low the even sums to guide the settlers to their new home I don’t know why but I went to school in my underwear Everyone was
laughing! I wa ked up and down the ha l looking for my classroom but I could
35 never find it Then I went to the Lost and Found box and put on some clothes I
58 99 11
33 27 heard my principal say “Son are you lost?” However when I turned around it
25 74 72 57 was the President of the United States ta king to me He asked me to fly on his
60 33
jet with him As we were flying I looked out the window and saw a pterodactyl
14 24 flying next to us! How could that be? They are extinct! It smiled and waved
65 94 good bye Then all of a sudden the airplane turned into a ro ler coaster It
95 86 41
22 c imbed upward a million miles then down we went! For hours and hours we
43 42 53
43 63 just kept going straight down! The roller coaster finally came to a stop and I was
52 44 41
on an island made entirely of chocolate I ate a whole tree made of fudge!
48 68 22
47 Then someone sneaked up behind me and captured me He put me in a pot of
22 44
66 25 boiling water to make soup out of me I got hotter and hotter and hotter! Finally
53 26 24
24 22 I woke up and realized I had fallen asleep with my electric blanket on high
12 42 74
Number the pictures to retell the order of what happened in the dream
61 32
34 97
21 42 4 6 1
13 42
10 40
21 55
74 44
63 82
86 15
11 76 62
20 34
50 76 29
83 37 55 16
61 79 13
21 10 3 5 2
22 25 24
S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

54 24
98 57
28 24 23
45 88 74 34
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13 46
On another sheet of paper, draw a picture of a dream you once had. Then write a sentence
32 42 about the beg nning, middle, and end of the dream on separate strips of paper. Have a
family member put the sentences in order.
32 35

page 32 page 35

Week 3 • Day 1 Week 3 • Day 2 Week 3 • Day 2

Parts of Speech Confusing Words Subtraction

Attack of the Massive Melon! Accept or Except? Great Vacations

Some words are confusing because they are similar in some way Subtract Draw a ine from each difference to the vacation spot on the map
Don’t read this story yet!
Give it to a partner and
Read each sentence and question Decide which under ined word correctly Mount Niagara Gateway Four Corners Statue of
ask him or her to tell you
answers the question Then write the word Rushmore Falls Arch Monument Liberty
the parts of speech under
the blanks below. You give I decided that I was going to grow 1 A package 2 Sam had a 72 57 58 93 94
a word for each part of just arrived for sundae after 27 29 39 19 29
speech, and your partner the 1
garden in the world I used a Jason Did he dinner Did he 45 28 19 74 65
writes it in the blank. Then
accept it or did have desert or
he or she writes the words 2
to dig holes in the backyard then I
he except it? accept dessert? dessert
in the story and reads the
story aloud. spread seeds and 3
all around Pretty
3 Beth made a 4 All the actors sang
ADJECTIVE ENDING IN EST soon my garden started looking 4
I had right triangle and danced the last 45
Does it have number Did they 66
2 planted seeds but a watermelon
NOUN three angels or perform the finale or
angles? angles the finally? finale 79 28
3 PLURAL NOUN started out of the ground! It grew 65
4 and grew ary bigger than
This watermelon vbecame
5 Megan swam the 6 Aaron’s socks
w ll
length of the pool slid down to his
5 ces said we should eat it before
tenMom underwater Did she ankles Were they 53 74
NOUN 7 19
hold her breathe or loose or lose?
6 it turned So every day I climbed her breath? breath loose

up a then leaped 7 Jerome just made a 8 Lisa opened the gate and
9 10
dental appointment watched as the cows
8 to the top of the melon and cut off huge pieces Should he mark it on ate grass Are the 38
the colander or the cows out to pastor or
We made watermelon shakes peanut butter and calendar? calendar pasture? pasture
10 watermelon sandwiches and 11
with Grand Canyon Devil’s Tower Golden Gate The Alamo Old
NOUN 9 Meg addressed an 10 Anna sketched a
Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des 3 & 4

Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des 3 & 4

Bridge Faithful
Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des 3 & 4

11 watermelon sauce I ve eaten almost nothing but envelope Should scene from a story
FAVORITE FOOD she add a coma or she just read Did 82 93 64 66 94
12 melon for the last months! Mom comma between she draw a pitcher picture 29 14 27 28 28
the town and state? comma or a picture?
said Don t look a gift horse in the
53 79 37 38 66

I sure learned a lesson Don t bite off more than you


14 Are there any words that confuse you? Record them in a notebook Include the definition
Scho a t c

Scho a t c

Scho a t c

and a sentence using the word Think of ways to help yourself remember confusing words On the map above, mark and write the name of a vacation spot in the United
can ! States you would like to visit. Wr te a subtraction problem for t.
36 37 38

page 36 page 37 page 38

Use with page 42
Week 3 • Day 3 Week 3 • Day 3 Week 3 • Day 4
Proofreading Addit on/Subtraction Story Elements

Diary of a Dog Did You Know? Best Friends

by Louie the Dog Add or subtract Write the letter for the matching number below to find out Amy dreaded recess every day She did
Find and mark the twelve errors They may be spelling punctuation cap talization or whose face is on the $50 bill
grammar errors
not have any friends to play with All the
girls in her class were paired up with a best
S $27.99 L $25.59 R $71.90

friend or in groups and she always felt left


+ $63.84 + $44.96 $59.17

Dear Diary $91.83 $70.55 $12.73 out So instead of playing with anyone Amy
o c just wa ked around by herself She wanted

Today I get up I did some scrathing because my neck itched Then I slept Then I

to seesaw but that is something you need


did some sn ffing around Then I slept Then I barked at the mai man After that I took

E $13.88 S $80.31 S $25.79 to do with a friend She l ked to swing but

cap a nap until dinnertime for dinner I had pellets in a dish then I went back to sleep cap

+ $28.08 $46.16 + $38.51 she could not go very high She wished



Yours truly $41.96 $34.15 $64.30

someone would push her to get her started

One day the teacher Mrs Gibbs

Dear Diary wa ked up and put her arm around Amy

T $53.97 Y $27.66 N $32.48 “What’s the matter Amy? Why don’t you
Today I saw a small wh te cats out in the yard This really made me mad! So I


$29.09 + $43.74 + $17.77


play with the other ch ldren?” she asked

barked a lot I felt better afterwards Do you know what I ate for dinner I ate pellets! $24.88 $71.40 $50.25

u went Amy replied “Everyone has a friend

I washed t all down w th a big s irp of water Then I go back to sleep
except me I don’t have anyone ” Mrs Gibbs smiled and said “Amy the way to


5 50

Yours truly get a friend is to be a friend ” Amy asked “How do I do that?”

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

S $94.33 U $13.88 G $68.74
Mrs Gibbs answered “Look around the playground There are three classes
$56.34 + $18.88 $55.29
of third graders out here during this recess time Find someone who is alone and

Dear Diary
$37.99 $32.76 $13.45



I just felt l ke barking todae needs a friend Then go to that person and ask them to play ” Amy said she
would think about t but she was afraid she would be too embarrassed She
So I barked and barked Then I
ate A
wasn’t sure she could do it
eaten pellets and went to sleep $63.89
+ $26.53 The next day Amy noticed a dark haired girl a l alone on the playground
Yours truly Louie $90.42 She worked up her courage and walked over to the girl “Hi! My name is Amy
Do you want to play with me?” she asked
S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

Dear Diary “Okay ” the girl said shyly As they took turns pushing each other on the
swings Amy found out that the girl’s name was Ming She and her fam ly had
That mailman comes every day U
_____ L
_____ Y
_____ S
_____ S
_____ E
_____ S
r just moved from Japan She did not know anyone and could not speak much
I’m getting tired of banking at him But I did it anyway Also I took a walk $32.76 $70.55 $71.40 $64.30 $91.83 $41.96 $37.99
Eng ish yet She needed a friend
Tomorrow I’ll catch up on my sleeping
S. G R A N T “Want to seesaw?” Amy asked Ming looked puzzled Amy pointed to the
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Scho a t c nc

Scho a t c nc

Scho a t c nc
Yours truly Louie seesaw Ming smiled and nodded Amy was so happy She finally had a friend!
$34.15 $13.45 $12.73 $90.42 $50.25 $24.88

39 40 41

page 39 page 40 page 41

Use wi h page 41
Week 3 • Day 4 Week 3 • Day 5 Week 3 • Day 5
Story Elements Adject ves Root Words

Add an Adjective The Root of the Matter

On each blank write the letter of the picture that correctly answers the
question One answer is used twice An adjective is a word that descr bes a noun An A word can have different parts Many words have a main
adjective often tells what kind or how many part or root The root conta ns the basic meaning of the
1 Where does this story take place? B arrow word For example ped is the root n the word pedal The
Look at the noun arrow at the top of the triangle meaning of ped is “foot ” Feet are used to push down on the
2 Who is the main character in the story? E red arrow
Then read each line The adjectives are underlined pedals of a bicycle to cause it to move
Who are the other two characters in the story? A and D Note how they help to tell more about the arrow
sleek red arrow The root is missing from a word in each sentence below
3 What is the problem in the story? G Complete these triangles Add adjectives on each Use context clues and the meaning of the roots in
straight sleek red arrow
ine to describe the nouns the box to figure out the missing word part
4 How does Amy solve her problem? F
Then write it in the space to complete the word
5 What is Ming’s problem? C
How does Ming’s problem get solved? F pos = place phon = sound photo = light
port = carry pop = people
A. C. D. cat

1 The pop ulation of our town is just over 20,000
Ming var
Mrs. Gibbs es w 2 The orchestra w ll perform a sym phon y by Beethoven next week
B. E. Adje 3 The pos ition of the hour hand shows that it is 2 00 PM

4 What goods does our country ex port to other countries?

5 During photo synthesis, plants use sunlight to make food

playground Ming needed a friend, too. Amy
mitten clown
F. G. List the words you completed Then write your own definition for each word
mitten clown
Use a dictionary if you are not sure
mitten clown 6

mitten clown 7 y.
ill var
S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

Amy asked Ming to play, and Write a sentence using the noun and all the adjectives from one of the triangles you
completed 10
they became friends. Amy needed a friend.
What other words do you know with the roots ped pos phon photo port and pop?
Scho a t c nc

Scho a t c nc

Scho a t c nc
Think about what you did during breakfast or another part of your day. On another On another sheet of paper write a word containing each root Circle the root
sheet of paper, ist the characters, setting, problem, and solution. Use this ist to
42 write a story. Read the story to a family member. 43 44

page 42 page 43 page 44

Week 4 • Day 1 Week 4 • Day 1

Mu tiplicat on Facts Comb ning Sentences

Multiplication Success Order the Combination

Have you ever noticed how short sentences can make your writing sound choppy? When two
Why are multiplicationists so successful? sentences have different subjects and the same predicate you can use the conjunction and to
To find out mu tiply Then use the code to write the letter of each multiplication combine them into one sentence with a compound subject
sentence on the blank above ts product My fr ends ordered a pepperoni pizza. I ordered a pepperoni pizza.
My fr ends and I ordered a pepperoni pizza.
A 10 x 10 = 100 G 3x1= 3 N 12 x 8 = 96 S 6x9= 54 When two sentences have the same subject and different predicates you can use and to combine
36 them into one sentence with a compound predicate
B 6x7= 42 H 9x9= 81 O 6x6= T 6x0= 0
My mom ordered. She had pasta instead.
C 5x6= 30 I 8x9= 72 P 11 x 12 = 132 U 5x8= 40 My mom ordered and had pasta nstead.
E 7 x 7 = 49 L 12 x 2 = 24 Q 8 x 8 = 64 V 7 x 3 = 21 When two sentences have the same subject and predicate and different objects you can comb ne
them into one sentence with a compound object using and
F 3 x 9 = 27 M 3 x 6 = 18 R 4 x 5 = 20 Y 2 x 8 = 16
My dad wanted anchovies on his pizza. He also wanted onions.
My dad wanted anchovies and onions on his pizza.
E v e r y p r o b l e m
Fi l in the missing subject object or predicate in each set of shorter sentences Then
49 21 49 20 16 132 20 36 42 24 49 18 combine the sentences by making compound subjects objects or predicates using and

1 are sweet and juicy

t h e y e n c o u n t e r are sweet and juicy

0 81 49 16 49 96 30 36 40 96 0 49 20
2 I about the history of basketball for homework

i n l i f e I about the history of basketball for homework

72 96 24 72 27 49 var
wi l
3 tenceissso much fun!
d sen
b e c o m e s a s an is also so much fun! (Change is to are )
42 49 30 36 18 49 54 100 Ans
Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des 3 & 4

Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des 3 & 4

4 I ike more than broccoli or cau iflower

c h a l l e n g e I ike more than broccoli or cau iflower

30 81 100 24 24 49 96 3 49
5 I’d like to have for breakfast
t o c o n q u e r !
I’d also ike to have for breakfast

0 36 30 36 96 64 40 49 20
Scho a t c

Scho a t c

47 48

page 47 page 48
Use wi h page 52
Week 4 • Day 2 Week 4 • Day 2 Week 4 • Day 3
Analogies Div s on Context Clues

Part of a Whole No Way! Monroe’s Mighty Youth Tonic

Some things are parts of other things For example a page is a part of a book To divide with rema nders follow these steps
First read each sentence Note the underlined words Then tell how the words in
1 Does 8 x 34? No! 2 Use the closest 3 Subtract to find 4 The remainder is
the first pair are related and how the words in the second pair are related
smaller d vidend the remainder always less than
8 x 4 32 the divisor
8 34
Tip 8
34 8
34 8
4 R2
A page is to a notebook as an eraser is to a pencil. 32 32 32
Say to yourself: A page is part of a notebook and an eraser is part of a pencil. 2 2
Divide Then use the code to complete the riddle below

1 A map is to an atlas as a definition is to a dictionary. E 9 R3 L 9 R2 S 9 R4 O 4 R4

9 84 3 29 7 67 5 24

2 A wing is to a bird as a fin is to a fish T 3 R5 N 7 R5 P 6 R3 I 7 R3

6 23 6 47 6 39 7 52
1–5: Child should note that in each analogy,
the first item in the word pair is a part of the second item. Way back yonder in 1853 a traveling salesman named “Shifty” Sam
3 Sand is to a beach as trees are to a forest O 4 R3 A 8 R6 T 8 R2 S 6 R1 Monroe rode into our l ttle town of Dry Gulch I was there that day when Shifty

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

4 19 8 70 3 26 9 55 stood on the steps of his buckboard sel ing Monroe’s Mighty Youth Tonic Shifty
announced “Ladies and gentlemen lend me your ears I Sam Monroe have
invented a tonic that wi l give you back your youth It will put a spring in your
H 5 R3 ! 6 R3 R 5 R2 N 9 R7 step You’ll feel years younger if you take a spoonful of this heavenly elixir once
4 A mattress is to a bed as a cushion is to a chair
4 23 7 45 5 27 8 79
a day It contains a special blend of secret ingredients Why it once made a
94 year old cowboy feel so young he went back to bustin’ broncs again! An
old settler that was over 100 felt so young he let out a war whoop that could
5 A recipe is to a cookbook as a photo is to an album be heard in Pike County! It’s a steal at only one do lar a bottle Step right up
S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

Emily: Yesterday I saw a man at the mall with very long arms. and get yours now ” Well I wondered what those secret ingredients were so
Every time he went up the stairs he stepped on them. I bought a bottle and tasted it It tasted l ke nothing but sugar water So I hid
Jack: Wow! He stepped on his arms? behind Shifty Sam’s wagon and waited for the crowd to mosey on home
Make up a part/whole analogy for someone in your home to comp ete. Emily: N ____,
____ O O ____
____ N T ____
____ H ____
E When Shifty went inside to make some more tonic I kept my eye on him Sure
7 R5 4 R4 4 R3 9 R7 8 R2 5 R3 9 R3 enough he mixed sugar and water and added a drop of vanilla We’d been
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Scho a t c nc
S ____
____ T ____
A ____
I ____
R ____
S ____
! hornswoggled! I hightailed it right then over to the sheriff’s office and had him
9 R4 3 R5 8 R6 7 R3 5 R2 6 R1 6 R3 arrest that no good varmint Old Shifty is now spending the rest of his “mighty
49 50 youth” behind bars! 51

page 49 page 50 page 51

Use with page 51

Week 4 • Day 3 Week 4 • Day 4 Week 4 • Day 4
Context Clues Making Inferences Punctuation

Where Am I? Using Punctuation

Howdy, partner! Read the bolded words Making inferences means to use nformation in a story to make judgments about Quotation marks show the exact words of a speaker Commas appear between the
in the story on page 51 What do they information not given in the story day and year in a date between the city and state in a location between the lines of
mean? Hitch up the words on the left with an address and after a l but the last tem in a series Under ining shows book titles
the correct meanings on the right Read each riddle below Look for clues to help you answer each question
1 It is dark in here I hear bats flying 2 Let’s sit in the front row! Ha ha ha! A Read each sentence. Add any missing commas.
With my flashlight, I see stalactites That’s funny a cartoon about
1 Mrs. Wu’s bank is located at 92 Maple Avenue Inwood,Texas 75209.
hanging above me I hear water a drink cup that is singing to a ,
dripping Where am I? candy bar That makes me hungry
2 She opened an account there on September 8 2001.
1 way back yonder walk slowly in a cave I think I’ll go get some popcorn ,
before it starts Where am I? 3 She also uses the branch office in Lakewood, Texas.
2 buckboard cheated; tricked
3 This thing keeps going faster and at a movie
4 That branch is open weekdays Saturdays, and some evenings.
3 Lend me your ears faster, up and down, and over and ,
watched him closely 4 I can see rivers and highways
around It tickles my tummy The 5 The main office is closed Saturdays, Sundays, and all holidays.
girls behind me are screaming I that look l ke tiny ribbons I am
4 Put a spring in your step making wild horses gentle
hope I don’t go flying out of my glad I got to s t by the window 6 Mrs. Wu saw Ms. Ames,Mr. Pacheco, and Mrs. Jefferson at the bank
seat! Where am I? Wow, we are in a cloud! Yes,
5 heavenly elixir ran quickly ma’am I would like a snack
on Saturday.
on a roller coaster Thank you Where am I?
6 special blend of secret troublesome creature 7 They carried checks, bills, and deposits.
ingredients 5 I am all dressed up, s tting here on an airplane
quietly w th my parents The
8 Mr. Pacheco has had an account at that bank since May 2, 1974.
Listen to me
7 bustin’ broncs flowers are pretty The music is 6 Doctor, can you help my dog? His
starting Here she comes down name is Champ He was bitten by
in jail B Read the sentences below. Add any missing quotation marks,
8 war whoop the aisle I wish they would hurry a snake, and his leg is swollen I
so I can have some cake! hope he will be all right Where commas, or underlining.
9 It’s a steal! Where am I? am I? “ ”
1 My favorite author is Jerry Spinelli said Rick.
You are getting it for a low at a wedding at the vet ,
10 mosey
price 2 Spinelli was born on February 1, 1941.

11 kept my eye on him 7 How will I ever decide? Look at 8 This row has carrots growing, and
I won’t tell what’s in t this one has onions The corn is 3 His home town is Norristown, Pennsylvania.
S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

all the different kinds There are
red hots, chocolates, candy corn, getting tall The soil feels dry I “ ”
12 hornswoggled
makes you feel peppy better water the plants today
4 What are your favorite books by him?, asked Teresa.
gummy worms, jawbreakers, and
13 hightailed t lol ipops Boy, this is my favorite Don’t you think so, Mr Scarecrow? 5
“I like Maniac Magee Dump Days and Fourth Grade Rats”replied Rick.
many years ago place in the mall! Where am I? Where am I? , , ,
14 no good varmint at a candy store in a garden
loud yell
Scho a t c nc

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Scho a t c nc
15 behind bars On another sheet of paper, write two “Where Am I?” riddles of your own. Write a sentence that tells your own mailing address. Then name three things
wonderful tonic Read your riddles to someone else and have them guess where you are. you enjoy receiv ng in the mail, such as letters from friends, magazines, or
52 53 54 catalogs.

page 52 page 53 page 54

Week 4 • Day 5 Week 4 • Day 5

Overused Words Ident fy ng Fractions

Numerous, Spectacular Words What Is a Fraction?

When you write do you sometimes overuse descriptive words like good bad nice or wonder ul? A fraction cons sts of two parts
Overused words can make your writing boring
3 The numerator te ls how many parts are being identified
The weather was good for our first camping tr p (fair) The denominator tells the total number of equal parts in the whole
A ranger gave us some really good tips about the park (useful) 4
Mom thought the campsite near the stream was good (lovely)
My older brother is a good fly fisherman (skilled) Write the name of each fraction
He said his equipment s too good for me to use though! (valuable)
Now reread the sentences Th s t me use the words in parentheses in place of the word good A
You can use a thesaurus to help find words A thesaurus s a reference tool that gives
synonyms and antonyms for words
1 2 1 3 1
Ident fy eight frequently overused descriptive words in the passage below and list them
in the answer spaces Next use a thesaurus to write three synonyms for each word or 4
____ 4
____ ____
2 ____
8 3
write three synonyms you know Then revise the passage Use ed ting symbols to cross
out the overused words and add the more effective synonyms to replace them
Our family has a dog named Scooter He’s normally good until it’s time
to bathe him That’s when our nice l ttle terrier turns into a big furry monster
Scooter isn’t really bad He’s just hard to handle when he doesn’t want to do
5 4 4
something I think he’s afraid of water You should see how sad he looks once 6
____ 4 8
____ 10
____ 5
we manage to get him into the tub 8
____ 9
1 good
2 nice
3 little
y. 1 2 4
4 big var
wi l 5
____ 2 6
____ 12
____ 6
5 bad ony 4
____ 12
Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des 3 & 4

umm r Exp ess Be ween Gr des 3 & 4

6 hard
7 afraid
8 sad

Reread a composition you wrote last year. Look for overused words and then
Scho a t c

Scho a t c

use a thesaurus to find other words that you could use instead to make your writing
more interesting.
55 56

page 55 page 56
Week 5 • Day 1 Week 5 • Day 1 Week 5 • Day 2
Sim les/Metaphors Idioms Contract ons

Colorful Clues Piece of Cake! Maze

You can compare two things that are not alike in order to give your readers a clearer and more Piece of cake is an example of a common idiom or Trace a path to Ocean Beach through seven correctly spe led contractions You
colorful picture When you use ike or as to make a comparison it is called a simile expression It means “an easy task ” It is difficult to cannot pass through any areas w th misspe led contractions; they act like blocks and
understand the meaning of the idiom by us ng the force you to go back and try a different route
Max is as slow as molasses when he doesn’t want to do something.
ordinary meaning of the words
My sister leaped over the puddles like a frog to avoid getting her shoes wet.
The angry man erupted like a volcano. What does the idiom in each sentence mean? START
Circle the letter of the meaning that makes the
When you make a comparison without l ke or as it is called a metaphor most sense
You compare things directly saying the subject s someth ng else
1 Jason was so tired that he hit the hay right after dinner Slow Town
The d sturbed anthill was a whirlwind of activity. a. went to bed b. went back to work c. cut the grass
Old Town
You ca’nt get
You shouldn’t
dr e fast he e
The oak trees, silent sentries around the cabin, stood guard. gas he e LONG LAKE
Jenny and I were all ears as we listened to the latest gossip. 2 Do not waste your money on this video because it is for the birds
a. worthless b. fantastic c. expensive Fish Harbor
Finish the metaphors and similes The fish don’t
Beach ille
The wat r isn’t
ever stop b ting
1 Crowds of commuters piled into the subway cars like 3 Jasmine was down in the dumps after losing the game cold h re

a. smelly b. excited c. sad

4 “Rap music is defin tely not my cup of tea,” said Jack’s grandmother illville
2 Chirping crickets on warm summer night are
a. not cheap b. not to my lik ng c. not hot enough We’re ot riding
b kes here

5 Ben and Lisa do not see eye to eye about which movie to watch Ski Resort Minersburg
Ive never Theyv’e found
3 After ro ling in the mud our dog looked l ke a. agree b. disagree c. argue skied before gold here

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

4 Happiness is
6 “I don’t recall his name,” said Kim “but his face rings a bell ” State Forest
Super Mall Youre not
a. is unfamiliar b. stirs a memory c. appears
5 Just learning to wa k the toddler was as wobbly as y. Plains C ty
I wont spend allowed to

too much camp here Couldn’t we
eat here?
n ses 7 Carlos has been on cloud nine since winning the contest
6 After scoring the winning point I felt as Respo a. very unhappy b. unfriendly c. joyous
Army Base
S ate Pa k
8 The two old men were s tting on the park bench chewing the fat We have’nt got
The e’s plenty
a pass
a. feeding the squirrels b. having a friendly chat c. eating lunch Tiny Town
of food in my
bac pack
7 Having a tooth filled is about as much fun as Our car would’nt
S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

9 Although he was losing by 20 points, Alex refused to throw in the towel fit into that
a. give up b. take a shower c. do laundry River City

8 A summer thunderstorm is
10 I kept a straight face when I saw Ann’s w ld new hairdo
a. poked fun b. kept from laughing c. stared SKY BLUE
OCEAN Ocean Beach
9 is We’ve reached our
destinat o ! Twin C ty
Scho a t c nc

Scho a t c nc

Scho a t c nc
Let’s eat t th t
10 is like FINISH
Listen for dioms in conversations you hear throughout the day Wr te them down
in a notebook If you do not know what an idiom means try to find out
59 60 61

page 59 page 60 page 61

Week 5 • Day 2 Week 5 • Day 3 Week 5 • Day 3

F nd ng the Ma n Idea Expand ng Sentences Mu tiplicat on Facts

What a Nose! Stretching Sentences Geometric Multiplication

An elephant’s trunk is probably the most useful nose in the world Of course t A sentence is more nteresting when it includes more than just a subject and a verb Multiply Color each triangle with an even product orange Color each triangle
is used for breathing and smel ing l ke most noses are However elephants also t may tell where or when the sentence is happening It may also tell why something with an odd product blue
s happening
use their trunks l ke arms and hands to ift food to their mouths They suck water
Wr te a sentence describing each set of pictures Include a part that te ls where
48 36 72 96
into their trunks and pour it into their mouths to get a drink Sometimes they spray
the water on their backs to give themselves a cool shower An adult elephant why or how something is happening
can hold up to four ga lons of water in ts trunk Elephants can use their trunks to
carry heavy things such as logs that weigh up to 600 pounds! The tip of the trunk
has a ittle knob on it that the elephant uses like a thumb An elephant can use 63 49 27 99
the “thumb” to pick up something as sma l as a coin Trunks are also used for
communication Two elephants that meet each other touch their trunks to each 49 24 56 7
other’s mouth kind of l ke a kiss Sometimes a mother elephant w ll calm her baby
by stroking it with her trunk Can your nose do all those things?

Find the statement below that is the main idea of the story Write M I in the
elephant next to it Then find the details of the story Write D in the elephant next 64 45 35 80
to each detail Be careful! There are two sentences that do not belong in this story
ill var
Elephants use their trunks to Elephants use their trunks to
ce sw 54 81 21 36
greet each other, ike giving
D give themselves a shower Se nten
a kiss

Some people like to ride D Elephants can carry heavy

on elephants things with their trunks 77 40 18 63

Mother elephants calm their Elephants use their trunks to 3 9 45 35 27

D babies by stroking them with D eat and drink
their trunks
S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

D Elephants use their noses for M.I. Elephants have very useful
smelling and breathing noses
70 42 72 72
Giraffes are the tallest animals
in the world Maria was decorating a picture frame for her friend’s birthday. She chose seven different
sized, diamond shaped tiles to glue around the frame. There was enough room to glue
Scho a t c nc

Scho a t c nc

Scho a t c nc
On another sheet of paper, finish this story: When I was on safari I looked up and saw Find a cartoon in the newspaper. Use the pictures to write a sentence on another sheet of four colors of each size of tile. How many tiles did she use altogether to decorate the
a herd of elephants Underline the main idea. paper that includes a subject, a verb, and a part that tells where, when, or why. frame? On another sheet of paper, solve this problem and draw a picture of what the
62 63 64 frame might look l ke.

page 62 page 63 page 64

Week 5 • Day 4 Week 5 • Day 4 Week 5 • Day 5

Compare/Contrast Verb Tenses Multiplication

Special Charts Present- and Past-Tense Verbs In the Wink of an Eye

Comparing and contrasting means to show the similarities and d fferences of things A
Present tense verbs show action that is happening now They agree in number with Solve the problems If the answer is even connect the dot beside each problem to the
Venn diagram is a chart made of overlapping circles that can be used to organize the
who or what is doing the action Past tense verbs show action that took place in the heart on the right and left hand sides of the circle If the answer is odd do nothing
similarities and differences The overlapp ng parts of the circles show how things are
past Most past tense verbs end in ed Two lines have been drawn for you
similar The other part of the circles show how things are different

Joe Kim and Rob each got a lunch tray went through the lunch line and A Read each sentence. If the underlined verb is in the present tense,
sat together to eat These students all had the same lunch menu but each write present on the line. If it is in the past tense, write past.
24 57 98
one only ate what he or she iked Joe ate chicken nuggets green beans 1 We worked together on a x 20 x 73
37 x 34 23
applesauce and carrots Rob ate chicken nuggets green beans a roll and jigsaw puzzle.
past x 11 480 4161 3332 x 13
26 30
corn Kim ate chicken nuggets a roll applesauce and salad x 35 407 299 x 42
2 Mom helped us. past 1260 21
23 910 x 61
1035 x 45
3 She enjoys puzzles too. present 1281 44
Joe x 12 x 20
chicken nuggets carrots 4 Tom picked out the border pieces. past 744 880 87
corn 25
past x 33
green beans 5 He dropped a puzzle piece on the floor. x 17
carrots 425
salad 6 I looked for the flower pieces. past 95 79
roll green apple- x 36 x 12
applesauce beans sauce Kim present 3420 948
7 Dad likes crossword puzzles better.
8 My little sister watches us. present
salad 9 Mom hurries us before dinner. present 25 81
corn x 46
Rob roll past x 14
10 We rushed to finish quickly. 1150 1134
83 55
x 17 x 13
B Underline the verb in each sentence. Then rewrite the sentence. 1411 715
chicken nuggets Change the present-tense verb to the past. Change the past-tense 49 58
1 What food did all three students eat?
Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des 3 & 4

Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des 3 & 4

Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des 3 & 4

x 52 x 42
verb to the present.
2 What did Joe and Rob eat that Kim did not? green beans 2548 71 25 2436
1 The man crosses the river. x 17 x 13
3 What did Joe and Kim eat that Rob did not? applesauce The man crossed the river. 1207 x 27
x 33
4 What did Kim and Rob eat that Joe did not? roll 53 61
918 x 73 16 41 72 x 11 1980
5 What did Joe eat that no one else ate? carrots 2 He rowed his boat. x 34 x 32 671
3869 x 23

544 943 2304

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Scho a t c

6 What did Rob eat that no one else ate? corn He rows his boat.
7 What did Kim eat that no one else ate? salad 65 66 67

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Week 5 • Day 5 Week 6 • Day 1
Logic Capitalization

Swimming in Logic Grammar Cop

Logic clues put the final finish on our swimming competition Read the clues and place
and the case of the missing capital letters
these swimmers in the correct finishing order
The person who wrote this letter didn’t really understand
Dive Into These Clues! the laws of capital letters Can you help Grammar Cop find
the mistakes?
1 Asher finished before Grace but after Emily
2 Grace finished after Alicia but before Finn and Di lon Circle the letters that should have been cap talized
3 Alicia finished before Emily Hint: There are 19 mistakes
4 Finn came in last

Remember these basic

Dear c nderella and Prince Charming laws of capital letters:
there must be a terrible mistake! the
• Names
stepsisters and I have not yet received an Always capitalize
invitation to your wedding i keep telling someone s proper name
the stepsisters that the invitation will (Example: Gina Kenneth
arrive soon i m getting worried that our Tyrone)
invitation got lost i hear you often have • Places
problems with the unicorns that deliver the Always capitalize the
palace mail name of the town city

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

state and country
I m sure you intend to invite us! After
(Example: I l ve in Orchard
all you were always my special favorite Beach Ca ifornia which
How i spoiled you! i let you do all the best is in the United States )
chores around the house a e you still mad
about that trip to d sney world? i don t Always capitalize the
know how we could have forgotten you! letter I when it stands for
anyway f orida is too hot in the summer a person (Examp e: I am
Results: in fourth grade and I m
so cinderella dear please send along
ten years old )
S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

1st Alicia another invitation as soon as you can i
know how busy you are in your new palace • First letter
2nd Emily
if you need any cleaning help i can send Always capitalize the f rst
3rd Asher letter of the first word of a
one of your stepsisters along they both
4th Grace sentence
miss you so much!
5th Dillon
Best wishes
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Your not really so wicked stepmother

68 71

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Week 6 • Day 1 Week 6 • Day 2 Week 6 • Day 2

D v s on Antonyms Statements/Questions

Division Decoder On the Contrary Statements and Questions

Antonyms are words that have opposite or nearly opposite mean ngs A suffix is added A statement begins w th a cap tal letter and ends w th a period A question begins with
Riddle: What kind of tools to the end of a word to change its meaning The suffix ous means “having” or “full of ” a capital letter and ends with a question mark

do you use for math? Write a word from the box that is the antonym of the clue word to complete the
crossword puzzle
A Rewrite each sentence correctly. Begin each sentence with a capital letter.
Use periods and question marks correctly.
tiny silly unclear unknown stingy tasteless
1 can we take a taxi downtown
calm few rude careless safe timid
Can we take a taxi downtown?
D co
c de
err 1
a s t e l e s s
Find each quotient Then use the Decoder to 8 1 delicious i a t 2 where does the bus go
solve the riddle by fi ling in the spaces at the I 4 anxious
bottom of the page
3 remainder
2 L
c a l m
f e w i Where does the bus go?
5 numerous
7 e
W 6 courteous i n
8 remainder
8÷2 = 4
____________ 1 S 10 enormous 6 7 8
s g 3 the people on the bus waved to us
1 6 11 cautious r u d e
2 9 n 9
t i n y The people on the bus waved to us.
2 10 ÷ 5 = ____________ A
15 rema nde Down
r3B k n l
3 24 ÷ 4 = 6
____________ 4 1 courageous 4 we got on the elevator
L 2 dangerous n 11
c a r e l e s s
2 remainder
5 3 D 3 generous We got on the elevator.
4 50 ÷ 10 = ____________ 9 rema nder o l y
2 T 7 famous
8 1 w e
5 72 ÷ 9 = ____________ F 8 serious
5 should I push the elevator button
7 rema nder 9 obvious
6 N n a
6 32 ÷ 10 = 3 remainder 2
____________ 6 remainder
6 I Should I push the elevator button?
2 r
7 48 ÷ 7 = 6 remainder 6
____________ E
15 rema nde B Write a question. Then write an answer that is a statement.
8 29 ÷ 3 = 9 remainder 2
____________ r2P
2 remainder
5 X Question:
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9 65 ÷ 8 = 8 remainder 1
____________ 10
C y.
R il var
92 ÷ 6 = 15 remainder 2
____________ sw
2 Statement:
u ___
“M ___ l ___
t ___”
i p ___
l ___
i ___
e ___
r ___
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___ What other words do you know that end with ous? On another sheet of paper make a list of
five words Write your own definit on for each word
3 1 8 5 10 6 7 2 4 9
72 73 74

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Week 6 • Day 3 Week 6 • Day 3 Week 6 • Day 4

Expand ng Sentences Comb n ng Sentences Visual z ng

Stretch It! Let’s Eat Out! The Lake Cabin

Two sentences can be combined to make one sentence by using the words although As you read the paragraph, imagine the scene that the words are describing In
A sentence includes a subject and a verb
after because until and while the picture below, draw everything that has been left out Color the picture
A sentence is more interesting when it also
includes a part that tells where when or why My favorite thing to do in the summer is to go to Grandpa’s lake cabin In the
Choose a word from the menu to combine the two sentences into one sentence
Add more information to each sentence evening after a full day of fishing Grandpa and I sit on the back porch and enjoy
by telling where when or why Wr te the the scenery The sun setting behind the mountain fills the blue sky w th streaks of
complete new sentence orange and yellow Colorful sai boats float by us in slow motion Suddenly a fish
jumps out of the water making tiny waves in rings A deer quietly walks to the
1 Mom is taking us shopping Where?
although after edge of the water to get a drink Red and yellow wildflowers grow near the big
while until rock On the shore across the lake we see a couple of tents Someone must be
camping there A flock of geese fly over the lake in the shape of a V Every time
because we sit and look at the lake Grandpa says “This is the best place on earth!”
2 The stores are closing When? sw
Ans 1 We are eating out tonight Mom worked late
We are eating out tonight because Mom worked late.

3 We need to find a gift for Dad Why? 2 We are going to Joe’s Fish Shack I do not ike fish
We are going to Joe’s Fish Shack although I don’t ike fish. k.
ild ’s w
r ch
3 Dad said I can play outside It’s time to leave you
Ch eck
4 I wi l buy new jeans Where? Dad said I can play outside until it’s time to leave.

4 We can play video games We are wa ting for our food

Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des 3 & 4

Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des 3 & 4

Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des 3 & 4

We can play video games while we are waiting for our food.
5 We may eat lunch When?
5 We may stop by Ida’s Ice Cream Shop We leave the restaurant
We may stop by Ida’s Ice Cream Shop after we leave the restaurant.

Scho a t c

Scho a t c

Scho a t c

Find two sentences in your favorite book that include a subject, verb, and a part that tells On another sheet of paper, write a paragraph describ ng the place that you think is “the
Read the back of a cereal box. Find two sentences that could be combined.
where, when, or why. Write the sentences on another sheet of paper. best place on earth.” Read your paragraph to someone in your family.
75 76 77

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Use wi h page 80 Use wi h page 79
Week 6 • Day 4 Week 6 • Day 5 Week 6 • Day 5
Money Drawing Conclus ons Drawing Conclus ons

Put the Brakes on Math Mistakes! Where Is Holly?

Once again Mom heard a faraway sound “Help me!” cried Holly Mom ran
Take a look at the signs on Bob’s store Circle any mistakes you see Drawing conclusions means to make reasonable conclusions about events in a story to the bathroom but Holly was not there She ran to the garage but Holly was
Then fix the mistakes so that the signs are correct using the information given not there either Finally she ran to Ho ly’s room and saw Holly’s feet sticking out
of the toy box kicking w ldly in the air!
One day while Mom was washing dishes in the kitchen she realized that she
had not heard a peep out of three year old Holly in a long time The last time she 4 What had happened to Holly?
had seen her she was playing in the iving room with some building blocks “She X She had fallen headfirst into the toy
sure is being good ” thought Mom box and could not get out
Write an X next to the best answer She was playing with the blocks again
1 Why did Mom think Holly was being good?
She was playing hide and seek w th Mom
Holly was washing dishes for her
Holly was playing with dolls
Mom lifted Holly out of the toy box and asked “Holly are you all right?”
X Holly was being so quiet Holly rep ied “I think so ” Holly then told Mom that she had been looking for her
toy piano because she wanted to play a song for her “Do you want to hear
After rinsing the last dish Mom went to the living room to see what Holly had the song now?” Holly asked “First let’s have a special snack You can play the
bu lt But Holly was not there “Holly! Where are you?” Mom asked Mom heard a piano for me later ” Mom suggested Holly thought that was a great idea!
faraway voice say “Mommy!” So Mom went outside to see f Ho ly was there
5 Where was Holly’s toy piano?

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

2 Why did Mom go outside to look for Holly? The piano was under Holly’s bed

X X The piano was at the bottom of the toy box

Holly’s voice sounded so far away
The last time Mom saw Holly, she She was playing hide and seek w th Mom
was riding her tricycle
Holly said, “I’m outside, Mommy ”
Mom and Holly wa ked to the kitchen Mom made Ho ly a bowl of ice cream
with chocolate sauce and a cherry on top Ho ly told Mom that she wanted to
Mom looked down the street up in the tree and in the backyard but Holly
go to the park Mom really l ked that idea

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S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

was not outside She ca led her again but did not hear her voice So she went
back inside “Holly! Where are you? Come out right now ” 6 What wi l Mom and Holly do next?

3 Why did Mom say, “Come out right now ” Mom and Holly will go shopping

She was mean Mom and Holly will go for a bike ride

She heard Holly’s voice coming from X Mom and Holly will play on the swings in
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the closet the park
Check your child’s work. X She thought Holly might be hiding
78 79 80

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Week 7 • Day 1 Week 7 • Day 1

Synonyms/Antonyms Sentence Elaboration

A Perfect Match? At the Beach

Each word in column 1 has a match in column 2 A describing word makes a sentence more interesting
The match in column 2 is either a synonym (means
the same thing such as right and correct) antonym
Read the describing words found in the beach balls Add the describing words
(means the opposite such as right and wrong) or
to make each sentence more interesting Write each new sentence
homophone (sounds the same such as one and won)
Draw a line between each match and write which type
of match it is There is only one correct match for each word
Possible answers: melting bright
1 The snow cone sat in the sun
Column 1 Column 2 Type of Match
1 modern a where 1 antonym The melting snow cone sat in the bright sun.
2 sail b dusk 2 homophone
3 thaw c gargantuan 3 antonym excited crashing
4 tired d late 4 synonym 2 Many ch ldren ran toward the ocean waves
5 blue e sale 5 homophone
Many excited children ran toward the crashing ocean waves.
6 dawn f ancient 6 antonym
7 right g exhausted 7 synonym
new large
8 miniscu e h blew 8 antonym
3 My friends built a sandcastle
9 wear j correct 9 homophone
10 tardy k freeze 10 synonym My new friends built a large sandcastle.
11 grate l kernel 11 homophone
12 assemble m live 12 antonym
younger favorite
13 danger n hazard 13 synonym 4 My brother grabbed his beach toys
14 dwell o dismantle 14 synonym
My younger brother grabbed his favor te beach toys.
15 colonel p great 15 homophone
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S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

playful flying
Your Turn 5 Our dog tried to catch beach balls

Make a puzzle of your own like the one above Use synonyms Our playful dog tried to catch flying beach balls.
antonyms and homophones Then have someone in your
family figure out what the matches are
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Scho a t c nc
On another sheet of paper, draw a beach ball. Fill it with words that describe a day
at the beach.
83 84

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Week 7 • Day 2 Week 7 • Day 2 Week 7 • Day 3

D v s on Parts of Speech Wo d Problems

Flying Carpet Super Silly Circus Weatherman

Don’t read this story yet!
Give it to a member of your
Solve the problems If the answer is between 100 and 250 color the shape yellow If the
family and ask him or her to Hmmm
answer is between 251 and 900 color the shape blue Finish the design by coloring the
te l you the parts of speech
other shapes w th the colors of your choice Hey Weatherman What
under the blanks below. You are the chances of a
give a word for each part late shower today?
of speech, and your partner
writes it n the b ank. Then
he or she wr tes the words in
the story and reads the story
440 aloud.

1 YOUR CITY I say go ahead and take

one f you feel you really Figure It Out!
2 need it
ADJECTIVE 1 Showers on Monday morning produced
332 144 251 Har har 0 5 inches of rain by noon By 6 p m ,
3 YOUR LAST NAME Over the summer the circus came to
a total of 2 inches of rain had fallen
4 NOUN Not just any How many inches of rain fell between
noon and 6 p m ? 1.5 inches
1 2

496 5 circus it was the Ringling Brothers and Barnum

201 301

196 491 6 2 On Tuesday, 1 2 inches of rain fell Two more inches of rain fell the next day How many
VERB + ER and 3
Circus! My favorite performer
inches of rain fell on Wednesday? 3.2 inches
7 ADVERB was the tamer who was fearless 100°
4 High Temperatures (°F)
3 The graph shows the high temperatures for Wednesday 90°
299 . 80°
8 and The tightrope
123 371
v 70°

wi l through Sunday On which day was the highest temperature

5 6 60°

teetered above the stage looking


reached? The lowest? What was the d fference between the two


10 PLURAL NOUN like she was about to temperatures? highest: Sunday; lowest: Thursday; 10°
30 degrees 0°

330 4 3 2
11 NOUN We saw a foot tall man juggling 4 Between which two days did the temperature drop 15 degrees?
between Wednesday and Thursday;
Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des 3 & 4

Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des 3 & 4

Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des 3 & 4

2 86 4 12 Increase by 15 degrees?
while wearing a 11 between Thursday and Saturday
06 13 5 Saturday’s low temperature was 38° How many degrees did the temperature rise to
PLURAL NOUN on his All day we ate
reach Saturday’s high temperature? 27 degrees
0 4 14 ADJECTIVE peanuts and popcorn
Taking It Further: Fill in the missing dig ts 4 15 SUPER CHALLENGE: What was the average high temperature for all five days shown
until we felt It really was

in the problem to the right 0 ADJECTIVE ENDING IN EST

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on the graph? 64 degrees
the 15
show on earth!
85 86 87

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Week 7 • Day 3 Week 7 • Day 4 Week 7 • Day 4
Reading a Table Reading for Details Multiplication

Dining with Dinosaurs Wagon Train Timothy the Tiger

This “Dino” table provides specific information about different kinds of dinosaurs Use Wi l and Kate thought it would be a great adventure to travel west with the
Timothy the tiger is a weight l fter and he
the table to choose the best answer to each question below wagon train In the spring of 1880 their family left their home in Pennsylvania and loves to look at himse f in the mirror Only
joined a wagon train headed for California For months their only home was the one of the reflections below is his real mirror
Dinosaur Facts image Can you figure out which one it is
wagon A large canvas was spread over metal hoops on top of the wagon to
and circle t? To check your answer do the
name What it Means size We ght Food make a roof Will helped his father oil the canvas so that the rain would slide multiplication problems below each tiger
Ankylosaurus Crooked lizard 25 feet 3 tons plants off and keep them dry inside Each day Kate and Will gathered wood as they The product that matches the number under
walked beside the wagon In the evening when the wagons stopped Kate and Timothy is his exact mirror image
Baryonyx Heavy claw 30 feet 3,300 pounds fish
her mother built a campfire for cooking supper They hauled supp ies with them
Eoraptor Dawn thief 3 feet 11 16 pounds meat, insects so that they could cook beans and biscuits Sometimes the men went hunting and
Maiasaura Good mother lizard 30 feet 3 tons plants brought back fresh deer meat or a rabbit for stew When t rained for several days
Plateosaurus Broad lizard 20 26 feet 2,000 4,000 lb plants the roads were so muddy that the wagons got stuck There was always danger
Seismosaurus Earthquake lizard 120 150 feet 40 tons plants
of snakes and bad weather There were rivers and mountains to cross There was
no doctor to take care of those who got sick or injured Will and Kate were right
Spinosaurus Spined lizard 40 feet 4 tons fish
Traveling w th a wagon train was a great adventure but it was a very hard l fe 214 407 563 505 499
Velociraptor Fast thief 6 feet 30 pounds meat x 36 x 22 x 17 x 18 x 12
Unscramble the words to make a complete sentence that tells the main idea
7,704 8,954 9,571 9,090 5,988
wagon dangerous on a Life hard and was train Life on a wagon train was
1 How much did the dinosaur called Maiasaura weigh?

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

a 30 pounds c 4 tons hard and dangerous.
b 3 tons d 40 tons
Choose a word from the wagon to complete each detail
2 Which dinosaur’s name means “broad izard?”
a Ankylosaurus c Plateosaurus
1 o i l i n g the canvas 8 c r o s s i n g rivers 486 107 386 719 802
b Eoraptor d Spinosaurus x 13 x 34 x 24 x 12 x 11
g a t h e r i n g and mountains
2 6,318 3,638 9,264 8,628 8,822
3 How many feet long was the dinosaur called Velociraptor? wood 9 g e t t i n g sick or
a 3 feet c 25 feet hurt with no doctor to help
3 c o o k i n g over a
S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

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S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

b 6 feet d 30 feet
4 Which of these dinosaurs ate fish? h a u l i n g supplies getting gathering hunting
a Ankylosaurus c Velociraptor
h u n t i n g for meat oiling waiting hauling
272 315 189 106 610
b Maiasaura d Spinosaurus 5
crossing cooking watching x 19 x 22 x 41 x 53 x 11
6 w a t c h i n g out 5,168 6,930 7,749 5,618 6,710
5 Which is the largest heaviest dinosaur listed in the chart?
for snakes
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a Seismosaurus c Eoraptor
b Plateosaurus d Baryonyx 7 w a i t i n g for
the rain to stop
88 89 90

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Week 7 • Day 5 Week 7 • Day 5

Story Elements Equivalent Fractions

The Math Contest It’s All the Same!

Story elements are the different parts of a story The characters are the people Equivalent fractions have the same amount
animals or animated objects n the story The setting is the place and time in which
1 4 3 1
the story takes place The plot of the story includes the events and often includes a = 8 = 2
2 6
problem and a solution

Every Friday Mr Jefferson the math teacher held a contest for his students
Write each missing numerator to show equivalent fractions
Sometimes they played math baseba l Sometimes they had math relays with
flash cards Other times they were handed a sheet of paper with a hundred
mu tiplication problems on t The student who finished fastest w th the most
correct answers won the contest One Friday there was a math bee It was
sim lar to a spe ling bee except the students worked math problems in their
heads There was fierce competition until finally everyone was out of the 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3
game except Riley and Rhonda Mr Jefferson cha lenged them with problem 2 = 4 3 = 6 4 = 8 3 = 9
after problem but both students continued to answer correctly every time It
was almost time for class to end so Mr Jefferson gave them the same difficult
problem They had to work it in their heads Riley thought hard and answered
“20 ” Rhonda answered “18 ” Finally they had a winner!
To find out who won the game, work the 7 4 6 5 3 1 2 6 4 8 0
problem below in your head Write the 6 9 1 4 3 5 6 2 8 6 7
answer on the blank 5 0 8 6 0 4 9 7 3 1 4 1 2 1 4 1 8 1 5
6 + 4 + 6 4 4 + 6 + 6 = 20 3 1 7 4 0 6 5 8 7 2 6 5 = 10 2 = 8 2 = 16 4 = 20
Now, to see if you are correct, circle only 7 0 6 5 8 4 9 3 2 9 6
the 6’s and 4’s in the box The answer wi l 8 4 9 8 0 6 1 5 7 8 4 Write the number sentence that shows each set of equivalent fractions
appear 6 2 7 3 9 2 4 8 1 6 5
Answer each question below 6 4 4 6 1 9 0 6 6 2 3 I J K L

1 Name the three people in the story Mr. Jefferson ,

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S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

R ley , and Rhonda

2 Circle where the story takes place
a in the gym b in the cafeteria c in Mr Jefferson’s classroom 1 6 1 2 1 3 1 3
= = = =
3 Circle the problem in the story 2 12 3 6 6 18 2 6
a Mr Jefferson held the contest on Thursday Raymond s pizza has been cut into fourths. Debbie’s p zza has been cut into eighths.
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b Class was almost over and the contest was still tied
Raymond eats 2/4 of h s p zza. Debbie eats 4/8 of her pizza. Did they eat the same amount
c Riley and Rhonda both answered incorrectly
of pizza? On another sheet of paper, draw a picture to show your answer.
4 Who answered the difficult question correctly? Riley 91 92

page 91 page 92

Week 8 • Day 1 Week 8 • Day 1 Week 8 • Day 9

Geometry Cursive Wr ting Portmanteau Words

Riddle Teller Fourteen + Nights = Fortnight

Read the riddle Then draw the shape t descr bes Fortn ght is a word that was formed by blending the sound and meaning of the words
fourteen and nights It means “two weeks ” Here are more words that were formed in a

I have 3 sides and have no corners. a‡ Óz™ similar way

3 corners. One of One half of me is like boost smash flop twirl brunch
my corners is at the top. the other half. a‡ Çb c‡ d‡ fle‡ Çf‡ g™ motel smog telethon flurry intercom

1 2
What word was made by blending the sound and meaning of each pair of words

k. Çh‡ ‡i‡ ‡j™ Çk‡ Çl‡ Óm‡ below? For each pair choose a word from the box and write t on the line What
does each word mean? Write the letter of the definition for each blended word
r ch
Check Ón‡ o ‡p› q‡ ‡r‡ ‡s› ‡t‡ i 1 motor + hotel = motel a break violently
into pieces
e 2 breakfast + lunch = brunch
I have 4 corners and I have 5 sides and 5 ‡u‡ Óvœ ‡wœ Óx‡ Óy™ Óz™ h 3 smoke + fog = smog
b push from
below or behind
4 sides. You can draw corners. Draw a square c sit or lie down
me by joining 2 triangles. and a triangle together. f 4 twist + whirl = twirl heavily

3 4 g 5 television + marathon = telethon d a two way

il d’s c 6 flop system
r ch
flap + drop =
you Write
e late morning
ck j flurry
Che 7 flutter + hurry = meal
a 8 smack + mash = smash f spin rapidly
wor b boost g a long program
I am not a square, I have 4 sides and 4 ild’s 9 boom + hoist =
r ch
for charity
but I have 4 sides corners. My 2 opposite k you d intercom
10 internal + communication = h a form of air
and 4 corners. sides are slanted. C
Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des 3 & 4

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Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des 3 & 4

5 6 . i roadside
work lodging for
il d’s
r ch travelers
Ch eck j a sudden

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Scho a t c

Scho a t c

95 96 97

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Week 8 • Day 2 Week 8 • Day 3 Week 8 • Day 3
Punctuation Organizing Ideas Wo d Problems

What Did You Say? Let’s Get Organized White Socks, Black Socks
Some stories may include dialogue or the exact words of story When you write a report or story it helps to review your notes and organize them into an
characters Dialogue lets readers know something about the outline to show the order n which you want to discuss them
I didn t know
characters plot setting and problem or conflict in a story Use Chester Greenwood → subject of the report Hey nice socks
Are they a pair? you could buy a pair
quotation marks around a speaker s exact words and commas of socks that had
to set off quotations Remember to put periods quest on marks I. Who was Chester Greenwood? → main idea becomes topic sentence
one white sock and
exclamation points and commas nside the quotation marks A. born in 1858 → supporting deta ls become supporting sentences one black sock
B. grew up in Farmington, Maine Of
“Get away from my bowl!” yelled Little Miss Muffet when C. as a child had ear problems in winter
she saw the approaching spider.
II. His first invention earmuffs
“Please don’t get so exc ted,” replied the startled spider. “I A. needed a way to protect ears from cold
just wanted a little taste. I’ve never tried curds and whey before.” B. 1873 at age 15 began testing his ideas
C. idea for fur covered earflaps worked
Use your imagination to complete the dialogue between the fairy tale or nursery rhyme You know it’s funny I’ve
D. people saw and also wanted earflaps Figure it out!
characters Include quotation marks and commas where they belong and the correct got ANOTHER pair just l ke
E. grandmother helped produce them this one at home
end punctuation 1 Rowena Pig is wearing 1 white sock
III. His later accomplishments and 1 black sock What fraction of the
1 When Baby Bear saw the strange girl asleep in his bed he asked his parents A. founded a telephone company You don t
B. manufactured steam heaters say!
socks she’s wearing is white? What
C. over 100 inventions fraction is black? 1
His mother rep ied 2
Study the outline above Then answer the questions
2 Humpty Dumpty was sitting on the wall when he suddenly fell off On the way down 1 What is the topic of the report?
2 Rowena puts 7 socks in the washing machine Four of them are black and 3 are white
y. What fraction of the socks is black? What fraction is white?
var 4 3
he shouted

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

2 How many paragraphs wi l there be?
y. nervously to the other
Two of the king’s men approached One whispered es w 7 7
3 What is main topic of the first paragraph?
il var
sw Sen 3 Rowena hangs 8 socks out to dry Two of the socks are black and 6 are white What
nce fraction is black? Write your answer in simplest form
S to fa l down the hi l with a pail of water he
3 When Jack realized he was about 4 How many details te l about the second main idea?
1 3
4 4
yelled On another sheet of paper develop an outline for preparing an interesting and unusual 4 Judy Frog brings 6 socks on a trip One third of the socks are red The rest are green
dish that your family enjoys How many socks are red? How many are green?
cried J ll
red–2; green–4

S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

as she went tumbling down the h ll after Jack
5 Six out of 10 socks are blue The rest are red What fraction of the socks is red? Write
4 The wolf knocked on the door of the third little pig’s house When there was no your answer in simplest form 2
answer the wo f bellowed 5
Knowing that he and his brother were safe inside his sturdy brick house the third SUPER CHALLENGE: Judy has 12 socks One third of them are white One fourth of
them are red The rest are yellow How many socks are yellow? How many socks are
Scho a t c nc

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Scho a t c nc
ittle pig replied
white and red? 5–yellow; 4–white; 3–red
98 99 100

page 98 page 99 page 100

Use with page 102 Use with page 101

Week 8 • Day 4 Week 8 • Day 4 Week 8 • Day 5
F nd ng the Ma n Idea Find ng the Ma n Idea Exposito y Parag aph

Super Duper Lance 4 Use details from the story to wr te why you think Armstrong is an accomplished
A Paragraph Plan
The main idea tells what a story or paragraph is mostly about athlete Follow these steps in planning a paragraph
Details in a story provide the reader with information about 1 Choose a topic (main idea)
the main idea and help the reader better understand the story 2 Brainstorm ideas about the topic (You will need at least three )
vary. 3 Wr te a topic sentence
Lance Armstrong is an awesome athlete! This American ll 4 Write a closing sentence by retelling the topic sentence
bicyclist won the Tour de France bicycle race for seven wer
consecutive years from 1999 to 2005 What makes
Follow this plan to write a paragraph about Ben Franklin
Armstrong’s accomp ishment even more amazing is that
1 Ben Franklin
he was batt ing cancer before competing in the 1999
Tour de France race 2 a) inventor of bifocal eyeglasses and Franklin stove
b) scientist who proved that lightning is electricity
In 1996 Armstrong was diagnosed with cancer This
5 Write a deta l about the Tour de France bicycle race on each tire c) involved in writing the Declaration of Independence
challenging disease was advancing rapidly He was given
3 Ben Franklin was a man of many talents
only a 50% chance to live Armstrong was faced w th serious operations In 1997
Armstrong received great news he had won the race against cancer! This incredible 4 Ben Franklin displayed his talents in many ways
athlete went on to win seven straight Tour de France races
The Tour de France is the world’s premier cycling event t takes its compet tors a l
over France even through the Alps and the Pyrenees Mountains The course changes
each year but is always over 2 000 miles long and always ends in Paris

Circle the main idea for each paragraph

Answers will vary.
1 Paragraph 1
ill var
a Armstrong was the first American bicyclist to win the Tour de France hs w
b Armstrong is an accomplished bicyclist Par
c Armstrong rides all over France in the summer

2 Paragraph 2 6 What are some of the challenges Armstrong has faced? Which one do you think
a Armstrong was the first American bicyclist to win the Tour de France
S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

Armstrong faced the cha lenges of batt ing

was the most difficult?
b Armstrong had cancer in 1996
cancer and competing in the Tour de France. Opinions will vary.
c Armstrong won an important “health” race

3 Paragraph 3
a Riders in the Tour de France get to see all of France
Scho a t c nc

Scho a t c nc

Scho a t c nc

b Tour de France competitors must be very strong to ride through two Read a magazine art cle about another sports figure. On another sheet of paper,
mountainous regions write the main idea of the article. Read your paragraph to yourself. Then add a describ ng word to each supporting sentence.
c The impressive Tour de France runs all over France and ends in Paris
101 102 103

page 101 page 102 page 103

Week 8 • Day 5 Week 9 • Day 1 Week 9 • Day 1

Compound Words Add ng Fractions Vocabulary

A Happy Marriage Into Infinity From This to That

When you marry or join two d fferent words you create a new Solve the problems Then rename the answers in lowest terms Below are three lists of words that have to do with geography
word ca led a “compound word ” Look at the list below Can 1 1 1 history and math You’ll need to know the meaning of the
you figure out the word that can be added to the end of each If the answer is 4 8 or 16 color the shape purple words in order to rank them as indicated If you need help
set of words in these examples to make new compound words? 1 1 1 use a dictionary or other reference source
If the answer is 2 3 or 7 color the shape blue
Write the word and the compound words t creates in the blanks 2 3 7
The first one is done for you If the answer is 3 4 or 8 color the shape green
3 4 5 1 Write these geographic terms in order from the
If the answer is 5 5 or 7 color the shape yellow smallest in area to the biggest in area
1 half night over time (ha ftime, nighttime, overtime) 9 11
If the answer is 10 or 12 color the shape pink
city town
2 every no some thing (everything, nothing, something) Finish the design by coloring the other shapes with colors of your choice city
3 bed bath store room (bedroom, bathroom, storeroom) continent county
1 1 continent
4 f re work birth place (fireplace, workplace, birthplace) town
4 1 4 hemisphere
5 soft kitchen gift ware (software, kitchenware, giftware) 1 hemisphere
7 3
6 border bee on line (borderline, bee ine, online) 2 3
4 3 2 Write these historical igures in order from
3 3 earliest time period to most recent time period
What word can be added to the beginn ng of each set of words in these 11 5 Neanderthal
examples to make new compound words? medieval knight
12 9 Pi grim Roman Gladiator
1 ball ine board base (baseball, baseline, baseboard)
10 Neanderthal Viking
2 proof color me on water (waterproof, watercolor, watermelon) medieval knight
Roman gladiator
3 bread cut stop short (shortbread, shortcut, shortstop) Pilgrim
Vik ng
4 ground pen mate play (playground, playpen, playmate)
5 f sh gaze struck star (starfish, stargaze, starstruck) 11 3 Write these number words from least n amount
10 to greatest in amount
6 stairs side beat up or down (upstairs⁄downstairs, 12
S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des 3 & 4

Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des 3 & 4

upside⁄downside, upbeat⁄downbeat) 5
5 score
7 7 dozen
3 gross
Your Turn 8 1 m llion
1 4 million
2 bi lion
Think of one more set of compound words that use the same word 2 1 billion
e ther at the beginning or the end as in the examples above 1 score
Scho a t c nc


Scho a t c

Scho a t c

104 107 108

page 104 page 107 page 108

Use with page 110 Use with page 109
Week 9 • Day 2 Week 9 • Day 2 Week 9 • Day 3
Reading for Details Reading for Details Possessives

Food for Thought Testing It Out What’s Wrong With This Picture?
Would you like another serving of potatoes? Use after completing Food for Thought on page 109 The Halloween Museum may be full of visual treats but t seems to play tricks on some
How much is a serving anyway? For people Fi l in the circle next to the best answer of the people who work and vis t there It makes them misuse apostrophes See if
you can you find 16 spe ling errors that they have made Wr te the misspelled words
on diets it s often hard to determine what a
1 The main idea of the passage is that peop e can use visual gu del nes to correctly in the appropriate spaces
serving is Luckily a healthcare company has
come up with guidelines that can help people a make their food taste better c bel eve n the success of the r d et

visualize different serving sizes For example a f gure out the size of a serv ng of food d determ ne the best way o cook food
Spelling Corrections
medium potato is about the size of a computer
2 Visual guide ines for food serv ngs were suggested by a Plurals that should Singular possess ves that Plural possessives that
mouse Are you thinking of having a cup of end in s: should end in ’s: should end in s’:
healthcare company c group of dieters
fruit? Think about a baseball it s about the 1 goblins 1 cat’s 1 witches’
b hockey team d computer company
right size A cup of chopped vegetables equals 2 Bags 2 sorcerer’s 2 ladies’
a fist A hockey puck is about the size of 3 powers 3 moon’s 3 cats’
3 According o the guide ines a cup of chopped vegetab es is about the size of a stains coffin’s werewolves’
an average bagel For three ounces of meat medium 4 4 4
visualize a bar of soap but for three ounces potato =
a baseba l c bagel
5 displays 5 Dracula’s 5 snakes’
of fish imagine a checkbook! b hockey puck f st 6 father’s
Decide what the main mouse 4 A computer mouse s about the s ze of This black cats tail
3 ounces These witches broom- has magical powers’
idea of the paragraph is cup of fruit a th ee ounces of ish c th ee ounces of meat sticks are supersonic!
of fish = a medium potato d a cup of fru t
Write it in the center = baseball
c rcle F nd detai s from checkbook These gob in’s

the paragraph that tell

Visual 5 You can guess that hree ounces of meat
are friendly

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

about the topic Write Guidelines for is about what someone on a d et should eat c tastes ike a bar of soap Please don’t touch

them n the web Food Servings b is more than what someone on a d et should eat d tastes better than fish
he display’s or feed
he vampi e bats!
The werewolves love
he fu l moons light
cup of All the
cats eyes
Those th ee old
That werewolf’s howl
3 ounces of chopped 6 To get the r ght po tions w thout visual guide ines you m ght need a look ev l!
ladies fingernails
need cleaning! sounds like your fa hers
vo ce when he sings
meat = bar vegetables a sca e and bar of soap c measur ng cup and checkbook
b computer mouse and baseba l sca e and measu ing cup
of soap average = fist Beware! These The werewolves howls
give me goosebumps! D aculas eyes
bats’ fangs may
bagel = 7 The visual gu del nes assume that peop e know someth ng about
scare you! just opened!

hockey The coffins lid has

S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

Yuk! The cauldron is blood sta n’s!
sports and computers c desserts w thout sugar full of snake’s tails
puck b exerc sing to lose we ght d healthcare compan es and toadstools

8 These guide ines would be most helpful to people who

Think of your own visual examples of servings for these foods a learn by do ng think visua ly
1/2 cup of rice 2 ounces of cheese and 1 cup of pasta b don t l s en well d enjoy mus c

Scho a t c nc
Scho a t c nc

Scho a t c nc
Record-B eaking
Trick-or-Treat Bag’s Do not drink from this
sorcerers cauldron! This gentleman’s bed
is a coffin!
109 110 111

page 109 page 110 page 111

Week 9 • Day 3 Week 9 • Day 4 Week 9 • Day 4

Topic Sentences Decimals Writ ng a News Story

It Just Doesn’t Belong! Kaleidoscope of Flowers Read All About It

A news story reports just the facts about an event and answers the questions who what when
The sentence that te ls the topic of a paragraph is called the topic sentence If the number has a 5 in the ones place color the shape green
where why and how The most important information s included at the beginning of the article
If the number has a 5 in the tenths place color the shape pink
If the number has a 5 in the hundredths place color the shape yellow in a paragraph called the lead
Draw a ine through the sentence that does not belong with the topic
Finish the design by coloring the other shapes with colors of your choice Grass Fires Burn Out of Control headline
Topic Dogs make great family pets WHERE did it happen? GREENSBURG Grass fires fueled by
w nd gusts up to 50 m les per hour WHY did it happen?
Dogs have great hearing which helps them protect a family from danger
spread nto a residential area early
Tuesday morning All res dents had to be WHEN did it happen?
Most dogs welcome their owners w th wagging tails evacuated W thin minutes over 25 homes
WHO was affected?
were engu fed by f ames and destroyed
My favorite kind of dog is a boxer According to of icials no njur es have
been reported
Many dogs are wi ling to play with children in a safe manner P anes and helicopters battl ng the
blaze had to be grounded because the
heat of the flames was so in ense
Wr te a news story using the information below Remember to wr te about the facts and
Topic The history of the American flag is quite interesting events in the order they occurred Fo low the model lead above

The first American flag had no stars at a l Who: Roseville Emergency Rescue Team
When: Apr l 10 2003; 5 A M
Not much is known about the history of Chinese flags Where: Slate Run River
What: team and rescue vehicles sent;
worked for three hours; rescued residents
Historians cannot prove that Betsy Ross really made the first American flag How: used he icopter and boats
Why: residents along river stranded by flash flood after storm
The American flag has changed 27 times

Topic Hurricanes are called by different names depending on where they occur
Hurricanes have strong powerful winds ill var
es w

Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des 3 & 4

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S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

In the Phi ippines hurricanes are ca led baguios Res
Hurricanes are called typhoons in the Far East Taking It Further: Place the following decimals in the correct places on the ines
below the dots: 4 9 1 7 2 5 and 0 2
Austra ian people use the name willy w llies to describe hurricanes 0 1 2 3 4 5 Use your imagination to wr te a news story on a sheet of paper for one of the following
headlines or one of your own.

Scho a t c nc

Scho a t c nc

Scho a t c
Read a paragraph from a favorite chapter book. Read the topic sentence to someone 0.2 1.7 2.5 4.9 Mystery of the Missing D nosaur Solved Students Protest School Lunch Menu
at home. City High Wins Champ onship F rst Female Elected President
112 113 114

page 112 page 113 page 114

Use with page 116 Use with page 115

Week 9 • Day 5 Week 9 • Day 5 Week 10 • Day 1
Test Practice Test Practice Reading for Details

A Letter from Washington, D.C. Preview of Prefixes

1 What kind of letter is this?
a a business letter c an invitation A prefix is a word part that always comes at the
b a thank you note d a friendly letter beginning of a word When a prefix is added to a base
word it changes the word s meaning The prefix dis
2 Where did Alicia and her family go to get a good view of means not Think about how dis affects the meaning
but I’ve Washington, D.C.?
’s capital of the words disloyal dishonest and disagree One
andpa the nat on really fun
ma and Gr our trip to has been f the Washington Monument h the Capitol
Dear Grand to tell you all about Washington D C this meaning for the prefix re is again You see this prefix
I thought g the L nco n Memorial the Jefferson Memorial
tonight so
I promised ite! Ou r stay in wh ere in words such as redo rebuild reconsider and renew
busy to wr We’re not going any
been too g or te
The meaning of the prefix over is too much Some
exhaustin seu m my fav 3 Which museum did Alicia and her family go to first?
bu t tot ally e to wr te ace Mu Yo know
u examples of words containing this prefix are overjoyed
a good tim Air and Sp ry better a the National Air and Space Museum
would be National tural Histo ns oversleep overflow and overworked
went to the the Museum of Na and dinosaur skeleto We b the Museum of Natural History
Today we Nick liked s of fossils uti ful gems the Museum of American History
so far hav e lot er bea c
museum urs! They lots of oth Write the topic and three
es dinosa amond and d the Museum of African Art
how he lov o saw the Hope Di s we saw before subtopics on the web Complete Prefixes
als day thing
there We there yester about the Aunt Ann’s the web by writing details for
whole day back up and tell you t to bed at 4 Where did Alicia’s family go on the day it rained?
spent the better went straigh It was ra ning so
we each subtopic
Well I’d urd ay night and nal Zo o ht we went The National Zoo
got here Sat went to the Natio indoors!)
That nig
that We we s (They’re music ver
y much
Th e next day at rep tile n’t lik e the nument
house king ck and I
did ington Mo 5 What did Alicia and her family plan to see in Virginia
of t me loo n but Ni the Wash
spent a lot h Aunt An to the top of we were up and Maryland? over-
cer t wit vat or wh ile dis- (not)
to a con
ay we took an ele e stu die d the map hin g is Our next re- (again) (too much)
On Mond view of the city W where eve
House They were going to see Mount Vernon in
great ter idea of ilding and saw the
and got a have a bet bu Lincoln Virginia and the w ld ponies in Maryland.
t we would tour of the we saw the morial You
there so tha Capitol We took a afternoon Me
6 In the boxes on the left, write two words that
stop was
the the Sen ate In the and the Jefferson describe Alicia. In the boxes on the right, give a
tatives and Memoria
l disloyal redo overjoyed
of Represen Vietnam Veterans !
of the day en we went to the detail from the letter to support each word
l the at the end Th
Memoria d we were e House m of Africa
n you choose.
ne how tire k a tour of the Whit the Museu dishonest rebu ld oversleep
can imagi we too we went to e? It’s so Examples
On Tu esd ay
History La ter here are fre
Am eri can ut all the museums and the n sat on the
of abo garden
Museum e that just sculpture utiful day Words That Supporting Details disagree reconsider overflow
Art Can
you believ lked in a It was a bea
S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

per we wa ing people fly kites gin a That is where Describe Alicia
Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des 3 & 4

Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des 3 & 4

After sup
amazing and watch rnon in Vir we’re leaving
ice cream Mount Ve Saturday enthusiastic renew overworked
grass eating we re going to visit d Th en on
and in Ma
ryland She raves about how exciting
Tomorrow rtha Washington live ve to Assateague Isl you a l about it everything is.
Ma to dri ll tell
George and D C We’re going s there! I Love
ing ton ing the wild ponie She admits that she did not like
Wash ut see Alicia honest
excited abo Find out the meaning of the
I’m really the music at the concert.
Scho a t c nc

prefixes ex trans and inter

Scho a t c

Scho a t c

115 116 119

page 115 page 116 page 119

Week 10 • Day 1 Week 10 • Day 2 Week 10 • Day 2
D agramming Sentences Persuasive Paragraph Organizing Words

Diagramming Sentences I’m Sure You’ll Agree! Out of Here!

Diagramming a sentence shows how a l the words in the sentence work together A persuasive paragraph gives your opinion and tries to One item on each ist below actua ly belongs in
another list To get the tem “out of here ” circle t
convince the reader to agree Its supporting ideas are
Then wr te the number of the ist where it really
reasons that back up your opinion
A Underline the articles and adjectives in each Reason 1 belongs When you’re done wr te what each list
sentence. Circle any adverbs. Then diagram each Topic sentence is about The first one is done for you
Our family should have a dog for three reasons
sentence. The model diagram will help you.
First pets teach responsib lity If we get a dog I wi l
subject verb direct object
feed him and take him for walks after school The



second reason for having a pet is that he would Reason 2 Circled Word What Is This


List Belongs on List About?
make a good companion for me when everyone else is busy I won’t

List #?
Reason 3
1 The dancer made a graceful movement drive Dad crazy always asking him to play catch w th me The third 1 thigh cyl nder ca f 6 parts of a leg
reason we need a dog is for safety He would warn us of danger and 2 slingshot pavement tomahawk 9 weapons
dancer made movement
keep our house safe For all of these reasons I’m sure you’ll agree that 3 pond palette agoon 8 bodies of water
7 communities

4 bog town village

we should jump in the car and head toward the adoption agency right

3 big cats
5 jaguar panther creek
away I don’t know how we have made it this long without a dog! closing

Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

2 The tiny cricket slowly ate the green leaf sentence 6 cube sphere triathlon 10 three-d mensional objects
Plan and write a persuasive paragraph asking your parents for something (such
7 swamp marsh puma 5 wet areas of land
cricket ate leaf as a family trip expensive new shoes or an in ground pool) 8 easel canvas catapult 2 painting terms
9 blacktop hamlet aspha t 4 road surfaces
t ny



1 Choose a topic

1 track and field events


10 decath on marathon shin


2 Write a topic sentence

B Complete the diagram for the following sentence. and

lans ary.
3 Brainstorm three supporting reasons

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S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4
hp v
1 The playful kitten gleefully chased the red ba l Reason 1 a g rap hs will Your Turn
Par grap
Reason 2 par Crea e a chart of your own like the one above but us ng only four lists See
kitten chased ball whe her someone n your fami y can f gure out which i em doesn t be ong
Reason 3 whe e it shou d go and what each l st is a l about



Scho a t c nc

Scho a t c nc
Scho a t c nc


On another sheet of paper, use your plan to write a persuasive paragraph.


120 121 122

page 120 page 121 page 122

Week 10 • Day 3 Week 10 • Day 3 Week 10 • Day 4

Area and Perimeter Reading a Chart Plurals

Math’s Got It Covered Adorable Animals What’s Wrong With This Picture?
This soccer player sure has a lot of ground to cover Just how much exactly? Look at Do you know what a baby goat is called? The chart below provides the names for Herman Hound is a smart and successful storekeeper but he sure needs help spelling
the picture and answer the questions many baby animals Use the chart to choose the best answer to each question plurals! Herman knows that you usually add s to the singular form but that sometimes
you must add es or change the final y of a word to i and then add es Help Herman
by finding and correcting 15 misspelled plurals in his store

naMes For baby aniMals Warning

Magazines and Books Signes Snack s
animal name for baby animal name for baby
Dog n Canine
es Human Being
w dth: 50 yards

Teeies Doghouse Beware the Trail Mixs Crackers

Bear Cub Fox Kit Life Puppys Beautiful Digest Owner
Cow Calf Goat Kid es
Twelve Monthes Couch A e for Sleeping Crossing K tten
Cat Cookys
in the Doghouse ies
Kittys Beware! Danger:
Deer Fawn Kangaroo Joey Mad Dogs and Engl shmen es
length 100 ya ds Outfoxing Foxs Porcupines
A Bird in the Bushes
Dog Pup Sheep Lamb
1 a What is the length of the field? yards 100 feet 300 toys Grooming Department
Bath Toies Collars and
b What is the width of the field? yards 50 feet 150 Powders for Fleas, Leashes
c What is the perimeter of the field? yards 300 feet 900 1 What is the name for a baby deer? 4 A “joey” is what kind of animal? Ticks, and Flysies
d What is the area of the field? yards 5,000 sq. feet 45,000 sq. a cub c fawn a cow c kangaroo
b calf d pup b fox d sheep Combs and Brushs es
2 a What is the perimeter of half of the field? yards 200 feet 600 2 What is a baby fox called? 5 A baby goat is a
b What is the area of half of the field? yards 2,500 sq. feet 22,500 sq. a kit c cub a kid c pup ies
Hunting Supplys
b kid d lamb b lamb d calf decoys
3 Imagine a field w th a length of 130 yards and a width of 75 yards es Duck Decoies Earplugs
3 Which kind of animal has cubs? Bowls and Dishs
a What is the perimeter of that field? 410 yards a goat c kangaroo
b What is the area of that field? 9,750 square yards b sheep d bear
leng h 1 unit Backpacks
S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des 3 & 4

Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des 3 & 4

and Pouchs

All Star Math!

ength: 1 un t

Is the perimeter of half the field what area 1 squa e

you expected? Why or why not? un t
perimeter 4 un ts
Answers wi l vary.
Scho a t c nc

Scho a t c

Scho a t c

area leng h x width

perimeter sum of the sides
123 124 125

page 123 page 124 page 125

Week 10 • Day 4 Week 10 • Day 5 Week 10 • Day 5

Descript ve Paragraph Cause and E fect ea

A Vivid Picture The Elves of Iceland This Day in History

A descriptive paragraph creates a vivid mage or picture for readers By choosing just the right If you visited Iceland would you look for elves? Find and mark the twelve errors They may be spelling punctuation
adjectives you can reveal how something looks sounds smells tastes and feels Compare the Many people in Iceland be ieve in elves and cap talization or grammar errors
sentences from two different paragraphs Which one creates a more v vid picture? other magical folk that can cause mischief Some
Icelanders consult a person called an elf spotter
The pizza with sausage and onions tasted so good.
before building a home The elf spotter ensures
One Year Ago
The smooth, sweet sauce and bubbly mozzarella topped that the land is elf free The country s Public
w th bite s zed chunks of extra hot sausage and th n Roads Administration has been known to reroute Nat onal Eat Lunch w th a Tree Day was
slivers of sweet onion on a perfectly baked, thin crust
delighted my taste buds.
highways because of angry elves Some Icelandic cap declared a ho iday on monday April 2 No
tourist groups have even made maps charting elf
one has f gureed out how you wou d actual y
haunts for curious visitors!
Cut out a picture of something interesting and paste eat lunch w th a tree If they do this w ll be a
it in the box Then brainstorm a list adjectives and Read the cause and one of its effects on the map
great ce ebration
descriptive phrases to tell about it Find two other effects in the passage Write them
on the map
y. 37 Years Ago
ill var e
hs w The excuse The dog ate my homwork was
ag rap
Effects cap fi st used by T mmy Murtz of ogden oh o cap
People consult elf spotters Timmy don t actual y have a dog or any
before building homes. a
homework for that matter! H s techer didn t
Now wr te a paragraph about the picture Begin your paragraph w th a topic sentence bel eve the excuse for even one second
that w ll grab readers Add supporting sentences that include the adjectives and Icelanders believe in elves. Public Roads Administration
descriptive phrases listed to create a vivid picture reroutes highways
50 Years Ago
tourist maps show cap On august 7 the annoying telephone call were invented in Newark New Jersey
va ry. elf haunt Homeowners were ca led and a k if they would like a free offer
s w ll
S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es 3 & 4

Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des 3 & 4

Par 100 Years Ago

Sc entest Alexander Graham Ba oney sa d that water is actua ly not wet t just seems wet
Locate Iceland on a because the other things around it are very dry His dea were later proved to be purely
globe or world map preposterous
Scho a t c nc

Scho a t c nc

Here is a set of adjectives: bumpy, dusty, narrow, steep, curvy, unpaved, well worn.
Scho a t c

Think about what they might describe. Then on a sheet of paper use the words to
write a descriptive paragraph that paints a picture. 127 128

page 126 page 127 page 128




Summer Express (between grades 3 & 4) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

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