Islamic World View Lecture 3
Islamic World View Lecture 3
Islamic World View Lecture 3
Creation of Man from Clay: The Quran states that the
first man, Adam, was created by Allah from clay. This
creation story is mentioned in several verses, including:
authority.' They said, 'Will You place upon it one who
causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we
declare Your praise and sanctify You?' Allah said,
'Indeed, I know that which you do not know.'"
In summary, the Islamic worldview regarding the creation
of man revolves around the belief that Allah created Adam
from clay, breathed His spirit into him, and appointed him
as His vicegerent on earth. This creation narrative
underscores the significance of human life, the purpose of
existence, and the responsibility of humans to worship and
obey Allah. These concepts are derived from various
verses of the Quran and are further elucidated in Islamic
tradition through the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad
(peace be upon him).
Position of man:
Intellect and Reason: Islam encourages the use of
intellect and reason in understanding the universe,
reflecting on the signs of Allah's creation, and seeking
knowledge. The Quran frequently appeals to human
intellect and reasoning as a means to comprehend the
truth. Muslims are urged to ponder upon the creation of
the heavens and the Earth, the alternation of night and
day, and the diversity of languages and colors as signs of
Allah's existence and wisdom.
Pupose of man:
In the Islamic worldview, the purpose of man is intricately
tied to his relationship with Allah (God) and his role in the
universe. Here are the key aspects of the purpose of man
in Islamic belief:
Worship of Allah: The primary purpose of man,
according to Islamic teachings, is to worship Allah. This
worship is not confined to ritual acts of devotion, such as
prayer and fasting, but encompasses all aspects of life.
Muslims are encouraged to worship Allah sincerely and
wholeheartedly, recognizing His sovereignty, mercy, and
guidance in their lives.
Striving for Personal and Social Excellence: Muslims
are encouraged to strive for personal and social
excellence (ihsan) in all aspects of life. This includes
seeking knowledge, pursuing excellence in one's
profession, maintaining strong family ties, contributing to
the welfare of society, and advocating for justice and