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Unit 2

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Bulacan State University

City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

Sarmiento Campus





Lesson 1: Cooperating Teachers’ Qualification and Responsibilities

Virtual presentation of pictures, students will identify and share ideas on class what they

Planning and communicate about learnings.

A mentor should encourage and treat each other as colleague.

A mentor should taught everything they know.

General Academics and Teacher Education Department

Co-teach with the intern and share decisions, ideas, and observations


1. Ask students to describe the qualifications and responsibilities of the Cooperating


Qualifications for cooperating teachers is one of the significant factors to produce a

competent student-teachers. Responsibility implies a duty to do and execute activities
based on the requirements and expectations set out; cooperating teachers have duties and
obligations to support pre-service teachers after they have been assigned to them.
Cooperating Teachers should work and willing to do to help their prospective teachers
obtain the foundation necessary to become good teachers.

2. Write statements on the following pictures based on what you have learned about the
qualifications and responsibilities of the cooperating teachers.

Support your field study student gradual induction into teaching,

moving from observation to co-planning and co-teaching to
assumption of lead teaching responsibilities.

Developing respect and challenge in school communities, teachers

must trust their colleagues and have confidence they will be
supported to make the changes and improvements that are

Encourage the field study student to develop own practice and make
own decisions.

Co-teach with the field study students and share decisions, ideas, and

General Academics and Teacher Education Department


Write down your expectations from your Cooperating Teacher.

What I expect from my cooperating teacher is friendly and cheerful, I want us both to be
comfortable with each other. But at the same time there is professionalism and seriousness in his
teaching. I also hope he can help me with my pre-service teacher, in the teaching field. He will
teach me the basics of teaching, how to handle students. Those are just my expectations but
whoever will be my cooperating teacher, whether kind or strict, I will accept and follow their
assignments correctly because I know they are one of those who can help me to further my

Lesson 2: Key Persons and the Role in Experiential Learning


Identify the following:

Cooperating Principal/School Head 1. S/he assigns the qualified cooperating teacher to pre-
service teachers in DepEd.

TEI Coordinator/Supervisor 2. Coordinates with DepEd Coordinator (regional/division) on the

conduct of the internship activities.

Cooperating Teacher 3. Guides the pre-service teachers in the tasks of the teachers like making
lesson plans, making instructional materials, teaching strategies

Field Study Student 4. Refer to the students taking the field study courses.

Cooperating Teacher 5. Common name to a person that has the specific task in helping the Pre-
service teacher inside the cooperating school.


Based on the lecture and discussion, differentiate the task of the key person in cooperating
school, and explain its role to experiential learning students.

The key person in cooperating school which is the cooperating principal, cooperating teacher and
the supervisor. The difference between them, cooperating principal leads the planning and
designing of the pre-service teachers’ training in the school, coordinates with assigned
Cooperating Teachers on the conduct of activities and assigns the qualified Cooperating Teacher
to pre-service teachers in DepEd. While the cooperating teachers coordinates with fellow
cooperating teachers regarding the conduct of activities, coordinates with Cooperating
Principal/Master Teacher/Department Head on the implementation of the internship program and

General Academics and Teacher Education Department

also coordinates with TEI Coordinator regarding the conduct of the internship activities and
guides the pre-service teachers in the tasks of the teachers (making lesson plans, making
instructional materials, teaching strategies). And last the supervisor, coordinates with other
personnel within the TEI on the implementation of the activities and also the DepEd coordinator
(Regional/Divison or school level) on the conduct of the internship activities. Their conduct a
constant conference with pre-service teachers and conduct evaluation conference, with other
implementers, to assess pre-service teacher’s performance.


To assess student’s learning on the lesson, recite the key person and their role to field study

The key person and their role to field study students. The key person are cooperating principal,
cooperating teacher and the supervisor. The role of cooperating principal is conduct conferences
with student teachers, cooperating teachers and university supervisors as needed. Orient the
student teachers with respect to the traditional beliefs and mores of the community served by the
school and the uniqueness of the school-community relationship. Without the vital help of the
cooperating teachers, no teacher preparedness program could claim success. Their role in the
experience of teaching students is indeed a critical one. The value of the daily contact they have
with student teachers cannot be duplicated by any other individual in the program. Cooperating
teachers are experienced professionals, competent with a commitment to their students in their
teaching field and learning in general. Supervisors are also a way to evaluate and understand the
community of the partner schools and to help the student teacher learn to relate there effectively.
They would like to see proof that student teachers do what they can to prepare and deliver
effective methodology for teaching. If student teachers have concerns or disagreements regarding
some aspect of the experience, as soon as these feelings occur, they should be encouraged to
speak with the supervisor.

Final Requirement:

What are your expectations when you meet the key person in your assigned Cooperating school?

When I meet the key person in my assigned school. I expected that they are professionals in their
work or roles because they are superior to me. I hope they are responsible and serious in their
roles, I also hope that they are organized, decent and formal in their actions because they have a
role to be assigned. Of course I also expect them to be strict, it is inevitable to be strict because
they just want the outcome to be good. I also hope I can learn a lot from them that I can use in
my future teaching.

Lesson 3: Career Stages of the Philippine Standards for Teachers (PPST)


General Academics and Teacher Education Department

Relate pictures to identify the career stages of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers

As you can see, the picture’s caption is teacher introduction so I think the career stage is
beginning teacher.

The picture shows professionally independent in the application of skills vital to the teaching and
learning process and it’s demonstrating a proficient Teacher

The arrow symbolize a high-up so it’s consistently display a high level of performance in their
teaching practice it’s shows the third career stage, the highly proficient teacher.

Distinguish teacher, they excellent potential for better teaching practice and for others. Among
other stakeholders, they are known as founders, excellent contributors to the teaching profession
and initiators of alliances and partnerships.

General Academics and Teacher Education Department


For your future reference as a successful teacher, how do you apply the career stages of
Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) in your teaching profession?

As a future educator I should achieved the qualifications recognized for entry into the teaching
profession, a strong understanding of the subject areas, essential knowledge, skills, and values. I
should independently demonstrate the application of skills necessary to the teaching and learning
process. I should do the planning, implementing, and managing learning programs. I will work
collaboratively with colleagues to improve our learning and practice.

Write down your expectations for yourself and from your Cooperating teacher after you attended
your experiential learning course.
I expected to conform to the same professional standards as the regular staff members of the
cooperating school. I should arrive at the school at the same time as the teachers and spend the
full school day and any additional planning time as the cooperating teacher requests. If
unforeseen circumstances should cause me to be late, I must contact the school clerk, the
cooperating teacher, the university supervisor. I expected to work with the cooperating teacher
each day to assure the immediate assistance in planning, teaching and evaluating. And as a
student teacher, 100 percent attendance is expected to fulfill requirements for state licensure.
Any absences can result in the lowering of the final student teaching grade or termination of the

Final Requirement:

Lesson 4: Expectations from the Beginning Teacher


● What is meant by beginning teachers?

General Academics and Teacher Education Department

The word beginning teacher" means "a public school teacher who has been teaching for less than
three full school years in total."

● Are you familiar with the domains of the 21st-century teachers? What are those?

The domains for the 21st century teachers. (1) Content Knowledge and Pedagogy; (2) Learning
Environment; (3) Diversity of Learners; (4) Curriculum and Planning; (5) Assessment and
Reporting; (6) Community Linkages and Professional Engagement; and (7) Personal Growth and
Professional Development.

● Do you have expectations being a Beginning teacher?

Beginning teacher expected to be on time, be prepared for class, be considerate and respectful,
managing their classroom it's normal to struggle with feelings of insecurity about the ability to
manage of classroom. For example, that if you're too nice, your students won’t respect your
authority. Keeping it simple. When beginning teacher keep routines and independent work
simple, they helping students to build their confidence and self-management skills, which in turn
will help them become more successful learners.


How do the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers' expectations congruent or relevant to
the seven (7) domains of the 21stcentury teachers?

With the PPST, a common norm defining teacher quality is provided to teachers across the world
The PPST also focuses on teachers' key role, which is to teach. Teaching is highly respected not
only as a profession because it gives way to other careers, but also because those who teach com
ply with a set of criteria that clearly describe their advancement across career phases.


Are those seven (7) domains could help improve or enhance the teaching-learning to meet the
Beginning teachers' expectations?

Yes, the 7 domains 37 strands and 37 indicators across four career stages could help improve the
teaching-learning and support teachers’ progression. Beginning teachers are supported to move
from one career stage to another through well-defined and targeted professional development

Final Requirement:

Answer the question, as a Beginning Teacher, what are your expectations on your subject Field
Study 1 (Observations of Teaching61 Learning in Actual School Environment), especially during
this COVID19 pandemic?
General Academics and Teacher Education Department
As a beginning teacher I expected on my subject field study especially during this COVID 19
pandemic is not easy. Field study means studying outside, observing the school environment,
observing the way of teaching of a cooperating teacher. But now that there is a pandemic, for me
it is difficult, you do not experience what you should be observing in the classroom. You do not
know what you are going to write in the reflection, what you have experienced in observing, you
will not meet your mentor. But we still need to adjust for our own development.

General Academics and Teacher Education Department

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