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Essay Kurikulum 1

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Journal of Sustainability Science and Management eISSN: 2672-7226

Volume 16 Number 1, January 2021: 70-96 © Penerbit UMT




Faculty of Education, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. 2School of Education, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities,

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.

*Corresponding author: norzai12@ukm.edu.my

Submitted final draft: 4 September 2020 Accepted: 10 September 2020 http://doi.org/10.46754/jssm.2021.01.008

Abstract: The COVID-19 global pandemic has caused massive disruptions in many sectors
of society including higher education. Although the mainstream news outlets and social
media have discussed how Malaysia’s higher education system coped with the disruptions
caused by COVID-19, a fuller narrative needs to be properly documented. This qualitative
narrative review involved an analysis of various types of publications including scholarly
articles, world organizations’ reports, university documents as well as commentaries and
reports from mainstream news outlets and social media that directly focus on the topic. It is
evident from the review that Malaysian HEIs’ priority was in safeguarding student and staff
welfare in terms of their health and safety. While providing emergency aid to students and
support for institutions, the Ministry of Higher Education together with HEIs developed
administrative measures to safeguard the delivery of programmes through remote online
learning. The analysis confirmed that while online learning is considered appropriate during
an emergency period, the digital divide clearly still exists, posing the greatest challenge to
Malaysia’s recovery post COVID-19. The critical review on the immediate impacts of the
pandemic on teaching and learning point to key recommendations for leadership, student
welfare, and the importance of flexible education and evidence-based policymaking.

Keywords: COVID-19, higher education, teaching and learning, online learning, student

Introduction are truly interdependent across all borders and

In today’s interconnected world, economic, oceans and it is critical that we build resilience
environmental, health, social and education and sustainability of communities and societies
issues experienced in one country are capable in order to weather other possible crises in the
of escalating into global issues within a short future.
period of time. When the COVID-19 virus was Education, including higher education,
first reported in December 2019, the world was has been directly impacted by the COVID-19
not prepared for what followed immediately. By global pandemic. As of 8 April 2020, 220
the end of January 2020, the virus had spread million post-secondary students across 175
to Asia, Europe and America, morphing into countries experienced severe disruptions to
a global pandemic. Since then, the modern their education, as colleges and universities
socio-economic ecosystem has been forced were forced to close in an effort at containing
into an extended period of shutdown, impacting the spread of the virus. This constitutes 13 per
healthcare, education, culture and society in the cent of the total number of students affected
short-, medium- and long term (World Bank, globally (World Bank, 2020; UNESCO, 2020).
2020). The shutdown has also revealed starkly An immediate response by higher education
the extent that the wellbeing of our planet and its institutions (HEIs) was to pivot teaching and
people, particularly in relation to climate crisis learning (T & L) activities online as much as
and loss in nature diversity, has been affected by possible, giving rise to various new terms for the
the modern industry and economic system. We process, such as “remote learning”, “home-based
learning”. and “emergency remote education”,

besides existing terms for technology-enabled experience in responding to and managing the
learning at a distance, such as “online learning” unpredictable and extended disruption of the
and “distance learning” (Bozkurt & Sharma, COVID-19 pandemic to its higher education
2020). HEIs also suspended all physical face- system, focusing in particular on how HEIs
to-face teaching and meetings, closing of all sustained their teaching and learning (T & L)
buildings to physical access and keeping their activities throughout the Movement Control
students at home. International students were Order (MCO) period imposed by the government
forced to remain in their host countries, or were since 18 March 2020, just entering the sixth
repatriated by their respective governments, phase of implementation at the point of writing.
as borders were closed for international travel. Data has been gleaned from consolidated
The immediate main concern of policy makers, published articles in scholarly literature, world
administrators, and practitioners was to secure organisation reports, commentaries from the
the well-being of their students and staff, as well mainstream news outlets and social media
as to ensure continuity in academic delivery in that directly focus on the topic. In addition,
the foreseeable future. the authors consulted various supplementary
Evidently, higher education continues to documents made available by the HEIs on their
grapple with the implications of the pandemic management and current practices of T & L
on teaching and learning, research and during the MCO period.
innovation, as well as the education outcomes The article is presented in three sections.
of its programmes (World Bank, 2020). A quick It starts with a brief introduction of the T & L
assessment of the COVID-19 disruption has component of the Malaysian higher education
exposed many short and long-term challenges system, followed by a chronology of events
at both system and institution levels. Countries describing responses of the system throughout
exporting education have seen sharp decreases in the COVID-19 MCO period, as well as an in-
revenues, since reduced mobility affects future depth review of stakeholders’ experience in
trajectories in international student enrolment T & L from the opinion and reflection papers
(World Bank, 2020). Graduates enter the job and analyses of policies and guidelines. In
market with uncertainty about career prospects. this context, “stakeholder” is operationally
HEIs have realized that they require immediate defined as those who are directly involved in
investment to improve not only infrastructure T & L processes of higher education, including
in supporting distance and blended learning students, academic staff, and administrators,
models, but also the capacity of its academic academic leaders and policy makers at both
staff and students to manage T & L activities. institutional and national levels. Finally, a list of
Students are unable to engage in active learning lessons learnt, and implications for practice are
due to limitations in internet access and digital presented, which would hopefully pave the way
devices (UNESCO, 2020). Moving forward, for more constructive, evidence-based, sector-
higher education systems must ensure that wide and inclusive involvement of stakeholders
there is some form of continuity to sustain core in rejuvenating the higher education system post
functions and operations of its HEIs. MCO.
Although the story of Malaysia’s higher As a narrative review, this paper has
education system in coping with the COVID-19 three objectives: 1) to critically reflect on
crisis has been largely discussed in the the experiences over the past few months; 2)
mainstream news outlets and social media, a to feature key takeaways on T & L that can
more complete narrative needs to be properly be shared with the global higher education
documented. Arguably, even while HEIs have community; and 3) to initiate conversations
somewhat adjusted to the new normal in academic between policy makers and practitioners on
delivery and operations, many issues have yet to sustainable practices to mitigate further shocks
be resolved. This article will narrate Malaysia’s and impacts to T & L in the future.

Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 16 Number 1, January 2021: 70-96
Norzaini Azman and Doria Abdullah 72

Materials and Method the search included grey literature comprising

The content of this review article is based on experts’ and practitioners’ opinions published
a narrative non-systematic review method, in bulletins and newsletters, as well as reports
which is a qualitative research design used on the practical aspects of T & L by students
to narrate and discuss Malaysian HEIs’ and professionals (academics and managers)
experience in responding to and managing the published in various media outlets. The
disruption caused by COVID-19, with the aim authors also consulted various supplementary
of providing a timely review of the COVID-19 documents made available by the HEIs on their
impact on higher education. This method was management of T & L during the lockdown to get
deemed appropriate due to the complexity of an overall view of the situation. As purported by
the issues. A non-systematic narrative review Greenhalgh et al. (2005), when trying to make
summaries different primary studies from sense of a complex concept or phenomenon, it
which conclusions may be drawn into a holistic is important to review literature from multiple
interpretation contributed by the reviewers’ own sources and from diverse disciplines.
experience and observations (Collins & Fauser, Data collection employed four main
2005). Given the lack of empirical literature electronic databases, i.e., EBSCOHOST,
on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic Scopus, and Google Scholar and Google, using
on higher education and that the pandemic the main key search words ‘COVID-19 and
is a new, unprecedented phenomenon, the higher education; COVID-19 and T & L in HEIs’,
narrative review approach draws its strength ‘COVID-19 and Malaysian HEIs’ to identify
from the supplemented analysis based on the the relevant records that could provide readily
authors’ self-knowledge, reflective practice comprehensible accounts of the pandemic.
and acknowledgement of shared educational From the contents of the documents reviewed
phenomena (Baumeister & Leary, 1997, Jones, (see examples in Table 1), certain themes were
2004,). developed and elaborated on accordingly. The
Since original full-length empirical studies review also highlights current controversies
written in English were limited, reviews, and contradictory impacts and crucial gaps in
editorials and commentaries and other documents knowledge, in order to impart a more complete
deemed appropriate were also considered. Thus, understanding of current thinking and responses

Table 1: Sources Used for Narrative Review

Source Type Example Total Number

of Document
Scholarly Articles Wang C. and Zhao H. (2020). The Impact of COVID-19 17
on Anxiety in Chinese University Students, Frontiers in
Psychology, 11:1168. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01168
Government Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi, Malaysia. 2020. Pengendalian 10
Information/Guidelines Program Akademik di Universiti Awam (UA) dan Institusi
Pendidikan Tinggi Swasta (IPTS)
University Document Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. (2020). COVID-19 response: A 20
From their Websites quick guide for UNIMAS academics
Higher Education News/ Ross, J. (2020, June, 4). Pandemic Confirms face-to-face 5
Bulletin teaching is here to stay, Times Higher Education
Media Articles Rafidi, R. (2020, June 19). Missing the campus experience. 15
News Straits Times
Reports & Papers UNESCO. (2020, March 13). COVID-19 educational 4
disruption and response.

Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 16 Number 1, January 2021: 70-96

of the HEIs and the system. In some instances, the depending on full- or part-time mode. By the
reviews and critical analyses are complemented end of their study, they would have completed a
by previous empirical findings from scholarly minimum number of graduating credits required
publications on related aspects of T & L. under the MQF: at least 90 credits for diploma
and a minimum of 120 credits for degree. Each
graduating credit, equivalent to 40 notional
Teaching and Learning (T & L) in the
hours of Student Learning Time (SLT), could
Malaysian Higher Education System
be delivered through conventional learning,
“Higher education” in Malaysia, as described blended learning, or full online learning, subject
by the Malaysian Qualifications Framework to the percentage allocation of face-to-face time
(MQF) 2.0, is tasked to provide training and determined under the MQF.
education programmes that enable individuals
The fundamental block for each academic
to advance their careers, professional practices
programme and course (or subject) is learning
and employment prospects in various sectors
outcome, defined as “… statements on what
(Malaysian Qualifications Agency, 2017).
students should know, understand and can do
These programmes are structured based on
upon successful completion of a period of study,
eight levels of learning achievement: Certificate
which generally lead to a qualification or part
(Level 1-3), Diploma and Advanced Diploma
of a qualification…” (Malaysian Qualifications
(Level 4-5) and Bachelor, Master and Doctoral
Agency, 2017). These statements outline
degrees (Level 6, 7 and 8). Higher education
specific skills and knowledge that the students
is also tasked to provide progression and
can perform in professional, educational, and
flexible learning pathways to learners with
other life contexts as well as clarify the demands
various needs and backgrounds, in order to
and complexities of learning by each level. The
widen access to education for lifelong learners.
learning outcomes must include both declarative
This is done through Accreditation of Prior
(e.g., facts, theories and rules) and functional
Experiential Learning (APEL), or recognition of
(e.g., communication skills, organisation skills)
prior learning for professionals with skills sets
knowledge in order to develop learners’ objective
accrued throughout their working experience.
reasoning, self-inquiry and critical-openness,
Ultimately, the Malaysian higher education
which aim to improve their scholarship and
system is expected to contribute to Malaysia’s
analytical skills. Students are assessed on these
social, economic and political development,
five clusters of learning outcomes: knowledge
through the nurturing of quality citizens, a
and understanding, cognitive skills, functional
highly skilled and talented workforce, and
work skills, personal and entrepreneurship
production of new knowledge (Ministry of
skills, as well as ethics and professionalism,
Education, 2015).
either through formative assessments such as
The Malaysian higher education landscape quizzes, tests, and assignments, or summative
is diverse, comprising over 20 public universities, assessment, in the form of final examinations.
36 polytechnics, 99 community colleges and
450 private universities and colleges across
the country. In 20191, these institutions served When Covid-19 Struck: A Chronology of
over 552,702 students, of which 173,000 were Malaysian Higher Education’s Response
international students. A typical academic year January 2020: The Onset
for these students comprises two 14-week The first three COVID-19 cases in Malaysia
semesters, and they are required to take an were reported on 25 January 2020. HEIs
average of three to seven courses per semester, in Malaysia were directly impacted by the

1 Statistics on the Malaysian higher education system can be accessed via https://www.mohe.gov.my/en/

Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 16 Number 1, January 2021: 70-96
Norzaini Azman and Doria Abdullah 74

COVID-19 crisis immediately, long before the On 16 March 2020, in response to the
rest of the country was put into lockdown on 18 alarming increase of infections due to a mass
March 2020, as they had to manage the inflow religious pilgrimage and international inbound
of international students for the February 2020 carriers, the Prime Minister of Malaysia
intake. They took the initiative to contain the announced the government’s decision to
risk of COVID-19 infection by mandating a 14- implement MCO from 18 to 31 March 2020.
day self-quarantine period for the students in Borders were closed, and inter-state air and
designated residential facilities. They also issued land travels were prohibited. All educational
travel advisories to academic staff to limit non- institutions, businesses and premises were
essential travel abroad, particularly to countries required to close, except for those offering
with reported cases of COVID-19 transmission, essential services such as healthcare, and
and also placed restrictions on meetings, mass supermarkets. Mass gatherings were also
gatherings, and sports and recreational activities. banned, and everyone was required to stay home
Classes were still conducted in lecture halls, and to minimise risk of infection.
laboratory sessions proceeded as usual. The lack of knowledge about the virus,
By 31 January 2020, the World Health coupled with the speed of its spread, created
Organisation (WHO) declared the coronavirus a situation that was unprecedented in the
outbreak a global health emergency. Malaysian higher education system. On 17
March 2020, the Ministry of Higher Education
March 2020: The Showdown (MoHE) issued a directive that students residing
in hostels and dormitories provided by their
This month marked the rapid downward spiral
respective institutions could choose to either
of the COVID-19 pandemic in Malaysia. The
return home before the start of MCO, or to
number of cases of COVID-19 transmission
remain on campus throughout the lockdown
spiked to 428 cases by 15 March 2020.
period. The MoHE also took the unusual step
On the advice of the National Security Council to prohibit all digital learning activities on 17
(NSC), the government decided to postpone March (Ministry of Higher Education 2020a;
all mass gatherings including international Asia Pacific University of Technology &
meetings, sports, social and religious events. Innovation, 2020). Both public universities and
Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) was the first private HEIs were forbidden to conduct any T &
public HEI to mandate all T & L activities to L activities, including those online, as well as
be conducted online, and to restrict its faculties examinations, viva voce, student development
and offices to organizing only internal activities and research activities during the restricted
involving no more than 30 participants on movement period (Asia Pacific University of
campus (USM, 2020). Generally, the response by Technology and Innovation, 2020).
some HEIs was to encourage or mandate online
Subsequently, media and public interest
learning, using live streaming (e.g., Facebook)
in how the MoHE and HEIs were managing
or in-house e-learning platforms (Lim, 2020;
the closure in terms of sending students home
Ramadan, 2020; Teoh, 2020; Universiti
was excessive, mostly condemning universities
Malaysia Sarawak, 2020). Some HEIs, however,
for their lack of mitigation on the possible
such as Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) and
increased risk of infection during travel
the International Islamic University Malaysia
(Annuar, 2020; Adnan, 2020). The decision to
(UIAM) continued with their face-to-face
send students home, or allow them to return
lectures. Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)
home instead of staying on campus during the
students were not allowed to leave campus
restricted movement order period was feared
without permission (Lim, 2020).
to have widened the circle of infections via
the mass student movement. The delayed

Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 16 Number 1, January 2021: 70-96

announcement, which was made on the eve of 18 to 31 March 2020, administrators at HEIs
the MCO, was also criticised as it created panic worked around the clock, putting together
and anxiety among parents, who had yet to make contingency measures for T & L activities, as well
arrangements to bring their children home. This as work arrangements for all staff in respective
directive was eventually recalled on 20 March institutions. USM, for example, immediately
2020, when the MoHE forbade students residing carried out their scenario planning activities
in hostels, dormitories and rented properties to to devise changes during and after MCO, and
leave the premises to return to their hometown to help create national service initiatives such
or homeland during the duration of the MCO as the setting up of COVID-19 special fund,
(Ministry of Higher Education, 2020b). production of sanitizers and providing first
Meals and sundry items for all students were aid and over the counter medication for their
supplied by their respective HEIs, paid for by a community (USM, 2020a). The university
contingency fund provided by the government. continued to produce Response and Readiness
The Ministry also retracted its earlier Plan for COVID-19 Pandemic and Other
suspension of T & L, allowing those HEIs Infectious Diseases Outbreaks on April 1, 2020,
that had been offering courses fully online to which is a framework of action plans providing
implement e-learning during the two weeks general guidance for preparedness, response and
of MCO (March 18 to 31), provided that the communication to mitigate against COVID-19
institution could guarantee that every student and other infectious disease outbreaks of public
had access to the Internet and that the lecturers health emergencies (see Preparedness Plan for
were ready and fully equipped, with adequate Infectious Diseases Outbreaks USM, 2020b).
infrastructure (Asia Pacific University of On 25 March 2020, the Prime Minister
Technology & Innovation, 2020, Ministry made a nation-wide announcement to extend
of Higher Education, 2020b). This decision MCO by another two weeks, starting from 1 –
was taken to ensure that the right to sustain 14 April 2020.
educational activities for all registered, full-fee
paying students in HEIs was protected within April – May 2020: The Acclimatisation Period
the framework of equal opportunity and non-
As the number of COVID-19 cases in Malaysia
continued to increase, the MCO was further
At this stage, all teaching, research and extended into the third phase from 15 – 28 April
service activities, and administration came to a 2020, subsequently into the fourth phase from
halt as the management grappled to respond to 29 April – 12 May 2020, and the fifth phase
the MCO. Many students were left stranded in from 13 May – 9 June 2020.
their universities and private accommodations.
By this stage, HEIs had been gradually
Those who were undergoing their internships
equipped with the necessary policies and
and practicum were unsure of their status, in
standard operating procedures (SOPs) to
terms of continuity of their terms of service
manage their operations. Some HEIs such
and its impact on the end-of-term assessment.
as Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) and
It became clear that neither MoHE nor the HEIs
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)
were equipped with disaster and risk mitigation
adjusted their mid-semester break to end of April
plans. This was not surprising, since Malaysia
and introduced a new academic calendar. Both
had never experienced any disastrous crisis prior
suspended all T & L activities for their students,
to the pandemic. There was little understanding
while giving buffer time for academic staff to be
within the HEIs’ and MoHE’s organisational
ready for online instruction. Universiti Teknologi
structures as to who was ultimately responsible
Malaysia (UTM) issued a circular that mandated
for decision-making, and developing and
online delivery of T & L activities until 31
implementing contingency plans. Throughout

Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 16 Number 1, January 2021: 70-96
Norzaini Azman and Doria Abdullah 76

December 2020, and introduced a 4-week buffer intakes for degree programmes would be
period for students and staff to complete the delayed to September/October 2020 (Ministry
syllabus for the remaining academic semester. of Higher Education, 2020e). All academic
Many HEIs also introduced Standard Operating programmes were assumed to be conducted
Procedures (SOPs) for online assessments and fully online as stipulated by all the HEIs in
final examinations, scheduled to commence their websites and guidelines. There was greater
on June 2020. Clearer SOPs were also issued clarity on the different forms of learning to be
on working from home arrangements for all delivered remotely: classes could be conducted
academic and administrative staff. synchronously online, or asynchronously
On 27 April 2020, after having been through recorded lectures and materials (UKM,
campus-bound for over a month, stranded 2020; UM, 2020). Academics were given
students were allowed to return home under alternative delivery modes: from a PowerPoint
strict SOPs. The movement of students was presentation with synchronized audio track, to
carried out in stages through strict coordination a regularly monitored asynchronous, online
between zones, involving the Royal Malaysian discussion board for students to post messages;
Police Force, and local authorities, with a discussion board that was monitored during a
advisory from NSC and the Ministry of Health particular time-frame; and a chat session (Asia
(MoH). This operation was perhaps the largest Pacific University of Technology & Innovation,
controlled movement of students ever recorded 2020; MultiMedia University (MMU), 2020).
in the country, and was completed by early June Subsequently, capacity building of
2020. Each student was required to undergo academic staff through webinars and guidelines
health screening prior to the journey home, and was scaled fully online. It was also decided
was advised to undergo quarantine for 14 days that summative assessments could be executed
upon arrival, either at designated quarantine through various options, such as timed take-
centres, or at their respective homes. Students home examinations and proctored live sessions,
needing to travel from Peninsular Malaysia to subject to accreditation requirements from
East Malaysia and vice versa were transported professional bodies. Universiti Kebangsaan
via chartered flights from designated airports Malaysia (UKM), for example, decided on
across the country. All transport expenses were redesigning exams (titled as final assessments)
borne by the government (Ministry of Higher to fit within a set of various options open to
Education, 2020c). Some students chose to stay lecturers - from a take-home exam paper (to
on campus to complete their semester, with their be submitted via electronic means) to an online
meals and sundry items still being taken care of assessment (essays, multiple choice questions,
by the respective HEIs. or short answers) (UKM, 2020).
By this time, MoHE’s directives and HEIs also introduced SOPs to manage
announcements had become better coordinated work processes at the office including physical
and evidence-based, given that it had had ample distancing measures, log in/out facilities, and
time to collect data on student demographics, personal protective equipment (PPE) such as
as well as on ongoing T & L activities from face shields and face masks were procured or
HEIs. A 24-hour COVID 19 operation centre produced in-house not only for the university,
was set up at its Putrajaya base, where parents, but also for frontline workers in hospitals and
family members, and the community could within communities. Contingency funding to
seek information and advice (Ministry of help students with broadband subscription and
Higher Education, 2020d). It announced a device procurement was also made available.
postponement of higher education intake HEIs were also required to report their plan of
for foundation, matriculation and diploma action on productivity recovery to the Public
programmes to July/August 2020, while Services Department of Malaysia (PSD), with

Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 16 Number 1, January 2021: 70-96

the expectation that up to 70 percent productivity The HEIs are also advised to implement
could still be maintained throughout the MCO staggered return of staff to campus for work, or
period by end of May 2020 (Public Service allow their staff to work from home.
Department, Malaysia, 2020) As the recovery MCO period is still
ongoing, at the point of writing it is too early to
June - August 2020: The New Normal comment on the effectiveness of HEIs’ response
With new infection rates dropping sharply throughout the crisis period. That said, it is
in June, the Prime Minister introduced the argued that the period between April to May
Recovery MCO (10 June to 31 August 2020) 2020 provided ample time for HEIs to prioritise
on 7 June 2020. Throughout this RMCO period, their resources, and chart out their responses in
more economic sectors were allowed to operate, a more coordinated manner.
and work would resume in HEIs, subject to
stringent physical distancing measures required Managing Teaching and Learning Amidst
by MoH1. Nevertheless, online delivery of their COVID-19 Lockdown
academic programmes would still be required
until the end of 2020 as stipulated by MoHE, In the absence of references to similar crises in
with exceptions made for the following few the past, it is difficult to analyse real evidence
categories of students: of impact and predict what may happen in
the Malaysian higher education system in the
1) Post-graduate students in research mode, immediate future. However, it is possible to
i.e., those required to attend physical document the current impacts on T & L based
laboratories, workshops and design studios, on reports, personal experiences and anecdotes.
or relying on specialised equipment to In an effort to facilitate an analysis of successful
conduct their research; actions and their accompanying challenges in
2) Final-year students doing postgraduate the implementation of educational programmes
studies, as well as Diploma and Bachelor in the HEIs, the real and estimated impacts of T
Degree students required to carry out & L are presented in this section, drawing from
clinical work, practical, laboratory work, the experiences of three different stakeholders:
workshops, work in design studios, or are in students, academic staff, and the HEIs.
need of specialised equipment, are allowed
to have T & L on their campuses, as early Safeguarding Student Welfare
as July 1;
At the start of the lockdown, it immediately
3) Final-year students who do not have became clear that the first priority for HEIs was
internet access and are in an unconducive to take care of the basic needs of students who
environment for T & L via online are remained on campus. Cafeterias and on-campus
allowed to return to campus as early as July sundry stores were closed, and students were not
1, and utilize their on-campus infrastructure allowed to venture outside the campus for meals
for the online T & L; and and supplies. Student affairs divisions went into
4) Students with special needs enrolled in the full operation, providing these essential services
Technical and Vocational Training (TVET) to students on campus. Headcounts were done
education programme at polytechnics and to ascertain the number of students requiring
community colleges, and who need to get meal assistance, and businesses were quick to
face-to-face guidance in order to access T provide in-kind donations to HEIs. Students
& L due to learning difficulties (Ministry of were also notified of important contacts in case
Higher Education, 2020e). of emergencies, and of the availability of health

2 General statistics and infographics issued by the MoH can be obtained from http://covid-19.moh.gov.my/

Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 16 Number 1, January 2021: 70-96
Norzaini Azman and Doria Abdullah 78

services, counselling services, and campus becoming the first line of responders on behalf
security services throughout the MCO. of the institutions.
Students’ mental and emotional health
was also taken into account. Students reported Bridging the Digital Divide
feeling frustrated over the inability to move Students and staff require the following
about with their peers, even within the campus hardware in order to attend/conduct classes
compound. They expressed frustration over and assessments online: a working Internet
the uncertainty of the current situation in hand, connection; a digital device; and accessories
as well as updates to their parents and family such as headphones, speakers, and printers.
members back home. Like other students in the Under normal circumstances, they would rely
world, Malaysian students’ anxiety and stress on in-campus facilities at libraries, centres for
resulted from a number of issues including T & L, as well as centres for information and
the need to quickly master new technology (to communication technologies to manage their
submit assignments and exams), concerns over tasks. However, access to these supportive
not receiving the full range of face-to-face learning spaces were abruptly cut off when
services and a lack of confidence in the new Malaysia went into lockdown in March 2020.
processes (Kerr, 2020, Wang & Zhao, 2020).
Research reports and commentaries by
Some students raised concerns about the quality
various media have highlighted the issues
of their learning experience, and expressed
experienced by students mainly in rural
worries over the accessibility of online
localities, such as those in Sabah and Sarawak
repositories and paid software when working
and in remote areas in Peninsular Malaysia,
off campus. (Jalli, 2020). This is understandable
who do not have access to high-speed internet
as studies have shown that students have
connection to attend online learning sessions
difficulties managing their learning online, as
(Sani, 2020a; Rachel, 2020; Muhammad, 2020).
they tend to multi-task, check email, chat with
Inevitably, socio-economic and regional factors
friends, and surf the Internet while attending
play a pivotal role in accessing and affording
online lectures (Bao 2019; Bao & Zhang 2018).
online platforms (Palvia et al., 2018; Hawati &
Other common problems when being self-
Jarud, 2020). Some students in the B40 groups,
isolated at home are: poor self-discipline, lack of
defined as those who come from households
suitable learning materials, or an unconducive
with a monthly income of less than RM 3,000
learning environment. Thus, online teaching
(or USD 750), have no hardware, gadgets and
implemented quickly during the COVID-19
devices such as desktop or laptop computer, nor
outbreak was clearly a source of anxiety for
a broadband Internet subscription (Hawati &
the students (Regehr & Goel, 2020; Cao et al.,
Jarud, 2020)
2020), and their stress needed to be managed to
ensure that they could actively and effectively Although the Malaysian Communication
engage in online learning (Bao, 2020). and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) in 2019
reported that the national mobile broadband
Those who managed to return home
penetration rate was exceedingly high (120
before the lockdown began were worried about
percent per 100 people), the fixed broadband
continuing with the academic semester, since
penetration rate which provides faster and
their study materials were left on campus.
more reliable connectivity was significantly
In this instance, peer support, in the form of
low (approximately 8 percent per 100 people)
academic advisory services, residential college
(MCMC, 2020). Infrastructural shortcomings,
fellowships, and in-residence student networks
such as the lack of fibre optic networks have
provided emotional support to students,
been cited as the cause of slow internet speed
regardless of their location. HEIs also advised
undermining broadband connectivity in the
academic staff to be accessible to their charges,
country (Muhammad, 2020; Azmi, 2019). In

Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 16 Number 1, January 2021: 70-96

2018, the Malaysian government pledged the such as a desktop or laptop computer. Students
provision of an average speed of 30 MBPS in rural localities and remote areas across
in 98 per cent of populated areas by 2023. the country do not have access to high-speed
This target is comparatively low for a country internet connection to attend learning sessions
committed to driving digital economy in the online. Digital infrastructure, internet speed,
future. The Canadian radio-television and network access, and affordability pose real
telecommunications commission, for example, obstacles to the equality of online education.
has aimed for a minimum speed target of 50 Like many other developing countries, a larger
MBPS download services by 2020 (Azmi, number of Malaysian students than anticipated
2019). do not have reliable access to internet and useful
It is also interesting to note a juxtaposition devices for online T & L (World Bank, 2016;
between broadband penetration and quality of UNESCO, 2020). UNESCO recently noted
broadband services rendered to the Malaysian that school closures in Asia due to COVID-19
community. A study by the MCMC revealed have put millions of children falling behind in
that the percentage of internet users in Malaysia education as classes shift online (UNESCO,
stood at 87 per cent or 28.7 million users in 2019. 2020). It seems that remote learning is still a
The World Bank’s digital adoption index (DAI) luxury largely accessible to the elite and middle-
painted an even more optimistic picture for the class students from cities and towns with good
country, as the total number of mobile internet broadband access, side-lining participation of
users is on par, if not surpassing its neighbours the socio-economically disadvantaged students
and other advanced economies (Azmi, 2019). outside these areas.
However, its fixed broadband services only stood Academic staff were also affected by the
at 46 percent in 2018, significantly lower than digital divide. Besides optimal broadband
that experienced in the EU, which recorded 95 connection, an academic staff may require
percent fixed broadband penetration. Although digital devices with enhanced capabilities to
Malaysia’s digital adoption rate is comparable to record lectures and administer learning and
advanced economies, the actual digital adoption supervision sessions, either in synchronous or
is that of a lower middle-income country, with asynchronous modes. A basic home studio, for
more than 50 percent of respondents citing poor example, requires a webcam, microphones,
quality and unaffordability as reasons for not appropriate lighting and audio modulation
taking up fixed broadband access (Azmi, 2019; equipment. Round-the-clock technical support is
Muhammad, 2020). also required for managing unforeseen glitches.
Socio-economic and regional factors play Furthermore, interactivity in online instruction
pivotal roles in accessing and affording online requires the subscription of applications and
platforms. Findings from a survey by the online platforms, which may incur out-of-pocket
Ministry of Education (MoE), involving close to expenses from the individual academic staff.
900,000 school students indicate that 37 per cent Clearly, hardware and software issues
of school students do not have any appropriate must be addressed before remote learning can
electronic devices for learning (Ministry of successfully take off. Quality online delivery
Education, 2019). At the same time, only 6 to requires high-input operations, requiring time
9 per cent of students own a personal computer to develop and significant investments to run
and/or a tablet. This is a stark contrast to 78 (Gyukkal, 2020; Kim, 2020; Shattuck, 2014).
per cent of households in America that own a While digital technologies can be deployed
desktop or laptop computer, and 74 per cent who at scale, much more needs to be done on the
have a broadband internet subscription. Some hardware side in terms of bandwidth capacity
students in the B40 groups, have no means of and digital inequalities. Thus, the digital divide
owning the hardware, gadgets and devices that still exists in Malaysia posed the greatest

Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 16 Number 1, January 2021: 70-96
Norzaini Azman and Doria Abdullah 80

challenge to online T & L for all students. The of the online learning experiences offered
COVID-19 pandemic has exposed this starkly throughout the MCO period may not have been
and it should become the government’s most fully featured or necessarily well-planned, with
crucial infrastructure to prioritise. a high probability of suboptimal implementation
with simple online content delivery and
Academic Staff Capabilities activities.
As the COVID-19 pandemic has caused such A number of lecturers have expressed
a dramatic acceleration of online university scepticism about maintaining quality in
distance education, the signal being sent to the online course delivery (Mustafa, 2020). This
academics during the COVID-19 crisis was perception was reinforced by students who
clear: online distance education was the only frequently expressed disappointment that they
viable tool to sustain academic activities and were not receiving ‘value for money’ because
it had to be immediately employed. Arguably, of the reduced face-to-face component of the
most academics share their HEI’s leadership’s course delivery (Sani, 2020b; Jalli, 2020). A
sentiments that the COVID-19 crisis has few academics reported grave concerns in the
brought forward the inevitable digital platform media about the quality of work submitted by
by a full generation. Resorting to online T & L some students, and a few others worried that
was clearly a breakthrough, and an impactful standards might be compromised by the new
consequence of an otherwise disastrous global assessment arrangements (for example, take-
health crisis. home and open-book exams) (Mustafa, 2020).
Evaluating students’ learning acquired through
It requires deliberate planning and practice
distance learning has remained a challenge for
to transfer content for online delivery, with an
quality assurance (Gaskell & Mills, 2014).
average of six months to one year of development
time for a fully online university course (Roddy, Students, parents, and the general public
et al., 2017). As experienced by many academic have also been unsettled about the quality of
staff throughout the MCO period, transferring online education during the pandemic (Daniel,
content online takes time, and requires extra 2020). Students are not confident that their
work. The extra workload experienced by the learning experience online is even on par with,
academic staff was generated by the need to let alone better than, face-to-face instruction,
rewrite materials and to reorganize assessment and feel they are not receiving value for money
tasks, the videotaping of lectures, additional in their education investment. For now, the
effort associated with reformulating formative quality dimensions of online education related
and summative assessments, as well as assessing to the academic staff encompass the following
electronically submitted assignments and tests. areas: competencies of academic staff tasked
It was an uphill battle for every academic staff to deliver learning online; the quality of online
to pivot online within a short period of time, and formative and summative assessments; and
virtually impossible for every faculty member the ability of academic staff to assess novelty
to suddenly become an expert in online T & L and authenticity of work submitted by the
under such tense conditions, within a few weeks students (Antony & Gnanam, 2004). These
of the directives. Academics usually become quality dimensions would, in the medium- and
more comfortable teaching online by the second long term, compromise quality assurance of
or third iteration of their online courses. While academic programmes, subsequently affecting
resources are available to turn to for assistance, students’ outcomes of higher education. It is
the scale of change that stresses the systems highly unlikely that these issues will be resolved
providing those resources most likely would under the present circumstances.
surpass their capacities. It is argued that many

Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 16 Number 1, January 2021: 70-96

HEI Capabilities printers in laboratories across HEIs (Chong,

The COVID- 19 pandemic revealed one possible 2020).
breakthrough that could be introduced into core A key element for structured online
functions of the sector, which has been highly delivery is the use of a learning management
resistant to change for the longest time. By system (LMS) in order to organise learning for
the second phase of the MCO, many HEIs had both students and staff. HEIs may opt for open-
adapted policies and guidelines to enable remote source platforms, such as Moodle, to deliver
working and learning from home for their their programmes online. These platforms
communities, and had also made revisions to require time to master; UTM, for example, took
the academic regulations and calendar to ensure more than 10 years to develop the technical
continuity of teaching, learning, and research capabilities and expertise in optimizing Moodle
activities. Oral examinations for postgraduate as a credible LMS for T & L. An advanced
students, meetings, and interviews that were LMS such as Blackboard may provide technical
commonly organised physically, were pivoted support to students and staff, but requires
online, saving travel time and reducing carbon subscriptions and annual renewals. Small-
footprints of academics and administrators scale and newly established HEIs may not
(Versteijlen et al., 2017). Automation of work have an adequately effective infrastructure and
processes, through online platforms and systems, investment capital to implement a full online
reduce turnaround time for routine processes in delivery. As a result, their students may not
academic administration. Malaysian HEIs have experience optimal learning for the remaining
also shown solidarity, cooperation, and resilience of the academic year.
in their responses, by collaborating with other A summary describing the chronology
HEIs, organisations and civil societies to of events and the government’s decisions
introduce various initiatives to reduce the impact plus responses from the MoHE and the HEIs
of the pandemic in their communities, such as throughout the COVID-19 MCO period are
producing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) shown in Table 2.
for healthcare workers through the use of 3D

Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 16 Number 1, January 2021: 70-96
Table 2: Chronology of events describing the Malaysian government and higher education COVID-19 response (Jan 2020- Jun 2020)

Phases COVID -19 Status Government/HE Actions HEI Responses Issues/ Ramifications
The Onset Jan 2020 3 active cases by - • Mandatory 14-day self- -
(January 2020) 23 Jan 2020 quarantine period for
international students
• Only essential travels abroad
allowed for academic staff.
• Restrictions on meetings,
mass gatherings, and sports
and recreational activities
31 Jan 2020 – WHO Declared COVID-19 as Global Health Emergency
The Showdown 1-15 March 2020 535 active cases by • National Security Council • USM was the first public -
(March 2020) 15 March 2020 (NSC) cancelled all mass HEI to mandate all teaching
gatherings (meetings, sports, and learning activities to be
social and religious events) conducted online.
Norzaini Azman and Doria Abdullah

• UniMAP students were not

allowed to leave campus
without permission.
16 March 2020 672 active cases • Prime Minister (PM) • All HEIs were closed except -
announced the Movement essential services (healthcare
Control Order from 18- 31 and supermarkets).
March for 2 weeks
17 March 2020 782 active cases • Borders were closed, and • Public HEIs instructed • Mass student exodus
(the eve of 1st inter-state air and land travels students to return home. from public HEIs.
Phase of MCO were prohibited.
18-31 March • The delayed
2020) • Ministry of Higher Education announcement by

Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 16 Number 1, January 2021: 70-96
(MoHE) issued a directive MoHE, made on the
that public HE students could eve of the MCO, was
choose to either return home criticised as it created
before the start of MCO or panic and anxiety
remain in campus among parents and

20 March 2020 1138 active cases • MoHE forbade students • HEIs prepared contingency • All teaching, research
(within 1st Phase residing in hostels, measures for T & L and service activities
of MCO 18-31 dormitories and rented activities, as well as work came to a halt.
March 2020) properties to leave the arrangements for all staff.
• HEIs adjusted their mid
• Government subsidised meals semester break to end of
and sundry items for students April.
who remained on campus/
rented properties.

• MoHE prohibited all digital

courses/learning except by
open learning mode
25 March 2020 1996 active cases • PM announced extended - -
(within 1st Phase MCO by another two weeks
of MCO 18-31 (2nd Phase of MCO)
March 2020)

The Acclimati 10 April 2020 4485 active cases • • HEIs revised academic • Students’ main issues are
sation (April – (within 2nd Phase calendar. affordability to access
May 2020) of MCO 1-14 high speed internet and
April 2020) • HEIs issued circular to hardware devices
mandate online delivery
of T & L activities until 31 • Students expressed
December 2020. anxiety over the need
to quickly master new
• HEIs introduced a 4-week technology for learning.
buffer period for students
and staff to complete the • Students raised concern

Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 16 Number 1, January 2021: 70-96
syllabus for the remaining about the quality of their
academic semester. learning experience

through online.
27 April 2020 5848 active cases • Government initiated an • Postponement of higher • Transferring content
(within 3rd Phase operation to enable students education intake for and learning activities
of MCO 15-28 to go home. foundation, matriculation for online delivery
April 2020) and diploma programmes to requires extra work
• A 24-hour Command Centre July/August 2020. and assistance from
COVID 19 operation centre instructional designers.
was set up at MoHE’s base • Standard Operating
in Putrajaya, where parents, Procedures (SOPs) was
family members, and the introduced for online
community could seek assessments and final • Many of the online
information and advice examinations. learning experiences
offered throughout
• Clearer SOPs on working the MCO may not
from home arrangements for have been necessarily
academic and administrative well-planned, with
• PM announced extended staff were introduced a high probability
MCO by another two weeks of suboptimal
Norzaini Azman and Doria Abdullah

(4th Phase of MCO) • Some HEIs provided implementation with

contingency funding to help simple online content
students with broadband delivery and activities.
subscription and device
procurement. • Students frequently
• HEIs developed a disappointment that
Productivity Recovery Plan they were not receiving
throughout the MCO period. ‘value for money’
because of the reduced
• Oral examinations for Master face-to-face component
and PhD, meetings, and of the course delivery.
interviews were pivoted

Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 16 Number 1, January 2021: 70-96
online, saving travel time
and reducing carbon
footprints of academics and
10 May 2020 6705 active cases • PM announced extended - -
(within 4th Phase MCO by a month (5th Phase
of MCO 29 April of MCO)
– 12 May 2020)
The New Normal 7 June 2020 8326 active cases • Prime Minister introduced • Work resumed in HEIs, -
(June - August the Recovery MCO from 10 subject to stringent physical
2020) June to 31 August 2020 distancing measures required
by MoH.

• Online delivery of academic

programmes would still be
required until the end of
2020 except for:
a) Post-graduate students in
research mode, i.e., those
required to attend physical
laboratories or relying on
specialized equipment;
b) Final-year students doing
postgraduate studies,
Diploma and Bachelor’s
Degree students required
to do clinical work,
practical, laboratory and
design work, workshops,
or are in need of
specialized equipment;
c) Final-year students who
do not have internet
access and are in an

Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 16 Number 1, January 2021: 70-96
unconducive environment
for T & L via online

are allowed to return to

campus as early as July
Norzaini Azman and Doria Abdullah 86

Lessons Learnt and Implications for Practice

Higher Education Leadership is Essential for
Weathering the Storm
Many HEI leaders would likely have embraced
the importance of disruptions such as those
caused by economic recession, industrial
revolution and artificial intelligence (Gigliotti,
2016; McGee, 2015). These forward-looking
leaders have so far embraced these disruptions
to refocus and advance their HEIs by creating
Technical and Vocational

of staff to campus for work,

community colleges, and

• Implement staggered return

or allow staff to work from

who need to get face-to-

to access T & L due to

face guidance in order
education programme

prudent changes to their core functions and

d) Students with special
needs enrolled in the

learning difficulties.
at polytechnics and

operations. Some leaders create guardrails and

Training (TVET)

safety precautions to build institutional agility

during the transformation process (Jameson,
2012). The guardrails and safety precautions
for higher education are supported by a number

of mindsets and academic values including

systems thinking (HEIs are interconnected),
culture of excellence (commitment to long term
gain and quality) and sustainability. However,
the COVID-19 disruption is of a different nature
altogether as there are no guardrails available
nor can humans control the pace.
Aligned, visionary leadership takes
different forms, but each leader must be
sensitive to the unique institutional contexts in
making decisions. Thus, the leaders of HEIs, as
autonomous institutions, are expected to respond
based on what works best for their respective
institutions, rather than wait for MoHE to issue
guidelines and directives. HEIs must continue
to sustain their mission of education to students,
support their faculty and staff, fulfil duties as
partners in the communities, and to produce
solutions to national problems created by the
ripple effect of COVID-19. HEIs should collect
verifiable evidence, evaluate it rigorously, and
apply independent critical thinking to solve
other issues related to COVID-19.
The COVID-19 has thrust the higher
education system into an e-learning experiment of
an unprecedented scale and scope. It is important
for leadership to recognise the professional
burden suddenly thrust on faculty and staff
during a personally stressful time, and therefore
set more reasonable, realistic expectations. The

Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 16 Number 1, January 2021: 70-96

way HEIs transform all of their instruction and security normally experienced on-campus,
in this compressed time frame will result in a through the provision of safe online and offline
pale imitation of what quality online instruction learning spaces, so that the students are able to
is, and exposing the entire academic staff and resume and complete their studies as soon as
students to this trial product will likely cause possible. The key takeaway is that narrowing
setbacks; instigating apprehensiveness rather the digital divide is not about improving access
than instilling positive attitudes in faculty and to places, but to people.
student to technology-enabled learning. Thus, it
will be important for the management to collect A Blended Approach in Learning
data on students’ learning experiences and the
The COVID-19 pandemic has enhanced
academics’ experience in remote T & L using
appreciation for conventional face-to-face
technology, and to use the feedback to improve
learning, and the traditional campus classroom
on contingency plans, and to plan for preparing
(Mustafa, 2020; Mahesh, 2020). Generations of
students and facilitators for engaging in online
parents have chosen to spend money on having
T & L should HEIs ever have to close due to
their children educated at the best schools and
any crisis in the future. Additionally, there is a
universities, sometimes hundreds or thousands
need to conduct a rapid technology assessment
of miles away so that their children can access
(identifying weaknesses in infrastructure,
the best professors, classrooms and libraries
including power, broadband and equipment to
in person. For the majority of students, going
strengthen delivery), and produce an estimate
to college is considered as a rite of passage
of the costs to sustain continued remote T
and a transformational personal journey
& L (including infrastructure/equipment,
(Blumenkrantz & Goldstein, 2014; Tinto,
connectivity, etc.) to the end of the year.
2011). Even if academic course work can be
replicated online, what cannot be replicated
Students at the Heart of Education is the organised supporting ecosystem, such
Students’ welfare must be a priority at all as extracurricular activities and team work,
times. It is pivotal to address their learning loss which are crucial components of a traditional
throughout the MCO, and to provide special higher education (Mannan, 2007; Jorgenson,
assistance to the underprepared and the less et al., 2018). These activities create social
privileged to enable greater access to higher capital, prepare students for civic engagement
education. Generally, the primary concerns and combat the self-absorbed individualism
of the HEIs in the immediate and long term which undermines democratic society (Resnick,
should be about the impact of the pandemic on 2000, Flores & Rogers, 2019). The reality is
all students, while paying specific attention to that the digital classroom can never displace
the low-income and underrepresented students the traditional campus classroom. Those who
(Weissman, 2020; Zhong, 2020). This is seek the conventional face-to-face university
because, even in normal circumstances, those teaching experience will continue to seek out
students are most vulnerable to having their HEIs that provide those experiences.
education derailed, and their personal well- During the global lockdown, academics
being threatened. do the best they can, trying to take just the
As described in the preceding section, essentials with them as they rush to develop
COVID-19 has exacerbated the existing materials for online delivery, managing with
inequality among students, particularly in terms bare minimum resources and competencies to
of their access to the Internet, the inadequacy deliver meaningful learning experiences. It bears
of appropriate devices for T & L, and students’ reminding to distinguish between the normal,
mental health and emotional well-being, among everyday type of effective online instruction
others. It is also important to restore the safety and that which is prepared in a hurry or during

Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 16 Number 1, January 2021: 70-96
Norzaini Azman and Doria Abdullah 88

an emergency. HEIs should emerge from the decisions about when and why some courses
global health crisis with a much more widely should be taught remotely or online, which
shared understanding that digital tools are ones should remain on campus, and which
complements, not substitutes, for the intimacy within-campus classes should be supplemented
and immediacy of face-to-face learning. Face- or complemented by technology. Currently,
to-face lectures and tutorials are only part of an HEIs are using trial-and-error approach with
overall T & L ecosystem that should specifically their fully online courses, as well as their LMS.
be designed to support learners with formal, Both academics and students are readjusting
informal, and social resources. Online tools and recalibrating in the middle of teaching
can be used effectively for structuring content, semesters, with the syllabus and course content
while precious classroom time can be more being revised, particularly on the requirements of
productively utilised for stimulating discussions, doing practical sessions, internship, experiential
debates, experiential learning, and hands-on learning as well as assessment methods. It is
skills development (Mustapha, 2020; Ananga & hypothesized that as the novelty of full online
Biney, 2017; Saghafi et al., 2014). Ultimately, classes in a crisis situation wears off, boredom
effective education delivered online requires and apathy could set in. Full online learning
an investment in developing an ecosystem of will be no more attractive than the traditional
learner support, which also takes time to identify classroom setting. Thus, empirical research on
and build. these issues will provide directions for how to
Globally, online and distance education train future virtual educators and learners.
is a well-established domain of study within
the education technology segment. Greater Rethinking Flexible Education
quality empirical studies are required for the In April 2018, MoHE published “Framing
Malaysian context (Kumar & Al Samarraie, Malaysian Higher Education 4.0: Future-Proof
2018) as most comparative research on online Talents”, a document that outlined the Ministry’s
learning and classroom interaction has been aspiration in redesigning higher education
plagued with a variety of methodological for the country. At the system level, MoHE
problems and confounders that make the results introduced the concept of Higher Education 4.0,
unreliable (Abrami et al., 2011). Generally, where students are envisioned as curators of
there is a confusing and inconclusive response knowledge, content producers, and connection-
to the overall question of effectiveness of online makers, the web as the open global curriculum,
teaching vs the face-to-face method reported and educators as the resource guide. For the HEIs,
in the literature (Wagner et al., 2010; Kemp it outlined a four-quad future university mode,
& Grieve, 2014; Paul & Jefferson, 2019). recommending HEIs to be adaptive, flexible,
Moreover, scholars claim that online learning and to offer lifelong learning pathways for
research and development is still in its infancy individuals through nano- or micro- certification
with regard to facilitators’ ability to engineer programmes, which are stackable and industry-
successful interaction among students, between driven. It also encouraged HEIs to adopt a fluid
teachers and students and between students and and organic curriculum approach which allows
content (Paul & Jefferson, 2019). convergence of disciplinary content areas,
While the “experiment” in full online implementation of gap year and inter-university
learning is in process, Malaysian HEIs must collaborations, as well as promoting access to
investigate which classes are benefiting from education anytime, anywhere. Finally, for the
being taught remotely, and which are not. Data instructors and the academic fraternity, MoHE
on technology issues, course design, course encouraged them to embrace 21st century modes
delivery, and evaluation methods must also of instruction, such as heutagogy (student-
be collected. Such data can then inform future directed learning), paragogy (peer-supported

Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 16 Number 1, January 2021: 70-96

learning), and cybergogy (virtual learning adaptation at the HEI level has been sluggish,
experiences) (Ministry of Higher Education, as clearly evident throughout the lockdown
2018). period. Higher education leaders have come to
Evidently, it takes a global pandemic to realise that a switch to a full virtual platform
drive home the message that Higher Education requires a comprehensive understanding of the
4.0 is a concept ripe for implementation in a post infrastructure and technological capabilities
COVID-19 world. Despite the calls from MoHE necessary to drive the transformation process.
to make academic curriculum fluid and organic, To date, information on the readiness of
it is clear that the HEIs have been slow in students and staff for online delivery is not
responding to the call. The fear of the unknown readily available. Thus far, only a handful
might have been the leading cause of resistance of institutional wide research reports can be
from the HEIs. Gradual scaling-up of existing found on students’ capacity to engage in remote
programmes, and piloting initiatives at a sample learning in terms of equipment, financial ability,
of HEIs are feasible options, compared to a family responsibilities, home environment,
blanket implementation across all HEIs. Clarity etc., revealing how realistic it is for students to
should be given to all stakeholders in terms of adapt to facilitators’ plans for delivery, and for
the impact of Higher Education 4.0 on student facilitators to adapt teaching according to student
outcomes and accreditation status of academic capacity to participate in distance learning.
programmes. It would also be appropriate So far, informal feedback from different
for MoHE to provide incentives for HEIs and stakeholders reported in the media paint a grim
industry players to champion the initiatives, picture at the implementation level (Rafidi,
particularly in terms of training programmes 2020; Jalli, 2020; Sani, 2020a, 2020b; Mustafa,
and targeted investments for students and staff. 2020). As such, it is argued that the Ministry
Finally, one should never underestimate the should spearhead data collection initiatives in
wisdom of the crowd; by empowering individual order to understand the size and scope of the
academic staff and HEIs to drive change, and digital divide in HEIs and among students.
letting students experiment on their own, Higher This can be done potentially through a survey
Education 4.0 will be a feasible concept in of system requirements, so that the resulting
Malaysia, rather than being just a beautifully policies introduced can be better strategized and
written plan on paper. implemented.
If there is one single lesson for Malaysia
Evidence-Based Policymaking to reflect upon, it is the Massive Open Online
Most academics share their leaders’ sentiments Courses (MOOC) platform initiated by
that COVID-19 has accelerated digital MoHE in 2015. Heralded as an evolutionary
transformation in higher education by a full innovation in online education, MOOC was the
generation. Malaysia is an early adopter in the pet project of the Ministry, and its application
provision of online and blended learning, having was mandated in all public HEIs. Experts and
introduced in 2011 a national policy on online policy makers lauded it and predicted that
learning, and a subsequent revision of the policy MOOCs would replace traditional higher
in 2017. Additionally, the country also has well- education. However, while studies on MOOCs’
established HEIs that have been delivering effectiveness in Malaysia are limited and scanty,
education through online and distance learning the global literature on MOOCs effectiveness
for more than 40 years, such as Open University in accommodating different students’ abilities
Malaysia (OUM), Asia e-University, and and needs show conflicting results. Specifically,
Wawasan Open University (WOU), among global research on MOOC has highlighted
others. that MOOCs struggled with student retention
and completion. A study by the Massachusetts
Despite the advances in policy formulation,

Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 16 Number 1, January 2021: 70-96
Norzaini Azman and Doria Abdullah 90

Institute of Technology (MIT) found that Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In

MOOCs had an astronomical dropout rate of a post COVID-19 era, risks associated with
about 96 per cent on average over five years crowded spaces, as well as distancing measures
(Reich & Ruiperez, 2019). The longitudinal imposed by governments necessitate educators
study on learners who registered for a course by to deliver education online, and from a distance.
MIT and Harvard on their joint learning platform For this to happen, each student must have
(edX) also found that the dropout figure had not access to digital learning device with learning
improved between 2013 to 2018. Fortunately, applications and stable Internet connection. The
despite the MOOC phenomenon and disruption publicness of education, in particular higher
that threatened the traditional academic course education, was highlighted significantly when
methods, the Malaysian HEIs have sustained the students still encounter issues in accessing the
test of time. The question remains whether it is very basic of devices and Internet connection for
best for students to return to the classroom when learning. Thus, it is imperative to address, as a
the COVID-19 crisis subsides and continue priority, the pedagogical, economic, and socio-
with the status quo, or if HEIs can find a better emotional needs of vulnerable students – those
sustainable alternative to educate the future who, due to their personal or socio-economic
workforce of Malaysia. characteristics, may have had, or are having,
greater difficulties in continuing their education
in non-traditional modalities. Public higher
education financing should not be considered as
This paper describes events that have happened a cost, but an investment in empowering young
(over the past three months) in relation to the people in building healthy, equal, inclusive and
disruptions caused by COVID-19 to Malaysia’s sustainable societies. While student outcome
higher education system, in the context of in terms of career-related skills and credentials
teaching and learning. Despite all the challenges, are still relevant, these cannot be achieved if
the response from the Malaysian HEIs during students do not have access to education in the
the period of uncertainty and contestation may first place.
be considered as good. The learning curve was
Three issues were beyond the scope of
steep at the start, but HEIs were quick to adapt,
this review, which need to be briefly described
and it is argued that they have managed, endured,
here. The first area is the pricing of tuition fees
and were changed by the global pandemic.
payable amidst the global pandemic. Since all
While providing emergency aid to students classes were pivoted online, should the tuition
and support for institutions, the MoHE, together fees be cheaper than lessons delivered face-
with HEIs worked on the administrative to-face? Students were unable to use physical
measures to safeguard the educational delivery facilities such as libraries, sports centres, and
of programmes via remote online learning. The lecture halls throughout lockdown – can they
emergency adoption of remote learning will demand refund from their HEIs? The heated
inevitably speed up the adoption and embrace debate over this issue for the past few weeks,
of online and other forms of technology-enabled unfortunately, turned into a politically charged
learning. Nevertheless, the main findings have discussion. Moving forward, HEIs may have to
highlighted that the digital divide still exists in confront the inevitable discussion on students’
Malaysia, and that it poses the greatest challenge right to sustain educational activities, and they
to Malaysia’s recovery post COVID-19. would need to ensure that students are protected
The COVID-19 pandemic shows that within the framework of equal opportunity and
ensuring the right to higher education for all non-discrimination.
within a framework of equal opportunity and The second issue is work from home
non-discrimination is still a relevant goal arrangements for the academic staff, and
to achieve under Goal 4 of United Nation’s its impact on T & L. Academics have been

Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 16 Number 1, January 2021: 70-96

accustomed to working beyond the office, and digitally. All Malaysian HEIs have the social
are capable of delivering their best regardless obligation to provide a holistic educational
of their location of work. When the lockdown experience for both students and staff through a
was enforced, they had to juggle between social, emotional and physical context of T & L.
work and family matters; some needed to carry On the strength of having had an excellent
out additional responsibilities as academic survival record over the centuries and phases
administrators. This may have bridged the of economic revolutions, some may predict
gender gap in academia, but the additional a strong probability that HEIs will be able to
workload could have affected the quality of handle the challenges of COVID-19 in T & L,
work, which may consequently cause them to and to sustain the further growth of a knowledge
fall behind in promotion and career progression. society. Indeed, it would be nice to end this
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students. Malaysia exports its education services experience should make us seriously more
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students for the past thirty years. While major
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