B. Tech. - II CSC203 - OP1 - Amruta Chintawar (Used - 13.5.2022)
B. Tech. - II CSC203 - OP1 - Amruta Chintawar (Used - 13.5.2022)
B. Tech. - II CSC203 - OP1 - Amruta Chintawar (Used - 13.5.2022)
Program: FE (CSBS)
End Semester Examination: FY BTech Semester: II
Course Code: CSC203_Course Name: Datastructures & Algorithms
Time: 2 HOURS___
Max. Marks: 50 Marks
iv) Write an Algorithm and C program for searching an element 5 CO6 BT5
using Sequential (linear) Search
v) Explain Various types of file Organization. 5 CO2 BT1
vi) Apply Huffman Coding for the given sequence 5 CO4 BT3
“AABCCCDEEE” and show the Huffman code for each
Course Outcomes (CO) -Learner will be able to:
CO1: Students will be able to understand and analyze the efficiency of algorithms and using
complexity theory.
CO2: Students will be able to apply and implement algorithms to create and manipulate records
using different file organizations
CO3: Students will be able to handle operations like insertion, deletion, searching and traversing
on linear data structures.
CO4: Students will be able to handle operations like insertion, deletion, searching and traversing
on non-linear data structures.
CO5: Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to analyze, design, apply and use data
structures to solve engineering problems and evaluate their solutions.
CO6: Students will be able to analyze and implement appropriate searching and sorting
techniques for a given problem.
BT1- Remembering, BT2- Understanding, BT3- Applying, BT4- Analyzing, BT5- Evaluating, BT6- Creating
(D Y Patil Deemed to be University)