P 2
P 2
P 2
commute to school
find the solutions or answers for some hard questions more quickly
find the studying more funny and pleasant so that you can gain knowledge
and skills from your friends; that’s all benefits that … brings to you and make
your studying more effective
Hình ảnh 2 người đàn ông vật tay, cả hai đều mặc áo ba lỗ, trông họ rất
căng thẳng, xung quanh có nhiều người cổ vũ. (Miêu tả tranh, lần gần
đây nhất bạn vật tay, tại sao thể thao lại quan trong?)
Two men are arm wrestling to find the winner. They are all wearing tank tops.
They look so tense and focused on their opponents because I can see that
their faces seem to be getting redder and redder and they’re also sweating.
There are a lot of people cheering around and the atmosphere is very noisy
and lively. I guess this is the annual competition in the countryside organized
monthly to help people there be more confident and increase their
enthusiasm. /ɪnˈθjuːziæzəm/
It has been a long time since the last time I participated in an arm wrestling
match. It happened when I was in grade 10 and my friend challenged me to
wrestling with him. Actually, at the beginning, I felt confused and afraid of
being a loser but my friends encouraged me that this was just for fun. And it
was really like that! I felt very excited with the chanting and cheering of my
friends when I was in the contest. This is also a way to prove one’s strength
and help us build a healthy lifestyle.
ng ông già đang ngồi viết thư trong nhà (as usual activity everyday to
relax; write for his children who’re earning a living in the city, which is so much
far from him and they don’t usually meet each other; writing is also one of the
ways to help him keep calm whenever he miss their children more often)
- ngày nay mọi người sẽ ít viết thư tay hơn hay không? Vì sao
It's easy to see that writing letters becomes less popular to people.
development of technology, tend to use email, social media such as… more
regularly. Besides, people spend a busy life working so that they don’t have
time to sit down and write letters. They will choose other ways to send
messages which are faster and convenient. As I see, only a few people,
especially the old, still keep the habit of writing letters.
người đàn ông áo vàng ngồi trong thư viện đọc sách, ở nước bạn mọi
người hay đọc gì, bạn đọc sách để làm gì
For children, I would say that comics, funny short stories, comedy books,
detective stories and fairy tales are the most popular types of children’s books
in my country, because all children, in general, like to laugh, get excited and
be happy.
The knowledge you gain from reading also gives you lots to talk about with
every morning: run along the street with a friend, recharge energy for a new
gather together each evening to form a team around 8-10 people, who’re all in
my neighborhood and play volleyball. It's a team game so that it not only helps
us to improve our health but also keeps our relationship closer. I think that
everyone should do more outdoor activities to promote a healthier lifestyle.
close to nature which is good for their mental and physical health; build and
develop relationship with friends; independent, learn communication skill; help
to reduce risk of obesity and future stress
Tranh 1 người đàn ông mặc đồ màu vàng nhảy. Bạn thích nhảy ko tại
sao? Mọi người thường nhảy vào các dịp nào
It seems that he’s on the stage and showing his excellent performance. He’s
very focused on his dancing. I guess that he’s a professional dancer because
all his movements are so great and I’m sure that he has prepared for it for a
long time. Maybe he’s practicing before the concert begin
We can easily see that games for children have changed so much in the last
50 years. In the past, when people didn’t have the internet and technology
development was limited, children tended to play outdoors with many
traditional games such as blind man’s buff, hide and share, chocolate round…
and they often played together with their friends or their neighborhood in some
public places like parks, streets…
apron: tạp dề, kitchenware: dụng cụ làm bếp, use spoon to stir the dough:
dùng thìa khuấy bột, flour: bột mì
ở nền văn hóa của bạn, mọi ng học nấu ăn như thế nào
The most popular way is that they often learn about cooking from their
parents. Their father and mother are those who have so much experience that
they can teach their children how to cook in a traditional way.
Young people are very proactive so they often choose to register for some
cooking classes so that they can learn more from famous teachers in this field.
show that they’re eager to learn about new things and always try to refresh
and improve themselves
recommend students to raise their hand and feel free to say out loud their
opinions without afraid of being judged or pointed out mistakes.
Trong bức tranh có một cô gái đang làm việc tại nhà với cái laptop
+ Tả tranh
+ Công việc lương cao và cv bạn thích, bạn chọn cái nào?
But today, when the world is changing everyday with the development of
technology, men and women tend to share equal jobs. That’s a good signal
that they can have a fair chance in getting a job. Women can choose stronger
jobs while men take responsibilities for childcare and housework
Tranh cô gái tóc xoăn, đen dài thò đầu ra khỏi xe đang chạy
+ q2: Điều thú vị nhất bạn gặp khi đi du lịch gần đây
Recently, I had a chance to visit Nha Trang, one of the famous places…
What impressed me the most was an old couple on the beach. They were
sitting by the other’s side, sharing food and watching the sunset together. I
can feel the intense love through their eyes. That really made me happy and
brought me a comfortable feeling. I think that nowadays, it’s not easy to find
such a real love like this couple
+ q3: Du lịch có hại cho trái đất không? Why? (có ảnh hưởng chúng ta
When traveling, people have to move from country to country, using a lot of
transportation, so that these vehicles export so much smoke, dust and other
harmful things to the environment, which can easily cause pollution, increase
the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and make the earth hotter and hotter.
everything even can be worse if we don’t have solutions to protect the earth
Du lịch nhóm
Using the restaurant service, you can have a chance to enjoy a variety of food
that tastes more delicious than home-cooked meals;
This is especially suitable for those who don't have much time, because they
are busy at work or their study. So going out to restaurants you will save a lot
of time and you can spend the saved time in intellectual activities such as
reading, writing or to relax.
Eating at a restaurant is also a great way to go out on a date and lift up your
Many people prefer to eat at home. Eating at home is much cheaper and this
can help them save money for other purposes. In addition, some people like
cooking and they want to prepare meals by themselves. It’s certainly an ideal
choice for those who would like to spend time with their families so that they
can share all their happiness or troubles. The food at home is also healthy and
Ăn trong nhà hàng (tại sao mn thích ăn trong nhà hàng vs bạn, người trẻ
cần học nấu ăn ko?)
Bố mẹ tham gia outdoor cùng con cái? Trẻ em có nên join outdoor?
Xem TV
Du lịch biển
Because the museum needs money to operate, and money from the guests is
a big source. Everyone just needs to pay a little money but the museum will
receive a huge financial support. The museums are so important and essential
so it’s very worthwhile to do something to maintain and protect them.
Tặng quà
It had been a very long time since the last time I was given a gift. That was on
my 19 birthday, I received a bouquet of flowers from my old boyfriend. He
showed up surprisingly in front of my house with a nice lipstick and a small
bouquet/ bunch of flowers. This present is also the last present he gave me
because we had broken up.
It is important to give people gifts because of the two main reasons. The first
reason is it is a way for people to express their feelings such as love, sorry or
congratulations. Giving presents is also a way to build and maintain good
relationships. People always feel happy and touched when they receive gifts.
Part 3
ảnh 1 có 4 người đang làm việc, có mỗi 2 ông sếp đang discuss còn 2
nhân viên đang làm việc, 2 người phụ nữ đang viết giấy tờ, 2 người đàn
ông đang xem số liệu trên bảng công việc
Ảnh 2 có 4 ng đang làm việc cùng nhau, cùng nhau tụm lại xem và thảo
Sự khác nhau khi làm việc ở 2 nơi này?/ Bạn muốn làm việc trong môi
trường nào hơn
easily see that there’s a gap between the boss and the employees and that
distance makes them seem to be far away from each other even though
they’re standing very closely; Create a disciplined and serious working
environment that all employees must follow the rules.
have a chance to work with other people, even your boss. You guys can feel
free to say out loud what you think and raise your voice for your opinions
without being afraid of being judged or pointing out mistakes. everything
seems more easy and build a comfortable environment which can help to
increase work productivity
Môi trường làm việc thay đổi như nào trong những năm gần đây?
Workplaces are constantly changing everyday. There are a lot of new tools
and software and the use of technology in working becomes more and more
popular, which can be an alternative option for human resources. Otherwise,
many bosses don’t require their employees to go to the company so that they
can work from home, which is more convenient. Working environment
becomes more dynamic and friendly. With today’s constantly changing work
environment, it is crucial that you be prepared for that by learning and
expanding your working knowledge.
Pic 1 1 ng đàn ông ngồi trước máy tính cầm chiếc thẻ ở nhà
Pic2 1 ng phụ nữ đứng trả tiền cho ng đàn ông đang cầm con cá, ở shop
pay cash: When you pay with the cash you've budgeted for purchases, it's
easier to keep track exactly how you're spending your money.
You might choose to use your credit card for certain monthly purchases or
bills, but use cash for most day-to-day spending on other little things such as
food, ingredients… in some small stores.
+ trong tương lai thì bạn có nghĩ vẫn tồn tại việc mua hàng ở shop ?
restaurants environment is also cleaner and fresher because it’s one of the
ways to show the luxury image of the whole restaurant
in restaurants, you can easily choose healthy food such as soup and salad…
without being limited by the fix menu like the fast food store
Maintaining a moderate weight so that you can reduce risk of heart disease,
type 2 diabetes, and some cancers
thợ mỏ: miner, đèn pin: flashlight, helmet: mũ bảo hộ, smeared face: mặt
nhem nhuốc, sweat: mồ hôi, difficult condition, cooker hood: mũ đầu bếp;
ingredients and kitchen tools: nguyên liệu và dụng cụ làm bếp
Absolutely that doing work as a chef is more interesting than being a miner
because you don’t have to work in a very hard condition that you can't even
see the sunshine. Being a chef, you have the chance to work in a lot of
famous and luxury restaurants and meet many people with different
backgrounds. The feeling of cooking various dishes by yourself is very exciting
and pleasant so that you can become more appreciative of your work. That’s
why I think being a chef is the job that is more popular to people than being a
Tranh 1 là một buổi concert với rất nhiều khán giả ở dưới đang giơ tay.
Nam ca sĩ đang đứng hát trên sân khấu tay cầm đàn. Tranh 2 có 1 người
đàn ông cầm chiếc CD tai đeo headphones nằm nghe nhạc ở ghe sofa
These two choices show that there isn’t a “correct” way of enjoying music. I
think that it really depends on the listeners’ personality and what gives them
the most pleasure. Some people love the atmosphere of live concerts. They
get a kick out of the realness of the moment and the sound despite its
imperfection. In concerts, some artists also do crowd work which seems really
interactive and, on some level, intimate. On the other hand, there are people
who like to have their music undisturbed by cheers and yells, or more
specifically, they want to listen to perfect renditions of their favorite songs in
the comfort of their home.
-Bạn có nghĩ rằng âm nhạc đang trở nên tốt hơn khi thời gian trôi qua
It has definitely degraded over time. The 80s and the 90s introduced us to
some of the greatest music of all times by artists and bands such as Queen,
Backstreet Boys, GnR, etc. The new artists are taking over the Music Industry
faster, and all they are doing is using technology to make music. EDM is cool
and all, but it ain't got that 80s and 90s feel. Today's music doesn't give the
same feel we used to get while listening to some of the greatest hits during
childhood. I'd like to call the era nothing but a Golden Era of music.
Computers are used more than actual instruments, singers can't carry a tune,
and very few artists today have the passion for music that artists had 20 yrs
Tranh cặp đôi ở rạp chiếu phim. Tranh 2 cô gái nằm ở ghế sofa xem fim
Bức ảnh chụp ở rạp chiếu phim. Hàng ghế màu đỏ. Có 2 cặp đôi và 1
người đàn ông ngồi 1 mình. Họ đang cầm bỏng và nước. Tranh 2: một
cô gái tóc vàng ngồi xem TV ở nhà
The choice is based on personal tastes and preferences. Some people love
watching movies in groups and choose theaters while others like watching
them alone and prefer watching the material at home.
provide perfect sound systems and high-quality screens that create a perfect
experience for the customers.
watching a film at a theater requires a person to pay for the ticket and any
other facility, so it cost more money
feel free to do other activities while watching movies like eating, dancing,
screaming without afraid of being judged, easily to show our emotion
+Kể 1 bộ phim bạn xem gần đây/ thích xem ở rạp hay ở nhà
One of the biggest factors that make me feel like watching films at cinemas is
the bigger screen and realer sound I can enjoy there.
A second factor that makes me attached to cinemas is that I can take this as
an opportunity to go out and get out of my house. After an exhausting week
with a lot of stress, time for resting at movie theaters is really invaluable for
me. It’s also a chance when I can meet my friends and talk about many things
after long time no see
+Tại sao rạp chiếu phim vẫn còn phổ biến mặc dù mn có thể xem phim ở
A lot of people still enjoy the feeling of watching a movie at the theaters with a
box of popcorn in their hand and sharing all the moments with their friends in
the cinema. It’s a special experience that they don’t have a chance to try when
they watch films at home.
today, cinemas are trying to improve the standard of their films, many
technologies are developed to make the viewers feel as real as possible, and
this makes watching films at cinemas an impossible-to-miss chance to get.
Street markets have fresher products and usually involve local people or
farmers coming to sell their products, whereas supermarkets sell more
commercialized products. Although street market food may be tasty and fresh,
supermarket food can be safer since they have tighter restrictions from the
On the other hand, the supermarket sells different kinds of products, but it
contains branded products that are more expensive than those in street
No matter what your economic status (how much money you have) is, there is
always something for you. Moreover, our street markets are famed for
freshness and quality at the lowest prices, so why would they dislike that? On
the other hand, some people fear being ripped off (being charged a higher
price), so they avoid the street markets.
I love the whole experience of seeing people selling their products, as well as I
believe that the freshest produce comes from there. I would much rather go to
a street market than a large name brand supermarket, where the produce is
treated with pesticides and other chemicals to keep it from perishing.
Everyone wants to fulfill all their desires, but many people cannot afford it
because they do not have enough money for it, so they buy things from the
street market as this market provides different material at very affordable
prices. On the other hand, some people buy items/ products from the street
market because, in that way, they can save a lot.
Leo núi – bãi biển (bảo vệ TN) (kiểu người nào – bạn thích cái nào)
Đồng quê – thành phố (tiêu chí hàng xóm) (tuổi thơ tốt)
I think that when people are still young, strong and have so many ambitious
plans, they should choose to live in the city because it’s a good and
competitive environment for man’s development. A city offers so many
opportunities and advantages that are absent in the countryside. In a city
people have access to many different transportation systems and have the
latest technologies to communicate; like cellular phones, internet,... Secondly,
cities provide better security and treatment such as high quality hospitals,
doctors,.. that you will be served the best.
On the other hand, when I’m an adult, I would prefer to live in a small accent
town where I could have fresh air and have more outdoor activities, which are
really good for my health. I will be closer to nature that helps both my mental
and physical health.
Nhóm bạn – bạn thân (trẻ con chơi 1 mình trong nhà - nhóm bạn bên
electronic devices on their own; have a negative impact on their health and
make them more introverted.
close to nature which is good for their mental and physical health; build and
develop relationship with friends; independent, learn communication skill; help
to reduce risk of obesity and future stress
House – apartment (ideal house)/ chung cư nhiều căn hộ - biệt thự ngoại
All things considered, the best type of housing depends on the circumstances
and personal preferences.
House: For most young adults in Vietnam, they would all love to have their
own house as they could enjoy more freedom and privacy. This house will be
suitable for those who want To settle down in the future and live with their
family or a person working from home.
There are clear benefits of living in a house in terms of privacy and safety and
having more room but it may also involve more costs and effort
Home owners have absolute freedom to renovate and decorate their houses
the way they want.People can truly enjoy the ultimate comfort and privacy that
a permanent home offers
neighbours life in some distance and therefore conflicts with them are less
likely compared to living wall-to-wall in apartments
Apartment: often suitable most for students at university or those who don’t
have enough money to buy their own house. In a large city or for young
people without a family, apartments can be a more cost effective and
convenient solution.
Seems more affordable and economical in the short term so that people can
save money for other purposes.Moreover, living in an apartment means less
commitment and more flexibility. Hence, it can be easier to simply move if
one’s requirements of space changes.
Save time for traveling to workplace than driving in from the suburbs
cities will offer you a plenty of various places such as restaurants, museums,
concerts and more.
enjoy the fresh and clean atmosphere that don’t have pollution, crowded
people or rush hours
the atmosphere here is very good for their mental and physical health
they don’t like to live in such a place that’s too noisy and polluted
when people get older, they often tend to go back to where they were born
and spend more time for their family
Tạp hóa/chợ – siêu thị (đàn ông – phụ nữ) (xu hướng shopping)
Học 1 mình/học nhóm (có hay học ngoài giờ trên lớp không)
Công nhân – nv văn phòng (ngành nào khó hơn/ trả lương cao hơn)
Concert – chơi nhạc trong phòng (kiểu người nào – bạn thích cái nào)
Part 4
kể về chuyến nghỉ với gia đình của bạn
I would like to talk about an exciting holiday where I went to Nha Trang with
my family last year. It was such a memorable summer holiday. It took us 1
hour to travel from Hai Phong to Nha Trang by plane. We got around the
islands by cruise which was an amazing experience because we all like
sightseeing. Taking part in the Vietnamese cuisine workshop was also great
The weather was so nice that it made me want to run directly to the beach,
enjoy the fresh air and clean water. There were a lot of people swimming ,
sunbathing, playing volleyball on the shore , and some children even built
sand castles and flew kites .We stayed at Edele hotel whose service I found
very satisfying and I had the chance to eat the sea food there , they were very
delicious . I went to Vinpearl Land and Long Sơn Pagoda, too .They were very
wonderful. I felt very fun and happy because I also met many foreigners ,they
were tourists and I had talked to them a lot .We bought some souvenirs for
ourselves and for my best friend. We take a minibus around Danang City at
night. After a very tiring day, we went to the hotel and slept.
The bad thing is that the weather is unpredictable. It can rain dogs and cats in
the morning and suddenly clear out in the afternoon.
It is very much a worth-living city and we absolutely enjoyed our holiday trip.
When I came back home , I felt very happy but a little regretful because I
wanted to stay there longer. I told my dad I liked Nha Trang and I hoped we
could go to Nha Trang again one summer .
nói về một lần bạn mua đồ hiệu/ Nêu cảm nhận của bạn/ nó có xứng
đáng ko
3 months ago when I first receive my salary for the first job
thrifty spending; want to save money for other purposes, so I don’t buy brand
name products so often
a gift for me for my birthday to congratulate on the first time I earn money by
luxury handbag from prada; it’s on sale up to 35% so I don't hesitate to buy it.
It’s really a pretty bag, for sure; prove my efforts along those months working
I will try more to buy brand name products again because of its quality and
also, I can even buy other ones for my friends and my parents
Vì sao mọi người lựa chọn hàng hiệu hay dịch vụ cao cấp hơn.
People buy brand name products for a variety of reasons. Recognized brand
names typically have shown high quality. Consumers often buy clothing
brands that help to show them as fashionable, trendy or high class. Prove
their wealth and power; support their personal or professional image.
lần cuối bạn xem thể thao, bạn cảm thấy thế nào khi xem thể thao/
Watching A Football Match is a special experience. Recently, I got the
opportunity to witness a football match that was played between Vietnam and
Myanmar. The match was played at the playgrounds of Singapore. There
were chairs on one side and the rest of the ground was open for the
spectators. Both the teams were in high spirits. They were dressed in their
school colors. Both seemed to be equally strong. The match started at 5 p.m.
They were hopeful of scoring the goal.The Vietnam team dominated and
scored 2 goals in the 1st round. But at the same time, the right half of the VN
team was badly injured and the captain had to play the double role throughout
the entire game. The whole team was cheered by their supporters.
In the 2nd round, The game was getting more and more interesting. In the first
few moments, the VN team put pressure on the Myanmar team and finally
scored a goal again.
In the end, the VN team became the champion, which made me really
overjoyed and felt so proud of the national football background
sleeping habit
Sleep plays an important role in the function of the brain. A good sleep helps
to improve memory and learning, increase attention and creativity, and aid in
making decisions.
My sleeping habits are good. My sleep habits are often listening to music or
hearing a horror story before I drift to sleep. I probably get 8 or 9 hours of
sleep each night. I believe eight hours of sleep is essential for my health
I always try to take a nap after lunch. Only 30 minutes for a nap can really
recharge my energy after hard-working hours. And to be honest, I think
everyone should do that; it’s really good for health.
Actually, I’m also an early bird, you know. I always enjoy the sun pouring
through my window and the fresh air. Getting up early to do physical exercises
and having breakfast at home make me feel full of energy.
I guess people have different ways to get a sound sleep. But if you ask me, I
would say firstly, thriller or horror movies need to be avoided. /Exercise
regularly and maintain a healthy diet.
Make your bedroom quiet and relaxing. Keep the room at a comfortable, cool
temperature. And lastly, Don’t eat a large meal or consume caffeine before
bedtime. Instead, a cup of chamomile tea is a better option.
âm nhạc ở nước bạn/ tại sao 1 số nước sản xuất nhiều nhạc và 1 số thì
There are many kinds of music in Vietnam: imperial court music, folk music
(cheo, xam, quan ho, chau van, ca tru, ho…), classical music for refugees or
Yellow Music, revolutionary songs or Red Music… But us, the new generation
of people in Vietnam prefer modern music – pop music or rock heavy metal.
produce so much music, such as Korea, because the people here have an
intense love for music and they spend a lot of time on listening to music, so
music is produced on a regular basis to meet the needs of the dwellers. In
some countries, the people don’t care so much about music and they have
many other things to care about, so music production here doesn't develop so
Kể về 1 lần chơi thể thao bị chấn thương, cảm giác ra sao, cách để bạn
vượt qua khoảng thời gian hồi phục.
It was really a difficult time when I first got such an injury but thanks to the
help from those people, I felt more confident and happy again. I also told
myself that I had to be more careful when playing in order not to let this
happen again. I felt very grateful when all my loved ones always helped me
feel secure.
phong cách thời trang của bạn, cảm thấy như nào khi mặc nó
I'm the type of simple person. My personal style is quite minimalist in dress so
I often choose casual clothes such as a basic white shirt and blue jeans with a
pair of white sneakers. It has been my favorite style of fashion since I was 14
years old. But sometimes, I have to change in clothes for some special events
such as graduation day, anniversary or wedding day. I will choose a bling
dress with luxury accessories like necklace, earrings with high heels to make
me stand out among the crowd. I also love dressing in the colors red and blue.
They all make me feel confident and comfortable so I can easily do outdoor
activities and other things like go to school or the library. I think that the most
beautiful clothes are the things that help you feel most convenient.
The way people dress can help to show their taste in fashion and even their
personal image. They want to prove themselves to other people about their
power and wealth. Your type of clothes can inform passersby about whom you
are such as your ambitions, characteristics and spending habits
People usually make judgments about others from the clothes they wear.
depend on the features of each event. Some events need to dress in luxury
and formal ways, other just need casual clothes so that everyone can all feel
khóa học, yếu tố nào khiến khóa học phù hợp với bạn, tại sao mọi người
lại đăng ký 1 khóa học.
I would like to talk about the time when I started to learn how to cook
I used to hate cooking, and while I could make a few basic things. I wasn’t
really any good. At school, we did have a few cooking classes, but nothing
that really taught me the skills I’d need to make anything other than a basic
dessert or a simple lunch. I’ve always been a fan of taking classes online. So I
decided to choose to take a cooking course online because it’s convenient
and time-saving when I can join anytime in my spare time. Former students
had written rave reviews about it and so I was excited to begin the class.
The teacher went through all the basics, from the essential equipment that all
home chefs need to basic knife skills. Every class left me more and more
confident. Over time I started to experiment and try making increasingly
complex dishes. I can’t say everything has been a success, and I've certainly
had my fair share of disasters in the kitchen, but that one online course has
saved me from a lifetime of mediocre takeout and frozen meals. The most
difficult thing is that no one would judge my meals and point out what I did
wrong but that didn’t discourage me.
outdoor activities (trò chơi trẻ con hồi nhỏ, có quan trọng cho trẻ con có
I was born and grew up in a small town in the countryside so I spent a lot of
time on OA with my friends when I was a kid. The green fields, rivers, hills
were my best part of my lively and magical childhood. I used to play lots of
games in my childhood and among them, hide and seek was one of my most
favorite and it was also the best game that I always remembered I had replay
over and over again.
This game requires a minimum of 4-5 kids to play. Initially, one kid would be
selected to close his eyes and others would try to run around and find a place
to hide as fast as possible in order not to be found out.
Playing outdoors with friends when I was a kid was always the best thing I
have experienced. Firstly, it was because this game gave me a lot of fun and
made me feel more relaxed, which was really helpful for my body. Another
reason is that I could keep our friendship closer.
close to nature which is good for their mental and physical health; build and
develop relationship with friends; independent, learn communication skill; help
to reduce risk of obesity and future stress
+ cảm giác tn
+ Hon nhân quan trọng tn ở quốc gia bạn, hôn nhân cần những yếu tố gì
để HP
Kể về một lần bạn thất bại? Cảm giác lúc đó ntn? Bạn làm gì để vượt
qua? (làm gì để vượt qua thử thách)
Thành công là đạt được những gì bạn muốn; hạnh phúc là muốn những
gì bạn nhận được". Bạn có đồng ý k
- Teamwork
- Khoảng time đạt mục tiêu, cảm giác thế nào, cần làm gì để đạt mục tiêu
- Problems (công nghệ tác hại > lợi ích?) (vượt qua khó khăn)/
I think life would be very boring without challenges. Challenges not only make
life more exciting but also more meaningful.
I would like to talk about one problem that I had to face off in my life and it
affects me so much. The story began when I was in grade 12 and I prepared
for the final exam to enter university. But the problem was that I didn’t know
which was my strength, my weakness or even my hobbies and my dream, so
it was very difficult for me to choose the major or a university that I wanted to
follow. As a result, choosing a major for my career path in the future really
made me anxious and that problem kept popping up in my head. Luckily, while
looking at my problem and seeing I was so confused everyday to choose a
suitable option, my parents were very willing to help me out of this mess. They
spent a whole day showing the future career path that would be suitable for
me. And finally, after many hours of discussion, I found the way that I really
wanted to follow. And at that time, I felt very appreciative of my parents' efforts
that absolutely helped me out of the dark and not to lose my way.
My parents told me that I did a really good job. That’s the day I realized that
rather than fearing challenges we should welcome them. I thought that
parents always were the ones who knew you and supported you the most as
family always became a place for you to depend on when you were in trouble.
I don’t really agree with the idea that technology brings more problems than
benefits. Because as you can see, nowadays, it can’t be denied that the
development of technology has changed our life so much. With the creation of
technology, many nonstop jobs could be done and it also brings many obvious
solutions for our problems very quickly because they’re specifically
programmed. Thanks to modern technology, people also easily access to
Information all around the world and find the best answers for their questions
while not needing to spend so much time on searching.
The more difficult the challenge you have to face-off is, the more confident you
must become. Facing challenges is one of the effective ways to help you
become more courageous, stronger and believe in yourself. They also give
you more meaningful stories that help you so much in your future.
- Lần cuối bị ai đó ngăn làm gì (cấm giẫm lên cỏ…) – có quá nhiều luật
trong XH?
I would like to talk about a time that I was forbidden. The story began about 2
years ago, when I was still 17 and I had to tell lies to my parents because I
really wanted to go to my friend’s birthday party at night, which took place in
the suburb that was very far from my house. But my parents had stopped me
from doing that and they said that I wasn't allowed to go anywhere except for
their agreements. At that time, I felt very angry and disappointed at my
parents' actions. I supposed that they didn’t understand my feelings and
always did the things that they thought were totally right without asking my
opinions. But that night, the weather became so bad with heavy rain and after
a long time at home, I realized that all things that my parents did were just for
my safety and they just all worried about the trouble that could happen to me if
I went to that party. Until now, I still feel very lucky and thankful to always have
my parent’s caring and they often support me the most all the time I need
I agree with the idea that nowadays, there are too many rules in people’s
lives. Everywhere you go, you can easily see notice boards, forbidden signs,...
that people must follow them. But this is also a good signal that the
government’s efforts to care about citizens and they have paid more attention
to improve the quality of life. And those rules are also necessary because they
can at least avoid accidents.
- 1 lần đi lạc
- khóa học (tại sao mng học khóa học)
- tặng quà
- thăm nhà cao tầng/ thành phố (cải thiện môi trường)
In 2012 I went to Dubai. I visited the Burj Khalifa. I was very excited to visit
this amazing modern building. I loved seeing the whole city from very high up.
The buildings and the people from the Burj Khalifa looked very tiny. I took
some photos with my family/friends. I took a selfie too and posted it on social
media. I think so many cities have tall buildings because it makes the city look
nice and modern. Cities do not have much space. Tall buildings give more
space. More tourists may visit a city with tall buildings.
old buildings
I absolutely love to visit historic sites and buildings and fortunately, I had a
chance to visit an old building in Hanoi about 3 months ago.
HN certainly has many very old buildings and I think it’s great when they put
the date on the old houses and put up signs explaining the history of buildings
or places. What I really enjoy is visiting the old churches here in Finland. The
oldest are from the 1200s or 1300s.
I’m extremely excited with great old structures and history. I can walk around
them for hours, just looking at all the wonderful sights.
I especially love old lighthouses and cemeteries. It’s just so cool to go around
looking at all the old names in the graveyards and wonder what these people
were like or if they really existed at all.
It’s really a remarkable feeling when you enter an old church and after a while
you start to feel that it’s a very special place. You can feel the weight of time -
or something. That doesn’t happen in each of them. But in some it does and it
really takes me to the history - or rather the prehistory of my country.
Old buildings have their own identity. Historical Building is very important and
we learn about art and painting. Historical Building helps us to understand
history, know other cultures and learn about traditions, food, clothing styles
and so on.
- good news
- mng tiếp cận tin mới bằng cách nào – report news đã thay đổi ra sao
It depends on where they live and how wealthy they are. In rural areas where
economic growth is limited, I think traditional newspapers and television are
the two most common ways of getting news. In more economically developed
areas, people use the Internet and mobile devices such as smartphones and
tablets to update news instantly. There are also many websites that you can
easily get through social media like fb or twitter…
Social media as well as the development of science and technology has made
a big impact on news reporting. 50 years ago, people didn't have the internet
and not many people had TVs. Now we have many more sources providing
information and we can get news easily. But it’s also a chance for the fake
news to attack social media. Besides, the traditional newspapers and
television may be less popular methods of getting news.
- chuyến đi gần đây – tham quan đài tưởng niệm – tại sao quan trọng với
thành phố