Development of Protein Rich Product
Development of Protein Rich Product
Development of Protein Rich Product
ISSN: 2454-132X
Impact factor: 4.295
(Volume 5, Issue 1)
Available online at:
Development of protein rich product
Suhana Kulavoor Grishma Ramugade Subhashini M.
Guru Nanak Khalsa College of Arts, Guru Nanak Khalsa College of Arts, Guru Nanak Khalsa College of Arts,
Science and Commerce, Mumbai, Science and Commerce, Mumbai, Science and Commerce, Mumbai,
Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra
respondents across India in order to assess the consumer
The growing public awareness of nutrition & healthcare understanding of protein in their day to day life. It was observed
research substantiates the potential of phytonutrients such as that around 9 out of 10 consumers had a diet deficient in proteins.
polyphenols, saponins, essential amino acids, dietary fibres, This shows that the overall level of the amount of protein
flavonoids on their health benefits. Proteins are the major consumption is extremely low in India. Higher Vegetarians
macronutrient required by the body. Protein-energy (91%) show a protein deficit as compared to Non-Vegetarians
Malnutrition (PEM) develops in children whose consumption (85%). [28]
of protein and energy is insufficient to satisfy the body’s
nutritional needs. 91% of Vegetarians in India suffer from Hence, there is a need to develop a Protein-rich product.
PEM. Hence, there is a need to develop a Protein-rich product.
Chickpea, Mung & Soy Flour was used in the preparation of “CHIPS” which are a savoury snack and very trendy in markets
chips. These chips were analyzed for their Nutritional, for years. So, incorporating a functional food ingredient into it
phytochemical, microbial and sensory parameters & a suitable may lead to the best way to introduce healthy and functional food
packaging for the product was also developed. The present into our day to day life.
study showed that the product is a good source of protein (20%)
and carbohydrates (62%). The product was liked very much by Chickpea, Mung and soybean have received significant interest
all the participants (score- 8). High quality 40 microns because of their high protein content.
PET/MET was used as packaging material for the Product
which are durable, heat resistant films with very good oxygen
Cicer arietinum, commonly known as chickpea is a legume of
barrier properties. the family Fabaceae, subfamily Faboideae. Its different types are
variously known as Gram or Bengal gram, Garbanzo bean or
Keywords— chips, protein, chickpea, mung, soybean, Egyptian pea. Its seeds are high in protein. It is a nutrient dense
Nutritional evaluation and sensory evaluation. food. [3]
Functional food may include such items as cereals, bread, Vigna Radiata, commonly known as the mung bean
beverages, that are fortified with vitamins, some herbs and alternatively known as moong bean, monggo, green gram or
nutraceuticals. mung. Mung beans are commonly used in cuisines across Asia.
It is vegan. Its flour is gluten-free and high in protein. [1]
A growing consciousness among consumers regarding their
Glycine max, commonly known as soya bean in North America
health and proper diet is expected to aid the overall industry over
the next eight years. Foods are not only intended to satisfy one’s
or soya bean, is a species of legume native to East Asia, widely
hunger but also to eliminate nutrition-related diseases. Such a grown for its edible bean which has numerous uses. Soy protein
factor is anticipated to affect the global industry demand products can be good substitutes for animal products because
positively. [4] unlike some other beans, soy offers a ‘complete’ protein profile.
Soy Protein products can replace animal-based foods – which
Proteins are the major macronutrient required by the body. also have complete protein but tend to contain more fats,
Protein-energy Malnutrition (PEM) develops in children whose especially saturated fat- without requiring major adjustments
consumption of protein and energy is insufficient to satisfy the elsewhere in the diet. The Protein Digestibility Collected Amino
body’s nutritional needs. 53% of Indian’s suffers from PEM. Acid Score (PDCAAS) of soy proteins is the nutritional
equivalent of meats, eggs and casein for human growth and
Protein consumption in Diet of adult Indians, a consumer survey health. Soybean protein isolate has a biological value of 74,
(PRODIGY) was conducted in seven major cities in 1260 whole soybeans 96, soybean milk 91 & eggs 97. [2]
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Kulavoor Suhana et al.; International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology
2.1. Materials Proximate Analysis of the product was carried out by using
Chickpea Flour, Mung Flour and Soybean Flour Garlic Powder, different methods
Ginger Powder, Onion Powder, Chilli Powder, Salt, Yeast
Extract, Olive Oil were procured from the Market. 4.1 Evaluation of Moisture Content
Moisture Content of the product was evaluated by using Oven
2.2. Method Drying Method i.e. the conventional Method. The sample was
2.2.1 Cleaning: All pulses were taken and cleaned to remove the weighed and treated at 102°C for 2 hours in the Hot Air Oven.
dirt, stones, chaff and other foreign particles.
4.2 Evaluation of Ash Content
2.2.2 Roasting/Grinding: The pulses were roasted for about 30 Ash Content of the product was evaluated by using Muffle
minutes and ground into a fine powder to make flours. Furnace. The sample was weighed and incinerated to remove the
carbon molecules from the product and ignited at 550°C in the
Take equal amount (i.e 30g) of chickpea flour, mung
flour, soybean flour and wheat flour. Muffle Furnace.
Sprinkle the yeast exract 0.2g on the chips to enhance 4.6 Evaluation of Crude Fibers
the flavour. Crude Fiber was evaluated by Acid-Alkali Hydrolysis method
described in A.O.A.C.
Pack the chips in the PET/MET pack or else Keep it in
4.7 Evaluation of Gluten Content
airtight container .
Dry Gluten from Wet Gluten was determined by using an Oven
Fig. 1: A flowchart depicting standard preparation method drying method.
Protein rich chips.
4.8 Evaluation of Energy Content
3. PRODUCT FORMULATION TRIALS Energy content was determined by multiplying the Crude
Proteins, Crude Carbohydrates and Crude Fats by water Factors
4, 4 and 9 respectively.
The concentration of Phenols was estimated by Folin-
Ciocalteau’s method using colorimetry.
The protein-rich product was formulated and analyzed. The
COLOUR present study showed that the product is a good source of protein
9 (20%) and carbohydrates (62%). The product was liked very
OVERALL 8 much by all the participants (score- 8). The product can be stored
ACCEPTANCE 6 for a longer duration as it has low moisture content (3.8%). This
5 product can be a very good source of Proteins for the Vegetarian
3 population.
The Quality and Bioavailability of protein in the product can be
further studied.