Chang 2012
Chang 2012
Chang 2012
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This study presented a new diagnosis system for myocardial infarction classification by converting multi-
Received 15 March 2011 lead ECG data into a density model for increasing accuracy and flexibility of diseases detection. In contrast
Received in revised form 9 January 2012 to the traditional approaches, a hybrid system with HMMs and GMMs was employed for data clas-
Accepted 12 June 2012
sification. A hybrid approach using multi-leads, i.e., lead-V1, V2, V3 and V4 for myocardial infarction
Available online 30 June 2012
were developed and HMMs were used not only to find the ECG segmentations but also to calculate the
log-likelihood value which was treated as statistical feature data of each heartbeat’s ECG complex. The
4-dimension feature vector extracted by HMMs was clustered by GMMs with different numbers of dis-
12-Lead ECG
Myocardial infarction
tribution (disease and normal data). SVMs classifier was also examined for comparison with our system
Hidden Markov models in experimental result. There were total 1129 samples of heartbeats from clinical data, including 582
Gaussian mixtures models data with myocardial infarction and 547 normal data. The sensitivity of this diagnosis system achieved
Support vector machines 85.71%, specificity achieved 79.82% and accuracy achieved 82.50% statistically.
© 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1568-4946/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
3166 P.-C. Chang et al. / Applied Soft Computing 12 (2012) 3165–3175
Table 1
The aspect of each lead.
Fig. 3. The complete flow diagram for myocardial infarction classification using a 12-lead ECG.
2.1. ECG beat sampling value is unfair and cannot be used in classification. Therefore, the
length of each separated heartbeat is fixed as 400 in this research
In 12-lead ECG system, lead-II contains the most obvious heart- and Fig. 4 shows one instance of the data.
beat waveform. Therefore, the location of peak in R-wave in lead-II
is used to divide the ECG complex in each lead into separated heart-
beat. This study assumes that each heart-beat contained 402 points. 2.2. Feature extraction: using HMMs for each lead V1–V4
The number of 402 is decided by the past experiments according to
the priori knowledge. In this research, we first separate the whole This study focuses on anterior wall and septum in myocardial
known data set into single heartbeat and calculate the average infarction, lead V1–V4 are considered as feature data for training
length. Because of that the total length of an ECG complex is 5000 HMMs. In this study, 4 HMMs are adopted to learn lead V1–V4
points in 10 s, and the frequency of rhythm is between 60 and 80 per respectively. HMMs can find the best segmentation of a heartbeat
minute in usual. That means the length of a single heartbeat should and represent it as a step-like waveform through Viterbi algorithm
be larger than 375 and smaller than 500 points. Hence, according and the tool employed here is the hidden Markov model Toolbox
to the data set collected, we decide each heart has 400 points in for Matlab [22].
the ECG complex. The setting about 400 points of each ECG fits all A HMM is a stochastic model used for representing an underly-
collected data and can conclude the P, QRS and T waves which are ing stochastic process that is not observable, but can be observed
main components in an ECG complex. Another reason about why through the sequence of observed symbols [23]. HMMs were often
all heartbeats have the same length is that for a probability model used for signal processing such as speech recognition [24] and ECG
like HMM, the probability of each input data is calculate by each signal analysis [25]. A HMM with N states can be described via a
point, hence if the length differs from each other, the probability compact notation:
3168 P.-C. Chang et al. / Applied Soft Computing 12 (2012) 3165–3175
Fig. 5. A heartbeat modeling by a HMM with 6 states and its state transitions.
Table 4 Figs. 8 and 9 show the result of normal and myocardial infarction
Four log-likelihood values HMMs generated.
data and its’ related results about HMMs state sequence.
Case HMM-V1 HMM-V2 HMM-V3 HMM-V4 This study uses left-to-right and full transition HMMs to find the
1 −1640.06 −1600.51 −1835.34 −1822.67 better experimental result in myocardial infarction identification.
The clinical data contained two parts, one is the data with
myocardial infarction, and another one includes the patients’ data
with cardiopathy but not myocardial infarction and normal cases.
When the model is trained, the Forward–Backward Procedure
In this study, the HMMs are trained by myocardial infarction data,
is used to calculate the likelihood value of each ECG complex. In
so that the disease and normal ECG complex can have difference
this study, lead-V1–V4 are calculated by HMMs, therefore, myocar-
likelihood value because trained HMMs have only learned about
dial infarction data and normal data have a 4-dimension vector
data with myocardial infarction.
(xV1 , xV2 , xV3 , xV4 ). Each xVi ’s log-likelihood value is calculated as
In this research, the inputs to the GMM model will be the
a heart-beat ECG complex corresponding to each related HMM-Vi.
4-dimensional HMMs feature data as shown in Table 4 and the
The calculated value of one heart-beat is shown in Table 4. To aid in
output will be a two-class classification of myocardial infarction
visualization, Fig. 6 shows the 2-D feature space of ECG data (circle
either positive or negative. An integrated diagram shows this
is myocardial infarction data and cross is normal one, the x-axis is
input–process–output relationship can be referred to Fig. 4. In addi-
HMM-V1 and y-axis is HMM-V2).
tion, two widely applied classification approaches, i.e., Gaussian
mixture models and support vector machines, are adopted to sep-
2.3. Data classification arate the test data into two parts. Once the model of distribution is
determined, the test data would be used and decide which distri-
This study also adopts the Viterbi Algorithm to find the state bution the data belongs to, myocardial infarction or not (including
sequence which finds the joint probability of the observation cardiopathy without myocardial infarction and normal case both).
sequence maximum and the state sequence to be illustrated with
the observation sequence (the ECG complex) together for visual
comparison. For left-to-right HMM, the illustrated state sequence 2.3.1. Gaussian mixture models
can be described as a step-like waveform shown in Fig. 7. The num- In this phase, the distributions of the data are to be deter-
ber listed above the dotted line is the number of state find by Viterbi mined. The tool adopted in this study is NETLAB [26] and the main
algorithm. Evan the result is different from the initial assumption parameter includes many components to the data, and the model
as we propose in introduction, the step-like waveform still present of the distribution would be fit by maximum likelihood using the
the well ability of dividing the basic components in ECG into appro- Expectation–Maximization (EM) algorithm. GMMs can deal with
priate segments, like R-wave is state-six and T-wave is state-four. overlapped classes as shown in Fig. 10. In our 12-lead ECG data,
The results also encourage us to do another experiment – full state there are cases that the data will be overlapped in more than two
transition test because some states are quite short in describing the clusters. Therefore, 2–6 components in GMMs will be explored to
components in an ECG complex and this may denote the transition
between each state shall “jump” more quickly.
-1200 ECG data
20 States sequence
-1600 10
56 6 6 6
3 4 3 4 3
1 2 1 2 1 1
-2600 -30
-3200 -3000 -2800 -2600 -2400 -2200 -2000 -1800 -1600 -1400 -1200
HMM-V1 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Fig. 6. Two-dimension (V1–V2) visualization with MI and normal data (circle is
myocardial infarction data and cross is normal one). Fig. 7. An ECG complex and its corresponding step-like waveform.
3170 P.-C. Chang et al. / Applied Soft Computing 12 (2012) 3165–3175
Fig. 8. Example for result of normal data. (The solid line was waveform of a heartbeat and the dotted line was the step-like waveform of Viterbi algorithm result.)
show if there is any major effect in myocardial infarction identifi- and data sparseness in this study. There are two reasons. First,
cation. the density modeling of full covariance matrices can be achieved
GMMs are the most statistically mature methods for clustering equally by using larger order diagonal covariance matrices. Sec-
and density modeling. Mixtures models are a type of density model ond, diagonal covariance matrices are more efficient than the full
comprised a number of component functions. These mixtures mod- covariance and empirically, diagonal covariance matrices have out-
els include probability mixture model, parametric mixture model performed full covariance matrices.
and continuous mixture model. GMMs have been successfully used The number of components and the distribution of data are used
for texture and color images analysis [27] and applied to speech to calculate the test data to determine fitting the Gaussian mixture
recognition [28]. This study assumes that a probability distribution distribution. The testing result will be described in next section in
existed that can represent the feature statistics of a block of each detail.
patient. The Gaussian mixture models are selected for this purpose.
For a D-dimensional feature vector, x, the mixture density used
for the likelihood function is defined as
2.3.2. Support vector machines
This section briefly describes the basic SVM and non-linear
p(x|) = ωi pi (x) (4) SVM concepts for typical two-class classification problems. Assume
i=1 there is a training set with N samples (Xi , yi |Xi ∈ n , yi ∈ {−1, + 1}).
In our case, D will be equal to 4 since we have 4-dimensional In the theory of basic SVM, a hyper-plane can be defined by the
HMM feature input. The density is a weighted linear combination following linear function
of M unimodal Gaussian densities, pi (x), each parameterized
by a
mean D × 1 vector, i , and a D × D covariance matrix, i and ωi is f (X) = ωT X + b (7)
the mixture weight ith component, which satisfies ωi > 0 and
where w is the weight vector {w1 , w2 , . . . , wn } and n is the number
ωi = 1 (5)
of attributes (dimensions) and b is a bias. In order to obtain the sep-
arating hyper-plane with largest margin for each training example,
the function yields f(X) ≥ 0 for y = +1 and f(X) < 0 for y = −1. In other
pi (x) = exp − (x − i )T (˙i ) (x − i ) (6) words, training set from the two different classes are separated
(2)D/2 |˙i |1/2 2
by the hyper-plane f(X) = 0 and the SVM classifier is based on the
The above model supports both the full and diagonal covariance hyper-plane that maximized the separating margin as illustrated
matrices, but the diagonal covariance is selected for computational in Fig. 11.
P.-C. Chang et al. / Applied Soft Computing 12 (2012) 3165–3175 3171
SVMs can be extended to classify the nonlinear data through Gaussian radial basis function kernel:
nonlinear mapping function ϕ(x) to map the input pattern X into a
||Xi − Xj ||2
higher H-dimensional space. The modified function is as follows. K(Xi , Xj ) = exp − (10)
2 2
1 Sigmoid kernel:
f (X) = W T ˚(X) = ωj ϕ(X) + ω0 , ˚(X) = (8)
j=1 K(Xi , Xj ) = tanh(kXi · Xj − ı) (11)
with W = [ω0 , ω1 , . . ., ωH ]T is the weight vector. Through the clinical data are linearly inseparable data, the non-
SVMs were one of the kernel-based learning algorithm [29], linear SVMs are applied and Gaussian RBF is selected as the kernel
three admissible kernel functions K, used as nonlinear mapping function in this study. With the kernel mapping function, data from
function [30] were: two classes can always be separated by a hyper plane found by using
Polynomial kernel of degree h: support vectors and margins. Fig. 12 shows the result calculated by
RBF kernel (x-axis: lead-V1; y-axis: lead-V2).
K(Xi , Xj ) = (Xi · Xj + 1)h (9)
Fig. 11. SVM classification with a hyper-plane that maximized the separating mar-
Fig. 10. Overlapped data clustered by GMMs (four components of data). gin between the two classes.
3172 P.-C. Chang et al. / Applied Soft Computing 12 (2012) 3165–3175
In this study, Gaussian RBF kernel has the sigma value of 1 and next state. It proves that HMMs can learn ECG complex very well
we use SVM in Bioinformatics Toolbox of Matlab and randomly no matter what the initial setting was.
selection cross-validation is used to get the average accuracy. In GMMs phase, different numbers of components are also
tested for finding better result. In this study, the data with myocar-
dial infarction and normal data are treated as two main groups,
3. Experimental results each of them has its own Gaussian distribution, therefore differ-
ent numbers of distributions of disease and normal data would be
In the experiment, 6-state HMMs and 16-state HMMs are used experimented and in SVMs phase, different numbers of states are
for studying; both of those have left-to-right transition and full tested.
transition. 16-State HMMs are used for getting more detail infor- The performance for this experiment is measured by four crite-
mation about the complicate ECG complex. rions: accuracy, sensitivity (SE), expressing the fraction of events
Total numbers of heartbeats are 1129, including 582 data with correctly detected and specificity (SP), and reflecting the proba-
myocardial infarction and 547 normal data. There are 100 data bility of a negative test among patients without disease. These
selected from data with myocardial infarction and 100 data from performance measures are defined as following [31,32].
normal data randomly as test data, the rest is used as training data.
Each experiment with the same parameters is tested 30 times and TP + TN
Accuracy = (12)
the training set and test set are all random selecting during each TP + FN + FP + TN
run for verifying the robustness of this approach. Fig. 13 shows the TP
full transfer matrix calculated by 16-state HMMs. The result shows SE = (13)
similar results to left-to-right HMMs. Each state has very high prob-
ability to keep in self-state and lower probability for transferring to SP = (14)
where TP (True Positive) is the number of matched events and FN
(False Negative) is the number of events that are not detected by
this approach. FP (False Positive) is the number of events detected
by this approach and non-matched to the detector annotations. TN
(True Negative) presents as the percentage of events truly identified
0.8 as not defectives, or normal.
Figs. 14–17 show the performance about averaged accuracy
0.6 (after 30 runs) of four models verified in this research. The four
models include the number of state is 6 and 16 and transition types
are left-to-right and full state transition.
The best accuracy in 6-state HMMs is that the number of dis-
tributions of myocardial infarction is 6 while normal data is 4 and
0 state transition is left-to-right. Its sensitivity can reach to 71.29%,
15 and its specificity can reach to 71.72% and accuracy is 71.50%. In
10 15 16-state HMMs, the best result is also left-to-right state transition,
10 and the number of distributions of myocardial is 6 and normal is 6,
state 5
5 its sensitivity can achieve 85.71%, specificity achieved 79.82% and
accuracy is 82.50%. Table 5 gives the summary information.
Fig. 13. Results of 16-state HMMs with full transition (lead V1). The peak means
For SVMs, the average accuracy of left-to-right and full state
the state has higher probability to move to its self-state than to other states. transition in 6 and 16 states HMMs are shown in Table 6.
P.-C. Chang et al. / Applied Soft Computing 12 (2012) 3165–3175 3173
MI= 2 0.84
0.72 MI= 3 MI = 2
MI= 4 0.82 MI = 3
MI= 5 MI = 4
0.7 MI= 6 0.8 MI = 5
MI = 6
0.66 0.74
0.6 0.64
2 3 4 5 6
2 3 4 5 6
The number of components for healthy data (from 2 to 6) The number of components for healthy data (from 2 to 6)
Fig. 14. The experimental result for 6-state and left-to-right HMM (the number of Fig. 17. The experimental result for 16-state and full state transition HMM (the
components for MI and healthy data is from two to six). number of components for MI and healthy data is from two to six).
MI= 2 Table 5
0.72 The overall accuracy of four models.
MI= 3
MI= 4
MI= 5 6 states 16 states
0.7 MI= 6 Left-to-right transition 72% 83%
Full transition 71% 82%
Table 6
0.62 4. Discussions
time-series data and the sequence does show some hidden infor- the left-to-right transition can get higher sensitivity and accuracy
mation. Full transition is only applied to test if the assumption of than full transition.
left-to-right is correct or not. According to the ability of ST segmentation detection in HMMs,
As shown in Fig. 7, the distribution of a 12-lead ECG data will be HMMs can calculate the significant log-likelihood value discrimi-
mixed in different clusters. Therefore, a density model, i.e., GMM nating myocardial infarction data from normal ones. For 12-lead
will be applied as a classification tool for the 4-dimensional fea- ECGs, more leads would give more detail information and increase
ture input data. In GMM operation as shown in Fig. 11, we have the successful ratio. This study explores the successful application
to assume the number of components the data comes from. In by combining HMMs and GMMs in the model. In this experiment,
myocardial infarction classification, the 12-lead ECG data comes the clinical data are treated as a mixture distribution rather than
from different patients and the distributions are very complicated nonlinear data processed by SVMs. Advantages of our approaches
to identify beforehand. Especially, the 4-dimensional drawing is includes: (1) a multiple-lead (4-lead) approach, (2) HMMs as a
hard to tell if the 12-lead ECG data of normal and abnormal patients feature selection tool instead of segmentation tool, (3) the combina-
are distributed in how many clusters. Therefore, we will try our tion of HMMs (as a feature extraction) and GMMs (as a classification
tests in 2–6 components. tool) provides a better classification approach (with 4-dimension
It is desired from the experiments that by having more states in feature inputs), (4) 6-state and 16-state HMMs are explored in the
HMM and the state change in left-to-right will have a better per- experiments. 16-State HMM does show its advantage over 6-state.
formance than others. As for the GMM classification, the more the In the future, other effective approaches for classification such
components are the higher the accuracy of the GMM model. The as probabilistic neural network can be applied as a classification
reason is because a single heart beat will contain more information tool and these models with different classifiers can be tested for
if it is described with more state changes in HMM likelihood val- comparisons. The ultimate goal is to derive an applicable model in
ues. In addition, the heart beat in ECG data is recorded in sequence; medical practice for medical doctors.
therefore HMM in left-to-right sequence will have better classifica-
tion accuracy. Finally, more components in GMM classifier will also
have a better accuracy since more components have more accu-
rate probability density function of data distribution. GMM with 6
The data used for the present study are obtained from the
components has the best accuracy value.
Taoyuan Armed Forces General Hospital located in Taiwan. We
GMM performs much better in 12-lead ECG classification than
want to thank Attending Physician Dr. Yeh and his clinical team
SVM. The reason is because 4-dimensional feature inputs are very
members for their general supports in providing the clinical data
complex plus the interactions among these states make it very chal-
of myocardial infarction and the 12-lead ECG data to make this
lenging to classify. The classifier of SVM is based on the kernel
research possible.
function for data mapping and a hyper-plane for space segmen-
tation. If the data mapping in kernel function cannot be clearly
separated into different distribution, the result will not be as satis- References
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