Unit 3 (HR 03)
Unit 3 (HR 03)
Unit 3 (HR 03)
Employees often perceive performance reviews as a process that inclines heavily towards
traditional practices (Bell Curve Method), is subjective and consumes time. If they are not
satisfied with outcomes, their morale, productivity and performance may plunge.
Consequently, it may lead to high turnover. However, it is an important exercise given that it
creates a high-performing culture and motivates top-performing employees. It enables the
organization to identify skill gaps, develop learning and development programs, retain
employees and do succession planning.
Most organizations have realized that conventional performance review systems are outdated,
do not capture real-time performance, and fail to provide timely feedback and improvement
opportunities to employees.
Predictive analytics can be applied to the workforce to identify traits/patterns that account for
bad or good performance on an individual and team basis. Since analytics is an amalgamation
of powerful mathematical algorithms, it also gives objective insight into their work
preferences and the factors that drive their performance. An article published in The Times of
India talks about a case study on how analytics helped a manufacturing firm predict what was
wrong with employee performance. Using analytics, this company discovered that morale of
ten employees was down due to their issues with manager. The management quickly stepped
in to resolve the situation and take preventive measures before the employee performance
deteriorated further.
Adani Group has hired an analytics startup firm Vahanalytics, which uses machine learning
for driver profiling, behavior and performance. The startup will track the vehicles deployed at
Adani Group’s Mundra Port and capture information on whether drivers have been speeding,
taking sharp turns or not following driving norms. These reports will help Adani Group to
predict the performance factors of drivers and make timely innervations in regards to their
With the help of analytics, HR can also identify engagement activities which have the
maximum and minimum impact on employee performance. This exercise has two-fold
advantages. One, an organization can direct their investment towards initiatives that generate
the highest interest in the engagement levels. Two, an organization can define measurable
metrics that co-relate engagement and performance.
Since organizations usually review employee performance annually, it leaves little time for
HR to act on possible flight risks. However, performance analytics gives real-time
information to take timely decisions. HR can recognize red flags of performance and predict
which employees fall in the highest flight risk category. It can then either discuss the matter
directly with the employees or implement tailor-made retention programs to re-engage them.
When HR can gauge employee performance from analytics, succession planning also
becomes easier. It can anticipate promotions, transfers and firing in advance. Accordingly, it
can forecast workforce requirements and work towards filling the open positions.
Gathering data about your recruiting sources is the first step to honing your strategies in on
what works. Once you have enough recruiting data, you will be able to predict which sources
your best candidates come from, and invest your time, energy, and money into those sources
that yield the best return.
A good screening system will not only help you remove unfit candidates from the get-go, but
it will provide data on the value of your various recruiting sources.
In today’s hiring environment, it can be difficult to tell from a resume, a cover letter, or
someone’s social media profile whether they’re a good match for the job –particularly if you
don’t know the right factors to focus on.
Now that you have recruited from the best pools and screened out the least qualified
candidates based on predictive analytics, you must choose a specific candidate to hire.
Use psychometric profiles to collect data and help with selection. When you have enough
data to become predictive, you will understand which types of people are attracted, well-
suited, and well-matched to your corporate culture and the roles you’re looking to fill. You
will find a certain type of person, with certain characteristics, who thrives in your
Predicting the employees who will thrive at your company brings a multitude of benefits.
Those employees will perform better, respond well to your distinct methods of training and
coaching, and will likely stay at your organization longer.
Talent Development: Need Analysis
A Training Needs Analysis (TNA) is a process by which an organisation’s HRD needs are
identified and articulated. The process can identify:
An organisa on’s goals and its effec veness in reaching these goals
Discrepancies or gaps between an employee’s skills and the skills required for effec ve
current job performance
Discrepancies or gaps between an employee’s skills and the skills needed to perform the job
successfully in the future
The condi ons under which the HRD ac vity will occur.
Ultimately, the TNA will identify needs which require addressing in some way. It not only
provides clear direction for identifying training needs, but also helps to evaluate how
effective previous training programmes have been. The two outcomes are a training need and
a non-training need.
A Training Need reveals a performance gap, and the gap can be filled with training. It exists
when the employee does not know how to do the job – it is a lack of knowledge, skills, and
A Non-Training Need reveals a gap, however this gap cannot be filled (or fixed) with
training. It might encompass workflow, recruitment, or job design. Employees know how to
do the job, but something else affects their performance.
Many needs assessments are available for use in different employment contexts. Sources that
can help you determine which needs analysis is appropriate for your situation are described
Organiza onal Analysis. An analysis of the business needs or other reasons the training is
desired. An analysis of the organiza on’s strategies, goals, and objec ves. What is the
organiza on overall trying to accomplish? The important ques ons being answered by this
analysis are who decided that training should be conducted, why a training program is seen
as the recommended solu on to a business problem, what the history of the organiza on
has been with regard to employee training and other management interven ons.
Person Analysis. Analysis dealing with poten al par cipants and instructors involved in the
process. The important ques ons being answered by this analysis are who will receive the
training and their level of exis ng knowledge on the subject, what is their learning style, and
who will conduct the training. Do the employees have required skills? Are there changes to
policies, procedures, so ware, or equipment that require or necessitate training?
Work analysis / Task Analysis. Analysis of the tasks being performed. This is an analysis of
the job and the requirements for performing the work. Also known as a task analysis or job
analysis, this analysis seeks to specify the main du es and skill level required. This helps
ensure that the training which is developed will include relevant links to the content of the
Performance Analysis. Are the employees performing up to the established standard? If
performance is below expecta ons, can training help to improve this performance? Is there
a Performance Gap?
Content Analysis. Analysis of documents, laws, procedures used on the job. This analysis
answers ques ons about what knowledge or informa on is used on this job. This
informa on comes from manuals, documents, or regula ons. It is important that the content
of the training does not conflict or contradict job requirements. An experienced worker can
assist (as a subject ma er expert) in determining the appropriate content.
Training Suitability Analysis. Analysis of whether training is the desired solu on. Training is
one of several solu ons to employment problems. However, it may not always be the best
solu on. It is important to determine if training will be effec ve in its usage.
Cost-Benefit Analysis. Analysis of the return on investment (ROI) of training. Effec ve
training results in a return of value to the organiza on that is greater than the ini al
investment to produce or administer the training.
Requisites of Effective Training
Training programs play a crucial role in enhancing employee’s capabilities, upgrading his
existing knowledge and help him acquire new skills and learnings. Effective training
programs help employees to cope up with changes, think out of the box, survive the cut throat
competition with a smile and contribute effectively to the success of organization.
Training programs need to be designed, keeping in mind the needs and requirements of
employees. Training modules ought to be precise, crisp and informative.
Know Your Employees: Know your employees well before you begin designing training
programs for them. Sit with them and try to find out where all they need assistance. Let
them come up with their problems and what all addi onal skills would help them perform
be er. It is essen al for managers to know the strengths and weaknesses of all his team
members. Design your training program accordingly. Knowing employees well will help you
figure out the skills you need to teach them. Training programs need to be specific if you
expect your employees to benefit from the same.
Dividing Employees into Groups: One cannot design similar training programs for each and
every employee. Divide employees into groups where employees who need to learn the
same set of skills can be put into one group. You can also group employees as per their age,
work experience, departments, func onal areas and so on.
Preparing the Informa on: The next step is to prepare the content of the training program.
The content needs to be informa ve but interes ng. Include diagrams, graphs, flow charts,
pictures to make your training program interes ng so that individuals do not lose interest in
the middle of the session. The informa on needs to be relevant and authen c. Teach them
what all is necessary and would help them in their current as well as future assignments.
Prepare your training program keeping your audience in mind.
Presen ng the Informa on: You need to design your presenta on well. Decide how would
you like to present your informa on? PowerPoint or word helps you design your training
program. It is absolutely up to the trainer to decide the so ware which he/she would like to
use. Make sure there are no spelling errors. Read your presenta on twice or thrice and find
out whether it has covered en re informa on you wish to convey or not? Highlight
important informa on. Make your presenta on in bullets.
Delivering Training Programs: Select your trainers carefully. Remember, the right trainer
makes all the difference. Training programs should not be a mere one way communica on.
As a trainer, you need to understand that you are speaking not only for the individuals si ng
in the front row but also for employees si ng at the back. Be loud and clear. Do not speak
too fast. The trainer needs to involve his/her audience and encourage employees to come up
with ques ons and doubts. Employees should not a end training programs to mark their
a endance. Try to gain as much as you can. Do not sit with a closed mind.
Training Methods and Evaluation
Training Evaluation Method Types, Stages and Programs: Companies spend a lot of money
for the training purposes of their employees and that’s why it is necessary for them to
understand the effectiveness of the Employees Training and Development Programs. The
training evaluation helps them cut the costs and save a great deal of time, which can then use
for their business. This assessment is actually a measure to check the cost effectiveness of the
given training program and to ensure that the training is capable of filling up the competency
gaps within the organization.
There are various methods and stages to perform this assessment, but most of the time, it is
done with the collection of data, which mostly comprises of their feedback about the
deliverable of the training and whether or not, they are satisfied. Moreover, it is also
discussed that whether they got to learn something from the training and do they feel as if
they are able to apply those newly acquired skills in their workplace.
Most of the evaluation methods and steps are the outcomes of Kirkpatrick’s Model, which
makes use of reaction, learning, behavior, and results as its basic categories on which the eye
is needed to be kept.
Reaction deals with the response of the participant regarding whether they liked the training
course or not and if they did, then which part of it was the most interesting one and if not,
then what’s the reason. Learning deals with the degree to which the participants gained the
knowledge and the rate of gain. Behavior involves the checking of the level of the application
of the skills, whereas, results deal the effect of the skills and knowledge on the success of the
Satisfaction evaluation is the most basic measure for assessing the success rate of any
training. For the purpose, the trainer, usually, hands out a survey at the end of the course to
test the reaction of the participants.
Most of the time, it covers common questions like whether the participants enjoyed the
training or did they like the trainer. Moreover, would they want him or her back, in case any
other training program is initiated or do they feel as if it was a loss of their time? Generally,
the training evaluation ends here, since this method answers nearly all of the expectations, but
still, if someone likes to dig deeper, then rest of the methods can also do the job.
2. Knowledge Acquisi on
Knowledge acquisition is the second level of the training evaluation and involves the
examination as the attachment of the training course to check that how much the participants
have learned from the training course. It is a fact that most of the participants take training
seriously only if they know that they are required to demonstrate the concepts that they have
learned during the training.
In this method, participants are supposed to take the exam, after the training. The instructors
or the trainers check and grade the responses, and share the results with the students as well
as the training managers. This is done so that any gaps in the expected and acquired
knowledge can be quickly sewn up.
A reliable and valid examination, as the training ends, can help in determining if the
participant has understood and learned the concept or not. It can point out the participants that
did not gain anything from training, leaving even further room for the support those who did.
Furthermore, it can highlight areas that might need additional coaching or further training.
3. Behavioral Applica on
The third method of evaluation deals with the behavioral application of their newly acquired
skills. It also involves monitoring the changing behaviors as the skills and knowledge are
applied to the tasks. Even though the first method of training evaluation, satisfaction
assessment, is sufficient in most of the cases, but whenever the method of behavioral
application is needed, it is used with the combination of the first two.
This method demonstrates the level to which the participants apply their newly acquired
knowledge in their real life and real world problems. This provides crystal clear evidence of
who is applying the knowledge, where the knowledge is being applied and for what purposes.
This can assist the management to avoid any misapplications.
For example, a company that initiates a course for increasing the telephone conversion rates
can conduct a particular number of mystery calls before starting the training. This response
can be recorded and graded in accordance with the objectives of the course. After the
training, the same company can again conduct that particular number of mystery calls and
can compare their results with those before the training and measure the effectiveness of the
The primary objective of nearly all the organizations arranging the training courses is to
generate a particular business improvement. So, it means that we can assess the success level
of a training program by the improvement made in that particular field, once the training is
complete and the participants are ready to apply their knowledge for the cause of
development of the brand.
For example, if we use the above example of the course of increasing the telephone
conversion rates, then it can be based on the goals like increasing the number of sales,
decreasing the number of appointment cancellations, expanding the lead list, gaining higher
conversion rates and decreasing the time lag.
The final member of our list of training evaluation methods, is related to the measurement
of return on investment. It deals with the training regarding costs and returns. Costs like
those of the course fee, facility fee, staff management and their wages, time used for the
training the participants and returns like the business improvement, increased number of
conversions and financial gains, both short term and long term net gains.
Training evaluation is normally done in five stages while keeping an eye on all of the internal
and external factors that could alter the expectations and results.
First of all, the output in the form of descriptive data is presented before the participants of
the current batch who are going to take the course. This includes previous achievements
recorded in the various forms like charts, graphs, etc. as well as demographic data.
2. Pre-training Assessment
In this step, the experiences with previous batches, along with the information about what
they achieved after they took the course, are revealed to the participants of the current batch.
This, then leads the descriptive data like expected outputs for the current batch, syllabus,
learning needs and anything else that can come handy, later on.
This deals with the reaction of the participants to the training experience and involves a lot of
factors like the formats used by the instructor for instructional purposes, methods for
teaching, learning environment and satisfaction towards the instructors and the course, itself.
4. Post-Assessment (learning)
The fourth step towards training evaluation deals with the self-assessment of the level of the
gained knowledge and skills, along with their points of applications and the effects caused by
the application of these skills.
5. Following-up
The final step involves the time to time assessment of the training program so that it
generates the expected results without dwindling or interruptions. This is done so that the
participants of the course could get the feel as they are getting trained by the best in the whole
Training Evaluation & Methods of Training
Evaluation involves the assessment of the effectiveness of the training programs. This
assessment is done by collecting data on whether the participants were satisfied with the
deliverables of the training program, whether they learned something from the training and
are able to apply those skills at their workplace. There are different tools for assessment of a
training program depending upon the kind of training conducted.
Since organizations spend a large amount of money, it is therefore important for them to
understand the usefulness of the same. For example, if a certain technical training was
conducted, the organization would be interested in knowing whether the new skills are being
put to use at the workplace or in other words whether the effectiveness of the worker is
enhanced. Similarly in case of behavioral training, the same would be evaluated on whether
there is change in the behavior, attitude and learning ability of the participants.
Evaluation acts as a check to ensure that the training is able to fill the competency gaps
within the organization in a cost effective way. This is especially very important in wake of
the fact the organizations are trying to cut costs and increase globally. Some of the benefits of
the training evaluation are as under:
Not many organizations believe in the process of evaluation or at least do not have an
evaluation system in place. Many organizations conduct training programs year after year
only as a matter of faith and not many have a firm evaluation mechanism in place.
Organizations like IBM, Motorala only, it was found out, have a firm evaluation mechanism
in place.
Satisfaction evaluation is the most basic measure for assessing the success rate of any
training. For the purpose, the trainer, usually, hands out a survey at the end of the course to
test the reaction of the participants.
Most of the time, it covers common questions like whether the participants enjoyed the
training or did they like the trainer. Moreover, would they want him or her back, in case any
other training program is initiated or do they feel as if it was a loss of their time? Generally,
the training evaluation ends here, since this method answers nearly all of the expectations, but
still, if someone likes to dig deeper, then rest of the methods can also do the job.
2. Knowledge Acquisi on
Knowledge acquisition is the second level of the training evaluation and involves the
examination as the attachment of the training course to check that how much the participants
have learned from the training course. It is a fact that most of the participants take training
seriously only if they know that they are required to demonstrate the concepts that they have
learned during the training.
In this method, participants are supposed to take the exam, after the training. The instructors
or the trainers check and grade the responses, and share the results with the students as well
as the training managers. This is done so that any gaps in the expected and acquired
knowledge can be quickly sewn up.
A reliable and valid examination, as the training ends, can help in determining if the
participant has understood and learned the concept or not. It can point out the participants that
did not gain anything from training, leaving even further room for the support those who did.
Furthermore, it can highlight areas that might need additional coaching or further training.
3. Behavioral Applica on
The third method of evaluation deals with the behavioral application of their newly acquired
skills. It also involves monitoring the changing behaviors as the skills and knowledge are
applied to the tasks. Even though the first method of training evaluation, satisfaction
assessment, is sufficient in most of the cases, but whenever the method of behavioral
application is needed, it is used with the combination of the first two.
This method demonstrates the level to which the participants apply their newly acquired
knowledge in their real life and real world problems. This provides crystal clear evidence of
who is applying the knowledge, where the knowledge is being applied and for what purposes.
This can assist the management to avoid any misapplications.
For example, a company that initiates a course for increasing the telephone conversion rates
can conduct a particular number of mystery calls before starting the training. This response
can be recorded and graded in accordance with the objectives of the course. After the
training, the same company can again conduct that particular number of mystery calls and
can compare their results with those before the training and measure the effectiveness of the
The primary objective of nearly all the organizations arranging the training courses is to
generate a particular business improvement. So, it means that we can assess the success level
of a training program by the improvement made in that particular field, once the training is
complete and the participants are ready to apply their knowledge for the cause of
development of the brand.
For example, if we use the above example of the course of increasing the telephone
conversion rates, then it can be based on the goals like increasing the number of sales,
decreasing the number of appointment cancellations, expanding the lead list, gaining higher
conversion rates and decreasing the time lag.
The final member of our list of training evaluation methods, is related to the measurement of
return on investment. It deals with the training regarding costs and returns. Costs like those of
the course fee, facility fee, staff management and their wages, time used for the training the
participants and returns like the business improvement, increased number of conversions and
financial gains, both short term and long term net gains.
Optimizing Selection and Promotion
The ability to select the right person for the job, the team, the project. is a fundamental
capability of highly successful organizations and leaders. Unfortunately, it is also an area
that, in most organizations, is done rather poorly. This would be more clearly understood if
they looked at their level of engagement, performance, and positive retention.
The people decisions are normally what determine the level of success a leader will
Effective people decision-making is both and art and a science and increasingly, with
the tools available, can become more of a predictive science.
Making the wrong people decision is remarkably expensive as it may be easy to get
rid of truly bad performers- but that mediocre performer can pose greater risks as they
can cost your organizations month after month and they also lead to the loss of high
In a rapidly changing world and market environment, picking the right investments to
make in your people is key to creating and maintaining a high performing
Technology is having a huge impact on the cost-effectiveness of available alternatives
both for selection and development of people.
For many competition for competencies and skills can come from those half way
around the world who are more educated and cost 1/3 as much (or less). How does
this impact people decisions locally?
Selecting the wrong person is a very expensive proposition but it’s commonly done.
Interviews, even structured behavioral interviews, are often poor ways to accurately
assess the future performance of an individual (but effectivve in validating key
performance factors).
Too many times interviewers focus on buzzworthy questions they believe will help them
understand everything they need to know about the candidate. However, there aren’t specific
questions that will instantly give them insight into the candidate.
Instead, recruiters should focus on the interview process as a whole. Spend your time getting
to know the candidate better by exploring their skills and gaining an understanding of their
experience and personality. Asking questions related to your industry and the candidate’s
skillsets will be far more effective than a couple of oddball questions.
For some hiring managers, viewing a candidate’s portfolio is enough to prove their skills.
However, many companies test a candidate’s skills in the form of a test, written, verbal or
otherwise. The job assessment test doesn’t have to be complex, but it should be difficult
enough for the candidate to show the level of their skill set.
One person shouldn’t conduct the entire talent acquisition process on their own. Recruiters
should involve other qualified employees throughout the interview process to get an accurate
understanding of the skills the potential candidate can bring to the company and how their
personality will fit in with the rest of the team.
This should include the candidate’s future manager, the department’s head or even a team
member who will be working closely with them on a daily basis. It can also be effective to
include a recruitment and staffing expert in the hiring process. These consultants can manage
almost all of the entire recruitment and selection process from candidate sourcing to
interviews, streamlining the hiring process for internal HR teams.
Identifying Training and Development
Need, Designing Training Programs
The need for Training and Development
Before we say that technology is responsible for increased need of training inputs to
employees, it is important to understand that there are other factors too that contribute to the
latter. Training is also necessary for the individual development and progress of the
employee, which motivates him to work for a certain organization apart from just money. We
also require training update employees of the market trends, the change in the employment
policies and other things.
The following are the two biggest factors that contribute to the increased need to training and
development in organizations:
(i) Change: The word change encapsulates almost everything. It is one of the biggest factors
that contribute to the need of training and development. There is in fact a direct relationship
between the two. Change leads to the need for training and development and training and
development leads to individual and organisational change, and the cycle goes on and on.
More specifically it is the technology that is driving the need; changing the way how
businesses function, compete and deliver.
(ii) Development: It is again one the strong reasons for training and development becoming
all the more important. Money is not the sole motivator at work and this is especially very
true for the 21st century. People who work with organizations seek more than just
employment out of their work; they look at holistic development of self. Spirituality and self
awareness for example are gaining momentum world over. People seek happiness at jobs
which may not be possible unless an individual is aware of the self. At ford, for example, an
individual can enroll himself / herself in a course on ‘self awareness’, which apparently
seems inconsequential to ones performance at work but contributes to the spiritual well being
of an individual which is all the more important.
When developing your training plan, there are a number of considerations. Training is
something that should be planned and developed in advance.
Designing a training programme is very important part of human resource management. Let
us discuss in this article how to design a training programme:
1. Iden fica on of training needs: the main cause of iden fica on of training needs is the
technological changes that are taking place. For example computers are now days are used in
all the offices which require training the employees. Except technological changes poor
performance of workers which result in low produc on requires systema c training. Training
needs can be iden fied through following types of analysis.
(b) Task analysis: it is analyzing the job systematically. To identify the job contents,
knowledge, skill, aptitude required to perform the job. In task analysis focus is on the job. It
basically studies the various types of skills and training required to perform the job.
(c) Manpower analysis: the quality or type of manpower the firm required should be
checked properly. To achieve the proper quality standards specific training needs should be
determined on the basis of capability of present workers to learn the new skills.
2. Se ng the training objec ves: a er iden fica on of training needs the next step is se ng
the training objec ves. The aim of any training programme is to increase the organiza onal
effec veness. As each training programme must have specific objec ve like increase
produc vity, improved quality, higher the morale of employees, growth of employees, be er
human resource planning etc.
(i) Selection of the trainees: it is the first step of organization of training programme. The
trainee should be selected properly. They should be trained for the kind of the job they like.
Careful selection of the trainees helps in effectiveness of training programme.
(ii) Preparation of instructor: instructor I the important person in the training programme.
Qualified instructor may be obtained from inside the organization or from the outside. He
must have all the qualities of good trainer because he has to give training to other people.
(iii) Determination of training period: the time duration of training depends upon the type
of skill required. For the training of clerk training of a week is enough while for any other
position it may require more or less training time.
(iv) Training methods: the on the job training and off the job training has been already
discussed. So the choice of training methods depends upon the objective of the training
4. Evalua on of training: at the end it is very important to evaluate the effec veness of training
programme. As how much the employees have learnt from the training programme. It will
help in modifying the future training programme.
Training Evaluation & Methods of Training
Evaluation involves the assessment of the effectiveness of the training programs. This
assessment is done by collecting data on whether the participants were satisfied with the
deliverables of the training program, whether they learned something from the training and
are able to apply those skills at their workplace. There are different tools for assessment of a
training program depending upon the kind of training conducted.
Since organizations spend a large amount of money, it is therefore important for them to
understand the usefulness of the same. For example, if a certain technical training was
conducted, the organization would be interested in knowing whether the new skills are being
put to use at the workplace or in other words whether the effectiveness of the worker is
enhanced. Similarly in case of behavioral training, the same would be evaluated on whether
there is change in the behavior, attitude and learning ability of the participants.
Evaluation acts as a check to ensure that the training is able to fill the competency gaps
within the organization in a cost effective way. This is especially very important in wake of
the fact the organizations are trying to cut costs and increase globally. Some of the benefits of
the training evaluation are as under:
Not many organizations believe in the process of evaluation or at least do not have an
evaluation system in place. Many organizations conduct training programs year after year
only as a matter of faith and not many have a firm evaluation mechanism in place.
Organizations like IBM, Motorala only, it was found out, have a firm evaluation mechanism
in place.
Satisfaction evaluation is the most basic measure for assessing the success rate of any
training. For the purpose, the trainer, usually, hands out a survey at the end of the course to
test the reaction of the participants.
Most of the time, it covers common questions like whether the participants enjoyed the
training or did they like the trainer. Moreover, would they want him or her back, in case any
other training program is initiated or do they feel as if it was a loss of their time? Generally,
the training evaluation ends here, since this method answers nearly all of the expectations, but
still, if someone likes to dig deeper, then rest of the methods can also do the job.
2. Knowledge Acquisi on
Knowledge acquisition is the second level of the training evaluation and involves the
examination as the attachment of the training course to check that how much the participants
have learned from the training course. It is a fact that most of the participants take training
seriously only if they know that they are required to demonstrate the concepts that they have
learned during the training.
In this method, participants are supposed to take the exam, after the training. The instructors
or the trainers check and grade the responses, and share the results with the students as well
as the training managers. This is done so that any gaps in the expected and acquired
knowledge can be quickly sewn up.
A reliable and valid examination, as the training ends, can help in determining if the
participant has understood and learned the concept or not. It can point out the participants that
did not gain anything from training, leaving even further room for the support those who did.
Furthermore, it can highlight areas that might need additional coaching or further training.
3. Behavioral Applica on
The third method of evaluation deals with the behavioral application of their newly acquired
skills. It also involves monitoring the changing behaviors as the skills and knowledge are
applied to the tasks. Even though the first method of training evaluation, satisfaction
assessment, is sufficient in most of the cases, but whenever the method of behavioral
application is needed, it is used with the combination of the first two.
This method demonstrates the level to which the participants apply their newly acquired
knowledge in their real life and real world problems. This provides crystal clear evidence of
who is applying the knowledge, where the knowledge is being applied and for what purposes.
This can assist the management to avoid any misapplications.
For example, a company that initiates a course for increasing the telephone conversion rates
can conduct a particular number of mystery calls before starting the training. This response
can be recorded and graded in accordance with the objectives of the course. After the
training, the same company can again conduct that particular number of mystery calls and
can compare their results with those before the training and measure the effectiveness of the
The primary objective of nearly all the organizations arranging the training courses is to
generate a particular business improvement. So, it means that we can assess the success level
of a training program by the improvement made in that particular field, once the training is
complete and the participants are ready to apply their knowledge for the cause of
development of the brand.
For example, if we use the above example of the course of increasing the telephone
conversion rates, then it can be based on the goals like increasing the number of sales,
decreasing the number of appointment cancellations, expanding the lead list, gaining higher
conversion rates and decreasing the time lag.
The final member of our list of training evaluation methods, is related to the measurement of
return on investment. It deals with the training regarding costs and returns. Costs like those of
the course fee, facility fee, staff management and their wages, time used for the training the
participants and returns like the business improvement, increased number of conversions and
financial gains, both short term and long term net gains.
CIRO Model
The CIRO model was developed by Warr, Bird and Rackham and published in 1970 in their
book “Evaluation of Management Training”. CIRO stands for context, input, reaction and
output. The key difference in CIRO and Kirkpatrick’s models is that CIRO focuses on
measurements taken before and after the training has been carried out.
One criticism of this model is that it does not take into account behaviour. Some practitioners
feel that it is, therefore, more suited to management focused training programs rather than
those designed for people working at lower levels in the organization.
1. Context
This is about identifying and evaluating training needs based on collecting information about
performance deficiencies and based on these, setting training objectives which may be at
three levels:
The ul mate objec ve: The par cular organiza onal deficiency that the training program
will eliminate.
The intermediate objec ves: The changes to the employees work behaviours necessary if
the ul mate objec ve is to be achieved.
The immediate objec ves: The new knowledge, skills or a tudes that employees need to
acquire in order to change their behaviour and so achieve the intermediate objec ves.
2. Input
This is about analyzing the effectiveness of the training courses in terms of their design,
planning, management and delivery. It also involves analyzing the organizational resources
available and determining how these can be best used to achieve the desired objectives.
3. Reac on
This is about analyzing the reactions of the delegates to the training in order to make
improvements. This evaluation is obviously subjective so needs to be collected in as
systematic and objective way as possible.
4. Outcome
Outcomes are evaluated in terms of what actually happened as a result of training. Outcomes
are measured at any or all of the following four levels, depending on the purpose of the
evaluation and on the resources that are available.
Many training programs fail to deliver the expected organizational benefits. Having a well-
structured measuring system in place can help you determine where the problem lies. On a
positive note, being able to demonstrate a real and significant benefit to your organization
from the training you provide can help you gain more resources from important decision-
Consider also that the business environment is not standing still. Your competitors,
technology, legislation and regulations are constantly changing. What was a successful
training program yesterday may not be a cost-effective program tomorrow. Being able to
measure results will help you adapt to such changing circumstances.
The most well-known and used model for measuring the effectiveness of training programs
was developed by Donald Kirkpatrick in the late 1950s. It has since been adapted and
modified by a number of writers, however, the basic structure has well stood the test of time.
The basic structure of Kirkpatrick’s four-level model is shown here.
Level 1 – Reaction: To what extent did the participants find the training useful, challenging,
well-structured, organized, and so on.
Level 2 – Learning: To what extent did participants improve knowledge and skills and
change attitudes as a result of the training.
Level 3 – Behavior: To what extent did participants change their behavior back in the
workplace as a result of the training.
Level 4 – Results: What measurable organizational benefits resulted from the training in
terms such as productivity, efficiency and sales revenue.
An evaluation at each level answers whether a fundamental requirement of the training
program was met. It’s not that conducting an evaluation at one level is more important that
another. All levels of evaluation are important. In fact, the Kirkpatrick model explains the
usefulness of performing training evaluations at each level. Each level provides a diagnostic
checkpoint for problems at the succeeding level. So, if participants did not learn (Level 2),
participant reactions gathered at Level 1 (Reaction) will reveal the barriers to learning. Now
moving up to the next level, if participants did not use the skills once back in the workplace
(Level 3), perhaps they did not learn the required skills in the first place (Level 2).
The difficulty and cost of conducting an evaluation increases as you move up the levels. So,
you will need to consider carefully what levels of evaluation you will conduct for which
programs. You may decide to conduct
Level 4 evaluations (Results) for programs costing over $50,000. Above all else, before
starting an evaluation, be crystal clear about your purpose in conducting the evaluation.
How do you conduct a training evaluation? Here is a quick guide on some appropriate
information sources for each level.
Level 1 (Reaction)
Level 2 (Learning)
Pre- and post-test scores
On-the-job assessments
Supervisor reports
Level 3 (Behavior)
Level 4 (Results)
Financial reports
Quality inspec ons
Interview with sales manager
When considering what sources of data you will use for your evaluation, think about the cost
and time involved in collecting the data. Balance this against the accuracy of the source and
the accuracy you actually need. Will existing sources suffice or will you need to collect new
Think broadly about where you can get information. Sources include:
According to the viewpoint of the economist, labour only sells its services to the entrepreneur
for productive purposes; does not sell itself.
As such, any payment made to this factor of production (i.e. labour) is only in the nature of
compensation for its services.
Moreover, the services provided by labour are invaluable, in the sense that without such
services, the productive machinery is like a body without any soul. Therefore, labour could
not be paid exactly for its services; any payment to it is only a mere compensation of the
value provided by it to the production mechanism.
Wages are usually associated with a payment made to workmen who are actually engaged in
physical production of goods and services; and payment of wages being made on both bases-
time rate and piece rate systems.
Salaries, on the other hand, represent a payment made to office employees, managerial
personnel and technical personnel like engineers, cost accountants, etc.; and salaries usually
being paid only on a time-basis i.e. according to time-rate system of payment.
The term compensation is used to indicate the employee’s gross earnings in the form of
financial rewards and benefits.
The management should ensure that compensation structure is designed after taking into
account certain factors such as qualification, experience, attitude and prevailing rates in the
markets. Compensation means the reward that is received by an employee for the work
performed in an organization. It is an important function of human resource management.
Employees may receive financial and non-financial compensations for the work performed
by them.
Financial compensation includes salary, bonus, and all the benefits and incentives, whereas
non-financial compensation includes awards, rewards, citation, praise, recognition, which can
motivate the employees towards highest productivity.
Compensation System:
Compensation is a tool used by management for safeguarding the existence of the company.
Compensation can be of two types—direct and indirect.
1. Legal requirement
Provident fund
Medical leave
Accident benefits
Maturity leave
Objectives of Compensation:
1. The compensation should be paid to each employee on the basis of their abilities and
2. Compensation should be in the form of package.
3. It should motivate the employees towards increasing productivity.
4. It should be capable of taking care of employees for safety and security needs also.
5. It should be flexible and clear.
6. It should not be excessive.
7. Compensation should be decided by the management as per the norms fixed by the
legislations in consultation with the union.
The issue of personnel remuneration, whether in the form of wages or salaries, is highly
significant from the viewpoint of industrial relations, social peace and economic implications.
In fact, it is the centre from which the circle of industrial relations is drawn; it being the crux
of industrial conflicts.
Following are some of the points which highlight the significance of personnel remuneration:
(i) Wages/ salaries constitute the primary source of income to employees. Their adequacy or
otherwise would very much determine their standard of living.
(iii) Through making adequate and timely payment of employee remuneration, an employer
can attract and retain good personnel to and in the organization. This helps to ensure a
stability of labour force – bringing several valuable advantages in the its wake for the
(iv) Specially, in labour-intensive industries, wages constitute a substantial part of the cost of
production. As such wage payments affects the cost and price-structures of an industrial
enterprise. Prices of goods and services, in turn, have social implications; as these directly
affect the purchasing power of money held by the society.
Designing a Compensation System
Employers receive compensation from a company in return for the work performed. Most
people think the pay and compensation to be the same, but the fact is compensation is much
more than just the monetary rewards provided by an employer. According to Milkowitch and
Newman, “compensation is all forms of financial returns and tangible services and benefits
employees receive as a part of an employment relationship”.
The phrase “financial returns” refers to an individual base salary, as well as short and long
term incentives. Tangible services and benefits are such things such as insurance, paid
vacations and employer discount.
Employers receive compensation from a company in return for the work performed. Most
people think the pay and compensation to be the same, but the fact is compensation is much
more than just the monetary rewards provided by an employer. According to Milkowitch and
Newman, “compensation is all forms of financial returns and tangible services and benefits
employees receive as a part of an employment relationship”.
The phrase “financial returns” refers to an individual base salary, as well as short- and long-
term incentives. Tangible services and benefits are such things such as insurance, paid
vacations and employer discount.
Any organization’s compensation practices and designing have far reached effects on its
competitive advantage. According to Richard Henderson, to develop a competitive advantage
in a global economy, the compensation program of the organization must support totally the
strategic plans and actions of the organization. An organization compensation system can
help to reinforce the key corporate values and facilitate the achievement of organizational
objectives. It is important to give a lot of consideration to our business compensation
structure because it ultimately reflects how employees are valued.
A host of laws such as The Equal Pay Act, Fair Labour Standards Act, and The Employment
Retirement Income Security Act, regulate corporate compensation practices. Some pertain to
pay issues such as discrimination, minimum wages and overtime pay, others pertain to
benefits, such as pensions, unemployment compensation and compensation for work related
injuries. An organization must understand and fully follow these laws in order to avoid costly
lawsuits and design a competency based compensation structure.
The key in designing any compensation is to develop the understating of the forms, vision
and direction. As well-designed compensation plan becomes one of many tools, a firm can
use to help reach its strategic goals. Any failure in compensation design leads to failure to
motivate any employee.
A guideline for designing a compensation plan begins at the top by examining the better
strategy and ends with a model that is ready to be implemented. There are various steps that
help as organization to design a performance-based compensation strategy and prepare the
organizations design. Inadequate use of incentive plans and problems with compensation
design and strategy often fails to motivate performance of an employee.
Behavioural scientists, employee and management surveys experience show that
compensation can be a strong driver of employee behaviour under the right circumstances
when properly designed. Also in jobs where significant variability in pay occur in
compensation and when it is closely related to key performance factor, then pay can be a big
The good performers prior to new compensation plan implementation remain good
performers and may not improve much because they are already giving close to 100% effort,
but the middle and the bottom performers are where there is significant opportunity for
The most important goal in designing a compensation system is supporting the strategic
objectives of the organization and ensuring the system that fit in with the organization
structure and strategy.
There are various questions which should be focused before designing compensation strategy
such as:
Once there is an understanding of the answer to these questions, the compensation can be
developed, policy guidelines are prepared which reflects thinking, values, strategies and the
company is set inconsistency by top management.
A job analyst develops a current and thorough understanding of the work that is being formed
by the employee. It is important to undertake a job analysis before making changes to the
compensation plan as job analysis provides a collection of relevant information on the type,
scope and responsibility of each job. It is the foundation for job description and how they are
in the market. It enables the organization to establish baseline information about a job level of
responsibility and qualification, and to compare it to the market place. It also ensures and
documents our compliance with legal requirement.
Once the information is collected through the job analysis process, it can be used for
preparation of job description. A job description summarizes the important component like
the general nature of the work, specific tasks, responsibilities and outcome competence
required to perform the job. A written job description should be considered a final document.
Before it is finalized, it should be received and accepted by both the employee and the
It determines fairness within the organization. Fair pay is pay that employees generally view
as equitable. Internal equity is determined by job evaluation techniques such as whole job
ranking method and factor comparison technique.
It is the perceived fairness in pay relative to what other employees are paying for the same
type of labour. An externally focused job evaluation method includes the market pricing
slotting method. For maximum flexibility, using market pricing is recommended to that of
market competitive pay rates. Market competitiveness is more flexible and adaptable than
other methods.
To gather competitors, pay rates, a survey method is developed which includes the following
Establish a timeline
Select bench-mark positions to survey
Target survey participants
Design questionnaire
Use other available market data sources
Follow up and verify answers with participants.
Labour costs make up the majority of expenses for most organizations. It can account for up
to 70% of the business cost. It is, therefore, critical to understand what this cost consists of.
Although compensation analysis can be a complex process, it is a necessary tool to ensure
fair workplace practices and contribute to your employee engagement strategy.
The purpose of this guide is to provide a basic understanding of compensation analysis and
its associated benefits. It also offers practical steps on conducting a compensation analysis,
which you should tailor to your organization’s needs.
Internal equity: Employers compare employees’ salary and indirect compensation data to
ensure fair compensation for the level and type of work done.
Region: Employers compare compensation data of people doing similar work within a
particular region.
Level: Employers compare employees’ levels and the level at which they are compensated.
Evaluating pay equity allows organizations to compensate employees doing the same level
of work in a fair way. Conducting a comprehensive compensation analysis also enables you
to correct historic pay gaps.
Transparent compensation decisions leave the decision-making of salaries in the hands of
accurate and impartial data. This leaves employees with a higher level of trust in the
organization and their managers.
Compensation analysis is dynamic, as mentioned before, and thus, you’re able to make
projections based on future needs or employees and how this may affect your compensation
1. Internal
The internal factors exist within the organization and influence the pay structure of the
company. These are as follows:
(i) Ability to Pay- The prosperous or big companies can pay higher compensation as
compared to the competing firms whereas the smaller companies can afford to maintain their
pay scale up to the level of competing firm or sometimes even below the industry standards.
(ii) Business Strategy- The organization’s strategy also influences the employee
compensation. In case the company wants the skilled workers, so as to outshine the
competitor, will offer more pay as compared to the others. Whereas, if the company wants to
go smooth and is managing with the available workers, will give relatively less pay or
equivalent to what others are paying.
(iii) Job Evaluation and Performance Appraisal- The job evaluation helps to have a
satisfactory differential pays for the different jobs. The performance Appraisal helps an
employee to earn extra on the basis of his performance.
(iv) Employee- The employee or a worker himself influences the compensation in one of the
following ways.
Performance- The better performance fetches more pay to the employee, and thus
with the increased compensation, they get motivated and perform their job more
Experience- As the employee devotes his years in the organization, expects to get an
increased pay for his experience.
Potential- The potential is worthless if it gets unnoticed. Therefore, companies do pay
extra to the employees having better potential as compared to others.
2. External Factors
The factors that exist out of the organization but do affect the employee compensation in one
or the other way. These factors are as follows:
(i) Labor Market- The demand for and supply of labor also influences the employee
compensation. The low wage is given, in case, the demand is less than the supply of labor.
On the other hand, high pay is fixed, in case, the demand is more than the supply of labor.
(ii) Going Rate- The compensation is decided on the basis of the rate that is prevailing in the
industry, i.e. the amount the other firms are paying for the same kind of work.
(iii) Productivity- The compensation increases with the increase in the production. Thus, to
earn more, the workers need to work on their efficiencies, that can be improved by way of
factors which are beyond their control. The introduction of new technology, new methods,
better management techniques are some of the factors that may result in the better employee
performance, thereby resulting in the enhanced productivity.
(iv) Cost of Living- The cost of living index also influences the employee compensation, in a
way, that with the increase or fall in the general price level and the consumer price index, the
wage or salary is to be varied accordingly.
(v) Labor Unions- The powerful labor unions influence the compensation plan of the
company. The labor unions are generally formed in the case, where the demand is more, and
the labor supply is less or is involved in the dangerous work and, therefore, demands more
money for endangering their lives. The non-unionized companies or factories enjoy more
freedom with respect to the fixation of the compensation plan.
(vi) Labor laws- There are several laws passed by the Government to safeguard the workers
from the exploitation of employers. The payment of wages Act 1936, The Minimum wages
act 1948, The payment of Bonus Act 1965, Equal Remuneration Act 1976, Payment of
Gratuity Act 1972 are some of the acts passed in the welfare of the labor, and all the
employers must abide by these.
Thus, there are several internal and external factors that decide the amount of compensation
to be given to the workers for the amount of work done by them.
Analytics for Compensation Planning
Compensation strategies that entice employees to stay at the company are more important
than ever.
Compensation has become much more complicated, as it’s no longer just about exchanging
money for time.
Today’s compensation plan must maximize the effectiveness of the budget for each employee
and department. At the same time, it needs to provide satisfaction and security to your
employees, ensuring that they’re compensated fairly.
That’s why investing in the development of a solid compensation planning strategy is worth
it. A method of ensuring that your compensation budget is allocated as efficiently as possible
can have a considerable effect on your company’s success.
Market Data Comparison: Using your internal payroll data to compare market averages
from external salary surveys.
Labour Cost Analysis: Merging payroll data such as base salaries, bonuses, overtime pay,
and benefits to determine overhead costs.
People count Analysis: Providing an accurate picture of staffing levels and compensation
costs to assist with salary and workforce planning.
High Performer Analysis: Profiles high performers by analyzing performance levels and
correlates with rewards, training, previous work experience and education to assist with
recruitment and retention efforts.
Sales Compensation Analysis: Calculates commissions, bonuses, quotas and hours worked
to determine sales per hour.
Geographic Pay Analysis: Review payroll costs by location to assist with geographic
investment and expansion strategy decisions.
Performing internal audits like the pay equity example above can lead to company-wide
changes to pay and benefits. Movements can lead to more hires and reduced turnover, as well
as increased wage and benefits pressures at competing organizations. If you find your
organization behind the pack, it can be tempting to simply follow the lead of others.
However, this can lead to wasted spending.
The second benefit lies in using data to make a decision where Human Resources and
management previously used “gut instinct” for decision-making. When a good employee
tenders their resignation, the natural instinct of their manager is to get approval to make a
The topic of pay fairness has received a great deal of press across multiple countries,
particularly given the mandated reporting of the “gender pay gap” in the United Kingdom and
elsewhere. Since the defined pay gap that needs to be reported doesn’t measure pay equity,
companies need much more detailed data to conduct an accurate pay fairness assessment.
Much of the data required for an accurate assessment of pay equity such as base salary, bonus
structures, job classes, and performance values reside inside compensation applications.
Statistical procedures in combination with compensation analytics reveal the true
compensation picture that can be communicated both internally and externally, and satisfy
compliance requirements.
Visualize all of your compensation data in one place and discover trends that result in
key business outcomes.
Streamline compensation planning with actionable insights.
Empower leaders to view current compensation costs and develop fair compensation
strategies for their teams.
Identify trends in your organization’s succession plans to streamline your succession
Break down time-since-promotion by succession job and discover actionable insights.
Competency Mapping Analysis
1) Identify key components of employee job descriptions – the critical points only. Focus
on what characteristics and skills are absolutely essential to get the job done. Remember that
job descriptions often serve different purposes when posting a position than is needed to
explain the role’s responsibilities.
2) Clarify roles and eliminate superfluous information – narrow the scope again. Look
through your essential words and phrases. Ask yourself whether you have more words than
needed to describe the essential characteristics. Then ask yourself whether the role’s
responsibilities are clear. How do they align to the task? the team’s mission? the overall
organizational strategy? If they don’t, back to the drawing board.
3) Identify required aptitudes, attitudes, skills, and knowledge for roles – critical
components of the competencies are what is beneath the surface of employee behavior. Like
an iceberg, we see only what is above water, but realize the vast majority is underneath.
These values, underlying skills, and approach to work is what you’re after. Identify what you
need for a successful employee.
4) Synthesize ideas into central themes and define them – no more than 10 competencies.
You will get mired in the assessment and analysis portion if you don’t narrow it down to the
critical few. Start researching other similar organizations and the competencies they require
of employees. Look to the K-12 educational sector. There’s quite a bit of knowledge about
teacher competencies that will likely align very well with your team.
5) Create a five-scale rubric system – describe what a novice looks like for each
competency. What about your expert? What does performance at each level in between look
like? What are the skills, aptitudes, and knowledge required at the minimum for each level?
Here’s where you will want to clearly describe the behaviors exhibited by individuals who
perform at each level on the novice-to-expert scale. Ask others to review your list. Would
they know what is expected to perform at each level? If not, it’s back to the drawing board.
6) Build assessments – organize your set of questions aimed at identifying level of alignment
for each of the five scales you’ve designed. Don’t just ask questions that measure whether
someone is an expert. Look for open ended questions such as “describe how you would
do…” or “explain what you did when you were able to accomplish…” Ask your candidates
multiple layered questions. Never, ever, ask a question that can be answered with a “yes or
no.” You’re looking for depth of answer here so that you can evaluate how well it fits to your
7) Build logistics for roll-out and on-going measurement cycles – this is the fun part! You
build a list of competencies, defined them, built rubrics to assess level of competency on a
novice-to-expert scale. Now you need to launch your program. Pay attention to your
audience. Are they a group of people with test anxiety? Do they prefer written or oral
assessment? Would they be excited to show where they are at as far as their performance?
The program will lose its luster if you only do it once. Build a plan for continuous assessment
– but don’t go crazy with it. Twice a year is probably more than enough. Use the time in
between to build on the gap areas of your team. Make sure they’re moving toward the skillset
of your defined expert. However, don’t assume everyone will get there. A good rule of thumb
is that you’ll have the majority of your team in the middle 60%, with 20% of them on either
side of the novice-to-expert scale.
Competency mapping provides HR manager a reasonably clear idea of the employee. When
the employee `tops’ every indicator at his level, he progresses to a higher level and begins
there at the base – in a nutshell, he is promoted. It also helps in figuring out the training and
development needs and importantly it helps to motivate the best talent and develop the rest. It
is a win-win situation for employees and the organization.
HRM Competencies
A competency is the combination of knowledge, skill, and/or ability one needs to
successfully perform a job function. There are general and technical competencies, and both
are required for each occupation. General competencies cut across occupations, while
technical competencies are specific to an occupation and/or technical area. Both general and
technical competencies have a required proficiency level by grade level.
HRM Competencies
HR Services
Services to employees – the company’s internal customers – must be efficient, accurate and
timely. Services such as benefits administration and payroll processing are major components
of this HRM competency because they support large-scale human resource programs such as
performance management and compensation practices.
HR Strategic Partnership
Alignment between human resource goals and organizational goals happens when there exists
a strategic partnership between human resource management and the company’s leadership.
The HRM competency most effective in developing a strategic partnership is the ability to
produce human resources metrics — or measurements — that demonstrate a return on
investment in HR department activities and functions. For example, lobbying executive
leadership to invest in a costly applicant tracking system to create a more efficient
recruitment and selection would require justifying the expense through demonstrating a
return on investment. The usual return on investment for an applicant tracking system is the
reduction in the costs to hire and process new employees. Applicant tracking systems
automate recruitment and selection processes that would have typically required staff time
and expense. Strategic alliances are worth the time they take to build, but they require
forward-thinking management principles.
HR Processes
Staying abreast of human resource best practices is an effective way to maintain HRM
competencies pertaining to processes, employment trends and procedures for the delivery of
services to employees and external HR customers. External HR customers include applicants,
former employees, vendors and suppliers. Recruitment and selection steps, workplace
investigation procedures and safety and risk management measures are among the human
resources processes that comprise this HRM competency.
HR Compliance
Without human resource oversight, companies could be liable for exorbitant legal fees,
penalties and fines. In addition, noncompliance with labor and employment laws can cause
irreparable damage to the company’s business reputation. Compliance and audit are critical
HRM competencies – human resource department staff must maintain up-to-date knowledge
of federal, state and municipal employment regulations and ensure the company demonstrates
a commitment to fair employment practices. Maintaining current knowledge of laws and
regulations should also include the ability to determine how pending legislation can impact
the human resources field and the employment landscape.
HR Development
An essential HRM competency is the ability to conduct and analyze needs assessments for
future workforce skills and capabilities. Looking at current employees’ skill sets and using
that information to determine what type of training or employee development is necessary
requires knowledge of workforce planning and delivery of training. This HRM competency
helps the organization achieve or maintain a competitive edge and industry status by readying
it for employment trends and the availability of workers. HR development also positions the
organization to become an employer of choice through long-range planning activities that
include innovative recruitment, selection and talent management. Talent management is a
human resources concept that refers to the breadth and depth of human capital – also known
as employee expertise – which is an employer’s most valuable resource.