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List and Index of War Department Publica

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FM 21-6

List and Index of





FM 21 – 6


This Manual supersedes FM 21-6 , 10 October 1945

List and Index of






A 435
192 : 389

Washington, 25, D. C. , 10 January 1946

FM 21-6 List and Index of War Department Publications is published

for the information and guidance of all concerned .

[ AG 300.7 ( 10 January 46) ]



EDWARD F. WITSELL Chief of Staff
Major General
Acting The Adjutant General


Headquarters, offices, organizations, and activities may upon show

ing the need therefor obtain reasonable quantities of future issues
of FM 21-6 on automatic distribution through the distributing
agencies set forth in AR 310–200, as amended by Circular No. 264,
WD, 1944 ( see fig. 1 , FM 21-6 .) . Limited quantities of this issue
are available ( see par. 24, FM 21-6 ) .


Paragraph Page PUBLICATIONS (Continued )
Purpose 1 5
Field Manuals ( Continued )
Scope 2 5

1 r
Changes to This Manual 3 5

Paragraph Page
How to Use The Manual 4 5 25 Transportation
( Motor and Animal ) 19
Combined Communications Board 27 Military Law ... , 19
Publications 5 6 28 Welfare Recreation & Morale 19
Field Manuals 6 6 30 Military Law 19
Firing Tables and Trajectory Diagrams 7 6 31 Special Operations 19
Mobilization Training Programs 8 6 35 Women's Army Corps 19
Technical Bulletins 9 6 44 Antiaircraft Artillery 19

Technical Manuals 10 7 55 Transportation 20
11 7 60 Amphibious
Technical Regulations 20
Training Circulars 12 7 70 Mountain and Winter 20
War Department Lubrication Orders 13 72 Jungle 20
100 Field Service Regulations 20
SECTION III. NUMBERING 101 Staff Officers 20
Field and Technical Manuals 14 8 105 Umpire .. 20
Technical Bulletins 15 9
Firing Tables and Trajectory Diagrams 29 20
Firing Tables and Charts 16 9
30 24
Mobilization Training Program
SECTION IV . DISTRIBUTION Technical Bulletins 31 25
Mobilization Training Programs 17 11 Series
Training Circulars 18 11 3 Chemical Warfare Service 25
19 11 5 Engineers 26
Procurement 20 11 8 Medical 35
Access to Publications 21 11 9 Ordnance 37
Maintenance of Files 22 11 10 Quartermaster 52
Distribution Formula 23 11 11 Signal .. 53
Requisitioning 24 13 55 Transportation 57
Technical Manuals ... . 32 57
25 15 1 Air .....
Rescissions, Cancelations and Supersessions 26 15 Radar Equipment Manuals
2 Cavalry 64
SECTION VI. LIST OF TRAINING 3 Chemical Warfare Service 64
4 Coast Artillery 64
Combined Communications Board 5 Engineers 64

Publications 27 16 6 Field Artillery 80

8 Medical 80
Field Manuals 28 16
9 Ordnance 80
Series 89
10 Quartermaster
1 Air ... 16 91
11 Signal ..
2 Cavalry 16
12 Adjutant General 101
3 Chemical Warfare 16 101
14 Fiscal
4 Coast Artillery 16 Chaplain 102
5 Engineer 19 Military Police 102
6 Field Artillery 17 102
20 Miscellaneous
7 Infantry 21 Individual Soldier 102
8 Medical 17 24 Communication Procedures 102
9 Ordnance 17 102
27 Military Law ..
10 Quartermaster 28 Welfare Recreation and Morale ... 102
11 Signal .... 30 Military Intelligence 102
12 Adjutant General 18 103
31 Special Operations
17 Armored 18
37 Maintenance ... 103
1.8 Tank Destroyer 18 103
38 Supply Procedures
19 Military Police 18
44 Antiaircraft Artillery 104
20 Miscellaneous 18 104
55 Transportation
21 Individual Soldier 18
Technical Regulations 33 105
22 Infantry Drill Regulations 18
18 Training Circulars 34 105
23 Basic Weapons
24 Communication Procedures 19 War Departmerit Fabrication Orders ...... 35 107
Paragraph Page
AND PAMPHLETS Paragraph Page 52 170
Forms Authorized for local reproduction
Supply Bulletins 36 125 Allowances and Distribution 53 170

Modification Work Orders 37 136 Explanation of Lists 54 170

Adjutant General ( WD, AGO ) Forms 55 170
Pamphlets 38 152
Civilian Personnel Forms 56 190
Civil Service Commission Forms 57 190
Field Artillery School Forms 58 191
BULLETINS 39 154 60 193
Treasury Department Forms
War Department Forms 61 193
62 195
Stock Tabulating Forms
SECTION IX. ADMINISTRATIVE Office of Contract Settlement Forms 63 195
PUBLICATIONS Miscellaneous Forms 64 195

Army Regulations , Changes and SECTION XII . ARMY PERSONNEL

Mobilization Regulations 41 157 Purpose 65 197
Explanation of List I 66 197
Readjustment Regulations 42 157
Explanation of List II 67 198
Circulars, General Orders, and Bulletins 43 157 Other Authorized Lists and
Their Source of Supply ... 68 198
Classification of Test Materials 69 199
SECTION X. TABLES OF ORGANIZATION Recording of Test Scores 70 199
List II 73 211
General .... 44 158
Tables of Organization and Equipment 45 158 SECTION XIII. RESCISSIONS, SUPERSESSIONS,
Tables of Organization 46 166
74 212
War Department Publications
Tables of Equipment 47 166
Technical Service Publications 75 223
Tables of Organization and Equipment Discontinued Forms 76 223
for Divisions 48 167 Obsolete Blank Forms 77 225
Tables of Allowances 49 167
Tables of Basic Allowances 50 169 PUBLICATIONS 228

1. PURPOSE . The purpose of this manual is to War Department Circulars, General Orders,
provide a list and index to War Department admin and Bulletins
istrative, supply, and training publications and a War Department Pamphlets
list of forms stocked by adjutant general depots.
c. All such lists and indexes are cumulative, con
2. SCOPE . This manual contains the following taining all publications of the above types which
lists and indexes of War Department publications. have been issued, and are still in force. Each revi
sion will contain similar lists and indexes cumula
a. Lists : tive to the date of issue .

Combined Communications Board Publica

tions d. Forms listed in section XI include only those
Commercial Traffic Bulletins forms in general use and stocked in adjutant gen
Field Manuals eral depots.
Firing Tables and Charts
Mobilization Regulations e. War Department Graphic Training Aids are
Mobilization Training Programs listed and described in FM 21-8 ; War Department
Modification Work Orders films and film strips in FM 21-7.
New Army Regulations, Changes, and Revi
sions ( Issued since current edition of AR
1-10 ) f . War Department Civilian Personnel Regula
Personnel Classification Tests tions, Circulars, Pamphlets, and Procedures Manuals
Radar Equipment Manuals issued during each month are listed in numbered
Readjustment Regulations War Department Civilian Personnel Circulars .
Supply Bulletins
Technical Bulletins
Technical Manuals 3. CHANGES TO THIS MANUAL . The practice
Technical Regulations of issuing changes in the form of monthly supple
T / O & E and Similar Publications ments to this manual has been discontinued . FM
Training Circulars 21-6 is being published quarterly as a recurring
War Department Lubrication Orders
manual and includes all changes up to the time of
War Department Pamphlets publication. Publications added since the last issue
b. Indexes : will be indicated by an asterisk . Reference to pre
Combined Communications Board Publica viously issued copies of FM 21-6 should be discon
tinued .
Commercial Traffic Bulletins
Field Manuals 4. HOW TO USE THE MANUAL. To obtain the
Firing Tables most effective use of this manual, the user should
Lubrication Orders first familiarize himself with its editorial contents.
Modification Work Orders
Supply Bulletins
A careful study should be made of the subsequent
Technical Manuals sections which outline the purpose and scope of the
Technical Regulations various publications, how they are numbered, how
Training Circulars they are distributed, and how they are requisitioned.


5. COMBINED COMMUNICATIONS BOARD PUB- c. Trajectory Charts (TjC ) . Trajectory Charts

LICATIONS ( CCBP ) . ( List in par. 27 ) Combined are prepared for use with tables for antiaircraft fire.
Communications Board Publications are numbered Those charts now on hand are issued as individual
pamphlets compiled by the Combined Communica- sheets, together with the FT's they supplement. As
tions Board. They contain material formerly pub- antiaircraft FT's are revised, the charts will appear
lished in Field Manuals in the 24-series. as inserts in the FT's and will not be issued sepa
6. FIELD MANUALS (FM) . (List in par. 28) Field rately.
Manuals constitute the primary means of promulgat- d. Trajectory Diagrams ( TD ) . Trajectory Dia
ing the basic doctrines of military training and grams are supplemental to FT's for certain field guns.
operations. They contain training instructions rela- TD's are printed on tracing linen so that they may be
tive to tactics and technique. used on Geological Survey Maps for determining
7. FIRING TABLES AND TRAJECTORY DIA "dead space." TD's are issued in screw - top mailing
tubes, and are not furnished automatically with each
GRAMS. ( Lists in par. 29 )
FT. They must be requisitioned separately.
a. Firing Tables (FT ) . (1) Definition. Firing Ta
bles are pamphlets containing exterior ballistic data, 8. MOBILIZATION TRAINING PROGRAMS
based on range firings, for specific types of weapons ( MTP ) . ( List in par. 30) Mobilization Training Pro
and combinations of projectiles, fuzes, and propelling grams contain a schedule of subjects prescribed for
charges. the training of units and replacements, showing
hours to be devoted each week to the subject pre
( 2 ) Types. Firing Tables are classified according scribed together with text references.
to types of weapons, except that FT's for aircraft
weapons are not printed but are made up for use in 9. TECHNICAL BULLETINS ( TB) . (List in par .
designing sights and are not available for general 31))
distribution . The other types are :
a. Purpose and Scope.
( a ) Abridged. Abridged Firing Tables ( AFT ) ( 1 ) Purpose. The purpose of Technical Bulletins
is :
are for tank and antitank guns, light mortars, and
similar weapons. They contain the minimum data re (a) To disseminate new instructions and infor
quired for determination of the elevation for the mation prepared by technical services pertaining to
desired point of impact. technical matters concerning weapons and equip
( b ) Antiaircraft. Antiaircraft Firing Tables con ment procured and issued by the preparing agency,
tain exterior ballistic tabulations which provide data or to professional technique over which the prepar
along the trajectory for constant elevations out of ing agency has exclusive jurisdiction .
the time of flight for which the fuze is set. All anti- ( 6 ) To publish , without delay, technical material
aircraft firing tables prepared in the future will that may later be incorporated in manuals
contain data for both antiaircraft and ground fire. changes to manuals.
( 2) Scope. Technical bulletins will not contain
( c ) Field and Coast Artillery. Firing Tables for material pertaining to tactical training or tactical
use on land or water targets contain exterior ballis operations. Originating agencies will be responsible
tic tabulations giving the trajectory characteristics for excluding such material from technical bulletins.
at the point of impact. They provide data required
to determine the proper elevation for a desired point b. Format. Technical bulletins are printed, mime
of impact. These tables are prepared for the muzzle ographed, or multilithed in pamphlet or leaflet form ,
velocity of a new gun . 578 inches by 9 inches or 8 inches by 101/2 inches ,
and illustrated when necessary .
b. Graphical Firing Tables ( GFT) . Graphical Fir
ing Tables resemble slide rules in appearance and c. Preparation . Material for publication in a tech
operation. They are not listed in this manual, but are nical bulletin will be forwarded by the chief of a
catalogued in ORD SNL F - 237, which is obtainable technical service to The Adjutant General for proc
at Adjutant General Depots. They are nonexpend- essing. Concurrences of other agencies will not be
able and are requisitioned in the same manner as required for technical bulletins prepared within the
any other stock control item. meaning of paragraph a above.
10. TECHNICAL MANUALS (TM) . ( List in par. remain in effect until rescinded or superseded by
32) . Technical Manuals supplement Field Manuals, specific action in each case .
covering subjects the separate treatment of which is
considered essential to a full accomplishment of the 13. WAR DEPARTMENT LUBRICATION ORDERS
training prescribed in the Field Manuals. This series ( WDLO ) . ( List in par. 35 ) . a. General. War Depart
includes manuals describing matériel and containing ment Lubrication Orders ( WDLO'S) are expendable
instructions for its operation, care, and handling ; publications prepared by the technical services under
guidebooks for instructors and specialists ; material the direction of the Commanding Generals, Army
for extension courses ; reference books ; administra- Service Forces and Army Air Forces to prescribe
tive materials; and similar specialized subject authorized lubricants, lubrication intervals and lub
matter . rication instructions on all equipment issued which
requires lubrication by the first and second echelons
11. TECHNICAL REGULATIONS (TR) . (List in of maintenance. Lubrication orders of latest date
par . 33) . Some Technical Regulations are still in will be carried with or attached to the equipment
force, but they gradually are being eliminated by the to which they pertain ; extra copies may be obtained
inclusion of suitable material in other training docu- for use at centralized and mobile lubrication stations.
ments . Instructions contained in WDLO'S are mandatory
to all users of the equipment and supersede all con
12. TRAINING CIRCULAR (TC ) . ( List in par flicting lubrication instructions of prior date.
34 ) . b. Supply. Responsible officers will direct requisi
a . Purpose and Scope. Training Circulars are de tioning, installation, and full compliance with all
signed to promulgate current WDLO'S that are applicable to equipment
within their commands . All current available
( 1 ) New training doctrine ( see b below ) . WDLO'S are listed in Par. 35 of this manual and
are issued only by The Adjutant General in either
(2) Training doctrine, tactics, or technique, the the old or new style of the following forms :
immediate dissemination of which is essential.
( 1 ) Old Style WDLO'S may be either 10 x 15"
( 3 ) Training policies or information of a tempo steel-bound waterproof cards or decalcomania trans
rary nature or not relevant to the scope of existing fer labels which are readily identified in the list
manuals .
because of their simple serial numbers ( Examples :
b. Confirmation . When a Training Circular is pub- 1026, 3040, 6001, 7002 ) . Old style WDLO'S will be
lished, the preparing agency will initiate action to superseded as rapidly' as possible by the new-style,
incorporate its applicable provisions as a numbered but should continue to be requested and used until
change or revision of the appropriate manual or as a new style replacements are received or are listed
new manual. in Par. 35. Requisitions for old style WDLO'S should
be directed to the appropriate Adjutant General
c. Revocation . ( 1) Each training circular will indi Depot.
cate in bold type, immediately under the heading,
the date ( 1 year from date of publication ) upon ( 2 ) New Style WDLO'S may be either decalco
which the circular will become void. Unless previously mania transfer labels or light cardboard, and are
superseded or rescinded by other action, all matter readily identified in the list because of their hyphen
contained in the circular will automatically be voided ated serial numbers ( Examples : LO 5-3112, LO
8-626 , LO 9-772 ). The initial issue of new style
upon the date shown in bold type.
WDLO'S is distributed automatically ; additional
(2) Training Circulars published before 1 Janu- quantities should be requisitioned in conformance
ary 1944 do not carry an expiration date and will with Par. 24 .


14. FIELD AND TECHNICAL MANUALS . Field 55. Transportation

and Technical Manuals are numbered according to a 60. Amphibious
single comprehensive system. Each manual carries a 70. Mountain and Winter
basic number ( the first number) and a subnumber 71. Airborne
( the second number ) . The basic number identifies 72. Jungle
the subject matter to which the manual applies . The 100 Field Service Regulations
subnumber is a further means of identifying the 101. Staff Officers Field Manuals
publication within its particular class. 105. Umpire Manuals

a. Basic number. Basic numbers are allotted to b. Subnumber. ( 1 ) General. Subnumbers up to 199
subject matter as follows: are assigned to Field Manuals ; subnumbers 200 and
higher are reserved for Technical Manuals. For ex
1. Air ample :
2. Cavalry 8-5 is a Field Manual in the Medical series, the
3. Chemical Warfare
basic number 8 indicating Medical and the subnum
4. Coast Artillery
ber 5 showing that it is a Field Manual.
5. Engineers
6. Field Artillery 8-233 is a Technical Manual in the Medical series,
7. Infantry the subnumber 233 indicating that it is a TM .
8. Medical
( 2 ) Engineer subnumbers. Subnumbers of Tech
9. Ordnance
10. Quartermaster nical Manuals in the Engineer, or 5 -series, higher
11. Signal than 5-999, are grouped as follows :
12. Adjutant General TM number to TM number Subject
13. Inspector General 5-1000 5-1999 Road surfacing equipment
14. Fiscal 5-2000 5-2999 Water supply equipment
15. Judge Advocate General 5--3000 5-3999 Trucks and tractors
16. Chaplain 5–4000 5-4999 Tools, mechanical and hand
17. Armored 5-5000 5-5999 Power supply-electrical, gas,
and pneumatic
18. Tank Destroyer 60
5-6000 Reproduction equipment
19. Military Police 5-7000 5-7999 Antiaircraft equipment
20. Miscellaneous ( searchlight trailers, bar
21. Individual Soldier rage balloon winches, etc. )
22. Infantry Drill Regulations . 5--8000 5-8999 Stream - crossing equipment
23. Basic Weapons ( including accessories and ( ponton bridges, etc. )
ammunition ) 5-9000 5-9999 Miscellaneous ( trailers, cranes,
refrigeration equipment ,
24. Communication Procedures etc. )
25. Transportation ( motor and animal )
26. Interior Guard Duty
(3 ) Ordnance subnumbers. ( a ) Main grouping.
27. Military Law Subnumbers of Technical Manuals in the Ordnance,
28. Welfare, Recreation, and Morale or 9-series, are grouped as follows:
29. Regulating Stations and Base Depots TM number to TM number Subject
30. Military Intelligence 9-200 9-999 First and second echelons of
31. Special Operations maintenance ( operating in
structions, servicing, simple
32. Security repair , and replacement )
35. Women's Army Corps 9-1200 9-1899 Third , fourth , and fifth eche
37. Maintenance lons of maintenance ( Major
38. Supply Procedures repair, replacement, and re
39. Rockets conditioning )
44. Antiaircraft Artillery (Manuals published 9-2200 9-2999 Instruction guides covering in
formation or instructions
prior to 1 June 1944 are listed in the generally applied to differ
4-series ) ent types of material.
( 6 ) Subgrouping. Each of these groups is sub- TM number to TM number Subject
grouped as follows : 11-1300 11-1399 Technical Operation Manuals
( Radar ) .
TM number to TM number Subject 11-1400 11-1499 General Maintenance Manuals
( Radar ).
9-1200 99
9-1299 Small arms of all types and
11-1599 Service Manuals ( Radar) . ! 1

9-2299 11-2700 11-2900 Installation Manuals.

9-2200 al) cannon up to and not in.
cluding 57 -mm . 11-4000 11-4299 Radio Repair Instructions.
11-4300 11-4499 Wire Repair Instructions.
9-300 11-4500 11-4699
} Alllarger,
field artillery 57-mm and
and all antiaircraft 11-4700 11-4999
Power Repair Instructions .
Miscellaneous Repair Instruc
tions .
artillery larger than 40 -mm .
9-400 9-499 ( 4 ) Transportation Corps Subnumbers. Subnum
9-1400 9-1499 Seacoast and railway artillery.
9-2400 9-2499 bers of Technical Manuals in the Transportation
9-699 Corps, or 55 - series are allocated to subject matter
9-1500 9-1699 Fire control and sighting as follows :
9-2500 9-2699 equipment
9-700 9--849 TM number to TM number
9-870 <6
9-1849 Automotive matériel . 55-200 55-299 Railroad equipment.
9-1870 9-1899 55-300 55-399 Marine Equipment .
9-2700 9-2849 55-400 55-499 Electrical Equipment.
9-2870 9-2899 55-500 55-599 Commercial Traffic .
66 66
9-850 9-869 55-600 55-699 Water Transportation .
9-1850 9-1869 Miscellaneous. 55-700 55-799 General and Administration .
9-2850 9-2869 55-1000 55_ End-item equipment .
9-1900 9-1999 | Ammunition, Bulletins per
9-2900 9-2999 } 15. TECHNICAL BULLETINS . a.
taining to Technical Manuals bear the of the
( 4 ) Signal Corps subnumbers. Subnumbers of
manual, with an added serial number to differentiate
Technical Manuals in the Signal Corps, or 11-series, one bulletin from another on the same subject. Ex
are allocated to subject matter as follows :
ample : TB 9-280-1 indicates the first technical bulle
TM number to TM number Subject tin which affected TM 9-280 .
11-200 11-299 Radio Sets, Ground ( Commu b. Bulletins which do not pertain to a single Tech
nication, including compass)
11-300 (6
11-329 Radio Equipment other than nical Manual bear the abbreviation of the originat
11-2600 11-2699 Radio Sets .
11-5000 11-5499
ing service and are numbered consecutively. Ex
11-330 11-349 Wire Equipment, Telephone ample : TB ENG 1 is the first Engineer Technical
11-2000 11-2199 Equipment. Bulletin not directly pertaining to a single Technical
11-350 11-359 Teletypewriter Equipment. Manual .
11-2200 11-2249
11-360 11-379 Line Construction and Miscel
11-2250 11-2300 } laneous Wire Equipment. 16. FIRING TABLES AND CHARTS. Each Firing
11-389 Cryptographic Equipment. Table, Trajectory Diagram, and Trajectory Chart is
11-390 11-399 Visual Equipment. identified by a symbol consisting of letters and fig
11-400 11-409 | Photographic Equipment. ures, of which the following is an example : FT 75 - B
11-2300 11-2399 } 1. The meaning of the symbol is :
11-410 11-419 Pigeon Equipment.
11-420 11-429 Meteorological Equipment.
11-2400 11-2499 S a. The abbreviation FT identifies the publication
11-430 11-499 as a firing table. In the same manner, a trajectory
11-2500 66
11-2599 Miscellaneous Equipment . diagram would be identified as a TD, or a trajectory
11-5500 11-5999
11-450 11-500 Training Manuals. chart as a TjC. In order to avoid confusion with
11-750 11-800 Training Circulars, Trajectory Charts should be
11-549 Radio Sets, aircraft. requisitioned by their full name, such as " Trajectory
11-550 11-599 Radio Sets, aircraft ( includ Chart No. TC 3AA - K - 3."
ing compass ) .
11-600 11-699 Radio Sets, Mobile Ground. b. The second symbol indicates the caliber of the
11-700 11-750 Interphone Equipment weapon ; for example, 75-mm, 105-mm, or 6-inch .
( Ground ) . For antiaircraft weapons, the letters AA are ap
11-800 11-849 Transmitters .
11-850 11-899 Receivers. pended to the caliber ( for example, 75AA ) .
11-900 11-999 Power Units and Power Equip- c. The third letter in the symbol (B) indicates the
11-1000 11-1099 Miscellaneous Air & Radar
projectile and fuze combination .
Equipment. d. The fourth symbol is aa number in the example
11-1100 11-1199 Radar Sets.
11-1299 Miscellaneous Ground Radar
above, the figure 1 ) which indicates the edition or
Equipment. revision.

Distribution Requisitions Request for printing Stock level reports

new publications

Manuscript from PUBLICATION DIVISION To Distribution Branch

originating office



makes distribution to agencies of
the WAR DEPARTMENT through
the AG Pentagon Depot



Headquarters, organizations, Oversea distributing

offices and activities as agencies designated by Headquarters, organizations,
CG's, T. of Opns . in areas offices and activities.
prescribed by CG, AAF.
served by the port.

Figure 1. Flow Chart of Distribution of WD Publications.


17. MOBILIZATION TRAINING PROGRAMS. Mo- b. Definition . The distribution formula consists of
bilization Training Programs follow the same system abbreviations and numbers which indicate the num
of numbering as Field Manuals and Technical Man ber of copies of a publication distributed to the
uals . organizations listed.
18. TRAINING CIRCULARS . Training Circulars c. Location . The formula for each War Depart
are numbered consecutively for each calendar year. ment publication, when it appears in the publica
19. RESPONSIBILITY. To insure that publications tion, is usually set forth immediately following the
reach the hands of the persons who need them , The authentication. Some publications of remote date do
not contain formulas.
Adjutant General, who is responsible for the distri
bution of War Department publications, has set up d. Requirements. In the establishment of a for
an organization and system for distribution, the mula, two types of requirements are considered : In
general pattern of which is shown in Figure 1 . dividuals or organizations requiring publications for
20. PROCUREMENT. The Adjutant General pro operational or instructional purposes ; and those
eures sufficient copies ofeach publication so thataa individuals or organizationshavingcommand re
reasonable stock can be maintained and distributed sponsibilities , staff supervision, or training respon
as prescribed . sibilities for informational or reference purposes.

21. ACCESS TO PUBLICATIONS.a. Personal files e. Abbreviations. ( 1 ) Abbreviations used fre

of publications will not be maintained unless an officer quently in the formula are as follows :
is assigned to duty of such character that official A Hq. of Armies
files are not readily available for reference ( AR AACS Hq. of Army Airways Communication System.
310-200 ) . AAF Comds Hq. of Army Air Forces Commands
AAFWS Army Air Forces Weather Stations
b . Individuals have access to publications through AF Hq. of numbered Air Forces
established files in their units or in headquarters of Arm & Sv Bd Each Arm and Service Board
Ars Hq. of each Arsenal, Plant, Works and Army
higher units.
installation engaged in manufacturing ( see
22. MAINTENANCE OF FILES. Each commander par. 23f)
ASF Dep Hq. of Army Service Forces Depots
of a company or equivalent unit, and each commander This does not mean all Depots under juris
of a higher echelon , is required to maintain a file of diction of Army Service Forces ; a distri
pertinent publications. The unit commander is re bution to such is indicated as follows :
Dep under jurisdiction ASF.
sponsible for the maintenance of this file and its ASTU Hq. of Army Specialized Training Units
transfer in good order to his successor . An inspec- ATSC Hq. of each Area Air Technical Service Com
tion should be made semi-annually to insure that mand.
files are properly maintained . B Hq. of Brigades
Base Comd Hq. of Base and Island Commands and Hq.
23. DISTRIBUTION FORMULA. a . General. ( 1 ) U.S. Army Forces except where the latter
are covered under theaters ( T ) .
Certain publications, usually those pertaining to Bn Hq. of Battalions
training doctrine or technical information or data, are BU Commanding Officer of each AAF Base Unit.
distributed according to the formula appearing in the С Hq. of Companies or similar units
Cargo PE Hq. of Cargo Ports of Embarkation
publication. For explanation of this formula, see CH Hq. of Convalescent Hospital.
subparagraphs g and h below . CHQ Hq. of Corps
D Hq. of Divisions
( 2 ) Other categories of publications, usually of an Def Comd Hq. of Defense Commands, Sectors, and Sub
administrative nature, such as Army Regulations, sectors
War Department Circulars, T/ O's and E's and Dep Hq. of each Depot unless otherwise limited ;
others not pertaining to training doctrine or techni i.e.: AGF Dep, meaning only Depots under
cal information, are distributed according to a table jurisdiction of Army Ground Forces, etc.
( See par. 23f )
formula which usually does not appear on the publi Dept Department
cation (see AR 310–200 ). Allowances of forms are
Disp. Medical Dispensaries unless otherwise limited,
not specifically prescribed. Distribution and requisi i.e. , Gen Disp, meaning only General Dis
tions will be based upon requirements indicated in pensaries, etc.
publications directing their use. Dist o Each District and Branch Office ( See par. 23f)
Div Eng Office of each Division Engineer ( Class IV in- ( 2 ) Headquarters not listed above are expressed
stallation ) as distinguished from D ( Eng ) as follows :
meaning the engineer officer serving on the
staff of the commanding general of a divi ( a ) Distribution to interested organizations only
sion, and SvC ( Eng ) meaning the engineer
officer serving on the staff ofthe command is indicated by the T/O or T/O & E numbers of the
ing general of a service command. organizations. In instances where the T/O or T/O &
FC Hq. of Forts and Camps E number governs more than one type of organiza
Fin Off Finance Offices
tion, the name of the organization is so indicated .
Hq. of Groups ( AAF only )
GH Hq. of General Hospitals and Hospital Centers ( b ) Where no T /O or T / O & E number has been
HD Hq. of Harbor Defenses
HRP Hq. of Holding and Reconsignment Points
assigned, the name of the organization, or an abbre
Ind Dis
viation of the name as set forth in Army Regula
Hq. of Armed Force Induction Districts, and
Armed Induction Stations tions, may be used. Commonly used abbreviations,
Lab Each laboratory unless otherwise limited, i.e., which are clear, also may be used.
photo lab, meaning only photographic lab
oratories, or post photo lab, meaning only f. Numbers. When not in parentheses, numbers
photographic laboratories located at posts, indicate the arm or service ( see par 13 a above ). .

camps or stations ( See par. 23f)

LS Commanding Officer of each Lettered Squadron When in parentheses, numbers indicate the number
of an AAF Base Unit of copies to be furnished .
M Conc C Medical Concentration Centers .
Hq. of Ports of Embarkation g. Combination of Abbreviations and Numbers,
PG Hq. of Proving Grounds ( See par. 23f) ( 1 ) When an abbreviation is not followed by any
Pro Dist Hq. of each Procurement District ( See par. numbers except in parentheses, the publication is
23f ) distributed to all headquarters described by the ab
PW Cp Hq. of Prisoner of War Camps and Prisoner of breviation. For example : A ( 10 ) indicates that 10
War Processing Stations
QM Mark C Hq. of Quartermaster Market Centers copies of the publication will be distributed to each
R Hq. of Regiments or Groups of Army Ground Army.
Forces and Army Service Forces
RC Hq. of Reception Centers (2 ) When an abbreviation is followed by num
Rctg Sta Armed Force Recruiting Stations bers, the publication is distributed only to the head
Reclass C Hq. of Reclassification Centers quarters of organizations whose arms or services
Reg 0 Each Regional Office ( See par. 23f) are identified by the numbers. Where a dash is used
Rehab C Hq. of Rehabilitation Centers
RH Hq. of Regional Hospitals
between numbers, it indicates that all of the arms
and services between and including the end numbers
Each Reserve Officer's Training Corps Unit
S Headquarters of numbered Squadrons (AAF are included in the distribution. For example : R 2,
only ) 5-9 ( 2 ) , 17 ( 5 ) would indicate that two copies were
SBn Hq. of Separate Battalions to be distributed to the headquarters of each Cav
Sec Territorial Administrative Areas in theaters alry , Engineer, Field Artillery, Infantry, Medical,
such as base, intermediate or advance sec
tions—named, lettered or numbered. and Ordnance Regiment or Group, and that 5 copies
Sch Hq. of each School, unless otherwise limited, were to be distributed to the Headquarters of each
i.e., ASF Sch, meaning only schools under Armored Group.
jurisdiction of Army Service Forces, or Gen
& Sp Sv Sch, meaning only General or Spe- (3 ) When the publication is intended for a par
cial Service Schools, etc. ( See par. 23f)
S Div ASF Directors of Staff Divisions, ASF ticular section or individual within a headquarters,
Sep C Hq. of Separation Centers the fact is stated parenthetically . For example : D
SH Station Hospitals ( Surg ) (3 ) means that the Division Surgeon re
Stg A Hq. of Staging Areas ceives 3 copies.
Sub PE Hq. of Sub Ports of Embarkation
SvC Hq . of Service Commands ( 4 ) In addition to the distribution shown in the
T Hq. of Theaters
TCRRS Hq. of Transportation Corps Railroad Repair formula , there may be certain additional special dis
Shops tributions which are not considered necessary to list
Tech Sv Office of each Chief of Technical Service in the formula. Note that certain symbols which
Tech Sv C Hq. of Technical Service Centers formerly were incorporated in FM 21-6 have been
Tng C Hq. of Training Centers, unless otherwise lim
ited, i.e., AGF Tng C, meaning only Training eliminated. The symbol " I” is no longer used in com
Centers under jurisdiction of Army Ground bination with abbreviations to indicate that a distri
Forces, or Unit Tng C, meaning only Unit bution is to interested organizations only. The
Training centers, etc. ( See par. 23f) symbols " H " and " L " are no longer used in combi
USMA Hq. of United States Military Academy
Hq. of Wings ( AAF only ) nation with abbreviations to indicate that distribu
tion is made to a specified organization and higher D (2) —
or lower headquarters. Such distribution is specifi Two copies to the headquarters of all Di.
cally set forth . visions including AAF Divisions.
h. Example of Hypothetical Distribution Formula . B (2 )
AAF Comds ( 2 ) ; Arm & Sv Bd ( 2 ) ; Def Comd ( 10 ) ; Two copies to the headquarters of each
S Div ASF ( 2 ) ; Tech Sv ( 2 ) ; SvC ( 10 ) ; Dep 5, 9 ( 2 ) ; Brigade.
Gen & Sp Sv Sch ( 50 ) ; ASTU ( 1 ) ; ROTC ( 1 ) ; A ( 10 ) ; R 2, 5-9 ( 2 ) , 17 (5 )
CHQ ( 10 ) ; D ( 2 ) ; B ( 2 ) ; R 2, 5-9 ( 2 ) , 17 ( 5 ) ; AF Two copies to the headquarters of each Cav
( 10 ) ; W ( 2 ). T/O & E :2-25 (3 ) ; 5--215 ( 3 ) ; 6–165 alry, Engineer, Field Artillery, Infantry,
( 3 ) ; 7–25 ( 3 ) ; 8–75 ( 3 ) ; 9-65 ( 3 ) . Medical, and Ordnance Regiment or Group.
The above formula is explained as follows : Five copies to the headquarters of each
Armored Force Group.
AAF Comds ( 2 ) —
AF ( 10 )
Two copies to the headquarters of Army Ten copies to the headquarters of each
Air Forces Commands.
numbered Air Force .
Arm & Sv Bd ( 2 ) —
W (2 )
Two copies to each Arm and Service Board .
Two copies to the headquarters of each
Def Comd ( 10 ) AAF Wing
Ten copies to the headquarters of each De
2-25 ( 3 )
fense Command, Sector, and Sub-sector.
S Div ASF (2 ) This is the same as writing T/O & E 2-25
Two copies to the Director of each Staff Cavalry, Reconnaissance Squadron , Mech
anized ( 3) and indicates that it was not
Division, ASF. desirable to distribute to all cavalry squad
Tech Sv ( 2 )
rons but only to the one listed above.
Two copies to the office of each Chief of
No confusion will arise in reading a formula if it
Technical Service.
is noted that the T/O & E number is not prefixed by
SvC ( 10 )
an abbreviation ; i.e. D ( 2 ) ; or R 2, 5-9 ( 2 ) ; it is
Ten copies to the headquarters of each always set forth in a separate sentence commenc
Service Command in the continental US. ing with the letters T/O & E with the quantity indi
Area ASVC ( 10 ) - cated by a number in parentheses. Each T / O & E
Ten copies to the headquarters of each Area number and the quantity of the publication indicated
Air Service Command, in parentheses is separated by a semicolon from the
Dep 5, 9 ( 2 ) – next T/O & E number with its quantity.
Two copies to the headquarters of each 5-215 ( 3 )
Engineer and Ordnance Depot. Indicates three copies to Armored Engineer
Gen & Sp Sv Sch (50 ) Battalions with the T / O & E number 5-215.
Fifty copies to each General or Special Serv 6–165 ( 3 )
ice School.
Indicates three copies to Armored Field
ASTU ( 1 ) Artillery Battalions with the T / O & Enum
One copy to the headquarters of each Army ber 6-165 .
Specialized Training Unit.
Instructions are issued by The Adjutant General
ROTC ( 1 ) to accomplish distribution not reflected in the above
One copy to the official file of the professor | hypothetical formula ; i.e. , a bulk shipment of 700
of military science and tactics at educa copies direct from the printer to the Armored School,
tional institutions maintaining Reserve Of Fort Knox, Ky.
ficer's Training Corps or Junior Reserve
Officer's Training Corps. 24. REQUISITIONING a. In the continental United
A ( 10 ) States, Army Ground Forces and Army Service
Ten copies to the headquarters of each Forces headquarters, offices, organizations and
Army. activities may, upon showing the need therefor, ob
CHQ ( 10 ) tain any printed publication in reasonable quanti
Ten copies to the headquarters of each ties by requisitioning, the post commander as pre
Corps. scribed in Circular 264 , War Department, 1944 .
Army Air Forces headquarters, offices, organiza- sition publications in accordance with the procedure
tions, and activities will submit requisitions as pre- prescribed by the commanders of the theater,
scribed by the Commanding General, Army Air command, department, or base. Commanders of
Forces. theaters, commands, departments, and bases over
seas will submit requisitions for publications to the
b. Headquarters, officers,organizations, and activi- commanding general of the port of embarkation
ties outside the continental United States will requi- serving that area.

25. CHANGES . a . Each agency charged with the g. Changes to Technical Bulletins will be issued
preparation of a publication will keep a folder of provided the Technical Bulletin to be changed ex
suggested changes. Serious errors will be reported ceeds two pages or the material to be changed does
at once . not exceed 25 percent of the text of the original .
b. A publication is amended or added to by the Changes will carry the number of the original bulle
publication of a change only when it is considered tin as well as the number of the change. When a
inadvisable to revise and reprint the entire publica- change does not meet these requirements, a new
tion. Minor changes not affecting doctrine will be bulletin incorporating both the old and the new will
allowed to accumulate and will be published in a re - be issued with a new number,
vision of the publication . 26. RESCISSIONS, CANCELATIONS, AND SU
PERSESSIONS. a. Normal Procedure. ( 1 ) Rescis
C. When changes to one publication may affect
other War Department publications to the extent sions, cancelations, and supersessions of War De
of requiring modifications of them , changes to all partment training publications are listed in thisman
publications affected will be prepared and submitted ual. For reasons of expediency, notice of rescissions
at the same time. and supersessions of FM's and TM's are first pub
d. Drafts of matter submitted for publication as lished in War Department Circulars.
changes will contain both the existing and the pro ( 2 ) Training publications of the Technical Serv
posed new matter. The matter to be omitted will be ices which have been superseded by War Depart
ment publications are also listed in this manual.
shown with a line drawn through it and the pro
posed new matter underscored. b. Emergency Procedure. When it is necessary to
effect an emergency cancelation of a War Depart
e. Changes will be numbered in a single series for
ment publication ( other than a FM or a TM ) a
each edition of each publication. publication of the same number as the one to be
f. Changes to bound publications will be printed canceled is issued with CANCELATION printed
on both sides of the page and will not be cut apart. beneath the number. The cancelation is given the
The entire change will be retained complete and same distribution as the original publication and is
placed in the back of the publication affected . listed in the next edition of this manual.



Publications added since last issue are indicated by an asterisk (*).

LICATIONS. ( For description see par. 5 )
3-70 1 Sep. 44. Chemical Decontamination Company.
CCBP -01 Jun. 43'. Combined Amphibious Communications COAST ARTILLERY
Instructions. 4-5 20 Jun. 44. Tactics.
CCBP-1 20 Jan. 43 Combined Radiotelegraph ( W/T ) Pro 4-6 1 May 42. Seacoast Artillery : Tactics and Tech
cedure. ( FM24-10 ) , C 1 , 2, 3.
CCBP2-2 1944. Combined Operating Signals. ( Second Edi nique of Controlled Submarine Mines, Buoyant. C1 ,
2, 3.
tion ) , C 1 , 2. ( FM24-12 and FM24-13 are U. S. Air 4-7 5 Apr. 45. Tactics and Technique of Controlled Sub.
and Ground Extracts, respectively ) .
CCBP3–2 14 Feb. 45. Combined Radiotelephone ( R / T ) marine mines , Ground.
Procedure. ( Second Edition ) . 4-10 20 May 44. Gunnery. C 1.
CCBP - 4 17 Mar. 43. Combined Teletypewriter ( Teleprin 4-15 5. Nov. 43. Seacoast Artillery : Fire Control and
ter ) Procedure. C 1 , 2. Position Finding. C 1 , 2.
CCBP-5 12 May 43. Combined Visual Signaling ( V/S ) 4-19 15 May 44. Examinations for Gunners.
Procedure. C 1 . 4-20 22 Mar. 44. Firing Preparations, Safety Precautions,
Care and Service of Matériel . C 1 .
CCBP-7 1 Jan. 44. Combined Communication Instructions.
C 1. 4-24 16 Aug. 43. Service of the Piece -- 155 -mm Gun M1.
Ci .
CCBP - 8 Aug. 43. Combined Panel System. C 1 .
4-25 28 Feb. 44. Coast Artillery , Service of the Piece
155-mm Gun ( G.P.F. ) . C 1 .
28. FIELD MANUALS. ( For description see par. 6 ) *4-29 30 Aug. 45. Service of Seacoast Searchlight.
AIR 4-30 15 Dec. 43. Service of Gun Data Computer Mi.
FM 4-32 1 Feb. 44. Seacoast Artillery : Service of the Base
1-10 20 Nov. 40. Tactics and Technique of Air Attack. End Data and Gun Data Transmission Systems.
1-15 10 Apr. 42. Tactics and Technique of Air Fighting. 4-35 15 Jun . 40. Service of the Piece 14- Inch Gun
1-20 20 Apr. 42. Tactics and Technique of Air Reconnais M1920MII on Railway Mount M1920 . C 1 , 2. >

sance and Observation . 4-40 20 May 40. Service of the Piece - 12 - Inch Mortar,
1-25 15 Jun. 43. Air Defense. C 1 . Railway Artillery. C 1 , 2.
1-26 20 Jan. 44. Defense of Airdromes. C 1 . 4-48 26 Jul. 43. Service of the Piece-- 8 -Inch Gun, Mk,
1-40 9 Sep. 40. Intelligence Procedure in Aviation Units. VI, Modification 3A2 on Barbette Carriage M1. C 1 .
1-45 4 Dec. 42. Signal Communication. 4-49 6 Aug. 42. Service of the Piece-- 8 - Inch Gun, Mk,
1-46 15 May 43. Fighter Radiotelephone Procedures and VI, Modification 3A2, on Railway Mount M1A1. C 1 .
Code. 4-50 15 May 40. Seacoast Artillery : Service of the Piece
1-50 2 May 42. Weather. -8- Inch Gun , Railway Artillery. C 1 .
1-55 22 Apr. 42. Reference Data, Administration. 4-51 3 May 43. Seacoast Artillery : Operation and care
1-60 4 Apr. 41. Reviews and Inspections. of Railway Artillery Equipment.
1-75 16 Jun . 42. Combat Orders. 4-60 15 May 40. Seacoast Artillery : Service of the Piece
1-110 9 Apr. 45. Selection of Bombs and Fuzes for De -12-Inch Gun ( Barbette Carriage ) .
struction of Various Targets. 4-61 14 Dec. 44. Service of the Piece 12-inch Gun Case
1-195 26 Sep. 42. Service Center. mated.
4–74 15 Aug. 44. Service of the Piece
6 - Inch Gun
CAVALRY M1903A2 or M1905A2 on BC M1 and M2 6-Inch
+2–5 13 Mar. 44. Cavalry Drill Regulations, Horse. Gun M1 on BC M3 and M4.
2-6 30 Dec. 43. Ciew Drill , Light Armored Car M8 . 4-75 10 Apr. 40. Seacoast Artillery : Service of the Piece
2-715 Mar. 44. Cavalry Drill Regulations, Mechanized. -6-Inch Gun Barbette Carriage. C 1 .
2–15 8 Apr. 41. Employment of Cavalry . C 1 , 2. 4–85 20 Jun. 40. Seacoast Artillery : Service of the Piece
2-20 24 Feb. 44. Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop, Mechan -16-Inch Gun and Howitzer, C 1 , 2, 3.
ized. 4-86 10 Aug. 44. Service of the Piece -- 16 - Inch Gun, Case
2-30 28 Aug. 44. Cavalry Reconnaisance Squadron, Mech mated.
anized. 4-90 28 Jul. 44. Seacoast Artillery : Service of the Piece
CHEMICAL WARFARE 3-Inch Rapid-Fire Gun ( Barbette Carriage) .
3-5 20 July 42. Tactics of Chemical Warfare. C 1 , 2. 4-91 26 Sep. 44. Coast Artillery--Service of the Piece
3-10 10 June 40. Examination for Gunners. C 1 . 90 -mm Gun M1 on 90-mm Mount M3.
3-15 17 Feb. 41. Supply and Field Service. C 1 , 2, 3, 4 . 4-95 15 Sept. 43 . Seacoast Artillery. Service of Radio
3-25 3 Aug. 44. Chemical Laboratory Company. Set. SCR - 296 - A . C 1 , 2.
3-30 2 Mar. 44. Chemical Processing Company ( Theater 4-96 9 Nov. 43. Seacoast Artillery : Service of Radio Set
of Operations ) . SCR -582 . C1 , 2.
3-50 24 Mar. 44. Large Area Smoke Screening. C 1. 4-97 17 Aug. 44. Service of the Radio Set SCR - 682 - A .
3-65 1 Dec. 44. Chemical Depot Company. C 1.
3-66 11 Jul. 45. Chemical Base Depot Company. 4-100 28 June 43. Antiaircraft Artillery : Organization
and Tactics.
#Will not be reprinted when present depot stocks are exhausted. 4-110 28 Sep. 43. Antiaircraft Artillery : Gunnery. C 1 .
1This Manual is distributed only to interested headquarters and 4-119 9 Dec. 43. Antiaircraft Artillery : Examination for
to individuals whose duties require that they have. This Manual
must be safeguarded in accordance with provisions of AR 380-5 . Gunners.


4-120 17 Nov. 43. Formations and Instructions. C 1 . 6-20 5 Feb. 44. Tactical Employment.
4-121 22 Dec. 43. Fire Control Guns. C 1 . 6-40 1 Jun. 45. Field Artillery Gunnery.
4–126 25 Oct. 43. Antiaircraft Artillery : Service of the 6-70 14 Oct. 39. Service of the Piece 75 -mm Howitzer
Piece - 90 -mm AA Gun on M1A1 Mount. C 1 , 2, 3. Horse- and Truck -drawn . C 1 , 2, 3, 4.
4-127 31 Oct. 43. Antiaircraft Artillery : Service of the 6–74 10 July 44. Service of the Piece, 105-mm Howitzer,
Piece - 90 -mm AA Gun M2, on Mount M2. C 1 , 2, 3. Motor Carriage M-7. C 1 .
4-128 15 Sep. 43. Antiaircraft Artillery : Service of the 6-75 12 Dec. 41. Service of the Piece -- 105 -mm Howitzer,
Piece - 4.7 -Inch AA Gun. C 1 , 2, 3, M2, Truck -drawn . C 1 , 2, 3, 4 , 5 .
4-142 20 Oct. 43. Service of Height Finders M1 and M2. 6–76 15 Apr. 45. Service of the Piece 105-mm Howitzer,
C 1. Motor Carriage, M37.
4-143 30 June 43. Service of Height Finder SCR -547. 6–77 12 Jan. 44. Service of the Piece - 4.5 - Inch Gun M1.
C 1 , 2. C 1.
4–144 10 Nov. 43. Antiaircraft Artillery : Service of Radio 6-81 23 Dec. 43. Service of the Piece -- 155 -mm Howitzer
Set SCR - 584. C 1 , 2. M1 . C 1 , 2.
4-146 2 Nov. 43. Antiaircraft Artillery : Service of Radio 6-82 30 July 45. Service of the Piece - 155 -mm Howitzer
Set SCR-545. C 1 , 2. Motor Carriage M41 .
4–155 4 Oct. 43. Service of the Piece-Caliber .50 AA Ma 6–87 19 July 45. Service of the Piece - Gun -Howitzer Mo
chine Gun. C 1 , 2. tor Carriage - 155 -mm Gun or 8-inch Howitzer.
6-90 17 Jan. 42. Service of the Piece - 155 -mm Gun, M1.
4-176 30 Dec. 43. Service of Radio Set SCR -- 268. C 1 , 2.
C 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5.
4-181 30 June 43. Employment of Barrage Balloons. C 1, 2. 6-91 15 May 42. 8- Inch Howitzer, M1 . C 1 , 2, 3, 4.
4-182 15 Nov. 43. Barrage Balloon Technique. C 1 . 6-95 2 Jan. 40. Service of the Piece - 240 -mm Howitzer,
4-183 1 July 43. Antiaircraft Artillery : Balloon Barrage M1918. C 1 , 2.
Control. 6-100 24 May 44. Tactics and Technique of Division Artil
4–184 13 Apr. 43. Antiaircraft Artillery : Barrage Balloon lery and Higher Artillery Echelons.
Site Installations. C 1 . 6-101 28 June 44. Tactics and Technique, Battalion and
4-187 13 Mar. 43. Antiaircraft Artillery : Barrage Balloon, Battery, Motorized .
Service of the Balloon and Balloon Equipment, Low 6–105 15 Aug. 44. Armored Division, Artillery.
Altitude. C 1 . 6-110 1 March 40. Pack Artillery. C 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5.
4–188 15 Feb. 44. Service of the Balloon and Balloon 6-120 May 45. Field Artillery Observation Battalion .
Equipment, Very Low Altitude. 6-130 30 Jun 45. Field Artillery Intelligence.
6-135 10 Aug. 44. Forward Observation .
4–191 29 Sep. 43. Barrage Balloon, Service of Cable Arm
ament, Low Altitude. C 1 . 6-150 30 Aug. 44. Organic Field Artillery Air Observa
4–192 3 Dec. 43. Antiaircraft Artillery : Barrage Balloon,
Service of Cable Armament, Very Low Altitude. INFANTRY
4-193 12 Aug. 43. Antiaircraft Artillery ; Barrage Balloon , 18 March 44. Rifle Company, Infantry Regiment.
Gas Generation, Use, Purification, and Service of C 1.
Hydrogen Generator. 7-15 19 May 42. Heavy Weapons Company , Rifle Regi
4–196 2 June 43. Barrage Balloon, Rigging and Fabric ment. C 1 , 2, 3.
Repair. C 1 . 7–20 1 Oct. 44. Infantry Battalion.
4-198 30 Oct. 43. Barrage Balloon, Reference Data. C 1, 2. 7–24 Dec. 44. Comnfunication in the Infantry Division.
ENGINEER 7-25 7 Oct. 42. Headquarters Company, Intelligence and
Signal Communication, Rifle Regiment. C 1.
5-5 11 Oct. 43. Engineer Troops. C 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5 . 7-30 1 June 44. Supply and Evacuation , The Infantry
5-6 23 Apr. 43. Operations of Engineer Units. C 1, 2, Regiment : Service Company and Medical Detach
3 , 4 , 5. ment.
5-10 28 Jan. 44. Construction and Routes of Communi 7-35 15. March 44. Antitank Company, Infantry Regi
ment and Antitank Platoon , Infantry Battalion. C 1 .
5-15 14 Feb. 44. Field Fortifications. C 1 . 7–37 28 March 44. Cannon Company, Infantry Regiment.
5-20 Feb. 44. Camouflage, Basic Principles. 7-40 9 Feb. 42. Rifle Regiment. C 1 , 2 .
5–20A 9 Feb. 44. Camouflage of Individuals and Infantry MEDICAL
5-20B 2 Apr. 44. Camouflage of Vehicles. 8-5 31 May 45. Medical Department Units of a Theater
5-20C 1 May 44. Camouflage of Bivouacs, Command Posts. of Operations.
8-10 28 March 42. Medical Service of Field Units.
Supply Points, and Medical Installations. 8-25 28 March 40. Medical Service in Joint Oversea
5-20D 9 Feb. 44. Camouflage of Field Artillery. Operations.
5-20E 1 June 44. Camouflage of Aircraft On The Ground. 8-35 28 Feb. 45. Transportation of the Sick and
and Airdromes. Wounded .
5-20F 1 May 44. Camouflage of Antiaircraft Artillery . 8–50 15 Jan. 44. Bandaging and Splinting. C 1, 2 .
5–20G Dec. 44. Camouflage of Rear Areas and Fixed For 8-55 5 March 41. Reference Data .
5-20H 1 July 44. Camouflage Materials and Manufactur ORDNANCE
ing Techniques. 9-5 11 July 42. Ordnance Service in the Field. C 1, 2,
5–25 12 May 45. Explosives and Demolitions. 3, 4 , 5 , 6.
5-31 1 Nov, 43. Land Mines and Booby Traps. C 1, 2 , 9-6 15 June 44. Ammunition Supply C 1 .
3, 4 , 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 , 10 , 11 , 12, 13, 14 , 15, 16, 17. 9-10 20 Apr. 42. Ordnance Field Maintenance. C 1 , 2,
5-35 24 Mar. 44. Reference Data. 3 , 4 , 5, 6.
65874946 -2

ORDNANCE - Continued FM
FM 18–15 4 Dec. 43. Tank Destroyer Drill and Crew Drill,
9-20 7 July 42. Ordnance Ammunition Company, Ord 3-Inch Gun Motor Carriage M10, 76 -mm Gun Motor
nance Ammunition Battalion. C 1 . Carriage T70, 3-Inch Towed Gun ( Gun M5 and Car
9-25 3 Sep. 42. Ordnance Company, Depot. C 1. iage M1 ) .
9-40 20 Oct. 43. Unexploded Bombs , Organization and 18-16 23 Oct. 44. Crew Drill, 76-mm Gun Motor Carriage
Operation for Disposal. C 1, 2. M18.
QUARTERMASTER 18-17 19 Aug. 44. Tank Destroyer Crew Drill, 3-inch
Towed Gun M5 on Carriage M6.
10-5 29 Apr. 43. Quartermaster Operations. 18-18 20 Dec. 44. Crew Drill, Gun Motor Carriage, M36 .
10-10 2 Mar. 42. Quartermaster Service in Theater of Op 18–20 9 May 44. Tactical Employment of Tank Destroyer
erations. C 1 . Platoon Self-propelled.
10–35 Jul 45. Quartermaster Truck Companies. 18-21 1 Apr, 44. Towed Gun Platoon .
10-38 5 Jul 45. Quartermaster Base Depot Supply and 18-22 27 Nov. 44 . Tank Destroyer Reconnaissance Pla
Sales Company, toon .
10-63 15 Jan. 45. Graves Registration C 1 . 18–24 1 Nov. 44. Tank Destroyer Pioneer Platoon .
11-5 15 Apr. 40. Mission, Functions and Signal Commu 19-5 14 June 44. Military Police. C1.
nication in General. 19-10 2 Jan. 45. Military Police in Towns and Cities.
11-15 24 July 40. Organizations and Operations in the * 19-15 Jul. 45. Domestic Disturbances .
Cavalry Division and Cavalry Corps. 19-20 30 Apr. 45. Criminal Investigations.
11-22 30 Jan. 45. Signal Operations in the Corps and
11-25 3 Aug. 42. Aircraft Warning Service. C 1. 20-15 24 Feb. 45. Tents and Tent Pitching.
11-35 2 Sep. 42. Signal Corps Intelligence.
11-80 15 Sep. 44. Signal Pigeon Company. INDIVIDUAL SOLDIER
11-130 Jun 45. Signal Heavy Construction Battalion . 21-5 16 July 41. Military Training.
21-6 10 Aug. 45. List and Index of War Department
12-105 7 May 43. The Army Postal Service. C 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5. 21-7 1 Apr. 45. List of War Department Films, Film
Strips and Recognition Film Slides.
ARMORED 21-8 14 Feb. 44. Military Training Aids. C 1, 2, 3, 4 ,
17-5 18 Jan. 43. Armored Force Drill. C 1 , 2, 3. 5, 6, 7.
17-12 10 July 44. Tank Gunnery. 21-10 31 July 45. Military Sanitation. C 1 .
17-15 13 Apr. 45. Combat Practice Firing , Armored 21-11 7 Apr. 43. First Aid for Soldiers.
Units . 21-15 30 Apr. 45. Individual Clothing and Equipment .
17-25 8 Sep. 44. Assault Gun, Section and Platoon. 21-20 6 Mar. 41. Physical Training.
17-27 30 July 42. 81-mm Mortar Squadron and Platoon . 21-22 25 Apr. 44. Watermanship .
17-30 17 Jun 45. Tank Platoon . 21-25 15 Aug. 44. Elementary Map and Aerial Photograph
17-32 8 Nov. 44. Tank Company. Reading. C1 .
17-33 19 Dec. 44. Tank Battalion. 21-26 23 Dec. 44. Advanced Map and Aerial Photograph
17-36 13 Mar. 44. Armored Employment of Tanks with
Infantry. Sup. No. 1 . 21-30 15 Oct. 43. Conventional Signs, Military Symbols ,
17-40 Nov. 44. Armored Infantry Company . and Abbreviations. C 1 , 2, 3.
17-42 10 Nov. 44. Armored Infantry Battalion. 21-35 1 June 39. Sketching. C 1, 2.
17-45 15 June 44. The Armored Engineer Battalion. 21-40 7 Sep. 42. Defense Against Chemical Attack. C 1 ,
2 , 3, 4, 5.
17-50 26 Apr. 5. Supply, Evacuation, and Traine Ar
mored Units. 21-5015 June 42. Military Courtesy and Discipline. C 1 ,
17-59 2 , 3.
12 Oct. 42. Decontamination of Armored Force Ven
hicles . C 1 . 21-75 6 Feb. 44. Scouting , Patrolling , and Sniping . C 1 ,
2, 3, 4 .
17–67 5 Aug. 44. Crew Drill and Service of the Piece, Me
dium Tank M4 , C1 . 21–80 20 May 44. Recognition Training.
21-105 2 June 43. Engineer Soldier's Handbook.
17-68 24 May 44. Crew Drill , Light Tank M5 Series. C 1. 21-150 30 June 42. Unarmed Defense for the American
17-6930 Nov. 43. Crew Drill, Service of the Piece, and Soldier.
Gunnery ( 75-mm Assault Howitzer on Motor Care
17–70 17 Apr. 45. Signal Communications for Armored 22-5 4 Aug. 41. Infantry Drill Regulations. C 1, 3, 4 .
17-71 31 Jan , 45. Crew Drill for Half- Track Vehicles.
17-74 11 Dec. 44. Crew Drill and Service of the Piece
Heavy Tank T26E1 . 23-5 30 July 43. U. S. Rifle, Caliber .30, M1. C 1 , 2.
17–75 23 Aug. 44. Crew Drill , Light Tank M24. 23-6 28 Oct. 43. U. S. Rifle, Caliber .30, M1917 .
17–76 15 Sep. 44. Crew Drill and Service of the Piece, Me 23-7 23 Apr. 44. U. S. Carbine, Caliber .30 M1 and M1A1 .
dium Tank, M4 Series ( 105-mm Howitzer ) . C 1 , 2, 3.
17-80 30 Aug. 44. Armored Medical Units. 23-10 30 Sep. 43. U. S. Rifle, Caliber .30 M1903 .
17–100 15 Jan. 44. The Armored Division, 23-15 30 June 43. Browning Automatic Rifle, Caliber .30 ,
M1918A2. C 1 , 2.
TANK DESTROYER 23-25 7 Sep. 43. Bayonet.
18-5 18 July 44. Tactical Employment, Tank, Destroyer 23-30 14 Feb. 44. Hand and Rifle Grenades, Rocket, AT ,
Unit. C1 . HE , 2.36 - Inch. C 1 , 2.

30–20 27 May 40. Military Intelligence — Military Maps.
23-35 30 Apr. 40. Automatic Pistol, Caliber .45, M1911 , C 1.
and M1911A1 . C 1 , 2. 30-21 22 Sept. 44. Aerial Photography Military Applica
23-36 20 Oct. 41. Revolver, Colt, Caliber .45, M1917, and tion .
Revolver, Smith and Wesson, Caliber .45, M1917. 30-22 7 July 42. Military Intelligence - Foreign Conven
C 1 , 2. tional Signs and Symbols.
23-40 31 Dec. 41. Thompson Submachine Gun. Caliber .45, 30-25 15 Feb. 40. Military Intelligence - Counterintelli
M1928A1 . C 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 . gence . C 1 , 2.
23-41 30 Oct. 43. Submachine Gun, Caliber .45, M3. C 1, 30-26 21 Jan. 42. Military Intelligence - Regulations for
2, 3. Correspondents Accompanying U. S. Army Forces
23-55 30 Jul 45. Browning Machine Guns, Caliber .30, in the Field. C 1 , 2, 3.
M1917A1 , M1919A4, and M1919A6. 30–27 31 Aug. 44. Regulations for Civilian Operations,
23-65 13 Nov. 44. Browning Machine Gun, Caliber .50, Analysts, Scientific Consultants and Technical Ob
HB, M2. servers Accompanying U. S. Army Forces in the
23-70 28 Nov. 42. 37-mm Gun, Anti-tank, M3. C 1 , 2, 3. Field.
23–75 15 June 44. 57-mm Gun M1 .
30-28 15 Sept. 44. Military Intelligence, Military Censor
23–85 28 Nov. 42. 60-mm Mortar M2. C 1 , 2, 3, 4. ship .
23-90 22 Apr. 43. 81-mm Mortar M1 , C 1 , 2.
23-91 29 Aug. 44. 81 -mm Mortar Mounted in Half - Track 30-30 1 April 43. Recognition, Pictorial Manual, Aircraft.
Carrier. Sup. No. 1 , 2, 3.
23-92 1 Mar. 45. 4.2-Inch Chemical Mortar. 30–40 3 Nov. 43. Recognition Pictorial Manual, Armored
Vehicles. C 1 , 2, 3, 4 .
23-105 18 May 44. 105 -mm , Howitzer, M3. C 1, 2, 30-50 15 Sept. 43. Military Intelligence - Recognition Pic
COMMUNICATION PROCEDURES torial Manual, Naval Vessels. Sup 1 .
24-5 19 Oct. 42. Signal Communication. C 1 , 2, 3, 4, SPECIAL OPERATIONS
5, 6, 7 . 31–5 13 Nov. 44. Landing Operations on Hostile Shores.
24–6 15 June 45. Radio Operators Manual, Army Ground 31-10 12 July 41. Coast Defense.
31-25 14 Mar. 42. Desert Operations. C 1 , 2, 3.
24-8 17 Mar. 43. Combined Teletypewriter ( Teleprinter) 31-30 20 May 42. Tactics and Technique of Airborne
Procedure. C 1 , 2. Troops.
24-10 20 Jan. 43. Combined Radiotelegraph ( W/T ) Pro 31-35 9 April 42. Aviation in Support of Ground Forces.
cedure. C 1 , 2, 3.
31-40 25 May 43. Supply of Ground Units by Air.
24–12 1 Sep. 44. Army Extract of Combined Operating 31-50 31 Jan. 44. Attack on a Fortified Position and Com
Signals, C 1 .
bat in Towns.
24-13 21 Feb. 44. Air Extract Combined Operating Sig
nals ( CCBP2–2) . C 1 , 2, 3, 4. WOMEN'S ARMY CORPS
24-14 19 Sep. 44. Teletypewriter Switching and Relay 35-20 15 July 43. Physical Training ( WAC ) .
Procedures. C 1 .
24-17 6 Jun. 45. Signal Center and Message Center Pro ANTIAIRCRAFT ARTILLERY
cedure . 44-2 21 Dec. 44. Employment of Antiaircraft Artillery,
24-18 28 Jan. 44. Radio Communication. Automatic Weapons.
24-20 4 Oct. 44. Field Wire Systems. C 1 . 44-4 5 Jun . 45. Employment of Antiaircraft Artillery
24-22 12 May 43. Combined Visual Signaling ( V/ S Pro Guns .
cedure ) , C 1 . 44-6 31 Mar. 45. Employment of Antiaircraft Artillery
24-24 14 Aug. 45. Tape-Relay Procedures . Searchlights.
24–75 21 Nov. 44. Telephone Switchboard Operating Pro- 44–8 10 Aug. 44. Antiaircraft Operations Room and Anti
cedure. aircraft Artillery Intelligence Service.
TRANSPORTATION ( MOTOR AND ANIMAL) * 44-11 Aug. 45. Gunnery for Antiaircraft Artillery Auto
matic Weapons.
25-5 15 June 39. Animal Transport. C 1 , 2. 44-36 16 Oct. 44. Service of Antiaircraft Directors M4 and
25-6 19 Aug. 44. Dog Transportation , M7 .
25–7 25 Aug. 44. Pack Transportation. 44-38 10 Nov. 44. Service of Antiaircraft Directors M9 ,
25-10 12 Mar. 42. Motor Transport. C 1 , 2 3.
M9A1 , M9A2, and M10.
INTERIOR GUARD DUTY *44-45 12 Oct. 45. Service of Radio Set SCR-784.
44-51 19 Sep. 44. Fire Control, Antiaircraft Artillery Au
26-5 2 Jan. 40. Interior Guard Duty. C 1, 2, 3, 4.
tomatic Weapons.
MILITARY LAW 44-57 29 Jan. 45. Multiple Machine Gune Mounts.
44-58 20 June 44. Antiaircraft Artillery Service of the
27-5 22 Dec. 43. United States Army and Navy Manual Piece, 37-mm Fire Unit.
of Military Government and Civil Affairs. 44-59 16 Sept. 44. Service of the Piece - Multiple Gun Mo
27-10 1 Oct. 40. Rules of Land Warfare. C 1 .
tor Carriage M15 and M15A1 .
WELFARE, RECREATION AND MORALE 44-60 5 Feb. 45. 40-mm Fire Unit. C 1 , 2.
28-5 31 Mar. 41. The Band. C 1 . 44-61 4 Nov. 44. Service of the Piece, Air Transportable
28-105 5 Jan. 44. Special Service Company. 40-mm Fire Unit.
44-75 14 Mar, 45. Service of the Antiaircraft Searchlight.
MILITARY INTELLIGENCE 44-77 14 Apr. 45. Service of Radar Set AN / TPL - 1.
30-5 17 April 40. Military Intelligence - Combat Intelli 55-25 31 May 45. Ports ( Oversea) Headquarters and
gence . C 1 , 2, 3, 4 . Headquarters Companies .
30-10 30 Nov. 40. Military Intelligence Observation . 1 This Field Manual is distributed only to interested headquarters and
30-15 11 Jun. 45. Examination of Enemy Personnel, Re to individuals whose duties require that they have it. This Field Manual
patriates, Civilians, Documents and Materiel. must be safeguarded in accordance with provisions of AR 380-5 .

55-50 27 Mar. 44. Military Railroads and the Military 40AA-A-2 22 May 43. GUN , automatic, 40 -mm , Mi (anti
aircraft )
Railway Service,
CARTRIDGE , HE -T ( SD ) Mk. 2.
55-55 4 Feb. 44. Railway Operating Battalion. w /FUZE, P. D. , 251 , Mk. 1 .

55-60 25 Jan. 44. Railway Shop Battalion . CARTRIDGE , AP-T , M81 .

55-105 25 Sept. 44 . Water Transportation ; Ocean Going
55-130 31 Jan. 44. Small Boats and Harbor Craft.
37 - M - 4 21 April 44. GUN , 37-mm, M3 and M3A1 ( anti
55–150 15 Sept. 44. Amphibian Truck Company. C 1 , 2. ( abridged ) tank ) .
AMPHIBIOUS CARRIAGE, gun, 37-mm, M4 and M4A1.
60-20 24 Feb. 45. Amphibian Tank and Tractor Battalion. SHOT , fixed, A. P. C., M51 .
w / TRACER .
MOUNTAIN AND WINTER [ Supersedes FT 37-M-3, 15 Jan. 40. )
70-10 30 Dec. 44. Mountain Operations. 37-S-3 24 March 44. GUN, 37-mm, M6 ( tank) . C 1 .
70–15 4 Nov. 44. Operations In Snow and Extreme Cold. SHOT, fixed , A. P. C., M51B1 and M52B2
JUNGLE SHOT , fixed A. P. M74.
72-20 27 Oct. 44. Jungle Warfare. w/TRACER.
[Applicable when mounted in Light tank, T9E1,
100-5 15 June 44 . Operations. M3A1 , M3A3-M5A1 or M5 and Light Armored Car
100-10 15 Nov. 43. Administration. C1 , 2, 3. M8. ]
100–15 29 June 42. Larger Units. C 1 . 37-BA-2 4 May 44. SHELL, fixed , practice, M63 (mod. 1 )
100-20 21 July 43. Command and Employment of Air ( abridged ) ( 1.58 lb. )
Power .
w/ FUZE, base, practice, M58.
STAFF OFFICERS' [Supersedes FT 37-BA-1 , 3 March 44.]
101-5 19 Aug. 40. Staff and Combat Orders. C 1 , 2, 3, 4, *37-BJ-2 7 July 45. SHELL, fixed, practice, M92 ( 1.21 lb. )
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. ( abridged ) w/FUZE , P. D. M74 .
101-10 21 Dec. 44. Organization , Technical and Logistical 37-C-2 12 Aug. 41. TUBE , subcaliber, 1 pounder, for
Data .
GUNS, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14-inch.
E101-10 1 Oct. 42. Enemy Forces : Organization, Technical, SHELL, fixed, practice, M94.
and Logistical Data. C 2. 57-A-3 14 Jan. 44. GUN, 57 -mm , M1 ( antitank ).
101-15 13 Jan. 43. Traffic Circulation and Control. C 1 . ( abridged ) CARRIAGE, 57 -mm . M1 and mods.
105-5 10 March 44. Umpire Manual. w/FUZE, B. D., M72.
105-6 30 May 42. Aviation Umpire Manual. CARTRIDGE, AP-T, M70.
57-D-1 9 May 44. GUN, 57-mm, Mk. III. ( British ) .
29. FIRING TABLES AND TRAJECTORY DIA ( abridged ) CARRIAGE , gun, 57-mm, M1A2.
GRAMS ( For description see par. 7) CARTRIDGE, TP-T, M76.
NUMBER AMMUNITION , AND CHANGES 57 - C - 1 19 Sept. 44. GUN, 57 -mm , M1.
( abridged ) CARRIAGE, gun, 57 -mm , M2.
FT 57- E - 1 1 June 45. RIFLE , 57-mm M18 ( T15E13 ) and
0.30-A-4 15 Sept. 40. GUN, machine, Browning, cal. .30 ( abridged ) T15E9, CARTRIDGE , HE M306 ( 122 ) CART.
M1917A1 , C 1 . RIDGE , smoke, WP, M308 ( T23 ) .
CARTRIDGE , ball , cal . .30 , M2 . 75-BB-1 4 June 45. RIFLE, 75-mm, T21 and T25, CART
( abridged ) RIDGE , smoke, WPT40 , Cartridge, HE , T38 .
ANTIAIRCRAFT-Continued RIDGE , HE , T38 w / FUZE , PD , M48 .
0.30 - J - 1 1 Jan. 44. GUN , machine, Browning, cal. .30,
75 - D - 1 26 Sept. 30.1 TUBE, subcaliber, 75-mm or 2.95-inch .
M1917A1 , M1919A4 (heavy barrel ) , M1919A5 and SHOT, fixed , solid, subcaliber, 2.95 - inch .
CARTRIDGE, armor -piercing, cal. .30, M2. LIGHT MORTARS
0.50-H-1 19 Nov. 42. GUN , machine, Browning, cal. .50,
M2 (water -cooled heavy barrel ) . 60-A-4 22 Feb. 44. MORTAR, 60-mm , M2.
CARTRIDGE, armor-piercing, cal. .50, M2. SHELL, H. E. , M49A2.
CARTRIDGE , ball , cal. .50, M2. w/ FUZE , P. D. , M52.
w/FUZE, P. D., M52B2 ( semi-plastic ) .
37AA-N-2 16 Jan. 41. GUN, automatic , 37-mm, M1A2
(antiaircraft ). C 1 . SHELL, practice, M50A2.
SHELL, fixed , H , E. , M54. w/ FUZE , P. D. , M52.
w /SD TRACER and FUZE, P. D. , M56. 60 - A - 4 17 Feb. 45. SHELL , H. E. , M49A2 .
SHELL, fixed, practice, M55A1. ( abridged ) w/FUZE, P. D., M52, M52A1 , M52A1B1.
w /TRACER and, FUZE , dummy, M50. w/ FUZE, P. D., M52B2 ( semi-plastic ).
SHOT, fixed, A. P. C., M59 w/TRACER. SHELL, practice, M50A2.


FT 4.2 - B - 1 20 Sep. 44. MORTAR, chemical, 4.2-inch , M2.
60 - C - 2 10 Jan. 44. SHELL, training, M69. ( abridged) SHELL, 4.2-in., chem. mortar, M2 ( FS, WP, L,
( abridged ). CNS , CG, H, and CNB ) .
60-D-1 June 43. SHELL, H. E. , M49A2. w/ FUZE, shell, 4.2-in. , chem. mortar M2.
w/FUZE, P. D.,) M52B1 ( plastic) . SHELL, 4.2-in., chem mortar, ( H. E. ) M3 ( TNT ) .
60 - D - 3 8 Jan. 44. SHELL, H, E., M49A2. w/FUZE, shell, 4.2-in., chem. mortar, ( H. E:) M 3
(abridged ) w/FUZE, P. D., M52B1 ( plastic ) . and M4. CHARGE, propelling, 4.2-inch, chem.
CARTRIDGE, ignition , M5A1. mortar, M6.
60 - F - 1 30 Jul. 45. SHELL, smoke WP, M302 ( 16 ) FIELD ARTILLERY
w/FUZE , PD , M82 ( M52B1E5 ) .
CARTRIDGE, IGNITION , M5A1 . R2.36-B-1 23 Mar. 45. ROCKET , smoke, WP, 2.36-inch ,
60-F-2 24 Jul. 45. SHELL, smoke, WP, T6. ( M302 ) . M10 fired from LAUNCHER , rocket, 2.36-inch,
( abridged ) w/FUZE, P. D., M52B1E4 ( M82 ) . M9A1 .
CARTRIDGE , ignition , M5A1. 3.45-A-1 29 May 42. GUN , Q. F., 3.45-inch ( British ) 25
60 -G -1 18 Mar. 44. SHELL, illuminating, M83A1. pounder Mk II. C 2.
(abridged ) w /FUZE , time ( fixed ) M65. SHELL, H. E., Mk. ID ( streamline) .
CARTRIDGE , ignition , M5A1 . w / FUZE , S. Q. No. 117.

60 - J - 1 19 Dec. 44. MORTAR , 60-mm, T18E6 w / FUZE , S. Q. and percussion, No. 119, Mk . I.
(abridged ) SHELL, H. E., M49A2. w/FUZE, time, mech. No. 210.
w/ FUZE , P. D., M52 and M52B1. w/FUZE, time ( powder train ) and S. Q. No. 221.
81-B-3 10 Sept. 43. MORTAR, 81 -mm, M1 , SHELL, prac SHELL, chemical, Mk. ID ( streamline ) .
tice, M43 and M43A1. w/FUZE, time ( powder train ) and S. Q. No. 221 .
w/FUZE, P. D. M45. 4.5-A-1 7 April 43. GUN, 4.5-inch, M1 , C 5.
SHELL, H. E., M43A1. SHELL, H. E. , M65.
w/FUZE, P. D. M52, M52B1 and M52B2. w/FUZE, time, mechanical, M67 and M67A1 .
SHELL , practice, M43A1 and M44. w/FUZE, P. D., M51 .
w / FUZE , P. D., M52, M52B1 and M52B2. R4.5-C-2 24 Nov. 44. ROCKET, H. E., 4.5-inch, M8A2.
81 - B - 4 9 Jan. 45. SHELL, H. E., M43A1 . ( abridged ) LAUNCHER, ROCKET, 4.5-in., T27, T27E1,
(abridged ) w/FUZE, P. D., M52, M52B1 and M52B2. T27E2 , T34, T34E1, and T36.
SHELL, practice, M43A1 and M44. 75 -AF - 1 20 April 42. GUN, 75-mm, M1916 ( for subcaliber
use. )
w/FUZE, P. D., M52, M52B1 and M52B2. SHELL, fixed, H. E. , M48.
81 - C - 2 3 Nov. 42. SHELL, H. E. , M56. w/FUZE, P. D. , M48 and mods.
w/ FUZE , P. D., M53. w/FUZE, 25-sec. comb. time and S. Q., M54.
SHELL, smoke, phosphorus, WP, M57. 75 -AD - 7_24 Apr. 45. GUN, 75-mm, M3 and M6 ( T13E1 )
SHELL, smoke, FS, M57. Tank.
w/FUZE, P. D., M52, M52B1 and M52B2. SHELL, H. E. , M48.
81 - C - 3 24 Feb. 45 . w/FUZE, P. D., M48 and mods.

( abridged ) SHELL, H. E. , M56. SHELL, smoke, WP, M64.

w/FUZE, P. D. , M53, M52, M52A1B1 , and M52B1.
9 w/FUZE, P. D. , M57.
SHELL, smoke, phosphorus, WP and FS, M57. SHELL, H. E. , M48 ( super )
w / FUSE , P. D. M52 . w/FUZE, C. P., M78 ( T105 ) ( nose) .
81-F-2 10 Jan. 44. MORTAR, 81-mm, M1, SHELL, train PROJECTILE , A. P. C. , M61 and M61A1 .
ing, M68. w/FUZE , B. D. , M66A1 .
( abridged ) ( Supersedes FT 81-F-1.] SHOT, A. P., M72.
81 - S - 1 20 July 44. SHELL, H, E., M56. SHELL, fixed, smoke, B.I., M89.
( abridged ) w / FUZE , P. D., M77 (time and super - quick ). * 75 - AY - 1 26 Jun . 45. Projectile, APC-T , M61 - M61A1 ,
SHELL, smoke, WP, M57. C 1. w/FUZE , BD, M66A1 .
w/ FUZE , P. D. , M77 ( time and super - quick ). SHELL, HE, M48 .
81-V-1 6 Jun. 45. SHELL, illuminating, T18 ( M301 ) . w/ FUZE , PD , M48 Mods & M51A4.
w/FUZE, TSQ , M54 & M755A3 .
( abridged ) w/FUZE , time, T78 (M84 ) . w/ FUZE, CP, M78 .
81 -T-1 17 Apr. 45. SHELL, HE, M56 w / FUZE , SHELL, Smoke, WP, M64. .
( abrdiged ) PD , M53A1 . w/ FUZE , PD, M57.
81 -H-2 15 Dec. 13. MORTAR, 81 -mm M1, with extension 75-14 15 July 44. HOWITZER , 75-mm, M1A1 . C 4.
(abridged ) tube Ti . CARRIAGE , field, M3A3.
SHELL, H. E. , M56. HOWITZE 75-mm, M2 and M3.
SHELL, H. E., M43A1. SHELL, semi-fixed , H. E., M48.
w/FUZE, P. D., M52. w/ FUZE , P. D. , M48 and mods.
81-1-1 11 Jan. 45. SHELL, H. E. , M43A1. w/FUZE, 25-sec. comb. time and S. Q., M54.
( abridged ) w/FUZE, P. D. , M52, M52B1 and M52B2.
SHELL, semi- fixed, chemical, M64.
81-Q-21 June 44. MORTAR, 81-mm , T27 on Mount, T21 . w/FUZE, P. D., M57.
( abridged ) SHELL, H. E. , M56. SHELL, fixed , H. E., A. T.,9 M66 .
w/FUZE, B. D. , M62.
w/FUZE , P. D., M53.
SHELL, chemical, WP, M57. [Supersedes FT 75-1-3, 12 Nov. 41 and C1.)
w/FUZE , P. D. , M52. [ Use data in Part 2a for chemical shell.]
[ Supersedes FT 81 -Q-1.1 * 75-1-4 17 Oct. 45. Howitzer, 75-mm, M1 , M1A1, M2
( A. B. C. D. ) and M3 .
81 -R-1 1 May 44. SHELL, H. E. , M43A1. SHELL, HE , M48.
( abridged ) w/FUZE, P. D., M52B1. w/ FUZE , PD , M48.

FT * 8 - L - 2 13 Sep. 45. Gun, 8-inch, M1 .
76 - A - 6 16 Mar. 45. GUN, 76-mm, M1A1, M1A1C and ( A. C. C. ) SHELL , HE , M103.
M1A2, CARRIAGE , gun motor M18 and med. tank w/FUZE , PD, M51A1 mod. 3.
M4 and mods. 155 - V - 2 16 Nov. 43. Howitzer 155-mm, M1917, M1917A1
SHELL, fixed , HE, M42A1 w /Fuze, PD, M48 mods. & M1918. C 2, 3, 4. Carriage, Howitzer, 155-mm,
or M51A4 w / Fuze, CP , M78. M1917 mods. M1918 & M1918A1 .
PROJECTILE, APC - T, M62 and M62A1 w/Fuze, SHELL, H. E., M102.
BD M66A1 . w/FUZE, P. D., M51 and mods.
PROJECTILE , illum, MK24 mod 1 and MK25 mod 1 . SHELL, H. E., Mk. 1A1.
SHOT, AP-T, M79. w/FUZE, P, D., M51 and mods.
SHOT, HVAP-T, M93 ( T4E20 ) and T4E17. w/FUZE , comb. time and S. Q. M55A1.
[Supersedes 76 - A - 5 and C 1. ) SHELL, chemical, M105.
* 76 - C - 1 1 Jun. 45. Projectile, APC-T, M61 & M61A1 SHELL, H. E., M102.
w/FUZE , BD, M66A1 . w/FUZE, comb. time and S. Q., M55A1.
Projectile, illum. , MK. 24 Mod . 1 and MK, 25 SHELL, smoke, B. E., M115.
Mod . 1 . w/FUZE, 25-sec. comb. time and S. Q., M54.
SHELL, smoke, WP, T13E2. [Use Part 2a and 2c.)
SHOT, HVAP-T, M93 ( TWE20 ) and T4E17. 155 - Q - 2 8 April 44. HOWITZER, 155-mm, M1. C 5, 6, 7.
105-H-3 29 Dec. 41. HOWITZER, 105-mm, M2A1 and M4. CARRIAGE , Howitzer, Mi.
C 8, 9, 10. SHELL, H. E. , M107.
CARRIAGE , Howitzer, 105-mm, M2 and mods. w/ FUZE , P. D. , M51 and mods.
CARRIAGE, motor, M7 and M7B1, 105-mm, How SHELL, chemical, M110.
W / FUZE , P. D., M51 and mods.
HOWITZER, 105-mm, M4 mounted in medium tanks SHELL, smoke, B. E., 155-mm, M116.
M4 and M4A3 . w/ FUZE , 25-sec. comb. time and S. Q., M54.
SHELL, semi- fixed, H. E., M1. SHELL, H. E., M107.
w/FUZE , P. D. , M48 and mods. w/ FUZE, time, mechanical , M67.
w/FUZE, T and SQ, M54. [ Supersedes FT 155 - Q - 1 and C-2.]
SHELL, semi- fixed, smoke, B. E., 105 -mm M84.. * 155-Q-2 2 Oct. 45. Howitzer, 155-mm , M1.
w/FUZE, 25-sec, comb. time and S. Q., M54. ( A to G ) SHELL, MH, M107.
SHELL, chemical , M60. w/ FUZE , PD , M51 .
w/FUZE, P. D., M57. 8 -J-1 1 Nov. 41. HOWITZER, 8-inch , M1 . C 3, 4, 5, 6.
SHELL, semi- fixed, H. E., A. T., M67 and M67A1. CARRIAGE, Howitzer, 8 - inch , M1.
w/FUZE, B. D., M62. SHELL, H. E. , 200-1b. M106.
* 105-H-3 14 Sept. 45. Howitzer, 105-mm, M2 & M2A1. w/FUZE, P. D. , M51 and mods.
( A to G ) SHELL, HE , M1 . w/FUZE, time, mech ., M67 and M67A1 .
w/FUZE , PD , M48. 8 - K - 1 26 Oct. 43. SHELL, H, E. , 200-1b. Mk. 1A1. C 1 , 2.
105 - L - 2 26 Nov. 43. HOWITZER, 105-mm, M3 . C 4 . w/ FUZE , P. D. , M51 and mods.
CARRIAGE , Howitzer, 105 -mm , M3. 240 - C - 1 4 June 43. HOWITZER, 240 -mm , M1. C 2, 5.
SHELL, semi-fixed, H. E., M1 . CARRIAGE, Howitzer, 240 -mm . M1.
w/FUZE, P. D., M48 and mods. SHELL, H. E., M114, 9

w /FUZE , 25-sec, comb. time and S. Q., M54. w/FUZE, P. D., M51 and mods.
SHELL, semi- fixed , H. E., A. T., M67. w/FUZE, time, mechanical, M67 and M67A1.
w/ FUZE , B. D. M62. * 240-C-1 11 Sep. 45. Howitzer, 240-mm, M1.
SHELL, semi- fixed , chemical, M60. ( A to D ) SHELL, HE , M114.
w/FUZE, P. D., M57. w/FUZE, PD, M51A1.
SHELL, semi-fixed, smoke, HC, B. E., 105-mm., M84.
w/FUZE, 25-sec, comb. time and S. Q. M54. ANTIAIRCRAFT ARTILLERY
155-S-2 3 Mar. 44. GUN, 155-mm, M1 and M1A1 . C 7, 8. 37AA - N - 2 16 Jan. 41. GUN, automatic, AA, 37-mm, M1A2.
CARRIAGE , gun , 155-mm , M1 . C 1.
SHELL, H. E. , M101 . SHELL, fixed, H. E. , M54.
w/FUZE , P. D. , M51 and mods. w/ SD TRACER and FUZE , P. D. M56.
w/FUZE , time mech. , M67 and M67A1. SHELL, fixed, practice, M55A1 .
SHELL, chemical, M104. w/ TRACER and FUZE , dummy, M50.
w/ FUZE , P. D., M51 and mods. SHOT , fixed, A. P. C., M59.
* 155-S-2 18 Oct. 45. Gun , 155-mm, M1 and M1A1. w/TRACER.
(A & B) SHELL, HE, M101. 40AA-A-2 22 May 43. GUN, automatic, AA, 40-mm, Mi
w/ FUZE , PD , M51 and Mods. CARTRIDGE, HE-T ( SD ) Mk . 2.
155-2-1 22 Feb. 43. PROJECTILE, A, P., 100-lb., M112. w/FUZE, P. D. , 251 , Mk. In
C 1 , 3. CARTRIDGE, AP - T, M81.
w/FUZE, B. D., M60. 4.7AA - C - 1 20 Jan. 44. GUN, 4.7-inch, AA, M1. C 2 .
8 - L - 2 25 April 44. GUN, 8-inch, M1 , C 1. MOUNT, gun, AA, 4.7-inch, M1.
CARRIAGE , gun, 8-inch, M2. SHELL, H. E., M73.
SHELL, H. E. , M103. w/ FUZE , time, mechanical, M61.
w/FUZE, P. D., M51A1 - mod . 3 and M51A2 [ Same as 120-mm. ]
mod. 3 . 90AA-B-3 14 Feb. 44. GUN, 90 -mm ., AA, M1 , M1A1 and
w/ FUZE , time, mech., M67 and mods. M2 . C 4 , 5, 6.
[ Supersedes FT 8 - L - 1. 30 Dec. 1943 and C 1.] MOUNT, gun, 90-mm, AA, M1, M1A1 and M2. 1

22 1


FT 8 - D - 2 15 Nov. 40: GUN, 8-inch, M1888 and mods.
SHELL, fixed, H. E., M71. CARRIAGE, Barbette, M1918 and mod.
w/FUZE , time, mech., M43 and mods. SHELL, H. E., 200-1b., Mk. 1.
w/FUZE , P. D., M48 and mods. w/FUZE, P. D., M46 and M47.
[Applicable to both AA and ground fire.) [Appliesto charge consisting of base section and in
* 90 - F - 1 15 June 45. Gun, 90-mm, M1, M1A1, M2 and crement.]
M3 .
8- H -1 1 May 40. GUN, 8-inch, M1888 and mods. C 1.
SHELL, HE, M71. CARRIAGE, Barbette, M1892, M1918, M1918M1
w/ FUZE , PD, M48. ( railway car ) .
CARRIAGE , Barbette, M1918 and mod. ( harbor
90 - C - 3 10 April 44. GUN, 90 -mm , AA, M1, M1A1 and M3. CARRIAGE , disappearing, M1896 ( LF ) .
C 5. SHELL, A. P., 260-lb. ( NAVY ) Mk. 20.
MOUNT, gun , 90-mm, M3. w/FUZE, B. D., Mk. 10.
MOUNT, gun, 90 -mm , AA, M1 and M1A1. SHELL, practice, 260 -lb . (NAVY ). Mk. 18, M6.
GUN MOTOR CARRIAGE, M36 ( 171 ) Medium 8 - G - 2 21 July 42. SHELL, A. P., 260-lb. ( NAVY ) Mk. 6.
Tank , T25. SHELL, A. P., 260-lb. ( NAVY) Mk. 7 and mods.
SHELL, H. E., M71. SHELL, A. P., 260-lb. (NAVY ) Mk. 10.
w/FUZE, P. D., M48 and mods. w/FUZE, B. D., Mk. 6 ( NAVY ) .
w / FUZE , time, mech., M43 and mods. 8-1-1 5 Aug. 41. GUN, 8 - inch , Mk. 6 mod. 3A2. C 2.
PROJECTILE, A. P. C., M82. 1 CARRIAGE, railway, ·M1A1.
w/FUZE , B. D., M68.
SHOT, A. P., M77.
SHELL, H. E., 240 -lb . M103.
w/FUZE, P. D., M51A2 mod . 3.
[ Supersedes FT 90 - C - 2 . 27 April 1943, C 1 & C.2 .] SHELL, A. P., 260-1b., Mk 20.
* 90 - F - 1 15 Jun. 45. Gun, 90-mm, M1 , M1A1 , M2 and w/FUZE , B. D., Mk. 10.
M3 . SHELL, T. P. , 260-lb. Mk. 18.
SHELL, HE , M71.
w/FUZE , PD, M48. 12-E-2 1 Aug. 23.1 GUN, 12-inch, M1895 and mods. C 1.
6 -B -3 25 Oct. 41. GUN, 6-inch, M1897M1 , M1908 and
CARRIAGE, barbette, 1917.
SHELL, A. P. , 900-lb., Mk. 1,
w/ FUZE , B. D., Mk. 10.
CARRIAGE, disappearing, M1898. SHELL, C. I., 900-lb., Mk. 15.
CARRIAGE, Barbette, M1910.
SHELL, H. E., 90-lb., Mk. 2A1. 12 - F - 3 8 Oct. 41. PROJECTILE , A. P., Mk . 16.
w/FUZE, P. D. , M47. w/FUZE , B. D. , Mk. 10.
6 - C-2 1 June 40. GUN , 6- inch, M1897M1 , M1900, M1905, [Tables apply also to GUN, 12-inch, M1900 CAR
M1908 and mods . RIAGE, disappearing, M1901, LF.]
CARRIAGE, disappearing, 6-inch, M1898, M1903, 12 - K - 2 10 May 41. GUN , 12-inch, M1895 and mods.
M1905 and mods. CARRIAGE, barbette, M1917.
CARRIAGE , Barbette, 6 - inch , M1900 and M1910. CARRIAGE, disappearing, LF, M1901.
SHELL, A. P., 108-1b. M1911 , PROJECTILE , A. P., 1070-lb.
w/FUZE, B. D., Mk. 5. w/ FUZE , B. D., Mk. 10.
SHOT, A. P., 108-1b., M1911. † 12 - L - 4 15 May 35. PROJECTILE, A. P., 870-1b. ( NAVY ) .
SHELL, C. I., 108-1b., M1911 . PROJECTILE , C. I. , 870-lb. ( NAVY ) .
6-D-2 1 Mar. 41.GUN , 6-inch, M1900 and M1905. C 3. w/FUZE, B. D., Mk. 2 and Mk . 2A ( NAVY) .
CARRIAGE , Barbette, M1900 and M1910. 12 - N - 2 22 Dec. 41. SHELL, H. E., 700-1b., Mk. VI.
CARRIAGE, disappearing, M1898, M1903. WYFUZE , B. D. , Mk. 5.
SHELL, H. E., Mk . 2. SHELL, H. E. , 700-1b., Mk. 10.
w/ FUZE , P. D. , M47. w/FUZE , P. D. , M46 and M47.
6-E-2 18 Mar. 43. GUN, 6-inch, M1900, M1903A2 and M 14-H-1 26 Sept. 30. SHELL, A. P., 1660-1b. M1909. C 1.
1905A2. C 1 . w/FUZE, B. D., Mk. 10.
CARRIAGE , Barbette, M1900 and Mi. SHELL, C. I., 1660-lb . M1909.
SHOT, A. P. , Mk. 33. [Applies to all 14-in. 1660-1b. projectiles.]
w/FUZE, B. D. , M60.
6-F-1 21 Mar. 44. SHELL, H. E., Mk. 2A2 . C 1. † 14 - M - 1 27 July 34. GUN, 14-inch, M1920M2.
MOUNT, railway gun, M1920.
w/ FUZE, P. D., M51 and mods. PROJECTILE , H. E., 1200-1b. Mk. 11-mod. 2A1.
8-A-3 30 Jan. 42. GUN , 8-inch, M1888 and mods. w/FUZE , B. D. , Mk. 5.
CARRIAGE, Barbette, M1918 and mods. on railway [Applies to all 14-in. 1200-lb. projectiles.]
†14-E-3 15 Feb. 37. PROJECTILE , A, P., 1400-1b., Mk.
SHELL, H. E., 200-1b., Mk. 1. 7-mod . 9A1.
w/ FUZE, P. D. , M46 and M47. w/FUZE, B. D., Mk. 10.
[Applies to base section of propelling charge only.] [Applies to all 14-in. 1400 -lb . projectiles.]
18-E-1 26 Sept. 30. SHELL, A. P., 323-1b., M1911. C 1. 16 - D - 2 20 June 42. GUN, 16-inch, Mk. 2 - mod. 1 ( NAVY ) .
w/ FUZE , B. D., Mk. 5. CARRIAGE , barbette, M1919M1 .
PROJECTILE, A. P., 2100-1b., Mk. 2 - mod . 2.
† Will not be reprinted when present depot stocks are exhausted. w/ FUZE , B. D. , Mk. 10.
FT 5-4 2 Aug. 43. Unit Training Programs for Engineer
Units of the Army Ground Forces.
16-E-1 1 June 42. GUN, 16-inch, Mk. 2 - mod. 1 (NAVY ) . 5-5 18 Sept. 43. Mobilization Training Programs for
CARRIAGE , barbette, M1919M1. Engineer Units of the Army Air Forces.
SHELL, A. P., 2240-lb., Mk. 12 ( formerly Mk. 11 ) .
w/FUZE, B. D., Mk. 10. 6–1 2 Aug. 44. Field Artillery Mobilization Training
Program for Field Artillery Units ( Unit Training )
16-A-1 1 April 24. HOWITZER, 16-inch, M1920. C 2. 6-3 11 July 45. Field Artillery Mobilization Training
CARRIAGE , barbette, Howitzer, 16 -inch , M1920. Program for Field Artillery Replacements at En
PROJECTILE, A. P., 2100-1b., Mk. 2 mod. 2. listed Replacement Training Centers.
w/FUZE, B. D., Mk. 10. 7-1 12 Sept. 43. Infantry Training Program , Individ
PROJECTILE , C. I., 2100-lb. , M100. ual Training for Infantry Regiment and Armored
PROJECTILE, A. P., empty, for sandloading, 2100 Infantry Regiment.
Ib ., Mk. 2 - mod . 2. 7–2 1 Oct. 40. Infantry Mobilization Training Programs
for Infantry Battalion, Antitank, at Unit Training
description see par. 12 ) 7-3 11 July 45. Infantry Mobilization Training Program
for Infantry Replacements at Enlisted Replacement
7-4 1 Oct. 43. Infantry Training Program , Unit Train
ing for Infantry Regiment.
8-1 15 Apr. 45. Mobilization Training Program for Med
1–2 15 Sept. 43. Mobilization Training Program for ical Department Enlisted Personnel of the Army
AAF Air Depot Group, AAF Service Group, AAF Service Forces. C 1 .
Airdrome Squadron , and AAF Station Complement 8-2 10 May 45. Mobilization Training Program for Med- ,
Squadron . ical Units of the Army Service Forces. C 1 .
2-2 11 July 45. Cavalry Mobilization Training Program 8-4 14 Aug. 42. Medical Department Mobilization Train
for Cavalry Replacements at Enlisted Replacement ing Program for Applicatory Training of Medical
Training Centers. and Surgical Technicians in Military or Civil Hos
3-1 15 Apr. 45. Mobilization Training Program for pitals.
Chemical Warfare Service Enlisted Personnel of 8-6 6 May 43. Training Program for Revised ROTC
the Army Service Forces. C 1 .
3-2 10 May 45. Mobilization Training Program for
Training Program for Medical Army Specialized
Training Units.
Chemical Warfare Units of the Army Service
Forces. C 1 . 8–7 16 June 45. Mobilization Training Program for
3-7 15 Jan. 44. Unit Training Program for Chemical Army Nurses, Medical Department Dietitians, and
Physical Therapists.
Battalions, Motorized.
3-10 1 Oct. 44. Mobilization Training Program for Ad 8-10 1 July 44. Advanced Unit Training Program for
vanced Unit Training of Chemical Warfare Service the Unit Training of Field Medical Units.
Units of the Army Service Forces. 8–15 21 May 43. Medical Department Unit Training
3–101 27 Jan. 44. Individual Training Program for Chem Programs for Medical Department ( Army and Com
ical Battalions, Motorized . munications Zone ) Supply Depots.
4-2 4 Sept. 40. Coast Artillery Mobilization Training 8-22 20 Aug. 43. Mobilization Training Program for
Program for Harbor Defense Regiments, Coast Ar Portable Surgical Hospitals.
tillery Corps, at Unit Training Centers. 9-1 15 Apr. 45. Mobilization Training Program for Ord
4-4 26 Aug. 40. Coast Artillery Mobilization Training nance Enlisted Personnel of the Army Service
Program for Railway Artillery Regiments (except Forces. C 1 .
ing 12 -inch and 14-inch guns ), Coast Artillery Corps, 9-2 10 May 45. Mobilization Training Program for Ord
at Unit Training Centers. nance Units of the Army Service Forces. C 1 .
4-5 26 Aug. 40. Coast Artillery Mobilization Training 9-3 3 Oct. 43. Mobilization Training Program for Ad
Program for Railway Artillery Regiments ( 12-inch vanced Ordnance Units of the Army Service Forces.
and 14-inch Guns ) , Coast Artillery Corps, at Unit 10-1 15 Apr. 45. Mobilization Training Program for
Training Centers, Quartermaster Enlisted Personnel of the Army
4-6 5 Sept. 40. Coast Artillery Mobilization Training Service Forces.
Program for 155-mm Gun Regiments (tractor- 10–2 10 May 45. Mobilization Training Program for
drawn, ) Coast Artillery Corps, at Unit Training Quartermaster Units of the Army Service Forces.
Centers. C 1.
4–8 22 Dec. 42. Coast Artillery (Seacoast ) Mobilization 10-3 14 April 43. Mobilization Training Program for Ad
Training Program for Coast Artillery ( Seacoast ) vanced Unit Training of Quartermaster Units of the
Replacements at Enlisted Replacement Centers. Army Service Forces.
4-9 3 Mar. 43. Coast Artillery Mobilization Training 10-5 15 June 45. Mobilization Training Program for
Program for Mine Planter Batteries. Enlisted Dog Trainers and Dog Training Officers.
5-1 15 Apr. 45. Mobilization Training Program for 10-201 10 April 44 . Mobilization Training Program for
Engineer Enlisted Personnel of the Army Service Italian Quartermaster Units of the Army Service
Forces. C 1 . Forces.
5-2 10 May 45. Mobilization Training Program for En- * 11-1 20 Sep. 45. Mobilization Training Program for Sig
gineer Units of the Army Service Forces. C 1 . nal Corps Enlisted Personnel of the Army Service
5-3 15 Mar. 43. Mobilization Training Program for Ad
vanced Training of Engineer Units of the Army 11-2 10 May 45. Mobilization Training Program for Sig
Service Forces. C 1 . nal Corps Units of the Army Service Forces. C 1 .

11-3 16 Jan. 42. Signal Corps Mobilization Training 35-10 1 July 44. Mobilization Training Program for WAC
Programs for Signal Corps Units, Air Forces, at Enlisted Personnel of the Army Service Forces. C 1 .
Unit Training Centers. 44-1 3 Jan. 45. Mobilization Training Program for Anti
11-4 12 May 43. Signal Corps Unit Training Programs aircraft Artillery Units.
for Signal Corps Units. 44-2 11 July 45. Mobilization Training Program for
12–1 15 Apr. 45. Mobilization Training Program for the Antiaircraft Artillery Replacements at Enlisted
Adjutant General's Enlisted Personnel of the Army Replacement Training Centers.
Service Forces. C 1 . 55-1 15 Apr. 45. Mobilization Training Program for
12–2 10 May 45. Mobilization Training Program for Ad Transportation Corps Enlisted Personnel of the
jutant General's Units of the Army Service Forces. Army Servcie Forces. C 1 .
C 1. 55-2 10 May 45. Mobilization Training Program for
* 14-1 20 Sep. 45. Mobilization Training Program for Fi Transportation Corps Units of the Army Service
nance Department Enlisted Personnel of the Army Forces. C 1 .
Service Forces. 55–3 12 May 43. Unit Training Program for Transporta
* 14-2 20 Sep. 45. Mobilization Training Program for Fi tion Corps Port Battalions and Companies.
nance Units of the Army Service Forces. 60–1 27 July 45. Amphibian Tank or Tractor Battalion
14-3 3 May 43. Unit Training Program for Finance De Mobilization Training Program.
partment Detachments. (For description
17-1 11 July 45. Armored Mobilization Training Program
for Armored Replacements at Enlisted Replacement see par. 9)
Training Centers.
18-1 1 April 42. Mobilization Training Programs for NUMBER DATE , TITLE AND CHANGES
Tank Destroyer Battalions at the Unit Training
Center, Tank Destroyer Command. C 1. CHEMICAL WARFARE
18-2 11 July 45. Tank Destroyer Mobilization Training TB
Program for Tank Destroyer Replacements at En 3–205–2 21 Aug. 44. Canister, HCN, M2.
listed Replacement Training Centers. 3-205-3 30 Aug. 44. Mask, Gas, Service, M2A2, Oil Vapor
19–1 15 Apr. 45. Mobilization Training Program for MI-IIIA1 .
Military Police Enlisted Personnel of the Army 3-205-4 3 Oct. 44. Cannister, Ammonia, M2.
Service Forces . C 1 .
3–205-5 2 Sep. 44. Mask, Gas, Headwound, M7-11-9. C 1.
19–2 10 May 45. Mobilization Training Program for Mili 3-205-6 2 Sep. 44. Mask, Gas, Dog, M6-12–8.
tary Police Units of the Army Service Forces. C 1 . 3–205–8 3 Jan. 45. Fitting of Masks, Gas, Service Light
19–3 15 June 43. Military Police Unit Training Programs
for Military Police Units. weight, M3–10A1-6 and Mask, Gas, Service, Combat,
19-101A 15 Dec. 43. Military Police Mobilization Training
3-205-10 20 Jan. 45. Set, Equipment, Maintenance, and
Program for Substandard Military Police Units of Repair, Mi.
the Army Service Forces. 3-205-11 Feb. 45 . Ammonia Odor in Cannisters M9A2,
20-1 8 May 44. Mobilization Training Program for Spe M10, M10A1 and M11.
cial Training Units. 3-205–12515 28 Apr. 45. Theater of Operations Surveil
20-2 31 Dec. 41. Mobilization Training Program for En lance Procedure for Kit, Gas Mask Waterproofing ,
listed Replacements at Branch Immaterial Replace M1 .
ment Training Centers. 3–205–13814 25 Apr. 45. Theater of Operations Surveil
20-3 10 Aug. 44. Mobilization Training Program for Men lance Procedure for Kit, Repair Gas Mask, Company,
Awaiting Assignment at Reception Centers. C 1. MII, and M2A1 .
* 20-4 1 July 45. Mobilization Training Program for Un- 3-205-14 1 May 45. Mask, Gas, Service Snout Type,
assigned Enlisted Personnel at Army Service Forces M8-11-10.
Personnel Replacement Depots. 3-205-15 . May 45. Effect of Cold Weather on Black Gas
20–7 27 July 45. Mobilization Training Program for En Mask Facepieces and Black Gas Mask Hose ; and
listed Personnel at Processing Centers. Methods for Restoring Pliability.
20-10T 6 June 45. Mobilization Training Program for Dis 3-205–16 June 45. Indicator, Eyepiece Leakage, E5.
ciplinary Companies at U.S. Disciplinary Barracks. 3-205-17 June 45. Indicator, Canister Resistance, E8R4 .
21-3 1 May 44. Mobilization Training Program for En 3-220–252 3 Nov. 44. Procedure for Theater of Operations
listed Personnel of the Army Service Forces. C 1 . Quality Check of Bleaching Material ( for decontam
ination ) .
21-4 10 Mar. 45. Mobilization Training Program for En 3-220–3 Dec. 44. Repair and Maintenance of Apparatus,
listed Personnel of the Army Service Forces. Decontaminating, 1142 quart, M2. C 1 .
21-10T 1 Feb. 45. Mobilization Training Program for Men
Who Leave Essential Industry and Who are Below 18 Apr. 45. Apparatus, Decontaminating, 2 - Quart,
Minimum Physical Standards for General Military Expendable, E3R1 .
Service. 3-220-5812 21 Apr. 45. Theater of Operations Surveil
lance Procedure for Apparatus, Decontaminating,
22–2 10 July 44. Mobilization Training Program for Re 11/2 Quart, M2..
habilitation Centers.
3-220-6816 18 Apr. 45. Theater of Operations Surveil
45. Mobilization
15 Apr.Services
28-1 Special Training Program for lance Procedure for Agent, Decontaminating, M4
Division Enlisted Personnel of the ( Two- Compartment or Dual Container ) .
Army Service Forces. C 1 . 3-220–7 11 Aug. 45. Repair and Maintenance of Appa
28–2 10 May 45. Mobilization Training Program for Spe. ratus, Decontaminating, 3-Gallon, M1 .
cial Service Units of the Army Service Forces . C 1 . 3-222-1 27 Dec. 43 . Transportation of Decontaminating
28-3 15 Jun. 43. Mobilization Training Program for Ad Apparatus, M4 .
vanced Training of Special Service Companies of 3-250–1311 19 Apr. 45. Theater of Operations Surveil
the Army Service Forces, lance Procedure for Lewisite in One-Ton Containers.

CW8 30 May 44. Bursting AN-M14 Incendiary Grenade.
3-255-1 8 Jul. 44. Valve Replacement Mechanism, M1 . C 1.
3-255-3 28 Oct. 44. Beam , Grab, M1. CW 10 15 Jul. 44. Assembly of Burster and Igniter In
3-255-4 Dec. 44. Alteration of Beam, Hoisting Airplane M47A1 and AN-M47A2 Incendiary Bombs.
Smoke Tank, M2. CW 11 27 Jun. 44. Aimable Cluster AN -M17A1 .
3–255A-1 8 Nov. 44. Airplane Smoke Tank M10. CW 13 14 Jul. 44. Effects of Extreme Cold on CWS Maté
3-255B-1 May 45. Airplane Smoke Tanks AN-M33A1 riel. C 1 .
and M33. CW 14 18 Jul. 44. Apparatus, Decontaminating, Motor
3-270-1 10 July 44. Use of Dye In Clothing Impregnat ized, Dry Agent, E -2.
ing Plant M1 ( Theater of Operation ) . CW 15 2 Sept. 44. Kit, Tool, Bomb Venting, El.
3-270-284 Jan. 45. Procedure for Determining Service CW 16 16 Sep. 44. Bomb Clusters Using E6R2 Adapter.
ability of Chlorinated Paraffin Stored at Theater of CW 18 11 Nov. 44. Fit, Fuel Filling, Flame Thrower, E6.
Operations Depot. C 1 . CW 19 3 Nov. 44. Clusters Using E23 Adapter. C 1 .
3-270-355 Jan. 45. Procedure for Determining Service- CW 20 17 Oct. 44. Cleaning Interiors of Compressed Gas
ability of Acetylene Tetrachloride ( Tetrachlor Cylinders, Tanks and Accessories.
ethane ) Stored in Drums at Theater of Operations CW 21 3 Feb. 45. Kit, Mixing and Transfer, Thickened
Depot. Fuel E2R1 .
3-270-4S6 Feb. 45 . Theater of Operation Surveillance CW 22 6 Apr. 45. Non-persistent Gas Bombs. Handling,
Procedure for Impregnite 1 (CC-2) , and Impreg Shipping, and Storage.
nite 1, Micronized (XXCC-3 ) . CW 23 24 Nov. 44. Protector, Facepiece E21R2.
3-270--5 Feb. 45. Reimpregnation in Clothing Impregnat- CW 24 21 Dec. 44. 4.2- Inch Recoilless Chemical Mortar
ing Plants M1 . ( Theater of Operations. ) E34R1 . C1 .
3–290–189 19 Apr. 45. Theater of Operations Surveillance CW 25 7 Feb. 45. Tail Fin Assembly for 165 Gal. Fire
Procedure for Kit, Protective Ointment, M5. Bomb .
3–290—2 Apr. 45. Modification of M1 Eyeshield to Reduce CW 26 Feb. 45. Bomb, Smoke, 10 - pound ( HC ) , M77.
3-290–3510 23 Apr. 45. Theater of Operations Surveil CW 27 10 Apr. 45. Complete Round Charts of Chemical
lance Procedure for Kit, Testing, Impregnate in CW 29513 Apr. 45. Theater of operations. Surveillance
Clothing, M1 .
3–290-4 $ 17 7 May 45. Theater of Operations Surveillance Procedure for 100 - pound Incendiary Bombs, M47
Type .
Procedure for Kit, Chemical Agent Detector, M9.
3-300-1 27 May 44. HC Smoke Pot M5.
CW 30 7 May 45. Protectors, Facepiece, €21R3 and
3-300-3 30 Aug. 44. Grenade, Hand, Riot ( CN ) , E3R2 . C 1 .
3-300-4 CW 31 Jun . 45. Venting H -Filled Bombs, M70 .
13 Sep. 44. Floating Smoke Pot. Rack El for
Landing Craft. * CW 32 15 Nov. 45. Disperser, Insecticide Aerosol, Me
3-300-5 10 Feb. 45. Igniters for Fire Bombs ( Explosive chanical , E12.
Type ) .
3-300-6 27 Nov. 44. Incendiary, Safe Destroying, M1A1. ENGINEERS
3-300-7 27 Nov. 44. Incendiary, Equipment Destroying, 5-25-4 25 May 44. Instructions For Use of Detonator, Con
3-300-887 Feb. 45. Theater of Operations Surveillance cussion, Type T-1.
Procedure for Smoke Grenades. 5-253-1 21 Jun. 45 . Soil Testing Set No.'1 and Expedient
Tests .
3-300-9 May 45. Supplementary Firing Instructions for
Pot, Smoke, HC, M1 and Pot, Smoke, 30 -Pound, HC, 5-255-1 26 Apr. 44. Subgrade and Base - Course Require
M5 . ments For Airplane Landing Mats of Steel and
3-300-10 Jun . 45. Pot Smoke, Floating, HC , M4A2. Wood .
3-300-11518 21 Jun. 45. Theater of Operations Sur 5-255-2 28 Sep. 44. Field Manufacture of Cut-Back As
veillance Procedure for Incendiary Grenades AN phalt .
M14 . 5-255--3 Jan. 45 . Construction of Runways, Roads , and
3-320-783 Nov. 44. Theater of Operations Quality Check Buildings on Permanently Frozen Ground.
of Shell, 4.2-in. Chemical Mortar, M2. 5-255-4 Feb. 45 . Prefabricated Bituminous ( PBS ) for
3-320-8 3 Aug. 45. Weight Zoning of HE-Filled, 4.2-inch Advanced Landing Fields.
Chemical Mortar Shell M3. 5-255-5 May 45. Asphalt Kettle, 750-Gallon , Skid
3-350-18i 14 Oct. 44. Inspection of Curtain , Gasproof Mi. Mounted.
3-350-2 6 Nov. 44. Protector, Collective, M3 . C 1 . 5–255–6 14 May 45. Landing-mat Rehabilitation Plant.
3-350-3 24 Jan. 45. Protector, Collective, M2A2. 5-271-1 16 Feb. 44. Bridging for Inundated Areas and
3–376A-288 Apr. 45. Theater of Operations Surveillance Tidal Estuaries.
Procedure for Flame Thrower, Portable M2-2 . 5-271-2 15 Aug. 44. Pusher Knee For Standard Power
3-376A - 4 13 Jun. 45. Adjustment of Dome-Type ( Grove ) Utility Boats.
Pressure Regulator of Portable Flame Thrower 5-271-3 Feb. 45. Loading Plan for Footbridge M1938 .
M2-2 .
3-381-2 Apr. 45. Mount, Mechanical Smoke Generator, 5--271-4 Apr. 45. Five -Man Canvas Pneumatic Reconnais
M1 . sance Boat and Ten -Man Rubber Pneumatic Landing
CW4 4 Apr. 44 . Bomb, Incendiary 500-pound , M76 Boat .
( T2E1 ) : 5-271-5 Jun. 45. Use of 14 - Ton Amphibian Trailer as
CW6 26 Apr. 44. Army Assault Gas Mask E6-3-7. Stream -Crossing Expedient .
CW 7 26 May 44. Army Assault Gas Mask Facepiece E6. 5--271-6 Jul . 45. 25- Foot Gasoline -Powered Utility . Boat
( Twin Screw ) .
5-272-2 13 Apr. 44. Steel-Treadway Bridge M1.
iThis Technical Bulletin is distributed only to interested headquarters 5-272-3 17 Jun. 44. Reducing Twist Due to Torque In Steel
and to individuals whose duties require that they have it . This Technical Treadways; V-Approach For Steel Treadways.
Bulletin must be safeguarded in accordance with provisions of AR 380-5.

ENGINEERS - Continued TB
TB ( For Use with Mixer ) , Model 82 -AM ; Engine :
5-272-4 12 Aug. 44. Expedient Adapter for Using M31 Buda, Model HP-298.
Tank Recovery Vehicle to Launch Steel Treadways 5-1006-2 31 Jan , 45. Preventive Maintenance Services,
Over Narrow Gaps. Loader, Aggregate, Bucket, Crawler- Mounted, Gaso
5-272-5 Jan. 45. Use of Steel Treadway Bridge in Ship line, 3-cu yd, Barber-Greene, Models 82-AT, 82 - AM ,
to-Shore Operations. and 82-AD, with Buda Engine, Models HP-217 and
5-273-1 15 Jan. 44. Trestle Bracing Clamp. HP-298.
5-273-3 Jun. 45. Ponton Bow Adapters and Revised Ca- 5–1008-1 Mar. 45. New Data and Parts for Finisher, As
pacity for 25-Ton Ponton Bridges and Rafts. phalt, Crawler -Mounted, 12-Foot, Barber, Greene,
5-274-1 18 Feb. 44. H-10 Steel Box-Girder, Fixed Bridge, Model 879 -A .
( Knockdown Type ) . 5-1008-2 15 Feb. 45. Preventive Maintenance Services,
5-277-2 3 Aug. 44. Notes on Panel Bridge, Bailey Type. Finisher, Asphalt, Crawler -Mounted, 12-ft., Barber
5-277-3 Jan. 45. Demolition of Fixed Panel Bridge, Bailey Greene, Model 879- A.
Type, and Parts. C 1 . 5-1010-1 26 Apr. 44. New Data and Parts for Conveyor,
5–277-4 Mar. 45. Launching Panel Bridge, Bailey Type, Belt, Transfer, Gasoline Engine- Driven , 24 - in . x
By Single Girders. C 1 . 57 ft., Barber-Greene, Style N.
5-277-5 4 May 45. Bailey Type Panel Crib Piers. C 1 . 5–1014–1 31 Dec. 43. Heater, Asphalt Trailer Mounted,
Capacity of Fixed Panel Bridge, Bailey
45., and
May M1
5-277-6 Type Three Car, 42 HP Cleaver- Brooks, Model DS3.
Strength of Bridge Parts. 5-1014-2 10 Jan. 45. Preventive Maintenance Services,
5-277–7 Jun. 45. End Supports for Fixed Panel Bridge Heater, Asphalt, Trailer- Mounted, 2 and 3-Car, 28
Bailey Type, Mi.
and 42-HP, Cleaver - Brooks, Models DS - 2, DS - 3 ,
* 5–277–8 Jul. 45. Floating Panel Bridge, Bailey Type Mi, and DS-31 .
on 25-Ton Pontoons. 15-1018-i 23 Jun. 45. Preventive Maintenance Services
5-277-9 Jul. 45. Fixed Panel Bridge, Bailey Type, on Grader, Road , Motorized, Diesel, 12-ft. Moldboard,
Intermediate Piers. Caterpillar, Model 12.
5-277-10 Aug. 45. Widened-Roadway Fixed Panel Bridges, 5-1020-1 10 Jan. 45 . Preventive Maintenance Services,
Bailey Type, Standard and Expedient. Grader, Road, Motorized, Gasoline, 12-Ft Moldboard,
5-277-11 Jul. 45. Fixed Two-Lane Through Type Panel Galion, Model 101 .
Bailey Type, M1 and M2. 5-1026-1 15 Feb. 45 . Preventive Maintenance Services,
5-278-1 15 Feb. 45. Preventive Maintenance Services, Mo Pump, Asphalt, Trailer-Mounted, with Distributor
tor, Outboard, 5-HP, Evinrude, Lightwin, Models Attachments. Littleford, Model US-3C and 5-1026.
4313 and 4314, and Johnson, Model TSL- 15 ; 22-HP, 5–1028–1 17 Jan. 44. Grader, Road, Motorized , Diesel En
Evinrude, Speeditwin, Models 6039 and 6041, and gine Driven, 12-Ft. Moldboard, Galion, Model
Johnson, Model POLR-15 ; 33-HP, Evinrude, Speedi 101-D.
four ; 50 to 55-HP, Evinrude, Model 8008. †5–1028–2 23 Jun. 45. Preventive Maintenance Services
5-278-2 Jun. 45. New Data and Parts for Outboard Mo Grad ad, Motorized, Diesel, 12-ft. Moldboard,
Galion , Model 101-D.
5-283-1 Mar. 45. Plumbing and Pipework. 5–1030-1_24 Oct. 44. Preparation for Export, Crusher,
5-283-2 30 Mar. 45. Electric Wiring . Rock , Jaw Type, 4-Wheel, Trailer-Mounted 7 Cubic
5-283-3 30 Jun. 45. Electric Line Construction .
5-283-4 15 Jul . 45 . Refrigeration , Air Conditioning, and Yards per hr. Gruendler, Model 1016A.
5-1030-2 15 Feb. 45. Preventive Maintenance Service for :
Heating. Crusher, Rock, Jaw-Type, 4-Wheel , Trailer-Mounted ,
5–297–1 14 Feb. 44. Transportation of Standard Well -Drill 7-cu. yd. per hour, Gruendler, Type 1016-A, with In
ing Machines. ternational Model U-4 Engine.
5-315-1 May 45. Truck, Fire, Power- Pumper, Class 530. 5-1032-1 4 Dec. 43. Ditching Machine, Ladder - Type,
5-355-1 7 Nov. 44. Operation of Engineer Gas Generating Crawler-Mounted, Gasoline, Digging Depth 8 Ft.,
Unit. 3 In. Width, 24 In., Barber Greene, Model 44-C.
5-372-1 Jan. 45. Notes on Erection of Unit Construction
Railway Bridge. 5–1032–2 21 Jun. 44. New Data and Parts For Ditching
5-1002–1 5 May 44. New Data and Parts for Mixer, As
Machine, Ladder- Type, Crawler-Mounted, Gasoline,
Digging Depth 8-Ft., Width 18 to 24-in., Barber
phalt, Diesel, Travel or Central Plant, Trailer Greene, Model 44 - C .
Mounted , 110 to 200 tons per hour, Barber-Greene, 15-1032-2 23 Jun. 45. Preventive Maintenance Services
Model 848, Heavy Duty . Ditching Machine, Ladder- Type, Crawler -Mounted
5--1002–2 12 Apr. 45. Preventive Maintenance Services Gasoline, Digging Depth 8 -ft. Width 18 - in . to 24- in . ,
Mixer, Asphalt, Diesel, Travel or Central Plant, Barber-Greene, Model 44- C .
Trailer -Mounted , 110- to 200 - Tons Per Hour, Bar 5-1034-1 15 Feb. 45. Preventive Maintenance Service for :
ber -Greene, Model 848, with Buda Diesel Model Mixer, Rotary-Tiller, Soil -Stabilization, Gasoline En
6DH - 691 Engine. gine-Driven , Self-Powered , Trailer-Mounted, Sea
5-1004-1 10 Nov. 44. New Data and Parts for Dryer, Ag man , Model MHD-72, and Chicago Fence, Model CF
gregate, Dual-Drum , Travel or central Plant, Trail 72 .
er -Mounted , 80 to 150 tons per hour, Barber-Greene, 15-1036–1 23 Jun . 45. Preventive Maintenance Services.
Model 833. Grader, Road, Towed , Leaning Wheel , Hand -Con
5–1004–2 12 Apr. 45. Preventive Maintenance Services, trolled , 10 -ft. and 12-ft. Moldboards, Models 104 and
Dryer, Aggregate, Dual-Drum, Travel or Central 124, with Scarifier, Adams.
5-1042-1 11 Dec. 43 . Heater, Asphalt, Trailer Mounted
Plant, Gasoline, Trailer- Mounted, 80 to 150 Tons two car 28 HP Cleaver Brooks Model DS 2 with
per Hour, Barber -Greene, Model 833, with Buda Model Z or ZZ Engine.
Model HP-351 Engine .
5-1006–1 27 Apr. 44. New Data and Parts For Loader, Ag 5-1050-1 23 Feb. 44. Batching Plant, Aggregate, 3-Com
partment, 105-ton Capacity, Blaw-Knox, Model
gregate , Bucket, Crawler-Mounted, Gasoline, 3 -Cu. P3105.
Yd . , 19- Ft. 10 - in . Boom ( For Use with Dryer ) , Bar
ber-Greene, Model 82-AD, and 17-Ft. 4 in . Boom † Will not be reprinted when present depot stocks are exhausted.

ENGINEERS - Continued TB
TB 5–1124-1 10 May 45. Preventive Maintenance Services
5–1054–1 31 Dec. 43. Drag, Brush, Bituminous, 8 x 12-ft., Grader, Road, Towed - Type, Elevating, Power- Con
Traffic and Road Equipment Company, Model D. trolled, 48-In. Carrier, Adams Model 11.
5–1058-1 4 Dec. 43. Spreader, Concrete, Gasoline Engine 5–1126-1 29 May 44. Preparation for Export of Mixer,
Driven Form Riding, 20 ft. Width , Blaw -Knox, Rotary Tiller, Soil Stabilization, Power Take-Off,
Model SA. Trailer -Mounted , Seaman , Model ABT-48.
5-1126-2 15 Feb. 45 . Preventive Maintenance Services.
5-1058-2 15 Feb. 45. Preventive Maintenance Services
Spreader, Concrete, Gasoline Engine- Driven , Form Mixer, Rotary-Tiller, Soil-Stabilization, Power Take
Riding, 20-Ft. Width, Blaw-Knox, Models S and SA. Off, Trailer -Mounted , Seaman , Model ABT-48.
5–1068-1 30 Dec. 43. Finisher, Concrete, Form -Riding, 20 5-1132–1 4 Jan. 44. Distributor, Bituminous Material, 1250
to 25 Ft., Blaw- Knox, Model XC.
gal. Etnyre Model, MX-D5, Style RE.
5–1068-2 10 May 45. Preventive Maintenance Services 5-1132–2 19 July 44. New Data and Parts for Distributor
Finisher, Concrete, Form -Riding, 20-ft. Width Blaw Bituminous Material, Trailer-Mounted 1,250-Gal.
Knox, Model XC, 20 to 25-ft. Width, Model XD, with Etnyre, Model D- 140.
Hercules Model IXB Engine. 5–1134-1 10 Jan. 45. Preventive Maintenance Services
5-1072–1 10 May 45. Preventive Maintenance Services Distributor Bituminous Material, Trailer-Mounted,
Paver, Concrete, Crawler -Mounted, 34-cu . ft., Foote, 1250-Gal ., Etnyre, Models MX-D4 and MX-D5, Style
Model 34 - E , with Hercules Model RXLD Engine. RE ; Truck-Mounted, 800-Gal. , Model MX-D6, Style
5–1074–1 12 Jan. 44. Mixer, Concrete, Gasoline Engine RE .
Driven , Trailer -Mounted 7-Cu. Ft. Koehring, Model 5–1136-1 26 Jan. 44. Pump , Water, Trailer-Mounted with
78 A - 5. Distributor Attachment Rosco, Model MAE.
5-1074-2 25 Jan. 45. Preventive Maintenance Services, 5–1140-1 16 Dec. 43. Roller, Road, Towed-Type, Wheeled,
Mixer, Concrete, Gasoline Engine-Driven, Trailer Rubber-Tired, 13 Tires, Wm. Bros., Model 67-W .
Mounted, 7-cu ft, Koehring, Model 78 A-5, with 5–1140-2 31 May 44. Roller, Road, Towed-Type, Wheeled,
Leroi Engine, Model XRP1 . Rubber - Tired, 13 Tires, Wm. Bros., Model 67-W.
5-1076–1 1 Jan. 44. Mixer, Concrete, Gasoline Engine-Driven 5-1142-1 10 Jan. 45. Preventive Maintenance Service,
Trailer -Mounted , 14 Cu. Ft. Ransome, Model 14 S-U . Roller, Road, Gasoline, Tandem , 2-Axle, 5 to 8 - Ton ,
5–1076--2 Preventive Maintenance Services, Mixer, Con Buffalo -Springfield, Model KT- 16.
crete, Gasoline, Trailer-Mounted , 14-Cu Ft, Ran- 5-1150-1 18 Nov. 44. Preparation for Export, Distributor,
some , Model 14S - U , with LeRoi Engine, D133-P10 Water, Truck -Mounted 1,000 -gallon Rosco, Model
and D-140. MME.
5–1080-1 6 Feb. 44. Harrow , Spike-Tooth, 4- Section, Inter- 5-1150-2 10 May 45. Preventive Maintenance Services ,
national Harvester, Model 2. Distributor, Water, Truck- Mounted, 1000-Gal . ,
5–1086–1 4 Dec. 43. Plow, Tractor, with Standing Cutter Rosco, Model MME ; Pump, Water, Trailer -Mounted ,
and Single Plain Share, Deere, Model II. with Distributor Attachment, Rosco, Model MAE ;
5-1088-1 5 Jan. 44. Plow, Bottom and Disc., Towed-Type, Both with Wisconsin Model VE -41 Engine.
Four 14-in. Bottoms, Deere, Model 7. 5-1154-1 16 Jan. 44. Kettle, Asphalt Repair, Trailer
5-1092-1 24 Dec. 43. Grader, Road, Towed -Type, Leaning Mounted with Motor- Driven Hand- Spray, 165 -Gal
Wheel, Hand - Controlled , 12- Ft. Moldboard , Adams, lon Capacity, Littleford, Model 84 HD-3.
Model 124 S.
5-1098-1 Preventive Maintenance Services,
5-1154-2 24 Oct. 44. Preparation for Export-Kettle, As
15 Feb. 45. phalt-Repair, Trailer-Mounted, With Motor - Driven
Roller, Road, Gasoline, Tandem, 2- Axle, 2 to 242 Hand-Spray, 164-Gallon Capacity, Littleford, Model
Ton, Ferguson, Model 151. 84HD-3.
5-1100-1 10 Jan. 45. Preventive Maintenance Services, 45. Preventive Maintenance Service
* 5-1154-3 10 Jan.
Roller , Road , Gasoline , 3- Wheel , 10- Ton, Galion
Model Chief.
Kettle, Asphalt- Repair, Trailer- Mounted , with Mo
5-1112-1 27 Jan. 44. Crushing and Screening Plant, 2-Unit, tor-Driven Hand -Spray, 110 and 165-Gal. Capacity,
Gasoline, Semi-Trailer-Mounted , with Dollies, 25 cu. Littleford, Models US-66 and 84-HD-3 ( Series P,
R , S and T ) .
Yd. per hour. Iowa , Model 2 and 2A . 5-1156-2 12 Sep. 44. Preparation for Export, Kettle, As
5-1112-3 10 May 45. Preventive Maintenance Services, phalt-Repair, Trailer- Mounted, with Motor-Driven
Crushing and Screening Plant, 2 -Unit Gasoline, Hand -Spray , 110-Gallon Capacity, Littleford, Model
Semi- Trailer - Mounted, with Dollies, 25- Cu . Yd . per
hour, Iowa, Model No. 2, with Buda L- 525 Engine; US-66.
and Model No. 2A with Case Lae Engine. 15-1162-1 23 Jun . 45. Preventive Maintenance Services for
* 5-1112-3 10 May 45. Preventive Maintenance Services, Shovel, Revolving , Crawler-Mounted, Gasoline, 42
Secondary Unit of Crushing and Screening Plant, cu . yd . , Osgood, Model 200.
2 -Unit, Gasoline , Semi-Trailer -Mounted, with Dollies, 5–1165-1 15 Mar. 45. Preventive Maintenance Services,
25 -cu. yd. per hour, Iowa, Model No. 2 with Buda Shovel, Crawler- Mounted, Diesel , 3-Cu Yd, with
L-525 Engine ; and Model No. 2A , with Case Lae Attachments, Northwest, Model 78 - D .
Engine. 15-1170-1 23 Jun. 45. Preventive Maintenance Services
5-1118-1 28 Apr. 44. New Camshaft and Carburetor for
Shovel , Crawler -Mounted , Gasoline, 2 -cu. yd . ,
Loader, Aggregate, Bucket, Crawler-Mounted , Gaso Bucyrus-Erie Model 15B .
line, 3-Cu . Yd ., 19- Ft. 10-In . Boom ( For Use with
Dryer ) , Barber -Greene, Model 82-AD, Engine : Buda, 5-1174-1 Oct. 44. Preparation for Export, Crane, Truck
Model HP-326. Mounted, Gasoline, 38 cubic yard, quickway, Model
E, with IH Model U -9, Power Unit.
5-1120-1 29 Dec. 43. Grader, Road, Towed-Type, Lean 15-1174-2 23 Jun. 45. Preventive Maintenance Services
ing -Wheel, Hand -Controlled, 674 Ft. Moldboard, Crane, Truck, Mounted , Gasoline, 3 cu , yd. Quick
Adams, Model 11 -S. way, Model E with IH Model U-9 Power Unit.
5-1122–1 11 Mar, 44. Roller, Road, Towed Type, Sheep's
foot, 1 -Drum, with Removable Feet, Adams, Model
10- S . † Will not be reprinted when present depot stocks are exhausted.


ENGINEERS - Continued TB
TB 5–1246-1 10 May 45. Preventive Maintenance Services
5-1178-1 Dec. 44. New Data and Parts for Shovel Crawler Crusher, Roll- Type, Gasoline Engine- Driven , Crawl
Mounted , Diesel, 2-cubic-yard, with Attachments, er-Mounted , 54 -In . Dia . x 24-In. Face Rolls, 100
Thew, Model Lorain 82 with Caterpillar Model D to 190- Ton Per Hour, Pioneer, Model 54 - VA .
13000 Engine. 5–1248–1 10 May 45. Preventive Maintenance Services,
5-1178–2 15 Feb. 45. Preventive Maintenance Services Crusher, Screener, and Washer, Roll- Type, Belt
Shovel, Crawler-Mounted, Diesel, 2 cu. yd . , with At Driven, Crawler-Mounted, 40-In. Dia. x 22-In. Face,
tachments, Thew, Model Lorain 82, with Caterpillar 40 to 140- Ton per Hour, Model 300-WA ; and
Model D-13000 Engine. Dehydrator, Sand, Twin -Screw -Feed, Chain -Driven,
5-1180–1 31 Aug. 44. Preparation for Export - Ditching Trailer- Mounted, 4 - Steel Wheels, 22-In. Dia x 20
Machine, Wheel Type, Crawler-Mounted, Gasoline, Ft. Long, 40 to 60-Ton per Hour, Pioneer.
Digging Depth 5 ft. 6 in. Width 23 in., Cleveland, 5–1250–1 10 May 45. Preventive Maintenance Services,
Model 110. Crusher, Roll-Type, Gasoline Engine- Driven , Trailer
5-1180-2 24 Nov. 44. Ditching Machine, Wheel- Type, Mounted, 6-Steel Wheels, 40-In . Dia x 22-In. Face
Crawler-Mounted Gasoline, Digging Depth 5 ft. 6 Rolls, 40 to 140-Ton per Hour, Pioneer, Model 42-VA.
in., width 23 in., Cleveland, Model 110. 5-1252–1 10 May 45. Preventive Maintenance Services,
Scrubber and Washer , Paddle - Type, Gasoline
5–1180-3 15 Feb. 45. Preventive Maintenance Service for :
Ditching Machine, Wheel- Type, Crawler-Mounted, Engine-Driven, Trailer-Mounted, 6 -Steel Wheels, 80
Gasoline, Digging Depth 5 ft., 6 in., with 23 in., to 100-Ton per Hour, Pioneer, Model Log Washer.
Cleveland, Model 110. 5-1254-1 30 May 45. Preventive Maintenance Services,
5-1182–1 13 Aug. 45. Preventive Maintenance Services, Power Unit, Gasoline, Trailer-Mounted, 4-Steel
Roller, Road, Tandem , 3 -Axle, 10- to 15-Ton, Buf Wheels, 120- 140-HP, Pioneer, Model 300-WA, with
falo Springfield , Model TX - 21 ( With Waukesha Waukesha Model 6-WAKU Engine and XX ICK
Model 6 - BZ Engine ) . Starting Engine ( For Pioneer Crushing, Screening
* 5–1184-1 Preventive Maintenance Services for Roller, and Washing Plant) .
Road, Gasoline Engine Driven , Tandem, 3-Axle 9- to 5-1256–1 10 May 45. Preventive Maintenance Services
14-Ton, Buffalo -Springfield, Model KX-16. Pump, Centrifugal, Gasoline Engine-Driven , Trailer
5-1186-1 1 Aug. 44. Preparation for Export Roller, Road, Mounted , 6 -In . Discharge, 1000 -GPM at 8 -Ft. Head,
Diesel , 3-Wheel , 6-ton, Huber. Pioneer, Model 300-WA, with Jaeger Model 6-PO
5-1188–1 22 Feb. 44. Roller, Road, Gasoline, 3-Wheel, 10 Pump and Waukesha Model 6 - SRKRU Engine ( for
Ton, Huber. Pioneer Crushing, Screening , and Washing Plant) .
5-1258-1 15 Feb. 45. Preventive Maintenance Service
5-1188-2 10 May 45. Preventive Maintenance Services, for : Conveyer, Belt, Transfer, Gasoline Engine
Roller, Road, Gasoline, 3 -Wheel, 10-Ton, Huber,
with Hercules Model WXLC-3 Engine. Driven, High and Low Mast, 300/400 ft. per minute,
5–1189–1 14 Apr. 45. Preventive Maintenance Services, Pioneer, Model MH-30 ; ( for ' pioneer Crushing,
Roller, Road, Diesel, 3-Wheel, 10-Ton, Huber, with Screening, and Washing Plants. )
Caterpillar Model D - 4400 Engine. 5-1275-1 Preventive Maintenance Services for Crane, Re
*5–1189–2 9 Mar. 45. Roller, Road, Diesel, Three- Wheel , volving, Crawler Mounted, Gasoline Engine Driven,
10-Ton, Huber, with Caterpillar Model 4-4400 En 34 Cu. Yd., 7- to 10 - Ton , Class III, Osgood, Model
gine. 307.
5-1190–1 4 Dec. 43. Preparation for Export, Scraper, 5-1280-1 21 Dec. 43. Mixer, Asphalt, Gasoline Engine- Driv
Road , Towed -Type, Hydraulic-Operated,, 142 - Cu. en , Repair Plant, Semi-Trailer Mounted, Pneumatic
Yd., La Plant-Choate, Model Cab. Tires, 15 to 30 Tons per hr. Barber -Greene, Model
†5-1197–1 15 Dec. 44. Preventive Maintenance Services 841.
Operated 142 cu. yd., LaPlant-Choate, Model Cab. 5–1280-2 22 Dec. 43. Dryer, Aggregate, Single-Drum Semi
5-1192-1 13 Sept. 44. Preparation for Export - Finisher , Trailer Mounted, Pneumatic Tires 15 to 30-Tons per
Concrete Form Riding, 20 to 25 ft. Blaw-Knox Model Hour, Barber-Greene Model 831.
XD .
5–1280–3 22 Dec. 43. Stabilizer, Soil , Semi-Trailer Mounted,
* 5–1197-1 15 Dec. 44. Preventive Maintenance Services with Dolly, Barber-Greene, Model 821.
Shovel , Crawler-Mounted, Gasoline, % cu. yd , Buck
eye Clipper, Model 70 with Buda Engine, Model $ 5–1280-4 27 Dec. 43. Elevator, Bucket, Trailer-Mounted,
K - 393 or Chrysler Engine Model C - 36-520. Barber-Greene Model 831.
5-1202–1 4 Mar. 44. Scraper, Road, Motorized, Cable -Op- 5–1280-5 15 May 44. New Data and Parts for Asphalt and
erated, 12-Cu. Yd., LeTourneau, Model Super-C Soil Aggregate Mixing Plant, Gasoline Engine
Tournapull with Model LP Carry -all. Driven, 25-Tons per hour, 4 Unit, Barber -Greene.
5-1202–2 10 Mar. 45. Preventive Maintenance Services, 5–1280-6 10 May 45. Preventive Maintenance Services,
Scraper, Road, Motorized , Cable-Operated, 12-Cu Mixer, Soil Preparation Unit, Gasoline Engine
Yd, LeTourneau, Model Super C Tournapull, with Driven, Semi- Trailer-Mounted, Pneumatic Tires,
Model LP Carryall. 20 to 40-Toni Per Hour, Barber-Greene, Model
5-1210-1 15 Dec. 43. Scraper, Road, Towed-Type Cable 821-109.
Operated, 8 cu. yd., Type III, LeTourneau, Model 5-1280-7 10 May 45. Preventive Maintenance Services ,
LS. Dryer, Aggregate, Single - Drum , Semi-Trailer
5-1212-1 30 Dec. 43. Scraper, Road, Towed - Type, Cable Mounted, Pneumatic Tires, 15 to 30-Ton per Hour,
Operated, 12-cu. yd., Type IV , LeTourneau, Model Barber -Greene, Model 831-105 , with Leroi Model
LP D-201-P3 Engine ( Including Barber-Greene Model
5–1244–1 10 May 45. Preventive Maintenance Services, 831-109 Elevator) .
Crusher , Jaw -Type, Gasoline Engine- Driven , 5–1280–8 10 May 45. Preventive Maintenance Services,
Crawler -Mounted , 30 x 42-Inch Opening, 200 to Mixer, Asphalt, Gasoline, Repair Plant, Semitrailer
400-Ton per Hour, Pioneer, Model 56-A. Mounted, Pneumatic Tires, 15 to 30-Ton per Hour,
†Will not be reprinted when present depot stocks are exhausted,
Barber-Greene, Model 841-135, with Leroi Model
I Stock exhausted . D - 201 - P3 Engine.

ENGINEERS - Continued TB
TB 5-2040-3 11 Oct. 44. Pump, Deep-Well, Gasoline-Engine
5--1281-1 10 May 45. Preventive Maintenance Services , driven , Turbine Type, 200 GPM at 200 - Foot Head,
Dryer, Aggregate, Single-Drum , Towed, Pneumatic Peerless Model 6M.
Tires , 15. to 30 - Ton Per Hour, Barber-Greene, 5-2046–1 29 Aug. 44. Preparation for Export Pump, Deep
Model 830 - G , with Le Roi Model D - 201 Engine.
5–1281-2 12 Apr. 45. Preventive Maintenance Services, Well, Gasoline Engine-Driven, Helical-Rotor Type,
Mixer, Asphalt, Gasoline, Repair Plant, Towed, 60-gpm at 250-ft. Head, Type 1, Peerless Hi-Lift,
Model 52.
Pneumatic Tires, 15 to 30 Tons per Hour, Barber
Greene, Model 840-G , with Leroi Model D-201 5-2054-1 16 Feb. 43. Pump, Deep Well, Gasoline Engine
Engine. Driven, Helical Rotor Type, 30-GPM at 250 - ft.
5-1284-1 18 Nov. 44. Spreader, Concrete, Gasoline- Engine Head, Type II, Peerless, HI-Lift Model 42.
Driven, Form - Riding 20- to 25 - ft. width , Blaw- 5–2056–1 25 Jan. 44. Pump Centrifugal, Gasoline Engine
Knox, Model SC , with Vibrator Attachment and Driven Trailer-Mounted , 4-in. Discharge 500-GPM
Continental Model PF - 226 Engine. at 20 ft. Head, Carver, Model 4822.
5-1312-1 14 Jul 45. Preventive Maintenance Services 5–2062–1 29 May 44. Distillation Unit, Skid-Mounted, 2,500
Shovel, Truck, Mounted, Gasoline, 3 cu. yd. Lima, gal. per day, Clever - Brooks, Model M3E-12.
Model 34. 5–2066–1 13 Aug. 45. Preventive Maintenance Services,
* 5–1316-1 Preventive Maintenance Services for Crane, Re Water Purification Unit, Gasoline- Engine-Driven,
volving , Crawler Mounted, 1- to 142 - Cu . Yd., 20 Stationary, Knockdown Type, Sand Type 50-GPM ,
to 30-Ton, Class IV Bay City Model 65. Wallace & Tiernan , Model A-521, with Wisconsin
5–1317–1 15 Apr. 45. Crane, Revolving, Crawler-Mounted, Model AHH Engines.
Gasoline, 3 to 4 Cu. Yd. 65. to 75-Ton, Class VII,
with Attachments, Lima Model 1201. 5-2068–1 13 Aug. 45. Preventive Maintenance Services,
5-1 1-1 22 May 44. ter, Road, Lever -Operated , 3 Distillation Unit, Gasoline Engine-Driven, Skid
Mounted, Thermocompression Type, 1,200 Gallons
Tooth, Austin -Western Model Rip - Rooter. per Day, Badger, with Continental Model Y-69
5-1458-1 Jul. 45. Preventive Maintenance Services, Crane, Engine.
Revolving, Crawler-Mounted, Gasoline, 34 Cu . Yd., * 5–2069–1 25 Oct. 45. Preventive Maintenance Services,
7- to 10 - Ton, Class III , with Attachments, Link Distillation Unit, Gasoline-Engine Driven, Skid
Belt, Model 75 ( With Chrysler Model C - 36-520
(Ind - 9 Series) or Waukesha Model 6 –MZR Engine ). Mounted, Thermo-Compression Type, 3,000 Gallons
per Day, Cleaver- Brooks, Model MVC - 17A , with
5-1492-1 Jul . 45. Preventive Maintenance Services, Roller, LeRoi Model D - 104-3-7 Engine.
Road, Diesel, Tandem, 2-Axle, 8- to 12 - Ton , Galion,
Model 9, with International Model UD-9 Engine. 5-2116-1 7 Feb. 44. Pump, Centrifugal, for Gasoline,
Gasoline Engine-Driven, Base -Mounted , 6-in. Dis
5-1722-1 24 Dec. 43. Searchlight, 60 - inch , Sperry, Models charge, 8-in. Suction, 1000 - gpm . at 300 ft. head,
1939, 1940, 1941, 1941A, 1942, 1942A. American Marsh, Model 6B, Type HBE.
5-2000–1 15 Feb. 45. Preventive Maintenance Services 5–2279–1 12 Jun. 44. Pump, Centrifugal, for Gasoline, Gas
Water Purification Unit, Gasoline Engine- Driven , oline Engine-Driven, Base -Mounted, 3-in. Discharge,
Portable 15-GPM, Wallace and Tiernan, Model 1940.
5-2002-1 10 Jan. 45. Preventive Maintenance Services, 3-in. Suction, 200-gpm at 1,000- ft. Head, or, in
Well Drilling Machine, Percussion - Type, Skid. Parallel, 400 -gpm at 500 -ft. Head, Hanlon -Waters ,
Mounted, Gasoline Engine-Driven, Star, Model 71. Type 1650.
5-2022–1 20 Nov. 44. Preparation for Export, Pump, Cen- 5-2316–1 12 Mar. 44. Pump, Centrifugal, Gasoline Engine
trifugal, Gasoline-Engine Driven, Base -Mounted, 2 Driven , Base -Mounted , 4-in. Discharge, 480 -GPM
Inch Discharge, 55 -GPM at 50 -Foot Head, Jaeger, at 300-Ft. Head, Leff, Model Aurora AD-2.
Carver, or Red Jacket, Model 2APS-1. 5-3000–1 16 Dec. 43. Tractor, Wheeled, Rubber-Tired, Gas
5-2024-1 4 Dec. 43. Well Drilling Machine, Rotary - Type, oline 30-DBHP, Standard or Rigid , Case, Model DL.
Skid -Mounted , Gasoline Engine Driven Failing, 5-3000-2 30 Jan. 45. Preventive Maintenance Service,
Model 314. Tractor, Wheeled, Rubber-Tired, Gasoline, 30–
5-2024-2 10 May 45. Preventive Maintenance Services DBHP, Case Di, and 40 -DBHP, Standard, Case
Well Drilling Machine, Rotary - Type, Skid -Mounted, LA1.
Gasoline Engine-Driven , Failing, Model 312, with 5-3004-1 10 May 45. Preventive Maintenance Services,
Buda Model HP - 217 Engine.
Tractor, Crawler, Gasoline, 10 to 35 -DBHP, Allis
5–2028-1 11 Feb. 44. Pump, Centrifugal, Gasoline Engine Chalmers, Model M and WM, with Buckeye Angle
Driven, Base-Mounted, 4-in. Discharge, 200-gpm at dozer .
350-ft. Head, Gormann- Rupp, Model C54-14.
5-2030-1 10 Jan. 45. Preventive Maintenance Service, 5-3006–1 13 Dec. 43. Tractor, Wheeled, Steel-Tired, Gaso
Water Purification Unit, Gasoline Engine- Driven , line, 30-DBHP, Standard , Case, Model DI, with
Truck-Mounted, 75-GPM, Wallace and Tiernan, Evans ECC Winch .
Models 1938 , 1939, and 1940. 5-3012–2 18 Oct. 44. Preparation for Export, Tractor,
5–2036-1 30 Nov. 43. Pump, Centrifugal, Gasoline Engine Wheeled Rubber-Tired , Gasoline 23- DBHP, Stand
Driven, Base-Mounted, 142 - in. Discharge, 125-gpm ard, Case SI, with LaPlant- Choate Power Control
at 300-ft. Head, Economy Model B-180.
5-2038-1 21 Feb. 44. Pump, Centrifugal, Gasoline Engine- 5-3012-3 31 Jan. 45. Preventive Maintenance Service,
Driven, Base- Mounted, 2-in. Discharge, 60 -gpm at Tractor, Wheeled, Rubber-Tired, Gasoline, 23
125-ft. Head , Gorman - Rupp , Model W52-10 and W52 DBHP, Case Si .
10A. 5-3020-1 18 Jul . 44. Tractor, Crawler, Gasoline, 15-DBHP,
5-2040-2 15 May 44. Pump, Deep Well, Gasoline Engine Standard , Clark, CA-1-Clarkair, 31 -Inch Gauge with
Driven, Turbine- Type, 200-gpm at 200-ft. Head, LaPlant-Choate Baby Bulldozer, LaPlant- Choate
Peerless, Model 6M. Power Control Unit and Braden Towing Winch .

ENGINEERS - Continued TB
TB 5-3310-1 25 Oct. 44. Preparation for Export, Truck
5-3020-2 24 Jan. 45. Preventive Maintenance Service, Tractor, Diesel-Engine- Driven , with Bottom - Dump
Tractor, Crawler, Gasoline, 15 - DBHP, Standard, Trailer, 13 Cubic Yard, Euclid, Model 9FDT Tractor
Clark, CA-1, Clarkair, 31-in. Gage, with LaPlante and Model 58-W Trailer.
Choate Babx Bulldozer, LaPlante-Choate PCU , and 5-3340-1 1 Jul. 45. Preventive Maintenance Services, Trac
Braden Towing Winch. tor, Crawler, Diesel, 10- to 35-DBHP, Caterpillar
D - 2.
5–3046–1 3 Dec. 43. Tractor, Crawler, Diesel, 110-140
DBHP, Standard , Caterpillar D8, 78 in. Gage, with 5-3458-1 13 Aug. 45. Preventive Maintenance Services,
LeTourneau CKD-8 Angledozer, Le Tourneau FTD-8 Tractor, Crawler, Diesel, 36- to 45-DBHP, with At
Power Control Unit and Hyster D&N Winch . tachments , Cleveland, Models BD and BDH ( Engine,
5-3056-) 3 Dec. 43. Tractor, Cat D8 with Le Tourneau Hercules, Model DJXC) ; 46- to 90-DBHP, with At
tachments, Cleveland, Models DD and DDH (En
C4 Angle-Dozer and T-4 Power Control Unit. gines, Hercules, Model DRXB ) .
5–3070-1 8 Dec. 43. Tractor, Crawler, Diesel, 70 to 90 DBHP 5-3467-1 10 May 45. Preventive Maintenance Services ,
Standard, Caterpillar D7, 74 in. Gage with LeTour Truck, Dump Body, 10-Cu. Yd, 4 x 2, 2-DT, 157-In.
neau WCK-7 Angledozer, FTD-7 Front Power Con Wheelbase, Euclid Models 2-FD and 27-FD, with
trol Unit, R-7 Rear Power Control Unit. Cummins Model HB-600 Engine.
5–3092–1 29 Apr. 44. Preparation for Export, Tractor, 5-4002-1 28 Dec. 43. Saw, Chain, Portable, Gasoline En .
Crawler, Diesel, 70 to 90 -DBHP, Standard, Cater gine - Driven 36-in . Blade, Disston Model G-10.
pillar D7, 74 - in . Gage, with · Le Tourneau XD-7 5-4008-1 17 Feb. 44. Saw, Table, Tilted - type, Portable,
Bulldozer and R-7 Power Control Unit.
Gasoline Engine-Driven, Skid-Mounted, 16-in. Blade,
5–3112–1 13 Dec. 43. Tractor, Crawler, Diesel, 35 to 40 Beach , Model 10-A.
DBHP Standard, Caterpillar D4, 44-in. Gage. With 5-4030-1 17 Feb. 44. Furnace, Oil, Drill Steel , Ingersoll
LeTourneau C-4 Angledozer and T-4 Power Control Rand, Model 27- F.
5-4032–1 2 Sep. 44. Preparation for Export Sharpener
5-3118-1 4 Jan. 44. Tractor, Crawler, Diesel, 35 to 40 Drill-Steel Pneumatic- Driven Ingersoll-Rand Model
DBHP Rigid, Caterpillar D4, 60 in. Gage, with 40.
Athey W-4 Bucket Loader and Hyster D4N Winch. 5-4034–1 12 Sep. 44. Drifter Drill, Pneumatic, Wagon
5–3124–1 1 Feb. 44. Tractor, Crawler, Diesel, 35 to 40 Mounted, Ingersoll-Rand, Model X-71, WD (on FM
DBHP Standard, Caterpillar D4, 44-in. gage, with 2 Wagon ) .
LaPlant -Choate 4R Angledozer and Le - Tourneau T-4 5-4050-1. 3 Jan. 44. Sharpener, Chain Saw , Gasoline En
Power Control Unit. gine-Driven Disston , Model GI-C5.
5-3132–1 30 Dec. 43. Tractor, Crawler, Gasoline, 35 -DBHP 5-4052–1 31 Jan. 44. Saw, Chain, Portable, Gasoline En
Standard, Caterpillar R-4, 44-in., Gage, W / LeTour gine-Driven 36-in. Blade, Disston, Model G-36.
neau C-4 Angling Blade and T-4 Power Control
Unit. 5-4052-2 29 Jan. 45. Preventive Maintenance Service,
Saw, Chain, Portable, Gasoline, 36-in. Blade, Diss
†5-3134-1 23 Jun, 45. Preventive Maintenance Services, ton, Models G-10 and G - 36 .
Tractor , Crawler Type, Gasoline, 35 -DBHP Cater
pillar, Model R4 . 5–4056–1 30 Dec. 43. Sharpener, Chain Saw , Gasoline En
5-3140–1 22 Sep. 44. Tractor, Crawler, Gasoline, 35 gine Driven, Lofstrand, Model GLS-101.
DBHP, Standard, Caterpillar R-4, 44-Inch Gauge 5-4070-1 12 Sept. 44. Preparation for Export, Grinder, De
With LeTourneau A-4 Tilting-blade, Le Tourneau tachable Drill -Steel Bit Air Motor-Driven Ingersoll
HN Power Control Unit, and Hyster- D4A Winch. Rand, Model JA-3.
5-3190-1 10 May 45. Preventive Maintenance Services, 5-4190-1 8. Mar. 44. Grinder , Pneumatic, Rotary - Type,
Tractor, Crawler, Gasoline, 10 to 35-DBHP, Cleve 5 x 1-in. Vitrified 8 x l-in. Organic Wheel, Ingersoll
land Models AG and BG. Rand Model 4-G.
5-3194-1 30 May 45. Preventive Maintenance Services, 5-5020-1 21 Feb. 44. Generator Set, Portable, Diesel, Base.
Tractor, Crawler, Diesel, 46- to 60-DBHP, Allis mounted, 30-KW, 127/220-Volt 3 -Phase, 60 Cycle
Chalmers, Model HD7W ; 61. to 90-DBHP, Model or 230/440-Volt 3-Phase, 50 Cycle, Ready Power,
HD10W ; 91. to 140-DBHP, Model HD14W ; with Model RD-14A.
Attachments . 5-5020-2 10 Jan. 45. Preventive Maintenance Service,
5-3222-1 10 May 45. Preventive Maintenance Services Generator Set, Portable, Diesel, Skid -Mounted , 15
Tractor, Crawler, Gasoline , Rigid or Standard, with KW, 127 /220 - Volt, 3 - Phase, 60 -Cycle, Ready Power,
Attachments, 10 to 35-DBHP, International T-6, Model RD -6A ; 15 -KW , 127 / 220 - Volt, 3-Phase,
40-In. Gage, and Model T -6W , 50-In. Gage ; 36 60 - Cycle, or 230 /400-Volt, 3 - Phase, 50-Cycle, Model
to 45-DBHP, Model T-9W, 60-In . Gage,
5-3228–1 10 May 45. Preventive Maintenance Services RD-6A Special ; 30 - KW , Model RD-14A ; Enclosed,
Model RD-14A, Class EG - 30 .
Tractor, Wheel-Type, Rubber Tires, Gasoline, 10 to
35-DBHP, International 1-6 . 5-5026–1 26 Jan. 44. Generator Set, Portable, Diesel , Skid
5-3272–1 10 May 45. Preventive Maintenance Services Mounted, 15-KW, 127/220 Volt, 3-Phase, 60-Cycle,
Tractor, Crawler, Diesel, 35 to 40-DBHP, Inter or 230/ 400-volt, 3 - phase 50 -cycle , Ready Power, Mod
national TD-9, 60-In. Gage ; 55 to 65 - DBHP, In el Rd-6A.
ternational TD-14, 75 -In , Gage ; 70 to 90 - DBHP, 5-5030-1 15 Dec. 44. Preventive Maintenance Services,
International TD-18, 74-In. Gage ; Rigid or Stand Generator Set, Portable, Gasoline Engine- Driven,
ard, with ( or without) Attachments. Skid -Mounted, 3-KW, 115 - Volt, 1- Phase, 60 - Cycle,
5-3280-1 Nov. 44 . New Data and Parts for Tractor, Onan, Models W3M, W3M-5, W3M- 16, W3M-19, and
Crawler, Diesel, 70 to 90 DBHP, Standard or Rigid, W3M - 21 .
International , TD- 18, 74 - Inch Gauge. 5–5034-1 9 Aug. 44. Generator Set, Portable, Gasoline-En
gine Driven, Skid -Mounted , 142 - Kilowatt, 115 - Volt,
† Will not be reprinted when present depot stocks are exhausted. 1-Phase, 60-Cycle, Homelite, Model HRUA.

ENGINEERS - Continued TB
ENG 25 3 June 44. Straightening Steel by Contraction.
5-9720-9 21 Jan. 44. Technical Data for Construction Tools. ENG 26 3 June 44. Tubing, Radio Active, Luminous, Viny
5-9720-10 23 Jan. 44. Technical Data for Gravel Pit & lite.
Quarry Equipment. ENG 27 8 June 44. Repair of Pneumatic Floats .
5-9720-11 10 July 44. Tractors and Tractor Attachments. ENG 29 19 June 44. Repair of Strafing Damage to Floating
5-9720-12 27 Oct. 44. Technical Data for Pumps. Bridges.
5-9720-14 21 July 44. Technical Data for Gas Welding ENG 31 30 June 44. Stream Crossing in High-Velocity
Equipment. Currents.
5-9720-15 Apr. 45. Technical Data for Trailers. ENG 32 3 July 44. Piles and Pile Driving. C 1 .
5-9720-16 27 Oct. 44. Technical Data for Hoisting Equip- ENG 33A 22 July 44. Disassembly and Loading of Stand
ment. ard Engineer Equipment for Transport in C-47
5-9720-18 Apr. 45. Technical Data for Concrete Equip Cargo Plane,
ment. ENG 33B 8 Nov. 44. Disassembly and Loading of Standard
5–9720-20 Apr. 45. Technical Data for Plows, Tillers, Engineer Equipment for Transport in C-54B Cargo
Mowers, Etc. Plane.
5-9804-1 Jul. 45. Preventive Maintenance Services, Crane, ENG 33C Apr. 45. Disassembly and Loading of Standard
Revolving, Crawler -Mounted , Gasoline, 34 Cu. Yd., Engineer Equipment for Transport in C-46 Cargo
7- to 10 - Ton , Class III , with Attachments , Link-Belt, Plane.
Models LS - 85 and LS-90 ( With Chrysler Model C ENG 36 24 Aug. 44. Issue of Plain Mineral Oil for Two
36–520 ( Ind - 9 Series ) or Waukesha Model SRKR Cycle Gasoline Engines.
Engine ). ENG 39 16 Sept. 1944. Safe Handling of Compressed Gases.
5-9859–1 12 Apr. 45. Preventive Maintenance Services, C 1.
Crane, Revolving , Crawler -Mounted, Gasoline, 34 ENG 40 13 Sept. 44. Fixed Alpine Path. C 1.
Cu. Y., 7. to 10-Ton, Class III , with Attachments, ENG 41 20 Sep. 44. Bulldozer, Tank Mounting, For M4A2
Bucyrus-Erie, Model 22- B , with Chrysler Engine,
Model C - 36-520 ( Ind - 9-69 ) . and M4A3 Tanks, 1944 Series.
5-9898-1 15 May 44. Preparation for Export of Engine, ENG 42 26 Sept. 44. Expedient Snow and Ice Roads.
ENG 43 4 Oct. 44. Use of Drums for Culvert Construction .
Gasoline, 13-hp, Continental Motors, Model Y91. ENG 45 21 Oct. 44. Standard Steel Derricks For Erec
5-9955-1 10 May 45. Preventive Maintenance Services
Engine, Diesel, 140- to 150-HP, Cummins, Models tion of Railway Bridges.
ENG 46 24. Oct. 44. Rafting.
HB -600, HI -600, HBI-600, HIBD-600, HIP -600,
and HGA - 600 . ENG 47 25 Oct. 44. Snake, Demolition, M2A1.
ENG1 28 Dec. 43. Sanitary Fill Method of Disposing of ENG 48 2 Nov. 44. Medium Cableway.
Garbage and Refuse. ENG 50 11 Nov. 44. Face Paint for Individual Camouflage.
ENG 3 1 Jan. 44. Assembly Instructions: Pipe, Culvert, ENG 51 16 Nov. 44. Aids to Blackout Driving.
Iron or Steel, Galvanized, Nestable. ENG 49 8 Nov. 44 Under -water Cutting & Welding.
ENG 6 7 Feb. 44. Bomb Tests on Building Prototype. ENG 52 17 Nov. 44. Bridging and Rafts to support Heavy
Tank T26E1 .
ENG 7 4 Feb. 44. Use of Explosives in Excavation of Gun
Emplacements . ENG 55 Jan. 45. Use of Land-Clearing Equipment.
ENG 9 1 Mar. 44. Bulldozer, Tank Mounting for M4A1 , ENG 56 10 Jan. 45. Requisitions for Stock -pile Railway
M4A2, M4A3 Tanks. Bridges and Trestles. C 1 .
ENG 10 7 Mar. 44. Report of Bomb Tests on Shelters. ENG 58 Feb. 45. Field Tropicalization Measures for Engi.
Anti-Friction Bearing, Care, Storage neer Matériel.
ENG 11 6 Mar. 44.
and Adjustment. ENG 59 Mar. 45. Expedient Trestle Bridge 2 - Ton and
4-Ton. C 1 .
ENG 12 15 Mar. 44. Stock-Pile Railway and Highway ENG 61 Feb. 45. Floating Bridge, M4.
Bridges, C 1 . ENG 62 Mar. 45. Transmission and Final Drive Lubrica
ENG 13 28 Mar. 44. Waterproofing of Engineer Equipment tion Data ( Use of OE -Oil, Engine ) for All Cater
for Deep -Water Fording and Limited Operations. pillar Tractors.
ENG 14 10 Apr. 44. Processing and Packing for Export
Pipe Culver, Iron or Steel Nestable ( 18 to 54-in. ENG 63 Feb. 45. Pedograph M1.
Dia. incl. ) ENG 64. Feb. 45 . Disassembly and Loading of General
ENG 15 1 Apr. 44. Military Traffic Signal and Reproduction Electric 60-Inch Searchlight. Equipment, Model 1942,
for Transport in Large. and Small-Door C - 47 Cargo
Equipment. C 1. Planes. C 1 .
ENG 16 21 Apr. 44. Light Aerial Tramway M2. C 1 . ENG 66 May 45. Maintenance of Inactive and Surplus
ENG 17 25 April 44.1 Reddy Fox Charge. Installations.
ENG 18 1 May 44. Surveys, Methods of Plotting and Earth
work Computations For Airdromes. ENG 67 Mar. 45. Bridge Notes No. 1 , Measures to Pre
ENG 19 3 May 44 Expedient Use of Standard Fixed - Bridge vent Shifting of Bridge Superstructure Under
Equipment For Crossing Vehicles Exceeding Limits Traffic; Examples of Timber Piers and Trestles.
Given in AR 850–15. ENG 68 Mar. 45. Monocable Jig-Back Skyline.
ENG 21 1 May 44. Report of Bomb Tests On Protective ENG 69 Mar. 45. Bridge Notes No. 2, Estimating Capac
Walls. ity of Fixed Arch Bridges ; Resisting Unbalanced
ENG 22 6 May 44. ARC Switch Maintenance For Search Horizontal Thrust in Repair of Damaged Masonry
light, 60-inch, General Electric, Model 1940, 1941, Arch Bridges.
1941A , 1942, and 1942A . ENG 70 30 Apr. 45. Inspections and Services Sewage
ENG 23 17 May 44. Bulldozer, Tank Mounting, M4, M4A1 , Treatment Plants and Sewer Systems at Fixed In.
M4A2, M4A3, and M4A4 Tanks. stallations.
ENG 71 Apr. 45. Inspections and Servcies Water Sup
1Thig Technical Bulletin is distributed only to interested headquarters ply Systems at Fixed Installations.
and to individunls whose duties require that they have it. This Technical
Bulletin must be safeguarded in accordance with provisions of AR 380-6 . ENG 72 May 45. Army Distillation Equipment.

ENGINEERS - Continued TB
TB MED 29 4 April 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on Norway.
ENG 73 5 May 45. Waterproofing Crawler Type Trac- MED 30 8 April 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on For
tors for Deep -Water Operation and Fording. mosa .

ENG 74 May 45 . Sharpening and Setting Circular Saws. MED 31 11 April 44. Scrub Typhus Fever.
ENG 75 May 45. Compound, Flame-Resistant, Emulsi- MED 33 21 April 44. Induction Station Neuropsychiatric
fiable, for Fabrics. Examination .
ENG 76 May 45. Motors, Motor Starters, and Engine- MED 35 27 April 44. Health Hazards from Industrial Sol
Driven Generators. Selection for Specific Applica vents.
tions .
MED 36 27 April 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on Bel
ENG 77 May 45. Construction of Field-Expedient Decoy gium.
Floating Bridges. MED 37 28 April 44. Instructions for Operating Kit, Water
ENG 78 Jun. 45. Floating Bridges Using Deck Balkon Testing, Poisons, Treatment Control. C 1.
18-Ton Pneumatic Floats. MED 38 3 May 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on France.
ENG 79 Jun, 45. Use of Japanese Mine Training Aid Set MED 39 8 May 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on the
No. 2.
ENG 80 Jun. 45. Universal Bulldozer Attachment for MED 40 11 May 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on Al
LVT (A1), (A4) , (3 ) , and (4 ) . bania .
ENG 83 Jul. 45. Waterproofing International T-9 Tractor. MED 41 11 May 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on the
ENG 84 Jul. 45. Winterization Kit for Welder, Electric Palau Islands.
Arc, Gasoline-Engine- Driven, 300-Ampere, Trailer MED 42 13 May 44. Data from the Field on Malaria
Mounted, Hobart Model GR-300S. Control.
ENG 85 Jul. 45. Kit, Winterization, for Generator Set, MED 43 18 May 44. Local Anesthetic Agent.
Portable, Gasoline-Engine -Driven, Skid-Mounted, 3 MED 45 20 May 44. Notes on Certain Infectious Diseases.
KW, 115 - Volt, Single - Phase, 60 -Cycle, A-C Onan
Model W3M . MED 46 28 May 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on Kam
ENG 86 Jul. 45. Operation, Care, and Maintenance of chatka.
Air -Conditioning Equipment in Seacoast Fortifi MED 47 28 May. 44. Control of Diseases of Respiratory
cations. System and Other Diseases Transmitted by Dis
ENG 87 Jul. 45. Resistant Treatment for Cork Gaskets. charge from Respiratory Tract.
* ENG 88 12 Oct. 45. Accounting for Coal. MED 48 31 May 44. Management of Neurosyphilis. C 1, 2,
MEDICAL *MED 49 31 May 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on Ru
MED 1 16 Dec. 43. Oxygen Therapy Apparatus, Closed Cir mania.
cuit : Boothby - Lovelace ( Medical Department Item MED 50 31 May 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on the
No. 93640 ) . Caroline Islands.
MED 3 11 Jan. 44. W.D., M.D. Form No. 78a ( Patient's MED 52 16 Junè 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on Den
mark .
Record of Syphilis Treatment).
MED 6 15 Jan. 44. Data from Field on Malaria Control. MED 53 12 June 44. Emergency Feeding of Infants, Chil
MED 7 15 Jan. 44. Indicating Place of Admission on W.D., dren, and Other Special Groups of Civil Populations.
M.D. Forms No. 52. MED 54 17 June 44.' Medical and Sanitary Data on
MED 8 22 Jan. 44. Trichomonas Vaginalis Vaginitis. Sweden .
MED 9 12 Feb. 44. Penicillin. C 1 . MED 55 19 June 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on Swit
MED 10 14 Feb. 44. Coordination of Physical and Surgical zerland.
MED 56 22 June 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on Por
Therapy of Orthopedic and Amputation Cases. tugal .
MED 11 22 Feb. 44. Influenza .
MED 12 22 Feb. 44. Lecture Outlines for Officers on Per MED 57 23 June 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on Guam.
MED 58 28 June 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on Bul
sonnel Adjustment Problems.
MED 14 3 Mar. 44. The Use of DDT as a Mosquito Larvi. garia.
cide. MED 59 29 June 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on Aus
tria . C1 .
MED 15 7 Mar. 44. Standard Terms for Diagnoses. MED 60 29 June 44. Use of Para-Aminobenzoic Acid in
MED 18 10 Mar. 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on Dutch
New Guinea . Bacteriological Culture Media.
Facilities Provided for Tissue Path MED 61 30 June 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on Crete.
MED 19 11 Mar. 44.
ology in U. S. Army. MED 62 1 July. 44. Excessive X-Radiation Exposures Dur
MED 20 15 Mar. 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on the ing Roentgenography and Roentgenoscopy.
Mariana Islands.
MED 63 5 July 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on Thai
land .
MED 21 15 Mar. 44. Lecture Outlines for Enlisted Men MED 64 5 July 44.' Medical and Sanitary Data on Turkey.
on Personal Adjustment Problems. MED 65 3 July 44. Drug Suppressive Treatment of Malaria.
MED 22 21 Mar. 44. Reduction of Fractures During Flu MED 66 11 July 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on Fin
oroscopic Exposure. land.
MED 23 23 Mar. 44. Food and Nutrition. MED 67 19 July 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on Celebes .
MED 24 · 27 Mar. 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on the MED 68 18 July 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on Philip
Kurile Islands. pine Islands.
MED 25 28 Mar. 44. Classification of Foods, and Factors MED 69 22 July 44. Notes on Certain Diseases of the
For Conversion of Unit Packages to Pounds For Chest .
Use in Dietary Analysis of Rations.
MED 26 30 Mar. 44. Medical and Sanitary Data On The
Aegean Islands, +Will not be reprinted when present depot stocks are exhausted.
MED 27 6 April 44 . Medical and Sanitary Data On Ger- 1 This Technical Manual is distributed only to interested headquarters
and to individuals whose duties require that they have it . This Technical
many Manual must be safeguarded in accordance with provisions of AR 330-5.

MEDICAL - Continued TB
MED 112_1 Nov. 44. Sulfadiazine Prophylaxis of Acute
MED 70 21 July 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on the Respiratory Diseases.
Molukken Islands and Islands in the Eastern Part of MED 113 7 Nov. 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on Borneo.
the Banda Sea. MED 114 9 Nov. 44. Immunization.
MED 71 28 July 44. Tuberculous Pleurisy with Effusion. MED 115 14 Nov. 44. Clinical Psychological Service in
MED 72 10 July 44. Treatment of Clinical Malaria and Army Hospitals. C 1 .
Malarial Parasitemia. MED 116 18 Nov. 44. Use, of War Wound Moulages in
MED 73 31 July 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on Yuga Teaching Emergency Medical Care and First Aid.
slavia, MED 117 Nov. 44. Electrical Requirements for X-ray Ap
MED 74 27 July 44. Electroencephalography : Operative paratus in the Field or in Temporary Installations.
Technique and Interpretation. MED 118 Nov. 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on Hainan.
MED 75 14 Oct. 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on the MED 119 Nov. 44. Bacillary Dysentery.
Lesser Sunda and Southwestern Islands. MED 120 Dec. 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on Sumatra.
MED 76 28 July 44. Neurological Diagnostic Techniques. MED 121 Dec. 44. Impregnation of Clothing with Insect
C 1.
MED 77 2 Aug. 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on Burma. MED 122Repellent
Dec. 44. ( Dimethyl Phthalatefor
Physical Therapy ) Amputees.
MED 78 4 Aug. 44. Taking of Blood Specimens. MED 123 Dec. 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on the
MED 79 5 Aug. 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on Eritrea. Azores.
MED 80 3 Aug. 44. Reconditioning Program for Neuro- MED 124 Dec. 44. Plague.
psychiatric Patients. C 1 . MED 125 Dec. 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on Corsica.
MED 81 4 Aug. 44. Trench Foot. C 1 . MED 126 Dec. 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on Palestine
MED 82 8 Aug. 44. Sand-Fly ( Pappataci, Phlebotomus ) and Trans-Jordan.
Fever. MED 127 Jan. 45. Preventive Maintenance Services for
MED 8 7 Aug. 44.Medical and Sanitary Data on the X-Ray Field Unit Generator. ( Item No. 9606000
Izu, Bonin, Kazan, and Marcus Islands. Onan Models No. OTC - 38 and OTC - 38S . )
MED 84 10 Aug. 44. Treatment Program for Psychiatric MED 128 Dec. 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on the Le
Patients in Station and General Hospitals. C 1 . vant States (Greater Syria ) .
MED 85 15 Aug. 44. Influenza Vaccine. MED 129 Jan. 45. Medical and Sanitary Data on the Gold
MED 86 18 Aug. 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on French Coast.
Indo-China. MED 130 Dec. 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on British
MED 87 23 Aug. 44. Data on Malaria Control. Somaliland.
MED 88 29 Aug. 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on Khaba MED 131 Jan. 45. Treatment of Respiratory Depression
rovsk Krai and Maritime Krai ( Far Eastern Ter and Asphyxia.
ritory) U. S. S. R. ( Excluding Kamchatka Oblast) . MED 132 Jan. 45. Medical and Sanitary Data on Italian
MED 89 2 Sept. 44. Pilonidal Cyst and Sinus. Somaliland.
MED 90 6 Sept. 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on Algeria. MED 133 Jan. 45. Suspension-Traction Treatment of Frac
MED 91 7 Sept. 44. Mounting Corrective Lenses in Weld tures .
er's Goggles. MED 134 Jan. 45. Data on Malaria Control.
MED 92 15 Sept. 44. Preparation of Part IX, Communi MED 135 Jan. 45. Function and Scope of Medical Depart
cable Diseases, of W.D., M.D. Form No. 86ab. ment Laboratories.
MED 93 16 Sept. 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on the MED 136 Jan. 45. Avoidance of Relapses of Vivax Malaria
Dodecanese Islands. by Use of Suppressive Medication.
MED 94 21 Sept. 44. Neuropsychiatry For General Medi MED 137 Jan. 45. Physical Reconditioning for Bed and
cal Officer. Ward Patients.
MED 95 27 Sept. 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on Brit MED' 138 Feb. 45. Cholera .
ish Malaya. MED 139 Feb. 45. Medical and Sanitary Data on Ostrova
MED 97 29 Sept. 44. Rheumatic Fever. Komandorskiye.
MED 98 3 Oct. 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on Tunisia . MED 140 Feb. 45. Medical and Sanitary Data on Hun.
MED 99 1 Oct. 44. Life of Photoroentgen Films. gary.
MED 100 4 Oct. 44. WAC Recruiting Station Neuropsy MED 141 Feb. 45. Nutritional Value and Characteris.
chiatric Examination. tics of Certain Expeditionary and Packaged Ra
MED 101 4 Oct. 44. Use of Bal in Oil and Bal Ointment tions .
in Treatment of Systemic Poisoning Caused by MED 142 Feb. 45. Filariasis ( Wuchereria ) with Special
Lewisite and Other Arsenical Blister Gases. Reference to Early Stages.
MED 102 10 Oct. 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on Java. MED 143 Feb. 45. Cutaneous Diphtheria.
MED 103 10 Oct. 44. Group Psychotherapy. MED 144 Apr. 45. Rodent Control.
MED 104 12 Oct. 44. Use of Bal in Oil for Treatment of MED 145 Feb. 45. Film Programs for Educational Re
Certain Severe Mapharsen Reactions. conditioning in Army Service Forces Hospitals.
MED 105 11 Oct. 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on the MED 146 Mar. 45. Medical and Sanitary Data on Pratas
Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Island .
MED 107 23 Oct. 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on Czecho MED 147 Mar. 45. Notes on Care of Battle Casualties.
slovakia. MED 148 Mar. 45. Instructions for Preparing and Mail
MED 108 24 Oct. 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on the ing Prosthetic Cases to Central Dental Laboratory .
Ryukyu Islands. MED 149 17 Mar. 45. Descriptive List of Drugs and
MED 109 28 Oct. 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on Ceylon. Chemicals in Far East CAD Units.
MED 110 25 Oct. 44. Use of DDT as Insecticide to Kill MED 150 Mar. 45. Medical and Sanitary Data on Sakha
Adult Mosquitoes . lin .
MED 111 3 Nov. 44. Medical and Sanitary Data on the MED 151 Mar. 45 . Surgical Management of Thermal
Marshall Islands. C 1 . Burns.

MEDICAL - Continued TB
MED 195 18 Aug. 45. The Army's Aural Rehabilitation
MED 152 Mar. 45. Medical and Sanitary Data on Paracel Program for the Deafened .
Islands. MED 196 20 Aug. 45. Management of Gonorrhea .
MED 153 Mar. 45. First Aid for Liquid Blister Gas Con- MED 198 20 Aug. 45. Management of Syphilis.
tamination of the Eye. MED 199 12 Sep. 45. Medical Museum and Arts Detach .
MED 154 Jun . 45. Psychiatrie Social Work. C 1. ments ( MM&AD ) .
MED 155 Apr. 45. Aphasic Language Disorders. C 1 . *MED 201 1 Oct. 45. Psychiatric Testimony Before Courts
MED 156 Jun . 45. Consultation Service. Martial.
MED. 157 Apr. 45. Chancroid, Lymphogranuloma Ve- * MED 202 15 Oct. 45. Allergy.
nereum , and Granuloma Inguinale. * MED 203 19 Oct. 45. Nomenclature and Method of Re
MED 158 May 45. Menopause. cording Diagnoses .
MED 159 May 45. Amebiasis. * MED 204 24 Oct. 45. Complications of Blood Transfu
MED 160 May 45. Medical and Sanitary Data on Japan. sion .
MED 161 May 45. . Control of Ringworm in Military * MED 205 1 Nov. 45. Leprosy .
Animals. * MED 206 3 Nov , 45. Infectious Hepatitis.
MED 162 May 45. Convalescent Care and Rehabilitation * MED 207 3 Nov. 45. Ward Officer and Reconditioning
of Patients with Spinal Cord Injuries. in ASF Hospital.
MED 163 May 45. Sanitary Control of Army Swimming * MED 208 6 Dec. 45. Medical and Sanitary Data on
Korea .
Pools and Swimming Areas. * MED 210 10 Dec. 45. Professional Rounds and Meetings
MED 164 Jun. 45. Malaria Control in the Army.
MED 165 Jun . 45. Medical and Sanitary Data on Spain in Hospitals.
( Exclusive of the Balearic and Canary Islands . ) * MED 211 13 Dec. 45. Lower Bearings for Leg Bath
MED 166 Jun, 45. Films for Reconditioning for Bed and and Arm Bath Manufactured by J. Beeber Co.
Ward Patients in ASF Hospitals. C 1 . ORDNANCE
MED 167 Jun. 45. Schistosomiasis Japonica.
MED 168 Jun. 45. Diabetes Mellitus, 9-205-5 27 Nov. 44. Trainer, Machine Gun , Caliber .30, T9.
9-223-1 5 Mar. 45. Mount, Machine Gun , Multiple, Gal. ,
MED 169 Jun. 45. Technique for Applying Gas Mask 50, M45 and M45C : Lubrication of Turret Ring
to a Helpless Patient. Gear Dust Shield Strip .
MED 170 Jun. 45. Medical Problems of Redeployment.
9-223-FEI 15 Mar. 45. Turret Type, Heavy Barrel Ma
MED 171 Jun . 45. Medical and Sanitary Data on South chine Gun Cal. .50, M2 : New Improved Type Sole
eastern China.
noid ( 12-Volt ) .
MED 172 Jun . 45. Treatment of Infectious Diseases with 9–226-10 4 Jan. 45. Adjustment of recoil and counter
Sulfonamide Drugs.
MED 173 8 Aug. 45. Massage in Physical Therapy. recoil springs on Caliber .50 AA Mount M3 for cali
ber .50 Heavy Barrel Machine gun .
* MED 174 Jul. 45. Medical and Sanitary Data on India .
MED 175 Jun. 45. Prevention and Treatment of Adverse 9-235-7 27 May 44. 37 -mm Antiaircraft Guns: Malfunction
Effects of Heat. of Equilibrator Springs.
MED 176 Jun. 45. Medical and Sanitary Data on Poland 9-235-8 6 June 44. Mount, Combination Gun , M54 and
and Danzig . Mount, Combination Gun , M54C.
MED 177 Jul . 45. Indications and Contraindications for 9-235-9 26 Sept. 44. Mount, Combination Gun , M42 , Ad
Keratoplasty and Keratectomies. justment of Machine Gun Foot Firing Mechanism
MED 178 Jul. 45. Medical and Sanitary Data on Italy. ( M3E1 ) .
MED 179 Jul. 45. Medical and Sanitary Data on Mozam 9-252-9 23 Jan. 45. 40-mm Automatic Gun M1 ( AA )
bique. and 40 - mm Gun Mount M3.
MED 180 Jul. 45. Medical Procedures to be Followed at 9-252 - FEI 19 May 45. Computing Sight M7A1 : Modifi
Reception Stations or Other Designated Facilities cation of Wing Screw When Used in Lieu of Bore
for Military Personnel Returning from Foreign Sighting Pin .
Duty. 9-252 - FE2 31 May 45. Modification of Oil Gear M3 To
MED 181 Jul. 45. Japanese B. Encephalitis. Prevent Damage to Flexible Shaft on Computing
MED 182 Jul. 45. Data on Malaria Control. Sight M7A1 when Mounted on 40-mm AA Gun
MED 183 Jul. 45. Visceral Leishmaniasis - Kala -azar. Carriages M2 and M2A1.
MED 184 Jul. 45. Disinfection Procedures. 9-252–10 . 16 Apr. 45. Sucaliber Mount, Cal. .50, M15.
MED 185 Jul. 45. Medical and Sanitary Data on the 9-303 - FEI 9 Nov. 44. Carriage, Gun, 57-mm, M2 ; Modi
Balearic Islands. fication of Sight Flap.
MED 186 Jul. 45. Moistureproofing and Fungiproofing 9-307-3 17 June 44. Stabilizer Circuit Tester, Operating
( Tropicalizing ) Medical Department Equipment. Instructions.
MED 187 26 Jul. 45. Musie ' in Reconditioning in ASF 9–307-4 27 July 44. Adjustment of Trigger of Cal. .30 Ma
Convalescent and General Hospitals. chine Gun , Mounted Coaxially in Combination Gun
MED 188 31 Jul . 45. Use of Projector AN /TFQ-5 For Mount M34A1 in Medium Tank M4 Series ( 75 -mm ) .
Implementing Film Program Outlined in TB 9–308–1 13 May 44. Gun, Subcaliber, 37 -mm , T34 ( For 76
MED 166 . mm Guns M1A1 and M1A2 on Gun Motor Carriage
MED 189 30 Jul. 45. Medical and Sanitary Data on the M18 ) .
Gilbert and Ellice Islands , Ocean Island, and Nauru . 9-314-1 6 Jul. 45. 75 -mm Rifle M20 .
MED 190 1 Aug. 45. Water Treatment in Areas Where 9-319-3 6 July 44. Blackout Light-System for 75-mm Ho
Amebiasis and Schistosomiasis are Hazards.
witzer Carriage M8.
MED 191 10 Aug. 45. Transportation and Storage of 9–320–1 24 July 44. Carriage, Howitzer, Pack, 75-mm, M1 ;
Unexposed Sensitized Materials. Changes in Requirements for Draft Equipment.
MED 192 11 Aug. 45. Medical and Sanitary Data on the 9-320–5 26 May 44. Howitzer, Pack, M1 , M1A1 ; Carriage,
Canary Islands . Howitzer, ( Pack ) , 75-mm, M1 ; and Carriage, Ho
MED 193 31 Aug. 45 Poliomyelitis . witzer, 75 -mm M3A2 and M3A3 : Lubrication In
MED 194 17 Aug. 45. DDT Insecticides and Their Uses. structions.

ORDNANCE — Continued TB
9-729-FE7 21 Jul . 45. Light Tank , M24 : Installation of a
9-333-1 9 Nov. 44. Trailer, Ammunition M10 : Substitu Remote Control Handle for Master Battery Switch .
tion of Tires. 9--731A - 14 4 Mar. 44. Talk , Medium, M4A1 : Towing Ca
ble Locks.
44. Howitzer, 8-Inch, M1 ; Carriage Ho
10 Aug.8-Inch,
9-335-4 witzer, M1 ; Limber, Carriage, Heavy, M2 9-731A-15 23 June 44. Tank, Medium, M4 and M4A1 :
and M5 : Lubrication Instructions. Instrument Panel Engine Hour Meter.
9-336-1 15 Mar. 44. Equivalent Service Rounds for 8-Inch 9-731G - 4 29 May 43. Carriage, Motor, 3-In. Gun, M10A1 ;
Gun M1 : Increase in Accuracy Life by Use of Re Interference Between The Rear Engine Compart
duced and Normal Charge. ment Door Bolts and The Engine Oil Gage Sending
9-370-2 9 Aug. 43. Mount, Gun, Antiaircraft, 90-mm, M1 Unit.
and M1A1 : Replacement of Covers. 9-731G-13 10 Feb. 44. Carriage, Motor, 3-Inch Gun,
9-370-3 28 Apr. 45. Telescope Mount M54 for 90-mm M10A1 Extension of Surge Tank Overflow Pipe.
Gun , M1 and M1A1 on AA Mount M1A1 . 9-732B-18 14 Aug. 44. Carriage, Motor, 75-mm. Howitzer,
9-372-2 18 Dec. 44 . 90- mm Gun and Mount M2 : Care and M8 : List of Equipment.
Preservation of Fuze Setter-Rammer M20. 9-732B-19 25 May 45. Carriage, Motor, 75-mm Howitzer,
9-585-1 6 July 44. Range Finder M7. M8 : Lubrication Instructions.
9-616-1 7 Dec. 44.Winterizing Kit mid for Generating 9–732–28 10 Feb. 44. Tank, Light, M5A1 : Emergency Igni
Unit M5. tion Switch .
9-659–1 16 Apr. 45. AA Director M5A2. 9-732-29 18 Sep. 44. Tanks, Light, M5 and M5A1, List of >

*9-659–2 9 Aug. 45. AA Director M5A3. Equipment.

9-705FE1 1 July 44. Car, Scout, M3A1 ; Installation of 9-734-1 15 Sept. 44. Tank, Medium, T23 ; List of Equip
Shoe Protector Plate. ment.
9-710-23 10 Jan. 44. Half-Track Vehicles ( White, Autocar, 9-735-1 10 Jul. 45. Heavy Tank T26E2 : Armament,
& Diamond T ) . Maintenance of Steering Arm and Sighting and Fire Control Equipment, and Am
Steering Spindle, Studs and Nuts. munition.
9-710-24 10 May 44. Half-Track Vehicles ( White, Autocar 9-735-FE1 12 Jul . 45. Heavy Tank M26 : Extension of
and Diamond T ) ; Replacement of Front Fender Gun Traveling Lock Lever.
Stowage Straps. 9-735-2 17 Jan. 45. Heavy Tank M26 , T26E2, and T26E5 :
9-710-25 16 May 44. Half-Track Vehicles ( White, Autocar Tightening Transmission Oil Line Connections .
& Diamond T ) : Trouble Shooting Piston Lock and 9-735-3 20 Jul. 45. Heavy Tank M26 : Proper Installa
Seizure. tion of Final Drive Oil Seal .
9-710-26 5 Sept. 44. Correct Torque Reading When Tight 9-738-2 6 Feb. 45. Vehicle , Tank Recovery, M32 Series :
ening Cylinder Head Cap Screws on Half-Track Ve Proper Operation of Winch .
hicles, (White, Autocar, and Diamond T ) . 9-738-3 31 Mar. 45. Vehicle, Tank Recovery, M32 Series :
9-710-27 18 Sept. 44. Half- Track Vehicles (White, Auto Instructions for Operating Fixed Fire Extinguisher
car, and Diamond T ) List of Equipment. 9-738-FEI 3 July 44. Vehicle, Tank Recovery, M32 Series :
9-710-28 22 Sept. 44. Half -track Vehicles ( White, Auto To Provide Clearance for Winch Cable .
car, and Diamond T ) :: Installation of Replacement 9-738-FE2 24 Apr. 45. Vehicle, Tank Recovery, M32 and
Engine Equipped with Radio Suppression. M32B1 : Elimination of Carbon Monoxide Gas
9-710A-20 27 May 43. Car, Half- Track , M2 : Location of Hazard .
Radio Mounting Holes. 9-738-FE3 15 May 45. Vehicle, Tank Recovery, M32
9-710-FEI 10 June 44. Carriage, Motor, Multiple Gun, Series : Elimination of Interference Between Boom
M16 : Enlarging Tarpaulin. of Recovery Vehicle and Turret of Towed Vehicle .
9-724-7 15 May 45 Tank, Light, M22 : Lubrication In 9–739–3 18 Aug. 44. Vehicle, Tank Recovery M31 ; List of
structions. Equipment .
9-727-5 14 Aug. 44. Tank, Light, M3A1 and M3A3 : List 9–743-FE1 23 Jun. 44. Car, Armored, Light, M8 ; Car,
of Equipment. Armored, Utility, M20 : Installation of Drain
9-729-1 5 Sept. 44. Tank, Light, M24 ; Change in Engine Troughs on Engine Compartment Cover .
Ignition Timing Procedure. 9–743-FE2 12 Jul . 45. Light Armored Car M8 and Ar
9-729-2 23 Nov. 44. Tank, light, M24 : Hydrostatic Lock. mored Utility Car M20 : Protection of Steering Col
9-729-3 19 Dec. 44. Tank, light M24 : List of Equipment. umn Against Entrance of Water.
9-729-4 14 Feb. 45. Tank Light, M24 : New Type Engine 9-743-5 23 May 44. Car, Armored , Light M8 ( T22E2 )
Carburetor Air Cleaner. ( Ford ) ; Car, Armored, Utility, M20 ; Replacement
9-729-5 24 Apr. 45. Tank , Light , M24 : Correct Adjust of Front Springs .
ment of Transmission Manual Control Linkage. 9-743-6 10 June 44. Car, Armored, Light, M8 : Use of
9-729-FE1 5 Oct. 44. Tank , Light M24 ( T24 ) ; Reinforce Telescope M54 with 37 -mm Gun M6 .
ment of Front Torsion Bar Cushion Stop Brackets. 9-743–7 26 Sept. 44. Car, Armored, Light M8 ; and Car,
9-729-FE2 7 Mar, 45. Tank , Light, M24 : Installation of Armored, Utility, M20 ; Periodic Inspection of Fly
Driver's and Assistant Driver's Door Lift Handles . wheel Bell Housing.
9-729-FE3 9 May 45. Tank, Light, M24 : Sealing Hull to 9-743-8 18 Jul . 45. Light Armored Car M8 and Armored
Prevent Water from Entering the Crew and Engine
Compartments. Utility Car M20 : Replacement of Oil Bayonet Gage
9-729-FE4 15 May 45. Tank, Light, M24 : Installation on Hercules JXD Engine.
of Auxiliary Carburetor Fuel Filter. 9-747-1 28 Jun. 45. 155 -mm Gun Motor Carriage, M40
9-729 - FE5 6 Jun . 45. Tank , Light, M24 : Installation of and 8 - Inch , Howitzer Motor Carriage, T89 ; Check
Gunner's Foot Rest. ing Transmission Oil Level.
9-729-6 12 Jun . 45. Tank , Light, M24 : Simplified Pro 9-750A-2 22 April 44. Carriage, Motor, 37-mm Gun, M6 :
cedure for Replacing Transmission Valve Body. Lubrication Instructions.
9-729 - FE6 28 Jun . 45. Light Tank, M24 : Installation of 9-751-4 16 Sept. 44. Carriage, Motor, 155-mm Gun, M12
Radio Suppression Equipment on Ignition System. and Carrier, Cargo, M30 ( T14 ) : List of Equipment.

ORDNANCE - Continued TB
TB 9-776-3 18 Aug. 44. Vehicle, landing, tracked, MK IV,
9-755-14 6 Feb. 45. Carriage, Motor, 76-MM Gun, M18 : LVT ( 4 ) List of Equipment .
Installation of Modified Gun Travel Lock Handle 9-786-1 7 May 15. Tractor, High- Speed , 13 - Ton M5A1 :
Catch 7020055. Additional Operating and Maintenance Instructions.
9-758 - FE1 10 Jan. 45. Carriage, motor, 90-mm Gun M36 9-786-FE1 2 Nov. 44. Tractor, High-Speed, 13 - Ton , M5 :
( 171 ) : Provisions for stowing Range Finder M9A1 Shearing of Cap Screws Connecting Fender Side
with carrying case M51. Sheets to Final Drives.
9-759-FE1 26 Sept. 44. Tank, Medium , M4A3 ( 75-mm 9–788–3 6 Jun 45. Tractor, High-Speed, 38-Ton , M6 :
Gun , Wet) : Improving accessibility of lubrication Oil Seal Cement.
fitting on clutch housing. 9-790A - 1. 13 July 44. 6-Ton Platform Trailer ( Athey ) ,
9-759-FE 2 29 Jan. 45. Tank, Medium, M4A3E2 : Modifi Models ES-451 and BT-898-4 , Modified .
cation of Inside Turret Hold- Down Belt. 9–795-4 13 Dec. 44. Truck , Wrecking, Heavy, Mi ( Ward
9-760-FE1 6 July 44. Trailer, Bomb, M5 : Interference of La France ) : List of Equipment.
Caster Wheels with Lunette Adjusting Handle. 9-795-5 17 Jul. 45. Heavy Wrecking Truck Mi ( Ward
9-760 -FE 2 30 Sept. 44. Trailer, bomb, M5 : Installation of La France Series 1 and 2, Kenworth Models 570
Bomb Hold-down U-Bolts. and 571 ) : Lubrication Instructions.
9-760 - FE3 17 Jul . 45. Bomb Trailer M5 : Reinforcement 9-801-FE1 20 Oct. 44. Truck, 242 - Ton , 6 X 6 , ( GMC
of Cradle on Bomb Handling Platform. CCKW-352 and 353 ) ; Relocation of Brake Hydrovac
9-765–1 2 Jan. 43. Bomb Service Truck M6 ( Chevrolet) ; Air Cleaner.
Bomb lift Truck M1 . 9-801 -FE 2 27 Mar. 45. Truck, 242 - Ton , 6 x 6, ( GMC
9–765 - FE1 29 Jun . 45. Bomb Service Truck M6 ( Chev Model CCKW-353 LWB ): Installation of Loading
rolet) : Preparation and Stowage of Standard Ve Aid Kit 7069664, for M55 Gun Mount.
hicle in One C - 47 - A or C - 46 - D Cargo Plane. 9-801 -FE 3 8 Jun. 45. Truck , 242 - Ton, 6 x 6 (GMC Model
9–765-2 12 Dec. 44. Truck, Bomb service, M6 : ( Chevrolet ) CCKW - 353 LWB ) : High Winch Base for M55 Gun
List of Equipment. Mount Loading Aid Kit.
9-766 - FEI 20 Jul. 45. Bomb Service Truck M27 : Elimina- 9-802-11 14 Feb. 45. Truck, 212 - Ton , 6 x 6 Amphibian
tion of Hoist Winch Propeller Shaft Failures. ( DUKW 353-006 to 4201 Inclusive :) Installation
9-766-2 4 Jun . 45. Truck, Bomb Service, M27 : Brake and Maintenance Instructions for Forward ( Black
Controller for Hydraulic Operation of Electric mer ) Bilge Pump.
Trailer Brakes. 9-802-FE1 27 Oct. 44. Truck, Amphibian, 212 - Ton 6 x 6
9-767-1 6 July 44 . Truck , Trailer, 40 - Ton Tank Trans ( GMC DUKW-353 ) : Emergency Field Maintenance.
porter, M25 : Replacement of Hot Rolled Steel Bead- 9-803–3 15 July 43. Truck, 14 -Ton , 4 x 4 ( Ford GPW ) ;
lock Stud with Chromium - Nickel Steel Stud. Alinement of Carburetor Air Cleaner Tube with
9-767 - FE1 10 Aug. 44. Semitrailer, M15 ( Component of Air Cleaner Outlet.
40-Ton Tank Transporter Truck Trailer M25 ) : Re- 9-803-5 18 Sept. 44. Truck, 14 - Ton 4 x 4 ( Willys and
moving Interference Between Sheave and Web of Ford ) Installing heavier front and rear Springs
Removable Roller Assembly. and longer spring clips.
9-767-2 26 Oct. 44. Truck, Trailer, 40-Ton Tank Trans- 9-803-6 23 Nov. 44. Truck, 14 - Ton , 4 x 4 ( Willys and
porter M25 ; Correct Winch Brake Operation and Ford ) : Inspection of Timing Chains and Sprockets.
Adjustment. 9-803-7 7 Feb. 45. Truck, 14 - Ton , 4 x 4 ( Ford, GPW ) :
9-771-FE1 30 Mar. 45. Crane, Truck-Mounted, M2 and New Type Valve Cover Studs .
Trailer, Clamshell M16 : Installation of Turntable 9-803-FE1 17 Aug. 44. Truck, 12 - Ton , 4 x 4 ( Willys and
Engine Fuel Filter Servicing Door. Ford ) ; Positive Crankcase Ventilation .
9-772-FE1 7 Sept. 44. Carrier, Cargo M29 and M29C ; 9-803 - FE 2 19 Oct. 44. Truck, 14 -Ton, 4 x 4 Willys MB,
Increasing Lubricant Capacity of Transmission . Ford GPW : Installation of Adjustable Tension-Type
9-772-FE3 9 Jan. 45. Carrier cargo, M29 : Conversion of Windshield Wiper.
15-inch track suspension to 20-inch Type Track Sus- 9-803-FE 3 19 Oct. 44. Truck, 14 - Ton , 4x4 : Improvised
pension. muffler.
9-772-FE4 30 Mar. 45. Carrier, Cargo, M29 and M29C : 9-803 - FE 5 15 Jan. 45 . Truck, 14-Ton , 4 x 4 ( Ford,
Installation of Lubricating Fittnigs on Bogie Wheel Willys ) : Differential Oil Seal Guard .
Support, Track Idler and Drive Wheel Hubs. 9-803-FE 6 23 Jan. 45. Truck, 12 - Ton , 4 x 4 ( Willys
9-772-FE5 8 May 45. Carrier, Cargo, M29 : Replacement Model MB and Ford Model GPW ) : Reinforcement
of 12-Volt Battery with Two 6-Volt Battries. of Drag Link Bell Crank.
9-772-FE6 14 Jun, 45. Cargo Carrier M29 and M29C : 9-803-FE 7 14 Feb. 45. Truck, 14 -Ton, 4 x 4 ( Willys
Reinforcement of Steering Levers and Repair of Model MB and Ford Model GPW ) : Reinforcement
Track Stabilizer ( Auxiliary ) Cable. of Rear Spring Bracket.
9–774–1 18 Aug. 44. Tractor, Snow, M7 ; List of Equip- 9–803-FE8 19 Apr. 45. Truck, 14 -Ton, 4 x 4 ( Willys
ment. MB and Ford GPW ) : Installation of Vacuum - Type
9–775–3 8 Mar. 44. Vehicle, Landing, Tracked, Unarmored , Windshield Wiper.
LVT ( A ) ( 2 ) :
Mk II LVT ( 2 ) and Armored Mk II 9--805-1 12 Dec. 44. Truck , 12-Ton , 4x4 ( Chevrolet ) :
Increased Gun Mount M35 , Armament. List of Equipment .
9–775–5 15 July 44. Vehicle, Landing, Tracked (Unar- 9-806–1 14 Dec. 44. Truck, 142 - Ton , 4 x 2 ( Ford ) : List of
mored ) 7, Mk II LVT ( 2 ) ; Rubber Self -Sealing Fuel Equipment.
Tanks. 9-807-3 8 Feb. 44. Truck, 242 - Ton , 6 x 6 , (Studebaker ) :
9-775–6 26 Sept. 44. Cold Weather Operation for Tracked Winterization Kit WKT-107.
Landing Vehicles . 9-807-4 28 June 44. Operating Instructions for 214 -Ton ,
9-775-8 14 Mar. 45 . Vehicle, Landing, Tracked (Ar 6 x 6 and 212- to 5-Ton, 6 x 4 Reo Truck .
mored ) , Mk I, LVT ( A ) ( 1 ) : List of Equipment. 9-807-5 13 Dec. 44. Truck , 2 /2 - Ton , 6 x 6 and 212 - Ton ,
9-776- FE1 Landing Vehicle, Tracked, Mk , IV ,
19 Jul. 45 . 6x4 ( Studebaker and Reo models US 6 and US 6 x
LVT ( 4 ) : Tow Hitch Protection Skids. 4 ) : List of Equipment.

ORDNANCE - Continued TB
9-818-4 29 Jan. 45. Truck, 10-Ton, 6 x 4 ( Mack Model
9–807-6 24 Apr. 45. Truck, 242 - Ton , 6 x 6 ( Studebaker NR ) : Replacement of Defective Four-Way Fuel
and Reo) : Lubrication Instructions. Valve.
9-808 - FE3 27 Jun . 45. Truck 34 - Ton , 4 x 4, Weapons 9-818 - FEI 29 Jan. 45. Truck, 10- Ton, 6 x 4 ( Mack Model
Carrier ( Dodge ) : Procedure for Preparation and NR ) : Correction of Oil Flow through Oil Filter
Stowage of Standard 3 -Ton Truck in one C-47A Bracket .
or C - 46D Plane. 9–820–1 13 Dec. 44. Truck, 4- to 5-Ton , 4 x 4, C. 0. E. Trac
9-808-4.1 May 44. Truck , 34 - Ton , 4 x 4 , Command Recon tor ( Federal 94 x 43C ) : List of Equipment.
naissance and Carry-All ( Dodge Model T214 Having 9-821-1 13 Dec. 44. Truck, 22 - Ton , 4x 2 ( Federal Models
12-Volt Electrical System ) ; Removal of Generator 2G, Dump and 3G, Telephone Maintenance ) : List of
Regulator Field Terminal Filter. Equipment.
9–808-5 15 July 44. Location & Installation of Ordnance 9-850–14 6 July 44. Recoil Oil ( Special ) Replacement For
Maintenance Sets A or B in 34 - Ton , 4 x 4, Truck, Recoil Oil ( Heavy ) .
Weapons Carrier. 9-850–16 30 Nov. 44. Use of Additives in Motor Fuels, En
9-808-6 12 Dec. 44. Truck, 34 - Ton, 4x4 ( Dodge T214 ) : gine Oils, and Gear Lubricants.
List of Equipment . 9-850-18 31 May 45. Degreasing of Small Arms.
9-808-7 28 Feb. 45. Truck, 34 - Ton ; 4 x 4, Weapons Car- 9-850–19 26 Jun. 45. Use of Liquid Lens Cleaning Soap
rier ( Dodge T214 Model WC51 ) ; Differences between and Anti- Fog Compound on Optical Instruments.
the 6- and 12-Volt Electrical Systems. * 9-850-20 18 Oct. 45 . Use of Water- Repellent Compound
9-808-8 , 22 Mar. 45. Truck, 34 - Ton , 4 x 4 ( Dodge T214 ) ; on
Periscope Windows, Windshields, Indicator
Transfer Case Noises . Windows , and Similar Exposed Glass Surfaces .
9-808-9 9 Apr. 45. Truck, 44 -Ton, 4 x 4 : Lubrication In- 9-876-1 20 Nov. 44. Scooter, Motor, 2-Wheel, Airborne
structions. ( Crushman Model 53 ) : Correct Tire Pressure.
9-808 - FI 29 Jan. 45. Truck, 34-Ton, 4 x 4 ( Dodge 9-879-2 10 June 44. Moforcycle, Solo , ( Harley - Davidson
T214 ) : Reinforcement of Frame Side Rail . Model WLA ) ; Installation of Front Wheel Hub
9-808 - FE 2 9 Apr. 45 , Truck, 34 - Ton , 4 x 4 Ambulance Cone, Grease Seal , and Dowels in Rear Wheel
( Dodge Model WC-54 ; T214 ) ; Reinforcement of At Sprockets.
tendant's Seat. 9-881-FE1 15 Feb. 45. Trailer, Generator, M18 : Instal
* 9-808 - FE3 27 Jun . 45. Truck, 34 - Ton , 4 x 4, weapons lation of Heavier Winch Cable.
carrier ( Dodge ) : Procedure for preparation and 9–883–1 3 Feb. 44. Trailer, 1-Ton Payload, 2-Wheel Cargo
stowage of standard 34 - Ton Truck in one C-47A or
C46D plane. and 250 -Gal. Water Tank : Correct Traveling Posi
9-811–2 13 Dec. 44. Truck, 4-Ton, 6 x 6 w / winch ( Diamond tion of Retractable Landing Wheel.
9-888-1 19 Feb. 45 . Semitrailer, 6- Ton Payload , 10-Ton
T models 970 cargo LWB, 968 cargo, SWB, 972 Gross, 2- Wheel ( 2 dt ) . Van : Lubrication Instruc
dump, 968 wrecker ) : List of Equipment. tions ,
9-811-3 15 May 45. Truck , 4- Ton, 6 x 6 ( Diamond T ) ; 9-1205-FE1 20 Apr. 45. Browning Machine Gun, Caliber
Lubrication Instructions. .30, M2, Aircraft ; Alternate Feed Bolt Assembly
9-811 -FE1 1 Mar. 45. Truck, 4-Ton , 6 x 6 , ( Diamond T ) : ( D28119 ) .
Reinforcement of Tandem Frame Bracket and Re 9-1205-FE 2 19 May 45. Preventing Loss of Traversing
placement of Loose Attaching Rivets. Slide Lock Lever Screw on Tripod Mount , Cal. .30,
9-812-2 27 June 44. Truck , 5-Ton , 4 x 2, Tractor ( Interna M2 .
tional Harvester Models H-542-9 and H-542-11 ) :
Correct Wiring of Trailer Light Socket..
9-1211-FE 1 22 Feb. 45. Browning Automatic Rifle, Cal.
.30, M1918A2 : Modification of Sear Spring B19662.
9–812–3 13 Dec. 44. Truck, 5-Ton, 4 x 2 , Tractor ( IHC ) 9-1211-FE2 16 Jul. 45. Browning Automatic Rifle, Cal.
models H-542–9 and H-542-11, Marmon -Herrington .30, M1918A2 : Correction of Thread Stripping in
model H-542–11 , and Kenworth model H-542–11 ) : Screw Hole in Inner Butte Plate Assembly.
List of Equipment. Mechanism M1 to AN- M1A1 Status .
9-813–1 16 May 44. Truck, 6-Ton , 6 x 6 ( White, Corbitt, 9-1225-24 26 Apr. 45 . Side Plate Clearance in Cal. .50
and Brockway ) ; Trouble Shooting Piston Lock and Machine Guns ( All Types ) .
Seizure. 9-1225–25 27 Jun . 45. Browning Machine Gun , Cal . .50,
9--813-2 20 May 44. Truck, 6-Ton, 6 x 6 ( Brockway Model M2 ( All Types ) : Overhaul Standards for Fifth
B666, White Model 666LWB and Corbitt Model Echelon Installations.
50SD-6 ) ; Defective Water Pump Grease Cups. 9–1227-FE1 14 Sept. 44. Feed Mechanism, 20-mm M1 ;
9-813–3 13 Dec. 44. Truck, 6-Ton, 6 x 6 Bridge erecting Corrections to be Applied.
( White ) : List of Equipment. 9-1227-FE 2 18 Jan. 45. Conversion of 20- MM Feed
9-813-FE-1 16 Sept. 44. Truck, 6-Ton, 6 x 6 ( Brockway ) 9–1235-5 28 Sept. 44. Mounts, Combination Gun, M54, Re
( w / Quickway Crane w /Winch ) ; Elimination of Air ducing Stoppages of Cal. .50 Machine Gun .
line Fractures on Storage Tanks. 9-1240-FE1 10 July 44 . Gun , Automatic, 37-mm, M4 :
9-814-2 28 Aug. 43. Truck, 742 - Ton , 6 x 6 Prime Mover Trunnion Block Bushing.
( Mack ) Operating Instructions. 9-1240-FE2 12 Jul . 45. 37-mm Automatic Guns M4 and
9-815-1 13 Dec. 44. Truck, 4-Ton, 4 x 4 cargo ( Four wheel M10 : Recuperator Filler Screw A25766.
drive HAR-1 ) : List of Equipment. 9-1245-4 17 Dec. 43 . Gun , AT,> 37 -mm , M3 and M3A1 :
9-817-1 13 Dec. 44. Truck, 5. to 6-Ton, 4 x 4, ponton, Erosion of Gun Tube.
Tractor ( Autocar model U-8144T ) : List of Equip- 9–1252- FE1 30 Nov. 44. Gun , Automatic , 40 -mm , M1
ment. ( A.A. ) : Modification of Cover, Gun Breech, Rear,
9-818-2 D50003 .
20 Oct. 44. Truck, 10- Ton , 6 x 4 (Mack Model NR ) :
Items to be Disassembled Periodically for Lubrica 9-1252-2 24 July 42. Carriage, 40-mm Gun, M2 ( AA ) :: re
tion by Ordnance Personnel. placement of Fafnir Bearing with SKF Bearing.
9-1252-4 15 Feb. 45. Computing Sights M7 and M7A1 :
9-818-3 13 Dec. 44. Truck , 10-Ton, 6x4 (Mack model Check and Adjustment of Indicator Gear Assembly
NR ) : List of Equipment. B269430 ( Slip Clutch ) .

ORDNANCE - Continued TB
TB 9-1341A - FE1 28 Dec. 44. Howitzer, 240-mm , M1 ; Gun,
9-1253–1 15 Dec. 42. Carriage, Gun, 40-mm, M1 and M2, 8-inch, M1 : Correction of malfunction of recoil mech
AA : Assembling Ball Bearing A22-4119. anisms M7 and M8,
9-1253 - FE1 11 Nov. 44. Carriage, Gun, 40 -mm , M1, M2 9-1341A-FE2 17 Feb. 45. Taper Bolts and Straight
and M2A1 ; Leveling Jack Caps. Bolts for Cradles and False Cradles of 240-MM
9-1260 - FE 2 15 Mar. 45. 60-mm Mortar Mounts M2 and Howitzer Carriage M1 and 8-Inch Gun Carriage M2.
M5 : Increase in Clamping Action of Sliding Bracket. 9-1345–2 28 June 44. Gun, 155 -mm , M1917, M1917A1 and
9-1260 - FE3 6 Apr. 45. Separating Components of Mor M1918M1 ; Carriage, Gun, 155-mm, M2 and M3 ;
tar Hanger M15. Lubrication Instructions.
9–1260 - FE4 14 May 45. Reinforcing Base Plate Ti for 9–1350-3 19 Jan. 44. Carriage, Gun, 155-mm, M1 and M1
60 -mm Mortar T18E6. A1, and Carriage, Howitzer, 8-In., M1 : Safety pre
9–1276–1 15 Jan. 45. Carbines, Cal. .30, M1 and M1A1: cautions to be Observed when Making Manometer
Misconception of Certain Features. Tests.
9-1303 - FE1 5 Mar. 45. 57-mm Gun Carriage M2 : Rein- 9-1350-4 29 July 44. Gun, 155-mm, M1 and M1A1 ; Car
forcement of Trail Caster Support.
9-1303 -FE2 16 Jun. 45. 57-mm Carriages M1A3 and M2 :
riage, Gun, 155-mm , M1; Howitzer, 8-Inch, M1;
Carriage, Howitzer , 8-Inch, M1 ; and Limber, Car
Addition of Thumb Grip Bracket for Trigger Firing. riage, Heavy , M2 and M5 : Ordnance Maintenance
9-1305-1 20. June 44. Gun, 75 -mm , M1897 and Modifica Lubrication Instructions.
tions ; Carriage, Gun, 75-mm, M1897A4, M2A1, 9-1350–5 29 July 44. Gun, 155 -mm , M1 and M1A1 ; Car
M2A2, M2A3 ; Lubrication Instructions. riage, Gun, 155 -mm , M1 ; Howitzer, 8-Inch, M1 ;
9-1308-1 4 July 44. Gun, 76-mm, M1A1, M1A2, M1A3 ; Carriage, Howitzer, 8 - Inch , M1 ; and Limber, Car
Mount, Gun, 76-mm, M1 ; Mount, Combination Gun, riage, Heavy, M2 and M5 : Noninterchangeability
M62 : Lubrication Instructions. of Lunettes.
9-1312-1 14 July 44. Mount, Gun, Airplane, 75-mm, M9 9-1350-7 16 Sept. 44 . Limber, Carriage, Heavy, M5 ; Oil
( T13E2 ) : Replenisher Guard Support. Grooves for additional Lubrication of Flanged
9–1312–2 2 Aug. 44. Mount, Gun, Airplane, 75-mm, M9 : Bushings, A7104562.
Counterrecoil Springs .
9-1318 - FET
* 9–1350–9 18 Sept. 45. Heavy Limber M5 : Elimination
1 Feb. 45. 75-mm Howitzer Mount M7 : Im
of Interference.
provised Handwheel Scale and Pointer. 9-1350-8 15 May 45. 155-mm Gun Carriage, M1 and
9-1322–1 23 Oct. 44. Gun 3-inch, M5 ; Carriage, Gun, 3 M1A1 ; 8-Inch Howitzer Carriage M1 : Replacement
inch M1 and M6 ; Lubrication Instructions. of Equilibrator Packings.
9-1322 - FE1 28 Dec. 44. Carriage, gun, 3 - inch, M6 : Fail- 9-1350-FE1 1 Jan. 45. Heavy Carriage Limber M5 : Modi
ure of loop A7114676. fication of Trail Clamping Bracket.
9-1326-1 10 Apr. 45. Nitrogen Pressure Variation in Re 9-1360-1 17 Mar. 44 . Gun, Antiaircraft, 3 - Inch , M3 ;
coil Mechanisms M13 , M13B1, and M14 .
9-1326 - FE1 19 Apr. 45. Correcting Self-Elevation Ten
Mount, Gun , Antiaircraft, 3-Inch, M2A2 ( Mobile ) :
Lubrication Instructions.
dency of 105 -mm Howitzer Carriages M3, M3A1 ,
M3A2. 9-1370A-2 18 Jan. 45. Spring Rammer M8A1 for 90-mm
9-1331-2 29 June 44. 155-mm Howitzer M1 ; 4.5-Inch Gun Guns M1 and M1A1 : Rendering Spring Rammer
M1 and Carriages M1 and M1A1 : Staking Screws Inoperative
9-1372A-FE1 1 March . 45. 90-MM Antiaircraft Mount M2 :
Eliminating Restrictions in Traversing When Em
9-1331-3 4 Sept. 44. Carriage, Howitzer, 155-mm, M1 and placed on Excessively Sloping Terrain .
M1A1 ; Repair of slide fastener on over-all cover 9-1372B-1 8 Mar. 45. 90- MM Gun, M2 : Maintenance In
M99 .
structions for Combination aze Setter - Rammer
9-1331-4 22 Sept. 44. Carriage, Howitzer, 155 -mm , M1, M20, Amplifier M1A1, and Motor Drive M2A1 .
M1A1 ; Carriage, Gun, 4.5-in, M1 and M1A1 ; re- 9–1372B-FE-1 27 July 44. Combination Fuze Setter-Ram
placement of Broken Wheel Spindles. mer M20.
9-1331-5 19 Oct. 44. Carriage, Howitzer , 155-mm, M1 and * 9-1372B -2 29 Aug. 45. 90-mm Antiaircraft Gun Mount
M1A1 Carriage , Gun, 4.5 inch, M1 and M1A1 ; Re M2 : Substitution of Cables in Amplifier M1A1 ,
placement of Seal Between the Top and Bottom 9–1372B-FE 2 16 Dec. 44. Combination Fuze Setter -Ram
Carriage. mer M20 : Prevention of Rust in Transmission As
9-1331-6 7. Dec. 44. Carriage, Howitzer, 155-mm, M1 and sembly.
M1A1 ; Carriage, Gun, 4.5 -Inch , M1 and M1A1 : Cor- 9-1421-1 29 June 44. Gun, 3-Inch ( 15 PDR ) , M1902M1,
recting Breakage of Screws BCOX1.1AC on Elevat · M1903 ; Carriage Barbette, 3-Inch ( 15 PDR ) , M1902,
ing Mechanism Housing Covers. M1903 ; Lubrication Instructions.
* 9–1331–7 4 Sept. 45. Elimination of Self- Elevation of 9-1426-1 16 Mar. 44. Gun, 6-In., M1903 ; Carriage, Dis
155-mm Howitzer Carriages M1A1 and M1A2. appearing, 6-In ., M1903 Lubrication Instructions.
* 9–1331-8 5 Sept. 45. Installation of Stop B222791 To 9-1442-1 16 Mar. 44 . Gun, 8-In., M1888, M1888MI, and
Recoil Mechanisms M6 when used on Howitzer M1888MII : Carriage Barbette, 8-In., M1918 on Car,
Mount M14 ( T19 ) . Railway, M1918 MI ; and Gun 8-In., Mk VI, M3A2 ;
9-1331-FE1 30 Sept. 44. Gun, 4.5-in., M1 and Howitzer, Carriage Barbette, 8-In., M1 : Lubrication Instruc
155 -mm M1 ; Failure of Safety Latch Plunger. tions.
9-1331 - FE 2 6 Nov , 44. Elimination of Galling of Bush- 9–1451-1 27 July 44. Gun, 12 -Inch , M1895, M1895A1 ,
ings A 187204 and A 186272 used on the Firing Jack. M1895A2, M1895A3, M1895A4, M1895M1 , M1895
9-1334-1 1 Feb. 45. Stabilizers : Installation and Servic M1A1 , M1895M1A2 , M1895M1A3 , M1895M1A4 : Car
ing of Fuel and Oil Tube Fittings (Safety - Type .) riage, Barbette, 12-Inch, M1917 ; Power Unit for
9-1341A-1 30 Mar. 45. 240-mm Howitzer Carriage M1 12-Inch Gun Emplacement, Lubrication Instructions.
and 8-Inch Gun Carriage M2 : Drainage Holes in 9-1463-1 16 Mar. 44. Gun , 8-In ., Mk, VI , M3A2 ; Mount,
False Cradle for Cap Screws. Railway, Gun, 8-In., M1A1 : Lubrication Instructions.

ORDNANCE - Continued TB
TB 9-1727K - 1 30 Aug. 43. Tank, Light, M3A1, and M3A3 ;;
9-1618–1 28 June 44, Generating Unit M7A1 and M15A1 : Ordnance Maintenance , Oilgear Hydraulic Travers
Voltage Regulator M1 . ing Mechanism.
9–1618–2 24 Aug. 44. Unit Generating, M7 : Malfunction 9–1727K - 3 6 Mar. 44. Pump Motor (Westinghouse ) for
of Governor Throttle Valves. Light Tank, M3 and M5 Series, Hydraulic Travers
9-1659-3 11 Sept. 44. Directors M5, M5A1 , and M6 ; Cor ing Mechanism ( Oilgear) .
rection in rundown time for the 40-mm gun . 9–1728 - FE1 29 Jun . 45. Landing Vehicle, Tracked , LVT
9–1671A - 2 20 Nov. 44. Cable System M7 (Used to Inter (A ) ( 1 ) , LVT ( 2) , LVT (A ) ( 2 ) , LVT (4 ) , LVT
connect Units of M9 and M10 Type Directors) ; Ex ( A ) ( 4 ) : Conversion of Light Tank M2 and M3
cessive Heating of Plugs and Receptacles. Series Transmission Assemblies to ' LVT Trans
9-1671A - 3 29 Mar. 45. Resistor Kit for Directors M9 and mission Assemblies.
M10. 9-17316-3 3 Mar. 44. Pump Motor (Westinghouse ) for
*9–1671D-1 29 Aug. 45. Director M9A2 : Rate Circuits. Medium Tank T23, T25, T26 and Medium Tank M4
9–1707A - 2 17 Mar. 45. Fits, Tolerances, and Wear Limits Series, Hydraulic Traversing Mechanism ( Oilgear) .
for International Model Red - 450 - B Engine. 9–1732A - 3 13 Aug. 43. Tanks, Light, M5, M5A1, Carriage,
9–1709–2 2 Aug. 43. Car, Scout, M3A1, Elimination of In Motor, 75 -mm Howitzer, M8 ; Flywheel-to- Crank
terference between radio mast and universal joints. shaft Gasket.
9-1710-3 4 Nov. 42. Half- Track Vehicles ; Gear Adjust 9-1735A-1 28 Feb. 45. Tank, Heavy, T26E3 ; Preliminary
ment on Power Take -Off For Front Winch . Maintenance Instructions for Power Train .
9-1710C - 3 14 April 43. Car, Half- Track, M2 ; Carriage, 9–1743–1 1 Nov. 44. Car Armored, Light, M8, and Car
Motor, 75-mm Gun, M3 Carriage, Motor, 75-mm Armored , Utility, M20, Adjustment and Mainten
Howitzer, T30, Carriage Motor, 105-mm Howitzer, ance of Steering Gears.
T-19, Carrier, 81-mm Mortar, Half-Track, M4 Car 9-1743-FE1 19 Jan. 45. Car, Armored, Light, M8 ; Car,
rier, Personnel, Half-Track, M3 ; Bogie Volute Armored, Utility, M20 : Anchoring Fan Belt Pulley
Springs. on Generator Shaft.
9-1711-1 27 June 42. Half-Track Vehicles ; Clutch Main 9-1750G - 5 14 Sept. 43 . Tanks, Medium , M3A3, M3A5,
tenance and adjustment. M4A2 : Carriage, Motor, 3-In. Gun, M10 Vehicles,
9–1711-5 13 Mar. 44. Engine, 160AX, White ( White, Dia Tank Recovery, T2 ( Diesel ) : Proper Backlash Be
mond T and Autocar Half-Track Vehicles ) : Engine tween Oil Pump Driven Gear and Idler Gear GM
Oil Pressure. Model 6046, Twin Diesel Engines.
9-1750G - 6 20 Sept. 44. Tanks, Medium , M3A3, M3A5,
9-1711-6 17 Mar. 44. Half - Track Vehicles (White, Auto M4A2 ; Carriage, Motor, 3-Inch Gun, M10 ; Vehicle,
car and Diamond T ) : Reboring Cylinders.
9-1711-7 5 Mar. 45. Fits, Tolerances and Wear Limits
Tank Recovery, T2 ( M31 ) Types of Injectors Used
for White Model 160AX Engine.
in Model 6046 Twin 6-Cylinder, G.M. Diesel Engine.
9-1711-FET 5 Mar. 45. Half-Track Vehicles, (White 9–1750G - 7 17 Mar. 45. Fits , Tolerances, and Wear Limits
Autocar and Diamond T ) : Installation of Radio In for GMC Series 71 Model 6046 Twin Diesel Engine,
terference Suppression on Engine Assembly E3832. 9–1750K-2 27 July 44. Tank, Medium, M4 and Modifica
9-1711 - FE2 14 Mar. 45 . Half - Track Vehicles ( White, tions : Horizontal Volute Suspension .
Autocar, and Diamond T ) : Valve Lifter Remover 9-1751-20 6 Oct. 44. Engine, Continental, R-975-C1, In
and Replacer Tool. terference of Rocker Box Covers.
9–1724A - 1 19 Apr. 45. Fits, Tolerances, and Wear Limits 9-1751-21 26 Oct. 44. 9 -Cylinder, Radial, Gasoline Engine
for Lycoming Model 0-435-T Engine. ( Continental R975-CI ) : Table of Limits.
9-1725-22 7 April 44. Ordnance Engine Model R975-C4 : 9–1751-22 12 Dec. 44. 9 - cylinder, radial , gasoline engine
Correct Magneto Timing. ( Continental R975-C1 ) : Correct limits for cylinder
9-1726–7 24 May 24. Engine, Continental Model W670 barrel bore ( straight barrel cylinder ).
9A : New Chrome Plated Piston Ring and Piston 9–1760–3 24 Mar. 42. Trailer, Bomb, M5 ; Installation of
Ring Combinations. new type of yoke assembly.
9–1727B-1 25 May 44. Tank, Light, M5 and M5A1 ; Car- 9–1765A-1 28 Nov. 44. Truck, 122 -Ton, 4x4 ( Chevrolet ) :
riage, Motor, 75-mm Howitzer, M8 ; Setting of Start Change in steering knuckle trunnion bearing ad
er Solenoid Relay Points, justment.
9-1727C - 1 18 Jan. 43. Tank, Light, M5 and M5A1 and 9-1765B - 1 16 Nov. 44. Truck, 112 - Ton, 4 x 4 ( Chevrolet ) :
Carriage Motor, 75-mm Howitzer, M8 ; Hole in Torus Change in Electrical System .
Hubs. 9-1765B-2 1 Mar. 45. Fits, Tolerances, and Wear Limits
9–1727C - 3 13 Feb. 43. Tank , Light, M5, M5A1, and Car for Chevrolet Model BV Engine.
riage, Motor, 75-mm Howitzer, M8 ; Rear Unit Gears 9-1767A-1 17 Mar. 45. Fits , Tolerances, and Wear Limits
in Hydra-Matic Transmission, for Hall- Scott Model 440 Engine.
9–1727C - 4 17 May 43. Tanks, Light, M5, M5A1 , Carriage 9-1767A-FE1 2 Sept. 44. Truck Tractor, M26 ; Improved
Motor, 75 -mm , Howitzer, M8 ; Transmission Manual Carburetion .
Control Shaft Gasket. 9-1772A-1 17 Mar. 45. Fits, Tolerances, and Wear Limits
9-1727D - 4 3 July 43. Tanks, Light, M5 and M5A1 ; Car for Studebaker Model 6–170 Engine.
riage Motor, 75-mm Howitzer, M8 ; Transfer Unit 9–1775–1 24 Apr. 45. Vehicle, Landing, Tracked, LVT
Reverse Servo . ( A ) ( 1 ) , LVT ( 2) ; LVT ( A ) ( 2 ) ; LVT (4) and
9-1727D-5 21 July 43 . Tanks, Light, M5, M5A1 ; Car LVT (A ) ( 4 ) : Correct Installation Bilge Pump
riage Motor, 75 -mm Howitzer , M8 ; Removing Trans Bearings.
fer Unit Bands-Unit in Vehicles. 9–1785A-1 28 Feb. 45. Fits , Tolerances and Wear Limits
9-1727E-1 6 Jan. 44. Tank, Light, M5 and M5A1 ; Car for Waukesha 145GZ Engines.
riage Motor, 75-mm Howitzer, M8 : Differential Ring 9–1785B-1 23 Dec. 43. Tractor, High Speed , 18-Ton, M4
Gear and Pinion Backlash. ( Allis- Chalmers ) : Plugging Heater Fuel Outlets.

ORDNANCE - Continued TB
TB 9–1832A - 2 26 Feb. 45. Fits, Tolerances, and Wear Limits
9-1785B - 2 29 July 44. Tractor, High Speed, 18 - Ton , M4 for the Hercules RXB, RXC, HXD, HXC, and JXD >

Engine s.
( Allis-Chalmers ) : Replacement of Welded Type
Trailing Idler Wheel with Cast Steel Trailing Idler 9-1834A -FE1 5 Mar. 45. Brake Drum Reconditioning
Wheel. Fixtures for 10 - Inch Lathes.
9–1785B-FE1 13 Feb. 45. Tractor, High - Speed, 18-Ton, 9–1868–1 26 Feb. 44. Instructions Governing Classification
M4 : Emergency Transmission on Repair after Fail Marking and Disposition of unserviceable Tires and
ure of Over-Running Clutch. Inspection of Reconditioned Tires.
9-1786A - 2 17 Mar. 45. Fits, Tolerances, and Wear Limits 9–1868-2 25 April 44. Instructions Governing Inspection,
for Continental R6572 Engine. Classification and Disposition of Unserviceable Tire
9-1786A-FE1 13 Feb. 45. Tractor, High -Speed, 13-Ton, Flaps.
M5 : Replacement of Lubricator Tube to Prevent 9–1868–3 26 Jan. 45. Instructions Governing Care, Main
failure of Clutch Release Bearing. tenance, and Repair of Curing Tubes and Bags
9-1795B - 2 24 May 45. Fits, Tolerances, and Wear Limits 9–1879–1 4 Jan. 45. . Motorcycle, solo ( Harley-Davidson
for Continental Model 22R Engine. Model WLA ) : New type left crankcase sprocket
9-1801-1 24 June 44. Truck , 212 -Ton, 6 x 6, Cab -Over shaft bearing bushing assembly.
Engine ( GMC AFKWX-353 ) . 9-1900-13 22 April 43. Inspection of Submarine Mine
9-1801-2 9 Oct. 44. Location and Installation of Ordnance Explosives.
Maintenance Set “ L ” in 244 - Ton , 6x6 Truck , 144 -inch 9–1900–19 5 Aug. 44. Ammunition, General : Storage of
wood or steel cargo body ( GMC) . Dummy or Inert Ammunition.
9-1801-3 26 Oct. 44. Location and Installation of Ordnance 9–1901-4 4 Sep. 44. Precautions to be Observed in Firing
Maintenance Set " K " in 24 -Ton. 6x6 Truck, 144 .: The M48, M51 , M54, M55 , and M57 Series Fuzes in
Inch Wood or Steel Cargo Body ( GMC MODEL the Rain.
CCKW - 353 ). 9–1901–5 17 Oct. 44. Fuze, P.D., M51A4, with Booster De
9-1801-4 6 Nov. 44. Location and Installation of Ordnance signed to reduce Duds.
Maintenance Set “ H ” in 242 - Ton, 6x6 Truck 144- 9-1901-6 26 Dec. 44. Ammunition interchangeability .
Inch Wood or Steel Cargo Body ( GMC ) . 9-1901–7 28 Dec. 44. Fuze, CP, M78, and Booster M25.
9-1801-5 9 Nov. 44. Location and Installation of Ordnance 9-1901-8 28 Feb. 45. Artillery Shell for VT Fuzes.
Maintenance Set " G " in 242 - Ton , 6x6 Truck , 144- 9–1901-9 15 Mar. 45. Identification of Fuze, CP, M78,
Inch Wood or Steel Cargo Body ( GMC ) . Nondelay.
9-1802A - 1 1 Mar. 45. Fits, Tolerance, and Wear Limits 9-1901-10 21 Jun. 45. Modification of Fin on 81 -mm Mor
for GMC Model " 270 " Engine. tar Training Shell M68 and 60-mm Mortar Training
9-1803A - 1 20 June 44. Truck , 14 - Ton , 4 x 4 (Willys - Over Shell M69.
land Model MB and Ford Model GPW ) : Correct In 9–1901-11 22 Jun. 45. Illuminating Shell T16 for 105-mm
Howitzer M2A1 and M4.
stallation of Connecting Rod and Piston Assemblies.
9–1803A - 2 26 Feb. 45. Fits, Tolerances, and Wear Limits 9–1904–1 12 Mar. 45. Purpose and Limitations of TM 9
for Willys- Overland MB Engine. 1904, Ammunition Inspection Guide.
9-1803B-FEI 29 Jan. 45. Truck, 24 - Ton , 4 x 4 ( Ford 9-1905-1 7 Dec. 44. Repair of W.P. loaded Ammunition .
Model GPW and Willys Model MB ) : Transmission 9–1940–6 25 Mar. 44. Charge, Demolition, Shaped , 40-lb.,
Mainshaft Holding Fixture. T3.
9-1807-1 27 June 44. Ordnance Maintenance Instructions 9–1940-7 20 Apr. 44. Fuze, Mine, Antipersonnel, M2A1
for 242 - Ton, 6 x 6 and 242- to 5-Ton, 6 x 4 Reo and M3A1.
Truck . 9-1940-8 17 Aug. 44. Safety Precautions to be Observed
in Testing Fuzes, Mine, Anti- Personnel, M2 and M3.
9–1808A-1 26 Feb. 45. Fits, Tolerances , and Water Limits
for Dodge T214 and T223 Engines. 9–1940-9 11 Sept. 44. Charge, Shaped , 10-1b. M1, M2,
9-1808 B - 1 13 Feb. 45. Truck, 34 - Ton , 4 X 4 ( Dodge ) : M2A1 , and Charge, Shaped , 15-1b, M2A3.
Conversion of 894 -Inch Drive Gear Carrier Assembly 9-1940–10 . 19 Apr, 45. Activator M1 : Precautions Against
to 956 - Inch Assembly and the Two - Pinion Type Dif. Misfires.
ferential to the Four-Pinion Type. 9–1975-2 23 Dec. 42. Mine, Aircraft, MK.13 (Navy ).
9–1808B-2 29 Mar. 45. Truck , 34 - Ton, 4 x 4, WC 64 KD , 9–1975–3 25 Feb. 44. Mine, Aircraft, 1,000-1b. AN-MK.
Ambulance (Dodge T214) : Monroe Telescopic Shock 26-MOD. 1 .
Absorber. 9-1980-28 10 July 44. Cluster, Fragmentation Bomb, 100
9–1814B - 2 6 Jan. 44. Truck , 742 - Ton , 6 x 6 Prime Mover 1b . M28 ( 110 ) ,
( Mack ) : Improved Transfer Case and Front Drive 9-1980-29 15 July 44. Change in Design of 20-lb. and 23
Shifter Shaft Ball Spring. Ib. Bombs ( Fragmentation and Practice ) ; to Per
9-1815A-1 23 Apr. 45. Fits, Tolerances, and Wear Limits mit Shipment Unfuzed.
for Waukesha Model 6RZ Engine. 9-1980–30 22 July 44. Fuze, Bomb, M139 ( Nose ) ; Fuze,
9–1818A-1 23 Apr. 45. Fits, Tolerances, and Wear Limits Bomb, M140 (Nose ) .
for Mack Model ED Engine. 9-1980-33 22 Sept. 44. Adapter - Booster M117.
9-1980–34 2 Dec. 44. Fuze, Bomb, M149 ( Nose ) .
9-1823-FEI 30 Oct. 44. Truck, 5-Ton, 4x2, (IHC Model 9–1980-35 4 Jan. 45. Bomb, fragmentation, 120-1b ., M86.
KR-11) ; Oil Leak from Rear Axle into the right 9-1980-36 7 Feb. 45. Mechanical Time Bomb Fuzes .
rear hub.
9-1980-37 15 Feb. 45. Fuze, Bomb ( Nose ) , M148 and
9-1826C-1 27 Dec. 44. Zenith carburetors : Trouble shoot Bar, Suspension, Mi.
ing. 100-lb. Fragmentation Bomb Clus
9-1980-38 19 Feb. 45.
9-1832A-1 5 Sept. 44. Hercules Engine Model JXD ; Oil ter M28A1.
Leak at Water Jacket Inlet Elbow . 9-1980-39 21 Feb. 45. Nose Bomb Fuzes, AN-M103A1 ,
9-1832A - FE - 1 5 Sep. 44. Hercules Engines Models RXC M139A1 , and M140A1 .
and RXB ; Failure of Engine Oil Pump Main Dis- 9-1980–40 21 Feb. 45. Spotting Charge M5 for 100-Pound
charge Pipe Assembly. Practice Bomb M38A2.

ORDNANCE - Continued TB
TB 9-2830-23 25 Jan. 44. Reclamation of Oil Pump Gear.
9-1980–41 22 Feb. 45. Antiricochet Devices M16 and M17 . 9-2830-24 25 Jan. 44. Reclamation of Light Tank Idler
9-1980–42 5 Mar. 45. 100-1b. Target Identification Smoke Wheel, D34910.
Bomb T8. 9-2830-25 25 Jan. 44. Reclamation of Water Pumps Hav
9–1980-43 14 Mar. 45. 100-Pound Quick-Opening Incen ing a Defective Water Seal Washer Seat.
diary Cluster E31 . 9-2830–26 25 Jan. 44. Reclamation of Chevrolet and GMC
9–1980–44 21 Mar. 45. Incendiary Bomb Aimable Cluster .
Hub Adjusting Nut and Oil Seal Assemblies 360091.
AN-M14 . 9-2830-27 25 Jan. 44. Reclamation of Broken M3 and M4
9–1980-45 26 Mar. 45. Conversion Kit for Converting 20 Medium Tank Traversing Sliding Gear Shift Shafts.
lb. Fragmentation Bombs AN-M41 to Parachute 9-2830-28 25 Jan. 44. Reclamation of Unserviceable Fan
Type Bomb for Single Suspension or for Use in Belts.
Cluster AN-M4A1 .
9–1980–46 29 Mar. 45. Cluster Adapter M22. 9-2830–30 14 Jan. 44. Reclamation of Engine Cylinder
Block , Flywheel Housing and Cylinder Head by
9–1980–47 5 Apr. 45. Fragmentation Bomb Cluster, M26 “ Cold Weld " Process.
( T4E4, Modified ).
9-2830-31 25 Jan. 44. Reclamation of Bent Dodge Crank
9–1980–48 11 Apr. 45. Tail Bomb Fuzes M160, M161 , shaft Pulley .
and M162 and Nose Bomb Fuzes M163 and M164 ,
and M165. 9-2830-32 25 Jan. 44. Conversion of 1934 through 1939
9-1980–49 24 Apr. 45. Primer-Detonator M14, 0.24- SEC Dodge 112 - Ton Transmission to 1941 and 1942 (Mod
Delay. els T202, T207, T211, and T215 ) Dodge 12 - Ton
9-1980-50 7 May 45. 100-1b. Fragmentation Bomb Cluster
M28A2 and 500-lb. Fragmentation Bomb Cluster 9-2830-33 25 Jan. 44. Reclamation of Flywheel Ring Gears.
M29A1 . 9-2830–34 25 Jan. 44. Reclamation of Medium Tank Tur
9-1980-51 17 May 45. 10-Pound Incendiary Bomb M74 . ret Lock Bolts.
9-1980-52 19 May 45. Nose Bomb Fuze M170. 9-2830–35 25 Jan. 44. Reclamation of D. C. Ammeters.
9-1980-53 29 May 45. 100-Pound Target Identification 9-2830–37 25 Jan. 44. Reclamation of Glove Compartment
Bomb M84A1 , and 250-Pound Target Identification Doors on GMC and Chevrolet Vehicles.
Bombs M89, M90 and M98. 9-2830–38 8 Feb. 44. Reclamation of Automotive Fuel
9-1980-54 6 Jun . 45. Fuzes for Fragmentation Bomb Tank Float Units.
Clusters of the M28 and M29 Series. 9-2830-39 8 Feb. 44 . Reclamation of Worn and Unmatched
9-1981-1 24 Jan. 45 . Signals, Aircraft, Smoke, T43 Ring Gears and Pinions for GMC 212 -Ton , Ford 112
through 147. Ton and Dodge 112 - Ton Trucks.
9-1981-2 22 Feb. 45. Flash and Sound Signal M74 . 9-2830-40 8 Feb. 44. Reclamation of Ford, Model GPW,
9-1981–3 17 Mar. 45. Two- Star Red Distress Signal M75. and Willys, Model MB , 14 - Ton Truck, Right and
9-1981-4 19 Mar. 45. High- Burst Ranging Ground Signal Left Hand Steering Knuckles.
M27A1B1 . 9-2830–43 8 Feb. 44. Reclamation of Governor Speed Con
9-1981–5 9 Jul. 45. Smoke Ground Signals T38E1 through trol Lever G-5156 ( Continental Radial Engine W
T42E1 . 670-9A ) .
9-1985-2 26 Jan. 44. Rifle Projection of 60-mm Mortar 9-2830–44 8 Feb. 44. Reclamation of Loose Bearing Race
Shell. Seats, Recesses, Press Fit Shafts and Similar Items.
9-1985 - FE1 12 Oct. 44. Grenade, Rifle, Practice, M11A2 ; 9–2830–45 8 Feb. 44. Reclamation of Bent, Centerless Steer
Method of Increasing Serviceability. ing Gears and Shafts for Chevrolet, Dodge, Ford
9-1990-8 30 Nov. 43. Small Arms Ammunition ; Caliber ( GPW ) , GMC, and Willys ( MB ) Trucks.
.30 and .50 . 9-2830–46 8 Feb. 44. Reclamation of Thermoelectric Type
9-2682-1 1 Jan. 42. Board , Spotting, M3. D. C. Voltmeters.
9-2800-1 26 Feb. 45. Official Vehicular Shipping Weights. 9-2830-47 8 Feb. 44. Expediting Deflation of Pneumatic
9-2830–11 12 Jan. 44. Reclamation of AC High Tension Inner Tubes for Reclamation Inspection .
Wires for Use as Ordnance Ignition Cable. 9-2830–48 19 Feb. 44. Reclamation of Half-Track (White,
9-2830-12 20 Jan. 44. Reclamation of Temperature Gage. Autocar and Diamond T ) Bogie Hubs.
9-2830-13 1 Jan. 44. Reclamation of Brake Camshaft for 9-2830–49 19 Feb. 44. Reclamation of High Pressure Grease
Air Brakes. Hose with Faulty Connections.
9-2830-14 25 Jan. 44. Reclamation of Dodge 12 -Ton Truck 9-2830-50 28 Feb. 44. Reclamation of Medium Tank Idler
Front Axle Bendix-Weiss Universal Drive. Wheels D37916.
9-2830-15 13 Jan. 44. Reclamation of Distributor Points. 9-2830-51 28 Feb. 44. Reclamation of GMC Steam Release
9-2830-16 12 Jan. 44. Reclamation of Tank Track Wedge Tube with Nut 143525 and Connector 187715.
Bolt with Dam ed Thread or Swelled End. 9-2830-53 6 May 44. Reclamation of Sealed Type Monroe
9-2830-17 12 Jan. 44. Conversion of Chevrolet Universal Shock Absorbers.
Joint Cross 3660990 for Use as Dodge Universal 9-2830-54 6 May 44. Reclamation of Hack Saw Frames.
Cross 575946. 9-2830-55 6 May 44. Reclamation of Broken Glass, Sal
9-2830-18 12 Jan. 44. Reclamation of 1938-1942 Chevrolet vaged From One -Piece Type Windshields and Con
Starting Motor ; Brush Holder Frame 818248. version of One- Piece Windshield Frame to Two
9-2830-19 12 Jan. 44. Reclamation of Oil and Grease Seals. Piece Type.
9-2830-20 12 Jan. 44. Reclamation of R-975 Radial Engine 9-2830-56 29 May 44. Conversion of Dodge Clutch Hous
Exhaust Elbows with Stripped Stud Hole. ings *915514, * 589999, *592386, * 579442 and * 589282
9-2830-21 12 Jan. 44. Conversion of GMC-216, 1938 and to Fit Any Chassis Using Dodge Model, T112 , T202,
AF-KX , 1940, Four Speed Truck Transmission for T207 , T211 and T215 , Engines.
Use as 1941 and 1942 Chevrolet 142 -Ton Truck 9-2830-57 6 May 44. Reclamation of Water Circulation ,
Transmission . Bellows type Thermostat.
9-2830-22 12 Jan. 44. Reclamation of Unserviceable Bat- 9-2830-58 6 May 44. Reclamation of In-Line Engine Crank
tery Cables. shafts.


ORDNANCE - Continued TB
TB 9-2835-4 30 Dec. 43. Oil, Engine USA 2–104.
9-2830-59 6 May 44. Reclamation of Unserviceable Shafts 9-2835-5 18 Feb. 44. Railroad Car Journal Bearing Lubri
Having Keyways. cation.
9-2830-61 6 May 44. Reclamation of Crankcase from Cover 9-2835-9 21 Feb. 45. Small Arms : General Instructions
B – 154596 , Continental Radial Engine R975-C1 . for Care, Preservation, and Lubrication .
9-2830-62 6 May 44. Reclamation of Thermoelectric Type 9-2835-10 22 Mar. 45. Internal Combustion Engines :
Heat Indicator. Change from Straight Mineral Oil to Engine Oil
9-2830-63 8 May 44. Conversion of GMC 212 - Ton, 6 x 6, ( USA 2–104, Latest Revision ) .
Truck Transfer Case Inner Bearing Retainer, 9-2852–1 14 Jan. 44. Precautions when Cleaning and Pre
* 3659898 to New Type Retainer * 591377. paring Containers of Combustible Materials for
9-2830-67 8 May 44. Reclamation of Crankshaft Radial " Hot Work ” Repair .
Engine, R975. ORD 2 22 Dec. 43. Use of Trigger Spring Removing Tool.
9-2830-68 8 May 44. Reclamation by Metallizing. ORD 3 23 Dec. 43. Carriage, Motor, 3-In. Gun , M10 and
9-2830-69 27 Oct. 44. Conversion of 14 -Ton 4x4, Amphib M10A1 : Crew Hand Holes.
ian Truck ( Ford GPA ) , Front and Rear Axles for
use on 14 - Ton , 4x4, Trucks ( Ford GPW ) . ORD 4 30 Dec. 43. Instrument Lights.
9-2830–71 18 May 44. Classification Racks for Identifica ORD 5 31 Dec. 43. Emergency Field Maintenance for 242
tion of Small, Reclaimed , or Reclaimable Parts. Ton Amphibian Truck .
9-2830-72 3 June 44 .: Reclamation of Clutch Release Bear ORD 6 10 Jan. 44. Installation and Removal of Ball and
ings. Roller Bearings.
9-2830–73 19 June 44. Reclamation of Storage Batteries .
ORD 9 10 Jan. 44.
44. Sight, Adjustable, Rear, Assembly,
9-2830-74 3 July 44. Reclamation of Brake Drums. D73955 and D7160060.
9-2830-75 13 July 44. Reclamation of Thermoelectric Type ORD 10 3 April 43. (Reprint of OFSTB 10–1206–1, 10-1348
Oil Pressure Gage. 1 ) . Truck , 14 - Ton , 4 x 4, Ford ( Model GPW ) and
9-2830-76 13 July 44. Reclamation of Split Type Timken Willys (Model MB) .: Grease Gun Adapter.
Axle Housing with Loose Axle Tube or Bell Mounted ORD 11 13 Jan. 44. Tank Medium M4 Series : Flushing and
Differential Housing. Maintenance of Turret Bearing Race.
9-2830–77 14 July 44. Reclamation of Dodge 581500 and ORD 12 12 Jan. 44. Ordnance Vehicles ; Correct Propeller
Similar Type Clutch Bearing Sleeve. Shaft Universal Joint Lubricant.
9-2830-78 14 July 44. Reclamation of Autocar, Diamond T ORD 13 12 Jan. 44. Revised Procedure for Adjusting Ex
and White Half- Track Upper Bogie Roller C - 86010. haust Clearance.
9-2830–79 14 July 44. Reclamation of Oil Pressure Gage.
9-2830–80 14 July 44. Conversion of 1937 through 1940 ORD 15 17 Jan. 44 Degreasing Machine Guns.
Chevrolet 12 - ton Truck Transmission for use in ORD 17 11 Nov. 42. ( Reprint of OFSTB 700-23, 850–6. )
1941 and 1942 Chevrolet 142 - ton Truck Transmission . Protection of Electrical Equipment During Steam
9-2830-81 15 July 44. Reclamation of Medium Tank Track and / or Vapor Cleaning Operations.
Support Roller. ORD 18 9 April 43. ( Reprint of OFSTB 700-46 .) Tank, Me
9-2830-82 15 July 44. Reclamation of Worn Bronze Bush dium : Cast Track Support Roller.
ings. ORD 19 24 Jan. 44. Tanks, medium , M3, M3A1, M3A3, M3A4,
9-2830–83 '17 Aug. 44. Conversion of 1934 and 1935 Auto M3A5, M4A2, and M4A3, Installation of bogie wheel
lite Dodge Starting Motors, For use on 1939 , 1940 bearing and seals.
and 1941 Dodge 142 - Ton Trucks. ORD 20 24 Jan. 44. Placement of caution tags in Drivers
9-2830–85 18 Sept. 44. Reclamation of Medium Tank Compartments.
Transmission Shifter Forks, C77566 and C77568. ORD 22 28 Jan. 44. Tank, Light and Medium ; Carriages,
9-2830-87 10 Oct. 44. Reclamation of Wheel Hubs with Gun Motor ( On Tank Chassis ) ; Vehicles, Special
Loose Bearing Races. Purpose (On Tank Chassis) : Closing Spoke Type
9-2830–88 10 Oct. 44. Reclamation of Main Bearing Sad Bogie and Idler Wheels .
dles and Caps for In-Line Engines. ORD 23 29 Jan. 44. Half-Track Vehicles ( White, Diamond
9-2830–89 10 Oct. 44. Reclamation of Master Clutch As T and Autocar ) ; Car, Scout, M3A1 ; Radio Sup
sembly D47534 and /or Fan D34110 , on Medium pression.
Tanks M4, M4A1 , 105 –MM Howitzer Motor Car ORD 24 29 Jan. 44. Tank, Light, M5, M5A1 ; Carriage, Mo
riage, M7 , 155-MM Gun Motor Carriage M12 and tor, 75-mm Howitzer, M8 : Matching of Fly -Wheel
Cargo Carrier T14 . Housing and Cylinder Block .
9-2830-90 16 Dec. 44. Reclamation of starting motor re ORD 25 8 Feb. 44. Indicator, Azimuth , M5 and M16 ; and
duction gear housing, DR1844823 on half-track vehi
cles, M5, M5A1 , M9A1 , M14 and M17.
Indicator Elevation, M5 : Indicator Covers M415.
9-2830-91 5 Jan. 45 . Reclamation of GMC , Chevrolet ORD 26 9 Feb. 44. Truck, 6 x 6 and 6x4 ( All Makes ) :
and Similar Split and Banjo Type Axle Housings Adjustment Lubrication of Roller Bearing Type
with Damaged Threads. Trunnion Axle Spring Seat Bearings.
9-2830-92 5 Jan. 45. Reclamation of half-track Drive ORD 27 3 Feb. 44. Truck, 242 - Ton, 6 x 6 and 6 x 4 ( GMC ) ;
sprocket flanges D48405 . Spiking Transmission Fifth Speed Gear Bushing.
9--2830–93 24 Feb. 45. Cleaning and Reclamation of Un- ORD 28 3 Feb. 44. Wheeled and Half -Track Vehicles : En
serviceable Ball and Roller Bearings. gine Sludge Formation in Low Temperature Opera
9-2830–94 24 May 45. Reclamation of GMC 212 - Ton , 6 x 6 , tion .
Truck Transmission 3rd Speed Gear *2073116 and ORD 29 28 Mar. 44. Tank , Medium, M4 and M4A1 ; Carriage,
Main Shaft * 2095529 . Motor, 105 -mm Howitzer, M7 ; Carriage, Motor,
* 9–2830–95 24 May 45. Reclamation of Wire Rope. 155-mm Gun, M12 and Carrier, Cargo, T14 ; Carriage,
* 9-2830-98 20 Sept. 45. Reclamation of High-Speed Steel Motor, 76-mm Gun , T70 : Lubrication of Carburetor
Cutter 40- C- 2701 , and Similar Cutters. Pump Stem and Lever,

ORDNANCE — Continued TB
ORD 63 15 March 44. Elimination of Date of Manufacture
ORD 30 3 Feb. 44. Tank, Light, M5 Series ; Tank, Medium, on Aircraft Cannon.
M4 Series : Servicing Hydraulic Turret Traversing ORD 64 15 Mar. 44. Carriage, howitzer, 105-mm. M2A1 ;
Mechanism ( Oilgear ) . Carriage, howitzer, 105-mm, M2A2 ; Carriage, gun ,
ORD 31 12 March 43. (Reprint of OFSTB 1700–19 .) Medium 3-inch, M1 : Lubrication of swivel nut on traversing
Tanks, Self-Propelled Gun Mounts, and All Special mechanism.
Vehicles Using Medium Tank Chassis, including : ORD 65 16 March 44. Firing Mechanism M1 Proper Assem
Carriage, Motor, 105-mm Howitzer, M7 ; Carriage, bly of Firing Machanism Receiver Housing on to
Motor, 3-In. Gun, M10 and M10A1 ; and Vehicle, Obturator Spindle and Use of Head Space Gage
Tank Recovery, T2 : Use of Chamfered-Tooth Drive B7225952 .
Gear in Synchronizer Assembly of Transmission. ORD 68 18 March 44. Tank, Light, M5 and M5A1 Carriage,
ORD 32 18 Feb. 44. Truck , 242 - Ton , 6 x 6 ( GMC CCKW-352, Motor, 75-mm Howitzer, M8 : Engine Water Tem
CCKW-353 ) : Lubrication Instructions. perature Gage Units and Instrument Panel Gages,
ORD 36 16 Feb. 44 Gun , Machine, Cal . .30, Browning, Simplified Linkage Adjustment Procedure.
All Types ; and Rifle, U. S., Cal. .30, M1903 ; Breech ORD 69 20 March 44. Remote Control Systems M1, M3, and
Bore Gauge ( C3940 ).. M5 : Lubrication of Oil Gears M1 and M2.
ORD 37 16 Feb. 44. ( Reprint of TB753–2 , 731B-1 , 752A-3. ) ORD 70 22 March 44. Tank, Medium, M4A2 and M4A3 :
Tank, Medium , M3A3, M3A5, M4A2, and Carriage, Descending Steep Grades.
Motor, 3-In. Gun, M10 : Failure of Tubes Connecting ORD 71 27 Oct. 44. Tanks, Medium, M4 Series; Tanks,
Fuel Pump To Junction Plate. Light M3A3, M5, M5A1 ; Carriages, Motor ( On
ORD 41 12 Feb. 44. Tank, Medium, M3 and M4 Series, Car Light and Medium Tank Chassis) : Reversing Track
riages, Carriers and Vehicles with Medium Tank End Connectors.
M3 and M4 Suspension ; Correction Position of Rear ORD 72 23 March 44. Gun, 90 -mm , M1 ; Mount, Gun, Anti
Idler Track Adjusting Eccentric Shaft. aircraft, 90-mm, T2E1 ; Lubrication Instructions.
ORD 42 18 Feb. 44. Truck, 12 -Ton, 4 x 4 ( Dodge ) : Lubri- ORD 73 23 March 44. Engine Rebuild Data for Type Two
cation Instructions. 5th Echelon Base Shops.
ORD 44 16 Feb. 44. Wheeled Vehicle 4 x 4 and 6 x 6 : Lubri- ORD 74 8 July 43. ( Reprint of OFSTB 1700–32, 1800–3 , 10
cation of constant Velocity from Axle Universal 1000–22 . ) Ordnance Vehicles : Corrective Cleaning of
Joints. Cooling Systems.
ORD 45 2 Feb. 43. (Reprint of OFSTB 1700-18 ). Tank , Light ORD 76 12 April 44. Fuze Wrench M7A1 .
and Medium ( Using Continental W670-9A , R- ORD 80 18 April 44. Tank , Light, M3A3, M5 and M5A1 ;
975EC-2, R-975-ci Engines ) : Carburetor Dust Tank, Medium, M4 Series ; All Gun Motor Carriages
Guard. and Special Purpose Vehicles on Light and Medium
ORD 47 10 June 43. ( Reprint of OFSTB 801-3, 808-3. ) Tank Chassis : Use of Rubber and Steel Tracks.
Truck, 34 - Ton , 4 x 4, Weapons Carrier ; Truck, 242- ORD 81 26 May 44. Truck, 242 - Ton, 6 x 6 ( GMC ) ( With
Ton, 6 x6, Cargo Type : Installation of 2d Echelon Banjo Type Axle ) : New Type Drive Gear Front
Tool Sets Nos . 1 and 2 . Bearing Retainer for Banjo Type Transfer Case.
ORD 48 27 March 43. (Reprint of OFSTB 200-10, 300-8. ) ORD 82 18 April 44. Carriage, Motor, 3-Inch Gun M10A1 :
37-mm AA Gun Matériel, M3A1 ; 40 -mm AA Gun Lubrication Instructions.
Matériel , M1 and M2 ; 90-mm AA Gun Matériel ORD 83 25 April 44. Medium Tank M4 Series ; Full Track
M1A1, T2 and T2E1 ; 4.7-Inch AA Gun Matériel T2 ; Vehicles with Medium Tank, M4, Power Train :
Hydraulic Oil for Oil Gear Units and Hydraulic Steering Brake Adjustment.
Speed Gears . ORD 85 5 May 43. (Reprint of OFSTB 801-2, 10–1000–14. )
ORD 49 6 May 43. (Reprint of OFSTB 1200–3 , 1300–4 .) Truck , 242 - Ton , 6x6 ( GMC ) ( Model ACKW and
Guns ; 37-mm, M1A2 , M3 , M3A1 , M4 , M5, M6 , CCKW ) : Types of Oil Pans for " 270 " Engines.
and M9 ; 40-mm, M1 ; 57-mm, M1 and M3 ; 75-mm, ORD 86 14 Aug. 43. ( Reprint of OFSTB 1801-2, 10-1000
M2, M3, and M4 ; 76-mm, M1 ; 3-Inch, M7 ; 90-mm , 29. ) Truck, 112 - Ton , 4x4 ( Chevrolet ) ; Truck, 212–
M1 ; 4.7 -Inch , M1 , Howitzers ; 75-mm, M1A1 , M2, Ton , 6 x 6 ( GMC ) ; Truck , 242 - Ton, 6x4 ( Stude
and M3 ; 105-mm, M1 and M3 : Interchangeability baker ) ; Frame Reinforcement.
of Barrels in Their Respective Breech Rings. ORD 92 13 May 44. Ordnance Wheeled Vehicles : Installa
ORD 51 5 March 43. (Reprint of OFSTB 1900–12. ) Destruc tion of 5-Gallon Liquid Container Bracket.
tor, AN-M1 , Destructor, AN/M2, Destructor, M3. ORD 95 22 May 44. Tank, Medium, M4A3 ; M4A3 w/75-mm
ORD 52 28 Feb. 44. Howitzer ( Pack ) 75-mm, M1 and M1A1 ; Gun ; w/76-mm Gun ; w/105-mm Howitzer ; M4A3E2 ;
Carriage, Howitzer, M1 and M8 : Cleaning of Axle T23 ; T25E1 ; T26E1 : Carriage, Motor, 90-mm Gun ,
and Dust Cover. T71 ; Carriage, Motor, 105-mm Howitzer M7B1 ; 3
ORD 54 3 March 44. Truck, 214 -Ton , 6 x 6 ( GMC ) All Mod Inch Gun, M10A1 Spark Plug Inserts.
els and Truck , 242 - Ton , 6 x 6 Amphibian ( GMC ORD 96 22 May 44. Tank, Medium M4, M4A1, M4A3 ; Car
DUKW -353 ) : Oil Loss at Crankcase Ventilator Air rier, Cargo, M30 ; Carriage, Motor, 155-mm Gun ,
Cleaner. M12 ; Carriage Motor, 105-mm Howitzer, M7 ; Car
ORD 56 8 March 44. Engine Rebuild Data for Type One 5th riage Motor, 76-mm Gun , M18 ; Carriage, Motor,
Echelon Base Shops. 3-Inch Gun M10A1 ; Interchangeability of Electric
ORD 59 14 July 43. (Reprint of OFSTB 800–15, 10-1000 Type Oil Pressure Gages.
24. ) Trucks , Dump : Use of Hydraulic Pump. ORD 97 10 July 44. 75-mm Pack Howitzer Carriage M1 and
ORD 61 15 March 44. Replacement of Button Head and 75-mm Howitzer Carriage M8 : Removal of Bushings
Bayonet Type Lubrication Fittings on Ordnance Full from Rear Trail.
Track Vehicles. ORD 98 22 May 44. Tank, Medium, M4 Series ; Carriages,
ORD 62 15 March 44. Truck, 212 - Ton , 6 x 6 and 6 x 4 Carriers, and Special Purpose Vehicles with Me
( GMC Models CCW and CCKW ) : Resurfacing dium Tank M4 Transmission : Correct Tension of
Clutch Pressure Plates and Flywheels. Shifter Rod Poppet Spring.

ORDNANCE - Continued TB
TB ORD 137 8 Aug. 44. 20 -mm Aircraft Gun Rounds: T9E5
ORD 100 18 Aug. 43. (Reprint of OFSTB 700-95. ) Half ( M95 ) , T18 ( M96 ) , T23 ( M97 ) , T24 ( M99 ) .
Track Vehicles ( White, Autocar and Diamond T ) : ORD 138 10 Aug. 44. Recoil Mechanisms of Mobile Field
Correction of Steering Knuckle Boot Guard. Artillery : Changing from Recoil Oil ( Heavy ) to
ORD 102 30 May 44. Vehicle, Landing, Tracked ; LVT ( A ) Recoil Oil ( Special).
( 1 ) : LVT ( A ) ( 2 ) ; LVT ( 2 ) ; LVT ( A ) ( 3 ) ; LVT ORD 139 10 Aug. 44. Air Pressures for Tires on Artillery
( 4 ) ; LVT ( A ) ( 4) : Repainting of Vehicles. Carriages.
ORD 104 10 June 44 . Ordnance Vehicles ; Correct Fluids ORD 141 3 June 42. (Reprint of OFSTB 23-40–1, 23-41-1.)
for Hydraulic Jacks and Hydraulic Hoists. Gun, Submachine, Caliber .45, Thompson, M1928A1
ORD 107 20 June 44. Half- Track Vehicles and Scout Cars, and M1 : Deletion of Serial Number from Frame.
M3A1 : Operation of Surge Tank in Freezing
Weather. ORD 142 14 Aug. 44. Restricted Use of Fuze, P.D., M51
W/Booster M21 Fuse, P.D., M51A1 W / Booster
ORD 108 19 June 44. Tank, Medium M4 and M4A1 ; Car M21A1.
riage, Motor, 105-mm Howitzer, M7 ; Replacing Ro ORD 143 12 Aug. 44. Carriage, Motor, 3-In. Gun, M10
mec Fuel Pump Equipped Engines with AC fuel and M10A1 , List of Equipment.
pump equipped engines.
ORD 110 22 June 44. 105 -mm Howitzer M2A1 and M3 ; FORD 146 23 May 43. (Reprint of OFSTB 700-56 , 800-10,
Assembly of Spare Tube Assembly to Breech Ring. 10–1000–17.) Ordnance Vehicles Correcting Wind
ORD 111 22 June 44. Car Armored M8 ; Car Armored, shield defroster switch short circuit.
Utility, M20 ; LVT ( A ) ( 1 ) , LVT ( A ) ( 2 ) , LVT ORD 147 24 July 43. (Reprint of OFSTB 700-84, 800–17,
( 2 ) , LVT ( A) ( 3 ) , LVT ( 4 ) , LVT ( A ) ( 4 ) ; Fuel 10–1000–26 .) Ordnance Wheeled Vehicles ; Provision
cell Information and repair Instructions. for a Lubricant Passage on Universal Joint Trun
ORD 112 12 June 44. Vehicle, Tank Recovery, M31 ( T2 ) nion Ends.
and M32 ( 15 ) ; Mover, Prime, Full Track, M33 and ORD 148 11 Aug. 43. (Reprint of OFSTB 700-91 . ) Car
M34 : Tow Bar Eye Enlargement. riage, Motor, 3-In. Gun, M10 and MidA1, Carriage,
ORD 113 23 June 44. Inspection and Service of the Air Motor, 105-mm Howitzer, M7 ; Carriage, Motor, 155
Brake Systems on Field Artillery Matériel. mm Gun, M12 ; Vehicles, Tank Recovery, T2 ; Tanks,
ORD 115 28 June 44. Tank , Medium , M4 and M4A1 ; Car Medium, M4 Series ; Carrier, Cargo, T14, Fuel Tank
riage, Motor, 105-mm Howitzer, M7 ; Carriage, Mo Filler Neck , Strainer, Seal, and Vent.
tor, 155-mm Gun, M12 ; Carriage, Motor, 76-mm ORD 149 12 July 43. (Reprint of OFSTB 700-78. ) Vehicles,
Gun, M18 (170 ) : Carrier, Cargo, M30 ( 114 ) ; Pis Half- Track , and car, scout M3A1 ; Misuse of 5 -Gal
ton Ring Identification and Installation ( Continental lon liquid containers.
R975 Series Engines ) . ORD 150 15 June 43. (Reprint of OFSTB 700-67.) Tank,
ORD 116 28 June 44. Vehicles with Medium Tank Track Medium ; Track Adjustment.
Suspensions : Interchangeability of Bogie Wheel As ORD 151 22 May 43. (Reprint of OFSTB 700-57 .) Tanks,
sembly. Medium, M4 Series ; Carriage Motor 3-in. gun, M10
ORD 120 11 July 44. Exercising of Recoil Mechanisms on and M10A1 ; Carriage, Motor, 105-mm Howitzer,
Coast Artillery and Railway Artillery Matériel. M7 ; Carriage, Motor, 155 -mm Gun, M12, Carrier,
ORD 122 12 Aug. 44. Projectile, Illuminating, MK 24 Mod Cargo, T14, Transmission Oil Return Line.
1 , for Guns, 3-Inch and 76 -mm . ORD 152 3 July 43. (Reprint of OFSTB 1700–31. ) Tanks,
ORD 123 17 July 44. Tanks, Light and Medium ; Cars , Ar Medium, M4 Series Carriage Motor, 3-in. Gun, M10
mored ; Special Purpose Vehicles on Tank Chassis :
Use of Hull Lifting Eyes.
and M10A1 Carriage, Motor, 105 -mm Howitzer, M7 ;
ORD 124 11 June 42. (Reprint of OFSTB 1980–2, 1975–1 . ) Carriage Motor, 155-mm Gun, M12 ; Carrier, Cargo ,
T14 , Disc Type Track Idler Wheel .
Depth Charge, Aircraft, 250-Lb., Mk. VIII ( British ). ORD 153 1 Jan. 42. ( Reprint of OFSTB 725–4, 726-4, 750
ORD 125 22 July 44. Tanks, Light and Medium ; Carriages ; 2. ) Engines, radial, booster coils : Inspection.
Carriers, and Special Purpose Vehicles on Tank
ORD 154 13 May 43. (Reprint of OFSTB 1700–22 .) Tanks,
Chassis : Operation of Track Connecting Fixture
41-F-2997-86. Medium M4 Series , Carriage, Motor 105 -mm How
ORD 126 19 July 44. Cold Weather Lubrication and Sery itzer, M7 ; Carriage, Motor, 155-mm Gun, M12 ; Car
rier, Cargo, T14, Transmission Pinion Gear Shim
ice of Combat and Transport Matériel.
ORD 127 21 July 44. Change in Method of Lubricating Replacement.
Pillow Block ( Propeller Shaft Center Bearing ) As- ORD 155 13 Aug. 43. ( Reprint of OFSTB 700-93.) Half
semblies on 242 - Ton , GMC, Studebaker and Reo Track Vehicles and Scout Cars ; Staking of Hexagon
Trucks ( all models ). Nuts and Bolts .
ORD 128 27 July 44. Fuze Dial on Motor Drive M2E1. ORD 156 1 July 43. (Reprint of OFSTB 700-73 .) Half
ORD 130 1 Aug. 44. All Half-Track and Full-Track Laying Track Vehicles ; Removal of Engine Speed Restrictor
Removal, Inspec or Governor.
Vehicles : Instructions Governing
tion, Classification itioning
, Recond tion
and Disposi ORD 157 1 Sept. 43. (Reprint of OFSTB 1707B - 1, 1710C
of Tracks and Bogie Wheels . 5. ) All Half- Track Vehicles ; Removal of Idler Ad
ORD 131 2 Aug. 44. Tank , Medium , M4A3, Carriage, Mo justing Rod Lock Nut.
tor, 3-Inch Gun, M10A1 : Engine Oil Pan Level ORD 158 22 April 43. (Reprint of OFSTB 700-49 . ) Tank,
Sending Unit, and Oil Level Instrument Panel Gage. Medium, M4-Series : Clutch Pedal Operation Inter
ORD 133 3 Aug. 44. Tank, Medium, M4 and Special Pur ference.
pose Full- Track Vehicles with Medium Tank M4 ORD 159 17 May 43. (Reprint of OFSTB 1700-23 . ) Medium
Type Power Train ; Instructions for Shimming Tanks, M4 Series ; Transmission Clutch Gears.
Transmission Pinion Gear Using Shim Checking
Gage 41-G-217-150.
† Will not be reprinted when present depot stocks are exhausted .
ORD 135 3 Aug. 44. Heavy Carriage Limber M5.

Тв ORD 185 12 Sept. 44. Truck , 242 -ton, 6 x 6 ( GMC CCKW
ORD 160 29 May 43. (Reprint of OFSTB 1700-28 . ) Tanks, 352 and 353 ) ; Truck 242 -ton , 6 x 6, Amphibian
Medium , M3A3 , M3A5, M4A2 , Carriage. Motor, 3 ( GMC DUKW -353 ) ; Truck, 5-ton 6 x 4 ( GMC
In. Gun, M10 ; Clutch Disk Assembly , Semi-Metallic CCW-352 ) ; Truck, 242 - ton, COE ( GMC AFKWX ) :
Facings to Replace Clutch Disk Assembly, Woven New Type Cast Iron Carburetor and Flange Mount
Asbestos Facings. ed Air Cleaner.
ORD 161 28 May 43. (Reprint of OFSTB 700-58, 800-6, 10- ORD 186 12 Sept. 44. Truck, 212 - Ton , 6 x 6, ( GMC
1000-8. ) Ordnance Vehicles ; Mounting Decontami CCKW -353-353 ) Truck , 242 - Ton , 6 x 6 , Amphibian
nating Apparatus, M2. ( GMC DUKW 353 ) , Truck, 5-Ton, 6 x 4, ( GMC
ORD 163 22 June 43. (Reprint of OFSTB 1800-2, 10-1000 CCW-353 ) ; Procedure for Reducing Exhaust Mani
16. ) Ordnance Vehicles ; Mounting Universal Rifle fold Failures.
Bracket. ORD 187 4 Sept. 43. ( Reprint of OFSTB 1700–34. ) Engines,
ORD 164 4 June 42. (Reprint of OFSTB 705-5 , 710–8. ) Radial, Unserviceable Cylinder Assemblies.
Compasses for Scout Cars M3A1 and All Half-Track ORD 1899Aug. 43. ( Reprint of OFSTB 1731E-1 , 1731F-2,
Vehicles; Installation and Adjustment. 1731G-2. ) Tanks, Medium M4 Series ; Standardiza
ORD 165 13 Aug. 43. (Reprint of OFSTB 700-94. ) Tanks, tion of Traversing Mechanism.
Medium M4, M4A1 , M4A4, Carriage, Motor, 105-mm ORD 190 26 Sept. 42. ( Reprint of OFSTB 700–18 . ) Tanks,
Howitzer, M7 Carriage, Motor, 155-mm Gun , M12 Light and Medium : Effect of Air Cleaners on Idling
Carrier, Cargo T14 ; Field Method of Working Out Mixtures.
the Dust Accumulation In Clutch . ORD 191 15 Sept. 44. Tank, Light, M5, M5A1 and M24 ;
ORD 166 8 June 43. (Reprint of OFSTB 700-60. ) Half Carriage, Motor, 75-mm Howitzer, M8, Half-Track
Track Vehicles ; Modification of Crescent Wrench to
Fit Tension Adjusting Nut on Spring- Loaded Idler Vehicles ( Autocar, White and Diamond T ) : Serv
icing Hydraulic Valve Lifters.
ORD 167 17 Aug. 44. Truck, 242 - ton , 6 x 6, ( GMC CCKW
ORD 192 16 Sept. 44. Tank, Medium, M4; Tank, Medium ,
352-353 ) ; Truck , 242 -ton , 6 x 6 Amphibian ( GMC M4 ( 105 -mm Howitzer) ; Tank, Medium , M4A1 ;
DUKW -353 ) ; and Truck , 212 - Ton 6 Xx 4 ( GMC CCW Tank, Medium, M4A1 ( 76-mm Gun ) : Supplemen
tary Maintenance Information on Master Clutch
353 ) , Spring Seat Spacer Washer 220-2834 for Rear D78123 .
Spring Seat Seal ( Lip-Type ) Kit.
ORD 193 30 Sept. 44. Cold Weather Lubrication : Opera
ORD 169 21 Aug. 44. Shell, H.E., 57-mm, T18E1 with tion and Maintenance of Artillery and Sighting and
Fuze, P. D., T83 or With Fuze, P.D., T86. Fire Control Matériel.
ORD 170 18 Mar. 43. (Reprint of OFSTB 1750-4, 1750B ORD'194 6 Nov. 43. Identification of Cartridges.
1. ) Tank, Medium M3 and M4 Series ; Differential
ORD 195 23 April 43. ( Reprint of OFSTB 700-50. ) Tanks
Compensating Pinion Mounting Bushings. with Radial Engine, Track Installation.
ORD 171 24 Aug. 44. Use of Recoil Oil ( Special ) in the
ORD 196 2 Jan. 43. (Reprint of OFSTB 700-29, 800-3 . )
Recoil Cylinder for Gun, Automatic, 40-mm , M1 Identification Plates of Ordnance Material.
( AA ) , and Oil Gears M1 ( Remote Control Systems ORD 197 18 Sept. 44. M4 Series Medium Tanks and Light
M1 and M5 ) , M2 ( Remote Control System M3 ) , and
M3 ( Remote Control System M15 ) . Tank M24 with Wet Stowage : Removal of Ethylene
Glycol Type Antifreeze Compound from Ammuni
ORD 172 15 June 43. (Reprint of OFSTB 700-68, 800–11 , tion Container and Installation of Ammudamp.
10-1000-18. ) Ordnance Vehicles ; Instrument Panel ORD 198 21 Sept. 44. Identification of Storage Batteries
in Landing Vehicles, Tracked ( LVT ) When Pre
ORD 173 30 Aug. 44. Unit Replacement and Repair Time pared with Electrolyte of 1.200 to 1.225 Specific
Guide For Wheeled Vehicles.
ORD 174 31 Aug. 44. Units, Generating, M5 and M6 : Lu
brication of Fan. ORD 200 20 Sept. 44. Tractors, High -Speed, 18-Ton, M4 :
13-Ton , M5 , and 38-Ton, M6 ; Standardization of
ORD 175 4 Sept. 44. Truck , 10-Ton, 6 x 4, Diesel, Prime Track Tension.
Mover , ( White 1064 ) ; Truck, 20-Ton 6 x 4, Diesel, ORD 201 21 Sept. 44. Carriers, Cargo, M28, M29 , and M29C :
Tractor ( Federal 604 ) ; Cylinder Head Gaskets. Identification of Connection Rods.
ORD 176 5 Sept. 44. Tanks, Light, M5, M5A1 , M3A3 , Tur
ret Mounting Lubrication and Adjustment Pro
ORD 202 26 Sept. 44. Carriage, Motor, 105-mm Howitzer,
M7 ; Tank, Medium M4 ; Correct Ammunition Boxes
and Brackets.
ORD 177 5 Sept. 44. All GMC Vehicles with Banjo-Type,
Axles ; Conservation of Critical Transfer Case and ORD 203 26 Sept. 44. Motorcycle, Indian ( All Models ) :
Front Axle Drive Mainshaft Gear and Roller Spare Bleeding of Oil Pump.
Parts. ORD 204 29 Sept. 44. Trailer, 14 - Ton, 2-Wheel : Installing
ORD 179 5 Sept. 44. Carriage, Motor, 75 -mm Howitzer, Heavier Springs and Longer Clips.
M8 ; Tank, Light, M5 and M5A1 ; Tractor, High- ORD 205 29 Sept. 44. Transport Vehicles: Engine Valve
speed, 13-Ton, M5 ; Steering Brake Link Pin. Tappet Clearances.
ORD 180 5 Sept. 44. Tank , Medium M4 ( 105-mm Howit- ORD 206 28 Sept. 44. Carriage, Gun , 155-mm, M1 and
zer, Wet) Tank, Medium, M4A1 ( 76-mm Gun, Wet ) M1A1, Carriage, Howitzer, 8 - Inch , M1 : Location for
Tank, Medium M4A3 ( 75-mm Gun, Wet ) Tank Me the Loading Tray.
dium M4A3 ( 76 -mm Gun , Wet ) : Carriages Motor, ORD 207 28 Sept. 44. Rifle, U. S. , Cal. .30, M1 .
105 -mm Howitzer, M7 and M7B1 , Vehicle, Tank , Re- ORD 209 5 Oct. 44. Replacement of M50- Series Direct
covery M32B2; Removal of Clutch Pedal High-Idle Sight Telescope in Tank and Combat Vehicles by
Control. the M70 Series Telescope.
ORD 181 7 Sept. 44. Corrections in Test Problems for Di- ORD 210 10 Oct. 44. Continental R975-C1 and R975-C4 ,
rector M7A1B2. Engines ; Magneto Identification.

ORDNANCE - Continued TB
ORD 245 23 Jan. 45. Antiaircraft Artillery Remote Con
ORD 211 10 Oct. 44. Truck, 142 -Ton 4x4, (Chevrolet), and trol System and Seacoast Artillery Hydraulic Speed
Truck, 242 - Ton , 6x6 ( GMC ) ; Oversize Tie Rod Yoke Gears : Change in Oil.
Bolt. ORD 246 29 Jan. 45. Uniform Method of Filling Hydro
ORD 212 9 Oct. 44. Hydropneumatic Recoil Mechanisms ; spring Type Recoil Mechanisms.
Instructions Relating to Inspection, Evacuation, and ORD 247 29 Jan. 45. All Transport Vehicles : Headlight
Records. Adjustment (Aiming ) Procedure.
ORD 213 12 Oct. 44. Tanks, Medium M4, M4 ( 105-mm ORD 248 1 Feb. 45. Illuminating Shell T18 for 81 -mm
Howitzer ), M4A1, M4A1 ( 76-mm Gun ) , 105-mm
Howitzer Motor Carriage, M7 ; Service Instructions ORD 249 1 Feb. 45. Destruction of Unexploded Ammuni
on Master Clutch Assembly 7067270. tion in Theaters of Operations.
ORD 214 28 Oct. 44. Ammunition ; Safety Distance Re ORD 251 5 Feb. 45. Change in the Piece Mark Number for
quirements for Preparation of Primers and Demoli Hammer B8485 and Pin A25308.
tion Charges. ORD 252 6 Feb. 45. Tank, light, M5 and M5A1 ; Carriage,
ORD 215 30 Oct. 44. Ordnance Engines, Run-In after Re Motor, 75-mm Howitzer, M8 : Installation of late
building . Type Distributor.
ORD 216 7 Nov. 44. Truck, 5- to 6-Ton, 4x4 (Autocar, ORD 253 14 Feb. 45. Engines, Radial and In-Line : Dis
Model U-8144-T ) ; Truck, 6-Ton 6x6 ( Brockway position of Unserviceable Sodium-Filled Exhaust
Model B 666 ) ; Truck 6-Ton, 6x6 ( Corbitt Model Valves.
50SD-6 ) ; Truck, 6-Ton 6x6 (White Model 666 ) , ORD 254 17 Feb. 45. Engines , Radial, Aircraft Type :
Truck, 6 - Ton 6x6, ( Mack Model NM ) ; Truck , Precautions on Hydrostatic Lock.
Wrecking, Heavy, M1 , ( Ward La France and Ken- ORD 255 22 Feb. 45. Gun, 75-mm, M5 ( T13E1 ) , M5A1 ,
worth ) ; Installation of Protector Snap Ring for M6, M10 ( T9E2 ) , and T9E1 : Service Life of Tubes.
Front Axle Shaft Oil Seal . ORD 256 26 Feb. 45. Overhaul Standards : 40-mm Auto
ORD 219 26 Oct. 44. Tank , Medium M4 and M4A1 ; Car matic Gun M1 ( A.A. ) and 40-mm Gun Carriages M2
riage, Motor, 105-mm Howitzer M7 ; Incorrect En and M2A1 ( A.A. )
gine Oil Gage Blade Markings. ORD 257 26 Feb. 45. Fits, Tolerances, and Wear Limits
ORD 221 20 Nov. 44. Directors, M9, M9A1, M9A2, and for Cadillac V8 Tank Engine.
M10 ; Excessive Voltage Drop in A-C Power Cable ORD 258 28 Feb. 45. Fits, Tolerances, and Wear Limits
Assemblies C80250. for Chevrolet BQ Engine.
ORD 222 20 Nov. 44. Tank, Medium, M4 and M4A1 ; Car ORD 259 5 Mar. 45 . Cleaning, Preservation, and Lubrica
riage motor, 105-mm Howitzer, M7 ; Carriage, motor, tion of Artillery Bores and Breech and Firing
155-mm gun, M12 ; Carrier, cargo , M30 ( T14 ) ; Ve Mechanisms , 20- MM to 16-Inch, Inclusive.
hicle, Tank, recovery, M31 , M32 and M32B1 : Tight ORD 260 5 Mar. 45. Fits, Tolerances, and Wear Limits
for Waukesha 6–MZR Engine.
ening of exhaust collector ring clamps on Continen
tal R975 series engines. ORD 261 10 Mar. 45. Seacoast Artillery Materiel : Lu
ORD 223 25 Nov. 44. Maintenance of Diesel Power Plants brication of Firing Magnetos Used on Barbette Car
riages .
for Seacoast Gun Batteries During Periods of In ORD 262 12 Mar. 45. Truck, 242 -Ton, 6 x 6 ( GMC
activity. CCKW - 352–353) : 242 - Ton , 6 x 6 ( GMC AFKWX
ORD 226 30 Nov. 44. Cartridge, Canister, 57-mm, T17. 352 ) : 212 - Ton , 6 x 6 Amphibian ( GMC DUKW
ORD 227 1 Dec. 44. Firing Lock M17. 353 ) : 5-Ton, 6 x 4 ( GMC CCW - 353 ) : Interchange
ORD 228 4 Dec. 44. Tank , Medium, M4 Series : Replace ability and Maintenance of Generators, Regulators ,
ment of Horizontal Volute Suspension Cap Screws Pulleys , and Belts .
which are Removed for shipment. ORD 263 15 Mar. 45. Neoprene Gas Check Pads.
ORD 229 5 Dec. 44. Change in Recoil Oil in Major Caliber ORD 264 15 Mar. 45. Turret Type, Fixed and Flexible,
AA Matériel. Heavy Barrel Machine Gun Cal. .50, M2 : Lubrica
ORD 230 13 Dec. 44. Identification and Installation of tion of Oil Buffer Assemblies.
Continental R975-C1 Spare Engines. ORD 265 17 Mar. 45. Truck, 212 - Ton , 6 x 6 ( GMC ) :
ORD 233 18 Dec. 44. Cutter, Cable , M1. List of Equipment.
ORD 234 16 Dec. 44. Ordnance wheeled vehicles : Electric ORD 266 17 Mar. 45. Lubrication Instructions for 40-mm
brake controls. Gun , M1 ( AA ) : 40-mm Gun Carriages M1 , M2,
ORD 235 19 Dec. 44. All vehicles using Continental R975– and M2A1 ( AA ) : and 40-mm Gun Mounts M3 and
and R975 - C4 engines : Carburetor identification . C 1 . M5 .
ORD 267 19 Mar. 45. Fits , Tolerances, and Wear Limits
ORD 237 26 Dec. 44. Gun, Automatic, 37-mm, M4, M9, for Mack Model EY Engine.
M9A1, and M10 : Modification Record Card and
Holder. ORD 268 19 Mar. 45. Fits, Tolerances, and Wear Limits
for Autocar Model 358 Engine.
ORD 239 5 Jan. 45. Identification, inspection, classification
reconditioning and disposition of synthetic inner ORD 269 19 Mar. 45. Fits, Tolerances, and Wear Limits
for International Model FBC - 318 - B Engine.
ORD 270 22 Mar. 45. Fits, Tolerances , and Wear Limits
ORD 240 8 Jan. 45. Winterizing Kits M12 and M13 for for International Model FAC-269 Engine.
Generating Units M7, M7A1 , M15, M15A1 , and M18. ORD 271 29 Mar. 45. Tank, Light, M24 ; Tank Heavy,
ORD 241 11 Jan. 45. Tractor, Shop, T10 : Lubrication In T26, Series ; Tank, Medium , M4 Series and Related
structions. Motor Carriages with horizontal Volute Type Sus
ORD 242 15 Jan. 45. Protection of Electrical Equipment pension ; Shock Absorber serviceability standard.
on Ordnance Vehicles against Corrosion and Rust. ORD 272 26 Mar. 45. Bayonets and Knives : Repointing.
ORD 243 15 Jan. 45. Tanks, Medium , M4 Series, and all ORD 273 26 Mar. 45. Precautions in Handling 2.36-Inch
Other Vehicles with Medium Tank M4 Type Power AT HE Rocket M6A3C .
Train : Towing Procedure. ORD 274 27 Mar. 45. Universal Gear Lubricant ( Grade
ORD 244 23 Jan. 45. Painting In -line and Radial Engines. 80) Discontinued .
658749 ° -46-4 49

ORDNANCE - Continued TB
TB ORD 305 19 Jun . 45. Operation and Maintenance of
ORD 275 30 Mar. 45. Tanks, Medium , M4 Series and Re Breathing Apparatus M2.
lated Gun and Howitzer Motor Carriages : Controlled ORD 306 25 Jun. 45. All Ordnance Combat and Transport
Differential and Transmission Assembly Power Vehicles : Replacement of Low Pressure ( 80Lb )
Train Units . Universal Joint Relief Valves with High Pressure
ORD 276 31 Mar. 45. Engine, Continental, R975 - C4 ; ( 1500 Lb ) Relief Valves and Availability of Thin
Change in piston skirt Diameter. Stem Lubricating Adapter.
ORD 277 31 Mar. 45. Fits, Tolerances, and Wear Limits ORD 307 25 Jun. 45. Landing Vehicle, Tracked, LVT ( A )
for Dodge T202 Engine. ( 1 ) ; LVT ( 2 ) ; LVT (A ) (2 ) ; LVT (4) ; LVT ( A)
ORD 278 2 Apr. 45. 90 -mm Recoil Mechanisms Mi , (4 ) : Track Adjustment.
M1A1 , M17, M18 : Adjustment for Firing High- ORD 308 27 Jun. 45. Identification and Serviceability of
Velocity Ammunition . Cal. .50, Aircraft Machine Gun Barrels .
ORD 279 4 Apr. 45. Truck, 4-Ton, and Up ( All Makes) . ORD 309 29 Jun. 45. Replacement and Se cing of Ob
Adjustment of Windshield Wiper Regulator Valve. turator Spindle Plug and Gasket on Artillery Using
ORD 280 4 Apr. 45. Lubrication of Telescope Mounts Separate Loading Ammunition .
and Range Quadrants. ORD 310 3 Jul . 45. Light Armored Car M8 ; Armored
ORD 281 5 Apr. 45. Truck, 242-Ton, 6 x 6 ( GMC Utility Car M20 ; and Scout Car M3A1 : To Correct
Model CCKW 352-353) : Truck , 212 - Ton , 6 x 6, COE Valve Tappet Clearance .
GMC Model AFKWX ) , and Truck, 242 - Ton , 6 x 4 ORD 311 6 Jul. 45. Armor Vest M12 and Armor Apron
( GMC Model CCW ) : New U-Bolt Type Radiator T65 .
Mounting Repair Kit. ORD 312 9 Jul. 45. Carburetors and Fuel Pumps with
ORD 283 9 Apr. 45. Fits, Tolerances, and Wear Limits Zinc Base Die Castings : Prevention of Corrosion .
for Cummins Model HB - 600 Engine. ORD 314 13 Jul. 45. Medium Tanks M4 Series and Re
ORD 284 9 Apr. 45 . Trucks, 12 - Ton , 4 x 4 ; 34 - Ton , 4 x lated Vehicles Based on Medium Tank Chassis :
4 ; and 142 - Ton , 6 x 6 ( Dodge ) : Unauthorized use Elimination of Sprocket Cap Screw Failures.
of “ 217" ( Cu In . ) Engine. ORD 315 11 Jul. 45. Flyer's Vest Armor Shoulder Strap .
ORD 285 10 Apr. 45. Proper Slinging and Attachment * ORD 322 5 Sept. 45. Cleaning and Preserving Removed
Methods for Hoisting Artillery Matériel. Vehicular Fuel Tanks.
ORD 286 12 Apr. 45. 240 -mm Howitzer Mi and Car- *ORD 323 29 Aug. 45. Moisture and Mold -Proofing of
riage M1 ; 8-Inch Gun M1 and Carriage M2 ; Inspec Leather Articles.
tion and Servicing of the Elevating ARC Buffer. * ORD 324 29 Aug. 45. Nickel-Iron-Alkaline Storage Bat
ORD 287 12 Apr. 45. Tank, Medium, M4 Series teries .
(Equipped with Horizontal Volute Suspension ) : * ORD 325 31 Aug. 45. Precautions to be Taken Prior to
Special Socket Wrench and Extension Bar for Ser Charging Recoil Mechanisms and Equilibrators with
vicing T-80 Track. Nitrogen.
ORD 288 12 Apr. 45. Tanks , Carriages , and Vehicles * ORD 326 5 Sept. 45. Paints and Painting.
with Ford GAA, GAF, or GAN Tank Engine : Ser- * ORD 327 20 Sept. 45. Shop Overhaul Standards for Mo
vicing Spark Plugs . bile Field Artillery Matériel and Mortars.
ORD 289 19 Apr. 45. Fits, Tolerances, and Wear Limits * ORD 328 3 Oct. 45 . General -Purpose and Special-Purpose
for GMC Model “ 256 " Engine. Combat Vehicles Powered by Gasoline Engines : Mo
ORD 290 21 Apr. 45. Fits, Tolerances , and Wear Limits tor Fuel ( Gasoline ) To Be Used in Service.
for Dodge T203 Engine. * ORD 329 10 Oct. 45. Waterproofing Auto- Lite Generator
ORD 291 21 Apr. 45. Fits, Tolerances, and Wear Limits Regulators .
for Dodge Model T118 Engine. * ORD 330 21 Nov. 45. Expendable Synthetic Rubber Muz
ORD 293 23 Apr. 45. Fits, Tolerances, and Wear Limits zle Covers for Aircraft Weapons.
for Dodge T-211 ( to Engine Serial No. 42001 ), ORD E2 21 Aug. 44. German , Italian, and Japanese Ma
T-207 , and T- 112 Engines. tériel ; Preliminary Fuel and Lubricant Instructions.
ORD 295 25 Apr. 45 . Prevention of Ammunition Mal- ORD FEI 9 May 44. Carriage, Gun, Motor, 3-Inch Gun
functions Resulting from Unauthorized use of 75 M10 and M10A1; Eliminating Interference Between
mm and 105 -mm Howitzer HE , AT Rounds. Interphone Terminal Box and 3-Inch Breech Block.
ORD 296 1 May 45. Tank , Light , M3A3 ; Vehicle, Land- ORD FE 2 23 May 44. Carriage, Motor, 3-Inch Gun M10
ing, Tracked, LVT ( A ) ( 1 ) , LVT ( 2 ) , LVT ( A ) ( 2 ) , and M10A1 ; Carriage Motor, 90-mm Gun, T71 ; Seal
LVT (4 ) , and LVT ( A ) ( 4 ) : Engine Governor Set ing Spare Periscope Boxes.
ting. ORD FE 3. 14 April 44. Trailer, 14 -Ton, Payload 2 Wheel,
ORD 297 11 May 45. Truck , 4. to 5-Ton , 4 x 4 (Federal, Cargo 1942-43 ; Truck 34 Ton, 4 x 4 ( Dodge T214 )
Autocar, and White ) ; Truck, 4 - Ton, 6 x 6 ( Diamond (Model WC-51 Weapon Carrier and WC - 52 Weapon
T ) : Lubrication of Engine Water Pump and Con Carrier with Winch ) Safety Chain Installation .
stant Velocity Universal Joints . ORD FE 4 1 June 44. Carriage, Multiple, Cal. .50 Machine
ORD 298 24 May 45. Fits, Tolerances , and Wear Limits
for Packard Model 2001 - A Engine. Gun M51 ; Trailer, Generator, M7 ; Trailer, W / Smoke
Generator, 2 - Ton , M7 ; Trailer, Director M13 and
ORD 299 24 May 45. Fits, Tolerances, and Wear Limits M14 : Installation of Brake Cable Brackets.
for Autocar Model NB - 447 Engine.
ORD 300 24 May 45. Emergency Instructions for Lubri ORD FE 5 10 June 44. Tank , Medium , M4, M4A1 , M4A3,
cants and Cleaning Materials . M4A6 ; Carriage, Motor, 3 - Inch Gun , M10A1 ; 105
ORD 301 31 May 45. 90-mm Gun M1 and M1A1 and 90 mm Howitzer, M7 and M7B1 ; 155-mm Gun , M12 ;
mm Antiaircraft Gun Mount M1A1 : Overhaul Carrier, Cargo, M30 (114 ) ; Vehicles Equipped with
Standards. Medium Tank, M4 Transmission (Gasoline Pow
ORD 302 6 Jun. 45. Tractor, High- Speed, 18-Ton, M4 ered ) : Installation of Tachometer Drive on Old
and 38 -Ton , M6 : Oil Seal Cement. Style Transmission .
ORD 303 13 Jun . 45. Instructions for Exercising Recoil ORD FE 6 22 June 44. Ordnance Vehicles ; Improvement
Mechanisms and Equilibrators. of Universal Rifle Bracket,

ORDNANCE - Continued TB
TB ORD FE 31 15 Mar. 45. 75-mm Howitzer Carriages
ORD FE 7 22 June 44. Conversion of T214 and T223 Dodge M3A3 and M8 ; 105-mm Howitzer Carriages M3A1
Engine Assemblies and P14 Plymouth Engine As and M3A2 : Loosening of the Recoil Mechanism
sembly for Use in Early Dodge Military Vehicles and Support.
Plymouth Passenger Cars. ORD FE 32 22 Mar. 45. Vehicle, Landing, Tracked, LVT
ORD FE 8 20 Oct. 44. Tanks, Medium, M4, Series ( WET ( A ) ( 1 ) , LVT ( 2) , LVT ( A ) ( 2 ) , and LVT ( A )
Stowage ) ; Revision of 75 -mm and 76 -mm Shell ( 4 ) ; Limiting Draft Mark.
Clamp Seals to prevent Sticking of Shells in Con- ORD FE 33 26 Mar. 45. Engine, Continental R975-C4 ;
tainers. Correction of Valve Timing Data on Engine Name
ORD FE 9 2 Aug. 44. Brush, Bore, M13, M14 and M26.
ORD FE 10 18 June 43. Howitzer , 155 -mm . M1, Howitzer, ORD FE 34 30 Mar. 45. Tank, Light, M24, Tank, Me
8 -in . M1 ; and Gun, 155-mm, M1 ; Modification of dium, M4 Series , and T23 ; Tank, Heavy, T26 Series :
Loading Rammer B108585. Installation of Locking Pin for Commander's Vision .
ORD FE 11 7 Sept. 44. Tool, Breechblock Holding, For Cupola Hatch Hold-Open Lock.
120-mm Gun M1. ORD FE 35 9 Apr. 45. Tank, Medium, M4 and M4 (105–
ORD FE 13 2. Sept. 44. Truck, 242 - Ton , 6 x 6 ( GMC all mm Howitzer) Tank, Medium , M4A1 and M4A1
models ) : Reinforcements of Cylinder Head Rocker ( 76-mm Gun ) ; Vehicle, Tank Recovery, M32 and
Arm Cover.
M32B1 ; Grouser Compartment Plate Reinforce
ORD FE 14 22 Sept. 44. Carriage, Motor, 3-inch Gun, ORD FE 36 19 Apr 45. Tank, Light, M5 and M5A1 ;
M10A1 ; Carriage, Motor, 90-mm Gun, M36 ( 171 ) :
Eliminating Interference Between Engine Compart Carriage, Motor, 75 -mm Howitzer, M8 : Installa
ment Top Door Splash Shield and Carburetor Air tion of Black-Out Driving Light Resistor on Early
Intake Manifold. Type Differential Case Covers.
ORD FE 15 16 Sept. 44. Tank, Medium, M4 Series and ORD FE 37 24 Apr. 45. Ordnance Wheeled Vehicles with
Related Gun Motor Carriages ; New Type Fourth Stake and Platform Bodies, Body Stake Socket
Swage .
Speed Input Gear Snap Ring.
ORD FE 38 23 Apr. 45. Local Manufacture of Adapter
ORD FE 16 17 Oct. 44. Tractor, High-Speed, 18-Ton, M4 to Permit Use of Oil Gun CLAX7 with 37-mm Gun ,
and 38 - Ton M6 ; Preventing Muffler Breakage Due M1916 Recoil Mechanism .
to Expansion, Contraction and Flexing of the Metal.
ORD FE 39 23 Apr. 45 . Combination Gun Mount M52
ORD FE 18 9 Nov. 44. Elimination of Odometer, C73214.
( Mounting 105-mm Howitzer M4 in Combat Vehi.
ORD FE 19 9 Nov. 44. Drain Holes in Main Side Outrig cles ) : Repair of Recoil Mechanisms.
gers of 90 -mm Gun Mounts T2E1 , and M2 and 120
mm Gun Mount M1 .
ORD FE 40 8 May 45. Tractor, High -Speed, 18-Ton,
M4 ; 13-Ton, M5 ; and 38-Ton , M6 ; Repair of Torque
ORD FE 20 13 Dec. 44. Carriage, Howitzer, 105-mm, M2A2 ; Converter and Transmission Oil Cooler Radiators.
Carriage, Gun, 8-inch, M1 and M6 ; Modification of ORD FE 41 9 May 45. Tank; Medium , M4 Series ; Tank,
Handspike C60682. Heavy, T26 Series : Elimination of Interference Be
ORD FE 21 6 Jan. 45. Truck, 212 - Ton , 6'x 6, GMC model tween Rotor Block Retaining Pins and Commander's
352-353 ; Truck, 242 -Ton , 6 x 4 , GMC model CCW Vision Cupola Hatch Door Periscope Holder.
353 : Installation of lubricating fitting on brake and
ORD FE 42 11 May 45. Wheel Jacks for General Pur
clutch pedal shaft. pose Vehicles .
ORD FE 22 26 Jan. 45. Truck , 242 - Ton, 6 x 6, ( GMC ORD FE 43 15 May 45. Tank, Medium, M4 Series, and
CCKW 352-353 ) : Truck, 242 - Ton, 6 x 6, Amphibian Tank, Light, M24 : Removal of 2-Inch Smoke Mor
( GMC DUKW-353 ) :: Installation of Demountable tar M3 .
Type Brake Drum and New Oil Deflectors.
ORD FE 44 4 Jun. 45. Truck, 4. to 5-Ton, 4 x 4, C.O.E.
ORD FE 23 29 Jan. 45. All Vehicles Equipped with Bow ( Autocar U-7144-T) ; 5- to 6-Ton, 4 x 4, C. 0. E.
Stakes and Bow Stake Pockets : Modification of
Bow Stakes and Bow Pockets. ( Autocar U-8144 and TU -8144 ) : 6- Ton, 6 x 6,
C.O.E. ( White 666 ) ; and 4. to 5-Ton, 4 x 4, C.O.E.
ORD FE 24 3 Feb. 45. 75-mm Guns M5 ( T13E1 ) . M5A1, ( White 444 ) : Elimination of Radiator Failures due
M6, M10 ( T9E2 ) , and T9E1 : Difference in Models, to Improper Location of Top Radiator Support.
Change in Model Designation of Tank Guns and
Markings on Spare Tubes. ORD FE 45 4 Jun. 45. Ordance Combat Vehicles : In
ORD FE 25 6 Feb. 45. Ordnance Wheeled Vehicles : In stallation of Armored First Aid Kit Stowage Box .
stallation of Pioneer Tool Bracket. ORD FE 46 31 May 45. Relocation of Traversing Direc
ORD FE 26 5 Jan. 45. Tank , Medium , M4 Series , and tion Plates on 16-Inch Barbette Carriages M1919,
Related Gun and Howitzer Motor Carriages : Change M1919M1 , M2, M3 , M4 and M5 .
ORD FE 47 2 Jun. 45. 240-mm Howitzer M1 and 8-Inch
in Propeller Shaft Bolt Size .
ORD FE 27 13 Feb. 45. Tractor, High-Speed , 18-Ton , M4 : Gun M1 : Application of Reinforcing Ribs to Load
Tractor, High-Speed , 38 -Ton , M6 : Elimination of ing Tray D47768.
Torque Converter Oil Cooler Radiator Failures . ORD FE 48 7 Jun. 45. Carriage, Motor, 3-Inch Gun ,
ORD FE 29 28 Feb. 45. Tank, Medium, M4A3 ( 75-mm M10 and M10A1 ; Carriages, Motor, 90-mm Gun ,
Gun , Dry ) : Carriage, Motor, 3-Inch, Gun , M10A1; M36 , M36B1 and M36B2 : Installation of Oil Cooler
Carriage, Motor, 90-mm Gun , M36 and M36B1 : In Protector Straps .
stallation of Safety Fuel Shut-Off Valve in Fuel ORD FE 49 11 Jun . 45. Cal. .50, AA Machine Gun
Line to Prevent Leakage when Cleaning or Chang Mount D80030 : Providing Clearance in Cradle to
ing Fuel Filter. Permit Mounting of Modified HB, Flexible Machine
ORD FE 30 9 Mar. 45. Truck, 242 -Ton, 6 x 6 Dump Gun , Cal. .50, M2.
(GMC CCKW-352-353 ) ; Truck , 4-Ton , 6 x 6 , Dump ORD FE 50 14 Jun . 45. Tank, Light , M5 and M5A1 :
( Diamond T ) : Repair and Maintenance of Hoists Carriage, Motor, 75-mm Howitzer, M8 : Reinforce
(Gar Wood ) and Dump Bodies. ment of Hull Floor Plate.

ORDNANCE - Continued TB
23-70–3 28 Jun. 45. 37-mm Antitank Gun M3A1 and Car
ORD FE 51 25 Jun. 45. Tank, Medium , M4A1 (76 -mm riage M4A1 : Disassembly of Gun and Carriage for
Gun, Wet) , M4A2 ( 76-mm Gun , Wet ) , and M4A3 Transport by Pack Animal .
(76-mm Gun, Wet) : Reinforcement of Traversing 23-85-6 26 Jul. 44. Shell, Smoke, WP, 60-mm , T6.
Motor Support Brackets. 23-85- FET 24 May 45. 60 -mm Mortar T18E6 : Sighting
ORD FE 53 9 Jul . 45. Medium Tanks M4 Series with 76 Lines Painted on Tubes .
mm Gun or 105-mm Howitzer : Failure of Gun 23–90–2 9 May 45. Preventing Damage to Shock Absorber
Traveling Lock to Disengage. Spring of 81-mm Mortar During Firing of Seating
ORD FE 54 13 Jul. 45. 90-mm Gun M3, Mounted in Com Rounds.
bat Vehicles : Failure of Operation of Breech Oper- 31-200-3 24 Jan. 44. Pneumatic Tires and Rubber Treads :
ating Cam and Breechblock Crank During Counter Instructions for Mounting Synthetic Tire Tubes
coil . and Flaps.
• ORD FE 55 17 Jul. 45. Truck , 24 - Ton, 6 x 6 ( GMC 31-200—7 23 May 45. Ordnance Wheeled Material: Tire
Models CCKW 352 and 353 AFKWX353 , Reo and Inflation Pressures.
Studebaker ) : Reinforcement of Split Type ( Timken
Detroit) Axle Housings. QUARTERMASTER
ORD FE 56 18 Jul . 45 . % Ton, 4 x 4 , Truck ( Dodge 10-275-1 19 Aug. 44. Lengthening Sleeping Bags. C 1.
T214 ) , and 142 - Ton , 6 x6, Truck ( Dodge T223 ) : 10-351-1 4 Jan. 44. Speed of Pump ( Jaeger Model 112
Adapting Front Axle Spring Clip Plate for Attach P Portable ), Gasoline Driven ( Briggs and Stratton
ment of Monroe Shock Absorbers. Engine, Model NP ) .
ORD FE 57 21 Jul. 45. 14-Ton, 4 x 4, Truck (Willys
10-351-3 Feb. 45 . Protection of Quartermaster Corps
Overland MB and Ford GPW ) ; 3 -Ton, 4 x 4,
Truck ( Dodge ) ; 112 - Ton , 6 x 6 , Truck ( GMC Laundry Trailers in Freezing Weather .
10-396–1 Aug. 44.1 Mine Detection Dog (M-Dog) .
Model CCKW 352–353 and Studebaker Model US6) ; 10-400-1 15 Feb. 44. Your Gasoline Stove.
High -Speed Tractors, 13-Ton, M5 ; 18 - Ton , M4 ; 38
Ton, M6 : Mounting of M6 Compass. 10–400-2 2 Sep. 44. Outfit, Cooking, Small Detachment.
ORD 10-1123–1 22 March 44. Truck , 12 - Ton , 4 x 4 ( Dodge) : 10-400-3 15 Sep. 44. Range, Field M-1937 and Unit, Fire
Change in Oil Filter Elements Replacement Period . Simplified Converted - type.
10-400-4 13 Oct. 44. Care of Outfit, Burner, Pot Type,
ORD 10--1160–1 19 Mar. 45. Fits, Tolerances, and Wear
Limits for Autocar Model 377 Engine. Oven, Bake Field .
ORD 10-1225-1 15 Jan. 44. Truck Trailer, 45-Ton Tank 10–400-5 May 45. Stove, Cooking, Gasoline , M -1942 One
Transportation M19 ( Truck , 12-Ton, 6 x 4 ( 4DT ) Burner (Modified ) ( Stock No. 65-H-2881 ) .
M20 ) . Excessive Tightening of the Front Bracket, 10-405-1 2 March 44. Coffee Brewing.
Clamp Bolt ( N39251F ) on the Auxiliary Transmis 10–405-2 29 April 44. Questions and Answers About Meat.
sion. 10-406-1 6 March 44 . Message to Mess Sergeants and
Cooks (Dehydrated Eggs ).
ORD 10-1271-1 21 Apr. 45. Fits, Tolerances, and Wear
Limits for REO GC - 310 Engine. 10-412-1 1 Sept. 44. Preparation of Oversea Hams ( Dry
ORD 10-1377-1 21 Apr. 45. Fits, Tolerances , and Wear Pack ) .
Limits for Waukesha 6SRKR 517 Engine. 10-1614-1 20 Feb. 45. Operation and Maintenance of the
ORD 10-1435 - FE1 29 July 44. Truck , 122 - Ton , 4 x 4 ( Ford Universal Cooler Refrigeration Unit Installed in
Model GTB ) : Relocation of Voltage Regulator. 10–1622-1 Feb. 45. Truck, Fork Lift, Gasoline (Clark
ORD 10–1479-1 13 Aug. 43. Truck, 742 -ton , 6 x 6 Prime Semi-Trailer, 2- Wheel, 10-Ton , Refrigeration.
“ Utilitruc " and Cleveland-“6000" ) .
Mover ( Mack ) ; Change in position of Shifter Lever 10–1628-1 Apr. 45. Truck, Fork Lift, Gasoline (Vaughan
Ball on Range Gear Shifter Lever and on Front Mobilift “ TAW ” ) .
Axle Drive Shifter Lever.
ORD 10-1557-1 29 June 43. Truck, 142 - Ton , 4 x 4 Chev 10–1637-1 Jan. 45. Tractor, Wheeled, Gasoline (Clark
“ Clarktor - 6 " ) .
rolet Dump Model G7116 ( 1942 ) ; Front Spring Rear 10-1639-1 Dec. 44. Truck , Fork Lift, Clark , Clipper (Gas
Hanger ** CV - 3660623 - L.H . and **** CV - 3660624
oline ) .
R.H. Rivet Failure. 10-1640-1 11 Oct. 44 . Truck, Fork Lift, Clark Planeloader
JRD 10–1557-2 28 July 43. Truck , 142 - Ton , 4 x 4 Chev
rolet Engine Rear Frame Bracket Reinforcement.
( Formerly Utilitruc ) Code Transport (Gasoline)
(Pneumatic Tires ) .
ORD 10-1607-1 23 Dec. 42. Wrecker, 4-Ton, 6 x 6 Dia 10–1641-1 Mar. 45. Tractor, Wheeled , Gasoline (Clark
mond T ; Rear Spring Pad Clips. “ Clarkat B ” ) .
ORD 10-1679–1 18 Feb. 44. Truck 716 -Ton, 6 x 6, Prime 10-1648-1 Apr. 45. Crane, Wheeled , Gasoline (Lohse
Mover, ( Mack ) : Lubrication Instructions. " 5 LD " ) On Tractor, I H, 1-6.
ORD 10-1679-- FE127 July 44. Truck , 742- Ton , 6 x 6, Prime 10-1650-1 24 Aug. 44. Preventive Maintenance Services,
Mover, W /Winch ( Mack Models N 0 ) : Lubrication Crane (Gasoline -Driven ) , Silent Hoist Winch &
of Clutch Release Bearing. Crane Co., Models AX-192, AY-29.
23-5-6 5 June 44. U. S. Rifle Cal. .30, M1 : Refinishing 10-1653–1 Mar. 45. Crane, Wheeled , Gasoline (Mather
Shiny Gas Cylinders. “ No. 50 ” ) on Tractor, Case, DI .
23-5-7 U. S. Rifle, Cal. .30, M1C ( Sniper's ).
7 Mar. 45.
23-5–8 27 Mar. 45. U. S. Rifles, Cal. .30 M1 ; Reduction 10--1654-1 Mar. 45. Crane, Wheeled, Gasoline (Mercer
of grease Container Breakage " No. 7 ' ) , on Tractor, Case, LAI.
23-7-4 13 Oct. 44. Cal. ,30, Carbine, M2 ( T4 ) . 10-1656-1 Feb. 45. Crane, Wheeled, Gasoline (Mercer No.
5 ) , on Tractor IH, 1-6.
23-36-3 6 Nov. 44. Repair of Revolvers Cal. .45 M1917. 10-1658-1 Feb. 45. Crane, Wheeled, Gasoline (Mather
23-41-4 15 Feb. 45. Submachine Gun , Cal . .45 , M3A1:
Identification and Operation .
" No. 80 " ) , on Tractor, Case LA1 .
23-65-FE1 17 May 45. Preventing Loss of Traversing
Slide Lock Lever Screw on Tripod Mount, Cal . .50 , 1 This Technical Bulletin is distributed only to interested headquarters
and to individuals whose duties require that they have it . This Technical
M3 . Bulletin must be safeguarded in accordance with provisions of AR 380-5 .

QM 38 Feb. 45. Quartermaster Fixed Laundry Equipment
10–1659-1 May 45. Tractor, Wheeled, Gasoline (Mercury Operation and Maintenance - Tumblers .
- " Huskie " ) QM 39 Feb. 45. Guide for Use of Standard Dishwashing
10–1662–1 Apr. 45. Tractor, Wheeled, Gasoline ( Hebard Supplies.
-“J233 and J233N ” ) . QM 40 Mar. 45. Quartermaster Fixed Laundry Equip
10-1671-1 Mar. 45. Tractor, Wheeled, Gasoline ( Hebard ment Operation and Maintenance - Marking Ma
“ A 14 " ) . chines.
10–1672–1 Apr. 45. Tractor, Wheeled, Gasoline ( Hebard QM 41 Mar. 45. Quartermaster Fixed Laundry Equipment
- " A3 " ). Operation and Maintenance - Dry -cleaning Equip
10–1677-1 Apr. 45. Tractor, Wheeled, Gasoline ( Hebard ment.
- " A14 Victory" ) . QM 42 Feb. 45. Quartermaster Fixed Laundry Equip
QM1 2 Feb. 44. Distribution and Numbering of QM Tech ment Operation and Maintenance - Flatwork Ironers.
nical Bulletins. QM 43 Mar. 45. Quartermaster Fixed Laundry Equip
QM2 28 Jan. 44. Notes on Operation and Maintenance ment Operation and Maintenance - Washers.
of Mobile Equipment. QM 44 Mar. 45. Quartermaster Fixed Laundry Equip
QM4 22 Feb. 44. Inspections and Preventive Maintenance ment Operation and Maintenance - Presses.
Services for Battery-Powered Tractors and Fork- QM 45 Apr. 45. Dehydrated Foods.
Litt Trucks, Wheeled Cranes, and Straddle Lum. *QM 46 15 May 45. Stove, Cooking, Gasoline, M-1942,
ber Trucks. Modified .
QM 6 6 March 44. Notes on Operation and Maintenance QM 47 Jun. 45. Lantern, Gasoline, Leaded Fuel ( Stock
of Mobile Equipment . No. 31 - L - 408) .
QM8 7 April 44. Repair Methods and Procedures for SIGNAL
Bags, Sleeping , M1942 ; Helmets, Steel, M-1, and
Typewriters and Office Appliances. 11-230C - 1 17 Apr. 45. Pack Equipment CE-13.
QM 9 10 April 44. Shops for Reclamation Work. 11-230C - 2 9 Apr. 45. Crystal Kits MC-535 and MC-537.
QM 10 28 April 44. Conservation of Fats. 11-243-2 15 Oct. 44. Supplementary Installation and Op
QM 13 19 May 44. Clothing, Equipment, and Rations for erating Instructions for Radio Set SCR - 291 - A .
Use in the Jungle. 11-269–1 Apr. 45. Radio Set AN / TRR - 2, Identification
QM 14 30 May 44. Installation, Operation, and Repair of of Plug-In Coils to Facilitate Supply.
International Payroll Machines. 11-300-1 15 April 44. Plan for Maintenance of Frequency
QM 15 31 May 44. Instruction - Demonstration On M1937 Meter Sets SCR -211 - ( & ) in Hands of Army Ground
Fire Unit. Forces.
QM 16 1 June 44. Quartermaster Petroleum Products Lab 11-300-2 April 45. Realignment of Frequency Meter BC
oratory .
QM 17 20 June 44. Quartermaster Special Purpose Semi 11-303-1 Feb. 45. Operation of Battery BA-2 in Test Sets
trailer Two-Wheel, Laundry. I - 56 - C , D, H, and J.
11-306D - 1 Feb. 45. Voltohmmeter I-107-A, B, C, and D.
QM 18 24 June 44. Improved Functioning of Certain Units 11-334-1 Jan. 45. Timing and Telephone Set ML - 110 :
In Semitrailer, 2-Wheel, 2DT Laundry.
QM 21 18 July 44. Major Unit Assemblies Repair and Moistureproofing and Fungiproofing and Procure
Rebuilding . ment Information .
11-352-1 Dec. 44. Replacement of Ribbon Reverse Mech
QM 22 1 Aug. 44. Standard Repair Procedures for Cloth
ing and Equipage Items. C 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. anism in Printer TG-7-A and Teletypewriters TG
7 - B and TG - 37 - B .
QM 23 4 Aug. 44. Repair Methods and Procedures for Hel
mets, M-1 ; Bags, Sleeping ; Shoes; and Haversacks 11-356-1 23 Oct. 44. . Adjustment of Frequency Indicator,
M-10, M-28. of Radio Teletype Terminal Equipment AN / FGC - 1
and AN / FGC - 1X .
QM 24 5 Aug. 44. Cleaning of Stencil Duplicators and Re
pair of Dented Drums. 11-358–1 3 Aug. 44. Operation of Circuits in Switchboard
QM 25 10 Aug. 44. Smoked and Cured Meat. BD-100. C 1 .
QM 26 25 Oct. 44. Standard Repair Procedures for Office 11-360-2 Jul. 45. Maintenance of Clutch and Transmission
Appliances with Repair Shop Equipment and Tool Assembly for Reel Units RL - 26, RL - 26 - A , RL
List. 26 - B , and RL - 26 - C .
QM 27 21 Aug. 44. Demolition of Quartermaster Supplies 11-369-3 27 Mar. 45. Bridging-Access Plug U - 23 /G .
and Equipment. 11-377–1 Feb. 45. Moistureproofing and Fungiproofing
QM 28 20 Oct. 44. Miscellaneous Packing House By -Prod Boehme Automatic Keying and Recording Equip
ucts. ment.
QM 29 May 45. Repair of Miscellaneous Items. 11-380-1 20 June 44. Preventive Maintenance as Applied
QM 30 Nov. 44. Garrison Bakery Operations. to Converter M - 209 ( Code).
QM 31 Dec. 44. Fish and Fishery Products. 11-380-2 28 Sept. 44. Message Keying Instructions for
QM 32 Jan. 45. Conservation of Clothing, Equipage, and Converter M - 209, M-209-A, M - 209 - B .
General Supplies. C 1 . 11-392-1 Dec. 44. Instruction for Modification of Tripod
QM 33 Dec. 44. Poultry and Eggs. LG - 21, Component of Signal Lamp Equipment SE
QM 34 Dec. 44. Cleaning and Repairing Gasoline Contain 11.
ers in Theaters of Operations . 11-406-1 Jan. 45. Moistureproofing and Fungiproofing in
QM 35 8 Jan. 45. Collapsible Containers for Storage of Pe structions for Projector Equipments PH - 398 and
troleum Products. PH-398-A.
QM 36 1 Dec. 44. Standard Quartermaster Fixed Laundry 11-410-1 15 May 44. Pigeon Crate PG -49 and Pigeon Cage
Operation . C 1 , 2 . PG - 50 .
QM 37 Feb. 45. Quartermaster Fixed Laundry Equipment * 11-429–1 27 Nov. 45. Orienting Wind Equipment AN/
Operation and Maintenance - Extractors. GMQ-1 to Magnetic North.

SIGNAL - Continued TB
TB 11-1213-1 Feb. 45. Oscilloscope 1-1340 (Modern Elec
11-430–1 21 Sept. 44. Maintenance of Batteries in Non tronic Model 830 ) Moistureproofing and Fungiproof
temperate Areas. ing Instructions.
11-435-1 16 May 44. Moistureproofing and Fungiproofing 11-1215-1 Jan. 45' . Test Set TS-258/ UP, Moisture
Public Address Equipment PA - 4 - C . proofing and Fungiproofing Instructions.
11-444-1. 24 Aug. 44. Moistureproofing and Fungiproofing 11-1324-1 29 Mar. 44. Waterproofing Radio Set SCR-584
Sound Ranging Set GR-3-C. For Amphibious Operation .
11-453-1 26 Jul . 44. Shor Work. 11-1329–10 10 Aug. 44. Instructions for Installation of
11-466-1 30 Oct. 44. Text Instructional Aids for TM 11 Azimuth Setting Modification Kit MC-566 on Radio
466 . Set SCR- 588 .
11-467-1 11 Sept. 44. Text Instructional Aids for TM 11-1329-12 29 Sept. 44. Radio Set, SCR-588, Power Unit
11-467 . PE - 198- B , Instructions for Installation of Fre
11-499-12 1 Aug. 45. Basic Radio Propagation Predictions quency Stability Improvement Kit 588-PUI.
for November 1945 . 11-1332–1 7 Jun. 45. Radio Equipment RC - 184, Transit
11-499-13 1 Sep 45. Basic Radio Propagation Predictions Kit MC-504 .
for December 1945. 11-1334-1 22 Sept. 44. Radio Equipment RC - 215 - A ;
* 11-499-14 1 Oct. 45. Basic Radio Propagation Predic Towers TR 48 and TR 49, Foundations and Guy
tions For January 1946. Anchorage Details.
* 11-499–15 1 Nov. 45. Basic Radio Propagation Predic- 11-1340-1 14 Nov. 44. Radio Set AN / TPS- 3, Tent Floor
tions For February 1946. Kit MX - 280 / TPS - 3 .
11-1341B-1 28 Dec. 44. Radio Set SCR -615 - B , Construc
* 11-499–16 1 Dec. 45. Basic Radio Propagation Predic
tions For March 1946. tion of Tower TR - 52.
11-1346-1 20 Sep. 44. Radio Equipment RC - 351 Tower
11-625–1 21 July 44. Preventive Maintenance as Applied to
Radio Set SCR - 543 . TR - 48, Foundation and Guy Anchorage Details.
11-625-2 26 Aug. 44. Moistureproofing and Fungiproofing 11-1424-3 16 Oct. 44. Radio Set SCR-584, R-F Transmis
Radio Sets SCR-543-A, B, and C. sion Lines, Methods of Cleaning.
11-625-3 12 May 45. Modification Kit MC-615 for C-W 11-1424-4 10 Nov. 44. Radio Set SCR -584, Gate Modifica
tion Kit MC-581 , Moistureproofing and Fungi
Operation of Radio Sets SCR-543-A, -B, and -C. proofing.
11-630-3 8 Aug. 44. Stowage of Antenna A-27 ( Phantom ) , 11-1426-1 11 Nov. 44. Radio Sets SCR-602-T6 and SCR
Used with Radio Set SCR - 506- ( ) , In Transport
and Combat Vehicles. C 1 , 2. 602-A ; Transmitters BC - 1081 - T6 and BC-1081-A,
and Power Supply Units PE-172-T6 and PE - 172 - A ,
11-630-4 12 Aug. 44. Instructions for Adjusting Friction Treatment of High - Voltage Transformers.
Brake On Tuning Control of Radio Receiver BC -652– 11-1426-2 11 Nov. 44. Radio Sets SCR-602-T6 and SCR
A. Component of Radio Set SCR - 506 - A . 602-A , Transmitters, BC-1081 -T6, BC-1081-A , Re
* 11-631-1 4 Oct. 45. Radio Frequency Watt-meter TS ceiver BC-1082-T6 and BC-1082-A , Modification of
429 /TRC-6 ( XC-3 ) .
11-800-2 Feb. 45. Calibration of Tuning Units for Use
Spark-Gap and Blower Motors and Replacement of
High - Voltage Leads.
with Radio Transmitters BC - 191 - A , B, C, D, E , F, 11-1427-1 Feb. 45. Radio Set SCR-545-A , Pedestal FT
N , and BC-AA-191 . 395-A Moistureproofing Antenna and Yoke Assem
11-866-1 18 May 44. Know Your Super-Pro Receiver. blies.
11-866-2 30 Oct. 44. Set Screws Used on Tuning Capaci- 11-1427-2 Mar. 45. Radio Set SCR - 545 - A , Automatic
tor Dial Assemblies of Radio Receivers BC - 794 - A , Controller Modification Kits 545-C4 and 545-C5 ,
BC - 794 - B , BC-779-A, BC-779-B, BC - 1004 - B , BC Moistureproofing and Fungiproofing.
1004-C , and BC- 1004 -D. 11-1427–3 Apr. 45. Radio Set SCR-545-A, Antenna AN
11-1033–2 31 Oct. 44, Radio Sets SCR-270 and SCR-271 115-A Moistureproofing Lucite Insulators.
Equipped with Nonresonant Transmission Line Sys 11-1439-1 Dec. 44. Lubricating Instructions for Power
tem , Installation of Coupling, MC-398-D. Unit PU-9/TPS-2.
11-1119-8 7 July 44. Motor Housing Repair of Transmit 11-1519-4 3 Feb. 45 . Radio Set SCR - 527 - A , Console Im
ting Antenna Trailer, K-77-A for Radio Set SCR provement Kit 527-D S I.
527-A. 11-1520-2 28 Nov. 44. Radio Set SCR-627-A, Chain Guide
Kit MC - 591 .
11-1119-9 11 Nov. 44. Radio Set SCR-527-A, Oscilloscope ,
BC - 986 - A , Cathode -Ray Tube 12GP7. 11-1524-1 19 April 44.1 Procedure for Checking Operation
* 11-1122–4 11 Aug. 45. Adjustment of Detector Set SCR of Azimuth Oil Pump.
625-1 ) For Operation Over Metallic Soil. 11-1524–2 15 Jun. 441. Procedure for Tuning Sweep Cir
cuits of Radio Set SCR-584.
11-1140A-1 20 Nov. 44. Beacon Transmitter-Receiver * AN/ 11-1524-3 15 Jun . 44. Instructions for Installations and
PPN-1A, Instructions for Installation of Cable Ex Removal of Magnetron Tubes of Radio Set SCR
tension Kit * CG-204/PPN-1A . 584.
11-1140-1 30 Sept. 44. Responder -Beacon - AN / PPN - 1, In
structions for Installation of Cable Extension Kit 11-1524–4 21 Jun. 44'. Low Crystal Mixer Sensitivity of
Radio Set SCR-584.
CG-193/PPN-1. 11-1524-5 21 June 44. Instructions for Releasing Jammed
11-1151-1 17 Oct. 44. Maintenance of Detector Set AN / Elevation Gear Trains of Radio Set SCR -584 .
PRS-1 .
11-1524-6 21 Jun. 441. Instructions For Aging Magnetrons
11-1157-1 Feb. 45 . Beacon Transmitter-Receiver AN / With Radio Set SCR-584 .
TPN -- 2, Moistureproofing and Fungiproofing Instruc- 11-1524-7 1 Jul. 44. Painting Antenna Bowl of Radio Set
tions. SCR-584.
11-1158A-1 7 Feb. 45. Instructions for Use of Conversion
Kit ML - 354 /AM with Radiosonde AN / AMQ - 1 ( ) 1 This Technical Bulletin is distributed only to interested headquarters
and to individuals whose duties require that they have it . This Technical
and Radio Transmitter BC-1253 . C 1 . Bulletin must be safeguarded in accordance with provisions of AR 380-5 .

SIGNAL - Continued TB
TB 11-2601-1 31 Mar. 45 . Rhombic Antennas for use with
11-1524-8 15 Sept. 44. Radio Set SCR -584 - B ; Range In Radio Terminal Set AN / TRC - 3 ( ) and Radio Re
dicator BC-1088-B , Installation of Motor Guard. lay Set AN / TRC - 4 ( ).
11-1524-10 23 Aug. 44. Break-Down of Driver Output 11-2601–2 1 Aug. 45. Rearrangement of Mast Base of
Transformer T- 105 of Driver Unit BC- 1080 In Antenna Supports AB - 33 / TRC - 1, AB -33A / TRC - 1,
Radio Sets SCR-584-A and SCR-584-B . and AB -33B / TRC - 1 ; Part of Antenna System AS
11-1524-13 12 Sep. 44. Radio Set SCR-584 , Instructions 19 / TRC - 1, AS-19A/TRC-1, AS - 19B / TRC - 1, AS
for Installatoin of Blower Motor Stock No. 6Z989 19C / TRC - 1, AS–19D/TRC-1, and AS - 19E / TRC - 1.
Motor in Place of Blower BL - 202. 11-2623–1 11 Nov. 44. Frequency Meter BC - 906 - E , Mois
11-1524-15 13 Nov. 44'. Radio Set SCR -584, Remote Data tureproofing and Fungiproofing Instructions.
Indicator Kit MC - 546 . SIG 4 14 Jan. 44.Methods for Improving the Effectiveness
11-1524–16 14 Oct. 44. Radio Set SCR-584, Field Report of Jungle Radio Communication.
of Operation Against Window. SIG 5 20 Jan. 44. Defense against Radio Jamming.
11-1524-17 8 Dec. 44. Radio Set SCR-584, Instructions for SIG 11 7 Mar. 44.1 Discriminator BC - 1195 .
Installing Coupling Modification Kit MC - 577. C 1. SIG 13 7 Mar. 44. Moistureproofing and Fungiproofing Sig
11-1524–19 Jan. 45. Radio Set SCR-584-A , Antenna Posi nal Corps Equipment. C 1 , C 2 .
tioning System, Servicing of Servo Generators. SIG 15 10 Mar. 44. Repair of Flashlights.
11-1524-20 15 Feb. 451. Radio Sets SCR -584 - A and SCR- SIG 18 27 Mar. 44. Summary of Signal Corps Power Units.
584 - B , Gate Modification Kit MC-581 . SIG 23 11 Apr. 44. Rustproofing of Engines.
11-1524-21 Apr. 45. Radio Sets SCR - 584 - A and SCR- SIG 24 17 Apr. 44. Inspection Procedure for Repaired Elec
584 - B , Local Oscillators BC - 1096 - A and BC-1096 trical Indicating Instruments.
B , Instructions for Replacing 417A Klystron with SIG 25 19 Apr. 44. Preventive Maintenance of Power Cords.
2K41 Klystron. SIG 29 21 Apr. 44. Impedance Unbalance Tests for Coils C
11-1524-22 May 45. Radio Sets SCR-584-A and SCR 161 and C - 288.
584 - B , Field Service Information, SIG 30 20 Apr. 44. Check of Azimuth Accuracy of Antenna
11-1525-14 4 Oct. 44. Radio Set SCR-584, Field Service AN - 154 - A .
Information . SIG 31 28 Apr. 44 '. Instructions for Installation of Antenna
11-1526–5 Feb. 45. Radio Sets SCR - 602 - T6 and SCR Connector Kit * PPN - AT3.
602 – A , Transmitter BC - 1081 - T6 and BC-1081-A, SIG 41 16 May 44. Battery BA-38-R.
Installation of Replacement Blower Assembly. SIG 44 26 May 44. Maintenance of Spiral Four and Tac
11-1529-1 13 Nov. 44. Radio Set SCR - 588 ( ) Engineer tical Open Wire Carrier Equipment.
ing Change Notice ( ECN ) . SIG 52 12 Jun. 44. Connection and Line-up Procedure For
11-1540-2 11 Sept. 44'. Limitations of Radio Sets AN / Switchboard BD - 100 Inter -Connected With Other
TPS - 3 . Teletypewriter Equipment By Wire Lines and By
11-1540–3 Dec, 44 '. Radio Set AN / TPS - 3 Installation and Carrier Telegraph Equipment.
Operation of Antenna Assembly AS -202 / TPS - 3. SIG 54 13 Jun. 44. Working Through Jamming with Fre
11-1540-4 Feb. 43 . Radio Set AN / TPS - 3 , Console Cabinet quency Modulated Radio Sets.
CY -69 / TP / S - 3 , Cooling Instructions. SIG 55 26 Jun. 44. Preventive Maintenance Services on
11-1541-1 12 Oct. 44.1 Radio Sets SCR -615 - T1 and SCR Gasoline and Diesel Engine Components of Power
615 - A ; Summary of Improvements and Recom Units.
mended Changes. SIG 60 24 Nov. 44. Radio Sets SCR - 270 - BB , SCR - 270 - DA
11-1542–1 23 Oct. 44. Radio Set SCR -636, Modulator Unit and SCR-527-A ; Air Conditioners MX-31A/MP and
No. 32, Triggatron Modification Kit. MX -31B /MP.
11–2001-1 Jan. 45. Complete 100-Mile Spiral-Four Carrier SIG 63 14 Jul. 44. Warning Notice for Radar.
System . SIG 66 2 Aug. 44. Winter Maintenance of Signal Equip
* 11-2203–1 16 Aug 45. Description of Operation of Tele ment.
typewriter Set AN / TGC - 1 ( Tape Relay Package SIG 67 2 Aug. 44. Laying Field Cable Under Water.
Unit Equipment ) . SIG 69 5 Aug. 44. Lubrication of Ground Signal Equip
11-2403–1 5 Apr. 44. Repair of Defective Radiosondes. ment.
* 11-2403-3 17 Dec. 45. Field Construction of Radiosonde SIG 72 9 Aug. 44. Tropical Maintenance of Ground Signal
Test Switch to Supersede Test Equipment TS - 30 / Equipment.
FMQ-1 . SIG 73 11 Aug. 44. Open-Wire Transpositions.
11-2404–1 22 Jun. 45. Humidity Element for Radiosonde SIG 75 8 Aug. 44. Desert Maintenance of Ground Signal
AN / AMQ - 1 ( ). Equipment.
11-2405-2 Repairing Meterological Balloons.
Jul. 45.
SIG 77 8 Aug. 44. Instructions for Installation of Adapter
11-2422–1 Jun. 45. Typographical Errors in Scale and Kit MX - 257 / TPS - 3 for Radio Set AN / TPS-3.
Graduation Labels of Psychrometric Calculator SIG 79 10 Aug. 44. Instructions for Replacing Broken
ML - 322 /UM . Glass in Meters with Plastic Material.
11-2501-1 Dec. 44. Installation of Frequency Meter and
A - C Voltmeter in Test Set I-209-B . SIG 81 15 Aug. 44. Authority For Use of Radio Channels.
SIG 85 28 Aug. 44. Care and Maintenance of Pole Climbing
11-2511-2 Mar. 45. Operating Instructions for Recorder.
Reproducer AN /GNQ - 7. Equipment.
SIG 87 26 Aug. 44. Radio Set SCR-682-A ; Installation
11–2525–1 Jan. 45. Starting Power Units in Arctic Areas of Azimuth Index Kit 682-1D7.
Using Miller Utility Heater Model OG - 31 - A .
SIG 89 28 Aug. 44. Instructions For Charging Battery BB
11–2540–1 Jul. 45. Dimensioning Quartz Blanks for Crys 210 / U.
tal Unit CR -8B / U .
SIG 90 28 Aug. 44. Instructions For Charging Battery BB
54-A .
1 This Technical Bulletin is distributed only to interested headquarters SIG 92 6. Sep. 44. Radio Set SCR - 682 - A ; Synchroscope
and to individuals whose duties require that they have it. This Technical
Bulletin must be safeguarded in accordance with provisions of AR 380-5. I -212 ; Synchroscope Slow - Sweep Jack Kit 682 - TS2.

SIGNAL - Continued TB
SIG 147 Mar. 45. Emergency Switchboard SB-18/GT and
SIG 94 4 Sep. 44. Tube Test Data for Precision Tube Adapter Plug U - 4 /GT.
Checker Series 910, 912, 914, 915, 920, 922, 954. SIG 148 Dec. 44. Plan for Maintenance of Photographic
SIG 96 5 Sep. 44. Repair Instructions for Field and Long and Projector Equipment used by Army Ground
Range Tactical Wire. Forces and Army Service Forces.
SIG 97 12 Sep. 44. Accessory Equipment for Field Wire SIG 149 Feb. 45. Tropicalization of Photographic equip
Construction Truck. ment.
SIG 101 24 Sep. 44. Long- Range Tactical Wire W-143. SIG 150 6 Jan. 45. Wire Dispenser MX-301 / G.
SIG 102 5 Oct. 44. Maintenance of Electric Organs In Army SIG 152 Jan. 45. Instructions for Installation and use of
Chapels in Continental United States, Alaska, Pan Test Set 1-209- A and B for Monitoring Power Unit
ama Canal Zone, Puerto Rico and Hawaii. Used with Radiosonde Receptor AN /FMQ - 1.
SIG 103 10 Oct. 44. Nomenclature Designations in Signal SIG 153 Jan. 45. Transformer TF-13 . C 1 .
Corps Publications. C 1, 2. SIG 154 Jan. 45. General Standards for Vehicular Antenna
SIG 106 21 Oct. 44. Radio Sets SCR -270- ( ) and SCR Installations.
271-1 ) Nomenclature and Index to Literature. SIG 155 Jan. 45. Headset- Microphone Assembly AN/
SIG 109 16 Nov. 44. Headset H - 16 / U . URA-1 , and Gas-Mask Adapter. C1 .
SIG 112 24 Oct. 44. Converting Ordnance SmallArms Re SIG 156 Feb. 45. Radio Equipments RC-127-A , RC - 145 .
A, RC-184 ; Antenna AN-154-A ; Instructions for
pair Truck to Basic Signal Corps Repair Truck. Providing Satisfactory Weather Protection.
SIG 113 Nov. 44. Test and Calibration of Radio Direction
Finders for Site and Instrumental Errors. SIG 157 5 Feb. 45. Packing and Handling of Stubbed Ca
26 Dec. 44. Radio Sets SCR -545 - A and SCR ble Terminals.
SIG 114
584, Installation of Remote Data Indicator Kit MC SIG 158 Feb. 45. Glossary of Principal Photographic
544. C 1 . Chemicals : Their Properties, Characteristics, and
SIG 115 2 Nov. 44. Silica Gel Contained in Radio Sets SCR Names in Six Languages.
509 - A and B, SCR -510 - A and B, SCR - 609 - A and SIG 159 Mar. 45. Viewfinder PH - 532 / UF . C 1 .
B , SCR -610 - A and B. C 1 . SIG 160 Feb. 45. Radio Sets SCR-545-A and SCR-584 ,
SIG 117 6 Nov. 44. RadioSets AN/TPS-1, AN/TPS-1A, Remote Data Indicator Kit MC-544 , Moisture
AN/TPS-3, SCR -602 - T6 , and SCR -602 - A ; Plotting proofing and Fungiproofing Instructions.
Board MX-26 / TP. SIG 162 Mar. 45. Crystal Rectifiers.
SIG 119 8 Nov. 44. Radio Equipments RC-145-A, RC-184, SIG 163 Feb. 45. Construction and Installation of Corner
RC - 182 - A , and RC-282-A, Operation in High Reflector.
Density Areas with reduced power and narrow An- SIG 164 Feb. 45. Trailer K - 38 - A .
tenna Beam width . SIG 165 23 Mar. 45. Operating Instructions for Radio
SIG 120 14 Nov. 44. Instructions for Blackout Adapter sondes AN / AMT - 1 and AN /AMT-2, C1 .
M - 374 and Filter M - 384 for Flashlight TL - 122 , A, SIG 166 Apr. 45 . Care and Maintenance of Power Tubes.
B, C, and D. C 1.
SIG 121 11 Nov, 44. Instructions for Tying and Use of SIG 167 Apr. 45. Phototubes .
Weave Tie for Field Wires and Cables. SIG 169 Apr. 45. Tube Test Data for Test Sets 1-56-A ,
SIG 123 11 Nov. 44. Preventive Maintenance Practices for C , D , E , H , J , and L, C 1 .
9 .

Ground Signal Equipment.

SIG 170 Apr. 45. Erection of Antenna AN-158 by Fall
SIG 126 17 Nov. 44. Radio Sets SCR - 270 - ( * ) and SCR ing Gin Pole Method.
271- ( * ) , Oscilloscopes BC - 403 - (* ) , Replacing Filter SIG 171 21 May 45. Telegraph Adapter TH - 4 / U .
Resistors in High-Voltage Power Unit.
SIG 129 18 Nov. 44. Chest Sets. SIG 172 Apr. 45. Gas Absorber Units for Polar Relays
SIG 131 25 Nov. 44. Radio Set SCR-270- ( * ) , SCR -271 ( WECO Types 255-A, D-164816, D-163119-A , and
D-168651 ) .
( * ) ; Receiver-Indicator BC-1239-A ; Installation of
*SIG 173 10 May 45. Radio Equipment RC - 192 - A , Radar
Console Illumination Kit 270_ID3. Set AN / TPX - 1, and Radar Set AN / TPX - 3 : Instal
SIG 134 Nov. 44. Dynamotor Limited Repairs and Replace lation of Antenna Tower Kit AS-134 / TPX.
ment Plan .
SIG 136 Mar. 45. Meter Fundamentals. SIG 174 May 45. Plotting Set AN/TMA-1,
SIG 137 Nov. 44. Plan for Disposition of Sealed Trans- SIG 175 May 45. Power Supply Unit PE - 120 - A .
mitter and Receiver Units of Microphones, Tele- SIG 176 May 45. Laying Field Wire Under Water.
phone Transmitters, and Receivers. SIG 178 27 Jun . 45. Preventive Maintenance Guide for
SIG 138 Nov. 44. Construction of Separator Ring for Radio Communication Equipment.
Type CR Collapsible Power Reel. SIG 179 May 45. Technical Phases of Management, Op
SIG 142 22 Dec. 44. Radio Sets SCR-270-( * ) and SCR erations, and Procedures for Shops Repairing and
271 - ( * ) ; Receiver -Indicator BC - 1239 - A ; Discrim Maintaining Signal Corps Equipment.
inator BC-1270 and Modified 1-F Chassis Kit 270- SIG 180 8 Jun. 45. Jungle Aerial Wire Line Construction .
IDI . SIG 182 11 Jun . 45. Addition of Crystal Rectifier Test
SIG 145 Feb. 45. Radio Sets SCR-270- ( * ) and SCR - 271 Set TS - 268 / U to Test Sets AN /MPM - 2, -3 , and -5 .
( * ) , Installation and Operation of Console Conver- SIG 183 Jun . 45. Preventive Maintenance Guide for Power
sion Kits B70 -C1 and D71-C1 . Equipment.
SIG 146 Jan. 45. Maintenance Instructions for Bearing SIG 184 Jul . 45. Installation of Radio Terminal Set AN /
Indicator BC-1159-A and Goniometer MC - 412 - A , TRC - 3, -3A , -3B, -3C, -3D , and -3E ; Radio Relay
Parts of Radio Set SCR-291 -A and Radio Set SCR Set AN / TRC - 4, -4A , -4B , -4C , -4D , and -4E ; and
502. Carrier Terminal Sets ( Components of Multichannel
Radio Relay Communication System ) in Truck ,
1This Technical Bulletin is distributed only to interested headquarters 6 x 6, 242 - Ton, Cargo, Long Wheel Base, Metal or
and to individuals whose duties require that they have it . This Technical
Bulletin must be safeguarded in accordance with provisions of AR 380-5 . Wood Body. C 1 .
SIGNAL - Continued TM
TB 1-233 30 Dec. 43. Elementary Physics for Air Crew
SIG 185 Jul. 45. Instllation of Radio Terminal Set AN/ Trainees.
TRC - 3, -3A , -3B , -30, -3D , and --3E ; Radio Relay * 1-235 1 May 45 . Weather Station Handbook For the Oba
Set AN / TRC - 4 , -4A , -4B, -4C , -4D , and -4E ; and server . C 1 .
Carrier Terminal Sets ( Components of Multichannel 1-240 17 Jan. 44. Arctic Manual.
Radio Relay Communication System in Shelter HO- 1-260 14 Dec. 42. Dive Bombing.
17 and H0-17 -A or H0-27 and H0-27 -A . 1-270 7 May 42. Aerial Gunnery Practice and Record Fir
SIG 187 Jun. 45. Maintenance of Diesel Fuel Injection ing. C 1 , 2.
Nozzles. 1-273 15 Dec. 42. Fixed Aerial and Ground Gunnery (ten
SIG 188 2 Jul. 45. Test Sets AN / MPM -2 and AN /MPM - 5 ; tative ) .
Signal Generator TS - 343 / U ; Installation of Coupl 1-282 27 Feb. 43. Tactics and Technique of Air Chemical
ing Unit CU - 96 / UP . Spraying. C 1 , 2, 3, 4 .
SIG 189 30 Jul. 45. Cold Weather Photography. 1-305 25 Apr. 40. Theory of Ballooning.
SIG 190 1945. Photography Under High Temperature 1-315 1 Oct. 40. Hydrogen.
Conditions. 1-320
SIG 191 17 Jul. 45. Pilot Balloon Targets ML - 306 / AP , 11 Feb. 41. Airship Aerodynamics.
1-325 1 Oct. 40. Aerostatics.
ML - 307/ AP, ML - 307A / AP, ML - 307B /AP , ML - 309 1-350 4 Jan. 441. Height Finding with the SCR -527 - A .
/AP, ML -330/AP and Radar Calibration Target 1-400 24 Feb. 41. Theory of Flight. C 1 , 2.
TS-88/ GP.
SIG 192 Jul. 45. ' Interphone Extension Kit RC-298. 1-404 30 Dec. 43. Turbosupercharger and Airplane Power
SIG 193 Jul. 45. Improved Method of Securing Handset 1-405 2 Jan. 45. Aircraft Engines.
Tie Cord to Telephone EE - 8, EE - 8 - A , EE -8- B, 1-406 Feb. 45. Aircraft Electrical Systems.
and Telephone TP-3. 1-407 22 Feb. 44. Aircraft Induction Fuel and Oil Sys
SIG 194 Jul. 45. Instructions for Treatment of Tele
tems .
typewriter Paper Rolls. 1-408 16 Mar. 44. Aircraft Power Plant Operation. C 1 .
SIG 195 Jul. 45. Method of Repairing Antenna Mast 1-410 15 Sep. 43. Airplane Structures.
Sections MS -49 , 50, 51, 52 , 53, 54, 55, and 56. 1-411 8 May 44. Airplane Hydraulic Systems.
SIG 196 Jul. 45. Selection of Battery BA-200/ U for Use 1-412 5 Jan. 44. Aircraft Propellers. C 1 .
in Hand Lanterns.
1-413 2 Feb. 42. Aircraft Instruments.
SIG 198 1 Aug. 45. Description of Operation Tape Relay 1-414 22 Dec. 42. Aircraft Woodwork .
Semiautomatic Fixed Station Equipment. 1-415 17 Aug. 43. Airplane Inspection Guide.
SIG 201 9 Aug. 45. Standard Crystal Units used in Sig 1-416 22 Mar. 44. Miscellaneous Aircraft Equipment. C 1 .
nal Equipment.
1-417 16 Sep. 44. Aircraft Fabric Work and Application
SIG 203 18 Aug. 45. Installation , Adjustment , and Main of Finishes.
tenance of Interrupter PE-250 ( Telering) . 1-420 29 Nov. 40. Lathes. C1.
SIG 205 12 Sept. 45. Tool Equipment TK - 25 /GF. 1-421 20 Apr. 42. Milling Machines , Shapers, and Planers.
SIG 206 12 Sept. 45. Tool Equipment TK - 27 /GF. 1-422 26 Nov. 40. Grinding Machines . C 1 .
WELFARE RECREATION AND MORALE 1-423 10 Sep. 41. Heat Treating And Inspection of Metals.
C 1 , 2.
28-1 24 Aug. 44. Care and Maintenance of Special Ser 1-424 11 Jun. 42. Aircraft Hardware and Materials.
vices Equipment .
1-425 26 Feb. 45. Aircraft Mechanics Tools.
TRANSPORTATION 1-430 24 Apr. 42. Welding. C 1 .
55-275-1 1 Apr. 44. Standard Plans Roadway. Track, and 1--435 10 Feb. 41, Aircraft Sheet Metal Work. C 1 .
Structures. 1-440 29 Jun. 45. Parachutes, Aircraft Fabrics and Cloth
* 55–285–1 24 Jul. 44. Echelon Maintenance Schedule For ing.
Hospital and Kitchen Cars. 1-455 10 Aug. 44. Electrical Fundamentals .
55-285-2 24 Aug. 44. Detailed Instructions For First and 1-460 20 Mar. 43. Radiotelephone Procedure. C 1 .
Third Echelon Maintenance of Hospital Cars in Zone 1-465 2 Dec. 41. Airground Communication.
of Interior. 1-470 1 May 42. Aircraft Radio Shop Practice.
55-310-1 Jan. 45. Stevedoring. 1-472 3 Dec. 42. Radio Equipment.
1-490 21 May 42. Electrical Armament Controls.
1-495 11 Aug. 44. Harmonization of Aircraft Fixed Guns
32. TECHNICAL MANUALS . (For description see and Sights .
* 1-500 30 Aug. 45. Bomb Racks, Tow Target Equipment,
par . 10) and Flare Racks.
1-505 1 Apr. 42. Aircraft Cameras ( Machine Gun ) .
NUMBER DATE AND NOMENCLATURE 1-510 3 Mar. 43. Synchronizing.
1-705 25 Sep. 43. Physiological Aspects of Flying.
AIR 1-750 14 Sep. 43. Applied Physics for Airplane Mechanics.
TM 1-800 15 Feb. 43. Basic Glider Training ( tentative) .
1-205 25 Nov. 40. Air Navigation . C 1 . 1-815 8 Apr. 43. Advanced Glider Training (tentative ).
1-206 4 Mar. 41, Celestial Air Navigation . C 1. 1-900 30 Sept. 43. Mathematics for Air Crew Trainees. C 1 ,
1-208 1 Aug. 44. Air Navigation Tables. C 1 .
1-219 1 Jul. 41. Basic Photography. C 1 . 1-1000 30 Sep. 43. Vocational Teaching.
1-220 26 Nov. 42. Aerial Photography. C 1 . 1-1050 24 Mar. 43. Fundamentals of Mechanical Drawing.
1-230 27 May 40. Weather Manual For Pilots. 1–1100 2 May 42. Shotgun and Skeet Shooting.
1-231 10 Feb. 43. Elementary Weather for Air Crew
Trainees. 1This Technical Manual is distributed only to interested headquarters
and to individuals whose duties require that they have it. This Technical
1-232 22 Apr. 42. Basic Weather for Pilot Trainees. C 1. Manual must be safeguarded in accordance with provisions of AR 380-5 .


CO AN 08-5FB-1 10 Jun. 43, 14 Aug. 44 . HMI SCR AN 08-30APN9-2 15 Nov. 44. HOI AN/APN-9.
720 - A & B Revision . * 16-30APN - 2-2 20 Oct. 45. HOI for Radio Sets AN /
AN 08-10-215 15 Dec. 43, 28 Jul. 44. HMI TS-10/APN APN-2 and AN /APN-2Y.
Revision. * AN 16-30APN3-2 20 Sept. 45. HOI for Radio Set AN /
CO AN 08-25CA - 1 7 Jan. 44 , 11 Aug. 44. HMI AN / APN APN-3 .
-4 Revision. AN 16-30APN4-3 14 Apr. 45. HMI for Radio Set *AN/
APN-4 .
AN 08-30APA6-3 6 Dec. 44. Radar Indicator Assy . AN/ places CO AN 08-25CA - 1 .
APA-6X-HMI . AN 16-30APN9-3 1 Jun . 45 . HMI for Radar Set AN/
AN 08-30APA10-2 15 Sep. 44. HOI AN/APA-10 ( XA-3 ) APN - 9 .
-AN / APA - 10 , 16-30APN12-21 Jun . 45. HOI for Radar Set AN /APN-12 .
AN 08-30APA10-3 7 Dec. 44. HMI for Panoramic Adapter AN 16-30APN19-2 20 Jun . 45. HOI for AN/APN-19.
AN 08-30APA11–2 23 Aug. 44. HOI AN/APA-11 . AIRBORNE RADAR SPECIAL ( L - 33, C - 7 )
AN 08-30APA23–3 1 Jan. 45. HOI AN/APA-23 . AN 08-30APQ2-2 10 Oct. 44. HOI AN/APQ-2A.
CO 08-30APA28-2 - X 1 Oct. 44. Multiple Indicator Equip- AN 08-30APQ2–2 Transmitting Equip. AN/
14 Oct. 44 .
ment AN /APA - 28. APQ-2A-Oper. Instr.- (Rev . 12 Dec. 44) .
CO 08-30APA36-2 - X 1 Oct. 44. Instructions for Indicator CO AN 08-30 APQ2–2 18 Jan. 43. HMI for Transmitting
AN/APA-36. Equipment AN/APQ- 2A .
AN 16-30APA10-2 2 May 45. HMI for Panoramic Adapt- 08-30A PQ5–2 27 Jun. 44. AN/APQ-5 Indicator Equip.
ers AN/APA-10 (XA - 3 ) and AN/APA-10. Oper. & Maint. Instr.
AN 16-30APA11-2 25 May 45. HOI for Radar Indicator AN 08-30APQ5-3 20 Sep. 44. HOI AN/APQ-5 & 5b.
Assembly AN/APA-11 . CO AN 08-30 APQ5–3 15 Aug. 44. HMI AN/APQ-5.
AN 16-30APA11-3 1 Jun. 45. HMI for Radar Indicator CO 08-30APQ5-4 - X 20 Oct. 44. Instructions for Indicator
Assembly AN/APA-11 . Equipment AN /APQ - 5B.
CO AN 16-30APA33-2 - M 5 Jul. 45 . HMI for Multiple CO 08-30 APQ5-21 30 May 44. Replacement of Mechanical
Indicator Equipment AN-APA-33. Linkage Joint Assembly * AN /APQ-5 .
* 16-30 APA42-2 10 Jul. 45 HOI for Direction Findings CO 08-30 APQ5--22- X 7 Oct, 44. Replacement of Fuses ,
Assembly AN / APA - 42. AN / APQ - 5.
AN 08-30APQ7-2 4 Oct. 44. Radio Set * AN/APQ-7
AN 08-30APG1-2 25 Mar. 44. AN /APG-1 Radio Set HOI . * CO AN 08-30 APQ7-2 25 Aug. 45. HMI for Radio Set
AN 08-30 APG2-2 1 Jun , 44. AN/APG-2 Radio Set HOI . AN / APQ - 7.
AN 08-30APG13-2 19 Jul. 44. HOI AN /APG- 13A . AN 08-30APQ7-2 4 Oct. 44. HOI for Radio Set * AN/APQ
CO AN 08-30APG13-2 - M 16 Nov. 44. HMI for Radar Set -7 .
AN/APG-13A . CO AN 08–30 APQ7-2- M 10 Jun . 15. Revision HMI for
AN 08-30APG15-2 30 Nov. 44. HOI for Radar Set AN/ Radio Set AN/APQ-7.
APG-15A . AN 08-30APQ9-2 15 Feb. 44. AN/APQ-9 Radio Equip .
AN 16-30APG5-2 20 Mar. 45. HOI for Radio Set AN/ HOI .
APG-5. CO AN 08-30 APQ9-2 29 Jun . 44. HMI for Radio Equip
* CO AN 16-30 APG5-2 - M . 25 Jul. 45. HMI for Radio Sets ment AN/APQ-9.
AN / APG - 5 . AN 08-30APQ13–24 Jan. 44. AN /APQ- 13 Radio Set
CO AN 16-30 APG15-2- M 8 May 45. HMI for Radar Set HOI .
AN/APG-15A . CO 08-30 APQ13-3 25 Jul. 44 . Preliminary Instructions
* AN 16-30APG15-3 20 Aug. 45. HOI for Radar Set AN/ for Radio Set AN/APQ-13.
APG- 15B . 08-30APQ13-21 20 Jul. 44 . AN/APQ-13 Power Factor
* CO 16-30APG15-5 23 Aug. 45. Identifying Order for Correction .
Preliminary Instruction Manual for AN /APG - 15 - B . CO 08-30 APQ13-21 - X 10 Sep. 44. Replacement of Trans
mission Line - AN / APQ - 13.
AIRBORNE RADAR NAVIGATIONAL AIDS ( L - 33, C-6) 08-30APQ13-22 10 Jan. 45. AN/APQ-13 Return Trace
08-30 APM12-2 29 Aug. 44. Identifies Commercial Manual Blanking Modification and Replace Sector Scan
of Instr, for Test Bench AN/APM–12. Circuit Resistors.
AN 08-30APN1-2 18 May 44. Radio Sets AN/APN-1, 1A CO 08-30APQ13–22-M 12 Dec. 44. Installation of Im
( Aircraft Radio Altimeter Equip .) -- Maint. Instr. proved Computer Chart-AN/APQ-13.
( Rev. 2 Dec. 44 ) . 08-30APQ13-23 5 Dec. 44. AS-54A/APQ -13-AN/APQ- 13
AN 08-30APN1-2 18 May 44. HMI for Radio Sets AN / --- Instal. of Filter on Azimuth Motor of Antenna.
APN-1 and AN/APN-1A (Aircraft Altimeter CO 08-30APQ13-23-11 20 Dec. 44. Modification to Improve
Equipments ) . Automatic Frequency Control AN/APQ-13.
08-30APN1-21 25 Apr. 44. Antenna Coupling Transformer CO 08-30 APQ13–24 - M 30 Dec. 44. Installation of Heated
Modification— * AN /APN - 1, AN/APN-1A. Rotary Joint in Antenna -- AN / APQ - 13.
08-30APN1-22 27 Mar. 44. Altitude Limit Amplifier, Modi- AN 08-30A PQ15-2 30 Aug. 45 . HOI AN /APQ - 15 .
fication— * AN /APN - 1, -1A. AN 16-30APQ2-3 15 Aug. 45. HMI for Transmitting
CO AN 08-30 APN2-24 Nov. 44 . HMI for Radio Sets Equipment AN/APQ-2A or AN / APQ - 2B .
* AN/APN-2 and * AN/APN-2Y. * AN 16-30APQ --5-6 28 Aug. 45. HOI for Indicator Equip
AN 08-30APN3-2 29 Nov. 44. HOI AN/APN-3, ment AN/ APQ-5 and AN /APQ - 5B.
AN 08-30A PN3–2 29 Nov. 44. HOI for Radio Set AN/ * AN 16-30APQ-5-7 5 Sep. 45. HMI for Indicator Equip
APN-3 . ment AN /APQ-5B .
CO AN 08-30APN3-2 - M 7. Dec. 44. HMI for Radio Set * 16-30APQ7-2 30 Aug. 45. HOI for Radio Set AN/
AN /APN - 3. APQ-7.

AIRBORNE RADAR SPECIAL ( L - 33, C - 7) –Continued TM

TM AN 16–30APT2–3 18 May 45. HMI for Radar Set AN/
* CO AN 16-30 APQ15–2 -M 10 Aug. 45. HMI for Radar APT-2 or Radio Transmitting Equipment RC-156
Set AN/APQ-15. -A .
*CO AN 16-30APQ20-2 - M 28 Apr. 45. HMI for Radar CO AN 16-30 APT4-3 - M 5 Jun . 45. HMI for Radar Set
Set AN /APQ -20. AN/APT-4 .
AN 16-30APQ9-2 15 May 45. HOI for Radio Equipment AN 16-30APT5-21 Jun . 45 . HOI for Radio Sets AN/
AN /APQ - 9. APT-5 and AN /APT-5A .
16-30APQ13-24 21 Feb. 45. Mod. to Improve Target Defi- AN 16-30APT5-3 5 May 45. HMI for AN/APT-5 and
nition and to Utilize Improved Video Band-Width AN /APT-5A .
AN/APQ-13. * AN 08-30ART13-2 25 May 45. HMI for Radio Trans
AN 16-30APQ23–2 25 May 45. HOI for Radar Set AN/ mitting Set AN /ART-13 or Navy Models ATC and
APQ -23 and AN/APQ-23A . ATC- 1 .

AN 08-30APR2-2 17 Jan. 44. AN /APR - 2 Radar Receiving ( L - 34 , C-3 )
Equip. HOI . CO AN 08-30CPN2-2- M 7 Dec. 44. HMI for Radio Set
AN 08-30APR2–3 19 Jul. 44. Radar Receiving Equip. AN/ AN /CPN - 2 .
APR - 2 - HMI. AN 08-30CPN7-2 13 May 44. AN/CPN-7 Radio Set - HOI.
AN 08-30APR4-2 8 Aug. 44. HOI AN / APR - 4 . CO 08-30CPN7-21 21 Apr. 44. Operational Procedure and
AN 08-30APR4-3 25 Jun . 45. HMI for AN /APR -4 . Tactical Employment AN/CPN-7.
AN 08-30APR5-2 16 Aug. 44 , 5 Oct. 44. HOI AN /APR AN 08-30CPN8-2 28 Nov. 44. AN/CPN-8 Radio Set
-5 ( XA-1 ) , AN /APR -5AY, AN / APR -5A Revision. HOI .
AN 08-30APR7-2 23 Oct. 44. HOI AN/APR-7 . CO AN 16-30CPN8-2 - M HMI for AN /CPN - 8.
AN 08-30APR7-2 27 Dec. 44. Radar Set AN /APR - 7 -HMI. * AN 16-30CPN8-2 30 Jul. 45. HOI for Radio Set AN/
CPN -8.
* AN 16-30APR5-3 1 Jul . 45. HMI for Radar Set AN /
APR-5A. * AN 16-30CPN11-2 · 20 Aug. 45. HOI for Radio Compass
AN /ARN -7.
AIRBORNE RADAR AND/OR DETECTING ( L - 33, C-9 ) * CO AN 16-30CPN11–3. 1 Aug. 45. HMI for Radio Set
* AN 08-30 APS3-2 13 Feb. 45. HOI for Model AN / APS AN / CPN - 11A and AN /CPN-12A .
3A Aircraft Radar Equipment. *CO 16–30CPX1–3 25 Jul. 45. HMI for Radar Set AN/
AN 08-30A PS13-2 8 Jul . 44. HOI AN /APS- 13. CPX - 1.
AN/APS-13. ( L - 34, C- 12)
AN 08-30A PS13-2 15 Jul. 45. HOI for Radio Set AN/
APS- 13. AN 08-30CRW2–2 8 May 44, AN/CRW-2, 2A Radio Re
44. AN/APS-15 Aircraft ceiving Sets - HOI .
AN 08-30A PS15-2 29 Feb.
CO AN 16-30CRW7-2 - M 21 Jun 45. HMI for Radio Re
Radar Equip.-HOI.
CO AN 08-30A PS15–2 - X 5 Feb. 44 , 18 Aug. 44. HMI AN/ ceiving Set AN/CRW-7.
08-30PPN1-21 4 Dec. 44. Cable Extension Kit * CG - 193 / 1
APS-15 Revision .
08-30APS15-21 8 Jan. 45 . AN/APS-15A-Instal . of Instal , and Use— * AN/PPN-1 .
08-30PPN1-22 29 Dec. 44. Cable Extension Kit * CG - 204 /
“ Sighting Angle-Range Data " Booklet and Holder. PPN-1A Instal. and Use_ * AN/PPN- 1A.
CO 08-30APS15-21 - X 1 Oct. 44. Modification of Receiver
Indicator to Provide Continuously Variable 5- to 08-30PPN1-23 7 Jan. 45. Power Output Loss-Precautions
25-Mile Sweep-AN/APS-15 , Dist. B, C, E, F, H, for Minimizing—*AN/PPN-1A.
I, K, L and 15th Air Force. TPN EQUIPMENT ( L - 34 , C-17)
CO 08-30 APS15–22 - X 7 Oct. 44. Insulation of High Volt AN 08-30TPN1-2 15 Aug. 44. AN/TPN-1 Beacon Trans
age Lead of Receiver Indicator AN/APS-15 . mitter Receiver - HOI.
CO 08-30 APS15–23 - X 1 Nov. 44. Production Changes in
Components - AN /APS - 15. CO AN 16-30TPN 3-2 - M 26 Feb. 45. HMI for Beacon
Transmitter Receiver AN / TPN - 3 .
AN 16-30A PS10-3 25 May 45. HMI for Radio Set AN/
APS-10. AN / UPN SERIES ( L - 91, C - 17 )
AIRBORNE RADAR TRANSMITTING ( L - 33, C - 10 ) AN 08-30UPN1-2 9 Nov. 44. AN/UPN -2 Radar Beacon
-H0I .
AN 08-30APT1-2 4 Apr. 44 . AN/APT-1 Transmitting AN 08-30UPN2-2 9 Nov. 44. HOI for Radar Beacon AN/
Equip . - HOI . UPN-2.
CO AN 08-30 APT1-2 30 Mar. 44. HMI for Transmitting AN 16-30UPN1-2 10 Jul . 45. HOI for Radar Beacon AN/
Equipment AN/APT-1 . UPN-1 .
AN 08-30APT2-2 13 Nov. 44. Radar Set AN/APT-2 and CO AN 16-30UPN1-3 - M 1 Jul. 45. HMI for Radar
Radio Transmitting Equip. RC- 156-A-HOI . Beacon AN/ UPN-1 .
AN 08-30APT2-3 6 Oct. 44. HMI AN/APT-2 or RC-156 CO AN 16-30UPN2-2-M 1 Jul. 45. HMI for Radio Beacon
-A . AN/ UPN--2.
AN 08-30APT3-2 14 Jan. 44. AN /APT-3 Radar Set-RC AN 08-35AM14-2 15 Feb. 44. AM- 14/APT , AM–18/APT
-183-A Radio Transmitting Equip .-- HOI— (Rev. 16 Radio Frequency Amplifiers - HOI.
Mar. 44 ) . AN 08-35AM14-3 24 Nov. 44. HMI AM–14/APT (Replace
AN 08-30APT3-3 5 Feb. 44. Radar Set AN / APT - 3 or ment ) .
Radio Transmitting Equip . RC-183-A-HMI- ( Rev. AN 08-35AM18-2 26 Aug. 44. H AM – 18 /APT.
28 Oct. 44 ) . AN 08-35AM33-2 10 Nov. 44. AM - 33 /ART Radio Fre
AN 08-30APT5-2 16 Nov. 44. HOI AN /APT - 5 . quency Amplifier-HOI .
CO AN 16-30APT1-2 - M 25 Apr. 45. HMI for Transmit- *AN 16–35A M33–3 25 Apr. 45. HMI for Radio Frequency
ting Equipment AN /APT - 1. Amplifier AM-33 /ART.


CO 08-35C71-21 - M 20 Dec. 44. Modification to Incorporate CO AN 16-35TS126-2 - M 30 Apr, 45. HM for Range
Continuous Range Control C- 71 /APQ-1.3 and C Calibrator TS-126/AP.
71A /APQ - 13. * CO AN 16—35TS155–3 25 Aug. 45. HMI for TS-155 / UP
*AN 16-35C212–2 25 Jul . 45. HOI for Selector Unit and TS-155A / UP.
C - 212 / UP AN 16–35TS170-2 15 Jul . 45. Test Oscillator for TS-170/
ARN-5, Maintenance Instructions.
TEST AND MEASURING APPARATUS ( L - 37, C-2) AN 16-35TS184-2 25 Jun . 45. HMI for Test Set TS
CO AN 08-35TS3-2 16 Aug. 44. HMI TS - 3 / AP . 184A/AP.
* CO AN 08-35TS14-2 HMI for TS-14AB Test Set . AN 16-35TS195-2 20 Jun. 45. HMI for Noise Generator
*CO AN 08-35TS15-2 HMI for TS - 15AP Test Set. TS-195/GP.
AN 08-35TS16-3 22 Aug. 44. HMI TS-16/APN. * CO AN 16-35TS197-3. 30 Jul. 45. HMI for 'Signal Gen
AN 08-35TS19-2 6 Jul. 44. HMI TS - 19 /APQ - 5 . erator TS-197/CPM-4 .
CO AN 08-35TS23–2 28 Aug. 44. HMI TS-23/APN. AN 16-35TS199-2 25 Jun. 45. HMI TS - 199 / CPM - 4, Test
AN 08-35TS33-2 13 Jan, 44. TS-33/AP Frequency Meter Meter,
-HOI . 16-35TS203-230 Jun . 45. HMI for Test Indicator TS
CO AN 08-35TS33-2 10 May 44. HMI for Frequency 203/AP.
Meter TS - 33 /AP . * AN 16-35TS226–2 20 Aug. 45. HMI for Power Meter
CO.08–35TS35-21 - M 5 Dec. 44. Procedure for Use of Test TS - 226A / AP .
Set as FM Signal Generator TS - 35 /AP. CO AN 16-35T $ 247-2 - M 30 Jun, 45. HMI for Wavemeter
CO AN 08-35TS36-2 12 Sep. 44. HMI TS-36/AP. TS - 247 /APM -48.
CO 08-35 TS62-2 - X 10 Sep. 44 . Instruction Manual for AN 16-35 TS251-2 3C Jun . 45. HMI for Test Set TS - 251 /
Test Set TS-62/AP. UP.
AN 08-35T869-2 13 Sep. 44. HMI for Frequency Meters * CO 16-3518270–2 30 Oct. 45. HMI for Echo Boxes TS
TS-69/AP and TS - 69A /AP . 270 / UP and 14 ABA .
AN 08-35T869-2 15 Sep. 44 . HMI TS -69 /AP and TS- CO AN 16-35 TS270-2 - M 25 Jun. 45. HMI for Echo Boxes
69A/AP REP. TS-270/ UP, 14ABA and 14ABA - 1.
AN 08-35T870-2 19 Jul. 44. HMI TS-70/AP. * AN 16-35 TS278-3 1 Jul. 45. HMI for Test Set TS
AN 08-35 TS87-2 15 Sep. 44. HMI TS-87/AP. 278/AP .
AN 08–35T889–2 5 May 44 TS-89/AP Voltage Divider- CO AN 16-35TS293-2- M 25 May 45 . HMI for Range
HMI . Calibrator TS - 293 /CPA - 5 .
AN 08-35 TS98-22Sep. 44. HMI TS-98/AP. * AN 16-35TS309-3 HMI for Sweep Generator TS-309 /U .
CO AN 08-35TS102–2-X 9 Jun , 44. HMI for Range Cal- * AN 16-35TS354-2 HOI for Frequency Meter Set TS
ibrator TS-102/AP. 354 /UP.
CO AN 08-35TS125-2 -M 16 Nov. 44 . HMI TS-125/AP.
AN 08-35TS131–2 21 Apr. 44, 19 Jul . 44 . HMI TS- 131 /
AP Revision .
AN 08-40AN56-2 1 Dec. 43. AN-56-A , B , C , Antenna
16-35TS10-2 20 Jun . 45. HMI for TS-10 /APN, TS- 10A/
APN , TS - 10B / APN .
AN 08-40AN57-2 24 Jan. 44. AN-57-A, B, Antenna
* AN 16-35TS10-3 10 Aug. 45 . HMI for Test Sets TS - 10 /
APN, TS-10A /APN, TS- 10B /APN and TS- 10C / AN 08-40AN86–2 14 Feb. 44. AN - 86 - A Antenna - HMI.
APN . AN 08-40AN96-2 15 Feb. 44. AN-96-A Antenna - HMI.
* AN 16-35TS15-3 15 Jul . 45. HMI for Fluxmeters TS BC EQUIPMENT ( L - 37, C-9)
15 / AP, TS- 15A /AP, and TS- 15B / AP. AN 08-40BC638-2 26 Feb. 44. BC-638-A Frequency Meter
AN 16-35TS35-2 1 Jun. 45 . HMI for Signal Generator HMI.
TS-35A/AP. AN 08-40BC639-2 1 Nov. 43. BC-639-A Frequency Meter
* 16-35TS36-2 20 Sep. 45. HMI for Power Meter TS - 36 / -HMI .
AP .
AN 16-35 TS47-2 25 May 45 . HMI for Test Oscillator
AN 08-40BC640-2 19 Nov. 43, BC - 640 - A , B , Radio Trans
TS-47/APR . AN 08-40BC686-2 26 Feb. 44. BC-686-A Amplifier
CO AN 16-35 TS61-2 - M20 Apr. 45. HMI for Test Sets HMI .
TS-61 /AP and TS - 110 / AP . 08-40BC686–2 26 Aug. 44. HMI for Amplifier BC-686-A .
AN 16-35TS74-2 25 May 45. HMI for Phantom Antenna AN 08-40BC687-2 13 May 44. BC-687-A Relay Unit HMI .
and Attenuator TS-74/UPM .
AN 08-40BC906–2 15 Sep. 44, BC - 906 - C , D, E Frequeney
AN 16-35TS92-2 5 Jun . 45. HMI for Amplifier Alignment Meter-HMI .
Unit TS - 92 / AP . 08-40BC1206-2 14 Jul . 44. BC-1206-A Receiver-Oper. &
*AN 16-35TS100–2 25 Jul. 45. HMI for Test Oscilloscope Maint.
TS-100/ AP.
AN 16-35TS101-21 Jun . 45 . HMI for Test Load Unit 08-40BC1206–3 14 Jul. 44. BC-1206-D Receiver-Oper. &
TS- 101/AP.
08-40BC1206-4 14 Jul. 44. BC- 1206-B Receiver --Oper. &
AN 16-35TS102–2 5 Jul . 45. HMI for Range Calibration Maint.
* AN 08-40RC153–2 22 Mar. 44. HMI for Antenna Equip
TEST AND MEASURING APPARATUS ment RC- 153-A and Antenna Equipment RC - 153- B .
( L-37, C-2) Cont'd * 16-40BC191–3 25 Aug. 45. HMI for Radio Transmitters
BC-191 ( ) and BC - 375 ( ) and Associated
CO 16–35TS107-2-M 10 Jun . 45. HMI for Powe;' Meter Equipment.
Set TS - 197 / TPM - 1 . * AN 16-40BC224-2 20 Jul . 45. HMI for Radio Receiv
CO AN 16-357S111-2 - M 10 Jul. 45. HMI for Wavemeters ers BC-224-F , BC-224-K , BC-348- H , BC - 348 - L ,
TS-111 /CP and TS-111 (XA ) /CP. and BC-348-R.
* CO 10-5TS117-3 30 Jul. 45. HMI for Il'avemeter Test AN 16-40BC376-2 5. Aug. 45 . HMI for Test Oscillators
Set TS - 117 ,GP. BC - 376 - A , B , C , D , E , F , G , H and BC -67 .

BC EQUIPMENT ( L - 37, C - 9 ) -Continued TM

TM AN 08-40SCR573-2 26 Jul, 45. HMI for Radio Sets SCR
16-40BC610-21 10 Feb. 45. Circuit - Modification of Relay 573-A , B.
RY - 3 - BC -610 - A , B, C , D. AN 08-40SCR718-2 10 Sep. 44. HOI SCR-718A, -AM ,
16-40BC610-22 2 Mar. 45. Replace of Bias Power Supply -B , -C.
Filter Capacitors - BC -610 - A , B, C, E. AN 16-40SCR -575-3 5 May 45. Handbook of Maintenance
16-40BC714-21 19 Feb. 45. Radio Compass nUit - Modifi Instructions for Radio Sets SCR-575-A and SCR
cation to Provide for Testing - R -5A /ARN - 7 -BC 575-B .
714 - A . CO 16-40SCR588-3B 5 Jul. 45. Supplement to General
16-40BC1070—2 20 Jun. 45. HMI with Parts Catalog for Preventive Maintenance for Radio Set SCR - 588
Trainer Box BC-1070-A. ( TM 11-1429 ) .
* 16-40BC1206-2 5 Aug. 45. Instruction Manual for Oper- 16–40SCR615–2A 10 Jul. 45. Technical Operation Manual
ating and Maintenance of Radio Receiver BC Radio Set SCR -615 - A ( Supplement T.O. TM 11
1206- ( ) . 1341 identified by 16–40SCR615-2 ).
* AN 16-40156-3 10 May 45. HMI for Test Set 1-56-A, 16-40SCR615-3A 25 Jun. 45. Lubrication Data for Radio
1-56 - E and 1-56 - L . Set SCR-615-A . Supplement to TM 11-1441, iden
*AN 16-401100-3 10 Aug. 45. HMI for Test Sets 1-100 - A . tified by 16–40SCR615-3.
*AN 16–401201-3 15 Aug. 45. HMI for Test Unit 1–201. CO 16–40SCR615-4A 10 Jul. 45. Supplement to Service
* CO AN 16-401231-2- M 20 Jul. 45. HMI f orl -231. Manual for Radio Set SCR -615 - A .
* CO AN 16-401232-2 - M 25 Jul. 45. HMI for 1-232. CO 16-40SCR615-4B17 Jul. 45. Supplement to Service
* AN 16-401E45-3 15 Aug. 45. HMI for Test Equipment Manual for Radio Set SCR -615 - A (TM 11-1541 ) .
IE -45 - A and IE -45-B. * CO 16-40SCR615-7 30 Aug. 45. HMI for SCR -615 - A .
* 16 40PE - 3 1 Sep. 45. Modification of Fairbanks -Morse *CO 16-40SCR627-4C 30 Aug. 45. Supp. to Manual for
Magneto, Type FM -J1B7. Signal Corps Stock No. Radio Set .
3H 2699-4. (Part of Power Unit PE -49-D and F, 16-40SCR634-2 1 May 45. HMI for Radio Set SCR -634 - A
PE-108-A , B , C, D and E. (Air Transportable D/F ) .
* AN 16-40PE206–3 25 Jul. 45. HMI for Inverter Unit 16-40SCR636-3A 20 Jun. 45. Supplementary Lubrication
PE - 206 - A . Data for Radio Set SCR -636 - A , Supplement to
AN 1644018189-2 25 Jun . 45. HMI for Voltmeter IS - 189. TM 11-1442, identified by T.O. 16-40SCR636–3.
AN 08-40PE218-3 30 Nov. 44. HMI PE - 218 - C . 3
* 16-40SCR645-3 10 Aug. 45. HOI for Radio Sets SCR
AN 16-40PE96-2 10 May 45. HMI for Power Unit PE 695 - A , SCR -695 - AZ, SCR -695 - B and SCR-695-C.
96 - A . * AN 16–40SCR -695-7 30 Aug. 45. HMI for Radio Set
AN 16-40PE218-6 30 Jun. 45. HOI with Parts Catalog SCR695-B.
Inverter Unit Model PE-218-N. * AN 16-40SCR718–2 15 Aug. 45. HOI for Radio Sets
AN 16-40RC55-3 25 Jul . 45. Handbook of Maintenance SCR -718 - A , SCR - 718 -AM , SCR-718-B, and SCR
Instructions for Test Sets RC - 54 - C and RC-55-C . 718-C .
16–40RC57–3 5 Aug. 45. Handbook of Maintenance In- *AN 16-40SCR718-3 10 Aug. 45. HMI for Radio Sets
structions for Target Control Receiving Equipment SCR-718-A, SCR - 718 - B and SCR - 718 - C .
RC -57 - A and RC - 57 - B . Replaces AN 08–40RC57-2 AN 16-40SCR729–3 15 Apr. 45. HMI for Radio Set for
dated 27 November 1944. SCR -729 - A , AZ, Replaces CO AN 08-10EB-1.
*AN 16–40RC65-3 10 Sep. 45. HMI for Target Control AN 08-30ARC -9-2 30 Jun. 45. HOI for AN / ARC - 9, AN/
Transmitting Equipment RC-65 and RC-65-Z. ARC - 9X .
AN 16-40RC115-3 5 Aug. 45. Handbook of Maintenance * AN 08-30ARN11-2 25 Aug. 45. HOI for Radio Compass
Instructions for Marker Beacon Transmitting AN /ARN-11.
Equipment RC-115-B. Revised 1 June 45. AN 08-40RC153-2 28 Jul. 45. HMI for Antenna Equip
16-40RC127–3 1 Jul. 45. Preventive Maintenance Instruc ment RC - 153 - A .
tions for Radio Equipment. CO AN 08-40RC242-2 - M 1 Jul. 45. Revision HMI for
16–40RC188–3 1 Jul. 45. Preventive Maintenance Instruc Training Equipment RC-242-A .
tions for Radio Equipment RC - 188 - A . Replaces T.O. AN 08–40RM18–2 26 Aug. 44. HMI for RM-18-A Control
16-40RC188–3 dated 1 June 45. Unit.
AN 16-40RC193-3 30 Jul. 45. Handbook of Maintenance AN 08-40RM27-2 23 Aug. 45. HMI for Control Unit RM
Instructions for Marker Beacon Receiving Equip 27-2.
ment RC-193-A and RC - 193 -AZ . Replaces AN 16 AN 16-30AIC3-3 15 Jun. 45. HOI for AN/AIC-3 .
40RC193-2 dated 24 March 1945 . AN 16-30APX15-2 15 Jun . 45. HOI for Radar Set AN /.
* 16–40RC305-3 10 Aug. 45. HMI for Plotting Equipment APX-15.
RC - 305- ( ) . CO AN 16-30APW1-2 - M 15 Jun. 45. HMI for AN/APW-1 .
16–40SCR - 34 28 Aug. 45. Replacement of Preamplifier * AN 16–30ARA2–3 15 Aug. 45. HOI for Modulator As
Unit 20A by Preamplifier BC - 1284 - SCR -588 - B and sembly AN/ARA-2 ( X-A-2 ) .
SCR -636 - A . * AN 16-30ARA8-2 25 Jul . 45. HOI for Homing Adapters
AN / ARA - 8 and AN/ARA-8A .
16-40SCR270–2 20 Jun . 45. HOM for Radio Set SCR
270 - D , Replaces CO 08-40SCR270–2 . *AN 16–3010–2 20 Oct. 45. HMI for Control Assembly
AN /ARA-10.
16–40SCR270-3A 10 Jun. 45. Supplementary Lubrication AN 16-30ARC3-3 10 Jul. 45. HMI for Radio Set AN/
Data for SCR-270 and 271. Supplement to TM 11 ARC-3.
1410 Identified by 16-40SCR270-3. AN 16-30ARN7-2 25 May 45. HOI for Radio Compass
16–40SCR270-4B 25 Aug. 45. Communication Equipment AN/ARN-7.
-Supplement to Technical Manual for Radio Sets *AN 16-30ARN7–3 25 - Aug. 45. HMI for Radio Compass
SCR-270 ( ) and SCR-2711 ) Supplement TM AN / ARN-7. Replaces AN 08-30ARN7-3.
11-1570 Identified by T.O. 16–40SCR270-4B . * AN 16-30ARW9–3 10 Aug. 45. HMI for Radio Set AN/
16-40SCR270–6D 15 Jun . 45. Supplementary Lubrication ARW-9 .
Data for SCR-270 and 271. Supplement to TM 11- * AN 16-30ARW10-4 30 Jul. 45 . HMI for Radio Set AN/
1470, identified by 16-40SCR270-6. ARW-10 .


BC EQUIPMENT ( L - 37, C-9 ) Cont'd TM

*08–20-38 25 Aug. 45. Operation, Service and Overhaul
* 16-30CPS1-2A 25 Aug. 45. Off -Center PPI operation Instrument with parts catalog for Brightness Con
Radio Set AN / CPS-1 . trol Regulator.
16-30CPS1-3A 20 Jun. 45. Supplementary Lubrication 16-1-31 23 Jun. 45. Modification to Increase Output at
Data for Radio Set AN/CPS-1 , Supplement to Certain Frequencies AN/APT-2 and RC-156-A .
TM 11-1444, identified by 16-30CPS1-3 . 16-1-33 25 Jun . 45 . Installation of Adapter MX-250/
** CO 16-30CPS - 1-4A 30 Aug. 45. Service Manual for AN APT-9/APQ-2, T-26/APT-2 and BC-1017-A.
CPS-1 . 16-30ARA8-21 7 Jul. 45. Inspection and Repair of Cords
* CO 16-30CPS4-2 - M 26 May 45. HMI for Radar Set AN/ CD-800 AN/ARA-8.
CPS - 4 . 16–30APQ13--26 30 Jun . 45. Installation of Heated Rotary
* 16-30CPS5-2A 20 Aug. 45. Supplements to Operation Joint in Anterna AN/APQ-13.
Manual-Radar Şet AN / CPS-5 , Supplement TM 11- 16–30ART13–21 12 Jun . 45. Modification to Increase Op
1355 Identified by TO 16-30CPS5–2 . erational Dependability and to Provide for Safety
* 16-30CPS6-2 20 Aug. 45. Preliminary HOI for Radar Wiring.
Set AN /CPS-6. 16-30C71-21 30 Jun, 45. Modification to Incorporate Con
*AN 16–30CRN1-7 20 Aug. 45. HMI for Radio Transmit tinuous Range Control C-71 /APQ-13 and C 71A /
ting Equipment AN/CRN-1A. APQ-13 .
*AN 16-30CRN10_2 20 May 45. HOI for Radio Set AN/ * 16–30CPS5-21 25 Jul. 45. Emergency Starting Pro
CRN- 10, cedures AN / CPS-5 .
* AN 16-30CRN12-3 10 Aug. 45. HMI for Homing Beacon * 16–30GPX1-21A 10 Oct. 45. Installation of Radar Set
AN / CRN-12. AN /GPX- 1 .
*AN 16-30CRT3–2 30 Aug. 45. HMI for Radio Set AN/ 16-30MPN1-22 23 Jun. 45. Installation of Kits MX-396/
CRT-3 . MPN-1 and MX-398/MPN- 1 to MX - 405 /MPN - 1.
AN 16-30GNQ1-2 1 Jul. 45. HMI for AN /GNQ - 1A . * 16-30MPNI-27 12 Sep. 45. Revision of Component Serial
* AN 16-30GTA2-2 10 Jun . 45. HMI for Communication No. AN / MPN- 1 and AN /MPN - 10 .
Monitoring Equipment AN /GTA - 2. 16-30TPN2-21 6 Jul. 45. Tropicalization of Beacon Trans
16–351D - 2 14 Jun. 45. Replacement of Tube Type 5FP7 mitter Receiver AN /TPN-2, adapted from TB 11
with Tube Type 5FP14 ID - 56 /APQ - 7. 1157-1 ,
CO 16-30MPN1-3A - M 30 May 45. Tropicalization of 16-35 AS - 1 30 Jun. 45. Replacement of Rotary Tilt Joint
Radio Set AN /MPN - 1. AS- 54 ( ) /APQ- 13 , AS - 55 ( ) /APQ- 13.
* CO 16–30MPN1-24 20 Sep. 45. Radio Set AN /MPN - 1 * 16–35PU7–22 17 Sep. 45. Rework of Inverter Voltage
Technical Operation ( TM 11--1343 ) . Regulator Lead PU-7.
AN 16-30MRN2-2 10 Jun, 45. HMI for Radio Set AN/ 16-35R65-21 10 Jul. 45 . Corrections of Improper Fuse
Socket Identification R-65/APN-9,
* 16-30MRN3-6 20 Aug. 45 . HOI for Marker Beacon Set
16-35TS175-21 26 Jun. 45. Modification to Eliminate
AN / MRN-3 and Marker Beacon Set AN / MRN-3A.
* AN 16-35PU1-2 10 Sep. 45. HMI for Power Units PU Audio Oscillation TS-175/U .
1 / CRN-2. * 16–35TT7-5 20 Sep. 45. Teletypewriters TT - 7 / FG and
AN 16-35PU3-2 20 Jun . 45. HMI for Power Unit PU-3/ TT-3 /FG. Identifying TM 11-2216.
CRN-5 and Power Control Unit C - 49 / CRN - 5 . * 16-40BC906-21 11 Sep. 45. Calibration to Insure More
AN 16-35PU16-2 20 Jun . 45. HMI for Inverter PU-16/AP. Accurate Frequency Setting BC - 906 - D .
* 16-35PU25-2 25 May 45 . HMI for PU-25/ CRN. 16-40BC1091–21 4 Jul. 45. Replacement of Movable Type
16-30T P$ 1-24 20 Jun. 45. Supplementary Erection and T-R Box with Fixed Type BC- 1091-A ,
Packing Procedure for Vehicle- Mounted Radio Sets 16-40BD-1 28 Jun . 45. Modification to Provide Located
AN/TPS-1A, Supplement to TM 11-1347A. Identi In Recall Signal BD-80, BD-80-A , BD -80 - B , BD
fied by 16-30TPS --- 2. 80-C, BD -80 - D , BD - 110 - A , BD - 110 - B .
16-30TPS1-3A 30 Jun . 45 . Supplementary Lubrication 16-40BD90-21 21 Jun. 45. Modification to Prevent Damage
Data for Radio Sets AN/TPS-1 and 1A, Identified in Handling and Transportation BD -90.
by 16-30TPS1-3. 16-40BD98-21 26 Jun . 45. Modification to Prevent Damage
16-30TPS10-3A 20 Jun . 45 . Supplementary Lubrication in Handling and Transportation BD-98.
Data for Radar Set AN/TPS-10, Supplement to * 16-40PE - 4 21 Sept. 45. ' Power Units PE-95-F, G, and
TM 11-1468 identified by 16-30TPS10–3 . H , PE-182, and PE-183-A Installation of Manifold
16-1-46 30 Jun . 45. Changes from High to Low Impedance Heater .
Output for Air- borne Communications Equipment 16–40PE - 21 14 Jul. 45 . Installation of Stallite Exhaust
and Aircraft Radio System . Valve, Valve Seat , and Spare Plugs in Power
AN 28-15-15 Jun . 45. Handbook of Instructions with Unit PE -751 ) and PE-173 .
Parts Catalog PM-1 Reproduces and Sound Re- * 16-40PE205-5 20 Sep. 45. Instruction book for Power
corder. Unit PE-205-A . Identifying the Instruction book
for Power Unit PE-205-A.
SHORT TECHNICAL ORDERS 16-40BC1148–22 15 Jun. 45. Shock Mounting Synchronizer
Blower Motor BC-1148-A , BC-1148- B and BC
* 16-40SCR271-5 20 Sep. 45. Instruction Manual for Radio
* 00-30--526 31 Oct. 45. Set, Training, Individual, Me Set SCR - 271 - D . Identifying TM 11-1110M .
chanic, Radar Bombardment Specialized (AN - APQ- 16-40SCR584-24 26 Jun , 45. Modification of Junction Box
13 ) .
Wiring to Prevent Jumping of Range Trace SCR
* 08-15-1 15 Oct. 45. Army Air Forces Radio Facility 584-A & E.
Charts . 16-40SCR695-21 30 Jun. 45. Modification of Coding
* 08-15-3 1 Oct. 45. Army Air Forces Instrument Let Switches to Prevent Coping Failure SCR -695 - A ,
down Procedures. AZ.


TM 16-55-117 5 Jun . 45. Radio, Radar, & Electronics Spare
* 16-40SCR717-22 5 Sep. 45. Modification to Improve Parts List for TS -- 14B /CPM - 1.
Image denfiition at Short Ranges SCR-717-B, SCR- 16-55-120 1 Jun. 45. Radio, Radar, & Electronics Spare
717-C . Parts List for AN/APA-10.
16-40SCR717-25 23 Jun . 45. Modification of Synchronizer * 16-55-123 10 Oct. 45. Radio, Radar and Electronics Spare
to Permit Use with Indicator Equipment AN/APQ Parts List for Radar Beacon- AN /UPN- 1 . Replaces
-5, SCR-717- B . 16-55–123 dated 20 February 1945.
16–40SCR720–25 15 Apr. 45. Installation of Manual Tilt * AN 16–55-128 5 Sep. 45. Radio, Radar & Electronics
Control for Antenna SCR - 720 - A . Spare Parts List for Multiple Indicator AN /APA
16-40SCR720-27 21 Jun. 45. Replacement of Control Box 28 .
SCR-720-A . 16-55-137 20 Jun. 45. Radio, Radar, & Electronics Spare
16-40SCR720-28 30 Jun . 45. Modification of Antenna Tilt Parts List for Radio Set AN /ARQ - 8 .
Switch SCR-720-A , B. * 16-55–140 10 Sep. 45. Radio, Radar and Electronics
* 16-40TC16,5 20 Sep. 45. Reperforator Teletypewriter Set S.P.L. for Radio Sets SCR - 578 - B and AN / CRT-3 .
TC-16 and TC-17. Identifying TM 11-2201 . 16-55–142 20 Aug. 45. Radio, Radar & Electronics Spare
* 16–45–56 20_Aug. 45. HMI for Radio Receiving Equip Parts List for AN/ARQ-5.
ment DAS and DAS -2. 16-55-147 20 Jun. 45. Radio, Radar, & Electronics Spare
* 16–50–13A 20 Aug. 45. Security Classification of Com Parts List for Test Oscillator TS - 47 / APR.
munication Equipment. 16–55–152 30 Jun. 45. Radio, Radar, & Electronics Spare
* 16-50–13B 10 Aug. 45. Security Classification of Com Parts List for Modulator Assembly AN/ARA-2.
munication Equipment.
* 16–50–13P 27 Sep. 45. Signal Supply Information Se 16–55–157 20 Jun. 45. Radio, Radar, & Electronics Spare
Parts List for TS-35A/AP.
curity Classification of Communications Equipment.
16–55–158 5 Jun. 45. Radio, Radar, & Electronics Spare
SPARE PARTS LISTS Parts List for AN / APS - 10 .
* 08–55–11 25 Jul. 44. Radio, Radar and Electronics Spare 16-55–161 20 Jun. 45. Radio, Radar, & Electronics Spare
Parts List for Bendix Transmitting Equipment TA Parts List for AN / APT - 4.
12B , 12C and 12D ( including Appendices “ A ” and * 16-55-162 25 Aug. 45. Radio, Radar and Electronics
“ ARMY” ) . Spare Parts List for Antenna Equipment AN/
* 08–55–98 1 Sep. 45. Radio, Radar and Electronics Spare ARA - 4 .
Parts List for Radio Receiving Set AN / CRW-2. 16–55–163 20 Jun. 45. Radio, Radar, & Electronics Spare
16–55–14 25 Jun. 45. Radio , Radar, & Electronics Spare Parts List for AN/APS-4.
Parts List for Indicator Equipment AN/APQ-5B. 16-55-164 25 Jun. 45. Radio, Radar, & Electronics Spare
* 16-55–18 5 Sep. 45. Radio, Radar & Electronics S.P.L. Parts List for Radar Set AN/APQ-22 & 23A.
for signal generator TS - 35 / AP . 16–55–165 1 Jun. 45. Radio, Radar, & Electronics Spare
* 16–55–19 10 Sep. 45. Radio, Radar & Electronics S.P.L. Parts List for AN / APA - 40A .
for Power Meter TS - 36 / AP . 16-55–168 5 Jul. 45. Radio, Radar, & Electronics Spare
16-55-29 30 Jun. 45. Radio, Radar, & Electronics Spare Parts List for Indicator Improvement Kit MX
Parts List for Radar Set AN/APT-2 & Radio 364/CPS.
Transmitting Equipment RC-156. 16-55–171 20 Jun. 45. Radio, Radar, & Electronics Spare
* 16–55–32 25 Aug. 45. Radio, Radar and Electronics Spare Parts List for AN / CPT - 2 .
Parts List for Radio Equipment AN /APQ - 9. Re- 16-55–173 5 Jul. 45. Radio, Radar, & Electronics Spare
places T.O. 08-55-32 dated 29 July 1944. Parts List for Voltmeter IS - 189.
16-55-39 20 Aug. 45. Radio, Radar, & Electronics Spare 16–55–177 25 Jun. 45. Radio, Radar, & Electronics Spare
Parts List for AN /APN - 4 . Parts List for Motor Generator MG-39.
16-55–72 30 Jun. 45. Radio, Radar, & Electronics Spare 16–55–178 30 Jun. 45. Radio, Radar, & Electronics Spare
Parts List for Radar Set AN/APT-5, 5A .
* 16–55–45 5 Sep. 45 . Radio, Radar and Electronics S.P.L. Parts List for Radio Receiving Set AN /CRW - 2A .
16–55–185 5 Jul. 45. Radio, Radar, & Electronics Spare
for range Calibrator TS-102 /AP and TS-102A/AP. Parts List for Test Set TS-10/APN, TS-10A/APN,
* 16-55-50 5 Sep. 45. Radio, Radar and Electronics S.P.L. TS - 10B / APN .
for Test Set TS-110 /AP.
* 16–55–188 1 Aug. 45. Radio, Radar and Electronics Spare
* 16-55-51 25 Aug. 45. Radio, Radar and Electronics Spare
Parts List for Test Set TS-62 /AP . Replaces T.O. Parts List for Plotting System AN/CPA-6.
No. 08-55–51 dated 23 August 1945. * 16–55–189 30 Aug. 45. Radio, Radar and Electronics
16-55–75 30 Jun. 45. Radio, Radar, & Electronics Spare Spare Parts List for Plotting System AN/CPA-5.
Parts List for Radio Set AN/ CPN-2. * 16–55–203 5 Sep. 45. Radio, Radar and Electronics Spare
16-55–78 1 Jul . 45. Radio, Radar, & Electronics Spare Parts List for Plotting Equipment BC-294.
Parts List for Radio Set AN /ARN-1 . * 16–55–204 1 Aug. 45. Radio, Radar and Electronics Spare
16-55–79 15 Jun. 45. Radio, Radar, & Electronics Spare Parts List for Test Set TS-278 /AP.
Parts List for AN/APN-1 , 1A . * 16–55-206 10 Aug. 45. Radio, Radar and Electronics
* 16-55-81 10 Sep. 45. Radio, Radar and Electronics S.P.L. Spare Parts List for Radar Test Set AN/APM–3A .
for Radio Set SCR-717-B. * 16–55–207 20 Aug. 45. Radio, Radar and Electronics
16-55-83 20 Jun. 45. Radio, Radar, & Electronics Spare Spare Parts List for Computer MC - 316 - A .
Parts List for AN / APA - 23 Replaces T.O. 08-55-83 *AN 16–55–208 5 Sep. 45. Radio, Radar & Electronics
dated 24 October 44. Spare Parts List for Interim Nosmeagle.
16-55-94 30 Jun . 45. Radio, Radar, & Electronics Spare * 16-55-211 5 Sep. 45. Radio, Radar and Electronics Spare
Parts List for Test Oscilloscope TS - 100 / AP . Parts for Beacon AN /CVX-1 .
* 16-55-114 5 Sep. 45. Radio, Radar & Electronics S.P.L. * AN 16-55-216 5 Sep. 45. Radio, Radar & Electronics
for Marker Beacon Receiving Equipment RC-193-A Spare Parts List for Target Control Receiving
and RC- 193-AZ. Equipment RC-57B .
16–55–115 15 Jun. 45.' Radio, Radar, & Electronics Spare * 16-55-222 · Radio , Radar & Electronics S.P.L. for Radio
Parts List for TS-16,-16X/APN. Set AN / TPS - 3.


2-220 11 Mar. 41. The Horseshoer. C 1 . 4-205 17 Feb. 40. Coast Artillery Ammunition . C 1 , 2.
4-210 15 Oct. 44. Seacoast Artillery Weapons.
4-220 27 Apr. 42. Controlled Submarine Mine Matériel.
3-205 9 Oct. 41. The Gas Mask. C 1 , 2, 3, 4 , 5, 6. C 1 , 2.
3-215 21 Apr. 42: Military Chemistry and Chemical 4-234 15 Mar. 43. Antiaircraft Artillery Target Practice.
Agents. C 1 , 2. C 1 , 2, 3.
3-220 15 Nov. 43. Decontamination. C 1 , 2. 4-235 1 Jan. 44. Seacoast Artillery Target Practice. C 1 .
3-221 15 April. 43. Decontaminating Apparatus M3A1. 4-236 29 Sep. 42. Instructions for Use of Rocket Target
C 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5. M2 by Antiaircraft Units. C 1 , 2, 3.
3-222 5 Feb. 44. Decontaminating Apparatus, M4, Power- 4-237 12 Jun . 44. Radio Controlled Target ( JR ) Boat. C 1 .
Driven , 400- Gallon . C 1 , 2, 3. 4-238 25 Mar. 43. Coordinate Conversion Tables. C 1 .
3-223 26 Jul. 44. Decontaminating Apparatus, Power- 4-245 30 Jun. 41. Preservation and Care of Seacoast De
Driven M3A2. fense Matériel.
3-228 15 Aug. 44. Heater, Water, Portable, M1 and Other 4-260 1 May 44. Flak Analysis.
Auxiliary Equipment for Apparatus, Decontami- 4-305 10 Apr. 42. Fixed Seacoast Artillery First and
nating, Power-Driven, M3A1 , M3A2, and M4. C 1 . Second Class Gunners.
3—230 13 Nov. 42. The Horse Gas Mask, M4 and M5. 4-310 27 Jan. 42. Coast Artillery Gunners’ Instruction,
3-240 17 Apr. 44. Chemical Warfare Weather Manual. Fixed Seacoast Artillery, Expert Gunners. C 1 .
4-315 22 Jan. 42. Mobile Seacoast Artillery, First Sec
3-250 5 Dec. 40. Storage and Shipment of Dangerous ond Class Gunners.
Chemicals , C 1 , 2, 3.
3-255 30 Oct. 43 . Chemical Handling and Loading Equip 4-320 4 May 42. Mobile Seacoast Artillery Expert Gun
ners .
ment. C 1 , 2 ,
3–256 25 May 45. Swiging Boom Crane Truck M1. ENGINEERS
3,270 4 Feb. 44. Clothing Impregnation Plant M1 . C 1 .
3-271 13 Sep. 43. Operating Instructions for Clothing 5--220 3 Jul. 45. Passage of Obstacles Other Than Mine
Fields .
Impregnating Plant, M -1 .
* 3-272 9 May 44. Clothing Impregnating Plant M - 1, 5-225 12 Dec. 42. Rigging and Engineer Hand Tools. C 1,2.
Plants 10, 15–21 Inclusive. 5-226 6 May 43. Carpentry. C 1 .
3–273 15 Mar. 44. Instruction Manual, Impregnating 5-228 6 Sep. 44. Engineer Foundry .
5-230 12 Nov. 40. Topographic Drafting.
Plant M-1 Plant Nos . 26–30, Inclusive.
5-235 1 Oct. 40. Surveying. C 1 .
3–274 23 Mar. 44. Instruction Manual for Impregnating
Plant M-1 Plants 31-40 Inclusive. 5--236 10 Jul. 40. Surveying Tables. C 1 , 2.
5-240 10 May 44. Aerial Phototopography,
3-281 3 Aug. 45. Installation -Operation Maintenance In
structions for T/ 0, Type M2 Impregnating Plant. 5-244 30 Jun. 43. Multiplex Mapping Equipment
3-290 27 Mar. 44. Miscellaneous Gas Protective Equip 5-245 Apr. 42. Map Reproduction.
ment. C 1 , 2, 3. 5-246 31 Dec. 42. Interpretation of Aerial Photographs.
3-300 1 Mar. 44. Miscellaneous Chemical Munitions. 5-250 5 Nov. 42. Use of Foreign Maps.
3-305 2 Jun. 44. Use of Chemical Agents and Munitions 5-252 Jan. 45. Use of Road Airdrome Construction Equip
ment .
In Training.
3-315 11 Feb. 42. Portable Chemical Cylinder M1A2. 5-255 15 Apr. 44. Aviation Engineers.
C 1 , 2. 5-267 1 May 43. Camouflage. Supp. 1 , 2, C 1 , 3, 4 , 5.
5-271 27 Mar. 44. Light Stream-Crossing Equipage.
3-320 30 Jun. 45. 4.2-inch Chemical Mortar. 5-272 9 May 44. Steel Treadway Bridge, M2.
3-321 27 Mar. 45. Graphical Firing Table M37.
5-273 1 Jul. 42. 25-ton Ponton Bridge, Model 1940, and
3-350 12 May 43. Gasproof Shelters. C 1 . 10-ton Ponton Bridge Model 1938. C 1 , 2,
3–360 20 Jul. 45. Flame Thrower, Mechanized, E12–7R1 5-274 18 Jun . 43. Portable Steel Highway Bridges H - 10
( installed in Medium Tanks M4A1 and M4A3 ) . and H - 20 .
3-361 26 Jun. 45. Service Unit, Mechanized Flame Throw- 5-275 19 Apr. 43. Pneumatic Ponton Bridge, M3.
er, E8R1. ( For Mixing Thickened Fuel, and Filling 5-276 19 Oct. 43. Ten - ton Trestle Bridge. C 1 .
and Pressuring Flame Throwers ). 5-277 15 Sep. 43. Fixed Steel Panel Bridge Bailey Type.
3–362 23 Jun. 45. Flame Thrower, Mechanized , M3-4-3 C1 .
( Installed in Medium Tanks M4A1 and M4A3 ) . 5-278 30 Jun . 44. Outboard Motors.
3-363 1 Jun. 45. Flame Thrower, Mechanized , E5R2-M3 . 5-279 31 Jan. 44. Suspension Bridges for Mountain War
3-364 6 Jun. 45. Flame Thrower, Mechanized , M3-4 fare.
E6R3. 5-280 Dec. 44. Construction in the Theater of Operations.
3-365 8 Aug. 45. Flame Thrower, Mechanized, E14-7R2, 5-285 27 Jun. 44. Semipermanent Highway Steel Bridges,
Installed in Landing Vehicle, Tracked (Armored ) 30-, 60-, and 90-ft. Spans.
Mk I, LVT ( A ) ( 1 ) . 5–286 30 Apr. 45. Semi-permanent Highway and Railway
3-374 7 Jul . 45. Generator, Hydrogen, High Pressure, Trestle Bridges.
Portable , E5R1 ( For Charging Portable Flame * 5-295 22 Aug. 45. Military Water Supply and Purifi
Throwers ) . cation .
3-376A 16 May 44. Portable Flame Thrower M2-2 . C 1 . 5–296 1 Feb. 44. Ground Water Supply for Military Oper
3-377 7 Aug. 44. Compressor, Air, Gasoline Engine-Driven , 5-297 29 Nov. 43. Well Drilling.
7CFM , M1 .
3-378 3 Mar. 45. Manifold Portable Flame Thrower E4. 5-310 14 Mar. 42. Military Protective Construction (Pas
3-380 12 May 43. Mechanical Smoke Generator M1 ( 100 sive Defense Measures Against Aerial Attack ) .
Gallon ) .
3-381 15 Jun . 44. Generator, Smoke, Mechanical , M2 (50 1This Technical Manual is distributed only to interested headquarters
and to individuals whose duties require that they have it . This Technical
Gallon ) . C 1 , 2. Manual must be safeguarded in accordance with provisions of AR 380-5 .

TM 5-1000 20 Mar. 44. Spreader, Aggregate, Towed -Type,
5-315 23 Mar. 44. Fire Protection by Troop Organiza Traction-Powered, 8-Ft. Width, Good Roads, Berna
tions In Theaters of Operations. Model 8 .
5-316 17 Apr. 44. Airplane Crash Fire Fighting. 5-1002 5 Dec. 42. Asphalt Mixer, Model 848.
5-350 15 Nov. 43. Military Pipe Line Systems. 5–1004 14 Dec. 42. Aggregate Dryer Model 833, Including
5-355 14 Jan. 44. Mobile Oxygen-nitrogen Generating Hot and Cold Elevators and Reciprocating Feeder.
Units . C1.
5_362 Oct. 44. Engineer Port, Repair Ship. 5-1006 2 Nov. 42. Bucket Loader Model 82 - A .
5-371 14 Mar. 44. I-Beam Railway Bridge. 5-1008 4 Dec. 42. Asphalt Finisher, Model 879A.
5-372 9 Nov. 43. ( Tentative ) Unit Construction Railway 5–1010 4 Dec. 42. Belt Conveyor Style N.
Bridge. C 1. 5-1014 2 Nov. 42. Heater, Asphalt, Trailer -Mounted , 3
5–373 18 Aug. 44. Through Truss Railway Bridges. Car, 42-hp, Model DS, with Briggs & Stratton
5–374 Apr. 45. Light Standard and Standard Unit Steel Engine Model Z, Type 304156 and 304340, Cleaver
Trestles . Brooks.

5–375 17 Feb. 44. V-Type Steel Trestle Equipment. C 1 . 5-1016 12 Oct. 42. Asphalt Plant, Erection and Operation.
5-400 May 45. Engineer Maintenance Troops. 5–1018 23 Mar. 44. Grader, Road, Motorized Diesel, 12 ft.
5-475 1 Sep. 44. Military Diving. Moldboard, Caterpillar, Model 12.
15–500 Pump, Carver (Model 255 ) . 5–1020 25 Jul. 42. Grader, Road, Motorized, Gasoline, 12-ft.
Moldboard, Model 101 .
15-500-3 Pump, Centrifugal, 2", Red Jacket (Model 7 - M ) . 5–1022 10 Apr. 43. Grader, Road, Towed-Type, Leaning
5–500–4 29 Jan. 45. Centrifugal Pump, Model 25212, Car
ver Pump Co. Wheel , Hand Controlled , 12-ft. Moldboard , Cater
pillar Model 66.
5–500–5 Pump Centrifugal, 4" MTD Carver (Model 4882) . 5-1024 10 Apr. 43. Grader, Road, Towed-Type, Leaning
15–500–7 Pump, Sump, Ingersoll Rand ( Model, size 25 ) .
15-510-2 Shovel, Crawler -Mounted , Gasoline, 19 -cu , yd., Wheel, Hand Controlled, 10 ft. Moldboard Cater
with Attachments, Link-Belt, Model LS50. pillar Model 44.
5-513-1 29 Jan. 45. Scraper, Road , Towed-Type, Cable- 5–1026 15 Mar. 44. Pump, Asphalt, Trailer-Mounted, with
Operated, 342 Cu. Yd. Type I, Model X, LeTourneau . Distributor Attachments, Littleford, Model US-3C,
15–514–1 Roller, Portable, Littleford ( Model CS ) . with LeRoi Engine, Model D-140-P3.
5-515-15 Rooter, Le Tourneau ( Model K-30 ) . 5-1028 28 Nov. 42. Motor Grader, Type 101 Diesel Model
G - 23564 - AG .
15-519-1 Spreader, Material, Buckeye (Model 9-4 Wheel) .
5-537-1 Trailer, 10-Ton. 5-1030 8 May 45. Crusher, Jaw Type , Gasoline Engine
5-540-4 Sprayer, Paint, Pneumatic, Portable without Com Driven, Trailer -Mounted, 4 Steel Wheels, 10- x 16-In .
pressor, DeVilbiss . Opening, 4 to 12 - Tons per Hour, Gruendler Model
15-540-2 Saw, Circular, Portable, Motor Driven , 220-Volt, 1016 - A ( Less Engine) .
60 -Cycle, AC, 12-inch Blade, Skilsaw Model 127. $ 5–1032 Ditcher, Model 44-C.
15–540–8 Paint Spraying Unit. 5-1034 3 Dec. 42. Mixer, Rotary Tiller, Soil Stabilization ,
5–540–9 Drill, Air ( Stell ) . Ingersoll Rand (Model B ). Self-Powered, Trailer-mounted, Gasoline, Model
5-600 1 Jun. 45. Repairs and Utilities Guides and Pro MHD 72.
cedures. 5–1036 6 Mar. 44. Grader, Road, Towed- Type, Leaning
* 5-602 29 Sep. 45. Cost Accounting, Repairs and Utilities. Wheel, Hand -Controlled, 10-ft. Moldboard, Adams,
5-612 15 Jun. 45. Inspections and Preventive Maintenance Model 104 with Scarifier.
Services for Post Engineer Shop Equipment. 5–1037 Oct. 43. Crushing and Screening Plant, Gravel and
5-617 2 Jun . 45. Roofing, Repairs and Utilities. Rock, 2 Units, Gasoline Engine Driven, Semi- Trailer
* 5-630 24 Sep. 45. Grounds Maintenance, Dust and Ero Mounted, w / Dollies , 25 -cu. yd. per hour, Iowa Model
sion Control, Repairs and Utilities. No. 1 with Buda Engine Model L - 525 (Operation
and Maintenance Only) .
* 5–632 16 Oct. 45. Insect and Rodent Control. Repairs and
Utilities. 5–1038 Oct. 43. Crushing and Screening Plant, Gravel and
5-637 25 Jul. 45. Inspections and Preventive Maintenance Rock, 2 Units, Gasoline Engine Driven, Semi- Trailer
Services for Kitchen Equipment. Mounted, w / Dollies, 25-cu. yd. per hour, Iowa Model
* 5–661 21 Sep. 45. Inspection and Preventive Maintenance No. 1 with Buda Engine Model L - 525 ( Parts Cat
Services for Water Supply Systems at Fixed In alog Only ) .
stallations. 5–1040 5 Jan. 43. Asphalt Pump, Model U. S. 113, Little
* 5–666 29 Sep. 45. Inspections and Preventive Mainte ford .
nance Services, Sewage Treatment Plants and Sewer 5–1042 15 Dec. 42. Tank Car Heater, Model DS 2 car ca
Systems at Fixed Installations. pacity, ( Model Z Engine ) .
5-671 30 Jun. 45. Inspections and Preventive Maintenance 5–1044 15 Dec. 42. Tank Car Heater, Model DS 2 car ca
Services for Domestic, Reach-In, and Walk-In Re pacity, ( Model ZZ Engine).
frigerators and Miscellaneous Refrigerating Sys- 5–1046 Dec. 43. Heater, Asphalt, Trailer -Mounted, 3-Car,
tems. 42 HP, Cleaver - Brooks, Model DS- 3, with Model ZZ
5–672 2 Jul. 45. Inspections and Preventive Maintenance
Services for Ventilating, Evaporative ( Desert ) 5-1048 Nov. 43. Spreader, Sand, Towed Type, Traction
Cooling, and Air-Conditioning Systems. Powered, Good Roads, Model 2S.
5-1050 11 Dec. 42. Aggregate Batching Plant (Model P
5-673 7 Jul. 45. Inspections and Preventive Maintenance 3105-3 Compartment . )
Services for Warehouse Cold-Storage Plants and 5–1056 6 May 43 . Spreader, Concrete, Gasoline Engine
Ice Plants.
5-681 31 Aug. 45. Inspections and Preventive Maintenance Driven, 20 ft. Width, Model SA with Hercules
for Electrical Facilties. Engine, Model QXD 5 .
5-1058 6 May 43. Spreader, Concrete Gasoline Engine
* Will not be reprinted when present depot stocks are exhausted . Driven 20 ft. width Model SA with Continental En
1 Stock exhausted . gine Model P F226. C 1 .
658749 ° -4645 65

ENGINEERS - Continued TM
TM 5-1120 31 Dec. 43. Grader, Road , Towed Leaning Wheel ,
5–1060 12 Feb. 43. Roller , Road, Towed-Type, Sheepsfoot, Hand Controlled, 642 foot Mold board, Adams Model
2 and 3 Drum, in-line, Models W2 and W3. No. 11-S.
5–1062 30 Nov. 42. Spreader, Concrete, Model CS-20. 10 Apr. 43. Roller, Road, Towed Sheepsfoot, Single
5-1064 22 Dec. 42. Finisher, Concrete, Self-propelled 20 ft. drum with Removable Feet, Model No. 10-S . Adams.
paving width, Model H. 5-1124 6 Mar. 44.
44 . Grader, Road, Towed-Type, Elevating,
5–1066 1 Sept. 43. Spreader Concrete, Gasoline Engine, Power Controlled, 48-inch Carrier, Adams, Model 11.
Driven Form-Riding, 20 ft. width. Blaw-Knox, Model 5-1126 Dec. 43. Mixer, Rotary-Tiller, Soil Stabilization
S. Power Take -Off, Trailer- Mounted, Seaman, Model
5–1068 20 Feb. 43. Finisher, Concrete, Gasoline Engine ABT-48 .
Powered, 20-ft. Width, Model “ XC ” . 15–1128 Roller, Towed, Model US -45-130 Littleford Bros.
5–1070 30 Nov. 42. Form, Tamper, Model 1 . Inc.
5–1072 22 Apr. 43. Paver Concrete, Crawler Mounted 34 5–1130 21 Nov. 42. Distributor, Bituminous Material
cu. ft. Foote, Model 34 - E . Trailer-Mounted 1250 gal . , Etnyre Model MX-D4,
5-1074 15 Jul . 43. Mixer, Concrete, Gasoline Engine Driven Style RE , with LeRoi Engine Model P-2877D2.
Trailer Mounted , 7 cu. ft. Model 75 Dandie, with 5-1132 Dec. 43. Distributor Bituminous Material, Trailer
LeRoi Engine Model XRPI. Mounted, 1250 gal., Etnyre Model MX-D5, Style
5-1076 Jan. 44. Mixer, Concrete, Gasoline Engine Driven RE, with LeRoi Model D-140.
Trailer-Mounted , 14-cu. ft. Ransome, Model 14 S - U . 5-1134 11 Apr. 44. Distributor, Bituminous Material ,
5-1078 24 Apr. 44. Heater, Asphalt, Trailer-Mounted, 3 Truck -Mounted, 800 gal., Etnyre, Model MX-D6,
car, 42-HP, Cleaver - Brooks Model DS - 31, Briggs Style RE with LeRoi Engine Model D-140.
& Stratton Engine, Model ZZ. 5-1136 Jan. 44. Pump, Water, Trailer-Mounted with At
5–1080 26 Nov. 42. Peg Tooth Harrow , McCormick - Deering tachments, Rosco Model MAE , with Wisconsin En
No. 2 Easy-Fold (Four - Section — 140 Teeth ) . Inter gine, Model VE -41.
national Harvester. 5-1138 Oct. 44. Mixer, Concrete, Gasoline, Trailer -Mounted,
5-1082 Dec. 43. Harrow, Disc , Offset, 8-ft., 24-in . Discs, 7 cu . ft., Construction Machinery Co., Model 7 - S .
International Harvester Model DY-RR S0-49. 5-1140 15 Dec. 43. Roller, Road, Towed - Type, Wheeled,
5–1084 6 Jan. 43. Cultivator, Chisel 12 in. Spacing, 8 - ft. Rubber - Tired, 13 Tires, William Bros. Model 67W.
Wide, DYRR Model F. 15-1142 23 Apr. 43. Roller, Road, Gasoline, Tandem 2-Axle,
5-1086 23 Jan. 43. Plow, Tractor, with Standing Cutter 5 to 8 ton Buffalo - Springfield , Model KT-16.
and single plain share, Model No. 11. 5–1144 Oct. 43. Ditcher , Plow- Type, 12 -in . Bottom, 26 - in .
5–1088 29 Jan. 43. Plow, Tractor, Heavy Duty, 4-14 in. Depth, Deere- Killefer, Model 350R.
Bottoms, Model No. 7. 5-1146 15 Mar. 44. Tank , Asphalt, Steel , Trailer-Mounted,
5-1090 11 Feb. 43. Rooter, Cable Operated 3-tooth, Model with Steam Coils, 1,500-gal., Littleford , Model 102S.
H3 . 5-1148 Jan. 44. Tank, Asphalt, Steel, Truck- Mounted , with
5-1092 6 Mar. 44 . Grader, Road, Towed-Type, Leaning Heating Flue, 800-gal. Rosco, Model RMU, with
Wheel, Hand- Controlled, 12 ft. Moldboard Adams. Wisconsin Engine, Model VE-41 .
Model 124-S . 5-1150 16 May 44 . Distributor, Water, Truck Mounted
5-1094 18 Feb. 43 . Scraper, Rotary, Model 152, Drag 1,000 gal. Rosco, Model MME , with Wisconsin En
Type. gine, Model VE -41 .
5-1096 6 Mar. 44. Scraper, Road , Drag- Type, Rotary, 34 5–1152 6 Jan. 42. Heater, Water, Littleford Model 5C.
cu. ft. Adams , Model 342 with Wisconsin Engine 5–1154 9 Apr. 43. Kettle, Asphalt 165 Gallon, Trailer
Model AGH . Mounted with Motor- Driven Hand Spray, 165 gal.
5–1098 15 June 44. Roller, Road Gasoline, Tandem, 2-Axle, Capacity, Littleford, Model 84 Hd-3, Series P.R.S.
2- to 212 -ton , Ferguson, Model 151. 15–1156 25 Sep. 43. Kettle, Asphalt Repair, Trailer
5-1100 Oct. 43 . Roller, Road, Gasoline, 3 Wheel, 10- Ton , Mounted, with Motor Driven Hand Spray, 110-gal
Galion , Single Drum , Model " Chief” . lon capacity, Model 66-US Airborne, with Lauson
5-1102 Oct. 43. Washing and Screening Plant , Sand and Engine Model 558-1 .
Gravel , 75- tons pr. hr. Pioneer, Model 412-VW 5-1158 6 May 44. Kettle , Asphalt -Repair, Trailer -Mounted,
( with Allis-Chalmers Power Unit, Model E-60 ) . With Motor- Driven Hand Spray, 165 -gal. Capacity
5–1106 7 Feb. 44. Crushing and Screening Plant, 2 Units, Littleford , Model 84 -HD - 3 Series T.
Gasoline, Semi- Trailer -Mounted, with Doilies, 25 5-1162 30 Mar. 44. Shovel , Crawler- Mounted, Gasoline , 12
cu . yd . pr. hr. Iowa, Model No. 2 with Buda L-525 cu. yd. with attachments ; Osgood, Model 200, with
Engine. Buda Engine, Model HP-326. ( Shovel Serial Num
* 5–1108 Mixer, Asphalt, Diesel Engine Driven , Travel or bers 3151 thru 3870 and 3971 thru 3988 ) .
Central Plant, Trailer Mounted, 110–200 TPH , 5-1165 20 Jul. 43 . Shovel , Power, 2-cu . yd . , Crawler
Model 848 with Buda Engine, Model 6 - DC - 844 . Mounted, Diesel Engine Powered, Model 78-D with
5–1112 7 Feb. 44. Crushing and Screening Plant, 2-Unit, Murphy Engine Model ME -6.
Gasoline Engine- Driven, Semi-Trailer- Mounted , with
Dollies, 25 cu . yd . per hr. Iowa Model 2A , with Case 5-1166 Shovel , Power, 2 - cu , yd . , Crawler -Mounted , Diesel
Engine Powered , Model 78-D with Murphy Engine
Engine Model LAE. Model ME-6 ( Parts Catalog) .
5–1116 Oct. 43. Loader, Snow , Belt Type, Crawler -Mounted ,
Gasoline Engine- Driven , 10 to 20 cu. yd., ( With 5-1168 Dec. 43. Crane, Crawler -Mounted, Gasoline 34 - cu ,
Bucket Loader Elevator Attachment) , Barber yd., with attachments, Koehring Model 304 with
Greene, Model 38-D, with Buda Engine, Model HP Buda Engine .
5-1170 14 Jan. 13 . Shovel , Power Crawler-Mounted Gaso
217 .
5-1118 Oct. 43 . Loader, Aggregate, Bucket, Crawler line 12 cu . yd . Bucyrus Eri Model 15 B.
Mounted , Gasoline Engine-Driven , 3 cu . yd ., 17-ft.
4 - in . Boom , Barber- Greene, Model 82 -AM ( for
Mixer ), and 19 ft., 10 in Boom , Model 82-AD ( for † Will not be reprinted when present depot stocks are exhausted .
Dryer ), with Buda Engine, Model HP-326. $ Stock exhausted .

ENGINEERS - Continued TM
5-1172 25 Apr. 44. Crane, Crawler-Mounted, Gasoline,
5-1241 1 Jul . 43. Crushing, Screening and Washing Plant,
Rock and Gravel, 5 and 9 unit Combination, Crawler
34 -cu . yd ., with Attachments, Koehring, Model 304 Mounted, 100-150 T. P. H., Gasoline, Erection and
with Chrysler Engine Modification. Operation .
5-1174 8 Sep. 43. Crane, Revolving, Truck-Mounted, Gaso 5–1244 2 Feb. 44. Crusher , Jaw -Type, Gasoline Engine
line Pneumatic- Tired , Two-Engine Drive, 4- to 8-ton, Driven , Crawler -Mounted , 30-in , x 42-in. to 200 to
Class I, with Attachments, Quick-Way, Model E, 400 -tons per hr. Model 56-A.
with International Model U -9 Power Unit. C 1 . 5-1246 2 Feb. 44. Crushed, Roll-Type, Gasoline Engine
5--1178 15 Mar. 44. Shovel , Crawler-Mounted , Diesel , 2-cu. Driven , Crawler-Mounted 54 in. dia. x 24 in. Face
yd. with Attachments, Thew, Model Lorain 82 (En 100 to 190 Tons per hr. Model 54-VA.
gine: Caterpillar, Model D-13000 ) . 5–1248 2 Feb. 44. Crusher, Screener and Washer, Roll-type
5–1180 Jan. 44. Ditching Machine, Wheeltype Crawler, Belt- Driven , Crawler Mounted, 40 -in Dia. x 22 in.
Mounted, Gasoline Digging Depth 5 ft. 6 in . width 23 Face 40 to 140 TPH Model 300 WA, and Dehydra
in. Cleveland Model 110 .
tor, Sand , Screw , Feed Chain-Driven, Trailer -Mount
15–1182 Model Tx21. 3-axle Tandem ( Roller) Buffalo ed, 4 Steel Wheels, 40 to 60 TPH Pioneer.
Springfield Roller Co.
5-1184 16 Sep. 43. Roller, Road , Gasoline Engine Driven , 5–1250 2 Feb. 44. Crusher, Roll- type, Gasoline Engine
Tandem , 3-Axle, 9 to 14 ton, Model KX- 16. Driven, Trailer-Mounted, 6- Steel Wheels, 40-in Dia.
5-1188 Dec. 43. Roller, Road , Gasoline, 3-wheel , 10-ton, x 22 in. Face. 40 to 140 tons per hour, Model 42-VA.
5-1252 2 Feb. 44 . Scrubber and Washer, Paddle Type,
Huber, with Hercules engine, Model WXLC-3. Gasoline Engine Driven, Trailer-Mounted, 6 Steel
5–1189 Dec. 43. Roller, Road Diesel, 3-Wheel, 10-Ton, Wheel, 80- to 100-Tons per hour, Model Log Washer.
Huber with Caterpillar Engine, Model D -4400 . 5-1254 2 Feb. 44. Power Unit, Gasoline Engine- Driven,
5-1190 15 Apr, 43. Scraper, Towed, Hydraulically Operat
ed , 142 cu. yd . , Model Cab and Model H.U. Hyd. Trailer-Mounted, 4-Steel Wheels, 120 to 140 - HP ,
Model 300 WA .
Unit. La Plant Choate.
$ 5–1192 Jan. 44. Finisher, Concrete, Form - riding, 20-ft. to 5–1256 2 Feb. 44. Pump, Centrifugal, Gasoline Engine
25-ft., Blaw-Knox Model XD, with Hercules Engine, Driven , Tráiler-Mounted, 6-in., Discharge 1,000
gpm . at 80-ft. , Head, Model 300 - WA .
Model IXB-5.
15–1194 Mobiloader, Models 8, 8H, 8C, 8M, 8B for Cater 5-1258 2 Feb. 44. Conveyor, Belt, Transfer, High Gasoline,
Engine-Driven , 30 in . x 50 ft. Mast ; 30 in . x 35 ft.
pillar D8 and RD8 Tractor Athey Truss Wheel Co.
5-1197 27 May 43. Shovel , Power, Crawler Mounted , Gaso Low Mast ; 30 in. x 50 ft. Low Mast. 300- FPM ; 30
in . x 50-ft. Low Mast, 400-FPM.
line 34 cu . yd . (Model No. 70 with Buda Engine
Model K-393 ) . Buckeye Traction Ditcher Co. (Main 15-1259 Engine, Gasoline, Waukesha, Model 6 - WAKU for
tenance Manual) . Pioneer Crushing, Screening and Washing Plant.
5–1198 2 Dec. 43. Shovel , Crawler-Mounted , Gasoline En 5–1260 30 Aug. 43. Crane, Revolving, Crawler-Mounted,
Diesel , 1 to 112 cu. yd. 20–30 Tons, Class IV,
gine-Driven, 54 cu. yd., with attachments, Buckeye, Bucyrus-Erie, Model 37-B.
Model 70, with Buda Engine, Model K393. ( Parts
Catalog ) . 5-1270 25 May 43. Bulldozer, Hydraullic Tractor Mounted
15-1202 4 Mar. 44. Scraper, Road, Motorized, Cable -Oper 59 in . Blade, Model BABX for Model CA-1 , Clarkair
Crawler. LaPlant- Choate .
ated , 12 cu, yd. , LeTourneau , Model Super C , Tourna
pull, with Model LP Carryall . 5-1272 15 May 44. Angledozer, Tractor-Mounting, Cable
5-1206 Mar. 44. Scraper, Road, Towed-Type, Cable Oper Operated La Plante-Choate, Model R-76R ( For
ated 3 -cu . yd., Le Tourneau , Model D. Model D7 Caterpillar Tractor ) .
5-1208 6 Aug. 43. Scraper, Road, Towed-Type, Cable 15-1274 Roller, Littleford, Model C.
Operated 6-cu. yd., Type II, Le Tourneau, Model M. 5-1280 Oct. 43. Mixing Plant, Asphalt, and Soil Aggregate
5-1210 11 Jun. 42. Scraper , Road , Towed- Type, Cable Gasoline - Engine - Driven , 25 - TPH , Mobile, 4-Units
Operated 8-cu. yd. , Type III LeTourneau, Model Combination , Consisting of Barber-Greene Pugmill
LS. Mixer Model 841 , Aggregate Dryer, Model 831 , Soil
5-1212 3 Jul. 43. Scraper, Road, Towed-Type, Cable -Oper Stabilizer Model 821 , Bucket Elevator, Model 831 ,
ated Type IV Model LP. Le Tourneau . Powered by LeRoi Engine Model D-201 - PS.
15–1216 4 Sep. 43. Tiltdozer, Tractor Mounting, Cable Op 15-1304 Dozer Shovel, Tractor Mounting, Hydraulic oper
erated , Model A4 . ated, 3/4 cu . yd. , Bucyrus- Erie Model,
5-1218 3 Jul. 43 . 5-1306 25 Mar. 44 . Angledozer, Tractor- Mounting, Hy
Angledozer, Tractor-Mounting, Cable draulic-Operated , LaPlant - Choate. Model R-63 ( For
Operated , Le Tourneau , Model SK-6.
Caterpillar D6 Tractor ) .
5–1220 14 Jun. 43. Angledozer, Tractor Mounting, Cable 5-1308 23 Mar. 44. Angledozer, Tr ctor-Mounting, Hy
Operated , Model CK8.
5-1224 3 Jul . 43. Angledozer, Tractor-Mounting, Cable draulic-Operated, LaPlant- Choate, Model 4- R for
Operated, Le Tourneau , Model WCK-7. Caterpillar Tractor, Model 14.
5–1226 4 Sep. 43. Tiltdozer, Tractor Mounting Cable Op
5-1310 15 Apr. 44. Bulldozer, Tank -Mounting, Hydraulic
Operated , LaPlant-Choate , Model BM4 , for M4A1
erated, Model A4 ( SP ) . R. G. LeTourneau, Inc. A2 and A3 , Medium Model Tanks. C 1 .
Peoria , Ill .
5-1228 10 Jul . 43. Angledozer, Tractor -Mounting, Cable
5-1312 24 Jan. 45. Shovel, Crawler, Gasoline, 34 - cu yd,
with Attachments, Lima, Model Paymaster-34 (En
Operated LeTourneau, Model C-4 ( For use with gine Chrysler, Model C - 36-520 ).
Le Tourneau T- 4 Power Control Unit. ) 15-1314 Crane , Mobile, Rubber- Tire Mounted , 1612 Ton ,
5-1230 16 Sept. 13. Plow, Disc, Towed Type, Five 28 inch Bay City, Model 18 – T50.
Discs Deere Model 203 .
15–1316 Crane, Revolving, Crawler Mounted, 1 to 112 cu .
yd . 20 to 30 Ton , Bay City Model 65 .
*Will not be reprinted when present depot stocks are exhausted. 15-1332 Bulldozer, Model X D9 for use with D8 caterpillar
Stock exhausted . tractor, R. G. LeTourneau Inc.

ENGINEERS - Continued TM
TM 15–2016 30 Nov. 42. Centrifugal Pump, Model 2XPK, 165–
15-1334 Austin-Western 3-Type Rip Rooter, Austin -Western GPM Jaeger.
Road Machinery Co. 5–2018 1 Dec. 42. Pump Sump, Pneumatic, 3-in. discharge,
15-1336 Bulk Cement Plant. Blaw-Knox Division of Blaw Model CP - 2 , 175 GPM , 25 ft. head.
Knox Co. 5-2022 28 Feb. 43. Pump Centrifugal, Gasoline Engine
15-1338 Athey Mobiloader Models 4 and W4 for Caterpillar Driven, Base - Mounted, 2-in., Discharge, 55 gpm at
D and R4 Standard or wide gauge Tractors, Athey 50 ft. Head, Jaeger, Carver or Red Jacket Model
Truss Wheel Co. 2APS-1.
15-1340 Haiss Loader, Bucket Type, Model 75-C, LeRoi Mo- 5–2024 15 May 43. Well Drilling Machine, Rotary Type,
tor, Model D-201-7, George Haiss Mfg. Co., Inc. Skid- Mounted, Gasoline Engine -Driven, Failing,
15-1350 Roadbuilder, Mounted on Cletrac BG Tractors, Model 314.
Model RE , Garwood Industries, Inc. 15–2026 13 May 43. Pump, Centrifugal , Diesel Engine
15–1360 Trackson Traxcavator, Model T4 ( Bucket Loader) . Driven , Base Mounted, 3 inch , Discharge, 600 gpm
Trackson Co. 400 foot head, with Ingersoll- Rand Model 3 GT
15-1370 Bros Rotary Snow Plow, Model 37 PR-188 Mtd. on Pump and Cummins Model Hip -600 Engine.
Diamond T-986A Army 4-Ton, 6x6 Chassis. Wm. 5–2028 9 Nov. 43. Pump, Centrifugal, Gasoline Engine
Bros. Boiler & Mfg. Co. Driven, Base-Mounted, 4-in. Discharge, 200 gpm at
5–1452 Jan. 44. Model 20, Magnetos, Type MJA C ; Ameri 350 ft. Head, Gorman-Rupp, Model C54-14.
can Beach . 5-2030 15 Dec. 42. Water Purification Unit, Gasoline En
$5–1458 Model 75, Link Belt Speeder, Shovel. Link -Belt gine Driven, Truck Mounted, 100 GPM, Model 1938.
Speeder Corp. Wallace and Tiernan .
15–1460 Adams Motor Grader, Model No. 402 ; Motor Model, 5-2031 26 Sep. 44. Line Terminating and Composite Panel
FBC-450 IHC , J. D. Adams. and Type C Transfer Panel.
15-1476 Sauerman Slackline Cableway Excavators and 15–2032 15 Mar. 43 . Hypochlorination Unit, Automatic
Power Drag Scrapers, Sauerman Bros. Inc. Portable, Wallace & Tiernan, Model A-506.
15–1484 Wood Roadmixer, Model Series No. 48. Wood Road- $ 5-2034 Jan. 44. Pump Centrifugal, Gasoline Engine
mixer Co. Driven, 2-in. Discharge, 60 GPM, 125-Ft. Head Gor
15-1486 7-S Model “ U ” Mixer, Ransome Concrete Machinery man-Rupp, Model W52-10A.
Co. 5-2036 6 Feb. 43. Pump, Centrifugal, 11% Discharge, 125
15–1492 Roller Road, Powered, Diesel , 8-12 Ton Variable gpm 300-foot Head, Gasoline Engine Driven, Model
Weight, Model “ Tandem ." Galion Iron Works and B-180 ; Economy Pump.
Mfg. Co. 5–2037 15 Jan. 44. Pump, Centrifugal, Gasoline Engine
15-1508 Bulldozer Model K8, for use with D8 Caterpillar Driven, Base-Mounted, 112 -in., Discharge, 125 G.P.M.
Tractor, R. G. LeTourneau , Inc. at 300-ft., Head, Economy Model B-180 Engine ;
$5–1514 Treedozer, Tractor -Mounted Hydraulic operated, LeRoi, Model D-140.
LaPlant- Choate Model TD8 for Caterpillar Tractor 5-2038 9 July 43. Pump Centrifugal, Gasoline Engine
Model D8. Driven, 2-in. Discharge, 60 gpm at 125 ft. Head,
:15–1554 Smith Non-Tilting Mixers 7-8 and 10-S Sizes, Gorman - Rupp , Model W52–10.
Model 356. T. L. Smith Co. 5–2040 20 Apr. 44. Pump, Depp Well, Centrifugal Type,
5-1580 Mar. 44. Bulldozer Tractor -Mounted, Cable-Oper 4-in. Discharge, 200-GPM, 200-ft. Head, 150-ft. Set
ated , Le Tourneau Model XD-7. ting. Gasoline Engine-Driven , Peerless Model 6M.
5-1584 14 July 44. Angledozer, Tractor Mounting, Cable- 5-2042 26 Feb. 44. Pump, Deep Well , Gasoline Engine
Operated, LaPlant-Choate, Model R 82 R, for Model Driven Helical Rotor-Type, 30 gpm at 250 ft. Head
D - 8 Caterpillar Tractor. Type 11. Peerless, Hi-Lift Model 42.
15-1721 1 Sep. 44. Searchlight, 60-inch Model 1942 and 5-2044 15 Sept. 43. Pump, Centrifugal, Gasoline Engine
Control Station . Driven , Base Mounted, 2 -in . Discharge, 166 gpm 25
5-1722 1 Jun . 44. Searchlight, 60 -inch Model 1942 and Con foot head, Novo Model KHR with engine model
trol Station. CA -33.
5-1730 14 Jun. 43. Searchlight, 18-inch, with Tripod and 15-2046 Type 1, Peerless M-52 Hi-Lift Pump and Wau
Carrying Case. kesha Model ICKU Engine, Peerless Pump Division.
75–1990 Angledozer, Tractor Mounted, Hydraulic Oper- 5-2050 17 Jun . 43. Tank Water , Canvas, with Spray Bar
ated, LaPlant-Choate Model R-71 for Caterpillar Attachment, 75-GPM , U. S. Rubber.
17 .
5-2052 14 Dec. 43. Pump , Deep Well, Gasoline- Engine
15–2000 13 Dec. 13. Portable Water Purification Equipment Driven , Turbine- Type, 200 gpm at 200-ft. Head,
Model 1940 , Wallace and Tiernan Co. C 1 . Cook Model PI- 535 , with Continental Engine
75–2002 25 Sep. 42. Well Drilling Machine. No. 71 Speed Y- 112 .
Star . 5–2054 29 May 44. Pump , Deep Well, Gasoline Engine
05-2006 Centrifugal Pump, Model 30M ( WAC 14X ) 4 - in. Driven, Helical Rotor-Type, 30 gpm at 250 ft.
Gorman -Rupp. Head, type 2 , Peerless Hi -Lift Model 42 H ( Engine :
5-2008 6 Nov. 42. Centrifugal Pump, Model J54, 4 in. Gor Wisconsin , Model AHH ) .
man-Rupp. 5–2056 15 Apr. 44. Pump, Centrifugal, Gasoline Engine
5-2012 18 Sep. 42. Deep Well Turbine Pump Model 4700. Driven , Trailer- or Skid- Mounted , 4-in . Discharge,
Deming. 500 GPM at 20-ft. Head, Carver, Model 4822.
5–2014 Jan. 44. Pump, Diaphragm , Gasoline Engine-Driven, 5–2058 15 Mar. 44. Pumping and Hypochlorination Unit,
Mounted on Two Steel Wheels, 4-in. Discharge, 100 Gasoline Engine- Driven , Portable , 50 -GPM , Model
gpm at 10 ft. head ( suction ) , Novo, Model AD - 4 , U-8600.
with Novo Engine, Model CA-33. 5-2060 5 Nov, 43. Cleaver Model M2-E10B Distillation Unit,
2,000 Gals . per day Capacity.
Will not be rcprinted when present depot stocks are exhausted . 15-2064 Portable Distillation Unit, Model M2E-25, 5000 Gals.
Stock exhausted .
per day Capacity. Cleaver-Brooks Co.

ENGINEERS — Continued TM
TM 5–2721 Dec. 44. Power Plant, Model 1942, for Searchlight,
15–2066 3 Mar. 44. Water Purification Unit, Gasoline En 60-inch , Model 1942.
gine-Driven, Stationary, 50 - gpm ,Wallace and Tier- 5-2722 15 Mar. 44. Power Plant, Model 1942, for Search
nan, Model A -521 ( Knockdown - Type ) . light, 60-inch , Model 1942.
15-2068 Instructions for Operation and Maintenance of 15–2723 1 Jul. 44. Power Plant, Model 1942, for Searchlight,
Distillation Unit, Thermo-Compression Type, Gaso 60- inch , Model 1942.
line, Skid-Mounted , 1200 Gal Per Day, Badger. 5-3000 Oct. 43. Tractor, Wheeled, Rubber-Tired, Gasoline ,
5-2071 3 Aug. 44. Water Softening Equipment , Gravity 30BHP, Rigid , Case Model “ DI ” .
flow 300,000 Grains per Regeneration ( Zeolite Type ) , 5-3002 7 Dec. 42. Dump Bottom Trailer, Model E - 13
Refinite Model G54. Crawler Mounted.
5–2074 3 Apr. 44. Pump, Horizontal, Duplex Piston, 15-3004 Model WM Tractor Equipped with Buckeye Trail
Steam Driven , Size 3 x 2 x 3 - In , 6 GPM , % - In . builder as supplies to the U. S, Army, Tractor Serial
Discharge, 3 -In . Inlet ( Steam ) , American-Marsh, No. WM 10391 and WM 10942 to 112-29, Allis Chal
Model 202-C-1 . mers Mfg. Co.
5–2076 20 Sept. 44. Pump, Rotary, Power Take- off Driven, 5-3006 Winch, Tractor Mounting , 1-Drum, Reversible ,
Fire Truck -Mounting, Mid -ship, Single- Discharge , General Utility Land Clearing, Evans, Model ECC
2 - in ., Discharge, 100-GPM at 277-ft. head or (120 ( Clearing and Grubbing Unit for Case SI Tractor ).
PSI ) , Waterous, Model HD-281-R. 15-3010 13 Feb. 43. Tractor, Wheeled, Rubber-Tired, Gaso
15-2078 27 Jan. 45 . General Instructions for Installation line, 40 DB -HP, Standard, Case LAI.
and Operation of Gardner-Denver Steam Pumps. 5-3012 Jan. 44. Tractor, Wheeled, Rubber-Tired , Gasoline
15–2083 Pump, Centrifugal , Gasoline Engine Driven , Fire 23 - DBHP, Standard , Case Si , with La Plant Choate
Truck Mounting, midship, double discharge 272 in. Power Control Unit ( For Airborne Organization ) .
discharge, 500 GPM at 275 ft. head , Waterous Model 5-3014 Jan. 44. Tractor, Wheeled, Rubber-Tired, Gaso
CA- 1 . line, 23 DB - HP, Standard , Case SI , with Hough Air
† 5–2088 Pump, Centrifugal, for Gasoline, Gasoline Engine borne SI Bucket Loader.
Driven , Base- Mounted, 3-in . Discharge, 3-in . Suc- 5-3020 25 Mar. 43. Tractor, Crawler Type, 20 DBH, with
tion, 240-GPM at 60-ft. Head , Marlow Model 34-PV. Bulldozer and Towing Winch Model CA-1 Clarkair.
15-2089 Pump, Centrifugal, Self Priming, Marlow " Water 5-3040 18 Mar. 43 . Tractor, Crawler, Diesel, 110 to 140
Wizard ", Model No. 22V. DBHP Standard Caterpillar D8 , 78- in . Gage.
5-2090 28 Apr. 45. Pump, Deep Well , Gasoline Engine- * 5–3041 Tractor, Crawler type, Diesel Engine Driven, 91
Driven , Turbine-Type , 30-GPM at 250- Ft. Head, to 140 DBHP , Caterpillar D8 with Hyster D8N
Cook, Model SK-635 , with Wisconsin Engine Model Winch .
AHH . 5-3042 7 May 43. Tractor, Crawler, Diesel, 110 to 140
5-2108 29 Sep. 42. Mixer, Concrete, Model 14S. Ransome. DBHP Standard, Caterpillar, D8, 78 in. Gage, with
15–2116 Gasoline Pump, Model 6B, Type HBE with Conti Le-Tourneau CKD - 8 Angledozer, T-8 Rear Power
nental Model 33R, Gasoline Engine, American Control Unit and FTD - 8 Front Power Control Unit.
Marsh Pumps Inc. 5-3044 7 May 43 . Tractor, Crawler, Diesel , 110-to 140
15-2120 Self-Priming Centrifugal Pump, Model 7M-US, DBHP, Standard, Caterpillar D8, 78-In. Gage, with
Barnes Mfg . Co. LeTourneau CKD-3 Angledozer and FD-8 and R-8
15-2260 Portable Knockdown Purification Unit A-521071. Power, Control Units.
Wallace & Tiernan , Inc. 5-3046 7 May 43. Tractor, Crawler, Diesel, 110 to 140
15-2262 Centrifugal Pumping Unit, Hawk Model, 55 G. P. DBHP Standard , D8, 78 in. Gage, with LeTour
M. 2-inch . Gorman- Rupp. neau CKD -8 Angledozer, LeTourneau FTD -8
5-2274 Pump, Piston , 25 GPM , American Marsh . Power Control Unit and Hyster D & N Winch ,
15–2276 Carter Engine-Driven Pump Unit, 704-4F, Ralph 5–3048 7 May 43. Tractor, Crawler, Diesel, 110 to 140
B. Carter Co. DBHP Standard, Caterpillar D8, 78-in. Gage, with
15-2284 Novo Self-Priming, Diaphragm, Pressure, Centrif LeTourneau R-8 Power Control Unit.
ugal Pumps ; Novo Engine Co. 5–3050 May 43. Tractor, Crawler, Diesel , 110 to 140
35-2296 Single-Stage Condensate Pump Warren Steam DBHP Rigid, Caterpillar D8; 78 - in . Gage, with
Pump Co. , Inc. Athey 8H Mobiloader .
15–2298 Pump, Boiler Feed Duplex, General and Low Ser- 5–3052 7 May 43. Tractor, Crawler, Diesel , 110-140 DBHP,
vice, Outside Center Packed , Steam and Powered Standard , Caterpillar D8, 78-in . Gage, with LaPlant
Pumps, Parts List Pump 5 - B , ( Covers Models AF, Choate R-8 Angledozer and Hyster D&N Winch .
4 - AD - 33 and AF 33 ) , Gardner-Denver Co. 5-3054 25 Jun. 43. Tractor, Crawler Diesel , 110 to 140
35–2312 6 " 15- Stage Cook Deep Well Turbine Pump, Model DBHP, Standard , Caterpillar D8 , 78 -in . Gage, with
SK-660 on base frame with Wisconsin Model AGH Le Tourneau CKD-8 Angledozer and R-8 Power
Gasoline Engine, V-Belt Drive for 200-ft. setting. Control Unit.
A. D. Cook, Inc.
15-3056 Caterpillar Diesel D8 Tractor, LeTourneau R8
* 5-2316 24 Jan 45. Pump Centifugal, Gasoline Engine Power Control Unit. K8 Bulldozer. Caterpillar
Driven , Base Mounted, 4 - In. Discharge, 480 -GPM Tractor Co.
at 300-Ft. Head , Leff, Model Aurora AD-2 (En 5-3068
gine: Chrysler T-108-503 ) . 8 May 43. Tractor, Crawler, Type, Diesel, 80
DBHP Model 07.
15--2320. Pump, Stean , 4x2x4, Gardner- Denver. 16 Jan. 43 . Tractor,
15–2324 Hi-Octane Pumping Unit, 100 GPM , 100-ft. Head of 5-3070 Crawler, Diesel 70 to 90
Gasoline with Dewatering and Deaerating Equip DBHP Standard, Caterpillar D7, 74 - in . Gage with
ment Gasoline Engine-Powered, Hill Diesel Engine LeTourneau WCK - 7 Angledozer, R7 Rear Power
Co. Control Unit and FTD-7 Front Power Control Unit.
† 5-2703 Power Plant, Searchlight, 24-in., Mole Richardson . 5-3072 13 May 43. Tractor, Crawler, Diesel 70 to 90
DBHP Standard , Caterpillar D7, 74 - in . Gage with
† Will not be reprinted when present depot stocks are exhausted . LeTourneau WCK-7 Angledozer and LeTourneau
Stock exhausted . R-7 Power Control Unit.

ENGINEERS - Continued TM
5-3116 Tractor, Model D4 Diesel with Athey W4 Mobi
* 5–3073 Tractor, Crawler type, Diesel Engine Driven, 61 to loader.
90 DBHP Caterpillar D7 with LeTourneau WCK-7 5–3117 Jul. 44. Tractor , Crawler, Diesel, 35 to 40 DBHP,
Angledozer, FTD-7 Power Control Unit, and Hyster Standard, Caterpillar D4, 44-in., Gage, with La
D7N Winch . Plant-Choate 4-R, Angledozer and Hyster D4A
5-3074 Tractor, Crawler, Diesel, 70 to 90 DBHP Standard, Winch .
Caterpillar D7, 74-in. Gage with LaPlant -Choate 5–3118 1 Oct. 44. Tractor Crawler, Diesel, 35 to 40 -DBHP,
R76F Angledozer and Le Tourneau FTD-7 and R-7 Standard D4 , 44-In. Gage, with Athey W4 Mobi
Power Control Units. loader and Hyster D4 Towing Winch.
5-3076 5 Dec. 42. Tractor, Model D7, Diesel with Hyster 5-3120 19 Apr. 43. Tractor, Crawler, Diesel, 35 to 40
D7N Towing Winch, and LeTourneau WCK 7 An DBHP Caterpillar, D4 , 60 in. Gage with Trackson
gledozer, and FTD7 Power Control Unit. PD4 Pipe Layer and AF4 Anglefilled.
5-3078 1 Oct. 44. Tractor , Crawler, Diesel, 70 to 90
DBHP Standard, Caterpillar D7, 74-in. Gage, with 5–3121 Jul. 44. Tractor, Crawler, Diesel, 35 to 40 DBHP,
Trackson MD-7 Pipe Layer and AF 7 Anglefiller. Standard, Caterpillar D4, 44-in., Gage, with Athey
5-3080 19 Apr. 43. Tractor, Crawler, Diesel, 70 to 90 W-4-1 , Bucket Loader.
DBHP Standard Caterpillar D7, 74 in. Gage with 5–3122 24 Nov. 43. Tractor, Crawler, Diesel, 35 to 40
Hyster Double- Drum D7N Winch . DBHP, Standard, Caterpillar D4, 44-in. Gage with
15-3081 Tractor, Crawler Type, Diesel Engine Driven, 61 Le Tourneau A - 4 Tilting Blade and T - 4 Power Con
trol Unit.
to 90 DBHP Caterpillar D7 with Hyster Double
Drum D7N Winch. 5–3126 4 Feb. 44. Tractor, Crawler, Diesel, 35 to 40
5-3082 Nov. 43. Tractor, Crawler, Diesel, 70 to 90 DBHP, Standard, Caterpillar D4, 44 in. Gage with
DBHP Standard, Caterpillar D7, 74 in. Gage, with LeTourneau A4 Tilting Blade HN Power Control
LaPlant-Choate R -71 Angledozer and LeTourneau Unit and Hyster D4A Winch.
R-7 Power Control Unit. 5-3132 18 Mar. 43. Tractor, Crawler Type, Gasoline, 35
5–3084 5 Feb. 44. Tractor, Crawler, Diesel 70 to 90 DBHP DBHP Model R4 with LeTourneau C4 Angledozer
Standard, Caterpillar D7, 74-in. Gage, with La Plant and T4 Power Control Unit.
Choate R-76R Angledozer and Le Tourneau R7 5-3134 18 Jun. 43. Tractor, Crawler, Gasoline 35 DBHP
Power Control Unit. Standard, Caterpillar R4, 44 in. Gage, with LeTour
5–3086 28 Jan. 44. Tractor, Crawler, Diesel, 70 to 90 DBHP, neau C-4 Angledozer, and Le Tourneau HN Power
Standard Caterpillar D7, 74-in. Gage, with LaPlant Control Unit with Hyster D4A Winch.
Choate R-76F Angledozer, LeTourneau FTD - 7 Pow- 5-3136 14 Aug. 43 . Tractor, Crawler, Gasoline, 35 DBHP
er Control Unit and Hyster D7N Winch. Standard, Caterpillar, R4, 44 in. Gage with LeTour
5-3090 Tractor, Crawler, Diesel , 70 to 90 DBHP Standard, neau HN Power Control Unit.
Caterpillar 17, 74 in. Gage, with La Plante--Choate 5-3138 14 Aug. 43 . Tractor, Crawler, Gasoline, 35 DBHP
R-71 Angledozer and Hyster D7N Winch. Standard, Caterpillar R4, with LeTourneau A - 4 Tilt
15–3092 6 Jun . 44. Tractor, Crawler, Diesel, 70 to 90 ingblade and T -4 Power Control Unit.
DBHP, Standard Caterpillar D7, 74-in. Gage, with 5–3140 Oct. 43 or 8 Mar. 44. Tractor, Crawler, Gasoline,
LeTourneau XD-7 Bulldozer and R - 7 Power Con 35 to 40 DBHP , Standard, Caterpillar, R4, 44 -In.
trol Unit.
Gage, with LeTourneau A - 4 Tilting Blade, HN
5–3096 28 Feb. 44. Tractor, Crawler, Diesel, 70 to 90 Power Control Unit and Hyster D4A Winch.
DBHP, Standard , Caterpillar, D7 , 74-In . Gage with 15-3154 Caterpillar Diesel D8 Tractor, LaPlant- Choate B81
LaPlant- Choate R76R Angledozer and LeTourneau
Bulldozer. Caterpillar Tractor Co. '
R7 Power Control Unit, ( Tractor Serial Numbers
7M5828 and 4T1 and UP ) . * 5-3156 Tractor, Crawler Type, Diesel Engine Driven, 91
5–3098 13 Mar. 44. Tractor, Crawler, Diesel, 70 to 90 DBHP, to 140 DBHP, Caterpillar D8 with La Plant- Choate
Standard Caterpillar D7, 74-inch Gage, with LeTour R -82R Angledozer and Le Tourneau R8 Power Con
trol Unit.
neau WCK-7 Angledozer and R - 7 Power Control
Unit. ( Tractor Serial Numbers 7M5828 and 4T1 35-3162 Tractor, Crawler-Type, Diesel , 55 DBHP, Model D6
and UP ) . with LaPlant-Choate R61 Trailbuilder and Le Tour
5-3100 14 Aug. 43. Tractor, Crawler Type, Diesel Engine neau R 678 P.C.U. Caterpillar Tractor Co.
Powered, 55DBHP, Caterpillar Model D - 6 . * 5–3171 Tractor, Crawler Type, Diesel Engine Driven , 46
5-3101 Jul. 44. Tractor, Crawler, Diesel, 55 DBHP, Models to 60 DBHP Caterpillar D6 with LaPlant- Choate
D-6. B-61 Bulldozer and LeTourneau R-678 Power Con
5-3102 14 Aug. 43. Tractor, Crawler Type, Diesel , 55 trol Unit.
DBHP Caterpillar Model D6 with LeTourneau SK6 15-3190 Cletrac Crawler Tractor, Models AG & BG. Cleve
Angledozer and R678 Power Control Unit. land Tractor Co.
5-3104 2 Dec. 42. Tractor, Crawler, Diesel 55 to 65 DBHP 15-3194 Model HD7 and HD7W Standard Tractors. Allis
Standard 74 in . Gage, with Hyster D6N winch . Chalmers Co.
5-3108 19 May 44. Tractor, Crawler, Diesel , 70 to 90
DBHP, Rigid , Caterpillar D7, 74-in . Gage, with 15-3196 Allis - Chalmers Model HD7W Tractor with Garwood
Trackson MD - 7 Pipelayer and AF-7, Angle-Filler. RBX Trailbuilder Allis- Chalmers.
15-3110 2 Dec. 42. Tractor, Model D4, Diesel, 15–3200 Model HD7W Tractor Equipped with Garwood RBX
5-3112 Tractor, Model D4, Diesel with LeTourneau C4 An Trailbuilder and Buckeye Medium Duty Double
gledozer and T4 Power Control Unit. Drum Power Control Unit. Allis- Chalmers Tractor
5-3114 3 Dec. 42. Tractor, Crawler Diesel , 35 to 40 DBHP Division.
Standard, Caterpillar, D4, 44 in. Gage and 60 in. 5-3210 Model W.M. Tractor, Allis-Chalmers Co.
Gage with Hyster D4 Winch.
1.5–3212 Model WM Allis-Chalmers Long Track Tractor
† Will not be reprinted when present depot stocks are exhausted. with Hough Front End Hydraulic Shovel. Allis
Stock exhausted . Chalmers.

ENGINEERS - Continued „ Tм
15–3541 Pumper with Cab, Class 500 Triple Combination,
15–3220 Tractor, Crawler, Gasoline, 35-DBHP, Rigid, In Catalog No. 1-3000 General Fire Truck Co.
ternational T - 9, 60 Inch Gage, with Crane, 44 †5-3542 Pumper Unit, Twin Coach, Serial Nos. S-6901 to
Revolving, 12 to 18 ft. Telescopic Boom, 4000-lb. S - 7650 Incl.
Capacity at 8 - ft. Radius, Trackson CT-9. 15--3553 Pumper Unit and Fire Trailer 2 Wheel, Serial No.
5-3222 Apr. 44. Tractor, Crawler, Gasoline, 35 - DBHP, T- 15856 to T-18623 Incl . , Twin Coach Co.
Standard , International T-9, 60-Inch Gage. † 5–3557 Pumping Unit Universal, Hale Type CFS-SPEC.
5–3226 27 Jan. 45. Tractor, Model T6, TD6, and TD9, EC - EFP - 26 .
Diesel International Harvester Co. †5-3581 Trailer, Type 1000, Fire Fighting, John Deere
Wagon Works of Deere and Co.
15–3244 Tractor, Crawler Type, Diesel Engine Driven, 36 5-4000 28 Sept. 42. Pneumatic Chain Saw Timberhog 24
to 45 DBHP International TD-9.
15–3269 Tractor, Crawler Type, Diesel Engine Driven, 46 in, Reed-Prentice.
to 60 DBHP International TD14 with Crane, Re- 5-4002 16 Oct. 42. Saw, Chain, Portable, Gasoline, 36-in.
volving, Top -Mounted, 10,000 lb. capacity at 8-ft. Blade, Disston, Model G-10, with Kiekhaefer En
radius, 12 to 18 ft. boom , telescopic, Hughes- Keenan gine Model KB6A .
MC - 2R . 15-4004 5 Dec. 42. Saw, Circular, Wood -Working , Portable
15-3270 Tractor, Crawler Type, Diesel Engine Driven, 46 Pneumatic, 12-in. Blade, Skilsaw , Model 2127.
to 60 DBHP International TD14 with Crane, Re- 5-4006 7 Oct. 42. Portable Saw Rig Model Power Sawyer.
volving , Top -Mounted, 6000 lb. capacity at 8 - ft. 5–4008 6.Jan. 44. Saw, Gasoline Tilting Table, Skid
radius, 12 to 18 ft. boom, telescopic, Hughes-Keenan Mounted Model 10A.
MC - 1R . 5-4010 19 Apr. 43. Saw, Chain, Portable, Gasoline En
† 5-3272 Model TD-14 Tractractor, International Harvester gine-Driven, 36-in. Blade, Ree-Prentice, Model
Co. Timberhog, 36-in, with Kiekhaefer Mercury Engine,
15–3280 Model TD-18 Tractractor, International Harvester Model KB6A .
Co. 5–4012 5 Aug. 43. Saw, Pneumatic, Chain Portable 24-in.
15-3346 Model HD10W Tractor, with Buckeye Utility Trail Model P-7. Disston.
builder and Medium Duty Double Drum P.C.U. Allis- 5–4014 5 Aug. 43. Sharpener, Electric, Chain Saw, Disston
Chalmers. Model E2C5.
15-3364 Model HD14 with Buckeye Unitilt Trailbuilder and 5-4016 7 Jun. 43. Saw, Circular, Wood Tilting Table, Skid
Heavy Duty P.C.U. Allis-Chalmers. Mounted, Gasoline Engine Driven, Model " Power
15-3368 Model HD14 Tractor with Baker 351 Gradebuilder. Sawyer" Type AC with Wisconsin Engine Model
Allis- Chalmers Co. AC-4 .
15–3374 Allis-Chalmers Model HD14 Tractor equipped with 5–4018 18 Oct. 43. Grinder, Pneumatic Rotary Type, 4x1
Baker 351 Gradebuilder and Buckeye HDDD P.C.U. in. Vitrified , 6x1 in. Organic Wheel, Independent
15-3380 Model HD7 Tractor, with Baker Model 355 Grade Pneumatic, Thor, Size No. 255, Model No. 5294. C 1.
builder ( front pump ) and Buckeye Medium Duty 5-4020 5 Oct. 43. Drill, Pneumatic, Portable, Rock 55-lb.
DD P.C.U. Allis- Chalmers Co. Class Thor. Model 75.
5-4022 30 May 43. Breaker , Paving, Pneumatic, Independ
15–3386 Model HD7W Tractor, equipped with Baker 325A
Grade Gradebuilder and Buckeye MDDD Power ent Pneumatic, Model 25.
Control Unit, Allis-Chalmers Co. 5–4024 Feb. 44. Digger, Clay, Pneumatic, Independent
35-3390 Model HD10W Tractor W/Baker 338A Gradebuilder Thor. No. 412, Model 4913.
and Garwood CU2 P.C.U. Allis-Chalmers Co. 5–4026 30 Sept. 43. Drill, Pneumatic, Portable Reversible,
15–3400 International TD - 18 Tractractor with Bucyrus Wood Boring , No. 2, Morse Tạper, Thor No. 62,
Model 958 .
Erie Model 20-21 Hydraulic Bullgrader and Bucy
rus - Erie Model P-20 Winch . IHC. 5-4030 1 July 43. Furnace, Oil Drill Steel , Model 27-F.
15-3402 Tractractor, Model TD-14 Diesel with Bucyrus-Erie 5–4032 Jan. 43. Sharpener, Drill-Steel, Pneumatic - Driven
20–21 Hydraulic Bullgrader. International Harves Ingersoll-Rand , IR - 40.
ter Co. 15-4034 4 Mar. 44. Drifter Drill , Pneumatic, Wagon-Mount
15–3422 D6A Tractor, Diesel, Effective with Tractor 1T3001 ed , Ingersoll-Rand, Model X71-WD on FM-2 Wagon .
up. Caterpillar Tractor Co. 5–4036 25 Mar. 43. Drill, Pneumatic, Portable Rock , 35-lb.
15-3430 Tractor, Crawler-Type, Diesel, 55 - DBHP, Model D6 Class, Model JA-35 Jackhamer. Ingersoll-Rand.
5-4038 29 Sept. 43. Drifter Drill, Pneumatic, Column
with LaPlant, R63 Trailbuilder, Caterpillar Tractor Mounted, Wet Type, 155-lb. class, Model DA-35. In
gersoll -Rand .
15-3432 Tractor , Crawler -Type, Diesel 55 DBHP, Model D6 5-4040 31 Mar. 13. Lathe, Bench , Back Gear Screw Cut
with Le Tourneau TD6 P.C.U. Caterpillar Tractor ting Type, Electric Motor Powered, Model 210S,
10-in. Swing 24-in. Centers. Logan.
15-3434 D8, Tractor, LaPlant-Choate TD8 Treedozer, La 5-4042 23 Sept. 43. Drill, Pneumatic, Portable, Rock, 45
Plant -Choate R8 and RK8 Trailbuilder Conversion Ib. Class , Ingersoll- Rand , Model JB-4 .
Units. Caterpillar Tractor Co. 5-4044 8 Apr. 43. Grinder, Crankshaft, Electric Motor
15-3454 Euclid Tractor, Model 9 FDT ( G ) ; Trailer, Model Powered , Model K-850. Sunnen .
58W ( G ) Enclid Road Machinery Co. 5–4046 5 Aug. 43. Home, Cylinder, 26-in , to 5.5-in. Cylin
15–3522 Trailer, Fire Fighting No. 1501 , Req. No. 6044-H, der size. Electric Drill -Driven Sunnen .
Purchase No. C-2076-OCD John Deere Wagon
Works of Deere Co.
35-4048 No. 7B Atlas 7 in. Shaper. Atlas Press Co.
5-4050 14 May 43. Sharpener, Chain Saw, Gasoline, Dis
15-3524 Maxim- Chevrolet Class 325 , 300-GPM Pumper
ston Model GI-C5 with Kiekhaefer Mercury Engine,
Model X-3-C-6 Truck No. USA 507718 to 507842 Model KB-3G.
Incl .
5–4052 19 Oct. 43. Saw, Chain, Portable, Gasoline, 36 in .
† Will not be reprinted when present depot stocks are exhausted , Blade, Disston , Model G-36, with Kiekhaefer En
Stock exhausted . gine Model KB 6AK .

ENGINEERS - Continued TM
5-4134 Feb. 44. Saw, Band, Metal-Cutting and Filing,
5–4054 25 Jun . 45. Instruction Sheet for Pioneer Electric Table-Mounted, Motor. Driven, 208-Volt, 3-Phase,
Hack Saw. 60-Cycle, AC, 10-in. Capacity, with Attachments
5–4056 23 Aug. 43. Sharpener, Chain Saw, Gasoline Engine and Accessories. Continental Model ML.
Driven , Lofstrand , Model GLS- 101 with Kiekhae- 15-4136 29 Jan. 45. Vulcanizer, Rubber Cable Portable,
fer Engine, Model KB-3G. Electrically Operated, Mines Model VDIR4G .
15-4058 Aug. 43. Ingersoll- Rand Shank Grinder, Size 4K. 15–4140 3 Mar. 44. Sharpener, Chain Saw, Pneumatic, Type
Duplicate Part List and Instructions, Ingersoll 3, Model PLS 104, Lofstrand , with Thor (Independ
Rand. ent Pneumatic ) Motor G 5 - S .
5-4060 14 Apr. 43. Nail Driver, Pneumatic, Ingersoll-Rand, 5–4144 6 May 44. Hammer, Pneumatic, Riveting, 18 -lb .,
Model 6- CND . Chicago Pneumatic, 50.
5-4062 21 Mar. 44. Tamper , Backfill, Pneumatic, Ingersoll- 15-4146 Press, Hydraulic, Portable, 10-Ton, Blackhawk
Rand, Model 34. Model S-71 .
5-4064 28 Jan. 43. Breaker, Paving, Pneumatic Model 15-4148 Class K-11-S, Q-13 Busters and Q-13 Pile Driver.
CC-60. Ingersoll-Rand. Sullivan Machinery Co.
5-4066 27 Apr. 43. Drill, Pneumatic, Portable Rock, 55 15–4150 Eastman Type “ N ” Round Knife Cutting Machines.
Lb. Class Model JB-5. Ingersoll-Rand. 35–4152 Ingersoll-Rand Concrete Vibrator, Model IV, sizes
5-4068 26 Aug. 43. Breaker, Paving Pneumatic Model CC 1V , 2V , 3V , Ingersoll-Rand.
80 with Pile Driving attachments. Ingersoll- Rand. 35–4154 No. 444-2, 9x342 in. Bench Lathe, South Bend
5–4070 Feb. 44. Grinder. Detachable Drill- Steel Bit, Air Works.
Motor Driver, Ingersoll-Rand Model JA-3. 15–4160 Peerless High- Speed Power - Driven Metal Hack
5-4072 Feb. 44. Drill, Pneumatic, Portable Non-Revers Saw, Model 9 " x 9 " , Standard, Three-speed, Peerless
ible, No. 3 Morse Taper, ( for steel ) , Ingersoll-Rand Machine Co.
Model 4 - J. 15-4162 Ammco Model “ 42” Universal Line Boring Machine
35–4076 , Aug. 42. Riveting Hammers, Sizes 4A through 9C Automotive Maintenance Machinery Company.
and Rivet Busters, Sizes 999 and 9000. Ingersoll- 75-4164 Van Norman Per- Fect- 0 Boring Bar, No. 777. Van
Rand. Norman Machine Tool Co.
5-4078 19 Jan. 45. Instruction Book. Reed-Prentice 14 . 15-4166 Dunmore Precision Grinder, Model No. 7, Dunmore
Inch & 16-Inch Sliding Gear Head Toolroom & En Co.
gine Lathes. 5-4168 Specifications for No. 11 Dumore Precision Inter
nal and External Lathe Grinder. Dumore Co.
35–4080 Lathe, Gap, Motor Driven, 1142 HP, 110 volt, 60
cycle, AC, 1 phase, 14 & 21 x 36 & 54 in. Bed length, 5-4170 20 Feb. 45. Press, Hydraulic, Portable, Hand-Op
Sliding Gap, Type II Smith, Drum & Co., Model erated , Universal , with Track- Servicing Attach
SD-1 . ments, 100-Ton, Rodgers, Models 22 and 36.
5-4084 Nov. 43. Drill, Pneumatic, Portable, Rotary, 9/ 16- 35-4172 Machine, Brake Relining, Model No. B 51. Barrett
in. Capacity, Thor No. 253X , Model 4444, with Equipment Co.
Stand, Drill , Thor No. 26. 5–4174 27 Jan. 45. Grinder, Electric, Floor-Type, Pedestal,
5–4086 Dec. 43. Drill, Pneumatic, Portable, Reversible No. 3-HP, 208-Volt, 60- Cycle, 3-Phase, Two 14 -in.
3 Morse Taper, Independent Pneumatic, Thor, Size Wheels, Standard Electric Tool Co., Type 36-FAS,
No. 362-RX-3 . Model 100.
15–4088 Tamper. Backfill, No. 5A Cleco. Cleveland Pneu- † 5–4175 Grinder, Drill steel shank, pneumatic, Blount Model
matic Tool Co. K50 .
5-4176 19 Jan. 45. Bench Grinder Model SP-No. 1240. New
5-4090 25 Jun. 44. Breaker, Paving, Gasoline, Barco . Model SP-23-105. The Delta Mfg. Co.
Model H6 .
15-4094 2 Feb. 45. Service Manual for Thor Backfill Tam 5-4178 Buffalo No. 18-L Drilling Machines. Buffalo Forge
per No. 60, Model No. 4814. 15-4180 Drill Press No. 15, Floor Type, Buffalo Forge Co.
5-4100 12 July 43. Welding and Cutting Outfit, Oxy 15-4182 Direct Motor Drive, 32 in . Band Saw. Fig. 440,
Acetylene. Smith Welding Equipment Corp. Crescent Machine Co.
15-4102 18 Mar. 45. Welding Equipment, Set No. 2, Oxy. 5-4190 10 Jun . 44. Grinder, Pneumatic, Rotary, 5 x 1 inch
acetylene Cutting, Air Reduction Sales Co. Vitrified, 8 x 1 inch Organic Wheel, Ingersoll-Rand,
15-4104 Sept. 40. “ Safety - first” Air Saw, Size B6, B8 and Model 4G.
B12, Ingersoll-Rand. 15-4192 Grinder, Electric, Valve-Refacing, Black and
35-4110 Jan. 44. Tamper, Back - fill, Chicago Pneumatic, Decker, Code No. 107.
Model CP-3. 15–4194 Lathe, Engine, Motor-Driven, 10-in. x 412 ft. Bed
5-4112 Oct. 43. Vibrator, Concrete, Pneumatic, Chicago Length, Quick Change Gears, Toolroom Type, Model
Pneumatic, Model CP - 219 . No. 8187-RN , 1 -in . Collet Capacity, South Bend
15-4116 Reed -Prentice Portable Timber Saw, Model 2T-24 Bathe Works, South Bend, Indiana, U. S. A.
with Chicago Pneumatic Piston Type Air Motor. 35-4198 Model 80 Skilsaw Drill, Skilsaw, Inc.
*5–4118 Portable Circular Saw, Model “ O ” Electric Hand, 15-4200 23 Feb. 44. Grinder, Pneumatic, Rotary Type ,
Skilsaw, Inc. 4 x 1-In. Vitrified , 6 x 1-In. Organic Wheel , In
dependent Pneumatic, Thor, No. 255 GX, Model
15-4120 20 Oct. 44. Grinder, Electric, Portable, Independent 5321.
Pneumatic , No. U60, Model 3032. 15-4202 Rodgers Model 22–100 - Ton Universal Press with
5–4122 27 Apr. 44. Vibrator, Concrete Pneumatic, Chicago Track- Servicing Attachment and Service Tool Head
Pneumatic, Model CP-219-B . for Caterpillar Tools, Rodgers Hydraulic, Inc.
5-4128 30 Mar. 44. Drill , Pneumatic, Portable Rock, 45 15-4208 Grinder, electric, bench type, with rock bit attach
Ib. class, Ingersoll-Rand. Model JB-4 ( Dry-Type ) . ment ; 12 HP, 110v, 60 cycle, AC, 1-phase. Alloy
5-4132 29 Jan. 45. Grinder, Electric, Bench- Type, Bushing, Steel and Metal Co. Model E-7.
14 -HP, 110-Volt, 60- Cycle , 1 -Phase, .720 to 1.020 Stock exhausted .
Diameter Range, Sunnen , Model LB. Will not be reprinted when present depot stocks are exhausted .

ENGINEERS - Continued TM
15–4622 Federal Foot-Operated Spot Welder. Type R3-12–
5-4213 Megohmmeter, insulation testing, crank hand oper F. Serial Nos. 9852 to 9853. The Federal Machine &
ation, 0-500v DC, 0-100 megohms, Biddle Megger Welder Co.
No. 676 with core.
5–4628 Nos. 106, 108_and 112 Combination Pipe-Cutting
5–4214 3 Aug. 44. Saw , Circular, Woodworking, Portable, and Grooving Tools. Beaver Pipe Tools.
Pneumatic 12-in. Blade, Mall, Model P-120A. † 5–4630 Tool Post Grinder, Type PA-Y, 115 Model. Cin
15–4304 Drilling Machines, Buffalo No. 18–0 Drill. Buffalo cinnati Electrical Tool Co.
Forge Co. 5–4642 23 Nov. 43. Press, Drill, Upright-Type, Motor
15–4308 Drill Press, No. 25, Lower -Mounted Motor Drive. Driven , 220 - Volt, 60-Cycle, AC, Back -Geared, Drill
Buffalo Forge Co. to Center 22-in. Circle, 1-in. Drill Capacity, Buffalo,
15-4312 % Standard Drill, Type A. Black & Decker. No. 22. Buffalo Forge Company.
15–4322 Milwaukee Milling Machines, No. 2H Universal, 35–4682 Mill Band Saw. 30-in. Yates-American Machinery
Louis - Allis Motor, Type OS. Kearney & Trecker Co.
Corp. 15–4684 American 12-Speed Hole Wizard. ( Drill ) . American
15–4332 No. 260 Saw Bench, Oliver Machinery Co. Tool Works Co.
15–4334 Oliver No. 270 Tilting Arbor Precision Saw Bench $ 5–4690 Oster No. 562 “Tom Thumb, " A complete Portable
Oliver Machinery Co. Pipe Threading Machine. Oster Mfg. Co.
15-4336 Oliver No. 51-K Unit-Type, Adjustable Speed, Mo 15–4694 No. P908-910 Jointers. Walker - Turner Co., Inc.
tor Headstock Lathes for Alternating current, any 35–4700 No. 12 Candey -Otto, 8 -Speed Radial Drill, 3, 4 &
Phase, 110 or 220-Volts. Oliver Machinery Co. 5 - ft. Candey -Otto Co.
15-4342 Models 103, 123, 143, Skilsaw Drills. Skilsaw, Inc. 15-4706 Drill, electric portable, universal current, 110 volt,
0 to 1/2 in . Chuck Van Dorn Model V-361 .
15–4352 13 Jan. 45. Drill, Electric, Portable, Universal Cur
rent, 14 - in . Capacity, Millers Falls, Model 400 - B . 45-4724 Sharpener, Chain Saw, Electric Motor Driven , Type
$ 5–4356 No. 61-E Beaver Pipe Threader. Beaver Pipe Tools. 2, Model ELS with Dunmore Motor, Model 11 , Lof
15-4358 Mall Chain and Circular Saw Sharpeners, Tripod strand Co.
Mounted . Mall Tool Co. 5-4728 1 Jun. 44. Grinder, Electric, Valve-Seat Refacing,
15–4368 Vulcan Pile Extractors. Vulcan Iron Works. Automotive Parts Company, ( Albertson ) Sioux,
15-4378 Type GPCA Pedestal Grinder, Model 102 , 220-Volts, Model 1750.
60-Cycle, 3-Phase, Cincinnati Electrical Tool Co. 5-4730 1 Jun . 44. Grinder, Electric,' Valve-Refacing,
45–4394 14 in. Wood Cutting and Metal Cutting Band Saws, Automotive Parts Company, (Albertson ) Sioux,
No. 881 , Series 28. Delta Mfg. Co. Model 657-UN .
15–4396 Van Norman No. 303 Brake Drum Lathe. Van Nor- 15-4732 Model 104, 14 " Standard Universal Drill. Type
man Co. USL. Cincinnati Electrical Tool Co.
15-4402 % in. Heavy D Drill Types H, HR, for No. 60 15-4734 Model 110, 12 " Light Universal Drill, Type UO.
Drill Stands. Van Dorn Electric Co. Cincinnati Electrical Tool Co.
5–4404 16 Mar. 45. Saw, Tractor -Mounted and Powered, 15-4736 34 " Universal Standard Drill, Model 125, Type
Hydraulic-Operated , 48- in . circular Blade, Jaques, UWY: Cincinnati Electrical Tool Co.
Model C ( For Case SI or DI Airborne Tractors. ) 15-4738 Model 102 Machine Drill Stand, Type 00, Cincin
15–4405 Mall Van - Type Air Driven Concrete Vibrators nati Electrical Tool Co.
Model PV228, Mall Tool Co. 15-4740 Switch Handle Assembly. No. 26603. Van Dorn Elec
5-4410 9 Mar. 15 . Milling Machine, Motor- Driven , 110/ tric Tool Co.
220-Volt, 60-Cycle, l-Phase, Master, Models A, B, 5-4744 6 Jul. 44. Press, Drill Bench Type, Motor -Driven,
and M. 120-Volt, 60-Cycle, A.C. Standard Tilting Table,
5-4420 Grainer, Plate, Lithographic-Offset, Motor-Driven, Drill to Center 15-in. Circle, 12 -in. Drill Capacity,
110-Volt, 60-Cycle, AC, with Accessories to Accom Boice- Crane. Model 1600.
modate Two 271/2x285's in. Plates, Zarkin ( Zenith ) , 5-5020 42. Electric Generating Set 30 KW Model RD-14-A.
33x62 in . Ready - Power Co.
5–4422 Cincinnati Model 2, Type MH Plain, Universal , Ver- 15–5022 Electrict Generating Set, 15 KW Model RD-6-A.
tical Milling Machines, with 3-way Power Rapid 5-5024 30 Sept. 42. Generator Set, Portable, Gasoline En
Traverse. Cincinnati Milling Machine Co. gine -Driven Skid -Mounted, 3 -kw , 115-volt, 1-phase
†5-4542 Allen Model E-32 Growler with Adjustable Rheo 60-cycle, Onan Model W3M. Onan. Supplement,
stat. Allen Electric & Equipment Co. 30 Oct. 43.
† 5–4552 Sizes 1H, 1L, 1M , 1N, 1P Multi-Vane Drills. In- 5-5026 11 Dec. 42. Generating Set, Portable, Diesel , Skid
gersoll - Rand. Mounted, 15-KW , 127 / 220 - Volt, 3- Phase, 60-Cycle,
15–4558 17 in . Drill Press . Delta Mfg. Co. or 230 /400 - Volt, 3-Phase, 50-Cycle, Ready -Power,
15_4562 " Oliver " No. 166 - Hand Planer and Jointer. Oliver Model RD -6A .
Machinery Co. 5-5030 2 Jun . 43. Generator Set, Portable, Gasoline En
5-4570 19 Feb. 45. Drill , Electric, Portable , Universal Cur. gine-driven Skid-Mounted, 3-kw, 115-Volt, 1-Phase,
rent, 110-Volt, 0 to 12 - in . Chuck , Millers Falls, Model 60-cycle, Onan Model W3M-5 .
312 - AB. 5-5032 2 Jun. 43. Gerenating Set, 3KVA , 115 Volts, 60
15-4576 Rotary Drill, Model 5200, Independent Pneumatic Cycle, Single Phase A.C. Skid Mounted , Gasoline
Tool Co. Engine Driven, Model W3M-16. Onan .
35-4584 Drill, %4 " Heavy Duty, Types H-HR, Standard 5-5034 1 Sept. 43. Generating Set, 112 KVA. 115 Volts, 60
Spindle, No. 26603 Switch_Handle Assembly, and Cycle, Single Phase, A.C. Portable, Gasoline Engine
No. 60 Bench Drill Stand-Types A-AN, Post Drill Driven , Model HRUA. Homelite.
Stand Type - WA , Pedestal Drill Stand Type-A. 5-5036 10 Jun . 44. Generator Set , Portable, Gasoline En
Black & Decker Co. and Van Doran Co. gine -Driven , Skid-Mounted, 142 -KW , .115 -volt, 1
15-4586 42 Heavy Duty Drill, Type E. Black & Decker Phase, 60-Cycle, Homelite, Model HRA .
† Will not be reprinted when present depot stocks are exhausted .
35-5038 Class WK-60, 2-stage, Truck Mounted Gasoline
I Stock exhausted . Engine- Driven Compressor. Sullivan Machinery Co.

ENGINEERS - Continued TM
TM 5-5084 Dec. 43. Generator Set, Portable, Oil Engine
5-5040 13 May 44. Generator, Acetylene Gas, Portable, Driven, Base-Mounted, 15-KW, 127 / 220-Volt, 3
Sight Feed, Model M - 12- SP. Phase, 60-Cycle or 125- KW, 230 / 400-Volt, 3 -Phase,
5-5042 10 Jul. 44. Compressor, Air, Trailer-Mounted, Steel 50-Cycle Rogers ; Model G - 2030.
Wheels, Diesel, 500 -CFM , Chicago Pneumatic, Model 15-5088 Generator Set, 5-KW, 110-volt, DC, Powered by
500, PO-8. Novo Gasoline Engine.
5-5044 30 Sept. 42. Generator Set, Portable, Gasoline En- 5-5090 27 Sep. 43 . Generator Set, Portable, Diesel, Base
gine- Driven, Skid-Mounted, 5-k , 110-volt, 1 -phase, Mounted, 30-kw, 127 / 220-volt, 3-phase, 60-Cycle,
60 -cycle , AC, Onan , Model W3M . or 230/400-volt, 3-phase, 50-Cycle, Buda, Model 6
5–5045 16 Mar. 45. Generator Set, Portable, Gasoline En Buda, Model 6, DTG-317.
gine Driven, Skid-Mounted, 5-KW, 110-Volt, 1 15-5092 Kewanee Steel Firebox Return Tube Boiler No.
Phase, 60 -Cycle, AC, Onan, Model WC4-7.5S . 582, Up-Draft, 100 lb. Working Pressure, ASME
5-5046 21 Jul . 43. Charger, Battery, 50 Amp. Capacity, Code.
Dry Plate Type, Benwood Linz Model 50 Super
charger, Type 448C2. 5–5096 Dec. 43. Compressor, Air, Portable, Gasoline En
5-5048 1 Jul. 43. Charger, Battery, 50 Amps Capacity, gine- Driven, 16-CFM, Quincy, Model 216 with Kiek
Fast Charger Dry Plate Rectifier, Model 50 cci. haefer Engine, Model KB 6F.
5-5050 Dec. 43. Generator Set, Portable, Diesel Engine 5-5100 1 Jun. 43. Compressor, Air, Trailer -Mounted,
Driven, Skid-Mounted , 50-kw, 127 / 220-Volt 3-phase
Steel Wheels, Diesel, 315-efm, Ingersoll-Rand,
60 cycle, or 230-400 -volt, 3-phase, 50 cycle, Cum Model IK -315, International Harvester Engine Model
UD-18. 01 .
mins, Model H-6.
5-5052 28 Mar. 44. Generator Set, Portable, Diesel, Skid 45–5102 19 Mar. 45. Compressor, Air, Trailer -Mounted, Steel
Mounted, 100 to 106-KW, 127/220-Volt, 3 -Phase, 60 Wheels, Oil Engine-Driven , 210-CFM, Ingersoll
Cycle, or 230/400-Volt, 3-Phase, 50-Cycle, Murphy, Rand, Model HK-210, with Type H Model 140 -HS
Model ME-650. ( Maintenance Instructions and Oil Engine.
Parts Catalog ) . C 1 . 5–5104 43. Model D60-PA, Type 40 Gasoline-Engine-Driven
5-5056 1 Mar. 44. Maintenance Manual and Parts Cata Two-stage Portable Air Compressors. Ingersoll
log Motro Generator, 50 KW, .80 Power Factor, 127/ Rand ( SPM-1033 ) .
220 Volt; 60 Cycles 43 KW, .80 Power Factor, 230/ 5-5106 17 Feb. 44. Compressor Air Trailer-Mounted,
400 Volt, 50 Cycles. Pneumatic Tires Gasoline Engine-Driven , 55-CFM,
5-5060 30 Nov. 42. Motorized Air Compressor ( Model 105 Ingersoll-Rand, Model 6R-50, with Wisconsin En
Ga ) . Le Roi . C 1 . gine, Model VF-4.
15-5062 Boiler, Steam, Stationary, Vertical, Coal or oil- 5-5118 Welder, Electric Arc, Motor-Driven, 300 - amp,
burning, natural draft, automatic feed, complete Shop Wheel-Mounted, Hobart, Model MR -300P .
with accessories and Trim, 100 lb. Pressure, 35– 5-5120 26 Feb. 43. Welder, Electric Arc, Gasoline Engine
HP, Dutton Model 864. Driven, 300 amp , Shop Wheel- Mounted, Hobart,
†3–5063 Boiler, Steam, Stationary, Vertical, Coal or oil or Skid -Mounted , Model GR - 300 - S . Hobart,
burning, natural draft, automatic feed, complete 5–5122 26 Feb. 43. Welder, Electric Arc, 300 Ampere, Gas
with accessories and trim, 100 lb. Pressure, 60–
HP, Dutton Model 868 . oline Engine-Driven, Skid -Mounted, Model GR - 300S,
Specification No. 840 .
15--5064 Schramm Fordair Air Compressor. Schramm Inc.
5-5066 28 Apr. 44. Generator Set, Portable, Diesel En 5-5124 26 Feb. 43. Welder, Electric Arc, Gasoline Engine
gine -Driven, Skid -Mounted, Enclosed, 30-KW, 127 / Driven, 300 - amp, Skid-Mounted Hobart, Model GR
220-Volt, 3-phase, 60-cycle 230 / 400-volt, 3-phase, 300-S. Spec 853 , 853-A, 853-B.
50-cycle, Ready-Power, Class EG, 30, Model RD- 5–5126 26 Feb. 43. Welder, Electric Arc, Gasoline Engine
14-A . Driven , 300-amp, Skid-Mounted , Hobart, Model GR
5-5068 1 May 44. Generator Set, Portable Diesel , Skid 300-S ( Spec 856, 856A, 856B, 856C ) .
Mounted, Enclosed, 15-kw, 127 /220-volt, 3-phase, 15-5160 10 Mar. 45. Generator Set, Portable, Diesel, Skid
60-cycle or 230 / 400-volt, 3-phase, 50-cycle, Ready Mounted , 60- KW, 127/220-Volt , 3- Phase, 60-Cycle,
Power, Model RD - 6A. or 230/400-Volt, 3-Phase, 50-Cycle , General Motors
15-5070 Dec. 43. Generator and Charging Plant, Acety Model 6016-C and 6016-E ; 60- KW, 120/208-Volt,

lene Gas , Semi- Trailer-Mounted, 500 -CFH Linde, 3 -Phase, 60- Cycle, Model 6016 - B ; and 75-KW, 230/
Model L-16. 400-Volt, 3-Phase, 50-Cycle, Model 6016-D.
15-5071 13 Apr. 43. Charging Plant, Acetylene Cylinder, 15-5178 Air Compressor, Model A-140-U Electric Motor
Semi- Trailer -Mounted with Dolly 500 CFH Linde , Power, Truck-Mounted American Brakeshoe Co.
Model L-16. 15-5180 Diving Air Compressor, Gas- Engine - Driven , Models
5-5075 Lighting Plant, 115-Volt, DC, Kohler, Models E TTS-501, TTS- 502 . DeVilbiss Co.
and EH . 15-5184 Compressor, Air, Single- Stage - Type Electric -Motor
5-5080 Dec. 43. Generator Set, Portable, Oil Engine Driven, 2.7 CFM , Model Q-2-B, Curtiss Mfg. Co.
Driven , Base -Mounted , 15- KW, 127 / 220-Volt, 3- 5-5200 14 Apr. 44. Generator Set, Portable, Diesel Engine
Phase, 60 -Cycle or 125-KW, 230 / 400-Volt, 3-Phase, Driven , Skid -Mounted , 30- KW, 127/220-Volt , 3
50 Cycle Rogers; Model G-2030. Phase, 60- Cycle, 230/400-Volt, 3 -Phase, 50- Cycle,
5-5082 April 44. Generator Set, Portable, Oil Engine Buda, Model 6 - DTG - 317 .
Driven , Enclosed , Skid-Mounted, 15-Kw, 127 /220 15-5344 Engine -Generator Flant, Type 15E Spec. No. 1,
Volt , 3- Phase , 60- Cycle, or 230/400-Volt, 3- Phase, Continental Motors Corp.
50-Cycle, Rogers, Model G - 2151 ( Serial No. 1248 5-5348 Tournacar Welder, R. G. Le Tourneau, Inc.
through 1547 ) . 05-5350 Welder, Gasoline Driven, Model SK-200 Dumore
Electric Arc , Inc.
† Will not be reprinted when present depot stocks are exhausted.
15-5380 Kohler of Kohler Electric Plants, 116 and 2KW
Stock exhausted . Models, 110-220 Volt DC. Kohler Co.

ENGINEERS - Continued TM
TM †5–7074 Searchlight, 60-in., with extended hand Control,
5–5404 15 Mar. 44, Generator Set, Portable, Gasoline En. General Electric Model 1942 ( Maintenance Manual ) .
gine-Driven , Skid -Mounted , 3-KW, 115-Volt, 1-Phase, 5–7048 4 June 43. Portable Power Plant for Searchlight,
60 -Cycle, AC, ONAN, Model W3M-19, ( Engine : 60-in. General Electric Model 1942. Maintenance
Onan , Model W2C ) , Model XRPI. Manual.
* 5–5405 10 Mar. 45. Engine, Gasoline, 60- to 65-HP, 15–7051 Power Plant, Searchlight, 60-in., General Electric
Chrysler, Model C - 36-520 (Ind-9
( Series ), with Model 1942A ( Maintenance Manual ) .
Modifications. 5-7060 5 Apr. 44. Generator Set, Portable, Gasoline En
15–5444 Type 40, Model D60 -PA Two -stage Air Com gine-Driven , Searchlight, with Carrying Case 400
pressors. Ingersoll-Rand Co. Watt, 12-Volt, DC, Delco, Model 4 - B - 12.
5–5450 Model HK - 105, Type 40, Portable 2 - Stage Air 5–7066 Dec. 43. Winch, Barrage Balloon Portable, Very
Compressors. Ingersoll-Rand Co. Low Altitude, British Type, Mark VII, Hand
15–5456 Hobart Electric -Motor - Driven Arc Welder ; Multi Operated.
Range; Generator, 300 - Amp., 40 - Volt, Motor, 3 5–7070 1 Aug. 43. Winch, Barrage Balloon, Portable, Skid
Phase 220 / 440-Volt, 60 - Cycle, 20-HP, Model MR Mounted type, Low Altitude, Wilson, Model W - 3 M-1
300, Specs. No. 830A, Hobart Bros. with Waukesha Engine, Model 6 BKU.
45–5480 17 Aug. 43. Electric Generating Set, 272 KW, Model 5–7072 Dec. 43. Winch, Barrage Balloon , Portable, Skid
BX - 2435 . United States Motor Corp. Mounted, Gasoline, Engine- Driven, Low Altitude,
15–5485 Engine, Gasoline, Continental, Model R 602. Wilson, Model W-4 Type U-1 , with Waukesha En
15–5900 5 Oct. 43. Trailer, 2 -Wheel Utility, Pole-Type, gine, Model BKU .
212 -ton , Type III , Triangulation Tower, Meili- Blum 5–7082 1943. Balloon, Barrage, Very Low Altitude, U. S.
berg, Model 15- T. Type M-1, Toggle Type, Dilatable.
15-6000 Special Monotype Directoplate U. S. Army Field 5-7090 30 Apr. 44. Winch, Barrage Balloon , Portable Very
Camera 24 x 24-inch, Lanston Monotype Machine Co.. Low altitude, U. S. Type Model ( VLA ) M-1 with
5-6002 27 Jan. 45. Special Monotype- Directoplate' U. S. Waukesha Engine Model 150 - U .
Army Camera, 24 x 30 Inches. Instruction Book 5–7100 24 Inch Searchlight Equipment, Searchlight and
Parts and Parts Lists.
Distant Control Station , Model 1942, Mole- Richard
† 5–6006 Camera, Copying, Complete with accessories, 24 x son Co. ( Parts and Price Lists. )
30". Rutherford Machine Co. 15-7106 Sperry Airborne Equip. Searchlight 60" , M-1. Con
15-6020 ATF -Webendorfer Big Chief 29 Offset Press. Amer . trol Station and Power Plant. Sperry -Gyroscope Co.,
ican Type Founders. Inc.
75–6022 Lithographic Press, Harris LTE . Mobile Repro 5-7111 Nov. 43. Searchlight, 60-Inch Model 1942A and
duction Unit. Corps of Engineers. Harris Seybold Control Station .
Potter Co.
5-7112 Searchlight 60-Inch Model 1942A and Control Sta
15-6040 Camera, Copying, Complete with accessories 24 x tion.
24". Rutherford Machine Co.
15-6042 Vacuum Printing Frame, Model AF-101. Harold 5–7115 Nov. 43. Portable Power Plant Searchlight, 60-in.
M. Pitman Co.
Model 1942A Operating Maintenance Manual, Gen
eral Electric.
15-6044 Pitman Whirler, Model AW101, Harold M. 5-7116 Nov. 43. Portable, Power Plant Searchlight, 60- in.
Model 1942A Parts Catalog, General Electric.
15-6046 12B1-25 Airflow Printing Lamps. Macbeth Arc +5–7117 Power Plant, Searchlight, 60-in., General Electric
Lamp Co. Model 1942A ( Maintenance Manual ) .
15-6048 Beattie Field Process Camera No. 52C. Progressive 5–7120 Dec. 43. Generator, Hydrogen Gas, High Pressure,
Promotions Co..
120,000 cu. ft. per day capacity, Trailer Mounted .
15-6050 Camera Vertical Projection, Portable, Huebner, 10 x Model KHPG - 1, Type Al with Hercules Engine
10-in., with accessories. Model IXB-5.
15-6052 Vacuum Printing Frame, Tabular Stand Model, 24" 5–7132 60-inch Antiaircraft Searchlight Mobile and Port
x 30 " . Harold M. Pitman Co. able, Model 1934 Sperry Gyroscope Co.
15-6054 Vacuum Printing, Frame Model AF-103 . Harold M. 15-7134 60 -inch Antiaircraft Searchlight Equipment, Model
· Pitman Co. 1937. Sperry Gyroscope Co.
15-6104 Duplicating Machine, Duplicator Model 221 with 15–7136 60-inch Antiaircraft Equipment Model 1939. Sperry
Suction Feeder Model 816. Davidson Mfg. Corp. Gyroscope Co.
15-6114 Ozalid Models “ E ” and “ F ” Whiteprint Machine. 15–7138 60-inch Antiaircraft Searchlight Equipment, Model
Ozalid Products Division. 1940. Sperry Gyroscope Co.
+ 5-6130 Grainer, Plate, Lithographic-Offset, Motor Driven ,
† 5–7140 60-inch Antiaircraft Searchlight Equipment, Model
110 volt, 60 cycle, AC, Larkin Machine Co. Model 1941-A, Sperry Gyroscope Co.
T-10 Zenith .
5–7144 Searchlight, 60-in. General Electric Model 1941 ,
5-7040 Searchlight, 60-in., General Electric Models 1941 w / Control Station and Power Plant.
and 1941A . 5–7146 Searchlight, 60 - Inch Sperry Model 1941, Control
5–7042 13 Jun. 45. Power Plant, Searchlight, 60-Inch, Gen Station and Power Plant. ( Operation, Maintenance
eral Electric Model 1941A. and Parts List ) .
5–7044 20 May 44. Trailer, Tilting - Type, Searchlight, 60 - in ., $ 5–8002 Outboard Motor ( Model TSL - 15 ) .
4 -Wheel, Fruehauf, Model 1131, Type M - 1.
† 5–8012 Evinrude Speedifour, Model 7035, Evinrude Motors.
5-7045 4 June 43. Searchlight, 60- inch General Electric
Model 1942 and Control Station, Operating Instruc † 5–8014 Eltho Lightwin, Models 4313-4314. Evinrude Motors.
tions Manual. 5-8020 28 Mar. 42. Boat, Utility, Power, 18 - ft. Penn - Yan,
Model AT.
5–7046 4 June 43. Searchlight, 60 - inch General Electric
Model 1942 and Control Station. Parts and Price 5-8058 9 Sept. 43 . Crane, Truck -Mounted Bridge Erector,
Lists. Hydraulic -Operated, Daybrook, Model M-11A.
5-8062 28 Jan. 43. Steel Treadway Bridge Equipment,
| Will not he reprinted when present depot stocks are exhausted . Truck Body and Hydraulic Crane ( Model M-11 ) .
I Stock exhausted.

ENGINEERS - Continued TM
TM 5-9066 28 Jun. 43. Trailer, 2 Wheel Pole Type, Trestle 10
5-8064 6 May 44. Crane, Truck-Mounted, Bridge Erector, ton Ponton Bridge, Model D - 1820 - S with Super
Hydraulic - Operated, Heil, Model M- 11A. structure for Power Utility Boat, Electric Wheel.
5-9002 5 May 43. Trailer, 2- Wheel Pole Type Trestle, 5–9068 31 May 43. Dolly 2-wheel, 412 -ton, Hobbs Model
Model T- 1120- A for 10-ton Ponton Bridge Equip D-45.
ment or 18-ft. Utility Power Boat, Fruehauf. 5–9070 29 Jan. 43. Dolly, 2-Wheel Medium Type 2, 7 - ton
5-9004 8 Sept. 42. Trailer, Model No. XBBM 16-ton Low capacity, Deere.
Bed .
5-9072 20 Jan. 43. Trailer, 2-Wheel, Infantry Support
5-9004 30 Oct. 43. Tentative Supplement – Trailer, Full, Bridge Equipment, Pneumatic, Deere Model D - 2252.
Low Bed, 16-Ton, Model XBBM, Jahn La Crosse 5-9074 15 Mar. 43. Float Trailer, Two-Wheel, Utility, Pole
Export Instructions. Type, 242 -ton , Type I, Infantry Support Raft and /.
5-9005 3 Jan. 45. Pipe Line Equipment Set, to be Mounted or Pneumatic Bridge Equipment Model D - 2424 .
on Ordnance 212 -Ton 6 x 6 Truck Chassis, Roehlk. 5-9076 17 Mar. 43. Trailer, Two- Wheel, Pole Type Tres
5-9006 25 Sept. 42. 10-ton Ponton Trailer Model DF231 tle, 10-ton Ponton Bridge Equipment Model D - 1665,
Special. Deere.
5-9008 15 Oct. 42. Ponton Dolly, Model DC2 Special. 5-9078 Jul . 43.Sweeper, Rotary-Broom, 3-wheel Trailer
5-9010 19 Sept. 42. Stand, Pipe Vise, with electric power Mounted, Gasoline, Two Way Sweeping 30 in. x 8
unit complete. Model 422. Oster. ft. Brush , Grace Model MD 100.
5-9012 15 Oct. 42 . 25 -ton Ponton Trailer ( Model DF231 5-9080 12 Nov. 42. Grease Gun Kit, Model PK-100, Gray
Special ) . Co.
5-9014 15 Feb. 43. Semi-Trailer, Special, Drop -Frame, 25- 5–9082 13 Feb. 43. Sweeper , Rotary, Tractor Mounted
ton Ponton, Electric Wheel . Power, Take - Off Drive ( Model K ) , Hough.
5-9016 19 Mar. 45. Dolly, 2-wheel, DT, Ponton, Model, Me- 5-9084 31 May 43. Trailer, Dump, 2-wheel, 142 ton , Air
dium Type. borne Converto.
5-9018 14 Apr. 43. Semi-Trailer, Special, Drop-Frame, 5-9086 25 Aug. 43. Ice Plant, One Ton, Manually operated
25-ton Ponton , Model 1940, Trailer Co. of America. Portable Skid Mounted, Gasoline Engine Driven,
5-9022 5 Oct. 43. Trailer, Full, Low- Bed, 20-ton, Rogers Model V-50 with Continental Engine Model Y69 .
Model H-20-LS-4 and H -20-LS-6 . 15–9088 13 Sept. 44. Ice Plant, 15-Ton Frick, Model ISQDW,
5-9024 20 Oct. 42. Threading Machine, Pipe Thread, Mo York.
tor-Driven, 12 to 2- in., Oster, No. 502. 5-9090 23 Nov. 42. Ice Plant, Model 5 x 5 AU 3.6 ton,
5-9026 2 Nov. 42. Trailer, Full, Low-Bed, Carryall, 16-ton. Frick .
LaCrosse, Model CPT 16. 5-9092 10 Apr. 43. Refrigeration, Ice Freezing Plant Equip
5-9028 7 Mar. 43. Lubricator, Trailer Mounted, Model ment, Electric Motor Powered Model 7 x 7 Encl. 15
No. 2430, Alemite. Tons.
5–9030 3 Nov. 42. Ponton Trailer, Model 10-ton 2-wheel, 5–9094 24 Jun. 43. Refrigeration Equipment, Automatic
Pole Type, Electric Wheel Co. control Gasoline Engine Driven, Model OCE 300
5-9032 7 Jul. 43. Trailer, Full, Flat Bed, 8-ton, ( Model FLG - A with Continental Engine Model Y 69. C 1 .
CPT 8 Special). 5–9096 9 Aug. 43. Refrigeration Equipment, Automatic
5-9034 2 Mar. 43. Semi-Trailer, Flat Bed, 20-ton, Fruehauf Control, Electric Motor Driven, Carrier Model OCE
Model CPT 20, Special with DC 4 Dolly. 300 - FLE - A with Wagner Motor Type RP.
5–9038 28 Jan. 44. Plow, Snow, Straight Blade, Underbody 5-9098 Jan. 45. Snow Plow, Straight- Blade, One-Way Type,
Type, 4-Ton 6 x 6 , or 6-Ton 6 x 6 Truck Mounted, 4-Ton 6 x 6 or 6-Ton 6 x6, Truck-Mounting, with
Standard Ordnance Truck , Willet, Model HRTA. Wings, Standard Ordnance Truck, Burch, Model
5-9040 15 Dec. 42. Trailer, Full, Low-Bed, 16-ton, La R-23,
Crosse, Model DF6-16-C, ES T- 1042A. 5-9100 4 Feb. 43. Incinerator Model MB34, 2,000 lbs. pr.
5-9042 15 Dec. 42. Trailer, Full, Low-Bed, 16-ton, La hr. Morse Baulger.
Crosse, Model DF6-16 - B . 15-9102 4-Ton Capacity, Tilting Bed Trailer, Commercial
5-9044 15 Dec. 42. Trailer, Full, Low-Bed, 16 -ton , La Shearing & Stamping Co.
Crosse, Model DF6-16-C, ES T-1042A. †5–9104 Hypressure Jenny Steam Cleaner, Model JM-i Home
5-90465 Feb. 45. Trailer, 4-Wheel, Special, Tandem, 7 stead Valve Mfg. Co.
to 14-Ton , 4-DT, Eidal, Model EL - 30 ( With Truck 5-9106 17 Mar. 44. Ice Plant, 15-ton, Equipment Only,
Tractor, 4-Ton , 6x 6, 4-DT, 172-in . Wheelbase, Cab Frick Model, 7x7 ( Enclosed 208/400 Volt, “ W ” ) .
Protector and Front-Mounted Winch, Eidal EL - 30 ) . 5-9108 14 April 44. Plow, Snow, Straight Blade, 144 -ton,
5–9050 15 Dec. 42. Trailer, Combination Low-Bed, 20 4 x 4, or 242 -ton , 6 x 6, Truck -Mounting R2-21A .
Ton Model DF6T-20, LaCrosse. 5–9110 24 Nov. 43. Generator and Charging Plant, Oxygen
5-9054 1 Mar 43. Trailer, Full, Low -Bed , 20-ton, LaCrosse, and Nitrogen Gas , Semi- Trailer -Mounted, Van-Type,
Model DF6-20 . with Dolly , 500 -cu . ft. per hour, Independent, Model
5-9056 15 Jun. 43. Semi -Trailer, Acetylene Charging 02B , ( Serial Numbers 0647414 through 0647445 and
Plant, Model FF428DF Special with DC4 Dolly, 0799575 through 0799634 ) and Skid-Mounted, Model
Fruehauf. 02B .
5–9059 28 Sept. 44. Trailer, 2-wheel special, 114 -ton , Arc 5-9110A 5 May 44. Semi-Trailer, Van-Type, with Dolly,
Welder, Model D-1752-S. Heil , Model 02A ( For use with Independent Model
02B Oxygen and Nitrogen Gas Generator and
5-9060 24 Mar. 43. Crane, Tractor, 20-ton, 20 ft. Boom Le Charging Plant.
Tourneau, Model M - 20 .
5-9062 7 Apr. 43. Power Control Unit , Cable Operating, 5–9112 Generating and Charging Plant, Oxygen and Ni
LeTourneau Model HN. trogen Cylinder, 500 -cfh Oxygen , 100 -cfh , Nitrogen ,
5-9064 23 Apr. 43. Trailer, 2-wheel Pole Type for 10 - ton Semi- Trailer -Mounted, with Dolly Air Products,
Ponton Bridge Equipment, Model 1938, Electric Model 21300-D.
Wheel. † Will not be reprinted when present depot stocks are cxhausted.

ENGINEERS - Continued TM
TM 15-9172 29 Jan. 45. Derrick, Stiff -leg 25-ton , Wiley ( 10
5–9114 Ī Jan. 44. Plow, Snow, V - Blade - Or Straight to 25-ton ) .
Blade, One- Way Type 14 - ton 4 x 4 Truck Mounting 5-9172 15 Nov. 43. Tentative Supplement - Derrick , Stiff
without Wing, Standard Ordnance Truck Wausau J leg. 25 -Ton, Wiley equipment, 10 to 25-Ton. Export
or JB. Instructions.
5-9116 25 Mar. 44. Mower, Tractor - Drawn, Cutter - Bar 5-9174 8 Sept. 43. Trailer, Two-Wheel, Special Pole Type
Type, Iron Wheels, 7 ft. Cutter Bar, Case Model 57. Flat Bed, for Quickway Crane Shovel Attachment,
5-9118 30 Aug. 43. Sweeper, Rotary , Broom, Tractor Quick Way Model QW - T - 8 .
Mounted and Powered, One Way Sweeping, 30 " x 6' 15-9176 Jaeger Model 2A Dixie Special Hoist with Model
Brush, Hough Model M. XAHU Waukesha Engine Jaeger Machine Co.
5-9120 Mar. 44 . Shop , Engineer, Motorized, Aviation 5-9180 19 Jul. 43. Diving Outfit, Set No. 2, Shallow
Battalion , Couse, Types “ A ” & “ B ” ( chassis only ) . Water.
5-9121 Oct. 44. Shop, Engineer, Motorized, Aviation Bat 5-9182 Apr. 44. Trailer, 2 -Wheeled, Utility, Pole- Type, 24
talion , Course, Types “ A ” & “ B ” ( Chassis only ) . Ton, Type II, Trestle Bay Load for 10-Ton Ponton
5–9122 Mar. 44. Shop, Engineer, Motorized, Aviation Bat Bridge, Electric Wheel , Model D-2471 .
talion , Welding, Couse Type A ( Parts Catalog for 5-9184 15 Aug. 43. Trailer, 2-Wheel Utility, Pole-Type
Equipment Only ) . 242 -ton, Type II, Trestle Bay Load 10-ton Ponton
5-9123 Mar. 44. Shop, Engineer, Motorized , Aviation Bat Bridge, Kentucky Mfg. Co. Model D-2471.
talion, Welding, Couse, Type A ( Maintenance In- 5-9190 21 May 43. Trailer, Two-Wheel, Utility, Pole-Type,
structions for Equipment Only ) . 242 -ton, Type 5, Storm Boat, Model D-2476, Deere.
5-9126 Mar. 44. Shop, Engineer, Motorized, Aviation Bat. 5–9194 15 Apr. 44. Ice Plant, 36-Ton, York.
talion, Machine, Couse Type B. ( Parts Catalog for 5–9196 13 Feb. 45. Sprayer, Insect, Portable, Piston- Pump
Equipment Only ) . Type, Gasoline Engine- Driven , Skid- Mounted , 3
5-9127 Mar. 44. Shop , Engineer, Motorized, Aviation Bat GPM , with 4 50-Ft. Lengths of 3 -In . Oil-Resistant
talion, Machine, Couse, Type B (Maintenance In Hose, and Spray Nozzle, Bean Model C-64-S . I.
structions for Equipment only ) . † 5–9197 Sprayer, Insect, Portable, Piston - Pump Type, Gaso
5-9132 30 Aug. 43. Auger, Earth , Skid- Mounted, Gasoline, line- Engine-Driven , Skid-Mounted, 3-GPM at 300
Highway Trailer Model HDM-S with Continental psi, with four 50-ft. lengths of % in . oil resistant
Engine, Model PF-226. Hose and Spray nozzle . Doffins ( less engine ) .
5-9138 12 Jul. 43. Sweeper, Rotary-Broom, Trailer Mount 5-9200 Oct. 43. Trailer, Full, Low-Bed, 16 - ton Steel Prod
ed, two-way Sweeping, Hough , Model TuWay. ucts Model XBBM .
5–9140 Nov. 43. Heater, Gasoline Burning, 6-Volt D.C. or 5–9202 Dec. 43. Trailer Full Low-Bed, 16-ton Model LKD
110-Volt, 60 Cycle AC , Motorized Shop, 25,000- BTU 616, Jahn.
Capacity Evans, Model 203435 for Motorized Shop. 5–9204 Dec. 43. Trailer, Full, Low-Bed, 16 -ton , LaCrosse
15-9142 Auger, Earth, Motorized , Model HBG - 40 ( The Model DF6-16.
Buda Co. ) . 5–9206 3 Nov. 44. Trailer, Full Low Bed, 16-Ton, Rogers,
5-9144 1 Jul . 43. Shower, Unit, Field, Portable with Model H - 16 - L - C .
Heater 32 Shower Heads, Wallace and Tiernan 5-9208 18 March 44. Semi-Trailer, Low-bed, with Dolly, 20
( Novadel Agene Corp. ) , Model A-529. ton , Jahn, LKD-620.
15-9150 Winch, Tractor Mounting, Single-Drum, Reversible, 5–9210 2 Mar. 44. Trailer, Full, Low-Bed, 20 - Ton , Rogers,
Hyster, Model D7N. Model H-20-LS-14.
5-91521 Mar 44. Towing Winch , Model D6N for Cater- 15-9212 Trailer, Full, Low-Bed, 60-Ton , Rogers, Model D -60
pillar D6 Tractor. D- S -5 .
5-9154 6 Aug. 43. Rooter, Road, Cable-Operated 3 - Tooth, 5-9216 15 Jan. 44. Semi- Trailer, Low- Bed , with Dolly, 20
with Cable-Laying Attachments, LeTourneau Model Ton, LaCross, Model DFG-20.
5-9218 25 Sept. 44. Semi-trailer, Low-Bed , 20 -Ton , Model
5–9156 7 Aug. 43. Dolly, Two- Wheel , Dual Tire, Semi 20 - T , with Model 20-TD Dolly.
trailer flat bed , 412 -ton . 5-9230 9 Oct. 43. Crane, Tractor- Operated , Non - Revolving,
5-9158 7 Oct. 43. Derrick, Truck Mounted Cable, Winch 20,000-lb. Capacity at 10-ft. Radius, 30 ft. Boom
Powered Model 5-ton.
LeTourneau, Model AD-3.
5-9160 28 Jul. 43. Pump, Turbine, Deep Well for Gasoline, †5–9234 Portable Circular Sawmill , Model I-C Corinth Ma
4 in. Discharge, 150 foot head , Gasoline Engine chinery Co.
Driven, Model P1-606 with Wisconsin Engine Model
+5–9240 Jaeger Model 2D3 Hoist with Model UD-18 Interna
5-9162 18 Mar. 44. Pumping Station, 3-in., Portable, tional Diesel Engine, Jaeger Machine Co.
with 2 Gasoline Engine- Drive Centrifugal Pumps, 15-9242 Engine, Caterpillar, Diesel D-13000 Caterpillar
1 Sand Trap, 1 Discharge Section, 1 Main Line
Header Section , 1 Set of Automatic Controls , 285 5-9244 Ice Maker, Gasoline- Driven, One Ton, Portable Com
barrels per hour against a Pressure Differential of pressor, Carrier Corp., Model 7K4. Victor Products
600 lb. McGregor and Reed.
5-9164 Jan. 44. Hammer, Pneumatic or Steam , Pile 5-9250 Nov. 43. Gate, Valve Sections, 4- in. Pipe Line, Con
Driven , 5000 lb. McKiernan - Terry No. 7. sisting of one 4- in . Gate Valve Fabricated into a 20
ft. Section of Pipe Grooved for Victulic Couplings
15-9166 Derrick, Stiff leg, 5-Ton, Wiley. Niemes.
5-9170 Aug. 43. Heater, Gasoline- Burning with Blower, 15-9252 15 Feb. 44. Gate Valve Section , 4 in . Pipe Line, Con
110 Volt, 60 Cycle, AC , Hunter ( Model UH -3 ) . sisting of one 4-in . Gate Valve Fabricated into a 20
5-9171 28 Sep. 44. Heater, Gasoline- Burning, with Blower, ft. Section of Pipe Grooved for Victaulic Coupling
110-Volt, 60-Cycle, AC, Hunter, Model UH-3-D. Mutual.
† Will not be reprinted when present depot stocks are exhausted . 15-9260 Knockdown Type Sectional Coolers, Grand Rapids
# Stock exhausted . Cabinet Co.

ENGINEERS — Continued TM
5-9386 15 Feb. 44. Drag, Snow Rectangular, 28 ft. Wide,
5-9262 26 Apr. 24. Refrigerated Warehouse, Prefabricated, Blaw-Knox, Model CSD-HT.
620 cu. ft., United Refrigerator Manufacturing Co., 15-9390 Fire Equipment, Model No. 1500. Central Fire
Inc. Truck Corp.
15-9264 No. 1 Prefabricated Warehouse . Hussman- Ligonier 5-9400 15 Mar. 44 . Odograph, Land 6-Volt, Complete
Co. with Cables for Installation in Truck 14 - tons 4x4 ,
15-9268 Refrigeration Equipment for 20'x52' Refrigerated I.B.M. and Monroe Model M-1 .
Warehouse. Hussman-Ligonier Co. 5-9401 7 Sep. 43. Odograph, Land, Model M-1 .
5-9270 Warehouse, Only. Refrigerated Prefabricated, U. S. 5–9405 Astrolabe, Pendulum, 60-Degree, with Accessories
Standard Warehouse No. 2. Viking Refrigerators, and Tripod .
Inc. 5–9411 16 Sep. 43. Odograph, Land, IBM Model M-1 .
† 5-9274 Refrigeration Equipment for 20' x 100' Refrigerated 5–9414 Mar. 44. Level , Engineer, Military, ES-T 1601A ,
Warehouse, Hussman-Ligonier Co. with Accessories and Tripod , Engineer Stock No.
5–9276 Dec. 43. Sweeper Rotary-Broom, Tractor-Mounted 18–4542 . 35-5, Model 10 - X .
and Powered. One Way Sweeping, 30 in . x 6 ft. 5–9418 31 March 44. Altimeter, Surveying, 15,000 ft. 20 ſt.
Brush , Hough , Model N. Division Type 15, Wallace & Tiernan, Model FA- 113.
75-9282 9 Oct. 43. Power Control Unit. Cable Operating, 5-9420 31 Mar. 44. Altimeter, Surveying, 6000-ft., 10-ft.
Rear Mounted, LeTourneau Model R7. Divisions, Type 6, Wallace & Tiernan , Model FA
5-9284 9 Oct. 43. Power Control Unit, Cable- Operating, 112 .
Rear- Mounted , Le Tourneau , Model R -678 . 5–9422 1 Nov. 43. Compass, Sun, Universal Type, Abrams
5-9286 12 May 44. Power Control Unit, Cable -Operating, Model SC-1 .
Rear-Mounting, 2-Drum, Le Tourneau, Model T-4. 15–9440 Hanson Trailer, Model SP8, 8 Tons Capacity. Ilan
15-9290 Winches, Tractor -Mounting, 1 Drum Reversible, son Clutch & Machinery Co.
Gar Wood Model T - 4 - B Front Mounted, and Model 35-9442 Model B-16 Trailer. Bay City Shovels, Inc.
T-4-RBU Rear Mounted for International T-9, 75–9450 Platform Trailer, 2-wheel, Model 6T Meili-Blumberg
TD-9, and TD-14 ; Model T-5-B Front Mounted Corp.
and Model T-5-RBU Rear Mounted for Interna- 15-9452 Winter Weiss Transport Trailer, Model S453. The
tional TD -18 . Winter Weiss Co.
15--9294 Power Control Unit, Cable Operating , rear mount- 15-9454 8- Ton Trailer, Model LKS-408. C. R. Jahn Co.
ing ; 2 drum, Bucyrus- Erie, Model P-24 . 5-9458 Pumping Station , 4-in . Portable, with one Gaso
15-9295 Winch , tractor mounting, Winch only, 1 drum, re line Engine-Driven , Double- Acting Reciprocating
versible Jacques Model-- J . Pump, One Sand Trap , One Discharge Section, One
5-9309 Feb. 44 . Winch, Tractor Mounting, Single Drum, Main Line Header Section, One Set of Automatic
Reversible, Hyster Model D4A. Controls, 200- Barrels Per Hour against a Pressure
5-9302 16 Jun . 44. Winch , Tractor Mounting, Single Differential of 250-lb. Hanlon-Waters Model B-222 .
Drum , Reversible, Hyster, Model D8N . 5–9460 Mar. 44. Trailer, 2-Wheel, Utility, Pole-Type, 24
15-9304 Power Control Unit, Cable Operating, Rear Mount Zon, Type I, Infantry Raft Equipment and/or Pneu
ing, 2 Drum , Heil Model S-2 . matic Bridge Equipment, Electric Wheel, Model
75–9308 Coffing's Model F-I-G Ratchet Lever Hoist. Coffing D - 2498 .
Hoist Co. 5-9462 Mar. 44. Trailer, 2-Wheel, Utility, Pole - Type, 21
5-9312 9 Feb. 44. Tank, Water, Steel, Semi- Trailer Ton , Type V, Storm Boat, Electric Wheel, Model
Mounted 1,500-gal ., Columbian Steel Tank Co. D - 2476 .
Model 1944 .
5-9464 Feb. 44. Trailer, 2 -Wheel, Utility Pole-Type, 24
5-9320 8 Jun . 43. Sprayer Attachment, Paint, Pneumatic, Ton , Type IV, Utility Power Boat, Electric Wheel,
E-1A and E-1B Binks. Model D -2473.
5-9322 Oct. 43. Sprayer Unit, Paint, Electric Motor - Driven , 15-9469 Engine, Gasoline, 90 to 100 HP, Allis-Chalmers,
Portable Model E -4. Model L - 90.
5-9324 21 Jul. 43. Sprayer Unit, Paint, Pneumatic, Gaso- 15-9472 Models Z , ZH , ZHL, ZHLP , ZHR , ZL, ZLP , ZM ,
line Engine -Driven , Wheelbarrow- Type Mounting ZP, ZR, Briggs and Stratton Motors.
and Accessories. Binks, Model E-2. 5-9483 10 Mar. 54. Engine, Gasoline, 95 to 100-HP,
5-9326 2 Jun. 44. Agitator, Paint, Pneumatic, for Attach Chrysler Model T-118-502.
ments to Operate Directly from a 55-gal. Drum, Tar 15-9566 Air Hoists and Air Motors, Models HK and IIKL.
rant , Type H , with Briggs & Stratton Engine, Model Gardener-Denver.
N , Type 205251 . 35-9574 Special Aerial Tramway. AHH Wisconsin Engine.
5-9330 15 Jan. 44. Sprayer, Paint, Bituminous Emulsion, Stearns- Rogers Co.
Pneumatic , Trailer- Mounted , 4 - Steel Wheels, with 15-9576 Crane, Model T15-C . Browning Crane & Shovel Co.
Compressor, Gasoline Engine-Driven, with Attach 15-9584 McKiernan Terry Double Acting Pile Hammer No.
ment to 55 Gal. Drum, Binks Model 939-A. 10- B-2. McKiernan - Terry Corp.
5-9352 Feb. 44. Shop, Engineer, Motorized General Pur
pose Repair. * 5-9588 25 Feb. 45. Tramway and Cableway, Aerial, Light,
Pioneer, M-1 . Maintenance Instructions.
5-9370 25 Aug 44. Model FD8 Front Power Control Unit. * 5-9589 25 Feb. 45. Tramway, Aerial, Light, Prefabricated ,
15-9372 Model FTD7 Front Power Control Unit. R. G. Le Paxton and Vierling, Model M -2. Maintenance In
Tourneau , Inc.
$ 5-9378 Engine, Gasoline, 5 to 10 hp ., Wisconsin, Models 5-9598 7 Sept. 44. Pile Driving Rig, Wood Construction ,
AB , AK , AKS .
15-9384 29 Feb. 44. Roller, Snow. 5 Drug Type, Blaw-Knox Air or Steam Operated , Skid -mounted , 66-ft . , Leads,
Division . Model CSR --5DH . 8-in., Channel Width 2012 - in ., Face to Face, Giar
dino, Models G104 , G107, G109 .
Will not be reprinted when present depot stocks are exhausted . 5-9601 20 Jun. 44. Barracks, Portable Sectional, All
1 Stock exhaustuu . Wood Insulated , Procedures for Erecting.

ENGINEERS - Continued TM
15–9750 Map Reproduction Trailer, Model FF1 228 Special,
5–9604 25 Oct. 44, Barracks, Portable, Prefabricated , 20' x Fruehauf.
48', Steel ( Angle Frame ) , Insulated , Procedure for 15-9756 Rodgers 4-Wheel Trailer Track Press, Model 11
Erecting . C 1 . with 59 " Cylinder, 40 Pump, Wisconsin Engine,
5-9605 Feb. 44. Barrack, Portable, Precut, All Wood Solenoid Throttle Control & Rodgers Power Track
for Tropical Use. Wrench, Rodgers Hydraulic, Inc.
5–9606 Nov. 44. Barracks, Portable, Prefabricated, 20' x 15-9776 50–2A Mud Jack , Koehring Co.
48', Steel ( Channel Frame ) , Insulated, Procedure 35-9818 Grayco Convoy Luber, Model LU-100 Gray Co.,
for Erecting Inc.
5-9607 1 Mar. 44. Erection Procedure for Barracks , 15-9822 Hoist, Steam Driven, 3 Drum, Complete with Boiler,
Portable Prefabricated 20' x 48' Steel ( Angle Engine and Swinger, Skid-Mounted, C. H , Dutton &
Frame ) for Tropical Use. Co. Model D 4860-3DS .
5-9608 Jan. 44 . Erection Procedure for arracks, Port- 15-9824 Vapor Degreaser, Detrex. Model VH-400. Detroit
able, Prefabricated Sheet, Plain , Steel 20 ft. x 50 ft. Rex Products Co.
5–9609 2 Aug. 44. Erection Procedure for Hangar, Airplane. 35-9852 Moto- Crane, Lorain Model MC - 4 , Thew Shovel Co.
Portable, Structural Steel , 130 ft. x 160 ft. , with 15-9854 Crane, Model Lorain MC3, Thew Shovel Co. ( SPM
Steel Cover, Canvas Door's . 1460 ) .
15-9610 Doors and Wall , End , Steel , for Hanger , Airplane, 15-9356 26 Mar. 43. Two-Ton Gantry Crane, Mississippi
Portable, Steel , for Butter Manufacturing Co. , Valley Structural Steel Co.
Type CH-130 ft. x 160 ft. ( Erection Procedure ). 15-9890 Concrete Bucket, Tremie-Type, Blaw-Knox Divi
5-9611 14 Oct. 44. Erection Procedure for Buildings, sion of Blaw- Knox Co.
Portable, Prefabricated, N. P. Ward Steel ( Angle 15-9906 Portable Electric Conveyor, Model 220-A. Jeffrey
Frame ) Tropical. Mfg . Co.
5–9617 Apr. 45. Barracks , Portable, Precut, 20 x 48 Feet 15-9956 Buckeye MDDD Power Control Unit, Allis -Chal
Insulated , Procedure for Erecting. C 1 . mers .

15-9618 Bucyrus-Erie 44-B Diesel Crane Bucyrus -Erie Co. 15–9968 Trailer, 2-Wheel , T8, Timpte Bros.
- * 5–9619 31 Jul. 45. Building Prefabricated, N. P. Ward, 35-9980 2 Condensing Units, Model E500 ; 2 Unit Coolers
Steel Sheet with Utilities , Tropical . Model FUA875-6R-3 ; 1 Evaporative Condenser,
†5–9638 Plow, Snow, Rotary Type, Gasoline Engine Driven , Model EC 742. Hyssman-Ligonier Co.
7-Ton 4 x 4 Truck Mounting , Klauer Mfg . Co. , 15-9932 Item 2A , 712 H. P. Set Ups ; 2 Condensing Units ,
Model TU - 3 . Model W 500 ; 2 Unit Coolers, Model FUA875-6R3 ;
† 5–9648 Carbide Flood Lights , Model 21-A Alexander Mil 1 Evaporative Condenser, Model EC 712. Hussman
burn Co. Ligonier Co.
15-9664 1A Crane, C-3717, 3-S-3662 , Caterpillar D- 13000 Responsibility for these Publications has been trans
Engine & 13-66 Diesel Electric Set for 1N9001 to ferred from the Chief of Ordnance to the Chief of Engineers.
1N999 Inclusive and 3R7001 and Up. Kowhring. Other 9 Series Manuals are listed as Ordnance Publications .
15-9671 Pump, Rotary, For Gasoline Dewatering and De- 9-777 27 May 42. Heavy Tractor Mi ( IHC-TD 18 ) .
aerating, Gasoline Engine Driven , Base-Mounted C 1 , 2.
3-In. Discharge, 3- In. Suction , 100 -GPM at 100-ft. 9-783B 22 Dec, 42. Medium tractor M1 Allis- Chalmers HD
Head , Carter, Model Q-97. 7W.
15-9672 Boiler Feed Steam Pump Model DRP-323 , Duplex 9-787A 21 Dec. 42. Heavy tractor M1 Allis-Chalmers HD
Reciprocating Valve Plate Type American - Marsh 10W.
Model 3x2x3, C. H. Dutton Co. 9–1773 5 Sept. 42. Ordnance maintenance : Heavy tractor
15–9686 Co.
Cardwell Model C Revolving Crane Cardwell Mig . M1 ( Caterpillar - D7)
Inc. 9-1777A 12 Dec. 42. Ordnance maintenance : Heavy tractor
15-9700 Machine, Duplicating, Gelatin Process, Hand Oper M1 ( LHC-TD 18 ) engine.
ated, 22 x 33-In. with Chest and Spare Parts, Smith 9-1777B 13 Feb. 43. Ordnance Maintenance : Heavy tractor
and Corona Model 1941 . M1 ( IHC - TD 18 ) Diesel engine accessories .
15-9706 Crane, Revolving, Crawler-Mounted , Diesel , 134 to 9-1777C 25 Feb. 43. Ordnance maintenance : Heavy trac
2-Cu. Yd., 30 to 40 Ton , Class V , with Attachments , tor M1 ( IHC-TD 18 ) Power train, truck frame
Link-Belt Model 370 (with Caterpillar Model D assembly and seats.
13000 Engine ) .
9–1777D 16 Apr. 43. Ordnance maintenance : Heavy Trac
5–9711 10 Oct. 43. Instructions for Preparation of Corps of tor M1 ( IHC-TD 18 ) equipment.
Engineers Equipment for Export. 9-1783A 9 Jan. 43. Ordnance maintenance : Medium trac
5–9715 6 Nov. 44. Preparation of Corps of Engineers Equip tor M1 (Allis -Chalmers HD - 7W ) Diesel engine
ment for Storage.
( GM 3-71 RC 14 ) .
5-9722 18 Sep. 44. Shower -Unit, Field Trailer-Mounted , 9-1783-B 18 June 43 . Ordnance maintenance : Medium
with Heater, 8- Shower Heads, Cleaver- Brooks
Model EC-3 . tractor M1 (Allis -Chalmers HD - 7W ) engine ac
5-9725 12 Jan. 45. Furnace, Muffle, Electric, Cooley Model
MH-3 . 9–1783C 26 Jul. 43. Ordnance maintenance : Medium trac
15-9726 24 Apr. 44. Hangar, Airplane, Steel , Sheet Cov tor Mi ( Allis- Chalmers HD-7W ) electrical sys
ered 130 ft. and 160 ft.
tem , power train , frame and tracks.
5-9728 17 May 44. Erection Procedure for Hangar, Port 9-1787A 6 Feb. 43. Ordnance maintenance : Heavy trac
able, Airpiana, Catenary Type, Canvas Cover, 130-ft. tor Mi ( Allis - Chalmers HD - 10W ) engine.
x 160 - ft. and 130- ft, x 96 ft. 9–1787B 3 Apr. 43. Ordnance maintenance : Heavy trac
15-9736 Model 7D8 Logging Cruiser Wheels, Athey Truss tor Mi ( Allis -Chalmers IID - 10W ) engine acces
Wheel Co.
5-9741 Heater, Engine, Coolant - Type, Gasoline - Burning, i Will not be reprinted when present depot stocks are exhausted .
Vapor Cår Heating Co. , Model A-4901 . I Stock exhausted .

ENGINEERS - Continued TM
8-621 25 Sep. 44. Lamp, Therapeutic, Mercury Arc, Air
9-1787C 18 Sept. 43 . Ordnance maintenance : Heavy trac Cooled, Mobile, Complete, 110-volt, 60-cycle. ( Item
tor Mi ( Allis- Chalmers HD - 10W ) electrical sys 7126005 ) .
tem, power train, frame, and tracks. * 8–622 3 Sep. 45. Field Sterilizing Equipment Items
9-1787D 4 Jun . 43. Ordnance maintenance : Heavy tractor 4011028, 7910005 , 9903500 , 9950000, 9950300,,
M1 ( Allis -Chalmers HD - 10W ) equipment. 9952300, 9953000 , 9953528 , 9954028 .
8–623 Jan. 45. Anesthesia Apparatus, Portable, Item
6-220 26 Feb. 41 . Field Artillery Fire-Control Instru 8-624 1 Sep. 44. Sinusoidal Machine.
ments. C1 . 8-625 6 Oct. 44. Cassette Changer, Steroscopic, Upright,
6-225 Nov. 44. Field Artillery Trainer, M3 . Magnetically Controlled.
* 6–240 15 Sep. 45. Rule, Slide, Military , Field Artillery, 8-626 23 Apr. 45. Generator, Field Operating Lamp, Item
with Case, 10- Inch . 9931700 .
6-605 Feb. 45. Field Artillery Individual and Unit Train- 8-627 Nov. 44. Diathermy Apparatus, Short Wave, Com
ing Standards. plete, 110-volt, 60 -cycle, Item 7105505.
6-650 16 Jan. 42. Field Artillery Notes, Meteorological 8-628 Nov. 44. Instrument Sterilizer, Item 7917005 .
Data Using British 25 - PR Range Tables. 8–629 Apr. 45. Field X- Ray Film Processing Equipment
Items 9611500 and 9611700, 9605500.
MEDICAL 8-630 Nov. 44. X-Ray Field Unit Generator, Item 9606000.
8-220 5 Mar. 41. Medical Department Soldier's Hand 8–632 Feb. 45. X-Ray Field Unit, Machine, Chassis and
book. C 1 , 2, 3. Table, Items 9608508 , 9608510, 9609005, 9609010,
8-225 28 Jan. 42. Dental Technicians .
8-227 17 Oct. 41. Methods for Laboratory Technicians. 8-633 Apr. 45. X-Ray Field Unit, Fluoroscopic, Foreign
C 1 , 2. Body Localization , Complete Item 9621500.
8-233 13 Oct. 41 . Methods for Pharmacy Technicians. 8-634 Jan. 45 . Dental X-Ray Machine ( Item 6088005,
C1,2. 0088010 ) .
8–255 10 Sep. 45. Terminal Physician Examination on Sep 8–635 1 Apr. 45. Blood Refrigeration Unit Refrigerator
aration from Military Service. ( Medical Department Item No. 990110) .
8-637 14 Dec. 44. Oxygen Therapy Outfit, Hose Line As
8-260 13 Jul. 41. Fixed Hospitals of the Medical Depart
ment ( General and Station Hospitals ) . C 1 , 2, 3. sembly, 20 Dual Outlets, Complete : Care and Main
8-262 Feb. 45. Administration of Fixed Hospitals Zone
of Interior. C 1 . 8-638 23 Sep. 44.. Engine, Handpiece Straight Engine,,
Handpiece Angle.
8–280 30 Dec. 44. Military Roentgenology. C 1 .
8–285 Apr. 45. Treament of Casualties from Chemical ORDNANCE
Agents .
8-290 Dec. 44. Educational Reconditioning. Other 9-series TM's are listed with Engineer Publications
8-291 Dec. 44. Occupational Therapy. since responsibility for them has been transferred to the
8–292 20 Dec. 44. Physical Reconditioning. Chief of Engineers.
8-300 26 Nov. 40. Notes on Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 9-205 15 Oct. 42. Browning Machine Gun, Caliber .30,
in Aviation Medicine. C 1. M2 , Aircraft fixed and flexible . C 1 .
E9-206A 13 Apr. 43 . German 7.9 -mm , Dual Purpose Ma
8-305 12 Nov. 40. Notes on Cardiology in Aviation Medi chine Gun, MG34 .
cine .
9-215 10 Oct. 42. Thompson Submachine Gun , Cal. .45
8-310 21 Oct. 40. Notes on Physiology in Aviation Medi. M1 . C1 .
8-320 27 Jan. 41. Notes on Psychology and Personality 9-219 5 Apr. 45. Basic Aircraft Machine Guns, Cal. .50,
Studies in Aviation Medicine, T36 and T25E3 (M3 ).
9--220 11 Jun . 45. Repositioning Machines M15 ( For Cal.
8-325 12 Dec. 40. Outline of Neuropsychiatry in Avia
tion Medicine. .50 Cartridges ) .
9-221 19 Jun. 43. Antiaircraft Machine Gun Trainer M9.
8-350 15 Nov. 44. Technique of Medical Diathermy. C 1.
8-450 1 May 41. Veterinary Administration . C 1 .
8–500 Mar. 45. Hospital Diets. C 1 . 9-223 27 Jul . 44. Twin Cal . 50 Machine Gun Mount M33
8-610 May 45. Field Operating Lamp. and Multiple Cal . .50 Machine Gun Mount M45.
8-611 28 Jan. 44. Surgical Instruments, Indirect Blood 9-224 22 Apr. 43. Machine Gun Mounts for Trucks. C 1 .
9-225 15 Dec. 43. Browning Machine Gun, Cal. .50, M2,
Transfusion Apparatus and Miscellaneous Surgical Aircraft, Basic . C 1 .
Supplies, Care and Maintenance.
8-612 13 Jul. 15. Distilling Apparatus. 9-226 2 Aug. 43. Browning Machine Gun, Caliber .50,
M2, Watercooled , and Mounts. C 1 .
8-613 8 Sep. 44. Case, Bone Operating 110 Volt, AC-DC 9-227 1 Jun . 43. 20 -mm , Automatic Gun M1 , and 20-mm,
( Item 3073008 ) . Aircraft Automatic Gun AN - M2. C 1 .
8-614 2 Oct. 44. Cardiograph , Portable. 79–228 6 Sep. 43. 20 -mm, Automatic Gun M1 and 20-mm
8-615 May 45. Gasoline Stoves and Burners. Antiaircraft Gun Mount M2A1 .
8-616 30 Aug. 44. Electro-Surgical Unit, Portable. E9-228 1 Apr. 43. 2-cm. Flakvierling 38 (German 20-mm,
8-617 14 Aug. 44. Mask Type Oxygen Therapy Outfit, Antiaircraft Gun , Four- Barreled Mount ) .
Complete and Oxygen Therapy Outfit, with Mani- 9-229 1 Jun. 44. 20-mm Automatic Gun M3 ( T31 ) .
fold . ( Errata Sheet).
8-618 May 45. Suction Apparatus, Portable, Electric . 9-230 14 Oct. 43. Machine Gun Mounts for Boats. C 1 .
8-619 Oct. 44. Basal Metabolism Apparatus. Items 9-231 28 Jun . 41. Cal . .60 Machine Gun , T17E3.
4020006, 4020008, 4020012 . 9-235 24 Jan. 44. 37-mm AA Gun Matériel.
8-620 Nov. 44 . Serological Water Baths, Items 4479008
and 4480008 . † Will not be reprinted when present depot stocks are exhausted.

ORDNANCE - Continued TM
TM 9-345 15 Jul. 42. 155-mm Gun Matériel, M1917, M1918,
9-240 7 May 45. 37-mm Automatic Guns AN -M4 and and Modifications. C 1 , 2, 3.
M10 ( Aircraft ) . * 9–350 7 May 45. 155-mm Gun M2 ; Carriage M1 and
9-241 22 Apr. 44. 37-mm Automatic Gun M9. M1A1 ; Gun Mount M13 ; Heavy Carriage Limber
9-246 10 Aug. 44. 37- mm Gun T32 and Tripod Mount T9 . M2 and M5 ; And Firing Platform Mi.
9-250 3 Aug. 44. 37-mm, Gun, M6, Mounted in Combat E9-369A 29 Jun. 43. German 88 -mm Antiaircraft Gun
Vehicles. C 1 . Matériel.
9-252 17 Jan. 44. 40-mm AA Gun Matériel. C 1 . 9-370 31 Dec. 42. 90-mm Antiaircraft Gun Matériel M1
9-270 28 Sep. 43. U. S. Rifle, Cal. ,30 , M1903A4 (Snip and M1A1 , C 1 , 2, 3.
per's ) Characteristics and Operation ; and Use of 9-371 21 Dec. 42. 90-mm Gun M1 and 90-mm Antiaircraft
Telescopic Sight. C 1. Gun Mount T2E1 , C 1 .
9-280 16 Mar. 44. Caliber .22 Rifles, All Types. 9-372 15 Nov. 44. 90-mm Gun M2 and 90 -mm Antiaircraft
9–285 21 Sep. 42. Shotguns, all Types. C 1 . Mount M2. C 1 .
9-290 18 Jan. 43. Pyrotechnic Projectors, All Types. 9-373 24 Mar. 43. 90-mm Gun M1 and 90 -mm Cun Mount
19-293 15 Jun. 44. 2-Inch Mortar M3. T3. C 1.
9-294 27 Sep. 43. 2.36-Inch, AT Rocket Launcher M1A1. 9–374 11 Sep. 44. 90-mm Gun M3, Mounted in Combat
C 1 , 2. Vehicles.
9-303 25 Apr. 44. 57-mm Guns M1 and MK III ( British ) 9–375 3 Feb. 45. 90-mm Gun T8 and 90-mm Gun Carriage
and Carriages M1 , M1A1 , M1A2, M1A3 and M2. C 1 , T5E2,
2. 9-380 1 Jan. 45. 120-mm Gun M1 and Antiaircraft .

19-304 25 Jan. 45. 57-mm Rifles T15E9 and T15E13. Mount M1 . C 1 .

19-305 18 May 42. 75-mm Gun Matériel, M1897 and Modi. 9-392 14 Jul. 45. 4.5-Inch Multiple Rocket Launchers T66
fications. C 1 . and T66E2.
9-307 23 Mar. 44. 75-mm Tank Guns M2 and M3 and 9-394 7 Feb. 45. 4.5-Inch Rocket Matériel for Ground Use.
Mounts M1 , M34 , and M34A1 . 9–395 12 Sep. 44. . 4.5 in. Aircraft Rocket Matériel.
9-308 29 Jun. 43. 76 -mm Gun, Matériel M1 ( Combat 9-396 9 Jan. 45. 7.2 inch Multiple Rocket Launcher M17.
Vehicles ) . 9-405 5 Feb. 45. Submarine Mine Control System M3. C 1 .
9-311 7 Feb. 44. 75 -mm Gun M4 and Airplane Mount M6. 9-406 1 Oct. 44. Classified .
9-312 16 Nov. 44. 75 -mm Gun AN -M5 and Aircraft Mount 9--415 2 Mar. 44. Test and Repair of Submarine Mine
AN -M9. Cable, C1 .
9-313 11 Sept. 44. 75-mm Gun M6 and Combination gun, 9-421 10 Oct. 42. 3-Inch Seacoast Gun Matériel, 3-Inch
Mount M64. ( 15 - PDR ) Gun M1902MI Mounted on 3-Inch (15
9-314 8 Jan. 45. 75-mm Rifle T21 . PDR. ) Barbette Carriage M1902, and 3- Inch ( 15
9-318 14 Dec. 44. 75-mm Howitzer M2 and M3 (Mounted PDR ) Gun M1903 Mounted on 3-Inch ( 15- PDR . )
in Combat Vehicles ) . Barbette Carriage M1903 . C 1 .
9-319 15 Apr. 44. 75-mm Pack Howitzer M1A1 and Car 9-424 26 Mar. 45. 6-Inch Seacoast Matériel, Gun, M1900,
riage M8. Mounted on Barbette Carriage, M1900.
9-320 21 Jun. 41. 75-mm Howitzer Matériel . 9-428 12 Jun. 43. 6-Inch Seacoast Matériel ; Gun M1903
9-321 6 Jul. 43. 75 -mm Howitzer M1A1, Mounted in A2 and M1905A2 : Barbette Carriage M1.
combat Vehicles . 9-429 1 Mar, 44, 6- Inch Seacoast Matériel : Gun T2 and
9-322 21 Apr. 45. 3-Inch Gun M5 and Carriage M6 . Barbette Carriages M3 and M4.
9-323 25 Mar. 44. 3- Inch, Gun M7 , Mounted in Combat 9-442 19 Apr. 43. 8-Inch Seacoast Matériel Gun MK, VI
Vehicles. Mod . 3A2 : Barbette Carriage M1 .
9-324 12 Jan. 44. 105-mm Howitzer M4 (Mounted in 9-456 17 Oct. 42
Combat Vehicles ) . 12-Inch Seacoast Matériel, 12-Inch
Mortar M1890MI Mounted on 12-Inch Mortar Car
9–325 19 Aug. 44. 105-mm Howitzer M2 and M2A1 Car riage M1896MI and M1896MII.
riage M2A1 and M2A2 and Combat Vehicle Mounts
M3 and M4 . 9-457 5 Oct. 42. 12-Inch Seacvast Matériel, 12-Inch Mortar
M - 1908, Mounted on 12-Inch Mortar Carriage
E9-325A 15 Jun . 44. German 105 - mm Howitzer Matériel. M1908.
C1 . 9-458 19 Aug. 42. 12- Inch Seacoast Matériel : 12-Inch
9-326 21 Dec. 43 . 105 -mm Howitzer M3 and 105-mm How.
Mortar M1912 Mounted on 12-Inch Mortar Carriage
itzer Carriage M3 and M3A1, C 1 . M1896MIII.
9-328 30 Dec. 43. 4.5 Inch Gun M1 and 4.5 Inch Gun Car
riages M1 and M1A1 . C 1 .
9-463 26 Jan. 42. Gun, 8-Inch , MK, VI, Mod. 3A2 and
Mount Railway , Gun , 8- Inch M1A1 .
9-330 18 May 44. 155-mm Howitzer M1917A1 , M1917A2
9-471 3 Nov. 42. 16-Inch Seacoast Gun Matériel, Gun
and M1918 and Carriages M1917A4 and M1918A3. MK , II M1, Barbette Carriage M4 . C 1 .
9–331 22 Nov. 43. 155-mm Howitzer M1 and Carriage
M1 and M1A1 . C1 . 9-524 8 Nov. 44. 12-Inch Graphical Firing Tables.
9-333 14 Feb. 44. Ammunition Trailer M10. 9-526 29 Sep. 43. Graphical Firing Tables.
9-550 16 Jul . 43. Observation Tower, M1 . C 1 .
9-335 25 Sep. 42. 8-Inch Howitzer Matériel M1 . C 1 , 2, 3, 4 .
19–575 4 May 42. Auxiliary Fire Control Instruments
9-336 8 Feb. 45. 8-Inch Gun M1 and Carriage M2. ( Field Glasses, Eyeglasses, Telescopes and Watch
9-340 6 Apr. 44. 240-mm Howitzers M1918M1 and M1918 es ) .
M1A1, 240 -mm Howitzer Carriage M1918A2, and
Transport Wagons M4 and M5. 9-585 19 Oct. 43. Range Finder M9.
9-616 23 Dec. 43. Generating Units M5 and M6.
* 9–341 19 Feb. 45. 240-mm Howitzer Matériel M1.
9-617 19 Jan. 44. Generating Unit M18. C 1 .
* Will not be reprinted when present depot stocks are exhausted . 9-618 30 Jul. 43. Generating Unit M7. C 1 .
This Technical Manual is distributed only to interested headquarters 9-623 5 Nov. 43. Height Finders, 1312 -Ft., M1 and M1A1.
and to individuals whose duties require that they have it. This Technical
Manual must be safeguarded in accordance with provisions of AR 380-5 . 9-624 27 Nov. 43. IIeight Finders, M2. C 1 .
658749-46 6

ORDNANCE - Continued TM
9-755 25 Apr. 45. 76-mm Gun Motor Carriage M18 and
9-627. 18 Feb. 44. Cable System M12 and Off -Carriage Armored Utility Vehicle M39.
Components of the Remote Control System M14 9–756 21 Dec. 43. Medium Tank, M4A6.
( For 6-In. Barbette Carirages M2 and M4 ) . C 1 . 9-757 7 Jul. 45. Twin 40-mm Gun Motor Carriage M19.
9–649 15 Jun. 44. A.A. Cable Systems and Repair Kits, 9-758 15 Apr. 44. 90 -mm Gun Motor Carriage T71.
All Types ; and Voltage Controller M1 . 9–759 15 Sep. 44. Tank, Medium, M4A3.
9-654 15 Jul. 43. Stereoscopic Tester M1A1 and Stereo 9-760 31 Dec. 43. Bomb Trailer M5.
scopic Trainers M2, M6 and M7. 01 . 9-762 31 May 43. Lift Truck M22.
19-657 4 Nov. 43. Director Trainer , M8. 9–765 13 Aug. 42. Bomb Service Truck, M6. Chevrolet.
9-658 6 Jan. 44. Directors M7, M7A1B1 and M7A1B2. 9–766 18 Aug. 44. Truck , Bomb Service, M27.
C 1. 9-767 23 Feb. 44. 40-Ton Tank Transporter Truck
9-659 16 Jul . 43. Directors M5 , M5A1 and M6. Trailer M25 . C 1 .
9-669 23 Oct. 44. Gun data Computers M8 series. 9-768 25 Oct. 44. 45 - ton Tank Transporter Truck - Trailer,
9-671 31 Mar. 44. Directors M9, M9A1 , M9A2 and M10. M19.
C 1. 9-771 14 Jul. 44. Crane, Truck Mounted, M2 and Trailer
9-701 1 Jun . 45. 2-Wheel Bomb Trailer M29. Clamshell , M16.
9-705 26 Oct. 42. Scout Car M3A1 . 9–772 4 Aug. 45. Cargo Carriers M29 and M29C.
9-707 21 May 43. Basic Half-Track Vehicles ( IHC ) † 9-774 31 Jan. 44. Snow Tractor M7 ; 1-Ton Snow Trailer
( Personnel Carrier M5, Car M9A1 Multiple Gun M19 .
Motor Carriage M14 and Similar IHC Vehicles ) . 9-775 5 Feb. 44. Landing Vehicles, Tracked MK.I and
9-710 23 Feb. 44 . Basic Half-Track Vehicles ( White, MK.II.
Autocar, and Diamond T ) . 9-776 15 Jun, 44.. Landing Vehicle Tracked, MK.IV, LVT
9-720 3 Aug. 45. Mine Exploders T1E4 and T1E6. (4)
49-721 5 Feb. 43. Heavy Tanks, M6 ar M6A1 , 9-782 12 Jun. 42. Tractor, Light, Wheeled Industrial Type
49–724 17 Nov. 43. Light Tank T9E1 . ( A -C. Model B ) . C 1 .
19-726 15 Jul. 42. Light Tank M3 . 19-784 5 Feb. 43. Amphibian Tractor, T33. C 1 .
+9–727 4 Dec. 43. Light Tanks M3A1 and M3A3. 9-785 1 Nov. 43 . 18 - Ton High Speed Tractor, M4.
9-729 27 Jun. 44. Light Tank, T24, ( M24 ) . 9–786 19 Nov. 43. 13-Ton High Speed Tractor M5.
+9–730C 30 Nov. 42. Medium Tank M3A4. C 1. 9-788 25 Jul. 44. Tractor, High- Speed, 38-Ton, MG (Allis
9-731A 23 Dec. 43. Medium Tanks M4 and M4A1 . Chalmers ) . C 1 .
9–731AA 23 Jun . 44. Medium Tank M4 ( 105 -mm Howitzer ) 9–789 16 Sep. 44. Trailer, Mount, M20 (Component of
and Medium Tank M4A1 ( 76-mm Gun ) . Mount- Trailer, Multiple Caliber .50 Machine Gun,
9-731B 13 Jan. 43. Medium Tank, M4A2. C 1 . M55 ) .
9-731E 15 Aug. 44. Carriage, Motor, 105-mm Howitzer, 9-790A 15 Dec. 42. 6- Ton Trailers (Athey ) .
M7 .
9-790B 15 Dec. 42. 20- Ton Trailer ( Athey ) .
†9-731G 28 Jul . 43. 3-Inch Gun Motor Carriage M10A1. +9–791 8 Jan. 43. Armored Trailer, M8.
9-732 27 Nov. 43. Light Tanks M5 and M5A1 . C 1 . 9-792 5 Feb. 45. 4-Ton , 2 -Wheel, Ammunition , Trailer
† 9–732A 13 Nov. 42. Medium Tank M7. M21 .
9-732B 31 Jan. 44. 75-mm Howitzer Motor Carriage M8. 9–793 12 Aug. 44. Trailer, Ammunition, M23 ( 8-Ton, 4
C1,2 . Wheel ) ,
9-733 4 Jan. 45. Mine Excavator T5E3. 19–794 10 Dec. 42. Crane Tractor Trailer T26.
9-734 24 Mar, 44. Medium Tank , T23 . C 1. 9–795 31 Aug. 42. Heavy Wrecking Truck M1 ( Series 1
9-735 15 Jan. 45. Heavy Tank , T26E3. & 2) .
9-736 25 May 44 . Mine Exploder T1E1.
9–796 3 Mar. 44. Heavy Wrecking Truck M1A1 (Ken
9-737 3 Jun . 44. Mine Exploder T1E3. worth Model 573 and Ward La France Series 5 ) . C1 .
9-738 9 Dec. 43 . Tank Recovery Vehicles M32, M32B1, 9-797 12 Oct. 44. Trailer, Bomb, 1 -ton , 4 -wheel, T53.
M32B2, M32B3 , and M32B4. 9–801 24 Apr. 44. 212 - Ton , 6 x 6, Truck, GMC CCKW
49-739 11 Aug. 43. Tank Recovery Vehicle T2. 352 & 353 .
19–740 2 Nov. 42. Armored Car T17. 9-802 23 Feb. 45. 242-Ton Amphibian Truck, 6 x 6, GMC
9-741 15 Dec. 42. Medium Armored Car T17E1 . DUKW 353 .
19–742 19 Jun. 43. Armored Car T18E2. ( For British 22 Feb. 44. 14 - Ton , 4 x 4, Truck (Willys-Over
Only ) . (Errata Sheet) land Model MB and Ford Model GPW ) .
9-743 21 Feb. 44. Light Armored Car M8 and Armored E9-803 6 Jun . 44 . German Volkswagen .
Utility Car M20. C 1. 9-805 30 Dec. 43. 112 - Ton, 4 x 4, Truck ( Chevrolet ) . C 1.
* 9-745 28 Jul . 45. 90-mm Gun Motor Carriage M36 B2 .
9-806 14 Feb. 44. 112 - Ton , 4 x 2, Truck ( Ford ) .
9-746 11 Aug. 43 . Universal Carrier T16 .
9-807 16 Dec. 43. 242 - Ton , 6 x 6, Truck and 22 to 5-Ton,
9-747 26 Feb. 45. 155-mm Gun Motor Carriage T83 and 6 x 4 , Truck ( Studebaker Models) US 6 and US
8-Inch Howitzer Motor Carriage T89 . 6 x 4.
9-748 20 Jan. 45. 90-mm Gun Motor Carriage M36B1 . 9-808 31 Jan. 44. 34 -Ton Truck, 4x4 ( Dodge ) .
9-749 9 Aug. 44. Carriage, Motor, 105-mm Howitzer, M 9-809 27 May 43 . Truck , 212 - Ton , 6x6, Cab Forward
7B1 . Model AFK WX-353.
19–750 9 May 42. Medium Tank M3, M3A1 and M3A2. 9-810 28 Feb. 45. 112 - Ton , 6 x 6 , Truck (Dodge T-223 ,
C 1 , 2 , 3. Models WC -62 and WC-63 .
19-751 28 Jan. 44. 155 -mm Gun Motor Carriage M12 and 9-811 25 Jan. 44. 4 -Ton , 6 x 6 , Trucks ( Diamond T Models
Cargo Carrier M30. C 1 . 968A Cargo, 969A Wrecker, 970A Ponton, and 972
19-752 25 Nov. 43. 3-Inch Gun Motor Carriage M10. Dump. )
19-753 16 Sept. 42. Medium Tanks M3A3 and M3A5. C 1. 9-812 11 Mar. 44. 5 - Ton , 4 x 2 , Tractor - Truck C.O.E.
19-754 21 Jan, 43. Medium Tank M4A4, C 1 , 2. ( IHC Models H -542-9 and H -542-11, Marmon
Herrington Model H-542-11 and Kenworth Model
Will not be reprinted when present depot stocks are exhausted . H -542-11.

ORDNANCE - Continued TM
TM 9-894 31 May 44. 11-Ton Payload, 15- Ton Gross, 2 -Wheel
9-813 19 Feb. 44. 6-Ton, 6 x6, Truck (White, Corbitt and ( 2dt ) Van, Semitrailer ( Omaha Standard Body
Brockway ) . Corp. Model F16 ) .
9-815 10 Jun. 43. 4-Ton Truck, 4x4 ( Four-Wheel Drive, 9-895 29 Sep. 44. Semitrailer, Van, 11-ton Payload, 15-ton
Model HAR - 1 ) . Gross, 2-wheel ( 2dt) (Kentucky ).
9-816 21 Mar. 44. 4- to 5-Ton, 4 x 4, Tractor-Truck 9-896 25 Nov. 44. 11 -Ton Payload, 2-Wheel Van Semi
( Autocar ) ( Model U-71-44T ) . trailer ( Reliance ) .
9-817 10 Apr. 44. 5- to 6-Ton 4x4 , Ponton Tractor 9-897 15 Feb. 45. 22-Ton, Low-Bed Trailer ( La Crosse
Truck ( Autocar Model U8144T ) . C 1 . Model DF6-22 ) .
9-818 14 Jan. 44. 10-Ton, 6 x 4, Truck ( Mack, Model 9-898 28 Apr. 45. 22-Ton Payload, 6-Wheel, Low-Bed
NR ) . Trailer, ( Fruehauf Model CPT-22 ) .
9-820 15 Mar. 44. 4- to 5-Ton, 4 x 4, Tractor-Truck ( Feb 9–1036 6 Mar. 44. Grader, Road, Towed-Type, Leaning
eral ) . Wheel, Hand -Controlled, 10-ft. Moldboard, Adams,
9-821 9 Oct. 43. 222 -Ton, 4x 2, Truck ( Federal ) . .
Model 104 , with Scarifier.
9-821X 3 Apr. 43. Driver's Manual, 242 - Ton , Truck, 4 x 2, 9-1100 15 May 44. Inspection of Ordnance Matériel.
( Federal ) ( X -Extracted from TM 9-821 ) . ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE
9-822 7 Nov. 44. 242 - Ton , 4 x 2 Dump Truck ( IHC K-7 ) 9-1205 7 Aug. 44. Browning Machine Gun, Caliber .30, All
and 37 Passenger Bus ( IHC K - 7 and KS - 7 ) . Types, and Ground Mounts. C 1 .
9-823 7 Jul. 44. 5-Ton, 4 x 2, Dump and Tractor Trucks, 9–1211 1 Mar. 42. Browning Automatic Rifle. Cal. .30,
Model KR-11 ( IHC ) . All Types.
9-824 30 Dec. 44. 172- Ton , 4x2, 29 - Passenger Bus (IHC 9-1215 1 Mar. 42. Thompson Submachine Gun, Cal. .45,
Models K - 5 and KS - 5 ) . .
M1928A1. C 1 .
9-834 1 Jun. 44. Vehicular General Purpose Unit Equip- 9-1221 16 Mar. 44. AA Machine Gun Trainer, M9.
ment. 9-1223 1 Jun. 44. Twin Cal. .50 Machine Gun Mount, M33
9-850 24 Aug. 44. Cleaning, Preserving, Sealing, Lubri and Multiple Cal . .50 Machine Gun Mount, M45 .
cating and Related Materials Issued for Ordnance 9-1225 23 Oct. 44. Browning Machine Gun, Cal. .50, M2
Matériel. All Types, and Ground Mounts.
9-855 17 Aug. 44. Targets, Target Material and Train- 9-1227 10 Jun . 43. 20-mm Automatic Gun M1 and 20-mm
ing Course Layouts. Aircraft Automatic Gun AN -M2. C 1 .
9-856 21 May 45. Target Rocket Projector, M1 . C 1 . 9–1235 1 Apr. 43. 37-mm Antiaircraft Gun Matériel.
9-867 19 Apr. 45. Maintenance and Care of Hand Tools. 9-1240 6 Mar. 44. 37-mm Automatic Guns, M4, M10 and
9–872 5 May 45. 242 - Ton Payload, 2-Wheel ( 2DT) , Am M9 ( Aircraft) .
phibian Cargo Trailer ( Cleaver-Brooks Model 9-1245 6 Feb. 43. 37 -mm Antitank Guns, M3 and M3A1 ,
WTCT-6 ) . and Carriages M4 and M4A1 .
9-873 5 Apr. 45. 3-Ton P: yload, 4 -Wheel, Antenna Mount 9-1250 29 Jan. 45. 37-mm Gun, M6, Mounted in Combat
Trailer ( Signal Corps Model K-84 ) . Vehicles.
9-1252 24 Apr. 42. Gun and Top Carriage of 40-mm,
9-876 5 Apr. 44 . Airborne Motor Scooter ( Cushman
Model 53 ) . C 1 . Antiaircraft Gun Matériel M2.
9-879 18 Oct. 43. Motorcycle, Solo (Harley -Davidson Model 9-1253 24 Apr. 42. Lower Carriage of 40-mm, Antiair
WLA ) . craft Gun Matériel , M2..
9-881 22 Dec. 44. Generator Trailers M7 and M18 ; Direc 9–1260 14 Dec. 44. Light Field Mortars and Mounts, All
tor Trailer M13, M14 and M22 , and Mount Trailer
M17 (Component of Multiple Cal. .50 Machine Gun 9-1270 20 Jan. 44. U. S. Rifles, Cal. .30, M1903, M1903A1,
Carriage M51 ) . M1903 A3 and M1903A4.
9-882 11 Jun. 43. 7-ton Semitrailer Panel Cargo (Ed 9-1275 6 Nov. 42. U. S. Rifle, Cal. .30, M1 . C 1 .
9-1276 5 Jun. 43. Carbines Cal. .30, M1 and M1A1.
wards, Gramm and Nabors ) . 9-1285 25 Nov. 42. Shotguns, All Types.
9-883 27 Aug. 43. 1-Ton, 2-Wheel Cargo and Water 9-1290 18 Mar. 43. Pyrotechnic Projectors, All Types.
Trailers. C1 .
9-1295 9 Nov. 42. Pistols and Revolvers.
9-884 2 Mar. 45. 7 - Ton Payload, 4-Wheel, Van Semitrailer 9-1303 2 Dec. 44. 57-mm Gun , M1 and Carriages, M1A3
W/Dolly ( Ordnance M26 and Signal Corps V-9/ and M2.
MPG - 1 ) .
9-886A 22 Apr. 43. 6-Ton , Semitrailer, Combination Stake 19–1305 20 Apr. 42. Gun and Carriage 75 -mm , M1897, All
and Platform ( Black Diamond ) . Types, and Special Field Artillery Vehicles.
9-887 17 Nov. 43 . 9-1307 22 May 44. 75 -mm Tank Guns, M2 and M3 and
5- to 6-Ton, 4-Wheel Cargo Trailer
(Hobbs ). Mounts M1, M34, and M34A1 .
9-1311 17 Nov. 43 . 75-mm Gun M4 and Airplane Mount
9-888 16 Oct. 44. 6-Ton Payload, 10-Ton Gross, 2-Wheel M6.
Van Semitrailer.
9-890 12 Jul. 44. Semitrailer, 5-Ton Payload, 8-Ton Gross, 9-1312 13 Apr. 44. 75 -mm Gun M5 and Airplane Mount
M9 .
2-Wheel ( 2dt ) , Stake and Platform 1944 ( Trailer +

Co. of America Truck Engineering Corps. Olson 9-1313 19 Feb. 45. 75-mm Gun M6 and Combination Gun
Mfg. Co. ) . Mount M64 ( Tank ) .
9-891 25 Aug. 44. Semitrailer, 6-ton Payload, 10-ton Gross, 9-1320 10 Apr. 44. 75 mm Howitzers, and Carriage.
2-wheel, fuel tank, 2000 gal. 9-1322 18 Sep. 43. 3-Inch Gun M5 and 3-inch gun Carriage
M1 .
9-892 22 Apr. 44. 10-Ton Payload, 14-Ton Gross, 2 9-1323 28 Dec. 43. 3 -Inch Gun M7 and Mount M5.
Wheel Stake and Platform Semitrailer and 10-Ton
Converter Dolly. 9-1325 21 Sep. 44. 105-mm, Howitzers M2 and M2A1 ; Car
19–893 5 Feb. 43. Light Cargo Carrier, T15. riages M2A1 and M2A2 ; and Mounts M3 and M4.
9-1326 20 Jan. 44. 105-mm Howitzer M3 and Howitzer
† Will not be reprinted when present depot stocks are exhausted . Carriages M3 and M3A1 . C 1 .

ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE-Continued 9-1616 1. Aug. 43. Generating Units M5 and M6.
9-1617 16 Nov. 44. Generating Unit M18.
9-1330 12 Jul . 44. 155-mm Howitzers M1917A1 , M1917A2 9-1618 11 Oct. 43. Generating Unit M7.
and M1918 and Carriages M1917A4 and M1918A3. 9–1622 5 Dec. 44. Desiccation and Charging of . Height
9-1331 31 Jan. 44. 155-mm Howitzer M1 , 4.5- Inch Gun Finders.
M1 and Carriages M1 and M1A1. C 1 , 2. , 9-1623 27 Nov. 43. Height Finders, 1342 - Ft, M1 and
9-1334 22 Dec. 43. Stabilizers . M1A1.
9-1341A 6 May 44. 240 -mm , Howitzer M1 and Carriage 9–1624 7 Sep. 44. Height Finder M2.
M1 ; 8- Inch Gun M1 and Carriage M2 . C 1 . 9-1635 8 Feb. 41 . Fuze Setter, M8 . C 1 .
9-1341B 15 Mar. 44 . Transport Wagons M1A1 , M2A1 , and 9-1640 18 Sep. 41. Fuze Setter, M9.
M3A1 for 240-mm Howitzer and 8 - Inch Gun Ma- 9-1641 17 Oct. 41. Fuze Setter, T15.
tériel M1 . 9-1642 15 Sep. 42. Remote Control System M2.
9-1345 15 Jul. 42. 155-mm Guns, M1917, M1917A1 , and 9-1643 1 Aug. 42 . Remote Control Systems M1 and M5.
M1918M1 Carriages, M1917, M1917A1, M1918, C1,2.
M1918A1 , M2 and M3 Limbers , M1917, M1917A1 , 9-1646 24 Jun . 43. Gun Data Computer M1 .
M1918, M1918A1 , and M3 . 9-1647 5 Oct. 44. Data Transmission Systems for Seacoast
9-1350 15 Jul. 43. 155 -mm Guns M1 and M1A1 and Car and Railway Artillery.
riage M1 ; 8- Inch Howitzer. M1 and Carriage M1; 9-1649 7 Oct. 43. Cable System M1 ( for 90-mm Antiaircraft
Heavy Carriage Limber M2. Gun Mounts M1A1 and M2 ) .
9-1370A 30 Sep. 42 . 90 -mm , Gun M1 and Mounts M1 and 19-1650 15 Sep. 41. Director, M3 .
M1A1 Gun and Upper Carriage. C 1 , 2. 19–1651 25 Jan. 42. Data Transmission System, M3. C1 .
9-1370B 30 Sep. 42 . 90-mm Gun M1 and Mounts M1 and 19-1653 10 Oct. 42. Data Transmission System M6 ( For
M1A1 , Lower Carriage. 90-mm Antiaircraft Gun Mount M1 ) ,
9-1372A 4 Mar. 44. 90-mm Gun M2 and Antiaircraft Mount 9-1654 8 Mar. 45. Stereoscopic Trainers M2, M6, and M7.
M2 . 19–1655 26 Jan. 42. Director, M4. C 1 .
9-1372B 20 Dec. 43. Combination Fuze Setter-Rammer 19–1656 15 Jan. 41. Data Transmission System, M4. C 1 , 2.
M20 and Torque Amplifier ( For 90-mm Gun Mount 9-1658 1 Jul . 42. Director M7 . C 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5.
M2 ) . 9-1659 8 May 44 . Directors M5, M5A1 , and M6.
9-1373 30 Sep. 43. 90 - mm Gun M1 and Mount M3 . 19-1660 9 Oct. 40. Sound Locator, M2.
9-1380 9 Feb. 44. 120-mm Gun Mi and Antiaircraft 19–1661 15 Apr. 41. Sound Locator, M1A1 to M1A8 In
Mount M1 . C 1 . clusive.
9-1401 3 Jul . 43. Repair of Submarine Mine Cases. 19--1662 8 Jul. 41. Binaural Training Instruments, M1 and
9-1501 12 Mar. 45. Operation and Maintenance of Optical M2.
Coating Equipment. 9-1665 2 Mar. 43. Antiaircraft Battery Commander's Ob
9-1525 4 Apr. 41. Angle of Site Instrument, M1917. servation Instrument M1 .
9-1527 16 Aug. 43. Gunner's Quadrants M1 and M1918. 9-1669A 21 Apr. 45. Ordnance Maintenance Gun Data
9-1530 10 Jan, 45 . Aiming Circles and Compasses , All Computers M8 Series : Instructions .
Types. * 9-1669B 13 Aug. 45. Gun Data Computer M8N : Sche
9-1535 15 Feb. 45. Mortar Sights, M4 and M6 . matic Diagrams.
9-1539 5 Aug. 43. Telescope Mount M35 and Telescope M31 . 9-1669C 15 Mar. 45. Principles of Gun Data Computers
9-1545 12 Jan. 45. Telescope Mounts, and Range and Ele M8 Series.
vation Quadrants for Motor Carriages, Field Ar 9-1671A 13 Jul . 44. Directors M9, M9A1, M9A2 , and M10 :
tillery and Antiaircraft Artillery. General Maintenance and Computers, M3, M3A1 ,
19-1550 31 May 41. Sight, M1901 ( French) . M3A2, and M4 .
9-1554 24 Jul . 42. Telescope Mount M6A1 . 9-1671B 13 Jul . 44. Directors, M9, MIA1 , M9A2, and M10 :
9-1555 14 Aug. 41. Quadrant Sights ; M1917, M1917A1, Power Unit, M8, Tracker, M2, and Altitude Con
M1918 , and M1918A1 . verter , M2 .
9-1556 8 Jun . 44. Observation Telescopes M48 and M49. 9–1671C 1 Jul . 44. Directors MI, M9A1, and M10 : Wiring
9-1557 20 Oct. 41. Elevation Quadrant M1 . Diagrams.
9-1569 21 May 42. Plotting Boards for Field Artillery . 9-1671D 20 May 44. Director M9A2, Wiring Diagrams.
9-1570 8 May 42. Plotting Boards for Seacoast Artillery. 9-1671 € 3 Apr. 45. Principles of Directors M9, M9A1
C1 . MIA2 and M10.
9–1575 6 Apr. 45. Wrist Watches, Pocket Watches, Stop 9-1672 5 Feb. 44. Electrical Testing Apparatus for Fire
Watches , and Clocks. Control Equipment.
9-1580 15 Mar. 45. Ordnance Maintenance Binoculars , 9-1674 22 Aug. 42. Telescope Mount M20.
Field Glasses , and B.C. Telescopes , All Types. 9-1675 15 Sep. 41. Azimuth Instrument M1910 and M1910
9-1581 4 Oct. 41. Telescopic Sights M1 and T3. A1 ( Degrees ) .
9-1582 19 Jan. 45. Panoramic Telescopes , All Types . 9-1676 19 Mar. 45. Ordnance Maintenance, Remote Con
9-1585 26 Jan. 45. Range Finders , Short Base Coincidence trol System M6 ( For 120-mm Antiaircraft Gun
Types . Mount M1 ) .
9-1590 8 Jun , 45. Fuze Setters for Field Artillery. 9-1678 31 Jul. 44. Remote Control System M15 ( For 40
19-1606 13 Aug. 41. Sighting System M2, with Telescope mm Gun, Carriages M2, M2A1) .
M7, for 37-mm Antiaircraft Gun . C 1 . 9-1680 11 Jun . 42. Azimuth Instrument, M1918, and
9-1607 22 Jul . 43. Sighting Systems M5 and M6. M1918A2.
9-1608 25 Oct. 44. Periscopes, Direct Sighting Telescopes, 9-1685 14 Oct. 41. Depression Position Finder M1907.
and Elbow Telescopes for Tanks, Motor Carriages, 9-1695 21 Nov. 41. Depression Position Finder M1.
Field Artillery and AA . Artillery. 9–1705 20 Aug. 42. Power Train ( Axles, Propeller Shafts,
19-1610 8 Jul . 41. Instrument, Flank Spotting Mi, and Transfer Case, Transmission ) for Scout Car M3A1 .
Rule, Flank Spotting M1. 19–1705C 1 Oct. 42. Diesel Power Plant for Scout Car M3A1
Will not be reprinted when present depot stocks are exhausted. ( Hercules DJXD Engine).

ORDNANCE - Continued TM
ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE—Continued 9–1731D 16 Jun. 45. Ordnance Maintenance, Azimuth In
TM dicators M20 and M21 for Tanks and Gun Motor
9-1706 13 Sep. 42. Hercules JXD Gasoline Engine for Carriages .
Scout Cars, 19–1731E 15 Jan. 43. Electric Traversing Mechanism for
9-1707A 10 Dec. 43. Engine, Engine Accessories, and Medium Tanks M4 and Modifications.
Electrical Systems for Basic Half-Track Vehicle †9–1731F 6 May 43. Hydraulic Traversing Mechanism (Lo
( IHC ) ( Personnel Carriers M5 and M5A1 Car gansport) for Medium Tanks M4 and Modification .
M9A1, Multiple Gun Motor Carriages M14 and 9-1731G 8 May 43 . Hydraulic Traversing Mechanism
M17, and Similar IHC Vehicles ) . ( Oil gear) for Medium Tanks M4 and Modifica
9-1707B 11 Dec. 43. Power Train, Body and Chassis for tions.
Basic Half-Track Vehicle ( IHC ) ( Personnel Car 9-1731K 18 May 43. Auxiliary Generator ( Homelite Model
riers M5 and M5A1 , Car M9A1, Multiple Gun Motor HRUH-28 ) For Medium Tanks M4 and Modifica
Carriages M14 and M17, and Similar IHC Vehicles. tions.
9-1703 22 Sep. 42. Chassis and Body for Scout Car M3A1 . 9–1734A 5 Aug. 44. Tank, Medium T23, Electric Drive
9-1710 18 Jul. 42. Power Train ( Axles, Transmission and Equipment.
Propeller Shaft ) for Half-Track Vehicles. 9-1741A 1 Oct. 43. Engine, engine accessories and fuel sys
9–1710A 18 Jul. 42. Power Train ( Axles, Transmission and tem for Medium Armored Car T17E1 ( Chevrolet ) .
Propeller Shaft ) for Half - Track Vehicles. 9–1741B 7 Oct. 43. Transmission, Transfer Case, and
9-1710C 11 Sep. 42. Chassis and Body for Half-Track Steering Systems for Medium Armored Car T17E1.
9–1741C 18 Oct. 43. Chassis, Hull and Turret for Medium
9-1711 26 Jan. 42. White, 160AX Engine, Half-Track Armored Car T17E1 ( Chevrolet ) .
19-1724A 6 Aug. 43. Engine and Engine Accessories, Light 9–1743 26 Oct. 43. Power train, suspension , hull and turret
T T9E1 for light armored car M8 and armored utility car
19–1724B 29 Jan. 44. Power Train, Hull Turret, Suspen 9-1746A 30 Aug. 44. Carrier, Universal, T16 -Engine and
sion, and Tracks for Light Tank T9E1 . Engine Accessories.
9-1725 27 Jan. 44. Ordnance Engine Model R 975-C4
( Continental ) . 9-1746B 31 Aug. 44. Carrier, Universal, T16 – Power Train,
Tracks, and Suspension.
9-1726 20 Mar. 42. Continental Engine, Model W670-9A . 9-1750 1 Mar. 42. ( Reprinted as TM9–1750A ). Power
19–1726A 14 Oct. 42. Generating , Starting and Ignition
Systems for Light Tanks M3 and Modifications. Train Unit, Three-piece Differential Case for Me
19-1726B 14 Nov. 42. Tracks, Suspension, Turret, Hull and
dium Tanks, M3, M4 and Modifications.
9–1750B 16 Aug. 43. Power Train Unit one piece differ
Related Components, Light Tank M3. ential case for Medium Tanks M4 and Modifications
9-1726C 20 Mar. 42. Continental Engine, Model W670-9A .
and related Gun Motor Carriages.
19-1726F 18 Sep. 42. Fuel and Lubrication Systems for
Light Tanks M3 and M3A1 . 9–1750C 19 May 44. American Bosch Magnetos MJT 7A302,
†9–1727 8 Apr. 42. Guiberson Engine, Model T1020. C 1 . MJT 94304, and MJT 9A306.
9-1727C5 Feb. 43. Hydra- Matic Transmission and Pro 9-1750D 12 Aug. 42. Accessories for Wright R975-EC2
peller Shafts for Light Tanks, M5, M5A1 , and 75 Engines for Medium Tanks M3 and M4.
mm Howitzer Motor Carriage M8. 19–1750E 25 Sept. 42. Guiberson Diesel T1400 Engine, Se
9-1727D 28 Apr. 43. Transfer Unit for Light Tanks M5, ries 3, for Medium Tanks M3 and M4 and Related
Gun Motor Carriages.
M5A1 and 75 -mm Howitzer Motor Carriage, M8. 19–1750F 6 Apr. 43. Power Unit for Medium Tanks M3A4
9-1727E 25 Jun. 43. Controlled Differential Final Drive,
and M4A4.
Track Suspension for Light Tanks, M5 and M5A1 9-1750G 1 Sept. 42. General Motors Twin Diesel 6–71 Power
and 75 -mm Howitzer Motor Carriage M8.
Plant for Medium Tanks M3A3, M3A5 and M4A2.
9-1727F 4 Jun. 43. Electrical System, Instruments and 19–1750H 10 Apr. 43. Ordnance Maintenance Hydraulic
Auxiliary Generator for Light Tanks M5, M5A1 , and Traversing Mechanism ( Logansport) for Medium
75 -mm Howitzer Motor Carriage M8. Tank M3 and Modifications.
9-1727G 3 Aug. 43. Hull and Turret for Light Tanks M5, 19-1750J 12 May 43. Power Unit Accessories for Medium
M5A1 and 75 -mm Howitzer Motor Carriage M8. Tanks, M3A4, and M4A4.
9-1727K 30 Apr. 43. Hydraulic Traversing Mechanism for 9–1750K 17 Nov. 43. Tracks and Suspension, Turret and
Light Tank M5 ( Oil gear ) . C 1 . Hull for Medium Tank M4 and Modification .
9-1728 8 Apr. 42. Power Train for Light Tanks M3 and 19-1750L 9 Dec. 43. Hull and Turret, Electrical Systems,
M3A1. C1 . Tracks and Suspension for 3-Inch Gun Motor Car
9-1729A 28 Nov. 44. Light Tanks, M5, M5A1 , and M24 , riages M10 and M10A1.
75 -mm Howitzer Motor Carriage M8, and Twin 40 9-1751 19 Apr. 44. 9-Cylinder, Radial , Gasoline Engine,
mm Gun Motor Carriage M19 : Engines, Cooling ( Continental Model R975-C1 ) .
Systems, and Fuel Systems. 19–1752 20 Mar. 42. Auxiliary Generator ( Homelite, Model
9–1729B 10 Feb. 45. Light Tank M24 and Twin 40-mm HRH-28 ) for Medium Tank M3.
Gun Motor Carriage M19 Transmission, Transfer 9-1755A 5 Oct. 43 Power Train for 76 -mm Gun Motor
Unit, Propeller Shafts, Controlled Differential and Carriage T70.
Final Drives. 9-1755B 29 Jan. 44. Tracks, Suspension Hull, Turret, and
19-1731 25 Aug. 42. Breeze Cartridge Starter for Radial Related C mponents for 76-mm Gun Motor Carriage
Diesel Engines. T70.
9–1731B 4 Jun. 15. Ford Tank Engine, Model GAA, V-8. 9-1756A 9 Dec. 43. Ordnance Engine Model RD 1820 (Cat
9--1731C Aug. 43. Accessories for Tank Engine , Model erpillar ) .
GAA , V -8 ( Ford ) . +9–1763 8 Dec. 41. Bomb service truck M1 ( GMC ) .
9-1765A 15 Dec. 42. Axles, Propeller Shafts and Wheels for
† Will not be reprinted when present depot stocks are exhausted . Bomb Service Truck M6 ( Chevrolet ) . C 1 , 2.

ORDNANCE - Continued TM
ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE - Continued 9-1802C 21 Dec. 43. Hull and Water Drive for 212 - Ton
TM Amphibian Truck, 6 x 6 (GMC - DUKW - 353) .
9-1765B 25 Feb. 43. Engine Power Train, Braking and 9-1803A 24 Feb. 44. Engine and Engine Accessories for
Steering Systems for Bomb Service Truck M6 14 - Ton 4x4 Truck ( Willys-Overland Model MB and
( Chevrolet ) . Ford Model GPW ) .
9-1767A 18 Dec. 43. Engine and Engine Accessories for 9-1803B 8 Apr. 44. Power Train , Body, and Frame for
Tractor Truck M26, Component of 40-Ton Tank 14 -Ton, 4x4 Truck (Willys -Overland Model MB
Transporter Trailer Truck M25. and Ford Model GPW ) .
9-1767B 27 Dec. 43. Power Train for Tractor Truck M26, 9-1806A 12 May 44. Engine and Engine Accessories for
Component of 40-Ton Tank Transporter Trailer 142 - Ton , 4x2 Truck ( Ford ) .
Truck M25. 9–1806B 24 Jul. 44. Truck, 4 x 2, 113 - Ton , Power Train and
9-1767C 5 Jan. 44. Body, Chassis, and Winches for Tractor Chassis .
Truck M26, Component of 40-Ton Tank Transporter 9-1807 17 Mar. 44 . Power Train , Chassis, and Body for
Trailer Truck M25. 212 - Ton , 6 x 6 Truck and 212- to 5-Ton, 6 x 4 Truck
9–1767E 17 Feb. 44. Semitrailer M15, Component of 40 ( Studebaker Models US6 and US6 x 4) .
Ton Tank Transporter Trailer Truck M25. 9–1808A 3 Sept. 43. Power Plant, Clutch , and Electrical
9-1768A 22 Jun. 45. Tractor Truck M20, Component of System for Basic Vehicles, 34 - Ton, 4x4, and 142
45-Ton Tank Transporter Truck-Trailer M19, En Ton, 6 x 6 ( Dodge ).
gine, Clutch, Fuel System and Cooling System. 9–1808B 17 Nov. 43. Power Train, Chassis and Body for
9-1768C . 25 May 45, 45-Ton, 12-Wheel ( 12dt ) Trailer M9, Basic Vehicles, 34 - Ton , 4x4, and 112 - Ton, 6 x 6
Component of 45 -Ton Tank Transporter Truck ( Dodge ) .
Trailer M19. 9-1811 4 Feb. Power Train, Chassis, Bodies, and
44 .
9-1772A 2 Jul. 43. Engine, Engine Accessories and Clutch Equipment for 4-Ton, 6 x 6 Truck ( Diamond T
for Light Cargo Carrier T24 . Models 968A , 969A, 970A and 972 ) . C 1 .
9–1772B 2 July 43. Power Train, Suspension System. Hull 9-1812 26 May 44. 5 - Ton , 4 x 2, Tractor Truck, C.O.E.
and Hull Electrical System for Light Cargo Carrier ( I.H.C. Models H542-9 & H542-11 Marmon - Herring
T24, ton Model H542-11 and Kenworth Model H542-11 ) .
19–1774 17 Apr. 44. Snow Tractor M7 & 1-Ton Snow Trailer 9-1815A 5 Apr. 44. Engine, Engine Accessories, Clutch,
M - 19.
And Transmission for 242- to 4-Ton, 4 x 4, Truck
9-1775 12 Feb. 44. Clutch, Power Take -Off, Bilge Pump, ( Four Wheel Drive - Model HAR- 1 ) .
Tracks and Suspension and Hull for Landing 9-1815B 7 Mar. 44. Power Train, Chassis and Body for
Vehicles Tracked ( Unarmored ) MK II ( LVT ) ( 2 ) , 212-Ton to 4-Ton, 4 x 4 Truck ( Four Wheel Drive
( Armored ) MK II ( LVT ) ( A ) ( 2 ) ( Armored ) with Model HAR-1 ) .
Turret MK I ( LVT ) ( A ) ( 1 ) .
9-1816 29 Apr. 44 . Power, Train , Chassis, and Body for
†9–1784 5 Oct. 43. Power Train, Track Chains, Hull and
Clutch for Tracked Landing Vehicle MK I ( LVT ) 4- to 5-Ton, 4x4 Tractor Truck. ( Autocar and
Federal ) .
( 1 ) (Amphibian Tractor T33).
9-1785A 27 Mar. 44. Engine, Engine Accessories, and 9-1817 28 Apr. 44. Power Train, Chassis and Body 5- to
Torque Converter for 18-Ton M4 and 38-Ton M6 6 - Ton, Ponton Tractor Truck (Autocar Model U
High Speed Tractors . 8144T ) .
9-1785B 4 Apr. 44. Power Train, Suspension, and Equip- 9–1818A 18 Apr. 44. Engine and Engine Accessories for 10
ment for 18 - Ton High Speed Tractor M4. Ton, 6 x 4 Truck ( Mack ) .
9-1786A 15 Jan. 44. Engine, Engine Accessories, Clutch 9-1818B 7 Jun. 44. Power Train, Chassis and Body for 10
Group, and Propelier Shaft for 13-Ton High-Speed Ton Truck, 6 x 4 ( Mack ) .
Tractor M5 . 9-1821 16 Mar. 44. Power Train, Axles, Bodies, and Frame
9-1786B 25 Feb. 44. Power Train , Track Suspension, and for 242 -Ton , 4 x 2 Dump Truck ( Federal ) .
Equipment for 13-Ton High- Speed Tractor M5 9–1822 12 Apr. 45. Ordnance Maintenance, 21/2 - Ton, 4 x
( IHC ) . 2 Dump Truck ( IHC Model K-7 ) and 37-Passenger
9-1788 22 Sept. 44. Tractor, High-speed 38-Ton, M6 Bus ( IHC Models K-7 and KS - 7 ) .
Power Train, Suspension , Body, and Equipment. -1823 15 Sept. 44. Truck , 5-Ton, 4 x 2, Dump and Tractor
9-1790A 30 Nov. 42. 6-Ton and 20-Ton Trailers (Athey ) . ( IHC Model KR - 11 ) .
9-1795 A 25 Sep. 42. Power Train for Heavy Wrecker M1 9-1824 30 Jun. 45. 142 - Ton, 4 x 2, 29-Passenger Bus ( IHC
Series 2 ( Axles, Transmission , Wheel and Tires ) . Models K-5 and KS - 5 ) .
9-1795B 23 Jan. 43. Engine for Heavy Wrecking Truck 9-1825A 12 Jan. 44. Electrical Equipment ( Delco -Remy ).
M1 .
9-1795C 27 Jan. 43. Crane and Winches, Heavy Wrecking 9-1825B 20 Jan. 44. Electrical Equipment (Auto -Lite ) .
Truck , M1, ( Ward LaFrance) (Kenworth ) . 9–1826A 11 Feb. 44. Carburetors ( Carter) .
9-1795D 27 Jan. 43. Body and Chassis for Heavy Wreck- 9-1826B 1 Apr. 44. Carburetors ( Stromberg ). C 1 .

ing Truck, M1. 9-1826C 15 May 44. Carburetors ( Zenith ) .

9-1796 26 Apr. 44. Crane for Heavy Wrecking Truck 9-1827A 21 Dec. 43. Power Brake Systems ( Bendix - West
M1A1 , (Ward LaFrance and Kenworth ) . inghouse) .
9-1799 23 Apr. 43 . Fire Extinguishers. 9-1827B 1 May 44 . Vacuum Brake System ( Bendix BK ) .
9-1801 10 Mar. 44. Power Train , Chassis, and Bodies for 9-1827C 21 Jan. 44. Hydraulic Brakes (Wagner -Lockheed ) .
243 - Ton , 6 x 6 Truck ( GMC, CCKW-353 and 352 ) . 9-1828 9 Mar. 45. Fuel Pumps.
9-1802A 15 Jul. 43. Power Plant for 242 - Ton Amphibian 9-1829A 15 Apr. 44. Speedometers, Tachometers and Re
Truck, 6 x 6 (GMC - DUKW - 353 & 242 - Ton Truck, corders.
6 x 6 (GMC ) .
9-1802B 23 Nov. 43. Power Train for 242 -Ton Amphibian 9-1832A 17 May 44. Hercules Engines ( Series JX Model
B, C, D, E-3, F and CB-JXD ; Series HX Models C
Truck, 6x6 ( GMC-DUKW-353 ) . and D ; Series RX Models B and C ; Series WXL
† Will not be reprinted when present depot stocks are exhausted. Models C and C-3 ) .

ORDNANCE - Continued TM
ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE-Continued 10-515 25 Sep. 42. The Motorcycle. C 1 .
TM 10-550 27 Dec. 40. Fuels and Carburetion . C 1 .
9–1834A 7 Dec. 44. Vehicular Maintenance Equipment, 10-560 20 May 41. Chassis, Body, and Trailer Units. C 1 .
Grinding, Boring, Valve Reseating Machines and 10-565 8 Mar. 41. Automotive Brakes.
Lathes. 10-580 29 Jan. 41. Automotive Electricity. C 1,2,3.
9-1860 3 Dec. 42. Star -Gaging Equipment, Impression 10-585 10 Apr. 41. Automotive Power Transmission Units.
Outfits, and Pressure Gages. C 1. 10-1101 1 Oct. 41. Maintenance Manual for Truck, Ford,
9–1865 9 Mar. 44. Maintenance of Bomb Disposal Equip 14 - Ton , 4 x 4, 1941. C 1 .
ment for Access and Sterilization . 10-1108 27 Aug. 41. Parts Price List, Truck, 6-Ton, 6 x 6,
9–1868 27 May 43. Tire Repair and Retread. C 1 . Corbitt. C 1 .
9-1879 29 Mar. 44. Motorcycle, Solo ( Harley-Davidson, 10–1110 28 Oct. 41. Maintenance Manual and Parts List,
Model WLA ) . Semitrailer, 2 -Wheel, Trailmobile.
|9–1893A 14 Sept. 43. Engine, Engine Accessories and 10-1116 4 Sept. 41. Parts List 4- 5-Ton, 4 x 4, Tractor
Clutch for Cargo Carrier M28 ( T15 ) . Truck, The Autocar Company.
19-1893B 25 Aug. 43. Power Train , Suspension System , 10-1118 4 Sep. 41. Parts List, 5- 6-Ton, 4 x 4, Ponton Trac
Hull and Hull Electrical System for Cargo Carrier tor - Truck .
M28 ( T15 ) . C 1 ..
10–1120 24 Jul. 41. Parts List, Truck, 12 - Ton , 4 x 4, Dodge.
9–1900 3 Jul, 42. Ammunition , General. C 1 . 10-1122 24 Jul. 41. Parts List, Truck, 12 - Ton , 4 x 4, Dodge.
9–1901 29 June 44. Artillery Ammunition. C1 .
E9–1901 14 May 45. Identification of Japanese Shells and 10-1123 24 Jul. 41. Maintenance Manual , Dodge Trucks, 12
Shell Fragments ; Location of Enemy Batteries . Ton, 4 xX 4. C 1 .
9-1904 2 Mar. 44. Ammunition Inspection Guide. 10–1129 30 Oct. 41. Maintenance Manual, Car, 5 Passenger,
9–1907 23 Sept. 44. Ballistic data, Performance of Am Chevrolet ( BG ) .
munition . 10-1131 1 Dec. 41. Maintenance Manual, Truck, 112 - Ton
9-1940 15 Jul. 43. Land Mines. C 1 . ( LC) , 4 x 4, Chevrolet. Model G - 1723.
* 9–1950 9 Jul. 45. Rockets. 10-1132 22 Oct. 41 . Chevrolet Parts Price List 1942, Left
9-1980 15 Nov. 44. Bombs for Aircraft. Hand Drive, Car, Four Door Sedans.
9-1981 8 Dec. 43. Military Pyrotechnics. 10-1133 1 Oct. 41. Maintenance Manual Chevrolet Passen
9-1990 23 May 42. Small Arms Ammunition. C1,2, 3. ger Car.
9-2200 11 Oct. 43. Small Arms, Light Field Mortars and 10-1139 20 Feb. 42. Maintenance Manual, Truck, 112 - Ton ,
20 -mm Aircraft Guns. 4 x 2, Ford.
9-2210 11 Jul. 42. Instruction Guide, Small Arms Accident 10-1149 28 Aug. 41 . Instruction Manual for Plymouth Cars
Malfunctions, and Their Causes. ( Code P11 ) .
9-2300 7 Feb. 44. Standard Artillery and Fire Control Ma
tériel. 10-1150 28 Aug. 41. Plymouth Passenger Car Parts List
(Model P11 ) .
9-2601 19 Apr. 45. Instruction Guide ; Elementary Optics 10–1151 28 Aug. 41. Maintenance Manual 5-Passenger
and Applications to Fire Control Instruments. Sedan , Plymouth.
9-2602 15 May 42. Instruction Guide, Instrument Repair- 10-1152 21 Nov. 41. Parts List, Truck, 42 - Ton , 4 x 4, Dodge.
10-1153 10 Sep. 4. Maintenance Manual, Truck, 12 - Ton
9-2615 15 Nov. 41. Instruction Guide, Generating Unit, M1. 4 x 4 , Dodge.
C 1.
10-1158 29 Aug. 41. Parts Catalog, Model 50SD6, Prime
9–2681 21 Jan. 42. Instruction Guide, Plotting Boards, M3 Mover, 6-Ton, 6 x 6 Corbitt.
and M4. 10–1168 Sep. 44. Combined Parts List and Maintenance
9–2682 13 Mar. 42. Instruction Guide, Spotting Board, M3. Manual Semitrailer Van 2-Wheel, Highway.
9–2683 14 Mar. 42. Instruction Guide, Plotting Board, M5. 10–1170 18 Sep. 41. Combined Maintenance Manual and
9-2684 8 Mar. 42. Instruction Guide. Sound Ranging Plot Parts List, Trailer, 6- Ton , 2 -Wheel , Winter Weiss.
ting Board , M1 . 10–1178 13 Sep. 41. Parts List, Truck, 112 -Ton, 4 x 4, Dodge,
9-2800 1 Sep. 43. Standard Military Motor Vehicles. ( Model VF404, 405, 406 and 407 ) .
9-2820 3 May 45. Shop Mathematics. 10-1179 13 Sep. 41. Instruction Manual Dodge Trucks
9-2852 3 Jun. 43. Instruction Guide, Welding Theory and Built for United States Army.
Application. C 1 . 10-1180 17 Sep. 41. Parts List, Truck, 12 -Ton, 4 x 4,
9–2853 7 Jul. 45. Preparation of Ordnance Matériel for Dodge .
Deep Water Fording.
9--2854 17 Feb. 45. Ordnance Packaging and Shipping 10–1181 17 Sep. 41. Maintenance Manual, Truck, 14-Ton,
4 x 4 , Dodge.
( Posts, Camps, and Stations ) . 10–1182 26 Sep. 41. Parts List, Truck, 6- Ton , 6 x 6, Mack ,
9-2857 15 May 45. Storage Batteries Lead-Acid Type.
9-2858 8 May 45. Cooling Systems : Vehicles and Pow 10–1133 26 Sep. 41. Maintenance Manual, Truck , 6-Ton,
6 x 6, Mack .
ered Ground Equipment.
9-2865 6 Jan. 44. Instruction Guide, Repair of Slide Fast 10-1193 17 Sep. 41. Instruction Manual, Dodge Trucks,
eners. C1 . 112 - Ton .
9-2900 29 Aug. 40. Military Explosives. 10–1194 17 Sep. 41. Parts List, Truck, 12 - Ton , 4 x 4, Dodge
Models VC-1 and VC-5.
Responsibility for these publications has been transferred 10-1195 17 Sep. 41 . Instruction Manual, Dodge Trucks .
from the Quartermaster General to the Chief of Ordnance.
Other 10-series manuals are listed as Quartermaster General 10–1198 28 Jul. 41. Parts List, Truck, 112 -Ton, 4 x 4, Dodge
Publications. Models WC 4-USA and WC 6- USA Through WC
10-445 12 Nov. 41. The Machinist. 11-USA .
10-450 21 Nov. 41. Sheet Metal Work, Body, Fender, and 10–1200 16 Aug. 41. Parts List for Truck , 1/ 2 -Ton, 4 x 4 ,
Radiator Repairs. Dodge, Models WC 2 through WC 20.
10-455 13 Mar. 42. The Body Finisher, Woodworker, Up. 10-1201 28 Jul. 41. Instruction Manual Dodge Trucks,
holsterer, Painter, and Glassworker. 12 - Ton, 4x4, Chassis Built for U. S. Army. C1 .

ORDNANCE - Continued TM
ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE - Continued 10-1396 16 Dec. 41. Care and Operation with Parts List,
Tractor- Truck, 242 -Ton, 4 x 4, COE, Autocar ( 1941
10-1205 20 Aug. 41. Maintenance Manual, Bantam, Model Model U -4044 ) .
BRC, 4 x 4, 14 - Ton . C1. 10-1400 10 Jul. 41. Parts List, Truck , 112-3 - Ton , 4 x 4, GMC.
10-1211 10 Sep. 41. Instruction Manual Dodge Trucks 10-1410 14 Apr. 42. Parts Price List, Truck , 112 - Ton
Built for U. S. Army. ( LC ) , 4 x 2, Chevrolet Model 4103 ( Jobs 31M-31R ) ,
10-1221 3 Feb. 42. Maintenance Manual, Truck , 6-Ton, 6 x 6, Chassis with Cab Truck.
White. 10-1411 1 Apr. 42. Maintenance Manual, Truck, 142 - Ton ,
10-1241 26 Sept. 41. Maintenance Manual , GMC, Model ( LC ) , 4 x 2, Chevrolet.
ACKWX -353 , Truck Chassis. 10–1435 20 Aug. 42. Maintenance Manual for Ford Truck,
45 SP. 1 1/2 - Ton , 4 x 4.
10-1250 2 Jan. 42. Parts Price List, Truck, 12 - Ton ( LC ) , 10-1436 4 Feb. 42. Parts List, Truck, 12 -Ton , 4 x 2, Ford.
4 x 2, Chevrolet Job, 21G . 10-1440 23 Jan. 42. Operation and Maintenance Manual
10-1251 15 Nov. 41. Maintenance Manual , Truck , 12 - Ton and Parts List, 7 - Ton Semitrailer.
( LC ) , 4x 2, Chevrolet. 10–1442 15 Feb. 42. Parts List, Truck, 12 -Ton , 4 x 4, Dodge.
10-1255 6 Jul. 42. Maintenance Manual, 6 x 4, Transporter, 10-1443 20 Feb. 42. Maintenance Manual, Truck, 12 - Ton ,
Diamond T. Motor Car Co. 4 x 4, Dodge.
10–1281 30 Sep. 42. Trailer, 2 -Wheel, 14 - Ton Bantam 10-1444 2 Mar. 42. Parts List, Truck, 14 - Ton, 4 x 4, Dodge.
Model T3 .
10-1445 15 Mar. 42. Maintenance Manual , Truck, 42 - Ton ,
10-1294 22 Oct. 41. Combined Maintenance Manual and 4x4 , Dodge.
Parts List, Semitrailers , Fruehauf ( Model 200-S ) . 10-1446 23 Jan. 42. Combined Maintenance Manual and
10–1301 15 Oct. 41. Chevrolet Car 1941 Shop Manual. Parts List, Semitrailer, 4-Wheel ( 4DT ) Van Body
10–1303 15 Oct. 41. Chevrolet Shop Manual , 1941 Passen Freuhauf Trailer Co.
ger Cars . 10-1447 10 Feb. 42. Maintenance Manual , U. S. Army
10-1305 15 Oct. 41 . Chevrolet Shop Manual 1941 Trucks . Mack Model NM -5 , 6-Ton , 6 x 6 , Prime Mover Truck.
10-1306 17 Oct. 41 . Chevrolet Parts Price List, Truck 1/2- 10-1462 29 Jul. 41. Parts List and Illustrations, Truck , 5
Ton, 4 x 2 . Ton , 6 x 4, International,
10–1308 1 May 41. Parts Price List, Truck, 12 - Ton , 4 x 2, 10-1463 29 Jul. 41. Maintenance Manual, Truck, 5-Ton, 6 x
Small Cargo and Telephone Maintenance, Chevrolet, 4 , International.
Series 3101 . 10–1467 3 Feb. 42. Operation and Maintenance, White,
10-1312 17 Oct. 41. Chevrolet Car Master Parts Price List. 10-Ton , 6 x 4 Truck, Model 1604 .
10-1316 17 Oct. 41. Parts List, Tractor - Truck , 4 x 2. 10-1477 Feb. 43. Maintenance Manual , U. S. Army, Mack
† 10–1321 15 Mar. 42. Maintenance Manual, Chevrolet Truck Model NM- 5, 6-Ton , 6 x 6, Prime Mover Truck.
112 -Ton ( LC ) , 4 x 2, Truck Cab over Engine. 10-1481 2 Mar. 42. Combined Maintenance Manual and
10-1329 15 Nov. 41. Maintenance Manual , Truck, 142 - Ton ,
Parts List, Bicycles, Columbia.
4 x 2, Ford. 10-1484 20 Feb. 42. Parts and Price List for Motorcycle
10-1340 2 Mar. 42. Parts Price List, Truck , 1 12 - Ton ( LC ) , Indian Model 741 -B.
4 x 2, Chevrolet Model 4109 and Truck, 142 - Ton , 10-1485 20 Feb. 42. Operation and Maintenance, Indian
Dump Body, Chevrolet Model 4103 . Motorcycle, Model 741 - B.
10-1341 1 Mar. 42. Maintenance Manual, Truck, 112 -Ton 10–1486 1 Feb. 41. Body Parts and Price List, Car, Fordor
( LC ) , 4 x 2, Chevrolet. Sedans, Fords.
10-1353 6 Feb. 43 . Parts List and Maintenance Manual
for 6-Ton , 2- Wheel Hobbs Trailers.
10-1504 29 Jul. 41. Parts List and Illustrations, Truck,
212 - Ton , 6 v 6 , International.
10-1354 25 Nov. 41. Parts List, Mortocycles, Service - cars, 10-1505 29 Jul . 41. Operation and Maintenance Manual,
and Side Cars, Harley -Davidson .
10-1368 15 Dec. 41. Parts List, Truck , 12 - Ton, 4 x 4, Dodge. International , 7 1/2- Ton , 6 x6, Truck, Model M-5-6.
10-1369 3 Nov. 42. Operation and Maintenance Manual and 10-1525 18 Mar. 42. Maintenance Manual, 142 -Ton, 4 x 2,
Truck, Models 4403 and 4409, Contract Number DA
Parts List - Semitrailer, 2 -Wheel (2DT ) Gentry W - 398 - QM -418 .
Trailers Built for United States.
10-1372 1 Dec. 41. Combined Parts List and Maintenance
10-1530 26 Mar. 42. Parts List, 34 - Ton, 4 x 4, Dodge
Manual, Semi- trailer, 2 - Wheel, ( 2DT ) , Highway. 10-1541 Truck,
14 Apr.Built
42. for United States
Maintenance ManualArmy.
for Ford Truck,
10-1373 1 Feb. 43. Master Parts List, Autocar. 112 - Ton , 4 x 2, ( Right Hand Drive ) Model 218-TF .
10–1374 Jan. 42. Parts List, Car, Fordor Sedan, 6 -Cylin- 10-1566 23 Jul . 42. Parts List, 4- 5 -Ton , 4 x 4, Tractor
der, 114 " Wheelbase Ford . C 1 . Truck, Model No. U -7144-T, Contract No. W -670
10-1375 4 Feb. 42. Maintenance Manual for Car, Fordor ORD - 3181 .
Sedan Ford Models 2GA73C and 21A73C. 10-1567 1 Nov. 42. Maintenance Manual, 4- 5-Ton, 4 x 4,
10-1377 29 Jan. 42. Operation and Maintenance Manual Tractor- Truck .
Model SU - COE -5-6 - Ton, 4 x 4, Truck. 10-1568 23 Jun. 42. Parts List, 4- 5-Ton, 4 x 4, Tractor
10-1378 1 Feb. 42. Parts List, Truck , 22 - Ton , 4 x 2, Dodge. Truck.
10–1651 20 Nov. 44 . Truck, Fork Lift ( Electric-Spark
† 10-1381 10 Jan. 43. Trailer, 10-Ton, 2 Wheel Van High Proof ) Automatic Transportation Co. Model
10-1392 16 Dec. 41. Combined Parts List and Maintenance 10-1675 27 May 43. Truck Engineering Semitrailer, 6-Ton,
Manual, Truck Chassis, 212 - Ton , 4 x 4, COE Auto Gross Van Type, Model 2SF .
10-1676 20 Mar. 43. Brockway Truck, Models 146-S, 156
10-1394 16 Dec. 41. Combined Parts List and Maintenance 1 , 166- S , 260 - A , B666.
Manual, Truck Chassis, 212 - Ton , 4 x 4, COE Auto- 10–1679 10 Apr. 43. U. S. Army, Mack, Models No. 2, 3 &
6, 712 -Ton, 6 x 6, Prime Mover Trucks.
10-1690 15 Dec. 43. Parts List for Car Passenger, Plym
† Will not be reprinted when present depot stocks are exhausted , outh, Model P14 .

ORDNANCE - Continued TM
ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE - Continued 10-470 24 Jul. 43. Quartermaster Handbook, Car Com
10-1700 20 Aug. 41. GMC Parts Book, 4 x 4 , AFKX-804. 10-590 26 May 41. Hand, Measuring, and Power Tools.
10–1701 Aug. 45. Maintenance Manual, Truck, 4-Ton, 4 x 4, 10-610 12 Jun. 43. Refrigeration. C 1 .
GMC, Model AFKX 804. 10-615 15 Nov. 43. Quartermaster Handbook , Refrigera
10-1702 26 Jan. 42. Parts List for Truck, 142 - Ton , 4 x 2, tion Company.
General Motors Model CF-351 . 10-632 10 May 45. Kits, Fingerprint.
10-1703 1 Oct. 41 . Maintenance Manual, Trucks, 144 -Ton, 10-640 3 Dec. 42. Quartermaster Sterilization Company
4 x 2, GMC. ( Tentative ) .
10-1704 1 Oct. 41. Parts List, Truck, 5- 6-Ton, 4 x 4, COE 10-641 14 Nov. 42. Operating Instructions and Spare Parts
Mack . Manual for Model MSB U.S.Q.M.C. Mobile Steri.
10-1705 29 Aug. 41. Maintenance Manual, Tractor - Truck , lization - Bath Unit U. S. Government Semitrailer
5- 6-Ton, 4 x 4, Mack. Mounted .
10–645 21 Oct. 44. Fumigation and Bath Company.
* 10–702 15 Jul. 45. Heater, Immersion Type for Can, Cor
Other 10 - series TM's are listed with Ordnance Publications 10–704 6 Aug. 45. Heater, Water, Immersion , Gasoline
since responsibility for them has been transferred to the Chief Operated, Tank Trailer. Stock No. 65 - H - 1711.
of Ordnance. 10–707 15 Aug. 45. Outfit Cooking, Pack. ( Stock No. 64-0
214 ) .
10-205 3 Oct. 44. Mess Management and Training. C 1. 10–1134 7 Aug. 41. Parts List and Maintenance Manual ,
10-206 16 Jun. 45. Kitchen Cars, Supplies, Equipment, Portable Gasoline Dispenser ( Model T-1022–6 ) .
and Rations. C 1 .
10-210 23 Sep. 40. Inspection of Subsistence Supplies. 10–1135 6 Jan. 43. Portable Gasoline Dispenser, Habhegger
( Model PD-1 and PD-1A ) Combined Maintenance
10-215 1 Nov. 44. Sales Commissary Operation. C 1 , 2, 3, Manual and Parts List.
10-225 20 Aug. 40. Inspection of Textiles. C 1. 10–1213 3 Jul. 42. Operation and Maintenance Manual
and Parts List. Carter Trailers Built for U. S.
-10-226 3 Jan. 41. Classification, Processing, and Inspec
tion of Leather and Leather Equipment. Army, 6-Ton, Semitrailer, Two-Wheel ( 2DT ) Tex
tile Repair Equipment Van.
10-230 24 Jul. 43. Quartermaster Handbook, Depot Com 10-1295 17 Jun. 42. Operation and Maintenance Manual and
pany, Supply.
10-235 1 Jun. 43. Quartermaster Handbook , Service Com Parts List, Semitrailer Van, Sterilization and Bath,
pany .
10-259 1 Oct. 40. Storage and Issue. C 1 . 10-1307 Dec. 43. Maintenance Manual and Parts List,
Semitrailer 2-Wheel ( 2DT ) , 10-Ton Gross Re
10-260 15 Mar. 43. Quartermaster Salvage, Theater of
Operations. frigerator Trailmobile, Model TD - 42.
10–1313 10 Jul. 42. Semitrailer, Van Type, Refrigerator,
10–265 15 Nov. 43. Quartermaster Handbook, Salvage Re Hyde.
pair Company. 10-1315 15 Jul. 42. Combined Parts List and Maintenance
10–266 1 Jun . 44. Quartermaster Handbook, Salvage Col Manual Semitrailer, 2-Wheel ( 2dt ) , Shoe Repair
lecting Company.
10-275 26 Oct. 44. Principles of Cold Weather Clothing Van ( Model W-8120) and 10-Ton Gross Van ( Model
W - 8125 ).
and Equipment. C 1 . 10-1404 29 Dec. 41. Combined Maintenance Manual and
10-351 21 Sep. 42. Operating Instructions and Parts Parts List, Portable Gasoline Dispenser, Gray.
Lists, Mobile Laundry Unit W -950- QM -3270. 10-1417 1 Aug. 43. Refrigerated Semitrailer, Thermo King
10-352 Mar. 43. Quartermaster Handbook , Laundry Com Model QMC - 1043, Combined Maintenance Manual
pany .
and Parts List .
10-355 1 Dec. 44. Quartermaster Fixed Laundry Procedure. 10-1608 29 Mar. 43. Maintenance Manual and Parts List ,
C 1 , 2.
10-367 31 Oct. 44. Quartermaster Base Depot Company. Semitrailer 2-Wheel ( 2DT ) Refrigerator, Trail
mobile Model TD - 42 .
10-379 15 Nov. 43. Quartermaster Handbook, Railhead 10–1609 22 Sep. 43. Maintenance Manual and Parts List
Company. C 1 .
10–290 28 Feb. 41. Operation of Remount Breeding Serv Semi-Trailer, 2-Wheel, 10-Ton Refrigerator ( Gramm
ice . Model SR-120) .
10-305 18 Dec. 41. Remount. 10–1611 Aug. 43. Combined Operations and Maintenance
10-396 1 Jul. 43. War Dogs. Manual ind Parts List, 10-Ton Refrigerator, Van
10-400 Nov. 44. Stoves, Ranges, Ovens, and Cooking Outfits. Semi-trailers.
10–405 24 Apr, 42. The Army Cook. C 2, 3. 10–1612 30 Aug. 42. Bathing Unit, Field, Portable, Cleaver
10-407 22 Nov. 43. Cooking Dehydrated Foods. C 1.
10-406 Brooks, Model EC_4 .
1 Jul. 43. Cutting of Beef. 10-1613 25 Oct. 43. Maintenance Manual and Parts List,
10–408 1 Jul. 43. Cutting and Preparing Lamb. Semitrailer, 2-Wheel Mobile Laundry Unit, Gramm
Apr. 45. The Army Baker. SL - 226 .
5 Oct. 43. Baking Manual for the Army Cook. 10-1614 9 Jul. 43. Maintenance Manual and Parts List,
10-412 15 Aug. 44. Army Recipes.
10-413 11 Jul. 44. Unit Meat Supply. Semi-Trailer Refrigerating Unit, Contract No.
10-415 24 Jul. 43. Quartermaster Handbook, Bakery Com W950 - qm -4935 and 122 Units.
pany. 10–1616 1 Jan. 44. Combined Operation and Maintenance
10-420 15 Apr. 43. Emergency Food Plants and Poisonous Manual and Parts List for Bath Unit, Field, Mo
Plants of the Islands of the Pacific. bile Model 2B-24 .
10-430 27 Mar. 42. The Saddler. 10-1618 15 Dec. 43. Parts List and Maintenance Manual,
10_465 May 43. Quartermaster Handbook, Gasoline Sup Semitrailer, G-Ton Van Body, 2-Wheel, ( 2DT )
ply Company. Model T-8.

TM †11-228 12 Oct. 42. AN/FRC-1 Radio Set RT-16/FRC-1
10–1619 31 Mar. 45. Quatermaster Materials Handling Radio Receiver and Transmitter C-34 / FRC - 1 Re
Equipment. mote Control Unit.
10-1621 Jun. 44. Heater, Tent, Gasoline Herman-Nelson 11-230C 15 Aug. 44. Radio Set SCR -694 - C .
Model GT - 3000-20 . 11-231 15 Dec. 41. Radio Sets SCR-178 and SCR-179.
10-1622 25 Jan. 44 . Truck, Fork Lift, 6000 lbs. Clark * 11-232 9 Aug. 41. Radio Set SCR-177-B, C 1 .
Utilitruc Cleveland ( 6000 ) . 11-233 31 Mar. 42. Radio Set SCR- 188-A.
10-1623 15 Aug. 45. Tractor ( Wheeled ) , Warehouse, Case 11-235 May 45. Radio Sets SCR - 536 - A , -B, -C , D , -E,
V.A.I.W. ( Gasoline ) . and -F.
10-1624 15 July 44. Tractor, Wheeled, 3,300 lb Drawbar 11-237 14 Mar. 42. Radio Sets SCR-131 and SCR- 161 .
Pull ( International Harvester Model 14 ) . 11-238 17 Apr. 42. Radio Sets, SCR-194 and SCR-195, and
10–1625 13 Jun. 44. Refrigerator, Field, Portable (2642 Auxiliary Equipment. C 1.
Cu. ft. ) . 11-239 14 Aug. 41 . Radio Set SCR-203.
10–1626 15 Jul. 45. Truck, Fork Lift, Gasoline, ( Tow- 11-241 30 May 42. Radio Sets SCR-197-B , SCR- 197-C,
motor - LT -40 and LT - 44 ) . SCR-197- D, SCR-197- E , and SCR-197-F.
* 10–1627 15 Sep. 45. Truck, Fork Lift, Gasoline ( Tow- 11--242 Feb. 45. Radio Set SCR-300-A .
motor - LT -46, 50, 53 , 56, 62 and 72 ) . 11-243 24 Mar. 44. Radio Set SCR-291-A. (Direction
10–1629 21 Sep. 43. Tractor, Warehouse, Model “ LAI” , Finding) ..
7500 Lbs. Drawbar Pull. 11-244 Apr. 45. Radio Set SCR-281-A, -B , and -D.
10–1631 19 Nov. 43. Dishwashing and Sanitizing Machine, 11-245. 30 Jul. 43. Radio Set SCR-511-A , Radio Set SCR
Models 180DA and 300DA . 511-B, Radio Set SCR -511 - ( * ) and Power Supply
* 10–1633 1 Sep. 45. Tractor, Wheeled, Gasoline (Inter Unit PE - 157- (* ). C 1 .
national Harvester - 1-9 Standard and I-9 Special ) . 11-246A 30 Mar. 44. Radio Set SCR- 503-A.
10-1634 8 Aug. 44. Ret igeration Unit, Portable, 125 Cubic 11-246B 4 Mar. 44. Radio Set SCR -503 - B ( Direction - Find
Feet. ing) .
10–1635 26 Mar. 45. Tractor, Wheeled, Gasoline ( Service 11-247 26 Aug. 44. Radio Set SCR - 551 - A and SCR-551-B.
Caster and Truck - “ TT - 3 -ONC ” and “ TT - 45- 11-248 27 Aug. 43. Preliminary Instructions for Radio Dio.
ONC ” ) . rection Finder Central TC - 8 . -
* 10–1636 15 Sep. 45. Truck, Fork Lift, Gasoline (Berry- 11-249 27 Aug. 43. Radio Intercept Central TC-9.
“ FHLT - 3 ” ) ( Now Service Caster & Truck ) . 11-250 28 Oct. 42. Radio Set SCR-288. C 1, 2.
10–1638 15 Dec. 44. Truck, Fork - lift, Clark Car-loaded 11-251 25 Sep. 44. Radio Set SCR-555-A.
( Gasoline ) . 11-254 2 Aug. 44. Radio Set SCR-292 ( Direction-Finding) .
10–1642 15 May 45. Truck, Fork Lift, 15HT, 18HT, & 11-255 29 Sept. 44. Radio Set SCR-556-A.
19HT, Ross Carrier and Aetna Standard Engineer- 11-256 8 Jan. 45. Radio Set SCR-502.
ing. 11-259 16 Jun , 45 .Radio Set AN / PRT-1.
10–1651 20 Nov. 44. Truck, Fork -lift (Electric -Spark- * 11-260 21 Jun . 45. Radio Set SCR-616.
proof ) Automatic Transportation Co. , Model THTF- 11-265 21 Jun. 44.1 Radio Set AN / PRC - 5 .
L. * 11-267 17 May 45. Modulator Equipment AN / TRA - 16
10–1660 15 Jun. 45. Pump, Gasoline Dispensing, Mobile, ( XC-1 ) .
Gasoline-Engine Driven, 100-Gals. per minute (Hab- 11–268 17 May 45. Repeater Equipment AN / TRA-6
begger- “ PM - 100 ” ) . ( XC-1 ) .
* 10–1661 1 Aug. 45. Tractor, Wheeled , Gasoline ( Hebard 11-269 26 Oct. 44. Radio Sets AN/ TRT-1 and AN/
"A- 3 Victory" ) . TRR-2.
10–1667 20 Jun. 45. Tractor, Wheeled, Gasoline (Mercury- 11-270 3 Apr. 454. Radio SET AN/ TRT-2. Addenda .
“ Banty ” ) . 11-272 23 Feb. 42. Radio Sets, SCR -210- A - B - C - D - E - F
10-1668 15 Sep. 45. Outfit, Delousing Gasoline-Engine G-H & J and Radio Sets SCR - 245 - A - B - C - D - E - F
Driven ( Defiance ). G - H - J - K - L - M - N - P . C 1.
* 10–1670 20 Oct. 45. Laundry, Portable, Skid-Mounted , 11-273 May 45, Radio Sets SCR - 193- D , -G ,-H ,-J,-K ,-KB
Small Detachment ( Prosperity— “ LSD ” , “ PLSD " KW ,-L ,-M ,-P , -Q ,-R ,-S - T, and -U .
and American— “ ALSD ” ) . 11-275 24 Jan , 44. Radio Set SCR - 284 - A . C 1 .
10–1674 Apr. 45. Semi-Trailer, 2 Wheel, 10 Ton Gross, 11-277 17 Jun. 44. Radio Set AN / VRC - 1.
Refrigerator ( Hyde Corporation ) . 11–280 22 Jun. 43. Radio Set SCR-299-A, B, C, and D.
15 May 45. Refrigerator, Portable, Chest- type ( 25 C1 .
cu . ft. ) , 11-281 Mar. 45. Radio Sets SCR-399-A and SCR-499-A.
11-300 20 Jul. 44. Frequency Meter Sets SCR-211-A, B,
* 10-1689 9 Oct. 45. Machines Washing Laundry, Domestic
( Thor ) . C , D, E , F, J , K , L, M, N, O , P, Q, R, T, AA, AC,
11-200 31 Oct. 42. Radio SCR-AF- 183 , SCR-AG-183 , AE , AF , AG, AH , AJ , AK , AL.
SCR - AH - 183, SCR-AJ - 183, SCR-AK- 183 , SCR 11-302 May 45. Charging Set, SCR-109.
AL-183, SCR- AL-283, SCR - AN - 183, SCR-AN -283. 11-303 4 Mar. 44. Test Sets 1-56-C, 1-56-D, 1-56-H, and
E11-219 Apr. . 45. Directory of German Radar Equip 1-56 - J .
ment. * 11-304 26 Nov. 43. Frequency Meter Sets 1-129-A and
1-129- B ( Absorption Type ) . .

11-223 30 Apr. 45. Signal Equipment Directory , Power 11-305 29 Aug. 44. Charging Set SCR-606-A.
11-227 10 Apr. 44 . Signal Communication Equipment Di 11-306D 25 Jun. 43. Maintenance Equipment ME - 13 - A ,
rectory, Radio Communication Equipment. ME -13-B, ME - 13 -C and ME - 13 - D . C 1 . !
E11-227 Jun. 44. Signal Communication Equipment Direc
tory, German Radio Communication Equipment. Will not be reprinted when present depot stocks are exhausted .
E11-227A Dec. 44. Japanese Radio Communication Equip 1This Technical Manual is distributed only to interested headquarters
and to individuals whose duties require that they have it . This
ment. Manual must be safeguarded in accordance with provisions of AR 380 5.

TM 11-362 1 Nov. 44. Reel Units RL-31, RL - 31 - B , and RL
11-200 31 Oct. 42. Radio SCR - AF - 183, SCR - AG - 183, 31 -C.
11-307 16 Mar. 43. Signal Generators 1–72 - G and 1–72-H 11-363 26 Jan, 42. Pole Line Construction. C 1 .
and 1-72 - J. C 1 . 11-367 4 Dec.44. Vulcanizing Equipments TE - 54 - A , TE
11-308 13 Jan. 44. Remote Control Unit RM-29- ( * ) . 55-A , TE-54-B and TE-55-B .
11-310 25 Oct. 43. Schematic Diagrams for Maintenance 11-368 5 May 44. Tactical Open Wire Pole Line Construc
of Ground Radio Communication Sets. C 1 , 2, 3, 4, > tion,
5, 6. 11-369 24 Aug. 43. Spiral-Four Cable. C 1 .
11-311 7 May 43. Test Equipment IE-17-E. C 1. 11-370 12 June 44. Plow LC-61 ( Cable ) .
11-312 11 Oct. 43. Remote Control Equipment RC -47 - A , 11-371 12 Oct. 44. Cables WC-534 ( 5-pair) , WC-535 ( 10.
-B, -C, -D, -G, and -J ( Control Unit RM-12– ( * ) pair ) and Cable Assemblies CC-345 and CC-355-A.
and Control Unit RM-13– ( * ) and Associated Equip- 11-374 23 Feb. 44. Tape Facsimile Equipment RC - 58 – B .
ment ) . C 1 . C 1.
11-313 8 Mar. 43. Allen Model E-2 Unitron Rectifier . 11-375B 5 Apr. 44. Facsimile Equipment RC - 120, RC - 120
11-314 30 Nov. 43. Antennas and Antenna Systems. C 1. A and RC - 120 - B and Facsimile Set AN/TXC-1. C 1 .
11-315 10 Oct. 43. Maintenance Equipment ME -40 - ( * ) 11-377 4 Jul. 44. Boehme Automatic Keying and Record
and Maintenance Kit ME-53- ( * ) . C 1 . ing Equipment.
11-317 28 Aug. 43. Technical Manual for Signal Gener- 11-379 23 Sept. 43. Test Set I-51 ( Cable Repairman's ).
ator I-208.
11-380 17 Mar. 44. Converter M-209, M - 209 - A , M-209-B,
11-318 30 Jul. 43. Alignment Equipment ME-73. ( Cipher ).
11-321 23 Jul . 43. Technical Manual for Test Set 1-56-E. 11-382 28 Jan. 44 . Recorder RD-2/GXR.
11-328 21 Oct. 44. Signal Generator Triplett Model 1632. 11-390 23 Sept. 44. Signal Lamp Equipments EE - 80 and
11-330 29 Oct. 43. Switchboards BD-71, BD-72, BD-72-A, EE -80- A.
and BD-72-B. C 1 . 11-391 15 Oct. 42. Signal Lamp Equipment EE -84. C 1 .
11-331 30 Jun . 41. Switchboard BD- 14 . 11-392 30 Jun. 43. Technical Manual for Signal Lamp
11-332 Mar. 45. Telephone Central Office Set TC_4. Equipment SE-11.
11-333 Mar. 45. Telephones EE - 8 , EE - 8 - A , and EE - 8 - B . 11-393 3 Apr. 14. Visual Identification Equipments AN /
11-334 20 Aug. 43. Timing and Telephone Sets ML-110 VVX-1 and AN/VVX-1X.
( * ) and ML - 210 - ( * ). 11-394 15 Mar. 45. Spotlight Set AN/PVQ-1.
11-335 15 Apr. 42. Telephone Central Office Set TC-1 . C 1 . 11-395 27 Jan. 45. Optiphone AN / TVC - 1 ( X0–1 ) .
11-336 10 Jul. 45. Telephone Central Office Set TC- 12. 11-400 18 Jan. 45. Photographic Set PH-261.
11-338 28 July 44. Telephone Central Office Set TC - 10. 11-401 22 Mar. 43. Training Film and Film Strip Projec
C1 . tion.
11-340 19 Oct. 42. Telephone Central Office Set TC-2. 11-402 15 Jun. 44. Reproducing Equipments MC-364-A,
C1 , 2. MC - 364 - B and MC - 364 - C . C 1.
11-341 8 Apr. 43. Telephone Terminal CF-1-A ( Carrier ) 11-403 12 May 43. Identification Equipment PH - 385 .
and Repeater CF-3-A ( Carrier ) . C 1. 11-404 29 May 43, Photographic Darkroom Equipment
11-342 8 Jun. 43. Ringing Equipments. EE-100-T1 , EE (Processing Equipment PH - 395 ).
100 - A ( Voice Frequency ) , and EE-101-A (Voice 11-405 12 May 43. Photographic Dark Room Equipment
Frequency ) . C 1 . ( Processing Equipment PH - 406 ).
11-343 8 Apr. 44. Relay Unit BE-84-A ( Teletype Trunk ) . 11-406 24 Apr. 43. Projector Equipment PH -398.
11-344 8 Jan. 43. Converter M-222. C 1 , 2, 3. 11-407 3 Jul. 45. Projector Equipment PH -408 .
11-345 3 Jul. 45. Cabinet BE-70-A, -B, -C, -D, -E, -F, 11-408 23 Oct. 44. Projectors PH -222 and PH-222-A.
-H, -3, -K, -L, -M, -N, -P, -Q, -R, -S, -U, -AA, 11-409 12 Jun. 44. Photographic Laboratories, Organiza
-AB, Wire Chief's Testing. tion and Operation in Service Commands, Depart
11-346 26 Apr. 44. Test Sets 1-61-A, 1-61 -B, and 1-61-C. ments, and Posts. C 1 .
20 Apr. 43. Telephone Repeater Set TC-29-A. 11-410 Jan. 45. The Homing Pigeon.
* 11-350 30 Jan. 43. Telephone Switchboard BD - 116 - B.
11-351 15 Jun. 45. Telegraph Sets TG-5, TG - 5 - A , and 11-421 6 Oct. 44. Ceiling Light Projectors ML - 121 - A , B,
TG- 5-B .
C, D, E , F, and G.
11-352 Dec. 43. Printers TG-7-A, TG- 7-B & TG-37- B 11-423 7 Oct. 44. Theodolites ML -47 - C Through ML - 47
Chests CH-50-A & CH-50- B chests CH-62-A CH R ; Tripods ML-78-C Through ML-78-R ; Compass
62- B . ML- 197 ; Telescope ML-146 ; Theodolite. ML-247.
11-353 2 Jul . 41. Installation and Maintenance of Tele 11-424 12 Sept. 44. Supports ML - 29 - B , ML - 29 - D , ML
graph Printer Equipment. C 1 , 2, 3. 29- E , Anemometers ML - 80 , ML - 80 - A , ML - 80 - B ,
11-354 28 Mar. 44. Telegraph Printer Sets (Teletype Indicators ML- 117, ML - 117 - A , ML - 117 - B .
writer ) EE -97 and EE-98 ; Teletypewriter Sets 11-425 20 July 44. Barographs ML - 3 - A , ML - 3 - B , ML - 3
C and ML-3 - D .
EE -97-A , EE -98-A and EE-102 .
11-355 16 April 43. Telegraph Terminal CF-2-A (Car 11-426 17 July 44. Thermographs ML-77 and ML - 277.
C 1.
rier ) . 11-427 Nov. 44. Barometers ML - 102 - B , ML - 102 - D , ML
11-355B 8 Nov. 43. Telegraph Terminal CF-2- B (Car 102 - E , ML - 102 - F and ML - 316 / TM .
rier ) . C 1 .
11-356 5 Nov. 43. Radio Teletype Terminal Equipment, 11-428 17 Oct. 44. Barometers, ML - 2 Through ML - 2 - F ;
AN /FGC-1 or AN / FGC - 1X . Cases , ML-48 Through ML-48-E .
11-358 2 July 43. Technical Manual for Telegraph Central 11-429 10 Mar. 44. Wind Equipment SCM-20-A and Wind
Office Set TC-3 . Equipment AN /GMQ- 1. C 1 .
11–359 3 Sep. 43. Line Unit BE-77-A and BE-77-B. C 1. 11-430 16 Jan. 42. Batteries for Signal Communication.
11-360 Oct. 44. Reel Unit RL-26 and RL - 26 - A , B and C. Except those pertaining to Aircraft. C 1 .
11-361 2 Feb. 43. Test Sets EE-65 and EE-65-A through 11-431 16 Jan. 42. Target Range Communication Systems.
G. C 2, 3. 11-432 2 Feb. 42. Code Practice Equipment. C 1 , 2, 3.

SIGNAL - Continued TM
TM 11-406A 14 Feb. 44. Projector Equipment PH-398-A.
* 11-433 17 Aug. 42. Time Interval Apparatus EE-56, EE- 11-499 15 Nov. 43. ( Preliminary ) , Radio Propagation
85, EE -86 - A ; Line Connector Units EE -87; Time Handbook .
Interval Signal BE-65 , and Bell MC- 153 . 11-509 May 45 . Radio Sets SCR-522-A , -T2, SCR - 542
11-433 Apr. 45. Time Control Equipment RC - 133. A , and -T2 .
11-434 12 May 42 . Spotting Set PH - 32 - B . 11-512 30 Nov. 44. Radio Set AN /CRT - 2 . Addenda.
11-434D 25 June 43. Spotting Set PH -32 - D ( Theodolite 11-513 31 Jul . 45. Radio Set AN / CRD - 3.
PH - BG-33 ) . 11-600 25 March 43. Radio Sets SCR-508- ( * ) , SCR - 523
11-435 31 Jan. 44. Public Address Equipment PA -4-C. ( * ) , and SCR - 538 - ( * ) . C 1 , 2.
11-437 30 Nov. 44. Code Training Set AN / GSC-T1 . 11-601 8 Jun . 45. Radio Sets SCR-808-A and SCR
† 11-438 6 Oct. 43. Operations Center AN/TTQ-1 , Portable 828-A .
Filter and Operations Room Unit Assembly. 11-602 15 Dec. 44. Radio Set AN /MRC-1 .
11-439 1 Nov. 43. Flash Ranging Set GR-4-A. 11-605 15 Nov. 43. Radio Sets SCR-509- ( ) and SCR
11-441 25 Oct. 43. Recorder BC-1016. 510- ( ) . C 1 .
11-442 10 May 44. Public Address Set PA-1-F. 11-615 Apr. 45. Radio Sets SCR- 609-A and B and SCR
11-443 25 Oct. 43. Keyer TG-34-A . 610-A and -B .
11-444 12 Jun . 43. Sound Ranging Set GR-3-C. C 1 . 11-617 22 Feb. 45. Radio Set AN / TRC-7.
11-446 28 Dec. 44. Panoramic Adaptors BC - 1031 - A , BC- 11-618 19 Mar. 45. Radio Set AN/TRC-8 ( XC-3 ) Radio
1032-A and BC - 1032 - B . Terminal Set AN / TRC-11 ( XC-3 ) Radio Relay Set
11-447 27 Mar. 44. Keyers, TG-10-A , TG - 10 - B , TG - 10 AN / TRC - 12 ( XC-3 ) .
C, TG - 10 - D , TG-10-F, TG - 10 - G , TG - 10 - H , and 11-619 23 Apr. 45. Radio Set SCR -619.
TG- 10-J . 11-620 1 Jan. 44 . Radio Sets SCR-608-A, -B, -BM and
11-449 Oct. 44. Public Address Set PA-2-B . SCR-628-A , -B and -BM . C 1 .
11-450 9 Mar. 42. Training of Signal Communication 11-625 12 Jan. 44. Radio Set SCR-543-A, Radio Set SCR
Personnel . C1 . 543-B, Radio Set SCR-543- C.
11-453 11 Mar. 42. Shop Work. C 1. * 11-626 20 Jul. 45. Radio Set AN / TRC - 5 ( XC-3 ) .
11-454 12 May 43. The Radio Operator. C 1 , 2. 11-630 1 Nov. 44. Radio Set SCR - 506 - A .
11-455 22 May 44. Radio Fundamentals. 11-631 8 Mar. 45. Radio Set AN / TRC - 6 ( XC-2 ) Repair
* 11-456 15 Jul. 42. Wire Telegraphy. C 1 . and Operating Instructions.
11-457 3 Sept. 42. Local Battery Telephone Equipment. 11-632 13 Jan. 45. Radio Set AN /TRC-6 ( XC-2 ) Descrip
Common Battery Telephone Equip tion and Installation ,
3 Sept. 42.
11-458 ment.
11-633 13 Jan. 45. Radio Set AN / TRC - 6 ( XC-2 ) Pre
* 11-459 9 Aug. 45. International Morse Code (Instruc ventive Maintenance and Auxilliary Equipment.
tions ) . 11-636 14 Mar. 45. Radio Set AN / TRC- 10 .
11-462 25 Sept. 44. Signal Corps Reference Data. C 1 . 11-637 16 Oct. 44. Radio Set AN / VRC-3 .
11-463 5 Sept. 43 . Trunk Line Messenger Service ( Ten
11-638 13 Oct. 44. Radio SET AN/PRC-11 ) . C 1.
11-650 23 Sep. 44. Radio Set SCR -641 - A .
tative ) ( Multilithed ) .
11-464 27 Jun . 45. The Teletypewriter Operator. 11-700 2 Feb. 42. Interphone Equipment RC-53 and RC
53- A .
11-466 29 June 44. Radar Electronic Fundamentals .
11-466 LAB Nov. 44. Laboratory Workbook for TM 11-466 11-702 3 May 43. Interphone Equipment RC-99.
Radar Electronic Fundamentals , 11-705 5 Feb. 42. Interphone Equipment RC - 61 .
11-467 28 Apr. 44". Radar System Fundamentals. 11-710 13 April 42. Interphone Equipments RC-48 and
11-468 Dec. 44. Substation Maintenance. RC-60.
11-469 Dec. 44. Communication Security. 11-715 13 Apr. 42. Interphone Equipment RC-38.
11-470 21 Jul. 45. Radio Counetrmeasures.
* 11-471 30 Jul . 45. Manual Telephone Central Office In 11-750 26 Oct. 44. Radar Antijamming for the Operator.
stallation . 11-751 Nov. 44. Radar Antijamming for the Technician .
11-472 Dec. 44. Repair and Calibration of Electrical Meas 11-755 Apr. 45. Grounds, Grounding Procedure, and Pro.
uring Instruments. tective Devices for Wire Communication Equipment.
11-473 15 June 44. Central Office Maintenance. 11-800 12 Nov. 42. Radio Transmitters BC - 191 - A , BC
11-474 30 June 44. Substation Installation . 191 - B , BC-191-C, BC-191 -D, BC-191-E, BC-191-F,
BC-191 -N and BC - AA-191 . C1 .
11-475 28 Oct. 44. Principles of Long Distance Telephone
and Telegraph Transmission. 11-801 18 Jan. 43. Power Amplifier BC-340-G and Water
Cooling Unit RU -2- A.
11-483 Nov. 44. Suppression of Radio Noises.
11-802 7 Feb. 44. Radio Transmitters, Wilcox Types 96
11-484 Mar. 45. Elementary Military Cryptography, 200A and 96-200B .
11-485 8 June 44. Advanced Military Cryptography. † 11-803 7 Feb. 44. Radio Transmitters, Wilcox Types 960
11-486 25 Apr. 45. Electrical Communication Systems En. and 96C3 ; Rectifier Unit, Wilcox Type 36A ; Modu
gineering lator Unit, Wilcox Type 50A .
11-487 2 Oct. 44 . Electrical Communication Systems 11-805 8 June 42. Transmitting Components of Radio Set
Equipment. SCR- 197 - C, Radio Set SCR-197- D , and Radio Set
11-496 Nov. 44. Training Text and Applicatory Exercises SCR- 197 - F .
for Amplitude-Modulated Radio Sets. * 11-811 8 Jan. 45. Radio Transmitter BC -445-J and Re
11-498 4 Oct. 44. Fundamentals of Telephony and Manual mote Control Unit RM-45 -A .
Telegraphy. * 11-816 23 Apr. 45. Radio Transmitting Equipment RC
263 .
#Will not be reprinted when present depot stocks are exhausted. 11-817 1 Apr. 43. 25 Watt Airport Control Transmitter
1This Technical Manual is distributed only to interested headquarters
and to individuals whose duties require that they have it. This Technical Equipment Radio Transmitter BC - 329 - J, Remote
Manual must be safeguarded in accordance with provisions of AR 380-5 . Control RM-6-J , Mocrophone T-27-L.

SIGNAL - Continued TM
TM * 11-894 10 Sep. 45. Instruction Book for Navy Models
11-817A 27 Jan. 45. 25 - Watt Airport Control Transmit RBA , RBA-1 , RBA-2, and RBA-3, Radio Receiving
ter Equipment ; Radio Transmitter BC - 329 - L , Re Equipments, Fréquency Range : 15 to 600 KC.
mote Control Unit RM-6-J , and Microphone T- * 11-895 27 Mar. 45. Instruction Book for Navy Model
27-P. RBZ Radio Receiving Equipment Range 5–13-MC.
11-818 5 Jan. 45. Radio Transmitters 33A and 34A . * 11-900 20 Sep. 45. Power Units PE - 75 - C , D , J, -K,
11–820 10 Nov. 44. Radio Transmitter T - 4 / FRC, Radio --P , -S, -T, -U, -W, -AA, -AB, -AC, and -AE .
Transmitter T-5 / FRC , Power Rectifier PP-1 / FRC , 11-903 14 Oct. 43. Power Unit PE-77- ( ) . C 1 .
Modulator MD-1 / FRC , Switch Panel SA-2 / FRC, * 11-904 7 Jul. 45. Power Units PE-95-A, -B, -C, -F, -G ,
Oscillator 0-2 / FRC, Amplifier AM-2 / FRC. and -H .
* 11-821 18 Sep. 45 . Radiotelegraph Transmitter, Press 11-905 15 Jul. 44. Power Unit PE -92-B ,
Wireless Type PW-15A. 11-909 15 Jan 44. Power Units PE-74, PE-74-A , PE-74-B
11-822 29 Feb. 44. Radio Transmitter 149-A. and PE - 74 - D . C 1 .
11-823 1 Sept. 43. Radio Transmitter-Receiver Type 1505 11-911 9 Jan. 43. ower Units PE -78-G and H.
( 250 Watts ) and Associated Equipment. 11-912F 17 Oct. 44. Power Unit PE -79-F .
11-824 1 Feb. 44. SST-101 Radio Transmitter Telegraph- 11-913 22 Jun. 43. Power Unit PE -214-A.
Ten phone ( Tertative ). 11-914 25 Feb. 43. Power Unit PE -201 -A.
11-825 29 Mar. 44. Portable Radio Broadcast Transmitter 11-914C 26 Nov. 43. Power Unit PE -201 -C .
TWT PB-50A . 11-915 1 Jun , 45. Power Units, PE-84, PE-84-A, PE
11-827 28 Mar. 44. Radio Transmitter BC - 447 - F . 84-C and PE - 84- D .
11-828 24 Aug. 44. Radio Transmitter BC - 365 - F and Re 11-916L 25 Jun, 45. Power Unit PE -85-L.
mote Control Unit RM - 10 - F . 11-916M 16 Mar. 45. Power Unit PE - 85 - M .
11-829 26 Jan. 43. Radio Set AN /VRC - 4 and Transmit 11–920 May 45. Power Unit PE -49 - C , D , -F, and -G
ter Type TS25–3 and Receiver Types RS25–3 and and Motor Generator MG-37-A.
R $ 25-4 . 11-921 15 Sep. 43. Power Unit PE-137-A. C 1 .
11-830 Aug. 44. Model ET - 8026 Lifeboat Radio Transmitter 11-923B 15 Dec. 43. Power Unit PE-99-B.
Portable. 11--923E 27 Dec. 43. Power Unit PE-99- E .
11–831 31 May 45. Radio Telegraph Transmitter (Radio 11-923F 28 Dec. 43. Power Unit PE -99-F .
marine Model ET 8003 ) . 11-923G 27 Dec. 43. Power Unit PE-99-G.
11–834 5 Feb. 45. Radiotelegraph Transmitter ( Press 11-925 12 April 44. Power Unit PE- 185-A.
Wireless Type PW -981 - A ). 11-925B 5 Aug. 44. Power Unit PE-185-B .
11-835 28 May 45. Radio Telegraph Transmitters ( Press 11-927 8 Jan. 44. Power Unit PE-108, ( A, B, C, D, & E ) .
Wireless Types PW - 40 - B and PW -40 - BA ). 11-928 7 Sep. 43. Power Unit PE -82-E .
11-837 26 May 45. Radio Transmitter T-83 / SR . 11-929 21 Jul . 43. Power Unit PE- 145-A .
11-838 10 May 45. Radiotelegraph Transmitter T-50-M . 11-930 6 Jun . 44. Power Unit PE -245-A .
911-843 25 Jan. 45. Radiotelephone Transmitter (Halsted 11-931 8 June 43. Power Equipment PE-127-A.
Type 10-LFA ) . 11-932 7 Oct. 44. Power Unit PU-8/TTQ-1 .
11–845 14 Nov. 44'. Transmitting Set AN/TPT-1 . C 1 . 11–933 26 July 44. Power Unit PU-6/TPS-1.
11-850 15 Mar. 44. Radio Receivers BC-312- ( * ) , BC- 11-934 11 Sep. 43. Dynamotor Unit BD-77-C. C 1 .
312- ( * ) X, BC-342– ( * ) , BC- 314 - (* ) , and BC -344 11-935 31 Mar. 44. 112 -KVA Kohler Power Unit Model
( * ) . C1 . 1M21 -A.
* 11-853 29 Nov. 44. F3 Receiver, Wilcox Electric . 11-936 Mar. 45. Power Unit PE - 198 - C .
11-859 2 Mar. 43. Radio SCR-593-A and SCR-593-C. 11-937 15 Dec. 44. Power Unit PE-183-A.
C 1 , 2. 11-939 4 Oct. 44. Power Unit PE-182.
11-861 28 Aug. 42. Radio Set SCR-255 ( Direction Find 11-940 5 Sep. 44. Power Unit PE-197.
ing ) . C 1 . 11-941 6 Mar. 45. Power Unit PE -215-B .
11-862 5 Oct. 43. Radio Set SCR-504-A ( Direction Find 11-941C 6 Jan. 45. Power Unit PE-215-C.
ing ) . 11-942D 15 Jan. 45. Power Unit PE-142-D.
11-866 31 Aug. 43. Radio Receivers BC-779-B, BC-794 -B , 11-944 2 Jan. 45. Power Unit PU-30/F .
and BC- 1004 -C, and Power Supply Units RA-74-C, 11-945 15 May 44. Power Unit PE-214-B.
RA-84- B, and RA -94-A . 11-946 21 Oct. 44. Power Unit PE - 167 - A .
11-867 21 Jul. 44. Radio Receiver BC-787-B. 11-947 29 Aug. 44. Power Unit PE -210.
11-868 21 Nov. 42. Radio Receiver 128-AY . 11-951 4 Jun. 45. Rectifiers RA - 36 - J, K , L , -N , and
-Q, and Rectifier 6RB6B17 .
11-872A 26 Jun. 44. Diversity Receiving Equipment AN / 11-953 7 Apr. 45. Rectifier RA-120.
FRR-3A .
11-954 29 Mar. 44. Rectifier RA -43 - B , C 1 .
11-873 12 Nov. 43. Radio Set SCR -614 - A , Radio Receiver 11-955 21 Jun. 44. Rectifier RA-37.
BC-969-A, Power Supply Unit RA-61-A, C 1 . 11-957 19 June 43. Rectifier RA-87. C 1 .
11-874 22 Nov. 44. Radio Receiver AN/GRR-2 ( Hallicraft.
ers Model SX-28-A ) . 11-959G 19 Feb. 43. Rectifiers RA-34-F and RA - 34 - G .
11-875 22 Aug. 44 . Intermediate and High Frequency 11-960 27 Dec. 44. Power Unit PU-32/C .
11-961 25 Nov. 43. Rectifier RA-34-H .
Receiver. Model AR -8506 - B .
11-876 4 May 44. Radio Receiver R - 80- ( ) / PR (Halli 11-962 15 Sept. 44. Rectifier RA-63- B.
11-963 7 Jan. 44. Rectifier RA - 83 - A . C 1 .
crafters Sky Ranger Model S-39 ) .
11–964 5 May 44. Rectifier RA-91 and RA-91-A . C 1 .
11-878 10 May 45. Radio Receiver R-96 / SR . 11-965 20 Mar. 44. Rectifier Power Unit PP-34 / MSM . C 1 .
11-879 23 Apr. 45. Receiver - Transmitter BC-1335. 11-966 13 Apr. 44. Rectifier Power Unit PP-147/G. C 1.
11-881 12 Feb. 45. Radio Receiver ( Hallicrafters S-37) .
11-967 18 Sept. 44. Power Transfer Panel CN-22/F.
11-968 10 Jan. 45. Rectifier Power Unit PP-108/TG.
#Will not be reprinted when present depot stocks are exhausted .
11-969 20 Nov. 44. Motor Generator PU -33 / C .
1This Technical Manual is distributed only to interested headquarters 11-970 31 May 45. Power Unit PE -205-B.
and to individuals whose duties require that they have it. This Technical * 11-971 2 Jul. 45. Power Unit PE -162-B .
Manual must be safeguarded in accordance with provisions of AR 380-5.

SIGNAL - Continued TM
TM 11-1113B 22 Sep, 42'. Radio Equipment RC -100- B - Pre
11-972 2 Jun. 44. Power Unit PE - 235 - A . liminary.
* 11-974 23 Jun. 45. Power Unit PU - 21 / U . 11-1119 Apr. 45. Radio Set SCR-527-A .
11-975 17 Nov. 44. Power Unit PU-35/U. 11-1122 6 Apr. 43. Detector Sets SCR - 625 - A , SCR-625-B,

11-976 17 Nov. 44. Power Unit PU-26/ U. SCR-625- C , SCR -625 - D , and SCR- 625-E ( Anti
11–977 3 Apr. 45. Rotary Converters ( Pioneer Gen - E Tank Mine, Portable ) and Detector, Anti-Tank Mine,
Motor Models Nos. 3K50, 1K50, 2K20, 2K30X , Portable M- 1 . C 1.
2K50X, 2DL60, and 2R200) . & SCR-602-16.
11-978 21 Nov. 44. Meter Generator PU-20/C. 11-1126 23 Sept. 43.1 Operation of Radio Sets SCR - 602 - A
11-979 20 Mar. 45. Rectifier Power Unit PP-77/FSM-1 , 11-1128 10 Mar. 43. Calibrators BC -726 - A , 1-147, 1-156,
11-980 19 Jan. 45. Power Unit PU-58/ G . and 1-168.
11-982 23 Apr. 45. Battery Charger PE-219. 11-1133 25 Sep. 44.1 Radio Equipment RC - 192 - A .
11-983 27 Feb. 45. Vibrator Power Supply PP - 114 /VRC- 11-1138 26 Oct. 44. Detector Set AN / VRS-1 .
3. 11-1140A 16 May 44.' Beacon Transmitter Receiver * AN /
11-1000 15 Feb. 42. Contactor Unit BC - 608 - A . PPN -1A .
11-1033 16 Nov. 42. Installation of Antenna Conversion 11-1145 19 Aug. 44.1 Beacon Transmitter -Receiver AN/
Kits on Radio Sets, SCR - 270- ( ) and SCR -271- ( ) . PPN -2.
11-1039 21 Apr. 43. Signal Generator 1-122-A. 11-1148 22 Jan. 44. Range Calibrator I- 146 .
11-1043 1 Dec. 43. Test Equipment RC - 70- ( ) . 11-1149 27 Jan. 454. Radar Set AN/ TPX-1 .
11-1048 14 Nov. 42. Calibrator BC -725 - A . 11-1151 15 April 44. Detector Set AN / PRS - 1.
11-1049 1 Jul. 43. Switchboard BD- 116-A . 11-1157 27 Dec. 454. Addenda Beacon Transmitter- Re
11-1051 20 Jan. 44. Range Calibrator 1–178 and 1–178–A. ceiver AN / TPN - 2.
11-1053 1 Aug. 44. Test Equipment RC-68 and RC - 68 – A . 11-1158 1 Nov. 43. Radio Set SCR-658-T1 and Accessories.
11-1055 28 Mar. 45. 6 - KW R-F Amplifier PA-1A , Rec- 11-1158A 27 Feb. 45. Radio Set SCR-658.
tifier RA-1A and Antenna Tuning Unit AT-1A. 11-1159 15 Aug. 44. Radar Set AN / TPX-3 .
11-1056 1 Dec. 43. Trailer K-34-D. 11-1160 28 Dec. 44. Radar Set AN / TPX - 4 ,
11-1057 15 Sep. 43. Aided -Azimuth - Tracking Kit No. 11–1200 11 Apr. 45 '. Radar Test Equipment Application ,
A96-P1 . Description , and Performance Characteristics.
11-1059 2 Aug. 43. Antenna Position Controls MC - 298A 11-1203 20 Jun . 44. Preliminary Instruction Book for
& MC-298B , ( Conversion Kits for Radio Sets SCR Navy Model BN, Radio Equipment.
270 ( ) & SCR-271 ( ) . ) C 1 , 2 . 11-1204 1 Nov. 44. Voltohmmeter, Weston Model 772, Type 6.
†11-1060 1 Sep. 43. Radio Transmitter BC-677 & Associ- 11-1205 15 Nov. 44. Noise Generator TS - 195 /GP .
ated Equipment Knit No. 68-X2 . 11-1206 15 Nov. 44 *. Radio Frequency Bridge TS-196/
11-1062 10 April 44. Trainer BC-968-A. CPM – 4, and Thermistor Probe TS - 194 /CPM - 4.
11-1063 1 Nov. 43. Signal Generator I- 126. 11-1207 4 Dec. 44. Signal Generator TS- 197/CPM-4 .
11-1064 15 Nov. 43. Range Calibrator 1–144. 11-1208 11 Dec. 44. Oscilloscope TS-198/CPM-4 .
11-1065 1 Feb. 44. Sweep Generator MI - 18709 - B. 11-1209 20 Nov. 44. Test Set 1-157-A ( Tube and Set Test
11-1066 1 Apr. 44. Oscilloscopes BC - 1233 and BC-1233-A. er, Precision Model 920P ) .
11-1067 6 Dec. 44 , Oscilloscope TS-34 /AP. 11-1211 24 Feb. 454. Test Set AN / MPM-2.
* 11-1067A 17 Feb. 45. Oscilloscope TS-34A /AP. 11-1212 21 Dec. 441. Echo Box TS-207/ UP.
11-1075 15 Jun . 44. Antenna AN-161 . 11-1213 15 Jan. 45. Oscilloscope 1-134-C ( Oscilloscope,
11-1076 1 Feb. 45. Adcock Radio Range Station Antenna Modern Electronic Model 830 ) .
Conversion Kit for Radio Transmitters BC-446-A , 11-1215 1 Nov. 44 . Test Set TS - 258 /UP .
-B, -C, -D, -E , -F, -H Voice Conversion Kit for 11-1217 24 Feb. 45. Power Meter TS -125 /AP.
Radio Transmitters BC-446-A , -B , -C , -D, -E , -F , 11-1219 23 Jan. 451. Test Set TS-172/ UP.
-H Impedance Measuring Box Type 470-2A Remote 11–1221 2 Apr. 45. Test Set, AN /MPM - 5.
Control Unit RM - 45 - A . 11-1222 9 Mar. 45. Test Set, AN /MPM - 4.
11-1077 3 Aug. 44. Radio Transmitting Set AN / CRN-11 . * 11-1226 31 Aug. 45. Calibrator 1-240 .
11-1078 23 Jan. 45 . Clamp-Ammeter ( Weston Model 633 ) . 11–1227 17 May 45. Calibrator, I-189-A.
11-1080 31 Oct. 44. Test Set AN / GPM-1 . C 1 .
11-1081 7 Nov. 44. Test Set AN/MPM-1 . 11-1230 23 Mar. 45. Test Set AN /MPM - 3.
11-1082 15 Jul . 44. Signal Generator I-222- A . 11–1233 24 Feb. 45'. Signal Generaor TS - 343 / U .
11-1083 28 Apr. 45. ' Echo Box TS-280 / TPS-3. 11-1238 8 Nov, 44 . Signal Generator TS-35 /AP.
11-1085 30 Mar. 45 . Radar Search Central AN/TPQ-1. * 11-1238A 11 Oct. 45. Signal Generator TS-35A /AP.
C 1.
* 11-1239 17 Mar. 45. Voltmeter TS - 363 / U .
* 11-1086 14 Jun . 45. Echo Boxes TS-270 /UP and TS
270A / UP . 11-1241 8 Jun . 45. Test Set AN /MPM - 7 .
11-1089 23 Jan. 45. Test Meter TS-199/ CPM-4. 11–1242 7 Jun 45. Crystal Rectifier Test Set TS - 268 / U .
11-1090 1 Jul . 43. Trailers K-76-A and K-77-A. 11-1243 2 Jun. 45'. Test Set TS-159/ TPX.
11-1100 3 Dec. 42. Radio Set SCR - 270 - B .
* 11-1244 22 Mar. 45. Voltmeter IS- 189 .
11-1104 10 Jun . 424. Instruction Book for Range Calibra- * 11-1247 11 Jul . 45 . Test Set TS-147/UP.
tor 1-108. 11-1248 20 Jun. 45. Test Set AN/MPM-6,
11-1109 15 May 431. Radio Scts SCR-547-A & SCR
547-B. C1 . 11-1305 20 Jul . 44 . Technical Operation Manual for Radio
Set SCR-296- A .
11-1110M 20 Dec. 44. Radio Set SCR-271-D Instruction 11-1306 12 Jul . 44. Technical Operation Manual for Radio
Manual . Sets SCR-268 , SCR-268- B , SCR-268-C and Radio
Sets SCR-516, SCR -516-C and SCR-516- D , and
1This Technical Manual is distributed only to interested headquarters SCR-516- E .
and to individuals whose duties require that they have it. This Technical
Manual must be safeguarded in accordance with provisions of AR 380-5 . 11-1308 29 Jul. 44. Radio Equipment RC-182-A and RC
Will not be reprinted when present depot stocks are exhausted , 282-A . Technical Operations.

SIGNAL - Continued TM
TM 11-1355 10 Jan. 45. Radar Set AN/CPS-5 Technical Op
11-1310 21 Sep. 44. Operating Instructions, Equipment eration Manual , General Description, Operating In
Performance Log, & Corrective Measures For Radio structions, and Equipment Performance Log.
Sets SCR-270-B, -C, -D, -E, -BA, -CA , SCR - 271- 11-1361 31 Jul. 44. Technical Operations Radio Set SCR
A, -AA, AAA, -AB, -B, -BA, -D, -E, -F, -G , 682-A, General Description, Operating Instructions
-H, -J, -K, -L, -M. and Equipment Performance Log.
11-1312 20 Jul. 44. Technical Operation Manual Radio Sets 11-1362 10 Mar. 45. Radio Equipment RC - 384, ( Technical
SCR-582-A and SCR-582-T6, General Description, Operations Manual, General Description, Operating
Operating Instructions and Equipment Performance Instructions, and Equipment Performance Log ). C 1 .
Log. 11-1366 15 Mar. 45. Radar Set AN /MPG - 1 and Radar
11-1315 29 Jul. 441 . Technical Operation for Radio Equip Set AN /FPG - 1 Technical Operation Manual, Gen.
ment RC - 127 - A . eral Description, Operating Instructions, and Equip
11-1316 8 Nov. 44.1 Radio Equipment RC - 207 - A , Technical ment Performance Log.
11-1368 12 Dec. 44. Radar Set AN/TPS-10 Technical Op
Operation Manual.
eration Manual ( General Description, Operating In
11-1317 25 Jul. 444. Technical Operation Manual for Radio structions, and Equipment Performance Log. )
Equipment RC - 150 - B . RC - 150 - C , RC - 150 - D , RC
151 , RC - 151 - A , & RC - 151 - D . 11-1370 29 Jul. 44. Technical Operation Radio Sets SCR
11-1318 14 Aug. 44. Technical Operation , Radio Equip
270 - BB, -CB, -DA, -EA, and SCR-271-AAB, -AC,
ments RC - 148, RC - 148 - B and RC - 148 - C . -BB, -DA, -EA , -FA , -GA, -HA, JA, -KA, -LA,
and -MA with CONSOLE.
11-1319 10 Jun. 44. Radio Set SCR -527 - A , Technical Oper 11-1405 12 Jul. 44. Radio Set SCR-296-A, Preventive Main
ation, Operating Instructions, Equipment Perform tenance . C 1 .
ance and Corrective Measures.
11-1406 27 Jul. 44. Preventive Maintenance Manual, Ra
11-1320 5 Sept. 44.' Radio Set SCR - 627 - A . Technical Oper dio Sets SCR-268, SCR-268-B , SCR-268-C, SCR
516, SCR -516 - C , SCR-516-D, SCR-516-E. C 1 .
* 11-1321 23 Oct. 44. Radio Equipment RC-188-A, Technical 11-1408 27 Jul. 44. Radio Equipment RC- 182-A and RC
Operations Manual. 282-A, Preventive Maintenance Manual.
11-1324 20 Dec. 43. Radio Set SCR-584, Technical Opera
11-1410 21 Jun. 44. Preventive Maintenance Manual, for
tion ( General Description , Operating Instructions, Radio Sets SCR - 270 - B , SCR -270 - C , SCR - 270 - D ,
and Equipment Performance Log) . C1 . SCR -270 - E , SCR-270-BA, SCR-270-CA, SCR-271,
11-1326 15 May 44. Radio Sets SCR - 602 - T6 and 602-A, SCR-271-A, SCR-271-AA , SCR-271-AAA, SCR
Technical Operation.
271 -AB, SCR-271-B, SCR-271 -BA , SCR-271-D,
11-1327 25 Jul. 44. Technical Operation for Radio Set SCR -271- E , SCR -271 - F, SCR - 271 - G , SCR-271-H,
SCR - 271 - J, SCR -271- K , SCR -271 - L , SCR -271- LA ,
11-1329 30 Dec. 43. Radio Set SCR-588- ( ) , Technical SCR-271-M.
Operations Manual.
11--1412 25 Jul. 44. Preventive Maintenance Manual, Ra
11-1331 31 Jul. 44. Technical Operation, Radio Equipment dio Set SCR - 582 - A and SCR - 582 - T6 . C 1 .
RC - 145 - A . 11-1415 2 Aug. 44. Preventive Maintenance - Radio Equip
11-1332 3 Aug. 44. Technical Operation Manual Radio ment RC- 127- A .
Equipment RC-184. 11-1416 25 Oct. 44. Radio Equipment RC - 207 - A . Preven
11-1334 10 Aug, 441. Technical Operations, Radio Equip tive Maintenance Manual .
ment RC - 215 - A , General Description, Operation In 11-1417 1 Aug. 44. Radio Equipments RC - 150 - B , RC-150
structions and Equipment Performance Log. C, RC-150-D, RC - 151 , RC-151-A, RC - 151 - D . Pre
11-1339 29 Sept. 44. Radio Set AN / TPS - 2, Technical Op ventive Maintenance Manual.
erations Manual . C 1 .
11–1418 14 Aug. 44. Preventive Maintenance. Radio Equip
11-1340 1 Mar. 44. Technical Operation Manual for Radio ments RC - 148, RC-148-B, and RC-148-C.
Set AN / TPS- 3. 11-1419 28 Jul. 44. Preventive Maintenance Manual - Ra
11-1341 20 July 44. Technical Operation Radio Set SCR dio Set SCR-527-A.
615 - A . 11-1420 12 Aug. 44. Preventive Maintenance, Radio Set,
11-1342 18 July 44. Technical Operation Manual Radio Set SCR-627 -A .
SCR -636 - A . 11-1421 19 Oct. 44. Radio Equipment, RC - 188 - A Pre
11-1343 . 1 July 44.1 Radio Set AN/MPN-1 , Technical Oper ventive Maintenance Manual.
ation . 11-1424 10 Jan. 44. Radio Set SCR-584, Preventive Main
11-1344 15 Dec. 44 . Radio Set AN/CPS-1 Technical Oper . tenance. C 1.
ation Manual General Description , Operating In 11-1426 30 Jun . 44. Radio Sets SCR --602 - A and SCR - 602
structions, and Equipment Performance Log. T6, Preventive Maintenance Manual.
11-1346 9 Aug. 441. Technical Operation Radio Equipment 11-1427 1 Aug. 44 . Preventive Maintenance Manual - Ra
RC - 350 and RC - 351. dio Set SCR-545-A .
11-1347A 1 Sep. 44 . Radio Set AN / TPS - 1A . Technical
11-1429 25 May 441. General Preventive Maintenance for
Operation Manual, General Description, Operating Radio Set SCR-588.
Instructions, and Equipment Performance Log. 11-1431 2 Aug. 44. Preventive Maintenance, Radio Equip
11-1350 Nov. 44. Technical Operation Radio Equipment ment RC- 145-A .
RC - 246 - A . C 1 .
11-1352 22 Nov. 44. Radar Set AN - TPL - 1 Technical Oper 11-1432 18 June 44. Preventive Maintenance Manual , Radio
ation Manual . C 1 . Equipment RC-184.
11-1334 1 Mar. 45. Radio Set SCR-784 Technical Opera- 11-1434 26 Jul. 44. Preventive Maintenance, Radio Equip
tion Manual General Description , Operating Instruc ment RC-215-A .
tions, and Equipment Performance Log. 11-1439 22 Sept. 44. Radio Set AN / TPS - 2, Preventive
1This Technical Manual is distributed only to interested headquarters 11-1440 1 March 44. Radio Set AN/TPS-3 ( Preventive
and to individuals whose duties require that they have it. This Technical
Manual must be safeguarded in accordance with provisions of AR 380-5 . Maintenance Manual ) . C 1 .

SIGNAL - Continued TM
11-1531 26 Aug. 44. Service : Manual , Radio Equipment
11-1441 22 Jul . 44 . Preventive Maintenance, Radio Sets RC - 145 - A .
SCR -615 - A . 11-1532 14 Aug. 44. Service Manual for Radio Equipment
11-1442 1 Aug. 44 . Preventive Maintenance Manual for RC - 184 .
Radio Set SCR- 636-A . 11-1534 22 Sep. 44.1 Service Manual for Radio Equipment
11-1443 1. July 44.1 Radio Set AN/MPN -1 , Preventive RC-215-A .
Maintenance Manual. 11-1539 10 Oct. 44. Service Manual for Radio Set AN/
11-1444 15 Dec. 44. Radio Set AN / CPS-1 Preventive TPS-2.
Maintenance Manual. 11-1540 1 Mar. 44. Radio Set AN/TPS-3, Service Manual.
11-1446 7 Aug. 44. Radio Equipments RC-350 and RC- 11-1541 Dec. 44.1 Service Radio Set SCR -615 - A .
351 , Preventive Maintenance. 11-1542 24 Oct. 44 '. Radio Set SCR -636 - A , Service Manual,
11-1447A 9 Sept. 44. Radio Set AN/TPS-1A, Preventive 11-1543 20 Sept. 44.1 Radio Set AN /MPN - 1 Service Man
Maintenance Manual . ual.
11-1450 9 Oct. 44. Preventive Maintenance Manual , Ra- 11-1544 15 Dec. 44. Radio Set AN /CPS - 1 Service Manual,
dio Equipment RC-246. Theory, Trouble Shooting and Repair.
11-1452 5 Dec. 44. Radar Set AN / TPL - 1 Preventive 11-1546 21 Sept. 44 " . Service Manual, Radio Equipment
Maintenance Manual. RC - 350 and RC - 351 Theory, Trouble Shooting and
11-1454 1 Mar. 45, Radio Set SCR-784 Preventive Main Repair .
tenance Manual . 11-1547A 29 Sept. 44'. Radio Set AN / TPS - 1A Service
11-1455 28 Dec. 44. Preventive Maintenance Manual Radar Manual.
Set AN/CPS-5 . 11-1550 20 Dec. 44 ' . Service Radio Equipment RC - 246 - A .
11-1461 24 Jul. 44. Preventive Maintenance Radio Set Theory, Trouble Shooting and Repair.
SCR- 682- A . 11-1552 27 Dec. 44. Radar Set AN /TPL -1 Service Man
11–1462 16 Mar. 45. Radio Equipment RC-384, Preventive ual , C 1 .
Maintenance Manual. C 1 . 11-1554 1 Mar, 45 '. Radio Set SCR-784 Service Manual
11-1466 15 Mar, 45. Radar Set AN/MPG- 1 and Radar Theory, Trouble Shooting and Repair.
Set AN / FPG - 1 Preventive Maintenance Manual . 11-1555 10 Jan. 454. Rada . Set AN / CPS - 5 Service Man
11-1468 12 Dec. 44. Radar Set AN/TPS-10 Preventive ual, Theory, Trouble Shooting, and Repair.
Maintenance Manual . 11-1561 31 Aug. 44 '. Service Manual for Radio Set SCR
11-1470 4 Aug. 44. Preventive Maintenance for Radio Sets 682 -A .
SCR- 270 -BB, -CB, -DA, -EA, and SCR-271 -AAB , 11-1562 16 Apr. 45. Radio Equipment RC - 384, Service
-AC, -BB, -DA , -EA , -FA, -GA, -HA , -JA , -KA, Manual, Theory, Trouble Shooting and Repair.
-LA , -MA , with Console, 11-1566 15 Mar. 454. Radar Set AN /MPG - 1 and Radar
11-1505 14 Aug. 44 . Service Manual Radio Set SCR Set AN / FPG - 1 Service Manual, Theory, Trouble
296 - A , Theory Trouble Shooting and Repair. Shooting, and Repair.
11-1506 4 Sep. 44. Service Manual , Radio Set SCR-268, SCR * 11-1568 12 Dec. 44. Radar Set AN / TPS - 10, Service
268 - B , SCR -268 - C , SCR-516, SCR-516-C, SCR Manual.
516 - D , SCR-516- E . 11-1570 26 Sept. 44. Service Manual for Radio Sets SCR
11-1508 14 Sep. 44. Service Manual for Radio Equipment 270-BB, CB, DA , EA , and SCR-271-AAB , AC,
RC-182-A and RC - 282 - A . BB, DA, EA, FA , GA, HA , JA , KA , LA, MA with
11-1510 25 Aug. 44. Service Manual for Radio Sets, SCR console.
270-B , -C, -D, -E, -BA , -CA , and SCR-271 , SCR- 11-2001 22 Jun. 44. Compiete 100-Mile Spiral-Four Carrier
271 - A, -AA, -AAA , -AB , -B , -BA , -D, -E, -F, -G, System .
-H, J, -K, -L, and -M. 11-2002 2 Mar. 44. Substitute Telephone Central Office
11-1512 9 Sept. 44. Service Manual for Radio Sets SCR Equipment.
582-A and SCR - 582 - T6 . 11–2003 2 Nov. 43. Carrier Hybrid CF- 7. C1 .
11-1515 29 Aug. 44 ... Service Manual for Rudio Equipment 11–2004 8 Jun . 45. Repeater Set TC- 18 ( Terminal ) .
RC-127-A . 11-2005 30 Oct. 43. Repeater Set TC- 19 ( Intermediate ).
11-1516 15 Jan. 45.1 Service Radio Equipment RC-207-A . C 1.
Theory, Trouble Shooting and Repair. 11-2006 14 July 43. Telephone Repeater, EE-89-A. C 1 .
11-1517 19 Aug. 44.1 Service Manual,, Radio Equipments 11-2007 19 Feb. 45. Telephone Repeater TP- 14.
RC - 150 - B , RC - 150 - C , RC - 150 - D , RC - 151, RC -151- 11-2008 7 Nov. 44. Converter Set TC -33 ( Carrier, 2 -Wire
A and RC - 151 - D . 4- Wire ) and Repeater Set TC -37 (Carrier, 2 -Wire) .
11-1518 20 Oct. 44. Radio Equipment RC-143, RC-148-B, 11-2009 16 Feb. 45. Telegraph Terminal CF-6 ( Carrier) .
RC- 148- C Service Manual. 11-2011 9 Mar. 44. Ringer, TA - 3 / FT ) . C 1 .
11-1519 24 Aug. 44.1 Service Manual for Radio Set SCR 11-2012 29 Aug. 44. Multiline Observing Set ADW -BM
527-A . 100 .
11-1520 Dec, 44.1 Service Radio Set SCR - 627 - A . 11-2013 2 June 44. Toll Observing Equipment ADW -DM
100 .
11-1521 Dec. 44.1 Service Radio Equipment RC-188-A .
11-1524 10 Mar. Radio Set SCR-584, Service Manual. 11-2014 1 May 44. Telephone Unit EE- 105 . C 1 .
11-1526 22 Jul. 44.1 Service Manual Radio Sets SCR - 602 - A † 11-2015 7 Dec. 44. Switchboard Conversion Kit 627A-Q1 .
and SCR - 602-7-6 . 11-2016 25 April 44. Switchboard SB-5/PT. C 1.
11-1527 21 Oct. 44. Radio Set SCR -545 - A , Service Manual, 11-2017 26 July 44 . Test Set TS-26/ TSM . C 1 .
Theory, Trouble Shooting and Repair. 11-2019 12 Aug. 44. Test Set 1-49.
11-1529 23 Aug. 44. ' Service Manual for Radio Set SCR- 11-2020 13 Nov. 44 . Preliminary Instructions Line Ter
588- B. minating and Simplex Panel Packaged Equipment.
11-2021 May 45. Ringers TA - 38 / FC and TA - 39 /FC
Will not be reprinted when present depot stocks are exhausted . ( Voice -Frequency Ringer Packaged Equipment).
1This Technical Bulletin is distributed only to interested headquarters 11-2022 19 Jun. 44. Application of Packaged Equip
and to individuals whose duties require that they have it. This Technical
Manual must be safeguarded in accordance with provisions of AR 380-5 . ment to Open -Wire Lines.

SIGNAL - Continued TM
11-2206 18 Oct. 44. Telegraph Terminal Set AN/TCC-1 ,
11-2023 26 Sep. 44. Preliminary Supplemental Instruc Telegraph Terminal TH-1/TCC-1, and Filter F
tions for the Installation of Type C Carrier Tele 2/GG.
phone Packaged Equipment (Moisture-Resistant ). * 11-2207 15 Apr. 44. The Radioteletype Code Room and
11-2024 26 Sep. 44. Preliminary Supplemental Instruc Signal Center, Installation Procedure and Mainte
tions for the Installation of Voice-Frequency Carrier nance Guide.
Telegraph Packaged Equipment. 11-2208 19 April 44. Test Set TS-2/TG.
11-2025 May 45. Carrier Terminal 0A - 13 /FC, Carrier 11-2209 19 Jan. 444. 131B2 Printer Station Equipment for
Repeater 0A-10/FC, and Carrier Filter F - 36 / FC. Army and Navy Installations.
( Type H Carrier Telephone Packaged Equipment.) 11-2210 9 May 44. Instruction Book, 132A2 Teletypewriter
11-2026 Sep. 44. Type C Carrier Telephone Packaged Subscriber Set and Associated Equipment.
Equipment ( Moisture-Resistant ) . 11-2211 8 May 44. 133A1 Teletypewriter Table and As
11-2027 26 Sep. 44. Installation of Voice-Frequency Tele sociated Printer Apparatus .
phone Repeaters Packaged Equipment. † 11-2213 25 Jan. 45. Electronic Ocean Cable Terminal
11-2028 Voice Frequency Telephone Repeaters. Set.
11-2029 26 Sep. 44. Preliminary Instructions Voice- Fre- 11-2214 8 Aug. 44. 133A2 Teletypewriter Subscriber Set and
quency Carrier Telegraph Packaged Equipment . Associated Equipment.
11-2030 26 Sep. 44. Test and Control Board Packaged 11-2215 25 Nov. 44. Teletypewriters TT-5/ FG and TT
Equipment. 6/FG.
11-2031 26 Sep. 44. Instructions for Line Terminating 11-2216 27 Nov. 44. Teletypewriter TT-7/FG and TT
and Composite Panel and Type “ C ” Carrier Trans 8/FG .
fer Panel Packaged Equipment. 11-2217 14 Mar. 45. Distortion Test Set TS - 383 /GG
11-2032 21 Sept. 44. D.C. Regenerative Telegraph Repeat ( Teletype Signal Testing Equipment ).
er, ( Packaged Equipment.) 11-2219 21 Nov. 44. Typing Reperforator Sets 10.4A
11-2033 26 Sep. 44. Test Set AN / FCM -4. ( 2A ( SPL ) and 10.5A ( Teletypewriter).
Test Unit. ) 11-2220 8 Nov. 44. Reperforator Transmitters TG - 26 - A
11-2034 Jan. 45. Telegraph Repeater Packaged Equipment. and TG-27-A .
11-2035 16 Aug. 44. Telegraph Switchboard SB-6 / GG. 11-2221 5 Mar. 45 . Receiving Transmitter Distributors
11-2036 30 Aug. 44. Test Set I-181 . Models 14A A , 14AB , 14AD , and 14ABM .
11-2037 4 Aug. 44. Installation , Operation, and Main- 11-2222 24 Aug. 45. Transmitter Distributors Teletype
tenance of Open -Wire Offices Packaged Equipment. Model 14.
11-2039 26 Sep. 44. Preliminary Instructions 19C ( SPL ) 11-2250 18 Jan. 44. Reel Equipment CE-11.
Oscillator Per D - 166636 ( Moisture- Resistant ) . 11-2252 25 Jun . 44. Converter CV - 2 / TX .
11-2040 26 Sep. 44. Oscillator TS - 401 / U 51A ( SPL ) 11-2253 20 Mar. 44. Open Wire Construction for Fixed
Oscillator. Plant Application . C 1 .
11-2041 May 45. Description and Use of Tools, Gauges 11-2254 19 June 44. Reel Assembly RL-106 /VI .
and Materials for Installation and Maintenance of 11-2256 22 Nov. 44. Limiter Amplifier, Type 3BLH , and
Packaged Equipment Offices. Speaker, Type 6AL.
11-2042 26 Sep. 44. Preliminary Instructions Volt -OHM- 11-2257 10 Feb. 45. Rectifier Power Units No. 1152 and
Milliammeter per D - 166852 Moisture -Resistant. No. 1161 .
11-2043 30 Aug. 44. Telephone TP-3 . 11-2300 Dec. 44. Enlarger PH - 542 /UF ( V- Mail ) .
11-2044 26 Sep. 44. Preliminary Instructions 5A ( SPL ) 11-2301 Feb. 45. Densitometer PH-326.
Attenuator Per D-165654 ( Moisture -Resistant). 11-2302 Feb. 45. Paper Cutter PH-513/GF . ( V-Mail ) .
11-2045 26 Sept. 44. Preliminary Instructions 13A ( SPL ) 11--2303 May 45. Splicer PH-544 /UF ( V -Mail) .
Transmission Measuring Set Per D-165655 (Mois- 11-2304 Mar. 45. Projector PH- 543 /UF ( V -Mail) .
ture-Resistant ) . 11--2305 Feb. 45 . Developing Machine PH -512 /GF (V
11-2046 26 Sept. 44. Instructions 67B and 67B ( SPL ) Test Mail) .
Sets Per D - 173231 Test Receiver with External Re- 11-2306 9 Jul . 45. Enlarger PH -511 /GF ( V -Mail) .
sistance . 11-2307 Jun. 45. Enlarger PH-285 ( V -Mail) .
11-2047 26 Sep. 44. Hickok Model 560 ( SPL) Tube Tes- 11-2309 Feb. 45. Reader PH-284 ( V -Mail ) .
ter Per KS - 9237 ( Moisture-Resistant ) . * 11-2310 15 Sep. 45. Recorders PH-283 , PH-283-Y, V -Mail .
11-2048 26 Sep. 44. 32A ( SPL ) Transmission Measuring 11-2312 Jun. 45. Camera Equipment PH-545/PF ( V -Mail).
Set Per X -66065A (Moisture - Resistant ) . 11-2313 Mar. 45. Light Meter ( V-Mail ) .
11-2050 14 Oct. 44. Test Set 1-48- B . 11-2315 15 May 45. Developing Machine PH - 413 - A ( V
11-2052 5 Apr. 45. Switchboards BD-95 and BD - 105 . Mail ).
11-2053 22 Jan. 45. Automatic Telegraph -Service Moni 11-2340 30 May 45. Identification Set AN/TFQ-1 .
toring Set. 11-2341 15 May 45. Transformer PH -281 .
11-2056 17 Jan , 45. Test Unit 1-236 . 11-2347 24 Jul . 45. Projector AN / TFQ - 4.
11-2057 5 Sept. 44. Test Set TS - 27 / TSM . 11-2349 Apr. 45. Projector Equipment PH-132 and PH
11-2058 25 May 45. Cable Lashing Machine ( Cable Spin 132-B.
ner , Neale Model B ) . 11-2350 24 May 45. Recording Equipment PH - 346 - A .
11-2059 9 Dec. 44. Telephone TP-9 . 11-2351 8 Jul. 44. Exposure Meters PH -77, PH-77-A , PH
* 11-2067 10 Jul. 45. Electron Tube Rectifier, Trojan Model 77-C , PH - 77 - D , PH-77- E , and PH - 252 - A , C 1 .
27820 . 11--2352 26 Feb. 45. Camera Equipment PH-104.
11-2200 14 Aug. 43. Bias Meter I - 97 - A . 11-2353 23 Feb. 45. Camera PH - 270 and Recorder PH
11-2201 3 July 44. Reperforator Teletypewriter Sets TC 271 .
16 and TC-17. 11-2354 Feb. 45. Dryer PH - 75 .
11-2203 10 Jun. 44. Teletypewriter Set AN / TGC-1 . 11-2355 7 Oct. 44. Dryer PH - 176 .
11-2204 28 Dec. 44. Dual Diversity Receiving Equipment
( Wilcox Type CW3 - D ) . 1This Technical Manual is distributed only to interested headquarters
11-2205 25 Sept. 44. Exciter Unit 0-5 / FR. and to individuals whose duties require that they have it. This Technical
Manual must be safeguarded in accordance with provisions of AR 380-5 .

SIGNAL - Continued TM
TM 11-2424 Feb. 45. Instructions for Modulated Audio Fre
11--2357 1 Dec. 44. Projector Equipments PH-131-A quency Radiosonde Observations ( WBAN RAOB
through PH-131-G. Manual ) . C 1 .
11-2360 3 Nov. 44. Camera Equipment Mounting PH- 11-2426 30 Jun. 45. Meteorological Station Set AN/TMQ
515 /MF.
11-2361 20 Feb. 45. Camera PH-324 . * 11-2428 26 Oct. 45. Aerograph Calibration Set TS - 407 /
11-2362 2 Jan. 45. Printer PH-507/PF. AMQ-2.
11-2363 2 Jul. 45. Darkroom PH-392. 11-2501 6 Oct. 43. Technical Manual for Test Set 1-209
11-2364 9 Dec. 44. Camera PH-501 /PF . C 1 . A.
11-2365 25 Jan. 45. Camera PH - 195 - A and Camera Equip- 11-2502 31 Aug. 43.1 Test Equipment IE -28.
ment PH - 205 . 11-2503 1 Mar. 44. Trailer K-34-E .
11-2366 5 Oct. 44. Photographic Equipment PH-383. 11-2504 24 Dec. 43. Public Address Sets PA-5 and PA-5A.
11-2367 30 Oct. 44. Identification Set AN / TFQ - 3. C 1.
11-2368 30 Oct. 44. Enlargers PH-275 and PH-275-A. 11-2505 5 May 44. Public Address Set AN/UIQ-1 . C 1 .
11-2369 15 Oct. 44.4 Laminating Equipment PH-523/GF. 11-2506 15 Jun. 44. Test Sets 1-83-A, -B, -C, -D, -E, -F,
11-2370 27 Feb. 45. Camera PH-502/PF . -G , -H , -J, and -K.
11-2372 9 Apr. 45. Printer PH -193 . 11-2509 12 Jun. 44. Training Generator AN/URA-TI.
11-2374 14 Jun . 45. Printer PH-95-A. C 1.
†11-2375 17 Mar. 45. Press PH - 125. 11-2510 14 Jul. 44. Master Power Meter Panel.
* 11-2376 13 Sep. 45. Developing Machine PH-298 . * 11-2511 6 Apr. 44. Portable Recorder.
* 11-2377 16 Apr. 45. Camera PH - 503 / PF . 11-2512 6 Apr. 44. Transcriber Double Toneband.
11-2378 4 Oct. 44. Timer PH - 191 - A . 11-2513 21 Jun . 44. Test Set I-193-A . C 1 .
11-2381 9 Apr. 45. Dryer PH-288. 11-2514 15 June 44, Tape Puller TT - 2 / TG .
11-2382 26 Feb. 45. Print Straightener PH-146. 11-2515 27 Sept. 44. Diversity Receiving Combining Equip
* 11-2383 8 May 45. Camera PH -431. ment.
11-2384 Mar. 45. Projector Equipment PH-402. 11-2516 24 Oct. 44. Tube Tester Espey Model 105.
11-2385 15 Mar. 45. Printer PH-192 . 11-2517 8 Apr. 44. Supreme Tube Tester Model 504-A.
11-2389 9 Jan. 45 . Camera PH - 530 / PF . 11-2518 12 May 44. Rotary Converters 24-Volt DC - 110
11-2391 15 Jun . 45. Printer PH-13-B . Volt AC and 110-Volt DC-110-Volt AC .
11--2392 May 45. Splicer PH-321. 11-2519 31 July 44. Vibrator Type Inverters ( 12-Volt DC
11-2394 Feb. 45. Developing Equipment PH -253 - C . to 110-Volt AC ) .
11–2395 20 Oct. 44. Electronic Timer ( Photrix Model 1528 ) . 11–2520 Nov. 44. Dual Channel Amplifier AM - 43 / FRC.
11-2396 5 May 45. Cameras PH-330-A through PH C 1.
330 - J . 11-2521 29 Apr, 44. Signai Generator, TS-317/U.
11-2398 22 Feb. 45. Washer PH-240-A . 11-2522 30 Sept. 44. Sound Recording Set AN / UNQ - 1.
11--2400 31 May 45. Generator ML-185-A and ML - 185 11-2523 2 Dec. 44. Test Set TS-269A / UR .
B (Hydrogen ). 11-2524 17 Oct. 44. Oscillator 1-151 -A .
11-2403 Apr. 45. Installation and Maintenance of Radio- 11–2525 30 June 44. Miller Utility Heater Model OG-31 -A .
sonde Receptor AN/ FMQ-1. 11-2526 11 Nov. 44. Oscilloscope BC-1060-A .
11-2404 Dec. 44. Operating Instructions for Radiosondes 11-2527 26 Jun. 44. Battery Charger PP -78 /MRQ - 2.
AN /AMQ-1 , AN/AMQ-1A, AN/AMQ-1C, and Ra- 11-2528 7 Nov. 44. Range Calibrator I - 223 - A .
diosonde Receptor AN/FMQ&l. 11-2529 9 Dec. 44. Rectifier PP-125/VT .
11-2405 24 Apr. 44. Meteorological Balloons. C 1. 11-2530 30 Dec. 44. Frequency Standard TS -308 /U.
11-2406 Dec. 44. Meteorological Station AN/TMQ-1. 11-2531 27 Nov. 44. Public Address Set AN/TIQ-3 .
11-2407 Nov. 44. Aerograph Equipment AN/AMQ-3 . 11-2532 13 Dec. 44. Test Set 1-153 - A ( Analyzer, Precision
11-2408 9 Apr. 45. Aerograph Equipment AN / AMQ - 2. Model 356P ) .
11-2409 29 Mar. 45. Mobile Meteorological Station SCM- 11-2534 15 Jun. 45. Theodolites , PH -BC - 33, PH - BD - 33,
1. PH-BE-33 , PH - BF - 33, PH -BG - 33, PH-BH-33
11-2410 15 Mar. 44. Pilot Balloon Tables ( 30 -gram ) . and Theodolite, MX - 194 / TVQ - 1.
Type. 11-2535 26 May 45. Meter Test Equipment AN /GSM - 1.
11-2411 10 Apr. 44. Pilot Balloon Tables ( 100-gram ) . 11-2538 15 Nov. 44.1 Wavemeter Test Set , TS-117/GP.
11-2413 Apr. 45. Hydrogen Generator ML- 303 / TM and 11-2539 2 Jul. 45. Cable Testing Unit (Defiance Alloyed
Hydrogen Generator Set AN/TMQ-3 . C 1 . Products Models ( 130 ) (Portable Dry Air Com
11-2414 22 Jul. 44. Wind Indicating Equipment Selsyn pressor ).
11-2415 5 Mar. 45. Psychrometer Equipment ML -313/ 11-25409 Sept. 44. Maintenance and Operation of Crystal
AM . Grinding Equipment and Crystal Finishing Tech
11-2416 Jan. 45. Ceiling Light Set AN / TMQ-2. niques.
11-2417 7 Mar. 45. Thermometers ML - 4 and ML - 5 , 11-2541 27 Sept. 44. Speak -O -Phone Sound Detector, Model
Psychrometers ML - 24 and ML -224, Shelters ML SDB .
41 , ML - 41 - A , and ML - 41 - B . 11--2542 2 Nov. 44. Speech Recorder MC -502. C 1 .
11-2418 27 Nov. 44. Plotting Set AN/GMQ-3 . 11-2543 2 Nov. 44. Speech Reproducer MC -503, C 1 .
* 11-2421 27 Nov. 45. Barometers ML - 330 / FM , ML - 331 / 11-2544 28 Feb. 45. Magnetic Wire Recorder ( G-E Model
TM, ML - 332 / TM , ML - 333 / TM .
11-2422 24 Mar. 45. Psychometric Calculator ML - 322 /UM . 20N-1 ) .
11-2423 6 Jan. 45. Clinometers ML -119-C, ML - 119-D , 11-2545 22 Jan. 45 Automatic Transmitter for Perforated
ML - 119 - E and ML -119-F. Tape (Wheatstone) McElroy Type XTR-442-C .
11-2546 8 Sept. 44. Connecting and Switching Kit MY
#Will not be reprinted when present stocks are exhausted . 155 /GT.
1This Technical Manual is distributed only to interested headquarters 11-2547 16 Jun . 45 . Recorder-Reproducer AN/GNQ- 5.
have it . This Technical
and to individuals whoso duties require that they provisions
Manual must be safeguarded in accordance with of AR 380-5 . 111-2548 20 Feb. 45. Magnetic Wire Recorder and Repro
4Identical with 15 July 1944 edition, ducer ( GE Models 50A and 51 ) .

SIGNAL - Continued TM
11-2619 29 July 44. Radio Control Central AN/TRQ-1- ( ) .
11-25493 Jan. 45. Battery Charger PE-163. C 1 . 11-2620 3 Oct. 44. Antenna Support AB-38 / CR.
11-2550 7 Feb. 44. Amplifier, Wilcox Type M57D1. 11--2621 Nov. 44. Remote Control Equipment AN/TRA-2,
T 11-2551 7 Feb. 44. Control Console , Wilcox Type CS 380 ; and AN / TRA-2A. C1 .
Keying Oscillator, Wilcox Type 95A ; Ultra-High 11-2623 26 July 44. Frequency Meter BC-906-E . C 1 .
Frequency Antenna , Wilcox Type 614A . 11-2624 16 Oct. 44. Electronic Volt-Ohmmeter Radio City
11-2552 5 Jan. 45. Sound Locating Set GR-6. Products Model 664.
11-2553 18 Dec. 44 . Electric Recording -Reproducing Ma- 11-2624B 30 Apr. 45. Voltohmmeters, TS-294/U and TS
chine, Model ACT. 294 B/ U .
11-2554 14 Dec.44. Electricord Recording Machine, Model 11--2625 17 Mar. 45. Frequency Standard TS-240/FRC
K-142. ( Millen No. 90505 ) .
11-2556 22 Feb. 45. Amplifier BC-1388. 11-2626 31 July 44. Test Unit 1-176. C 1 .
11-2558 23 Nov. 44 . Wavemeter Lavoie Model 105-SM 11-2627 3 Aug. 44. Tube Tester 1–177 . C 1 .
( Frequency Meter TS - 127 - U ) . 11-2629 25 Nov. 44. Antenna Kit for Double-Doublet
11-2559 27 Dec. 44. Fluxmeters TS-15/AP, TS-15A/AP, Receiving Antenna ( Drawing ES-E-276-F ) .
and TS-15B/AP . 11-2630 17 Oct. 44. Antenna Equipment RC - 219 - A and
11-2560 22 Jan. 45. Publi : Address Set AN/UIQ-3. Antenna AN - 78 - A .
11-2561 18 Dec. 44. Reproducer, Sound, Portable. 11-2631 9 Oct. 44. Antenna Equipment RC-154-A.
11-2562 28 Mar. 45. Oscilloscope TS-324/ U ( Du Pont 11-2632 28 Oct. 44. Remote Control Equipment RC-261 .
Type 241 ) . 11–2633 17 Feb. 45. Radio Frequency Bridge Type 916-A.
11-2563 28 Feb. 45. Shelter S- 1 /FM . 11-2634 17 Apr. 45. Impedance Bridge ( Brown Engineer
11-2564 4 Jun. 45 . Intercommunication Set PA-8 . ing Model 200A ) .
11-2565 Apr. 45. Sound Ranging Set AN/PNS-1 ( Dodar ) . * 11-2634A 14 Jul . 45. Impedance Bridge ( General Radio
C 1. Model 650A ) .
11-2566 18 May 45. Public Address Set AN/PIQ-1, 11-2635 3 Jan. 45. Q- Meter, Boonton , Type 160-A .
* 11-2567 23 May 45. Recorder -Reproducer AN /GNQ - 4 . 11-2636 8 Nov. 44. Radio Modulator BC - 423 - B .
* 11-2568 28 Sep. 45. Sound Ranging Set GR - 8 . 11-2638 18 Nov. 44. Antenna Mast AB-54 / FR. .
11-2573 12 May 45. Amplifiers AM –92 / TI and AM - 93 / TI 11-2639 7 Mar. 45. Signal Generator TS-301/U ( Signal
and Associated Equipment. Generator, Federal Model 804 - CS - 1 ) .
* 11-2574 24 Sep. 45. A.F. and R.F. Signal Generator, 11-2640 20 Nov. 44. Frequency Meter TS-285 / GP (Fre
(Supreme Models 561 and 561M ) . quency Meter Lavoie - Model 150S ) .
11-2576 19 Feb. 45. Magnetic Wire Recorder ( G-E Model 11-2641 12 Jan. 45. Signal Generator 1-137- B ( W.I.T.
20B - 2 ) . Model 43–41) .
11-2577 29 Jun . 45. Public Address Set AN / SIQ-1 . 11-2644 25 Oct. 44. Acme MFM Converter and Acme
* 11-2580 23 Aug. 45. Reproducer AN /GNQ - 10. MFM Inverter ( Facsimile Equipment ) .
11-2581 4 Jul. 45. Plotting Equipment AN/TSA-1. 11-2645 5 May 45. Acme Trans- Ceiver Model CNP (Fac
11-2582 2 Jun. 45. Plotting Equipment AN / TSA - 2. simile Equipment) .
11-2600 11 Nov. 44. Test Set 1-179. 11-2648 9 Jan. 45. Vibrator Pack PP-68/U.
11-2601 9 Jun . 45. Radio Set AN / TRC - 1, -1A , -1B , -1C , * 11-2649 1 Oct. 45. Audio Oscillator TS -421 / U (Howlett
-1D, and -1E ; Radio Terminal Set AN / TRC - 3, Packard Model 205 - AG ) .
-3A , -3B, -3C, -3D , and -3E ; Radio Relay Set AN/ 11-2653 14 Jul . 45. Vacuum Tube Voltmeter Precision
TRC -4 , -4A , -4B, -4C , -4D , and -4E ; and Am Model EV-10-MCP.
plifier Equipment AN/TRA -1 , -1A, -1B, and -1C. 11-2656 1 Jan. 45 . Antenna Kit for Doublet Transmitting
11-2602 12 Feb. 44. Frequency Standard TS-65 /FMQ-1 .
11-2657 Antenna
11-2602A 6 Jan. 45. Frequency Standard TS-65A / FMQ-1 .
( Drawing
5 Feb. 454. SignalES-E-252-F
Generators) . TS - 155 /UP and
11-2603 1 April 44. Radio Set AN/TRC-2. TS-155A / UP. C 1 .
11-2604 20 May 44. Test Set 1-199 . 11-2657B 19 Apr. 45' . Signal Generator TS- 155B / UP, C 1 .
11–2606 28 Jun. 45. Test Set AN / FSM-3 , Tool Equip- 11-2658 2 Feb. 45. Capacitor Analyzer Solar Model CB
ment TK-40/ FSM-3 , and Maintenance Kit MK -40 / 1-60 .
FSM-3, and Maintenance Kit MK -40 /FSM - 3 11-2659 Test Set TS - 303A / G ( RCA Chan
14 Feb. 45 .
( Formerly Depot Crystal Equipment AN/ FSM-1 ) . alyst No. 162G ) .
11-2607 1 Dec. 44. Radio Transmitter BC - 400 - H . 11-2662 31 Jan. 45 . Antenna Supports AB-71 /CR and
11-2607G 1 Dec. 44. Radio Transmitter BC - 400 - G . AB-T2/CR and Erection Kits MX-326/ CR and MX
11-2608 5 May 44. Antenna System AS -81 / GR. 327/CR.
11-2609 29 May 44. Radio Beacon Equipment RC-163. 11-2663 16 Jun . 45. Crystal Test Set TS - 151 / FSM- 1 .
11-2610 15 July 44. Antenna Assembly AS-51 /MRQ-2. and 11-2664 9 Jun. 45. Oscilloscope TS - 152 / FSM - 1.
Auxiliary Antenna Assembly AS-93/MRQ-2. 11-2667 25 Jan. 45. Remote Control Equipment RC - 289.
11-2611 1 Apr. 44 . Antenna Kit for Rhombic Receiving C 1.
Antenna ( Drawing ES-E-386-E ) . 11-2670 2 Jul . 45 . Oscillator 0-14 / FSM- 1 .
* 11-2612 22 Mar. 44. Radio Receiver AN / TRR - 2 ( Radio 11-2673 5 Apr. 45. Multimeter TS- 389/ U (Hickok Models
Receiver BC- 1010 T1 ) . 202 and 202-NX ) .
11-2613 27 May 44. Voltohmmeter 1–166 . C 1 . 11-2674 4 May 45 . Crystal Test Set TS -314 /FSM - 1
( Ray Jefferson Model AF-30 ) .
11-2614 8 Sept. 44. Assembling and Erecting 30-Foot Gin 11-2675 May 45. Standard Oscillator TS - 220 / TSM (Gal
Pole Type Trylon Ladder Towers.
vin Model CES-1 ) .
11-2615 18 July 44. Foundation-Steel Pedestal Base for 73' 11-2676 13 Apr. 45. Crystal Test Set TS - 136 / FSM - 1.
7 " Guyed Radio Towers.
11-2616 17 Oct. 44. Antenna Equipment RC- 63 . 1This Technical Manual is distributed only to interested headquarters
11-2617 31 Mar. 45. Antenna Kit for Rhombic Transmit- and to individuals whose duties require that they have it. This Technical
Manual must be safeguarded in accordance with provisions of AR 380-5 .
ting Antenna ( Drawing ES-E-368-D ) . Identical with 24 August 1944 edition.
11-2618 27 Sep. 43. Antenna Equipment RC-173. * Will not be reprinted when present depot stocks are exhausted.

SIGNAL - Continued TM
TM 11-2733 Apr. 45. Installation of Radio Equipment in
11-2677 12 Jun. 45. Crystal Test Set TS-137/FSM-1. Carrier, Cargo, Light, M29 or M29C (Amphibian ).
11-2679 2 Jul . 45. Crystal Test Set TS - 139 / FSM - 1. 11-2737 May 45. Installation of Radio and Facsimile
11-2683 20 Jun . 45. Refrigerator HD - 2 /FSM - 1. Equipment in Shelter H0-17-1 ) .
11-2684 6 Jun . 45. Audio Ocsillator TS - 312 / FSM - 1 (Hew- 11–2739 31 May 45. Installation of Radio Equipment in
lett - Packard Model 200 CR ) . Carriage, Motor Combination Gun M15A1.
11–2685 22 Jun. 45. Lapping Machine TL - 312 / FSM - 1. 11-2743 Apr. 45. Installation of Radio Equipment in
11-2688 22 Jun , 45. Antenna Support A B - 26 / CR . Truck, 112 - Ton , 6 x 6, Personnel and Cargo .
11-2689 18 Apr. 45. Oscilloscope, 1-245 - B . 11-2748 Jan. 45. Installation of Radio and Interphone
11-2696 1 Mar, 45. Static Direction Finder AN/GRD-1 . Equipment in Tank, Medium , M4A3 or M4A3E2,
11-2699 9 Aug. 45. Balloon Assembly MX -591 ( ) /GR . 75-mm Gun, Wet Stowage ; Tank, Medium , M4A1,
11-2700 18 Mar. 44. Installation of Radio and Interphone M4A2, M4A3, 76-mm Gun, Wet Stowage ; Tank,
Equipment in Light Tank M3A3. C 1 . Medium , M4 or M4A3 , 105-mm Howitzer. C 2.
11-2701 17 May 44. Installation of Radio Equipment in 11-2752 Jan. 45 . Installation of Radio and Interphone
Car Half-Track , M2 . Equipment in Vehicle, Landing, Tracked, (Armored )
11-2702 13 Apr. 44. Installation of Radio and Interphone Mark I , LVT- ( A ) -1 . C 1 .
Equipment in Car, Armored, Light, M8. C 1 . 11--2753 Feb. 45. Installation of Radio and Interphone
11-2703 20 Jun . 44. Installation of Radio and Interphone Equipment in Vehicle, Landing, Tracked ( Armored )
Equipment in Tank Recovery Vehicle T2. Mark IV, LVT- ( A ) -4. C 1 .
11-2704 20 Apr. 44. Installation of Radio and Interphone 11-2754 Feb. 45 . Installation of Radio and Interphone
Equipment in Medium Tank M4 Series. C 1 , 2. Equipment in Tank, Light, M24.
11-2705 13 Apr. 44. Installation of Radio and Interphone. 11-2755 Mar. 45. Installation of Radio and Interphone
Equipment in Light Tank T9E1 . Equipment in Vehicle, Landing , Tracked ( Un
11-2708 11 May 44. Installation of Radio Equipment in armored ), Mark III, LVT - 3.
Multiple Gun Motor Carriage M15. 11-2756 Feb. 45. Installation of Radio and Interphone
11-2709 26 Jun. 44. Installation of Radio Equipment in Equipment in Vehicle , Landing, Tracked , LVT - 2,
Truck, 2'2 - Ton , 6 x6, Cargo. LVT- ( A ) -2 , and LVT-4.
11-2710 22 Jul. 44. Installation of Radio Equipment in 11-2757 May 45. Installation of Radio and Interphone
Truck, 34 - Ton, 4 x 4 , Carryall. Equipment in Vehicle, Utility, Armored M39 ( 141 )
11-2711 15 Sept. 44. Installation of Radio Equipment in or T41E1.
Carrier, Personnel Half-Track M5 or M5A1 . 11-4000 Apr. 45. Trouble Shooting and Repair of Radio
11-2712 15 Jul. 44. Installation of Radio Equipment in · Equipment.
Multiple Gun Motor Carriage M13, M14 , M16, or 11-4001 Feb. 45. Repair Instructions for Radio Receivers
M17 . BC - 312, -A, -C, -D), -E , -F , -G , -J , -L, -M , -N,
11-2714 Dec. 44. Installation of Radio Equipment in Car -HX, and -NX, and BC-342, -A, -C, -D, -F , -J, -E ,
rier, Personnel, Half - Track , M3 . -M , and -N.
11-2715 30 Sep. 44 . Installation of Radio Equipment in 11-4002 May 45. Radio Receivers BC-314, -C, D , E ,
Truck , 14 - Ton , 4 x 4. C 1 , 2. and -G ; BC-344, and BC - 344 - D , Repair Instrue
tions .
11-2716 Nov. 44. Installation of Radio Equipment in 11-4003 Apr. 45. Oscilloscopes BC-991-A and BC - 991
Armored Utility Car M20. B, Repair Instructions .
11-2717 Dec. 44. Installation of Radio and Interphone 11-4004 Apr. 45. Radio Transmitter BC - 978 - A ( Target ),
Equipment in Car, Scout. M3A1 . Repair Instructions .
11-2718 6 Jun , 45. Installation of Radio and Facsimile 11-4005 Apr. 45. Radio Receivers BC-728-A and -C ,
Equipment in Car, Half - Track M2A1. Repair Instructions.
11-2720 Dec. 44. Installation of Radio and Interphone 11-4006 May 45. Radio Receiver and Transmitter BC
Equipment in Light Tanks M5 and M5A1 . 474-A , Repair Instructions.
11-2721 31 May 45. Installation of Radio and Facsimile 11-4007 25 May 45 . Radio Transmitter BC-653-A , Re
Equipment in Carrier, Personal Half-Track, M3A1 . pair Instructions.
11-2723 Apr. 45. Installation of Radio and Interphone
11-4008 May 45. Radio Receiver BC-652-A, Repair In
Equipment in Carriage, Motor, 3-Inch Gun , M10 or structions.
MI0A1. 11-4009 May 45. Radio Receiver and Transmitter BC
11-2721 Apr. 45. Installation of Radio and Interphone 1306, Repair Instructions.
Equipment in Carriage, Motor, 76-mm gun, M18. 11-4010 May 45. Alignment Indicators I -210-A , -B , and
C 1. -C , Repair Instructions.
11-2725 Feb. 45. Installation of Radio and Facsimile Equip 11-4011 May 45. Oscillators V0-6-A and -B, Repair In
ment in Truck, 34 Ton , 4 x 4 , Weapon Carrier. C 1 .
11-2726 Mar. 45. Installation of Radio and Facsimile 11-4012 31 May 45. Signal Generators I-208 and I- 208
A , Repair Instructions.
Equipment in Truck, % Ton, 4 x 4, Command Re 11-4013 May 45. Radio Receiver BC - 969 - A , and -B, Re
connaissance. pair Instructions.
11-2727 31 May 45. Installation of Radio and Interphone 11-4014 May 45 . Radio Receiver and Loop Rotators BC
Equipment in Carriage, Motor, 75 -mm Howitzer, 470-D and -F , Repair Instructions.
11-4015 31 May 45 . Radio Receiver- Transmitter RT- 12!
11-2730 6 Jan. 45. Installation of Radio and Interphone TRC-2, Repair Instructions.
Equipment in Tank, Medium. T23. C 1 . 11-4016 May 45. Detector Sets, SCR-625-A, -B, -C, -D ,
11-2731 May 45. Installation of Radio and Interphone -E , and -F, Repair Instructions.
Equipment in Carriage, Motor, 90-mm Gun , M36 , 11-4017 4 Jun . . 45. Radio Transmitters BC- 191 -A , -B ,
M36B1, or M36B2. C 1 . -C , -D , -E , -F and -N , Repair Instructions. C1.
11-2732 20 Jun. 45. Installation of Radio Equipment in 11-4018 23 Jun. 45. Radio Receiver and Transmitters
Carrier, 81 -mm Mortar, Half-Track M21. BC-745-A, -B, -C, -D, and -E, Repair Instructions.

SIGNAL - Continued
11-4019 16 Jul. 45. Radio Receiver and Transmitters
BC-611-A, -B, -C, -D, -E , and -F , Repair In 12-220 26 Feb. 42. Adjutant General of a Division Ad
structions. ministration–The Division and Large Installations.
11-4020 22 Jun . 45. Control Units RM - 13 - A , -B , -C , -D , 12-221 30 Nov. 44. Armed Forces Induction Stations Opera
and -G, Repair Instructions.
11-4021 19 Jun. 45. Converter CV-2/TX, Repair Instruc- 12–222 20 Sept. 45. Separation Center Operations. C 1 , 2.
tions. 12-223 20 Dec. 44. Reception Center Operations.
11-4022 5 Jun . 45 . Radio Receivers and Transmitters 12-230 18 Oct. 44 .Service Record , C 1 , 2.
BC - 620 - A , -B, -F, G , H , and -J. Repair In- * 12–230A 28 Sep. 45. Service Record ( WD. AGO Form
structions. 24A ) .
11-4023 22 Jun. 45. Radio Receiver and Transmitters 12-235 Jan. 45. Enlisted Personnel : Discharge and Release
BC - 659 - A , -E , -H , and J Repair Instructions. from Active Duty ( other than at Separation
* 11-4024 30 Aug. 45. Radio Receiver and Transmitters Centers ) .
BC - 1000 - A and -B, Repair Instructions. 12–236 Apr. 45. Preparation of Separation Forms. C 1 , 2.
11-4025 3 Jul. 45. Amplifier BC-908-B, Repair Instruc- 12-237 10 Sep. 45. Preparation of Separation Qualifica
tions. tion Record .
11-4026 30 Jun. 45. Radio Receivers BC -976 - A and -B, 12-238 Jan. 45. Enlisted Personnel Retirement.
Repair Instructions. 12-240 Jan. 45. Deceased Personnel Within the Continent
11-4027 5 Jul. 45. Recorder-Scanner BC - 918 - B , Repair al United States, Excluding Alaska ( AR-600-550 ) .
Instructions . C 1, 2.
* 11-4028 24 Sep. 45. Radio Receivers BC - 973 - A and -B , 12–240A May 45. Quartermaster Mortuary Procedures .
Repair Instructions. 12-250 10 Oct. 42 . Administration.
* 11-4030 13 Sep. 45. Radio Receivers BC - 923 - A , Repair 12-252 1 Apr. 43. The Army Clerk.
Instructions. 12-253 1 Oct. 44. Correspondence. C 1 .
* 11-4031 15 Nov. 45. Radio Transmitters T - 14 / TRC - 1, 12-255 1 Nov. 42. Administrative Procedures. C 1 .
T -14A / TRC - 1, T -14B TRC - 1, T - 14C/ TRC - 1, T- 12–256 Nov. 44. Orders, Bulletins, Circulars and Memo
14D/TRC-1 and T-14E TRC - 1, Repair Instruc randa . C1 .
tions . 12-256A Nov. 44. Order Digest ( Supplement to TM 12–
* 11-4033 31 Jul. 45. Radio Receivers BC-603-A, -C, -D , 256 ) .
-AM , -CM , and -DM , Repair Instructions, * 12-258 21 Aug. 45. Records Administration, Filing Pro
* 11-4034 10 Oct. 45. Radio Transmitters BC-604-A, -C, cedures .
-D , -AM , -CM , and --DM , Repair Instructions, 12-259 31 Jul. 45. Records Administration Disposition of
* 11-4035 9 Sep. 45. Interphone Amplifiers BC -605 - A , -C, Records. C 1 .
-D , -AM , -C , and -DM , Repair Instructions. 12-260 31 Dec. 42. Personnel Tests.
* 11-4036 1 Oct. 45. Radio Receivers BC-683-A , -B, and 12-275 27 Jun. 44. Regimental and Unit Mail Clerks.
-BM , Repair Instructions. 12-280 13 Sept. 45. Decorations and Awards.
11-4037 31 Aug. 45. Radio Transmitters BC -684 - A , -B , 12-305 1 Oct. 43.2 Machine Records Operations. ( Multi
and -BM, Repair Instructions. lithed ) . C 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
* 11-4039 11 Oct. 45. Amplifiers AM -8 /TRA-1 , AM -8A / * 12-310 28 Mar. 45. Codes, Machine Records Unit. C 1 , 2.
TRA - 1, AM-8B/TRA-1 , and AM–8C/ TRA-1, Re- 12-405 30 Oct. 43. Officer Classification Commissioned
pair Instructions. and Warrant ; Classification and Coding of Civilian
* 11-4043 11 Oct. 45. Speech Amplifiers BC-614-A , -B, Occupations. C 1 .
-C , --D , -E , and -F , Repair Instructions. 12-406 30 Oct. 43. Officer Classification ; Commissioned
* 11-4047 1 Nov. 45. Radio Receiver BC- 1005-A , Repair and Warrant. C 1. ( 10 May 1944 ) .
12-425 17 June 44. Personnel Classification. C 1 , 2, 3 , 4 , 5.
* 11-4059 26 Oct. 45. Interphone Amplifiers BC-367 and 12-426 1 Jul. 44. Civilian Occupational Classification of
BC - 667, Repair Instructions. Enlisted Personnel .
* 11-4060 25 Oct. 45. Radio Receiver BC-792-A, Repair
Instructions. 12-427 12 Jul. 44. Military Occupational Classification of
Enlisted Personnel . C 1 , 2.
11-4316 17 Aug. 45. Switchboard BD- 110, Repair Instruc
tions, Operational Requirements. FISCAL
11-4318 21 Jul. 45. Switchboards SB-27/TTC-1 and SB 14-500 1 May 45. Organization and Functions of Disburs
28 / TTC - 2, Repair Instructions, Operational Re
quirements. ing Offices. C 1 , 2, 3.
* 11-4400 11 Aug. 45. Telephone Terminal CF-1-A (Car 14-501 1 Dec. 43. Officers' Pay and Allowances. C 1 , 2, 3, 4 ,
rier) . 5, 6, 7.
11-4406 20 Jun. 45. Carrier Hybrid CF-7 (Repair In 14-502 1 Jan. 45. Pay and Allowances of Enlisted Per
structions, Operational Requirements ) . sonnel , C 1 .
11-4407 30 Aug. 45. Telephone Repeater EE-89-A, Re 14-503 1 Dec. 43. Travel Allowances of War Department
pair Instructions Operational Requirements, Personnel. C 1 , 2, 3 , 4 , 5, 6.
11-4410 31 Aug. 45. Repeater TG-30 Terminal, Repair 14-504 1 Dec. 43. Payment for Supplies and Nonpersonal
Instructions Operational Requirements . Services. C 1 , 2, 3, 4 , 5 , 6, 7.
11-4505 10 Sep. 45. Power Supplies, PP- 13 / TRA -1 , PP 14-505 1 Dec. 43. Agent Finance Officers. C 1 .
13A/TRA-1 , PP -13B / TRA - 1, PP-13C/ TRA-1 , Re 14-506 15 May 45. Finance Service in Mobile Field Units.
pair Instructions. C 1 , 2.
11-4700 26 Aug. 45. Electrical Indicating Instruments and 14-507 1 Dec. 43. Model Disbursement and Collection
Test Sets, Repair Instructions. Vouchers. C 1 , 2, 3, 4.
11-4701 24 Jul. 45. Repair Instructions, Rectifier RA -34- 14-508 1 Dec. 43. Blank Forms. C 1 .
A, -B , -C, -D, -E , -F , -G , -H , and -J . 14-509 Jan. 45. Army Pay Tables. C 1 .
11-4702 20 Jul. 45. Repair Instructions, Rectifier RA
43 - B , 2Not available for distribution.


TM 21–300 Feb. 45. Driver Selection and Training.
14-510 1 Jul. , 44. Official Mileage Tables of the War De- 21-301 18 Oct. 44. Driver Training, Half-Track and Full
partment. C 1 , 2, 3, 4 , 5, 6, 7. Track Vehicles.
14-513 2 Jul. 45 .Procedures for the Purchase and Issu- 21-302 Feb. 45. Operator Selection and Training : Ma
ance of United States Savings Bonds. C 1 . terials Handling Equipment.
14-700 1 Jan. 44. War Department Fiscal Code. C 1,2,3, 21-305 Nov. 44. Driver's Manual. C 1 .
4 , 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 , 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18. 21-500 14 May 43. Army Reader.
17–701 18 Jun . 45 . Fiscal Accounting for Operating 21-510 14 May 43. Army Arithmetic .
Agencies .
14-702 1 Jul . 45. Fiscal Accounting for Field Installa COMMUNICATION PROCEDURES
tions. 24-205 Jan. 45. Administrative Procedures for Communi
14-703 12 Jul. 45. Reconciliation and Verification of Ex cation Services.
penditures. * 24-210 22 Oct. 45. Operating Practices for Army Ad
* 14-704 1 Jul. 45. Accounting for Receipts and Payments ministrative Telephone Switchboards.
by Disbursing Officers. MILITARY LAW
14-705 27 Jul. 45. - Accounting for Lend-Lease Trans 27-250 20 May 43. Cases on Military Government.
14–707 1 Jul . 45. Explanation of Appropriation and 27-251 7 Jan. 44. Treaties Governing Land Warfare.
Project Accounts. C 1 . C 1 , 2.
14-708 1 Jul. 44. ( Tentative ) Accounting Procedures for 27-255 Feb. 45. Military Justice Procedure.
Nonappropriated Welfare Funds. C 2. WELFARE, RECREATION AND MORALE
* 14–711 15 Oct. 45. War Department Fiscal and Disburs- 28–205 Nov. 44. Army Education Program for Inactive
ing Stations. Theaters.
14–904 Apr. 45. Accounting for Lost, Damaged, and De- 28-210 12 Jul . 45. The Information -Education Officer.
stroyed Property. 28–305 Nov. 44. Small Army Libraries.
14-910 Dec. 44. Manual for Cost- Plus-A- Fixed- Fee Sup 28–325 15 Jun. 45. Soldier Handicrafts .
ply Contracst. C 1 . 28–410 31 Aug. 45. Projectionist's Manual : Army Motion
14-911 1 Jun. 44. Accounting for Government Property Picture Service,
Furnished Under Fixed- Price Contracts.
14–1000 May 45. Administrative Audit Procedures for MILITARY INTELLIGENCE
Cost-Plus- A -Fixed - fee Supply Contracts. C 1 , 2 . 30-218 1 Mar. 44. Counterintelligence Investigative Re
14-1004 15 Feb. 44. Relations with General Accounting ports, Part II Loyalty Investigations of Civilians.
Office. C 1 , 2, 3 , 4 , 5 . C 1 , 2, 3 , 4 .
14-1005 1 Jun. 44. Termination Accounting Manual for 30-220 8 Jan. 42. Corps Area Intelligence.
Fixed- Price Supply Contracts. C 1 . 30-230 3 Mar. 41. Post, Camp, and Station Intelligence,
14–1008 30 Nov. 44. War Department Internal Audit Pro Zone of the Interior.
cedures , Continental United States. 30-254 5 Aug. 41. Military Dictionary , English - Russian,
14–1010 1 Jan. 45. Property and Sales Account Auditing Russian-English .
Procedures. C 1 . 30-259 1 July 43. Military Dictionary, English-Italian,
Italian - English .
CHAPLAIN 30-276 15 Feb , 432. Moroccan Phrase Book.
16-205 5 Jul. 44. The Chaplain .
30--300 22 Jun. 431. Spanish Language Guide.
MILITARY POLICE 30-301 22 June 43 '. Portuguese Language Guide.
19-225 Feb. 45. Sabotage. 30-302 21 Jun. 431 , French Language Guide.
19-250 15 May 44. Military Police Records and Forms. 30-303 2 June 431. Italian Language Guide.
* 19–275 19 Nov. 45. Military Police and Shore Patrol on 30-306 24 June 43 ', German Language Guide.
Railroad Trains and in Railroad and Bus Terminals 30-307 13 Sep. 431. Dutch Language Guide.
and Stations. 30-310 27 Nov. 431. Norwegian Language Guide.
19-500 Oct. 44. Enemy Prisoners of War, C 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 30-311 3 Dec. 431. Danish Language Guide.
7, 8, 9, 10, 11 . 30-312 3 Dec. 431. Swedish Language Guide.
30-313 10 Feb. 441. Icelandic Language Guide.
30-316 28 Dec. 431. Hungarian Language Guide.
20-205 18 Jan. 44. Dictionary of United States Army 30–318 27 Sept. 431. Turkish Language Guide.
Terms. C 1 , 2, 3.
30-321 25 Jun. 431. North African Arabic Language
20-220 Feb. 45. War Department Accounting Procedures Guide.
for Post Trust, Central Post, Special Welfare, and 30-326 13 Sept. 431 , Persian Language Guide.
Sundry Funds.
30–327 2 Mar. 44. Hindustani Language Guide.
20-221 Feb. 45. War Department Accounting Instructions 30-331 17 Feb. 441. Thai ( Siamese ) Language Guide.
for Unit and Ileadquarters Funds. 30-332 17 Feb. 441. Burmese Language Guide.
20-230 Oct. 44. Logarithmic, Trigonometric, and Mathe 30-333 22 Jun . 431 . Chinese Language Guide.
matical Tables for Artillery. Errata Sheet. 30-334 7 Dec. 431. Cantonese Language Guide.
20-240 Nov. 44. Meteorology for Artillery. 30-339 3 Dec. 431. Malay Language Guide.
20-250 20 Sept. 40. Field Music.
30-340 12 Jun. 441. Tagalog Language Guide.
20-300 12 Jun. 44 Use of Radio Controlled Airplane 30-341 18 Jun. 431. Japanese Language Guide.
Targets. C 1 , 2. 30-342 15 Mar. 44. Korean Language Guide.
INDIVIDUAL SOLDIER Under no circumstances will Language Guides other than German
21–205 26 Jul. 45. Special Services Officer. and Japanese be distributed to units of individuals in staging areas.
Language Guides accompany phonograph recordings ( a set of two dou
21-220 13 May 42. Sports and Games. ble face 2 - inch 78 rpm light plastic records) . For large orders. Foreign
21-221 13 Dec. 43. Informal Games for Soldiers. Language Instruction Kits ( 1.S.) consisting of 200 Language Guides
( TM 30-300 series ) and one set of records are available.
21-250 19 Apr, 43. Army Instruction . C 1 . Distribution restricted to overseas.


TM 30-1505A 28 Apr. 44. Guide's Manual for TM30-1503
30-344 23 Jun. 432. Russian Language Guide. ( Italian ) Spoken English .
30-345 3 Dec. 431, Bulgarian Language Guide. 30–1505B 15 Jun . 44. Guide's Manual for TM 30–1504
30-346 13 Nov. 431. Serbo - Croatian Language Guide. ( Italian ) Spoken English .
30-349 3 Dec. 431 . Rumanian Language Guide. 30–15063 Jun. 45. " Englisch Wie Man's Spricht" , Spoken
30-350 30 Jun. 431. Greek Language Guides. English, Basic Course, Units 1-6.

30-352 28 Dec. 431 , Albanian Language Guide. 30–1506A ” “ Englisch Wie Man's Spricht” , Spoken English,
30-410 30 Sept. 42. Handbook of British Army. Basic Course, Unit 7-12.
* E30–451 15 Mar. 45. Handbook on German Military 30–1506B Jul . 45. " Englisch Wie Man's Spricht” , Spoken
Forces . English, Basic Course, Units 13-24.
E30–480 15 Sept. 44. Handbook on Japanese Military Forces. 30–1506C Aug. 45. “ Englisch Wie Man's Spricht", Spoken
C 1 , 2, 3, 4 , 7. English , Basic Course, Units 25–30.
$ 30–481 5 Sep. 45. The Supplementary Japanese-English 30–1506D: 23 Jun . 45. Guide's Manual for TM 30–1506
Dictionary. ( German ) , Units 1-6 and TM 30–1506A ( German ) ,
30-485 1 May 43. Japanese English Glossary. Units 7-12. Spoken English, Basic Course. Units
30–486 20 Apr. 45. Japanese Readings for Chinese Place 1-2 .
Names Arranged by Characters. 30–1506E' Aug. 45 . Guied's Manual for TM 30-1506B
30-487 20 Apr. 45. Japanese Reading for Chinese Place ( German ) , Units 13–24 and TM 30–1506C ( German ) ,
Names Arranged by Chinese Readings . Units 25–30 . Spoken English , Basic Course, Units
30–488 18 Apr. 45. Japanese Reading for Chinese Place 13–30 .
Names Arranged by Japanese Readings. 30–1509 15 Jan. 45. El Inglés Hablade, Curso Elemental
30-490 22 Dec. 43. German - English Glossary, Technical Unidades 1-12. Spoken English Curso Elemental,
Communication Terry.s. Unidades 1-12 . ( Basic Course. Units 1-12 ) .
30-495 23 Mar. 44. Chinese -English Glossary Technical 30–1510 15 Feb. 45. El Ingles Hablado , Curso Elemental .
Communication Terms. C 1 . Unidades 13–30, Spoken English, Basic Course. Units
* 30–500 11 Sep. 44. Spanish Military Dictionary ( English 13–30.
Spanish, Spanish- English ) . 30-1511A Feb. 45 . Guide's Manual for TM 30–1509
30-501 28 Aug. 44. Portuguese, Military Dictionary, Por ( Spanish ) and TM 30–1512 ( Portuguese ), Spoken
tuguese - English ; English- Portuguese. English Basic Courses . Units 1-12.
30-502 1 Aug. 44 . Military Dictionary, English -French , 30–1511B 17 Feb. 45. Guide's Manual for TM 30–1513
French - English . ( Portugese) , Spoken English, Basic Courses. Units
30-506 13-30 .
20 May 44. Military Dictionary. German -English ;
English-German. 30–1512 15 Jan. 45. 0 Ingles Falado Curso Elementar .
26 May 44. Chinese, Military Dictionary, Chinese Unidades 1-12. Spoken English, Basic Course ,
English ; English - Chinese, Units 1-12.
30-1513 15 Jan. 45. O Ingles Falado Curso Elementar
* 30-541 29 Aug. 44. Japanese Military Dictionary, Japa
nese - English , English-Japanese . Unidades 13–30 Spoken English Basic Course, Units
30-600 11 Dec. 432. Spanish Phrase Book. 13-30.
30-601 16 Dec. 432. Portuguese Phrase Book . SPECIAL OPERATIONS
30-602 28 Sept. 432. French Phrase Book . 31-200 1 Apr. 43. Maintenance and Care of Pneumatic
30-603 16 Sept. 432. Italian Phrase Book. Tires and Rubber Treads. C 1 , 2 , 3 .
30-606 30 -Nov, 43². German Phrase Book .
30-607 15 Dec, 432, Dutch Phrase Book. MAINTENANCE
30-610 16 Dec. 432. Norwegian Phrase Book , 37-250 Basic Maintenance Manual .
30-611 19 Feb. 442. Danish Phrase Book . 37-265 Jan , 45. Instruction Guide Care and Maintenance
30-612 29 Dec. 432. Swedish Phrase Book. of Ball and Roller Bearings.
30-616 28 Dec. 432. Hungarian Phrase Book . 37-305 Nov. 44. Typewriter Maintenance .
30-618 17 Feb. 442. Turkish Phrase Book . 37-2810 Mar. 45 . Motor Vehicle Inspection and Preven
30-626 1 Mar. 442, Persian Phrase Book. tive Maintenance Services.
30-631 29 Feb. 442.Siamese Phrase Book.
30-632 10 Mar. 442. Burmese Phrase Book.
30-633 10 Dec. 432. Chinese Phrase Book. 38-205 21 Oct. 43. Army Supply Procedures, Parts I, II
30-634 4 Dec. 432. Cantonese Phrase Book . and III. C 1 , 2.
38-210 25 Jan. 44.Preparation and Administration of the
30-639 8 Mar. 44º. Malay Phrase Book.
30-641 28 Feb. 44. Japanese Phrase Book. Army Supply Program.
38-220 May 45. Stock Control Manual for Stations.
30-642 27 Mar. 44. Korean Phrase Book , 38-403
30-644 4 Dec. 432, Russian Phrase Book . 1 Aug. 44. Station Supply Procedure.
38-412 Mar. 45 . United States Army and Navy Ocean
30-645 4 Dec. 432. Bulgarian Phrase Book. Shipping Procedures ( Short title. OSPRO ) .
30-646 3 Dec. 432. Serbo-Croatian Phrase Book,
30-649 23 Dec. 432 . Rumanian Phrase Book. 38-413 Feb. 45. Theater Shipping Document. C 1, 2, 3.
30-650 13 Dec. 43 ?. Greek Phrase Book.
38–414 May 45. Army Marking Directive. C 1 .
38-415 Dec. 44. Standing Operating Procedure for
30-652 28 Dec. 432 , Albanian Phrase Book . Movement of Equipment and Supplies to Ports of
30-703 3 March 44. Piccola Guide Italian. English Lan Embarkation, Canada and Mexico.
guage Guide.
1Under no circumstances will Langunge Guides other than German and
30-803 8 March 44. Frasario ( Italian -English Phrase Japanese be distributed to units or individuals in staging areas. Language
Book ) . Guides accompany phonograph recordings ( a set of two double face
2 - inch 78 rpm light plastic records ) . For large orders . Foreign Language
30--1503 18 April 44. L'Inglese Parlato ( Spoken English for Instruction Kits ( I.S. ) consisting of 200 Language Guides ( TM 30-300
Italian Part I ) . series ) and one set of records are available,
2 Distribution restricted to overseas .
30-1504 15 June 44. L'Inglese Parlato ( Spoken English 3Available only through the Provost Marshal General's O Nice , Wash
for Italian , Part II ) . ington , 25 , D, C.


TM 55–1024 19 Dec. 44. Engine, Diesel, Marine, Atlas Im
*38–418 1 Nov. 45. Oversea Requisition . perial, Model 2-AM-115.
* 38–420 4 Sep. 45. Disposition of Excess and Surplus 55–1025 Engine, Marine, Diesel, Atlas, Imperial Model,
Property in Oversea Commands. C 1 , 2. 6HM1558.
* 38-505 13 Sep. 45. Salvage in Zone of Interior. C 1 . 55–1026 Engine, Marine, Diesel, Atlas Imperial Model
55-1027 25 May 45. Instruction Manual for Atlas Im
44–225 30 Jun. 44. Orientation For Artillery. C 1 , 2. perial Diesel Engine, Model 6HM464.
44–250 15 Jun. 44. Stereoscopic Range and Height Finding 55-1029 1 Jul. 41. Engine, Gasoline, Outboard, Johnson,
Model SDL - 16 .
55–1030 28 Jun. 45. Engine, Gasoline, Marine, Outboard,
55–205 25 Aug. 44. Transportation in the Zone of the In Evinrude Sepher Models 4359 , 4361 , 4362, 4363,
55-265 25 May 43. Transportation Rules, Military Railway Light - four Models 4375 , 4376, 4377.
Service. C 1 . 55–1031 Nov. 44. Engines, Diesel, Hercules, Models DFXB,
55-270 Apr. 45. Operation of Railroads General Instruc DFXC, DFXD, and DFXE.
55–1032 22 Nov. 44 , Engines, Diesel, Hercules Models
tions for the Inspection and Maintenance of Loco DJXB, DJXC, and DJXD.
motives and Locomotive Cranes. C 1 .
55-271 Nov. 44 . Operation of Railroads, Diesel- Electric 55–1033 Nov. 44. Engines, Diesel, Hercules, Models DOOB,
Locomotives. DOOC, and DOOD .
55–1034 Dec. 44. Engine, Diesel , Hercules, Models DHXB,
55–275 31 Jul. 45. Operation of Railroads, Maintenance DHXC, DRXB , and DRXC.
of Way and Structures. 55–1035 Engine, Marine, Gasoline, Universal, Utility four,
55-277 14 Jun . 45. Operation of Railroads Maintenance Models BN, BNM, BNR, BNMR.
of Signals .
55-282 3 Sept. 45 . Operation of Railroads , Mechanical Ex 55–1036 9 Nov, 14. Engine, Marine, Diesel, Buda-Lanova
amination for Steam Locomotive Engineers , Ques Model 4-DT-212D .
tions and Answers. 55–1038 Engine, Marine, Gasoline, Palmer Model LLH.
55–1039 29 Dec. 44. Engine, Marine, Diesel, Buda-Lanova
55–310 20 May 44. Stevedoring. Model 6 - DH - 1611.
55-320 Nov. 44. Small Boat and Harbor Craft Preventive 55–1040 Engine, Diesel , Witte, Model VI - 38.
55–1042 Dec. 44. Engine, Marine, Diesel, American Loco
55-325 Jan 45. Operation and Maintenance of Main Hy motive Model 4TM .
draulic Pumps. 55–1045 Engine, Marine, Diesel, Caterpillar, Model D13000.
* 55-405 11 Sep. 45. Preventive Maintenance of Electric 55–1046 Engine, Marine Diesel, Caterpillar, Model D
Motors and Generators.
17000 .
55–525 Jun. 45. Sleeping Car and Similar Accommoda
tions Class of Transportation. 55–1047 Mar. 45. Engine, Marine, Diesel, Caterpillar Model
D-8800 .
* 55-550 1 Aug. 45. Bills of Lading.
55-705 13 Jul. 45. Furnishing Bus Transportation . 55–1048 2 Nov. 44. Engine, Marine Diesel, Caterpillar
Model D4600.
55-1000 9 Nov. 43 . Engine, Marine, Diesel, Cummins,
Model “ A ” Series. 55–1049 14 Dec. 44. Engine, Marine, Diesel, Buda-Lanova,
Model 6-DT-468.
55-1001 29 Nov. 43. Engine, Marine, Diesel, Cummins,
Model “ H ” Series.. 55-1051 12 Feb. 45. Engine, Diesel, Marine, Atlas Im
perial , Model 6 HM-3358.
55-1002 1 Aug. 44. Engine, Marine, Diesel, Cummins, 55-1060 Engine, Outboard, Gasoline, Murray and Tregurtha
Model HMRS 603 .
Model 0-2.
55-1005 15 Dec. 43. Engine, Gasoline, Marine, Hudson In
vader, Model 168. C 1 . 55–1065 7 Nov. 43. Engine, Marine, Diesel, General Motors,
Model 6–278A , C 1 .
55-1006 Instruction Manual for the Operation and Main 55-1066 6 Nov. 43. Generating Set, Diesel General Motors
tenance of the Hall- Scott Defender Twelve Cylinder
Marine Engine. Model 3-268A , 100 KW. C 1 .
55--1007 Jul . 44. Engine, Marine, Steam Skinner Model 55–1067 27 Sep. 43. Engine, Marine, Diesel, General Motors,
Uniflow 1,200 H.P. Model 12-278 A.
55–1008 Dec. 44. Engine, Marine, Steam, Skinner Model 55–1068 Engine, Marine, Diesel, General Motors, Model
Unaflow 600 H.P. 8-567 ATS .

55-1010 Engine, Marine, Gasoline, Packard, Model 4M2500. 55–106930 Aug. 43. Engine, Marine, Diesel, General Mo
55-1013 2 Apr. 45. tors, Models 3-71 and 6–71 .
Engine, Gasoline, Marine, Gray Model
6-121. 55–1070 1 Aug. 14. Engine, Marine, Diesel, Buda-Lavona
Model 6 -DCMR - 844.
55-1014 1 Nov. 44. Engine, Gasoline, Marine, Vimalert
Model V-1150-1 . 55–1071 4 April 44. Engine, Marine, Diesel, Buda-Lanova,
Model 6-DCMR-1879.
55–1015 162, Marine, Gasoline, Scripps , Models 160, 161 ,
163, 164, 165, 170, 171 , 172, 173, 174, 175 , 200, 155–1080 Engine, Marine, Gasoline, Sterling Viking II .
201, 202, 203, 204, 205, Instruction Book, Model 208G. 55–1081 Engine, Marine, Gasoline, Sterling, Model Ad
55–1017 Model
18 Nov. 44. Engine Marine, Diesel Washington miral .
6R-13 . 55-1082 11 Mar. 44. Engine, Marine, Gasoline, Sterling,
55-1020 Engine, Marine, Gasoline, Continental Commando, Model Petrel L - 6 .
Model R6602. 55-1085 31 May 44. Clark Diesel Engine Models M.D.4
55-1021 Model Marine, Gasoline, Continental Invincible and M.D.6.
M6330. 55-1090 9 Nov. 44 . Engine, Marine, Diesel Cooper-Bes
155–1022 Mar. 45. Engine, Marine Diesel, Waukesha semer Model JS - 6 - DR .
Hesselman . 55-1091 16 Nov. 44. Engine, Marine, Diesel, Cooper-Bes
55-1023 7 Feb. 45 . Engine, Diesel, Marine, Atlas Im semer, Model FW -6-DR .
perial, Model 6HM 1021. 55–1092 Nov. 44. Engine, Marine Diesel Cooper-Bessemer
Will not be reprinted when present depot stocks are exhausted . Model GSB8.

TM 55-1201 11 Oct. 44. Crane, Locomotive, Browning, Model
55–1098 4 Jan. 45. Engine, Marine, Gasoline, Chris-Craft 8 -Wheel.
Model B. 55–1202 15 Dec. 44. Crane, Diesel, Portal , Marion Type,
55–1099 17 Jan. 45. Engine, Gasoline, Marine, Chris-Craft 362, 3-12 Tons.
Model MR . 55-1203 15 Dec. 44. Crane, Gantry Portal, Diesel Driven,
55-1100 12 Apr. 44. Engine, Marine, Gasoline, Chris- Craft, Marion Steam Shovel, 17 Ton Capacity Design No.
Models K, KR & KB, C8.
55-1101 Instruction Book and Parts List for Chris- Craft * 55-1251 11 Nov. 44. Locomotive, Diesel-Electric, General
Marine Engines, 6 Cylinder, 160 HP-Models W , WR, Electric, 45-Ton , 300- HP.
55–1257 21 May 45. Locomotive, Diesel Electric, 127-Ton,
55-1105 20 Nov. 44. Engine, Marine, Diesel , Enterprise 1000 HP, Standard Gauge American Locomotive
Models DMQ-36 and DMQ-38. Model RDSW .
55–1106 1 Nov. 44. Engine, Marine, Diesel, Enterprise 55-1308 22 Dec. - 44. Refrigerating and Cooling Equip
Models DMG - 6 and DMG - 38 .. ment York Model 25-A .
55-1110 Engine, Marine, Gasoline, Briggs & Stratton , 55-3000 1944. Pumper & Generator, Kermath Model Sca
Model B. Chief, 24. and 5 KW.
55-1111 13 Dec. 44. Engine, Gasoline, Marine, Briggs and 55-3002 3 Sept. 43. Gear, Main Reduction , Farrel Model
Stratton Model B ( Engines 300500 and Up 12 U-14.
Units ) . 55–3003 Aug. 43. Propulsion Equipment, Electric, General
55–1115 Jul. 45. Engine, Marine, Diesel, Fairbanks-Morse, Electric, for Generators, Diesel Engine Driven.
Model 35F8-3 / 4 . 55-3004 17 Nov. 45. Generating Sets, Diesel, Engine
55-1116 Aug. 44. Engine, Marine, Diesel, Fairbanks Driven , Bardoo Models, DD-40 and DD-30.
Morse, Model 35 - F - 14M . 55–3005 30 Dec. 44. Gear, Reduction, Packard Model BP-1 ,
55–1117 Engine, Marine, Diesel, Fairbanks -Morse, Model 40 Units.
36 - A -444 . 55–3006 Dec. 44. Generating Set, Gasoline, Kohler 112 KW
55-1118 Engine, Marine, Diesel, Fairbanks -Morse, Model Model DP-32, 1478 Units.
36 - A - 512 . 55–3007 Dec. 44. Generating Set, Gasoline, Kohler 10 KW,
55-1119 Engine, Marine, Diesel, Fairbanks -Morse, Model Model 10A3 - V and 10M3-1,
35 - F - 10 . 55-3008 Generating Set, Gasoline, Onan, Model OTC-15BE.
55–1120 9 Jan. 44. Engine, Marine, Diesel, Fairbanks-Morse, Model OTC-15BE .
Model 37-E-14. 55-3009 29 Nov. 44. Engine, Superior Model, GAB - 4 , For
55–1121 July 44. Engine, Marine, Diesel, Fairbanks -Morse, Westinghouse Generator 25 KW.
Models 33F12 and 37F12 . 55–3010 9 Dec. 44. Generating Set, Diesel , Engine-Driven,
55-1122 Aug. 44. Instructions No. 3300E16, Fairbanks Superior Models GA - 2, GA - 4 , GA-6, 1A-4.
Morse, Model 33E16 and 37E16 Diesel Engines. 55–3019 Jan. 45. Generating Set, Gasoline Engine-Driven,
55-1125 18 Oct. 44. Engine, Marine Diesel, Wolverine, 6 Marine, Universal, 742 KW Model M - 7500 - M .
Cylinder. AIRBORNE
55-1126 14 Dec. 44. Engine, Diesel, Marine, Superior,
Model VDSS. 71-210 30 Apr. 45. Air Transport of Troops and Equip
55-1130 14 Dec. 44. Engine, Diesel Marine, Superior ment.
Model PTD .
55-1134 4 Dec. 44. Engine Marine Diesel Superior
Model SMRA - 4, Instruction Manual and Parts List.
55–1136 26 Apr. 45. Engine, Diesel , Superior Models ID 33. TECHNICAL REGULATIONS. (For descrip
and CD . tion see par. 12) .
55-1140 12 Mar. 45. Engine, Marine, Diesel, Busch-Sulzer TR
Model 6 - DFMT - 17.
*55–1143 15 Jun. 45. Engine, Gasoline, Marine, Chrysler, 1300-30G 21 May 29. Browning Aircraft Machine Guns,
Twin Royal Model M11 . Caliber 30 ; M1918 -M1 and M1919.
55–1144 15 May 45. Engine, Gasoline, Marine, Chrysler 1305-75B 2 Jan. 40. Gun and Carriage, 75 -mm , M1916
Crown Model M10. A1 , and M1916- M1A1 .
55-1145 15 May 45. Engine, Gasoline, Marine, Chrysler 1320- DB 29 Nov. 38. Altimeters.
Royal Model M8. 1320 - DL 30 Dec. 38. Data Transmission Systems, M2,
55-1146 15 Apr. 45. Engine, Gasoline, Marine , Chrysler M2A1 , and M2A2, Instrument Trailers, M2 and
Crown , Model M7. M2A1 ( Including Power Units ) .
55–1147 Engine, Diesel, Marine, Chrysler, Model M - 12. 1355-240A 28 Nov. 27. Ammunition for 240 -mm Howitzer,
55–1148 21 Dec. 44. Engine, Marine, Gasoline, Kermath , M1918 ( Schneider ) .
Model Sea-Raider Six, Fresh Water Cooled. 1405-A 10 Dec. 32. Special Field Artillery Vehicles.
55–1149 22 Nov. 44. Engine, Marine, Gasoline, Kermath 1405-75B 2 Jan. 40. Gun and Carriage, 75 -mm , M1916A1
Model Sea Raider Special, 550 H.P., Fresh Water and M1916- M1A1.
Cooled .
55–1150 22 Nov. 44. Engine, Marine, Gasoline, Kermath,
Model Sea -Raider,
55-1151 Nov. 44. Engine, Marine, Gasoline, Kermath 34. TRAINING CIRCULARS. ( For description see
Model Sea Wolf Six , 306 Units. par. 13 ) . The training circulars listed below are
13 Dec.
55-1152 Model , 44. Engine, Marine, Diesel,
D Kermath, still in force. Those training circulars and parts
4-226 .
55–1153 13 Dec. 44. Engine, Marine, Gasoline, Kermath , of training circulars which are not listed below
Model Sea - Zephyr. have been incorporated in other publications or
55-1155 13 Jan. 45. . Engine, Marine, Gasoline, Kermath , have served the purpose for which issued , are
Model Sea Mate. rescinded.

TRAINING CIRCULARS — Continued 1 ... V. Radio Sets SCR-808- ( :) and .

12 Jan. 1945
25 ... Reading Courses for Officers.... 5 Apr, 1941 SCR -828-1 ) : Assignment of
2 ... I. Changes in Training , Cir No. 75,
31 ... Chemical Defense of Air Estab 16 May 1942
lishments .
War Department, 1944.
69 ... II. Chemical Defense of Air Estab 14 Oct. 1942
II. Employment of Portable Flame
Throwers M1A1 and M2-2.
3 ... II. Combat formations for squads 29 Jan. 1945 1
85 ... Training in International Morse 12 Nov. 1942 and platoons.
Code. 5 ...
17 Nov. 1942
Operations Codes and Prear- 7 Feb. 1945
88 ... Recovery and Evacuation
of Arms and Other Equipment ranged Message Codes, Compi
lation and Use.
by Combat Units in Combat
Zone. 7 ... I. Change in TC 5, 1945...... 21 Feb. 1945
99 ... Safeguarding Military Informa 4 Dec. 1942 II. Countermortar Organization
tion . and Technique. 1
8 ... Tactical Employment of Chemi- 24 Feb. 1945
cal Mortar Battalion.
21 ... Recovery and Evacuation of Ma- 27 Feb. 1943 9 ... Classified 26 Feb. 1945
tériel by Service Units in The 10 ... I. Limited Distribution of TC 9... 1. Mar. 1945
ater of Operations. III. Rescission of TC.
32 ... Kit, Emergency, Crash Fire- 11 Mar. 1943 11 ... I. Rescission of Section I , TC 57, 15 Mar. 1945
Fighting Equipment, for Mo 1942 .
bile Decontaminator M3A1 . JI. Subcaliber Qualification Course
68 ... II. Recovery and Evacuation of Ma- 13 May 1943 for Antitank Weapons.
tériel by Service Units in The 12 ... I. Rescission of TC 101 , 1942 ..... 22 Mar. 1945
ater of Operations . II . Safeguarding Information Rela
84 ... Standard Firing Device Base 14 Jun. 1943 tive to Convoy Movements .
Compared with Special Clip or 14 ... I. Rescission of Paragraph 49f, FM 10 Apr. 1945
Snout Base. 21-40.
92 ... III. Kit, Emergency, Crash Fire- Jul. 1943
II. Rescission of Training Circulars.
Fighting Equipment for 15 ... Classified 11 Apr. 1945
Power-Driven Decontaminator 16 ... I. Limited Distribution of TC 15,
M4 . 1945 14 Apr. 1945
102 ... Destruction of Aircraft and 13 Aug. 1943 II. Malaria Control and Malaria
Components. Discipline.
109 ... I. Supersession of TF 25-670...... 25 Sep. 1943 17 ... Part I. Introduction 20 Apr. 1945
II. Rescission of Training Circular. Part II . Air- Ground Liaison
123 ... Change in Training Circular No. 11 Nov. 1943
102 .
System .
18 ... Chemical Warfare General Ser- 24 Apr. 1945
vice Company.
1 ... I. Changes in Training Circular 1 Jan. 1944 19 ... Field Artillery Rocket Bat- 25 Apr. 1945
No. 118, 1943 ...... talion Motorized 4.5 - Inch
3 ... Training in International Morse 14 Jan. 1944 Rocket , Truck Drawn .
Code. 20 ... Classified 26 Apr. 1945
62 ... WAC Physical Fitness Rating ... 10 Oct. 1944 21 ... Chemical Maintenance Com- 11 May 1945
64 ... Flying Safety : Standard proced- 13 Oct. 1944 pany.
ure in instrument weather fly 22 ... I. Limited Distribution of Certain 16 May 1945
ing for fighter aircraft - indi TCs .
vidual, squadron, and group . III.. Graphic Training Aid 8-1 ,
65 ... Mortar, 105-mm, T13, and mount, 21 Oct. 1944 Changes.
T12 . 23 ... Japanese Tactics and Character- 28 May 1945
67 ... Stabilizers in Armored Vehicles. 25 Oct. 1944 istics.
69 ... Classified . ..... 4 Nov. 1944 24 ... Employment of Photography 9 Jun . 1945
71 ... I. Limited distribution of certain 10 Nov. 1944 from Liaison Type Airplanes
Training Circulars . in Aerial Survey.
II. Rescission of C4 , FM 31-20 . 25 ... Employment of the 57-mm Rifle, 13 Jun . 1945
III . Restricted notice on FMs and T1559 or T15E13 and the 75
TMs. mm Rifle, T21 or T21E4 .
IV. Redesignation of components of 26 ... Signal Training During Sea Voy- 14 Jun . 1945
WI) Graphic Training Aid , 5-6. ages.
72 ... Signal Operation Instructions... 17 Nov. 1944 27 ... Adaptation of Radio Set SCR 15 Jun . 1945
73 ... Employment of the 81 -mm Mor- 8 Dec. 1944 584 for Location of Ground
tar Platoon as a Battery and Targets.
Massing Fire 28 ... Classified ... 16 Jun . 1945
74 ... Authentication Systems .. 20 Dec. 1944 29 ... Employment of Antiaircraft 18 Jun . 1945
75 ... Communication : Infantry - Tanks- 22 Dec. 1944 Searchlight in Ground Opera
Artillery Team. tions.
76 ... Classified 29 Dec. 1944 30 ... Tactical Air Command : Organi- 19 Jun , 1945
zation and Employment.

TRAINING CIRCULARS - Continued Bearing Indicator BC - 1159 & 3108A 3 Jul . 1944
31 ... I. Limited Distribution of Cer- 2 Jul. 1945 Goniometer Drive RM-43 .
tain Training Circulars. Bearings ML - 129 - A , B, C & E 3103 10 Jul . 1944
( shown with vane ) .
II. Rescission of Training Cir
culars. * Boiler, Laundry, Mobile, Orr LO 10–351-3 15 Jan. 1945
32 ... Food Conservation. 10 Jul . 1945 & Sembower.
33 ... I. Change in TC No. 29, WD, 1945. 3 Aug. 1945 Boat, Utility, Power, Gasoline, LO 5-8020 6 Jun . 1945
II. Authentication Systems. 18-ft. (Penn Yan, Model AT ) .
34 ... Reduction of Japanese Cane 11 Aug. 1945 Briggs and Stratton Engine 3005 25 Mar. 1944
Type Fortifications, ( Models A , AHL and AP )
35 ... Infantry Scout Dog Platoons. 20 Aug. 1945 ( For Reel Unit RL - 26 - A , B &
36 ... Maps and Photographs. 24 Aug. 1945 C Lubrication , see Guide No.
37 ... R / T Procedure for Ground Con- 25 Aug. 1945 3006 ) .
* Bulldozer, Tank, M1 , M1A1 .. LO 9-719 20 Jun. 1945
trol Approach ( GCA ) . LO 9-824 10 May 1945
38 ... I. Limited distribution of TC No. 18 Sep. 1945 Bus, 29 Passenger, 4 x 2 ......
35 , 1945. Bus, 37-Pass., 4 x 2 ( IHC KS- LO 9-822 26 Feb. 1945
II. Rescission of Training Circular. 7).
III . Individual protection against Camera , Combat, Still , PH - 3831 28 Aug. 1944
white phosphorus. 501 / PF ( Simmons Brothers,
* 39 ... I. Rescission of Training Circulars. 12 Oct. 1945 Camera 214 " x 31/4 " ) .
II . Instructional Materials for Lit Camera, M. P., 16-mm , PH-430 3820 26 Oct. 1944
eracy Training. ( Eastman Kodak Co. , Cine
* 40 ... General Principles of Night Vi- 26 Oct. 1945 Kodak Special).
sion and Night Vision Train Camera, M. P. , 16-mm , PH-430- 3829 4 Jul . 1944
ing. A ( Bell and Howell Company
*41 ... I. Correction in Training Circular 5 Nov. 1945 Model 70DA Filmo ) .
39, 1945. Camera , M.P.; 35 -mm , PH-270 3805 , 3805A, 27 Jul. 1944
II. Rescission of Training Circulars. ( Wall Single - System Came- 3805B
* 42 ... Employment of Radar Set AN / 14 Nov. 1945 ra ) .
MPG-1 . * Camera, M.P., 35-mm, PH-274 , 3822 9 Nov. 1944
* 43 ... Radio Set SCR-808-1 ) and 5 Dec. 1945 Mitchell , Standard, Silenced .
SCR-828- ( ) with Accessory * Camera, M.P., 35-mm , PH-274 , 3822A 9 Nov. 1944
Kits MC - 583, MC-584, MC Mitchell, Standard, Silenced.
585 , and MC-586 for Emer * Camera , 35 -mm, PH-274- A , 3896 18 Jan. 1945
gency Transmission of Base Mitchel, “ NC ” .
end Data for Seacoast Ar Camera, M. P. , 35mm, PH - 330- 3801 6 Mar. 1944
tillery Employment . A ( Bell & Howell Company
Model 71-K-Eyemo ) .
35. WAR DEPARTMENT LUBRICATION OR- Camera, M. P. , 35 mm , PH- 3800 6 Mar. 1944
DERS. ( For description see par. 13 ) 330 - G ( Bell & Howell Com
pany Model 71-Q-Eyemo ) .
Camera, Micro- File PH-545 / 3891 26 Sep. 1944
TITLE WDLO NO . DATE PF ( E. K. Co., Recordak ,
Model E )
Camera, PH-530/PF ( Combat 3887 3 Oct. 1944
* Air- Conditioning Unit , Self- LO 5-9484 1 Jul . 1945
Camera, Cunningham ) .
Contained Type , Water 31 Jan. 1945
* Camera, 35 -mm , PH-516/GF , 3895
Cooled, 5-HP Motor, 60,000– Mitchell , Single System ,
BTU Per Hour ( Chrysler
Sound .
Airtemp, Model 5 - SCA - M ).
Ambulance, 34 ton , 4 x 2 Pack- LO 9-U312 12 Mar. 1945 Camera, Still , PH -47 - C , D , E , 3814 13 Jan. 1945
ard- Henney . & F, ( 4 x 5 Speed Graphic ).
Apparatus, Decontaminating, LO 3-U2 1 May 1945 Camera Equipment, P - 151- A 3833 , 3833A 8 Aug. 1944
Motorized , Dry Agent, E-2. ( including Camera PH - 151 &
Apparatus , Decontaminating, LO 3-223 1 Mar. 1945 Enlarger PH-275 ) ( Folmer
Power- Driven, M3A2. Graflex Corp. Photorecord and
( Auger , Earth , Motorized 1001 30 Sep. 1944 Eastman Kodak Co. , Por
( Buda , HBG - 40 ) . table miniature enlarger M /
ŠAuger, Earth, Skid-Mounted, 1050 15 Aug. 1944 1).
Gasoline . ( Highway Trailer Car, Armored, T17E1, T17E2 . LO 9-741 14 Feb. 1945
Model HDM-S ) . Car, Armored , Light, M8 ...... LO 9–743 15 Feb. 1945
* Auxiliary Compressor & Gen- LO 55-U41 15 Sep. 1945 Car, Armored , Utility, M20 ... LO 9-743 15 Feb. 1945
erating Unit 1 KW (Kahlen Car, Half-Track, M2A1 LO 9-710-8 9 Feb. 1945
berg Model KBAL-1000 ) . Car, Half Track, M9A1 ( 1HC ) LO 9–707 10 Jan. 1945
* Bath Unit, Cleaver- Brooks , LO 10–1612 15 Jan. 1945 Car, Scout, M3A1 ...... LO 9-705 12 Feb. 1945
EC - 4 .
Car, 5 Pass . , Light Sedan , 4. LO 9-U309 14 Mar, 1945
Bath Unit, Field , Mobile ( Orr LO 10-1616 15 Jan. 1945
door ( Chevrolet ) .
& Sembower 2B-24 ) . Car, 5 Pass . , Light Sedan, ( Ford LO 9-U311 15 Feb. 1945
Bath Unit , Field , Portable LO 10-U2 15 Jan. 1945
6 & 8 Cylinder ).
( Cleaver -Brooks EC - 8 ). Car, 5 Pass. , Light Sedan , 4 x 2 LO 9-U310 13 Mar. 1945
Issued by the Pentagon A. G. Depot , Washington 25, D. C. ( Plymouth ) .

WAR DEPT. LUBRICATION ORDERS-Continued Caterpillar Power Unit Model 3235 4 Sep. 1944
Sedan LO 9-U312 12 Mar. 1945 44-20E ( Caterpillar Engine
Car, 5 Pass. , Medium Model D4400 ) .
( Packard Models 160, 2003,
Clipper ). ICement Plant, Portable, Gaso- 1052 26 Feb. 1944
* Car, Railway, Hospital Kit- LO 55–1248 1 Aug. 1945 line, 30 - TPH (Blaw Knox ) .
chen ( American Car & * Chamber, Fumigation , Methyl LO 10-1695 25 Jun. 1945
Foundry –56 12 " Gage, 50-Ton Bromide, Non -portable (Haer
.8 Wheel. tel ) .
* Car, Railway, Hospital Unit LO 55–1254 28 May 1945 Charger, Battery , Portable, LO 9–834 15 Jan. 1945
( American Car & Foundry Gas- Engine- Driven, 15 Volts,
Co. ) . 133 Amps. ( Onan No. OTC
* Car, Railway, Maintenance, 60 LO 55-1255 16 Jul . 1945 33 B ) .
HP Gasoline Engine, Multi Chest , CH -40 Sound Ranging 3039 1 Apr, 1944
gage, 8 Man ( Willys Engine Set GR-3 ) .
Model MB ) . Compressor, Air, Gas-Engine. LO 9-U200 15 Jan. 1945
Carriage, Motor, 37-mm Gun, LO 9–750A 2 Apr. 1945 Driven , 105 cu. ft. per Min .
M6 .
( Schramm ) .
Carriage, Motor, 76-mm Gun, LO 9-755 15 Feb. 1945 Compressor, Air , Gas - Engine. LO 9-834-1 17 Jan. 1945
M18 . Vehicle, Utility, Arm Driven , 16 Cu. Ft. Per Min. 1

ored , M 39. ( Curtis ) .

Carriage, Motor, 90-mm Gun, LO 9-758 26 Feb. 1945 Compressor, Air, Gasoline En- LO 3-377 10 Mar. 1945
gine Driven, 7CFM, M1.
Carriage, Motor, 90-mm Gun , LO 9–748 1 Mar. 1945
10 Jul. 1944
M36B1 .
Compressor, Air, Gasoline, 105 1014
CFM with Attachments ( Le
* Carriage, Motor, 90-mm Gun, LO 9–745 20 May 1945 Roi Model 105 GA ) .
M36B2 .
Carriage, Motor, 155-mm Gun, LO 9-751 8 Mar. 1945 Compressor, Air, Portable Gas- LO 9-834-2 18 Dec. 1944
M12 . Engine-Driven , 4 cu . ft. per
Carriage, Motor, 15-mm Gun, LO 9–747 20 Mar. 1945 Min. (Bendix -Westinghouse ).
T83 . Compressor, Air, Portable, Gas- LO 5–5096 20 Dec. 1944
Carriage, Motor, 3-in . Gun M10 . LO 9-752 1 Mar. 1945 oline, 16-CFM ( Quincy, Model
Carriage, Motor, 3-in. Gun, LO 9–731G 20 Feb. 1945 216 ) with Kiekhaefer, Model
M10A1 . KB6F Engine.
Carriage , Motor, 75-mm How- LO 9–732B 10 Mar. 1945 * Compressor, Air, Skid -Mount- LO 5–5064 1 Jun. 1945
itzer, M8 . ed , Gasoline , 60 - CFM
( Schramm , Model Fordair
Carriage, Motor, 75-mm How- LO 9-710-2 10 Mar. 1945
itzer, T30. 60 ) .
Carriage, Motor, 105-mm How- LO 9-731E 16 Feb. 1945 Compressor , Air , Trailer- LO 5-5106 20 Nov, 1944
itzer, M7. Mounted, 4 Wheel Pneumatic
Tires, Gasoline Engine
Carriage, Motor, 105 -mm How- LO 9–749 28 Feb. 1945
itzer, M7B1 . Driven, 55-CFM (Ingersoll
Rand , Model 6R-50, with
* Carriage, Motor, 105-mm How- LO -9–717 1 Sep. 1945 Wisconsin Engine Model VF
itzer, M37.
4) .
* Carriage, Motor , 105-mm How- LO 9–744 14 Aug. 1945 *Compressor, Air , Trailer- 1058 26 Nov, 1943
itzer, M41 .
Carriage, Motor, 8-in . Howitzer LO 9-747 20 Mar. 1945 Mounted, Pneumatic Tires ,
T89 . Gasoline , 60-CFM ( Ingersoll
Carriage, Motor, Multiple Gun , LO 9-710-4 Rand , Model D-60 ) .
25 Feb. 1945
M15 . Compressor, Air , Trailer- 1011 15 Aug. 1944
Carriage, Motor, Multiple Gun, LO 9-710-7 23 Feb. 1945 Mounted, Steel -Wheels , Die
M15A1 . sel 315 - DFM ( Ingersoll Rand,
Carriage, Motor, Multiple Gun, LO 9-710-5 12 Mar. 1945
Model IK-315 ) .
M16 . I Compressor, Air , Trailer- 1012 1 July 1944
* Carriage, Motor, Twin 40- mm LO 9-757 1 Aug. 1945 Mounted , Steel -Wheels , Die
Gun , M19. sel 500-CFM ( Chicago Pneu
Carriage, Multiple Cal. .50 Ma- LO 9-223 1 Mar, 1945 matic, Model 500-PO-8) .
chine Gun , M51. I:Compressor, Air , Trailer - 1059 26 Nov. 1943
Carrier, 81-mm Mortar Half- LO 9-710-1 1 Mar. 1945 Mounted, Steel Wheels, Oil
Track , M4, M4A1, M21. Engine, 210 - CFM (Ingersoll
Carrier, Cargo, M30 .... LO 9–751 8 Mar, 1945 Rand, Model HK-210 ) .
Carrier, Cargo, M29, M29C .... LO 9-772 10 Feb. 1945 * Compressor, Refrigerator, Ser- LO 10-1417-2 15 Jan. 1945
Carrier, Personnel, Half-Track, LO 9–710 10 Mar. 1945 vel Model “ Q ” .
M3, M3A1 . * Compressor, Refrigerator , LO 10-1625 15 Jan. 1945
Carrier, Personnel, Half- Track , LO 9-707 10 Jan, 1945 York, Freon-12.
M5 , and M5A1 , Compressor, Refrigerator , LO 10–1681 25 Apr. 1945
Carrier, Universal, T16 ........ LO 9-746 1 Mar. 1945 ( Universal Cooler FF ) .
* Cart, 4.2- Inch Chemical Mortar LO 3–320-2 15 Apr. 1945 * Conversion Unit, For Convert- LO 5-9562 30 Jun . 1945
and Ammunition , M1A1 . ing Boat, Lighter, Tank , To
Fuel Barge ( Heil ) .
Issued by the Pentagon A. G. Depot, Washington 23, D. C. Converter M - 209... 3034 1 Apr. 1944

WAR DEPT. LUBRICATION ORDERS — Continued Crane, Wheeled , Gasoline, 6036 , 6036A 23 Oct. 1944
* Conveyor, Belt, Flat, Skid- LO 5-9130 11 Jun . 1945 Silent Hoist AX and AY.
Mounted , 34- In . Wide Belt, Crane ( Wheeled ), Mather Load- 6020, 6020A 31 Aug. 1944
50- Ft. Long Frame, Capacity - master 80 [on Tractor, Case
25 - lb . per Ft., 75 TPH ( Lam LAI ( Gasoline) ] .
son ) . Crane, Wheeled , Gasoline 6024 , 6024A 21 Sep. 1944
Conveyor, Belt, Transfer , Gaso- LO 5-1010 15 Mar. 1945 ( Mather— “ No, 50 ” ) on Trac
line Engine Driven , 24-In . x tor, Case, DI.
57-Ft. ( Barber-Greene, Style Crane (Wheeled ) , Mercer No. 3 6023, 6023A 21 Sep. 1944
N) . [on Tractor, International
IConveyor, Belt, Transfer, Gaso- 1108 2 Mar. 1944 Harvester, 1-4 ( Gasoline ) ] .
line Engine-Driven , 30-In. x Crane ( Wheeled ) , Mercer No. 6019, 6019A 23 Aug. 1944
35 - Ft., Low Mast, For Crush 5 [ on Case Tractor DI ( Gaso
ing, Screening and Washing line ) ] .
Piant, Gasoline , Pioneer . Crane , Wheeled , Gasoline 6022, 6022A 21 Sep. 1944
İConveyor , Belt, Transfer, Gaso- 1109 2 Mar. 1944 ( Mercer— "No. 5 " ) on Trac
line Engine Driven , 30- in ., x tor, International Harvester
50 ft., Low Mast, 300/400 1-6 .
FPM for Crushing, Screening Crane ( Wheeled ) , Mercer No. 6018, 6018A 19 Aug. 1944
and Washing Plant, Gasoline, 7 [on Tractor, Case, LAI
Pioneer. (Gasoline ) ].
Conveyor, Belt, Transfer, Gaso- 1110 2 Mar. 1944 Crusher, Jaw - Type, Gasoline, 1100, 1100A 2 Mar. 1944
line Engine Driven , 30-in ., by Crawler, 30-in. x 42 - in ., 200
50 ft., High Mast, for Crush to 400-TPH (Model 56 - A )
ing, Screening and Washing for Crushing, Screening, and
Plant, Gasoline, Pioneer. Washing Plant, Gasoline, Pio
*Crane, Crawler -Mounted , Gaso- 1054, 1054A, 21 Sep. 1944 neer.
line, 3 -cu . yd., with Attach- 1054B *
* Crusher, Jaw-Type, Gasoline- LO 5-1030 20 Apr. 1945
ments. (Koehring Model 304 ) . Engine - Driven , Trailer
* Crane, Locomotive, Gasoline LO 55-U16 7 May 1945 Mounted, 4 Steel Wheels, 10
( Industrial Brownhoist Model
x 16-In. Opening, 4 to 30 Tons
IB No. 8, 35-40 Ton ) . per Hour, Gruendler, Model
*Crane, Locomotive , Steam LO 55-1201 15 May 1945 1016 - A ( Less engine ) .
( Browning 4 & 8 Wheel ) . Crusher, Roll- type, Gasoline, 1101 , 1101A
Crane, Locomotive, isoline, LO 55-U17 29 May 1945 2 Mar. 1944
( Ohio 25 & 35-Ton) . Crawler, 54 - in. Dia. ' x 24-in .
* Crane, Revolving , Truck- LO 5-1277 30 Jul . 1945 Face, 100 to 190 TPH , ( Model
54 - VA ) for Crushing, Screen
Mounted , Diesel Pneumatic
Tired, One- Engine Drive, 14 ing and Washing Plant, Gaso
to 18-Ton , Class XII, With line, Pioneer.
Attachments ( General , Model Crusher, Roll-type, Gasoline, 1103, 1103A 1 Mar. 1944
307) Less Engine. Trailer - Mounted , 6 - Steel

* Crane, Truck-Mounted , Bridge LO 5-8064 15 Jul. 1945 Wheels, 40- in . , Dia . x 22- in .
Erector, Hydraulic -Operated, Face, 40- to 140-TPH, ( Model
(Heil, Models M-11 and M 42-VA ) for Crushing, Screen
11A , and Daybrook Hydrau ing and Washing Plant, Gas
lic, Models M-11 and M-11A ) oline, Pioneer.
Crane, Truck Mounted M2. LO 9-771 20 Feb. 1945 * Crusher, Screen and Washer, 1102 1 Mar. 1944
Trailer, Clamshell M16. Roll - Type, Belt - Driven ,
Crane, Truck- Mounted , Gaso 1002, 1002A 14 Oct. 1944 Crawler, 40-in. Dia. x 22-in.
line, 3 -cu. yd., with attach Face, 40- to 140-TPH , ( Model
ments ( Quick -Way, Model E ) . 300-WA ) for Crushing ,
Crane, Wharf, Portal , Diesel , 1070, 1070A Screening and Washing Plant,
1 May 1944
312 - Ton (Marion , Type 362 ) . Gasoline, Pioneer.
Crane, Wharf Portal Diesel 17- 1071 , 1071A 1 May 1944 ICrushing and Screening Plant, 1034, 1034A 1 Mar. 1943
Ton ( Marion ). 25 cu. yd., Gasoline, Primary
Crane, Wheeled , Gasoline 6028, 6028A 4 Oct. 1944 Unit, ( Iowa Army Mobile
(Hughes -Keenan “ MC2R " ) Model No. 2 ) .
on Tractor, International Crushing and Screening Plant, 1034B, 1 Mar. 1943
Harvester , 1-9. 25 cu . yd. , Gasoline, Second- 1034C
Crane , Wheeled , Gasoline, 6027 , 6027A 2 Oct. 1944 ary Unit, ( Iowa Army Mobile
Hughes Keenan MC - 4 , on Model No. 2 ) .
Tractor, International Har Darkroom PH-392 ( Hunter 3844 8 Aug. 1944
vester 1-9. Manufacturing Company,
Crane, Wheeled , Gasoline (Hy- 6042, 6042A 22 Feb. 1944 Model T - 3C ).
ster- Karry Krane " ) . Dehydrator, Sand, Screw-Feed, 1104 2 Mar. 1944
Crane, Wheeled, Gasoline ( Serv- 6025, 6025A 22 Sep. 1944 Chain-Driven , Trailer-Mount
ice Supply -W6C and W6C1 ) . ed , 4 Steel Wheels, 40 to 60
TPH, for Crushing , Screen
ing and Washing Plant, Gaso
* Issued by the Pentagon A. G. Depot, Washington 25, D. C. line, Pioneer.


WAR DEPT. LUBRICATION ORDERS - Continued * Engine, Diesel, Marine ( Atlas LO 55-1025 16 Jul. 1945
*Digger, Clay, Pneumatic, 20- LO 5-4025 30 Apr. 1945
Imperial , Models CHM1558,
lb. Class, 7 -in. Hexagon x 6HM2124, 6HM1021 ) .
234 - In . Chuck. ' (Gardner -Den Engine, Diesel, Marine ( Buda LO 55–1070 2 Apr. 1945
ver, Models 28-A and 28– 6 - DCMR -844).
GO ) . Engine, Diesel , Marine ( Buda LO 55-1071 20 Apr. 1945
* Distillation Unit, Gasoline - En- LO 5-2069 31 Jul , 1945 6 - DCMR 1879, 6-DHMR 1879 ,
gine-Driven , Skid- Mounted, Engine, Diesel, Marine ( Buda LO 55-1072–1 23 Apr. 1945
Thermo- Compression Type , 6 - DHMR - 691) ,
3000 Gal . Per Day ( Cleaver Engine, Diesel , Marine ( Buda LO 55-1072 9 Apr. 1945
Brooks, Model MVC-17A ) . 6 - DTMR - 468, 6 - DTMR - 317 ).
* Distillation Unit, Gasoline-En- LO 5-2064 4 Aug. 1945 Engine, Diesel, Marine, Busch- 7022 3 Aug. 1944
gine-Driven, Skid-Mounted , Sulzer 6 - DFMT - 17 .
Double- Effect, 5000-Gal. Per Engine, Diesel, Marine Cater- LO 55–1045 5 Jun . 1945
Day ( Cleaver - Brooks, Model pillar D11000, D13000.
M2E-25 ) . Engine, Diesel, Marine Cater- LO 55-U22 30 May 1945
* Distributor, Bituminous Mate- LO 5-1130 15 Sep. 1945
rial , Trailer -Mounted, 1250 pillar D17000.
Gal . ( Etnyre Model MX-D4 , Engine, Diesel, Marine, ( Chrys- LO 55-1147 27 Apr. 1945
Style RE ) with LeRoi Model ler M12 ) .
P2877-D2 Engine. Engine, Diesel, Marine, Coop- LO 55–1091 13 Sep. 1945
* Director, M5, M5A1 and M6 .. LO 9-659 15 Jul . 1945 er-Bessemer, FW -6 - DR ) .
* Director, M5A2 , M5A3 .... LO 9-659-1 15 Aug. 1945 Engine, Diesel , Marine, Coop- 7038 5 Nov. 1944
Disinfector, Trailer Type . ... LO 8-636 20 Feb. 1945 er- Bessemer GSB - 8 ( Farrel
Distributor, Bituminous Mate- 1080 20 Mar. 1944 Main Reduction ' Gear U14,
rial, Truck -Mounted, 800-Gal., T8079, U1892 ) .
Gasoline ( Etnyre, Model MX, Engine, Diesel, Marine, Coop- LO 55–1090 15 Aug. 1945
Style RE ) with LeRoi Engine er-Bessemer JS6 - JS8 - DR .
Model P2877D2 or D-140-P7. Engine, Diesel, Marine ( Clark LO 55–1085 1 Jul 1945
Distributor, Water, Truck - 1081 30 Jun. 1944 MD4, MD6 ) .
Mounted , 1000-Gal . , Gasoline
Engine-Driven ( Rosco, Model Engine, Diesel, Marine ( Cum- 7037 5 Nov. 1944
mins AMR602 ) .
MME , with Wisconsin VE1
Engine ) . .
Engine, Diesel, Marine ( Cum- 7008 8 Aug. 1944
$ Ditching Machine , Ladder- 1033, 1033A mins HMR 602, 603 ) .
1 Sep. 1944
Type, Crawler- Mounted, Gaso Engine, Diesel, Marine ( Cum- LO 55-1002 6 Jun . 1945
line Digging Depth 8-ft., mins HMRS 602, 603 ) .
Width 18 to 24 - in . ( Barber Engine, Diesel, Marine Enter- LO 55–1001-1 29 May 1945
Greene Model 44-C ) . prise DMG 6.
Ditching Machine , Wheel- Type, 1042, 1042A 4 Dec. 1943 * Engine, Diesel , Marine ( En- LO 55–1106 11 Jul . 1945
Crawler - Mounted , Gasoline terprise DMG 6 & DMG 38 ) .
( Cleveland Trencher, Model 25 Mar. 1945
Engine, Diesel , Marine ( Fair- LO 55-1115
110 ) . banks Morse Model 35 - F -834 ,
Drill , Pneumatic, Rotary - Type, LO 5-4084 8 Dec. 1944
4 & 6 Cylinder ) .
Portable, Nonreversible , with Engire, Diesel, Marine ( Fair- LO 55-1116 25 Mar. 1945
9 / 16-In . Chuck ( Independent banks Morse Model 35-F-14,
Pneumatic , Thor, No. 253-X ,
Model 4444 ) with Thor Model 6 Cylinder ) .
26 Drill Stand. Engine, Diesel, Marine ( Fair- LO 55-1120 25 Mar. 1945
* Drilling Machine, Rail Gaso- LO 55–3023 28 Sep. 1945 banks Morse Model 37-E -14,
line Engine Driven (Nord 6 Cylinder ).
berg Model BD ) . Engine, Diesel , Marine ( Fair. LO 55–1122 25 Mar. 1945
* Drop Pit Table, Locomotive LO 55-U11 14 May 1945 banks Morse Model 37-F-16,
(Whiting Model “ B ” 2 Screw, 5 & 7 Cylinder, 37-E-16, 8
35 Ton ) . Cylinder ) .
Dryer, Aggregate, Dual - Drum , 1060 , 1060A , 1 Sep. 1944 Engine, Diesel , Marine ( Gray LO 55–1019–1 28 May 1945
Travel or Central Plant , Trail- 1060B Model 34 ) .
er -Mounted , 80 to 150 Tons Engine, Diesel, Marine ( Gray LO 55-1019 28 May 1945
Per Hour ( Barber -Greene, Model 64 ) .
Model 833 ) .
Engine, Diesel, Marine ( GMC LO 55–1065 10 Oct. 1945
IDryer Aggregate,
Aggregate, Single- 1068, 1068A 30 Sep. 1944 6–278A ) .
Drum , Semi - Trailer Mounted, 1068B Engine, Diesel , Marine ( GMC LO 55-1068
Pneumatic Tires 15 to 30 25 May 1945
8-567 ) .
TPH . ( Barber-Greene Model 1945
831 ) . Engine , Diesel , Marine ( GMC LO 55-1067 15 May
3001 1 Apr. 1944 12–278A ) (Reduction Gear &
Dynamotor BD-77. Propulsion Electric Motor ).
Dynamotor PE - 55. 3043 1 Apr. 1944
* Engine, Diesel , Marine ( Atlas LO 55-1027 22 Jun . 1945 Engine, Diesel , Marii ( Ker- LO 55-1152 10 Apr. 1945
math 4-226 ) .
Imperial, Model 6H M464 ) .
* Engine, Diesel, Marine ( Ker- LO 55-047 13 Aug. 1945
Issued by the Pentagon A. G. Depot , Washington 25, D. C. math 2-113 & 2-127 ) .

WAR DEPT. LUBRICATION ORDERS - Continued Engine, Gasoline , Marine, LO 55–1016 16 Jul . 1945
Engine, Diesel, Marine, Enter- LO 55-1105 16 Aug. 1945 Scripps V-12, 302 H.Q.
prise DMG 38, DMQ 36, DMQ Engine, Gasoline, Marine, LO 55–1148 2 Apr. 1945
38. ( Sea Raider 6 and Sea Wolf
Engine, Diesel, Marine Propul 6) .
sion, Baldwin VO-DR. Engine, Gasoline, Marine ( Sea- LO 55–1150 3 Apr. 1945
Engine, Diesel, Marine ( Supe- 7001 30 Aug. 1944 Raider 12, Sea Raider Special
rior SMRA - 4 ) . 12 ) .
Engine, Gasoline, Marine, LO 55-1082 6 Apr. 1945
* Engine, Diesel , Marine ( Su- LO 55-1128 26 Oct. 1945
( Sterling- Petrel L-6 ) .
perior, Models L0-8 VDST Engine, Gasoline, Marine ( Ster- LO 55–1080 30 Mar. 1945
8) .
ling “ Viking " II ) .
* Engine, Diesel , Marine (Su- LO 55–1129 26f Apr, 1945 Engine, Gasoline, Marine, LO 55–1035 10 Sep. 1945
perior MRD-6 & MRD-8 ) .
( Universal BNMR ) .
Engine, Diesel, Marine ( Wau- LO 55-1134 19 May 1945 Engine , Gasoline, Marine , 7040 10 Sep. 1944
kesha -Hesselman, 6WAK-HM ( Vimalert V-1150-1 ) .
18 ) . Engine, Steam, Marine, Skin- LO 55–1008 25 Jun . 1945
Engine, Diesel, Marine ( Kah- LO 55-1022 27 Feb. 1945 ner, 16 " Stroke 600 H.P.
lenburg BF , B5 , and B6 ) . Engine, Steam , Marine, Skinner 7031 26 Aug. 1944
Engine, Diesel, Marine ( Wol- LO 55–1055 7 Apr. 1945 24 " Stroke 1200 H.P.
verine 6 Cylinder ) . Enlarger, 16 -mm , PH-511 /GF 3888, 3888A
Engine, Gasoline ( Briggs & LO 55-1125 28 May 1945 12 Aug. 1944
Stratton N Series ) . ( E. K. Co. Recordak , Model
Engine , Gasoline, Marine , LO 10-U1 - 15 Jan. 1945 Enlarger, 16-mm or 35-mm, 3892 7 Aug. 1944
( Chriscraft Models B, K, M ,
PH-542/ UF ( E. K. Co. Re
W) . cordak, Model A ) .
Engine, Gasoline, Marine ( Con- 7035 10 Sep. 1944 Enlarger, Continuous, PH-285 3826 7 Dec. 1944
tinental Commando R -6602 ) . ( Eastman Kodak Co., Air
Engine, Gasoline, Marine ( Con- LO 55–1020 15 May 1945 graph Model III ) .
tinental Invincible M -6330 ) . * Excavater, Mine, T5E3 ....
LO 9-719 20 Jun , 1945
Engine, Gasoline, ( Continental 7013 12 Aug. 1944 **
Extractor, Laundry .. LO 10-09 30 Jan. 1945
Y -69 ) . * Extractor, Laundry, Mobile, LO 10–351-4 15 Jan. 1945
*Engine, Gasoline 50 to 55 HP, LO 5–5340 30 May 1945 Troy 20 " .
( Continental Model JⓇ-4140 ) . Facsimile Transceivers FX -1 3038 1 Apr. 1944
* Engine, Gasoline, 60 to 65 HP, LO 5–5405 30 May 1945 and FX-1-B ( Facsimile
Chrysler, Model 36-520, (Ind Equipments RC- 120 and RC
9 Series with Modifications ) . 120-B ) .
Engine, Gasoline , 95 to 110- LO 10-1417–1 15 Jan. 1945 Film Examining Machines, 3813 13 Jan. 1945
HP, (Chrysler, Model T-118– PH-97 & PH -179 ( Moviola,
502 ) . Model - D ).
Engine, Gasoline , Marine ( Gar LO 55-U40 9 Jul . 1945 Film Examining Machine, PH- 3850 7 Nov. 1944
Wood “ V12 ” , Engine Nos. 319 , Model UDS & Film Ex.
3039 to 3500 incl. ) . amining Machine, Model UDX
Engine, Gasoline, Marine ( Gray LO 55-U2 21 May 1945 ( Moviola , Models UDS &
4-52 ) . UDX ) .
Engine , Gasoline , Marine LO 55-1013 2 May 1945 LO 9-624 24 Jan. 1945
Finder, Height, M2 .....
( Gray 6–121 ) . * Finder, Height, M1 and M1A1 LO 9-623 15 Aug. 1945
Engine, Gasoline, Marine (Gray LO 55–1013 2 May 1945 Finisher, Asphalt , Crawler- 1063, 1063 A 2 Oct. 1944
6-121 ) .
Mounted, 12-ft. ( B a rber
Engine, Gasoline. Marine LO 55–1145 10 May 1945 Greene Model 879-A ) .
( Chrysler M6, M7 , M8 , M10, Finisher, Concrete, Form -Rid- 1082, 1082A 26 Feb. 1944
M11 ) . ing, 20-ft. , Gasoline, ( Blaw
Engine , Gasoline, Marine ( Hall LO 55–1006 2 Jul . 1945
Knox , Model XC ) .
Scott Defender ) . Flame Thrower, Mechanized , LO 3-360 1 Juni 1945
Engine, Gasoline, Marine ( Hall 7005 7 Aug. 1944 E12-7R1 .
Scott Invader ) . Gasoline Dispensing Unit, Mo- LO 10-1404 15 Jan. 1945
Engine, Gasoline, Marine LO 55–1153 2 Apr. 1945 bile, ( Gray and Heil - 100
( Kermath " Sea Zepher" with Gallons per Minute) ,
V-Drive ) . Gasoline Dispensing Unit, Mo. LO 10-1660 13 Dec. 1945
Engine, Gasoline, Marine, La- 7026 26 Aug. 1944 bile, Habhagger PM-100.
throp M43. Generating Set ; Cargo Pump, LO 55-U5 14 Mar. 1945
Engine, Gasoline, Marine , Out- LO 55-U1 22 Dec. 1944 Diesel Engine Driven 25 KW
board (Johnson POLR & ( John Reiner & Co. Model
TSL ) . AH50B ) .
Engine, Gasoline, Marine, Out- LO 55–1030 22 Dec. 1944 Generating Set, Diesel , Elec- LO 55-1117 20 Jan. 1945 ,
board (Evinrude “ Zephyr" tric 25 & 40 KW ( Fairbanks
and Lightfour ). Morse 36A 14 DE, 4 cylinder,
Engine, Gasoline , Marine, 7009 29 Aug. 1944 36A 44 AE 6 Cylinder ) .
( Packard 4M-2500 Types 8 Generating Set, Diesel - Electric LO 55-U4 31 May 1945
thru 17 ) . ( John Reiner & Co. Models
Engine, Gasoline, Marine, 7010 1 Aug. 1944 MDGH50, 501 , 60C , DGH60
Scripps 160, 162, 170, 172, 200. & 60CA ) .

WAR DEPT, LUBRICATION ORDERS - Continued Generator Set, Portable, Diesel, 1083 29 Feb. 1944
* Generating Set, Gasoline En- LO 55-3019 21 Sep. 1945 15 - KW . , 127/220 - Volt , 3

gine Driven , 712 KW (Uni Phase, 60-cycle or 230 / 400

versal Model M7500 - M ) . Volt, 3- Phase, 50-cycle ( Rog
* Generating Set, Diesel Engine LO 55-1069 5 Jun. 1945 ers Diesel & Aircraft Corp. ) .
Driven, 30 & 60 KW ( GMC IGenerator Set, Portable, Diesel , LO 5-5022 29 Sep. 1945
3-71 , 6–71 ) . Skid-Mounted, 15-KW, 127 / .
Generating Set, Diesel Engine LO 55-3004 23 Apr. 1945 220-Volt, 3-Phase, 60 -Cycle
Driven , 30 & 40 KW ( Bardco only ( Ready Power, Model
Model DD - 30 & DD - 40 ) . RD-6A ) .
Generating Set, Diesel Engine LO 55-U8 1 Mar. 1945
Generator Set, Portable, Diesel, 1074 12 Nov. 1943
Driven (John Reiner & Co. 30-KW., ( Buda Model 6–
Models AH30 to AH50A DTG - 317 ) .
Incl . ) . * Generator Set, Portable, Diesel, LO 5-5066 30 May 1945
Generating Set, Diesel Engine LO 55-06 2 Apr. 1945 Skid- Mounted Enclosed, 30
Driven 10 KW ( John Reiner
Model MDGC 10, 101 ) . KW, 127/220 Volts, 3-Phase,
Generating Set, Diesel Engine LO 55-U3 12 Mar. 1945 60-Cycle, or 230/400 Volts, 3
Phase , 50 - Cycle ( Ready
-Driven ( John Reiner & Co. Power, Model RD -14A , Class
Models MDGH714 to 40 ) . EG-30 ) .
Generating Set, Diesel Engine LO 55-3010–1 30 Apr. 1945 Generator Set, Portable, Die- LO 55-5160 30 Dec, 1945
Driven, 25 KW ( Superior
sel, Skid -Mounted, 60KW ,
GA-6 ) .
Generating Set, Diesel Engine LO 55–1118 2 Apr. 1945 127/220 Volts, 3-Phase, 60
Driven , 80 KW ( Fairbanks Cycle, or 230/400 Volts, 3
Morse Model 36A 512 E. 8 Phase, 50- Cycle ( General Mo
tors Models 6016-E and 6016
Cylinder ) .
* Generating Set, Diesel Engine LO 55-1066 1 Aug. 1945 C ) 60- KW , 120/208 Volts , 3
Driven , 100 KW . ( GMC 3 Phase, 60-Cycle ( Model 6016
B ) and 75-KW, 230/400 Volts,
268A ) . 3 -Phase, 50- Cycle ( Model
Generating Set, Gasoline-Elec- LO 55-07 15 Mar. 1945
tric ( John Reiner & Co. 6016-D ) .
MGG10 and Bardco 71 -G - 32 * Generator Set, Portable, Diesel, LO 5-5052 15 Jul . 1945
DC - HK ) . Skid - Mounted , 100- KW, 127/
Generating Set, Gasoline En- LO 55–3017 10 Apr, 1945 220-Volt, 3-Phase, 60 Cycle, or
gine Driven, (Bardco GD - 15, 230/400 Volt, 3- Phase, 50
Chrysler Engine Model T Cycle (Murphy, Model ME
118 ) . 650 ) .
Generating Set, Steam Engine LO 55-3021 26 Apr. 1945 *Generator Set, Portable, Gaso- LO 5-5075 14 Aug. 1945
Driven , 5 to 25 KW ( Troy line, Base -Mounted , 112 -KW ,
Engberg, Type E-M ) . 110-Volt, D.C. ( Kohler, Mod
Generator and Charging Plant, LO 5-9110 15 Mar. 1945 els E , EH and EU ) .
Oxygen and Nitrogen Gas, Generator Set, Portable, Gaso- 1056 15. Aug. 1944
Semi-Trailer Mounted , Van line, Skid - Mounted , 3-KW . ,
Type , With Dolly, 50- Cu . Ft. 115-Volt, 1 -Phase, 60- Cycle ,
Per Hour (Independent, ( Onan , Model W3M ) .
Model 02B ) .
* Generator, Electric, Kohler ... LO 10-351-5 15 Jan. 1945 * Generator Set, Portable, Gaso- LO 5-5386 14 Sep. 1945
Generator, Field , Operating LO 8–626, 7 Oct. 1944 line ,Skid -Mounted, 4 / 5 -KW ,
Lamp . LO 8-626-2 800 - Watt, 110-Volt , 1 - Phase ,
Generator, 5KVA , Gasoline- En- LO 9-U205 16 Jan. 1945
60- Cycle, ( Kohler, Model 800
gine-Driven, 220V., 60C., A.C., M-21 ) .
3 -phase ( Hobart ) . Generator Set, Portable, Gaso. LO 5–5045 30 Jul . 1945
Generator, 25 Kva ., Gas. En- LO 9-U203 21 Dec. 1944 line , Skid- Mounted , 5-KW 110
gine-Driven , 250 V., 60C., 3 Volt, 1 -Phase, 60 -Cycle ( Onan,
Phase (Hobart ). Model WC4-7.5S ) .
Generator, 10KW, Gas- Engine. LO 9-U202 10 Feb. 1945 Generator , X -Ray Field Unit, LO 8-630 26 Jul . 1944
Driven, 110/120V., 60C., Sin Onan .
gle-phase ( Schramm) . Generating Unit, M5 and M6 .. LO 9-616 27 Feb. 1945
Generator, 2KW, Portable, Gas- LO 9-U201 19 Dec. 1944
Generating Unit, M7 , M7A1 , LO 9-618 20 Jan. 1945
Engine- Driven, 115V . , 60C . ,
Single- phase ( ONAN ) . M15 , M15A1 .
Generator , 3 Kw., Portable , LO 9-U204 15 Jan. 1944 Generating Unit, M18 ........ LO 9-617 15 Feb. 1945
Gas -Engine- Driven, 110 V., Grader, Road . Motorized , Die- LO 5-1018 3 May 1945
60 C. , Single -phase ( Onan ) . sel . 12-ft. Moldboard (Cater
Generator, Smoke, Mechanical LO 3-381 15 Feb. 1945
pillar, Model 12 ) .
M2 . IGrader , Road , Motorized , Die- 1016 30 Jul . 1944
Generator Set, Diesel Engine LO 55-1117–1 31 Mar. 1945 sel , 12-ft. Moldboard , (Gal
Driven , 5 KW (Fairbanks
ion Model 101 -D ) .
Morse 36A414 DE, One Cylin 30 Dec. 1944
Grader, Road , Motorized , Gaso- LO 5-1020
der) . line, 12- Ft. Moldboard (Gal
Issued by the Pentagon A. G. Depot, Washington 25, D. C. ion, Model 101 ) .

WAR DEPT. LUBRICATION ORDERS - Continued Gun , 6- in ., M1 . Carriage, Barb- LO 9-429 15 Mar. 1945
ette, 6-in. , M4.
Grader , Road , Towed- Type, LO 5-1022 30 Jul . 1945 Gun , 6- in., M1903A2, M1905A2. LO 9-428 15 Mar. 1945
Leaning - Wheel, Hand - Con Carriage, Barbette, 6-in . , M1 .
trolled, 10 - ft. or 12-ft. Mold Gun , 6-in, M1 . Carriage, Barb- LO 9–428 15 Mar. 1945
board (Caterpillar, Models 44 ette, 6-in . , M3.
and 66.
Gun, 8-in., M1. Carriage, Gun, LO 9-336 17 Feb, 1945
IGrader, Road , Towed-Type, 1035 30 Oct. 1944 8-in. , M2. Wagon , Cannon
Leaning -Wheel, Hand - Con

Transport, M1A1 , M2A1 ; Wa

trolled, 10- and 12-ft. Mold gon, Carriage Transport ,
board ( Adams, Model 104 МЗА1 .
and 124 - S ) . Gun, 8-in., Mk. VI, Mod. 3A2. LO 9-442 30 Mar. 1945
IGrader, Road , Towed-Type, 1073 24 Nov. 1943 Carriage , Gun, Barbette, 8 - in .,
Leaning - Wheel, Hand- Con M1.
trolled, 612 - ft. Moldboard, Gun, 8-in. , MK VI, Mod. 3A2. LO 9-463 30 Jun . 1945
(Adams Model 11 S ) . Mount, Railway, Gun, 8-in. ,
*Grinder, Electric, Valve -Re- LO 5-4730 20 May 1945 M1A1. .

facer, 110-Volt, Universal Gun, 12-in. , M1895M1A4. Car- LO 9-451 31 Mar. 1945
Motor, Automotive Parts Co. riage, Barbette, 12-in . , M1917.
( Albertson ) Sioux , Model Gun, 16 -in ., Mark II, M1 . Car- LO 9-472-1 1 May 1945
657-UN. riage, B a r bette, 16 -in . ,
Gun, Automatic, 20-mm, M1, LO 9–227 25 Jan. 1945
M1919M1, M2, M3 .
Gun, 16-in., MK II, M1. Car- LO 9-472 15 Mar. 1945
AN-M2, M3 (Aircraft ). riage, Barbette, 16-in. ,
Gun, Automatic, 37-mm, AN- LO 9-240 25 Jan. 1945
M1919M1, M2 , M3 .
M4, M9, M10. 1 Mar. 1945
17 Jan. 1945 Gun, 16-in., MK II, M1 , Car- LO 9-471
Gun, Automatic, 40-mm, M1 . LO 9-252 riage, Barbette, 16-in., M4.
Carriage, Gun, 40-mm, M2 Gun, 16-in., MK II , Mi. Car- LO 9-471-1 1 Mar. 1945
A1 (AA ).
Gun, Automatic, 40-mm, M1. LO 9-252-1 17 Jan. 1945 riage, Barbette, 16-in., M5.
Gun, Machine, Cal. .30 ( All LO 9-205 25 Jan. 1945
Mount Gun, 40-mm, M3. ground and Aircraft Models ) .
Gun, Automatic, 40-mm, M1 . LO 9-252-2 20 Jan. 1945 Gun , Machine, Cal . .30 Brown- LO 9-230-1 10 Feb. 1945
Mount, Gun, 40-mm, M5.
Gun , 37-mm, M3, M3A1 ; Car- LO 9 - U1 ing, M1919A4 ; Mount Brack
9 Feb. 1945
riage, Gun , 37-mm, M4, et, M40 ; Mount, Ring, Ma
M4A1 ( AT ) . chinc Gun , Cal . .30, M41 .
Gun, Machine, Cal. .50 (All LO 9-225 25 Jan. 1945
Gun, 37-mm, T32 ; Mount, Gun, LO 9-246 25 Jan. 1945
37-mm, T9. ground and Aircraft Models ) .
Gun , Machine, Cal. .50 , Brown- LO 9-230 10 Feb. 1945
Gun, 57-mm, M1. Carriage, Gun, LO 9-303 23 Jan. 1945 ing, M2 ( Watercooled ) , AN
57-mm, M1, M1A1 , M1A2, M2 ( Aircraft Basic ) ; Mount,
M1A3 and M2.
Pedestal , Machine Gun , Cal .
Gun, 75-mm, M4. Mount, Gun, LO 9-311 10 Feb. 1945 .50, M39, M39A1 , M43,
Airplane, 75-mm, M6. M43A1 , M46, M65.
Gun, 75-mm, AN-M5 Mount, LO 9–312 15 Feb. 1945 Gun, Mechan ized Flame Throw. LO 3-U1 24 Oct. 1944
Gun , Aircraft, AN-M9. er, E5R1 .
Gun, 90 -mm , M1 . Mount, Gun, LO 9-373 10 Feb. 1945 Gun , Portable, Flame Thrower, LO 3-376A 1 Mar. 1945
AA , 90 -mm , M3. M2 .
Gun, 90-mm, M1A1 , Mount, Gun, LO 9-370 24 Feb. 1945 Half-Track, 81 -mm Mortar Car- LO 9–710–1 1 Mar. 1945
AA , 90 -mm , M1A1. rier, M4 , M4A1 , M21 .
Gun , 90-mm, M2. Mount, Gun, LO 9-372 10 Feb. 1945 Half-Track Personnel Carrier, LO 9-710 10 Mar. 1945
AA , 90 -mm , M2. M3, M3A1 .
Gun , 90-mm, T8 ; Carriage , LO 9-375 1 Mar. 1945 Hand Generators ( Radio ) GN- 3050 1 Apr. 1944
Gun , 90-mm, T5E2. 35 , 37, 44 , 45 , 53, 54 and 57.
Gun , 120-mm, M1 . Mount, Gun, LO 9-380 24 Jan. 1945 Heater, Asphalt , Trailer- 1065 15 Jul. 1944
AA , 120-mm , M1 . Mounted , 2-Car, 28-hp, and 3
Gun, 155-mm, M1917, M1918M1 . LO 9-345 15 Apr. 1945 Car, 42 -hp ( Cleaver- Brooks,
Models DS-2 and DS-3 ) .
Carriage, Gun, 155-mm, M2, Heater, Gasoline Burning, with 1121 15 Nov, 1944
M3. Limber, Carriage, Heavy,
M3 . Blower , 110 - Volt, 60- Cycle,
AC, Hunter Model UH-3-D.
Gun , 155-mm , M1 and M1A1 . LO 9-350 18 Feb. 1945 Hoist, Diesel , Double - Drum , 6- 1078 30 Aug. 1944
Carriage, Gun , 155-mm , M1 . Ton ( Jaeger 2D3 ) with In
Limber, Carriage, Heavy, M2 ternational Harvester UD-18
and M5. Engine ) .
Gun , 3-in., M5. Carriage, Gun, LO 9-322 15 Jan. 1945 Hoist, Gasoline, Double-Drum, 1075 1 Apr. 1944
3-in. , M1 and M6. 4 -Ton ( Jaeger, Model 2A ,
Gun, 4.5-in . , M1 . Carriage, Gun , LO 9-328 1 Feb. 1945 Dixie Special ) .
4.5-in., M1, M1A1 , M1A2. Howitzer, 105-mm, M2A1 . Car- LO 9-325 11 Feb. 1945
Gun , 6- in., M1900. Carriage, LO 9-424 15 Mar. 1945 riage, Howitzer , 105-mm,
Barbette, 6-in. , M1900. M2A2.
Gun , 6-in., M1903A2, M1905A2 ; LO 9-429 15 Mar. 1945
Carriage, Barbette, 6-in., M2. Issued by the Pentagon A. G. Depot, Washington 25 , D. C.
6587490-46-8 113

WAR DEPT. LUBRICATION ORDERS-Continued Loader, Aggregrate, Bucket LO 5-1196 20 Feb. 1945
Howitzer, 105 -mm, M3. Car- LO 9-326 12 Feb. 1945 Tractor -Mounting , Front-End ,
riage , Howitzer, 105-mm, Cable - Operated , 1 - Cu. YO
M3A2, ( Athey Models W-4 and W
Howitzer, 155-mm , M1917A1 , LO 9–330 15 Mar. 1945 4-1 ) .
M1917A2, M1918. Carriage, Locomotive, Diesel-Electric LO 55–1250 10 Apr. 1945
( General Electric 44 Ton
Howitzer, 155-mm, M1917A4, BB88 / 88 , 45 Ton BB90 / 90, 47
M1918A3 .
Howitzer, 155 -mm , M1 . Car- LO 9–328 1 Feb. 1945 Ton BB94 / 94-380 HP , 4GE
riage, Howitzer, 155-mm, M1 , 733 ) ( Caterpillar D17000 ) .
Machine, Developing, 16-mm ; 3894 5 Oct. 1944
M1A1 , M1A2.
Howitzer, 240-mm, M1918M1 , LO 9-340 10 Mar. 1945 PH-413-A ( Houston Corpora
tion, Model 8 ) .
M1918M1A1 . Carriage, How Machine, Developing, PH -512 / 3886 10 Nov. 1944
itzer, 240-mm , M1918A2. Wa
GF ( Eastman Kodak Reel
gon, Cannon Transport, M4. Type ) .
Wagon, Carriage Transport,
M5. * Machine, Developing, 35-mm, LO 11-2376 4 Apr. 1945
Howitzer, 240-mm, M1 . Car- LO 9-336 17 Feb. 1945 PH-298 Houston Corporation ,
Model 6 ) .
riage, Howitzer 240 -mm , M1 . 30 Jan. 1945
Wagon, Cannon Transport ,
*Machine, Marking, Laundry, LO 10-07
National - 16 Character,
M1A1, M2A1 . Wagon Car * Machine, Processing, PH-286, 3866 9 Dec. 1944
riage Transport , M3A1 .
Howitzer, 8-in. , M1 , M2. Car- LO 9-335 18 Feb. 1945 V -Mail, Eastman Kodak Co. ,
riage, Howitzer, 8-in ., M1 . Airgraph Models II and III .
Limber, Carriage, Heavy, M2 IMixer, Asphalt , Diesel, Travel 1062 , 1062A 20 Sep. 1943
cor Central Plant, Trailer
and M5.
Howitzer, Pack, 75 -mm , M1A1 , LO 9-320 20 Jan. 1945 Mounted, 110 to 200-TPH
Carriage, Howitzer, 75-mm, ( Barber -Greene, Model 848 ) .
Mixer, Concrete, Gasoline , LO 5-1138 20 Mar. 1945
Howitzer, Pack, 75- mm, M1, LO 9-319 5 Mar. 1945 Trailer -Mounted, 7- Cu. Ft.

M1A1 . Carriage, Howitzer, ( Construction Machinery Co.,

Model 7S ) .
75-mm, M8.
Identification Equipment ( Field ) 3827 25 Aug. 1944 Mixer, Concrete , Gasoline, LO 5–1074 28 Sep. 1945
Trailer · Mounted , 7-Cu. Ft.
PH-385 & PH -385-A ( Fol
mer -Graflex Identification ( Koehring , Model 7SA-5 ) .
Unit ) . Mixer, Concrete , Gasoline, 1036 20 Sep. 1944
* Instrument, Azimuth , M1910A1 LO 9-U548 Trailer - Mounted , 14-cu . ft
20 Apr. 1945
*Instrument, Azimuth, M1918- LO 9-U549 20 Apr, 1945 ( Ransome, Model 145-U ) .
M2, M1 . * Mixer, Asphalt, Gasoline En- 1067, 1067A 20 Sep. 1944
* Instrument, Azimuth , M2A1 .. LO 9- U550 20 Apr. 1945 gine- Driven , Repair Plant ,
* Instrument, Observation , A.A.- LO 9-U551 20 Apr, 1945 Semi- Trailer -Mounted, Pneu
B.C. , M1 . matic Tires , 15 to 30- TPH ,
Kettle, Asphalt Repair, Trailer- 1084 19 Feb, 1944 Barber -Greene, Model 841 .
Mounted, with Motor Driven IMixer, Rotary- Filled, Soil- Stab- 1017 14 Jul. 1944
Hand Spray, 110 and 165 Gal. ilization, Gasoline, Seft-Pow
Capacity ( Littleford Models ered, Trailer -Mounted (Sea
US 66 and 84 HD 3 ) . man , Model MHD -72, Chicago
Kohler Power Unit Model IM21- 3110 14 Jun. 1944 Fence, Model CF-72 ) .
A. Mixer, Rotary - Tiller, Soil - Stabi- LO 5-1126 15 Jun . 1945
Laminating Press PH-523 / GF 3815 29 Feb. 1944 lization , Power Take - Off,
( Carver Laminating Press Trailer - Mounted, ( Seaman ,
No. 126 ) . Model ABT-48 ) .
Landing Vehicle, Tracked , Ar- LO 9-775 1 Mar. 1945 Mixer, Soil Preparation Unit, 1069, 1069A 30 Sep. 1944
mored , Mk . I ( LVT ( A ) ( 1 ) ) . Gasoline, Semi- Trailer-Mount
Landing Vehicle, Tracked, Mk. LO 9–775 1 Mar. 1945 ed , Pneumatic Tires , 20 to 40
2 ( LVT ( A ) ( 2 ) ) . TPH , (Barber -Greene, Model
Landing Vehicle, Tracked, Ar- LO 9-775-2 15 Mar. 1945 821 ) .
mored, Mk . 4 ( LVT ( A ) ( 4 ) ) Mortar, Chemical, 4.2- Inch M2 . LO 3-320-1 20 Mar. 1945
Landing Vehicle, Tracked, Mk. LO 9-775 1 Mar. 1945 Motor, Outboard , ( 22-hp . , LO 5-278 14 Oct. 1944
2 ( LVT ( 2 ) ) . Johnson , Model POLR - 15 ;
Landing Vehicle, Tracked, Mk. LO 9-775-1 13 Mar, 1945 55-hp . , Evinrude , Model
4 ( LVT ( 4 ) ) . 8008 ) .
Limber, Carriage, Heavy, M2, SLO 9-335 18 Feb , 1945 * Motor, Outboard, ( Munice, LO 5-8018 15 Feb. 1945
and M5 .... ILO 9-350 18 Feb. 1945 Model 13-A -12 ) .
ILoader, Aggregate , Bucket 1061 , 1061A 15 Sep. 1944 Motorcycle, Chain Drive ( In- LO 9- U321 13 Mar. 1945
Crawler -Mounted , Gasoline, 3 dian Models 340, 340B , 640 ,
cu . yd . , 19-ft. 10- in . , Boom or 640B ) .
17-ft. 4- in . Boom (Barber Motorcycle, Chain Drive, 74 LO 9-U323 15 Mar. 1945
Greene Models 82-AD or 8 cu . in ., Twin (Harley David
AM ) . son 40UA ) .
Motorcycle. Solo ( Harley Da- LO 9-879 12 Mar. 1945
Issued by the Pentagon A. G. Depot, Washington 25, D. C. vidson Model WLA ) .

WAR DEPT. LUBRICATION ORDERS - Continued Power Units PE -60 - B and PE- 3202 30 Jun. 1944
*Motorcycle ,Solo , Extra Light, M1 . LO 9-880 1 Aug. 1945 76 - B & C.
* Mount, Range Finder, M62 ... LO 9 -U542 20 Apr. 1945 Power Units PE -63 - C , D & F 3237 14 Aug. 1944
*Mount, Telescope, M3 .. LO 9-U501 20 Apr. 1945 and PE-105-A ( Hercules En
*Mount, Telescope, M4 .. LO 9-U502 20 Apr. 1945 gine Models IX & IXA ) .
*Mount, Telescope, M6A1 .... LO 9-U500 20 Apr. 1945 Power Units PE-63-E and G 3210 14 Aug. 1944
* Mount, Telescope, M7 .. LO 9 - U504 20 Apr. 1945 ( Hercules Engine Model
*Mount, Telescope , M9 .. LO 9 - U505 20 Apr. 1945 1XA ) .
* Mount, Telescope, M13 . LO 9-U508 Power Unit PE -63 - H .... 3201 19 Jun . 1944
20 Apr. 1945
*Mount, Telescope, M15A1 ..... LO 9-U511 20 Apr. 1945 Power Unit PE-74 , 84, 137, 145. 3024 20 May 1944
*Mount, Telescope, M16A1 ... LO 9 - U513 20 Apr. 1945 * Power Units PE-75-C Thru LO 11-900 15 Feb. 1945
*Mount, Telescope, M18A1 ..... LO 9 - U515 20 Apr. 1945 -W , and PE-75-AA Thru
* Mount, Telescope, M20 ... LO 9-U517 20 Apr. 1945 -AE (Briggs & Stratton En
*Mount, Telescope, M21A1 ..... LO 9-U519 20 Apr. 1945 gine Model 44 ) .
* Mount, Telescope, M22 .... LO 9-U520 20 Apr. 1945 Power Unit PE - 76 - D ( Hercu. 3236 14 Aug. 1944
*Mount, Telescope, M23 . i LO 9-U521 20 Apr. 1945 les Engine Model BXB ) .
* Mount, Telescope, M24A1 ..... LO 9 - U523 20 Apr. 1945 Power Unit, PE-77 .... .. 3018 25 Mar. 1944
* Mount, Telescope, M25 .. LO 9-U524 20 Apr. 1945 Power Units PE - 78 - A , B, C, 3225 19 Jun, 1944
* Mount, Telescope, M26 . • • •LO 9- U525 20 Apr. 1945 PE-79-A, B, C, and PE
* Mount, Telescope, M27 . LO 9-U526 20 Apr. 1945 106-A.
* Mount, Telescope, M28 . LO 9-U527 20 Apr. 1945 Power Units PE -78 - F , G, and 3203 26 Jun. 1944
* Mount, Telescope, M30 ... LO 9-U528 20 Apr. 1945 H and PE-79-D and E.
* Mount, Telescope, M35 ... LO 9-U530 20 Apr. 1945 Power Units PE-79-F 3227 30 Jun. 1944
*Mount, Telescope, M41A2 . LO 9-U533 20 Apr, 1945 Power Units PE-80-A, B, C, 3228 26 Jun 1944
*Mount, Telescope, M43 ... LO 9-U535 20 Apr. 1945 and D.
* Mount, Telescope, M44 ... LO 9 -U536 20 Apr. 1945 Power Units PE - 80 - E .. 3205 17 Jun . 1944
* Mount, Telescope, M46 . LO 9-U537 20 Apr. 1945 Power Unit PE-81 -D 3230 26 Jun. 1944
*Mount, Telescope, M47 . LO 9-U538 20 Apr. 1945 Power Unit PE - 85 - A , B, C, 3232 2 Aug. 1944
*Mount, Telescope, M48 .... LO 9 - U539 20 Apr. 1945 D, F, H, J and K ( Cummins
* Mount, Telescope, M52C, M52D LO 9-U540 20 Apr. 1945 Diesel Engine Model HI
*Mount, Telescope, M54 ... LO 9-U541 20 Apr. 1945 400 ) .
Nount, Trailer, Multiple Col. LO 9-789 27 Feb. 1945 Power Unit PE-85-G ( Cum- 3226 2 Aug. 1944
.50 Machine Gun , M55. mins Diesel Engine Model
Mower, Tractor - Drawn, Cut- LO 5-9116 2 Apr. 1945 H1-600 ) .
ter- Bar Type, Iron Wheels, 7 Power Unit PE-85-L ( Hill 3223 15 Aug. 1944
Ft. Cutter Bar ( Case, Model Diesel Engine Model 6R ) .
57 ) . Power Units PE-81 -E and F. 3204 19 Jun. 1944
Onan Power Unit W3M-13 .... 3218 30 Jun. 1944 Power Units PE-85-M 3212 17 Jul . 1944
Onan Power Unit Model 3229 17 Jul. 1944 Power Unit PE-95-A, B and C. 3011 1 Apr. 1944
WC10M . Power Unit PE -95-F 3209 19 Jun . 1944
Oscillograph Equipment, 1E-14 3040 1 Apr. 1944 Power Unit PE-95-E, G and 3026 9 Mar. 1944
( Sound Ranging Set GR - 3 ) . H ; Electric, AC, 5-10 K. W.
Outfit, Delousing, Gasoline-En- LO 10-1668 28 Apr. 1945 Power Unit PE-99 ; Electric, 3049 1 Apr. 1944
gine -Driven (Defiance ) . 120 Volts, AC, 60 Cycles, 3
Paver, Concrete , Crawler- 1037, 1037A 30 Sep. 1944 Phase, 7.5 K.V.A.
Mounted, 34-Cu. Ft. ( Foote Power Unit PE-102-C 3206 17 Jul . 1944
Model 34- E ) . Power Unit, PE-108 ..... 3046 1 Apr. 1944
Plow, Cable, LC -61.... LO 11-370 29 Dec. 1944 Power Unit PE-113-A ... 3207 20 Jul . 1944
Portable Flame Thrower M2–2. 4001 5 May 1944 Power Unit PE-113-B 3208 17 Jul. 1944
Power Plant M1 for : Gun , 16- LO 9--473 10 Mar. 1945 Power Unit PE-127-A and B .. 3056 10 May 1944
in ., Mk. 11 , M1 ; Carriage, Power Unit PE - 142 - A and B 3231 2 Aug. 1944
Barbette, 16-in., M4, M5. ( Cummins Diesel Engine Mo
Power Plant M4...... SLO 9-428 15 Mar. 1945 del H1-600 ) .
\ LO 9-429 Power Unit PE-142-D & E 3220 9 Aug. 1944
Power Plant M2 ... LO 9-451 31 Mar. 1945 ( Cummins Diesel Model H1
Power Unit, Gasoline Driven, 1106 1 Mar. 1944 600 ) ,
Trailer - Mounted 4- Steel Pow Unit PE-148-A ....... 3211 30 Jun. 1944
Wheels, 120-140 HP. (Wau Power Units PE-162 and PE- 3048 1 Apr. 1944
kesha, Model 6 WAKU ) , for 214A.
Crushing, Screening and * Power Unit PE - 162 - B ...... LO 11-971 6 Jun . 1945
Washing Plant, Gasoline, Pio. Power Unit PE-167 .... 3224 3 Jul . 1944
neer . Power Unit PE-173 ( Equipped 3064 11 May 1944
Power Units HD-24 & HD - 40 3234 26 Aug. 1944 with Engine Kit 602A-P2 ) .
(Witte Engines Models KD6 Power Unit PE- 183 and PU-26. 3058 6 May 1944
& MD - 12 ) . Power Unit PE - 185-A and B. 3017 29 Jan. 1944
Power Unit PE - 49 - D , F and 3007 24 Mar. 1944 Power Unit PE- 197..... 3014 16 Mar. 1944
G. 3057 3 May 1944
Power Unit PE - 198 ...
Power Unit PE-52-D, E, and 3045 1 Apr, 1944 Power Unit, PE -201-A, B and 3047 24 Mar. 1944
F ; Electric, 115 V. AC, 60 C.
Cycle, Single Phase, 3 K. V. Power Unit PE-205-A & PE- 3221 15 Aug. 1944
207-A ( Hill Diesel Engine
$ Issued by the Pentagon A. G. Depot, Washington 25, D. C. Model AR ) .

WAR DEPT. LUBRICATION ORDERS — Continued Printer ( Enlarger) PH-129 & 3811 4 Apr. 1944
Power Units PE-205-B & PE- 3200 7 Jun . 1945 PH -- 129 - A ( Sunmon Bros.
207-B . Type Dil Omega & Type
Power Unit PE-210, PE-214-B. 3054 4 May 1944 D11 Omega Modified ) PH
Power Unit PE-220-A & B 3222, 3222A 19 Aug. 1944 129A is a component part of
( Waukesha - Hesselman En Processing Equipment PH
406 .
gine Model 6LRHU ) .
Power Unit PE-215-A, B & C 3233 2 Aug. 1944 Printer MP, (continuous ) , PH- 3854 13 Oct. 1944
( International Harvester Co. 67 & PH -314 ( PH-67 , Bell
Engine Model UD–18 ) . & Howell Model D , 35-mm &
Power Unit PE-222-A 3213 17 Jun. 1944 PH-314, Model J, 16- mm ) .
Power Unit PE-229-A 3214 20 Jul. 1944 Printer PH-87 ( Eastman Au- 3856 3 Jun , 1944
Power Unit PE-230-A 3215 26 Jun . 1944 to-Focus Enlarger, Model C ) .
Power Unit PE-235-A 3216 18 Jan. 1945 Printers PH-87-A & PH-95- 3860 14 Nov. 1944
Power Unit PE -236-A 3219 3 Jul. 1944 A ( PH --87 - A , Omega Model
Power Unit PE-245-A . 3061 1 May 1944
Power Unit PU -6/ TPS- 1 .. 3055
NE , 5 x 7 " and PH -95-A,
4 May 1944 Model NF 8 x 10 ", Enlargers ) .
Power Unit PU -9 / TPS-2 3065 1 Aug. 1944 Projector Equipment PH-398 & 3802 5 Apr. 1944
Power Unit PU-19 / FRC ( In- 3217 9 Aug. 1944
ternational Harvester Co. En PH-398-A ( RCA Models PG
gine Model UD-9 ) . 200 & PG - 200 - A ) .
* Power Unit PU-30/ F ( Case LO 11-944 2 Apr. 1945 Projector Equipment PH -402 3817 5 Jun. 1914
Engine Model LAE ) . (Phono -Films Model XC Spe
* Power Units PU-32 / C & PU- LO 3062 6 Nov. 1945 cial ) .
35 / U ( Hercules Engines Projector, Film Inspection , 3890 16 Aug. 1944
Model ZXB ) . 16 -mm , PH -543 / UF ( E.K.
* Power Unit PU-58 /G ( Willys- LO 3238 16 Nov. 1945 Co. , Airgraph , Model A ) .
Overland Engine Model MB. Projector PH - 131 - A , B, C, D, 3816 18 Jul. 1944
Power Unit PE-HC-43 through 3052 23 Mar. 1944 E , F , G, & H ( Bell & Howell
PE - HH -43 ( Charging Set Company 16-mm Projector
SCR-169 ) . Models 138-U, V, W, X, &
Power Unit PE -HJ -43 ( Charg- 8053 23 Mar. 1944 156-A, V, D ) .
ing Set SCR-169 ) . Projector PH-399 ( 16-mm 3872 20 Jul . 1944
Ampro Projector, Model
* Power Unit, Engine, Diesel LO 55-U35 1 Sep. 1945
( Buda , Model 6-DC844 ) . YSA Part of PH -408 ).
* Power Unit , Engine, Diesel LO 55-U21 1 Aug. 1945 Projector PH-405 ( 35-mm, De- 3870 23 Aug. 1944
( Caterpillar D-13000 ) . Vry Projector, Model XNOR
* Power Unit, Engine, Diesel LO 55-1034 21 Aug. 1945 or 1200 ) .
( Hercules Model DRXB ) . Pump Asphalt, Trailer-Mount- 1066 15 Aug. 1944
* Power Unit, Engine, Gasoline LO 55-U37 12 Sep. 1945 ed with Distributor Attach
( Buda HP 217 ) . ments ( Littleford Model 3-C ) .
* Power Unit, Engine, Gasoline LO 55-U44 1 Aug. 1945 Pump, Centrifugal, Diesel, 3- LO 5–2026 21 Dec. 1944
( Case Model SE ) . In . Discharge, 600-GPM at
* Power Unit, Engine, Gasoline LO 55-U20 10 Jul. 1945 400- Ft. Head , Ingersoll - Rand,
( LeRoi Model RXiVW ) . Model 3-GT , with Cummins
* Power Unit, Engine, Gasoline LO 55-U33 13 Sep. 1945 Model HIP-600 Engine ( Rog
( LeRoi D -226 ) . ers Diesel & Aircraft Corp. ) .
Power Unit Engine, Diesel LO 55-1001 17 Apr. 1945 Pump, Centifugal , Gasoline LO 5-2036 15 Dec. 1944
( Cummins, HB , HB1 , HB1S ) . Engine-Driven , Base-Mounted,
Power Unit Engine, Gasoline LO 55-1058 16 Apr. 1945 112 In. Discharge, 125-GPM
Bruda , JK6 ) . at 300 -Ft. Head, Economy,
Power Unit Engine, Gasoline LO 55-U14 16 Apr. 1945 Model B- 180 ( with Leroi
( Climax , R41 , 6R1 , R81 ) . Model D-133 Engine) .
Power Unit Engine, Gasoline LO 55-U9 5 May 1945 Pump, Centrifugal , Gasoline , 1085 7 Jan. 1944
(Waukesha, 6WAK, 6WAL, Base- Mounted 2- in . Discharge,
145GK , 145GZ ) . 55-GPM , 50- ft. , Head (Jae
Power Unit PE -HK -43 ( Charg- 3051 21 Mar. 1944 ger, Carver and Red Jacket,
ing Set SCR- 169 ) . Models 2APS- 1 ) .
*Press , Hydraulic, Portable, LO 5-4170 15 Mar. 1945 Pump , Centrifugal , Gasoline 1086 30 Mar. 1944
Hand - Operated , Universal, Engine- Driven , Base -Mount
with Track- Servicing Attach ed , 2- in . Discharge, 166-GPM
ments, 100- Ton ( Rogers , at 25 -ft. Head ( Novo, Model
Models 22 and 36 ) . KH-2 ) .
* Press, Laundry, Air-Operated . LO 10-U3 30 Jan. 1945 * Pump, Centrifugal, for Gaso- LO 5-2088 20 Apr. 1945
Print Dryer PH-75 ( PAKO 3804 17 Feb. 1944 line Engine - Driven , Base
Economy Dryer Model -SE ) . Mounted , 3- In . Discharge, 3
Print Dryer PH-176 ( Pako 3847 7 Aug. 1944 In . Suction , 240- GPM at 60
Corporation , Dryer Victory Ft. Head, ( Marlow, Model 34
Model) . PV ) .

WAR DEPT. LUBRICATION ORDERS - Continued * Radar Sets AN / MPG-1 & AN/ LO 11-1466–3 23 May 1945
* Pump, Centrifugal, for Gaso LO 5-2027 30 Dec. 1944 MPG-1 ( Range Tracking
line Positive Priming, Gaso Unit C - 163 /MPG - 1 ) .
line- Engine-Driven, Base *Radar Sets AN/FPG-1 & AN/ LO 11-1466–4 23 May 1945
Mounted, 4- In . Sec, 200 -GPM MPG - 1 ( Indicator Unit ID
at 100- Ft. Head , ( Wayne, 105 /MPG - 1, Siew- Scan Unit
Model 597 ) ; 6-in. Discharge, C-165 / MPG-1 & Modulator
6 -in . Suction, 525 -GPM at MD-36/MPG-1 ) .
100- Ft. Head, ( Model 598 )
less Engines . Radar Set AN / TPL - 1, An- 3515 7 Nov. 1944
Pump, Centrifugal , Gasoline LO 5-2316 20 Oct. 1944
tenna Assembly AS-113 /TPL
Engine- Driven, ( Base-Mount 1 & Pedestal AR - 39 / TPL - 1 .
ed, 4-in . Discharge, 480 -GPM Radar Set AN /TPL-1 , Main 3515A 7 Nov. 1944
at 300 Ft. Head , (Leff, Model Drive Assembly MX -186/
Aurora AD2 ) Chrysler Model TPL - 1.
T108-503 Engine ) . Radar Set AN / TPL - 1, Pede- 3515B 7 Nov, 1944
*Pump, Centrifugal, Gasoline LO 5–2028 15 Apr. 1945 stal AB - 39 / TPL - 1.
Engine -Driven, Base Mount * Radio Equipment AN/TPX-4 LO 11-1160 30 Mar. 1945
ed, 4- in. Discharge, 200 -GPM ( Tower TR-29 and Remote
at 350- Ft . Head , (Gorman
Rupp, Model C54-14 ) Chrys Antenna Drive RM-55 ) .
ler Model C54-14 Chrysler Radio Equipment RC-127-A, 3506 12 Aug. 1944
Model T-108-503 Engine. RC - 145 - A , RC - 184, RC - 246
Pump, Centrifugal, Gasoline 1107 2 Mar. 1944 A & RC-350 ; Control Units
Engine - Driven, Trailer BC-1268-A & BC-1293-A ;
Mounted, 6-in. Discharge, Receiver - Transmitter BC
1000 gal. per minute at 80 ft. 1267-A ; Indicators 1-221 - A
head, ( Jaeger Model 6-PO ) & I-227-A, and Cabinet Racks
with Waukesha Model 6– FM-79 & FM - 80 ; Tower TR
24-A and Signal Generator
SPKR Engine, for Crushing, 1-222-A .
Screening and Washing Plant,
Gasoline, Pioneer. Radio Equipment RC-148, RC- 3507 , 12 Aug. 1944
İPump, Deep Well, Gasoline En- 1079 20 May 1944 148- B , RC-148- C , RC- 150 &
gine-driven , 30-GPM at 250 RC-151 ; Receivers BC-1068–
ft. Head ( P less , Model 42 ) . A & BC-1161 -A ; Transmit
4 Apr. 1944 ters BC-1072-A & BC-1160–
Pump, Deep Well , Gasoline En- 1091 A , and Control Units BC
gine- Driven, 60-GPM at 250
ft. Head ( Peerless, Model 52 ) . 1073-A & BC-1162-A ; Re
* Pump, Deep Well , Gasoline LO 5-2312 30 Oct. 1944 ceiver Transmitter BC - 1267
A and Signal Generator I
Engine-Driven, Turbine- Type, 222-A .
60 -GPM at 250- Ft . Head
( Cook , Model SK-660 ) and Radio Equipment RC-182, RC- 3519 28 Feb. 1945
Turbine - Type, 30-GPM at 188-A , RC-207-A , RC-215
250- Ft. Head ( Cook , Model A , RC-282 , RC-351 , AN /CPX
SK - 635 ) . -1 , and AN /CPX-2 ; Control
*Pump, Diaphragm, Gasoline- LO 5–2014 30 May 1945 Units BC-1268-A , BC - 1293
Engine-Driven, Pushcart A , & C-209 / CPX , Indicator
Mounted , Steel Wheels , 4- in . 1-221 -A ; Receiver - Transmit
Discharge, 100 -GPM at 10 ter BC-1267-A ; Signal Gen
Ft. Suction Head, ( Novo, erator 1-221 -A and Cabinet
Model AD-4 ) . Rack FM-80 ; Pedestals FT
*Pump for Truck, Fire, Power- LO 5-3500 30 May 1945 480 , FT -485 & AB-76/ CPX
ed , Pumper, Class 325, 4 x 4, & Winch.
300 -GPM General, Model M * Radio Equipment RC-384 LO 11-1462 30 Mar. 1945
60. ( Tower TR-29, Remote An
* Quadrant, Elevation , M1 ..... LO 9-U546 20 Apr. 1945 tenna Drive RM -55 , Signal
* Quadrant, Range, M3, M8 .... LO 9 - U543 20 Apr. 1945 Generator 1-222-A , Cabinet
* Quadrant, Range, M4 , M5, M6 . LO 9-U544 20 Apr. 1945 Rack FM-93 and Receiver
*Quadrant, Range, M10C, D .. LO 9 - U545 20 Apr. 1945 Transmitter BC-1267-A ) .
* Radar Sets AN / FPG-1 & AN / LO 11-1466-1 23 May 1945 * Radio Set AN/TPS-3 , Anten- 3516 1 Sep. 1944
MPG-1 ( Tower AB -50 /MPG nas AS74/TPS-3, & AS74-A/

1 , Pedestal AB - 8A /GP, Rotat TPS-3 , Ventilating Fan, Con

ing Feed Assembly CU-59/ sole CY -69 /TPS - 3.
MPG - 1, Telescope M-75-C &
Servo -Motor Generator PU Radio Sets SCR-268 & SCR- 3503 1 Aug. 1944
52 /MPG-1 . 516, Trailers K-28 , A, B &
*Radar Sets AN /FPG-1 & AN/ LO 11-1466-2 23 May 1945 C and Trailers K-39 & K - 39
MPG - 1 ( Azimuth Tracking A Elevation Control , Azimuth
Unit C - 162 /MPG - 1) . Gear and Shelters H0-18 ,
H0–18-A, & H0-28, Ventilat
Issued by the Pentagon A. G. Depot, Washington 25 , D. C. ing Fan .

WAR DEPT, LUBRICATION ORDERS - Continued Radio Set SCR-584-B ; Dehy- 3500B 15 May 1944
Radio Sets SCR-268 & SCR- 3503A 1 Aug. 1944 drator & Servo -Generators ;
516, Oscilloscopes BC - 412 - A Voltage Adjuster & Ampli
& B, Keying Units BC - 409, dynes.
BC-409-A , & BC-609 and Radio Set SCR-584-A & B ; 3500C 15 May 1944
Modulator BC-435-A , Trans > Rectifier RA-68 ; Modulator
mitters BC-407-A & BC -621, BC-984.
Receiver BC - 406 - A , Range Radio Set SCR-584-A & B ; 3500D 15 May 1944
Units BC - 436 - A & C , BC-436 Pedestal MP-61 ; Elevator
-B & BC-497 . Platform .
* Radio Sets SCR-268 & SCR- 3503B 1 Aug. 1944 Radio Set SCR-584-A & B ; 3500E 15 May 1944
516 , Trailers K - 34 - B , C , D & Control Unit BC-1085 & Data
E , Rectifier RA-38. Unit BC-1075 ; Indicator BC
Radio Sets SCR-291 & SCR- 3108 3 Jul . 1944 1088-A & B.
502 Radio Receiver BC - 1147 Radio Sets SCR-658-T1 , SCR- 3100 11 Dec. 1944
Radio Transmitter BC - 1149 658 - A & SCR-658 ; ( Antennas
Target ) . AN - 159 - T1, AN-159-A &
Radio Set SCR-296-A ; Antenna 3505 15 Aug. 1944 AN-159 and Supports FT
AN-70-A , Pedestal FT-336 478-T1 , FT -478 - A & FT
A , and Hoist Mechanism ; 478 ) .
Oscilloscope BC-718-A, Oscil. Radio Set SCR-682-A ; Modu- 3513 15 May 1944
loscope BC-719-A , Blower lator BC - 1194 - A , Indicator
Motor & Air Filter and Am BC- 1225-A , Shelter H0-23
plidyne MG - 16 - A . A, Pedestal FT-458-A.
Radio Set SCR-296-A ; Range 3505A 15 Aug. 1944 * Radio Set SCR-784 ( Antenna LO 11-1454-1 9 Jun. 1945
Aided Tracking Unit BC Mount MP-61- B Servo Mo
1296-A and Range Unit BC tor- Generator, Ventilating
723-A ; Duplexing Panel BD Motor, Line Voltage Regula
106-A and Control Unit RM tor TF-14 & Data Unit BC
36-A . 1075 ) .
Radio Set SCR-296-A ; Receiver 3505B 15 Aug. 1944 * Radio Set SCR-784 ( Control LO 11-1454-3 9 Jun . 1945
BC-716 -A and Power Control Unit BC-1085 & Oscillator
BD- 108-A . BC-1374 ) .
Radio Set SCR-545-A ; Antenna 3504 1 July 1944 * Radio Set SCR- 784 ( Range LO 11-1454-2 9 Jun . 1945
AN-115-A and Pedestal FT Indicator BC-1371 ) .
385 - A . Radiosonde Recorder RD-3/ 3111 31 Jul . 1944
Radio Set SCR -545 - A ; Trailer 3504A 1 July 1944 FMQ-1 Radiosonde Receptor
K-75-A ; Work Truck K -60 , AN/ FMQ- 1 .
H. V. Rectifier RA -65-A and Reader, 16- mm , PH-284 ( E. K. 3889 8 Aug, 1944
Converter MG-25-A . Co. Recordak, Model 10 ) .
Radio Set SCR-545-A ; Range 3504B 1 July 1944 Reel Hand Axle RL-27 .. 3029 10 Dec. 1944
Unit BC -1053-A , Input Servo Reel Unit RL-26-A , B and CLO 3006 22 Aug. 1944
BC- 1071 -A and Range Con For Engine Lubrication see
verter BC-1102-A . Lubrication Order No. 3005 ) .
Radio Set SCR-545-A ; Oscillo- 3504C 1 July 1944 Roller, Road, Diesel , 3-Wheel, LO 5–1189 21 Apr. 1945
scope BC- 1035-A , Track and 10 - Ton ( Huber ), with Cater
Search Control BC- 1063-A & pillar, Model 4-4400 Engine.
BC- 1065-A and Range Con Roller, Road, Diesel , Tandem , LO 5-1492 2 Apr. 1945
trol BC- 1047-A ; Search Re 2 - Axle, 8 to 12 - Ton (Galion ,
ceiver BC - 1057 - A and Search Model R ) .
Transmitter BC-1039-A . IRoller, Road , Gasoline, Tandem , 1087 3 Feb. 1944
Radio Set SCR-545-A ; Range 3504D 1 July 1944 2-Axle, 2- to 212 - ton (Fergu
Control BC-1047-B, Elevation son Model 151 ) .
Control BC - 1049 - A & B and Roller, Road, Gasoline, Tandem , 1005 30 Jun . 1944
Azimuth Control BC - 1067 - A
& B ; Track Transmitter BC
2 - Axle, 5-8 ton ( Buffalo
Springfield Model KT-16 ) .
1037 - A and Track Receiver ţRoller, Road , Gasoline, 3 -Wheel, 1022 . 30 May 1944
BC- 1055-A . 10-ton ( Galion, Model Chief ).
Radio Sets SCR-582-A & T6 ; 3510 19 Aug. 1944
Antenna System RC - 162 - A Roller, Road, Gasoline , 3- LO 5-1188 15 May 1945
& T6 and Motor -Amplidyne Wheel , 10-Ton (Huber ) with
Hercules Model WXLC - 3 En
Generator; Cabinet Rack FM
53 - A & T6 and Oscilloscope gine.
BC -954-A & T6.
Saw, Chain , Portable, Gaso. LO 5-4052 30 Dec. 1944
Radio Set SCR-584-A & B ; 3500 15 May 1944 line, 24 and 36 - In . Blades
Dolly K -83 & K-83 - A ; Trail .
(Disston, Models G-26 and
ers K -78 , K -78-A & K- 78- B . G - 36 ) .
Radio Set SCR-584 -A & B ; 3500A * Saw, Chain , Portable, Pneu- LO 5-4000 30 Jul . 1945
15 May 1944
Intake Ventilator, Gasoline matic , 24 - In . Blade (Reed
Heater & Control Rack Ven Prentice, Model Timberhog ).
tilator. Saw, Circular, Woodworking, 1096 10 Jul . 1944
Portable, Pneumatic, 12- in .
Issued by the Pentagon A. G. Depot, Washington 25 , D. C. Blade ( Mall , Model P-120A ) .

WAR DEPT. LUBRICATION ORDERS - Continued Semitrailer, 342 Ton Payload, LO 9-886A 17 Jan. 1945
Sawmill, Portable, Gasoline , LO 5-9234 15 Jun . 1945 6 Ton Gross , 2 Wheel ( 2dt )
Log- Beam-Type, 4- Ft. x 7- Ft. , Van , Comb . Stake and Plat
60 - Inch Diameter Saw (Cor form. ( Black-Diamond ) .
inth , Model 1C ) . Semitrailer, 5 -Ton Payload, 8- LO 9–890 12 Feb. 1945
Sawmill , Portable, Gasoline , LO 5-9235 21 May 1945 Ton Gross, 2-Wheel ( 2dt )
Head -Block Type, 4- Ft. x 7 Stake and Platform ( SNL G
Ft., 60-Inch Diameter Saw 675 models ) .
( Corinth Model 2C ) . Semitrailer, 6-Ton Gross, 2- LO 9-U330 24 Feb. 1945
Scooter, Motor, 2- Wheel, Air- LO 9-876 17 Jan. 1945 Wheel ( 2dt) , Combination
borne, ( Cushman Model 53 ) . Stake and Platform ( Winter
Scooter, Motor, 3-Wheel ( Pack- LO 9-U325 15 Feb. 1945 Weiss ) .
age Kar , Cushman Model 39 ) . Semitrailer, 6-Ton Payload LO 9-U344 28 Dec. 1944
Scooter , Motor, w/side car LO 9-U326 1 Mar. 1945 ( SNL G-589 , G -592 , Models ) .
( Cushman Model 32 ) . Semitrailer, 6- Ton Payload , 8- LO 9-U341 17 Feb. 1945
Scout Car, M3A1 .... LO 9-705 12 Feb. 1945 Ton Gross, 2- Wheel , Comb.
Scraper, Road, Motorized, Ca- 1092 15 Jun . 1944 Animal and Cargo ( Trailer
ble-Operated , 12-cu. yd. ( Le Co. of America) .
Tourneau, Model Super “ C ” Semitrailer, 6-Ton Payload LO 9-U344 28 Dec. 1944
Turnapull with Model LP 10- Ton Gross ( SNL G-534 , G
Carryall ) ( Cummins, Model 538, G - 584, G-587, G - 588,
HBID-600 Diesel Engine ) . G - 590 , G - 591 Models ) .
Scraper, Road , Motorized, Cable- LO 5-1204 15 Dec. 1944 Semitrailer, 6-Ton Payload , 10- LO 9-895 3 Feb. 1945
Operated , 2- Cu . Yd . LeTour Ton Gross, 2-Wheel ( 2dt ) ,
ncau , Model D Tournapull , Shoe Repair ( SNL G-664
with Model Q Carryall and Models ) .
Model A Tilting-blade. Semitrailer, 6-Ton Payload LO 9-U346 28 Dec. 1944
Scraper, Road , Towed - Type, 1093 14 Jul. 1944 10-Ton Gross, 2 Wheel ( 2dt )
Hydraulic -Operated, 19 Cu. Van ( Highway) .
Yd. ( LaPlant-Choate Model Semitrailer, 6 Ton Payload, LO 9-U328 20 Feb. 1945
CAB ) . 1012 Ton Gross, 2 Wheel
IScrubber and Washer, Paddle- 1105 1 Mar. 1944 ( 2dt) , Van, Comb. Animal and
Type, Gasoline , Trailer Cargo. ( Highway ) .
Mounted, 6-Steel Wheels , 80 Semitrailer , 6 Ton Payload, LO 9-891 19 Feb. 1945
to 100 TPH. (Model Log 10 Ton Gross , 2 -Wheel, Fuel
Washer ) ( For Crushing , Tank , 2,000 Gal.
Screening and Washing Plant, Semitrailer, 6 Ton Payload, LO 9–888 17 Jan. 1945
Gasoline, Pioneer ) . 10 Ton Gross , 2- Wheel ( 2dt ) ,
Semitrailer, M15 , Semitrailer, LO 9-767 2 Apr. 1945 Van ( SNL G-545 , G-665, G
transporter, 45- ton , 8- Wheel , 707 Models ).
M15A1 ( trailer for 40-ton Semitrailer , 642 - Ton Gross, 2- LO 9-U353 3 Feb. 1945
tank, transporter M25 ) . Wheel, Pipe.
Semitrailer, 3-ton Payload, 2- LO 9-U330 24 Feb. 1945 Semitrailer, 7-Ton Gross , 2 LO 9-882 25 Jan. 1945
Wheel (2dt) Van (Checker ). Wheel ( 2dt ) ( SNL G - 572
Semitrailer, 3 Ton Payload, 2 LO 9-U331 8 Jan. 1945 Models ) .
Wheel ( 2dt ) Van (Gramm ) . Semitrailer, 7 - Ton Payload , LO 9-882 25 Jan. 1945
Semitrailer, 3 Ton Payload, 6 LO 9-U336 25 Jan. 1945 10 -Ton Gross, 2-Wheel ( 2dt )
Ton Gross, 2 Wheel ( 2dt) ( SNL G-544, G - 546, G -596 ,
Van ( Carolina ) . G-597, G-598 Models ) .
Semitrailer, 3 - Ton Payload, 6- LO 9-U340 21 Feb. 1945 Semitrailer, 7 - ton , 4 - wheel, LO 9-884 17 Jan. 1945
ton Gross , 2-Wheel ( 2dt ) Van , M26, w/ Dolly.
Highway. Semitrailer, 712 Ton Payload , LO 9-U348 27 Feb. 1945
Semitrailer, 3-Ton Payload , 6- LO 9-U337 17 Feb. 1945 12 Ton Gross, 2 Wheel ( 2dt ) ,
ton Gross, 2-Wheel , Van Low Bed,
( Steel Products ). Semitrailer, 10 - Ton Gross LO 9-U344 28 Dec. 1944
Semitrailer, 3 Ton Payload , 6 LO 9-U334 15 Feb. 1945 ( SNL G-581 Models ) .
ſon Gross 2-Wheel (2dt ) Van Semitrailer, 10-Ton Payload, LO 9–892 24 Feb. 1945
( Truck Engineering ) .
14-Ton Gross, 2-Wheel ( 2dt ) ,
Semitrailer, 312 - Ton Payload, LO 9-U330 24 Feb. 1945 Stake and Platform, w/dolly
2 -Wheel ( 2dt ) , Combination ( SNL G-676 models ) .
Stake Platform ( Checker and 29 Dec. 1944
Semitrailer, 11 Ton Gross, 2 LO 9-U347
Hobbs SNL G-560, G-564 Wheel (2dt) Refrigerator Van
models ) . ( Hyde ) .
Semitrailer, 312 Ton Payload, LO 9-U332 25 Feb. 1945 Semitrailer, 11 Ton Payload, LO 9-886A 17 Jan. 1945
6 Ton Gross , 2-Wheel ( 2dt) 15 Ton Gross, 2-Wheel ( 2dt ) ,
Comb. Stake and Platform .
Van ( Black-Diamond ) .
( Dorsev ) . Semitrailer, 11 -Ton Payload , LO 9-895 3 Feb. 1945
Semitrailer, 314 Ton Payload, LO 9-U333 19 Jan. 1945
15-Ton Gross, 2-Wheel ( 2dt) ,
6 Ton Gross, 2 Wheel ( 2dt )
Van , Comb. Stake and Plat .
Van (Kentucky).
Semitrailer , 11 Ton Payload , LO 9-894 10 Jan. 1945
form ( Kingham ). 15 Ton Gross, 2 Wheel ( 2dt )
Issued by the Pentagon A. G. Depot , Washington 25, D. C. Van ( Omaha Standard Body ) .

WAR DEPT. LUBRICATION ORDERS - Continued Sight, Computing, M7, M7A1 .. LO 9-252-3 1 Mar. 1945
Semitrailer , 11-Ton Payload, LO 9–896 15 Mar. 1945 Signal Lamp Equipment EE- 3112 18 Oct. 1944
15-Ton Gross, 2-Wheel ( 2dt) , 80 & EE -80 - A .
Van (Reliance ). Soils Preparation Unit, Gaso- 1069, 1069 A 2 Jul. 1943
Semitrailer, 11 - Ton Payload, LO 9-U356 12 Mar. 1945 line ( Barber-Greene Model
15-Ton Gross, 2-Wheel ( 2dt ) , 821 ) ,
Van ( Trailer Co. of Amer Splicer ( Semi-Automatic ) MP, 3876 9 Sep. 1944
ica ) . 35-mm & 16- mm, PH-321
Semitrailer, Low Bed, 20-Ton , 1097 30 Aug. 1944 ( Bell & Howell No. 6 Com
Model 20 - T , with Model 20 bination Splicer ) .
TD Dolly. Spotting Sets PH-32 and AN / 3107 27 Jan. 1945
Semitrailer, 2242 Ton Payload, LO 9-U349 15 Feb. 1945 TVQ-1 , Theodolite PH- ( BD ,
28 Ton Gross, 4 Wheel ( 4dt ) , BF & BH ) -33 .
Low Bed, ( Trailer Co. of Spotting Sets PH-32 and AN/ 3107A 27 Jan. 1945
America ) . TVQ-1 , Theodolite PH- ( BC ,
* Semitrailer, 2-Wheel, 10-Ton, LO 10-1673 31 May 1945 BE & BG ) -33 & Theodolite
Refrigerator, Lightweight , MX - 194 / TVQ - 1; Viewing At
( Brown Industries and Frue tachment PH - 98-1 ) , Re
hauf ) . winder PH - 92-1 ) & Splicer
Semi- trailer, Special, Drop- 1051 15 Sep. 1944 PH-91- ( ).
Frame, 25-ton Ponton ( Trail Sprayer, Insect, Portable, Pis- LO 5-9196 1 Mar. 1945
er Co. of America, Fruehauf ton- Pump Type, Gasoline En
Trailer Co. and Electric gine, Skid -Mounted, with At
Wheel Co. , Model 1940. tachments ( Bean , Model C-64
Semi-trailer,, Special, Drop- 1055 31 Jul . 1944 -S.I. ) .
Frame, 10-ton Ponton , ( Trail ISpreader, Concrete, Gasoline, 1088 28 Feb. 1944
er Co. of America Model 20 ft. Width ( Blaw -Knox
1938 ) Fruehauf Trailer Co., Model SA ) .
Model 1940. * Sterilization - Bath Unit ; Mo- LO 10-641 15 Jan. 1945
Semi- Trailer, Van -Type, with LO 5–9110A 10 Apr. 1945 Swinging Boom Crane Truck , LO 3-256 15 May 1945
Dolly ( Heil, Model 02A ) For M1 ( Gar Wood 3620TP ) .
Use with Independent Model
02B Oxygen and Nitrogen Gas Synchronizing Unit RM–44, 3108A 3 Jul. 1944
Charging Control Panel PN-31 , Reel
Generator and Unit RL - 49 & Shelter Circu
Service units, Mechanized LO 3-361 15 May 1945 lating Fan Motor.
Flame Thrower, E8 and E8R1 . Tank , Asphalt, Steel, Trailer- 1039 29 Jul . 1944
Mounted with Steam Coils
* Setter, Fuze, Bracket, M1916A2 LO 9-U552 20 Apr. 1945
1500- Gal. ( Littleford, Model
Shop , Engineer, Motorized , 1028 24 Nov. 1943 102- S ) .
Aviation Battalion, Welding
( Couse Type A ) . Tank, Asphalt, Steel , Truck- 1076 1 Dec. 1943
Shop , Engineer, Motorized , 1018, 1018A 24 Nov. 1943 Mounted, with Heating Flues
Aviation Battalion , Machine 800 Gal. ( Rosco Model RMU ) .
( Couse, Type B ) . Tank, Heavy, T26E3 ...... LO 9-735 10 Mar. 1945
Shovel, Crawler, Gasoline, 34 1095 , 1095A , * Tank, Heavy, T26E2 . LO 9-735-1 2 Jul. 1945
1 Jun . 1944
cu . yd. , with Attachments 1095B Tank, Light, M3A3 ... LO 9-727 31 Mar. 1945
Model Paymaster-34 ) .
( Lima,Crawle Tank, Light, M5, M5A1 . LO 9-732 8 Feb. 1945
Shove l, r-Mounted, Gas- 1006, 1006A Tank, Light, M22 .. LO 9-724 11 Feb, 1945
20 Sep. 1944 Tank, Light, M24 . LO 9-729
oline, 3% and 12 Cu. Yd . ( Link 20 Apr. 1945
Gun ) .
Belt, Speeder Models LS -40
and LS-50 ) . Tank, Medium, M4 ( 105-mm LO 9–731A A 31 Jan. 1945
Shovel, Crawler-Mounted , Die- 1021 , 1021A , 1 Dec. 1943 How . ).
sel , 2-cu . yd. ( Thew Model 1021B , 1021C Tank, Medium , M4A1 ( 76-mm LO 9-731- 29 Jan. 1945
Lorain 82 ) . Gun ) . AA - 1
Shovel, Crawler -Mounted, Gas- 1023, 1023A 15 Sep. 1944 Tank
Gun, )Medium,
. M4A2 ( 76-mm LO 9–731 B-1 20 Feb. 1945
oline, 12 cu . yd . with Attach
ments ( Bucyrus- Erie Model Tank, Medium , M4A3 ( 105-mm LO 9-759-1 6 Mar. 1945
15 -B ) . Howitzer ) .
Shovel , Crawler -Mounted , Gas- LO 5–1162 Tank, Medium , M4 , M4A1 ( 75- LO 9–731A 18 Jan. 1945
30 Dec. 1944 mm Gun ) .
oline, 12 -Cu. Yd ., with At
tachments ( Osgood Model Tank, Medium, M4A2 ( 75-mm LO 9-731B 29 Mar. 1945
Gun ) .
200 ) .
Tank, Medium, M4A3 ( 75 -mm LO 9-759 15 Jan. 1945
Shovel, Crawler -Mounted, Gaso- 1038, 1038A , 15 Jul. 1944 Gun ) .
line , 34 cu . yd . with Attach- 1038B Tank, Medium, M4A3 ( 76-mm LO 9-759-2 6 Mar. 1945
ments ( Buckeye Model 70 ) . Gun ) .
Shower Unit , Field, Trailer- LO 5-9722 5 Apr. 1945 Tank , Medium , M4A4 ( 75 -mm LO 9-754 2 Apr. 1945
Mounted, with Heater, 8 Gun ) .
Shower Heads (Cleaver Tank , Medium , M4A6 ..... LO 9-756 15 Feb. 1945
Brooks, Model EC - 3 ). Tank , Medium , T23 ... LO 9-734 31 Jan. 1945
Tank, Medium, T25E1 , T26F1 . LO 9 -U301 1 Mar. 1945
Issued by the Pentagon A. G. Depot , Washington 25 , D. C. Tank-Transporter 40-ton , M25 . LO 9-767 2 Apr. 1945

WAR DEPT. LUBRICATION ORDERS - Continued Tractor, J. I. Case, Model, VA1 6011 20 Jul. 1944
Tank Recovery Vehicle, M31... LO 9-739 3 Feb. 1945 ( Gas ) .
Tank Recovery Vehicle, M32 LO 9–738 10 Jan. 1945 Tractor, Shop, T10 ..... .... LO 9-U358 18 Feb. 1945
Series. Tractor, Snow , M7 ; Trailer, 1 LO 9–774 15 Mar. 1945
*Tank, Water, Steel, Semi- LO 5-9312 15 Apr. 1945 Ton, Snow, M19.
Trailer Mounted, 1500 -Gal Tractor, Warehouse (J. I. Case 6005 17 Jul. 1944
lons, ( Columbian Steel Tank Model VA1W ) .
Co., Model 1944 ) . Tractor , Warehouse ( Interna
na- 6001 17 Jul. 1944
Tractor, Crawler -Type, Diesel LO 5-3112 10 Oct. 1944 tional Harvester Model 1-4 ). .
with Angledozer ( Caterpillar, Tractor, Warehouse ( Interna- 6002 17 Jul. 1944
Model D - 4 ), Le Tourneau C4 tional Harvester Model 1-6 ) .
Angledozer and T4 Power Tractor, Clarktor-6 ( Standard 6008 22 Jul . 1944
Control Unit. and Mill Models) ( Clark
* Tractor, Crawler, Diesel, 55 to LO 5–3100 20 Mar. 1945 Tructractor ) .
65 -DBHP, ( Caterpillar D - 6 ) Tractor, ( Wheeled ) , Case DI 6016 8 Aug. 1944
Tractor, Crawler-Type, Diesel, 1026 15 Aug. 1944 ( Gasoline ) .
110 to 140 DBHP (Caterpil Tractor (Wheeled ), Case LAI 6017 12 Aug. 1944
lar, Model D8 ) with LeTour (Gasoline ).
neau CKD - 8 Angle - Dozer, Tractor (Wheeled ) , Case LAI 6017A 12 Aug. 1944
R - 8 Rear Power Control (Gasoline) ( with Air Brakes
Unit and FD - 8 Front Power & Gar Wood Winch ) .
Control Unit. * Tractor , Wheeled , Gasoline LO 10-1677 15 Apr. 1945
Tractor, Crawler , Diesel, 70 to 1008, 1008A 5 Jul. 1944 ( Hebard " A14 Victory ” ) .
90 DBHP, Standard (Cater Tractor, Wheel-Type, Rubber- LO 5-U1 25 Jan. 1945
pillar Model D7 ) 74-in. Gage, Tires , Gasoline, 10 to 35–
with LeTourneau WCK7 An DBHP, Standard (Allis-Chal
gledozer FTD7 and R7 Pow mers, Model B ) .
er Control Units. $ Tractor, Wheeled , Rubber- 1027 31 Jul 1944
* Tractor, Crawler, Diesel 70 to LO 5-3348 5 Jan. 1945 Tired, Gasoline, 30 -DBHP
90 - DBHP, Standard 74-in . ( Case, Model DI ) . .

Gage, ( Allis-Chalmers HD Tractor, wheeled , Gasoline 6038 19 Oct. 1944

10W ) , with Gar Wood T - 5 - B ( Clark -Clarkat B ) .
Winch. Tractor, Wheeled, Gasoline 6041 21 Nov. 1944
Tractor, Crawler, Gasoline, 10 LO 5-U2 25 May 1945 ( Hebard- " A3 " ) .
to 35 -DBHP ( Caterpillar R2) . Tractor, Wheeled, Gasoline 6029 6 Oct. 1944
* Truck , Rear Dump , 10-Cu . LO 5-3467 2 May 1945 (Hebard - A3 Victory ) .
Yd., Diesel Engine Driven , 15 Tractor, Wheeled, Gasoline 6030 25 Nov. 1944
Ton, Euclid, Model 27-FD, (Hebard- " A14 " ).
Tractor, Crawler, Gasoline, 10 LO 5-3210 15 Jan. 1945 Tractor, Wheeled, Gasoline, He- 6035 7 Oct. 1944
to 35 - DBHP, Standard (Allis bard J-233 and J-233N .
Chalmers, Model WM ) 50 - In . Tractor, Wheeled , Gasoline, 6033 6 Oct. 1944
Gage, with . Buckeye Angle Mercury " Banty" .
dozer, Winch, and Silent Hoist Tractor, Wheeled , Gasoline, 6021 4 Sep. 1944
Crane. Mercury, Huskie.
Tractor, Wheeled , Gasoline 6031 15 Oct. 1944
Tractor, Crawler, Gasoline, 10 LO 5-3190 28 Feb. 1945
to 35-DBHP, Standard , 44 (Service Caster and Truck
and 52-In . Gage ( Cleveland, TT - 3 - ONC and TT -4S -ONC ).
Model BG ) with Gar Wood Re Tractor, Wheeled , Gasoline, 6032 6 Oct. 1944
Angledozer and · Buckeye Superior Grinding Standard.
Winch. ITractor, Wheeled , Rubber- 1010 18 Sep. 1944
Tractor, Crawler, Gasoline, 10 LO 5–3226 28 Feb. 1945 Tired , Gasoline, 30-DBHP,
to 35 - DBHP ( International Standard ( International,
T -6 ). Model I - 6 .)
Tractor, Crawler, Gasoline, 15 1047 2 Aug. 1944 İTractor, Wheeled, Rubber- 1029 24 Nov. 1943
DBHP Standard ( Clark , Tired , Gasoline, 40 -DBHP,
Model CA-1 “ Clarkair " ) (31 Standard ( Case Model LAI ) .
inch Gauge ). *Tractor, Wheeled , Rubber- 1043 1 Sep. 1944
ITractor, Crawler, Gasoline, 35– 1025 20 Sep. 1944 Tired , Gasoline, 23-DBHP,
DBHP ( Caterpillar, Model ( Case, Model SI Airborne)
R4, 44-In . Gage, with LeTour Loader, Bucket, Tractor
neau C - 4 Angledozer and T - 4 Mounting, Hydraulic -Oper
Power Control Unit, LeTour ated ( Hough , Model SI ) .
neau C - 4 Angledozer and Le *Tractor, Wheeled , Rubber- 1027 31 Jul 1944
Tourneau HN Power Control Tired , Gasoline, 30 - DBHP ,
Unit with Hyster D4A Winch . Model D1 ) .
Tractor, High -Speed, 13 -ton , M5 LO 9-786 28 Feb. 1945 Tractor (Wheeled ) Warehouse, 6003 21 Jul. 1944
( IHC ) . International Harvester I-9
Tractor, High -Speed , 18-ton, M4 LO 9-785 30 Jan. 1945 ( Gasoline ) .
Tractor ( Wheeled ) Warehouse, 6039 21 Jul. 1944
Tractor, High-Speed, 38-ton, M6 LO 9-788 15 Feb. 1945
Allis-Chalmers. International Harvester 1-9
(Gasoline), ( with Capstan
Issued by the Pentagon A. G. Depot, Washington 25, D. C. Winch, Gar Wood 636E .

WAR DEPT. LUBRICATION ORDERS - Continued Trailer, 45-Ton , 12-Wheel ( 12 LO 9-768-1 30 Jan. 1945
Trailer, Ammunition, M10 ..... LO 9-333 12 Jan. 1945 dt ) , M9 Trailer for Truck
Trailer, Ammunition, M23 (8- LO 9-793 6 Mar. 1945 Trailer, 45 - Ton Tank Trans
ton , 4-wheel ) ; Limber, Car porter , M19 ) .
riage, Heavy, M5. Trailer, 2-Wheel , Special 144- 1032 1 Sep. 1944
Trailer, Armored, M8 ( T32 ) ... LO 9-791 18 Jan. 1945 Ton , Arc Welder ( Electric
Trailer, Athey 6-Ton LO 9-790A 17 Jan. 1945 Wheel, Model D-1752-5 ) .
Trailer, Bomb, M5 .. LO 9-760 10 Feb. 1945 Trailer, 2-Wheel, Special, Pole- 1002, 1002A 24 Nov. 1943
Trailer, Bomb, 34 Ton , M29 ... LO 9-701 29 Mar. 1945 Type, Flat- Bed Quick- Way,
Trailer, Bomb, 1-ton , 4-wheel, LO 9–797 20 Feb. 1945 Shovel Attachments, ( Timpte,
T53 . Model QWT - 8 ) .
Trailer, Clamshell , M16 ........ LO 9-771 20 Feb. 1945 Truck, 112 Ton , 4x 4 ( Chevro- LO 9-805–1 1 Mar. 1945
Trailer, Director, M13, M14, LO 9-881-1 25 Jan. 1945 let Models G-7173, G-7163 )
and M22 . Telephone Maintenance and
| Trailer , Full , Low- Bed , 16-ton 1046 17 Feb. 1944 Earth Borer.
( C. R. Jahn Model LKD-616, Truck, 5-6 Ton, 4 x 4 C.O.E. LO 9-U317 15 Feb. 1945
Steel Products Model XBBM , Cargo ( FWD Model SU
LaCrosse, Model DF6-16, and COE ) .
Rogers Model H - 16 - L - C ) . Truck , Amphibian , 272 -ton , 6x LO 9-802 20 Jan. 1945
Trailer, Full , Low-Bed, 60-Ton , LO 5-9212 30 May 1945 6 ( GMC DUKW -353 ) .
Rodgers, Model D-60-D-S-5 Truck, Bomb Lift, M22 . , .. LO 9-762 5 Feb. 1945
and Model D-60-D-S-7 . Truck , Bomb Service , M6 LO 9–765 10 Mar. 1945
Truck, Fork Lift ; Clark “ Plane- 6009 20 Jul . 1944 ( Chevrolet ) .
loader" ( Gas ) . Truck , Bomb Service, M27 ..... LO 9-766 10 Mar. 1945
Truck, Fork Lift ; Clark “ Utili- 6010 29 Jul . 1944
Truck, Fork Lift, Cļark Truc- 6015 1 Aug. 1944 truc " & " Carloader " ; Cleve
tractor Co. Medal Clipper
( Gasoline ) . land " 6000 ” ( Gas ) .
Trailer, Generator, M7.... LO 9-881 12 Feb. 1945 Truck, Fork Lift, Electric, 6026 22 Sep. 1944
Trailer, Generator, M18 . LO 9-881-2 8 Mar. 1945 Clark “ Utilitruc " and " Clark
LO 9-789 27 Feb. 1945 loader."
Trailer, Mount, M20 ... * Truck , Fork Lift , Electric 6037 27 Oct. 1944
Trailer, Snow, 1 ton , M19 . LO 9–774 15 Mar. 1945
#Trailer, Special Tandem, 7 to 1130 14 Jun . 1944 ( Automatic Transportation
14 - Ton , 4DT , ( Eidal , Model (“ THTF - L ” , Sparkproof ) ) .
Truck, Fork Lift, Gasoline 6043 5 Apr. 1945
EL - 30 ) .
Trailer, 14 Ton Payload, 2- LO 9-U327 10 Feb. 1945 ( Hyster " 150 " ) .
Truck , Fork Lift, Gasoline 6034 6 Oct. 1944
Wheel , Cargo. ( Service Caster and Truck
Trailer, 1 -ton Payload , 2- LO 9-883 10 Feb. 1945
FHLT-3 ) .
Wheel, Ammunition, M24, Truck , Fork Lift; Towmotor, 6006 31 Jul. 1944
Trailer, 1-ton Payload , 2-Wheel , LO 9–883 10 Feb. 1945 LI -46 , LT - 50 , LT - 53 , LT-56 ,
Cargo. LT-62 and LT-72 ( Gasoline ) .
Trailer, 1 -Ton Payload, 2- LO 9-883-1 27 Mar. 1945 Truck, Fork Lift ; Mobilift 6004 22 Jun , 1944
Wheel , Water Tank , 250 Gal . Model TAW ( GAS ) ,
* Trailer, 2-Ton , 2-Wheel , Pole LO 9-871 10 Jul . 1945 ( Vaughan Motor Company ) .
Hauling and Cargo. Truck, Fork Lift, Ross Carrier 6013 28 Jul. 1944
* Trailer, 21 -Ton , 2- Wheel LO 9-872 20 Apr. 1945 15HT and 19HT ( Gasoline ) .
( 2dt) , Cargo, Amphibian . Truck , Fork Lift , Ross Carrier 6012 28 Jul. 1944
* Trailer, 3- Ton Payload, 5-Ton LO 9-873 20 Apr. 1945 18HT (Gasoline ).
Gross, Tandem Axle, 4-Wheel Truck, Fork Lift, Towmotor 6007 8 Aug. 1944
Antenna Mount. LT-40 & LT -44 (Gasoline ) .
Trailer, 4 Ton , 2-Wheel , Am- LO 9-792 25 Jan. 1945 Truck Mounted Crane M2. LO 9-771 20 Feb , 1945
munition , M21. Trailer, Clamshell , M16.
Trailer, 4 Ton Payload , 4. LO 9-U350 15 Jan , 1945 Truck , 212 - Ton , 6 x 6 ( GMC LO 9-801 5 Feb. 1945
Wheel ( 4dt) , Van ( Superior ). Models CCKW-352 and CC
Trailer, 5-ton, 4-Wheel Dual LO 9-875 15 Mar. 1945 KW-353 ) .
Truck , 212 - Ton , 6 x 6 ( Stude- LO 9-807 12 Feb. 1945
and Single Tires , Cargo , T49 . baker, Reo ) .
Trailer, 5-ton Payload , 4-Wheel , LO 9- U351 25 Jan. 1945
* Truck , Rear Dump, 10- Cu . Yd ., LO 5-3467 2 May 1945
Van ( Corbitt T- 15 ) . Diesel Engine Driven , 15
Trailer, 5-6 Ton Payload, 4- LO 9-887 17 Feb. 1945 Ton , Euclid, Model 27- FD .
Wheel (4dt ), Cargo (Hobbs ) , Truck , Straddle, Gasoline ( Hy- 6040 & 6040A 7 Dec , 1944
* Trailer, Telephone Construc- LO 9-874 15 Jun . 1945
ster " MH ” ).
tion and Combination Cable Truck , Straddle , Gasoline 6014, 6014A 31 Jul . 1944
Hauler, 5 - Ton . ( Ross-7956 and 7056 ) .
Trailer, Telephone Cable Splicer, LO 9-U324 17 Jan , 1945 Truck , Tractor, M26 , M26A1 LO 9–767 2 Apr. 1945
44 Ton , K -38 ( FWD ) . ( Truck for 40 - ton , Tank
Trailer, .22 - Ton , Low Bed ( Freu- LO 9-898 1 Apr. 1945 Transporter, M25 ) .
hauf). Truck - Trailer, 40 - Ton , Tank- LO 9-767 2 A pr. 1945
Trailer, 22- Ton , Low Bed ( La LO 9-897 30 Mar. 1945 Transporter, M25.
Cross ) . Truck , Wrecking, Heavy, M1 LO 9-795 15 Feb. 1945
(Ward LaFrance Series 1 )
Issued by the Pentagon A. G. Depot , Washington 25, D. C. ( Kenworth Mod . 570 ) .

WAR DEPT. LUBRICATION ORDERS — Continued Truck, 5-6 Ton , 4 x 4 C.O.E. , LO 9 -U317 15 Feb. 1945
Truck, Wrecking, Heavy M1 LO 9-795-1 12 Jan. 1945 Cargo ( FWD SU- COE ) .
( Ward La France Series 2 and Truck, 6-Ton, 6 x6, Bridge LO 9–813-1 28 May 1945
Kenworth 571 ) ; Crane ( Gar Erecting and Crane Chassis,
Wood ) . ( Brockway, Ward La France,
Truck, Wrecking, Heavy, M1A1 LO 9-796 1 Mar. 1945 and White ) .
( Ward La France Series 5 ) Truck , 6 -ton , 6 x 6 (Mack Model LO 9 - U307 31 Dec. 1944
( Kenworth Mod. 573 ) . NM ) .
Truck , 4 -ton , 4 x 4 ( Ford- LO 9-803 16 Jul. 1945 Truck, 6-ton, 6x6 (White - Cor- LO 9-813 15 Feb. 1945
Willys ). bitt ) .
Truck , 12 -ton , 4x2 ( Dodge) .. LO 9-U319 19 Feb. 1945 Truck , 742 -ton , 6 x 6 ( Mack ) .. LO 9 - U305 1 Mar. 1945
Truck, 12 - Ton , 4 x 2, ( Ford 6 LO 9 -U318 20 Feb. 1945 Truck , 10-Ton, 6 x 4, Cargo LO 9-818 27 Dec. 1944
and 8 Cylinder ) . ( Mack Model NR ) .
Truck , 12 - ton, 4 x 4 ( Dodge ) .. LO 9-U304 20 Feb. 1945 Truck , 10-ton, 6 x 4 , Diesel, LO 9-U308 19 Mar. 1945
Truck , 12 - ton and 34 - ton , 4 x 2 LO 9-U316 1 Feb. 1945 Prime - Mover and General
( Chevrolet ) . Service Load Carrier ( White
Truck, 34 - ton , 4x4 ( Dodge LO 9-808 6 Jan. 1945 1064 ) .
T214 ) . Truck, 12-ton, 6 x 4, M20 ( Dia- LO 9–768 20 Feb. 1945
Truck, 192 -ton, 4x2 ( Chevro- LO 9-U314 12 Mar. 1945 mond T Model 980, 981 )
let ) . ( Tractor for 45-ton Tank
Truck, 192 - ton , 4 x 2 ( Dodge ) .. LO 9-U313 12 Mar. 1945 Transporter, M19 ) .
Truck, 112 - Ton, 4 x 2 ( 2dt ) LO 9–806 10 May 1945 Truck , 20-ton , 6 x 4 , Diesel , LO 9-U306 12 Mar. 1945
( Ford 6 & 8 Cyl . ) . Tractor ( Federal Model 604 ) .
Truck , 112 - Ton , 4 x 2 ( IHC LO 9-824 10 May 1945 * Tumbler, Laundry, Mobile LO 10–351-2 15 Jan. 1945
K-5, KS-5 ) . Troy, 36" x 30 " .
Truck, 142 -ton, 4 x 4 ( Ford LO 9-U303 29 Jan. 1945 Unit Engine Generator GMC 3- 7027 26 Aug. 1944
GTB ) . 71 & 6–71 .
Truck , 113 -ton, 4x4 ( Chevro- LO 9-805 14 Feb. 1945 Unit Engine Generator GMC 3- 7028 26 Aug, 1944
268A .
let ) .
Unit, Generating, M5 and M6 . LO 9-616 27 Feb. 1945
İTruck, 142 to 3-ton , 4 x 4, GMC , 1013 19 Jan. 1943 Unit, Generating, M7, M7A1, LO 9-618 20 Jan. 1945
Model AFKX-352 (LeRoi M15 , M15A1 .
Model 105-GA Compressor ) .
Unit, Generating, M18 ........ LO 9-617 15 Feb. 1945
Truck , 192 -ton, 6 x 6 ( Dodge ) .. LO 9–810 28 Feb. 1945 Vehicle, Landing, Tracked, Ar- LO 9–775 1 Mar. 1945
Truck , 212 -ton, 4 x 2 ( Federal ) . LO 9-821 15 Feb. 1945 mored, Mk. I ( LVT ( A ) ( 1) ) .
Truck , 242 - ton , 4 x 2 ( 2dt ) LO 9-822 26 Feb. 1945 Vehicle, Landing, Tracked, Ar- LO 9-775 1 Mar. 1945
IHC K - 7 ) . mored, Mk . 2 ( LVT ( A ) ( 2 ) ) .
Truck, 24 -ton, 6x4 (GMC LO 9-U315 5 Mar. 1945 Vehicle, Landing, Tracked, Ar- LO 9–775–2 15 Mar. 1945
Model CCW -353 ) . mored, Mk. 4 ( LVT (A ) ( 4 ) ) .
Truck, 242 -ton , 6 x 4, ( Stude- LO 9-807-1 17 Mar. 1945 Vehicle, Landing, Tracked, Mk. LO 9–775 1 Mar. 1945
baker ). 2 ( LVT ( 2 ) ) .
Truck, 242 -ton, 6 x 6 ( Stude- LO 9-807 12 Feb. 1945
Vehicle, Landing, Tracked, Mk. LO 9–775–1 13 Mar. 1945
baker, Reo ) . 4 ( LVT ( 4 ) ) .
Vehicle, Tank Recovery, M31 .. LO 9-739 3 Feb. 1945
Truck , 212 -ton , 6 x 6 C.O.E. LO 9-809 5 Mar. 1945
Vehicle, Tank Recovery M32 LO 9–738 10 Jan. 1945
· ( GMC AFKWX-353 ) .
Series , Recovery Equipment.
Truck , 212 - ton , 6 x 6, GMC , 1014 15 Nov, 1942 Vehicle, Utility , Armored, LO 9-755 15 Feb. 1945
Model CCKW-353 (LeRoi
M39 .
Model 105-GA Compressor ) . Wagon, Cannon, Transport , LO 9-336 17 Feb. .1945
Truck, 212 -ton, 6 x 6 ( GMC LO 9-801 5 Feb. 1945 M1A1 , M2A1 .
Models CCKW -352 and
CCKW - 353 ) . Wagon , Cannon , Transport, M4. LO 9-340 10 Mar. 1945
Wagon, Carriage, Transport, LO 9-340 10 Mar. 1945
Truck, 4-ton, 4x4, Cargo ( FWD LO 9-815 20 Feb. 1945
HAR - 1 ) .
Wagon , Carriage, Transport, LO 9-336 17 Feb. 1945
Truck , 4 - ton , 6 x 6 ( Diamond T ). LO 9-811 20 Jan. 1945 M3A1 .
Truck, 4-5 ton, 4 x 4, COE, Trac- LO 9-820 10 Feb. 1945
*Washer, Laundry, Troy .... LO 10-351-1 15 Jan. 1945
tor ( Federal ) .
Washer, PH-240-A ( Pako Cor- 3882 2 Sep. 1944
Truck, 4-5 ton , 4 x 4, COE , Trac- LO 9–816 5 Mar. 1945 poration , Washer ) .
tor ( Autocar and White ) . * Water Purification Unit, Gaso- 1019 11 Jan. 1945
Truck, 5-Ton, 4 x 2 ( Mack EH ) . LO 9-U320 8 Mar. 1945 line Engine- Driven , Truck
Truck , 5-ton, 4 x 2 ( IHC Mod- LO 9-812 1 Mar. 1945 Mounted , 75 GPM ( Wallace &
els H -542-9, H-542–11 ) (Mar Tiernan Models 1938 , 1939 ,
mon - Herrington and Ken and 1940 ) .
worth Models H-542–11 ) . IWater Purification Unit, Gaso- 1089 1 May 1944
Truck , 5 -ton , 4 x 2 ( IHC Model LO 9-823 15 Feb. 1945 line Engine- Driven, Portable
KR - 11 ). 15- GPM . ( Wallace and Tier
Truck , 5-6 ton , 4 x 4, COE ( Au- LO 9-817 12 Jan. 1945 man Model 1940 ) .
tocar U -8144, U-8144-T ) . * Water Purification Unit , Pres . LO 5-2332 2 May 1945
sure - Type, With Chlorinator,
Stationary , 125 -GPM , (Bi
jIssued by the Pentagon A. G. Depot, Washington 25, D. C. shop ) .

WAR DEPT. LUBRICATION ORDERS — Continued Well Drilling Machine, Ro- 1090 15 Aug. 1944
Water, Softening Equipment LO 5–2071 5 Dec. 1944 tary, Skid -Mounted, Gasoline
Gravity Flow, 300,000-Grains Engine - Driven ( Failing,
Per Regeneration (Zeolite Model 314 with Buda Engine
Type ) ( Refinite ; Model G54 ) . Model HP-217 or Model 314
Welder, Electric Arc, Gasoline 1048 1 Sep. 1944 C with Chrysler Engine Model
300- Amp . ( Hobart Models 108–506.
GR-300P or GR-300S ) . Wind Equipment AN/GMQ-1 3101 3 Aug. 1944
Welder, Generator, 12KW , Gas- LO 9-834-3 1 Mar. 1945 ( Wind Transmitter ML - 203
Engine - Driven , 40V . , 300 A & ML- 203- B).
AMP.,. with 3KW, 115V. D.C. Wind Intensity Transmitter 3106 10 Jul. 1944
Auxiliary Generator (Ho ML - 151.
bart ) . X- Ray Processing Unit, Field... LO 8-629 14 Oct. 1944
Well Drilling Machine, Percus. 1044 30 Sep. 1943
sion-Type, Skid-Mounted, Gas
oline ( Star Model 71 ) . Issued by the Pentagon A. G. Depot, Washington 25, D. C.



ply Bulletins are published for the purpose of dis
seminating instructions and information prepared by SB
the technical services and staff divisions of the Army 3-3 18 Jun. 45. Logistical Data, Headquarters and
Service Forces on supply matters such as requisition Headquarters Company, Chemical Mortar Battalion.
3-4 4 Feb. 44. Logistical Tables, Chemical Battalion
and issue, warehouse and depot administration and Motorized.
procedure, safety information , storage, packing, 3-6 Mar. 44. Logistical Data, Chemical Smoke
Generator Company.
marking, and shipping . Supply Bulletins contain no 3-7 10 Mar. 44. Logistical Data, Headquarters and
directives pertaining to training or tactical opera Headquarters Detachment, Chemical Smoke Gener
tions, or to administrative organization or adminis ator Battalion .
trative procedure in theaters of operations. 3-8 13 Mar. 44. Logistical Data, Chemical Mainte
nance Company.
b. Form and arrangement. Supply Bulletins will 3-10 12 Apr. 44. Logistical Data, Chemical Decon
be printed, mimeographed, or multilithed in pam tamination Company.
3-11 14 Apr. 44. Logistical Data, Chemical Labora
phlet or leaflet form , normally either 578 by 9 inches tory Company.
or 8 by 1012 inches in size, with illustrations if re 3-12 21 Apr. 44. Logistical Data, Chemical Base De
quired. Each Supply Bulletin will bear a basic num pot Company .
ber to indicate the preparing agency or the subject 16 May 44. Logistical Data, Chemical Depot
matter, following the numbering system described 3-14 4 May 44. Logisiical Data, Chemical Company,
in Section III, and a subnumber which will normally Air Operations, Heavy, Medium, Light, or Dive.
be a serial number. For example : SB 5-2 is the sec 3-15 19 Nov. 45. Logistical Data , Chemical Warfare
Equipment and Supplies.
ond Supply Bulletin prepared by the Chief of Engi 3-16 31 May 44. Logistical Data, Chemical Depot
neers. A further subnumber or symbol may be used Company, Aviation.
to identify information pertaining to parts of the 3-17 24 Jun. 44. Logistical Data, Chemical Storage
Company, Aviation .
general subject of the bulletin. For example : SB 38– 3-18 30 Jun. 44. Logistical Data, Chemical Processing
1-3 ; 38-3-ENG. Company .
c. Changes. Changes to Supply Bulletins will be 3–19 22 Aug. 44. Standard Operating Procedure for
Return of Chemical Warfare Matériel from Over
issued provided that the basic bulletin exceeds two sea Theaters and Zone of Interior.
pages or the material to be changed does not exceed 3-20 7 Nov. 44. Supply Responsibility of Depots.
25 percent of the text. Otherwise a new bulletin in sea Theaters and Zone of Interior.
3-24 May 45. Storage and Shipping Chart for Chemical
corporating both the old and the new will be issued Warfare Service Ammunition ( Incendiary Bombs,
as a revised Supply Bulletin bearing the original Chemical Bombs, Grenades, Igniters, Bursters, Blaz
number . ing Caps , Fuzes, Smoke Pots, Toxic Sets, and Bulk
Chemical Agents ) .
d. Preparation . Preparing agencies will be re- 3-25 Jun. 45. Serviceability Standards for Chemical
sponsible for the content of Supply Bulletins and for Warfare Equipment ( Introduction) .
3-25-1 3 Aug. 45. Serviceability Standard Adapter, Line
the exclusion of material not included within the Filling, 1 -Ton Container, Mi CWS No. 641125 .
meaning of a above. Material so prepared may be
3–25–2 3 Aug. 45. Serviceability Standard Adapter, Sus
forwarded by the head of the preparing agency to pension , M2 CWS No. 644510.
The Adjutant General for processing without con- 3-25-3 3 Aug. 45. Serviceability Standard Alarm, Gas,
M1 CWS No. 560115.
currence of other agencies .
3–25–4 14 Aug. 45. Serviceability Standard Apparatus,
e. Allowances and distribution. Recommended Decontaminating, 142 Quart, M2 CWS No. 572160.
distribution will be submitted with the document by 3-25-5 14 Aug. 45. Serviceability Standard Apparatus,
the preparing agency . Method of distribution will be Decontaminating, 3-Gallon, M1 CWS No. 572155.
prescribed by The Adjutant General. Allowances will *3-25–6 20 Aug. 45. Serviceability Standard Apparatus ,
Decontaminating, Power Driven, M3A1 ; CWS No.
be indicated by formula in the manner prescribed in 570118 Apparauts, Decontaminating, Power Driven,
Section IV . M3A2 ; CWS No. 570110, Apparatus, Decontami
f. List. nating, Power Driven , M4 , CWS No. 570124.
*3–25–7 14 Aug. 45. Serviceability Standard Apparatus,
Filling, Field, Land Mine, M2 CWS No. 630110.
*3–25–8 20 Aug. 45. Serviceability Standard, Beam, Crab,
M1 CWS No. 644210.
CHEMICAL WARFARE 3–25–9 21 Aug. 45. Serviceability Standard Beam, Hoist
ing, Airplane Smoke Tank, M2 CWS No. 644110.
3–1 21 Feb. 45. Logistical Data Mortar Company, Chem- * 3–25–10 20 Aug. 45. Serviceability Standard, Carrier,
ical Mortar Battalion.
Shell , Chemical Mortar, MI CWS No. 414645.


SB 3-25-44 20 Aug. 45. Serviceability Standard Trailer,
3–25–11 3 Aug. 45. Serviceability Standard Cart , 4.2- Inch Chemical Service, M1 , CWS No. 624110 Trailer,
Chemical Mortar and Ammunition , M1A1 CWS No. Chemical Handling, M2, CWS No. 624115.
414666 . * 3-25–46 1 Sep. 45. Serviceability Standard Truck, Crane,
3-25-12 Jul. 45 . Serviceability Standard Compressor, Swinging Boom , M1 CWS No. 620130.
Air, Gasoline - Engine-Driven, 7 CFM , M1 CWS No. 3-25-47 20 Aug. 45. Serviceability Standard Wrench ,
631110. Valve-Removing, M1 , CWS No. 643510 Wrench ,
* 3-25–13 20 Aug. 45. Serviceability Standard Container Valve-Removing, M2, CWS No. 643514.
1- Ton , Type A , CWS No. 613510 ; Container 1- Ton, ENGINEERS
Type D , CWS No. 613120 ; Container 1 -Ton , Type
E , CWS No. 613125. 5-1 15 May 45. Basic Allowance Chart Engineer Equip
3–25–14 20 Aug. 45. Serviceability Standard Curtain , ment.
Gasproof, Mi CWS No. 529110. 5-2 12 Jul. 44. Oil, Engine, Grade SAE 50 U.S.
3–25–15 21 Aug. 45. Serviceability Standard Faucet, Oil, Army Specification 2-104B.
2- Inch, M1 CWS No. 631612. 1 Dec. 44. Logistical Data, Engineer Camouflage
* 3-25–17 4 Sep. 45. Serviceability Standard Flame Thrower, Battalion, Army.
Portable, M2-2 CWS No. 440114 . 5-4 15 Aug. 44. Logistical Data , Engineer Dump
* 3–25–18 21 Aug. 45. Serviceability Standard Funnel, M3, Truck Company, T / O & E 5-88.
CWS No. 631608. 5-5 1 Nov. 44. Logistical Data, Engineer Base Depot
* 3–25–20 1 Sep. 45. Serviceability Standard Generator, Company.
Smoke, Mechanical, M2 ( 50-Gallon ) , CWS No. 5-6 29 Sep. 44. Logistical Data, Engineer Parts
217122. Supply Separate Platoon, T / O & E 5-567, 9 Jun.
*3–25–21 14 Aug. 45. Serviceability Standard Kit, Chemi 1943.
cal Agent Detector, M9 CWS No. 564910. 5-7 15 Sep. 44. Logistical Data, Engineer Camou
3–25–23 21 Aug. 45. Serviceability Standard Kit, Repair, flage Company ( Separate ).
Gas Mask, Universal, M8, CWS No. 519124. 5-8 15 Sep. 44. Logistical Data, Engineer Combat
3–25–24 21 Aug. 45. Serviceability Standard Line, Fill Battalion .
ing, Chemical Spray Tank, M2 , CWS No. 641115 5-9 29 Sep. 44. Logistical Data, Engineer Parts Supply
Line, Filling, Airplane Smoke Tank, M3 CWS No. Company, T / O & T / E 5-247, 23 Apr. 1943,
641120. T / E 5-247 , C1 , 10 Dec, 1943.
*3–25–25 1 Sep. 45. Serviceability Standard Mask, Gas, 5-10 Dec. 44. Logistical Data, Engineer Base Equipment
Optical, lightweight. Company.
* 3–26–26 18 Aug. 45. Serviceability Standard Mask, Gas , 5-11 30 Sep. 44. Logistical Data , Engineer Water
Service , C 1 .
Supply Company, T / O & E 5-67, 4 Aug. 1943.
* 3–25–27 Jul. 45. Serviceability Standard Mask, Gas, Ser 5-12 30 Sep. 44. Logistical Data, Engineer Depot
vice, Lightweight. Company.
* 3-25-28 1 Sep. 45. Serviceability Standard Mask, Gas, 5–13 Dec. 44. Logistical Data, Engineer Petroleum Dis
Diaphragm , ZI , M3 .
*3-25-29 18 Aug. 45. Serviceability Standard Mechanism , tribution Company.
Valve Replacement, MI CWS No. 643110. 5–14 2 Oct. 44. Logistical Data , Engineer Heavy Shop
Company .
* 3-25–30 1 Sep. 45. Serviceability Standard Mortar, Chem 5-15 21 Sep. 44. Recapture of Excess Serviceable
ical, 4.2 -Inch, M , CWS No. 410618. Property and Repair of Unserviceable Property
* 3-25–31 1 Sep. 45. Serviceability Standard Mortar, Sub Pertaining to Corps of Engineers.
caliber 3- Inch , M3 CWS No. 410304 .
3-25-32 18 Aug. 45 . Serviceability Standard Pack, Mule, 5-16 1 Nov. 44. Logistical Data, Engineer Light Ponton
Company .
4.2- Inch Chemical Mortar, M2 CWS No. 414682.
*3–25–33 14 Aug. 45. Serviceability Standard Protector, .5-17 1 Nov. 44. Logistical Data , Engineer Treadway
Collective M2 CWS No. 520210. Bridge Company .
*3–25–34 14 Aug. 45. Serviceability Standard Protector, 5-18 15 Nov. 44. Logistical Data, Engineer Maintenance
Collective, M2A1 CWS No. 520215 . Company .
3-25-35 14 Aug. 45. Serviceability Standard Protector, 5-19 Nov. 44. Logistical Data, Engineer Light Equip
Collective , M2A2 CWS No. 520219. ment Company .
3–25–36 14 Aug. 45. Serviceability Standard Protector, 5–20 Jan. 45. Logistical Data, Engineer Construction
Collective, M3 CWS No. 520310 . Battalion .
3-25-37 18 Aug. 45. Serviceability Standard Pump, Air 5-21 23 Oct. 44. Manufacturers' Code Data Handbook .
plane Smoke Tank, M2 CWS No. 641510.
C 1 , 2, 3.
3-25-38 18 Aug. 45. Serviceability Standard Respirator, 5–22 4 Nov. 44. Quarterly Dropping Allowance For Minor
Dust, Mi , CWS No. 540210 Respirator, Dust, M2,
CWS No. 540210 . Non -expendable Articles of Engineer Matériel.
3-25-39 18 Aug. 45. Serviceability Standard Skid , Bar- 5–23 Dec. 44. Logistical Data , Armored Engineer Bat
rel, 10-Foot M1 CWS No. 631620. talion .
*3-25-40 18 Aug.45. Serviceability Standard Sling , Chain , 5-24 15 Nov. 44. Logistical Data , Engineer Aviation Cam
M1 CWS No. 631616. ouflage Battalion .
* 3-25-41 18 Aug. 45. Serviceability Standard Stand, Bar- 5-25 Nov. 44. Logistical Data , Headquarters and Head
rel , M7 CWS No. 631604. quarters Company, Engineer Base Depot Group.
20 ,Aug.45.
* 3–25–42rying Serviceability Standard Stand ,Car
Mi ( For M10 Airplant Smoke Tank ), CWS
5-26 Dec. 44. Logistical Data, Engineer Construction
No. 640410 . Group .
3–25–43 20 Aug. 45. Serviceability Standard Stand, Plat 5–27 Dec. 44. Logistical Data , Engineer Heavy Ponton
Battalion .
form , Airplane Smoke, Tank , M6, CWS No. 640310
Stand , Platform Airplane Smoke Tank , M6A1, CWS 5-28 Dec. 44. Logistical Data , Engineer Forestry Bat
No. 640311 . talion ( Less Engineer Forestry Companies ) .

ENGINEERS - Continued SB
8-10 21 Jun. 44. Classification of Medical Supplies.
5–29 Jan. 45. Logistical Data, Airborne Engineer Avia- 8-12 4 Aug. 44. Items Packed in Medical Department
tion Battalion . Assemblies.
5–30 Feb. 45. Logistical Data Engineer Aviation Topo- 8-13 27 Sep. 44. Sources of Medical Supplies for All
graphic Organization . Ports of Embarkation and All Posts, Camps, and
5-31 Feb. 45. Logistical Data Engineer General Service Stations in Continental United States. C 1 .
Regiment. 8–14 11 Oct. 44. Item 9N46400 Occupational Therapy
5-32 25 Feb. 45. Logistical Data, Engineer Combat Equipment.
Group . 8-15 20 Oct. 44. Replacement for, Disposition of, and
5-33 Feb. 45. Logistical Data, Engineer Topographic Recapture of Medical Department Unserviceable
Company, Corps. Property and Excess Serviceable Property. C 1.
5-34 Mar. 45. Logistical Data Engineer Aviation Bat- 8–17 Apr. 45. Use and Care of Barbiturates.
talion. 8–18 May 45. Safeguarding of Narcotics.
5-35 Apr. 45. Logistical Data Engineer Battalion, Sep- 8–19 May 45. Teeth and Facings.
arate . 8–20 May 45. Medical Department Professional Books.
5–36 Feb. 45. Logistical Data Headquarters and Head- 8-21 May 45. Installed Medical Department Property.
quarters Company, Engineer Port Construction and 8–23 Jul. 45. Serviceability Standards for Classification
Repair. of Technical Medical Equipment.
5–38 Mar. 45. Logistical Data Engineer Heavy Shop 8–24 July 45. Miscellaneous ' Information and Limitation
Company . on Uses of Certain Medical Department Items.
5-39 Mar. 45. Logistical Data Engineer General Service 8–25 July 45. Technical Supply Information on Certain
Battalion. Medical Department Items for Zone of Interior
5–40 Apr. 45. Logistical Data Engineer General Service Stations.
Regiment. 8-26 Jul . 45. Restriction of Issue of Certain Medical
5–41 Apr. 45. Logistical Data Related Engineer Base Department Items.
Topographic Organization. 8–27 Jul. 45. Supervision of Medical Supply Activities
5–42 Mar. 45. Logistical Data, Engineer Air Forces at Zone of Interior Station.
Headquarters Company. 8-28 2 Aug. 45. Supply of Special Appliances and Pros
5-43 Mar. 45. Logistical Data Engineer Topographic theses. C 1 , 2,.
Battalion , Army. 8–29 16 Aug. 45. Disposition of Excess Antileutic Ar
5–44 Apr. 45. Logistical Data Engineer Special Service senicals and Biologicals.
Regiment. * 8-30 23 Oct. 45. Equipment for Paraplegic Patients.
5-46 Apr. 45. Logistical Data Engineer Special Shop * 8-31 23 Oct. 45. Spinocaine.
Battalion .
5–47 Apr. 45. Logistical Data Armored Engineer Bat
5–48 May 45. Logistical Data Engineer Combat Bat- 9-1 1 Aug. 45. Ordnance Major Items and Combina
talion . tions, and Pertinent Publications.
5–49 May 45. Supply Procedure for Gas and Gas Cylin- 9–2 19 Apr. 45. Standards for Overseas Shipment and
ders. Domestic Issues , Errata Sheet. C 1 , 2.
5–50 Jun. 45. Serviceability Standards for Corps of En- 9-3 6 Aug. 45. Distribution and Issue of Ordnance Gen
gineers Equipment and Additional Requirements for eral Supplies.
Oversea Shipments.
5–51 23 Jul. 45. Corps of Engineers, Sources of Supply
9–4 10 Apr. 45. Preparation of Unboxed Ordnance
Material for Shipment.
Initial Sources of Supply or Stock Control Points 9-5 25 Jan. 45. Disposition of Excess and Unserviceable
Designated to Receive Authorized Requisitions for Ordnance General Supplies. C 1 , 2.
All Classes of Corps of Engineers Supplies and
Equipment. 9-6 10 Aug. 44. General Supply : Issue of Ordnance
Matériel to State Guards.
* 5–52 11 Jul. 45. Decontamination Procedures.
5–53 Jul. 45. Repairs and Utilities Items of Supply 9-7 18 Nov. 44. Reserve Officers' Training Corps.
Stocked at Engineer Depots or Engineer Sections 9-8 17 Nov. 42. Schools and Colleges ( Sec. 55-C, Na
of ASF Depots. tional Defense Act ) .
9-9 5 Oct. 44. Current Ordnance OFSB's and FSM
8-1 9 Nov. 44. Weight and Cubage Data, Medical De- 9-11 3 Feb. 44. Expendable and Nonexpendable Ord
partment, Assemblages and Organizations. nance Items.
8-2 15 Mar. 44. Packing Room Lay-Outs and Pack- 9-15 26 Feb. 44. Rules•and Regulations Governing Driv
ing of Medical Supplies .
ing of Ordnance Vehicles by Commercial Driveaway
8-4 21 Mar. 44. Medical Department Professional Companies.
8-5 29 Mar. 44. Medical Department Items 11750
9-16 5 Oct. 44. General Supply : Winterization Equip.
ment for Automotive Matériel. C 1 , 2.
Epinephrine Hydrochloride, USP, Solution and 9-18 6 Mar. 44. Requisitioning Tools and Spare Parts
1K00600 Epinephrine (Adrenalin ) Hydrochloride, for Ordnance Timepieces .
NNR, 1 : 1000 Solution . 9-19 16 Mar. 44. Conservation of Oil .
8-7 27 Apr. 44. Repair of Loose Tires on Wheels of
Medical Department Item 70430 Chair, Invalid. 9-20 18 Mar. 44. Ordnance Spare Parts Requisitions. C 1 .
8-8 18 May 44. Item 12565 Liver, Purified Extract 9-21 26 Jun. 44. Disposition of Unserviceable Major
USP 50 Units. Caliber Cannon .
8-9 17 Jun. 44. Batteries, Dry Cell ( All Types ) , 9-22 18 Apr. 44. Local Procurement of Replacement
Available to Medical Department Only on Requisi Parts.
tion from Signal Corps Installations. 9-24 23 May 44. Issue of Gas Cylinders.

SB * 9-64 5 Oct. 45. Recoverable Items.
9-25 20 Jun. 44 . Ventilated Clutch Assemblies and * 9–66 30 Nov. 45. Neoprene Gas Check Pads.
Clutch Throwout Lever Assemblies on Vehicles with 9-AMMI 8 Mar. 44. Ammunition : General. C 1 , 2, 3, 4 ,
Medium Tank Chassis Equipped with Radial Gas 5, 6.
Engines. 9-AMM 2 17 Aug. 44. Unsafe Ammunition .
9-26 18 Jun. 45. Preparation for Shipment of Unser- 9 - AMM 4 1 Jan. 45. Small-arms Ammunition . C 1 , 2.
viceable Transport and Combat Vehicle Major As- 9-AMM 5 5 Aug. 44. Ammunition Identification Code
semblies . ( A. I. C. ) . C 1 .
9-27 13 Jul. 44. Data for Registration-Motor Vehicle 9 - AMM 6 24 Oct. 45 . Ammunition : Supply within Conti
( W.D. , 0.0. Form No. 7358 ) . nental United States .
9-28 14 Sep. 38. Preservation of Ordnance Matériel Not 9-AMM 7 26 Sep. 44. Inspection of Propelling Charges and
In Regular Use. C 1 . Bulk Powder. C 1 .
9-30 2 Aug. 44. Standard Overhaul Cost of Items Most 9-AMM 8 20 Nov. 44. Reports. C 1 .
Frequently Lost or Damaged. C 1 . 9 - AMM 11 6 Apr. 44. Application of Suspensions and Re
9-31 19 Oct. 44. Rust Preventive Materials. leases on Ammunition .
9-32 17 Oct. 44. Issue of Matériel Not Meeting Service- 9 -OSSC - A 7 Dec. 44. Ordnance Storage and Shipment
ability Standards. C 1 , 2, 4 . Chart, Group A.
9–33 19 Oct. 44. Bayonet M1917 : Supply of Spare Parts. 9 -OSSC - B 4 Dec. 44. Ordnance Storage and Shipment
9-34 19 Oct. 44. Identification of Clutch Release Bearing Chart -Group B - Small Arms, Hand Arms, Semi
Assemblies for 14 - Ton , 4 x 4 , Willys MB and Ford automatic Rifles, Pyrotechnic Projectors, Scabbards,
GPW Trucks. and Arm Chests, Arm Lockers, and Arm Racks.
9–36 18 Sep. 45. Maintenance : Vehicle Major Unit As- 9-OSSC-C 24 Nov. 44. Ordnance Storage and Shipment
sembly Overhaul. Chart.
9–37 30 Oct. 44. Identification of Pneumatic Tires on 9-OSSC-D 18 May 45 . Ordnance Storage and Shipment
Vehicles, Weapons and Equipment. Chart, Group D.
9-38 8 Nov. 44. Modification of Ordnance Matériel. C 1 . * 9 -OSSC - F 12 Sep. 45. Ordnance Storage and Shipment
9-39 11 Nov, 44. Removal of Clocks From Tanks. Chart-Group F-Fire Control Major Items for use
9-40 20 Dec. 44. Ordnance Motor Vehicles Assemblies. with Small Arms, Automatic Guns, Trench Mortars,
9-41 15 May 45. Transfer of Responsibility for Storage Field Artillery, Antiaircraft, Harbor Defense, and
and Issue of Spare Parts for Specific Vehicles. Railway Artillery.
9-42 6 Dec. 44. Relaxation of Serviceability Standards 9 -OSSC - G 16 Nov. 44. Ordnance Storage and Shipment
For Certain Cal . .30 U. S. Rilles. Chart Group G.
9-43 26 Dec. 44. General Supply ; Storage and Shipment 9 -OSSC - L 1 Oct. 45. Ordnance Storage & Shipment Chart
of Rubber Tires, Tubes and Camelback . Group L.
9-44 22 Jan. 45. Conservation of Canvas Used on Truck,
14 - Ton , 4 x 4 ; Car, Half- Track , M2 ; Car, Half
Track, M2A1 ; Carrier, Personnel, Half - Track , M3 ; 10-1 7 Feb. 44. Distribution and Numbering of Supply
Carrier, Personnel, Half-Track , M3A1 .
9-47 21 Feb. 45. Protection of Ordnance Matériel in 10-2 18 Jan. 44. Motor Fuel “ S ” and Unleaded and Un
open Storage. dyed Gasoline.
9-48 5 Mar. 45. Production Control Procedure for Auto- 10-4 27 Jan. 44. Purchase Notice Agreement for Prod.
motive Shops. C 1 . ucts of Huyler's.
9–49 26 Mar. 45. Field Glasses, Type EE ( Naval Sun 10-5 27 Jan. 44. Exception of Contracts for Certain
Factory Manufacture ) ( F146 ) . Canned and Dehydrated Fruits and Vegetables from
9-50 27 Mar. 45. Usage Factors for Small -Arms Wea the Provisions of Section 1 of the Walsh - Healey
pons . Public Contracts Act for the Calendar Year 1944 .
9-51 Mar. 45. Requisition of Gas Cylinder Lock Screw 10-8 Apr. 45. Procurement of Paper and Paper Prod
with Valve Assembly B021-73–10079 for U. S. ucts . C1 .
Rifles , Cal . .30, M1 . 10-10 8 Feb. 44. Subsistence - Accounting for Perishable
9-53 27 Sep. 45. Classification of Ordnance Motor Trans Items .
port Vehicles. C 1 . 10-11 7 Feb. 41. Changes to Purchase Notice Agree
9-54 10 May 45. Preservation and Care of Seacoast and ments .
Railway Artillery Matériel for Active and Inactive 10-15 15 Feb. 44. Purchase Notice Agreement for Prod
Periods and Long Term Storage . ucts of Lever Brothers Company. C 1 , 2, 3.
9-56 28 Apr. 45. Distinguishing Components Peculiar to 10-16 16 Feb. 44. Purchase Notice Agreement for Prod
each Type of Standard Cal. .30 and Cal . .50 Ma ucts of Nestle's Milk Products, Inc.
chine Guns .
10-17 16 Feb. 44. Purchase Notice Agreement for Prod
9-57 15 May 45. Care, Preservation and Storage of ucts of The Cudahy Packing Company.
Controlled Submarine Mine Matériel. 10-20 23 Apr. 45 . Conservation of 80-Octane All-Pur
9-58 26 May 45. Mutilation of Unserviceable Lethal
Weapons. pose Motor Fuel ( US Army Specification No. 2
103B ) In The Zone of The Interior. C1 .
9-59 22 Jun. 45. Unserviceable Hydropneumatic Recoil 10-21 24 Feb. 44. Procurement of Sodium Chloride
9-60 2 Nov. 45 . Noncommon and Limited Volume ( Salt ) Tablets. C 1 .
Transport Vehicles and Trailers. 10-26 10 Mar. 44. Purchase Notice Agreement for Prod
* 9-61 4 Oct. 45. Instructions for Preservation of Mobile ucts of H. J. Heinz Company . C 1 , 2, 3.
Artillery Matériel for Stand- By Storage. 10-27 10 Mar. 44. Purchase Notice Agreement for Prod
*9-62 5 Sep. 45. Reclamation of Parts from General ucts of Grocery Store Products Sales Company, Inc.
Purpose -Type Vehicles. 10-30 14 Mar. 44. Purchase Notice Agreement for Prod
*9–63 20 Sep. 45. Storage, Inspection , and Issue of Boxed ucts of The R. L. Watkins Coinpany Division of
and Unboxed Motor Vehicles. Sterling Drug, Inc.


SB 10-97 22 Jul. 44. Requisitions for Spare Parts and other
10-34 22 Mar. 44. Purchase Notice Agreement for Prod Maintenance Items for Materials- Handling Equip
ucts of Penn Tobacco Company. ment, Equipment Installed in Quartermaster Spe
10-39 28 Mar. 44. Purchase Notice Agreement for Prod cial-Purpose Vehicles, Fixed Laundry Equipment,
ucts of The Borden Cheese Company ( A Division Portable,
and Motor - Driven Dispensing Units,
of The Borden Company ). C 1, 2 , 3, 4. 10-102 27 Jul. 44. Purchase Notice Agreement for Prod
* 10-40 28 Mar. 44. Food for War Dogs. C 1 . ucts of Bosco Company, Inc:
10-42 3 Apr. 44. Purchase Notice Agreement for Prod- 10-104 12 Aug. 44. Classification of Serviceable Used
ucts of The Crescent Manufacturing Company. Clothing and Equipage. C 1 , 2, 4 , 5.
10-43 Jun . -45. Issue of Clothing to Foreign Aviation 10–105 11 Aug. 44. Purchase Notice Agreement for Prod
Students. ucts of Francis H. Leggett & Company.
10-44 1 Apr. 44. Expeditionary Force Menu No. 1 for 10-106 14 Aug. 44. Purchase Notice Agreement for Prod
Tropical and Temperate Areas. ucts of General Foods Sales Company, Inc. C 1 , 2,
10-47 4 Apr. 44. Forage. C 1 . 3 , 4, 5 .
10-50 12 Apr. 44. Purchase Notice Agreement for Prod- 10-107 16 Aug. 44. Changes to Purchase Notice Agree
ucts of Bost Tooth Paste Corporation . ments.
10-52 15 Apr. 44. Purchase Notice Agreement for Prod- 10-108 18 Aug. 44. Purchase Notice Agreement for Prod
ucts of Loose -Wiles Biscuit Company. C 1 . ucts of Hills Bros, Coffee, Inc.
10–54 24 Apr. 45. Consolidations and Substitutions of 10-110 21 Aug. 44. Handling of Unserviceable Quarter
General Supply Items Quartermaster Corps. C 1, 2. master Property and Processing of Quartermaster
10-59 3 May 44. Purchase Notice Agreement for Prod Property Returned from Overseas.
ucts of Bluhill Foods, Inc. 10-112 25 Aug. 44. Reclamation Clause in Contracts for
10-64 1 May 44. Purchase of Restricted Items of Non Certain Nonperishable Subsistence Supplies Because
perishable Subsistence. of Rescission of U. S. Army Specification No. 22
10-65 11 May 44. Monthly Commissary Operating State 42A.
ment ( W.D., Q.M.C. Form No. 467 ) . C 1 . 10–113 29 Aug. 44. Identification of Gasoline.
10-67 8 May 44. Purchase Notice Agreement for Prod- 10-114 31 Aug. 44. Purchase Notice Agreement for Prod
ucts of McCormick and Company, Inc. ucts of Hershey Chocolate Corporation.
10-68 9 May 44 .Purchase Notice Agreement for Prod 10_115 6 Sep. 44. Horses, Mules, Horse Breeding, and Dogs.
ucts of The Mennen Company. 10-117 5 Sep. 44 . Purchase of Perishable Subsistence. C 1 ,
10-69 15 May 44. Changes to Purchase Notice Agree 2.
ments. 10-118 4 Sep. 44. Computation of Rations.
10-70 16 May 44. Changes to Purchase Notice Agree 10-119 7 Sep. 44. Procurement, Storage, and Distribution
ments . of Nonperishable Subsistence Supplies , C 1 , 2, 3.
10-71 18 May 44. Price of Sirup for Garrison Ration 10-121 8 Sep. 44. Supply of Gasoline for Range, Field,
Computation Purposes. M1937.
10-73 19 May 44. Purchase Notice Agreement for 10-122 8 Sep. 44. Kitchen Cutlery --Care.
Nestle's Chocolate Bars and Milk Coca Beverage 10–123 2 Nov. 45. Items Used in Clothing and Equipment
Products of Lamont, Corliss & Company. Repair Shops.
10–74 2 Jun . 44. Drawers, Cotton, Shorts : Undershirts, 10-124 11 Sep. 44. Changes to Purchase Notice Agree
Summer, Sleeveless. ments.
10–76 5 Jun. 44. Marking and Identification of Pro- 10–127 30 Sep. 44. Master Menu for January 1945.
cessed Spare Parts. 10–128 May 45. Special 14- Day Menu Issue Charts and
10–77 13 Jun. 44. Purchase Notice Agreement for Prod Recipe Book for Army Ground Forces and Army
ucts of National Biscuit Company. C 1 , 2, 3, 4 , 5 , 6 , Service Forces Redistribution Stations.
10-79 14 Jun. 44 . Charges for Service Rendered by 10-129 24 Sep. 44. Change, Chrysler Engine, T 116-522
Quartermaster Corps Laundries and Dry Cleaning Employed in Tractor, Clark Tructractor, Model
Plants . Clarktor - 6 .
10-80 14 Jun. 44. Purchase Notice Agreement for Prod 10–131 24 Sep. 44. Changes to Purchase Notice Agree
ments .
ucts of The Procter and Gamble Distributing Com.
pany. 10-132 29 Sep. 44. Lubricants for Quartermaster Corps
Fixed Laundries.
10-82 29 Jun. 44. Inspection of Liquid Fuels and Lubri. Cancellation of Purchase Notice Agree
10-134 29 Sep. 44.
cants, Containers, and Equipment Especially De ments.
signed for Handling of Petroleum Products. C 1 , 2 10–135 29 Sep. 44. Changes to Purchase Notice Agree
10-85 29 Jun . 44. Wico Magnetos, Part No. S-19, For ments .
Vaughan Mobilift Fork Lift Truck.
10-86 Changes to Purchase Notice Agreements.
3 Jul. 44 .
10–136 1 Oct. 44. Size Tariffs. C 1 , 2, 3, 4 , 5, .
10-137 11 Oct. 44. Silver - Plated Tableware.
10–87 Jun. 45. Procurement of Books. C 1 .
10-88 5 Jul. 44. Purchases by Quartermaster Supply Offi 10-139 28 Dec. 44. Requisitioning of Liquid Fuels, Lubri
cers under Controlled Materials Plan.
cants , Hydraulic Fluids, and other Petroleum Prod
ucts, Standardized for Use by U. S. Army ( Exclusive
10-90 8 Jul. 44. Purchase Notice Agreement for Products of Fuels and Lubricants for Aircraft Operated by
of Wallace and Company. C 1 . Army Air Forces ) .
10-92 8 Jul. 44. Purchase Notice Agreement for Products 10-140 2 Oct. 44. Ration Banking System .
of The Andrew Jergens Company. C 1 . 10-141 13 Oct. 45. Storage Cleveland Plan ( Operating Pro
10-93 11 Jul. 44. Changes to Purchase Notice Agreements. cedure For Use of Commercial Storage Space By
10-94 18 Jul. 44. Compressed Yeast - Q.M.C . Contracts, Army Service Forces ). C 1 .
Fiscal Year 1945. C 2, 3. 10–142 13 Oct. 44. Storage Kansas City Plan. C 1 .
10-96 May 45. Procurement of Paper, Rolls, Cash Reg. 10-143 14 Oct. 44. Purchase Notice Agreement for Prod
ister. C1 . ucts of Pin Money Brands, Inc. C 1 .
658749 °46 -9


10_183 Dec. 44. Master Menu for April 1945.
10–144 11 Oct. 44. Purchase Notice Agreement for Prod- 10-185 I July 45. Authorized Supplies for Quartermaster
ucts of George A. Hormel & Company. C 1. Corps Laundries and Dry Cleaning Plants.
10–145 May 45. Band Instrument Repair and Disposi- 10-186 Dec. 44. Oil, Engine, Grade SAE 50 U. S. Army
tion, Issue of Band Instruments and Supplies, and Specification 2–104B Grease, General Purpose No. O
Allotment of Funds for Band Music. U. S. Army Specification 2–106 .
10-146 15 Oct. 44. Use of Type II Flour in Mess Kitchens. 10-187 Dec. 44. Storage and Issue of Carcass Beef, Lamb,
10-147 12 Oct. 44. Samples for Food and Drug Administra and Veal.
tion. 10-189 Jan. 45. Supply of Equipment and Supplies for
10-148 17 Oct. 44. Purchase Notice Agreement for Prod Preparation and Bottling of Soft Drinks in Oversea
ucts of Charles Gulden , Inc. C 1. Commands. C 1 .
10–149 31 Oct. 44. Master Menu for February 1945. 10–190 Jan. 45. Master Menu for May 1945.
10-150 18 Oct. 44. Hand Pump for Dispensing Gasoline. * 10–191 Feb. 45. Fitting and Issuing of Jacket, Field
10-151 17 Oct. 44. Subsistence Stores at Depots and Ports M-1943.
of Embarkation. * 10-192 Jan. 45. Malt Q.M.C. Contracts, 1 January 1945–
10-152 25 Oct. 44. Bananas . 31 March 1945.
10-154 14 Oct. 44. Utilization of Freight Car Space for * 10–193 20 Aug. 45. Procurement of Ink, Duplicating Ma
Non -perishable Subsistence Supplies. chine, Black, 1-Pound Cans.
10–155 31 Oct. 44. Women's Army Corps Monthly Menu 10–194 Jan. 45. Supplemental Tariff Sizes for Clothing and
Adjustment Guide. Footwear, C 1 , 2, 3.
10–156 31 Oct. 44. Return of Unserviceable Quartermaster 10-195 Jan. 45. Purchase Notice Agreement for Products
Property to Supply Channels and Processing of of Skinner Manufacturing Company. C 1. ,
Quartermaster Property Returned from Overseas. 10-196 Feb. 45. Insignia, Shoulder Sleeve, Army Service
C 1, 2 , 3, 4, 5, 6. Forces, Table of Organization Units in Training.
10-157 13 Oct. 44. Amendment to T / E 21 , Clothing and 10–197 Feb. 45. Emblem, Honorable Discharge, Khaki and
Individual Equipment, 1 June 1944. Olive Drab .
10–158 2 Nov. 44. Purchase Notice Agreement For Products 10-198 Feb. 45. Master Menu for June 1945,
of Campbell Soup Company. C 1 , 2, 3, 4 , 5 .
2 10-199 Feb. 45. Charges for Service Rendered Enlisted Per
10–159 3 Nov. 44. Inspection of Gasoline in Long - Time Stor sonnel by Quartermaster Corps Laundries .
age in The Zone of Interior. 10-200 Feb. 45. Purchase Notice Agreement for Products
10-160 Jan. 45. Catalogue of Clothing and Uniforms for of Whitehall Pharmacal Company ( Prior to 1 Sept.
Women. C 1. 1944, known as the Kolynos Co. )
10–161 May 45. Buttons, Lapel For Issue To Female 10-201 Feb. 45. Purchase Notice Agreement for Products
Personnel . of R. B. Davis Sales Company.
10–162 11 Nov. 44. Milk Containers. C 1 . 10–202 Feb. 45. Purchase Notice Agreement for Products
10-164 13 Nov. 44. Purchase Notice Agreement For Prod of Pepsodent Division of Lever Brothers Company.
ucts of American Cigarette and Cigar Company, Inc. 10-203 Feb. 45. Size Tariffs for Regular and Protective
10–165 13 Nov. 44. Purchase Notice Agreement For Prod Clothing for Women's Army Corps and Army Nurse
ucts of Stokely Brothers & Company, Inc. Corps Personnel. C 1 .
10–166 13 Nov. 44. Purchase Notice Agreement For Prod 10-204 Feb. 45. Purchase Notice Agreement for Products
ucts of Riggio Tobacco Corporation. of Colgate -Palmolive -Peet Company. C 1 , 2 .
10–206 Mar. 45. Master Menu for July 1945.
10–167 30 Nov. 44. Master Menu for March 1945.
10-208 Mar. 45. Gloves , Mittens, and Gauntlets . C 1 .
10-168 13 Nov. 44. Purchase Notice Agreement For Prod 10-209 Mar. 45. Classification of Women's Serviceable used
ucts of Reid , Murdoch & Co. C 1 . Clothing. C 1 , 2.
10-169 13 Nov.44. Purchase Notice Agreement For Prod 10–210 Mar. 45. Purchase Notice Agreement for Products
ucts of The American Tobacco Company, Inc. C 1 . of Chef Boy-Ar-Dee Quality Foods, Inc.
10–170 14 Nov. 44. Purchase Notice Agreement For Prod- 10-211 Mar. 45. Band, Neck, Liner, Helmet, M-1, Adjust
ucts of Fleming-Hall Company, Inc. able ( Stock Number 74 - B -60-300 )
10-171 14 Nov. 44. Purchase Notice Agreement For Prod- 10-212 Mar. 45. Purchase Notice Agreement for Products
ucts of Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co., Inc. C 1 , 2, of Thomas J. Lipton , Inc. C 1 .
3, 4 . 10-213 Mar. 45. Purchase Notice Agreement for Products of
10-173 16 Nov. 44. Purchase Notice Agreement For Prod Chr. Hansen's Laboratory, Inc. C 1 .
ucts of Larus & Brothers Company, Inc. C 1 . 10–217 Apr. 45. Master Menu for August 1945 .
10-174 16 Nov. 44. Grades of Carcass Beef to be Purchased 10–218 May 45. Serviceability Standards for Materials
Under Federal Specification for Be Fresh . Handling Equipment Oversea and Domestic Ship
10-178 18 Nov. 44. Purchase Notice Agreement for Prod.
ucts of Southern Biscuit Company, Inc. 10-219 Apr. 45. Purchase Notice Agreement for Products
10-179 Nov. 44. Classification of Serviceable Used General of Pepsodent Division of Lever Brothers Company.
Supplies . 10–220 Apr. 45. Sales of Condemned Food Items. C 1 .
* 10–1828 Oct. 45. Quartermaster Sources of Supply : To 10–221 Apr. 45. Insignia, Sleeve, Chevron.
which Requisitions will be forwarded for supply by : 10–222 Apr. 45. Purchase Notice Agreement for Products
Overseas Supply Division, Ports of Embarkation, of Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Inc.
Zone of Interior Stations and Edmonton Area, 10–223 May 45. Master Menu for September 1945. C 1 .
Northwest District, Sixth Service Command . C 1 . 10–225 May 45. Size Tariff , for Women's Oversea Resale
* 10–182–1 22 Aug. 45. Quartermaster Sources of Supply Clothing Items Listed in Supply Bulletin 10–160.
to which Requisitions or Purchase Orders will be 10-226-1 Jul. 45. Basic Storage Information .
forwarded for supply by Zone of Interior Station 10–227 May 45. Price List of Class 25 Items for Oversea
for Liquid Fuels, Lubricants, and other Petroleum Supply to Quartermaster Sales Stores and Army
Products issued by the Quartermaster Corps. Exchanges.

* 10-264 11 Dec. 45. Purchase Notice Agreement for Prod
10–228 May 45. Packing Excess and Unserviceable Office ucts of Philip Morris & Company, Ltd., Inc,
10–229 May 45. Price List of Class 56 Subsistence Items SIGNAL
for Use Outside Continental Limits of The United 11-1 22 Jan. 44. Interim List of Signal Corps Expend
States. able and Non -expendable Items.
10-230 Jun . 45. Master Menu for October 1945.
11–2 13 Nov. 44. Interim List of Signal Corps Expend
10-231 2 Jun. 45. Consumption Factors for Major Pe able and Non-expendable Electron Tubes.
troleum Products ( U. S. Army ).
10-232 24 Aug. 45. Italians Service Unit Menu Guide.
11-3 3 Apr. 44. Supplement to Interim List of Signal
10-233 Jun. 45. Serviceability Standards for Mounted Corps Expendable and Non-Expendable Items.
11-6 14 Aug. 45. Dry Battery Supply Data .
Equipment on Quartermaster Corps Special Pur 11-7 15 May 44. Signal Corps Tool Equipment TE-59
pose Vehicles .
10-234 Jun. 45. Publications Pertaining to Fixed Quarter ( Corps of Engineers Paving Breaker Equipment, Set
No. 1, Portable Gasoline ) .
master Corps Laundries and Dry Cleaning Plants. 11-8 12 Jun. 44. Chests for Running Spares for Radio
10–235 Jun. 45. Lack of Interchangeability of Pack, Field,
Cargo and Combat, and Pack, Field, Cargo and Sets SCR-506- ( ) , SCR - 508- ( ) , SCR -528- ( ) ,
Combat, M1945. and SCR -538- ( ) .
10–236 Jun. 45. Serviceability Standards for Quartermas 11-9 9 Jun. 44. Requisitions for Items Requiring Re
imbursement .
ter Corps Miscellaneous Mechanical Equipment.
10–237 21 Jun. 45. Oil, Engine Greases and Gear Lubri. 11-11 7 Jul. 44. Replacement Vacuum Tube Sockets.
cants. C1. 11-16 4 Aug. 44. Water Repellent Covers for Radio Sets
20-238 Jun. 45. Grease, General Purpose No. 2 U. S. Army SCR -509 - A and B ; SCR -510 - A and B ; SCR -609
Specification 2–108A . A and B ; SCR -610 - A and B.
10-239 Jun. 45. Purchase Notice Agreement for Products 11-17 26 Jul. 45. Electron Tube Supply Data .
of John H. Wilkins Company. 11-18 11 Aug. 44. Maintenance Depot Stock Credits.
10–240 20 Jul. 45. Master Menu for November 1945. 11-20 12 Aug. 44. Case CS-137 for Radio Sets SCR-609
10-241 Jul. 45. Identification and/or Disposal of Liquid A and B and SCR -610 - A and B.
Fuels and Lubricants in Zone of Interior. 11-24 4 Sep. 44. Pigeon Entries in Company Property
10–242 Jul. 45. Supply of Certain Standard Quartermas Book.
ter Items. C 1 . 11-26 27 Sep. 44. Initial Issue and Authorized Replen
10-243 Jul. 45. Purchase Notice Agreements for Products ishment of Signal Equipment Including Spare
of Supremacy Products, Inc. Parts and Expendable Supplies.
10-244 1 Aug. 45. Malt-QMC Contracts, 1 July 1945 to 11-30 5 Oct. 44. Shipment and Shelf Life Information
31 December 1945. C 1 . Testing, and Disposition of Dry Batteries.
10–245 20 Aug. 45. Master Menu for December 1945. 11-31 12 Oct. 44. Requisitioning Dry Batteries in Pack
10-246 3 Aug. 45. Compressed Yeast-QMC Contracts, Fis aged Quantities.
cal Year 1946 . 11-32 18 Oct. 44 . Transmitter Tuning Unit TU-7 . Part
10-247 11 Aug. 45. Purchase Notice Agreement for Prod of Radio Set SCR- 193 .
ucts of the Axton Fisher Tobacco Co. , Inc. 11-33 9 Oct. 44. Disposition of Signal Corps Property
10-248 20 Aug. 45. Purchase Notice Agreement for Prod in Unserviceable Condition and Made Serviceable
ucts of the R. T. French Company. by Repair. C 1 .
* 10–249 22 Aug. 45. Supply of Athletic Clothing for Pa- 11-34 13 Oct. 44. Power Units PE-82- ( ) and PE
tients at Hospitals. C 1 . 92- ( ) .
* 10–250 20 Sep. 45. Master Menu for January 1946. 11-36 31 Oct. 44. Requisitions for Items Specified on Modi
* 10–251 9 Sep. 45. Purchase Notice Agreement for Dwinell fication Work Orders and Items Not Listed in Army
Wright Company. Service Forces Signal Supply Catalog Sections SIG
* 10–252 12 Sep. 45. Purchase Notice Agreement for Prod ? , SIG 8, and SIG 10 .
ucts of The Quaker Oats Company. 11-37 7 Nov. 44. Stationery Sets SY-1-B, SY - 2 - B , SY
* 10–253 1 Oct. 45. Purchase Notice Agreement for Prod 3-B , SY - 4 - A , and SY-5-A.
ucts of Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corporation. 11-39 Nov. 44. Remote Control Unit Navy Type 23429.
11-47 13 Aug. 45. Signal Corps Sources of Supply.
* 10–254 20 Oct. 45. Master Menu for February 1946. 11-48 · Jan. 45. Replacement of Teletype Maintenance Kits.
* 10-255 11 Oct. 45. Purchase Notice Agreement for Prod- 11-49 Jan. 45. Cable Assemblies CC-345 and CC-355-A.
ucts of R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company.
* 10–256 15 Oct. 45. Purchase Notice Agreement for Prod 11-52 Jan. 45. Lightweight Antenna Systems of Vehicu
lar Radio Sets.
ucts of The Best Foods, Inc.
* 10-257 11-53 Jan. 45. Disposition of Unserviceable Radiosondes
17 Oct. 45. Purchase Notice Agreement for Prod AN/AMQ- 1- ( ) , Transmitter BC-1253- ( ) , and
ucts of P. Lorillard Company, Inc. C 1 .
Baroswitch ML - 213.
* 10-258 6 Nov. 45. U. S. Army Petroleum Products (Ex
11-54 Jan. 45. Conversion of Tool Equipments TE-45A
cluding Aviation Products ) In the Continental and TE -48 to Tool Equipment TE - 113. C 1.
United States 1942-1945.
11-56 Feb. 45. Conversion of Tool Equipment TE - 46 and
* 10–259 6 Nov. 45. Purchase Notice Agreement for Prod TE - 47 to Tool Equipment TE-114, TE-111 , and
ucts of Standard Brands, Inc. TE-112 .
* 10-260 31 Oct. 45. Master Menu for March 1946.
11-57 . Feb. 45. Microphone T-45 .
* 10-261 8 Nov. 45. Sash, Window, Tent, Flexible, Water- 11-59 Feb. 45. Vibrator Power Supply for Radio Set
proof Film . AN / VRC-3 .
* 10–262 19 Dec, 45. Supply of Clothing to Women's Army 11-60 Mar. 45. Spool DR-8-1 ) .
Corps. 11-61 Mar. 45. Requisitioning of " Pictorial Index Charts"
* 10-263 7 Dec. 45. Oil, Engine, Greases and Gear Lubri of Spare Parts for Third Echelon Chest CY-64/U .
cants for Period 1 January to 30 June 1946 . 11-62 Mar. 45. Tools for Sound Ranging Set GR-3-C.

SIGNAL - Continued SB
11-100—4 May 45. Serviceability Standards for Switch
11-63 Mar. 45. Relationship between GT Electron Tubes board BD-100.
and GT/G Electron Tubes. 11-100–5 May 45. Serviceability Standards for Reel
11-64 Mar. 45. Maintenance Equipment Replenishment. Equipment CE-11.
11-66 Mar. 45. Battery Adapter FT-501 for Radio Set 11-100-6 May 45. Serviceability Standards for Telephone
SCR - 536- ( ) . EE-8, EE - 8A , and EE-8B.
11-67 Apr. 45. Antenna Components of Radio Set AN / 11–100–7 May 45. Serviceability Standards for Signal
VRC - 3 . Generator 1–72.
11-68 Apr. 45. Hearing Aid Dry Batteries ( Handling of 11-100-8 May 45. Serviceability Standards for Public
Requisitions ) . Address Sets PA-5 and PA-5A .
11-69 Apr. 45. Marking of Modified Equipment. C 1. 11-100-9 May 45. Serviceability Standards for Print
11–70 Apr. 45. Replacement of Paper Dielectric Capacitor Trimmers PH - 8, PH-210, and PH-220.
in Radio Receivers BC-779- ( ) , BC-794-1 ) , and 11-100-10 May 45. Serviceability Standards for Contact
BC- 1004- ( ) . Printers PH-13 , PH-13A , PH-13B , PH -48 , PH-51 ,
11-71 Apr. 45. Conversion of Test Equipment IE-10 to PH-51B, PH-192, PH-193, PH-507/ PF and PH
Test Equipment IE -29. 508.
11-72 Apr. 45. Requisitioning Screens PH-358 and PH- 11-100–11 May 45. Serviceability Standards for Scales
358-A for Replacement of Unserviceable Screens . PH-14, PH -14A, PH-114, PH-115, and PH-116.
11-73 Apr. 45. Cover BG-185 for Training Generator 11-100–12 May 45. Serviceability Standards for Develop
AN/ URA-T1 . ing Tanks PH-15 , PH-16, PH-17, PH-122 , PH
11–74 Apr. 45. Deletion of Items from Radio Set AN/ 122A , PH-185, PH-186, PH-187, PH - 256 , PH-256A,
MRQ - 2. PH - 322 .
11-75 May 45. Blackout Adapter M-374. 11-100–13 May 45. Serviceability Standards for Cameras
11-76 May 45. Signal Corps Kit and Materials for Mois PH - 47D , E , and F.
ture- and Fungi- Resistant Treatment . 11-100–14 May 45. Serviceability Standards for Lamp
11-77 May 45. Cord CD-1267, Part of Radio Set SCR Equipment PH-62 , PH-63, PH-207, PH-207A , PH
694-C. 208 , PH-209, PH-214 , PH-216, PH-216A, PH-217 ,
11-79 May 45. Modification Kit for Vulcanizing Equip PH - 251, PH-421 , PH -422, PH -218, and PH -219.
ment TE-54 and TE-55. 11-100–15 May 45. Serviceability Standards for Continu
'11-80 May 45. Power Units PE-95-A , PE-95-B, and ous Printers PH-67, PH-314 , and PH-299 .
PE-95-C . 11-100–16 May 45. Serviceability Standards for Dryers
11-81 May 45. Distribution of Vehicular Radio Sets. PH-75 , PH-176, and PH-288 .
11-83 Jun. 45. Bags, Covers, and Paulins, Waterproof, 11-100–17 May 45. Serviceability Standards for Projec
Special Purpose. tion Screens PH-76, PH-76A , PH-78, PH-78A ,
11-84 Jun. 45. Generator GN-58, Part of Radio Set AN/ PH-334 , PH-358 , PH-358A , PH - 407 .
TRC - 2. 11-100–18 May 45. Serviceability Standards for Expo
11-85 16 Aug. 45. Stocking of Replaceable Parts for sure Meters PH-77, PH-77A, PH-77C, PH -77D,
Fixed Plant Equipment . PH-77E , and PH-252A .
11-87 Jul. 45. Leg LG-2-B and Leg LG-3-B, Part of 11-100–19 May 45. Serviceability Standards for Enlarg.
Radio Sets SCR-694-C, AN/TRC-2, AN/TRC-7 and ers PH -87, PH-87A , PH-95A , PH-129, PH-129A,
AN /TRC-10. PH-275, PH-275A , and PH-275B.
11-88 8 Jul . 45. Crystal Knit CK-1 ( ) /GR. 11-100–20 May 45. Serviceability Standards for Splicers
11-89 Jul . 45. Use of Army Service Forces Signal Sup PH-91 , PH -91A , PH-239, and PH - 239 A.
ply Catalog Sections by Lower Echelon Organiza- 11--100–21 May 45. Serviceability Standards for Re
tions Relative to Items Not listed in Sig. 7. winders PH-92, PH-242, PH-254, PH - 355 , PH
11-91 27 Jul. 45. 12-Volt Soldering Iron ( 6R24618 ) . 355A , and PH - 416A .
11-92 3 Aug. 45. Instructions for Replacement of Lamps 11–100–22 May 45. Serviceability Standards for View
R113 and 1160A in Facsimile Equipment RC-120-A, Cameras PH-120, P71-120A , PH -120B, PH-159,
and RC- 120- B and Facsimile Set AN/TXC-1. PH-150, PH-150A, H-195, and H-195A.
11-93 14 Aug. 45. Standard Lubricants. 11-100-23 May 45. Serviceability Standards for Tripods
* 11-94 17 Aug. 45. Charging Sets SCR-169- ( ) . PH-121 , PH-202 , and PH-203 , P/ O PH-270 , P / O
* 11-95 1 Oct. 45. Issue of Radar Sets AN / TPL-1 and PH-274, P/ PH-516/GF, PH-520/U, PH - 524 / PF,
AN/TPX-4 and Associated Spare Parts, Supplies, and P/O PH-274A .
Tools, and Test Equipment. 11-100–24 May 45. Serviceability Standards for Projec
* 11-97 3 Oct. 45. Supply of Electrolyte. tor Equipment PH-131A through G.
* 11-98 8 Nov. 45. Test Sets 1-56-A , 1-56-D, 1-56-E , 11–100-25 May 45. Serviceability Standards for Strip
1-56 - H , and 1-56-L. and Slide Projectors PH-132, PH-132B, PH-222,
* 11-99 and PH -222A .
28 Nov. 45. Replacement of Components of Me
teorological Observation Set SCM- 12. 11-100-26 May 45. Serviceability Standards for Trays
$11-100 May 45. Serviceability Standards for Signal PH-154, PH-155, PH - 157, PH -158, PH -158A , PH
Equipment in Hands of Troops . C 1 . 160, PH-161A , PH-164, PH - 164A , PH - 166 , PH
* 11-101 3 Dec. 45. Case CY - 295 /UM . 166A , PH -170, PH-173, PH-173A, and PH-18.
11–100-27 May 45. Service :bility Standards for Film Ex
11-100-1 May 45. Serviceability Standards for Radio amining Machines PH-179, PH-279, and PH - 319 .
Transmitter BC- 191- ( ) .
11-100--2 May 45. Serviceability Standards for Radio 11-100–28 May 45. Serviceability Standards for Washers
Receiver BC-312- ( ) .
11-100–3 May 45. Serviceability Standards for Switch
11–100-29 May 45. Serviceability Standards for Process
boards BD-71 , BD-72, BD -71-A , and BD-72-A. ing Equipment PH-253A , PH-395 , and PH-406.
11-100-30 May 45. Serviceability Standards for Cameras
SB “11- 100 series deals with " Serviceability Standards for Signal PH-270, PH-270, PH - 274 , PH - 274 - A , and PH - 516/
Corps Equipment in the hands of troops." GF.

SIGNAL - Continued SB
11-100-64 Jun. 45. Serviceability Standards for Radio
11-100—31 May 45. Serviceability Standards for Develop Equipment RC - 184 ( Used with SCR-584) .
ing Machines PH-298, PH-413, and PH-413-A . 11-100-65 Jun. 45. Serviceability Standards for Radio
11-100–32 May 45. Serviceability Standards for Splicer Set SCR - 545 - A .
PH-321 ( Bell & Howell Semiautomatic ) . 11-100-66 Jun 45. Servicec bility Standards for Radio
11-100—33 May 45. Serviceability Standards for Camera Set SCR - 584- ( ) .
PH-324. 11-100-67 Jun. 45. Serviceability Standards for Rectifier
11-100-34 May 45. Serviceability Standards for Motion RA -34 ( ) .
Picture Cameras PH-330 A Through H , PH- 530/ 11-100-68 Jun. 45. Serviceability Standards for Fac
PF , PH -431, PH -430 and PH - 430 - A . simile Equipment RC -58 ( ) .
11-100–35 Jun . 45. Serviceability Standards for Projec- 11-100-69 Jun. 45. Serviceability Standards for Inter
tors Motion Picture, PH-398 and PH - 398A . phone Amplifier BC - 376, BC - 667 ( P/0 Interphone
11-100-36 Jun 45. Services bility Standards for Ampro Amplifier RC-53 , and RC-53A ) .
Projector Equipment PH-399. 11-100–70 Jun, 45. Serviceability Standards for Rectifiers
11-100-37 May 45. Serviceability Standards for Camera RA-91 and RA-91 -A .
PH - 502/ PF . 11-100–71 Jun 45. Serviceability Standards for Micro
11-100–38 Jun 45. Serviceability Standards for Inter phone T - 45 .
phone Equipment RC-99 . 11-100–72 Jun . 45. Serviceability Standards for Tele
11-100-39 Jun. 45. Serviceability Standards for Remote phone Repeater EE - 89.
Control Equipment RC - 289. 11-100–73 Jun. 45. Serviceability Standards for Tele
11-100–40 Jun. 45. Serviceability Standards for Reel phone Repeater TC-23.
Unit RL - 26– ( ) . 11-100–74 Jun. 45. Serviceability Standards for Type
11-100—41 Jun. 45. Serviceability writer MC - 88 .
Standards for Axle
RL - 27- ( ) . 11-100-75 Jun. 45. Serviceability Standards for Repeater
11-100-42 Jun , 45. Serviceability Standards for Reel Set TC-19.
Unit RL - 31- ( ) . 11–100–76 Jun. 45. Serviceability Standards for Repeater
11-100-43 Jun 45. Serviceability Standards for Reel Set TC- 18 .
RL - 39 . 11-100–77 Jul . 45. Serviceability Standards for Radio Set
11-100-44 Jun. 45. Serviceability Standards for Radio AN / VRC - 3 .
Set SCR- 193- ( ) . 11-100–78 Jul. 45. Serviceability Standards for Teletype
11-100–45 Jun. 45. Serviceability Standards for Fre writer Sets EE -97 and EE -98.
quency Meter Set SCR-211- ( ) . 11-100-79 Jul . 45. Serviceability Standards for Micro
11-100-46 Jun. 45. Serviceability Standards for Radio phone T-30.
Set SCR-268- ( ) . 11-100–80 Jul. 45. Serviceability Standards for Reel Cart
11-100–47 RL - 16 .
Jun 45. Serviceability Standards for Radio
Set SCR-284- ( ) . 11-100–81 Jul. 45. Serviceability Standards for Telegraph
11-100-48 Jun. 45. Serviceability Standards for Radio Terminal Set TC-22.
Sets SCR-299- ( ) , SCR-399- ( ) , and SCR-499- ( ) . 11-100–82 Jul. 45. Serviceability Standards for Radio Set
11-100-49 Jun 45. Serviceability Standards for Radio SCR-593-A .
Set SCR-300- ( ) . 11-100–83 Jul. 45. Serviceability Standards for Reper
11–100–50 Jun. 45. Serviceability Standards for Radio forator Teletypewriter TC- 16.
Set SCR-506- ( ) . 11-100–84 Jul . 45. Serviceability Standards for Radio
11-100-51 Jun 45. Serviceability Standards for Radio Sets SCR-543-A , SCR-543- B and SCR-543-C.
Sets SCR - 508- ( ) , SCR -528– ( ) , and SCR-538- ( ) . 11-100-85 Jul. 45. Serviceability Standards for Radio Set
11-100–52 Jun. 45. Serviceability Standards for Radio SCR-694-C.
Sets SCR-509- ( ) and SCR-510- ( ) . 11-100-86 Jul . 45. Serviceability Standards for Tele
11-100–53 Jun. 45. Serviceability Standards for Radio phone TP - 3 .
Set SCR -511- ( ) . 11-100-87 Jul. 45. Serviceabiliyt Standards for Conver
11-100–54 Jun. 45. Serviceability Standards for Radio ter M-209, M - 209- A , M - 209 - B .
Sets SCR-609- ( ) and SCR-610- ( ) . 11-100–88 1 Aug. 45. Serviceability Standards for Re
11–100–55 Jun 45. Serviceability Standards for Detector corder MC-311 .
Set SCR -625- ( ) .
11–100-56 Jun. 45. Serviceability Standards for Tele
phone Central Office Sets TC-4 and TC-12. 38-2 4 Nov. 44. Depot Manufacture of Waterproof Case
11-100-57 Jun. 45. Serviceability Standards for Tele Liners.
graph Set TG -5- ( ) .
38-3 4 Sep. 45. Depot Missions, Part I , General Instruc
Serviceability Standards for Hand tions . C 1 .
11-100-58 Jun. 45.
set TS-10. 38-3-AGD 1 Jun. 45. Depe Missions, Part IX, Adjutant
11-100-59 Jun. 45. Serviceability Standards for Projec General's Department.
to DeVry, 35 mm Sound, PH-405. 38-3-CWS 16 Oct. 44. Depot Missions, Part II, Chemical
Warfare Service. C 1 , 2.
11–100–60 Jun. 45. Serviceability Standards for Radio 38-3-ENG 31 May 45. Depot Missions , Part III , Corps of
Set SCR-536- ( ).
11–100-61 Jun. 45. Serviceability Standards for Radio Engineers. C 1 , 2.
Sets SCR -608- ( ) and SCR-628- ( ) . 38–3-ORD 3 Mar. 45. Depot Missions, Part V, Ordnance
11–100-62 Jun. 45. Serviceability Standards for Radio Department. C 1 , 2, 3, 4 , 5, 6 , 7, 8.
Equipment RC - 145 ( Used with SCR-545) . 38-3 MED 26 Oct. 45. Depot Missions, Part IV, Medical
11–100-63 Jun. 45. Serviceability Standards for Radio Corps. C 1 .
Equipment RC - 148 - B ( Used with SCR-268) . 38–3-QM 5 Jul . 45. Depot Missions, Part VI, Quartermas
tre Corps. C 1 , 2, 3, 4.
This Supply Bulletin is distributed only to interested headquarters 38-3-SIG 1 Sep. 45. Depot Missions, Part VII , Signal
and to individuals whose duties require that thev have it. This Supply
Bulletin must be safeguarded in accordance with provisions of AR 380-5. Corps .

SIGNAL - Continued SB
SB 55–8–H-8 Jul . 45. Freight Billing Guide. Application of
38-3-TC 1 Aug. 45. Depot Missions, Part VIII, Transpor Consolidated Freight Classification to Ordnance Ma
tation Corps. C 1 , 2, 3. terial Group H - 8 including Chains, Locks, Hasps,
38–4 -CWS 16 Aug. 45. Replacement Factors Chemical and Hinges.
Warfare Service. 55–8 - H - 9 28 Jul. 45. Freight Billing Guide. Application
38–4-WD 11 Aug. 45. Replacement Factors War Depart of Consolidated Freight Classification to Ordnance
ment. Material Group H-9 including Miscellaneous Piece
TRANSPORTATION 55-8-H-10 Jul . 45. Freight Billing Guide. Application of
55-3 5 Sep. 45. Freight Billing Guide, T.C. Supply Cat Consolidated Freight Classification to Ordnance Ma
alog. terial Group H-10 including Ferrous Metals.
55–4 16 Jul. 45. Freight Billing Guide, QMC Items. C 1 , 55-8-H- 11 Jul . 45 . Freight Billing Guide. Application of
2. Consolidated Freight Classification to Ordnance Ma
55-5 10 Aug. 44. Cargo Weights and Measurements. terial Group H-11 including Nonferrous Metals.
55–6 Jun. 45. Freight Billing Guide, CWS Items. C1 . 55-8-H-12 Jul. 45 . Freight Billing Guide. Application of
55–7 Mar. 45. Freight Billing Guide, Signal Corps Sup Consolidated Freight Classification to Ordnance Ma
ply Catalog ( SIG 5–1 ) . C 1 , 2. terial Group H-12 including Antifriction Bearing
and Related Items.
55–7-8 28 May 45. Freight Billing ; Application of Con 55-8-H-14 Jul . 45 . Freight Billing Guide. Application of
solidated Freight Classification to Signal Corps Sup
ply Catalog ( Sig 5) Class ( 8 ) Photographic Ma Consolidated Freight Classification to Ordnance Ma
terial. terial, Group H-14 including Tires, Tubes, Tire
55-8-A 5 Dec. 45. Freight Billing Guide, Application of Valves and Patches, etc.
Consolidated Freight Classification to Ordnance Ma. 55--8 - H - 15 Jul . 45. Freight Billing Guide. Application of
terial Group A. Consolidated Freight Classification to Ordnance Ma
55-8-B 21 Jun. 44. Freight Billing Guide, Ordnance Mate terial Group H-15 including Batteries.
rial, Group B. Including Small Arms, Hand Arms, 55-8 - J - 1 Jul. 45. Freight Billing Guide ( Application of
Semiautomatic Rifles, Pyrotechnic Projectors, Scab Consolidated Freight Classification to Ordnance Ma
bards, Arm Lockers and Arm Racks. terial-Group J-1 Including Abrasion and Compres
55-8 - C 27 Jun. 44. Freight Billing Guide, Ordnance Mate sion Tools ( General Abrasives, Hand Grinders, Hand
rial, Group C, Major Items. Presses, Sharpening Stones, etc. ) .
55-8-D 18 Jul. 44. Freight Billing Guide, Ordnance Mate 55-8 - J - 2 Jul . 45. Freight Billing Guide (Application of
Consolidated Freight Classification to Ordnance Ma
rial , Group D, Including Major Items of Heavy terial, Group J-2, Including Cutting, Boring, and
Field Artillery and Antiaircraft Artillery. Tweezer Tools ( Saws, Shears, Planes, Files, Rasps,
55-8- E 9 Sep. 44. Freight Billing Guide, Ordnance Mate
rial, Group E, Including Major Items of Railway Chisels, Bits , Reamers (Hand) , Pliers, Pincers, etc. ) .
55-8 - J - 3 Jul. 45. Freight Billing Guide ( Application of
and Permanent and Semipermanent Artillery. Consolidated Freight Classification to Ordnance Ma
* 55-8 -F 5 Dec. 45. Freight Billing Guide-Application of terial, Group J-3, Including Geometrical Tools and
Consolidated Freight Classification to Ordnance Ma Instruments ( Squares, Compasses, Rules, Gauges,
terial-Group F.
55-8-G 6 Dec. 45. Freight Billing Guide, Ordnance Mate Calipers, Dividers, Levels, Scribers, Surface Plates,
etc. ) .
rial, Group G, Automotive and Semiautomotive 55-9 -J -4. Jul. 45. Freight Billing Guide ( Application of
Vehicles .
Consolidated Freight Classification to Ordnance Ma
* 55-8 -- G - 27 5 Dec. 45. Freight Billing Guide- Applica terial- Group J - 4, Including Punch , Drift, Fastening,
tion of Consolidated Freight Classification to Ord and Scraping Tools ( Awls, Needles, Punches, Drifts,
nance Material-Group G-27, Including Tools, Screw Drivers, Wrenches, Scrapers, Riveters, Hand
Maintenance, for Repair of Motor Vehicles. Sets , etc. ) .
55-8 - H - 1 Jul . 45 . Freight Billing Guide Application of 55-8 - J - 5 Jul. 45. Freight Billing Guide. Application of
Consolidated Freight Classification to Ordnance Ma Consolidated Freight Classification to Ordnance Ma
terial , Group H - 1 , including Standard Hardware. terial, Group J-5 including Bit braces, saw frames ,
55-8 - H - 2 Jul . 45. Freight Billing Guide Application of vises , clamps, hoists, block and tackle, molds for
Consolidated Freight Classification to Ordnance Ma castings, anvils, jacks and slings.
terial Group H-2, including Miscellaneous Hard 55-8 - J - 6 Jul . 45. Freight Billing Guide. Application of
ware .
5.5-8 - H - 3 Jul . 45. Freight Billing Guide Application of Consolidated Freight Classification to Ordnance Ma
Consolidated Freight Classification to Ordnance Ma terial, Group J-6 including Percussion, Digging and
Wrecking Tools, hammers, mallets, mauls, sledges ,
terial Group H-3 including Straps, Leather Find axes, hatches, picks, mattocks, shovels, crowbars,
ings, and Piece Leather . pinch bars.
5-8 - H - 4 27 Jul. 45. Freight Billing Guide Application 55-8 -J - 7 Jul. 45. Freight Billing Guide. Application of
of Consolidated Freight Classification to Ordnance Consolidated Freight Classification to Ordnance Ma
Material , Group H - 4 including Electrical Fittings .
terial Group J-7 including Welding, Forging, Sol
55-8 - H - 5 Jul. 45. Freight Billing Guide Application of dering and Brazing Equipment ( blow torches , sol
Consolidated Freight Classification to Ordnance Ma dering coppers, melting ladles, and welding outfits.
terial Group H-5 including Electrical Piece Mate- 55-8-3-8 Jul. 45. Freight Billing Guide . Application of
rial .
Consolidated Freight Classification to Ordnance Ma
55-8 - H - 6 28 Jul. 45. Freight Billing Guide Application terial Group J-8 including Hand Tool Appurte
of Consolidated Freight Classification to Ordnance nances ( file cleaners, handles, heads, tool checks,
Material Group H - 6 including Pipe and Hose tool racks, etc. )
Fittings . 55-8 - J - 9 Jul. 45. Freight Billing Guide. Application of
55-8 - H - 7 Jul . 45. Freight Billing Guide Application of Consolidated Freight Classification to Ordnance Ma
Consolidated Freight Classification to Ordnance Ma terial Group J-9 including Measuring and Testing
terial Group II-7 including Pipe, Tubing, and Hose. Instruments ( Electrical, Air, Liquids, etc.) .

SB 55-8-N-17 6 Aug. 45. Freight Billing Guide. Application
55–8–3–10 Jul. 45. Freight Billing Guide. Application of of Consolidated Freight Classification to Ordnance
Consolidated Freight Classification to Ordnance Ma Material Group N-17 including General Tools and
terial Group J - 10 including Small Tools (twist Supplies for Ordnance Ammunition Company.
drills, countersinks, counterbores, cutting -off tool * 55-8 - N - 21 6 Nov. 45. Freight Billing Guide, Application
cutters, cutters, etc.) . of Consolidated Freight Classification to Ordnance
55–8 – J - 14 Jul. 45. Freight Billing Guide. Application of Material, Groups N-21 , N - 325 , N-347, and N-348,
Consolidated Freight Classification to Ordnance Ma including Ordnance Maintenance Sets, Tools and
terial Group J-14 including Paint Spraying Equip Supplies for Ordnance Base Armament Maintenance
ment and Related Items. Battalion, Tools and Supplies for Ordnance Tire
55-8 - J - 15 Jul. 45. Freight Billing Guide. Application of Repair Co., and General Tire Repair Co. , and Gen
Consolidated Freight Classification to Ordnance Ma eral Tools & Supplies for Ordnance Motor Vehicle
terial Group J – 15 including Benches, Tool Boxes, Assembly Co. ( Portable ).
Cabinets, Bins, Tool Chests, Tool Rolls, etc. * 55–8 – N - 23 13 Aug. 45. Freight Billing Guide. Appli
tion of Consolidated Freight Classification to Ord
55-8 - J - 16 1 Aug. 45. Freight Billing Guide. Application nance Material Group N-23 including Tool Set,
of Consolidated Freight Classification to Ordnance
Material Group J-16 including Tire Repair and Unit Equipment, Special for Posts, Camps, and
Maintenance Tools, and Equipment . * 55-8 - N -57 20 Aug. 45. Freight Billing Guide. Applica
55-8-5-20 3 Aug. 45. Freight Billing Guide. Application tion of Consolidated Freight Classification to Ord
of Consolidated Freight Classification to Ordnance nance Material - Group N-57, including General
Material Group J-20 including Miscellaneous Kits Tools and Supplies, Ordnance Depot Co.
and Tool Sets.
* 55-8-N-187 20 Aug. 45. Freight Billing Guide. Applica
55-8 - J - 101 14 Aug. 45. Freight Billing Guide. Applica tion of Consolidated Freight Classification to Ord
tion of Consolidated Freight Classification to Ord nance Material-Group N-187, including Tools and
nance Material Group J- 101 including Machine Supplies for Ordnance Evacuation Co.
Tools and Related Equipment . * 55-8-N-217 10 Oct. 45. Freight Billing Guide. Applica
55–8 - K Jul . 45. Freight Billing Guide ( Application of tion Freight Classification to Ordnance Material
Consolidated Freight Classification to Ordnance Ma Group N -217, including Tools and Supplies for
terial-Group K , Including ( Cleaning, Preserving, Ordnance Antiaircraft Maintenance Co.
and Lubricating Materials ; Recoil Fluids, Special * 55-8 - N - 257 25 Aug. 45. Freight Billing Guide. Applica
Oils, and Miscellaneous Related Items; Soldering, tion of Consolidated Freight Classification to Ord
Brazing, and Welding Material, Gases and Related nance Material-Group N-257, including Tools and
Items; Lubricating Equipment, Accessories, and Re Supplies for Ordnance Maintenance Co., Air Force.
lated Dispensers; and Elements Oil Filter) . 55-8-N-316 13 Aug. 45. Freight Billing Guide. Applica
55-8 - L 4 Aug. 45. Freight Billing Guide, Application of tion of Consolidated Freight Classification to Ord
Consolidated Freight Classification to Ordnance Ma nance Group N -316 including General Tools and
terial Group L including Small Arms Targets Supplies, Headquarters and Service Company, Ord
Equipment ; Projector, Target Rocket, M1 ; Trainer, nance Base ( armament or automotive) Maintenance
Field Artillery , M3 ; Discharger, Smoke Puff ; and Battalion.
Target, Fast Moving, Ground , M2. 55-8-N-317 14 Aug. 45. Freight Billing Guide. Applica
*55-8 - M - 1 27 Sep. 45. Freight Billing Guide. Application tion of Consolidated Freight Classification to Ord
of Consolidated Freight Classification to Ordnance nance Material Group N -317 including General
Material - Group M-1 , including Electrical Appa Tools and Supplies for Ordnance Base Armored
ratus Units and Parts. Vehicle Maintenance Company.
*55–8 - M - 5 4 Dec. 45. Freight Billing Guide. Application 55-8-N-318 20 Aug. 45. Freight Billing Guide. Applica
of Consolidated Freight Classification to Ordnance tion of Consolidated Freight Classification to Ord
Material-Group M-5, including Items Common to nance Material Group N-318 including General
Two or More Groups . Tools and Supplies for Ordnance Base Artillery and
55-8 - N - 1 6 Aug. 45. Freight Billing Guide. Application Fire Control Maintenance Company.
of Consolidated Fregiht Classification to Ordnance 55-8-N-319 14 Aug. 45. Freight Billing Guide. Applica
Material Group N-1 including Maneuvering Mate tion of Consolidated Freight Classification to Ord
rial and Supplies . nance Material Group N-319 including General
* 55-8 - N - 7 27 Sep. 45. Freight Billing Guide. Application Tools and Supplies for Ordnance Base, Small Arms
of Consolidated Freight Classification to Ordnance Maintenance Company.
Material- Groups N-7, N -8, N - 9, N -37 , N - 65, 55-8-N-327 13 Aug. 45. Freight Billing Guide. Applica
N -87, N-97S, N-127, N-197, and 417 , including tion of Consolidated Freight Classification to Ord
Tools and Supplies for Medium Maintenance Com nance Material Group N-327 including General
pany, Light Maintenance Co. , Heavy Maintenance Tools and Supplies, Ordnance Base Automotive
Co., Field Army, Heavy Maintenance Co., Tanks, Maintenance Company ( Engine Rebuild ) .
Maintenance Battalion, Armored Div., Airborne 55-8-N-328 14 Aug. 45. Freight Billing Guide. Applica
Ordnance Maintenance Co. , Maintenance Co. , En tion of Consolidated Freight Classification to Ord
gineer Special Brigade, Medium Automotive Co. , nance Material Group N-328 including General
Heavy Automotive Maintenance Co., and Mainte Tools and Supplies, Ordnance Base Automotive
nance Co. , Aviation. Maintenance Company ( Power Train Rebuild ) .
*55-8 - N - 10 24 Aug. 45. Freight Billing Guide. Application 55-8-N-337 13 Aug. 45. Freight Billing Guide. Applica
of Consolidated Freight Classification to Ordnance tion of Consolidated Freight Classification to Ord
Material - Group N- 10 , including Ammunition Sur nance Material Group N-337 including Tools and
veillance, Testing and Inspection Equipment and Supplies for Ordnance Motor Vehicle Distributing
Supplies . Company.

55–15 13 Nov. 45. Transportation Corps Sources of Sup
* 55-8 - N - 377 20 Aug. 45. Freight Billing Guide. Applica ply ( Transportation Corps Depots or Stock Control
tion of Consolidated Freight Classification to Ord Points ) Designated to Receive Authorized Requisi
nance Material- Group N-377, including General tions for all Classes of Transportation Corps Sup
Tools and Supplies, Ordnance Base Depot Company. plies and Equipment.
* 55-8 - N - 500 - EA 25 Aug. 45. Freight Billing Guide, Ap- 55–16 4 Aug. 45. Transportation Corps, Boat Flags Stor
plication of Consolidated Freight Classification to age and Issue by Transportation Corps Depots.
Ordnance Material-Group N-500-EA, including 55-17 May 45. Transportation , Supply and Maintenance
Repair Materials for Operation of Ordnance Mobile of Ships' Chronometers and Navigating Watches.
Tire Repair Platoon . * 55-18 23 Oct. 45. Paints and Related Materials for Use
* 55-8 - N - 500 -EB 28 Aug. 45. Freight Billing Guide. Ap by Transportation Corps.
plication of Consolidated Freight Classification to
Ordnance Material-Group N-500-EB, including
Special and General Tools for Ordnance Bomb Dis 37. MODIFICATION WORK ORDERS ( MWO) . a.
posal Squad ( Separate ) . Purpose. War Department Modification Work Or
* 55-8 - N -500 -FA 4 Sep. 45. Freight Billing Guide. Ap 1
plication of Consolidated Freight Classification to
ders are prepared by the chiefs of the technical serv
Ordnance Material-Group N -500- FA, including ices of the Army Service Forces to provide authentic
Tools and Tool Sets for Ordnance Bomb Disposal and uniform instructions for the alteration and modi- 8
Squad ( Separate ) . fication of United States Army matériel. IN
* 55-8 - N -500 -GA 24 Aug. 45. Freight Billing Guide, Ap
plication of Consolidated Freight Classification to b. Numbering. The abbreviated designation of 1
Ordnance Material-Group N -500 -GA , including
Tools and Supplies for Ordnance Ammunition Reno the technical service preparing each Modification
vation Platoon. Work Order is incorporated in the number. For ex
*55-8-N-587 ? Sep. 45. Freight Billing Guide. Applica - ample : MWO ORD A37-W15 ; MWO QM 1 ; MWO
tion of Consolidated Freight Classification to Ord SIG 11-447-1.
nance Material-Group N-587, including Tools and
Supplies for Signal Base Maintenance Co, and Sup c. Authorized allowances and distribution . Allow
plies for Signal Base Maintenance Co.
* 55-8 - N - 600 28 Aug. 45. Freight Billing• Guide. Applica ances of Modification Work Orders are indicated by
formula as prescribed in Section IV. Distribution is
tion of Consolidated Freight Classification to Ord-
nance Material — Group N -600,including Tool Set, made through adjutant general depots, unless excep
Supplementary, Third Echelon Signal Radar ( Fed
eration Stock No. 41- T - 3542-365 ). tional authorization has been granted to a technical
* 55-8 - N -611 28 Aug. 45. Freight Billing Guide. Applica- service to issue emergency modifications without
tion of Consolidated Freight Classification to Ord- prior approval of The Adjutant General, They are
nance Material - Group N -611, including Tool Set, distributed only to units or installations processing
Medical Department, Supplementary, No. 1 (Fed
eral Stock No. 41 - T - 3537–25 ) . the material to be altered or modified.
*55-8-N-621 25 Aug. 45. Freight Billing Guide. Applica- d. List.
tion of Consolidated Freight Classification to Ord
nance Material - Group N-621, including Tool Set, CHEMICAL WARFARE
Supplementary, Chemical Warfare Laboratory (Fed- MWO
eral Stock No. 41 - T -- 2532-10 ) . CW 8 Jan. 45. Flame Thrower, Portable, M2-2, and Kit,
55-8 - P 2 Oct. 45. Freight Billing Guide ; Application of Service, For Flame Thrower. Portable, M2-2.
Consolidated Freight Classification to Ordnance CW9 Apr. 45. Flame Thrower, Portable, M2-2, Safety
Material , Group P. Head Plug Assembly and Pressure Regulator As
* 55-8 - R 24 Oct. 45. Freight Billing Guide. sembly.
55-8 - S 9 Oct. 45. Freight Billing Guide. CW 10 Jun. 45. Generator, Smoke,, Mechanical,, M2 (
Gallon ) .
55-8-T 10 Oct. 45. Freight Billing Guide, Ordnance Ma CW 11 Jun. 45. Beam , Grab , M1 .
terial, Group T, including Small Arms Ammunition ;
Cartridges, Caliber .50 and Smaller ; Shotgun Shells; ENGINEERS
as well as Components ; Instruction Material and MWO ENG
Packing Materials for These Types. 295–1 Jun. 45. Tank, Storage, Glass Fabric, GR - S
55-9 30 Nov. 44. Freight Billing Guide, Medical Corps Coated, Water, 3,000-Gallon.
Items . C 1 , 2, 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 . * 537–7 Nov. 43. Tank, Asphalt, Steel , Trailer- Mounted ,
55-10 Jun . 45 . Freight BillingGuide (Application of with Steam Coils, 1500 Gal . , Littleford, Model 102S .
Consolidated Freight Classification to Engineer 777-2 Jul. 45. Angledozer, Tractor-Mounted, Cable Oper
Corps Material). C 1 . ated, 91- to 140-DBHP, Heil Model C - 18 - W ; For
55–11 9 Aug. 44. Freight Billing Guide, Air Corps Sup International TD-18.
plies and Equipment. C 1 , 2. 777-3 Jul. 45. Power Control Unit, Cable -Operating, Rear
Mounting, 2- Drum, Heil Model S-2.
55-12 4 Sep. 45. Transportation Corps, Disposition of Ex 787-1 Jun. 45. Tractor, Artillery, Crawler Type, Diesel
cess Equipment Tools, and Supplies.
Engine, 61- to 140 -DBHP, with Artillery Towing
55-13 12 Sep. 44.' Local Purchases Transportation Corps Attachments : Winch , 1-Drum, Front Mounted, Allis
Items of Supply. Chalmers Model HD10W .
55-14 24 Oct. 45. Processing, Packaging and Packing of 801-1 Jul. 45. Truck, 212 -Ton, 6 x 6, 4 - DT 145- or 164
Transportation Corps Equipment and Parts. in. Wheelbase .


MWO ENG 1128–1 4 Mar. 44. Roller, Road, Towed-Type, Smooth
1002-1 25 Oct. 44. Mixer, Asphalt, Diesel, Travel or Cen Drum , Littleford, Model US 45-130 ; To provide unit
tral Plant, Trailer -Mounted , 110 to 200 Tons Per with lifting devices for safe handling with crane or
Hour, Barber -Greene, Model 848, Heavy Duty.
1004-1 23 Sep. 44. Elevator, Aggregate, Bucket, Inclosed, 1130-1 2 May 45. Distributor, Bituminous, Trailere
Chain - Driven, Stationary ( Knock - Down Type) , 80 Mounted, 1250-gal, Etnyre, Model MX, Style RE.
to 150 Tons Per Hour, Barber -Greene, Model 834-78. 1130–2 Feb. 45. Distributor, Bituminous, Material, Trailer
1004-2 11 Nov. 44. Dryer, Aggregate, Dual-Drum , Travel Mounted, 1250-Gallon, Etnyre, Model MX - 14 and
or Central Plant Trailer -Mounted , 80 to 150 -tons per MX - D5, Style RE.
hour, Barber -Greene, Model 833. * 1140-1 16 Jun . 44. Roller, Road, Towed-Type, Wheeled ,
1006–1 12 Oct. 44. Loader, Aggregate , Bucket, Crawler Rubber-Tired, 13-Tires, Wm. Bros., Model 67-W.
Mounted, Gasoline- Engine- Driven, 3-Cu. Yd., Bar- * 1142 Nov. 43. Roller, Road, Gasoline, Tandem , 2-Axle,
berGreene, Models 82-AM, 82-AT, and 82 -AD . 5 to 8-Ton, Buffalo -Springfield, Model KT-16.
1008_1 Jan. 45. Finisher, Asphalt, Crawler-Mounted, 12 – ft., * 1154 Nov. 43. Kettle, Asphalt Repair, Trailer-Mounted,
Barber -Greene, Model 879 - A . with Motor Driven Hand Spray, 165 Gallon Ca
1008–2 Jul. 5. Finisher, Asphalt, Crawler -Mounted, 12 pacity, Gasoline Driven Pump, Littleford, Model
Foot, Gasoline- Engine -Driven, Barber-Greene, Model 84 - HD - 3.
879 - A . 1156-1 23 May 44. Kettle, Asphalt- Repair , Trailer
*1012 Nov. 43. Pump, Asphalt, Trailer -Mounted, with Mounted with Motor - Driven Hand - Spray 110 - gal.
Distributor Attachments, Littleford, Model US - 3C . Capacity, Littleford, Model US-66 ( Lifting Attach
1012–1 7 Sep. 44. Pump, Asphalt, Trailer -Mounted, with ments ) .
Distributor Attachments, Littleford, Model US-3C. * 1162–1 Apr, 44. Shovel, Crawler Mounted, Gasoline, 1/2
* 1014 Dec. 43. Heater, Asphalt, Trailer-Mounted , 3-Car, Cu. Yd., with attachments, Osgood, Model 200.
42 HP, Cleaver Brooks, Model DS-3 with Model Z 1162-2 Jan. 45. Crane, Revolving, Crawler -Mounted , Gaso
or ZZ Engine. line, 12 Cu. Yd., 5 to 6 Ton, Class II, with ( or With
1018-1 21 Aug. 44. Grader, Road, Motorized, Diesel, 12 out) attachments, Osgood, Model 200. To simplify
Foot Moldboard, Caterpillar, Model 12. lubrication procedures by the standardization of all
1018–2 1 Sep. 44. Grader, Road, Motorized, Diesel, 12-Foot grease fittings.
Moldboard , Caterpillar, Model 12. 1165-1 Dec. 44. Cranes, Revolving, Crawler-Mounted , Diesel,
* 1020–1 Aug. 44. Grader, Road, Motorized, Diesel, 12-Foot 1 % to 2 Cu. Yd., 30 to 40 - Ton, Class V, with ( or
Moldboard , Galion, Model 101 and 101D. without) Attachments, Northwest 78-D.
1020-2 23 Sep. 44. Grader, Road, Motorized, 12-Foot Mold
board, Galion, Models 101 and 101-D. 1167-1 Jan. 45. Crane, Truck -Mounted, Pneumatic Tired,
1032–1 28 Sep. 44. Ditching Machine, Ladder Type, Gasoline, 20-Ton, with or without) Attachments ,
Osgood, Model 705 - WM .
Crawler-Mounted, Gasoline, Digging Depth 8 Feet, 1168–1 Jan. 45. Crane, Revolving, Crawler-Mounted, Diesel
Width 18 to 24 Inches, Barber -Greene, Model 44C. or Gasoline, 34 Cu. Yd., 7 to 10- Ton, Class III, with
1032–2 Dec. 44. Ditching machine, Ladder Type, Crawler
Mounted , Gasoline, Digging Depth 8 ft., Width 18 to ( or without) Attachments, Koehring, Model 304.
24 inches. Barber -Greene, Model 44-C. 1169–1 Jan. 45. Crane, Truck Mounted, Pneumatic-Tired ,
*1034 Nov. 43. Mixer, Rotary Tiller, Soil Stabilization, Gasoline, 20-Ton, with ( or without) Attachments,
Gasoline Engine Driven, Self-Powered Mounted, Koehring, Model 304, to simplify lubrication proce
Seasman , Model MHD-72. dures by the standardization of all grease fittings.
* 1042 Dec. 43. Heater, Asphalt, Trailer-Mounted, 2- Car, 1176-1 Dec. 44. Crane, Revolving, Crawler-Mounted, Diesel,
28 HP, Cleaver Brooks, Model DS-2, with Model Z 212 Cu. Yd., 45 to 60-Ton , Class VI with ( or with
or ZZ Engine. out ) Attachments, Northwest, Model 80-D, to sim
* 1060 Nov. 43. Roller, Road , Towed Type, Sheepsfoot, 2 plify lubrication procedures by the standardization
and 3 Drums in line, Le Tourneau, Models W-2 and of all grease fittings.
W - 3. 1178-1 Dec. 44. Crane, Revolving, Crawler -Mounted, Diesel,
1060-1 Dec. 44. Roller, Road, Towed Type, Sheepsfoot, 2 13% to 2 Cu. Yd., 30 to 40 - Ton, Class V , with ( or
Drums, in Line, LeTourneau, Model W-2 ; 3 Drums, without ) Attachments, Thew, Model Loraine 82. To
in Line, Model W-3. simplify lubrication procedures by the standardiza
* 1086 Dec. 43. Plow, Tractor, with Standing cutter and tion of all grease fittings.
single plain share, Deere, Model II. 1179–1 Dec. 44. Crane, Revolving, Crawler-Mounted , Diesel,
* 1088 Nov. 43. Plow , Bottom, and Disc, Towed Type, 1 to 112 Cu . Yd. , 20 to 30 - Ton , Class IV with ( or
Flour 14-In . , Bottoms, Deere, Model 7. without ) Attachments, Marion, Model 342.
*1090 Dec. 43. Rooter, Road, Cable Operated, 3-Tooth , 1180-1 29 Apr. 44. Ditching, Machine, Wheel-Type, Crawl
LeTourneau , Models H3 and K - 30 . er -Mounted, Gasoline, Digging Depth 5-ft. 6-in.
1072–1 23 Aug. 44. Paver, Concrete, Crawler -Mounted, 34 Width 23-in., Cleveland, Model 110.
Cu . Ft., Foote, Model 34-E .
1180-2 Jul. 45. Ditching Machine , Wheel Type, Crawler
Jan. 45. Rooter, Road, Cable -Operated , 3 Tooth, Le Mounted , Gasoline - Engine - Driven , Digging Depth
Tourneau, Models H - 3 and K-30. To simplify lubri 5 Feet 6 inches, Width 23 inches, Cleveland Model
cation procedures by the standardization of all 110.
grease fittings.
1092-1 Grader, Road , Towed Type, Leaning -Wheel, Hand- 1184-1 Jan. 45. Roller, Road, Gasoline, Tandem , 3 Axle 9 to
Controlled, 10 to 12 Foot Moldboard, Adams, Models 14 ton, Buffalo -Springfield, Model KX- 16.
104, 124, and 124S. * 1190-1 Dec. 43. Scraper, Road, Towed- Type, Hydraulic
* 1100 Nov. 43. Roller, Road, Gasoline, 3-Wheel, 10-Ton , Operated, 14 Cu. Yd . , LePlant- Choate , Model CAB .
Galion, Model Chief. 1195-1 Dec. 44. Cranes, Revolving, Crawler- Mounted , Diesel
1126-1 4 Mar. 44. Mixer, Rotary Tiller, Soil Stabilization or Gasoline, 1 to 112 Cu. Yd . , 20 to 30 Ton , Class IV,
Power Take -Off, Trailer - Mounted, Seaman, Model with ( or without ) attachments, Koehring, Model 604 ,
ABT-48. Type B ( Formerly Listed as Shovel ).


1200-1 Dec. 44. Crane Revolving, Crawler- Mounted, Gaso 3020-2 Jul. 45. Tractor, Crawler Type, Gasoline- Engine.
line, 12 Cu. Yd. , 5 to 6 Ton, Class II , with ( or with Driven , 10- to 35 –DBHP, Hydraulic- Operated, with
Towing Winch , Clark Model CA - 1, Clarkair.
out) Attachments, Universal, Model 514. 3040-1 16 Sep. 44. Tractor, Crawler, Diesel, 110 to 140
1201-1 Dec. 44. Crane, Revolving , Crawler -Mounted , Diesel, DBHP, Standard, Caterpillar D8, 78-In. Gage.
194 to 2 Cu. Yd. , 30 to 40 Ton, Class V, with ( or 3052–1 Jul. 45. Tractor, Crawler, Type, Diesel Engine
without) Attachments , Harnischfeger, Models 855 Driven , 91- to 140 -DBHP, with Angledozer, Hy
and 855 - LC .
draulic Operated, Front Mounted Pump, Power Con
1202–1 22 Jun. 44. Scraper , Road, Motorized, Cable Op trol Unit, Cable Operated , Two - Drum , Rear Mounted,

erated, 12 - Cu . Yd., Le Tourneau, Model Super C Caterpillar D8.

Tournapull with Model LP Carryall. * 3068-1 Oct. 44. Tractor, Crawler Diesel, 70 to 90 - DBHP
1203–1 Dec. 44. Crane, Revolving, Crawler -Mounted , Diesel, Caterpillar D7 .
212 Cu. Yd. , 45 to 60 - Ton , Class VI, with ( or with 3068–3 Jun. 45. Tractor Crane, Crawler, Diesel, 61-90
out) Attachments, Harnischfeger, Models 955 and DBHP, with 30 -Foot Boom, Revolving , Top Mounted,
955-LC. 17,900 Pounds Capacity at 10-Foot Radius, Cater
1206-1 Jul. 45. Scraper, Road, Towed Type, Cable -Oper pillar D-7, Cardwell Model C.
ated, 342 cubic yard, Type I, Le Tourneau Model D. 3070–1 Jul. 45. Tractor , Crawler Type, Diesel-Engine
1206-2 Jul. 45. Scraper, Road, Towed - Type, Cable -Oper Driven, 61- to 90 - DBHP : With Angledozer, Cable
ated, 312 - Cubic Yard, Le Tourneau Model X or Operated ; Power Control Unit, Cable -Operating,
Model D. One-Drum , Front-Mounted ; Power Control Unit,
1208-1 Jul. 45. Scraper, Road, Towed - Type, Cable -Oper Cable-Operating, Two- Drum , Rear -Mounted ; Cater
ated , 6 -Cubic Yard, Le Tourneau Model M. pillar D7.
1210-101 Jun. 45. Scraper, Road, Towed Type, Cable 3100-1 26 Sep. 14. Tractor , Crawler , Diesel, Caterpillar
Operated, 8 -Cubic ard, LeTourneau Model LS. D6, 60 or 74-Inch Gauge.
1210-2 Jan. 45. Scraper, Road, Towed Type, Cable Oper 3110–1 21 Sep. 44. Tractor, Crawler, Diesel or Gasoline
ated , 8 Cu. Yd., Type III, Le Tourneau, Model LS. Engine- Driven , 35– to 40 - DBHP , Caterpillar, Model
D4 or R4.
1212-1 Jul. 45. Scraper, Road, Towed - Type, Cable -Oper
ated , 12 Cu. Yd., LeTourneau , Model LP. 3118-1 13 Sep. 44. Tractor, Crawler, Diesel or Gasoline
Engine Driven , Caterpillar, Model D4 or R4, with
* 1230 Dec. 43. Plow , Disc. Towed - Type, Five 28-in., Loader , Aggregate, Bucket , Tractor -Mounting,
Discs, Deere, Model 205. Front- End, Cable -Operated , Athey Model W - 4 or
1278–1 Mar. 45. Roller , Road, Towed Type, Smooth Drum, W-1.
5 - Ton Water Load, Littleford Bros. , Models C and 3220-1 Dec. 44. Tractor, Crawler, Diesel or Gasoline, 35
DBHP, Rigid , International T - 9, 60 - in . Gauge,
1280-1 6 Mar. 44. Dryer, Aggregate , Single, Drum, Semi with Trackson CT - 9 Crane ( 2 – Ton, 44 - Revolving,
Trailer -Mounted, Pneumatic Tires, 15 to 30 - Tons 12- to 18 - Ft. Telescopic Boom , 4,000 - Lb. Capacity
Per Hour, Barber -Greene, Model 831. at 8 - Ft. Radius ) .
1280-2 12 May 44. Asphalt and Soil Aggregate Mixing 3226–1 Jul. 45. Tractor, Crawler Type, Diesel- or Gaso
Plant, Gasoline Engine- Driven , 25-Ton, per hour, line Engine-driven , 36- to 45 - DBHP , International
4-unit, Barber -Greene ( Lifting Attachments ). TD - 9 or T - 9.
1312-1 Jan. 45. Crane, Revolving, Crawler -Mounted , Diesel 3272-1 Jan. 45. Tractor, Crawler, Diesel or Gasoline, 55 to
or Gasoline, 34 Cu. Yd., 7 to 10-Ton, Class III, with 65 DBHP, Standard, with ( or without) Attachments.
(or without) Attachments, Lima, Model Paymaster International Models T - 14 and TD - 14 , 74 - Inch
34 . Gauge.
1319-1 Jan. 45. Crane, Revolving, Crawler-Mounted, Diesel 3280-1 Jul. 45. Tractor, Crawler Type, Diesel - Engine
or Gasoline, with ( or without ) Attachments, Lima, Driven, 61- to 90-DBHP, International Harvester,
Models 802, 1001 , and 1201 . Model TD- 18.
1338-128 Aug. 44. Loader, Aggregate , Bucket, Tractor 3340-1 Jan. 45. Tractor, Crawler, Diesel, 20 to 30 - DBHP,
Mounting, Front- End, Cable -Operated, 1-Cubic Standard, With (or Without ) Attachments, Cater
Yard , Athey, Model W-4. pillar D2, 40 and 50-Inch Gauge.
L1999 Dec. 43. All Engineer Equipment, ( Lubrication 3346–1 Jul. 45. Tractor, Crawler Type, Diesel- Engine
Guide Holder ) . Driven , 61- to 90 -DBHP , Allis- Chalmers, Models
HD-10 and HD-10-W.
2002-1 14 Oct. 44. Well Drilling Machine, Percussion Type, Tractor, Crawler Type, Diesel - Engine
Skid-Mounted, Gasoline - Engine - Driven , Star, Model 3360-1 Jul. 45.
71. Driven , 91- to 140- DBHP, Allis- Chalmers, Model
2030-1 26 Aug. 44. Water Purification Unit, Gasoline 3378-1 Jul. 45. Tractor, Crawler Type, Diesel - Engine
Engine- Driven, Truck-Mounted, 75-GPM, Wallace Driven , 46– to 60 - DBHP, Allis- Chalmers, Model
& Tiernan, Model 1940. HD-7W.
* 2056-1 Aug. 44. Pump, Centrifugal , Gasoline Engine 3464-1 Tractor, Crawler Type, Gasoline- Engine- Driven , 20
Driven , Trailer- Mounted, 4-Inch Discharge, 500 to 30 - DBHP , Cleveland, Model AG.
GPM at 20 Foot Head, Carver , Model 4822. 5120-1 13 Sep. 44. Welder , Electric Arc, Gasoline- En
* 2059-1 13 Sep. 45. Distillation Unit, Diesel- Engine Driven , gine- Driven , 300 - AMP, Hobart, Models GR - 300
Skid -Mounted , Thermo-Compression Type, 6,000 P, MR - 300 - P , GR - 300 - S .
GPD , Meco Model S7D. 5420-1 Mar. 45. Engine , Gasoline, Continental, Model Y-69
2068-1 Jun . 45. Distillation Unit, Gasoline -Engine-Driven , Series, Engine Models Y-69, and PY-69.
Skid -Mounted , Therocompression Type, 1,2000 Gal 5421-1 Jan. 45. Engine , Gasoline, 15 to 20 HP, Continental,
lons Per Day, E. B. Badger and Sons Company. Models F162 and PF162 Series.
* 3014-1 28 Jul . 45. Tractor, Wheel Type, Rubber Tires, 5423–1 Jan. 45. Engine, Gasoline , Continental, Model F
Gasoline Engine- Driven, 10–35 DBHP, Case Model 226 and PF-226 Series—To reduce maintenance and
SI Airborne.
improve operating performance of engine,


Jan. 45. Crane, Revolving, Crawler-Mounted, Diesel,
5424-1 Jan. 45. Engine, Gasoline, Continental, Models 33 - R. 134 to 2 cu . yd. 30 to 40 Ton Class V, with ( or with
and PR - 501 Series. out) Attachments, Northwest, Model 71.
8004-1 24 Apr. 44. Boat, Storm, Plywood. 9422-1 Jan. 45. Crane, Revolving, Crawler-Mounted, Diesel,
8010–1 Apr. 45. Motor, Outboard, 50 - HP , Marine Evin 1 to 142 Cu. Yd., 20 to 30 Ton, Class IV , with ( or
without ) Attachments, Harnischfeger, Model 655 - A.
rude, Model 8008 . * 9490-1 Jan. 45. Crane, Truck -Mounted, Pneumatic - Tired ,
8020-1 23 Jun. 44. Boat, Utility, Power, 18 - ft, Pennyan, Gasoline, 2 Engine Drive, 8 to 12-ton, Class XI ,
Model AT. with or without Attachments, Harnischfeger, Model
* 9006 Nov. 43. Semi- Trailer, Special, Drop - Frame, 10 150– TC ; 14 to 18-ton, Class XII, Model 255 - A - TC .
Ton Pontoon, Semi- Trailer, Special, Drop Frame, 9491-1 Jan. 45. Crane, Revolving, Crawler -Mounted, Gaso
25 - Ton Pontoon . line or Diesel, 34 Cu. Yd ., 7 to 10 Ton, Class III,
with ( or without) Attachments, Harnischfeger ,
* 9008 Nov. 43. Dolly, 2 -Wheel, Semi- Trailer, Flat- Bed, Model 255-A.
10 and 25 - Ton Pontoon , 2 Dula Tires, Fruehauf,
DC - 2. 9494–1 Jul. 45. Crane, Crawler-Mounted Diesel , 114 Cu
* 9012–1 Aug. 45. Semi- Trailer, Special Drop Frame, 25 bic Yard, 20. to 30-Ton, Class IV, Manitowoc,
Model 2000B .
Ton Pontoon.
9618–1 Dec. 44. Crane, Revolving, Crawler -Mounted , Diesel,
*9017-1 4 Oct. 45. Dolly, 4 -Wheel Tandem , 4DT, M1 ( For 134 to 2 Cu. Yd., 30 to 40 Ton, Class V, with ( or
20-Ton Semitrailer, Low Bed, Front Loading ) . without) Attachments, Bucyrus Erie Model 44 - B .
9036-1 1 Sep. 44. Tank, Water, Steel, Semi-Trailer 9620-1 Jan. 45. Crane, Revolving, Crawler-Mounted, Diesel,
Mounted, 1,500 -Gallon, Columbian Steel Tank Co. 212 Cu. Yd. , 45 to 60 Ton, Class VI, with ( or with
9040-1 Feb. 45. Trailer, Pull, Low - Bed, 16 - Ton , LaCross, out) Attachments, Bucyrus- Erie, Model 54 - B .
Models DF6-16A, DF6–16B , DF6-16C. 9631-1 Dec. 44. Crane, Revolving, Crawler-Mounted , Gaso
* 9050–1 4 Oct. 45. Semitrailer, Low Bed , Front Loading, line or Diesel, 12 Cu. Yd., 5 to 6 Ton, Class II, with
20 - Ton , ( or without) Attachments, Harnischfeger, Model
150 .
*9060 Nov. 43. Crane, Tractor Operated, Non-Revolving,
40,000 lb. Capacity at 10-Ft. Radius, 20-Ft. Boom, 9706-1 Dec. 44. Crane, Revolving, Crawler -Mounted, Diesel,
Le Tourneau Model M - 20 . 134 to 2 Cu. Yd., 30 to 40 Ton, Class V, with ( or
Jan. 45. Crane, Tractor -Operated, Nonrevolving, without) Attachments, Link-Belt, Model K 370.
40,000 Lb. Capacity at 10 - ft. Radius, 20-ft. Boom, 9706–2 Jul. 45. Crane, Revolving, Crawler- Mounted, 1 to
Le Tourneau , Model M -20. 112 Cubic Yards, 20- to 30- Ton , Class IV , With ( Or

Without) Attachments, Link- Belt, Model K-360.

* 9078Nov. 43. Sweeper, Rotary Broom , 3-Wheel , Trailer 9795-1 Jan. 45. Tank, Steel , Gasoline and Oil, 2 Compart
Mounted, Gasoline, Two-Way Sweeping, 30-in. x ment, Skid -Mounted, 750 Gal . Willborni.
8-Ft. Brush, Grace, Model MB - 100 .
9853-1 15 Nov. 44. Crane, Rubber - Tire-Mounted, Gasoline,
*9012 Nov. 43. Trailer, Tilting -Type, 4-Ton, for Light 20-ton , Thew Lorain , Model MC-6 x.6.
Tractor, Commercial Shearing & Stamping.
9110-1 Apr. 45 . Generator and Charging Plant, Oxygen MEDICAL
and Nitrogen Gas, Semitrailer Mounted, Van Type MWO
with Dolly, 500 °CFH ,
* 9113-1 4. Aug. 45. Generating Plant , Hydrogen-Carbon MED 2 28 Oct. 44. X-Ray Field Unit, Fluoroscopic, For
eign Body Localization, Complete.
Dioxide, Methanol-Water, Low- Pressure,
Dec. 44. Engine, Gasoline, Wisconsin, Model AK.
* 9113-2 oxide,Methanol WaterHydrogen Di MED 4 Jan. 45.Cart, Food, Drinkwater.
rype,en.Gav and
Mounted, Pneumatic Tires, 4,000 Cubic Feet per MED 5 Mar. 45. Anesthesia Apparatus and Anesthesia
Hour Hydrogen , 156 Pounds per Hour Carbon Di Apparatus, Portable.
oxide. MED 6 3 Aug. 45. Ophthalmoscope, Electric ; Otoscope
and Ophthalmoscope, Combined, Eleetric ; Case, Di.
9145-1 Jul. 45. Crane, Revolving, Crawler -Mounted, 3 to agnostic Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat, Complete.
4 cu. yd., 65 to 75-ton, Class VII, Marion, Model * MED 7 12 Dec. 45. Leg Bath and Arm Bath.
40 - A .
9147-1 Jan. 45. Crane, Revolving, Crawler-Mounted, Die ORDNANCE
sel, 134 to 2 Cu. Yd. , 30 to 40-Ton , Class V, with MWOORD
(or without ) Attachments, Marion, Model 372.
9162-1 25 May 44. Pump, Centrifugal , For Gasoline, Gas A29 - W12 23 Mar. 45. Mount , Combination gun , M54.
oline- Engine - Driven , Base -Mounted, 3-in.
3 Dis Mount, Combination gun, M54C : To replace Sight
ing System M5 with Computing Sight M14.
charge, 3 - In ., Suction, McGregor and Reed, with
GMC Model 270 Engine ( Better Cooling ) . A33 -W2 21 Dec. 44. Mount, mortar, 81 -mm, M1. To im
prove operating characteristics of the traversing
9230-1 Jan. 45. Crane, Nonrevolving, Pneumatic- Tired , mechanism by substituting a new traversing mech
Wheel-Mounted , Tractor Operated, 20,000 lb. at 10 anism assembly which will thus convert the Mount,
ft. Radius, 30 ft. Boom , Le Tourneau, Model AD - 3 ; Mortar, 81 -mm, M1, to the Mount, Mortar, 81-mm ,
40 ft . Boom , Model AD - 4 . M4 . C 1 .
9234-1 Dec. 44. Sawmill, Portable, Gasoline, 4 x 7 ft., 60 -in ., A37 -W18 3 Aug. 44. Gun , machine, Cal. .50, Browning,
Diameter Saw , Corinth , Model IC. M2, watercooled, flexible ; To strengthen the re
Jun , 45. Shop Equipment, Motorized, Small Tool tracting slide handle bolt and the retracting slide
Repair. lever stud. C 2.
9382-1 Jan. 45. Crane, Nonrevolving, Pneumatic-Tired A38-W8 23 Mar. 44. Gun, machine, cal. .50, Browning, M2,
Wheel-Mounted , Tractor -Operated, 20,000 lb. at 10 aircraft basic ; To strengthen the retracting slide
ft. Radius, 20 ft. Boom , Le Tourneau, AD - 2. handle bolt and the retracting slide lever. C 1 , 3.


MWO ORD A55-W8 21 Jun. 44. Mount, combination gun , M44 (used
A38-W9 4 Oct. 44. Gun, Machine, Cal. .50, Browning, AN on Light Tanks M3A3 and M5A1 ) : To provide an
M2, aircraft, basic ; To modify the belt holding instrument light to illuminate the reticle of the Tele
pawl brackets on all of the subject guns in order scope M70D .
that the present standard belt holding pawl and A55 -W9 29 Jun. 44. Mount , combination gun, M44, used on
springs (two ) may be used . These components Light Tanks M3A3 and M5A1 : To provide a new
were incorporated in manufacture some time ago to telescope, M70D which will reposition telescope in
improve feeding ; however, the guns in the field have the same position each time it is inserted .
never been modified. Consequently when springs and A55 -W11 20 Dec. 44. Mount, pedestal, machine gun, cal.
pawls are received, they cannot be used until gun .50 M39, M43, Mount, pedestal, Machine gun , Twin,
has been modified by drilling the extra hole in the Cal. .50, M46 and M65 : To increase the safety to
bracket. This modification eliminates the necessity personnel operating the Mounts by covering the ver
of stocking both the old and new-type components. tical ribs. To provide better vision for gunner by
C 1. removal of top portion of shield for M39 and M43
A38-W10 9 Jun. 45. Gun, machine, Cal. .50, Browning, Mounts.
AN-M2, aircraft basic : To modify old-design right- A55-W13 18 May 45. Mount, machine gun, cal. .30, D76459
hand belt holding pawl brackets by cutting off rear ( bow mount for M24 Light Tank) : To improve func
extension , in order that Army Air Forces feed tioning of the machine gun by adding a bronze lip
chutes may be attached. A redesigned bracket was to the mount swivel feedway. This changes the
incorporated in production guns in August 1942. angle at which the ammunition is fed to the gun,
A38-W11 16 Jul. 45. Gun, Machine, Cal. .50, Browning and allows proper feeding through correct func
AN-M2, Aircraft, basic ; to positively eliminate tioning of the belt holding pawl and extractor.
accelerator jams in the breach lock recess of the A58-W2 23 Jan. 45. Gun, submachine, cal. .45 , M3 ; The
shield for the magazine catch provided for by this
*A38-W12 22 Aug. 45. Gun , machine, Cal. .50, Browning, modification prevents the accidental or unintentional
M2, aircraft, basic : To install split belt holding depression of the magazine catch in parachuting, or
pawl assembly in all aircraft machine guns, thereby similar rough handling and consequent loss of the
improving the feeding and, in certain installations, magazine.
increasing the belt lifting capacity. A59-Wi 3 Aug. 43. - Gun, machine, cal, .50, Browning, M2,
A39-W12 3 Aug. 44. Gun, machine, cal. .50, Browning, heavy barrel, turret type : To strengthen the re
M2, heavy barrel , fixed and flexible ; To strengthen tracting slide handle bolt and the retracting slide
the retracting slide handle bolt and the retracting lever stud. C 2.
slide lever stud. C 2. A61-W1 7 Jun. 45. Mount, machine gun, multiple, cal.
* A43-W3. 2 Aug. 45. Mount, mortar, 60-mm, M2 : To .50, M45, on Carriage, multiple gun, motor, M16 :
improve operating characteristics of the traversing To provide a more suitable means of carrying can
mechanism by substituting a new traversing me noneers by adding to platform to rear of mount.
chanism assembly which will thus convert the 60 B21 -W2 4 Feb. 44. Rifle, U. S. cal. .30, M1: To prevent the
mm mortar mount M2, to the 60-mm mortar mount loss of rear sight nut. C 1 .
5 , the mount M2 can be identified by the open
traversing screw, whereas the mount M5 shows a
B28 -W3 11 Sep. 44. Carbine, cal., .30, M1 , M1A1 , M1A3 ;
To replace leaf type rear sight with a sight that is
closed tube between the arms of the yoke. adjustable for both windage and elevation. C 1 .
A50-W3 18 Feb. 44. Gun, automatic , 40 -mm , M1 : To
B28-W4 16 May 45. Carbine, Cal . .30 M1 , M1A1 : To
stencil top cover with the words “ CAUTION : LOCK
COVER BEFORE FIRING ." provide for increased holding power of the maga
zine catch .
A50-W12 28 Jan. 44. Gun, automatic, 40-mm , M1: To
B28-W5 7 Jul . 45. Carbine, Cal. .30 , M1 , M1A1 to pro
lessen damage to matériel and injury to personnel. vide means for attaching bayonet-knife.
A50-W13 31 Aug. 43. Carriage; gun, 40 -mm , M1 and M2 C20 -W18 26 Jan. 44. Carriage, pack howitzer, 75 -mm , M1 :
( A.A. ) : Carriage, twin gun , 20-mm, M4 : To pro To provide means for draft.
vide for proper lubrication of shackle bushings and
crossheads. C20 - W22. 22 Aug. 44. Carriage, howitzer, (pack ) , 75 -mm ,
M1 ; Carriage, Howitzer, 75 -mm , M8 : To provide a
A50-W14 30 Aug. 43. Carriage, gun , 40-mm, M1 and M2 locking arrangement for the trail hinge pin locking
( A.A. ) : To prevent front and rear cover locks from mechanism. C 1 .
becoming accidentally disengaged from compensat
C20-W23 24 Aug. 44. Carriage, howitzer, ( pack ) , 75 -mm ,
ing spring arcs when gun is in firing position. C 1 . M1 and M8 : To provide a positive means of locking
A50 -W15 6 Sep. 43. Carriage, gun , 40 -mm , M1 and M2 stop A5716 in place.
( A.A. ) : To prevent link B198564 from becoming C20 -W24 22 Aug. 44. Carriage, Howitzer, 75 -mm , M8 ; To
disengaged from lever A228864 when emergency
hand brakes are applied. revise name plates on every Carriage, howitzer
A50-W18 3 Apr. 44. Gun , automatic, 40 -mm , M1, Carriage, ( pack ) , 75-mm, which has been modified to M8.
gun 40 -mm , M2 and M2A1 ( A.A. ) , Mount, gun 40 C20-W26 25 Aug. 44. Howitzer, pack, 75 –mm , M1A1 ;
mm , M5 ( airborne ) : To remove sighting system Carriage, Howitzer, 75-mm, M8 : To replace the orig
inal luneite and cable with a draw - bar and hold
M3 and install computing sight M7A1. C 1 . down cable of the latest approved design.
A50 - W19 10 Apr. 44 . Carriage, gun, 40-mm, M1 , Carriage,
gun , 40-mm , M2 ( A.A. ) : To increase the hand tra * C20-W27 28 Sep. 45. Carriage, howitzer ( pack ) , 75 -mm ,
versing rate of the 40 - mm carriage from 5.3 degrees M8 : To provide new supports for the securing of
per turn of the hand crank, to 17.1 degrees per turn cleaning staffs to rear trail in such a position as to
of the hand crank. prevent interference between cleaning staffs and
A50 -W20 30 May 44. Carriage, gun, 40-mm , M1 , M2 and drawbar assembly.
M2A1, ( A.A. ) : To permit 360-degrees traverse when C21-W9 4 Mar. 44. Carriage, Howitzer, 105 -mm , M2 : Re.
carriage is in traveling position. moval of electric brakes on all carriages.


MWO ORD C58 - W3 15 Feb. 45. Mount, gun , 76-mm , M1 ( used on the
C21-W10 10 Aug. 43. Mechanism , Recoil, 105 -mm , How 76-mm Gun Motor Carriage M18 ) : To prevent the
itzer, M2 ( Carriage M2 or M2A1 ) : To provide recoil possibility of pinching the gunner's shoulder when
mechanism with a respirator. Model designation of the gun returns to battery.
the mechanism is changed to M2A1 status by this C58 -W4 23 Feb. 45. Gun, 76-mm, M1A1 and M1A2
modification . C 1 .
Mount, gun, 76-mm, Mi ( used on the 76-mm Gun
C21 -W13 30 May 44. Carriage, howitzer, 105 -mm , M2, M2 Motor Carriage M18 ) : To provide a muzzle brake
A1 , and M2A2 ; which deflects the muzzle blast and prevents dust
Section A : To increase the extent of the contacting clouds from obscuring the gunner's vision. C 1 , 2.
surface of the pawl from three- eighths inch to five C58-W5 24 Feb. 45. Mount, gun, 76-mm M1 ( used on the
eighths inch and provide a more positive method of 76-mm Gun Motor Carriage M18 ) : To provide a
holding firing shaft bracket bushing of firing mech means of lubricating gun trunnion bearings (bush
anism in place. ings ) .
Section B : To provide retaining pins to secure the
drawbar bushings. C64-W1 25 Jul. 45. Mount, combination Gun , M62 ( 180 ) ,
* C21-W16 3 Aug. 45. Carriage, howitzer 105-mm M2A2 : and Gun, 76-mm, M1A2 ( used on the medium tank
To provide bushings in the equalizing support to M4 series ( 76-mm ) and medium tank ( T23 ) to
eliminate the elongation of the trail hinge pin provide a muzzle brake which deflects the muzzle
holes . blast and prevents dust clouds from obscuring the
C26-W5 27 May 44. Carriage, howitzer, 75 -mm , M3A2 and gunner's vision. C 1 .
M3A3 ; To'provide 75 -mm howitzer carriages M3A2 C64-W2 2 Jan. 45. Mount, Combination Gun , M62, Used
and M3A3 with lunette at end of right trail to fit on the Medium Tank M4.Series ( 76-mm ) and Me
new pintle assembly on Light Limber M4. dium Tank T23 : To reinforce present elevating
C26 - W7 24 Aug. 44. Carriage, Howitzer, 75 –mm , M3A3 : To mechanism mounting, thereby eliminating excessive
provide a positive means of locking stop A5716 in backlash.
place. C67-W1 21 Oct. 44. Launcher, rocket, 4.5-in., T27, Launch
C29-W2 27 May 44. Limber, light, M2 : To provide light er, rocket, 4.5 -in ., T27E1, Launcher, rocket, 4.5- in.,
limber M2 with new pintle assembly, changing des T34 & T34E1 , Launcher, rocket 4.5- in., M10, Launch
ignation to light limber M4. er, rocket, 4.5-in., M14, Launcher, rocket, 4.5-in., M15
C29-W3 27 May 44. Caisson, light, M1 : To provide light ( 157 ) : To improve operating characteristics of the
Caissons M1 with lunette at front end of middle rail
launcher release assembly by substituting new re
to fit new pintle assembly on Light Limber M4, lease latches and arms. C 1 .
changing designation to Caisson , Light, M2. D24 - W10 19 Jun. 44. Carriage, Gun, 155 -mm , M1 : To
C39-W9 29 Aug. 44. Howitzer, 155 -mm , M1 ; To improve provide additional Grease Fittings to the top Car
functioning of the loading tray for 155-mm, How riage to insure adequate lubrication for the Bear
itzer by substituting a thicker loading tray stop,
which raises slide surface of the loading tray and ing Strip and Roller Bearing between the Top and
eliminates the possibility of damaging the gas check Bottom Carriage.
seat with the rammer . D24 - W16 26 Apr. 44. Carriage, gun, 155 -mm , M1 : Το
C39-W10 1 Sep. 44. Carriage, Howitzer 155 -mm , M1A1 ; provide interchangeability of equilibrators.
Howitzer, 155-mm, M1 ; To provide trail airlines D24-W17 20 May 44. Carriage, gun, 155–mm, M1 : To
with locking -type dummy air brake hose couplings. modify pneumatic equilibrators in conformance
To gain additional clearance for inserting Firing with latest design at time of overhaul .
Mechanism M1 by positioning the percussion ham
mer, when lowered , to rest parallel to axis of tube. D24-W18 7 Jun. 44. Carriage, gun, 155-mm, M1 ; Limber
C39-W11 6 Nov. 44. Mechanism, recoil, 155 -mm , howitzer, Carriage, Heavy, M2 :
M6. It has been determined that mechanisms manu Section A : -To provide new locking type couplings
factured in the serial number ranges indicated in for Air Brake Lines on above Carriage and Lim
paragraph 7, “ Special instructions,” were assembled ber M2.
with defective recoil stuffing boxes . Field experience Section B : -To provide 6 Strap Loops for anchoring
has shown excessive leakage usually occurs early in the overall Cover B102 to the Bottom Carriage.
the life of the above-mentioned mechanisms and has D24-W19 19 Jun. 44. Gun, 155-mm, M1 and M1A1, Car
further shown that the average maximum life is riage, gun, 155 -mm , M1 :
approximately 2,000 rounds. The replacement Section A : -To provide Caution Plates on the
glands are designed to back up the silver rings so Breech Ring Lug and the recoil mechanism Cradle
that shearing of these rings as experienced hereto to warn against removal of the Piston Rod Nuts
fore will be eliminated . Tests of this modified type before the Cradle Lock is engaged.
of stuffing box have shown no leakage at 8,500 full Section B :-To provide handles for the Front
service rounds. For mechanisms in which excessive
Spades and Traveling Lock Frame.
leakage has already been experienced, the applica Section C :-To provide a Drain Plug for the
tion of this modification will in most cases correct Traversing Gear Housing.
the leakage by the replacement of defective silver Section D-To gain additional clearance for insert
rings and packings. ing Firing Mechanism M1 , by positioning the
C46 -W1 24 May 44. Gun, 76 -mm , M1A1 and M1A2 ; To Percussion Hammer, when lowered, to rest par
eliminate possibility of incorrect assembly of breech allel to Axis of Tube.
block crossheads by substituting cylindrical shaped
crossheads in place of diamond-shaped crossheads. D24 -W21 23 Sep. 44. Gun, 155-mm , M1 , M1A1 , and M2

C51 -W2 6 Jun. 44. Mount, howitzer, 75-mm, M7 (used on and Carriage, gun , 155 - nım : To provide the
Howitzer Motor Carriage M8 ) : To provide an in gun and gun carriage with eye brackets which
strument light to illuminate the reticle of the will permit the use of a new gun retracting hoist.
Telescope M70C. C 1, 2 .

MWO ORD D29-W14 19 Jun . 44. Howitzer, 8-inch, Mi, Carriage,
D24-W23 8 Jun . 45. Limber, carriage , heavy, M5 : howitzer, 8 - inch , M1 .
a . To reduce the tendency of the lunette to rotate Section A -- To provide caution plates on the breech
and to facilitate interchangeability of lunettes. ring lug and the recoil mechanism cradle to warn
b. To protect the air brake hose from damage while against removal of the piston rod nuts before the
traveling. cradle lock is engaged.
c. To provide fitting for proper lubrication of Section B–To provide handles for front spades.
lunette. Section C—To provide a drainplug for the traversing
D28-W3 29 May 44. Mount, gun , antiaircraft, 90-mm, M1 gear housing.
and M1A1 : To install auxiliary sighting equip Section D- To gain additional clearance for insert
ment for use against mechanized forces and other ing Firing Mechanism M1 by positioning the percus
ground targets. sion hammer, when lowered to rest parallel to axis
of tube.
D28-W6 2 Sep. 43. Mount, gun, AA., 90-mm, M1 and
M1A1 : To provide a safety measure to protect the D29-W17 8 Jun. 45. Limber, carriage, heavy, M5 :
using personnel , in case of a chain breakage, by a. To reduce the tendency of the lunette to rotate
preventing equilibrator head from being knocked and to facilitate interchangeability of lunettes.
off. C 1 . b. To protect the air brake hose from damage while
D28-W9 21 Aug. 43. Mount, gun, antiaircraft, 90 -mm , c. To provide fitting for proper lubrication of
M1 and M1A1 : Removal of fender assemblies to lunette .
prevent damage to tires . Improved covers are pro- D31-W27 25 May 44. Wagon , transport, cannon, M2 and
vided for protection during traveling. M2A1 ; Wagon, transport, carriage, M3 and M3A1 ;
D28-W10 21 Aug. 43. Mount, gun, antiaircraft, 90 - mm , To replace the non- locking couplings with couplings
M1 and M1A1 : To install recoil data plate on recoil of the self-locking type.
valve control bar. D31 -W28 19 Jun. 44. Carriage, howitzer, 240-mm, M1 ; To
D28-W11 24 Feb. 44. Mount, gun, antiaircraft, 90 -mm , add an additional support bracket in Telescope case
M1 and M1A1 : To equip mounts with breech light. for the sight extension and to increase the height of
D28 -W14 16 Oct. 44. Mount, gun, Antiaircraft, 90-mm ; To the Jack Arms.
place the firing lever in such a position as to D31-W29 6 Nov. 44. Mechanism, recoil, 240 -mm , howitzer,
eliminate accidental firing of the gun , and to provide M8.
new firing lever. C 1 . a. It has been determined that mechanisms manu
D28 - W15 16 Oct. 44. Gun, 90-mm, M1 ; To provide a factured in the serial number range indicated in
stronger detent and a more secure lock for retaining paragraph 7, “Special instructions,” were as
the operating shaft. sembled with defective stuffing boxes and regula
tor valves . Field experience has shown that ap
D28 --W17 1 Feb. 44. Mount, gun, antiaircraft, 90-mm, M1 proximately 50 percent of the mechanisms within
and M1A1 : To provide a hand hold for gunner . the serial number range indicated have experi
D28-W20 16 Oct. 44. Mount, gun, antiaircraft, 90-mm, M1 enced badly stuck regulator valves. This mal
and M1A1 : To protect equilibrator cylinder against function causes an unserviceable counterrecoil
damage from being hit by bogies. mechanism . The malfunction usually occurs at
D28 -W21 26 Apr. 44. Gun, 90 mm , M1 , and Mount, gun , less than 800 rounds but may occur at any time
antiaircraft, 90-mm, M1 and M1A1 : To improve the on unmodified mechanisms in the above-men
functioning of the gun when it is used against tioned serial number range .
mechanized and other ground targets by replacing b. Field experience has also shown excessive leakage
Telescope Mount M29, with M54. C 1 , 2. at the stuffing boxes usually occurs early in the
life of the above -mentioned mechanisms. The
D28- W22 26 Apr. 44. Mount, gun, antiaircraft, 90-mm,
M1A1 ; To provide a more adequate foot rest to placement glands are designed to back up the
silver rings so that shearing of these rings as ex
protect the feet of the elevation operator . C 1 . perienced heretofore will be eliminated. For
* D28-24 3 Aug. 45. Mount, gun, antiaircraft, 90-mm , mechanisms in which excessive leakage has al
M1A1: To install auxiliary sighting equipment on ready been experienced, the application of this
those gun mounts which are assigned a primary modification will in most cases correct the leakage
AMTB mission. by the replacement of the defective silver rings
D29-W6 19 Jun. 44. Carriage, howitzer, 8-in., M1: To pro and packings.
vide additional grease fittings to the top carriage to D31-W30 15 Mar. 45 . Wagon , carriage transport , M3A1
insure adequate lubrication for the Bearing Strip ( used with 240-mm howitzer ) :
and Roller Bearing between the Top and Bottom Car a. To increase lift of wagon (built-in ) jack one
riage. foot.
D29-W11 26 Apr. 44. Carriage, howitzer, 8-in . , M1 : To b. To increase flotation of jack base, using float
provide interchangeability of equilibrators. D47737 in place of base C97644.
D29-W12 20 May 44 , Carriage, howitzer, 8-inch , M1 : To
c. To provide shelf for stowage of longer cable and
equalizer when in traveling position.
modify Pneumatic Equilibrators in Conformance D31-W31 ' 8 Jun . 45. Wagon, cannon transport, M2A1 ( 240
with latest design at time of overhaul.
mm howitzer) ; Wagon , carriage transport, M3A1
D29-W13 7 Jun . 44. Carriage, howitzer, 8-in., M1 : Limber, ( 240-mm howitzer ) :
Carriage heavy , M2 : a..To reduce the tendency of the lunette to rotate
Section A– To provide new locking- type couplings and to facilitate interchangeability of lunettes.
for Air Brake lines on above Carriages'and Limber b. To protect the air brake hose from damage while
M2. traveling.
Section B - To provide 6 strap loops for anchoring c. To provide fitting for proper lubrication of
the over - all cover M101 to the bottom carriage. lunette.


D33-W31 8 Jun. 45. Wagon, cannon transport, M1A1 (8
D32-W1 26 Apr. 44. Gun, 120 -mm , M1, and Mount, gun inch gun ) ; Wagon, carriage, transport, M3A1 ( 8
antiaircraft 120 -mm , M1 ; inch gun ) :
a. To prevent further use of the indicator rod, since a. To reduce the tendency of the lunette to rotate
it gives false readings. and to facilitate interchangeability of lunettes.
b. To prevent the stop dog from slipping out of en b. To protect the air brake hose from damage while
gagement with the cam , traveling.
c. To provide fitting for proper lubrication of
D32-W2 4 May 44. Gun, 120 -mm , M1, Mount, gun , antiair lunette.
craft, 120 -mm , M1 ;
Section I. To prevent gun rails from being damaged
D37-Wi 2 May 44. Mount, gun , 90-mm, M3 : To improve
by breech clamps.
Section II. To install plates giving directions on the * D37 -W2 21 Aug. 45. Mount, gun , 90-mm, M3 : To install
auxiliary sighting equipment for use in AMTB
setting of the recoil throttling valve. firing.
Section III. To install outrigger warning plates. * D38 - W11 31 Jul. 45. Mechanism, recoil, M17 ( On Mount,
Section IV. To add an " S " hook to the breech operat
ing spline shaft detent to facilitate removal of the gun, antiaircraft, 90-mm, M2) : To provide grease
spline shaft. fittings for lubrication of recoil can follower pin
and valve operating arm pin.
Section V. To add a loading tray to the breech ring
to facilitate the loading of the projectile. * E10 -W5 14 Sep. 44. Carriage, barbette, 16-in., M1919 (em
Section VI. To install a break-away chain guide to placed in casemate ) ; To prevent overturning of
insure application to the brakes in case the draw truck by installing a stop for holding the projectile
bar falls clear while moving on a down grade. in place when truck is brought to an abrupt stop.
E10 - W6 13 Jun. 45. Carriage, barbette, 6 - inch , M1919,
D32 -W3 21 Nov. 44. Gun, 120-mm, M1 ; Mount, gun, A.A., Serial Nos. 1 , 2, and 6 only : To provide rammer
120 -mm , M1 ; To add interlocks and safety stops to with automatic unstroking in both directions and
120 -mm matériel. thereby prevent damage to rammer and facilitate
D33-W27 20 Jun . 44. Wagon, cannon transport M1A1 , operation .
Wagon, carriage transport M3A1 ; To replace the E19 -W33 26 Jan. 44. Carriage, barbette, 12-in., M1917 also
non -locking couplings with couplings of the self Gun, 12-in., M1895A2 and M1895M1A2: To equip
locking type, gun and carriage with gas ejection system .
* E19–36 ' 17 Jul. 45. Carriage, barbette, 12-in., M1917,
D33-W28 19 Jun. 44. Carriage, gun , 8-in., M2 ; To add an serial Nos. 1 through 5, 8 through 15, 17, 19
additional Support Bracket in Telescope case for the through 29 , and 32 only : To provide rammer with
Sight Extension and to increase the height of the automatic unstroking in both directions and thereby
Jack Arms.
prevent damage to rammer and facilitate operation.
D33 -W29 6 Nov. 44. Mechanism , recoil, 8 - in ., Gun, M7. E20 -W67 14 Sep. 44. Carriage, barbette, 16 - in ., M1919M1 ,
a. It has been determined that mechanisms manu M2, M3 ( emplaced in casemate) : To prevent over
factured in the serial number range indicated in turning of truck by installing a stop for holding the
paragraph 7, “ Special instructions,” were as projectile in place when truck is brought to an ab
sembled with defective stuffing boxes and regula rupt stop.
' tor valves, Field experience has shown that ap- E20-W68 13 Jun. 45. Carriage, barbette, 6 -inch, M2,
proximately 50 percent of the mechanisms within Serial Nos. 10 and 14 only ; Carriage, barbette, 16
the serial number range indicated have experi inch, M3, Serial Nos. 17 and 18 only : To provide
enced badly stuck regulator valves. This mal . rammer with automatic unstroking in both direc
function causes an unserviceable counterrecoil tions and thereby prevent damage to rammer and
mechanism . The malfunction usually occurs at facilitate operation.
less than 800 rounds, but may occur at any time E54-W1 4 Jul. 44. Carriage, barbette, 6 -inch , M1 and M2 :
on unmodified mechanisms in the above -mentioned To reinforce the loading carriage stops.
serial number range, E54 -W2 25 May 45. Carriage, barbette , 6-inch , M1 and
b. Field experience has also shown that excessive M2 : To provide means for attaching chain falls to
leakage at the stuffing boxes usually occurs early the inside of the shield for use in assembling and
in the life of the above -mentioned mechanisms. disassembling the elevating and traversing mech
The replacement glands are designed to back up anisms.
the silver rings so that shearing of these rings E54-W3 26 Sep. 1944. Carriage, barbette , 6-in ., M1 and
as experienced heretofore will be eliminated. For M2 : To provide covers for cored holes in outer web
mechanisms in which excessive leakage has al of racer, to prevent rain water from collecting in
ready been experienced, the application of this the racer cavities and running down onto the base
modification will in most cases correct the leakage ring roller path .
by the replacement of the defective silver rings
and packings . E54-W6 18 May 45. Carriage, barbette, 6-inch , M1 and
M2 : To equip carriages with labyrinth type inner
D33 -W30 15 Mar. 45. Wagon, carriage transport, M3A1 and outer dust guards in place of the friction
used with 8-inch gun ) : type.
a. To increase lift of wagon ( built- in ) jack one foot. * E58-W1 11 May 44. Carriage, barbette, 16 -in ., M4 and
b. To increase flotation of jack base, using float M5 : To facilitate firing by providing both the
D47737 in place of base C97644 . transformer and magneto method of firing.
c . To provide shelf for stowage of longer cable and E58-W2 14 Sep. 44. Carriage, barbette , 16-in. , M4 and M5
equalizer when in traveling position . ( emplaced in casemate ) : To prevent overturning of
truck by installing a stop for holding the projectile
1Will not be reprinted when present depot stocks are exhausted. in place when truck is brought to an abrupt stop.


F197-W2 29 May 45. Mount , telescope, M21 and M21A1 :
E58-W4 6 Jan. 45. Carriage, barbette, 16- inch, M4 and To raise the telescope mount on the 105-mm how
M5: To provide additional clearance on traversing itzer motor carriage so that 6-inch and 12 - inch
handwheel. panoramic telescope extension will no longer be re
E58-W6 13 Jun. 45. Carriage, barbette, 16-inch, M4, ex quired. C 1 .
cept carriage No. 22 ; Carriage, barbette, 16-inch, F197-W3 22 Nov. 44. Section 1. Telescope, elbow, M16,
M5 : To provide rammer with automatic unstroking Mount , telescope, M23 ; On 105 -mm howitzer, M2 and
in both directions and thereby prevent damage to M2A1 on Carriages M2A1 and M2A2 . Section II.
rammer and facilitate operation. Telescope elbow , M16 ; Mount, telescope, M42 ; On
* E58-W7 28 Aug. 45. Carriage, barbette, 16-in ., M4 and 105-mm howitzers M2A1 and Motor Carriages M7
M5 , Nos. 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 , 33, and M7B1. Section III. Telescope, elbow, M29 ;
37, 38, 40, 44 , and 45 : To equip carriage with new Mount, telescope M23 ; On 3-inch gun, M5 ; On car
20-horse-power traversing assembly and follow -up riages M1 , M1A1 , and M6 :
control .
a. To provide reticle illumination.
E59-W1 4 Jul. 44. Carriage, barbette, 6 --inch , M3 and M4 ; b. To provide support for instrument light.
To reinforce the loading carriage stops. c. To change the designation of the elbow telescopes
E59-W2 25 May 45. Carriage , barbette , 6-inch, M3 and as follows :
M4 : To provide means for attaching chain falls to Sec. I : M16 to M16A1D .
the inside of the shield for use in assembling and Sec, II : M16 to M16A1C .
diassembling the elevating and traversing mecha Sec. III : M29 to M29A1 .
nisms . F207-W2 29 May 45. System, remote control , M6 : To
E59-W3 26 Sep. 44. Carriage, barbette, 6- inch, M3 and convert the Indicator- Regulator M3 to the Indicator
M4 : To provide covers for cored holes in outer web Regulator M1 .
of racer to prevent rain water from collecting in the F208-W1 27 Mar. 43. System , Remote Control, M5 : To
racer cavities and running down onto the base ring prevent water or moisture from entering the con
roller path . tact ring assembly, which causes it to short.
E59-W6 18 May 45. Carriage, barbette, 6-inch, M3 and F208-W3 14 Apr. 44. · System, Remote Control, M5 : To
M4 : To equip carriages with labyrinth type inner replace oil gears M1 with oil gears M3 which
and outer dust guards in place of the friction changes the Remote Control System , M5 to M15
type. status. C1 .
E62-W1 9 Feb. 45. 12-in. B.C. M1917 Fortification M2 F208-W4 22 Nov. 44. System , remote control , M15 : To
Power Plants : To replace intake and exhaust, two provide a safe and rapid means of engaging the ele
piece threaded or serrated type valves with all steel vation of oil gear clutch.
design valves . F209-W2 29 May 45. Director , AA , M5 :
E64-W1 20 Jun. 45. Power Plant, M4, ( for 6- in. gun a. To eliminate torque amplifiers.
batteries) : To provide a chain guide for trolley b. To allow self- synchronous operation in elevation
hoists in all 6-inch barbette carriage power plants when used with Oil Gear M3.
M4. c. To eliminate excessive wear of brush support
F19-W1 12 Jun. 43. Board, deflection, M1: To correct the assembly.
assembly of the wind receiving mechanism . d. To improve operation of governor.
F26-W4 18 Feb. 44. Lath, adjusting, type C, used with F209- W3 20 Jun . 45. Director , AA , M5A1 : To replace
Range Finder, 1-meter base, M1916 : To adjust open sight B173117 with sight assembly 7639121,
lath to individual instrument and renumber. rev. 1 , ( ring type open sight ) .
F26-W5 13 Dec. 43. Finder, range, 1-meter base, M1916 : F211-W1 27 Apr. 44. Setter, fuze , M13 : To prevent the
To prevent the loss of the correction wedge key. M43A5 Fuze from becoming caught in the adjusting
C 1. ring.
F101 - W1 20 Apr. 44. Tripod , M5 ; To reinforce tube to F219- W1 16 Feb. 44. Compass , M2 : To prevent slipping
prevent damage when the tripod legs are folded. of level assembly B174648 caused by level vial sup
F169-W2 4 Mar. 44. Quadrant, range M3 and M8 : To re port A185534 striking magnetic needle lifting lever
place sheared locating lug on bracket C56777 of B174658 . C1 .
range quadrants M3 and M8. F219-W2 19 Feb. 44. Compass, M2 ; To improve the
F171 -W2 31 Aug. 42. Finder, height, M1, 13 12 -ft., Keuffel needle lifting mechanism. C 1 .
and Esser, Serial Nos. 1 to 212, inclusive, Serial F224 - W1 21 Nov. 44, Telescope, elbow; M24 ; Telescope,
Nos. 217 to 260, inclusive. Eastman Kodak , Serial elbow, M26 ; Mount, telescope, M28, Mount, telescope,
Nos. 213 and 214 , Serial Nos. 277 to 289, inclusive. M54 ( on 90-mm guns M1 and M1A1 ) .
Finder, height, T9E1 , 1342 - ft., Keuffel and Esser, a. To provide reticle illumination.
Serial Nos. 1 to 21 , Inclusive : In order that the b. To provide support for instrument light. C 1 .
height finders may be used with directors wired to F226-W2 3 Apr. 44. Unit, generating, M7, Unit generat
operate with Signal Corps matériel. C 1 . ing M15 , To secure automatic voltage regulation.
F171 - W3 2 May 44 . Cradle, M1 for Height Finder, 1312 F231- W1 19 Aug. 43. Telescope, elbow, M17 : To prevent
ft., M1 : To provide means whereby a light on Di the eyepiece assembly from unscrewing from the
rector M7 will glow when the height finder M1 is F235- W2adapte r when
21 Feb. eyepiec
44. thePerisc ope,e M6 and focused
is being M9; To. securely
in contact with the target. fasten locking knob to periscope body.
F173 - W1 26 Feb. 43. Telescope, observation, M4: To as- F235 -W3 29 May 44. Periscope, M14 ( used in Medium
sign distinguishing nomenclature to observation Tanks, M4 , Series, 75 -mm , & 76 -mm ) ( Light Tanks
telescope, M4 . Parts for instruments manufactured M3 & M5 Series and 76-mm GMC M18 ) : To pro
by Bausch & Lomb Optical Company and Inter vide a Periscope with new- style Reticle and Instru
national Industries, Inc. , are not interchangeable. ment Light for Illuminating the Reticle. C_1, 2.
F197-Wi 29 May 45. Mount, telescope, M21 : To apply F243-W1 16 Feb. 44. Director, A.A. , M9, also Director ,
locking device to elevation worm and change desig A. A., M10 : To install a cord clamp inside the
nation to M21A1. wire pan of fuze servo D45243 to prevent abrasion
of the cord assembly D163098.


G1-W19 11 Aug. 44. Tank, medium, M4 ( 75-mm gun,
F243-W2 20 Apr. 44. Director, A. A., M9 : To convert dry ) ; Tank, medium, M4A1 ( 75 -mm , gun , dry ) ;
Computer M3 to Computer M3A1 ( this makes Di Tank, medium, M4A2, ( 75-mm, gun, dry ) ; Tank,
rector M9 Director M9A1 ) by installing servos medium , M4, ( 105 -mm howitzer ) ; Tank, medium,
equipped with correct ballistic cards, installing M4A1 ( 76 -mm , gun, wet ) ; Tank, medium, M4A2
improved type servo motors and oil pans, and in ( 76 -mm , gun, wet) ; Tank, medium, M4A3 ( 56-mm,
stalling azimuth slip rings and slip ring wiper gun , wet ) ; Tank, medium, M4A3, ( 75-mm gun,
spring assembly made of No. 1 contact metal. wet ) ; Tank, medium, M4A6 ( 75-mm gun , dry ) ;
· F243-W3 13 Dec. 44. Director, A.A., M9, M9A1, M10. Sys Tank, medium , M4A3, ( 105 -mm , howitzer ) ; To pro
tem cable, M7 (Modification ) : To Install Cloud vide a satisfactory hatch door hold - open lock pin on
Switch Assembly in Cable System M7. vehicles with large type hatches.
F262-W1 17 Apr. 44. Adapter, telescope, M9 ; To elimin G1-W20 14 May 45. Truck, 6-Ton, 6 x 6, prime mover
ate play between azimuth worm housing assembly ( Corbitt ) ; Truck, 6-Ton, 6 X 6, prime mover
and telescope, holder assembly. ( White) : Installation of larger tires to permit
greater mobility through increased flotation.
G1-W14 18 Jul. 44. Vehicle, landing, tracked (unar G1 -W21 28 May 45. Truck, 6-Ton , 6 x 6, prime mover
mored ) , MK II , LVT ( 2 ) ; Vehicle, landing, tracked ( Corbitt) ; Truck, 6-Ton, 6 x6, prime mover
( armored ) , MK II, LVT ( A ) ( 2) ; Vehicle land ( White) ; Truck, 6-Ton, 6 x 6, crane ( Brockway
ing, tracked ( armored ) , MK I, LVT ( A ) ( 1 ) ; and Ward La France); Truck, 6 -Ton, 6 x 6, bridge
Vehicle, landing tracked ( unarmored ) , MK IV, erecting ( White ) ; Installation of larger tires to
LVT (4 ) ; Vehicle, landing, tracked ( armored ) , permit increased flotation ( dual tires ) .
MK IV LVT ( A ) ( 4 ) : To eliminate differential
failures by installing pressure lubricating system . G1-W25 30 Apr. 45. Vehicle, tank recovery, M32 ; Vehi
cle, tank recovery, M32B1 ; Vehicle, tank recovery,
G1-W16 16 Sep. 44. Tank , medium, M4, M4A1 , M4A2, M32B2 ; Vehicle, tank recovery, M32B3 : To provide
M4A3, M4A4, M4 ( 105-mm howitzer ) ; Tank , for coupling and retrieving a vehicle disabled in
medium , M4A1, ( 76-mm gun wet) ; Tank, medium , battle without necessity for crew members to expose
M4A2 ( 76-mm, gun, wet) ; Tank, medium, M4A3 themselves to enemy fire by equipping the M32 Se
( 75-mm gun, wet ) ; Tank, medium, M4A3 ( 76-mm ries, Tank Recovery Vehicles with an automatic tow
gun, wet ) : To provide a spring to eliminate slack hook and bridle assembly.
in the periscope sighting installation, to insure an G1-W28 14 Dec. 44. Vehicles, landing, tracked, MK I, MK
accurate adjustment at all times. II, MK IV ( Arniored and unarmored ) . To install
G1-W17 23 Aug. 44. Tank , light, M24 ( T24 ) ; Tank, waterproof Radio Cabinet to Prevent Salt Water
medium, M4, M4A1, M4A2, M4A3, M4A4, M4A6, Damage to the Radio.
( 75-mm gun, dry ) ; Tank, medium, M4 ( 105-mm G1-W30 8 Mar. 45. Vehicle, landing , tracked ( armored,
howitzer) ; Tank, medium, T23 , T25E1 , T26E1 ; MK I, LVT ( A ) ( 1 ) ; Vehicle, landing, tracked (un
Tank, medium, M4, M4A1, M4A2, M4A3, ( 76-mm, armored ) , MK II , LVT ( 2 ) ; Vehicle, landing,
gun , wet ) , Tank, medium, M4A3, ( 75-mm, gun, tracked ( armored ) , MK II , LVT ( A ) ( 2 ) ; Vehicle,
wet ) Carriage, motor, 3-inch, gun, M10, ( Tank, landing, tracked , MK IV, LVT ( 4 ) ; Vehicle, land
medium, M4A2, chassis ) ( Fisher) ( Carriage, motor, ing, tracked ( armored ) , MK IV, LVT ( A ) (4) :
76 -mm , gun, M18 ( 170 ) Carriage, motor, 3 -inch To install M12 periscope to provide wider and
gun , M10A1 ( Tank , medium, M4A3 , chassis ) ( Ford ) clearer vision.
Carriage, motor, 90-mm , gun, M36 ( 171 ) : To pro- G1 -W33 27 Jun . 45. Vehicle, landing tracked ( armored ) ,
· vide azimuth indicator with dust and moisture seals MK I, LVT ( A ) ( 1 ) ; Vehicle, landing, tracked
new dials, and gunners aid. C 1 . ( unarmored ) , MK II , LVT (2 ) ; Vehicle, landing,
G1-W18 22 Nov. 44. Tank, Medium , M4 ; Tank, Medium , M4 tracked (armored ) , MK II, LVT (A ) ( 2) ; Vehicle,
( 105-mm howitzer ) ; Tank, medium , M4A1 ; Tank landing, tracked , MK IV, LVT ( 4 ) ; to change final
medium , M4A1 ( 76 -mm gun wet ) ; Tank, Medium , drive gear ratio from 2.57 : 1 to 3.15 to improve
M4A2 ; Tank, medium, M4A2 ( 76-mm gun wet ) ; performance and prevent gear failures,
Tank, medium, M4A6 ; Tank, medium , M4A3 ; Tank, G1-W34 8 Jun . 45. Vehicle, landing, tracked ( armored ) ,
medium , M4A3 ( 75-mm gun wet ) : Tank, medium, MK I, LVT ( A ) ( 1 ) ; Vehicle, landing, tracked,
M4A3 ( 76-mm gun wet ) ; Tank, medium , M4A3E2 ; ( unarmored ) , MK II, LVT ( 2 ) ; Vehicle, landing,
Tank, medium, M4A3 ( 105-mm howitzer ) ; Tank, tracked ( armored ) , MK II , LVT ( A ) ( 2 ) ; Vehicle,
medium , T23 ; Tank, medium , M4A4 ; Tank, heavy, landing, tracked, MK IV, LVT ( 4) ; Vehicle, land
ing, tracked ( armored ) , MK IV, LVT ( A ) ( 4 ) ; To
T26E1 ; Tank, light, M5 ; Tank, light M5A1 ; Tank, rearrange transmission oil line to prevent excessive
light M24 ; Tank, light, M3A3 ; Carriage, motor, 3 oil temperatures.
in. gun, M10 ; Carriage, motor 3-in. gun, M10A1 ;
Carriage, motor, 90-mm gun, M36 ; Carriage, motor, G104-W67 20 May 43. Tank, medium, M4 series : To lock
90-mm gun , M36B1 ; Carriage, motor, 76-mm gun, turret doors in open position when traveling.
M18 ; Carriage, motor, 105 -mm Howitzer, M7 ; Car G104 -W73 22 Feb. 44. Tank, medium , M4 series ( see par.
riage, motor, 105-mm howitzer, M7B1 ; Carriage, 8 ) : To aid in opening and closing driver's and as
motor, 155-mm gun , M12 ; Carriage, motor, 75-mm, sistant driver's doors by counterbalancing the
howitzer, M8; Carrier, cargo, M30 ; Car, armored, weight of the doors with equilibrator springs.
G104-W75 15 Feb. 44. Tank, medium, M4, M4A1 , M4A2,
light M8 ; Car, armored, utility, M20 ; Truck, trac
tor, M26 ; Tractor, shop , T10 ; Vehicle tank recovery M4A3 and M4A4 : To provide a positive lock to hold
driver's and assistant driver's doors in open posi
M31 ; Vehicle, tank recovery, M31B1 ; Vehicle, tank
recovery M31B2 ; Vehicle, tank recovery, M32 ; Ve tion and prevent the doors from self - locking when
doors are closed .
hicle, tank recovery, M32B1 ; Vehicle, tank recovery,
M32B2 ; Vehicle, tank recovery, M32B3 ; Vehicle, G104-W94 21 Aug. 43. Tank, medium, M4, M4A1, M4A2,
tank recovery, M32B4 : To provide a quick method M4A3 and M4A4 : To enable tank commander to aid
for fastening tow cable. gunner in laying on new targets.
658749_ - 4610 145


MWO ORD G179-W3 3 Jul. 44. Carrier, light, cargo, M29 ; Carrier,
G104-W108 17 Jul. 44. Tank, medium, M4, M4A1, M4A2, light, cargo, M29C : To install 55-ampere generator
M4A3 :
to provide additional current for radios.
a. To provide a satisfactory cal. .50 antiaircraft G179-W5 20 No. 44. Carrier, cargo, M29 ; Carrier, cargo,
machine gun mount, outside machine gun and M29C : To increase life of the transmission by in
barrel stowage, and cal, .50 ammunition box stow
age .
stalling heavier parts and increasing oil capacity.
b. To install blanket roll rack to provide stowage. G179-W7 29 May 45. Carrier, Cargo M29 : To equip vehi
G104-W112 27 Sep. 44. Tank , medium , M4, M4A1 , M4A2, cle with means for tandem operation and for re
covering disabled vehicles ,
M4A3, M4A4, Tank, medium , M4 ( 105-mm howit
zer ) : To install a commander's vision cupola to pro * G179-W8 19 Jul. 45. Carrier, cargo, M29C : To provide
with attachments for installation of A -frame for
vide 360 -degree vision for tank commander without tandem or recovery operations.
exposing himself to enemy fire and to provide a G200 - W1 30 Nov. 44. Tank, light, M24 : To install
pedestal mount for cal. .50 antiaircraft machine gun.
G104-W113 20 Sep. 44. Tank, medium, M4 series, ( equipped driver's and assistant driver's door safety latches
with bulldozer blade ) : To improve driver's vision to prevent doors swinging shut from open position
by installing a Periscope, T18 (wide vision ) in and injuring personnel.
driver's hatch door on bulldozer- equipped tanks only. G204-W1 18 Dec. 44. Tank, Medium , M4A3 ( 75 -mm gun
G116-W4 20 Dec. 44. Truck, Wrecking, Heavy, M1 and wet) : To install a commander's vision cupola to
M1A1 , Series 2, 3, 4 and 5. Installation of larger provide 360 -degree vision for tank commander with
tires to permit greater mobility through increased out exposing himself to enemy fire and to provide a
flotation . pedestal mount for the cal . .50 antiaircraft machine
G128 - W16 28 Feb. 44. Carriage, motor, 105-mm, howitzer, gun .
M7 (medium tank chassis ) : To provide stowage G210–W1 3 Nov. 44. Carriage, motor, 90 -mm , gun , M36 :
brackets for bore brush M12 and rammer M5 , and To install Signal Corps interphone reel assembly RL
to relocate fire extinguisher brackets. 106-VI to allow commander to observe targets from
G128 -W22 22 Jun. 44. Carriage, motor, 105 -mm , howitzer, outside of vehicle and to direct gun fire.
M7 ( Tank, medium M3, chassis ) : To provide a dust G501 -W28 19 Aug. 44 . Truck, 212 ton, 6 x6, Amphibian
proof, waterproof, and convenient location for stow
ing small arms, cal. .45 ammunition containers and ( GMC DUKW-353 ) : To install brackets to protect
first aid kit.
the front brake hose from damage by wire or brush.
G501-W29 12 Aug. 44 , Truck, 212 ton , 6 x 6, amphibian :
G136-W5 11 Aug. 44. Car, armored, light, M8 : To install To install litter stop assemblies to retain litters, ir
armor plate on floor in driver's compartment and
weld floor in fighting compartment, to afford protec position when placed crosswise on top edge of cargo
tion for personnel against land mines. coaming, when conditions necessitate the transporta
G136-W6 14 Jul. 44. Car, armored, light, M8 : To provide tion of casualties in theaters of operations,
greater oil inlet Capacity to Transmission Oil Pump. G501-W30 16 Sep. 44. Truck, 272 ton, 6 x6, amphibian ,
G150-W2 20 Mar. 45. Tractor, high - speed , 18 - Ton , M4 Model ( DUKW-353 ) : To improve power tire pump
( Allis Chalmers ) : lubrication system ; To provide a deeper crankcase
Group I... To provide ventilators in front panel of to increase oil capacity ; To provide oil filler cap in
cab. corporating oil level dip stick which indicates proper
Group II... To remedy excessive heat condition by oil level ; To install oil pump body assembly to per
providing hinged wind - shields in cab. mit pump to draw oil from deeper crankcase.
G150 -W3 17 Jul. 44. Tractor, highspeed, 18 -ton , M4, (Allis- G503-W2 28 Feb. 44. Ford GP. , Ford GPW., Willys MA . ,
Chalmers) : To provide front mounted pintle to Willys MB : To provide lighting current for trailers.
facilitate emplacing gun and to provide additional G503-W7 25 May 44 . Truck, 44 ton, 4x4, ( Ford and
cooling for driver's cab on early production tractors Willys ) ; To convert the entire Electrical System
without ventilators .
G150-W5 31 May 45. Tractor, high -speed , 18-Ton , M4 : from 6 volts to 12 volts, to provide current for
To provide adequate stowage for steel cased 90 -mm Radio Equipment.. C 1.
and 3- inch ammunition . G503-W8 31 Mar. 44. Truck, 44 ton , 4 x 4, ( Ford, GPW
G160-Wi 2 Mar. 45. Truck, tractor, M26 and M26A1 and and Willys MB) : To provide Power Winch.
semitrailer, M15 and M15A1 ( Truck-trailer, 40-ton, G503-W9 12 Oct. 44, Truck, 14 -ton , 4 x 4 ( Ford and Willys ) :
tank transporter, M25 ) : To convert semitrailer M15 Installation of large tires to permit greater mobility
to M15A1. To provide transportation for the heavy through increased flotation . C 1 .
tank T26E1 , T26E2, and T26E3. G508-W3 1 Apr. 43. Truck, 2'2 -ton , 6 x6, GMC ( Models
G162-W3 25 Nov. 44. Tractor, High- Speed, 13-Ton, M5 : CCKW -352-353 ) ; Truck , 212 -ton , 6 x GMC ( Model
To provide Cal. .50 Machine Gun Mount. CCK-353 ) : To provide a steel support between air
G163-W3 11 Aug. 44. Carriage, motor, 76-mm , gun, M18: cleaner and cylinder head.
To lock out track compensation at rear idler to intro G508-14 14 Apr. 44. Truck, 212 ton , 6 x 6 ( GMC ) : To im
duce flexibility in suspension . prove fit of pitman arm to pitman shaft of steering
G163 -W5 12 Oct. 44. Carriage, motor, 76-mm gun, M18 : gear.
106 / VI to allow commander to observe targets from G508 -W11 4 Apr. 45. Truck, 212 -ton , 6 x 6 ( GMC )
outside of vehicle and to direct gun fire. Model CCKW - 353, LWB . Installation of larger tires
G176 -W3 12 Aug. 44. Car, armored, utility, M20 : To in
stall armor and weld on floor in driver's compart to permit greater mobility through increased flota
tion . C1 .
ment and weld existing floor in fighting compart
ment, to afford protection against land mines. G508 -W13 18 Sep. 44.. Truck, 212 -ton, 6 , 6, 750 -gallon
G176 - W4 14 Jul . 44. Car, armored , utility, M20 : To pro gasoline tank ( GMC ) ; To couple hose varying in
vide greater oil inlet capacity to transmission oil size from 1 to 212 -inches inside diameter to any
pump. outlet equipped with coupling adapter.


MWO ORD F19-W1 12 June 43. BOARD, deflection, M1 , serial Nos. 1
508 - W14 28 Apr. 45. Truck , 212 -ton, 6 x 6, van K-60 : to 427, inclusive : To correct the assembly of the
To remove ventilating louvres and install blind as wind receiving mechanism.
semblies to eliminate excessive temperature in K-60 F19-W2 16 June 43. BOARD , deflection, M1 ( serial Nos.
van body created by Power Unit P.E. 137-0 P/O 57 to 139 incl. ) : To correctly assemble base B129184,
Radio Set SCR 527-A . which was incorrectly assembled by the manufactur
G509-W5 2 Apr. 45. Truck, 4 -ton, 6 x 6 ( Diamond T ) er.
cargo LWB, cargo SWB, dump and wrecker: In- F26-W5 13 Dec. 43. FINDER, Range, 1-meter base M1916 ;
stallation of large tires to permit greater mobility To prevent the loss of the correction wedge key.
through increased flotation . F171-W2 31 Aug. 42. FINDER, height, Mi , 13-1 / 2 ft.
G527-W1 8 Jul. 44. Trailer, 1 - ton payload, 2-wheel, water Keuffel and Esser, Serial Nos. 1 to 212, incl. & Nos.
tank, 250 - gal.: To provide tarpaulin for camouflage. 217 to 260, incl. Eastman Kodak, Serial Nos. 213 &
G532-W1 23 Sep. 43. Truck, 712 ton, 6 x6, prime mover, 214 , & 277 to 289 incl., FINDER, height, T9E1, 1312 -

1943, ( Mack numbers 2 , 3, & 6 ) ; To add rubber boot ft. Keuffel & Esser, Serial Nos. 1 to 21 , inclusive :
to prevent dust and dirt from entering rear brake In order that the height finders may be used with
chambers. directors wired to operate with Signal Corps maté
J16 - W1 22 Mar. 45. Vulcanizer, full circle mold type, tire riel .
recapping and retreating, steam operated : To pro- 1173-w1 26 Feb. 43. TELESCOPE , observation, M4 : To
vide improved method of opening and closing and assign distinguishing nomenclature to Observation
locking vulcanizer. Telescope M4, Parts for instruments manufactured
The following is a list of current Ordnance Field Service by Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. and International
Modification Work Orders ( FSMWO's ) which may be re Industries Inc. are not interchangeable.
quisitioned from AG Depots in the same manner as WD F190 - W1 SYSTEM , data transmission, M5 ( for 16-in.
MWO's. These FSMWO's remain in force until superseded, barbette carriage M1919 ( 1 plotting room ) ,
specifically rescinded or canceled. In order to replenish M1919M1 , M2 , M3 and M4 ) ; System data trans
depot stocks and bring publications into line with latest for
mission, M7 ( for 6-in. barbette carriage Mi (hy
mat requirements, some FSMWO's have been converted and draulic )) ; System, data transmission , M7B1 ( for
republished as WD MWO's without internal change and 6-in. barbette carriage, M3 ) System, data trans
without superseding the earlier publication. Further infor mission, M8 ( for 8-in . barbette carriage M1 ) ; Sys
mation concerning conversion of FSMWO's to WD MWO's tem data transmission, M9 ( for 8-in. railway gun
is contained in SB 9-38 :
FSMWO mount M1A1 ) ; System, data transmission, M10
( for 12-in. barbette carriage M1917 ( 2 plotting
A35 –W1 2 Sep. 43. LIFTER, loader, front : Add two lugs rooms ) ) ; System, data transmission, M13 ( for 16
to the lifter to assure positive holding, thus prevent in. howitzer carriage M1920 ) ; System, data trans
ing damage to the auto atic loader.
mission, M14 ( for 16-in. barbette carriage M1919
A50_W13 31 Aug. 43. CARRIAGE, gun , 40-mm, M1 and (2 plotting rooms) ) ; System, data transmission,
M2 ( A.A. ) CARRIAGE , twin gun, 20 -mm , M4 : To M15 ( for 6-in. barbette carriage M1900 and
provide for proper lubrication of shackle bushings M1910 ) ; System, data, transmission, M17 ( for 12
and crossheads.
in. barbette carriage M1917 ( 1 plotting room ) ) : To
A50 -W15 6 Sep. 43. CARRIAGE, gun, 40-mm, M1 and M2 make the system, data transmission , T11 , installed
( A.A. ) : To prevent link B198564 from becoming on 12-in. Barbette Carriage M1917 located at bat
disengaged from lever A228864 when emergency teries, Closson, Pratt and Mills, operable with Gun
hand brakes are applied. Data Computer M1 and Transmitters M5 and M6.
A54 -W1 7 June 43. MOUNT, machine gun, twin, cal. .50, ( This FSMWO has been distributed by letter to all
M33 : To prevent excessive breakage of solenoid interested batteries. Copies not available. )
receptacles. F196 - W1 22 Nov. 43. TELESCOPE, panoramic, M8 : To
A54 - W2 1 Nov. 43. MOUNT, machine gun, twin , cal . .50, insure proper functioning of Panoramic Telescope
M33 : To increase field of vision for tracer control M8 .
fire. F208-W1 27 Mar. 43. SYSTEM , remote control , M5 : To
C21-W10 10 Aug. 43. MECHANISM , recoil, 105-mm how prevent water or moisture from entering the con
itzer M2 ( Carriage M2, M2A1 and Mount M4 ) : To tact ring assembly which causes it to short.
provide recoil mechanism with a respirator. Model F231-W1 19 Aug. 43. TELESCOPE, elbow, M17 : To pre
designation of the mechanism is changed to M2A1 vent the eyepiece assembly from unscrewing from
status by this modification . the adapter when the eyepiece is being focused.
C21-W12 5 Oct. 43. CARRIAGE , howitzer, 105 -mm , M2A1 : G27-Wi 27 July 43. Lift, bogie : To modify lift to permit
To provide a new type main and auxiliary shield its use on front bogie wheel.
for the Carriage, howitzer, 105-mm, M2A1 , changing G27-W2 11 Dec. 43. Remover, insert C130685 : To grind
the designation to M2A2. collet of valve seat insert remover to proper dimen
C39-W5 14 Dec. 43. CARRIAGE , howitzer, 155-mm, M1A1 : sions.
To provide shear pins and replace broken screws in G104-W51 25 May 43. Tank, medium , M4, M4A1, M4A2,
the bearing plate located between the traversing M4A3, M4A4 : To prevent turret hatch from revolv
arc and the top carriage . ing during traveling.
C39-W8 6 Jan. 44. CARRIAGE , howitzer, 155-mm , M1 and G104-W67 20 May 43. Tank , medium , M4 series : To lock
M1A1 : To provide handles for spades and modify turret doors in open position when traveling.
holding brackets for spades in traveling position. G104-W88 15 Oct. 43. Tank, medium , M4, M4A1 , M4A3 :
D36-W1 13 Oct. 43. GUN, 155-mm, M1918M1 ; and Mount, Modification of turret to provide adequate ventila
gun , 155-mm, M4 : To provide a satisfactory loading tion.
tray so that gun can be loaded quicker and easier. G104-W94 21 Aug. 43. Tank , medium , M4, M4A1 , M4A2,
( This work order has been distributed by letter to M4A3 and M4A4 ; To enable tank commander to aid
all interested batteries. Copies are not available. ) gunner in laying on new targets.

ORDNANCE - Continued MWO

FSMWO * QM 30 12 Sep. 45. Modification of Truck , Fork Lift
G104-W97 15 Nov. 43. Tank, medium , M4, M4A1, M4A3 : ( Gasoline ) ( Clark “ Clipper ", 2,000-lb. Capacity ) .
Modification of 75-mm gun firing solenoid to prevent * QM 31 18 Sep. 45. Modification of Outfit, Delousing,
accidental firing. Gasoline Engine Driven, ( Defiance Alloyed Prod
G104 -W100 30 Sep. 43. Tank, medium , M4 Series : To re ucts Co. , Model 252 ) .
locate fuel filter and shut -off valve on Homelite aux SIGNAL
iliary generator fuel tank. To prevent breakage of
14 -inch pipe nipple on fuel filter and to prevent a
major fire hazard . 12 21 Jul. 44. Reduction of Vibrator Hash in Antenna
G128-W6 27 Feb. 43. Carriage, motor, howitzer, 105 -mm , System AS - 81 /GR .
13 .22 Jul. 44. Installation of Retardation Coil in
M7 ; ( tank, medium , chassis ) ; (Ordnance Serial Panel BD-90 .
Nos . 0 to 663 inclusive ) : To install bracket and box
to permit stowage of nanoramic sight. 14 3 Oct. 44. Modification of Power Unit PE - 120 - A .
G136-W2 4 Oct. 43. Car, armored, light, M8 ( T22E2 ) 16 25 Oct. 44. Prevention of Arcing between Mast
( Ford) : Modification of fuel tank and gàge to pre Base MP-47 and Antenna Mounting Plate of Shel
vent cutting of liner and foreign particles from ter H0-17.
entering lines. 17 11 Nov. 44. Modification of Switchboard BD-74
G176 - W2 4 Oct. 43. Car, armored, utility, M20 : Modifica ( Combinations “ J” and “ K " ) .
tion of fuel tank and gage to prevent cutting of 18 18 Nov. 44. Modification of Key J -45 .
liner and foreign particles from entering lines. 19 Nov. 44. Modification of Chest Sets TD-1 and TD-2
G508-W3 1 Apr. 43. Truck , 212 -ton, 6 x 6, GMC (Models to permit use of Microphones T-30 and T -45. C 1.
CCKW-352–353 ) ; Truck, 242 -ton , 6 x 4, GMC 21 Jan. 45. Modification of Headsets HS 30 A, B,9 C, D,
( Model CCK - 353 ) ; To provide a steel support be E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, O, R, and U.
tween air cleaner and cylinder head. 22 Jan. 45. Modification of Radio Equipment RC-192-A
and Radar Sets AN /TPX-1 and AN/TPX-3 for Use
QUARTERMASTER with Antenna Tower Kit AS- 134/TPX .
MWO Modification of Cords CD-318 and CD
23 Jan. 45 .
10 Apr. 44. Lantern , Gasoline, Two-Mantle, Com 318 - A .
mercial . 24 Feb. 45. Modification of Handset TS-13 for Con
QM 5 10 Jul. 44. Modification of Unit, Fire, M1937. Stock version to Handset H-22 / U .
No. 65 J -2605. 25 Feb. 45. Modification of Handsets TS - 15 - A and C
QM 8 28 Sep. 44. Modification of Truck , Fork Lift, for Conversion to Handset H -23 / U. C 1 .
Vaughan -Mobilift-Model TAW. 26 Feb. 45. Modification of Reels RL - 17 and RL - 17 - A .
QM 10 14 Oct. 44. Truck , Fork Lift, Ross, Models 15 HT,
16 HT, 18 HT, 19 HT, and 20 HT. 27 Feb. 45. Modification of Antenna Input Circuit of
QM 11 14 Oct. 44. Truck Fork Lift, Ross Models 15 HT, Radio Receivers BC-312, A , C, D, E , F, G, HX, M,
16 HT , 18 HT , 19 HT, and 20 HT. N, and NX, BC-342, C, D, F, H, L, M and N when
QM 12 17 Nov. 44. Truck , Fork Lift, Towmotor Models used with Radio Sets SCR-299-A, B, C, D, SCR
LT50 , LT56, LT62 and LT72. 399-A, and SCR -499 - A .
QM 14 Dec. 44. Semitrailer, 2-Wheel, 10-Ton, Refrigerator 32 Mar. 45. Modification of Radio Transmitters ( Press
Stock No. 66-5-312 . Wireless Types PW-15A, PW-40A, PW -40B , and
QM 16 Jan. 45. Modification of Truck, Fork Lift, Vaughan PW-40BA ) To Prevent Arc-overs.
Mobilift, Model TAW . 33 Mar. 45. Modification of Radio Transmitter ( Press
QM 17 Jan. 45. Modification of Truck Fork Lift ( Clark Wireless Type PW-2.5A ) to . Prevent Arc -overs.
“ Carloader ” ). To reduce maintenance by eliminat- 34 Mar. 45. Modification of Panel BD-90 in Telephone
ing excessive loosening and failure of the old type Central Office Sets TC- 1 and TC - 10 : To Prevent
of fan spindle resulting in damaged fan assemblies Damage in Handling and Shipping.
and radiator cores. 35 Apr. 45. Modification of Telephone Input Circuit
QM 18 Jan. 45. Modification of Truck, Fork Lift, 6,000 lb. in Radio Set AN /MRQ - 2. C 1 .
( Gasoline ) ( Clark “ Utilitruc " and Cleveland 36 Apr. 45 . Modification of Radio Equipments RC
" 6,000 " ) . 145-A , RC - 148 - C , RC-182-A , RC-184, and RC
QM 19 Jan. 45. Modification of Tractor, Towing, 7,500 282-A ; Replacement of Capacitor C33 in Radio Re
Pounds Drawbar Pull. ( International Harvester ceiver and Transmitter BC - 1267 - A .
Company, Model 1-9. ) 38 Apr. 45. Modification of Frame FM-19 in Tele
QM 21 Feb. 45. Modification of Truck, Fork lift, 6,000 phone Central Office Sets TC-1 and TC- 10 : To
pound ( Clark “ Utilitruc , ” Gasoline ). prevent damage in handling and shipping. C 1 .
QM 22 Apr. 45. Oven , Bake, Field , M - 1942 . 39 Apr. 45. Modification of Power Units PE -95-F ,
QM 25 Jun , 45. Modification of Semitrailer , 2-Wheel, 10 G , and H , PE- 182, and PE - 183-A , By Installation
Ton, Refrigerator, Stock No. 66-R-312. of Manifold Heaters for prevention of ice formation
QM 26 Jul. 45. Modification of Truck, Fork Lift, 2,000 in Carburetor .
Pound ( Vaughan “ Mobilift," Gasoline ) . 40 Apr. 45. Modifiuation of Case CS-111 ( Battery )
*QM 27 30 Aug. 45. Modification of Tractor, Wheeled , To prevent shipping damage to Batteries BB - 55 .
Gasoline, W. F. Hebard, Models J233 and J233N, * 42 12 Oct. 45. Modification of semiautomatic Tape
“ Shop Mule " . Relay Teletypewriter Equipment Using Modification
* QM 28 27 Aug. 45. Modification of Bath Unit, Field, Kit for New Tape Retaining Lid .
Mobile, Orr and Sembower Model 2B - 24 , QM Stock 43 Jul . 45. Modification of Radio Receiver R- 100 / URR
No. 66 - B - 350. prevent Damage in Handling and Shipping,
* QM 29 12 Sep. 45. Modification of Truck, Fork Lift 44 Jul . 45. Modification of Cords CD-318 and CD
(Gasoline ) ( Clarke “ Carloader ” , 3,000- lb. and 318-A and B , To Remove Lock- On Features from
4,000- lb. Capacities ) . Switch SW-141.

SIGNAL - Continued MWO SIG

MWO SIG 11-303-2 Apr. 45. Modification of High - Voltage Circuit
45 Jul. 45. Modification of Mountings FT-317-A and of Volt- OHM Tester, Component of Test Sets 1-56
-B, To Provide Mounting for Power Supply Unit C, D , H , and J.
PE - 120 - B or Case CS -79 - N Employing Recessed 11-303–3 Jun. 45. Modification of Combination Tester,
Cable Connector Socket. Triplett Model 1183 - SC ( Part of Test Set I -56 - C ) ,
46 Jul. 45. Modificatoin of Radio Set AN /MRQ - 2 : Installation of Additional Mounting Plate for 9
to provide for Frequency Modulation . Lever Selector Switch .
*48 19 Sep. 45. Modification of Rectifier -Modulator 11-311-1 May 45. Modification of Test Case CS - 81 - A ,
( Wilcox Model No. 26B ) Start-Stop Switch S9. B, D, and E ( Part of Test Equipment IE - 17 - A ,
* 49 6 Dec. 45. Modification of Radio Transmitters BC B, C, D, and E ) : To permit alignment of Radio
610 - A , BC -610 - B , BC-610-C, BC -610 - D , and BC Receiver and Transmitter BC -611 - F ( Part of Radio
610 - E : To prevent insulation failure in plugs and Sets SCR -536 - F ).
sockets. 11-333-1 Feb. 45. Modification of Telephone EE - 8 - B , Re
11-230C-1 Jan. 45. Modification of Vibrator Power Unit placement of Lockwasher on Battery Contacts.
PE-237, Part of Radio Set SCR -694 - C .
9 11-340—2 Apr. 45. Modification of Panel BD-98 in Tele
11-235-4 Jan. 45. Replacement of Chassis Mounting phone Central Office Set TC - 2 : To Prevent Dam
Bracket with improved bracket, Radio Set SCR-536, age in Handling and Shipping.
A , B, C, D, and E. 11-351-2 Mar. 45. Modification of Telegraph Set TG - 5 By
11-235-5 25 Jan. 45. Modification of Radio Sets SCR - 536– Replacement of Interrupter.
A, B, C, D, E , and F : To Permit use of Homing
11-352-1 12 Oct. 44. Modification of Printer TG-7-A , and
Modification Kit MC -619. Teletypewriters TG-7- B and TG-37-B.
11-235–7 Jun. 45. Modification of Radio Set SCR-536-A, 11-353-1 28 Jul. 44. Installation of Power Leads Filter in
Printer TG - 7 - A .
B, C, D, E , and F, To Provide Adequate Ground
System for Ground Platès. 11-358-1 Dec. 44. Modification of Switchboard BD-100.
11-235-8 Jul. 45. Modification of Radio Sets SCR -536 - A , 11-358-2 Jul. 45. Modification of Switchboard BD-100 in
B, C, D, and E , to permit use of high activity Re Telegraph · Central Office Set TC-3 To Eliminate
ceiver Crystals. Marking Bias.
11-242–3 Jan. 45. Modification of Receiver Squelch Circuit 11-359–1 11 Nov. 44. Modification of Line Unit BE-77-A.
of Radio Set SCR-300-A . C1 . 11-406A- 1 15 Sep. 44. Modification for Projector Equip
11-243-1 24 Oct. 44 Modification of Radio Set SCR - 291 ment PH - 398 - A for Cordomatic Reel. C 1 .
A ; To provide an Indicator Alidade to Bearing 11-406A - 2 Nov. 44. Modification of Projector Equipment
Indicator. PH - 398 - A for A-C and D-C Operation. C 1 .
11-243–2 Jun. 45. Modification of Bearing Indicator BC- 11-429-2 Feb. 45. Modification of Wind Equipment AN /
1159-A, Part of Radio Set SCR - 291 - A . GMQ-1 Cable Connecting Assembly. Wind Trans
11-243-3 8 Aug. 45. Modification of Control Panel PN mitter .
31-A used in Radio Set SCR-291-A. 11-441-1 Feb. 45. Modification of Recorder BC - 1016 To
11-269-1 Jul. 45. Modification of Radio Set AN /TRT-1 , Prevent Pen Damage.
Radio Transmitter T -87 / TRT - 1, Filament Power 11-444-1 5 Apr. 44. Modification of Sound Ranging Set
Imput Circuit. GR-3-C.
11-273-2 Jan. 45. Modification of Cabinet CH-60, Used 11-444-4 Dec. 44. Modification of Sound Ranging Set GR
with Radio Sets SCR-193- ( * ) , to Provide Method 3 - C to Improve Operation with Wet Wire Lines.
of Holding Microphone T-17. 11-444–5 Feb. 45. Modification of Oscillograph Equipments
11-281-2 23 May 44. Modification of Radio Sets SCR-399 IE-14 and IE - 14 - C Developing Tray and Heater.
A, and SCR-499-A in Mounting of Rectifier Tubes 11-600-2 23 May 44. Modification of Antenna Coupling
VT-46-A to Prevent Flashover. Coil in Radio Transmitter BC -604 - A , BC -604 - C , and
11-281-5 14 Sep. 44. Replacement of Neutralizing High BC-604-D.
Voltage Isolation Capacitor in Radio Sets SCR- 11-600-5 30 Oct. 44. Modification of Radio Sets, SCR -508
399 - A and SCR - 499 - A . A, -C, & -D, SCR - 528 - A , -C, & D , and SCR-538–
11-281–6 Dec. 44. Modification of Radio Sets SCR - 399 - A , A, -C, & -D ; To install speaker Shutter and to
and SCR -499 - A ; To improve operation of High Moistureproof and Fungiproof speaker cone.
Voltage Control Circuit in Radio Transmitter BC 11-600–6 Dec. 44. Modification of Interphone Systems of
610 - E . Radio Sets SCR - 508 - A , C, D, AM , CM , DM, and
11-281-8 Feb. 45. Modification of Radio Set SCR-399-A, SCR -528 - A , C, D , AM , CM, DM, to Increase Power
Installation of Oscillating Air Circulating Fan in Output.
Shelter H0-17 and H0-17A. 11-600–7 Jan. 45. Modification of Interphone System for
11-281-9 12 Apr. 45. Modification of Radio Sets SCR Radio Sets SCR -508 - A , C, D, AM, CM, DM, and
399-A and SCR -499 - A : To prevent entrance of SCR-528-A , C, D, AM, CM, DM in Landing Vehi
Dust, Insects and other Foreign Matter into Radio cles, Tracked, LVT- ( A ) -1, LVT-2, LVT- ( A ) -2,
Transmitter BC -610 - E and Tuning Unit BC-939-A. LVT - 4 , and LVT- ( A ) -4 to Match Audio Output
11-281-10 May 45. Modification of Tail-Gate and Ven Impedance to Headset of Headset-Microphone As
tilator Fan Motor on Trucks used to carry Radio sembly AN / URA-1 . C 1 .
Set SCR - 399 - A .
11-300-2 Apr. 45. Modification 11-600-8 Jan. 45. Modification of Interphone Control Boxes
of Frequency Meter Set BC-606-A , B, C, D , E , F, G and Wiring of Inter
SCR-211-A, B, C, D , E , or F, for Use with Crystal
Units DC - 9 - M , DC-9-AD, DC-9-P, and DC-9-AJ. phone System for Radio Sets SCR-508-A, C, D , AM ,
11-303-1 Dec. 44. Modification of Test Sets 1-56 - D and CM, DM, and SCR-528-A , C , D , AM , CM, DM , in
I - 56 - H Improved Meter Mounting. Tank and Light Armored Car M8 Installations. C 1 .
11-600-9 Apr. 45. Modification of Radio Sets SCR-508–
"This Modification Work Order is distributed only to interested head A , C, and D , and SCR-528-A , C, and D : To Pre
quarters and individuals whose duties require that they have it. This
Modification Work Order must be safeguarded in accordance with pro vent Radio Interference with Interphone Operation.
visions of AR 380-5 . C 1.

SIGNAL - Continued MWO SIG

MWO SIG 11-818-1 15 Mar. 45. Modification of Remote Control Cir
11-600-10 Jun. 45. Modification of Radio Sets SCR -508 cuits of Radio Transmitters ( Western Electric 33A
A, C, D, AM, CM , and DM , and SCR-528-A, C, D, and 34A ) .
AM, CM , and DM, To Prevent Filament Burn-Out 11-827-1 27 Jan. 45. Modification of Radio Transmitters
of Tubes VT-164 and VT-165. BC-447-A, B, C, D, and E to Operate Channel 2 in
11-605-2 5 May 44. Modification of Radio Sets SCR -509 Frequency Range 2-8 MC.
A, SCR -509 - B , SCR -510 - A , and SCR -510 - B . 11-850-1 3 Jul. 44. Replacements of Capacitors in Radio
11-605-3 24 Jul . 44. Modification Power Cables in Radio Receivers BC-312- N , BC-342- N .
Sets, SCR -509 - A , and -B, and SCR -510 - A , -B. 11-850-2 15 Jul. 44. Replacement of Capacitors in Radio
11-605-6 17 Nov. 44. Modification of Radio Sets SCR-509– Receivers BC-314-G and BC-344- D.
A, SCR -509 - B , SCR -510 - A , and SCR -510 - B . 11-850–3 Feb. 45. Modification of Radio Receivers BC-312 ,
11-605-7 Dec. 44. Modification of Radio Sets SCR-509-A , A, C , D , E , F , G , HX , M , N , NX ; BC-342 , C , D , F ,

B , and SCR -510 - A and B, Filament Voltage Regu H, M, N ; BC-314-C, D , E , F, G : and BC-344- D,
lation and Resistor Mounting Bracket. To Prevent Leakage in AVC Circuit.
11-605-8 Mar. 45. Replacement of Draw -Pull Catches in 11-859-2 18 Apr. 44. Modification of Radio Sets SCR -593
Radio Set SCR - 509– ( ) , A , and B , and SCR -510 A, and SCR -593 - C .
( ) and A. 11-859-5 25 Oct. 44. Modification of Radio Sets SCR-593-A,
11-605-9 Apr, 45. Modification of Radio Sets SCR - 509 - A , -B , and -C ; To install Speaker Shutter.
SCR-509-B, SCR -510 - A , and SCR-510-B, Per. 11-859-6 May 45. Modification of Radio Set SCR-593-A ,
manent Wiring of Adapter M-394. and SCR-593-C : To Eliminate Coaxial Lead -In
11-615-3 14 Mar. 44. Modification of Radio Sets SCR -609 Cable Assembly.
A, and SCR -610 - A . 11-859-7 1 Aug. 45. Modification of Radio Receiver BC
11-615-6 22 Jul . 44. Modification Power Cables in Radio 728-A and C, part of Radio Sets SCR-593-A and
Sets, SCR -609- A , and SCR -610 - A , -B . C 1 . C, to provide for C - W Operation and new Power
Supply Unit.
11-615–8 13 Sep. 44. Modification of Radio Sets SCR -609
11-866-1 Apr. 45. Modification of Radio Receiver BC
A, -B, SCR -610 - A , and -B. 779-A ( Super Pro Receiver, Howard Model ) : To
11-615-9 Dec. 44. Modification of Radio Sets SCR-609-A
prevent excessive failures of bypass capacitors.
and B ; SCR-610-A and -B, Filament Voltage Regu 11-866-2 May 45. Modification of Power Supply Units
lation and Resistor Mounting Bracket. RA-74, -B , and -C , RA - 84, -A , and -B, and RA
11-615–10 Apr. 45. Replacement of Draw- Pull Catches in 94 and -A : To prevent damage in handling and
Radio Sets SCR-609-A and B, and SCR -610- ( ) , A
and B.
shipping .
11-866-3 May 45. Modification of Radio Receivers BC
11-615-11 Apr. 45. Modification of Radio Sets SCR -609 779, -A and -B ; BC-794, -A and -B ; BC - 1004, -B,
A , SCR-609-B , SCR-610-A , and SCR-610- B , Per -C , and -D ; Power Supply Units RA-74, '-B , -C ;
manent Wiring of Adapter M-399. C 1 . RA -84, -A , and -B ; RA - 94 and --A : To prevent
11-620-1 30 Oct. 44. Modification of Radio Sets SCR-608– damage to radio equipment in vehicular installations
A, and SCR-628-A ; To install speaker Shutter and by providing shock mounts .
to Moistureproof and Fungiproof Speaker Cone. 11-872A-1 Dec. 44. Modification of Diversity Receiving
11-620-2 Jun . 45. Modification of Radio Sets SCR-608– Equipment AN/ FRR-3 and AN /FRR-3A To Im
A and B , and SCR-628-A and B, To prevent Fila prove Stability .
ment Burn- Out of Tubes VT- 164 and VT- 165. 11-884-1 Jun. 45. Modification of Radio Receiver ( WE
11-625-25 Apr, 44. Modification of Radio Sets SCR - 543 Type D --99945 ) Changing Time Constant of AVC
A , SCR-543 -B and SCR-543-C. Circuit.
11-625–6 25 Oct. 44. Modification of Crystal Circuit, Radio * 11-884-2 20 Aug. 45. Modification of Radio Receiver
Sets, SCR-543-A, -B , and -C. ( WE Type D - 99945 ) Replacing The Batteries with
Voltage Regulator Tubes for Controlling Rectifier
11-625-7 Dec. 44. Modification of Remote Control Units
RM -21 - A, B, and C ; To permit use of Microphone Output Voltage.
T -45 and Headset HS -30. 11-900-2 Apr. 45. Modification of Grease Cup Assembly
Used on Power Unit PE - 75 - ( * ) . C 1 , 2.
11-625-8 Apr. 45. Modification of Radio Sets, SCR-543– 11-909-1 Jan. 45. Modification of Power Units PE-74- A,
A , B, and C : To Provide C-W Operation , B, and D.
11-625-9 Apr. 45. Modification of Radio Sets SCR-543– 11-920-1 Jan. 45. Modification of Power Units PE -49- D
A, SCR -543- B, and SCR -543 - C : To prevent dam and PE - 49 - F .
age in handling and shipping. 11-927-1 5 Oct. 44. Replacement of Muffler and Resistor in
11-630-3 3 Oct. 44. Modification of Radio Set SCR-506-A ; Power Unit, PE-108-A , -B, and -C , Part of Radio
To reduce frequency shift. Set SCR-543-A , -B, and -C.
11-630-4 Jan. 45. Modification of Radio Set SCR-506- A 11-927-2 Dec. 44. Modification of Power Units. PE - 108- A ,
Dynamotor DM -42-A Mounting. PE - 108 – B , PE - 108 - C , PE - 108 - D), and PE-108-E .
11-630-5 Apr. 45. Modification of Radio Set SCR -506 - A : 11-940-1 May 45. Modification of Choke Valve in Marvel
To prevent damage in handling and shipping. C 1 . Schebler Carburetor No. TCX -39-A Used in Power
11-630-6 Jun . 45. Modification of Radio Set SCR-506-A : Unit PE - 197 . C 1 .
To Obtain Improved Grounding in Vehicular In- 11--944-1 Jul . 45. Modification of Power Unit PU-30 / F :
stallations. To improve method of checking Lubricating Oil
* 11-637-1 Jul. 45. Modification of Radio - Interphone Con Level .
trol System for Radio Set AN / VRC - 3 installed in 11-955-1 Jun . 45. Modification of Rectifier RA-37 : To
Tanks, Gun Motor Carriages, and Landing Vehicles, Improve Fuse Protection and To Provide Mounting
Tracked . for Spare Fuse.
11-800-1 28 Oct. 44. Installation of Tube Clamp for Tube 11-957-1 Jul. 45. Modification of Rectifier RA-87 : To im
VT- 25 , in Radio Transmitters BC-191-A, -B, -C,
prove Fuse Protection and To Provide Mounting for
-D , and -E . Spare Fuse.

SIGNAL - Continued MWO SIG

11-1524-10 Feb. 45. Modification of Radio Sets SCR - 584
11-959G-1 18 Oct. 44. Modification of Rectifiers RA-34-E, A and SCR 584-B, Relocation of PPI Focus Con
-F, and -G. trol.
11-959G - 2 3 Nov. 44. Modification of Rectifiers RA - 34 - B , 11-1524-11 Mar. 45. Modification of Radio Sets SCR -584
C, D , F , and G. C 1 . A, and SCR 584 - B , Range Units BC - 1062 - A and
11-961-1 .3 Nov. 44. Modification of Rectifier RA - 34 - H
Electrical Relocation of Control Circuit Breaker BC - 1062 - B , Narrow Gate Delay Control Circuit.
11-1524–12 May 45. Modification of Radio Sets SCR
584 - A and SCR -584 - B , Driver Units BC - 1080 - A
11-961-2 17 Nov. 44. ' Modification of Rectifier RA - 34 - H and BC - 1030 - B , Resistor Strip.
Installation of Tube Clamps and High Voltage In 11-1524-13 May 45. Modification of Radio Sets SCR
sulators. 584 - A and SCR-584-B, Junction Boxes JB - 71 - A
11-961–3 Apr, 45. Modification of Rectifier RA -34 - H , To and JB-71-B, Dehydrator Power Imput Circuit.
prevent damage to Capacitors 933.1 and 933.2 dur 11-1524–14 May 45. Modification of Radio Sets SCR
ing handling and shipping. 584 - A and SCR -584 - B , Rectifiers RA -69 - A and
11-1076-1 6 Feb. 45. Modification of Antenna Conversion RA -69 - B , Transformer T-1505. C 1.
Kit for Radio Transmitters BC-446A , B , C, D, E , F, 11-1524–15 May 45. Modification of Radio Sets SCR
G, and H, To Make Antenna Tuning Unit ( Radio 584 - A and SCR - 584 - B , Modulators BC - 984 - A and
Receptor Type 465 ) easier to adjust. BC-984-B, Replacement of Suppression Resistors.
11-1122–) Nov. 44. Modification of Detector Sets SCR C1 .
625 - A , B, C, D, and E to Remove Polarizing Voltage. 11-1524–18 .Jun. 45. Modification of Radio Sets SCR
11-1122–2 Dec. 44. - Modification of Detector Sets SCR 584 - A and SCR -584 - B , Spinner Motor, Replacement
625 - A , B , C, D, and E to Permit Operation of Equip of Bearing in High -Speed Rotating Joint.
ment with Resonator M - 356 or Headset HS - 30 . 11-1524–19 Jul. 45. Modification of Radio Sets SCR -584–
11-1122–3 . Mar. 45. Modification of Detector Sets, SCR A and SCR - 584 - B , Range Units BC - 1062 - A and
625 - A , B, C, D, E, and F : To Provide Short Arm BC - 1062 - B , Removal of Capacitor C - 661.
Feature. C 1 . 11-1524-20 28 Jul. 45. Modification of Radio Sets SCR
11-1-140A - 1 21 Nov. 44. Modification of Beacon Transmit 584 - A and SCR - 584 - B , amplifiers BC - 1074 - A and
ter -Receiver * AN/PPN-1A, Antenna System *AS BC - 1074 - B , Plan Position Units BC = 1058 - A and
83/PPN-1A . and Receiver -Transmitter * RT - 44 / BC - 1058 - B , PPI Video and · Range Marker Cir
PPN-1A, Waterproofing of Cable Connector Assem cuits.
blies. 11-1540-1 26 May 45. Modification of Radio Set AN/
11-1160–1 27 Jun. 45. Modication of Radar Set AN/ TPS-3, Horizontal Separation Kit TPS -MX6.
TPX 4, Installation of Drive Shaft Collar on 11–1540-3 15 Jun. 45. Modification of Radio Set AN/
Transmitter Tuning Capacitor. TPS - 3 , Power Unit PU -21 / U , Installation of Mod
11-1310-1 30 Jun. 44 . Modification of Filament Trombone of ulator MD - 35 / TPS - 3. C 1 .
BC-405- ( ) , and BC -785 - A , used with Radio Sets 11–2032–1 Modification of Regenerative Repeater 0A - 3 /
SCR -270- ( ) , and SCR -271-1 ) . FC to prevent Transmission of False Signals under
11-1324-2 18 Feb. 45. Modification of Radio Sets SCR -584 certain Operating Conditions.
A and SCR 584-B, Installation of Hand Crank Kit 11-2057–1 Apr. 45. Modification of Test Set TS -27 / TSM
MC - 589. C 1 . To Improve A-C Circuit Operation. C 1 .
11-1324-3 8. Mar. 45. Modification of Radio Sets SCR 11-2203–1 1 Aug. 45. Modification of Teletypewriter Set
584 - A , SCR -584 - B , Pedestal MP -61, Installation of AN /TGC-1 for addition of Tape Baffle Plate.
Improved Telescope Mounting Bracket FT -511, C 1. 11-2204-1 Apr. 45. Modification of Dual Diversity Re
11-1324-6 Jun, 45. Modification of Radio Sets SCR-584 ceiving Equipment ( Wilcox Type CW3- D ) Involving
A and SCR-584-B, Pedestal MP -61, Pin and Lever Replacement of Capacitors and Resistors.
of Mechanical Elevation Stops. 11-2206-1 May 45. Modification of Telegraph Terminal
TH - 1 / TCC - 1.
11-1340–1 5 Apr. 45. Modification of Radio Set AN/TPS 11-2220-1 May 45. Modification of Transmitter Distrib
3, Installation of Metal Reflector Kit MX-371/
TPS - 3 . utor in Reperforator Transmitter TG - 26 - A : To
Provide Break Lock Mechanism .
11-1362-1 26 Jul. 45. Modification of Radio Equipment
RC - 384, Installation of Antenna Assembly AN -189. 11-2357–1 12 Jun . 45. Modification of Projector Equip
11-1505–2 5 Jul . 45. Modification of Radio Set SCR ments PH-131-A through PH-131-H For Large
296–A ; Pedestal FT - 336 - A ; Installation of azimuth Outdoor Audiences.
data transmitter Kit A96 - D2 . 11-2380-1 Feb. 45. Modification of Tripod PH-520/U to
11-1524-1 21 Jun. 44. Modification of Air - Cooling System , Accommodate Camera PH-430, C 1 .
For Keyer Tube 6C21 Radi Şet SCR-584 . * 11-2396–1 1 Oct. 45. Modification of Camera PH-330-H
11-1524–2 24 Jun. 441. Modification of Radio Set SCR -584. by Installation of Viewfinder PH-532/UF.
11-1524–3 24 Jun. 441. Modification of Radio Set SCR-584. AN/TRC-1A, AN / TRC - 1B , and AN/TRC-1C. C 1 .
11-1524–5 13 Jul. 44'. Modification of Radio Set SCR-584. 11-2400-1 Mar. 45. Modification of Generators ML - 185 - A ,
11-1524-7 Dec. 44. Modification of Radio Set SCR-584-A, and ML-185-B ( Hydrogen ) To permit use of Alu
Driver Unit BC-1080-A . minum and Sodium Hydroxide Process. C 1 .
11-1524–8 14 Feb. 451. Modification of Radio Sets SCR- 11-2403-1 25 Oct. 44. Installation of Accessory Light on
584 - A and SCR - 584 - B , Installation of Gate Modifi Radiosonde Receptor AN / FMQ-1 .
cation Kit MC-581 . 11-2403–2 15 Nov. 44. Modification of Radiosonde Receptor
11-1524-9 Feb. 45. Modification of Radio Set SCR-584, AN /FMQ-1 ; To provide Protection against Light
Air - Cooled Engines. ning.
Pedestal MP -61, Installation of Azimuth Selsyn 11-2416–1 Apr. 45. Replacement of Lamp Focusing
Cable Clamp. Mounts in Ceiling Light Projector Crouse-Hinds No.
This Modification Work Order is distributed only to interested head DCE - 8 .
quarters and individuals whose duties require that they have it. This 11-2527-1 Nov. 44. Modification of Battery Charger PP
Modification Work Order must be safeguarded in accordance with pro 78 /MRQ - 2. C 1 .
visions of AR 380-5 .


SIGNAL - Continued WD , Pam

MWO SIG 11-3 May 45. Signal Corps Equipment Security Classi
11-2601-1 28 Sep. 44. Substitution of Rectifier Tubes in fication List.
Power Supply PP-13 / TRA-1, Part of Amplifier * 11-4 15 Feb. 45. U. S. War Department Call Sign Book
Equipment AN / TRA-1. ( Short Title, CS-WD ) . C 1 , 2, 3, 4 , 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 , 10,
11-2601-2 3 Oct. 44. Modification of Radio Set AN / TRC 11 , 12, 13, 14 .
1 ; To incorporate additional Rectifier Tube in Re- 11-5 22 Mar. 45. Combat Photography.
ceiver R - 19 / TRC - 1. 12-1 15 Feb. 44 . Handling Mail In Registry Unit Of
11-2601-3 Feb. 45. Modification of Radio Sets AN / TRC - 1, War Department Post Offices. C 1 .
AN /TRC-1A, AN /TRC-1B, and AN / TRC - 1 . C1 . 12-2 29 Jun . 43 . Instructions For Changing Files To
11–2601-4 19 Apr. 45. Rhombic Antenna for Use with Conform to The 1943 Edition Of The War Depart
Radio Terminal Set AN / TRC - 3, -3A, -3B, 3C, ment Decimal File System.
-3D, and -3E and Radio Terminal Set AN / TRC - 4 , 12-5 10 Mar. 44. Records Administration : Disposition
-4A , -4B , -4C , -4D , and 4E . C 1 . of Records.
11-2619-1 Apr. 45. Modification of Ringing, Key, and 12–7 Jun. 45. Christmas Mail Regulations for Oversea
Drop Circuits in Radio Control Central AN/TRQ-1 . Army Personnel.
* 11-2671-2 5 Nov. 45. Modification of Radio Transmitter 12–10 Jan. 45.2 Standards for Preparation and Offset Re
( Wilcox Electric Type 96C ) To Replace Unsatis production of Tables of Organization and Equip
factory Type Capacitors with a Better Quality ment. C1 .
Capacitor. 12-11 Mar. 45. Fixed Text EFM and Sender's Composi
PE-49-D-1 30 Mar. 44. Modification of Power Unit PE tion Cable or Radio Messages.
49 - D . 12–12 Apr. 45. The Army Individual Test ( AIT-1 ) .
12–13 27 Jul. 45. Army Trade Screening Tests.
38. PAMPHLETS ( Pam ) . a. Purpose. War Depart * 12–14 15 Sep. 45. Centralization, Maintenance, and Ser
vicing of Noncurrent Clinical Records.
ment Pamphlets are published for the dissemination 20-2 30 Dec. 43. Teaching Devices for Special Train
of information not appropriate for issuance in other ing Units.
20-3 Sep. 44. Guide to The Use of Information Ma
series of War Department publications. terials.
b. Numbering . Each War Department Pamphlet 20-4 7 Sep. 44.1 List of Courses Offered By Coopera
bears a basic number identifying the general nature ting Colleges and Universities Through United
States Armed Forces Institute.
of its subject matter, according to the system de 20-5 3 Mar, 44 . Absence Without Leave.
scribed in Section III, and a subnumber showing its 20-6 29 Feb. 44. Command of Negro Troops.
sequence in the series of pamphlets on that general 2047 20 Oct. 44. Troop Train Commander's Guide,
20-8 10 Apr. 44. Instruction In Special Training Units .
subject. For example, War Department Pamphlet 20-9 Feb. 45. Preparation of Identification Cards.
12–2 is the second pamphlet in the series pertaining 20–10 · 15 Mar. 44. Silence Means Security .
to functions of the Adjutant General's Department. 20-12 12 Sep. 44. Camouflage and Concealment , Terrain
and Vegetation in The Southwest Pacific Area.
c . Authorized allowances. Allowances of War De 20-13 15 Dec. 44. Invisible Weapon .
partment Pamphlets are indicated by formula ap- 20-14 16 Apr. 45. Rail Equipment Check List for Troop
Train Commanders,
pearing in each pamphlet, as prescribed in par. 23. 20–15 5 Mar. 45 . For Your Guidance.
d. List. 20–16 30 Jun . 45. Take- Over of OSRD Contracts .
WD, Pam. 20-17 5 Jul . 45. Lessons Learned and Expedients used
1-1 Apr. 45 . Standard Operating Procedure for Air in Combat.
Force Units Cooperating with Antiaircraft Artillery. 20-18 3 Aug. 45 . Safe Practices for Forest Fire Fighters.
5-1. 17 Dec. 43. Control of Insects, Rodents, and Other 21-1 22 Aug. 44. Vital Facts for men overseas.
Vermin ( Guide for Post Engr ) . 21-3 15 Dec. 43 . Your Job In The Army.
8-1 , 2 Apr. 43. Health Precautions For Central and 21-4 Nov. 44 . Information for Soldiers Going Back
South Africa and West Coast of Africa. to Civilian Life, C 1 .
8-2. 2 Apr. 43. Health Precautions For Central and 21-5 1 Apr. 44. Personal Affairs of Military Personnel
South America and Caribbean Area. and Aid for Their Dependents.
8-3 20 Apr. 43. Health Precautions For African and 21-6 22 Jan. 44. Troopship.
Asiatic Countries Along Southern and Eastern 21-7 16 May 41. If You Should Be Captured , These
Mediterranean Sea , Red Sea , and Persian Gulf. Are Your Rights .
8-4 21 Apr. 43. Health Precautions For Far East 21-8 22 May 44 . Standing Operating Procedure For
( Southern Asia, Eastern Asia, and Netherlands Military Ground Observers In Aircraft Warning
East Indies ) . Service.
8-5 20 Jun . 44. Procurement of Spectacles For Mili 1 May 41. Physical Conditioning .
tary and Other Authorized Personnel . C 1 , 2. 21-10 5 Jun , 44 . Private Droop Has Missed The War.
8-6 13 Jun . 44. Geographical Distribution of Certain 21-13 10 Aug. 44. Army Life.
Diseases. 21-14 7 Jun . 45. Pay Guide For Commissioned Officers
8-7 and Others Who Certify Their Own Pay and Al
15 Mar. 44. Helpful Hints To Those Who Have
Lost Limbs. C 1. lowance Accounts On Change of Station.
21-15 You Don't Think !!!
8-8 1 Jul. 44. Radioactive Luminous Compounds Pro
tective Measures. 21-16 June 44. So You've Got a Furlough .
11-2 20 Apr. 44. Signal Photography, Standing Operat- 1 Available only from United States Armed Forces Institute, Madison,
Wis .
ing Procedure For Signal Photographic Units In 21ssued only to interested individuals whose duties require that they
Theaters of Operation . C 1. have it .


WD, Pam WD, Pam

21-17 21 Oct. 44. New Horizons . * 28-11B 5 Oct. 45. Hospital Entertainment Guide No. 7.
21-18 4 Sep. 44. The Soldier's Savings Program . A Guide * 28–110 Nov. 45. Hospital Entertainment Guide No. 9.
to its conduct. * 28–12A 21 Jun . 45. “ OK , USA ” Soldier nows .
21-19 6 Sep. 44. How To Hatch A Nest Egg. *28-134 Jul. 45. Curtain Going Up. ( WAC Variety
21-20 15 Dec. 44. Venereal Disease Overseas. Nights ) .
21-23 17 Nov. 44. Mines and Booby Traps. 28-15A 1 Jun . 45. Soldier Shows. Folio Highlights ( Folio
21-24 28 Nov. 44. Explanation of the Provisions of " The No. 29 ) .
GI Bill of Rights” ( Public Law 346, 78th Congress ) . 28–15B 5 Jul. 45. Soldier Shows, Grab Bag ( Folio No.
21-26 Jan. 45. You're On Your Way Home. 30 ) .
21-27 3 Apr. 45. How About Your Education ? 28-18 24 Jun. 45. Training the U. S. Army Song Leader .
21–28 2 May 45. Where Do We Go From Here ? (Infor A Handbook for Music Directors.
mation for Liberated Prisoners of War ) . * 29–2 4 Jun. 45. Preparation For Oversea Movement of
21-29 28 May 45. Traveling ; What You Should Know Individual Replacement. ( Short Title POR) .
Before You Go. 29–3 7 Dec. 45. Oversea Travel orders for Casuals, Re
21-30 23 Apr. 45. Our Red Army Ally. placements, and Individuals. ( Short Title OTO ) . C 1 .
21-31 28 Apr. 45. Two Down and One To Go. 31-1 12 Aug. 45. Civil Affairs Information Guide
21-32 28 May 45. English-Japanese Phrase Card. Japan Bibliography .
21-33 25 Jun. 45. Tank Hunters, Hints For Close Com 31-1A 17 Aug. 45. Civil Affairs Information Guide, Japan
bat Against Tanks . Bibloigraphy.
* 21-35 6 Aug. 45. What's the Score in a Case like Mine ? 31-2 Nov. 44. Civil Affairs Handbook Public Health in
23-1 9 Dec. 43. Direct Fire Control For Automatic the Japanese Empire.
Weapons, Tracer Observation . 31–3 24 Nov. 44. Facts and Figures about the Philippines.
24–2 14 Apr. 44. Radio Telephone Procedure. ( Extracted 31-102 4 May 44. Civil Affairs Information Guide - Mod
from FM 24-9 ) . ern Civil Law.
25-1 23 Nov. 44. Equipment For Traversing Muddy Ter 32-1 . 1 May 44. Plant Protection For Manufacturers .
rain. C 1 . 32-2. 1 Sep. 43. Internal Security Inspection.
27-2 15 Mar. 44. Claims For Registered and Insured 32–3 12 Sep. 44. You-as a Plant Operator ; Your Fight
Mail . Against Fire.
27–3 24 Apr. 44. War Department Procedure Claims. 34–2 1 May 45. Army -Navy Contractor's Guide.
27-4 12 Jun. 44. Procedure For Military Executions. 35-1 10 May 45. Sex Hygiene Course, Women's Army
C1 . Corps.
27–5 Feb. 45. Military Jurisdiction over Merchant Sea 35–2 Feb. 45. The WAC officer. A Guide to Successful
men , C 1 . Leadership.
28-1 The Morale Services Division .
17 Dec. 43. * 35–3 May 45. Women's Army Corps Life.
28-2 21 Jun. 45. Special Service Officers’ Preparation * 35-4 27 Jun. 45. “ For Women Overseas " .
For Oversea Service. 37-1 26 Mar. 45. Maintenance Drill 14 Ton Truck.
28-3 Dec. 44. Athletics and Recreation. A Model 60-Day 37-2 26 Mar. 45. Maintenance Drill Trucks, 4 x 4, 34
Program . Ton and 142 Ton and Trucks, 6 x 6, 142 Ton and
28-4 28 Dec. 44. Bibliography of Songs for Group Sing 212 Ton .
ing (Including a list of Community Song Books). 37–3 8 Mar. 45. Maintenance Drill Half - Track Vehicles,
28–5 10 Mar. 45. Organized Recreational Tours For Mili * 38–41 Nov. 45. United States Army and Navy Shipping
tary Personnel Overseas. Designators.
28–6 19 Mar. 45. Selected List of Band Music. 38,5 5 Jun. 44. Enough and On Time.
28–7 3 Mar. 45. Selected List of Choral Music. 38–6 Jan. 45 . Itemized Baggage List. C 1 , 2, 3, 4 , 5, 6.
28–9 2 Apr. 45. Guide for Information Education Offi 38–7 4. Jul. 45. Handbook For Army Conservation Pro
cers Post V-E Day Period. gram Officers.
28–10 4 May 45. Sit Down and Play. ( A Handbook on 55-1 10 Apr. 44. Safety Rules, Military Railway Serv
Elementary Piano Playing for the Soldier) , ice, U. S. Army.




a. Purpose and Scope. The Commercial Traffic
Bulletin is a War Department publication for dis- CTB
seminating to all installations of the War Depart 12 ... Instructions to Traveler Printed 25 Mar. 1944
in Error on Reverse Side of
ment instructions and information promulgated by Certain Memorandum Copies
the Chief of Transportation with respect to commer of Transportation Requests.
cial traffic matters concerning which he has juris- 13 ... III. Bill-Of-Lading Description for 10 Apr. 1944
Cannibalized Military Vehicles .
diction and authority under AR 55–5 . 14 ... Shipping Less Than Carload 14 Apr. 1944
b. Format. ( 1 ) Commercial Traffic Bulletins will Freight Through
I. Chicago Consolidating Sta
be printed, mimeographed, or multilithed in pam tion .
phlet or leaflet form 8 by 1012 inches in size as di II. Philadelphia Consolidating
rected by The Adjutant General. III. New York Consolidating
( 2 ) The bulletins will be numbered serially with Station ,
in each year, the first six of each year being re IV. Saint Louis Consolidating
Station .
served for the following : 2 May 1944
15 ... Transportation Requests
No. 1 — Terminals, facilities, etc., for shipment 16 ... Storage or Processing in Tran- 9 May 1944
by highway carriers. sit — Procedure at Transit
Points .
No. 2 - Terminals, facilities, etc., for shipment 17 ... War Department Master Aver- 15 May 1944
by rail carriers. age Demurrage Agreement.
19 ... Use of Motor Carriers on Traffic 1 Jun. 1944
No. 3 - Rail freight land-grant equalization
Consigned to Army -Navy Con
agreements. solidating Stations Located at
No. 4-Motor freight land- grant equalization Chicago, East St. Louis, New
New York, and Philadelphia .
agreements. 20 ... I. Special Ratings on Shipments of 1 Jun. 1944
No. 5 - Land -grant percentages. United States Government Rec
No. 6 — Passenger agreements covering mili
tary and nonmilitary traffic. II. Storage or Processing in Tran
22 ... I. Special Sleeping Cars, Parlor 29 Jun . 1944
c. List. Cars, or Coaches.
II. Minimum Charges for Sleeping
NUMBER TITLE DATE Cars for Hospital and Litter
Cases .

23 ... III. Signatures on Bills of Lading . 12 Jul . 1944
9 ... V. Refusal of Shipments.
Improvement in Freight Car 8 Dec. 1943
Performance. VI. Disregard of Routing and Mail.
ing Instructions.
10 ... I. Shipment of Explosives with Per- 24 Dec. 1943 24 ... Request for Express Transpor
sonal Property Unlawful. tation Orders. 27 Jul. 1944
II. Revised Government Bill of Lad
ing, Standard Forms Nos . 25 ... Movement by Rail of Furlough
and Delay En Route (Fur- 10 Aug. 1944
lough ) . Traffic.
III. Local Coordination of Physical 26 ... Utilization of Commercial
and Administrative Functions . 24 Aug. 1944
Freight Forwarders.
27 ... State Limitations on Sizes and
3 ... Freight Land - Grant Equaliza- 1 Apr. 1944
Weights of Commercial Motor 24 Aug. 1944
tion Agreement Together with Vehicles.
List of Agreement Carriers 28 ... Use of Express Transportation
( Rail ) . C 1 . 2 Sep. 1944
on Grounded Air Freight Ship
8 ... Advice of Shortage of Strategic 28 Jan. 1944 ments .
or Critical Matériel. 29 ... Rules Governing Loading of
9 ... Priorities for Shipments Via Air 2 Feb. 1944 Military Vehicles and Major 5 Sep. 1944
Transport Command Domestic Calibre Guns .
Cargo Service. C 1 . 30 ... Description on Bills of Lading
11 ... I. Multiple Billing - Transportation 25 Feb. 1944 Covering Shipments of Classi 5 Sep. 1944
of Assemblies . fied Matériel.
II. Shipments for Other Govern 31 ... Traffic Control Information
ment Departments, Memorandum No. 1 .
III. Dunnage Weights on Bills of 32 ... I. Routing to Lordstown Ordnance 21 Sep. 1944
Lading. Depot.
V. “ QMR ” Symbol and Number on II. Describing Clothing and Related 29 Sep. 1944
Bills of Lading. Articles " In Bales ” .


CTB V. Clothing Voluntarily Returned to
Army by Honorably Dis
III. Freight Land -Grant Equaliza
tion Agreement . charged Enlisted Personnel .
V. Disregard of Routing and Mail 19 ... I. Priorities for Shipments via Air
ing Instructions. Transport Command Military 11 Apr. 1945
VI . Publication of Changes to Com Air Transport ( M-A-T ) Do
mercial Traffic Bulletins. mestic Cargo Service.
V. Publication of Technical Manual. II. Designation of Port of Aerial
33 ... I. Blanket Express Tranportation Embarkation for Individual
Orders . Shipments Destined to Oversea
II. Express Transportation Order 3 Nov. 1944 Points by Air.
Numbers in Shipping Instruc 20 ... I. Movement of Equipment and 10 Apr. 1945
tions . Supplies to Ports for Export.
III. Telephone Numbers for Freight II. Car Utilization Suggestions.
and Express Shipment Re III. ICC Service Order 242 - B - De
quests . murrage .
IV. Substitution of Refrigerator Cars IV. AAR Car Service Division Em
for Box Cars. bargo No. 400—Export Freight
V. Rescission of Published Provi Consigned to Mexico.
sions . 21 ... I. Utilization of Railroad Cars .... 25 Apr. 1945
35 ... Forwarding LCL Shipments II. Shipment of Property Declared
from Pittsburgh Industrial 12 Dec. 1944
Surplus to Disposal Agencies.
Area . Through Army- Navy 22 ... Loading 14 - Ton, 4 x 4 , Trucks , 8 May 1945
Consolidating Station , Chicago , Set Up , on Railroad Flat Cars
Illinois. for Shipment.
36 ... Utilization of Railroad Cars .... 14 Dec. 1944
37 ... Addresses of Air Freight Ter- 30 Dec. 1944
23 ... Army Reservation Bureaus ..... 8 May 1945
minals at Ports of Aerial Em 24 ... Utilization of Commercial 12 May 1945
barkation Served by Air Trans Freight Forwarders.
port Command . 25 ... Transportation of Dependents 14 May 1945
and Shipment of Household
4 ... Motor Freight Land - Grant 1 Mar. 1945 and Personal Effects Under
Equalization Agreements. Missing Persons Act.
6 ... Passenger Agreements Covering 9 Jun . 1945 26 ... Travel by Commercial Aircraft- 30 May 1945
Military and Nonmilitary Transportation .
Traffic FY 1946. 27 ... Shipment of Surplus Property 6 Jun. 1945
7 ... Cancellation of Joint Rail -Motor 5 Jan. 1945 for Disposal Agencies.
Honoring Arrangement. 28 ... Policing of Errors in Prepara- 7 Jun. 1945
8 ... Unloading Record - Army -Navy 25 Jan. 1945 tion of War Department Bills
Consolidated Car Service. of Lading.
9 ... III. Lost or Damage Shipments . 26 Jan. 1945 29 ... I. Valuation of Shipments ( For . 8 Jun. 1945
10 ... Reporting Information for Rate 8 Feb. 1945 merly Sec . II , WD Cir. 155,
Adjustments on , and Proper 1943 ) .
Freight Classification of War II. Authority for Shipment by Ex
Department Traffic. press ( Formerly Par. 32, AR
11 ... Traffic Control Information 9 Feb. 1945 55-155 ) .
Memorandum , No. 3. V. Dunnage Weights - Rescissions.
12 ... Car Detention and Demurrage .. 10 Feb. 1945 VI. Airplane Sheds, Portable, Steel
13 ... Traffic Control Information 1945 -How Described on Bills of
Memorandum No. 4 . Lading.
14 ... Shipping Less than Carload 8 Mar. 1945 30 ... I. Applications for ODT “ QMR” 13 Jun. 1945
unit Permits and “ TS ” Route
Freight Through Los Angeles
and Seattle Freight Distribut Orders.
ing Agencies. 31 ... I. Shipments Care of Postmasters 15 Jun. 1945
15 ... Highway Control Stations–Util- 23 Mar. 1945 -Commercial Routing Prohib
ited .
ization of Stations Under Jur
isdiction of the New York Port II. Parcel Post Restrictions and
of Embarkation . Procedures .
16 ... Shipping Less Than Carload 29 Mar. 1945 32 ... Transportation Time Guide for 28 Jun . 1945
Freight Through Detroit Con Less—Carload Oversea Ship
solidating Sub- Depot No. 2. ments forwarded to Ports of
17 ... Switching Services ; Certificates 9 Apr. 1945 Embarkation .
Covering. 33 ... Notice of shipment to Govern- 2 Jul . 1945
18 ... I. Shipments to Mexico ... ment.
II . Small Shipments . 10 Apr. 1945 34 ... I. Request for rail routing and 9 Jul. 1945
IV. Supporting papers Required with equipment .
Memorandum Copies of Bills II. Temporary increases in passen
of Lading sent to Finance Offi ger Transportation charges in
cer, United States Army, Mexico .
Washington 25, D. C. III. Baggage Address of Deliveree.


CTB II . Adoption and use of Govern
35 ... Troop Movements , Railroad 10 Jul 1945 ment Freight Waybills.
Equipment. III. Postage on Parcel-Post ship
36 ... I. General Instructions. 16 Jul. 1945 ments from Contractors
II. Specific routing instructions . Plants.
III . Addresses of Army- Navy con IV. Port Agencies.
solidating stations and freight V. Regualting stations .
distributing agencies. 45 ... Transportation of Authorized 14 Sep. 1945
IV. Forwarding LCL shipments Baggage.
from Pittsburgh industrial 46 ... I. Authorized baggage shipments 28 Sep. 1945
area through Army-Navy Con supporting papers in connec
solidating Stations, Cleveland, tion with .
V. Graphic maps describing origin II. Correction of Commercial Traffic
B Bulletins No. 42, 1945.
and destination territories III . Discontinuance of issuance of
served by each consolidating through transportation re
station named in Column 1 ,
Section II. quests to Prince Rupert, B. C.
47 ... I. Incorrect disbursing office shown 8 Oct. 1945
37 ... II . State Limitations on sizes and 21 Jul . 1945
weights of commercial motor on motor van contracts .
vehicles. II . Bill of lading descriptions — -

38 ... I. Issuance of through transporta- 4 Aug. 1945 mixed carload and less-carload
tion requests to Prince Rupert, shipment of parts and appli
B. C.
39 ... Report “ Statement of Troop 6 Aug. 1945 48 ... I. Cancelation of ODT-QMR Per 22 Oct. 1945
Movements " . mits and substitution of TCR
40 ... Preference Plan for Ordering 13 Aug. 1945 permits.
and Furnishing Pullman II. Changes in existing CTB 30, 37
Equipment. and 41 , 1945 .
41 ... I. Incurring unnecessary charges- 14 Aug. 1945 49 ... I. Port Agencies 31 Oct. 1945
CL vs, LCL shipments . II . Application for “ TS " route or
II. Prompt release of tank cars . ders on consolidated carloads.
III. Loading of medium and heavy III. Car and Truck seals - procure
tanks on flat cars. ment .
IV. Requests for ODT “ QMR” unit 50 ...

I. Dependent travel 13 Nov. 1945
Permits-Proper method of II . Shipment of authorized bag
indicating availability period . gage.
V. Recovery of freight charges ,
Commercial Shipments for
51 ... I. Freight land-grant equalization 27 Nov. 1945
agreement .
warded in Army-Navy Con II. Bills of lading — Supersession of
solidated Car Service.
CTB's .
42 ... Transportation Corps Field In- 20 Aug. 1945 III. Shipping less than carload
stallations .
43 ... Routing Passenger Traffic Un- 23 Aug. 1945 freight through Army-Navy
der Provisions of Joint Mili consolidating stations,
tary Passenger Agreements, 52 ... Storage in Transit- Discontinu 30 Nov. 1945
44 ... I. Bill of Lading description to be 10 Sep. 1945 ance or curtailment of use.
used on shipment of sulphuric 53 ... Movement of traffic under Com 14 Dec. 1945
acid from plants. Air Project.



REVISIONS ( AR) . General. Army Regulations are Purpose and arrangement. The purpose of Readjust
indexed in AR 1-5. For a complete listing of Army ment Regulations is to publish War Department poli
Regulations and changes thereto now in effect see cies, instructions, and information relating to the
AR 1-10, 1 January 1946. This manual lists cumu- readjustment of the Military Establishment to a dif
latively all new regulations, changes, and revisions ferent wartime situation or to a peacetime status.
published from 1 January 1946 until the date of the They are subdivided and numbered to indicate the
next revision of AR 1-10. For explanation of the basic subject matter, and numbered serially within
purpose and scope of Army Regulations see AR 1-15. each basic subdivision, in the same manner as Mobili
For authorized allowances see paragraph 12, AR 310- zation Regulations.
b. Authorized allowances. Readjustment Regula
41. MOBILIZATION REGULATIONS ( MR) . a . tions are distributed within each of the major com
mands of the Army operating directly under the
Purpose. Mobilization Regulations are a compila War Department, both in the continental United
tion of instructions for initiating and effecting the
States and overseas, to such agencies and in such
War Departmen mobilizatio plan n designed to call
into active service, equip, and supply the manpower quantities as are considered necessary by the com
required by the Army in case of war or a national manding generals of such commands for carrying
out the instructions contained therein .
emergency. For authorized allowances see paragraph c . List .
21, AR 310-200.
b. Numbering. Mobilization Regulations have a
basic number, which corresponds to the numerical RR
designations of the divisions of the War Department 1-1. 15 Feb. 45. Personnel Plan For Readjustment of Mili.
Staff, as outlined in AR 10–15, and indicate the series tary Personnel After the Defeat of Germany. C 1 , 2,
1-2 . 11 Apr. 45 . Personnel Procedure For Readjustment
or subject matter under which they are classified, and Movements.
a subnumber which is a serial number issued within 1-3. 15 Sep. 44. Personnel Athletic and Recreation Program.
that series. For example, MR 4-2 is the second regu * 1-4 . 10 Oct. 45. Personnel Army Education Program .
1-5. 30 Apr. 45. Personnel Procedures for the Readjust
lation issued in the 4-series on supply and related ment of Officers, Warrant Officers, and Flight Officers
matters . After the Defeat of Germany.
1-6. 16 Feb. 45. Personnel Standing Operating Procedure
c. List. for the Demobilization of Category IV Elements. C 1 , 2.
LETINS ( Cir, GO, Bul ) . a. Circulars. War Depart
MR ment Circulars are employed for the publication of
1 Apr. 40. Mobilization. directive material having general but temporary
1-1 .
1 Sep. 39. Personnel-Basic Instructions . C 1 . application. Frequently, also, administrative regula
1-2. 15 Jul. 39. Personnel Requirements Computing, tions of a permanent nature are published in War
Reporting and Establishing. C 2.
1-3. Department Circulars pending their incorporation in
30 Oct. 39. Officers - Personnel Procedures. C 1 , 2. Army Regulations or changes to Army Regulations.
( Old ) 1-7. 15 Oct. 34. Wartime Classification of Commis-
sioned Personnel . C 1 . b. General Orders. General Orders of the War
1-4 . Department contain announcements of official acts
25 Oct. 39. Officer Candidates—Personnel Proced
ures. C 1 , 2. of the Secretary of War, such as citations of units,
1 Oct. 40. Procurement and Reception of Volunteers awards of decorations, designations of certain instal
During Mobilization . C 1 .
1-8 .
18 Sep. 40. Enlisted Men - Classification, Assign lations and commands, and grants or revocations of
ment, Reclassification, and Reassignment, and Sepa- authority to appoint general courtsmartial.
ration from the Service. c. Bulletins. War Department Bulletins contain
19 Apr. 44. Standards of Physical Examination Executive Orders, presidential proclamations , and
During Mobilization . C 1 , 2, 3. statutes affecting the administration of the Military
1-9 Suppl. 30 Jun. 45. Physical Profile Serial.
1-10 . Establishments as a whole.
5 Mar. 43. Morale.
1 Apr. 40. Certain Categories of Personnel . C 1 . d. Numbering and distribution. War Department
2-1 .
3-1. 1 Oct. 38. Military Intelligence. Circulars, General Orders, and Bulletins are each
23 Nov. 40. Organization and Training. C 1 , 2, 3, numbered in a consecutive series for each calendar
4 , 6. year. All numbers are distributed uniformly through
5 Jan. 40. Supply ; Construction ; Transportation . out the Army according to the allowances prescribed
C1 .
4-2. in paragraph 19, AR 310-200 .
13 Feb. 40. Hospitalization. C 1 .


44. GENERAL . For explanation of the purpose and NUMBER DATE, TITLE AND CHANGES
scope of Tables of Organization and Equipment and
Tables of Allowances see AR 310-60. Authorized T/O&E
allowances are prescribed in paragraphs 25 and 26, 1-310-1 7 Dec. 43. Headquarters and Headquarters Squad
AR 310-200. Tentative and special tables are not ron, Troop Carrier Wing.
1-312 4. Nov. 43. Headquarters, Troop Carrier Group.
listed herein, and are distributed by the War Depart C 1 , 2, 3.
ment only to those units and agencies directly con 1-312R 5 Mar. 45. Headquarters, Troop Carrier Group.
cerned. 1-317 12 May 44. Troop Carrier Squadron. C 1 .
1-317R 5 Mar. 45. Troop Carrier Squadron.
1-347 20 Apr. 44. Transport Squadron (Cargo and Mail ) .
45. TABLES OF ORGANIZATION AND EQUIP 1-407 4 May 44. Depot Unit, Army. C 1 .
MENT. 1-412 16 June 43. Headquarters and Headquarters Squad
ron, Service Group. C 1 , 2, 3, 4.
NUMBER DATE , TITLE AND CHANGES 1-417 2 Jan. 44. Air Service Squadron. C 1 , 2, 3.
1-452R 5 Mar. 45. Headquarters and Base Services Squad
ron, Air Service Group.
AIR 1-457R 5 Mar. 45. Air Engineering Squadron Air Service
T/O&E Group .
'1-458R 5 Mar. 45. Air Matériel Squadron, Air Service
1–10–1 24 Sep. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Squad Group . C 1 .
ron , Fighter Wing. C 1 . 1-470 11 June 45. Air Cargo Resupply Organization .
1-12 29 Dec. 43. Headquarters Fighter Group. C 1 , 2, 3, >
31 May 44 . Airdrome Squadron . C 1 .
1-12R 5 Mar. 45. Headquarters, Fighter Group. C.1. 1-500-1 8 June 45. Headquarters and Headquarters
Squadron , Tactical Air Command .
* 1-17R 20 Nov. 45. Fighter Squadron , Jet Propelled. 1-547 18 Oct. 43. Tactical Air Communications Squadron.
1-27 22 Dec. 43. Fighter Squadron, Single-engine. C 1 , 2 C 1 , 2, 3, 4.
1-27 R 5 Mar. 45. Fighter Squadron, Single Engine or 1-562R 29 May 45. Headquarters and Base Services
Two Engine. Squadron , Air Depot.
1-37 22 Dec. 43. Fighter Squadron, Two-engine. C 1 , 2. 1-564R 29 May 45 . (Air Ammunition Squadron , Air De
1-47 18 Oct. 44. Fighter Control Squadron . C 1 .
1-67 4 Sep. 44. Night Fighter Squadron . C 1 , 2. pot.
1-567R 29 May 45 . Air Repair Squadron , Air Depot.
1-100–1 6 Jan. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Squad 1-568R 29 May 45. Air Supply Squadron, Air Depot.
ron , Bomber Command . C 1 , 2, 3.
1-110-1 14 Apr. 43. Headquarters and Headquarters Squad 1-569R 29 May 45. Air TVehicle Repair Squadron, Air
ron, Bombardment Wing, Heavy or Medium. C 1, 2. 1-600 24 July. 45. Aircraft Control and Warning Organi.
1-112 4 Jul . 45. Headquarters, Bombardment Group, zation .
Very Heavy, Heavy, or Medium. 1-618
1-112R 5 Mar. 45. Headquarters, Bombardment Group. 15 Sep. 43. Arctic Search and Rescue Squadron.
C 1.
C 1 , 2.
1-117 21 July 44. Bombardment Squadron, Heavy. 1-627 13 Nov. 44. Regional Control Headquarters and
Weather Squadron .
1-117R 5 Mar. 45. Bombardment Squadron , Heavy. 1-638 9 Nov. 43. Weather Reconnaissance Squadron, Air
1-119 15 July 44. Photographic Laboratory, Bombardment
Group, Very Heavy . C 1 , 2, Route, Medium .
1-127 18 Aug. 44. Bombardment Squadron, Medium. 1-687 29 July 44. Airways Detachment.
1-707 2 June 44. Motion Picture Unit, 16 -mm .
1-127R 5 Mar. 45. Bombardment Squadron , Medium.
1-708 21 Apr. 45 . Combat Camera Unit.
1-132 13 Dec. 43. Headquarters, Bombardment Group, 1-727
Light. C 1 , 2. 14 Jan. 44. Radar Calibration Detachment. C1 .
1-749 11 Oct. 43 . Photo Procurement Detachment.
1-137 28 Mar. 44. Bombardment Squadron , Light. C 1
2, 3. 1-752 15 Mar. 45. Headquarters, Reconnaissance Group.
C 1.
1-137R 5 Mar. 45. Bombardment Squa Light.
1-160-1 6 June 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Squad 1-757 17 Sep. 43. Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron.
ron, Bombardment Wing, Very Heavy. C 1 , 2, 3 , 4 .
1-167 17 Apr. 44. Bombardment Squadron, Very Heavy. 1-759 20 Sep. 43. Photographic Charting Squadron. C 1 , 2.
C 1 , 2, 3, 1-760-1 16 Apr. 45 . Headquarters and Headquarters
' 1-167R 5 Mar. 45. Bombardment Squadron , Very Heavy. Squadron , Reconnaissance Wing. C 1 .
C 1. 1-768 20 Sep. 43. Combat Mapping Squadron ( 4-engine ) .
1-168R 5 Mar. 45. Bombardment Squadron, Very Heavy. C 1 , 2,
C 1. 1-769 19 Aug. 44. Photographic Technical Unit. C 1 .
1-170-1 3 Aug. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Squad- 1-778 31 May 45. Photographic Technical Squadron .
ron , Air Division . C 1 . 1-779 16 Sep. 43. Photographic Technical Squadron.
1-267 13 Apr. 45. Tactiual Reconnaisance Squadron . 1-797 8 Mar. 45. Statistical Control Unit.
1-297 20 Mar. 45. Reconnaissance Squadron, Long Range. 1-800-1 26 July 43. Headquarters and Headquarters Squad
C 1. ron , Air Force. C 1 , 2.
1-298 20 Jul . 45. Reconnaissance Squadron, Very Long 1-801-1 19 June 43. Headquarters and Headquarters Squad
Range . ron , Air Force Composite Command. C 1 .

AIR - Continued T/O&E

T /O&E 3-418 7 Feb. 45. Chemical Depot Company, Aviation.
1-852 20 Jan. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Squad- 3-457 29 Sep. 44. Chemical Company, Air Operations.
ron, Air Depot Group. C 1 , 2, 3, 4 , 5. 3-500 15 Dec. 44. Chemical Service Organization .
1-857 15 Dec. 43. Depot Repair Squadron. C 1 , 2, 3. COAST ARTILLERY
1-858 8 Jan. 45. Depot Supply Squadron.
1-907 24 June 44. Aircraft Maintenance Unit ( Floating ) . 4–29 9 May 44. Coast Artillery Transport Detachment.
C 1 , 2. C 1.
1-911 27 Jun 44. Aircraft Repair Unit ( Floating ) . C 1 , 4-37 9 Jan. 45. Coast Artillery Surface Warning Battery .
2. 4-62 11 Apr. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Battery,
1-947 17 Nov. 43. Engine Overhaul Squadron. C 1 , 2. Coast Artillery Group, Harbor Defense. C 1.
* 1-952 24 Sep. 45. Radio Security Detachment. 4-66 11 Apr. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Detach
1-977 5 May 45. Liaison Squadron. ment, Coast Artillery Battalion, Harbor Defense.
1-987 28 Nov. 44. Emergency Rescue Squadron. C 1.
1-989 18 Dec. 43. Emergency Rescue Boat Squadron. 4-67 11 Apr. 44. Coast Artillery Battery, Gun, Harbor
1-998R 29 May 45. Motor Transport Squadron, Air Ser Defense . C 1 , 2.
vice Group, Air Depot, or Aviation . 4-68 11 Apr. 44. Coast Artillery Battery, Searchlight,
1-999 30 July. 45. Aviation Squadron. Harbor Defense. C 1 , 2.
1-1027 19 Jan. 45. Radio Squadron, Mobile. 4-69 11 Apr. 44. Coast Artillery Battery, Mine, Harbor
1-1077 17 Aug. 44. Tow. Target Squadron. Defense . C 1 , 2.
1-1087 13 Sep. 44. Helicopter Squadron .. 4–77 11 Apr. 44. Coast Artillery Battery, Antimotor
CAVALRY Torpedo Boat. Harbor Defense. C 1 , 2.
4-87 11 Apr. 44. Coast Artillery Battery, Fixed Anti
2 30 Sep. 44. Cavalry Division, C 1 , 2. aircraft, Harbor Defense. C 1.
2-1 30 Sep. 44. Headquarters, Cavalry Division. C 1, 2, 4-104 11 Apr. 44. Coast Artillery Battery, Minè Planter
( Junior Mine Planter) ( Cable Ship ) . C 1.
2-2 30 Sep. 44. Headquarters. Troop , Cavalry Division , 4–152 31 July 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Battery,
C 1 , 2, 3.
Coast Artillery Group, 155-mm Gun .
2-10 30 Sep. 44. Cavalry Brigade, Horse. C 1 .
4–155 . 5 Aug. 44. Coast Artillery Battalion , 155-mm Gun .
2-10–1 30 Sep. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Troop, 4–156 5 Aug. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Battery,
Cavalry Brigade, Horse. Coast Artillery Battalion , 155 -mm Gun..
2-11 30 Sep. 44. Cavalry Regiment, Horse. C 1 . 4-157 5 Aug. 44. Coast Artillery Battery , 155 -mm Gun .
2-12 30 Sep. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Troop, 4-260-1 11 Apr. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Bat
Cavalry Regiment, Horse, C 1 . tery, Harbor Defense. C 1 , 2, 3.
2-13 30 Sep. 44. Service Troop , Cavalry Regiment,
Horse. C 1 . ENGINEERS
2-15 30 Sep. 44. Cavalry Rifle Squadron, Regiment, Horse.
C 1. * 5–15 31 Oct. 45. Engineer Combat Battalion .
2-16 30 Sep. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Detach 5–15 - OS 13 Mar. 44. Engineer Combat Battalion, C 1 , 2,
ment, Cavalry Rifle Squadron , Regiment, Horse.
2-17 30 Sep. 44. Cavalry Rifle Troop , Horse. C 1 .. * 5–16 31 Oct. 45. Headquarters and Headquarters and
2-19 30 Sep. 44. Cavalry Weapons Troop, Horse. Service Company, Engineer Combat Battalion .
5–16 - OS 13 Mar. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters and
2-22 11 Nov. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Troop, Service Company, Engineer Combat Battalion . C 1 ,
Cavalry Group, Mechanized . C 1 . 2, 3.
2-25 16 June 45. Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron , 5–17 1 Jun. 45. Engineer Combat Company ( Troop ) .
Mechanized . C 1 , 2 . C 1.
2-26 16 June 45. Headquarters and Headquarters and 5–47 29 Dec. 44. Engineer Depot Company. C 1 .
Service Troop, Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, 5-52 16 Sep. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Com
Mechanized . C 1 .
2-27 16 June 45. Cavalry
pany, Engineer Port Construction and Repair . C 1 , 2 .
Reconnaissance Troop, Me * 5-55 8 Sep. 45. Engineer Topographic Battalion, Army.
chanized . C 1 , 2.
5-55 -OS 22 Aug. 44. Engineer Topographic Battalion,
2-28 16 June 45. Cavalry Assault Gun Troop, Mechan Army. C 1 .
ized . C 1 .
* 5-56 8 Sep. 45. Headquarters and Headquarters and
2-137 4 Nov. 44. Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop, Horse, Service Company, Engineer Topographic Battalion ,
Mounted Division .
CHEMICAL WARFARE 5–56 - OS . 22 Aug. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters and
Service Company, Engineer Topographic Battalion ,
3–25 29 Sep. 44. Chemical Mortar Battalion. Army. C 1 .
3-26 29 Sep. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Com 5-57 22 Aug. 44. Reproduction Company, Engineer Topo
pany, Chemical Mortar Battalion. graphic Battalion , Army. C 1 .
3-27 29 Sep. 44. Mortar Company, Chemical Mortar 5–59 22 Aug. 44. Engineer Photomapping Company.
Battalion. C1 .
3-47 22 Nov. 44. Chemical Maintenance Company. 5–67 3 Jan. Engineer Water Supply Company. C 1 .
3-67 6 Jan. 45. Chemical Depot Company. 5–72 23 Dec. 43. Headquarters and Headquarters Com
3-77 1 Mar. 44. Chemical Processing Company. C 1, 2. pany, Engineer Construction Group. C 3.
3-87 17 May 44. Chemical Base Processing Company. 5–75 23 Dec. 43. Engineer Construction Battalion. C 2.
3-97 3 June 44. Chemical Laboratory Company. 5–76 23 Dec. 43. Headquarters and Headquarters and
3- i17 16 Nov. 43. Chemical Base Depot Company. C 1 . Service Company, Engineer Construction Battalion .
3-217 12 Oct. 43. Chemical Decontamination Company. C 2.
C 1 , 2, 3. 5-77 23 Dec. 43. Engineer Construction Company. C 3.
3–267 4 May 44. Chemical Smoke Generator Company. C 1 . 5-87 11 Mar. 44. Engineer Light Ponton Company.

ENGINEERS — Continued T/0&E

T /0 & E 5–400 6 Aug. 45. Engineer Aviation Topographic Organi
5–88 9 May 44. Engineer Dump Truck Company. C 1, 2 . zation .
5-95 13 Jan 45. Engineer Camouflage Battalion, Army. 5—415 15 May 44. Engineer Aviation Battalion.
5-96 13 Jan. 45. Headquarters and Headquarters and 5–416 15 May 44. Headquarters and Headquarters and
Service Company , Engineer Camouflage Battalion, Service Company , Engineer Aviation. Battalion .
Army. 5–417 15 May 44. Engineer Aviation Company.
5-97 13 Jan. 45. Engineer Camouflage Company, Army. 5–465 2 July. 45. Engineer Aviation Camouflage Bat.
5-115 30 Sep. 44. Engineer Squadron . talion .
5-116 30 Sep. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters and 5–466 2 July_45. Headquarters and Headquarters Com
Service Troop, Engineer Squadron . pany , Engineer Aviation Camouflage Battalion .
5-121 27 Sep. 44. Engineer General Service Regiment. 5–467 2 July 45. Engineer Aviation Camouflage Com
5–122 27 Sep. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters and pany.
Service Company, Engineer General Service Regi- 5–500 26 Jul. 44. Engineer Service Organization. C 1, 2 ,
ment. C 1 . 3, 4 , 5, 6, 7.
5-125 27 Sep. 44. Engineer Battalion , General Service 5-567 5 July 45. Engineer Parts Supply Separate
Regiment. toon .
5–126 27 Sep. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Detach- 5–592 30 June 43. Headquarters and Headquarters Com
ment, Battalion, Engineer General Service Regimento pany, Engineer Base Depot. C 1 .
5–127 27 Sep. 44 Engineer General Service Company. * 5–627 7 Sep. 45. Engineer Treadway Bridge Company.
5–135 27 Sep. 44. Engineer General Service Battalion. C 1.
5–136 27 Sep. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters and 5-627-OS 6 Apr. 45. Engineer Treadway Brdige Com
Service Company, Engineer General Service Bat pany . C1 .
talion . C 1 . 5–800-2 . 6 Sep. 43. Engineer Air Force Headquarters Com
pany . C1 .
5-157 24 Aug. 44. Engineer Maintenance Company.
8 Sep. 45. Engineer Topographic Company , Corps . FIELD, ARTILLERY
5-167 -OS 26 Aug. 44. Engineer Topographic Company, * 6-10 1 Jun. 45. Division Artillery , Motorized , Infantry
Corps. C 1 , 2. Division . C 1 .
* 5–184 3 Oct. 45. Engineer Base Map Distribution Com 6-10 -OS 27 Sep. 44. Division Artillery, Motorized, In
pany, Engineer Base Topographic Battalion. C 1 .
fantry Division , C 1 .
5–186 29 Dec. 43. Headquarters and Headquarters Com * 6–10–1 1 Jun. 45. Headquarters and Headquarters Bat
pany, Engineer Base Topographic Battalion . tery, Motorized, Division Artillery, Infantry Divi
5-187 29 Dec. 43. Engineer Base Reproduction Company, sion . C 1 , 2.
Engineer Base Topographic Battalion. 6–10–1 - OS 27 Sep. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters
5–188 29 Dec. 43. Engineer Base Survey Company, En Battery, Motorized , Division Artillery, Infantry
gineer Base Topographic Battalion. C 1 , 2. Division. C 1 , 2 .
5-189 29 Dec. 43. Engineer Base Photomapping Company, 6-12 20 Oct. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Battery,
Engineer Base Topographic Battalion. Motorized , Field Artillery Group. C 1 , 2.
5–192 12 Mar. 45. Headquarters and Headquarters Com 6–20-1 20 Oct. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Battery,
pany , Engineer Combat Group.
5-215 20 Nov. 44. Armored Engineer Battalion. Motorized, Field Artillery Brigade.
5–216 20 Nov. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Com * 6-25 1 Jun . 45. Field Artillery Battalion, Motorized,
pany, Armored Engineer Battalion . 105-mm Howitzer, Truck - drawn, C 1 .
5–217 20 Nov. 44. Company , Armored Engineer Battalion. 6-25 - OS 27 Sep. 44. Field Artillery Battalion, Motorized,
5–235 4 Nov. 44. Mountain Engineer Battalion. C 1 . 105-mm Howitzer, Truck -drawn . C 1 .
5–236 4 Nov. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters and * 6-26 1 Jun. 45. Headquarters and Headquarters Bat
Service Company, Mountain Engineer Battalion. tery, Motorized , Field Artillery Battalion, 105 -mm
C 1. Howitzer, Truck-drawn or Tractor-drawn . C 1 .
5–237 4 Nov. 44. Motorized Company, Mountain Engineer 6–26 - OS 27 Sep. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Bat
Battalion , C 1 . tery, Motorized, Field Artillery Battalion, 105-mm
5–238 4. Nov. 44. Pack Company, Mountain Engineer Bat Howitzer, Truck-drawn or Tractor-drawn. C1 .
talion . C 1 . * 6-27 1 Jun.
Jun . 45.
45 . Field Artillery Battery, Motorized , 105
5-247 23 June 45. Engineer Parts Supply Company, mm Howitzer, Truck-drawn. C 1 .
5–267 30 May 44. Engineer Base Depot Company. 6-27 -OS 27 Sep. 44. Field Artillery Battery , Motorized,
5-275 5 Dec. 44. Engineer Heavy Ponton Battalion . 105 -mm Howitzer, Truck -drawn. C 1 , 2.
5-276 5 Dec. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters and * 6–29 1 Jun. 45. Service Battery , Motorized , Field Ar
Service Company, Engineer Heavy Ponton Battalion. tillery Battalion, 105-mm Howitzer, Truck -drawn .
5-277 5 Dec. 44. Company, Engineer Heavy Ponton Bat C1 .
talion . 6–29 - OS 27 Sep. 44. Service Battery, Field Artillery Bat
5–287 28 June 45. Engineer Panel Bridge Transport Com talion , 105 -mm Howitzer, Truck - drawn. C 1 , 2 .
pany. 6-35 15 July 43. Field Artillery Battaloin , Motorized ,
5–297 28 June 45. Engineer Ponton Bridge Company , 155-mm Howitzer, or 4.5 - inch Gun , Truck - drawn.
Rigid Boat. C 1 , 2, 3.
5-327 24 July 44. Engineer Petroleum Distribution Com * 6–36 1 Jun. 45. Headquarters and Headquarters Bat
pany . C 1. tery, Motorized , Field Artillery Battalion, 155-mm
5–357 11 Oct. 44. Engineer Heavy Shop Company. Howitzer, or 4.5-inch Gun, Truck-drawn or Tractor
5–367 24 Aug. 44. Engineer Light Equipment Company. drawn . C 1 .
5–377 24 June 44. Engineer Base Equipment Company. 6-36 - OS 27 Sep. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Bat
5–386 25 June 43. Headquarters and Headquarters and tery, Motorized , Field Artillery Battalion, 155-mm
Service Company , Engineer Forestry Battalion . Howitezr, or 4.5- inch Gun , Truck -drawn or Tractor
5-387 4 Feb. 44. Engineer Forestry Company C 1. drawn . C 1 , 2.


T/ 0 & E 6–166 22 Nov. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Bat
6–37 15 July 43. Field Artillery Battery, Motorized, tery, Armored Field Artillery Battalion . C 1 , 2.
155 -mm Howitzer, or 4.5-inch Gun, Truck -drawn . 6–167 22 Nov. 44. Battery, Armored Field Artillery Bat
C 1 , 2, 3, 4. talion . C 1 , 2.
6-39 15 July 43. Service Battery, Motorized, Field Ar- 6–169 22 Nov. 44. Service Battery , Armored Field Artil
tillery Battalion , 155-mm Howitzer, or 4.5 -inch Gun , lery Battalion . C 1 , 2.
Truck -drawn . C 1 , 2, 3, 4. 6–175 28 Jul. 43. Field Artillery Battalion , 75 -mm Pack
6–46 30 Sep. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, Howitzer, Truck -drawn. C 1 , 2, 3.
Field Artillery Battalion , 75- mm Gun, Horse-drawn, 6–176 28 Jul. 43. Headquarters and Headquarters and
or 75 -mm Field Howitzer, Horse. Service Battery, Field Artillery Battalion , 75-mm
6-49 30 Sep. 44. Service Battery , Motorized, Field Ar Pack Howitzer, Truck -drawn. C 1 , 2, 3..
tillery Battalion , 75 -mm Gun, Horse-drawn, or 75- 6–177 28 July 43. Field Artillery Battery , 75-mm Pack
mm Field Howitzer, Horse. Howitzer, Truck-drawn. C 1 , 2, 3.
6-50-1 20 Oct. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Battery , 6–185 4 Nov. 44. Field Artillery Battalion, 75-mm How
Motorized, Corps Artillery. C 1 , 2. itzer, Pack, Mountain. C 1 , 2.
6-55 20 Oct. 44. Field Artillery Battalion , Motorized, 6–186 4 Nov. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters and
155-mm Gun , Truck -drawn . Service Battery, Field Artillery Battalion , 75-mm
* 6–56 7 Sep. 45. Headquarters and Headquarters Bat Howitzer Pack, Mountain . C 1 , 2.
tery, Motorized, Field Artillery Battalion, 155 -mm 6–187 4 Nov. 44. Field Artillery Battery, 75 -mm Howitzer
Gun, 8 -inch Gun, 8-inch Howitzer, or 240-mm How Pack, Mountain . C 1 , 2.
itzer, Truck-drawn, or Tractor -drawn , or self- * 6–325 1 Jun. 45. Field Artillery Battalion, Motorized,
propelled. 105-mm Howitzer, Tractor-drawn . C 1 .
6-56 -OS 20 Oct. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Bat- 6–325 - OS 20 Oct. 44. Field Artillery Battalion, Motorized,
tery, Motorized , Field Artillery Battalion, 155 -mm 105-mm Howitzer, Tratcor-drawn. C 1 , 2.
Gun, 8 - inch Gun , 8- inch Howitzer, or 240-mm How- * 6-327 Jun, 45. Field Artillery Battery, Motorized, 105
itzer, Truck -drawn, or Tractor-drawn, or Self mm Howitzer, Tractor-drawn. C 1 .
propelled. C 1 . 6–327 - OS 20 Oct. 44. Field Artillery Battery, Motorized,
6–57 20 Oct. 44. Field Artillery Battery, Motorized, 155 105-mm Howitzer, Tractor-drawn . C 1 .
mm Gun, Truck- drawn . C 1 . * 6–329 1 Jun. 45. Service Battery, Motorized , Field Ar
6-5920 Oct. 44. Service Battery, Motorized, Field Artil tillery Battalion, 105-mm Howitzer, Tractor-drawn.
lery Battalion , 155 -mm Gun, 8-inch Howitzer, or 240 C.1 .
mm Howitzer, M1918, Modified , Truck-drawn. 6-329-OS 20 Oct. 44. Service Battery, Motorized , Field
6–65 20 Oct. 44. Field Artillery Battalion , Motorized , 8 Artillery Battalion, 105-mm Howitzer, Tractor
drawn . C 1 .
inch Howitzer, Truck-drawn. * 6-335
6–67 20 Oct. 44. Field Artillery Battery, 8-inch Howitzer, Jun, 45. Field Artillery Battalion, Motorized,
155-mm Howitzer, or 4.5-inch Gun , Tractor-drawn.
Motorized, Truck-drawn. C 1 . C 1.
6-75 20 Feb. 45. Field Artillery Observation Battalion.
6-76 20 Feb. 45. Headquarters and Headquarters Bat 6–335 - OS 27 Sep. 44. Field Artillery Battalion, Motorized ,
tery , Field Artillery Observation Battalion. 155-mm Howitzer or 4.5- inch Gun , Tractor-drawn .
C 1.
6-77 20 Feb. 45. Field Artillery Observation Battery . * 6–337 1 Jun. 45. Field Artillery Battery, Motorized , 155
6-85 10 Apr. 45. Field Artillery Battalion, Motorized, mm Howitzer, or 4.5-inch Gun, Tractor-drawn. C 1 .
4.5-inch Rocket, Truck-drawn. 6–337 -OS 27 Sep. 44. Field Artillery Battery, Motorized ,
6-86 10 Apr. 45. Headquarters and Headquarters Bat 155-mm Howitzer, or 4.5-inch Gun, Tractor-drawn.
tery , Motorized, Field Artillery Battalion, 4.5-inch C.1 , 2.
Rocket, Truck-drawn. * 6–339 1 Jun. 45. Service Battery, Motorized, Field Ar
6-87 10 Apr. 45. Field Artillery Battalion, Motorized, tillery Battalion , 155-mm Howitzer, or 4.5 - inch
4.5-inch Rocket, Truck-drawn . Gun , Tractor -drawn . C 1 .
6–89 10 Apr. 45. Service Battery , Motorized Field Ar 6–339 - OS 27 Sep. 44. Service Battery, Motorized, Field
tillery Battalion, 4.5-inch Rocket, Truck - drawn .
6-110 30 Sep. 44. Division Artillery, Cavalry Division. Artillery Battalion, 155 -mm Howitzer, or 4.5-inch
Gun , Tractor-drawn , C 1 , 2.
6-110–1 30 Sep. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Bat 6-355 Feb. 45 . Field Artillery Battalion, Motorized ,
tery, Division Artillery, Cavalry Division. C 1 . 155 -mm Gun , Tractor -drawn .
6-115 30 Sep. 44. Field Artillery Battalion, 75 -mm Field 6-357 6 Feb. 45. Field Artillery Battery , Motorized , 155–
Howitzer, Horse. mm Gun, Tractor-drawn.
6-117 30 Sep. 44. Field Artillery Battery, 75-mm Field 6–359 6 Feb. 45. Service Battery, Motorized, Field Ar
Howitzer, Horse. tillery Battalion, 155-mm Gun, 8-inch Gun, 8- inch
6–125 29 Sep. 43. Field Artillery Battalion, Motorized, 155 Howitzer, or 240-mm Howitzer, Tractor-drawn.
mm Gun, Self-propelled . C 1 , 2, 3, 4. 6–365 2 July 43. Field Artillery Battalion, Motorized , 8
6–127 29 Sep. 43. Field Artillery Battery, Motorized, 155 inch Howitzer, Tractor-drawn. C 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
mm Gun , Self-propelled. C 1 , 2, 3. 6–367 2 Jul. 43. Field Artillery Battery, 8-inch Howitzer,
6–129 29 Sep. 43. Service Battery, Motorized, Field Artil Motorized, Tractor-drawn. C 1 , 2, 3, 4.
lery Battalion , 155-mm Gun, Self-propelled. C 1, 2,
3, 4 . 6–395 18 Aug. 43. Field Artillery Battalion, Motorized,
6–150 4 Nov. 44. Division Artillery, Mountain Division. C 1 . 240 -mm Howitzer, or 8 -inch Gun, Tractor -drawn.
f-150–1.4 Nov. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Bat C 1 , 2, 3, 4.
tery, Division Artillery, Mountain Division . C 1 . 6-397 18 Aug. 43. Field Artillery Battery, Motorized,
6-160 22 Nov. 44. Division Artillery, Armored Division. 240-mm Howitzer, or 8-inch Gun, Tractor-drawn.
6-160–1 22 Nov. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Bat C 1 , 2, 3, 4.
tery, Division Artillery, Armored Division. C 1 , 2. * 6–455 7 Sep. 45. Field Artillery Battalion , Motorized,
6-165 22 Nov. 44. Armored Field Artillery Battalion. Ć 1. 155-mm Gun , Self -propelled .
658749_ - 46- -11

T/O& E
4 Nov. 44. Infantry Heavy Weapons Company,
* 6-457 7 Sep. 45. Field Artillery Battery, Motorized , 155 Mountain .
mm Gun, Self-propelled. 7-145 4 Nov. 44. Infantry Antitank Battalion, Mountain
* 6-459 7 Sep. 45. Service Battery, Motorized, Field Ar Division.
tillery Battalion , 155-mm Gun , 8- inch Gun , 8-inch 7–146 4 Nov. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Detach
Howitzer, or 240-mm Howitzer, Self -propelled . ment, Infantry Antitank Battalion , Mountain Divi
* 6-465 19 Sep. 45. Field Artillery Battalion, Motorized, sion.
8-inch Howitzer, Self-propelled . 7–167 14 Dec. 44. Infantry Scout Dog Platoon. C 1.
* 6–467 19 Sep. 45. Field Artillery Battery, Motorized,
8- inch Howitzer , Self- propelled . MEDICAL
*7 1 Jun. 45. Infantry Division . C 1 . * 8-15 1 Jun , 45. Medical Battalion . C 1 .
* 7-1 1 Jun. 45. Headquarters, Infantry Division . C 1 . 8-15-OS 14 Feb. 45. Medical Battalion . C 1 .
7-1-OS 13 Jan. 45. Headquarters, Infantry Division, C 1 , * 8–16 1 Jun. 45. Headquarters and Headquarters Com .
2, 3, 4 , 5. pany, Medical Battalion . C 1 .
*7-2 1 Jun . 45. Headquarters Company, Infantry Divi 8-16 -OS 14 Feb. 45. Headquarters and Headquarters De
sion . C 1 .
7-2-OS 13 Jan. 45. Headquarters Company , Infantry Di tachment, Medical Battalion. C 1.
* 8-17 1 Jun. 45. Collecting Company, Medical Battalion.
vision. C 1 , 2, 3 , 4 . C 1.
* 7–3 1 Jun . 45. Special Troops, Infantry Division . C 1 . 8-17-OS 14 Feb. 45. Collecting Company, Medical Bat
7–3-OS 13 Jan. 45. Special Troops, Infantry Division. talion. C 1 .
C 1 , 2. * 8-18 1 Jun . 45. Clearing Company, Medical Battalion.
* 7-11 Infantry Regiment. C 1 , 2, 3.
1 Jun. 45 . C 1.
7-11-OS 26 Feb. 44. Infantry Regiment. C 1 , 2, 3. 8-18 -OS 14 Feb. 45. Clearing Company, Medical Bat
* 7-12 1 Jun. 45. Headquarters and Headquarters Com talion, C 1 .
pany, Infantry Regiment. C 1 , 2. 8-22 5 Mar. 45. Headquarters and Headquarters Detach
7-12-OS 26 Feb. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters 8-15 14 Feb. 45. Medical Battalion.
Company, Infantry Regiment. C 1 , 2, 3. 8-16 14 Feb. 45. Headquarters and Headquarters De
* 7-13 1 Jun. 45. Service Company, Infantry Regiment. ment. Medical Group.
C 1 , 2. 8-26 ' 30 Apr. 45. Headquarters and Headquarters De
7-13-OS 26 Feb. 44 . Service Company, Infantry Regi tachment, Medical Battalion , Separate.
ment. C 1 , 2, 3 .
8–27 , 16 May 45. Medical Collecting Company, Separate.
* 7–14 1 Jun . 45. Infantry Cannon Company. C 1, 2 . 8–28 4 Sep. 44. Medical Clearing Company, Separate.
7-14-OS 26 Feb. 44. Infantry Cannon Company. C 1 , 2, C 1.
8-55 30 May 45. Medical Holding Battalion .
* 7-15 1 Jun . 45. Infantry Battalion . C 1 , 2. 8-56 30 May 45. Headquarters and Headquarters De
7-15-OS 26 Feb. 44. Infantry Battalion . C 1 , 2. tachment , Medical Holding Battalion .
* 7-16 1 Jun . 45. Headquarters and Headquarters Com 8,57 30 May 45. Medical Holding Company.
pany, Infantry Battalion. C 1 , 2. 8–75 21 Nov. 44. Armored Medical Battalion .
7-16-OS 26 Feb. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters
Company, Infantry Battalion . C 1 , 2, 3 , 4 . 8–76 21 Nov. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Com
tachment, Medical Battalion .
* 7-17 1 Jun . 45. Infantry Rifle Company. C1 . pany, Armored Medical Battalion .
7-17-OS 26 Feb. 44. Infantry Rifle Company. C 1 , 2, 3. 8-77 21 Nov. 44. Company, Armored Medical Battalion.
* 7-18 1 Jun. 45. Infantry Heavy Weapons Company. C 1 . 8-85 30 Sep. 44. Medical Squadron , Cavalry Division.
7-18-OS 26 Feb. 44. Infantry Heavy Weapons. 8-86 30 Sep. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Detach
* 7-191 Jun . 45. Infantry Ontitank Company. C 1 , 2.
7-19-OS 26 Feb. 44. Infantry Antitank Company, 57 mont, Medical Squadron .
mm Gun. C 1 , 2, 3. 8-87 30 Sep. 44. Collecting Troop, Medical Squadron.
7-25 16 June 45. Armored Infantry Battalion. C 1 , 2. 8-88 30 Sep. 44. Clearing Troop , Medical Squadron .
7-26 16 June 45. Headquarters and Headquarters Com- 8-8930 Sep. 44. Veterinary Troop, Medical Squadron.
pany, Armored Infantry Battalion. 8-99 25 Nov. 44. Veterinary Company, Separate.
7-27 16 June 45. Rifle Company, Armored Infantry Bat- 8-117 13 May 44. Medical Sanitary Company. C 1 , 2 .
talion. C1 . 8-125 11 Nov. 44. Medical Gas Treatment Battalion . C 1 .
7-29 16 June 45. Service Company, Armored Infantry 8-126 11 Nov. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Detach
Battalion . C 1 . ment, Medical Gas Treatment Battalion.
7-85 7 Aug. 45. Ranger Infantry Battalion . 8–127 11 Nov. 44. Clearing Company, Medical Gas Treat
7-86 7 Aug. 45. Headquarters and Headquarters Com ment Battalion .
pany , Ranger Infantry Battalion . 8-135 4 Nov. 44 . Mountain Medical Battalion .
7-87 7 Aug. 45. Ranger Company, Ranger Infantry Bat- 8–136 4 Nov. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Detach
talion . ment, Mountain Medical Battalion . C 1 .
7-95 12 July 44. Infantry Battalion Separate. 8-137 4 Nov. 44. Collecting Company, Mountain Medical
7–96 12 July 44. Headquarters and Headquarters and Battalion . C 1 .
Service Company, Infantry Battalion, Separate. 8–138 4 Nov. 44. Clearing Company, Mountain Medical
7-131 4 Nov. 44. Infantry Regiment, Mountain . Battalion . C 1 .
7-132 4. Nov. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Com- 8-139 4 Nov. 44. Veterinary Company, Mountain Medical
pany, Infantry Regiment, Mountain . Battalion . C 1 .
7-133 4 Nov. 44. Service Company, Infantry Regiment, 8-187 29 Jan. 44. Medical Base Depot Company . C1,2,.
Mountain . 8-317 5 Dec. 44. Medical Ambulance Company, Motor ,
7-135 4 Nov. 44. Infantry Battalion , Mountain . Separate.
7-136 4 Nov. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Com- 8-447 19 July 44. Medical Air Evacuation Squadron.
pany. Infantry Battalion , Mountain. C 1 , 2, 3.
7–137 4 Nov. 44. Infantry Rifle Company, Mountain . 8-450 4 Dec. 44. Medical Dispensary, Aviation.

MEDICAL - Continued T/O&E

T/O&E 9-325 4 May 45. Ordnance Base Automotive Maintenance
8-450 (RS ) 1 Mar. 44. Medical Dispensary, Aviation (RS ). Battalion . C 1 .
C1 . 9-327 4 May 45. ' Ordnance Base Engine Rebuild Com
8-460 12 July 45. Central Medical Establishment, Avia pany. C 1 .
tion. 9-328 4 May 45. Ordnance Base Power Train Rebuild
8-487 25 Nov. 43. Veterinary Detachment, Aviation. Company. C 1 .
8-497 31 Dec. 44. Medical Supply Platoon, Aviation . C 1. 9-337 10 Aug. 44. Ordnance Motor Vehicle Distributing
8-500 18 Jan. 45. Medical Service Organization. C 1. Company. C 1 .
8-510 31 Aug. 44. Field Hospital. C 1 , 2. 9-347 17 May 44. Ordnance Tire Repair Company. C 1 .
8-520 12 Feb. 44. Hospital Train. C 1 , 2. 9-348 17 May 44. Ordnance Motor Vehicle Assembly Com
8-534 21 Oct. 43. Medical Hospital Ship Platoon, Separate. pany ( Portable ) . C 1.
C 1 , 2, 3. 9-377 11 Oct. 43. Ordnance Base Depot Company. C 1 .
8-537 3 Mar. 45. Hospital Ship Complement. 9-397 12 Feb. 45. Ordnance Recoil Repair Company. C 1.
8-550 3 Jul. 44. General Hospital. C 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5. 9-417 28 Oct. 44. Ordnance Supply and Maintenance Com
8–560 28 Oct. 44. Station Hospital. C 1 , 2, 3, 4 .
2 pany, Aviation . C 1 .
8-571 23 Aug. 45. Mobile Army Surgical Hospital . 9-427 8 Feb. 44. Ordnance Medium Automotive Mainte
8-572 14 Dec. 44. Portable Surgical Hospital . nance Platoon , Aviation . C 1 .
8-580 31 Jan, 45. Evacuation Hospital . 9-500 14 Oct. 44. Ordnance Service Organization, C 1.
8-581 25 Mar. 44. Evacuation Hospital, Semimobile . C 1.
8-667 1 Dec. 44. Medical Depot Company, Combat Zone. QUARTERMASTER
8–750 14 May 43. Veterinary General Hospital. C 1, 2, 3. 10-17 1 June 45. Quartermaster Company, Infantry Divi
8–780 19 May 45. Veterinary Evacuation Hospital. sion.
10–22 4 Jan. 45. Headquarters and Headquarters Detach
ORDNANCE ment , Quartermaster Group .
9–7 30 Sep. 44. Ordnance Medium Maintenance Com- 10–37 11 Aug. 44. Quartermaster Truck Company, Heavy .
pany. C1 . 10–56 3 May 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Detach
* 9–8 1 Jun . 45. Ordnance Maintenance Company, In ment, Quartermaster Battalion , Mobile, C 1 , 2.
fantry Division . C 1 . 10–57 21 July 45. Quartermaster Truck Company ( Troop )
9-8 -OS 17 Nov. 44. Ordnance Light Maintenance Com or Quartermaster Troop Transport Company . C 1 .
pany, Infantry Division. C 1. 10–67 25 Feb. 44. Quartermaster Service Company.
9-9 3 July 43. Ordnance Heavy Maintenance Company, 10–77 21 June 45. Quartermaster Gasoline Supply Com
Field Army. C 1 . pany.
9-12 15 Apr. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Detach- 10-87 1 Aug. 44. Quartermaster Car Company. C 1.
ment , Ordnance Group. 10-97 22 Jan. 44. Quartermaster Remount Troop.
9-17 17 Feb. 45. Ordnance Ammunition Company. 10-115 30 Sep. 45. Quartermaster Squadron . C 1 .
9-37 18 May 45. Ordnance Tank Maintenance Company. 10–116 30 Sep. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Troop,
Tank . Quartermaster Squadron.
9–57 2 May 45. Ordnance Depot Company. C 1 . 10–118 26 Sep. 44. Quartermaster Pack Troop ( Company ).
9-65 15 Dec. 44. Ordnance Maintenance Battalion, Ar C 1.
mored Division. C 1 . 10-147 6 Oct. 44. Quartermaster Bakery Company.
9-66 15 Dec. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Com 10-157 28 May 43. Quartermaster Sales Company, Mobile.
pany, Ordnance Maintenance Battalion , Armored Di C 1.
vision . C 1 .
10-167 21 Apr. 44. Quartermaster Laundry Company, Semi
9-67 15 Dec. 44. Maintenance Company, Ordnance Main mobile. C 1 .
tenance Battalion, Armored Division. 10-187 6 Feb. 45. Quartermaster Salvage Collecting Com
9-76 9 Nov. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Detach pany . C1 .
ment, Ordnance Battalion . C 1 , 2, 10-197
9-127 19 May 44. Ordnance Medium Automotive Mainte 17 Feb. 45. Quartermaster Railhead Company.
nance Company. C 1 . 10-217 30 July 43. Quartermaster Refrigeration Company,
2. Fixed . C 1 , 2, 3.
ſ 9-137 4 Nov. 44. Ordnance Maintenance Company, Moun 7 Mar. 45. Quartermaster Depot Company, Supply.
tain Division. 10-227
9-197 27 May 44. Ordnance Heavy Automotive Maintenance 10-237 6 July 43. Quartermaster Salvage Repair Company
Company . Semi -mobile ) . C 1 , 2, 3.
T 9-217 28 Mar. 44. Ordnance Maintenance Company, Anti- 10-247 25 Feb. 44. Quartermaster Refrigeration Company ,
aircraft. Mobile. C 1 .
9-257 16 Sep. 43. Ordnance Maintenance Company, Air 10-257 30 Sep. 43. Quartermaster Fumigation and Bath
Force. C 1 , 2, 3, 4 . Company ( Mobile ) . C 1 , 2.
9-312 8 June 43. Headquarters and Headquarters Detach 10-297 6 Nov. 43. Quartermaster Graves Registiation Com
ment, Ordnance Base Depot. C 1 , 2. pany . C 1 , 2.
9-315 4 May 45. Ordnance Base Armament Maintenance 10-298 26 Sep. 44. Quartermaster Graves Registration
Battalion .
9-316 4 May 45. Headquarters and Service Company, 10-317
Orúnance Base (Armament or Automotive ) Mainte 5 Nov. 43. Quartermaster Salvage Repair Company
nance Battalion . ( Fixed ) , Quartermaster Base Depot. C 1 .
9-317 7 Sep. 44. Ordnance Base Armored Vehicle Main 10-335 4 Nov. 44. Mountain Quartermaster Battalion.
tenance Company. C 1 . 10-336 4 Nov. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Com
9-318 7 Sep. 44. Ordnance Base Artillery and Fire Control pany , Mountain Quartermaster Battalion .
Maintenance Company. C 1 . 10-367 26 Oct. 43. Quartermaster Base Depot Company. C 1.
9-319 7 Sep. 44. Ordnance Base Small Arms Maintenance 10-377 29 July 44. Quartermaster Base Petroleum Supply
Company. C 1 , 2. Company.

T/O&E 11-357 26 May 44. Signal Radio Maintenance " Teams, Avia
10-387 6 Nov. 43. Quartermaster Base Depot Supply and tion . C 1 , 2, 3.
Sales Company. 11-400 1 Mar. 44. Signal Aircraft Warning Organization .
10-427 2 Jan. 45. Quartermaster Platoon , Air Depot Group . C 1 , 2, 3.
C 1. 11-450-1 26 Oct. 44. Signal Headquarters and Headquarters
10-437 2 Jan. 45. Quartermaster Company, Air Service Company, Aircraft Warning Service, Fighter Com
Group . mand.
10-437 - RS 2 Jan. 45. Quartermaster Company, Air Serv- 11-488 16 Dec. 44. Signal Aircraft Warning Company.
ice Group ( RS ) . 11-500 22 Sep. 44. Signal Service Organization. C 1 , 2, 3.
10-467 9 Oct. 43. Quartermaster Depot Company, Class III, 11-547 24 Aug. 45. Signal Airground Liaison Company .
Aviation . C 1 . 11-587 29 Mar. 45. Signal Base Maintenance Company.
10-477 17 Sep. 43. Quartermaster Depot Subsistence Com 11-592 23 Nov. 43. Headquarters and Headquarters Com
pany, Aviation. C 1 . pany, Signal Base Depot. C 1 .
10–500 10 Jan. 45. Quartermaster Service Organization. 11-597 23 Nov. 43. Signal Base Depot Company. C 1 , 2, 3.
10–517 2 Jan. 45. Quartermaster Truck Company, Aviation. 11-607 2 July 45. Army Signal Detachment, Amphibious
C1 .
10-518 2 Jan. 45. Quartermaster Truck Platoon , Aviation 11-617 8 Feb. 44. Signal Radar Maintenance Units. C 1 , 2.
10-520-1 11 Aug. 43. Headquarters and Headquarters Com ADJUTANT GENERAL
pany, Quartermaster Base Depot. 12-42 14 Oct. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Com
10-536 14 July 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Detach pany, Replacement Depot. C 1 .
ment, Quartermaster Battalion ( Squadron ) . 12-46 12 Oct. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Detach
SIGNAL ment, Replacement Battalion.
* 11-7 1 Jun . 45. Signal Company, Infantry Division. 12–47 25 Sep. 44. Replacement Company. C 1 .
C 1 , 2. 12-317 3 Oct. 44. Adjutant General's Machine Records Unit.
11-7-0S 11 Dec. 43. Signal Company, Infantry Division. C 1.
C 1 , 2, 3. * 12–601 20 Sep. 45. Base Post Office.
11-15 10 Dec. 43. Signal Battalion. C 1 . 12-601 -OS 8 Feb. 44 . Base Post Office. C 1 , 2, 3, 4 .
11-16 10 Dec. 43. Headquarters and Headquarters Com 12-602 28 Sep. 44. Postal Regulating Section.
pany , Signal Battalion. C 1 . 18 Sep. 45. Army Post Office, General Assign
* 12-605
11-18 10 Dec. 43. Field Operation Company, Signal Bat ment.
talion. C 1 . 12-605-OS 8 Feb. 44. Army Post Office, General Assign
11--25 25 Feb. 44. Signal Light Construction Battalion. C 1 . ment. C 1 , 2.
11-26 25 Feb. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Detach
ment, Signal Construction Battalion. C 1 , 2. FISCAL
11-27 10 Dec. 43. Signal Light Construction Company. C 1 . 14-500 2 Apr. 44. Finance Service Organization. C 1.
11-37 12 Feb. 44. Signal Photographic Company. C 1 , 2,
11-39 6 Sep. 43. Signal Pigeon Company. C 1 , 2. 17 16 June 45. Armored Division.
11-47 30 Sep. 44. Signal Troop , Cavalry Division. 17-1 13 Jan. 45. Headquarters , Armored Division . C 1 , 2.
11-57 15 Sep. 43. Armored Signal Company. C 1 , 2 , 3, 17-2 13 Jan. 45. Headquarters Company, Armored Divi
4 , 5. sion . C 1 , 2, 3.
11-65 25 Apr. 44. Signal Heavy Construction Battalion. 17-15 11 No. 44. Light Tank Battalion. C 1 , 2.
C 1. 17-16 11 Nov. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Com
11-67 13 Jan. 44. Signal Heavy Construction Company. pany. Light Tank Battalion . C 2.
C 1 , 2, s. 17-17 11 Nov. 44. Light Tank Company. C 2.
11-95 19 May 44. Signal Operation Battalion . C 1 , 2. 17-19 11 Nov. 44. Service Company, Light Tank Battalion.
11-96 19 May 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Detach- 17-20-1 13 Jan. 45. Headquarters and Headquarters Com
ment, Signal Operation Battalion. C 1 , 2, 3, 4. pany, Combat Command, Armored Division. C 1 , 2.
11-97 19 May 44. Signal Operation Company, Signal Op 17-22 11 Nov. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Com
eration Battalion . C 1 , 2. pany, Armored Group . C 2.
11-107 21 Jan. 45. Signal Depot Company. C 1 , 2. 17-25 18 Nov. 44. Tank Battalion. C 1 , 2.
11-257 14 Aug. 43. Signal Company, Troop Carrier Wing.
17-26 18 Nov. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Com
11-127 22 May 44. Signal Repair Company. C 1 , 2. pany , Tank Battalion. C 1 , 2.
C 1 , 2.
11-277 2 Sep. 44. Signal Light Construction Company, 17-27 18 Nov. 44. Medium Tank Company, Tank Battalion .
C 1 , 2.
Signal Battalion , Separate, Tactical Air Command .
11-287 11 Apr. 44. Signal Company, Depot, Aviation. 17-29 18 Nov. 44. Service Company, Tank Battalion . C 1 ,
11-317 4 Nov. 44. Mountain Signal Company. 17-30-1 15 Sep. 43. Headquarters, Reserve Command, Ar
11-335 2 Sep. 44. Signal Battalion, Separate, Tactical Air mored Division ,
Command .
17-60 15 Sep. 43. Armored Division Trains. C 1 .
11-336 2 Sep. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Detach
17-60-1 13 Jan. 45. Headquarters anů Headquarters Com
ment, Signal Battalion , Separate, Tactical Air Com pany, Armored Division Trains.
11-337 2 Sep. 44. Signal Outpost Operations Company, Sig 17-115 29 Jan. 44. Amphibian Tank Battalion . C 1 .
nal Battalion, Separate, Tactical Air Command. 17-116 29 Jan. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters and
11-338 2 Sep. 44. Signal Headquarters Operations Company, Service Company, Amphibian Tank Battalion. C 1 .
Signal Battalion, Separate, Tactical Air Command . 17-117 29 Jan. 44. Amphibian Tank Company. C 1 .
C1 . 17-125 29 Apr. 44. Amphibian Tractor Battalion. C 1.

ARMORED_Continued T/O&E
44-10-1 20 Oct. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Battery ,
17-126 29 Apr. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters and Antiaircraft -Artillery Brigade.
Service Company, Amphibian Tractor Battalion. C 1 . 44-12 29 May 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Battery,
17-127 29 Apr. 44. Amphibian Tractor Company. C 1 . Antiaircraft Artillery Group. C 1 .
TANK DESTROYER 44–15 17 Nov. 44. Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Battalion,
Mobile . C 1 .
18-10-1 31 Oct. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Com- 44-16 17 Nov. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Battery,
pany, Tank Destroyer Group. Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Battalion , Mobile. C 1 .
18–25 15 Mar. . 44. Tank Destroyer Battalion, Self -pro- 44-17 17 Nov. 44. Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Battery, Mo
pelled. C 1 , 2, 3, 4. bile . C 1 .
18-26 15 Mar. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Com- 44-25 22 Apr. 44. Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic Wea
pany, Tank Destroyer Battalion, Self -propelled. C 1 , pons Battalion , Mobile. C 1 , 2, 3;
2 , 3. 44–26 22 Apr. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Bat
18-27 15 Mar. 44. Tank Destroyer Gun Company, Tank tery, Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons
Destroyer Battalion, Self-propelled. C 1 , 2, 3, 4. Battalion, Mobile . C 1 , 2.
18-28 15 Mar. 44. Reconnaissance Company, Tank Destroyer 44-27 22 Apr. 44. Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic Wea
Battalion , Self -propelled. C 1 , 2, 3, 4 . pons Battery, Mobile. C 1 , 2.
18-35 1 Sep. 44. Tank Destroyer Battalion, Towed. C 1 , 2. 44-75 17 Nov, 4 . Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic Wea
18-36 1 Sep. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Company, pons Battalion, Self-propelled.
Tank Destroyer Battalion, Towed. C 1 . 44–76 17 Nov. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Bat
18–37. 1 Sep. 44. Tank Destroyer Gun Company, Tank De tery, Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons
stroyer Battalion . C 1 . Battalion, Self-propelled.
44–77 17 Nov. 44. Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic Wea
MILITARY POLICE pons Battery, Self-propelled.
* 19–7 1 Jun. 45. Military Police Company, Infantry Di- 44–115 26 Apr. 44. Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Battalion,
vision. C 1 . Semimobile. C 1 , 2, 3, 4 .
19-7-OS 12 Sep. 44. Military Police Platoon , Infantry 44–116 26 Apr. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Battery,
Division . C 1 , 2. Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Battalion, Semimobile.
19-17 4 Nov. 44. Military Police Platoon, Mountain Divi C 1 , 2, 3, 4 .

sion , 44-117 26 Apr. 44. Antiaircraft Artillery . Gun Battery,

19-35 19 Aug. 43. Military Police Battalion, Army. C 1 , 2. Semimobile. C 1 , 2, 3.
19-36 19 Aug. 43. Headquarters and Headquarters Detach- 44-125 19 Apr. 44. Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic Wea
ment, Military Police Battalion, Army. C 1, 2. pons Battalion, Semimobile. C 1 , 2, 3.
19-37 19 Aug. 43. Military Police Company. C 1 , 2. 44-126 19 Apr. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Battery,
19-47 25 Nov. 43. Military Police Escort Guard Company. Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons Bat
C 1. talion , Semimobile . C 1 , 2.
19-55 2 Nov. 44. Military Police Battalion . C 1 . 44-127 19 Apr. 44. Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic Wea
19-56 2 Nov. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Detach pons Battery, Semimobile . C 1 , 2, 3,
ment, Military Police Battalion . C 1 . 44_135 23 May 44. Antiaircraft Artillery Searchlight Bat
19-57 2 Nov. 44. Military Police Company. C 1 , 2. talion . C 1 , 2.
19-77 1 Aug. 44. Military Police Platoon , Corps. C 1 . 44-136 23 May 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Battery ,
19-87, 30 Sep. 44. Military Police Platoon , Cavalry Division . Antiaircraft Artillery Searchlight Battalion. C 1 , 2.
19-117 28 Sep. 44. Military Police Platoon, Armored Divi- 44–138 23 May 44. Antiaircraft Artillery Searchlight Bat
sion . tery. C 1 , 2.
19-217 26 Jan. 45. Military Police Company, Post, Camp, 44-200-1 26 Oct. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Bat
or Station or Military Police Company, Aviation . tery, Army Antiaircraft Artillery.
C 1 , 2, 44-217 20 Aug. 43. Antiaircraft Artillery Machine-gun
19-237 18 Nov. 43. Military Police Prisoner of War Process Battery, Separate, Airborne. C 1 .
ing Company. C 1 , 2, 3.
* 19-500 25 Sep. 45. Military Police Service Organization , TRANSPORTATION (WATER AND RAIL )
19-500-OS 22 Apr. 44. Military Police Service Organi- 55-37 22 May 44. Amphibian Truck Company. C 1 , 2, 3, 4.
zation . C 1 . 55-47 17 Mar. 44. Army Marine Ship Repair Company.
C 1 , 2.
55-110-1 20 Nov. 43. Headquarters and Headquarters Com
20-107 8 Mar. 44. Organization or Separate Band. C 1, 2. pany, Major Port ( Oversea ) . C 1 , 2, 3.
WELFARE, RECREATION, AND MORALE 55–116 20 Mar. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Detach
ment, Port Battalion .
28-17 16 Mar. 44. Special Service Company. 55-117 Port Company. C 1 .
31 July 44.
REGULATING STATIONS AND BASE DEPOTS 55-120-1 13 May 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Com
29-22 17 Sep. 43. Headquarters and Headquarters Com pany, Medium Port ( Oversea ) . C 1 .
pany, Regulating Station . C 1 . 55-147 9 Sep. 44. Staging Area Company.
29-620-1 18 Jan. 44. Headquarters, Base General Depot. 55–202 18 Mar. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Com
pany , Railway Grand Division . C 1 , 2.
MILITARY INTELLIGENCE 55-217 28 Oct. 43. Electric Power Transmission Company,
30-500 24 Jan. 44. Counter Intelligence Corps Detachment. Railway Operating Battalion . C 1 , 2.
C 1 , 2, 3 . * 55–225 10 Sep. 45. Railway Operating Battalion .
ANTIAIRCRAFT ARTILLERY 55–225-OS 28 Oct. 43. Railway Operating Battalion . C 1 ,
2, 3 ,
44-7 28 Feb. 44. Antiaircraft Artillery Operations De- * 55-226 10 Sep. 45. Headquarters and Headquarters Com
tachment. C 1 , 2. pany, Railway Operating Battalion.


T / O& E
5-411 1 Apr. 42. Engineer Aviation Regiment. C 1 , 2, 3.
55-226-OS 28 Oct. 43. Headquarters and Headquarters 5-412 1 Apr. 42. Headquarters and Headquarters and Serv
Company, Railway Operating Battalion. C 1 , 2 , 3, 4. ice Company, Engineer Aviation Regiment. C 1 , 2, 3.
* 55-227 10 Sep. 45. Maintenance of Way Company, Rail- 5-447 6 Feb. 42. Engineer Topographic Company, Aviation .
way Operating Battalion . C 1 , 2.
55-227-OS 28 Oct. 43 . Maintenance of Way Company,
Railway Operating Battalion . C 1 , 2, 3. FIELD ARTILLERY
* 55-228 10 Sep. 45 . Maintenance of Equipment Corypany, 6–45 1 Apr. 42. Field Artillery Battalion, 77-mm Gun,
Railway Operating Battalion. Horse-drawn. C 1 , 2, 3.
55-228-OS 28 Oct. 43. Maintenance of Equipment Com- 6–47 1 Apr. 42. Field Artillery Battery, 75-mm Gun,
pany, Railway Operating Battalion. C 1 , 2, 3, 4. Horse-drawn.
* 55-229 10 Sep. 45. Transportation Company, Railway
Operating Battalion . MEDICAL
55-229-OS 28 Oct. 43. Transportation Company, Railway 8–590 1 Apr. 1942. Convalescent Hospital . C 1 , 2, 3.
Operating Battalion. C 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 . 8-760 20 July 42. Veterinary Station Hospital, Communi
55-235 4 Oct. 43. Railway Shop Battalion . C 1 , 2, 3. cations Zone. C 1 .
55-236 4 Oct. 43. Headquarters and Headquarters Company,
Railway Shop Battalion. C 1 , 2. ORDNANCE
55–237 4 Oct. 43. Erecting and Machine Shop Company, 9-187 2 Oct. 42. Ordnance Evacuation Company.
Railway Shop Battalion . C 1 , 2 , 3. QUARTERMASTER
55-238 4 Oct. 43. Boiler and Smith Shop Company, Railway
Shop Battalion . C 1 , 2. 10-177 1 Apr, 42. Quartermaster Sterilization Company.
55-239 4. Oct. 43. Car Repair Company, Railway Shop Bat- 10-500-1 21 July 42. Headquarters and Headquarters Com
talion . C 1 , 2. pany , Motor Transport Service.
55–302 4 May 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Company, SIGNAL
Military Railway Service.
55-500 29 Sep. 44. Transportation Corps Service Organiza 11-77 1 Apr. 42. Signal Radio Intelligence Company.
tion . C 1 , 2, 3 . 11-217 19 May 42. Signal Company, Aviation . C 1 , 2, 3.
11-237 26 Mar. 43. Signal Company, Service Group.
MOUNTAIN 11-247 1 July 42. Signal Company, Wing.
70 4 Nov. 44. Mountain Division. C 1 . 11-267 14 Mar. 42. Signal Company, Air Force. C 1.
70-1 4 Nov. 44. Headquarters, Mountain Division. C 1, TRANSPORTATION ( WATER AND RAIL )
2, 3.
70-2 4 Nov. 44. Headquarters Company, Mountain Divi 55-260 22 Mar. 43. Base Depot Company.
sion. C 1 .
70-3 4 Nov. 44. Special Troops, Mountain Division. C 1 .
100-1 '19 Jan. 45. Headquarters, Corps. C 1, 2.
100-2 19 Jan. 45. Headquarters Company, Corps. C 1 , 2. T/E

5-21 - M 1 Mar. 43. Medical Detachment, Band, and Chaplain,
Engineer General Service Regiment.
200-1 26 Oct. 44. Headquarters, Army. C 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5. 5-22 1 Mar. 43. Headquarters and Headquarters and
200-2 26 Oct. 44. Headquarters Company, Army. C 1 , 2 , Service Company, Engineer General Service Regi
3. ment. C 1 , 2 , 3 .
200-3 26 Oct. 44. Special Troops, Army. C 1 , 2. 1 Mar. 43. Headquarters and Headquarters Detach
ment, Engineer Battalion, General Service Regi
ment. C 1 .
600-500 26 Aug. 44. Composite Service Organization . 5-27 1 Mar. 43. Engineer General Service Company.
C 1, 2.
ENGINEERS 8-760 17 Feb. 43. Veterinary Station Hospital , Com
T/O munications Zone. C 1 .
5-21 1 Apr. 42. Engineer General Service Regiment. ORDNANCE
C 1 , 2. 9-187 27 Jan. 43. Ordnance Evacuation Company.
5-22 1 Apr. 42. Headquarters and Headquarters and
Service Company , Engineer General Service Regi SIGNAL
ment . C 1 . 11-217 12 Mar. 43. Signal Company, Aviation. C 1 , 2, 3, 4 ,
5–25 1 Apr. 42. Engineer Battalion, General Service Regi 5 , 6.
ment. C 1 . 11-237 16 Mar. 43. Signal Company, Service Group.
5--26 1 Apr. 42. Headquarters and Headquarters Detach C 1 , 2, 3, 4 , 5.
ment, Engineer Battalion, General Service Regiment. 11-247 13 Mar. 43. Signal Company, Wing. C 1, 2, 3, 4.
C 1.
5–27 1 Apr. 42. Engineer General Service Company. C 1. MISCELLANEOUS
5-35 1 Apr. 42. Engineer Battalion , Separate. C 1 . *21 1 Sep. 45. Clothing and Individual Equipment.
5–36 1 Apr. 42 Headquarters and Headquarters and Serv Supp 1-A .
ice Company , Engineer Battalion , Separate .
5-37 1 Apr. 42. Com ; any, Engineer Battalion , Separate.
C1 . 55–260 22 Mar. 43. Base Depot Company .

1-15 29 July 43. Medium Bombardment Replacement
1-16 9 Aug. 43. Bombardment Group ( Light ), Opera
ARMORED DIVISION tional Training Unit. C 1 , 2.
17, 17-1 , 17-2 1-17 10 Aug. 43. Bombardment Group ( Heavy ) , Opera
tional Training Unit.
2-25 6-160 7-25 9-65 17-25 1-19 30 Aug. 43. Gunnery and Tow Target Flight, Spe
2-26 6-160-1 7-26 9-66 17-26 cial.
2-27 6-165 7-27 9-67 17-27 1-20 13 Sep. 43. Headquarters and Headquarters Squad
2-28 6-166 7-29 11-57 17-29 ron, Ferrying Division, Air Transport Command
5-215 6-167 8-75 17-17 17-30-1 and Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron,
5-216 6-169 8--76 17--20-1 17-60 Domestic Transportation Division, Air Transport
5-217 8-77 17-60-1 Command .
19-117 1-21 14 Sep. 43. Arctic Training School , Training Com
mand , Buckley Field , Colorado.
CAVALRY DIVISION, HORSE 18 Sep. 43. Headquarters and Headquarters Squad
2, 2-1 , 2-2
ron, Army Air Forces School of Applied Tactics.
2-10 2-25 6-25 6-115 9-7 C 1.
2-10-1 2-26 6-26 6-117 10-57 1-24 22 Sep. 43. Bombardment Group ( L ) or ( D ) Re
2-11 2-27 6-27 8-85 10-115 placement Training Unit.
2-12 2-28 6-29 8-86 10-116 1-26 21 Sep. 43. Operational Training Stations, Air
2-13 5-17 6-46 8-87 10-118 Service Command Units. C 1 , 2, 3. Supp. 1 , 2.
2-15 5-115 6-49 -88 11-47 1-27 27 Sep. 43. Proving Ground Detachment.
2-16 5-116 6-110 8-89 .
17-17 1-28 25 Sep. 43. 1st and 2d Operational Training Units.
2-17 6-110-1 19-87 1-29 9 Oct. 43. Ferrying Service Detachment.
2-19 1-31 26 Oct. 43. Fighter Squadron , Two Engine, RTU
and Army Air Forces Fighter Squadron, Two En
7, 7-1 , 7-2, 7-3 1-32 26 Oct. 43. Fighter Squadron , Single Engine, RTU,
2-27 6-25 7-11 7-18 9-8 and Fighter Squadron , Single Engine, OTU .
5-15 6-26 7-12 7-19 10-17 1-33 29 Oct. 43. Photo Detachment, Proving Ground
5-16 6-27 7-13 8-15 11-7
5-17 6-29 7-14 8-16 19-7 1-35 25 June 45. Air Transport Command. C 1 .
6-10 6-36 7-15 8-17 1-36 7 Oct. 44. Army Airways Communications System .
6-10-1 6-335 7-16 8-18
C 1 , 2.
6-337 7-17 1-37 9 July 45. Equipment for Army Air Forces Per
sonnel Distribution Command Installations . C 1 .
1-1322 8 June 44. Headquarters and Control Squadron,
MOUNTAIN DIVISION Tactical Control Group. C 1 ,
70, 70-1, 70-2, 70–3 1-1327 8 June 44. Communications Squadron, Tactical Con
trol Group. C 1.
2-137 6-150 7-19 7-145 10-57
1-1328 8 June 44. Intelligence Squadron, Tactical Control
5-235 6-159-1 7-131 7-146 10–118 Group. C 1.
5-236 6-185 7-132 8-135 10-335
5-237 8-136
1–1329 8 June 44. Aircraft Warning Squadron, Tactical
6-186 7-133 10–336 Control Group. C 1 .
5-238 6-187 7-135 8-137 11-317
7-136 19–17
1-1697 26 Sep. 44. Cold Weather Testing Detachment.
7-137 8-139
1–1747 30 Sep. 44. Administrative Airplane Detachment,
Heavy, Medium, Light, or l - engine.
7-138 9-137
2-1 1 Feb. 45. Cavalry Replacement Training Center.
49. TABLES OF ALLOWANCES . C 1 , 2, 3.
2-2 30 Nov. 45 . Cavalry School .
NUMBER DATE , TITLE AND CHANGES 2–3 12 June 45. Cavalry Board and Cavalry Board De


T/A 3-1 4 Sep. 44. Army Service Forces Training Center,
* 1-2 20 Sep. 45. Individual Training Schools. Camp Sibert, Alabama.
1-3 27 Aug. 45. Equipment for Combat Crew Training 3–2 2 Nov. 44. Chemical Warfare School, Edgewood
Stations. C 1 . Arsenal , Maryland. C 1 , 2.
1-4 10 July 42. Installation Point. 3-3 13 Aug. 45. Chemical Warfare Board , Edgewood

* 1-7 27 Aug. 45. Operational Training Units. C 1 . Arsenal, Maryland, and Edgewood Proving Ground,
Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland .
1-10 22 July 43. Headquarters and Headquarters Squad
ron, Glider Crew Training Center, AAFTCC. C 1 . COAST ARTILLERY
1-12 22 July 43. Bombardment Group (Medium ), Opera 4-2 30 May 45. Coast Artillery School.
tional Training Unit. 4-3 21 July 44. Coast Artillery Board . C 1 .
1-13 23 July 43. Headquarters and Headquarters Squad 4-4 30 Oct. 44. Submarine Mine Projects, Coast Artillery
ron, Replacement Wing. Corps.


T / A T/ A
5-1 14 Feb. 45. Engineer Section, ASF Training Cen- 12-2 Dec. 43. Adjutant General's Schools . C 1.
ters . 12-3 6 Nov. 44. Processing Centers.
5-2 16 Oct. 44. Engineer School. 12-4 27 Nov, 44. Rehabilitation Centers. C 1 , 2.
5-4 15 June 44. Engineer Daving and Salvage School. 12-5 18 May 45. U. S. Disciplinary Barracks and Disci.
5-1012 18 Dec. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Com plinary Company. C 1 , 2.
pany, Engineer Pipeline Group.
14-1 10 Apr. 45. Army Service Forces Training Center
6-1 16 Jan. 45. Field Artillery Replacement Training ( Finance Section ) .
Centers. C 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5 . 14-2 2 Apr. 45. Army Finance School .
6-2 16 May 45. Field Artillery School, C 1, 2, 3 , 4 , 5.
6-3 4 Aug. 45. Field Artillery Board. CHAPLAINS
6-22 6 Aug. 45. Field Artillery Detachment No. 2. 16–2 22 May 44. Chaplain School . C 1.
7-1 30 May 45. Infantry Replacement Training Centers. 17-1
C 1 , 2, 3. 29 Mar. 45. Armored Replacement Training Center,
C 1 , 2.
7-2 4 June 45. Infantry School. C 1 , 2, 3.
17–24 Sep. 45. Armored School .
MEDICAL 17–3 8 May 45. Armored Board and Armored Board De
8-1 29 Aug. 44. Army Service Forces Training Centers 17-4 1 Aug. 43. Armored Medical Research Laboratory,
( Medical ) . C 1 , 2. C1 .
8-2 3 June 43. Medical Department School. C 1 , 2, 3, 4.
8-3 11 Oct. 43. Hospital Train, Zone of Interior. C 1 , 2. 17–5 19 June 45. Landing Vehicle Board.
8-4 28 Sep. 44. Training Allowances for Convalescent 17–8 10 July 45. Armored Amphibious Replacement
Camp ( 1,000 -bed ) and Convalescent Center (3,000 Training Detachment.
bed ) for Oversea Theaters. 17-1020-1 12 Mar. 45. Headquarters and Headquarters
Company, Armored Center. C 1 .
8–5 17 Oct. 44. Training Allowances for Advanced Re
conditioning Sections Serving Army Service Forces TANK DESTROYER
Hospitals, ZI .
*8–6 1 Oct. 45. Allowances for Educational Recondi 18-1 2 Feb. 45. Tank Destroyer Replacement Training
Center. C 1 , 2.
tioning Program , ASF Hospitals, ZI. 18–2 31 Aug. 45. Tank Destroyer School.
8-1037 17 Feb. 45. Women's Army Corps Hospital Company
( ZI ) . 18–3 28 June 45. Tank Destroyer Board and Board De
ORDNANCE 18-1010-1 22 Feb. 44. Headquarters and Headquarters Com
pany, Tank Destroyer Center,
9-1 2 Aug. 44. Army Service Forces Training Center
( Ordnance ) . C1 . MILITARY POLICE
9-2 25 May 45. Ordnance Schools and Board .
9-4 10 Mar, 44. Ordnance Bomb Disposal School. 19-2 12 May 45. Provost Marshal General's School, C 1 .
9-5 1 Feb. 43. Ordnance Automotive Schools. * 19-3 26 Oct. 45. Military Police Board .
9-1017 22 Dec. 44. Ordnance Detachment, Joint Army -Navy 19–1010 15 May 44. Disciplinary Training Center.
Experimental and Testing Board , Fort Pierce, Fla.
QUARTERMASTER 20 5 Apr. 44. Equipment for Posts, Camps, and Sta
10-1 11 Aug. 44. Army Service Forces Training Center tions . C 1 , 2, 3 , 4 .
( Quartermaster ). Supp. I and C 1 , Supp. II. 20-1 19 Oct. 44. Equipment for Army Air Forces Zone
10-2 30 Sep. 44. Quartermaster School and Board. C 1, of Interior Installations.
2. 20–2 24 Feb. 45. Equipment for Training Purposes. C 1 .
10-1050 10 July 44. Quartermaster Printing Plant, Com 20-3 8 July 44. Animals for Posts, Camps, and Stations.
munications Zone.
* 20–9 15 Oct. 45. Army Service Forces Training Cen
SIGNAL ters ( Basic Military Training ) .
20-10 22 May 44. Army Service Forces Training Center,
11-1 9 July 45. Army Service Forces Training Center Camp Gordon Johnston. C 1.
(Branch Immaterial and Signal) , Camp Crowder,
Missouri. * 20-13 8 Oct. 45. Army Ground Forces Board No. 3.
11-2 30 May 45. Signal Corps Schools. 20–15 30 Oct. 44. Army Ground Forces Replacement De
11-3 11 June 45. Training Equipment for Team and pots. C 1 , 2, 3, 4 , 5.
Unit Training of Army Service Forces Signal Corps * 20-16 18 Oct. 45. Army Ground Forces Replacement Bat
Organizations. talions .
11--5 1 Jan. 43. Signal Corps, Aircraft Warning Unit 20-20 9 June 44. Officers Candidate School , SWPA.
Training Center. C 1 , 2. 20–30 25 May 45. United States Military Academy. .
11-6 28 Sep. 44. Signal Corps Photographic School 20-50 8 Jan. 45. Army Service Forces Personnel Replace
11-7 8 June 45. Signal Corps Training School , SWPA. ment Depot.
* 11-8 5 Oct. Eastern Signal Corps Unit Training
45 . 20–60 26 Mar. 45. Civil Affairs Staging Area Training
Center, Fort Monmouth , New Jersey. Equipment. C 1 .
11-9 6 Nov. 43. Western Signal Aviation Unit Training *20-110 -IBT 18 Aug. 45. Equipment for Theater Over
Center and Eastern Signal Aviation Unit Training head .
Center. C 1. 2. 22-1 26 Oct. 43. Army Specialized Training Units. C 1, %.
11-1050 9 May 44. Film Library Organization. C 1. 23 22 Mar. 43. Targets and Target Equipment. C 1,2,3.


T /A T/ A
28–2 31 May 44. School for Special and Morale Services. 71-2 12 Mar, 45. Parachute School . C 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5.
71-3 19 Jan. 45. Airborne Board. C 1 , 2 .
MILITARY INTELLIGENCE 71-1010-7 17 Aug. 45. Airborne Center, C 1 .
30–2 19 Aug. 43. Military Intelligence Training Center.
C 1 , 2.
30-3 19 Mar. 45. Military Intelligence Service Language 50. TABLES OF BASIC ALLOWANCES.
School, Fort Snelling , Minnesota . C 1.
WOMEN'S ARMY CORPS 1 1 July 42. Air Corps. C 1 , 2, 3, Supp . 1.
35-1 6 Nov. 1944. Women's Army Corps Training Cen 2 1 Mar. 42. Cavalry . C 1 , 2, 3.
ters. 3 15 Oct. 42. Chemical Warfare Service.
ROCKETS 5 1 Dec. 42. Corps of Engineers. C 1 , 2 .

39–3 25 Feb. 44. Rocket Board. C 1 , 2 . 5-5 10 July 42. Engineer Amphibian Units. C 1, 2, 3.
6 1 July 42. Field Artillery. C 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
ANTIAIRCRAFT ARTILLERY 8 15 July 42. Medical Department. C 1 , 2, Supp. I.
44-1 25 May 45. Antiaircraft Artillery Replacement 10. 20 June 42. Quartermaster Corps. C 1.
Training Center. C 1 . 11 10 June 43. Signal Corps. C 1 .
*44-2 26 Sep. 45. Antiaircraft Artillery School. 11-3 15 Sep. 42. Signal Corps, Aircraft Warning Service.
44–3 25 July 45. Antiaircraft Training Center. 17 1 Oct. 42. Armored Force. C 1 .
* 44-4 22 Sep. 45. Antiaircraft Artillery Board . 18 29 July 42. Tank Destroyer.
44–1010–1 27 Jan. 45. Headquarters and Headquarters Bat 19 1 Aug. 42. Military Police.
tery , Antiaircraft Artillery Command. 28 10 Apr. 42. Special Service Unit. C 1.
35 1 Jan. 42. Women's Army Corps. C 1, 2 .
55–1 26 Mar. 45. Army Service Forces Training Center ,
Camp Plauche, New Orleans 12 , La. 1. Tables of Equipment and equipment sections of Tables
55-2 28 Mar. 45. Transportation Corps School. of Organization and Equipment prescribe the authorized
55-4 2 Oct. 43. Transportation Corps Military Railway allowances of equipment for units at their Table of Organ
Schools . ization strength except
55–5 10 Dec. 43. Transportation Corps Unit Training a. Equipment required for temporary use for special pur
Center, Indiantown Gap Military Reservation. poses.
b. Items of clothing and individual equipment included in
AMPHIBIOUS T/E 21, Clothing and Individual Equipment.
30 June 45. Equipment for Amphibious Training. C. Component parts, spare parts, accessories, and expend
C 1. able items listed in supply catalogs and circulars of supply
2. As soon as pertinent Tables of Equipment are issued,
70-4 30 Jan. 45. Equipment for Mountain Training and Tables of Basic Allowances will be issued for planning pur
Operations. poses only.



51. SCOPE. The following is a complete list of bered and issued by services have become WD AGO
forms stocked in Adjutant General depots except in- Forms. In each instance the number and date of
tra - office or intra-service forms which in some in- the old form is indicated in parentheses following
stances are stocked at individual depots for purely the number and date of the new WD AGO. Form.
local use . Forms not listed in this pamphlet should | Absence of a date for the new WD AGO Form in
be requisitioned from the office of origin or as di dicates that the old form has not yet been reprinted
rected by applicable instructions. Certain WD AGO under the WD AGO number. When it is reprinted
Forms are not stocked in Adjutant General depots. or revised, its number will be changed accordingly,
These are included in the following list with the unless it is to become an AGASF Form .
source of supply indicated. b. Forms used only by staff divisions of Head
52. FORMS AUTHORIZED FOR LOCAL REPRO- quarters, Army Service Forces or by two or more
DUCTION. WD AGO Forms bearing numbers in the Army Service Forces technical services and/or serv
5000-series preceded by “ R ” , as for example WD ice commands will be designated AGASF Forms.
AGO Form R-5001 , are not stocked by adjutant Current WD AGO Forms in this category will be
general depots. These are forms authorized to be redesignated AGASF Forms as they are revised,
reproduced locally by using agencies. Samples of such retaining the old number. New AGASF Form num
forms and authority and instructions for their repro bers will not duplicate AGO Form numbers. AGASF
duction by specified agencies are contained in publi- | Forms in this catalogue will be listed with WD AGO
cations describing the procedures in which they are Forms but will contain " AGASF in parentheses
used . after the form number to indicate that it has been
53. ALLOWANCES AND DISTRIBUTION. The printed with that designation.
lists of forms contained herein are prepared as an
aid in securing supplies required for the conduct of AGO No. DATE, TITLE AND REQUISITION UNIT
official business. They are not intended to be used
as a guide for stocking units or post publication 022 1 Jun. 45. Receiving record. Set.
stock rooms with forms for which they have no 070 19 Jul. 43. Report of retired officer, U. S. Army.
Cut sheet.
need. Conservation in ordering, in use of forms, and 071 1 Jul . 45 . Stock transfer order and/or request for
in preservation of stocks on hand will be enforced stock replenishment. Set.
by all responsible officers. Distribution of forms 0177 1 Jul. 45. Report of entry on active duty. Cut
listed herein will normally be made and requisitions 0191 1 Nov. 44. [ Report of address of retired enlisted
will be submitted in accordance with Circular 264, man .) Card.
War Department, 1944. 0363–1 1 Apr. 44. Enlisted separation. Card.
0485-d 17 Mar. 32. [ Record of service-Reserve officers.]
54. EXPLANATION OF LISTS. a. The dates Card.
0485-E 17 Sep. 41. [Record of service-Army of the United
shown for each form in the following lists is the date States. ] Card.
of the latest revision . The use of earlier editions is 0485-i 20 Oct. 42. [ Record of service - Flight officer . ] Card.
not necessarily precluded by the existence of a re- 0714 8 Jun, 42. Application for Service Medal ( Except
vised form . Each revision of a WD AGO Form will for Victory Medal ) . Set.
0715 1 Jan. 45. Application for silver star. Set.
carry a note indicating whether or not supplies of 0719 12 Feb. 42. [ Receipt for American Defense Service
the old form are to be used until exhausted . Medal . ] Set.
b. Brackets around the title shown for any form 0850 1 Feb. 45. Personnel qualifications questionnaire .
indicate that no title appears on the form itself. The 0850-1 1 May 45. Personnel qualifications questionnaire
title shown is merely descriptive. - Duplicate. Set.
c. The unit in which forms are to be requisitioned 0856 11 Oct. 43. Army Service Forces position descrip
tion questionnaire. Cut sheet.
is indicated in italics following the title. 18 Report of distributing agency for publications. Not
d. New and revised WD AGO Forms will carry 0857 12 Oct. 43. Officer qualifications record. Set.
1 1 Nov. 44. Morning report. Book.
references to the regulations governing their use if 5 1 May 24. Daily sick report. Book.
full instructions are not printed on the form itself. 6 1 Feb. 43. Duty roster. Book.
55. WAR DEPARTMENT ADJUTANT GENERAL 7 1 Oct. 45. Enlisted man's pass. Sheet.
(WD AGO ) AND ADJUTANT GENERAL ARMY 10 1 May 38. Guard reports . Book.
11 1 Jul. 41. Extra sheets for guard reports. Set .
SERVICE FORCES ( AGASF ) FORMS. 12 1 Sep. 45. Monthly requisition for miscellaneous
a. General Forms. Many forms previously num publications. Cut sheet.

15 2 Sep. 44. Report of survey. Cut sheet. 38 1 Dec. 44. Report of physical examination of en
15-1. 8 May 44. Report of survey-Discrepancies incident listed personnel prior to discharge, release from ac
to shipment. Cut sheet. tive duty or retirement. Cut sheet.
16 1 Apr. 41. Report of annual inspection of private 38-1 1 Sep. 45. Army separation serology report. Cut
mount. Cut sheet. sheet .
17 1 Jun. 45. Requisition for publications and blank 38–5 1 Dec. 44. Physical examination of enlisted person
forms . Cut sheet. nel prior to retirement for disability. Cut sheet.
stocked by AG depots. Required overseas and may 39 10 Oct. 39. Notification of discharge . Cut sheet.
be improvised locally. 40 15 Jan. 45. Certificate of disability for discharge
19 23 Sep. 44. Notice of casual payment. Card . Report of board of medical officers. Cut sheet.
20 1 Dec. 44. Soldier's qualification card. Card. 41 1 Nov. 45 . Designation or change of relative to be
20-1 1 Jan. 44. Replacement card ( for soldier's qualifica paid six months' gratuity in case of death . Card.
tion card removed from file. Card.
44 1 May 45. Extract copy of morning report. Cut
21 | Aug. 45. Enlistment record - Regular Army (Or sheet.
iginal ) . Set .
21A 1 Aug. 45. Enlistment record – Regular Army 45 1 May 45. Descriptive list of absentee wanted by
( Copy ) . Cut sheet. United States Army. Cut sheet.
24A 1 Jun , 45. Service record . Book. 46 1 Apr. 45. Report of return of absentee to the
24-2 1 May 45. Insert to service record - Indorsement. United States Army. Cut sheet.
( Continued ) . Cut sheet. 47 21 Jun . 43. Record of general prisoner. Set .
24–3 1 Jun, 45. Insert to service record - Remarks - Ad- 48 30 Sep. 44. Settlement advice. Card.
ministrative ( Continued ) . Cut sheet. 49 8 Aug. 44. Application for retirement. Cut sheet.
24-4 1 Jun . 45. Insert to service record - Remarks - Fi
WD AGO 50 Record of payment of retired enlisted man .
nancial ( Continued ) . Cut sheet. Not stocked by AG Depots. For use of Enlisted
24–5 i Jun. 45. Insert to service record - Furloughs Branch , AGO only .
( Continued ) . Cut sheet. 51
24–6 1 Jun. 45. Insert to service record_Time lost prior 13 Oct. 42. Report of investigation. Cut sheet.
to the normal date of expiration of term enlistment 52–1 Report of death. Not stocked by AG depots. Used
to be made good under 107th Article of War. Cut only by Casualty Branch, AGO.
sheet. 52-5 1 Apr. 45. Initial report of death. Cut sheet.
24–7 1 Sep. 44. Insert to service record Record of trials 52-9 1 Jul. 44. Hospital report of death . Cut sheet.
by courts martial. Cut sheet. 53-0 1 Nov. 44. Military record and report of separation .
24-9 1 Apr. 45 . Insert to service record-Articles Of Cut sheet.
War --continued. Cut sheet . 53-1 1 Sep. 44. Report of separation . Cut sheet.
24-10 1 Apr. 45. Insert to service record - Foreign Serv- 53-2 1 Nov. 44. Enlisted record and report of separation .
ice continued . Cut sheet . Cut sheet.
1 Apr. 45. Insert to service record-Medals, Deco 53-3 1 Sep. 45. Discharge certificate work sheet - En
rations , and Citations ( cont . ) - Cut sheet. listed . Cut sheet.
24–12 1 Apr. 45. Insert to service record - Allotments , 53-55 1 Nov. 44. Enlisted record and report of separa
continued . Cut sheet ,
24-13 1 Apr. 45. Insert to service record - Deposits tion honorable discharge. Set.
53-56 1 Nov. 44. Enlisted record and report of separa
( cont. ) Cut sheet.
24-14 1 Apr. 45. Insert to service record—24 ( cont. ) . Cut tion discharge from the Army of the United States .
sheet .
53-57 1 Nov. 44. Enlisted record and report of separa
24–15 1 Apr. 45. Insert to service record-Appointment,
Promotion , or Reduction- ( cont.) Cut sheet . tion dishonorable discharge. Set.
53-97 1 Nov. 44. Military record and report of separa
25 1 Apr. 45. Extract froin service record . Cut sheet.
27 1 Oct. 44. Statement of account. Set. tion - Honorable discharge. Set.
29-4 12 Sep. 44. Certificate of entitlement of insurance at 53-98 1 Nov. 44. Military record and report of separa
tion - Certificate of service.
Government expense. Cut sheet.
53-98 - WS. 1 Nov. 44. Work sheet - Report of separation,
29–5 1 Feb. 45. War savings bond. Class A pay reserva WD AGO Form 53-98 . Cut sheet .
tion application - Civilian employees. Set .
29-6 13 Feb. 43. Authorization of Class B allotment for 53–99 1 Nov. 44. Military record - Discharge from tne
Army of the United States. Set.
purchase of war saving bonds. Set. 53-280 1 Nov. 44 . Army of the United States and report
30–4 1 Dec. 42. Notification of termination of aviation
cadet or aviation student status. Cut sheet. of separation - Certificate of service. Set.
54 27 Jun. 44. Inventory of effects. Cut sheet.
30-5 13 Feb. 43. War saving bond - Changes in or can
cellation of Class A pay reservation - Civilian em 60 29 Jun. 44. Application for air combat crew training
ployees. Set. ( gunner, pilot, bombardier or navigator ) . Cut sheet.
30 - S 1 Sep. 45. Allotment discontinuance notice upon dis 61 1 Oct. 44. Application for appointment as warrant
officer . Cut sheet.
charge or release from active duty. Set. 62 1 Nov. 45. Application for commission in the
31 8 Jun. 44. Furlough . Cut sheet. Regular Army. Cut sheet .
32 1 Jul . 45. Individual clothing and equipment record . 63 1 Aug. 45. Report of physical examination . Cut
33-2 9 Sep. 42. Individual equipment record - Army Air 63-WS 1 Aug. 45. Work sheet-Report of physical ex
Forces. Cut sheet. amination. Cut sheet.
36 8 Aug. 44. Statement of charges against enlisted 63-1-WS 1 Sep. 45. Army serology report for officers.
men . Cut sheet. Cut sheet.
37 1 Apr. 45. Report of proceedings of board of of- 64 20 May 41. Physical examination for flying. Cut
ficers. Cut sheet. sheet.

65 Identification card. Not stocked by AG depots. 88 19 Jun. 43. Score card - Pistol ( dismounted) prac
Source of supply is Office of the Chief Signal Offi tice. Card.
cer, 128 N. Broad St., Philadelphia 2, Pa., when 88–3 Army Service Forces Forecast of Civilian Personnel
requisitioned by The Adjutant General or ports, Requirements. Not stocked by AG Depots. Repro
aerial ports, and oversea theaters; through head duced locally.
quarters service command to Holabird Signal 89 19 Jun. 43. Score card - 60 -mm mortar - Record prac
Depot, Baltimore 19, Md., when requisitioned by tice - Gunner's test . Card .
posts, camps, and stations. 90 1 Jan. 45. Score card-81-mm mortar - Record prac
65-6 Identification card. Not stocked by AG depots. tice - Gunner's test. Card.
Source of supply is Office of the Chief Signal Offi- 91 8 Sep. 44. Report of physical examination of enlisted
cer, 128 N. Broad St., Philadelphia 2, Pa., when personnel at redistribution station. Cut sheet.
requisitioned by The Adjutant General or ports, WD AGO 94 1 Dec. 44. Application for review of dis
aerial ports, and oversea theaters ; through head charge or separation from the Army of the United
quarters service command to Holabird Signal
States. Reproduced Locally. Cut Sheet.
Depot, Baltimore 19, Md., when requisitioned by 95 1 Jun. 45. Classification summary . Cut sheet .
posts, camps, and stations. 95A 1 Jun. 45. Classification summary. Cut sheet .
65-8 Identification card, Not stocked by AG depots. 95-1 1 Jun. 45. Classification summary continuation
Source of supply is Office of the Chief Signal Offi sheet. Cut sheet.
cer , 128 N. Broad St., Philadelphia 2, Pa. , when 95-1A 1 Jun. 45. Classification summary continuation
requisitioned by The Adjutant General or ports, sheet. Cut sheet.
aerial ports, and oversea theaters ; through head 100
1 Jul. 45. Army separation qualification record.
quarters service command to Holabird Signal Cut sheet.
Depot, Baltimore 19 , Md . , when requisitioned by 104 1 Jul. 45. File card. Card.
posts , camps, and stations . 106 1 Nov. 45. Request for decorations and / or cita
65-9 Identification Card . Not stocked by AG Depots. tions. Cut sheet.
Used only by Army Postal Service, AGO . WD AGO 108 1 Oct. 45. Report of destruction of reg.
65-10 Identification Card. Not stocked by AG Depots. istered cryptographic documents. Cut sheet.
Source of supply is Office of the Chief Signal Offi- 114 14 Jul. 43. Record of trial by general court martial.
cer, 128 N. Broad St. , Philadelphia 2, Pa . , when Set.
requisitioned by The Adjutant General or ports, 115 1 Apr. 45. Charge sheet (for courts martial ) . Set .
aerial ports, and oversea theaters ; through head- 116 15 Dec. 42. General court-martial data sheet. Cut
quarters service command to Holabird Signal sheet.
Depot, Baltimore 19 , Md . , when requisitioned by 117 10 Mar. 28. Subpoena for civilian witness. Cut sheet.
posts , camps , and stations. 118 10 Mar. 28. Interrogatories and deposition. Set.
65-11 Identification card. Not stocked by AG Depots. 119 20 Jan. 25. Warrant of attachment. Cut
Source of supply is Office of the Chief Signal Offi 120 17 Jul. 44. Pretrial investigating officer's report. Cut
cer, 128 N. Broad St. , Philadelphia 2 , Pa . , when sheet.
requisitioned by The Adjutant General or ports, 127 1 Jun. 45. Personal affairs card ( Hospital check
aerial ports, and oversea theaters ; through head ) . Card.
quarters service command to Holabird Signal 130 list
1 Nov. 35. Report of enrollment—Reserve Oficers'
Depot, Baltimore 19 , Md., when requisitioned by Training Corps. Cut sheet.
posts, camps , and stations. 1312 Oct. 26. Student's record Reserve Officers' Train
66-1 1 Jan. 45. Officer's and warrant officer's qualification ing Corps. Cut sheet.
card . Card. WD AGO 132 1 Dec. 38 . ( Certificate for officers and
66-2 AAF Officer's qualification record. Not stocked by noncommissioned officers - Reserve Officers' Train
AG Depots. Source of supply is Air Technical Ser ing Corps ) . Cut sheet.
vice Commands.
66-3 AAF Medical Department officer's qualification rec
134 1 Mar. 41. Military training certificate— Reserve Of
ficers' Training Corps. Cut sheet.
ord . Not stocked by AG Depots. Source of supply is
141 1 Jul. 45. Allotment of pay notification form . Cut
Air Technical Service Commands. sheet.
66-4 1 Dec. 44. Officer's and warrant officer's qualifica
card copy. Cut sheet.
163 1 Feb. 45. Adjusted service rating. Cut sheet.
164 11 Mar. 42. Extract from service record_Enlisted
67 1 Feb. 45. Efficiency report. Cut sheet. Reserve Corps. Set.
68 1 Jun . 45 . Lost identification card report. Card . 165 10 Apr. 45 . Enlistment record-Enlisted Reserve
71 1 May 45. Oath of Office-- Military personnel. Cut Corps ( original ) . Set.
165 10 Apr. 42. Enlistment record - Enlisted Reserve
73 1 Feb. 45. Monthly report of authorizations and Corps ( copy ) . Set .
strengths for personnel . Cut sheet.
74 23 Oct. 43. Return of general prisoners. Cut sheet. 165-1 1 Sep. 45. Enlisted record - Enlisted Reserve Corps.
Cut sheet.
77 1 Feb. 45. Officer's pay data card. Card . WD AGO 166 22 Oct. 42. Identification card - Enlisted
78 3 Aug. 44. Recommendation for promotion of offi Reserve Corps . Card .
cers . Cut sheet. 167. 31 Mar. 42. Individual report of enlisted reservist.
81 1 Jun . 45 . Score card course A carbine. Card . Card .
82 19 Jun . 43. Combination score book for U. S. rifles. 170 1 Jul. 45. Application for appointment and state
Book , ment of preference for reserve officers. Cut sheet.
83 1 Feb 45. Score card ( for rifle practice ). Card. 170-1 1 Sep. 45. Application for appointment and state
84 16. Mar. 38. Score card --- Automatic rifle practice ment of preference for reserve officers. Cut sheet.
with bipod and butt plate. Card . 171 15 Apr. 41. Transfer of records of reserve officer.
85 1 Aug. 38. Score card - Machine -gun marksmanship . Cut sheet.
Card . 172 10 Apr. 41. Personal report of reserve officer. Cut
86 8 Jun . 44. Score card - 37 -mm antitank gun . Card. sheet.

178–2 1 Jan. 45. Classification questionnaire of Medical 270 1 Jul. 45. Shortages and overages of equipment for
Department Officers. Cut sheet. ASF units, activities, and installations. Cut sheet.
178-3 1 Aug. 45. Reevaluation data for medical depart- 271 1 Nov. 44. Termination partial payment status re
ment officers, Cut sheet . port. Cut sheet.
183 23 Jul. 42. Record at time of reporting for active 274 1 May 45. Quarterly report of athletic entertain
duty, of members of reserve components ( original ) . ment and recreation activities . Cut sheet.
Cut sheet. 275 Reception station report of strength and personnel
183 23 Jul. 42. Record at time of reporting for active processed. Not stocked by AG Depots. Source of
duty, of members of reserve components ( copy ) . supply is reception stations .
Cut sheet. 276 Reception station report of strength and personnel
184 23 Jul. 42. Report of separation of members of re processed . Not stocked by AG Depots. Source of
serve components. Cut sheet. supply is reception stations.
193 1 Sep. 45 . Request for medical records — Officer 277 Request for status of absentee. Cut sheet.
personnel. Set. 282 1 Dec. 45. Semi-Annual Library Report. Cut
194 1 Sep. 45. Request for medical records-Enlisted shect .
personnel , Set . 283 Semi -Annual Library Report ( for overseas installa
1991 May 45. Proceedings of Army retiring board for tions ). Not stocked by AG Depots. Source of sup
officers, Set. ply is Special Services Division, ASF, 23 West
201 1 Oct. 43. Records jacket. Envelope. 43rd St. , New York , N. Y.
204 15 Sep. 44. Notice of change of address. Card. 284 1 Sep. 45. Request for clinical records . Set.
210 5 May 42. Enlisted personnel replacement requisi 286 1 Nov. 44. Requisition for engraving. Cut sheet.
289 1 Dec. 45. Menu card . Card .
tion . Cut sheet.
1 Nov. 45. Enlisted personnel replacement requisi 291 12 Jun. 43. Army Air Forces testing program -- Prac
tice sheet. Cut sheet.
tion . ( Continuation sheet ) . Cut sheet.
214 1 Jul. 45. Application for certificate in lieu of de- 292 4 Aug. 43. Aviation cadet qualifying examination
stroyed discharge certificate. Cut sheet. Calculation sheet. Cut sheet.
228 1 Aug. 45. Operating cost - Field printing plant or 296 1 Sep. 45. Processing Card . Card .
duplicating unit. Cut sheet. 298 1 Feb. 45. Standard request for proposal ( short
230 1 Jan. 45. Depot stock status report, 1 part, 3 part, form ) . Cut sheet.
4 part, 5 part, 6 part, 8 part set3 . 299 1 Mar. 45. War Department standard procurement
form No. 3. Set.
231 1 Jan. 45. Depot stock availability report. 8 part set. 299-1 1 Feb. 45 . Unit cost breakdown - Continuation
231-1 1 Mar. 45. Depot stock availability report. 1 part set .
sheet. Cut sheet .
231–3 1 Feb. 45. Deput stock availability report. 3 part set.
1 Mar. 45. Depot stock availability report. 5 part set. 299–2 1 Mar. 45. Instructions for completing War Depart
231-6 1 Jun. 45. Depot stock availability report. 6 part ment standard procurement Form No. 3 , Set.
set . 299-C 1 Mar. 45. Scope and proposal - Including delivery
232-3 1 May 45 ( 3 part) Depot Transaction Analysis Re schedule. ( Continuation sheet. )
port'. Set. 301 1 May 44. Status card ( Domestic ), Tab card .
232–5 i May 45 ( 5 part) Depot Transaction Analysis Re- 301 1 May 44. Status card ( Export ). Tab card.
port'. Set. 301-1 Status card . Not stocked by AG depots. Used only
232–6 i May 45 ( 6 part ) Depot Transaction Analysis Re by Machine records Branch , AGO .
port' . Set . 302 1 Nov. 44. Morning report locator card ( Domestic) .
234 9 Nov. 44. [ Information to the next kin of oversea Tab card .
casualties. ] Card . 302–1 1 Jan. 45. Morning report locator card. Card .
237 1 Mar. 45. Follow - up card-General prisoners. Card. 305 1 Jul. 43. Miscellaneous report form ( Domestic ) .
238 1 Aug. 45. Notice of change - General prisoners. 2 part, 3 part, 4 part, 5 part, 6 part,1 and 7
Cüt sheet. parti sets.
WD AGO 238-1 Notice of change - Army general pris- 305 1 Jul . 43. Miscellaneous report form ( Export ) .
oners ( Federal Institution ) . Not stocked by AG 2 part , 1 3 part, A part, 5 part,1 6 part, and 7
Depots, source of supply is Correction Div ., AGO . partl sets.
1 Mar. 45. Admission card - general prisoners. 305 1 May 45. Miscellaneous report form . ( Domestic )
Card. 3 part', 5 part', 7 part sets.
240 14 Sep. 42. Form for interviewing and ranking ap- 305 1 May 45. Miscellaneous report form . ( Export )
plicants for officer candidate schools. Set . 3 part', 5 part', a part sets.
WD AGO 252 1 May 45. Fire extinguisher inspection 306 1 Jul . 43. Miscellaneous card (Export ). Tab card.
tag, Soda- Acid Type . Tag. 306 1 Jul . 43. Miscellaneous card ( Domestic ) . Tab card.
WD AGO 253 1 May 45. Fire extinguished inspection tag, 307 1 Dec. 40. Tab card ( Domestic ). Tab card .
Carbon Dioxide. Tag. 307 1 Dec. 40. Tab card (Export) . Tab card.
257 13 Jun. 44. Stock-pile materials — Request for dis- 308 1 May 44. Organization master card ( Domestic ).
position instructions . Cut sheet. Tab card .
261 1 Mar. 45. Request for records from the Adjutant 308 1 May 44. Organization master card ( Export ) . Tab
General. Cut sheet. card .
263 16 May 44. Report of physical examination of can- 308-1 1 May 44. Organization master card ( Domestic ) .
didate for admission to the United States Military Tab card.
Academy ( Old WD AGO 0164 ) . Cut sheet. 308-1 1 May 44. Organization master card (Export ). Tab
264 1 Apr. 45. Records depot series data card. Sets. 309 1 Nov. 41. Initial-Special-Final Foster. Cut sheet.
265 1 Apr. 45. Records depot shipment data card. Card. card.
266 1 Apr. 45. Records depot work sheet. Cut sheet. 319 1 May 44. Summary card 319 ( Domestic ). Tab card .
267 1 May 45. Record of previous convictions. Cut 319 1 May 44. Summary card 319 (Export ). Tab card .
sheet. 320 1 May 44. Summary card 320 ( Domestic ). Tab card.
*Continuous, carbon interlca ved . 320 1 May 44. Summary card 320 ( Export ). Tab card.

320-1 Summary card. Not stocked by AG depots. Used 413 1 May 45. Final report of status of organizational
only by Machine records Branch , AGO . equipment ( white onion skin ) . Cut sheet.
323A 1 Jan. 43. Strength return by grade - Table II 413-1 1 May 45. Final report of status of organizational
( 4 - part ) ( Export ) Set. equipment ( canary ) . Cut sheet.
323A Strength return by grade—Table II ( 6-part) ( Do- 416 1 Feb. 45. Boiler inspection report. Cut sheet.
mestic) Stocked by Pentagon AG Depot for use by 420 1 Nov. 44. Mess attendance record. Cut sheet.
Machine Records Branch, AGO only. 421 ( Undated ) Index divider. Card.
323A 1 Jan. 43. Strength return by grade — Table II 422 1 Apr. 45. Exchange coupon books issued to Italian
( 4-part ) ( Domestic ) Set. Service Units. Cut sheet.
323A . Strength return by grade - Table II ( 6-part ) (Ex- 423 1 Apr. 45. Unredeemed books and coupons of Italian
port) Stocked by Pentagon AG depot for use by Service Units . Cut sheet.
Machine Records Branch , AGO only. 430 Unexploded bomb report. Not stocked by AG de
335 1 Oct. 45. Application for approval of report. Cut pots. Source of supply is Ordnance Bomb Disposal
sheet. School Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md .
344 15 Nov. 45. Unit control card ( manila ) . Card . 432 Tank and combat vehicle status report. Not stocked
Stocked by Pentagon AG depot for use by Machine by AG depots. Source of supply is Stock Control
Records, Branch, AGO only. Division, ASF. Used only by Headquarters, ASF.
WD AGO 344-1 1 Feb. 45. Unit Control card ( yellow ) . 433 1 Feb. 45. Fragile label. Label.
Stocked by Pentagon AG Depot, for use by Ma 433–1 1 Feb. 45. Fragile label . Label.
chine Records Br. AGO only . 433–2 1 Feb. 45. Fragile label, Label.
WD AGO 344–2 1 Feb. 45. Unit control card ( green ) . 436 1 Sep. 45. Report of consolidated iermination pro
Stocked by Pentagon AG Depot, for use by Ma gram . Cut sheet.
chine Records Br. AGO only. 438 1 Sep. 45. Report of injury. Cut sheet .
WD AGO 344-3 1 Feb. 45. Unit control card ( salmon ) . 439 1 Sep. 45. Injury summary report. Cut sheet:
Stocked by Pentagon AG Depot, for use by Ma 440 1 Sep. 45. Monthly injury frequency report . Cut
chine Records Bi . AGO only . sheet .
363 1 Oct. 44. Enlisted Separation . Card. 441 1 Sep. 45. Monthly motor vehicle accident suni
363–3 1 Oct. 44. Enlisted Separation . Card. mary report. Cut sheet.
364 1 Jan. 44. Theater casualty card ( Export) . Tab card. 444 1 Sep. 44. Inventory adjustment report. Cut sheet.
365 Selectees processed and others reporting for active 445 1 May 44. Requisition. Cut sheet.
duty. Not stocked by AG depots. Reproduced locally. 4454 28 Jun. 44. Requisition ( extra sheet ) . Cut sheet.
365a Selectees processed and others reporting active duty. 446 15 Apr. 44. Property issue slip. Cut sheet.
Not stocked by AG depots. Reproduced locally. 446A 28 Jun. 44. Property issue slip ( extra sheet ) . Cut
366 Selectees processed . Not stocked by AG depots. Re sheet.
produced locally . 447 15 Apr. 44. Property turn- in slip. Cut sheet.
366a Selectees processed. Not stocked by AG depots. Re 448 1 Aug. 45. Extract requisition for overseas ship
produced locally. ment. Cut sheet .
367 1 Jul . 45 . Officer's qualifications card (Domestic ). 449 1 Oct. 44. Notice of delayed items and /or notice of
Tab card.
nonavailability . Cut sheet.
367 1 Jul . 45 . Officer's qualifications card ( Export) . Tab
card .
449-1 1 Apr. 45. Notice of cancellation . Cut sheet.
450-1-A 1 Jul . 43 . War Department shipping document
367-1 Officer's qualifications. Not stocked by AG depots. ( Order copy complete ) . 0.fsct naster - continuous
Used only by Machine records Branch , AGO. form ( documat ).
367-2 Officer's qualifications. Not stocked by AG depots. 450–1-B 1 Jul. ,43. War Department shipping document
Used only by Machine records Branch, AGO.
367-3 Officers qualifications. Not stocked by AG depots. ( Order copy complcte ) . I're -printed sheet ( canary ).
Used only by Machine records Branch , AGO. 450-1-C Shipping Document (Property stub ). Not stocked
372 1 Jul. 43. Enlistment card ( Domestic) . Tab card. by AG depots. A metal plate for printing stubs
372 1 Jul . 43. Enlistment card ( Export ) . Tab card . locally, and which may be obtained from any David
son or Multilith dealer.
372-1 Enlistment. Not stocked by AG depots. Used only
by Machine Records Branch , AGO . 450–1-D Shipping Document ( Oversea stub ) . Not stocked
372–2 Enlistment. Not stocked by AG depots. Used only by AG depots. A metal plate for printing stubs
by Machine Records Branch , AGO. locally, and which may be obtained from any David
son or Multilith dealer.
375 1 Dec. 44. War Department purchase action report.
Cut sheet. 450-3-A 1 Nov. 44. War Department Shipping Document
376 1 Dec. 44. War Department supplemental purchase ( Order copy complete ) . Offset master sheet.
action report. Cut sheet. 450-3-C 1 Nov. 44. War Department Shipping Document
385 1 Jan. 45. Request for transmittal of service record ( Property copy complete ) . Documat offset master.
and allied papers of absentee. Cut sheet. 450–3-D 1 Nov. 44. War Department Shipping Document
401 1 Jul. 45. Locator card . Card. (Oversea copy complete ). Documat offset master.
402 Standard pouch record. Not stocked by AG depots. 450-4 - A 1. Feb. 45. War Department shipping document
Reproduced locally. (Order copy complete ) . Spirit hecto master.
403 Standard pouch record. Not stocked by AG depots. 450-4- C 1 Apr. 45 . War Department shipping document
Reproduced locally. (Property copy, stub only ) : Spirit hecto master.
410 1 Apr. 45. ( Receipt for accountable item . ] Card. 450-4-D 1 Apr. 45. War Department shipping document
410-1 1 Jun . 45. [Receipt for accountable item ]-Suspense ( Oversea copy, stub only ) . Spirit hecto master set.
slip . Cut sheet. 450-4 - E 1 Jul. 43. War Department shipping document
411 I Jul . 45. Army Ground Forces selected equipment ( Price copy, stub only, continuation sheet). Spirit
report . Set . hecto master .
411-8 I Jul . 45. Army Ground Forces equipment record. 450-4 - F 1 Feb. 45. War Department shipping document
( Supplement) Cut shect. ( Oversea copy complete ). Spirit hecto master.

450-5 - A 1 Nov. 44. War Department shipping document 450-17-A 1 Nov. 44. War Department shipping document
( Order copy complete ) . 20-lb. hecto master paper, ( Order copy complete, Continuation sheet of 450
continuous form . 7-A ) , Form topped , mimeograph stencil.
450-5 - B 1 Nov. 44. War Department shipping document 450--18 - A 1 Nov. 44. War Department shipping document
( Order copy complete ) . Pre -printed sheet (golden ( Order copy complete, Continuation sheet of 450
rod ) . 8-A ) . Die cut, mimeograph stencil.
450-5 - C 1 Nov. 44. War Department shipping document 450–18-C 1 Nov. 44. War Department shipping document
( Property copy complete ) . Pre-printed sheet (white ). (Property copy complete, Continuation sheet of 450
450-5 - D 1 Nov. 44. War Department shipping document 8 - C ) . Die cut, mimeograph stencil.
( Oversea copy complete ). Pre - printed sheet (pink) . 450–18- D 1 Nov. 44. War Department shipping document
450-5-E 1 Mar. 45. War Department shipping document ( Oversea copy complete, Continuation sheet of 450
price copy. Pre-printed form ( white) sheet. 8 - D ). Die cut, mimeograph stencil.
450-6-A 1 Jul. 43. War Department shipping document 450–18-F 1 Nov. 44. War Department shipping document
( Order copy complete ) . Offset master sheet topped, ( Property copy, stub only , Continuation sheet of
printed in non -reproducing ink, capable of reproduc 450-8-F ) . Die cut, mimeograph stencil.
ing 3,000. 450–20 - C 1 Jul. 43. War Department shipping document
450-7-A 1 Nov. 44. War Department shipping document ( Property copy complete ) . Offset master, continuous
( Order copy complete) . Form topped, mimeographed roll (Systemat ).
stencil. 450-20 - D 1 Jul. 43. War Department shipping document
450-8 - A 1 Nov. 44. War Department shipping document ( Oversea copy complete ) . Offset master, continuous
( Order copy complete ) . Die cut, mimeograph stencil roll ( Systemat) .
450-8-C 1 Nov. 44. War Department shipping document 450–21- C 1 Jul. 43. War Department shipping document
( Property copy complete ). Die cut, mimeograph ( Property copy complete, Continuation sheet of 450
stencil. 20-C ) . Offset master, continuation roll ( Systemat).
450-8 - D 1 Nov. 44. War Department shipping document 450-21-D 1 Nov. 44. War Department shipping document
( Oversea copy complete ). Die cut, mimeograpk ( Oversea copy complete, Continuation sheet of 450
stencil. 20-D ) . Offset master, continuous roll ( Systemat ).
450-8-F 1 Nov. 44. War Department shipping document 450–22-A 1 Nov. 44. War Department shipping document
( Property copy, stub only ) . Die cut, mimeograph ( Order copy complete ) . Offset master , continuous
stencil. roll ( Systemat).
450-8-G 1 Nov. 44. War Department shipping document 450-23-A 1 Jul . 43. War Department shipping document
( Oversea copy, stub only ). Die cut, mimeograph ( Order copy. complete, Continuation sheet of 450
stencil. 22-A ) , Offset master, continuous roll ( Systemat).
450-11-A 1 Nov. 44. War Department shipping document 450–30 · 1 Jul. 43. War Department shipping document
( Order copy, Continuation sheet ( complete ) of 450 (Oversea impedimenta copy complete ) . Spirit hecto
1 -A ) . Offset master, continuous form ( Documat ). master,
450-11-B 1 Jul . 43. War Department shipping document 450-31 1 Jul. 43. War Department shipping document
( Order copy, Continuation sheet ( complete) of 450 (Oversea impedimenta copy complete ), Gelatin hecto
1-B ) . Pre -printed sheet. master .

450-13-C 1 Nov. 44. War Department shipping document 450–32 1 Jul . 44. War Department shipping document
( copy complete, continuation sheet ) . Documat offset ( Oversea impedimenta copy complete ). Die cut,
master. mimeograph stencil.
450-13-D 1 Nov. 44. War Department shipping document 450–60 - C 1 Jun. 45. Vendor's shipping document (Prop
(Oversea copy complete, continuation sheet ) . Docu erty copy complete ) . Ditto spirit master .
mat offset master , 450–60-D 1 Feb. 45. Vendor's shipping document (Oversea
450-14 - A 1 Mar. 45. War Department shipping document copy complete ) . Spirit hecto master .
( Order copy, Continuation sheet ( complete ) of 450- 450-60-E 1 Nov. 44. Vendor's shipping document (Con
4A ) . Spirit hecto master. tinuation sheet of 450-60-C and 450-60-D ) . Spirit
hecto master.
450-14-C 1 Jul. 43. War Department shipping document
( Property copy, stub only, Continuation sheet of 450-61 -C 1 Feb. 45. Vendor's shipping document ( Property
450_4 - C ) . Spirit hecto master. copy ) . Offset master.
450-14 - F 1 Jul. 43. War Department shipping document 450-61-D 1 Feb. 45. Vendor's shipping document ( Oversea
(Oversea copy, complete, Continuation sheet of 450 copy ) . Offset master .
4-F ) . Spirit hecto master. 450-61-E 2 Oct. 44. Vendors' shipping document (Continu
450-15 - A 1 Nov. 44. War Department shipping document ation sheet of Nos. 450-61 - C or 450-61 - D ) . Offset
( Order copy complete, Continuation sheet of 450
5 - A ) . 20-11. hecto master paper , continuous form . 450-62-C 1 Nov. 44. Vendor's shipping document ( Property
450-15-B 1 Nov. 44. War Department shipping document copy complete ). Diecut mimeograph stencil.
( Order copy complete , Continuation sheet of 450- 450-62-D 1 Nov. 44. Vendor's shipping document ( Oversea
5 - B ). Pre -printed sheet ( goldenrod ) . copy complete ). Diecut mimeograph stencil.
450-15-C 1 Nov. 44. War Departn.ent shipping document 450–62-E 1 Nov. 44. Vendor's shipping document (Continu
(Property copy complete, Continuation sheet of 450 ation sheet of 450-62- C and 450-62 - D ) . Diecut
5 - C ) . Pre-printed sheet (white). mimeograph stencil.
450-15-D 1 Nov. 44. War Department shipping document 450–62 - F 1 Nov. 44. Vendor's shipping document ( Recap
( Oversea copy complete, Continuation sheet of 450 form ). Form top, mimeograph stencil.
5 - D ) . Pre -printed sheet ( pink ). 450–62-G 1 Feb. 45. Vendor's shipping document (Continu
450-15 - E 1 Mar. 45. War Department shipping document ation sheet ). Form top, mimeograph stencil.
price copy ( continuation sheet ) . Pre-printed sheet 450-63 - C 1 Feb. 45. Vendor's shipping document ( Property
(white) . copy complete ) . Pre-printed sheet (white ).

450-63 - D 1 Nov. 44. Vendor's shipping document ( Oversea WD AGO 469 1 Sep. 45. Report of improper shipment.
copy complete ). Pre-printed sheet (pink). Cut sheet.
450–63 - E 1 Feb. 45. Vendor's shipping document ( Continu- 475 1 Jun. 45. Acceptance agreement by claimant. Cut
ation sheet of 450-63-C ) . Pre -printed sheet (white ). sheet.
450-63-F 1 Feb. 45. Vendor's shipping document (Continu- WD AGO 478 ' 1 Jul. 45. MWO and major unit assembly
ation shect of 450-63 - D .) Pre -printed sheet (pink) . replacement records and organizational equipment
450-64 - C 1 Feb. 45. Vendor's shipping document ( Property file. ( Furnished only in multiples of 25 ; 1 expan
copy complete ) . Gelatin hecto master. sion jacket container furnished with each 25 ) .
450-64-D 1 Feb. 45. Vendor's shipping documents (Over Envelope.
sea copy complete ) . Gelatin hecto master. 479 Publication stock record card. Cut sheet .
450-64 - E 1 May 45. Vendor's shipping document (Continu 486 13 Jul. 44. Radio station log. Book.
ation sheet of 450-64 - C or 450–64 - D ) . Gelatin hecto 491 Data sheet for activity indexes, Not stocked by AG
master . depots. Source of supply is Control Division, ASF ,
451-1 ( Undated ) Envelope for War Department shipping Washington, D. C.
document. Envelope 10 x 1011 in . 492 1 Aug. 45. ( Report where a lower class of trans
451-2 ( Undated ) Envelope for War Department shipping portation than called for is used. ) Card.
document. Envelope 6 2 1012 in . 498 1 Sep. 45. WAC future address card. Card.
452-1 18 Oct. 43. Documents on other side of car. Card . 501 28 Sep. 43. Individual injury report-War Depart
452-2 18 Oct. 43. Documents on this side of car. Card. ment. Cut sheet.
453 1 Jun . 44. Stock ledger card. Card. 502 1 Feb. 45. Monthly injury summary report_War
WD AGO 455 1. Dec. 45. Mail and document register. Department ( private facilities ) . Cut sheet.
Cut sheet. 505 1 Aug. 45. Monthly contract termination status re
453-1 1 Jun. 44. Stock report card. Card . port. Cut sheet.
WD AGO 456 1 Dec. 43. Declaration of student . Cut 507 1 Nov. 44. Individual injury report military per.
sheet . sonnel. Cut sheet.
WD AGO 457 1 Dec. 45. Statement of service. Cut sheet. 509 1 Feb. 45. Monthly motor vehicle accident summary
WD AGO 458 1 Dec. 45. Certificate of eligibility. Cut report. Cut sheet.
sheet . 519 1 Sep. 44. Previous employer card. Card.
460 1 Jan. 45. Preventive maintenance roster. Set. 520 War Department Summary. Stocked in Pentagon
461 1 Jul . 45 . Work sheet for wheeled and half-track AG Depot only. Used only in Washington.
vehicles—Preventive maintenance service and tech 539 9 Sep. 44. Report on Suggestion Program. Cut sheet.
nical inspection . Cut sheet. 553 10 Apr. 44. Functional forms analysis chart. Cut
461-1 1 Feb. 44. [ Translation of WD AGO Form 461 for sheet.
adaptation to use by German prisoners of war as 554 20 Apr. 44. Forms analysis chart of recurring data.
signed to ASF combined maintenance shops .] Cut Cut sheet.
461-2 18 Jul . 44. [Translation of WD AGO Form 461 for 555 20 Mar. 44. Request and justification for procure
ment of manifold form - Army Service Forces. Cut
adaptation to use by Italian prisoners of war as sheet.
signed to ASF combined maintenance shops. ] Cut
557 10 May 44. Form design guide sheet. Cut sheet.
461-3 1 Apr. 45. Work sheet for wheeled and half-track 557-1 10 May 44. Form design guide sheet. Cut sheet.
vehicles . ( This form used for production line main- 557-2 10 May 44. Form design guide sheet for 25 % reduc
tenance. ) Cut sheet. tion . Cut sheet.
461-5 8 May 44. Limited technical inspection . Cut sheet. 557-3 10 May 44. Form design guide sheet for 331%% re
462 1 Sep. 45. Work sheet îor full -track and tank -like duction . Cut sheet.
wheeled vehicles. Cut sheet. 558 1 Feb. 45. Monthly progress report - ASF Forms
462–1 13 Apr. 43. [ Translation of WD AGO Form 462 for Control and Standardization Program. Cut sheet.
adaptation to use by German prisoners of war as- 559 1 May 45. Request for approval of form. Cut shect .
signed to ASF combined maintenance shops. ] Cut 571 Parcel receipt. Not stocked by AG depots. Used
sheet. only by Prisoner of War Division , Office of Provost
462-2 18 Jul. 44. [Translation of WD AGO Form 462 for Marshal General .
adaptation to use by Italian prisoners of war as 572 15 Sep. 44. Page layout guide ( Top page layout, 16 "
signed to ASF combined maintenance shops. ] Cut x 21 " ) . Cut shect.
shcet . 15 Sep. 44. Page layout guide ( Top page layout, 8"
463 1 Apr. 45. Work sheet for motorcycles. Cut sheet. x 1022 " ) . Cut sheet.
463-1 5 Apr. 43. [ Translation of WD AGO Form 463 for
574 15 Sep. 44. Page layout guide ( Side page layout, 16 "
adaptation to use by German prisoners of war as x 21 " ) . Cut sheet.
signed to ASF combined maintenance shops.) Cut 575 15 Sep. 44. Page layout guide ( Side page layout, 8 "
x 1022 " ) . Cut sheet.
463--2 18 Jul . 44. [ Translation of WD AGO Form 463 for
adaptation to usc by Italian prisoners of war as WD AGO 577 1 Oct. 45. Vehicle status report. Cut sheet.
WD AGO 580 1 Oct. 45. Ammunition status report.
signed to ASF combined maintenance shops.] Cut
sheet. ( Multipurpose form ). Cut sheet.
464 1 Apr. 45. Work sheet for engineer equipment. Cut WD AGO 580-1 1 Oct. Ammunition report. (Ammunition
sheet. in hand of troops ) . ( Continuation sheet) . Cut sheet.
WD AGO 465 1 Jui . 45. Work sheet fer material hand- WD AGO 580-A 1 Oct. 45 . Ammunition status report.
ling equipment. Cut sheet. (Multipurpose form ) . ( Continuation sheet ) . Cut
467 1 Nov. 44. Receiving preservation maintenance re sheet.
port. Cut sheet . WD AGO 580-B 1 Oct. 45. Ammunition status report .
468 30 Aug. 44. Unsatisfactory equipment report. Cut ( Multipurpose form ) . ( Continuation sheet) . Cut
sheet. sheet .


WD AGO 580-C 1 Oct. 45. Ammunition status report. 658 1 Jan. 45. Theater of operations—Requisition for
( Multipurpose form ). ( Continuation sheet ) . Cut rotational personnel. Cut sheet.
sheet . 658-1 1 Jan. 45. Requisition for enlisted rotational re
WD AGO 580-D 1 Oct. 45. Ammunition status report. placements. Cut sheet.
( Multipurpose form ) . (Continuation sheet ). Cut WD AGO 661 1 Oct. 45. Installed property record card.
sheet. Card .
WD AGO 580-E 1 Oct. 45. Ammunition status report. 670 1 Jun. 44. Civilian training description. Cut sheet.
( Multipurpose form ). ( Continuation sheet ). Cut 671 1 Jun. 44. Civilian training of installation personnel .
sheet. Cut sheet.
WD AGO 580-F 1 Oct. 45. Ammunition status report. 687 1 Jan. 45. U. S. Army Service Forces assignment
( Multipurpose form ). (Continuation sheet) . Cut
record of inspection , Card.
687–1 1 Jan. 45. Assignment record of inspection ( Cont.
WD AGO 580-G 1 Oct. 45. Ammunition status report. Sheet ) . Card.
( Multipurpose form ) . ( Continuation sheet ) . Cut 688 7 Aug. 44, U. S. Army Service Forces, report of
sheet .
WD AGO 581 1 Oct. 45. Ammunition . (Multipurpose itinerary. Cut sheet.
form ) . Cut sheet. 689 4 Aug. 44. U. S. Army Service Forces, statement of
travel. Cut sheet .
582 16 Jun . 44. Unit keeping record. Card.
583 16 Jun . 14. Ammunition visible index. Card. 690 7 Aug. 44. U. S. Army Service Forces, inspection's
684 20 Jun. 44. Aviation ammunition. Cut sheets. acceptance and shipment report. Cut sheet.
691 7 Aug. 44. U. S. Army Service Forces, inspection's
585 14 Jun . 44. Register of ammunition orders and de
liveries. Card. acceptance and shipment report ( short form ). Cut
Disposition of excess and surplus prop Sheet.
586 1 Aug. 45.
erty. Cut sheet . 692 7 Aug. 44. U. S. Army Service Forces, unserviceable
new material report. Cut sheet.
587-1 1 Sep. 45. Disposition of contractor inventory 693 7 Aug. 44. U. S. Army Service Forces inspection
( Part I-Disposition summary) . Cut sheet.
587–2 1 Sep. 45. Disposition of contractor inventory requisition. Cut sheet.
( Part II - Analysis of retentions ). Cut sheet, 694 7 Aug. 44. U. S. Army Service Forces certificate of
587–3 1 Sep. 45. Disposition of contractor inventory compliance and analysis. Cut sheet.
( Part III --- Plant clearance summary) . Cut sheet. 695 7 Aug. 44. Request for deviation approval . Cut sheet.
592 ( AGASF ) 1 Oct. 45. Daily time sheet. Cut sheet. 696 7 Aug. 44. Samples submitted for test. Cut sheet.
600 15 Nov. 44. Technical intelligence report. 1 part 699 ( Acknowledgment card ) . Not stocked by AG depots.
ditto master. Used only by Office of Dependency Benefits.
601 1 Jul. 44. Bond form for State Guard Property offi 700 · 1 Aug. 45. Official records . Envelope.
cer. Cut sheet. WD AGO 7021 Dec. 45 . Clearance certificate - Enlisted
602 1 Jun . 45. Certificate of marriage. Book. personnel. Cut sheet.
602-1 1 Jun. 45. Certificate of baptism . Book. 721 1 Jul. 43. Enlistment record-Women's Army Corps
611 Affidavit of marriage. Not stocked by AG depots. (original ). Set.
Used only by Office of Dependency Benefits. and sections of ASF depots. Cut sheet.
612 Affidavit of common -law marriage . Not stocked by 721 1 Jul. 43. Enlistment record - Women's Army Corps
AG depots. Used only by Office of Dependency ( copy ) . Set.
Benefits . 732 1 Nov. 44. Individual clothing and equipment rec
614 1 Sep. 45. Accident -Identification card . Card . ord-Women's Army Corps. Set.
615 1 Sep. 45. (Notification of passenger ). Card . 734 ( AGASF ) Mail control record. Not stocked by AG
618 1 Jan. 43. Affidavit of enlisted man of first, second, Depots, source of supply is Plans n Operations, Br.
or third grade, claiming moncy allowance in lieu of ASF.
quarters, for dependent mother or father. Cut sheet. 760 25 Mar. 43. Personal data form for officer candidate
619 Affidavit executed by mother or father of enlisted applicants. Cut sheet.
man . Not stocked by AG depots. Source of supply 777 25 Mar. 43. Report of distribution of scores - Wom
is Office of Dependency Benefits. en's Army Corps, officer candidates. Cut sheet.
620 5 Oct. 43. Certificate to be completed by all adult 785 17 May 44. Availability report_Prepared by basic
individuals living in one household claiming depend training center— Women's Army Corps. Cut sheet.
ency on enlisted man in Army. Cut sheet. 800 1 Jan. 45. Distribution of civilian employees by
625 1 Jan. 44. Application for dependency benefits. Set. Civil Service series, grade group, and sex-Army
630 Authorization for family allotment. Not stocked by Service Forces. Cut sheet.
AG depots. Used only by Office of Dependency 802 Casualty message telegram. Not stocked by AG
Benefits . depots. Used only by Casualty Branch, AGO .
636 27 Jun. 44. Family allowance information sheet. Cut 805-1 1 Jan. 45. Army Service Forces personnel control
sheet. form. Cut sheet.
641 1 Jul. 44. Report of change of status-family allow- 805-1A 1 Nov. 44. Aimy Services Forces personnel control
ances. Cut sheet. form. Cut sheet.
645 Notification of change in War Department rec- 805–2 1 Jan. 45. Army Service Forces personnel control
ords. Not stocked by AG depots. Used only by En form. Cut sheet.
listed Branch , AGO . 805–2A 1 Feb. 45. Army Service Forces personnel control
647 ( AGASF ) 1 Oct. 45. Officer's register. Cut sheet. form. Cut sheet.
653 1 Jan. 45. Shipping order. Cut sheet. 805-3 1 Jan. 45. Army Service Forces personnel control
653-1 1 Jan. 45 . Shipping order. Master , form. Cut sheet.
653-2 1 Jan. 45. Shipping order. Set. 805-4 1 Jan. 45. Army Service Forces personnel control
653-3 1 Jan. 45. Shipping order. Stencil. form. Cut sheet.
657 1 Mar. 45. Theater of operations — Requisition for 805–5 1 Aug. 44. Army Service Forces personnel control
fillers and replacements. Cut sheet. form . Cut sheet.
658749_ -46-12 177

805-6 1 Aug. 44. Army Service Forces personnel control 849 5 Feb. 44. How to handle a problem . Card.
form. Cut sheet. 850 5 Feb. 44. Job Methods Training -- Job breakdown
806 International aid. Not stocked by AG depots. Source sheet. Cut sheet.
of supply is International Division , ASF. Used only 851 5 Feb. 44. Job breakdown sheet for training men
by Headquarters Technical Services. on new job. Cut sheet.
806-1 International aid. Not stocked by AG depots. Source 854-A ( AGASF ) Summary of measured activities and
of supply is International Division , ASF. Uced only operations. Not stocked by AG Depots, source of
by Headquarters Technical Services. supply is Control Div. Hdq. ASF.
808 1 Jan. 45. Monthly depot space and operating report 854- B ( AGASF ) Summary of measured activities and
-Storage space and occupancy. Cut sheet. operations. Not stocked by AG Depots, source of
808A 1 Jan. 45. Monthly depot space and operating report supply is Control Div. Hdq. ASF.
--Materials handled and materials handling equip- 854-C ( AGASF ) Summary of measured activities and
ment. Cut sheet . operations . Not stocked by AG Depots, source of
808C 1 Jan. 45. Definitions and instructions for the prepa supply is Control Div. Hdq. ASF.
ration of the monthly report space and operating WD AGO 861 1 Aug. 45 . Work measurement summary .
report Pamphlet. Cut sheet.
811 9 Feb. 44. Work request 862 1 Jun . 45. Work measurement record. Cut sheet.
and job order. 862–1 1 Nov. 44. Depot work measurement record. Cut
Set. sheet.
811--1 9 Feb. 44. Work request 863-1 ( AGASF ) 1 Jun , 45. Repair of unserviceable ma
and hand receipt. tériel - Section A ( for return to stock ) . Cut sheet.
811-2 1 Jan. 45. Work request 863–2 1 Jun. 45. Repair of unserviceable matériel- Sec
for job order. ( Italian tion B ( for return to using organization ). Cut sheet.
translation of AGO 811. ) 864 1 Oct. 44. Consolidation of unfilled requisitions. Cut
Set. sheet.
811-3 1 Jan. 45. Work request 865 4 May 44. Work order. Cut sheet.
and hand receipt. ( Italian 866 4 May 44. Consolidation of parts. Cut sheet.
translation of AGO 811-1 ) . ) 867 4 May 44. Status of modification work order. Cut
812 27 Aug. 43. Depot operations improvement report. sheet.
Cut sheet.
868 13 Sep. 44. Record of sublot inspection. Cut sheet.
813 Station storage space report. Not stocked by AG 868-1 13 Sep. 44. Summary of sublot inspection . Cut sheet.
depots. Source of supply is Storage Division, ASF. 868-2 13 Sep. 44. Process average record. Cut sheet,
814 1 Sep. 45. Supply operations at technical depots
869 13 Sep. 44. Defect Record. Cut sheet.
817 25 Mar, 44. Quarterly inventory of industrial fa 869-1 13 Sep. 44. Lot by lot record of sampling inspection
cilities. Cut sheet.
standard inspection procedure II ( quality control) .
818 Submission of quarterly inventory of command in Cut sheet.
stallations. Reproduced locally. 869-2 13 Sep. 44. Inspection summary record. Cut sheet.
819 1 Oct. 45. Salvage and small lot sales. Cut sheet. WD AGO 870-A 1 Jun . 45. Repair of unserviceable ma
820 15 Oct. 43. [ Certification card ) -- Accident prevention terial for return to stock , Set .
training ( 10 -hour course ) . Card . WD AGO 870-B 1 Jun. 45. Repair of unserviceable ma
822 1 Oct. 44. Army educational program , individual terial for return to stock. Cut sheet.
record card . Card .
875 29 Aug. 44. Report of physical efficiency tests
823 1 Oct. 44. Army education program certificate. Cut Army Specialized Training. Cut sheet.
Book .
827 9 Feb. 44. Job order file. Envelope. 876 1 Jan. 45. RTC availability report-Army Special
828 9 Feb. 44. Job time ticket. Cut sheet. ized Training. Cutsheet.
877 29 Aug. 44. Enrollment report - Army Specialized
829 9 Feb. 44. Rejection memorandum. Cut sheet. Training. Cut sheet.
831 17 Jan. 44 Transcript of academic record - Army 878 29 Aug. 44. Enrollment report - Medical, dental,
Specialized Training. Cut sheet.
832 7 Aug. 44. [Certificate of graduation - Army Spe veterinary trainees -- Army Specialized Training. Cut
cialized Training Program ). Cut sheet. 880 29 Aug. 44. Continuation report - Army Specialized
835 1 Jan. 45. Job Methods training proposal sheet Training. Cut sheet.
Cut sheet.
837 1 May 45. ( Certification card-Job Relations Train 881 29 Aug. 44. Production report-Army Specialized
Training . Cut sheet.
ing (supervisory ) .] Card .
882–1 29 Aug. 44. Report of academic progress - Army
838 1 Jun. 45. A supervisor's responsibility for good Specialized Training ( Part I ) . Cut sheet.
on -the- job - supervision . Card . 884 27. Jul . 44. Application for college training in the
840 1 Jun . 45. (Supervisor's Certification card-Job Army Specialized Training Reserve Corps or the
Methods Training. ] Card . Air Corps Enlisted Reserve. Cut sheet.
842 1 Jan. 45. Job Methods Training material. Kit. 885 22 Jun . 44. Army Specialized Training Reserve Pro
843 6 Jul. 44. [ Traming Kit-Job Relations Training gram -- Availability and assignment report. Cut
program . ] Kit. shect .
844 1 May 45 . [ Training Kit - Job Instructor Training 886 1 Feb. 45. Enrollment and separation report for
program .] Kit .
ASF school training. Cut sheet.
844-1 1 May 45. Time Table. Sheet. 890 1 0ct. 44. Report of enemy use of war gas. Cut sheet.
845 22 Sep. 44. [ Supervisor's training certification card.] 891 16 Aug. 44. Distribution of achievement test scores
Card . - Army Specialized Training Program. Cut sheet.
846 5 Feb. 44. How to instruct. Card . 892 16 Aug. 44. Distribution of AGCT scores for
847 1 Jan. 45. How to improve " Job Methods" . Card. trainees and students enrolled as of date of achieve
843 5 Feb. 44. How to improve " Job Methods” in the ment examination-Army Specialized Training Pro
office . Card . gram . Cut sheet.

894 ( AGASF ) 1 Oct. 45. ' Office memo. Cut sheet. 5–1 1 Dec. 44. ( CE 412 1 Jun., 42 ) Fire department - In
895 ( AGASF ) 1 Oct. 45. Memo routing slip. Pad. dividual run report. Cut sheet.
896 ( AGASF ) 1 Oct. 45. Memo routing slip. Cut 5-2 1 Aug. 45. Individual damage report. Cut sheet.
sheet . 5-3 15 Nov. 44. ( CE 414 1 Jun. 42 ) Fire record journal.
897 ( AGASF ) 1 Oct. 45. ASF transmittal sheet. Cut Cut sheet.
sheet . 5-4 1 Apr. 45. Fire department-Individual crash fire
898 1 Jul. 45. Monthly statistical report of rehabilita report. Cut sheet.
tion centers and disciplinary barracks. Set . 5-5 1 Jan. 45. Fire truck equipment inspection report.
905 Employee schedule. Not stocked by AG depots. Used Cut sheet.
only by Army. Postal Service, AGO . 5–25 1 Aug. 44. ( CE 105 16 Jan. 43 ) Individual project
911 20 Nov. 42. Blue envelope mail - Army of the United estimate -- Repairs and utilities. Cut sheet.
States (Military Censorship ) . Envelope. 5-26 1 Mar. 45. Preparation of WD AGD Form 5–25 . Cut
912A 16 Feb. 43. [ Military Censorship letter comment sheet.
sheet.] Cut sheet. 5–32 1 Feb. 45. Post engineer shops heavy equipment
912B 16 Feb. 43. [ Military Censorship telephone comment monthly work sheet for second-echelon machinery
sheet. ] Cut sheet. inspection and preventive maintenance service. Cut
919 2 Jun . 44. [ Notice of correct address-Port of sheet.
embarkation.] Card. 5-33 1 Jul. 45. Post engineer shops heavy equipment in
921 ( Mail Invoice. ) Not stocked by AG Depots. Used spection and service record for machine. Card.
only by Army Postal Service, AGO. 5-34 1 Jan. 45. Utilities inspection and service record.
922 1 Jun . 45. Record of and receipt for registered and Card.
insured mail . Cut sheet.
5-35 1 Dec. 44. ( CE 289 8 Jan. 43 ) Repairs and utilities
923 1 Oct. 43. Notice to publisher. Card. work order. Set.
927 1 Mar. 45. Shipping report of mail . Cut sheet. 5–36 1 Jul. 45. Inspection and service record of refrig
937 ( Shipping tag for war ballots. ) Not stocked by AG erator. Card.
depots. Used only by Army Postal Service, AGO. 5-37 1 Apr. 45. Work sheet for refrigerator inspection
940 Courier designation . Not stocked by AG depots. and preventive maintenance services. Cut sheet.
Used only by Army Postal Service, AGO . 5-38 31 Aug. 44. For best refrigeration ( Poster ) . Poster.
941 (Receipt from addresses to courier transfer officer.) 5-39 1 Nov. 44. Inspection and service record for ven
Not stocked by AG depots. Used only by Army tilation and evaporative cooling. Card.
Postal Service, AGO .
944 Pouch record. Not stocked by AG depots. Used only 5-40 1 Nov. 44. Inspection and service record for air con
ditioning . Card.
by Army Postal Service, AGO. 5-41 1 Nov. 44. Work sheet for ventilation and evapora
946 Report of official courier on special assignment out
side the District of Columbus. Not stocked by AG tive ( Desert ) cooling equipment inspection and pre
ventive maintenance service. Cut sheet.
depots. Used only by Army Postal Service, AGO. 5-42 1 Aug. 45. Work sheet for air conditioning equip
951 26 Jul . 44. Nomination of Army mail clerk. Cut
sheet. ment inspection and preventive maintenance serv
ice. Cut sheet.
952 1 Feb. 45. Authorization for regimental or unit mail
clerk. Cut sheet. 5-43 1 Apr. 45. Work sheet for warehouse cold storage
( no attendants ) , inspection and preventive mainte
956 [ Received classified message . ] Not stocked by AG nance services. Cut sheet.
depots. Source of supply is on requisition through
Office of Chief Signal Officer, Washington , D. C. 5-44 1 Nov. 44. Inspection and service record for ware
957 ( Received classified message. ) Not stocked by AG house cold storage plants . Card .
depots. Source of supply is on requisition through 5-45 1 Apr. 45. Temperature log for warehouse cold stor
age plant ( no attendants ) . Cut sheet.
Office of Chief Signal Officer, Washington, D. C.
957-1 [ Received classified message. ] Not stocked by AG 5–47 1 May 45. ( CE 432 15 Sep. 42 ) Real property rec
depots. Source of supply is on requisition through ord-Buildings and structures. Card.
Office of Chief Signal Officer , Washington, D. C. 5–49 1 Sep. 44. ( CE 434 15 Sep. 42 ) Real property
960 30 Jun . 42. Pouch record. Cut sheet. record—Wharves and ferryslips, channels, seawalls,
jetties, etc.-Miscellaneous structures. Card.
971 1 Jul. 44. [V-mail change of address.] Cut sheet. 5-50 1 Nov. 45 . ( CE 435 15 Sep. 42 ) Real property
971-1 18 Aug. 44. [V-mail notice to correspondents and record -- Land . Card.
publishers. ) Cut sheet. 5-51 1 Aug. 45. ( CE 436 15 Sep. 42 ) Real property
979 1 Jun. 45. Lost and rifled mail record . Card . record - Roads, walks, parking areas, aprons and
980 28 Apr. 43. [Yearly record of lost or rifled mail runways, railroads, etc. Card.
( fort or APO ) .] Card . 5-52 i Aug. 45. ( CE 437 15 Sep. 42 ) Real property
989–1 ( Routing slip. ) Not stocked by AG depots. Used record - Utility distribution systems. Card .
only by Army Postal Service and Located Section, 5-53 1 Aug. 45. ( CE 438 30 Sep. 42) Equipment record.
AGO. Card.
991 ( Receipt for War Department Post Office insured, 5-55 18 Jul. 44. ( CE 440 ( Sec. A ) 1 Jul. 43 ) Repairs
special delivery mail . ) Not stocked by AG depots. and utilities consolidated report - Operating data
Used only by Army Postal Service, AGO . Electrical. Cut sheet.
992 ( Receipt for War Department Post Office registered 5–56 18 Jul . 44. ( CE 440 ( Sec. B ) 1 Jul. 43 ) Repairs and
mail . ) Not stocked by AG depots. Used only by utilities consolidated report - Operating data
Army Postal Service, AGO. Water. Cut sheet.
993 Daily registry recapitulation and balance sheet. Not 5-57 1 Jan. 45 ( CE 440 ( Sec. C ) 1 Jul. 43 ) Repairs and
stocked by AG depots. Used only by Army Postal utilities consolidated report - Basic data. Cut sheet.
Service, AGO .
5-58 1 Apr. 45. ( CE 440 ( Sec . D ) 19 Apr. 44 ) Water
996 1 Dec. 44. Classified document receipt. Set. operating log- Water treatment. Cut sheet.
1100 ( AGASF ) 1 Nov. 45 . Filing Control schedule. 5–59 1 Dec. 44. ( CE 440 ( Sec. E ) 19 Apr. 44 ) Water
Stocked by Pentagon AG Depot only . Cut sheet. operating log - Chemicals used. Cut sheet.

5-60 1 Dec. 44. ( CE 440 ( Sec. F ) 19 Apr. 44 ) Sewage 844 18 Jul. 44. ( MD 21 3 Dec. 42 ) Hospital laundry
operating log— Weather. Cut sheet. list. Cut sheet.
5-61 1 Dec. 44. ( CE 440 ( Sec. G ) 19 Apr. 44 ) Sewage 8-5 1 Mar. 45. Hospital linen requests. Cut sheet.
operating log - Ray sludge. Cut sheet. 8-6 1 Apr. 45. Transfer of patient. Cut sheet.
5-62 1 Mar. 45. Work sheet for kitchen equipment in 8-9 1 Feb. 45. ( ML 25 13 Aug. 34 ) Public voucher for
spection and preventive maintenance services. Cut medical services. Cut sheet.
sheet . 8-10 1 Feb. 45. (MD 25A 13 Aug. 34 ) Public voucher for
5-63 1 Mar. 45. Inspection and service record for kitchen medical services - Memorandum . Cut sheet.
equipment. Card. 8-11 28 Jan. 44. ( WD 354 ) Public voucher -- Personal
5-64 1 Apr. 45 . Boiler Water Condition Report. Cut services-Examination and vaccination of recruits.
Sheet. Cut sheet.
5-65 1 Oct. 44. R & U Excess property report. Set. 8-12 28 Jan. 44. ( WD 354 ) Public voucher- Personal
5-66 1 Jul. 45. Repairs and utilities monthly report of services - Examination and vaccination of recruits
individual projects. Cut sheet. Memorandum . Cut sheet.
5-80 18 Aug. 44. ( Eng 439 18 Aug. 44 ) Fire prevention 8–17 7 Sep. 44. ( MD 29 9 Sep. 43 ) Public voucher - Re
inspection form-- Individual building inspection. Cut imbursement of medical bills. Cut sheet.
sheet. 8-18 12 Sep. 44. (MD 29A 9 Sep. 43 ) Public voucher
5-81' 1 Mar. 45. " Motors ” First echelon preventive main - Reimbursement of medical bills- Memorandum.
tenance. Card - Now identified as a WD Poster. Cut sheet.
5-82 1 Mar. 45. Transformer record card . Card. 8-19 7 Jul. 44. Report of Medical Department personnel.
5-83 1 Mar. 45. Motor or generator record card. Card . Cut sheet.
5-84 1 Mar. 45. Building electrical inspector's record. 8–21 1 Nov. 44. (MD 49 9 Mar. 18 ) Statement of the
Card. hospital fund , and return of durable property pur
5–85 1 Mar. 45. Work sheet for overhead distribution and chased with the hospital fund. Set.
preventive maintenance services. Cut sheet. 8-22 ( MD 49A 24 Jul. 16 ) Employee's certificate of in
5-86 1 Mar. 45. Work sheet for street lighting and pre debtedness for hospital service. Cut sheet .
ventive maintenance services. Cut sheet. 8-23 1 Aug. 44. ( MD 51 26 Nov. 40 ) Report sheet of
5-87 1 Jul. 45. Work sheet for sub-station inspection and sick and wounded .
preventive maintenance services. Cut shcet. 8–24 1 Jul . 44. ( MD 52 15 Mar. 38 ) [ Medical report
5-88 1 Mar. 45. Work sheet for building, wiring and pre card .] Cut sheet.
ventive maintenalice services. Cut sheet. 8-26 1 Oct. 44 . ( MD 52B 5 Nov. 42 ) Emergency medical
5-89 1 Mar. 45. Work sheet for motor or generator and tag. Book.
preventive maintenance services. Cut sheet. 8-27 1 Jan. 45. (MD 52C 18 Mar. 41 ) Field medical
5-90 1 Mar. 45. Work sheet for underground distribution card . Card.
and preventive maintenance services. Cut sheet. 8-28 1 Apr. 45 . ( MD 52D 22 Jun . 20 ) Field medical rec
5-91 1 Mar. 45. Preventive maintenance edule for ord jacket. Envelope.
electrical facilities. Cut sheet. 8-29 12 July 44. (MD 53 21 May 42 ) Clearing station
5-92 1 Jul. 45. Certificate of proficiency. Card. tag. Tag .
5-93 1 Jul . 45. Army Range No. 5 inspection and ser 8-30 ( MD 54 5 May 16 ) Surgeon's request for service
vice record. Card . record . Card.
5-94 1 Aug. 45. Fire station log summary. Cut sheet. 8-31 1 Jul. 45 ( SGO 212 24 Oct. 22 ) Medical treat
5-95 1 Sep. 45. Repair and utilities monthly cost re ment card. Cut sheet.
port- Feature accounts. Cut sheet. 8–33 1 Apr. 45. ( MD 55A 31 May 39 ) Clinical record
5-96 1 Sep. 45. Repairs and utilities monthly cost re Brief. Cut sheet.
port - Reconciliation accounts . Cut sheet. 8–34 1 Apr. 45. ( MD 55A-1 31 Dec. 42 ) Abbreviated clin .
5-97 1 Sep. 45. Boiler water treatment log. Cut sheet. ical record . Cut sheet.
5-98 1 Sep. 45. Boiler plant operating log. Cut sheet. 8-35 1 Aug. 45. (MD 55a V 27 Mar. 41 ) Clinical record
5-100 1 Apr. 45. ( Eng 1A ( Costs ) Undated ) Daily labor
report. Cut sheet . Brief ( Veterinary ) . Cut sheet.
5–101 16 Jul . 44. ( Eng 2 ( Costs ) Undated ) Summary of 8-36 1 Mar. 45. ( MD 55B 31 May 39 ) Chief complaint
Condition on admission -Previous personal history.
distribution . Cut sheet. Cut sheet.
5-102 1 Apr. 45. ( Eng 3 ( Costs ) Undated ) Requisition
on storekeeper ( short form ). Set. 8–37 1 Mar. 45. (MD 55C-1 31 May 39 ) Physical exami
nation . Cut sheet.
5-103 1 Nov. 44. (Eng 3A ( Costs ) Undated ) Requisition
on storekeeper . Set. 8-38 1 Mar. 45. (MD 55C-2 31 May 39 ) Special examina
tion or additional data. Cut sheet.
5–104 1 Jan. 45. ( Eng 5 ( Costs ) Undated ) Stock record
card . Card . 8-39 1 Mar. 45. ( MD 55D 31 May 39 ) Initial summary ,
5-107 1 Aug. 45 . Bin card . Card. working diagnosis, contemplated laboratory tests,
5-108 1 Aug. 45. Stock locator card . Card. and consultations. Cut shect.
5–110 1 Jan. 45. (Eng 17B ( Costs ) Undated ) [ Cost ledger 8-40 21 Jun . 44. (MD 55E - 1 31 May 39 ) Consultation
sheet for feature and subfeature accounts .] Cut sheet. request and report. Cut sheet.
5-111 1 Jan. 45. ( Eng 17C ( Costs ) Undated ) [ Ledger 8-41 10 Jan. 45. ( MD 55E-2 9 Jun . 42 ) Ophthalmologic
sheet for reconciliation of accounts.) Cut sheet. examination. Cut sheet.
5-112 1 Dec. 44. ( Eng 20 ( Costs ) Undated ) Cost distri 8-42 1 Feb. 45. (MD 55E -3 9 Jun. 42 ) Ear, nose , and
bution voucher. Set . throat examination. Cut sheet.
5-113 1 Dec. 44. (Eng 20 ( Costs ) Undated ) Cost distribu 8–43 8 Aug. 44. ( MD 55E - 4 31 May 39 ) Dental examina
tion voucher - Continuation sheet. Cut sheet. tion . Cut sheet.
5-114 1 Dec. 44. ( Eng 20B ( Costs ) Undated ) Cost distri 8-45 5 Jul . 44. (MD 55E-6 31 May 39 ) Proctoscopic
bution voucher ( for use in making entries not in examination , Cut sheet.
volving disbursement voucher payments ) . Set. 8-46 1 Mar. 45. (MD 55E-7 9 Jun. 42 ) Urologic exami
8 3 (MD 20 26 May 21 ) [ Caution slip .] Cut shect. nation. Cut sheet,

8-47 1 Mar. 45. ( MD 55E-8 31 May 39 ) Gynecologic ex- 8-82 10 Jul. 44. ( MD 55M 31 May 39 ) Pathological ex
amination. Cut sheet. amination of tissue. Cut sheet.
8–48 1 Apr. 45. ( MD 55E-9 31 May 39 ) Allergy exami. 8-83 1 May 45. ( MD 55N 31 May 39 ) ·Record of physical
nation. Cut sheet. therapy. Cut sheet.
8–49 1 Aug. 44. ( MD 55E-10 18 Jun. 43 ) Neurological 8-84 15 Sep. 44. ( MD 550-1 31 May 39 ) Preoperative
examination. Cut sheet. examination and anesthetic record. Cut sheet.
8–50 1 Mar. 45. ( MD 55E-10A 27 Apr. 43 ) Peripheral 8-85 1 Jan. 45. ( MD 550-2 31 May 39 ) Operation report.
Nerve Examination. Set, Cut sheet.
8-51 1 Mar. 45. ( MD 55F 31 May 39 ) Progress notes. 8–87 1 Mar. 45. ( MD 55P 31 May 39 ) Fracture report.
Cut sheet. Cut sheet.
8–52 7 Jun . 44. ( MD 55f- V 27 Mar. 41 ) Clinical record 8-88 1 Jun. 45. ( MD 550–1 31 May 39 ) Prenatal rec
Objective symptoms - Continued
( veterinary ). ord. Cut sheet.
Cut sheet. 8–89 15 Oct. 44. ( MD 55Q-2 31 May 39 ) Labor record.
8–53 3 Jul. 44. ( MD 55g 27 Mar. 41 ) Clinical record Cut sheet.
Progress ( veterinary ). Cut sheet. 8-90 ( MD 55Q-3 31 May 39 ) Neonatal record . Cut sheet.
8–54 1 Feb. 45. ( MD 55G - 1 31 May 39 ) Treatment. Cut 8-92 1 Nov. 45. Mess record of paying patients. Cut
sheet . sheet .
8–55 17 Jun. 44. ( MD 55G - 2 31 May 39 ) Diabetic record. 8-93 1 Apr. 45. Nurses' time off duty. Cut sheet.
Cut sheet. 8-95 1 Nov. 45. Mess record of paying attendants and
8–56 1 Mar. 45. ( MD 55H-1 31 May 39 ) Temperature civilians. Cut sheet.
Treatment - Nurse's notes, Cut sheet. 8–96 1 Nov. 45. Memorandum of patient indebtedness.
8–57 15 Sep. 44. ( MD 55H-2 31 May 39 ) Temperature Cut sheet.
graphic chart. Cut sheet. 8–97 1 Mar. 45. Medical and dental appointment slip. Cut
8–58 3 Jul. 44. ( MD 551 31 May 39 ) Graphic chart. sheet.
Cut sheet. 8-98 8 Aug. 44. ( MD 57 14 May 42 ) Report of dental
8-59 7 Jun. 44. ( MD 551-V 27 Mar. 41 ) Clinical record service. Cut sheet.
Temperature, etc., graphic ( veterinary ) . Cut sheet. 8-100 1 Nov. 45. Certificate of sale. Cut sheet.
8-101 1 Nov. 45. Train account control register. Cut
8-60 7 Aug. 44. ( MD 55J 27 Mar. 41 ) Clinical record sheet .
Treatment ( veterinary ) . Cut sheet. 8-103 7 Jun. 44. ( MD 65 28 Feb. 16 ) Dental engagements
8–61 1 Dec. 44. ( MD 55J 31 May 39 ) Electrocardiograph slip. Cut sheet.
report. Cut sheet. 8-104 1 Nov. 45. Roster of reimbursable subsistence. Cut
8-62 3 Jul. 44. ( MD 55K-1 31 May 39 ) Radiologic record. sheet.
Cut sheet. 8-105 1 Aug. 45. Visual fields. Cut sheet.
8-63 1 Dec. 44 . ( MD 55K-2 9 Jun. 42 ) Radiologic report. 8-106 1 Aug. 45. Record of daily gain or loss from sub
Cut sheet. sistence. Cut sheet.
8-64 7 Jun. 44. ( MD 55K-3 31 May 39 ) Record of Roent- 8-107 1 Jan. 45. ( MD 72 5 May 16 ) Morning report ,
gen therapy. Cut sheet. Ward . Cut sheet.
8-65 8 Aug. 44. ( MD 55K-4 31 May 39 ) Record of 8-108 18 Jul. 44. ( MD 72a 21 Jan. 16 ) Consolidated morn
radium therapy. Cut sheet. ing report of wards. Cut sheet.
8-109 1 Nov. 45. ( MD 73 5 Mar. 41 ) Diet slip. Cut sheet.
8-66 7 Jun. 44. ( MD 55L 31 May 39 ) Laboratory reports.
Cut sheet. 8–111 5 Jan. 45. ( MD 75 27 Jul. 43 ) Patient's property
slip. Cut sheet.
8-67 7 Sep. 44. ( MD 55L - 1 23 Dec. 42 ) Blood. Cut sheet. 8-112 1 Jun . 44. ( MD 76 24 May 1910 ) Patient's property
8-68 1 Jun. 45 . ( MD 55L - 2 9 Jun, 44 ) Blood (chemis
try ) . Cut sheet. tag. Tag.
8–114 1 Sep. 44. ( MD 78 26 Dec. 42 ) Syphilis register.
8–69 1 Oct. 44. ( MD 55L - 3 9 Jun, 42 ) Serology. Cut Set.
8-115 1 Apr. 45. ( MD 78A 22 Oct. 43 ) [ Patient's record
8–70 1 Dec. 44. ( MD 55L - 4 9 Jun. 42 ) Spinal fluid . of syphilis treatment.] Card.
Cut sheet.
8-116 15 Mar. 45. ( MD 79 24 Feb. 41 ) Register of dental
8–71 1 Oct. 44. ( MD 55L - 5 9 Jun. 42 ) Urinalysis. patients . Cut sheet.
Cut sheet.
8-117 15 Aug. 44. ( MD 81 23 Sep. 42 ) Immunization
8–72 6 Sep. 44. ( MD 55L - 6 9 Jun. 42 ) Urinalysis register. Cut sheet.
(quantitative ) . Cut sheet. 8-118 1 Mar. 45. Disposition board proceedings for of
8–73 1 Jun . 45 . ( MD 55L-7 9 Jun, 42 ) Sputum. Cut ficers. Cut sheet.
sheet .
8-120 27 Jul . 44. ( MD 85 15 Feb. 26 ) Vital statistics
8–74 1 Mar. 45 ( MD 55L - 8 9 Jun. 42 ) Gastric analysis. chart. Cut sheet.
Cut sheet.
8–121 27 Jul. 44. ( MD 85A 9 Mar. 28 ) Vital statistics
8-75 7 Jun. 44. ( MD 55L - 9 9 Jun. 42 ) Feces. Cut sheet.
8–76 1 Dec. 44. ( MD 55L - 10 9 Jun. 42 ) Carbohydrate chart ( small ) . Cut sheet.
8-122 1 Jul. 45. ( MD 86AB 24 Jan. 44 ) Statistical health
tolerance. Cut sheet. report. Cut sheet .
8–77 1 Jan. 45. ( MD 55L-14 9 Jun. 42 ) Basal metabol- 8-124 1 Nov. 45 . Cash disbursement register. Cut sheet.
ism . Cut sheet. 8-125 1 Apr. 45. ( MD 94 4 Apr. 44 ) Chemical analysis
8–78 7 Jun. 44. ( MD 55L - 12 9 Jun. 42 ) Renal function of water. Cut sheet.
( P.S.P. ) . Cut sheet. 8–126 1 Sep. 44. (MD 95 27 Apr. 44 ) Bacteriological ex
8-79 7 Jun, 44. ( MD 55L - 13 1 Jan. 44 ) Renal clearance amination of water. Cut sheet.
( urea clearance ) . Cut sheet. 8-127 1 Nov. 45. Accounts payable register . Cut sheet.
8-30 7 Jun . 44. ( MD 55L-11 9 Jun. 42 ) Renal function 8–128 1 Jul. 44. ( MD 101 25 Mar. 22 ) Veterinary health
( Con , or Dil ) . Cut sheet. certificate. Cut sheet,
8-81 8 Aug. 44. ( MD 55L - 15 9 Jun. 42 ) Miscellaneous 8–129 31 May 44. ( MD 102 3 Jun . 43 ) Veterinary report
( clinical record ) . Cut sheer. of sick and wounded animals. Cut sheet.

8-133 ( MD 109 25 Mar. 22 ) Record and report - Physical 8-191 1 Mar. 45. Surgery schedule. Cut sheet.
examination of animals for purchase. Cut sheet. 8-192 1 Mar. 45. Report of professional officer of the day,
8-134 30 Aug. 44. ( MD 110 2 Dec. 42 ) Report of veteri Cut sheet.
nary meat and dairy hygiene - Inspection. Cut sheet. 8-193 1 Mar. 45. Report of physical condition of enlisted
8-135 ( MD 115 12 Feb. 40 ) ( Register card for sick and man. Cut sheet.
wounded animals. ] Cut sheet. 8-194 1 Dec. 45. Physical therapy treatment record. Card .
8-136 1 Apr. 45 ( MD 115A 27 Mar, 41 ) Index to register 8-195 i Mar. 45. Report of administrative officer of the
of animal patients . Cut sheet . day. Cut sheet.
8-137 13 Jul. 44. ( MD 115B 16 Mar. 43 ) Emergency vet- 8-196 1 Nov. 45. Processing of military personnel at
erinary tag. Tag. separation centers. Cut sheet.
8-138 1 Jul . 45 . ( MD 116 27 Mar, 41 ) Receipt for ani 8-197 1 Nov. 45. Hospital fund invoice. Cut sheet.
mals. Book. 8–198 1 Nov. 45. Guest log for meals. Cut sheet.
8–139 1 Nov. 45. Mess record of non-paying patients and 8-199 1 Nov. 45. Hospital fund Mess contract.
attendants . Cut sheet. sheet.
8-200 1 Dec. 44. Report of physical profiles accomplished
8–140 1 Aug. 45. Monthly sanitary report. Set.
8-141 1 Nov. 45. Train cash account. Cut sheet. at training centers. Cut sheet.
8-142 1 Feb. 45. ( MD 123 3 Jun. 43 ) Label - Penalty ( for 8-201 1 Nov. 45. Statement of miscellaneous subsistence
expense . Cut sheet.
mailing dental appliances ) . Cut sheet . 8-202 1 Nov. 45. Statement of welfare expense. Cut
8–143 1 Jan. 45. (MD 124 13 Aug. 43 ) Prosthetie case
record ( temporary ) . Cut sheet. sheet.
8-203 1 Nov. 45. Transmittal of excess working capital.
8–144 30 Aug. 44. ( MD 125 26 Aug. 38 ) Caution label Cut sheet.
(dental ). Cut sheet.
8–145 21 Jul. 44. ( MD 130 2 Dec. 41 ) Spectacle order 8-204 1 Nov. 45. Hospital fund voucher. Cut sheet.
8–205 1 Nov. 45. Petty cash voucher. Cut sheet.
form ( combined purchase order, invoice, and re 8-206 1 Nov, 45 . Locator card ( Mess officer ). Card.
ceiving report ) . Set. 8-207 1 Nov. 45. Train aceount summary. Cut sheet.
8-146 1 Nov. 45. Hospital fund property inventory rec 8-208 1 Nov. 45. Train receipt for collection . Set.
ord. Card .
8-209 1 Nov. 45. Receipt for collection , Set.
8-147 1 Nov. 45. Receipt for initial advance. Cut sheet. 8-210 1 Nov. 45. Statement of income and expense. Cut
8–148 1 May 45. (MD 140 30 Oct. 42) Report of a con sheet.
tact of venereal disease. Cut sheet.
8-211 1 Nov. 45. Statement of assets, liabilities and net
8–149 6 Jun . 44. ( MD 145A-145H incl. ) Requisition for working capital. Cut sheet.
teeth and facings, Set. WD AGO 8,212 1 Oct. 45. Nareotic register. Cut sheet.
8-157 1 Nov. 45. Hospital fund purchase order. Cut sheet. WD AGO 8-213 1 Oct. 45. Monthly venereal disease sta
8–158 1 Nov. 45. Receiving report. Cut sheet. tistical report. Cut sheet.
8-159 1 Nov. 45. Hospital fund issue slip. Cut sheet. WD AGO 8,214 1 Oct. 45. Registrar's daily statement of
8–160 1 Nov. 45. Hospital fund perpetual inventory card. patients' strength . Cut sheet.
Card .
WD AGO 8–215 1 Oct. 45. Request for veterinary labora
8–161 12 Jun. 44. ( MD 170 15 Feb. 43 ) Army Nurse tory food examination . Cut sheet.
Corps - Application for appointment. Cut sheet. WD AGO 8-216 1 Oct. 45. Blood transfusion record . Cut
8–164 1 Mar. 45. Roster of appointed and commissioned sheet.
personnel assigned to Medical Department. Cut sheet. WD AGO 8-219 1 Oct. 45. Death tag. Tag.
8-1651 Nov. 45. Cash receipts register. Cut sheet, WD AGO 8-221 1 Dec. · 45 . Cook's worksheet for hos
WD AGO 8-166 1 Sep. 45. Roster of seriously ill. Cut pitals. Cut sheet.
sheet. 9-1 1 Sep. 45. Material inspection tag. Tag.
WD AGO 8–167 1 Sep. 45. Removal from seriously ill 9-3 1 Sep. 45. Processing record for storage shipment .
list. Cut sheet. Tag.
8–168 1 Feb. 45. Report of seriously ill patients . Cut sheet. 9-4 1 Sep. 45. Vehicular storage and servicing record.
8--169 1 Nov. 44. Intervard transfer slip. Cut sheet. Card.
8-172 1 Mar. 45. Medical absentee record. Cut sheet. 9-10 7 Jun. 44. ( 00 33 Undated ) Bin tag. Tag.
8-173 1 Mar. 45. Treatment record. Card. 9-68 1 Jan. 45. Spot check inspection report for wheeled
8–175 1 Mar. 45. Compiled daily and monthly tally sheet and half -track vehicles. Cut sheet.
form . Cut sheet. 9–69 1 Jan. 45. Spot check inspection report for all full
8-176 1 Jul. 45. Diagnosis slip. Cut sheet. track and tank -like wheeled vehicles. Cut sheet.
8-177 1 Mar. 45. Quarterly occupational health report. 9-71. 5 Jul . 44. (00 7356 Undated ) Locator and inventory
Cut sheet. control card. Card.
8-178 1 Feb. 45. Patient's posit certificate. Cut sheet. 9-72 15 Jul. 44. ( 00 7356A ) Ordnance stock record card.
8-179 1 Feb. 45. Physical examination record. Card . Card .
8-181 1 May 45. Report on apprentice physical therapist. 9-73 17 Jun . 44. ( 00 7358 29 Jan. 43 ) Data for registra
Cut sheet. tion-Motor vehicle. Cut sheet.
WD AGO 8–182 1 May 45. Debarkation hospital work 9–74 17 Jun . 44. ( 00 7360 7 Dec. 42 ) Motor vehicle oper
sheet. Cut sheet . ator's permit. Card.
8-183 1 Nov. 45. Accounts receivable register. Cut sheet. 9-75 17 Jun. 44. ( 00 7361 7 Dec. 42 ) Daily dispatching
8–184 1 Nov. 45. General ledger. Cut sheet . record of motor vehicles. Cut sheet.
WD AGO 8-185 1 Oct. 45. Transmittal of case records 9-76 6 Sep. 44. Request for work order. Cut sheet.
to Veterans' facilities. Cut sheet. 9-77 1 Apr. 45. ( 00 7363 7 Dec, 42 ) Job order register.
WD AGO 8-186 1 Oct. 45. CCD Transfer order. Cut Cut sheet .
sheet .
9-78 1 Jan. 45 , ( 00 7364 ) Job order. Cut sheet.
8-188 1 Feb. 45. Patients identity tag. ( Intertheater ) 9-79 8 Jun. 44. (00 7365 7 Dec. 42) Parts requisition .
Tag . Cut sheet.
8-189 1 Mar. 45. Hospital report on beds, patients and 9-80 17 Jun. 44. ( 00 7366 7 Dec. 42 ) Job order file. En
operating personnel. Cut sheet. velope.

9-81 15 Jun . 44. ( 00 7370 12 Jul. 43 ) Exchange part or 10-82 ( QMC 375 6. Dec. 38 ) Abstract of enlisted and bulk
unit identification tag. Tag. work-Quartermaster laundry. Cut sheet.
10-4 ( QMC 15 17 Jan. 41 ) Council book. Book. 10-83 1 Jun. 45. ( QMC 376 6 Dec. 38 ) Abstract of work
10-5 14 Aug. 44. ( QMC 20 13 May 42 ) Collection sheet accomplished for individual patrons. Cut sheet.
(used overseas only ) . Set. 10–84 (QMC 385 22 Jun . 37 ) Charge sales slip. Books.
10-7 1 Apr. 45. Inventory of lost and abandoned per- 10–85 1 Jan. 45. ( QMC 386 28 Dec. 36 ) Cash sales slip.
sonal property. Cut sheet. Books.
10-9 1 Apr. 45. Tracer sheet — Quartermaster Laundry. 10–86 ( QMC 388 24 Feb. 36 ) ( Salesmen's report. ] Cut
Cut sheet. sheet.
10-12 ( AGASF ) 1 Oct. 45. Cook's work sheet. Cut 10-87 3 Oct. 44. ( QMC 389 5 Aug. 36 ) Report of deposits.
sheet. Cut sheet.
10-13 ( AGASF ) 1 Oct. 45. Monthly abstract cook's 10-89 1 May 45 ( QMC 391 24 Feb. 36) Inventory adjust
work sheet. Cut sheet. ment sales account. Cut sheet.
10–15 1 Nov. 45. Preparation room report. Cut sheet. 10–90 1 May 45. ( QMC 392 24 Feb. 36) Inventory of QM
10-20 1 May 45. Overseas shipment of petroleum prod Supplies. Cut sheet.
ucts. Master. 10-91 1 May 45. ( QMC 393 23 Sep. 38 ) Subsistence
10-21 1 May 45. Overseas shipment of petroleum prod Receiving report. Cut sheet.
ucts . ( Continuation master sheet. ) 10-93 ( QMC 398 5 Jun. 41 ) Statement of account. Set.
10-24 7 Jún. 44. ( QMC 120 22 Mar. 43 ) Dog record card. 10-94 ( QMC 398A 22 Aug. 41 ) Statement of account ( for
Cut sheet. machine use ) . Set.
10-25 7 Jun. 44. ( QMC 122 20 Feb. 44 ) Report on dogs 10–98 . ( QMC 403 6 Jun . 27 ) Order blank for clothing.
( field use ) . Cut sheet. Set.
10–26 ( QMC 123 14 Feb. 41 ) Semiannual report of ani- 10–99 ( QMC 404 15 Sep. 39 ) Measurement blank - U . S.
mals. Cut sheet. Army clothing, special sizes. Cut sheet.
10-27 ( QMC 125 14 Jul. 26 ) Horse ( mule) record card. 10–100 1 Jan. 45. ( QMC 1047 5 Sep. 44 ) Measurement
Cut sheet. blank-U . S. Army clothing for women, special sizes.
10-45 1 Jul. 45. Request for shipment of personal effects. Cut sheet.
Cut sheet. 10-101 1 Jul . 45. ( QMC 407 8 Jan. 41 ) Special measure
10–50 5 Jul. 44. ( QMC 3ū2 13 Nov, 41 ) Bond for safe ment blank — United States Army leather boots and
keeping arms, tentage, and equipment issued to edu shoes. Set.
cational institutions. Set. 10–106 12 Jun. 44. ( QMC 418 Undated ) [ Stock record
10–51 8 Aug. 44. ( QMC 303 13 Nov. 41 ) Bond for safe card ] ( Remington -Rand ) . Card (white ), card (buff).
keeping of public animals, arms, ammunition, sup- 10–107 12 Jun. 44. ( QMC 419 Undated ) Due-in-Due- Out
plies, uniforms, equipment, etc., issued to educational card ( Remington -Rand ). Card ( white ), card ( buff ),
institutions. Set. 10–110 1 Mar. 45. ( QMC 422 Úndated ) [ Stock record card)
10-52 ( QMC 307 17 Nov. 32 ) Delivery order ( copy and -Receipts and issues ( Remington -Rand ) . Card
original ) . Cut sheet (bond ). ( buff ) .
10–54 ( QMC 309 16 Nov. 27 ) Schedule of supplies. Set. 10–110 15 Oct. 44 ( QMC 422 Undated ) Stock [ Record card]
10-59 ( QMC 336 22 May 24 ) School for bakers and cooks -Receipts and issues (Remington -Rand .) ( white ) .
-Declaration of student. Cut sheet. Card .
10–113 ( QMC 431 6 Apr. 31) Receiving report. Cut sheet.
10-60 ( QMC 337 22 May 24 ) School for bakers and cooks
-Certificate of proficiency. Cut sheet. 10–114 1 May 45. ( QMC 434 30 Jun. 42 ) Shipping ticket.
Cut sheet.
10-61 ( QMC 340 22 Mar. 22 ) Daily stock record— [Bill of 10–116 ( QMC 437 29 Jan. 36 ) Delivery order and receipt.
fare ] . Cut sheet. Book.
10-62 ( QMC 343 22 May 24 ) School for bakers and cooks 10-117 ( QMC 440 29 Jan. 36 ) Monthly abstract of issues
-Efficiency report of graduates. Cut sheet. of fuel, forage, gasoline and oils, and operating sup
10-63 ( QMC 344 18 Nov. 24 ) Daily and term rating sheet plies. Set.
-School for bakers and cooks. Cut sheet. 10–122 1 May 45. ( QMC 445 21 Oct. 35 ) Over, short, and
10–64 ( QMC 345 22 May 20 ) Final examination sheet damaged, report. Cut sheet.
School for bakers and cooks. Cut sheet. 10–123 ( QMC 446 29 Jan. 36 ) Credit memorandum. Book.
WD AGO 10–69 1 Nov. 45. Out-charge sheet. Cut sheet. 10-124 ( QMC 450 25 Oct. 26 ) Certificate of gains, losses,
10–70 ( QMC 357 27 Jun. 42 ) Reclassification sheet. Cut and discrepancies-Subsistence stores. Cut sheet.
sheet. 10-125 ( QMC 452 25 Jul. 26 ) Forced issues of subsistence
10-71 1 Feb. 45. (QMC 364 and QMC 364A 6 Dec. 38 ) articles. Cut sheet.
Weekly collection and delivery sheet - Quartermas- 10-126 ( QMC 455 6 Mar. 36 ) Record of ice allowance and
ter laundry. Cut sheet. issues . Cut sheet.
10-73 í Feb. 45. ( QMC 365 6 Dec. 38 ) Monthly roster and 10-127 1 Mar. 45. ( QMC 460 11 May 26 ) Ration return .
statement. Cut sheet. Cut sheet.
10-75 1 Apr. 45 ( QMC 366 27 Oct. 39 ) Report of laun 10-129 ( QMC 463 29 Apr. 14 ) Subsistence of recruiting
dry and dry cleaning operations. Cut sheet. party and recruits. Cut sheet.
10-76 1 Feb. 45. ( QMC 370 1 May 44 ) Cashier's report. 10–130 1 Feb. 45. ( QMC 464 22 Jul . 43 ) Meal tickets-
Cut sheet. U. S. Army. Book of 50 sets , Book of 250 sets.
10-77 ( QMC 371 6 Dec. 38 ) Ledger account sheet. Cut 10-133 1 Jul. 45. Monthly commissary operating state
sheet. ment . Cut sheet.
10-78 1 Aug. 45. (QMC 373 2 Feb. 39) Quartermaster 10–134 ( QMC 469 7 Dec. 25 ) Monthly mess account. Cut
laundry list ( for piece rate patrons ) . Cut sheet. sheet.
10-79 1 Feb. 45. ( QMC 373A 25 Feb. 39 ) Hospital and 10-136 1 Feb. 45. Receipt for ice and fuel for cooking pur
organization list – Quartermaster laundry. Cut sheet. poses furnished troop train . Cut sheet.
10-81 4 Aug. 44. ( QMC 374 8 Aug. 42 ) [ Enlisted man's 10-140 5 Aug. 44. ( QMC 480 16 Jan. 42 ) Register of
laundry slip.] Cut sheet. vouchers to stock record account. Cut sheet.

10-145 1 Jul. 45. (QMC 490 8 Feb. 38 ) Tally -out (Sub- 11-60 12 Jun. 44. ( SC 153 28 Feb. 41 ) Abstract of com
sistence supplies ) . Cut sheet. mercial messages accepted , and charges paid on
10–147 ( QMC 492 6 Apr. 31 ) [ Bulk stock tag] Nonstandard U. S. Army ship radio station. Cut sheet.
(white with red bar ) . Tag. 11-61 ( SC 154 28 Feb. 41 ) Abstract of official messages
10–148 ( QMC 495 30 Apr. 43 ) Clothing repair tag. Tag. involving commercial charges transmitted from U.S.
10-149 ( QMC 496 6 Apr. 31) [Bulk stock tag ] Surplus Army ship radio stations to radio stations not under
stock ( blue ) . Tag. control of War Department during the month. Cut
10–151 ( QMC 498 6 Apr. 31 ) [Retail Stock tag] Nonstand sheet.
ard stock (white with red bar ) . Tag. 11-62 ( SC 155 28 Feb. 41 ) Abstract of all commercial
10-152 29 Jul. 44. ( QMC 499 1941 ) [ Shoe repair tag .) Tag. messages received and delivered on board or relayed
10–155 3 Jul. 44. ( QMC 506 1 Feb. 39 ) Transfer memoran by U. S. Army ship radio station . Cut sheet. Stocked
dum . Cut sheet. in Pentagon AG Depot Only .
10–156 1 Jun, 45. Monthly inventory of solid fuels. Cut 11-63 1 Apr. 45. ( SC 158 Jan. 42 ) Route delivery list.
sheet. Cut sheet.
10-159 ( QMC 511 26 Oct. 33 ) Bundle record . Card. 11-64 ( SC 160 Apr. 41 ) Local delivery list. Cut shect.
10-182 1 Oct. 45. ( QMC 1026 1 Mar. 44 ) U. S. Army 11-65 12 Jun. 44. ( SC 165 Undated ) [ Priority sticker.]
quarterly report of petroleum products used and in Tag.
stock ( excluding products of AAF aircraft ). Cut 11-68 15 Oct. 44. ( SC 169 Undated ) U.S.A. radiotelegraph
sheet. station log sheet. Cut sheet.
10-183 1 Mar. 45. ( QMC 1028 10 Apr. 44 ) Quartermaster 11-73 1 Jul. 45. ( SC 187 Jun, 43 ) Monthly booking sheet.
dry cleaning list. Cut sheet. Cut shect.
10-184 1 Jul. 45. Monthly report of excess petroleum 11-74 ( SC 185 Undated ) [ Teletype message form. ] Set.
stocks on hand. Cut sheet. 11-75 ( SC 186 Undated ) [ Teletype and radiotype blank
10-211 1 Jul . 45 . ( QMC 1056 9 Oct. 44 ) Requisition for sending sets.] Continuing flat-folded single part set.
coal or coke for Fiscal Year. Cut sheet. 11-76 ( SC 188 May 42 ) Master booking sheets-U.S. Army
11-3 12 Jun . 44. ( SC 16 Undąted ) Repair and return training film libraries. Cut sheet.
11-77 ( SC 189 May 42 ) Print record. Card .
tag. Tag.
11-4 ( SC 17 Undated ) Accepted tag. T'ag. 11-78 1 Apr. 45 ( SC 190 Aug. 43 ) United States Army
11-5 ( SC 20 26 Aug. 42 ) Monthly report of radio opera projection operator's permit. Card .
tions. Cut Sheet. 11-79 ( SC 198 Undated ) Training film quiz card. Set.
12 Jun . 44. ( SC 21 4 Apr. 33 ) [Organization equip 11-82 12 Jun . 44. ( SC 207 Dec. 42 ) Intercept operator log
form. Cut sheet,
ment record.] Cut sheet. 11-83 1 Jun. 45. Fixed wire communication equipment
11-13 ( SC 31 18 Feb, 29 ) Dues in and out. Cut sheet. report. Cut sheet.
Stocked in Pentagon AG Depot Only. 11-87 1 Mar. 45. Equipment performance log for radar
11-15 ( SO 33 18 Feb. 29 ) Inside transfer. Cut sheet . set AN/MPG-1. Book. Stocked in Pentagon AG
11-16 1 Apr. 45. ( SC 35 Undated ) Service message. Set. Depot Only .
11-17 12 Jun. 44. ( SC 37 Undated ) [Urgent sticker.] 11-88 8 Jun. 44. ( SC 220 15 May 43 ) Equipment per
Sticker. formance log for radio sets SCR -270 / 271, using
'11-18 1 Apr. 45. Still photographic Laboratories Produc receiver indicator console BC 1239 - A . Book. Stocked
tion Report. Cut sheet. in Pentagon AG Depot Only .
11-19 1 Aug. 45. Request for leased line telephone facili 11–90 Daily station record for radiosondes. Not stocked
ties. Cut sheet. by AG depots. Source of supply is Meteorological
11-24 1 Nov. 44. ( SC 43 27 Nov. 42 ) Weekly storage bat Section, Dayton Signal Corps Supply Division.
tery report. Cut sheet. 11-91 1 Jul. 45. Equipment performance log for radio set
11-26 6 Oct. 44 . ( SC 57 18 Feb, 41 ) General contract for AN/ CPS-1 . Book. Stocked in Pentagon AG Depot
trunk line and other communication facilities and Only.
11-93 1 Jul. 45. ( SC 232 23 Mar. 44 ) Equipment perform
services. Book Stocked in Pentagon AG Depot Only.
11-27 ( SC 60 26 Feb. 38 ) Inspection return, Cut sheet. ance log for radio set SCR -588 - A . Large size
Bk - 154 pgs. Photo -mail size, Bk -451 pgs.
11–29 ( SC 65 Undated ) Mechanic tag. Tag. Stocked in
Pentagon AG Depot Only.
11-96 1 Jul. 45. ( SC 241 23 Mar. 44 ) Equipment perform
11-31 1 Apr. 45. Trouble report card for fixed plant equip
ance log for radio set SCR -602 - T6 and A. Book.
Stocked in Pentagon AG Depot Only.
ment. Card.
11-39 7 Sep. 44. ( SC 88 Jul. 42 ) Signal center Delivery 11-97 ( SC 244 Undated ) Message center number sheet.
list. Cut sheet.
11-98 ( SC 247 10 Apr. 44 ) Equipment performance log for
11-42 1 Feb. 45. Issue and turn-in slip for film library radio set SCR-527-A. Book. Stocked in Pentagon
items. Cut sheet. AG Depot Only.
11-46 ( SC 106 20 Mar. 39 ) Statement uncollected and 11-99 ( SC 248 27 Apr. 44 ) Equipment performance log for
guaranteed messages. Cut sheet. radio set SCR-545- A , Book.
11-51 10 Aug. 44. ( SC 234 May 42 ) Contract for com 11-100 12 Jun. 44. Equipment performance log for radio set
munication and electric time facilities and service. SCR -584. Book . Stocked in Pentagon AG Depot
Only .
11-52 12 Jun . 44. SC 136 Undated ) Delivery register. 11-103 1 Dec. 44. ( SC 253 31 Mar. 44 ) Station record book.
Cut sheet. Book.
11-53 1 Jul . 45 . ( SC 138 39 ) Operator's number sheet. 11-104 15 Oct. 44. ( SC_254 10 Apr. 44 ) Equipment per
Cut sheet. formance log for radio set SCR -615 - A. Book.
11-56 1 Apr. 45. TWX Number Sheet. Cut sheet. Stocked in Pentagon AG Depot Only.
11-58 1 Apr. 45. Request for addition to or changes in 11-105 1 Jun. 45. ( SC 255 10 Apr. 44 ) Equipment per
telephone service . Cut sheet. formance log for radio set SCR -636 - A . Book,
11-59 ( SC 141 Jul , 42 ) Change order, Cut sheet. Stocked in Pentagon AG Depot Only .

11-106 ( SC 256 29 Apr. 44 ) Equipment performance log 11-145 1 Jun. 45. ( SC 1156 Dec. 41 ) Line record card.
for radio set AN / TPS-1A . Book. Stocked in Penta Card .
gon AG Depot Only . 11-146 1 Nov. 45 . ( SC 1160 2 May 44 ) Signal Corps
11-107 15 Jun . 44. ( SC 258 ) Equipment performance log United States record . Cut sheet.
for radio equipment RC-184. Book. Stocked in Pen- 11-147 15 May 44. ( SC 1160A Undated ) Post telephone
tagon AG Depot Only. system cable record. Cut sheet.
11-109 13 Jun. 44. ( SC 261 ) Equipment performance log 11-148 30 May 44. ( SC 1165 11 Jan. 38 ) General contract
for radio equipment RC- 127- A. Book. for commercial telephone service similar to that
11-111 1 Jul. 45. Equipment performance log for radio furnished the business public. Set.
equipment RC - 145 - A . Book. Stocked in Pentagon 11-151 War Department Signal Corps, U. S. Army Meteoro
AG Depot Only . logical Data Sheet for Artillery. Not stocked by AG
11-113 5 Jul. 44. Equipment performance log for radio RC depots. Source of supply is meteorological, Section,
215-A . Book. Stocked in Pentagon AG Depot Only. Dayton Signal Corps Supply Agency.
11-114 8 Jul. 44. Equipment performance log for radio 11-152 Psychrometer equipment ML - 313 /AM flight data
RC - 350 /RC - 351. Book. Stocked in Pentagon AG and computation sheet. Not stocked by AG depots.
Depot Only . Source of supply is Meteorological Section, Dayton
11-115 1 Aug. 45. ( SC 259 25 May 44) Equipment per Signal Corps Supply Agency.
formance log for radio set AN / TPS-3 . Book . 11-153 1 Aug. 45. Cable distribution chart. Cut sheet.
Stocked in Pentagon AG Depot Only . 11-154 28 Jun. 44. Telephone work order. Cut sheet.
11-116 1 Nov. 45. ( SC 257 1 Mar. 44 ) Equipment per 11-155 1 Apr. 45. Summary of authorized equipment and
formance log for radio set AN/TPS-3. Book. services. Cut sheet.
11-118 1 May 45. ( SC 273 27 Mar. 44 ) Semi-automatic tele- 11-156 1 Apr. 45. Individual telephone service record.
type circuit number sheet. Cut sheet. Card.
11-119 9 Aug. 44. Equipment performance log for radio 11-157 1 Aug. 45. Communications bill for unofficial
equipment RC-64-A . Book. Stocked in Pentagon charges . Cut sheet.
AG Depot Only . 11-158 28 Jun . 44. Daily collection record - Charge ac
11-120 1 Jul. 45. Equipment performance log for radio counts. Cut sheet.
equipment RC - 384. Book. Stocked in Pentagon AG 11-159 1 May 45. Daily cash record—Telegraph. Cut sheet.
Depot Only . 11-160 1 May 45. Post communication service account.
11-121 ( SC 278c 39 ) Station log Traffic report. Cut sheet. Cut sheet.
11-122 1 Jul. 45. Equipment performance log for radio set 11-161 1 May 45. Still picture requisition and work order
SCR-784. Book. Stocked in Pentagon AG Depot ( white ) . Cut sheet.
Only .
11-165 ( SC M40 Undated ) Message envelope M - 40 . En
11-123 1 Dec. 44. Equipment performance log for radio set velope.
CPX-2. Book . Stocked in Pentagon AG Depot Only . 11-168 15 Jun. 45 . ( M - 269, 269A Nov. 42 ) Message form.
11-124 1 Aug. 44. Equipment performance log for radio Cut sheet.
equipment RC-188- A. Book. 11-173 ( 0.C.S.O. 6 - D Dec. 42 ) Purchase order. Cut sheet.
11-125 12 Jun . 44 . Equipment performance log for radio
11-180 ( 0.C.S.O. 1127A Undated ) [ Shop order card. ] Cut
equipment RC- 182 / 282 . Book. sheet.
11-126 1 Apr. 45. ( SC 286 25 May 44 ) Equipment perform 13-1 24 Sep. 44. ( IGD 6 24 Sep. 43 ) Automotive dis
ance log for radio set SCR-682-A . Book. ability report of vehicles disabled more than 3 days.
11-128 1 Jan. 45. ( SC 285 25 May 44 ) Equipment per Cut sheet.
formance log for radio set SCR-627-A . Book. 14-1 ( FD 1 15 Nov. 28 ) Supplies and services — Nonper
11-130 Baroswitch computation sheet. Not stocked by AG sonal-Bills register. Card.
depots. Source of supply is Meteorological Section,
Dayton Signal Corps Supply Agency . 14-5 1 Nov. 45. ( FD 3 29 Sep. 36 ) Pay card_Commis
sioned officers. Card.
11-131 Report of wind direction and speed at 1,000-foot
levels M.S.L. Not stocked by AG depots. Source of 14-6 . ( FD 4 28 Dec. 42 ) Pay card - Civilian employees
supply is Meteorological Section, Dayton Signal ( used overseas only ) . Card.
Corps Supply Agency. 14-9 1 Nov. 44. ( FD 7 14 Aug. 41 ) Voucher for reim
11-132 Report of operations. Not stocked by AG depots. bursement of travel expenses and allowances (origi
Source of supply is Meteorological Section, Dayton nal) . Cut sheet.
Signal Corps Supply Agency. 14-10 1 Nov. 44. ( FD 7A 14 Aug. 41 ) Voucher for reim
11-133 1 Aug. 44. Equipment performance log for radio bursement of travel expenses and allowances- Con
equipment RC-207-A. Book. 14-11 1 Nov. 44. ( FD 7B 14 Aug. 41 ) Voucher for reim
11-134 1 Nov. 44. Equipment performance log for radio set tinuation sheet. Cut sheet.
AN/CPS-5. Book.
bursement of travel expenses and allowances - Mem
11-135 1 Aug. 45. Equipment performance log for radar orandum. Cut sheet.
set AN/TPL-1 . Book.
11-136 1 Dec. 44. Equipment performance log for radar 14-12 1 Nov. 44. ( FD 7C 14 Aug. 41 ) Voucher for reim
set AN /CPİ-1. Book. bursement of travel expenses and allowances - Con
tinuation sheet. Cut sheet.
11-137 1 Dec. 44. Equipment performance log for radar set 14-13 1 Nov. 44. Pay roll control record. Card.
11-139 1 May 45. ( SC 1131 3 Aug. 37 ) Out toll ticket.
Cut sheet. 14–15 4 Jul. 44. ( FD 10 10 Jun. 43 ) Soldier's deposits
11-140 Collection voucher. Cut sheet.
28 Jun. 44. ( SC 1137 11 Jan. 38 ) Commercial sery
ice authorization . Set. 14–16 1 Aug. 45. ( FD 11A 26 Jan. 38 ) Abstract of ex
11-141 1 Jul. 45. ( SC 1144 1 Apr. 44 ) Standard sub penditures from “ Deposits, Pay of the Army” and
marine cable report. Cut sheet, interest paid on account thereof. Cut sheet.
11-142 1 Apr. 45. ( SC 1145 28 Jan. 43 ) Intercept log 14-17 ( FD 12 13 Jan. 26 ) Voucher for commutation of ra
sheet. Cut sheet . tions and liquid coffee money. Set.
11-144 12 Aug. 44. ( SC 1153 8 Mar. 37 ) Historical record 14-18 4 Jul. 44. ( FD 12A 6 Mar. 43 ) Voucher for com
of Signal Corps - Permanently installed. Cut sheet. mutation of rations. Cut sheet.

14-19 6 Mar. 43. ( FD 12B 6 Mar, 43 ) Voucher for com- 14-78 1 Mar. 45. Summary voucher of officers' pay ac
mutation of rations-Memorandum. Cut sheet. counts. Cut sheet.
14–20 1 Aug. 45. ( FD 12C 6 Mar. 43 ) Voucher for com- 14-79 1 Mar. 45. Summary voucher of officers' pay ac
mutation of rations Continuation sheet. Cut sheet. counts — Memorandum . Cut sheet.
14-21 1 Dec. 45 ( FD 12D 6 Mar. 43 ) Voucher for com 14-83 1 Jul . 45. ( FD 118 Oct. 43 ) Partial payment rec
mutation of rations - Continuation sheet - Memo ord . Cut sheet.
randum. Cut sheet. 14-84 1 Jul . 45. ( FD 121 Oct. 43 ) Miscellaneous obliga.
14–22 ( FD 15 3 -Jun. 41 ) Mileage paid to cover subsistence tion document. Cut sheet.
on transports. Cut sheet. 14–85 1 Jul . 45. ( FD 122 Oct. 43 ) Allotment ledger.
14–23 ( FD 16 11 May 31 ) Schedule of deposits for meals ( Obligations. ) Cut sheet.
furnished to officers of the Army and other pas 14-88 12 Jun. 44. ( FD 124 Oct. 43 ) Analysis of unliqui
sengers and persons transported on United States dated obligations according to object classes. Cut
Army transport. Set.
14-27 1 Jul. 45. Report of War Bond Purchases. Cut 14-89 4 Sep. 44. ( OCE 210 5 Sep. 33 ) Allotment ledger
sheet. ( for machines ) . Cut sheet.
14-28 1 Apr. 45. Report of inventory. Cut sheet. 14-90 1 Jul . 45. Cash book. Cut sheet.
14-31 1 Jul . 45. ( FD 119 Oct. 43 ) Register of obligations 14-91 1 Jul . 45 . Cash book ( Insert sheet ) . Cut sheet.
incurred . Cut sheet. 14-921 Jul. 45. Cash blotter. Cut sheet.
14-32 1 Jul. 45. ( FD 120 Oct. 43 ) Register of expendi 14-93 1 Aug. 45. Agent officer's cash blotter. Cut sheet.
tures. Cut sheet. 14-96 1 Jul. 45. Report on status of advance payments
14-33 1 Jul. 45. ( FD 123 Oct. 43 ) Register of collections. as of .... Cut sheet.
Cut sheet. 14-102 1 Jul. 45. Allotment ledger (Commitments ). Cut
sheet .
14–35 15 Sep. 44. (FD 27 31 Dec. 43 ) Recapitulation of
expenditures and request for funds. Cut sheet. 14–103 1 Jul. 45. Control register of transactions. Cut
14-36 1 Nov. 44. ( FD 29 22 May 42 ) Letter of transmittal. sheet.
Cut sheet. 14-104 1 Jul. 45. Transfer adjustment voucher. Cut sheet.
14-37 1 Jul. 45. ( FD 31 1 Aug. 42) Correction voucher. 14-105 1 Jul. 45. Miscellaneous adjustment document, Cut
Cut sheet . sheet.
14-38 10 Oct. 44. (FD 33 16 Oct. 33) Soldier's deposit 14-106 1 Jul . 45. Suballotment . Cut sheet.
book. Card. 14-108 12 Aug. 44. ( UCE 580 24 Feb. 44 ) Monthly report
14-39 1 Feb. 45. ( FD 34 12 Jul , 43 ) Report of over or of operations. Cut sheet.
short payment. Cut sheet. 14-114 1 Jul. 45. Obligation authority. Cut sheet.
14-40 1 Jun. 45. ( FD 35 9 Mar. 31 ) Analysis of vouchers. 14-115 1 Jul. 45. Purchase request and commitment form
Cut sheet. ( obligation record ) . Cut shect.
14-41 ( FD 35A 9 Mar, 31 ) Analysis of vouchers ( short 14-116 1 Jul . 45. Report of obligation adjustments. Cut
form ) . Cut sheet. 14-117 1 Sep. 45. Record of property on memorandum re
14-44 14 Jul. 44. ( FD 38 11 Mar. 44 ) Receipt for miscel ceipt. Cut sheet.
laneous collections. Cut sheet of 3 forms. 14-119 1 Feb. 45. Commitment control shect. Cut sheet.
14-46 1 Jul . 45. ( FD 44 8 Oct. 30) Change list. Cut sheet. 14-120 1 Jul. 45. Report on status of allotments ( project
14–47 7 Oct. 43. ( FD 45 7 Oct. 43 ) Funds intrusted to account level ) . Cut sheet.
agent officer. Cut sheet.
14-121 1 Jul. 45. Report on status of allotments (con
14-48 7 Oct. 43. ( FD 45A 7 Oct. 43 ) Receipt for funds solidated ) . Cut sheet.
intrusted to agent officer. Cut sheet. 14-122 1 Jul. 45. Record of advance payments. Cut sheet.
14-491 Dec. 44. (FD 45B 7 Oct. 43 ) Return of funds and
statement of agent officer's balance. Cut sheet. WD AGO 14-124 1 Nov. 45. Report on status of sub
allocations ( Project account level ) . Cut sheet.
14-50 1 Dec. 44. ( FD 45C 7 Oct. 43 ) Acknowledgment of WD AGO 14-125 1 Nov. 45. Advise of suballocation , Cut
return of funds and statement of balance . Cut sheet.
sheet .
14-51 ( FD 46 6 Jun. 41 ) Request of official distance . Cut WD AGO 14-126 1 Nov. 45. Procurement allotment. Cut
sheet. sheet .
14-52 ( FD 47 26 Jul. 37 ) Notice of voucher collection of WD AGO 14-127 1 Nov. 45. Administrative allotment .
account due sales officer. Card. Cut sheet .
14-53 1 Jan. 45. ( FD 50 19 May 33 ) Certificate of audit. WD AGO 14-128 1 Nov. 45 . Procurement directive, Cut
Cut sheet. sheet.
14-54 ( FD 51 12 Nov. 41 ) Schedule of disbursements. 2 WD AGO 14-129 1 Nov. 45. Report on status on funds
part, continuous. Set. -current fiscal year. Cut sheet.
14-55 1 Nov. 45 ( FD 52 12 Nov. 41 ) Schedule of col- 14-130 1 Jul. 45. Report on prompt payment of enlisted
lections and voucher deductions. 3-part funfold and personnel. Cut sheet.
3 - part pinfeed . Set. WD AGO 14-131 1 Nov. 45. Report on status of suballo
14–57 25 Sep. 44. ( FD 56 23 Feb. 43 ) Voucher for partial cation- current fiscal year. Cut sheet.
payments — Enlisted men ( original ) . Cut sheet. WD AGO 14-132 1 Nov. 45. Report on status of funds
14-58 3 Jun. 44. ( FD 56a 23 Feb. 43 ) Voucher for partial ---prior fiscal year. Cut sheet.
payment - Enlisted men ( follow sheet ). Cut sheet . WD AGO 14-133 1 Nov. 45. Summary of obligation ad
14-64 1 Jul . 45 . Reconciliation of expenditures by project. justments and program savings - current fiscal
Cut sheet. year. Cut sheet .
14-65 1 Jul. 45 . Schedule of reconciliation of expendi- WD AGO 14-134 1 Nov. 45. Summary of obligation ad
tures by project. Cut sheet. justments - prior fiscal year. Cut sheet.
14-66 1 Jul. 45. Reconciliation of expenditures by allot- WD AGO 14-135 1 Nov. 45. Report on advanced pay
ment. Cut sheet. ments outstanding. Cut sheet.
14-67 1 Apr. 45. Officer's pay information work sheet. WD AGO 14-136 1 Nov. 45. Register . Cut sheet.
Cut sheet. WD AGO 14-137 1 Nov. 45. Station ledger ( six column
14-63 1 Apr. 45. Record of travel payments. Card . form ) . Cut sheet.

WD AGO 14–138 1 Nov. 45. Station ledger ( nine col- 19-57 13 Jul. 44. , [ Alien employment program - Form let
umn form ) . Cut sheet. ter ( granted ) -Service Commands.] Cut sheet.
19–1 12 Jun. 44 ( PMG 11 Jun. 43 ) Prisoner of war tag. 19-58 13 Jul. 44. [Alien employment program - Form let
Combat Tag . ter ( denied ) -Service Commands.) Cut sheet.
19-2 25 Jul. 44. ( PMG 2 11 Jun. 43 ) Basic personnel 19-59 13 Jul. 44. [Alien employment program - Form let
record ( alien enemy or prisoner of war) . Cut sheet. ter ( revoked ) -- Service Commands.] Cut sheet.
19–3 28 Jul. 44. ( PMG 2–1 11 Mar. 44 ) Prisoner of war 19-60 (Alien employment program-form letter ( granted )
Preliminary record ( German ) . Set. -AAF . ) Not stocked by AG depots. Source of sup
19-4 1 Jan. 45. ( PMG 4 11 Jun. 43 ) [ Prisoner of war let ply is Air Technical Service Commands.
ter form ( German, Italian, Japanese ) . ] Cut sheet. 19-61 (Alien employment program-form letter ( denied ) -
19–6 ( PMG 5 17 Feb. 42 ) Prisoner of war post card AAF. ) Not stocked by AG depots. Source of supply
( Japanese ). Card. is Air Technical Service Commands.
19-7 1 Mar. 45. (PMG 5-1 1 Nov, 42 ) Prisoner of war 19-62 (Alien employment program -form letter ( revoked )
post card ( Japanese) . Card . -AAF . ) Not stocked by AG depots. Source of sup
1948 1 Apr. 45. (PMG 6 5 Aug. 43 ) Card of capture for ply is Air Technical Service Commands.
prisoners of war ( German ) . Card. 19-65 3 Jul. 44. ( PMG 110 1 Apr. 44 ) [ Investigation re
19-9 1 Jan. 45. ( PMG 6–1 1 Nov. 42 ) Prisoner of war post port. ] Cut sheet.
card ( German ) . Card . 19–71 1 Jun. 45. Report of arrest - Delinquency - Inci
dent . Cut sheet .
19-10 10 Jun . 44. ( PMG 7 5 Aug. 43 ) Card of capture for
Italian prisoners of war. Card. 19–72 ' 1 Jun. 45. Train guard trip report. Cut sheet.
19-11 1 Mar. 45. ( PMG 7-1 1 Nov. 42 ) Prisoner of war 19-73 1 Jun. 45. Military police investigator's report.
post card ( Italian ) . Card. Cut sheet .
19–12 1 Jul. 45. ( PMG 8 12 June 44 ) Prisoner of war 19–74 1 Jun. 45. Receipt for prisoner. Cut sheet.
strength report. Cut sheet. 19-75 1 Jun. 45. Provisional military police pass. Cut
sheet .
19-13 1 Mar, 45. ( PMG 20 21 Nov. 42 ) Individual pay
data record Civilian enemy alien or prisoner of 19–76 1 Jun. 45. Record of arrests. Cut sheet.
war . Set. 19-77 1 Jun, 45. Prisoner property record. Set.
19-15 1 Mar. 45. ( PMG 22 26 Dec. 42 ) Voucher for with 19-80 11 Júl . 44. Certificate of meritorious conduct - Aux
drawal of funds of civilian enemy aliens and pris iliary Military Police- Army of the United States.
oners of war, Cut sheet. Cut sheet.
19-16 1 Mar. 45. ( PMG 22a 26 Dec. 42 ) Voucher for with 19-81 12 Sep. 44. ( PMG 128 28 Apr. 44 ) Certificate of en
drawal of funds of civilian enemy aliens and pris rollment - Auxiliary Military Police-Army of the
oners of war- Memorandum . Cut sheet. United States. Cut sheet.
19–19 1 May 45. Contract for Labor of Prisoners of War. 19-82 5 Jul . 44. ( PMGO 131 14 Feb. 44 ) Classification
Cut sheet. questionnaire of German prisoner of war medical
19-21 1 Jul. 45 . Prisoner of War Labor Report. Cut officer ( German translation ) . Cut sheet.
sheet . 19-84 1 Feb. 45. Classification questionnaire for enlisted
19-25 1 Mar. 45. ( PMG 23 26 Dec. 42 ) Pay roll of civilian protected personnel or prisoners of war claiming
enemy aliens and prisoners of war. Cut sheet. protected status. Cut sheet.
19-25A Pay roll of civilian enemy aliens and prisoners of 19-99 ( PMGO 301 5 Jan. 43 ) Restricted alien question
war (Continuation sheet ) . Cut sheet. naire. Set.
WD AGO 19-30 1 Nov. 45. ( POW Correspondence card) . 19-105 7 Oct. 44. ( PMGO ID 58 25 Sep. 42. ) Personal sc
( German ) . Card . curity questionnaire. Cut sheet.
19-37 1 Jan. 45. ( PMG 28 1 Jan. 44 ) Roster-German 19-106 7 Oct. 44. ( PMGO ID 58A 25 Sep. 42 ) Instructions
prisoners of war . Cut sheet. for completing personnel security questionnaire, WD
AGO 19-105 . Cut sheet.
19-38 10 Jun . 44. (PMG 29 1 Sep. 43 ) Roster-Italian 55–1 1 Aug. 44. Accompanied hold baggage ( sick or
prisoners of war. Cut sheet.
wounded ) . Tag.
19-41 1 Dec. 44. ( PMG 91-1 1 Mar. 44 ) Certificate for 55–2 1 Aug. 44. Accompanied hold baggage ( casual ) . Tag.
direct repatriation . Cut sheet. 55-3 1 Aug. 44. Accompanied hold baggage ( civilian ) .
19-42 1 Jul . 45. Monthly report of gains or losses Tag.
Prisoners of war. Cut sheet.
1 Aug. 44. Accompanied hold baggage. Tag.
19-44 ( AGASF ) 1 Nov. 45. Foreman's record of in 55-5 1 Aug. 44. Accompanied hold baggage ( rotation or
jury . Set . TD Group ) . Tag .
19-46 28 Jul. 44. ( PMG 92 1 Jan. 44 ) Report of hospitali
zation. Cut sheet. 55-6 1 Aug. 44. Effects baggage. Tag.
19.47 55-7 1 Aug. 44. Unaccompanied baggage. Tag.
Jul. 44. ( PMG 94 17 Dec. 43 ) Foreign funds and 55–8 1 Aug. 44. Hand baggage . Tag .
property of prisoners of war. Envelope. 55-9 1 Aug. 44. Custom's declaration and inspector's cer
19-48 14 Jun. 44. ( PMG 95 1 Jan. 44 ) Death certificate tificate. Tag .
International Red Cross Committee, Geneva - Cen 55-13 1 Jul. 45 . Final cost report of vessel repairs . Cut
tral agency for prisoners of war. Cut sheet. sheet.
19-52 1 Oct. 44.. Contract data card . Card . 55–25 ( TC 126 15 Jun. 40 ) Daily issue of subsistence sup
19-54 5 Sep. 44. Statement of foreign funds and personal plied on U. S. Army transport ( book form ) . ( Old
property of prisoner of war for which prisoner has QMC Form 126 ) . Book. Stocked in Pentagon AG
a signed receipt ( German ) . Cut sheet. Depot Only.
19-55 5 Sep. 44. Statement of foreign funds and personal 55–26 5 Jul. 44. ( TC 127 7 Nov. 42 ) Harbor boat data
property of prisoner of war for which prisoner has sheet. Cut sheet.
a signed receipt ( Italian ) . Cut sheet. 55–27 1 May 45 . ( TC 127A 7 Nov. 42 ) Main engine data
19-56 Prisoner of War locator card . Not stocked by AG sheet ( harbor vessels ) . Cut sheet.
depots. Source of supply is Germany Postal Unit, 55-28 21 Jun, 44. ( TC 127B 7 Nov. 42 ) Boiler data sheet
Prisoner of War Camp, Hearne, Texas. (harbor vessels ). Cut sheet.

55–29 10 Aug. 44 . ( TC 127C 7 Nov. 42 ) Miscellaneous 55-64 27 Jun . 44. ( TC 160B 19 Jun , 42 ) [ State room as
machinery data sheet. Cut sheet. signment eard ] — ( second class ) . Card .
55-30 6 Jul . 44 . ( TC 127D 7 Nov. 42 ) Pump data sheet. 55–65 1 Jan. 45. ( TC 160C 19 Jun, 1942 ) [ Assignment card
Cut sheet. and meal ticket ) . Card.
55-31 1 Apr. 45. ( TC 127E 7 Nov. 42 ) Electrical equip- 55–66 10 Jul. 44. ( TC 161 2 Sep. 42 ) Refrigerator log.
ment data sheet. Cut sheet. Book. Stocked in Pentagon AG Depot Only.
55-32 1 Jul. 45. ( TC 128 25 Sep. 43 ) Army transport WD AGO 55–67 1 May 45. Baggage list. Stencil.
data sheet. Cut sheet. 55-69 1 Jun. 45. · ( TC 165 8 Jun. 42 ) Receipt for meals
55-33 1 Apr. 45. ( TC 130A31 May 43 ) Operating cost and Army Transport Service. Book.
utilization of harbor boats-Boat report. Cut sheet. 55-70 5 Jul. 44. ( TC 168 9 Jun . 42 ) United States Army
55-35 ( TC 131 15 Feb. 41 ) Report.of boiler condition . ( Old transport station bill- Signals. Cut sheet.
QMC Form 131 ) . Cut sheet. 55-71 5 Jul. 44. ( TC 168A 29 Sep. 41 ) United States Army
55–36 ( TC 132 17 Jun , 42 ) Manifest-Harbor boat service Transport Service- Boat stations. ( Old QMC Form
( large ). (Old QMC Form No. 132. ) Book. Stocked 168A . ) Cut sheet.
in Pentagon AG Depot Onyl. 55–72 13 Sep. 44. ( TC 168B 29 Sep. 41 ) United States
55-37 30 Aug. 44. ( TC 133 18 Jun. 42 ) Manifest harbor Army transport - General alarm signals. ( Old QMC
boatservice ( small ) . Book. Stocked in Pentagon Form 168B . ) Card .
AG Depot Only . 55–73 1 Sep. 45. ( TC 169 19 Jun. 42) Passenger list.
55–38 1 Mar. 45. ( TC 135 A 7 Apr. 44 ) Harbor boat - En Stencil.
gine log book (motor vessel ) . Book. 55–74 ( TC 170 9 Jun . 42 ) Recapitulation of passenger list
55-39 12 Sep. 44. ( TC 135B 12 Feb. 43 ) Harbor boat - En -United States Army transport. Cut sheet.
gine log ( steamer ) . Book. Stocked in Pentagon AG 55–75 10 Aug. 44. ( TC 171 15 Jun. 39 ) List passenger
Depot Only. United States Customs authorities. ( Old QMC Form
55–40 12 Sep. 44. ( TC 136 12 Feb. 44 ) Harbor boat - Deck 171. ) Cut sheet.
log. ( Old QMC Form 136. ) Book . Stocked in Pen- 55-76 22 Jun . 44. ( TC 172 19 Jun 42 ) Customs declara
tagon AG Depot Only. tion -Crew . Cut sheet.
55-41 1 Jul. 45. ( TC 137 30 Dec. 42 ) Report of painting 55–77 15 Sep. 44. ( TC 174 20 May 44 ) Navigational in
and condition of vessel bottom . Cut sheet . struments and equipment. Cut sheet.
55-42 10 Jul . 44. ( TC 138 18 Jun , 42 ) Harbor deck and 55-78 5 Jul . 44. ( TC 175 19 Jun . 42 ) Issue slip-United
engine log. Book. States Army transport. Book.
55–43 5 Jul. 44. ( TC 139 18 Jun. 42 ) Regulations for fire 55-79 1 Feb. 45. ( TC 177 1 Feb. 44 ) Pre-voyage vessel eon
and boat stations. Card . Now Identified as WD dition report. Set.
Post 55-43.
55-80 5 Jul . 44. ( TC 179 20 Jun. 42 ) Harbor boat person
55-44 1 Dec. 44. Engine room log Diesel propulsion. Book. nel report. Cut sheet.
55-45 1 Mar. 45. Monthly report of bus operations. Cut 55-82 16 Aug. 44. Standard dray ticket. Set.
55-84 1 Dec. 44. ( TC 184 30 Oct. 43 ) Civilian seaman's
55-46 1 Apr. 45. Operation of buses under lease indem allotment note . Cut sheet.
nity agreement. Cut sheet.
55–48 6 Jul . 44. ( TC 144 12 Feb. 17 ) Report of crew , serv 55-85 1 Nov. 44. ( TC 185 25 Apr. 42 ) Shipping articles
( agreement ) , Cut sheet.
ice and character. (Old QMC Form 144. ) Cut sheet.
55-49-1 1 Dec. 44. Army ocean manifest. Stencil. 55-86 10 Aug. 44. ( TC 185A 30 Jun . 43 ) Shipping articles
55–49-2 1 Dec. 44. Army ocean manifest. Master. ( continuation sheet ) . Cut sheet.
55-50 1 Dec. 44. Army ocean manifest recapitulation . 55-88 1 Jan. 45. ( TC 187 12 Jan. 42 ) Army -Navy stowage
Stencil. plan. Master.
Dec. 44. Army ocean manifest recapitulation . Mas
55-50-1 1ter. 55-88 1 Jan. 45. Army-Navy cargo storage plan VC2- S
AP3 ( 4 -color ) . Master.
55-51 30 Aug. 44. ( TC 147 15 Jun . 42 ) Certificate of dis 55-89 1 Dec. 44. ( TC 187a 12 Jan. 42 ) Army-Navy stow
charge- Army Transport Service. Cut sheet. age plan . Master.
55–52 25 Aug. 44. ( TC 148 18 Jun. 42 ) Parcel list. Cut 55-90 1 May 45. ( TC 191 17 Jun 42 ) Abstract of sub
sistence stores . Cut sheet.
55-53 6 Jul. 44. ( TC 149 8 Jun . 42 ) Carpenter's daily re 55-92 ( TC 194 5 Apr. 44 ) Personal card of employees.
port-- Army Transport Service. Cut sheet.
55-93 1 Jan. 45. ( TC 196 20 Jun , 42 ) Compass observa
55-55 1 Dec. 44. ( TC 152 4 Oct. 41 ) Change of time ( Old tions--Army Transport Corps. Book
QMC Form 152. ) Cut sheet.
55-94 5 Jul . 44. ( TC 197 20 May 26 ) Certificate for au
55-56 10 Aug. 44. ( TC 153 3 May 44 ) Bell book. ( Old QMC
Form 153. ) Book. thorized private mounts. ( Old QMC Form 197. )
Cut sheet.
55-57 1 May 45. ( TC 154 2 Oct. 41 ) Night order book. 55-95 12 Jun . 44. ( TC 201 30 Nov. 42 ) Tank car report.
( Old QMC Form 154. ) Book. Cut sheet.
55-58 1 Dec. 44. ( TC 155 22 Oct. 41 ) Log of United States 55-97 1 Dec. 44. Army-Navy cargo stowage plan. Master.
Army Transport. Book.
55-97 1 Dec. 44. Army-Navy cargo storage plan ( 4-color) .
55-59 1 Jun. 45. ( TC 157 30 May 42 ) Engine room log Master.
Reciprocating engines — Oil fired boilers. Book . 55-98 1 Dec. 44. Army-Navy cargo stowage plan . VC2 - S
55-60 ( TC 157a Oct. 41 ) Engine room log—Turbine pro AP3 . Master.
pulsion. ( Old QMC Form No. 157A . ) Book. 55-98 1 Dec. 44. Army-Navy cargo storage plan EC - 2 (4
55-61 ( TC 158 15 Jun . 41 ) Chief engineer's noon report. color ) . Master.
( Old QMC Form 158. ) Book. 55-100 12 Sep. 44. ( TC 206 17 Sep. 43 ) Application for ex
55-62 1 Jul . 45. ( TC 159 15 Dec. 41 ) Master's noon re press transportation order. Cut sheet.
port-Army Transport Service. Book . 55–101 1 Mar. 45. ( TC 207 19 Aug. 31) Transportation
55-63 13 Sep. 44. ( TC 160 A 19 Jun . 42 ) ( State room assign certificate for passenger travel. ( Old QMC Form
ment card ) -- (first class) . Card. 207. ) Cut sheet.

55–102 21 Jun. 44. ( TC 208 26 Jan. 28 ) Çar record book, 55-141 18 Aug. 44. ( TC 260 Undated) Poison gas (white
Book. with red letters ) . Label. Now Identified as WD
55-103 12 Sep. 44. ( TC 209 3 Sep. 43 ) Request for routing. Poster 55-141 .
Cut sheet. 55–142 18 Aug. 44. ( TC 261 Undated ) Tear gas or tear gas
55-105 1 Jul . 44. ( TC 213 20 Mar. 43 ) Record of transit producing materials ( white with red letters) . Label.
freight bill and tonnage credit. Cut sheet. Now Identified as WD Poster 55–142.
55-106 1 Jan. 45. ( TC 215 17 Sep. 43) Descriptive list of 55–143 18 Aug. 44. ( TC 262 Undated ) Warning - Poison
authorized baggage shipped by commercial van car ( white with red letters ) . Label.
rier. Cut sheet. 55–145 1 Jun. 45. , Inspection of Boiler or Pressure Vessel.
55–107 ( TC 217 11 Dec. 43 ) Memorandum concerning the Cut sheet.
movement of troops. Set. 55-146 ( AGASF ) 1 Oct. 45. Mileage per diem and de
55–108 1 Feb. 45. ( TC 218 15 Feb. 32 ) Memorandum on pendent travel work sheet. Cut sheet.
packing and shipping of officers' and noncommis 55–147 ( AGASF ) 1 Oct. 45. Itinerary for rail travel.
Cut sheet.
sioned officers' property, on change of station. ( Old
QMC Form 472 ) . Cut sheet. 55-149-1 1 Dec. 44. Army ocean manifest. Stencil.
55–109 1 Oct. 45. ( TC 219 2 Oct. 43 ) Request for ship- 55–149 1 Dec. 44. Army ocean manifest. Stencil.
ment of authorized baggage. Cut sheet. 55-150 1 Feb. 45. Ash pan and spark arrester inspection
55-110 15 Oct. 44. ( TC 238 9 Apr. 43 ) Request for funds and repair record. Cut sheet.
record. Set. 55-151 1 Feb. 45. Alteration report for steam locomotive
55-115 1 Jan. 45. ( TC 264 17 Apr. 44 ) Daily assignment and locomotive crane boilers. Cut sheet.
worksheet for locomotives and locomotive cranes. Cut 55–152 1 Feb. 45. Boiler specification card for steam loco
sheet. motive and locomotive cranes. Cut sheet.
55-116 1 Jan. 45. ( TC 265 17 Ápr. 44 ) Locon,otive and loco- 55-153 1 Jan. 45. Army -Navy consolidated car unloading
motive crane maintenance and inspection chart. Cut record. Cut sheet.
sheet. 55–154 1 Apr. 45 . Record of special test made on air brake
55–121 1 Jun. 45. ( TC 312 1 Apr. 44 ) Army transport voy equipment. Cut sheet.
age report. Cut sheet. 55-155 1 Apr. 45. AAR defect card. Set.
55–122 1 Feb. 45. ( TC 236 28 Sep. 43 ) Ships record. Cut . 55–156 1 Apr. 45. Battery removal and application record.
sheet. Card.
55–123 1 Mar. 45. ( TC 224 8 Feb. 44 ). Contract for move- 55–157 1 Apr. 45. Report of changes in car numbers. Cut
ment of household goods and effects. Set. sheet .
55-158 1 Apr. 45. Hospital car inspection and repair rec
55–124 9 Aug. 44. Marine craft operators daily trip ticket ord . Set.
and preventive maintenance service record. Cut
sheet. 55-159 1 Apr. 45. Equipment record for hospital cars.
Cut sheet.
55–125 9 Aug. 44. Preventive maintenance service and tech 55–160 1 Apr. 45. Record of cleaning water tanks on hos
nical inspection work sheet for marine craft. Cut
sheet. pital & kitchen cars. Card .
55–126 1 Aug. 45. Request and receipt for spare parts, 55-161 1 Apr. 45. Air brake defect card. Tag.
supplies , services or repairs for U. S. Army hos 55–162 1 Apr. 45. Inspector's record. Cut sheet.
55-163 1 Apr. 45. Car inspector's train report. Cut sheet.
pital cars from the Pullman Co. or railroads. ut
sheet. 55-164 1 Apr. 45. Bad order. Card.
55–127 1 Apr. 45. Air shipment clearance form. Cut sheet. 55-165 1 Apr. 45. Conductor's report of damaged or defec
tive cars . Cut sheet.
55–129 ( AGASF ) 1 Oct. 45. Request for transportation 55–166 1 May 45. Report of rolling stock repaired. Cut
by government motor vehicle. Cut sheet. sheet.
55-131 18 Aug. 44. ( TC 243 Undated ) Caution-Keep away 55-200 1 Mar. 45. ( TC MRS A ) Clearance form, “ A.”>
from fire, heat, and open - flame lights ( red ) . Label. Cut sheet.
Now Identified as WD Poster 55–131 . 55–201 25 Aug. 44. ( Notice No. 4-Undated ) General mana
55–132 18 Aug. 44. ( TC 244 Undated ) Caution-Keep away ger's notice. Card.
from fire, heat, and open flame lights ( yellow ) . Label. 55–202 1 Feb. 45. ( Notice No. 5 - Undated ) Locomotive
Now Identified as WD Poster 55-132. equipment, supply and tool list. Card.
55–134 18 Aug. 44. ( TC 246 Undated ) Caution-Acid-Do 55–203 1 Oct. 44. ( TC MRS 19 Undated ) 19 Train Order.
not drop ( white ) . Label. Now Identified as WD Cut sheet.
Poster 55-134 . 55-204 1 May 45. ( TC MRS 31 Undated ) U. S. Military
55–135 18 Aug. 44. ( TC 249 Undated ) Caution - Inflamma railroads 31 Train Order. Cut sheet.
ble — Compressed gas ( red ) . Label, Now Identified 55-205 1 Jan. 45. ( TC MRS 200 Undated ) Dispatcher's
as WD Poster 55-135. record of train movements. Cut sheet.
55–136 18 Aug. 44. ( TC 250 Undated ) Caution - Noninflam- 55-206 1 May 45. ( TC MRS 201 1 Mar. 44 ) Combined
mable -- Compressed gas ( green ). Label. Now Iden register of trains and comparisons of watches . Book.
tified as WD Poster 55-136. 55-208 1 Jul . 45. ( TC MRS 205 1 Mar. 44 ) General no
18 Aug. 44. ( TC 251 Undated ) Caution-Corrosive tice. Cut sheet.
liquid (white ) , Label. Now Identified as WD Poster 55-209 1 Feb. 45. ( TC MRS 206 1 Mar. 44 ) Station record
55-137. of train movements and operators transfer. Cut
55-138 18 Aug. 44. ( TC 254 Undated ) Label: Empty ( white ) . sheet .
Label, Now Identified as WD Poster 55–138 . 55–210 1 May 45. ( TC MRS 208 1 Mar. 44 ) Check of Train
53-139 18 Aug. 44. ( TC 256 Undated ) Explosive— Sample Register. Sheet.
for laboratory examiantion ( red ) . Label. Now Iden- 55-211 1 May 45. ( TC MRS 209 1 Mar. 44 ) Yardmaster's
tified as WD Poster 55-139 . call report. Cut sheet.
55–140 18 Aug. 44. ( TC 257 Undated ) Fireworks ( red ) . 55-212 1 May 45. ( TC MRS 210 Undated ) Switch list. Cut
Label. Now Identified as WD Poster 55–140. sheet .

55-214 1 Jun, 45. ( TC MRS 212 1 Mar. 44 ) Superinten- 55–254 21 Jun. 44. ( TC MRS 627 Undated ) Bridge record.
dent's telegraphic report of accidents. Cut sheet. Book. Stocked in Pentagon AG Depot Only.
55-215 21 Jun. 44. ( TC MRS 213 1 Mar. 44 ) Instructions 55-255 ( TC MRS 665 Undated ) Construction record . Cut
for Bulletin Boo. Cut sheet. sheet.
55–216 1 Jun. 45. ( TC MRS 220. 1 Mar. 44) Daily and 55-256 1 Feb. 45. ( TC MRS 686 1 Mar. 44 ) Telegraphic
cumulative report of train tonnage. Cut sheet. report of obstruction to line. Cut sheet.
55-218 ( TC MRS 252 Undated ) Questionnaire transporta- 55-258 1 Jan. 45. ( TC MRS 688 Undated ) Report of mate
tion rules. Book. rial on line. Cut sheet.
55-219 ( TC MRS 300 Undated ) Watch certificate. Card. 55-261 1 Jun . 45. Civilian Marine Personnel Corps - Iden 13
55–220 21 Jun. 44. ( TC MRS 301 1 Mar. 44 ) Time inspection tification card. Card.
register. Cut sheet. 55-262 1 Jul. 45. Statement of troop movement. Cut sheet.
55–221 21 Jun, 44. ( TC MRS. 304 Mar. 44 ) Time record of 55-265 14 Jul. 44. ( TC MRS 701 Undated ) Authority for
standard clock. Cut sheet. release of material. Cut sheet.
55–222 1 May 45. ( TC MRS 311 1 Mar. 44 ) Set out report. 55-266 1 May 45. ( TC MRS 702 1 Mar. 44 ) Battalion fuel
Cut sheet. situation. Cut sheet.
55–223 1 May 45. ( TC MRS 314 Oct. 2 ) Conductor'x' wheel 55-267 1 Jan. 45. ( TC MRS 703 1 Mar. 44 ) Fuel order.
reports. Cut sheet. Cut sheet.
55-224 1 Jun. 45. (TC MRS 317 Undated ) Freight way- 55-268 1 Jan. 45. ( TC MRS 704 1 Mar. 44 ) Consolidated
bills. Cut sheet. report of fuel situation . Cut sheet.
55–225 1 May 45. ( TC MRS 500 1 Mar. 44 ) Weekly shop 55–269 15 Aug. 44. ( TC MRS 705 1 Mar. 44 ) Daily fuel
report of railroad equipment. Cut sheet. shipment report. Cut sheet.
55-226 1 Apr. 45. ( TC MRS 502 1 Mar. 44 ) Locomotive in- 55–274 ( AGASF ) 1 Oct. 45. Request for issuance of
spection report . Cut sheet. vendor's shipping document, standard dray ticket .
55-227 1 Mar. 45. ( TC MRS 504 Undated ) Monthly in government bill of lading, express transportation
spection and repair report. Cut sheet . order. Cut sheet .
55–228 1 Mar. 45. ( TC MRS 504 Undated ) Annual inspec- 55–278 ( AGASF ) 1 Oct. 45. Status of motor vehicles
tion and repair reports. Steam locomotives and loco assigned to pool . Cut sheet.
motive cranes. Cut sheet.
tion and repair report of locomotive cranes ( other 56. CIVILIAN PERSONNEL ( CP) FORMS
than steam ) . Cut sheet .
55–230 1 Mar. 45. ( TC MRS 506 Undated ) Monthly inspec FORM No. DATE, TITLE AND REQUISITION UNIT
55–231 1 Jan. 45. ( TC MRS 508 Undated ) Boiler and ten
der washout record. Card. 125 12 Feb. 43. Report on civilian personnel separations
55-232 ( TC MRS 509B Undated ) Mechanical examination and exit interview . Cut sheet.
for locomotive engineer ( questionnaire ) . Book.
Stocked In Pentagon AG Depot Only. 57. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ( CSC ) ( CS )
55–233 7 Dec. 44. ( TC MRS 509A 16 May 44 ) Mechanical FORMS
examination for steam locomotive engineer - Ques
tions and answers . Pamphlet. Stocked in Pentagon 14 Oct. 44. Veteran Preference claim. Cut sheet.
AG Depot Only . 1769 May 42. Affidavit as to number of members of
55–234 1 May 45. ( TC MRS 511 1 Mar. 44 ) Daily report family in Government service. Cut sheet.
of terminal blow-down operations. Cut sheet. 1890 Dec. 42. Request for list of eligibles. Cut sheet.
55–235 1 Jul . 45. ( TC MRS 512 1 Mar. 44 ) Locomotive in- 1992 Oct. 42. Inquiry as to availability. Cut sheet.
spection , cleaning, and test record. Cut sheet. 2413 Jun. 43. Certificate of medical examination. Cut
55–236 1 Feb. 45. ( TC MRS 514 1 Mar. 44 ) Internal com sheet.
bustion locomotive specification card . Card . CSC 2390 1 Jun. 44. Finger print chart. Card.
55-237 15 Aug. 44. ( TC MRS 516 1 Mar. 44 ) Passenger and 2806 Feb. 31. Retirement record card . Card.
freight car specification card. Card. 2806-1 Dec. 39. Designation, change, or revocation of
55–238 30 Aug. 44. ( TC MRS 520 Undated ) Certificate of beneficiary . Cut sheet.
examination . Card. 2807 Jan. 32. [ Civil Service Commission register.] Cut
55-239 1 Jan. 45. ( TC MRS 521 Undated ) Report of brok sheet.
en stay bolts. Cut sheet. 2807-1 10 May 39. Register of adjustments. Cut sheet.
55-240 15 Jul. 44. ( TC MRS 527 Undated ) Monthly report 2807-2 10 May 39. Annual summary of retirement fund
on condition of locomotives. Cut sheet. transactions. Cut sheet.
55-241 1 Mar. 45. ( TC MRS 528 Undated ) Report of cars 2888 Jul. 44. Application for entry on War Reemploy
damaged. Cut sheets. ment List. Cut sheet.
55-242 5 Jun . 44. ( TC MRS 312 Undated ) Daily telegraphic 2931 Jan. 34. U. S. Civil Service classification sheet,
car report. Cut sheet. Cut sheet ( white ), cut sheet ( pink ).
55-243 5 Jun . 44. ( TC MRS 315 Undated ) Daily statement 2934c Jul. 44. Statement of reasons for passing over a
of cars on hand . Cut sheet. preference eligible and selecting a nonpreference
55–246 5 Jun. 44. ( TC MRS 559 Undated ) Water analysis. eligible. Cut sheet.
Cut sheet. 3000 Jul. 41. Death claim (Retirement Act) . Cut sheet.
55-248 1 Aug. 45. Motor vehicle record. Set. 3001 Dec. 43. Application for retirement annuity. Cut
55-250 ( AGASF ) 1 Oct. 45. Request for car movement. sheet.
Cut sheet. 3002 Mar. 40. Application for retirement on account of
55-251 ( AGASF ) 1 Oct. 45. Receipt for unused trans total disability. Cut sheet.
portation and / or transportation request. Cut sheet. 3005 Sep. 44. Application for refund of retirernent deduc
55–252 ( TC MRS 602 Undated ) Certificate of examination. tions. Cut sheet.
Card. 3012 May 42. Application for service credit. Set.
55-253 1 May 45. ( TC MRS 625 Undated ) Bridge inspec 3020 Dec. 42. The Civil Service Retirement Act with an
tion report. Cut sheet. notations and regulations. Pamphlet.

3037 12 Apr. 1937. Statement of account of overdrawn 2501 29 May 41. Payment bond ( construction ) , corporate
annual and/or sick leave. Cut sheet. co-surety form-Continuation of sheet 1. Cut sheet.
3257 Jun. 44. Report of federal civilian employment for 25C3 29 May 41. Payment bond ( construction ) , corporate
month . Cut sheet. co-surety form — Continuation of sheet 3. Cut sheet.
3471 Jan. 40. Election to make voluntary contribution to 26 10 Jun. 27. Driver's report - Accident - Motor Trans
retirement fund. Cut sheet. portation . Card .
3821 May 43. Application for attorney positions. Set. STD 26A ( Undated ) Driver's report - accident Motor trans
3822 Dec. 41. Qualifications of applicants for attorney portation. Cut sheet.
positions. Set. Stocked in Pentgaon AG Depot Only. 30 10 Jun. 27. Standard government form of invitation
3823 1 Jan. 44. Efficiency rating manual. Pamphlet. for bids ( supply contract ) . Cut sheet.
3823a Jun. 45. Rating officials' guide. Pamphlet. 31 10 Jun. 27. Standard government form of bid (sup
3910 May 42. Advantage of allowing contributions to ply contract ) . Cut sheet.
remain in the Civil Service retirement fund. Cut 32 18 Jun. 35. Contract (supplies) . Set.
sheet . 33 17 Jan., 39. Invitation, bid, and acceptance ( short
4819 ( Undated) Request for certification . Cut sheet. form contract ) . Cut sheet.
34 19 Feb. 37. [Annual bid bond ( supplies ) .] Set.
35 10 May 37. [Annual performance bond ( supplies) .]
36 10 Jun. 27. Standard government form of continua
1 5 Jun. 44. Azimuth and distance from coordinates. tion schedule for Standard Form 31 or 33 ( supplies ) .
Cut sheet. Cut sheet.
2 19 Jun . 44. Coordinates from azimuth and distance. 37 1 Mar. 39. Notice of retirement. Cut sheci ,
Cut sheet. 40 10 Sep. 37. Contract for telephone service . Cut sheet.
3a 6 Jun. 44. Orienting data for flash - ranging observa- 41 1 Mar. 29. Standard government form of contract
tion posts. Cut sheet. ( coal ) . Set.
3b 12 Jun. 44. Flash-ranging record. Cut sheet. 42 1 Mar. 29. Standard government instructions to bid
3c 10 Jun. 44. Short-base flash - ranging record. Cut ders ( coal ) . Set.
sheet. 43 1 Mar. 29. Standard government purchase conditions
4 10 Jun. 44. Sound plotting record. Cut sheet. ( coal ) . Set.
5 19 Jun. 44. Survey locations. Cut sheet. 46 Dec. 39. Request for transfer reinstatement
6 10 Jun. 44. Record of sound -and -flash - ranging loca change in status. Cut sheet.
tions. Cut sheet. 48 24 Nov. 41. Recommendation for classification under
7 6 Jun. 44. Weather data for sound ranging. Cut the Ramspeck Act and section 1 of Executive Order
sheet. No. 8743. Cut sheet.
8 9 Jun. 44. Computation of triangles. Cut sheet. 49 24 Nov. 41. Recommendation for classification under
9 12 Jun. 44. Leveling with altimeters — field observa the Ramspeck Act and section 6 of Executive Order
tions and computations. Cut sheet. No, 8743. Cut sheet.
10 6 Jun. 44. Azimuth by a star, hour-angle method. 50 28 Nov. 41. Changes in civilian personnel-Report
Cut sheet. of U. S. Civil Service Commission . Cut sheet.
11 16 Jun. 44. Azimuth by sun or a star, altitude 51 Dec. 43. Report of efficiency rating. Cut sheet.
method. Cut sheet. 53 29 Dec. 41. Recommendation for classification under
section 1 of Executive Order No. 8833. Cut sheet.
5429 Dec. 41. Recommendation for classification under
59. STANDARD FORMS section 1. of Executive Order No. 8833 , and section 6
of Executive . Order No. 8743. Cut sheet.
2 6 May 35. Lease between and the 55 27 Mar. 42. Recommendation for classification under
United States of America. Set. section 2 of Executive Order No. 8952. Cut sheet.
19 26 Aug. 42. Bond of indemnity advances, “ Subsis- 56 27 Mar. 42. Recommendation for classification under
tence expense act of 1926.” Cut sheet. section 2 of Executive Order No. 8952, and section 6
of Executive Order No. 8743. Cut sheet.
20 19 Nov. 26. Standard government form of invitation
for bids ( construction contract ) . Cut sheet. 57 Jul. 42. Application for federal employment. Set.
21 5 Apr. 37. Bid ( construction contract) . Cut sheet. 58 9 Apr. 42. Continuation sheet ( for question 37, “ Ap
22 13 Jul. 39. Instructions to bidders ( construction and plication for federal employment,” Standard Form
57. Cut sheet.
supplies ) . Cut sheet.
23 3 Apr. 42. Contract ( construction ) . Set.
60 Oct. 42. Application for federal employment ( short
form ) . Cut sheet.
24 19 Nov. 26. Standard government form of bid bond 61 28 Jan. 43. Oath of office, affidavit, and declaration
( construction or supply ) . Set.
of appointee (with information for appointee ) . Set.
25 16 Sep. 35. Performance bond (construction or sup 61a 28 Jan. 43. Oath of office, affidavit, and declaration
ply ) . Set. of appointee. Cut sheet.
25A 16 Sep. 35. Payment bond ( construction) . Set. 62 May 43. Record of request for approval of promotion
25B 29 May 41. Performance bond (construction or sup and/or reassignment. Cut sheet.
ply ) , corporate co-surety form . Set. 63 Feb. 44. Request for personnel data and leave tran
25B1 29 May 41. Performance bond ( construction or sup script. Set.
ply ), corporate co-surety form-Continuation sheet. 64 ( Undated ) Office memorandum United States Gov
Cut sheet. ernment. Cut sheet (8 x 7 in .), cut słcet (8 x 1015
25B3 29 May 41. Performance bond ( construction or sup in . ) , cut sheet (8 x 514 in .).
ply ), corporate co-surety form — Continuation sheet. 65 ( Undated ) Messenger service. Envelope ( 912 x 12)
Cut sheet. in . ) (12 a 16 in .).
25C 29 May 41. Payment bond ( construction ) , corporate 66 Nov. 43. Inquiry concerning status, reference, serv
co-surety form . Set. ice. Cut sheet.

67 Feb. 44. Leave credit table - 8 - hour day. Cut sheet. 1034a 15 Aug. 41. Public voucher for purchases and serv
68 Mar. 44. Notice of official efficiency rating. Cut sheet. ices other than personal- Memorandum . Cut sheet.
70 Oct. 44. Leave record permanent employee. Cut sheet. 1034 15 Aug. 41. Public voucher for purchases
70a Oet. 44. Leave record temporary employee. Cut sheet. and services other than personal .
71 Oet. 44. Application for leave. Cut sheet. 1034a 15 Aug. 41. Public voucher for purchases Set.
72 Oct. 44. Time and attendance report. Cut sheet. and services other than personal - Memo
72a Oct. 44. Time and attendance report_Continuation randum .
sheet ) . Cut sheet. 1035 8 Jun. 37. Public voucher for purchases and serv
73 Jul. 45. Time and attendance report. Cut sheet. ices other than personal--- Continuation sheet of
74 Oct. 44. Leave accrual table. Cut sheet. original. Cut sheet.
1012 20 Oct. 44. Voucher for per diem and/or reimburse- 1035a 8 Jun. 37. Public voucher for purchases and serv
ment of expenses incident to official travel. Cut ices other than personal - Memorandum of Continu
sheet. ation sheet . Cut sheet.
1012a 20 Oct. 44. Voucher for per diem and /or reimburse- 1035 8 Jun. 37. Public voucher for purchases
ment of expenses incident to official travel - Memor and services other than personal - Continu
andum . Cut sheet. ation sheet of original.
1012b 20 Oct. 44. [ Continuation sheet of No. 1012 (origi- 1035a 8 Jun. 37. Public voucher for purchases Set.
nal ) . ] Cut sheet. and services other than personal-- Memo
1012c 20 Oct. 44. [Memorandum of continuation sheet of randum of Continuation sheet.
No. 1012. ] Cut sheet. 1036 12 Nov. 37. Statement and certificate of award.
10120 19 Jul. 37. Receipt for cash - Subvoucher. Cut sheet. Cut sheet.
1013a4 5 Jan. 43. Payroll for personal services ( employees 1038 19 Jul. 37. Application for advance of funds for
on annual salary basis ) -Continuation sheet. Cut travel expenses. Cut sheet.
sheet. 1039 13 May 38. Statement of advance of funds for
1013c45 Jan. 43. Payroll for personal services— Memoran travel expenses. Cut sheet.
dum of continuation sheet. Cut sheet. 1041 3 May 40. Affidavit to be executed by civil officers
1014 4 Oct. 43. General ledger. Cut sheet. of the United States upon appointment to office.
1014M 21 May 31. Disbursing office ledger. Cut sheet. Cut sheet.
1015 4 Oct. 43. Allotment ledger ( ruled ) . Cut sheet. 1044 25 Jun . 36. Schedule of collections. Cut sheet.
1015A 4 Oct. 43. Allotment ledger ( unruled ) . Cut sheet. 1045 20 Sep. 27. Summary of collections. Cret sheet.
1016 4 Oct. 43. Distribution ledger, Cut sheet. 1046 25 Jun. 36. Schedule of transfers— Special deposits.
1016A 4 Oct. 43. Distribution ledger (unruled -unit plan ) . Cut sheet.
Cut sheet. 1049 20 Sep. 27. Public voucher for refunds ( tabular
1017D 28 May 26. Register of vouchers. Cut sheet. form ) . Cut sheet.
1017E 10 Jul. 41. Register of obligations incurred . Cut 1050 20 Sep. 27. Public voucher for refunds — Memoran
sheet. dum ( tabular form ). Cut sheet.
10176 4 Oct. 43. Journal voucher ( unruled ) . Cut sheet. 1051 10 Aug. 33. Flight certificate and schedule ( enlisted
1018 9 Dec. 26. Special salary payment. Cut sheet. men ) . Cut sheet.
1019 15 Aug. 34. Account current (ruled ). Cut sheet. 1051a 10 Aug. 33. Flight certificate and schedule ( enlisted
men ) . Cut sheet.
1019a 15 Aug. 34. Account current - Continuation sheet
( ruled ) . Cut sheet. 1052 30 Jan. 28. Statement of advertising rates — U . S.
Government. Cut sheet.
1019b 9 Jan. 36. Account current- Memorandum sheet (un
ruled ) . Cut sheet. 1053 30 Jan. 28. Advertising order. Cut shect.
1054 30 Jan. 28. Public voucher for advertising-Memo
1024 22 May 25. Schedule of disbursements ( seven dis randum. Cut sheet.
tribution columns ) . Cut sheet.
1054a 30 Jan. 28. Public voucher for advertising — Mem
1025 22 May 25. Schedule of disbursements (one distri orandum. Cut shect.
bution column ) . Cut sheet. 1055 2 Dec. 32. Application for payment of amounts due,
1028 16 Oct. 25. [ Cover of transportation deceased or incompetent civilian employees, officers
book ( front, outside and inside, and and enlisted men in the military service, and public
back , outside ) .] creditors of United States. Cut sheet.
1029 16 Oct. 25. Tabulation sheet ( insert ) . 1063 1 Oct. 40. Collecting and disbursing officer's or
1030 6 Oct. 26. Transportation request: ( orig- ( Bk -25 sets. agent's report of no transactions. Cut shect.
inal ) .
1064 21 Jun . 29. Schedule of disbursements . Cut sheet.
1031 6 Oct. 26. Transportation request - 1065
Memorandum. 21 Jun. 29. Summary statement of disbursements.
Cut sheet.
1028 16 Oct. 25. [ Cover of transportation 1069 29 Jun. 31. Pay voucher for allowance for living
book ( front, outside, and back , out quarters, heat, fuel , and light. Cut sheet.
side ) . ]
1069a 29 Jun . 31. Pay voucher for allowance for living
1030 6 Oet. 26. Transportation request - \ Dk - 100 sets. quarters, heat, fuel, and light - Memorandum .
( original) . Cut sheet.
1031 · 6 Oct. 26. Transportation request , 1071
Memorandum . 26 Mar. 40. Mileage voucher. Cut sheet.
1033. 6 May 26. U. S. Government transportation identi 1071a 26 Mar. 40. Mileage voucher - Memorandum .
fication card . Card. Cut sheet.
1034 15 Aug. 41. Public voucher for purchases and serv 10724 5 Jan. 43. Payroll for personal services — Industrial
-Various salary bases. Cut sheet.
ices other than personal. Cut sheet.
1072a4 5 Jan. 43. Payroll for personal services , Industrial
• No longer used in the War Department ( except that forms and pro -Continuation sheet. Cut sheet.
cedures beretofore in effect outside the continental limits of the United
States, except Alaska, Hawaii , Panama, and Puerto Rico , remain un
1072b4 5 Jan. 43. Payroll for personal services—Industrial
changed . ( See par. 1 , Cir . No. 412 , War Department, Dee, 1942. ) -Memorandum of original. Cut sheet.

1072c4 5 Jan. 43. Payroll for personal services — Industrial 1105 ( 1943 ) United States Government freight waybill
-Memorandum of continuation sheet. Cut sheet. Original . Cut sheet.
10744 5 Jan. 44. Payroll for personal services - Miscella 1106 ( 1943 ) United States Government freight waybill —
neous ( employees on per hour, day, week, month or Carrier's copy. Cut sheet.
piece -work basis ). Cut sheet. 1107 ( 1943 ) Temporary receipt in lieu of United States
1074a 4 5 Jan. 44. Payroll for personal services — Miscella Government bill of lading. Cut sheet.
neous Continuation sheet. Cut sheet. 1108 ( 1943 ) Certificate in lieu of lost United States Goy
1074b 4.5 Jan. 44. Payroll for personal services — Miscella ernment bill of lading - Original. Cut sheet.
neous - Memorandum of original. Cut sheet. 1108a ( 1943 ) Certificate in lieu of lost United States Gov
1074c4 5 Jan. 44. Payroll for personal services Miscella ernment bill of lading — Memorandum . Cut sheet.
nous - Memorandum of continuation sheet. Cut sheet. 1109 ( 1943 ) United States Government bill of lading
1074d4 5 Jan. 44. Payroll for personal services - Miscella Original-Continuation sheet of original. Cut sheet,
neous employees on per hour, week , day, month , or 9 parts set.
piece -work basis ) ( short form , original) . Cut sheet. 1110 ( 1943 ) United States Government bill of lading
1074e4 5 Jan. 44. Payroll for personal services - Miscella Shipping order. Continuation sheet. Cut sheet.
neous ( short form ) -- Memorandum . Cut sheet. 1111 ( 1943 ) United States Government freight waybill
1075 8 Sep. 31. Pay receipt for cash payment - Not trans Original. Continuation sheet. Cut sheet.
ferable. Cut sheet. 1112 ( 1943 ) United States Government freight waybill
1076 8 Sep. 31. Special per diem, etc., payment - Not -

Carrier's copy. Continuation sheet. Cut sheet.

transferable. Cut sheet. 1128 7 Dec. 44. Pay roll for personal services—Pay roll
1080 7 Oct. 43. Voucher for transfers between appropria certification and summary. Cut sheet.
tion and/or fund accounts. Cut sheet (white) . 1128a 7 Dec. 44. Pay roll for personal services-Pay roll
1080a 7 Oct. 43. Voucher for transfers between appropria certification . Cut sheet.
tion and/or fund accounts_Memorandum. Cut sheet
( yellow ).
1080b 7 Oct. 43. Voucher for transfers between appropria 60. TREASURY DEPARTMENT ( TD ) FORMS
tion and/or fund accounts ( collection voucher) . Cut
sheet ( blue) . 1737 ( Undated ) Bond issuance schedule United States
1080c 7 Oct. 43. Voucher for transfers between appropria war savings bonds - Series E. Cut sheet.
tion and/or fund accounts - Memorandum of collec 1737a ( Undated ) Bond issuance schedule - United States
tion voucher. Cut sheet ( green ). war savings bonds — Series E-Continuation sheet.
Cut sheet.
1089 19 Jul. 37. Schedule of advances of funds for travel
expenses . Cut sheet. 6599 Mar. 41. Certificate of deposit for checking account.
1090 2 Aug. 34. Telephone service statement. Cut sheet. Set.
1091 2 Aug. 34. Summary telephone service statement.
Cut sheet.
1092 21 Nov. 35. Summary statement of disbursements 61. WAR DEPARTMENT ( WD ) FORMS
and collections by official projects. Cut sheet. 1 ( Undated ) Request for authority to advertise. Cut
.1093 28 Feb. 36. Schedule of deductions from payments sheet.
to contractor. ( Act of August 30, 1935. ) Cut sheet. W.D 3 1 Oct. 45. Administrative claims report. Cret
1094 11 Jun. 37. U. S. Government tax ex sheet .
emption certificate. 6 27 Nov. 43. Voucher for confidential expenditures.
1094a (Undated ) Cover of U. S. Govern Cut sheet.
ment tax exemption certificate book Bk-25 sets.
6a 27 Nov. 43. Voucher for confidential expenditures
( front, outside and inside ; back, out Memorandum. Cut sheet.
side ) . 14 5 Dec. 36. Abstract of bids. Cut sheet.
1094b ( Undated ) Tabulation sheet (insert ). 17 14 Jun . 40. Inspection report of boiler or pressure
1094c 11 Jun. 37. U. S. Government tax exemption or vessel. Cut sheet.
identification card. Card . 18 11 Nov. 44. Purchase order ( bond ) . Cut sheet.
1095 9 Jun, 36. Summary statement of disbursements and 18 11 Nov. 44. Purchase order ( tissue ) . Cut sheet.
collections by appropriations limitations. Cut sheet. 18 11 Nov. 44. Purchase order ( ditto ). Cut sheet.
1096 25 Jun . 36. Schedule of voucher deductions. Cut 23 2 Jan. 43. Allotment advice. Cut sheet.
sheet. 25 20 Oct. 41. Summary of official record of civilian
1097 20 Nov. 43. Request for corrections in appropriation, employee. Cut sheet.
fund, limitation, and official project accounts. Cut 27 1 Apr. 21. Materials delivered to contractor. Cut
sheet. sheet.
1098 24 Sep. 40. Schedule of canceled checks. Cut sheet. 29 6 Feb. 37. Abstract of bids ( long form ) . Cut sheet.
1099 6 Feb. 40. Signature card. Card . 29A ( Undated ) Abstract of bids (insert to WD Form
29 ) . Cut sheet.
1101 4 Oct. 43. Miscellaneous obligation record . Cut sheet.
1103 ( 1943 ) United States Government bill of lading 30 21 Mar. 44. Report of claims officer. Cut sheet.
30b 1 Jun . 45. Report of claims officer. Set .
Original. Cut sheet, 9 parts set.
1103a ( 1943 ) United States Government bill of lading 32 1 Jul. 39. Record card-Registered documents or
Memorandum. Cut sheet, 1 part8 set. devices. ( Issuing agency's record of distribution ) .
Card .
1104 ( 1943 ) United States Government bill of lading 33 (Undated ) Record card - Documents ( or devices ) -
Shipping order. Cut sheet. Post or station. Card .
3 Snapout.
34 15 Mar. 44. Semiannual or transfer report of reg
No longer used in the War Department ( except that forms and pro istered document ( or devices ) . Cut sheet.
cedures heretofore in effect outside the continental limits of the United 34A 15 Mar. 44. Semiannual report of registered docu
States, except Alaska , Hawaii , Panama, and Puerto Rico , remain un
changed . ( See par. 1, Cir. No. 412 , War Department, Dec. 1942. ) ments ( or devices ). Cut sheet.
658749-46—13 193

35 May 45. War Department signature card. Card. 79 1 Jun. 45. Personal history statement. Cut sheet .
37 17 Oct. 39. Travel by military aircraft. Card. 80 1 Jun . 45. Employee record card ( For use by op
38 ( Undated ) U. S. official mail and messenger service. erating officials . ) Card .
Tag. 80A 18 Oct. 45. Employee record card ( For use by op
41 1 Sep. 45. Claim for damages. Cut sheet. erating officials .) Card.
43 Individual earnings record . Addressograph, Bur 81 1 Jun. 45. Counseling interview record . Card.
roughs, Elliot -Fisher - 1.B.M ., N.C.R., or Reming 82 1 Jun, 45. Counselor's summary record . Cut sheet.
ton-Rand. 83 1 Jun. 45. Record of civilian service award. Cut
WD 43 1 Oct. 45. Individual earning record. Manuel sheet.
Card. 84 1 Jun. 45. Employee's statement of grievance. Cut
sheet .
44 10 Dec. 42. Payroll for personal services ( civilian
employees ) . Cut sheet. 85 1 Jun. 45. Report for pay increase ( Periodic ) . Cut
44a 10 Dec. 42. Pay roll for personal services ( civilian sheet.
employees ) -Continuation sheet. Cut sheet. 86 1 Jun. 45. Training course record. Cut sheet.
44b 10 Dec. 42. Pay roll for personal services ( civilian 87 1 Jun. 45. Certificate of training. Cut sheet.
employees ) -Memorandum . Cut sheet. 88 1 Jun. 45. Record of training. Cut sheet.
89 1 Jun, 45. Employee suggestion blank. Cut sheet .
44c 10 Dec. 42. Payroll for personal services ( civilian 90 1 Jun. 45. Request for War Department civilian
employees ) -Continuation sheet - Memorandum . Cut
sheet. employee personnel record. Cut sheet.
22 Mar. 45. Physical qualification placement record.
46 2 Jan. 43. Suballotment advice. Cut sheet. Cut sheet.
47 1 Apr. 44. -Government order and contractor's ac 101 1 Jul. 45. Claim transmittal and acknowledgment
ceptance. Cut sheet (bond) , cut sheet (tissue), cut Card . Card.
sheet ( ditto ) . 322 24 Jul. 44. Report of collections for authorized sales
47a 1 Apr. 44. Government order and contractor's ac of services and supplies. Cut sheet.
ceptance Continuation sheet. Cut sheet (bond) , cut 325 20 Jun. 30. Account of sales of public property at
sheet ( tissue ) , cut sheet ( ditto ) . public auction or on sealed proposals. Cut sheet.
48 15 Dec. 44. Driver's trip ticket and P.M. service 326 1 Mar. 45. Invoice of funds trans
record . Cut sheet. ferred . Cut sheet
50 1 Nov. 44. Notification of personnel action ( field ) . 327 1 Mar. 45. Cash receipts for funds of 2 forms.
transferred .
WD 50B 1 Aug. 45. Notification of personnel action 329 3 Aug. 28. Payroll Officers ' Reserve Corps
( field ) . Cut sheet with Carbon .
51 4 Aug. 45. Statement of Civil Service retirement ( Orig. ) . Cut sheet.
deduction withheld. Cut sheet. 329a 3 Aug. 28. Payroll - Officers' Reserve Corps ( 2d
51a sheet ) . Cut sheet.
3 Nov. 44. Report of retirement deductions refunded .
Cut sheet. 329b 3 Aug. 28. Payroll - Officers' Reserve Corps (Memo
51b 14 Jun. 45. Report of retirement deductions re randum) . Cut sheet.
funded. Cut sheet. 329c3 Aug. 28. Payroll - Officers' Reserve Corps ( 2d
sheet Memorandum ) . Cut sheet.
54 6 Sep. 43.- Notice of resignation. Cut sheet. Stocked 330 10 Mar. 38. Pay roll— Per diem and reimbursement
in Pentagon AG Depot Only.
58 22 Oct. 43. Employee earnings and deductions state of travel expenses — Group travel under same au
ment. Cut sheet.
thorization ( enlisted personnel ) . Set.
332 23 Apr. 29. Public voucher-For emergency pur
59 3 Dec. 43. Report of action of character investiga chases and nonpersonal services not exceeding $100.
tion ( trial or probationary employee) . Set. Cut sheet.
60 3 Dec. 43. Pay roll certification control. Cut sheet. 332a 23 Apr. 29. Public voucher - Emergency purchases
61 3 Dec. 43. Individual earning record-Summary con
trol . Cut sheet. and nonpersonal services not exceeding $ 100 - Mem
orandum. Cut sheet.
62 3 Dec. 43. War savings bonds control. Cut sheet.
63 ' 3 Dec. 43. Pay roll adjustment schedule. Cut sheet. 336 1 Sep. 45. Pay and allowance account. Cut , sheet.
336a 1 Sep. 45. Pay and allowance account - Memoran
64 27 Dec. 43. Leave summary record . Cut sheet. dum. Cut sheet.
65 9 Mar. 44. Report of action on criminal record. Cut 338 17 Aug. 44. Public voucher- Personal services com
6612 Jul. 45. Report of authorized official toll and pensation for civilian witness, and / or reporter, civi
lian or enlisted man on detail . Cut sheet.
long distance telephone calls. Cut sheet. 338a 17 Aug. 44. Public voucher - Personal services
67 27 Dec. 44. Request and authorization for civilian
travel at government expense. ( Bond ) Cut sheet. compensation for civilian witness and /or reporter,
civilian or enlisted man on detail. Cut sheet.
67a 27 Dec. 44. Request and authorization for civilian
travel at government expense. ( Tissue ) Cut sheet. 351 12 Oct. 38. Voucher for commutation of rations in
hospital. Cut sheet.
WD 68 1 Nov. 45. Recommendation for pay increase (su
perior accomplishment ) . Cut sheet. 351a 12 Oct. 38. Voucher for commutation of rations in
71 15 Sep. 45. Certification of inability to reemploy hospital-- Memorandum . Cut sheet.
366 7 Dec. 44. Pay roll for enlisted men ( first sheet ).
a veteran with reemployment rights. Cut sheet. Cut sheet .
72 1 Jun. 45. Civilian personnel action request. Cut
366a 1 Jul . 45. Pay roll -- Enlisted men ( inside sheet ) . "
366b 7 Dec. 44. Pay roll for enlisted men ( last sheet ) .
74 1 Jun. 45. Position dscription . Cut sheet. Cut sheet.
75 1 Jun , 45. Position record card. Card . 366c 1 Aug. 45. Pay roll-Enlisted men ( Individual in
75A 1 Jun. 45. Position record card . Card. sert sheet ). Cut sheet.
76 1 Jun. 45. Service record card. Card. 371 22 May 45. Final payment roll ( First sheet ) . Cut
76A 1 Jun . 45. Service record card . Card. sheet .
77 1 Jun . 45. Placement interview work sheet. Card. 22 May 45 Final payment roll ( inside sheet). Cret
78 1 Jun . 45. Referrel for interview . Cut sheet . sheet.

371b 22 May 45 . Final payment roll (last sheet ). Cut 2d ( Undated ) Termination inventory schedule - Dies,
sheet. jigs, fixtures, etc., and special tools. Cut sheet.
372 11 Aug. 45. Final payment roll - Summary sheet. 3 ( Undated ) Schedule of accounting information.
Cut sheet. Cut sheet.
372a 11 Aug. 45. Final payment Work sheet. Cut 4 ( Undated ) Application for partial payment under
sheet. terminated prime Government contract No......
372b 11 Aug, 45. Final payment - Work sheet Memo Cut sheet.
randum. Cut sheet. 5 (Undated ) Application for disposition of plant
373 16 Dec. 41. Ration and savings account. Set. equipment. Cut sheet.
373a 16 Dec. 41. Ration and savings account - Memoran
dum. Cut sheet.
380 23 May 23. Transcript statement of account ( origi 64. MISCELLANEOUS FORMS
nal and memorandum ) . Set.
382 11 Mar. 43. Voucher for per diem in lieu of subsis- DSS 42 25 Oct. 44. Affidavit - Occupational classification
tence for student civilian employees. Cut sheet. ( General) . Cut sheet.
382a 11 Mar. 43. Voucher for per diem in lieu of subsis- DSS 42 Sup. ( Undated ) Supplement to Federal Govern
tence for student civilian employees — Memorandum . ment request for occupational classification. Cut
Cut sheet: sheet.
382b 11 Mar, 43. Voucher for per diem in lieu of subsis- DSS 166 1 Jul. 42. Home address report. Set.
tence for student civilian employees-Continuation ( Unnumbered ) . [ Container for AGO Form 28.] Container .
sheet. Cut sheet. ( Unnumbered ) ( Enlistment record jacket) Envelope.
382c26 Jun. 44. Voucher for per diem in lieu of subsist (Unnumbered ) (Undated) Application for admission to the
ence for student civilian employees-Continuation United States Soldiers Home. Cut sheet.
sheet - Memorandum . Cut sheet. ( Unnumbered ) . Ideas for victory-Suggestion blank. Cut
383 26 Jun , 44. Purchase order or delivery order and sheet.
voucher for purchases and services other than per- ( Unnumbered ) . Keysort alphabetical separators. Cut sheet.

sonal. Cut sheet.

( Unnumbered ) . Keysort card savers. Cut sheet.
383a 26 Jun. 44. Purchase order or delivery order and
voucher for purchases and services other than per
( Unnumbered ) Letter of appreciation - officers. Cut sheet.
sonal-Memorandum. Cut sheet. ( Unnumbered ) Letter of appreciation-Enlisted men. Cut
sheet .
383b 26 Jun. 44. Purchase order or delivery order and ( Unnumbered ) V-Mail Bond Gift Certificate. Cut sheet.
voucher for purchases and services other than per
sonal-Continuation sheet_Original. Cut sheet. ( Unnumbered) ( Undated ) Card-Brass. Card.
383c 26 Jun. 44. Purchase order or delivery order and ( Unnumbered) ( Undated ) Card- Copper. Card.
voucher for purchases and services other than per ( Unnumbered ) ( Undated ) Presidential testimonial . Cut
sheet .
sonal - Continuation sheet Memorandum . Cut sheet.
384 27 Aug. 45. Officer's pay, allowance and mileage 2 SCC - SWPA 15 Jun. 44. Storage space requirements . Cut
voucher. Set.
USWBC1 ( Undated ) (U.S. War Ballot.] Card.
FBI ( Unnumbered ) . National defense program - Finger
62. STOCK TABULATING FORMS print card. Card .
FBI ( Unnumbered ) United States Army personal identi
5080 ( Domestic) ( Manila) . IBM card. fication - Fingerprint card. Card .
5080 ( Export ) ( Manila ) . IBM card. FBI (Unnumbered ) Personal identification - Civil finger
5080 ( Domestic ) ( Yellow ) . IBM card. print card. Card.
5080 ( Export ) ( Yellow ) . IBM card. Bureau of Census Unnumbered . ( Undated ) Application for
5080 ( Domestic ) ( Salmon ) . IBM card. requesting a search of census record. Cut sheet.
5080 ( Export ) ( Salmon ) . IBM card . FPHA 1213 1 Jul. 44. Monthly report on occupancy . Cut
(Unnumbered ) ( Undated ) Placard ( Dangerous ) . Placard .
63. OFFICE OF CONTRACT SETTLEMENT Now Identified as WD Poster 55–1 .
FORMS. ( Unnumbered ) ( Undated ) Placard ( Explosives ) . Placard .
Now Identified as WD Poster 55–3.
1 ( Undated ) Settlement proposal-For use by prime ( Unnumbered ) ( Undated ) Placard ( Poison Gas ) . Placard.
contractor or subcontractor under terminated fixed Now Identified as WD Poster 55-2.
price war supply contract. Cut sheet. Unnumbered ( Undated ) Teletype stationery flat-pack . 1
la ( Undated ) Short form settlement proposal -For use part set. Teletype stationery flat- pack. 2 part set.
by prime contractor or subcontractor under term Teletyre stationery flat-pack . 3 part set. Teletype
inated fixed -price war supply contract. Cut sheet. stationery flat-pack . 4 part set. Teletype stationery
1b (Undated ) Settlement proposal ( Total cost basis ) flat -pack . 5 part set. Teletype stationery flat-pack .
-For use by prime contractor or subcontractor 6 part set. ( Teletype stationery furnished by AG
under terminated fixed -price war supply contract . Depots only to ASF installations ) .
Cut sheet. SPB-1 27 Mar. 45. Declaration of surplus personal prop
2a ( Undated ) Termination inventory schedule-Metals erty to disposal agency. Cut sheet.
( in mill product form ). Cut sheet. SPB-1 27 Mar. 45. Declaration of surplus property to dis
2b (Undated ) Termination inventory schedule—Raw agency ( Continuation sheet ) . Cut sheet.
materials ( other than metals ) , purchased parts, fin- SPB-1.1 27 Mar. 45. Adjustment of prior declaration of
ished component, finished product, miscellaneous (in surplus personal property. Cut sheet.
cluding perishable tools ) . Cut sheet. SPB-1.1 27 Mar. 45. Adjustment of prior declaration of
2c ( Undated ) Termination inventory schedule - Work surplus personal property ( Constitution sheet ) . Cut
in process. Cut sheet, sheet.

SPB-1.2 (Undated ) Declaration of surplus personal prop Tobacco Ration Card ( Italian Service Units ) Bureau of
erty to disposal agency ( Continental U. S. A., its Budget No. 49-R-250 ( pink ) . Undated. Card.
territories and possessions ) . Cut sheet. Tobacco Ration Card (Military) Bureau of Budget No. 49
SPB-1.3 ( Undated ) Listing Sheet. Cut sheet. R-250 ( orange ) . Undated. Card.
SPB-9 26 Jun. 45. Government- owned plant equipment Tobacco Ration Card ( Prisoner of War, Italian ) Bureau of
Budget No. 49-R-250 ( buff) . Undated. Card.
* monthly report to reconstruction finance corporation Tobacco Ration Card ( Prisoner of War, German ) Bureau of
of sales by owning agency. Cut sheet. Budget No. 49-R-250 (buff) . Undated. Card .
Tobacco Ration Card ( Civilian ) Bureau of Budget No. 49. Tobacco Ration Card ( Prisoner of War, Japanese ) Bureau of
R-250 (green ) . Undated. Card. Budget No. 49-R-250 ( buff ). Undated. Card .


65. PURPOSE . a. The purpose of these instructions (e) Other. Pencils with P3B lead are necessary
is to provide information concerning the sources of only if answer sheets are to be machine-scored. These
supply and the proper nomenclature to be used in pencils may be obtained as follows : Requisitioning
requisitioning supplies of the various tests utilized agencies in the First, Second, Third, and Fourth Ser
in the Army classification system, and to specify vice Commands may requisition from the Richmond
those tests and test materials which are obsolete. ASF Depot, Bellbluff, Virginia ; requisitioning instal
b . The information referred to above is presented lations in the Fifth , Sixth , Seventh, and Eighth Ser
in two lists. List I gives information on authorized vice Commands, from the Jeffersonville Quarter
tests and test materials . List II covers tests and test master Depot, Jéffersonville, Indiana ; requisitioning
materials which have become obsolete. installations in the Ninth Service Command and over
c. The information contained herein supersedes sea installations whose requisitions are processed by
all previous instructions for ordering tests and test West Coast and Gulf Coast ports, from the Utah ASF
materials. Depot, Ogden , Utah ; and oversea installations
whose requisitions are processed by East Coast ports,
66. EXPLANATION OF LIST I. The tests are listed from the Washington Quartermaster Depot, Alex
in alphabetical order, and the information given is andria, Virginia. Order a sufficient number of pen
explained below :
a. The official title of each test is followed by its cils for the largest group of individuals to be tested
technical designation . at one time, plus 10 percent. Pencils may be reused .
( Order pencils only if they are not available in the
b. Order Code. The order codes indicate the basic installation ; do not place separate orders for each
plan for determining the quantity and type of ma test, but place one order to meet all testing needs. )
terials to be ordered for the initial administration of
Wall chart. Order one set for each examination
the test. Only those materials specified in List I as
necessary for the administration of a test will be re room to be used at the same time, plus one additional
quisitioned. In those cases where test materials, such
as manuals and pencils with P3B lead , are used with Phonograph records. Order one set for each ex
more than one test, requisitions for the number of amination room to be used at the same time, plus
such supplies for individual tests will be lowered ac one extra set.
cordingly. In reordering, it may not be necessary to Practice booklets . Order same number as test
order all items required for the initial administration booklets,
of the test. Order only those which are not on hand Practice answer sheets. Order same number as
at the installations . The provisions of Circular No. answer sheets.
264, War Department, 1944, and AR 310-200 will be ( 2 ) Order Code II. ( Expendable test booklets, no
followed in placing orders, and WD AGO PRT Num answer sheet. )
bers, (see paragraph 66d, below) , will be used.
(a) Test booklets. Order one for each individual
(1 ) Order Code I. (Tests with separate answer to be tested. Test booklets cannot be reused.
sheets .)
(b) Manuals. Order one for each examiner.
( a ) Test booklets. Order one each for the largest
number of individuals to be tested at one time. Test (c ) Scoring keys. Order one copy for each 200
booklets may be reused ; the average life of a test individuals tested at one time, plus one.
booklet is about ten administrations. ( d ) Other . Wall chart. Order one set for each ex
(b) Manuals . Order one for each examiner, plus amination room used at the same time, plus one.
Film strip . Order one for each examination room
(c) Answer sheets. Order one for each individual
used at the same time, plus one. Note that a pro
to be tested. Answer sheets may not be reused . jector and screen must be available at installation .
( d ) Scoring keys. For machine scoring , order two
copies. ( Tests can be machine -scored only if an elec- ( 3 ) Order Code III. ( Typing and dictation tests . )
tric test - scoring machine is available. ) For hand scor- ( a ) Test booklets. Order one test sheet for each
ing, order one copy for each 200 individuals to be individual in the largest group to be tested at one
tested at any one time, plus one. time . Test sheets may be reused.
(NOTE : The same scoring key is used for both ( b ) Manuals. Order one for each examiner, plus
machine and hand scoring. ) one for each 100 individuals tested at one time.
(c) Answer sheets. Order three for each indi- ( c ) Scoring keys. Order one scoring booklet for
vidual tested . each four individuals to be tested .
(d) Other. Typing paper and typewriters should ( d ) Other. Samples of finished part and part with
be available at the installation and should not be only lathe work finished . Order four of each. These
specially ordered for the test. are available only on a loan basis until supplies are
( 4 ) Order Code IV. ( Performance tests. ) made at the installation.
( a ) Manual. Order one for each examiner, plus c. Authorization for use. The information on this
one ,
line indicates the installations authorized to order
( b ) Answer sheets. Order one for each individual materials for each test ; however, it does not specify
to be tested .
which installation MUST use the test, nor its speci
fic use. Such information will be found in the direc
(c) Scoring keys. Order one for each examiner,
tives defining the uses of the test. Requisitions for
plus one for each 100 individuals to be tested at one test materials will be honored from installations
time, plus one. on the authorized list only. Installations not author
(d) Other. Performance materials. Order the
ized to use certain tests and desiring such use will
same number .as manuals ordered . forward aa written request to The Adjutant General,
Wall chart . Order one set for each examination
Classification and Replacement Branch. This request
room used at the same time, plus one. may be attached to the requisition. It will include a
( 5 ) Order Code V. ( Oral trade questions. ) Manu- statement of the purpose for which the test will be
als. Order one for each examiner , plus one. used, the characteristics of the population to be test
( 6 ) Order Code VI. ( Apparatus tests. ) ed, and the qualifications of the personnel who will
( a ) Manuals. Order one for each examiner, plus administer the test.
one .
d. Test Material. All materials necessary for the
(b ) Answer sheets. Order one for each individual administration of the test are listed in the following
to be tested . order : Test booklet, manual, answer sheet, scoring
(c) Other . Special apparatus. Order one set for key, and other. A WD AGO PRT Number has been
assigned to each of these materials. In all cases, the
each examination area or booth .
WD AGO PRT Numbers will be used when ordering
Diagram sheet. Order one for each individual to test supplies. The distributing agency for each piece
be tested . of test material is listed in footnotes.
( 7 ) Order Code VII . ( Expendable test booklets
with answer sheets . ) 67. EXPLANATION OF LIST II. List II specifies
(a ) Test bool:lets. Order one for each individual those test materials which have become obsolete
to be tested . Test booklets cannot be reused. since the last issue of this manual. The obsolete
test materials are listed according to WD AGO PRT
(b) Manuals. Order one for each examiner, plus Number in numerical order, and the title of each
one .
item appears after the WD AGO PRT Number. Ob
(c) Answer sheets. Order one for each individual
solete test materials will be salvaged in accordance
to be tested. with the provisions of AR 380-5 . Equipment for
( 8 ) Order Code VIII. ( Army Individual Test, obsolete performance tests will be disassembled and
AIT-1 . ) used where possible.
(a) Manuals. Order one for each examiner, plus 68. OTHER AUTHORIZED TESTS AND THEIR
one .
SOURCE OF SUPPLY. The following types of tests
(b) Answer sheets. Order one for each individual are not included in List I and may be obtained as
to be tested . follows:
(c) Other. Trail making sheets. Order one pad a. Warrant Officer Examinations. Warrant officer
for each fifty individuals to be tested. examinations , for use in examining qualified enlisted
Blocks, cards, and shoulder patch sets. Order same men who are candidates for warrant officer , are is
number as manuals ordered. sued by The Adjutant General , Appointment and In
duction Branch , Munitions Building, Washington
( 9 ) Order Code IX. ( Machinist Performance
25, D. C. Their use is restricted to this function.
Test, TC -48x .)
b. Officer Screening Center Tests. Tests restricted
(a ) Test booklets. Order one work plan booklet
for each individual to be tested .
to Officer Screening Centers may be obtained from
adjutant general depots by personnel officers as
( b ) Manuals. Order one for each examiner, plus signed to the screening centers as outlined in para
one . graph 4 , Circular No. 246, War Department, 1944.
c. Tests for Use in Organizations Providing | AAF SUPPLY TECHNICIAN TEST (MOS 826) , TC - 205ar
Literacy Training. Tests constructed for use in or Order Code : 1
Authorization for use : Any Army installation except
ganizations providing literacy training can be ob induction stations and Army Ground and
tained from adjutant general depots, as outlined in Service Forces redistribution stations ( See
paragraph 4, Circular No. 246, War Department, WD . Cir. 223, July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301 , 1945 ;
WD Pamphlet 12–13, 1945 ) .
1944. Test Booklet : TC - 205ar ....... WD AGO PRT - 443 **
d . Personality Tests. No test or scale or question Manual : TC-M12 ..... .WD AGO PRT - 431**
naire of personality or personal characteristics is au TC - M12, Suppl. 1 ... WD AGO PRT -432**
Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5
thorized for general use in Army classification pro WD AGO PRT-5 **

cedures. Any officer or command desiring to use such Scoring Key : Standard Form K .....
WD AGO PRT-125 **
instruments as part of Army personnel procedures Other : Pencils with P3B lead
will submit a specific request for such use to The Ad
jutant General in accordance with paragraph 66c. AIRCRAFT WARNING APTITUDE TEST, TC - 10a
e. Tests for Clinical Psychological Purposes in Order Code : II
Medical Installations. Tests to be used for clinical Authorization for use : Any Army installation supply
ing trainees for aircraft warning training
psychological purposes in medical installations will Test Booklet : TC - 10a ..... ... WD AGO PRT-100 **
be ordered on medical supply requisitions addressed Manual : TC - M2..... .WD AGO PRT-101 **
to The Surgeon General , Attention : Division of Neu Answer Sheet : None
ropsychiatric Consultant, Washington 25, D. C. Scoring Key : TC-10a, Part I..WD AGO PRT - 102a **
Part II ..... WD AGO PRT- 102b **
test materials unless otherwise indicated are classi. AIRCRAFT WARNING CLASSIFICATION TEST , TC- 11a
Order Code : II
fied " Restricted ” . Authorization for use : Aircraft warning unit training
70. RECORDING OF TEST SCORES. No changes Test Booklet : TC-11a WD AGO PRT-1039
will be made in the previously specified methods of Manual : TC-M2 ..... ... WD AGO PRT-1018
recording test scores on the Soldier's Qualification Answer Sheet : None
Card, W.D., A.G.O. Form No. 20. The WD AGO PRT Scoring Key : Part I, page 2 WD AGO PRT - 104a
Part I, page 3 WD AGO PRT-104b8
Number will not be used in the recording of test Part II WD AGO PRT- 104c8
scores on Form No. 20. Part III WD AGO PRT-1040$
Part IV WD AGO PRT-104e3
71. REFERENCES. Reference is made to para
graphs 2, 3a and b, section II, Circular No. 312, War AIRPLANE ARMORER TEST ( MOS 911 ) , TC-202ar
Department, 1943 ; Circular No. 264, War Depart Order Code : I
ment, 1944 ; AR 380-5, and AR 310-200. Authorization for use : Any Army installation except
induction stations and Army Ground and
Service Forces redistribution stations ( See
WD Cir. 223 , July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301 , 1945 ;
72. LIST I WD Pamphlet 12–13 , 1945 ) .
Test Booklet : TC - 202ar .WD AGO PRT-436 **
AAF RADIO MECHANIC TEST ( MOS 754 ) , TC - 201ar Manual: TC-M12 ...... WD AGO PRT-431 **
Order Code : I TC-M12, Suppl . 1 ...WD AGO PRT -432 **
Authorization for use : Any Army installation except Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT - 5 ...
induction stations and Army Ground and WD AGO PRT - 5 **
Service Forces redistribution stations ( See Scoring Key : Standard Form K.
WD Cir. 223 , July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301 , 1945 ; WD AGO PRT- 125 * :
WD Pamphlet 12–13, 1945 ) . Other : Pencils with P3B lead
Test Booklet : TC-201ar WD AGO PRT-435 **
Manual : TC-M12 WD AGO PRT-431 **
TC-M12 , Suppl . 1 WD AGO PRT - 432**
685 ) , TC-207ar
Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5 ... Order Code : I
Authorization for use : Any Army installation except
Scoring Key : Standard Form K .. * *
induction stations and Army Ground and
WD AGO PRT- 125 *
Service Forces redistribution stations ( See
Other : Pencils with P3B lead WD Cir. 223, July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301 , 1945 ;
WD Pamphlet 12–13, 1945 ) .
** Requisition from adjutant general depots as outlined in par. 4 , Cir . Test Booklet : TC-207ar .WD AGO PRT- 441 **
No. 264, WD, 1944 , and AR 310-200 . Manual: TC - M12 .... WD AGO PRT -431**
† Requisition directly from The Adjutant General, Classification and
Replacement Branch, The Pentagon , Washington 25, D. C. TC - M12, Suppl. 1 ... WD AGO PRT -432 **
Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5
Requisition from Quartermaster Depots. See Par. 66b ( 1 ) ( e ) . WD AGO PRT-5 **
Requisition from area Air Technical Service Commands.
# Requisition from Signal Corps Depots. Scoring Key : Standard Form K ..
Requisition from Film Strip Library, WD AGO PRT- 125 *
* New Material since last issue. Other : Pencils with P3B lead
( MOS 686 ) , TC-210ar Order Code : I
Order Code : I Authorization for use : Coast Artillery
Authorization for use : Any Army installation except Test Booklet : Arith EA-3, X-2 . WD AGO PRT-1267
induction stations and Army Ground and Manual : Directions for Administering and Scor
Service Forces redistribution stations ( See ing Arith EA-3, X-2, PRS : AGO 5-1-43
WD Cir. 223, July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301, 1945 ; WD AGO PRT - 1277
WD Pamphlet 12–13, 1945 ) . Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5 ....
Test Booklet : TC-201ar WD AGO PRT -438 ** WD AGO PRT - 5 室**
Manual : TC -M12 ... , ..WD AGO PRT-431 ** Scoring Key : Standard Form B

TC - M12, Suppl. 1 ... WD AGO PRT -432 ** WD AGO PRT-70 **
Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5 Other : Pencils with P3B lead
WD AGO PRT-125 **
( MOS 747 ) , TC-203ar
Other : Pencils with P3B lead -1
Order Code : I
AIRPLANE MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN TEST Authorization for use : Any Army installation except
( MOS 750) , TC-206ar induction stations and Army Ground and
Service Forces redistribution stations ( See
Order Code : I
WD Cir. 223, July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301, 1945 ;
Authorization for use : Any Army installation except WD Pamphlet 12-13, 1945 ) .
induction stations and Army Ground and Test Booklet : TC-203ar WD AGO PRT - 437 **
Service Forces redistribution stations ( See Manual : TC-M12 .WD AGO PRT-431 **
WD Cir. 223, July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301, 1945 ; TC-M12, Suppl. 1 ... WD AGO PRT -432 **

WD Pamphlet 12–13, 1945 ) . Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5

Test Booklet : TC-206ar .. WD AGO PRT - 442** WD AGO PRT-5 **
Manual : TC-M12 .WD AGO PRT-431 **
Scoring Key : Standard Form K
TC-M12, Suppl . 1 ... WD AGO PRT -432** WD AGO PRT-125 **
Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5 . Other : Pencils with P3B lead
WD AGO PRT-125 **
Other : Pencils with P3B lead
Order Code : I
Authorization for use : By special authorization only.
Test Booklet : la WD AGO PRT-1 **
( MOS 687 ) , TC-208ar Manual : P.P.S. Form 1.16 ...... WD AGO PRT-2 **
Order Code : I Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5
Authorization for use : Any Army installation except Scoring Key : GCT 1a ..... WD AGO PRT-6 **
induction stations and Army Ground and Other : Pencils with P3B lead
Service Forces redistribution stations ( See Practice Booklet No. 1 ...... WD AGO PRT-31 **
WD Cir. 223, July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301, 1945 ;
WD Pamphlet 12–13, 1945 ) . Practice Answer Sheet, GPO 16-16569
WD AGO PRT-65 **
Test Booklet : TC-208ar .WD AGO PRT-440 **
Manual : TC-M12 .... WD AGO PRT - 431**
TC -M12, Suppl. 1 ... WD AGO PRT -432**
Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5 .... ( SPANISH VERSION )
WD AGO PRT-5 ** Order Code : I
Scoring Key : Standard Form K Authorization for use : Puerto Rico
WD AGO PRT- 125 * * Test Booklet : AGCT-la ( Spanish )
Other : Pencils with P3B lead WD AGO. PRT -482 *
* Manual : AGCT-1a ,M ( Spanish ) *

ALGEBRA, ALG EA-3, X-2 WD AGO PRT - 483 **

Order Code : I Conversion Tables, Suppl. 1, AGCT-1a, M ( Spanish )
WD AGO PRT - 499**
Authorization for use : Coast Artillery
* Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT - 456
Test Booklet: Alg EA-3, X-2 .... WD AGO PRT-1281 WD AGO PRT- 456**
Manual : Directions for Administering and Scor Scoring Key : GCT-la WD AGO PRT-6 **
ing Alg EA-3, X-2, PRS : AGO 4-1-43 Other : None
Order Code : I
Scoring Key : Alg EA-3 , X-2 WD AGO PRT-130+
Other : Pencils with P3B lead - Authorization for use : By special authorization only.
Test Booklet : lb WD AGO PRT-7 **
Manual : P.P.S. Form 1.16 .... WD AGO PRT-2 **
Requisition from adjutant general depots as outlined in par . 4 , Cir .
No. 264 , WD , 1944 , and AR 310-200 . Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5
† Requisition directly from The Adjutant General, Classification and WD AGO PRT- 5 **
Replacement Branch , The Pentagon , Washington 25 , D. C. Scoring Key : GCT 1b WD AGO PRT-10 **
Requisition from artermaster Depots . See Par. 66b ( 1 ) ( e ) . Other : Pencils with P3B lead ... -
8 Requisition from area Air Technical Service Commands.
Practice Booklet No. 1 WD AGO PRT-3 **
# Requisition from Signal Corps Depots.
| Requisition from Film Strip Library . Practice Answer Sheet, GPO 16-16569 ......
• New Material since last issue . WD AGO PRT- 65 **
Order Code : I Authorization for use : Any Army installation except
Authorization for use : For use in Puerto Rico induction stations ( See WD Pamphlet 12-12,
1945 ) .
Test Booklet : 1b, Spanish WD AGO PRT - 8 ** Test Booklet : None
Manual : P.P.S. Form 1.16 ..... WD AGO PRT - 2 ** Manual : AIT-1, M .... WD AGO PRT-79 **
Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT - 5 .. Answer Sheet : AIT-1 , S .... WD AGO PRT - 80 **
WD AGO PRT-5 ** Scoring Key : None ( Included in WD AGO PRT-79 )
Scoring Key : GCT 1b WD AGO PRT-10 ** Other : Trail Making Pad, AIT-1 , V
Other : Pencils with P3B lead + WD AGO PRT-81 **
Blocks, AIT-1 , VI WD AGO PRT-82 **
Practice Answer Sheet, GPO 16-20598 ..
WD AGO PRT-9 ** Shoulder Patches, AIT-1 , IV
WD AGO PRT - 83 *
Cards, AIT-1, VI WD AGO PRT-84*
Order Code : I
Authorization for use : Any Army installation ( See
WD Cir 102, April 1945 ) . Authorization for use : Reception centers, AAF basic
Test Booklet : 1c WD AGO PRT-11 ** training centers, and communication schools
Test Booklet : None
Manual : P.P.S. Form 1.36 WD AGO PRT-12 ** Manual : ARC-1 , M WD AGO PRT-756
Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5 ... Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT- 76
WD AGO PRT-5 ** WD AGO PRT-76 **
Scoring Key : GCT lc and 1d ... WD AGO PRT-15 ** Scoring Key : ARC - 1, K WD AGO PRT- 77 *
Other : Pencils with P3B lead Other : Pencils with P3B lead -
4 phonograph records
Order Code : I 2 XP 33523
Authorization for use : Any Army installation ( See 3 - XP 33524
WD Cir 102, April 1945 ) . 4 XP 33525 WD AGO PRT-781
Test Booklet : 1d WD AGO PRT-14 ** 5 - XP 33526
Manual : P.P.S. Form 1.36 WD AGO PRT- 12 ** 6 XP 33527
Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5 7 XP 33528
WD AGO PRT-5 ** 8 XP 33529
Scoring Key : GCT 1c and id WD AGO PRT-15 ** Turntable
Other : Pencils with P3B lead -
Order Code : II
ARMY GENERAL CLASSIFICATION TEST, AGCT-3a Authorization for use : Ordnance automotive schools
Order Code : I Test Booklet : TC - 13a WD AGO PRT-116+
Manual : TC-M4 WD AGO PRT-1221
Authorization for use : Reception centers and any
Army installation except induction stations • Answer Sheet : None
( See Cir. 102, WD, 1945 ) Scoring Key : None
Test Booklet : Four booklets required for a single test AUTO MECHANIC EXPERIENCE CHECK LIST,
administration : TC-13ar
* RV - 3a WD AGO PRT - 481 ** Order Code : II
AC-3a WD AGO PRT-232 ** Authorization for use : Any Army installation except .
AR-3a WD AGO PRT-233 ** induction stations and Army Ground and
PA - 3a WD AGO PRT-230 ** Service Forces redistribution stations ( See
Manual: AGCT-3a , M ....... WD AGO PRT - 260 ** WD Cir. 223, July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301 , 1945 ;
. * AGCT - 3a , M , Suppl . 1.WD AGO PRT - 450** WD Pamphlet 12–13 , 1945 ) .
Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-229
Test Booklet : TC - 13ar WD AGO PRT - 248 ***
Manual : TC-M12 .... WD AGO PRT - 431 **
WD AGO PRT-229 **
TC-M12 , Suppl . 1 ... WD AGO PRT-432 **
Scoring Key : Elimination ( front ) for Answer Sheet : None
AGCT-3a WD AGO PRT-258 **
* Scoring Key : None
Elimination ( back ) for AGCT -3a
WD AGO PRT-259 ** AUTO MECHANIC TEST ( MOS 014 ) , TC-14a2r
Order Code : I
Rights ( front ) for AGCT-3a
WD AGO PRT-256 ** Authorization for use : Any Army installation except
Rights ( back) for AGCT-3a induction stations and Army Ground and
WD AGO PRT-257 ** Service Forces redistribution stations ( See
Other : Pencils with P3B lead -1
WD Cir. 223 , July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301 , 1945 ;
WD Pamphlet 12–13 , 1945 ) .
Test Booklet : TC-14a2r ........ WD AGO PRT- 418 ** *
** Requisition from adjutant general depots as outlined in par. 4, Cir. Manual : TC - M4 for Ordnance only ....
No. 264 , WD , 1944 , and AR 310-200 . WD AGO PRT- 122 *
† Requisition directly from The Adjutant General , Classification and TC-M12 .WD AGO PRT- 431**
Replacement Branch, The Pentagon, Washington 25 , D. C. TC -M12, Suppl . 1 ... WD AGO PRT-432 **
Requisition from Quartermaster Depots. See Par. 66b ( 1 ) ( e ) . Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5
$ Requisition from area Air Technical Service Commands. WD AGO PRT-5 **
#Requisition from Signal Corps Depots. Scoring Key : Standard Form H
f Requisition from Film Strip Library . WD AGO PRT- 433 *
* New Material since last issue , Other : Pencils with P3B lead
Order Code : I Order Code : II
Authorization for use : Training Centers Authorization for use : Any Army installation except
* Test Booklet : AI-1 WD AGO PRT - 468 ** induction stations and Army Ground and
*Manual : Manual, SM-1 and SM-2, AI-1 and AI-2 Service Forces redistribution stations ( See
WD AGO PRT - 478 ** WD Cir. 223 , July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301, 1945 ;
nswer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5 WD Pamphlet 12–13, 1945 ) .
WD AGO PRT-5 ** Test Booklet : TC - 25ar WD AGO PRT-249 **
Scoring Key : Standard Form H Manual : TC - M12 .. .WD AGO PRT - 431 **
WD AGO PRT -433 ** TC -M12 , Suppl. 1 ... WD AGO PRT - 432 **
Other : Pencils with P3B lead Answer Sheet : None
Scoring Key : None
Order Code : I
Order Code : I
Authorization for use : Training centers Authorization for use : Any Army installation except
* Test Booklet : AI-2 ... WD AGO PRT - 469** induction stations and Army Ground and
*Manual : Manual, SM-1 and SM-2, AI-1 and AI - 2 Service Forces redistribution stations ( See
WD AGO PRT - 478 **
WD Cir. 223, July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301 , 1945 ;
Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5 WD Pamphlet 12–13, 1945 ) .
WD AGO PRT-5 ** Test Booklet : TC - 26b ..WD AGO PRT - 445 **
Scoring Key : Standard Form G Manual : TC - M12 .... ..WD AGO PRT - 431 **
. WD AGO PRT-113 ** TC -M12 , Suppl. 1 ... WD AGO PRT - 432 **
Other : Pencils with P3B lead Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5
AC14L Scoring Key : Standard Form H
WD AGO PRT - 433 **
Order Code : I Other : Pencils with P3B lead
Authorization for use : AAF Examining Boards
Test Booklet : AC14L CLERICAL ACHIEVEMENT TEST ( MOS 405 ) , TC - 24a2r
WD AGO PRT-337 ** Order Code : I
Manual: Directions for Administering and Scoring Authorization for use : Any Army installation except
AC14L, AC14M, AC14N, and AC140 induction stations and Army Ground and
.. WD AGO PRT-338 ***
* Service Forces redistribution stations (See
Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-339 WD Cir. 223, July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301, 1945 ;
WD AGO PRT-339 ** WD Pamphlet 12–13, 1945 ) .
Scoring Key : AC14L Test Booklet : TC - 24a2r ... WD AGO PRT - 446 **
WD AGO PRT-340 ** Manual : TC -M12 .. .WD AGO PRT - 431**
Other : Pencils with P3B lead .... TC -M12, Suppl. 1 ... WD AGO PRT -432***
Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5
AC14M Scoring Key : Standard Form H
Order Code : I WD AGO PRT -433 **
Authorization for use : AAF Examining Boards Other : Pencils with P3B lead
WD AGO PRT - 341**
Order Code : I
Manual : Directions for Administering and Scoring
AC14L, AC14M, AC14N, and AC140 Authorization for use : Any Army installation.
WD AGO PRT - 338** Test Booklet : CA-1 WD AGO PRT-19 **
Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT - 339 Manual : CA- 1 , M ... WD AGO PRT-20 **
WD AGO PRT-339 ** Answer Sheet : GPO 16–18034 .. WD AGO PRT-22 *
Scoring Key : AC14M Scoring Key : Front, CA-1 WD AGO PRT-23a **
WD AGO PRT-342 ** Back, CA - 1 . WD AGO PRT - 23b *
Other : Pencils with P3B lead ... Other : General Directions, Clerical Aptitude Test
GPO 16–17993 , Practice Sheet
Authorization for use : By special authorization only Order Code : I
Test Booklet : TC-100a ..
WD AGO PRT-227 ||
Manual : TC - M6... .WD AGO PRT-2281 Authorization for use : By special authorization only. *
Test Booklet : CA-2 , X-2 ... WD AGO PRT-24 **
Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5
WD AGO PRT-5 ** Manual : CA - 2 , X-2, M WD AGO PRT - 304 **
Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-27
Scoring Key : TC-100a, K WD AGO PRT- 1506 WD AGO PRT-27 **
* CARGO CHECKER TEST ( MOS 470) , TC-82x Scoring Key: Front, CA - 2, X-2 .WD AGO PRT- 28a **
Order Code : I Back, CA-2, X-2 WD AGO PRT-28b **
Other : Pencils with P3B lead
Authorization for use : By special authorization only
( See WD Cir. 223, 1945 ; ASF Cir 301 , 1945 ; ** Requisition from adjutant general depots as outlined in par. 4 , Cir.
WD Pamphlet 12–13, 1945 ) . No. 264 , WD , 1944 , and AR 310-200 .
* Test Booklet : TC - 82x .WD AGO PRT-4677 † Requisition directly from The Adjutant General , Classification and
Manual: TC-M12 WD AGO PRT - 431** Replacement Branch, The Pentagon , Washington 25 , D. C.
* Requisition from Quartermaster Depots. See Par. 665 ( 1 ) (e ) .
Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5 8 Requisition from area Air Technical Service Commands .
WD AGO PRT-5 ** # Requisition from Signal Corps Depots .
Scoring Key : Standard Form K | Requisition from Film Strip Library.
WD AGO PRT- 125***
* * New Material since last issue.
Other : Pencils with P3B lead 1 Stock of this item is exhausted .

Order Code : II Order Code : I
Authorization for use : Any Army installation except Authorization for use : Any Army installation except
induction stations and Army Ground and induction stations and Army Ground and
Service Forces redistribution stations ( See Service Forces redistribution stations ( See
WD Cir. 223, July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301 , 1945 ; WD Cir. 223 , July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301 , 1945 ;
WD Pamphlet 12–13, 1945) . WD Pamphlet 12–13, 1945 ).
Test Booklet: TC - 23ar WD AGO PRT-245 ** Test Booklet : TC - 28ar WD AGO PRT - 423 **本
Manual : TC-M12 ... WD AGO PRT - 431 **
* Manual : TC -M12 ... WD AGO PRT -431 **
TC - M12, Suppl. 1 ... WD AGO PRT -432** TC - M12, Suppl. 1 ... WD AGO PRT -432**
Answer Sheet : None Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5
Scoring Key : None WD AGO PRT-5 **
Scoring Key : Standard Form H
Order Code : I Other : Pencils with P3B lead -
Authorization for use : By special authorization only
( See WD Cir. 223, July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301, CRYPTOGRAPHY, TC -4a
1945 ; WD Pamphlet 12–13, 1945) .
Order Code : II
Test Booklet: TC - 80x ... WD AGO PRT -451|| Authorization for use : AAF installations

Manual : TC -M12 • • • WD AGO PRT - 431** Test Booklet : TC - 4a WD AGO PRT-1058
Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5 .... Manual : TC-M1 WD AGO PRT-1068
.WD AGO PRT-5 **
Answer Sheet : None
Scoring Key : Standard Form K Scoring Key : TC - 4a .. WD AGO PRT-1078
WD AGO PRT-125 **
Order Code : II
( MOS 319 ) , TC-62x
Order Code : I Authorization for use : Any Army installation except
Authorization for use : By special authorization only induction stations and Army Ground and
( See WD Cir. 223, July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301 , Service Forces redistribution stations ( See
1945 ; WD Pamphlet 12–13, 1945 ) . WD Cir. 223 , July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301 , 1945 ;
Test Booklet : TC - 62x .... WD AGO PRT - 4201 WD Pamphlet 12–13, 1945 ).
Manual : TC - M12 WD AGO PRT - 431 **
* Test Booklet : TC - 33a......... WD AGO PRT -427 **
TC - M12, Suppl. 1 ...WD AGO PRT - 432** Manual : TC -M12 ..WD AGO PRT-431 **
Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5 TC -M12, Suppl. 1 ....WD AGO PRT-432 **
WD AGO PRT-5 ** Answer Sheet : None
Scoring Key : None
Scoring Key : Standard Form K
LIST, TC-37x Authorization for use : Any Army installation except
Order Code : II induction stations and Army Ground and
Authorization for use : By special authorization only Service Forces redistribution stations ( See
( See WD Cir. 223, July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301, WD Cir. 223, July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301 , 1945 ;
1945 ; WD Pamphlet 12–13, 1945 ) . WD Pamphlet 12–13, 1945 ) .
Test Booklet : TC-37x WD AGO PRT-2837 Test Booklet : TC - 34a ..WD AGO PRT-448 *
Manual : TC-M12 WD AGO PRT - 431 **
* Manual : TC-M12 ..... ... WD AGO PRT-431 **
TC -M12 , Suppl. 1 ... WD AGO PRT - 432** TC - M12, Suppl. 1 ... WD AGO PRT-432 **
Answer Sheet : None Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5
Scoring Key : None WD AGO PRT-5 **
Scoring Key : Standard Form H
Order Code : I Other : Pencils with P3B lead t
Authorization for use : By special authorization only
( See WD Cir. 223, July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301 , DENTAL LABORATORY TECHNICIAN TEST ( MOS
1945 ; WD Pamphlet 12–13, 1945 ) . 067 ) , TC - 74x
Test Booklet : TC-38x WD AGO PRT-2947 Order Code : I
Manual : TC - M12 WD AGO PRT - 431** Authorization for use : By special authorization only
TC - M12 , Suppl . 1 ... WD AGO PRT - 432** ( See WD Cir. 223 , July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301 ,
Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5 1945 ; WD Pamphlet 12–13, 1945 ) .
WD AGO PRT-5 ** Test Booklet TC - 74x ..WD AGO PRT - 470 *
Scoring Key : Standard Form K Manual : TC-M12 WD AGO PRT - 431*
WD AGO PRT-125 ** Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT - 5 .
Other : Pencils with P3B lead # WD AGO PRT-5 **
COOK EXPERIENCE CHECK LIST, TC - 27ar Scoring Key : Standard Form K
WD AGO PRT- 125 *
Order Code : II Other : Pencils with P3B lead
Authorization for use : Any Army installation except
induction stations and Army Ground and ** Requisition from adjutant general depots as outlined in par. 4 , Cir.
Service Forces redistribution stations ( See No. 264 , WD , 1944 , and AR 310-200 .
WD Cir. 223, July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301 , 1945 ; † Requisition directly from The Adjutant General , Classification and
Replacement Branch , The Pentagon , Washington 25 , D. C.
WD Pamphlet 12–13 , 1945 ) . * Requisition from Quartermaster Depots . See r . 66b ( 1) ( e ) ,
Test Booklet : TC - 27ar WD AGO PRT-252 **
WD AGO PRT-431 ** § Requisition from area Air Technical Service Commands.
Manual : TC-M12 .. # Requisition from Signal Corps Depots .
* *
TC-M12, Suppl. 1 ... WD AGO PRT -432 * | Requisition from Film Strip Library .
Answer Sheet : None * New Material since last issue .
Scoring Key : None | Stock of this item is exhausted.

Order Code : I & Aut TK-2 , X-1
Authorization for use : By special authorization only Order Code : I
( See WD Cir, 223 , 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301, 1945 ; Authorization for use : By special authorization only.
WD Pamphlet 12–13, 1945 ) . Test Booklet : Dr & Aut TK - 2, X - 1
Test Booklet : TC-76x ..WD AGO PRT - 471f WD AGO PRT-31 **
Manual : TC - M12 ..WD AGO PRT - 431 **
Manual : Dr & Aut TK - 2, X-1, M for WAC
Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT - 5 .... WD AGO PRT - 303 **
WD AGO PRT-5 ** Dr & Aut TK - 2, X-1, Mr for others
Scoring Key : Standard Form K WD AGO PRT-352 **
WD AGO PRT-125 ** Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5
Other : Pencils with P3B lead WD AGO PRT-5 **
DICTATION TEST ( NO SYMBOL ) Scoring Key : Standard Form A
Order Code : III WD AGO PRT-33 **
Authorization for use: Any Army installation except Other : Pencils with P3B lead
induction stations
Manual : TD.06a .. WD AGO PRT-29 ** Order Code : I
Answer Sheet : Shorthand Test Sheet Authorization for use : By special authorization only
WD AGO PRT-30 ** Test Booklet : DEI-2 WD AGO PRT-1387
Scoring Key : None Manual : DEI-2 Instructions for Use, 8-20-42
Other : Typewriter paper and typewriters must be WD AGO PRT - 1394
available at installations Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-119 ....
WD AGO PRT-119 * 求
Order Code : II
Authorization for use : By special authorization only Order Code : I
* Test Booklet : TC-77x ... WD AGO PRT - 4521.
Manual: TC-M12 .WD AGO PRT-431 ** Authorization for use : By special authorization only
Answer Sheet : None Test Booklet : DIT-9 WD AGO PRT-1421
Scoring Key : None Manual : Driver Information Test No. 9 ( DIT-9 )
and Driver Information Test No. 10
*DIESEL MECHANIC TEST ( MOS 013 ) , TC-78x ( DIT - 10 ). . WD AGO PRT-2551
Order Code : I Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5
Authorization for use : By special authorization only (
* Test Booklet : TC-78x ..WD AGO PRT - 4537 客
Scoring Key : Standard Form L.WD AGO PRT-144 **
Manual : TC -M12 .WD AGO PRT- 431** Other : Pencils with P3B lead
Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5 . . . .


Scoring Key : ( Standard Form K ) . Order Code : I
WD AGO PRT-125**
Other : Pencils with P3B lead
Authorization for use : By special authorization only
- Test Booklet : DIT-10 .... WD AGO PRT-145*
DISTRIBUTOR AND VALVES TEST, TC-15a Manual : Driver Information Test No. 9 ( DIT-I )
Order Code : VI and Driver
Information Test No. 10
Authorization for use : Ordnance automotive schools ( DIT-10) WD AGO PRT - 2557
Test Booklet : None Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5
Manual : TC -M4 WD AGO PRT-122+ WD AGO PRT-5 **
Scoring Key : Standard Form K ..
Answer Sheet : TC-15a, S ...... WD AGO PRT-1371 WD AGO PRT-125 **
Scoring Key : None
Other : Pencils with P3B lead
Other : Performance material should be available in
installations or ordered through regular sup ELECTRICIAN EXPERIENCE CHECK LIST, TC-35x
ply channels ( See WD AGO PRT-122 )
Order Code : II
DRAFTSMAN TEST ( MOS 070 ) , TC - 66x
Order Code : I
Authorization for use : By special authorization only
( See WD Cir. 223, July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301 ,
Authorization for use : By special authorization only 1945 ; WD Pamphlet 12-13, 1945 ) .
( See WD Cir. 223, July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301, Test Booklet : TC - 35x WD AGO PRT - 3087
1945 ; WD Pamphlet 12–13, 1945 ) . Manual: TC-M12 WD AGO PRT- 431*
Test Booklet : TC -66x .... WD AGO PRT - 4247 事
Manual : TC - M12 ..... TC -M12 , Suppl. 1 ... WD AGO PRT -432 **
.WD AGO PRT - 431** Answer Sheet : None
TC -M12, Suppl. 1 ... WD AGO PRT -432 ** Scoring Key : None
Answer Sheet : WD ĄGO PRT-5
Scoring Key : Standard Form K Order Code : I
WD AGO PRT-125( **
Other : Pencils with P3B lead ... Authorization for use : By special authorization only
-1 ( See WD Cir. 223, July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301 ,
Requisition from adjutant general depots as outlined in par. 4 , Cir. 1945 ; WD Pamphlet 12–13, 1945 ) .
No. 264 , WD, 1944 , and AR 310-200 . Test Booklet : TC - 36x .... WD AGO PRT-3104
† Requisition directly from The Adjutant General, Classification and Manual : TC -M12 .. .... WD AGO PRT - 431**
Replacement Branch , The Pentagon , Washington 25 , D. C.
TC -M12 , Suppl . 1 ... WD AGO PRT -432 **
Requisition from Quartermaster Depots. See Par. 66b ( 1 ) ( e ) . Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5
$ Requisition from area Air Technical Service Commands .
# Requisition from Signal Corps Depots . WD AGO PRT-5 **
| Requisition from Film Strip Library . Scoring Key : Standard Form K
* New Material since last issue. WD AGO PRT - 125 **
| Stock of this item is exhausted . Other : • Pencils with P3B lead
TK-1 , X-2 Order Code : I
Order Code : I Authorization for use : Training centers ( See Cir. 102,
Authorization for use : Coast Artillery WD , 1945 )
Test Booklet: Auto TK - 1, X - 2 .. WD AGO PRT-1514 Test Booklet : MA - 3 ..... WD AGO PRT-38 **
Manual : Directions for Administering and Scor Manual : S.T, Form MA .36 WD AGO PRT - 35**
ing Auto TK-1 , X-2, PRS : AGO 4-1-43 Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-36
WD AGO PRT-1521 WD AGO PRT-36 **
Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5 Scoring Key : MA-2 or MA - 3 WD AGO PRT-37 **
WD AGO PRT-5 ** Other : Pencils P3B lead
Scoring Key : Standard Form A
WD AGO PRT-33 **
Other : Pencils with P3B lead - Order Code : I
Authorization for use : AAF installations
CC-105a Manual : TC - M1 WD AGO PRT-1069
Order Code : II Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5
Authorization for use : By special authorization WD AGO PRT-5 **
only Scoring Key : TC-2a WD AGO PRT-1098
Test Booklet : CC-105a Other : Pencils with P3B lead
WD AGO PRT - 355 ||
Manual : Directions for Administering, Scoring and GROUP ORIENTATION TEST, GO-1
Interpreting General Clerical Abilities Order Code : II
Test, CC-105a, Dr ..... WD AGO PRT-3564 Authorization for use : By special authorization only
Answer Sheet : None Test Booklet : GO-1 WD AGO PRT- 1687
Scoring Key : Six scoring keys required : Manual : Directions for Administering G0-1 ....
105al , K, for General Clerical Abilities Test WD AGO PRT- 169†
-Alphabetical Order ( Page 2) and Num Answer Sheet : None
ber Reversal ( Page 4 ) Scoring Key : G0-1 ... WD AGO PRT-1707
WD AGO PRT-3571 Other : GO - 1 Wall Charts WD AGO PRT-1711
105a2, K, for General Clerical Abilities Test GROUP TARGET TEST, GT- 1
-Coding ( Page 6 ) .... WD AGO PRT-3581
Order Code : IV
105a3 , K, for General Clerical Abilities Test
-Coding ( Page 7 ) ... WD AGO PRT-359+ Authorization for use : By special authorization only..
Test Booklet : None
105a4, K, for General Clerical Abilities Test Manual : IS.30, M ..... WD AGO PRT-39 **
--Number Speed ( Pages 8, 9, 10 ) ....
WD AGO PRT - 360 + Answer Sheet : GT-1 , A WD AGO PRT-42 **
Scoring Key : GT-1 , K WD AGO PRT - 43 **
105a5 , K, for General Clerical Abilities Test
-Word Meaning ( Page 12 ) over for Other : Path Cards 8-21, GT-1 , Kit II
( Page 13 ) WD AGO PRT-41 **
.... WD AGO PRT-3611 Wall Chart GT-1 , W WD AGO PRT -40** .
105a6, K, for General Clerical Abilities Test
-Arithmetic ( Pages 14, 15, 16 ) :...... HIGHER EXAMINATION, H-1
WD AGO PRT-3621 Order Code : I
*GENERAL ELECTRICAL INFORMATION TEST, Authorization for use : By special authorization only
Test Booklet : H-1 .. WD AGO PRT-1727
TC - 501x Manual : P.R. Form H.10, 8-1-41 .WD AGO PRT-1737
Order Code : I
Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5
Authorization for use : Signal Corps installations. WD AGO PRT-5 **
* Test Booklet : TC-501x ..... WD AGO PRT-466+
WD AGO PRT-4797 Scoring Key : H -1 . WD AGO PRT-1744
* Manual : TC-M14x
Other : Pencils with P3B lead -1
Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5
Scoring Key : Standard Form A Order Code : I
WD AGO PRT-33 ** Authorization for use : By special authorization only
Other : Pencils with P3B lead - Test Booklet : H-2 WD AGO PRT-175 ||
Manual : P.R. Form H.10 , 8-1-41.WD AGO PRT-1737
Order Code : I
Authorization for use : Training centers ( See Cir. 102, WD AGO PRT-5 **
Scoring Key : H -2 WD AGO PRT- 1761
WD , 1945 ) Other : Pencils with P3B lead
Test Booklet : MA-2 WD AGO PRT - 34 *
Manual: S.T. Form MA .36 WD AGO PRT-35 ** INDIVIDUAL EXAMINATION - 1, IE -1
Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-36 Order Code : IV
WD AGO PRT-36来** Authorization for use : By special authorization only.
Scoring Key : MA-2 or MA-3 WD AGO PRT-37 ** Test Booklet : None
Other : Pencils with P3B lead - Manual : IS. 30, M ... ... WD AGO PRT-39 **
Answer Sheet : Individual Preinduction Classification
Requisition from adjutant general depots as outlined in par . 4 , Cir. Sheet WD AGO PRT-46 **
No. 264 , WD, 1944, and AR 310-200 . Scoring Key : ( See WD AGO PRT-39 )
† Requisition directly from The Adjutant General , Classification and
Replacement Branch, The Pentagon , Washington 25 , D. C. Other : Demonstration practice sheet and 6 test sheets
1 Requisition from Quartermaster Depots. Par. 66b ( 1 ) ( e ) . in pads of 20 sets to a pad for IE-1 , Part I
$ Requisition from area Air Technical Service Commands. WD AGO PRT - 44 **
# Requisition from Signal Corps Depots. Box of 12 blocks , IE- 1 , Part II , Kit II ...
[ Requisition from Film Strip Library, WD AGO PRT - 59* 本
* New Material since last issue . 2 Pattern Cards and 6 Design Cards for
1 Stock of this item is exhausted . IE-1 , Part II , Kit II .. WD AGO PRT-45 **
Order Code : IV Order Code : I
Authorization for use : Any Army installation except Authorization for use : Any Army installation except
induction stations induction stations
Test Booklet : None * Test Booklet : TC - 101a .WD AGO PRT-422 **
Manual : IT-1 , M WD AGO PRT - 47 ** * Manual : TC-M13 .WD AGO PRT - 426 **
Answer Sheet : IT-1 , S WD AGO PRT-49 ** Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5
Scoring Key : None WD AGO PRT - 5**
Other : IT-1 Target Board WD AGO PRT - 48 ** Scoring Key : Standard Form L
WD AGO PRT-144 **
Other : Pencils with P3B lead
Order Code : II
Authorization for use : Any Army installation except TC - 53x
induction stations and Army Ground and
Service Forces redistribution stations ( See Order Code : II
WD Cir. 223, July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301 , 1945 ; Authorization for use : By special authorization only
WD Pamphlet 12-13, 1945) . ( See WD Cir. 223, July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301 ,
Test Booklet : TC - 17ar WD AGO PRT-247 ** 1945 ; WD Pamphlet 12–13, 1945) .
Manual : TC - M12 ... WD AGO PRT - 431** Test Booklet : TC - 53x WD AGO PRT - 3917
TC -M12, Suppl. 1 ... WD AGO PRT -432** Manual : TC -M12 .... .WD AGO PRT-431**
Answer Sheet : None TC -M12, Suppl . 1 ... WD AGO PRT-432**
Scoring Key : None Answer Sheet : None
Scoring Key : None
Order Code : IX MUNITIONS WORKER TEST (MOS 901 ) , TC - 54x
Order Code : I
Authorization for use : By special authorization only
Authorization for use :
Test Booklet : Work Plan Booklet , TC -48x .. By special authorization only
WD AGO PRT-332+ ( See WD Cir. 223, July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301 ,
Manual : TC -M10x WD AGO PRT - 3347 1945 ; WD Pamphlet 12-13, 1945 ) .
Test Booklet : TC-54x WD AGO PRT - 1661
Answer Sheet : None
Manual : TC -M12 ..WD AGO PRT -431**
Scoring Key : Scoring Booklet, TC -48x, S
WD AGO PRT-3337 TC - M12, Suppl. 1 ... WD AGO PRT - 432*
Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT -5..WD AGO PRT-5 **
Other : Sample of part with only lathe work fin Scoring Key : Standard Form K.WD AGO PRT - 125 **
ished .... WD AGO PRT-3314
Other : Pencils with P3B lead
Sample of finished part .... WD AGO PRT - 330 +
Test requires use of tools and materials which
should be available in installation or or NONLANGUAGE INDIVIDUAL EXAMINATION, NIE-1
dered through regular supply channels ( See Order Code : VII
WD AGO PRT-334 ) Authorization for use : By special authorization only.
Test Booklet: NIE-1 WD AGO PRT-58 **
Manual : IS.30, M WD AGO PRT - 39*
MACHINIST TEST ( MOS 114 ) , TC - 18a2r Answer Sheet : Individual Preinduction Classifica
Order Code : I tion Sheet
Authorization for use : Any Army installation except WD AGO PRT-46**
Scoring Key : None
induction stations and Army Ground and
Service Forces redistribution stations ( See
WD Cir. 223, July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301, 1945 ; NON- LANGUAGE TEST, 2abc
WD Pamphlet 12–13, 1945 ) . Order Code : II
Test Booklet : TC - 18a2r ... WD AGO PRT -419 ** Authorization for use : Training Centers,
Manual : TC -M12 .... .WD AGO PRT-431 ** Test Booklet : 2abc. Three book
TC-M12, Suppl. 1 ... WD AGO PRT-432*多 水 lets ; all must be used in
Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5 a single administration (WD AGO PRT-93 **
WD AGO PRT-5 ** of the test ..... { WD AGO PRT-94 **
Scoring Key : Standard Form H ( WD AGO PRT-95 $$
WD AGO PRT - 433** Manual : P.R. Form 2.06 WD AGO PRT - 61 **
( ther : Pencils with P3B lead Answer Sheet : None
Scoring Key : None ; in WD AGO PRT-61
* MEDICAL TECHNICIAN AND SURGICAL TECHNI. Other : 3 Wall charts, one for (WD AGO PRT-96 **
CIAN TEST ( MOS 409, 861 ) , TC -40y each booklet ... { WD AGO PRT - 97**
( WD AGO PRT-98 **
Order Code : I Duplicate of sample item 3 , 2c . WD AGO PRT-62**
Authorization for use : By special authorization only
( See WD Cir. 223, July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301, ** Requisition from adjutant general depots as outlined in par. 4 , Cir.
No. 264 , WD , 1944 , and AR 310-200 .
1945 ; WD Pamphlet 12–13, 1945 ) . † Requisition directly from The Adjutant General , Classification and
* Test Booklet : TC -40y ... WD AGO PRT -4651 Replacement Branch , The Pentagon , Washington 25, D. C.
Manual: TC-M12 . WD AGO PRT - 431** Requisition from Quartermaster Depots. See Par, 66b ( 1 ) ( e ) .
Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5 f Requisition from area Air Technical Service Commands.
WD AGO PRT-5 ** # Requisition from Signal Corps Depots.
Scoring Key : Standard Form K | Requisition from Film Strip Library,
..WD AGO PRT- 125 ** # New M : terial since last issue .
Other : Pencils with P3B lead -1 || Stock of this item is exhausted.

Order Code : II Order Code : II
Authorization for use : Induction stations Authorization for use : By special authorization only
Test Booklet : NSA ... WD AGO PRT-204 ** ( See WD Cir. 223, July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301 ,
Manual : Directions for Administering, Scoring, and 1945 ; WD Pamphlet 12-13, 1945) .
Interpreting the Neuropsychiatric Screening Test Booklet : TC -59x ... WD AGO PRT - 4056
Adjunct WD AGO PRT-205 ** Manual: TC -M12 ..... WD AGQ PRT - 431**
Answer Sheet : None TC-M12, Suppl . 1 ... WD AGO PRT -432 **
Scoring Key : None
Answer Sheet : None
Scoring Key : None
Order Code : VI PAINTER TEST ( MOS 144 ) , TC-60x
Authorization for use : AAF basic training centers Order Code : I
Test Booklet : None
Manual : TC-M1 WD AGO PRT-1065 Authorization for use : By special authorization only
Answer Sheet : None ( See WD Cir. 223, July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301 ,
1945 ; WD Pamphlet 12-13 , 1945 ) .
Scoring Key : None Test Booklet : TC - 60x WD AGO PRT - 398 |
Other : Special apparatus ..... WD AGO PRT- 1113
Manual : TC -M12 WD AGO PRT-431 **
TC-M12, Suppl . 1 ... WD AGO PRT-432 *
Order Code : I
WD AGO PRT - 5 **
Authorization for use : Any Arn., installation where Scoring Key : Standard Form K
men are considered for officer candidacy WD AGO PRT- 125 **
Test Booklet : OCT-1 ... WD AGO PRT-66 **
Manual : OC-P Form OCT.06 WD AGO PRT -67 ** Other : Pencils with P3B lead
Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5
Scoring Key : Standard Form A LIST, TC - 43x
... WD AGO PRT-33 ** Order Code : II
Other : Pencils with P3B lead -
Authorization for use : By special authorization only
( See WD Cir. 223 , July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301 ,
OFFICER CANDIDATE TEST, OCT-2 1945 ; WD Pamphlet 12–13, 1945 ) .
Order Code : I Test Booklet : TC - 43x WD AGO PRT-429 +
Authorization for use : Any Army installation where Manual : TC -M12 .... WD AGO PRT-431 **
men are considered for officer candidacy TC - M12, Suppl . 1 .... WD AGO PRT -432**
Test Booklet : OCT-2 ... ... WD AGO PRT-69 ** Answer Sheet : None
Manual : OC-P Form OCT.06 WD AGO PRT-67 ** Scoring Key : None
Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5 ....
Scoring Key : Standard Form B PHARMACY TECHNICIAN TEST ( MOS 859 ) , TC-44x
WD AGO PRT-70 ** Order Code : I
Other : Pencils with P3B lead Authorization for use : By special authorization only
( See WD Cir. 223, July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301,
ORAL TRADE QUESTIONS ( NO SYMBOL ) 1945 ; WD Pamphlet 12-13, 1945) .
Order Code : V Test Booklet : TC - 44x WD AGO PRT- 346 ||
Authorization for use : Any Army installation Manual : TC-M12 WD AGO PRT - 431 **
Test Booklet : None TC -M12, Suppl. 1 ... WD AGO PRT -432 *
Manual : Oral Trade Questions, Vol . I Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5
WD AGO PRT-68 ** WD AGO PRT-5 **
Oral Trade Questions, Vol. I, Suppl. A ... Scoring Key : Standard Form K ..
WD AGO PRT - 73** WD AGO PRT - 125 **
Oral Trade Questions, Vol. I, Suppl. B ...... Other : Pencils with P3B lead
. . . WD AGO PRT-74 **
WD AGO PRT-237 ** (MOS 945 ) , TC - 204ar
Oral Trade Questions Manual CT-055z, Order Code : I
Mr. .... WD AGO PRT -4721 Authorization for use : Any Army installation except
Answer Sheet : None induction stations and Army Ground and
Scoring Key : None Service Forces redistribution stations ( See
WD Cir. 223, July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301 , 1945 ;
Requisition from adjutant general depots as outlined in par. 4 , Cir. WD Pamphlet 12–13, 1945 ) .
No. 264 , WD, 1944 , and AR 310-200 . Test Booklet : TC-204ar WD AGO PRT - 444 **
* Requisition directly from The Adjutant General , Classification and Manual: TC-M12 .WD AGO PRT-431**
Replacement Branch , The Pentagon, Washington 25, D. C.
Requisition from Quartermaster Depots. See Par. 66b (1 ) ( e ) . TC-M12, Suppl . 1 ... WD AGO PRT - 432 **
Requisition from area Air Technical Service Commands. Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5
# Requisition from Signal Corps Depots. WD AGO PRT - 5 **
1 Requisition from Film Strip Library . Scoring Key : Standard Form K
* New Material since last issue . WD AGO PRT - 125 *
Stock of this item is exhausted. Other : Pencils with P3B lead
Order Code : I Order Code : I
Authorization for use : By special authorization only Authorization for use : Training Centers
( See WD Cir. 223, July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301, * Test Booklet : SM-1 ......... WD AGO PRT - 476 **
1945 ; WD Pamphlet 12-13, 1945 ) .
Test Booklet : TC - 68x .... WD AGO PRT-406 || *Manual : Manual, SM-1 and SM-2, AI-1 and AI-2
Manual : TC-M12 WD AGO PRT- 431** WD AGO PRT - 478 **
TC-M12 , Suppl . 1 ... WD AGO PRT - 432***
* Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5
Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5 WD AGO PRT-5 **
WD AGO PRT-5 ** Scoring Key : Standard Form A
Scoring Key : Standard Form K WD AGO PRT - 33 **
... WD AGO PRT-125 ** Other : Pencils with P3B lead
Other : Pencils with P3B lead
PREFERENCE RECORD , SQ-112a Order Code : I
Order Code : I
Authorization for use : Training Centers
Authorization for use : By special authorization only * Test Booklet : SM-2 ......... WD AGO PRT - 477**
Test Booklet : SQ-112a WD AGO PRT-3124
Manual : SQ - 112a , M. ... WD AGO PRT - 3131 * Manual : Manual, SM-1 and SM-2 , AI-1 and AI-2
Answer Sheet : SQ-112a, A WD AGO PRT-314+ WD AGO PRT_478**
Scoring Key : SQ- 112a1 , K WD AGO PRT- 3154 Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5
SQ- 112a2 , K WD AGO PRT-3167 WD AGO PRT-5 **
SQ- 112a3 , K 0
WD AGO PRT-317† Scoring Key : Standard Form B
SQ-112a4, K WD AGO PRT - 318 + WD AGO PRT-70 事**
SQ-112a5, K WD AGO PRT -3196 Other : Pencils with P3B lead
SQ-112a6, K WD AGO PRT - 3204
SQ-112a8, K WD AGO PRT - 322 + 903 ) , TC - 46x
SQ-112a9, K WD AGO PRT-3231 Order Code : I
Authorization for use : By special authorization only
QUALIFICATION TEST - 1, Q-1 ( See WD Cir. 223 , July 1945 ; ASF Cir, 301,
Order Code : II
1945 ; WD Pamphlet 12–13, 1945 ) .
Authorization for use : Any Army installation exam Test Booklet : TC-46x WD AGO PRT-157 ||
ining men for induction or enlistment ( See ASF ... WD AGO PRT - 431 **
Cir. 246, June 1945 ) . Manual : TC - M12 ..
Test Booklet : Q-1 WD AGO PRT-71 ** TC-M12, Suppl . 1 ... WD AGO PRT - 432 **
Manual : IS.30, M WD AGO PRT - 39 ** Answer Sheet: WD AGO PRT-5
Answer Sheet : None WD AGO PRT-5 **
Scoring Key : None * Scoring Key : TC - 46x , K WD AGO PRT -4747
Other : Pencils with P3B lead
Authorization for use : Any Army installation exam TC-209ar
ining men for induction or enlistment ( See ASF Order Code : I.
Cir. 246, June 1945 ) .
Test Booklet : Q-2 WD AGO PRT-72 ** Authorization for use : Any Army installation except
Manual: IS.30, M WD AGO PRT-39 ** induction stations and Army Ground and
Answer Sheet : None Service Forces redistribution stations ( See
Scoring Key : None WD Cir. 223, July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301 , 1945 ;
WD Pamphlet 12–13, 1945 ) .
SANITARY TECHNICIAN TEST ( MOS 196 ) , TC - 42x Test Booklet : TC-209ar ... WD AGO PRT - 439 **
Order Code : I Manual : TC-M12 .WD AGO PRT - 431**
Authorization for use : By special authorization only TC - M12, Suppl. 1 ... WD AGO PRT -432 本事
( See WD Cir. 223, July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301 , Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5
1945 ; WD Pamphlet 12–13 , 1945 ) . WD AGO PRT-5 **
Test Booklet : TC - 42x .WD AGO PRT - 348 || Scoring Key? Standard Form K
Manual : TC - M12 .WD AGO PRT-431 *** WD AGO PRT-125 **
TC -M12, Suppl. 1 ... WD AGO PRT-432 ** Other : Pencils with P3B lead -
Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5
WD AGO PRT-125 ** LIST, TC-31a
Other : Pencils with P3B lead Order Code : II
Authorization for use : Any Army installation except
** Requisition from adjutant general depots as outlined in par. 4 , Cir. induction stations and Army Ground and
No. 264 , WD, 1944 , and AR 310-200 . Service Forces redistribution stations ( See
† Requisition directly from The Adjutant General, Classification and
Replacement Branch , The Pentagon , Washington 25 , D. C.
WD Cir. 223, July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301, 1945 ;
WD Pamphlet 12–13, 1945 ) .
Requisition from Quartermaster Depots. See Par. 66b ( 1 ) ( e ) . Test Booklet : TC - 31a WD AGO PRT-425 **
$ Requisition from area Air Technical Service Commands.
# Requisition from Signal Corps Depots. Manual : TC -M12 .... WD AGO PRT-431 **

| Requisition from Film Strip Library . TC-M12, Suppl. 1 ... WD AGO PRT - 432 **
* New Material since last issue. Answer Sheet : None
1 Stock of this item is exhausted . Scoring Key : None
SUPPLIES ) , TC -29ar Order Code : I
Order Code : II Authorization for use : AAF installations
Authorization for use : Any Army installation except Test Booklet : TC - 7a ... WD AGO PRT-1125
induction stations and Army Ground and Manual : TC -M1 .WD AGO PRT-1068
Service Forces redistribution stations ( See Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5
WD Cir. 223, July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301 , 1945 ; WD AGO PRT-5 **
WD Pamphlet 12–13, 1945 ) . Scoring Key : Standard Form G
Test Booklet : TC - 29ar WD AGO PRT-243 ** WD AGO PRT-1135
Manual : TC-M12 ... .... WD AGO PRT - 431** Other : Pencils with P3B lead
TC -M12, Suppl. 1 ... WD AGO PRT -432**
Answer Sheet : None TOOL USAGE FILM STRIP TEST, TC-12a
Scoring Key : None Order Code : II
Authorization for use : Ordnance automotive schools
SUPPLY CLERK TEST ( MOS 835 ) , TC-70x Test Booklet : TC- 12a WD AGO PRT- 1817
Order Code : I Manual : TC-M4 WD AGO PRT- 122 + .
Authorization for use : By special authorization only Answer Sheet : None
Test Booklet : TC - 70x ... WD AGO PRT - 480 + Scoring Key : TC-12a, K ...... WD AGO PRT-1826
Manual : TC - M12 WD AGO PRT -431** Other : Film Strip, TC-12a, F ( No. 12-100 in Film
Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5 Strip Library ) ; 35 -mm film strip projec
WD AGO PRT-5 ** tor and screen should be available in in
Scoring Key : Standard Form K stallations or ordered through regular
WD AGO PRT-125 ** supply channels ( See WD AGO PRT
Other : Pencils with P3B lead - 122 ) ... WD AGO PRT-1831

32a Order Code : I
Order Code : I
Authorization for use : By special authorization only
Authorization for use : Any Army installation except ( See WD Cir. 223 , July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301,
induction stations and Army Ground and 1945 ; WD Pamphlet 12–13 , 1945 ) .
Service Forces redistribution stations ( See Test Booklet : TC-52x WD AGO PRT-1867
WD Cir. 223, July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301, 1945 ; Manual : TC-M12 WD AGO PRT - 431**
WD Pamphlet 12–13, 1945 ) . TC-M12, Suppl. 1 ... WD AGO PRT -432 **
Test Booklet : TC-32a WD AGO PRT - 428 ** Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5
Manual : TC -M12 ..... ..WD AGO PRT - 431** WD AGO PRT-5 **
TC-M12, Suppl . 1 ... WD AGO PRT -432** Scoring Key : Standard Form K
Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5 WD AGO PRT- 125 *
WD AGO PRT-5 ** Other : Pencils with P3B lead
Scoring Key : Standard Form H
WD AGO PRT - 433**
Other : Pencils with P3B lead * Order Code : I
Authorization for use : AAF installations
SUPPLY CLERK TEST ( QM SUPPLIES) , TC - 30a2r Test Booklet : TC-1a WD AGO PRT- 1143
Order Code : I
Manual : TC-M1 WD AGO PRT-1069
Authorization for use : Any Army. installation except Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5
induction stations and Army Ground and WD AGO PRT-5 **
Service Forces redistribution stations ( See Scoring Key : Standard Form F
WD Cir. 223, July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301, 1945 ; WD AGO PRT- 1153
WD Pamphlet 12-13, 1945) . Other : Pencils with P3B lead -1
Test Booklet : TC - 30a2r WD AGO PRT -447 **
TC-M12, Suppl. 1 ... WD AGO PRT -432** Order Code : II
Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5
Authorization for use : Any Army installation except
induction stations and Army Ground and
Scoring Key : Standard Form H Service Forces redistribution stations ( See
WD AGO PRT -433 *
WD Cir. 223, July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301, 1945 ;
Other : Pencils with P3B lead WD Pamphlet 12–13, 1945 ) .
Test Booklet : TC-21ar WD AGO PRT-244 **
SURVEYOR TEST ( MOS 227 ) , TC-58x Manual : TC-M12 .WD AGO PRT - 431 **
Order Code : I TC -M12, Suppl. 1 .... WD AGO PRT -432 **
Answer Sheet : None
Authorization for use : By special authorization only Scoring Key : None
( See WD Cir. 223, July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301 ,
1945 ; WD Pamphlet 12–13, 1945) . **Requisition from adjutant general depots as outlined in par. 4, Cir.
Test Booklet : TC-58x ......... WD AGO PRT-399 || No. 264 , WD , 1944 , and AR 310-200 .
Manual : TC-M12 . WD AGO PRT - 431** † Requisition directly from The Adjutant General, Classification and
TC -M12 , Suppl . 1 ... WD AGO PRT -432** Replacement Branch, The Pentagon, Washington 25, D. C.
Answer Sheet: WD AGO PRT-5 ... * Requisition from Quartermaster Depots. See Par. 66b ( 1 ) (e) .
Requisition from area Air Technical Service Commands.
WD AGO PRT-5 ** # Requisition from Signal Corps Depots .
Scoring Key : Standard Form K | Requisition from Film Strip Library.
WD AGO PRT-125 ** * New Material since last issue.
Other : Pencils with P3B lead || Stock of this item is exhausted.
658749 ° -4614 209
Order Code : I TC-56x
Authorization for use : Any Army installation except Order Code : I
induction stations and Army Ground and Authorization for use : By special authorization only
Service Forces redistribution stations ( See ( See WD Cir. 223, July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301 ,
WD Cir, 223, July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301, 1945 ; 1945 ; WD Pamphlet 12-13 , 1945 ) .
WD Pamphlet 12–13, 1945 ) . Test Booklet : TC-56x .... WD AGO PRT - 3531
Test Booklet : TC-22a2r ... WD AGO PRT -449 **
.WD AGO PRT-431 **
Manual : TC-M12 .WD AGO PRT - 431**
Manual : TC -M12
TC- M12, Suppl. 1 ... WD AGO PRT -432 ** TC-M12, Suppl. 1 ... WD AGO PRT-432***
Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5
Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5 . . . . WD AGO PRT- 5 **
Scoring Key : Standard Form K Scoring Key : Standard Form K ....
WD AGO PRT-125 **
WD AGO PRT-125 * : Other : Pencils with P3B lead
Other : Pencils with P3B lead -I
Order Code : II Order Code : I
Authorization for use : Any Army installation except Authorization for use : AAF installations
induction stations
Test Booklet : Form 1 WD AGO PRT - 4 ** Test Booklet : TC - 3a WD AGO PRT- 1189
Form 2 Manual : TC-M1 WD AGO PRT-1069
WD AGO PRT-85 ** Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT- 119 (2 copies ) .
Form 3 WD AGO PRT-86 **
Form 4 WD AGO PRT - 119 **
WD AGO PRT-87 **
Form 5 WD AGO PRT-88 ** Scoring Key : Parts I & II, TC-3a
WD AGO PRT- 120as
Form 6 WD AGO PRT-89 **
PRT-90 ** Part III, TC-3a WD AGO PRT - 120LS
Form 7 WD AGO
Form 8 WD AGO PRT - 91** Other : Pencils with P3B lead -1
Form 9 WD AGO PRT - 92**
Answer Sheet : None Order Code : II
Scoring Key : None ; in WD AGO PRT -29 Authorization for use : Any Army installation except
Other : Typewriter paper and typewriters must be
available at installations induction stations and Army Ground and
Practice Sheet WD AGO PRT-26 ** Service Forces redistribution stations ( See
WD Cir. 223, July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301 , 1945 ;
U-BOLT ASSEMBLY TEST , TC-6a WD Pamphlet 12-13, 1945 ) .
Order Code : VI Test Booklet : TC-19ar WD AGO PRT-246 **
Authorization for use : AAF basic training centers Manual: TC -M12 ... WD AGO PRT - 431 **
Test Booklet : None
Manual : TC-M1 WD AGO PRT-1069 TC-M12, Suppl . 1 ... WD AGO PRT -432**
Answer Sheet : None
Answer Sheet : None
Scoring Key : None Scoring Key : None
Other: Special apparatus for 'TC - 6a
WD AGO PRT-1173 WELDING TEST ( MOS 256 ) , TC-20a2r
Order Code : I
USE-OF-TOOLS TEST, TC-16a Authorization for use : Any Army installation except
Order Code : VI
Authorization for use : Ordnance automotive schools induction stations and Army Ground and
Test Booklet : None Service Forces redistribution stations ( See
Manual : TC - M4 WD AGO PRT-122 + WD Cir. 223, July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301 , 1945 ;
Answer Sheet : TC- 16a, S WD AGO PRT-631 WD Pamphlet 12–13, 1945 ) .
Scoring Key : None Test Booklet : TC-20a2r ..WD AGO PRT -417 **
Other : Use - of - Tools Test Instructions and Dia Manual : TC -M12 .... WD AGO PRT-431 **
gram Sheet for TC-16a . WD AGO PRT -641 TC -M12, Suppl. 1 ... WD AGO PRT - 432 *
Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT- 5
LIST, TC-55x Scoring Key : Standard Form H
Order Code : II
WD AGO PRT - 433*
Authorization for use : By special authorization only Other : Pencils with P3B lead
( See WD Cir. 223, July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301,
1945 ; WD amphlet 12-13 , 1945 ) .
Test Booklet : TC-55x .WD AGO PRT-4344 X -RAY TECHNICIAN TEST ( MOS 264 ) , TC-50x
Manual : TC-M12 .WD AGO PRT - 431** Order Code : I
TC -M12 , Suppl . 1 .WD AGO PRT-432 **
Answer Sheet : None Authorization for use : By special authorization only
Scoring Key : None ( See WD Cir. 223 , July 1945 ; ASF Cir. 301 ,
1945 ; WD Pamphlet 12-13 , 1945 ) .
** Requisition from adjutant general depots as outlined in par. 4 , Cir. Test Booklet : TC-50x WD AGO PRT- 3477
No. 264 , WD , 1944 , and AR 310-200 .
Requisition directly from The Adjutant General, Classification and Manual : TC-M12 .... WD AGO PRT-431 **
Replacement Branch , The Pentagon , Washington 25 , D. C. TC -M12, Suppl . 1 ... WD AGO PRT- 432**
Requisition from Quartermaster Depots. See Par . 66b ( 1 ) ( e ) . Answer Sheet : WD AGO PRT-5 ....
$ Requisition from area Air Technical Service Commands. WD AGO PRT - 5 **
# Requisition from Signal Corps Depots .
Requisition from Film Strip Library . Scoring Key : Standard Form K
New Material since last issue. WD AGO PRT-125 **
1 Stock of this item is exhausted . Other : Pencils with P3B lead
73. LIST II, OBSOLETE TEST MATERIALS. WD AGO PRT-52 .Mechanical Aptitude Test
MA - 4 , X-1
Materials which have become obsolete since the WD AGO PRT - 302 ..Manual , Mecanical Aptitude
October issue of FM 21-6 , Test, MA - 4 , X-1, M
WD AGO PRT-16 WD AGO PRT-53 .Answer sheet , Mechanical
Classification Test, R-1
WD AGO PRT-17 ..Manual ( WAC ) Classifica Aptitude Test, MA - 4, X-1
tion Test, R-1 , M WD AGO PRT-54 .Scoring key, Mechanical Ap
WD AGO PRT-301 ..Manual ( Induction station ) titude Test, MA - 4, X-1
for Classification Test, R WD AGO PRT-55 Mental Alertness Test ,
1, M (r) WCT - 2
WD AGO PRT-18 Scoring key, P.R. Form R WD AĠO PRT-56
11 ( Classification Test ,
R - 1) WD AGO PRT-57 .. Scoring key, WCT-2





No, 207, Sec, II rescinded by Cir 372, Sec. VIII, 1945.
No. 210, Sec. IV rescinded by Cir 372, Sec. VIII, 1945,
CIRCULARS No. 210, Sec. V rescinded by Cir 353, Sec. VI, 1945.
1940 No. 214, Sec. III superseded by Cir 366, Sec. V, 1945.
No. 86, Sec. III superseded by Cir 333, Sec . V, 1945. No. 214, Sec. IV rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV, 1945.
1941 No. 215, Sec. III rescinded by Cir 359, Sec IV, 1945.
No. 129 , Sec. III rescinded by Cir 359 , Sec. IV, 1945. No. 221 , Sec. V rescinded by Cir 353, Sec. VI, 1945.
No. 169 , Sec. I rescinded by Cir 359 , Sec. IV , 1945. No. 231 superseded by Cir 302 , 1945.
No. 174, Sec. II rescinded by Cir 367, Sec. IV, 1945. No. 232, Secs. I, and III rescinded by Cir 359 , Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 232, Sec. II superseded by AR 850–110, 3 Jan. 1946. No. 232, Sec. IV rescinded by Cir 367, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 233, Sec. I rescinded by Cir 299 , Sec. III , 1945.
No. 235, Sec. II superseded by Cir 319, Sec. III, 1945. No. 234, Sec. III rescinded by Cir 353 , Sec. VI, 1945.
No. 236, Sec. III rescinded by Cir 298, Sec. XI, 1945 . No. 235, Sec. II rescinded by Cir 353 , Sec. VI , 1945.
No. 255, Sec. III rescinded by Cir 298, Sec. XI, 1945. No. 235, Sec. III rescinded by Cir 359 , Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 262, Sec. II rescinded by Cir 298, Sec. XI , 1945.
No. 269, Sec. III rescinded by Cir 298, Sec. XI, 1945. No. 236, rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 240, Sec. IV rescinded by Cir 353 , Sec. VI , 1945.
1942 No. 242, Sec. IV rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 12, Sec. I rescinded by Cir 298 , Sec. XI , 1945. No. 248 , Sec. II rescinded by Cir 359 , Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 54, Sec. III rescinded by Cir 298 , Sec . XI, 1945. No. 250, Sec. I rescinded by Cir 323 , Sec. VII , 1945.
No, 60 , Sec . V rescinded by Cir 381 , Sec. VI , 1945. No. 252, Sec. I rescinded by Cir 352, Sec. I, 1945.
No. 112, Sec. V. rescinded by Cir 298 , Sec. XI , 1945. No. 253, Sec. II superseded by Cir 302, 1945.
No. 172, Sec. IV rescinded by Cir 367, Sec. IV , 1945. No. 254, Sec. III rescinded by Cir 353 , Sec. VI, 1945.
No. 194, Sec. VIII rescinded by Cir 298 , Sec. XI , 1945. No. 254 , Sec. IV rescinded by Cir 368, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 216, Sec. VII rescinded by Cir 298, Sec. XI, 1945. No. 257 , Sec. I rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 291 , Sec. II superseded by AR 250-5, 24 Oct. 1945. No. 257, Sec. II superseded by Cir 348, Sec. I, 1945.
No. 295, superseded by Cir 338, Sec. VI, 1945. No. 259, Sec. II rescinded by Cir 324, Sec. V, 1945.
No. 311 , Sec. I rescinded by Cir 353, Sec. VI, 1945. No. 262 superseded by Cir 324 , Sec. VI , 1945,
No. 342, Sec. II rescinded by Cir 353, Sec. VI, 1945. No, 263 , Sec. III rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 357, Sec. II superseded by Cir 338 , Sec . VI, 1945. No. 267, Sec. II rescinded by Cir 324 , Sec. V, 1945.
No. 372, Sec. IV rescinded by Cir 368, Sec. IV, 1945. No. 271 , Sec. I rescinded by Cir 353, Sec. VI, 1945.
No. 382, Sec. III rescinded by Cir 298 , See. XI, 1945. No. 271 , Sec. II superseded by Cir 299 , Sec. I, 1945.

No. 418 rescinded by Cir 372, Sec. VIII, 1945 . No. 296, Sec. I rescinded by Cir 304 , Sec. V, 1945.
1943 No. 296, Sec. II rescinded by Cir 359 , Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 6, Sec. II rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV, 1945. No. 296, Sec. IV superseded by Cir 302, 1945.
No. 11 , Sec. II rescinded by Cir 353 , Sec. VI , 1945 . No. 297, Sec. II rescinded by Cir 353 , Sec. VI, 1945.
No. 17, Sec. III rescinded by Cir 359 , Sec. IV, 1945. No. 297, Sec. III rescinded by Cir 359 , Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 298 , Sec. IV rescinded by Cir 359 , Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 28, Sec. y rescinded by Cir 367, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 60 , Sec. I rescinded by Cir 294, Sec. VI , 1945 . No. 301 , Sec. III superseded by Cir 359, Sec. II, 1945.
No. 302, Sec, II rescinded by Cir 360, Sec. II, 1945.
No. 63 , Sec. II rescinded by Cir 353, Sec. VI , 1945. No. 305 , Sec. III rescinded by Cir 353 , Sec. VI , 1945,
No. 68, Sec. III rescinded by Cir 359, Sec . IV, 1945. No. 312, Sec. IV rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 81 , Sec. V rescinded by Cir 353 , Sec. VI , 1945. No. 314 , Sec. I rescinded by Cir 367, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 83 , Sec. III rescinded by Cir 360 , Sec . II , 1945. No. 314 , Sec. III rescinded by Cir 367 , Sec. IV, 1945,
No. 95 , Sec. II rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV, 1945. No. 315 , Sec. I rescinded by Cir 360, Sec. II , 1945.
No. 105 rescinded by Cir 367, Sec. IV, 1945. No. 319, Secs. V, VI, VII rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 108, Sec. III rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV, 1945. No. 320, Sec. III rescinded by Cir 380, Sec. III , 1945.
No. 111 , Sec. III rescinded by Cir 368, Sec. IV, 1945 . No. 323, Sec . VIII rescinded by Cir 368, Sec. IV , 1945.
No. 113 , Sec. I superseded by Cir 338 , Sec. VI, 1945. No. 325 , Sec. III rescinded by Cir 372, Sec. VIII, 1945.
No. 114, Sec. I rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV, 1945 . No. 326 , Sec. II rescinded by Cir 332, Sec . III , 1945.
No. 127, Sec. II superseded by AR 250-5, 24 Oct. 1945. No. 326 , Sec. III rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 129 , Sec. IV rescinded by Cir 368, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 139, Sec. I rescinded by Cir 372, Sec. VIII, 1945. No. 328 , Sec. II superseded by AR 35-6660, 15 Nov. 1945.
No. 329 , Sec. VI rescinded by Cir 353 , Sec. VI , 1945.
No. 143, Sec. II superseded by Cir 355, Sec. VIII, 1945. No. 330 rescinded by Cir 368 , Sec. IV, 1945 .
No. 147, Sec. III rescinded by Cir 353 , Sec. VI , 1945.
No. 150, Sec. I superseded by AR 35–6660, 15 Nov. 1945 No. 331 , Sec. I rescinded by Cir 359 , Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 335, Sec. IV rescinded by Cir 368 , Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 150 , Sec. III rescinded by Cir 367 , Sec. IV , 1945 . No. 335 , Sec. VIII rescinded by Cir 304, Sec. V, 1945.
No. 152, Sec. IV superseded by Cir 288, Sec. VI, 1945. No. 337, Sec. X rescinded by Cir 368, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 155, Sec. IV rescinded by Cir 367 , Sec. IV, 1945 . No. 343 superseded by Cir 336 , Sec . I , 1945.
No. 173 , Sec. III superseded by Cir 288, Sec. VI, 1945. No. 344 , Sec. VI rescinded by Cir 350 , Sec. III, 1945.
No. 174 , Sec. III rescinded by Cir 359 , Sec. IV , 1945. No. 344 , Sec. IX rescinded by Cir 353 , Sec. VI , 1945.
No. 175 , Sec. V rescinded by Cir 355 , Sec . X , 1945.
No. 177, Sec. V superseded by Cir 298, Sec. III , 1945. 1944
No. 177, Sec. VIII rescinded by Cir 353 , Sec. VI, 1945. No. 2 , Sec . III rescinded by Cir 359 , Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 192, Sec . II rescinded by Cir 367, Sec . IV , 1945 . No. 3 superseded by Cir 385, Sec. I, 1945 .
No. 196, Sec. VI superseded by Cir 348, Sec. I , 1945. No. 6, Sec. II rescinded by Cir 356, Sec. VI , 1945.
No. 197 , Sec. 1 superseded by AR 250–5 , 24 Oct. 1945. No. 13 rescinded by Cir 387 , Sec. III , 1945.
No. 201 , Sec. I rescinded by Cir 353, Sec. VI, 1945. No. 14, Sec. X superseded by Cir 301, Sec. I, 1945.

CIRCULARS - Continued 1944

No. 159 , Sec. II rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 162, Sec. IV rescinded by Cir 376, Sec. V, 1945.
No. 17, Sec. VII rescinded by Cir 387, Sec. III, 1945. No. 170, Sec. II rescinded by Cir 345, Sec. VII, 1945.
No. 20, Sec. VI rescinded by Cir 353 , Sec. VI , 1945. No. 174, Sec. III rescinded by Cir 367, Sec. III, 1945.
No. 20, Sec. VIII rescinded by Cir 372, Sec. VIII, 1945. No. 176 rescinded by Cir 351 , Sec. II , 1945.
No. 26, Sec. IV superseded by Cir 299, Sec. III, 1945. No. 178, Sec. III superseded by Cir 390, Sec. II, 1945.
No. 28, Secs. I, II rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV, 1945. No. 178 , Sec. V superseded by Cir 337 , Sec. VII , 1945.
No. 29 , Sec. II superseded by Cir 328, Sec. II , 1945. No. 184, Secs . IV and V rescinded by Cir 359 , Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 29, Sec. V superseded by Cir 392, 1945. No. 187, Sec. III rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 36, Sec. III rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV, 1945. No. 192, Sec. I superseded by Cir 352, Sec. II, 1945.
No. 40, Sec. IV rescinded by Cir 387 , Sec. III , 1945. No. 192, Sec. II rescinded by Cir 304, Sec. V, 1945.
No. 45 , Sec. I superseded by Cir 348 , Sec. I, 1945. No. 193, Sec. V rescinded by Cir 368, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 55, Sec. V rescinded by Cir 361 , Sec. VII, 1945. No: 198 superseded by AR 40–220, 16 Oct. 1945.
No. 56, Sec. V rescinded by Cir 353, Sec. VI, 1945. No. 199, Sec. II rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 59, Sec. IV rescinded by Cir 304, Sec. V, 1945. No. 204, Sec. I rescinded by Cir 353, Sec. VI, 1945.
No. 59, Sec. VI rescinded by Cir 361 , Sec. VII , 1945. No. 204, Sec. IV rescinded by Cir 368, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 59, Sec. VIII superseded by Cir 305, Sec. XIV, 1945. No. 206, Sec. VIII rescinded by Cir 368 , Sec. VI, 1945.
No. 61, Sec. V rescinded by Cir 387, Sec. III, 1945. No. 208, Sec. I superseded by Cir 356, Sec. I, 1945.
No. 64, Sec. II rescinded by Cir 367, Sec. IV , 1945. No. 208, Sec. V rescinded by Cir 367, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 64, Sec. III rescinded by Cir 359 , Sec. IV, 1945. No. 211, Sec. I rescinded by Cir 367, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 64, Sec. IV rescinded by Cir 353, Sec. VI , 1945. No. 211 , Sec. VIII rescinded by Cir 356, Sec. VI, 1945.
No. 65, Sec. II rescinded by Cir 353, Sec. VI, 1945. No. 213, Sec. II superseded by Cir 311 , Sec. V, 1945.
No. 67 , Sec. I rescinded by Cir 353 , Sec. VI, 1945. No. 213, Sec. III rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 68, Sec. VI superseded by Cir 291, 1945. No, 217, Sec. IV rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV , 1945.
No. 70 rescinded by Cir 387, Sec. III, 1945. No. 217, Sec. VII superseded by Cir 298, Sec. XV, 1945.
No. 71 , Sec. I rescinded by Cir 304, Sec. V , 1945. No. 220, Sec. II rescinded by Cir 353 , Sec. VI, 1945.
No. 74, Sec. Irescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV, 1945. No. 220, Sec. VIII rescinded by Cir 368, Sec. VI, 1945.
No. 74, Sec. II rescinded by Cir 304, Sec. V, 1945. No. 224, Sec. III superseded by Cir 348, Sec. I, 1945.
No. 79, Sec. V superseded by Cir 311, Sec. V, 1945. No. 224, Sec. VII rescinded by Cir 304, Sec. V, 1945.
No. 81, Sec. IV superseded by Cir 376, Sec. II, 1945. No. 226, Sec. IV rescinded by Cir 353, Sec. VI, 1945.
No. 82 superseded by Cir 336, Sec. I, 1945. No. 229, Sec. IV rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV,9 1945.
No. 84, Sec. V rescinded by Cir 387, Sec. III, 1945. No. 230 rescinded by Cir 353 , Sec. VI, 1945.
No. 86, Sec. I superseded by Cir 348, Sec. I, 1945. No. 232 rescinded by Cir 353, Sec. VI, 1945.
No. 90, Sec. III rescinded by Cir 353, Sec. VI, 1945. No. 233 , Sec. V rescinded by Cir 304, Sec. V, 1945.
No. 93, Sec. I rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV , 1945. No. 239, Sec. I rescinded by Cir 368, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 93, Sec. II rescinded by Cir 353, Sec. VI, 1945. No. 242, Sec. I superseded by AR 40–220, 16 Oct. 1945.
No. 93, Sec. IV rescinded by Cir 367, Sec. IV, 1945. No. 242, Sec. II rescinded by Cir 367, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 96, Sec. II rescinded by Cir 353, Sec. VI, 1945. No. 242, Sec. III rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 96, Sec. III superseded by Cir 366 , Sec. V, 1945. No. 244, Sec. I rescinded by Cir 360, Sec. II , 1945.
No. 98 , Sec. IV rescinded by Cir 352, Sec. I, 1945. No. 247, Sec. I rescinded by Cir 353, Sec. VI, 1945.
No. 98, Sec. VII rescinded by Cir 353, Sec. VI, 1945. No. 247, Sec. V rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 101 , Sec. I rescinded by Cir 356, Sec. VI, 1945. No. 250 rescinded by Cir 368, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 105, Sec . III superseded by AR 40-220, 16 Oct. 1945. No. 251 , Sec. VIII rescinded by Cir 353, Sec. VI, 1945.
No. 109, Sec. II rescinded by Cir 340, Sec. VII, 1945. No. 254, Sec. III rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 112 rescinded by Cir 367, Sec. IV, 1945. No. 255 rescinded by Cir 343, Sec. V, 1945.
No. 113, Sec. I superseded by Cir 336, Sec. I, 1945. No. 257, Sec. II superseded by Cir 366, Sec. V, 1945.
No. 113, Sec . VII rescinded by Cir 304, Sec. V, 1945. No. 258, Sec. VII rescinded by Cir 387, Sec. III, 1945.
No. 114, Sec. III rescinded by Cir 359 , Sec. IV, 1945. No. 259 superseded by Cir 385, Sec. II, 1945.
No. 120, Sec. VI superseded by Cir 324, Sec. VI, 1945. No. 261 , Sec. I rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 121 , Sec. I rescinded by Cir 368, Sec. IV, 1945. No. 261,9 Sec. III rescinded by Cir 368, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 122, Sec. II rescinded by Cir 368, Sec. IV, 1945. No. 263, Sec. I rescinded by Cir 360, Sec. II , 1945 .
No. 122, Sec . VII rescinded by Cir 343, Sec. IV, 1945. No. 263, Sec. II rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 124 rescinded by Cir 368, Sec. IV , 1945. No. 263, Sec. IV superseded by Cir 384, 1945.
No. 125, Sec. I rescinded by Cir 367, Sec. IV, 1945. No. 265, Sec. II rescinded by Cir 368, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 125, Sec. IV rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV, 1945. No. 265, Secs. III and IV rescinded by Cir 304, Sec. V, 1945.
No. 126 superseded by Cir 390, Sec. II, 1945. No. 270, Sec. VIII rescinded by Cir 386, Sec. VII, 1945.
No. 127, Sec. III rescinded by Cir 345, Sec. VII, 1945. No. 275, Sec. II rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 127, Sec. IV superseded by Cir 288, Sec. VI, 1945. No. 278, Sec. V rescinded by Cir 376 , Sec. V, 1945.
No. 127, Sec. VI rescinded by Cir 350, Sec. III , 1945. No. 281 , Sec. VI rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 134, Sec. II rescinded by Cir 353, Sec. VI, 1945. No. 282, Sec. II rescinded by Cir 353, Sec. VI, 1945.
No. 134, Sec. V rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV, 1945. No. 287 rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 137, Sec. III rescinded by Cir 298 , Sec. XI, 1945 . No. 288, Sec. I superseded by Cir 323, Secs. VI, VII, 1945.
No. 137, Sec. IV superseded by AR 55–510, C 4, 21 Dec. No. 289 rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV , 1945.
1944. No. 290 rescinded by Cir 298, Sec. XI, 1945.
No. 143, Sec. III rescinded by Cir 350, Sec. III, 1945.
. No. 293, Sec. VI rescinded by Cir 368, Sec. VI, 1945.
No. 143, Sec. IV rescinded by Cir 355, Sec. X , 1945. No. 293, Sec. VIII rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV , 1945.
No. 144 rescinded by Cir 351 , Sec. I, 1945. No. 293 , Sec. IX rescinded by Cir 387 , Sec. III, 1945.
No. 145, Sec. I superseded by AR 250–5, 24 Oct. 1945. No. 295 , Sec. I rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 146, Sec. II superseded by Cir 373 , Sec. III, 1945. No. 298, Sec. I rescinded by Cir 386, Sec. VII, 1945.
No. 150, Sec. II superseded by Cir 348, Sec. I, 1945. No. 299 rescinded by Cir 278, Sec. VIII, 1945.
No. 150, Sec. III superseded by Cir 380, Sec. II, 1945. No. 301 , Sec. IV rescinded by Cir 294, Sec. VI, 1945.
No. 152, Sec. II rescinded by Cir 350, Sec. III, 1945. No. 303 rescinded by Cir 359 , Sec. IV , 1945.
No. 156, Sec. I rescinded by Cir 353, Sec. VI, 1945. No. 307, Sec. VIII rescinded by Cir 372, Sec. VIII, 1945.

CIRCULARS - Continued 1944

1944 No. 397, Sec. VIII rescinded by Cir 359 , Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 307, Sec. X rescinded by Cir 298, Sec. XI, 1945. No. 398, Sec. II rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 308, Sec. II rescinded by Cir 359 , Sec. IV, 1945. No. 399, Sec. II rescinded by Cir 359 , Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 308, Sec. V rescinded by Cir 386, Sec. VII, 1945. No. 404, Sec . VIII rescinded by Cir 294, Sec. VI, 1945.
No. 310, Sec. III superseded by Cir 366, Sec. V, 1945. No. 406, Sec. IV superseded by Cir 315, Sec. VIII, 1945,
No. 310, Sec. VIII rescinded by Cir 368, Sec. IV, 1945. No. 406 , Sec. V rescinded by Cir 353 , Sec. VI, 1945 .
No. 311, Sec. II superseded by Cir 345, Sec. VI, 1945. No. 406, See, VIII rescinded by Cir 359 , Sec. IV , 1945.
No. 311, Sec. IV superseded by Cir 323, Sec. V, 1945 . No. 407 , Sec. III rescinded by Cir 353 , Sec. VI, 1945.
No. 312, Sec. IV rescinded by Cir 359 , Sec. IV, 1945. No. 412 rescinded by Cir 367, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 313, Sec. I rescinded by Cir 360, Sec. II, 1945. No. 417, Sec. I rescinded by Cir 350, Sec. III, 1945.
No. 314, Sec. I rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV, 1945. No. 421 , Sec. II superseded by Cir 331 , Sec. I, 1945.
No. 314, Sec. II superseded by Cir 366, Sec. V, 1945 . No. 423 , Sec. IV rescinded by Cir 353 , Sec. VI, 1945.
No. 314, Sec. VI superseded by Cir 294, Sec. X , 1945. No. 430, Sec. V superseded by AR 35-6660, 15 Nov. 1945.
No. 315, Sec. V rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV, 1945. No. 438 rescinded by Cir 294, Sec. VI, 1945.
No. 316, Sec. I rescinded by Cir 368, Sec. IV, 1945. No. 446, Sec. II superseded by Cir 314, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 316, Sec. VI superseded by Cir 390, Sec. 1, 1945. No. 450, Sec. IV superseded by Cir 305, Sec. XIV , 1945.
No. 319, Secs. I and III rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV , 1945 . No. 465, Sec. IV superseded by Cir 383, Sec. VI, 1945.
No. 320 , Sec. II rescinded by Cir 356, Sec. VI , 1945. No. 470, Sec. I superseded by Cir 336 , Sec . I, 1945.
No. 320, Sec. IV rescinded by Cir 367, Sec. IV, 1945 . No. 479 , Sec. I reseinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 321 , Sec. I rescinded by Cir 353, Sec. VI, 1945. No. 481 , Sec. I superseded by Cir 389, Sec. II, 1945.
No. 329, Sec. II rescinded by Cir 359 , Sec. IV, 1945 . No. 484, Sec. IV superseded by Cir 336, Sec. I, 1945.
No. 329, Sec. VI rescinded by Cir 298, Sec. XI, 1945. No. 485 superseded by Cir 290 , 1945.
No. 331 , Sec. IV superseded by Cir 372, Sec. VII, 1945 . No. 486 superseded by Cir 308 , 1945 .
No. 332, Sec. III superseded by Cir 298, Sec. III, 1945. 1945
No. 333, Sec. III rescinded by Cir 353 , Sec . VI, 1945. No. 1 , Sec. IV superseded by Cir 294 , Sec. XI, 1945.
No. 333, Sec. VIII rescinded by Cir 367, Sec. IV, 1945. No. 12, Sec. VII superseded by Cir 294, Sec. XI, 1945.
No. 333 , Sec. IX rescinded by Cir 355, Sec. X , 1945 . No. 15, Sec. V superseded by Cir 293, Sec. VIII, 1945.
No. 337, Sec. I rescinded by Cir 359, Sec . IV, 1945. No. 17, Sec. II superseded by Cir 389 , Sec. III, 1945.
No. 337 , Sec. IX rescinded by Cir 353, Sec. VI, 1945. No. 19 , Sec. III rescinded by Cir 343 , Sec. V, 1945.
No. 338, Sec. III rescinded by Cir 323 , Sec. VII , 1945. No. 20, Sec. II superseded by AR 150-5 , 2 Oct. 1945.
No. 339 rescinded by Cir 340, Sec. VII , 1945. No. 25, Sec. I superseded by AR 170–10, C 14 , 26 Nor.
No. 342, Sec. I rescinded by Cir 353 , Sec. VI, 1945. 1945.
No. 342, Sec. II superseded by Cir 351 , Sec . III , 1945. No. 27 rescinded by Cir 298, Sec. XI, 1945.
No. 344, Sec. II rescinded by Cir 353, Sec. VI, 1945. No. 28 , Sec. III superseded by AR 210--390, 1 Nov. 1945.
No. 345, Sec. II rescinded by Cir 353, Sec. VI, 1945. No. 28 , Sec. IV superseded by Cir 383 , Sec. II , 1945.
No. 346, Sec. I rescinded by Cir 359 , Sec. IV, 1945. No. 30, Sec. V superseded by Cir 384, 1945.
No. 348 , rescinded by Cir 353 , Sec. VI, 1945. No. 34, See. VIII rescinded by Cir 311 , Sec. VIII, 1945.
No. 349, Sec. IV rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV, 1945. No. 36 , See. III superseded by AR 95–110, 22 Oet. 1945.
No. 350, Sec, II rescinded by Cir 353 , Sec. VI, 1945.
No. 350, Sec. III superseded by Cir 369, Sec. I, 1945. No. 36, Sec. IV superseded by AR 35–150, 1 Nov. 1945.
No. 36, Sec. V rescinded by Cir 368 , Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 350 , Sec. VI rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV, 1945. No. 38, Sec. IV rescinded by Cir 318, Sec. IV, 1945 .
No. 354, Sec. V rescinded by Cir 338, Sec. V, 1945. No. 46, Sec. IV superseded by Cir 298, Sec. I, 1945.
No. 356, Sec. III rescinded by Cir 299, Sec. IV, 1945. No. 47 , Sec. IV superseded by Cir 294 , Sec. X, 1945.
No. 361 , Sec. II superseded by Cir 376, Sec. VI, 1945. No. 48, Sec. II superseded by Cir 336, Sec. I, 1945,
No. 362, Sec. I rescinded by Cir 372, Sec. VIII, 1945. No. 48, Sec. IV superseded by Cir 389, Sec. III, 1945.
No. 365, Sec. II superseded by Cir 314, Sec. IV, 1945. No. 49 , Sec. II superseded by Cir 384 , 1945.
No. 365, Sec. VI rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV, 1945. No. 55 rescinded by Cir 365, 1945,
No. 367 , Sec. VII rescinded by Cir 340 , Sec. VII , 1945. No. 59, Sec. IV superseded by Cir 323, Sec. V, 1945.
No. 367 , Sec. VIII rescinded by Cir 355, Sec. X, 1945 . No. 60, See. I superseded by AR 345–5, C 1, 29 Sep. 1945.
No. 368, Sec. IX rescinded by Cir 353, Sec. VI, 1945 . No. 61, Sec: II superseded by Cir 390 , Sec . II, 1945.
No. 370 rescinded by Cir 360, Sec. II, 1945. No. 64, Sec. IX superseded by Cir 336, Sec. I, 1945.
No. 371 rescinded by Cir 368 , Sec. IV , 1945. No. 68, Sec. II superseded by Cir 336, See. I, 1945 .
No. 372, Sec. III rescinded by Cir 356, Sec. I, 1945. No. 68, See. IV superseded by Cir 374 , See. III, 1945.
No. 375 , Sec. I rescinded by Cir 353 , Sec. VI , 1945 . No. 71 , Sec. VIII rescinded by Cir 298, Sec. XI, 1945.
No. 375, Sec. II rescinded by Cir 338, Sec. V, 1945. No. 74, See. I superseded by Cir 351 , Sec. I, 1945.
No. 375, Sec. V rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV, 1945. No. 75, Sec. IV rescinded by Cir 298, Sec. XI, 1945.
No. 377 , Sec. III superseded by Cir 291, 1945. No. 78, Sec. IV superseded by Cir 297, 1945 .
No. 377, Sec. IV superseded by Cir 305, Sec. VII, 1945. No. 79 superseded by Cir 355 , Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 377, Sec. VIII rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV, 1945. No. 82 , Sec. II superseded by AR 35–120, C6, 15 Nov, 1945.
No. 377, Sec. XIII rescinded by Cir 294 , Sec. VI, 1945. No. 90, Sec. V rescinded by Cir 365, 1945 .
No. 378 rescinded by Cir 375, 1945. No. 94 , Sec. I rescinded by Cir 294, Sec. VI , 1945 .
No. 380, Sec. III rescinded by Cir 356, Sec. VI, 1945. No. 97, Sec. IV rescinded by Cir 299 , Sec. III, 1945.
No. 381 , Sec. XI superseded by AR 210-390, 1 Nov. 1945. No. 98 , Sec. IV superseded by Cir 336, Sec. I , 1945.
No. 386, Sec. I superseded by Cir 302, 1945. No. 108, Sec. IV rescinded by Cir 294, Sec. VI, 1945.
No. 387 , Sec. VI superseded by Cir 323 , Sec. V, 1945. No. 109 superseded by Cir 313 , 1945.
No. 389 , Sec. I rescinded by Cir 368, Sec. IV, 1945 . No. 111 , Sec. II superseded by AR 605–115, 9 Nov. 1945
No. 389, Sec. V superseded by Cir 314, Sec. IV, 1945. No. 116, Sec. II superseded by AR 605–115 , 9 Nov. 1945.
No. 389, Sec. VI rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV, 1945. No. 116, Sec. VIII rescinded by Cir 365, 1945.
No. 391 , Sec. VII superseded by Cir 294, Sec. XI , 1945. No. 117, Sec. VIII rescinded by Cir 298, Sec. XI , 1945.
No. 393, Sec. V rescinded by Cir 368 , Sec . IV , 1945 . No. 118 superseded by Cir 354 , 1945.
No. 394 , Sec. IV rescinded by Cir 359 , Sec. IV, 1945 . No. 121 , Sec. I rescinded by Cir 299 , Sec. III , 1945 .
No. 396 , Sec. II rescinded by Cir 356, Sec. VI, 1945. No. 125, Sec. II superseded by Cir 371 , Sec. III, 1945.

CIRCULARS - Continued 1945

1945 No. 258, Sec. III rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 258, Sec. IV superseded by AR 35–2600, 11 Dec. 1945.
No. 129, Sec. VII rescinded by Cir 298, Sec. XI, 1945. No. 259, Sec. III superseded by Cir 349, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 131 , Sec. II superseded by Cir 314, Sec. IV , 1945 . No. 259, Sec. IV superseded by Cir 310, 1945.
No. 131 , Sec. IV rescinded by Cir 299, Sec. III , 1945.
No. 131 , Sec. VIII rescinded by Cir 298, Sec. XI, 1945. No. 263, Sec. IX, rescinded by Cir 298, Sec. XI, 1945.
No. 134, Sec. II superseded by Cir 348, Sec. I , 1945. No. 264, Sec. I superseded by Cir 376, Sec. I, 1945.
No. 264, Sec. II superseded by Cir 289, Sec. I, 1945.
No. 134, Sec. V superseded by Cir 390, Sec. II, 1945.
No. 135 rescinded by Cir 321, Sec. VIII, 1945. No, 265, Sec. I rescinded by Cir 355, Sec. X ,1945.
No. 137, Sec . XI superseded by Cir 288, Sec. VII, 1945. No. 265, Sec. II rescinded by Cir 321 , Sec. VIII, 1945.
No. 137, Sec. VII superseded by Cir 290, 1945. No. 268, Sec. IV rescinded by Cir 365, 1945.
No. 268, Sec. V rescinded by Cir 340, Sec. VII, 1945.
No. 138, Sec. I superseded by Cir 338, Sec. I, 1945. No. 270, Sec. IX superseded by AR 610–15 , 26 Dec. 1945.
No. 140, Sec. VIII rescinded by Cir 365 , 1945.
No. 140, Sec. XIII rescinded by Cir 359, Sec. IV, 1945. No. 277 , Sec. IV superseded by AR 850-15, C 1, 3 Oct.
No. 141 , Sec. I superseded by Cir 292, Sec. II, 1945. No. 277, Sec. VI rescinded by Cir 367, Sec. IV , 1945.
No. 143 , Sec. IV rescinded by Cir 365, 1945. No. 277, Sec. VIII superseded by Cir 348, Sec. I, 1945.
No. 146, Sec. VI superseded by Cir 292, Sec. II, 1945. No. 277, Sec. X superseded by Cir 310, 1945 .
No. 146, Sec. IX rescinded by Cir 386, Sec. VII, 1945. No. 277, Sec. XII rescinded by Cir 340, Sec. VII, 1945.
No. 149, Sec. II superseded by Cir 305, Sec. XIV, 1945. No. 278, Sec. I rescinded by Cir 355, Sec. X, 1945.
No. 150, Sec. V superseded by Cir 290, 1945. No. 278, Sec. VII superseded by Cir 348, Sec. I, 1945.
No. 152, Sec. V superseded by Cir 336, Sec. I, 1945. No. 281, Sec. III superseded by Cir 310 , 1945.
No. 152, Sec. VII rescinded by Cir 365, 1945. No. 284, Sec. III superseded by Cir 314, Sec. IV , 1945.
No. 153, Sec. II superseded by Cir 351 , Sec. III, 1945. No. 287, Sec. IV rescinded by Cir 353, Sec. IV , 1945.
No. 155, Sec. V superseded by Cir 308, 1945. No. 287, Sec. VIII superseded by Cir 389, Sec. III, 1945.
No. 157, Sec. V rescinded by Cir 340, Sec. VII, 1945. No. 292, Sec. V rescinded by Cir 353, Sec. IV , 1945 .
No. 159, Sec. V superseded by Cir 323, Sec. V, 1945. No. 293, Sec. I superseded by AR 310–200, C 7, 7 Nov.
No. 164, Sec. I superseded by AR 850-5, C2, 24 Sep. 1945. 1945.
No. 164, Sec. III superseded by Cir 389, See. II, 1945.
No. 294, Sec. III rescinded by AR 55–120, C 15, 9 Nov.
No. 168 superseded by Cir 303, 1945. 1945.
No. 170, Sec. I rescinded by Cir 342, Sec. I, 1945. No. 294, Sec. X superseded by Cir 319, Sec. VI, 1945.
No. 174, Sec. III superseded by Cir 351 , Sec. III, 1945. No. 296, Sec. IV superseded.by Cir 373, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 176, Sec. V rescinded by Cir 365, 1945. No. 298, Sec. II rescinded by Cir 339, Sec. V, 1945 .
No. 177, Sec. VI superseded by Cir 294, Sec. XI, 1945. No. 301 , Sec. VII superseded by Cir 371 , Sec. III, 1945.
No. 186, Sec. V superseded by Cir 391 , Sec. II , 1945.
No. 304, Sec. IIsuperseded by Cir 310,1945.
No. 186, Sec. VIII rescinded by Cir 315, Sec. XII, 1945. No. 305, Sec. III superseded by AR 610–15 , 26 Dec. 1945.
No. 187, Sec. I superseded by AR 210–70, 21 Dec. 1945. No. 305, Séc. VI superseded by Cir 368, Sec. I, 1945.
No. 189, Sec. V superseded by Cir 313, 1945. No. 311 , Sec. II superseded by Cir 380, Sec . I , 1945.
No. 191 rescinded by Cir 346, Sec. III, 1945. No. 312, Sec. III superseded by AR 605–115, 9 Nov. 1945.
No. 192, Sec. I superseded by AR 95-110, 22 Oct. 1945. No. 320, Sec. V superseded by Cir 323, Sec. X, 1945.
No. 195, Sec. III rescinded by Cir 299, Sec. III , 1945. No. 323, Sec. I superseded by Cir 348, Sec. I, 1945.
No. 197, Sec. IV superseded by Cir 371 , Sec. III, 1945. No. 323, Sec. V rescinded by Cir 326, Sec. V, 1945.
No. 198, Sec. VII superseded by Cir 340, Sec. VII, 1945. No. 323, Sec. VIII rescinded by Cir 365, 1945.
No. 203, Sec. VI superseded by Cir 371 , Sec. III, 1945. No. 326, Sec. II superseded by Cir 345, Sec. II, 1945.
No. 204, Sec. II rescinded by Cir 365, 1945. No. 327, Sec. III superseded by Cir 382, 1945.
No. 204, Sec. IV superseded by Cir 340, Sec. VI, 1945. No. 335, Sec. IV superseded by Cir 340, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 206, Sec. IV superseded by Cir 313 , 1945 . No. 337, Sec. V rescinded by Cir 352, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 208, Sec. XI superseded by Cir 333, Sec. V , 1945. No. 338, Sec. IV rescinded by Cir 386, Sec. VII, 1945.
No. 213 , Sec. III rescinded by Cir 365, 1945 . No. 346, Sec. II superseded by Cir 380, Sec. I, 1945.
No. 213 , Sec. V rescinded by Cir 298 , Sec. XII, 1945. No. 352, Sec. I superseded by Cir 363, Sec. II, 1945.
No. 215, Sec. IV rescinded by Cir 365, 1945. No. 352, Sec. V superseded by Cir 371, Sec. III, 1945.
No. 216, Sec. I rescinded by Cir 324, Sec. V, 1945.
No. 353, Sec. I superseded by Cir 363, Sec. II, 1945.
No. 217, Sec. II superseded by AR 345–475, C 3, 26 Sep. No. 355, Sec. V superseded by Cir 383, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 359, Sec. VI superseded by Cir 391, Sec. IV, 1945.
No. 219, Sec. IV superseded by Cir 319, Sec. V, 1945. No. 363 , Sec. I superseded by AR 170-10, C 15, 27 Dec.
No. 219, Sec. VI superseded by Cir 389, Sec. III, 1945. 1945.
No. 221, Sec. III superseded by Cir 313, 1945. No. 371 , Sec. III superseded by Cir 391 , Sec. IV , 1945.
No. 225, Sec. VIII superseded by Cir 366, Sec. VII, 1945.
No. 226, Sec. I superseded by Cir 355, Sec. I, 1945.
No. 228, Sec. II superseded by Cir 336, Sec. I, 1945 . COMMERCIAL TRAFFIC BULLETINS
No. 230, Sec. V rescinded by Cir 338, Sec. V, 1945. CTB
No. 230, Sec. VI superseded by Cir 336, Sec. II, 1945.
No. 232, Sec. III rescinded by Cir 359 , Sec. IV, 1945. No. 38, 1945, rescinded by Sec. III, CTB 46, 1945.
No. 235, Sec. I rescinded by Cir 321 , Sec. VI, 1945. No. 42, 1945, rescinded by Sec. II, CTB 46, 1945.
No. 235, Sec. VIII rescinded by Cir 365 , 1945.
No. 237, Sec. I superseded by AR 600–45, C 8, 28 Sep.
No. 238, Sec. I superseded by Cir 348, Sec. I, 1945. FM
No. 243 superseded by Cir 392, 1945. 4-70 and C 1 1 May 1940 Rescinded by Cir 333, 1945. '
No. 244, Sec. IV rescinded by Cir 386, Sec. VII, 1945. 4-80 and C1 1 May 1940 Do.
No. 246, Sec. III rescinded by Cir 356 , Sec. VI, 1945,
645 ... 1 Oct 1939 Rescinded .
No. 249 superseded by Cir 310, 1945.
No. 252, Sec. V superseded by Cir 371, Sec. III, 1945. 6-50 and C1
No. 255, Sec. III superseded by Cir 314, Sec. IV, 1945. and 2 ... 1 Oct 1939 Obsolete,


FM MWO ORD-Continued
6-56 and C .. 4 May 1942 Obsolete. 1 .18 Apr 1944 Canceled by WD Cir 324,
6-60 and C 1 24 Oct. 1945.
and 2 .... 1 Oct 1939 Do. 2 . 20 Apr 1944 Do.
8-40 and C 1 , 2, 3 4 May 1944 Do.
* 3, 4, 5 and 6..15 Aug 1940 Superseded by FM 21-10 , 4 .24 May 1944 Do.
Jul 1945.
5 .17 May 1944 Do.
11-150 ... Apr 1945 Rescinded by Cir 323 , 1945. Do.
6 .12 Aug 1944
27-15 and C 1 7
and 2 6 Feb 1941 Superseded by FM 19–15, .10 Aug 1944 Do.
Jul 1945. MWO ENG
1182-1 ........ 16 Sept 1944 Canceled by WD Cir 324,
FIRING TABLES 24 Oct. 1945.
1722-1 July 1945 Do.
1722-2 23 June 1944 Do.
3 - Q - 1 and C 1 .. 1 July 1940 Obsolete. 1722-3 .
3 Aug 1944 Do.
3 - R - 2 and C 3 1722–4 28 July 1944 Do.
and 4 .12 June 1943
...... Do.
1722-5 3 Aug 1944 Do.
3- W - 1 5 June 1945 Do. 1722-6 .
2 Aug 1944 Do.
12 - G - 2 .24 Mar 1942 Do. 1722-7 15 Aug 1944 Do.
14 - B - 2 and C 1. 1 Oct 1923 Do. 1722-8 21 Aug 1944 Do.
14 - A - 2 and C 1. 1 Aug 1923 Do. 1722-9 .12 Aug 1944 Do.
60 - F - 1 ..... 30 Aug 1944 Superseded by FT 60 - F - 2, 1722-10 .15 Aug 1944 Do.
24 Jul 1945, 1722-11 ....... 23 Aug 1944 Do.
1722-12 26 Aug 1944 Do.
105AA - J - 3 .... 18 Oct 1944 Obsolete,
Do. 1722-13 28 Sept 1944 Do.
105 - P - 1 ..17 Apr 1945
1722–15 .
May 1945 Do.
105 - P - 2 .14 Apr 1945 Do.
1730-1 June 1945 Do.
155 - AF - 1 and
2721-1 7 Aug 1944 Do.
C1 ... .28 July 1944 Do. 2721-2 Do.
Apr 1945
155 - AF - 2 .26 May 1945 Do. Do.
3006-1 May 1945
155 - B - 5 .. ...15 Nov 1940 Do. 4056-1 July 1945 Do,
155 - D - 3 and C 2 1 Feb 1940 Do. 5044-1 Dec 1944 Do.
155 - U - 1 and C 4, 5, 5060-1 7 Sept 1944 Do.
6, 7, 8 and 9 .. 1 Nov 1940 Do. 5090-1 Nov 1944 Do.
155 - W - 1 and 5405-1 Apr 1945 Do.
C1 ..... 8 July 1942 Do. 7040-1 . 16 Aug 1944 Do.
240 - B - 2 and C 1 7040-2 1 Sept 1944 Do.
and 2 7 Oct 1931
. . . . . . . Do. 7042-1 .30 June 1944 Do.
7044-1 June 1945 Do.
TD Do.
7046-1 ..... .21 Mar 1944
155 - B - 4a and 4b Do. 7046-2 ..
.24 July 1944 Do.
7046-3 .11 Aug 1944 Do.
7046-4 8 Aug 1944 Do.
GENERAL ORDERS 7046-5 4 Aug 1944 Do.
GO 7046-7 18 Aug 1944 Do.
1929 7046-8 Feb 1945 Do.
No. 9, Sec. III rescinded by GO 95, Sec. V, 1945. 7112-1 ..19 Aug 1944 Do.
1943 7112-2 .20 Aug 1944 Do.
No. 52, Sec. I rescinded by GO 120,> Sec. I, 1945, 7117-1 Mar 1945 Do.
7117-2 Dec 1944 Do.
8032-1 .18 Apr 1944 Do.
No. 19 rescinded by GO 88 , Sec. I, 1945. 8060-1 Jan 1945 Do.
No. 28 rescinded by GO 88, Sec. I, 1945. 9018-1 . 26 Apr 1944 Do.
1945 9018-2 . .11 Aug 1945 Do.
No. 33, Sec. I and II superseded by GO 105, 1945. 9122-1 4 Mar 1944 Do.
No. 40, Sec. I and II superseded by GO 105, 1945 . 9126-1 4 Mar 1944 Do.
No. 42 rescinded by GO 120, Sec. II , 1945 . 9142-1 .30 Apr 1944 Do.
No. 46, Sec. VI superseded by GO 105, 1945. 9318-1 .25 Apr 1944 Do.
No. 48 , Sec. XII superseded by GO 105 , 1945 . 9378-1 .17 Apr 1944 Do.
No. 51 , rescinded by GO 120, Sec. II, 1945. 9380-1 .17 Apr 1944 Do.
9381-1 6 Oct 1944 Do.
No. 58, Sec. VIII superseded by GO 105, 1945.
No. 67, Sec. XIV superseded by GO 105, 1945. 9468-1 .20 Apr 1944 Do.
No. 69, Sec. IV superseded by GO 105 , 1945. 9470-1 .17 Apr 1944 Do.
No. 75, Sec. VII superseded by GO 105, 1945. 9483-1 Apr 1945 Do.
No. 81 , Sec. VII superseded by GO 105, 1945. 9616-1 .. .17 Apr 1944 Do.


MWO ORD - Continued 2 Mar 1944
E15_W5 . , Work Completed.
AH- W5 ...... 2 May 1945 Canceled by WD Cir 339, E19-W34 .23 Feb 1945 Canceled by WD Cir 339,
Sec. IV, 8 Nov. 1945. 8 Nov, 1945.
A6 -W11 ...... 2 May 1945 Do. E19 - W35 ...... 20 Mar 1945 Do.
A19-W5 and C1 22 June 1944 Do. E54 - W5 .19 Aug 1944 Do.
A29-W9 and C1 29 May 1944 Obsolete . E55 - W1 O 4 Jan 1943 Do.
A32 - W2 ..... 15 Sept 1944 Canceled by WD Cir 339 , E59 - W5 19 Aug 1944 Do.
Sec. IV, 8 Nov. 1945. F9-W2 5 Dec 1941 Do.
A32-W4 ..... 24 Aug 1944 Do. F20 - W4 29 May 1945 Do.
A37 -W13 ..... 16 Oct 1944 Do. F20_W5 .29 May 1945 Do.
A37 -W15 ..... 28 Jan 1944 Do. F22 - W4 .29 May 1945 Do.
A44 - W4 ...... 17 Sept 1944 Do. F24 - W1 24 Feb 1944 Do.
A44 -W5 ..16 Apr 1942 Do. F25 - W6 .18 Feb 1944 Do.
A44 - W6 ...... 17 Apr 1944 , Do. F25-W7 29 May 1945 Do.
A44 -W9 and CI 16 Mar 1944 Do. F25 -W8 .29 May 1945 Do.
A44 - W10 1 May 1944 Do. F111 - W3 and
A46 -W10 1 May 1944 Do. C1 ... 20 July 1944 Do.
A46 - W11 and F167 -W4 .29 May 1945 Do.
01 ... 5 Sept 1944 Do. F167 - W6 23 May 1944 Do.
A47-17 .29 May 1945 Do. F189 - W2 .. .16 Feb 1944 Do.
A50 -W21 .10 Aug 1944 Do. F203-W2 ...... 28 Apr 1944 Do.
A55 -W3 9 Aug 1944 Obsolete. F230 - W1 and
A55-17 7 June 1944 Do. C1 ... 1 May 1944 Do.
A55 - W10 and F256 - W1 4 May 1944 Do.
C1 ......... 15 Mar 1945 Canceled by WD Cir 339, F256 - W2 .21 Nov 1944 Do.
Sec. IV, 8 Nov. 1945. F261-W2 .21 Apr 1944 Do.
A57-W1 and C1 4 May 1944 Do. G1 -W2 .28 July 1943 Do.
A58 -W1 7 Nov 1944 Do. G1 -W6 .14 Aug 1945 Do.
A65 -W1 and C1 20 Jan 1945 Do. G1-W9 .27 Sept 1943 Do.
B13 - W2 .18 Oct 1944 Do. G1 -W13 .12 Mar 1944 Do.
B28 -W1 .20 Mar 1944 Do. G1-W22 .
2 Apr 1945 Do.
B28 -W2 and C1 20 Mar 1944 Do. G1-W23 .23 Apr 1945 Do.
B33 - W1 ....... 26 Sept 1944 Do. G1 -W24 8 Mar 1945 Do.
C20 -W25 .10 Aug 1944 Do. G1-W27 . 3 Mar 1945 Do.
C21-W14 ..27 Dec 1944 Do. G1 -W29 .19 Apr 1945 Do.
C21 - W15 .27 Dec 1944 Obsolete. G85-W14 9 May 1944 Do.
C26 - W6 4 Aug 1944 Canceled by WD Cir 339 , G85 - W15 .10 July 1944 Do.
8 Nov. 1945 . G85 - W16 19 Feb 1945 Do.
C33 -W2 ..23 May 1944 Do. G85 -W17 . 3 Jan 1945 Do.
C34 - W3 ..24 May 1944 Do. G102 - W29 .... 20 Mar 1945 , Do.
C36 -W2 and C1 12 June 1944 Do. G102 - W30 and
C36 - W4 1 Mar 1944 Do. C 2 ... 28 Feb 1944 Do.
C36-W6 6 Apr 1944 Do. G102-W31 .10 Nov 1943 Do.
C36 -W7 and C1 24 Aug 1944 Do. G102 - W32 .23 Apr 1945 Do.
C36 -W8 and C1 1 Aug 1944 Do. G102-W35 .... 10 Mar 1944 Do.
C36-W9 ....... 16 Aug 1944 Do. G102 - W36 ... 15 Apr 1944 Do.
C36-W10 and G102-W37 .... 23 Apr 1945 Do.
C 1, 2 20 Sept 1944 Do. G102 - W38 .27 Oct 1944 Do.
C39 - W3 7 Mar 1944 Do. G102,W40 .... 14 Aug 1943 Do.
C39 - W6 7 Feb 1945 Obsolete . G102-W43 .... 27 May 1944 Do.
C40 - W3 .24 May 1944 Canceled by WD Cir 339, G102 - W44 .29 May 1944 Do.
8 Nov, 1945 , G103-W32 28 May 1943 Do.
C50 - W2 ....... 15 Feb 1944 Do. G103 - W34 .... 21 Oct 1943 Do.
C50 -W3 and C1 24 Feb 1944 Do. G103-W35 .... 22 Mar 1944 Do.
C50 -W4 4 Aug 1944 Do. G103-W38 .24 Sept 1944 Do.
C50 - W5 .24 Aug 1944 Do. G103-W42 and
C50 -W6 and c1 2 Sept 1944 Do. C1 ... .31 July 1944 Do.
C60 -W5 and C1 27 May 1944 Do. G103-W45 .... 15 Apr 1944 Do.
C60 - W6 ... 4 Dec 1944 Do. G103-W47 .. 25 July 1944 Do.
D24 - W6 .26 Jan 1944 Do. G104-W74 .14 Aug 1943 Do.
D24_W15 ... Do. G104-W77 ..23 Mar 1944 Do.
... 12 Apr 1944
D24 - W20 ..10 Aug 1944 Do. G104-W87 . 12 Aug 1944 Do.
D24 -W22 and G121 -W7 .30 Sept 1944 Do.
C 1 , 2 ...... 27 Sept 1944 Do. G127 -W5 9 May 1944 Do.
D28-W7 and C1 17 Oct 1944 Do. G128-W9 4 June 1943 Do.
D28 - W23 .10 Aug 1944 Do. G128-W21 6• C Sept 1943 Do.
D29 - W4 ....... 19 Apr 1944 Do. G128-W29 .... 10 July 1944 Do.
D29 - W10 .12 Apr 1944 Do. G130-W2 ..... 15 Mar 1944 Canceled by WD Cir 339,
D29 -W15 ...... 11 Aug 1944 Do. Sec. IV, 8 Nov. 1945.
D29-W16 and G130_W7 ..... 19 Feb 1943 · Do.
C1 ... .27. Sept 1944 Do. G130 - W11 .... 15 Mar 1944 Do.
D32 - W5 .10 Aug 1944 Do. G130-W15 .... 23 Apr 1945 Do,


MWO ORD - Continued
11-235-6 and
G130_W16 .... 15 July 1943
Canceled by WD Cir 339, C1 Apr 1945 Canceled by WD Cir 324,
Sec. IV, 8 Nov. 1945. 24 Oct. 1945.
G130-W17 .... 10 Mar 1944 Do. 11-242-2 .20 Nov 1944 Do.
G136-W3 .27 May 1944 Do.
11-239-1 5 Apr 1944 Do.
G136-W4 .24 June 1944 Do.
7 June 1944 Do.
G163 -W2 . 13 Apr 1944 Do.
11-242-1 14 Mar 1944 Do.
G163 -W4 ..27 Nov 1944 Do. 11-245-1 14 Mar 1944 Do.
G167-W1 27 July 1944 Do.
11-245-2 10 June 1944 Do.
G179-W1 .13 May 1944 Do.
11-245-3 ... 30 Oct 1944 Do.
G179 -W2 .15 May 1944 Do. 11-245-4 and
G179 -W4 .... 29 Sept 1944 Do. C1 . Feb 1945 Canceled
G501 -W23 and 11-246 A - 1 .... 23 Oct 1944
C1 .. 8 Feb 1944 Do.
Canceled by WD Cir 324,
24 Oct, 1945,
G502 -W3 .18 Feb 1944 Do. 11-246B -1 .... 25 Oct 1944 Do.
G502-W10 and 11-272-1 Do.
C1 .... .21 Oct 1943 Do.
3 Apr 1944
11-273-1 5 Apr 1944 Do.
G503 - W1 .24 Mar 1943 Do.
11-275-1 and
G505-W1 31 Mar 1944 Do. C 1 ... 9 Mar 1944 Do.
G508 -W2 8 June 1943 Do.
11-275-2 14 Mar 1944 Do.
G508 -W10 19 Aug 1944 Do. 11-275-3 ..24 Mar 1944 Do.
G508 -W12 .29 July 1944 Do. 11-275-4 and
G509-W1 .20 Jan 1943 Do. C1 ... .27 Apr 1944 Do.
G509-W3 21 Aug 1944 Do , 11-275-5 and
G509-W6 .18 Sept 1944 Do.
C1 Do.
27 Apr 1944
G527-W1 8 July 1944 11-275-6 .23 May 1944 Do.
G540-W1 14 Aug 1943 Do. 11-275-7 .31 Oct 1944 Do.
G678 -W1 .23 Sept 1944 Do.
11-275-8 20 Nov 1944 Do.
J112 -W1 ... 16 Mar 1944 Do. 11-275-9 Dec 1944 Do.
J115-W1 and 11-275-10 Jan 1945 Do.
C1 ... .17 June 1944 Do.
Jan 1945 Do.
J402-W1 7 June 1944 Do. 11--275-12 and
J406-W1 7 June 1944 Do. C1 ... Jan 1945 Do.
J412-W1 7 June 1944 Do.
11-275-13 Do.
.28 July 1945
J439-W1 7 June 1944 Do. Do.
11-280–1 8 Apr 1944
J441 -W1 7 June 1944 Do. Do.
11-280-2 23 May 1944
11-280-4 .21 June 1944 Do.
MWO QM 11-280–5 .13 Sept 1944 Do.
3 12 Apr 1944 Canceled by WD Cir 324, 11-280-6 6 Dec 1944 Do.
24 Oct. 1945 . 11-280-7 Dec 1944 Do.
4 13 Apr 1944 Do. 11-281-1 9 Mar 1944 Do.
6 19 July 1944 Do. 11-281-4 21 July 1944 Do.
Do. 11-281-7 Dec 1944 Do.
7 21 July 1944
Canceled by WD Cir 339 , 11-308-1 8 Apr 1944 Do.
9 .14 Oct 1944
8 Nov. 1945. 11-315-1 21 Sept 1944 Do.
13 .17 Nov 1944 Do. 11-341-1 .10 Mar 1944 Do.
15 Jan 1945 Do , 11-341-2 14 Mar 1944 Do.
20 Feb 1945 Do. 11-342-1 3 Mar 1944 Do.
23 June 1945 Do. 11-342-2 29 May 1944 Do.
24 June 1945 Do , 11-355-1 14 Mar 1944 Do.
11-360-1 Apr 1945 Do.
11-406-1 2 June 1944 Do.
11-406-4 .12 June 1945 Do.
1 .. 19 Apr 1944 Canceled by WD Cir 324, 11-429-1 Feb 1945 Do.
24 Oct. 1945. 11-447-1 .27 Jan 1944 Do.

2 .19 Apr 1944 Do. 11-600-1 23 May 1944 Do.


19 Apr 1944 Do. 11-600-3 .31 July 1944 Do.

.19 Apr 1944 Do. 11-600-4 Apr 1945 Do.
5 19 Apr 1944 Do. 11-601-1 Mar 1945 Do.
6 . 20 Apr 1944 Do. 11--615-4 5 Apr 1944 Do.
8 2 June 1944 Do. 11-625-5 2 Aug 1944 Do.
9 and C1 1 July 1944 Do. 11-630-1 .31 Mar 1944 Do.
15 13 Oct 1944 Do. 11-630-2 .15 July 1944 Do.
20 and C1 Dec 1944 Do. 11-820-1 Apr 1945 Do.
28 Mar 1945 Do , 11-900-1 5 July 1944 Do.
29 Feb 1945 Do. 11-915-1 Jan 1944 Do.
31 Mar 1945 Do. 11-372–1 1 Dec 1944 Do.
37 Apr 1945 Do. 11-1106-1 .24 June 1944 Do.
41 May 1945 Do. 11-1112-1 .21 June 1944 Do.
11-232-1 May 1945 Do. 11-1127-1 1 May 1944 Do.
11-235-1 8 Aug 1944 Do, 11-1310-1 .30 June 1944 Do.
11-235-2 .25 Aug 1944 Do. 11-1326-1 .15 Feb 1945 Do.


MODIFICATION WORK ORDERS—Continued War Department — Continued

MWO SIG – Continued 615–45, 2 Aug 45 rescinded-Cir 376 - V - 1945.
11-1329-1 ..... 1 Apr 1944 Canceled by WD Cir 324, 615-45 , 31 Aug 45 rescinded-Cir 382–1945.
24 Oct. 1945. 700-45, 1 May 45 rescinded-Cir 318-IV-1945.
11-1329-3 1 Apr 1944 Do. 850-45, 22 Jan 45 rescinded Cir 305-VIII–1945.
11-1329-9 .10 Apr 1944 Do.
11-1370-1 Feb 1945 Do. 850–45, 19 May 45 rescinded-Cir 305-VIII–1945.
11-1406-1 Feb 1945 Do.
11-1424-1 1 Aug 1945 Do.
11-1505-1 2 Apr 1945 Do.
11-1506-1 1 Nov 1944 Do. SB
11-1506-2 Jan 1945 Do.
11-1506-4 May 1945 Do. 3-23 ..... 28 Feb 1945 Rescinded.
11-1524-6 Nov 1944 Do. 9-10A and C 1..18 Nov 1944 Do.
11-1527-5 July 1945 Do. 9-10B and C 1..27 Nov 1944 Do.
11-1527-1 ..... 31 Oct 1944 Do. 9-10C and C 1..21 Dec 1944 Do.
11-1527-2 and 9-35 .... 1 Aug 1945 Obsolete .
C1 ... .24 Jan 1945 Do. 9-45 and C 1 ... 24 Jan 1945 Rescinded.
11-1527-3 . 20 Apr 1945 Do. 9-46 and C 1 ... 17 Feb 1945 Do.
11-1527-4 June 1945 Do. 9-52 and C 1 . .11 Apr 1945 Do.
11-2352-1 June 1945 Do. 9-AMM 3 and C 1 ,
11-2368-1 May 1945 Do. 2, 3 , 4 .12 Oct 1944 Do.
11-2385-1 May 1945 Do. 10-45 1 Apr 1944 Obsolete.
10-49 8 Apr 1944 Superseded by SB 10–264,
11 Dec 1945.
10-125 and
E-7-1 .10 Apr 1944 Canceled by .WD. Cir 324,
C 1 , 2 ....... 13 Sept 1944 Superseded by SB 10–253,
24 Oct. 1945. 1 Oct 1945.
E - 130-1 10 Apr 1944 Do. 10–126 and C 1.14 Sept 1944 Canceled by WD Cir 350,
E - 131-1 .10 Apr 1944 Do. 22 Nov 1945.
10-153 .25 Oct 1944 Obsolete.
10–172 and C 1 ,
4 and 5 15 Nov 1944 Superseded by SB 10-257,
MEMORANDUMS 17 Oct 1945.
War Department 10-175 and C 1 ,
2 and 3 18 Nov 1944 Superseded by SB 10–255 ,
145-4-42 rescinded-Cir 300–1945 . 11 Oct 1945.
605–21-42 rescinded-Cir 352–1–1945 . 10–184 and C 1 . Jan 1945 Rescinded.
5-7-43 rescinded-Cir 294-VI-1945 . 10-205 . . . . Mar 1945 Obsolete.
55-15-43 rescinded - Cir 292-IV-1945. 10-207 Mar 1945 Do.
145–1-43 rescinded-Cir 300–1945 . 10-214 and C 1 . Mar 1945 Superseded by SB 10-259,
210-2-43 rescinded-Cir 372-VIII–1945. 6 Nov 1945.
340-33-43 rescinded-Cir 331 -III-1945 . 10-224 May 1945 Rescinded.
340-42-43 rescinded -Cir 312-IV-1945. 11-4 5 Apr 1944 Do.
340-45–43 rescinded-Cir 323-VII–1945. 11-5 3 May 1944 Do.
11-12 7 July 1944 Do.
340-48–43 rescinded - Cir 312-IV-1945.
11-19 11 Aug 1944 Do.
W605–33–43, including C 1 , 2, and 3 rescinded -Cir 11-21 18 Aug 1944 Do.
W615–71-43 rescinded -Cir 304 – V - 1945 . 11-22 23 Aug 1944 Do.
W35-44, 21 Dec 44, including all changes rescinded-Cir 11-27 3 Oct 1944 Do.
11-28 3 Oct 1944 Do.
11-29 3 Oct 1944 Do.
35–44, 30 Dec 44 rescinded - Cir 340 - VII - 1945 . 11-44 Dec 1944 Do.
W40–44, 16 Dec 44 rescinded -Cir 298-XI-1945 .
380–44, 21 Jan 44 rescinded-Cir 292-VII-1945. 11–45 Dec 1944 Do.
380-44, 10 Mar 44 rescinded—Cir 292-VII–1945. 11-46 Jan 1945 Do.
605–44, 16 Sep 44 rescinded-Cir 358-IV-1945. 11-55 Feb 1945 Superseded by SB 11-97,
850–44, 8 Feb 44 rescinded-Cir 305 – VIII – 1945. 3 Oct 1945.
W850–44, 19 Aug 44 rescinded-Cir 312-VI-1945. 11-58 Feb 1945 Rescinded.
30–45 , 12 May 45 rescinded-Cir 324-V-1945. 11-78 May 1945 Do.
380-45, 28 May 45 rescinded-Cir 292-VII–1945. 11-82 May 1945 Obsolete.
580_45, 13 Aug 45 rescinded — Cir 357–1945. 38-1 17 July 1945 Rescinded by WD Cir 333,
600–45, 17 May 45 rescinded-Cir 335-V-1945. 2 Nov 1945.
600-45, 22 May 45 superseded-Cir 389-III–1945. 38-1-3 6 Aug 1945 Do.
600–45, 23 Jun 45 superseded —Cir 389-III–1945. 38–1-5 10 Aug 1945 Do.
600–45, 10 Jul 45 superseded - Cir 389-III–1945. 38-1-8 6 Aug 1945 Do.
600—45, 19 Jul 45 superseded -Cir 389 -III –1945 . 38-1-9 9 Aug 1945 Do.
600-45, 27 Aug 45 rescinded - Cir 337-IV-1945.
605-45, 4 Jun 45 rescinded -Cir 318–1–1945 . 38-1-10 8 Aug 1945 Do.
38-1-11 8 Aug 1945 Do.
605–45 , 28 Jun 45 rescinded - Cir 318-1-1945 .
605-45 , 26 Jul 45 rescinded-Cir 305-XIII–1945. 38-1-55 7 Aug 1945 Do.
W605-45, 12 Sep 45 superseded - Cir 321-VII–1945. 55-8 - F - 1 ...... 15 Sept 1944 Superseded by SB 55-8 - F ,
W615-45, 7 Jul 45 rescinded-Cir 376-V-1945. 5 Dec 1945.


1-2 and C 1, 2, 3-205-1 .20 Dec 1943 Rescinded .
3, 4 28 Sept 1942 Rescinded . 3-205-7 .20 Sept 1944 Do.
1-1100-1S 6 Mar 1944 Rescinded by Cir 301 , 3-205-9 .14 Nov 1944 Do.
Sec. V 1945. 3-220-1 .23 Sept 1944 Do.
1-2800-1 ( 8 ) 1 Mar 1944 Rescinded. 3-300-2 1 July 1944 Superseded by TB 3–300–10 ,
1-2810–1 ( 8 ) 1 Mar 1944 Do. Jun 1945 .
1-2811-1 ( 8 ) 1 Mar 1944 Do. CW 2 .12 Feb 1944 Rescinded .
1-2811-1 ( 9 ) .28 July 1944 Do. CW 3 6 Mar 1944 Do.
1-2811–2 ( 8 ) 1 Mar 1944 Do. CW 9 0
.27 May 1944 Do.
1-2813-1 ( 8 ) 1 Mar 1944 Do. CW 12 Superseded by WD TC 20,
.24 July 1944
1-2813–2 ( 8 ) 1 Mar 1944 Do. 1945 .
1-2814 ( 8 ) 1 Mar 1944 Do. CW 17 .16 Oct 1944 Rescinded .
1-2817 ( 9 ) 25 July 1944 Do. CW 28 .28 Mar 1945 Do.
1-2817–1 ( 8 ) 1 Mar 1944 Do. 5–295-1 ..25 Apr 1944 Superseded by TM 5-295 ,
1-2818 ( 8 ) 1 Mar 1944 Do. 22 Aug 1945.
1–2872 ( 8 ) 1 Mar 1944 Do. 5-295-2 ...... 23 Aug 1944 Do.
1-2877 ( 8 ) 1 Mar 1944 Do. 5-295–3 and C 1 Feb 1945 Do.
1-2878 ( 8 ) 1 Mar 1944 Do. 5-295-4 Apr 1945 Do.
3-4 and C 1 . 9 Nov 1944 Do, ENG 5 2 Feb 1944 Rescinded by Cir 387,
7-3 1 Jan 1944 Superseded by T/A 20–13, Sec. III , 1945.
dated 8 Oct 1945. ENG 8 and C 1. 5 Feb 1944 Superseded by TM 5-220,
3 Jul 1945 .
ENG 20 ....... 9 May 1944 Rescinded by Cir 387 ,
ENG 24 2 June 1944 Do.
T / BA
ENG 54 Jan 1945 Do.
9 1 Sept 1942 Rescinded . ENG 57 and C 1 Jan 1945 Do.
ENG 65 Feb 1945 Do.
ENG 81 7 June 1945 Do.
TABLES OF EQUIPMENT 9-350-4 .19 Jan 1944 Superseded by TM 9-350 ,
T/E 7 May 1945.
9-350-5 7 Mar 1944 Do.
5–455M 4 May 1943 Rescinded, 9-350-6 .10 Aug 1944 Do.
5–456 4 May 1943 Do , ORD 109 .14 June 1944 Rescinded .
5–457 4 May 1943 Do. ORD 224 .27 Nov 1944 Superseded by TB ORD 326,
7-416 and C 1..13 Apr 1943 Do. 5 Sep 1945.
7-417 and C 1..13 Apr 1943 Do. ORD 236 .21 Dec 1944 Superseded by TM 9–1950,
9 Jul 1945.
ORD 304 ...... 18 June 1945 Superseded by TB ORD 323,
10-352-1 .11 Feb 1944 Obsolete.
T / O 10-1638-1 ..... 13 Oct 1944 Superseded by TM 10–1638,
1-652 and C 1 , 2, 15 Dec 1945.
3, 4 1 July 1942 Rescinded. 10–1661-1 Apr 1945 Superseded by TM 10–1661,
5–455 4 May 1943 Do. 1 Aug 1945.
5–456 and C 1 .. 4 May 1943 Do. QM 19 .10 July 1944 Obsolete.
5-457 4 May 1943 Do. 11-232-1 .21 July 1944 Rescinded.
7-415 and C 1..13 Apr 1943 Do. 11-243-1 .26 May 1944 Do.
11-246-1 Dec 1944 Do.
7-416 and C 1..13 Apr 1943 Do.
7-417 and C 1..13 Apr 1943 Do. 11-280-1 .14 July 1944 Do.
9-47 1 Apr 1942 Do. 11-280-2 1 Sept 1944 Do.
11-307-1 Apr 1945 Do.
11-348-1 .23 June 1944 Do.
11-355-1 and
AND EQUIPMENT 11-379--1 Jan 1945 Do.
11-438-2 Jan 1945 Do.
T / O & E
11-443-1 Jan 1945 Do.
1-637 and C 1..15 Aug 1943 Rescinded. 11-499-1 1 Sept 1944 Obsolete.
7-31 1 Aug 1944 Do. 11-499-2 1 Oct 1944 Do ,
7-32 1 Aug 1944 Do. 11-499-3 1 Nov 1944 Do.
7-33 1 Aug 1944 , Do. 11-499-4 1 Dec 1944 Do.
7-35 1 Aug 1944 Do. 11-499-5 1 Jan 1945 Do.
7-36 1 Aug 1944 Do. 11-499-6 1 Feb 1945 Do.
7-37 1 Aug 1944 Do. 11-499-7 1 Mar 1945 Do.
44-325 and C 1 , 11-499-8 1 Apr 1945 Do.
2, 3 ..23 June 1943 Do. 11-499-9 1 May 1945 Do.
44-326 and C 1 , 11-499-10 1 June 1945 Do.
2, 3 .23 June 1943 Do. 11-499-11 1 July 1945 Do.
44-327 and C 1 , 11-600-3 2 Apr 1945 Superseded by TM 11-600.
2 , 3 , 4 and 5..23 June 1943 Do. 11-605-4 and C1 7 Nov 1944 Rescinded .


TB 11-1540-7 .25 July 1945 Rescinded.
11-605-5 ... .10 Nov 1944 Rescinded. 11-2002–1 .16 Oct 1944 Do.
11-2037-1 .12 May 1945 Do.
11-615–2 9 May 1944 Do.
11-615-4 7 Nov 1944 Do , 11-2250-1 .24 June 1944 Do.
11-615-5 11 Nov 1944 Do. 11-2254-1 ..... 14 Oct 1944 Do.
11-2351-1 May 1945 Do.
11-818-1 Do.
11-829-1 Mar 1945 Obsolete. 11-2369-1 Feb 1945 Do.
11-2403-2 27 Sept 1944 Do.
11-850-1 3 Aug 1944 Superseded by TM 11-850 ,
11-2413-1 • • •
.24 Apr 1945 Do.
C 1 , 21 Feb 1945.
11-850-2 4 Sept 1944 Rescinded. 11-2414-1 9 Oct 1944 Do.
Do. 11-2414-2 May 1945 Do.
11-850–3 ...... 15 Nov 1944
11-850-4 Dec 1944 Do. 11-2520-1 and
11-859-1 . 17 Mar 1944 Do. C1 .... Dec 1944 Superseded by C 1 , of TM
11-859-2 .12 July 1944 Do. 11–2520 , 18 Jul 1945 .
11-859-3 .28 July 1945 Do. 11-2522-1 Jan 1945 Rescinded .
11-862-1 Jan 1945 Do. 11-2531-1 Apr 1945 Do.
11-866–3 Jan 1945 Do. 11-2532-1 Jan 1945 Do.
11-900–1 Dec 1944 Superseded by TM 11-900, 11-2558-1 Feb 1945 Do.
11-2611-1 , 25 Oct 1944 Do.
20 Sep 1945.
11-904-1 ... .31 Oct 1944 Superseded by TM 11-904, 11-2627-1 1 June 1945 Superseded by C 1 , of TM
1 7 Jul 1945 , 11-2627, 24 Oct 1945.
11-904–2 ...... 7 Nov 1944 Do. 11-2635-1 May 1945 Rescinded.
11-904–3 and 11-2639-1 Apr 1945 Do.
C1 .... .14 Nov 1944 Do. 11-2641-1 Apr 1945 Do.
11-904-4 Mar 1945 Do.
11-909-1 Jan 1945 Superseded by C 1 , of TM TB SIG
11-909, 24 Aug 1945. 2 15 Dec 1943 Rescinded.
11-923-1 May 1945 Rescinded . 19 .31 Mar 1944 Do.
11-925-1 .15 Aug 1944 Do. 21 and C1 .. 4 Apr 1944 · Do.
11-931-1 3 Nov 1944 Do. 26 18 Apr 1944 Do.
11-932-1 June 1945 Do. 21 1944 Do.
... 28 Apr
11-959G- 1 .16 Oct 1944 Do. 32 ..26 Apr 1944 Do.
11-960-1 July 1945 Do. 33 ..27 Apr 1944 Superseded by TB SIG 143,
11-961-1 7 Sept 1944 Do. dated Dec 1944.
11-967-1 .. Jan 1945 Do. 34 .27 Apr 1944 Rescinded .
11-976-1 June 1945 Do. 35 .12 May 1944 Do.
11-980-1 June 1945 Do. 39 .10 June 1944 Do.
11-1048-2 Feb 1945 Do. 40 .10 June 1944 Do.
11-1051-1 Jan 1945 Do. 42 1944 Do.
11-1062-1 Do. Do.
.30 Sept 1944 43 1944
11-1063-2 .11 Nov 1944 Do. 45 25 May 1944 Do.
11-1105A-1 5 Aug 1944 Do. 46 1944 Do.
11-1106B - 1 8 Feb 1944 Do. 47 1 June 1944 Do.
11-1127-1 ..... 12 May 1944 Do. 49 9 June 1944 Do.
11-1127–3 and Do. 50 12 June 1944 Do.
C1 .... .14 July 1944 51 12 June 1944 Do.
11-1127-4 Do. 13 June 1944 Do.
.12 July 1944 53
11-1127-5 .21 Aug 1944 Do. 58 .30 June 1944 Do.
11-1128-2 Feb 1945 Do. 59 .14 July 1944 Do.
11-1204-1 June 1945 Do, 62 .15 July 1944 Do.
11-1306-1 ..28 Oct 1944 Do. 64 Do.
11-1331-1 .29 July 1944
. 9 June 1945 Do. 68 3 Aug 1944 Do.
11-1339-1 .12 Nov 1944 Do. 70 Do.
8 Aug 1944
11-1339-2 .25 Jan 1945 Do. 71 9 Aug 1944 Do.
11-1406-1 Nov 1944 Do. 91 1 Sept 1944 Do ,
11-1505-1 Do. 95 and C1..10 Oct 1944 Do.
28 Sept 1944
..14 Oct 1944 . Do, 98 11 Sept 1944 Do.
11-1505-3 .31 Oct 1944 Do. 104 .17 Oct 1944 Do.
11-1505-4 .14 Nov 1944 Do. 108 9 Nov 1944 Do.
11-1505-5 Feb 1945 Do. 111 23 Oct 1944 Do.
11-1505-6 5 Apr 1945 Do. 116 4 Nov 1944 Do.
11-1505-7 6 July 1945 Do. 118 and C 1 , 2 ,
11-1505-8 ..11 Sept 1945 Do. 3 and 4 ... 11 Nov 1944 Do.
11-1506-2 Nov 1944 Do. 118-1 Dec 1944 Do.
Feb 1945 Do. 122 11 Nov 1944 Superseded by C 1 , of TB SIG
Dec 1944 Do. 169, 3 Aug 1945.
11-1527-2 ..... 20 Dec 1944 Do. 124 .11 Nov 1944 Rescinded.
11-1527–3 Feb 1945 Do. 125 .14 Nov 1944 Do.
11-1527-4 Do. 128 .17 Nov 1944 Do.
May 1945
11-1527-5 June 1945 Do. 132 and C 1 , 2,
11-1539-1 7 Dec 1944 Do. 3 , 4 and 5..13 Nov 1944 Do.
11-1540-6 ..... 30 May 1945 Do, 133 Nov 1944 Do.


TB SIG 9-774 ... 31 Jan 1944 Do.

9-791 8 Jan 1943 Do.
135 Nov 1944 Rescinded .
9-794 ..10 Dec 1942 Do.
139 Dec 1944 Do.
9-893 5 Feb 1943 Do.
140 Dec 1944 Do.
9-17050 1 Oct 1942 Do.
143 Dec 1944 Do.
9-1724A 6 Aug 1943 Do.
144 .12 Jan 1945 Do.
Do. 9-1724B 29 Jan 1944 Do.
151 Jan 1945
9-1726A .14 Oct 1942 Do.
161 Feb 1945 Do.
9-1726B .14 Nov 1942 Do.
168 .11 May 1945 Do.
9-1726F Do.
186 4 June 1945 Do. 18 Sept 1942
9-1727 8 Apr 1942 Do.
199 .30 July 1945 Do.
9-1731 ..25 Aug 1942 Do.
204 .17 Aug 1945 Do.
9-1893A 14 Sept 1943 Do ,
E1 .15 Jan 1945 Do. 9-1893B
E2 .28 Jan 1944 Do. ..25 Aug 1943 Do.
10-1114 ..26 July 1941 Information now contained i
E3 .10 Feb 1944 Do.
E4 .25 Feb 1944 Do.
G -541 .
E5 8 Mar 1944 Do.
E6 Do. 10-1140 ..20 Aug 1941 Do.
10-1154 ..15 Dec 1941 Rescinded .
E7 .17 Mar 1944 Do.
.29 Mar 1944 Do.
10-1172 and C 1
E9 Do. and 2 ....... 26 July 1941 Information now contained it
.10 Apr 1944 ASF CAT ORD 9 SNL
E10 .15 Apr 1944 Do.
E11 G-541 .
.10 May 1944 Do. 10-1289 5 June 1945 Rescinded .
E12 . 15 May 1944 Do.
E13 Do.
10-1344 ... 26 July 1941 Information now contained in
.25 May 1944 ASF CAT ORD 9 SNL
E14 5 June 1944 Do.
G-541 .
E15 ..26 June 1944 Do.
10-1478 ....... 10 Feb 1942 Information now contained i
E16 12 Aug 1944
.25 Oct 1944 • Do. ASF CAT ORD 9 SNL
E18 8 Nov 1944 Do.
E19 6 Dec 1944 Do.
10-1510 ....... 27 Apr 1942 Information now contained in
Dec 1944 Do.
E20 G-541 .
E21 Jan 1945 Do. 10-1535 .11 Apr 1942 Rescinded ,
E22 and C 1 .. 9 Jan 1945 Do,
10-1560 .10 June 1942 Information now contained in
E23 .10 Feb 1945 Do.
E24 Feb 1945 Do.
G - 541. .
E25 .24 Feb 1945 Do.
10-1684 .14 May 1943 Do.
E26 .24 Apr 1945 Do.
11-365 .24 Apr 1943 Rescinded by Cir 355 ,
E27 Mar 1945 Do.
E28 .12 May 1945 Do. Sec. X, 1945 .
11--9046 ... 8 June 1944 Superseded by TM 11-904,
E29 Apr 1945 Do. 7 Jul 1945 .
11-904H 3 Sept 1943 Do.
11-951N .10 June 1943 Superseded by TM 11–951 ,
4 Jun 1945.
TECHNICAL MANUALS 11-951Q 6 Aug 1943 Do.
TM 14-210 1 Apr 1943 Rescinded by Cir 324,
Sec. V , 1945.
1-409 .30 July 1941 Rescinded by Cir 337,
Sec. VI , 1945 .
3–375 and C 1
and 2 May 1943 Rescinded . TRAINING CIRCULARS
3-376 .10 Dec 1943 Do.
8-245 6 Nov 1942 Rescinded , information now 1941
included in FM 8-5, No. 2 , 16 Jan 1941 rescinded by TC 41 , 5 Nov 1945.
31 May 1945. No. 12, 3 Mar 1941 rescinded by TC 41 , 5 Nov 1945.
9-724 ..... 17 Nov 1943 These TM's will not be re- No. 55, 20 Sep 1941 rescinded by TC 41 , 5 Nov 1945.
printed because the mate- 1942
rial covered by the manual No. 17 , 11 Apr 42 rescinded by TC 41 , 5 Nov 1945 .
has been declared obsolete . No. 28, 12 May 1942 rescinded by TC 41 , 5 Nov 1945.
Since , however, some of the No. 43, 21 Jul 42 rescinded by TC 41 , 5 Nov. 1945.
obsolete material will be in No. 49 , 5 Aug 42 rescinded by TC 41 , 5 Nov 1945.
use for an indefinite period, No. 51, Sec. II, 10 Aug 42 rescinded by TC 41 , 5 Nov 1945.
no rescission note will be No. 61 , 8 Sep 42 rescinded by TC 41 , 5 Nov 1945.
published. This notice is for No. 81 , Sec II , 6 Nov 42 superseded by FM 30–15, 11 Juni
information only. 1945 .
9-727 4 Dec 1943 Do. No. 87 , 17 Nov 42 rescinded by TC 41 , 5 Nov 1945.
9-731G .28 July 1943 Do. No. 94, Sec. III, 26 Nov 42rescinded by TC 41,5 Now
9-750 9 May 1942 Do. 1945 .
9-751 and C 1..28 Jan 1944 Do. No. 100, Sec. III, 5 Dec 42 superseded by FM 30–15, 11
9-752 25 Nov 1943 Do. Jun 1945 .
9-753 .16 Sept 1942 Do. No. 100, Sec. IV , 5 Dec 42 rescinded by TC 41 , 5 Nov 1945.
9-754 .21 Jan 1943 Do. No. 103, 14 Dec 42 rescinded by TC 41 , 5 Nov 1945.


1943 G127-W7 .13 Aug 1943 Rescinded .
No. 26, 2 Mar 43 rescinded by TC 41, 5 Nov 1945. G127 - W8 21 Dec 1943 Do.
No. 47, Sec. IV, 13 Apr 43 rescinded by TC 41, 5 Nov 1945. G127 -W9 .14 Oct 1943 Do.
No. 59, Sec. III, 4 May 43 rescinded by TC 41 , 5 Nov 1945. G127 - W10 4 Jan 1944 Do.
No. 65, 11 May 43 rescinded by TC 41, 5 Nov 1945. G128 - W9 4 June 1943 Do.
No. 70, 21 May 43 rescinded by TC 41, 5 Nov 1945. G128 - W14 .17 July 1943 Do.
No. 76, 28 May 43 rescinded by TC 41 , 5 Nov 1945. G128 - W15 5 June 1943 Do.
No. 86, Sec. II, 19 Jun 43 rescinded . G128 - W21 6 Sept 1943 Do.
No. 95, 7 Jul 43 rescinded by TC 41 , 5 Nov 1945. G128 - W25 .16 Oct 1943 Do.
No. 124, 13 Nov 43 rescinded by TC 41 , 5 Nov 1945. G128 - W27 .16 Oct 1943 Do.
G130 - W7 1.19 Feb 1943 Do.
No. 4, 17 Jan 44 rescinded by TC 41 , 5 Nov 1945.
G130 - W9 . 15 May 1943 Do.
G130_W12 .18 May 1943 Do.
No. 26, Sec . II , 12 Apr 44 rescinded by TC 39 , 12 Oct 1945 . Do.
No. 61 , Sec. II, 26 Sep 44 superseded by FM 23-55, Jul G130 -W16 15 July 1943
1945. G147 - W5 .14 Aug 1943 Do.
G170_W8 .15 July 1943 Do.
No. 63 rescinded by TC 41 , 5 Nov 1945. G170 -W9 .22 Sept 1943 Do.
No. 70 , 6 Nov 44 rescinded by TC 41 , 5 Nov 1945. Do.
G170_W12 .12 Nov 1943
1945 Do.
G170_W13 .12 Nov 1943
No. 1 , Sec . I-IV inclusive , 12 Jan 45 rescinded by TC 43, G502 -W7 ... .16 Sept 1943 Do.
5 Dec 1945. G502 - W10 .21 Oct 1943 Do.
No. 4, 3 Feb 45 obsolete. G503 - W1 .24 Mar 1943 Do.
No. 6, 8 Feb 45 superseded by FM 23–55 , Jul 1945. G506 - W2 19 Jan 1944 Do ,
No. 10, Sec. II, 1 Mar 45 rescinded by TC 41 , 5 Nov 1945. G508_W2 8 June 1943 Do.
G508 - W6 2 Oct 1943 Do.
WD Pam . G540 - W1 ..14 Aug 1943 Do.
27-1 1 Sept 1944 Obsolete. OFSB
2-17 20 Aug 1943 Obsolete.
ORDNANCE 2-21 .19 July 1943 Do.
FSMWO 3-2 8 June 1944 Do.
A37 -W14 ...... 9 Aug 1943 Rescinded. 3-8 .26 Nov 1942 Do.
Do. 3-9 13 Apr 1939 Do.
A43 -W2 and C1 15 Nov 1941 3–16 6 Mar 1943 Do.
A44 - W4 ...... 17 Sept 1941 Do.
A44 - W5 ..16 Apr 1942 Do. 4-19 6 Mar 1943 Do.
A50_W16 ..13 Dec 1943 Do. 4-22 16 June 1943 Do.
7-2 .25 June 1943 Do.
C26 -W4, C1..
and 2 4 July 1942 Do. 7-9 . 15 Apr 1943 Do.
C39 -W7 1 Jan 1944 Do.
E16 - W17 ..26 Mar 1943 Obsolete. OFSTB
F9 -W1 and C 1.12 Aug 1940 Rescinded. 300-11 22 Sept 1943 Superseded by TB ORD 325.
F9 -W2 . 5 Dec 1941 Do. 31 Aug 1945.
F167 -W3 25 Oct 1943 Do. 350-1 ... 11 June 1943 Superseded by TM 9–350,
F237 -W1 ..20 Sept 1943 Do. 7 May 1945.
G1 -W2 . 28 July 1943 Do. 400-3 ..22 Sept 1943 Superseded by TB ORD 325,
G1 -W5 .11 Dec 1943 Do. 31 Aug 1945.
G1 -W6 .14 Aug 1943 Do. 1780C - 1 , .. 1 Oct 1942 Obsolete.
G1 - W8 . 23 Sept 1943 Do.
G1 - W9 .27 Sept 1943 Do.
G102 - W21 .24 Feb 1943 Do. 76. DISCONTINUED FORMS. The following forms
G102 - W22 .25 Feb 1943 Do. are discontinued. Existing stocks may be used until
G102 - W23 .17 Mar 1943 Do. exhausted .
G102 - W27 . 26 May 1943 Do.
G102 - W31 .10 Nov 1943 Do.
G102 - W40 Do.
..14 Aug 1943
G102 - W41 .27 Nov 1943 Do.
G102- W42 ..29 Oct 1943 Do. WD AGO 22 1 May 45. Enlistment record Army of the
G103 - W32 ..28 May 1943 Do. United States ( Orig ) . Set.
G103 - W34 .21 Dec 1943 Do. WD AGO 22 1 May 45. Enlistment record Army of the
G103 - W40 ..27 Nov 1943 Do. United States ( Copy) . Cut sheet.
G103 - W41 .14 Oct 1943 Do. WD AGO 24C 1 Jan. 45. Service record. Card .
G103 -W44 4 Jan 1944 Do. WD AGO 29 1 Feb. 45. Authorization for allotment of
G104 - W59 4 June 1943 Do. pay. Cut sheet.
G104 -W74 . 14 Aug 1943 Do. WD AGO 30 20 Sep. 44. Notification of discontinuance of
17 July 1943 Do. allotment for class D, E, and N allotment. Cut
G104 -W83 ..... 23 Aug 1943 Do. sheet.
G104 - 9 6 Sept 1943 Do. WD AGO 64-4 21 Mar. 45. Identification card. Card.
G104- W101 8 Nov 1943 Do. WD AGO 417 12 Jun. 44. Annual inspection of locomotive,
8 Dec 1943 Do. locomotive crane, stationary or portable boiler or
G104 -W104 16 Oct 1943 Do. pressure vessel. Cut sheet.
WD AGO 775 25 Mar. 43. Officer candidates-General Fit- WD AGO 55–230 21 Jun. 44. Monthly report_Locomotive
ness Rating - Women's Army Corps. Set. other than steam . Cut sheet .
WD AGO 775-1 10 May 43. Directive for using-General Fit- 55-235 21 Jun. 44. Locomotive inspection , eleaning and
ness Rating Scale-Women's Army Corps, Officer test record . Cut sheet.
Candidates. Cut sheet. 55-257 15 Aug. 44. Engineer equipment operations weekly
86. 20 May
WD AGO7specialist 43.Availability report --Prepared by report. Cut sheet.
schools. Cut sheet. WD AGO 55-259 1 Jan. 45 , Report of material changes
WD AGO 787. 20 May 43. Availability and assignment re on line. Cut sheet ,
port - Prepared by basie training center Women's WD AGO 8-10 5 Jul . 44. Public voucher for medical attend
Army Corps. Cut sheet. ance, Memorandum. Cut sheet.
WD AGO 800 1 Jan. 45. Distribution of civilian employ- | WD MD 11 26 May 23. Stock record card . Cut sheet.
ees by Civil Service series, grade, group, and sex- WD MD 28 6 Şep. 43. Public voucher for personal services
Army Service Forces. Cut sheet. -Nursing. Cut sheet.
WD AGO 836. 30 Aug. 44. Job methods program - At- WD MD 28a 6 Sep. 43. Public voucher for personal services
tendance proposal report. Cut ' sheet. -Nursing-- Memorandum . Cut sheet.
WD AGO 841. 9 Sep. 43. Shop kit of job methods training WD AGO 74 29 Jun. 16. Mess Account of the hospital.
material. Kit. Cut sheet.
WD AGO 5-48 1 May 45. Real property record - perma- WD AGO 55–0–3 31 May 39. Authorization for operation
nently installed property . May be Used Until 1 or spinal puncture. Cut sheet.
April 46. Card. WD QMC 23 Apr. 1913. Ration certificate for troops de
WD AGO 5–114 16 Jul . 44. Cost distribution voucher ( for tached . Sets.
use in making entries not involving disbursement WD QMC 351 26 Jul . 18. Index sheet. Cut sheet.
voucher payments ) . Set. WD QMC 352 26 Jul . 18. Consolidated index sheet. Cut
WD AGO 5–115 16 Jul. 44. Cost distribution voucher. (Con sheet.
tinuation sheet ) Set. WD QMC 353 26 Jul . 18. List of papers. Card.
WD AGO 8-9 1 Jan. 45. Public voucher for medical at. .WD QMC 354 (Undated ) Backing sheet. Card.
tendance. Sheet . WD QMC 424 6 Apr. 31. Stock record card ( for loose
WD AGO 8–13 7 Jun. 44. Public voucher for hospital care leaf binder ) . Cut sheet .
and treatment. Cut sheet.
WD QMC 461 23 Apr. 13. Ration certificates for troops
WD AGO 9–70 17 Jun. 44. Spot check inspection report for detached . Set .
all motor vehicles. Cut sheet. WD QMC 487 14 May 31. Memorandum receipt. Cut sheet.
WD AGO 10–154 27 Jan. 41 . Estimate and final cost of WD QMC 489 20 Jun. 38. Tally Sheet-Incoming. Cut sheet.
project. Cut sheet. WD QMC 497 6 Apr. 31 . Standard Stock ( white ) ( Retail
WD AGO 11-67 12 Jun. 44 ( old SC 167 ) . Address card stock tag ) . Tag.
penalty for mailing S. C. training films in one- reel WD QMC 501 27 Jan. 41. Estimate and final cost project.
containers. Card. Cut sheet.
WD AGO 11-89 1 Jul. 45. Equipment performance log WD SC 32 18 Feb. 29. Requisition register. Cut sheet.
for radio set SCR - 270 and SCR-271 Indicator WD SC 41 (Undated ) Trouble report ( telephone ). Cut
Console BC 1239-A . Book. sheet.
WD AGO 11-108 13 Jun. 44. Equipment performance log WD SC 51 ( Undated ) Requirements parts lists. Cut sheet. -
for radio equipment RC - 150 / 151, Book. WD SC 125D ( Undated ) [ Telegram
WD AGO 11-112 25 Aug. 44. Equpiment performance log form ( received )
for radio AN /MPN - 1. Book . ( large ) .) Cut sheet.
WD AGO 11-117 21 Jul. 44. Equipment performance log WD SC 166 Undated. Address card - Penalty - For mailing
for radio set SCR-615B , Book. S.C. training films. Card .
WD AGO 11-127 12 Jun. 44. Equipment performance log WD SC 219 Dec. 42, Blank teletype paper: Set.
WD SC 396 ( Undated ) 6 part teletype message. Continu .
for radio equipment RC-188 T1 and T2 . Book .
ous flat folded . Set .
WD AGO 11-143 1 Nov. 44. Intercept ( of message ) . Set.
WD AGO 14-2 11 Jul . 44. Cash Book . Set . WD SC 1118 ( Undated ) Stock report file card. Card.
WD AGO 14-3 5 Jul 44. Insert sheet to cash book . Cut WD SC 1137 11 Jan , 38. Commercial service authorization.
sheet. Cut sheet.
WD AGO 14-4 7 Jun. 44. Cash book ( bound ) . Book . WD SC 1145A 11 Jul . 42. Intercept ( of message ) . Set.
14-113 1 Feb. 45. Partial obligation record . Cut sheet. WD SC 1173 ( 1925 ) Monthly storage battery report. Cut
14-115 1 Feb. 45. Purchase and request commitment form.
Set. WD SC 1182 ( Undated ) Message center routing register.
WD AGO 19–1 12 Jun . 44. Prisoner of tag - cardboard tag Cut sheet.
training. Tag . WD SC M-218A ( Undated ) Voice code pad-M-218-A (2) .
WD AGO 19-66 1 Apr. 45. CI-RI (confidential). Cut Cut sheet.
sheet . WD SC M-269 Nov. 42. [ Message form .] Cut sheet.
WD AGO 19-40 17 Jun . 44. Mixed medical commission WD SC M - 269 - A Nov. 42. [Message form (tissue) .) Cut
certificate . Cut sheet. sheet .
WD AGO 55–114 13 Sep. 44. ( TC 263 ) . Cut sheet. WD TC 212 20 Mar. 43. Transit reshipping certificate. Cut
WD AGOand 8 Aug. 44. ( TC 266 ) Monthly inspection
repair report for steam locomotives. Cut sheet. TC MRS 250 (Undated ) Catechism manual of transporta
WD AGO 55–120 8 Aug. 44. ( TC 269 ) Monthly inspection tion rules. Book.
and repair report for other than steam locomotive Standard 1012E 30 Oct. 42. Statement of travel by motor
cranes. Cut sheet. vehicle. Cut sheet.
WD AGO 55–227 1 Dec. 44. Monthly inspection and re- Standard 1013b 21 Sep. 44. Payroll for personal services
pair report. Cut eet . ( Employees on annual salary basis ) - Memorandum.
WD AGO 55-228 1 Jan. 45. Annual locomotive inspection Cut sheet .
and repair reports. Cut sheet. Standard 1103 1943. United States Government bill of
WD AGO 55-229 15 Aug. 44 . ( TC MRS 505 ) Air Brake lading - Original. 9 part continuous, 4 part Multi
inspection cab card . Card. Link, 9 part Multi-Link, and 12 part Snap out. Sets.
WD AGO Forms ( Contd. ) WD AGO Forms ( Contd.)
WD AGO 175 WD AGO 450-12-A
Standard 1103a 1943. United States Government bill of lad- WD AGO 176 WD AGO 495
ing - Memorandum . 3 part continuous, 5 part con WD AGO 177 WD AGO 496
tinuous sets. WD AGO 178 WD AGO 502–11 May 1944
1943. United States Government bill of WD AGO 178-1 WD AGO 502-1
Standard 1109
lading - Original - Continuation sheet. 9 part con WD AGO 190 WD AGO 503
WD AGO 191 WD AGO 504
tinuous, 13 part continuous, 8 part snap out, 11 part WD AGO 199 1 Dec. 1944 WD AGO 508
snap out, 13 part snap out. Sets.
Standard 1109a 1943. United States Government bill of WD AGO 191-1 WD AGO 509
WD AGO 201-1 WD AGO 511
lading — Memorandum - Continuation sheet. 5 part WD AGO 202 WD AGO 514
continuous. Sets. WD AGO 203 WD AGO 515
Standard 1013 21 Sep. 44. Payroll for personal services WD AGO 205 WD AGO 530
( Employees on annual salary basis . Cut sheet. WD AGO 531
WD AGO 206
WD 42 13 Dec. 42. Allotment advice transmittal slip. Cut WD AGO 540
sheet. WD AGO 207
WD 50 1 Nov. 44. Notification of personnel action ( field ) . WD AGO 211 WD AGO 551
WD AGO 211-1 WD AGO 552
WD AGO 212 WD AGO 556
WD 384 12 Aug. 45 . Officer's Pay, allowance and mileage
WD AGO 221 WD AGO 558 1 Dec. 1944
voucher. Cut sheet.
WD AGO 222 WD AGO 560
WD 384a 12 Aug. 45. Officer's Pay, allowance and mileage WD AGO 228—1Jun . 45 WD AGO 580—20 Jun. 44
voucher. Cut sheet. WD AGO 595
WD AGO 234-1
WD 384b 12 Aug. 45. Officer's Pay, allowance and mileage WD AGO 234-2 WD AGO 624
voucher. Cut sheet.
WD AGO 384-WS 1 Apr. 45. Officer's Pay, allowance and WD AGO 234-3 WD AGO 626
WD AGO 238-1 Mar. 45 WD AGO 627
mileage voucher . Cut sheet. WD AGO 628
WD AGO 242
(Unnumbered) ( Undated ) Placard ( Compressed Gas ) Plac WD AGO 242-1 WD AGO 633
ard . Now identified as WD Poster. WD AGO 243 WD AGO 634
(Unnumbered ) ( Undated ) placard ( Corrosive liquid ) Plac WD AGO 244 WD AGO 655
ard. Now identified as WD Poster. WD AGO 245 WD AGO 655A
( Unnumbered ) (Undated ) Placard (Inflammable ) Placard . WD AGO 246 WD AGO 656
Now identified as WD Poster. WD AGO 247 WD AGO 657—15 Apr. 1944
WD AGO 248 WD AGO 657A
WD AGO 249
The following forms are obsolete. If no date is WD AGO 250 WD AGO 657C
specified all editions are obsolete. If a date is speci- WD AGO 251 WD AGO 659
WD AGO 255 WD AGO 697
fied, only that edition and previous editions are WD AGO 255-1 WD AGO 697A
obsolete. If more recent editions are current they WD AGO 256 WD AGO 698
will be listed in Section XII . WD AGO 259 WD AGO 701
WD AGO 280 Copy WD AGO 704
WD AGO Forms WD AGO Forms ( Contd. ) WD AGO 280 Original WD AGO 704-1
WD AGO 071 WD AGO 52
WD AGO 299-12 Jul . 44 WD AGO 714
WD AGO 081 WD. AGO 53
WD AGO 299-2-31 Aug. 44 WD AGO 715
WD AGO 0177–12 Sep. 44 WD AGO 53-1 WD AGO . 720
WD AGO 261- 1 Nov. 1944
WD AGO 0228— 1 Dec. 44 WD AGO 55 WD AGO 722
WD AGO 2 · WD AGO 56 WD AGO 303, Domestic
WD AGO 303, Export WD AGO 723
WD AGO 12 404
WD AGO 60—26 June 1943 WD AGO 735
WD AGO 13 WD AGO 62–1 Jun . 1945 WD AGO 404-1
WD AGO 404-2 WD AGO 736
WD AGO 14 WD AGO 63-WS- 1 Jan. 45 WD AGO 737
WD AGO 17—6 May 43 WD AGO 65-1 WD AGO 405
WD AGO 406 WD AGO 742
WD AGO 21 A Copy WD AGO 66 WD AGO 755
WD AGO 406-1
WD AGO 24-1 WD AGO 70 WD AGO 756
WD AGO 406-2
WD AGO 25—30 Aug. 1944 WD AGO 71- 5 June 1944 WD AGO 407 WD AGO 757
WD AGO 27 2 June 1943 WD AGO 71-1 WD AGO 758
WD AGO 408
WD AGO 28_Card WD AGO 72 WD AGO 761
WD AGO 408-1
WD AGO 29-1 WD AGO 73-1 WD AGO 762
WD AGO 408-2
WD AGO 29-2 WD AGO 75 WD AGO 763
WD AGO 29-3 WD AGO 77-29 June 1944 WD AGO 409
WD AGO 411a WD AGO 764
WD AGO 30-1 WD AGO 79 WD AGO 767
WD AGO 30-3 WD AGO 80 WD AGO 411-1
WD AGO 411-2 WD AGO 772
WD AGO 30-6 WD AGO 83-1 WD AGO 773
WD AGO 30-7 WD AGO 87 WD AGO 411-3
WD AGO 411-4 WD AGO 776
WD AGO 31– 2 July 1943 WD AGO 88-1 WD AGO 781
WD AGO 33 WD AGO 92-WS WD AGO 411-5
WD AGO 411-6 WD AGO 782
WD AGO 33–1 WD AGO 100 WD AGO 783
WD AGO 34 WD AGO 411-7
WD AGO 100 WS WD AGO 784
WD AGO 35 WD AGO 100-1 WD AGO 411-8-1 Jan. 44
WD AGO 411 ( 12 part ) WD AGO 801--12 Mar. 43
WD AGO 37-16 Feb. 1944 WD AGO 135
WD AGO 42 WD AGO 139 1 Nov. 43 ( Original )
WD AGO 43 WD AGO 140 WD AGO 412 WD AGO 801-12 Mar. 43
WD AGO 48 WD AGO 434 ( Copy - White )
WD AGO 170-12 June 1942
WD AGO 412-1 WD AGO 805
3Snapout WD AGO 462—13 Apr. 43 WD AGO 805-7
658749 ° -46--15
WD AGO Forms ( Contd. ) WD AGO Forms ( Contd. ) WD AGO 19-14 26 Dec. 42
WD AGO 805-8 WD AGO 902 WD AGO 19-21 1 Apr. 45
WD AGO 807 WD AGO 912 WD AGO 19-25 16 Jun . 44
WD AGO 807-1 WD AGO 920 WD AGO 19-26 26 Dec. 42
WD AGO 808A-1 Mar. 1944 WD AGO 928 WD AGO 19-27 26 Dec. 42
WD AGO 814–28 Jul . 44 WD AGO 929 WD AGO 19-28 15 Jul . 44
WD AGO 815 WD AGO 930 WD AGO 19-33 12 Sep. 44
WD AGO 816 WD AGO 931 WD AGO 19-34 1 Mar. 45
WD AGO 819–1 Mar. 45 WD AGO 932 WD AGO 19-35 26 Dec. 42
WD AGO 820-1 WD AGO 933 WD AGO 19-36 26 Dec. 42
WD AGO 821 WD AGO 934 WD AGO 19-70
WD AGO 825 WD AGO 935 WD AGO 55-32 10 Aug. 44
WD AGO 826 WD AGO 936 WD AGO 55-126 1 Jan. 45
WD AGO 832—15 Sep. 1943 WD AGO 942 55-33 27 Nov. 44 ( TC 130 )
WD AGO 834 WD AGO 943 55-207 21 Jun . 44 ( TC 202 )
WD AGO 837-1 Feb. 45 WD AGO 945
WD AGO 855-Section B WD AGO 949 WD OCE Forms 483
WD AGO 855 - Section A WD AGO 950-11 Jul . 44 413 488
WD AGO 856 WD AGO 961 440 Sec. A QMC 489
WD AGO 857 WD AGO 962 440 Sec . B 491
440 Sec . C 500
WD AGO 858— 9 Aug. 44 WD AGO 963
WD AGO 859 517
WD AGO 964 WD MD Forms 527
WD AGO 860 WD AGO 965
WD AGO 861-13 Jul. 44 24
WD AGO 879 WD AGO 966 WD SC Forms
WD AGO 967 7
WD AGO 882 52 13
WD AGO 883 WD AGO 968-22 Sep. 42 52a
WD AGO 893 WD AGO 968–1-22 Sep. 42 55a 28a
WD AGO 901 WD AGO 970—18 Sep. 42 55-E - 5
55-E-10 29
WD AGO 5-2 81
5-26 1 • Aug. 44 WD MD 86ab - 22 Aug. 40 74
8-10 5 Jul. 44 (MD 25A ) 86c
8-14 ( MD 27 ) 124-31 Dec. 42 114
8-23 7 Jun . 44 (MD 51 ) 145a
WD AGO 8-33 1 Jul . 44 145b 140
WD AGO 8-94 1450 143
8-107 18 Jul . 44 ( MD 75) 145d
WD AGO 8-115 1 Jul. 44 145e 208
8-162 (MD 175 ) 145f 212
WD AGO 8-180 145g 218
WD AGO 8-196 145h WD SC 229
WD AGO 10-11 175
WD AGO 10-15 1 Mar. 45
175A 1118
10-55 ( QMC 327 )
10-56 ( QMC 327A ) WD QMC Forms 1137
10-79 8 Aug. 44 ( QMC 373A ) 6
10-88 ( QMC 390 ) QMC 8 WD FD Forms
10--101 25 Aug. 44 ( QMC 407 ) 28 27
10-131 (QMC 465 ) 254 34
10-135 ( QMC 437 ) 327 36
WD AGO 10–182 12 Oct. 44 327a 55
WD AGO 11-94 355 1580
WD AGO 11-95 356
WD AGO 11-101 364 WD PMG Forms
WD AGO 11-102 364a 3
WD AGO 11-110 365 9
WD AGO 11-142 15 Sep. 44 365a 10
14-27 1 Sep. 44 366 · 13
WD AGO 14-31 , 29 Jul . 44 370 14
WD AGO 14-32 29 Jul . 44 373a 14a
WD AGO 14-33 29 Jul. 44 373b 14b
WD AGO 14-37 11 Sep. 44 390 14c
14-43 ( FD 37 ) 400 15
WD AGO 14-45 401 16
14-53 8 Aug. 44 ( FD 50 ) 402a 16a
14-56 ( FD 55 ) 407 16b
WD AGO 14-69 420 22a
WD AGO 14-85 1 Mar. 45
14-86 ( FD 125 ) WD TC Forms
14-87 ( FD 126 ) QMC 424 WD TC 128—25 Sep. 43
WD AGO 14-114 7 Feb. 45 435
WD AGO 14-116 1 Mar. 45 467 143
WD AGO 14-120 1 Mar. 45 473 145
WD AGO 19-12 12 Jun . 44 479 163
WD TC Forms ( Contd. ) CP Forms ( Contd. ) WD Forms ( Contd. ) Standard Forms
163a CP 56—10 Nov. 41 WD 322 -11 May 1920 STD 14A
WD TC 169-19 Jun. 42 ( Tissue ) WD 323 Std 32–10 June 1927
WD TC 219— 2 Oct. 43 WD 335 Std 52
CSC Forms WD 335a Std 1014D
CSC 2865 WD 338 -25 Nov. 39 Std 1015D
3005— 1 Nov. 42 WD 338a-25 Nov. 39 Std 1058A
3916 WD 346 Std 1059
TD Forms WD 354 Std 1060
WD 370 Std 1061
633–30 Jun. 39 WD Forms
731 WD 365 Std 1070
WD 3 WD 379 Std 1073
WD 8
CP Forms WD 383 —26 Aug. 43
50 WD 30B-15 Mar. 43 WD 383a-26 Aug. 43 MISC. Forms
CP 56–10 Nov. 41 WD 34 -25 Sep. 41 WD 383b - 26 Aug. 43 SWPA 1 1 May 44

( Bond ) WD 49 WD 383c-26 Aug. 43 SWPA lam 1 May 44

Military-FM 21-30. Property-Continued
Used on admission and disposition reports, hospitals out Termination upon shipment by accountable supply
side continental United States-Cir 14-1945. officers - Cir 75-1-1945 .
ABSENCE WITHOUT LEAVE ( AWOL) : Stamps, tickets, or tokens-Cir 467-IX-1944.
Supplies, unit price not exceed $10—Cir 116–1944.
Enlisted men disbarred for Infantry transfer - Cir 262
General Instructions—WD Pam 20-5. Bank, operations in Japan-Pam 31-4.
Individuals returned from oversea commands , disposition Coal-TB ENG 88.
--Cir 69-V-1945 . Collections pertaining to utility contracts—Cir 448 - I
Mail of military personnel,, disposition - Cir 173 -III 1944 .
1945 .
Contracts, Fixed -Price_TM 14-911 ; TM 14-1005.
Military personnel Cost, repairs and utilities—TM 5-602.
Oversea commands-Cir 43-1-1945 . Decentralized-Cir 196–1944 .
Use of Forms 385 and 46 — Cir 98-1-1945 . Field rations issued-Cir 158–1944 .
Oversea returnees, responsibilities of installations proc- Funds, Welfare, Nonappropriated -- TM 14-708.
essing—Cir 277–1–1945 . Fiscal
Personnel from embarkation ports, disposition -- Cir 248– Field Installations—TM 14-702.
1944. Operating Agencies—TM 14-701 .
Regulations - Cir 175-111–1943. Register of net expenditure of discontinued installa
Replacements for oversea duty - Cir 147–1945 . tions-Cir 231-11--1945 .
Report of military personnel dropped after 90 days, Unified system for Military Establishment-Cir
Cir 5-1-1945 . 370-V-1944 ; 406 - VI - 1944 .
Return to military control at the nearest processing Lend- Lease transactions-TM 14–705 .
center-Cir 66–1–1945 . Materiel, enemy, captured_Cir 160–11–1945.
201 files forwarded to The Adjutant General - Cir 96– Perishable subsistence stores, quartermaster market cen
1945. ters—Cir 75–1944.
ABSENTEE : Ports of embarkation and staging areas, simplified pro
cedure-Cir 332-1-1944,
Canadian , apprehension within United States—Cir 258– Procedure
1-1944 ; 456-11-1944. Hospital funds—TM 8–262.
Enlisted men, transportation charges—Cir 49 - IV - 1944 . Surplus and industrial property on display—Cir
Reports — Cir 55-11-1944. 383 -II - 1944 .
Returning to military control-Cir 66-1-1945 . Simplified procedure - Cir 170-1943.
Transferred to replacement training centers, disposition Property
-Cir 211 - VI - 1944 .
Reception centers, staging areas, etc.-- Cir 385 - II
1944 .
ABSORBERS : Shock, sealed types Monroe, reclamation
TB 9-2830-53 . Simplified procedure - Cir 39–1944 ; 101-11-1944 ;
343-IV-1944 .
ACCESSORIES , ENGINE : Receipts and payments by disbursing officers—TM 14
704 .
Carrier, Cargo, light — TM 9-1893A .
Tank , medium, M3 & M4 ( Wright R975 - EC2 )—TM 9 ACCOUNTS :
1750D .
Tractor Allotment, expenditure refund-Cir 200-11-1945.
Crane, M5 , 2-ton—TM 9-1781A . Army Transports : Stock-Cir 18–1943 ; 134–11–1943 ;
205 -III- 1943 .
Heavy, Mi , Allis-Chalmers HD- 10W-TM 9-1787B.
Medium, M1 ( AC- HD-7W ) -TM 9-1783B . Banks, protection-Cir 123-V-1943.
Truck Civilian
14 -ton , 4 x 4 , ( Willys- Overland, MB and Ford GPW ) Employees during absence from posts in missing in
TM 9-1803A . action status-Cir 52-1945.
112 -ton, 4 x 2, ( Ford ) —TM 9–1806A . Enemy aliens—Cir 274–1944 .
212- to 4 -ton , 4 x 4 HAR-1 —TM 9-1815A . Clothing and equipment, adjustment, personnel return
10-ton , 6 x 4, Mack-TM 9-1818A. ing to United States—Cir 72–1945 .
Commercial, payment - Cir 116–1944 ; 229–1–1944 ; 206–
ACCIDENT : 1-1945 .

Aircraft, public disclosure - Cir 230 - IV - 1943. Fiscal funds available for obligation-Cir 138-III–1943 ;
Methods of preventing and correcting causes--
--Cir 276 , 184-II- 1943 .
1945 . Missing persons—Bull 14-III-1942.
Small Arms - TM 9-2210. Money, disbursing officers — Cir 157-VI-1945.
Overdue, payment - Cir 116–1944 .
ACCOUNTABILITY : Payment, civilian veterinary service-Cir 68-V-1944.
Equipment, permanent party activities — Cir 24-1-1944 ; Project, explanation—TM 14–707.
392- III - 1944 . Reports of Commercial invoices—Cir 197–1–1945 ; 277–
Identification badges, cards, and building passes-Cir II - 1945 .
157-III- 1945 . Sales, procedure—TM 14-1010.
Nonexpendable items of property, quarterly dropping Settlement
allowance-Cir 239-V-1944 . Deceased military personnel - Bull 24-IX-1944 ; Cir
Property 296-1-1943 .
College training program - Cir 455 - I - 1944. Local accounts on change of station-Cir 38–1–1945.
Oversea shipment —Cir 431-V-1944 ; 431-V-1944. Troop train subsistence-Cir 400-1944 .
ability, stored in Drums at Theater of Oper- Seventy-eighth Congress-Continued
ations Depot—TB 3–270–385 . Public Law 465 - Bull 24 - IX - 1944.
Public Law 466 - Bull 24-11-1944.
Public Law 469-Bull 24 - VI - 1944.
Eastern Branch , United States Disciplinary Barracks Public Law 470_Bull 24-1-1945.
Cir 311 -VI- 1943 ; 321-11-1943 . Public Law 471— Bull 24-XI- 1944 .
Units, request for authority-Cir 317–1944. Public Law 473—Bull 24-VIII – 1944.
Public Law 476— Bull 25-11-1944 .
ACTIVATORS : M1 , Precautions against misfires — TB 9
1940-10. Public Law 482_ -Buil 25-1-1944 .
Public Law 483— Bull 25 -VI-1944.
ACTS and RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS : Public Law 486 - Bull 25-III -1944.
Public Law 488 — Bull 25 - V - 1944.
Seventy- sixth Congress : Public Law 489 -- Bull 25-IV-1944.
Public Law 198 amended - Bull 9-V- 1944 .
Public Law 531 amended-Bull 6-III –1944 . Public Law 493— Bull 1-11-1945.
Public Law 612 amended-Bull 6-1-1944. Public Law 494-Bull 1 -VIII-1945.
Public Law 501-Bull 1 -IV-1945.
Seventy - seventh Congress : Public Law 525_ - Bull 1 -VII-1945.
Public Law 11 amended - Bull 9-11-1944.
Public Law 365 amended - Bull 9 -V- 1944 . Public Law 529-Bull 1-1-1945 .
Public Law 531 -Bull 1 - IX - 1945 .
Public Law 607 amended-Bull 14-111-1944 .
Public Law 633-Cir 335–1944 . Public Law 530—Bull 1 -III-1945 .
Public Law 712 amended-Bull 5–1944. Public Law 554- Bull 1 -VI - 1945.
Seventy - eighth Congress : Public Law 566 - Bull 1-V-1945.
Public Law 13 — Bull 6–1–1943. Seventy -ninth Congress:
Public Law 16 amended - Bull 10-1944. Public Law 24-Bull 4-1945 .
Public Law 209 - Bull 2 - II - 1944. Public Law 31 -Bull 5-II- 1945 .
Public Law 216- Bull 1-1944. Public Law 40— Bull 5-1-1945.
Public Law 221- Bull 2-1-1944 . Public Law 47-Bull 7-III-1945 .
Public Law 225 — Bull 3-1-1944 . Public Law 49—Bull 7-1-1945 ; Cir 195 – V - 1945 .
Public Law 247—Bull 4-1-1944 . Public Law 51 — Bull 7-11-1945 .
Public Law 255-- Bull 4-III - 1944. Public Law 54- Bull 8- IV- 1945 .
Public Law 261—Bull 6-11-1944 . Public Law 57—Bull 8 - III - 1945 .
Public Law 268—Bull 6-1-1944. Public Law 58 - Bull 8-II- 1945 .
Public Law 270 — Bull 6-111-1944. Public Law 59-Bull 8-1-1945 .
Public Law 277—Bull 5–1944 . Public Law 67—Bull 9 - III - 1945 .
Public Law 279- Bull 7-1944 . Public Law 72- Bull 10-11-1945.
Public Law 286- Bull 6 -IV-1944 . Public Law 73— Bull 10-1-1945.
Public Law 300—Bull 9-III -1944. Public Law 77-Bully 10 -III-1945.
Public Law 303— Bull 9- IV- 1944 . Public Law 81 -Bull 10- IV- 1945 .
Public Law 304 — Bull 9-II- 1944 . Public Law 87-Bull 12-XIII - 1945.
Public Law 308_ - Bull 9 -- V - 1944. Public Law 92—Bull 12-VIII-1945 .
Public Law 309 - Bull 9-1-1944 . Public Law 94 —Bull 12 - X - 1945 .
Public Law 312_Bull 9 - VII - 1944 . Public Law 98—Bull 12 - XII - 1945 .
Public Law 314 - Bull 9-VI - 1944. Public Law 102 - Bull 11-III- 1945.
Public Law 399_Bull 11 --VI - 1944. Public Law 114 --Bull 12-VII -- 1945.
Public Law 346_Bull 10–1944. Public Law 118 - Bull 12-IX -1945 .
Public Law 350 — Bull 16-11-1944. Public Law 120— Bull 12-1V -- 1945 .
Public Law 351 - Bull 13-IV- 1944 . Public Law 126-Bull 13–1945 .
Public Law 352 —-Bull 11-1-1944. Public Law 132- Bull 12-1-1945 .
Public Law 353- Bull 13-III-1944. Public Law 133- Bull 12-XI- 1945 .
Public Law 356 — Bull 13-V-1944 . Public Law 135_Bull 12-V-1945 .
Public Law 360 - Bull 11 -V-1944 . Public Law 137 -- Bull 12 - VI- 1945 .
Public Law 362- Bull 13-1-1944. Public Law 161-Bull 15-1945 .
Public Law 364-Bull 15-1944 . Public Law 170_Bull 16- III-1945.
Public Law 366 - Bull 13-11-1944. Public Law 182_Bull 17-11-1945 .
Public Law 374- Bull 12–1944 . Public Law 190_Bull 19–1945.
Public Law 375 — Bull 16-1-1944 . Public Law 214-Bull 22-11-1945 .
Public Law 384_Bull 14-V-1944 . Public Law 216-Bull 22-1-1945 .
Public Law 393 — Bull 14-11-1944. Public Law 226- Bull 23-1-1945.
Public Law 408-Bull 14-1-1944 . Public Law 227_Bull 23-IV-1945.
Public Law 409-Bull 14 - III - 1944 . Public Law 228—Bull 23-11-1945 .
Public Law 413 -- Bull 14 - IV - 1944 . Public Law 229—Bull 23-III-1945.
Public Law 415 -- Bull 14-VI -1944. Public Law 230_Bull 23-V-1945.
Public Law 418-- Bull 18-1944 .
Public Law 419- Bull 20-11-1944 , 20 Dec 1943 — Extension , time limit for immunity-Bull
2 - II - 1944 .
Public Law 421 -Bull 20-1-1944 .
Public Law 434- Bull 22-11-1944 . 23 Dec 1943 — First Supplemental National Defense Ap
Public Law 436 - Bull 22 - V - 1944. propriation Act, 1944 -- Bull 1-1944.
Public Law 439-Bull 22-1-1944 . 20 Jan 1944 - Nationality Act of 1940 amended - Bull
Public Law 448 -- Bull 22-VI -1944 . 2-1-1944 .
Public Law 452 -- Bull 22-III- 1944. 3 Feb 1944-Mustering-out pay-Bull 3-1-1944.
Public Law 453_Bull 22 - IV - 1944 . 4 Mar 1944–Stowaways on aircraft - Bull 4-1-1944.
Public Law 460 — Bull 24 -V- 1944 . 14 Mar 1944 – Golden Gate Bridge - Bull 4-111-1944 .
Public Law 462-Bull 62-X - 1944 . 22 Mar 1944 - Offenses committed prior to lapse, tempo
Public Law 464-Bull 24 - IV - 1944 . rary status-Bull 6-11-1944.
29 Mar 1944–Brigadier generals of the line, appoint- 7 Dec 1944—Chattanooga National Cemetery - Bull 24
29 Mar 1944–Music
ment - Bull teacher
6–1–1944, . United States Military 7 Dec 1944 - Civilian employees and certain overtime
compensation -Bull 24-11-1944 .
1 Apr 1944 Bulliency
– First -Defic
Academy Appropriation Act — Bull
6-III–1944. 7 Dec 1944 – Pensions, disability rates — Bull : 24 - VI
7-1944. 7 Dec 1944_Settlement of Accounts , deceased military,
4 Apr 1944 — Vessel stowaways - Bull 6 - IV - 1944 . personnel - Bull 24 - IX - 1944 .
11 May 1944 – Disability - Bull 9-III–1944. 8 Dec 1944–Selective Training and Service Act of
12 May 1944 – Grants, maternity and infant care, wives 1940 amended - Bull 24 - VIII – 1944 .

of enlisted men—Bull 9-IV-1944. 8 Dec 1944— Widows, Civil War Veterans-Bull 24

17 May 1944 – Defense of United States — Bull 9 - II XI-1944.
13 Dec 1944—Disbursing Officer - Bull 25-11-1944 .
23 May 1944 – .Retired
officers and enlisted men--Bull 14 Dec 1944–General of the Army - Bull 25–1–1944 .
9 - V - 1944. 14 Dec 1944–Veterans , World War I-Bull 25 - VI - 1944.
24 May 1944 – Blind veterans-Bull 9-1-1944 . 15 Dec 1944 – Motor vehicle traffic - Bull 25 - III – 1944.
27 May 1944 – Retired pay - Bull 9-VI-1944. 15 Dec 1944_Pearl Harbor - Bull 25-IV-1944 .
27 May 1944 – Veterans World War I and II—Bull 9 15 Dec 1944–Under Secretary of War-Bull 25 - V
VII-1944. 1944 .
13 Jun 1944–Pearl Harbor-Bull 11-VI-1944. 16 Dec 1944–Appropriation for aid, education of cer
22 Jun 1944-Army Nurse Corps - Bull 16 – II – 1944. tain children -Bull 1-11-1945 .
22 Jun 1944–Servicemen's Readjustment Act - Cir 10 16 Dec 1944-Mustering-out payments on behalf of
1944 .
mentally disabled veterans-Bull 1 - VIII
26 Jun 1944 – Appropriations for civil functions—Bull 1945 .
11-1-1944 , 19 Dec 1944-Civil Service Retirement Act, 1930,
26 Jun 1944–Civil Service Retirement - Bull 13-III, amended - Bull 1-IV-1945 .
IV- 1944 . 21 Dec 1944-Compensation for accumulated or accrued
26 Jun 1944–National Defense - Bull 13-V-1944. annual leave upon separation from service
27 Jun 1944–Independent Offices Appropriation Act, Bull 1 -- VII - 1945.
22 Dec 1944-Civilian personnel , use of privately owned
1945—Bull 11-11-1944 . vehicles for official travel-Bull 1 - III - 1945 .
27 Jun 1944–Mileage allowance - Bull 11 - V - 1944 .
28 Jun 1944 - Appropriation for Military Establishment 22 Dec 1944–First Supplemental Appropriation Act,
1945-Bull 1-1-1945.
-Bull 12–1944.
22 Dec 1944–Nationality Act of 1940, amended-Bull
28 Jun 1944 - Chief of Chaplains-Bull 13–1–1944.
28 Jun 1944-Civil Service Retirement -Bull 13-11-1944 . 1-IX- 1945.
23 Dec 1944-Civil Service Retirement Act, 1930,
28 Jun 1944 – Second Deficiency Appropriation Act, amendedBull 1-V-1945 .
Bull 16-1-1944.
23 Dec 1944 – Disbursing Officer, United States, Act of
30 Jun 1944–Infantryman pay - Bull 14-11-1944 . Congress authorizing certain transactions
30 Jun 1944 - Service courts-Bull 14-V-1944 . Bull 1-VI-1945 .
1 Jul 1944-Missing Persons Act - Bull 14-1-1944 . 31 Mar 1945 — War Department Civil Appropriation
1 Jul 1944–Pay, glider flights - Bull 14-III–1944. Act , 1946 — Bull 4-1945.
7 Dec 1944 – Chattanooga National Cemetery - Bull 24
1 Jul 1944–Penalty mail privilege - Bull 15–1944 . 1--1944 .
1 Jul 1944 – Selective Training and Service Act
16 Apr 1945 - Act to promote the defense of the United
amended - Bull 14-IV-1944. States, amendment -Bull 5-11-1945 ,
3 Jul 1944-Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act 25 Apr 1945—First Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1945
amended -Bull 14-VI-1944. -Bull 5-1-1945 .
21 Aug 1944_Dissemination of political propaganda 30 Apr 1945—Escapes of. Prisoner War and Interned
Bull 18-1944 . Enemy Eliens-Bull 7-111-1945.
7 Sep 1944–Pay Readjustment Act of 1942 amended 3 May 1945 — Independent Offices Appropriation Act,
-Bull 20-1-1944 . 1946 - Bull 7-1-1945.
7 Sep 1944—Person Missing or Missing in Action 4 May 1945 — Retirement pay for enlisted men, regular
Bull 20-II-1944 . Army , and Philippine Scouts - Bull 7-11-1945.
27 Sep 1944–Claims, Disability - Bull 22-1-1944 . 9 May 1945 – Selective Training and Service Act of
27 Sep 1944 -Credit , Homestead Entries—Bull 22 - II 1940 , amended Bull 8-IV-1945.
1944 . 15 May 1945—Promotion in the Regular Army of offi
27 Sep 1944 - Personnel, Armed Services , common car cers of the Medical Dental , and Veterinary
riers to grant reduced fares - Bull 22-V-1944 . Corps-Bull 8-1-1945 .
30 Sep 1944-Insurance Benefits-Bull 22-III , IV - 1944.
15 May 1945 - Prostitution , limitation near Army estab
30 Sep 1944 – War Overtime Pay Act 1943—Bull 22 lishment, amended -Bull 8-11-1945 .
15 May 1945 — Temporary grades, general officers, AUS,
VI-1944 . method for wartime reduction -Bull 8 - III
2 Dec 1944 – Officers, active list Regular Army - Bull
1945 .
6 Dec 194424- - Mayag uez Barracks Military Reservation
V - 1944. 29 May 1945 – Military Personnel Claims Act of 1945–
Bull 9 - III - 1945 .
6 Dec 1944 - Vete24rans Regulati
-IV-1944 . ons , increased pension 1 Jun 1945 — Enlistments in the Regular Army — Bull
10-11-1945 .
Buil 24-X-1944 .
2 Jun 1945-Chaplain, United States Military Acad- Appointment of cadets and midshipmen to U. S. Military
emy, increase in .pay - Bull 10-1--1945. and Naval Academy, sons of persons who
received the Medal of Honor, approved 24
7 Jun 1945 — Pearl Harbor catastrophe, prosecution of Nov 1945 — Bull 23-11-1945.
persons - Bull 10 - III - 1945 .
Appropriation for Military Establishment, approved 28
9 Jun 1945— Reserve Officers' Training Corps, author Jun 1944—Bull 12–1944 .
izing credit to students in senior division
Bull 10-IV-1945. Armed Forces Voluntary Recruitment Act of 1945, ap
proved 6 Oct 1945—Bull 19–1945.
23 Jun 1945 — Housing for distressed families of ser
vicemen and veterans with families-Bull Army Nurse Corps, approved 22 Jun 1944 — Bull 16 - II
12-XIII-1945 . 1944.
29 Jun 1945 — Dental Corps officers' right to command, Blind veterans furnished seeing -eye dogs, approved 24
removal of limitations - Bull 12-X-1945. May 1944-Bull 9-1-1944 .
29 Jun 1945—Retirement of wing commanders, officers Brigadier generals of the line, approved 29 Mar 1944–
of the Air Corps — Bull 12 - VIII – 1945 . Bull 6-1--1944.
30 Jun 1945 — Federal • Employers Pay Act of 1945- Chaplain, United States Military Academy, increase in
Bull 11-111-1945. pay, 2 Jun 1945-Bull 10–1-1945 .
1 Jul 1945 - Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944, Chief of Chaplains, approved 28 Jun 1944 — Bull 13-1
amendment-Bull 12-XII- 1945. 1944.
2 Jul 1945 - Extension , five-year -level-premium - term Civil Service Retirement Act of 1930
policy for an additional three-years-Bull 12– Amendment
IX-1945. Approved 19 Dec 1944 – Bull 1 - IV - 1945 .
2 Jul 1945 — Mexican Border Service Medal, issuance Approved 23 Dec 1944-Bull 1-IV-1945.
-Bull 12-VII-1945. Approved 26 Jun 1944-Bull 13 - III, IV-1944 .
2 Jul 1945 — Personnel of armed forces occupying Gov Approved 28 Jun 1944-Bull 13-11-1944 .
ernment ho ing facilities without loss of Approved 9 Nov 1945 — Bull 22-1-1945.
rental allowances-Bull 12-IV-1945 .
Civilian employees and certain overtime compensation,
3 Jul 1945 — Appropriation for military establishment approved 7 Dec 1944-Bull 24-II-1944.
-Bull 13–1945.
Civilian officers or employees, use of privately owned
5 Jul 1945 — Second Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1945 airplanes, approved 22 Dec 1944 – Bull 1- III
Bull 12–1-1945 . 1945.
6 Jul 1945 — Additional pay to Medical Corps personnel Claims, disability, approved 27 Sep 1944-Bull 22 - I
wearing the Medical Badge - Bull 12-VI-1945. 1944 .
6 Jul 1945—Disposal of certain records of the United Compensation for accumulated or accrued annual leave
States Government - Bull 12-XI-1945 . upon separation from service, approved 21
6 Jul 1945 — Medal for Service, provided for members Dec 1944-Bull 1-VII-1945.
of armed forces during present war - Bull 12– Compensation for employees suffering injuries, approved
V-1945. 28 Jul 1945-Bull 15-1945.
6 Jul 1945 - Additional pay to Medical Corps personnel Credit, Homestead Entries, approved 27 Sep 1944-Bull
wearing the Medical Badge_Bull 12 - VI 22-11-1944 .
1945. Defense of United States, approved 17 May 1944 – Bull
3 Jul 1945 - Appropriation for military establishment 9-II-1944.
1946 - Bull 13–1945 .
28 Jul 1945 — Compensation for employees suffering in Dental Corps officers' right to command, removal of
limitations, approved 29 Jun 1945 - Bull 12–
juries — Bull 15–1945 . X-1945.
31 Jul 1945 - Settlement of claims-Bull 16-III–1945. Disability, approved 11 May 1944-Bull 9-III-1944.
20 Sep 1945 — Pension rates as to specific service- in
curred disabilities - Bull 17-11-1945. Disbursing officer
6 Oct 1945 - Armed Forces Volunteer Recruitment Act Approved 13 Dec 1944 – Bull 25-11-1944.
of 1945 - Bull 19–1945. United States, Act of Congress authorizing certain
8 Nov 1945 Revenue Act of 1945-Bull 22-11-1945 . transactions, approved 23 Dec 1944–Bull 1
9 Nov 1945 - Civil Service Retirement Act 1930, VI-1945.
amended - Bull 22-1-1945 . Disposal of certain records of the United States Gov
21 Nov 1945 - Nationality Act of 1940, amendments ernment, approved 6 Jul 1945 — Bull 12 -XI
Bull 23-IV-1945. 1945 .
21 Nov 1945 – Officers on terminal leave, employment Dissemination of political propaganda, approved 21 Aug
in the U. S. Government, compensation-Bull 1944-Bull 18–1944.
23-1-1945 .
24 Nov 1945 — Appointment of cadets and midshipmen Educational opportunities , children of deceased World
to U. S. Military and Naval Academy, sons War veteran , approved 16 Dec 1944—Bull 1
of persons who received the Medal of Honor II–1945.
-Bull 23-11-1945. Enlistments in the Regular Army, 1 Jun 1945—Bull 10–
24 Nov 1945 - Appointments to U. S. Military and II-1945 .
Naval Academy sons of persons killed during Escapes of Prisoners of War and Interned Enemy
World War II-Bull 23 - III -- 1945 . Aliens, approved 30 Apr 1945–Bull 7 -III
24 Nov 1945 — Pay Readjustment Act of 1942, amend 1945.
ments - Bull 23-V-1945 .
Aircraft stowaway, approved 4 Mar 1944 — Bull 4-1- Extension , five -year -level-premium -term policy for an
1944 . additional three years , approved 2 Jul 1945
Bull 12 - IX - 1945 .
Appointments to U. S. Military and Naval Academy
sons of persons killed during World War II, Federal Employers Pay Act of 1945 , approved 30 Jun
approved 24 Nov 1945-Bull 23-III-1945. 1945-Bull 11-III-1945 .
First Deficiency Appropriation Act, Penalty mail privilege, approved 1 Jul 1944—Bull 15–
Approved 1 Apr 1944-Bull 7–1944 . 1944 .
1945, approved 25 Apr 1945—Bull 5-1-1945 . Pensions
First Supplemental National Defense Appropriation Act Disability rates, approved 7 Dec 1944-Bull 24- VI
1944, approved 23 Dec 1943—Bull 1–1944 . Rates as to specific service-incurred disabilities,
First Supplemental Appropriation Act, approved 22 Dec approved 20 Sep 1945 - Bull 17-11--1945.
1944 -- Bull 1-1-1945 .
General of the Army, approved 14 Dec 1944 - Bull 25– Armed Services, common carriers to grant reduced
fares , approved 27 Sep 1944 - Bull 22--V- 1944 .
Golden Gate Bridge, approved 14 Mar 1941 - Bull 4 -III Of armed forces occupying Government housing fa
1944 . cilities without loss of rental allowances, ap
Housing for distressed families of servicemen and vet proved 2 Jul 1945-Bull 12- IV- 1945 .
erans with families, approved 23 Jun 1945– Persons missing or missing in action , approved 7 Sep
Bull 12-XIII–1945 . 1944 -- Bull 20-11-1944 .
Independent Offices Appropriation Act, Promotion in the Regalar Army of officers of the Niedi
Approved 27 Jun 1944-Bull 11 - II - 1944 . cal, Dental, and Veterinary Corps, approved
1946, approved 3 May 1945 - Bull 7-1-1945 . 15 May 1945- Bull 8–1–1945 .
Infantryman pay, approved 30 Jun 1941—Bull 11-II- Prostitution , limitation near Army establishments, ap
1944 . proved 15 May 1945 amended -- Bull 8-11-1945.
Insurance benefits, approved 30 Sep 1944-Bull 22-III, Reserve Officers' Training Corps, authorizing credit to
IV -1944 . students in senior division, 9 Jun 1945 — Bull
10-IV- 1945 .
Maternity and infant care , wives of enlisted men , addi
tional appropriation , approved 12 May 1944 Retired
-Bull 9-IV-1944 . Officers and enlisted men , approved 23 May 1944
Bull 9-V-1944 .
Mayaguez Barracks Military Reservation , approved 6
Dec 1944 - Bull 24-IV-1944 . Pay, approved 27 May 1944-Bull 9-VI-1944.
Medal for Service, provided for members of armed forces
during present war, approved 6 Jul 1945 Wing commanders officer of the Air Corps, approved
Bull 12 - V - 1945. 29 Jun 1945-Bull 12 - VIII - 1945 .
Mexican Border Service Medal, approved 2 Jul 1945 Pay for enlisted men , Regular Army, and Philippine
Bull 12-VII- 1945 . Scouts , approved 4 May 1945-Bull 7-11-1945.
Mileage allowance, approved 27 Jun 1944 - Bull 11- V- Revenue Act of 1945, approved 8 Nov 1945-Bull 22
1944 . II- 1945 .
Military Personnel Claims Act of 1945 , 29 May 1945 Second Deficiency Appropriation Act
Bull 9-III-1945 .
Approved 28 Jun 1944 - Bull 16-1-1944 .
Missing Persons Act, approved 1 Jul 1944-Bull 14 - I 1945, approved 5 Jul 1945--Bull 12-1-1945.
1944 .
Selective Training and Service Act, amended , approved
Motor vehicle traffic, approved 15 Dec 1944 - Bull 25 1 Jul 1944 -- Bull 14-IV-1944 .
III - 1944 .
Music teacher, United States Military Academy, ap Selective Training and Service Act of 1940–
proved 29 Mar 1944-Bull 6 - III - 1944 . Amended , approved 8 Dec 1944-Bull 24 - VIII- 1944.
Mustering-out pay, approved 10 Feb 1944 — Bull 3 -I Amended , approved 9 May 1945—Bull 8 -IV -1945.
1944 . Service courts, approved 30 Jun 1944 - Bull 14 - V - 1944.
Mustering-out payments on behalf of mentally disabled Servicemen's Readjustment Act
veterans, approved 16 Dec 1944 - Bull 1 - VIII Approved 22 Jun 1944-Bull 10-1944 .
1945 . Of 1944, amended , approved 1 Jul 1945 — Bull 12
National Defense, approved 26 Jun 1941 -- Bull 13 - V XII-1945 .
1914 . Settlement of Accounts, deceased military personnel, ap
Nationality Act of 1940 proved 7 Dec 1944 - Bull 24 - IX - 1944.
Amended, approved 20 Jan 1944 - Bull 2-1-1944 .
Amended, approved 22 Dec 1944-Bull 1-IX-1945. Settlement of Claims approved 31 Jul 1945-Bull 16
III– 1945 .
Amended, approved 21 Nov 1945—Bull 23 - IV - 1945 .
Offenses committed prior to expiration of temporary Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act amended , approved
3 Jul 1944 - Bull 14 - VI - 1944 .
statute, approved 22 Mar 1944 - Bull 6-11
1944 . Temporary. grades, general officers, AUS , method for
Officers, active list Regular Army, approved 2 Dec 1944 wartime reduction approved 15 May 1945–
-Bull 24-V- 1944 . Bull 8-III- 1945 .
Officers on terminal leave, employment in the U. S. Under Secretary of War, approved 15 Dec 1944–Bull
25-V-1944 .
Government, compensation, approved 21 Nov
1945-Bull 23-1-1945 . Vessel stowaway, approved 4 Apr 1944–Bull 6-IV-1944.
Pay Readjustment Act of 1942--- Veterans
Amerded, approved 1 Jul 1944-Bull 14 - III -1944. Regulations, increased pension, approved 6 Dec 1944
Amended, approved 7 Sep 1944-Bull 20-1-1944 . -Bull 24-X-1944 .
Amended , approved 24 Nov 1945 - Bull 23 - V --1945. World War I , approved 14 Dec 1944 - Bull 25 - VI
1944 .
Pearl Harbor
Approved 20 Dec 1943-Bull 2-11-1944 . World War I and II, approved 27 May 1941—Bull
9 -VII- 1944 .
Approved 15 Dec 1941 - Bull 25 - IV - 1944.
Approved 13 Jun 1944 - Bull 11 - VI - 1944. Voting, personnel of armed forces -- Bull 5-1944.
Catastrophe, prosecution of persons, 7 Jun 1945- War Department Civil Appropriation Act, approved 26
Buli 10-119-194ū . Jun 1944- Bull 11-1-1944.
War Department Civil Appropriation Act, approved 31 Veterans Administration Facilities Cir 354–1945 ; 359–
Mar 1945 - Bull 4–1945. VII - 1945 .
War Overtime Pay Act 1943, approved 30 Sep 1944– Veterans Employment Service - Cir 362–1945 .
Bull 22 - VI - 1944 . ADJUSTED SERVICE RATING : Recording of Scores
Cir 318-1-1945.
Widows, Civil War Veterans, approved 8 Dec 1944 — Bull
24 - XI - 1944. ADJUSTMENT :
Personal, enlisted men--TB MED 21 .
Personnel, Lectures — TB MED 12.
C130827 - MWO ORD F261-W2. ADJUTANT GENERAL : States, addressing official mail
C811797-MWO ORD F261-W2. Cir 117-VII-1945 ; 134 - XII - 1945 .
Battery Ft - 501 - SB 11-66 . ADJUTANT GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT :
Blackout Depot Missions-SB 38-3-AGD .
M - 374 - TB SIG 120. Designation , certain enlisted personnel-Cir 97-VI-1945 ;
M - 374 - SB 11–75. 143-VI-1945.
Clusters ADJUTANT GENERAL'S SCHOOL : Censorship course
E23_TB CW 19. Cir 104-1-1943.
M22-TB 9-1980–46 .
Expedient, Steel Treadways - TB 5-272-4. Assignment, WAC officer candidate school graduates
E6R2 Bomb Clusters, using — TB CW 16. Cir 462–1944.
Line Filling, 1-Ton Contained , M1 , CWS No. 641125, Distribution, publications and blank forms — Cir 264
Serviceability Standard - SB 3–25–1. 1944.
Manufacture, Local — TB ORD FE 38. Printing and binding responsibility - Cir 316 - V - 1944 .
Panoramie Responsibility for storage and distribution of Special
BC- 1031-A-TM 11-446 . Services Division publications - Cir 103 - II
BC - 1032 - A - TM 11-446 . 1945.
Permanent Wiring Supply and presentation of awards - Cir 337-11-1944 ;
M - 394 - MWO SIG 11-609-9. 46-111-1945 .
M - 399_MWO SIG 11-615-11.
Plug, U - 4 /GT - TB SIG 147.
Ponton Bow - TB 5-273-3. Adjutant General, Division-TM 12–220.
Priming M1 , M1A1-TB 5-25-3. Company - TM 12–250.
Food and Drug Samples-- SB 10–147.
Suspension, M2 CWS No. 644510, Serviceability Stand
ard-SB 3-25-2. Military - FM 100-10 .
Telegraph, TH-/40—TB SIG 171 . Procedures — TM 12-235 .
Telescope, M9—MWO ORD F262-W1. Records, filing procedures — TM 12–258.
ADAPTER-BOOSTER : M117—TB 3–1980–33. Veterinary — TM 8–450 .
Zone of the interior, Construction, real estate, etc.-Cir
58–1943 ; 62-IX-1943 ; 159-VI-1943 ; 182-1
ADDITIVES : Use in Motor Fuels, Engine Oils, and Gear 1943 .
Lubricants — TB 9-850–16. ADMINISTRATIVE BRANCH : Office of the Under Secre
tary of War, responsibility - Cir 279–1945.
AAF Personnel Distribution Command, changed-Cir
ADMINISTRATIVE VEHICLE : Responsibility-Cir 139
1945 ; 361-IX-1945.
Cable, Alphabetical List - Pam 12-40. ADMISSION AND DISPOSITION REPORT : Hospitals out
Accounting and auditing offices - Cir 389-II-1945. side continental United States - Cir 14–1945 .
Change in mail and cable, military personnel outside
United States-Cir 195–11–1944. ADVERTISING :
Decentralized accounting and auditing offices - Cir 441– Authorization, Commanding Generals, Army Air Forces
III-1944 . and Services of Supply -- Cir 181-V-1942 .
Deliveree, baggage - CT Bull 34, 1945. Posts, camp, and station newspapers - Cir 466-I–1944.
Emergency, notification of casualty - Cir 2-1-1945. ADVISORY BOARD ON FIRE AND ACCCIDENT PRE
Finance Office, United States Army — 314 - IV - 1945; VENTION : Abolished - Cir 305 - VIII – 1945.
333-1-1945 . AERIAL EMBARKATION. See Ports of aerial embarkation.
Government Insurance Allotment Branch-Cir 1–1944. AERIAL FLIGHT : Personnel of Army, Navy, Marine Corps ,
Madigan General Hospital-Cir 454-IV-1944. Coast Guard , National Guard, and officer of
Mail the Public Health Service, increased pay
Instructions, oversea replacements-Cir 109- III Bull 3–1945 .
1944 ; 332 - V - 1944 ; 379-111-1944. AERIAL GUNNERY. See Gunnery.
Mail units returning to the United States—Cir 228– AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY. See Photography, Aerial.
Office of the Recorder and Custodian , Army Central AERODYNAMICS-TM 1-320 .
Welfare Fund, changec - Cir 138-VII-1945. AEROGRAPH :
Office of Special Settlement Accounts—Cir 270 -VII Calibration Set TS-407 /AMQ -2–TM 11-2428.
1944 .
Official and personal mail --Cir 299-III–1945. AN /AMQ-2-TM 11-2408.
Public, Set, PA-2-B-TM 11-449. AN /AMQ - 3 - TM 11-2407.
Membership - G.O . 17 - IV - 1942. Army Emergency Relief and American National Red
Reorganization-G.O. 101–1–1945. Cross — Cir 54-1944 ; 61-1-1944 ; 377-1-1944.
AEROSOL : Allowances for oversea hospitals—Cir 151-1944. Freight land -grant - Bull 3-11-1944.
Joint Army-Navy Disciplinary Control Board - Cir 367
AEROSTATICS-TM 1-325 . VI-1944.
AFRICA : Central , South and West Coast, Health Precau Entrance into armed forces-Cir 101-1-1944 .
tions—Pam 8-1 . Passenger covering military and Nonmilitary Traffic
FY 1946 - Bull CT Bull 6–1945.
AGE : Passenger, Joint Military, No. 22–CT Bull 6, 1945,
Civilian employee for oversea service - Cir 444-11- Personal affairs officer, Army Emergency and American
1944 . Red Cross - Cir 406–1–1944.
18 and 19 year old enlisted men , classification - Cir 352- Purchase, damaged supplies while under shipment hy
1-1944. carriers, payment-Cir 53-V-1945 .
18 to 38 years of age prohibited, enlistment in the Army War Department and War Shipping Administration
Cir 332-1943 .
-Cir 380-II-1944 .
19 years of age, 6 months training prior to combat duty AGRICULTURE :
Bull 3-IV- 1945 ; Cir 215–VII–1945. Employment while on pass or furlough-Cir 105–1–1945.
Enlisted In Japan , Civil Affairs Guide — Pam 31-10 .
Men over 38 , transfer to Enlisted Reserve Corps Personnel transferred to ERC for employment-Cir 117
Cir 117-1944 . 1944 .
Volunteers transferred to Infantry — Cir 262–1944 ; Release of land, posts, camp, and stations-Cir 244-1
278-IV-1944 . 1944.
Reserve Corps, unassigned - Cir 117–1944 . AIDE TO GENERAL OFFICER :
General prisoners over 38, policy regarding restoration Allotment -Cir 68-1-1945 .
-Cir 237-IV- 1945 .
Allotment, enlisted men-Cir 208-VI-1945.
Induction prohibited, 38 years—Cir 380-11-1944. AIDS :
Male and female officers, release because of certain
ages-Cir 290–1945 . Blackout Driving — TB Eng 51.
Military personnel being examined for electrocardiogram Instructional text for TM 11-466 ; TB 11-466–1.
*Cir 59-1-1945 . Instructional text for TM 11-467 ; TB 11-467-1 .
35 years of age or over enlisted personnel, discharge Training
Cir 369-V-1945 ; 320-1-1945 . FM 21-8 ; TC 36, 1944.
TC 36 , 1944 .
38 years of age or over enlisted personnel, discharge
Cir 269-V-1945 . Target Material—TM 9-855.
Officer Visual
FM 21-8 .
Over 38, relief from active duty - Cir 341–1944 . FM 21-80, TC 36, 1944.
Warrant officers under 38 , voluntary enlistment
after discharge - Cir 197-1-1944 . AIMING CIRCLES : See Circles.
Prisoners at Federal correctional institutions -- Cir 229– AIR :
II- 1944 .
Attack - FM 1-10 .
Statutory, officers , relief from active duty-Cir 181-1 Bombardment-TC 81 , 1942 .
1945 .
38 years, enlisted men , reassignment to oversea com Brake Systems, FA Materiel-TB ORD 113.
mands - Cir 10-IV - 1944 . Communication
Signal-FM 1-45 .
Women's Army Corps, limits for enlistment -- Cir 156 Signal, Combined Operating-FM 24-13,
IV- 1945 ,
Operating , Fiscal Accounting -- TM 14-701. MX - 31B /MP - TB SIG 60.
Defense - FM 1-25 ,
Port, inactivagtion - CT Bull 44-IV-1945.
Establishments, Defense, chemical-TC_31 ; 69, 1942.
Fighting - FM 1-15 .
Anesthetic-TB MED 43 . Forces
Decontaminating , M4-TB 3-220-6$ 16. Orders, combat - FM 1–75.
Reference Data - FM 1-55 .
AGENT ( AGENCY ) : Reviews and Inspection-FM 1-60.
Chemical warfare, symbols prescribed - Cir 483-11--1944. Service Center - FM 1–195 .
Continental, requests for return of personnel from over Squadrons, Liaison-TC 45 , 1944.
seas -- Cir 8 - IV - 1945 . Standard, Operating Procedure for cooperating with
Finance officer, traveling to or from points beyond con Antiaircraft Artillery-Pam 1-1 .
tinental U. S. - Cir 269-1-1945 . Intelligence - FM 1-40.
Temporary loans of materials handling equipment - Cir Observation , FA-TC 131 , 1943 .
33-IV-1945 . Power Command and Employment - FM 100-20.
Reconnaissance and Observation - FM 1-20.
AGENT FINANCE OFFICER : Traveling to and from out
side continental U. S. , appointment - Cir 99– Support Ground Forces - FM 31-35.
1945 . AIR CONDITIONING : Installing in Army installations
AGITATORS : TB 5-283-4 .

All Types, Technical Data - TB 5-9720-7. AIRBORNE : Troops --FM 31-30 ; TC 113–1943 .
Paint AIR CORPS : Equipment and Supplies, Application of Co
Air, Motor Driven , 939A , Binks ( SPM-2064 ) -TM solidated Freight Classifications-SB 55-11 .
5.-9326 . AIR CORPS RESERVE : Aviation cadet graduates ap
Pneumatic, for Attachment to 55 Gal . Drum , Binks, pointed second lieutenants in the Air Corps
Model 939 - A - TM 5-9326. Reserve-Cir 324 - VI - 1945.
Applicant, physical requirements resumed-Cir 72 - III- Army insignia - Cir 350-I-1944 ; 367-1-1944.
1944. Bombs—TM 9-1980.
Reinstatement of individuals previously disqualified Bombs, Wire, Arming, Assembly-TB 9–1980–8 .
Cir 299-1-1945 . Cameras-TM 1-505.
AIR DEFENSE : Camouflage, ground-FM 5-20E .
Capacity control in theaters - Cir 130-1-1944.
Regulations and general flight rules, national policy Chemical spraying — TM 1-282 .
Cir 80–1944 ; 418–1944 . Civilian employees authorized to pilot army planes
Zone, Definition and boundaries - Cir 80-1944. Cir 239-II-1944.
AIR FIELD : Combat material list procured by AAF-Cir 356–1–1944.
Assignment - Cir 166-1945. Danger areas, authority to designate-GO 30-1-1942.
Assignment and transfer - Cir 200-1-1945 . Definition - Bull 4-1-1944.
AIR MAIL : See Mail. Depth Charge, 250-lb., MK. VIII , ( British ) _TB ORD
124 .
AIR NAVIGATION : Decisions by Air Traffic Control Board Destruction - TC 102 , 123 , 1943 .
Cir 254-1945 . Electrical systems—TM 1-406.
AIR ROUTE : Engines—TM 1-405.
Aircraft operation over other than established foreign Engines power plant - TM 1-408.
routes—Cir 278 - III - 1945. Equipment-TM 1-416 .
Foreign information - Cir 179-111–1943. Fabric work and application of finishes — TM 1-417.
Fabrics and clothing-TM 1–440.
AIR SECTION : Port of embarkation operating procedure Flight theory - TM 1-400 .
Cir 101-1-1945 . Foreign quarantine - Cir 453–1944.
Fuel and oil systems — TM 1-407.
Hardware - TM 1-424 .
Cancellations — Cir 369-III-1944 . Independent offices use, appropriation-Bull 7-1-1945.
Policy within United States — Cir 254–1945. Instruments - TM 1-413.
AIR TECHNICAL SERVICE COMMAND : Machine Gun, Barrels, Cal. .50, Identification and Ser

Commanding officer's authority to appoint general court viceability-TB ORD 308 .

martial-GO 60-1-1945 . Mechanics, Tools—TM 1-425 .
Liaison, Port of Embarkation, oversea , operating pro Mine Mk 13 ( Navy ) _TB 9-1975–2.
cedures - Cir 101-1-1945 ; 270 - V - 1945. Missing, reporting procedure - Cir 237-11-1945.
Oversea, operating procedures - Cir 101-I–1945. Mosquito control, spraying of DDT-Cir 207-VI-1945.1-1945.
Movement, responsibility of Commanding General, AAF
AIR TACTICAL COMMAND : Organization and Employ -Cir 386-11-1944.
ment - TC 30 , 1945. Operation over other than established foreign routes
Cir 278-III -1945.
Designation-GO 30-1-1942. Ordnance items, list procured by ASF ( Ordnance De
partment) -- Cir 356-1-1944 .
Responsibility for navigable air space - Cir 254–1945. Procurement, Act of March 5, 1940 extended - Bull 27
Propellors - TM 1-412 .
Capacity control in theaters - Cir 130–1–1944. Radio equipment–TM 1-472.
Commanding officer authorized to appoint general courts
martial - GO 32-11-1944 . Recognition-FM 30–30 ; FM 21–80.
Dispatch of mail for oversea arças - Cir 201-IV-1945. Reimbursement rate per flying hour - Cir 338-1-1945.
Sheet Metal Work-TM 1-435 .
Domestic Cargo service, use - Ct Bull 9–1944 .
Medical service - Cir 53-III-1944 . Stowaway, punishment-Bull 4–1–1944.
Priority for shipment of personnel and equipment - Cir Synchronizing equipment–TM 1-510.
369-II-1944 . Transmission of secret, confidential material-Cir 237
Transportation III -1945.
Nonmilitary and non-naval passengers-Bull 23-1- Transportation
1944 . Personnel and cargo - Cir 379-IV- 1945 .
1 Personnel and cargo of the Army and Navy-Cir Under lend -lease - Cir 395–1944 .
114-11-1945 ; 131-VII-1945 ; 451–1944 . Woodwork-TM 1-414 .
-GO 16-1-1945.
Baggage limitations-Cir 122-1-1944.
Capacity control in theaters-Cir 130–1–1944. AIRCRAFT WARNING COMPANY : Signal , Radio set
Class 4 priority, oversea points - Cir 369-V-1944. SCR - 188 - Cir 36 - V - 1944 .
Nonmilitary and non-naval passengers—Bull 23-1-1944.
Personnel and cargo by Air Transport Command-Cir AIRCRAFT WARNING SERVICE : Regulations and oper
451-1944. ation - Cir 80–1944 ; FM 11-25 ; Pam 21-8.
Requests by military personnel for unscheduled stops by
airlines - Cir 369-IV- 1944 .
Camouflage - FM 5-20E .
AIRBORNE CENTER : Designation of Airborne Command Construction equipment, use ( Road ) —TM 5-252.
changed-GO 24-1-1944 . Defense - FM 1-26 .
Earthworks, plotting — TB ENG 18.
AIRBORNE UNIT : Glider badge--Cir 220-IV-1944. AIRFIELD :
Allowances of crash fire trucks—Cir 130-1944.
Accidents, public disclosure - Cir 230 – IV – 1943. Construction - FM 5-10 .
Appropriations, damages resulting from operation-Cir Removal of certain , list of assignments - Cir 224-1-1944 .
53-1-1944 .
Armament, AAF and ASF supply and maintenance re- AIRLINE : Commercial rates, temporary vaiver of regula
sponsibilities - Cir 356-1-1944. tions-Cir 95-1-1945 .
ALLOTMENT - Continued
AIRPLANE : er Service Cir ations1944. rred
Aerodynamics—TM 1–320. Expenditures for - oblig26-11- incu after 30 June
Aerostatics —TM 1–325 . 1945-Cir 178–1945 ; 208-1-1945 ; 217 - I - 1945.
Civilian personnel , travel on official business —Bull 1
III-1945. Funds
Not issued-Cir 138-III-1943.
Crash Fire Fighting — TM 5-316. Personnel , Army Industrial College-Cir 337 - III
Hangar, Steel, Sheet Covered, 130 - ft. and 160- ft.-TM
5-9726 . Military personnel alerted for overseas-Cir 210–1944 .
Hydraulic Systems— TM 1-411. Missing persons—Bull 14-III-1942.
Inspection Guide — TM 1-415 .
Landing Mats, Steel and Wood-TB 5-255-1 . Numbers
Liaison Type, Aerial Survey, employment of photography Available during fiscal year 1946 — Cir 127-1-1945.
Travel and transportation-Cir 278–II–1945.
-TC 24 , 1945.
P394MWO ORD A46–W8. Pay notification form - Cir 376-1-1945 .
Power Plant-TM 1-404 .
Philippine Army, prohibited - Cir 158–1945 .
Structures — TM 1-410. Procurement authorities —Cir 224-11-1944 .
Refundments -Cir 45-1-1944 ; Cir 224-III-1944 .
Targets—TM 20–300.
Travel-Cir 178–1945 ; 270–1–1945 .
AISLE : Access in supply warehouses — Cir 169 - II – 1945 . Travel and transportation -Cir 178–1945 ; 228-1-1945 ;
294–1–1945 ; 318-11-1945 ; 349-1-1945 .
Communication system, appropriation - Bull 4–1945. ALLO WANC E ( S) :
Physical examination for recruits—Cir 31-1-1945 . Baggage, air travel overseas-Cir 122-1-1944 .
Shipment originating in United States or Canada-Cir Beneficiary of deceased military personnel-Bull 25-1
93 - III - 1945 . 1943 .
ALASKA DEFENSE COMMAND : Functions transferred Captured persons -- Bull 14-III-1942.
Civilian clothing , military personnel in foreign country
from 9th Service Command - Cir 73–1943.
-Cir 322-III-1944 .
ALASKAN DEPARTMENT : Claimed for dependents , rental and quarters - Cir233–
Functions transferred from Ninth Service Command
Drawers and . hirts for enlisted men- -Cir 20 - III
Cir 96 - V - 1944 .
Northwest Service command transfers completed con 1945 .
structions - GO 13 - VI - 1944. Engineer training funds —Cir 182–1945 .
ALASKAN DEPARTMENT , COMMAND GENERAL : Enlisted men traveling under orders-Cir 281-1-1945 .
Functions transferred -Cir 24-VII-1944, Enlisted personnel returning from overseas , clothing and
ALCOHOL AND ALCOHOLIC LIQUOR : equipment -Cir 72–1945 .
Enli stment- Bull 28-1-1942 .
Rest ionises
prem of use public
on for
used carr
Mili ierspurp
tary oses-Cir
— Cir 217-IV-194 5.
381- Explosives for use in mental conditioning - Cir 302– III
1943 ,
VII-1944. Family
ALEDA E. LUTZ ( EX FRENCH FLAG VESSEL CO Discontinuance -Cir 338-1-1944 .
LOMBIE ) : Designated as hospital ship - GO Initial-Cir 393-III–1944 .
23–1945 . Payment -Cir 355-II–1945 .
ALESHIRE QUARTERMASTER DEPOT : Designation Fire protection personnel -Cir 401–1944.
GO 53-1-1945 . Goggles, M -1944–Cirs 417-11-1 944 .
Mileage, United State Military Academy graduates and
ALEUTIAN ISLANDS : Units entitled to battle honors
cadets -Bull 11-V-1944.
GO 85-III- 1945 . Missing Persons Act - Bull 2-II-1943 ; Cir 305-1944.
ALGERIA -FRENCH MOROCCO : Campaign, units entitled Mittens , asbestos, M-1942–Ciron138 - VI -1945.
to battle credits-GO 59-II-1945 . Money in lieu of transportati or quarters and sub
ALIEN : sistence to enlisted personnel Cir 219- V
Civilian , internment camp canteen, sugar rationing 1945 .
Cir 110- II -1944 . Money in lieu of transportation - Cir 241-11-1945 .
Motorized fire apparatus, War Department installations
Discharge from separation centers - Cir 19-11-1945 ; 45–
V-1945 . -Cir 190–1944 ; 370_V -- 1944 ; 401–1944 .
Payment , discharged or separated military personnel
Assisting in escape , punishment, act of Congress Cir 348-1-1945 .
Bull 7-III-1945. Per diem
Expenses--Cir 165-VI- 1945 . Military personnel in Union of Soviet Socialist Re
Removal during war-Bull 14-11-1945 . cs —Cir 1-1944 ; 156–
344-ning 1–1945 . gnment
Transportation - Cir 222–1945 . Officerspubli
attendin g trai courses for assi
Questionnaire, authorization for continued use — Cir 482– in the Far East and Europe - Cir 172- II
II -1944 . 1945 .
Serving United States Army, naturalization - Cir 382– Overseas Committee - Cir 186-VI-1945.
1944 . Philippine Army in the U. S.-Cir 158–1945 ; 205–1945 .
ALIGNMENT : Equipment ME-73—TM 11-318. Quarters and subsistence , enlisted men-Bull 19-11-1943 ;
ALLERGY : TB MED 202. 20-11-1943 ; 9-11-1945 .
Radio set SCR - 188 - Cir 36-V- 1944 .
Account , open , expenditure refunds —Cir 200–II–1945. Ration
Readjustincreas ed 1944 .
ment ed - Cir 358-1-
, unemploy World War II veterans — Bull
Air Corps , Army , 1942–44 ( A.C. ,A . ) -Cir 53-1-1944 .
Civilian personnel engaged in packing and crating ac 10-1944 .
Regular Army enlisted personnel while on furlough
tivities , pay-Cir 178–1945 .
Cir 371-1-1945 .
B tinuance upon transfer to separation - Cir Rental , officers — Bull 4-11-1943 .
Sewings kits—Cir 56-IV-1945 .
269-11-1945 . Stamps , tickets , or tokens-Cir 467-IX- 1944 .
Classes -- Cir 15-1944.
ALLOWANCE ( S ) -Continued AMMUDAMP : Installation-TB ORD 197 .
Supply sergeant - Cir 429-11-1944. AMMUNITION :
Tentage AircraftTM 1-409.
Housing purposes -- Cir 127-III-1945. A.P. British, Use on Gun, Automatic, 40 -mm , M1
Training, camouflage nets - Cir 281-111-1943. FSMWO A50-W16 .
Travel-TM 14-503.
Application of Suspensions and Releases - SB 9-AMM
Army nurses - Cir 71-1-1943 . 11 .
Dependents , personnel of Army of the United States
Armament, Sighting and Fire Control Equipment, Heavy
-Bull 27-1942. Tank T2612_TB 9-735-1.
Tube , flexible, nozzle --Cir 111 -V-1945 . Artillery – TM 9–1901 .
Uniform, Women's Army Corps — Bull 12–II–1943. Coast-TM 4-205 .
Wool socks, trench foot , nonincrease - Cir 459-V-1944 . Bags—TC 83, 1943.
ALPHABETICAL PREFIX : Surgeon General classification Captured enemy matériel-Cir 160-11-1945 .
of Medical Corps officers - Cir 460-911-1944. Care in handling - Cir 484-1-1944.
ALPINE PATH : Fixed-TB ENG 40. Chemical Warfare Service, Storage and Shipping Chart
SB 3-24 .
ALTERATIONS : Leased premises-Bull 23–1-1942.
Company, Ordnance - FM 9-20.
ALTIMETERS : Surveying, 6000 - ft. Divisions, Type 6, Wal- Destructors-TB ORD 51 .
lace & Tiernan, Model FA-112, 1500 -ft. , 20- Dummy, storage TB 9–1900–19.
ft. Divisions, Type 15, Wallace & Tiernan, Explosives
Model FA-113-TM 5-9420 ; TM 5-9418 . Removed prior to shipping to the U. S. - Cir 146
V-1945 .
ALUMINUM : Process, Modification of Generators ML - 185,
ML - 185 - A and ML - 185B ( Hydrogen ) to per Safety requirements — Cir 311–1–1945.
mit use--MWO SIG 11-2400-1. 4.2-Inch Chemical Mortar, M1A1 , CWS No. 414666, Serv
iceability Standard - SB 3-25-11 .
AMATEUR ATHLETIC UNION : Eligibility standards -- Cir General-SB 9 - AMM - 1 ; TM 9-1900 ; TM 9-2010 .
174-V-1942 ; 181-11-1942. Gun
AMBULANCES : 20-mm, Automatic, aircraft - TB ORD 137.
34 -Ton, 4 x 2 ( Packard, Henry ) -LO No. 9-U312. 8-in . , M1 -TB 9-336-1 .
AMEBIASIS : Treatment of Water Supply - TB MED 159 ; High- Velocity Adjustment for Firing - TB ORD 278.
TB MED 190 . Identification Code-SB 9 -AMM 5.
AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION : Legal assistance offices, Inspection Guide, Purpose and limitations of 'TM 9–
1904 ; TB 9-1904-1.
military personnel and dependents ---Cir 73 Interchangeability-TB 9-1901-6.
AMERICAN Interchangeability between British and U. S. Equipment
CAMPAIGN MEDAL : Authorization and -MWO ORD C36-W4 .
eligibility to wear-Cir 62–1944 ; 195-1-1944 ; Joint Army-Navy Ammunition Storage Board - Cir 372
90-III- 1945 . IV- 1944 .
AMERICAN DEFENSE SERVICE MEDAL : Organization Loaded , Repair-TB 9-1905-1 .
in which service required_Cir 129-1-1944 . Loading, Separate - TB ORD 309 .
AMERICAN GRAVES REGISTRATION SERVICE : Iden Mailing as souvenirs prohibited-Cir 155-VI-1945.
Malfunctions, prevention -- TB ORD 295 .
tification, unknowns - Cir 235 - III – 1943. Mark numbers with Roman numerals converted to Ara
Establishment - GO 125–1945. Mines , submarine -- TB 9-1900-13.
Activities in Army hospitals -- Cir 186–1–1945. 60-mm , M2-TB 9–1985–2 ; TB 23-85-4 .
60 -mm & 81-mm--TB ORD 7.
Agreement, Army Emergency Relief - Cir 54–1944 ; 61 Moving, furnishing technical aid - Cir 123-1-1945 .
1-1944 .
Brassard-Cir 230-I-1942 ; 479–II–1944. Outside storage-- Cir 31-11-1945.
Clothing and equipage allowances - Cir 144-1-1942. Performance, Ballistic Data-TM 9-1907.
Functions in connection with applications for discharge Policy for neutralization of unexploded ammunition and
under AR 615-362-Cir 207-II-1945. duds — Cir 195-1-1945 .
Investigation Procedure for shipment - Cir 370-III-1944 .
Deceased military personnel-Cir 165–1–1944. Report required by TM 4-234 discontinued-Cir 311
Return of soldiers to U. S. for emergency reasons III-1944 .
Cir 277-XIV-1945 . Returned to the United States, procedure for shipment
Cir 56 - II - 1945 .
Messing and quarters—Cir 293–V-1944.
Operating agreement relative to personal affairs officer Safety Distance Requirements for Preparation of Prim
-Cir 406-1-1944. ers and Demolition Charges - TB ORD 214 .
Personnel, expenses and transportation upon discharge Shells, H.E., 57-mm , T18E1-TB ORD 169.
from Army hospitals — Cir 450 - IX - 1944. Shipment with personal property unlawful-CT Bull
Pre-embarkation loan discontinued -Cir 333 - II– 1943. 10-1-1943 .
Recruiting members, Army Nurse Corps-Cir 32-1-1945. Small Arms - TM 9–1900 ; SB 9-AMM ; TB 9-1990–8.
Representatives Steel cased
Employment centers - Cir 40-IV-1945. 90 -mm -MWO ORD G150-W5 .
Separation centers Cir 308 – II –1945. 3 - inch -MWO ORD G150 - W5 .
Service to troops changing stations-Cir 319-VI-1945. Storage—TC 47, 1944 .
Motor transport-Cir 295-III-1944 . FM 9-6.
Within Continental United States-SB 9-AMM 6.
AMMETERS : Antenna, D. C. Reclamation-MWO SIG 11 Zone of Interior-Cir 269 - III - 1945.
275–10 ; TB 9-2830-35. Unexploded, Destruction, ( Theater of Operations )-TB
AMMONIA ODOR : In Canisters M9A2, M10, M10A1 and ORD 249 .
M11-TB 3-205-11 . Unsafe - SB 9-AMM-2.
AMPHIBIAN UNIT : Engineer, redesignation of insignia- | ANGLEDOZERS, TRACTOR-MOUNTING–Continued
Cir 267-III-1944 ; Cir 320-111–1944 . Le Tourneau , SK - 6 — TM 5-1218.
LeTourneau , WCK-7-TM 5-1224.
AMPHIBIOUS : Communication, Truck Company - FM 24 Used on Tractor , Crawler Type, Diesel- Engine
24 ; FM 55–150. Driven 61- to 90- DBHP Caterpillar D7
AMPLIDYNE : MG - 16 - A - LO 3505 . MWO ENG 3070-1 .
91 to 140- DBHP , Heil Model C-18-W , For Inter
AMPLIFIERS : national TD - 18 — MWO ENG 772-2 .
AM- 2/FRC-TM 11-820 . Front-Mounted Pump , Hydraulic Operated — MWO ENG
AM-8/TRA-1 , AM-8A/ 1 , AM-8B/TRA-1 , and AM 3052-1.
8C / TRA - 1, repair instructionsTM 11-4039. Garwood
AM -92 / TI and AM - 93 / TI, ( Associated Equipment) RBX-TM 5--3196 .
RE-TM 5-1350.
TM 11-2573 .
BC-908-B, Repair Instructions - TM 11-4025 . Hydraulic -operated
BC-1074-A and BC-1074-B-MWO SIG 11-1524-20 . La Plant- Choate, 4-R ( For Caterpillar Tractor,
D4 ) -TM 5-1308 .
BC - 13884TM 11-2556 .
La Plant- Choate, R-63 ( For Caterpillar Tractor,
Dual Channel AM – 43 / FRC - TM 11-2520 . D6 ) -TM 5-1306.
Equipment La Plant -Choate TAB 20 ( For Tractor, Clark)
AN / TRA - 1 - TM 11-2601 . TM 5-1478.
AN / TRA-1 , -A , -B, -C - TM 11-2601. ANIMAL :
Interphone Civilian veterinary service, compensation - Cir 68-1
BC - 367 - TM 11-4059 . 1944 .
BC-376, Serviceability Standards - SB 11-100-69.
BC-605-A, -C, -D, -AM , -CM , and -DM - TM 11 Drawn vehicles, harness, saddlery and pack equipment
-Cir 137-11-1945.
4035 .
Transportation , regulations governing payment of ex
BC - 667 - TM 11-4059 . penses—Bull 11-11943.
Serviceability Standards BC -667 — SB 11-100–69. ANIMALS :
Limiter, Type 3BLH , ( speaker, Type 6AL ) -TM 11
2256 . Military, Control of ringworn — TB MED 161 .
Modified , Installation in remote control system , M2 Pack, disassembly of Gun and Carriage for transport
TB 23-70-3.
FSMO F207-W1 .
M1A1 Transportation - FM 25-5.
Maintenance Instructions_TB 9-1372B-1 . ANNOTATION : Publications affected by War Departnient
Substitution of cables - TB 9-1372B -2 . Circulars - Cir 320-IV-1943 .
Power, BC - 340 - G - TM 11-801.
Projector, ( Modification ) -MWO SIG 11-406-3. ANNUITY : Recovery of payments , Civil Service Retirement
Speech , BC-614-A, -B, -C , -D, -E , -F-TM 11-4043. AGT-Bull 13-IV-1944 .
Torque - TM 9-1372B .
ANTENNA ASSEMBLY : Auxiliary AS - 93 /MRQ - 2 - TV
Wilcox Type M57D1 - TM 11-2550 . 11-2610.
AMPUTATION : ANTENNA MAST : See Masts, Antenna .
Cases -- TB MED 10.
Center, patients transferred designated hospitals--Cir
367-11-1944 . AN - 70 - A - LO 3505 .
AN-78-A-TM 11-2630.
General hospital designated for specialized treatment
Cir 347-1-1944 . AN-115-A-TB 11-1427–3 ; TB 11-1527-4 ; LO 3504.
Physical Therapy-TB MED 122. AN - 154 - A - TB SIG 30 ; TB SIG 105 ; TB SIG 156.
AN - 158 -- TB SIG 170.
ANALYZERS : Capacitor, Solar, Model CB-1-60-TM il AN- 159 , AN - 159 -- A - LO 3100.
2653 . AN - 159 - T1 - LO 3100.
AN - 161 - TM 11-1075.
ANDAMAN ISLANDS : Medical and Sanitary Data-TB Components
MED 105 . Radio Set AN/VRC-3-SB 11-38 .
Radio Set AN / VRC - 3--- SB 11-67.
ANDREWS FIELD, MD .: Designation - GO 8-1-1945. Connection Cable, Replacement, Radio, Set, SCR - 284
ANEMOMETERS : ML - 80, ML - 80 - A , ML- 80 - B --TM 11 A - MWO SIG 11-274-5 .
421 . Conversion Kit, Radio Transmitters BC 446A , B, C, D,
E , F, G , H - MWO SIG 11-1076–1.
ANESTHESIA : Apparatus, portable -- MWO MED 5 ; TM Coupling Coil, Radio, Transmitter, BC -604 - A , -C, -D
8-623 .
--MWO SIG 11-600-2.
ANESTHETIC : Agents - TB MED 43 . Equipment
RC - 63 - TM 11-2616 .
All Types, Technical Data - TB 5-9720-11 . RC-154-A-TM 2631 .
Baker 338A ( for HD 10 W Tractor, Allis - Chalmers ) — Frequency , Ultra- High Wilcox Type -614A - TM 11
TM 5-3356 . 2551 .
Cable operated Input Circuit - MWO SIG 27.
CK8 — TM 5-1220. Kit - TM 11-2629 ; TM 11-2656.
La Plant -Choate, R-760 ( For D7 Caterpillar Trac- Mast
tor )-TM 5-1272. AB-54 / FR- TM 11-2638 .
La Plant-Choate, Model R82R for D8 , Caterpillar Sections, MS-49 , 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, and 56–
Tractor --TM 5–1584 . TB SIG 195 .
LeTourneau, C -4 ( For LaTourneau T-4 Power Con- Position Controls MC-298A and ( Conversion Kits for
trul Unit) --TM 5-1228. Radio Sets SCR - 270 and 271 ) -TM 11-1059.
ANTENNAS – Continued ANTITANK GUNS : See Guns, Antitank.
Positioning System , Radio Set SCR-584-A, Servicing of APIIASIC : Language Disorders—TB MED 155.
Servo Generators—TB 11-1524-19 .
Receiving, Double-Doublet, (Drawing ES - E - 276 - F ) (An- APPARATUS :
tenna Kit ) -TM 11-2629 . Anesthesia , Portable, ( Modification ) ( Item 9350000 ) -
Remote, Drive RM-55-LO 11-1160 ; LO 11-1460 . TM 8–623 ; MWO MED 5.
Rhombic Breathing M2, Operation and Maintenance - TB ORD
Antenna Kit - TM 11-2611 ; TM 11-2617 . 305 .
Use with Radio Terminal Set AN /TRC-3 ( ) and Decontaminating. See Decontaminating Apparatus.
Radio Relay Set AN / TRC - 4 ( ) -TB 11- Diathermy, Short Wave, Complete, 110 Volt, 60 Cycle
2601-1 . 71055054TM 8-627.
Used with Radio Terminal Sets AN/TRC-3, -3A , Distilling-TM 8-612 .
-3B, -3C, 3D, & -3E , and Radio Terminal Electrical Testing - TM 9–1672.
Sets AN / TRC - 4 , -4A , -4B, -4C , -4D , and Filling, field, land mine, M2, CWS No. 030110-SB 3
-4E - MWO SIG 11-2601--4 . 25-7.
Used with Radio Terminal Set AN /TRC-3 , -3A , Metabolism Basal , Items 4020006, 4020008, 4020012–
-3B, -3C, -3D, and -3E , and Radio Terminal TM 8-619.
Set AN / TRC - 4 , -4A , -4B, -4C , -4D , and -4E Oxygen, Therapy, Boothby -Lovelace — TB MED 1.
-MWO SIG 11-2601-4 . Suction , Portable, Electric-TM 8-618.
Stud Block Assembly — TB 11-615-5. Time Interval
Support EE-56, EE-85 , EE - 86 - A - TM 11-433 .
AB-26 / CR-TM 11-2689. EE - 65 - TM 11-439 .
AB-33 /TRC-1 , AB-33A / TRC-1 , AB - 33B / TRC - 1 ,
Rearrangement of Mast Base - TB 11-2601-2.
AB-38 / CR-TM 11-2620. Board, Established within Selective Service System
AB-71 / CR and AB-72-TM 11-2662. Bull 24–1943 .
Systems Prisoners of war - Cir 150 - V – 1944.
TM 11-314 . APPLIANCES :
AS–19/TRC-1 , AS-19A/TRC-1 , AS - 19B / TRC - 1, Office
AS - 19C / TRC - 1, AS- 19D/ TRC- 1 and AS Repairs - TB QM8.
19E / TRC-12TB 11–2601-2.
AS - 81 /GR - TM 11-2608 . Unserviceable Excess, Packing — SB 10–228.
Special, Supply, Prostheses—SB 8-28.
Lightweight for Vehicular Radio Sets—SB 11-52.
Transmitting, Doublet, ( Antenna Kit, Drawing ES - E APPLICANT :
252 - F )-TM 11-2656. Air crew training, physical standards resumed - Cir 72
Vehicular, 154
Installations, General Standards — TB SIG III-1944.
ANTIAIRCRAFT ARTILLERY : See Artillery. Appointment, Officers' Reserve Corps - Cir 14-XI-1944.
Civil affairs training - Cir 83–1945 .
ANTIAIRCRAFT ARTILLERY SCHOOL, FORT BLISS, Correspondence or self -teaching course ,-Cir 291-1945 .
TEX.: Commanding officer's authority to ap- Disability pension—TM 12–222.
point general courts martials—GO 95- II- Discharge, forwarding to proper authority - Cir 337
1945 . III- 1945 .
ANTIAIRCRAFT ARTILLERY TRAINING CENTER : Gratuitous insurance , extension of time limit for filing
Cir 457-1944.
Camp Stewart, Ga ., Commanding officer's Military personnel for re -employment in civilian posi
authority to appoint general court martial tions-Cir 481-V-1944.
GO 77-1-1945.
Officer candidate schools - Cir 367-IX-1944 ; Cir 402–
ANTIAIRCRAFT COMMAND : Commanding Officer author III-1944.
ized to appoint-general courts martial-GO Officers' appointment, Army of the United States—Cir
31-1-1944. 363-1-1944.
Old-age and Survivors Insurance, signatures witnessed
ANTIAIRCRAFT GUNS : See Guns. Cir 340-VII- 1944.
ANTIAIRCRAFT UNIT : Officers detailed , designation Pension , transmittal of records of officers to Veterans
Cir 315-II- 1944 . Administration-Cir 474–1944 ; 215-V-1945.
Pilot training in officer grade - Cir 221-IV-1945.
ANTIAIRCRAFT . WEAPON : Disposition by organizations Voluntary transfer and assignment to Infantry - Cir
moving overseas - Cir 110-1-1944. 132-1-1944 ; 224-V1-1944 ; 262–1944 ; 278 - IV
ANTIFREEZE : 1944 ; 368-III-1944.
Drainage from motor vehicle-Cir 169-111-1945 ; 274- APPOINTMENT :
III- 1945 . Agent finance officers, traveling to or from point out
Ethylene-Glycol Type removal from ammunition con side continental United States-Cir 99-1945 .
tainer-TB ORD 197. Army Nurse Corps - Cir 32–1–1945.
ANTILLES DEPARTMENT : Harbor Defenses of Roosevelt Army nurses , dietitians, and physical therapy aides in
AUS—Bull 16 – II, III – 1944.
Roads established-GO 44-1-1944. Aviation cadets—Cir 387-V-1944.
ANTIRICOCHET DEVICES : Brigadier generals of the line - Bull 6-1-1944.
M16_TB 9-1980–41 . Cadets, U. S. Military Academy, sons of persons who
M17-TB 9–1980–41 . received the Medal of Honor - Bull 23 - II
1945 .
ANTISUBMARINE : Units entitled to battle honors - GO Chief of Chaplains, rank of major general - Bull 13-1
85-IV- 1945.
1914 .
Coast Guard Academy cadetship - Cir 274-11-1945 .
Company, Infantry regiment - FM 7-35. Enlisted men , Warrant Officers as clinical psychologists
Platcon , Infantry battalion-FM 7–35. -Cir 235 - II - 1945 .
Former officers, Officers' Reserve Corps--Cir 14 -XI- Clothing, withdrawal , enlisted personnel returned to
1944 . United States-Cir 72-1945.
“ In Tokyo , ” motion picture_Cir 347–1945 . Manual - TM 1-240.
Medical Corps , Regular Army Examination-Cir 323– Regions, Construction of Runways, Roads, and Build
II - 1943 , ings—TB 5-255-3.
Medical, Dental, or Veterinary Corps-Cir 179-IV-1944. ARDENNES : Units entitled to battle credits-GO 114-1945.
Officer AREA :
Army of the United States—Cir 363-1-1944. Congested Production , Committees established-Bull 8
Aviation cadets -- Cir 387 - V - 1944. III- 1943 .
From civil life and ranks within the Army - Cir Danger. See Danger area.
386-III-1944. Inundated, Bridging—TB 5-371-1 .
Regular Army - Cir 392–1945 . Large, Smoke Screening -- FM 3–50.
Regular Army Rear, Camouflage - FM 5–20G .
Changes in AR 605–20—Cir 323-11-1943. Southwest Pacific, Spearhead deposits project - Cir 18
Officers - Cir 366-IV-1945. 1945 .
Officers, suspended - Cir 95-11-1943 .
Under Secretary of War - Bull 25-V-1944 . ARITHMETIC, ARMY - TM 21-510.
United States Military Academy - Bull 14-11-1943. ARLINGTON NATIONAL CEMETERY : Burial, procedure
United States Military Academy and preparatory train -Cir 325-11-1944 ; 363-11-1944.
ing for same-Cir 151 -VI-1945 ; 154-1945 .
United States Military and Naval Academy sons of ARM : Local procurement, authority of commanding officer
outside continental United States-Cir 53
persons killed in present war-Bull 23 -III IV-1945.
Army Nurse Corps - Cir 462–1944 . Designated in signature, WAC on detail-Cir 462–1944.
Physical therapists—Cir 462-1944. Detail, entry on WD AGO Form 66–1 – Cir 315-11-1944.
Enlisted men designated, armored units - Cir 437-1
Air Corps , Army, travel and transportation allotment- ARMAMENT :
Cir 178-1945 ; 228-1–1945 . Aircraft
Charges for lend-lease services and supplies-Cir 395– ASF and AAF supply and maintenance responsi
1944 . bilities-Cir 356–1–1944.
Civil functions administered by WD-Bull 11-1-1944. Disposition of unused components— TM 1--409.
Educational opportunities, children of deceased World Cable Barrage Balloon, Low Altitude - FM 4–191 ; FJI
War veterans - Bull 1-II-1945 .
4-192 .
Engineer Service, Army - Cir 178–1945 .
Executive Office and Sundry Independent Offices — Bull Power Units, PE-108-A, B, C, D, and E. Interchange
11-11-1944. ability—TB SIG 125.
Explanation - TM 14-707. ARMED FORCES INSTITUTE : See United States Armed
Finance Service - Cir 178-1945 . Forces Institute.
First Deficiency Appropriation Act, ARMOR :
1944-Bull 7-1344 .
1945 - Buil 5-1-1945. Flyer's, Use, Engineer Operation – TB ENG 30.
First Supplemental National Defense Appropriation Act, Shoulder Strap, Flyer's Vest-TB ORD 315 .
19: 4 -- Bull 1-1944 . Vest, M12, ( Provide means for attaching oxygen bottle)
TB ORD 311 .
First Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1945—Bull 1-1
1945 .
Flood-control work - Bull 16-11-1943.
Independent Offices Appropriation Act 1946 — Bull 7 - I
1945 . Artillery - FM 6-105 ; 17-100.
Medical and Hospital Department Army - Cir 178–1945. Division Reorganization-Cir 256-1943; FM 17–100.
Military Establishment Employment, Tanks with Infantry - FM 17-36.
Engineer Battalion-FM 17-45 .
Fiscal year 1945-Bull 12–1944 . Force
1946 -- Bull 13–1945 .
Quartermaster Service Army - Cir 178–19 15 . Assault gun section and platoon-FRI 17–25.
Drill-IM 17-5 .
Second Deficiency Appropriation Act, Firing-FM 17-15 .
1944- Bull 16-1-1944 .
Gunnery , Tank-FM 17-12 .
1945-Bull 12-1-1945 .
Special field exercises-Cir 178–1945. Tank company - FM 17–32.
Tank platoon - FM 17-30.
Transportation Service, Army--Cir 178–1945 . Vehicles, Decontamination-FM 17–59 .
Urgent Deficiency Act, 1943 --- Bull 16-IV-1943. School, Fort Knox, Ky. , Commanding officer's authority
War Department Civil - Bull 4-1945. to appoint courts martial-GO 95 – II – 1945.
Service Enlisted men designated - Cir 437–1–1944.
APPURTENANCES : Hand Tool, Freight Billing Guide, Unit Designation
SB 55-8-1-8.
Arm or service, enlisted personnel - Cir 437–1–1944.
APRONS : Armor, T65 -- TB ORD 311 . Officers detailed - Cir 315-11-1944.
Signal Communications - FM 17–70.
ARABIC NUMERAL : Use on ammunition marking - Cir
102-1-1945. ARMS :
ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES : Employment by War De Accidents - TM 9-2210 .
partment - Bull 27-1942.
Degreasing-TB 9-850-18 .
ARC TAB : AAF units authorized to wear - Cir 355-1-1945. Lubrication - TB 9-2835 ; TB 9-2835–8.
Arithmetic - TM 21-510. Entries, on WD MD Form 52 ( Register Card ) —Cir 254
Baker - TM 10-410 . VIII-1944.
Baking—TM 10-411 . Equipment
Cook-TM 10–405 . Permanent party units-Cir 392 - III – 1944 .
Education Program for Inactive Theaters—TM 28–205 ; Supply to ground force units-Cir 208 – II – 1944.
WD Pam 21-27 .
Excess controlled items of ASF equipment, disposition
Equipment, Distillation – TB ENG 72. -Cir 300–1944 .
Extension Courses — TC 6, 1942.
Individual, Test, (AIT - 1 ) -- Pam 12–12. Film libraries, release of stock material-Cir 162 - V
Libraries, Small-TM 28-305. 1944.
Life - Pam 21-13 . Flying time, recording - Cir 275–II–1945.
Marking Directive-- TM 38-414. Funds for purchase of items of station supply - Cir 146–
Pay Tables - TM 14-509. IV-1945.
Reader - TM 21-500. Furlough loans for personnel-Cir 215-III–1945,
Recipes—TM 10-412. General court-martial jurisdiction exercised by com
Russian, Recognition - Pam 21–30.
Signal Operations -- FM 11-22. manding officers at headquarters listed-GO
Supply Procedure - TM 38–205 .
Hospital established at Greenboro N. C.-Cir 264- VI
ARMY “ A ” AWARD : Discontinued - Cir 228-1942. 1945.
ARMY AIR CORPS : Regular, Officers assigned to general Installations rendered surplus-Cir 425-III–1944.
hospitals, temporary grades - Cir 341-11- Instructions applicable to training of engineer aviation
1942. battalions - Cir 15-IV-1945,
Laboratory designated-GO 30-1-1945.
ARMY AIR FIELD : Castle Field, designation - GO 119- I Liaison personnel at War Department personnel centers
1945. -Cir 176-III-1945.
ARMY AIR FORCES ( AAF ) : Liaison port of embarkation - Cir 101-I–1945 ; 270 - I
1945 .
Agreement as to station complement duties -- Cir 36 - IV Matériel peculiar, transfer of certain responsibilities,
Cir 429-1-1944.
Charges for use by other agencies-Cir 338-I–1945. Medical service, Air Transport Command wing - Cir 53–
Repair ships and auxiliaries, designation-GO 16– Military personnel reinstated to air crew training - Cir
I-1945 .
Application for pilot training, officers - Cir 221-IV-1945.
Assignment of air fields and installations - Cir 29–1945. Miscellaneous Army flying regulations — Cir 100–1–1944.
Baggage limitations, travel outside United States-Cir Motor transport responsibilities—Cir 418–1942.
122-1-1944 .
Noncurrent files, disposition - Cir 416–1944.
Base unit, definitions and policies governing-Cir 473 Classification - Cir 93-1-1945 .
1-1944 ; 483-1-1944. Unfit for general military service - Cir 258–1–1943.
Certain commands wearing arc tabs-Cir 335–1–1945. Optical glass, use - Bull 4-11-1944.
College training unit, accountability for property at edu- Ordnance maintenance assistance furnished-Cir 94
cational institutions - Cir 455-1-1944 . III-1945.
Commanding General responsibility, operations outside Organization-Cir 59-1942.
continental United States - Cir 386-II-1944 . Personnel
Construction and repairs at installations, plan for ap Participation in civilian ceremonies - Cir. 369-1
1945 .
proval-Cir 133–1945.
Contract, transfer from ASF service commands-Cir Reassignment because of transfer of facilities-Cir
461-III-1944 .
Convalescent Hospital Returned to United, disposition after hospitaliza
tion-Cir 282-VI-1944.
Camp Davis, N. C., abolished-Cir 264 - VI - 1945. Redistribution Station
Consolidated and Redesignated : Santa Ana, Calif. No. 2, change of address-Cir 355 - VII - 1945 .
-Cir 56-III-1945.
No. 6 , establishment-Cir 343-III–1945.
Albuquerque Army Air Field, New Mexico Regional and convalescent hospitals
Cir 56 - III - 1945 . Abolished, Camp Davis, N. C. - Cir 264 - VI- 1945 .
Designated - Cir 115-1-1945.
Nashville, Tenn.-Cir 56 - III – 1945. Redesignated : Miami District - Cir 53-111-1945.
Camp Davis , N. C.-Cir 56-III–1945 . San Antonio, Tex., designation - Cir 305-IX-1945.
Plattsburg Barracks, N. Y. - Cir 56-III–1945. Regional Hospital, Consolidated and Redesignated :
Pawling, N. Y., abolished-Cir 70-II–1945. Santa Ana Army Air Base, Calif.-Cir 56
Richmond Army Air Base , Richmond, Va., discon Regulations relating to aerial flights - Bull 17–1–1944.
tinuance-Cir 231-III-1945 . Reserve Officers' Training Corps students transfer - Cir
Day, Proclamation of The President Bull 14-1–1945. 262–1943 ; 324-VI-1945.
Decontaminating apparatus, power -driven - Cir 160 -III Responsibility
1945 ; 209-11-1945. Air transportation - Cir 369–1–1944.
Designation Aircraft armament in connection with functions of
Aviation medical examiners, flight surgeons, and ASF-Cir 356-1-1944.
flight nurses-Cir 98-III-1944 . Establishing air priority - Cir 369–II–1944.
Use by oversea command-Cir 179–II–1945. Personnel and equipment, class III installations
substitute equipment used for training Cir 388–1944.
Engineer troops,
-Cir 367 - IV - 1944 . Safety activities, ASF personnel at class III installa
Enlisted reserve age regulations-Cir 389-II–1944. tions - Cir 263-1-1945.
Separation of personnel from military service - Cir 140 TEE : Establishment -Cir 194-11-1943 ,
Signal Corps equipment, maintenance responsibility ARMY COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE : Instructions — Cir
222–1943 .
Cir 157-IV-1945.
Specification No. 40737, container markings for petro- ARMY CONSERVATION PROGRAM : Discontinuance -Cir
leum products - Cir 15-11-1945 ; 120-4-1945 . 264-III- 1945 .
Supply policy, oversea command - Cir 74-V-1944. ARMY COURIER SERVICE : See Courier service .
Surplus installations, disposal of military equipment
Cir 202-1944. ARMY CRAFT : Contest-Cir 312-1-1945 ,
Technician badge - Cir 435-1-1944.
Transportation ARMY DAY : Proclamation of the President - Cir 86-1
Personnel and cargo by Air Transport Command 1945.
Cir 114-II-1945 ; 451–1944.
Under lend - lease - Cir 395–1944. ARMY DISBURSING OFFICER : See Disbursing officer.
Unit ARMY EFFECTS BUREAU : Disposition of clothing aban
Fiscal records upon discontinuance - Cir 455 - II doned at laundry and dry cleaning plants
Cir 346 – V - 1944.
Ordered overseas, equipment - Cir 56–II–1944.
Weather Service responsibility - Cir 250-I-1945. nated-Cir 113-V-1945 .
Welfare of enlisted men funds, allotments—Cir 34-1 ARMY EMERGENCY RELIEF :
1945 .
Agreement, American National Red Cross-Cir 54–1944 ;
Wing commander officers of the Air Corps retirement 61-1-1944.
Bull 12-VIII-1945.
Collection of outstanding loans -- Cir 377-1-1944 ; 259
1-1945 .
DIDATE SCHOOL : Applicants accepted, Funds for furlough loans-Cir 215-111-1945 ,
quotas not alloted to ground arms and serv Operational offices and sections - Cir 54-1944.
ices — Cir 11-11-1943. Operating agreement relative to personal affairs officer
-Cir 406-1-1944.
ARMY AIR FORCES CENTER : Authority to appoint gen- Transfer of activities-Cir 272-1-1944 .
eral courts martial- GO 45-1-1945 . Use of trailer film , “ Need A Friend ” discontinued - Cir
162–1–1944 .
Accountability for property at institutions ARMY EXCHANGE . See Exchange.
ARMY AIR FORCES CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL : Con- Current procedures - Cir 454-I–1944 .
solidated Cir 6-III-1945. Fee payable, exchanges outside continental United States
-Cir 381-1-1944 .
ARMY AIR FORCES PERSONNEL DISTRIBUTION Financial and operating statement - Cir 157-VII–1945.
COMMAND : Liquidation procedures and operations - Cir 183-11-1945 ;
Change of address - Cir 305–1–1945. 312-11-1945 .
Commanding Officer authorized to appoint general courts Procurement
martial-GO 54-1-1944. Assistance to internment camp canteens - Cir 110
Jurisdiction , certain installations-Cir 224-1-1944. II-1944 .
Resale items for exchanges-Cir 315 - III - 1944 .
ARMY AIR FORCES REGIONAL STATION HOSPITAL Requisition, washing machines - Cir 265-V-1944.
NO . 1 , FLA .: Consolidated-Cir 6-III–1945 . Sale of officers' uniforms - Cir 40-11-1944 .
ARMY AIRCRAFT : Insignia, national - Cir 350-I-1944 ; ARMY FINANCE SCHOOL : Applicant for examination,
367-1-1944 .
warrant officers - Cir 385 -V-1944 .
ARMY BOARD : Army- Navy Production Award-Cir 228 TEE : Aeronautical publications, problems
1942 , GO 31-II- 1943 .

ment and mission-Cir 348–1–1945, AGCT 3a changes - Cir 228-VII-1945.
Counterintelligence Corps-Cir 216–1944 ; 379-1-1944.
ARMY CENTRAL WELFARE FUND : Control within con- Illiterates -- Cir 127-11-1944.
tinental United States-Cir 30-V-1945 . Use - Cir 102-V-1945 .
RECORDER AND CUSTODIAN : Change of Agreement as to station complement duties - Cir 36 - IV
address-Cir 138 - VII - 1945 . 1944 .
Designation, use by oversea command-Cir 179-11-1945.
ARMY CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM : Various tests util- Engineer troops, substitute, equipment used for train
ized-Cir 153-III-1945 . ing - Cir 367 - IV - 1944.
Enlisted men attending ASF schools - Cir 271-1945 .
ARMY COMMENDATION RIBBON : Establishment - Cir Equipment peculiar to AGF-Cir 429-1-1944,
377–1945 . Establishment - Cir 59-1942 .
ARMY COMMUNICATIONS B ARD : Establishment, duties Liaison personnel at War Department personnel centers
-Cir 194-11-1943 . -Cir 67–1945 ; 176-111-1945.
Ordnance maintenance assistance furnished - Cir 94-III
Requisitions for enlisted loss replacements --Cir 39–1945.
Travel orders issued AAF crew members-Cir 120-V- Appointment
1945 . Former officers - Cir 172-11-1944 ; Cir 206 - III - 1944 ;
Units moving overseas, disposition of fiscal records—Cir Cir 368 – V - 1944 .
333-IV-1944 . Army nurses, dietitians, and physical therapy aides
Replacement Depot. Chief of Chaplains, appointment to rank of major gen
eral- Bull 13-1-1944.
ARMY HOSPITAL CAR : See Hospital car. Commission of nurses—Cir 304-1-1944.
ARMY INDIVIDUAL TEST (AIT ) : Procedure for admin Induction or enlistment, minimum mental capacity - Cir
istering-Cir 421-1-1944. Officers honorary retired list–GO 11-1-1945 .
ARMY INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE : Strategic and operational plans, responsibility of War
Office of the Under Secretary of War, responsibility, Department General Staff - Cir 134 - VII – 1944.
Cir 279-1945. Women's Army Corps, Officers' appointment - Cir 77–
Reestablished - Cir 337 - III - 1943. III-1945 .
Mobilization and demobilization interim course - Cir
Air service groups organized under T/O & E 1-452T,
323-III-1945. T / O & E 1-457T - Cir 15 - VI- 1945 .
Physical qualifications of applicant for civilian employ Film
ment-Cir 155-1-1945 . The Negro Soldier - Cir 283–II–1945.
ARMY MEDICAL SCHOOL : Shipment, specimens of blood Training , military personnel—Cir 360-III–1944 ; Cir
and spinal fluid for virus identification - Cir 392-VII-1944.
237-VIII-1944. War information film , Know Your Ally Britain-Cir
283-II-1945 .
ARMY MINE PLANTER : See Mine Planter.
ARMY MOTION PICTURE SERVICE : See United States news bulletins, other media-Cir 86-III–1944 .
Army Motion Picture Service.
ARMY-NAVY AMMUNITION STORAGE BOARD : See Number, mail for oversea replacement-Cir 379 - III
Joint Army-Navy Ammunition Storage Board. 1944 .

ARMY -NAVY CONSOLIDATING STATION : Preparation of parcels, oversea destinations-Cir 253–

Shipping instructions — Cir 165-IV-1944. VIII-1944.
Unclassified oversea headquarters list, publciation dis
ARMY -NAVY EXPLOSIVES SAFETY BOARD : New continued-Cir 299-III-1945 .
name for Joint -Navy Ammunition Storage
Board-Cir 140-III- 1945 . ARMY POSTAL SERVICE :

ARMY -NAVY LIQUIDATION COMMISSIONER : Office of Certain instructions concerning mail rescinded-Cir 109–
I-1944 .
Under Sec . of War, function-Cir 279–1945.
Procedures for handling mail of category IV units re
ARMY-NAVY MUNITIONS BOARD : Office of the Under turning to U. S.-Cir 258 – II – 1945.
Secretary of War, responsibility-Cir 279- Regulations governing shipment of oversea mail-Cir
1945 . 376-III-1944.

ARMY-NAVY PERSONNEL BOARD : See Joint Army ARMY POSTAL UNIT : Equipping—Cir 343–1–1944 .
Navy Personnel Board. ARMY REGIONAL ACCOUNTING OFFICER : Decentral
ARMY -NAVY PETROLEUM BOARD : Petroleum products, ized accounting and auditing, disbursing offi
requisitions-Cir 203–1944. cer-Cir 441-111-1944.
from projects of importance - Cir 339-1943. Register of Net Expenditures—Cir 287–1944 ;
Cir 377-VIII-1944.
Plants, outstanding war production work - Cir 228–1942. ARMY REGISTER : Official, officers to ascertain the accu
Regulations-Cir 228–1942. racy of their record of service, pay purposes
-Cir 320-IV-1945 .
General Staff School phase - Cir 239–1945 . ARMY REGULATIONS :
AR 35–320 amended-Cir 53–1-1945.
ARMY-NAVY STAR AWARD : Discontinued - Cir 228–1942. AR 35–1100, rescinded-Cir 314-1–1945.
AR 35-4020, rescinded-Cir 325-1-1945.
ARMY NEWS SERVICE : Establishment - Cir 466-I-1944. AR 35-4060, rescinded - Cir 301-1-1945 .
ARMY NURSE CORPS : AR 35-4520, Par, 19 rescinded - Cir 356-11-1944.
Appointment , travel allowance - Cir 28-11-1945. AR 35–6720 , par. 2c ( 15 ) rescinded-Cir 28-IV-1945.
AR 40-1715 amended-Cir 32-IV-1945 ; Cir 138 -III
Engaged in aerial flight, increased pay-Bull 3–1945 . 1945 .
Procedure for procuring and commissioning members, AR 45-30 suspended - Cir 383 -VII-1944 .
Cir 32-1-1945 .
AR 55-120 amended - Cir 140-XIV-1945 .
ARMY NURSE : Officers, pension applications transmitted AR 55–125 , including C 1 and 2 superseded-Cir 240
to Veterans Administration - Cir 474–1944 . III– 1945 .
AR 55–150, rescinded - Cir 342–1-1945 ; 391-IV-1945.
ARMY OF OCCUPATION OF GERMANY : Medal issued AR 55–160 amended - Cir 140 -XIV - 1945 ; 391-IV-1945.
officers and enlisted men - Cir 448-VI-1944 . AR 55-160, par. 3812a superseded-Cir 129 - IV - 1945.
AR 55-310, title changed-Cir 444–1–1944. Changed , etc., pending revision-Continued
AR 55-390 amended - Cir 391 - IV - 1945 . AR 100-62_Cir 89-1945.
AR 105–25, distribution changed-Cir 176-1-1945. AR 100-63 --Cir 89-1945 .
AR 105-100 suspended for the duration - Cir 69-1-1945. AR 100-80 -- Cir 6-1-1944.
AR 340–10 suspended - Cir 313-V-1944 . AR 100-90-Cir 125-VIII-1944 ; 361-VIII–1945.
AR 345–400, so much superseded --Cir 272–IX-1944. AR 105-5 ---- Cir 429-1-1944 .
AR 350-1400, rescinded-Cir 358-11-1945. AR 105–20_Cir 201-1-1944 .
AR 600–35, par. 36b ( 6 ) , Changed 2 rescinded - Cir AR 145–10 — Cir 372-1-1945 .
352-1-1945, AR 170–10 - Cir 392-VII-1944 ; 89–1945 ; 390-1
AR 600-40 amended - Cir 352–1-1945 . 1945 .
AR 600–500 , par. 26 suspended for the duration-Cir AR 210-10 - Cir 125 – VIII – 1944 ; 134-III-1944.
85-1945 .
AR 210-50— Cir 278-11-1944 ; 231-1–1945 .
AR 605–140, par. 1 suspended -- Cir 60-I-1943. AR 210--60 -- Cir 24 - IV-1944.
Changed, etc., pending revision AR 210-65-Cir 231-1-1945.
AR 10-5 -- Cir 333-V-1944. AR 210-70_Cir 231-1-1945.
AR 30-225–Cir 186-11-1945 . AR 210-100 —Cir 231-1-1945 .
AR 30-2210_Cir 134-111-1944 ; 137–1–1945 ; 270– AR 210-390-Cir 17-VI-1944.
II - 1945 . AR 220-5 - Cir 358-1-1945.
AR 30-2220_Cir 28--1-1945 . AR 310-50 — Cir 61 -IV-1944 ; 317-11-1945 ; 348- VI
AR 30–2290_Cir 142-1-1945 . 1945 .
AR 35-5 -- Cir 201-1-1945 , AR 310-100 - Cir 264-1944.
AR 35–120_ -Cir 384-111–1944 ; 82 - I – 1945 ; 355 - II AR 310-200 - Cir 264-1944 .
1945 . AR 340–15 -- Cir 76–1–1945 ; 326-1-1945 .
AR 35-1040 - Cir 163-III-1944 ; 113-VII-1945. AR 345-15--Cir 312-11-1944 .
AR 35–1540_ - Cir 215--1-1945 ; 230-1-1945 . AR 345-125-Cir 17 - IV - 1944 ; 258 -VI- 1944 ; 320
AR 35-1680 - Cir 64-1-1945 . VI-1944.
AR 35-2360--Cir 64-11-1945 . AR 345-155 - Cir 292-III-1945 .
AR 35-2480 --Cir 345-1-1945 . AR 345-400_Cir 106-1-1945 .
AR 35-2580 - Cir 294-11-1945. AR 345-415—Cir 159-11-1945 ; 348 - VI - 1947.
AR 35-4060-Cir 15-X- 1944 . AR 345-470 - Cir 472–1944.
AR 35-4220_Cir 145-VI-1944 ; 211- V --1944 ; 258– AR 350-3100_Cir 84 - IV -- 1944 ; 90 - VI - 1944.
IV- 1944 ; 345-IV-1944 . AR 380-5—Cir 14-XII- 1944 ; 214–1-1945; 298-1
AR 35-4520 --- Cir 34 - II - 1944 . 1945 .
AR 35-4540-Cir 372 - VI - 1944 . AR 600-10 - Cir 314-III-1944.
AR 35-4810_Cir 269-IV- 1945 . AR 600-35 — Cir 431-11-1944 ; 484-11-1944 ; 321-1
AR 35–4820 — Cir 14-X-1944 ; 444 - VI- 1944 ; 269– 1945 ; 372-11-1945 ; 383-1-1945 .
IV - 1945. AR 600-37 - Cir 59-VII - 1944 ; 431-11-1944.
AR 35-5320--Cir 81 - III - 1944 ; 220 - X - 1944. AR 600-39 -- Cir 174-IV-1944 .
AR 35-5540 - Cir 71-11-1944 ; 393-111-1944 ; 278– AR 600-40-Cir 484-11-1944 ; 203-11-1945 ; 383-I
IV- 1945 ; 355-111-1945 . 1945 .
AR 35-6040_ - Cir 65-1-1944 ; 322 - IV - 1944 . AR 600-45- Cir 125- VI - 1944 ; 383-1-1945 .
AR 35-6620_Cir 149-1-1945 . AR 600-68 - Cir 103-11-1944 ; 298-VIII-1945.
AR 35-6720_Cir 77-11-1944 . AR 600-81 - Cir 106-11-1945 .
AR 40-20 --Cir 84-1-1944. AR 600--185-Cir 131-1-1945 .
AR 40--21 -- Cir 28 - II - 1945 . AR 600-375-Cir 246-IV- 1945 .
AR 40-25—Cir 162-II-1944 . AR 605-230_Cir 440-1-1944 .
AR 40-100-- Cir 132-IV-1944 ; 430–1–1944 ; 41- I AR 600--500-Cir 272 - V - 1944 .
1945 . AR 600-550_Cir 338 - IV - 1944 .
AR 40-205-Cir 373-111-1945. AR 600-550-Cir 85-1945 .
AR 40-210 - Cir 410-1-1944 . AR 600-700—Cir 160--1-1945 .
AR 40-590 - Cir 170-III - 1944 ; 218-1944 ; 140-1 AR 600–750_-Cir 150-1–1945 ; 208 - IV -1945 ; 318
1945 , 1945 .
AR 40-1080 --Cir 254 - VI - 1944 . AR 605-20_Cir 323-11-1943.
AR 40-2030 - Cir 68-V- 1944 . AR 605-90 - Cir 10-11-1944 .
AR 40-2035 —-Cir 66 - III - 1945 . AR 605–145 — Cir 223-1-1945.
AR 55-75-Cir 38-II- 1945. AR 605-250-Cir 20-VI-1945.
AR 55–105_Cir 397 -VI- 1944 ; 114-1-1945 ; 209- I AR 610-10-Cir 305-11-1945 .
1945 ; 240 - III - 1945 . AR 615 --Cir 356 - II - 1945.
AR 55-110 -- Cir 240 - III -1945 . AR 615-25 - Cir 120-111-1944.
AR 55-120_Cir 240- III-1945. AR 615-30-Cir 120- III-1944 .
AR 55-125- Cir 471-1944 . AR 615-275 -- Cir 289-1-1945.
AR 55--130 - Cir 177-11-1945 ; 240 - II – 1945 . AR 615-360—Cir 472-1944 ; 277-III-1945 ; 337- I
AR 55-145 - Cir 314 - V - 1945 . 1945 .
AR 53-150 -- Cir 79 - IV - 1944 ; 350-11-1944 ; 170 -- I AR 615-362-Cir 46 - II - 1945 .
1945 . AR 615-363 — Cir 472-1944 .
AR 55–125—Cir 123-1-1945 ; 170-11-1945 . AR 615-368-Cir 277-III-1945 .
AR 55-160 - Cir 268-1-1945 . AR 615-369 - Cir 277-III-1945.
AR 55-315— ( ir 123- II - 1945 . AR 615-395 - Cir 116-IV-1945 .
AR 55-380 , 31 Dec 1942, rescinded-Cir 19-1-1945. AR 615-500_Cir 293-II-1944 .
AR 55-410-Cir 14 - III - 1944.
AR 5.5-505 - Cir 281-11-1945. AR 625-5 - Cir 293 - VII - 1945.
AR 55-510 - Cir 55-111-1944 ; 169-1-1945. AR 775-10-Cir 320-1-1943 ; 216-11-1945 ; 356 - III
1945 .
AR 55-530-Cir 374-11-1944.
AR 100-60_Cir 89-1945. AR 850-5 — Cir 261-111-1944 ; 315-11-1945 .
Changed, etc., pending revision-Continued SELECTION BOARD : To be disbanded
Cir 137-11-1944.
AR 850–15 — Cir 10-VIII–1944 ; 237-VII–1944 ; 315
AR 850-18 - Cir 237-VII-1944. ( ASTRP ) :
AR 850–25 — Cir 152-IV-1945 . Call to active duty-Cir 117–1944 .
AR 850–65-Cir 150-VIII–1945. Clothing and equipment, procurement, issue-Cir 125
AR 850–75 - Cir 380-V-1945. II–1944.
Changes to — Cir 320-IV-1943. Laundry service, students—Cir 383-VI-1944 .
ARMY RESERVATION BUREAU : Transportation assis
Students, procurement of spectacles-Cir 121-11-1945 .
tance to personnel traveling under orders- ARMY SUPPLY PROGRAM :
Cir 396-1-1944. Publication and distribution-Cir 210-II-1945.
Replacement factors and days of supply, computation
ARMY RETIRING BOARD. See Retiring Board. requirement-Cir 375-IV- 1944 .
Enlisted men, use - Cir 120-111-1944.
Identification card-Cir 82–1944. Charges for meals furnished to passengers-Cir 207-1
1945 .
ARMY SERVICE FORCES ( ASF ) : Chas . A. Stafford ( ex Siboney ) , designated hospital
Agreement as to station complement duties—Cir 36 - IV ship - GO 61–1944 .
1944 . Chateau Thierry, designated hospital ship - GO 5 - I
1944 .
Aircraft armament in connection with AAF responsi
bility - Cir 356-1--1944. Ernest Hinds, designated hospital ship rescinded - GO
88-1-1945 .
Construction and repairs at installations, plan for ap
proval-Cir 133-1945. John L. Clem, designated hospital ship rescinded-GO
Designation, use by oversea command-Cir 179-II-1945. 88-1-1945 .
Engineer troops, substitute equipment used for training Jurisdictional principles-Cir 164-11-1945.
-Cir 367-IV-1944 . Larkspur ( ex Bridgeport) , designated hospital ship
GO 26-1944 .
Equipment peculiar to ASF-Cir 429-1-1944. Marigold ( ex President Fillmore ), designated hospital
Excess controlled equipment, recapture - Cir 300–1944.
Hospitals , Film Programs for Educational Recondition ship - GO 35-1944.
ing—TB MED 145 . Passenger fares — Cir 444-IV-1944.
Liaison personnel detailed at War Department installa Recreational equipment aboard - Cir 41-1944.
tion-Cir 176-III-1945. Sales commissaries-Cir 41-VI-1945 .
New name for Services of Supply-GO 14-1-1943. St. Mihiel , designated hospital ship-GO 25-1944 .
Seamen injured, return-Cir 280-11-1943.
Regional and area labor supply organization , de-acti Stowage of explosives and ammunition returned to the
vation-Cir 260-II-1945 .
United States-Cir 56-11-1945 .
Regional and convalescent hospitals designated-Cir
115-1-1945 . -
ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE : Accounts, stock - Cir 18–
Requisitions for enlisted loss replacements-Cir 39– 1943 ; 134-II–1943 ; 205-111-1943.
1945 ; 140-11-1945 .
Safety activities of personnel at class I, II and IV in- ARMY VETERINARY SCHOOL : Requisitions for vaccine,
stallations -- Cir 263-1-1945 . bivalent-Cir 50-VII- 1945 .
School , enlisted personnel attending — Cir 271-1945 .
Transfer of War Department Budget Office — GO 37 - I
1943 . Military and naval personnel , disorderly conduct_Cir
Travel orders issued AAF crew members—Cir 120 - V 381-IV-1944 .
1945. Offenders in friendly foreign force - Bull 14-V-1944.
Report, procedure for disposition--Cir 340 - VI - 1945.
ARMY SERVICE FORCES CATALOG : Women's Army Corps personnel - Cir 462–1944 ; 61-VII
ENG 6 (410-05 ) amended-Cir 272-IV-1944. 1945 .
List, classification removed-Cir 373-11-1945 .
Publication-Cir 304-111-1944 ; 476-111–1944. ARROWHEAD :
M353-1, classification changed-Cir 148–1945 . Award to denote landing on hostile shore - Cir 465 - I
M353-2, classification changed-Cir 148–1945 . 1944 ; 90-11-1945 .
M353-3, classification changed - Cir 148–1945 . Bronze service, units awarded—GO 70–1945.
M353-6 , classification changed-Cir 148–1945.
M353–8, classification changed - Cir 148–1945 . ARSENICALS : Antiluetic, excess, disposition - SB 8–29.
M353–10, classification changed - Cir 148–1945. ART :
M353–11 , classification changed-Cir 148–1945 . Decorative projects, recreation room , service clubs, and
M353–13, classification changed-Cir 148–1945. mess halls, etc.—Cir 214–1945.
M353–14 , classification changed-Cir 148–1945. Elimination of nonessential in publications — Cir 361
M353–15, classification changed-Cir 148–1945. VI-1945 .
M353–16, classification changed-Cir 148–1945. Graphic, nonexpendable equipment, procurement re
M356–2M , classification changed-Cir 148–1945 . sponsibility - Cir 223-II - 1945.
ARMY SPECIALIZED TRAINING ( AST ) : Property ac Limitation of use in publications-Cir 361 -VI-1945 .
countability in colleges-Cir 455 - I - 1944 . ARTICLES : Leather, Moisture and Mold -Proofing - TB
Current status - Cir 441-11-1944 ; 446–1–1944 .
Notations on Soldier's Qualification Card-Cir 206-1 ARTICLES OF WAR : TF 11-235-TC 10 , 1942.
1944. ANTHRAPOD : Collection-Cir 277-1944 .
Officers' appointment - Cir 386 - III–1944.
Selection and assignment procedures—Cir 129-11-1944. ARTHRITIS : General hospital designated for specialized
Symbols assigned graduates, trainees - Cir 141-1944. treatment - Cir 347-1-1944 .
ARTIFICIAL LIMB : Retired officers and enlisted men- ARTILLERY , FIELD_Continued
Bull 9-V-1944 . Observation
Air - FM 6–150.
ARTILLERY : Battalion - FM 6–120 .
Armored Division-FM 6-105 . Forward - FM 6-135 .
Gun Book , instructions on entries-Cir 215 – VIII – 1943. Ordnance Maintenance - TM 9-1545.
Logarithmic, Trigonometric, and Mathematical Tables Organization - FM 6-5.
TM 20-230 . Pack Artillery - FM 6–110.
Meteorology - TM 20–240 . Periscopes
Direct Sighting Telescopes for Tanks, Motor Car.
Operation and Maintenance — TB ORD 193. riages, and AA Artillery - TM 9-1608.
Orientation-TM 44-225 . Elbow for Tanks, Motor Carriages, and AA Ar
Pack-FM 6–105 .
Standard-TM 9-2300. tillery-TM 9-1608 .
Using Separate Loading Ammunition, Replacement and Reference data - FM 6-130 .
Servicing of Obturator Spindle Plug and Replacement Training Center, Camp Roberts, Calif.
Revocation of authority, commanding officer
Gasket-TB ORD 309. to appoint general courts martial-GO 78–
Automatic Weapons, Employment-FM 44-2 ; FM 44- Trainer M3–TM 6-225 .
11 . Weapons , firing - FM 6–40.
Balloons - FM 4-181, 4–182. ARTILLERY GUN BOOK : Instructions on entries—Cir
Camouflage - FM 5-20F. 264 - IV - 1945 .
Fire Unit, 37-mm-FM 44-58. ARTILLERY , RAILWAY : Data Transmission Systems,
Formations and inspections-FM 4-120 . ( Ordnance Maintenance, Seacoast Artillery)
Gunners-FM 4-119.
-TM 9-1647 .
Gunnery-FM 4-110.
Employment - FM 44-4. Data Transmission Systems—TM 9–1647.
Fire control - FM 4-121 . Emergency Transmission of Base - end Data, Assignment
Operations room - FM 44-8. of Frequency - TC 1–1945.
Ordnance maintenance - TM 9–1545 . Fire Control and Position Finding-FM 4-15 .
Organization and Tactics-FM 4-100. Fixed Gunners, Expert - TM 4-310.
Fixed First and Second Class Gunners — TM 4-305 .
Direct Sighting Telescopes for Tanks, Motor Car- Gunners
riages, Field Artillery - TM 9–1608. Expert Mobile - TM 4-320.
Elbow Telescopes for Tanks, Motor Carriages, Mobile, First and Second Class—TM 4-315.
Field Artillery - TM 9–1608. Gunnery - FM 4-10.
Remote Control System, Change in Oil-TB ORD-245. Hydraulic Speed Gears, Change in Oil , ( Antiaircraft
Artillery Remote Control System ) _TB ORD
Search lightsOperating
Standard 4-106 .
, Use - FMProcedure for Cooperating with 245 .
Air Force Units - Pam 1-1 . Landward firing - TC 95, 1943 .
Matériel, ( Lubrication of Firing Magnetos Used on
Target Practice - TM 4-234. Barbette Carriages ) —TB ORD 261.
ARTILLERY , COAST : Mines , Submarine - FM 4-6 .
Ammunition—TM 4-205. Railway equipment-FM 4-51.
Firing preparation-FM 4-20 . Tactics-FM 4-5 .
Gunners - FM 4-19 ; FM 4-150. Target Practice - TM 4-235 .
Matériel - FM 4-20 . Use, ( Adaptation of Radio Set SCR-547 ) —TC 9, 1945.
Mount ,ology
Meteor TM 4–240.
- ope,
Telesc M6A1 and Telescope panoramic , M8, ASPHALT : Cut- Back, Field Manufacture - TB 5-255–2.
W 43. All types , Technical Data - TB 5-9720-2.
Weapons and Matériel — TM 4–210. Gasoline Engine - Driven , 25-Tons Per Hour, 4-Unit ,
Barber -Greene - TB 5-1280-5, MWO ENG
ARTILLERY DIVISION : Higher Artillery Echelons Tac 1280-2 .
tics and Technique - FM 6–100.
ARTILLERY , FIELD : All Types , Technical Data-TB 5-9720-2.
Air observation-TC 132 , 1943. Barber-Greene ( Erection and Operation ) -TM 5-1016.
Armored division-FM 6-105 .
Battalion and battery, motorized — FM 6-101. ASPHYXIA : Treatment ( Respiratory Depression ) -TB
MED 131 .
Camouflage - FM 5-20D .
ASSAULTS : Gun , Section and Platoon - FM 17-25.
Corps — FM 6–100 .
Drill - FM 6-5. ASSEMBLIES :
Employment - FM 6–20. Antenna
Fire - Control Instruments—TM 6-220 .
AS - 51 / MQR - 2 — TM 2610.
Firing Accuracy - TC 49, 1944 . AS - 93 / MQR - 2 – TM 11-2610.
Firing, Ricochet - TC 105 , 1942. AS - 113 / TPL - 1 - LO 3515 .
Gunnery - FM 6-40. AS - 202 / TPS - 34TB 11-1540-3 .
Infantry division- FM 6–100 .
Individual and Unit Training Standards—TM 6-605,
Moistureproofing, (Radio set SCR - 545 -A ) _TB 11
1427-1 .
Intelli pilots, 6-130 .
- FMsupervision of physical conditioning Stud Block-TB 11-605–5 ; TB 11-615-5 ; TB 11
615-4 .
al 250-1944 .
Data , Using British 25 - PR Range Tables Alternate Feed Bolt ( D28119 ) _TB 9-1205-FE1 .
Balloon, MX-591 ( ) /GR — TM 11-2699 .
-TM 6-650.
Cable Medical Corps officers
C 355-A-SB 11-49. Parachute units-Cir 223-II-1944.
Connecting , Wind Transmitter — MWO SIG 11 Standards and requirements—Cir 144 - V -1945.
429-2 . Medical Department -Cir 327–1944 .
Cable Connector, Waterproofing-MWO SIG 11-1140A- Military Personnel
1. Policies and procedures—Cir 312–II–1943.
Carburetor, Power Unit PE - 75 -- TB 11-900-1 . Returned to United States, disposition after hos
Carrier, 834 - Inch Drive Gear-TB 9-1808B-1 . pitalization - Cir 282-VI-1944.
Clutch Release Bearing Identification for 14-Ton , 4 x 4 Nonhazardous duty when two or more casualties in a
Willys MB and Ford GPW Trucks-SB 9-34. family-Cir 128–1945 ; 212-III–1945.
Clutch Throwout Lever - Vehicles with Medium Tank Officers
Chassis equipped with Radical Gas Engines Air freight responsibility - Cir 75–II–1945.
-SB 9-25 . Far Eastern civil affairs - Cir 402-V-1944.
Dial, Tuning Capacitor-TB 11-866-2. Far Eastern civil affairs / Cir 83-1945 .
Engine, E3832, Installation of Radio Interference Sup Overseas as replacement - Cir 69-111–1945 .
pression—TB 9-1711- FE1 . Restored to duty after sentenced to dismissal-Cir
Feed Bolt, Alternate, ( D28119—TB 9-1205-FE1 . 48-1-1945 .
Headset, Microphone -- AN /URA - 1 - TB SIG 155, MWO Overseas, request discontinued-Cir 465-IV-1944.
SIG 11-600–7 . Personnel
Indicator Gear, B269430 ( Slip Clutch ) -TB 9-1252-4 . From Reassignment Centers - Cir 350 - V - 1944 .
Main Drive, MX - 186 / TPL - 1 - LO 3515A . Units for shipment to the United States — Cir 312
Major, Combat Vehicle, Shipment of Unserviceable VIII-1945.
Transport - SB 9-26. With hernia-Cir 64-VII-1945.
Master Clutch Psychiatric social workers-Cir 295–V-1944.
7067270 Service Instructions—TB ORD 213. Requests for oversea - Cir 91-11-1943.
D47534 and/or F and D34110, Reclamation–TB Selectees with hernia-Cir 150-VI-1944.
9-2830-89 . Women's Army Corps
New Type Left Crankcase Sprocket Shaft Bearing First WAC Training Center - Cir 164-VII–1945.
Bushing - TB 9-1879-1 . Officer candidate school graduates — Cir 462–1944.
Oil Buffer, Lubrication — TB ORD 264 . Officers to oversea duty-Cir 462-1944.
Oil Seal, 3600–91, Chevrolet and GMC Reclamation - Oversea service, eligibility-Cir 462–1944.
TB 9-2830-26.
Ordnance Motor Vehicles-- SB 9-40. ASSISTANT CHIEF OF STAFF, G-1 : Statistical infor
Plate Prism Type Mechanism , Installations on Models mation concerning military personnel - Cir
E and Ei , Kalart Rangefinders-MWO SIG 337-VII-1945 .
11-2352-1 . ASSISTANT CHIEF OF STAFF , G -2 : Collection of
Power Cable AC, C80250 — TB ORD 221 . enemy film - Cir 43-11-1945.
Reel RL - 106 / VI - TM 11-2254 .
Replacement Blower, Installation in Radio Sets SCR- ASSISTANT CHIEF OF STAFF , G -2 , WAR DEPART
692-T6 and SCR -602 - A , Transmitters BC MENT GENERAL STAFF : Regrading of
1081-T6 and BC-1081-A-TB 11-1526-5 . classified information -- Cir 385-11-1945.
Switch Handle , Van Dorn, Electric Tool Co.-TM 5 ASSISTANT JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL : Transfer
4740. of certain functions—Bull 17-11I-1943.
Tail Fin , 165 -Gallon Fire Bomb - TB CW 25 .
Transmission ATHLETE'S FOOT : Prevention-Cir 146–1–1945; 261 - I
Conversion of light tanks M2 and M3 — TB 9-1728 1945 .
Maintenance for Reel Units RL - 26, A , B, and C A Model 60 day Program — WD Pam 28-3.
TB 11-360-2. Eligibility standards, Amateur Athletic Union and
Prevention of Rust-TB 9-1372B-FE . United States Lawn Tennis Association-Cir
Valve B021-73-10079_SB 9-51 . 174-V-1942 ; 181-11-1942.
Ventilated, Clutch-Vehicles with Medium Tank Chassis Participation of women personnel-Cir 282-VIII–1944.
equipped with Radical Gas Engines-SB 9- Unit, physical fitness programs encouraged - Cir 234
25 . 1945.
Yoke, Moistureproofing - TB 11-1427-1 . ATTACKS :
ASSIGNMENT : Air -- FM 1-10.
Additional tours of duty in oversea commands after On Fortified Position-FM 31-50.
rehabilitation-Cir 8–1945 . Spray, Airplane, Warning -- TC 67, 1943.
Air fields and installations - Cir 166–1945 ; 200-I-1945. ATTACHMENTS : Hoist steam and Slewing, 844_ * 10,
Army Specialized Training Program - Cir 23–1944. Three- Drum American Hoist and Derrick
Aviation cadets-Cir 387-V- 1944. Co.-TM 5-9802.
Conscientious objectors—Cir 29-V-1943 ; 91-VI-1943 ;
121-11-1943 ; 469-11-1944 . ATTENUATOR : 5A ( SPL ) , Per D-165654 , Preliminary
Instructions- TM 11-2044 .
Dental laboratory technicians — Cir 130-III–1944.
Disqualified parachute volunteers—Cir 344-IV-1943. ATTORNEY : Discharged, employment- Cir 224-III–1943.
Enlisted Men, Infantry-Cir 262–1944.
Field force units and station complement personnel AUDITING :
Cir 36-IV- 1944 . Army Exchange and Special Funds -- TM 14-310.
Filipino enlisted personnel - Cir 315 – II – 1943. Civilian personnel pay rolls-Cir 17-V-1944.
Former officers, Army of the United States—Cir 206– Decentralized_Cir 196–1944.
III- 1944 . Internal , continental- TM 14-1008.
Hospital patients — Cir 280–1944 ; 140-IX-1945. Items, perishable subsistence - Cir 49 - III- 1944.
Illiterate, non -English speaking, grade V men-Cir 127–
1 Monthly accounts , Quartermaster market centers - Cir
II- 1944 . 75–1944 .

Property Detail to aviation cadet training-Cir 467-II-1944.
Detailed - Cir 159-1-1943 .
And Commissary Accounts — TM 14-305 .
Assignment of form numbers to check lists - Cir Training, regulation governing applicants - Cir 387- V
Procedures - TM 14-1010 . U. S. Military acedamy cadets, pay - Bull 28 - II- 1942;
Stock record accounts, posts, camps, or stations to be Cir 201-1-1942.
abandoned-Cir 90–1–1945 . AWARD :
Troop train subsistence accounts - Cir 400–1944. Army Air Forces technician badge - Cir 435-1-1944.
Army commendation ribbon - Cir 377–1945.
AUGERS : Bronze service arrowhead
All Types , Technical Data-TB 5-9720-1 . Battle participation - Cir 465- I - 1944; 90 - II - 1945.
Motorized, Buda, HBG -40 - TM 5–9142. Units -- GO 70–1945.
Motorized, Buda, Model HBG - 40 - TM 9142-1. Certificate of appreciation, civilian employees - Cir 274
Skid -Mounted , Gasoline, Highway Trailer, HDM- S—TM I-1945.
5–9132; TB 5-9132–1 ; TB 5-9132–2. Certificates of Meritorious Conduct, Auxiliary Military
AUSTRIA : Public Safety, Military Government Information Police - Cir 278– V - 1945 ; 315 - IV -1945.
Guide Policies - WD Pam 31-222 .. Decorations, service medals and ribbons — TM 12–280.
Expert and combat infantry badge, enlisted men with
AUTHENTICATION : Systems-TC 33-1945 ; TC 74-1944. zone of interior medical installations - Cir
263-11-1945 .
AUTHORITY : Medal of Freedom-Cir 278-VI-1945.
Administer oath , Army officers - Cir 419–1944. Medical Badge, additional pay for recipients - Cir 229
Grant transportation under lend -lease - Cir 395–1944. 1945 .
AUTOCARS : Master Parts List-TM 10-1373. Meritorious Service Unit Plaque, stars, and insignia
Cir 345–1–1944 ; 421-II–1944 ; 137–111–1945;
AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM : Fire protection at 331-1-1945.
War Department installations-Cir 15 - III- Philippine Defense Ribbon and Philippine Liberation
1945. Ribbon - Cir 136-11-1945 ; 270-111-1945 ; 319
AUTOMOBILE : Production
Chart of responsibilities for equipment - Cir 240–1944. Army-Navy emblems - Cir 228-1942.
Disability report. See Report. Army -Navy pennant - Cir 228–1942.
Reimbursement funds, personnel on official business- Supply and presentation - Cir 46-III–1945 ; 60 - I - 1945;
Bull 1–1944 ; 11-11-1944 . 260–1–1945 ; 349-III–1945.
Students Unit - Cir 5 - VIII - 1945 .
Chemical Warfare School--Cir 206-II-1944. World War II Victory, general provision - Çir 326 - VIII
Eastern Signal Corps School-Cir 217-IV-1944. 1945 ; 345 - IX - 1945 .
Engineer School-Cir 130-IV-1944.
AUTOMOTIVE ADVISOR PROGRAM : Rescinded-Cir Banjo Type GMC Vehicles - TB ORD 177.
RL-27-( ) , Serviceability Standards — SB 11-100-41.
Truck, Bomb Service, M6 -TM 9-1765A.
AUTOMOTIVE INFORMATION TEST : Distribution-Cir Vehicles, Half-track-TM 9-1710.
AVIATION BADGE : Station control levels-Cir 53 - II AZORES : Medical and Sanitary Data — TB MED 123.
1945. BACILLARY DYSENTERY. See Dysentery.
AVIATION CADET : BACTERIA : Permit to import-Cir 43 - IV - 1945.
Air crew training, physical standards resumed - Cir 72 BACTERIOLOGICAL EXAMINATION : Water supplies,
III- 1944 .
Appointment and assignment - Cir 387-V -1944 ; 161 reporting - Cir 119-11-1943.
Family allowances to dependents-Bull 21-1943 . BADGE :
Hospital maternity and infant care, wives and infants AAF technician, changes, AR 600-80 — Cir 435–1–1944.
-Cir 305-VII-1945 . Combat Infantryman-Bull 14-11-1944 ; Cir 105 - IV
Limitations on numbers suspended-Bull 27–1942. 1944 ; 186–1944; 271–1944 ; 408-1044 ; 450- V
Quarters allowance when in nontravel status -- Cir 294 1944 ; 263-11-1945 .
II- 1945 . Expert Infantryman - Cir 92-1945 ; 93-II-1945 ; 13
ROTC Students transferred to AAF for training - Cir III-1945 ; 146-11-1945 ; 151-111-1945 ; 26-11
324-VI-1945 . 1945.
Special training, selected graduates of AAF technical Flight surgeon and flight nurse - Cir 98 - III -1944; 431
schools—Cir 184-1-1944. II – 1944 .
Training, Aviation students , detailed-Cir 159-1-1943. Glider - Cir 220 - IV - 1944 .
U. S. Military Academy, appointment of sons of persons Honorable discharged military personnel-Cir 454–111
who received the Medal of Honor - Bull 23 1944 .
II - 1945 . Identification
AVIATION : Accountability --Cir 157-III- 1945 .
Civilian employees, replacement - Cir 113-11-1944.
Engineers—TM 5–255. Improper award of expert or combat infantryman - Cir
Umpire Manual- FM 105-6.
421-III- 1944,
Units , Intelligence Procedure -- FM 1-40.
AVIATION MEDICAL EXAMINER : Designation of Medi Eligibility for award-Cir 263 - VI - 1945 .
cal Corps officers - Cir 98-III–1944. Parachute, wearing — Cir 220-IV-1944.
Representing qualification in arms by WAC personnel,
AVIATION MEDICINE : See Medicine, Aviation. wearing prohibited-Cir 462-1944.
Station control levels-Cir 53-11-1945. Aerostatics-TM 1-325.
Supply and presentation to personnel returned to the Barrage
United States-Cir 60-11-1945. Cable Armament, low altitude - FM 4–191.
BAGGAGE : Cable Armament, very low altitude - FM 4–192 .
Address of Deliveree - CTB 34-1945 . Control - FM 4-183.
Authorized, transoprtation - CT Bull 45, 1945. Employment - FM 4-181 .
Basis for allowance of authorized baggage changed from Gas Generation-FM 4–193.
gross to net weight - Cir 258-1--1945 . Reference Data-FM 4-198.
Clearance Unit, Traffic Control Division, Establishment Rigging and Fabric Repair - FM 4–196 .
-Cir 22-1-1945 . Site Installations-FM 4-184 .
Limitations, air travel outside United States Cir 122– Technique-FM 4–182 .
1-1944 . Equipment
List, itemized — WD Pam 38-6. Low Altitude - FM 4-187.
Oversea shipments - Cir 49-IV-1942. Very Low Altitude — FM 4-188.
Packing and crating, rates-Cir 174 - IV -1943; 152- IV Meteorological—TM 11–2405.
1944 ; 206 - VI - 1944. Repairing —TB 11-2405–2.
Storage and Use-TB 11-2405–1.
Personal, procedure for shipping - Cir 386 - IV - 1944. Hydrogen gas—TM 1-315 .
Personnel returning from overseas-Cir 22-I–1945 .
Preparation, without handle or suitable means for at BANANAS : SB 10–152.
taching checks-Cir 30–1–1945.
Processing, instructions published in WD letter - Cir BAND, ARMY : Applications for transfer to fill vacancies
277-V- 1945 . Cir 315-1-1945 .
Retailers tax, sales--Cir 333 - X - 1944. BANDS :
Shipment to ports of embarkation , staging areas-Cir Adjutant General's Department troops - Cir 97 -VI
92-11-1944 .
Shipments, supporting papers in connection with - CT
Bull 46 , 1945 . Allotment of Funds-SB 10–145.
Army-FM 28-5.
Transportation --Cir 97-III-1943.
Transportation before orders for separation are issued Arrangements of Army Chapel Hymns - Cir 130- II
304-1-1945 .
U. S. Army personnel in possession of common carrier, Civilian ceremony, participation-Cir 369–1–1945.
disposition - Cir 61-1-1945. Instruments, Repair and Disposition-SB 10–145.
War Material , customs clearance- Cir 53-11-1944 . Issue of Instruments and Supplies SB 10–45.
Selected List - WD Pam 28-6 .
BAFFLES , Adapter - Provision for Carrier, Light Cargo,
M29 ( T24 ) --MWO ORD G179-W4.
BAGS : BANDA SEA ISLANDS : Medical and Sanitary Data (Mo
Air - Instructions covering care, maintenance and re lukken Islands) —TB MED 70.
pair -- TB 9-1868–3 . BARBITURATES : Use and Care - SB 8-17 .
Barrack, OD , issue - Cir 200-III-1945.
Sleeping—TB 10-275-1; TB QM 8 ; TB QM 23. BANKING FACILITY : Establishment, operation - Cir 200
Waterproof, Special Purpose - SB 11-83. IV-1945.
Army-TM 10-410 . Cashing of checks, military installations-Cir 352- II
Civilian, employment on posts—Cir 92-III-1944.
Deposits accounts, protection-Cir 123-V-1943.
BAKERY : Establishment at posts, camps, stations, and other in
Employment, civilian bakers on posts—Cir 92-III–1944. stallations-Cir 2000-IV-1945.
Training ( Personnel) -- Cir 62 - IV - 1942. BAR : Denoting Oversea service, description-Cir 41 -II
BAKING : 1945 .
Bread Field—TC 86 , 1943. BARGES : Fuel ( Heil) , Conversion of tank lighter boat
Manual - TM 10-411. LO 5-9562 .
BAL: Oil, Use, Treatment of Certain Severe Mapharsen INGTON : Discontinued-Cir 366-11-1945.
Reactions - TB MED 104 .
BAROGRAPHS : ML - 3 - A , ML-3-B, ML - 3 - C and ML - 3 - D
BALANCE : Unobligated, engineer training funds, disposi _TM 11-425 .
tion-Cir 182–1945 .
BALKANS : Air Combat, units entitled to battle honors
GO 85-1-1945 .
ML - 2 Through ML -2-F_TM 11-428.
M6-316 /TM - TM 11-427.
BALLISTICS : Chief of Ordnance responsible for research ML - 102 - B , ML - 102D , ML - 102 - E , ML-102-F-TM 11
-Cir 254-11-1944. 427 .
ML-330/FM , ML-331 /TM, ML0332/TM, ML - 333/ TM
BAL OINTMENT: And Use of Bal in Oil in Treatment of TM 11-2421 .
Systemic Poisoning Caused by Lewisite and
Other Arsenical Blister Cases -- TB MED BARRACK BAGS : Laundries, returning to wrong persons
101 . -Cir 354-III-1944.
BALEARIC ISLANDS : Medical and Sanitary Data - TB BARRACKS :
MED 165 ; TB MED 185. OD , issue-Cir 200-III-1945.
BALLISTIC DATA : Performance of Ammunition -- TM 9 Precut
1907. All wood , Tropical Use-TM 5-9605.
BALLOONING : Theory - TM 1-305. 20 x 48 ft., Insulated - TM 5-9617.
BARRACKS — Continued BATTALIONS - Continued
Portable - Continued Rocket, Field Artillery - TC 19–1945.
Prefabricated Signal-FM 11-130.
20 x 48 ft. Steel Tank - FM 17-33 .
Angle Frame - TM 9604. Tractor - FM 60–20.
Channel FrameTM 5-9606. BATTERY CHARGER : See Charger, Battery.
Tropical Use - TM 5-9607. BATTERIES :
20 x 50 ft. , Steel-TM 5-9608 .
Sectional --All wood, insulated , Erection procedures 12-Volt Replacement with Two 6- Volt Batteries — TB
-TM 5-9601 ; TB 5-9601-1 . 9-772- FE5 .
BA-2, operation in Test Sets 1-56 - C , D, H, & J-TB
BARRAGE BALLOON : Maintenance teams--Cir 4-1-1944 . 11-303-1 .
BA - 33 -- R - TB SIG 41 .
TYSON , TENN .: Revocation of authority, BB - 55 - MWO SIG 40.
commanding officer to appoint general courts B-210/U-TB SIG 89.
martial-GO 31-11-1944 . Charging
BARREL STAND : M7 , CWS No. 631604-SB 3-25-41. BB - 54 - A - TB SIG 90.
PP - 78 /MRQ - 2 - TM 11-2527.
BARRELS : Machine Gun, Aircraft, Cal. .50—TB ORD 308. PP-78/MRQ-2 (Modification ) -MWO SIG 11-2527
Contacts : See Contacts.
All Types , Technical Data-TB 5-9720-7.
Dry Cell -
Suspension, M1 , ( Fuze, Bomb ( Nose ) , M148 )—TB 9 Assignment of responsibility for procurement, stor
1980-37 .
age and issue - Cir 175-1-1944 .
BARS , BORING : Medical Department only on requisition from Sig
Perfecto, Van Norman - TM 5-4164 ; TM 5-4366. nal Corps Installations-SB 8–9 .
Universal , Automotive Maintenance Machinery — TM Shipment with equipment-Cir 183-11-1944.
5-4162. Dry
BASES : Hearing aid-SB 11-68 .
B129184, correctly assembling on Deflection Board, M1 Requisitioning in Packaged Quantities — SB 11-31 .
FSMWO F19-W2 . Shipment and Shelf Life Information, Testing and
Chemical-FM 3–66 . Disposition-SB 11-30.
Firing Device - TC 84-1943. Supply Data-SB 11-6 . 1

Laboratory, M2 - MWO CW 5 81 -mm Platoon, Employment_TC 73.

Mast Enemy, Location - TM E9-1901 .
Rearrangement, Antenna Supports, AB-33 / Motorized - FM 6-101 .
TRC - 1, AB-33A /TRC-1, AB =33B/ TRC- 1 In Nontemperate Areas, Maintenance - TB 11-430-1 .
TB 11-2601–2. Radio Receiver R- 100 ( ) / URR - Cir 424-111–1944.
MP -47, Prevention of Arcing—MWO SIG 16. Radio Receiver ( WE type D-99945 ) Voltage regulator
Pedestal Steel , Foundation, For 73-ft. 7 - in . Guyed tubes-MWO SIG 11-884-2 .
Radio Tower - TM 11-2615 . Seacoast Gun - TB ORD 223.
BATCHING PLANTS : Aggregate, 3-Compartment, 105-Ton Signal Corps resale to Army Exchange in oversea
Capacity, Blaw -Knox - TM 5-1050 ; TB 5 theater-Cir 155-III -1945.
1050-1 . Signal communication-Cir 391-I–1944 ; TM 11-430.
BATH COMPANY : And Fumigation - TM 10–645. Identification — TBORD 198.
Landing Vehicles-- TB ORD 118.
Lead-Acid Type - TM 9-2857 .
Mobile, Orr & Sembower - 2B - 24 - LO 10-1616. Nickel-Iron-Alkaline-TB ORD 324.
Mobile, Orr & Sembower Model 2B-24, QM Stock Reclamation -TB 2830-73.
No. 66 - B - 350 - MWO QM 28.
Portable, Cleaver - Brooks EC - 8 - LO 10-U2. BATTLE HONORS :
BATHING UNITS : Portable, EC-4, Cleaver -Brooks ~ TM Advance Section, Communication Zone, Prosthetic Team
5-8934 . Number 4 - GO 54-III-1945.
Air Offensive, Europe - GO 105-1945 .
Air Offensive, Japan - GO 105–1945.
Leg and Arm - MWO MED 7. Air Support Party Number 2 ( from XIX Tactical Air
Leg and Arm , Bearings, lower-TB MED 211. Command ) -GO 54-III - 1945.
Serological Water-TM 8-620. Aleutian Islands-GO 105-1945 .
BATTALIONS : Algeria -French Morocco-GO 105-1945 .
Armored Antitank Company, 38th Infantry Regiment-G0 58
Engineer - FM 17-45 ; SB 5–23.
Infantry - FM 17-42. Ardennes - GO 105-1945.
Maintenance - FM 17–58. Battle and campaigns, current war-GO 105-1945.
Airborne Engineer Aviation-SB 5-29. Bismarck -Archipelago - GO 105-1945 .
Chemical Mortar Boat Battalion , 592d Engineer Boat and Shore Regi
Logistical Data-SB 3-1 . ment - GO 100-1945 .
Tactical Employment_TC 8–1945. Burma - GO 105-1945 .
Infantry--FM 7-20. Central Burma - GO 105-1945 .
Motorized - FM 6–101 . Central Europe-GO 105–1945 .
Observation , Field Artillery - FM 6–120. Central Pacific - GO 105-1945.
Railway China defensive - GO 105-1945 .
Operating - FM 55-55 ; TM 5-405. China offensive - GO 105-1945.
Shop - FM 55-60 . Chinese American Composite Wing - GO 120_VIII –1947.
Citations awarded-GO 1-VII-1945, 3-VIII–1945, 4 Units entitled-Continued
IX-1945 , 6 - VIII - 1945, 10-VI-1945 , 12 - IV Southern France GO 87-1945.
1945, 15-VII-1945, 16 - VIII– 1945, 17- XII Tunisia campaign - GO 59-111-1945.
1945, 18 - VIII – 1945 , 21-11-1945, 22-XII-1945, Western Pacific - GO 105-1945 .
24 - VI - 1945 , 25-III–1945 , 26 - IX - 1945, 27- 1st Battalion
VII–1945, 28-III-1945, 30 - VI - 1945, 34 - IV 9th Infantry Regiment - GO 42-IX-1945.
1945, 35-V-1945, 36 - XI- 1945, 37 - X - 1945, 18th Infantry Regiment - GO 42-IX-1945.
38 -XIII – 1945 , 42-IX-1945. 23d Infantry Regiment — GO 109–1945.
East Indies-GO 105-1945 . 26th Infantry - GO 42-IX-1945 .
Eastern Mandates - GO 105-1945 . 33d Armored Regiment — GO 56–1945 .
Egypt- Libya - GO 105–1945. 36th Armored Regiment — GO 54-III-1945.
India- Burma-GO 105–1945 . 119th Infantry Regiment ( Reinforced ) -GO 55 - IX
Interrogation of Prisoners of War Teams : 1945.
Number 56 - GO 54 - III - 1945 . 134th Infantry Regiment — GO 66–1945.
Number 61-GO 54-III-1945 . 162d Infantry Regiment — GO 57–1945.
Luzon-Go 105–1945 . 187th Glider Infantry Regiment — GO 68–1945.
Military Police Platoon, 9th Infantry Division-GO 84 188th Glider Infantry Regiment-GO 68–1945.
1945 . 242d Infantry Regiment — GO 55-IX-1945.
Moroccan Colonial Infantry Regiment - GO 27-VII-1945. 320th Infantry Regiment- GO 55-IX-1945.
Naples-Foggia-GO 105–1945. 347th Infantry Regiment, 87th Infantry Division
New Guinea - GO 105-1945 . GO 66–1945 .
Normandy - GO 105-1945 . 358th Infantry Regiment — GO 108-IV-1945.
North Apennines—GO 105–1945. 358th Regimental Medical Detachment — GO 108–
Northern France --GO 105-1945 . IV-1945.
Northern Solomons --GO 105-1945 . 394th Infantry Regiment - GO 58-VII–1945 .
Order of Battle Team Number 24-GO 54-III-1945. 504th Parachute Infantry - GO 32-X-1945.
Papua-GO 105–1945 . 511th Parachute Infantry Regiment — GO 68–1945.
Philippine Islands-GO 105–1945 . 2nd Battalion
Photo Interpreter Teams, Numbers 9 and 81-GO 17– 9th Infantry Regiment – GO 38-XIII–1945.
XII- 1945 . 23d Infantry Regiment – GO 109–1945.
Photo Intelligence Team Number 56 - GO 54-111-1945. 32d Armored Regiment - GO 54-III–1945 .
Po Valley—GO 105–1945 . 38th Infantry Regiment — GO 34 - IV --1945 .
Prisoner of War Interrogation Teams, Nos. 1 , 9 and 87 41st Armored Infantry Regiment-GO 108-IV-1945.
-GO 17-XII-1945. 60th Infantry Regiment – GO 68–1945.
Provisional Tank Group : 66th Armored Regiment-GO 82 -XII - 1945 .
Headquarters and Heaquarters Detachment-G0 71st Infantry Regiment – GO 109–1945.
101-VI- 1945. 172d Infantry Regiment—GO 90–1945.
17th Ordnance Company (Armored ) -GO 101 -VI 188th Glider Infantry Regiment-GO 68-1945 .
1945 . 274th Infantry Regiment — GO 53-VII–1945.
1922 General Headquarters Tank Battalion ( Light) 315th Infantry Regiment~ GO 45-XI-1945.
--GO 101-VI-1945 . 329th Infantry Regiment-GO 90–1945 .
194th General Headquarters Tank Battalion ( Light ) 345th Infantry Regiment, 87th Infantry Division
-GO 101 -VI-1945. GO 98-X-1945.
361st Infantry Regiment-GO 90–1945 .
Rhineland-GO 40-11-1945, 105-1945. 415th Infantry Regiment-GO 54- III–1945 .
Rome- Arno - GO 105-1945 .
Ryukyus-GO 105-1945 . 511th Parachute Infantry Regiment- -GO 68
1945 .
Shore Battalion , 532d Engineer Boat and Shore Regi 3d Battalion
ment-GO 90–1945 .
Sicily - GO 105-1945. 20th Infantry Regiment - GO 90–1945 .
Southern France-GO 105–1945 . 23d Infantry Regiment-- GO 58 - VII-- 1945 .
Southern Philippines --GO 105–1945. 34th Infantry Regiment-- GO 53 - X - 1945 .
Tunisia-GO 105-1945 . 66th Armored Regiment–GO 82-XII-1945.
67th Armored Regiment-GO 108-IV-1945.
Units entitled :
101st Infantry Regiment, 26th Infantry Division
Air combat , Balkans - GO 85-11-1945 . GO 109-1945 .
Air offensive, Europe - GO 85-11-1945 . 127th Infantry Regiment-GO 66–1945.
Aleutian Islands - GO 85- III–1945 . 310th Infantry Regiment - GO 100–1945 .
Algeria -French Morocco Campaign - GO 59 - II
313th Infantry Regiment — GO 54-111–1945.
1945 . 315th Infantry Regiment-G0 54 - III – 1945 .
Antisubmarine-GO 85-IV-1945. 334th Infantry Regiment - GO 68–1945 .
Ardennes-GO 114-1945 . 361st Infantry Regiment-GO 58 - VII - 1945 .
Central Europe - GO 116–1945 . 415th Infantry Regmient-GO 54-III-1945.
Central Pacific - GO 85-V-1945. 442d Regimental Combat Team-GO 68–1945 .
Egypt Libya Campaign - GO 59 - I - 1945. 511th Parachute Infantry Regiment - G0 68–1945.
European Theater, Ground Combat - GO 85 - VI 4th Engineer Combat Battalion-GO 90–1945 .
1945 .
14th Armored Field Artillery Batatlion-GO 108 - IV
Naples - Foggia-GO 96-1945 . 1945.
Normandy-G0 102–1945. 15th Engineer Combat Battalion-GO 67-XI-1945.
North Appennines-GO 94-1945. 32d Field Artillery Battalion-GO 66–1945.
Northern France - GO 103–1945 . 62d Armored Field Artiliery Battalion - GO 82- XII
Ploesti, Rumania campaign, air combat - G0 59– 1945 .
IV - 1945 . 81st Engineer Combat Battalion-GO 100-1945 .
Po Valley-GO 93–1945 . 82d Armored Reconnaissance Battalion - GO 84-1945 .
Rome- Arno -GO 99-1945 . 92d Armored Field Artillery Battalion - GO 108 -IV
Sicily-GO 91-1945. 1945.
117th Engineer ( Combat ) Battalion - GO 58 - VII - 1945. 180th Infantry Regiment, Company K - GO 58-VII
150th Engineer Combat Battalion - GO 90–1945. 1945.
246th Engineer Combat Battalion -- GO 100-1945. 335th Infantry Regiment, Company K-GO 92 - IX - 1945.
254th Engineer Combat Battalion-GO 32 -X- 1945 . 7th Infantry Regiment, Company L - GO 34 - IV - 1945.
261st Medical Battalion-GO 57-1945 . 30th Infantry Regiment, Company L - GO 55 - IX - 1945.
276th Engineer Combat Battalion-GO 45 - XI- 1945 . 1st Platoon , 603d Tank Company, Detachment_G0 53
310th Field Artillery Battalion - GO 54-111-1945. X - 1945 .
462d Field Artillery Battalion-GO 53-X-1945. 6th Support Air Party , Detachment_GO 53 -X- 1945.
476th Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons Bat- 13th Photo Intelligence Detachment - GO 57-1945 .
talion ( Semimobile ) -GO 45 - XI - 1945 . 34th Infantry Regiment, Service Company, Detachment
489th Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons Bat -GO 53 - X - 1945 .
talion ( SP ) --GO 54-111-1945. 98th Signal Battalion, Detachment-GO 53 - X - 1945.
601st Tank Destroyer Battalion-GO 35 - V - 1945 . 166th Signal Photo Company, 5th Detachment ( Bomb
634th Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons Bat Disposal Squad ) -GO 53-X- 1945.
talion - GO 108 - IV - 1945 . 174th Ordnance Service Detachment ( Bomb Disposal
674th Glider Field Artillery Battalion - GO 68–1945 . Squad ) -GO 53 -X - 1945.
675th Glider Field Artillery Battalion - GO 68-1945 . 504th Counter Intelligence Corps, Detachment- GO 51
695th Armored Field Artillery Battalion-GO 68–1945 . III–1945 .
704th Tank Destroyer Battalion ( Sp ) -GO 54-111-1945. 592d Engineer Boat and Shore Regiment, Detachment
737th Tank Battalion-GO 66–1945. -GO 53-X-1945 .
863d Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons Bat- 592d Joint Assault Signal Company, Detachment_GO
talion - GO 84-1945 . 53-X-1945.
950th AAA ( AW ) Battalion , Battery A-GO 53–1945 . 3d Armored Division, Headquarters Forward Echelon &
2d Engineer Special Bridgade Support Battery ( Pro Headquarters Company - GO 32 - X - 1945.
visions-GO 66–1945 . 4th Armored Division - GO 54- III-1945 .
9th Signal Company - GO 68–1945. 11th Airborne Division , Headquarters & Headquarters
444th Quartermaster Truck Company - GO 54-111-1945. Company - GO 68–1945.
456th Ambulance Company - GO 54-III-1945. 20 Bombardment Group -GO 109–1945 .
512th Engineer Light Pontoon Company-GO 123–1945 . 17th Bombardment Group-GO 58-VII-1945.
992d Engineer Treadway Bridge Company-GO 108- IV- 40th Bombardment Group ( VH ) , XX Bomber Command
1945 . -GO 65 - VII - 1945 .
995th Engineer Treadway Bridge Company - GO 54- 47th Bombardment Group ( L ) -GO 84–1945.
III-1945 . 97th Bombardment Group-GO 58 - VII - 1945.
380th Quartermaster Truck Company - GO 54-III–1945 306th Bombardment Group ( H ) -GO 123-1945.
34th Infantry Regiment, Company A-GO 53 - X - 1945 . 308th Bombardment Group ( H ) Fourteenth Air Force
65th Engineer Combat Battalion, Company A -- GO 90 -GO 109–1945 .
1945 . 310th Bombardment Group ( M ) -- GO 84-1945.
504th Parachute Infantry Regiment, Company A-GO 312th Bombardment Group ( L ) -GO 84-1945.
66-1945 . 32Cth Bombardment Group-GO 56–1945.
47th Armored Infantry Battalion, Company B-GO 45 323d Bombardment Group ( M ) -GO 109–1945.
XI-1945. 341st Bombardment Group ( M )-GO 92 - XI-- 1945.
60th Infantry Regiment - G0 55–1X-1945. 344th Bombardment Group ( M) --GO 109–1945.
68th Tank Battalion , 6th Armored Division, Company 379th Bombardment Group ( L ) -- GO 56–1945.
B-GO 55-IX -1945 . 384th Bombardment Group ( H ) --GO 100–1945.
120th Engineer Combat Battalion , Company B-GO 84 387th Bombardment Group - GO 84–1945.
1945 . 3920 Bombardment Group ( H ) , 2d Air Division - GO 37
9th Armored Engineer Battalion, 9th Armored Division, 394th Bombardment Group ( M ) -GO 100–1945.
Company C - GO 68-1945 .
397th Bombardment Group ( M ) -GO 109–1945.
47th Armored Infantry Battalion , Company C-GO 38– 401st Bombardment Group ( H ) -GO 83 - XI - 1945 .
XIII-1945, 410th Bombardment Group ( L ) -- GO 84-1945 .
65th Engineer Combat Battalion , Company C-GO 80– 416th Bombardment Group-GO 84-1945 .
X-1945 . 417th Bombardment Group ( L ) -GO 123–1945 .
C9th Tank Battalion (Reinforced ), Company C-GO 444th Bombardment Group ( VH ) , XX Bomber Command
80 - X - 1945 . -GO 65-VII- 1945.
127th Infantry Regiment, Company C - GO 66--1945. 445th Bombardment Group ( H ) , 2d Air Division - GO
134th Infantry Regiment, Company C - GO 68–1945 . 42-IX-1945 .
161st Airborne Engineer Battalion - GO 53-X-1945 . 450th Bombardment Group - GO 45-XI-1945.
338th Infantry Regiment, Company C - GO 68–1945. 454th Bombardment Group ( H ) -GO 56-1945 .
771st Tank Destroyer Battalion, Company C - GO 108– 456th Bombardment Group - GO 56–1945 .
IV- 1945 . 462d Bombardment Group ( VH ) , XX Bomber Com
2d Infantry Regiment, Company E-GO 68–1945. mand - GO 65–VII-1945,
17th Armored Engineer Battalion , Company E-GO 464th Bombardment Group ( H ) -GO 56–1945 .
100-1945. 465th Bombardment Group-GO 58-VII-1945 .
117th Infantry Regiment, Company E- -GO 47- XIV- 468th Bombardment Group (VH ) , XX Bomber Com
1945 . mand-GO 65-XII-1945.
151st Infantry Regiment, Company E-GO 66–1945 . 484th Bombardment Group - GO 35-V-1945.
161st Infantry Regiment, Company E-GO 42-IX-1945. 491st Bombardment Group ( H ) , 2d Air Division -GO
7th Infantry Regiment - GO 100-1945. 58-VII- 1945,
315th Infantry Regiment, Company F-GO 84-1945. 5th Fighter Group - GO 80-X-1945.
158th Infantry Regiment, Company G - GO 66–1945. 20th Fighter Group - GO 34-IV-1945.
334th Infantry Regiment, Company G-GO 68–1945 . 23d Fighter Group-GO 109–1945.
71st Infantry Regiment , Company I-GO 98-X-1945. 27th Fighter Group -- GO 32-X-1945.
160th Infantry Regiment, Company I-GO 68-1945 . 36th Fighter Group - GO 84-1945.
48th Fighter Group - GO 84-1945. 41st Armored Infantry Regiment, Regimental Hq. &
50th Fighter Group - GO 57-1945. Hq. Company-GO 108 - IV - 1945 .
52d Fighter Group - GO 57--1945. 161st Infantry Regiment, Cannon Company - GO 42
55th Fighter Group-GO 35-V-1945 ; GO 66–1945 . IX-1945.
56th Fighter Group, 2d Bombardment Division-GO 34- 188th Glider Infantry Regiment, Hq. & Hq. Company
IV- 1945 . GO 68-1945 .
78th Fighter Group - GO 34 - IV - 1945 ; 90-1945 ; 117 -IX- 503d Parachute Infantry Regiment – GO 53-X-1945.
1945 . 503d Parachute Infantry Regiment, 18th Portable Sur
80th Fighter Group - GO 58 -VII - 1945. gical hospital ( Reinf. ) -GO 53-1945.
86th Fighter Group - GO 84–1945. 4th Bombardment Squadron ( M ) -GO 80-X-1945.
332d Fighter Group - GO 84–1945. 490th Bombardment Squadron ( M ) -GO 109–1945.
339th Fighter Group - GO 34 - IV - 1945. 1st Fighter Squadron Commando, 2d Air Commando
353d Fighter Group-GO 35-V-1945. Group - GO 79-VII–1945.
354th Fighter Group - GO 84-1945 . 2d Fighter Squadron Commando, 2d Air Conimando
356th Fighter Group - GO 35-V-1945. Group - GO 79-VII-1945 .
358th Fighter Group - GO 56–1945 ; 84-1945 . 487th Fighter Squadron - GO 47-XIV–1945.
359th Fighter Group -GO 66–1945. 25th Liaison Squadron - GO 86 - IV - 1945.
362d Fighter Group - GO 32-X-1945 ; 56-1945 ; 84-1945. 414th Night Fighter Squadron-GO 56–1945 .
364th Fighter Group-GO 66–1945. 416th -Night Fighter Squadron-GO 35 - V - 1945 .
365th Fighter Group - GO 84–1945. 417th Night Fighter Squadron-GO 66–1945.
367th Fighter Group - GO 84-1945. 422d Night Fighter Squadron - GO 84–1945.
370th Fighter Group-GO 109–1945. 17th Reconnaissance Squadron ( B ) -GO 86-IV-1945.
371st Fighter Group - GO 84-1945. 4th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron ( Mechanized ) —
373d Fighter Group - GO 56–1945 ; 84–1945 . GO 109–1945.
406th Fighter Group - GO 84–1945 . 38th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron ( Mechanized ) -
474th Fighter Group - GO 66–1945 ; 84–1945. GO 66–1945 .
479th Fighter Group - GO 80- X - 1945. 85th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, Troop A-GO
6th Reconnaissance Group - GO 86-IV-1945. 34-IV-1945.
264th Special Group ( Provisional) -GO 58 - VII - 1945. 6th Armored Division , 86th Cavalry Reconnaissance
61st Troop Carrier Group - GO 57–1945 . Squadron, Troop A-GO 66–1945 .
313th Troop Carrier Group-GO 57–1945 . 92d Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron , Troop D-GO
314th Troop Carrier Group - GO 57–1945 . 100-1945 .
316th Troop Carrier Group - GO 55 - IX - 1945. 117th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, Troop C-GO
317th Troop Carrier Group-GO 84–1945. 108-IV-1945 .
374th Troop Carrier Group - GO 86 -IV -1945. 34th Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron-GO 57–
358th Regimental Antitank Company, 1st Platoon-GO 1945 .
108-IV-1945. 111th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron-GO 57–1945 .
712th Tank Battalion, 1st Platoon, Company A-GO 162d Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron-GO 57–1945 .
108 - IV - 1945 . 9th Weather Reconnaissance Squadron ( Prov ) -GO 84
735th Tank Battalion, 1st Platoon , Company A-GO 68– 1945.
1945 . 154th Weather Reconnaissance Squadron - GO 57–1945.
773d Tank Destroyer Battalion, 2d Platoon, Company 7th Cavalry, Troop G-GO 58-VII-1945.
B -- GO 108- IV - 1945 . 32d Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop - GO 57–1945.
134th Infantry Regiment, 2d Platoon, Company D-GO 40th Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop - GO 66–1945.
66-1945 . Combat Photo Unit A, GHQ Signal Station-GO 53 - X
1945 .
34th Infantry Regiment, 3d Platoon, Antitank Company Combat Photo Unit Q, GHQ Signal Station-GO 53 - X
-GO 53 - X - 1945 ; 53-X-1945 . 1945.
105th Engineer Combat Battalion, 3d Platoon, Company BAYONET :
B - GO 34-IV-1945 .
M1917 -- SB 9-33 .
3rd Engineer Battalion, 3d Platoon, Company C-GO
53-X-1945 . Repointing - TB ORD 272.
24th Medical Battalion, 3d Platoon, Company C-GO BEAMS :
53 -- X - 1945 . Grab
M1-TB 3-255–3 .
614th Tank Destroyer Battalion, 3d Platoon , Company
C-GO 37-X1945. Mi (Modification ) -MWO CW 11 .
M1, CWS No. 644210, serviceability standard-SB
185th Infantry Regiment, 3d Platoon ( Reinforced ) , 3-25-8 .
Company F --GO 66–1945. Hoisting
2d Infantry Regiment, 1st Section, 3d Platoon , Com Airplane Smoke Tank-SB 3-35-9.
pany H-GO 68–1945 . Alteration on Airplane Smoke Tank , M2 — TB 3
127th Infantry Regiment, 3d Platoon, Company K-GO 255–4 .
5th Cavalry Regiment, Troop A-GO 47-XIV-1945. Antifriction — TB ENG 11 .
12th Cavalry Regiment, Groop G - GO 45 - XI- 1945. Ball, Care and Maintenance - TM 37265 ; TB ORD 6.
13th Infantry Regiment-G0 54-III–1945. Ball and Roller-TB 9-2830–93 .
21st Infantry Regiment, Cannon Company— GO 68–1945. Clutch Release
47th Infantry Regiment, Medical Detachment_GO 120 Lubrication—TB 10–1679-FE1 .
VIII - 1945 . Reclamation-TB 9-2830–72 .
32d Armored Regiment, Reconnaissance Company- GO Lower, for leg bath and arm bath, Mfg . by J. Beeber
68-1945 . Co.-TB MED 211 .
36th Armored Infantry Regiment, Medical Section, 3d ML - 129 - A , B , C and E - LO 3103.
Battalion - GO 54-III-1945 . Pump — TB 9–1775–1 ,
38th Infantry Regiment, Regimental Headquarters Com Roller - TB ORD 6 .
pany --GO 36 -XI- 1945. Instruction Guide-TM 37-265.
BILLY MITCHELL FIELD, WIS .: Temporarily classified
BEEF : class I installation - Cir 9-1-1945 .
Carcass - SB 10–187.
} Grades of Carcass - SB 10-174 . BINDING : Transfer of authority, functions, and responsi
BEER : bility - Cir 316 - V - 1944 .
Sale on premises used for military purposes—Cir 381
VII- 1944.
BINOCULARS : Ordnance Maintenance-TM 9-1580.
Salvage of bottle caps, bottles , containers-Cir 137 - V
1944 ; 340 - VI- 1944. BIOLOGICALS : Disposition - SB 8-29.
BELL : MC - 153 — TM 11-433 . BIRD : Transportation - Bull 11-1-1943.
BELTS : Fan - TB 9-2830–28 .
BIVOUACS : Camouflage - FM 5-20C.
Change , National Service Life Insurance-Cir 280–1945. BLACKOUT :
Gratuity, death of military personnel-Bull 25–1–1943. Adapter M - 374 - SB 11–75.
Driving —TB ENG 51 .
Payment lated
Accumu leave of civilian employees , lump sum BLANK FORMS :
-Bull 1-VII-1945 . Disposition of obsolete Standard Form 1058_Cir 467
National Service Life Insurance - Cir 457-1944. III-1944 .
National Life Insurance --Bull 22 - III - 1944. Elimination, WD AGO Forms 33 and 34-Cir 203-1- !
BENEFITS : Retirement , Officers, physical reclassification 1945 ; 313-11-1944 .
TM 12-245 . Oath of office - Cir 266-11-1945 .
BEVERAGE : Procurement, distribution, requisitioning, etc. - Cir 264
Bottling soft drinks, oversea commands - Cir 51–1944 . 1944.
Procedure for procurement - Cir 36-1-1945. Salvage Cir 150-VII-1945.
Procurement with sundry funds - Cir 36 – II – 1945 . Specification for collecting data of employees-Cir 116
BIOLOGICALS AND PH SETS : Diagnostic , supply for VI-1945.
oversea commands — Cir 308-11-1943 .
Standard, Style of writing names- -Cir 251 -III-1944.
Uniformity in entries, procedure Cir 20-11-1944.
Japan-WD Pam 31-1 ; WD Pam 31-1a. No. 100-1 ( Tentative) Discontinued—Cir 482-III
Songs — WD Pam 28–4. 1944.
No. 732_Cir 45-1-1945 .
BICYCLES : Columbia-TM 10–1481. WD AGO FORM
No. 14-9, reimbursement for group travel_Cir 445
BIDS : Procurement- TM 10–300.
1944 .
No. 32 to replace certain old forms - Cir 20-1-1945. !
Authority for shipment , method of showing - CT Bull No. 178–2, instructions changed-Cir 14-IV-1944.
11-IV-1944 . War Department
Billing multiples car shipments-CT Bull 11-1-1944 . Form 52a, to be replaced , WD AGO Form 8-24
Cir 448 - II - 1944.
Conversion-CT Bull 7–1944 ; 10-1944 . Form 322 revised-Cir 440-11-1944 .
Cost-plus- a - fixed - fee contracts-Cir 342 – II – 1942.
WD QMC Forms 231 and 438 obsolete_Cir 77-11-1944.
Description-CT Bull 47–1945 .
Used on sulphu ric nts
acid shipme from plants, Wills for military personnel - Cir 97-1944.
Disposition CT
of Bull 44-1-1
obsolet 945 . rd
e Standa Form 1058Cir 467– BLANKET : Issue-Cir 38-V-1945 .
III-1944. BLEACHING : Procedure for Theater of Operations Qual
Dunnage weights — CT Bull 11-III–1944. ity Check-TB CW 3-220–252.
Government, damage of supplies while under shipment
by carriers , payment - Cir 53-V-1945. BLIND : General hospital designated for specialized treat
Lend-Lease ment-Cir 347-1-1944.
Material for waterborne export - Cir 308-I–1945. BLINDNESS : Disability compensation for veterans — Bull
Transportation -Cir 395–1944 . 9-1-1944.
shown Bull 23–1944. or invoices-Cir 223 - VIII
on vouchers
BLOCKS : Plunger-TB 9-724-6.
1945 .
Policing of errors-Bull
, CTB 28–1945. BLOOD :
“ QMR ” symbol and number - Comm . Traffic Bull 11 Refrigeration –TM 8-635.
V-1944 . Donor, Military personnel , voluntary --Cir 81-II-1943.
Shipment , Group responsibility for recording on identification tag
More than one car- CT Bull 7-1943 . Cir 138-III–1945.
Other government departments — CT Bull 11 -II
Specimens - TB MED 78 .
1944 .
Property , consolidating stations and distributing Virus identification, shipment - Cir 237- VIII – 1944.
Transfusion , complications — TB MED 204.
agencies —Cir 15-1-1945 .
Points in Mexico, via Mexican carriers-Cir 192
III –1944 ; 391-VI-1944 . Advisory to The Adjutant General for handling military
Through regulating stations - CT Bull 20–1945 .
prisoners-Cir 454-V-1944.
Signature -CT Bull 23–1944 .
Use , Standard Forms , Nos . 1103-1112_Ct Bull 10-11 Aeronautical-GO 17-IV-1942 .
1943 . Reorganization — GO 101-1–1945 .
Utilization of Commercial Freight Forwarders — CT Air Traffic Control Board-Cir 254-1945 .
Bull 24-1945 . Army Communications , organization -Cir 194–II–1943.
BILLETING OFFICE : Military District of Washington- Army Packaging , establishment - Cir 80-II–1945 ; 383
VIII - 1945 .
Cir 325-1-1944 ; 367-1-1945 .
BOARDS—Continued BOARDS-Continued
Army and Navy-GO 6–1942 . War Department
Petroleum - Cir 203–1944. Decorations - Cir 142 - V - 1944 .
Army Pictorial-Cir 159–1–1944. Manuscript dissolved-Cir 79-III–1944.
Army retiring, disposition officers' pension applications Photonews- dissolved-Cir 79-IV- 1944.
-Cir 474-1944 . Price Adjustment-Cir 330-IV-1944.
Army Specialized Training Program Field selection BOATS :
Cir 137-11-1944.
Aviation Cadet Examining-Cir 30–1944. Gasoline- Powered Utility-TB 5-271-6.
Certain boards appointed, separation centers—Cir 188– Landing - TB 5-271-4 .
1945 . Motor, outboard-TM 5-278 .
Civilian Mounts, machine gun-TM 9-230.
Established within Selective Service System-Bull Inflation -Deflation , Schramm-FM 5–8086.
24-1943 . Pusher Knee-TB 5-8086.
Welfare Fund , War Department-Cir 210-IV-1945. Reconnaissance - TB 5-271-4 .
Control , Air Traffic - GO 30-1-1942. Small
Courts Martial, Women's Army Corps, eligibility-Cir Harbor Craft-FM 55-130 .
462-1944 . Preventive MaintenanceTM 55-320.
Deflection Storm-MWO ENG 8004-1 .
M1 -MWO ORD F19 - W1. Stream Crossings—TB ENG 31 .
Mi (Serial Nos. 57 to 139 Inclusive ) —FSMWO Tank, lighter, conversion to fuel barge - LO 5-9562.
F19-W2 . Target (JK ) , Radio Controlled – TM 4-237.
M1 ( Serial Nos. 1 to 139 Inclusive) —FSMWO F19- Utility
W3 . Power, Penn-Yan, 18-ft. AT-TM 5-8020 ; TB 5
Investigation, Women's Army Auxiliary Corps - Cir 20 8020–2; TB 5-2080-1 ; MWO ENG 8020-1 ;
V-1943 . LO 5-8020 .
Standard-TB 5–271-2 .
Joint Army- Navy
Ammunition Storage, change in name — Cir 140- BODIES :
III–1945 .
Packaging, establishment_Cir 80-II-1945. Car, Scout, M2A1-TM 9–1705E , 9-1709.
Pedestal-MWO ORD A 55-W11 .
Joint Communication, finding procedure-Cir 87-I–1945. Repairs—TM 10-450.
Joint Price Adjustment-Cir 330-IV-1944. Vehicles
Medal for Merit established, regulations governing Half-track-TM 9–1710C ; TM 9-1707B.
Bull 1-1-1943 ; 9-II, III–1943 ; 18-111-1945. Motor-TM 10--560 .
Medical officers, discharge proceedings of enlisted men BOILERS :
-Cir 266–1945 .
Medical, physical reclassification of officers — Cir 313– Independent- 49 -in . x 128-in.-FM 5-9800 .
Kewanee Steel Firebox Return TubeTM 5-5092.
1945 .
Mountain and Winter Warfare - Cir 307-IX-1944 . Laundry, mobile, Orr & Sembower-LO 10–351–3 .
Plant Operating Logs, Maintained at Class I, II, III,
Munitions assignment-Cir 203–1944. and IV installations - Cir 282-1-1945.
National Munitions Control, reports to Congress—Bull Water Treatment Logs, Maintained at Class I, II, III,
7-IV-1942. and IV installations - Cir 282-1-1945.
Navy Packaging-Cir 80-II-1945 .
BOLTOHMETER : 1-1664TM 11-2613 .
Nurses retiring, disposition of pension applications-Cir
474-1944 . BOLTS :
Officers Hold - Down-TB 9-759-FE2.
Candidate examining, waiver of tests—Cir 468 - III- Lock - TB 9-2930–34 .
Straight — TB 9–1341-FE2.
For property adjustment - Cir 7-1944 ; 39–1944. Taper-TB 9-1341-FE2 .
Plotting Track Wedge, tank-TB 9-2830-16 .
Artillery, Field - TM 9-1569 . U, installation on Trailer, Bomb M5 — TB 9-760- FE2.
Artillery, Seacoast-TM 9-1570. BOMBING :
M1 - TM 9-2684 . Aids-TM 1-252.
M3—TM 9-2681 . Air formations—TC 84 , 1942.
M4–TM 9-2691. Dive-TM 1-260 .
M5 -- TM 683 Tests
MX-26 /TP-TB SIG 117. Buildings_TB ENG 6.
Reclassification , retirement, authorization for appoint Shelters - TB ENG 10.
ment - Cir 140-1944. Walls, Protective-TB ENG 21 .
Refusal of medical , surgical, or dental treatment-GO BOMBS :
8-1-1942 . Aircraft - TM 9–1980 Wire, Arming, Assembly—TB 9
Retiring, proceedings - Cir 12-III-1945 ; 20 - VI - 1945 . 1980-8 .
Retraining and re-employment policy - Bull 8–II–1944. Cluster
Review , Persons discharged or dismissed from armed Aimable, AN M17A1-TB CW 11 .
forces - Bull 10–1944 . R6R2 , adapter-TB CW 16.
100 Pound, M28 ( 110 ) _TB 9–1980–28.
Spotting, M3—TM 9-2682 ; TB 9-2682–1 . M28A1, 100-1b Fragmentation—TB 9-1980-38.
Veterans Placement Service - Bull 10–1944 . Disposal Equipment - TM 9-1865.
U. S. Joint Communication , use of single call sign Fire
method suspended - Cir 227-11-1945. 165- Gallon-TB CW 25.
War Contracts Price Adjustment - Cir 330-IV-1944. Igniters — TB 3-300-5 .
Fragmentation Discontinued and redesignated - Cir 353 - III - 1945 .
20-lb. , AN-M41-TB 9–1980–45. Subports discontinued - Cir 342-III– 1945 .
20 & 23-lb.-TB 9-1980–29.
120-lb., M86 — TB 9–1980–35 .
Fuze Cir 353-III-1945.
M148—TB 9-1980-37. BOTTLING : Soft Drinks - SB 10–189 ,
M149—TB 9-1980–34 .
Gas-TB CW 22. BOTTLE : Salvage-Cir 340-VI-1944.
H - Filled — TB CW 31 .
Incendiary BOUNDARY :
AN-M17A2-TB CW 10. Air defense zones, vital air defense areas- Cir 80–1944.
10-Pound , M74 - TB 9-1980-51 . Northwest Service Command-GO 14-V - 1944 ; 65-1
100-Pound, M47 type - TB CW 29513. 1944.
500-Pound, M76 - TB CW 4.• Theaters of operations—Cir 62–1944.
M38A2 , 100-Pound—TB 9-1980–40.
Parachute type, converting 20-lb. Fragmentation Bombs BOX-GRINDER : Steel H-10 Fixed Bridge - TB 274-1.
AN-M41—TB 9-1980–45 . BOXES :
Racks-TM 1,500.
Ammunition-Cir 84 - III - 1945 .
Removal from maneuvering land prior to civilian use Cal. .50-MWO ORD G136-W3 .
Cir 195-1-1945 .
Correct Ammunition and Brackets-TB ORD 202.
Selection-FM 1–110. Echo
Selection for destruction of targets - Cir 110–1945 ; 115 TC - 207 / UPTM 11-1212.
II - 1945 .
TS-270 / UP and TS - 207A / UP_TM 11-1086 .
Smoke TS - 280 / TPS - 34TM 11-1083 .
10- Pound, M77—TB CW 26 .
Impedance Measuring, Type 470 -ZA - TM 11-1076.
T8, identification, 100 -lb. target—TB 9–1980-42. Locker, shipment and storages of records, exempted
Provide means of throwing, tanks, Medium , M4, from property accountability - Cir 173 - II
M4A1 and M4A3_MWO ORD G104-W93 . 1945.
Target Identification
Records shipping and storage -- Cir 104-1945 .
100- Pound, M84A1-TB 9–1980-53 . Stowage, Armored First Aid Kit, Installation-TB ORD
250-Pound, M89, M90 and M98 ~ TB 9-1980–53. FE45 .
Unexploded— Cir 244-VI-1945 ; FM 9-40. BRACKETS :
BOMB RECONNAISSANCE AND REPORTING : Ammunition-Cir 84-111-1945 .
Pending changes in FM 9-40 -- Cir 5-11-1945. Chassis Mounting, Replacement with Improved Bracket,
Requests for preparation, or changes-Cir 254–II–1944. Radio Set SCR 536A, B, C, D , E-MWO
SIG 11-235-4 .
BONDS : D82738_MWO ORD F261-W2 .
Deposits accounts, protection - Cir 123-V-1943. Engine Rear Frame, reinforcement - TB ORD 10–1557–
Issuing Officer, designation - Cir 290-VI-1944. 2.
Performance and payment, waiver, Army Air Forces Frame, Tandem, Reinforcement - TB 9–811 -FE1.
and Services of Supply - Cir 181-V-1942. Front Torsion Bar Cushion Stop, Reinforcement- TB
Savings See War Savings bonds and stamps. 9-729-FE1 .
Treasury, belonging to nonappropriated funds, disposi Improved ( Replacement of Chassis Mounting Bracket ) ,
tion-Cir 263-IV-1944. Radio Set SCR 536A, B , C, D, E-MWO SIG
11-235-4 .
United States Savings, procedure for the purchase and
issuance/TM 14-513 . Liquid Container, Ordnance Vehicles - TB ORD 92.
Traversing, Motor Support-TB ORD FE51 .
BOOKS : Mounting
Call Sign-WD Pam 11-4 . Ft. 511 , Improved Telescope -MWO SIG 11-1324
Cash , use WD AGO Forms 14–2 and 14-4 restricted to 3.
disbursing officers - Cir 448-111-1944. Muffler
Disposal of certain records— Bull 14-IV-1943. Installation in Carriage , motor, 105 -mm , Howitzer,
Gun , Artillery, 00 Form 5825—Cir 215–VIII–1943, M7—MWO ORD G128 -W21 .
Instruction , 132A2 Teletypewriter Subscriber Set and Resistor Mounting—MWO SIG 11-615–9 ; 11-605-7.
Associated Equipment–TM 11-2210. Rifle, Ordnance Vehicles—TB ORD FE6.
Mailing by clubs to APO's outside continental United Thumb Grip, Addition for Trigger Firing—TB 9-1303
States-Cir 376-III–1944 . FE2 .
Procurement - SB 10-87. Trail Clamping ( Heavy Carriage Limber M5) —TB 9
Professional, Medical Department- SB 8–20. 1350-FE1 .
BONE OPERATING CASE : 110 Volt , AC - DC-TM 8-613 .
Air, Cam Shaft - TB 9-2830-13.
BOOBY TRAPS-TC 71 . Automotive - TM 10-565 .
Mines - WD Pam 21-23 . Electric
Control, Ordnance wheeled vehicles-TB ORD 234.
BOOKLETS : Spare Parts, Pedestal Grinder - TM 5-4174 . Removal on all Carriages, Howitzer, 105-mm, M2–
BOOSTERS : M25, ( Fuze, CP, M78 ) _TB 9-1901-7. MWO ORD W9.
Hydraulie-TM 9-18227C .
BOOTS : Issue, wear, and replacement in U. S.-Cir 252 - II- Power-TM 9-1827C.
1945. Trailer, Electric , Hydraulic Operation , Brake Con
troller - TB 9-766-2 .
BORES : Artillery , cleaning, preservation and lubrication Winch, Operation and Adjustment_TB 9--767-2.
TB ORD 259.
BRASSARD : Red Cross, issuance to certain personnel - Cir
BORNEO : Medical and Sanitary Data-TB MED 113, 230-1-1942 ; 479-11-1944.
BRAZER : Oliver, 462_FM 5-4564. BRIDGES - Continued

BRAZING AND SOLDERING SETS : All Types, Technical Steel, Bailey Type-TM 5–277 ; TB 5-277–1; TB 5
Data - TB 5-9720-14 . 277-2 ; TB ENG 19.
Stream- Crossing Equipage- TB 5-271-1 .
BREAD : Commercial sources-Cir 62-IV-1942. Suspension-TM 5-279.
Treadway, Steel—TB ENG 19.
BREAKERS : M1-TB 5-272-2 .
All Types, Technical Data-TB 5-9720–9. M2-TM 5–272 ; TB 5–272–3; TB 5-272-4 ; TB
Circuit, Use with Power Unit PE-103-A-TB 11-275–7. ENG 52.
Paving Use , Ship - to -shore operations-- TB 5-272-5.
Gasoline Barco, H - 6 - TM 5-4090. Trestle
Ingersoll-Rand Co., R-63– FM 5-4556 . Highway and Railway, Semipermanent – TM 5-286.
Pneumatic Timber-TB ENG 19.
Ingersoll-Rand, CC-60—TM 5-4064. 10-Ton-TM 5-276 .
Ingersoll- Rand , CC-80-TM 5-4068 . Unit Construction Railway, Erection-TB 5-372–1.
Thor, 25-TM 5-4022. BRIDGING :
Sullivan K11s Q13 ( K-11, SK-13 Busters ) -- FM 5 Access Plug U-23 /G2TB 11-369-3.
4148. To support Heavy Tank T26E1-TB ENG 52.
BREECHES : Artillery, Cleaning, lubrication and Preserva- BRITISH ARMY, HANDBOOK-TM 30–410.
tion—TB ORD 259 .
BRITISH MALAYA : Medical and Sanitary Data-TB
Arch, fixed, estimating capacity -- TB ENG 69.
Expedient Trestle, 4-Ton-TB ENG 59. BRITISH SOMALILAND : Medical and Sanitary Data
Fixed - TB ENG 19 . TB MED 130.
Fixed Panel , Bailey Type, M1-TB 5-277-6. BROADCAST :
Demolition-TB 5-277-3. Message, recordings made outside continental United
End Supports-TB 5-277-7. States, restrictions-Cir 407-III-1944 .
Intermediate Piers-TB 5–277-9. Troops overseas, radio receiver R-100 ( ) / URR — Cir
M1 and M2 , Fixed Two- Lane Through Type Panel 424 - III – 1944.
TB 5-277-11.
Widened- roadway, standard and expedient - TB 5 BRONZE OAK LEAF CLUSTER : Awards succeeding
277-10. Medal for Merit-Bull 9-III-1943.
Floating BRONZE SERVICE ARROWHEAD : Units awarded-GO
Deck Balk on 18-Ton Pneumatic Floats—TB ENG 70-1945.
78 .
Construction Field-Expedient Decoy — TB ENG 77. BRONZE STAR MEDAL ; Established by executive order
High Velocity Currents - TB ENG 31 . Bull 3- II- 1944 .
M4 - TB ENG 61 .
Panel , Bailey Type, Mi , on 25 - Ton Pontoons—TB BRONZE STAR SERVICE MEDAL.
5-227-8. Description and eligibility to wear - Cir 62–1944 ; 90
Repair - TB ENG 29. III-1945.
Girder Box Eligibility - Cir 195-1-1944.
H- 10_TB ENG 19. Worn on service ribbon-Cir 27–1944,
Highway M12 ( Carriage motor, 105-mm, howitzer, M7 ) -MWO
Steel ORD G128-W16.
H-10 and H - 20 - TM 5-274 ; TB 5-274-1. M13, M14, and M264- TB ORD FE9.
Semipermanent 30-60-90 Spans—TM 5-285.
Stock Pile - TB ENG 12. BUCKER, CONCRETE : Tremie Type, 1 cu . yd.-Blau- Knox
Impedance - TM 11-2634 ; TM 11-2634A. Co.-FM 5-9890.
Inundated Areas and Tidal Estuaries - TB 5-271-1 ;
TB 5-271-2. BUDGET : Supervision, required by ASF-Cir 370-V–1944.
Light Stream Crossing Equipage-TM 5–271 . BUDGET ADVISORY COMMITTEE : War Department Re
Marking, load classification - TC 7, 1944. organization - Cir 368-X-1944.
Measures to Prevent Shifting of Bridge Superstructure
Under Traffic - TB ENG 67 . BUDGET OFFICER , WAR DEPARTMENT : Designation
Panel , Bailey Type- -GO 37-II-1943.
Launching by Single Girders — TB 5-277-4. BUFFERS : Elevating Arc, Inspection and Servicing - TB
To support Heavy Tank T26E1—TB ENG 52. ORD 286.
M3—TM 5--275 ; TB ENG 27.
10 - Ton , 1938—TM 5-273 ; TB 5-273–2 .
Construction on permanently frozen ground-TB 5–
25 - Ton
Erection Procedure, Portable, prefabricated—TM 5
Revised Capacity - TB 5-273-3. 9611 .
To support Heavy Tank T26E1 -TB END 52. Housing capacities, installations in United States-- Cir
1940 — TM 5-273-3 ; TB 5-273–1 ; TB 5-273-2. 321 -V-1944 ,
Radio Frequency, TS-1961 CPM -4 - TM 11-1206.
Railway Sale or salvage - Cir 195-III- 1944 .
Painting and repainting - Cir 237-VI- 1944.
Erection - TB ENG 45 . Prefabricated, N.P. Ward, steel sheet with utilities,
I - Beam-TM 5–371 . tropical—TM 5–9619.
Through Truss-TM 5-373 . Vacant, conservation-Cir 380-I-1945.
Stock -Pile, Requisitions -- TB ENG 56 .
Stock - Pile -- TB ENG 12. BULB : Signal Corps resale to Army exchanges in oversea
Unit Construction -- TM 5-372 ; TB 5-372-1. theater-Cir 155-III-1945.
658749 °-46--17 257
BULGARIA : Declaration of war - Bull 37-1942 . BURIAL :
Arlington National Cemetery, procedure - Cir 325-11
BULLDOZERS : 1944 ; 363-11-1944.
Cable-Operated , LeTourneau , XD-9 , For Caterpillar D8 Deceased personnel within continental limits - Cir 145–
Tractors , IH - 3990 — TM 5-1332 . 1945 .
Hydraulic-Operated, LaPlant- Choate, BABX-TM Regulation by Army Air Forces and Services of Supply
1270. -Cir 181 -V-1942.
BM4-TM 5-1310. Reports, preparation - Cir 311-IV-1943.
LeTourneau, K8-FM 5-1508. BURNERS :
XD-7-TM 5--3092.
XD-9-Use with D8 Caterpillar Tractor IH -3990 Gasoline-TM 8-615.
FM 5-1332. Oil, High Pressure, Williams Oil-O -Matic, HP --- FH
Tank , M1 , M1A1-LO 9-719 . 5-9760.
Pot Type, Oven, Bake, field — TB 10-400-4.
Tank Mounting
M4, M4A1 , M4A2 , M4A3, & M4A4 Tanks—TB ENG
BURNS : Thermal , Surgical Management–TB MED 151 .
23 .
M4A1-A2 and A3—TM 5-1310 . BURSTER : M47A1 and AN -M1752_TB CW 10.
M4A1 , M4A2, M4A3 Tanks—TB ENG 9.
For M4A1 , M4A2, M4A3 Tanks — TB ENG 9. BUS STATION : Military police assigned - Cir 77 - III - 1943.
M4A2 and M4A3 Tanks, 1944 Series—TB ENG 41 . BUSES :
Tractor -Mounted, Cable-Operated, LeTourneau Model, 112 - Ton, Passenger, 4 x 2-TM 9-824.
XD-7-TM 5-1580. Passenger, HC K-7 and KS-7—TM 9-822.
Universal, attachment for LVT ( A1 ) , (A4 ) , (3 ) and 29 - Passenger, 142 - Ton , 4 x 2TM 9-1824 .
( 4 ) —TB ENG 80. 4 x 2- LO 9-824 .
BULLETIN : 37-Passenger ( IHC Models K-7 and KS-7 ) -TM 9
Combat Training-Cir 86–II–1944. 4 x 2 ( IHC KS-7 ) -LO 9–822.
Commercial Traffic, purpose, form, and procedure for Supply, administrative use -- Cir 361- IX - 1945 .
preparation-Cir 97 – II – 1945. Transportation - TM 55-705.
Order, Circulars and Memoranda-TM 12–256 .
Quartermaster General Contract, discontinued - Cir 28 BUSHINGS :
1-1944 . Elimination of Galling A187204 and A186272—TB 9
Supply-Distribution and Numbering, QM-SB 10-1 . 1331-FE2 .
Flanged , A7104562_TB 9-1350–7.
BULLETIN ( TRANSPORT TECHNICAL SERVICE ) : Re- Insulating, Installation on Antenna Connector of Fre
scission-Cir 213-IV-1945. quency Meters-MWO SIG 11-300-1.
Mounting, Pinion, compensating, differential — TB ORI
1942 , No. 7 amended - Bull 4-III-1943 . Self -lubricating type-MWO ORD A47-W1 .
1942 , No. 2 , sec . IV amended—Bull 9-1-1943 ; 16 - III- Steel Back Type, defective, A14304, Replacement with
1945 . Cast bronze type bushing 70506630 in Con
1941 , No. 5 amended - Bull 4-1-1943 . trolled differential-- FSMWO G127 - W10;
1944 , No. 10 amended Bull 12-XII-1945 . FSMWO G103-W44 .
1943 , No. 14 , sec . IV amended - Bull 12-XI-1945 . Worn Bronze, Reclamation — TB 9-2830-82.
1942 , No. 28 amended - Bull 4 -II-1943 .
1941 , No. 32 , sec . II amended - Bull 14-1-1943. BUTTONS :
1941 , No. 33, sec. V amended-Bull 11-1-1945. La pel
1941 , No. 36 amendedBull 4-IV-1943 . Issue, honorable discharged military personnel - Cir
1941 , No. 41 , sec. III amended Bull 4-IV-1943 .
- 79-V-1944.
Issue to Female Personnel - SB 10–161 .
BUNDLES FOR AMERICA , INC .: Knitting or sewing Service lapel-Cir 35-I , III-1943 ; 62–1945 .
woolen clothing — Cir 384-1-1944 . Summer uniform, WAC personnel- Cir 174-V-1944.
Alien questionnaire, No. 49-R307 to replace 49 - R037-42 BE -70-A , -B , -C , -D , E , -F , -G , -H , -J, -K , -L , -M .
-Cir 482-11-1944 . --N , -P, -Q, R , -S, -U , -AA, and -AB
TM 11-345 .
Documents, downgrading - Cir 331-11-1945 .
Letter to Executive department , accountability for iden CH-60 , Modification-MWO SIG 11-273-2 .
tification badges-Cir 157-III-1945 . Console, CY-69TP / S-3 , Radio Set AN / TPS-3, Cooling
Publications-Cir 275-IV-1945. Instruction-TB 11-1540-4 .
Standard specifications, Industrial personnel report- CABLE :
Cir 477-111-1944 ; 116-VI-1945 . Addresses, use of code words - Cir 134 - IV - 1945.
Change in address, military personnel outside United
PARTMENT: Certain regulations governing
Federal income tax , Army Personnel -Cir CABLE ARMAMENTS :
385-1–1944 . Barrage Balloon
Low altitude - FM 4-191 .
BUREAU OF PUBLIC RELATIONS : Very low altitude - FM 4–192.
Functions, Industrial Services Division-Cir 209- II CABLE LAYING : Under water - TB SIG 67.
1945 .
Release of film material, policy-Cir 162-V-1944. CABLES :
Release, military information - Cir 236-1945. Antenna connecting—MWO SIG 11-274-5.
Responsibility in connection with contract settlement Assemblies
and property disposal - Cir 372-VII-1945 . CC - 345 - SB 11-49 .
Women's Army Corps Group established-Cir 204 - VIII CC-345 ( 5 -pair ) , CC - 355 - A - TM 11-371.
1944 . CC-355-A-SB 11-49.
CABLES — Continued CAMERAS - Continued
Auxiliary, track, stabilizer repair-TB 9-772-FE6. Motion Picture -- Continued
Battery , reclamation-TB 9-2830–22. PH-430, PH -430 - A S3 11-100–34.
Captured enemy, description and use - TB SIG E15. PH-430-MWO SIG 11-2380–1 ; LO 3820.
Coaxial Lead-in, assembly-MWO SIG 11-859-6. PH -430 - A - L0 3829 .
Connection , Antenna - MWO SIG 11-275-5 . PH-431-TM 11-2383 ; SB 11-100–34 .
High-Voltage, terminations, preparing—TB 11-1506–3. PH -502/ PF_TM 11-2370 ; SB 11-100-37 .
Instructions for tying and use of Weave Tie - TB SIG PH - 503 / PF - TM 11-2377 .
121 . PH -516 /GF - SB 11-100-30.
Lashing Machine- TM 11-2058. PH - 530 / PF - TM 11-2389 ; SB 11-100-34 ; LO
Spiral-four-TM 11-369. 3887 .
Substitution , in Amplifier M1A1 , 90-mm Antiaircraft PH - 274 , 35-mm-MP-LO 3822 ; LO 3822A .
Gun Mount M2TB 9-1372B-2. PH - 274 - A -- L0 3896 .
Winch, heavier, installation—TB 9-881 -FE1 . PH -330- H-MWO SIG 11-2396-1 .
PH-516/GF-LO 3895.
Aerial, light, pioneer, M - 1 -TM 5-9588. PH-47-C, D, E & F-LO 3814 ; SB 11-100–13.
Medium—TB ENG 48 . PH- 195-A-TM 11-2365 .
CADET : See Aviation cadet. PH-274 , PH -274-A-SB 11-100–30.
PH - 501 / PF-TM 11-2364 ; LO 3831 .
Regulations governing the taking on post , camp, and
Light station- Cir 365 - V - 1944 .
M1 - MWO ORD C29-W3 . Vertical Projection Portable
M4-MWO ORD C29-W3 . Beattle, Field 52-C-TM 5-6048.
CALCULATORS : Psychrometric, ML - 322 / UM - TM 11 Huebner, 10- in. x 10-in.-TM 5-6050.
2422 , TB 11-2422-1 . View, PH - 120, PH - 120A , PH - 120B , PH- 150, PH - 150A ,
CALIBRATION : PH- 159, PH-195, PH - 195A -- SB 11-100–22 .
Electrical measuring instruments — TM 11-472 . CAMOUFLAGE :
Radio direction finders for site and instrumental errors Aircraft on the ground - FM 5-20E .
-TB SIG 113 . Airdromes - FM 5-20E .
CALIBRATORS : Antiaircraft Artillery- FM 5-20F .
BC-725-A-TM 11-1048 ; TB 11-1048–1 . Artificial materials—FM 5-20H .
BC - 726 - A - TM 11-1128 . Basic principles-FM 5–20.
1-47, Moistureproofing and fungiproofing instructions Bivouacs-FM 5-20C .
TB 11-1128--2. Command posts—FM 5-20C.
I - 189 - A - TM 11-1227. Concealment-WD am. 20-12 .
1-240-TM 11-1226 . Covers for 700-gal . water tank body and 750- gal . gaso
Range line Tank body - FSMWO G508-W6 .
I- 108–TM 11-1104 . Distribution of engineer nets-- Cir 463–1944.
I-144-TM 11-1064. Field Artillery--FM 5-20D .
1-146 - TM 11-1148 . Fortifications, Seacoast–TM 5–265 .
I-147, 1-156 , & 1-168—TM 11-1128 . General-TM 5-267.
1-178 and 1-178-A-TM 11-1051 , Individuals ----FM 5-20A ; TB ENG 50.
1-223-A-TM 11-2528. Infantry weapons- FM 5-20A.
Materials — TM 5-269.
Cir 267-1-1944 .
Materials and manufacturing techniques — FM 5-20H .
Medical installations-FM 5-20C .
CAM : Natural materials -- FM 5-20H .
Ballistic Rear areas and fixed fortifications — FM 5-20G .
SPG 6485772 or SPG 646909-MWO ORD F167– Recoloration of duck and webbing, theaters of operation
W6. --Cir 390-11-1944 .
SPG 656270 ( D7689250 ) -MWO ORD F167- W6. Supply points-FM 5–20C.
Breech, operating, failure during countercoil—TB ORD Tools and Equipment - FM 5-20H .
FE54 . Vehicles - FM 5-20B .
CAMERAS : CAMP ADAIR , OREG .: Change in status - Cir 235 - VI
Copying, Rutherford , 24 x 30 - in . - TM 5-6006. 1945 .
PH-104-TM 11-2352. CAMP BARKELEY , TEXAS : Reclassified to Class I in
PH-151-LO 3833 ; LO 3833A . stallation-Cir 4 - III - 1945 .
PH-151-A-LO 3833 ; LO 3833A .
CAMP BEALE , CALIF .: Commanding officer authorized to
PH-515 / MF-TM 11-2360 . appoint general courts martial-GO 58-1
PH-545/PF-TM 11-2312 . 1944 .
Machine gun , aircraft-TM 1-505 .
Micro- File, PH-545 / PF-LO 3891 . CAMP COLES , RED BANK, N. J .: Redesignated - GO 24
Monotype -Directoplate, U. S. Army, Special, instruction 1-1945 .
book parts and parts lists-TM 5-6002.
Motion Picture
PH - 6 - A - MWO SIG 29 . Placed on an active status, and classified as a class III
installation - Cir 22-III -1945 .
PH-270-TM 11-2353 ; SB 11-100-30 ; LO 3805 ;
LO 3805A ; LO 3805B . Regional and Convalescent hospital , AAF, discontinued
-Cir 264 -VI -1945 .
PH-324-TM 11-2361 ; SB 11-100-33 .
PH-330-A through PH -330 - J - TM 11-2396 ; SB Rendered surplus — Cir 258-1-1945.
11-100-34 . CAMP EVANS, BELMAR , N. J.: Redesignated-GO 24-1
PH-330-A- LO 3800 . 1945 .
CAMP FORREST, TENN.: Designated areas, prostitution CAPACITORS :
limitation-GO-IV-1945. Bypass, preventing failures on Radio Receiver - BC
CAMP HANN, CALIF .: Commanding officer's authority to 779-A-MWO SIG 11-866-1.
revoke general courts martial-GO 51-11 C33, Replacement in Radio receiver and transmitter
BC-1267-A-MWO SIG 36 .
C-661 , Removal in Radio sets SCR-584-A and B
Placed in active status-Cir 45-III-1945 . High-voltage, relocation—TB SIG 130.
Portion “ M ” redesignated - Cir 101-111-1945. Neutralizing high voltage isolation
Replacement of Radio set
CAMP REYNOLDS , GREENVILLE , PA .: ASF Personnel SCR-399-A-MWO SIG 11-281-5 .
Replacement Depot, changed-Cir 151-1-1945. SCR - 499 - A - MWO SIG 11-281-5.
CAMP SAHARA : Part of Lindbergh Field, San Diego, Paper Dielectric, Replacement in Radio receivers, BC
California , jurisdiction transferred-Cir 98– 779- ( ) , BC-794- ( ) , and BC-1004-1 )
II-1945 . SB 11-70.
CAMP SPRINGS ARMY AIR FIELD , MD .: Redesignation Dual diversity receiving equipment-MWO SIG 11
-GO 8-1-1945 .
2204-1 .
CAMP WHITE , OREG.: Station hospital transferred to the Unsatisfactory type, modification of radio transmit
Navy-Cir 155-11-1945 . ter-MWO SIG 11-2671-2.
CAMPS : Tuning, transmitter, installation of drive shaft collar,
In Continental U. S. , sources of Medical supplies-SB Radar set AN/TPX-MWO SIG 11-1160–1.
933.1 and 933.2 - MWO SIG 11-961-3 .
8-13 .
Newspaper service, services rendered post, camp, sta
tion, and unit periodicals-- Cir 466–1–1944 . Earphone. See Earphone Caps.
Shows In-line Engines, reclamation — TB 9-2830–42 ; 9-2830–88.
Attendance - Cir 247-1945. Leveling Jack—TB 9–1253-FE1.
Benefit of military personnel-Cir 234-1945. Microphone. See microphone Caps.

Medal , current war-Cir 62–1944 ; 195–1–1944 ; 90 - III Civilian employee, accounts - Cir 52–1945.
1945 ; 142-11-1945 ; 339–1–1945 ; 345-11-1945. Military personnel -
Disposition of records - Cir 326–1–1944.
CAMSHAFTS : Brake, Air, reclamation — TB 9-2830–13. Paroles-Cir 345-11-1944 .
Pay and allowances,
CANADA : During absence-Bull 14-III-1942.
Reciprocal hospitalization-Cir 91–1–1945. Of such person-Cir 305-1944.
United States forces operating, tax exemptions-Cir 201 files forwarded to The Adjutant General-Cir 96
372-V -1944 . 1945 .
Military Personnel, absentees , apprehension within Retention by military personnel and merchant seamen
United States—Cir 258-1-1944 ; 456-11-1944 . Cir 155-VI-1945.
Personnel, payment of those serving with U. S. forces Shipment
in continental U. S.-Cir 252–1-1945. Intelligence purposes—Cir 104–1944.
To United States - Cir 13–1945.
CANAL ZONE : Certain statutory provisions relating to
employment suspended Bull 17-11-1944 . CARBINES :
CANARY ISLANDS : Medical and Sanitary Data ( Spain) Caliber .30
-TB MED 165 ; TB MED 192. M1 and M1A1-FM 23–7 ; TM 9-1276 ; TB 9-1276
1 ; TB ORD 2 ; TB 23–30–1 ; MWO ORD B28
CANCELLATION : Air space reservations - Cir 369-III–1944. W4 ; MWO ORD B28–5 ; MWO ORD B28–
CANISTERS : W3 ; TC 52–1944 .
M1A3-MWO ORD B28-W3.
Ammonia (Odor ) M2 — Distribution, substitute pending availability,
M2_TB 3-205-4 . Cir 479-III-1944 .
M9A2-TB 3-205-11 . T4 - TB 23-7-4 .
M10, M10A1 -TB 3–205-11 .
M11 -- TB 3-205-11 . CARBON COPY : Report of separation Forms 53, prepara
Cartridge, 57 -mm , T17—TB ORD 226 . tion illegible-Cir 315-XI-1945 .
HCN , M2–TB 3–205–2 .
CARBON MONOXIDE GAS. See Gas, Carbon Monoxide.
Company, Infantry Regiment - FM 7-37. CARBURETION : Fuels-TM 10–550.
Major caliber, disposition of unserviceable -- SB 9–21 . CARBURETORS :
Saluting charges — Cir 352-VII-1944 ; 9-11-1945; 137– Carter - TM 9-1826A .
X-1945 ; 255-VI-1945 ; 259-3-1945 .
Identification, all vehicles using continental R975-C1
CANOL PROJECT : Operating and maintenance by CG , and R975-C4 engines—TB ORD 235.
Northwest Service Command-GO 13 - VI- Marvel Schebler, No. TCX - 39 - A - MWO SIG 11-940-1.
1944 ; 65-II–1944 . Stromberg–TM 9-1826B .
Zenith -- TM 9-1826C ; TB 9-1826C-1 .
CANS : Tin , salvage activity-Cir 254-111–1943. Zinc base die castings, prevention of corrosion-TB
ORD 312.
CANTEEN CUP : Food container, cleanliness-Cir 384- II
1944 . CARDIOGRAPHS : Portable - TM 8–614 .
CANVAS : Conservation, truck, cars and carriers-- SB 9-44. CARDIOLOGY . See Medicine.
CARDS : Identification , preparation-WD Pam 20-9. CARRIAGES--Continued
CARGO : 16 - Inch - Continued
Priorities for shipments -- CT Bull 9–1944 . Howitzer, 16-inch , M1920—TB ORD 120 ; FT 16 - A
Security Officer, references to ship transportation offi
cers-Cir 141-11-1945. Lubrication of firing magnetos — TB ORD 261 .
Transportation by Air Transport Command - Cir 451- Cargo, T14 -- FSMWO * G1-W2.
1944 ; 114-11-1945 ; 131 -VII - 1945 ; 215 - VIII Disappearing
1945 ; 379-1V-1945. 6 - Inch
Weights and Measurements—SB 55--5 . M1898 – FT 6–3–3 ; FT 6-C-2 ; FT 6 - D - 2.
CARIBBEAN AREA : Health precautions — WD Pam 8-2. M1903 — TB 9-1426–1 ; FT 6-C-2 ; FT 6-D-2.
M1905-FT 6 - C - 2 ; FT 6-D- 2.
CARLOADS : Bill of lading descriptions — CT Bull 47– 8 -Inch , L.F. , M1896–FT 8-H - 1 .
12 - Inch , L.F.
CARPENTRY_TM 5-226 . M1896 --FT 12- E -2 ; FT 12 - K - 2 .
M1897—FT 12-E-2 ; FT 12–K-2.
M1901—FT 12- E-2 ; FT 12- K-2 .
Artillery, Tires -- TB ORD 139 . 14 - Inch, L.F. , M1907 - FT 14-C- 1 ; FT 14- B -2 .
Automatic Guns
16 - Inch , L.F.
40 -mm
M1912-FT 16-C-1 .
M81 , AP-T- FT 40 AA -A-2 . M1917-FT 16- B-1 ; FT 16- C - 1 .
Mk II , HE-T ( SD ) -FT 40 AA-A-2.
Barbette Ford GAA , CAF, or GAN tank engine, Servicing spark
3 - Inch (15 -pdr) plugs — TB ORD 288.
M1902–TM 9-421 ; TB 9-1421-1 ; FT 3- M -2 .
M1903— TM 9-241 ; TB 9-1421-1 ; FT 3- M -2 . 37 -mm
6 - Inch M3 - FSMWO A44-W4 .
All Types—FM 4-75. M4 (Antitank )-TM 9-1245 ; TB ORD 138 ; LO
M1-TM 9-428 ; LO 9--428 ; MWO ORD E54 9-U1 ; FT 37-M-4 .
W2 ; MWO ORD E54 – W6 . M4A1-TM 9-1245 ; LO 9-U1 .
M2-TM 9-428 ; TM 9-627 ; LO 9-428 ; MWO 40 -mm
ORD E54-W6 .
M1 -TB 9-1253-1 ; TB 9-1253 -FE1; TB ORD
M3—TM 9-428 ; LO 9-429 ; MWO ORD E59– 266 ; MWO ORD A50-W13 ; MWO ORD A50–
W2 ; MWO ORD E59-W3 ; MWO ORD E59 W14 ; MWO ORD A50-W15 ; MWO ORD
A50-W19 ; MWO ORD A50 -W14 ; FSMWO
M4 - TM 9-429 ; LO 9–429 ; MWO ORD E59– A50-W13 ; FSMWO A50-W15 ; LO 9-757 .
W2 ; MWO ORD E59-W3 ; MWO ORD E59– M1 and M2 ( A.A.) --MWO ORD A50-W13 ;
W6 .
MWO ORD A50 - W15 ; MWO ORD A50- W20.
M1900—TM 9-424 ; LO 9-424 ; FT 6 - C - 2 ; FT 6– M2 - TB ORD 266.
D-2 ; FT 6 - E - 2 . M2 , M2A1 -TM 9-1678 ; TB 9-1253- FE1 .
M1910-FT 6–3–3 ; FT-6-C2 ; FT 6-D-2. M2A1-TB ORD 260.
8 -Inch M2 ( A.A . ) -TM 9-1252 ; TM 9-1253 ; TB 9
M1-FM 4-48 ; TB 9-1442-1 ; TB ORD 25 ; TB 1250–1 ; TB 9-1253–1 ; MWO ORD A50 – W2 ;
ORD 120 . MWO ORD A50-W9 ; MWO ORD A50-W14 ;
M1892_FT 8 - H - 1 . MWO ORD A50–W19 ; FSMWO A50 - W13;
M1918 — TB 9–1442–1 ; FT 8-A-3 ; FT 8-D-2 ; FT FSMWO A50-W15 .
8 -- H - 1 . M2 and M2A1 ( A.A . ) —TB ORD 256 ; MWO
M1918M1 - FT 8-H-1 . · ORD A50-W18.
12 - Inch M2A1 ( A.A . ) -LO 9-252 ; MWO ORD A50- ,
M1892 – FT 12-E -2 ; FT 12-K-2 . W21 .
M1917—TB 9-1451-1 ; LC 9–451; FT 12-E-2 ; FT 57-mm
12 - K - 2 ; MWO ORD E19-W33 ; MWO ORD M1- TM 9-303 ; LO 9-303 ; FT 57- A -3 .
E19-W13 ; MWO ORD E19-W36 . M1A1 - TM 9-303; LO 9-303 ; FT 57- D - 1 .
16 - Inch M1A2 - TM 9-303 ; LO 9-303 ; FT 57 - D - 1 ;
M2_TB ORD FE46 ; LO 9--472–1; MWO ORD MWO ORD C36 - W2.
E20 - W68 . MIA2E1 - MWO ORD C36 - W9.
M3—TB ORD FE46 ; LO 9-472–1 ; MWO ORD M1A3MTM 9-303 FE2 ; MWO ORD C36 - W9.
E20-W68. M2-TM 9–303 TB 9-303-FE1 ; TB 9-1303
M4—TM 9-471 ; TB ORD 25 ; TB ORD FE46 ; TB FEI ; TB 9-1303-FE2 ; LO 9–303 .
ORD 120 ; LO 9-471; LO 9-473 ; MWO ORD 75 -mm
E58-W1 ; MWO ORD E58-W2 ; MWO ORD M2A1 - FT 75- B-4 .
E58-W3 ; MWO ORD E58 - W4; MWO ORD M1897 — TM 9-1305 ; TB ORD 138 ; FT 75 - B
E - 58 - W6 ; MWO ORD E58 - W7. 4.
M5-TB ORD FE46 ; LO 9-471-1 ; LO 9-473 ; M1897 -- TB 9-1305-1.
MWO ORD E58-W1 ; MWO ORD E58-W2 ; M1916 - FT 75-AF- 1 .
MWO ORD E58-W4 ; MWO ORD E58-W6 ; M1916 ( British) --FT 75-E-3 .
MWO ORD E58-W7 . M1917 ( British )-FT 75-AF - 1 ; FT 75 - E - 3 .
M1919_ - TB ORD FE 46 ; LO 9-472 ; FT 16 - B - 1 ; 90 -mm , T5E2- TM 9-375 ; LO 375.
FT 16 - C - 1 ; MWOORD E10-W5 ; MWO 155 -mm
ORD E10 - W6.
M1-TM 9-1350 ; TB 9-1350-3 ; TB 9-1350-4 ;
M1919M1 -LO 9-472-1; FT 16 - E - 1 ; 10 ORD TB 9--1350-5 ; LO 350 ; FT 15.-S-2 ; MWO
E20 - W58 ; MWO ORD E20-W67 . ORD D24-W10 ; MWO ORD D24 - W11 ;
M1919M2 - MWO ORD E20-W67. MWO ORD D24 - W16 ; MWO ORD D24
M1919M3-MWO ORD E20-W67. W17 ; MWO OR D24-W18 ; MWO ORD D24
M1919M4 W19 ; MO ORD D24-W21 ; FM 6-82.
Gun-Continued Howitzer - Continued
155-mm-Continued 105 -mm - Continued
M1A1-TB 9-1350–3 ; TB 9–1350–8 ; TB ORD M3—TM 9-326 ; TM 9–1326 ; TB 9–1326-FE1 ;
206 . FT 105 - L - 2 .
M2_TM 9–1345 ; LO 9-345 ; MWO ORD D30– M3A1-TM 9-326 ; TB 9–1326 - FE1; TB ORD
W1 . FE28 ; TB ORD FE31 .
M3-TM 9–1345 ; LO 9-345 ; MWO ORD D30- M3A2—TB 9–1326-FE1 ; TB ORD FE31 ; LO
W1 . 9-326 ; TB 9--749-1.
M1917—TM 9-1345 ; FT 155-B-5 ; FT 155-U 155-mm
M1917A1-TM 9-1345 ; FT 155-B-5 ; FT 155 M1-TM 9-331 ; TM 9–1331 ; TM 9-1350 ; TB
U -1 . 9-331-1 ; TB 9-1331-3 ; TB 9–1331-4 ; TB
M1918-TM 9-1345 ; FT 155–B-5 ; FT 155 - U 9-1331-5 ; TB 9–1331-6 ; LO 9-328 ; MWO
1. ORD C39-W3 ; FSMWO C39-W8 ; TB ORD
M1919A1-TM 9-1345 ; FT 1255-B-5 . 109 ; TB ORD 135 ; FT 155-Q-2 ; MWO ORD
3 - Inch C39-W6 .
M1-TM 9-1322 ; TB 9-1322-1 ; TB ORD 64 ; M1A1-TM 9–331 ; TM 9–1331 ; TB 9-1331–3 ;
TB ORD FE20 ; LO 9–322 ; FT 3-R-2 ; MWO TB 9-1331–4 ; TB 9–1331-5 ; TB 9-1331-6 ;
ORD C40-W2 . LO 9-328 ; FSMWO C39-W8 ; TB ORD 135 ;
M6 - TB 9-1322–1 ; TB 9-1322-FE1 ; TB ORD MWO ORD C39-W6 ; MWO ORD C39 - W10 ;
FE20 ; LO 9-322 ; MWO ORD C40-W3 . FSMWO C39-W5 ; FSMWO C39-W7.
4.5 - Inch M1A2-LO 9-328.
M1-TM 9-328 ; TM 9–1331 ; TB 9-1331-2 ; TB M1917-FT 155 - D - 3 .
ORD 109 ; TB 9-1331-5 ; TB 9–1331-5 ; TB M1917A4-LO 9-330 .
9-1331-6 ; LO 9-328 .
M1A1-TM 9–1331 ; TB 9–1331-2 ; TB 9–1331 M1918A3—LO 9-330 ; MWO ORD C28 - W10.
4 ; TB 9–1331-5 ; TB 9–1331-6 ; TB ORD 109 ; 240 -mm
LO 9-328 . M12TM 9–1341A ; TB 9–1341A-1 ; TB 9
6 - Inch , All types-FM 4-70 . 1341A - FE2 ; LO 9-336 ; FT 240-C-1 ; MWO
8 -Inch ORD D31-W28.
M1-MWO ORD E55 –W1; LO 9-442 ; FT 8 M1918 - FT 240 - B - 2 .
1-1 .
M2-TM 9-336 ; TM 9–1341A ; TB 9–1341A-1 ; M1918A2 - LO 9-340 .
TB 9-1341A-FE2 ; LO 9-336 ; FT 8-1-2 ; 8-Inch, M1-FM 6-87; TB ORD 206 ; TB 9-335-4 ;
MWO ORD D33-W28 . TB 9–1350–3 ; TB 9-1350-4 ; TB 9–1350-5 ;
Antiaircraft M2 and M2A1-TB 9-252-FE2. TB 9–1350–8 ; LO 9–335 ; FT 8 - J - 1 ; MWO
Machine, Multiple Cal. .50, M51-LO 9-223. ORD D29-W2 ; MWO ORD D29 - W6 ; MWO
ODD D29-W11 ; MWO ORD D29-W12 ;
MWO ORD D29-W13 .
75 -mm M1 -TM 9-350.
M1 -TM 9-1320 ; TB 9-320–1 ; TB 9-320–5 ; M1A1 -TM 9-350 .
TB ORD 97 ; TB ORD 138 ; FT 75-1-4 ; Mortar
MWO ORD C20-W18 ; MWO ORD C20-W22 ;
MWO ORD C20-W23 . 81-mm, M4 ( Half- Track ) -FSMWO G102-W23 ;
FSMWO G102-W27.
M3-FT 75-1-4 .
12 -Inch
M3A1 -TM 9-1326 ; MWO ORD C26 -W3 ; M1903—FT 12 - A - 4 .
FSMWO C26-W4 .
M1908–TM 9-457 ; FT 12-G-2.
M3A2-TM 9-1320 ; TB 9-320-5 ; MWO ORD M1918, Railway-FT 12 - A - 4 .
C26- W5 ; MWO ORD C26-W6 . M1918MII-FT 12 - G - 2 .
M3A3 – TM 9-1320 ; TB 9-320-5 ; TB ORD Motor
FE28 ; TB ORD FE31 ; MWO ORD C26-W5 ;
MWO ORD C26 - W6; MWOORD C26-W7. Bogie and idler wheels—TB ORD 22.
M3A4-LO 9-320. Direct sighting and elbow telescopes for tanks,
M8 —- TM 9-732B ; TM 9-1320 ; TB 9-319-3 ;
Field Artillery and AA Artillery - TM 9
TB ORD FE31 ; TB ORD 97 ; LO 9-319 ; Gun
MWO ORD C20-W22 ; MWO ORD C20-W23 ; Change in propeller shaft bolt size - TB ORD !
MWO ORD C20-W24 ; MWO ORD C20 FE26 .
W26 ; MWO ORD C20-W277.
Crew drill , M36- FM 18-18.
105 -mm 37 -mm , M6 - TB 9-750A-2 ; LO 9–750A.
M1 -FT 105-H-3. 40-mm, Twin, M19-TM 9–757 ; TM 9–1729A ;
TM 9-1729B .
M1A1 - TM 9-325 ; TB 9-325-7 ; FT 105-H -3 . 57-mm , T48—TB ORD 8 ; MWO ORD G102
M2-TM 9-325 ; TB 9-325–7 ; FT 3-R-2 ; FT W36.
105-- H -3 ; MWO ORD C21-W9 ; MWO ORD 75 -mm-
C21-W11 ; MWO ORD C21 -W13 ; TB 9 M3 —— TB 9-710–23 ; TB 9-1710C - 3; TB
1331-7. ORD 8 ; FSMWO G102-W41 .
M2A1 - TM 9-325 ; TM 9-1325 ; MWO ORD M3A1-TB ORD 8.
C21 -W11 ; MWO ORD C21-W13 ; FSMWO 76 -mm
C21-W12. M18—FM 18–16 ; TM 9–755 ; TM 11-2724 ;
M2A2-- TM 9-1325 ; TB ORD 64 ; TB ORD TB 9-755-14 ; LO 9-755 ; MWO ORD
FE20 ; · LO 9-325 ; MWO ORD C21 -W13 ; C58-W3 ; MWO ORD C58-W4 ; MWO
MWO ORD C21 -W16. ORD C58-W5 ; MWO ORD G1-W18 ;
CARRIAGES-Continued CARRIAGES - Continued
Motor-Continued Motor-Continued
Gun - Continued Gun-Continued
76 -mm - Continued 155-mm-Continued
MWO ORD G163-W4 ; MWO ORD G163 Multiple - Continued
W5 .
M17—TM 9–1707A ; TM 9–1707B.
M18 ( 170 ) _TB 9-308–1 ; TB ORD 29 ; M19 - TM 11-2712.
TB ORD 90 ; TB ORD 96 ; TB ORD 115 ; Twin, 20-mm, M4-MWO ORD A50
MWO ORD G1-W17 ; FT 76 - A - 4 . W13 ; FSMWO A50 - W13.
90 -mm Ordnance Maintenance - TM 9-1545.
M1A3-TM 9-1303 .
M35 — TB ORD FE14 . M2 - TM 9-1303.
M36 – TM 11-2731 ; TB ORD FE29 ; TB M2A1 and M2A2 - TM 9-1325.
ORD FE48 ; LO 9–758 ; MWO ORD G120 Related gun and howitzer - TB ORD 275.
W1 ; MWO ORD G1-W18 ; MWO ORD Personnel, Half- Track
G1 -W27.
M3 - FSMWO G102-W23 ; FSMWO G102-F27.
M36, ( 171 ) _TB 9-758-FE1 ; FT 90 - C - 3. Tank, Medium chassis using vertical volute suspension
M36B1 - TM 9-748 ; TM 9-745 ; TM 11 MWO ORD G1-W24 .
2731 ; TB ORD FE29 ; TB ORD FE48 ; CARRIERS :
LO 9-748 .
M36B2-TM 11-2731 ; TB ORD FE48 . 40-mm, Aircraft Gun-TM 9-252.
M71-TM 9-758 ; TB ORD 95 ; TB ORD 81-mm, Mortar, Half- Track
116 ; TB ORD 125 ; TB ORD FE2. M4 - TB 9-710-23 ; TB 9-1710C-3 ; LO 9-710-1.
155 -mm M4A1-TB ORD 8 ; LO 9-710-1 .
M12 - TM 9–751 ; TB 9-751-4 ; TB 9-2830– M21-TB ORD 8 ; LO 9–710-1 .
52 ; TB ORD 22 ; TB ORD 29 ; TB ORD Cargo, light
41 ; TB ORD 96 ; TB ORD 115 ; TB ORD M29—TM 11-2733 ; TM 9–772 ; TM 9–1772A ; TM
125 ; TB ORD 148 ; TB ORD 151 ; TB 9-1772B ; TB 9-772-2 ; TB 9-772-FE1 ; TB
ORD 152 ; TB ORD 154 ; TB ORD 222 ; 9–772 - FÉ4; TB 9-772 - FE5; TB ORD 201 ;
LO 9–751 ; MWO ORD G1-W18 ; LO 9 LO 98 ; LO 9-772- MWO ORD G179-W3 ;
M41-FM 6–82. MWO ORD G179-W5 ; MWO ORD G179-W7 .
T83 — TM 9–747 ; TB 9-747–1 ; LO 9--747. M29C - TM 9–772 ; TB 9- 772–1 ; TB ORD 201 ;
1 3 -Inch
MWO ORD G179-W8 .
M10 - FM 18–15 ; TM 9-752 ; TM 9 M28—
1750L ; TB 9-1750G-5 ; TB 9–1750G T - 14 — TB ORD 29 ; TB ORD 201 ; MWO ORD
6 ; TB ORD 3 ; TB ORD 31 ; TB G1-W2 .
37 ; TB ORD 41 ; TB ORD 61 ; TB T -15 — TM 9–893 ; TM 9–1793B ; TM 9–1893A ;
ORD 80 ; TB ORD 83 ; TB ORD TM 9-1893B ; LO 114.
116 ; TB ORD 125 ; TB ORD 143 ; M30, T14—TM 9–751 ; TB 9-751-4 ; TB 9-2830–89 ;
TB ORD 148 ; TB ORD- FE- 1 ; TB TB ORD 41 ; TB ORD 96 ; TB ORD 115 ;
ORD FE2 ; TB ORD FE - 48 ; FT TB ORD 125 ; TB ORD 148 ; TB ORD 151 ;
3-R-2 ; TC 59–1943 ; LO 9-752. TB ORD 152 ; TB ORD 154 ; TB ORD 222 ;
M10 and M10A1-TM 11-2723 ; TB TB ORD FE5 ; LO 9-751 ; MWO ORD G1
ORD 151 ; TB ORD 152 ; MWO ORD W18.
G1 -W18. Half- Track
M10A1-TM 731 -G ; TM 9-1750L ; TB
9–7316-4 ; TB 9-731G - 13 ; TB ORD Conservation of canvas - SB 9-44 .
3 ; TB ORD 22 ; TB ORD 31 ; TB
ORD 41 ; TB ORD 61 ; TB ORD 82 ; M3— TM 11-2714 ; TB 9-710–23 ; TB 9-1710C
TB ORD 83 ; TB ORD 90 ; TB ORD 3 ; TB ORD 8 ; LO 9–710 ; MWO ORD G179–
96 ; TB ORD 116 ; TB ORD 125 ; TB W4 ; FSMWO G102-W21 ; FSMWO G102
ORD 131 ; TB ORD 143 ; TB ORD W22 ; FSMWO G102-W41 .
M3A1-TM 11-2721 .
148 ; TB ORD FE1 ; TB ORD FE2 ;
TB ORD FE5 ; TB ORD FE14 ; TB M3A1 and M3A2-LO 9-710 ; SB 9-44 .
ORD FE29 ; TB ORD FE48 ; LO M5–TM 9-707 ; TM 9-1707A ; TM 9-1707B ;
9-731G ; MWO ORD G170-W11 . TM 11-2711 ; TB ORD 8 ; LO 9-707.
Combination, M15A1-TM 11-2739. M5A1-TM 9–1707A ; LO 9-707.
81 -mm Mortar
Indicators, Azimuth , M20 and M21 , Ord M4 and M4A1 - LO 9-710-1.
nance maintenance - TM 9-1731D.
Installation of Radio Set AN /VRC-3— M21 -LO 9-710_1.
MWO SIG 11-637-1 . Hybrid , CF-7-A-TM 11-2003 ; TM 11-4406.
Multiple- Open Wire - TB SIG 44.
M13—TM 11-2712 ; TB ORD 8 ; MWO Shell, Chemical Mortar, M1 , CWS No. 414645 - SB 3–
ORD G102 - W36 . 25-10.
M13A1 - LO 9-710-7. Spiral-Four, 100-mile, System Complete - TM 11-2001 ;
TM 11-2001-1 .
M14 — TM 9–707 ; TM 9-1707A ; TM
9-1707B ; TM 11-2712 ; TB ORD 8. Telegraph Terminal, CF-64TM 11-2009.
M15 - FM 44-59 ; TM 11-2708 ; TB Terminal Sets-TB SIG 184 ; TB SIG 185 .
ORD 8 ; L09–710-4 ; MWOORD Universal, T16_TM 9–746 ; TM 9-1746A TM 9-1746B ;
G102-W36 . LO 9-746.
M5A1 - FM 44-59 ; TB ORD 8.
M16 - TM 11-2712 ; TB 9-710- FE1 ; CARRIER SYSTEM : Spiral-Four, Complete 100 -mile - TM
11-2001-1 .
TB ORD 8 ; LO 9-710-5 ; MWO ORD
A61 - W1, CARRYALL : WC - 53 - MWO ORD G502 - W3.
CARS : See also Vehicles. CARTS :
Armored-TB ORD 123. Food ( drinkwater ) -- MWO MED 4 .
Light, M8TM 9-743 ; TM 9–1743 ; TM 11-2702 ; Log, low hitching, model D4 , Williamette- Hyster Co.
FM 5-9552.
TB 9–743–5 ; TB 9-743-6 ; TB 9-743–7 ; TB
9-1743-1 ; TB 9-743-FE1 ; TB 9-1743-FE1 ; CARTRIDGES :
TB ORD 310 ; TB 9-743-8 ; TB 9-743 FE2 ; 4.2 inch chemical mortar & ammunition , M1A1 - LO 3
MWO ORD G136-W5 ; MWO ORD G136– 320-2 .
W6 ; MWO SIG 11-600-8 ; MWO ORD G1- Aircraft guns, 20 -mm - TB ORD 137 .
W18 ; FSMWOG136,W2 ; LO 9–743 ; TB A P-T , M70 - FT 57 - A - 3 ; FT 57-D-1 .
ORD 111 . A P C - T, M86 — FT 57-A-3 ; FT 57-D-1 .
T17_TM 9-740. Ball
T17E1 - TM 9-741 ; TM 9–1741A ; TM 9–1741C. M2, Cal . .30—FT 0.30-A -4.
T17E1 - LO 9-741 . M2, Cal . .50 — FT 0.50 - H - 1 ; TM 9-220.
T18E2 (British only ) -TM 9-742. Case, collection and disposition of fired - Cir 268-11-45.
Utility, M20—TM 9–743 ; TM 9–1746A ; TM 11- Firing
2716 ; TB 9-743–4 ; TB 9-743–5 ; TB 9–743– HE , M306 - FT 57- E -1 .
7 ; TB 9–1743–1 ; TB 9-743-FE1 ; TB 9 Smoke, WP, T40—FT 75 -- BB - 1.
1743-FE1 ; TB ORD 111 ; TB ORD 310 ; TB Grenade, Auxiliary, M7—TB 9-1985-2.
9-743-8 ; TB 9-743 FE2 ; LO 9–743 ; MWO
ORD G1-W18 ; FSMWO G176-W2 ; MWO T38 -- FT 75-BB-1 .
ORD G176-W3 ; MWO ORD C176-W4. T39 ( AT ) -FT- BB -1 .
Identification - TB ORD 194 .
Chevrolet - TM 10-1312 ; TM 10–1301 .
Detention-CTB 12, 1945. Ignition, M5A1-Ft 60-F-1 ; FT 60 - D - 3 ; FT 60 - G - 1.
M2 , Cal , .30-FT 0.30 - J - 1.
Diamond T_TB 9-2830-78.
M2, Cal . .50 - FT 0.50-H- 1 .
Half- Track
T P-T , M76 ; FT 57-D-1 .
M2_TM 11-2701 ; TB 9-710A-20 ; TB 9-710–23 ; Smoke, WP, M308 ( T23 ) -FT 57-E-1 .
TB 9–710C-3 ; TB ORD 8 ; SB 9-44 ; MWO
ORD G102-W36 ; MWOORD G102-W38 ; CASA LOMA HOTEL : Designated as regional and con
FSMWO G102-W21 ; FSMWO G102-W23 ; valescent hospital-Cir 6-111-1945 .
FSMWO G102-W27 ; FSMWO G102-W41 . CASES :
M2A1 -TM 11-2718 ; TB ORD 8 ; SB 9-44 ; MWO Amputation-TB MED 10.
ORD G102-W32 ; MWO ORD G102-W37 ; Carrying
MWO ORD G102-W40 ; FSMWO * G102,W40 ; M51-- TB 9-758-FE1 .
LO 9-710-8 . M1917 — MWO ORD F9 - W2 ; FSMWO F9-W2.
M4, 81-mm Mortar-MWO ORD G102-W38. CS - 79 - N - MWO SIG 45 .
M9A1-TM 9–707 ; TM 9-1707A ; TM 9-1707B ; CS - 181 - A , B , D , and E ( Test ) —MWO SIG 11-311-1.
TB ORD 8 ; LJO 9-707 . CS-111 , ( Battery ) -MWO SIG 40.
Hospital , Minimum charges—CTB 22 , 1945. CY-295 / UM-SB 11-101 .
Kitchen , Supplies, equipment and rations—TM 10–206. Diagnostic , Ear, eye, nose, and throat - MWO ORD
Passenger ML - 48 through ML - 48 - E - TM 11-428 .
Chevrolet-TM 10–1129 ; TM 10–1133 ; TM 10 CASH :
1303 .
Ford-TB ORD 10-1375-2 . Basis, sale of property and service procured with ap
propriated funds-Cir 50 - IV - 1945 .
Plymouth-TM 10-1149 ; TM 10–1150 ; TM 10
1690 ; TB ORD FE7. Book, use WD AGO Forms 14-2, 14-3, and 14-4 , re
stricted to disbursing officers - Cir 448 - III
Railroad 1944.
Transportation of military prisoners-Cir 133–1944 ;
42-1944 . CASTLE FIELD : Designation—GO 119-1-1945 .
Utilization-CTB 36–1944 . CASUALS :
Railway Mail address instructions—Cir 109-III–1944 ; 332-V
1944 ; 379-III-1944 .
Hospital-TB 55-285–1 ; TB 55-285-2 ; LO 55–1254 ;
LO 55–1255 ; LO 55-1258 . Ports of embarkation, disposition-Cir 248–1944 ; 331- I
1944 .
M1918M1 -TB 9-1442-1 .
Oversea travel orders — WD Pam 29-3.
Reconnaissance, 14 - Ton , 4 wheel drive, 80- in . wheelbase
Scout, M3A1 Ports of embarkation-Cir 248–1944.
TM 9--705; TM 9–1705 ; TM 9–1705B ; TM 9– Transfer, entry on morning reports—Cir 272-IX-1944 ;
415-II-1944 .
1705C ; TM 9-1705E ; TM 9–1706 ; TM 9
1709 ; TM 11-2717 ; TB 9–705–12 ; TB 9- CASUALTIES :
705-FE1 ; TB 9–1709–2 ; TB ORD 8 ; TB Battle and nonbattle, symbol-Cir 2-1-1945 ; 259–II–1945.
ORD 23 ; TB ORD 107 ; TB ORD 164 ; TB Battle
ORD 310 ; MWO ORD G67-W19 ; LO 9-705 ; Categories — Cir 2-1-1945 ; 142-111-1945 . :
LO 20 ; TB ORD 155 . Notes on Care-TB MED 147 .
Sedans Patients qualified for limited service - Cir 226-11
Chevrolet - TM 10–1132 ; LO 9-U309 . 1945 .
Ford - TM 10–1374 ; TM 10–1375 ; TM 10–1486 ; TB Chemical
ORD 10-1375-2 ; LO 9-U311 . Agents, treatment-TM 8-285.
Packard-LO 9- U312 . Supplies for treatment, zone of interior - SB 8-11 .
Plymouth - LO 9 - U310 . Disposition of records---Cir 373–1944 ; 2-1-1945 ; 157-1
Service, Harley- Davidson-TM 10-1354 . 1945 .
Steeping, Special , Minimum charges--CTB 22–1944 ; TM Reports procedure - Cir 2-1-1945 ; 142 - III - 1945 ; 150
55-525 . II - 1945 ; 186-III - 1945 ; 237 -II -1945; 324 - IV
Utility, M20 LVT Series, fuel cell information and re 1945 .
pair instructions - TB ORD 111 . Reports to be rendered - Cir 373–1944.
ASF. See Army Service Forces Catalog. Allowance for civilian clothing, military personnel in
1 Sig 10, Use of Army Service Forces-SB 11-85. foreign country - Cir 322 - III – 1944.
Signal supply, Army Service Forces, Items not listed in Bond issuance schedule-Cir 290 - III - 1944.
Sig 7- SB 11-89 . Contractor's transportation bills not required-Cir 342–
Covering switching services in transportation - Cir 114
Draw- Pull, Radio Sets 1-1945.
SCR-509- ( ) A , and B-MWO SIG 11-605–8 . Credit voucher to stock record account, property issue
SCR -510-1 ) and A-MWO SIG 11-605-8 . officer — Cir 39–1944.
SCR-609-A , -B, and SCR-610-A , -B_MWO SIG Delivery of supplies, unit price not exceed $ 10-Cir 116
Magazine-MWO ORD B28-W4 .
Disposal, unserviceable property - Cir 7–1944 .
CAVALRY : Emergency purchases of gasoline - Cir 334 – II – 1944.
Division and Corps -- FM 11-15. Exportation , personal property of noncitizens in the
Drill Regulations U , S. armed forces-Cir 223-III–1945.
Horse - FM 2-5. Payment
Mechanized — FM 2-7 . Bills for rail transportation , etc.-Cir 133–1944.
Per diem , military personnel on duty in USSR-Cir 344
Employment, Mechanized units -- TC 107–1943 ; FM 2 1-1944 .
Mechanized Reconnaissance, squadron - FM 2–30. For disposal-Cir 64- IV- 1945.
Reconnaissance troop , mechanized-FM 2–20. Installed on aircraft - Cir 18–1944.
CEILING LIGHT : Set, AN / TMQ - 2 - TM 11-2416. Request of accommodations, patients moved by rail-Cir
234-1944 ; 405–1944.
CELLS: Fuel, information and repair instructions—TB Shipments arriving in Alaska - Cir 93 - III – 1945 .
ORD 111 .
CEMENT : Stamps, tickets, or tokens issued - Cir 467-IX-1944 .
Vendor, modification - Cir 113 - VII – 1945 .
Oil Seal, Tractor, High- Speed
18 - Ton , M4 and 38- Ton, M64TB ORD 302. CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION : Award to civilian
38- Ton, M6 — TB 9-788-3 . employees—Cir 274-1-45 .
Plant, Portable, 30-tph, gasoline engine -driven , Blaw CERTIFICATE OF DISCHARGE : See Discharge Certificate.
Knox-TM 5-1336 .
Arlington National Army vessels-Cir 237-11--1944.
Burial procedure - Cir 325-11-1944 ; 362-11-1944 . CERTIFICATE OF INDEBTEDNESS : Belonging to nonap
Military funeral arrangements — Cir 325–II–1944 ; propriated funds, disposition -- Cir 384-1945 .
363 - II - 1944 .
Chattanooga National, jurisdiction of War Department
-Bull 24-1-1944. Military Police Cir 278-V-45 ; 315-IV-1945.
War Department civil appropriation -- Bull 4–1945. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE :
American Defense Service Medal notation-Cir 27–1944.
Lapel button issue notation-Cir 311-V-1945.
Correspondence, deceased person - Cir 85–1945 .
Course, Adjutant General Officer Candidate School- CERTIFYING OFFICERS : Overpayments on transportation
Cir 104-1-1943. accounts , relief - Bull, 26-11-1942.
Military - FM 30–28 ; TC 15, 66, 1943. CEYLON : Medical and Sanitary Data-TB MED 109.
Reception-TM 12-223. Breech closing — MWO ORD D28-W7 .
Separation, operation – TM 12–222. Sling, Mi CWS No. 631616, serviceability standard
Service ( Air ) -FM 1-195 . SB 3-25-40 .
CENTRAL : Timing, Inspection on Truck 14 - Ton , 4 x 4 - TB 9-803-6.
Accountable Disbursing Office, Monies advanced to agent CHAIRS : Invalid, repair of loose tires on wheels - SB 8–7.
finance officers en route to or from outside
continental U. S.-Cir 99-1945. CHAMBER, FUMIGATION : Methyl bromide gas-Cir 374-1
1944 .
Air Defense Zone, Establishment abolished-Cir 105 - I
1944 . CHANCROID-TB MED 157.
Radio Control, AN /TRQ-1-MWO SIG 11-2619-1 . CHANGE OF ADDRESS :
Radio Intercept, TC - 9 — TM 11-249. V-mail-Cir 195-II– 1944.
Search, Radar, AN / TPQ - 1 - TM 11-249. Forms-Cir 483-IV- 1944.
CENTRAL AMERICA : Health precautions—WD Pam 8-2. CHANGE OF STATION :
CENTRAL BRANCH, U. S. DISCIPLINARY BARRACK : Dependents, transportation - Bull 27--1942.
Establishment - Cir 176-11-1945. Effective date of change on morning reports—Cir 272–
CENTRAL DEFENSE COMMAND : Abolition-Cir 108- II IX-1944 ; 415-11-1944 .
1944. Settlement of local accounts-Cir 38-1-1945 .
Station property, transfer -- Cir 39–1944.
CENTRAL EUROPE : Units entitled to battle credits — GO Storage of clothing and equipment- Cir 301-1-1944 .
116–1945 . Travel performed by officers relieved from overseas
CENTRALIZATION : Maintenance, servicing of noncurrent Cir 242- IV-1944 .
clinical records—WD Pam 12–14 . Troop movement procedures-Cir 358 - IV - 1944.
Records Administration program-Cir 416–1944 .
CEREMONY : 1945 ; 195-IV- 1945 ,
Civilian , Army personnel participation-Cir 369-1- CHANGER, Cassette , Stereoscopic, Upright, Magnetically
1945. controlled-TM 8–625.
CHAPLAIN :-TM 16-205. CHASSIS - Continued
Assistant, duties - Cir 355-VI-1945. Half - Track vehicle ( IHC ) -TM 9–1707B ; TM 9–1710C .
Authorized equipment-Cir 355-VI-1945. Scout Car, M3A1 -TM 9-1709 .
Auxiliary, employment of civilian clergymen-Cir 246– Standardization - Cir 312-1-1943.
II-1945. Truck
Disclosure of confidential communications - Cir 108 - III 2162 - Ton , 6 x 6 Roehlk-TM 5-9005.
1944 .
GMC, Model ACKWX-353—TM 10–1241 ,
Equipment-Cir 248 - IV - 1945 . Vehicles, motor-TM 10-560.
Flagstaff authorized as component of outfit - Cir 333- II
Knife, trench, M3 , not to be issued-Cir 204-V-1944 . transferred to the War Department - Bull 24
Religious Fund-Cir 383-VII–1945 . 1-1944 .
Scarf, retention upon relief from active duty-Cir 69 CHECK :
Temporary general officers - Bull 13-1-1944. Cashing
U. S. Military Academy, increase in pay and allowances, Disbursing officer, United States and foreign cur
Bull 10-1-1945. rencies — Bull 1-VI-1945.
Inside and outside continental United States — Cir
CHARACTER : Determination, personnel transferred from 364-1944.
organizaiton of permanent assignment-Cir Military installations-Cir 352-11-1945.
368-1-1945 . Contractors' guarantee deposit in connection with sale of
CHARGE : Government-owned material Cir 362 - IV
Aircraft of the Army Air Forces -- Cir 338-1-1945 . Patients on furlough or absence, disposition-Cir 208–
Appropriations to be charged for lend-lease supplies VII–1945.
and services-Cir' 395–1944. Shell , 4.2 Inch Chemical mortar, M2_TB 3-320–753 .
Laundry service ASTRP students—Cir 383 - VI -1944. Treasury, requirements for obtaining duplicate-Cir
Sale basis, Property and service procured with appro 481 -II-1944.
priated funds - Cir 50-IV-1945.
Shipments to and through Mexico_Cir 192-III-1944 . CHECKER : Precision Tube, Series 910, 912, 914, 915, 920,
922, 954 , Tube test data -- TB SIG 94.
Battery For Service Record, ( WD AGO Form 24 ) Supplement
PE - 163 - TM 11-2549 . ( Tentative ) -TM 12–230.
PE-219_TM 11-982. Oversea duty, military personnel-Cir 197-III–1945.
PP-78/ MRQ -2--MWO SIG 11-2527-1 . CHEMICAL :
Portable Agents
Gas -engine -driven , 15-volts, 133 amps -- LO 9-834. Casualties, treatment -- TM 8–285.
50 Amp. Capacity, dry plate type, Benwood Linz model Military chemistry - TM 3-215.
50, supercharger, type 448C2 - TM 5-5046. Munitions in training - TM 3-305.
CHARGES : Attacks , defense against-FM 21-40.
Base, depot company - FM 3-66.
Demolition — TB ORD 214 ; TB 9-1940–6 . Casualties , supplies for treatment, zone of interior
Depth - TB ORD 124 . SB 8-11 .
Propelling, Inspection-SB 9 - AMM 7. Dangerous, storage and shipment — TM 3-250.
Shaped Defense , air establishments - TC 31 , 69 , 1942 .
10 lb. , M2 and M2A1 - TB 9–1940-9. Depot Company, aviation, logistical data-SB 3–16 ; FM
15 lb. , M2A3 — TB 9-1940–9. 3-65.
Spotting, M5—TB 9-1980-40. Far east CAD Units, descriptive list , ( drugs ) _TB
Handling and loading equipment-TM 3–255.
Set Laboratory company-FM 3–25.
SCR - 169 - TM 11-302 ; SB 11-94 . Maintenance company - TC 21 , 1945.
SCR -606 - A - TM 11-305. Matériel , destruction—TC 65, 1943 .
Mortar. See Mortars.
CHARTS : Mortar mounts. See Mounts.
Automotive equipment, responsibilities-Cir 240-1944. Munitions. See Munitions.
Basic allowance, engineer equipment -- SB 5-1 . Photographic, principal, glossary - TB SIG 158.
Flow - See Flow Chart. Processing Company - FM 3-30.
Index, pictorial, spare parts for third echelon chest, CV Spraying, air - TM 1–282.
64-U , requisitioning-SB 11-61. Supply and field service-FM 3-15.
Materials handling equipment, responsibility for pro- Terminology -- TC 36 , 1944.
curement, storage, issue , and maintenance Troops, gunners -- FM 3–10.
Cir 33 - V - 1945 .
Round, complete, Chemical Munitions — TB CW 27 . Equipment, serviceability standards-SB 3–25.
Shipment General service company - TC 18, 1945.
Chemical Warfare Service Ammunition - SB 3–24 . List of items for Transportation Corps, traffic data
Ordnance , Group SB 3-2.
B - SB 9 - OSSC - B .
C -- SB 9-OSSC-C . Matériel, standard operating procedure for return from
oversea theaters and Zone of Interior -SB
F - SB 9 - OSSC - F . 3-19 .
Storage - SB 9-OSSC-D. Service ammunition , storage and shipping chart - SB 3
CHASSIS : Symbols prescribed-Cir 483-II–1944.
Body, for Scout car, M3A1 - TM 9-1705E . Tactics - FM 3-5 .
Car, Armored, T17E1 ( Chevrolet ) -TM 9–1741C . Weather manual - TM 3-240.
Classes for Officer Candidate School-Cir 468 - III – 1944. Army
Depot missions -- SB 33-3-CWS. Appointment of General of the Army Dwight D.
Duties-GO 42–1-1945. Eisenhower - GO 111-1945 .
Explosives and ammunition, procedure for shipment-Cir Nomination , Dwight D. Eisenhower, General of the
Cir 370 - III - 1944. Army - GO 107-1945.
Items, critical and nonessential, repair -- SB 38 -3 . Detailed composition of the War Department groups-
Materiel, cleaning and preserving materials—Cir 366– Cir 427 - V - 1944.
Re-opening of Officer Candidate School - Cir 261- V - 1944 . Officers of Regular Army, continuation of service upon
attaining retirement age--Bull 24-V-1944.
Replacement factors -- SB 38-4 -CWS; SB 3–21 .
Suspension , Officer Candidate School-Cir 150-IV- 1944. CHIEF OF TRANSPORTATION :
Baggage clearance agency established— Cir 142-11-1944.
CHEMICAL WARFARE SCHOOL : Edgewood Arsenal , Md., Responsibility for disposal of railroad and floating equip
information-Cir 206-11-1944 . ment - Cir 28-VI-1945.
CHEMISTRY : Military and chemical agents - TM 3-215. CHILDREN :
CHEMOTHERAPEUTIC AGENTS : Use, wound treatment Military personnal, educational opportunities—Bull
Cir 160-V- 1945. 1-II- 1945.
World War I veteran , government protection—Bull
COASTAL FRONTIER : Revocation of au Veterans of9-VIII-1944.
World War I and II, compensation-Bull
thority, Co to appoint general courts martial
-GO 13-III-1944 .
CHESTS : CHINA : Southeastern , Medical and Sanitary Data-TB MED
171 .
Arm, storage and shipment charts — SB 9-OSSC-B ; SB
9 - OSSC - B1. CHINESE :
CH -50 - A , CH-50-B, CH - 62 - A , and CH -62 - B - TM 11 Military dictionary, Chinese-English , English -Chinese
352 . TM 30-533 .
Oil pumps, M2-MWO ORD D11 -W35. Place names, Japanese Readings~TM 30–487 ; TM 30–
Running Spares, Radio Sets SCR - 506- ( ) , SCR-508– 488 .
( ) , SCR-528- ( ) , and SCE -538- ( ) -SB CHINESE -ENGLISH GLOSSARY -- TM 30-495.
Third Echelon, CV 64 - U - SB 11-61. CHLORINATED PARAFFIN : See Paraffin , Chlorinated.
CHEST SETS : CHLORINATOR : Direct-Feed, type MEPDM, Model No. 2
TB - 1 and TD-2-MWO SIG 19 . 499 , Wallace and Tiernan -FM 5–9838.
TD - 1 and TD-2 and TD-3-TB SIG 129. CHOKES :
T - 26 and T - 46 - MWO SIG 20. R-F-MWO SIG 11-246A-1 ; MWO SIG 11-246B- 1 .
Valve, in carburetor, TCX-39-A , Marvel Schebler
CHEVRON : Utilization-Cir 146-111–1944 . MWO SIG 11-940-1.

CHIEF OF CHAPLAINS : Appointment to temporary rank CHRONOMETERS : Ships', Supply and maintenance , trans
of major general-- BULL 13-1-1944. portation Corps - SB 55–17.
Established, Engineer Mechanical Advisory Service- CHRISTMAS :
Cir 4-1-1945.
Mail, 1945, loan of motor vehicles and enlisted per
Real estate, lease, transfer, and responsibility-Cir 89– sonnel to civilian postmaster- Cir 301 - III
1945. IV- 1945 .
Repairs and utilities preventive maintenance program Parcels, regulating for mailing overseas—WD Pam
Cir 132-11-1945 ; 169-IV- 1945 , 12-7 .
Turkey meal , guest authorized-Cir 326-VII-1945.
Fire protection at War Department installations
Cir 15 - III - 1945 . CIGARETTES : Tax-free, sale restrictions to civilians - Cir
New facilities, constructed or acquired-Cir 7 - II 159-III-1944 .
Regard to utilization , refrigerated space-Cir 466– CIPHERING : Equipment, automatic, application to fixed
VI- 1944 . Radio and wire circuits — TB SIG 19.
Sale or salvage, public buildings and improvements - CIRCLES :
Cir 195-III-1944.
Aiming , all types -- TM 9–1530.
bility, release of military information - Cir CIRCUITS :
343-III- 1944. A -C Of test set TC-27 /TSM-MWO SIG 11-2057-1 .
CHIEF SIGNAL OFFICER : Antenna Input , Modification - MWO SIG 27 .
AVC— MWO SIG 1-884-1 .
Administrative procedures for communications services, Drop, Modification of singing in Radio control central
Cir 45 - II - 1945 . AN /TRQ-1-MWO SIG 11-2619-1 .
Evaluation , protection, classification, and use of enemy Filament - MWO SIG 11-269-1 .
film - Cir 43-11-1945. High - Voltage
Preparation of information on dry batteries—Cir 183 - II Control , in Radio transmitter BC -610 - E - MWO
1944. SIG 11-281-6.
Responsibility, subcourses in cryptography and crypt Volt-OHM tester -- MWO SIG 11-303-2.
analysis-Cir 190-1945. Key, Modification of ringing in Radio control central
Sound recording equipment -Cir 82 - V - 1945. AN/TRQ-1-MWO SIG 11-2619-1 .
CS-137, Radio sets SCR-609-A and B & B-SB 11-20. 1944 --Continued
Operation, switchboard BD-100—TB 11-358-1 . 398, sec. I amended-Cir 267-11-1945 ; 315-III-1945.
Range marker, and PPI video - MWO SIG 11-1524-20 . 408, amended-Cir 263–II–1945 ; 318-111-1945.
Rate, director M9A2-TB 9-1671D- 1 . 409 , sec . II amended-Cir 348-IV-1945 .
Remote control , radio transmitters—MWO SIG 11-818-1. 410, sec. I amended—Cir 312 - IX - 1945 .
Squelch , receiver, modification - MWO SIG 11-242-3. 416, amended-Cir 293-VI-1945.
Telephone, Input-MWO SIG 35 . 424, sec . I amended-Cir 293-VI-1945.
447, sec. VII amended-Cir 340 - V - 1945 .
CIRCULARS, JOINT ARMY-NAVY : 1943, Nos. 1 , 2, and 451 , amended - Cir 323-XII-1945.
3 rescinded-Cir 315-IX-1945 . 461 , sec . IV amended-Cir 329-111-1945.
CIRCULAR LETTER : 470, sec , IV amended - Cir 299-11-1945.
Office of the Quartermaster General 1945
No. 6, including Supplement No. 2, rescinded - Cir 2, sec . I amended-Cir 142-111-1945 ; 150-11-1945 ;
223-IV-1944. 157-1-1945 ; 186-III–1945 ; 237-11-1945 ; 259
Surgeon General's Office II–1945 ; 324-IV-1945.
No. 71 , 17 July 42, classification changed-Cir 459 4, sec . I amended-Cir 270 - IV - 145 .
II-1944 . 8, amended-Cir 335-V-1945 .
No. 178, 16 Dec 42, classification changed-Cir 459 9, sec . II amended-Cir 137-X - 1945 ; 255- VI
II-1944. 1945 ; 259-X-1945.
CIRCULARS : 18, amended - Cir 309-IV- 1945.
Orders, Bulletins, and Memoranda-TM 12-256. 27, amended-Cir 263-IX-1945 .
Training, 20, 1945, classification changed—Cir 328-1 30, sec. V amended by AR 40-590, C4 , 31 Aug.
1945 .
1945 .
33, amended_Cir 293-IV-1945 .
CIRCULARS, WAR DEPARTMENT : 36, sec. VII amended_Cir 348-IV-1945 .
1941 41 ,sec . IV amended-Cir 90-IV-1945 ; 248-V- 1945 ) .
71 , amended by AR 40–275 , 13 Sep. 45 . 43, sec . IV amended-Cir 386-IV-1945.
1942 44, amended-Cir 237-VI-1945.
59, amended-Cir 281 -V-1945 . 45, sec . II amended-Cir 325-III-1945 .
401 , sec . II amended - Cir 336-1-1945 . 46, sec . III amended-Cir 60-11-1945 ; 181-11-1945 ;
260-1-1945 ; 349-III-1945.
50, sec. IV amended by AR 35–6660, 15 Nov. 1945.
222 amended-Cir 289-II-1945 ; 359-IV-1945. 55, amended -- Cir 116-VIII–1945 ; 140-VIII–1945 ;
306 amended-Cir 346-V-1945 .
311 , sec. IV amended-Cir 359-IV-1945 . 143- VIII – 1945 ; 152-VIII–1945 ; 176 - V - 1945;
204-11-1945 ; 213- III -1945 ; 215-IV- 1945 ;
333 , sec. IV amended_Cir 311-III-1945 .
337, sec . III amended-Cir 359-IV-1945 .
235 – VIII – 1945 ; 268-IV-1945 ; 323 - VIII– 1945.
1944 72, amended-Cir 146-111-1945 ; 201 – II – 1945; 244
II–1945 ; 314-11-1945.
62 , amended-Cir 339-1-1945 ; 345-11-1945.
64 , sec . II amended - Cir 277-VI- 1945 . 76, sec. IV amended-Cir 287-VII-1945 .
80, sec. II amended-Cir 383 - VIII – 1945 .
69, amended-Cir 282-III-1945 . 83 , amended-Cir 305-V- 1945 .
88 , amended-Cir 383-III-1945 . 87, classification removed-Cir 340-111-1945.
157 , amended-Cir 383-III- 1945 .
158, amended-Cir 315-VII-1945 ; AR 35-6660 , 15 89, amended-Cir 326 - IV - 1945 .
Nov. 1945 .
93, sec . VI amended-Cir 311 - VIII - 1945.
94, sec . III amended-Cir 311 - VII - 1945 .
171 , amended - Cir 311-IV-1945 . 96, amended-Cir 298-X-1945 ; 359-IV-1945 ; 386–
173 , amended-Cir 207-V-1945 ; 232-1-1945 . III–1945.
195 , sec . II amended-Cir 259-VII-1945 .
206, sec . II amended - Cir 359-IV-1945. 99, amended-Cir 269-1-1945.
102, sec . V amended-Cir 315-XIV–1945.
237 , sec . VII amended by AR 850-15 , C1 , 3 Oct. 106, sec . III amended-Cir 269-XIV-1945 .
1945 .
258 , sec . V amended-Cir 358-V-1945 .
115, sec . I amended— Cir 340-II–1945 ; 345 -IV -1945.
125, sec. II amended-Cir 197-IV- 1945 ; 203-VI
264, amended by AR 310-200 , C 7, 7 Nov. 1945. 1945 ; 252–V-1945 ; 301-VII– 1945; 352- v
290, amended - Cir 263-IX-1945 .
313 , sec . II amended-Cir 359-IV-1945 . 1945 .
315, sec . III amended-Cir 183-1-1945 ; 261-1945 . 129, sec. I amended-Cir 269-VI-1945 .
320 , sec . II amended-Cir 246-III-1945 . 133 , amended - Cir 343-1-1945.
134, sec . II amended-Cir 323-1-1945 .
321 , sec, II amended-Cir 264-VII- 1945 .
325 , sec . I amended - Cir 367-1-1945 . 135, amended - Cir 265-11-1945.
330, amended - Cir 288-IV-1945. 136, sec. II amended-Cir 270-III–1945 ; 319-1-1945.
332, sec. V amended - Cir 259-VI -1945 . 138, sec. III amended by AR 40-1715, 10 Aug. 1945.
339, amended - Cir 255-IV-1945 ; 277-XII-1945. 139, sec . III amended - Cir 361 - IX - 1945 .
347, sec, I amended - Cir 232-IV-1945. 141 , sec. II amended-Cir 319-V-1945 ; 326 - V –1943
354, sec . IX amended_Cir 375-1945 . 142 , sec . V amended-Cir 346 - IV - 1945 .
364 , amended - Cir 255-IV-1945 . 155, sec. VI amended-Cir 267-VIII–1945 ; 320 -VII
365, sec . II amended - Cir 131-11-1945 ; 255 - III 1945 .
1945 ; 234 -III -1945 . 158 , amended-Cir 344-1-1945 .
367 , amended - Cir 293 -VII- 1945 . 159, sec. III amended— Cir 294 - IV - 1945 ; 320-11
376, sec . III amended - Cir 323-VII-1945 ; 348 - V 1945.
1945 . 163 , amended - Cir 277-XI-1945 ; 288-11-1945.
377 , sec. I amended - Cir 259-1-1945 . 172, sec. II amended—Cir 253–1–1945 ; 311-V1-1945.
383, sec. II amended - Cir 368 - III - 1945 . 173, sec. IV amended-Cir 269-IX-1945.
386, sec . II amended - Cir 250–1-1945 ; 262-V- 1945 . 178, amended-Cir 270-I-1945 ; 278 – II– 1945 ; 294
394, sec. IV amended-Cir 232 - III - 1945. 1-1945 ; 318-11-1945 ; 349-1-1945.
CIRCULARS, WAR DEPARTMENT-Continued CITATION : See also Decoration ,
179, sec . VII amended - Cir 289 - V - 1945 . Issue by Secretary of War-Bull - 22–1–1943.
181 , sec . V amended - Cir 301-VI- 1945 . Personnel claiming to be entitled , prior to separation
183, sec. II amended-Cir 312-11-1945. from service--Cir 101 -II- 1945.
188, amended-Cir 342-11-1945. CITIZEN : United States , eligible for Medal for Merit
194, amended-Cir 309-11-1945 . Bull 9-III-1943 .
197, sec . I amended - Cir 277-II - 1945.
203 , sec. II amended - Cir 277-XV- 1945. CITIZENSHIP :
210, sec. V amended - Cir 275-11-1945. Aliens in armed forces of United States-Bull 18-1942 ;
214, amended-Cir 293–V-1945. Cir 120–1942; Cir 205-111-1942.
216, sec . I amended-Cir 312-1-1945 . Restoration after desertion -- Bull 2-1-1944.
219, sec. VI amended - Cir 287- VIII - 1945. CIVIL :
222, amended-Cir 343-11-1945.
Affairs - FM 27-5.
229, amended - Cir 260-1-1945 ; 263-VI-1945. Disturbances -- FM 27-15.
231 , sec. II amended - Cir 293-III-1945 .
238 , sec . II amended - Cir 380-IV-1945 . CIVIL AERONAUTICS ADMINISTRATION :
239 , amended-Cir 263-111-1945 . Air defense and general flight rules-Cir 80–1944 ; 418
240, sec. III amended by AR 55-120, C 14. 1944.
240, sec . I superseded by Cir 318-1-1945 . Property of the Army furnished, disposition -- Cir 338 -II
244, sec. III superseded by Cir 293 - V - 1945 . 1944 ; 407-1-1944 .
245, amended-Cir 294 - IX - 1945 . Regions-Cir 338-11-1944 ; 407–1–1944 ; 425-11-1944.
248, sec . I amended-Cir 277-VII - 1945 .
249, amended-Cir 259-IV-1945 ; 277-X-1945 ; 281 CIVIL AFFAIRS_ -FM 27-5.
III- 1945. Officers for assignment - Cir 402 - V -- 1944 ; Cir 83–1945 ;
250, sec . I amended-Cir 255-1-1945. 305 - V - 1945 .
257 , amended - Cir 269- X- 1945 . United States Army and Navy manual, FM 27-5 ,
260, sec. II amended-Cir 305 -XI- 1945 . amended-Cir 64-VI- 1945.
261 , amended - Cir 363 - IV - 1945 . Units, far East, descriptive list of drugs and chemicals
263, sec . IV amended - Cir 314-111-1945. TB MED 149.
267, sec . II amended - Cir 381-11-1945 . WAC personnel, assignment - Cir 462--1944.
269, sec . V amended - Cir 320_1-1945 .
270, sec. VII amended - Cir 298 - VII-1945. CIVIL AFFAIRS HANDBOOKS: See Handbooks, Civil
277, sec. VIII amended-Cir 323-1-1945 ; 335 - II
277 , sec. XIV amended - Cir 298 - IV - 1945 , Presidio of Monterey, Calif.-Cir 40-III-1945.
278, sec . V amended-Cir 315-IV-1945 . CIVIL AIR CARRIER :
282, sec . II amended-Cir 372-VI-1945 . Non-military and non-naval passengers - Bull 23-1-1944.
283, sec . I amended-Cir 321-V-1945. Utlization-Cir 369-1-1944.
284, sec. II amended - Cir 367-11-1945 .
287, sec . X amended --Cir 333-VIII-1945. CIVIL AIR PATROL : Organized messes--Cir 137-XII- 1945.
287, sec. XI amended-Cir 355 -XII -1945. CIVIL SERVICE :
290, amended--Cir 321-III–1945 ; 376-IV- 1945. Noncompetitive positions -- Bull 3-11-1942.
291 , amended-Cir 323-11-1945 . Positions excepted from examination-Bull 3-11-1942.
293, sec. VII amended - Cir 381 -V- 1945 . Rules , amended -- Bull 3-11-1942.
296 , sec . V amended - Cir 346 - VI - 1945 .
300, amended - Cir 386 – VI - 1945 .
302, amended - Cir 327-V- 1945 . Conferring civil service status upon disabled veterans
-Bull 21--1-1945 .
308, sec . II amended-Cir 348 - VII - 1945 ; 380- V
1945 .
Representatives at separation centers-Cir 308-11-1945 ;
348 - VII - 1945 .
310, amended-Cir 332-1-1945 ; 339-III-1945 ; 345 Standards, field positions subject to Classification Act
III – 1945 ; 355 - III - V - 1945 ; 368–II–1945 ; 379– of 1923- Bull 2-1-1945.
1-1945 ; 383-IV- 1945.
311 , sec. II amended-Cir 346-11-1945 . CIVIL SERVICE REGISTERS : Period of eligibility of veter
312, sec . V amended-Cir 340-1-1945 . ans extendedBull EE - 1-1945 .
313, amended-Cir 338-III-1945. CIVIL SERVICE RETIREMENT :
314, sec. IV amended - Cir 333-1-1945 ; 450–1–1945. Allowance of interest, separation from service - Bull 13
317, sec . II amended - Cir 348 - VI - 1945 . II-1944 .
321 , sec. VII amended - Cir 368 - V - 1945 . Computation of interest, separation from service - Bull
364, amended-Cir 364-11-1945 . 13-III-1944.
326, sec . VIII amended-Cir 345-IX-1945. Recovery of annuity payments-Bull 13 - IV - 1944.
327, sec. IV amended -- Cir 372-IX-1945 . CIVIL SERVICE RETIREMENT ACT :
331 , effective date amended -- Cir 337-VIII–1945. Amended-Bull 6–1-1942 ; Bull 22-1-1945.
345, sec . I amended-Cir 349-11-1945. Amendment, 1930-Bull 1 -IV, V–1945.
352, sec. I amended-Cir 353-1-1945 . Elective officers excluded - Bull 14 - III - 1942.
353, sec. II amended - Cir 356 - IV - 1945 .
354, amended-Cir 359-VII–1945. Civil Service Commission conferring upon disabled vet
359 , sec. IV amended-Cir 361 -VII - 1945. eran - Bull 21-1-1945 .
362, amended-Cir 391-111-1945.
Conditions upon which it may be granted --Bull 24 - III
365 , amended-Cir 386-1-1945 . 1944 .
366 , sec. IV amended_Cir 381 -IV-1945 ,
367, sec . V amended - Cir 371 - IV -- 1945 . CIVIL WAR VETERAN : Pensions to unremarried dependent
371 , sec. III amended - Cir 380-VI-1945. widows- Bull 24-XI -1944 .
Agencies, requested by posts, camps and stations to pro- Identification badge, replacement charge - Cir 113-11
vide furnishing for day rooms --Cir 126-1 1944.
1945. Independent offices, travel appropriation-Bull 7-1-1945.
Defense agencies, loan of visual training aids-Cir 101 Legal advice and assistance-Cir 73–1944.
IV - 1944.
Lump sum payment for accumulated leave upon separa
Destined overseas, clothing and equipment - Cir 372– tion from service - Bull 1 -VII- 1945.
VI -1945 .
Employment in post bakeries—Cir 92-III–1944. Maintenance of ethical standards at hospitals - Cir 310
II - 1944.
Enemy aliens, accounts-Cir 274–1944. Marine
Entertainment, military pageans—Çir 215–1–1943. Employment on vessels-Cir 169-1-1945.
Examination -- FM 30–15.
Fares on Army transports-Cir 22–1944 . Identification card - Cir 248-11-1945.
Fire fighter personnel, reduction - Cir 190–1944 ; 401– Military Intelligence Division, transfer - Cir 324–1943.
1944 . Missing Persons Act-Cir 305–1944.
Identification , Oversea bases—Cir 346-VI-1945 . Nonbattle casualties—Vir 2–1-1945 .
Insignia , on duty with troops-- Cir 152-VI-1945 . Official group traveling, use of WD Form 330-Cir 195–
Paid from nonappropriated funds, voluntary workmen's II - 1945 .
compensation insurance-Cir 366-III -1945 . Oversea area , transportation of dependents - Cir 391
Patients, hospitalization and evacuation -- Cir 316–1943 . IV - 1945 .
Periodicals, relationship to miltary newspapers—Cir 466 Overtime compensation-
1-1944 .
Bull 24-11-1944; 1-111-1943 ; 10–1943 .
Record forms, qualification with arms—Cir 265–II–1943 . Payment act amended - Bull 22-VI-1944.
Replacements for enlisted personnel in hospitals --Cir Payment - Cir 258-11-1944 .
209–1944 ; 87-11-1945 ; 170-IV-1945 .
Sale of critical subsistence items --Cir 137-XII-1945. Pay roll, auditing at War Department installation-Cir
Sale restriction on tax -free cigarettes -- Cir 159 - III 17-V- 1944.
1944 . Per diem allowances, traveling on official business—Bull
1-1944 .
Sentences , court martial-Cir 175-IV-1943 .
Subsisting at military messes—Cir 158–1944. Personal Transfer Account plan-Cir 44–1945 ; 237 - VL
1945 .
Traveling outside continental U. S., identification card
Cir 336-1-1945 . Piloting of aircraft - Cir 239-II–1944.
Veterinarian , employment and compensation - Cir 68 - V- Plant personnel, protective clothing and equipment - Cir
1944 . 353 - V - 1945 .
Vouchers, medical attendance -- Cir 305-XIV- 1945 . Pregnant women , protection in industrial installations
Witnesses, wills of military personnel - Cir 97–1944. Cir 288 - IV - 1944 .
CIVILIAN AGENCIES GROUP : Composition - Cir 76 - V Preparation of Form 43 prior to oversea movement
Cir 447-II-1944 .
1945 . 1

Records , disposition , closed Government -owned installa

CIVILIAN CEREMONY : tions --Cir 30-IV- 1945 .
Participation of military personnel ---Cir 369-1-1945. Reimbursement for transportation taxes paid - Cir 164
War Department radio sets used by military personnel V- 1945 .
Cir 386-V-1945 . Restrictions on utilization, medium passenger cars-Cir
CIVILIAN CLOTHING : Allowance for officers prohibited 272-X-1944 ; 301 - V - 1944 .
Cir 56-1-1945. Safety training program - Cir 276–1945.
Sales of utilities services-Cir 361- VIII - 1945.
CIVILIAN DEFENSE : Agencies, use of visual aids -- Cir State Department and Office of Strategic Services-Cir
101 - IV-1944.
CIVILIAN EMPLOYEE : Subsisted at Government messes—Cir 158–1944 .
Aboard vessels manned by the Army, mail to and from Transfer and release, Federal personnel-Bull 11 - III
-Cir 355-IV-1945 . 1944 .
Accounts during absence from posts in a missing, missing Transportation
in action status-Cir 52–1945 . Families and household goods , payment -- Bull 12
Age for assignment of female employees to oversea III - 1945.
positions—Cir 444-11-1944. Household goods and personal effects — Cir 129 - IV
Alaska railroad jobs, physical examination for recruit 1945.
-Cir 31-1-1945 .
Annual leave , regulations-Bull 18–1–1943. Traveling
Artificial limbs furnished - Bull 9 - V - 1944 . On official business-Bull 1-III–1945.
Certificate of Army officers, pay and allowance accounts Under official orders, train ассо
) s - Cir
-Cir 52-1-1944. 396-1-1944 .

Certificate of appreciation , award - Cir 274–1–1945. Unnecessary renewals , oath of office - Bull 23-1-1943.
Character investigations --Cir 14-VI-1944. War industries, entrance into armed forces-Cir 101-1
1944 ,
Civil Service
Retirement --Bull 1 -IV, V-1945.
Wearing uniform - Cir 255-VIII–1945.
Status , conditions for graining - Bull 24-111-1944 . CIVILIAN OCCUPATIONAL SPECIALIST : Specifications,
Dependents, transportation from overseas-Cir 245– previous instructions rescinded - Cir 368 - IV
1945 . 1944 .
Federal Pay Act of 1945 — Bull II-III- 1945.
Field positions subject to Classification Act of 1923 CIVILIAN OFFICER :
Bull 2-1-1945. Per diem allowances, traveling on official business - Bull
Hospitalization and medical care under the U. S. Em 1-1944.
ployees' Compensation Act - Cir 175–1945 ; Use of privately owned vehicles for official travel-Bull
202-111-1945 . 1-III-1945.
Air freight, ports of aerial embarkation-Cir 75 – II – 1945. Civilian
Application of regulations outside continental limits of Occupations, coding-TM 12-405 .
U. S.-Cir 317–1–1945. Occupational, enlisted personnel - TM 12-427.
Appointment and transfers by Secretary of War - Bull Clothing and equipment-Cir 296–1944.
Conscientious objector, l - A - O - Cir 469–II–1944 .
Automatic separation , exemption - Bull 6-11-1942. Correspondence, changes in status of command installa
Dependents, transportation-Bull 27–1942. tions-Cir 89-1945 ; 326 - IV - 1945 .
Examination, Documents, transmitted Cir 242-1-1943.
Exceptions—Bull 3-11-1942. Enlisted men, 18 and 19 years old — Cir 353–1–1944.
Noncompetitive positions-Bull 3-11-1942.
Female, theater hospital units, clothing - Cir 188-11-1942. Illiterate, non-English speaking, grade V men-Cir 127–
II- 1944 ,
Loyalty investigation-Cir 370–1–1945. Medical Corps officers, procedure-Cir 460-III–1944.
Policy on use after defeat of Japan - Cir 248-1-1945 ; Messages—Cir 407-11-1944.
Replacing qualified military personnel - Cir 196–1945. Military
Settlement of claims arising out of damage to personal Coding -field operation–TM 12–407.
property - Bull 9-III–1945. Information, regrading - Cir 385–11–1945.
Voting, 1945 elections-Cir 487-1944 . Occupational, enlisted personnel — TM 12–427.
Personnel , function and responsibility - Cir 312- II
partment School established - Cir 363 - V
Modification Word Ord SIG 11-1524-5 changed - Cir 367–
1945 . III --1944.

CIVILIAN MARINE PERSONNEL : Uniforms, duty on ves Monthly veneral disease report, change - Cir 187–1–1944.
sels operated by Chief of Transportation Officer, commissioned and warrant - TM 12–405 ; TM 12–
Cir 19-1-1945.
Officers and enlisted men-Cir 404-1-1944,
CIVILIAN WELFARE FUND : Depository for networking Personnel-TM 12–425 .
capital - Cir 210 - IV - 1945 . Physical
CLAIMS: Officers - Cir 313-1945.
Appropriations for various — Bull 1–1944 ; 7–1944 ; 16–1– Profile serial, enlisted men - Cir 431-VI-1944.
1944 . Property purchased by educational institutions—Cir 455–
· 1–1944,
Disability, injury during military or naval service
Bull 22-1-1944 . Quartermaster, clothing and equipment- Cir 446 - III
1944 .
Foreign , settlement - Bull 9-1-1943.
Pay and allowances, discharged military personnel-Cir Radio equipment instructional publications—Cir 302–
348-1-1945. VI-1943 .
Settlement,propertydamages, personal injury or death Removed from T/ O and E 1-4775 - Cir 335 – V - 1943.
Bull 14 - III – 1943 ; 16 - III - 1945 . Secret documents, change-Cir 326 – V - 1943 .
Serviceable used general supplies—SB 10–179 .
CLAMPS : Specialists, designation-Cir 321–1–1943.
Cable, Azimuth selsyn , installation-MWO SIG 11-1524– Tables of Organizaton and Equipment, list -- Cir 169–
9. VIII – 1944.
Cord ( Installation inside wire pan of fuze servo D45243 TB 3-270-1 , “ Restricted ”-Cir 329-VII– 1944 .
to prevent abrasion of cord assembly TB 5–25–4 changed-Cir 455-IV-1944 .
D163098 ) —MWO ORD F243-W1 . TB MED 65, “ Restricted ” removed-Cir 352-VIII– 1944.
For tube VT - 25 — MWO SIG 11-800-1. TB MED 72, “ Restricted” removed-Cir 322-V-1944.
Line ( Installation ) -MWO SIG 11-1133–1. TB MED 114, changed - Cir 456 – V - 1944.
Trestle - Bracing - TB 5–273-1. TB 11-1109–1, changed—Cir 26–945.
Tube, ( Installation ) -MWO SIG 11-961-2. TB 11-1114D - 1, changed-Cir 26–1945.
TB 11-1151-1 , changed - Cir 430 - II - 1944.
CLAMP-AMMETERS : Weston Model 633—TM 11-1078. TB 11-1524-1, changed - Cir 228-1–1944.
CLASS : TB 11-1524-12, changed - Cir 26–1945 .
Files and records, disposition relative to Records Ad- TB 11–1532–1 , changed-Cir 444 - III – 1944 .
ministration program - Cir 416–1944 . TB SIG 8 changed-Cir 26–1945 .
Patients-Cir 234–1944 ; Cir 405–1944 . TB SIG 10 changed - Cir 26–1945 .
TB SIG 12 changed-Cir 26–1945 .
CLASS CS CLOTHING : Military personnel on oversea TB SIG 20 changed - Cir 26–1945 .
movement order - Cir 363-VI-1945, TB SIG 56 changed - Cir 26–1945 .
TB SIG 57 changed-Cir 26–1945 .
CLASS X CLOTHING : Basic policies relative to stockage TB, list of confidential - Cir 323–1944 .
Cir 140 - IV - 1945.
TM 11-1033 changed - Cir 26–1945.
TM 11-1043 changed - Cir 26–1945 .
CLASS INSTALLATION : Class I, II, and IV, War Depart TM 11-1051 changed-Cir 222–1944.
ment publications and blank forms - Cir 264
1944. TM 11-1059 changed-Cir 26–1945.
TM 11-1062 changed-Cir 410-11-1944.
CLASSIFICATION : TM 11-1064 changed-Cir 26–1945.
Assigning to documents of matériel-Cir 41 -V-1945. TM 11-1075 changed - Cir 26--1945.
Change in certain Tables of Organization and Equip- TM 11-1148 changed-Cir 26–1945.
ment - Cir 187-11-1944 ; 316 - VII - 1944. TM 11-1340 changed-Cir 362–II–1944.
Change in letter, The Adjutant General - Cir 38-II- 1944 . TM 11-1432 changed - Cir 266-11-1944.
Circular Letter TM 11-1506 changed - Cir 26–1945.
No. 71 , Office of The Surgeon General, 17 July 1942 , TM 11-1510 changed - Cir 26–1945 .
changed - Cir 459-11-1944 . TM 11-1570 changed - Cir 26–1945 .
No. 178 , Office of The Surgeon General, 17 July TM 30–140 changed - Cir 65 - V - 1944 .
1942, changed - Cir 459-11-1944. Troops-Cir 356 - V - 1944.
WD Letter ( AG 705 ( 8 Oct 42 ) OB S SPGAM M ) , 23 Closed hospitals , disposition-Cir 272-VII-1944.
Oct. 1942, changed - Cir 459-11-1944. Noncurrent, centralization maintenance, and servicing
WD Pamphlet Cir 293 - VI - 1945 .
No. 19–1 , changed-Cir 473-11I–1944. Personnel submitting pension claims—Cir 424–1–1944.
No. 19-2, changed-Cir 473-111-1944. Required by Veterans Administration for officers' pension
Women's Clothing --Cir 274-1944 .
Appearance and serviceability -- Cir 71–1–1945. CLINOMETERS : ML - 119 - C , ML - 119 - D , ML - 119 - E , and
Serviceable, used-SB 10–209. ML - 119 - F - TM 11-2423.
CLASSIFICATION ACT OF 1923 ; Amended-Bull 2 -- I - 1945 . CLIPS :
Spring longer-TB ORD 204 ; TB 9-803-5.
CLASSIFICATION BOARD : Retiring procedures—Cir 20– CLOCKS :
Removal from tanks - SB 9-39.
CLASSIFICATION OFFICER : Wrist watches, pocket watches, stop watches — TM 9
Clothing and equipment 1575 ,
Color charts, illustrating the maximum degree of
fading-Cir 60-111-1945. CLOTHING :
Standards of classification and procedure for utiliza- Abandoned by enlisted personnel, recovery - Cir 108 - I
tion-Cir 71-1-1945. 1945 .
CLASSIFIED : Arctic, withdrawal, personnel returned to U. S.--Cir
72-1945 .
Document. See Military information.
Information. See Military information. Army nurses, female physical therapists , and dietitians
Cir 387-11-1944 ; 174-11-1945 .
Material. See Military information . Athletic, supply - SB 10-249.
CLEANERS : Bridal apparel , wearing by WACS - 86 - IV - 1944.
Air, Engine carburetor, new type ( Tank, light M24 ) — Civilian,
TB 9-729-4. Allowance for officer prohibited - Cir 56 - I - 1945.
Brake Hydrovac Air, relocation on truck, 242 - TM , 6 x 6– Military personnel on duty in foreign country-Cir
TB 9-801 - FE1. 322-III-1944 .
Steam, hypressure jenny, Model JM-Homestead Valve Volunteer enlisted men-Cir 308-IV-1944.
Mfg. Co - FM 5–9104 . Class CS , personnel on oversea movement order - Cir
363-VI-1945 .
Artillery bores and breech and firing mechanisms, 20 -mm
Class X, basic policies relative to stockage - Cir 140
to 16-Inch, Inclusive - TB ORD 259 . Coat mackinaw , issue-Cir 64 - V - 1945.
Bearings Cold weather-TM 10-275 ; TB 10-275-1.
Anti -friction—TB ENG 11 .
Conservation — TB QM 32.
Ball and roller, unserviceable—TB 9-2830–93. Drawers and undershirts, allowance for enlisted men
Containers, precautions—TB 9-2852–1. Cir 20-III-19 15.
Gasoline containers in Theaters of Operations—TB QM Enlisted Men
Designated as auxiliary firemen - Cir 190–1944.
Interiors of compressed gas cylinders, tanks and ac Women , supply and maintenance - Cir 311 - V - 1944.
cessories—TB CW 20.
French Aviation Students, issue—SB 10–43.
Ordnance material—TM 9-850. Impregnation
Removed vehicular fuel tanks—TB ORD 322. With insect repellent - TB MED 121.
Stencil duplicators—TB MG 24. Plant, See Plants.
Unit, steam , shop wheel-mounted, oil-burning one-gun , Individual - FM 21-15.
nozzle- controlled, Homestead, Model, JWI Issue , Foreign Aviation students—SB 10-43 ,
TB 5-9104–1 . Jungle -- TB QM 13 .
CLEANING AND PRESERVING MATERIAL : Chemical Laundry of water -repellent articles - Cir 252-III–1945.
Warfare Matériel - Cir 366–1944 . Officers' uniforms , sale—Cir 40-11-1945.
Regular and protective, size tariffs — SB 10–136 ; SB 10
Destination, movements to depots—Cir 93 - VI - 1945. Repairs—TB QM 22.
Property charged to military personnel, prior to de Supplemental tariff sizes-SB 10–194.
parture - Cir 315 - V - 1945 .
CLEARING : Army Corps, allowances—Cir 193–II–1945.
Office, centralized procedures—Cir 381-III–1945. Catalogue-SB 10–160.
Sandblaster - TB ENG 5 . Class B, Class C, and Class X, disposition-SB 10
CLERGYMEN : Employment, auxiliary to Army Chaplains-
Cir 246-11-1915. Oversea resale, items listed in Supply Bulletin 17
CLERKS : 160 , size tariffs - SB 10–160.
Army—TM 12–252 . Patients in hospitals—Cir 355-XI-1945.
Mail, unit and regimental - Cir 198–II–1945. Standards of classification and procedure for utili
zation-Cir 71-1-1945.
Regimental and unit mail-TM 12–275.
Supply --SB 10–162 .
CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST : Used, serviceable classification - SB 10–209.
Appointment, enlisted men and warrant officers - Cir
Office, Chief, functions and personnel transferred to Basic policies relative to stockage of class X - Cir 140
the Surgeon General's Office - Cir 264 -VIII IV-1945 ; Cir 149-111-1945 .
1945. Class X, procedure for accomplishing supply-Cir 375–
Procurement and utilization-Cir 71 - IV - 1945 ; 134 - IX III – 1944 ; Cir 426-II- 1944; Cir 36 - VI -1945.
1945 ; 264 - VIII - 1945 . Classification Officer, designation, training, and duties
Utilization-Cir 369-IV-1945. Cir 296–1944.
CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE-Continued COACH : Railroad, transportation of military prisoners
Enlisted Cir 133–1944 ; 420–1944.
Men traveling from place to place-Cir 102–11–1945. COAL :
Personnel, returning from overseas-Cir 72–1945 ; Accounting — TB ENG 88 .
146-III -1945 ; 201-11-1945 ; 244-11-1945. Conservation in heating buildings and barracks—Cir
Jacket , Field M - 1943 — SB 10–138 . 315-VIII-1945.
Resale, oversea Army exchanges and Quartermaster Procurement, storage, and distribution-Cir 390-11-1945.
sales stores-Cir 261-1945. Receiving reports—Cir 346-11-1944.
Sale to officers, Army nurses, and warrant officers - Cir Sale to relieve emergencies—Cir 248–11–1945 ; 367 - II
338 - VI - 1945 . 1945.
Used , classification of serviceable - SB 10–104. Shipments, coke - CTB 7, 1944 ; CTB 10–1944 .
Abandoned at laundry and dry cleaning plants, disposi COAST : Defense-FM 31-10.
tion-Cir 346 - V - 1944 .
Allowance, recorded on AGO Form 32—Cir 203-1-1945. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY :
Civilians traveling overseas-Cir 372-VI-1945. Officers, transfer to War and Navy Department—Bull
Enlisted personnel 19-1-1944.
Returning from overseas- -Cir 72–1945 ; 146 - III Personnel occupying Government housing facilities with
1945 ; 201-11-1945 ; 244-11-1945 ; 314-11-1945. out loss of rental allowances-Bull 12 - IV
Separation centers--Cir 188–1945 . 1945.
Special service schools—Cir 329-III-1943.
Officers ordered overseas on temporary duty-Cir 32 COAST GUARD ACADEMY. See United States Coast Guard
II-1945. Academy.
Official color charts illustrating maximum degree of COAST GUARD :
fading-Cir 60 - III - 1945.
Oversea replacement depots—Cir 272-III-1944 ; 151-1- Officers detailed to the War Department, travel agree
1945 . ment - Cir 366-VII-1945 .
Processing centers-Cir 49–1–1945. Personnel
Protective, civilian employees in plants—Cir 353– V Engaged in aerial flights, increased pay - Bull 3
1945 . 1945 .
Records, Glider fight regulations—Cir 19-II–1944.
For WAC—Cir 476 - IX - 1944 . Occupying Government housing facilities without
Of subject items returned-Cir 73-1945. loss of rental allowances-Bull 12 - IV - 1945 .
Repair Regulations relating to aerial flights — Bull 17-I–1944.
Procedure - Cir 329-1-1944 ; 411-1-1944, United States Military Academy preparatory training
Shops - SB 10-123 . for members—Cir 154–1945 .
Replacement, repair, and disposition-Cir 7–1944. COAT : Mackinaw, Authorized issue - Cir 64 - V - 1945.
Retained by separaters-Cir 316–1945.
Shoes, reparable, disposition-Cir 125 - III - 1944. COAT OF ARMS :
General information - Cir 226-11-1944 .
Standards of classification as to serviceability-Cir 296–
1944 . President of the United States — Bull 20–1945 .
Storage-Cir 301-1-1944.
COCCIDIOIDOMYCOSIS : Disposition of afflicted individuals
ment of clothing and equipment accounts, CODE :
Cir 72-1945 .
Ammunition identification - SB 9-AMM-5.
CLUBS : Fiscal , War Department — TM 14–700 .
Commissioned and noncommissioned officers, Federal Machine records unit-TM 12–310.
Manufacture's handbook-SB 5-21.
taxes for employees—Cir 333-V-1945 .
Taxability of compensation paid enlisted men-Cir 359– Message, prearranged, compilation, use — TC 5–1945.
II- 1945 . Morse—TC 85–1942 ; 110–1942 ; 35–1943; 3–1944.
Number, medical cause of separation-Cir 435 – II – 1944.
CLUSTERS : Operations, prearranged message codes—TC 5–1945.
AN- M4A1-TB 9-1980–45. Practice, equipment–TM 11-432.
Aimable Training set, AN /GSC-T1-TM 11-437.
Incendiary Bomb, AN -M14 — TB 9–1980–44. Word, cable addresses — Cir 134 - IV - 1945 .
Using E23 Adapter-TB CW 19. CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS : General payment and
redemption provisions, War Savings Bonds-
Cir 385 - IV - 1944 .
M26 ( T4E4 , Modified )-TB 9–1980–47.
M28 and M29 series—TB 9-1980.54. COFFEE : Brewing-TB 10-405–1.
100 -lb. , M28A2—TB 9–1980-50 .
500-lb. , M29A1 —TB 9–1980–50 . COILS :
Incendiary, 100-pound quick - opening, E31-TB 9-1980– C-161 and C - 2884TB SIG 29.
43 . Control circuit breaker, electrical relaction-MWO SIG
Maintenance, reel units , RL - 26 ,-A ,-B , -C - TB 11-360-2. 11-961-1 .
Master, D78123—TB ORD 192. Coupling , antenna - MWO SIG 11-600-2.
Plug-in, identification, facilitate supply—TB 11-269-1.
CLUTCH ASSEMBLIES : See Assemblies , Clutch.
Procurement, storage and distribution-Cir 390 – II – 1945 .
Dodge, conversion-TB 9-2830-56. Shipments--CTB 7-1944 , 10–1944.
Lubrication fitting, improving accessibility--TB 9–759–
FE1 . COLD : Extreme, effects on CWS matériel — TB CW 13.
658749 ° -46--18
Air Transport Command, Air transport operations out
COLES SIGNAL LABORATORY, RED BANK, N. J.: Desig side United States-Cir 130-1-1944.
nation --GO 24-1-1945 .
Alaskan Department: See Alaskan Department, Com
manding General,
Accounting for collections pertaining, utility contracts Army Air Forces, Inquiries regarding weather service
Cir 448-1-1944 . Cir 346 - VII - 1944 .
Expenditure refund, preparation of vouchers--Cir 236– Army Ground Forces, Authorized to appoint general
1944 ; 389-IV-1944 ; 217-III–1945. courts martial-GO 34-1-1945 .
Parasitological, entomological, mammalian, and reptilian Army Service Forces
specimens - Cir 277–1944. Authority to appoint courts martial-GO 31-1-1945.
COLLEGES : Authority to disapprove applications, voluntary as
Courses offered, U. S. Armed Forces Institute-WD Pam signment to the Infantry - Cir 368 - III – 1944.
20–4 . Establishment of War Department personnel centers
Sec. 55-C , National Defense Act- SB 9–8 . -Cir 329-IV- 1944.
Military personnel from posts of embarkation,
COLONEL : separation center determined - Cir 175-11
Oversea replacements-Cir 317–1944 . 1944 .
Promotion of WAC officers prohibited - Cir 308-VIII- Eastern Defense Command, Functions transferred from
1944. OG, Central Defense Command - Cir 108 - II
1944 .
COLOR CHART : Illustrating the maximum degree of fading, Northwest Service Command
clothing and equipment - Cir 60-III–1945. Duties and mission-GO 15-1-1943 .
COMBAT : Mission-GO 13-VI- 1944 ; 65-11-1944 .
Intelligence , Military - FM 30--5 . Second Service Command, Jurisdiction of Fort Saulsbury,
In towns, attack on a fortified position - FM 31-50. Del. , transferred - Cir 295–II–1944 .
Lessons, learned , expedients used—WD Pam 20–17. Service Command
Practice firing, Armored Force units -- FM 17–15 . Establishment of separation centers-Cir 292–1941.
Troops, operations - FM 100–5. Responsibility for heating service at installations
Cir 28-VII - 1945.
COMBAT INFANTRYMAN BADGE : Services of Supply, Responsibility in connection with
Army vessels-Cir 393-111-1942.
Enlisted men with zone of interior medical installations
-Cir 263-11-1945 .
Third Service Command, Military reservation , Oyster,
Va .-Cir 320-V-1944.
General information-Cir 318 - III - 1945 .
COMBAT SERVICE : Qualification , organizations requesting Authority for local procurement, outside continental
coats of arms-Cir 226-11-1944 .
United States — Cir 53 - IV - 1945 .
COMBAT LESSONS : Publication , classification removed
Cir 298-VI- 1945 . Exemption of certain contracts and subcontracts
from renegotiation - Cir 330-IV- 1944 .
COMBAT-WOUNDED : Discharge or retention upon request Procurement and contracting, full power—Cir 300 - I,
-Cir 196–1945. II– 1944 .
COMBAT ZONE : Issue, cleaning and preserving materials COMMENDATION : Military personnel for hazardous serv
Cir 322-II- 1944 . ice -- GO 89 - V - 1945.
( CCBP ) : 3 - T supersedes FM 24-9-Cir 172 and procedure for preparation - Cir 97-11
1-1945. 1945.
7 - Cir 351-1-1945 .
Advancement of funds for purpose of making change
Changes - Cir 251-1-1945 ; 341-1945 ; 378-1-1945. Army transports - Cir 72–11–1944.
Combined changes ( Amendment) No. 2 - Cir 153-11- Gasoline and motor vehicle fuel, tax levied-Cir 386-1
1944 .
1945 ; 351-III– 1945 .
Monthly operating statement - Cir 235 – VII – 1945 ; SB 10
COMBINED PANEL SYSTEM : CCBP 8 , use - Cir 351 - II 65.
1945 . Sales- TM 10-215 .
COMMAND AND GENERAL STAFF SCHOOL : General Procurement of food and beverage-Cir 36–1–1945.
staff training or student officers - Cir 239 Restrictions, tax - free cigarettes to civilians- ( ir
159 - III - 1944.
COMMAND FUNCTION : Officer of the day, authority -- Cir Claims, establishment - Bull 9-1-1943 .
98-1-1943. Military , establishment--Bull 2-II–1945.
Typhus, United States of America - Bull 3-11-1943.
COMMAND INSTALLATION : Real estate-Cir 89–1945 . United States War Ballot - Bull 5-1944 .
Outside United States, compliance with his orders — Cir American National Red Cross recruiting for Army
153-1944 . nurses - Cir 32-1-1945 .
Responsible for notification of next of kin-Cir 2-1-1945 . Army Communications Coordination --Cir 194-11-1943 :
Troop train , railroad equipment check list - WD Pam 226-1-1943 .
20-14. Bar association, directory - Cir 73–1944.
Congested production areas, establishment - Bull 8 - III- Electrical means, fixed - Cir 222–1943.
1943 . Interoffice, responsibility-Cir 82 - V – 1945.
Insect and Rodent Control-Cir 163-1945 ; 207-VI-1945.
Interterritorial, Military-Cir 234–1944 ; 405–1944. COMMUNITY PROPERTY, STATE : Federal income tax
returns , 1943 --Cir 65–1944 .
Joint Army and Navy-GO 6–1942 .
Joint Committee on Printing, U. S. Congress - Cir 223 COMMUTATION :
Garrison ration value for fiscal year 1945—Cir 281 - V
National Defense Research-Cir 53-11-1944 . 1944 ; 311-1-1944 .
New Weapons-Joint Chiefs of Staff - Cir 333-XI-1944. Ration , enlisted personnel authorized to mess separately
Oversea Per Diem and Allowance-Cir 186-VI-1945. and while on furlough-Cir 197-11-1945.
COMMODITY : Restrictions, purchases-Cir 216 - III - 1943. COMPANIES :
COMMUNICATION : Amphibian truck-TM 55–150.
Addressing mail, Office of Fiscal Director-Cir 345 - VI Armored Infantry-FM 17-40.
1945 . Bakery, Quartermaster -- TM 10-415 ; TB 10-415-2.
Car, Quartermaster-TM 10-470.
Air-ground—TM 1-465 ; TM 11-461 . Chemical
Air ( Signal) -FM 1-45 .
Aircraft warning-FM 11-25. Base depot-FM 3–66 ; FM 3–65 .
Alaska ,, appropriation — Bull 4–1945 . Logistical data, aviation-SB 3-16.
Maintenance-TC 21-1945 .
Amphibious, combined-FM 24–24. Warfare, General Service-TC 18-1945.
Division-FM 11-17. Gasoline supply-TM 10-465.
Units-FM 17–70. Headquarters, Intelligence and Signal Communication
FM 7-25.
Army, Geographic location of certain headquarters, Quartermaster, truck-FM 10–35 .
Cir 289-II-1945.
Between Commanding General , AAF and other services Refrigeration–TM 10-615 ; TB 10–615–1 ; TB 10-615–2.
Cir 388–1944. Special service - FM 28–105.
Board, establishment_Cir 194 – II – 1943. Sterilization, Quartermaster - TM 10–640.
Cable addresses , use of code words-Cir 134-IV-1945. Supply and sales , Quartermaster base depot - FM 10–38.
Tank-FM 17–32.
Casualty reports—Cir 320–1–1944 . War production , publishing operating statement restric
Cavalry division-FM 11-15. ted— Cir 74-11-1945 .
COMPANY FUNDS : See Unit Fund.
Communications instructions--Cir 351-1-1945 .
Operating signals ( CCPB 2-2) second edition COMPARTMENTS : Drivers, placement of caution tags
changes-Cir 251-1-1945 ; 341-1945 ; 378 - I TB ORD 20 .
1945 . COMPASSES :
Confidential, to Army Chaplain -Cir 108 - III – 1944. All types—TM 9-1530
Construction of routes — FM 5–10. M2 – MWO ORD F219-W1 ; MWO ORD F219 - W2.
Elimination of nonessential traffic from telegraph, radio, M6 - TB ORD FE57.
and cable facilities—Cir 78-1-11945 . ML - 197 — TM 11-423 .
Equipment Scout cars, M3A1 and all half- track vehicles—TB ORD
Conservation - Cir 380-1-1945. 164 .
Peculiar to the Army Air Forces-Cir 429–1–1944. Sun , universal type, Abrams, SC-I-TM 5-9422.
Standardization - Cir 113-V-1945. Use-FM 21–75.
Infantry Division-FM 7-24 ; FM 11-10. Vehicular, pioneer 1830—TB ENG 24.
Infantry -tank artillery team-TC 75–1944. COMPENSATION :
Joint operations , signals, Army extract-FM 24–12 ; 24 Accumulated leave , payment in lump sum upon separa
13 .
tion from service - Bull 1 - VII – 1945 .
Radio. See Radio communication . Civilian employees
Reconnaissance units-TC 107–1943 . Overtime-Bull 1 -III- 1943 .
Responsibility, Chief Signal Officer - Cir 201-1-1944. Suffering injuries—Bull 15–1945 .
Security - TM 11-469. Disability, call into Federal Service-Bull 9-III-1944 .
Services, Administrative procedures—TM 24–205 . Dual offices employed with UNRRA-Cir 277-IX-1945.
Signal, rifle regiment, headquarters Co - FM 7-25. Employees suffering injuries while in line of duty-Bull
Supply matters, Oversea Commands - Cir 203–1944. 42-1-1942.
Systems , electrical engineering - TM 11-486 ; 11-487 . Enlisted personnel employed during off -duty hours on
Target range-TM 11-431. the post-Cir 231-1-1945.
To and from personnel employed or assigned aboard Government employees , overtime-Bull-1943 ; 22 -VI
vessel manned by the Army-Cir 355 - IV 1944 .
1945 . Noncitizen employees of the United States—Bull 42 - I
Uniform procedures for fixed signal communication sys 1942 .
tems and facilities – Cir 45-11-1945 . Overtime rates, extension of pay period-Bull 51–1–1942.
Visual signaling-FM 24–22 ; FM 24-23. Transmitting applications of officer to Veterans Adminis .
Wire, equipment — TM 11-755. tration -- Cir 474–1944 .
War Contracts-Bull 16-III-1943 .
COMMUNICATION ACT OF 1934 : Amended - Bull 8 -II
Anti-Fog, use, optical instruments — TB 9-850–19.
COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATION COMMITTEE : Germicidal rinse, use in disinfection of fruits and vege
Functions and policies—Cir 226–1–1943 ; 194 tables - Cir 309-I-1945 .
1-1943 . Flame-resistant, emulsifiable, for fabrics—TB ENG 75.
Radioactive, luminous-WD Pam 8-8.
COMMUNICATION SERVICE : Administrative procedures- Water- repellent, use on windows, windshields and indi
TM 24-205—Cir 45-11-1945 ; 325-111-1945. cator windows-TB 9--850-20 .

Air Enlisted personnel on public carriers — Cir 199-1945.
All types, Technical data-TB 5-9720–3 . Restriction on use of alcohol and alcoholic liquors on
Auxiliary & generating unit 1 KW-LO 55-U41 . public carriers, military personnel— Cir 217
Dry, portable - TM 11-2539 . IV-1945 .
Electric motor power, truck mounted , American
Brakeshoe Co. Model 3-410 - U - TM 5-5178 . CONE : Hub, wheel, front—TB 9-879–2.
Gasoline Engine-Driven CONE SPEAKER : Moistureproof and fungiproof - MWO
7CFM , M1-TM 3–377 ; SB 3–25–12. SIG 11-620-1.
16 - cu .- ft .-per -min.
Curtis No. VG - 959 -GMC - LO 9-834-1 . CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS : See Military information.
Wayne No. 5163 HG . CONFIDENTIAL MATTERS: See Military information .
Gasoline-Engine-Driven, 105 cu. ft.-per-min .- LO 9 CONFINEMENT :
U200 .
General prisoners
Gasoline, 105-cfm , Le Roi, Model 105-GA, Truck Designation-Cir 132-1-1945.
mounted , 242 - Ton 6 x 6-TM 5-5060. Various geographical limits-Cir 311-VI-1943.
Ingersoll -Rand , Model D60—TM 5-5104. Institutions for military prisoners-Cir 229-11-1944.
Ingersoll-Rand Co. , Model HK-315—TM 5–5346. Military personnel, restoration to duty and cancellation
Pioneer, Model SP 14 --- TM 5-5398 .
Portable, Gas-Engine Driven of indebtedness - Cir 469-III– 1944.
Persons sentenced by service courts- Bull 14 - V - 1944.
4 cu . ft.-per-min . (Bendix -Westinghouse ) -LO Stop -over installations for military prisoners — Cir 107–
9-834–2 ; MWO ORD J111 -WE . 1945.
16 -CFM , · Quincy, model 216 with Kiekhaefer
Engine , Model KB5F-TM 5–5096 . Women's Army Corps personnel - Cir 462–1944 ; 61- VIII
Portable, gasoline , 16-CFM , Quincy Model 216 — TB
5–5096–1 ; TB 5–5096–2 ; LO 5-5096 . CONGESTED PRODUCTION AREA : Committees established
--Bull 8-111-1943.
Refrigerator-LO 10-1417–2 ; LO 10-1625 ; LO 10
1681 . CONGRESS :
Skid-Mounted , Gasoline Request for military information - Cir 343-III-1944.
60- CFM , Model 60 , Schramm --TB 5-5064-1; Review of records prior to destruction-Cir 416–1944.
MWO ENG 9360--1 ; MWO ENG J402-W1 ; CONNECTORS :
LO 5-5064.
Antennas-MWO SIG 11-300-1.
105-CFM, Le Roi, Model 105-GA-TB 5-5060-1.
Trailer -Mounted Line , unit, EE-87—TM 11-433 .
Diesel, 315 - CFM , Ingersoll-Rand, Model IK - 315 Track end, replacement with extended end connectors
MWO ORD G103 -W46 .
-TM 5-5100 ; TB 5–5100-1; TB 5-5100–2;
Diesel, 500-CFM , Chicago Pneumatic, Model 500–
P0–8 — TM 5--5042 ; TB 5-5042-1 ; TB 5–5042
Assignments , disposition, etc.—Cir 29-V- 1943 ; 91- VI
1943 ; 121-11-1943.
2 ; LO 1012.
Pneumatic tires , gasoline engine-driven , 55– Classification by Selective Service System — Cir 469- II
1944 ,
CFM , Ingersoll - Rand, Model 6R
GR -50, with
Wisconsin Engine, Model VF-5—TM 5-5106 ; Federal Government aid prohibited - Bull 10–1944.
TB 5-5106–1 ; TB 5-5106–2 ; LO 1058 ; LO 5- CONSERVATION :
5106. Army conservation program 1
2 Wheels , pneumatic tires, gasoline , 6 - CFM , Discontinuance-Cir 264-III-1945.
Ingersoll - Rand, model D-60 with Waukesha Emblems on letterheads-Cir 69-1944,
Engine Model FC--TB 5-5104-1 . Importance - Cir 240 - V - 1943.
Steel wheels, oil engine -driven, 210 - CFM , In Army program, handbook for Officers - WD Pam 38–7.
gersoll-Rand, Model HK-210, with type H Bottles and containers for beer - Cir 340 - VI - 1944.
model 140-HS oil engine-TM 5-5102. Canvas , truck , cars and carriers-SB 9–44 .
Truck -mounted, gasoline- Clothing, equipage and general supplies -- TB QM 32.
60-CFM, Schramm , Model 60 — TM 5-5064 ; LO Fats-TB QM 10 .
1077 . Fuel - 315 - VIII - 1945 .
105 -CFM , Le Roi , Model 105-GA , 242 - Ton , 6 x 6 Gasoline
-TB 5–5060-2 ; LO 1013, MWO ENG 5060–1. Cir 95-IV-1944 .
105 -CFM , Sullivan , Model 105, Class WK -60 Rubber -- Cir 87-1-1944.
TM 5-5038 . Hold-down bolts and tie plates-Cir 31-VI-1945.
COMPTROLLER GENERAL, OFFICE : Identification tags - Cir 223-V-1944.
Decision, longevity pay of individuals under 18 years Medical Corps officers - Cir 327–1944.
of age- Cir 97-III-1945. Motion picture film - Cir 159-1-1944.
Fiscal Director, liaison for War Department - Cir 370 Solid rubber tires-Cir 230 - IV -- 1945 .
V- 1944 , 117 - V --1945 ; 143-111-1945. Supplies and equipment, program to stress care and
COMPUTERS: maintenance of specified items - Cir 380-1
M1 , Gun data-FM 4-30 ; TM 9–2646 ; MWO ORD Tools , equipment, and miscellaneous metal items- Cir
F243- W2 ; FSMO F190 - W1.
M3 - MWO ORD F243-W2. 38-V-1945.
M3 and M4-TM 9-1671 A. CONSIGNEE :
M3A1 - MWO ORD F243 -W2.
Clarification of definition - CTB 10-111-1943.
M8, gun data-TM 9-669 ; TM 9-1669A ; TM 9-1669B ; Government, notice of shipment - CTB 33–1945 .
TM 9-1669C.
CONCEALMENT : Protective, materials---TM 5–269. CONSOLES: Control, Wilcox type CS 380 - TM 11-2551 .
CONCRETE : Equipment, technical data-TB 5–9720-18. CONSOLIDATING STATION :
CONDITIONERS : Air, MX -31A /MP, MX-31B/MP-TB SIG Army -Navy
60 . Establishment-Cir 96-11-1944 .
Shipping Petroleum
Instructions - Cir 165 - IV - 1944 . Products-Cir 15-11-1945 ; 120-I-1945.
Less than carload freight-CTB 36-1945. Assignment of responsibility-Cir 117-119–1945.
Discrepancies in shipments - Cir 15 - I – 1945. Records shipping and storage box-Cir 104–1945.
Revision to prevent sticking of shells—TB ORD FE8.
CONSOLIDATION : Elgin Field, with AAF Proving Ground Salvage -- Cir 340 - VI - 1944.
Reservation-GO 93–1–1944.
CONSTITUTION : Units, an explanation-Cir 318 - IV - 1943. CONTEST :
Army crafts-Cir 312-1-1945 .
CONSTRUCTION : New designs and ideas for radio equipment - Cir 242 - I
AAF, responsibility - Cir 41 - VI - 1945. 1945 .
Administrative procedure, Zone of the interior - Cir 58– CONTINENTAL AIR FORCES : Authority to appoint general
1943 ; 62-IX-1943 ; 159-VI-1943 ; 182-1-1943 .
Army and Navy living quarters, limitations on cost-Bull courts martial - GO 44-1-1945 .
Bridges - FM 5-10. CONTINUATION SHEET : Standards of utilization-Cir 69
Buildings, frozen ground, permanently-TB 5-255-3. 1944 .
Class I, II, III, and IV installations, plan for approval
Cir 133–1945 ; 343-1-1945. CONTRACTS :
Corner reflector, radar target — TB SIG 163. Administrative audit , procedures, cost-plus-a -fixed -fee
Culvert, use of drums—TB ENG 43. supply - TM 14-1000 .
Electric line-TB 5-283-3. Aircraft, Act of March 5, 1940 extended-Bull 27-1942.
Equipment, airdrome, use-TM 5–252. Classified, safeguarding - Cir 41-V-1945.
General - FM 5-10 . Construction at posts , fixed fee-- Bull 27–1942.
Leased premises—Bull 23-1-1942 ; Cir 3-11-1942. Duties assigned Commanding Generals, Army Air Forces
Leased property, limitations suspended-Bull 27–1942. and Services of Supply-Cir 181-V-1942.
Line, open wire pole, tactical — TM 11-368 . Exception for certain canned and dehydrated fruits and
Nonindustrial facilities - Cir 301-III–1944 ; 50-11-1945. vegetables from the Provision 1 of the Walsh
Service Command, Responsibility - GO 13-VI
Northwest 1944 Healey Public Contracts Act for 1944 -- SB
; 15–1–1943 ; 65-11-1944. 10-5.
Oversea policy - Cir 431 - IV - 1944. Fixed-price supply, termination accounting manual—TM
Piles and pile driving — TB ENG 32. 14-1005 .
Pole line - TM 11-363. Furnished under fixed - price, Government property ac
counting—TM 14-911.
Fixed fee-Bull 27--1942 . Laundry and dry cleaning service for enlisted personnel
Funds available-Bull 27-1942. -Cir 346 - V - 1944 .
Protective - TM 5-310 . Motor van , disbursing offices shown incorrectly – CT
Railways -- TB 55-275-1 . Bull 37, 1945 .
Road, frozen ground, permanently-TB 5–255–3. OSRD --WD Pam 20-16.
Routes of communication-FM 5–10 . Procedure for transfer of administration from ASF ser
Runways, frozen ground, permanently - TB 5-255–3. vice commands to AAF installations—Cir 461
Theater of operations—TM 5–280. III-1944.
Unit, notes on erection, railway bridge — TB 5–372–1. Property
Use of nonappropriated funds — Cir 214–1945. Furnished under fixed price contracts , accountabil
CONSULATE : Designated , officers serving under the pro ity-Cir 224-VII-1944 .
visions, section 702, Nationality Act of 1940– Written advice on clearance by contracting officer
Cir 382-1944. -Cir 389-1-1945 .
Quartermaster Corps
CONSULTATION : Service-TB MED 156. Fiscal Year 1945 ( Compressed yeast ) –SB 10–94.
Fiscal Year 1946 ( Compressed yeast ) -SB 10–246.
CONTACTS : Battery, replacement of lockwasher, telephone Malt, 1 July 1945 to 31 December 1945 — SB 10-244.
EE-8B—MWO SIG 11-333-1 . Reclamation clause for certain nonperishable subsistence
supplies -- SB 10-112.
CONTAINERS : Requirements , procurements - TM 10–300 .
Ammunition, Removal of Ethylene-Glycol type anti- Settlement outside United States and in Alaska-Cir 330
freeze compound and installation of ammu 1944 ; 288-IV-1945.
damp — TB ORD 197. Specification of termination date - Bull 24-VII–1944.
Cleaning precautions—TB 9-2852–1. Supply, cost- plus-a -fixed - fee, manual—TM 14–910 .
Collapsible, storage of petroleum products—TB QM 35. Termination
Food, cleanliness --Cir 284-II–1944. Policy statement 'on disclosure of information re
Galvanized , permissible and prohibited usages-Cir 138 garding individual settlements—Cir 315 - VI
V - 1945 . 1945 .
Release of information - Cir 372 - VII - 1945 .
Cleaning and repairing in Theaters of Operations Use, War Department, Adjutant General Office Form 55
TB QM 34 . 123 to procure transportation , household goods
Drums, inflammable liquid, preparation for oversea and personal effects, military personnel - Cir
shipment-Cir 116-V-1945. 445-11-1944 .
Use for carrying water-Cir 85-II-1944. Utility, accounting collection - Cir 448–1–1944.
Inspection and equipment especially designed for hand War, excessive fees in connection with negotiation-Bull
ling of Petroleum products—SB 10-82. 16-III– 1943 .
1 - Ton
Type A , CWS No. 613510-SB 3-25-13 . CONTRACT SETTLEMENT ACT, 1944 : Exemptions and
Type D , CWS No. 613120-SB 3–25-13 . delegation of powers outside United States
Type E , CWS No. 613125–SB 3-25-13. Cir 330-III-1944.
Officers assignment - Cir 402-V-1944 . All types, technical data-TB 5-9720-2 ; 5-9720-10.
Staff coordination - Cir 370-V-1944 ; 406-VI -1944. Belt, transfer, gasoline engine-driven
High and low mast, 300/400-ft. per minute, pioneer,
CONTRACTORS : model MH -- 30 - TB 5-1258-1.
Guide , Army -Navy - WD Pam 34-2. 24-in . x 57 -ft . , Barber- Greene, style -- TM 5-1010 ;
Unit , BC-608-A-TM 11-1000. TB 5–1010-1 ; LO 5–1010.
30-in. x 50-ft. high mast; 30-in. x 35-ft. low mast ;
CONTRACTOR'S TRANSPORTATION BILLS : Certificates 30 -in. x 50-ft. low mast ; 300 -FPM ; 30-in . x
not required - Cir 342 - H - 1942. 50-ft. low mast, 400-FPM-TM 5--1258 ; LO
1109 ; LO 1110 .
CONTROL : Belt , flat, skid - mounted , 24-in . wide belt , 50- ft. long
Azimuth , BC-1067-A & B -LO 3504D. frame, capacity 25-lb. per ft., 75-TPH (Lam
son ) -- LO 5-9130 .
Boxes, interphone control, BC - 606 - A , B, C, D, E, F, G, Portable
MWO . SIG 11-600-8.
Dust and erosion , grounds maintenance - TM 5-630. Electric, model 220-A, Jeffrey Mfg ., Co.-TM 5-9906.
Elevation , BC - 1049 - A & B - LO 3504D. Pioneering engineer works -- TM 5-1258.
Insects, rodents, and other vermin-TM 5-632 ; WD “ THD 2460 " LeRoi Gasoline Engine, Trowbridge
Pam 5-1 . conveyor Co.-TM 5-9848.
Mine, emergency , M4 — TM 9–406 . CONVOY : Movements, safeguarding information-TC 12
Panels . See Panels , Control. 1945.
BC - 1047 - A - LO 3504C. COOK : Army, baking — TM 10-405; 10-411.
BC- 1047-B-LO 3504 D.
MCF-82 rescinded— Cir 175–1945 . Meat-TB 10-405-2.
MGA-23 rescinded-Cir 265-III–1945. Outfits, stoves, ranges, ovens—TM 10–400 .
MGA - 24 rescinded_Cir 265-III-1945 .
OFM-7, discontinued on ordnance matériel-Cir 248 - V COOLING SYSTEMS :
1945. Engine, tank, light M5 and 75-mm howitzer motor car
QSS-64 rescinded-Cir 235 – VII – 1945. riage MB-TM 9-1727B.
CONTROL STATION : Searchlight, 60 -inch , Model 1942 Surge tank—MWO ORD G503-W1.
TM 5-1721,
CORDAGE : Modification for Radio Set SCR - 284 - A - MWO
SIG 11--274-4.
Excess equipment, recurring report discontinued --Cir CORDS :
113-IV- 1944 .
CD-318 and CD - 318 - A - MWO SIG 23 ; MWO SIG 44.
Recapture, excess ASF equipment - Cir 300–1944. CD-1267, part of Radio Set SCR -694 - C - SB 11-77.
CONTROLLED MATERIALS PLAN : Handset tie, securing to telephones, improved method
TB SIG 193.
Purchases by Quartermaster Supply Officers - SB 10–88.
Power-TB SIG 25.
Records , retention-Cir 392 - IV - 1944.
CORKS : ML - 56 and ML - 201 - A - TB SIG 100.
CONTROLLERS : CORPORATION : Paying a portion of former salaries to
Automatic, BC - 1059 - A — TB 11-1527–2. employees now in military service - Cir 362
Brake, for hydraulic operation of electric trailer brakes V-1944.
TB 9-766-2.
CONVALESCENT : Care and rehabilitation, patients with Depot missions-SB 38–3-ENG.
spinal cord injuries—TB MED 162. Disposal of marine floating equipment - Cir 28-VI–1945.
Property, recapture of excess serviceable - SB 5–15.
COAVALESCENT HOSPITAL : See also Hospital. Railway activities transferred to Training Circular
Designation - GO 63–1–1944 ; Cir 115–1-1945.
GO 17-11-1943 .
Miami Beach Florida—Cir 6-III–1945. Repairs and utilities manual, use as technical guide
Pawling, N. Y., abolished - Cir 70 - II - 1945. Cir 460-IV-1944.
Richmond Army Air Base, Richmond, Va., discontinu River and harbors and flood control, appropriation
ance - Cir 231-III-1945. Bull 4–1945 .
CONVENTION : Obligation to obey-- Cir 383 - XI -1944 . Supplying explosives for use, training — Cir 302 – III – 1943,
Volunteer for parachute training - Cir 187-III–1945.
Commercial bill of lading-CTB 7-1944; CTB 10–1944. Air, equipment and supplies, application of consolidated
Tables, coordinate—TM 4-238 . freight classification SB 55-11.
CONVERTERS : Cavalry, and Cavalry division , organization and opera
ation-FM 11-15.
Acme MFM ( Facsimile equipment )-TM 11-2644.
Altitude, M2-TM 9-1671B.
Signal, Operations-FM 11-32.
CV-2 / TX-TM 11-2252 ; 11-4021 . CORPS HEADQUARTERS :
MG - 25 - A - LO 3504A . Reorganization - Cir 256–1943.
M-209 , M-209-A , M-209-B-TM 11-380; TB 11-380-1 ; Tables of organization and equipment - Cir 160-VI–1945.
TB 11-380-2 ; SB 11-100-87 .
M-222--TM 11-344. CORRECTION DIVISION : Handling military prisoners-Cir
454-V-1944 .
Range , BC-1102-A-LO 3504B.
Rotary-TM 11--977 ; 11-2518. CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION :
Set, TC - 33 — TM 11-2008 . Military prisoners - Cir 229-II-1944 .
Type CAOS IF-to-Video, operation-TB 11-1505-A. Sentences of military prisoners-Cir 25-11--1945.
Command installations, change of status - Cir 89–1945 ; Civil, witness by military personnel-Cir 350 - X - 1944.
326-IV-1945. Summary, establishment in towns, cities, and recreation
Course areas-Cir 296 – V - 1945 ; 346 - VI - 1945 .
Educational opportunities available to military per
sonnel-Cir 291-1945. COURT-MARTIAL :
General-TM 12-253 . Authorization over the Army Air Forces — GO 45– II
Lightweight stationery , oversea official mail-Cir 323– 1942.
VI-1945. Boards, eligibility, Women's Army Corps - Cir 462-1944 .
Nicknames in lieu of official names prohibited - Cir 411– Civilians, sentences-Cir 175 - IV - 1943 .
IV-1944. Disposition of officers sentenced to dismissal-Cir 48 - I
Notification letters of seriously wounded, ill, or unable 1945.
to write personnel ---Cir 150 – II –1945. General. See also names of various commands.
Official and unofficial names of military installations Authority to appoint - GO 2 - II - 1944; 13 - I, II-1944 ;
Cir 92-IV-1944. 31-1-1944 ; 32-I, II–1944 ; 54-1-1944; 56-1
Oversea supply matters-Cir 203–1944. 1944 ; 58-1, II–1944 ; 78-1-1944; 13 - I, II–1945 ;
Sheet , standards of utilization -- Cir 69–1944. 14 - I - 1945 ; 31 - I - 1945 ; 34-1-1945; 46 - I - 1945 ;
State Adjutants General-Cir 117-VII–1945. 38–1–1945; 44–1–1945 ; 45–1–1945 ; 47-1-1945;
To and from personnel employed or assigned aboard ves 48 - I -1945 ; 51-III–1945 ; 60 - I -1945 ; 63-1
sels manned by the Army-Cir 355-IV-1945. 1945 ; 95 - I - II - 1945 ; 104-1-1945 ; 106-1-1945;
Transmission of documents - Cir 242-1-1943 . 108-1-1945.
CORRESPONDENT : Revocation, authority to appoint - GO 2 - I - 1944; 13
III, IV-1944 ; 31-11-1944 ; 78–II–1944 ; 38-II,
Oversea destined, clothing and equipment- Cir 399-1 III–1945 ; 51-I , II, 1945 .
1944. Jurisdiction-Cir 132 - II – 1944.
United States Army - FM 30–26 . Merchant marine - Cir 164–1-1943 .
CORROSION : Psychiatric testimony — TB MED 201 .
Record use of AGO Form 267-Cir 187-II-1945.
Prevention-TM 38–305 ; TB ORD 312.
Protection of electrical equipment on Ordnance vehicles, Refusal of medical, surgical, or dental treatment-GO
TB ORD 242. 8-1-1942.
Secretaries and Under Secretaries of War and Navy
CORSICA : Medical and Sanitary Data—TB MED 125. power to exercise - Bull 9-1-1945 .

COST : COURTESY : Military - FM 21-50 ; TC 70–1943.

Lend -lease services and supplies, appropriations to be
charged-Cir 395–1944. COVERS :
Standard overhaul,items most frequently lost or dam- Arm, cylinder head rocker, reinforcement — TB ORD FE
aged-SB 9-30 . 13 .
BG-85 for training generator AN/URA-T1-SB 11-73.
COUNSELING : Military personnel separated from service Early type differential case - TB ORD FE 36.
-Cir 308–1945 ; 380-4-1945. Gun assembly-MWO ORD C60-W6.
COUNSELOR : Gun breech, rear, D50003—TB 9–1252–FE 1 .
Advice to separatees to communicate with parole board Housing, elevating mechanism — TB 9–1331-6.
as to their status-Cir 364-1-1945 . Indicator, M415 — TB ORD 25.
On duty in hospitals, use of classification test-Cir 374 Muzzle, for aircraft weapons, synthetic rubber-TB
III- 1945. ORD 330.
Overall, M102 — MWO ORD D24 -W18.
COUNTER INTELLIGENCE : See also Intelligence. Racer, carriage, barbette, 6-in. M1 and M2 - MWO ORD
E54-W3 .
Investigative equipment, oversea commands-Cir 203– Rocker box, interference -- TB 9–1751-20.
Service record : See Service record cover.
Personnel procurement - Cir 379–1–1944.
Transfer, functions within zone of interior - Cir 324– Water repellent; Radio Sets SCR-509-A and B ; SCR
1943 . 510-A and B ; SCR - 609 - A and B ; SCR -610 - A
and B-SB 11-16.
COUNTERMEASURES : Radio - TM 11-450. Waterproof, special purpose—SB 11-83.
COUNTERMORTAR : Organization and technique-TC 7- CRADLES :
1945. False, 240-mm howitzer carriage M1 and 8-inch gun
M1 , for height finder, 1342 - ft. - MWO ORD F171 -W3.
COUPLING : Providing clearance to permit mounting of modfied HB,
MC - 398 - D - TB 11-1033-2. flexible machine gun , Cal. .50, M2_TB ORD
Locking Type --MWO ORD D24-W18. FE 49.
Reinforcement on bomb handling platform , bomb trailer
COURIER : M5-TB 9-760 FE 3.
Accommodation-Cir 444 - VI- 1944 . CRAFTS :
Transmission, classified matter - Cir 91–1944. Army, contest - Cir 312-1-1945.
COURIER SERVICE : Indorsement on envelopes or wrap Harbor-FM 55-130.
per - Cir 163-11-1944 . Landing, smoke pot rack , EL - TB 3-300–4.
COURSES : CRAIG, MALIN, GENERAL : Obituary-GO 61-1945.
Indoctrination, serviceability of Cal. .30 machine gun
barrels in battle - SB 9-14 . CRANES :
Mobilization and demobilization, interim, Army Indus- All types , technical date - TB 9-9720-1.
trial College - Cir 323-III–1945 . Bucyrus Erie, 44B-TM 5–9618.
CRANES — Continued CRANES — Continued
Crawler -Mounted Revolving, Crawler-Mounted-Continued
Diesel Class II
20 to 30 tons, revolving, 1 to 11/2 cu . yd. , Class Diesel, 12 Cu. Yd., 5-6 Ton , with attachments,
IV, with ( or without) attachments, Harnisch Byers Model 65-TB 5-9495–1 ; TB 5-9496–
feger, Model 55-A-MWO ENG 9422–1. 1 ; TB 5-9704-1 .
Mario 342--MWO ENG 1179-1 . Class III
30 to 40 ton, Class V, with ( or without ) attach Diesel, 34 Cu. Yd., 7-10 Ton, with attachments,
ments, Bucyrus -Erie, Model 44-B-MWO ENG Byers Model 83—TB 5-9495-1 .
9618-1 .
Gasoline, 34 Cu. Yd . , 7-10 Ton , with attach
114 -Cubic Yard, 20 to 30-Ton , Class IV, Mani ments, link belt, Models LS-85 and LS - 90,
towoc, Model 2000B - MWO ENG 9491–1 . ( with Chrysler Model C-36-520 ) ( Ind-9 Se
134 to 2 cu. yd. , Class V, with ( or without) ries ) or Waukesha Model SRKR Engine ) -
attachments , Harnishchfeger, No. 855 and TB 5-9804–1 ; TB 5–1458–1 ; TB 9–9496–1 .
855 - LC - MWO ENG 1201-7 . Gasoline Engine Driven, 34 Cu. Yd., 7-10 Ton,
Revolving, 13 to 2 cu. yd., Class V, with . ( or Osgood, Model 307 -- TB 5-1275-1.
without ) attachments, Link-Belt K370—MWO Class IV
ENG 9706-1 .
1 to 142 Cu. Yd., 20 to 30- Ton , Bay City
Revolving, 134 to 2 cu . yd. , Class V, with ( or Model 65 -- TB 5-1316-1.
without) attachments, Mario n 372 — MWO Diesel, Bucyrus-Erie, Model 37 BTM
- 5-1260.
ENG 9147-1. With ( or without ) attachments , Link- Belt,
Northwest model K - 360 — MWO ENG 9706-2 .
No. 71-MWO ENG 9383–1 .
3 to 4-Cu. Yd., 65 to 74-Tons, Class VII, Gaso
78D-MWO ENG 1165-1. line, with attachments, Lima Model 1201
Lorain 82 — MWO ENG 1178–1. TB 5-1317-1 .
45 to 60 ton, revolving, 242 cu. yd., Class VI, Class V
with ( or without ) attachments, Harnisch Diesel, 134 to 2 Cu. Yd., 30 to 40-Ton , with at
feger 855 and 955 - LC - MWO ENG 1203-1 . tachments, Link- Belt, Model K-370, with
Bucyrus -Erie, 54B—MWO ENG 9620–1. Caterpillar Model D-13000 Engine - TB 5
Northwest, 80-D—MWO ENG 1176–1. 9706–1 .
Crawler-Mounted, gasoline, 34 - cu, yd., with attachment Rubber - Tire-Mounted, Gasoline, 20-Ton, Thew Lorain ,
( Koehring 304 ) —TM 5–1172 ; LO 1054 ; 1054A ; Model MC 6 x 6–MWO ENG 9853-1 .
Tractor -Operated
Diesel or gasoline
Le Tourneau
7 to 10 ton, revolving, 34 cu . yd., Class III, with (or AD-3-TB 5-9720-16 .
without) attachments, Lima Paymaster 34— M-20-TB 5-9720-16 .
MWO ENG 1312-1 .
Koehring, 304 — MWO ENG 1168–1. Non -revolving
20 to 30 ton, revolving, 1 to 142 cu yd., Class IV , with 20,000-1b., capacity at 10-ft. Radius, 30-ft. Boom
( or without) attachments, Koehring 604 , Type Le Tourneau, AD-3—TM 5–9230.
B formerly listed as Shovel-MWO ENG 30,000 lb. , Capacity at 10-ft. Radius, 20 -ft. Boom
1195-1. LeTourneau , M-20—MWO ENG 9060-1 .
Revolving, with or without ) attachments, Lima 40,000-lb . capacity at 10-ft radius, Boom , Le
802, 1001 and 1201 -MWO ENG 1319_1 . Tourneau Model M-20-MWO ENG 9060.
Diesel , portable, Marion Type, 312 Tons — TM 55-1202. Truck, Heavy Wrecking
Mi ( Ward La France ) ( Kenworth ) -TM 9-1795C.
Gantry Portal Diesel Driven, Marion Steam Shovel, 17 M1A1 ( Ward La France and Kenworth ) -- TM 9-1796.
Ton capacity Design No. C-8—TM 55-1208.
Gasoline Truck -Mounted
5 to 6 ton, revolving, 4 cu. yd., Class II, with Bridge Erector, Hydraulic-Operated
( or without ) attachments, Universal 514 Day -brook
MWO ENG 1200-1 . M-11-TM 5-8060, TM 5–8062.
Osgood, 200 - MWO ENG 1162-2. M - 11A -- TM 5–8058 , TM 5–8064 ; TB 5
Gasoline or Diesel - 8058-1 .
Harnishchfeger 150—MWO ENG 8631-1 . Hydraulic -operated, Daybrook Heil , M-11
7 to 10 ton , Revolving, 3/3 cu. yd ., Class III , and M - 11 -A-TM 5-8064 ; LO 5-8064 .
with (or without ) attachments, Harnisch 8 to 12 ton, Two engine drive, Class XI,
feger, 225A-MWO ENG 9491-1 . with (or without ) attachments, Harnis
Hydraulic -Operated, M-II-A-TB 5–9720–16. chfeger 150-TC ; 14 to 18 ton, class XII ,
Locomotive 225 - A - TC - MWO ENG 9490-1.
Browning, 8-Wheel-TM 55–1201. Diesel or gasoline, % -cu . yd. , Thew, MC-3 (10-ton )
TB 5-9232-1,
Gasoline, Ohil 25 & 35 Ton-LO 55-U17 ; LO 55–
U16. Gasoline, 38 -cu . yd. , Quick-Way E, with IH, U -9
Maintenance-TM 55-270. Power Unit - TM 5–1174; TB 5-1174–1; LO
Steam-LO 55-1201 . 1002 ; 1002A.
Pneumatic - Tired , nonrevolving, wheel-mounted, Tractor Heil , M-H-A-TM 5-8064 .
Operated , 20,000 lb. at 10 ft. Radius , 30 ft. M2-TB 9-771 -FE1 ; LO 9-771 .
boom , LeTourneau , AD-3, 40 ft. Boom , AD-4
> Warf Portal Diesel ( 17-Ton Marion )-LO 1071.
-MWO ENG 9230–1 . Wheeled-TB 10-1656-1; TB QM 4.
20 ft. Boom, Le Tourneau, AD - 2 - MWO ENG 9382-1 . Wheeled , Gasoline
Portal, Wharf, Diesel , Engine -Driven, 17-Ton, Marion --- Hughes Keenan, MC - 4 - LO 027 ; 6027A .
TB 5-9720--16 . Hyster— " Karry Krane” -LO 6042 ; 6042A.
Revolving, Crawler -Mounted Lohse, " 5 - LD ” —TB 10–1648-1 ,
Class I Mather
36 Cu . Yd. , 3 to 4 - Ton, with attachments, link No. 50 " on Tractor Case D1 -TB 10-1653-1 ;
belt , model LS-40 (Waukesha Model 6- BZ LO 6024 ; 6024A.
engine ) -TB 5-9704-1 . “ No. 80 ” on Tractor Case LA1 -TB 10-1658–1 .
CRANES—Continued CRUSHERS- Continued
Wheeled , Gasoline-Continued Roll type , Gasoline Engine- Driven - Continued
Mercer Trailer-mounted, 6- Steel-wheels, 40-in. Dia. x 22 -in .
" No. 5” on Tractor, International Harvester I Face, 40 to 140-tons per hour, Model 42- VA
6 - LO 6022 ; 6022A. TM 5-1250; TB 5-1250-1 .
" No. 7 " on Tractor Case LA1-TB 10-1654-1 . Screener and Washer, roll-type, Belt-driven, crawler
Silent Hoist AX & AY-LO 6036 ; 6036A. mounted, 40 - in . Dia. x 22-in. Face 40 to 140
TPH, Model 300-WA, and hydrator sand ,
screw-feed , chain -driven, trailer-mounted, 4
Reclamation, form cover B-154596, continental radial steel wheels , 40 to 60-TPH, pioneer - TM 5–
engine R975 -C1_TB 9-2830-61 . 1248 ; TB 5-1248–1.
Ventilation - MWO ORD G508-W1 .
CRANKS : Bell, link, drag, reinforcement — TB 9–803-FE6. All types , technical data-TB 5–9720-10.
CRANKSHAFTS : In-line engine, reclamation—TB 9-2830- 2-Units, Gasoline, Semitrailer-Mounted with Dollies, 25
58 . cu. yd. per hour, Iowa
Model No. 1 , with Buda L -525 Engine maintenance
and parts—TM 5-1037; TM 5–1038.
Baggage , constructive rates—Cir 174 - IV - 1943. Model No. 2, with Buda L - 525 Engine and case LAE
Constructive rates-Cir 152-IV-1944 . engine — TM 5-11-6 .
Estimate of comparative costs—Cir 206 – VI – 1944; 137– Model No. 2A , with case engine Model LAE–TM
VIII–1945. 5-1112 ; TB 5–1112-1; TB 5–5–1112–3.
Depot stock , maintenance-SB 11-18. CRYPTANALYSIS : Subcourses-Cir 190–1945.
Ration, messes, enlisted men-Cir 10 - VI- 1944.
CREDENTIALS : tion and disposition - Cir 361-11-1945.
Accountability for identification badges , cards and build CRYPTOGRAPHY :
ing passes-Cir 157-III-1945.
CREW DRILLS : Advanced-TM 11-485 .
Gun motor carriage Elementary-TM 11-484.
M18-FM 18–16. Subcourses-Cir 190–1945.
M36-FM 18–18.
Gunnery , 75 -mm assault howitzer on motor carriage, CRYSTAL :
M8 -FM 17-69 . Circuit, modification , Radio Set, SCR-543-A, B, C — MWO
Half-Track vehicles, Armored Infantry-FM 17–71 . SIG 11--625-6 .
Heavy tank, T26E1-FM 17–74. Receiver, high activity, used in Radio Set SCR -536 - A ,
Light Armored car, M8—FM 2-6. B, C, C, & E-MWO SIG 11-235–8.
Light tank, M5 series - FM 17–68.
Medium tank, M5 - FM 17–67. CULTIVATOR : Chisel-tooth , 12-in. spacing, 8 -ft. wide, In
Tanks ternational Harvester, Model DYRR -F. - TM
Light, M24 - FM 17-75. 5-1084 .
Medium series, M4 - FM 17–76. CULTURE : Bacteriological, media—TB MED 60.
Investigation-FM 19–20. Cleanliness, food container - Cir 384 – II – 1944.
War, policies with respect to discovery and reporting Paper, purchase-Cir 123-IX-1945.
Cir 256–1945 . CUPOLAS : Commander's vision, assembly - MWO ORD
G104 - W112 .
CRIMPER : Cap, M2_TB ENG 28.
CURFEW : Military personnel, prescribed by commanding
CROSSES : On ambulance, WC- 54 — MWO ORD G502 -W10. generals-- Cir 134 - VII – 1945 .
CROSS HAULING : Avoid when possible - CT Bull 9–1943. CURRENCY :
CROWDING : Troops from overseas in installations, disease Exchange in foreign areas, Payment Order—Cir 159
IV - 1945 .
prevention-Cir 262 - III – 1945.
CRUSHERS : Ration, Military personnel absent from home station
Cir 361-11-1944.
All types, technical data - TB 5–9720–10 . United States and foreign , exchange - Cir 364–1944 ; 255–
Jaw Type — IV - 1945 .
Gasoline engine-driven, Crawler-mounted, 30-in. X CURRENT : Lighting-MWO ORD G503 - WT.
42-in. to 200 to 400-tons per hour, Model 58–
A-TM 5–1244 ; TB 5-1244-1. CURTAIN : Gasproof, M-I-TB 3-350-181 ; SB 5-25–14.
Gasoline engine-driven, Trailer-mounted, 4 steel CUSTODIAN : Responsibility for processing cryptographic
wheels, 10- x 16-in. opening, 4 to 12 Tons accounting records-Cir 361-11-1945.
per hour, Gruendler Model 1016 - A - TM 5
1030 ; LO 5-1030. CUSTOMS :
Jaw, Gruendler, Type 10 x 16, portable, 1016A, Gruendler Clearance
Crusher and Pulverizer Co - TM 5-1110 . Shipment of personal effects of deceased, missing,
Rock, Jaw type, 4 -Wheel, trailer-mounted, 7 cu. yds. , captured, or interned personnel-Cir 285–
per hour, Gruendler, Model 1016A-TB 5 1945 .
1030–1 ; TB 5-1030-2. War material-Cir 53-11-1944.
Roll type, Gasoline Engine-Driven Free Entry
Crawler-Mounted , 54- in. Dia x 24 - in. Bona fide gifts, military personnel overseas—Cir
100 to 150 - tons per hour, model 54 - Va — TM 381 - III - 1944.
5-1246 . Personal and household effects of members, armed
100 to 190-tons per hour, Pioneer - TB 5-1246–1. forces-Cir 436-II–1944.
Free Entry - Continued
Aboard transport or hospital ship , disposition of effects ,
Shipments to Alaska, War Department - Cir 93 - III Cir 85–1945 .
1945 . At Sea-Cir 206–1943 .
Certain items imported to the United States-Cir 31- IV- Civilian employees injured on the job, compensations
1945 . Bull 15–1945 .
Merchandise bearing well-known trade -marks - Cir 159– Employment while on pass or furlough - Cir 105 - I -1945.
Foreign personnel serving within continental United
War materials, free admission-Cir 180–1945. States, report-Cir 430-III–1944.
Military personnel -
CUTLERY : Kitchen , care-SB 10–122. Discontinuance of allotment and allowances-- Cir
CUTTERS : 297–1944 .
Cable, M1-TB ORD 233 . Disposition of effects - Cir 85–1945.
Cloth, rotary, electric, 110-volt, 60-cycle, AC, 512 - in. Enlisted man, settlement of pay and accounts - Cir
Blade, Eastman , Model N—TM 5-4150. Flag issued to nearest relative - Bull 23-11-1943.
High - speed, steel, 40 - C - 2701, reclamation–TB 9-2830–
98 . Investigation by Red Cross personnel - Cir 165-1
Paper, PH -513 /GF - TM 11--2302. 1944 .
Payment to dependent relative-Bull 25–1–1943.
CUTTING : Under -water - TB ENG 49. Notification, responsibility - Cir 206–1943.
CYLINDER : Payment of pension or compensation , military and Naval
Chemical, M1A2 - TM 3–315. personnel-Bull 20-11-1944.
President Manuel Quezon-GO 62–1944.
Equilibrator - MWO ORD D28-W20 .
Gas Remains of personnel accidentally killed-Cir 297 - III
Compressed ( cleaning interior ) -TB CW 20 . Reports
Issue- SB 9-24 .
Preparation-Cir 311-IV-1943.
Supply procedure — SB 5-49. Selection of date - Cir 2-1-1945 ; Cir 186 - III – 1945 .
Recoil, providing a filling instruction plate-FSMWO
E20-W60. Sea, report made to Adjutant General-Cir 2-11-1945;
Cir 237-II-1945.
CZECHOSLOVAKIA : Medical and Sanitary data — TB MED Settlement of claims-Bull 14-111-1943 .
107. Two or more of a family, nonhazardous assignment
DAMAGE ( S ) : policy to surviving members Cir 128–1945;
Cir 212 - III - 1945 .
Payment of claims-Bull 1-1944 ; Bull 7-1944 ; Bull DEBT :
16–1–1944 ; Bull 1–1945 . Deceased, person, Customs clearance of personal effects
Effect deceased persons, shipped to Effects Quarter prior to shipment to U. S.-Cir 285–1945.
master-Cir 85–1945. Deceased persons, settlement by summary court officer
Shipment, Report-Cir 305-XII-1945 . Cir 85-1945 .
Military personnel, remission-Cir 257–1945.
DANGER AREA : Air navigation policy -- Cir 254–1945 ; 160
Settlement of accounts, military - Bull 24 - IX - 1944 .
DANZIG : Medical and Sanitary Data-TB MED 176. Within continental limits, care -- Cir 145–1945 .
DECLARATION : Estimated income and victory tax, 1944
PH - 392 - TM 11-2363 . Cir 112-1944 .
PH - 392 ( Hunter Manufacturing Company, Model T -3C )
M2, 142 -Quart, Repair and maintenance - TB 3,220–3, TB
DATA TRANSMISSION SYSTEM : See Systems, Data 3-220-5812, MWO CW-1 , SB 3–25-4 .
Transmission . 2 - quart, Expendable, E3R1-TB 3,220–4.
3-gallon , M1 , CWS No. 572155-SB 3-25-5, TB 3-220-7,
112-1945 . M1 and M2_TM 3-220.
M3A1-TM 3–221 , TC 32 , 101 , 1943.
DAY OF SUPPLY : Basic Policy-Cir 123-IV-1945.
M3A2 (Power-driven )-TM 3-223, LO 3-223, LO 4003.
DAY ROOM : Basic furnishings at posts, camps, and stations M4 — TM 3-222, TB 3,222-1, TC 92, 101,1943 .
in U. S. - Cir 126-1-1945 . Motorized, Dry Agent, E - 2_LO 3-U2 ; TB CW 14 .
Power-driven , Army Air Forces , Excess allowances
III - 1945 .
WRIGHT FIELD, OHIO : Transfer of re
sponsibilities - Cir 429–1–1944 . Power-driven, M3A1, M3A2, and M4, Heater, Water.
Portable, M1, and other Auxiliary Equip
OHIO : Jurisdiction transferred - Cir 137 - IV DECONTAMINATION :
1945 .
Armored Force Vehicles - FM 17-59 .
DDT : Chemical Company -- FM 3–70.
TB MED 14 .
General - TM 3-220 , TB 3-220–1 .
Chemical for insect control, use on airplanes - Cir 207–
VI - 1945 . Graphic training aid-TC 42, 1944,
Procedures - SB 5-52 .
Insecticides, uses -- TB MED 110, TB MED 194 .
American Defense Service Medal - Cir 27–1944 ; Cir 129–
General hospital designated for specialized treatment I-1944 .
Cir 347-1-1944 .
Army of Occupation of Germany Medal - Cir 448 -VI
Rehabilitation , Army's, Aural , Program-TB MED 195 . 1944 .
Awards — TM 12-280 . - Assembly-CT Bull 11-1-1944 .
Awards , War Shipping Administration-Cir 328 – V - 1943. Blanket travel order-Cir 295-VIII-1944 .
Citations issued by Secretary of War-Bull 22-1-1943. Camp commander, prisoner of war camps-- Cir 357–
Combat Infantryman badge-Cir 186–1944. 1945 .
Emblem , honorable discharged military personnel -- Cir Channel Letter - Cir 21-1-1945 .
454-III-1944 . Channel number — Cir 21-1-1945.
Expert and Combat Infantryman badge-Cir 421-III- Circuit number - Cir 21-1-1945.
1944 .
Retroactive award-Cir 105 - IV - 1944 .
Civilian nonappropriated funds - Cir 210-IV-1945.
Class A Clothing-Cir 71-1-1945.
Enlisted men with zone of interior medical installa Class CS ( combat serviceable ) clothing-Cir 71-1-1945.
tions-Cir 263-II-1945. Combat Ground Forces—Cir 271–1944 .
Expert Infantryman badge Combat matériel - Cir 183-III-1945 .
Cir 186–1944 ; Cir 408–1944; Cir 93-II–1945. Combat service support troops—Cir 356-V-1944.
Standards-Cir 14-11-1944 . Combat support troops—Cir 356-V-1944.
Established Good Conduct Medal-Bull 6-11-1943. Combat troops-Cir 356–V-1944 .
Good Conduct Medal, Manufacture and supply-Cir 103– Combustible supplies—Cir 169-11-1945 .
Command installations-Cir 89–1945.
Medal for Merit-Bull 18-III-1945 . Completely prepared pay roll-Cir 106-III– 1945.
Medical Badge, establishment_Cir 66 - II – 1945 . Controlled item - Cir 355–1944 .
Personnel claiming to be entitled, prior to separation Cross Hauling — Cir 338-VII–1944 .
from service - Cir 101-11-1945.
Supply and presentation - Cir 46 - III – 1945 ; Cir 60 - II Account-Cir 361-11-1945 .
1945 ; Cir 260-1-1945 ; 349-III–1945. Holder - Cir 361-11-1945.
Typhus Commission Medal, United States of America :
Records-Cir 361 -II- 1945,
Authorization-Cir 142 - V - 1944; Cir 450 - VI
1944. Custodial services - Cir 28-VII-1945 .
Units , instruction governing-Cir 94 - IV - 1945. Custodian of cryptographic material-Cir 361-11-1945.
World War II Victory Medal - Cir 326-VIII–1945 ; 345– Date-time group-Cir 21-1-1945.
IX-1945 . Day of supply-Cir 275-IV-1944 .
Delay en route-Cir 470-IV-1944 .
DEEP X-RAY THERAPY : General hospital designated for Demilitarization of combat, matériel-Cir 183-III–1945.
specialized treatment-Cir 347-1-1944. Diner on hospital trains-Cir 184–1945.
DEFECT : Directing agency-Cir 303–1945.
Duration and 6 months-Cir 402-V-1944.
Disqualifying, oversea service-Cir 196–1945. Effects Quartermaster - Cir 85–1945.
Enlisted men, notification by medical installation-Cir Enlisted personnel-Cir 96-1945.
Enlisted prisoners — Cir 357–1945.
Hearing, aids for military personnel-Cir 81 - IV - 1944. Equipment, mess-Cir 165-III–1945.
Visual, training enlisted men as riflemen - Cir 409-1 Equipment peculiar to the Army Air Forces-Cir 157
1944. IV-1945.
DEFENSE COMMAND EASTERN, NORTHEASTERN Excess property - Cir 379 --VI - 1944 .
External report - Cir 303-1945 .
SECTOR : Revocation of authority, command
ing officer to appoint general court martial Field military 201 file - Cir 96–1945.
38-11-1945 . Filler-Cir 147-1945 .
Foreign quarantine - Cir 453–1944.
DEFENSE OF UNITED STATES : Act , 1941 , amended- Government quarters—Cir 356–II–1944.
Bull 4-1-1943, Bull 9-II- 1944, Bull 5-11-1945. Home terminal of hospital trains -- Cir 184–1945.
Hospital train-ration type 1-Cir 184-1945.
DEFENSES : Identification - Cir 287-1944 .
Against Aerial attack-TM 5–310. Inactive installation-Cir 89-1945 .
Against Chemical Attack-FM 21-40 . Information center-Cir 80–1944.
Air establishments - TC 31 , 69 , 1942. Information and education-Cir 360-1-1944.
Against Incendiaries -- FM 21-42. Information 201 files - Cir 96–1945 .
Air - FM 1-25. Initiating agency - Cir 303–1945.
Coast - FM 31-10. Internal report - Cir 303-1945.
Searchlights, AA—TC 32, 1944. Italian service unit escort commander - Cir 357-1945 .
Unarmed, For American Soldier-FM 21–150. Italian service units members - Cir 357-1945 .
Kitchen car facilities—Cir 400–1944.
DEFERMENT : Kitchen facility on hospital trains - Cir 184-1945.
Selective Training and Service Act 1940 , as amended Mail clerk-Cir 198-11-1945 .
Bull 24-1943 . Maintenance terms - Cir 246–1943 .
26 to 29 year old publication issued by Director of War Major force - Cir 89–1945 .
Mobilization and Reconversion -Cir 60 - V Materials handling equipment - Cir 33-1-1945, 293- IV
1945 . 1945 .

DEFINITIONS : Message center number - Cir 21-1-1945.

Message handling—Cir 21-1-1945 .
Active installation-Cir 89–1945 . Message reference number - Cir 21-1-1945.
Aeronautical material or equipment peculiar to the Military personnel of a lend -lease government-Cir 395–
Army Air Forces -- Cir 429-1-1944 . 1944 .
Aircraft - Bull 4-1-1944 . Military training mission-Cir 183-IV-1944 .
Area adjacent to Operational Theaters—Cir 34-1-1944. Miscellaneous troops-Cir 356-V-1944.
Army Air Forces Base Unit-Cir 473-1--1944. Missing persons-Cir 85–1945.
Army Air Forces Command - Cir 473-1-1944. Net working capital-Cir 384-1945 .
Army Security Agency-Cir 361-11-1945. Noncontractor - Cir 317–1943 .
Army Specialized Training Program - Cir 271–1945. Non -paying on trains for subsistence -- Cir 184–1945 .
Nonrecurring report-Cir 303–1945. Using agency - Cir 303–1945 .
Office of record - Cir 361--11-1945 . Using service -- Cir 89–1945.
Officer - Cir 96–1945 . WDGSS-82-Cir 361-II- 1945 .
Officer candidate course - Cir 271-1945 .
Officer prisoners — Cir 357–1945. DEFLECTORS : Oil, New—TB ORD FE 22.
Orders of Competent Authority, glider flight pay - Cir
367-V-1944. DEGRESSER : Vapor, Detrex, Model VH -400, # 6727. De
troit Rex Products Co. (SPM - 1764)-TM 5
Organization - Cir 39-1944 . 9824.
Originator's reference number-Cir 21-1-1940 .
Overhead troops - Cir 356 - V --1944. DEHYDRATED FOODS : See Food.
Overseas-Contracts and overseas subcontracts -- Cir
330-IV-1944 ; 85–1945 . DEHYDRATORS :
Packaging, packing and crating - Cir 390 - I - 1945. All Types, Technical Data-TB 5-9720-10 .
Paid in full-Cir 106-III - 1945 . Power Input Circuit-MWO SIG 11-1524–13 .
Pay day- Cir 106-III- 1945 . DELANO ARMY AIR FIELD , DELANO , CALIF .: Redes
Paying on trains- Cir 184-1945 . ignation - Cir 369-111-1945 .
Poll-Bull 5-1944 . DELAY :
Port - Cir 106 - III - 1945 .
Port commander-Cir 357-1945.
Newly appointed MD physical therapists - Cir 267 -VI
Precommission physical therapy course-Cir 271-1945. Oversea personnel reassigned after hospitalization
Preparing agency-Cir 303-1945 . Cir 282 - VI - 1944.
Prisoner of war detachment-Cir 357–1945.
Prisoner patients — Cir 357–1945. DELAY EN . ROUTE : Method of computing —Cir 299-11
Project construction - Cir 214–1945. 1945 .
Radio Silence-Cir 3-1-1945 . DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY :
Readiness date, movement of prisoner of war oversea --- Appoint retiring boards - Cir 278–111-1944 .
Cir 357-1945 .
Procurement and contracting power outside United States
Real estate-- Cir 89–1945 . -Cir 330 - I, II- 1944 .
Receiving hospital -Cir 184-1945 . DELINQUENCY : Report-Cir 340-VI-1945.
Reconditioned tires-Cir 113-IV-1945 .
Records Administration - Cir 416-1944 . DELIVERY ( IES ) : Connection with purchases from non
appropriated funds -- Cir 25-III- 1945.
Recurring report-Cir 303-1945.
Registered cryptographic document - Cir 361-11-1945 . DEMOBILIZATION : Course, Army Industrial College
Replacement -Cir 147-1945. Cir 323-III-1945 .
Replacement factors and days of supply-Cir 375-IV- DEMOBILIZED PERSONNEL RECORDS BRANCH, AGO :
1944 .
Change of address - Cir 317-11-1945 . 1

Replacement tires, tubes , and flaps - Cir 113 - VI - 1945.

Report - Cir 303–1945 . DEMOLITIONS :
Reports control symbol - Cir 303–1945 . Bridges, Fixed Panel, Bailey Type-TB 5–277-3.
Requisition - Cir 39–1945 . Charges, Safety Distance Requirements for Prepara
Rotational replacements-Cir 147–1945. tions-TB ORD 214 .
School-Cir 271-1945. Explosives-FM 5-25.
Seconds tires - Cir 113 - VI-- 1945 . QM Supplies and Equipment–TB QM 27.
Serial number for prisoner of war - Cir 357--1945 . Snake
Service support troops — Cir 356 – V -1944 . M2 — TC 21 , 1944.
M2A1-TB ENG 47 .
Serviceability - Cir 296–1944 .
Serviceable used tires - Cir 113 - VI- 1945 . DEMURRAGE : Car-Bull-CT Bull 12–1945.
Shipment number, prisoner of war oversea destination
--Cir 357-1945 . DENSITOMETERS : PH-326-TM 11-2301 .
Spearhead deposits - Cir 18–1945. DENTAL :
Special communication equipment - Cir 82-V-1945. Clinic Guide for utilization of personnel-Cir 209–1944 .
Standard interior fire walls—Cir 169-11-1945 . Corps-
Station serial number - Cir 21-1-1945. Examination for appointment - Cir 323-11–1943.
Strength accountability, military personnel-Cir 415– Identification cards - Cir 82–1944.
II- 1944 . Officers, transfer to and from AAF-Cir 349--11-1944.
Suboffice of record Cir 361-II-1945. Officers' right to command , removal of limitations
Bull 12 - X - 1945 .
Surplus installation - Cir 89–1945 .
Terminal Hospital fund - Cir 184–1945. Laboratory
Service Fifth Service Command - Cir 98-V– 1944.
Terminal subsistence account-Cir 184–1945. Technician Assignment-Cir 130-111-1944.
Terms applicable , air defense--Cir 80–1944 .
Theater Commander - Cir 357–1945 . Officer Tables of Organization rescinded-Cir 95 - VI
1944 .
Tire Collection centerCir 113-VI- 1945 .
Ton - Cir 255-VII -1945 . Requirement WAC enlistment - Cir 462–1944.
Total liabilities - Cir 384-1945 . Service e
Train account of hospital trains - Cir 184-1945. Identification of plates, wearer's initials,
and serial number - Cir 173-1-1945 .
Train commander - Cir 400-1944 . Technicians — TM 8–225 .
Train ration officer - Cir 184-1945 .
Treatment, Refusal to submit - GO 8-1-1942.
Train subsistence charge — Cir 184-1945 . X - Ray Machine - TM 8-634.
Training troops-Cir 356 - V - 1944.
Transfer--Cir 96–1945 .
Transient organizations--- Cir 384–1945. organisms and vectors - Cir 43-IV-1945.
Troop train - Cir 400-1944 . DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR : Alaska railroad , phy.
Unserviceable tires-Cir 113-VI-1945 . sical examination for recruits - Cir 31-1-1945.
Authorization, restore stranded soldiers in Canada to Medical Corps-SB 38-3 -MED .
native land - Cir 377-IX-1944.
Examination for appointment as foreign service officer Ordnance Department , Part V-SB 38–3 -ORD .
Quartermaster Corps-SB 38–3 - QM .
-Cir 326 - III - 1945 . Signal Corps - SB 38-3 - SIG .
DEPENDENCY BENEFIT : Family allowances -- Bull 21 Transportation Corps — SB 38-3 - TC .
1943 ; Cir 310-1943. DEPOT OPERATIONS : See Operations.
Civilian employees, transportation - Bull 27-1942. Adjutant General
Civil War veterans, granting pensions-Bull 24-XI-1944. List of Forms Stocked-WD Pam 12–3 .
Evacuation, expenses — Bull 27–1942. Stocks, War Department publications and blank
upon death , military personnel-Bull 25 - I – 1943.
Gratuity for distressed families of servicemen and veter forms -- Cir 264–1944.
ans-Bull 12-XIII-1945. Chemical Base - FM 3-66.
Military Personnel-Pam 21-5. Supply-TM 10–230.
One-move restriction on transportation - Cir 287- X- Engineer, ASF Repairs and Utilities Items of Supply
1945 ; 333-VIII– 1945. Stocked-SB 5-53.
Reimbursement for transportation-Cir 235 – IX- Issuing, list - Cir 113-1-1943.
1945 . Maintenance Stock Credits—SB 11-18.
Relief from duty of permanent station to temporary Ordnance Company-FM 9-25.
duty at another station, transportation-Cir Quartermaster Base Company–TM 10–367.
293-II-1945 .
Supply Responsibility - SB 3-20.
Shipment of household goods to oversea homes Transportation Corps, Storage and Issue of Boat Flags
Cir 391 -IV-1945 . SB 55-16 .
Missing persons, pay and allowances—Bull 14 – III – 1942;
Cir 97-1942. DEPTH CHARGE : Aircraft 250-lb., MK VIII-TB ORD 124.
Detailed between the War and Navy Department , DERMATAPHYTOSIS ( ATHLETE'S FOOT ) : Prevention
travel agreement-Cir 225-VIII– 1945 ; 366– Cir 146-1-1945 .
VII- 1945 . DERRICKS :
Rental allowances-Bull 4-II–1943. Bumper-Mounting, Cable -Operated, 5 - Ton , Diamond
Payment of rent, Officers and warrant officers-- Cir 390– Iron Works-TM 5-9158 .
III–1944. Steel Standard - TB ENG 45.
Personal problems, aid and assistance - Cir 211-III–1944. Stiff -Leg
Personnel 4-ton, Ingram , 504 and Unley, 3-TB 5-9720–16 .
Armed forces occupying Government housing facili 4-ton, Filey, A-TB 5-9720–16.
ties without loss of rental allowances—Bull 25-ton, Wiley, E-TB 5–9720–16 .
12-IV-1945. 25-ton, Wiley ( 10 to 25-Ton ) -TM 5-9172.
Separated from service, reimbursement claim for 30-ton, Wiley Model F-LO 55–1205.
travel-Cir 230 - VI - 1945 ; 336-11-1945 . DESERTION :
Repayment of Army Emergency Relief loans -- Cir 377– Absence Without Leave - WD Pam 20-5
I-1944 . Military personnel in oversea commands—Cir 43-I-1945.
Servicemen, payment benefits delayed—Cir 54–1944. Nationality Act of 1940 amended- Bull 2-1-1944.
Transportation Reports-Cir 55-II-1944.
Certain civilian employees of the P. S., payment Return to military control at the nearest processing
Bull 12-III–1945. Cir 66-1-1945 .
Certain islands-Cir 366-IV-1945. DESIGNS :
From overseas—Cir 245–1945. Coats of arms- Cir 226 – II – 1944 .
Household and personal effects, military personnel Shoulder sleeve insignia-Cir 226–1–1944.
Cir 140-XIV-1945 ; 294-IX-1945. DESIGNATION :
Payment of claims for reimbursement-Cir 360 Airfield
III–1945 .
Restriction-Cir 92-1-1941 ; Bull 27 - VI - 1942 ; Cir GO 72-1-1944 .
261 - VI - 1942 ; Cir 279-11-1942 ; Cir 314 - IV Depots-GO 72-1-1944.
1942. Alamogordo Army Air Field , N. Mex.-Cir 470-11-1944.
War casualties-Cir 305-1944.
Arm or service, officers detailed - Cir 315-11-1944.
Armored Medical Research Laboratory-Cir 98-11-1944.
United States Military Academy graduates , mileage al
lowance -- Bull 11 - V - 1944 . Army Air Forces stations-Cir 287-I–1943.
Camp Hayden, Wash .—Bull 27-1-1944 ; Bull 31-III–1944.
Women's Army Corps applicants-Cir 462–1944. Camp Villere, La.-GO 53-I–1944.
DEPOSITS : Flak Analysis Officer - Cir 201-11-1944.
Account, banks, protection-Cir 123 - V - 1943. Hospitals , authority - Cir 140–1944,
Hospital Ship. See Hospital Ship.
Guarantee, sale of Government - owned material-Cir 362– Nomenclature, Signal Corps , Publications—TB SIG 103,
IV - 1944 . Parachute units-Cir 194-11-1944 ; Cir 257 - VII – 1944.
Military personnel in an active theater of operations
Cir 18-1945 . Regional and convalescent hospitals, zone of interior
Cir 228-11-1944.
Soldiers, Verification and repayment-Cir 335-11-1945 . Regional and convalescent hospitals, zone of interior
Spearhead - See Spearhead deposits. Cir 352-III- 1944 .
DEPOT MISSIONS : Temporary camp near Brooksville, Fla.-GO 48 - I – 1944.
Use of the three major commands limited-Cir 179 - II
Adjutant General's Department - SB 38-3 -AGD. 1945.
Chemical Warfare Service - SB 38–3 -CWS.
Corps of Engineers-SB 38–3-ENG . DESIGNATORS : Shipping, United States Army and Navy
General Instructions- SB 38–3. -WD Pam 38-4 .
Aircraft - TC 102 , 123, 1943. Military - Continued
Chemical matériel—TC 65, 1943 .
Ordnance matériel - TC 5-1943 . English-Portuguese-TM 30–501.
English - Spanish , Spanish-English-TM 30–250.
Unexploded Ammunition , Theater of Operations -- TB French - TM 30–502.
ORD 249.
German-TM 30–506.
DESTRUCTORS : Italian-TM 30–259.
AN-M1-TB ORD 51 . Japanese - TM 30–451 .
AN-M2-TB ORD 51 . Japanese- English-TM 30–481 .
M3_TB ORD 51 . Portuguese- English-TM 30–501.
Russian—TM 30–254.
DETACHED SERVICE : Spanish -- TM 30–500.
Oversea assignment of officers -- Cir 196–1945.
Patients, battle casualty type-Cir 226-11-1945. DIESEL ENGINES : See Engines , Diesel .
DETACHMENT OFFICER : Women's Army Corps-Cir 462– DIESEL FUEL : Specification for use-Cir 129–1–1945.
Authorization for establishment - Cir 140–1944 ; Cir 105– Officers, AUS — Bull 16-II, III–1944.
II-1945 . WAC personnel-Cir 462–1944.
Individual hospitalized for 90 days, “ unattached unas AUS, promotion and separation policy -- Cir 304–II–1944.
signed ”-Cir 69 - V - 1945. Clothing, policy for supply -- Cir 387-II–1944.
Theater of operations - Cir 147–1945. Discharge Orders to state whether or not for disability ,
Payment-Cir 159-III–1945. Cir 201 - III - 1944.
Hospital, pregnant, discharge-- Cir 404-111–1944.
Officers, pension applications transmitted to Veterans
AAF, AGF , and ASF liaison personnel at War Depart Administration- Cir 474–1944 .
ment centers-Cir 176-III–1945.
Aviation students—Cir 467-11-1944. Physical reclassification of officers - Cir 313–1945.
Wearing , civilian bridal apparel-Cir 86 - IV - 1944,
Chemical officer, enlisted personnel on ships—Cir 19 - II
DIETS : Hospital - TM 8-500.
Designation of arm or service-Cir 315–II–1944. DIGEST : Order-TM 12-256A.
WAC personnel, army or service designated - Cir 462–
1944 . DIGGERS :
All Types , Technical Data-TB 5-9720-9.
DETECTORS : Clay, Pneumatic
Mine, Anti -Tank , Portable M-1 -TM 11-1122. Independent Pneumatic, Thor, No. 412, Model 4913
Mine, AN / PRS - 1 - TM 11-1151 . -TM 5-4024 .
Sets 20-1b . , Class, 78 - in ., Hexagon x 2 34 -in . Chuck-LO
AN / PRS - 1 - TB 11-1151-1 . 5-4025 .
AN / VRS - I - TM 11-1138.
SCR-625- ( ) , Serviceability Standards—SB 11- DIPHTHERIA : Cutaneous -- TB MED 143.
SCR -625 - A & E-TM 11-1122. DIRECTIVES : Marking, Army-TM 38-414 .
SCR-625-A, -B, -C, -D, -E, and -F ,-TM 11-4016 .
SCR-625-A, B , C , D, and E-MWO SIG 11-1122–1 . DIRECTORIES :
SCR-625 A, B, C, D, and E-MWO SI- 11-1122–2. German Radar Equipment-TM E 11-219.
SCR-625-A, B , C, D, E, and F-MWO SIG 11- Signal Equipment-TM 11-223 ; TM E 11-227.
1122–3 .
SCR-625-1 ) -TB 11-1122–4 . DIRECTORS :
SoundTM 11-2541 . AA
M3_TM 9-1650.
DETONATOR : Concussion Type T-1 -TB 5-25-4 . M4 — TM 9–1655 , TC 5a-1944.
M5—TM 9-659 ; TM 9–1659 ; TB 9–1659-3 ; MWO
Radio sets , ground-TM 11–310 . 9-659..
Schematic, Gun data computer M8N-TM 9-1669B. M5A1-TM 9-659 ; TM 9–1659 ; TM 9-1659–3; MWO
Wiring, Directors, M9 and M10-TM 9-1671C. ORD F209-W3 ; LO 9-659.
M5A2 - TB 9-659–1 ; LO 9-659-1.
DIAL ASSEMBLIES : Tuning, Capacitor-TB 11-866-2. M5A3—TB 9-659-2 ; LO 9-659-1 .
DIALS : Fuze On Motor Drive M2E1_TB ORD 128 . M6—TM 9-1659 ; TB 9-1659–3 ; LO 9-659 .
M7-FM 44-36 ; TM 9-658 ; TM 9–1658 ; TC 5a-1944 ;
DIARY : Military censorship - Cir 335–1944. MWO ORD F171-W3 .
DIATHERMY : M7A1B1 -TB 9-658.
Apparatus, Short Wave, Complete, 110 Volt, 60 Cycle , M7A1B2-TM 9-658 ; TB ORD 181 .
7105505 -- TM 8-627 . M9—FM 44-38; TM 9-671 ; TM 9–1671A ; TM 9
Medical, Technique-TM 8-350 . 1671B ; TM 9–1671C ; TM 9-1671E ; TB 9-
1671A -3; TB 9–1671B-1 ; TB ORD 221; TC
DIATONITE : Water Purification Equipment Pack 15- GPM 5a -1944 ; MWO ORD F243-W1 ; MWO ORD
TB 5-295-2. F243-W2 ; MWO ORD F243-W3.
DICTIONARIES : M9A1-FM 44–38 ; TM 9-671 ; TM 9-1671E ; TB ORD
Military 221 ; MWO ORD F243-W3 .
Army Terms-TM 20-205. M9A2_FM 44–38 ; TM 9-671 ; TM 9–1671D ; T)
Chinese-TM 30-533. 9–1671E ; TB 9–1671D-1 ; TB ORD 221.
DIRECTORS - Continued DISCHARGE_Continued
AA-Continued From Active Duty, Enlisted Personnel-TM 12-235.
M10 Service - FM 44-38 ; TM 9-671 ; TM 9–1671A ; General prisoners over 38 years of age, policy of restora
TM 9-1671B ; TM 9-1671C ; TM 9-1671E ; TB tion-Cir 237-IV-1945.
9-1671A - 3 ; TB 9-1671B-; TB ORD 221 ; Honorable Emblem
MWO ORD F243-W1 ; MWO ORD F243-W3. Khaki and Olive Drab - SB 10-197.
Music, Handbook - WD Pam 28–18. Procedure for issue and wearing-Cir 454-111-1944 .
Type, M9, Cable System M7-TB 9-1671A - 2. Lapel button authorized—Cir 318-11-1943.
Married female personnel-Cir 372–111–1945.
DISASTER : Domestic, participation of troops-Cir 85- I- Medical Administrative Corps-Cir 179 - IV - 1944 .
1944, Medical, Dental, and Army Nurse Corps officers - Cir
DISABILITY : Mentally deficient personnel - Cir 233-1-1945.
Benefits, officers - Bull 12–1-1943. Military personnel
Claims, injury during military or naval service - Bull At the request of the National Advisory Committee ,
22–1–1944. mustering-out pay policy-Cir 286–1945.
Officers released from active service, transmittal of pen Advice from representative of Veterans Adminis
sion applications Cir 474–1944. tration-Cir 336–1944 .
Preinduction, surgical operation for correction - Cir Candidates for service academy preparatory training
360–1–1945. -Cir 154-1945.
Rates of pension increased for certain veterans-Bull 24 Discontinuance of allotments and family allowances
VI-1944. -Cir 297–1944.
Service- incurred, increased pension—Bull 24 - X - 1944. Employment and counseling service-Cir 40 - IV - 1944,
Service - incurred , rate of pension as to specific service Federal aid for readjustment in civilian life-Bull
incurred disabilities–Bull 17-11-1945 . 10-1944.
Veterans Regulation amended-Bull 9 - III – 1944. Homosexuals -- Cir 385–1–1945.
Lapel button issued-Cir 311 -V-1945.
DISBURSING OFFICE : Incorrectly shown on motor van Mustering-out payment-Bull 3-1-1944.
contracts—CT Bull 47-1945 . Previous employer card-Cir 117-VI-1945.
DISBURSING OFFICERS : Previously engaged in scientific research projects
Cir 363-III -1945.
Advance of pay for National Service Life Insurance Reason entered on Record and Report of Separation
Bull 8-11-1942 ; Cir 100-IV-1942. -Cir 177 - V - 1945 .
Accounting and auditing — Cir 389 –II– 1945. Reduced railroad fare—Cir 358 - III – 1944; Cir 396–
Army, duties in connection with United States and for VI-1944 .
eign currency-Cir 364–1944. Report of tuberculosis cases---Cir 313-III-1944 .
Central Accountable, funds advanced agent finance offi Retraining and Re- employment Administration
cers in route to or from U. S.-Cir 99-1945 ; Bull 8-11-1944.
TM 14-500 .
Travel allowance to United States Military Academy
DISCHARGE : -Bull 11 - V - 1944 .
Tuberculosis-Cir 338 - VII – 1944.
Aliens from separation centers — Cir 19-11-1945. National Guard enlisted men , procedures-Cir 136 - V
Attorneys, services needed - Cir 224 - III – 1943. 1945 ; Cir 201 -V-1945 .
Noneffective military personnel, administrative and
American Defense Service Medal notation-Cir 27 medical-Cir 81-III- 1945.
1944. Oversea returnees-Cir 374-11-1945 .
Illiterate men-Cir 127-11-1944 . Patients
Enlisted men, General policies - Cir 140–1944.
Assignment, code numbers to the medical cause , Hospitals that are transferred to separation centers
separation-Cir 435-11-1944, Cir 423-1-1944.
Board of medical officers proceedings—Cir 266–1945 . Personnel awarded or recommended the Medal of Honor
Chronic peptic ulcer - Cir 46 - V - 1945 . -Cir 332-11-1945.
Combat-wounded-Cir 196–1945. Personnel committed military offenses — Cir 301-II-1945.
Disposition Prisoners of war, repatriated-Cir 339-11-1945.
WD AGO Form 20-Cir 68 - VII - 1944. Physical profile serial for enlisted men -- Cir 431-VI
Service records-Cir 349-IV-1945. 1944.
Patients in the U. S.-Cir 391-1-1945 . Pregnant WAC officers or warrant officers - Cir 404 - III
Point System-WD Pam 21-31. 1944.
Preparation of forms—Cir 94-11-1945. Record transmission, expedition urged-Cir 114-III–1944.
35 years of age or over, discharge-Cir, 269-V-1945. Red Cross personnel, Army hospitals, transportation ex
38 years of age or over - Cir 269 - V - 1945 . penses -- Cir 450-IX-1944.
Enlisted personnel - Re-enlistment in grade 20 days after discharge -- Cir
Returned to the United States -- Cir 8 - IV - 1945. Subversives from defense projects-Cir 339–1943 .
Under section III, AR 615–362, functions of Red Territory for separation in accordance with Readjust
Cross-Cir 207-II–1945 .
ment Regulations-Cir 338-11-1945.
Use of WD AGO Form 100-1-Cir V64 - XI - 1945 . Transportation of household goods before issuance of
Without service records-Cir 287-1-1945 . discharge order - Cir 304-1-1945 .
Enlisted Reserve Corps component personnel-Cir 117- Warrant, flight and commissioned officers - Cir 290-1945,
1944. 376-IV-1945 .
Enlisted women-Cir 46-II-1945. Women's Army Corp
Forwarding of applications of enlisted personnel - Cir Personnel -- Cir 462–1944 .
337-III-1945 . 38 years of age or over-Cir 269 - V - 1945 .
Franked envelope for mailing statements and other When husbands are separated from service -- Cir 187
papers - Cir 296-1-1945 . IV-1945 .
Atlantic Coast Receiving Branch, Ft. Hancock, N, J., Malaria
Establishment- Cir 230-II–1945. Control in Army -- TB MED 164.
Central Branch established -- Cir 176 – II – 1945 . Effect of attacks on health-Cir 189-III-1945.
East Central Branch, established -- Cir 176-11-1945. Malarial Parasitemia-TB MED 72.
Eastern Branch, Activation-Cir 311-VI-1943 ; Cir 321 Military policy in foreign quarantie - Cir 453–1944.
II-1943 .
Movement of troops from overseas - Cir 198 - I - 1945.
Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana, Midwestern Branch Poliomgelitis–TB MED 193.
Cir 387-III–1944 ; Cir 120-11-1945 . Prevention, troops from overseas overcrowding in in
Northern Branch established-Cir 201 -III-1945. stallations -- Cir 262-III-1945.
Northeastern Branch establishment-Cir 176-II–1945. Respiratory—TB MED 47 ; TB MED 69.
South Central Branch established - Cir 215-11-1945 .
Southeastern Branch
Syphillis, Management – TB MED 198.
Trench Foot—TB MED 81 .
Established—Cir 406 – III – 1944; Cir 120-11-1945 ; Tuberculosis -
Cir 132-1-1945.
Transferred-Cir 467 - V - 1944 . Military personnel , disposition-Cir 338 - VIII – 1944.
Southern Branch established-Cir 162-IX-1944 ; Cir 120– Notification in persons discharged-Cir 313- III
1944 .
Southwestern Branch, established-Cir 132-1-1945 . Pleursy with Effusion - TB MED 71 .
United States Venereal
Eastern Branch activated - Cir 321-11-1943 ; Cir Chancroid, Lymphogranuloma Venereum , and Granu.
311-VI-1943 . loma Inguinale—TB MED 157.
Northwestern Branch activated-Cir 251-VII-1944 ; Classification of monthly report changed-Cir 187
Cir 120-11-1945 . 1945 . !

Control -
DISCIPLINE : Among troops-- Cir 88–1944 .
Conscientious objectors—Cir 469-11-1944. You Don't Think - Pam 21-15.
Enlisted personnel on public carriers-Cir 199-1945.
Educational Program-Cir 28-IV-1944 ; Cir 98-VIII
1944 .
Personnel while on pass or furlough - Cir 140 -VII Film 8-1423_Cir 292-VIII-1945 .
1945 ; Cir 212-11-1945. Overseas—WD Pam 21-20.
Military and naval personnel-Cir 381-IV-1944. Regulations not applicable to female personnel - Cir
Report, procedure , for disposition-Cir 204 - IV - 1945. 172-IV-1944 ; 462–1944.
Report, procedure for disposition - Cir 340- V1-1945. Special preventive measures -- Cir 125 – VIII – 1944 ;
Testimony before committees of Congress-Cir 314 - III 410-I-1944 ; 193 - III - 1945 ; 312 - IX - 1945.
1944. Training - TB 22-1944.
Women's Army Corps personnel---Cir 61 - VII -- 1945. WD Pamphlet 21-20, issued to male personnel going
overseas - Cir 161-11-1945.
DISCONTINUED PROJECTS BRANCH, AGO : Shipment of Women Overseas - WD Pam 35–4.
employee's records of closed installations Visceral Leishmaniasis - Kala -azar - TB MED 183 .
Cir 30-IV-1945.
Women's — TB MED 8 .
DISCREPANCY : Accounting, shipments—Cir 108 – III– 1943. DISINFECTION : Fruit and vegetables — Cir 309-I-1945.

DISEASES : Trailer Mounted , maintenance responsibility—Cir 404–II

1944 .
Acute Respiratory — TB MED 112. Trailer Type-LO 8-636.
Coccidioidomycosis infected, disposition of personnel Aircraft and vessels -- Cir 453–1944.
Cir 57-1-1945.
Communicable, Part IX, WD MD Forms 86ab — TB MED DISMISSAL : Officers sentenced disposition-Cir 48–1–1945.
Control, training in basic medical subjects—Cir 48–1944. DISPENSARY :
Diabetes Mellitus-TB MED 168. Personnel strength table-Cir 209–1944.
Discontinuance, malaria suppressive therapy among Posts, camps and stations - Cir 387-11-1945.
troops returning from overseas,Cir 449–1944, DISPENSERS :
Encephalitis, Japanese B-TB MED 181 . Gasoline
Motor-Driven , maintenance responsibility for spare
Sand Fly—TB MED 82. parts--Cir 117-111-1945.
Scrub Typhus—TB MED 31 . Portable
Geographical Distribution-Pam 8–6. Gray — TM 10–1404 .
Gonorrhea, Gasoline , Habhegger - TM 10–1135.
Management-TB MED 196. Wire MX-301 /6—TB SIG 150.
Treatment -TB MED 96.
Herniated nucleus pulposus, treatment and disposition DISPENSING UNITS : Gasoline, Mobile-LO 10-1404.
of patients—Cir 209-111-1945.
Infectious DISPERSER : Insecticide aerosol, Mechanical E12_TB CW
32 .
Hepatitis–TB MED 206.
Treatment with Sulfonamide Drugs--TB MED 172. Level , repairs and utilities supply at permanent in
Influenza , Vaccine-TB MED 85. stallations -- Cir 374-1-1945 .
Katayama-TB MED 167. Officers unqualified for duty in any capacity --Cir 8-IV
Keratoplasty and keratectomies, treatment - Cir 216 -IV 1945 .
1945. Property, certificate -- Cir 64-IV--1915 .
Records All types, Technical Data -- TB 5-9720_4 .
Duties of the Archivist - Bull 14 - IV - 1943. Bituminous Material, Trailer -Mounted, 1250 -Gal, Etnyre,
U. S. Government-Bull 12-XI-1945. MX-D4 , Style RE–TM 5–1130 ; MWO ENG
Within the War Department-Cir 58–1945. 1130-1 ; MWO ENG 1130–2 ; LO 1015 ; TB 5
Standards, cryptographic accounting records-Cir 361 1134-1; TM 5–1132; TB 5–1132–1; TB 5–
II-1945 . 1132–2 ; LO 5-1130.
Bituminous Material , Truck-Mounted, 800-Gal., Etnyre,
DISPOSITION : Model MX-D6, Style RE, with Le Roi Engine,
Army Service Forces Supplies, repair priorities-SB Model D140 with Le Roi Engine, Model
38-1-5 . P2877D2 - TM 5-1134.
Center Establishment - Cir 144-11-1945 . Late Type, Installation-TB ORD 252.
Surplus Property shipment for disposal agencies - Bull Receiving Transmitter, Model 14AA, 14AB, 14AD, and
CTB 27-1945. 14ABM-TM 11-2221 .
Reclamation–TB 9-2830–15 .
DISTILLATION EQUIPMENT : See Equipment, Distilla- Transmitter, Teletype, Model 14 - TM 11-2222.
tion . Water, Truck -Mounted
1000-Gal. Rosco, Model MME, with Wisconsin En
DISTILLATION UNIT : gine, Model VE - 41 — TM 5-1150.
Diesel- Engine- Driven Skid- Mounted, Thermocompres 1000-Gal., Rosco, Model MME, with Wisconsin Model
sion Type, 6,000 GPD, Meco Model Syd VE -41 Engine - TB 5-1150-2.
MWO ENG 2059-1 . 1000-Gal. , Rosco, Model MME , Preparation for Ex
Gasoline-Engine-Driven port - TB 5-1150-1.
Skid Mounted - Double - effect, 5000-Gal . Per Day
(Cleaver -Brooks, Model M2E -25 ) -LO 5 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA :
2064 . Educational advantages, children of deceased military
Thermo- Compression Type personnel-Bull 1-11-1945.
12,000 Gallons per day, E. B. Badger & Sons Motor vehicle permits of military personnel-Bull 25-III
Co.-MWO ENG 2068-1.
3,000 Gallon per day, Cleaver- Brooks MVC- DISTURBANCES : Domestic-FM 19-15.
17A, with LeRoi D-140–3–7 Engine - TB 5 DITCHER : Plow-Type, 12-in. Bottom, 26-in. Depth, Killefer,
2069-1 .
Model 350R-TM 5-1144.
2000-gals. Model M2E10B -Cleaver Brooks Co. (SPM
1734 ) -TM 5-2060. DITCHING MACHINES :
Skid-Mounted, 2500-Gal. Per Day, Cleaver-Brooks, Model All types , Technical Data-TB 5–9720–1.
M3E - 12 - TB 5-2062-1. Ladder Type, Crawler-Mounted, Gasoline, Digging Depth
8 - ft., Width 18 to 24-in. , Barber-Greene,
DISTILLING APPARATUS : TM 8-612. Model 44 - C - TM 5–1032 ; MWO ENG 1032–1 ;
TB 5-1032–3 ; TB 5-1032–1; MWO ENG 1032–
DISTINCTIVE INSIGNIA : Manufactured suspended for 2 ; TB 5-1032-2 .
duration-Cir 226 - III - 1944.
Wheel Type, Crawler-Mounted, Gasoline, Digging Depth
DISTINGUISHED UNIT BADGE : Instruction governing 8-ft., 6-in. Width 23-in. , Cleveland, 110—MWO
citations and awards-Cir 311-III-1945 . ENG 1180–1 ; MWO ENG 1180–2; TB 5-1180
2 ; TM 5–1180 ; TB 5–1180–3 ; TB 5–1180-1.
DISTRESS SIGNALS : See Signals, Distress.
Carload Freight -- CTB 36–1945. Duty, Pay, additional- Bull 7-11-1943.
Discrepancies in shipments—Cir 15–1–1945. Equipment, Set No. 2, Shallow-Water, Ohio Rubber
TM 5-9180 .
Freight, Army-Navy Shipping less than carload freight
-CTB 36-1945 . Military - TM 5-475.
Outfits. See Outfits, Diving.
DISTRIBUTING POINT : Troop train ration-Cir 9-III–1945. DIVIDEND : Payment by Army exchanges.
DIVISION ENGINEERS : Function , Engineer Regional
Camouflage nets-Cir 463–1944 . Maintenance Office - Cir 4-1-1945.
Controlled items of equipment-Cir 42–1944 ; Cir 191–
1944 . DOCUMENTS :
Issue, Ordnance General Supplies—SB 9-3. Examination -- FM 30–15.
Passenger cars -- Cir X- 1944 ; Cir 301 - V - 1944. Government, disposal-Bull 14-IV-1943 .
Post Trust funds, including Naval, Coast Guard or No longer registered, report - Cir 478–11–1944.
Marine personnel --- Cir 49–II–1945. Registered, procedure for removing from category - Cir
Preparation for Oversea Movement, Third Edition-Cir 209-V-1945.
70-III-1945 . Shipping, Theater-TM 38-413 .
Publications of general interest, announcement - Cir 208– Transmission - Cir 242–1–1943.
V–1945 ; Cir 212–1-1945 ; Cir 221-1-1945 ; Cir Use, facsimile signatures-Cir 40 – III – 1944 ; Cir 413 - II
1944 .
235 - IV - 1945 ; Cir 255-11-1945 ; 369-11-1945.
Solid fuel-Cir 390-II- 1945 .
DODAR : Sound Ranging -- TC 13–1945.
Special Services Division publication, responsibility DOGS :
Cir 103-II - 1945 .
Stocking, women's — Cir 76-IV-1945. Guide, for blind veterans-Bull 9-1-1944.
War Department Purchases and Requisitions-SB 10–115.
Pamphlet- Scout, Infantry , platoons—TC 35 , 1945.
No. 21-4A - Cir 316-III–1944 . Transportation -- FM 25-6.
No. 21-31 , “ Two Down and One to Go " -Cir War
130-1945 . TM 10-396.
Publications and blank forms - Cir 264-1944. Food-SB 10-40.
DOLLY : DRILLS - Continued
D - 83 and K-83-A-LO 3500. Maintenance
2-Wheel , DT, Ponton Model, Medium Type-TM 5-9016. Half-Track Vehicles --Pam 37-3.
4-Wheel Tandem , 4DT, M - 1-- MWO ENG 9017-1. 14 Ton Truck-Pam 37-1 .
Semitrailer, Flat-Bed Trucks, 4 x 4, 34 Ton and 142 Ton, 6 x 6, 112 Ton
412 - Ton, 2-Dual Tires Dart, 40—TM 5–9156 . and 272 Ton --Pam 37-2.
412 - Ton , 2-Dual Tires , Hobbs , Model D -45 — TM 5– Non-reversible Pneumatic, Portable
9068 .
Ingersoll- Rand, Multivane-TM 5–4552.
7 - Ton , 2-Dual Tires, Deere, Type II—TM 5–9070. No. 3 Morse Taper ( For Steel ) , Ingersoll-Rand
10 and 25-Ton Ponton, 2-Dual Tires , Trailer Co. of
TM 5-540-9 .
America , Model TX-42-TM 5-537-5. Pneumatic, Portable
10 and 25 - Ton Ponton , 2-Dual Tires, Fruehauf, DC
2-TM 5-9008. Reversible, No. 3 Morse Taper, Independent Pneu
matic , Thor, Size No. 362 - RX - 3 — TM 5
10-Ton, Converter-TM 9-892. 4086 .
DOMESTIC : Disturbances -FM 19–15 . Rock
DOMICILIARY CARE : Retired officers and enlisted men 35-lb. Class , Ingersoll- Rand, JA - 35 Jackhammer
Bull 9 - V - 1944. -TM 5–4036 .
DOORS : 45-1b. Class , Ingersoll-Rand, JB - 4 - TM 5-4042,
Filter Servicing, Turntable Engine Fuel, Installation in TM 5-4128 .
Cranes M2 and Trailer M16—TB 9-771 - FE1. 55-lb. Class, Ingersoll-Rand , JB - 5 — TM 5–4066.
Glove Compartment on GMC and Chevrolet Vehicles Rec 55-lb. Class, Thor, 75 — TM 5-4020 .
lamation TB9-2830-37 . Rotary, 9/16-in. Capacity, Thor No. 253X, Model
Turret , Locking in open position when traveling 4444—TM 5–4084.
FSMWO * G104-W67. Wood-Boring, No. 2 Morse Taper, Independent Pneu.
DOWELS : Installation in Rear Wheel Sprockets—TB 9 matic, Thor 62-WB -TM 5-4026 .
879-2. Pneumatic
Rotary Type, Potable, Nonreversible with 9 / 16-in .
DOWNGRADING : Classified publications — Cir 385-11-1945. Chuck with Thor Model 26 Drill Stand-LO 5
DRAFTING : Topographic — TM 5–230. 4084 .
DRAGS : Thor, Independent Pneumatic Tool, L257 — TM 5
All Types , Technical Data -- TB 5-9720-4, 4392 ; L532 ; TM 5-4390.
Bituminous Brush , Model D. Traffic & Road Equipment Radial
Co.-- TM 5-1054 . Candey -Otto 12 -speed— TM 5–4742.
Brush , Bituminous, 8 x 12-Ft. , Traffic and Road Equip Carlton, Drill, Type 1A. Barney-TM 5-4644.
ment Co. , Model D.-TB 5-1054-1. Candey-Otto 8 Speed, No. 12, 3, 4, and 5 ft. Candey
Snow Otto Co.—TM 5--4700 .
28-ft. , Blaw-Knox—TM 5-9436 . Regulations, Infantry - FM 22-5 .
Rectangular, 28-ft. Wide , Blaw-Knox, Model CSD Reversible Skilsaw, 103 , 123 , 143—TM 5-4342 .
HT-TM 5-9386 ; TB 5-9386–1. Rotary, Independent, 5200 — TM 5–4576 .
DRAWING : Mechanical-TM 1-1050. Sharpener, Model IR 34 , Oil Furnace Model JA3 ; Grinder,
DRESS : See Uniform . Model 4K-Ingersoll-Rand—TM 5-4186 .
Skilsaw, 80—TM 5-1498 .
DRIFTER, PNEUMATIC : Wizard, 12-Speed Hole, The American Tool Works, Co.
Column-Mounted, Ingersoll-Rand, DA - 35 -- TM 5–4038. TM 5-4684 .
Wagon - Mounted , Ingersoll- Rand , X71-WD-TB 5
DRILLS : No. 18-L. Buffalo Forge Co.-TM 5-4178.
All Types, Technical Data-TB 5-9720-7. Rail , Gasoline Engine Driven-LO 55-3023.
Armored Force -- FM 17-5.
Black & Decker % Standard , Type A-TM 5-4312. DRILL PRESS :
Calyx, Co-Calyx, Ingersoll-Rand Co.—TM 5-4344. 17-in. , The Delta Mfg. Co.-TM 5-4558 .
Crew : See Crew Drills. No. 15 , Floor Type, Buffalo Forge Co.-TM 5-4180.
Drifter No. 16 , Floor Type, Buffalo Forge Co.—TM 5-4306 .
Pneumatic, Column -Mounted, Ingersoll- Rand , DA No. 25, Floor Type, Buffalo Forge Co.-TM 5-4308.
35 - TM 5-4038. Floor Type, Excelsior 21 -in .-Royersford Foundry &
Pneumatic , Wagon -Mounted , Ingersoll-Rand, X71 Machine Co.-TM 5-4372.
WD ( on FM-2 Wagon )-TM 5-4034. Triple Duty, 14-in, Delta Mfg. C0.-TM 5-4348.
Cincinnati Electrical Tool DRILL STAND : Model 102, Machine, Type 00. Cincinnati
Light Universal , 110 12 in . , 10—TM 5-4734. Elec . Tool Co.-TM 5-4738.
Standard Universal , 104 in . , ULS—TM 5-4732.
34 in., Universal Standard, 125, Type UW - Y DRIVERS :
TM 5-4736 . Maintenance Instructions—TB 10–475–1.
Millers Falls-TM 5-4570 . Manual - TM 21-305.
Portable, Universal Current Selection , Training, Supervision—TM 21-300.
14 -in . Capacity, Millers Falls, Model 400 - B
TM 5-4352. DRIVING : Blackout , Aids—TB ENG 51 .
110-Volt , 0 & 12 -in . Chuck , Miller Falls, Model
312-AB-TM 5-4570 . DRUGS :
Heavy Duty Far East CAD Units , descriptive list-— TB MED 149.
1/2 - in ., Black & Decker, type E—TM 5–4586 . Recording on immunization register of malaria patients
34 - in ., Black & Decker Mfg ., Co. type H # 60 Drill
Cir 183-V- 1945 .
Standard - TM 5-4584.
% -in . , Van Dorn Types H. HR, for No. 60 Drill Sulfonamide, treatment of infectious Diseases—TB MED
Stands-TM 5-4402.
Brake Limited Repairs and Replacement Plan - TB SIG 134.
Demountable Type, installation — TB ORD FE 22. Mounting, DM -42 - A - MWO SIG 11-630-4 .
Reclamation-TB 9-2830–74. PE - 55 — LO 3043.
Reconditioning Fixtures, For 10-Inch Lathes — TB Unit, BD - 77 - C — TM 11-934.
9-1834A-FE1 .
DYSENTERY : Bacillary—TB MED 119 .
Dented , repair — TB QM 24.
Gasoline, inflammable liquid, preparation for oversea EAST COAST PROCESSING CENTER, CAMP EDWARDS,
shipment-- Cir 116 – V - 1945. MASS.: Absentees or deserters returned
Use of, for Culvert Construction — TB ENG 43. Cir 66-1-1945 .
Water-repellent articles—Cir 252-III-1945. BARRACKS : Activation - Cir 311-VI-1943 ;
Plant, Folding of articles discontinued—Cir 328 - II Cir 321-11-1943.
1945 .
DRY CELL ( ALL TYPES ) : Procurement, storage, and issue, mand transferred - 108-11-1944.
assignment of responsibilitiy -- Cir 175-1-1944.
DRY CLEANING PLANTS : diction-Cir 183-1-1944.
Authorized Supplies-SB 10–185 .
Charges for service rendered by Quartermaster - SB 10– EATONTOWN SIGNAL LABORATORY , EATONTOWN,
79. N, J.: Redesignated - GO 30-1-1945.
Clothing abandoned by enlisted personnel-Cir 108 - I
1945 . ECHELON : Repair shops, unserviceable property-Cir7–
1944 .
Fixed, Quartermaster Corps, Publications—SB 10–234 .
Responsibility of Quartermaster General-Cir 7-11-1945. ECHO BOX : See Boxes, Echo.
DRY CLEANING SERVICE : Enlisted personnel, posts , EDUCATION :
camps , and stations-Cir 225–1–1944 ; Cir 346– Appropriation , educational advantages for children of
V - 1944; Cir 467-VII-1944. deceased military personnel-Bull 1-11-1945.
DRYERS : Information Officer - TM 28–210 .
Postwar, For Servicemen - WD Pam 21–27.
Aggregate Reconditioning : See Reconditioning, Educational.
All Types , Technical Data-TB 5-9720-2. Veterans, World War II , Federal aid for readjustment
Dual -Drum , Travel or Central Plant, Trailer-Mounted in civilian life - Cir 10–1944.
80 to 150 TPH Greene, Model 833—TM 5
1004 ; MWO ENG 1004-2, TB 5-1004–1 ; TB EDUCATION MANUAL :
5-1004-2. G. I. Roundtable series - Cir 323-V-1945.
Model 831—TM 5-1280 .
Single-Drum , Towed, Pneumatic Tires , 15- to 30-Ton EDUCATION AND INFORMATION : War Department
per hour, Barber-Greene , Model 830-G , with policy concerning preparation of certain oc
Le Roi Model D-201 Engine—TB 5–1281-1; cupational and educational materials—Cir 210
TB 5–1280–7; MWO ENG 1280–1 ; TM 5-1280 ; V - 1945 .
TB 5-1280-2.
PH-75—TM 11-2354, SB 11-100–16. Value and use, rescission of instructions
PH - 176 — TM 11-2355 ; SB 11-100–16 ; LO 3847. Cir 261-II-1944.
PH-288-TM 11-2381 ; SB 11-100-16.
High - Pressure Civilian, administration and discipline of military per
Installation of Sail-Operated Switch-MWO SIG 11 sonnel-Cir 380-II–1945.
1527-5. Military personnel detailed - Bull 4-11I - 1943.
Publication and distribution of a list - Cir 275 - III – 1945 .
DUCK AND WEBBING : Recoloration prohibited-Cir 390 Restrictions on allotment of recreational equipment
II- 1944 . Cir 344-IV-1944.

DUNNAGE : Weights on bills of lading-CTB 11-III–1944. EFFICIENCY REPORT :

AAF command groups, nondivisional units personnel
DUPLICATORS: Stencil, Cleaning and Repair - TB QM 24. Cir 193-1-1944.
DUTY ( IES) : Commissioned , warrant and flight officers — Cir 131 - I
1945 .
Army Nurse Corps in hospitals-Cir 447–1–1944. EFFECTS :
Custom , exemptions , United States Forces operating in Deceased, missing or interned personnel, customs clear
Canada-Cir 372-V-1944 . ance prior to shipment -Cir 285–1945 .
Enlisted women, restrictions --Cir 462–1944. Deceased persons, disposition-Cir 85–1945 .
Fiscal officers - Cir 465-11-1944 . Personnel returning from overseas, importation regula
Field force units-Cir 36 - IV - 1944. tions-Cir 335–1944.
Free admission of war materials --Cir 180–1945. War casualties , transportation -Cir 305–1944 .
Guard, Interior - FM 26–5.
Nonhazardous assignment policy, when two or more EFFECTS QUARTERMASTER :
casualties in a family - Cir 128–1945, Cir 212– Definition - Cir 85–1945 .
III- 1945 .
Kansas City, Mo.
Office of Fiscal Director-Cir 370-V-1944. Forwarding unclaimed baggage of military person
Surgeon General, The-Cir 120 - IV - 1945 . nel-Cir 61-1-1945.
Warrant officers - Cir 113-VIII–1944. Shipment of effects, deceased persons —Cir 85–1945.
WAC personnel in Army hospitals-Cir 71 - VII – 1945 ; Shipment of personal effects of deceased , or missing
Cir 121 - IV - 1945 . personnel , custom clearance-Cir 285–1945 .
EFFUSION : Tuberculous Pleurisy—TB MED 71 . EMERGENCY :
Domestic disasters , action by United States troops
EFM MESSAGES:-Pam 12–11 . Cir 85-1-1944.
EGGS AND POULTRY :-TB QM 33. Loans to enlisted men, American Red Cross - Cir 333
EGLIN FIELD : AAF Proving Ground Reservation incorpora- Return of soldiers to U. S. investigation by American
ted-GO 93-1-1944. Red Cross-Cir 277 - XIV - 1945 .
Return to the United States, military personnel-Cir 8
EGYPT- LIBYA : Units entitled to battle credits-GO 59-1 VI-1945.
1945 .
Wills of military personnel-Cir 97–1944 .
EIGHT-HOUR LAW : Suspending, certain laborers and Supply Point : Troop trains, list-Cir 9-III–1945 ; Cir 84
mechanics-Bull 1-II-1943 . III–1945 ; Cir 123-IX-1945 ; Cir 179 - IX - 1945;
EISENHOWER, DWIGHT, D., GENERAL OF THE Cir 230-VII–1945 ; Cir 24 – VIII – 1944; Cir 87
ARMY : V -1944; Cir 145-IX-1944 ; Cir 194 - IV - 1944;
Cir 400–1944 .
Chief of Staff appointment - GO 111-1945.
Nomination for appointment as Chief of Staff of the EMPLACEMENTS : Gun Excavation, Use of Explosives,
Army - GO 107-1945 . TB ENG 7.
ELBOWS : Exhaust Engine, Radial T - 975, Reclamation
TB 9-2830-20 . Accommodations on trains-Cir 439 - IV - 1944,
ELECTION : Industrial personnel report - Cir 477 - III- 1944; Cir 116–
Absentee voting-Bull 5-1944.
1945, voting by military personnel-Cir 487–1944. EMPLOYEES' COMPENSATION ACT : See U. S. Employ
ELECTRICITY : ees' Compensation Act.
Automotive-TM 10-580. EMPLOYMENT:
Fundamentals —TM 1-455 . Airborne and troop carrier forces — TC 113–1943 .
Sales to certain classes of personnel-Cir 361-VIII-1945. Artillery : Antiaircraft, as FA-TC 23–1944.
Attorneys discharged - Cir 224-III–1943 .
ELECTRICORD : Recording Machine, Model K-142—TM 11- Canal zone, certain statutory provisions suspended — Bull
2554. 17-II- 1944 .

ELECTROCARDIOGRAM : Test, military personnel, entrance Cannon company, infantry regiment–TC-121-1943 ; TO

126-1-1943 .
and terminal - Cir 59-1-1945. Civilian
ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY :-TB MED 74 . Bakers on posts -- Cir 92-III–1944 .
Cooks, bakers, butchers and mess attendant in en
ELECTRONIC : Equipment, standardization - Cir 113-4-1945 . listed messes—Cir 179-1-1945.
Personnel after the defeat of Japan-Cir 248-I
ELECTRONICS TRAINING GROUP : Personnel called to 1945.
active duty - Cir 117–1944 . Physical qualifications of applicant - Cir 155 - I - 1945.
Engineer units - TC 89–1943 .
Enlisted personnel during off -duty hours, compensation
1.200 to 1.225 Specific Gravity ( Identification of Storage Cir 231-1-1945.
Batteries in Landing Vehicles, Tracked Officers with the UNRRA, dual compensation-Cir 277–
( LVT ) . ) -TB ORD 198. IX-1945 .
Supply — SB 11-97 . Personnel transferred to ERC to accept - cir 117–1944.
ELEVATORS : Photography from Liaison Type Airplanes in Aerial
Survey—TC 24-1945 .
Aggregate Pregnant women-Cir 288 - IV - 1944.
Bucket, Chain Drive, Semitrailer-Mounted Pneuma
tic Tires, 15 to 20-Tons per Hour, Barber Publication, policy concerning preparation of certain
occupational and educational materials — Cir
Greene , Model 831—TM 5–1280, TB 5–1280–4. 210 - V - 1945 .
Bucket, Inclosed, Chain-Driven , Stationary, 80 to 150 Reserve officer resigned for, reappointment-Cir 14 -XI
ton per hour, Barber-Greene , 834–78 — MWO 1944 .
ENG 1004-1.
Tactical-TC 8-1945.
All Types , Technical Data-TB 5-9720-2. Artillery, Field-FM 6-20.
Veterans Administration - Cir 388–1945.
ELIMINATORS : Battery ; Trojan Rectifier ; 27793—TM 11
966 . Veterans , World War II-Bull 10–1944.
Wife of military personnel in same oversea base, regula
ELLICE ISLANDS : Medical and Sanitary Data—TB MED tions-Cir 228 - IV - 1944.
189 .
EMPLOYER CARD : Previous, discharged military personnel
ELWOOD ORDNANCE PLANT : Redesignation-Cir 329– -Cir 117-VI-1945 ; 361-V-1945 .
1-1945 .
ENCEPHALITIS : Japanese - TB MED 181.
EMBEZZLEMENT : Property furnished naval or military ENEMY :
service - Bull 23-III–1943 . Alien
EMBLEM : Assisting in escape, punishment by act of Congress
Army Conservation Program , letterheads -- Cir 69–1944 . Bull 7-III-1945.
Army -Navy award, employees of plants - Cir 228-1942. Civilian, accounts—Cir 274–1944.
Honorable discharge Expense-Cir 165-VI-1945.
Khaki and Olive Drab-SB 10–197 . Removal- Bull 14-11-1945.
Military personnel-Cir 454-III-1944. Transportation-Cir 222–1945 .
Equipment See Captured enemy Matériel .
EMBOSSING MACHINE : Storage and distribution-Cir 467– Equipment Intelligence Service Team : Handling enemy
VI-1944. ground force equipment - Cir 13–1945.
ENEMY-Continued ENGINEER -- Continued
Film : Definition, handling, distribution - Cir 43-II–1945. Mechanical Advisory Service, established-Cir 4-1-1945 ;
Matériel See Captured enemy matériel. 270 - IV - 1945 .
Power : Military personnel escape, return to United States Port Repair Ship-TM 5-362.
-Cir 8-IV- 1945 . Post Shop Equipment ( Inspections and Preventive Main
ENGINEER : tenance Services ) -TM 5–612.
Armored vehicle — TC 46–1944. Property
Aviation-TM 5–255 . Recapture of Excess Serviceable - SB 5-15.
Battalion , Armored-FM 17-45. Repair of Unserviceable-SB 5–15.
Camouflage Battalion, Logistical Data-SB 5-3. Regional Maintenance Office, reassigned Engineer
Construction Battalion , Logistical Data-SB 5-20. Mechanical Advisory Service - Cir 4-1-1945 ;
Distribution of camouflage nets-Cir 463–1944.
Equipment Repair, Critical and Nonessential Items -- SB 38–1-5.
Basic Allowance Chart - SB 5-1. School, general information, student officers — Cir IV
1944 .
Disassembly and Loading for Transport Cargo
Plane Service , Army ( ESA )
C - 46 - TB ENG 33C. Project 410, allocation of funds-Cir 207-111-1945.
C - 47 - TB ENG 33A . Railroad operation-Bull 27–1942.
Instruction, Preparation for Export - TM 5-9711 ; Soldier's Handbook - FM 21–105.
TB 5-9711-1. Sources of Supplies—SB 5–51.
Oversea Shipment – TM 5–9711; TB 5-9711-1 . Steam Locomotive, Mechanical examination — TM 55
Preparation for storage-TM 5-9715. 282.
Spare Parts — TM 5–9713, TB 5–9713–1. Technical manuals—TC 53-1944.
Substitute used for training operators — Cir 367 - IV Tools—TM 5–225 .
Traversing Muddy Terrain-WD Pa m25-1. Troops-FM 5-5 ; FM 5-35 ; TM 5-400.
Explosive : Initial issue to units after arrival overseas Training Fund
Cir 30 - III - 1945 . Limitation on expenditures-Cir 182–1945.
Forestry Battalion-SB 5-28. Use in continental U. S. , fiscal year 1946–Cir 182–
Foundry Units - TM 5–228 . 1945.
Heavy Ponton Battalion, Logistical Data-SB 5–27. Unit Operations-FM 5–6 .
Logistical Data
Armored Battalion- SB 5-23 . ENGINEER SCHOOL, FORT BELVOR, VA.: Reclassified
Armored Engineer Battalion - SB 5-23. as a class IV installation-Cir 281 - VI - 1945 .
Army Air Forces Headquarters Company-SB 5-42. ENGINES :
Aviation Battalion - SB 5–34 .
Aviation Camouflage Battalion - SB 5-24. Tank, Light, T921 —TM 9–1724A.
Aviation Topographic Organization-SB 5–30. Torque Converter for Tractor Highspeed, 18 -Ton ,
Base Depot Company - SB 5-5 . M4 — TM 9-1785A .
Base Depot Group, Headquarters & Headquarters
Company - SB 5-25 . Tractor M5, 2-ton , Crane- TM 9–1781A.
Base Equipment Company - SB 5-10 . Truck , 10-ton, 6 x 4, ( Mack ) -TM 9-1818A .
Camouflage Battalion-SB 5-3. Air- Cooled, Correction of abuses—Cir 321 -III–1943.
Camouflage Company ( Separate ) -SB 5–7 . Aircraft-TM 1-4054
Combat Battalion - SB 5–8 ; SB 5-48. Operation and Test—TM 1-408.
Combat Group - SB 5–32. Power plant-TM 1-408
Construction Battalion-SB 5-20 . Supercharging - TM 1-404 .
Construction Group-SB 5–26. Assembly, E3832, Installation of Radio Interference
Dump Truck Company-SB 5-4. Suppression , (Half- Track Vehicles (White,
Forestry Battalion ( Less Engineer Forestry Com Autocar and Diamond T ) ) _TB 9–1711 -FE1 .
panies )-SB 5-28 . Autocar, Fits, Tolerances , and Wear Limits
General Service Battalion- SB 5-39. Model 358—TB ORD 268 .
General Service Regiment - SB 5-31 ; SB 5-40 . Model 377-TB ORD 10-1160-1 ,
Heavy Ponton Battalion-SB 5–27. Model NB - 447 - TB ORD 299.
Heavy Shop Company - SB 5-38 .
Light Equipment Company - SB 5-19 . Caterpillar, RD 1820 (Medium Tank , M4A6 )-TM 9
Light Ponton Company -- SB 5–16 . 1756A.
Maintenance Company-SB 5-18. Chevrolet, Fits , Tolerances, and Wear Limits
Parts Supply Company - SB 5-9. Model BQ - TB ORD 258 .
Petroleum Distribution Company -- 5-13. Model BV-TB 9-1765B-2.
Port Construction and Repair (Headquarters and Chrysler - T 116–522 in Tractor, Clark Tructractor ,
Headquarters Company ) -SB 5-36 . Clarktor - 6 - SB - 129 .
Separate Battalion - SB 5-35 . Continental
Special Shop Battalion - SB 5–46.
Special Service Regiment-SB 5–44 . Fits , Tolerances , and Wear Limits , Model 22R
TB 9-1795B - 2 .
Topographis Battalion-SB 5-43 .
Topographic Company, Corps - SB 5-33. R-975 series - TB ORD 115 ; TC 61–1943 .
Treadway Bridge Company - SB 5-17. 9-975-C1_TB ORD 230 ; TB 9–1751-20 ; TB 9-2830
Logistical Supply Company - SB 5-11 . 61 .
Maintenance of equipment, fiscal year 1946-Cir 207– R-975-C1 and R-975-C4-TB ORD 276 ; TB ORD
III–1945, 235 ; TB ORD 210.
Matériel- R-975-C4-TB ORD FE 33 ; TM 9-1725 ; TB 9
Field tropicalization measures — TB ENG 58. 1725-22.
Quarterly Dropping Allowance, Minor Non -Expend R - 6572 -- TB 9-1786A - 2 .
able Articles - SB 5-22. W670-9A - TB 9-1726–7.

ENGINES-Continued ENGINES-Continued
Conversion of Transmission, Dodge 112 - ton ( 1934–1939 ) Diesel - Continued
to 1941 & 1942—TB 9-2830-32. Twin, GMC Series, 71 Model 6046, ( Fits , Tolerances,
GMC T16 ( 1938 ) & AFKX ( 1940 ) to Chevrolet 142 and Wear Limits )_TB 9-1750G-7 .
ton ( 1941 & 1942 ) -- TB 9-2830-21 . Witte , Model VI- 38 — TM 55–1040.
Cooling Systems and Fuel Systems-- TM 9–1729A . Dodge : ( Fits, Tolerances , and Wear Limits ) .
Crankshaft Radial, R975, Reclamation—TB 9-2830–67. Model T118 — TB ORD 291 .
Cummins, Fits, Tolerances, and Wear Limits—TB ORD T 202—TB ORD 277.
283 . T 2034TB ORD 290.
Diesel T203_TB ORD 290 .
Buiberson , T1400, Medium Tanks, M3 , M4 & Related T 207 and T- 112-TB ORD 293.
Gun Motor Carriage-TM 9–1750E. T 214 and T 223 .
Caterpillar D-12000—TM 5-9242. T 214 and T 223—TB ORD FE 7.
Cummins, For U. S. Army Transportation Corps Dynamometer Test-TB ORD 89.
Contract “ W - 2789 TC 335–TM 55-1000 . Gasoline :
General Motors- . Allis Chalmers :
Model 12-278A-TM 55-1067 . 15 to 20 - HP, Model B - 15 — TB 5-9473-1 .

Twin 6 -Cylinder , Model 6046 ( Types of In 90 to 100-HP, Model L - 90 — TB 9469-1 .

jectors ) —TB 9-1750G-6. Briggs and Stratton :
-TB 9–1750G-6. I , N, A , B , & Z2 – TB 20-2.
Marine N - series-LO 10-U1 ;
Atlas Imperial Case Model SE-TB 5–6426–1.
Model 2-AM -115—TM 55-1024. Chrysler :
Model 6HM : Model C - 36-520, 60 to 65 HP-LO 5-5405 ; TM
464-LO 55-1027 . 5-5405 .
1021-TM 55-1023 . Model T - 118-502, 95 to 100 PH-TM 5-9483 .
1558, 2124 , 1021-LO 55-1025 . Models T - 118-502, 95 to 100 HP-TB 5-9483–1.
3358-TM 55-1051 . Model T-118-502, 95 to 110-HP-LO 5-9483 .
6c 71/2 x 1012 , Marine Engine No. 11784 Continental :
15 to 20 -HP, F 162 and PF 162 Series—MWO
Buda ENG 5421-1 .
6 DTMR-317-LO 55-1072. Model JO-4140, 50 to 55 HP-LO 5-5430.
6 DTMR-468—LO 55-1072 . PF-170, & PF-218—TM 5–9894.
6 - DHMR -691 - LO 55-1072-1. PF-226 Series- MWO ENG 5423-1 .
6-DCMR- 1879- LO 55-1071 . Model PR-501 , ( and 33-R Series ) —MWO ENG
Caterpillar : 5424-1.
D46004TM 55-1048 ; LO 55--1048. Y-69— MWO ENG 5320-1 ; LO 10–1417-1 .
D11000, D13000 – LO 55-1045 . Y-91_TB' 5–9898-1.
D17000_LO 55-U22. Hercules, JXD :
Chrysler, Model 12–LO 55–1147 ; TM 55-1147. For scout cars—TM 9-1706 ; TM 9–1705B.
Clark MD4 and MD6-LO 55-1085 . Replacement of oil bayonet gauge — TB 9-743–8.
Cooper- Bessemer , FW - 6 - DR - LO 7036 ; GSB-8 Marine :
-LO 7038 ; JS6- JS8-DR-LO 7037 ; LO 55– Briggs & Stratton Model B, ( Engines 300500
1090 . and Up 12 Units ) TM 55-1111 .
Cummins, AMR 602—LO 55-1000 ; HMR 602, Chris -Craft, “ B , K , M , W ” -LO 7035.
603 -LO 55-1001-1 .
Chrysler Royal , Model M8 — TM 55-1145.
Enterprise Models DMQ-36 and DMQ - 38 - TM Chrysler M6, M7, M8, M10, M11-LO 55–1145 .
55-1105 ; LO 55–1105 and 1106. Continental Commando R-6602_LO 55-1020.
Fairbanks Morse Model : Gar Wood “ V12 ” —LO 7039 ; LO 55-U40.
33 -F- 12 and 37-F- 12-TM 55-1121 . Gray 4-52-LO 55 - U2.
35 -- F - 14, 6 Cylinder-LO 50-1116. Gray 6–121 —TM 55–1013 ; LO 55–1013 .
37-E-14, 6 Cylinder - LO 55-1120. Hudson Invader, Model 168—TM 55-1005.
37 - F - 16,5 x 7 Cylinder, 37-E-16 , 8 Cylinder Outboard, Evinrude Zephyr Models 4359, 4361 ,
-LO 55--1122. 4362, 4363 , Lightfour Models 4375, 4376 ,
35F834 - TM 55-115.

4377_TM 55-1030 . 1

35F834 - LO 55-1115. Sea Raider 6 - LO 55-1148.

Gray Model 34 — LO 55-1019-1 , Model 64-LO Sea Raider 12, and Sea Raider Special 12–LO
55-1019. 55-1150.
Kahlenberg BF, B5 , and B6-LO 1055. Sea Wolf 6-LO 55-1148 .
Kermath : Kermath " Sea Zephyr" with V- Drive-LO 55–
2-113 and 2-127-LO 55-U47. 1153 .
4-226 - LO 55-1152 . Sterling -Petrel 1-6-LO 55-1082.
Superior Model PTD - TM 55-1130 ; SMRA - 4 Sterling “ Viking II" -LO 55-1080 .
LO 55-1134 ; VDSS-TM 55–1126 . Universal BNMR-LO 7015 ; LO 55-1035 .
Waukesha -Hesselman , 6WAK - TM18 -- LO 55 Vimalert Model V -1150-1 - LO 7040; TM 55
1022 . 1014 .
Wolverine 6 Cylinder - LO 55-1125 . Outboard :
Radial-- TM 9-1726G ; TM 9–1731 . Johnson Model SDL - 16 — TM 55-1029 .
Superior Models : Murray and Tregurtha Model 0-2- LO 55–
ID & CD - TM 55-1136 .
LO-8 and VDST -8-55-1128 . 1060 .
MRD - 6 and MRD - 8--55-1129 . Radial , 9-Cylinder, ( Continental R 975-C1 ) . ( Correct
Tractor, Medium (GM 3–71 RC 14 ) for Mi (Allis Limits for Cylinder Barrel Bore ) -TB 9-1751
Chalmers HD-7W ) - TM9-1783R . 22 ; TB 9-1751-21.
ENGINES-Continued ENGINES - Continued
Gasoline Continued Marine - Continued
Wisconsin : Diesel--Continued
AB, AK , AKS - TM 5-9378 . Fairbanks-Morse
AB , AK , AKH , VE - 4 and VF - 4 - TB 20--1. 35F8-34 --TM 55-1115 .
ADH , AEH, AFH , AGH , AHH - LO 10-U10. 35 - F - 14M - TM 55-1116.
AK ( To reduce maintenance and improve operat 36-A-414 ; 136A414 -- TM 55-1117.
ing performance of engine ) -MWO MED 3. 36-A-542 ; 36A542 and 36AA5'2 -TM 55–
GMC 256 ( Fits , Tolerances and Wear Limits ) _TB ORD 1118 .
35F10M ; 35-F- 10-TM 1119.
Governor Setting — TB ORD 296 . 37-E-14-TM 55–1120.
Guberson , T1020 -- TM 9-1727. 37-F-12-TM 55–1121 .
Half - Track Vehicles ( IHC ) -TM 9-1707A. 37 - E -- 16 - TM 55-1122 .
Hall-Scott Model 440 ( Fits, Tolerances and Wear Limits ) General Motors :
-TB 9-1767-1 .
6–278A ( note change in letter 9 Mar. 45 ) ;
Handpiece : LO 55-1065 .
AngleTM 8–638. 3-268A -- TM 55-1066.
Straight -- TM 8–638. 12-278A–TM 55–1067 ; LO 55–1067.
Hercules : 8-567 ; 8–567 ATS—TM 55–1068 ; LO 55- .
|JXD-TB 9–1832A-1 . 1068 .
RXB, RMC, HXD, HXC, & JXD , ( Fits, Tolerances, 3-71 and 6–71 - TM 55-1069.
and Wear Limits )_TB 9-1832A - 2 . Kermath : Model 4-226 – TM 55–1152.
RXB-TB 9-1832A-FE-1 .
RXC TB 9-1832A - FE - 1. Superior Model SMRA - 4 ( Instructions Manual
and Parts List ) -- TM 55–1134 .
Series HX , Cand D-TM 9–1832A.
Series JX , B , C, D, D , E-3, F and CB-JXD_TM 9 Washington Model 6R-13_TM 55-1017.
1832A. Waukesha - Hesselman-TM 55-1022.
Series RXV, B and C-TM 9-1832A . Gasoline :
Series WXL, C and C-3—TM 1832A . Briggs and Stratton , B_TM 55-1110.
In-Line : Chris -Craft :
Painting — TB ORD 244. Model B_TM 55-1098 .
Reclamation of Main Bearing Saddles and Caps K , KR , AND KB - TM 55-1100.
TB 9-2830–88. Model MR - TM 55-1099.
Internal Combustion, Change from Straight Mineral Oil Model WR - 160_TM 55-1101 .
to Engine Oil ( USA 2-104, Latest Revision ) Chrysler :
TB 9-2835-10. M7-TM 55-1146.
International Model ( Fits , Tolerances and Wear Limits ) : M8-TM 55-1145.
FAC-269-TB ORD 270. M10-TM 55-1144 .
FBC - 318 - B - TB ORD 269 . M11-TM 55-1143 .
Red - 450 - B - TB 9-1707A-2 . Continental:
Lycoming, 0-435 - T ( Fits, Tolerances and Wear Limits ) — Commando, R6602_TM TM 55-1020.
TB 9-1724A-1 . Invincible, M6330 — TM 55–1021.
Mack Model EY ( Fits, Tolerances, and Wear Limits) - Hudson Invader, 168 — TM 55-1005 .
TB ORD 267. Kermath :
Mack Model ED ( Fits, Tolerances, and Wear Limits) Model Sea Mate-T M55-1155.
TB ORD 9-1818A-1 . Model Sea -Raider -- TM 55-1150 .
Marine : Model Sea - Raider Siz , Fresh Water Cooled
Chris -Craft, 6 Cylinder, 160 HP, Models W , WR, TM 55–1148 .
WRO , ( Instruction Book and Parts List) Sea Raider Special , 550 HP, Fresh Water
TM 55-1101 . Cooled- TM 55-114.
Diesel : Sea Wolf Six, 306 Units-TM 55-1151 .
Sea - Zephyr-TM 55-1153 .
American Locomotive , Model 4TM 55–1042. Packard 4M2500—TM 55–1010 .
Atlas Imperial , 6 HM 1558_TM 55-1025. Palmer Model LLH - TM 55–1038.
Atlas Imperial , 6HM 2124 — TM 55-1026. Scripps, 160–161-162–163–164-165–170–171-172
Buda-Lanova Model : 173-174-175-200-201-202–203-204-205. In
4 - DT - 212D - TM 55–1036 . struction Book - TM 55–1015 .
6 - DCMR - 844 - TM 55-1070. V- 12 , 302 Hq .-LO 55–1016.
6-DH-1611 -TM 55-1039. Steam ( Skinner, Unaflow 600 HP ) -LO 55
6 - DT - 4684TM 55-1049 . 1008 .
6 - DCMR - 1879 — TM 55-1071. Sterling
Busch - Sulzer Model 6 - DFMT - 17_TM 55–1140 . Admiral V-2500—TM 55-1081.
Caterpillar : Petrel L - 6 - TM 55-1082.
Model 4-8800-TM 55-1047. Viking II – TM 55–1080.
D13000 — TM 55–1045 . Universal Utility Four, BN, BNM, BNR, BNMR

D- 1700-TM 55-1046. -TM 55–1035 .

Clark : MD4 and MD6 . Hall- Scott, Defender, Instructions Manual— TM
Cooper- Bessemer : 55-1006 ; LO 55-1006.
Model FW-6-DR-TM 55-1091 ; LO 55– Steam
1091 . Skinner Unaflow 600 -HP_TM 55-1008 .
GSB - 8MTM 55-1092 . Skinner Unafiow 1,200 -HP_TM 55-1007 .
JS - 6 - DR - TM 55-1090 . LeRoi Co.
Cummins: Model D113 P1-7-- TM 5-9946 .
“ H ” Series- TM 55-1001 . Model D201 P7-321 Series 142436 - TM 5-9948 .
HMRS 603—TM 55–1002 ; LO 55-1002. Model P-2877 , D2 - TM 5-9950.
Oil Gage blade markings, Incorrect - TB ORD 219, Glossary ( German ) -TM 30–490.
Spoken :
Outboard ( El Ingles Hablado , Curso Elemental ) -TM 30–1509 .
Gasoline El Ingles Hablado , Midades —TM 30–1510 .
Murray & Tregurtha Model 0–2 – TM 55–1060 . Spoken Basic Course :
Chrysler , 0-2 – TM 55–1060. " Englisch Wie Man's Spricht, ” Units 1-6.
Packard , Model 2001-A , Fits , Tolerances , and Wear " Englisch Wie Man's Spricht,” Units 7-12.
Limits—TB ORD 298. Units 13–24—TM 30–1506B .
Units 25–30 — TM 30–1506C .
Plymouth P14 -TB ORD FE7 . Units 13–30 ( Spanish ) -TM 30–1510 .
Power Unit Diesel Guide's Manual :
Caterpillar , D17000 —TM 55–1046. TM 30-1506B ( German ) -TM 30–1506E .
Caterpillar, D8800—TM 55–1047. TM 30–1506C (German ) -TM 30–1506E .
Radial TM 30–1503 ( Italian ) -TM 30–1505A .

Aircraft Type ( Precautions on Hydrostatic Lock ) TM 30–1504 ( Italian ) -TM 30–1515B .

TB ORD 254. Part I ( L'Inglese Parlate ) -TM 30–1503 .
Booster coils , Inspection —TB ORD 153 . Part II ( L’Inglese Parlate ) -TM 30–1504 .
Radial ENGLISH -JAPANESE : Phrase Card -- WD Pam 21–32.
· Continental
R975 - C1_TB 9-2830-61 ; TM 9-1751 ; TB 9
ENGRAVING : Decorations—Cir 337-11-1944.
1751-19 .
W 670-9A-TB 9-2830–43 ; TB ORD 45. ENLARGERS :
Gas ( On Vehicles with medium tank chassis ) -SB
Eastman Kodak Co., Airgraph Model III-LO 3826.
and. In -Line ( Disposition of Unserviceable
Radial 9-25 Miniature , portable, M / 1 --LO 3833, 3833A.
Sodium -Filled Exhaust Valves ) —TB ORD 253 . PH-87 , PH-87A-SB 11-100–19 .
PH-95A- SB 11-100-19.
Paintings -- TB ORD 244. PH-129, PH-129A-SB 11-100-19 .
Railroad, utility personnel—Cir 423-111–1944. PHẨ275, PH - 275 - A - TM 11–2368.
Rebuild data PH-275-LO 3833 , 3833A ; SB 11-100–19.
Type 1 , 5th Echelon base shops—TB ORD 56. PH - 285 - TM 11-2307.
REOGType 2 , 5th
C-310 Echelo
( Fits n base
, Tolera and Wear ORD
nces shops—TB 73.) -TB
Limits PH-511 / GF-TM 11-2306 ; LO 3888, 3888A.
PH-542/ UF_TM 11-2300 ; LO 3892.
ORD 10-1271-1 . Suppression , Installation on 1
Replacement With Radio ENLISTED MEN :
half-track venicles ( Whites , Autocar and Absentee , transportation charges -Cir 49 - IV - 1944 .
Diamond T ) -TB 9–710-28 . Aerial flights, regulations -Bull 17-1-1944 .
RSC - 4 -Cylinder, Lausen Engine Co.-TM 5-9640. Aide to general officers — Cir 208 - VI - 1945.
Rustproofing - TB SIG 23 . Allowances
Sludge Formation—TB ORD 28 . Quarters and subsistence - Bull 9-11-1945 .
Studebaker Model 6–170 ( Fits , Tolerances , and Wear Traveling on troop movements — Cir 178–1945 .
Superior Mode l, )GAB
Limits -1 . inghouse Generator
( For AWest
—TB- 49–1772 Appointment as clinical psychologists —Cir 235 – II – 1945.
Appointments to United States Military Academy-Cir

25 KW ) -TM 55–3009. 151 -VI-1945 .

Attending ASF schools -Cir 271-1945.
k , Cadillac , ( Fits , Tolerances , and Wear Limits )
TanV8 Attending civilian educational institutions-Cir 380- II
TB ORD 257. ( Cadillac ) . 1945.
Engine Oil Drain Periods—TB ORD 88. Authorized to mess separately , commutation of ration
Cir 197-II- 1945 .
Ford :
Models GAA, GAF , GAN ( Ordnance Mainte Auxiliary firemen - Cir 190–1944 ; 401–1944.
nance ) —TM 9-1731B . Awarded Infantryman badges, additional pay - Cir 271
Servicing Spark Plugs ( Tanks , Carriages and 1944 .
AWOL , procedure for requesting service records - Cir
Vehicles . ) —TB ORD 288 .
Light , M5 and Carriage , Motor , 75-mm Howitzer, 98-1-1945 .
M8—TM 9-1732A. Changes in grades - Cir 323 - VIII - 1943 .
Civilian employment with Veterans Administration
6 -sha
Wauke MZR: ( Fits , Tolerances and Wear Limits )-TB Cir 388-1945.
ORD 260 . 18 and 19 year olds--Cir 352-1-1944 ,
6RZ—TB 9-1815A-1 .
6SRKR , 517—TB ORD 10–1377-1 . Specialists 1-1943
— Cir 321- .
Coccidioidomycosis infected , disposition -Cir 57-I–1945.
1456Z4TB 9-1785A -1 . Combat -wounded, discharged upon request - Cir 196–1945.
e: nd T and Autocar , 160AX , Half-Track Ve- Conduct on public carriers-Cir 199–1945 .
Conscientious objectors ( 1A-0 ) -Cir 91 - VI- 1943.
hicles-TM 9-1710B .
Half - nd Vehicle s -TM Counterintelligence Corps-Cir 379–1–1944 ,
White , , Diamo
160AX Track
T, & Autoca r - TB9-1711 . -4 , TB 9-
9-1711 Deceased , See Deceased enlisted man.
160AX ( Fits , Tolerances and Wear Limits )-TB 9 Chronic peptic ulcer - Cir 46 - V - 1945 .
Disposition of service records—Cir 349-IV-1945.
1711-7. Employment service-Cir 40-IV-1944 .
Willys -Overla nd , MB ( Fits , Tolerances and Wear Limits )
Insurance information , change of status-Cir 135
-TB 9-1803 A - 2 .
1944 .
Wisconsin , Model Ab — TM 5-9378. Under section III , AR 615–362, function Red Cross
Wright 92975-C1 -TB ORD 45 .
“ 270 ," GMC Model ( Fits , Tolerances , and Wear Limits ) -Cir 207-11-1945 .
When service record, lost, damaged , or delayed
--TB 9-1802A-1 . Cir 287-1-1945 .
“ 217 ” —TB ORD 284.
Drawers and undershirts , allowances-Cir 20-III– 1945. Processing
Employment and compensation during off-duty hours on ASTP Field Selection Board-Cir 137-11-1944.
the post-Cir 231-1-1945. Applications for officers appointment — Cir 363- I
Employment on pass or furlough-Cir 321 - VI- 1943. 1944 .
Employment outside regular duty hours , rate of pay Promotion-Cir 288-III-1945 .
Cir 292-VI-1945. Psychiatric social workers -- Cir 295-V-1944.
Enlistments and reenlistments in the Regular Army- Publications, purchase of restricted-Cir 401-II-1942.
Cir 310-1945 . Rations—Cir 134-III–1944.
Foreign service pay adjustment — Bull II-IV-1944. Recalled to active duty, application for inactive status
Furlough ration allowance, notation of payment on -Cir 294–VII- 1945 .
service records-- Cir 307-1-1945. Reception center reports - Cir 293 – II – 1944 .
General service, reassignment-Cir 14-V–1944. Regular Army :
Glider badge - Cir 220-IV-1944. Payment while on furlough-Cir 371-1-1945 .
Glider flight pay-Cir 367-V-1944. Retirement-Bull 19--1945 .
Grades Retirement pay - Bull 7-11-1945.
Restoration - Cir 185-1945 . Transfer to Enlisted Reserve Corps - Bull 19–1945 .
Technical schools—Cir 291 -II-1943 . Reimbursement for travel , transportation request lost
Gratuity upon death - Bull 25–1–1943. Cir 52-11-1944 .
Homosexuals, disposition-Cir 385-1-1945. Reinduction procedure—Cir 320 - II– 1944; 246 - III – 1945.
Hospital- Replaced by civilians in hospitals-Cir 87-11-1945 ; 170
Maternity and infant care, wives and infants - Cir IV-1945.
17-1-1944 ; 305-VII - 1945. Request for remission and cancellation of indebtedness
Replacement by civilians-Cir 209–1944 . Cir 469-III-1944.
Hospitalized in the U. S., disposition-Cir 391–1-1945. Retention at reception centers - Cir 267-V-1944,
Hospitalized , return to insular possession of the U. S. Returned to the United States
Cir 259-VIII-1945.
Clothing and equipment allowances-Cir 72–1945.
Identification on arrival, oversea bases-Cir 346 - IV - 1944. Temporary duty, absent without leave-Cir 69- V
Illiterate, non-English speaking, and grade V-Cir 127 1945.
Information and Education quota for officer candidate Scarce categories of specialists—Cir 382–1945.
school-Cir 344-VI - 1944 . Separated from service, reimbursement for travel of
Instructions dependents-Cir 336-11-1945.
Service record, Entries-Cir 28 - XII - 1945.
ASF Availability Report Form - Cir 281-11-1944.
Classification - Cir 404-1-1944. Solicitation , Red Cross War Fund , restrictions - Cir 377–
IX - 1944 .
Issuance, Army of Occupation of Germany Medal-Cir Taxability of compensation paid for services performed
Loan to civilian postmasters, Christmas 1945 - Cir 301– in messes , clubs, exchanges, etc.-Cir 359–
II– 1945 .
III - 1945 .
Loss replacements, requisitions-Cir 39–1945 ; 93-IV Technical specialty, test--Cir 223-VI-1945.
1945 ; 140-11-1945 . Temporary appointment in the Enlisted Reserve Corps
Cir 194-1945 .
Medal of Honor recipients, promotion-Cir 309- III 38 years of age or over, discharge-Cir 269 - V - 1945.
1945 .
Military specialty recorded-Cir 30-1–1944. 35 years of age or over, discharge-Cir 269-V-1945 ;
320-1-1945 .
Misassignment of men voluntarily enlisted for a particu Trained cadres , named general hospitals — Cir 17-11-1944.
lar branch - Cir 347-11-1944 .
Name and Army serial number—Cir 120-111–1944. Training period for special trainees , sec. II, Cir 127, WD,
1944 amended- Cir 440 - III - 1944,
National Guard, procedure for separation from active Transfer from one major command to another, policy
Federal service - Cir 136 – V - 1945 .
Cir 196–1945.
Noneffective, administrative and medical discharge-Cir
81-III -1945. Transfer to separation centers—Cir 175-11-1944.
Transportation, Special service schools, attending - Cir
Notification of discovered or corrected defects-Cir 217– 184 - III - 1943.
II - 1944 , Travel allowances , military personnel returning to the
U. S.-Cir 269-IV- 1945.
Diving duty - Bull 7-11-1943 . Traveling
Foreign service --- Cir 437-II–1944.
From place to place, clothing and equipage -- Cir
Glider flights - Bull 14-111-1944. 102-11-1945.
Payment, final, limitation of cash paid-Cir 296–II–1945.
Payment, individual--- Cir 262– II – 1945 . On trains, ration credits-Cir 10-VI-1944 ; 400–1944.
Under orders, monetary allowances-Cir 281-1-1945 .
Payment roll, final, preparation-Cir 263-IV-1945 ; 314 Utilization
III-1945 .
Pay roll, use of War Department Forms 366, 366a and Based on physical capacity- Cir 196–1945 .
366b - Cir 131 -V-1945. Incertain activities-Cir 247-III–1944.
Philippine Army in the U. S., Pay and allowances-Cir Visual defect, training as riflemen - Cir 196–1945.
158-1945. Voluntary transfer and assignment to Infantry - Cir 278
Physical profile serial—Cir 209-VIII–1945. IV 1944 ; 368-III–1944.
Physical profile serial , discharge and classification - Cir Volunteer for parachute training in Medical Signal , and
431 - VI - 1944. and Engineer Corps-- Cir 187-III–1945.
Physical standards for dispatch overseas-Cir 196–1945. Waiters in dining cars-Cir 402–1–1944 .
Poster display to encourage voluntary transfer to In- Waiver of eligibility for discharge, instruction rescinded
fantry - Cir 426 - III – 1944 . --- Cir 207-IV - 1945.
Post trust funds , allowance per man based on daily Welfare funds , use and administration-Cir 34-1-1945.
strength_Cir 384-1945 . Wives and infants , hospital maternity and infant care
Private, basic , reduction in number - Cir 201 - V - 1944; Bull 19-1-1943 .
266 - III - 1944. Yank , The Army Weekly-Cir 366-11-1944.
AAF, AGF, and ASF, detailed as liaison at War Depart- Discharged officers and warrant officers under 38 years,
ment centers - Cir 176 – III – 1945 . Cir 197-1-1944 .
Absent without leave, status request-Cir 225-11-1945. Enlisted Reserve Corps 117–1944.
Enlisted Reserve Corps, AUS and Regular Army, mini
Armored units , designation of armor service-Cir 437-1 mum mental capacity-Cir 359-III–1945.
1944 .
Former members of armed forces-Cir 380-11-1944,
Casuals at embarkation ports, disposition-Cir 248–1944. National Guard - Cir 284-IV-1945.
Civilian clothing, duty in foreign country-Cir 322 -III- Outside continental United States and certain territories
1944 . -Cir 380-11-1944.
Clothing left at laundries and dry cleaning plants, recov Prohibited, 18 and 38 years of age-Cir 380-II–1944.
ery by War Department - Cir 108–1–1945. Regular Army-Bull 10-11-1945 ; Cir 310–1945 ; 332-I
Definition - Cir 96-1945 . 1945 ; 339 - III – 1945 ; 345-III–1945 ; 355-1
Discharge or release from active duty-Cir 64-XI-1945 ;
1945 ; 368 – II – 1945 ; 379-1-1945 ; 383 - IV - 1945.
94-II-1945. Regular Army, recovered personnel-Cir 350-11-1945.
Regular military and naval establishments, Voluntary
Laundry and dry cleaning service, posts , camps, and sta Recruitment Act of 1945 – Bull 19–1945.
tions—Cir 346 – V – 1944 ; 467 - VII – 1944. Voluntary :
Loans by American Red Cross-Cir 333-11-1943 . Armed forces — Bull 16–1-1945 .
Military Occupational Specialists, previous instruction Discharged officers and warrant officers under 38
rescinded-Cir 368-IV-1944, years-Cir 197-1-1944.
Money allowances in lieu of transportation-Cir 241 -II Women's Army Corps, qualification - Cir 462–1944.
Oversea replacement systems-- Cir 147–1945. Funds provided-Bull 27-1942.
Pay allowances in lieu of transportation, or subsistence Hospital:
and quarters - Cir 219-V-1945. Guide No. 64WD Pam 28-11A .
Report of absence without leave-Cir 5–1–1945 . Guide No. 7-WD Pam 28-11B.
Separated from service , reasons entered on Record and Guide No. 94WD Pam 28-11D.
Report of Separation-Cir 177 - V - 1945. Military pagents—Cir 215-1–1943.
Separation from service, retention of clothing and Soldier shows , activities of the Special Services Divison,
ASF-Cr 234-1945.
equipment - Cir 316–1945.
USO- Camp Shows, attendance-Cir 247–1945.
Service record, disposition of misplaced - Cir 323 - XI Women's Army Corps variety nights, " Curtain Going
1945 .
Up"-WD Pam 28-13A .
Training in basic medical subjects—Cir 48–1944.
Travel, quarters and/or subsistence alolwance for serv- ENTRY : Military records, authentication-Cir 17-IV-1944.
ice school attendance - Cir 155 - IV - 1945 .
ENLISTED RESERVE CORPS ( ERC ) : Air mail, use - Cir 323-VI -1945.
Age regulations for enlistment — Cir 380–11–1944. Franked mailing, WD AGO Form 700, statement of
discharge and other papers - Cir 296–1–1945.
Enlistment, minimum mental capacity - Cir 359- III Penalty mail privilege - Bull 15-1944,
1945 .
Procurement for military service - Bull 36-1-1942.
Entrance and terminal physical examinations-Cir 59- I Standards of utilization-Cir 69–1944.
1945 .
Procedures governing enlistment, transfer, discharge, etc.
-Cir 117-1944.
EQUILIBRATORS : Instructions for exercising-TBORD
Spectacles , procurement_Cir 121-11-1945. 303 .
Statement of service - Cir 314-V-1944.
Temporary appointment of discharged enlisted men- EQUINE ENCEPHALOMYELITIS :
Cir 194–1945 . Equilibrators:
Transfer of Regular Army enlisted men-Bull 19–1945 . Immunization of Army horses and mules-Cir 31
WD AGO Form No. 166 furnished-Cir 380-IV-1944 , VII-1945.
Precautions to be taken prior to charging with
ENLISTED WOMEN : nitrogen - TB ORD 325.
Appointment in Army Nurse Corp, Medical Department EQUIPAGE :
-Cir 462–1944.
Assignment after training-Cir 164-VII-1945 . Conservation-TB QM 32.
Clothing - Duck and webbing, recoloration prohibited - Cir 390-11
1944 .
Standards of classification and procedure for utiliza
tion-Cir 71-1-1945.
Supply and maintenance-Cir 311 - V - 1944 .
Discharge-Cir 46 – II – 1945. Accounting, property installed in aircraft--- Cir 18–1944.
Messes , utilization of personnel - Cir 462–1944. AN /AMQ- 2 - TM 11-2408.
Returning from overseas AN /AMQ -3—TM 11-2407.
Clothing and equipment - Cir 72–1945. Air-Conditioning, Operation , Care and Maintenance, Sea
When husbands return on rotation or disability, coast Fortification - TB ENG 86.
Cir 47-V-1945. Aircraft-TM 1-416.
Training and appointment as physical therapy aides Airdrome , Construction , Use - TM 5–252.
Cir 462-1944. Airport lighting, requisitions—Cir 74 - V - 1944.
Wearing , Red Cross Nurses' Aide uniform-Cir 86-IV Air Transport-TM 71-210.
1944 . Alignment, ME-73–TM 11-318.
With prior military service , disposition-Cir 162 - XI- All engineer ( lubrication guide holder ) -MWO ENG
1944 ; 462-1944 . L1999.
Amplifier, AN/ TRA-1-A , -B and C - TM 11-2601 . Electrical
Ampro Projector, PH -399, Serviceability Standards , Auto-LiteTM 9-1825B.
SB 11-100-36 . Commuications Systems — TM 11-487.
Antenna Delco -Remy-- TM 9-1825A .
RC - 63 – TM 11-2616. Protection, Ordnance Vehicles - TB ORD 242.
RC - 154 - A - TM 11-2631 . Electronic and communication - Cir 113 – V – 1945.
RC - 173 - TM 11-2618. Engineer - SB 5-1.
RC - 219 - A - TM 11-2630. Additional Requirements for Oversea Shipments—
Army Conservation Program-Cir 210 - I - 1945. SB 5-50 .
Army, Distillation-TB ENG 72. Disassembly and Loading for Transport Cargo
Army Postal Unit - Cir 343–1-1944. Plane
Army Air Forces C - 47 - TB ENG 33A.
Authorization for permanent party units—Cir 34-I C-54B--TB ENG 33B .
1944 ; 392-III -1944. Maintenance - Cir 207-111-1945.
Supply to ground force units-Cir 208-11-1944, Oversea Shipment -TB 5–9711--1.
Units ordered overseas-Cir 56-11-1944 . Preparation for Export - TM 5–9711 ; TB 5-9711-1.
Associated Preparation for Storage -- TM 5-9715.
Amplifiers AM-92 /TI and AM-93 /TI_TM 11-2573. Spare Parts -- TB 5-9713-1.
Control Units RM-12- ( * ) and RM-13- ( * ) -TM 11 Substitute, for use in training operators — Cir 367–
312 . IV-1944.
132A2 Teletypewriter Subscriber Set, Instruction Use - Cir 4-1-1945 .
Book -- TM 11-2210 . Engineering changes and modifications restricted-Cir
ASTRP students, procurement, issue and maintenance 29-IV-1944.
Cir 125-11-1944 . Enlisted personnel at processing centers—Cir 49–1–1945.
Automatic Ciphering , Application to Fxed Radio and Estimated per cent, Monthly replacement-SB 38-4-WD.
Wire--TB SIG 19 . Excess
Automotive , chart of responsibilities --Cir 240–1944. Captured enemy matériel-Cir-II–1945.
Auxiliary, Radio Set AN/TRC-6 ( XC-2 ) -TM 11-633. Disposition , Transportion Corps—SB 55–12.
Balloon Explosives removed before shipment to the U. S.-Cir
Low Altitude-FM 4-187. 146 - V - 1945 .
Very Low Altitude-FM 4-188 . Facsimile, See Facsimile Equipment.
Boeheme Automatic Keying and Recording-TM 11-377 ;
TB 11-377-1 .
Fire Control-
Armament, Sighting - TB 9-735-1 .
Brazing, Freight Billing Guide - SB 55-8 - J - 7. Disposition by organizations moving overseas—Cir
Camera 110-1-1944 .
PH - 151 -- A - LO 3833 , 3833A. Electrical Testing Apparatus-TM 9–1672.
PH - 205 -- TM 11-2365. Fixed Plant, Stocking of Replaceable Parts - SB 11-23.
Mounting PH-515 / MF-TM 11-2360. Fixed Station , Tape Relay, Semiautomatic, Description
PH-545/ PF-TM 11-2312. of Operation — TB SIG 198.
Captured. See Captured Equipment. Floating, maintenance - Cir 307-II–1944.
Chemical Handling and Loading - TM 3-255. Forging Freight Billing Guide-SB 55-8 - J - 7.
Gas Protective-TM 3-290 .
Class III installations , responsibility-Cir 388–1944.
Clothing and Individual Amendment to T/E 21—SB 10 Graphic arts, nonexpendable, procurement - Cir 223- II
157 . 1945 .

Code Practice-TM 11-432. Ground, Powered vehicles, Cooling systems—TM 9-2858.

Ground Radar -- TB SIG 132.
Cold Weather Clothing-TM 10-275 ; TB 10-275-1. Ground Signal
Combining-TM 11-2515.
Digest of Field Reports - TB SIG 118-1,
Communication, Preventive Maintenance Practices—TB SIG 123 .
Electrical Systems - TM 11-487. Hoisting, Technical Data-TB 5-9720-16.
German Radio - TM E11-227 . Ice Freezing Plant -- TM 5-9082.
Japanese Radio-TM E11-227A. Identification
Concrete, Technical Data-TB 5-9720--18. PH - 385 - TM 11-403.
Conservation , program to stress care, maintenance of PH-385 and PH-385-A-LO 3827.
specified items--Cir 380-I-1945. Identification of Pneumatic Tires -- SB 9-37.
Cooling, York Model 25 - A - TM 55–1308. Indirect Fire -- MWO ORD G104 - W 74.
Individual-FM 21-15 .
Crystal Grindings, Maintenance and Operation–TM 11 Information and education purposes-- Cir 263-V-1945.
Insecticides and pest control Distribution-Cir 163–1945.
D - C Telegraph Repeater Packages—TM 11-2034. Inspection and Preventive Maintenance Services—TM 5
Decontaminating Apparatus, Power driven , Army Air 637.
Forces , excess allowances—Cir 160-111–1945; Interphone: See interphone equipment.
209 - II - 1945 . JungleTB QM 13 .
Destroying, M2A1 Incendiary---TB 3-300-7. Kitchen Cars - TM 10-206.
Developing, Ph - 253 - C - TM 11–2394. Knife, trench, M3, change in basis of distribution-Cir
204 - V - 1944.
Diversity Receiving Laminating
AN / FRR - 3A - TM 11-872A . PH-523 /GF-TM 11-2369.
AN / FRR-3 and AN / FRR - 3A - MWO SIG 11
872A- 1 . Lamp, Serviceability Standards
PH-62-SB 11-100–14.
Wilcox Type CW F3- D Involving replacement of
capacitors and resistors - MWO SIG 11 Lamp, Serviceability Standards ,
2204-1 . PH-207 , PH-207A -SB 11-100-14 .
PH - 208 SB 11-100-14.
Dry-Cleaning, Operation and Maintenance — TB QM 41 . PH - 209 SB 11-100–14 .
Duck and Webbing, Care and Preservation–TB QM 19. PH - 211 SB 11-100-14 .
EQUIPMENT-Continued EQUIPMENT--Continued
Lamp , Serviceability Standards --- Continued Packaged - Continued
PH-216 , PH-216A-SB 11-100-14. Offices, Installation and Maintenance-TM 11-2041 .
PH - 217 SB 11-100–14. Tape Relay , Teletypewriter Set AN /TGC - 1 -TB
PH-218–SB 11-100–14. 11-2203-1 .
PH - 219 SB 11-100–14 . Telegraph Repeater, TM 11-2034.
PH - 251 SB 11-100–14. Test and Control Board-TM 11-2030 .
PH - 421 SB 11-100-14. Test Unit, 2A ( SPL ) -TM 11-2033.
PH -422_SB 11-100-14 . Type C Carrier Telephone-TM 11–2026 .
Land - Clearing, Use-TB ENG 55. Voice-Frequency Carrier Telegraph - Installation
Laundry, fixed, Operation and Maintenance-Cir 2-11 TM 11-2024 ; TM 11-2029.
1945 .
Voice Frequency Ringer-TM 2021 .
Dry Cleaning—TB QM 41 . Voice Frequency Telephone Repeaters, Installation
Extractors—TB QM 37 . --TM 11-2027 .
Flatwork Ironers—TB QM 42. Paint Spraying — TM 5-540-4.
Marking Machines—TB QM 40. Paint Spraying and Related Items, Freight Billing Guide
Presses -- TB QM 44 . -SB 55-J-14 .
Tumblers—TB QM 38 . Paraplegic patients—SB 8–30.
Washers—TB QM 43 . Peculiar to two or more of the three major forces
Leather Classification , . Processing and Inspection — TM Cir 429-1-1944.
10-226 . Performance Log, Radio Set AN / CPS- 1 - TM 11-1344.
Line Terminating and Simplex Panel—TM 11-2020. Petroleum products, assignment of responsibility - Cir
List , Truck, Bomb Service M6 Chevrolet - TB 9–765-2. 117-III-1945 .
Manuals, accessory to items - Cir 342-V-1943. Photographic
Maintenance PH - 383 — TM 11--2366 .
ME-B-D_TM 11-306D . Tropicalization - TB SIG 149.
ME - 13 - C - TM 11-306C . Photographic and Projector, Used by Army Ground
ME - 40-1 ) -TM 11-315. Forces , Army Service Forces—TB SIG 148.
MK -8-1 ) FMQ-1 Substitution -- SB 11-46. Pipe Line , Mounted on Ordnance 212 - Ton 6 x 6 Truck
Replenishment - SB 11-64 . Chassis , Roehlk-TM 5-9005.
Vehicular - TM 9-1834A . Piping all types, Technical Data - TB 5–9720-10.
Marine Floating, redistribution and disposal - Cir 28 Plotting
VI-1945 . AN/TSA-1-TM-11-2581 .
Materials Handling AN/TSA-2-TM 1122582 .
Operator Selection and Training -- TM 21-302. Pole Climbing — TB SIG 85 .
Preventive Maintenance Services—TB 9-2810–3. Post, camp and station, maintenance and repairs - Cir
Quartermaster -TM 10-1619. 126-11--1945 .
Serviceability Standards for Oversea and Domestic Power, PE-127-A-TM 11-931.
Shipments—SB 10–218. Power, guide, preventive maintenance-TB SIG 183.
Medical, Serviceability Standards-SB 8–23. Printer Station , 131B2, For Army and Navy Installations
Medical Department, Moistureproofing and Fungiproof -TM 11-2209.
ing—TB MED 186. Processing
Mess , policy and assignment of responsibility - Cir 165 Field X -Ray Film, Items 9611500, 9611700, 9605500
III–1945. -TM 8–629 .
Meteorological , use by Army Air Forces-Cir 157 - IV Installations , accounting procedure - Cir 139–1944.
PH-406_LO 3811 .
Serviceability Standards
Military, disposal - Cir - 202–1944 . PH-253A- SB 11-100–29 .
Mobile , responsibilities of Quartermaster General-Cir PH-395_SB 11-100–29.
7-11-1945. PH -406 SB 11-100–29.
Modified Marking-SB 11-69 . Projector
Modulator, AN / TRA-16 ( XC-1 ) -TM 11-267. General — TB SIG 148 .
Observing ADW-BM-100—TM 11-2013 . PH-131-A through PH -131 - C -- TM 11-2357.
Occupational Therapy-SB 8-14. PH- 131-A through G - SB 11--100–24 .
PH- 131-A through PH- 131 -H-MWO SIG 11
Office, Payroll Machines—TB QM 14 . 2357-1 .
Officers ordered overseas on temporary duty-Cir 32 - II
PH- 132 and PH-132-B-TM 11-2349 .
Open Wire Office Packaged, Maintenance, Operation and PH - 398 — TM 11-406 ; TB 11-406-1 ; MWO SIG 11
Installation-TM 11-2037. 406–3 ; LO 3802.
Optical Coating, Operating and Maintenance - TM 9 PH - 398 - A - TM 11-406A ; MWO SIG 11-406 - A -I;
1501 . MWO SIG 11-406 - A - 2.
Oscillograph , IE - 14 and IE - 14 - C . Midification - MWO PH - 402 - TM 11-238.1.
SIG 11-444-5 . PH - 408 -- TM 11-407 .
Oversea Commands, basic policy -- Cir 24-111-1944 ; 203– Photographic, Maintenance — TM EIG 148.
1944 . Propulsion , Electric, General Electric - TM 55–3003.
Oversea replacement depot - Cir 272-111–1944. Protective, civilian personnel employed in plants - Cir
Pack , CE-13_TB 11-2300-1 . 353-V-1945 .
Packaged Psychrometer, ML - 313 / AM - TM 11-2415 ; TB SIG 36.
Application Open-Wire Lines — TM 11-2022. Pullman Preference plan for ordering and furnishing
Carrier Telephone, Type C-TM 11-2023 . CTB 40-1945.
D-C Regenerative Telegraph Repeater - TM 11-2032. Quartermaster
Instructions for Line Terminating and Composite Maintenance Mechanical, Serviceability Standards ,
Panel and Type “ C ” Carrier Transfer Panel SB 10-236 .
--TM 11-2031 . Standard of classification - Cir 446-III–1944 .
EQUIPMENT-Continued EQUIPMENT - Continued
Radar Radio and Interphone, Installation in Medium Tanks
Forwarding procedure for performance logs—Cir M4A3 or MÁ3E2, 76-mm Gun , Wet Stowage ;
481 -III–1944. Medium Tank F4A1 , M4A2, M4A3, 76-mm
German - TM E 11-219. Gun , Wet Stowage ; Medium Tank M4 or
Radio M4A3 , 105 -mm Howitzer - TM 11-2748.
AN / TPX - 4 ( Tower TR-29 and Remote Antenna Radio Beacon, RC - 163 - TM 11-2609.
Drive RM-55 ) -LO 11-1160 . Radio receivers public address systems and record play
Communication-TB SIG 178. ers , maintenace in hospitals --- Cir 216 - III
Contest for new designs - Cir 242–1-1945. 1945.
Installation in Car, Armored Utility, M20 — TM 11- Rail, check list for troop train commanders --Cir 169-VI
2716. 1945 .
Installation in Carriage Motor Check List for Troop Train Commanders — WD Pam
Combination Gun M15A1- TM 11-2739 . 20-14 .
76-mm Gun , M18 – TM 11-2724 . Railroad
90-mm Gun M36, M36B1 , or M36B2 - TM 11 Maintenance-Cir 307-11-1944 ; 447-VII–1944 ; 340
2731 . V-1945 .
3-Inch Gun, M10 or M10A1-- TM 11-2723. Troops Movements - CTB 35 , 1945.
75-mm Howitzer M8_TM 11-2727. Unsanitary for passengers -- Cir 334 - III – 1944.
81mm Mortar, Half - Track M21 - TM 11–2732. Railway Artillery, Operation and Care - TM 4-51 .
Installation Carrier, Cargo, Light, M29 or M29C Recording :
( Amphibian ) -TM 11-2733 . Boehme Automatic-TM 11-377.
Personnel, Half Track PH-346-A-TM 11-350 .
M3—TM 11-2714. Recapture, excess ASF controlled items-Cir 300-1944.
M3A1-TM 11-2721 . Recreational -
Installation in Shelter H0-17-1 ) -TM 11-2737 . Distribution and disposition-Cir 344 - IV - 1944.
Installation, Tanks, Light Funds, welfare of enlisted men -- Cir 34–1–1945 ; 127
M5 and MIA1-TM 11-2720. II-1945.
M24-TM 11-2754. Reel, See Reel Equipment,
Medium , M4, M4A3, M4A3E2—TM 11-2748. Redistribution of excess railroad and marine floating
T234TM 11-2730. equipment - Cir 28-VI- 1945.
Installation, Truck, 112 - Ton, 6 x 6, Personnel and Refrigeration, storage and maintenance responsibility
Cargo - TM 11-2743. Cir 156 - V - 1944.
Installation Vehicle , Landing, Tracked ( Armored ) Remote Control
Mark I, LVT- ( A ) -1_TM 11-2752.
Mark IV , LVT- ( A ) -4 — TM 11-2753. AN /TRA-2 and AN/TRA-2A-TM 11-2621 .
(Unarmored ), Mark III, LVT- 3 — TM 11-2755. RC -47 - A , -B, -C, -D, -B, and --J_TM 11-312.
RC - 261 - TM 11-2632.
LVT - 2, LVT- ( A ) -- 2, and LVT - 4 - TM 11--2756.
RC - 289 -- TM 11-2667; SB 11-100–39 .
Installation, Vehicle, Utility, Armored M39 ( 141 ) Repairs and utilities
or T41E1-TM 11-2757.
Instructional publications-Cir 268-II–1943 ; 302 - VI Maintenance --Cir 132-11-1945 ; 169 - IV - 1945 .
1943. Posts, camps, and stations, rental-Cir 244 - V - 1945:
RC - 127 ATM 11-1515 ; LO 9506 . Repeater AN / TRA -6 (XC - 1 ) -- TM 11-286 .
RC - 145, Serviceability Standards - SB 11-100-62 . Reperforator, teletypewriter set TC-16 deleted from cer
tain tables-Cir 193-II-1944 .
145 -- AA , - RC
RC -- 145 11-1531; TB 11-1531-1 ; LO 3506.
TM- 184,
RC RC-182-A and RC-282-A-TB Replacement factors and days of supply--Cir 123 - IV
SIG 119. 1945 ; 375-IV-1944.
RC - 148, RC - 148 - B, RC - 148 - C Service Manual TM
Reproducing, MC - 364 - A , MC - 364 - B and MC - 364 - C
11-1518. TM 11-402 .
RC - 148 - B Serviceability Standards - SB 11-100-63. Requisitions for Spare Parts and other Maintenance
RC - 150 - B , RC - 150 - C and RC - 150 - D - TM 11-1517. Items for Materials -Handling - SB 10-97.
RC - 151, RC - 151 - A and RC - 151 - D - TM 11-1517 . Responsibility for modification - Cir 41 - IV - 1945 ; 90- IV
RC - 182 - A - TM 11-1508.
RC - 182A and RC - 282 - A - TM 11-308. Ringer
RC - 184 — TM 11-1332 ; TM 11-1532 ; TB 11-1332-1 ; EE - 101- A - MWO SIG 11-342-2.
SB 11-100–64; LO 3506. 101 - B - TM 11-2011 .
RC - 188 - A - TM 11-1421 ; TM 11-1521 . Ringing
RC - 192 - A , Modification - MWO SIG 22 . EE-100-T1 , EE- 100-A ( Voice Frequency ) , and EE
RC - 207 - A - TM 11-1316 ; TM 11-1416. 101 - A (Voice Frequency )-TM 11-342.
RC - 215 - A - TM 11--1334 ; TM 11-1534. EE-100-A-MWO SIG 11-342-1 .
RC-246—TM 11-1450. Road , Construction - TM 5–252.
RC - 246 - A - TM 11-1350 ; TM 11–1550 ; LO 3506. Searchlight, Antiaircraft, 60 -inch , Model 1937, Sperry
RC - 282 - A - TM 11-1508. Gyroscope Co.-TM 5-7134.
RC - 350 - TM 11-1346 ; LO 3506. Serviceability standards — Cir 208- VIII – 1945.
RC - 350 and RC - 351 - TM 11-1543 . Set , M1, Maintenance and Repair - TB 3–205–10 .
RC - 351, Technical Operation–TM 11-1346. Pipe Line, to be mounted on 24 -ton 6 x 6 Truck Chassis
-TM 5-9005.
RC - 384 — TM 11-1362 ; TM 11-1462 ; TM 11-1562; Shipment
MWO SIG 11-1362-1 ; LO 11-1462.
Accompanying pertinent literature - Cir 157–1944.
Receiving, Navy Model : Air Priority-Cir-11-1944.
RBA, RBA-1 , RBA-2 and RBA-3—TM 11-894 . Dry Batteries-Cir 183-11-1944 .
RB2 , frequency range 5-13-MC- TM 11-895. Shop
Suppression , on ignition system of Light Tank Maintenance, operation at class I, II, and III in
M24 - TB 9-729FE6. stallations - Cir 204-1-1945.
Transmitting, RC - 263_TM 11-816 . Motorized Small Tool Repair - MWO ENG 9360-1.
Repair and Trouble Shooting -TM 11-4000 . Post Engineer-TM 5-612.
Signal Corps Unit, Vehicular General - TM 9-834.
AAF, maintenance responsibility-Cir 157-V–1945 . Unserviceable-Cir 7-1944 .
Security Classification Test - Pam 11-3 . Visible filing, use for quartermaster supplies at certain
Technical phases of management, operations, and stations -- Cir 440-VIII -1944 .
procedures for Shops Repairing and Main Vulcanizing, TE-54-A, TE-54-B, TE -55-A , and TE
taining-TB SIG 179 . 55 - B-TM 11-367 .
Signal , Director, Power Units—TM 11-223 . TE-54 and TE-55, Modification Kit, Vulcanizing-SB -

Signal- 11–79 .
For Standard Crystal Units-TB SIG 201 . Water Purification , Diatomite, Portable, 50 -GPM - TM
Ground, Preventive Maintenance Practices —TB SIG 5-295-4 .
123 . Paek ( Man or animal type ) 15-GPM-TM 5–295–2.
Tropical Maintenance—TB SIG 72. Welding, Freight Billing Guide — SB 55–8–5–7.
In Hands of Troops, Serviceability Standards-SB Set No. 2-TM 5-4100.
11-100 . Welding and Cutting Smith Welding Equipment Corpora
Initial Issue and Authorized Replenishment --SB 11 tion, Model F-9731A-TM 5-540-7.
26 . Wind
Signal Lamp AN /GMC - 1 - TM 11-429.
EE-80 and EE-80-A-TM 11-390. AN/GMQ-1 , Modification - MWO SIG 11-429-2;
EE-80-A-TB 11-390–1 ; LO 3101 . TB 11-429-1 .
SE-11 -TB 11-392-1 . AN/GMQ-1-LO 3101 .
Soldering, Freight Billing Guide -- SB 55-8 - J - 7. Wind Indicating, Selsyn Type_TM 11-2414.
Sound recording-Cir 82 - V - 1945 . Winterization General Supply-SB 9-16.
Sources of Supply or Stock Control, Authorized requisi Wire Communication - TM 11-755.
tion for all Classas of Corps of Engineers ERECTION :
Supplies—SB 5-51 . Instructions, “Insulating Kit" for Building Shell ,
Spare parts Tropical Precut, Complete 20 by 54 feet
Furnished war Aid nations-Cir 434-1-1944 . TB 5-9613-3.
Used for repair — Cir 434-1944 . Unit Construction Railway Bridge, Notes -- TB 5–372–1.
Special Service-TB 28–1 .
Information and Education Divisions maintenance-- ERNEST HINDS :
Cir 206-11-1945 . Designation as Army hospital ship rescinded-GO 88
Spiral four carrier-Cir 192-V-1945 . 1-1945 .
Standard demolition, assignment of storage and issue ERNESTINE KORANDA ( ex DOROTHY LUCKENBACH ) :
responsibility--Cir 281-III–1944.
Star-Gaging, Impression Outfits, Pressure Gages - TM 9 Designated as hospital ship—G.0, 19–1945.
1860 . ERROR : Entries on service record of enlisted men -Cir
Status of Equipment Reports -- Cir 144-III–1945 . 470-IV-1944.
Bottling Soft Wrinks in Oversea Commands - SB 10- ESCAPE :
189 . General Prisoners—Cir 264 - II - 1943 .
Units returned from overseas-Cir 73–1945 . Military personnel from Axis, return to United States
Teletypewriter, semiautomatic tape relay-MWO SIG Cir 8 - IV - 1945 .
42 . Prisoner of war, assistance punishable by act of Con
Terminal gress-Cir 7-III-1945 .
Radio Teletype , AN / FGCI or AN FGG- IX-TM 11
356 ; TB 11-356-1 . ESCORT :
Test, TS-30 / FMQ-TB 11-2403-3 . Mentally incompetent and prisoner officers, travel ex
Testing, Teletype Signal-TM 11-2217. penses—Cir 121-III-1945.
Time Control , RC - 133 - TM 11-433 . Officers to accompany replacement shipments—Cir 147–
Tire Repair and Maintenance Tools , Freight Billing 1945.
Guide-SB 55-8-J-16. ESPIONAGE :
TE-45A and TE 48, Conversion- SB 11-54. German trial before a military commission-Cir 42
TE 46, Conversion- SB 11-56. 1945 .
TE 47 , Conversion-SB 11-56. Military order establishing a Military Commission for
TE-59 , Signal Corps-SB 11-7. trial of certain offenders - Bull 2-11-1945.
TE-111- SB 11-56 .
TE -112- SB 11-56 . ESTABLISHMENT:
TE-113 , Conversion -- SB 11--54 . Army -Navy Consolidating Station
TE-114-SB 11-56 . Cir 96-II-1944.
TK-25 / GF-TB SIG 205. Freight Distributing Agency - Cir 108-1–1944.
TK - 27 /GF - TB SIG 206. Army News Service-Cir 466–1–1944.
TK - 40 / FSM - 3 - TM 11-2606.
Disciplinary Barracks
Two Target - TM 1-500. Fort Benjamin Harrison, Ind.-- Cir 387-III–1944,
Transmitter, Airport Control 25 Watt - TM 11-817. Radio Fort Bragg, N.C.-Cir 4-6 - III - 1944.
Transmitter BC- 392-L , Remote Control Unit Fort Missoula , Mont. - Cir 251 -VII- 1944,
RM -6 -J, and Microphone T - 27 -P_TM 11 Camp Hood, Tex.-Cir 162-IX-1944.
817A .
Separation centers-Cir 422–1944.
Transportation Corps
Outside United States --- Cir 307-11-1944 . ESTATE : Payment of reserve of converted insurance of
Sources designated to receive Authorized Requisitions insured.
-SB 55-15 .
ESTIMATE : Field rations-Cir 171–1944.
Traversing, Muddy Terrain-WD Pam 25–1.
Tube, flexible, nozzle, issue - Cir 111-V-1945. ESTUARIES : Tidal , Bridging-TB 5-271-1.
Air offensive - Units entitled to battle honors -- G.O . Gasoline and motor vehicle fuel, tax levied-Cir 386 – V
85-11-1945 . 1944.
Officer's training course for assignment - Cir 172 - II- Liquidation plan and standard operating procedures
1945. Cir 183-II- 1945.
Classes for senior staff officers - Cir 372-V-1945 . Outside continental limits United States, fee payable
Cir 381-1-1944.
Air , Qualification for Nurses-Cir 169-1-1945.
Armored Units-FM 17-50.
. Policy, supply of resale items- Cir 183-1-1945 ; 312 -II
1945 .
Procurement, domestic washing machines — Cir 265- V
Coordination officer, appointment and duties—Cir 113–1 1944.
Ground combat, units entitled to battle credits—GO 85 Sales items for oversea supply -- Cir 261–1945.
VI - 1945 . Sale, restrictions, tax - free cigarettes to civilians-Cir
Infantry Regiment- FM - 30. 159-111-1944.
Instructions — TB ORD 212. Taxability of compensation paid enlisted men-Cir 359–
II -1945 .
Materiel, from battlefields — TC 21 , 68, 1943.
Medical Detachment-FM 7-30 . United States and foreign currencies — Cir 364–1944 ; 364
1944 .
Military Operations—Cir 316–1943.
Military Personnel-Cir 140-1944 . Use of Government vehicles-Cir 96-1-1944.
Motor Transportation for patients - Cir 87-I-1944. EXCHANGE OFFICER :
Patients by water from overseas, identification tag - Cir Dissemination of information to unauthorized persons
Cir 372 - IV - 1942.
Responsibilities, commanders of ports and service com Revenue producing activities of service clubs-Cir 219
mands-Cir 142 - IV - 1944. 1944 .
Service Company - FM 7–30.
Spearhead deposits project number applicable-Cir 18– EXCISE TAX : See Tax.
1945 .
EXCITER : Unit, 0-5/ FR/TM 11-2205.
Army Transports, Fares-Cir 22–1944. EXCURSION INLET : Class IV installation-Cir 96 - V
Personal Property, Transportation-Cir 97-III–1943. 1944.
nation-G . 0. 24-1-1945. EXECUTIONS : Military, Procedure-PAM 27-4.
priation Act, 1946 - Bull. 7--1-1945.
Pharmacy Corps-Cir 320-111-1943. EXECUTIVE ORDER :
Coast Guard Academy Cadetship — Cir 274–II–1945. No. 1076, 22 May 1909, superseded-Bull 18-11-1945 .
Department of State, for appointment as foreign service No. 2390, 29 May 1916, amended-Bull 20–1945.
officer - Cir 326 - III - 1945. No. 7972, 15 September 1938, amended-Bull . 11- IV
Enemy Personnel, Repatriates, Civilians, Documents and 1944.
Materials -FM 30–15. No. 8588, 7 November 1940, amended-Bull . 11-1-1943.
Mechanical , engineers, steam locomotive - TM 55–282. No. 8588, 7 November 1940, amended-Bull. 12- III
Terminal Physical, on separation from Military Service 1945.
-TM 8–255 . No. 8808, 28 June 1941 -Cir 27–1944.
EXAMINATIONS : No. 8809, 28 June 1941 , amended-Bull . 6-11-1943,
Gunners No. 8837 , 30 July 1941 , revoked- Bull . 1 -III– 1943 .
Artillery, Antiaircraft-FM 4-119. No. 8937 , 7 November 1941 , amended - Bull. 11-1-1945.
Coast-FM 4--19. No. 8972, 12 December 1941 -Cir 24-111-1945 .
Chemical Warfare-FM 3-10. No. 9004, 30 December 1941 -Bull. 3-11-1942.
WAC Recruiting Station, Neuropsychiatric-TB MED No. 9075, 26 February 1942, superseded - Bull. 22-1-1943.
100 . No. 9117 , 31 March 1942, revoked-Bull . 1-III– 1943.
Equipment - TM 5-9500 . No. 9177, 30 May 1942 – Cir 180–1945 .
No. 9195, 7 July 1942, amended-Bull. 17-1-1944.
EXCCAVATOR : Mine, T5E3—TM 9-733 ; LO 9-719. No. 9195, 7 July 1942, amended-Bull 3–1945.
No. 9243, 12 September 1942, amended-Bull . 11- III
EXCESS BAGGAGE : Authorization , persons traveling out 1944 .
side United States-Cir 122-1-1944 , No. 9279, 5 December 1942, amended-Bull 16-1-1945.
EXCESS REAL ESTATE : See Real Estate. No. 9301 , 9 February 1943 , rescinded-Bull 17-1-1945 .
No. 9323 , 31 March 1943 — Bull. 6-11-1943.
EXCESS SUPPLY ( IES ) : ASF Controlled items of equip No. 9324 , 31 March 1943—Bull . 6-111-1943.
ment, recapture-Cir 300–1944. No. 9331 , 19 April 1943, superseded - Bull 18-111-1945.
No. 9371 , 24 August 1943—Bull . 18-1–1943 .
EXCHANGE : No. 9386 , 15 October 1943—Bull . 19-11-1943 .
Army, procurement of food and beverage-Cir 36 - II-- No. 9386, 15 October 1943, correction-Bull. 20-11-1943.
1945. No. 9386 , 15 October 1943, amended - Bull, 9-11-1945.
Army, retailer's excise tax on sales-Cir 383-X-1944 . No. 9419, 4 February 1944- Bull . 3-11-1944.
Batteries, bulbs, and flashlights, resale to Army exchange No. 9422, 9 February 1944 — Bull. 4-11–1944.
in oversea theaters - Cir 155 - III - 1945 . No. 9427 , 24 February 1944- Bull . 8-11-1944,
Charges, supplies purchases, quartermaster stores-Cir No. 9439 , 4 May 1944-Bull . 8-1–1944 .
86-11-1945 . No. 9449, 15 June 1944—Bull . 11 - IV - 1944.
Distribution center, standard operating procedures-Cir; No. 9451, 20 June 1944– Bull. 11-111-1944.
183-II-1945. No. 9454 , 10 July 1944 - Bull. 16-III-1944.
Financial and operating statement of Army exchanges No. 9456 , 13 July 1944 - Bull 17-11-1944.
Cir 157-VII- 1945. No. 9458, 22 July 1944-Bull . 17-1-1944.
Funds for interior painting—Cir 237-VI-1944. No. 9460 , 26 August 1944 - Bull. 19-11-1944.
EXECUTIVE ORDER_Continued EXERCISES : Applicatory, ( Training Text ) For amplitude
No. 9468, 26 August 1944—Bull. 19-1–1944. Modulated Radio Sets-TM 11-496 .
No. 9489 , 18 October 1944-Bull , 23-11-1944 .
No. 9498, 18 October 1944 , rescinded-Bull 21-11-1945 . EXHAUSTION : Heat-TC 57 , 1942.
No. 9492 , 24 October 1944 — Bull. 23–1–1944 . EXHIBIT :
No. 9512, 16 January 1945 — Bull 8-1-1945 . Samples of American Defense Service Medal-Cir 27
No. 9524, 18 February 1945 — Bull. 3–1945. 1944 .
No. 9556, 26 May 1945—Bull. 9-1-1945.
No. 9561 , 1 June 1945—Bull. 9-11-1945. Surplus and industrial property, accounting procedure
No. 9575 , 21 June 1945-Bull . 11-II-1945. Cir 383-11-1944 ; 368-III–1945 .
No. 9579 , 30 June 1945—Bull. 11-1-1945. EXPEDIENTS : Combat-WD Pam 20-17.
No. 9586, 6 July 1945-Bull. 12-11-1945.
No. 9587 , 6 July 1945—Bull. 12-11-1945. EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES :
No. 9605 , 29 August 1945 — Bull. 16-1-1945 . Accompany units to oversea destinations—Cir 55– V
No. 9607, 30 August 1945-Bull 17-1-1945. 1944 ; 59-VI-1944.
No. 9629, 25 September 1945-Bull 18-1-1945 . Repair parts , field bakeries - Cir 242-IV-1943.
No. 9636, 3 October 1945-Bull 18-11-1945. Unit system-Cir 126-III–1945.
No. 9637, 3 October 1945—Bull 18 - III - 1945.
No. 9644, 19 October 1945-Bull 21-1-1945 . EXPEDITIONARY FORCE MESSAGE ( EFM ) : Oversea
No. 9645 , 24 October 1945-Bull 21-11-1945 . radio and cable-Cir 309–1944 ; 84-1-1945.
No. 9646 , 25 October 1945-Bull 20–1945.
Aerial Flights, members of Armed Forces—Bull. 17-I- EXPENDITURE REFUND :
1944 ; 3-1945.
Preparation of collection vouchers—Cir 236–1944 ; 389
Allowances for quarters and subsistence to enlisted men IV-1944 ; 217-III–1945.
-Bull . 9-11-1945 .
Armed forces, voluntary enlistments permitted-Bull. 16– EXPENDITURE :
Register of net, discontinued installations-Cir 231-II
Army and Navy Air Transports, Nonmilitary transporta 1945.
tion—Bull. 23-1-1944.
Reconciliation and Verification - TM 14-703.
Army Nurse Corps—Bull. 16 - III – 1944.
Authorizing Civil Service Commission to confer a com- EXPENSES :
petitive classified Civil Service status upon Alien enemies and prisoners of War - Cir 165 - VI- 1945.
disabled veterans-Bull 21-1-1945 .
Bronze Star Medal established - Bull. 3-11-1944.
Transportation, Red Cross personnel, from Army Hospi
tals - Cir 450-IX-1944.
Canal Zone - Bull. 17-II–1944. Travel of mentally incompetent and prisoner officers
Civil Service Statute-Bull . 24 - III – 1944 . Cir 121 - III - 1945 .
Coat of arms , seal, and flag of the President - Bull 20
Federal hospitals, student Nurse Pay-Bull. 8-1–1944. Additional pay to enlisted men--Cir 271–1944 ; 408–1944.
Federal Personnel-Bull. 11-111–1944. Enlisted men of Medical and Chaplains Corps revoked
Field positions subject to Classification Act of 1923 Cir 421-III-1944.
Bull . 2-1-1945. General information-Cir 186–1944 ; 370-IV-1944 ; 408–
Foreign Service Pay Adjustment - Bull. 11-IV-1944. 1944 ; 450-111-1944 ; 93-11-1945 ; 318 - III
Glider Flight Pay Amendment-Cir 367-V-1944. 1945 .
Glider Flight , regulations applicable to personnel of Retroactive Award-Cir 105 -IV-1944 ; 408–1944 .
Armed Forces and Nurses—Bull . 19-11-1944. Standards—Cir 92–1945.
Hawaii, territory :
Authorization to designate military commanders EXPLODERS, MINE :
and areas-Bull
, 23-11-1944. T1E1 -TM 9-736 .
Authority with respect to designation of military T1E3MTM 9-737 .
commander, termination- Bull 21-11-1945. T1E4 – TM 9-720.
Holidays falling on Sundays, observance by Government T1E6 - TM 9-720.
agencies—Bull 18-11-1945 .
Medal of Freedom , establishment-Bull. 12 – II – 1945 . EXPLOSIVES :
Medal of Merit-Bull 18-III-1945 . Acetylene Tetrachloride, (Tetrachlorenthane ) , Procedure
Office of the Under Secretary of War, responsibility , for Determining Serviceability while stored in
Cir 279-1945. Drums, Theater of Operations Depot — TB 3
Officers of Coast and Geodetic Survey transferred to War 270-355 .
and Navy Department—Bull . 19–1–1944. Cap Crimper, M2—TB ENG 28 .
Optical glass, use by Army Air Forces—Bull. 4-11-1944. Care in handling-Cir 484–1–1944.
Payment of expenses of transportation of dependent and Demolitions—FM 5–25.
household goods of certain civilian officers and Engineer, initial issue to units after arrival overseas
employees, U. S.-Bull. 12-III-1945. Cir '30-III- 1945 .
Period of eligibility on civil service registers extended Fuse Lighter M2_TB 5-25-2.
Bull . 11-1-1945. Mailing prohibited-Cir 155 - VI- 1945.
Public Health Service Commissioned Ciros , declaration Military-TM 9–2900.
as military service - Bull. 11-11-1945 . Moving, furnishing technical aid-Cir 123-1-1945.
Retraining and Reemployment Administration - Bull. 8 Outside storage-Cir 31 -II-1945.
II-1944 .
Secretaries and Under Secretaries of War and Navy, Priming Adaptor-TB 5–25–3 .
power to exercise court martial- Bull. 9-1- Removal from maneuvering land prior to civilian use
1945. Cir 195–1–1945.
Transportation, non -military and non-Naval on Army Removed from matériel shipped from overseas,Cir 146
and Navy air transports - Bull 18-1-1945 . V- 1945 .
Workweek of 48 hours, revocation - Bull 17-1-1945 . Requisition - Cir233 - II - 1944.
Shipment Civil affairs duties, instruction-Cir 83–1945 ; 305 - V
Procedures-Cir 370-III-1944 . 1945.
With personal property unlawful Commercial Traffic Classes for senior staff officers - Cir 372-V-1945.
Bull 10-1-1943 . Health Precautions—WD Pam 8-4 .
Storage safety requirements—Cir 311–1–1945 . Officers' training course for assignment-Cir 172 - II
Sulphuric acid shipments from plants—CT Bull 44-1-45. 1945 ; 311-VI- 1945.
Supply for demolition instruction, training - Cir 302- III- Women Army Corps personnel, assignment- Cir 462–
.1943 . 1944 .
Use in Excavating Gun Emplacements — TB ENG 7. FARE :
EXPOSIVE AND AMMUNITION : Returned to the United
Army transports, disposition-Cir 444 - IV - 1944.
Returning injured seamen-Cir 280-II–1943 .
States, procedure for shipment - Cir 56 - II Commercial airline carriers , temporary waiver of regula ,
1945. tions-Cir 95-1-1945 .
Passenger, Army transports-Cir 68-1-1944.
EXPORT : Personal property for noncitizens serving in U. S. Railroad and bus , reduction for military personnel on
armed forces—Cir 223-III–1945.
furlough-Cir 103-V-1945.
Classified , costly and fragile shipments—Cir 377-V-1944.
Reduced , military and naval personnel traveling on com
mon carrier-Bull 22-V-44.
Money, gold and silver, etc.-CTB 38 - II-45., Reduction , discharged military personnel-Cir 358 - III
Transportation on grounded air freight shipments—CTB 1944 ; 396 - VI- 1944.
FARM : Purchase of, loans to World War III veterans
EXTINGUISHERS : Fire, relocation of Brackets-MWO ORD Bull 10–1944.
G128 - W16 .
EXTRACT : Liver, Purified USP 50 Units—SB 8–8. Military personnel while on pass or furlough-Cir 105- I
Laundry -- LO 10-U9. FATS : Conservation—TB QM 10.
Mobile-LO 10-351-4 .
Operation and Maintenance , Quartermaster Fixed FASTENERS : Slide , Repair-TM 9-2865.
Laundry Equipment—TB QM-37. FAUCETS : Oil , 2-inch , M1 , CWS No. 631612-SB 3-25-15 .
Vulcan Pile , Vulcan Iron Works—TM 5-4368.
Contamination Liquid Blister Gas , First Aid—TB MED salary-Bull 11 -III–1945.
Indications and Contraindications for Keratoplasty and posits accounts, protection-Cir 123 - V -1943.
Keratectomies—TB MED 177.
EYESHIELDS : M1 , Modification to Reduce Fogging-TB oversea shipment-Cir 115-111-1945 .
FEED MECHANISM : 20-mm Mi ( Corrections ) —TB 9-1227–
Artificial eye program ( Glass eyes ) -Cir 310 - V -1944; FEEDERS : All Types, Technical Data-TB 5–9720-10.
398–1-1944 ; 210 - III – 1945 ; 267-11-1945 ; 315–
III -1945 . FEEDING : Civil population—TB MED 53.
Use of optometrist, ocular refractions—Cir 143- III
1944 . FEES : Loan of motion picture films-- Cir 101-IV-1944.
FABRICS : Made Flame-resistant, emulsifiable, with com FENDERS :
pound—TB ENG 75. Repairs—TM 10-450.
Side Sheets , Connecting to Final Drives, Shearing of
FACILITIES : Electrical, inspection and preventive main Cap Screws Tractor, high-speed, 13 -ton, M5—
tenance - TM 5-681 . TB 9-786-FE1.
Rheumatic—TB MED 97.
Acme Trans -Ceiver Model CNP_TM 11-2645. Scrub Typhus—TB MED 31.
Car, Half-Track, M2A1-TM 11-2718. Commanding officer authorized to appoint
Carrier, Personnel Half-Track M3A1—TM 11-2721. general courts martial-GO 32-II–1944.
Shelter H0-17-1 ) -TM 11-2737.
Installation-Continued FIDUCIARY DEPOSITS ACCOUNT : Banks, protection
Truck, 34 - ton , 4 x 4, Weapon Carrier-TM 11-2725. Cir 123-V-1943 .
Truck, 34 -ton , 4 x 4, Command Reconnaissance- FIELDS :
TM 11-2726 . Landing, Advanced , Prefabricated Bituminous Surfacing
RC -58-1 ) -SB 11-100-68 ; TB 11-374-2 . ( PBS ) -TB 5-255-4 .
RC-120A and RC-120-B-TB 11-375B-1 ; TM 11-375B ; Mine, Marking-TC 122, 1943.
TB 11-375B - 1 ; SB 11-92.
FIELD ARTILLERY : See Artillery , Field.
FACSIMILE : Set AN/TXC-1-TM 11-375B ; SB 11-92 .
FANS : FIELD EXERCISES : Appropriation-Bull 12–1944 ; Cir 178–
1945 .
Lubrication , Generating Units , M5 and M6—TB ORD
Oscillating Air Circulating, Installation — MWO SIG Organization-Cir 154-11-1943.
11-281-8. Supervision -- Cir 329-III–1944.
658749.46 -20

FIELD FORCE : Station complement duties - Cir 36 - IV- FIELD SERVICE MODIFICATION WORK ORDERS : Gun
1944 . book entry -- Cir 215 - VIII - 1943,
FIELD MANUAL : Administration - FM 100-10.
FM 1-30, rescinded-Cir 143-1-1945 . Air power-FM 100-20.
FM 1–110 rescinded-Cir 116–1–1945. Larger units-FM-100-15.
FM 4-70, including C 1 , rescinded - Cir 333-III–1945. Operations -- FM 100-5.
FM 4-80, including C 1 , rescinded-Cir 333-111–1945. 58TH BOMBARDMENT WING ( H ) : Revocation of authority,
FM 4–125, including C 1 to 5, inclusive, rescinded— Cir CO to appoint general courts martial- GO 2
181 - IV - 1945 . 1-1944 .
FM 4-130 rescinded-Cir 181-IV-1945.
FM 4-137 rescinded-Cir 290-III-1943 . FIFTH SERVICE COMMAND : Dental laboratory facilities
FM 5–21, including C 1 , rescinded - Cir 282-III–1944. Cir 98-V-1944 .
FM 5–30 rescinded-Cir 103-1-1945.
FM 8-45, including C 1 , C 2, and C 3, rescinded—Cir 64 FIFTH WAAC TRAINING CENTER : Discontinuance - Cir
X-1945. 145-1-1943.
FM 9-40, amended-Cir 244 – VI – 1945. FIGHTERS : Fire, Forest, safe practices - WD Pam 20–18.
FM - 10-63, Changed, etc., pending revision-Cir 85–1945 .

FM 11-100, rescinded - Cir 323-VII–1945 . FIGHTER WING : Operation , air defense - Cir 80–1944.
FM 12–105 amended-Cir 221-II-1945.
FM 12–105 C 5, amended-Cir 258–II–1945. FILARIASIS ( WUCHERERIA ) : Special reference to early

stages—TB MED 142.

FM 12–105, Changed, pending revision-Cir 85–1945 .
FM 12-105, sec . VIII rescinded-Cir 323-VII-1945.
FM 17-10 rescinded-Cir 448 - VIII - 1944 . FILES : Decimal System, instructions—WD Pam 12–2.
FM 17–15, 15 May 1942 superseded-Cir 192-11-1945. FILE ( ING ) :
FM 21-6 Accumulated , connection, soldier voting, disposition
Consolidated, War Department Pamphlet 12-6 -- Cir Cir 448-IX-1944.
138 - II - 1945. Civilian personnel, disposition, Records Administration
Prompt distribution to using and servicing units program - Cir 416–1944.
Cir 174 - VII - 1945 . Disbanded organizations and discontinued installations
To be published quarterly beginning with October missing publications - Cir 379 - III - 1945.
edition-Cir 268 - III - 1945 . Equipment, visible, use, quartermaster supplies at cer
FM 21-8 amended-Cir 251-11-1945. tain stations-Cir 440-VIII-1944.
FM 21-11 amended-Cir 77-11-1945 . Fiscal, AGF units moving overseas-Cir 333 - IV -1944.
FM 21-45, including C 1 , rescinded - Cir 87–II–1944. Intelligence, transmission upon transfer of military per
FM 21-75, Identification terms for sentinels - Cir 116 - x sonnel - Cir 368-1-1945.
1945 .
Labor and manpower program , disposition-Cir 260-11
FM 23–20 , including C1 , C2, and C 3 , rescinded-Cir 1945 .
275-1-1944. Personnel, disposition relative to Records Administra
FM 24-9 superseded by CCBP 3–2 – Cir 172- I –1945. tion program—Cir 416-44–1944.
FM 24-23 ( CCBP-6 ) Combined Visual Signaling ( V/S ) Records administration procedure - TM 12–258.
procedure, rescinded-Cir 137 - V - 1945 . Records Administration program-Cir 416–1944.
FM 24-24 , announcement of distribution-Cir 322–1945 . Retirement of cryptographic records--Cir 361-11-1945.
FM 26-5 , C4, Identification terms for sentinels—Cir Visual record , use-
-Cir 207 - VII - 1945.
FM 27-5 amended-Cir 64-VI-1945.
FM 20-27, par. 7 changed - Cir 295 - VI - 1944. FILLING STATION : See Gasoline filling station.
FM 100-10 amended-Cir 234–1945 . FILMS :
FM 100-10 changed , etc. , pending revision-Cir 360– Appointment in Tokyo - Cir 347–1945 .
VII-1944. Army motion picture service, oversea base ~ Cir 373-1
FM 101-5 amended -- Cir 234-1945. 1945 .
FM 101-5 , Changed, etc., pending revision-Cir 360 - VII Combat bulletin, showing restricted in Army hospitals
1944 .
Cir 165 - II - 1945 .
List, classification removed - Cir 373-II–1945 . Commercially sponsored, acceptance-Cir 319 - III – 1945.
FIELD MILITARY 201 FILE : Definition - Cir 96–1945. Enemy, handling and distribution-Cir 43-II-1945.
List, showing and distribution - Cir 283-11-1945 .
FIELD POSITION : Subject to Classification Act of 1923, Loan to manufacturers, civilian agencies Cir 101- IV
civilian employees - Bull 2–1-1945. 1944.
Motion picture, conservation and utilization - Cir 159
FIELD PRINTING : See Printing. I- 1944.
FIELD RANGE : See Range . Need a Friend, discontinuance-Cir 162–1–1944 .
Photorontgen-TB MED 99.
FIELD RATION : See also Ration : Programs, Educational Reconditioning , ASF Hospital
Head count and estimate procedure - Cir 171-1944 ; 311 TB MED 145 .
IV -1945 . Projection - TM 11-401.
Issue and distribution - Cir 158-1944 ; 315 - VII – 1945 . Property accountability exemption - Cir 278 - IV - 1943.
Messes changed from garrison ration-Cir 337 - V – 1944. Records preservation through microphotography - Cir
FIELDS LANDING : Advanced, Prefabricated Bituminous Reconditioning for bed and ward patients, ASF Hospi
Surfacing ( PBS ) -TB 5-255-4. tals—TB MED 166.
FIELDS : Mine ( Passage of Obstacles other than Mine Fields) Stock material, policy on release-Cir 162- V - 1944 .
-TM 5-220. Strips ; List, procedure for establishment and mainte
nance for divisions-Cir 267-VII- 1945.
FIELD SERVICE : Information , Radio Sets SCR-584-A and Trailer, " Need A Friend” discontinuance -Cir 162-1
SCR - 584 - B - TB 11-1524–22. 1944.
FILMS — Continued FINE : Replacement of identification badges, discontinued
War Information Cir 283–II–1945. Cir 113-11-1944.
" Winged Victory ” -Cir 432–II– 1944. FINGERPRINT KITS : See Kits, Fingerprints.
List - FM 21-7.
Negatives and prints, collection and maintenance of All Types , Technical Data-TB 5–9720-2.
record file --Cir 233 - III – 1945 . Asphalt, Crawler-mounted, 12-ft., Barbar-Greene, Model
879 - A - MWO ENG 1008–1; MWO ENG
Oversea shipment - Cir 157–1944 .
Projection - TM 11-401 . 1008–2 ; TB 5–1008–1; TB 5–1008–2 ; TM 5
Property accountability, exemption - Cir 177 - VI
1943 . Body-TM 10–455 .
Redistribution of projector equipment - Cir 142- III Concrete, Form -riding - TM 5–1064; TM 5–1068; TB 5
1944. 1068–1; TB 5–1068–2; TM 5–1192 ; TB 5
“ You Can Take It With You ” -Cir 206 - III – 1945 . 1192-1.
" Your Counselor and Your GI Bill of Rights”-Cir FINS : Modification — TB 9-1901–10.
206 - III - 1945 .
Training-TC 6, 1942. FIRE :
Converter M -209 , number corrected - Cir 444 - V- Accident prevention, Advisory Board abolished-Cir
1944. 305-VIII-1945.
List-FM 21-7. Extinguishers—TM 9–1799.
Venereal disease - Cir 292-VII-1945 . Inspection-Cir 333-II-1945 .
X -ray Control-See Also Artillery Seacoast - FM 4–15 .
Conservation-Cir 140 - XV - 1945 . Antiaircraft Artillery, Automatic Weapons-FM 44
Military personnel files — Cir 150 - VIII – 1945. 51.
Processing , equipment – TM 8-629. Instruments, Applications, Instruction GuideTM
FILM BULLETIN : List, classification removed-Cir 373– Instruments, Field Artillery — TM 6–220 .
II - 1945 . Material—TB ORD 193 ; TM 9-2300.
FILTERS : Fighting
Air Airplane - TM 5–316 .
Blower Motor - LO 3505. Kits — TC 32, 92, 1943.
Carrier Prevention
F - 2 /GG - TM 11-2206 . Military personnel traveling on train or vehicles, re
F - 36 - FC - TM 11-2025. frain from throwing firem Cir 241 - III – 1945.
Fuel, Installation—TB 9-729 --FE4. Week, Proclamation of the President - Bull 20 - III
M - 384 — TB SIG 120. 1944 ; 16-11-1945 ; Cir 275-1-1945 .
Oil-MWO ORD G103-W35 ; MWO ORD G67 -W19. Protection See also Protection
FINANCE DEPARTMENT : Officer Candidate School-Class Automatic sprinkler systems, War Department in
No. 29-Cir 468 - III - 1944 : stallations—Cir 15-111-1945 .
Post, camps, and stations - Cir 190–1944 ; 307 - V
FINANCE CIRCULAR : Rescission of " C " series-Cir 90-11 1944 ; 401–1944.
1944 , Units
Field ranges , M1937 : Maintenance and repair - Cir
FINANCE OFFICE , U. S. ARMY : 143-11-1943 .
Addresses, Atlanta and Madison offices changed - Cir
446-II- 1944. M1937—TB QM 15.
Designation and address—Cir 314 - IV -1945 ; 333-1-1945 ; 37- mm , Antiaircraft Artillery - FM 44-58.
350–1-1945 . 40-mm , Air Transportable-FM 44-61; FM 44-60.
Responsibility for collecting damage claims , supplies Motorized fire apparatus, War Department installations
damage while under shipment - Cir 53 - V - 1945 . -Cir 190–1944 ; 307 - V - 1944; 401–1944.
Reporting, number " 17" designated for dial telephone
FINANCE OFFICERS : See Officers. Cir 183 - IV - 1945 .
Supply warehouse-Cir 169- II - 1945.
FINANCE SERVICE , ARMY : Open allotments available dur Unit, Field Ranges,M1937, maintenance and repairs,
ing fiscal year 1946 – Cir 127-1-1945. Cir 355-VIII-1945.
FINANCE SERVICE : Mobile Field Unit - TM 14-506. FIREMAN : Heating and boiler plants, class I, II,> III, and
FINDERS : IV installations-Cir 28 - VII - 1945.
Depression Position, M1-TM 9-1695 ; M 907 ; TM 9- FIRING :
1685 . Accuracy-TC 53, 1944.
Direction Antitank weapons—TC 18–1944.
Control TC-8, Preliminary Instruction-TM 11--248 . Armored Force - FM 17-15.
Static, AN/GRD-I—TM 11-2696. Artillery
Height Antiaircraft - TC 23–1944 ; TC 43–1942 ; TC 110
M1-MWO ORD F171-W2 ; MWO ORD F171-W3 ; 1943 .
TM 9-623; FSMWO F171-W2 ; LO 9-623. Field—TC 15–1942; TC 49–1944.
M1 and M1A1-TM 9-1623 . Weapons—TC 2–1944 .
M1A1 -LO 9-623 . Conversion tables , CA–TM 4-238 .
M2_TB 9-1624-1 ; TM 9-1624 ; LO 9-624 . Directors M4, M7 and M9—TC 5-9-1944.
Radio Direction , Test and Calibration for Site and In- Electrical-MWO ORD E55-W1.
strumental Errors-TB SIG 113 . Mechanism , M1-TB ORD 65.
Range Ricochet fire - TC 105–1942.
M7—TB 9-585–1 ; M92A1—TB 9–758-FE1 . Table
M1916 - FSMWO F26 - W5; MWO ORD F26 - W4; Graphic, M4—TM 9-526.
MWO ORD F26-W5. Graphical
Kalart, E and E 1 — MWO SIG 11--2352–1. 12 -inch-TM 9-524.
Short Base Coincidence Types—TM 9–1585. M37—TM 3-321 .
FLAGS - Continued
FIRING - Continued Issuance , nearest relative of certain deceased - Bull 23
Table Continued II - 1943 .
Procedure for publication and distribution - Cir 254 President of the United States- Buil 20–1945 .
II- 1944 . Service. See Service Flag.
e-TC 41-1944 .
Tank weapons, course FLAGSTAFF : Component of outfit, chaplalins -- Cir 333 - II
Emergency Medical Care-Teaching—TB MED 116. FLAK :
Importance and necessity for training-Cir 48-1944 .
Liquid Blister Gas Contamination of the Eye-TB MED Analysis-TM 4-260.
Analysis Officer, Designation - Cir 201-11-1944 .
153 . ning
Packets contai sulfanilamide , disposition -- Cir77 FLAME THROWER :
II-1945. E6 , fuel filling kit-TB CW 18.
Soldiers-FM 21-11 .
Water-FM 21-22 . E4-5 and E5R - 15 -- TC 35-1944 .
Wound , tablet packets—TC 10–1944. E5R2-M3-TM 3-363 .
visions-Bull 7-1944. E8 and E8R1-LO 3-361 .
E12-7R1 - TM 3-360 ; LO 3-360.
tment E14-7R2-TM 3-365.
Appoin in Medical , Dental, or Veterinary Corps
M3-4-3 - TM 3-362 .
Cir 179 - IV - 1944. M3-4 - E6R3_TM 3-364,
Estimate of comparative costs, packing and crating of
personal equipment - Cir 137-VIII-1945. Portable
E4 - TM 3-378 .
Surplus-Cir 250 - III - 1945 . E10R1 -LO 3-378 .
Appropriations for varied purposes - Bull l M2A2 - TM 3-376A .
1-1945 .
M2-2—TB 3–376A-4 ; 3-376A-258 ; TC 2–1945 ; MWO13
CW 8 ; MWO CW 9 ; SB 3-25-17 .
authorized to appoint general courts martial FLANGES :
Cylinder head intake manifold , reinforcement in car
GO 32-11-1944 . riage, motor, 3 -in. , gun M10A1 - FSMWO
Fort Des
Assign , Iowa
Moins trainin g-Cir
, discon tinued-Cir 277-XVI- 1945 .
164-VII–1945. Sprocket , half-track drive, reclamation, D48405 — TB 9
2830–92 .
FIRST WAR POWERS ACT , 1941 : Amended - Bull 4 - IV FLAPS - Sight, modification ( Carriage gun , 57-mm, M2 ) —
1943 . TB 9-303-FE1 .
FISCAL CODE : War Department - TM 14–700. FLASH : Reducer , T1-TBORD 77.
FORCES : TL - 122 - A , B , C , and D-TB SIG 120.
Office of Special Settlement Accounts established— Cir Signal Corps , resale to Army exchanges in oversea
theaters - Cir 155 - III - 1945.
270-VII-1944 .
Addres and mail-Cir
117 - V - 1945. ; 143 - III - 1945 ; 370- FLASH SIGNALS : See Signals , flash.
V-1944 ; 406 - VI - 1944 , FLEET ADMIRAL : Grade established by act of Congress
Bull 25-1-1944 .
FISCAL FUNCTION : Field , organization-Cir 154-11-1943 .
Aircraft reservations and danger areas-Cir 254–1945 .
FISCAL OFFICER : Aerial, personnel engaged , increased pay-Bull 3–1945 .
Duties in controlling expenditures -- Cir 465--11-1944 .
Glider, additional pay-- Bull 14-111-1944.
Responsibilities --Cir 154-11-1943 . Miscellaneous Army flying — Cir 100–1–1944 ,
Personnel of Army, Navy, Marine Corps , and Coast
FISCAL ORGANIZATION : Operation - Cir 280–1942.
Guard-Bull 17-1-1944 .
FISCAL PRECEDURE : Ration-Cir 270-11-1945 .
Supervision of field fiscal functions - Cir 329-111–1944
War Department Circulars rescinded - Cir 220-III–194. 4. Regulations
Regulations-Bull 17–1
–1944 .
and general rules , National policy of air
defense - Cir 105–1-1944 ; 80–1944 ; 418–1944 .
Register of net expenditures — Cir 231-11-1945 ; 287–
1944 ; 231 -II -1945 ; 293-III- 1945 . 31 - II - 1943 . I
Vouchers involving local purchases, procedure - Cir 310 FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR : WD AGO Form 166 (Identifica
VII -1944 . tion cord ) furnished -Cir 380 - IV - 1944.
FLIGHT NURSE : Designation of Army Nurse Corps person
FISH : TB QM 31 . nel-98-III-1944.
FISH NETS : Repair - TM 5–268.
entER :
FIXED SIGNAL COMMUNICATION : Class III installations Appointm of aviation cadets and aviation students
-Cir 388-1944 , Cir 387-V-1944 .
Discha rge
Orde rs to state whether or not for disability -- ( ir
Boat , Storage and Issue by Transportation Corps De 201 - III - 1944 ,
pots - SB 55-16 .
FLIGHT OFFICER-Continued FOOTBRIDGE : M1938, loading plan-TB 5-2713.
Identification card-Card 82–1944 .
FOOT REST : Gunner's, installation, (Tank, light, M24 ) —
Pension applications transmitted to Veterans Adminis TB 9-729-FE5.
tration-Cir 474–1944.
Physical reclassification - Cir 313–1945. FOOTLOCKER :
Report of separation - Cir 120-V-1944. Officers attending Eastern Signal Corps School - Cir 217–
IV - 1944.
FLIGHT SURGEON : Designation of Medical Corps officers , Student officers, Chemical Warfare School-Cir 206 – II
Cir 98 - III - 1944 . 1944.
Pneumatic Issue , wear, and replacement in U. S.-Cir 252-II–1945.
18-ton , floating bridges using deck balk-TB ENG Orthopedic special measurement- Cir 346 - IV - 1945.
Supplemental tariff sizes-SB 10–194.
Repair - TB ENG 27 ; TB ENG 29.
FORAGE : SB 10-47 .
FLOATING EQUIPMENT. See Equipment. Grown on lands under War Department jurisdiction
FLOOD : Cir 264 - V - 1945 .
Funds appropriated-Bull 1-1944 ; 16-11-1943; 16–1
1944. FORCES : Armed, induction station operations-- TM 12–221.
Lights , carbide model 21 -A Alexander Milburn Co.-- TM FOREIGN : Conventional signs and symbols -- FM 30–22.
5-9648 .
FLOUR : Type II (Use in mess kitchens ) —SB 10–146 . Civilian officers and employees, regulations governing
expenses -- Bull 11-11-1944.
FLOW CHART : Requisitions-Cir 39–1944.
Marriage, military personnel-Cir 307 -IV - 1944.
FLUIDS : Hydraulic-SB 10–139. Military personnel on duty, civilian clothing - Cir 322–
III- 1944 .
Postage on certain foreign mail matter - Cir 313-V-1944 ;
TS- 15/ AP, TS - 15A / AP, and TS-15B/AP-TM 11-2559. 344 - III - 1944.
TS - 201 /UP - TM 11-1210.
Internees', disposition-Cir 274–1944.
Aerial flights by members of armed forces regulations Regulations governing exchange - Cir 364–1944 ; 255 - IV
Bull 17-1-1944.
Air defense regulations and rules, national policy-Cir
80–1944; 418–1944. FOREIGN EXCHANGE GUIDE—TM 14-511.
Miscellaneous Army, regulations -- Cir 100–1–1944 .
Physiological aspects-TM 1-705. FOREIGN GOVERNMENT :
Physical Military personnel and property, transportation under
Standard requirements resumed-Cir 72-III–1944 . lend -lease-Cir 395–1944.
Reinstatement, previously disqualified personnel - Cir Supply policy - Cir 203–1944.
299-1-1945 .
Safety - TC 31-1944. FOREIGN LANGUAGE :
Theory - TM 1-400 . Instruction kits, use and purpose - Cir 461- IV - 1944.
Time, recording—Cir 275-11–1945. Roster and requisition, linguists—Cir 300 - IV - 1943.
FOLIOS : FOREIGN MAIL ROOM : Transmission of nonmilitary
No. 29 ( Highlights ) -WD Pam 28-15A. classified mail by Army Courier Service
No. 30 ( Grab bag ) -WD Pam 28–15B . Cir 223-VII-1945 .
FOOD AND DRUG : Administration, samples—SB 10–147. FOREIGN NATIONAL : Visits to military establishments,
FOODS : approval-Cir 395–1944 .
Classification - TB MED 25.
Container, cleanliness -- Cir 384 – II – 1944. FOREIGN QUARANTINE: Personnel, aircraft, vessels and
Conservation – TC 32–1945. plants-Cir 483-III–1944 ; 453-1944.
Dehydrated—TB QM 45 ; TB 10-406–1. FOREIGN SERVICE :
Field rations-Cir 158–1944. Increase in pay-Bull 14-111-1942 ; Cir 140 - V - 1942.
Items, condemned , sales -- SB 10-200. Inscription, ribbon of American Defense Service Medal
Japan, Civil affairs guide-WD Pam 31-10. Cir 27-1944.
Procedure for procurement, post, camp, and station-Cir Opinion, Judge Advocate General relative to pay-Cir
36-1-1945 . 484 - III - 1944.
Procurement with sun funds-Cir 36 - II - 1945 . Pay
Nutrition -TB MED 23. Adjustment-Bull 11-IV-1944.
Rationing Opinion, Judge Advocate General-Cir 437-II-1944 .
Replacement agencies -- Cir 291-IV-1943 .
Requirements , designated agencies—Cir 59–11–1944. FORFEITURE : Civilians tried by court martial-Cir 175 - IV
Sale of meat and meat products — Cir 137-XII-1945 ; 181 1943 .
V - 1945 .
Storage, galvanized container, permissible and prohibited FORKS : Shifter, medium tank transmission , C77568 and
usages-Cir 138-V- 1945. C77566, reclamation—TB 9-2830–85.
Service program, objective and responsibility-Cir 149– FORMAT :
IV- 1945.
FOODSTUFFS : Modification Work Orders-Cir 4-1944 .
Publications—Cir 361-VI-1945.
Grown on lands under War Department jurisdiction - Cir
264 - V - 1945 . FORMATIONS :
Oversea mail restrictions -- Cir 326 – III - 1944 ; 376 -III- Artillery, antiaircraft-FM 4--120.
1944 . Combat, squad and platoons—TC 3–1945.
FORMS : FORMS - Continued
Adjutant General's Office Adjutant General's Office --Continued
No. 0142 (Officer's IN Registration Card, Washing No. 12- Cir 177-1-1945 .
ton , D. C .) -- Cir 411 - V - 1944. No. 14--2 - Cir 448-111-1944.
No. 0143 ( Officer's OUT Registration Card , Wash No. 14-3-Cir 448-III- 1944.
ington , D. C.) --Cir 411 -V-1944. No. 14–9, 14-10, 14-11 , 14-2, (Voucher for Reim
No. 0144 ( Transient Officer's Registration Card, bursement of Travel Expenses and Allow
Washington , D. C . ) -Cir 411 - V - 1944 . ances ) -- Cir 445-III-1944.
No. 0177—Cir 387-V-1944 . No. 14-27 -- Cir 88–1945 ; 375–1945 .
No. 0337 , 0337-R, 0337-1R, 0337-NG and 0337 - NG No. 14-44 (Receipt for Miscellaneous Collections ) -
1 , 0337 - T ( Oath of Office ) -Cir 266 - II- 1943 ; Cir 18–1945 ; 44-1945.
96–1945 . No. 14-47-Cir 99–1945.
No. 0485-f (for temporary second lieutenant, Army No. 14-48 or 14-49--Cir 44-1945 ; 99-1945.
of the United States ) -Cir 387-V-1944 , No. 14-50 --Cir 99–1945.
No. 0485 – i ( for fight officer ) -- Cir 387 - V - 1944 , No. 14-54 --Cir 157 -- V - 1945 .
No. 0714 ( Application for Medal) -- Cir 27–1944. No. 14-55-Cir 18-1945 ; 44-1945.
No. 0719 ( Receipt for American Defense Service No. 14-57 -- Cir 159-111-1945 .
Medal)-Cir 27–1944. No. 14–78 - Cir 157 - V - 1945 .
No. 0824-Cir 291-1945 . No. 14–90_Cir 367 - V -- 1945 .
No. 0850 ( Personnel Placement Questionnaire ) ---Cir No. 14-91 -- Cir 376 - V - 1945 .
363-1-1944 ; 387-V- 1944 ; 57-11-1945 ; 83-1945 ; No. 19-92 - Cir 376-V-1945 .
96-1945 ; 324 - VI- 1945 . No. 15-1-Cir 315-V-1945.
No. 0850-1 (Personnel Qualifications Questionnaire ) No. 19-2-Cir 357–1945.
-Cir 363-1-1944 ; 387-V- 1944 . No. 19-13 -- Cir 357–1945. -
No. 0856 (ASF Position Description Questionnaire ) No. 19–14_Cir 357–1945.
Cir 96-1945 . No. 19-39—Cir 357-1945 .
No. 0857-Cir 57-11-1945 ; 83–1945 ; 96–1945 . No. 19-40 - Cir 357-1945.
No. 1 -Cir 483-1-1944 ; 30-V- 1945. No. 19-41 -- Cir 357-1945.
No. 5 -- Cir 348-VI-1945 . No. 19-49-Cir 357–1945 .
No. 5-25 -- Cir 375 – VI - 1944 ; 133–1945 ; 165-111–1945 ; No. 19-80-Cir 315-V-1945 .
214-1945 . No. 19--105 - Cir 336-1-1945 ; 370-I- 1945 .
No. 5-26 –-Cir 133–1945 ; 214–1945. No. 20-Cir 375–1945 .
No. 5-35 -- Cir 165-III-- 1945. No. 21-Cir 259-IV -1945.
No, 5-48-Cir 356-V-1945 . No. 24 ( Service Record ) -Cir 217-11-1944 ; 268–
No. 5-92- Cir 315-VIII-1945. 1944 ; 303–1944 ; 8-IV-1945 ; 92–1945 ; 128
No. 5-97-Cir 282-1-1945. 1945 ; 357-1945 .
No. 5-98- Cir 282-1-1945 . No. 24-A-TM 12-230A .
No. 5-1124Cir 43 - V - 1945 . No. 24-0 --Cir 95 - V - 1945 .
No. 8 -- Cir 357-1945 . No. 25 - Cir 96–1945 ; 117-1944.
No. 8–19 (Report of Medical Department Personnel ) No. 28 ( Soldiers' Individual Pay Record ) -- Cir 96
--- Cir 286–1944 ; 387-11-1945 . 1945 .
No. 8-23-Cir 387-1--1945 . No. 29 ( Soldier's Qualification Card ) -Cir 23–1944 ;
No. 8-24-Cir 91 - I- 1945 ; 387-11--1945 . 68 -- VII - 1944 ; 117-1944; 127-1944 ; 137 - II
No. 8-31-Cir 305 - XIV -- 1945 . 1944 ; 141-1944 ; 206-1-1944 ; 217-11-1944 ;
No. 8-33—Cir 179 - VI -1945 ; 357–1945. 292–1944; 298-III-1944 ; 303–II–1944 ; 314-11
No. 8-49--Cir 111 - IV - 1945 . 1944 ; 337-IX-1944 ; 289 - VI - 1944 ; 404–1–1944 ;
No. 8–114 - Cir 45-V-1945 ; 188-1945. 421-1-1944 ; 71-VIII-1945 ; 128–1945 ; 129- VII
No. 8-117 -Cir 472–1944 ; 45 - V -- 1945 ; 96–1945 ; 138– 1945 ; 376–1-1945.
III - 1945 ; 267 - III- 1945 ; 357-1945 . No. 30 — Cir 376-1-1945 .
No. 8-118 - Cir 313-1945 . No. 30–7 ( Request for Discontinuance for Class B )
No. 8-122--Cir 387- II- 1945 . -Cir 290-1944 .
No. 8–145 (Spectacle Order Form ) -Cir 96–1945 ; No. 30-S rescinded - Cir 201 - VIII – 1945 ; 263-IV
113 - IV - 1945 . 1945 ; 342-11-1945 ; 349-- IV- 1945 .
No. 8-161 -Cir 32-1-1945. No. 31 ( Furlough ) -Cir 96–1945.
No. 8–164 (Roster of Appointed and Commissioned No. 31 ( Furlough Certificate) -Cir 303-11-1944.
Personnel Assigned to MD ) -Cir 286–1944 ; No. 32 (Individual Clothing and Equipment Record )
460-III-1944 ; 387-11-1945 . ---Cir 9–1944 ; 175 -- II – 1944 ; 292–1944 ; 303
No, 8-1784Cir 86 - IV - 1945 . II - 1944 ; 313-11-1944 ; 20-1-1945 ; 72–1945 ;
No. 8-188-Cir 218-1945 . 188–1945 ; 203-I- 1945 ; 346-IV-1945 ; 357–
1945 .
No. 8-231 -- Cir 387-11-1945 . No. 33- Cir 30-1-1945 .
No. 9--72 - Cir 207-VII–1945 .
No. 34-Cir 20–1–1945 ; 292–1944 ; 313-11-1944.
No. 9-81 ( Exchange Part on Unit Identification Tag ) No. 35 ( Individual Clothing Slip ) -Cir 163 - II – 1943;
-Cir 43 - III - 1945 .
No. 10-106 - Cir 440 - VIII - 1944.
39-1944; 343-1944 ; 343-IV-1944.
No. 10-107 -- Cir 440-VIII- 1944 . No. 36 ( Statement of Charges ) -Cir 7–1944, 125–
11-1944 ; 175-11-1944 ; 96–1945 .
No. 10-110-Cir 440 - VIII - 1944. No. 37-Cir 96–1945 .
No. 10–113-Cir 467-IX-1944 .
No. 10-117-Cir 28 - IV - 1945 ; 383-11-1945 .
No. 38 —— Cir 59-1-1945 ; 81-111-1945 ; 96–1945 ; 349–
IV - 1945 ; 376-111--1945 .
No. 10-133 - Cir 235 - VII - 1945 . No. 40 ( Certificate of Disability for Discharge)--
No. 10-136 - Cir 400-1944 . Cir 472–1944 ; 96–1945 ; 349-IV-1945.
No. 10-156 -- Cir 192-III-1945. No. 41 ( Designation or Change of Address of Bene
No. 10-182 -- Cir 78-IV-1945 ; 297–1945. ficiary )-Cir 296--11-1943 ; 96–1945.
No. 11-170-Cir 447-X-1944, No. 43 — Cir 52–1945 ; 61-1-1945 ; 96–1945.
FORMS — Continued FORMS-Continued
Adjutant General's Office - Continued Adjutant General's Office - Continued
No. 44 ( Extract copy of Morning Report ) -Cir 96 No. 115 (Charge Sheet) ( Summary courts martial )
1945. -Cir 96–1945.
No. 45 ( Descriptive list of Absentee Wanted by No. 127 ( Personal Affairs Card ) -Cir 237 - V - 1945 .
United States ·Army - Cir 96–1945 ; 98-1 No. 131-Cir 324 - VI- 1945 .
1945 ; 225-1-1945. No. 141-Cir 376-1-1945 .
No. 46 ( Report of Return of Absentee from the No. 165 ( Enlistment Record ) -Cir 117–1944.
U. S. Army ) -Cir 96–1945 ; 98–1-1945 ; 133 No. 166 ( Identification Card, ERC ) –Cir 117–1944 ;
1945. 380 - IV - 1944 .
No. 51 -- Cir 430-111-1944. No. 167—Cir 47-III-1945.
No. 53 ( Report of Separation ) -Cir 389 - VI -1944; No. 170 (Application for Appointment and State
133–1945 ; 315-XI-1945 ; 318-1–1945 ; 349– ment of Preference for Reserve Office )-Cir
IV - 1945 ; 354–1945 ; 362–1945 . 96–1945 ; 324-VI-1945.
No. 53–2 - Cir 201-V-1945 ; 349-IV-1945. No. 172 ( Personal Report of Reserve Office ) -- Cir
No. 53–55—Cir 94-11-1945 ; 349 - IV - 1945 ; 391 - III 96–1945 .
1945. No. 178 ( Classification Questionnaire of Reserve
No. 53–56_Cir 94-11-1945; 349-IV-1945 ; 391- III Officers ) -Cir 96–1945 .
1945. No. 178—2 ( Classification Questionnaire of M.D. Of
No. 53–57 - Cir 94-11-1945 . ficers ) -Cir 14-IV-1944 ; 121-IV-1944 ; 286–
No. 53–97-Cir 188-1945 ; 362–1945 ; 391 -III–1945 . 1944 ; 349-II–1944 ; 460–111–1944 ; 96–1945.
No. 53–98 — Cir 188-1945 ; 237-VIII-1945 ; 333 - VII No. 183 (Record, Time of Reporting for Active
1945 ; 362–1945 ; 391 -III–1945. Duty ) -Cir 117–1944.
No. 53–99—Cir 188–1945 ; 391-III–1945. No. 184 ( Report of Separation of Members of Re
No. 53–280_Cir 349-IV-1945 . serve Components ) -Cir 117–1944.
No. 55Cir 127-II–1944. No. 201-Cir 349 - IV - 1945 .
No. 55-6 - Cir 285-1945. No. 204 ( Notice of Change of Address ) -Cir 109–
No. 55-9 - Cir 285-1945. III–1944 ; 332 - V - 1944; 228 - V -1945; 258- II
No. 55–122_Cir 141-II-1945. 1945 ; 259- VI- 1945; 355-IV-1945.
No. 234-1 - Cir 150-11-1945.
No. 55-123—Cir 445-11-1944 . No. 234-2 - Cir 150-11-1945.
No. 55–261 - Cir 248 - II - 1945 .
No. 56 - Cir 445 - IV - 1944 .
No. 240 ( Form for Interviewing and Ranking Ap
plicants for Officer Candidate School)-Cir 96–
No. 63 ( Report of Physical Examination) -Cir 387– 1945.
V – 1944 ; 462–1944 ; 474–1944 ; 32-1-1945 ; 59– No. 252-Cir 333-II-1945.
1-1945 ; 71-VIII-1945 ;; 81-III–1945
- ; 129 No. 253_Cir 333-II-1945.
VII-1945 ; 324 - VI- 1945. No. 261-Cir 474–1944 ; 109–1945 ; 313–1945.
No. 64 - Cir 221 - IV - 1945 . No. 267-Cir 187-11-1945.
No. 65 ( Identification Card ) -Cir 82–1944; 470 - I No. 277-Cir 225-1-1945 .
1944 ; 336-1-1945 . No. 280 ( Certificate of Service ) Cir 117–1944.
No. 65–1 (Identification Card - Officers, USA ) -Cir No. 286 — Cir 46 - III - 1945 .
401-11-1942 ; 83-VI-1943 ; 336-1-1945 . No. 302 ( Morning Report Locator Card ) -Cir 96–
No. 65–3 (Special) -Cir 336-1-1945. 1945.

No. 65–4 ( Identification Card-Miscellaneous ) -Cir No. 303 (Report of Change) -Cir 72–1–1944; 96–
336-1-1945 . 1945.
No. 65–7 (Identification Card — WD Employees' ) – No. 304a_ (Locator Card ) -Cir 96–1945.
Cir 336-1-1945 . No. 314 Individual Report of Change ( Machine
No. 65–8 ( Identification Card — Technical Observers') prepared ) -Cir 96–1945 .
-Cir 336-1-1945 . No. 366c - Cir 262-71-1945 .
No. 65–10 ( Identification Card-Red Cross ) -Cir No. 383a-Cir 467-IX-1944.
230-1-1942 ; 336-1-1945. No. 385 — Cir 98-1-1945.
No. 65-11 (Certificate of Identity ) -Cir 336-I- No. 411-Cir 144 - III - 1945 .
1945. No, 412 ( Final Report of Status of Equipment ) —
Cir 178-VI-1944 .
No. 66 (Officer's Qualification Card ) -- Cir 292–1944. No. 419-Cir 340-IV-1945.
No. 66-1 (Officer's and Warrant Officer's Qualifica No. 420-Cir 171-1944.
tion Card) —Cir 404–1–1944 ; 460- III– 1944 ;
465–1–1944; 8 - IV - 1945 ; 46 - III - 1945 ; 57 - I No. 421 ( Stock Record Card ) -Cir 192 -IV - 1944;
1945 ; 92–1945 ; 128–1945 ; 131-IX-1945 ; 157– 440 – VIII – 1944.
No. 430 — Cir 244-VI-1945.
I–1945 ; 188-1945 ; 263-VII-1945. No. 444 ( Inventory Adjustment Report )-Cir 75
No. 66-2 - Cir 8-IV-1945 ; 46 - III - 1945 ; 128–1945 ;
157-1-1945 ; 188–1945 . 1944.
No. 66—3 — Cir 460-111–1944 ; 8 - IV - 1945; 128–1945 ; No. 445 - Cir 375 - III - 1944 .
131-I–1945 ; 157-1-1945 ; 188–1945 . No. 446 ( Property Issue Slip ) -Cir 39–1944 ; 139–
No. 66--4 (Officer's and Warrant Officer's Qualifica 1944 ; 343-IV-1944 ; 400–1944 ; 467-IX-1944 ;
tion Card Copy) -Cir 160-IV-1945. 253-11-1945 .
No. 67 (Efficiency Reports ) -- Cir 462–1944 ; 131-1 No. 447 ( Property-Turn-In Slip ) -- Cir 7-1944 ; 192–
1945 . IV-1944 ; 400–1944 ; 85–1945 ; 253 -II-1945.
No. 68 - Cir 336–1-1945 . No. 450 ( WD Shipping Documents ) -Cir 75-1944 ;
No. 71 ( Oath of Office ) —Cir 96–1945; 387–V-1944 . 383 - II - 1944 .
No. 83 to 90 ( Score Cards ) -- Cir 96–1945 . No. 450-60, 61, 62, 63, (WD Vendor's Shipping
No. 100 — Cir 188-1945 ; 304-VI-1945 ; 308–1945 . Document ) -Cir 116–1944 .
No. 100-1 -- Cir 482-III-1944 ; 64 -XI - 1945. No. 461-Cir 36 - VIII – 1945 ;. 340-IV-1945.
No. 104-Cir 349-IV-1945 . No. 461-1 -Cir 340 - IV - 1945 .
No. 106 ( Request for Decoration and/or Citation ) No. 461-2 -- Cir 340-IV-1945.
Cir 101 -II-1945 . No. 461-3-Cir 340 - IV - 1945 .
FORMS — Continued FORMS-Continued
Adjutant General's Office - Continued Air Transport Command
No. 462-1-Cir 340-IV-1945, PT - 30 --Cir 201 -IV-1945.
No. 462_Cir 36-VIII–1945 ; 340 - IV - 1945 . PT - 31 - Cir 201-IV-1945.
No. 463 ( Work Sheet for Motorcycles) --Cir 237- American National Red Cross : No. 761_Cir 32-1-1945.
VII–1944 ; 36 - VIII – 1945 ; 340 - IV - 1945. Army Air Forces
No. 463–2-Cir 340 - IV - 1945. No. 5 ( Individual Flight Record ) -Cir 96–1945 ; 123–
No. 464-Cir 36-VIII–1945 ; 340 - IV - 1945 . VI-1945.
No. 465 -- Cir 340-IV-1945 . No. 12B ( Summary of Bombing ) -Cir 96–1945.
No. 467 ( Receiving Preservative Maintenance) -Cir No. 28A ( Army Air Forces Physical Fitness Test
237 - VII - 1944. and Record Card ) -Cir 96-1945.
No. 468 ( Unsatisfactory Equipment Report ) -Cir No. 54 ( Unsatisfactory Report ) –Cir 4–1944.
4–1944 ; 100 - IV - 1944; 321 - III – 1944; 129-1 No. 63 ( Foreign Airport Description ) -Cir 179- III
1945 . 1943 .
No. 469_Cir 305-XII-1945 .
No. 104 ( Requisition and Shipping Ticket ) -Cir 383
No. 492_Cir 278-IX-1945. II-1944.
No. 495–Cir 461 - III - 1944 . No. 121—Cir 139-1944.
No. 496–Cir 461-III–1944. No. 126 ( Duty Assignment Card , Air Corps En
No. 498-Cir 278 - X - 1945 . listed Men )-Cir 96–1945.
No. 507 ( Individual Injury Report on Military Per No. 128 - Cir 189 - IV - 1945 .
sonnel ) -Cir 387-11-1945 , No. 133a ( Air Carrier Contract Personnel Identi
No. 519-Cir 117 - VI- 1945 . fication Card ) -Cir 48-11-1945.
No. 577-302-1945 ; 327-V-7945. Blank-TM 14-508.
No. 581—Cir 207 - VII - 1945 .
No. 583—Cir 207 - VII - 1945 . Clothing and Equipment Adjustment - Cir 72-1945.
No. 584_Cir 207 – VII - 1945 . CMP
No. 585 - Cir 207-VII-1945. 4a-Cir 392-IV-1944.
10_Cir 392 - IV - 1944 .
No. 625—Cir 355-III–1945 .
No. 657-Cir 383-VI-1945. 100_Cir 392 - IV - 1944.
No. 661-Cir 356-V-1945 . 10d-Cir 392 - IV - 1944.
No. 700-Cir 296-1-1945 . 32 - Cir 392-IV-1944.
No. 658 - Cir 147-1945. CMPL
No. 732 ( WAC Individual Clothing and Equipment: 150—Cir 392-IV-1944.
Report ) —Cir 476 - IX - 1944 ; 45–1–1945 ; 76 - IV 200-Cir 392-IV-1944.
1945 ; 346 - IV - 1945 . 2014 - Cir 392 - IV - 1944 .
No. 736 ( Oath of Office )-Cir 96–1945 . Customs
No. 760 ( Personal Data for Officer Candidate Ap No. 6417 ( Summary of Entered Value ) -Cir 180–
plicants ) -Cir 96–1945. 1945 .
No. 767 ( Efficiency Report ) -- Cir 240-IV-1943 ; 289– No. 7501 ( Consumption Entry ) -- Cir 180–1945.
1943 . No. 7501 -A ( Consumption Entry Permit ) -Cir 180
No. 775 (Officer Candidate General Fitness Rating ) 1945 .
-Cir 96–1945. DDA : No. 7-Cir 395-1944.
No. 776 ( Officer Candidates General Rating Scale ) -- Director Selective Service
Cir 96–1945 . No. 2 ( Registration Certificate )-Cir 380-IV–1944 ;
No. 811 ( Work Request and Job Order ) -Cir 269– 96–1945.
1944 . No. 57 ( Notice of Classification )-Cir 380 - IV - 1944;
No. 819-Cir 80-I-1945. 96–1945.
No. 923 ( Notice to Publisher ) -Cir 109-111-1944 ; No. 149 ( Information for Armed Forces Extracted
332-V-1944. from Selected Service Questionnaire ) -Cir 96
No. 952—Cir 198-II-1945. 1945.
No. 971 ( V-mail Change of Address ) -Cir 109 - III No. 150 ( Order to Report for Induction ) -Cir 96
1944 ; 195-11-1944 ; 332-V-1944 ; 96–1945 ; 228 1945 .
V-1945 ; 259-VI-1945 ; 355-IV-1945. No. 221 -- Cir 469-II-1944 .
No. 971-1-Cir 228 - V - 1945 ; 258-11-1945 . Engineer, Corps, No. 65-Cir 133–1945.
No. 996 ( Classified Document Receipt ) -Cir 34 - V Exchange Order, No. 1-Cir 192-IV- 1944.
1944 ; 233–1–1944 ; 181-III-1945. Finance Department
No. R-353-Cir 376-VI -1945 . No. 10-Cir 343-11-1944 .
No, R-5003-Cir 474–1944. No. 38 - Cir 18–1945 ; 44–1945 .
No. R - 5004.- Cir 474–1944. No. 45-Cir 99-1945.
No. R - 5013 -- Cir 14–1945 . No. 45A and 45B-Cir 44-1945 ; 99–1945.
No. R-5015-Cir 18–1945 . No. 45C - Cir 99-1945.
No. R-5030_Cir 91-1-1945 . No. 52 - Cir 18-1945 ; 44-1945 .
No. R-5031 -Cir 91-1-1945. No. 62 and 62a ( Voucher for Disbursement of Per
No. R-5039-Cir 135-1945. sonal Funds ) -Cir 44-1945 .
No. R - 5051 - Cir 357-1945 . No. 284 -- Cir 368-1-1944.
No. R - 5052 - Cir 357-1945 . No. 284 superseded by AGO Form R -5073 — Cir
No. R - 5084 - Cir 225 - VII - 1945 . 197-1-1945 .
No , R-5106-Cir 235 - IX -- 1945 . No. 514 (Register of Net Expenditures ) -Cir 123
No. R -5124 -- Cir 248-III -1945. XI- 1945 ; 231-11-1945 .
No. R - 5125 - Cir 248-III-1945. FPHA , No. 1213 ( Monthly Report on Occupancy) -- (
No. R -5126 -- Cir 248-III- 1945. 354-X - 1944 .
No. R -5149 - Cir 268 - VII - 1945 . Inspector General's Department
No. 5215-Cir 336 - II - 1945 . No. 1 (Inventory and Inspection Report ) -Cir -
No. 5234 - Cir 366 - VI - 1945 . 1944 .
No. 5235-Cir 366 - VI - 1945. No. 6 ( Automobile Disability Report) -Cir231
No. 5238- Cir 368 - VII - 1945 . 1943 ; 296 - IV - 1943.
FORMS — Continued FORMS — Continued
Internal Revenue Separation :
No. 843-Cir 63–1944. #
Changes to TM 12-236 - Cir 362–1945 ; 391- III
No. 1040 — Cir 38-111-1944 ; 63–1944. 1945.
No. 1040A-Cir 63–1944. Preparation-TM 12-236.
No. 1040-ES ( De ration of Estimated Tax, 1944 ) Signal Corps -- No. M-210—Cir 447-X-1944,
-Cir 112-1944. SC : No. 86 - Cir 361-11-1945.
No. 1125 — Cir 63-1944. SR - 1 - Cir 25-III-1945 .
Medical Department Standard
No. 52 ( Register Card) -Cir 458–1944; 474–1944. No, 1-Cir 275 - IV - 1945 .
No. 52a ( Index Record of Patients — Cir 272 - VII
1944 ; 416–1944 ; 448-11-1944 . No. 64 ( Office Memorandum ) -Cir 69–1944.
No. 52e ( Transfer Slip) -Cir 382-III-1942. No. 65 ( Messenger Service Envelopes ) -Cir 263 - II
No. 55 - Cir 416-1944. 1944 .
No. 55A ( Clinical Record, brief ) -Cir 383-III–1942. No. 1012—Cir 195–11–1945 ; 336–II–1945.
No. 78 ( Syphilis Register ) -- Cir 237-IX-1944 ; 292– No. 1013—Cir 44-1945 .
1944 ; 422–1944 ; 45 – V - 1945 . No. 1034 — Cir 18–1945 ; 27–1945 ; 108–1–1945 ; 113–
No. 81 ( Immunization Register) —Cir 45-V-1945. VII–1945 ; 223-VIII–1945 ; 305-XIV-1945.
No. 86ab ( Statistical Reports ) -Cir 382-III–1942 ; No. 1034a~Cir 133–1944 ; 420–1944 ; 305-XIV-1945.
270-IV-1944 ; 286–1944 . No. 1040-Cir 475–1944 .
No. 86c ( Statistical Report ) , Third Section-Cir 49– No. 1040 A - Cir 475-1944.
I–1944 ; 286–1944. No. 1044 ( Revised, Schedule of Collections — Cir 44
No. 130 ( Spectacle Order ) -Cir 381-IX- 1944 ; 113– 1945 ; 114-11-1945 .
IV - 1945 . No. 1046 ( Schedule of Transfers—Special Deposits )
No. 140—Cir 410-1-1944. -Cir 236-1944.
No. 170 — Cir 32-1-1945 . No. 1049 ( Public Voucher for Refund ) -Cir 44–1945 ;
Military Police-TM 19-250. 114-11-1945 .
Oct .: Nos. 1058 to 10626 inclusive discontinued-Cir 467–
No. 381_Cir 305-XII-1945 . III-1944.
Office of Chief Engineer : No. 433—Cir 356– V -1945. No. 1071–Cir 241-II-1945.
Office of Lend -Lease Administration : No. 50—Cir 395– No. 1080 ( Voucher for Adjustments between Ap
1944 . propriations and/or Funds—Cir 138-III–1943.
Office of Price Administration No. 1094 ( U. S. Government Tax Exemption Certi
No. R-146-Cir 376-VII-1945 . ficate ) -Cir 334-11-1944 ; 164-V-1945 .
No. R-593—Cir 482-VI-1944 . No. 1098 ( Schedule of Cancelled Checks ) -Cir 236–
No. R-1705B-Cir 270-VIII - 1945. 1944.
Ordnance Office No. 1099 ( Signature Card ) —Cir 320 - VI- 1944.
No. 5825 — Cir 264 - IV - 1945 . No. 1100 ( Notice of Exceptions ) -Cir 17-V-1944 ;
PD - 3A - Cir 25 - III - 1945 . 160-III-1944 ; 348-1-1945.
Post Office Department No. 1103 ( Government Bill of Lading) -Cir 251-1
No. 3811 ( Return Receipt ) -Cir 34 - V - 1944, 1944 ; 350-11-1944.
No. 1104 - Cir 315-1-1943.
Provost Marshal General
No. 20 ( Individual Pay Data Record ) -Cir 274–1944. No. 1105–Cir 315-1-1943 .
No. 21 ( Internee's Deposit Book ) —Cir 274–1944. No. 1108 (Certificate in Lieu of Lost Bill of Lading )
No. 22 ( Regular and Final Statement Voucher of -Cir 79-VI-1944 ; 417-1–1944.
Individual Internees ) —Cir 274–1944. No. 1106 — Cir 315-1-1943.
No. 22 ( Regular and Final Statement Voucher of No. W-2 ( Revised ) —Cir 475–1944.
Individual Internees ) -Cir 274–1944 . Surgeon General's Office
No. 173—Cir 71 - VIII - 1945.
No. 25—Cir 357-1945 .
No. 58 ( Personnel Security Questionnaire ) -Cir 82 No. 212 ( Medical Treatment Card ) -Cir 305 - XIV
1944 ; 336-1-1945 . 1945 .
No. 301 -Cir 482-11-1944 . Transportation Corps
Quartermaster Corps No. 192 ( Transportation Corps Stock Record ) -Cir
No. 207 ( Transportation Certificate for Passenger 18–1943 ; 205 - III - 1943 .
Travel ) -Cir 96–1945. No. 207 ( Transportation Certificate for Passenger
No. 364_Cir 383-VI-1944. Travel) — Cir 83-11-1943 ; 295 – VII – 1944 .
No. 365 ( Monthly Roster and Statement) -- Cir 383– No. 224 ( Standard Form of Contract ) -Cir 214–
VI-1944 . 1944 .

No. 374 ( Enlisted Men's Laundry Slip ) -Cir 382– Treasury Department
VI - 1944 . No. 936 ( Power of Attorney) —Cir 475–1944.
No. 389 ( Report of Sales ) —Cir 328–II– 1943 . No. 1737 ( Bond Issuance Schedule ) .
No. 400 (Requisition ) -Cir 302-III–1943 ; 233 - II No. 6569 ( Power of Attorney by Individuals for
1944 ; 28-IV-1945 . the Collection of Checks drawn on the Treas
No. 418-Cir 440-VIII–1944. urer of U. S. ) -Cir 481 -II-1944.
No. 419_Cir 440-VIII-1944 . No. TFE-I-Cir 294-1944.
No. 422_Cir 440-VIII- 1944 ,
No. 423-Cir 7-1944 , No. TFR -30 ( Internee Report ) -Cir 274–1944.
No. 424 ( Stock Record Card ) —Cir 7–1944 , No. V-1 ( Return of Victory Tax Withheld ) —Cir
421-1942 .
No. 425 ( Stock Record Account ) -Cir 75–1944.
No. 431 -Cir 467-IX-1944 . No. V-3 ( Reconciliation ) -Cir 421-1942.
No. 434 ( Shipping Ticket ) -Cir 75–1944. United States Employees' Compensation Commission
No. 440_Cir 383-II-1945 . No. CA-1 ( Employee's Notice of Injury ) -Cir 285–
No. 467 rescinded - Cir 235 - VII - 1945 . II-1942.
Railway Express Agency : No. 1083 ( Record of Govern No. CA-2 ( Official Superior's Report of Injury )
ment Shipment) —Cir 79-VI-1944, Cir 285-11-1942 ; 299-1-1942.
FORMS - Continued FORT CROOK , NEB .: Reclassified- Cir 223-IV- 1945.
Veterans Administration :
No. 350_ - Cir 376 - III - 1945 . FORT D. A. RUSSELL : Reclassified-Cir 235-V-1945 .
No. 526—Cir 13–1944 ; 84-V-1944 ; 293 - IV - 1944 ; FORT DES MOINES, IOWA : Personnel center for female
474-1944 ; 362–1945. personnel established-Cir 321 -IV- 1945 .
War Department
No. 32-Cir 361-11-1945 .
No. 33-Cir 361 - II - 1945 .
FORT DEVENS, MASS.: Separation center established - Cir
387 - IV - 1944 .
No. 34Cir 361-11-1945 .
No. 34A -- Cir 361-11-1945 . FORT DIX SEPARATION CENTER : Service record and
No. 35 --Cir 99–1945. allied papers-Cir 237-IX-1944.
No. 43 ( Individual Earnings Records ) —Cir 17 - V
1944 ; 44-1945. FORT FISHER , N. C.: Assigned to Commanding General,
No. 44 ( Pay Roll Summary) --Cir 44–1945. AAF - Cir 258–1-1945 .
No. 46 ( Suballotment Advice )—Cir 209 - IV - 1943;
133-1945. FORT HAYDEN, WASH : Redesignation --GO 27–1–1944 ; 31
No. 53 ( Purchase Authorization Advice ) -- Cir 310– III-1944 .
No. 322 ( Report of Collections for Authorized Sales FORT HUACHUCA , ARIZ.: Commanding officer's authority
of Services and Supplies ( Other than Sub to revoke general courts martial-GO 51-1
sistence ) -Cir 440-11-1944. 1945.
No. 323 (Abstract of Funds Received from Sales of
Services ) -Cir 440-11-1944 . FORT JACKSON, S. C.: ASF Personnel Replacement Depot
No. 325 - Cir 359–1944. Cir ' 151-1-1945 .
No. 326 — Cir 99–1945 ; 158–1945.
No. 327-Cir 99–1945 ; 158–1945. FORT LEWIS, WASH.: Reclassified , class I installation
Cir 397-11-1944.
No. 330_Cir 195-II-1945.
No. 332- Cir 121-III-1945.
FORT LOGAN , COLO .: Jurisdiction transferred - Cir 307
No. 336 – Cir 44-1945 ; 328-IV-1945 ; 386 - III - 1945 . II- 1945 .
No. 346 - Cir 440-11-1944 .
No. 351 ( Voucher for Commutation of Rations in
FORT MCPHERSON , GA .: Separation center established
Hospitals ) --Cir 480 - I- 1944 ; 305 - VII -1945 , Cir 387-IV-1944 .
No. 353_Cir 450 - IV - 1944.
No. 366 ( Pay Roll ) -Cir 290–1944; 322-III-1944 ; FORT MYER, VA .; Army band, applications to fill vacan
344-1-1944 ; 82-1-1945 ; 131-V-1945 ; 159- III cies-Cir 315-1-1945 .
1945 ; 371-1-1945 .
No. 366a - Cir 131 -V-1945. FORT MONMOUTH SIGNAL LABORATORY : Redesignated
No. 366b - Cir 11-IV-1944 ; 131 -V- 1945 . -GO 49-II– 1945 .
No. 3660—Cir 371-1-1945 .
No. 371 ( Final Payment Roll ) -Cir 159- III - 1945 ; FORT ROYAL QUARTERMASTER DEPOT : Redesignated
294-IV-1945. -GO 53-1-1945.
No. 372-Cir 263-IV- 1945.
No. 372a-Cir 263-IV-1945. FORT SAM HOUSTON, TEX .: Separation center estah.
No. 372b- Cir 263-IV-1945. lished-Cir 387-IV-1944.
No. 383—Cir 123 - XI - 1945 ; 275-IV- 1945.
No. 384-Cir 328-IV- 1945 . FORT SAULSBURY, DELA.: Reclassified as class I installa
War Production Board tion - Cir 295-II-1944 ,
GA 404 - Cir 214-1945.
No. 11-Cir 32-1-1945 . FORT SEGARRA , V. I.: Designation-GO 44-11-1944.
No. 542_Cir 214-1945 .
United States War Ballot Commission : No. 1 - Cir 487
FORT THOMAS, KY.: Reclassified, Class III—Cir 383- IV
1944 ,
Use, facsimile signatures - Cir 40 - III - 1944 ; 413-11-1944 . FORTIFICATION :
Veterans Administration Disposition-Cir 195 - III – 1944.
No. 350a - Cir 122-1-1945 . Field-FM 5–15.
No. 526 ( Application for Disability Pension ) --Cir Fixed , camouflage - FM 5–20G.
474–1945 . Japanese , cave type, reduction-TC 34–1945.
No. 1546 ( Application for Cash Surrender of Na- Seacoast, air -conditioning equipment, operation , care and
tional Service Life Insurance ) -Cir 1–1944 . maintenance - TB ENG 86 .
FORT BELVOIR, VA.; Redesignation as a class IV installa FOUNDRIES : Engineer -- TM 5–228.
tion-Cir 269-VII-1945 .

FORT BLISS , TEX .: Ordnance project established --Cir 4th HEADQUARTERS AND HEAQUARTERS DETACH
320-III -1945 .
Commanding officer's authority to appoint
FORT BENJAMIN HARRISON, IND .: Disciplinary barracks courts -martial --GO 104-1-1945.
established - Cir 387-III- 1944 .
FORT BRAGG, N. C.: Designated areas, prostitution limita TACHMENT, SPECIAL TROOPS, FOURTH
tion - GO 51-IV-1945 . ARMY : Commanding officer's authority to
FORT BROWN, TEXAS : Reclassified - Cir 441 - IV - 1944 ; 136– appoint courts -martial - GO 105-1945.
III-1945 .
FORT BUNDY, PUERTO RICO : Designation - G0 44 - II- Airline, elimination on storage tanks—TB 9-813-FE 1 .
1944 . Treatment ( Suspension -traction ) _TB MED 133.
Brush holder 818248, 1938–42 Chevrolet starting motor, Carburetion—TM 10-550.
reclamation - TB 9-2830-18. Coal and coke shipments - CT Bull 7–1944.
FM-19, in Telephone Central Office sets TC- 1 and TC-10 Coal, sale to relieve emergencies - Cir 284-11-1945 ; 367–
-MWO SIG 38 . II-1945 .
Hack saw, reclamation—TB 9-2830–54. Conservation - Cir SB 10-20 ; 315-VIII–1945 .
Printing Vacuum Diesel , specifications for use-Cir 269 - VI - 1945.
24 - in . x 30-in. Tubular stand model Harold M. Pitt German and Italian - TB ORD 57.
man Co.-TM 5-6052. Inspection-SB 10-82.
AF101_TM 5-6042 . Liquid
AF103 –TM 5-6054. Identification and/or disposal-SB 10–241 .
Requisitioning ( except AAF ) -SB 10–139.
FRANCES Y. SLANGER ( ex SATURNIA ) : Hospital ship Sources of supply, Quartermaster-SB 10–182–1 .
GO 41-1945. Motor
FREE ENTRY : Gasoline, to be used in service-TB ORD 328 .
" S " -SB 10-2.
Gifts from military personnel overseas-Cir 381-III Use of additives—TB 9-850–16.
Personal and household effects from members, armed Vehicle, tax levied -Cir 386 – V - 1944 .
forces-Cir 436-11-1944. Oil, termination of rationing-Cir 262-IV-1945.
War materials imported by individuals-Cir 53-11--1944. Procurement and use limited to standard products list
Cir 129-1-1945.
FREIGHT : Pump - TM 9-1828A.
Air Pumps, with zinc base die casitngs, prevention of corro
Assignment and responsibility of officers - Cir 75- II sion—TB ORD 312.
1945. Sales to certain classes of personnel-Cir 361 -VIII
Shipments, use of express transportation-CT Bull 1945.
28–1944. Solid
Bills , contracts under cost - plus -a - fixed -fee - Cir 342-11 Monthly inventory-Cir 192-III-1945.
Procurement, storage and distribution-Cir 390 - II
Carload , shipping less , through Army-Navy Consolida 1945 .
tion-CT Bull 36–1945 , Systems , aircraft-TM 1-407.
Waybills, use of Government - CT Bull 44 - III - 1945 .
FREIGHT CAR SPACE : Utilization , nonperishable subsist
ence supplies--SB 10–154. Bath company-TM 10–645.
Chamber, methyl bromide , nonportable-LO 10–1695.
FREIGHT DISTRIBUTING AGENCY : Salvage, returned-Cir 374-1-1944.
Discrepancies in shipments — Cir 15-1-1945. FUNCTIONS , FISCAL : Organization - Cir 280-1942.
Establishment_Cir 108-1–1944. FUNDAMENTALS :
FRENCH : Military dictionary - TM 30-502. Meter-TB SIG 136 .
FREQUENCY : Radar electronic, laboratory workbook for TM 11-466
TM 11-466-LAB.
Assignment and Employment, seacoast artillery, emer Radio - TM 11-455 .
gency transmission of base -end data—TC 1
1945 .
Meter, TS-285 / GF Lavoie model 1502-TM 11-2640 .
TS - 285 /GF Lavoie model 1502-TM 11-2640. Advanced to agend finance officers traveling to or from
outside continental U. S.-Cir 99–1945.
Meter Sets—SCR-211-A , B, C, D, E , F, J, K , L, M, N,
O, P, Q, R, T, AA, AC , AE, AF, AG , AH , Advancement for purpose of making change-Cir 384–
III- 1944.
AJ, AK , AL - TM 11-300 ; TB 11-300-1.
Modulation, provision in radio set AN /MRQ - 2 — MWO Aircraft crash rescue and fire fighting activities, subal
SIG 46. located to AAF-Cir 36 - III – 1945 .
Radio bridge, TS - 1961 CPM -4 — TM 11-1206. Allotment , Band Music-SB 10-145.
Radiosonde, modulated audio observations — TM 11-2424. Allotted from ASF service command to contract of AAF
Standard installations-Cir 461 -III–1944.
TS-65 / FMQ1 —TM 11-2602. Allowance per man based upon the average daily
TS - 65A / FMQ - 1 - TM 11-2602A . strength-Cir 384-1945 .
TS - 240 / FRC ( Millen No. 90505 ) —TM 11-2625. American Red Cross pre-embarkation loans discontinued
-Cir 333-11-1944.
FRUITS : Appropriated , procurement of property and services ,
Canned and dehydrated-SB 10–5. sale, charge or cash basis-Cir 50-IV-1945.
Compound germicidal rinse, disinfection - Cir 309 - I- Army disbursing officers receiving from Air Transport
1945 . Command -- Cir 451-1944.
Importation-GO 32-IV-1944. Army emergency relief, auditing at posts , camps , or sta
Quick-frozen , storage, distribution , use, U. S. Army tion to be abandoned-Cir 90–1–1945 .
SB 10-153 . Army Emergency Relief and American National Red
Cross-Cir 54-1944 .
FUEL AND LUBRICANT : Army Engineer Service , for interior painting of buildings
Container and markings-Cir 163- III-- 1943. -Cir 237-VI-1944.
German , Italian , and Japanese - TB ORD 50. Army Industrial College , allocation-Cir 337-III–1943.
Motor, standard grades-Cir 95 - IV -1944. Automotive equipment, chart of responsibilities - Cir 240
Procurement, instructions rescinded - Cir 346 -III– 1944. 1944,
Quartermaster laboratory-TB QM 16. Central welfare, control within Continental U. S.-Cir
Quarterly report, petroleum products-Cir 297–1945. 384-1945 .
FUNDS - Continued
FUND S—Continued
Civilian clothing, military personnel in foreign country- Relief of disbursing officers on account of loss or de
Cir 322 - IIIted
ficiency - Bull 25-11-1944 .
Civilian , nonapp ropria - 1944 .
, disposi tion -Cir 210-IV-1945. Repairs and utilities-Cir 43-V-1945.
Civilian welfare, auditing at posts, camps, or stations Repairs and utilities at posts, camps and stations - Cir
461 - V - 1944 .
Class III to be abando
installations , ned -Cir 90-I-
responsibilit 1945 .distribution-
y for Repairs and utilities, projects at Government owned
installations-Cir 343–1-1945 .
Cir 388-1944 . Road repair and maintenance - Cir 179–II–1944 .
Clubs , messes , and similar association, administration
Safekeeping and loss, agent finance officers traveling
Cir 384-1945 . to or from outside continental U. S.-Cir 99
Collection of Army Emergency Relief loans-Cir 377 - I
Deficiency 1944
appropriatio ns , 1944 – Bull 7–1944 ; 16–1–1944. Sale of effects of deceased persons-Cir 85–1945.
. year 1946 – Cir
Shipment of officers' household goods—Cir 365 - III - 1944.
Enemy disposition
trainin g, use in U. 85-1945
-- Cir S., fiscal Shoe repair officers and warrant officers — Cir 273 - III
182-19 . 45
Fees payable to Army Exchange Service - Cir 183- II- Sound recording equipment-Cir 82 – V - 1945.
1945 . Sundry :
Fiscal officer's duties in controlling expenditures-Cir Procurement food and drink facilities by exchange
465 - II – 1944. officers - Cir 36 - II - 1945 .
Furlough loans-Cir 215-111-1945. War Department accounting procedure - TM 20
Hearing aids, Medical Department - Cir 81-IV-1944 . 220 .
Hospital - Cir 140–1944. Sundry : See also Sundry funds.
Auditing at posts, camps , or stations to be aban Supplemental appropriations, 1944 — Bull 1–1944.
doned -- Cir 30-1-1945. Training purposes - Cir 39–1944 .
Maintenance-Cir 105-11-1945. Terminal hospital-Cir 184-1945.
Rates for commutating rations for patients-Cir Unit and Headquarters — TM 20–221.
391-II-1945 . Units and headquarters, disposition-Cir 344-11-1945.
Reorganization under par. 18, AR 40-5390 — Cir War, Red Cross campaigns - Cir. 29–1–1944.
289-III-1945. Welfare, control within continental United States
Hospitalization of personnel - Cir 316–1943. Cir 30 - V - 1945 .
Internee, disposition at time of repatriation - Cir 274– Welfare of Enlisted Men , use and administration -Cir
1944 . 34-1-1945 ; 127-1I 1945.
Invested in securities , transfer Cir 263 - IV - 1944.
Items of station supply , purchase -- Cir 146 - IV - 1945 . FUNERAL : Military, Arlington National Cemetery - Cir
325-11-1944 ; 363-11-1944 .
Local purchases - Cir. 310-VII–1944.
Maintenance FUNGIPROOFING : See also Moistureproofing.
Engineer equipment - Cir 207-III–1945. Radio Set SCR-291 A-TB 11-243-1 .
Repairs at post , camp, and stations-Cir 390-11
1945 . FUNNELS : M3 , CWS No. 631608, Serviceability Standard
Nonappropriated --SB 3-25-18 .
Auditing , posts , camps, or stations to be abandoned
-Cir 90-1-1945 .
Chaplains religious funds-Cir 383-VII–1945. FURLOUGH :
Accommodations on trains through Army Reservation
Deposits-Cir 5 - III - 1945. Bureaus-Cir 396–1–1944.
Food service program - Cir 149 - IV - 1945 . Delay en route, method of computing-Cir 299 - II – 1945.
Interior painting in exchanges - Cir 237-VI- 1944 . Discipline of military personnel — Cir 140-VII–1945 ; 212
Preference rating assignment -Cir 25-III–1945.
Procurement of property and service, sales, charge 11-1945 .
or cash basis-Cir 50 - IV - 1945 . During period 1 Dec. 45 to 12 Jan. 46 — Cir 361-11-1945.
Employment , agricultural or war industries -- Cir 105
Spearhead deposits --- Cir 18-1945 . I-145 .
Special Services activities -Cir service
Sponsoring Army motion picture234–19
45 . in oversea Extension of time to 45 days—Cir 296-III– 1945.
45 days - Cir 389-III -1945 .
bases-Cir 373-1-1945 .
Technical Manuals distributed - Cir 71-III–1945. Loan
Use on real property projects-Cir 214-111-1945 ; Army Emergency Relief funds-Cir 215-111-1945 .
293-V- 1945 . American Red Cross-Cir 333-11-1943.
Operating agencies , made available for obligation - Cir Mail for personnel who have been authorized, priorto
Jersea movement-Cir 332-379-111-1944; V
138 - III - 1943; 184-11-1943.
Organization . See Organization funds. 1944 .
Mexico, without the approval of the War Department
Personal Transfer Account plan-Cir 44–1945. Cir 431-1-1944 .
Post welfare, control within continental United States- Military personnel visiting Mexico-Cir 268- VIII – 1945.
Procurement , dome stic .washing machines - Cir 265-V-
384-1945 Philippine Army personnel - Cir 158–1945.
Prisoner of war, auditing at posts , camps, or stations
1944 . to be abandoned - Cir 90 - I - 1945 .
Property in college training program , disposition-Cir Railroad and bus rates, reduction-Cir 103-V-1945 .
455-1-1944 .
Ration allowance, notation of payment made to per
Publication sonnel on service record - Cir 307-1-1945 .
Camp newspapers - Cir 310 - VI - 1944. Ration and Kitchen car facilities , military personnel
Unit news periodicals—Cir 466–1–1944. Cir 400-1944 .
Purchase items , allotment - Cir 172–1943 . Reenlistment - Cir 310–1945 ; 332-1-1945 .
Reimburseme nt toCir
Ration savings- 337 - V - 1944.
Quartermast er Corps for Signal Corps Retirement , wearing of the uniform --Cir 116-IV– 1945.
-Cir 155-111-1945 .
Separation prior to expiration date - Cir 374-II–1945.
FURLOUGH-Continued FUZES - Continued
Soldiers of Japanese ancestry, instruction for granting Preventing catching in adjusting ring M43A5-MWO
-Cir 343-V-1944 . ORD F211-W1 ; MWO ORD F177-W2.
Ticket, Tax exemption on travel of persons — Cir 231- Selection, destruction various targets — FM 1-110 ; Cir
IV-1944. 115-11-1945 .
War Department Pamphlet 21-16—Cir 467-VIII–1944. Time ( Fixed ) M65—FT 60 G-1 .
Wills of military personnel-Cir 97–1944. VT ( Artillery Shell ) —TB 9–1901-8 .
Women's Army corps personnel married to enlisted men, Wire, Antipersonnel M2A1 and M3A1-TB 9–1940–7.
regulations—Cir 17-III–1945. FUZE WRENCH : M7A1 -TB ORD 76 .
All Types, Technical Data - TB 5-9720-7. Oil Pressure
Muffle, electric, Cooley Model MH-3—TM 5-9725. Bayonet-TB 9-743-8 .
Oil, Drilled-steel, Ingersoll-Rand, No. 27-F_TM 5– Reclamation — TB 9-2830–79.
4030 ; -TM 5-4030–1.
Thermoelectric Type - TB 9-2830–75 .
FURNISHING : Excess by operation of demobilization, dis- Pressure - TM 9-1860 .
position - Cir 383-V-1945. Temperature, Reclamation—TB 9-2830–12.
Day rooms, posts, camps, and stations-Cir 126-1-1945. TM 21-220.
Excess by operation of demobilization disposition-Cir Informal for Soldiers-TM 21-221.
383-V - 1945 .
Maintenance and repairs at post, camp, and station GARBAGE :
Cir 126-11-1945 . Collection - Cir 373-III–1945 .
Restrictions, purchases of selected items — Cir 168 -II- Disposal. See Refuse Disposal.
1943 . Sanitary Fill Method of disposing of garbage and refuse
-TB ENG 1 .
FURS : Retailers tax on sales-Cir 383-X-1944 .
FUZE SETTER -RAMMER : Issue - Cir 158–1944 .
M20 — TB 9-372-2; TB 9-1372B-FE1 ; TB 9-1372B Savings funds - Cir 337 - V - 1944 .
FE2 .
M22—TB 9-372-2. GAS : See also Gas Mask and Canisters.
FUZES : Adsorber Units, for Polar Relays—TB SIG 172.
B.D. - M60_FT 155-Z 1 . Alarm
MK.X-FT 12-K-2 . M1 , CWS No. 560115-SB 3-25–3.
Bomb Arsenical Blister and Lewisite — TB MED 101 .
AN -M103A1-- TB 9-1980-39. Attack, Casualty, Munitions requirement – TC 20, 1945.
M139—TB 9 1980–30. Carbon Monoxide, Hazard, Elimination-TB 9-738-FE2.
M139A1-TB 9-1980-39. CHECK PAD. See Pad .
M140 -TB 9-1980-30.
-- Compressed–TB ENG 39.
M140A1 -TB 9-1980–39. Conservation in heating buildings and barracks - Cir
148 — TB 9-1980-37 . 315-VIII–1945 .
M149_TB 9-1980–34 . Liquid Blister, Contamination of the Eye, First Aid
M160, M161, and M162 ( Tail ) —TB 9–1980–48 . TB MED 153 .
M163 , 164 and 165 -- TB 9-1980–48 . Methyl Bromide, Requisition-Cir 374-I 1944.
M170 ( nose ) —TB 9-1980–52. Moving, furnishing technical aid—Cir 123-1-1945.
Partial Arming for Low -altitude Water-impact Neoprene, check pads—SB 9-66.
Bombing - TB 9–1980–7. Poison
C.P. Procedure for shipping class A by rail freight
M78 – FT 4.5 - A - 1 ; TB 9 1901-7 ; TB 9-1901-9. Cir 433-II-1944.
M78 ( T105 ) -FT 155 - S - 2. Procedure for shipping - Cir 20 - V -1945.
Dial , Motor Drive M2E1-TB ORD 128. Protective Equipment-TM 3–290.
Field Manual 1-110 rescinded-Cir 116-1-1945.
Fragmentation Bomb Clusters of the M28 and M29
Series—TB 9- 1980-54 . Cork, Fungus-Resistant Treatment – TB ENG 87.
Cylinder Head
Hand grenade, T2E1-TB ORD 119. TB ORD 175.
Mechanical Time Bomb - TB 9-1980–36.
M48, M51 , M54, M55 and M57 Series, precautions to be
Provision in Carrier, Light Cargo, M29 ( T24 ) —
MWO ORD G179-W4.
observed in firing in the rain—TB 9–1901 4 . Replacement and Servicing Artillery Using Separate
P. D.
M4A1 and M4A2_FT 105-P-2. Loading Ammunition—TB ORD 309.
M51 , W/Booster M21 —TB ORD 142. GAS MASK :
M51A1 , W/ Booster M21A1 -TB ORD 142. Black, Facepieces , effect of cold weather-TB 3–205–15.
M51A4, With Booster Designed to Reduce Duds Care of outlet valves-Cir 140_V - 1945 .
TB 9-1901-5. Diaphragm , Zi , M3, serviceability standard-SB 3-25
M52_FT 81-H-2. 28.
M52, M52B1 , and M52B2-FT 8k - B - 4 . E6–3–7 ( Assault ) -TMCW 6.
M53 - FT 81 - Q - 2. Facepiece E6 ( Assault ) —TB CW 7.
M53A1 -FT 81 -T-1 . General—TB 3–205 3 ; TB 3–205-4 ; TB 3–205–5 ; TB 3–
M82 ( M52B1E5 ) -FT 60-F-1 . 205–6 ; TM 3-205 .

M77 ( T and SQ ) -FT 81 -S 1 . Horse, M4 and M5-TM 3-230.

M74—1276 f /s-FT 37-BJ-2 . M -1 , Eyeglass

M89 ( T119E1 ) -MV-1200 f/s-FT 57-E-1. Procurement and Issuance - Cir 16–1944 .
T83 — TB ORD 169. Size entry on service record_Cir 187-V-1944.
T86 — TB ORD 169. M2-10A1-6, Lightweight Service - TB 3–205–8.
M5-11-7, Service, Combat - TB 3-205-8 . Relief of disbursing officers on account of loss or d
Optical , lightweight -- SB 3-25--25 . ficiency - Bull 25-11-44.
Proper fitting - Cir 32-III- 1945. Submission of classified contracts - Cir 41 -V- 1945 .
Lightweight, Serviceability Standards — SB 3–25–27. GENERAL COURTS MARTIAL : See Courts Martial.
M2A2, Oil Vapor MI-IIIAI-TB 3-205-3 . GENERAL HOSPITALS : See Hospitals .
Serviceability standard-SB 3-25–26.
Snout Type, M8-11-10—TB 3-205-14. GENERAL MALIN CRAIG : Obituary-GO 61-1945.
Technique for Applying to a Helpless Patient—TB MED GENERAL OFFICERS : Aides, allotments-Cir 52 - IV
Waterproofing, M1-TB 3–205–12515. 1942 ; 58 - III – 1942; 275-III-1942 ; 68-1-1945
Withdrawal of Certain enlisted personnel returned to 303-II -1942.
United States—Cir 72–1945.
GENERAL OF THE ARMY : Grade established by act o
GASOLINE : See Also Fuel and Lubricant. Congress -- Bull 25-1-1944 .
Containers, shipment overseas - Cir 116-V-1945. GENERAL ORDERS, WAR DEPARTMENT :
Emergency purchases from other than Treasury Depart 1920, No. 54 , sec. III amended - GO 42-1-1945.
ment contractor-Cir 334 - II - 44. 1936 , No. 6, sec. IV amended-GO 101-1-1945 .
Identification - SB 10–113. 1940, No. 1 , sec. II amended-GO 71-III-1943 ; 18 -I
Instructions for draining from fire units - Cir 356 - IV 1945.
1942 , No. 27 , sec . III amended - GO 84-VI-1944.
Inspection -- SB10-159. No. 44 , amended-GO 13-V- 1944 ; 65–1–1944 .
Rationing - No. 56, Sec, I amended-GO 27-1-1944 ; 31 - III
Termination- Cir 262-IV-1945. 1944.
1943 , No. 3 , sec . III amended-GO 79 - VII - 1945 .
Post Office Department - Cir 258-V-1942 . No. 12 corrected - GO 3 - IX - 1944 .
Standard Grades prescribed-Cir 95-IV-1944 . No. 13, sec . IX amended-GO 53-IX-1944 .
Supply Company, Quartermaster Handbook - TM 10-465
No. 14, sec. IV amended-GO 80-XII-1945.
Supply for Range, Field, M1937-SB 10–121 . No. 16, sec. VI , Par. 4, amended-GO 48 - VII
Tax levied-Cir 386 – V - 1944 .
Unleaded and Undyed-SB 10-2 .
No. 18 , sec. VIII amended - GO 67-IX- 1944.
No. 19, sec . VIII corrected - GO 3 - IX - 1944.
GATE VALVE SECTION : 4-in. Pipe- Line, Consisting of No. 20, sec . IV corrected - GO 3 - IX - 1944.
one 4- in . Gate Valve Fabricated into a 20-ft.
No. 32 , sec . VI amended-GO 69-IX-1944.
Section of Pipe Grooved for Victaulic Coup No. 46 , sec . III amended - G0-20 - VIII - 1945 .
ling – TM 5-9250 ; TM 5-9252 .
No. 49, sec . I amended-GO 31-11-1944.
GAUGES : Installation and Maintenance of Packaged No. 57 , sec . I amended-GO 87-1-1944.
Equipment Offices — TM 11-2041 . No. 66, sec . III amended--GO 30-XII-1944 ; 41
XII-1944 .
GAUNTLETS : SB 10-208 . sec. IV amended - GO 39-XI-1944.
No. 70 , sec . III amended-GO 17-XIII-1945.
GEAR- HOUSING : DR 1844823 on Half -track Vehicles M5 , sec . III , paragraph 3 amended - GO 44
M5A1 , M9A1 , M14 , M17-TB 9-2830-90 . XII - 1944 .
No. 74, pai . 2 amended-GO 64-XVII-1944.
GEARS : No. 75, amended - GO 28 - V -- 1945 ; 17 -V1-1944;
Flywheel Ring — TB 9-2830–33 . 49-111-1944 ; 89-VIII – 1944.
No. 78 , sec. VII amended-GO 6-VIII-1944 ; 33
Main Reduction, Farrel, Model U - 14 - TM 55–3002. XIV -1944.
Mainshaft, Drive, Front Axle - TB ORD 177. No. 79, sec. I amended - GO 20-XIV-1944 .
M1 -TB ORD 69 ; MWO ORD F 208-W3 . No. 81, sec . III amended - GO 9-IX- 1945 .
M2-TB ORD 69 .
No. 83 , sec III amended--GO 80-VI-1944.
M3 - MWO F209-2. No. 86, sec. VII par. 2 amended - GO 14-XIII
1944 .
M3 , Modification to Prevent Damage to Flexible 1944 , No. 4 , sec. III corrected-GO 8-VIII–1944.
Shaft on Computing Sight M7A1 when
Mounted on 40 -mmAA Gun Carriages M2 No. 7 , sec . IV amended ---GO 56-XIII- 1944 .
No. 8, sec . III amended - GO 16 - XI - 1944.
and M2A1-TB 9-252-FE2.
No. 10, sec . V amended-GO 18 - XI- 1944.
Oil Pump, Reclamation-TB 9-2830--23. No. 11 , sec. VII , Par. 2 amended--GO 48 -VI 1
Reduction , Packard , Model BP-1 , 40 Units—TM 55-3005. 1944 .
Ring, Worn and unmatched, for GMC 272 -ton, for 112 sec. XI amended-GO 14 - XIV - 1944.
ton and Dodge 12 - ton Trucks-TB 9-2830–39.
Speed , Hydraulic Seacoast Artillery - TB ORD 245. No. 14 , sec . III amended - GO 86-X -1944 .
3rd Speed, 20731116, Transmissions, Reclamation of sec . III corrected-GO 18- IX -1944.
GMC 242 - ton , 6x6 , Truck-TB 9-2830–94. sec. V amended - GO 30 - XII -1944; 41
Steering XIII–1944 ; 56 - XIII– 1944 ; 59- XII– 1944.
sec . X corrected - GO 18-X-1944.
Adjustment and Maintenance-9-1743-1 . sec. XI amended - GO 59-XII-1944.
Bent Centerless, For Chevrolet, Dodge, Ford- ( GPW )
GMC and Willeys MD—TB 9-2830–45. sec. XI amended - GO 44- DVII- 1944.
No. 20, sec . XI amended - GO 59-XIII-1944.
GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE : No. 22, sec . IX amended --GO 48-VII- 1944.
Liaison with War Department - Cir 17-V-1944. sec. III amended-GO 82-XIII-1945.
Regulations and procedure for the sale of Government No. 27, sec. VII amended - GO 52- X -1944 ; 53
owned material--Cir 363-IV-1944. XII-1944 ; 55-VI-1944 ; 90 - XV - 1944.
Relation - TM 14-1004 . sec. VI amended - GO 80-VIII-1945.
1944-Continued 1945-Continued
No. 29, sec. II amended-GO 36-XIV–1944 ; 81 No. 47 , sec. XII amended-GO 65-VII-1945 .
XII- 1944 . No. 48 , sec . VII amended—GO 63-VIII–1945.
No. 30, sec . VII amended - GO 39 - X - 1944 . No. 49, sec. VI amended - GO 64 - XII - 1945 .
No. 31 , sec. VIII amended - GO 34-V-1944 . No. 59 amended-GO 85-VII-1945 .
sec . IX amended — GO 37-X-1944 ; 39 - IX No. 64, sec . VI amended-GO 86-V-1945.
1944 ; 58-V-1944 ; 69-VIII–1944. No. 65 ,sec . VI amended-GO 104-XIII–1945.
No. 32 , sec. IV amended—GO 36-XIII–1944 . No. 67, sec. I amended-G0 74-X -1945.
No. 33 , sec . XIII amended-GO 64 - XIII – 1945 . No. 67 ,sec . V amended-GO 74-XI-1945.
sec. VI amended - GO 64-XVI-1944. sec. IX amended-GO 81-VII-1945.
sec. I amended-GO 40-I-1945 ; 46 - IV No. 70, sec. II amended-GO 75-VIII–1945.
1945 ; 48 - XII - 1945 ; 58-VIII–1945 ; 67– sec. II amended-GO 75-VIII–1945 ; 86
XIV-1945 ; 69-IV-1945 ; 75-VII-1945 ; 1945 .
81-VII- 1945. No. 79, sec. III amended - GO 92-XIII–1945 ; 106–

No. 38, sec. IV, IX- 1945 .

par. mended-GO 69-IX-1944 ;
77-XI-1944. sec. IV amended-GO 82-XIII–1945 .
No. 40, sec . I amended-GO 48-XII-1945 ; 69-IV No. 83 , sec . V amended-GO 104-XII-1945 ; 106–
-1945 . X-1945 .
No. 44, sec . VI amended-GO 64-XV-1944 . No. 86, sec. III amended-GO 106 - X - 1945 .
No. 48, sec. V amended-GO 34-VII-1945 . No. 92, sec . II amended-GO 98 - XII - 1945 .
No. 49 , sec. III amended-GO 80-VI-1944 ; 89– No. 106, sec . IX amended-GO 113-X-1945 .
No. 50, sec. X amended - GO 74-XII-1944 .
No. 52 , sec . VII amended-GO 77-X-1944 . Confinement
sec. VIII amended-GO 16 - X - 1945 . Midwestern Branch, United States Disciplinary
No. 53 , sec . VII amended-GO 92-XI-1944. Barracks-Cir 387 - III -44 .
No. 54 , sec. VIII amended - GO'86 - XI- 1944. Various geographical limits-Cir 210 - V1–1943; 311
No. 55 , sec . V amended-GO 9 - XIV - 1944. -VI-1943 .
No. 56 , sec. XII amended-GO 77-XIII– 1944 ; 10- Designation of places of confinement - Cir 120-II–1945.
VII-1945. Discharge -- Cir 302–II–1945.
No. 57, sec. VII amended - GO 12-V- 1945 ; 63– Institutions for confinement - Cir 229-II-1944 .
IX-1945 ; 81-XIV-1944. Officer, escort and travel expenses-Cir 121-111–1945.
No. 59, sec. IX amended-G0-69-IX-1944 ; 86 Rail transportation-Cir 133–1944 ; 420–1944.
X-1944 . Request for remission and cancellation of indebtedness
sec. V amended - G0-34 - VII - 1945. Cir 469-III-1944 .
sec . IX amended-GO 34-VIII–1945 ; II Restoration to duty, confinement and discharge - Cir
V-1945. 337-IV-1945 .
sec. X amended-GO 34 - VIII – 1945 . Stop -over installations—Cir 107–1945.
38 years of age and over, policy regarding restoration
No. 64, sec . XIV amended - GO 78 - IX - 1944 . Cir 237 - IV - 1945 .
No. 73 , sec. III amended - GO 77-XII-1944.
No. 74 , sec . VII amended-GO 81-XIII-1944. GENERAL RATION ORDER No. 11 : Food and beverage,
sec. X amended-GO 90-90-XIV-1944 ; 5
procedure for procurement - Cir 36–1–1945 .
VIII–1945 ; 38-XV-1945.
No. 75, sec . VIII amended - GO 93-X-1944 . GENERAL STAFF :
No. 76, sec . II amended-GO 78-VII–1944 . Supply Division, functions-Cir 333-V-1944.
sec. IX amended-GO 9-IX-1945. Training Officers — Cir 239–1945 ; 37–1945.
No. 77, sec . VI amended-GO 67 -XIII – 1945 .
No. 78 ,
> sec. VI amended-GO 13-VIII–1945 . GENERATOR AND CHARGING PLANT :
No. 81 , sec. VII amended-GO 5-VIII –1945. Acetylene Gas, Semitrailer-Mounted, 500-CFH, Linde,
No. 89, sec. IV amended—GO 49-X- 1945 ; 71- IX Model 1-16 - TM 5-5070 .
1945. All types, Technical Data - TB 5-9720-14.
sec. VII amended-GO 9-X-1945 ; 28 - V Oxygen and Nitrogen Cylinder, 500 - cfh Oxygen, 100
1945 ; 31-IV-1945. cfh Nitrogen, Semi- Trailer -mounted, with
No. 90, sec. II amended-GO 24 - VII - 1945 . Dolly Air Products, 21300-D-TM 5–9112.
No. 91 , sec. III amended-GO 34-V-1945 . Oxygen and Nitrogen Gas, Semi-Trailer-Mounted , Van
No. 93 , sec. IX amended-GO 8-VIII–1945. Type, with Dolly, 500 - Cu ft per hour-TM
1945, No. 5, sec. VI amended - GO 20-X-1945 ; 31 -IV 5-9100 ; LO 5-9110.
No. 9, sec . VI amended-GO 34-VII-1945 . Diesel
No. 10 , sec. V amended-GO 17-XIV-1945.
Electric-LO 55-U4 .
No. 11 , sec . IX amended-GO 27-IX-1945 .
No. 13 , sec . VI amended -GO 53 - XI- 1945 . Engine-Driven
sec. VII amended — GO 37-XIII–1945 ; 38– 5-KW, Fairbanks Morse 36A444 DE, one cylin
der-LO 55-1117-1 .
XV-1945 ; 44-XVI-1945.
sec . VII amended-GO 37-XVI–1945 . 25 -KW, Superior GA-6-LO 55-3010-1 .
No. 20, sec . IV amended-GO 27-VIII–1945. 30 & 40 K.W. , Bardco Model DD - 30 & DP -40
No. 22 , sec. IX amended-GO 37-XII-1945 . LO 55-3004.
No. 24, sec. IV amended-GO 34-VI-1945. 80 KW , Fairbanks Morse 36A512 E , 8 cylinder
No. 33 , sec. I amended-GO 75-VII-1945 . LO 55-118.
No. 38, sec . IV amended-GO 43-XII-1945. Gasoline-Engine Driven , Bardco GD-15, Chrysler Engine
sec . VII amended - GO 46-V-1945. T-118-LO 55-3017.
No. 44, sec. XII amended-GO 47 -XV - 1945. Steam Engine-Driven, 5 to 25 KW - LO 55-3021.
GENERATORS - Continued
Noise , TS - 195 /GP - TM 11-1205 .
M1-TM 9-2615. Onan Electric Plant, Model WC - 10 - M D W Onan Sons
M5 and M6 - LO 9-616.
-TM 5-5322 .
M7 - LO 9-618 ; TB 9–1618–2 . Portable, Gasoline - Engine-Driven
M15 , M15A1-LO 9-618 .
3KW., 110V., 60c., sgle -ph , -- LO 9-U201 ; LO 9
M18—TM 9-1617 ; LO 155.
U204 .
GENERATOR ELECTRIC PLANT : Onan Generator, Model Servo - LO 3500B ; TB 11-1524–19.
No. OTC-1-TM 5--5320 . Signal
A.F. & R.F., supreme models 561 & 561M-TM 11
Engine, Type 15E , Spec . No. 1 Continental Motors
1-72-SB 11-100–7.
Corps-TM 5-5344 . 1-72 - G & 1–72-H_TM 11-265.
Hydrogen-carbon dioxide, methanol-water - MWO ENG 1-72-G & 1-72-H & I - 72 - J - TM 11-307 ; TM 11
9113-1 , 307-1 .
1-222 - A - LO 3506 ; 3507 ; 3519 ; TM 11-1039 ; 11
All Types, Technical Data-TB 5–9720–14 . 1082 ; LO 11-1462 .
Acetylene Gas , Portable , Sight Feed, Model M - 12 - SP 1-26 - TM 11-1063.
TM 5040. I -137- B-TM 11-2641 .
Auxiliary Homelite Model HRH-28, Medium Tanks, M3 1-208 - TM 11-317 .
-TM 9-1730 K ; TM 9–1752. I-208 and 1-208 - A -- TM 11-4012 - TM 11-4012.
Cyclotherm Steam , C - 12, Output 420 Lbs. per hour. Triplett Model 1632-TM 11–328.
Ames Iron Works—TM 5-9696. TS-35A /AP-TM 11-1238A .
TS-155-UP and TS - 155A /UP - TM 11-2657.
D-8800 & 88-50 Electric Set, D7700 Diesel Power TS - 155B / UP_TM 11-2657B .
Unit, Effective with PCU 9J3001 UP. Cater TS - 197 / CMP 4 - TM 11-1207.
pillar Tractor Co.-TM 5-5366 . TS-301 / U-TM 11-2639.
TS - 317 / U - TM 11-2521 .
Engine Driven-TM 55-3003. TS-343 / U-TM 11-1233 ; TB SIG 188.
Dualarc Welding , Electric Arc , Inc.—TM 5-5378.
Engine-Driven , Motors, Motor Starters, Selection for Smoke, Mechanical
Specific Applications-TB ENG 76 . M12TM 3-380 .
Electric-TM 55–405 ; LO 10-351-5 .
M2—LO 3-381; TM 3–381 ; MWO CW 10 ; SB 3
Electric Plants, Universal 4 -KW - Universal Motor Co. 25-20 .
TM 5-5356 . Trailer
Field Operating, Lamp, Item 9931700—TM 8-626. M7-LO 9-881 .
M18 - LO 9-881-2 ; TB 9-881-FE1 .
Gasoline - Driven , Kohler, 10 KW-TBQM 17. Training - AN /URA - TI - SB 11-73 ; TM 11-2509 .
Gasoline- Engine-Driven Type 2022G , 2023G and 1800 R-16. Leece-Neville Co.
2KW , Portable , 115 V., 60 C., Single-phase - LO
9-U201 . TM 5-5376.
10 KW ., 110/120V ., 60C., Single-phase - LO 9 Welder, 12KW, Gasoline Engine- Driven, 40V., 300 AMP..

U202 .
with 3KW . , 115V., D.C. Auxiliary Generator
5 KVA , 220V . , 60. , A.C., 3 -phase - LO 9 - U205 .
-LO 9-834–3.
25 KVA . , 250V ., 60 C, 3 -phase - LO 9- U203 , Westinghouse , 25 KW—TM 55-3009.
GN -58 , Part of Radio Set AN / TRC - 2 - SB 11-84.
Heater, Tank Medium M3-TM 9-1752 . GENERATOR SETS :
Hydrog en All types , Technical Data-TB 5-9720-5 .
Dioxide , Methanol Water Type, Low Pres Diesel , Engine-Driven
sure, Trailer Mounted , Pneumatic Tires , 4,000 Bardco Models , DD-40 and DD-30_TM 55-3004.
Cu. Ft. per hour Hydrogen , 156 pounds per Cargo Pump , 25KW -LO 55–U5.
hour carbon Dioxide - MWO ENG 9113-2. General Motors , Model 3–268A , 100 KW-TM 55
High Pressure , Ferro - Silicon Method , Gasoline , 1066.
Trailer Mounted , Independent, Model KHPG John Reiner and Co.
1 Type A1 with Hercules Engine Model IXB Models AH30 to AH50A Incl .-LO 55-08.
--TM 5-7120. Model MDGC 10,101 ( 10KW ) -LO 55 – U6.
Model MDGH 712 to 40 - LO 55-U3 .
HydrHigh Models , NDGH 50, 501 , 60C, DGH 60 and 60
Pressure , Portable, E5R1 -TM 3–374 .
ML-303 /TM-11-2413 . CA-LO-55-U4.
Kermath Model Sea Chief, 212 and 50W-TM 55–3000 . KW
LeRoi , 5kva Model XFI-II –TM 5-5460. 25 - LO 55-3009 ; LO 55-1117 .
Light Plants, General Motors, Delco Appliance Div. 30 & 60-LO 55-1069 ..
TM 5-5390 . 100-LO 55-1066 ; LO 55-3020 .
ML M7 , M7A1 -LO 9–618 .
158-MWO SIG 11-2400-1 .
Superior Models GA - 2, GA - 4, GA-6, 1A-4—TM
185 , M1-185 -A , Modification - MWO SIG 11-2400-1 . 3010 .
185-A and ML - 185 - B - TM 11-2400 . Electric
185-B , Modification - MWO SIG 11-2400-1 . 112 & 2 KW- Kohler of Kohler Homelite - TM 5
Motor Amplidyne - LO 3510. 5380.
Motor 212 KW , U. S. Motor Corp.--TM 5-5480.
50 KW , .80 Power Factor, 127/220 Volt, 60 Cycles Delco - Remy - Delco Light , 4B-12-TM 5-5388 .
43 KW , .80 Power Factor, 230/400 Volt 50 D. W. Onan C45S-TM 5-5324
Gasoline, John Reiner and Co.. MGG10 and Bardo)
Cycles .
MG - 37 - A - TM 11-920. 71 - G - 32 - DC - HK - LO 55-U7.
PU / C_TM 11-969 . Gasoline Engine -Driven , Onan, Model OTC-15BE-TV
PU - 20 / C - TM 11--978 . 55-3008 .
PU-33 / C-TM 11-969 .
HR & HRA, Homelite - TM 5-5036 . Portable - Continued
LeRoi, 5 AXP_TM 5–5342. Gasoline, Engine-Driven-Continued
RTRA, Homelite — TM 5-5336 . Skid-Mounted-Continued
Portable 3-KW, 115-volt, 1- phase, 60-cycle, Onan,
Diesel : W3M - 16_TM 5-5032.
Base Mounted 3-KW, 115-volt, 1 - phase, 60-cycle, AC,
15-KW, 127/ 220 -volt, 3 -phase, 60 cycle or Onan , Model W3M-19—TM 5-5404.
230 /400 -volt, 3-phase, 50 cycle, Ready 5 -KW , 110-volt, 1 -phase, 60 -cycle , Onan,
Power , RD - 6A - TM 5-5068. Model WC4-7-55 -- TM 5-5044 .
10 KW Model 10A3-U and MOM3-1 - TM 5 - KW , 110-volt, 1 - phase, 60- cycle , AC ,
55-3007. Onan , Model WC4–7-55 — TM 5–5045 ;
142 KW Model DP -32, 1478 units-TM 55– TB 5-5044-1 ; LO 5-5045 .
3006. 5- KW , 110-volt, 1 - phase, 60-cycle, AC ,
30-KW, 127/220-volt, 3 phase, 60 cycle or Onan , WC-7-55-MWO SIG 5055-1.
230 /400 - volt, 3 phase, 50 cycle, Buda, 6 Oil, Engine-Driven
DTG - 317 TM 5-5090 ; MWO ENG Base - Bounted, 15 -KW , 127/220-volt, 3-phase, 60
5090-1. cycle or 125-KW, 230 /400-volt, 3-phase, 50
30-KW, 127 /220 - volt, 3 phase, 60-cycle, or cycle Rodgers, G - 2030 — TM 5-5080; 5
230/440-volt, 3-phase, 50 cycle, ready 5080-1 .
power. Model RD - 14A - TB 5–5020-1. Skid -Mounted, Enclosed, 15-KW, 127 /220-volt,
Skid -Mounted 3-phase, 60-cycle or 230 / 400 -volt, 3 -phase 50
15- KW, 127/220-volt, 3 phase, 60 cycle, cycle Rodgers; Model G - 2151 – TM 5–5082 .
ready power RD -6A - TM 5-5022.
15-KW, 127.220 - volt, 3 -phase, 60 cycle, or GERMAN :
230/400-volt, 3 -phase, 50 cycle, ready Civilian enemy alien , disposition of funds-Cir 274–1944.
power RD -6A Special- TM 5–5026 ; 5 English Glossary-TM 30–490.
5020–2 ; TB 5-5026-1 ; LO 5-5022.
30- KW, 127 /220-volt, 3 - phase, 60 cycle, or Dictionary - TM 30–506 .
230 / 400 - volt, 3-phase, 50 cycle, ready Forces , Handbook - TM E30–451 .
power. RD - 14 - A - TM 5-5020 ; LO 5 Radar Equipment - TM E11-219.
5066 . Radio
50-KW , 127 / 220-volt , 3 phase, 60 - cycle or Communication Equipment—TM E11-227.
230 /400-volt, 3 phase, 50 - cycle, Cummins. Sets . See Radio Sets , German .
Model H - 6 / TM 5-5052 . Spies, trial before a military commission - GO 52–1945.
60-KW, 127/220-volt, 3-phase, 60 cycle, or Volkswagan - TM 9–803.
230/400-volt, 3-phase, 50-cycle, General Army of Occupation of Germany Medal - Cir 448 - VI
1944 .
Motors Model 6016-C and 6016 – E ; 60
KW, 120 /208-volt, 3-phase, 60-cycle, model Speaks, Orientation recording - Cir 33-11-1944.
6016 - B ; and 75 - KW , 230 / 400 - volt, 3 System of military establishment - Cir 347–111-1944 .
phase, 50 cycle, Model 6016-D-LO 5
5160 ; TB 5–5160-1; TM 5-5160 . GI BILL OF RIGHTS :
100 -KW , 127/200-volt, 3-phase, 60 cycle, or Educational Opportunities, Postwar - WD Pam 21–27.
230 /400 - volt, 3-phase, 50 cycle, Murphy, Veterans, World War II—Bull 10–1944 ; 12-XII-1945 ;
Cir 336–1944 .
ME - 650 - TB 5-5052–1; LO 5-5052. Women's Army Corps—WD Pam 35-3.
100 to 106- KW, 127/220-volt, 3-phase , 60
Cycle , or 230 / 400 - volt, 3 phase, 50 cycle, GI ROUNDTABLE :
Murphy, Model ME -650 - TM 5-5052 . Series of discussion pamphlets-Cir 323-V-1945 .
Base or Skid- Mounted , 30-KW , 127 /220-volt, 3
phase, 60-cycle, or 230 /400- volt, 3-phase, 50- GIFT :
cycle Buda, Model 6 - DTG - 317 — TB 5090-1 . From members of armed forces, free entry - Cir 436–
Engine-Driven , Skid- Mounted , 30- KW, 127 /220 III–1944.
volt, 3-phase, 60-cycle or 230 /400 -volt, 3-phase Military personnel overseas, free entry_Cir 381 -III
50 -cycle , Buda , Model 6 -DTG-317—TM 5 1944.
GILBERT ISLANDS : Medical and Sanitary Data-TB
Gasoline , Engine-Driven MED 189.
Marine, universal , 742 KW Model M -7500- M
TM 55–3019 ; LO 55-3019 . GIRDERS : Single, Launching Panel Bridge, Gailey Type
Searchlight, with Carrying Case, 400-watt, 12 TB 5-277-4 .
volt, DC , Delco 4- B-12–TM 5–7060 .
112 -KW , 115 -volt, 1 - phase, 60-cycle, Home Placed on active status-Cir 138 - IV - 45 .
lite , HRUA - TM 5-5034 .
112 - KW , 115 -volt, 1 - phase , 60 - cycle , Home GLASS :
lite, HRUA-TB 5-5034-1; 5-5034–2 . Optical , use by Army Air Forces- Bull 4-11-1944 .
112 -KW , 115 -volt, 1 - phase, 80 -cycle, Home Windshield, Broken, Conversion - TB 9-2830-55.
lite, HRA-TM 5-5036 . GLASSES :
3- KW , 155-volt , 1 - phase , 60-cycle, Onan , Field
Model WSM-TM 5-5024 . Ordnance Maintenance - TM 9-1580 .
3- KW, 115 - volt, 1 - phase, 60 cycle, Onan , Type EE -SB 9–49 .
W3M - 5 - TM 5-5030 . Windows, windshields, use of water - repellent compound
3- KW , 115-volt, 1 -phase, 60-cycle, Onan , --TB 9-850-20.
Models W3M , W3M - 5, W3M - 16 , W3M
19 , W3M-21-TB 5-5030–1 . GLASSWORKER : TM 10–455 .
658749 ° -46—21
Additional pay for flights - Bull 14-III-1944. ASTP, symbol assigned-Cir 141–1944 .
Badge Qualifications — Cir 22-IV–1944. WAC officer candidate school, assignment - Cir 462–1945
Flight Pay-Cir 367 - V – 1944 .
Regulations applicable to personnel of Armed Forces GRADERS :
and Nurses-Bull 19-11-1944. All types, Technical Data - TB 5–9720–1.
Landing, Bronze Service arrowhead award-Cir 465–1 Road -motorized
1944 . Diesel
Training 12-Ft. Moldboard, Caterpillar, Model 12–TE
Advanced - TM 1-815 . 5-1018–1 ; TB ENG 13 ; LO 5-1018 ; MW
Basic -- TM 1-800. ENG 1018–1; MWO ENG 1018–2 .
12-Ft. Moldboard , Galion , Model 101- D_TX
GLOSSARIES : 5-1028 ; TB 5–1028-1; TB 5–1028–2 ; MW
Chinese -English - TM 30–495 . ENG 1020-1 ; MWO ENG 1020-2.
German-English-TM 30–490 . Gasoline
Japanese - English - TM 30–485 . 12-Ft. Moldboard , Galion, Model 101—TM 5
Principal Photographic Chemicals, Properties, Char 1020 ; LO 5-1020 .
acteristics-TB SIG 158. Galion , Model 101-TB 5–1020–1.
GLOVES : Road, Towed Type
SB 10-208 . Elevating, Power Controlled, 48-In. Carrier, Adams
Insert, Lightweight, description and basis of issue Model 11-TB 5-1124-1.
Cir 477-11-1944 ; Cir 165-IV-1945. Leaning -Wheel, Hand -Controlled
642 -Ft. Moldboard, Adams, Model 11 - S — TM
GOGGLES : 5–1120 ; 5–1120–1.
Supply of newly standardized M-1944—Cir 417-11-1944. 10 to 12- Ft. Moldboards, Models 104 and 124- S .
Welder, Mounting Corrective Lenses — TB MED 91. with Scarifier, Adams, TB 5-1036–1 ; MWO
ENG 1092–1 .
GOLD COAST : Medical and Sanitary Data -- TB MED 129.
10 to 12-Ft. Moldboard, Adams, 124 – MWO
GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE : Toll charge and exemption for ENG 1092-1.
government traffic - Bull 4 - III – 1944. 10-Ft. Moldboard, Caterpillar, 44 and 66 — TM
5-1022 ; 5-1024 ; LO 5-1022.
GONIOMETER DRIVE : RM -43 - LO 3108 – A . 10 - Ft. Moldboard , Adams, Model 104 , with
GONORRHEA : Management-TB MED 196. Scafifier - TM 5-1036 .
12-Ft. Moldboard, Adams, Model 124-S—TB
GOOD CONDUCT MEDAL : 1092–1 ; 5–1036 ; 5–1092 .
Entries on service record-Cir 470-IV-1944.
Manufacture and supply - Cir 103-III-1944. GRAINER : Plate, Lithographic-Offset, Motor-Driven , 110
Revoking forfeiture of right to wear - Cir 298 - VIII volt, 60-cycle, AC, with Accessories to Accom
1945 .
modate Two 2712 x 2858 - in . Plates , Zarkin
Women's Army Corps - Cir 36 - II – 1944 . ( Zenith ) , 33 k 62-in .-TM 5-4420 .
Military - TM 27–250. GRAPHIC :
Shipments for departments, other than War, CT Bull Arts, Nonexpendable equipment, procurement responsi
11-11-1944 . bility-Cir 223-11-1945 .
GTA 8-1 amended-Cir 77-11-1945 .
Aviation cadets, students, aviation cadets of U. S. Mili
tary Academy-Cir 1–1944 . GTA 9-7 rescinded - Cir 391-II-1944.
Information, discharged Military Personnel-Cir 35–44. GTA 9-8 rescinded-Cir 391-11-1944 .
GTA 17-1 rescinded - Cir 371-11-1945 .
GOVERNMENT LOSSES IN SHIPMENT ACT : Regula List, classification removed - Cir 373–II–1945.
tions governing shipment of valuables pursu Oversea shipment - Cir 157–1944.
ant to the Act-Cir 51–1945. GRATUITY :
GRADE : Insurance, extension of time limit for filing application
Allotment for bands-Cir 143–1–1944 . -Cir 457-1944.
Enlisted men Pay Branch, incorporated in Office of Special Settle
Attending special service and technical schools ment Accounts - Cir 270 - VII - 1944 .
Cir 291-11-1943 . Upon Death , payment, certain beneficiary - Bull 25-1
1943 .
Returned from or furnished to oversea stations GRAVES :
Cir 308-IV-1944.
Transferred to Infantry - Cir 132-1-1944 ; 262–1944. Registration-FM 10-63 ; Cir 2-II-1945 ; 186 -IV -1945.
Excess enlisted grades due to hospitalization of person Registration service area, establishment - GO 125–1945.
nel-Cir 224 - V - 1944. GREASE :
Former officers appointed, Army of the United States- General Purpose No. 0, U. S. Army Specification 2–106
Cir 172-11-1944 ; 368 - V - 44 ; 206-III-1944. -SB 10–186.
General of the Army established--Bull 25–1–1944. General Purpose No.2, U. S. Army Specification 2-108A
Physical therapy trainees-Cir 462-1944 . -SB 10–238.
Reduction prohibited, WAC filling oversea requisition- Cups, Assembly, Modification on Power Unit PE-75- ( *)
Cir 350-XI - 1944 ; 462–1944. -MWO SIG 11-900-2.
Restoration of enlisted men-Cir 185-1945 . GREAT LAKES : Project modified-Bull 14 - III - 1942.
General officer, AUS , method for wartime reduction GREATER PITTSBURGH AIRPORT, CORAOPOLIS, PA .:
- Bull 8-III–1945 . Designation - Cir 140-VI-1945.
Officers assigned to general hospitals -- Cir 341-11- GREETING : Radio and cable overseas suspended for the
1942 . period 6 to 25 Dec 44 — Cir 450 - VII–1944.
GRENADES : GROCERY : Transportation-Bull 11–1–1943.
FM 23-30 . GROUND :
Riot ( CN ) E3R24TB 3-300-3 . Control approach ( GCA ) , R/T procedure - TC 37, 1945.
Incendiary, AN-M14-TB 3-300–11818 ; TB CW 8. Forces, Aviation, In Support - FM 31-35 .
Rifle Post, camp, and stations, preventive measures for excess
FM 23-30 . maintenance costs — Cir 211-IX-1944.
Practice M11A2-TB 9-1985-FE1 . Units
Smoke, Theater of Operations Surveillance Pro Air supply - FM 31-40 .
cedure - TB 3-300-887. Air support - FM 31-35 .
Throwing, unauthorized literature - TC 55, 1944. GROUNDING :
GRINDERS : Procedure. See Procedure, Grounding.
All types, Technical Data-TB 5-9720–7. GROUP :
Bench , Model SP No. 1230., New Model SP-23–105,
Delta Mfg. Co.-TM 5-4176. 15 or more patient, movement order - Cir 177-11-1945 ,
39 or less, movement orders-Cir 199–1945 .
Bushing, Model LB , Sunnenn Products Co.-TM 5 40 or more transportation-Cir 199–1945.
4132 .
Detachable Drill-Steel Bit, Air Motor Driven, Ingersoll Movements of patients by rail-Cir 234–1944 ; 405–1944.
Rand, Model JA - 3 - TB 5-4070–1. Travel of enlisted men and women-Cir 199–1945.
Dunmore Precision
Model 7-TM 5-4166 . GROUP SINGING : Bibliography of Songs—WD Pam 28–4 .
Model 11–TM 5-4168 . GUARANTEE DEPOSIT. See Deposits.
Bench Type GUARD :
14 -HP, Bushing , 110-Volt , 60 -Cycle, 1- Phase, Accompanying prisoner of war - Cir 222–1945 ; 343- II
.720 to 1-020 Diameter Range, Sunnenn, 1945 .
Model LB-TM 5-4132. Duties, interior - FM 26–5 .
12 - HP, Delta, 110-Volt, 60-Cycle, 1 -Phase, Military, protection of material, premises and utilities
Model 1240 — TM 5-4176 . Cir 24 - III - 1945 .
Crankshaft, Sunnenn, Model K - 850 — TM 5-4044. STATE . See STATE GUARDS . 1

Floor Type, Two 14 -in. Wheels, 208 - Volt, 3 -Phase, Stop-over installations - Cir 107–1945 . 1

60-Cycle, Standard, Type 36 FAS, Model 100 Traveling with military prisoners, duties and responsi
-TM 5-4174. bilities - Cir 60 - IV - 1945 .
6 -in. Wheel, Independent Pneumatic, Model GUIDANCE : To soldiers returning from overseas - WD Pam
U -60 — TM 5-4120 . 21-21.
T- Bolt Mounting, 1 /5-hp, Universal Motor, GUIDES :
Dumore, Model 7-TM 5-4166 .
T- Bolt Mounting, 1/ 5 -hp, Universal Motor, Civil Affairs
Dumore, Model 11-TM 5-4168 . Agriculture and Food in Japan-WD Pam 31-10.
Valve-Refacing, Black and Decker, Code No. 107– Banking and Operations in Japan - WD Pam 31-4 .
TM 5-4192. Japan Bibliography - WD Pam 31–1 ; 31-1A .
GPCA Pedestal, Model 102, 220-Volts, 60-Cycle, 3-Phase, Radio Broadcasting in Japan-WD Pam 31-64.
Cincinnati Electric Tool Co.-TM 5-4378. Commander's Troop Train-Pam 20–7.
Ingersoll-Rand Shank, Size 4K, Duplicate Part List and Contractor, Army- Navy-WD Pam 34–2.
Instructions-TM 5-4058 . Foreign Exchange - TM 14-511 .
Jackbit, J3, Ingersoll-RandTM 5-4106 . Freight Billing - SB 55-3 ; 55-4 ; 55-6 ; 55-7 ; 55-8 ;
Norton Model No. 2, Tool & Cutter, Norton Company 55–7 ; 55-8-A ; 55-8-B ; 55-8 -- C ; 55-8 - D ;
TM 5-4328. 55-8-E ; 55-8 -- H - 1 ; 55-8-H-2 ; 55-8 - H - 3 ;
Pedestal, Operating Manual and Spare Parts Booklet
TM 5-4174 .
55-8 -- H - 4 ; 55-8-H-5 ; 55-8- H- 6 ; 55-8
H - 8 ; 55-8 - H - 7 ; 55-8 - H - 9 ; 55–8 - H - 1 ; 55-8
Pneumatic, Rotary Type H-11 ; 55-8 - H - 12 ; 55-8 - H - 14 ; 55-8 - H - 15 ;
4 x l-in. Vitrified, 6 x l -in . Organic Wheel , Inde 55-8 - J - 1 ; 55-8 - J - 2 ; 55-8 - J - 3 ; 55-8 - J - 4 ; 55
pendent Pneumatic, Thor, No. 255GX, Model 8 - J - 5 ; 55-8-5-6 ; 55-8-5-7 ; 55-8 - J - 8 ; 55-8
5321 - TM 5-4200 . J -9 ; 55--8 - J - 10 ; 55-8 - J - 14 ; 55-8 - J - 15 ; 55
4 x 1 -in. Vitrified , 6 x 1 - in. Organic Wheel , Thor, 8 - J - 16 ; 55-8 - J - 20 ; 55-8 - J - 101; 55-8- K ; 55
Model 255 - TM 5-4108. 8-L ; 55–8-N-1 ; 55–8-N-17 ; 55–8-N 23 ; 55
5 x 1 -in. Vitrified , 8 x 1 - in . Organic Wheel, Inger 8-N-316 ; 55-8 - N -317 ; 55-8-N-318 ; 55--8 - N
soll-Rand, Model 4 - G - TB 5-4190 ; TB 5 319 ; 55-8 - N --327 ; 55-8-N-328 ; 55-8 - N -337 ;
4190–1 ; TB 5-540-6 . 55-8-P ; 55-8-R ; 55-8-S ; 55-8 - T ; 55–9 ; 55–
Portable, Thor No. U-60, Model 3032, Independent Pneu 10 ; 55-11 ; 55-8-F ; 55-8 - G - 27 ; 55-8 - M - 1;
matic-TM 5-4120 . 55-8 - M -5 ; 55-8-N-7 ; 55-8-N-10 ; 55-8 - N
Rotary ( Thor) No. 360, Model 5290, Independent Pneu 21 ; 55-8 - N -57 ; 55-8-N-187 ; 55-8-N-217 ;
matic Tool Co.-TM 5-4578 .
55-8-N-257 ; 55-8 - N -377; 44-8-N-500-EA ;
Shank, 4K, Ingersoll-Rand - TM 5-4058. 55-8 - N -500 - EB ; 55-8 - N -500 - FA ; 55-8 - N
Thor, No. 185, Bridgeport Safety Emery Wheel Co. 500-GA ; 55-8-N-587 ; 55-8-N-600 ; 55-8 - N
TM 5-4672 . 611 ; 55-8-N-621 .
Tool Post, Type PA-I, 115 Model, Cincinnati Electric Hospital Entertainment-Pam 28-11A ; Pam 28-11D .
Tool Co. - TM 5-4630 .
Universal, Nos. 1 , 2, 3, and 4. Brown & Sharpe Mfg.
Co.-- TM 5-4664 . Education officers, Post V - E Day period - TM 9
1904 .
U. S. Tool Post, Model RA H.P. United States Electrical
Tool Co.-TM 5-4670. Materials WD Pam 20–3 .
Valve Refacer, Types C - M -MW , 1-LW, D, NW. Black Inspection , Ammunition, Purpose and Limitations - TM
& Decker Mfg. C0.-TM 5-4192. 9-1904 .
GUIDES-Continued GUNS — Continued
Instruction 37-mm-Continued
Care and Maintenance, Ball and Roller Bearings M1916–Recoil Mechanism - TB ORD FE38 on Sub
TM 37-265 . caliber Mounts-FT 37-BJ-2 .
Elementary Optics and Applications to Fire Control T32—TM 246 ; LO 9-246.
Instruments - TM 9-2601 . T34-TB 9-308-1 .
Ordnance Packaging and Shipping—TM 9-2854. T36 — TB 9-322-1 .
Language. See Language Guides. 40 -mm
Matériel - TM 9-252 .
Spanish, ( TM 30–1509 ) -TM 30–1511A ; 30-1510 ; Lubrication Instructions — TB ORD 266 .
Portuguese, ( TM 30-1512) -TM 30–1511A ; 30-1513 ; Twin , Carriage, Motor M19—TM 9-757.
30-1511B . 57-mm
Menu M1-FM 23–75 ; LO 9-303 ; TM 9-303 ; TM 9-1303;
TB ORD 49 ; FT 57 - A - 3 ; MWO ORD C36
Italian Service Unit - SB 10-232 . W6.
Monthly Adjustment, WAC—SB 10–155. Mk . III ( British ) -FT 57-D-1 .
75 -mm
Army Conservation Program-Pam 38–7. AN M5 - TM 9-312 ; LO 9-312 .
Special Services Officers' Preparation for Oversea
Service - WD Pam 28–2. M2 - FM 6–55 ; TM 9-307; 9-1307 ; TB ORD 49 ;
Pay, Commissioned Officers - Pam 21-14 . TB ORD 94 ; FT 75-AD-5 ; FT 75- AF- 1 .
M2A1-TB 9-1305-1 .
Relatives and dependents of deceased Soldiers — Pam M2A2-TB 9-1305-1 .
20–15 .
Repair Time, Wheeled Vehicles — TB ORD 173. M3—TM 9-307 ; TB ORD 49 ; FT 75 -AD-7 ; TM
Repairs and utilities—TM 5-600. 9–1307 ; TB ORD 94 ; FT 75-AD-5 FT
AY-1 .
Standarddishwashing supplies— TB QM 39. M4—TM 9-311 ; 9-1311 ; TB ORD 49 ; TB ORD 63;
Successful Leadership , WAC Officer - WD Pam 35-2 . LO 9-311 .
Time, Transportation for less-carload oversea shipments M5 — TM 9–1312 ; LO 9–312 ; TB ORD 255 ; TB
forwarded to ports of embarkation-CTB 32 , ORD FE24 .
1945 .
M5A1_TB ORD FE24 ; TB ORD 255 .
GUN, MACHINE : Trainer, antiaircraft, M9, issue—Cir M6—TM 9–313 ; TB ORD FE24 ; TB ORD 255 ;
230-1-1943 . TB 9–1313 ; FT 75-AD -7 ; FT 75-AY-1 .
M10 — TB ORD FE24 ; TB ORD 255.
GUN MOUNTS . See Mounts. M1897 — TM 9-1305 ; TB 9-1305-1 ; TB ORD 138 ;
FT 75 - B - 4 ; 75-E-3 .
GUNNERS : M1897A4_FM 6-50 .
Artillery M1916 - FT 75-AF-1 ; FT 75- E-3 . 1

Antiaircraft-FM 4-119 . M1917–FT 75-AF-1 ; FT 75-E-3.

Coast - FM 4-19 . M1917A1 - FM 6–65 .
First and Second Fixed Seacoast-TM 4-305 . T9E1-TB ORD 255 .
Chemical Warfare-FM 3-10. 76 -mm
Mobile, Seacoast Artillery-TM 4-320. M1A1_TM 9-308 ; TB 9-1308–1 ; TB ORD 122 ;
FT 76 - A - 4 ; TB ORD FE53 .
Seacoast Artillery—TM 4-310. M1A1 and M1A2_MWO ORD C46-W1 ; MWO ORD
Mobile, Seacoast Artillery, First and Second Class
TM 4-315 . C58-W4 .
M1A1 , M1A1C and M1A2–FT 76 - A - 6 ; FT 76 - C - 1.
GUNNERY : M1A2—TB 9–1308-1 ; FT 76 - A - 4 ; MWO ORD C46
Aerial - WL ; C58-W4 ; C64-W1 .
Fixed-TM 1-273 . 90 -mm
Practice and Record Firing -TM 1-270.
M1-FM 4-91 ; 4-126 ; TM 9-370 ; 9-371 ; 9–373 ;
Artillery 9–1370 ; 9–1370A ; 1370B ; 9–1373 ; 9–1600;
Antiaircraft-FM-4-110 ; FM 44-11 ; TC 23 , 1944 . TB ORD 72 ; LO 9-373; FT 90 - C - 13 ; FT
Night-TC 50–1944. 90-A-B-3 ; MWO ORD D28-W15 ; MWO
Seacoast-FM 4-10. ORD D28-W21 ; MWO ORD D28-W23.
Weapons - TC 2, 1944 . M1 and M1A1 , On AA Mount M1A1 (Telescope
Crew Drill, 75-mm Assault howitzer on Motor Carriage Mount M54 ) TB 9-370-3 .
M8 - FM 17-69 . M1 and M1A1_TB ORD 301 ; FT 90AA-B-3 ; TB
Field Artillery - FM 6–40. 9-1370-2 ; MWO ORD D28-W7.
Ground - TM 1-273 . M1A1_TM 9-370 ; TB ORD 48 ; LO 9-370 ; FT
Tank-FM 17-12 . 90AA-B-3 ; FT 90-C-3 ; MWO ORD D28–
W23 .
GUNS : See also Carriages, Directors, Finders, Howitzers, M36B24TM 9-745 .
Limbers, Mortars, Mounts, Rifles, Setters, M2 / FM 4-127 ; TM 9–372 ; TB 9-372–2 ; 9-1372B - 1;
Sights, and Small Arms . 9-1372A ; LO 9-372 ; FT 90AA-B-3.
37 -mm M3—FT 90-C-3 ; TM 9-374 ; TB ORD FE54.
T2-TB ORD 48.
All Types -- TM 9-235 ; 9-1235 ; 9-1606 ; 9-235-7.
M3—FM 23–70 ; TM 9-1245 ; TB 9-1245-4 ; TB T2E1-TB ORD 48.
ORD 138 ; FT 37-M-4 ; LO 9-U1 ; 9-V1 . T8-TM 9-375 ; LO 9-375 .
T71_TM 9-758 .
M3A1-TM 9-1245 ; TB ORD 48 , 49 ; TB ORD 138 ;
FT 37 - M - 4 ; LO 9-U1 . 120-mm, M1-TM 9-380 ; 9-1380 ; TB ORD FE11; LO
M5-TB ORD 49 ; FSMWO G103-W40. 9-380 ; MWO ORD D32 -W1; MWO ORD D32
M6 – TM 9-250 ; 9–1250 ; 9-743-6 ; TB ORD 49 ; W2 ; MWO : ORD D32-W3 ; MWO ORD D32-
94 ; 138 ; FT 37-S-3 . W5.
GUNS - Continued GUNS — Continued
155-mm 12 - Inch - Continued
M1-FM 4-24 ; 6–90 ; TM 9-1350 ; TB 9-350–6 ; M1895 Series — TB 9-1451-1 ; FT 12-K-2 ; FT 12
9-1350-4 ; 9–1350-5 ; TB ORD 65 ; TB ORD E-2 ; FT 75- E-3 .
113 ; TB ORD FE9 ; MWO ORD D24 - W9 ; M1895 and M1895M1-FT 12-K-2.
MWO ORD D24 -W21 ; LO 9-350 ; MWO M1895A2_MWO ORD E19-W3 .
ORD D24-W19 ; FT 155-S-2 ; FT 155–2–1. M1895M1A2_MWO ORD E19-W33.
M1A1_TB 9-350-6 ; TM 9-1350 ; TB 9-1350_4 ; TB M1895M1A4LO 9–451 .
9-1350-5 ; TB ORD 65 ; LO 9-350 ; MWO 14 -Inch
ORD D24-W9 ; MWO ORD D24-W19 ; MWO All Types
ORD D24-W21 ; FT 155-S-2 ; FT 155–Z-1 . Disappearing Carriage - FM 4-80 .
M1C-FT 155-S-2 ; 155-2-1 . M1909-FT 14-B-2 .
M2_TM 9-350 ; LO 9-350 ; MWO ORD D24-W21 ; M1907 Series - FT 14-C-1 .
FT 155-S-2 ; 155–2-1 . M1910-FT 14- B-2.
M3 — FT 155-S-2 ; 155 - Z - 1. M1910M1 - FT 14-B-2 ; FT 75-E-3.
M4-FT 155-S-2 ; 155-2-1. M1920— FT 14 - M - 1.
M12– FM 6–86 ; TB ORD FE5 ; TB ORD 165 . M1920MII-FM 4-35 ; FT 14-M-1 ; FT 750 - E - 3.
M1917-FM 4-25 ; TM 9-345 ; TB 9-1345–2 ; LO
9-345 ; FT 155-W- 1 . 16 -Inch
M1917A1-TM 9-1345 ; 9-1345–2 . All Types Casemated — FT 4-86.
M1918–FM 4–25 ; 6–85 ; TM 9-345. MK. II, M1-FM 4-85 ; TM 9-471; TB ORD 25 ;
M1918M12TM 9-1345 ; 9–1345–2 ; LO 9-345 ; FT LO 9-471 ; 9-471-1; 9-472–1; LO 9–473 ; FT
155-B-5 ; FSMWO D36 -W1. 16 - D - 2 ; FT 16-D-2 .
M1895 - FT 16 - C - 1,
3 - Inch
M1919 Series—FT 16-B-1 ; FT 16 - C - 1.
M5—TM 9-322 ; TM 9-1322 ; TB 9–1322–1 ; LO 9 M1919MII—FM 4-85 ; LO 9-472 ; FT 75-E-3.
322 .
M1919MIII-FT 4-85 ; LO 9-472 ; FT 75 - E - 3.
M7- TM 9-323 ; 9-1323 ; TB ORD 94.
M10—TB ORD 160. Aircraft
ControlsTM 1-490 .,
3- Inch- ( 15-pdr) :
M1902M1 - FM 4–90 ; TM 9-421 ; TB 9-1421-1 ; FT Sights - TM 1-495 .
3-M-2. Antiaircraft
M1903—FM 4-90 ; TM 9-421 ; TB 9-1421-1 ; FT Artillery - FM 44-4.
3-M -2 . 20-mm, German , Four Barreled Mount 2-cm Flak
eierling 384TM 9-228.
4.5 -Inch
40-mm , M1-TM 9-241 ; 9-252; 9–1252.
M1-FM 6-77 ; TM 9-328 ; 9–1331 ; TB 9-1331-2 ; 88-mm, German Matériel-TM 9-369A .
9-1331 FE1 ; TB ORD 113 ; MWO ORD C38–
90 -mm , M1-TB ORD 55 .
W9 ; FT 415-A- 1 ; FT-4.5-A-1 ; LO 9–328 . 105-mm , ( AA ) M3 - FT 105 - AA - E - 1 .
M2-FT 4.5 - A - 1 .
3 - Inch
4.7-Inch , M1-FM 4–128 ; TB ORD 49. All Types — TB ORD 122.
6 -Inch M1 -FT 3AA - J - 3 .
All Types— FM 4-75 . M2FT 3AA-K-3.
M1-LO 9-428 ; LO 9-429. M2A1 -TB ORD 129.
M1897M1-FT 6- B-3 ; FT 6 - C - 2 . M2A2-TM 9-1360 ; TB ORD 129 .
M1900 - TM 9-424 ; LO 9-424 ; FT 6 - C - 2; 6-D-2 ; M3—TB 9-1360-1; FT 3AA - J - 3; FT 3AA - K
FT 6- E-2. 3.
M1903_TB 9-1246–1 ; FT 6 - C - 2 ; FT 6-D-2. M4 - FT 3AA - J - 3 ; FT 3AA-K-3 .
M1903A2–FM 4-74 ; TM 9-428 ; LO 4-429 ; FT M1917 Series_FT 3AA-K-3.
6- E -2. M1917A2-FT 3AA - J - 3.
M1905 - FT 6- C-2 . M1918 – FT 3AA-I-3 ; FT 3AA-L-2.
M1905A2_FM 4-74 ; TM 9-428 ; LO 9-428 ; LO 9 M1925M1-FT 3AA- K-3 .
429 ; FT 6 - E - 2 . T1A1-TM 9-1360 ; TB ORD 129.
M1908 — FT 6- B-3 ; 6-C-2. T1A2 - TM 9-1360 ; TB ORD 129.
T2-TM 9-429 . Employment-FM 4-104.
8 - Inch Antitank, 3- Inch, M5 and M7-FT 3-R-2.
M1—TM 9-336 ; 9-1341A ; TB 9-336-1 ; 9-1341A- Antitank, 37-mm, M3A1_TB 23-70-3.
FE1 ; TB ORD 113 ; TB ORD 286 ; LO 9- Assault, Section and Platoon-FM 17-25.
336 ; MWO ORD D33-W30 ; FT 8 - L - 2 . Automatic
M1888 Series — FM 4–50 ; TB 9-1442–1 . 20 -mm
M1888 and mods .-FT 8-A-3 ; 8-D-2 ; 8 - H - 1. AN-M2 ( aircraft ) -- TM 9-227 ; 9-1227 ; TB
MK. VI , Mod. 3A2_FM 4-48 ; 4-49; 8-1-1; TM ORD 63 ; TB ORD 137 ; LO 9-227.
9-442 ; TM 9-463 ; TB 9-463–1 ; 9-1442–1 ; 9
1463–1 ; TB ORD 25 ; LO 9-442 ; LO 9-463 ; M1 -TM 9-227 ; 9-228 ; 9-1227 ; TB ORD 63 ;
FT 8-1-1 ; FSMWO E34 - W1 ; FSMWO E34 MWO ORD A47-W1 ; FSMWO A47- W7 .
W3 ; FSMWO E34-W4 ; FSMWO E34-W5 . M1 ( aircraft) TM 9-2200 ; 9-1227 ; LO 9-227 ;
TB ORD 63 ; TB ORD 137.
10-Inch M2-MWO ORD A47-W1 .
M1888 Series-FT 10- B- 1 .
M1895- FT 10- B- 1 .
M3 (aircraft ) -TM 9-229 ; TB ORD 137 ; LO
9-227 .
M1900-FT 10-B- 1 .
37 -mm
12 -Inch AN -M4 (aircraft )-TM 9-1240 ; TB 9–1240
Barbette Carriage - FM 4-60. FE1 ; TB ORD 49; TB ORD 63; TM 9-240 ;
Casemated-FM 4-61 . LO 9-240 .
Disappearing Carriage - FM 4-80. AN-M9 ( aircraft) -TM 9-241 ; 9-1240 ; TB
M1888 Series -- FT 12-E-2 ; FT 12-K-2. ORD 49.
GUNS_Continued GUNS—Continued
37 -mm --Continued Machine - Continued
M1A2—TB ORD 49 ; TB ORD 69 . Caliber .60—Continued
M3-MWO ORD A44-W4. Marksmanship — TC 7, 16, 1944.
M4 - TB 9-1240 FE2 ; TB ORD 237 ; TB 9 Thompson
1240-FE1 ; MWO ORD A46 -W7; MWO ORD M12TM 9-215 ; T8 ORD 141 .
A46-W8 ; MWO ORD A46-W9 . M3—FM 23–41; TB ORD FE6 ; Cir
M9—TB ORD 237 ; LO 9–240; TB ORD 237. 125-IV-1944 ; MWO ORD A58 - W2.
M10 — TB ORD 237. M1928A1-FM 23-40 ; TM 9-1215 ; TB
M10 ( aircraft) -TM 9-1240 ; TB 9-1240 FE2 ; ORD 141 .
TM 9-240 ; LO 9-240. Motor, 115-mm, T83—TM 9-747.
Oil , CLAX 7-TB ORD FE38.
40-mm Portable Flame Thrower, M2 - LO 3
376A .
M1-TM 9-252 ; LO 9-252 ; TB 9-252–7 ; TB
ORD 48 ; TB ORD 49 ; TB ORD 69 ; TB Spray, Type GD, Devilbiss - TM 5–
ORD 171 ; TB 9-252-9 ; TB 9–1252-FE1 ; 9970 .
LO 9-252-2 ; FT 40AA-A-2 ; FT 40AA-A2 ; Subcaliber, 37-mm , M12 , M13, M14 ,
MWO ORD A50-W12 ; MWO ORD A50-W18 ; M15, and M16 — FT 37 - BJ - 2 .
MWO ORD A50-W21 ; FSMO A50-W16. Submachine, Cal. .45, M3A1-TB 23–
Mi ( A.A . ) -TB ORD 256. 41-4.
T2-TB ORD 48. Tank, designation, Change in model
TB ORD F124 .
Book , artillery (00 Form 5825 ) -Cir 264-IV-1945.
Cement, Model N-1 , Cement Gun Co.-TM 5-9828. Towed , Platoon - FM 18–21.
Data computer M8N , schematic diagrams-TM 9-1669B. Withdrawal, certain shotguns from
Fire Control - FM 4-121 . troops—Cir 150-VI-1944 ; 314- IV
1944 .
Machine Manifold, portable flame thrower, E10R1-LO 3-378.
Mechanized flame thrower, E6R3—LO 3-U3 .
Caliber .30, Browning
All Ground and Aircraft models-LO 9-205 . HAINAN : Medical and Sanitary Data-TB MED 118.
All Types and Ground Mounts—TM 9-1205 ; HAIRDRESSER : Women's Army Corps - Cir 462–1944.
TB 9-307-4 .
AN-M2 ( Aircraft ) -TM 9-205. HALF-TRACK VEHICLES. See Vehicles, Cars and Car
M2_TM 9-1205 ; TB 9-1205-FE1 . riers,
M1917A1-FM 23-55 ; TM 9-1205 ; FT 0.30 - A
M1919A4 - FM 23-55 ; FM 23–45; FM 23–50 ; CANADA : Discontinued-Cir 342-III-1945 .
TM 9-1205 ; TC 6, 1945 ; FT 0.30 - J - 1 ; LO HAMMERS :
9-230-1 .
M1919A5 - FT 0.30 - J - 1.
All Types, Technical Data-TB 5-9720–7 ; TB 5-9720-9.
B8485, Changes in the Piece Mark Number—TB ORD
M1919A6- FM 23-55 ; TM 9-206 ; 9-1205 ; TC 251 .
6, 1945 ; FT 0.30 - J - 1.
Co-Axial ( Relocation on rear mounting holes Pile, No. 7. McKiernan-Terry Corp.-TM 5–9164.
Action . No. 9- B-2-TM 5-9830.
of machine gun cradle ) MWO ORD C44-W6. No. 10B-2-TM 5-9584.
Serviceability of Barrels in Battle Indoctrina Pneumatic , Riveting, 18-1b.; Chicago Pneumatic, 50 %
tion Courses—SB 9-14 . TM 5-4144 .
Standard, Distinguishing Components Peculiar Riveting, Sizes 4A, 5A , 6A , 9A, 5B, 6B, 8B, 9B, 5C, 6C,
to each type — SB 9-56. 8C, 9C and Rivet Busters, Sizes 999 and 9000.
Caliber .50, Browning Ingersoll-Rand Company - TM 5-4076.
Aircraft, Basic - TM 9-219. HANDBOOKS :
All ground and Aircraft Models–LO 9-225. Army Conservation Program, For Officers—WD Pam
All Types - FM 4-155 ; TB 9-1225–24. 38-7.
Antiaircraft-MWO ORD G104-W112 . Bombardiers - TM 1-251 .
AN-M2 ( aricraft) -TM 9–225 ; TB ORD 15 ; British Army-TM 30–410.
MWO ORD A38-W10 ; LO 9-230 ; TM 9- Civil Affairs, Public Health in the Japanese Empire
1225 ; TB 9-1225–25 ; 23-60–6 ; FT 0.50 - H WD Pam 31-2 .
1 ; MWO ORD A37-W18 ; MWO ORD A38- Elementary Piano Playing For Soldiers - WD Pam
9 ; MWO ORD A38-W10 ; MWO ORD A38 28-10.
W11 ; MWO ORD A59-W1 ; FSMWO A37- Engineers — FM 21-105.
W16 ; MWO ORD A38-W12. German Military Forces — TM E30–451.
Heavy Barrel—TB 9-226-10 ; TB ORD 264 ; Italian Military Forces — TM E30–420 .
TB 9-223-FE1 . Japanese Military Forces — TM 30–480.
' Deep Water fording — TB 9-2853-2 . Manufacturers' Code Data-SB 5–21 .
M2 Aircraft Basic - MWO ORD A38-W8 . Medical Department , Soldier's — TM 8-220.
M2 Heavy Barrel , Flexible - MWO ORD A39– Music Directors — WD Pam 28-18 .
W12 ; FM 23-60 ; FM 23-65. Quartermaster
M2, Watercooled-TM 9-226 ; TB 9-226-9 ; LO Bakery Company - TM 10-415 .
9-230 . Car Company — TM 10–470.
Reducing Stoppages-TB 9–1235–5. Gasoline Supply Company - TM 10-465 .
Standard, Distinguishing Components Peculiar Laundry Company - TM 10–352.
to each type - SB 9-56 . Railhead Company--TM 10--379 ,
Refrigeration Company-TM 10-615 .
Caliber .60, T17E3MTM 9-231 . Salvage Repair Company - TM 10–265.
German 7.9 -mm Dual Purpose MG34 — TM E9 Service Company- TM 10-235.
200A . Weather Station , observer-TM 1-235.
HAMMOCK, JUNGLE, COMPLETE : Allowance authorized HAWAII. See Territory of Hawaii.
in sec. XI, T/ E 21 , rescinded-Cir 50-1945.
HEAD COUNT : Field rations-Cir 171-1944.
Program, organization and administration-Cir 259 - V HEADING : Circular 331, 1945 amended-Cir 337 - VIII
Soldiers - TM 28–325. HEADLIGHTS : Adjustment ( Aiming, Procedure, All Trans
HANDSETS port Vehicles ) -- TBORD 247.
H-22/ U, Modification of Handset TS-13-MWO SIG 24. HEADQUARTERS : Unclassified, Army Post Office — Cir
H -23 / U , Modification of Handsets TS - 15 - A and C for 299-III-1945.
conversion-MWO SIG 25.
TS-10, Serviceability Standards-- SB 11-100-58. HEADQUARTERS AND HEADQUARTERS COMPANY :
TS - 13, Modification - MWO SIG 24 . Logistical Data Engineer Base Depot
TS-15-A , Modification for conversion to Handset H-23 / Group - SB 5-25.
TS - 15 - C , Modification for conversion to Handset H-23/
U-MWO SIG 25. H-16 / U-TB SIG 109.
HS-30, Permit use of in Remote Control Units RM - 21
HANDLES : A , B, and C, Modification - MWO SIG 11
Deer Lift, Driver's and Assistant Driver's-TB 9-729 625-7.
FE2 . HS-30, Modification of Detector Sets SCR 625A , B , C,
Remote control, for master battery switch , installation, D, and E, to permit Operation of Equipment
Light Tank M24-TB 9-729-FE7 . with Resonator M-356 or Headset HS - 30 %
HANDSPIKE : C - 60682 - Modification - TB ORD FE-20. MWO SIG 11-1122-2.
HS-30A, B , C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K , L, M, N, O, R, and
HAND WASHING SET : Supply to troops -- Cir 265-V-1944. U , Modification - MWO SIG 21 .
Airplane Medical service, theaters of operations-Cir 53 - III
Portable 1944 .
Prevention of disease, responsibility-Cir 48–1944.
Cantenary Type, Canvas Cover, 130-ft. x 160 Public, Japanese Empire - WD Pam 31–2.
ft . and 130-ft. x 96-ft.-TM 5-9728 .
Structural Steel , 130 - ft. x 160 - ft. with steel HEALTH PRECAUTIONS :
cover Canvas Doors - TM 5-9609 .
African and Asiatic Countries Along Southern and
Steel, Sheet Covered, 130-ft. and 160-ft.-TM 5 Eastern Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, and
9726 .
Persian Gulf - Pam 8-3 .
Mortar, M15, Separating Components—TB 9-1260-FE3. Caribbean Area-Pam 8-2.
HARBOR CRAFT : Central and South Africa, and West Coast of Africa ,
Pam 8-1 .
Preventive Maintenance - TM 55–320.
Small Boats - FM 55-130.
Central America-Pam 8-2 .
Far East - Pam 8-4 .
HARBOR DEFENSE UNIT : Officers detailed , designation South America - Pam 8-2 .
-Cir 315-11-1944.
HEARING AID : Military personnel furnished-Cir 376 - II
lishment - GO 44-1-1944 .
HARDSHIP : Officers' release because of undue hardship HEAT :
Cir 290–1945 , Adverse effects, prevention and treatment—TB MED
Sales of utilities services to certain classes of personnel
Aircraft - TM 1-424. --Cir 361-VIII-1945 .
Miscellaneous, Freight Billing Guide - SB 55-8 - H - 2 .
Standard, Freight Billing Guide - SB 55-8 - H - 1. HEATERS :
HARROWS : All Types, Technical Data-TB 5-9720-2.
Asphalt, Trailer-Mounted
2- Car, 28-HP, Cleaver -Brooks, Model DS-2, Model
Four Gang, 180A Series, Killefer Mfg. Co.—TM Z Engine—TM 5–1042.
5-1496. 2-Car, 28 -HP , Cleaver -Brooks, Model DS-2, with
Model “ KB” & “ KC” Deere & Mansur, Works Model Z or ZZ Engine - TB 5-1042-1 ; MWO
TM 5-1498 . ENG 1042.
Offset, 8-ft. 24-in . Discs, International Harvester, 2 and 3- Car, 28- and 42 -HP , Cleaver - Brooks, Models
Model DYRR SO -49_TM 5-1082. DS-2, DS-3, and DS-31 Preventive Mainte
Spike- Tooth nance Services-TB 5-1014-2.
4-Section, International Harvester, Model No. 2 2-Car, 28 -HP, Cleaver- Brooks, Model ZZ Engine
TM 5-1080. TM 5-1044 .
4-Section, International Harvester, Model 2-TB 3-Car, 42-HP, Cleaver-Brooks, Model DS-31-TM
5-1080-1. 5-1078.
HATCHES : 3-Car, 42-HP, Cleaver- Brooks, Model DS-3, Model
Drivers' and Assistant Drivers ', Installations of hatch Z Engine — TM 5-1014 ; TM 5–1046 ; TB 5
guards for improved Hallistic qualities of 1014-1 ; TB 5–1014-2 ; MWO ENG 1014.
armor plate - FSMWO G1-4 - W83 , Developing-MWO SIG 11-444-5.
Turret, preventing revolving during traveling - FSMWO Direct Fired--Drave Job C -6060 , Size 1,000,000 BTU /
G104-W51 . HR , Drave Corp. — TM 5-9662 .
Engine, Coolant Type, Gasoline -Burning, Vapor Car
HAVERSACKS : M10, M28-TB QM 23. Heating Co. , Model A -4910 — TM 5-9741 .
HEATERS-Continued HOISTS—Continued
Gasoline Burning Diesel
Electrically Operated , 18,000-BTU, Evans, Model Double-Drum , 6- Ton Pull , With Boom Swinger,
283435–TM 5-9140. Jaeger, Model 2D3, with International UD
With Blower 18 Engine-TB 5-9240-1.
110- Volt, 60-Cycle, AC, Hunter Model UH-3- D Engine-Driven , 30-Ton, Jaeger, 2D3—TB 5-9720–15 .
-TM 5-9171 . Gasoline, Double-Drum
110-Volt, 60- Cycle, AC, Hunter Model UH - 3 4-Ton, Jaeger, Model 2A, Dixie Special - TM 5-9176.
TM 5-9170 . 4-Ton, Jaeger, Model 2A, Dixie Special-TB 5
110-Volt, 60-Cycle, AC, Hunter Model UH-3- D 9176-1.
-LO 1121 . 4-Ton, Jaeger, Model 2A, Dixie Special , Preventive
Heater Gasoline, Herman -Nelson Model GT-3000-20% Maintenance Service - TB 5-9176-2 .
TM 10-1621 . 6-Ton, Jaeger, Model 2D3–TM 5-9240.
Immersion type, for can , corrugated—TM 10–702. Gasoline Engine-Driven, Jaeger, 2A “ Dixie Special” —
Gasoline, Model GN --4, Motorola Galvin Mfg . Corp. TB 5-9720-16 .
TM 5-9762 . Industrial Brown
Manifold, Installation in Power Units PE -95-F, G, and No. 11451 , Gasoline Crane Corp.-TM 5-9914 .
H , PE -182 , and PE-183-A-MWO SIG 39 . No. 11453 – TM 5-9918 .
Miller Utility 84 x 10
Model OC-31-A-TM 11-2525 .
Model OG-31-A—TB 11-2525-1 . Three- Drum, American Hoist & Derrick Co.
TM 5-9802 .
Paver, Water, Concrete, Littleford, Model 5C - TM 5
1152 .
HOLDERS : Commander's, Vision Cupola Hatch Door , Elimi
Portable, Water, M1 and other Auxiliary Equipment for nation of interference — TB ORD FE41 .
Apparatus, Decontaminating, Power-Driven,
M3A1 , M3A2, and M4 — TM 3-228. HOLDING AND RECONSIGNMENT POINTS : Shipment
Water, immersion, gasoline-operated, Tank Trailer No. clearance for movement-Cir 311 -VIII-1945.
65-H-1711-TM 10–704 .
HEATING : HOLD-DOWN BOLT : Supply and conservation-Cir 31- VI
TB 5-283-4. 1945 ,
Service, furnishing at Class I, II, III , and IV installa- HOLIDAY :
tions, responsibility-Cir 28-VII- 1945 . Falling on Sundays, observation by Government agencies
-Bull 18-11-1945 .
HEIGHT FINDERS : Mail, bulk reduced during 1 to 26 Dec. 1944-Cir 335
Desiccation, Charging-TM 9-1622. III–1945 .
M1 and M2- FM 4-142.
National, military personnel participation in civilian
SCR-527-A-TM 1-350 . ceremony - Cir 369-1-1945 .
SCR-547-FM 4-143 .
HOME : Transfer of enlisted patients to the nearest separa
HELMETS : tion center-Cir 391-1-1945 .
M - 1, Adjustable, Band, Neck , Liner - SB 10-211 .
M-1 -TB QM . 8. HOMESTEAD : Credit, military or naval personnel, World
M - 1 - TB QM 23 . War II-Bull 22-II-1944.
Withdrawal, enlisted personnel returned to United
States-Cir 72–1945. HOMOSEXUAL : Policy of War Department-Cir 385-1
HEPATITIS : Infections—TB MED 206 .
HERALDIC SECTION : Designs of shoulder sleeve insignia All Types , Technical Data-TB 5-9720-7.
-Cir 226-1-1944 . Cylinder, 2.6-in. to 5.5-in. Cylinder Size, Electric Drill
Driven , Sunnen - TM 5-4046 .
HERNIA : Assignment and disposition, military personnel Jacket, Field, Hood, M-1943 : Authority for issue - Cir
Cir 64-VII-1945 . 94-1-1945.
position of patients — Cir 209-111-1945.
HOOSIER ORDNANCE PLANT : Redesignated-Cir 329-1
1945 .

iIGHWAY: Repairs and maintenance - Cir 179 – II– 1944. HORSES :

HIGHWAY WARNING KIT : Motor vehicles-Cir 348- III Army, immunization against equine encepahlomyelitis
1945 .
Cir 50-VII-1945.
Average prices, Fiscal year 1945–Cir 298-III– 1945.
HISTORICAL BRANCH , G - 2 : Military history of the Sec- Breeding - SB 10-115 .
ond World War, approval-Cir 287-11-19 15 . Pack transportation -- FM 25–7 .
Purchase - SB 10-115 .
cedure for publication - Cir 287 - II– 1945. HORSESHOER : TM 2-220.

HISTORY : Military, Second World War, procedure for pub- HOSE : Grease, High Pressure With Faulty Connections
lishing - Cir 287-11-1945 . TB 9-2830-49 .

Air , and Air Motors . Models HK ånd HKL, Gardener- AAF Regional, Greensboro, N. C. , establishment - Cir
Denver - TM 5-9566 . 264 - VI- 1945 .
Cable , Jaeger 2A , Dixie Special 4 -Ton — TM 5-9176 . Air evacuation coordination officer, appointment and
Chain , Ratchet duties - Cir 113-1-1945,
-Ton , Coffing, AG-TB 5-9720-16 . Activities of American Red Cross in Army hospitals
112 to 3 - Ton , Coffing -- TM 5-9308 ; TB 5-9720-16 . Cir 186-1-1945 .
HOSPITALS— Continued HOSPITALS-Continued
Army Combat film bulletin showing restricted in Army hos
Clinical Psychological Service - TB MED 115. pitals — Cir 165 – II – 1945 .
Persons who may be admitted - Cir 352 - III – 1945 . Commanding officers, disposing of recovered para
Transportation expenses of discharged Red Cross chutists returned from overseas- Cir 54-1
personnel-Cir 450-IX-1944. 1945 .
Army Air Forces Convalescent
Convalescent, Bowman Field, Ky. , discontinued-Cir Miami Beach , Fla .-- Cir 6-III–1945 .
355-VII-1945 . Patients, battle casualties , disposition-Cir 226–II
Convalescent, Ft. Logan, Colo., discontinued-Cir 1945.
324-1-1945 .
Pawling, N. Y., Abolished-Cir 70-11-1945.
Convalescent, Ft. Thomas, Ky., discontinued - Cir Coordination of physical therapy department with ortho
324-1-1945 . pedic section-Cir 281 - VIII– 1944.
Convalescent, St. Petersburg , Fla., discontinued
Cir 324-1-1945 . Designation of regional and convalescent, zone of in
terior - Cir 115-1-1945.
Convalescent and regional: Miami Beach, Fla .-Cir Diets - TM 8-500,
6 - III - 1945 .
Convalescent, Pawling, N. Y., abolished - Cir 70 Disposition
II–1945 . Individuals while on temporary duty for recupera
Convalescent, Consolidated and Redesignated : tion - Cir 69-4-1945 .
Santa Ana, Calif.-Cir 56 - III - 1945 . Pamphlet, “ It's Fun to Learn ” -Cir 242–II–1944.
Convalescent, Discontinued : Albuquerque Army Air Domestic washing machines-Cir 265-V-1944.
Field , New Mexico - Cir 56-III–1945 . Entertainment Guides :
Convalescent, Discontinued : Nashville, Tenn.-Cir No. 64WD Pam 28-11A.
56-III-1945. No. 7-WD Pam 28-11B .
Convalescent, Discontinuance : Richmond, Va . - Cir No. 94WD Pam 28-11D .
231-II-1945 . Executive officers and registrars—Cir 99–1944 ; Cir
Convalescent, Establishment : Camp Davis, N. C. 327–1944 .
Cir 56-III-1945.
Federal, student nurse pay-Bull 8–1–1944.
Convalescent, Establishment : Plattsburg Barracks, Files, disposition relative to Record Administration pro
N. Y.-Cir 45-III-1945 . gram - Cir 416–1944 .
Regional, Miami Beach, Fla., discontinued-Cir Fixed
355-VII-1945 .
Regional, Consolidated and Redesignated : Santa Medical Department—TM 8–260.
Ana Army Air Base, Calif.-Cir 56-III-1945. Zone of Interior, Administration–TM 8–262.
Regional and Convalescent, San Antonio, Texas Funds
Cir 305-IX-1945. Excess, transmittal-Cir 267-II-1944.
Regional and Convalescent, Camp Davis, N. C. , dis. Rates for commutation, ration for patients—Cir
continued-Cir 264 - VI - 1945 . 391-II-1945.
Regional and Convalescent Establishment-Miami Reorganization under paragraph 18, AR 40-590—
District - Cir 53-111-1945, Cir 289-III-1945 .
Army Service Forces Use on approved projects—Cir 214–1945 .
Convalescent, Camp Butner, North Carolina, dis General
continued - Cir 345 - IV - 1945 . Amputation center designated , patients transferred
Convalescent, Camp Pickett, Va., discontinued Cir -Cir 367-11-1944 .
340-11-1945 .
Commanding officers, handling records of para
Convalescent, Wakeman, Camp Atterbury, Ind., dis chutists—Cir 54-1-1945 .
continued-Cir 345-IV-1945 . Custom-made glass eyes--Cir 310-V-1944 ; Cir 398–
Convalescent and General, music in reconditioning I- 1944 .
-TB MED 187.
Designated for specialized treatment-Cir 347- I
Film Programs for Educational Reconditioning 1944 .
TB MED 145.
Designation-GO 34-1-1944 ; GO 71-1-1944 ; GO
Films for reconditioning for bed and ward patients 76-1-1944.
_TB MED 166.
Designation-Cir 36-VII-1945 .
Reconditioning and Ward Officer - TB MED 207. General policies -- Cir 140–1944 ; 105-II–1945 .
Assignment of patients - Cir 280–1944 . Hearing aids prescribed and fitted - Cir 376 - II
Authorized to classify officers for general or limited 1945 .
service - Cir 313–1945 .
Officers assigned , temporary grades-Cir 341-11
Barnes General Hospital, Vancouver, Washington, dis 1942 .
continued-Cir 366-11-1945 . Patients, battle casualties, disposition - Cir 226-11
Bed capacity, reporting — Cir 43–1944. 1945 .
Camp White, Oreg., Transferred to the Navy-Cir 155– Personnel strength tables-Cir 209–1944 .
II- 1945 .
Presentation of decorations-Cir 46-III–1945.
Prisoner of war, designation-GO 88-1–1944 .
Cars, railroad-echelon maintenance schedule - TB Redesignation - GO 87-I–1944 .
55-285-1 . Trained cadres- Cir 17-11-1944 .
Minimum charges—CTB 22-1945. Transfer of patients—Cir 12–1944 .
Transportation for prisoners of war-Cir 28 - IX
1945 . Items for resale by exchanges - Cir 315-III–1944 ; 183–
Clinical and related records, officers transmitting pen Maintenance of ethical standards by nonprofessional
sion applications to Veterans Administration personnel-Cir 310-II– 1944 .
Cir 474–1944 .
Clinical psychologists, procurement and utilization-Cir Maternity and infant care - Cir 19-1-1943 ; Cir 313- IV
264 - VIII - 1945 . 1944 .
Closed, disposition of records_Cir 272 - VII - 1944. Mobile, use-Cir 140-1944 .
Notification Officers
Arrival , patients in United States-Cir 257 -IV Released because of physical disability - Cir 474
1944. 1944.
Discovered or corrected defects, enlisted men- -Cir Personnel
217-11-1944. On troop trains, emergency procedures - Cir 156
Outside continental United States, admission and dispo III-1945.
sition report - Cir 14-1945. Returned to the United States - Cir 8-IV-1945 .
Oversea, personnel discharged, disposition - Cir 282 - VI- Persons who may be admitted to. Army hospitals—Cir
1944. 352-III-1945 .
Patient, collection , rations and payments for subsistence Reciprocal between Canada and United States — Cir 91
--Cir 480-1-1944. 1-1945.
Patient's deposit certificate - Cir 86 - IV - 1945. Responsibilities, commanders of ports and service com
mands — Cir 142-IV-1944.
Payment of enlisted patients — Cir 159-III–1945 ; 294 Retired officers and enlisted men-Bull 9-V-1944.
IV-1945 ; 320-11-1945.
Veterans, World War II—Bull 10–1944 .
Personnel strength tables Zone of Interior - Cir 105 - II – 1945 .
Cir 209–1944.
Cir 87-II–1945 ; 17 - IV - 1945 . HOTEL : Leases, settling, disposition of nonstandard prop
Professional rounds and meetings-TB MED 210. erty - Ciro 323-IX-1945.
Prisoner of War General Hospital, Camp Forrest, Tenn.,
discontinued - Cir 348-IV-1945. HOTEL ACCOMMODATION : Military personnel, duty in
Proper utilization of personnel, Army Nurse Corps Washington , D. C.-Cir 325–1–1944 ; 367 - I
Cir 447-1-1944. 1945 .
Aleda E. Lutz ( Ex-French Flag Vessel Colombie ) HOURS OF DUTY : Forty-eight hours workweek , revoca
Designation - GO 23–1945 . tion-Bull 17-1–1945.
Classified documents prohibited-Cir 374-11-1944.
GO 1-1-1944 ; GO 1-1-1944 ; GO 19–1944 ; GO From members of armed forces, free entry - Cir 436 - II
25–1944 ; GO 26–1944 ; GO 28–1944 ; GÓ 35–
1944 ; GO 40-I, II–1944 ; GO 42–1944 ; GO 43 Military, disposal - Cir 202–1944 .
1944 ; GO 46–1944 ; GO 47–1944 ; GO 51–1944 ; Transportation-Cir 97-III–1943.
GO 61-1944.
GO 2–1945 ; GO 23-1945 ; GO 41-1945 ; GO 62 HOUSEHOLD GOODS :
1945. Civilian employees of the U. S., payment for transporta
GO 19–1945. tion-Bull 12-III-1945.
Frances Y. Slanger (Ex-Saturnia ) -GO 41–1945. Civilian personnel, transportation - Bull 17-11-1942 ; 27
Lewis Luchenback, Redesignated - GO 2–1945. 1942 ; Cir 129 - IV - 1945 .
Louis A. Milne, Designation-GO 2–1945 . Military personnel, Transportation
Recreational equipment — Cir 344-IV-1944. Separated from service, shipment- Cir 348 - VIII
Station : 1945.
General policies - Cir 105-11-1945 ; 140-1944 . Shipment to oversea homes-Cir 391 - IV - 1945.
Patients transferred to general-Cir 12–1944. Transportation - Cir 445–11–1944 ; 140 - XIV - 1945.
Personnel strength tables -- Cir 209–1944. Missing persons - Bull 14 - III - 1942; Cir 97–1942.
Subsistence charges from patients — Cir 170-111--1944. Officers
Surgical, portable - TB MED 5. Cir 365-III-1944 .
Train, Subsistence of persons traveling in connection Detailed between the War and Navy Department,
with group movements of patients—Cir 184– travel agreement - Cir 366 - VII – 1945 .
1945. Oversea shipments authentication by dependent-Cir 49–
Types IV-1942.
Functions-Cir 140–1944. Packing and crating, estimate of comparative costs
Location - Cir 316-1943 . Cir 137-III-1945.
Uniform , enlisted women on duty - Cir 255-X-1945 . Personnel of Army of the United States, transportation
U. S. Army General Hospital, Camp Pickett, Va., dis --Cir 314-IV-1942.
continued-Cir 348-IV-1945. Shipment to certain islands—Cir 366 - IV - 1945.
Wakeman Hospital Center, Camp Atterbury, Ind., dis- Storage - Bull 27–1942 ; Cir 314-IV-1942.
continued-Cir 345-IV-1945 . Transportation
Women's Army Corps personnel on duty-Cir 121-IV Before orders of separation are issued-Cir 304-1
1945 .
Wounded Soldiers returning—WD Pam. 21-26. Bull 11-1-1943.
HOSPITALIZATION : Dependents and shipment - CT Bull 25–1945.
Civilian employees under the U. S. Employees' Com
pensation Act-Cir 175–1945 ; 202-III -1945 . HOUSING ACT , NATIONAL : Protection, military per
Enlisted men in the U. S., disposition-Cir 391–1–1945. sonnel as to certain mortgages - Bull 20-III
1943 .
Homosexuals — Cir 385–1–1945.
Maternity and infant care -- Cir 305-VII–1945. HOUSING CAPACITY : Basis for report, installations in
Members of reserve component and retired personnel United States - Cir 321-V-1944.
after discharge-Bull 24-VIII–1944 .
Military personnel - HOUSING PROJECTS :
From insular possession of the U. S.-Cir 259–
VIII-1945 . Civilian, report of transfer to the War Department
Plans-Cir 316-1943. Cir 354-X-1944 .
Zone of the interior - Cir 140-1944 . Expediting national defense activties–Bull 54 - V - 1942.
Axle : 16- Inch, M1920 - FM 4-85 ; FT 16 - A - 1.
Banjo type, reclamation-TB 9-2830–91. HE , 75-mm and 105-mm , AT Rounds - TB ORD 295.
Split type ( Timken - Detroit ) —TB ORD FE55. Pack, 75 -mm
Civilians on military reservations - Cir 6-1-1944 , M1-TB 9-320-5; TB ORD 49 ; TB ORD 52 ; LO
Clutch 63 ; LO 76 ; LO 9-319 ; FT 75–1-4.
Dodge, Conversion-TB 9-2830-56. M1A1-TM 9–319 ; TM 9-321 ; TM 9-1320 ; TB 9
Lubrication Fitting -- TB 9–759 ; EF1. 320-5 ; TB ORD 52 ; LO 63 ; LO 76 ; LO 9
Distressed families of servicemen and veterans - Bull 319 ; LO 9-320 MWO ORD C20-W26.
12-XIII-1945. HUBS :
Fly wheel Bell, Periodic Inspection — TB 9-743–7. Bogie, Half-Track Reclamation-TB 9-2830–48 .
Government, personnel of the armed forces occupying Drive Wheel, Installation, Carrier, Cargo, M29, M29C
without loss of rental allowances - Bull 12– TB 9-772-FE4.
IV-1945. Wheel, With Loose Bearing Races, Reclamation-TB
Loans for purchasing of home - Bull 10–1944 . 9-2830-87.
Protection against taxation, military personnel-Bull 14 HULLS :
VI- 1944. Car, Armored , T17E1-TM 9-1741C.
HOWITZERS : Tank, Light M3—TM 9-1726B.
55 -mm HUNGARY :
M1 - FM 6–811; TM 9-331 ; TM 9-1331 ; TB 9 Declaration of War-Bull 37-1942 .
331-1 ; TB ORD 65 ; TB ORD 113 ; TB 9- Medical and Sanitary Data — TB MED 140.
1331-2 ; TB 9-1331-FE1 ; TB ORD 135 ; TB
ORD FE9 ; FT 155 - Q - 2 ; LO 9-328 ; MWO HUNTERS : Tank Hints For Close Combat-WD Pam 21
33 .
ORD C39-W9 ; MWO ORD C39-W10.
M1917—FT 155- D-3.
HYDROGEN : TM 1-315 .
M1917A1-TB ORD 113 ; FT 155 - D - 3.
M1917A2—TB ORD 113 ; LO 9-330 . HYDROGEN GENERATORS : Barrage Balloon Gas Gen
75 -mm eration Use Purification - FM 4–193.
Assault - FM 17–69 . 379-IV-1944.
Horse -drawn and Truck - Drawn - FM 6–70.
M1A1_TB ORD 49 ; TB ORD 94 . HYGIENE :
M2 and M3—FT 75-1-4 ; FT 75-1-4. Proficiency standards for military personnel-Cir 48
M2_TM 9–318 ; TM 9–320 ; TB ORD 49 ; TB ORD 1944 ; Cir 146 - VI- 1944 .
94 ; FT 75-1-4 . Sex, Training-TC 22–1944.
T30- FSMWO G102-W41 .
155 -mm HYMNS : Army Chapel, band arrangements-Cir 130 -II
M1918 — TB ORD 113 ; LO 9-330 ; FT 155-D-3.
M1918A-1 , Truck -Drawn - FM 6-80. HYPOCHLORINATION UNIT : Automatic , Portable, 2 to
240-mm 100-gpm Flow, Wallace and Tiernan, Model
M1-TB ORD FE47 ; TM 9-341 ; TM 9-1341A ; TB A-506-TM 5-2032.
9-1341A -FE1 ; TB ORD 113 ; TB ORD FE9 ; ICE PLANT :
TB ORD 286 ; LO 9-336 ; FT 240-C-1 ; MWO 1-Ton, Manually Operated , Portable, Skid -Mounted,
ORD D31-W30 ; FT 240 - C - 1.
M2 - FT 240-C1 . Gasoline Engine- Driven Model V-50 with
M1918-FT 240-D -2. Continental Engine, Model Y69—TM 5-9086 ;
TB 5-9086-1 .
M1918M1 -LO 9-340 ; TM 9-340 ; TB ORD 113.
M1918M1A1 -- LO 9-340 ; TM 9-340 ; TB ORD 113. 1 -Ton , Victor-TM 5–9244 ; TB 5–9244-1.
M1918A2-TM 9-340. 3.6 - Ton
Frick - TM 5-9090.
105 -mm
York-TM 5-9194.
M2 - FM 6–75 ; TM 9-1325 ; TM 9-325 ; FT 105 - H
3 ; MWO ORD C21-W10 ; FSMWO F237– 15-Ton, Frick, Model ISQDW_TM 5-9088 ; TM 5-9092 ;
TM 5-9106.
W1 .
York Machinery Co.-TM 5-9808.
M2A1-TM 9-325 ; TB 9–1901-11 ; TM 9-325 ; TM
9–1325 ; TM 9–1325 ; TB 9-325–7; TB ORD IDENTIFICATION :
110 ; LO 9-325 ; FT 105-H-3. Baggage of military personnel held by common carriers
Failure of gún traveling lock to disengage to on -Cir 61-1-1945 .
Medium Tanks M4 series-TB ORD FE53 . Continental R975-C1 Ordnance Spare Engines — TBORD
German - TM E9-325A . 230.
M2A2 - FSMWO F237 - W1.
Equipment ; PH - 385 - TM 11-403.
M3 — FM 23-105 ; FM 23-105 ; TC 66, 1941 ; TC 130, Liquid fuels and lubricants. In Zone of interior-SB
1943; TM 9-326 ; TM 9–1326 ; TB ORD 49 ; 10-241 .
TB ORD 110 ; LO 9-326 ; FT 105 - L - 2 ; FT Marking processed Spare Parts—SB 10–76.
105 - L - 2 . Personnel proceeding to oversea bases-Cir 346-IV-1944.
M4 - TM 9-324 ; TB 9-1901-11 ; TB ORD FE39 ; Sets
FT 105-H-3 . AN /TFQ-1 -TM 11-2340.
M7-M7B1 -TB ORD FE5. AN / TFQ-3—TM 11-2367.
T19 - FSMWO G102-W41 . Submachine Gun, Cal. .45, M3A1-TB 23-41-4.
8 - Inch War Criminals-Cir 256–1945.
M1 - FM 6-91; TM 9-1350 ; TB 9-1350-4 ; TB 9
1350–5 ; TB 9-335-4 ; TB ORD 65 ; TB ORD IDENTIFICATION BADGE :
113 ; TB ORD 135 ; TB ORD FEY ; FT 8 - J- Accountability-Cir 157-III-1945.
1 ; MWO ORD D29-W50. Civilian employees, issuance and replacement-Cir 113–
M2 - LO 9-335. II–1944.
Loss, reported to The Adjutant General-Cir 336 - I- Defense Against - FM 21-42.
1945. Equipment Destroying, M2A1_TB 3-300–7.
Military and civilian personnel serving outside U. S.- Safe Destroying, M1A1—TB 3-300-6 .
Cir 248–II–1945 ; 336–1–1945.
Officers, purchase of restricted publications—Cir 401– INCINERATOR : Morse Boulger, Model MB34 - TM 5-9100
Personnel on arrival, oversea bases-Cir 346-IV-1944.
Preparation-WD Pam 20–9. Federal tax returns, 1943—Cir 63–1944 .
Red Cross-Cir 230-1-1942 . Military personnel returning from overseas–Cir 211
Retired officer, Regular Army, lost-Cir 64 - IX - 1945. 1945.
Retired, relief from active duty, and separated officers Missing persons — Bull 14-111-1942 ; Cir 365 - V - 1942.
-Cir 336–1–1945. Officers serving in possessions of United States — Cir
IDENTIFICATION CERTIFICATE : Reduction, veterans and servicemen-Bull 22-11-1945 .
Military personnel entitled to reduced railroad fare upon State, military personnel-Cir 397-VII-1944.
presentation - Cir 358-III-1944 ; Cir 396 - VI Status of pay accrued under missing persons Act — Cir
1944 . 211-1945.
Patients evacuated by water from overseas-Cir 218– Cancellation, military personnel restored from confine
ment - Cir III–1944. '
EM transferred, Enlisted Reserve Corps-Cir 117–1944. Military personnel, remission-Cir 257–1945 .
Replacement-Cir 223-V-1944 .
IDLERS : Installation, Carrier, Cargo, M29 , M29C — TB 9 Executive Office and sundry independent executive
772-FE4 .
bureaus , etc.—Bull II-1944.
IGNITERS : Use of Government-owned motor vehicles—Cir 195 - V
Fire Bombs-TB 3-300-5. 1945.
M47A1 and AN-M17A2_TB CW 10.
INDIA : Medical and sanitary data-TB MED 174 .
ILLITERATE : Procedure governing special training units
Battle honors-GO 10-V-1944 ; GO 18 – XI- 1944.
Noncitizens serving in the United States
Army - Cir 382–1944. INDIANA ARSENAL, CHARLESTOWN, IND.: Designa
IMMUNITY : Time limit extension , Pearl Harbor - Bull 2 tion - Cir 329-1-1945 .
II–1944 ; Bull 11-VI-1944 ; Bull 25-IV-1944. INDIANA ORDNANCE WORKS : Redesignated-Cir 329–
I–1945 .
Army horses and mules against equine encephalomye- INDIANTOWN GAP MILITARY RESERVATION, PA.:
litis-Cir 50 - VII - 1945 .
Army Service Forces Replacement Depot-Cir 149- V
Certain related publications rescinded - Cir 40-IV-1945. 1945.

Oversea service Cir 361-IV-1942.
Reclassified - Cir 425-IV-1944.
Register procedure for preparation-Cir 138-III–1945.
Correction in General Orders-GO 36-XII-1944 . M1-MWO ORD F207-W2.
Fruits, vegetables, plants, and meats into United States M3—MWO ORD F207-W2.
. -GO 32-IV-1944. INDICATORS :
Infectious agents and vectors - Cir 43 - IV - 1945 ; 386– Alignment
Plants and animals, restrictions and prohibitions-Cir 1-210 - A , -B, and -C, Repair Instructions—TM 11
40_V - 1945 .
Azimuth-MWO ORD G130-W15 ; MWO ORD G163
IMPREGNATING PLANTS : See Plants , Impregnating . W4.
M5 and M16 — TB ORD 25 .
IMPREGNATION : Clothing with Insect Repellent-TB MED M20 and M21-TM 9-173-1D .
121 . BC - 1088 - A & B - LO 3500E .
I-221-A-LO 3506.
1-221-A-LO 3519.
I, Micronized ( XXCC-3 ) , Theater of Operations Sur I-227-A-LO 3506 .
veillance Procedure - TB 3-270-486 . BC-1225-A-LO 3513.
I, (CC - 2 ), Theater of Operations Surveillance Proce Bearing, BC - 1159 - A — TB SIG 146 ; LO 3108-A ; MWO
dure-TB 3-270-486 . SIG 11-243-1 ; MWO SIG 11-243-2.
IMPROVEMENTS : Summary of, and Recommended Canister Resistance , E8R4–TB 3-205-17.
Elevation , M5—TB ORD 25 .
Changes , Radio Sets SCR -615 - T1 and SCR
615-A-TB 11-1541-1 . Eyepiece Leakage, E5 — TB 3–205–16.
Frequency, adjustment — TB 11-356-1.
INACTIVE INSTALLATION : Definition -- Cir 89–1945. Heat, Thermoelectric Type Reclamation — TB 9-2830-62.
ML - 117, ML-117-A , ML-117–B_TM 11-424 .
INACTIVE RESERVE CORPS : Officers, reappointment to Premax Pressure, Bachrach Industrial Instrument Co.
former Army of the United States grade TM 5-9772 .
Cir 206-III–1944 . Range, BC-1088-B Radio Set SCR-584-B Installation
INACTIVE STATUS : Posts, camps, or stations , auditing of Motor Guard - TB 11-1524-8 .
stock record accounts — Cir 90-1-1945 . Unit, ID- 16/ TPS-1A-TB 11-1547-1 .
Definition - Cir 96–1945 . CENTER, CAMP SHELBY, MISS.: Com
Oversea Travel Orders - WD Pam 29-3. manding officer authorized to appoint general
courts martial - GO 13-11-1945 .
INFANTRY PARA TROOPS : Volunteer transfer of en
Enlisted personnel
Returning from overseas—Cir 72–1945. listed men - Cir 262–1944 ; Cir 278-IV-1944.
Special service schools—Cir 329-III–1943. INFANTRY REPLACEMENT TRAINING CENTER :
Property accounts, units returned to U. S.-Cir 73
1945. CAMP ROBERTS, CALIF.: Commanding officer au
INDORSEMENT : thorized to appoint general courts martial
GO 78-1-1944 .
Articles handled by Army Courier Service - Cir 163–1I
1944 . CAMP ROBINSON , ARK.: Commanding officer au
Service records - Cir 307–VII–1944. thorized to appoint general courts martial
GO 32-1-1944 .
Armed forces, minimum mental capacity - Cir 359- III CAMP RUCKER, ALA .: Commanding officer authorized
1945 . to appoint general courts martial -GO 13-1
Assignment individuals entering service - Cir 254 -IV
1944. Commanding officer's authority to appoint general court
Discharged officers and warrant officers under 38 years martials - GO 95-11-1945 .
-Cir 197-1–1944.
38 years of age, suspended - Cir 380 - III – 1944. -TC 75-1944 .
der Secretary of War, responsibility - Cir INFANTRYMAN : Additional pay to enlisted men awarded
279–1945. badges — Cir 271–1944 ; Cir 291 -III- 1944 ; Cir
INDUSTRIAL PERSONNEL DIVISION : War Department 480–1944; Cir 450 - III - 1944.
agency, cases pending before war labor INFANTRYMAN BADGE :
boards—Cir 254-V-1944 .
Expert and combat, enlisted men with zone of interior
INDUSTRIAL PERSONNEL REPORT : Bureau of the medical installations - Cir 263-11-1945 .
Budget Standard Specifications - Cir 477 - III General Information - Cir 186–1944 ; Cir 370-IV-1944 ;
1944 ; Cir 116 - VI - 1945 . Cir 408–1944 ; Cir 450-III-1944 ; Cir 93 - II
1 1945 ; Cir 134-111-1945 ; Cir 146-11-1945 ;
II - 1945 .
Cir 151-III-1945 ; 318-III-1945.
32-3 . sonnel from rehabilitation centers transferred
-Cir 173-IV-1945 ; Cir 221-V-1945.
INDUSTRY, WAR : Army medical program-Cir 105- III
1944 . INFLAMMABLE : Shipment with personal property unlaw
INFANT CARE : Children of enlisted men-Cir 19-1-1944 ; ful-CT Bull_10-1-1943.
Vaccination of Army Personnel-Cir 267-111-1945 ; 381
Armored, Crew Drill for Half-Track Vehicles - FM 17– II-1945.
71 .
Armored, Company-FM 17-40 . INFORMATION :
Armored Employment of Tanks - FM 17-36.
Assignment and transfer , enlisted men-Cir 278 - IV Air routes and airport, Foreign countries—Cir 179 - III
1943 .
Battalion , Rifle - FM 7-20. Basic Storage - SB 10-226-1.
Battalion Antitank platoon - FM 7–35. Center, Definition - Cir 80–1944.
Battalion , Armored - FM 17–42. Close Combat Against Tanks—WD Pam 21-33.
Dissemination, Public relations - Cir 406-11-1942.
Display of poster to encourage enlisted to voluntary Education, officer - TM 28–210.
transfer - Cir 426 - III - 1944.
Division , Communication - FM 7-24 . Field Service, Radio Sets SCR - 584 - A and SCR-584-B
TB 11-1524–22.
Drill Regulations—FM 22-5. Films -- Cir 283 - II - 1945.
Medical Detachment - FM 7-30.
Regiment Antitank Company - FM 7–35. Government, Military, Guide Police and Public Safety
in Austria-WD Pam 31-222.
Regiment Cannon Company - FM 7–37. Liberated Prisoners of War-WD Pam 21-28.
Regiment Rifle - FM 7–40. Materials, Guide WD Pam No. 20-3 .
Regiment Rifle Company - FM 7-10.
Regiment Rifle Company, heavy weapons-FM 7-15. Medical Department Items, Limitation on uses-SB 8
24 .
Regiment Supply and evacuation - FM 7–30. Military, Safeguarding - Pam 20-10 ; Pam 24-2.
Reorganization - Cir 256–1943. Safeguarding
Replacement Training Center, Personnel from rehabili National Munitions Control Board Report-Bull 7
tation center transferred-Cir 269-IX-1945 , IV-1942.
Scout dog platoons — TC 35, 1945. Relative to Convoy Movements-TC 12–1945 .
Service company - FM 7–30 . Troop movements—Cir 372-11-1942 .
INFANTRY ADVANCED REPLACEMENT TRAINING Statistical, military personnel-Cir 178-V-1944.
CENTER, CAMP RUCKER, ALA.: Author- To Soliders returning from overseas--WD Pam 21-21 .
ity to appoint general courts martial - GO Technical Supply, Medical Department Items for Zone
47-1-1945 . of Interior Stations- SB 8-25 .
Course, School for Personnel Services - Cir 34 - III – 1945 . Black, 1 -pound cans, Procurement for Duplicating Ma
Equipment chines - SB 10-193.
Responsibility for maintenance-Cir 107–1944 ; Cir Entries on military records — Cir 17 - IV - 1944.
263 - V - 1945 . Military occupational specialty recommendation - Cir 44
Which may be taken oversea-Cir 344-IV-1944. I-1944.
Films-Cir 368 - IV - 1942 ; Cir 247–1–1943 ; Cir 208–11I
1944 . INSECTS :
Foreign Language Instruction Kits-Oir 461-IV-1944. Collection-Cir 277–1944.
Funds, welfare of enlisted men-Cir 34-1-1945. Control-Pam 5-1 ; TM 5-632 .
General, Establishment I & E Div.; training ; personnel ; Control, Responsibility - Cir 163-1-1945 ; 277-XI-1945 ;
mission ; duties of officers ; materials—Cir 288-II- 1945 .
360–1944 ; Cir 367-X-1944 ; Cir 392-VII-1944 ; Use of DDT for control-Cir 207 - VI - 1945 .
Cir 15 - VI - 1945 .
GI Roundtable Discussion Manuals—Cir 323-V- 1945 . INSECTICIDE :
Newspapers , Aerosol, disperser, mechanical E12_TB CW 32.
Installation and units - Cir 466-1-1944 ; Cir 74 - III DDT_TB MED 110 ; Cir 207-VI-1945 ; TB MED 194.
1945 .
Equipment, Distribution-Cir 163–1945.
Paper for, purchaseable from quartermaster-Cir
310 - VI - 1944 . Army Aircraft, national-Cir 350-I-1944 ; Cir 367-1
Officer Candidate School quotas-Cir 344-VI-1944. Aviation badges for flight surgeons and flight nurses ,
Opporunities available to military personnel-Cir 377– Cir 431 -II - 1944 .
Orientation Issues Civilian personnel on duty with troops-Cir 152-VI
No. 4 - Cir 172-1-1944. 1945 .
No. 5 — Cir 344-1--1944 . Combat photographer-Cir 437-III–1944.
No. 6 — Cir 464-1-1944 . Distinctive, approval or manufacture suspended for du
Quotas at officer candidate schools — Cir 344-VI-1944. ration - Cir 226-III-1944.
Radio Receivers for overseas units - Cir 424-III-1944. Enlisted personnel of division bands - Cir 97-VI-1945 ;
Cir 143-VI- 1945 .
Requisition and distribution of materials—Cir 68 -VI
1944. Enlisted Reserve Corps personnel as ASTRP students
Surveys of troop attitudes-Cir 14-VII-1944. - Cir 125-II-1944.
Yank-Cir 466-11-1944 . Enlisted women, supply-Cir 311 - V - 1944.
Field jacket - Cir 391-VII-1944.
INFORMATION AND EDUCATION DIVISION : Fire protection personnel—Cir 190–1944 ; Cir 401–1944.
Equipment, procurement and distribution, maintenance Funds with respect to manufacture - Bull 1–1944.
-Cir 206-11-1945 . Meritorious Service Unit Plaque - Cir 345–1–1944.
Establishment_Cir 360–II–1944 ; Cir 367 - X - 1944 ; Cir Oversea service - Cir 41-11-1945 ; Cir 116 - VII– 1945.
193-1-1945 . Redesignation, Army personnel assigned to amphibian
units-Cir 320-III- 1944 .
ASF Mission and functions - Cir 360-11-1944 ; Cir 367– Shoulder Sleeve
X-1944 .
For Army Service Forces, Table of Organization
Moral planning-survey program-Cir 287-III–1945. United in Training-SB 10–196.
Reclassification : Designs—Cir 226-1--1944.
New York-Cir 369-III-1945 . Purchase-Cir 174-V-1945.
Los Angeles—Cir 369-III-1945 . Sleeve - SB 10-221 .
Responsibility for use and administration of WEM Utilization-Cir 146-III-1944.
funds-Cir 34-1-1945 . INSPECTION :
Supervision , post periodicals - Cir 466-1--1944 . Air Forces-FM 1-6.
Airplane - TM 1-415 .
INFORMATIONAL 201 FILE : Artillery, Antiaircraft - FM 4-120.
Definition - Cir 96-1945 . Class. III installations-Cir 268–1–1943 .
Types Used in Model 6046 Twin 6 -Cylinder G. M. Diesel Classification Processing , Leather - TM 10-226 .
Engines—TB 9-1750G-6 . Clothing and equipment as to serviceability - Cir 296–
1944 .
INJURIES : Electrical facilities -- TM 5-681.
Civilian employees, compensation for disability and death Fire extinguishers-Cir 333-11-1945 .
-Bull 15-1945 . Fire unitsprior to domestic shipment - Cir 356-IV-1944.
Guide, Ammunition , Purpose and Limitations of TM 9
Civilian employees, hospitalization under the U. S. Em 1904 - TB 9–1904-1 .
ployees Compensation Act-Cir 175-1945 .
Employment while on pass or furlough - Cir 321-- VI Guide, Ammunition-TM 9–1904 ; TB 9–1904-1 .
Hydropneumatic Recoil Mechanisms — TB ORD 212.
1943 ; Cir 105-1-1945 . Indication Instruments Electrical-TB SIG 24 .
Foreign personnel serving within continental U. S., re Kitchen, Equipment – TM 5-637.
port- Cir 430 - III – 1944 . Locomotives and Locomotive Cranes, MaintenanceIN
Incurred during military or naval service, disability 55-270 .
claim - Bull 22-1-1944 . Matériel shipped from oversea areas– Cir 146 – V - 1945.
Limbs, Helpful hints — WD Pam 8–7. Meat, boned , interstate and oversea shipment-Cir 11.1
Peripheral nerve , treatment of military personnel-Cir III - 1945 .
423-11-1944 ; Cir 64-XII-1945 . Motor vehicles-Cir 237 - VII - 1944 .
Personal, settlement of claims — Bull 14-III-1943. Packaging and packing material-Cir 274 - IV - 1945 .
Report of civilian employees - Cir 299-1-1942. Refrigerators, Domestic , Reach -In and Walk-In, Miscel
Spinal Cord, Patients, Convalescent Care and Rehabili laneous Refrigerating Systems–TM 5-671.
tation - TB MED 162 . Repairs and utilities equipment, plants, systems-Cir
132-11-1945 .
INSANE : Disposition - Cir 299-1-1941. Report Railroad equipment-Cir 447-VII–1944.
Services Sewage Treatment Plants and Sewer Systems Electrical Requirements for X-Ray Apparatus - TB
at Fixed Installations — TB ENG 70. MED 117.
Solid fuels — Cir 390-11-1945. Field Transportation Corps-CT Bull 42-45.
Storage procedure - Cir 174-11-1944. Field , Fiscal Accounting — TM 14-702.
Supplies for oversea shipment-Cir 431 - V - 1944. Fifth- Echelon , Overhaul Standards, Browning Machine
Vehicle, motor-TM 37–2810. Gun , Cal. .50, M2_TB 9--1225–25 .
Ventilating, Evaporative, Desert, Cooling and Air Con- Fire protection-Cir 190–1944 ; Cir 401–1944.
ditioning Systems—TM 5-672. Fixed
Warehouse Cold -Storage Plants and Ice Plants-TM 5 Inspections and Services Sewage Treatment Plants
673. and Sewer Systems - TB ENG 70 ; TM 5
Water Supply Systems at fixed installations — TM 5 666.
661 . Water Supply Systems, Inspections and Services
TB ENG 71 .
Fort Brown, Texas
Army Corps detailed-Cir 462-1944. Reclassified Class I-Cir 441-IV-1944.
I STAGING COMMAND : Commanding officer to appoint Reclassified - Cir 136 - III - 1945 .
general courts martials - GO 95-1-1945. Fort Crook , Neb., reclassified - Cir 223-IV-1945.
Fort D. A. Russell reclassified - Cir 235-V-1945 .
INSTALLATION : Fort Logan, Colo., jurisdiction transferred-Cir 307 - II
AAF 1945 .
Physically transfer of contract from ASF service Ft. Thomas, Ky., reclassified Class III—Cir 383 - IV
command-Cir 461 -III -1944 . 1944 .
Removal of certain, list of assignments—Cir 224 - I- Fuel and Oil Tube Fittings ( Safety - Type ) -TB 9
1944 . 1334–1 .
Abandonedauditing stock record accounts-Cir 90-1 Glasgow Army Airfield , Glasgow, Mont., placed on ac
1945. tive status , Cir 138-IV- 1945 .
AGF Replacement Depot No. 3 , Fort Riley, Kansas, es Government-owned, contractor-operated , closed , disposi
tablished - Cir 235-VI-1945.
Army and Navy, 131B2, Printer Station Equipment , tion of employee's records - Cir 30-IV-1945.
Greater Pittsburgh Airport, Coraopolis, Pa., designated
TM 11-2209 .
-Cir 140 - VI - 1945 .
Bilge Pump Bearings, Correct, ( Vehicle, Landing, Impregnating plant T-O, type M2-TM 3–281 .
Tracked, LVT ( A ) ( 1 ) , LVT (2 ) ; LVT ( A ) Inactive
( 2 ) ; LVT ( 4 ) and LVT ( A ) ( 4 ) TB 9-1775-1 . Camp Kohler, Calif.-Cir 448-IV-1944.
Billy Mitchell Field, Wis., temporarily classified as class Maintenance — TB ENG 66.
I-Cir 9-1-1945 .
Camp Adair, Oreg., change in status-Cir 235-VI-1945.
Indiantown Gap Military Reservation reclassified - Cir
425 - IV - 1944 .
Camp Barkley, Texas, reclassified to class I-Cir 4 Interphone Equipment – TM 11-2748.
III -1945 .
Interrupter PE - 250 ( Telering) _TB SIG 203.

Camp Claiborne reclassified class I-Cir 440-IV-1944. Lindbergh Field , San Diego, Calif., known as Camp
Camp Davis, N. C., placed on an active status, and Sahara, jurisdiction transferred-Cir 98 - II
classified as a class III installation-Cir 22 1945.
III-1945 .
Macob Military Reservation reclassified - Cir233 - II
Camp Davis, N. C. , rendered surplus,Cir 258–1–1945. 1945.
Camp Edwards, Mass., reclassified Cir 468-II–1944. Military, Veterans Administration personnel-Cir 315
Camp Forrest, Tennessee, prisoner of war general hos VI-1943 .
pital and camp — Cir 409-11-1944 . Moon Township Airport, Pittsburgh , Pa., redesignated
Camp Hulen, Texas, reclassified - Cir 459-III–1944. Cir 140-VI-1945.
Camp Kohler, Calif. , placed on temporary in active Open-Wire Office Packaged Equipment - TM 11-2037.
status - Cir 448-IV-1944 . Oversea construction policy - Cir 431-IV-1944.
Camp Phillips, Kansas Pacific International Livestock Exposition Building,
Placed in active status - Cir 45 - III - 1945 .
Portland, Oreg ., jurisdiction transferred_Cir
Portion " M " redesignated - Cir 101-111-1945. 61-III-1945.
Class 1
Plattsburg Barracks, N. Y., classified as a class III
Camp Beale Calif.-Cir 427-11-1944. Cir 12-1-1945 .
Camp Claiborne, La .-Cir 440-IV- 1944 .
Camp Edwards, Mass.-Cir 468-11-1944. Presidio of Monterey, Calif.-Cir 40-III–1945.
Camp Hulen , Tex . - Cir 459–111-1944. Radio, Equipment – TM 11-2748 .
Camp Somerset, Md .-Cir 308-III-1944 . Radioteletype code room and signal center - TM 11
Class III 2207.
Inspections-Cir 268–1–1943 . Safety activities — Cir 110 - V - 1944.
Personnel and equipment, responsibility-Cir 388- Salina Engineer Redistribution Center, Kansas desig
1944. nated-Cir 101 - III - 1945 ,
Safety activities - Cir 110-V-1944. San Antonio Aviation Cadet Center, San Antonio, Tex.,
Classified, disposal of military supplies and equipment redesignated-Cir 219-II-1945 .
Cir 202-1944 . San Antonio District, AAF Personnel distribution - Cir
Command, change of status, disposition of real estate 219-II- 1945 .
Cir 195-IV- 1945.
Steam Pumps, Gardner -Denver , general instructions,
Continental R975-01 Ordnance Spare Engines—TB ORD operations-TM 5–2078.
230 .
Corner Reflector - TB SIG 163 .
Stop-overs, guards of military prisoners - Cir 107–1945.
Designation-GO 72-1-1944 . Surplus —Cir 425-III-1944.
Designation procedure-Cir 92-IV-1944 . Maintenance - TB ENG 66.
Destruction of nonessential records - Cir 416–1944 . Troy Municipal Airport, Troy, Ala., placed on active
status-- Cir 120-III-1945.
Discontinued , Register of Net Expenditures - Cir 231
II- 1945 . W. D., Army Industrial College - Cir 337-III–1945.
1286-A, classification changed-Cir 124–1945. Lubrication Continued
Ordnance Personnel—TB ORD 241 .
Semitrailer, 6-Ton Payload, 10-Ton Gross, 2-Wheel
PROVEMENT KIT : No. 296 - A - Q1, classifi ( 2dt ) , Van-TB 9–888–1.
cation changed - Cir 124-1945 . Tank, Light, M22—TB 9–724–7.
INSTALLATION MANUAL NOS . 1 THROUGH 8 : SCR Truck, 34 - Ton , 4 x 4-TB 9-808-9.
296-A, classification changed-Cir 124–1945. Truck, 242 - Ton , 6 ' x 6 ( Studebaker and Reo )—TB
9-807-6 .
INSTALLED PROPERTY RECORD CARD : Procedure in Truck, 4-Ton, 6 x 6 ( Diamond T ) _TB 9–811-3.
volved on accounting for installed property Truck , Heavy, Wrecking, Mi ( Ward La France
on WD AGO Form 661-Cir 356-V-1945 . Series 1 and 2, Kenworth model 570 and
571 ) _TB 9–795-5.
INSTITUTE : U. S. Armed Forces Mail and routing — CT Bull 23–1944.
Courses Offered by Colleges and Universities -- Pam Maintenance, Bearing Indicator BC - 1159 - A and Gonio
20-4 . meter MC 412-A , Radio Set SCR-502 and
Postwar Education, GI's—WD Pam 21–27. Radio Set SCR - 291 - A - TB SIG 146.
INSTITUTION : Confinement of military prisoners — Cir Impregnating Plant M-1 Plants Nos. 26–30 inclu
229-II-1944 . sive - TM 3-274 .
Radio Set SCR-271-D-TM 11-1110M .
INSTRUCTION GUIDE : See Guide, Instruction .
Materials for literary training-TC 39-II-1945.
INSTRUCTIONAL AIDS : See Aids, Instructional. Memorandum copy of_transportation requests, error
Commercial Traffic Bull 8, 1943 ; Commercial
INSTRUCTIONS : Traffic Bull 12–1944 .
Accounting, War Department – TM 20–221. Moistureproofing and Fungiproofing
Army — TM 21-250. Beacon Transmitter-Receiver AN /TPN-2-TB 11
Communication Combined Amphibious-FM 24–24. 1157-1 .
Cooling, Radio Set AN/ TPS-3, Console Cabinet CY Calibrator BC-725-A-TB 11-1048-2.
69TP / S - 3_TB 11-1540–4 . Oscilloscope 1-134C Modern Electronic Model 830–
Countersubversive - TM 30–205 . TB 11-1213-1 ,
Decimal File System—WD Pam 12–2. Test Set 1-153 - A - TB 11-2532-1 .
Export Generator Set, Portable, Gasoline Engine Voltohmeter Weston Model 772 Type 6 — TB 11
Driven, Skid Mounted, 3-KW, 115-Volt, 1 1204-1 .
Phase, 60- Cycle, Onan, Model W3M-TM 5– Maintenance, Cargo Carriers M29 and M29C - TB
5024. 9-772-7.
Emergency, Lubricants and Cleaning Materials — TB Clothing Impregnating Plant, M-1-TM 3–271.
ORD 300.
Fixed Fire Extinguisher System-TB 9–738–3.
Erection, “ Insulating Kit”, For Building, Shell , Tropi Palmer, LLH-TM 55–1038 .
cal, Precut, Complete :
20 by 54 Feet - TB 5-9613-2 . Radar Set AN/CPS-5, Technical Operations Man
20 by 54 Feet - TB 5–9613-3 . ual- TM 11-1355.
For CALD-50AEC Duplexing Unit in Radio Set SCR Radio Set AN/ CPS-1-TM 11-1344.
296-A-TB 11-1505-8 . Radiosones AN /AMT- 1 and AN/AMT-2_TB SIG
For Exercising Recoil Mechanisms and Equilibrators
TB ORD 303 . Radio Sets-SCR-593-A and C_TB 11-859-3.
No. 3500F83 /4 , Fairbanks -Morse Model 35F83 / 4 , Ma Radio Set AN/TRC-6 XC - 2 - TM 11-631 .
rine Diesel EngineTM 55-1115. Operating, Recorder-Reproducer, AN /GNQ - 7 — TB
Firing Supplementary, For Pot Smoke, M1 and Pot 11-2511-2 .
Smoke, 30-Pound, HC M5—TB 3-300-9. Maintenance, Tractor, High-Speed, 13-Ton, M5A1
General care, preservation and lubrication of small TB 9-786-1.
arms- 9-2835-8.
Waukesha-Hesselman Oil Engines—TM 55–1022.
General Maintenance, Distillation Unit, Thermo-Compression
Coast Artillery Battalion , 155-mm Gun-TB 9 Type, Gasoline, Skid-Mounted, 1200 Gal. Per
OEC - 7 . Day, Badger - TM 5-2068 .
Guide, Ball and Roller Bearings — TM 37–265. Optical, Use of Liquid Lens Cleaning Soap and
Inspection and Maintenance of Locomotives and Lo Anti- Fog Compound -- TB 9-850-19.
comotive Cranes, Operation of Railroads Preliminary, Supplemental
TM 55-270 . For Installation of Type C Carrier, Telephone
For Installation and Operation of Gardner Denver Packaged Equipment–TM 11-2023.
Steam Pumps—TM 5-2 78 . For Installation of Voice-Frequency Carrier
Guide, Care, and Maintenance, Ball and Roller Bearings Telegraph Packaged Equipment - TM 11
-TM 37-265 .
2024 .
Gun Data Computers M8 Series — TM 9-1669A . Preliminary
Hack Saw, Electric, Pioneer-TM 5-4054. Type C Carrier Telephone Packaged Equip
Installation, Vehicular Radio Sets-TB SIG 143. ment - TM 11-2026.
Line Terminating and Composite Panel , and Type “ C ” .
Carrier Transfer Panel, Packaged Equip Voice -Frequency Carrier Telegraph Packaged
ment- TM 11-2031. Equipment- TM 11-2029.
Lubrication, Power Unit PU - 9 / TPS - 2 — TB 11-1439-1 . Volt -OHM -Milliammeter Per D-166852, Mois
Lubrication, ture-Resistant - TM 11-2042.
Carriage, Motor, 75 -mm Howitzer, M8 — TB 9-732B- Preparing and Mailing Prosthetic Cases to Central Den
19. tal Laboratory — TB MED 148 .
Gun 3 -Inch , M5 ; Carriage, Gun, 3-Inch, M1 and Relating to Inspection, Evacuation and Records — TB
MO - TB 9-1322-1 . ORD 212.
Repair Binanral Training, M1 and M2_TM 9–1662.
Alignment Indicators 1-210 - A , -B, and -C-TM Electrical Indication, Inspections — TB SIG 24.
11-4010 . Electrical Measuring, Repair and Calibration-TM 11
Amplifier BC-908-B_TM 11-4025 . 472.
Control Units, BM-13-A, -B, -D, -G-TM 11-4020. Fire Control
Converter CV-2 / TX-TM 11-4021. Applications, Instruction Guide - TM 9-2601 .
Detector Sets, ACR - A , -B, -C, -E, -F-TM 11 Field Artillery — TM 6-220 .
4016. Flank Spotting, M1-TM 9-1610.
Electrical Indicating Instruments and Test Sets Indicating, electrical, repair instructions — TM 11-4700.
Observation, AA, Battery Commander's M1-TM 9
TM 11-4700. 1665 .
Fuel — TB ORD $ 11. Optical, Lubrication — TB ORD 136.
Radio Receiver and Loop Rotators BC -470 - D and Repairman , General Information - TM 9-2602.
F-TM 11-4014 . Tanks, Light, M5, M5A1 , and Carriage, Motor, 75 -mm
Operational Requirements—TM 11-4406 . Howitzer-TM 9-1727F .
Switchboard BD - 1104TM 11-4316 .
Telephone Repeater EE -89 - A - TM 11-4407 . INSULATING KITS : See Kit, Insulating.
Oscillators, V0-6 - A and -B - TM 11-4011 .
Power Supplies, PP-13/TRA-1 , PP-13A /TRA-1 , INSULAR POSSESSION : United States, Military personnel
PP-13B / TRA- 1 , PP-13C / TRA-1-TM 11
and returned-Cir 259 - VIII
4505. hospitalized
1945 .
Radio Receiver and Transmitters-BC-611 -A , -B ,
-D , --E , and F_TM 11-4019. INSULATORS :
Radio Receiver BC -652 - A - TM 11-4008 .
Radio Receiver BC-969-A and -B - TM 11-4013 . High -Voltage - MWO SIG 11-961-2.
Radio Receivers BC-976-A and -B-TM 11-4026 . Moisturproofing - TB 11-1427–3 .
Radio Receiver
BC-652-A-TM 11-4008.
Deposits accounts in banks, protection-Cir 123-V-1943 .
BC-969-A and -B - TM 11-4013.
BC - 976 - A and -B-TM 11-4026 . Funds for the replacement of government losses — Cir
Radio Receiver and Transmitter Involuntary discontinuance of allotments for payment of
BC - 474 - A - TM 11-4006 . premiums—Cir 113-11-1945.
BC -620 - A , B, G , H , and J -- TM 11-4022. National Service
BC - 659 - A , B, H, and J—TM 11-4023 . Certain provisions liberalized — Bull 22 - III, IV-1944.
BC - 745 – A , B, C, D , and E—TM 4018 . Notification of accepted applicants - Cir 122–1-1945.
BC - 1306 — TM 11-4009 . Old-age and survivors, signature on application-Cir
RT - 12 / TRC - 2 - TM 11-4015 . 340-VII–1944.
Radio Transmitters Solicitation Military reservations - Cir 228-IV-1945.
BC - 191 - A , B, C, D, E , and N-TM 11-4017. Workmen's Compensation, civilian employees paid from
BC - 653 - A - TM 11-4007 . nonappropriated funds-Cir 366 - III – 1945.
BC - 684 - A , -B, and -BM-TM 11-4037.
Recorder -Scanner, BC - 918 -B_TM 11-4027. INTELLIGENCE :
Air-FM 1-40.
Artillery, Antiaircraft-FM 44-8.
RA - 34 - A through J-TM 11-4701 . Combat-TC 54-1944.
RA - 43 - B - TM 11-4702.
Corps Area-TM 30–220 .
Repeater TB-30 Terminal-TM 11-4410. Counter - TM 30–218 .
Signal Generators, 1-208 and 1-208-A-TM 11 Field Artillery - FM 6–130.
4012 .
Switchboards , Censorship - FM 30–28 .
SB-27/TTC-1 , Operational Requirements—TM Combat - FM 30–5 .
11--4318 . Communication Security - TC71, 1943.
SB-28/TTC-2, Operational Requirements — TM Correspondents-FM 30–26 .
11-4318 . Counterintelligence - FM 30–35.
Documents-FM 30–15 .
Revision, Administrative Audit Procedures for Cost
Plus- A- Fixed-Fee Supply Contracts-TM 14 Maps - FM 30–20 .
1000. Material , Enemy - FM 30–15.
Observers-FM 30–27.
Use of Conversion Kit ML-354 /AM with Radiosonde Observation-FM 30–10.
AN /AMQ-1 ( ) and Radio Transmitter BC Repatriates—FM 30–15.
1253—TM 11-1158 A - 1 . Photography, Aerial-FM 30–21.
Service specialists—FM 30–27.
INSTRUCTOR : ROTC institutions, sale of Uniforms—Cir Signal Corps -- FM 11-35.
295-VII- 1943 . Signs and Symbols-FM 30–22 .
INSTRUMENTS : Post, Camp, and Station—TM 30–320.
Aircraft - TM 1-413 . INTELLIGENCE SECTION : Certain officers designated
Angle of Site, M1917 — TM 9-1525. flak analysis officers — Cir 201-11-1944 .
M1910 and M1010A1-TM 9-1675. BOARD :
M1910A1 - TM 2675 ; LO 9-U548 . Air defense and fight rules-Cir 80–1944 ; Cir 418
M1918 and M1918A2 - TM 9-1680. 1944 .
M1918A2, M1 -LO 9-U549. Designation - GO 30-1-1942 .
6587490-46--22 337
Allowance and computation , Civil Service Retirement Monthly, solid fuel-Cir 192-III-1945.
Act - Bull 13-II , III–1944. Perishable subsistence supplies in storage - Cir 75–1944.
Suspension, subversives from defense plants - Cir 339–
1943 . INVERTERS :
Training of State and Territorial military forces - Bull Vibrator TypeTM 11-2519 .
13 - V - 1944 . Acme MFM - TM 2644.
1945. Criminal-FM 19-20.
INTERNEE : Loyalty
Civilian employees, disposition of accounts—Cir 52– Civilian personnel - Cir 370–1–1945 .
Rescission of certain publications — Cir 14 - VI - 1944,
Civilian enemy aliens Restrictions, American Red Cross-Cir 165–1–1944 .
Accounts-Cir 272–1944. Women's Army Auxiliary Corps ( WAAC ) -Cir 20- V
1943 .
Disposition of funds—Cir 274–1944 .
Employment in Medical Department Bull 27-1942. INVOICE :
Military personnel, paroles - Cir 345-11-1944. Commercial purchases of gasoline for Army vehicles
INTERNMENT CAMP : Canteen, sugar rationing-Cir 110 Cir 334-11-1944 .
II - 1944 . Commercial , report - Cir 197-1–1945 ; 277-11-1945 .
Reporting methods of payment, disbursing operations
INTERCOMMUNICATIONS : Set, PA-8—TM 11-2564. Cir 411-III-1944.
Amplifiers, BC-367 and BC-667–TM 11-4059. IRON : Soldering ( 12-Volt ) -SB 11-91.
Installation, IRONERS :
Car, Scout, M3A1-TM 11-2717. Flatwork — TB QM 42.
Carriage, Motor, 76-mm Gun , M18TM 11-2724 . Flatwork , 8 -roll, American - 120 - LO 10-U8.
Carriage, Motor, 90-mm Gun , M36, M36B1 or
36B2 - TM 11-2731 ; TM 11-2723 . ISSUE :
Carriage, Motor, 75-mm Howitzer, M8 - TM 11- Clothing and equipment to officers ordered overseas on
2727 ; TM 11-2700. temporary duty-Cir 32-11-1945 .
Light Tanks M5 and M5A1-TM 11-2720. Hold-down bolts and tie plates-Cir 31-VI-1945.
Tank , Light T9E1-TM 11-2705 ; TM 11-2754 ; TM Newly standardized goggles, M1944-Cir 417-11-1944 .
11-2706. Prophylactic - Cir 410-1-1944.
Tank Medium M4-TM 11-2704 ; TM 11-2748 . Responsibility for materials handling equipment - Cir
Tank , Medium, T234TM 11-2730. 33-II- 1945 .
Tank Recovery, Vehicle T2 - TM 11-2703. Spare Parts-Cir 337–1944 ; Cir 69-IV-1945 .
Vehicle , Landing , Tracked, Mark I, LVT- ( A ) -1 Special Services and information and Education , Divi
TM 11-2752 . sion equipment - Cir 206-1-1945 .
Vehicle, landing, tracked , Mark IV, LVT- ( A ) -4 Stockings, Women's Army Corps-Cir 76-IV-1945.
TM 11-2753 ; TM 11-2755 , Trainer, Machine Gun, Antiaircraft, M9-Cir 230- I
Installation in Vehicle, Landing, Tracked LVT-2, 1943.
( A ) -2, and LVT 4TM
- 11-2756. Tube, flexible, nozzle -- Cir 111-V-1945.
Vehicle, Utility, Armored M39 ( 141 ) or T41E1
TM 11-2757 . ITALIAN : Prisoner of War, Transportation-Cir 195- VI
RC-38—TM 11-715 . 1944 ; Cir 420–1944.
RC-48 and RC - 60 -- TM 11-710.
RC-53 and RC - 53 - A -- TM 11 700. ITALIAN MILITARY FORCES, HANDBOOK : TM E -30
RC-61-TM 11-705.
RC-99—TM 11-702.
ITALIAN SOMALILAND : Medical and Sanitary Data-TB
Reel assembly, RL106 / VI, Signal Corps - MWO ORD MED 132 .
Amplifiers, BC -605 - A , -C , D , -AM , -CM and DM , Equipment and supplies for welfare purpose-Cir 34
repair instructions -- TM 11-4035 .
Movement oversea destination-Cir 357–1945.
Control Boxes, BC-606-A, B, C, D, E, F, G, Modification
-MWO SIG 11-600-8. ITALY : Medical and Sanitary Data-TB MED 178.
Systems , modification of Radio Sets - MWO SIG 11
600-6 ; MWO SIG 11-600-7 ; MWO SIG 11- ITEMS :
600-8. Consolidations and Substitutions of General Supplies
Radio, Control System, for Radio Set AN / VRC - 3— SB 10–54.
MWO SIG 11-637-1 , Controlled , Equipment - SB 8-16 .
INTERRUPTERS : Critical , Repair -- SB 38–1-55 .
Deletion , Radio Set, AN /MRQ - 2 - SB 11-74 .
PE-250, Installation, adjustment and maintenance - TB Equipment, field sterilizing, 40011028, 7910005, 9950000,
SIG 203 .
9952300, 9953000 , 9953528, 9954028, 9903500
Replacement and 9950300 - TM 8-622.
Radio, Set, SCR - 203 - MWO SIG 11-239-2. Expendable and Non -Expendable Ordnance; Interim
Telegraph Set TG-5~MWO SIG 11-351-2. List , Signal Corps - SB 11-1 ; SB 11-3.
INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION : Service Or- Food , condemned, Sales - TM 10-220 .
der No. 213 -- Cir 405–1944 . General Supply - Consolidations and Substitutions - SB
10-54 .
INTERVIEWER : Female Personnel - Cir 293-IV-1944 .
List , Chemical Warfare, Transportation Corps, Traffic
INUNDATED : Areas and Tidal Estuaries Bridging - TB Data - SB 3-2 .
5-271-1 . Lost or Damaged, Standard Overhaul Cost-SB 9-30.
ITEMS — Continued JAPANESE - ENGLISH : Dictionary, supplementary - TM
Medical Department
Information and Limitation uses-SB 8-24 . JARRETT M. HUDDLESTON : ( ex Samuel F. « B. Morse )
Technical Supply Information , Zone of Interior Sta Designated as Hospital Ship - GO 46–1944 .
tions-SB 8-25 .
Restriction of Issue -- SB 8-26 . JAVA : Medical and Sanitary Data on Java — TB MED 102.
Miscellaneous, Repair-TB QM 29 . " JEEP " : Nickname in Official or Technical Correspondence
Ordnance, Expendable and Nonexpendable — SB 9-11 . Prohibited-Cir 411-IV-1944.
Perishable, Subsistence Accounting-SB 10–10.
Price List, Class 24, Overseas Supply, Quatermaster JEFFERSON BARRACKS, MO.: Separation Center Estab
lished-Cir 387-IV-1944.
SB 1010 ; SB 10-227.
Prohibited , list-Cir 214–1945. JETS : Carburetor, ( Provision for in Carrier, Light Cargo,
Purchase of Restricted Nonperishable Subsistence--SB M29 ( T24 ) ) -MWO ORD G179–W4 .
JOBS : Army-WD Pam 21-3.
Quartermaster, Standard, Supply - SB 10-242.
Recoverable — SB 9-64. JOB PLACEMENT : Veteran's Home Community - Cir 308–
Requiring Reimbursement , Requisitions-SB 11-9 . 1945.
Subsistence, Class 56, Outside Continental Limits of the
United States Price List SB 10-229 . JOHN J. MEANY ( ex Zebulon B. Vance ) : Designated as
Surplus and Obsolete, Disposition -- SB .38–1–55. Hospital Ship-GO 47–1944.
Utilities, Supply Stocked - SB 5-53.
X-Ray Field Unit Generator, 9606000-TM 8–630. JOHN L. CLEM : Designated Army Hospital Ship - GO 88
X-Ray Field Unit, Machine, Chassis and Table - TM 8 1-1945.
ITEM SCARF, CHAPLAIN’S : Retention upon relief from Policies for separation from service and furlough of
active duty-Cir 69-11-1945 . WACS when husbands discharged or on fur
JACK MYERS : No. 431 with AB. Wisconsin Engine. F. E. lough - Cir 187-IV-1945 .
JACKET, FIELD : Name Changed - Cir 140 - III – 1945.
Defacing by Military Personnel-Cir 365-IX-1944 . Responsibility - Cir 372-IV-1944.
General Description - Cir 294-XI-1945 ; 299-V-1945. JOINT ARMY- NAVY BOARD : Establishment - Cir 6–1942.
Herringbone Twill , Defacing by Military Personnel-
M - 1943, Limitations on issue and Stockage in United BOARD : Agreement-Cir 367-VI-1944.
States-Cir 448-V-1944 .
M-1943 (Jacket, Field , OD ) -SB 10–184 . JOINT ARMY-NAVY INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE :
M - 1943, Fitting and Issuing—SB 10–91 . Establishment-GO 6–1942.
Wearing off post - Cir 288–1–1945 .
JACKS : JOINT ARMY-NAVY MANUAL : Janp 109, Standard de
Firing (Elimination of galling of Bushings A187204 and scriptions for electronic equipment - Cir 324
A18672 ) _TB 1331-FE2. II-1945.
Mud,, 50–2A, Loehring Co.—TM 5-9776. JOINT ARMY -NAVY PACKAGING BOARD : Establish
Wheel , general purpose vehicles—TB ORD FE42. ment-Cir 80-11-1945.
Bank Accounting and Operations, Civil Affairs Informa- | JOINT ARMY- NAVY PROCEDURE :
tion Guide — WD Pam 31-4 . Janp 100. Joint U. S. Amphibious Communications,
Bibliography, Civil Affairs Information Guide - WD Pam classification changed-Cir 370–II–1945.
31-1 ; WD Pam 31-1A . Janp 101. Variations in radar coverage, classification
Broadcasting, Civil Affairs Guide WD Pam 31–64. removed-Cir 370-11-1945.
Civil Affairs Guide, Agriculture and Food - WD Pam Janp 102. Classification removed-Cir 370-II–1945.
31-10. Janp 107. Classification removed-Cir 345-V-1945.
Policy on use of civilian personnel after the defeat- Janp 108–
Cir 248-1-1945 ; 277-VII–1945 . Classification removed-Cir 340-III-1945 .
System of Military Establishment - Cir 347-III– 1944. Use Cir 87-1-1945 .
JOINT ARMY -NAVY : Specification for packaging & pack
B Encephalitis–TB MED 181 . ing material inspected - Cir 374-IV-1945.
Cave Type Fortifications, Reduction - TC 34–1945 .
Civilian Enemy Alien, Disposition of Funds — Cir 274- JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF GROUP : Detailed Composi
1944 . tion of the War Department Groups—Cir
Dictionary, military - TM 30–541 . 427-V-1944.
Empire, Public Health, Civil Affairs Handbook - WD
Pam 31-2. JOINT SECURITY CONTROL : Regrading of Classified In
English Glossary-TM 30–485. formation-Cir 385-11-1945.
Medical and Sanitary Data—TB MED 160.
Military Forces, Handbuok-TM E30-480. JOINTERS :
Mine Training Aid Set No. 2, Use — TB ENG 79. P908, John D. Williams Export Co. for Walker-Turner
Radio Communication Equipment-TM E11-277A . Co., Inc.-TM 5–694 .
Readings for Chinese Place Names ( Arranged by Chi- No. 166 with Drawings, Oliver Machine Co.-TM 5-4562.
nese Readings) -TM 30–487.
Readings, Chinese Place Names(Arranged by Japanese JOLIET ARSENAL, JOLIET, ILL.: Designation-Cir 329–
Readings) -TM 30–488 . I- 1945 .
Tactics and Characteristics — TC 23–1945.
Words, Transliteration – TC 103-1942. JOURNALS : Professional ( Medical Department) -SB 8–4 .
KITS : essory ,
Acc MC - 583, MC-584, MC-585 and MC - 586 - TC
Branch Office Established-Bull 44-1-1942.
Legal , Status of Foreign Personnel , Opinion-Cir 395– Adapter , MX 2575/ . TPS - 3, Instructions for Installation
43 , -194

did4.ate School, Class No. 11–Cir 468 - III -TB SIG 77 .

Officer Can194 Aided -Azimuth -tracking , No. A96 - PL - TM 1057 .
1944 . All Types, Technical Data - TB 5-9720–7 .
Redistributing Certain Functions - Bull 17 - III - 1943.
JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT : Detail Con PPN -AT3, Instruction for Installation
of Qualified Officers - Cir 57-11-1945. TB SIG 31 .
Conversion , Radio Transmitters BC - 446 - A , B, C ,
JUDGE ADVOCATE , PROCUREMENT : Establishment 107 6.
F , H-TM
D , nE, , Rad 11-itt ers BC_446 - A , B , C,
Conversio io Transm
Cir 273–1945 ; 305 - XI- 1945. D , E , F , G , H ( To make Antenna Tuning
JUNCTION BOXES : JB - 71 - A and JB-71-B, (Modifica Unit ( Radio Receptor Type 465 ) easier to

tion ) -MWO SIG 11-1524-13 .

adjust ) -MWO SIG 11-1076-1 .
JUNEAU : Class IV Installation -Cir 96 - V - 1944 . Double-doublet Receiving Antenna ( Drawing ES
E - 276 - F )-TM 11-2629 .
GLEal: Wire Line Construction
For Rhombic Receiving Antenna ( Drawing ES- E
-TB SIG 180. 386 - E )-TM 11-2611 .
Cloth ing
Hammock, ,equi
pment rations in T/E21, For Doublet Transmitting Antenna ( Drawing ES
Complete , and
Authorizatio--n TB QM 13.Rescinded
E - 252 - F ) -TM 11-2656 .
-Cir 50–1-1945 .
For Rhombic Transmitting Antenna ( Drawing ES
Radio Communication –TB SIG 4. E -368-D ) -TM 11-2617 .
Warfare - FM 31-20 ; TC 55--1942 ; FM 72–20 . Tower - AS -134 - TPX - TB SIG 114 ; TB SIG 173 ;
MWO SIG 22 .
JURISDICTION : Associated Equipment , No. 68 - X2, Radio Transmitter
Canadian Absentees - Cir 258–1–1944 . s BC -677 – TM 11-1060 . llation
Civil and Military, Domestic Disaster -Cir 85–1–1944 . Azimuth , Inde x 682 - ID7 ( Insta in Radio Set
General Court Martial - Cir 132–11–1944 . SCR -682 - A ) -TB SIG 87.
Military , over Merchant Seamen - WD Pam 27-5.
Cable Repair, All Types —TM 9-649 .
JUSTICE : Military, Procedure - TM 27–255 . - 193 / ion
CableCGExtens PPN - 1, Instruction for Installation - TB
329-1-1945 . CG-204 /PPN-1A. , Instructions for Installation - TB
DIS E nease yamaities 11-1140A -1 .
Dise , Kata
Repa ir Facil . , Classi- Chain Guide MC-591 ( Radio Set SCR-627-A ) -TB 11
1520–2 .
fied , Class III—Cir 477 - IV - 1944. Chemical Agent Detector M9icea
: bility
CWS No. 564910, Serv Standard-SB 3
KERATOPLASTY : Indications and Contra - indications - TB
r of1 .Operations Surveillance Procedure - TB
MED 177 .
KERATECTOMIES : Indications and Contra -indications, 3-29 0-4517
Commander's Vision .Cupola Medium Tank M4 (105
TB MED 177 . mm howitzer ) -MWO ORD G104 -W112.
TLES : s
KETAll Console Conversion
Type , Technical Data - TB 5-9720-4 .
Asphalt, 750 -gallon , Skid -mounted - TB 5-255-5. B70-C1_TB SIG 83 .
Asphalt - repair , Trailer -mounted, Motor - driven Hand B70 - C1 and D71-C1 , Installation and Operation
( Radio Sets SCR - 270 - (* ) and SCR-271- ( *) )
y and 165-gallon Capacity , Littleford , Models -TB SIG 145 .
US-66 and 84 - HD - 3, ( Series P, R , S, and Console Illumination 270 - IDS, Installation , Radio Sets
SCR-270- ( * ) , SCR-271- ( * ) _TB SIG 131 .
T ) n-TB
110 -gallo 5-11,54-3.
Capacity Littleford , Model US -66 — TB Console Improvement 527 - DSI ( Radio Set SCR - 527 - A )
lon156 -2aci
. ty , Littleford US -66 – MWO ENG -TB 11-1519-4 .
110 -gal5-1 Cap
20-1b . Fragmentation Bombs AN-M41 to Parachute
164-gallon .
Capacity, Littleford, 84 HD-3-TB 5 Type Bomb for Singlė Suspension or for use
in Cluster AN-M4A1-TB 9-1980–45 .
165-gall on4-2
Cap. acity , Littleford , Model 84 HD- 3 ML - 354 /AM , Instructions (with Radiosonde AN '
TM 5-1154 ; MWO ENG 1154 . AMQ -1-1 ) and Radio Transmitter BC
165-gallon Capacity, Littleford , 84 HD-3, Series T 1253 ) —TB 11-1158 A - 1 .
Radio Sets SCR - 270- ( ) and SCR - 271- ( ) ; An
165-gallo n MCapa 158 ., Littleford , Model
5-1city 84 HD-3— tenna Position Controls MC- 298A and
TB 5-1154-1. MC - 298B_TM 11-1059.
Coupling, Modification MC-577, Instructions for Install
KEYS : J -45 (modification )-MWO SIG 18. ing Radio Set SCR -584 – TB 11-1524-17.
TG - 10 - A , -B, -C, -D , -F, -G, -H , and -J—TM 11-447 .
Crash Fire Fighting : Decontaminator
M3A1-TC 32–1943 ; TC 10–1914.
TG -34-A-TM 11-443 . M4 - TC 92-1943 ,
Troop Trai ns Converter , 545-RS—TB 11--1127-7 .
Inspelies - Cir 334-III–1944. CK -1 ( ) /GR-SB 11-88 .
Supp -- Cir 24- VIII–1944; Cir 87-V-1944 ; Cir MC-535 and MC -537_TB 11-230C -2 .
145-IX-1944 ; Cir 194 - IV - 1944 ; Cir 400 Erection , MX-326/CR and MX - 327 / CR - TM 11-2662 .
1944 .
KITS - Continued KITS — Continued
Fingerprint – TM 10–632. Sewing, Allowances-Cir 56 - IV - 1945.
First Aid , Armored , Stowage Box, Installation — TB ORD Signal Corps, Materials for Moisture and Fungi-Re
FE45. sistant Treatment — SB 11-76.
Foreign Language, use and purpose - Cir 461-IV-1944. Switchboard Conversion, 627A - Q1 - TW 11-2015 .
Frequency Stability Improvement 588-PUI ( Power Synchroscope Slow -Sweep Jack — TB SIG 92.
Unit PE -198-B , Radio Set SCR-588 ) -TB Teletype Maintenance, Replacement - SB 11-48.
11-1329-12. Tent Floor
Fuel Filling, for Flame Thrower, E6 - TB CW 18. MX-280/TPS-3 Radio Set AN/TPS-34TB 11
Gas Mask, Waterproofing, M1 - TC 8-1943. 1340-1.
Gate Modification-MC-581 (Moistureproofing and fun MX - 281 / TPS - 1 - TB 11-1347A-1 .
giproofing ) -TB 11-1424–4 ; TB 11-1524–20 ; Testing, Impregnate in Clothing M1-TB 3–290–3510.
TB 11-1524-11 . Tool, Bomb Venting E1 — TB CW 15.
Grease Gun, Pneumatic, Gray, Model PK - 100 — TM 5–
9080 . Brunton Packet, 527 - TS - 3 — TB 11-1119–7.
MC - 604 — TB 11-1332-1 .
Hand Crank, MC - 589, Installation in Radio Sets SCR Transmitter
584-A and 584 - B - MWO SIG 11-1324-1 .
Azimuth Data - MWO SIG 11-1505-2.
Highway warning for motor vehicles — Cir 348 - III –1945 . Motors, 602A-T1-TB 11-1526 - A .
Homing Modification MC -619_MWO. SIG 11-235-5. Truck, 242 -ton , 6 x 6, Installation of Loading Aid Kit
Remote Data—MC-544-TB SIG 114 ; TB SIG 160. 7069664, for M55 Gun Mount-TB 9-801
Insulating Erection Instructions—TB 5-9613–2 ; TB 5 FE2.
Interphone Extension RC - 298 — TB SIG 192. Vapor Detecting, M4, HS—TC 11–1943.
Lip Type, Rear Spring Seat Seal-TB ORD 167. Voice Conversion, Radio Transmitters, BC - 446 - A , B, C,
D , E, F, H–TM 11-1076.
Loading Aid Water Testing , Poisons, Treatment and Control-TB
7069664, Installation (for Gun Mount, M55 ) -TB MED 37 .
8-801 - FE2.
Gun Mount, M55, High Winch Base - TB 9-801 Winterization
FE3 . Generator Set, Portable; Gasoline-Engine-Driven,
Maintenance Skid-Mounted, 3-KW, 115-Volt, Single-phase,
MK - 40 / FSM -34TM 11-2606. 60- Cycle, A-C Onan Model W3M—TB ENG
ME-53- ( ) -TM 11-315 . 85 .
MC - 544 , Radio Set SCR - 545 - A , Installation of Remote M10_TB 9-616-1 .
Data Indicator - TB SIG 114. M12-TB ORD 240 .
MC -566 , Azimuth Setting Modification Installation on M18–TB ORD 240.
Radio Set SCR -588 — TB 11-1329–10. Welder, Electric Arc, Gasline- Engine-Driven, 300
MC - 581, Gate, Installation in Radio Sets SCR -584 - A Ampere, Trailer -mounted , Hobart Model GR
and SCR - 584 - B - MWO SIG 11-1524-8 . 300S—TB ENG 84.
Miscellaneous and Tool Sets, Freight Billing Guide
SB 55-8-J -20. KNEE PUSHER : For Standard Power Utility Boats—TB
Mixing and Transfer, E2R1 , Thickened Fuel—TB CW
Modification Repointing — TB ORD 272.
MC -615 - TB 11-625-3 . Trench, M3, not issued to certain personnel-Cir 204-V
Vulcanizing Equipment, TE-54 and TE-55—SB 1944.
Modified I-F Chassis , 270-ID4—TB SIG 142. " KNOW YOUR ALLY BRITAIN " :
Motors, Transmitter, 602A-T1-TB 11–1526–4. Army Orientation Course — 283 – II – 1945 .
Mounting Blocks, 602-V6, Installation , Radio Sets SCR Orientation Recording — Cir 33 – II – 1944 .
602-T6 and SCR -602 - A - MWO SIG 11
1326-1 . “ KNOW YOUR ALLY CHINA ” : Orientation Recording - Cir
MX -155 /GT, Connecting and Switching - TM 11-2546 . 33 - II - 1944.
Power No. В68 - P1, Instructions for Installation-TB
11-1106B . KNUCKLES : Steering, Right- and Left-Hand Truck , 14 -ton ,
Preamplifier, Modification No. 588B-R3—TB 11-1329-9. Ford Model GPW and Willys Model MB Rec
Protective Ointment, M5 — TB 3–290–189 . lamation - TB 9-2830–40 .
Radio Sets SCR-370-1 ) and SCR-271-1 ( ) Antenna
Position Controls MC - 298 - A and MC- 298B- KOREA : Medical and Sanitary Data — TB MED 208.
TM 11-1059.
Rectifier KOREAN : Phrase Book_TM 36-642 .
MC -606 , Rheostat, Installation—TB 11-1529–1 . LABELS : Error in Circuit - TB 11-850-4 .
Reel Assembly RL106 / VI - MWO ORD G163-W5.
Reflector, Metal MX-371 /TPS-3 Installation in Radio Set LABOR :
AN /TPS-3-MWO SIG 11-1340-1 .
Broker, Policy of WD concerning employment brokers
Reinforcing, Reel Unit RL - 26 - A — TB 11-360-1. Cir 377-VI-1944.
Remote Data Indicator, MC-546—TB 11-1524–15 .
Charges on reports of surveys—Cir 265 - III – 1944.
Repair Creation of worker attitudes-Cir 203-11-1945.
Gas Mask Deactivation of organization-Cir 260 - II - 1945.
Company MII and M2A1-TB 3-205-13514. Plant Operator, Fire Protection — WD Pam 32-3 .
Universal, M8 CWS No. 519124 - SB 3-25–23 .
Radiator Mounting, U-Bolt Type - TB ORD 281 . LABORER :
Resistor-TB 9-1671A -3 . Eight-Hour Law , suspended-Bull 1-II-1943.
Separation , Horizontal TPS - MX6_MWO SIG 11 Subversives Suspension from defense plants-Cir 339–
1540-1 . 1943.
Armored Medical Research-Cir 98 - II - 1944 , Italian-TM 30–303 .
Base, M2 - MWO CW 5. Italian -English - TM 30–703 .
Company, chemical - FM 3-25. Japanese-TM 30–341.
Dental Malay - TM 30–339.
Central Prosthetic Cases, Instructions for Preparing North African Arabic - TM 30–321 .
and Mailing -- TB MED 148. Norwegian -- TM 30–310 .
Fifth Service Command-Cir 98 - V - 1944 . Persian-TM 30–326 .
Guide for utilization of personnel-Cir 209–1944 . Portuguese - TM 30–301.
Medical Department, Function and Scope—TB MED 135. Rumanian -- TM 30–349 .
Photographic , organization and Operation Service Com Russian-TM 30–344,
mands, Departments and Posts—TM 11-409. Serbo - Croatian-TM 30–346 .
Signal, designation - GO 24-1-1945. Spanish-TM 30–300.
Technicians , Methods—TM 8-227. Swedish-TM 30–312 .
Workbook , for TM 11-466 — TM 11-466 LAB. Tagalog — TM 30–340 .
Thai ( Siamese ) -TM 30–331.
LADD FIELD, FAIRBANKS, ALASKA : Commanding Gen Turkish-TM 30–318 .
eral , AAF jurisdiction-Cir 386-11-44 .
LAMB : Carcass, Storage and Issue-SB 10–187. LANTERNS :
LAMINATING EQUIPMENT : PH-523 / GF-TM 11-2369. Battery-SB 11-5 .
Case, Carrying. M1917 for B. C. Telescope M1915–
Airflow , No. 12B1-25, Macbeth Arc Lamp Co.- TM 5– Electric- SB 11-5.
6046. Gasoline, Leaded Fuel-TB QM 47 ; MWO QM 2.
Case, Carrying, M1917 for B. C. Telescope M1915— Hand, Selection, Battery BA-200/ U—TB SIG 196.
MWO ORD F9-W2. Portable - SB 11-5.
Fieldl Operating — TM 8–610.
Replacement, R1130 and 1160A , Facsimile Equipment LAPEL BUTTON :
RC - 120 - A and RC - 120 - B and Facsimile Set Gratuitous issue_Cir 27–1944 .
AN / TCX - 1 - SB 11–92. Issue, honorably discharged military personnel - Cir
Signal Equipment 311-V-1945.
EE - 84 - TM 11-391.
SE 11-TM 11-392 . LARKSPUR : Designated Army hospital ship - GO 26–1941
Therapeutic, Mercury Are, Air -Cooled, Mobile, Complete,
110 - Volt, 60 Cycle—TM 8–621. LATCHES :
LAND : Use as maneuver areas, removal of unexploded am- Operating handle, Gun, 37-mm , M3-MWO ORD A 41
munition prior to civilian use -Cir 195 - I W4 .
1945. Safety , Tank Light M 24MWO ORD G 200 - W1.
LAND-CLEARING : Equipment, use—TB ENG 55 . Special Cover, Aircr Machine Gun, Gal, .50, M2
TB 9-225 - FE1.
LAND -GRANT: Equalization agreements, motor freight LATHES : TM 1-420 .
CTB 4, 1943 .
LAND -GRANT ROAD : Freight equalization agreement Type C, Used with Range Finder, 1 -Meter base,
CTB 3-11-1944 . M1916-MWO ORD F26 - W4.
LAND -WARFARE : See Warfare , ' Land. All Types, Technical Data-TB 5–9720–7.
Brake, Drum , Motor -Driven, Van Norman , Model 303–
LANDING : TM 5-4396 .
Craft , Smoke Pot Tack , E1 -TB 3-300--4 . Motor -Driven
Fields , Advanced-TB -255-4
Mats, Airplane - TB 5-255-1. 9- in. x 342 ft. Bed Length , Quick -Change Gears.
Mats , Rehabilitation Plants—TB 5-255-6 . Bench Type, South Bend, Model A, No.
Operations, Hostile Shores-FM 21-5. 4442 - TM 5-4154 .
Surf, matériel and shipped overseas with combat unit- 10-in. x 312 - ft. Bed Length , Independent Change
Cir 421-IV-1944. Gears, Bench - Type, Logan , Model 210S- TH
LANGUAGE : 5-4040 .
Disorders, Aphasic — TB MED 155. 10-in . x 4 % -ft. Bed Length , Quick -Change Gears
Guides - See Language Guides. Toolroom-Type , Reed - Practice Model B - TV
Portuguese , Basic CourseTM 30–1512. 5-4078.
Roster and requisition , linguists — Cir 300 - IV - 1943. 10 -in. x 444 - ft. Bed Length , Quick Change Gears.
School, Military Intelligence Service-Cir 281 - IV - 1945. Toolroom Type, Model No. 8187 - RN , 1 -in.
LANGUAGE GUIDES : Collet Capacity, South Bend Lathe Works
Albanian - TM 30–352. South Bend, Indiana , U. S. A. - TM 5-4194 .
Brazilian-TM 30–301 . 10-in. Brake Drum Reconditioning Fixtures - IT
9-1834 A -FE1 .
Bulgarian - TM 30–345 .
Cantonese - TM 30–334 . Speed , Oliver 51-K, Headstock - Kimble Electric Co.
Chinese - TM 30–333. Oliver Machine Co.-TM 5-4336 .
Danish-TM 30–311. Toolroom & Engine, 14-in, and 16-in. Sliding Gear
Dutch - TM 30–307 . Head, Reed - Prentice - TM 5–4078.
French - TM 30–302 . Toolroom, 16 x 54, Model “ B ”, Reed-Prentice Cer:
German-TM 30–306. poration – TM 5-4078 .
Greek - TM 30–350. Vehicular Maintenance Equipment - TM 9-1831A .
Hindustani_TM 30-327.
Hungarian --TM 30–316 . LATIN AMERICA : Post hostilities training, senior sta:
Icelandic -TM 30-313 . officers-Cir 294-V- 1945 .
LAUNCHERS : LEAVE : Without permission - Pam 20-5.
Multiple Rocket, 7.2-inch , M17—TM 9-396 . LEAVE OF ABSENCE :
4.5 inch, T66 and T66E2 — TM 9-392.
AT 2.36 in. M1A1-FM 23–30 ; TM 9-294 ; MWO ORD Accrued leave
B 36 - W2. Officers relieved from active duty-Cir 341-1944 .
M9 , M9A1 and M18TM 9-294 . Wac officers - Cir 24 - IX - 1944.
4.5 - in. Civilian Employees-regulations-Bull 18 - I - 1943.
M10—TM 9-395 ; TB 9-395–1 ; MWO ORD C 67-W1 . . During period 1 Dec. 45 to 12 Jan, 46 — Cir 361-III
M14 - TM 9-395 ; TB 9-395–1; MWO ORD C 67 -W1. 1945 .
M15—MWO ORD C67-W1 ; TM 9-395 ; TB 23–30–1. Extension of time to 45 days — Cir 296 - III – 1945.
T27 and T27E1 -MWO ORD C 67-W1 . Military personnel, visit to Mexico - Cir 431-I–1944 ; 228
T34 and T34E1 - MWO ORD C 67-W1 . VIII–1945.
T 57—TB 9-395-1 . Payment in lump sum upon separation from service
Bull 1-1-1945.
LAUNDRIES : Personnel
Army, advancement of funds for purpose of making Traveling under competent travel orders, train ac
change - Cir 384-111–1944. commodations-Cir 396–1–1944 .
Charges for Service Rendered by Quartermaster-SB Rotational , officers requesting it be converted to tem
10–79. porary duty for recuperation , rehabilitation ,
Charges for services rendered by Quartermaster Corps, and recovery - Cir 326 - VI -1945.
Enlisted personnel-SB 10–199. Separation prior to expiration date - Cir 374-11-1945.
Class III installations , operation-Cir 388–1944. Terminal, wearing of uniform , pregnant WAC—Cir 404–
Clothing abandoned by enlisted personnel-Cir 108 - I III-1944.
1945. When husbands are on furlough - Cir 187 - IV - 1945.
Company — TM 10–352. Women Army Corps, personnel married to enlisted men ,
Fixed regulations — Cir 17-III–1945.
Dry -Cleaning, Quartermaster - TB QM 41 . Wills, Military personnel-Cir 97–1944.

Equipment, Quartermaster-TB QM 40. LEAVE ORDER : Filing with Reserve officers' pay accounts
Operation and Maintenance, Washers—TB QM 43. -Cir 130 - V - 1944 .
Operation and Maintenance, Presses — TB QM 44.
Requisitions for Spare Parts, Quartermaster - SB LEGAL ADVICE :
10-97 .
Military personnel-Cir 74–1943 ; 11 - VI - 1943; 73–1944.
Folding of articles discontinued-Cir 328-II–1945. Wills of Military Personnel-Cir 97-1944.
Laundering at Government expense -- Cir 354 - III – 1944.
Lubricants, Quartermaster Corps—SB 10–132. LEGAL ASSISTANCE OFFICER : Functions-Cir 73–1944.
Marking Machine, National—16 Character-LO 10-07. LEGAL BRANCH : Office of the Under Secretary of War, re
Mobile Unit W - 950 -QM -3270 — TB 10–351; 10–351-1.
Portable, skid mounted , small detachment, property sponsibility - Cir 279-1945.
“ LSD ," " PLSD " and American— " ALSD ” LEGION OF MERIT :
TM 10–1670 . Corrections_GO 17 -XIII – 1945 ; 27-IX-1945 ; 16 - XI
Quartermaster Corps, Authorized Supplies — SB 10–185. 1944 ; 36– XIV -1944; 44-XII-1944; 81 -XII
Quartermaster Corps , field - Cir 354 - III – 1944. 1944 .
Quartermaster fixed
Procedure - TM 10–355. LEGION OF MERIT ( OAK-LEAF CLUSTER ) : Corrections
Publications Pertaining-SB 10–234. -GO 71-X-1944.
Standard , Operations—TB QM 36. LEGION OF MERIT : ( OAK-LEAF CLUSTER ) : Rescission
Responsibility Quartermaster General- Cir 7–II–1945. -GO 77-IX-1944.
Service, Student ( ASTRP ) -Cir 383-VI-1944.
Service, Enlisted personnel, posts camps and Stations LEISHMANIASIS : Viseral , Kala -azar - TB MED 183 .
Cir 346 – V - 1944; 467 - VII – 1944 .
Special Purpose, QM, Semitrailer - TB QM 17 ; QM 18. LEGS :
Trailer, Quartermaster, Frotection ( Freezing Weather) LG-2-B, Part of Radio Sets SCR -694 - C , AN / TRC - 2,
-TB 10–351-3 . AN/TRC-7 and AN / TRC - 10 — SB 11–87.
Tumbler, non -reversing, Hoffman – 36–30 – LO 10-06. LG-3-B , Part of Radio Sets SCR - 694 - C, AN / TRC - 2,
Washer, metal , Hoffman - 42 x 96 - LO 10-04. AN / TRC - 7 and AN / TRC - 10 — SB 11-87.
Washing Machine, domestic ( Thor ) -TM 10–1689. LEMOORE ARMY AIR FIELD , LEMOORE, CALIF.: Re
Water-repellent articles—Cir 252–111-1945. designation - Cir 369-III–1945.
LAW : Pearl Harbor catastrophe, time limit extension for LEND-LEASE :
immunity-Bull 2-11-1944 ; 11 -VI-1944 ; 25– Bill of lading for waterborne export - Cir 308 - I – 1943.
IV-1944. Shipment
Entering or leaving Mexico at US border points—
LEADS: Flexible, Installation-MWO SIG 11-275-8. Cir 192-III–1944 ; 391 - VI - 1944.
Items of perishable subsistence—Cir 75–1944.
LEADERS : Song, U. S. Army-WD Pam 28–18. Supply policy-Cir 203--1944 .
LEADERSHIP : Successful, Guide - WD Pam 35-2. Transactions, accounting—TM 14–705.
Army, Navy, or Office of Strategic Service by Air
Inactive installations for temporary use-Cir 89–1945. Transport Command-Cir 451–1944.
Real Estate, Alterations -- Cir 3-11-1942 ; 23-1-1942. Military personnel and property - Cir 395–1944.
Rent - Bull 23-1-1942. LENS : Liquid, Use, Optical Instruments — TB 9-850–19.
LEASED PROPERTY : Construction- Bull 27-1942. LEPROSY—TB MED 205,
LEATHER : LESS-THAN CARLOAD ( LCL) : Shipments entering or leav.
Articles , Moisture and Mold -Proofing - TB ORD 323. ing Mexico at US border points—Cir 192- III
Classification , Processing inspection—TM 10-226. 44.
LESSER SUNDA ISLANDS: Medical and Sanitary Data- LETTER -Continued
TB MED 75.
War Department Continued
LESSONS : Learned in combat - WD Pam 20-17. AG 413.56 ( 17 Mar 42 ) MO M , 18 Mar 42, re
scinded-Cir 373-1-1945 .
LETTER : AG 471 ( 11 Mar 41) P ( C ) , 30 Apr 1 , classification
Administrator of Veterans Affairs to discharged per changed - Cir 378-11-1945 .
sonnel-Cir 350 - XI - 1945 . AGMP-M 210.31 ( 24 Sept 45 ) , 3 .Oct 45 , rescinded
Army Service Forces, General Hospitals Designated for -Cir 383 -VI -1945 .
Specialized Treatment, inelosure superseded AGMP- M 383.6 ( 18 Jun 45 ) OB PSPMGO , 27
Cir 235–1944. Jun 45 , rescinded - Cir 294 – VI - 1945 .
Condolence, Commander's Responsibility - Cir 2–1-1945. DWCSA 370.5 (9-12-42, 12 Sept 42) rescinded
Distribution of Issue, Office of Chief Signal Officer Cir 270-V-1915 .
SB 11-15. AG 420 ( 27 Mar 45 ) OB S SPDDQ , 27 Mar 45 ,
Indorsed " Soldier's Letter , " " Sailor's Letter," or rescinded-Cir 289-VI-1945.
"Marine's Letter " , postage-Cir 376-111–1944. AG 420 ( 27 Mar 45 ) AB S SPDDQ, 28 Mar 45,
Notification of seriously wounded , ill , or unable to rescinded-Cir 289_VI– 1945 .
write personnel-Cir 150-11-1945. AG 451.92 ( 3 Dec 43 ) OB - S - D - M 7 Dec 43 , re
Provost Marshal General's Office : SPMGS 413.56 ( 30 scinded-Cir 289 - VI - 1945 .
March 1943 ) rescinded-Cir 46-IV-1945 .
Supply, Discontinuance of Issue by Chief Signal Officer LETTERED SQUADRON : Subunits of AAF base units
-SB 11-15 . Cir 483-1-1944.
Surgeon General's Office, 1943—
No. 21-Cir 91-1-1945 . LETTERHEAD : Army Conservation Program emblem-Cir
69-1944 .
No. 37 1942 - Cir 203 - VII - 1945 .
No. 53 superseded-Cir 111-IV-1945. LEVANT STATES ( GREATER SYRIA ) : Medical and
No. 171, 11 Oct. 43 rescinded-Cir 175-1945 .
Sanitary Data—TB MED 128.
“ V ” device_youn
I 1945 . on the Bronze Star Medal - Cir 383
Engineer, Military E-T1604A , with Accessories and Tri
War Department
pod, Engineer Stock No. 18-4542.35–5 , No. 10–
AG 004 ( Jun 43 ) OB S SPMG M, 9 Jun 43, re X-TM 5-9414.
scinded - Cir 338 - V - 1945 . Gear Case Lubricant - TB ORD 217.
AG 210.61 ( 9 Jun 42 ) MT D PS M, 14 Jul 42,
rescinded - Cir 352-1-1945 . LEVERS :
AG 210.61 ( 18 Jan 42 ) MT M D, 21 Jan 42, re- A228864, Carriages, Gun, 40-mm, M1 M2 ( A. A .)
scinded-Cir 352-1-1945 . FSMWO A 50 - W15 .
AG 231.43 ( 7–2-42 ) MSSPAAM - M , 2 July 42, Firing, Elimination of Accidental firing of gun
rescinded-Cir 278 - V – 1945. MWO ORD D28-W14 .
AG 230.14 ( 3 Mar 42 ) MT DM, 6 Mar 42, re Lock, gun traveling, extension-TB 9-735 - FE1.
seinded - Cir 352-1-1945 . - Steering, Reinforcement, On Cargo Carrier M29 and
M29C - TB 9-722-FE6.
AG 230.14 ( 15 Jan 43 ) OB S SPMG M, 18 Jan
43 , rescinded-Cir 292-IV-1945 . LEWIS LUCKENBACH : Army hospital ship, redesignated
AG 312.12 17 May 42 ) MB GM, 14 May 42 re -GO 2-1945 .
scinded - Cir 331-III- 1945.
AG 320.2 ( 3 Mar 43 ) OB I SPTOF M, 4 Mar 43, LEWISITE : In one-Ton, containers, Theater of Operations
rescinded-Cir 298 - XI - 1945 . Surveillance Procedure — TB 3-250-4811.
AG 323.3 ( 29 Nov 43 ) OB I SPDDI M, 3 Dec 43, 1
rescinded-Cir 307 - IV - 1945 . Air-Ground, System - TC 17, 1945.
AG 221 ( 31 Jan 44 ) PR I, 31 Jan 45, rescinded Agencies, Commanding generals of service commands
Cir 289 - VI - 1945 . Cir 279 - IV - 1942.
AG 331.3 ( 27 Oct 43 ) OB S - SPDDQ - M , 30 Oct 43 Personnel of the AAF, AGF, and ASF at War Depart
rescinded Cir 289-VI-45. ment Centers - Cir 176-III-1945 .
Section, AGF, AAF , and ASF at water port of em
AG 353 ( 19 Oct 43 ) OB D SPGAP AMB A , 29
Oct 43, rescinded - Cir 298 - XI- 1945. barkation - Cir 270-V–1945.
AG 354.17 ROTC ( 4 Apr 42 ) MT A M , 21 Apr 42,
rescinded - Cir 380- III-1945 . Army, small-TM 28–305.
AG 354.17 ( 22 Apr 42 ) MT A M , 24 Apr 42 , re Policy on release, stock film material-Cir 162 - V - 1944.
scinded-Cir 380 - III - 1945 . Service for military personnel - Cir 234–1945.
AG 370.01 ( 13 Aug 45 ) AB S E M , 14 Aug 35 , LIBRARY OF CONGRESS : Request for excess WD pub
classification - Cir 284-1-1945 .
lication - Cir 327-11-1945 .
AG 370.5 ( 25 Apr 25 OB-S&E-M, 2 May 45, classi
fication - Cir 284-1–1945 . LICENSE :
AG 370.5 ( 25 Apr 25 ) AB - S - E - M , 2 May 45, classi- Driver's qualification test-Cir 106–11–1945.
fication - Cir , 284-1–1945 . Exportation , personal property of noncitizens in U. S.
AG 370.5 ( 25 Apr 25 ) OB-S-E-SPMOT-m , 6 May armed forces - Cir 223 - III - 1945 .
45, rescinded -- Cir 277 - XIV - 45 . Motor vehicles, tax, military personnel - Cir 397 - VII
1944 ,
AG 370.5 ( 11 May 45 ) OB SPMOT M , 16 May 45 ,
classification changed ---Cir 284-1-1945 . Withdrawal of assets, civilian enemy aliens - Cir 274
AG 370.5 ( 7 Jun 45 ) OBS E M , 8 Jun 45 , classi 1944 .
fication changed-Cir 284-1-1945 .
AG 370.5 ( 8 Jun 45 ) OBS E M , 9 Jun 45, classi
LIFEBOATS : Radio Transmitter, Portable Model ET-8026
-TM 11--830 .
fication changed-Cir 284-1-1945 .
AG 400 ( 4 Jan 45 ) OB S SPDDI M , 5 Jan 45 , LIFE INSURANCE : Solicitation, military reservation
rescinded - Cir 307 - IV - 1945 . Cir 228-IV-1945.
LIFE-SAVING MEDAL : Awards-G0, 39–VII–1944 ; 86– LINERS — Continued
VIII-1944. Filling
LIFTERS : Airplane Smoke Tank, M3, CWS No. 641120—SB
Hydraulic Valve, Servicing - TB ORD 191. 3-25-24 .
Loader Front, Addition of two lugs to assure holding Chemical Spray Tank M2, CWS No. 641115 — SB
FSMWO A35 - W1. 3–25–24.
Open -Wire
LIFTS : Bogie-FSMWO G27 -W1. Packaged Equipment- TM 11-2022.
Pole - TM 11-368 .
LIGHTER : Fuse, Weatherproof M2—TB 5–25–2, Unit BE - 77 - A and BE-77—TM 11-359,
LIGHTING PLANTS : See Plants, Lighting. Wet Wire - MWO SIG 11-444-4 .
LIGHTNING : Providing Protection Against - MWO SIG LINGUIST : Roster and requisition - Cir 300 - IV - 1943,
Accessory, Installation on Radiosonde Receptor AN/ B19564, Carriages , Gun, 40-mm, M1, M3 ( AA) -FSMWO
fmg - 1 - MWO SIG 11-2403–1 . A50 - W15 .
Blackout Driving, Installation in tactical Motor Vehicles Replacement Governor Throttle, Carburetor Assembly of
and Motorcycles — FSMWO G1 - W6 . Power Unit PE - 75 — TB 11-900-1.
Carbide Flood, Model 21 - A Alexander Milburn Co.-TM
5-9648 . LIQUIDATION : Army exchanges-Cir 183 – II – 1945.
Instrument - MWO ORD A 55 – W8; TB ORD 4. LIQUOR : Transportation - Bull III-1943.
M29 and M30—MWO ORD C43-W6.
M30-MWO ORD C44-W7.
M32-MWO ORD C44 -W7. Call Sign, War Department ( Including Directional call
Safety, Combat Zone-MWO ORD G1 -W9. signs ) -WD Pam 11-6.
Clothing to be laundered-Cir 252 - III – 1945 ,
LIMBERS : Effects, deceased persons—Cir 85–1945.
Heavy LITERATURE : Index to Radio Sets SCR-270-1 ) and
M2 -MWO ORD D24 - W6 ; MWO ORD D24 SCR-271 ( ) -TB SIG 106.
W18 ; MWO ORD D29 -W13 ; TB 9–1350–4 ;
LITIGATION : Cases — Cir 377 - VII – 1944.
TB 9–1350 ; TM 9-350.
M2 and M5 - LO 9–350 ; TM 9-1350 ; LO 9–335 ;
LO 9-345 . LITTER : Modification-Cir 270-III–1944.
M5-MWO ORD D24 -W23 ; MWO ORD D29
W17 ; TB 9–1350 - FE1; TB 9-1350–7 ; LO 9- LIVER EXTRACT : Purified, USP 50 Units—SB 8–8.
793 ; LO 9–350 ; LO 9–335 ; TB 9-335–4 ; TB
9–1350–4 ; TB 9–1350–5 ; TB ORD 135 ; TM LOADERS : .

9–1345 ; TM 9–350 ; TB 9-1350-9. Aggregate Bucket, Crawler Mounted

Light Gasoline - Engine-Driven
M2 - MWO ORD C 29 -W2. 3 cu. yd., Barber-Greene, Models 82 - A , 82 - AM ,
M4 - MWO ORD C26 - W5.
IMBS : and 82 -AD , Buda Engine, Models HP -217 and
HP - 298 — TM 5-1006.
Artificial, Officers and enlisted men, retired - Bull 9-V 19 -ft. 10-in. Boom (for use with Dryer ) Barber-,
1944 .
Greene, Model 82 -AD , and 17 ft. 4-in. Buda ;
Lost, helpful hints - WD Pam 8–7. Model HP-298—TM 5–1006 ; TB 5-1006–1;
MWO ENG 1006–1.
LIMITATIONS : State, Commercial Motor Vehicles—CTB 37, 17 - ft., 4-in, Boom , Barber-Greene, Model 82 - AM
1945 .
( for Mixer ) 19 ft. , 10 -in. Boom Model 82 - AD
IMITED SERVICE : Buda Engine Model HP -326 - TB 5-1118–TM
5-1118 .
Assignment of personnel with hernia—Cir 64 - VII - 1945. Haiss Model 75 - C - TM 5–1340.
Coccidioidomycosis afflicted personnel, assignment - Cir Tractor-Mounting, front-end, Cable -Operated
Induction or reexamination, certain personnel-Bull 24 3-7/10 cu. yd ., Athey Model 8H - TM 5–1194.
1943 . 1-cu. yd. , Athey Model W - 4 - MWO ENG 1338–1 ;
Officers LO 5–1196 ; TM 5–1338 .
Cir 383-IV-1942.
All Types , Technical Data-TB 5-9720-1; TB 5-9720–2;
TB 9720-11 ,
Physical reclassification - Cir 313–1945. Haiss
Patients , battle casualty type only - Cir 226-11-1945. No. 25 , with LeRoi D-201, Gasoline Engine. George
Use of the term-Cir 196–1945 .
Haiss Mfg. Co.-TM 5-9992 .
INDBERGH FIELD, SAN DIEGO, CALIF.: Jurisdiction 75-C with LeRoi Motor - TM 5–1340 .
transferred --Cir 98-11-1945. Mobiloader
4 and 4W for Caterpillar D4W and R4 Standard or
INE OF DUTY : Wide Gauge Tractors, Anthey Truss Wheel
Injuries sustained, pension-Bull 9 - III – 1944. Co. - TM 5–1338 .
Investigation of deceased military personnel-Cir 165– Anthey 8-H, Athey Truss Wheel Co. - TM 5–1194.
1-1944 ,
N. P. Q-7 Nelson Crawler-Nelson Iron Works, Inc.
INERS : TM 5-9994 .
Helmet, M - 1, Adjustable, Band , Neck-SB 10–211, Snow Belt Type, Crawler-Mounted, Gasoline Engine
Waterproof, Case -- Depot Manufacture — SB 38–2. Driven, 10 to 20-cu . yd.—TM 5–116 .
Aerial Wire, Jungle Construction — TB SIG 180. Trackson , T - 4 for D4 and R4 Caterpillar, Trackam Co.
Electric Construction - TB 5-283-3 . TM 5-1360 .
Engineer Equipment for Transport in C - 54 - B Cargo Depot
Plane - TB ENG 33B. Company - SB 3-13 .
Plan-See Plans , Loading. Aviation-SB 3-16.
Standard Engineer Equipment, Transport in C-46 Cargo Equipment and Supplies- SB 3-15 .
Plane-TB 33c. Laboratory Company- SB 3-11 .
LOAN : Maintenance Company - SB 3–8.
Army Emergency Relief, collection-Cir 259–1–1945 ; 377– Motor Battalion , Motor Company - SB 3-1 ; 3-3.
Processing Company - SB 3-18.
Drive, Victory, period 29 Oct through 8 Dec 45 — Cir 288 Smoke Generator
Battalion - SB 3-7 .
Furlough , Army Emergency Relief Funds-Cir 215 -III Company-SB 3-6.
Storage Company, Aviation-SB 3–17.
Preembarkation, by Red Cross-Cir 333-11-1943.
Temporary, other agencies , materials handling equip Engineer
ment - Cir 33-IV-1945. Air Force Headquarters Company- SB 5-42.
Veterans, World War II—Federal aid for readjustment in Armored Battalion - SB 5-23 ; 5–47.
civilian life - Bull 10–1944. Aviation
Victory drive, period 29 Oct to 31 Dec 1945-Cir 295– Battalion --- SB 5-34.
1945. Camouflage Battalion - SB 5-24.
Topographic Organization-SB 5-30,
Commanding officer's authority, outside continental U. S. Company - SB 5-5 .
Cir 53 - IV - 1945 . Group - SB 5-25 .
Materials handling equipment - Cir 33-III–1945. Equipment Company-SB 5-10.
Ordnance supply-Cir 143-II-1945. Topographic Organization-SB 541.
Railroad equipment, authority - Cir 447-VII–1944. Battalion , Separate - SB 5–35.
Camouflage Battalion, Army - SB 5-3.
Camouflage Company- SB 5-7,
M1A1 to M1A8 Inclusive-TM 9-1661 .
M2_TM 9-1660. Battalion - SB 5-8; 5-48.
Group — SB 5–32.
LOCKER BOX : Shipment and storage of records, exempted Construction
from property accountability - Cir 173-11-45. Battalion-SB 5-20 .
Group - SB 5-25 .
LOCKERS : Arm, Storage & Shipment Charts-SB 9 -OSSC Depot Company - SB 5–12.
B ; SB 9 -OSSC- B1 . Dump Truck Company-SB 5-4 .
Forestry Battalion - SB 5-28.
LOCKS : General Service
Dial , Installation of Radio Receiver and Transmitter Battalion - SB 5-39.
BC - 654- A , Part of Radio Set SCR 284 - A Regiment - SB 5-31; SB 5-40 .
MWO SIG LL - 275-11. Heavy Ponton Battalion-SB 5-27.
Firing, M17 -TB ORD 227. Heavy Shop Company- SB 5-14 ; 5–38 .
Light Equipment Company - SB 5–19.
Precautions—TB ORD 254. Light Ponton Company-SB 5-16 .
Tank, Light, M24-TB 9–729–2. Maintenance Company-SB 5-18.
LOCOMOTIVES : Parts Supply
Boilers — TB TC - 1; TB TC-2. Company-SB 5-9.
Platoon-SB 5-6 .
Diesel - Electrice
4GE-733-LO 55-1250 . Petroleum Distribution Company-SB 5–13.
Caterpillar D17000 — LO 55-1250. Port Construction and Repair - SB 5–36 .
Special Service Regiment - SB 5–44.
Operation of Railroads -- TM 55–271. Special Shop Battalion-SB 5–46 .
127-Ton , 1000 HP Standard Gauge American Loco Topographic
motive Model RDSW-TM 55-1257 .
General Electric
Battalion, Army - SB 5-43.
Company - SB 5–33.
25- ton, 50/50, 150 HP , 1GE-733– LO 55 -U19. Treadway Bridge Company-SB 5–17.
44 -ton , BB88 / 88 — LO 55–1250. Water Supply Company - SB 5–11.
45-ton , 300 -HP - TM 55–1251 .
45-ton BB90 / 90 - LO 55-1250 , LOGISTICAL TABLES : Chemical Battalion, Motorized
45 -ton , BB90 / 90 , 300 HP, 2-GE-733-LO 55-1251 . SB 3-4 .
47 - ton BB94 /94-380 HP - LO 55-1250 . LOGISTICS :
Inspection and Maintenance, Operation of Railroads, Enemy data - FM E 101-10.
General Instructions for Inspection and Main Staff Officers - FM 101-1 .
tenance--TM 55-270.
LOGS : Equipment Performance, Operating instructions, Gene
LOGARITHMIC : For Artillery - TM 20–230. eral Description—TM 11-1355.
Air borne Engineer Aviation Battalion - SB 5-29. LONGEVITY PAY :
Chemical National Guard services of individuals under 18 years
Air Operations, Heavy, Medium , Light or Dive of age-Cir 97-111-1945.
SB 3-14 . Official Army Register records — Cir 320 - IV - 1945.
Base Depot Company- SB 3-12.
Decontamination Company - SB 3-10. LOOPS : A7114676 Failure—TB 9-1322- FE1.
Government, pursuant to the Shipment Act - Cir 51 All Types, Technical Data-TB 5-9720-7.
1945 . Trailer -Mounted, Stewart-Warner, Model 2430 — TM 5
Operational, subsistence sales accounts - Cir 355 - IX 9028.
Replacement Requisition - Cir 39–1945 ; 93 - IV - 1945 ; 140 LUMBER: Discrepancies in shipment - Cir 136 - IV - 1945 .
II - 1945 .
“ LUMP SUM ” : Payment, accumulated leave of civilian em
LOYALTY INVESTIGATION : Civilian personnel - Cir 370– ployees upon separation from service - Bull 1
I–1945. VII-1945.

LOUIS A, MILNE : Designated Army hospital ship - GO 2 LUNETTES :

Assembly, on Limber, carriage, heavy M5-MWO ORD
LUBRICANTS : D29 -W17 ; MWO ORD D24 - W23 .
Emergeney Instructions — TB ORD 300. For towing transport wagon, Tractor, Highspeed, 38 -ton ,
M6 Allis Chalmers—TB 9-788-2.
Engine Greases and Gear, Oil-SB 10–237.
Fixed Laundries, Quartermaster Corps-SB 10–132.
Use of Additives—TB 9-850-16 . MACHINE GUNS : See Guns, Machine.
Universal, Discontinued—TB ORD 274.
German and Italian - TB ORD 57. MACHINE RECORDS:
Identification and disposal, In zone of interior-SB 10 Codes-TM 12–310 .
241 .
Inspection-SB 10–82. Operations—TM 12–305 .
Liquid Fuels, Sources of Supply, Quartermaster - SB 10 CHINE
182-1 .
Procurement and use-Cir 129-1-1945 ; 269-VI-1945. Forwarding admission and disposition report, daily,
Requisitioning ( except AAF) -SB 10–139. hospitals outside continental United States
Standard - SB 11--93. Cir 14-1945 .
Universal gear ( Symbol GO, USA Specification 2–105 ) Report of officer and enlisted personnel dropped because
--Cir 203-III -1945. of continuous absence - Cir 5-1-1945 .


Blueprinting, Continuous Blueprinting, Developing and
LUBRICATION : Electric Drying Equipment. Pease Co., 12–TM
Aircraft - TM 1-407 . 5-6102.
Air Cleaners and Breathers — TB 9-2835–3. Brake Relining, Barrett Equipment Co. B51—TM 5-4172.
Artillery Bores and Breech and Firing Mechanisms, 20- Cable Lashing - TM 11-2058.
mm to 16-inch , inclusive—TB ORD 259. Cutting and Grooving Tools, Combustion Pipe Cutting,
Bearings , Anti-Friction—TB ENG 11 . Nos. 106, 198 and 112, Item # 8, Beaver
Clutch Release Bearing-TB 10–1679 - FE1. TM 5–4628 .
Cold weather, Operation and Maintenance of artillery Dental X -Ray - TM 8–634 .
and sighting and fire control matériel—TB Developing
ORD 193. Bruning Co. , BW 154—TM 5–6118 .
Cold weather and Service of matériel, Combat and Trans PH-298, PH -413, and PH -413 - A - TM 2376 ; SB
port - TB ORD 126. 11-100–31.
Engine Water Pump and Constant Velocity Universal PH - 413 - A - TM 11-2315.
Joints --- TB ORD 297. PH -512 /GF - TM 11-2305.
Equipment- TB 5-9720-7. PH -512 /GF - LO 3886.
Gear, ( oil, engine & greases) period 1 Jan to 30 Jun 15-mm, PH -413 - A - LO 3894.
1946 - SB 10-263 . 35 -mm , PH - 298 – LO 11--2376 .
Instructions Ditching : See Ditching Machines.
Ordnance Personnel—TB ORD 241 . Drilling No. 18-L. Buffalo Forge - TM 5-4178 .
Power Unit UP - 9 / TPS - 24TB 11-1439-1 . Duplicating
Tank Light, M22 — TB 9–724–7. Davidson , 221 , with Suction Feeder Model 816 — TM
Truck , 4-Ton , 6 x 6—TB 9–811-3. 5-6104.
Marking, artillery weapons and recoil mechanisms - Cir Gelatin Process, 22 x 33-in., with Duplicator Chest,
174-VI-1945. Carriage Handle , 10-in. Screw -driver, Sponge
Materials Pan , Sponge Drawer, Roll Spindle, and Take
Engine, USA 2-104 — TB 9-2835–4. Up Roll Spindle, Smith and Corona—TM 5
Policy for issuing — Cir 336–1944. 9700.
Ordnance Multilith Class 1300 and 2000, Form SA 917M-21—
Equipment—TB ORD 138. TM 5-6008.
Matériel - TM 9-850. Embossing, storage and distribution - Cir 467-VI-1944.
Vehicles — TB ORD 12. Film Examining
Railroad Car Journal Bearings—TB 9-2835–5 . PH-97 and PH - 179, Moviola, Model D - LO 3813.
Range Quadrants — TB ORD 280. PH-179, PH -279, and PH -319, Serviceability-SB
Rifle, U. S., Cal. .30, M1-TC 55–1943.
PH - 319 - LO 3850.
Signal Ground Equipment—TB SIG 69. UDX-LO 3850.
Small Arms-TB 9-2835-7.
General Instructions for Care Preservation_TB 9 Grinding-TM 1–422.
2835-9 . Grinding and Polishing Floor Grinder No. 185, Bridge
Telescope Mounts—TB ORD 280. port Safety Emery Wheel Co,-TM 5-4672.
Truck, 10 -ton, 6 x 4, Mack Model NR-TB 9-818–2. Lapping, TL - 312 / FSM - 1 - TM 11-2685.
Universal Joints , Wheeled Vehicles -- TB ORD 44, Lathes—TM 1-420 .
HINES — ng
Bori Cont Ammd co " , 42, Automotive Maintenance
, “inue American - Bosch Magnetos – Model 20 , Type MJS 4CMJA
6C — Bay Ciry Shovels , Inc. - TM 5–1452 .
Mach inery Co.-TM 5-41 62 . American Bosch MJT 7A302 , MFT 9A304, and MJT
Ling loading , cal. .50, M2 - MWO ORD A19 -W5. 9A306 — TM 9-1750C.
Lithographic Multit lith
AC ,Offse , 2066,
Moto n , t 110-Volt,
r -Drive 20 -in.-
Size, 20 x60-Cycle, Firing , Lubrication , Used on Barbette Carriages — TD
ORD 261 .
TM 5–6008 . Wico , Part No. S - 19 - SB 10–85 .
Marking MAIL :
Laundry , National —16 Character - LO 10-U7.
Operation and Maintenance , Quartermaster Fixed Addressing replacement personnel
Laundry Equipment —TB QM 40. Instructions , 111- 1944 ; Cir 379-III–1944 ; Cir 252–
Cir 109-
Milling VI-1945.
Cincinnati Milling Machine Co. Mod. 2, type MH Office of Fiscal Director-Cir 345 - VI - 1945 ,
TM 5-44 22. Air
Motor-Driven, 110 / 220 - Volt, 60-Cycle,
1 -Phase , Sending "postage due"-Cir 376 – III – 1944.
Master , Models A , B , and M—TM 5–4410 .
Specimens of blood and spinal fuid for virus identi
Shapers and Planers — TM 1-421 fication - Cir 237-VIII–1944.
Universal 2H Milwaukee Milling Machines Use of lightweight stationery - Cir 323 - VI- 1945 .
Kearney & Trecker - TM 5-4322. Army postal service - Cir 109–1–1944 .
Office, Duplicator , Stencil , Repair -TB QM 8 ; TB QM 26. AWOL military personnel, disposition - Cir 173–III– 1945.
Ozalid Whiteprint Ozalid Products Division , E & F_TM Bulk , reduced during 1 to 26 Dec 1944 - Cir 335 - III
1945 .
5-6114 . Category IV units returning to the United States, postal
Payroll, Office Equipment— TB QM 14. procedures — Cir 258 – II – 1945 .
Perforating , identification card
s of officers upon separa
1-1944 Checks of patients absence or on furlough -Cir 208– VII
tion from servi - Cir 470- ; Cir 64
IX - 1945 .
Photostat Unit Grades—Cir 192-V-1943 .
Hunter Electric Copyist Agency, Inc. 30x30 “ C ” —
Unit and regimental, duties -Cir 198–11–1945 .
TM 5-6100. C. 0. D. and insured , prohibited to APO's outside con
Photostat Corp. Continuous —TM 5-6106 . tinental United States - Cir 376 - III - 1944 .
Processing PH - 286 ( V-Mail Eastman Kodak Co., Air Dispatched by Air Transport Command , accounting
graph Models II & III ) -LO 3866 .
Recordin g , Electricord , Model K - 142 — TM 11-2554. Cir 201-IV-1945.
Recording -Reproducing , Electric , Model ACT - TM 11– Free postage - Bull 18–1942 ; Cir 96–1–1942 ; Cir 230-11
1942 ; Cir 238–II–1942 ; Cir 263-11-1942 ; Cir
2553 . 286-VI-1942 ; Cir 375 – V - 1942.
Repositioning, M15 — TM 9-220 .
Sewing, Singer 11--26 — TM 5–9812 . Articles , minimum fee-Cir 221-11-1945 .
Sinnsoidal—TM 8–624. Oversea restrictions - Cir 326 – III – 1944,
Threading Loan of motor vehicles for transportation during Christ
Oster Mfg. Co. , No. 562 — TM 5-4690 . mas season - Cir 301-IV-1945 .
Pipe Thread, Beaver Pipe Tools, 2-In., 61-E-TM Loan of military personnel to civilian postmasters,
5-4356 . Christmas , 1945 – Cir 301-III–1945.
Pipe Thread, Motor Driven 42 to 2-in. Oster, 502— Non -delivery , personnel employed or assigned aboard
24 . ding vessels manned by the Arniy - Cir 355-11
Valve atin5-90
ReseTM g , Grin , Boring — TM 9–1834A . 1945 .
Non -military classified , transmission by Army Courier
ussion -Type , Skid -Mounted , Gasoline Engine ce - Cir 223- VII–1945.
Notifying Servi
correspondents of address outside United
Driven , Star, Model 71 - TB 5-2002–1. States — Cir 195-11-1944 ; Cir 259 - VII – 1945.
Rotary -Type, Skid-Mounted , Gasoline Engine -Driven ,
Failing , Model 312, Buda Model HP-217 En Official and personal, addressing–Cir 233–1–1943; 299
5–2024–2. d ring1945
Orders coveIII- . sea travel - Cir 332 - IV - 1944; Cir
- Type, Skid -Mounte , Gasoline , Gasoline En
gine -Driven , Failing , 314 -TB 5-2024-1. 379-11-1944 ,
Skid -Mounted, Gasoline Engine- Driven Percussion Oversea Christmas Packages-WD Pam 12–7 .
Parcel delivery at APO's outside Continental U. S., rés
Type , Star, Model 71 — MWO ENG 2002-1 .
X-Ray Field Unit, Chassis and Table , Items 9608508, striction - Cir 348-V-1945 .
Postage on War Department official mail-Cir 344-11I
9608510, 9609005, 9609010, 9614500—TM 8–
1944 .
Parcels for oversea APO's -Cir 253 - VIII – 1944.
MACHINIST :-TM 10-445 . Priorities in air shipment-Cir 376 - III - 1944 .
MACOMB MILITARY RESERVATION , N. Y.: Reclassified Proper preparation for dispatch -- Cir 137-VI-1945.
--Cir 233-11-1945 . Registered
Clai ms -Pam 27-2.
to APO outside continental United States,
Address -Cir 454-IV- 1944 . restriction -Cir 376-111-1944 ,
Designation -GO 76-1-1944 . Use ling
Hand - Pam
disconti nued12-1.
for certain routine matters - Cir
NE :
MAGDeli outside continental United States -Cir 376 - III 32-IV-1945 .
Use of W.D. , A.G.O. Form No. 996–Cir 34- V –1944.
Medica exce ss. to be sent to Army Medical Library--
1944 Rescission of certain instructions - Cir 165-111-1944.
State adjutant General - Cir 117 - VII - 1945 .
Cir 262 - VI - 1945 .
MAIL -Continued MAINTENANCE-Continued
Shipment of military supplies—Cir 310 - IV - 1944; Cir Information, Dual channel Amplifier AM -43 / FRC - TB
391-III-1944, 11-2520-1.
Specimens, parasitogical, entomological, mammalian, and Installations, Inactive and Surplus — TB ENG 66.
reptilian-Cir 277–1944. Instruction Guide
Third class prohibited at APO's outside the continental Ball and Roller Bearings—TM 37–265.
United States-Cir 376 - III - 1944 .
Curing Tubes and Bags—TB 9–1868–3 .
To and from personnel employed or assigned aboard Tractor, High-Speed, 13-Ton, M5A1—TB 9–786–1 .
vessels manned by this Army-Cir 355 - IV Interrupter PE-250—TB SIG 203.
Laundry Units, QM—TB 10–351-1.
Transported by Air Transport Command-Cir 114-11 Locomotives and Locomotive Cranes , Inspection—TM 55–
1945 ; 379-IV-1945 . 270.
Units returning to the U, S., disposition-Cir 228 - V- Manual
1945. Basic,-TM 37-250 ; 38,250.
Use of penalty mail privilege- Bull 15–1944. Semitrailer, 2-Wheel ( 2DT ) , Refrigerator Trail
V- Mail. See V - Mail. mobile , Model TD - 42 — TM 10-1608.
War trophies from theaters of operation -- Cir 155-VI Truck , 4-Ton, 4 x 4, GMC, Model AFKX 804_TM
1945 . 10–1701.
Marine Hydraulic Pumps—TM 55–325 .
MAIN DRIVE : Assembly, MX-186/TPL-I-LO 3515A. Materials handling equipment Responsibility-Cir 33
MAJOR GENERAL : Appointment of Chief of Chaplains- Mess equipment — Cir 165 – III – 1945 .
Bull 13-1-1944 .
Mobile Equipment, QM—TB QM 2 ; TB QM 6.
MAINTENANCE : Motor Transport, QM—TB 10–475–1.
Access roads to and from military reservations - Cir 179– Motor vehicles , first and second echelon-Cir 36- VIII
II- 1944 . 1945.
Air-cooled engines—Cir 321-III-1943. Noncurrent clinical records — WD Pam 12-14
Apparatus Nozzles Diesel Fuel Injection—TB SIG 187.
Breathing, M2_TB ORD 305. Open-Wire Office Packaged Equipment – TM 11-2037.
Decontaminating, 3-Gallon , M1-TB 3220–7. Optical Coating Equipment - TM 9-1501.
Battalion , Armored – FM 17–58. Ordnance
Carrier Equipment, Open Wire—TB SIG 44. Binoculars, Field Glasses, and B.C. Teles-copes, All
Cleaning of motor vehicle cab interiors—Cir 263-III Types — TM 9–1580.
1944 . Computers, M8 Series, Principles of Gun Data
TM 9-1669C.
Clothing, ASTRP students-Cir 125-11-1944.
Data Transmission Systems for Seacoast and Rail
Clothing and equipage , enlisted men traveling from way Artillery - TM 9–1647.
place to place— Cir 102 – II – 1945. Ordnance
Transmission Assembly, Real Units, RL - 26,
Clutch and-A, Field-FM 9-10 .
-B, and -C—TB 11-360-2. Gun Data Computers M8 Series—TM 9-1669A.
Crystal Grinding Equipment and Crystal Finishing Tech Matériel, responsibility - Cir 94-III–1945 ; 311-VII
nique-TM 11-2540. 1945.
Definition of terms -- Cir 246–1943. Tractor Truck M20, Component of 45-Ton Tank
Depot Stock Credits—SB 11-18. Transporter Truck-Trailer M19, Engine,
Diesel Power Plants for Seacoast Gun Batteries During Clutch, Fuel System and Cooling System
TM 9-1768A.
Periods of Inactivity—TB ORD 223. 57 -mm Gun Mi, Carriage M1A3, M2_TM 9–1303.
Disinfector, trailer mounted, Responsibility-Cir 404– Oxygen Therapy Outfit, Hose Line Assembly, 20-Dual
II–1944 . Outlets, CompleteTM 8-637.
Distillation Unit, Thermo-Compression Type, Gasoline, Painting and repainting
Skid- Mounted , 1200 Gal. Per Day, Badger. Buildings - Cir 237 - VI - 1944,
Instructions for Operation – TM 5-2068. Policy-Cir 269-III–1943.
Drill Photographic , Equipment — TB SIG 148.
Half-Track Vehicles - WD Pam 37–3 . Plans, Photographic and Projector Equipment, Used by
Trucks AGF and ASF-TB SIG 148.
14 - Ton -- Pam 37-1 . Power Tubes—TB SIG 166.
4 x 4, 34 - Ton and 112 - Ton , 6 x 6 112 -Ton and Preliminary Instructions, Power Trains — TB 9–1735A - 1 .
212 - Ton -- Pam 37-2. Quartermaster Fixed Laundry Equipment
Equipment Dry - Cleaning Equipment - TB QM 41 .
ME - 40 - A , ME -40-B, and ME - 40 - C - MWO SIG 11 Flatwork Ironers — TB QM 42.
315-1... Marking Machines — TB QM 40.
Presses—TB QM 44.
Post, Camp , and station - Cir 126-11-1945 .
Set, M1-TB 3–205-10. Washers— TB QM 43.
Vehicular - TM 9-1834A . Radioteletype code room and signal center-TM 11
2207 .
Floating and railway equipment - Cir 307–II–1944. Railroad equipment-Cir 447 - VII – 1944.
Frequency Meter Sets, SCR-211—TB 11-300-1 . Railroads , way and structures — TM 55-275 .
Grounds_ Real estate, command installations-Cir 89–1945 .
Dust and erosion control - TM 5-630 . Real property and utilities outside the continental United
States — Cir 431 - IV - 1944.
Preventive measures for excess costs-Cir 211- IX
1944 . Repairs and utilities equipment, plants, and system - Cir
132-11-1945 ; Cir 169-IV-1945.
Hospital Cars-TB 55-285–1; TB 55-285-2. Shop, operation at class I, II, and III installations-Cir
Impregnating plant, T-O, Type M2- TM 3-281 . 204-1-1945,
Signals, Operation of Railroads - TM 55–277. Services Continued
Compressor , Air-Continued
Signal Equipment Trailer -Mounted, Steel-Wheels, 315 - CFM , Inger
Desert - TB SIG 75. soll -Rand, Model IK - 315 - TB 5–5100_2 .
Tropical — TB SIG 72. Trailer -Mounted , Steel Wheels, Diesel, 500 - CFM ,
Used by AAF, responsibility - Cir 157 - IV - 1945 . Chicago Pneumatic, Model 500, PO - 8 - TB 5
Winter - TB SIG 66,
Sound recording equipment - Cir 82 - V – 1945, 5042.
Special Services and Information and Education Division
Conveyor, Belt, Transfer, Gasoline Engine - Driven,
High and Low Mast, 300/400-ft. per minute ,
equipment - Cir 206-11-1945 . Pioneer, Model MH - 30 - TB 5–1258-1,
Special Services Equipment - TB 28-1.
Steering Gears — TB 9–1743–1. Crane
Revolving , Crawler-Mounted , Diesel , 242 -cu . yd .,
Substation - TM 11-468 . 45 to 60- Ton, with Attachments, Bucyrus -Erie,
Telephone , Truck , 212 - ton , 4 x 2, Federal M2G , Dump , Model 54 - B , with Buda Lanova Engine — TB .
and 3G - TB 9-821-1.
Third and fourth echelon , AAF equipment - Cir 208 - II 5–9620-1.
Revolving, Crawler -Mounted, Gasoline , 3% -cu .
1944 . yd . , 7- to 10-Ton , Class III, with Attache
Tools, Hand - TM 9-867. ments , Bucyrus -Erie, Model 22 - B, with Chry
Tropical Ground Signal Equipment — TB SIG 72. sler Engine , Model C - 36-520 - TB 5-9859–1.
Typewriter - TM 37–305. Revolving , crawler -mounted, gasoline, 3 cu..
Use of nonappropriated funds - Cir 214–1945. yd ., to 4-Ton , Class I , with attachments , link D
Universal Cooler Refrigeration Unit, Installed in Semi belt model LS -40 and model LS - 50 , 12 cu.
Trailer - TB 10-1614-1. yd ., 5 to 6-Ton, Class II , with attachments
Unserviceable ordnance matériel - Cir 224_VIII – 1944.
Vehicle Major Unit Assembly Overhaul-SB 9-36. ( both with Waukesha Model 6 – Bz Engine ) –
Willys engine, model No. 441, responsibility - Cir 324– TB 5-9704-1 .
Revolving, Crawler-Mounted , gasoline, 4 cu .
III–1944. yd . , 7 to 10-Ton, Class III , with attachments,
MAINTENANCE KITS : See Kits, Maintenance . link-belt, Model 75 ( with Chrysler Model C
36–520 ( Ind - 9 Series ) or Waukesha Model
MAINTENANCE , PREVENTIVE : 6MZR Engine g- TB 5-1458–1 .
Converter M-209 ( CODE ) -TB 11-380-1 . Crane, Revolvin , Crawler-Mounted , Gasoline,
34 cu . yd . , 7 to 10- Ton , Class III , with attach
Silent Hoist, Winch and Crane Co.-TB 10-1650-1 . ments , link-belt , Models LS - 85 and LS - 90
Wheeled — TB QM 4. ( with Chrysler Model C - 36–520 ( Ind - 9 Se-
Electric motors and generators - TM 55-405. ries ) or Waukesha Model SRKR Engine) -
Engines TB 5-9804 . -1
Briggs and Stratton Models —TB 20-2. Revolv ing , Crawler -Mounted, Diesel, 134 to 2
Wisconsin Models - TB 20–1. cu. yd ., 30 to 40-Ton, Class V, with attach
Equipment , power-TB SIG 183 . ments , link-belt, Model K-370 , with Cater
Facilities , electrical —TM 5-681 . pillar Model D-13000 Engine-TB 5-9706-1.
Guide, Radio Communication Equipment — TB SIG 178. Truck -Mounted , Gasoline , 38 - cu . yd . Quick
Manual Way, Model E , with IH Model U - 9 Power
Radar Set AN / CPS - 5 — TM 11-1455 , Unit - TB 5-1174-2.
Radar Set AN/MPG-1 and Radar Set AN /FPG - 1 Crusher
TM 11-1466. Jaw-Type , Gasoline Engine -Driven , Crawler
Radar Set AN / TPL - 1 - TM 11-1452. Mounted , 30- x 42-In , Opening , 200 to 400
Radar Set AN / TPS_10_TM 11-1468. Ton per Hour, Pioneer , Model 56 - A - TB 5
Radar Set SCR - 784 — TM 11-1454 . 1244-1.
Radar Equipment RC - 384 — TM 11-1462. Rock, Jaw-Type , 4-Wheel , Trailer -Mounted 7-cu.
Power Cords—TB SIG 25. yd . per hour, Gruendler, Type 1016 - A , with
International Model U -4 Engine - TB 5–
Power Units-TB SIG 55.
Practices for Ground Signal Equipment – TB SIG 123. 1030–2.
Roll- Type, Gasoline Engine-Driven, Crawler
Radio Set Mounted , 54-in . DIA X 24-In. Face Rolls ,
AN / TRC - 6 - TM 11-633 . 100 to 190-Ton per hour, Pioneer , Model 54
SCR - 543_TB 11-625-1.
Services VA-TB 5-1246–1.
Roll-Type, Gasoline Engine-Driven, Trailer
Auger, Earth Mounted , 6-Steel Wheels, 40-In, Dia. x 22-In.
Motorized , Buda, Model HBG - 40 - TB 5-9142-1. Face Rolls , 40 to 140 - Ton per hour, Pioneer,
Skid -Mounted , Gasoline, Highway Trailer Co.,
Model HDM-S , with Continental Model PF Model 42-VA-TB 5-1250-1 .
Scre ener , and Washer , Roll -Type, Belt-Driven ,
226 Engine - TB 5-9132–2. Crawler -Mounted , 40-In. Dia , x 22-In, Face,
Boat , Utility , Power, 18 - ft., Penn-Yan, Model AT 40 to 140-Ton per hour, Model 300 -WA; and
TB 5-8020-2. Dehydrator, Sand, Twin -Screw -Feed, Chain
or, Air
CompPort Driven , Trailer- Mounted , Steel Wheels, 22
Gasoline, 16 - CFM , Quincy , Model 216 In. Dia, x 20-Ft. long, 40 to 60-Ton per hour,
-TB 5-5096-2. Pioneer-TB 5-1248–1 .
Skid -Mounted , Gasoline , 60-CFM, Schramm , on Unit
Model 60-TB 5–5064-1 . Gaso ne
-engi -driven , Skid -Mounted , Thermo
Trailer-Mounted , Pneumatic Tires, Gasoline, 55– compression Type , 1,200 gal. per day , badger. !
CFM , Ingersoll- Rand , Model 6R - 50 - TB 5 with continental Y -69 engine - TB 5-2068–1.
5106-2. Gasoline -engine-driven , Skid -Mounted, Thermo
Trailer-mounted , 2 wheels, pneumatic tires, compression Type, 3000 gallons per day:
gasoline , 60 - CFM , Ingersoll -Rand, model D Cleaver -Brooks Model MVC - 17A,with LeRoi
60 with Waukesha Engine Model FC - TB 5 Model D - 140 - B - 7 - TB 5-2069-1 ,
Services — Continued Services — Continued
Distributor Generator Set, Portable - Continued
Bituminous Material, Trailer-Mounted, 1250 Oil Engine -Driven, Base or Skid-Mounted , 15
Gal . , Etnyre, Models MX-D4 and MX-D5 , KW , 127/220-Volt , 3-Phase, 60-Cycle, or 230/
Style RE; Truck -Mounted, 800-Gal., Model 400 -Volt, 3-Phase, 50-Cycle, Rogers, Models
MX-D6 , Style RE-TB 5-1134-1. G-2030 and G-2151-TB 5-5080-1.
Water, Truck-Mounted , 1000-Gal. , Rosco, Model. Grader
MME , with Wisconsin Model VE -41 Engine
TB 5-1150-2. Road, Motorized, Diesel, 12-Ft. Moldboard,
Ditching Machine Caterpillar, Model 12 – TB 5–1018–1.
Ladder - Type, Crawler -Mounted, Gasoline, Dig Road , Motorized, Diesel, 12-Ft.. Moldboard,
Galion , Model 101 - D — TB 5-1028-2.
ging Depth 8-Ft., Width 18 to 24-In., Barber
Greene, Model 44 - C — TB 5–1032–3. Road, Motorized, Gasoline, 12-Ft. Moldboard ,
Galion, Model 101 —TB 5–1020–1.
Wheel- Type, Crawler-Mounted, Gasoline, Dig
ging Depth 5-ft., 6-in., Width 23 -in ., Cleve Road, Towed -Type, Elevating , Power -Controlled,
land , Model 110 - TB 5–1180-3. 48 - In. Carrier, Adams Model 11-TB 5
Dual-drum, travel or central plant, gasoliné, trailer Road, Towed, Leanong Wheel, Hand -Controlled ,
mounted , 80 to 150 tons per hour, Barber
Greene, Model 833, with Buda Model HP 10- to 12-Ft. Moldboards , Models 104 and 124
351 engine - TB 5-1004-2. S with Scarifier, Adams—TB 5–1036–1.
Dryer, Aggregate Heater, Asphalt, Trailer-Mounted , 2 and 3-Car, 28
Single - Drum , Semi- Trailer -Mounted, Pneumatic and 42-HP, Cleaver-Brooks, Models DS - 2, DS
Tires, 15 to 30-Ton per hour, Barber-Greene, 3 , and DS - 31 - TB 5–1014-2 .
Model 831-105, with LeRoi, Model D - 201 -P3 Hoist
Engine — TB 5–1280–7. Diesel, Double-Drum, 6-Ton Pull, with Boom
Single -Drum , Towed, Pneumatic Tires, 15. to Swinger, Jaeger, Model 2D3 , with Interna .
30-Ton per hour, Barber-Greene, Model 830 - G , tional UD – 18 Engine — TB 5–9240–1.
! with LeRoi Model D-201 Engine - TB 5 Gasoline, Double -Drum , 4-Ton, Jaeger, Model
1281-1 . 2A, Dixie Special - TB 5-9176–2.
Engine Ice Plant
Ga Diesel, 140 to 150- HP Cummins, Models HB
600, HI -600, HIBD -600 , HIP -600, and HGA 1 -Ton, York , Model V - 50 - V , with Continental
600 — TB 5-9955-1. Model Y -69 Engine - TB 5–9086–2.
Gasoline, Case Model SE—TB 5–5426–1. 1 -Ton, Victor, with ' Carrier Corporation Model
Gasoline, 15 to 20 -HP, Allis Chalmers, Model 7K4 Compressor and Continental Model Y
B - 15 - TB 5-9473-1. 69-215 Engine - TB 5-9244-1.
Gasoline , 95 to 100 - HP, Chrysler, Models T - 118, Kettle A, sphalt-Repair, Trailer -Mounted, with Motor
T - 118–418, T- 118-469, T - 118-502, T-118-506 Driven Hand- Spray, 110 and 165-Gal. Capacity,
-TB 5-9483-1. Littleford, Models US - 66 and 84 -HD -3_TB
Gasoline, 15 to 2C-HP, Wisconsin, Model VE4 5-1154_3 .
TB 5-9380–1 . Kitchen Equipment - TM 5-637.
Gasoline, 90 to 100-HP, Allis Chalmers, Model Lighting Plant, 142 -KW , 110-Volt, DC, Kohler,
L - 90 - TB 5-9469. Model E - TB 5-5075-1.
Finisher Loader, Aggregate, Bucket, Crawler-Mounted, Gaso
Asphalt, Crawler-Mounted, 12-Ft. , Barber
Greene, Model 879 - A - TB 5–1008–2.
line, 3 -cu. yd., Barber -Greene, Models 82-AT,
Concrete, Form-Riding, 20-Ft. Width, Blaw 82 - AM , and 82 - AD , with Buda Engine,
Models HP - 217 and HP-298—TB 5–1006–2.
Knox, Model XC, 20 to 25-Ft. Width , Model Mixer
XD, with Hercules Model IXB Engine - TB 5–
1068-2. Asphalt, Diesel , Travel or Central Plant,
Generator Set, Portable Trailer-Mounted, 110- to 200 - Tons per hour,
Diesel, Base or Skid-Mounted, 30-KW, 127 /220 Barber -Greene, Model 848, with Buda Diesel
Volt, 3 - Phase , 60-Cycle, or 230/ 400 -Volt, 3 Model 6DH -691 Engine - TB 5–1002–2 .
Phase , 50 - Cycle , Buda, Model 6 - DTG - 317 Asphalt, Gasoline, Repair Plant, Semi- Trailer
TB 5-5090–1 . Mounted, Pneumatic Tires, 15 to 30-Ton per
Diesel, Skid-Mounted, 15-KW, 127/220-Volt, 3 hour, Barber -Greene, Model 841-135, with
Phase, 60-Cycle, Ready Power, Model RD LeRoi Model D- 201-P3 Engine-TB 5–1280–8 .
6A ; 15-KW, 127 /220-Volt, 3-Phase, 60-Cycle, Asphalt, Gasoline, repair plant, towed , pneu
or 230/400-Volt , 3-Phase, 60-Cycle, or 230/ matic tires, 15 to 30 tons per hour, Barber
400 -Volt, 3 -Phase, 50-Cycle, Model RD -6A Greene, Model 840 – G with LeRoi Model D
Special ; 30-KW , Model RD-14A ; Enclosed, 201 engine - TB 5–1281–2.
Model RD - 14A , Class EG - 30 — TB 5-5020--2. Concrete, Gasoline , Trailer -Mounted, 14 -cu . ft. ,
Diesel, Skid -Mounted, 60-KW, 120 /208 -Volt, 3 Ransome, Model 14S - U , with LeRoi Engine ,
D133-P10 and D - 140 — TB 5-1076–2.
Phase, 60-Cycle, General Motors, Model 6016
B ; 127 / 220 - Volt, 3- Phase , 60 - Cycle , or 230 / Concrete, Gasoline Engine-Driven , Trailer
400-Volt, 3-Phase , 50-Cycle, Models 6016 - C Mounted, 7 -cu. ft., Koehring, Model 78 A-5,
and 6016 - E ; 75- KW , 230 /400-Volt , 3-Phase, with LeRoi Engine, Model RPI - TB 5–1074–2.
50-Cycle , Model 6016 - D - TB 5-5160-1. Rotary - Tiller, Soil- Stabilization , Gasoline En
Gasoline Engine- Driven , Skid -Mounted, 112 -KW , gine -Driven , Self-Powered , Trailer-Mounted ,
115 – Volt, 1 - Phase, 60-Cycle, Homelite, Models Seaman, Model MHD-72 , and Chicago Fence,
HRUA and HRA-TB 5-5034-2. Model CF-72—TB 5-1034-1.
Gasoline Engine-Driven , Skid -Mounted, 142 -KW , Spil Preparation Unit, Gasoline Engine-Driven ,
115-Volt, 1 -Phase, 60-Cycle, Onan , Models Semi-Trailer-Mounted, Pneumatic Tires, 20
W3M-5, W3M - 5, W3M - 16 , W3M-19, and to 40-Ton per hour, Barber-Greene, Model
W3M-21 -TB 5-5030-1. 821-109-TB 5-1280-6 .
Services - Continued Services - Continued
Outboard, 5-HP, Evinrude, Lightwin, Models 4313 Shovel , Crawler Mounted - Continued
and 4314, and Johnson, Model TSL - 15 ; 22 Diesel-Continued
HP, Evinrude, Speeditwin , Models 6039 and 3 Cu . Yd. , with Attachments , Northwest
6041, and Johnson, Model POLR-15 ; 33- HP, Model 78 - D - TB 5-1165–1.
Evinrude, Speedifour ; 50- to 55- HP, Evin Gasoline
rude , Model 8008 — TB 5–278–1. 34 -Cu. Yd ., Buckeye Clipper, Model 70, with
Paver, Concrete, Crawler-Mounted , 34-cu. ft. , Foote Buda Engine, Model K - 393, or Chrysler
Model 34 - E , with Hercules Model RXLD En Engine, Model C - 36-520 - TB 5-1312-1.
gine - TB 5-1072-1 . 34 -Cu. Yd . , Lima Model 34-TB 5–1312-1.
Plow, Snow, Rotary - Type, Gasoline, 7-Ton , 4 x 4 12 -Cu. Yd. , Osgood, Model 200 — TB 5
Truck -Mounting, Standard Ordnance Truck , 1162-1 .
Klauer, Model TU - 3 — TB 5–9638–1. 12 -Cu . Yd., Bucyrus-Erie Model 15–B_TB
Post Engineer Shop Equipment,-TM 5–612. 5-1170-1.
Power Unit, Gasoline, Trailer -Mounted, 4- Steel Small Boat and Harbor Craft - TM 55-320 .
Wheels 120- to 140-HP, Pioneer, Model 300 Spreader, Concrete , Gasoline Engine - Driven , Form
WA, with Waukesha Model 6 -WAKU En Riding, 20-Ft. Width, Blaw- Knox, Models S
gine and ICK Starting Engine—TB 5-1254-1. and SA-TB 5-1058-2 .
Pump Sweeper, Rotary, 3-wheel trailer-mounted , gasoline,
Asphalt , Trailer-Mounted , with Distributor At two-way sweeping, 30-in . by 8 ft. , Grace,
tachments. Littleford , Model US- 3C and 5 Model MB 100, with LeRoi Model XP-7 En
1026 - TB 5–1026–1. gine - TB 5-9078–2.
Centrifugal, Gasoline Engine-Driven, Trailer Tractors -- TB 9-2810-1 .
Mounted, 6-In. Discharge, 100-GPM at 8 - Ft. Battery- Powered-TB QM 4.
Head, Pioneer, Model 300 -WA, with Jaeger Crawler
Model 6-PO Pump and Waukesha Model Diesel
6 - SRKRU Engine-TB 5–1256-1.
Water, Trailer-Mounted, with Distributor At 10- to 35-DBHP, Catterpillar D - 2
tachments, Rosco, Model MAE , with Wisconsin TB 5-3340-1 .
Model VE-41 Engine—TB 5–1150–2. 35 to 40 - DBHP, International TD-9,
Refrigerators, Domestic, Reach - In , and Walk-In, 60-in. Gage ; 55 to 65-DBHP, Inter
Miscellaneous Refrigerating Systems—TM 5– national TD-14, 74-in. gage ; 70 to
671 . 90-DBHP, International TD - 18, 74-
Roller , Road, Diesel , 3-Wheel , 10-Ton, Huber , with in . Gage ; Rigid or Standard with At
Caterpillar Model D-4400 Engine - TB 5 tachments - TB 5-3272-1.
1189-1. 35- to 45 - DBHP, with Attachments,
Roller, Road, Gasoline Cleveland Models BD and BDH
3-Wheel, 10-Ton, Galion, Model Chief—TB 5 ( Engines , Hercules Model DJXC)
1100-1 . TB 5-3458-1.
3 -Wheel, 10-Ton, Huber, with Hercules Model 46– to 60-DBHP, Allis -Chalmers, Model
HD7W ; 61 to 90 - DBHP, Mod
WXLC-3 Engine-TB 5–1188–2.
Tandem , 2 - Axle , 2 to 242 - Ton , Ferguson , Model HD10W ; 91 to 140 - DBHP, Model
151-TB 5-1098-1. HD14W with Attachments -TB 5
Tandem, 2-Axle, 5 to 8 - Ton , Buffalo - Springfield, 3194-1 .
Model KT-16-TB 5-1142-1. 46- to 90- DBHP, with Attachments ,
Cleveland Models DD and DDH (En
Tandem, 3-Axle, 10 to 15- Ton, Buffalo -Spring
field , Model TX-21 ( with Waukesha Model gines, Hercules, Model DRXB ) -TB -

6 BZ Engine ) -TB 5-1182-1 .
Tandem, 2-Axle, 8 to 12-Ton Galion , Model R Gasoline
with International Model UD-9 Engine - TB 10 to 35-DBHP, Allis -Chalmers, Models
5-1492-1 . M and WM , with Buckeye Angle
Saw , Chain, Portable , Gasoline, 36-in. Blade, Diss dozer-TB 5-3004-1.
ton , Models G-10 and G-36-TB 5–4052-2. 10 to 35-DBHP, Cleveland, Models,
Sawmill, Portable, Gasoline, 4 x 7-Ft. 60 -In . Dia AG and BG --TB 5-3190-1 .
Saw, Corinth , 1C and 2C - TB 5
Model 10 to 35-DBHP, Rigid or standard, with
9235-1. Attachments, International T - 6, 40
Scraper, Road, Motorized, Cable -Operated, 12-cu. yd. In. Gage, and Model T-6W, 50-In.
LeTourneau, Model Super C Tournapull, with Gage; 36 to 45 DBHP, Model T - 9W ,
Model LP Carryall - TB 5-1202–2 . 60 - In . , Gage-TB 5-3222-1 .
Scrubber and Washer, Paddle - Type , Gasoline Engine 15 - DBHP, Standard Clark , CA - 1 ,
Driven , Trailer -Mounted, 6-Steel Wheels, 80 to Clarkair, 31- in .Gage, with La-Plante
100 Ton per hour, Pioneer, Model Log Wash Choate Baby Bulldozer, La-Plante
er-TB 5-1252-1 . Choate PCU , and Braden Towing
Secondary Unit of Crushing and Screening Plant, Winch-TB 5-3020-2 .
2-Unit, Gasoline, Semi-Trailer-Mounted , with 35 –DBHP, Caterpillar Model R4 — TB
Dollies, 25-cu. yd. per hour, Iowa , Model No. 5-3134-1.
2, with Buda 1-525 Engine ; and Model No. Wheeled , Rubber - Tired , Gasoline
2A , with Case Lae Engine-TB 5-1112–3 . 10_to 35–DBHP, International 1–6–
Semi- Trailer, Low- Bed , 20 - Ton , Model 20-T, with TB 5-3228-1.
Model 20-TD Dolly — TB 5-9218–1 . 23-DBHP Case S1-TB 5-3012–3.
Shovel, Crawler Mounted 30 -DBHP, Case D1, and 40 -DBHP,
Diesel Standard, Case LA1 -TB 5-3000-2.
2 Cu . Yd . , with Attachments, Thew model Trailer, Rear-Dump, Motorized, Cable -Operated, 11
Lorain 82, with Caterpillar Model D Cu. Yd., Le Tourneau , Model W2-10 — TB 5–
13000 Engine-TB 5–1178–2. 9451-1 .
MAINTENANCE, PREVENTIVE-Continued MANIFOLD, ( Correspondence) Sheets : Standards of utiliza
Services Continued tion-Cir 69–1944,
Dump Body, 10-Cu. Yd., 4 x 2, 2 - DT, 157-In. M/T 35-2122 rescinded - Cir 162 - X - 1944.
Wheelbase, Euclid Models 2 - FD and 27 - FD , M/T 35-2137 rescinded-Cir 162 - X - 1944 .
with Cummins Model HB -600 Engine- TB 5
3467-1 . MANPOWER :
Fork Lift - TB QM 4. Organization, deactivation - Cir 260-11-1945.
Straddle Lumber — TB QM 4. Posts, camps, and stations, concentration of facilities
Vehicles — TC54 , 1941. for reduction of overhead - Cir 461 - V - 44.
Ordance — TB 9-2810–1; TB 9-2810–2. Utilization based on physical standards -- Cir 196–1945 .
Ventilating, Evaporative, Desert, Cooling and Air
Conditioning Systems — TM 5–672 . MANUALS :
Warehouse Cold Storage Plants and Ice Plants- Administrative procedures for communications service
TM 5-673. Cir 45-11-1945 .
Water Purification Unit, Gasoline Engine- Driven, Arctic-TM 1-240.
Portable, 15 -GPM , Wallace and Tiernan , Aviation Umpire-- FM 105–6.
Model 1940 - TB 5-2000-1. Basic Maintenance - TM 37–250.
Stationary, knockdown type, sand type, 5 -GPM Ceum , Engineer Corps, Type VDIRAG Vulcanizer - TM
5 ~ 4136 .
Wallace & Tiernan, Model A-521, with Wis
consin Model AHH Engines — TB 5–2066–1. Combined operation and Maintenance
Water Purification Unit, Gasoline Engine-Driven, Bath Unit, Field, Mobile, Model 23–24 — TM 10–
Truck -Mounted, 75 -GPM , Wallace and Tier 1616.
nan, Models 1938, 1939, and 1940—TB 5 Semitrailer Van 2 -Wheel, Highway - TM - 1168.
2030–1. Semitrailer, 2 -Wheel, (2dt), Shoe Repair Van
Welder, Electric Are, Gasoline Engine-Driven , 300 (Model W -8120 ) and 10-Ton Gross Van
AMP, Hobart, Skid -Mounted, Model GR -300 ( Model W -8125 ) -TM 10-1315.
S, and Shop Wheel-Mounted, Model GR - 300 Drivers — TM 21-305 .
P - TB 5-5124-1. Field, Basic - FM 23-105.
Well Drilling Machine Guides, Spoken English
Rotary - Type, Skid -Mounted , Gasoline Engine German — TM 30–1506, TM 30–1506A , TM 30–1506D.
Driven, Failing Model 312, with Buda Model Italian - TM 30–1503; TM 30–1505A ; TM 30–1504 ;
HP - 217 Engine - TB 5–2024-2. TM 30–1505B ,
Percussion - Type, Skid -Mounted, Gasoline En Portuguese - TM 30–1513 ; TM 30–1511B .
gine- Driven , Star, Model 71 - TB 5–2002–1. Spanish -- TM 30–1510 ; TM 30–1511B .
X -Ray , Field Unit Generator - TB MED 127. Instruction
Sewage treatment plants and sewer systems at fixed For Operation and Maintenance of Hall-Scott De
installation - TM 5-666. fender Twelve Cylinder Marine Engines
TM 55-1006 .
MALARIA : TB MED 72 ; TB MED 65. Engine, Diesel, Atlas Imperial Model 6HM464 — TM
Control—TB MED 6 ; TB MED 42 ; TB MED 87 ; TB 55-1027 .
MED 134; TB MED 182; TB MED 164 ; Parts List - TM 55–1134.
TC 16, 1945. Maintenance and Parts List
Effect of attacks on health - Cir 189 - III - 1945 .
Semi- Trailer, 2 -Wheel, 10 - Ton Refrigerator - TM 10
Patients, recording of suppressive therapy on immuniza
tion register - Cir 183 - V -45 .
Prevention and control Cir 117-4-1945. Semi- Trailer, Van, Sterilization , Bath , Model 22-5 ,
Suppressive Therapy, Discontinuance for troops return Hyde - TM 10–1295.
ing, overseas - Cir 449–1944. 6 x 4 Transporter, Diamond T, Motor Car Co.
TM 10–1255 .
Vivax, Avoidance of Relapses by use of Suppressive Preventive Maintenance
medication — TB MED 136 .
Radar Set AN / TPL - 14TM 11-1452.
MALINGERING : Procedure for handling - Cir 298 - IX RADAR Set AN / TPS_10_T M11-1468.
1945 . Radio Equipment RC - 188 - A — TM 11-1421.
MALT : Contracts, Quartermaster Projectionist's, Army Motion Picture Service - TM 28–
1944–1 July — 30 Sep 1944 - SB 10–89. Service
1 Jan 1945—31 Mar 1945 - SB 10–192.
1945–1 Jul - 31 Dec - SB 10-244. Radio Equipment
RC - 148, RC - 148 - B , RC - 148 - C - TM 11-1518.
Achieving maximum utilization-Cir 360 - I RC - 215 - A - TM 11-1534.
. RC - 384_TM 11-1562.
MANUAL : Radio Sets
Collection and preservation of specimens - Cir 277–1944 . AN / TPS - 1A - TM 11-1547-A.
Restricted, Purchase Sale Cir 215 - IV -- 1943. AN / TPS – 2 - TM 11-1539.
MANAGEMENT : SCR - 605 - A and SCR - 602-16 - TM 11-1526.
Theory, Trouble Shooting and Repair
Mess, Training - TM 10-205. Radar Set AN/MPG and Radar Set AN / FPG - 1
Surgical, Thermal Burns — TB MED 151 . -TM 11-1566 .
MANEUVERS : Radio Set SCR -784TM 11-1554.
Area THOR Backfill Tamper, No. 60 – Model No. 4814
A. P. Hill Military Reservation - Cir 402-II–1944. TM 5-4094.
California - Arizona , closed - Cir 267–1–1944. Stock Control, For Posts, Camps and Stations-TM 38
Publications and Blank Forms- Cir 264–1944 . 220 .
Travel and transportation expensez -Cir 36 – II – 1944. Technical Operation
Umpire manual-FM 105-5 . Radar Set AN / CPS - 5 -- TM 11-1355.
Air - FM 105-6 . Radio Set SCR-784–TM 11-1354.
MANUALS — Continued MARSHALL ISLANDS : Medical and Sanitary Data - TB
Umpire MED 111 .
Air - FM 105-6 .
Ground - FM 105-5 . MASSAGE : In Physical Therapy - TB MED 173.
MANUFACTURERS : MAST BASE : MP-47 Prevention of Arcing - MWO SIG 16.
Distinctive insignia, restriction - Cir 226 – III – 1944.
Medals, postponement- Cir 62–1944. MASK, GAS : See Gas Mask.
Policy, use of visual training aids-Cir 101 - IV - 1944.
Service flag or service lapel button-Cir 20 - III – 1944 . MASTS :
Service lapel button and service flags - Cir 62–1945.
Typhus vaccine, change in expiration date - Cir 454 - VII AB - 54 / FR - TM 11-2638.
1944. Sections MS–49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, and 56 – TB

SIG 195.
Board, War Department, Dissolved-Cir 79-III–1944.
Second World War, procedure for publication-Cir 287– Administering and scoring Army Individual Test-Cir
II-1945. 421-1-1944.
MAPHARSEN : Severe, Reactions , Use of Bal in Oil for Emergency Instructions for Lubricants-TB ORD
TreatmentMTB MED 104. 300.
Preserving, Lubricating, and Welding - TM 9-850.
MAPPING :-FM 21-30 ; FM 30–35. Defense Seacoast, Care and Preservation-TM 4–245.
Block Plot Control Adjustmens — TB ENG 5. Description and Use, Installation and Maintenance of
Equipment, Multiplex-TM 5–244; TB ENG 5. Packaged Equipment Offices — TM 11-2041.
Revision Problem - TB ENG 5. Duty free admission-Cir 180-1945 .
Educational, oversea shipment — Cir 376 - III – 1944.
MAPS : Government-Owned, sales-Cir 362- IV - 1944 ,
Foreign , Use—TM 5–250. Handling Equipment
Intelligence-FM 30–20 . Fiscal procedure-Cir 33 - III – 1945.
Reading Maintenance, procurement, and storage and issue
Advanced - FM 21-26. responsibility -- Cir 33-11-1946.
Elementary - FM 21-25. Temporary loans to other agencies—Cir 33 - IV
Training — TC 6, 51 , 1944. 1945.
Responsibility and planning-TC 36-1945 . Information Guide - Pam 20–3 .
Reproduction—TM 5-245. Instructional for literacy training - TC 39-II–1945 .
U. S. Government, disposal-Bull 14 - IV -1943. Local procurement, authority of commanding officer out
side continental U. S.-Cir 53 - IV - 1945.
Lubricating — TB 9-850–10 .
Bridges—TC 7, 1944. Miscellaneous Piece, Freight Billing Guide-SB 55-8
Container, petroleum products-Cir 15 - II – 1945; 120-1 H-9 .
1945. Ordnance
Lubrication, artillery weapons-Cir 174 - VI - 1945. Maintenance and preparation for oversea shipment
Machines, Operations and Maintenance, Quartermaster
-Cir 94-III -1945 ; 311-VII–1945.
Fixed Laundry Equipment — TB QM 40. Sealing-TM 9–850 .
Numbers on ammunition, converting Roman Numerals Paints and related, use by Transportation Corps-SB
to Arabic-Cir 102-1-1945 . 55-18.
Vehicles-TC 15–1944, Procedure of shipment entering .U . S.
Air -- Cir 180–1945.
Military personnel outside United States - Cir 307 - IV Seaport Cir - 180-1945 .
1944. Repair, operation of Ordnance Mobile Tire Repair Pla
toon-SB 55-8 - N -500 - EA .
Women's Army Corps
Discharge - Cir 372-III-1945 . Rust preventive — SB 9-31.
To members of armed forces, assignment regula MATÉRIEL :
tions - Cir 462-1944 .
Aeronautical, Definitions - Cir 429-1-1944.
MARIGOLD ( EX-PRESIDENT FILLMORE ) : Designated Aircraft combat, list procured by AAF-Cir 356–1–1944.
Army hospital ship - GO 35–1944. Artillery
Coast–TM 4-210 .
MARINE CORPS : Hoisting—TB ORD 285.
Glider flight regulation - Bull 19–II–1944. Railway, Preservation and Care of Seacoast- SB
Officers detailed to the War Department, travel agree 9-54 .
ment- Cir 366 - VII - 1945 . Seacoast-FM 4-20 ; TM 4-245 .
Personnel - 120 -mm - MWO ORD D32 -W3.
Engaged in aerial flights, increased pay - Bull 3– Automotive, General Supply - SB 9-16.
1945. Captured—TC 81 , 1942 ; TC 100, 1942.
Occupying Government housing facilities without Enemy, shipment to the United States — Cir 13–1945.
loss of rental allowances-Bull 12 - IV - 1945 . Chemical Warfare
Regulations relating to aerial flights - Bull 17–1–1944. Service, Effects of Extreme Cold - TB CW 13 .
United States Military Academy preparatory training Standard Operating Procedure for Return from
for members—Cir 154–1945. Overseas Theaters and Zone of Interior
SB 3–19.
MARINE ENGINES : See Engines, Marine. Cold Weather Lubrication and Service - TB ORD 126.
MARITIME COMMISSION : Vessels, lease-Bull 27–1942. Combat, demilitarization - Cir 183 - II – 1945.
MARSHALL, GEORGE C., GENERAL OF THE ARMY : Aircraft - TC 102 , 123, 1943.

Relief from active duty-GO 107–1945 . Ordnance - TC 5–1943 .

MATÉRIEL - Continued MEAT : TB 10-405-2.
Enemy, Captured Accounting - Cir 160 - II - 1945 . Boned, inspection for interstate and oversea shipment
Engineer Cir 115-11-1945 .
Minor Non -Expendable Articles Quarterly Dropping Cans, Food container, cleanliness-Cir 384-11-1944.
Allowance - SB 5-22. Cutting
Tropicalization , Field — TB ENG 58. Beef_TM 10-407.
Engineering changes and modifications restricted-Cir Hams-TM 10-412-1.
29 - IV - 1944 . Lamb - TM 10–408 .
Examination-FM 30–15 . Importation — GO 32 - IV - 1944.
Explosive removed before shipment to the U. S.-Cir Smoked & Cured — TB QM 25.
146-4-1945 . Supply Unit — TM 10-413.
German , Italian and Japanese — TB ORD 50. MEAT AND MEAT PRODUCTS : Sale - Cir 137-XII- 1945.
Gun, ( AA ) 40 -mm . - TM 9-252.
Issue, Not Meeting Serviceability Standards—SB 9–32. TRATION :-Interstate and oversea ship
Local purchases — Cir 310 - VII – 1944. ment - Cir 115 - III - 1945 .
Mobile field artillery, shop overhaul standards — TB ORD
327 . MEASURING SET : Transmission
Ordnance 13A ( SPL) , Per D-165655, Preliminary Instructions
Issue of cleaning, preserving materials—Cir 322-II TM 11-2045.
1944. 32A ( SPL) -TM 11-2048.
Issue to State Guards - SB 9-6.
List of Prices — SB 9-10. MECHANIC : Eight-Hour Law, suspended - Bull 1-II-1943.
Modification — SB 9-38 .
Preparation for Shipment- SB 9-4 . MECHANICAL ADVISOR TEAM : Requirement and quali
Preservation - SB 9-28 . fication - Cir 4-1-1945; 270 - IV - 1945.
Sealing - TM 9-850 .
Unserviceable, maintenance and reclamation-Cir MECHANICAL DRAWING : TM 1-1050.
224 - VIII - 1944. MECHANISMS :
Wheeled-TB 31-200-7.
Feed, 20-mm, M1—TB 9–1227-FE1 ; TB 9–1227-FE2 ; TB
Recovery from battlefields — TC 21, 68, 1943., 9–9720-10 ; MWO ORD A 47 - W5.
Report required by TM 4-234 discontinued Cir 311 -III Firing
1944. M1 - TB ORD 65.
Responsibility for modification - Cir 4–1944; 41 - IV - 1945 ; 20-mm. to 16 - Inch, Inclusive , Cleaning, Preservation
90 - IV - 1945 .
and Lubrication - TB ORD 259.
Artillery - TB ORD 261 .
Foot, Firing, Machine Gun ( M3E1 ) _TB 9-235-9.
Hoist - LO 3505 .
Defense, Care and Preservation — TM 4-245 . Hydraulic, Traversing, Ordnance Maintenance-TM 9
6 - Inch , Gun M1900 - TM 9-424. 1750H .
Sensitized , Unexposed , Transportation and Storage-TB Recoil
MED 191 .
Serviceability standards — Cir 208 - VIII – 1945. Coast Artillery Matériel—TB ORD 120.
Signal, Destruction - TC 63, 1942 ; TC 16, 1944. M6, installation of stop B222791 - TB 9-1331-8 .
M7, Correction of Malfunction — TB 9-1341A-FE1 .
Stand-by storage, instructions for preservation of mo M8, Correction of Malfunction - TB 9-1341A -FE1.
bile artillery - SB 9–61.
Standard Artillery and Fire ControlTM 9-2300. M17-MWO ORD D38-W1,
Standard Items, use of official names in correspondence
Cir 411 - IV - 1944. 8-in. M7_MWO ORD D33 -W29.
Status Report, Oversea Supply - Cir 203–1944.
Submarine Mine, Care, Preservation and Storage - SB 75 -mm , M1 and M1A1-FSMWO C20 - W20 .
9-57. 75-mm, M1 and M1A2 - FSMWO C20_W20 .
War - Procedure for customs clearance - Cir 53-II-1944. 90 -mm
M1 , M1A1-TB ORD 278.
Militarized female personnel -- Cir 179 - III – 1944 . M18_TB ORD 278.
WAC, honorably discharged or relieved-Cir 292 - II 105-mm , M2 - MWO ORD C21-W10 ; C45–W4 ;
1945 . FSMWO C21 -W10 .
Wives of aviation cadets and enlisted men-Cir 305 Howitzer
VII-1945 . 155 -mm
Wives of enlisted men-Bull 19–1–1943; 9 - IV - 1944; Cir M6 - MWO ORD C39-W11 .
313 - IV - 1944. 240 -mm
Air Crew Trainees — TM 1-900 . Hydropneumatic - TB ORD 212 ; SB 9-59.
ShopTM 9-2820. Hydrospring Type, Uniform Method of Filling
TB ORD 246.
Instructions for Exercising - TB ORD 303.
Landing Airplane - TB 5-255-1. Local Manufacture of Adapter to permit use of oil
Landing Rehabilitation Plants-TB 5-255–6. gun CLAX 7 with 37-mm Gun, M1916—TB
Charges, furnished aboard Army Transports—Cir 207–I Nitrogen Pressure Variation, M13 , M13B1 , and
1945. M14 - TB 9–1326–1.
Reimbursement, meals furnished by Government-Cir Precautions to be taken prior to charging with ni
158–1944. trogen-TB ORD 325 .
Ticket Railway Artillery Material-TB ORD 120.
Civilian personnel serving with U. S. forces in con Repair, Combination Gun Mounts M52—TB ORD
tinental U. S. - Cir 252-1-1945 . FE 39 .
MECHANISMS - Continued MEDICAL - Continued
Ribbon Reverse, Replacement - TB 11-352-1. Corps - Continued
Traversing, Providing covers and dust guards, mount, Officers
railway gun, 8-in. M1A1-FSMWO E34-W9. Assignments in parachute units - Cir_223 - II
Turret Traversing Hydraulic, Tank, Light, M5 and 1944.
M5A1-MWO ORD G103-W42.
Designated as aviation medical examiners or
· Valve Replacement, M1-TB 3–255–1. flight surgeons—Cir 98-11I - 1944 .
Wind receiving, Assembly correction in Deflection Board , Physical standards for oversea assignment
M1-FSMWO F19-W1 .
Cir 196–1945 .
MEDAL : Procedure for classification - Cir 460 - III – 1944 .
American Defense Service - Cir 27–1944 ; 129–1–1944. Restriction on accompanying troops movements
American, European-African Middle Eastern and Asi -Cir 156-111-1945 .
atic Pacific campaign -- Cir 62–1944 ; 195-1 Transfer to and from Army Air Forces - Cir
1944 ; 90-111-1945 ; 142-11-1945 ; 345–II–1945. 349-11-1944.
III–1945 ; 142-11-1945 ; 339-1-1945 ; 345 - II Volunteer for parachute training-Cir 187–111–1945.
1945 . Department
Army of Occupation of Germany, award and supply-Cir Administrative procedures, nurses, dietitians, and
448 - VI - 1944. physical therapists—Cir 304–II–1944,
Bronze Star, establishment - Bull 3-11–1944 . Allergy - TB MED 202.
Campaign , current war - Cir 62–1944 ; 195–1–1944; 90 Appointment
III–1945 ; 142-11-1945. WAC as physical therapists - Cir 462–1944,
For Service, establishment — Bull 12–V-1945 . WAC personnel-Cir. 462–1944.
Freedom , established-Bull 12–11–1945. Army Nurse Corps, hospital dietitians, physical
Good Conduct, WAC — Cir 36 – II – 1944. therapy aides - Cir 306–1943 ; Cir 253 - V - 1944.
Mexican Border Service Medal, Issuance - Bull 12- VII Artificial eye program ( glass eyes ) —Cir 310-V
1945. 1944 .
United States of American Typhus Commission -Cir 142 Chairs, Invalid, Repair, Loose Tires on Wheels
V–1944 ; 450-VI-1944, SB 8-7.
World War II Victory, general provisions - Cir 326 Civilian veterinarians , employment and compensa
VIII–1945 ; 345-IX-1945. tion-Cir 68 - V - 1944.
MEDAL FOR MERIT : Conscientious objectors—Cir 29 - V - 1943 .
Awarded to civilian-Bull 18 - III - 1945 . Current statistical health report - Cir 337 - VII – 1943.
Board, establishment, and regulations governing - Bull Enlisted men awarded expert or combat infantry
18-III–1945. man badge revoked-Cir 421-III–1944.
General instructions-Bull 1-I-1943. Equipment, Moistureproofing and Fungiproofing
Meritorious conduct - Bull 40-III-1942. TB MED 186.
Female officers, report of separation - Cir 120-V
MEDAL FOR SERVICE : Establishment-Bull 12 - V - 1945 . 1944 .
Funds for laundry transferred to the QM Corps
Awarded to civilians outside continental U. S.-Cir 278–
Hearing aids furnished military personnel-Cir
VI- 1945 . 376-11-1945 .
Establishment-Bull 12-11-1945. Internees, employment - Bull 27–1942.
No. 77910 , disinfector, trailer mounted , mainte
Appointment of sons of persons who were awarded the nance responsibility-Cir 404–11–1944.
Medal of Honor to U. S. Military Academy
-Bull 23-11-1945 .
Restriction of Issue-SB 8–26 .
Personnel awarded or recommended, discharge from ac Knife, trench , M3 not issued to personnel-Cir 204
tive duty upon request - Cir 332-11-1945 .
Promotion of enlisted men who are recipients - Cir 309– Laboratories, Function and Scope- TB MED 135.
III-1945. Neuropsychiatrist ( division ) , duties—Cir 290 - V
1943 .
MEDICAL : Officers
Administrative Corps Assignment, utilization, and separation-Cir
Conservation, Medical Corps officers -- Cir 99-1944 ; 307-III- 1945 .
327-1944. Duties with respect to state laws-Cir 123 - VII
Students, termination of commissions - Cir 179 - IV 1945 ,
1944 .
Amputation Cases—TB MED 10.
Standards and requirement for assignment
Cir 144-V-1945.
Anesthetic Agents—TB MED 43 . Personnel on duty with infantry units , awarded the
Attendant-Accompanying air evacuees , duties--Cir 113– Medical Badge, additional pay-Cir 229–1945.
1-1945. Pharmacy Corps established - Bull 16–1–1943,
Badge, Additional pay for recipient - Bull 12 - VI- 1945 ; Procurement of radio receiver, public address sys
229-1945. tems and record players - Cir 216 - III - 45.
Badge, eligibility for award-Cir 263- VI- 1945, Professional Books—SB 8–20.
Corps Professional Journals-SB 8-4.
Authority -- Cir 386–II–1944. Property, Installed-SB 8-21.
Conscientious objectors , assignment - Cir 469-11 Replacement and Disposition - of Unserviceabio
1944 . Property - SB 8-15.
Conservation of officers - Cir 140–1944 ; 327–1944, Report of personnel , WD AGO Forms Nos . 8-19
Depot Missions-FM 8-5 ; SB 38–3-MED. and 8-164 - Cir 286–1944,
Examination for appointment - Cir 323-11-1943 . Responsibility for dispensaries in troop areas-Cir
Identification cards-Cir 82–1944. 387-II -1945 .
Modification of program for deferred residents of Responsibility for malaria control-Cir 117 - IV - 1945 .
Medical Corps-Cir 373-IV-1945. Spinocaine- SB 8–31 .
Department Continued Andaman Island—TB MED 105.
Table of organization and Equipment, certain Austria - TB MED 59.
changes-Cir 346 - V - 1945 . Azores—TB MED 123 .
Units of a Theater of Operations-FM 8-5. Balearic Islands—TB MED 195.
Use of medicinal agents—Cir 321-11-1944 ; 264 - VII- Banda Sea Islands—TB MED 70.
1945 . Belgium—TB MED 36.
WD AGO Form No. 178–2–Cir 121 - IV - 1944; 349– Bonin Island—TB MED 83 .
II-1944 . Borneo - TB MED 113.
Weight and Cubage Data-SB 8-1, British Malalya — TB MED 95.
Diagnoses — TB MED 15 ; TB MED 76. British Somaliland — TB MED 130.
Diathermy, Technique - TM 8-350 . Bulgaria - TB MED 18.
Discharge, Military Personnel - Cir 81-III–1945. Burma-TB MED 77.
Examination Canary Islands — TB MED 192.
Induction stations—TB MED 33 . Caroline Islands_TB MED 50.
Celebes - TB MED 67.
Reception stations - TB MED 2.
Form 52, Patients - TB MED 7. Ceylon—TB MED 109 .
Form 782 — TB MED 3 . China, Southeastern - TB MED 171.
Inspector, Selection and assignment - Cir 99–1944 ; 327– Corsica-TB MED 125.
1944. Crete — TB MED 61 .
Installations, Camouflage - FM 5–20C. Czechoslovakia—TB MED 107.
Items Danzig – TB MED 176.
Information and Limitation on uses- SB 8-24. Denmark_TB MED 52.
Technical Supply Information , Zone of Interior Sta Dutch New Guinea-TB MED 18.
tions-SB 8-25. Ellice Islands — TB MED 189.
Materials, Sensitized, Unexposed, Transportation and Eritrea—TB MED 79.
Storage - TB MED 191. Finland-TB MED 66.
Museum and Arts detachments ( MM & AD ) _TB MED Formosa - TB MED 30.
199 . France — TB MED 38.
French Indo -China - TB MED 86 .
Officer: See Officers, Medical. Germany—TB MED 27.
Problems of Redeployment_TB MED 170.
Procedures, To be Followed at Receiption Stations or Gilbert Islands — TB MED 189 .
Gold Coast – TB MED 129.
other Designated Facilities for Military Per Guam—TB MED 57.
sonnel Returning from Foreign Duty - TB Hainan—TB MED 118.
MED 180.
Regulating Service, establishment - Cir 140–1944, Hungary - TB MED 140.
Service India-TB MED 174 .
Italian Somaliland -- TB MED 132.
Field Units -FM 8-10 . Italy - TB MED 178.
Foreign personnel-Cir 395–1944 . Izu Islands-TB MED 83 .
Operations, Joint overseas—TM 8–25 . Japan—TB MED 160.
Relationship, theaters of Operations and Air Trans Java—TB MED 102.
port Command Wings-Cir 53-III–1944 ; 61
Kamchatka—TB MED 46.
Kazan Island-TB MED 83.
Responsibility of the Surgeon General - Cir 120-IV Khabarovsk Krai and Maritime Krai-TB MED 88 .
Korea—TB MED 208 .
Sanitation - FM 8–40 . Kurile Islands—TB MED 24.
Transportation-FM 8–35 . Lesser Sunda Islands—TB MED 75.
Subject , Basic Training -- Cir 48–1944 ; 146 - VI - 1944 . Levant States—TB MED 128.
Supervision , Supply activities at Zone of Interior Sta
tions-SB 8-22. Marcus Islands-TB MED 83.
Mariana Islands — TB MED 20.
Supplies- Marshall Islands—TB MED 111 .
Non-expendable , disposal-Cir 202-1944. Molukken Islands—TB MED 70.
Sources , All Ports of Embarkation and all Posts, Mozambique—TB MED 179.
Camps and Stations in Continental U , S. Nauru-TB MED 189,
SB 8–13 . Netherlands --TB MED 39.
Unit Price not exceed $ 10, accountability-Cir 116– Nicober Island_TB MED 105.
1944. Norway — TB MED 29 .
Supply Activities, Zone of Interior Stations , Supervision Ocean Island-TB MED 189 .
-SB 8–27 . Ostrova Komandorskiye -- TB MED 139.
Supply Depots -- TM 8–245, Palau Islands - TB MED 41 .
Supply, packing and packing room lay outs -- SB 8-2. Palestine -- TB MED 126 .
Teaching Emergency Care and First Aid-TB MED 116. Paracel Islands—TB MED 152.
Treatment Philippine Islands—TB MED 68.
General hospitals designated for specialized treat Poland-TB MED 176.
ment -Cir 347–1–1944 . Portugal-TB MED 56.
Orthopedic and Amputation cases-TB MED 10. Pratas Island-TB MED 146.
Psychiatric Patients - TB MED 84. Rumania — TB MED 49 .
Refusal to submit - G0 8-1-1942 . Ryukyu Islands—TB MED 108.
Units , Armored - FM 17-80 . Sakhalin-TB MED 150 .
What's the score in a case like mine - WD Pam 21-35, Southwestern Island-TB MED 75.
Spain-TB MED 165.
Aegean Islands—TB MED 26. Sweden-TB MED 54.
Albania–TB MED 40. Switzerland-TB MED 55.
Algeria-TB MED 90. Thailand - TB MED 63 .
Trans- Jordan - TB MED 126. Officers' field ration - Cir 158–1944.
Tunisia — TB MED 98. Management and training - TM 10-205.
Turkey — TB MED 64 .
Post, furnishing list of members - Cir 24 - IV - 1944.
U. S. S. R. Far Eastern Territory — TB MED 88. Taxability of compensation paid enlisted men - Cir 359–
Yugoslavia — TB MED 73. II - 1945.
WAC personnel - Cir 462–1944 ; 76 - VI - 1945.
MEDICATIONS: Suppressive, used for avoidance of Relapse Women's Army Corps, combined— ir 17 - III – 1945.
of Vivax Malaria - TB MED 136.
MEDICINAL AGENT : Use in Medical Department installa Book , Signal Corps, procurement - Cir 447 - X - 1944 ; 455
tions—Cir 321-11-1944; 264 - VII – 1945. III–1944.
Cable, undeliverable -- Cir 23 - III – 1943.
MEDICINE : Centers, Procedure -- FM 34-17.
Aviation — TM 1-705 . EFM, Cable and Radio - WD Pam 12–11 .
Expeditionary Force message : Oversea radio and cable
Cardiology — TM 8-305 .
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat - TM 8-300 . Cir 84-1-1945 .
Neuropsychiatry - TM 8-325 . Radio - WD Pam 12-11.
Physiology - TM 3-310 . Restrictions on broadcast, recordings made outside con
Psychology and Personality Studies — TM 8–320. tinental United States - Cir 407 - III - 1944,
Civilian, vouchers, on prescription-Cir 305 – XIV – 1945. Telegraph , radio and cable, elimination of nonessential
Epinephrine Hydrochloride - SB 8-5 . traffic - Cir 222–1943 ,
MEMBERSHIP : Army, Joint Army-Navy Ammunition Stor MESSENGER :
age Board - Cir 372 - IV - 1944 , Trunk Line , Service TM 11-463 .
MEMORANDA : METABOLISM : Items 4020006, 4020008, 4020012, Basal,
Orders, Bulletins, and Circulars - TM 12–256.
600-45, 1 Jun , amended - Cir 326 - III – 1945 . Apparatus — TM 8-619.

MENOPAUSE : TB MED 158. METACROPE : Type US / F - TB.5–9340–1.

MENTAL CAPACITY : Minimum , required for induction METAL CLASP : " Foreign Service " ribbon - Cir 27–1944.
into armed forces, and enlistment in Regular
Army, ERC and AUS-Cir 359-III–1945. METAL WORK :
MENUS : Aircraft - TM 1–435 .
Expeditionar y Force No. 1 , Tropical and Temperate Sheet, Repairs — TM 10-450
Areas- SB 10-44.
Field rations-Cir 158–1944 . METALS :
Food service program - Cir 149- IV - 1945 . Heat treating -- TM 1–423.
Guide, Italian Service Unit - SB 10–232. Nonferrous , Freight Billing Guide-SB 55-8 - H - 11.
October 1945–SB 10-230. METEOROLOGICAL :
November 1945 — SB 10–240. Balloons_TM 11-2405.
December 1945 — SB 245 . Data , Using British 25 - PR Range Tables-TM 6–650.
January 1946 – SB 10–250 . Station
February 1946 – SB 10–254 . AN - TMQ - 1 ( X0-2 ) -TM 11-2406 .
March 1946 - SB 10-260 , AM / TMQ - 4 – TM 11-2426.
Monthly , Adjustment Guide , WAC — SB 10–155. Mobile, SCM-1-TM 11-2409.
Special 14-Day, Issue Charts and Recipe Book, Army
Ground Forces and Army Service Forces Re
distribution Station - SB 10–128. Artillery-TM 30–240 .
Troop train ration-Cir 400–1944. Artillery, Coast – TM 4–240 .
MERCED FIELD : Redesignated - GO 119-1-1945 . METERS :
MERCHANT MARINE : Trial by court martial - Cir 167–1- Bias 1-97-A-TM-2200.
Electrical , Broken Glass —TB SIG 79.
1943 .
MERCHANT SEAMEN : Retention of war trophies - Cir PH-77 , PH-77-A, PH - 77 - C, PH –252 - A - TM 11
155 - VI - 1945 . 2351 .
PH–77, PH-77-A , PH–77-C, PH-77-D, and PH -77
Award - Cir 331-1-1945 . PH - 252 - A - SB 11-100-18.
Awarded the “ This is the Army Detachment”-GO 95 PH - 260 TB 11–2351–1.
BC - 211 - M , R, and T-MWO SIG 11-300-1 .
Change from garrison ration to field ration system BC-211-* ,-TB 11-300-2.
BC-906-E-TM 11-2623 ; TB 11-2623-1 ; TB 11
Cir 377-V- 1944 , 2501-1 .
Commissioned and non -commissioned officers, Federal
taxes for employees-Cir 333-V-1945 . Sets, 1-129-A and I-129-B_TM 11-304.
Equipment, policy and assignment of responsibility TS 137-U-TM 11-2558 ; TM 11-2559-1.
TS 285/GP-TM 11-2640.
Cir head
Field rations, -1945.
count and estimate procedure — Cir Fundamentals —TB SIG 136.
171-1944 ; 311 -IV-1945 . Light ( V-Mail ) -TM 11-2313.
Gear , Withdrawal, enlisted personnel returned to Panel , Master Power — TM 11–2510.
Power TS-125/AP-TM 11-1217.
United States-Cir 72-1945.
Sets, Frequency Courtesy-FM 21-50 ; TC 70, 1943.
SCR—211-A, B, C, D, E, F, J , K, L, M , N, O , P,
Dictionaries - See Dictionaries.
Q, R, T, AA, AC, AE , AF, AG, AH, AJ, AL, Discipline - FM 21-50.
TM 11–300 . Government - TM 27-50 .
211-A, B , C , D, E, or F - MWO SIG 11-300-2 . Government and Civil affairs, U. S. Army and Navy
211-M, R, and T - MWO SIG 11-300–1. Manual-FM 27-5 .
211-1 ) -SB 11-100–45 . Instruction - See Teaching.
Test-Equipment AN/GSM-1-TM 11-2535. Intelligence -- See Intelligence.
Justice , Procedure - TM 27–255.
METHYL BROMIDE GAS : Fumigation of salvage, requisi- Law - FM 27-15.
tion-Cir 374–1–1944. Property, Astray, location, disposal short, CTB 8, 1944.
Sanitation - FM 21-10,
Use in Army hospitals discontinued
METYCAINE : VI-1945. Cir 134 Signs - FM 21-30.
Traffic - TB ENG 15.
tain members of Reserve forces of the army MILITARY APPROPRIATION ACT, 1945 : Appropriations ,
on duty in 1916 to 1917—Bull 12 - VI- 45 . Military Establishment and other purposes
MEXICO : Bull 12–1944.
Army and Lend -Lease shipments entering or leaving MILITARY COMMANDER : Hawaii territory, designation
at U. S. border points - Cir 192 - III - 1944; 272 rescinded - Bull 21-1-1945.
VII–1944 ; 391- VI -44.
Leaves of absence granted military personnel without MILITARY COMMISSION :
approval of the War Department - Cir 431 Establishment_Bull 2-11-1945.
1-1944. Trial of German Spies-GO 52–1945.
Military personnel visit on furloughs — Cir 268-VIII
1945 . MILITARY CONTROL : Returning enlisted men , use of
MIAMI : Forms 395 and 46 — Cir 98-1-1945 .
Air Depot - Commanding officer authorized to appoint
general courts martial - GO 56–1–1944 . MILITARY DISTRICT OF WASHINGTON :
Air Technical Service Command - Commanding officer Noncurrent files, disposition-Cir 416–1944 .
appoint general courts martial-GO 14-1- Officers registration-Cir 411 - V - 1944.
1945 . Organization - Cir 325–111–1944.
Beach , Florida — AAF Regional and Convalescent Hos- Services of Billeting Section-Cir 325-1-1944 ; 367-1
pital- Cir 6 - III - 1945 . 1945,
Baltimore Hotel - Designated as Regional and Conva
lescent Hospital- Cir 6 - III – 1945 , MILITARY ESTABLISHMENT :
MICROFILMING : Fiscal year of 1945 - Bull 12–1944.
Instituting approved project - Cir 416–1944. Fiscal year of 1946 -Bull 13–1945.
V-Mail discontinued - Cir 323-VII-1945. Foundations for a peaceful world—Cir 347-III–1944.
MILITARY FORCES : Training and maintenance within State
Receiver Units, Disposition-TB SIG 137. or Territory - Bull 13-V-44.
T - 17 - MWO SIG 11-273-2.
T - 27-1 - TM 11-817. MILITARY GOVERNMENT :
T - 27 - P - TM 11-817A . Instruction in Far Eastern civil affairs-- Cir 83–1945.
T - 30_SB 11-100–79. United States Army and Navy manual, FM 27–5,
T - 30 and T - 45 — MWO SIG 19. amended -Cir 64 - VI - 1945.
T - 45 - MWO SIG 11-625–7; SB 11-42; SB 11-57 ; SB
11-100–71. MILITARY HISTORY : Second World War, procedure for
MICROPHOTOGRAPHY : publishing - Cir 64 - VII - 1945.
Disposal of certain records, U. S. Government- Bull 14
Preservation of records-Cir 177-1944. Accommodations for officer couriers transporting secret
documents-Cir 444-VI-1944.
MIDSHIPMEN : U. S. Naval Academy, appointment of sons Army Flight Information Security Committee - GO 31
of persons who received the Medal of Honor II-1943 .
-Bull 23-11-1945 . Classification - Cir 407-11-1944 .
Classified registered publications transferred between
MIDWESTERN BRANCH, UNITED STATES DISCIPLIN War and Navy Department - Cir 275-IV- 1945 .
ARY BARRACKS : Prisoners confinement Classified shipments, policy-Cir 377 - V – 1944.
Cir 387-III-1944 .
Companies engaged in war production , publishing oper
MILAN ARSENAL, MILAN, TENN.: Designation - Cir ating statements restricted-Cir 74-11-1945.
329-1-1945 . Control guide covering release-Cir 238–1945.
Mail , proper preparation for dispatch-Cir 137 - VI- 1945.
MILAN ORDNANCE CENTER : Redesignated - Cir 329 - I Photograph-Cir 250-IV- 1945.
1945 . Policy governing release-Cir 236–1945.
Previous instruction rescinded - Cir 365-IV-1944.
MILEAGE : Prohibited on hospital ships - Cir 374-11-1944 .
Allowance Receipt for classified documents - Cir 233–1–1944.
Certain female personnel appointed in AUS — Bull Regarding of classified information - Cir 385-II- 1945 .
16-II-1944 , Release-Cir 242-111–1944 .
Graduates and cadets , United States Military Return registry receipt-Cir 34-V- 1944 .
Academy - Bull 11–1944. Reproduction of classified films, prints, or other materials
Tables, Official, War Department-- TM 14-510. -Cir 298-1-1945.
Safeguarding -- Pam 20-10 ; Pam 24-2. Billeting office, Military District of Washington -- Cir
Classified orders and contracts - Cir 41 - V - 1945 . 325–1–1944 ; 367–1–1945.
Secret or confidential - Canadian absentees, apprehension with United States
Orders , travel allowances-Cir 52-1-1944. Cir 258–1–1944 ; 546–11–1944 .
Post Office Department Form No. 3811 , restricted Casualty Reporting procedure - Cir 2–1-1945 .
use -Cir 34 - V - 1944 . Category IV units returning to U. S., postal procedures
War materials , procedure for customs clearance for handling mail-Cir 258-11-1945 .
Cir 53-11–1944. Check list, traveling oversea-Cir 197 – III – 1945 .
Secret documents-Cir 326-7-1943. Civil Service Retirement rights of person in service
Security, Classifications — Cir 91–1944 . Bull 22-1-1945.
Transmission of matter by air - Cir 237-III–1945. Civilian
Use of WD AGO Form No. 996—Cir 233-1-1944 ; 181 Ceremony, participation-Cir 369-1-1945 .
III-1945. Claiming to be entitled to decoration prior to separation
-Cir 101-II-1945.
Class III installation, responsibility-Cir 388–1944.
MILITARY INTELLIGENCE DIVISION : Publications, ré- Classification, assignment, etc., policies and procedures
stricted classification removed-Cir 359- I Cir 312-11-1943.
1945 . Classified travel orders revealed to civilian agencies,
Cir 87 - IV - 1944.
MILITARY INTELLIGENCE SERVICE, CHIEF : Evalua Compliance with orders when visiting outside United
tion , protection , classification , and use of
States—Cir 307 - IV - 1944.
enemy film - Cir 43–II–1945.
Conduct, commanding generals responsible_Cir 134 - VII
SCHOOL, FT. SNELLING , MINN.: Courses Contract with State or other election agencies — Cir 185–
Cir 281-IV- 1945 . 1944.
Contributions to the ultimate prosecution and punish
MILITARY OCCUPATIONAL SPECIALTY : ment of war criminals-Cir 256–1945 .
Enlisted loss replacements — Cir 39–1945. Corporations paying portion of former salaries to em
Enlisted men, test - Cir 223-VI-1945.
ployees now in service - Cir 36 2 - V - 1944 .
Specifications, previous instruction superseded-Cir 368–
IV-1944. Death within continental limits, care - Cir 145–1945.
Deceased, settlement of accounts-Bull 24 - IX - 1944.
MILITARY ORDER : Governing the trial of offenders against Dependents - Pam 21-5.
the law of war-Bull 2-11-1945 . Shipment of household goods to oversea homes
Cir 391-IV-1945.
MILITARY ORGANIZATION : Foundation for a peaceful
world-Cir 347-III-1944, Transportation from overseas,Cir 245–1945.
Detailed as students at educational institutions - Bull 4
MILITARY PAGEANT : Civilian entertainment-Cir 215-1 III–1943 .
1943. Disabled, amount of Federal aid increased-Bull 25 - III
1943 .
MILITARY PERSONNEL : Discharged at the request of the National Advisory Com
Absence without leave, cversea returnees, responsibili mittee, mustering -out payments policy - Cir
ties of installations processing - Cir 277 - I 286–1945 .
1945 . Discharged, Previous Employer Card - Cir 424 – II – 1944.
Absent without leave or desertion from oversea com- Discharged and returned to United States, records for
mands - Cir 43-1-1945 . warded to WD separation centers — Cir 476
Action taken by, domestic disasters-Cir 85–1–1944. V-1944.
Additional pay for parachutist returned from overseas Discharge or released , advice from Veterans Administra
Cir 54-1-1945 ; 81-II-1945. tion - Cir 336–1944 .
Air Discharged or separated from active service, wearing
Freight, ports of aerial embarkation - Cir 75 - II the, uniform-Cir 126 – V -1945 .
1945 . Disciplinary control-Cir 381 - IV - 1944.
Allotments , class B, discontinuance upon transfer to Discipline while on furlough or pass—Cir 140 - VII– 1945;
separation centers-Cir 269-11-1945. 212-11-1945 .
American Defense Service Medal and ribbon-Cir 27 Disposition at inactive, surplus installations - Cir 89
1944 . 1945.
Army Emergency Relief loan, collection-Cir 259 - I Disposition of Casualty Records-Cir 2–1-1945.
1945. Disposition of personnel not to be sent to separation
ASF, AAF and AGF, detailed as liaison at War Depart centers — Cir 188–1945 ; 342 – II – 1945.
ment centers-Cir 176 - III - 45 . District of Columbia, motor vehicle permits—Bull 25–
Assigned aboard vessels manned by the Army, mail III-1944,
Cir 355-155-1945 . Duty with Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, per diem
Assignment from Personnel Reassignment and Distribu allowance-Cir 156–1–1945 .
tion Centers - Cir 350 - V - 1944. Economies in station complements - Cir 36 - IV – 1944.
Attending civilian educational institutions - Cir 380 - II- Educational opportunities through USAFI - Cir 291
1945 . 1945.
Attending ASF school, disposition of graduates and non- Employment while on pass or furlough — Cir 105 - I– 1945.
graduates - Cir 271–1945. Engaged in aerial flights, increased pay - Bull 3–1945.
AWOL, disposition of mail - Cir 173-III–1945. Entrance and terminal physical examination - Cir 59 - I
Baggage : 1945.
In possession of common carriers , disposition - Cir Establishment of price control procedure - Cir 465 -III
61-1-1945. 1944 .
Limitations , air travel overseas-Cir 122-1-1944 . Federal income tax returns, 1943—Cir 63–1944.
Returning from overseas-Cir 22-1-1945. Federal income tax return'and payment requirements,
Shipment - Cir 386-IV-1944, 1944 and 1945 - Cir 475–1944 .
Federal income taxes personnel returning from overseas On Duty in Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, pay
Cir 211-1945 . Cir 344-1-1944 ,
Foreign , serving within continental U. S., report of Overcrowding in installations, disease prevention - Cir
death or injury - Cir 430 - III – 1944, 262 - III - 1945 .
Foreign governments, lend-lease transportation - Cir 395– Overseas, organized Recreational Tours - WD Pam 28–5.
1944. Oversea tour of 242 years maximum — Cir 393 – VI – 1945.
Forms DSS 2 and 57, surrender upon induction - Cir 380– Pageants and shows, participation - Cir 215–1–1943.
IV - 1944. Passport and visa exemption in Union of South Africa,
Cir 340_III – 1944 ,
Furnishing information and advice on personal affairs
Cir 237 - V - 1945 . Pay allowance accounts, adjustment of discrepancies
Cir 348–1–1945 .
“ Glider flight”, regulations - Bull 19 – II – 1944. Pension increased for service - incurred disability - Bull
Groups and individuals , movement within continental 24 - X - 1944.
U. S.-Cir 199–1945 . Per diem allowance for official travelBull 11-II-1944.
Handicraft program - Cir 259_V - 1945 . Peripheral nerve injury, treatment - Cir 423 – II –1944;
Hearing aids furnished — Cir 376-11-1945 . 64 - XII - 1945 .
Hernia , assignment and disposition - Cir 64 - VII – 1945. Personal AffairsWD Pam 21-5.
Herniated nucleus pulposus patient, treatment and dis Use of personal affairs officers - Cir 211 - III – 1944 ;
position - Cir 209 – III – 1945 . 231-1-1944.
Homestead entries, credit, service rendered during World: Personal Transfer Account plan - Cir 44–1945 ; 237- VI
War II - Bull - II – 1944 . 1945 .
Honorable discharge Physical restraint for protection - Cir 246 - IV - 1945 .
Emblem , procedure for issue and wearing - Cir. 454 Policy governing release of information - Cir 237–1945.
III-1944. Post, camp, station and unit newspapers - Cir 466-I.
Retention of shirts - Cir 183 - VII - 1945 . 1944.
Presidential testimonial to honorably discharged per
Hospitalization and evacuation - Cir 316–1943 ; 140–1944. sonnel-Cir 330-1945.
Hospitalized, procedure for return to insular possession Previously engaged in seientific research , discharge
of the U. S .-- Cir 259 - VIII – 1945 . Cir 363 - III - 1945 .
Household goods Prisoner of war , retirement and reassignment - Cir 325–
Personal effects, transportation - Cir 445-11-1944. IV - 1945 .
Transporttaion by motor carrier - Cir 214–1944 . Promotion during transition to postwar strength - Cir
Housing 283 - I – 1945 ; 321 - V - 1945 .
For distressed families Bull 12 - XIII – 1945 . Proper fitting of gas mask - Cir 32-111-1945 .
Protection against taxation -- BulI 14 - VI– 1944. Property clearance prior to departure - Cir 315-V- 1945.
Protection as to certain mortgages — Bull 20- III- Protected, certificates of identification - Cir 343–1943.
1943 .
Psychiatric Cases, Disposition - Cir 162–1945.
Identification cards - Cir 336-1-1945 . Public disclosure of military information forbidden
Identification tags, replacement - Cir 233 - V – 1944. Cir 90_III - 1944.
Indebtedness, remission - Cir 257–1945 ; 269 - X - 1945. Purchase Certificate, Shoe Ration - Cir 19 - III – 1945.
Immunization records - Cir 138 - III – 1945. Radio sets used in civilian ceremony -- Cir 386 – V - 1945.
Information of value, personnel on furlough - Cir 467- Rail movement, maximum use - Cir 270- VI- 1945.
VIII – 1944 . Railroad and bus fare recluced - Cir 103 - V – 1945 .
Insignia to denote oversea service - Cir 268–1944 ; 116– Reassignment center, processing - Cir 78 – III –1945.
VII-1945. Reassignment from WD personnel reassignment centers
Lapel button issued to honorably discharged - Cir 311 and redistribution stations - Cir 350- V - 1944 ;
V - 1945 . 365 – VII - 1944 ,
Legal advice and assistance -- Cir 74–1943 ; 111 - VI– 1943 ; Recommended or awarded the Medal of Honor, discharge
73–1944 . from active duty upon request- Cir 332 - II
Lend- lease government, definition - Cir 395–1944 . 1945 .
Maintenance of ethical standards at hospitals — Cir 310- Records jackets, use limited to authorized purposes,
II – 1944 . Cir 71 - V - 1945 .
Malingering, procedure for handling - Cir 298-IX-1945. Recovered , enlistment and reenlistment in the Regular
Marriage Cir 307 - IV - 1944 . Army - Cir 350-11-1945 .
Medical Badge recipient, additional pay - Bull 12-VI- Recuperation , rehabilitation and recovery - Cir 389–
1945. III - 1945 .
Mentally deficient, discharge - Cir 233 - I –1945. Reduction of income and excess profits tax-Bull 22- II
Mentally or physically incapacitated , insurance appli 1945 .
cation Cir 14 VIII– 1944. Reemployment rights - Cir 481 - V - 1944.
Missing Persons Act - Cir 305-1944. Rehabilitation centers, transferred to infantry replace
Mustering -out payments - Bull 3–1–1944; Cir 50–1944. ment training centers -- Cir 173 - IV - 1945 .
Names on forms, records, standard style of writing- Reimbursement for transportation taxes paid-Cir 164
Cir 251 - III – 1944.
V - 1945 .
National Service life insurance, conservation - Cir 113– Replacement through personnel replacement depots and
II - 1945 .
Neurotic, method of recording diagnosis Cir 179-VI ports of embarkation - Cir 225 - V - 1945 .
1945. Report of absence without leave-Cir 5-1-1945 .
Noncitizen serving with U. S. Armed forces, exportation Reporting overcharging - Cir 86-111-1945.
of personal property - Cir 223 - III – 1945. Requests for information concerning retraining and re
Noneffective, administrative and medical discharge-Cir employment - Cir 90 - VII - 45 .
81 - III - 1945 . Retention of war trophies—Cir 155 - VI - 1945 .
Occupying Government housing facilities without loss of Restriction of use of liquor on public carriers-Cir 217–
rental allowances - Bull 12 - IV - 1945 . IV - 1945 .
Officer Procurement Service Discontinued - Cir 161-1- Restriction on utilization, medium passenger cars-Cir
1945. 272 - X - 1944 ; 301- V - 1944 ,
Returned to the United States Voting - Pam 21-11 ; Pam 21-12.
Absence without leave - Cir 69 - V - 1945 . 1945 elections-Cir 487–1944.
Washington , D. C. services of Billeting Section - Cir 325
Disposition after hospitalization - Cir 282 - VI - 1944.
Emergency reasons, investigation by American Red 1-1944 .
Wills-Cir 97-1944.
d or -release
Cir 277 -XIV – Axis
d from 1945 . powers — Cir 8-IV- Witnesses before civil courts - Cir 350 - X - 1945.

Returned priso . of war, gasoline allowance-Cir. 482- MILITARY POLICE :
VI-1944. Demilitarization-Cir 278 - V - 1945 ; 315 - IV - 1945 .
Returning from Foreign Duty_TB MED 180. Uniform and brassard - Cir 237 - III – 1944,
Rotati and classif
arding the United
to orders
returnied and contrac - Cir 8–1945.
Statests-Cir 41-V- Controlling conduct of military personnel other than at
posts, camps and stations - Cir 134 - VII - 1945 .
1945. Reopening of officer candidate school-Cir 261 - V - 1944.
Sales tionutili
classif servicesand
ties ication — Cir
counse - VIII
361ling .
- –Cir 1944 . Use of physical restraint for protection - Cir 246 - IV
Separation from ervice Use to suppress civil disturbances unauthorized —Cir
By reason of conviction-Cir 188-1945 . 321-II-1945.
Policies and procedures applicable to National Serv
ice Life Insurance - Cir 361-IV-1945. MILITARY PRISONER : See Prisoner,
Prior to furlough expiration date - Cir 374 - II - 1945. MILITARY RAILROADS : Military Service - FM 55–50 .
Report - Cir 389 - VI- 1944 ; 431-III–1944.
Serving in tion
possess ions
s gov erning incomeStates,
of United certain
tax-Cir regula
385-1- 1954 . MILITARY RECORDS : Entries, ink used -Cir 17 - IV - 1944.
Settlement of claims arising out of damage to personal MILITARY RESERVATION :
property - Bull 9-III–1945. Andrews Field, MD-GO 8–1–1945 .
Settlement of local accounts on change of station - Cir Camp Phillips , Kansas, placed in active status - Cir 45–
38–1-1945 . III-1945.
Sole of personal
surviving, property-Cir
son , policy 348to- VIII–
with respect 1945. as-
hazardous Designation - Cir 321 - VII - 1943; GO 27–1–1944; 31- III
1944 ; 44-11-1944 ; GO 53–1–1944 ; 84-1–1943 .
signment - Cir 128-1945. Procedure - Cir 92 - IV - 1944 .
Soliciting free rides prohibited — Cir 95 - III- 1943, Maneuver area - Cir 402-11-1944 .
Spearhead deposits - Cir 18–1945 . Mayaguez Barracks , use for educational purposeş -Bull
Special Service activities — Cir 240 – II – 1943. 24 - IV - 1944.
State taxation-Cir 397-VII–1944 . Oyster, Va., subpost of Camp Somerset , MD .-Cir 320
Statistical information-Cir 337-VII–1945 . V-1944.
Submitting pension claims, separation centers trans Prostitution prohibited in adjacent areas , -Cir 363 - V
mitting medical records — Cir 424–1–1944. 1944.
Temporary hosp
izedtheforU.recS.upe rationtion
, disposi -Cirwhile
69 - V -being
1945. Redesignation - GO 27-1-1944 ; 68-I-1944.
Testimony before committees of Congress - Cir 314 - III- Solicitation , life insurance - Cir 288 - IV - 1945 .
Veterans Administration personnel-Cir 315-VI-1943.
Transfer - As individual or casual detachments, entry MILITARY SERVICE :
on morning report - Cir 272 - IX - 1944; 415– Business corporations paying a portion of former sal 1

aries to employees in service — Cir. 363 - V

II-1944 .
Transmission of intelligence files upon transfer from 1944 .
organization of permanent assignment-Cir Injury incurred , disability claims—Bull 22-1-1944 .
368–1–1945 . MILITARY TRAINING : FM 21-5.
Air Transporthousehold
Dependents, command-Cir
, and 6 personal
- V - 1945. effects - Cir MILITARY TRAINING MISSION : Change in jurisdiction
-Cir 183-IV-1944.
140 - XIV - 1945.
Travel MILK CONTAINERS : SB 10–162 .
Common carrier, reduced fares-Bull 22 - V - 1944 .
Orders, train accommodations - Cir 396–1–1944 . MILLING MACHINE : See Machine , Milling . '
Traveling , refrain from throwing fire from train or ve
hicles - Cir 241-III-1945. MINES :
201 files, maintenance and disposition-Cir 96–1945. AN-MK 26 Mod. 1 ( 1000-lb.-TM 9–1975–3 .
Tuberculosis, disposition - Cir 338 - VIII - 1944 .
Unauthorized defacing field and herringbone twill jack MK 13 ( Navy )—TB 9–1975-2 .
Booby Traps - WD Pam 21-23.
Uniform , wear 365 - eIX on
ing whil - 1944 . rement furlough - Cir
reti Excavator T5E3 - TM 9-733 .
Fields , Passage of Obstacles — TM 5-220.
IV - 1945
116 - and . Japanese , Training Aid Set No. 2 - TB ENG 79.
United States Canada , reciprocal hospitalization
Land - TM 9–1940 .
Cir 91-1-1945 . Booby Traps-FM 5-31 ; TC 71–1944 .
United States Military Academy preparatory training Charge, Demolition , Shaped , 40-lb. T3-TB 9
Cir 154-1945 . 1940-6 .
United States Savings Bonds , Purchase - Cir 117 - VIII
Use of government-owned Cable - TM 9-415.
vehicles-Cir 344-VII-1943 .
Control System M3 – TM 9-405 .
Venereal disease special preventive measures —Cir 125– Explosives — TB 9–1900-13 .
VIII–1944 ; 410–1–1944 ; 193 - III – 1945 .
Veterans to be advised of 5-day work week at time of Ground-FM 4-7 ; TC 38, 1944,
Matériel-TM 4-220.
discharge - Cir 372-IV-1945 . System , Operation and Maintenance -TM 9-406.
Visit to Mexico_Cir 268-VIII–1945 . Tactics-FM 4-6 .
Vital Facts for Men Overseas-WD Pam 21-1 .
MINE PLANTER SERVICE : Army, policy on return from MIXERS - Continued
overseas - Cir 8-1–1945 . Smith Non- Tilting 7 & 10S Sizes Model 356. LeRoi En
gine XP5-82 Serial No. 151386-98–99—TM
MINUTE MAN : Imprinted with Army Conservation Pro 5-1554.
gram emblem - Cir 69-1944.
Soil Preparation Unit, Gasoline Engine-Driven Semi
MISCELLANEOUS : trailer- Mounted , Pneumatic Tires, 20 to 40
Civilian Activities Group, Detailed composition of the Tons per hour, Barber-Greene, Model 821–
War Department group - Cir 427-V-1944. TM 5–1280 ; TB 5–1280–6 .
Items, repair-TB QM 29.
War Department Group, Detailed composition of the MIXING PLANT : Asphalt, and Soil Aggregate, Gasoline
War Department groups - Cir 427 - V - 1944 . Engine- Driven 25-TPH Mobile 4 -Units Com
bination - TM 5-1280.
War Department Group, Composition-Cir 19 - IV - 1945 ;
36 - X - 1945 . MIXTURES : Idling, Effect of Air Cleaners-TB ORD 190.
Civilian employees' accounts - Cir 52–1945.
Commissioned , warrant, and fight officers, disposition MOBILE UNITS : Medical Department- FM 8–5.
of records - Cir 157-1-1945.
Customs clearance of personal effects prior to shipment MOBILIZATION : Course, Army Industrial College - Cir
to U. S. - Cir 285–1945 .
Income tax, status of pay - Cir 211-1945. MOBILIZATION TRAINING PROGRAM :
Pay and allowances of such person - Cir 305–1944 . MTP 28–2 changed-Cir 108-11-1945 .
Payment of pension or compensation - Bull 20 - II - 1944. MTP 28–3 changed - Cir 108-11-1945 .
Personnel 201 files forwarded to The Adjutant General WAAC, modifications - Cir 344 - IX - 1943.
-Cir 98–1945 . Women's Army Corps - Cir 301 - VI - 1944 .
Reporting procedure Cir 237-11-1945.
MISSING PERSON : MODEL STOCK : Simplified property accounting procedure
-Cir 385-11-1944 .
Disposition of effects — Cir 85–1945.
Income tax - Cir 365 - V - 1942 . MODIFICATION :
Pay and allowances, continuing—Bull 2-11-1943. Equipment or supplies, restriction - Cir 29-IV-1944.
MISSING PERSONS ACT : Litters, old style - Cir 270-11-1944.
Civilian employees, disposition of accounts-Cir 52–1945. MODIFICATION WORK ORDERS :
Pay and allowances pertaining to war casualties—Cir MWO SIG 11-235-1, classification removed Cir 108–
305–1944 ; Bull 14-1-44 . III–1945.
MISSION : Military training, change in jurisdiction-Cir MWO SIG 11-235–2, classification removed-Cir 108–
183 - IV - 1944 . III- 1945 .

MITCHELL CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL, CALIF.: Des MWO SIG 11-235-3, classification removed-Cir 108–
III – 1945 .
ignation - GO 63–1–1944. MWO SIG 11-235–4, classification removed - Cir 108
MITTENS : -SB 10-208 . III-1945.
Asbestos, M-1942, Allowances - Cir 138-VI-1945. MWO SIG 11-275-11 rescinded - Cir 329 - III – 1945.
MIXERS : MWO SIG 11-1106–1, classification changed-Cir 1- II
All Types, Technical Data - TB 5-9720-2.
Asphalt MWO SIG 11–1324-2, C No. 1, classification removed
Diesel, Travel or Central Plant, Trailer Mounted, -Cir 232-11-1945.
110 to 200- Tons per hour, Barber -Greene 848, MWO SIG 11-1506–4 , classification changed-Cir 170
V- 1945 .
Heavy Duty - TM 5–1002 ; 5-1002–1 ; 5-1002
2 ; MWO ENG 1002–1; LO 1062, 1062A. MWO SIG 11-1527-4, classification removed - Cir 232
Gasoline, Engine Driven, Repair Plant, Semi-Trailer II-1945.
Mounted, Pneumatic Tires, 15 to 30 Tons Per MWO SIG 11-1524–5, classification changed - Cir 367–
Hour, Barber -Greene, Model 841-TB 5 III-1944.
1280–1 ; 5–1280–8 . MWO SIG 11-1524–15 , C 1, classification removed-Cir
232-11-1945 .
Gasoline, repair plant, towed , pneumatic tires, 15
to 30 - Tons per hour, with LeRoi Model D-201 MWO SIG 11–1527–4, classified restricted Cir 230 - III
1945 .
Engine - TB 5–1281–2.
Concrete, Gasoline, Trailer Mounted Canceled list - Cir 324 - III - 1945 ; 339 - IV - 1945.
7-cu . ft. , Koehring , Model 78 A - 5 - TM 5-1074 ; 5 Distribution among personnel responsible for modifying
equipment - Cir 40 - IV - 1945 ; 90 - IV - 1945 .
1138 ; LO 5-1138 ; TB 5–1074–1; 5–1074–2 ;
LO 1053. List, classification removed-Cir 381–1945 ,
14 -cu . ft., Ransome, Model 14-U-TM 5-1076 ; 5 Ordnance Field Service rescinded - Cir 396-III-1944.
Procedure, modification of matériel - Cir 4–1944.

2108 ; TB 5-1076–1 ; TB 5–1076–2 ; LO 1036 ; Reports Control Symbol OFM–7 on ordnance matériel
TM 5-1482 .
Pugmill, Gasoline - LO 1067-1067A . discontinued-Cir 248–V-1945.
Ransome, 7-8 , " U " _TM 5–1486 . MODULATOR UNIT : Wilcox Type 50A-TM 11-803.
Roadmixer, Wood, Model No. 48 – Wood Roadmixer Co.
-TM 5-1484 . MODULATORS :
Rotary - Tiller, Soil Stabilization BC-984-LO 3500 .
Gasoline Engine-Driven , Self -Powered, Trailer BC-984-B-MWO SIG 11-1524-6 .
Mounted, Seaman, MHD -72 – TB 5-1034-1 ; BC - 984 - A and BC - 984 - B - MWO SIG 11-1524-15 .
TB 5–1126–2 ; TM 5–1034 ; LO 1017 ; MWO BC - 1194 - A - LO 3153.
ENG 1034. Equipment, AN / TRA-16 (XC - 1 ) -TM 11-267.
Power Take -Ofi, Trailer Mounted, Seaman ABT - 48 MD - 1 / FRC TM 11-820 .
-MWO ENG 1126-1 ; TM 5-1126 ; TB 5- MD-35 /TPS-3—MWO SIG 11-1540-3.
1126–1 ; LO 5-1126. Radio, BC - 423 - B -- TM 11-2636 .
Antenna and Yoke Assemblies, Radio Set SCR -545 - A Pam 28-1 .
TB 11-1427-1 . Name Changed-Cir 360 – II – 1944 .
Automatic Controller Modification Kits 545-C4 and 545- Orientation materials, issues-Cir 33-11-1944 ; 172-I
C5-TB 11-1427-2. 1944 .
Frequency Meter, BC-906-E-TB 11-2623-1. Planning - surveys - Cir 14 - VII - 1944 .
Beacon Transmitter -Receiver AN / TPN - 2 - TB 11- MORNING REPORTS :
1157-1 . AAF base units-Cir 483-1-1944.
Keyer TB - 34-1 - TB 11-443-1. Enlisted men carried , units to which attached - Cir 470
Radio Sets SCR-545-A and SCR - 584,Remote Data IV-1944.
Indicator Kit MC-544-TB SIG 160. Entries
Test Set TS-258/UP-TB 11-1215-1 . Transfer, military personnel as individuals or
Leather Articles - TB ORD 323. casual detachments — Cir 272 - IX - 1944 ; 415
Lucite, Insulators—TB 11-1427–3 . II–1944.
Medical Department Equipment—TB MED 186. Separation centers and ASF hospitals — Cir 106-1
1945 .
Oscilloscope 1-134 - C — TB 11-1213-1.
Procurement Information-TB 11-334-1 .
Hospital patients—Cir 280–1944 ; 140-IX-1945.
Projector Equipments, PH - 398 and PH - 398 - A , Instruc MORSE CODE : International, instruction—TM 11-459.
tions — TB 11-406–1.
Public Address, Equipment PA -4C — TB 11-435-1. MORTARS :
Radio Sets 60-mm
SCR - 523 - A , B, and C_TB 11-625–2 . M2-FM 23-85 ; FT 60-G-1 ; TB 23–85–4 ; TB ORD
SCR-545-A-TB 11-1427-2. 7 ; TB ORD 105 ; FT 60 - A - 4 .
SCR-584, Gate Modification Kit MC -581 — TB 11
T18E6—TB 23-85-5 ; TB 23–85-FE1 ; TB 9-1260
1424-4. FE4.
Remote Control Equipment, RC-47-A, B, C, D, and 81-mm
G-TB 11-312-1 . Preventing Damage to Shock Absorber Springs,
Roehme Automatic Dyeing and Recording Equipment during Firing of Seating Rounds - TB 23
TB 11-377-1 . 90-2 .
Signal Corps Equipment — TB SIG 13. M1-FM 17--27 ; FM 23-90 ; TB ORD 7 ; FT 81-B-3 ;
Speaker Cone, Radio Set SCR-608-A and SCR -628 - A FT 81-H-1 ; FT 81- C - 3; FT 81 - H - 2; FT
MWO SIG 11-620–1. 81-5–1; FT 81-T-1.
Switchboards, BB-71 , BD-72 ; BD-72-B-TM 11-330. T18_TB ORD 248.
Telegraph, Sets , TG-5 , TG-5A , and TG-5-B_TB 11 T27_FT 81 - Q - 2 .
351-A . 2 - Inch
Test Set, I-153-A—TB 11-2532-1 .
M3—TM 9-293 ; TC 20, 1944.
MK . IA2-FT 81-S-1 .
MOLUKKEN ISLANDS : Medical and San ry Data-TB
12 - Inch
MED 70.
All Types - FM 4–40.
MONETARY ALLOWANCE : Clothing Army nurses, fe M1890—FT 12 - A - 4 ; FT 12 - G - 2.
male physical therapists , and dietitians-Cir M1890ML - TM 9-456 ; FT 12 - A -4 ; FT 12 - G - 2.
387-11-1944. M1908—TM 9-457 ; FT 12 - A - 4 .
M1912—TM 9-458 ; FT 12 - G - 2 .
FOR ENLISTED MEN : See Quarters . 4-2 in .-FM 23-92.
MONEY : 4.2- In . , M2 CWS No. 410618-SB 3-25-30.
Accounts M1A1 - TM 3-320.
Civilian enemy aliens-Cir 274-1944. M2 — TB 3-320-783 ; SB 3-25–11 ; TB 3–320–2 ; LO
Disbursing officers - Cir 398 - III – 1944 ; 441-III 3-320-1.
1944 ; 157 - VI - 1945 . Recoilless, E34R1-TB CW 24.
Allowances in lieu of transportation - Cir 241-11-1945. Elevation and Azimuth Drive, Additional Moistureproof
Deceased persons disposition-Cir 85–1945. ing treatment-MWO SIG 11-1424-1 .
Express-CTB 38-11-1945. Light, Field-TM 9-1260 ; TM 9-2200.
Order, Cashing inside and outside continental United Shop overhaul standards TB ORD 327 .
States-Cir 364-1944. Smoke, 2-Inch, M3, Removal—TB ORD FE43.
Payment Order used in lieu of the U , S. Treasury check Subcaliber 3 -inch , M3 CWS No. 410304, serviceability
-Cir 159-IV-1945. standard - SB 3–25-31 .
Rate of exchange in foreign countries-Cir 255 - IV Trench, 3- Inch, MK. I - FT 81 - B - 3.
MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE : Protection , military per
Transmission, oversea areas — Cir 376 - III –1944. sonnel and their dependents—Bull 20 - III
MONITORING SETS : Automatic Telegraph -Service - TM 1943 .
11-2053 .
MORSE CODE : TC 3–1944 ; TC 35–1943 ; TC 110–1944 ; TC
MONTHLY REPORTS : See Reports. 85-1942 .

MONTHLY SALVAGE REPORT : See Reports. MORTUARY : Procedures, Quartermaster - TM 12–240A .

TREAL, CANADA : Discontinued - Cir 342 MOSQUITOES :
III-1945 .
Adult, Use of DDT as Insecticide - TM MED 110 .
MOON TOWNSHIP AIRPORT , PITTSBURGH, PA .- Re Control, airplane spraying of DDT in U. S.-Cir 207
designated-Cir 140-VI- 1945 . VI-1945 .
Collection and preservation - Cir 277–1944.
MORALE : Planning - program - Cir 287-I11-1945. Larvicide - TB MED 14 .
MOTION PICTURE : See also Army Motion Picture MOTORS-Continued
Service. Outboard - Continued
Appointment in Tokyo - Cir 347–1945. 50 to 55-HP, Evinrude, Model 8008, with Chest and
Army Service, Projectionist's Manual — TM 28-410.
Spares — TB 5-8010–1 ; LO 5-278.
Commercially sponsored films, acceptance - Cir 319 -III
1945 . 50-HP, Marine Evinrude, Model 8008 — MWO ENG
Film, conservation and utilization - Cir 159–1–1944. 8010-1.
Films exempted , property accountability - Cir 278 - IV Johnson- Motors, 400 Series—TM 5-8080 .
1943. Muncie, Model 13 - A - 12LO 5-8018 .
New Data and Parts - TB 5-278-2.
Film stock in libraries, release policy - Cir 162 - V -1944. Pump ( Westinghouse) , For Light Tank, M3 and M5
Handling and distribution of enemy film - Cir 43 - II Series Hydraulic Traversing Mechanism ,
TB 5-278–2 .
Integration of entertainment activities, oversea bases
Cir 373-1-1945 . Spinner, in Radio Sets SCR - 584 - A , -B - MWO SIG 11
1524-18 .
List of film for showing and distribution - Cir 283- II
1945. Starters, Engine-Driven Generators, Selection for Spe
Loan of training aids, manufacturers, civilian agencies cific Applications — TB ENG 76.
-Cir 101 - IV - 1944 . Starting, Chevrolet 1938-1942, Brush Holder Frame
818248, Reclamation - TB 9-2830-18 .
Negatives and prints, collection and maintenance of Transport - FM 25-10.
record file - Cir 233 - III – 1945. Ventilator Fan, Modification , on trucks used to carry
Special services activities - Cir 234-1945.
Sound - MWO SIG 11-406–1. Radio Set SCR - 399 - A - MWO SIG 11-281
Winged Victory - Cir 432 - II - 1944.
MOTORCYCLES :-TM 10-515 ; MWO ORD G1 - W - 6.
Ordnance Department - Cir
245 - IV - 1942 ;
Chaindrive 267 - III – 1942 ; 274 – II – 1942; 318 - III – 1942.
Harley -Davidson, 40 WL - TM 9-1879.
Indian Models 340, 240B, 640, 640B - LO 9-U321, MOTOR VEHICLE :
Indian , 741- B - TM 10–1484 ; TM 10–1485. American Women's Voluntary Services, Inc.-Cir 295
74 cu. in ., Twin - LO 9-U323. III–1944.
Harley -Davidson - TM 9-879 ; TM 10–1354 . Amphibian trucks, certain related publications rescinded
Indian, Bleeding of air pumps - TM ORD 203. -Cir 46 – VII – 1945 .
Installation of blackout driving lights - FSMWO G1 Antifreeze solutions, storage Cir 274 – III – 1945 .
W6. Appropriation for purchases , maintenance , operation,
Solo and repair - Bull 11-II-1944.
Harley-Davidson, W1A-LO 9-879. Caution Tags—TB ORD 20.
Harley- Davidson Model WLA , ( New Type Left Conservation Program - Cir 311 - II – 1945.
Crankcase Sprocket Shaft Bearing Bushing Disability reportsCir 302–1945 ; 327 - V - 1945.
Assembly ) —TB 9–1879–1. Highway warning kits — Cir 348–111-1945 .
Harley-Davidson , WLA , ( Installation of Front Loan to Post Office Department for Christmas mail
Wheel , Hub Cone, Grease Seal, and Dowels Cir 301 - IV - 1945 .
in Rear wheel Sprockets )—TB 9–879–2. Painting - Cir 289-IV-1945.
Tactical , Modification to new style combat zone safety MOTORCYCLES : Solo, extra light, M1, ( Indian ) -LO 9
lights-MWO ORD G1-W9. 880 .
M2A1, Maintenance Instructions—TB 9-1372B - 1.
MOUNTINGS : Camera Equipment - PH - 515 /MF - TM 11
Models Z, ZH, ZHL, ZHLP, ZL, ZLP, ZM, ZP, ZR,
2360 ; FT 317-A and B-MWO SIG 45.
Briggs and Stratton Motors - TM 5-9472.
Carriage, Gun, M36, Crew Drill-FM 18–18. M4 - MWO ORD C45 - W4 ; FS MWO C21-W10.
Antenna, 4 Wheel, ( trailer, 3 ton payload , 5 ton gross,
Dodge Starting, Autolite - TB 9-2830–83. tandem axle ) -LO 9–873.
Electric, preventive maintenance - TM 55-405. Antiaircraft
Fan, Shelter Circulating - LO 3108 - A . M1-TM 9-380 .
M1A1-TB 9-370–3 .
Allis, Fs, Frame 224-F, Serial Nos. 62033 & 618503 Machine Gun M2 - MWO ORD A37 - W13 .
-TM 5–9826. M2 90 -mm - TB 9-1372A - FE1.
Briggs and Stratton-TM 5-9642. M3.50 Caliber - TB 9-226-10 .
Models B through BR , Briggs Stratton-TM 5 Bracket
9922. M40 - LO 9-230-1.
Outboard — TM 5-278 ; TB 5–278–1. Chemical Mortar 42-Inch LC, E4R2_TB 3-320-1.
5 -HP, Evinrude, Lightwin, Parts Instructions—TM Combination Gun
5-8014 . M234MWO ORD C56 - W1.
Johnson , TSL - 15 — TM 5-8002 . M34 , M34A1-TM 9-307.
22-HP, Evinrude, Speeditwin , Parts Instructions M42 - TB 9-235-9.
TM 5–8016 ; TB 5-278–1. M44—MWO ORD A55 - W8 ; MWO ORD A55-W9 ;
Johnson, POLR-15—TM 5–8000 ; TB 5–278–1 ; MWO ORD C56 -W1.
TB 5–8000-1. M52_TB ORD FE39.
Johnson , Model POLR-15 ; 55HP, Evinrude, M54—TB 9-235–8 ; TB 9–1235-5 ; MWO ORD A29
Model 8008 - LO 5-278. W12 .
33-HP, Speedifour, Models 7031 , 7032, 7033 , 7034, M54C -MWO ORD A29-W12 .
33 - HP , Evinrude — TM 5–8012 ; TB 5-278–1 . M62—TB 9-1308-1 ; MWO ORD C64-W2 ; MWO
50 to 55-HP , Evinrude , 8008–TM 8010. ORD C64-W1 .
50 to 55- HP-TB 5-278-1. M64—TM 9-313 ; TM 9-1313.
MOUNTS - Continued MOUNTS - Continued
Combat Vehicle M3 and M4 - TM 9-1325 . Gun - Continued
Ground Browning Machine Gun, Cal. .50, M2, All Types Machine Continued
-TM 9-1225. Cal. .50
Gun M33 - FSMWO A54 -W1; FSMWO A54
W2 ; TM 9-223 ; TM 9-1223.
37 -mm , TI - LO 9-246 ; TM 9-246 . M35_TB 9-775-3.
M45 — FM 4-157"; TM 9-222 ; TM 9-223 ;
M3 — TB 9-252–9 ; TB ORD 266 . TM 9–1223 ; TB 9-233–1; MWO ORD
M5 — TB ORD 266 ; LO 9-252-2; MWO ORD
A61 -W1.
A50 -W18 . M45C - TB 9-223-1.
75 -mm
M12TM 9-307 ; FT 75 - AF - 1 . Multiple - FM 44-57 .
Trucks -- TM 9-224 .
76 -mm , M1 - TB 9–1308–1 ; MWO ORD C58 - W3;
MWO ORD C58-W4 ; MWO ORD C58 - W5. Railway
8 - in.
Aircraft, AN -M9 — TM 9–312 ; LO 9-312. M1-TB ORD 120.
Airplane M1A1 - FM4-49 ; TM 9-463 ; TB 9-463–1 ;
75 -mm
M6 — TM 9–311; TM 9–1311; LO 9–311. TB 9–1463–1 ; TB ORD 35 ; TB ORD
M9 ( T13E2 ) —TM 9-312 ; TM 9–1312 ; TB 120 .
9-1312–1 ; TB 9-1312–2 . 12 -in . - M1918 - FM 4-45 ; FT 12 - E - 2 ; FT 12
K-2 .
Antiaircraft , 14 - in .-- M1920 — FM 4–35 ; TB ORD 120 ; FT
20 -mm - M2A1 - TM 9-228 . 14 - M - 1 .
90 -mm Ring
M1 - TM 9-370 ; TM 9–1370A ; TB 9-370 Installation on Car, Half- Track , M2 - MWO
-2 ; TM 9-1370B ; FT 90AA - B - 3 ; FT ORD G102 - W30 .
90 - C - 3 ; MWOORD D28 -W9; MWO Installation in Carrier, personnel Half-Track,
ORD D28 - W10 ; MWO ORD D28-W23 . M3 - FSMWO G102 - W31.
M1 and M1A1-MWO ORD D28 -W3; MWO Howitzer
ORD D28 - W6 ; MWO ORD D28 -W11 ; M14 ( T19 ) , installation of stop B222791 to recoil
MWO ORD D28 - W17 ; MWO ORD D28– mechanism - TB 9-1331-8.
W21 ; MWO ORD D28-W14 ; TB . ORD 75 -mm , M7 – MWO ORD C51-W2 ; TB 9–1318 - FE1.
301 ; MWO ORD D28 - W20 ; MWO ORD 105-mm, M4 - MWO ORD C21-W15.
D28 - W24 . Lamp Focusing, Replacement in Ceiling Light Projector
Crouse-Hinds No. DCE - 8 - MWO SIG 11
M1A1-FM 4–126 ; TM 9–370 ; TM 9
1370A ; TM 9–1370B ; TB 9-370–2 ; LO 2416-1.
9-370 ; MWO ORD D28 – W9; MWO ORD Mechanical Smoke, Generator, M1-TB 3–381-2.
D28 -W10 ; MWO ORD D28 - W22 . Mortars
M2 - FM 4-127 ; TM 9-372 ; TM 9–1372A ; 60 -mm
TB 9–372–1; TB 9-372–2 ; TB 9-1372B M2 — TM 9-1260 ; TB 9-1260 - FE2 ; FSMWO
FE1 ; LO 372 ; TB ORD FE19 ; TB A43W2 ; MWO ORD A43-W3.
M5 — TB 9-1250 - FE2.
1372B - 2 .
M3 — FM 4-91 ; LO 9-373 ; TM 9-1373 ; FT 81-mm
90 - C - 3. All Types—TM 9–1260.
M3 to install auxiliary sighting equipment M1-MWO ORD A33-W2.
for use in AMTB firing — MWO ORD T27 on Mount T21 - FT 91 - Q - 2 .
D37 - W2. Pedestal
T2E1—TM 9-371 ; TB ORD 72 ; TB ORD
FE 19 .
Machine gun-Cal . .50–
M2A1-FSMWO A37 - W14.
120 -mm - M1 - TM 9-1380 ; LO 9-380 ; MWO M3- MWO ORD G104_W112.
ORD D32 -W1; MWOORD D32-W2 ; MWO
ORD D32 - W3; TM 9–1676 ; TB ORD FE 19. M39_MWO ORD A55-W11 .
M39 and M39A1-LO 9-230 .
M3 - MWO ORD D37-W1 . M43 - MWO ORD A55 - W11.
155 - MM - M4 - FSMWO D36_W1. M43, M43A1-LO 9-230.
3-in ., M5—TM 9-1323 ; MWO ORD C43-W4. M46 --MWO ORD A55 - W11; LO 9-230.
C43 - W5 — MWO ORD C43-W6.
M65-LO 9-230 ; MWO ORD A55 - W11.
4.7-in ., M1-FM 4–128 . Trailer
3-Inch , M2A2 - TB 9-1360-1 ; FT 3-R-2. M20 - TM 9-789 .
4.7-Inch, M12TM 9-380 ; FT 4.7AA-C-1 . M55 - LO 9-789.
Drive Gear-TB ORD 31 .
Quadrant - M — TM 9-1553 ; TM 9-2553 .
M13_TM 9-350 . Railway, Gun, 8-in., M1A1 (Gun, 8-Mark VI, Mod. 3A2)
M34A1-MWO ORD C44-W7. -LO 9-463.
M55—TB 9-801 - FE2; TB 9-801 - FE3. Range Finder, M62-LO 9-U542.
Machine Ring, Machine Gun, Cal. .30 -M41 - LO 9-230–1.
Boats-TM 9-230.
Cal. .30 — MWO ORD A55-W13 ; TB 9-775-3. Cal. .50, M15 — TB 9-252-10 .
M1-TM 9-204. Subcaliber, 37-mm , M13 (changed to M13A1) -M1916–
M2-TM 9-1205. FT 37 - BJ - 2 .
M1917A1_TM 9-1205 ,
Cal . .50_MWO G162-W3 . Telescope
D80030 — TB ORD FE49. M2-TM 9-1674.
M2, Watercooled - TM 9-226 . M3-LO 9-U501 .
M2A1-FSMWO A37 - W17 . M4-LO 9-U502 .
M3_TB 23-60-6. M6A1-MWO ORD D11-W34 ; TM 9-1554 ; TM 9
M8 / MWO ORD G136 -W3. 2554 ; LO 9-U500 ; LO 9-U513.
Telescope - Continued Improvised, Truck, 14 - ton , 4 x 4 - TB 9-803 - FE3.
M7-LO 9-U504. Preventing Breakage Due to . Expansion , Contraction,
M9_LO 9 - U505 . and Flexing of Metal - TB ORD FE16.
M13 – LO 9-U508. Replacement in Power Unit - MWO 11-927–1 .
M15A1-LO 9-U511 . MULES :
M18A1-LO 9-U515 . Army, immunization against equine encephloyelitis-Cir
M20-LO 9-U517. 50-VII-1945 .
M21-MWO ORD F197-W1 . Average prices, fiscal year 1945 — Cir 298 - III - 1945.
M21 and M21M1-MWO ORD F197 - W2. Purchase - SB 10-115.
M21A1- LO 9-U519.
M22 - LO 9-U520. MULTILINE : Observing Set, ADW-BM-100_TM 11-2012.
M23 — TB 9-463–1; MWO ORD FL 97-W3 ; MWO MULTIMETERS : TS-389/U–TM 11-2673.
ORD F197-W3 ; LO 9 -- U521.
M24A1 -LO 9-U523. MULTIPLE BILLING : Transportation of assemblies — CTB
M25 - LO 9-U524 . 11-1-1944.
M26-LO 9-U525 .
M28 — MWO ORD F224-W1 ; LO 9-U527. MULTI-RANGE : Tester ; 1–179 — TM 11-2600.
M30 - LO 9-U528 .
M35—TM 9-1539 ; LO 9-U530. MUNITIONS :
M41A2-LO 9-U533 . Assignment Board, Transfer authority - Cir 203–1944.
M43- LO 9 - U525 .
M46 - MWO ORD F224-W1 . Complete Round Charts-TB CW 27.
Miscellaneous - TM 3-300.
M46—MWO ORD F224-W1 ; LO 9-U537.
M47-LO 9 - U538. Local procurement, authority of commanding officer
M48 - LO 9 - U539 . outside continental United States -- Cir 53- IV
45 .
M52C-LO 9-U540.
Training-TM 3-305.
M54 - MWO ORD F224 -W1; TB 9–370–3; LO 9
Motor Carriages, Field, Artillery and Antiaircraft AD ) _TB MED 199.
Artillery—TM 9-1545 .
Lubrication — TBORD 280. MUSIC :
Tripod Band
Allotment of Funds-SB 10–145 .
Cal. .30, M2_TB 9-1205-FE2. Arrangements, Army chapel hymns - Cir 130-11
Cal , .50, M3—TB 23-65 - FE1. 1944.
Selected List - WD Pam 28-6 .
MOVEMENT : Choral , Selected List - WD Pam 28–7.
Destination clearance, supplies - Cir 93-VI-1945. FieldTM 20–250.
Groups of 40 or more - Cir 199–1945 . Piano, Sit Down and Play - WD Pam 28-10 .
Military personnel and property furnished under lend- Reconditioning, in ASF Convalescent and General Hos
lease aid-Cir 395–1944 . pitals—TB MED 187.
As individuals , or in small groups-Cir 234–1944 ; ACADEMY : Pay discrimination eliminated
405–1944 . Bull 6 - III - 1944.
15 or more - Cir 177-11-1945.
Travel orders, individuals and groups-Cir 199–1945. MUSTERING- OUT PAY :
Troops from overseas, health precautions — Cir 198–1- Officers over 38 years relieved from active duty - Cir
1945. 341-1944.
Units , within continental United States—Cir 233 - IV- Officers, Warrant and Aight officers released from active
1944 ; 358-IV-1944 ; 129 - V -45. duty - Cir 321 -III-1945.
Personnel enrolled in Officers' Reserve Corps and En
MOVEMENT ORDERS : listed Reserve Corps-Cir 304 - IV - 1945 .
Change in classification - Cir 477-V-1944 ; 171–1945 ; Policy, personnel discharged at the request of the Na
306-1945 . tional Advisory Committee - Cir 286–1945 .
Downgrading - Cir 379-11-1945. MUSTERING-OUT PAYMENT ACT, 1944 : Discharged ,
Oversea travel, mail address instructions—Cir 109 - III separated military personnel - Bull 3-1-1944.
1944 ; 379 - II, III–1944.
Prisoner of war, oversea movement-Cir 357–1945. NAILDRIVERS :
Property accounting in alerted units - Cir 101-11-1944. All Types , Technical Data-TB 5-9720-9 .
Pneumatic, Ingersoll-Rand, Model 6 - CND_TM 5-540-3.
Prime, 6-ton, 6 x 6, Corbitt Model 50SD6, Parts Catalog NAME ( ING ) :
-TM 10-1158 . Army Vessels-Cir 237-11-1944 .
Full Track Enlisted Men , recording - Cir 120-III–1944 .
M33_TB ORD 112. Messages Addressed to Individual Intended for Head
M34 - TB ORD 112. quarters of Command- Cir 78-1-1945 .
Maintenance Manual - TM 10-1159 . Official, Use for all Items of Matériels - Cir 411 - IV
1944 .
Tractor-Drawn , Cutter-Bar Type, iron wheels, 7-ft. Posts , Camps, and Stations-Cir 92-V-1944 .
Cutter Bar (Model 57 ) -- LO 5-9116 ; TM 5
6 ; TB 5-9116-1. Style of writing on forms, records — Cir 251-III-1944.
MOWERS : Technical Data-TB 5-9720-20. NAPLES - FOGGIA : Units entitled to battle credits-GO
96–1945 .
MOZAMBIQUE : Medical and Sanitary Data - TB MED 179. NARCOTICS : Safeguarding - SB 8-18.
Archives, Review of Records Prior to Destruction-Cir Service Life Insurance - Continued
416–1944 .
Board of Promotion of Rifle Practice, Appointment, Policies and procedures applicable to the pre
Members — GO 71-111-1943 ; 92–1–1944 ; 18-I separation period—Cir 361-IV-1945.
1945 ; 24 - III - 1945 .
Program-Cir 375–1945.
Board for the Promotion of Rifle Practice, office of War Labor Board-War Department Relations — Cir
Undersecretary of War - Cir 281-V-1945 ; 254 - V - 1944 ; 333-VII-1944.
279–1945. NATIONALITY ACT : 1940, amended-Bull 18–1942 ; 19
Defense Act , II-1942 ; Cir 120–1942; Bull 2-1-1944 ; 1-IX
June 3 , 1916, amended-Bull 13 - V - 1944 . 1945 ; 23-IV-1945.
Prohibiting Unauthorized Persons to Wear Military
Uniform - Cir 126 - V - 1945 . NATURALIZATION : Aliens in Armed Forces of United
Retirement of Wing Commands of the Air Corps States—Bull 18–1942 ; Cir 120–1942 ; 148– V
Bull 12 - VIII – 1945 . 1942 ; 182-III-1942 ; 205-III-1942 ; 341- V
Schools and Colleges , sec . 55 - C — SB 9-8 . 1942 ; 415-11-1942 ; 382–1944 ; Bull 1 - IX
Defense Research Committee, Letter for Customs Clear 1945.
ance, War Material-Cir 53-11-1944.
NAURU : Medical and Sanitary Data - TB MED 189.
Bureau, Transfer from Army Service Forces to NAVAL :
War Department Special Staff - GO 39 - I Personnel - Pa
Disabled, Amount of Federal Aid Increased—Bull
Enlisted Men, Use of Forms in Discharge or Re 25-III-1943.
lease from Active Duty - Cir 472–1944.
Enlistment and reenlistments — Cir 284-IV-1945. Homestead entries, credit, service rendered during S
World War II-Bull 22-II–1944.
Former Officer, Appointment in Army of the United Traveling on common carrier, reduced fares - Bull
States - Cir 206 - III – 1944 ; Cir 368 - V - 1944 . 22-V-1944.
Service - Injury incurred, disability claims-Bull 22-1
Special Provisions in Regard to Release-Cir
290–1945 . 1944.
Use of Forms in Discharge or Release from NAVIGATION :
Active Duty - Cir 472–1944. To
Air-TM 1-205.
Voluntary retention on active duty - Cir 366– Celestial -TM 1-206. RO
IV - 1945 .
Tables — TM 1-208.
Engaged in Aerial Flight, Increased Pay- NAVY :
Bull 3–1945 . Department
Procedures for Separation from Active Fed Arrangement, Army Air Forces priority jurisdic
eral Services - Cir 136 - V - 1945 ; 201 - V - 1945. tion over Pan-American Airways - Cir 369
Transfer to Enlisted Reserve Corps - Cir 117 II - 1944 .
1944. Disciplinary control , personnel-Cir 381-IV-1944 .
Service Housing for distressed families—Bull 12–XIII–1945.
Longevity Pay of Individuals under 18 Officers detailed to the War Department, travel
years of age - Cir 97 - III - 1945 . agreement - Cir 366-VII-1945 .
Statement - Cir 314-5-1944. Personnel
Housing Agency - Report, Civilian War Housing Pro Glider flights regulations - Bull 19-11-1944.
Sales of utilities services - Cir 361-VIII-1945.
jects Transferred to the War Department Occupying Government housing facilities without
Cir 354-X-1944 . pie
Inventors Council - Review Suggestions for Inventions loss of rental allowances—Bull 12-IV-1945.
-Cir 383 - V - 1944. Publications, requisitioning procedures - Cir 122- II
1945 .
Munitions Control Board - Secrecy of Reports-Bull 7 Regarding of classified information - Cir 259–1944. Case
IV-1942 . Regulations relating to aerial flights - Bull 3–1943 ; Ta
Service Life Insurance 17-1-1944.
Act of 1940 Amended, Advance of Active Service Shipments for Comm. Traffic - Bull 11-11-1944.
Pay - Bull II–1942 ; Cir 100 - IV - 1942 ; 457– Transfer of military supplies and equipment — Cir
1944. 202-1944 .
Allotments for Payment - Cir 179 – V -1945 . United States Military Academy preparatory train
Beneficiary, Payment-Bull 22-III-1944 ; Cir 457 ing for members—Cir 154–1945 .
Certain Provisions Liberalized-Bull 22 - III, IV TIONS : Approval , information on enemy
1944 .
Atrocities–Cir 67-1-1944 .
Change of Beneficiary - Cir 179-4-1945 .
Common Errors Made in Processing Applications- NAVY NURSE CORPS : Personnel engaged in aerial flight,
Cir 179–V-1945. increase pay-Bull 3–1945 .
Duties of officers charged with administration pro NAVY PACKAGING BOARD_Coordination with Army
gram in the U. S.-Cir 280–1945 .
Packing Board - Cir 80-11-1945 .
Entry on Service Records—Cir 202-VI-1945,
Extension, five-year -level-premium - term policy for NAVY TRANSPORT_Jurisdictional principles.
an additional three years— Bull 12-IX-1945.
Involuntary Discontinuance of Allotment for Pay NECKBAND : Liner Helmet Adjustable M1-SB 10-211. i
ments of premiums - Cir 113-111-1945. NEGRO SOLDIER : Army orientation course - Cir 283– II
Liberalization of certain provisions — Cir 457–1944. 1945 .
Notification of accepted applicants-Cir 122-1-1945.
Philippine Army-Cir 158–1945. NEGRO TROOPS - Command - Pam 20-6.
Diagnosis, method of recording — TB MED 203.
NERVE : Peripheral injury, treatment of military personnel Distinguishing, Assigned to Observation Telescope M4
-Cir 423-11-1944 ; 64-XII-1945. FSMWO F173-W1 .
NETS : Radio Sets SCR - 270-1 ) ; and SCR-271- ( ) -TB SIG
Camouflage, issue to units - Cir 281 -III-1943 . 106.
Engineer camouflage, distribution-Cir 463–1944 . Use of official names for all items of matériels - Cir
Fish, repair - TM 5-268 . -411-IV-1944.
Shrimp, regulations on discontinuance - Cir 463–1944. Use in preparation of requisitions in Oversea Commands
and editing thereof by Ports of Embarkation
NEUROLOGY : . -SB 10–98 .
Diagnosis - TB MED 76.
General hospital designated for specialized treatment- NONAPPROPRIATED FUNDS :
Cir 347-1-1944 . Civilian, disposition - Cir 210 - IV - 1945 .
Construction, maintenance, and purchase of furnishings
Cir 214–1945 ; 293-V-1945.
Cir 111-IV-1945 . Control within continental U. S.-Cir 384-1945 .
NEUROPSYCHIATRIC : Excess furniture and furnishings purchased from same,
Examination—TB MED 33 . disposition-Cir 383 – V - 1945 .
WAC Recruiting Station — TB MED 100. Interior painting in exchanges — Cir 237-VI-1944.
Patient Local purchases - Cir 310 - VII - 1944 .
Disposition-Cir 162–1945. Publication of camp newspapers — Cir 310 - VI - 1944 .
Reconditioning - TB MED 80. Religious - Cir 383–VII–1945.
Section, Clinical psychologist, assignment in hospitals Sponsoring Army motion picture service in oversea
-Cir 71-IV-1945. bases - Cir 373-1-1945 .
Transfer, U. , S. Government certificates of indebtedness,
NEUROSURGERY : General hospital designated for special notes, and bonds - Cir 384-1945 .
ized treatment-Cir 347–1-1944. NONCITIZEN : rmy of the United States, naturalization
NEUROPSYCHIATRY : See also Medicine. -Cir 382-1944.
Aviation medicine - TM 8-325 .
For General Medical Officer - TB MED 94. NONCOMMISSIONED OFFICER :
Changes in grades — Cir 323- VII– 1943.
NEUROTROPIC VIRUS DISEASE : Shipment of specimens
Importance, responsibility of grade, position-Cir 70
1944 .
to Army Medical School - Cir 237-VII-1944 . Minimum health standards of proficiency - Cir 48–1944.
NEW DEVELOPMENTS DIVISION : Duties and functions NON - ENGLISH SPEAKING . See Classification .
-Cir 333-XI-1944.
RANGE : Redesignation - GO 53-1-1944 . Articles , minor engineer matériel, quarterly dropping
allowance — SB 5-22 .
NEWS : Guide to the Use of Information Materials — WD Organizational equipment, disposition-SB 11-43.
Pam 20-3 .
NEWSPAPER : Medical , Disposal-Cir 202–1944.
Delivery outside the continental United States-Cir 376– Quarterly dropping allowance - Cir 239 – V - 1944.
III-1944 .
Post, camp, station, and unit-Cir 55-II-1943 ; 74 - III NONINDUSTRIAL :
1945 ; 466-1-1944. Division : Office of the Under Secretary of War, respon
Publication at posts, camps, stations-Cir 310-VI-1944. sibility-Cir 279–1945.
Use, stationery at camps — Cir 20 - IV - 1944. Facility : Sponsored by agencies other than War Depart
Yank, The Army Weekly - Cir 466-11-1944. ment approval for construction - Cir 50-11
Discontinued-Cir 292-IX-1945.
NEXT OF KIN : NORMANDY : Units entitled to battle credits-GO 102
Discharged military personnel, mustering-out payment 1945.
Bull 3-1-1944.
NORTH APPENNINES : Units entitled to battle credit2GO
Notification 94-1945 .
Casualties — Cir 2–1-1945 ; 186 - III – 1945 .
Grave registration-Cir 186 - IV - 1945. NORTHEASTERN SECTOR, EASTERN DEFENSE COM
Letters of seriously wounded , ill or unable to write, MAND : Commanding officer authorized to
personnel-Cir 150–II–1945. appoint general courts martial-GO 13-1
NICKNAME : Prohibited in official and technical correspon 1944.
dence Cir 411-IV-1944.
NORTHERN FRANCE : Units entitled to battle honors,
GO 103-1945.
NICOBAR ISLANDS : Medical and Sanitary Data-TB
NINTH SERVICE COMMAND : Transfer of functions to Canal project, operation and maintenance - GO 13 - VI
Alaska Department - Cir 73–1943 ; 96 - V 1944 ; 65-II-1944.
1944. Commanding General , duties and mission-GO 15-1
NITROGEN : 1943 ; 13-VI-1944 ; 65 - II - 1944 .
Discontinuance of command-GO 50-1-1945 .
Precautions, charging recoil mechanisms and equilibra- Territorial limits established_G0 ' 13 - V - 1944 ; 65-1
tors—TB ORD 325 . 1944.
Pressure variation-TB 9-1326-1 . Transfer of responsibility - GO 50-II-1945.
658749_46- -24
NORTHWESTERN BRANCH, UNITED STATES DISCI- NUTS : Adjusting, Hub, Chevrolet and GMC, Reclamatio
Cir -TB 9-2830-26 .

251- VII – 1944.

OAKLAND ARMY BASE : Designation-Cir 321-VI-1943.
NOTARY PUBLIC : Officers, authority to act—Cir 419– OAK-LEAF CLUSTER :
Awards succeeding Medal for Merit - Bull 9-III-1943 .
NOTEBOOK : Student, pertaining to Radio Sets, classifica- Wearing in addition to other decorations.
tion changed-Cir 54-II-1945 .
NOTICE : Army officers' authority to administer - Cir 419-1944.
Cancellation , oversea supplies - Cir 5-IV-1945. Authority to administer - Bull 5–1944 .
Contracts transferred to AAF installations, vendors Citizenship — Bull 18–1942 ; Bull 19-11-1942 ; Cir 120
having contracts with ASF - Cir 461-1-1944. 1942.
Nonavailability, supplies — Cir 5 – IV – 1945. OATH OF OFFICE :
Shipment, Government Consignee - CT Bull 33–1945. Blank forms-Cir 266 - II - 1943.
Wire, shipment to posts of embarkation - Cir 50 – V - 1945.
Civilian employee, unnecessary renewal-Bull 23-1-1943
Aircraft accidents-Cir 230 - IV - 1943. OBITUARY :
Arrival of patient, hospital in United States-Cir 257– Davis, Dwight Filley, Honorable - GO 112–1945.
IV-1944 . General Malin Craig, AUS, retired-GO 61-1945 .
Next of Kin - Cir 2-1-1945. Patton, George Smith, General U. S. Army - GO 121
1945 .
NOZZLES : Fuel Injection, Diesel, maintenance - TB SIG
187. President
Franklin Delano Roosevelt of the United States
NUMBERS : Piece Mard, Change for Hammer B8485 and GO 29–1945 .
Pin A25308 — TB ORD 251 . Manuel Quezon of Philippine Commonwealth-GO
NURSE : 62–1944.
Army Nurse Corps-Cir 28-11-1945 . OBLIGATION : Prior to 1 October 1944 at class III installa
Officer - Bull 16 – II, III–1944. tion disposition-Cir 388–1944 .
WAC personnel---Cir 462–1944. OBSERVATION :
Army, Forward-FM 6-135.
Engaged in aerial flight, increased pay - Bull 3 Meteorological , Set SCM-12 , replacement of components
1945. -SB 11-99 ,
Procedure for procuring and commissioning members Military Intelligence - FM 30-10.
Cir 32-1-1945.
Travel allowance - Cir 28-11-1945 . Modulated Audio Frequency Radiosonde, Instructions
WBAN RAOB Manual-TM 11-2424.
Assistant superintendents, limitation on number sus
pended-Bull 27–1942 . OBSERVERS : Ground-Aircraft Warning Service - Pam
Authorized positions - Cir 306–1943. 21-8 .
Civilian bridal apparel, wearing authorized -Cir 86 Technical - FM 30–27.
1944 .
Clothing OBSERVING EQUIPMENT : ADW-BM-100, Toll — TM 11
Accounting procedure - Cir 139–1944 . 2013 .
Policy for supply - Cir 387 -II - 1944 ; 174-11-1945.
Flight OBSTACLES : See also Mines .
Aviation badges—Cir 431-11-1944. Land, Passage other than Mine Fields-TM 5-220 ; TB
Designation-Cir 98-III-1944. ENG 34.
Legal advice and assistance - Cir 73–1944.
Non -nursing duties not to be performed - Cir 447 -I- OCCUPATION : Deferment under Selective Training and
1944 . Service Act , as amended - Bull 24-1943.
Pay, Glider flights, Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and OCCUPATIONAL :
Coast Guard - Bull 14-111-1944 ; 367-V–1944.
Physical reclassification of officers - Cir 313-1945. Classification : See Classification .
Pregnant, discharge_Cir 404-III–1944. Deferment : Government employees-Bull 7-111-1943.
Specialist : Use, glove-insert, lightweight - Cir 477- II
Promotion and separation, administration procedure 1944.
Cir 304 – II – 1944 .
Regular Army, annual physical examination discon Specialty : See Military occupational specialty.
tinued-Cir 217-V-1944 . Therapy : See Therapy, Occupational .
Report of separation-Cir 120-V-1944. OCEAN ISLAND : Medical and Sanitary Data - TB MED
Resignation after husband has been discharged or re
leased from service - Cir 253-11-1945 .
Student, transfer to Federal hospital , pay - Bull 8 - I ODOGRAPH : Land 6-volt, Complete with Cables for In.
Travel allowances-Cir 71-1-1943 .
stallation In Truck 14 -ton , 4 x 4, I.B.M. and
Monroe M - 1 - TM 5-9400.
Trunk Lockers, Issue for Oversea Duty - SB 10–126.
NURSE CORPS : See Army Nurse Corps. ODOGRAPHS : Land, 6-volt, with cables for installation in
NURSE , NAVAL. See Navy Nurse. Truck, 14 -ton, 4 x 4 Monroe Model M-1, New
Data-TB 5-9401-1.
Mi, Tropicalization in Field-TB 5-9400-1.
Civil population-TB MED 53 .
Hospital diets — TM 8-500. ODOMETERS : 073214, Elimination-TB ORD FE118.
Responsibility, The Surgeon General-Cir 98-VI-1944.
Value, Certain Expeditionary and Packaged Rations- ODORS : Ammonia, In Canister M9A2, M10A1, and M11–
TB MED 141 . TB 3-205-11.
Joint Army-Navy Disciplinary Control Board - Cir 367– Air evacuation coordination, appointment and duties
VI – 1944 . Cir 113–1-1945 .
Limiting near Army establishment - Bull 8-11-1945. Air freight, assignment and responsibility -- Cir 75-11
Prescribing, authority - Cir 134 - VII – 1945 . 1945 ,
OFFENSE : Prosecution after lapse of temporary statute
Civilian clothing prohibited - Cir 56-1-1945 .
Bull 6-11-1944 . Traveling on troop movements - Cir 178–1945.
OFFICE : AGF and ASF, authority to issue travel order to AAF
Appliances, crew members - Cir 120 - V - 1945 .
Central Maintenance - TM 11-473. AAF, AGF, and ASF, detailed as liaison personnel at
Disbursing - TM 14-500 . War Department centers - Cir 176 - III – 1945 .
General Accounting, Relations — TM 14–1004. Appointment. See Appointment.
Packaged Equipment, Installation and Maintenance Army Air Forces : Physically unfit for general service
-TM 11-2041 . Cir 258-I-1943 .
Repairs — TB QM 8. Army Conservation Program , Handbook-WD Pam 38–7.
With repair shop equipment and tool list. Standard Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard, Glider
repair procedures - TB QM 26 . flight pay - Cir 367 - V - 1944.
OFFICIAL : Assignment. See Assignment.
Army of the United States Assignment - Cir 77 - III
Deposits Account : Banks, protection - Cir 123 - V - 1943. 1945.
Seal : Use, in authentication of official papers - Cir 263– Attending civilian educational institutions - Cir 380- II
V-1944. 1945 .
War Ballots : Voting in certain States — Cir 33-1-1944 ; Authority to administer oath - Cir 419–1944.
Cir 66–1944 ; Cir 119-1944. Authorization to certify requests for payment, War
OFFICE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS ( OCE ) : Saving Bonds — Cir 385 - IV - 1944 .
Coordinate technical instructions - Cir 4-1-1945. Brigadier Generals of the line - Bull 6-1-1944 .
Canadian, payment of those serving with U. S. - Cir
OFFICE CHIEF OF ORDNANCE : Designation-Cir 67– 252-1-1945 .
III–1944. Cargo security, assignment and duties — Cir 387 - I -1944.
Casuals at ports of embarkation, disposition - Cir 248–
Payroll Machines - TB QM 14.
Responsibility for storage and issue - Cir 293-VIII–1945 .
Central procurement, food and beverage Cir 36-1-1945.
Chief Signal, Discontinuance of Issue of Supply Letters
OFFICE MACHINES : Duplicators, Stencil, Repair - TB -SB 11-15.
QM 24. Civilian
Clothing, duty in foreign country - Cir 322- III
OFFICE MEMORANDUM FORM : Standards of utilization 1944 .
-Cir 69–1944 . Employment with Veterans Administration-Cir
OFFICE OF NAVAL OFFICER PROCUREMENT : ASTP, Independent offices, travel appropriation - Bull 7-1
selection and assignment of enlisted men-Cir 1945.
23-1944 .
Clearance, centralized procedures-Cir 381-III–1945,
OFFICE OF PRICE ADMINISTRATION : Clothing and equipage, sale - Cir 338 - VI- 1945 .
Cessation of rationing activities — Cir 376 - VI- 1945. Club, Federal and State social security taxes for em
Liaison established for regulating price control - Cir ployees-Cir 333 – V - 1945 .
465-III-1944. Coast and Geodetic Survey, transfer to War and Navy
Departments - Bull 19–1–1944 .
OFFICE OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND DEVELOP- Cobelligerant nations on duty in the U. S., uniform
MENT : Letter for customs clearance, war Cir 298 - XV - 1945 .
material-Cir 53-11-1944. Coccidioidomycosis infected, disposition - Cir 57-I-1945.
Command functions, officer of the day-Cir 98 - I – 1943.
OFFICE , RECORDER AND CUSTODIAN, ARMY CEN Commanding, Authority for local procurement outside
TRAL WELFARE FUND : Change of ad continental United States - Cir 53-IV-1945 .
dress - Cir 138 - VII - 1945.
OFFICE OF THE FISCAL DIRECTOR : Liaison with Gen Pay Guide - Pam 21-14.
eral Accounting Office - Cir 17-V-1944 . Warrant, and flight, efficiency report - Cir 131 - I
TION SERVICE : Addresses-Cir 382–1944. Receiving report, oversea shipment - Cir 84-11-1945 .
Written advice on property clearance - Cir 389 -I
OFFICE OF WAR INFORMATION : Agreement War De 1945.
partment and other Government Agencies Counter Intelligence Corps - Cir 379–1–1944 .
Cir 56 – V - 1944. Course of training for assignment in Europe or Far
OFFICE OF WAR MOBILIZATION : Retraining and Re East-Cir 172-11-1945 ; 311 -VI-1945 .
Definition - Cir 96–1945.
employment Administration established - Bull Dental Corps, right to command, removal of limita
tions—Bull 12-X-1945.
OFFICER : Dental, medical, and veterinary, transfer to and from
Accounting procedure, clothing issued-Cir 139–1944. AAF-Cir 349-II-1944 .
Active list Regular Army - Bull 24 - V -1944. Designation of certain, flak analysis officers - Cir 201
Aerial flights, participation-Bull 27–1942. II-1944.
Agent finance, traveling to and from outside continental Detail to Judge Advocate General's Department - Cir
U. S., appointment - Cir 99–1945. 57 - II - 1945 .
Agent finance, traveling to or from points beyond con- Detailed between the War and Navy Departments, travel
tinental U. S .-- 269-1-1945 . agreement - Cir 366-VII-1945.
OFFICER - Continued OFFICER - Continued
Disability benefits - Bull 12-1-1943 . Issuing, Certificate , Revised Government Bill of Lading
Disbursing Standard Forms 1103-1112 - CTB 10-11-1943;
Accounting and audit - Cir 389–11–1945. CT Bull 11 - IV - 1944 .
Accounting, receipts and payments — TM 14–704. Leave of absence, emergency extension-Cir 77 - III – 1944.
Act of Congress authorizing certain transactions Limited service duty-Cir 383- IV - 1942.
Bull 1-VI-1945 . Major General, appointment of Chief of Chaplains - Bull
Defined - Cir 44-1945 . 13-1-1944.
Local and designated, defined - Cir 44-1945 . Male and female, release because of age - Cir 290–1945.
Procedure for issuing U. S. Saving Bonds - Cir 27 Medical
1945. Board, discharge proceedings of enlisted men-Cir
Receiving funds from Air Transport Command 266–1945.
Cir 451–1944 ; Cir 114-11-1945 . Corps
Sale of Government-owned material-Cir 362 - IV
1944. Assignment
Spearhead deposits, handling - Cir 118-1945. Parachute units - Cir 223 - II - 1944 .
United States Utilization and separation - Cir 307 - III
Act of Congress authorizing certain transac 1945 .
tions - Bull I-VI-1945 . Conservation-Cir 140–1944 ; Cir 220 - VI - 1944;
Military payment Order—Cir 159-IV-1945. Cir 327–1944 .
Eastern Signal Corps School, Fort Monmouth-Cir 217– Modification of program for deferred residents
IV - 1944. - Cir 373 - IV - 1945.
Employment in the U. S. Government while on terminal Procedure for classification - Cir 460 - III - 1944.
leave - Bull 23-1-1945 . Restriction on accompanying troop movements
-Cir 156-III-1945.
Employment with the UNRRA, dual compensation-Cir Standards and requirement for assignment
277-IX-1945. Cir 144-V-1945.
Engaged in aerial flights, increased pay - Bull 3–1945 . Duties with respect to state laws - Cir 123- VII
Equipment, dispatch to APO's outside continental 1945 .
United States-Cir 376-III-1944. Examination for civilian employment - Cir 155- I
Escort to oversea replacement shipments-Cir 147–1945 . 1945 .
Exchange, Procurement duties — Cir 36-11-1945 . General Neuropsychiatry_TB MED 94.
Far Eastern Civil affairs duties-Cir 402-V-1944 ; Cir Industrial plants— Cir 198–1944 ; Cir 242-1-1944.
83–1945 ; 305 – V – 1945 . Notification discovered or corrected defects, enlisted
Finance - Agent - TM 14-230; TM 14-505. men-Cir 217-11-1944 .
First lieutenant, surplus - Cir 250 - III – 1945. Tables of Organization rescinded-Cir 85 - VI - 1941.
Ward, reconditioning in ASF Hospital-TB MED
Application, pilot training with AAF-Cir 221- IV 207.
1945 . Mentally incompetent and prisoner, travel expenses and
Physical reclassification - Cir 109–1945. escort-Cir 121- III- 1945 .
Undue hardship_Cir 150 - V - 1945 . Mileage allowance for United States Military Academy
Foreign service graduates — Bull 11 -V- 1944.
Appointment by Department of State - Cir 326– Minimum health standards of proficiency - Cir 48–1944.
III-1945 . Missing or missing in action, disposition of records ,
Pay adjustment- Bull 11-IV-1944. --Cir 2–1–1945 ; Cir 157-1-1945.
Former Mobilization and demobilization interim course - Cir 323–
Appointment in Army of the United States-Cir III-1945 .
172-11-1944 . Noncommissioned, Clubs and messes, Federal and State
General - Social Security taxes for employees — Cir
333 - V - 1945 .
Aide, enlisted men-Cir 208-VI-1945.
Noneffective, administrative and medical discharge
Aides - Cir 68-1-1945 .
Cir 81 -III-1945 .
Officers and Colonels, separation from service - Cir Notary Public, authority to act - Cir 419–1944 .
202-IV-1945 .
Ordered to the Pacific, India - Burma, or China Theaters,
Staff Training - Cir 239–1945. physical examination-Cir 260-III–1945.
Glider badge - Cir 220-IV-1944. Ordered overseas on temporary duty, clothing and equip.
Grade of General of the Army established - Bull 25 - I ment - Cir 32-11-1945.
1944 .
Over age, Removal from troop units-Cir 40-11-1944 .
Grades, temporary, assigned to general hospitals-Cir Oversea
Gratuity upon death—Bull 25-1-1943. Assignment as replacements - Cir 69 - III - 1945.
Homosexual, disposition-Cir 385–1-1945 . Replacement system—Cir 147–1945 .
Honorary retired lists, AUS - GO 11-1-1945. Pay, Glider flights - Bull 14-III-1944.
Hospitalized, procedure for return to insular possession Pension applications and related records transmitted
of the U. S.-Cir 259-VIII -1945. to Veterans Administration - Cir 474–1944.
Per diem , official travel allowance - Bull 11-11-1944 .
Household goods, cost in packing and shipping - Cir 365– Permanent stations-Cir 464-11-1944 .
III-1944 .
Identification on arrival, oversea bases-Cir 346 - IV Personal affairs, Army Emergency Relief and Ameri
can Red Cross-Cir 406-1-1944.
1944 .
Information Education , Post V- E Day Period—WD Pam Personnel, definition - Cir 71 -- VI- 1945 .
28-9 . Philippine Army in the U, S., pay - Cir 158–1945.
Information Education - TM 28-210 . Physical
Authority to issue certain equipment-Cir 263 - V Examination for promotion discontinued-Cir 217
1945. V -1944 .
Instructions for classification - Cir 404-1–1944. Reclassification - Cir 313-1945 ; 338 - III – 1945 .
Issuance, Army of Occupation of Germany Medal . Standards for oversea assignment - Cir 196-1945.
OFFICER-Continued OFFICER - Continued
Pilot training in officer grade, AAF-221-IV-1945. Separated from service
Post hostilities training in Latin America - Cir 294 - V After return from overseas, procedure - Cir 188
1945. 1945.
Pregnant, discharge or release from active duty - Cir Reason entered on record and report of separation
404 - III - 1944 . -Cir 177 - V - 1945 .
Prisoner of war, retirement and reassignment - Cir 325 Reimbursement for travel of dependents — Cir 336
IV-1945. II–1945.
Promotion, Regular Army, Medical, Dental, and Vet Separation records, disposition - Cir 362-1945.
erinary Corps - Bull 8–1–1945 . Ship transportation, mission and duties — Cir 141- II
Property 1945 ; 319 – V - 1945 .
Civil Aeronautics Administration -Cir 383-11-1944. Special Services Division - Cir 234-1945.
Disposal, Assignment—Cir 402-V-1944. Special services, Preparation for Oversea Service - TM
Public Health Service, declaration as military service 21-205 ; Pam 28-2.
Bull 11-11-1945 . Staff, or officers on staff duty - Cir 318 - III - 1942.
Publications, purchase of restricted-Cir 401-11-1942. Staff Field Manuals
Qualification card copy-Cir 160 - IV -1945. Logistical data - FM 101-10.
Reading courses--TC 25–1941.
Orders - FM 101-5.
Reappointment after discharge for physical disability
Cir 206 - III - 1944 ; Cir 368-V-1944. Organization - FM 101–10.
Technical data - FM 101-10.
Receiving public funds to be paid, Treasury, United Traffic Control - FM 101-15.
States - Cir 436-1-1944.
Record of service as recorded on the Official Army Reg
ister, pay purposes - Cir 320 - IV -1945. Chemical Warfare School - Cir 206-11-1944 .
Registration , Washington, D. C. - Cir 411 - V - 1944 . Engineer School-Cir 130 - IV - 1944 .
Regular Army Summary court, disposition of effects of deceased per
Annual physical examination discontinued-Cir 217– sons — Cir 85–1945 .
V- 1944 . Surveying, duties at consolidation station or distributing
Appointment- Cir 392–1945. agency - Cir 15-1-1945 .
Qualification card, preparation of certified true Temporary
copies — Cir 320 - VI - 1945 . Appointment in the Officers' Reserve Corps-Cir
Relief from active duty - Cir 329 - II - 1945 . 194-1945 ; 309-II-1945.
Relief from active duty - Cir 38 – II – 1944 ; Cir 341–1944 ; Grades held by general officer, AUS, method for
Cir 461-1-1944 ; 290–1945; 376 - IV - 1945. wartime reduction—Bull 8-111–1945.
Rental allowances—Bull 4-11-1943 ; Cir 345-IV-1944. Terminal leave status
Rent, premises occupied by dependents, payment - Cir Employment in the Government - Cir 386-11-1945 .
390-11-1944. Transfer to separation center nearest home - Cir
Replacement, rotation in ROTC units Cir 74 - III – 1944. 342-11-1945.
Report of absence without leave - Cir 5-1-1945. Train ration, functions — Cir 184–1945.
Requesting rotational leave prior to 1 Jul. 45 be con Travel within United States upon return from overseas
verted to temporary duty for recuperation, -Cir 242-IV-1944.
rehabilitation , and recovery - Cir 326 - VI- Traveling on troop trains, rationing - Cir 400–1944 .
1945 , Trunk Lockers, Issue for oversea duty-SB 10–126.
Reserve Unfit for oversea assignment, disposition - Cir 196–1945.
Component, relief from active duty - Cir 284 - III- Uniforms
1944 . Blue and white, wearing - Cir 345 - VI- 1944 ,
Training Corps - SB 9-7. Sam Browne belt - TC 9–1940.
Resignation, Army after recommendation for reclassi- Voluntary enlistment of discharged - Cir 197-1-1944.
fication - Cir 440-1–1944. Voluntary retention on active duty - Cir 366 - IV - 1945 ;
Responsibility for organizational property records, di 381-IV-1945.
verted or separated from property - Cir 358– WAC, A guide to successful leadership - Pam 35–2.
III-1945. War Department liaison with WPB and War Power
Retired Commission, relieved — Cir 260-11-1945.
Weather control - Cir 250 - I - 1945 .
Pay readjustment Act of 1942 as amended-Bull Wing commanders of the Air Corps , retirement - Bull
20-IV- 1943 .
Promotion-Bull 36-III-1942. 12-VIII–1945.
Witnessing signatures on applications - Cir 340- VII
Retirement 1944 .
Benefits - Cir 333-VII-1945.
Women's Army Corps
Physical reclassification – TM 2-245. Accrued leave - Cir 24-IX-1944.
Regular Army - Cir 181-1-1945. Appointment in Army Nurse Corps - Cir 462–1944.
Returned from oversea duty, recapture of Government Assignment, oversea duty - Cir 462–1944.
owned and issued property - Cir 253-11-1945. Clothing and equipment, issue - Cir 252-11-1943.
Returned to U. S. , use of WD AGO Form 178–2 – Cir Far Eastern Civil Affairs - Cir 462–1944.
335-III-1943 .
Sanitary Corps, scarce category-Cir 333-X-1944. OFFICER CANDIDATE SCHOOL :
Sale of uniforms - Cir 40-11-1945 . Adjutant General, Censorship course - Cir 104-1-1943.
Scarce categories specialists list - Cir 321 -VII - 1945 ; Applications — Cir 367-IX-1944 ; Cir 402 - III – 1944 .
368-V-1945 . ASF, disposition of nongraduates — Cir 340 – II – 1944.
Senior staff, schedule of classes for Europe and Far Assignment of WAC graduates - Cir 462–1944.
East-Cir 372-V-1945 . Eligibility limited to individuals electing to service 1
Service coat-Cir 329-VIII-1944. year after graduation-Cir 293 - VII –1945;
Sentenced to dismissal, disposition - Cir 48 - I - 1945. 381-V-1945.
Information and Education Division quota - Cir 344 – VI applications - Cir 340 - VII – 1944 .
1944 .
Opening dates for classes, waiver of tests - Cir 463 - III
OLD-AGE TAX : Employees of clubs and messes — Cir 333–
Reopening of Chemical Warfare Service and Military ON - THE -JOB : Understudy training, Medical Department
Police - Cir 261 - V - 1944. personnel - Cir 327–1944.
Antiaircraft artillery school - Cir 150-IV-1944, Definition - Cir 280_1942.
Armored - Cir 150 - IV - 1944.
Cavalry - Cir 150 - IV - 1944. Principles to be observed - Cir 138-III–1943 ; Cir 184
Coast artillery - Cir 150 - IV - 1944 .
Military Police - Cir 150 - IV - 1944. OPERATIONS :
Tank destroyer - Cir 150 - IV - 1944. Administration - FM 100-10.
Airborne troops - FM 31-30 .
OFFICER PROCUREMENT DIVISION : Processing appli Air power - FM 100–20 .
cation of warrant officers and enlisted men Attack - FM 31-50.
-Cir 363-1-1944 .
Bakery, Garrison - TB QM 30.
OFFICER PROCUREMENT SERVICE : Cavalry Division and Corps — TM 11-15.
Appointment from civil life and ranks within the Army Center, AN/TTQ-1-TM 11-438.
-Cir 386 - III - 1944 . Cold Weather ( Tracked Landing Vehicles ) —TB 9-775-6.
Discontinued-Cir 161-1-1945 . Combat troops - FM 100–5 .
Description , Tape Relay, Semi-automatic, Fixed Station
Adjutant General's Department - Cir 319-11-1944, Desert
Army Air Forces — Cir 278 - VI - 1944. Improvement of fuel system , carriage, motor, 105
Corps of Engineers and Infantry - Cir 270 - VI -1944. mm howitzer, M7-FSMWO G128 - W14 ; FM
Finance Department- Cir 282 - IV - 1944 . 31-25 ,
List - Cir 365–1945 ; 386-1-1945. Fuel system improvement, Tanks, Medium, M3,
Medical Department - Cir 253 - VII – 1944. M3A1 , M4, M4A1-FSMWO G104-W78.
General - FM 100-5 .
OFFICERS' RESERVE CORPS : Induction Station, Armed Forces — TM 12–221 .
Appointment of former reserve officer - Cir 14 - XI - 1944 .
Establishment of new sections_Cir 194–1945 . In Japan Bank Accounting, Civil Affairs Information
Physical examination, entrance and terminal- Cir 59 - I Guide - Pam 31-4.
JungleFM 31-20 ; FM 72–20 .
Landing - FM 31-5.
Reappointment - Cir 206 - III - 1944. Large Units - FM 100–15.
ROTC students, appointment - Cir 278 – V -1943. Machine records (multilithed ) -TM 12-305.
Temporary appointment of discharged officers - Cir 194– Maneuvers - FM 105–5 ; FM 105–6.
1945 ; 309–11–1945. Mountain - FM 70–10 .
OFSB'S AND FSMWO'S : Current Ordnance - SB 9-9 . Open -Wire Office Packaged Equipment TM 11-2037.
Quartermaster Fixed Laundry Equipment
OILS : Flatwork Ironers (Maintenance )-TM QM 42.
Change, Antiaircraft Artillery Remote Control System, Marking Machine (Maintenance )-TB QM 40.
Seacoast Artillery Hydraulic Speed Gears Presses (Maintenance )-TB QM 44.
TB ORD 245. Washers (Maintenance) -TB QM 43.
Conservation SB 9-19. Quartermaster Fixed Laundry, Standard-TB QM 36 .
Conservation in heating building and barracks-Cir Railroads, maintenance of way and structures — TM 55–
315 - VIII - 1945 . 275.
Diesel fuel, use Cir 129-1-1945 . Reception Center - TM 12-223 .
Engine Room Unit Assembly and Portable Filter-TM 11-438.
Incorrect Gage Blade Markings ( Tank Medium, Separation Center - TM 12-222.
M4, M4A1 ; Carriage, Motor, 105-mm How- Ship-to-shore, Use steel Treadway Bridge-TB 5
itzer M7) _TB ORD 219. 272-5.
U. S. A. 2-104TB 9-2835-4 . Signal Corps and Army - FM 11-22.
Use of Additives TB 9-850-16 . Snow and Extreme Cold-FM 70-15 .
Grade SAE 50, U. S, Army Specification 2–104B- Submachine Gun, Cal. .45, M3A1 ( Identification ) —TB
SB 5–2 ; SB 10–186 . 23–41-4 .
Greases, Gear Lubricants — SB 10-237; SB 10-263. Surgical, for preinduction disability - Cir 360–1–1945.
Gears M1 and M2_TB ORD 69. Teletypewriter Set AN/TGC-1-TB 11-2203-1,
Industry strikes — Cir 304 - VIII – 1945 .
Mineral , for two-cycle gasoline engines — TB ENG 36. OPERATIONS DIVISION, WAR DEPARTMENT GEN
Pumps : See pumps.
Recoil Military training missions - Cir 183-IV-1944.
Change in major caliber AA matériel—TB ORD Responsibility for strategic and operational plans-Cir
229 . 134-VII-1944 .
Use in the Recoil Cylinder for Gun , Automatic , 40 Symbols for communications-Cir 59-1942.
mm, M1 ( AA ) , and Oil Guard M1 (Remote OPERATIONAL LOSS : Subsistence sales account-Cir 355
Control Systems M1 and M5 ) M2 Remote IX - 1945 .
Control System M3 ) , and M3 (Remote Con
trol System M15 ) _TB ORD 171 . OPERATORS :
Sales, overhead charge not required — Cir 319-IV-1944. Plant - Pam 32-3 .
Seal Guard, Differential ( Truck , 14 - Ton , 4 x 4 , Ford , Radar Antijamming - TM 11-750.
Willys ) —TB 9-803- FE5 . Selection and training, materials handling equipment
Tube fittings ( Safety-type) , Installation and Servicing TM 21-302.
-TB 9-1334-1 . Teletypewriter- TM 11-464 .
OPHTHALMOSCOPE : Combined, Electric - MWO MED 6. ORDNANCE - Continued
Material, Application of Consolidated Freight Classifi
OPHTHALMOLOGIC SURGERY : General hospital desig cation - Group
nated for specialized treatment - Cir 347-1 F-SB 55-8 - F .
1944. G - 27 - SB 55-8 - G - 27 .
H-1-SB 55-8 - H - 1 .
OPTICAL GLASS : Use by Army Air Forces—Bull 4 - II H - 2 - SB 55-8 - H - 2 .
1944 . H - 3 - SB 55-8 - H - 3.
H - 4 - SB 55-8 - H - 4 .
OPTICS : Elementary, Instruction Guide — TM 9–2601. H - 5 - SB 55-8 - H - 5 .
H - 6 - SB 55-8 - H - 6 .
H - 7 - SB 55-8 - H - 7 .
OPTIPHONES : AN / TVC - 1 ( OX-1 ) -TM 11–395. H - 8 - SB 55-8 - H8 .
H - 9 - SB 55-8 - H - 9.
Supplement A, WD AGO PRT-73, Classification H-11-SB 55-8 - H11.
changed - Cir 200-V-1945. H - 12 - SB 55-8 - H12 .
Supplement B, WD AGO PRT-74 , Classification H - 13 - SB 55-8 - H - 14 .
changed-Cir 200 - V - 1945. H - 15 — SB 55-8 - H - 15 .
Supplement C, WD AGO PRT - 237, Classification J - 5 - SB 55-8 - J - 5 .
changed - Cir 200_V - 1945. J-6SB 55-8 - J - 6 .
WD AGO PRT - 68 , Classification changed-Cir 200-V J - 7 - SB 55-8 - J - 7 .
1945. J - 8 - SB 55-8-3-8 .
J - 10 — SB 55-8 - J - 10 .
ORDERS : J - 14 - SB 55-8 - J - 14 .
Bulletins, Circulars, and Memoranda-TM 12–256. J - 15 - SB 55-8 - J - 15 .
Combat - FM 101-5 . J - 16 — SB 55-8 - J - 16 .
Air Forces - FM 1–75. J - 20 — SB 55-8 - J - 20 .
J-101-SB 55-8 - J - 101.
Movement, changes in classification - Cir 478 – II– 1944. -SB 55-8 - L .
Oversea Travel
M-1-SB 55-8 - M - 1.
Casuals, replacements, and individuals—WD Pam M-5-SB 55-8 - M - 5 .
N-1-SB 55-8 - N - 1 .
“ What you should know before you go"-WD Pam N-7 , N - 8 , N-9-SB 55-8 - N - 7 .
N-10—SB 55-8 - N - 10 .
Route, Applications — CT Bull 30–1945 ; 31–1945. N - 17 - SB 55-8 - N - 17.
Staff - FM 101-5. N - 23 - SB 55-8 - N - 23 .
N - 37 - SB 55-8 - N - 7.
ORDNANCE : N-57-SB 55-8 - N -57.
Ammunition Company - FM 9-20. N -65 - SB 55-8 - N - 7.
Combat and Transport Vehicles ( Gear Lubricant Levels) N - 87 — SB 55-8 - N - 7.
-TB ORD 217.
N-978-SB 55-8 - N - 7 .
Company Depot-FM 9-25 . N - 127 - SB 55-8 - N - 7.
Current OFSB's and FSMWO's—SB 9-9. N-187-SB 55-8 - N - 187.
Department Organization and Functions—TM 9-2000. N-197—SB 55-8 - N - 7.
Engines N - 217_SB 55-8 - N - 127 .
Run-in after rebuilding - TB ORD 215. N - 257 - SB 55-8 - N - 257.
Spare, Continental R975-C1 ; Identification and In N - 316 - SB 55-8 - N - 316 .
stallation - TB ORD 230. N - 317 — SB 55–8 – N - 317 .
Equipment, for traversing muddy terrain - Pam 25–1 . N-318-SB 55-8 - N - 318 .
Field Maintenance - FM 9-10. N-319-SB 55-8 - N - 319 .
Field Service N - 327 - SB 55-8 - N - 327.
Modification Work Orders, Rescinded - Cir 396 - III N - 328 - SB 55-8 - N - 328 .
1944. N - 337 - SB 55-8 - N - 337 .
Sources of Supply – SB 9–17. N-377-SB 55-8-N-377.
Items N - 417 - SB 55-8 - N - 7 .
N-500-EA-SB 55-8 - N -500 - EA .
Aircraft, list procured by ASF-Cir 356–1–1944 . N-500-EB-SB 55-8 - N - 500 - EB .
Major and combinations, pertinent publications N-500-FA-SB 55-8 - N - 500 - FA ,
SB 9-1 .
N-500-GA-SB 55-8 - N - 500 - GA .
Location and installation of maintenance (212 -ton 6 x 6 N-587-SB 55-8 - N - 587.
Truck 144-inch Wood or Steel Cargo Body) N - 600 - SB 55-8 - N - 600 .
( GMC ) -TB 9–1801-4.

N-611-SB 55-8 - N -611.

Maintenance Set “ G ” Location and Installation in 242 N-621-SB 55-8 - N -621.
ton 6 x 6 Truck, 144-inch Wood or Steel Matériel
Cargo Body (GMC )—TB 9-1801-5. Automotive General Supply - SB 9-16.
Maintenance Cleaning - TM 9-850 ; TB 9-850–4 ; TB 9-850–15 ;
And reclamation of unserviceable matériel-Cir TB ORD 17 .
224 - VIII – 1944. General-TM 9-2005 .
Class III installations - 388-1944 .. Identification Plates — TB ORD 196.
Directors M9 , M91A , M9A2, M10_TM 9–1617E . Lubrication - TB 9-850–14 .
Engines, Ford Tank ( Models GAA, GAF, GAN ) - Modification - SB 9-38 .
TM 9-1731B. Preparation
105-mm Howitzers M2 and M2A1 ( Carriages M2A1 Deep water fording-TM 9-2853.
and M2A2 ) ( Combat Vehicle Mounts M3 and Shipment - SB 9-4 .
M4 ) —TM 9-1325. Preservation — TM 9-850 ; SB 9-28.
ORDNANCE-Continued ORGANIZATIONS : Lower Echelon , Army Service Forces
Matériel - Continued Signal Supply Catalog Sections, items not
listed in SIG 7 - SB 11-89.
Prices - SB 9-10C.
Price List SB 9-46 . ORIENTATION :
Preserving — TM 9–850 . Artillery - TM 44--225.
Protection in Open Storage - SB 9_47. Course See Information and Education.
Reports. Control Symbol OFM - 7 discontinued-Cir Procurement of materials , WEM funds - Cir 270-11
248 - V - 1945 . 1944 .
Sealing — TM 9-850.
Sighting and Fire Control Section - SB 9-10A . ORTHOPEDIC ADJUSTMENT : Minor, shoe repair - Cir
Supplies , Distribution, And Issue SB 9-3. 288 - VI - 1945 .
Technical information issued to ordnance staff offi.
cer - Cir 94 - III – 1945 ; 311 - VII - 1945 . ORTHOPEDIC FOOTWEAR CLINIC :
Use of Dry-cleaning Solvent - TB 9–850–15 . Location - Cir 346 - VI- 1945 .
Matériel Issue Personnel of other armed services of the U. S., avail
Not meeting serviceability standards - SB 9-32. able Cir 346 - IV - 1945 .
State Guards-SB 9-6 .
ORTHOPEDIC SECTION : Coordination with physical
Motor Vehicle
Assemblies - Cir 20 - IV - 1945 . therapy department - Cir 281- VIII – 1944.
Classification - SB 9-53. ORTHOTOLIDINE : Quartermaster item issue for testing
Drainage of antifreeze solution - Cir 169-III–1945 ; water - Cir 84 - III - 1945 .
274 - III – 1945 .
Motor Vehicles Assemblies - SB 9-40. OSCILLATORS :
Packaging and shipping instruction guide - TM 9-2854. Audio
Personnel, Lubrication instructions - TB ORD 241 . TS - 312 / FSM - 1, Hewlett-Packard Model 200CR
Project, established at Fort Bliss, Texas - Cir 320 - III TM 11-2684.
1945. TS - 421 / U Hewlett-Packard Model 205 - AG - TM
Quarterly dropping Allowance for Minor Nonexpendable 11-2649.
Articles - SB 9-29. BC - 1096 - A and BC - 1096 - B - TB 11-1524–21.
Service in Field-FM 9-5 .
51A ( SPL ) -TM 11-2040.
Spare Parts 1-151 - A - TM 11-2524.
Local purchase - Cir 143 – II – 1945. Keying Wilcox Type 95A-TM 11-2551.
Requisitions - SB 9-20. 0-2 /FRC - TM 11-820.
Stock record card-Cir 207 - VII - 1945 . 0-14 /FSM-1-TM 11-2670.
Storage and shipment chart, Group F-SB 9-OSSC-F . 19C (SPL ), Per D - 166636 , Preliminary Instructions
Supplies and ammunition expenditures, reports - Cir TM 11-2039 .
244-II-1944. Standard, TS - 220 / TSM — TM 11-2675 .
Storage and Shipment Chart TS - 401 / U - TM 11-2040.
Group A - SB 9 - OSSC - A . V0-6 - A and -B, Repair Instructions - TM 11-4011.
Group C - SB 9 -OSSC - C .
Group L - SB 9 -OSSC - L . BC - 1233 and 1233-A-TM 11-1066 ; TB 11-1066–1.
1E - 14 - LO 3040 .
ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT : Equipment, IE - 14C Developing Tray and Heater - MWO
Duties - GO 42–1-1945. SIG 11-444-5 .
Maintenance of matériel Cir 94-111–1945 .
Motor transportation activities , transferred from Quar OSCILLOSCOPES :
termaster Corps - Cir 267 - III - 1942 ; 274 - II BC_403 – ( * ) _ TB SIG 126 .
1942 ; 318 - III – 1942. BC - 412 - A and B, Radio SCR - 268 - B and C. To extend
Tank Automotive Center redesignated - Cir 67-III–1944. life of high - voltage Transformer - LO 3503.4.
BC - 718 - A - LO 3505 .
Willys engine model No. 441, responsibility for main
tenance -- Cir 324 - III – 1944 . BC - 719 - A - LO 3505 .
BC - 954 - A - LO 3510.
ORDNANCE STOCK RECORD CARD : See Forms, A.G.O. BC-986-A-TB 11-1119-9 .
No. 9-72. BC - 991 - A and BC - 991 - B - TM 11-4003.
BC - 1035 - A - LO 3540C .
ORDNANCE VEHICLE. See also Vehicles. BC - 1060 - A - TM 11-2526.
Deep-water fording at P/E, preparation - Cir 175-V BC - 1233 and 1233 - A - TM 11-1066.
1943. 1-134-C Moistureproofing and Fungiproofing — TB 11
Distribution-Cir 122 - VI - 1944 . 1213-1 ; TM 11-1213.
1-245 - B - TM 11-2689.
Chart, Army legal assistance offices -- Cir 73–1944. TS - 34 / AP - TM 11-1067.
Citation device, individual decoration-Cir 333 -IV - 1943 ; TS-34A/AP-TM 11-1067A .
94 - IV - 1945 . TS - 152 / FSM - 1 - TM 11-2664.
Data TS-198/CPM-4-TM 11-1208.
Definition - Cir 39–1944 . TS - 324 / U - TM 11-2562 .
Flexibility of units—Cir 439-1-1944 .
Records, of disposal---Cir 58–1945. OSRD CONTRACTS : Transferred to War Department - WD
Women's Army Corps-Cir 462–1944 . Pam 20-16.
Enemy-FM E101-10.
Staff officers - FM 101-10. OSTROVA KOMANDORSKIYE : Medical and Sanitary
Data - TB MED 139 .
address - Cir 386 - III - 1945. OTOSCOPE : Combined, Electric-MWO MED 6.
Cooking Units, initial issue of engineer explosives after arrival
Pack-TM 10–707 . -Cir 30 - III - 1945 .
Small Detachment- TB 10-400-2.
Delousing, Gasoline Engine Driven, Defiance - TM 10 TEE : Establishment-Cir 186 - VI - 1945 .
1668 ; MWO QM 31 ; LO 10-1668 . OVERSEA REPLACEMENT SYSTEM : Military personnel
Diving Set No. 2, Shallow Water-TM 5-9180. -Cir 147-1945.
Cabinet Type Armature and Coil Baking. Detroit Sheet AAF Units, individual and " housekeeping" equipment
Metal Works ( SPM–1942) -TM 5-4726. Cir 56-11-1944 .
Bake, Field, M - 1942 – MWO QM 22 . Artificial eye program - Cir 398-I-1944.
Stoves, Ranges , and cooking outfits - TM 10–400 . Assignment, Request - Cir 91-11-1943.
Change in mail and cable address, military personnel -
OVERAGES : Matching - CT Bull 23-1944 . Cir 195-II-1944.
OVER-AGE : Officers, Removal from troop units-Cir 40- Civilian Employees
II- 1944 . Assignment- Bull 27–1942.
Minimum age for assignment - Cir 444-II-1944.
OVERCHARGING : Certain women military personnel returned for duty in
Establishmen t of price control procedure-Cir 465 - III U. S.-Cir 47-V-1945 .
1944 .
Military personnel, reporting - Cir 86 - III -1945. Clothing and equipment-Cir 272-III–1944.
Dental laboratory technicians, assignment - Cir 130 - III
OVERCOAT, WOOL, ROOL COLLAR : Replaced by coat, 1944.
mackinaw to certain casualties - Cir 64 - V Disease prevention , movement of troops - Cir 198 - I
1945. 1945 .
Disqualifying defects, record notation - Cir 217–II–1944.
OVERHAUL : Vehicle Major Unit Assembly - SB 9-36. Enlisted men prior to, delays en route - Cir 145-11-1944.
Enlisted personnel returned from , clothing and equip
ment - Cir 72-1945.
Use of WAC enlisted personnel - Cir 308-VIII–1944 ; Equipment for petroleum products, assignment of re
462-1944 , sponsibility - Cir 117-11I - 1945.
WAC personnel , messes- -Cir 86 – VII - 1944. Federal income tax returns, spouses of servicemen
Cir 63–1944 .
Foreign service pay adjustment-Bull 11-IV-1944.
Casualty , admittance, general hospitals — Cir 12–1944. Increase in pay - Cir 140 - IV - 1942.
Camp Shows, USO, Inc.-Cir 247–1945. Insignia - Cir 268–1944 ; 41-II-1945.
Destination, preparation of parcels — Cir 253-VIII–1944. Mail address instructions, replacement personnel - Cir
Preparation, Special Services Officers - Pam 28–2. 278–II–1943 ; Cir 109-111-1944 ; Cir 332 - V
Service 1944 .
Physical standards, assignment - Cir 196–1945 . Mail, regulations Cir 376 - III - 1944.
Use of manpower based on physical capacity - Cir Marriage of military personnel—Cir 307-IV-1944.
196–1945 . Maximum tour of 21 years for military personnel-Cir
Women - WD Pam 35–4 .
OVERSEA AREA : Military Personnel Returned
Matériel shipped with combat unit-Cir 421-IV-1944. Disposition after hospitalization - Cir 282-VI-1944.
Records Administration program-Cir 416–1944. Reassignment - Cir 303–1944 .
Shipment of boned meat-Cir 115-111-1945 . Naturalization, noncitizen serving the United States
Transportation for dependents of military personnel be Army-Cir 382–1944.
ing released from active duty - Cir 391 - IV After completion, recapture of Government owned
and issued property - Cir 253-III-1945.
Washing machines shipped with combat units-Cir 437– Assignment as replacement - Cir 69-III-1945.
Length of duty status - Cir 381-IV-1945 .
OVERSEA BASE : Over 38 years , relief from active duty - Cir 341
Identification of personnel on arrival-Cir 346-IV-1944. 1944.
Modification work orders - Cir 4-1944. Ordnance matériel, maintenance and preparation - Cir
OVERSEA COMMAND : 94-11-1945.
Additional tours of duty after ' rehabilitation-Cir 8 Personal Transfer account plan-Cir 44-1945.
1945 .
Economics, station complements — Cir 36 - IV - 1944.
Military personnel, absent without leave - Cir 43-1-1945. From rehabilitation centers reclassified as riflemen
Preparation of requisitions - SB 10-98. -Cir 173-IV-1945.
Supply , base policy - Cir 24-III- 1944 ; 74- V - 1944 ; 127
V-1944 ; 203-1944 ; 455 - V - 1944. Presentation of awards, individuals returned to U. S.
Supply procedures - Cir 5 - IV - 1945. Cir 46 - III – 1945 ; 260–1–1945.
Procurement and contracting authority, commanding
OVERSEA COMMANDER : Appointment of officers, au officers - Cir 330 - I, II–1944.
thority-Cir 386-III-1944 . Qualifications, WAC personnel - Cir 462–1944.
Recreational equipment for oversea forces - Cir 344 - IV
C of E equipment - Cir 150-III–1943. Return , candidates for service academy preparatory
Officers on temporary duty, clothing and equipment , /
training-Cir 151-VI-1945 .
Cir 32-11-1945 . Stock supply at depots, ports of embarkation - Cir 206
Orders for addressing mail-Cir 379-11-1944. VIII-1944.
Preparation - Cir 219 - III– 1945; Pam 29-2. Transfer, household goods-Cir 49-IV-1942.
Prisoners of war-Cir 357–1945. Units returned, supply of equipment - Cir 73–1945 ,
OVERSEA SHIPMENTS : See Shipments. PAINT : Spraying, Equipment-TM 5-540-4 ; TB 5-9720-7.
PAINTER : TM 10-455 .
Procedure - Cir 5 - IV - 1945 .
Quartermaster stores, Army Exchanges, Price List of PAINTING : TM 9-2851 .
Class 25 Items-SB 10-227.
In-Line and Radial Engines — TB ORD 244.
Sales items to Army exchanges, quartermaster sale Motor Vehicle - Cir 289-1-1945 .
stores_Cir 261–1945 ; 363-IV-1945. War Department buildings - Cir 237-VI-1944.
Replacement factors and days of supply, unit of measure PALESTINE : Medical and Sanitary Data-TB MED 126.
for supplying equipment - Cir 375 - IV - 1944.
Uniform for civilian on movement orders-Cir 282- II- PALLET : Assignment of responsibility, procurement, stor
1945 ; 372-VI-1945. age and issue - Cir 251-IV-1944.

OVERSEA TRAVEL : Information For Commissioned, En PAMPHLET :

listed and Civilian Personnel-Pam 21-29 . “ Tips on Train Travel" , American railroads—Cir 78
OVERSEA TRAVEL ORDERS : See Orders, Oversea II-1945.
Travel . Venereal disease - Cir 28-IV-1944 ; 98 - VIII – 1944.
PAN-AMERICAN AIRWAYS : North Atlantic routes,
Appropriations for civilian employees -- Bull 7–1944.
Compensation for civilian employees - Bull 24–II–1944. Army Air Forces priority jurisdiction -- Cir
Extension of pay period—Bull 51-1-1942. 369-II-1944 .
Federal Employers Pay Act of 1945 - Bull 11-111-1945.
Pay, application of provisions extended-Bull 22 -VI PANAMA CANAL - Appropriation - Bull 4–1945.
1944. PANELS :
OXYGEN THERAPY OUTFIT : BD-90, Installation of Retardation Coil-MWO ORD 13.
Hose Line Assembly, 20 Dual Outlets, Complete, Care BD - 90 - MWO SIG 34 .
and MaintenanceTM 8–637 . BD-98—MWO SIG 11-340-2.
Mask, Type, Complete — TM 8-617. Carrier Transfer, Type “ C ” Packaged Equipment, In
With ManifoldTM 8-617. structions-TM 11-2031 .
Control , BD - 122–16 — TB 11-1526–1.
OYSTER, VA.: Military reservation , jurisdiction trans Control , PN-31-LO 3108-A .
ferred-Cir 320-V-1944. Control , PN-31 -A-MWO SIG 11-243–3.
Duplexing, BD- 106-A-LO 3505A .
BUILDING , PORTLAND , OREG .: Jurisdic Line Terminating and Composite - TM 5–2031 .
tion transferred - Cir 61-III-1945. Line Terminating and Composite, Packaged Equipment
Instructions-TM 11-2031 .
PACIFIC OCEAN AREA : Spearhead deposits project num Master Power Meter-TM 11-2510.
ber applicable-Cir 18–1945. Power, BD - 125 - A - MWO SIG 11-1527-5.
Power Transfer CN-22 /-TM 11-967.
Simplex and Line Terminating ( P3 ) —TM 11-2020.
Equipment, CE-13_TB 11-230C - 1. Switch-SA-2 / FRC-TM 11-820.
Field , Cargo and Combat, M1945 , Field Cargo and Transfer, Type C-TM 5-2031 .
Combat, Lack of Interchangeability - SB 10 Weather-TB 11-2414-1 .
235 .
Mule, 4.2 - Inch Chemical Mortar, M2 CWS No. 414682— PANORAMIC ADAPTORS : See Adaptors, Panoramic.
SB 3-25-32.
Vibrator, PP-68/U-TM 11-2648. PAPER :
PACKAGE : Conservation-Cir 69-1944.
Insured, minimum fee -- Cir 221-11-1945. Cups, forks, plates, spoons and towels, purchase- C:
Oversea mail service - Cir 376-111-1944. 123 -- IX - 1945 .
Procurement-SB 10-8 ; SB 10-96.
PACKAGING : Army Board established-Cir 80-11-1945. Purchase, publication of camp newspaper-Cir 310-VI
Material , inspection-Cir 274 - IV - 1945. 1944 .
United States government, disposal-Bull 14 - IV - 1943.
Constructive rates - Cir 152-IV-1944. PARACEL ISLANDS : Medical and Sanitary Data — 16
Estimate of comparative costs-Cir 206 - VI - 1944 ; 137– MED 152 .
VIII– 1945 .
Equilibrator, Replacement-TB 9–1350–8. PARACHUTES : -TM 1-440 .
Explosives and ammunition for shipment - Cir 370 - III Badge, Wearing-Cir 220 - IV - 1944 .
Medical Department Items - SB 8–12. Jump, Bronze service arrowhead award - Cir 465–1–1914.
Medical Supplies-SB 8-2. Pay, additional, military personnel returned from over
seas - Cir 54-1-1945 .
Processing and Corrosion Prevention-TM 38-305. Unit
Specimens, parasitogical , entomological, mammalian, Assignment, Medical Corps Officers — Cir 223-11
and reptilian - Cir 277-1944. 1944 .
Stubbed Cable Terminals -TB SIG 157.
Designation - Cir 257-VII-1944 .
PADS : Officers detailed, designation-Cir 315-11-1944 .
Check , Neoprene Gas - TB ORD 263. Volunteer, Disqualified , return to former units- ( :
Gas check , artillery weapons — Cir 79-11-1944 . 344-IV-1943.
Installation on Turret Plates - MWO ORD G130-W17.
PAGEANT : Military, civilian entertainment - Cir 215 -I CHUTE SCHOOL, FORT BENNING, GA .
1943 . Transfer of parachutists - Cir 54-1-1945.
military personnel - Cir 81-11-1945. Admitted to hospitals, use of Form 8–178 — Cir 86 - IV
1945 .
PARACHUTIST : Air evacuees - Cir 113-1-1945 .
Additional pay on return from overseas - Cir 54-1-1945 ; Appearing before Army retiring board - Cir 189- II
1945 .
Cir 81 - II - 1945 .
Disqualified , disposition - Cir 344 - IV - 1943. Arrival at hospital, notification to emergency addressee
-Cir 257 - IV - 1944 .
Duty defined - Cir 194 - II - 1944.
Assignment - Cir 280–1944 ; 140 - IX - 1945 .
Bed and Ward, physical Reconditioning - TB MED 137.
PARASITE : Collection and preservation - Cir 277–1944. Bed and Ward, ASF Hospitals, Films for Recondition
PARATROOP: ing — TB MED 166.
Combat film bulletin showing restricted - Cir 165-II
Unit Volunteer transfer of enlisted men - Cir 262–1944. 1945.
Volunteers for training in Medical, Signal, or Engineer Deposit certificate - Cir 86 - IV - 1945.
Corps - Cir 187-III–1945. Detached service in general and convalescent hospitals
(ZI) -Cir 226-11-1945 .
PARAFFIN : Chlorinated, Stored at Theater of Operations Evacuated by water from overseas, identification tags
Depot, Procedure for Determining Service Cir 218-1945 .
ability - TB 3-270-284 . Evacuation to continental United States - Cir 93 - VII
PARASITEMIA : Malarial, Treatment of Clinical Malaria 1945.
TB MED 72. Evacuation by motor transportation - Cir 87-1–1944.
Helpless, Technique for Applying Gas Mask - TB MED
PARCELS : 169.
Delivery at APO's outside continental United States Herniated nucleus pulposus, treatment and disposition
Cir 376 – III– 1944 ; 348 - V - 1945 . -Cir 209-III-1945.
Insured articles, minimum fee - Cir 221–II–1945. Hospital tuberculosis, rates for commutation , rations
Oversea mail service - Cir 326 - III - 1944. Cir 482 - V - 1944.
Preparation for oversea APO's — Cir 253 - VIII – 1944 . Hospitalized, payment - Cir 159 – III – 1945 ; 208 - VII– 1945 ;
294 - IV - 1945 ; 320-11-1945 .
PARCEL POST : Restrictions and procedures - Bull CTB 31 Hospitals, supply of athletic clothing — SB 10-249.
1945 Insane, transfer to Veterans' Administration facilities—
Cir 272 - V - 1944 .
PARENT AND SATELLITE STATION : Railroad equip Keratoplasty and keratectomies, treatment - Cir 216 - IV
ment - Cir 447 - VII – 1944. 1945.
Malaria, recording of suppressive therapy on immuniza .
PARLOR-CAR : Accommodations Cir 240 - III – 1945. tion register - Cir 183_V – 1945 .
PAROLE : Movements by rail-Cir 234–1944 ; 405–1944.
Movement of group of 15 or more - Cir 177-II–1945.
Captured or interned military personnel -Cir 345 – II Neurotic, assignment of clinical psychologists - Cir 264
1944. VIII-1945 .
Separatees inquiring as to their status — Cir 364 - I
1945. Paraplegic , equipment - SB 8–30.
Rate for commutation of rations in hospitals — Cir 391–
PARTS : II–1945.
Refrigeration Unit , Gasoline - Engine - Driven , Freon Type , Rations - Cir 158–1944 .
12,000 BTU Per Hour, Universal, Model Returned from overseas, hospitalization - Cir 140–1944 ;
OCE - 300 - FLG - A - TB 5–9094-2.
Replaceable, Stocking, For Fixed Plant Equipment Spinal Cord Injuries, Convalescent Care and Rehabili
SB 11-23 .
tation — TB MED 162.
Standard admission and disposition report for hospitals
PARTS BOOK : outside continental United States - Cir 14
GMC , 4 x 4 , AFKX-804–TM 10–1700.
GMC Models CCKW-352 and 353 – TM 10--1500 . Subsistence charges, Medical Department establish
ments - Cir 170-III-1944.
PARTY UNIT : Permanent, AAF, equipment authorization Subsistence on trains - Cir 184–1945 ; 298-XIII–1945.
-Cir 24-1-1944 ; 92 - III – 1944 . Transfer
PASS : General hospitals designated as amputation cen
ters-Cir 367-11-1944 .
Building, accountability-Cir 157 - III - 1945 .
Employment, agricultural or war industries - Cir 105– Named general hospitals — Cir 316–1943 .
Named general hospital - Cir 12–1944.
I-1945. Separation centers - Cir 423-I–1944.
PASSENGER : Transportation accommodation, requests — Cir 61 -IV
1945 .
Agreements covering military and nonmilitary traffic Transported on hospital trains, subsistence aboard
1946 — Bull CTB 6–1945 . Cir 480-1-1944.
Army transports, fares-Cir 22–1944. Travel expenses of escorting officers - Cir 121 - III – 1945.
Car. See Vehicle. Vascular, general hospital designated for treatment
Military , Joint Agreement, No. 22-CTB 6–1945 ; CTB Cir 323-IV-1945.
43-1945. WAC, clothing while on wards-Cir 355-XI-1945.
PASSPORT : Visa exemption in Union of South Africa , PATROL :
Cir 340-III-1944. National defense - Cir 24 - III – 1945 .
Shore patrol and military police on railroad trains and
PASSWORD : Identification terms - Cir 300-V-1943. bus terminals — TM 19–275.
PATH : Alpine, Fixed - TB ENG 40. PATROLLING :-FM 21-75.
PATTERSON FIELD : Portion redesignated—GO 68–1-1944. PAY_Continued DI

PATTON, GEORGE SMITH, GENERAL U. S. ARMY : 20 % increase for service overseas Bull 14-III–1942 ;
Cir. 140-V-1942.
Obituary-GO 121-1945. Warrant officers - Bull 14-1-1943 .
Waterproof, Special Purpose - SB 11-83.
Civilian Employee - TM 14–265 ,
PAVERS : Enlisted Personnel-TM 14-502.
Concrete, Crawler- Mounted , 34-cu. ft . Foote, Model 34-E Officers ' - TM 14-501.
-TM 5–1072 ; MWO ENG 1072–1 ; TB 5
1072–1 ; LO 1037-1037A . PAY READJUSTMENT ACT OF 1942 :
Multifoote, Model 27E - The Foote Co., Inc.-TM 5– Amended-Bull 20-1-1944 .
1468 . Amendments - Bull 23 - V - 1945.
Rental allowances, amended Bull 4-11-1943 .
Retired pay, certain Army officers, amended - Bull 20- FL
Accounts, Civilian and military personnel-Cir 14 - IX IV-1943 .
1944 .
Additional for recipients of the Medical Badge - Bull PAY RESERVATION PLAN : War Savings Bonds and
12-VI-1945 ; Cir 229–1945 . Stamps to military personnel and civilian
Aides for general officers - Cir 275-III-1942. employees — Cir 314-11-1942; 368 - III - 1942.
Allowances in lieu of transportation or quarters and
subsistence to enlisted personnel-Cir 219 - V- PAY ROLL :
1945. Allotment deductions - Cir 163-1-1944.
Captured persons — Bull 14-III-1942 ; Cir 97-1942. Civilian , General Accounting Office audit objections
Certain retired officers, Pay Readjustment Act, 1942– Cir 17-V-1944 .
Bull 20 - IV - 1943 .
Chaplain, U. S. Military Academy, increase - Bull 10-1 Enlisted men, use of War Department Form 366, 36a
366b - Cir 131 -V-1945.
1945 ,
Machines—TB QM 14 .
Civilian employee - Cir 74-11-1944 . Patients in hospitals—Cir 159-III–1945.
Claims, discharged military personnel-Cir 348–1–1945.
Enlisted Personnel employed during off - duty hours on PAY TABLES : Army --TM 14-509.
the post - Cir 231-1-1945.
Day, Definition - Cir 106-III-1945 . PAYMENT :
Diving duty, additional-Bull 7-11-1943 . Annuity, recovery under Civil Service Retirement Act
Enlisted men Bull 13- IV - 1944 .
Diving duty - Bull 7-11-1943. Bills, transportation of military prisoners - Cir 133
20 % increase for foreign service - Cir 140 - IV 1944 ; 420-1944 .
1942 ; Bull 14-111-1942. Canadian personnel serving with U. S. forces in con
Foreign service - Cir 437-11-1944 ; 484-III-1944, tinental U , S.-Cir 252–1–1945 .
Foreign service pay adjustment- Bull 11-IV-1944. Civilian personnel , use of privately owned airplanes for
Glider flights - Bull 14-111–1944 ; 19-11-1944 ; 367 - V official travel- Bull 1-III-1945 .
1944 . Commercial accounts — Cir 116–1944 ; 229-1–1944 ; 206
Guide, Commissioned Officers - Pam 21-14. 1-1945 .
Increased personnel engaged in aerial flights - Bull 3- Damaged personal property provided by act of Com
1945. gress-Bull 9-III-1945.
Longevity Disabled soldiers and sailors, Federal aid increased
National Guard service of individuals under 18 Bull 25-III-1943 .
years of age-Cir 97-III-1945 . Disbursing operations-Cir 411-III–1914.
Regular Army commissioned officers - Cir 320 - IV- Expenses, alien enemies and prisoners of war-Cir 16 -
1945 . VI - 1945 .
Military personnel in Union of Soviet Socialist Repub- Family Allowance , initial-Cir 355-III-1945 .
lics - Cir 344-1-1944. Final
Missing persons-Bull 14-111-1942 ; Cir 97-1942 ; 225 Limitation of cash paid enlisted personnel - Cir 299
1942 ; Bull 2-11-1943 . II-1945 .
Missing Persons Act - Cir 305–1944 . Preparation of payroll, military personnel - C1
Music teacher , United States Military Academy—Bull 263-IV-1945 ; 314-III–1945.
6-III-1944. Furlough ration allowance to enlisted personnel-Cir
Officers 307-1-1945 .
Disability benefits -Bull 12–1-1943. Gratuity upon death of military personnel-Bull 25-1
10 % increase for foreign service - Bull 14-III-1942. 1943 .
Overtime compensation of civilian employees — Bull 10– Individual , enlisted men-Cir 262-II–1945.
1943 ; 24-11-1944 . Lien of transportation, dependents of military personne
Overtime rates under certain Acts continued - Bull 35 -Cir 360-III-1945 .
II - 1942. Lump sum , accumulated leave upon separation from fel.
Philippine Army in the U. S.-Cir 158–1945 ; 205–1945. eral service - Bull 1-VII–1945.
Rate, retirement of enlisted men - Bull 19–1945. Mustering -out payment on behalf of mentally disablid
Regular Army enlisted men while on furlough-Cir veterans -Bull 1 -VIII-1945 .
371-1-1945 . National service life insurance - Bull 22-IV- 1944 .
Retirement, enlisted men , of the Regular Army, and Officers employed in the Government while on termir...
Philippine Scouts - Bull 7-11-1945 . leave - Cir 386-11-1945 .
Student nurses transferred to Federal hospitals-Bull Order, use by military disbursing officers in overst .
8-1-1944 . area- Cir 159-IV- 1945 .
Supply sergeant - Cir 429-11-1944. Partial , entries required on next full settlement vouch :
10 % increase for service overseas , Bull 14-111-1942. -Cir 292-III- 1945 .
Termination date of allowance deduction , change of Patients in hospitals-Cir 159-III-1945 ; 294 - IV - 194"
status, EM - Cir 71-11-1944 . 320 - II - 1945 .

PAYMENT_Continued PER DIEM-Continued
Personnel separating from service - Cir 348–1–1945. Military personnel on duty, Union of Soviet Socialist
Philippine Army personnel in the United States — Cir Republics — Cir 344-1-1944.
344-1-1945. Philippine Army personnel, allowances Cir 158–1945 .
Reserve of converted insurance to estate of insured Subsistence expense, civilian officers and employees—
Cir 457–1944. Bull 1-1944 .
Spearhead deposits-Cir 18–1945 ; 309-IV-1945.
PEFORATOR : Teletypewriter, Set, TG-16 and TB-17-TM
Supplies and Nonpersonal Services — TM 14-504. 11-2201.
Supplies and Services — TM 44-220 .
Troops moving overseas - Cir 106 - III - 1945 . PERIODICAL :
Unclaimed Government issue clothing 'at laundries-Cir Civilian, relationship to military newspapers—Cir 466–
108-1-1945 . 1-1944.
Under contract-Cir 322-IV-1944 . Medical, excess to be sent to Army Medical Library
Cir 262 - VI - 1945 .
PEARL HARBOR : Extension, time limit for immunity Posts, camps, and stations - Cir 466-1-1944.
Bull 2–11–1944 ; 11-VI-1944 ; Bull 10 - III- Yank, The Army Weekly - Cir 466-11-1944.
1945 .
PERIPHERAL NERVE INJURY : Military personnel, treat
PEDESTALS: ment - Cir 423–11–1944 ; 64-XII-1945.
AB - 39 / TPL - 1 - LO 3515 ; LO 3515B. PERMIT :
AB-76/CPX-LO 3519. Importation of infectious agents and vectors-Cir 43
FT - 336 - A ; Modification of Radio Set SCR - 296 - A IV-1945 ; 386 - IV - 1945 .
MWO SIG 11-1505–2. Motor vehicle, military personnel in District of Columbia

FT-336-A-LO 3505 ; TB 11-1505–7. -Bull 25 - III - 1944 .

FT - 385 - A - LO 3504 .
FT-395-A-Radio Set SCR-545-A-TB 11-1427-1 .
FT - 458 - A - LO 3513 . BC, M1918 – TM 9–1608.
FT - 480 — LO 3519. M1 , M2, M3 , and M5 — TM 9-1608.
FT - 485 - LO 3519. M4 , M4A1 , M6, M8 , M8A1 , and M9_TM 9-1608 .
M6 and M9-MWO ORD F235 - W2.
MP -61 — MWO SIG 11-1324-3 ; MWO SIG 11-1324-6 ; T8 and M10_TM 9-1608 .
MWO SIG 11-1425–9 ; LO 3500D . M12 - MWO ORD G1-W30.
PENAL INSTITUTION : Confinement of military prisoners ,
Telescopes for Periscopes, and Direct Sighting Tele
scopes for use in Tanks — TM 9-1608 .
list-Cir 229-11-1944.
PENALTY : Offenses committed prior to lapse, temporary Accounting for and auditing of items — Cir 49-III–1944.
statute - Bull 6-11-1944 . Quartermaster market centers-Cir 75–1944.
PENALTY ENVELOPE : See Envelope. Shipments to Army Exchange Service and executive
agencies involving reimbursement-Cir 431
V - 1944 .
Treatment of Syphilis—TB MED 106. PERMANENT PARTY PERSONNEL :
PENITENTIARY : Military prisoners, list - Cir 229-II-1944. Civilians appointed to AAF base units-Cir 483-1-1944.
PENNANT : Army-Navy award, plants doing outstanding Definition - Cir 473-1-1944.
work - Cir 228-1942.
PERSONAL ACCOUNTS : Settlement on change of station
PENSION : -Cir 38-1-1945.
Certain persons receiving retired pay - Bull 9-VI–1944. PERSONAL ADJUSTMENT : Enlisted men-
1-TB MED 21 .
Civil War Veterans' unremarried dependent widows
Bull 24-XI-1944 . PERSONAL AFFAIRS :
Disability : Legal advice and assistance-Cir 74-1943.
Enlisted men, application-TM 12-222. ** Military Personnel-Pam 21-5 .
Increased for service-incurred disability - Bull 24 - X- Military personnel ; Use of personal affairs officers
1944 . Cir 231-1-1944.
Rates for service-connected disability increased-Bull 24- Officers, Army Emergency Relief and American Red
VI-1944 . Cross-Cir 406-1-1944 .
Transmittal of applications and related records of offi- Specific items of information on activities to military
cers to Veterans Administration-Cir 474 personnel and dependents - Cir 237 - V - 1945 .
1944 ; 215-V-1945.
Veterans PERSONAL BAGGAGE : U. S. Army personnel in possession
As to specific service incurred disabilities-Bull 17– of common carriers, disposition-Cir 61-1
II-1945 . 1945.
Regulation amended-Bull 9-III-1944. PERSONAL EFFECTS :
World War I and II-Bull 9 - VII - 1944 .
Civilian employees, transportation-Cir 129-IV-1945.
Widows and children , deceased World War I veterans Military personnel , transportation-Cir 445–II–1944.
Bull 25-VI-1944 . Transportation - Cir 97 - III - 1943.
PER DIEM : PERSONAL PROPERTY : Export license , noncitizens in U. S.
Allowances armed forces-Cir 223-III-1945.
Official travel-Bull 11-11-1944 .
Officers attending training courses for assignment PERSONAL TRANSFER ACCOUNT :
in the Far East and Europe - Cir 172- II- Plan, Transmission of personal funds for individuals
1945 . serving outside U. S.-Cir 44–1945 ; 237- VI
Committee, for oversea areas–Cir 186 - VI - 1945 . 1945.
Maternity cases and infant care-Cir 337-111–1944. War savings bonds—Cir 215-11-1944 ; 290–1944.
Adjustment Lectures - TB MED 12. zon , obituary - G0 62–1944 ,
Army Nurse Corps, Size Tariffs for Regular and Pro
tective Clothing - SB 10-203. PHILIPPINE DEFENSE RIBBON : Awards-Cir 136 -II
Classification - TM 12–425 . 1945.
Deceased – TM 12-240 .
Enemy-FM 30–15 . PHILIPPINE LIBERATION RIBBON : Awards-Cir 136- II
Enlisted, Charges for Service rendered by Quartermaster 1945 ; 270-III-1945 ; 319-1-1945,
Corps Laundries — SB 10–199.
Enlisted, Discharge and release from active duty - TM PHILIPPINE SCOUTS : Recruitment Act of 1945 - Bull
12-235 , Enlistment under the
Enlisted, Retirement ( AR 615–395 )-TM 12–238.
Female-Issue, Buttons, Lapel - SB 10–161. Ration, commutation value - Cir 197 – II – 1945.
Foreign , legal status- Cir 395–1944 . Retirement pay-Bull 7-II–1945.
Marine, Civilian uniforms, duty on vessels operated by PHOSPHORUS : White, protection against, individual — TC
Chief of Transportation - Cir 1941–1945. 38- III -1945 .
Naval. See Naval, Personnel.
Noncombatant, Identification cards -Cir 48–11–1945. PHOTOGRAPH :
Ordnance, Items to be disassembled Periodically for Aerial, Reading - FM 21–26.
Lubrication - TB 9-818-2.
Graves and funeral ceremonies furnished with letter of
Ordnance, Lubrication Instructions — TB ORD 241. condolence - Cir 2-1-1945 : 2-11-1945 .
Returning from overseas, discontinuance of treatment Military activities , sale Cir 350-11-1942.
for malaria - Cir 449–1944. Restrictions regarding the taking on post, camp, and
Signal Communication ; Training - TM 11-450. station-Cir 365 - V - 1944 ,
Tests-TM 12-260 . U. S. government, disposal- Bull 14 - IV - 1943.
Transportation by Air Transport Command - Cir 451
1944 ; 114-11-1945 ; 131 - VII – 1945; 215 - VIII- PHOTOGRAPHER : Combat, sleeve insignia-Cir 437 -III
1945 . 1944 .
Utility railroad switchmen - Cir 423 - III – 1944.
PHOTOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT : Restrictions regarding the
War Department, Travel Allowances - TM 14–503. taking on post, camp, and station - Cir 365
Establishment and operation-Cir 329 - IV - 1944; 427 - IV
1944 ; 140 - X - 1945 ; 269–VIII–1945. PHONOGRAPH RECORDS : Foreign Language Instruction
Kits-Cir 461-IV-1944.
Fort Des Moines, Iowa , established for female personnel
-Cir 321-IV-1945. PHOTOGRAPHIC :
Reception stations established — Cir 177- III – 1945. Chemicals, Principal, Glossary, Properties, Characteris
PERSONNEL REASSIGNMENT CENTER : tics, and Name in Six Languages - TB MED
Oversea personnel, disposition after hospitalization-Cir
282 - VI - 1944 . Darkroom Equipment - TM 11-404 ; TM 11-405.
Processing personnel returned from overseas-Cir 78 Equipment
III–1945. Maintenance - TB SIG 148.
WD, assignment jurisdiction and procedures - Cir 350- V
PH - 383 – TM 11-2366.
1944 . Tropicalization—TB SIG 149.
Used by Army Ground Forces, Army Service Forces,
( Plan for Maintenance )-TB SIG 148 .
by exchanges - Cir 315 - III - 1944 . Laboratories—TM 11-409.
PEST CONTROL : Storage and issue of supplies-Cir 163– Set, PH - 261 - TM 11-400 .
1945. Units , Theaters of Operation - Pam 11-2.
Container markings-Cir 15-11-1945; 120-1–1945. Aerial Interpretation-TM 5–246 .
Oversea supply of products-Cir 203–1944. Censorship - TC 15, 66, 1943,
Products , Matériel, policy governing permission to witness tests
Collapsible Containers -- TB QM 35 . Cir 236–1945 .
Requisitioning ( except AAF ) -SB 10–139 . Military activities by Signal Corps units - Cir 250 -IV
U, S. Army, in the Continental United States 1942 1945 .
1945 - SB 10–258. Negatives and prints , collection and maintenance of
Quarterly report of products - Cir 297–1945 . record file - Cir 233 - III - 1945,
Responsibility, handling products - Cir 117 - III - 1945 .
Specifications on products-Cir 129-1-1945. PHOTOGRAPHY :
PHARMACY : Technicians, Methods - TM 8-233. Aerial — TM 1-220 ; TM 5–240 .
Aerial Intelligence - FM 30–21 .
PHARMACY CORPS : Aerial Map Reading-FM 21-25 ; FM 21-26 .
Established - Bull 16-1-1943. Basic-TM 2-219.
Examination for appointment - Cir 320-III-1943 ; 323- II- Cold Weather-TB SIG 189 .
1943, Combat - WD Pam 11-5 .
PHILADELPHIA QUARTERMASTER DEPOT : Army Liaison Type Airplanes in Aerial Survey, Employment
chapel hymns - Cir 130-11-1944, TC 24, 1945.
Responsibility and distribution-TC 36, 1945,
PHILIPPINES : Signal Corps - Pam 11-2.
Army Limitation of rights and benefits in the U. S.
Cir 158-1945 .
Under High Temperature, Conditions—TB SIG 190.
Army Payments to personnel in the United States-Cir PHOTO-MAIL : Discontinued— Cir 323 - VII - 1945 ,
158-1945 ; 205–1945 ; 344-1-1945 .
Battle honors-GO 89 - VI - 1944. PHOTONEWS BOARD , WAR DEPARTMENT : Dissolved
Facts and Figures-WD PAM No. 31-3. Cir 79-IV-1944 .
PHOTOSTAT : Report of physical examinations furnished PHYSICAL THERAPIST :
Veterans Administration for officers' pension AUS, promotion and separation policy - Cir 304-11-1944.
-Cir 474-1944. Clothing, policy for supply-Cir 387-11-1944.
Officers, pension applications transmitted to Veterans
PHOTOTUBES :-TB SIG 167. Administration - Cir 474–1944.
Physical reclassification of officers - Cir 313–1945 .
PHRASE BOOKS: Pregnant, discharge or release from active duty - Cir
Albanian-TM 30–652. 404 - III - 1944.
Bulgarian-TM 30–645 . PHYSICAL THERAPY :
Burmese TM 30-632.
Cantonese - TM 30–634. Amputees—TB MED 122.
Chinese - TM 30–633 . Coordination with orthopedic service - Cir 281 -VIII
Danish - TM 30–611 . 1944.
Dutch - TM 30–607. Massage—TB MED 173.
English for Italians - TM 30–803 . PHYSICAL THERAPY AIDE :
French-TM 30–602 . Appointment
German - TM 30–606 . Officers, AUS — Bull 16 – II, III–1944.
Greek - TM 30–650 . WAC personnel-Cir 462–1944.
HungarianTM 30-616. Authorized positions — Cir 306–1943.
ItalianTM 30–603. Wearing, civilian bridal apparel - Cir 86 - IV - 1944.
Japanese - TM 30–641. Air Crew Trainees — TM 1-233.
Korean — TM 30–642. Airplane Mechanics-TM 1–750 .
Malay - TM 30–639.
Moroccan-TM 30-276 . PHYSIOLOGY : See Medicine,
Norwegian - TM 30–610. PHYSIOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF FLYING :—TM 1-705.
Persian -- TM 30–626 .
Portuguese - TM 30–601. PSYCHOLOGY : See Medicine,
Rumanian - TM 30–649.
PIANO PLAYING : Elementary, for the Soldier - WD Pam
Russian - TM 30–644 . 28-10 .
Serbo -Croatian - TM 30–646. PIERS :
Siamese - TM 30–631.
Crib Panel , Bailey type - TB 5-277-5 .
Spanish-TM 30–600 . Intermediate, Fixed Panel Bridge, Bailey Type - TB 5–
Swedish - TM 30–612 . 277–9.
Turkish - TM 30–618 . PIGEON :
Cage, PG - 50 — TB 11-410-1 .
PHRASE CARD : English - Japanese - WD Pam 21–32. Company Signal - FM 11-80 .
PHYSICAL : Crate PG - 49_TB 11-410-1.
Conditioning - Pam 21–9. Entries in Company Property Book-SB 11-24.
Profile Serial ; Enlisted men-Cir 209 - VIII – 1945 .
Homing — TM 11-410.
Reconditioning, Bed and Ward Patients — TB MED 137. PILES AND PILE DRIVING :-TB ENG 32.
Reconditioning — TM 8–292.
Terminal, on separation from military service-TM 8– PILLBOXES : Concrete Effect of Projectile — TB ENG 2.
255 .
Training - FM 21–20 . PILOT :
Training , WAC - FM 35–20 . Applications for commissioned, warrant and flight of
ficers — Cir 221 - IV - 1945 .
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION : Balloon Tables—TM 11-2410 ; TM 11-2411 .
Annual and for promotion, discontinuance - Cir 217–V Weather Manual-TM 1-230.
1944 .
Applicant for civilian employment - Cir 155 - I - 1945 . PINIONS:
Aviation cadets, standard requirements . resumed - Cir Two Type Differential to the Four-Pinion Type - TB 9
72 - III - 1944. 1808B - 1.
Worn and unmatched_TB 9-2830–39 .
Entrance and terminal, military personnel - Cir 59-I
1945. PINS :
Officers ordered to the Pacific, India-Burma, or China A25308, Change in the Piece Mark Number — TB ORD
Theaters — Cir 260 - III – 1945 . 251 .
Photostat report furnished Veterans Administration for Retaining, Rotor Block , Elimination of Interference
officers' pension - Cir 474–1944. TB ORD FE 41.
Preplacement. See Preplacement physical examination.
Terminal PIPES :
Chest X - ray - Cir 3 - IV - 1942. All Types , Technical Data - TB 5–9720-2.
Serological test - Cir 3 - IV - 1942. Culvert, Iron or Steel, Nestable Packing for Export
TB ENG 14.
PHYSICAL PROFILE SERIAL : Culvert, Metal, Corrugated, Nestable — TB ENG 3.
Discharge and classification of enlisted men-Cir 431– Wood - TB ENG 20.
VI - 1944.
System described in MR 1-9, 22 May 44, does not apply PIPELAYERS : All Types, Technical Data-TB 5-9720–11.
to WAC — Cir 98 - VI- 1945 . PIPEWORK : Plumbing - TB 5–283–1.
313–1945 ; 338-III–1945. Equipment Set - TM 5–9005 .
Systems—TM 5-350 .
Oversea service-Cir 196–1945 . PIPING EQUIPMENT : All Types, Technical Data-TB 5
Women's Army Corps - Cir 462–1944. 9720-10.
PISTOLS : PLANTS — Continued
Automatic Caliber .45, M1911, and M1911A1-FM 23–35. Diesel Power
Revolvers-TM 9-1295 . Maintenance, for Seacoast Gun Batteries During
PISTON RINGS : Chrome Plated , New, Piston Ring Com Periods of Inactivity—TB ORD 223.
binations - TB 9-1726–7 . Scout Car M3A1-TM 9-1705C .
Food Emergency Islands of the Pacific — TM 10–430.
PLAGUE :-TB MED 124. Foreign quarantine- Cir 453–1944.
Generating and Charging
PLAN : Strategic and operational , Army of the United States Acetylene Gas, Semi- Trailer -Mounted 500 - cph , Lind
Cir 134-VII-1944. L - 16 - TM 5-5070, 5–5071.
All Types, Technical Data - TB 5–9720–14.
PLANER : Generator
Milling Machines and shapers-TM 1-421 . Electric, Onan Generator, OTC - 1 - TM 5-5320.
Model 41, 20-in., Jewel, American Saw Mill Machinery Engine, Type 15 E , Spec, No. 1. Continental Motor
Co. - TM 5-4184 . Corp — TM 5-5344.
P - 24, for built-in Motor, The Crescent Machine Co.- Ice
TM 5-4302. 1-Ton, Manually Operated Portable, Skid -Mounted,
PLANES : Gasoline Engine Driven V -50 with continental
Cargo Engine, Y 69_TM 5-9086 ; TB 5–9086–1.
C - 46 Disassembly and loading of standard Engineer 1-Ton, York, Model V -50 - V , with Continental Model
Equipment - TB ENG 33C . Y -69 Engine - TB 5–9086–2 .
C -46 - DStowage of Standard Vehicle — TB 9-765– 1 -Ton , Victor - TM 5-9244 .
FE1. 3.6-Ton Frick - TM 5-9090 .
C -47 - A Stowage of Standard Vehicle - TB 9–765– 15-Ton, Frick, ISQDW_TM 5–9088 , 5–9092, 5
FE1 . 9106.
C -47A or C -46D , Stowage of Standard 34 - Ton Truck Warehouse, Inspection and Preventive Maintenance
Preparation — TB 9–808 – FE 3. -TM 5-673 .
C - 54B Transportation of Engineer Equipment - TB Importation - GO 32 - IV -1944.
ENG 33B. Impregnating
Large and Small-Door, C -47 — TB ENG 64. M1 , clothing - TM 3–270 ; TM 3-271 ; TM 3–273;
TM 3–274 ; TB 3–270–1; TB 3–270–5 ; TM 3
PLANNING : Division , Office ofthe Under Secretary of War, 272.
responsibility-Cir 279–1945. M2, Impregnating T - 0, installation -operation, main
Joint Army and Navy Committee - GO 6–1942. tenance instruction-TM 3-281 .
PLANS : Lighting, 142 -KW , 110-Volt, DC, Kohler, Model E - TB
Loading, Footbridge M1938 — TB 5-271-3. Onan Electric, Model OTC - 15BE / TM 55–3008 .
Preference, Ordering and Furnishing Pullman Equip Operator - WD Pam 32–3 .
ment- CTB 40, 45. Poisonous, Islands of the Pacific - TM 10–430 .
PLANT, DEFENSE : Privately operated, removal of sub Power, Car, Armored, T17E1 ( Chevrolet ) -TM 9-1741A.
Rehabilitation Landing -Mat - TB 5–255–6 .
versives — Cir 339–1943.
Repairs and utilities , maintenance - Cir 132-11-1945.
PLANT ENGINEERING AGENCY : Establishment author Sewage Treatment, Inspections and Services, (Sewer
ized-Cir 222–1943. Systems at Fixed Installations) -TB ENG
70 ; TM 5-666 .
PLANT, INDUSTRIAL : Protection of pregnant women em- Shipments of sulphuric acid , description on bill of lad
ployees - Cir 288 - IV - 1944. ing – CT Bull 44–1–1945.
Visits of foreign nationals - Cir 395–1944 .
PLANTS : Washing and Screening 'All types, Technical Data
Army A Award plan-Cir 228–1942. TB 5–9720-10 .
Asphalt Washing and Screening, Sand and Gravel, 75 -tons per
All Types, Technical Data - TB 5–9720-2. hour, pioneer, Model 412- VW - TM 5–1102
Erection and Operation, Barber -Greene - TM 5
1016. PLASTIC SURGERY : General hospital designated for :
Asphalt and Aggregate Mixing - TB 5-9720-2; TB 5 specialized treatment—Cir 347–1–1944.
1280-5 .
Batching, Aggregate , 3 Compartment, 105 - Ton Capacity,
Blaw -Knox, P - 3105 - TM 5-1050 ; TB 5- Armor Folding Auxiliary Providing protection for am
1050-1. munition and crew - FSMWO G128_W25.
Cement, Portable, 30 TPH, Gasoline Engine Driven Base, Ti , Reinforcing — TB 9–1260 - FE4.
Blaw - Knox - TM 3-1336 ; LO 1052. Caution, for carriages having a trail caster assembly
Clothing Impregnating , M1, Operating Instructions - TM MWO ORD C36 - W10 .
3-271. Compartment -Grouser - TB ORD FE 36.
Cold - Storage, Warehouse, Inspections and Preventive Direction, Traversing, Relocation -- TB ORD FE 46.
Maintenance - TM 5-673. Grouser Compartment, Reinforcement- TB ORD FE 35.
Crushing and Screening Hull Floor, Reinforcement - TB ORD FE 50.
All Types, Technical Data-TB 5-9720-10. Mounting, 9-lever Selector Switch - MWO SIG 11-303–3.
2-Unit Gasoline, Semi-Trailer-Mounted with Dollies , Name - MWO ORD C20 -W24 .
25-cu. yd. per hour, Iowa Model No. 2 with
Buda L - 525 Engine ; and No. 2A with Case Peep Sight Mounting - FSMWO F167-W3.
Lae Engine - TB 5–1112–2. Protector, Armor — MWO ORD G104–W81 .
2 Units, Gasoline, Semi- Trailer -Mounted with Dol- Shoe Protector Installation Car, Scout, M3A1— TB 9
lies, 25 cu. yd. per hour, Iowa No. 1 , with 705 - FE1.
Buda L - 525 Engine -TM 5-1037 ; TM 5–1038 ; Tape Baffle — MWO SIG 11-2203–1 .
LO 1034 , 1034A, TM 5–1106, LO 1034B, 1034C, Turret, ( Installation of Pads ) -MWO ORD G130 -W17;
TB 5-1112, 1. FSMWO G170-W9.
PLATFORM : Firing, M1-TM 9-350. POINT SYSTEM : Adjusted, Service rating -- WD Pam 21-31.
PLAQUE : Meritorious service unit - Cir 345-1-1944 . POINTERS : 75-mm Howitzer Mount, M7 — TB 9-1318 - FE1.
Combat Formations-TC 3–1945.
POINTS : Distributor, Reclamation—TB 9-2830–15.
Employment as a Battery and Massing of Fire --- TC 73 , POISON : Gas Procedure for shipping-Cir 433-11-1944 ;
1944. Cir 20-V-1945.
Pioneer Tank Destroyer - FM 18–24.
Reconnaissance, Tank Destroyer - FM 18–22. POISONING : Systemic Caused by Lewisite and Other Ar
Separate Engineer Parts Supply T / O & E 5–567, 9 Jun senical Blister Gases Use of Bal in Oil and
1943 Logistical Data-SB 5-6 . Bal Ointment - TB MED 101 .
Tank-FM 17-30 .
Tank Destroyer Self- Propelled Tactical Employment POLAND : Medical and Sanitary Data — TB MED 176.
FM 18-20 . POLE :
Towed Gun-FM 18-21 .
Climbing Equipment - TB SIG 85.
PLATTSBURG BARRACKS, N. Y.: Classified as class III Line Construction—TM 11-363.
installation - Cir 12-1-1945. POLICE :
PLEURISY : Tuberculous, (with Effusion )-TB MED 71 . Guide, Public Safety in Austria, (Military Government
PLOESTI , RUMANIA : Campaign, air combat, units entitled Information )-WD Pam 21-222.

to battle credits - GO 59 - IV - 1945 . Military - FM 19–5 .

( In Towns and Cities ) -FM 19–10.
PLOTTING : On Railroad Trains and in Railroad, Bus Terminals
Set , AN /GMQ - 3 — TM 11-2418. Stations- TM 19-275.
Set, AN/ TMA-14TB SIG 174. Records and Forms—TM 19–250.
All Types, Technical Data - TB 5-9720-6
Bottomand Disc , Towed-Type, Four .14-in , Bottoms, POLITICAL ACTIVITY : Propaganda, restriction on dis
Deere, Model 7–TM 5-1088 ; TB 5-1088–1 ; semination- Bull 5–1944 ; Bull 18–1944,
MWO ENG 1088.
POLL : Opinion research-Bull 5–1944.
Cable, LC -61 - TM 11-370 ; LO 11-370 .
Disc. Towed Type, Fire 28-Inch Disc ., Deere Model 205– POLL TAX : Military personnel-Cir 397 - VII – 1944.
TM 5-1230 ; MWO ENG 1230.
Snow POLLY : 2-wheel, semitrailer, flat -bed 10. and 25-ton pon
Model 37 Pr. 188, Serial Nos . 130 to 174 Inclusive. toon , 2 dual tires, Fruehaul, DC-2-MWO
Mounted on Diamond T - 986 A Army 4-ton ENG 9008 .
6 x 6 Chassis 010511. Wm. Bros. Boiler & PONTOON :
Mfg. Co.-TM 5-1370. Aluminum, 25 - ton -- MWO ENG 8032-1.
Rotary -Type, Gasoline, 7-ton, 4 x 4 Truck -Mounting, For floating panel bridge, Bailey type M1-TB 5
Standard Ordnance Truck , Klauer, Model TU 277-8 .
3-TB 5-9638-1. Model 970, 970A-FSMWO * G509-W1 .
Straight Blade, One-Way Type, 4-ton, 6 x 6 or 6 - ton,
6 x 6, Truck -Mounting with Wings, Standard POOLS : Swimming, Army, Sanitary Control—TB MED 163.
Ordnance Truck , Burch , Model R-23-TM 5- .
9098. POPULATION : Control civilian , in an emergency -- Cir 279–
Straight -Blade, Underbody Type 4-ton , 6 x 6 or 6
ton , 6 x 6, Truck -Mounting, Standard Ord PORTAGE ORDNANCE DEPOT : Redesignated - Cir 329-
nance Truck, Willett, Model HRTA - TM 5 1-1945.
9038 .
Straight Blade 142 - ton 4 x 4, or 2-ton 6 x 6 Truck- PORT COMMANDER :
Mounting Burch Model R2-21A-TM 5–9108. Assignment jurisdiction, casuals left at embarkation
Technical Data , ( Mowers, Tillers, etc.) - TB 5-9720-20. ports -- Cir 248–1944.
Tractor, with Standing Cutter and Single Plain Share
Deere, Model 11–TM 5-1086 ; TB 5-1085-1 ; PORTS OVERSEA : Headquarters and Headquarters Com
MWO ENG 1086 . panies -- FM 55-25.
Access , U-23 /G , Bridging-TB 11-369-3 . Aerial
Adapter, U - 4 /GT - TB SIG 147. Air freight regulation officers - Cir 75-11-1945.
Excessive Heating, Cable System , M7—TB 9–1671A-2. Definition - Cir 58-11-1945 .
Obturator Spindle, Replacement and Servicing, Artillery Responsibility of CG , AAF, maintenance and opera
Using Separate Loading Ammunition, tions-Cir 386-11-1944 .
( Gasket ) -TB ORD 309 . Shipment of property thru termination of account
(Modification for Radio Set SCR-284-A ) -MWO SIG ability-Cir 75-1-1945.
11-274-4. Air section, operating procedure — 270 - V - 1945.
Spark Servicing, ( Tanks, Carriages, and Vehicles with Army Transport Service, redesignation - Cir234- III
1943 .
Ford GAA, GAF, or GAN Tank Engine ) —
TB ORD 288 . Boston subports discontinued - Cir 342-III- 1945 .
Casual Detachment, Authorization-Cir 248–1944.
PLUMBING : Pipework - TB 5-283-1. Disposition of casuals - Cir 248–1944; 331–1–1944.
Hospitalization of personnel, responsibility --Cir 142- IV
PLUNGERS : Safety Latch, Failure ( Gun 4.5-Inch , M1 and 1944 .
Howitzer 15 -mm , M1 ) _TB 9-1331 FE1 . Items prescribed for oversea replacements — Cir 194-1
1944 ; 272-111-1944 .
POCKETS : Bow ( Stake ) , Equipment, Vehicles, Modification Replacement pools abolished-Cir 248–1944.
-TB ORD FE-23 . Simplified accounting procedure -- Cir 332-1-1944.
658749 ° -46 -25
PORT OF EMBARKATION - Continued POST WELFARE FUNDS : Control within continental United
Sources of medical supplies—SB 8–13 . States - Cir 30 - V -1945 .
Subsistence Stores - SB 10–151 .
Wire notices of shipments—Cir 50-V– 1945. POSTAGE :
Air mail, collected upon delivery from armed forces
PORTRAITS : Sale of quantity prints - Cir 350-II-1942. Cir 376 - III – 1944 .
Free transmission-Bull 18–1942; Cir 96–1–1942; 238- II
1942 ; 286 - VI- 1942.
Military Dictionary, ( Portuguese -English ; English Parcel post shipment from Contractors' plants - CT Bull
Portuguese ) —TM 30–501 . 44-1945 .
Spoken, ( Spoken English, Basic Course, o Ingles Falado War Department official mail-Cir 313 - V - 1944; 344 - III
Curse Elementar )-TM 30–1513 ; TM 30–1512 . 1944.
POSITION FINDING : See also Artillery Seacoast -- FM POSTER : Display to encourage voluntary transfer to In
4-15 .
fantry-Cir 426-III-1944.
Aircraft accident, public disclosure-- Cir 230 - IV - 1943. Command , Camouflage -- FM 5-20C.
Baking, Training of personnel-Cir 62-IV-1942. In Continental U. S., Sources of Medical Supplies—SB
Baking facilities, establishment - Cir 200-IV-1945 . 8–13 .
Construction, funds available-Bull 27-1942.
Controlled items, ASF equipment, return to depots- POSTAL : Service Army-FM 12–105.
Cir 31-1944.
Construction, fixed fee-Bull 27–1942. POTENTIOMETERS : Azimuth, Pinning to drive shaft - TB
Damaged or lost property , monetary limitation waived 11-1527-1 .
Cir 94-1944.
Dental laboratory service-Cir 98 - V -- 1944 . Smoke-HC, M1 ( Supplementary Firing Instructions)
Designation procedure-Cir 92 - IV - 1944. TB 3-300-9.
Engineer maintenance funds -- Cir 207-111-1945.
Engineer Regional Maintenance Officer, services rendered Smoke 30- Pound, HC, M5, Supplementary Firing Instruc
tions—TB 3-300-9.
-Cir 4-1-1945 .
Excess grounds maintenance cost , preventive measures- POULTRY AND EGGS : -- TB QM 33 .
Cir 211 -IX-1944.
Fire protection -- Cir 190–1944; 307-V-1944 ; 401–1944. PO VALLEY : Units entitled to battle honors–GO 93–1945 .
Life insurance, solicitation banned - Cir 228-IV-1945.
Laundry and dry cleaning service - Cir 346 – V - 1944. POWDER : Bulk, Inspection-SB 9-AM 7.
Newspapers-Cir 466–1–1944. POWER AMPLIFIER : BC - 340 - G , ( And Water Cooling Unit
Office furniture and equipment, utilization - Cir 315–V RU - 2 - A ) -- TM 11-801.
1943 .
Procurement of food and beverage - Cir 36 - I – 1945. POWER OF ATTORNEY : Requirements for obtaining dup
Procurement of food and drink facilities- Cir 281-1- licate Treasury checks—Cir 481-11-1944.
1944 ,
Prostitution in adjacent areas , disposition - Cir 363 - V- POWER CONTROL UNITS :
1944. All Types , Technical Data -- TB 5-9720-11. Pre
Recreational equipment — Cir 344-IV-1944. Buckeye MDDD—Allis -Chalmers—TM 5–9956 .
Restrictions on taking photographic equipment - Cir 365- Cable operating Fronting-mounting, 1 - Drum , Le Tourneau
V-1944. FTD - 7 - TM 5-9372 ; MWO ENG 3070–1. SIE
Stamps, tickets, or tokens, procedure for accounting Cable Operating-Rear Mounting
Cir 467-IX-1944 . 1 -Drum , Reversible Le Tourneau, HN—TM 5–9062.
Standard demolition equipment, storage and issue-Cir 2-Drum , Hirl Model S-2-MWO ENG 777–3 .
281-III-1944. 2 -Drum , Le Tourneau Model R -678 — TM 5-9284.
To be abandoned , auditing stock record accounts-Cir 2- Drum , Le Tourneau Model T - 4 - TM 5-9286 .
90-1-1945 . 2-Drum , Caterpillar D7_MWO ENG 3070–1. TA
POST EXCHANGE. See Exchange.
2-Drum, Caterpillar D8-MWO ENG 3052–1.
POST ENGINEER : Duties--Cir 89–1945 .
POWER KIT : B68-P1 —TB 11-1106B-1 .
POST HOSPITAL FUND : Payments from hospital sub
sistence accounts --Cir 218–1944 . POWER METERS : See Meter, Power,
senior staff officer --Cir 294 - V - 1945 .
Clutch, Electrical System , for Basic Vehicles , 34 -ton
POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT : 4x4 and 142 - ton, 6 x 6 ( Dodge ) -TM 9
Loan of military personnel to civilian postmasters, 1808A .
Christmas, 1945—Cir 301-III-1945. Gun , 16-in. Mk . 11 , M1 : Carriage, Barbette, 16-in. M4,
Loan of motor vehicles to Post Office Department for M5. ( accessories ) -LO 201 , 201A .
Christmas mail , 1945 - Cir 301 -IV -1945 . Gun Emplacements ca
Sale of gasoline-Cir 258 - V -- 1942. 6- in.-LO 99 , 99A , 205 , 205A .
12-in .-LO 73 , 73A . D
POST OFFICE : War Department Handling Registered Mail Medium Tanks, M3A3, M3A5 and M4A2, General Motors
-Pam 12-1 . Town Diesel 6-71 -TM 9-17 OG .
Mi , For Gun , 16-in., Mark II, M1-LO 9-473 .
POST -WAR POLICY : M2-LO 9-451 ,
International relations-Bull 9-11-1944 . M4-LO 9-428 ; 9-429 ; MWO ORD E64_W1 .
Preparation of plans for peaceful world order-Cir 347– 12-in. B.C. M1917 Fortification , M2 - MWO ORD E62
III-1944 . W1 .
Searchlights, 6 -inch - General Electric Engine, gasoline
Model 1941A-TM 5-7042 . Buda
Model 1942 – TM 5-2721 ; TM 5–2722 ; TM 5–2723 . HP217 -- LO 55-W37.
Model 1942A-TM 5-7115 . JK6-LO 55-1058.
PE - 120 - A - TB SIG 175. Climax R41, R61-LO 55-W14.
PE-120-B Modificiation of Mountings FT-317-A and LeRoi
-B - MWO SIG 45. D226 - LO 55-W33 .
Model RXIVW-LO 55-W20.
PE - 172 - A ( Treatment of High - Voltage Transformers )
TB 11-1426–1. Waukesha 6WAK, 6WAL, 145GK, 145GZ - LO 55–
W9 .
PE-172-T6 ( Treatment of High-Voltage Transformers )
-TB 11-1426-1. Gasoline Engine-Driven , Trailer-Mounted, 4-Steel Wheels,
RA -61 - A - TM 11-873. 120-140 - HP, Model 300-WA-TM 5-1254 ; TB
RA–74,-B, -C, (Modification ) -
MWO SIG 11-866–2 ; 5-1254-1 ; LO 1106.
MWO SIG 11-866-3 . General Summary-TB SIG 18.
RA-74-C, RA - 84 - B and RA - 94 – A – TM 11-866 ; TB 11 HD-24 ( Witte Engines, KD6 & MD - 12 ) —LO 3234.
866-1. HD-40 ( Witte Engines , KD6 & MD - 12 )-LO 3234.
RA-84, -A, -B, (Modification ) -MWO SIG 11-866–2; High -Voltage, Filter Resistors Replacement - TB SIG
MWO SIG 11-866–3. 126.
RA - 84 - A , (Modification ) -MWO SIG 11-866–2; MWO Kohler, IM21 -A-LO 3110.
SIG 11-866-3 . 142 -KVA , Kohler IM21-A-TM 11-935 ; TB 11-935–1.
RA-101-A (Variac Shield Kit MC - 565, Radio Set SCR Limited Standard, PU-8/TTQ-1 ( Replacement with
627-A ) -TB 11-1520-1 . Power Unit PE-197 ) _TB SIG 111 .
POWER TRAIN : L - 90, Form TPL - 41 - B . Allis-Chalmers Co.—TM 5-9962.
M8-TM 9-1671B .
Axles , Bodies , and Frame for 212 - ton 4x2 Dump Truck Monitoring , Used with Radiosonde Receptor AN/FMQ-1
( Federal ) -TM 9-1821. -TB SIG 152.
Basic Half-Track Vehicle ( IHC ) -TM 9–1707B. PE-43-LO 3051 .
Chassis and Body
Truck 112 -ton, 4 x 2 ( Ford ) -TM 9-1806B. PE - 49 - C , -D, -F, and -G, ( Motor Generator MG-37-A )
TM 11-920.
Truck, 272 -ton 6 x 6 – TM 9–1801 ; TM 9-1807. PE-49-D and PE - 49 - F (Modification ) -MWO SIG 11
242 -ton to 4 -ton, 4 x 4 Truck, MODEL HARI, Four 920-1 .
Wheel Drive-TM 9-1815B. PE -60 - B - LO 3202.
4. to 5-ton 4 x 4, tractor. ( Autocar and Federal) PE-63-C, -D , and -F-LO 3237.
TM 9-1816 .
PE - 63 - E and G-LO 3210.
5- to 6-ton , 4 x 4 Tractor ( Autocar ) -TM 9-1817. PE- 74 Series-TM 11-909 ; MWO SIG 11-909–1 .
10-ton 6x -TM 9-1818B .
2 - ton Crane Tr tor M5 ( IHC - T9 )-TM 9-1781B , PE-75 Series MWO SIG 11-900–2 ; LO 11-900 ; TM
11-900 .
Equipment for landing Vehicles Tracked ( Unarmored ) PE - 75 – G , Preliminary Instructions — TM 11-900K.
MK II LVT ( 2 ) -TM 9-1784B. PE - 75 - T - TM 11-900T.
Gun Motor 76- mm Carriage T70 — TM 9-1755A . PE - 75 - U -- TM 11-900U.
Heavy Wrecker, Mi series 2 ( Axles, Transmission , Wheel PE-76-B and C- LO 3202.
and Tires ) -TM 9-1795A .
PE-77-1 ) -TM 11-903.
Preliminary Maintenance Instructions, ( Tank, Heavy, PE-79-F_TM 912F.
T26E3 ) _TB 9-1735A-1 . PE-82-E-TM 11-928.
Scout Car, M3A1-TM 9–1705. PE -82- ( ) and PE -92– ( )-SB 11-34 .
Suspension System-TM 9-1793B ; TM 9–1893B ; TM 9 PE-84 Series-TM 11-915.
1772B .
PE - 85-1 - TM 11-916L.
Tanks , Medium M3 , M4 -TM 9–1750B ; TB ORD 243 . PE - 85 - M -- TM 11-916M.
Track Frame Assembly SeatsTM 9–1777C. PE-92-B-TM 11-905.
Track Suspension , Equipment, Tractor, Highspeed, 13 PE-95-A , PE -95-B and PE - 95 - C - SB 11-80 .
ton , M5 — TM 9–1786B , PE-95 Series-TM 11-904 .
Tractor, Heavy M1 ( Allis-Chalmers HD-10W ) -TM 9 PE -95-G and PE-59- H-MWO SIG 39.
Truck- PE-99 Series -- TM 11-923 ; TM 11-923B ; TM 11-923E ;
TM 11-923F ; TM 11-932G ; TM 11-923G ;
212 -ton , 6 x 6 ( GMC ) -TM 9–1801A . TM 11-926G ; LO 3049 .
6 x 6, Diamond T models 968A, 970A, and
4-ton, 972-TM PE-108 Series—TM 11-927 ; MWO SIG 11-927-1 ;
9-18 11 .
MWO SIG 11-927-2.
POWER TRAIN UNITS : PE - 120 - A , Modification - MWO SIG 14,
Assembly Controlled Differential and Transmission — TB PE-137-A-TM 11-921 .
ORD 275. PE- 137-0 P/0—MWO ORD G508 -W14 .
Medium Tanks , M3 and M4 & Mod—TM 9–1750. PE - 142 - D_TM 11-942D.
POWER UNITS : PE - 145 - A - TM 11-929.
All Types , Technical Data-TB 5-9720-10. PE - 157-TM 11-245.
B-15, Form TPL - 83C - Allis - Chalmers Co.-- TM 5-9964. PE -162- B-TM 11-971 ; LO 11-971 .
Caterpillar, Model 44–20E ( Engine Model D4400 ) -LO PE-167-A-TM 11-946.
3235 . PE - 182 - TM 11-939 ; MWO SIG 39.
Directory , Signal Equipment --TM 11-223 . PE - 183 - A - TM 11-937 ; MWO SIG 39.
Engine, Diesel PE - 185-A-TM 11-925 .
Buda , Model 6-DC844-LO 55-W35 . PE-185-B_TM 11-925 - B .
Caterpillar PE - 197_TM 11-940 ; MWO SIG 11-940-1 .
D - 8800 -- LO 55-1047 . PE-198-B, ( Instructions for installation of Frequency
D- 13,000_LO 55-W21 . Stability Improvement Kit 588-PI, Radio Set
Cummins HB, HB1 , TB1S-LO 55–1001 . SCR-588 ) -TB 11-1329-12.
Hercules Model DRXB-LO 55–1034 . PE - 198 - C - TM 11-936.
POWER UNITS-Continued PRESCRIPTION : Civilian medical attendance vouchers - Cir
PE-201-A-TM 11-914. 305-XIV-1945 .
PE - 201 - C - TM 11-9140.
PE-205-A and PE-207-A ( Hill Diesel Engine Model
AR ) -- LO 3221 . Artillery Bores and Breech and Firing Mechanisms 20
PE - 205 -- B - LO 3200 . mm to 16 -inch, inclusive, ( Cleaning and Lubri
PE-205-B-TM 11-970 .
cation ) -- TB ORD 259.
PE - 205 - B and PE-207-B-LO 3200. Care of Seacoast and Railway Artillery Matériel, Active
PE - 210 — TM 11-947 .
and Inactive Periods SB 9-54.
PE - 214 - A - TM 11-913 . Chemical Warfare Service Matériel-Cir 366–1944.
PE-214-B-TM 11-945.
Mobile artillery matériel for stand-by storage - SB 9-61 .
Ordnance Material—TM 9-850.
PE - 215 - B - TM 11-941 ; LO 3233 .
Ordnance Matériel ( Not in Reular Use ) —SB 9-28.
PE - 215 - C - TM 11-941C ; LO 3233. Records, use of microphotography-Cir 1717–1944.
PE - 235 - A - TM 11-972.
PP34-MSM, Rectifier - TM 11-965. MATÉRIEL : -TM 4-245.
PP-77/FSM-1 , Rectifier - TM 11-979.
PP- 147 / G, Rectifier -- TM 11-966. MONWEALTH : Obituary-GO 62–1944.
PU-8 / TTQ-1-TM 11-932 .
PU - 9 / TPS- 2, Lubricating Instructions — TB 11-1439–1. PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES :
PU-21 /U, Installation of Modulator MD-35/TPS-3, Appointment of officers in the Officer's Reserve Corps
(Modification of Radio Set AN /TPS- 3) Cir 194–1945 ; 309-II–1945 .
MWO SIG 11-1540–3 ; TM 11-974 ; LO 11- Franklin Delano Roosevelt, obituary - GO 29–1945.
974. Coat of Arms, seal and flag - Bull 20–1945.
PU-26 /U-TM 11-976 . Testimonial to honorably discharged service personnel
PU-30/ F_TM 11-944 ; MWO SIG 11-943–1 ; MWO SIG Cir 330-1945 .
11-944–1 ; LO 11-944. PRESIDIO OF MONTEREY, CALIF.
PU-32/ C-TM 11-960 ; LO 3062. Placed in active status as class I installation-Cir 40
PU - 35 / U - TM 11–975 ; LO 3062. III – 1945 .
PU-58 / G-TM 11-980 ; LO 3238. Separation center established Cir 387-IV-1944.
Rectifier, No. 1152 and No. 1161-TM 11-2257.
Replacement of Muffler and Resistor—MWO 11-927-1. PRESSES :
Signal Equipment Directory — TM 11-223. All Types , Technical Data-TB 5–9720-7.
Starting in Arctic Areas , Using Miller Utility Heater Drill
Model OG - 31 - A - TB 11–2525–1 . Bench-Type-TM 5-4744.
Tanks, Medium , M3A4 and M4A4 — TM 9–1750F. Floor Type - TM 5-4180 ; 5-4306 ; 5–4308.
Vibrator, PE 237, Part of Radio Set SCR 694 - C - MWO Triple Duty -- TM 5-4348 ; 5–4558.
SIG 11-230c-1 . Upright Type — TM 5-4178 ; TM 5-4642.
Willys engine model No. 441-Cir 324-III-1944. Hydraulic
Portable, hand-operated, Universal , with track
POWER VISE STAND No. 422—TM 5-9010. servicing attachments, 100-ton , Rodgers,
Models 22 and 36-LO 5-4170.
Track , portable, hand-operated , 100-ton , Rodgers
PRACTICES : Model 18-36 TM 5-4202 .
Model 22-36-TM 5-4170.
Safe, For Forest Fire Fighters-WD Pam 20–18.
Medical and Sanitary Data—TB MED 146. Laundry, air-operated-LO 10-W3 ; 10-W5.
Lithographic Offset, Motor-Driven, 110 -Volt, 60-Cycle,
PREDICTIONS, Propagation, Basic Radio : AC
November 1945—TB 11-499-12. American Type Founders , Webendorfer, Big Chief,
December 1945—TB 11-499-13. Model 29, 22x29 -in . Sheet Size-TM 5-6020.
January 1946—TB 11-499–14. Harris- Seybold- Potter , Model LTE , 20x2242 -in.
February 1946 – T.B 11-499-15 . Sheet Size-TM 5-6022.
March 1946—TB 11-499-16 . PH - 125 -- TM 11-2375 .
PREFERENCE RATING : Printing, Big Chief 29 , 22-29, Webendorfer Mills Co.,
American Type Founders—TM 5–6020.
Certificate Issue-Cir 213-1945 .
Procedure for assignment from nonappropriated funds
Quartermaster Fixed Laundry Equipment, Operation
Cir 25-III-1945. and Maintenance-TB QM 44.
PREGNANCY : Universal, Model 22, 100-ton, Rogers Hydraulic, Inc.
TM 5-4170.
Discharge of female personnel-Cir 209-IV-1945 .
Maternity care for discharged or relieved WAC-Cir PREVENTION :
430 - IV - 1944 . Athlete's Foot-Cir 146-1-1945 .
WAC Officer or warrant officer - Cir 404-111-1944. Malaria-Cir 117-IV-1945 .

( THIRD EDITION ) : Initial distribution --- Cir former employer of discharge from military
70-111-1945. service-- Cir 117-VI-1945 ; 361-V-1945.
ment - Cir 238-III-1945 , Control , Overcharging military personnel-Cir 86- III
1945 .
PREMIUM : Five -year, World War Veterans Act, 1924, Establishment
of control procedure - Cir 465–111-1944.
amended-Bull 6-1-1943,
Items, perishable subsistence - Cir 49 - III – 1944.
PREPROFESSIONAL TRAINING : Students , Enlisted Re Ordnance matériel - SB 9-10 .
serve Corps , call to active duty-Cir 282 -II- Paper used in publication of camp newspapers-Cir 310
1944. VI-1944.
Detonator, M14, 0.24 - Sec Delay - TB 9–1980-49. Assisting in escape, punishment by Act of Congress
Bull 7-III-1945.
Safety Distance Requirements — TB ORD 214. Canteens, financial and operating statements - Cir 157–
PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.: Transportation Request, issued VIII-1945.
through-CT Bull 38-1-45 . Enemy - TM 19-500.
Expense - Cir 165 - VI - 1945 .
Contact Fund deposits—Cir 343-11-1944 .
PH-13, PH - 13A , PH-13B-SB 11-100–10. General hospital and camp, Camp Forrest, Tenn.-- Cir
PH - 48 SB 11-100-10.
PH-51 , PH-51B- SB 11-100-10. General Hospital Designation - GO 88-1-1944.
PH - 192 - SB 11-100-10 . General hospital for specialized treatment - Cir 235–
PH-193– SB 11-100-10.
PH-507 / PF-SB 11-100--10. Italian, transportation - Cir 195 - VI - 1944 ; 420–1944.
PH - 508–– SB 11-100-10 . Movement, oversea destinations - Cir 357-1945 .
Continuous Officer grades of genc.al, transportation accommodation
PH - 67_SB 11-100-15. -Cir 471–1944.
PH-299- SB 11-100-15. Physically or mentally disabled, transportation --Cir 222–
PH - 314 – SB 11-100-15. 1945 ; 343-II-1945.
Mercury Repatriated , separation from service - Sir 339-11-1945.
Retirement and reassignment.
Model “ 55 ”—Chas., Bruning Co.-TM 5–6110 . Right of appeal-Cir 150 - V - 1944.
Model “ 75 " -- Chas. Bruning-TM 5-6116 .
PH - 13 - B - TM 11-2391 .
Rights - WD Pam 21-7.
PH-67_L0 3854 . Transportation-Cir 420–1944 ; 426-IV-1944 ; Cir 222
PH-87-A-L0 3860 . 1945.
PH - 95 – A – TM 11-2374 ; LO 3860 . Transportation on United States Army hospital cars
PH-129 & 129A-LO 3811 . Cir 28-IX-1945.
PH - 192_TM 11-2385 . PRIVATE, BASIC : Reduction in number-Cir 201 - V - 1944;
PH- 193—TM 11-2372. 266 - III - 1944 .
PH-507 / PF-TM 11-2362.
TG-7-A , TG-7-B and TG - 37 - B - TM 11-352. PRIVATE , FIRST CLASS : Changes in grade -- Cir 323- VIII
1943 .
TG - 7 - A - TB 11-352–1 ; MWO SIG 11-353-1.
Letterheads, envelopes, office memorandum forms — Cir PROCEDURES :
69-1944 .
Transfer of authority, function, and responsibilities -- Cir Accounting, War Department : For Post Trust, Central
316-7-1944 .
Post, Special Welfare, Sundry Funds — TM
PRIORITY CLASSIFICATION : Federal agencies, revocation Administrative Audit Cost - Plus - A -Fixed Fee Supply
of authority to establish - Bull 11-III-1944. Contracts-TM 14-1000.
PRIORITY AND TRAFFIC DIVISION , AIR TRANSPORT Administrative , Communication Services—TM 24,205.
COMMAND , AAF : Applications for air prior Decontamination-SB 5-52.
Disinfestation - TB MED 184 .
ity transportation - Cir 369–II–1944 . Erection , Hangar, Airplane , Portable, Structural Steel ,
PRIORITIES : 130 ft. x 160 ft., with Steel Cover, Canvas
Air Doors-TM 5–9609 ; TM 5-9728.
1 Class 4 - Cir 369 - V - 1944 . Grounding, Grounds, Protective Devices , for Wire Com
Deposition of Army Service Forces supplies, repair munication Equipment–TM 11-755.
-SB 38-1-5 . Military Executions—WD Pam 27-4 .
Mail shipment-Cir 376 - III – 1944, Production Control, for Automotive Shops -- SB 9-48.
Responsibility of Army Air Forces for establishing Mortuary, Quartermaster - TM 12-240A.
-Cir 369-11-1944. Ocean Shipping, United States Army and Navy -- TM
Transportation in theaters—Cir 130–1–1944. 38–412.
Assignment of casuals, oversea shipment - Cir 248–1944. Purchase and Issuance, U. S. savings bonds—TM 14
Enemy materiel-- Cir 160-11-1945. 513 .
Microfilm projects-Cir 177-1944. Repairs and utilities-TM 5-600.
Procedure for sending messages by electrical means- Radio Telephone, Military Information - WD Pam 24-2.
Cir 78-1-1945 . Signal Center and Message Center - FM 24-17.
Shipments via Air Transport Command Domestic Cargo Signaling, Combined—FM 24-22, FM 24–23.
service - Comm . Traffic Bull 9–1944. Standard Operating
PRISONERS : Air Force Units Cooperating with Antiaircraft
General. See General prisoner, Artillery -- WD Pam 1-1 .
Chemical Warfare Matériel from Oversea Theaters
Military and Zone of Interior - SB 3-19 .
Establishing uniform policies and procedures for operat Standard Repair, ( For office appliances with repair shop
ing places of confinement - Cir 454 - V -- 1944.
Guards' responsibility and duty - Cir 60 - IV - 1945. equipment and tool list ) _TB QM 26.
Supply , Army -- TM 38-205 .
Sentences to correctional institutions - Cir 25 - II Supply, Station—TM 38–403 .
Surveillance, Theater of Operations
PRISONERS OF WAR : Flame Thrower, Portable , M2-2--TB 3-367 A - 258.
American Impregnite I ( CC-2 ) , and Impregnite I , Micronized
Liberated - WD Pam 21-28 . ( XXCC-3 ) -TB 3-270-456.
Mail from members of armed forces-Cir 160 - IV Incendiary Grenades AN-M14-TB 3-300-11518 .
1943. Kit , Gas Mask Waterproofing M1 - TB 3–205-12S15 .
Repatriated , assignment rescinded-Cir 215- VI Smoke Grenades-TB 3-300-887 .
1945 . Tape- relay-FM 24-24.
Theater of Operations Quality of Bleaching Material, Message book - Cir 447 - X - 1944.
( For Decontamination ) -TB CW 3-220–252. PROCUREMENT JUDGE ADVOCATE : Establishment
Towing, ( Tanks , Medium , M4 Series, and all other Ve
hicles with Medium Tank M4 Type Power Cir 273–1945 ; 305-XI-1945,
Train ) —TB ORD 243 . PRODUCTION :
Clothing and equipment-Cir 49-I-1945. Companies publishing operating statements restrict
Oversea personnel replacements , items prescribed-Cir ed—Cir 407-IV-1944.
194–1–1944 ; 272-III–1944 .
Returning absentees and deserters to military control at PRODUCTS :
nearest center - Cir 66-1-1945. Fishery-TB QM 31 .
Forest, Germany-WD Pam 31-140.
PROCLAMATION : Packing House , Miscellaneous—TB QM 28.
Army Air Forces Day-Bull 14–1–1945 . Petroleum
Army Day, 1945—Cir 86-1-1945. Collapsible Containers -- TB QM 35.
Contract termination date-Bull 24–VII-1944. Consumption Factors-SB 10-231.
Fire Prevention Week, 1945 — Bull 16 – II – 1945 . Requisitioning ( Except AAF ) -SB 10–139.
General Pulaski's Memorial Day, 1944-Bull 21-11-1944. Sources of Supply, Quartermaster-SB 10–182-1.
Removal of Alien enemies—Bull 14-11-1945 .
Thanksgiving Day, 1945-Cir 346-VII–1945. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES : Employment by War Depart
Victory in Europe; Day of Prayer-Bull 6–1945. ment - Bull 27-1942.
War with Hungary, Bulgaria , and Rumania-Bull 37
1942. PROFICIENCY STANDARD : Health precaution , military
No. 2618 , 17 August 1944-Bull 20-III–1944. personnel-Cir 48–1944 ; 146 - VI - 1944.
No. 2623 , 21 Sept 1944—Bull 21-1-1944.
No. 2624, 21 Sept 1944—Bull 21-11-1944,
Physical, discharge and classification of enlisted men
No. 2628, 26 Oct 1944 – Cir 426–1–1944. Cir 431 - VI- 1944 .
No. 2631 , 14 Nov 44 — Bull 24 - VII - 1944. Physical, enlisted men - Cir 209- VIII– 1945 ,
No. 2642 , 12 Mar 1945—Cir 86-1-1945 .
No. 2651 , 8 May 1945-Bull 6–1945 . PROGRAMS :
No. 2655, 14 Jul 1945-Bull 14-11-1945 . Army's Aural Rehabilitation for the Deaf - TB MED 195.
No. 2656 , 20 Jul 1945—Bull 14-1-1945. Army Specialized Training Reserve -- Pam 20–11 .
No. 2661, 22 Aug 1945 — Bull 16-II-1945. Film
No. 2673 , 12 Nov 1945—Cir 346-VII–1945. Educational Reconditioning, ASF Hospitals — TB
MED 145.
Army Nurses-Cir 32-1-1945. Outlined in TB MED 166 Use of Projector AN '
TFQ - 5 — TB MED 188.
Authority of commanding officers overseas-Cir 330 - I,
II-1944. Medical Physical qualifications of applicant for civilian
Batteries, dry cell, assignment of responsibilities - Cir employment - Cir 155–1–1945 .
Records Administrtion-Cir 416–1944 .
Books-SB 10-87. Soldier's Saving-Pam 21–18 ; 21-19.
Counterintelligence personnel-Cir 379-1-1944 .
Supply, Army Preparation and Administration-TM 38
Duties assigned to the Army Air Forces and Services of
Supply-Cir 181 -V-1942. PROGRAM OF INSTRUCTION : Basic medical subjects
Envelopes-Bull 36-1-1942. Cir 48–1944 ; 146 - VI – 1944 .
Food and beverage
Post, camp, and station-Cir 36-1-1945.
Sundry funds — 36-11-1945 . Importation into the United States and possessions
Cir 453-1944.
Graphic arts equipment, nonexpendable items - Cir 223
II-1945. List-Cir 214–1945.
Hold-down bolts and tie plates-Cir 31-VI-1945. PROJECT :
Ink , Duplicating Machine, Black, 1 pound cans - SB 10– Hospitals, schools, recreation buildings roads, and other
193 .
community facilities, construction approval
Local, authority of commanding officer outside continental Cir 50-11-1945.
United States-Cir 53-IV-1945. Number, Active theater of operations, spearhead de
Local, sale items for oversea Army exchanges and posits-Cir 18–1945.
quartermaster sales stores—Cir 261-1945. Real property, use of nonappropriated funds-Cir 214
Materials handling equipment - Cir 33-11-1945. 1945.
Paper and Paper Products — SB 10–8. Retirement and reassignment
Paper Rolls for Cash Register-SB 10–96 . “ J ” -Cir 325-IV- 1945 .
Ration , Army exchange-Cir 447-VI-1944 . " R " -Cir 325 -IV-1945 .
Requirements for Invitation for Bids, Contracts and
Bonds-TM 10–300 . PROJECTILES :
Resale items for Army exchanges-Cir 183 - I - 1945 ; 315– A.P.
III - 1944. MK . XVI—FT 12-E-2.
Signal Corps Message Book-Cir 447-X-1944. M82-FT 90-C-3 .
Sodium Chloride ( Salt ) Tablets-SB 10-21. 1-1b. , M112 — FT 155-X-1 .
Solid fuels-Cir 390-11-1945 . 617-1b ., — FT 10-B- 1 .
Spare parts for equipment supplied, ASF-Cir 434-1 870-1b.-FT 12 - L - 4 .
1944. 1070 - lb. - FT 12-K-2 .
Spectacles-Cir 278-VII-1944 . 1400-1b . , Mk. VIII -mod . 9A1 -FT 14-B-2,
Storage and Distribution of Nonperishable Subsistence 1400-1b. , Mk. VIII -mod. 9A1-FT 14 - C - 1 ,
Supplies — SB 10–119. 1400-1b . , Mk. VII -mod . 9A1 -FT 14 - E - 3 .
Supplies for oversea shipment - Cir 431 - V - 1944. 1560 -lb. , Mk . VI-FT 14-D-1 .
PROJECTILES - Continued PROJECTORS - Continued
A.P. - Continued Strip and Slide , PH-132, PH-132B, Serviceability Stand
1560 -lb. , Mk . VI-- FT 14-6-2. ards — SB 11-100-25 .
1560-lb. , Mk. XI-FT 14-A-2. Strip and Slide, PH-222, PH-222A, Serviceability Stand
2100 -lb., Mk. 11 -mod. 2 - FT 16-A-1 . ards-SB 11-100-25.
2100-lb., Mk. 11-mod. 2 - FT 16 - B - 1. Target Rocket
2340 - lb. , Mk . V.-FT 16 - C - 1 . M1- TM 9-390 ; TM 9-856.
2340 -lb ., Mk. IX.-FT 16 - C - 1. PROMOTION :
A.P. (empty, for sandloading ) —
2100-lb . , Mk. II-Mod. 2 – FT 16 - A - 1 . Army nurses, dietitians, and physical therapists-Cir
2100-1b ., Mk. II — Mod . 2–FT 16-B-1. 304-11-1944.
A.P.C. Brigadier generals, after specified years of service in
grade - Bull 6-1-1944.
M26 — FT 3-R-2.
M61 and M61A1 - FT 75 - AD - 7.
Enlisted men who receive the Medal of Honor - Cir 309–
A.P.C.-T-M62 and M62A1 -FT 76-A-6. Enlisted personnel-Cir 88-111-1945.
C, I. (Navy ) Military Personnel during transition to post war
870-lb.-FT 12-14 . strength-Cir 283-1-1945 ; 321-V-1945.
2100 - lb. , M100—FT 16 - B - 1 . Officer
Effect on Concrete Pillboxes — TB ENG 2. Physical examination - Cir 217-V- 1944.
Firing, A. P. Regular Army, Medical , Dental, and Veterinary
M112–FT 155-2-1, FT 155-W - 1 . Corps- Bull 8-1-1945.
2,100 lb. Mk . II, Mod. 2–FT 16-D-2. Retired - list - Bull 36 - III - 1942.
Fixed , A.P.C. Personnel of AAF command groups, nondivisional units
M61 -FT 75 - AD - 5 . -Cir 193-1-1944.
M61 and M61A1 -FT 75-AY-1 . Reenlistment of military personnel , policy-Cir 204-11
M62 - FT 76-A-4 . 1944 .
M62-FT 3-R-2.
M62 and M62A1 - FT 3 -W-1 . PROPAGANDA : Political, restriction on dissemination — Bull
M62 and M62A1-FT 76 - C - 1 . 5–1944 ; 18-1944 .
Fixed, Illum. PROPELLER SHAFTS : See Shafts.
Mk. 24 Mod . 1 - FT 76 - C - 1 .
Mk . 25 Mod . 1 - FT 3 - W - 1. PROPERTY :
Mk. 25 Mod . 1-FT 76 - C - 1 . Accountability ,
Fuzed College training programs - Cir 455–1–1944.
Weight-6.87 lb.-FT 81 -H-2. Training films and film strips-Cir 177 - VI - 1943.
Weight - of 10.62 lb.-FT B1 - C - 3 . Army, furnished the Civil Aeronautics Administration,
Weight - 11.33 lb.-FT 81 -T-1 . disposition-Cir 338-11--1944.
Weight 11.62 lb.-FT 81 - S - 1. Auditing, assignment of form numbers to check lists,
Cir 248-III- 1945.
H.E. , 1200 -lb . Mk. XE, mod . 2A1-FT 14-M-1.
Illuminating MK 24 MOD 1.–TB ORD 122. Certificate for disposal--- Cir 64 - IV - 1945 .
Shot - 1,070 -lb ., A.P., ( Shot ) -FT 12 - K - 2. Charged to military personnel, clearance prior to de
parture - Cir 315-V-1945.
PROJECTIONISTS : Manual, Army motion picture service Class III installations, disposition - Cir 388–1944.
-TM 28-410. Clearance
PROJECTORS : Officers concerned diverted or separated-Cir 358
III–1945 .
AN / TFQ - 4 - TM 11-2347.
Film Programs Out Written advice of contracting officers - 389-1-1945.
Use inforTBimplementing
AN / TFQ - 5,lined MED 166 — TB MED 188. Combat, demilitarization - Cir 183-III-1945.
Ceiling Light Damaged
Crouse -Hinds No. DCE-B, Replacement of Lamp Destroyed , settlement of claims--Bull 14-111-1943 .
Focusing Mounts -- MWO SIG 11-2616–1. Personal , payment of claim provided by act of
ML - 121 -A , B , C , D , E , F, and G-TM 11-421 , Congress-Bull 9-III–1945.
DeVry, 35-mm Sound, PH -405, Serviceability Standards Definition of terms pertaining - Cir 246–1943.
-SB 11-100-59. Discrepancies in shipment, consolidating stations and
Equipment distributing agencies -- Cir 15-1-1945.
PH-398 & 398-A- MWO SIG 11-406–2 . Disbanded permanent party units-Cir 24-1-1944 ; 392–
PH-398 (Modification of Projector Amplifier ) - III–1944.
MWO SIG 11-406-3. Disposition of surplus-Cir 199-11-1944.
PH -398 - A ( for Cordomatic Reel ) -MWO SIG 11- Excess and surplus, disposition in oversea commands
406A-1 . TM 38-420.
PH - 398 - A ( For A - C and D-C Operation ) (modifi- Exemptions from tax, Government transportation - Bull
cation ) -MWO SIG 11-406 - A - 2, 22-11-1943.
PH - 4084TM 11-407. Exhibits, surplus and industrial property, accounting
Film and filmstrip - TM 11-401. procedure Cir 383-11-1944 ; 368-III- 1945 .
Motion picture , authorized for shipment overseas--Cir Expendable-Cir 149-I-1945.
344 - IV - 1944. Government
Motion Picture Maintenance--TB SIG 148 . Captured enemy matériel, accounting - Cir 160 -II
Motion Picture, PH-398 and PH -398A Serviceability 1945 .
Standards - SB 11-100-35. Damage while under shipment, payment - Cir 53-V
PH- 222 ; 222 - A - TM 11-408 . 1945 .
PH -405 ( 35-mm , Devry Model XNOR or 1200 )-LO Issued, deceased persons, disposition-Cir 85–1945.
3870 . Punishment, injury or destruction - Bull 2-1-1942.
PH -543 /UF ( V -Mail) -- TM 11-2304. Stealing, embezzling, etc.---Bull 23 - III – 1943,
Pyrotechnic All Types -- TM 9-290 ; 9-1290. Installed, procedure involved in accounting -- Cir 356 - V
Redistribution of equipment-Cir. 142-III–1944. 19:15 .
Lost, abandoned, or mislaid, disposition , deceased person lactic Station.
-Cir 85-1945 .
Lost or damage by personnel returning from overseas Sulfadiazine, (Acute Respiratory Diseases ) -TB MED
Cir 72–1945. 112 .
Lost, Damaged, and Destroyed, Accounting - TM 14-904. Veneral disease - Cir 125 – VIII - 1944 ; 410-1-1944.
Medical Department
Installed—SB 8-21 . PROSECUTION : Offenses committed prior to lapse, tem
Unserviceable, Disposition and Replacement - SB 8– porary statute - Bull 6-11-1944.
Military PROSTHESES : Special Appliances, Supply - SB 8–28.
Astray, location , disposal-CTB 8, 1944. PROSTITUTION :
Foreign governments, lend-lease transportation - Cir Areas adjacent to military reservations-Cir 363- V
395-1944. 1944 .
Supplies and equipment, disposal-Cir 202–1944. Joint Army-Navy Disciplinary Control Board agreement
Organizational, responsible officer closing records — Cir -Cir 367 - VI - 1944 .
358-III–1945. Limitation near Army establishments - Bull 8–11–1945;
Oversea GO 51 - IV - 1945 .
Construction policy-Cir 431 - IV - 1944.
Shipment, accountability-Cir 431 - V - 1944 ; 94-11 PROSTHETIC : Cases, Central Dental Laboratory, Instruc
1945. tions for Preparing and Mailing -- TB MED
Explosives shipment - CTB 10-I-1943. PROTECTION :
Shipment of Inflammables Unlawful - CTB 10-1943.
Procured with appropriated funds, sales, charge or cash Plant Operator — WD Pam 32-3.
basis-Cir 50 - IV - 1945 . Troop Organizations in Theaters of Operations
Purchased with sundry furds—Cir 36 - II – 1945. TM 5-315 .
Quartermaster Individual, against white phosphorus-TC 38-III–1945.
Handling of Unserviceable, Returned from Overseas Individuals and small units-FM 21-45 .
-SB 10–110 . Material , premises, and utilities vital to national defense
Processing returned from Overseas-SB 10–156. -Cir 24 - III - 1945 .
Return of Unserviceable to Supply Channels—SB PROTECTIVE MEASURES : Radioactive Luminous Com
10–156 . pounds—Pam 8-8.
Real and personal, claims-Bull 9-1-1943 .
Real, use of unappropriated funds - Cir 34-111–1944 ; PROTECTORS :
118 - III– 1944 ; 208 - IV - 1944, Collective
Recapture of Excess Serviceable, ( Corps of Engineers) M2A1, CWS No. 520215, serviceability standard
-SB 5-15 . SB 3-25-34.
Recapture, Government owned and issued - Cir 253 - II M2, CWS No. 520210, serviceability standard - SB
1945 . 3-25–33 .
Repair of Unserviceable, ( Corps of Engineers ) -SB 5–15 . M2A2, CWS No. 520219, serviceability standard
Repairable, definition - Cir 379 - VI- 1944. TB 3–350–3; SB 3–25–35 .
Standard and nonstandard, disposition-Cir 323 -IX M3, CWS No. 520310, serviceability standard - TB
1945 . 3-350-2 ; SB 3–25–36.
Station, transfer upon change of station-Cir 39–1944 ; Facepiece, E21R2 - TB CW 23.
343 - IV - 1944 . Facepiece, E21R3 and E21R4 - TB CW 30.
Surplus PROVISION : Transportation - Bull 11-1-1943 .
Disposition overseas-Cir 379 - VI- 1944.
Sale and disposal by Army Air Forces and Services PROVISIONAL FIELD GROUP, TROPICAL OFFICE,
of Supply—Cir 181 - V - 1942 . QMG : Temporary camp near Brooksville ,
Florida-GO 48–1–1944 .
Settlement of war contracts and disposal -Cir 372
VII-1945. PROVISIONAL UNIT: Equipment and supplies - Cir 203
Shipment, Disposal Agencies — CTB 27, 1945. 1944,
Transportation taxes - Cir 231 - IV - 1944.
Replacement for and disposition - Cir 7–1944; 90 Courses of instructions, military police duty - Cir 352
V - 1944.
IV - 1944 ; 239 - IV - 1944.
SOP for disposition-Cir 231 - III – 1944. Far eastern civil affairs, officers assignment - Cir 83–
1945 .
Army Air Forces aircraft - Cir 18–1944. PROVOST MARSHAL GENERAL'S SCHOOL : Report of
Exemption-Cir 177-VI-1943 . quotas, Second and Third Group courses
Moving picture films exempt—Cir 278 - IV - 1943. Cir 352-V-1944.
Termination upon shipment by supply officer to aerial PSYCHIATRIC :
embarkation-Cir 75-1-1945 . Patients , Treatment — TB MED 84.
Units returned from oversea service - Cir 73–1945. Social Work—TB MED 154.
Social Worker Assignment - Cir 295 - V - 1944 .
Adjustment for enlisted personnel returning to United PSYCHIATRIST: Treatment of neurotic patients-Cir 264
States-Cir 200-1944 . VIII–1945,
Units returned from overseas-Cir 73–1945.
PROPERTY BOOK : Units returned from overseas, inspec Clinical
tion-Cir 73-1945 . Appointment of enlisted men and warrant officer
Cir 235-II-1945 .
PROPHYLACTIC : Venereal disease -- Cir 193-111-1945 ; Procurement and utilization-Cir 264-VIII–1945.
312-IX-1945. Utilization-Cir 369-IV- 1945 .
PSYCHOLOGICAL : Clinical, In Army Hospital-TB MED PUBLICATION-Continued
Classified registered, transfer between the War and
PSYCHONEUROSIS : Navy Department - Cir 275 - IV - 1945.
Disposition of cases-Cir 162–1945. Changes, system of publishing - Cir 311-VII–1943.
Method of recording diagnosis - Cir 179 - VI- 1945.
Personnel, discharge - Cir 81 -III–1945. Panel System, CCBP 8 - Cir 351-11-1945.
Personnel, policy for oversea assignment - Cir 196–1945. Commercial Traffic Bulletins
What's the Score in a Case Like Mine ?-WD Pam 21 Establishment - Cir 97-11-1945.
35 . Educational institution list for Army children and en
listed men-Cir 275 - III-- 1945 .
PSYCHOTHERAPY : Group - TB MED 103. Elimination of nonessential production-Cir 361 -VI
Equipment, ML - 313 / AM - TMB 11-2415. Finance Circulars, “ C ” series superseded-Cir 90-11
1944 .
ML - 24 and ML - 224 — TM 11-2417. Firing tables and trajectory diagrams-- Cir 254-11-1944.
PUBLIC ADDRESS : FM 21-6 and War Department Pamphlet 12-6, con
Equipment, PA - 4 - C - TM 11-435 ; TB 11-435–1. solidated Cir 138-11-1945 .
Sets General interest, announcement of distribution - Cir 208–
AN / PIQ - 1 - TM 11-2566. V-1945 ; 212-1-1945 ; 221-1-1945 ; 235 - IV - 1945
AN / SIQ-1 -TM 11-2577. and 225-11-1945 ; 369-11-1945 .
AN / TIQ - 3 -- TM 11-2531 . G. I. Roundtable series, educational manuals—Cir 387–
AN /UIQ - 1 -- TM 11-2505. VI–1944.
AN/ UIQ-3_TM 11-2560. Governing civilian personnel outside Continental limits,
PA - 1 - F -- TM 11-422 . U. S .--Cir 317-1-1945 .
PA - 2 - B - TM 11-449 . Historical data of the Second World War -287-11-1945 .
PA-5 and PA-5A-TM 11-2504 ; SB 11-100–8. Hydrographic Office, Navy Department, requisitioning
System ocedures - Cir 379 - IV - 1944.
Maintenance in hospitals—Cir 216 -- III– 1945 . Intelligence, bulletin, classification lowered - Cir 305
Responsibility-Cir 82 - V - 1945. X-1945 .
PUBLIC HEALTH : Japanese Empire ( Civil Affairs Hand- Joint Army- Navy Manual ( 109 ) -- Cir 324-11-1945 .
book ) —WD Pam No. 31-2. Library of Congress request for excess copies — Cir
Literature on cryptography and cryptanalysis—Cir 190–
Commissioned Corps, declaration as military service 1945.
Bull 11-11-1945. Manual of Administrative Procedures for Communica
Officers engaged in flights, increased pay-Bull 3–1945.

tions Services, TM 24-205 - Cir 45 – II – 1945.

Personnel occupying Government housing facilities with Military information
out loss of rental allowances --- Bull 12 - IV Policy governing release - Cir 236–1945 .
1945 .
Military Intelligence Division, classification removed
PUBLIC RELATIONS : Cir 359–1–1945 ; 373-11-1945 .
Contract settlement and surplus property disposal - Cir Military reports on the United Nations confidential
372-VII-1945. classification removed-Cir 305-X- 1945.
Function of command - Cir 306-11-1942. Missing in files of disbanded organizations and discon
Industrial Services Division-Cir 203-11-1945. tinued installations fileCir 379-III- 1945 .
Officer, News release concerning domestic disasters Navy Department, requisitioning procedures -- 275 - IV
Cir 85-1-1944 . 1945.
Newspapers-Cir 310-VI-1944.
PUBLIC RELEASE : Newspapers and magazines, delivery outside continental
Contract settlement and property disposal-Cir 372- VII United States-Cir 376-III- 1944.
1945 . Non-governmental, procedure for obtaining - Cir 275-IV
Film material contained in Army stock motion picture 1945.
libraries-Cir 162-V-1944. Non-War Department, oversea distribution-Cir 206–
News of domestic disasters-Cir 85–1–1944. IX- 1944.
War information concerning cut-backs, reconversion, pro- Operating statement of war production companies , re
duction-Cir 56 - V - 1944 . striction-Cir 74-11-1945.
Oral Trade Questions, Volumes, classification changed
PUMPERS : Kermath Model Sea Chief, 212 and 5 KW., Cir 200-V- 1945.
(Generator )-TM 55-3000. Periodicals, indorsement - Cir 215 - III – 1943.
PUBLICATION : Pertaining to Fixed Quartermaster Corps Laundries and
Dry Cleaning Plants-SB 10-234.
Army Air Forces , procedures for operation , supply main Policy concerning preparation of certain occupational
tenance, and repair of aircraft and equip and educational materials-Cir 210-V-1945.
ment- Cir 386-II-1944.
Army Talk, Nos. 31 to 75 inclusive, classification Activities , members of armed forces-Cir 348–1944.
changed-Cir 183 - VI - 1945 .
Army Weekly Newspaper, Yank, discontinued - Cir 292– Argument or propaganda , restriction - Bull 5–1944 ;
IX- 1945. Cir 128-1944 .
ASF catalog system explained - Cir 304-111-1944 ; 476– Post, camp, station , and unit newspapers-Cir 466 - I
III- 1944. 1944 ; 74 - III– 1945.
Bureau of the Budget Production policy --Cir 361-VI-1945.
Downgrading - Cir 331-11-1945. Radio equipment instructional, classification - Cir 268 -II
Requests for copies-Cir 275-IV-1945 . 1943 ; 302-VI-1943 .
Change of classification from CONFIDENTIAL to RE- Readjustment Regulations established - Cir 361-111-1944 .
STRICTED_Cir 1-11-1945. Restriction
Classification changed-Cir 5 - IV - 1945. Writing by military personnel - Cir 311-1-1942 .
Classified, regarding--Cir 385-II–1945. Signal Corps, Nomenclature Designations-TB SIG 103.
PUBLICATION - Continued PUMPS - Continued
Special Series, MID Centrifugal - Continued
Classification removed-Cir 305-X- 1945 . Sewage Non - Clog, Vertical , Model C-1766 ( Novo
Confidential classification removed-Cir 305-X-1945 . Engine ) . Weil Pump Co.-TM 5–9836.
Special Services Division publications, storage and dis Types, D, E, F, G, Ga. Gardner-Denver Co.-TM 5–
tribution responsibility-Cir 103-11-1945. 2112.
Student notebooks pertaining to Radio Sets, classification Type HL, Worthington Pump & Machinery Co.
changed—Cir 54-11-1945 . TM 5-2292.
Suspensions, rescissions, and changes-Cir 320-IV-1943 . Model 25212, Carver Pump Co.-TM 5–500–4.
Table of Organization and Equipment, policy concern 165-GPM Model 2 x PK,-TM 5-2016 .
ing changes or revision-Cir 409–V-1944. 4-in. ( WAC14X ) Model 30M-TM 5–2006 .
Tactical and technical trends, classification removed 7M -Wisconsin Engine, Construction Machinery Co.
Cir 305-X-1945. —TM 5-2268 .
Technical, prompt distribution to using and servicing 10 M GMC 2 - in .-- Wisconsin Engine Model “ AE”
units-Cir 174 - VII - 1945 . Construction Machinery Co.-TM 5-2314.
" Tips on Train Travel” , American railroads pamphlet 4-in. , MTD Carver, ( Model 4882 ) —TM 5– 500-5.
Cir 78 – II – 1945 . Gasoline Engine-Driven
Training literature and training aids, shipment - Cir Base-Mounted
142 -in ., Discharge, 125-GPM 300-ft. Head,
Unserviceable restricted and obsolete, salvage-Cir 150 Economy, Model B-180—TM 5-2037; TM
5–2036 ; TB 5–2036–1; LO 5–2036.
Veneral disease educational materials-Cir 28-IV-1944 ;
98 - VIII - 1944. 2-in., Discharge
War Department 55-GPM at 50-ft, Head , Barnes Model
Instructor's Training Film Reference, establishment M-TM 5-2120.
-Cir 368-IX-1944. 55-GPM at 50-ft., Head, Jaeger, Carver
Memorandums - Cir 307-XI-1944. or Red Jacket, Model 2APS - 1 - TB
WD Pamphlets 21-4 , Information for soldiers going 5–2022-1.
back to civilian life-Cir 287 -XI- 1945 . 55-GPM at 50-ft. Head, Carver, Model
Pamphlet 20–7–Cir 358 - IV - 1944. 255 - TM 5–500.
Pamphlet 20–7 ( Second Edition ) -- Cir 446-IV- 1944. 55-GPM at 50-ft. Head, Jaeger, Carver
Pamphlet 21-16 — Cir 467-VIII–1944. or Red Jacket, Model 2APS- 1 - TM 5
Pamphlet No. 38-1 rescinded-Cir 231 -III–1944. 2022.
Procurement, distribution, requisitioning, stowage 60-GPM at 125 -ft. Head , Gorman -Rupp,
and issue-Cir 264–1944 . W52-10A-TM 5-2034.
Supply-Cir 134-1-1943 . 60-GPM at 125-ft. Head , Gorman -Rupp,
“ What the Soldier Thinks," classification removed - Cir Model W52-10-TM 5-2038.
305-IV- 1945 . 60-GPM at 125-ft. Head, Gorman-Rupp,
Yank , The Army Weekly-Cir 466–1–1944. Models W52-10 and W52-10A-TB 5–
2038-1 .
PUERTO RICO : Mayaguez Military Barracks used for edu 21/2 - in . Suction , 100-GPM at 200- ft .
cational purposes-Bull 24 - IV - 1944.
Head, Gardner-Denver, Model E
PULLEYS : TM 5-2112.
Dodge Crankshaft ; Reclamation-TB 9-2830–31 . 3-Inch Discharge
Fan Belt, anchoring, on Generator Shaft, ( Car, Armored , 3-in., Suction, McGregor & Reed, with
Light M8, Car Armored Utility, M20 ) —TB MWO ENG
9-1743 -FE1 . GMC Engine 270
9162-1 .
PULLMAN : See Sleeping car . 600 -GPM at 400-ft. Head, Ingersoll
PUMPS : Rand, Model 3-GT, with Cummins
Model HIP -600 Engine - LO 5–2026 ;
Technical Data - TB 5-9720-2; 5-9720–4 ; 5
All Types, 9720-10. TM 5-2026 .
200-GPM at 1000 -ft. Head , or in
Asphalt , Trailer -Mounted , with Distributor Attachments,
Littleford , Model U. S.-3C with LeRoi Engine , Paralled , 400 -GPM , at 500-ft. Head,
Model D-140-P3—TM 5-1026. Hanlon-Waters, Type 1650—TB 5
2279-1 .
Asphalt, Trailer-Mounted, with Distributor Attachments 240 -GPM at 60-ft. Head, Marlow
--TB 5-1026-1. Model 34PV-LO 5-2088 .
Asphalt, Trailer-Mounted, Littleford , US- 3C - MWO
ENG 1012–1 ; MWO ENG 1012 . 4 - Inch Discharge
Bilge , Cold Weather Precautions—TB 9-802-9. 500-GPM at 20-Ft. Head, Carver, Model
Bilge, Forward ( Blackmer ) , Installation and Mainte 4822-TM 5-2056 .
nance Instructions. ( Truck 212 -ton, 6 x 6, 200-GPM at 300-ft. Head, Gorman
Amphibian ( DUKW 353–006 to 4201 Inclu Rupp , Model J-54–TM 5–2008.
sive ) —TB 9-802–11 . 200-GPM at 350-ft. Head, Gorman
Bituminous, Trailer-Mounted , Littleford, Model U. S.-113 Rupp , Model C54-14 — TM 5–2028.
--TM 5-1040 . 200-GPM at 350-ft. Head, Gorman
Boiler, Feed Steam , Model DRP - 323. American -Marsh Rupp, Model C54-14 - TB 5-2028-1:
Co ( C. H. Dutton Co. ) —TM 5–9672. LO 5-2028.
Centrifugal - LO 10–351-6 . 480-GPM at 300-ft. Head, Left, Model
30 M. CMC, Construction Machinery Co.-TM 5–2270. Aurora AD-2-TB 5-2316-1.
Hawk Model , 55 PM , 2-in ., Gorman - Rupp Co. 480-GPM at 300-ft. Head, Left, Model
TM 5-2262. Aurora, Chrysler Model T108-503
Model 7M-U. S.-Barnes Mfg. Co.-TM 5–2120. Engine - LO 5-2316 ; TM 5–2316.
Model 622 -Goulds Pumps , Inc.-TM 5–2266 . 6-Inch Discharge, 1000-GPM at 300-ft.
Novo Self-Priming, Diaphragm , Pressure, Novo En Head, American Marsh , Model 6B, Type
gine Company - TM 5–2284. HBE — TM 5–2116 ; TB 5-2116-1.
PUMPS-Continued PUMPS-Continued
Centrifugal - Continued Hydraulic Trucks, Dump—TB ORD 59.
Gasoline Engine- Driven - Continued Marine, Hydraulic, Operation and Maintenance-TM 55–
Trailer-Mounted 325 .
2 -in ., Discharge, 166 -GPM at 25-ft., Head , Model F6T. Aurora Pump Co.—5–2294.
Novo , Model KH - 2 - TM 5-2044. Myers, No. 431, with AHH Wisconsin Engine, 3 % x 18
4-in., Discharge, 500-GPM at 20-ft. , Head , x 67 -in . The F. E. Myers & Bros. , Co.-TM
Carver, Model 4822—TM 5-500-5 ; MWO 5-2266 .
Oil Bleeding, ( Motorcycle Indian, All Models ) —TB ORD
4-in., Discharge, 500-GPM at 20-ft. Head, 203.
Carver, Model 4822 - TB 5-2056-1.
6-in ., Discharge, 100-GPM at 8 - ft., Head, Oil, M3 ( Chest, Oil Pump, M2 ) —MWO ORD D11-W35.
Pioneer Model 300-WA-TB 5-1256–1. Peerless Pump Co. No. 52 – TM 5–2046.
6 -in . , Discharge , 1,000-GPM at 80 -ft. Head , Piston, Power, Horizontal , Gasco Fig. No. 1860 , 3 1/2 - in . x
Model 300-WA-TM 5-1256 . 414 -in , x 412 - in. x 412 - in . x 6, Duplex Gasco
Deep Well Pump & Burner Co.—TM 5–9554.
Helical Rotor-Type Providing 20 c. c. priming pump and 14 -in , primer lines
30-GPM at 250-ft. Head Type 2, Peerless Hi —FSMWO G104-W59.
Lift, Model 42—TM 5-2042 ; TM 5-2054 ; TB Rotary
60-GPM at 250-ft., Head Type 1 , Peerless Hi Hi-Octane Pumping unit, 100-GPM, 100-ft. Head of
Gasoline with Dewatering and Deaerating
Lift, Model 52—TM 5–2046 ; TB 5–2046–1. Equipment, Gasoline Engine-Powered . Hill
Turbine- Type
4-in ., Discharge , 150 -GPM at 150-ft. , Head , Diesel Engine Co.-TM 5–2324.
Cook, Model PI-606-TM 5-9160 ; TB 5 Power Take -off Driven , Fire Truck -Mounting Mid
9160-1 . Ship, Single Discharge, 2-in. Discharge, 100
30 - GPM at 250-ft. Head, Cook, Model SK-635, GPM at 277-ft. Head or ( 120-PSI, Waterous,
HD - 281 - R - TM 5–2076 .
with Wisconsin Engine Model AHH—TM 5
2090 . Steam, Gardner-Denver, Installation and Operation
General Instruction-TM 5-2078.
200-GPM at 200-ft., Head , Peerless, Model 6M
-TB 5-2040–2 ; TB 5-2040-3. 4 x 242 x 4TM 5–2078 ; TM 5–2320 .
200 -GPM at 200-ft. Head, Cook Model PI-535, 542 x 312 x 5 — TM 5-2298.
with Continental Engine Y-112-TM 5–2052. W-103E-Worthington Pump & Machinery Co.-TM
Model 4700—TM 5-2012 . 5-2290 .
Reciprocating-F. E. Myers Co.-TM 5-2122. Sump, Pneumatic
Turbine, 15 - Stage, Model SK-660 On Base Frame, with 242 - in . Discharge, 175 -GPM at 25 – ft, Head , Inger
Wisconsin Model AGK Gasoline Engine, V soll-Rand , Model 25—TM 5-500–7.
Belt-Drive, for 200 Ft. Setting, A. D. Cook, 3-in. Discharge, 175-GPM at 25-ft. Head, Chicago
Inc.—TM 5-2312. Pneumatic, Model CP - 2 - TM 5–2018.
Gasoline Engine- Driven Technical Data - TB 5-9720-12 .
30-GPM at 250-ft. Head, Cook Model SK-635 Vacuum , Style 1142736, Westinghouse Electric & Mfg
-LO 5–2312 . Co.-TM 5-9806 .
60-GPM at 250 - ft. Head, Cook Model SK-660
-LO 5-2312. Warren Steam, Size 1-142 - ft. C-11 , Warren Steam
Briggs & Stratton Engine, NP-TB 10–351-1 . Pump Co. , Inc.-TM 5–2296 .
Carter, 704–4F . Ralph B. Carter Co .-- TM 5 Water
2276. Having a Defective Water Seal Washer Seat, Re
Diaphragm , Mounted on Two Steel Wheels, 4-in. , clamation-TB 9-2830–25 .
Discharge, 100 -GPM at 10-ft. Head, Suction, Trailer- Mounted with Distributor Attachments
Novo, Model AD - 44TM 5–2014. Rosco, Model MAE with Wisconsin Engine,
Gasoline Dispensing, Mobile, 100-Gals, Per VE-41 -TM 5–1136 ; TB 5–1136–1; TB 5
Minute, (Habhegger-" PM - 100 ” ) – TM 10 1150-2 .
Diaphragm, PUMPING STATION : 3-in., portable, with 2 Gasoline En
Gasoline-engine-driven, pushcart -mounted , steel gine -Driven Centrifugal Pumps, 1 Sand Trap,
wheels, 4 -in . discharge, 100 -GPM at 10-ft. 1 Discharge Section, 1 Main Line Header
suction head , Novo Model AD - 4 - LO 5–2014 . Section, 1 Set of Automatic Controls, 285–
Model 5A , with Stover CT-2 horizontal engine Barrels per Hour against a Pressure Differ
C. H.-E. Mfg. Co.-TM 5–2278 . ential of 600 - lbs.-- TM 5-9162.
Duplex Steam — 412 x 3 x 4, Gardner-Denver Co.-TM
5–2280 . PUMP UNIT : “ Oil Well” 38-D36 LRH Goulds Fig. 3360,
Electrifugal and Type SS. Allis-Chalmers Co.-TM 5 Three Inch Eight Stage, Centrifugal Pump.
2328. Link- Belt SF 12 Speed Increase Ratio 1 : 3 : 6.
Engine Water, Lubrication — TB ORD 297. Waukesha -Hesselman Model 6 LRHU Engine
For truck , fire, powered , pumper, class 325 , 4 x 4, 300 Oil Well Supply Co.-TM 5–9674 .
GPM, General Model M -60 - LO 5-3500 .
Fuel-TM 9-1828A . PUNISHMENT :
Gasoline, Model 6B. Type HBE - American -Marsh Pump Stealing, embezzling, etc., government property-Bull
Co. Inc.-TM 5-2216 . 23 - III - 1943 .
Hand—Dispensing Gasoline - SB 10–150. Stowaways
Horizontal Duplex , Piston Steam Driven , 25 GPM -Ameri
can Marsh -TM 5-2274 . On Aircraft- Bull 4-1-1944.
On vessels- Bull 6 - IV - 1944.
Horizontal, Duplex Piston, Steam Driven, Size 3 x 2 x 3
in ., 6 -GPM , 34 -in. Discharge, 34 -in . Inlet Toll violation , Golden Gate Bridge.
( Steam ) , American-Marsh, Model 202- C - 1
TM 5–2074. PURCHASE : Solid fuels-Cir 390-II-1945 .
Cancellation-SB 10–134 . Local-Cir 310 - VII - 1944.
Changes - SB 10–11 ; SB 10-69 ; SB 10-70 ; SB 10-86 ; Clothing and equipage - Cir 322-III–1944.
SB 10-93; SB 10–107; SB 10-124 ; SB 10-131 ; Items of supply , transportation Corps-SB 55–13.
SG 10-135 . Ordnance supply-Cir 143-II-1945.
Products Materials handling equipment-Cir 33-III–1945.
American Cigarette and Cigar Company, Inc.--- SB Motor -propelled vehicles-Cir 166-III–1943.
10-164. Nonappropriated funds, preference rating assignment
Andrew Jergens Company - SB 10-92. Cir 25-III-1945 .
Axton Fisher Tobacco Co., Inc. - SB 10-247. Perishable subsistence-SB 10-117.
Bluhill, Inc.—SB 10-59. Spectacles , special type, procurement procedures-Cir
Borden Cheese Company-SB 10–39. 113-IV- 1945.
Bosco Company, Inc.-- SB 10-102.
Bost Tooth Paste Corporation -- SB 10-50. PURCHASE ACTION REPORT : Contracts transferred to
Boy-AR-DEE Quality Foods, Inc.-SB 10-210. AAF installations - Cir 461-111-1944.
Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corporation - SB 10
253 . PURCHASING OFFICERS : Dissemination of information to
Campbell Soup Company - SB 10–158. unauthorized persons — Cir 372-IV-1942.
Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Inc.-- SB 10-222 . PURIFICATION : Water-TM 5–295.
Charles Gulden , Inc.-SB 10–148.
Chr. Hansen's Laboratory , Inc.- SB 10-213 . PURPLE HEART : Authority to award - Cir 237–1–1945.
Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Company - SB 10-204 .
Crescent Manufacturing Company-SB 10-42. PYROTECHNICS :
Cudahy Packing Company - SB 10–17 . Military-TM 9-1981 .
Dwinell-Wright Company-SB 10–251 . Signal - Recognition signals, standardization, United
Fleming-Hall Company, Inc. - SB 10–170. States and British service designation-Cir
Francis H. Leggett & Company - SB 10–105. 442-1944 .
General Foods Sales Company, Inc.-- SB 10–106.
Grocery Store Products Sales Company, Inc.-SB “ QMR ” NUMBERS : First shipping date must be shown
10-27 . CTB 37-1945 .
George A. Hormel & Company -- SB 10–144.
H. J. Heinz Company-SB 10-26 . Q-METERS : Roonton Type 160-A, Moistureproofing and
Hershey Chocolate Corporation-SB 10–114. Fungiproofing - TB 11-2635-1.
Hills Bros. Coffee, Inc. - SB 10-108.
Huyler's— SB 10-4 . QUADRANTS :
John H. Wilkins Company - SB 10-239. Elevation
Lamont, Corliss & Company-SB 10-73 . M1-TM 9-1557 ; LO 9-U546 .
Larus & Brother Company, Inc.- SB 10–173 . H9–MWO ORD C43-W4 ; MWO ORD C43 - W6;
Lever Brothers Company - SB 10-15. MWO ORD C44-W5 ; MWOORD C44 -W7.
Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. , Inc.-SB 10-171. Gunner's M1 and M1918-TM 9-2552.
Loose -Wiles Biscuit Company -- SB 10–52. Range
McCormick and Company, Inc.--- SB 10-67. Lubrication - TB ORD 280 .
Mennen Company -- SE 10–68 . M3-FSMWO F169-W1 ; LO 9-U543.
National Biscuit Company - SB 10-77. M3 and M8/MWO ORD F169-W2.
Nestle's Milk Products, Inc.-SB 10–16 . M4 - LO 9- U544 .
P. Lorillard Company, Inc.--SB 10--257. M5-TM 9-2552 ; LO 9-U544 .
Penn Tobacco Company - SB 10–34 . M6 — LO 9-U544 .
Products of Pepsodent Division, Lever Brothers M8-LO 9- U543 .
Company - SB 10-219 . Range and Elevation for Motor Carriages, Field Artillery
Philip Morris and Company, Ltd., Inc.--SB 10-264 and Antiaircraft Artillery-TM 9–1545.
Pin Money Brands , Inc.-SB 10–143.
Procter and Gamble Distributing Company - SB 10 QUALIFICATION :
80. Appointment to United States Military Academy-Cir
Reid , Murdock & Company - SB 10–168. 151 -VI-1945 .
R. B. Davis Sales Company - SB 10–201 . Civil affairs training--Cir 83–1945.
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company --SB 10--255. Expert Infantryman Badge — Cir 92–1945.
R. L. Watkins Company, Division of Sterling Drug , Mechanical Advisor teams - Cir 4-1-1945.
Inc.- SB 10-30 . Officers' assignment in the Far East and Europe — Cir
R. T. French Company- SB 10-248. 172-II -1945 .
Riggio Tobacco Corporation - SB 10–166. Officers' detailed to Judge Advocate General's Depart
Skinner Manufacturing Company - SB 10-195. ment - Cir 57-11-1945.
Southern Biscuit Company, Inc.- SB 10-178 . Physical, officers ' assignment in the Medical Corps - Cir
Standard Brands , Inc.-- SB 10-259 . 144-V-1945.
Stokely Brothers & Company, Incorporated - SB 10 Record, preparation of separation-TM 12-237.
165. Voting in certain states -- Cir 33-1-1944 ; 66–1944 ; 119
Supremacy Products, Inc.- SB 10-243, 1944 .
The Best Foods, Inc .-- SB 10-256 , WD AGO Form 66-4 (Officers and Warrant Officer's
The Quaker Oats Company - SB 10-232. Qualification Card ) Copy-Cir 160 - IV -1945.
Wallace and Company - SB 10-90. With Arms , Records-Cir 265-11-1943.
Whitehall Pharmacal Company -- SB 10-200.
QUALIFICATION CARD : Officers, Regular Army, prepa
ration of certified true copy - Cir 320- VI
Domest washing machines - Cir. 265-V- 1944 . 1945 .
Emergency Purchases of gasoline from other than
Treasury Department contractors -- Cir 334 QUALITY CHECK : Bleaching material, Procedure for
II- 1944 . Theater of Operations --TB CW 3-220–252.
Foreign-Cir 453–1944. Technical Bulletins-TB QM 1 .
Foreign, personnel, aircraft, vessels and plants ---Cir Trailers, laundry, protection , freezing weather--TB 10
483 - III - 1944. 351-3.
Fruit, vegetables, Plants, etc-GO 32-IV-1944 .
Plant, mailing restrictions - Cir 388-11-1944. QUARTERMASTER GENERAL, THE :
American Graves Registration Service, Chief - Cir 206–
Base Depot Company-TM 10–367. Fuel , Utilities, supply in field - Cir 172-IV-1942.
Graves Registration-Cir 2-11-1945 .
Cemeterial expenses, appropriation - Bull 4–1945. Laundry - Cir 7-11-1945.
Companies, Truck -- FM 10–35.
Consolidations and Substitutions of General Supplies Repairing clothing and equipment - Cir 411 -I-1944.
Items --SB 10–54 . Responsibility
Corps Class X clothing and equipage-Cir 375–111–1944.
Inspection of packaging and packing material---Cir Utilization, refrigeration space_Cir 446 - V -- 1944.
274-IV - 1945.
Laundry and dry cleaning service for enlisted per Circular Letter, No. 6, including Supplement No. 2 ,
sonnel-Cir 346 - V – 1944; 467 - VII – 1944. rescinded - Cir 223-IV- 1944.
Laundries, operations - Cir 354 - III – 1940. Contract bulletins, discontinuance-Cir 28-1-1944.
Motor transportation activities, transferred to Ord Procurements of domestic washing machine-Cir 265 - V
nance Department — Cir 245- IV- 1942 ; 267– 1944.
III-1942 ; 274-11-1942 ; 318 - III - 1942.
Purchase of paper supplies-Cir 123-IX-1945.
Shoulder sleeve insignia, responsibility for designing and
Specification QMG No. 180, container markings for approving-Cir 226-1-1944.
petroleum products-Cir 15-11-45 . QUARTERMASTER SERVICE : WELFARE OF ENLISTED
Storage and issue responsibility, embossing machine MEN FUNDS, USE AND ADMINISTRA
-Cir 467-VI- 1944. TION
Depot Project 101 -- Cir 34-1-1945.
Aleshire, designated—GO 53-1-1945. Project 403—Cir 34-1-1945.
List, service commands served - Cir 113–1943 . Project 502–Cir 34-1-1945.
Missions- SB 38-3 - QM .
Equipment, standards of classification - Cir 446-III Allowances
Fumigation and Bath Company -- TM 10–645. Civilian officers and employees - Bull 1–1944.
Handling of unserviceable, processing property returned Enlisted men - Bull 19-11-1943 ; 20–II–1943 .
from overseas- SB 10–110. Distressed families of servicemen and veterans - Bull 12–
XIII- 1945.
Items applicable to AAF-CIR 289– V –1945. Enlisted men allowances-Cir 9-II- 1945 .
Items, interservice procurement - Cir 179 - VII– 1945. Enlisted personnel at service schools—Cir 155 - IV - 1945.
Laundries and Dry Cleaning Plants, Charges for Service Housing capacities, installations in United States-- Cir
-SB 10–79.
321 - V - 1944.
Laundry, Authorized supplies-SB 10–185.
Laundry, Fixed Military personnel, Washington, D. C.-Cir 325–1–1944.
Dry -cleaning Equipment - TB QM 41 . Personnel of armed forces occupping Government facili
ties without loss of rental allowances- Bull
Flatwork Ironers—TB QM 42. 12 - V - 1945 .
Marking Machines-TB QM 40.
Operations — TB QM 43. Philippine Army personnel, allowances-Cir 158-1945.
Presses - TB QM 44. Procedure to secure recoupment of allotments — Cir 178–
Procedure - TM 10–355 . 1945.
Washers-- TB QM 43 . Rental allowance, officers - Cir 345-IV-1944.
Lubricants for Fixed Laundries-- SB 10–132. Student officers
Chemical Warfare School-Cir 206-11-1944.
Market Center, Accounting perishable subsistence stores Engineer School-Cir 130 - IV - 1944 .
-Cir 75–1944 .
Materials Handling Equipment - TM 10–1619. Vacant, conservation - Cir 380-I-1945.
Mortuary Procedure - TM 12-240A .
Officer Candidate School Class No. 49–Cir 468-11-1944 . QUARTZ BLANKS : Dimensioning, Crystal Unit, CR-8B , U
-TB 11-2540-1 .
Operations-FM 10-5.
Petroleum Products Laboratory - TB QM 16. QUESTIONNAIRE : Alien, authorization for continued use-
Sales Store Cir 482-11-1944,
Army Exchange, Price List of Class 25 Items for
Established , United States Military Academy - Cir COMMONWEALTH : Obituary - G0-1944.
483 - V - 1944 .
Sales items for oversea supply-Cir 261-1945. RACER COVERS: Carriage, barbette, 6 -in ., Mi and M2—
MWO ORD E54 - W3.
Supplies purchased by exchange, charges-Cir 86-11
1945 . RACKS :
Service Arm , Storage and Shipment Charts - SB 9 -OSSC - B ; 3
Company - TM 10-235. OSSC-B1 .
Theater of Operation -- FM 10-10. Cabinet
Sources of Supply-SB 10-182–1. FM - 53 - A - LO 3510 .
Special purpose vehicles , standards for mounted equip FM -79-- LO 3506.
ment - SB 10-233 . FM - 80 - LO 3506.
Standard Items, supply -- SB 10--242 . FM - 80 -- LO 3518..
Supplies- FM - 93 - LO 11-1462.
Equipment, Demolition - TB QM 27. T6 - LO 3510.
Source -- SB 10-182 . Mine, Provision in half -track vehicles M2, M3, and 114
Visible filing equipment - Cir 40 - VIII - 1944. -FSMWO G 102 - F21.
RADAR : RADIO-Continued
Antijamming -- TM 11-750 ; 11-751 . Direction Finders
Central, Search , AN /TPQ-1-TM 11-1805. Control TC-8 Preliminary Instructions—TM 11-248.
Electronic, Fundamentals—TM 11-466 ; 11-466 Lab. . Test and calibration for site and instrumental errors
Equipment -TB SIG 113 .
German-TM E11-219.
Ground force, forwarding procedure for performance Equipment
logs-Cir 481-111--1944. Aircraft -TM 1-472.
Peculiar to Army Air Forces, transfer of responsi AN / CXP-1-LO 3519.
bility-Cir 429-1-1944 . AN /CPX-2--LO 3519 .
Precautions , Gasoline—TB SIG 63. AN / TPX-4-LO 11-1160 .
Search Central, AN / TPQ - 1 -- TM 11-1085. Contest for new designs-Cir 242-1-1945.
Set Instructional publications—Cir 268- II - 1943 ; 302-VI
AN/CPS-5, Preventive Maintenance Manual—TM 1943.
TM 11-1455 ; 11-1355 . Installation ,
AN/FPG-1-TM 11-1366 ; 11-1466 ; 11–1566 ; LO Car
11-1466-1 ; LO 11-1466–2 ; LO 11-1466–3 ; Armored, Light, M8–TM 11-2702.
LO 11-1466-4 . Half- Track, M2—TM 11-2701 .
AN /MPG - 1 - TM 11-1366 ; 11-1466 ; 11-1566 ; LO Half- Track, M2A1-TM 11-2718 .
11-1466-1 ; LO 11-1466-2 ; LO 11-1466–3 ; Carriage
LO 11-1466–4. Motor Combination Gun M15A1-TM 11
2739 .
Employment_TC 42–1945.
Motor Gun
AN/ TPL-1 , associated spare parts, supplies, tools 76 -mm , M18TM 11-2724 .
and test equipment - SB 11-95 . 90 -mm , M36, M36B1 , or M36B24TM
AN/TPS–10—TM 11-1368 ; 11-1458 ; 11-1568. 11- 2731 ,
AN/TPX-1-TM 11-1149 ; TB SIG 173 ; MWO SIG M13 , M14 , M16, or M19—TM 11-2712.
22 . M15 -- TM 11-2708.
AN/TPX-3—TM 11-1159 ; TB SIG 173 ; MWO SIG Carrier
22 . Cargo Light , M29 or M29C-TM 11-2733.
AN / TPX - 4 – TM 11-1160 ; MWO SIG 11-1160–1 ; Personnel, Half -track M3 — TM 11-2714.
SB 11-95 . Tank
Spotting, AA Guns—TC 34–1944 . Light
Systems, Fundamentals — TM 11-467. M3A3MTM 11-2700.
Test Equipment—TM 11-1200. M5 and M5A1 -- TM 11-2720.
M24-TM 11-2754.
RADFORD ARSENAL, RADFORD , VA.: Designation - Cir T9E1 -TM 11-2705.
329-1-1945 . Medium
M3-TM 11-2706.
RADFORD ORDNANCE WORKS : Redesignated-Cir 329 M4-TM 11-2704 .
I-1945 . M4A3 or M4ASE2, 75-mm Gun Wet
Stowage ; Medium Tank M4A1 , M4A2,
RADIATORS : or M4A3 , 76-mm Gun , Wet Stowage ;
Failure due to improper location of top radiator support, Medium Tank M4 and M4A3 , 105-mm
Elimination - TB ORD FE 44 . Howitzer - TM 11-2748 .
Repairs - TM 10-450. T234TM 11-2370 .
Torque Converter Oil Cooler, Failures Elimination-TB Shelter H0-17-1 ) -TM 11-2373 .
ORD 27 ; TB ORD FE 40 . Tank Recovery Vehicle T2 - TM 11-2703.
RADIO : 14 - ton , 4 x 4–TM 11-2715 .
Aircraft Shop Practice-TM 1-470. 34 -ton, 4 x 4 , Carry-all-TM 11-2710 .
Authorized for shipment overseas -- Cir 344 - IV - 1944 . 34 -ton , Command Reconnaissance-TM 11
Basic , Propagation Predictions 2726.
November 1945 -- TB 11--499-12 . 34 -ton , 4 x 4 Weapon Carrier - TM 11
December 1945–TB 11-499-13 . 2725 .
January 1946—TB 11-499-14 . 112 -ton 6 x 6 Personnel and Cargo_TM 11
February 1946–TB 11-499-15. 2746.
March 1946-TB 11-499-16 . 212 -ton , 6 x 6 Cargo_TM 11-2709 ,
Beacon Equipment, RC-163—TM 11-2609. Vehicle
Communication - FM 24-18. Landing tracked
AGF - FM 24-6. LVT-2 , LVT- ( A ) -2, and LVT - 4_TM
Censorship-TC 15–1943. 11-2756 .
Channels --TB SIG 81 . Armored
Equipment -- TB SIG 178 . MK I , LVT- ( A ) -1 -- TM 11-2752.
Equipment, Signal_TM 11-227. MK IV, LVT- ( A ) -4 - TM 11-2753.
Frequencies, Station-TC 6–1943. Unarmored - MK III , LVT-3-TM 11
Jamming - TB SIG 5. 2755.
Jungle -- TB SIG 4. Utility, Armored M39 ( 141 ) or T41E1
Relay System -- TB SIG 78. TM 11-2757 .
Security -- TB SIG 2 . RC - 127 - A
Italion reports-TC 49-1942. Instructionsfor Providing Satisfactory
Traffic Classification - TB SIG 62. Weather protection — TB SIG 156.
Use of sound recording equipment - Cir 82-V-1945. Preventive Maintenance - TM 11-1415 ; LO
Control- Central, AN /TRQ - 1 - TM 11-2619 ; 11-2619-1 ; 3506 .
LO 3504C . Technical Operation–TM 11-1315 .
Countermeasures - TM 11-450 . RC-145—Serviceability Standards--SB 11-100-6
RADIO — Continued RADIO-Continued
Equipment Continued Receivers
RC - 145 - A 128-AY-TM 11--868.
Instructions for Providing Satisfactory AN-GRR-2-TM 11-874.
Weather Protection — TB SIG 156. BC - 312 Series-TM 11-850 ; 11-4001 ; MWO SIG 27 ;
Modification - MWO SIG 36. SB 11-100-2 .
Operation in High-density Areas - TB SIG 119. MC - 31 L, M, N, NX, and G - TM 11–850–3; 11-850 ;
Preventive Maintenance-LO 3506 ; TM 11 11-850 - N ; TB 11-850–4; MWO SIG 11-850-1.
1431 . BC - 314, -C, -D, -E, and -G-TM 11-4002 ; MWO
Technical Operation–TM 11-1331 ; 11-1531 . SIG 11-850–3 ; 11-850–2 .
BC -342, -A, -C, -D , -F, -J, -L, -M, -N ,—TM 11
RC- 148, RC - 148 - B , and RC-148-C-LO 3507 ; 4001 , MWO SIG 11-850–3; 27 ; 11-850-1 .
MWO SIG 36 ; SB 11-100-63 ; TM 11-1318 ; BC - 344 - D — TM 11-4002; MWO SIG 11-850–2 ; 11
11-1418 ; 11-1518 . 850–3 ; TM 11-4002.
RC- 150-B ; RC- 150- C ; RC-150-D ; RC-151 -A and BC - 474 - A - TM 11-4006 .
RC-151-D_TM 11-1317 ; 11-1417 ; 11-1517 ; BC -603 - A , -C, -D, -AM, -CM and -DM-TM 11
LO 3507 . 4033 .
RC- 182-A-LO 3519 ; MWO SIG 36 ; TB SIG 119 ; BC -611 - A , -B, -C, --D , -E , and -F-TM 11-4019 ;
TM 11-1308 ; 11-1408 ; 11-1508. MWO SIG 11-311-1.
RC - 184 BC -620 - A , -B, -F , -G, -H, and -J ,-TM 11-4022.
Instructions for Providing Satisfactory BC - 652- A - TM 11-4008 ; TB 11-630-4.
Weather Protection - TB SIG 156. BC-659-A, -B, -H, and -J - TM 11-4023.
BC - 669 - SB 11-29.
Modification - MWO SIG 36.
Operation in High-Density Areas - TB SIG 119. BC - 683 - A , -B , and -BM-TM 11-4036 .
BC - 716 - A - LO 3505B.
Preventive Maintenance -LO 3506 ; TM 11
1432. BC - 728 - A and -C ,—TM 11-4005 ; MWO SIG 11
Technical Operation Manual - TB 11-1332–1 ;
11-1332. BC - 745 - A , -B, -C, -D, and -E , -- TM 11-4018,

BC - 779- A , -B ,—TM 11-866–3; MWO SIG 11-866-1 .

RC-188-A-TM 11-1421 ; 11-1521 ; LO 3519. BC - 779 - B, BC - 795 - B , and BC - 1004 - C — TM 11-866 ;
RC-192-A-TM 11-1133 ; TB 11-1133–1 ; TB SIG 11-866-1; SB 11-70.
173 ; MWO SIG 22. BC - 787 - B - TM 11-867.
RC-207-A-TM 11-1416 ; 11-1516 ; LO 3519. BC - 794 - A , B_TB 11-866–3 ; MWO SIG 11-866-3.
RC-215-A-TM 11-1334 ; 11-1434 ; 11-1534 ; TB 11 BC - 800 - B - MWO SIG 11-1133-1 .
1334-1 ; LO 3519 . BC - 923 - A - TM 11-4030.
RC - 246 - TM 11-1450 . BC - 969 - A - TM 11–873 ; 11-4013.
RC - 246 - A BC-973-A and B-TM 11-4028.
Service-TM 11-1550 . BC - 976 - A and -B-TM 11-4026 .
Technical Operations — TM 11-1350 ; LO 3506. BC-1000-A and B-TM 11-4024.
RC - 263, Transmitting — TM 8-816 . BC - 1004 - A , -B, -C, -D—TM 11-866–3; MWO SIG
11-866–3 .
RC - 282 - LO 3519 .
BC-1005-A-TM 11-4047 .
RC-282-A-MWO SIG 36 ; TB SIG 119 ; TM 11 BC - 1082 - A - TB 11-1526–3 .
1308 ; 11-1408 ; 11-1508. BC - 1082 - T6 — TB 11-1526-3.
RC-350 and RC-351 —TM 11-1346 ; 11-1446 ; 11 BC - 1147 - LO 3108 .
1546 ; TB 11-1346-1; LO 3519 ; LO 3506. BC - 1267 - A - MWO SIG 36.
RC - 384 — MWO SIG 11-1362–1 ; TM 11-1362 ; 11 BC - 1306 — TM 11-4009.
1462 ; 11-1562 ; LO 11-1462. German, KW Ea .—TB SIG E14.
Trouble Shooting and Repair-TM 11-4000. Hallicrafters. S - 37 — TM 11-881 .
Frequency Bridge Nonstandard , - Maintenance in hospitals-Cir 216–
TS - 1961 CPM - 4 - TM 11-1206. R-80- ( ) /PR - TM 11-876.
Type 916 - A - TM 11-2633 . R-96 / SR-TM 11-878.
Fundamentals — TM 11-455 . R-100/URR—MWO SIG 43 ; Cir 424-III–1944,
German , Communication Equipment-TM E11-227. Repair Instructions—TM 11-4014 ,
Input Servo, BC-1071 -A-LO 3504B. Spez, 445b BS—TB SIG E4.
Intercept , Central TC - 9 - TM 11-249. Transmitter
Interference Suppression , Engine Assembly, E3832, In BC-654-A-MWO SIG 11-275-11 .
stallation-TB 9-1711 - FE1. BC -669 — SB 11-29 .
Interphone, Control System, Radio Set AN /VRC- 3 C-34 /FRC-1-TM 11-228.
MWO SIG 11-637-1 . RT - 12 / TRC - 2 - TM 11-4015 .
Jamming — TB SIG 5. WE Type D - 99945 — MWO SIG 11-884-1 ; 11-884-2.
Message, elimination of nonessential-Cir 78 - I– 1945 . Receiving equipment, Navy models
Modulator, BC - 423 - B - TM 11-2636 . RBA , RBA-1 , RBA - 2, and RBA - 3 — TM 11-894 .
Multichannel, Relay Communication System , Components RBZ - TM 11-895 .
-TB SIG 184 ; 185. Sets
Noises , Suppression -- TM 11-483. Amplitude-Modulated --TM 11-496 .
Operator -- TM 11-454 .
A.G.F.-FM 24-6 . CPS-1-TM 11-1344 ; 11-1444 ; 11-1544.
CRD-3-TM 11-513 .
Portable , Broadcast Transmitter, TWT PB-50A-TM 11 CRT - 2- ( ) -- TM 11-512 .
825 .
FRC-1-TM 11-228.
Power Control , BD-108-A-LO 3505B. MPM - 1 - TM 11-1343 ; 11--1443; 1543 .
Procedure, JT, Army-Navy-TC 2, 12-1941. MRC - 1 - TM 11-602.
Propagation , Handbook - TM 11-499. MRQ-2-MWO SIG 35 ; MWO SIG 46 ; AB
Range Station , Adcock-TM 11-1076. 11-84 .

RADIO-Continued RADIO_Continued
Sets - Continued Sets — Continued
AN-Continued SCR—Continued
PRC- 1-1 ) -TM 11-638. 255-TM 11-861.
PRC - 5 – TM 11-265. 268 — LO 3503 , 3503A and 3503B ; TC 105
PRT-1-TM 11-259.
TPL - 14TM 11-1352 ; 11-1452. 1943 ; FM 4-176 ; SB 11-100-46.
268 A to C — TM 11-1306 ; 11-1406 ; 11-1306.
TPS-1 and TPS-1A-TB SIG 117.
268 B and C - TM 11-1506 ; TB 11-1506–3.
TPS - 1A - TM 11-447A ; 11-1347A ; 11-1447A; 268 - C - TM 1106C .
11-1547A ; TB 11-1547A-2. 270 series—TM 11-1310 ; TM 11-1410 ; TB 11
TPS - 1 ( C ) —TM 11-1147. 1033-2 .
TPS-2–TM 11-1339 ; 11--1439 ; 11-1539. 270-1 ) -TB SIG 106.
TPS — 3 — TM 11-1340 ; 11-1440 ; 11-1540 ; TB 11 270 - (* ) _ TB SIG 126 ; TB SIG 131 ; TB SIG
1340–1 ; 11-1540–2 ; 11-1540–3 ; 11-1540–4 ; 142 ; 145.
TB SIG 77 ; 117 ; MWO SIG 11-1340–1 ; 11 270 - B - TM 11-1100.
1540–3 ; LO 3516 . 270-BB-TB SIG 60 .
TPX-1-MWO SIG 22 .
TPX-3-MWO SIG 11-1540–1 . 270 -BB, CB, DA, EA - TM 11-1370 ; 11-1570;
TRC-1-MWO SIG 11-2606–2. TB SIG 60 .
TRC-1 , -A , B , C , D , E – TM 11--2601, 271 series—TM 1310 ; 11-1370 ; 11–1410 ; 11
TRC - 1, TRC-1A, TRC -1B, TRC - ic - MWO SIG 271- ( ) -TB SIG 106.
11-2601-3 .
TRC - 2 – TM 11–2603 ; SB 11–84 ; 11–87. 271- ( * ) _TB SIG 126 ; 131 ; TM 11-1110M .
281-D-TM 11-244.
TRC - 3 , -A , -B , -C, -D , -E—TM 11-2601 . 284
TRC - 3, -3A, -3B , -3, -3D , -3E – MWO SIG
11-2601-4. In Car, Half-track , M2 - TM 11-2701,
TRCJ5 ( XC-3 ) _TM 11–626. In Truck, 14 - ton, 4 x 4—TM 11-2707.
TRC - 6 ( XC - 2 ) —TM 11–631 ; 11–632 ; 11–633. 284 – A – TM 11-275 ; SB 11-100-47; MWO SIG
TRC - 7 - TM 11-617 ; 11-618 ; SB 11-87 . 11-274-4 ; 11-274-5 .
TRC - 10 — TM 11–636 ; SB 11–87 . 288_TM 11-250 .
TRR - 2 – TM 11-269 ; TB 11-269-1 . 291-A ( Direction Finding) -TM 11-243 ; TB 11
TRT-1-TM 11-269 ; MWO SIG 11-269–1. 243–2 ; TB SIG 146 ; MWO SIG 11-243-3 ; 11
TRT-24TM 11-270 . 243–1 ; 11-243-2.
VRC-1-TM 11-277. 292–TM 11-254.
VRC - 3 — TM 11-637 ; MWO SIG 11-637-1 ; SB 293-N-MWO SIG 11-273-1.
11-59 ; 11-67 ; 11-100–77. 296 - A - FM 4–95 ; TM 11-1105A ; 11-1305 ; 11
VRC - 4 ~ TM 11-829.
1405 ; 11–1505 ; LO 3505 ; 3505A ; 3505B ;
Distribution of Vehicular-SB 11-14. MWO SIG 11-1505–2.
Ground, Diagrams—TM 11-310. 299 Series—TM 11-280.
Jamming—TB SIG 54. 299-A , B, C, D-MWO SIG 27 ; TC 6, 11943;
Relay SB 11-100-48 .
AN / TRC - 4, -A, -B, -C, -D, and -E—TM 11 300-A-TM 11-242 ; MWO SIG 11-242–3; SB
2601 ; TB 11-2601-1; TB SIG 184 ; 185 ; MWO
SIG 11-2601-3 . 399-A-TM 11-281 ; MWO SIG 27 ; 11-281-2 ;
AN / TRC-12 ( XC - 3 ) -TM 11-618. 11-281-5 ; 11–281-6 ; 11–281-8 ; 11-281-9 ; 11
SCR 281-10 ; SB 11-100—48.
A and B-MWO SIG 11-605–7. 499 - A - TM 11-281 ; MWO SIG 27 ; 11-281-2; 11
AF-183 , AG-183 , AH-183 , AJ-183, AK-183, 281-5 ; 11-281-6 ; 11-281-9 ; SB 11-100-48.
502 — TB SIG 146 ; TM 11-256 ; LO 3108.
AL - 183, AL - 283, AN-183, AN - 283 — TM 11 503-A-TM 11-246A ; 11-246B ; TB 11-246-1.
131-TM 11-237. 504 - A - TM 11-862.
156 and 156 - C - 516 - D and 516 - E - TM 11-1506 . 506 Series — TB 11-630-3 ; SB 11-8 ; 11-100-50.
1614TM 11-237. In Car
162 - TM 11-1326. Half-track, M2-TM 11-2701 .
171-TM 11-234 . Light armored , M8 - TM 11-2702.
177, -A , -B In Carrier, Personnel, Half -track , M5 or
177-B-TB 11-232-2. M5A1-TM 11-2711 .
178 and 179—TM 11-231. In Truck
188, change in allowance - Cir 36 - V - 1944. 14 - ton, 4 x 4–TM 11-2707.
188 - A - TM 11-233. 34 -ton, 4 x 4 - TM 11-2710.
193 — SB 11-32 ; 11-100-44 ; TM 11-273 ; 11 506 – A – TM 11-630 ; TB 11-630–4 ; MWO SIG
2701 ; 11-2710 ; 11-2707 ; MWO SIG 11-273-2. 11-630–3 ; 11-630–4 ; 11-630-5 ; 11-630-6.
194 and 195 - TM 11-238. 508 Series—TM 11-600 ; TB 11-600-2 ; SB 11
1974 8 ; 11-100–51 .
B through F-TM 11-241 . In Car
C through D, and F-TM 11-805 . Half-track, M2 — TM 11-2701 .
203—TM 11-239 . Light armored, M8 — TM 11-2702 .
206 - F - TM 11-240F. In Carrier, Personnel, Half-track , M5 0?
210A through G - TM 11-272 . M5A1 — TM 11-2711 .
211A , B , C-TC 4-1943 . In Tank, medium, M4-TM 11-2704.
245 In Truck
A through P-TM 11-272. 14 - ton , 4 x 4 - TM 11-2707 .
AB in Truck , 14 -ton, 4 x 4 - TM 11-2707. 84 -ton, 4 x 4–TM 11-2710.
P in Car, Half-track, M2 — TM 11-2701. 508-A, -C, D ,-MWO SIG 11-600-1 ; 11-600-5
T in Truck %4 -ton, 4 x 4 - TM 11-2710. 11-600-9.
RADIO_Continued RADIO–Continued
Sets - Continued Sets — Continued
SCR-Continued SCR-Continued
508 - A , C, AM, CM , DM , -MWO SIG 11-600-6 ; 582-A and T6 – TM 11-1312 ; 11-1412 ; 11-1512.
11-600–7 ; 11-600-8 ; 11-600-10. 582 - A , C, D, AM , CM, DM-MWO SIG 11-600–7.
509-A-MWO SIG 11-605-9 . 584 — FM 4-144; TM 11-1324 ; 11-1424 ; 11-1524 ;
509 ( ) Series — TM 11-605 ; SB 11-100–52 . TB 11-1324–1 ; 11-1424–3; 11-1424–4 ; 11
509-A , B — TB 11-605–5 ; TB SIG 115 ; MWO 1524–1; 11–1524-5 ; 11-1524–7; 11-1524–13 ;
SIG 11-605–2; 11-605–3; 11-605-6 ; 11-605–8 ; 11-1524–14 ; 11-1524–15 ; 11-1524–16 ; 11
SB 11-16 . 1524–17 ; TB SIG 114 ; 160 ; TC 34–1944; 27
510 Series — TM 11-605 ; SB 11-100–52. 1945 ; MWO SIG 11–1524–2; 11-1524–3; 11
In Car 1524–1; 11–1524–5; 11-1524–9 ; SB 11-100-66 .
Half-track , M2 - TM 11-2701 . 584 - A — TB 11-1524–19 ; MWO SIG 11-1524–7.
Light armored, M8 — TM 11-2702. 584 - A , and B-TB 11-1524–10 ; 11-1524–11; 11
In Carriage, Multiple Gun, M15 — TM 11 1524-20 ; 11-1524-21 ; 11-1524–22 ; LO 3500 ;
2708 . 3500A ; 3500C ; 3500D ; 3500E ; MWO SIG 11
In Carrier, Personnel, Half-track, M5 or 1324–2 ; 11-1324-3 ; 11-1324-6 ; 11-1524-10 ;
M5A1 -TM 11-2711 . 11-1524-11 ; 11-1524-12 ; 11-1524–13 ; 11
In Tank, Light T9E1-TM 11-2705. 1524–14; 11-1524–15 ; 11-1524–18 ; 11-1524
In Truck 19 ; 11-1524–20 .
14 - ton , 4 x 4 – TM 11-2707. 584 - B - TB 11-1524-8.
34 -ton, 4 x 4 — TM 11-2710. 588 — TM 11-1329 ; 11-1429 ; TB 11–1329–10 ;
212 -ton , 6 x 6 — TM 11-2709. 11-1329-12 ; 11-1529-1 .
510 - A , -B--TB SIG 115 ; MWO SIG 11-605-8 ; 588 — B — TM 11-1129 ; 11–1529.
11-605–2 ; 11-605–3; 11-605-6 ; 11-605–7 ; 11 593–TM 11-2701 .
605-9 ; SB 11-16. - 593 - A - TM 11-859; MWO SIG 11-859-6 ; SB
511-A-SB 11-100–53 . 11-100-82.
511-A, -B – TM 11-245 ; MWO SIG 11-245-4. 593-A , B, and C - MWO SIG 11-859-5.
516 — ( * ) - LO 3503 ; 3503A ; 3503B . 593-A and C-MWO SIG 11-859-2 ; 11-859–7.
516, C to E-TM 11-1306 ; 11-1406 ; 11-1506. 593 - C - MWO SIG 11-859-6 .
522-A-T2-TM 11-509. 602-A—TM 11-1126 ; 11-1326 ; 11-1426 ; 11-1526 ;
527-A-TM 11-1319 ; 11-1419 ; 11-1519 ; TB TB 11-1426-1 ; 11-1426–2 ; 11-1526–5 ; TB
11-1119-8 ; 11-1119-9 ; 11-1519–4 ; TB SIG SIG 117 .
60 ; MWO ORD G508-W14. 602–16 — TM 11-1126 ; 11-1326 ; 11-1426 ; 11
528 Series—TM 11-600 ; SB 11-8 ; 11-500-51 . 602–16 — TM 11-1126 ; 11–1326 ; 11-1426 ; 11
In Car, Half-track, M2_TM 11-2701. 1526 ; TB 11-1126–5 ; 11-1426-1 ; 11-1426–2;
In Carriage, gun, motor, M13 to 17—TM TB SIG 117 .
11-2712. 608 — TM 11-2701 ; 11-2702 ; 11-2711; 11-2710 ;
In Carrier, Personnel , Half-track, M5 or SB 11-100-61 .
M5A1—TM 11-2711 . 608 - A - MWO SIG 11-620–1 .
In Tank, medium , M4 — TM 11-2704. 608-A- and B - TM 11-620 ; MWO SIG 11
In Truck 620-2 .
14 -ton 4 x 4-TM 11-2707. -609- ( ) -SB 11-100-54 .
34 - ton , 4 x 4 - TM 11-2710. 609-A-MWO SIG 11-615--3 ; 11-615-5 ; TM
11-615A .
In Vehicle, Tank Recovery, T2-TM 11 609-A and B - TM 11-615 ; TB 11-615–5 ; TB SIG
115 ; MWO SIG 11-615–7; 11-615–8 ; 11-615
528 - A , -B, and -C-MWO. SIG 11-600-9 ; 11 9 ; 11-615–10 ; 11-615–11 ; SB 11-16 ; 11-20.
600-10 ; 11-600–1 ; 11-600-5.
528 - A , C , D, AM , CM, DM .-MWO SIG 11-600 610 — TM 11-2701; 11-2702; 11-2703; 11-2707 ;
6 ; 11-600-8 ; 11-600–10.
11-2709 ; 11-2710 ; 11-2711 ; SB 11-100–54.
610 - A - TM 11-615A ; MWO SIG 11-615–3.
536 series-SB 11-66 ; 11-100-60 ; MWO SIG 610-A and -B-TM 11-615 ; TB SIG 115 ;
11-234–4 ; 11-235-8 ; 11-235 ; 11-235–7 ; 11 MWO SIG 11-615–6 ; 11-615–7 ; 11-615–8 ;
311-1 ; TM 11-235.
11-615–9 ; 11-615–10 ; 11-615–11 ; SB 11-16 ;
538 series—TM 11-600 ; SB 11-100–51; 11-8. 11-20.
In Car, light armored, M8—TM 11-2702. 614 - A - TM 11-873 .
In Tank, Medium , M4 — TM 11-2704. 615 – A – TM 11-1341 ; 11-1441 ; 11-1541 ; TB 11
In Vehicle, tank recovery , T2 - TM 11-2703. 1541-1 .
538 - A , -C , -D_MWO SIG 11-600-5. 615 - B - TB 11-1341B - 1 .
542 - A , and T2 - TM 11-509.
> 615 - T1 - TB 11-1541-1.
543 — TB 11-625-1 . 619_TM 11-619.
543-A-TB 11-625-2. 627-A-TM 11-1320 ; 11-1420 ; 11-1520 ; TB
543-A, B, C ,—TM 11-625 ; TB 11-625–3; MWO 11-1520-2 .
SIG 11-625–2 ; 11-625-6 ; 11-625–8 ; 11-625 628 — TM 11-2701 ; 11-2702 ; 11-2711 ; 11-2710 ;
9 ; 11-927–1 ; SB 11-00–84. SB 11-100-61 .
545-FM 4-146 ; TC 34–1944 . 628 - A - LO 3515 ; MWO SIG 11-620-1,
545 - A - TM 11-1327 ; 11-1427 ; 11-1527 ; TB 11 628-A , -B , -BM- TM 11-620.
1127-4 ; 11-1127-5 ; 11-1127–7 ; 11-1427–1 ; 11 636 - A - TM 11-1342 ; 11-1442 ; 11-1542.
1427-2 ; 11-1427–3 ; TB SIG 114 ; 160 ; LO 641 -A-TM 11-650.
3504 ; 3504A ; 3504B ; 3504C ; 3504D ; 3510 ; 658 — TM 11-1158A ; LO 3100.
SB 11-100-65 . 658 - A - LO 3100 .
547-TC 9–1945. 658–T1-LO 3100 ; Cir 228-VI-1945 .
547-A and 547 - B -- TM 11-1109 ; 11-247. 682-A-FM 4-97 ; TM 11-1361 ; 11-1461 ; 11
555 - A - TM 11-251 ; 11-255. 1561 ; TB SIG 87 ; 92.
582-FM 4-96 . 694 AW-TM 11-230.
RADIO—Continued RADIO - Continued
Sets - Continued Transmitters – Continued
SCR_Continued BC-1072-A-LO 3507.
BC - 1160 - A - LO 3507.
694 - C - TM 11-230C ; MWO SIG 11-230C-1 ;
SB 11-77 ; 11-87 ; 11-100-85 . BC - 1253_TB 11-1158 A - 1 .
714 AW-TM 11-229. BC - 1267 - A - MWO SIG 36 ; LO 3519 ; 3506 ; 3507.
784—TM 11-1354 ; 11-1454 ; 11-1554 ; LO 11 BC - 1306 - TM 4009.
1454-1 ; 11-1454–2 ; 11-1454-3. BC-9780A-TM 11-4004.
808-1 D -TC 43–1945 . 33A-TM 11-818 .
808-A-TM 11-601 ; MWO SIG 11-601-1 , 34A-TM 11-818.
828- ( ) -TC 43-1945. 149A-TM 11-822.
828 - A - TM 11-601 ; MWO SIG 11-601-1 . Portable, Lifeboat, Model ET - 80264TM 11-830 .
BC-1057-A Search Receiver - LO 3504C . Press wireless type PW-2.5A, PW-15A, PW -40BA,
Student notebooks, change in classification - Cir 54 PW -40A and PW -40B - MWO SIG 33 ; MWO
II–1945. SIG 32 ; MWO SIG 32 ; MWO SIG 32.
Suppression,, Installation of replacement engine T - 4 / FRC - TM 11-820.
equipped on half-track vehicles-TB 9-710 T - 5 / FRC - TM 11-820.
28. T - 14 / TRC - 1, T-14A/TRC-1 , T -14B / TRC- 1, T
Targets , Airplanes—TM 20–300. 14D/TRC-1 , and T-14E / TRC- 1-TM 11
Telephone Procedure, Military Information-WD. 4031 .
Pam 24-2. T - 83 / SR - TM 11-837 .
Teletype Terminal Equipment, AN / FGGI or AN/ T/87 / TRT-1-MWO SIG 11-269-1 .
FGG-FX-TM 11-356. Type 1505—TM 11-823.
Telegraph-TM 11–824 ; 11-831 ; 11-835 .
Terminal AN / CRN-11-TM 11-1077.
AN / TRC - 3 ( ) -TB 11-2601–1. WC-58-MWO ORD G502-W3 .
AN / TRC - 3, -3A, -3B , -3C, -3D, and -3E - TB Western Electric 33A and 34A-MWO SIG 11
SIG 184 ; 185 ; 199 ; MWO SIG 11-2601-4 . 818-1 .
AN / TRC - 3, -3A , -3B, 3C — MWO SIG 11 Wilcox types
2601-3 . 96C and 96C3-TM 11-803 .
AN / TRC - 114TM 11-618 . 96-200A and 96-200B - TM 11-802 .
Vehicular Wattmeter, frequency, TS-429/TRC-6 ( XC-3 ) -TB 11
Distribution-SB 11-81 . 631-1 .
Lightweight Antenna Systems-SB 11–52.
War Department, used by military personnel for RADIO SECURITY SECTIONS , HEADQUARTERS, 136th
civilian ceremony_Cir 386 – V - 1945. RADIO SECURITY DETACHMENT, Com .
Tower, TR-48, Foundation and Guy Anchorage Details, manding General, AAF, jurisdiction-Cir
TM 11-2615 ; TB 11-1346–1; 11-1334-1. 386-11-1944 .
Track Receiver, BC-1055-A-LO 3504D. RADIO SERVICE : Messages-Cir 222–1943.
Transmission silerce - Cir 3-1-1945.
Track Transmitter - BC - 1037 - A - LO 3504D. RADIO SILENCE : Definition and policy - Cir 3-1-1945,
Transmitters RADIO STATIONS : Radio Silence - Cir 3-1-1945.
BC -AA - 191, Calibration of Tuning Units—TB 11
800-2 . RADIOGRAM :
BC-191 Serviceability Standards - SB 11-100–1 ; TM AG 242.6 ( 1 Sep 44 ) 1 Sep 44, rescinded-Cir 348-1
11-800 ; 11-4017 ; TB 11-800–2 ; MWO SIG 11 1945.
800-1 .
AGPO-SA 210.85 ( 10 Nov 44 ) SPXPO-S, 10 Nov 44,
BC - 329 - J - TM 11-817. amended-Cir 109-1945.
BC - 365 - F_TM 11-828 .
BC - 365 - R - TM 11--828 .
1 June 1945, concerning proof required for separation
BC - 392 - L - TM 11-817A. of female military, personnel, rescinded-Cir
253-III- 1945.
BC - 445 - J - TM 11-811.
BC - 400 - G and -H – TM 11-2607G ; 11-2607. RADIOSONDES :
BC - 446 - A , -B , -C , -D , -E , -F , -H -- TM 11-1076 ;
MWO SIG 11-1076-1 . AN / AMQ - 1, 1A , and -1C-TM 11-2404.
BC-447-A , B , C , D , E , and F - MWO SIG 11-827-1 ; AN / AMQ - 1-1 ) -TB 11-1158A-1 .
TM 11-827 . AN / AMQ - 1-1 ) Humidity Element— TB 11-2404–1 .
BC --474 - A , Repair Instructions— TM 11-4006. AN /AMQ-1-1 ) Unserviceable Disposition-SB 11-53,
AN /AMT-1 and AN / AMT -24TB SIG 165 .
BC-604-A , -C , --D , Antenna Coupling Coil-TM 11
4034 ; MWO SIG 11-600-2. Frequency Modulated Audio Observation, Instructions
-TM 11-2424 .
BC-604-AM , -CM , -DM-TM 11-4034. Receptor, AN /FMQ- 1 - TM 11-2403 ; LO 3111 ; M10
BC-610-A , B , C , and D-MWO SIG 49 ,
BC - 610 - E - MWO SIG 11-281-6 ; 11-281-9 ; MWO SIG 11-2403-1 ; 11-2403–2.
SIG 49 . Repair--TB 11-2403-1 .
BC-611 -A , -B, -C , -D , -E , and -F - TM 11-4019 ; Test switch , field construction-TB 11-2403-3 .
MWO SIG 11-311-1.
BC - 620 - A , -B , -F , -G , -H , and -J - TM 11-4022. RADIO TELEGRAPH :
BC -653 - A , Repair Instructions --TM 11-4007, Precedure, U. S. , British - FM 24-10 .
BC -659 - A , -B , H , and -J - TM 11-4023. Signals combined
BC -677 - TM 11-1060 . Air extract - FM 24-13 .
BC- 684- A , -B , and BM - TM 11-4037 . Army extract-FM 24-12.
BC-745- A , -B , -C , -D , and -E-TM 11-4018. Transmitter - TM 11-834 .
BC - 1000 - A and -B - TM 11-4024 . Press wireless type PW-15A-TM 11-821 .
BC - 1039-A- LO 3504C. T -50M - TM 11-838.
Air Forces-TM 1-460. Set
Fighter - FM 1-46 . GR - 3 - C – MWO SIG 11-444-1 ; 11-444-4 .
Procedure — TM 1-460 ; TC 48–1944. GR-8, Sound—TM 11-2568.
Transmitter-TM 11-843. RANK : General of the Army established -- Bull 25-1-1944 .
RADIOTELETYPE : Code room and signal center, installa RATES :
tion and maintenance - TM 11-2207.
RADIUM THERAPY : General hospital designated for spe Baggage, packing and crating - Cir 174 - IV - 1943 ; 152–
IV- 1944 ; 206-VI-1944 .
cialized treatment-Cir 347-1-1944.
Classification, students in military specialties - Cir 20
RAFTING-TB ENG 46. II -1944 .


Ponton, 25-ton , Revised Capacity, Ponton Bow Adapters Banking System - SB 10-140.
-TB 5-273-3 . Boards , cessation of activities - Cir 376 - VI - 1945 .
Stream Crossing — TB ENG 31 . Computation-SB 10–118.
To support Heavy Tanks T26E1-TB ENG 52. Enlisted men authorized to mess separately, commuta
tion value - Cir 197-11-1945 .
RAILHEAD : Company, Quartermaster Handbook-TM 10
379 . Field
Civilian employees subsistence in hospitals - Cir
RAILROAD : 175--1945 .
Alaska , physical examination for recruits-Cir 31 - I Head count and estimate procedure - Cir 171–1944.
1945. Issue and distribution-Cir 158–1944 ; 315 - VII
American, Pamphlet, Tips on Train Travel-Cir 78 - II 1945 .
1945 . Issue and use - Cir 383-III-1944.
Engineer Service, Army, funds - Bull 27–1942. Flight - Cir 270-11-1945 .
Equipment, Food replacement privilege, designated agencies - Cir
Disposal-Cir 28-VI-1945. 59-II-1944 .
Maintenance in Zone of Interior - Cir 447 - VII - 1944 ; Furlough allowance, notation of payment made per
340-V-1945 . sonnel on service record-Cir 307-1-1945.
Military police and shore patrol-TM 19-275. Garrison
Movements, patients as individuals , or in small groups Certificate of nonavailability, issuance - Cir 460 - I
-Cir 234–1944 ; 405–1944. 1944 .
Operations—TM 55-270 ; 55–271 ; 55–277. Computation purposes, price of Sirup - SB 10–71.
Mechanical examination for Steam Locomotive Engi Value for fiscal year 1945 - Cir 311-1-1944.
neers -- TM 55-282. Gasoline and Fuel Oil
Possession and operation-Bull 25–II–1943. Termination-Cir 262-IV-1945 .
Stations, military police assigned-Cir 134-VII-1945. General Order No. 11 , food and beverage, procedure for
Transportation, United States military prisoners-Cir procurement - Cir 36-1-1945.
133-1944 ; 420–1944 . Hospital trains—Cir 184–1945.
Unsanitary passenger, equipment - Cir 334-III–1944. Increase in allowances-Cir 358-1–1944.
Utility, Personnel strength-Cir 423-III-1944. Jungle - TB QM 13 .
Way and Structures, maintenance-TM 55-275. Kitchen Cars—TM 10-206.
Packaged, and Certain Expeditionary, Characteristics,
Nutritional Value — TB MED 141 .
RAILWAY EXPRESS AGENCY, INC.: Classified , costly, Points
and fragile shipments-Cir 377-V-1944 . Activities receiving from local War Price and Ra
tion Boards-Cir 36-1-1945 .
RAILWAYS : See also Locomotives.
Activities receiving through military channels — Cir
Artillery Equipment , Operation and care - FM 4-51 . 36-1-1945 .
Cars, hospital-TB 55-285-1 ; 55-285-2. Procedure to secure recoupment of allotments-Cir 178–
Construction—TB 55-275-1 . 1945.
Hospital and kitchen cars, Echelon maintenance sched Rates for commutation of hospital patients-Cir 391–
ule - TB 55-285-1. II–1945.
Military-FM 55–50. Shoes, Army agencies activities terminated-Cir 343
Operating Battalion-FM 55–55 ; TM 5-405. V -1945.
Service, Transportation Rules-TM 55–265. Sugar check, procedure for distribution of direct con
Shop Battalion - FM 55-60. sumption-Cir 201 - VII - 1945 .
Transfer of activities and functions from Corps of En Sugar ration currency, internment camp canteens - Cir
gineers to Transportation Corps - GO 17 - II 110-II - 1944 .
1943 .
RAMMERS : Sugar, report of issuance - Cir 268 - VII - 1945.
Troop train-Cir 179-IX-1945 ; 230-VII-1945.
M5-MWO ORD G128-W16.
M8A1-TB 9-1370A-2. RATION SAVINGS FUNDS : Procedure - Cir 337-V-1944.
RANGE FINDERS . See Finders, Range. RATING : Preference, procedure for assignment from non
RANGES : appropriated funds-Cir 25-III–1945.
Field , M1937—TC 86–1943 ; TB 10–400-3.
Allowance of tube, flexible, nozzle-Cir 111 - V - 1945 . 329-1-1945 .
Maintenance and repair-Cir 355-VIII–1945. RAVENNA ORDNANCE CENTER : Redesignated-Cir
On Troop trains-Cir 4 - II - 1945 . 329-1-1945 .
Shipment-Cir 319-V-1944 ; 356 - IV - 1944,
Supply of Gasoline - SB 10-121. READER :
Stoves, ovens, and cooking outfits — TM 10-400. Army-TM 21-500.
Units BC - 1062 - A and BC-1062-B_MWO SIG 11-1524- PH-284 ( V-mail ) -TM 11-2309 .
11 . PH-284 ( E. K. Co. Recordak Model 10) -LO 3889.
Chinese, Arrangement - TM 30–487. Radio - Continued
Courses, officers - TC 25-1941 , BC-406, BC -406 - A - MWO SIG 11-1506-1 ; LO
Japanese, Chinese Place Names, Arranged 3503A .
By Characters--- TM 30–486.
BC - 603 - A , -C , -D , -AM , --CM , and -DV - TM 11
By Chinese Readings—TM 30–487. 4033 .
By Japanese Readings-- TM 30–488. BC-654-A-TB 11-275–3 ; MWO SIG 11-275-8.
READJUSTMENT : BC - 779 - A and BC - 779 - B - TB 11-866-2 ; 11-866-3;
MWO SIG 11-866-1.
ASF, Responsibility for public release, settlement of
contracts and property disposal information BC-779- ( ) , BC-794-1 ) and BC - 1004- ( ) -SB
-Cir 372-VII - 1945. 11-70 .
BC - 792 - A - TM 11-4060.
Regulations, Established as a War Department publica
tion-Cir 361 -III-1944 . BC - 923 - A - TM 11-4030 .
BC-973-A and B–TM 11-4028 .
READJUSTMENT REGULATIONS : BC- 1004-A , B , C , D-TB 11-866-3 .
RR 1-2, 11 Apr 1945 , amended - Cir 316–1945 . BC-1004-B , BC-1004-C , and BC- 1004-D_TB 11
RR 1-6, amended-Cir 344-11-1945. 866-2 .
BC - 1005 - A - TM 11-4047.
REAGENT : Syphilis test-Cir 209-VII-1945. BC - 1068 - A - LO 3507 .
REAL ESTATE : BC- 1161-A-LO 3507 .
R - 19 / TRC - 1 - MWO SIG 11-2606-2.
Administrative procedure, Zone of Interior - Cir 58 R-80- ( ) PR-TM 11--876 .
1943 ; 62-IX-1943 ; 159-VI-1943 ; 182-1-1943 . R-100/ URR-MWO SIG 43 .
Command installations - Cir 89-1945 ; 195- IV- 1945 ; 326– WE Type D - 99945 — MWO SIG 11-884-1 ; 11-884-2.
IV-1945 . Squelch Circuit, Modification - MWO SIG 11-242-3.
Oversea policy - Cir 307-VI-1944. Test, with External Resistance -- TM 11-2046.
Public buildings and improvements, sale or salvage Types RS25-3 and RS25-4 ~ TM 11-829.
Cir 195-III-1944 .
Use of Form WD AGO 5-25, Individual Project Esti RECEIVER-TRANSMITTER :
mate-Cir 375-VI- 1944 . RT - 44 / PPN - 1A - MWO SIG 11-1140A - 1 .
BC-1267-A, Radio equipment RC-384-LO 11-1462.
REAL PROPERTY : Use, unappropriated funds - Cir 208– BC- 1335-TM 11-879.
REASSIGNMENT : Excessive Heating, Cable System M7—TB 9-1671A - 2.
AAF, Personnel because of transfer of facilities—Cir Solenoid, preventing excessive breakage - FSMWO A5t
356-1-1945 . W1 .
AGR and ASF redistribution stations, WD personnel RECEPTION CENTER :
reassignment centers - Cir 350-V-1944 . Established - Cir 177-III–1945 .
Center. See Personnel Reassignment Center. Inactivation - Cir 177-III- 1945 .
Enlisted men, based on physical capabilities–Cir 217- Operations — TM 12–223 .
II - 1944 . . Presentation of decorations - Cir 46-III- 1945.
General service enlisted men - Cir 14-V- 1944 . Reports-Cir 293-11-1944 .
Military personnel Retention of enlisted men - Cir 267-V- 1944 .
Policies and procedures-Cir 312-11-1943 .
RECEPTORS : Radiosonde, AN /FMQ- 1
Release from WD personnel reassignment centers
and AGF and ASF redistribution centers- Installation and Maintenance - TM 11-2403 .
Cir 350-V-1944 ; 365-VII–1944 . Operating Instructions - TM 11-2404 .
Officers Tropicalization — TB 11-2403–2 ; TB SIG 152.
Formerly discharged for disability - Cir 206 - III RECESSES : Reclamation-TB 9-2830–44.
1944 .
Patients released from hospitals — Cir 280–1944. RECIPES :
Returned personnel to the United States — Cir 8 - IV Army - TM 10–412.
1945 . Army Ground Forces and Army Service Forees Redis
Surplus Medical Department personnel - Cir 140–1944. tribution Stations, Special 14-day Menu Issue
RECEIPT : Charts-SB 10-128 .
Classified documents-Cir 181 -III–1945 ; 233-1-1944. RECLAMATION :
Use of WD AGO Form No. 996 and POD Form No.
3811 -Cir 34 - V - 1944. Aircraft High tension wire -- TB 9-2830-11 .
Ammeters , D. C.-TB 9-2830--35 .
RECEIVERS : Autocar, Diamond T and White Half-Track Cpper
Azimuth - Range, M12 and M13-MWO ORD F203-W2 . Bogie Roller, C86010—TB 9-2830–75.
BC- 1082-A-TB 11-1426-2. Axle
BC - 1082 - T6 -- TB 11-1426-2. Dodge 12 -ton truck - TB 9-2830-14.
Beacon Transmitter Housing
AN / PPN - 1A - TM 11-1140A ; TB 11-1140-2. Banjo type--TB 9-2830-91 .
AN / TPN-2-TB 11-1157-1 . Timken - TB 9-2830-- 76 .
F3, Wilcox Electric - TM 11-853. Batteries , Storage - TB 9-2830–73 .
Indicator BC - 1239 - A - TB SIG 131 ; 142 ; TB 11-1570-1, Battery Cables—TB 9-2830–22.
Mark 32 Type, Japanese Radio Set-TB SIG E19. Bearings
Model AR-8506-B , Intermediate and High Frequency Ball and Roller, unserviceable-TB 9-2830-93 .
TM 11-875. Clutch Release-TB 9-2830-72 .
Radio Race Seats - TB 9-2830–44 .
128 - AY - TM 11-868. Bogie Hubs, Half-track-TB 9-2830-48 .
BC-312-1 ) -SB 11-100-2 . Brake Cam Shaft, Air Brakes - TB 9-2830-13 .
BC -404 - A , B , and C - MWO SIG 11-1114D-1 . Classification Racks — TB 9-2830–71.
Clutch Release Bearings—TB 9-2830–72 . Thermoelectric Type Oil Pressure Gage-TB 9-2830–75.
Connector, GMC - TB 9-2830-51 . Thermostats—TB 9-2830-57 .
Crankcase, Front Cover B-15496, Radial Continental Turret lock bolts, medium tank -- TB 9-2830–34 .
Engine R975-C1-TB 9-2830–61. Unserviceable
Crankshaft, In-line Engine -- TB 9-2830-58 . Ordnance material-Cir 224 - VIII - 1944.
Crankshaft Pulley, Dodge - TB 9--2830–31 . Shafts, having keyways-TB 9-2830–59.
Cutters—TB 9-2830-98 . Vehicles parts, general purpose type -- SB 9-62.
Cylinder Heads—TB 9-2830–30. Water Pump—TB 9-2830–25.
Distributor Points—TB 9-2830--15 .
Wheel Hubs, with loose bearing races -TB 9-2830–87.
Dodge Crankshaft Pulley-TB 9-3830–31 . Wire Rope—TB 9-2830–95 .
Drums Brake-TB 9-2830–74 . Worn bronze bushings—TB 9-2830–82.
Engine Crankshafts, Radial , R-975—TB 9-2830-67. RECLASSIFICATION :
Engine Cylinder Blocks—TB 9-2830-30 .
Engine exhaust elbows, R-975—TB 9-2830-20. Enlisted men , based on physical capabilities — Cir. 217–
Fan Belts-TB 9-2830--28 . II- 1944 .
Flywheel Housings — TB 9-2830–30. Movement orders and allied, related papers-Cir 33–
Flying Ring Gears—TB 9-2830–33. 1943 .
Gage, Oil Pressure Thermoelectric type-TB 9-2830–75. Officers, Physical , retirement and retirement benefits
Gear Shift Shafts, M3 and M4 Medium Tanks—TB 9 TM 12-245 .
2930-27 .
Glass, Windshield-TB 9-2830–55.
Glove Compartment Crop, GMC and Chevrolet—TB 9 Aircraft- FM 21–80 ; 30-30 ; TC 131-1943 .
2830–37 . Journal of recognition-TC 131–1943.
GMC , 21/2 -ton , 6 X 6 , Truck Transmission 3rd Speed Russian Soldiers, insignia, uniform and armament - WD
Pam 21-30 .
Gear 2073116 and Main Shaft * 20955294
TB 9-2830-94 . Ships-- FM 21-80 ; TC 131-1943 .
Governor Speed Control Lever-TB 9-2830–43. Vehicles, armored-FM 21--80 ; 30-40 ; TC 131-1943.
Grease Hose-TB 9-2830–49 .
Hack Saw Frames—TB 9-2830-54. RECOIL :
Half - Track Mechanisms : See Mechanism , Recoil .
Drive Sprocket Flanges D48405—TB 9-2830–92. Systems : Lubrication—TB ORD 138 ; TB 9-850-14.
White, Autocar and Diamond T-TB 9-2830–48.
Heat Indicators — TB 9-2830-62. RECOMMENDATION : Naming of posts, camps, and in
stallations-Cir 92-IV -1944.
Hub Adjusting Nut, Chevrolet and GMC—TB 9-2830–
26 .
Identification Racks-TB 9-2830–71 .
Educational-TM 8–290 .
Idler Wheel, Light Tank, D3491 —TB 9-2830-24. Film Programs, ASF Hospitals — TB MED 145 .
In-line Engine Crankshafts — TB 9-2830–58. Films, bed and ward patients in ASF Hospitals --- TB
Loose Bearing Race Seats—TB 9-2830–44 . MED 166 .
Main Bearing Saddles and Caps for In-line Engines Music , ASF Convalescent and General Hospitals—TB
TB 9-2830–88 ; 9-2830–42. MED 187.
Master Clutch Assemblies - D47534 and /or D34110 on Neuropsychiatric -TB MED 80.
Medium Tanks, M4 , M4A1 , 105-mm Howitzer Physical—TB MED 137 ; TM 8–292.
Motor Carriage, M7, 155-mm Gun Motor
Carriage M12 and Cargo Carrier T14-TB RECONNAISSANCE :
9-2830-89 . Air-FM 1--20 .
Medium Tank Troops - See Troops .
Track Support Roller-TB 9-2830-81 . WC-56 and WC-57-MWO ORD G502-3.
Transmission on Shifter Forks, C77568 and C77566 RECORDER - REPRODUCER :
-TB 9-2830-85 .
Metallizing Method-TB 9-2830-68. AN / GNQ - 4 - TM 11-2567.
Nut Assembly, GMC - TB 9-2830–51 . AN /GNQ-5—TM 11-2547 .
Oil Pressure Gage - TB 9-2830–79 . AN /GMQ-7 , operating instructions—TB 11-2511-2.
Oil Pump Gear-TB 9-2830-23 . Magnetic Wire - TM 11-2548.
Oil Seal Assemblies, Chevrolet and GMC-TB 9-2830-26. 11-4027.
Press Fit Shafts-TB 9-2830–44 . RECORDER- SCANNER : BC - 918 - B - TM
Recesses-TB 9-2830-44 .
Ring Gears , GMC 212 -ton , Ford 112 -ton, and Dodge RECORDERS : TM 9-1829A .
11 - ton trucks-TB 9-2830-39 . BC-1016-TM 11-441 ; MWO SIG 11-441-1 .
Seals, oil and grease-TB 9-2830–19. MC-311 , Serviceability Standards— SB 11-100-88.
Shock Absorbers, Monroe-TB 9-2830–53 . Magnetic Wire
Shops-TB QM 9 . G - E Model 20B-2-TM 11-2576 .
Starting Motor Frame Brush , Chevrolet-TB 9-2830–18 . G- E Model 20N-1-TM 11-2544 .
Starting Motor Reduction , Gear Housing, D1844823 on PH -271-TM 11-2353 .
Half-track Vehicles M5, M5A1 , M9A1 , M14 PH-283 , and PH-283-Y , V -Mail - TM 11-2310.
and M17 --- TB 9-2830–90 ; 9-2830–84 . Portable -TM 11-2511 .
Steam release tube, GMC-TB 9-2830–51 . Radiosonde, RD-3 / FMG-1-LO 3111 .
Steering Gears & Shafts, Chevrolet, Dodge, Ford , GMC Speech, MC-502—TM 11-2542.
& Willys Trucks --TB 9-2830–45 .
Steering Knuckles, Trucks, Ford , Model GPW , and RECORDING :
Willys Model MB , 14-ton-TB 9-2830-40 . Albums of orientation-Cir 33-1944 .
Tank Float Units—TB 9-2830-38 . Medical diagnoses , method - TB MED 203 .
Tank Track Support Roller - TB 9-2830-81 . Registered document, procedure for removing from
Tank Wedge Bolt - TB 9-2830-16 ; 9-2830–17 . registered category - Cir 209 - V -1945 .
Temperative gage—TB 9-2830–12 . Visual record indexes, use-Cir 207-VII-1945.
Blank, forms — Cir 350-11-1944. Demobilized Personnel Records Branch, AGO, additional
Class X clothing and equipage-- Cir 375 - III - 1944. function - Cir 317-11-1945.
Clinical, Centralization, maintenance and servicing of Organization Records Branch, AGO, additional function
noncurrent - WD Pam 12-14 . -Cir 386-III-1945 .
Closed Government-owned installations, employee's, dis RECORDS JACKET : Use limited to authorized purposes
position-Cir 30 - IV - 1945.
Cir 71-V- 1945 .
Closed hospitals, disposition-Cir 272 - VII -1944 .
Controlled materials plan, retention-Cir 392-IV-1944. RECORDS SERVICE BRANCH , AGO :
Cryptographic accounting, preservation and disposition Function of Records Administration Center, AGO—Cir
-Cir 361-II-1945 . 348-VI-1945.
Disbursing officers, money accounts — Cir 398–II–1944.
Disposition-WD Pam 12-5. RECREATION :
Enlisted men separating from service, disposition-Cir 60 -day Program-WD Pam 28-3.
349-IV-1945. Equipment, distribution in continental United States
Entries , ink used-Cir 17-IV-1944 . Cir 344-IV-1944 .
Fiscal accounting, discontinued installations — Cir 231 Tours, organized, Military Personnel Overseas - WD
II-1945. Pam 28-5 .
Hospitalization , field camps—Cir 382-III–1942. Unit entertainment programs encouraged-Cir 234
Installed property--Cir 356–V-1945. 1945 .
Instructions—TB ORD 212. Welfare of Enlisted Men funds, use Cir 24–1–1945 ;
Labor and manpower program, disposition-Cir 260- II 127-11-1945.
1945 .
Locker boxes exempted from property accountability- RECRUIT : Alaska railroad, physical examination-Cir 31
Cir 173-II-1945. 1-1945 .

RECRUITMENT ACT OF 1945 : Armed Forces - Bull 19–
And clinical, personnel submitting pension claims 1945 .
Cir 424-1-1944 .
Field artillery liaison pilots — Cir 250--1944. RECTIFIERS :
Personnel submitting pension claims—Cir 424 - I Battery Eliminator, Model 27793_TM 11-966 ; 11-966–1.
1944. Crystal — TB SIG 162 ; TM 11-1242.
Mess attendance - Cir 171-1944 ; 311-IV-1945. Electron Tube, Trojan Model 27820—TM 11-2067 .
Microfilming for purposes of preservation - Cir 177– Kit, MC-606, Rheostat, installation–TB 11-1520–3.
1944 . Power Unit
Military Police - TM 19–250. PP- 1 / FRC-TM 11-820.
Money accounts, retained of disbursing officers - Cir PP - 34 /MSM - TM 11-965.
157-VI-1945. PP-77 / FSM -1 -TM 11-979.
Name, grade, serial number, instructions rescinded P - 125 / VT - TM 11-2529.
Cir 169-V-1944. PP - 147 / G - TM 11-966.
Noncurrent clinical, centralization maintenance, and RA - 34 - SB 11-100-67 ; TM 11-4701 ; MWO SIG 11
servicing — Cir 293-VI-1945. 959G-2 ; TM 11-959G ; MWO SIG 11-959G-1 ;
Officer's separation, disposition-Cir 362–1945. TM 11-961 ; MWO SIG 11-961-1 ; 11-961-2 ;
Personnel eligible for service ribbons, discontinued-Cir 11-961-3.
27-1944 . RA - 36 - TM 11-951 .
Preparation of records jacket-Cir 312-11-1944. RA-37—TM 11-955 ; MWO SIG 11-955–1.
RA-38—TB SIG 42 .
RA -43 - B - TM 11-954 ; 11-4702.
Arms — Cir 265-II- 1943 . RA-63- B-TM 11-962 .
Preparation of separation - TM 12–237. RA-65-A-LO 3504A .
Separation qualification - Cir 304-VI-1945 ; 359-V-1945. RA-67A-TB 11-1519-3.
Service - TM 12-230. RA-68-LO 3500C .
Disposition of misplaced-Cir 323-XI-1945. RA-69 and RA -69-B-MWO SIG 11-1524-14.
Shipment RA-83-A-TM 11-963 .
RA-87-TM 11-957 ; MWO SIG 11-957-1 .
Ports of aerial embarkation , accountability termi. RA-91 and RA-91A-TM 11-964 ; SB 11-100-29.
nated-Cir 75-1-1945 . RA -120-TM 11-953 .
Shipping and storage boxes-Cir 104-1945 . 6R B6B17 - TM 11-951 .
Soldier's Qualification Card-Cir 298-111-1944 . Tubes . See Tubes , Rectifier.
Soldier's voting, disposition-Cir 448-IX-1944. Unit, Wilcox Type 36A-TM 11-803.
Stock . See Stock Records .
Unitron , Allen Model E - 2 – TM 11-313.
201 Files, military personnel, disposition-Cir 96–1945 ;
123-VI- 1945 ; 189-IV- 1945 . RECTIFIER-MODULATOR : Start-stop switch 99 — MWO
U. S. Government, disposal-Bull 14 - V – 1943; 12 -XI SIG 48 .
1945 .
ERY : War Department policy-Cir 389-111
1945 .
Change, WD Pam 12-5 ; Cir 416 , WD, 1944–Cir 481- RED CROSS : See American National Red Cross.
IV -- 1944 .
Disposition of records —TM 12-259 . REDESIGNATION :
Filing procedure - TM 12–258 . Alomogordo Bombing Range, N. Mex.-Cir 470-11-1944.
Program , Military establishment- Cir 416–1944 . Armored Center --GO 21-1-1944 .
TM 12-259, implement of the WD records administra- Army-Navy Freight Distributing agency - Cir 204-1
tion-Cir 287-IX-1945. 1944 ; 344-11-1944.
Army Air Forces, Station No. 6, San Antonio, Tex., Ice Freezing Plant Equipment, Electric Motor Powered
establishment-Cir 343-III- 1945 . 7 x 7 Encl . 15 tons-TM 5-9092.
Items for resale by exchanges-Cir 183-1-1945 . Responsibilities for technical and operational control,
RECUPERATION : Return to the United States—Cir 8 Cir 446-VI-1944 .
III -1945. Storage, issue , and maintenance responsibility - Cir 156–
V-1944 ; 28-X-1945.
REDEPLOYMENT : Medical Problems TB MED 170. Units
REEL : Blood, Refrigerator-TM 8–635.
Assembly RL - 106 / VI - TM 11-2254. Cooler, Universal-TB 10–1614-1 .
Cart, RL - 16, Serviceability Standards—SB 11-100–80. Gasoline Engine-Driven, Freon Type, 12,000 BTU
Cordomatic-MWO SIG 11-406 - A - 1 . Per hour, Universal , Model OCE - 300 - FLG - A
-TB 5-9094-2.
Equipment, CE11-TM 11-2250 ; SB 11-100–5.
Power, Collapsible, CR—TB SIG 138. Portable, 125 Cubic Feet - TM 10–1634.
Unit York, V45—MWO QM 14.
RL - 17 and RL - 17 - A - MWO SIG 26. Warehouse
RL - 26 and RL - 26 – A – TM 11-360 ; TB 11-360–1; 11 20 x 52-ft Huseman-Ligonier-TM 5–9268.
360-2 . 20 x 100-ft. Huseman-Ligonier TM 5-9266 ; 5
RL - 314TM 11-362 ; TB 11-362-1 ; Cir 208 – VI 9274 .
1944 .
712 J.P. , Huseman- Ligonier Co.-TM 5-9982 .
Revocation, authority for issue - Cir 195-V-1944 ; Carrier Corporation—TM 5-9984.
8 - VI - 1944.
Carrier, OCE -300-FLE-A with Wagoner Motor
RL - 31B - TB 11-362-2. TM 5-9096 .
RL - 39 – SB 11-100-34 .
RL - 49 - LO 3108 - A .
Condensing Unit E-500, Huseman-Ligonier Co.
TM 5-9980 .
REEMPLOYMENT : Huseman-Ligonier, No. 1 Prefabricated—TM 5
9264 .
Rights, application time extended from 40 to 90 days—
Cir 481 -V-1944 . Knock Brothers, U. S. Standard No. 2 - TM 5-9630.
Veterans requesting information - Cir 90-VII–1945. Viking, Prefabricated, U. S. Standard No. 2 - TM
United Refrigerator 620-cu . ft. Prefabricated—TM
Former members of armed forces-Cir 380-11-1944. 5--9262 ; 5-9578.
National Guard -- Cir 284-IV-1945 . York Model 25-A-TM 55-1308.
Recovered personnel Regular Army-Cir 350-II–1945.
Regular Army - Cir 249–1945 ; 310-1945 ; 332-1-1945 ; REFRIGERATORS :
339-III-1945 ; 345-111-1945 ; 355-V-1945 ; Army personnel only - Cir 295-VI-1943.
368-11-1945 ; 379–1–1945 ; 383-IV-1945. Domestic, Walk- in Reach -in , Miscellaneous Refrigerat
Regular Military and Naval Establishments, Voluntary ing Systems-- TM 5-671.
Recruitment Act of 1945 - Bull 19–1945. Field , Portable -- TM 10-1625 .
20 days from date of discharge, regulations-Cir 208– HD-2/ FSM- 1 -TM 11-2683 .
IV-1945 . Installed in 2-wheel, 10-ton Semitrailer-MWO QM 25.
Women's Army Corps, qualification - Cir 462–1944 . Kerosene, N Model 1942, Servel, Inc.—TM 5-9986.
Portable , Chest Type-TM 10–1681 .
REESTABLISHMENT : ASF Personnel Replacement De
pot, Indiantown Gap, Pa.-Cir 425-IV-1944. REFUNDS :
REFERENCE DATA : Cash, passengers of Air Transport Command - Cir 451
1944 .
Air forces-FM 1-55 .
Artillery, Field-FM 6-130. Expenditure
Engineers-FM 5-35 . Allotment accounts - Cir 200-II-1945.
Medical Corps - FM 8-55 . Collection ,vouchers—Cir 236–1944 ; 389-IV-1944 ;
Signal Corps—TM 11-462. 217 -III- 1945 .
Federal income tax , 1943—Cir 63–1944.
REFLECTORS : Corner, Radar Target, construction and
installation--TB SIG 163. REFUSE DISPOSAL : Sanitary Fill Method—TB ENG 1 .
REFORMATORY : REGIMENTS : Rifle, Headquarters Company, Intelligence
Federal , military prisoners - Cir 229-11-1944. and Signal Communication - FM 7-25 .
Institutions, sentences of military prisoners — Cir 25
II-1945 .
DISTRICT : Designation-Cir 53-111–1945.
REFRIGERANT : Freon - 12, conservation-Cir 49-IV-1945 ;
134-X- 1945.
REFRIGERATION : TM 10-610 ; TB 5-283-4 . Discontinued installations - Cir 231-11-1945 .
Quartermaster Handbook-TM 10–615 . Fiscal components—Cir 123-XI-1945.
Automatic Control, Gasoline Engine-Driven , Thermo Oversea service-Cir 376 - III - 1944 .
Control Co. Model OCE -300- FLG-A-TM 5 Use discontinued for certain routine matters-Cir 32
9094 ; TB 5-9094-1 . VI-1945 .
Baker Ice Machine Co.-TM 5-9810.
Condensing Unit ( 5 -HP) E-200 Huseman-Ligonier Co.- REGISTRATION :
TM 5-9272 . Data , Motor Vehicle-SB 9-27.
Cooler, Knockdown type, Sectional Grand Rapids Cabinet Graves-FM 10-63.
Co.-TM 5-9260 . Officers in Washington, D. C.-Cir 411-V-1944.
Appointment, Officers - Cir 392–1945. Hospitalization and medical care of civilian employees
Brigadier generals of the line, appointment-Bull 6 - I under the Compensation Act - Cir 175–1945.
Materials handling equipment-Cir 33-III-1945.
Discontinuance, annual physical examination of officers Official travel in privately -owned automobile - Bull 11
-Cir 217-V-1944. II-1944 .
Enlistments - Bull 10-II-1945 . Transportation , dependents of military personnel-Cir
And reenlistments of personnel-Cir 310–1945 ; 332– 235-IX-1945 ; 360 - III - 1945 .
I–1945 ; 339-III–1945 ; 345–III–1945 ; 355 - V Travel
1945 ; 368-11-1945 ; 379-1-1945 ; 383 - IV Dependents of military personnel separated from
1945 . service - Cir 336-11-1945 .
Or reenlistment of recovered personnel-Cir 350 - II Expenses and allowance - Cir 445-III-1944.
1945. Expenses, mentally incompetent and prisoner offi
Members of reserve components and retired personnel, cers - Cir 121-III-1945 .
hospitalization after discharge - Bull 24 Transportation request lost - Cir 52-II-1944.
VIII-1944. War Department, stranded soldiers in Canada-Cir 377
Minimum mental capacity for enlistment-Cir 359- III IX-1944.
Officers REIMPREGNATION : Clothing, Impregnation Plants Mi,
Active List, continuation of services — Bull 24 - V Theater of operations — TB 3-270-5 .
Appointment - Cir 366 - IV -1945. REINSTATEMENT : General prisoners restored to duty
Longevity pay - Cir 320 - IV - 1945. Cir 298-1-1943 .
Qualification card, preparation of certified true RELATIVE : See also Dependent.
copies — Cir 320-VI-1945.
Relief from active duty-Cir 329-11-1945. RELAY :
Statutory age for retirement - Cir 181-1-1945 .
Payment of enlisted personnel while on furlough-Cir Protective, installation in Radio Sets and Keying Units
371-1-1945. -MWO SIG 11-1506-2.
Voluntary Recruitment Act of 1945—Bull 19–1945. Radio Sets, AN /TRC-4 ; AN /TRC-4A , AN / TRC -4B,
and AN / TRC - 40 - MWO SIG 11-2601-3 .
REGULATIONS : Unit BE-84-A-TM 11-343.
Cavalry Drill RELEASE :
Horse-FM 2-5.
Mechanized-FM 2–7. Enlisted personnel -
Christmas Mail, For Army Personnel-WD Pam 12–7. Active Duty - TM 12-235.
Field Service Preparation of forms—Cir 94-II-1945.
Administration-FM 100-10. Use of WD AGO Form 100-1-Cir 64-XI-1945.
Air Power-FM 100–20 . Federal personnel, priority classification between de
Larger Units - FM 100-15. partments and agencies -- Bull 11-III–1944.
Operations-FM 100-5. Military information - Cir 343–111–1944 ; 236–1945 .
Infantry Drill - FM 22-5 . Military personnel
Women's Army Corps - Cir 289–1943 ; 312-VIII-1943 ; Advice from Veterans Administration-Cir 336
337-XI-1943 , 1944 .
From axis powers-Cir 8 - IV - 1945.
REGULATING STATIONS : Discontinued-CT Bull 44 - V Discontinuance of allotments and family allowances
1945. -Cir 297–1944.
Mustering-out payments-Bull 3–1–1944 ; Cir 50
Dome-type (Grove ) Pressure, Adjustment—TB 3- Officers
376A - 4 . For whom no suitable assignment exists-Cir 341
Filament Voltage-MWO SIG 11-605–7 ; 11-615-9. 1944 ; 461-1-1944 .
Generator, Auto-lite, waterproofing - TB ORD 329 . Of reserve components - Cir 284-111-1944 .
Voltage, M1-TB 9-1618–1. Warrant officers, and flight officers from active
duty - Cir 290–1945; 376 - IV -1945,
REHABILITATION : Pregnant WAC officers or warrant officers — Cir 404
Center, personnel qualified for oversea service, assigned III- 1944 .
to infantry replacement training center -- Cir WACs, appointment in Army Nurse Corps, Medical De
269-IX-1945 . partment - Cir 462–1944.
Convalescent facilities-Cir 140–1944 .
Deaf, Army's Aural Program—TB MED 195. RELIGION : Confidential communications to chaplains-Cir
Patients with Spinal Cord Injuries, convalescent care 108-III-1944 .
TB MED 162. RELIGIOUS FUND : Control and supervision - Cir 383
Personnel qualified for oversea service, assigned to in VII-1945.
fantry replacement training center-Cir 221
Return to United States-Cir 8-III-1945 . Equipment
AN / TRA - 2 - TM 11-2621 .
REHABILITATION CENTER , FORT JACKSON, S. C.: RC-47-A , -B , -C , -D , -G , and -J - TM 11-312.
Discontinued - Cir 369- III- 1945 . RC-261 -TM 11-2632 .
RC - 289_TM 11--2667.
REIMBURSEMENT : RM - 6 - J -- TM 11-817.
Expenses, incident to apprehension , escaped prisoners Systems
of war -- Cir 142-1-1944 ; 165-VI-1945 . M5 - MWO ORD F208 -W1 .
Funds, property in college training program-Cir 455– M5- ( Changes to M15 status) -MWO ORD F208
I -- 1944. W3 .

REMOTE CONTROL - Continued REPAIRS - Continued
Systems-Continued Radiosondes—TB 11-2403-1 .
M6 – TM 9–1676 ; FSMWO F207-W2. Real property and utilities outside the continental United
M15 — TM 9-1678 ; MWO ORD F208-W4. States - Cir 431 - IV - 1944 .
Unit Roofing - TM 5-617.
Navy Type 23429-SB 11–39. Service Manual, Theory, and Trouble Shooting-TM 11
RM-10-F-TM 11-828. 1527.
RM - 21 - A - MWO SIG 11-625-7. Service Radio, Equipment RC - 207 - A - TM 11–1516.
RM-29- (
) -TM 11-308. Ship, Engineer Port - TM 5-362.
Shoes — TB. QM 23 .
REMOUNT : TM 10–395 ; 10–390 . Civilian Shops-Cir 127-IV-1944.
REMOVERS : Insert, C130685 –FSMWO G27-W2. Clothing and Equipment - SB 10–123.
RENEGOTIATION : Regional and central, procedure for clothing and
equipment - Cir 411-1-1944.
Act, Contract termination date-Bull 24–VII–1944. Stencil Duplicators-TB QM 24.
Contracts-Cir 330 - IV - 1944 ; 288 - IV - 1945. Subdepots, QM Operation-TB QM 22.
RENOVATION : Clothing and equipment at repair shops , Typewriters — TB QM 8.
Cir 411-1-1944. Unserviceable property, action by repair shops-Cir 7
1944 ; 90-IV-1944.
Utilities Items, Supply Stocked, Engineer Depots—SB
Leased property - Bull 23-1-1942. 5-33 .
Officers and warrant officers, payment - Cir 390– III
RENTAL : Cost Accounting—TM 5–602.

Allowances, Officers occupying Government facilities Disposal levels of supply at permanent installations
Cir 345-IV-1944. Cir 374-1-1945 .
Expediting national defense Activities-Bull 54-V-1942. Equipment ,
Office machines, policy-Cir 293-VIII–1945. Plants, and systems, maintenance - Cir 132-II-1945 ;
Repairs and utilities equipment at posts, camps, and 169-IV-1945.
stations-Cir 244-V-1945. Rentals-Cir 244-V-1945.
Funds — Notification of expenditures - Cir 43 - V - 1945.
Grounds maintenance , dust and erosion control—TM 5
Corps Headquarters and organic troops—Cir 256–1943. 630.
War Department — Bull 11-1-1942 ; Cir 59–1942. Guides and procedures—TM 5-600.

Insect and rodent control-TM 5-632 .

REPAIRMAN : Instrument, general information-TM 9- Manual, use as technical guide - Cir 460 - IV - 1944.
2602 .
Packing and crating function of certain installations
Cir 390-1-1945 .
REPAIRS : See also Maintenance ; Maintenance, Preventive. Posts, camps, and stations, utilization of manpower and
Access roads to and from military reservations-Cir reduction in funds — Cir 461 - V - 1944,
179-II-1944. Projects at Government-owned and leased command in
Bags , sleeping, M1942—TB QM 8 ; TB QM 23 .
Chairs , Invalid-SB 8–7 . stallations-Cir 133–1945 ; 343–1–1945.
Class III installations — Cir 388–1944 . REPATRIATES : Examination-FM 30–15 .
Class X clothing and equipage - Cir 375-III–1944 .
Clothing - TB QM 22. REPATRIATION :
Critical and Nonessential Items - SB 38–1 ; 28-1-5 .
Critical, Excess, and Obsolete Items, Control Approval Civilian enemy aliens, disposition of funds—Cir 274–
1944 .
Symbol DDP-61—TB 38–1-9.
Soldiers stranded in Canada-Cir 377-IX-1944.
Curing Tubes and Bags—TB 9-1868–3 .
Definition of terms-Cir 246-1943.
Electrical Measuring Instruments—TM 11-472. REPEATERS :
Equipage, QM—TB QM 22. Equipment, AN/TRA-6 ( XC - 1 ) -TM 11-286.
Equipment at posts, camps, stations-Cir 411-1-1944. Set
Equipment Set, M1-TB 3–205–10. CF-3-A ( Carrier ) —TM 11-341.
Flashlight - TB SIG 15 . D-C Regenerative Telegraph-TM 11-2032.
OA-3/ FC-MWO SIG 11-2032-1 .
Gasoline Containers in Theaters of Operations—TB QM OA - 10 / FC - TM 11-2025 .
34 .
TC - 18 - TM 11-2044 ; SB 11-100–76 .
Government property damaged while under shipment
on Government bill of lading-Cir 53-V-1945. TC-19 (Intermediate )—TM 11-2005 ; SB 11-100–75 .
Haversacks, M10, M28—TB QM 23 . TC-37-TM 11-2008 .
Helmets, Steel , M1-TB QM 8 ; TB QM 23 . Telegraph, D. C. Regenerative_TM 11-2032 .
Limited Dynamotor and Replacement Plan-TB SIG Telephone - EE - 89 - A — TM 11-2006 ; 11--2008 ; 11-4407.
134. TC-29-SB 11-100–73 .
Mine cables, submarine-TM 9-415 . TG-30, Terminal—TM 11-4410 .
TP - 14 -- TM 11-2007 .
Office Appliances — TB QM 8.
QM Equipment, Major Unit Assemblies — TB QM 21 . Voice- frequency, Packaged Equipment, Installation
Radiator - TM 10-450 . TM 11-2027.
Radio Equipment
RC - 150 - B , RC-150-C, RC-150-D, RC - 151, RC - 151 REPELLANTS : Insect-TB MED 121 .
A , RC-151 -D-TM 11-1517.
RC-215-A-TM 11-1534. REPERFORATORS :
RC-246-A-TM 11-1550. Teletypewriter Set TC - 16 , deletion from certain tables
RC-384_TM 11-1562. --Cir 193-11-1944.
Trouble Shooting-TM 11-4000. Typing Sets—10.4A and 10.5A-TM 11-2219.
Clothing Casuals at ports of embarkation - Cir 248–1944 .
Abandoned, laundry and dry cleaning plants - Cir Casualty
346 - V - 1944 .
Procedure -- Cir 2-1-1945 ; 237-II -1945 .
Loss or damaged by laundries-Cir 163–II–1943 . Rendered by Commanders - Cir 2-1-1945 .
Components of meteorological observation Set SCM- 12
-SB 11-99.
Status-Cir 2–1–1945 ; 324 - IV - 1945 .
Civilian employees covered by Missing Persons Act-
Counterintelligence Corps personnel --- Cir 379-1-1944. Cir 52–1945.
Army Ground Forces No. 3 , authority to appoint Commercial invoices - Cir 197-1-1945 ; 277-11-1945,
court martial-GO 48–1–1945 . Companies engaged in war production, publishing re
Army Ground Forces No. 3 established Cir 235– striction-Cir 74-11-1945.
VI-1945. Damaged or improper shipment-Cir 305-XII- 1945.
Army Ground Forces No. 4, commanding officer, Death, preparation-Cir 311-IV-1943.
authority to appoint general court martial Disbursing operations-Cir 411-111–1944 .
GO 49--1-1945. Discovered or corrected defects, enlisted men-Cir 217
Army Ground Forces No. 4 established-Cir 235– II-1944.
VI-1945 . Documents no longer registered— Cir 478–11–1944.
Oversea personnel replacements, items furnished Efficiency, commissioned , warrant, and flight officers ,
Cir 272-111-1944. Cir 131-1-1945.
Eligibility for food replacement privilege- Cir 291-IV Equipment authorized for return, units at training sta
1943 ; 59-11-1944. tions-Cir 73-1945 .
Factor Excess controlled items of equipment, discontinued
Basic policy -- Cir 123-IV-1945. Cir 113 - IV - 1944 .
Chemical Warfare Service - SB 3-21 ; 38-4-CWS . Field camp hospitalization-Cir 382-III-1942.
Field rations issued-Cir 158-1944.
War Department-SB 38-4 -WD . Foreign airport description-Cir 179-III-1943.
Fillers , disposition-Cir 174-111–1943.
Mail address instructions, oversea personnel-Cir 109– Homosexuals-Cir 3–1944.
III–1944 ; 332-V-1944 ; 379-111-1944 . Housing capacities, installations in United States — Cir
Mechanism , valve, M1 CWS No. 643110, serviceability 321-V-1944 .
standard - SB 3-25--29 . Inactive and surplus installations - Cir 89–1945.
Officers assignment overseas - Cir 69-III–1945. Industrial personnel, Bureau of the Budget standard
Oversea specification - Cir 477-11-1944 ; 116-VI- 1945.
Replacement system-Cir 147–1945. Lend-lease services and supplies-Cir 395–1944.
Travel Orders - WD Pam 29–3 . Loyalty investigation-Cir 370–1–1945.
Parts, local procurement - SB 9-22. Matériel and ammunition , discontinuance-Cir 311-111
Property, lost or unserviceable-Cir 7-1944 ; 90 - IV 1944.
1944 . Medical Department-
Records jackets - Cir 71-V-1945. Personnel - Cir 286–1944 .
Requisitions for enlisted loss replacements -- Cir 39– Medical , theaters of operations-Cir 53-111–1944; 61
1945 ; 93 - IV - 1945 .
Ribbon Reverse Mechanism - Printer TG-7-A and Tele Modification of matériel - Cir 41-IV-1945 .
type Writers TG-7-G and TG-37- B ; TB Modification Work Order, Control Symbol OFM - 7 on
11-352-1 . ordnance matériel discontinued-Cir 248 - V
Shipment lost at sea-Cir 12-IV- 1945 . 1945 .
Teletype Maintenance Kits—SB 11-48 . Monthly commissary operating statement - Cir 235 - VII
1945 .
Unserviceable Screens, Requisitioning PH - 358 — SB 11
72 . Monthly Salvage Procedures - Cir 80-I-1945 ; 93 - V - 1945.
WAC personnel , oversea service - Cir 61-VI-1944 . National Housing Agency transfer of civilian war hous
ing projects to the War Department - Cir
to appoint general courts martial - GO 36-1- National Munitions Control Board, secrecy - Bull 7 - IV
1945. 1942 .
Objections, auditing by General Accounting Office-- Cir
REPLACEMENT POOL, OFFICER : List - Cir 365–1945 . 17-V- 1944 .
REPLACEMENT TRAINING CENTER : Ordnance supplies and ammunition expenditures - Cir
Disposition of absentees - Cir 211-VI-1944 . 244-11-1944 .
Report of mis-assigned skills -- Cir 340--IV- 1944 . Over, short, and damaged , perishable subsistence - Cir
75-1944 .
REPORT OF SEPARATION : See Forms , AGO No. 53 . Overdue commercial invoices -- Cir 116-1944.
Patient, battle casualty, qualified for limited service
REPORT OF SURVEY : Cir 226-11-1945.
Property accounting - Cir 39–1944. Petroleum products - Cir 297–1945 .
Unserviceable property - Cir 7–1944 ; 239-IV-1944 . Post welfare funds within continental United States
Cir 30-V-1945 .
REPORTS : SB 9 - AMM 8 .
AAF base units - Cir 483-1-1944 . Radio equipment instructional publications --- Cir 268-11
Absence Without Leave -- Cir 5-1-1945 . 1943 ; 320 - VI- 1943.
Admission and disposition , patients entering hospitals Receiving, Army transports-Cir 134–11–1943.
outside continental United States-Cir 14 Reception centers - Cir 293-11-1944 .
1945 . Records Administration program -- Cir 416--1944.
Air evacuation activities-Cir 316-1943 . “ Report and Requisition for Class X Clothing and
Arrest , misconduct, or delinquency, procedure for dispo Equipage" -Cir 375-111-1944 ; 426-11-1944.
sition-Cir 340-VI-1945 . " Return to Military Control, Officers and Enlisted Per
ASF Availability Report Form - Cir 281-11-1944. sonnel - Cir 5-1-1945 .
Automotive disability - Cir 302–1945 . Rotation of personnel - Cir 8-11-1945 .
Bacteriological examinations, water - Cir 119-II - 1943 . Sanitary, Air Transport Command - Cir 33-111-1914.
Separation from service - Cir389 - VI- 1944 ; 431 - III Authorized Transportation Corps Supplies & Equipment
1944 . -SB 55-15 .
Bandsmen-Cir 335-II-1943 .
Solid fuels - Monthly inventory-Cir 192-III–1945 ; 390 Bronze service arrowheads—Cir 465–1–1944.
II -1945.
SPK No. 2 ( Control Approval Symbol EUU-5 ) re- Clothing, nurses, physical therapists and dietitians
scinded-Cir 368 - VII - 1944 . Cir 174-II-1945 .
Statement of Troop Movements-CT Bull 39-45. Cuts, Army Conservation Program emblem-Cir 69–
Statistical Health - Cir 270-IV- 1944 . 1944.
Status Domestic washing machines-Cir 265–V-1944.
Equipment, WD AGO Forms 411-Cir 144-III-1945. Enlisted loss replacements trained by AFG and ASF
Ordnance matériel-Cir 4–1944 . Cir 39–1945 ; 140-11-1945 .
Stock , station excess serviceable -Cir 225-VII–1945. Explosives—Cir 233-11-1944.
3 Machines, Quartermaster General-Cir 189-V-1943 .
Survey, property shipped, consolidating station or dis
tributing agency-Cir 15-11-1945. Miscellaneous publications, use of WD AGO Form 12–
Suspension of subversives-Cir 339–1943. Cir 177-1-1945 .
Tonnage, designation of type used-Cir 255-VII–1945. Oversea-TM 38-418 .
Troop movement within continental United States-Cir Command Army Air Forces, Supply-Cir 74 - V
358-IV- 1944 . 1944 .
! Unsatisfactory , railroad passenger equipment - Cir 334 Replacements -- Cir 147–1945.
III - 1944 . Supplies—Cir 5-IV-1945 .
Venereal disease - Classification changed-Cir 187 - I- Preparational and processing-Cir 39–1944 ; 343 - IV
1944 .
1944 ; 270-IV-1944.
Veterinary Forage Inspection - Cir 66-III-1945. Preparations in oversea commands, editing by ports of
embarkation-SB 10–98.
War Department, control procedures - Cir 303–1945.
War Savings Bond purchases-Cir 354-IX-1944 ; 71 Publications-Cir 275-IV- 1945 .
VI- 1945 . Railroad equipment - Cir 447-VII–1944.
Wire or teletype, shipment to ports of embarkation Rotational replacement-Cir 8-II-1945.
Cir 379-V-1944. Selective Service regulations, forms, and data-Cir
REPOSITIONING MACHINE : See Machine, Repositioning. Signal Corps, procedure for routing—Cir 45-VI-1945.
Supplies, oversea commands-Cir 203–1944 ; 455–V-1944.
REPRESENTATIVE : Contact, Veterans Administration Vaccine, Bivalent-Cir 50-VII–1945.
under the Servicemen's Readjustment Act War Department publications and blank forms— Cir
Cir 336-1944 . 264-1944 .
AN /GNQ - 10 - TM 11-2580 . RESCISSION :
Sound , Portable - TM 11-2561 . FM 4-55 and 4-65 ; Cir 246, WD, 1943—Cir 479- IV
1944 .
Speech MC - 503 – TM 11-2543.
Tables of allowances and basis allowance-Cir 484 - VI-
1944 .
War Department circulars-Cir 476 - VI- 1944 .
Classified films, prints, or other materials -- Cir 298 - I
1945 . War Department circulars and memorandums-Gir 477–
V-1944 .
Offset, Standards — WD Pam 12-10.
REPTILE : Preservation of pathological specimens-Cir 277– RESCUED PERSONNEL : Procedure of reporting — Cir 2
1944 . I -1945.
REPUBLIC : Hospital ship, designation-GO 62-1945 . RESEARCH : Functions of New Developments Division-Cir
333-XI-1944 .
Air priority transportation - Cir 369–11–1944. RESERVATION BUREAU : Army, Accommodations for
Decoration and citation-Cir 101-11-1945 . personnel traveling under orders-Cir 396-1
Medical and clinical records of personnel submitting 1944 .
pension claims-Cir 424–1–1944.
Rail Routing and Equipment–CT Bull 34 , 1945. RESERVATIONS :
Return of personnel from overseas by continental agen- Air space-Cir 254–1945 .
cies-Cir 8-IV-1945 . Parlor and sleeping-car service - Cir 240-III–1945.
Service record of personnel absence without leave, pro
cedure - Cir 98-1-1945 . RESERVE OFFICER :
Transportation , report where other than class called for Appointment. See Appointment.
is furnished - Cir 278-IX- 1945 . Former, appointment in inactive reserve-Cir 206 -III
Veterans information concerning retraining and reem 1944 ; 368 - V - 1944 .
ployment-Cir 90-VII-1943 . Limitation on number and grade on active duty sus
pended-Bull 37-1942.
REQUIREMENTS : Voluntary retention on active duty-Cir 366-IV-1945.
Electrical, X-Ray Apparatus in the field or Temporary
Enlistment and reenlistment in Women's Army Corps Affairs, Transfer from Army Service Forces to War
Cir 462-1944 . Department Special Staff - GO 39–II–1945 .
Mechanical Advisor Teams-Cir 4-1-1944 . Appointment, Army of the United States—Cir 172 -II
Officers' assignment in the Medical Corps-Cir 144 - V 1944 ; 206-III-1944.
1945 . Authorizing credits to students in the senior division
Safety distance for preparation of primers and demoli Bull 10-IV-1945 .
tion charges — TB ORD 214 . Crediting previous training-Cir 372–1–1945 .
Subgrade and base course, for airplane landing mats Military training program—Cir 6-III-1944.
of steel and wood-TB 5-255-1. Program - Cir 300-1945 ; 386-VI -1945.
Reactivation of advance course-Cir 300–1945 ; 386- VI after discharge- Bull 24 - VIII – 1944 .
1945 .
Record forms, qualification with arms -Cir 265-11-1943.
Replacement rotation , officers-Cir 74-111-1944. Board . See Classification Board.
Students, advanced courses, transfers, AAF -- Cir 324– Civil Service, Act of 1930, amended - Bull IV, V-1945.
VI -1945 . Disability, terminal physical examination-Cir 240- I
War Department memorandums rescinded - Cir 178 - IV 1942 ; 49-III-1942.
1944 . Enlisted men of the Regular Army-Bull 19–1945.
Enlisted Personnel, ( AR 615–395 ) -TM 12–238.
RESIGNATION : Military Personnel
Officers, Discontinuance of allotments and family allowances
Homosexual--- Cir 385-1-1945 . -Cir 297–1944.
Relieved from active duty - Cir 341–1944 . Reduced railroad fare - Cir 358-III–1944 ; 396 - VI
1944 .
RESISTORS : Nurses, dietitians, and physical therapy aids, appoint
Addition in Alignment Indicator of Maintenance Equip ment, AUS-Bull 16-III– 1944.
ment ME -40 - A , ME -40 - B, and ME -40 - C Officers
MWO SIG 11-315-1 . Benefits - Cir 333-VII- 1945.
Light , black - out driving—TB ORD FE 36. Physical reclassification , benefits - TM 12-245.
1 -R-25, To prevent failures - MWO SIG 11-275-7. Who have reached statutory age - Cir 181-1-1945 .
Replacement Pay
Dual Diversity Receiving Equipment - MWO SIG
11-2204-1. Certain officers of the Army, Pay Readjustment
Act, 1942_Bull 20-IV-1943.
Power Unit - MWO 11-927-1 . Enlisted men or the Regular Army, and Philippine
Suppression, Radio Sets SCR-584-A and B-MWO Scouts-Bull 7-11-1945.
SIG 11-1524-15 . Pensions, certain persons receiving retired pay
Bull 9-VI-1944.
RESONATORS : M-356–MWO SIG 11-1122–2.
Personnel recalled to active duty and reverted to inac
RESPIRATORS : tive status-Cir 294-VII-1945 .
Dust Prisoner of war - Cir 325-IV-1945,
Records-Cir 416–1944 .
M1 , CWS No. 540110_SB 3-25-38. Regular Army
M2, CWS No. 540210, Serviceability Standard-SB
3-25-38 . Enlisted men with less than 20 years service, policy
-Cir 310-1945 .
RESPIRATORY DEPRESSION : Treatment - TB MED 131 . Officer personnel — Cir 329–11–1945.
RESPONDER- BEACON : AN / PPN-1-TB 11-1140-1 .
Wing commanders, officers of the Air Corps - Bull 12
VIII–1945 .
Air freight officers - Cir 75-II-1945 . RETIRING BOARD :
Changes in classification of Medical Corps officers-Cir Disposition of officers' pension applications-Cir
460- III-1944 .
474-1944 .
Class III installation, personnel and equipment - Cir Reclassification of officers - Cir 109--1945 .
388-1944 .
Fire protection at War Department installation - Cir 15– Delegation of authority to appoint-Cir 278-111-1944.
III - 1945 . Hospital patient appearing-Cir 189–II–1945.
Food service program - Cir 149 - IV -- 1945. Nurses, disposition of nurses' pension applications- Cir
Foreign quarantine - Cir 453–1944 .
Funds, functions, personnel and equipment peculiar to RETAINING AND REEMPLOYMENT ADMINISTRA
Army Air Forces-Cir 429-1-1944. TION : Establishment- Bull 8-11-1944 .
Mess equipment - Cir 165-111-1945.
Petroleum products, handling - Cir 117-III-1945 . REVENUE ACT OF 1945 : Tax reduction, veterans and
Property at educational institutions-Cir 455-1-1944 . servicemen - Bull 22- II - 1945 .
Railroad equipment, maintenance - Cir 447-VII- 1944.
Supplies, oversea commands -- Cir 203-1944. REVIEWS : Air Forces - FM 1-60.
Surgeon General, The-Cir 120-IV- 1945 .
RESTORATION : Citizenship — Bull 2-I–1944. Cal . .45 , M1917 Repair - TB 23-36–2 ; 23-36-3 .
RESTRICTED DOCUMENTS : See Military information ; Colt, Caliber .45, M1917 and Revolver, Smith and Wes
classified information . son , Caliber .45, M1917 - FM 23–36 .
Pistols—TM 9-1295 .
RESTRICTED MANUAL : Purchase and sale - Cir 215 - IV
1943 . REWARD : Apprehension , escaped prisoners of war - Cir
RETAINERS : Transfer Case Inner Bearing GMC 242 -ton,
6 x 6 Truck * 3659898, Conversion to New REWINDERS :
Type Retainer * 591377 — TB 9-2380-63 . PH--92, Serviceability Standards-SB 11-100–21.
RETICLE : New Style (Periscope M14 ) -- MWO ORD F235– PH-242, Serviceability Standards -- SB 11-100–21.
W3 . PH-254, Serviceability Standards — SB 11-100-21.
PH - 355, PH -355A - Serviceability Standards – SB 11
RETIRED ENLISTED MEN : Artificial limbs furnished 100–21.
Bull 9-V - 1944 . PH -416A , Serviceability Standards - SB 11-100-21.
Artificial limbs furnished - Bull 9-V-1944.
Disability benefits - Bull 12-1-1943 . RHEUMATIC FEVER : TB MED 97 .
RIBBON : RINGWORM : Control, in military animals—TB MED 161.
American, European -African-Middle Eastern and Asi RIVERS AND HARBORS AND FLOOD CONTROL : Ap
atic - Pacific campaign-Cir 62–1944 ; 195-1
1944 ; 90-III-1945 ; 142-11-1945 . propriations - Bull 1-1944 ; 11-1-1944 ; Bull
Army Commendation, establishment-Cir 377–1945 . 1-1-1945 ; 4-1945 .
Campaign, for current war-Cir 62–1944. RIVETER : 42, Light Weight, Size AVC-13 Form 2648A ,
Individual decoration, description-Cir 333-IV- 1943 . Ingersoll-Rand-TM 5-4550 .
World War II Victory Medal , general provisions - Cir
* 326-VIII- 1945 . RIVETS : Loose Attaching, Replacement—TB 9–811 - FE1.
RICHMOND ARMY AIR BASE : Convalescent hospital dis
continued - Cir 231 -III - 1945 . Construction equipment, use—TM 5–252.
Construction, on permanently frozen ground-TB 5
RIDES : Thumbing, signaling, etc., prohibited-Cir 95 -III 255-3 .
1943 . Repairs and maintenance-Cir 179-11-1944 .
Snow and ice, expedient - TB ENG 42 .
Brackets , Universal , Mounting, Ordnance Vehicles — TB ROCKET LAUNCHERS : See Launchers, Rocket.
ORD 163.
ROCKETS : TM 9-1950.
Company, Infantry Regiment-FM 7-10.
2.36 - Inch , AT, HE-FM 23-30 ; TB ORD 273.
Marksmanship, sighting device — TC 31-75, 1943. 4.5-Inch , Aircraft Matériel - TM 9-395 .
Practice, appointment of member to National Board Motorized, Truck-Drawn TC19, 1945.
GO 71-III-1943 ; 92-1-1944 ; 18-1-1945. Projector, M1-TM 9-390 .
Regiment, Heavy Weapons Company-FM 7–15 ; 7-40.
Control-TM 5-632 ; WD Pam 5–1 ; TB MED 144 .
Personnel from rehabilitation centers reclassified-Cir Responsibilities — Cir 163–1945 ; 277 - XI- 1945; 288 - II
131 -VI-1945 .
Training enlisted men with visual defect-Cir 196–1945.
All Types—TM 9-1211 .
Automatic, Browning, Cal. .30 RODS : Connecting, Identification Carriers, Cargo, M28,
Allowances—Cir 216-11-1945 . M29 and M29C-TB ORD 201 .
M1918A2 – FM 23-15 ; TB 9-1211 -FE1 ; TB 9
1211 - FE2 . ROENTGENOGRAPHY : Exposures—TB MED 62.
Repairs due to mishandling-TM 9–280.
57 -mm ROENTGENOLOGY : Military -- TM 8-280.
M18 ( T15E13 ) and T15E9_FT 57- E1 .
T15E9 and T15E13 Employment - TC 25, 1945 ; TM RIOTS : Civilian , use of military police not authorized
9-304 .
Cir 321 -II- 1945.
T15E13 (T15E9) -TM 9-304. ROLLERS :
75 -mm
M20 - TB 9-314-1 .
All Types, Technical Data-TB 5-9720-8.
T21_TM 9-314. 5-6-7-8-ton, with Buda HP 260 Gasoline Engine, Ruber
Mfg. Co.-TM 5-1266 .
T21 or T21E4, employment_TC 25 , 1945 . Cadet , D-3700 and up , Austin—TM 5–1544.
T21 and T25 - FT 75 - BB - 1.
Half Track Upper Bogie, White-TB 9-2830–78.
U. S. Cal . .22 Littleford, C—TM 5–1274.
All Types — TM 9-280. Road
M1—TB 9-1280-1 .
M2—TB 9-1280-1 . Buffalo-Springfield , TX-21—TM 5–1182.
U. S. Cal . .30 6-ton , 3 wheel , Huber-TB 5–1186-1.
M1-FM 23-5 ; TM 9–1275 ; TB 23–5–6 ; TB 8–12 Ton Variable Weight, “ Tandem ” , Galion
23–5–8 ; TB ORD 207 ; TC 55 , 1943 ; MWO from Works — TM 5-1492; LO 5-1492.
ORD B21 -W2 ; SB 9-51 . 3-Wheel , 10- ton Huber with Caterpillar Engine
M1C - TB 23-5-7 ; TB 23 . Model D-4400-LO 5–1189 ; TM 5–1189 ; TB
M1903—FM 23-10 ; HB ORD 36 . 5-1189-1 ; 5-1189–2 .
M1903 , A1 and A3_TB 23-30-1 . Pneumatic Tired, William Bros. Model 67W
M1904AF - TM 9-270 ; 9-1270 . TM 5-514-3 .
M1917-FM 23-6.
Tandem , 2-Axle, 8-12 Ton, Galion , Model R ,
Relaxation of serviceability standards--SB 9 with International Model UD-9 Engine-TB
42 . 5-1492-1 .
Prisoners of war, American, liberated - WD Pam 21-28. 3-Wheel, 10 -ton, Gallon Chief, Serial Nos.
Relatives of deceased soldiers—WD Pam 21-15 . W -89664 and W-98665—TM 5–1100 ; 5–1100
1 ; MWO ENG 1100 .
RIGS : Pile Driving, wood construction , Air or Steam oper 3-Wheel, 10-ton Serial No. H-1001-H1470, Ir.
ated , Skid-mounted , 66-ft . leads , 8 - in . Chan clusive, Huber Mfg Co.-LO 5–1188 ; TM 5
nel width , 2012 - in . face to face, Giardino, M. 1188 ; 5–1188-1 ; 1188–2.
G104 , G107, G109 — TM 5-9598 . 2 - Axle
RINGER : 2 to 21/2 - ton , Ferguson, 151 with Wis
Equpiment - EE - 101 - A ; MWO SIG 11-342-2. consin Engine AGH-TB 5-1098-1 ;
TA - 38 / FC and TA 39 / FC-TM 11-2021. TM 5-1098.
5 to 8-ton , Buffalo -Springfield, Model
RINGS: Separator, construction for type CR Collapsible DT - 16 – TM 5–1142 ; TB 5-1142-1 ;
Power Reel-TB SIG 138. MWO ENG 1142.
Road-Continued Commercial, shipments care of postmasters-CT Bull 31,
1945 .
Gasoline Continued
Rail, and equipment-CT Bull 34, 1945.
3 -Axle ROYAL AIR FORCE ( RAF ) Flying Schools - Cir 100-1
9 to 14-ton , Buffalo - Springfield, Model 1944.
KX - 16 — MWO SIG 1184-1 ; TM 5
1184 . RUBBER TIRE : Conservation, storage, and maintenance
Cir 230-IV-1945.
10 to 15-ton Buffalo Springfield TX 21
-TB 5-1182-1 . RUBBER TREADS : See Treads, Rubber.
Road, Towed Type RULES :
Ú. S. 45–130, Serial Nos. 6757 to S2 to $33—TM 5
1138 . Flank Spotting, M12TM 9–1610.
Sheepsfoot, 1-Drum , with removable feet, Adams Land Warfare - FM 27-10.
Model 10 - S - TM 5-1122 ; TB 5–1122–1. Slide, Military, Field Artillery, with case, 10-in.—TM
Sheepsfoot, 1 - Drum with Removable Feet Le Tour 6-240.
neau , Model W- 1 , 2- Drums in Line, Le
RUMANIA : Declaration of war - Bull 37-1942.
Tourneau Model W-2, and 3-Drums in line,
Model W-3_TM 5-1060 ; MWO ENG 1060 ; RUNWAYS : Construction, frozen ground - TB 5-255–3.
MWO ENG 1060-1 .
Smooth Drum RUSSIA : Aur Red Army Ally - WD Pam 21–30.
1 to 3-ton with Water Tank, Cocoa Mat and RUST :
Scraper, Littleford , Model US - 45–130 —- TM
5–1128 ; MWO ENG 1128-1. Preventive Materials—SB 9-31.
5-ton, Water Load Littleford, Model CS—TM 5 Protection of Electrical Equipment on Ordnance Ve
514–1; MWO ENG 1278–1. hicles-TB ORD 242.
Wheeled, Rubber-tired, 13 -Tires , William Bros. , RUSTPROOFING : Engine-- TB SIG 23.
Model 67 - W -- TM 5–1140; TB 4-1140–1; 5
1140–2 ; MWO ENG 1140--1. RYUKYU ISLANDS : Medical and Sanitary Data - TB MED
Snow, Towed-type, 5 -drum , Type 1 Blaw-Knox, 108.
Model CSR - 5DH - TM 5-9384.
SABOTAGE : -TM 19–225 .
Track Support, Medium Tank-TB 9-2830–81 . Defense projects, removal of employees-Cir 339–1943.
ROMAN NUMERAL : Converted to Arabic, mark numbers Germans , trial before a military commission - GO 52
on ammunition packing — Cir 102–1–1945.
Military order establishing a Military Commission for
ROME - ARNO : Units entitled to battle credits-GO 99 trial of certain offenders - Bull 2-11-1945.
SADDLER : TM 10-430.
ROOFINGS : Repairs and Utilities—TM 5–617. SADDLES : Main Bearing for In-Line Engines, Reclamation
-TB 9-2830–88.
ROOTERS : Military information : See Military Information .
Le Tourneau , Model S3—TM 5-9884. Property at educational institutions-Cir 455–1–1944.
Le Tourneau , Model S-5, Heavy Duty-TM 5-9882. SAFETY :
Road, Cable -Operated, 3-tooth, LeTourneau Council , WD , abolished - Cir 305-VIII–1945.
Model B-TM 5-9154. Flying - TC 31, 1944.
Model H3-TM 5-1090 ; MWO ENG 090 ; MWO Precaution
ENG 1090-1 . Designation of responsibility at installations - Cir
Model K30-TM 5–515–15 ; MWO ENG 1090 ; 263-1-1945.
MWO ENG 1090-1 . Water - FM 21-22.
Road, Lever-Operated , 3 -tooth , Austin -Western, Model , Training Program, Civilian employees-Cir 276–1945.
Rip -Rooter -- TM 5–1334 ; TB 5–1334-1.
SAKHALIN : Medical and Sanitary Data - TB MED 150.
ROPE : Wire, reclamation-TB 9-2830–95. SALARY :
ROSTER : Corporations paying a portion of former salaries to em
Duty, personnel detailed-Cir 36 - IV - 1944, ployees in military service-Cir 362 - V -1944.
Linguists-Cir 300-IV- 1943. SALE :
Medical Department officers and their duties-Cir 286
1944 . Articles for overseas - Cir 261–1945 ; 363 - IV -1945.
Cash and credit basis for commissaries - Cir 28 - III– 1944.
Oversea replacements-Cir 332 – V - 1944. Clothing and equipage, Army exchanges and quarter
ROTATION : master stores — Cir 338-VI - 1945 .
Individual residing outside United States-Cir 8–11–1945. Effects, deceased persons—Cir 85–1945.
Military personnel - Cir 383 - VI - 1945. Enlisted women's clothing to WAC officers - Cir 311-1
1944 .
Officer replacement, ROTC Units- Cir 74-III–1944. Gasoline
ROTATIONAL REPLACEMENTS : Requisitioning - Cir 147– And oil, overhead charge not required - Cir 319
1945 . IV- 1944 .
Post Office Department - Cir 258 - V - 1942.
ROTATORS : BC-47-D and -F, Repair Instructions-TM 11- Government-owned material, disposition of contractor's
4014 . check - Cir 362 - IV - 1944 .
Liquor on premises used for military purposes — Cir 381
ROUNDTRIP : Groups and individual - Cir 199–1945. VII - 1944 .
SALE-Continued SASH : Window, tent, flexible, waterproof film - SB 10–261.
Meat and meat products-Cir 137 - XII - 1945 ; 181- V - 1945. SAULT STE . MARIE MILITARY AREA : Headquarters dis
Officers' uniforms — Cir 40-11-1945 . banded-Cir 108-II-1944 .
Property and services procured with appropriated funds ,
charge sale, or cash basis - Cir 50 - IV - 1945 .
Public buildings and improvements -- Cir 195 - III - 1944.
SAVINGS BOND: Program , responsibility and operation
Cir 375–1945 .
Restrictions, tax-free cigarettes to civilians-Cir 159–
III-1944. SAVINGS OFFICER : Responsibility in connection with
Service flags and lapel button-Cir 62–1945. soldier's savings program-Cir 375–1945.
Subsistences accounts, operational losses - Cir 355 - IX
1945 . SAVINGS PROGRAM : Soldier's-Pam 21–18 ; 21-19.
Utilities services, fuel, to certain classes of personnel-
Cir 361-VIII–1945. SAWMILLS :
SALES, COMMISSARY : American Sawmill, 72B, L - 90 PU — TM 5–9136.
Circular, 1-C, Corinth Machinery–TM 5–9234.
Establishment on vessels carrying troops-Cir 41 - VL Portable, Gasoline, 4 x 7-ft., 60-in., Diameter
Corinth, IC — TM 5-9234 ; MWO ENG 9234-1.
Food and beverage, procedure for procurement-Cir Model 1C and 2C - TB 5-9235-1.
36-1-1945 .
Portable, Gasoline, Head-Block Type, 4 x 7. ft., 60-in.
SALES OFFICER : Diameter Saw, Corinth Model 2C-LO 5
9235 .
Accounting, perishable subsistence stores-Cir 75–1944.
Portable, Gasoline, Log Beam - type, 4 x 7 ft., 60 -in .
SALES STORES : Clothing and equipage not stocked for Diameter Saw ( Corinth Model 10 ) -LO 5
issue - Cir 295–1942. 9234.
SAS : Designation-Cir 101-III–1945. All Types , Technical Data-TB 5–9720–7.
SALUTE : Charges for cannon-Cir 9-II-1945 ; 137-X-1945 ; Band
255 - VI - 1945 ; 259-3-1945. Metal-Cutting and Filling, Table -Mounted, Motor
Driven , 208 - Volt, 3 - Phase, 60-Cycle, AC, 10-In .
SALVAGE : Capacity, with Attachments and Accessories ,
AR 30–2110 rescinded-Cir 278-1-1944. Continental, Model ML - TM 5-4134.
Blank forms and publications—Cir 150- VII – 1945. Metal-Cutting, Motor-Driven, 220-Volt, 60 -Cycle, 1
Bottle caps , bottles and containers-Cir 340-VI-1944. Phase, AC, 32-in ., Crescent 440—TM 5-4182
Class III installations - Cir 388–1944. -TM 5-4182 .
Definition of terms-Cir 246–1943. Oliver Machinery 192 -D_TM 5–4330.
Memoranda rescinded-Cir 187-IV-1944. • Wood Cutting and Metal Cutting 14-in, Delta Mfg.
Monthly report-Cir 80-I-1945 ; 93 -- V - 1945 . Co.-TM 5-4394 .
Moving, furnishing technical aid-Cir 123–1–1945. Bench, Oliver Machinery Co.-
Overseas, disposition - Cir 379-VI-1944. 260_TM 5-4332 .
Public buildings and improvements-Cir 195-111-1944. 270D-TM 5-4334 .
Repair Company—TM 10–265. Chain
Return , fumigation-Cir 228 - IV -- 1943 . Flexible Shaft, 24 , Mall Tool Co.-TM 5-4114.
Theater of Operations QM-TM 10–260 ; TB 10–260-1 . Piston Type, 24-in. 2T24, Reed - Prentice -- TM 5-4116 .
Unserviceable property-Cir 7–1944. Portable, Gasoline, 36-in. Blade, Disston, G-10—TM
Zone of Interior-TM 38-505. 5–4002 ; TB 5–4002–1.
24 and 36 -inch Blades-LO 5-4052.
SAMPLES : Food and Drug Administration-SB 10–147. Portable, Gasoline, 36-in. Blade, Disston, Models G
TONIO, TEX.: Redesignated — Čir 219- II Portable, pneumatic, 24-in. blade-- LO 5-4000.
1945. With Kiefhaefer Mercury Engine, Model KB6AX
TM 5–4052.
SAN ANTONIO DISTRICT, AAF PERSONNEL DISTRIBU. Pneumatic, 24-in . Blade , Disston—TM 5-4012.
TION COMMAND : Designation-Cir 219- II Reed-Prentice, Timberhog — TM 5–4000 ; TM 5-4010.
1945. Circular, Woodworking, Portable, Pneumatic, 12-in . Blade
-LO 1096.
SAN FRANCISCO PORT OF EMBARKATION : Designation Sharpening and Setting—TB ENG 74.
-Cir 321-VII-1943 . B-12, Ingersoll-Rand — TA 5–1104,
Portable, Motor-Driven, 220-Volt, 60 -Cycle, AC, 10
in . Blade , Skilsaw–TM 5-4118.
SANITARY CONTROL : Army Swimming Pools—TB MED B - 12 - TM 5-540-10.
163 . 2127—TM 5-4004.
Mall . Model P-120A-TM 5-4214 .
SANITARY CORPS : Direct -Drive Motor, Band, 32-in., 440, Crescent Machine
Conservation , Medical Corps Officers - Cir 327–1944. Co.-TM 5-4182 .
Gasoline, Tilting Table, Skid-Mounted, Model 10A–TM
Garbage collection-Cir 373-III-1945 . Hack
Railroad passanger equipment-Cir 334-111–1944. Electric, Pioneer, Instruction Sheet - TM 5-4054.
Metal 17 -in . Peerless Machine-TM 5-4196.
Motor- Driven, 220-Volt, 60-Cycle, AC 5 x 5 -in .,
Fill Method of Disposing of Garbage and Refuse-TB Louisville Electric, Model Pioneer - TM 5
ENG 1 . 4054 .
Military - FM 21-10. Peerless-TM 5-4160 .
Training in basic medical subjects—Cir 48–1944 ; 146- Heavy Duty Band, 20-in., 72B -American Saw Mill Ma
VI -1944 . chinery — TM 5-4678.
SAWS - Continued Motor
Mill Band , 30 -in . Yates - American Machinery-TM 5 Airborne Cushman 53-TM 9-876 .
4682. Side Car Package Delivery Airborne--TM 9-1878.
Tractor -Mounted and Powered, Hydraulic-Operated, 48 2-Wheel, Airborne - LO 9-876 .
in . Circular Blade , Jaques , Model C - TM 5 Correct Tire Pressures - TB 9-876-1.
4404 . 3 -Wheel-LO 9 - U325 .
w/side Car-LO 9 - U325 .
Tilted - Type,: Portable, Gasoline , Skid Mounted 16-in. SCRAPERS :
Blade , Beach , 10A-TM 5–4008 ; TB 5–4008-1. All types, Technical Data - TB 5–9720-1.
Tilted-Type, Portable, Gasoline, Skid-Mounted 16-In., Carrimore , CW-10 LaPlant -ChoateTM 5–1516 .
Blade , Construction Machine , Power Sawyer, Carryall and Drag with Hydraulic Brakes, C Tournapull ;
with Wisconsin VE -41 Engine - TM 5-4006 . Power Control Units R, T, FTD7 and N Series
Wisconsin AG - 4 Engine-TM 5–4016 . Units , Le Tourneau -TM 5–1202.
Hauling -Slusser -McLean Scraper - TM 5–1474.
SCABBARD : Power Drag, Slackline, Cableway , Excavation Sauerman
Basis of issue - Cir 258 - V - 1944 ; 358 - V - 1945 . Bros.-TM 5-1476 .
Allowances suspended for certain organizations -- Cir Road
445–1944 . Drag-Type Rotary, 15-cu. ft. Adams, Model 152
TM 5–1094 ; TM 5–1094 ; 342-- TM 5-1096 .
SCALES : Motorized , Cable - Operated , 12 -cu. yd. Le Tourneau ,
Handwheel , Improvised , 75-mm Howitzer Mount M7— Model Super C Tournapull , with Model LP
TB 9-1318 - FE1. Carryall, Preventive Maintenance Services ,
PE - 14, PH-14A, Serviceability Standards — SB 11-100 TM 5–1202 ; TB 5-1202–1; TB 5-1202–2 ; MWO
11 . ENG 1202-1.
PH - 114_SB 11-100–11 . Towed - Type, Cable -Operated 312 - cu . yd., Type I,
PH - 115 – SB 11-100–11. Model X , Le Tourneau —TM 5-513-1; TM 5
PH - 116–– SB 11-100–11. 1206 ; MWO ENG 1206–1; MWO ENG 1206–2.
SCARCE CATEGORY OF SPECIALIZED SKILL : Towed-Type, Cable -Operated , 6-cu. yd., Type II, Le
Tourneau M—TM 5–1208 ; MWO ENG 1208–1.
Person nel 321-VII-1945
- Cir ; 382–19
classified , discha
45 .
rge policy - Cir 368–V-1945. Towed - Type, Hydraulic- Operated, 142 Cu. Yd., La
Plant-Choate, Model CAB-MWO ENG 1190–
SCARF : Champlains , Retention upon relief from Active 1.
Duty-Cir 69-11-1945. Type III — TM 5–1210; TB 5-1210-1.
Model LS - MWO ENG 1210-1C1 ; MWO ENG
SCHISTOSOMIASIS : Treatment of Ware Supply - TB MED
190. Towed-Type, Cable - Operated , 12 cu. yd. Type IV , Le
SCHISTOSOMIASIS JAPONICA :-TB MED 167. Tourneau LP - TM 5-1212 ; TB 5-1212-1.
Towed - Type, Hydraulic -Operated , 11 - cu . yd ., La
SCHNEIDER TEST : Aviation cadets—Cir 72 - III - 1944 . Plant- Choate , Model CAB-TM 5–1190 ; TB 5
SCHOOL : Tournapull , C16, Le Tourneau-TM 5–1348.
AAF Contract 100-1-1944.
Pilot-Cir tions TC1 PCU-TM 5-1504.
Army Veteri , Requisi for vaccine, bivalent
Cir 50 - VII- 1945. SCOUTING : -FM 21–75.
ASF, enlistedofperson
ASF grades nel
enliste d studen ing-Cir
attendts 271-19
-- Cir 450 45.
- V - 1944. SCRAP METAL : Salvage activity - Cir 254–111-1943.
Command and General Staff - Cir 239–1945 ; 263 - III SCREENING SMOKE : Danger, exposure to high concentra
tions-Cir 482 - VIII - 1944.
1945 .
Discontinued , disposal of military supplies—Cir 202–1944. SCREENS :
Engineer , Fort Belvoir, Va ., reclassified as class IV in Projection --PH - 76 and PH – 76A - SB 11–100–17 ; PH - 78
stallation - Cir 281-VI-1945. and PH-78A-SB 11-100–17 ; PH - 334 - SB 11
Europe and Far East, senior staff officers, schedule of 100–17 ; PH-358 and PH-358A- SB 11-100–17 ;
classes_Cir 372-V- 1945. PH-407SB 11-100–17 .
For Personnel Services
Requisitioning PH-358 and PH - 358 - A - SB 11-72.
Design g and-Cir 363-VI-1944.
closing dates-- Cir 238-11-1945 ; 380– SCREWS :
Cap Connecting Fender Side sheets to final drives ,
IV- 1945 . Shearing , Tractor, High - speed, 13- ton, M5
For Special and Morale Services , redesignated - Cir 363– TB 9-786 - FE1.
VI-1944 . Drainage holes in False Cradle -- TB 9-1314A - 1.
Latin America post hostilities training for senior staff Horizontal Volute Suspension-TB ORD 228.
Military Govern - Cir Chalott
officersment, 294-V-1945.
esville, Va., Training in Cylinder Head Cap
Correct Torque Reading when Tightening -- TB 9
Far Eastern Civil Affairs - Cir 83–1945. 710-26 .
Provost Marshal General -Cir 352-V- 1944 , Half-Track Vehicles , Autocar and Diamond T - TB
Sec. 55 -C , National Defense Act- SB 9-8. 9-910-26 .
Signal Corps, Camp Crowder , Mo., reclassified - Cir 281 Lever Lock , Slide , Traversing, Preventing Loss - TB 9
VI-1945. 1205 - FE2; TB 23-65 - FE1.
Units under warning or movement orders, accepting Lock , Gas Cylinder -- SB 9-51 .
War Depart ment tions
applica Civilia n Person
- Cir nel45 .Administration es-
271-19 Recuperator Filler, A25766—TB 9-1240-FE2.
Set, Used on Tuning Capacitors Dial Assemblies of Radio
tablishment - Cir 363 - V - 1945 . Receivers —TB 11-866-2 .
WAC Personnel Administration , rescinded on 19 Oct Sprocket Cap , elimination of failures on medium tank
1945-Cir 298 - XIII - 1945 . M4 series and related vehicles -- TB ORD 314.
SCIENCE : Military personnel previously engaged in scien- Wing, Modification , Used in Lieu of Bore Sighting Pin
TB 9-252 - FE1,
tific research , discharge -363-III-1945.
All Types, Technical Data -- TB 5–9720-10 . Appointment and transfer of civilian employees - Bull
Paddle - Type, Gasoline Engine-Driven , Trailer -Mounted , 27-1942.
6 -Steel Wheels, 80 to 100 -Ton per Hour, Authorized to designate military commanders in Hawaii
Pioneer, Model Log Washer - TM 5-1252, TB -Bull 23-11-1944 .
5-1252-1. Employment of technical services - Bull 27–1942.
Power to exercise court martial- Bull 9-1-1945.
SEACOAST ARTILLERY : See Artillery, Seacoast,
Redistributing certain functions Bull 17-III–1943.
Grease 3928–44 - TB 9-879-2.
Army Emergency Relief - Cir 272-1-1944.
Oil and Grease, Reclamation — TB 9-2830–19 . Composition-Cir 19-IV-1945.
Oil Front Axle Shaft, Installation of Protector Snap Detailed composition of the War Department groups
Ring — TB ORD 216. Cir 437-1-1944.
President of the United States - Bull 20–1945 .
Shell clamp, Revision of 75-mm and 76-mm to prevent SECRETARY OF WAR'S PERSONNEL BOARD :
sticking of shells in containers—TB ORD FE8.
Action on requests for appointment of officers - Cir 386–
SEAMAN : III-1944.
Merchant, Military Jurisdiction - WD Pam 27-5. SECURITY : See also Intelligence , Military .
Sick and injured, Army Transports and Army Hospital Belonging to nonappropriated funds, disposition-Cir
ships - Cir 280 - II - 1943. 384-1945 .
SEARCHLIGHTS : Civilian enemy aliens, disposition - Cir 274–1944.
Communication-TM 11-469.
Antiaircraft, Artillery
Employment in Ground Operations- FM 44-6 ; TC Flight information, committee - GO 31-11-1943,
29-1945 . Radio, Italian reports—TC 49–1942.
Service - FM 44-75 . Standard markings, Army - TM 38–414.
18-Inch, Crouse Hinds, With Tripod and Carrying Cases SECURITY CLASSIFICATION TEST : Signal Corps equip
-TM 5–1730 . ment - WD Pam 11-3 .
1941–TM 5–575 ; MWO ENG 7040-1.
1941-TM 5-7042. SECURITY INTELLIGENCE CORPS : Personnel assigned
1941A-TM 5-7040 ; TM 5-7042. as Counterintelligence Corps replacements
Equipment Model 1942, Disassembly and Loading Cir 379-1-1944.
TB ENG 64.
General Electric, 1942A–TM 5-7112. SEDAN : 5 -Passenger, Plymouth - TM 10-1151.
Models 1940, 1941, 1941A , 1942, 1942A -- TB 5 SELECTIVE SERVICE :
7046-1 ; TM 5-7045–46–48. Requisition for regulations, forms, and data-Cir 275–
Models 1942A-TM 5-7111 ; TM 5–7112 . IV-1945.
Maintenance Teams - Cir 4-1-1945 . State Directors, forwarding daily separation forms
60-Inch, Model 1942-TM 5–1721 ; TM 5–1722; TM 5 362-1945.
2721 ; TM 5-2722 ; TM 5-2723 . Veterans to be advised of 5 -day work week at time of
Portable, Power Plant, 60 - Inch 1942A - TM 5-7115 ; separation --Cir 372 - IV - 1945 .
TM 5-7116 .
Seacoast service - FM 4-29. SELECTIVE SERVICE SYSTEM :
1939, 1940, 1941, 1941A, 1942, 1942A-TB 5–1722-1 . Civilian local board established Bull 24-1943.
Conscientious objector, classification - Cir 469-11-1944.
SEARCHLIGHT EQUIPMENT : Representative at separation centers- Cir 308-11-1945.
Antiaircraft, 60-Inch, Model 1937, Sperry Gyroscope SELECTIVE TRAINING AND SERVICE ACT OF 1940 :
Co. - TM 5-7134 ; 5-7136 ; 5-7100 ; 5-7138 ; Amendment-Bull 8-IV-1945 ; 24-VIII–1944.
5-7140 .
Amendment to the Act, as amended-Bull 24-1-1943 .
60 Inch M- 1 Control Station & Power Plant. ( Airborne )
1944, Sperry Gyroscope Co.-TM 5–7106. Occupational deferment-Bull 7-111-1943.
Provisions , extended to Virgin Islands-Bull 14 -IV
SEARCHLIGHT & CONTROL SYSTEM : 60-Inch Antiair 1944 .
craft Searchlight Mobile and Portable, Sperry- SELF-TEACHING COURSE : See also Army Extension
Gyroscope - TM 5–7132. Course .
SEARCHLIGHT POWER PLANT : 60 - Inch Antiaircraft, United States Armed Forces Institute (USAFI) --Cir
Searchlight Equipment 1937 Sperry - TM 5
tion-Cir 123-V-1943.
SEATS ; Race, loose bearing, reclamation - TB 9-2830–44.
2 wheel, 10-ton, refrigerator, lightweight ( Brown in
Appointment , ROTC officers - Cir 206-111-1944 . dustries and Fruehauf) -Lo 10–1673.
WAC appointed in Sanitary Corps - Cir 462–1944. 3 -Ton payload
SECOND WAR POWERS ACT 1942 :-Bull 18–1942. 2-Wheel ( 2dt) , Van ( Gramm )-LO 9-U331 , 9
SECRET DOCUMENTS : See Military Information. 6-Ton gross- Van
SECRET MATTERS : See Military Information . Carolina - LO 9-U336 ; 9-U337.
SECRETARY OF NAVY : Power to exercise court martial Highway-LO 9-U340.
Bull 9-1-1945. Truck engineering - LO 9 -- U334.
312 - Ton Payload , 6- Ton Gross, van, comb, stake and
Authorization , certain Federal tax exemptions-- Cir Black - Diamond-LO 9-886A .
231 - IV - 1944. Checker and Hobbs--LO 9-U330.
Funds under the jurisdiction, replacement for shipment Dorsey-LO 9-U332.
losses-Cir 51–1945. Kingham-LO 9- U333 .
658749_-46-27 417
5-Ton Payload, 8-Ton Gross, 2-wheel ( 2dt ) stake and Low-bed, front loading, Dolly, 4-wheel tandem, 4DT,
platform, ( SNL G-675 Models ) —LO 9-890. M1 MWO ENG 9017-1 .
5 - Ton Payload — 8 -Ton, Gross, 2-wheel ( 2dt) ( 1516) – Low bed, front loading, 20 ton , MWO ENG 9050-1.
TM 9-890 ; LO 9-890 . M15 and M15A-MWO ORD G160 - W1.
6-Ton Payload, 10-Tons Gross, 2-wheel ( 2dt ) Van Mounted Mobile Sterilization- Bath Unit, for model MSB .
( SNL G-545, G-665, G-707 Models ) -LO 9 QMC-TM 10-641 .
888 . Special- Drop -Frame
6-Ton, Combination stake and platform-TM 9-886A . 10-Ton Pontoon, Semi-trailer, Special, Drop Frame,
6 - Ton Gross, van type, Model 2SF (truck engineering ) 25-Ton Pontoon-MWO ENG 9006 .
-TM 10–1675 ; TM 10-1362. 25- Ton Pontoon, Electric wheel -- TM 5-9014 ; LO
6-Ton Payload 1051 ; MWO ENG 9012–1 .
Animal and Cargo ( Trailer TD-32-C ) -TM 10 Fruehauf-TM 5-9012 ; LO 1051 ,
1110. Trailer Co.-TM 5-9018 .
Black Diamond_TM 9-886A. Van
SNL G-589, G-592 Models-LO 9-V344. Highway, 2-Wheel-TM 10-1168.
10 -Gross Shoe repair, 2-Wheel ( 2dt) Model W-8120, 10- Ton
Carter-TM 10-1213 . Gross Van , ( Model W-8125 ) -TM 10-1315.
Fuel Tank, 2000- Gallons-TM 9-891 ; LO 9-891 . Sterilization, Bath, Model 22–5 , Hyde - TM 10–1295.
Timple T-8-TM 10–1618 .
Van TypeTM 9-888 ; TB 9-888–1 ; LO 9- SENDER'S COMPOSITION MESSAGE : Undeliverable,
888 ; LO 9-U344 ; LO 9-U346 ; LO 9-895. disposition-Cir 23-III–1943 .
1012 - Ton Gross
Highway SENTENCE :
SKD - 1850_TM 10-1372. Civilians tried by court-martial-Cir 175 - IV - 1943.
Van, comb, animal and cargom - LO 9 Enlisted men serving sentence ineligible for Infantry
U328. transfer-Cir 262-1944.
612 - Ton Gross - LO 9-U353.
SENTINEL : Identification terms-- Cir 116-X-1945.
7-Ton Gross, 2-Wheel ( 2dt) , ( SNL - G -572 Models ) —
LO 9-882 . SEPARATED FROM SERVICE : Reasons entered on rec
7-Ton Payload ord of separation forms- Cir 177-V-1945 .
Cargo, carter C - 11-691 - TM 10–1440.
W / Dolly, Van-TM 9-884 . SEPARATION CENTER :
10-Ton Gross, 2-Wheel (2dt) -LO 9-882 . Collection of Army Emergency Relief loans-Cir 377
712 - Ton payload, 12-Ton gross, 2-wheel ( 2dt) -LO 9 1-1944.
U 348 . Discharge of aliens - Cir 19-11-1945 .
10-Ton Gross Establishment - Cir 315-VI-1944 ; 188-1945 ; 331-IV
2 -Wheel ( Gersterslager 1 shoe repair Van ) -TM Officers not sent to centers - Cir 383-IX-1944.
10-1315 .
Fruehauf, ponton-TM 5-9006 ; LO 1055. Operations—TM 12-222 ; 327-IV-1945.
Refrigerator, Stock No. 66-5-312–MWO QM 14 . Patients transferred - Cir 423-1-1944.
SNL G581 Models - LO 9-U344 . Presentation of decorations - Cir 46 - III - 1945 .
Trailer Co. ponton-TM 5-537-1; LO 1055. Procedures - Cir 188-1945 ; 342 – II – 1945 .
10-Ton Payload-14-Ton Gross, 2-Wheel stake and plat Records accompanying military personnel returned
Cir 476 - V - 1944 .
form - TM 9-892 ; LO 9-892. Transmitting medical records to Veteran
10-Ton Refrigerated Administra
GMC-1043, Thermo-King-TM 10–1417. tion for personnel submitting pension claims
-Cir 424-1-1944 .
SR-120_TM 10-1611 .
Use of classification tests limited-Cir 374-III-1945.
Two Wheel, operation and maintenance of the Uni
versal cooler refrigeration-TB 10–1614-1 . SEPARATION CLASSIFICATION : Military personnel
Watson T - 42 - TM 10-1307 .
Cir 308–1945 ; 380 - V - 1945 .
10-Ton refrigerator, 2-Wheel Gramm, SR-12-TM 10
1609 ; MWO QM 25. SEPARATION COUNSELING : Military personnel-Cir
11-Ton gross, 2-Wheel ( 2dt ) , Refrigerator Van ( Hyde) Cir 308–1945 ; 380-V-1945.
-LO 9-U347 .
SEPARATION FORM : Preparation-Cir 198 - IV - 1945;
11-Ton Payload, 2-Wheel Van ( Reliance ) -TM 9-896.
15-Ton , 2-Wheel ( 2dt ) Van 237-VIII–1945 ; 362–1945 ; 372-IX-1945 ; 391
Black-Diamond-LO 9-886A. III- 1945 .
F16-TM 9-894 ; 9–895 . SEPARATION FROM SERVICE :
Kentucky -- LO 9-895 .
Omaha Standard body-LO 9-896. Administrative and medical, military personnel-Cir 81
III-1945 .
Reliance -- LO 9-896 . Authorized agencies assisting at installations - Cir 308
Trailer Co.- LO 9 -U356 . 1945 .
12-Ton , Freuhauf Coccodioidomycosis infected personnel_Cir 57–1–1945.
220-S-TM 10–1294 . Enlisted personnel -
FFLT-225-TM 10-1446.
Clothing and equipment - Cir 72–1945 .
20 - Ton Disposition of records — Cir 349-IV-1945.
John Flat Bed, LKD-6200-TM 5-9208. Federal, civilian employees, payment in lump sum of
LaCrosse, DF6-20-TB 5-9216-1 . accumulated leave - Bull 1 -VII-1945.
Low Bed-TM 5-9218 ; TB 5-9218-1. Female military personnel when husbands are disc
22 12 - Ton payload , 28-Ton gross, 4-Wheel (4dt ) , Low or released-Cir 253-III-1945.
Bed-LO 9-U349 . Franked envelope for mailing statement of discharge
40 - Ton , M15 --TB 9-767 - FE1 . and other papers - Cir 296-1-1945.
Acetylene charging plant, FF428DF - TM 5-9056. General officers and colonels-Cir 202-IV-1945 .
Gantry, built for U. S.-TM 10-1369. Homosexuals -Cir 385--1-1945 .
Military personnel Aircraft warning-FM 11-25 ; WD Pam 21-8.
Mustering-out payments - Bull 3-1-1944. Army Postal-FM 12-105.
Report of tuberculosis cases — Cir 313-III–1944 . Caster & Truck, Berry— “ FHLT - 3" -- TM 10–1636.
Oversea returnees-Cir 374-11-1945 . Chemical Warfare
Critical and nonessential items-SB 3-5.
Previous employer card-Cir 117-VI-1945.
Procedures-Cir 188–1945 ; 342-11-1945. Depot missions—SB 38-3-CWS .
WAC, when husbands are discharged-Cir 187 - IV Repair of critical and nonessential items-SB 38
1945 . 1-3.
Consultation-TB MED 156.
SERGEANT : Supply, pay and allowance - Cir 429-11-1944. Field, information–TB 11-1525–14 .
Lend-lease transportation, military personnel and prop
SERIAL NUMBER : erty-Cir 395-1944.
Army, See Army serial number. Medical, field units-FM 8–10.
Forms for termination , premiums by government - Cir Military, Terminal Physical Examination on Separation
1-1944. -TM 8-255 .
Ordnance, in field - FM 9-5.
SEROLOGICAL : Payment_TM 14-220 .
Tests, terminal physical examination , not required-Cir Procured with appropriated funds, sale, charge or cash
3-IV- 1942. basis - Cir 50-IV-1945.
Water baths—TM 8–620 . Psychological, clinical, Army hospital—TB MED 115.
Sale - Cir 439-III-1944.
SERVICEABILITY : Machine gun, barrels, aircraft, Cal. Special -
.50 - TB ORD 308.
Company-FM 28–105 .
SERVICE-CARS : Harley-Davidson-TM 10–1354. Equipment- TB 28–1.
Officer - TM 21-205.
SERVICE CENTER : Air-FM 1-195 . Supply and field - FM 3–15.
Radio equipment, RC - 207 - A - TM 11-1516.
SERVICE CLUB : Truck, expedited-CT Bull 23–1944.
Revenue producing activities, transfer of jurisdiction Trunk line messenger - TM 11-463.
Cir 219--1944 . SERVICE SCHOOL :
Taxability of compensation paid enlisted men-Cir 359– Enlisted personnel , payment, quarters and or subsistence
II-1945 . -Cir ' 155 - IV - 1945 .
SERVICE COMMANDS : Officers, temporary duty, per diem - Cir 260–1944.
Restricted publications, purchase of_Cir 401-11-1942.
Commanding generals, contract and liaison agencies,
Cir 279-IV-1942 . SERVICE STAR : Campaign medals, current war-Cir 62
Hospitalization, evacuation of personnel-Cir 142- IV 1944 ; 195-1-1944.
1944 .
SERVICE STRIPES : Wearing with bars, oversea service
SERVICE COURT : Jurisdiction of friendly foreign forces Cir 268–1944.
within United States— Bull 14-V-1944 . SERVICES OF SUPPLY :
SERVICE FLAG : Design and general rules for use - Cir Duties reassigned from the Under Secretary of War
Cir 181 -V-1942.
62-1945 .
Establishment-Cir 59–1942.
SERVICE LAPEL BUTTON : Provisions-- Cir 62–1945 . Name changed-GO 14-1-1943.
Adjusted Aerograph calibration, TS - 407 / AMQ - 2 – TM 11-2428.
Point system-WD Pam 21-31 . Frequency Meter, 1-129-A and 1-129-B, ( absorption
Recording of scores-Cir 318-1-1945 . type ) -TM 11-304.
Sound ranging, GR - 8 - TM 11-2568.
Cover, worn, replacement - Cir 95-V-1945. SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS : Deceased military per
Decoration or awards, notation-Cir 337-11-1944 . sonnel-Bull 24 - IX - 1944.
Disposition of misplaced-Cir 323-XI -1945 . SETTLEMENT OF CLAIMS : Destruction of property, per
Enlisted men , Training centers, entries-Cir 28 -XII sonal injury, or death-Bull 14-111-1943 .
1945 .
Entries SETTERS :
Allotment or family allowance Cir 297–1944. Fuze
Laundry and dry cleaning charges-Cir 346 - V Field artillery-TM 9–1590.
1944 . M8—MWO ORD F177,W2 ; TM 9–1635.
Service ribbons-Cir 27-1944. M9-TM 9-1640.
Social hygiene course, WAC's-Cir 6-V-1944 . M13-MWO ORD F211-W1 .
Military personnel, lost, damage, or delayed, procedure T15 ( M13 ) -TM 9–1641 .
for discharge - Cir 287-I-1945. Fuze, bracket , M1916A2 - LO 9-U552.
Procedure SETTER-RAMMER : Combination fuze, M20—TM 9-1372B ;
Requesting, enlisted men AWOL - Cir 98-1-1945. TB 9-1372B-1 .
Standardization of entries-Cir 470-IV- 1944 .
Decorations, medals, awards, War Shipping Administra OND ARMY : Commanding officer's authority
to appoint general courts martial-GO 108
tion-Cir 328 - V - 1943. 1-1945 .
Worn in lieu American Defense Service Medal-Cir 27
1944 . SEWING : Kits , allowances -- Cir 56 - IV -- 1945 .
Course, WAC - WD Pam 35–1 . C. I.
Training - TC 22–1944 . 108-1b. , M1911-FT 6-C-2.
700-1b.-FT 12-G-2 .
SHAFTS : 824 -lb.-FT 12 - A - 4 .
Breech operating spline ~ MWO ORD D28-W15.
900-lb., Mk . 1-FT 12 - E - 2 .
Chevrolet, Dodge, Ford- ( GPN ) GMC, and Willys ( MB ) 1046 -lb.-FT 12-A-4 ; 12 - G - 2 .
Trucks, reclamation—TB 9-2830–45.
1400-lb.-FT 14-C- 1 ; 14 -B-2.
Flexible, computing sight M7A1—TB 9-252-FE2.
Generator, anchoring fan belt pulley - TB 9-1743-FE1 . 1560-lb., Mk. XI-FT 14 - A - 2 ; 14-D-1 ; 14 - D - 1.
Main , 2095529, transmission-TB 9-2830-94 . 1660-lb. , M1909 -- FT 14-H-1 ; 14-1-1 .
2340-lb. , Mk. VII-FT 16 - G - 1 .
Press fit, similar items, reclamation-TB 9-2830–44 .
Propellers 4.2-Inch ( Chemical Mortar )
Bomb service truck , M6 – TM 9-1765A . M2_TB 3–320–753 ; TC 10–1945.
M3_TB 3-320-8 .
Carriage, motor , 105-mm, howitzer, M7-MWO ORD D. P.
G128 - W29 .
Half-track vehicles — TM 9-1710 . 700-lb.-FT 12 - A - 4 ; 12-G-2.
Tank, light, M5, M5A1 , and 75-mm howitzer motor 824-1b .-FT 12 - A - 4 ; 12-G-2.
carriage - TM 9-1727C . 1046-lb.-FT 12 - A - 4 ; 12-6-2 .
Sliding gear shift, Medium tank M3 and M4, reclama- Empty, for sandloading , 95-lb., Mk. I and Mk. II—FT
tion-TB 9-2830-27. 55-B-5 ; 155-D-3.
Unserviceable, reclamation–TB 9-2830–59 . Firing - HE. E.
M1-FT 105 - L - 2.
SHAPERS : M41A1 - FT 75-1-4 .
All types, technical data-TB 5-9720-7. M43A1-FT 81 - B - 4 ; 81 - H - 2.
Metal-Working, bench-type, motor-driven, 110-Volt, 60 M48 — FT 75-1-4 ; 75-AD-7 .
cycle, single-phase, AC, Atlas, model 7B M56 — FT 81-S-1 ; 81-Q-2 ; 81-T-1.
TM 5-4048 . M65 / FT 4.5-A-1 .
Planers, and milling machines — TM 1-421 . M66 - FT 75-1-4 .
M67-FT 105-L-2 .
All types , technical data-TB 5–9720–7 . M101-FT 155-S-2.
Chain & Circular saw, tripod mounted, Mall Tool Co. M103-FT 8-1-1.
TM 5-4358 . M1064 FT 8 - J - 1 .
Chain Saw M107-FT 155-Q-2.
Electric, Disston , E2C5—TM 5-4014. M114 - FT 240-C-1 .
Gasoline Fixed
Disston, G1-C5-TM 5-4050. H. E. Mk. I-FT 75-AD-5 ; 75 - B - 4 ; 75 - B - 4, 2b ;
Lofstrand, GLS-101-TM 5-4056 . 75 - B - 4 , 2c ; 75 - E - 3 .
Gasoline- Engine- Driven HE M48 – FT 75-AY-1 .
Disston ,Model G1-C5-TB 5-4050-1. M38A1-FT 105 - J - 2.

Lofstrand M42A1-FT 3-R-2 ; FT 3-R-2 ; 76 - A - 4 ; 76 - C -1 ;

Model GLS-101-TB 5–4056–1. 3-Q-1 .
Type 2, ELS with Dumore Motor Model 11 , Lof M48 — FT 75-AD-5 ; 75 -AF - 1 ; 75–2–2 ; 75–2–2a.
strand-TM 5-4724. M54-FT 37 - AA - N - 2 .
Pneumatic, type 3 model PLS 104, Lofstrand, with M63-FT 37-5-3 .
Thor Independent Pneumatic Motor C5 - S M71-FT 90AA-B-3 .
TM 5-4140. M1935–FT 3-M-2 .
Drill-Steel, pneumatic-driven, Ingersoll -Rand 40— Practice
TM 5-4032 ; TB 5-4032-1. Mk . 1-FT 75 - E - 3 .
SHELLS : Mk . IIA1 -FT 37-0-1 .
Mk. VII-FT 3-M -2.
A. P.
Mk. VIIA1 -FT 3 - M - 2 .
108-1b. , M1911-FT 6 - C - 2 .
M48_FT 75 - AF - 1.
206 -lb.
M55A1-FT 37AA - N - 2 .
Mk. VII , and Mods - FT 8 - G - 2 . M63_FT 37 - BA - 2 .
Mk. X-FT 8-G-2.
Mk. XX-FT 8-H-1 . M92 - FT 37-BJ-1 ; 37 - BJ - 2 .
M94 - FT 37 - C - 2 .
323- lb. , M1911–FT 8 - E - 1.
900-1b . , Mk. XV-FT 12 - E - 2 .
1660-lb. , M1909–FT 14-H-1 . HC , BI , M89—FT 75-AY-1 .
2240-lb . , Mk. 12 ( formerly Mk. XI ) -FT 16 - E - 1. Phosphorus, Mk. II—FT 75 - AD
WP , M64-FT 75-AY-1 .
AD -5.
Artillery-TB 9-1901-8 . WP, M302 ( 16 ) -FT 60 - F - 1.
Building, tropical precut, complete 20 by 54 feet-TB W.P. , T13E2-FT 76-C-1 .
5-9613-3 .
Chemical Fragments, Japanese, identification - TM E9–1901.
M57-FT 81-Q-2 . Gas, persistent, M110-FT 155 - Q - 2.
M60 — FT 105-H -3 . H. E.- .
M64 - FT 75-1-4 . M1 -FT 105-H-3 .
M104 - FT 155 - S - 2 ; 155 - U - 1. Mk . I. , 200-lb.-FT 8-D-2 ; 8 - A - 3 .
M105 - FT 155-V-2. Mk. IA1-FT 8-K-1 ; 155 - V - 2.
M110-FT 155 - Q - 2 . Mk . II-FT 6-D-2 .
Mk. ID_FT 3.45-A-1 . Mk. IIA1-FT 6 - B - 3 .
Mk . II-FT 155-D-3 . Mk. IIA2-FT 6 - F - 2 .
Mk . IIA1 , and mods FT 155 - V - 2 . Mk. III-TD 155 - B - 4a .
Mk. VII-FT 155-B- 5. Mk . 3A1-FT 155 - S - 2.
Mk . VIIA1-FT 155-U-1 . Mk . IIIA1 -FT 155-U-1.
SHELLS - Continued SHELLS - Continued
H. E.-Continued H0-18, H0-18A - LO 3503.
Mk. ID_FT 3.45-A -1 . H0-23-A-LO 3513 .
Mk. VI-FT 12-N-2 . HO-27 and H0-27-A-TB SIG 185 .
Mk , X, 700-1b.-FT 12-N-2. ML -41 and -41A , and ML - 41 - B - TM 11-2417.
M43A1 - FT 81 - B-3 ; 81-H - 1 ; 81 -R- 1 . Prefabricated, portable-TM 5–9611.
M49A2 - FT 60 - A - 3 ; 60 - A - 4 ; 60-D-1 ; 60-D-3. S- 1 / FM -TM 11-2563.
M56 — FT 81 -C-3 ; 81 -C-2 ; 81 - H - 1 ; 81-2--2 ; 81 Shell, tropical, precut, complete, 20 by 54 ft.-TB 5–
S- 1. 9613 .
M65-FT 4.5-A - 1 .
M67- FT 105-H -3 . SHIELDS :
M71-FT 90 - C - 3 . Assembly, on carriage, barbette, 6-in., M3 and M4
M73 - FT 4.7AA-C-1 . MWO ORD E59-W2 .
M101-FT 155 - S - 2 ; 155-U-1. M39_MWO ORD A55-W11 .
M102–FT 155-V-2. M43 — MWO ORD A55 - W11 .
M103 , 240-lb.-FT 8-1-1 ; 8 - L - 2 . Oscillator compartment, in radio transmitter T - 4 /FRC
M106 , 200-lb.-FT 8-J-1 . -MWO SIG 11-820-1 .
M107-FT 155 - Q - 2 . Sand - MWO ORD G103-W31 ; MWO ORD G127-W4 .
M114 - FT 240 - C - 1.
Illuminating SHIP TRANSPORTATION OFFICER : Duties and mission
--Cir 141-11-1945 ; 319-V-1945 .
Mk., 24 Mod. 1-FT 76-A-6 ; 3-R-2 ; 76 - A - 6 .
M118B1-FT 155-Q-2. SHIPMENT :
M83A1- FT 60 - Q - 1.
T16_TB 9-1901-11 . Army and Lend -Lease, entering or leaving Mexico at
T18TB ORD 248 ; FT 81 - V - 1 . U. S. border points - Cir 192-III - 1944 ; 272–
VIII–1944 ; 391-VI-1944 .
Japanese, Identification-TM E9-1901. Army -Navy consolidating stations - Cir 165-IV-1944 .
Mortar Arriving in Alaska - Cir 93-III-1945.
Training Assemblies — CT Bull 11-1-1944.
81 -mm , M68-TB 9-1901-10. Astray, location , disposal, short - CT Bull 8–1944.
60-mm , M69—TB 9-1901-10. Baggage
Practice Authorized , supporting papers in connection - CT
M43-FT 81 - B-3 . Bull 46, 1945 .
M43A1- FT 81 -B-3 . Constructive rates- Cir 174 -IV - 1943 ; 152-IV-1944 ;
M43A1 and M44-FT 81-B-4 . 206-VI-1944 .
M44- FT 81 -B-3 . Ports of embarkation or domestic-Cir 386 - IV
M50A2 – FT 60 - A - 3 ; 60 - A - 4 . 1944.
Mk . Vi , 260 - lb. - FT 8-G-2. Bill of lading, method of showing authority - CT Bull
Mk . XVIII , M6-FT 8-H- 1 . 11-IV- 1944.
Revision of 75 -mm and 76-mm shell clamp seals to pre- Captured matériel to the United States Cir 13–1945.
vent sticking in containers—TB ORD FE8. Care of postmasters, commercial routing prohibited
Semifixed CT Bull 31-1945 .
Chemical, M60_FT 105-L-2 . Chart
H. E. Group D, Ordnance storage-SB 9-OSSC-D .
M1-FT 105-H-3 ; 105 - L - 2. Group F , Ordnance storage -- SB 9 - OSSC - F .
M41A1- FT 75-1-4 . Chemicals -- TM 3-250 .
M48–FT 75-1-4 . Class X clothing and equipage - Cir 375 - III – 1944 .
M64 - FT 75-1-4 . Classified , costly, or fragile, policy - Cir 377 - V - 1944.
M67 — FT 105-H-3 ; 105 - L - 2 . Clinical records-Cir 272-VII-1944 .
M67A1 -FT 105- H-3 . Coal and coke - CT Bull 7-1944 ; CT Bull 10-1944.
Smoke, 105 -mm , B.E., M84 — FT 105 - H - 3 ; 105 - L - 2 . Commercial transportation, coordination of functions
Smoke CT Bull 10 - III - 1943.
M84-FT 105 - L - 2 . Destination clearance--Cir 93-VI-1945 ; 311 -VIII– 1945.
M89-TC 44-1944 ; FT 75 - AD - 7. Discrepancies
M116 -FT 155-Q-2. Consolidating stations and distributing agencies,
W P Cir 15-1-1945 .
MK . 7A1-FT 155- S-2. Domestic, fire units for field range - M1937 - Cir 356
M64_FT 75-AD-7 . IV- 1944 .
M104 - FT 155 - S - 2 .
M110 - FT 155-Q-2. Dry batteries and related equipment - Cir 183- II- 1944 .
60- mm , 16—TB 23–85–7 ; 23-85-6 . Effects to effects Quartermaster - Cir 85-1945 .
Smoke and Gas Persistent, M60 - FT 105 - L - 2 . Employee's records of closed installations - Cir 30 - IV
Training 1945 .
M68 - FT 81 -F-2. Equipment and pertinent training literature - Cir 157
M69-FT 60 - C - 2 . 1944 .
Tropical Explosives and Ammunition
20 by 54 ft.-TB 5-9613-1 ; 5-9613-2. Procedure for return to the United States-Cir 56
110 by 505 ft .-TB 5-9615-1. II -1945 .
| 240 -mm , M1 - MWO ORD G509-W4. Procedures - Cir 370-III-1944 .
SHEET METAL WORK : Aircraft - TM 1-435 . Files—Cir 416-1944.
Gasoline containers overseas--Cir 116-V- 1945,
SHELTERS : Government
Gasproof - TM 3-350. Losses-Cir 51-1945 .
H0-17 - MWO SIG 16 ; TM 11-2737. Property, damage by carriers, payment - Cir 53- V
H0-17 and H0-17A - TB SIG 185 ; MWO SIG 11 1945.
281-8. Government dept, other than War- CT Bull 11-11-1944.
SHIPMENT - Continued SHIPMENT-Continued
Household - War material through inland port of entry on Canadian
Goods and dependents of civilian employees of the or Mexican border-Cir 180–1945 .
United States, payment-Bull 12-III–1945. Wire notices to ports of embarkation-Cir 50 - V - 1945;
Goods of officers - Cir 365-III-1944. 59-III-1945.
Goods to oversea homes of military personnel being SHIPPING DESIGNATORS : United States Army & Navy
released from active duty-Cir 391-IV-1945.
-WD Pam 38-4.

Military personnel, estimate of comparative costs

-Cir 137-VIII–1945. SHIPPING DOCUMENT : See Documents, Shipping.
Improper or damage report - Cir 305 - XII - 1945 .
Items of perishable subsistence - Cir 75–1944. SHIPPING :
Lost Procedures, ocean, United States Army and Navy — TM
At sea-Cir 12 - IV -- 1945 . 38–412 .
Or damaged-CT Bull 23–1944. Ticket, Army transports—Cir 134-II-1943.
Lumber, discrepancies - Cir 136 - IV - 1945 . SHIPS :
Mail , air priorities-Cir 376 - III - 1944.
Matériel with combat units-Cir 421-IV-1944 . Abandoning - FM 21-22 .
Meat , oversea and interstate - Cir 115-III-1945 . Recognition-FM 21-80 ; 30-50 .
Medical periodicals to Army Medical Library-Cir 262– SHIRT : Retention , honorable discharged men - Cir 183- VII
VI-1945. 1945 .
Military supplies by mail-Cir 310-IV-1944 ; 391 - III SHOES :
1944. Hobnailed , issue - Cir 280-III-1943 .
Number Inspection—TM 10-227.
Movement orders - Change in classification - Cir Issue of Chemical Warfare Service Impregnite and
171-1945 ; 371–1944 ; 306–1945. QMC shoe dubbin-Cir 140 - XII - 1945 .
Prisoner of war movement oversea-Cir 357–1945. Orthopedic adjustments and repairs - Cir 288 - VI - 1945 ;
Official mail, oversea areas-Cir 376-III-1944, 346 - IV - 1945 .
Ordnance matériel, maintenance and preparation-Cir Policy governing issue of low quarter, tan-Cir 142
94-III-1945. V-1945.
Oversea Ration, Army agencies activities terminated—Cir 343
Accountability for property - Cir 431 - V - 1944 ; 84–
II-1945. Ration, purchase certificate, military personnel-Cir 19
Domestic shipments, materials handling equipment III–1945.
-SB 10–218 . Rationing, application for shoe purchase certificate
Engineers equipment - TB 5–9711–1. ( OPA Form R-1705B ) -Cir 270-VIII-1945.
Replacements through. personnel replacement depots Repairs—TB QM22 ; TB QM23 .
and ports of embarkation-Cir 225-V-1945 . Service
Standards-SB 9-2. Issue, wear, and replacement in U. S .-- Cir 252-11
1945 .
Transportation time guide for less-carload-CT Bull
32-1945. Use-Cir 86–V-1945.
Personal property of discharged military personnel Use of commercial dyes prohibited - Cir 288-VII–1945.
Cir 348-VIII-1945. SHOPS :
Personal effects of deceased, or missing personnel to the Automotive, production control procedure—SB 9-48.
U. S., customs clearance - Cir 285–1945. Engineer, Motorized , Aviation Battalion
Personal property of noncitizens serving with United Machine, course, type B-TM 5–9120 ; 5-9121; 5
States armed forces to foreign countries 9127 ; 5–9126.
Cir 223-III- 1945.
Welding course , Type A-TM 5--9122 ; 5–9123.
Personnel form oversea commands, procedure-Cir 58– Engineer, motorized
1944 .
Poison Gas
Electrical repair - TB 5-9362–1 .
General purpose, repair-TM 5-9352 ; 5-9352-1.
Class A-Cir 433-II-1944. Maintenance, operation at class I, II, and III installa
Procedure-Cir 20-V-1945. tions-Cir 204-1-1945.
Ports of aerial embarkation-Cir 75-11-1945.
Postage on parcel-post, from contractors plants--CT
Overhaul standards for mobile field artillery matériel
and mortars - TB ORD 327.
Bull 44-III-1945 . Practice, aircraft radio - TM 1-470 .
Records Repairing and maintaining Signal Corps equipment
Files to service command depot, storage boxes, TB SIG 179.
Cir 104-1945 . Work — TM 11-453 ; TB 11-453-1.
In locker boxes-Cir 173-11-1945.
Refusals - CT Bull 23-1944 . SHORTAGE :
Rubber tires, tubes and camelback-SB 9-43. Effects shipped to effects Quartermaster - Cir 85–1945.
Sales items for oversea Army exchanges and quarter Matching-CT Bull 23–1944.
master sales stores-Cir 261-1945. Reported on report of equipment authorized for return
Solid fuels-Cir 390-11--1945. units at training stations-Cir 73–1945.
Specimens, parasitogical , entomological , and reptilian
SHORTS : Drawers, cotton-SB 10–74.
Cir 277-1944.
Supplies, “ Cross hauling"-Cir 338 - VII - 1944 . SHOTGUNS :
Surplus property, for disposal agencies—CT Bull 27 All types— TM 9-285 ; 9-1285.
1945. Shooting - TM 1-100 .
Through ports of aerial embarkation , accountability ter
minated-Cir 75-1-1945 . SHOTS :
Unauthorized , APO's outside continental United States A. P.
return - Cir 376-III-1944. M72–FT 3-R-2 ; FT 75 - AD - 7 .
Via Air Transport Command, domestic cargo service M81-FT 40AA-A-2.
CT Bull 9–1944. A. P.-T.-M79_FT 76 - A - 6 .
SHOTS - Continued SIGHTS-Continued
H. V. A. P. - T. Quadrant, M1917, M1917A1, M1918, and M1918A1
M93 — FT 76 - A - 6 ; FT 76- C- 1 . TM 9-1555 .
T24E1- Ft 76- C-1 . Rifles


Grenade launcher, M15 -- TB 23-30-1 .
M1 , M1903, M1917-TC 31-1943.
SHOULDER STRAP : Armor, Ayer's vest - TB ORD 315. Telescopic , M1 and T3 - TM 9-1581 .


All types, technical data-TB 5-9720-1 . classified as a class IV installation-Cir 281
Crawler -Mounted VI-1945.
Diesel SIGNALS :
2-cu, yd. with attachments, Thew, Model Lorain Aircraft warning company, Radio set SCR-188, change
82 ( engine ; Caterpillar, model D - 13000 ) in allowance -- Cir 36-V- 1944.
TM 5-1178 ; TB 5-1178–1 ; TB 5-1178–2 . Battalion, heavy construction - FM 11-130.

Northwcst, Model 78D_TM 5-1165 ; 5-1166 ; Centers, procedure -- FM 24–17.

TB 5-1165-1 .
Center, and radioteletype code room--TM 11-2207.
Gasoline Combined operating signals (CCBP - 2-2) - Change
142 - cu . yd. and 134 -cu . yd.-TB ENG 13. ( amendment) No. 2 - Cir 351-III-1945.
12 cu. yd . Second edition changes - Cir 227-1-1945 ; 251- I
Bucyrus- Erie, 15B-TM 5-1170 ; TB 5 1945 ; 341-1945 ; 378-1-1945,
1170-1 . Communication - FM 11-5 ; FM 24-5 .
Buda engines, HP -326, Osgood 200_TM Air-FM 1-45 .
5-1162 ; TB 5–1162–1; LO 5–1162. Aircraft warning - FM 11-25.
Link-belt, LS50 — TM 5-510-2. Ground , codeTM 11-461.
With attachments, Osgood, Model 2004 Armored
MWO ENG 1162-1 . Division -- FM 11-17.
94 -cu. yd., Buckeye clipper Model 70 - TB 5 Units-FM 17–70.
1197–1 ; TM 5--1198 ; TM 5-1197 ; TM 5 Cavalry division-FM 11-15 .
1312 ; TM 5-1312 ; TB 5–1312–1 . Corps, Army, Theatre of Operations, GHQ-FM
Speeder 11-20.
75, link-belt, speeder corps—TM 5–1458. Equipment directory - TM 11-227 .
LS - 90, link-belt, speeder-TM 5–9804. Headquarters Company, rifle regiment - FM 7-25.
SHOWS : Infantry division-FM 11-10.
Camp , attendance - Cir 247–1945. Personnel training - TM 11-450.
Radio silence -- Cir 3-1-1945 .
Military personnel, participation - Cir 215-1-1943 .
Soldier Visual- FM 24-22 ; 24-23 .
Benefit of military personnel-Cir 234–1945 ; 242 Corps
V- 1945.
Aircraft signal agency, Wright Field , Ohio, trans
Folio No. 294WD Pam 28--15A . fer of responsibilities—Cir 429–1–1944.
Grab bag, folio No. 30—WD Pam 28–15D . Alaska communication system, appropriation-Bull
SHOWER UNITS : Batteries
Field Bulbs, and flashlights for resale to Army ex
Portable, with heater, 32 shower heads,' Wallace changes in oversea theaters-Cir 155 - III
and Tiernan-TM 5-9144. 1945.
Trailer -mounted, with heater, 8 shower heads - TM Dry cell, procurement, storage and issue - Cir
5-9722 ; LO 5-9722. 175-1-1944 .
Depot missions-SB 38-3 - SIG .
SHRAPNEL : Fixed, Mk. I --- FT 75 - B - 4 ; 75 - E - 3. Dry batteries and related equipment- Cir 183 - II
1944 .
SHUNTS : Antenna ammeter, modification of Radio Set Electron tubes, expendable and nonexpendable, in
SCR-284-A-MWO SIG 11-275-10. terim list - SB 11-2 .
Enlisted Reserve, discharge - Çir 117–1944.
SHUTTERS : Speaker-MWO SIG 11-600-5 ; MWO SIG Equipment ,
11-620-1; MWO SIG 11-859-5 . Moistureproofing - TB SIG 13.
Security classification list - WD Pam 11-3.
SICK AND WOUNDED : Transportation - FM 8-35. Technical phases of management , operations
SICILY : Units entitled to battle credits - G0 91–1945. and procedures for shops repairing and main
taining — TB SIG 179.
SIDE-CARS : Harley -Davidson — TM 10–1354. Tool TE-50-A-SB 11-27.
Film stock, libraries, release of army material
Cir 162-V-1944.
Carbine, Cal. .30, M1 and M1A1_TB ORD 9. Fiscal projects, classification - WD Pam 11-1.
Computing Intelligence - FM 11-35.
M7 and M7A1 -TB 9-1252-4 . Interim list, expendable and nonexpendable items
M7A1 - LO 9-252-3 ; TB 9-252-FE1 ; TB 9-252 SB 11-1 ; 11-3.
FE2 ; MWO ORD A29 -W12 ; MWO ORD Laboratory, Squier, designation - GO 49-11-1945.
A50-W18 . Message book, responsibility for procurement,
M4 , M3 , M2A3, M2A1 , M2 ( 60-mm and 81-mm matériel) storage and distribution-Cir 447-X-1944 ;
-TM 9-1535. 455-III-1944.
M1901 ( French ) -TM 9-1550. Photographic
Machine guns, aircraft - TM 1-495 . Laboratories-Cir 350-11-1942 .
Open, B173117 , modified on directors AA, M5 , & M5A1 Units - Cir 250-IV-1945 .
-MWO ORD F209-W3. Procedure for routing requisitions-Cir 45 - VI - 1945.
Property, disposition of an unserviceable condition
OND ARMY : Commanding officer's author
and made serviceable by repair-SB 11-33. ity to appoint general court martial - GO
108-1-1945 .
Radio receivers, public address systems equipment,
maintenance in hospitals - Cir 216 - III - 1945 . SIZE : Paper, WD Correspondence - Cir 69–1944.
Reclamation centers - TB SIG 22.
Reference data-TM 11-462. SKEET SHOOTING-TM 1-1100.
Source of supply-SB 11-47. SKETCHING : -FM 21-35 .
Standards agency, Red Bank, N. J., redesignated
Cir 113 - V - 1945. SKIDS : Barrel , 10 - foot, M1 , Serviceability standard - SB
Tool equipment TE-59—SB 11-7 . 3-25-39.
Volunteer for parachute training --Cir 187-III-1945.
Willys engine model No. 441-Cir 324-III-1944. SLEEPING BAG : Laundering - Cir 295-III–1943.
Distress, red , two-star, M75—TB 9–1981-3. SLEEPING -CAR :
Equipment Accommodations - Cir 240-III-1945.
Desert maintenance - TB SIG 75. Enemy aliens and prisoners of war - Cir 222–1945.
Digest, field reports—TB SIG 118.
Ground SLEEVE : Clutch bearing, reclamation of Dodge 581500 and
Désert maintenance-TB SIG 75 . similar type - TB 9-2830-77.
Preventive maintenance practices—TB SIG 123.
Tropical maintenance - TB SIG 72. SLIDE RULE :
Initial issue and authorized replenishment_SB 11- Graphical firing tables-Cir 254 - II – 1944 ..
26. Military , field artillery with case, 10-inch-TM 6–240.
Lubrication—TB SIG 69. SMALL ARMS :
Standard crystal units — TB SIG 201 . Accidents-TM 9-2210.
Tropical—TB SIG 72. Conservation - Cir 380–1–1945 .
Winter maintenance - TB SIG 66.
General instructions for care, preservation , and lubri
Flash , M74-TB 9-1981-2. cation—TB 9-2835-9.
Generators, See Generators, Signal. Repairs , due to mishandling - Cir 84-I-1943.
“ S ” MEMORANDUM : General instructions-Cir 307-XI
High-burst ranging, M27A1B1—TB 9–1981-4. 1944.
Smoke, T38E1 through T42E1 -TB 9–1981-5.
Maintenance, railroad, operation-TM 55–277. SMOKE POTS :
Manual , standard descriptions for electronic equipment HC
and material-Cir 324-11-1945 . M5-TB 3-300–1.
Operations - FM 11-22. M4A2-TB 3-300-10 .
Pigeon Company - FM 11-80. Rack, floating, E1, for landing craft - TB 3-300-4.
Smoke, Aircraft, T43 through T47—TB 9-1981–1 .
SMOKE SCREENING : Large area-FM 3–50.
Supply-TM 11-452.
Training, during sea voyages — TC 26–1945 . SNAKES :
Troops, sea voyages—TC 11-1944 . Demolition
SIGNALING : Procedures, combined—FM 24-22. M2_TC 21-1944 .
M2A1 -TB ENG 47.
Applicant for Old-age and Survivors Insurance - Cir
340-VII-1944. SNOW PLOWS : See Plows, Snow.
Officer signing statement, voluntary retention on active
duty - Cir 366-IV-1945 . “ SO YOU'VE GOT A FURLOUGH ” -WD Pam 21-16, Cir
Bill of lading - CT Bull 23–1944 . 467-VIII–1944.
Use of facsimile-- Cir 40 - III - 1944 ; 413-11-1944.
WAC personnel detailed - Cir 462–1944 . SOAPS : Liquid lens cleaning, use, optical instruments — TB
Call , directional ( call sign list ) -WD Pam 11-6. SOCIAL HYGIENE : WAC personnel-Cir 260 - VI- 1945.
Intelligence (Military ) -FM 30–22.
Military-FM 21-30. SOCIAL WORKER : Psychiatric, assignment - Cir 295- V
SOCKETS : Vacuum tube, replacement-SB 11-11 .
SOCKS : Trench foot, non-increase in allowances—Cir 459
SINGLE CALL SIGN METHOD : Suspended from U. S. V-1944 .
Joint and intra-Army use-Cir 227-11-1945 .
SODIUM HYDROXIDE : Process-MWO SIG 11-2400-1.
SINNSOIDAL : Machine - TM 8-624.
SODOMY : Disposition of offenders - Cir 3–1944.
SIRUP : Garrison ration , computation purposes, price -- SB Bottling, supply of equipment and supplies for prepara.
10-71 . tion , oversea commands - SB 10-189.
SILVER STAR : See Gallantry in Action. Salvage of bottles, bottle caps, containers - Cir 137- V
1944 ; 340-VI-1944.
SILVER SERVICE STAR : Description and eligibility to
wear - Cir 62-1944 . SOIL :
SIX MONTHS' DEATH GRATUITY : Missing persons Metallic-TB 11-1122-4.
Bull 14-111--1942. Testing set, No. 1 , expedient tests - TB 5-253-1 .
9720-14. MAND :
Commanding officer authorized to appoint general courts
SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' CIVIL RELIEF ACT, 1940 : martial-GO 13-11-1944.
Section 514 amended Bull 14-VI-1944. Revocation of authority, Commanding officer to appoint
general courts martial-GO 12-IV-1944 ; 38–
AMENDMENTS OF 1942 : Provisions-Bull
RACKS : Establishment-Cir 162-IX-1944.
Camouflage - FM 5-20A. UNIT, LOS ANGELES, CALIF.: Command
Deceased - WD Pam 20-15 .
Defense, unarmed-FM 21-150.
ing officer's authority to appoint general
court martial - GO 51-III-1945.
Deposit, verification and repayment-Cir 335-11-1945.
Discharge by the point system-WD Pam 21-31. SOUTHERN FRANCE : Units entitled to battle credits
Engineer, handbook - FM 21-205. GO 87-1945.
First aid-FM 21-11 .
Going back to Civilian Life - WD Pam 21-4. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC AREA : Spearhead deposits pro
Handicrafts - TM 28–325 . ject number applicable - Cir 18–1945 .
Appropriations- Bull 7-1944 ; 4-1945 . SOUTHWESTERN . ISLANDS: Medical and Sanitary Data
-TB MED 75.
Regulations and rules governing admission - Cir SOUVENIRS : War trophies mailed or brought to the
287-V1-1945 .
United States - Cir 155-VI-1945 ; 320_VII
Injuries, limbs-WD Pam 8–7. 1945 .
Job in the Army - WD Pam 21-3.
Medal , Correction - GO 39-X-1944 ; 84-VI - 1944 . SPACE : Refrigerated, utilization-Cir 446 - VI - 1944 .
Medical handbook - TM 8-220.
Overseas, vital facts - WD Pam 21-1 . SPADES : Trail, reinforcement - TB ORD FE28.
Russian , recognition - WD Pam 21-30. SPAIN : Medical and Sanitary data-TB MED 165.
Savings and Insurance Program, responsibility - Cir
375-1945. SPANISH : Military dietionary - TM 30–500.
Savings program-WD Pam 21-18. SPARE PARTS :
Development encouraged - Cir 242 - V - 1945. Automotive
Folio highlights No. 29 - WD Pam 28-15A . Issue - Cir 278-1-1943.
Grab bag, folio No. 30 — WD Pam 28-15B. Price list - SB 9-46 .
OK , U. S. A.-WD Pam 28-12A . Bayonet, M1917-SB 9-33.
Voting Conservation - Cir 380-I-1945.
Disposition , records-Cir 448-IX-1944. Disinfector, maintenance responsibility - Cir 404 -II
Outside continental United States-WD Pam 21-11 . 1944 .
Women's Army Corps , life - WD Pam 35–3. Floating and railway equipment - Cir 307 - II -1944,
Wounded, returning from combat zones—WD Pam 21-26. Issue for specific vehicles, transfer of responsibility
SB 9-41.
SOLICITING : Rides, military personnel prohibited-Cir 95 Marking and identification - SB 10–76.
III–1943. Ordnance, requisitions — SB 9-20.
Radio set SCR -658 - T1, exhausted-Cir 228-VI-1945.
SON : Sole surviving, policy with respect to hazardous as- Requirements, procurement, and issue-Cir 434-1-1944 ;
signment - Cir 128–1945 ; 212 - III - 1945. 69-IV-1945.
Requisitions, materials-handling equipment - SB 10-97.
SOLENOID : New improved wpe, 12 -Volt - TB 9-223-FE1 . Signal equipment, initial issue and authorized replenish
ment-SB 11-26.
SOLVENTS : Special services, information and Education Divisions
Dry -cleaning - TB 9-850–4 ; 9-850-15. Cir 206-11-1945.
Industrial- TB MED 35 . Static Direction finder AN /GRD - 1, discontinued - Cir
260 - V - 1945 .
SONGS : Bibliography, group singing-WD Pam 28-4. Supplies , tools, and test equipment, issue of radar sets
AN / TPL- 1 and AN / TPX - 4 - SB 11-95 .
SOUND LOCATING : Set, GR-6~TM 11-2552. Third echelon chest CV-U-SB 11-61 .
Vehicles, chart of responsibilities -- Cir 240-1944.
Dodar - TC 13-1945 . SPARK PLUGS : See Plugs , Spark.
AN / PNS - 1 - TM 11-2565. SPEAKERS :
GR-3-C-TB 11-444-1 ; TM 11-444 ; SB 11-62 ; Cone, moistureproof and fungiproof-MWO SIG 11
MWO SIG 11-444-1; MWO SIG 11-444-4 . 620-1 .
Type 6A1-TM 11-2256.
Sets , AN / UNG- 1-TM 11-2522. SPEARHEAD DEPOSIT : Payment-Cir 309 - IV - 1945.
Responsibility for equipment - Cir 82 - V - 1945 ,
SOUND SIGNALS : See Signals, Sound. der Secretary of War, responsibility - Cir
279–1945 .
SOUTH AMERICA : Health precautions - WD Pam 8-2.
SOUTHEASTERN BRANCH UNITED STATES DISCI- Clarification of activities - Cir 29 - VII - 1944.
PLINARY BARRACKS : Established-Cir Class III installations-- Cir 388-1944.
406-III -1944. Instruction and material , activities -- Cir 217-VI-1944.

SPECIAL SERVICE-Continued SPINOCAINE : -- SB 8–31 . 11


Maintenance of equipment, responsibility-Cir 206 - II- SPLICERS :

1945. PH-91- ( ) -LO 3107A .
Mission and functions - Cir 234-1945. PH-91 , PH -91A-SB 11-100-20 .
Publications, responsibility for storage and distribu- PH - 239, PH-239A-SB 11-100–20 .
tion-Cir 103-11-1945 . PH-321-TM 11-2392 ; SB 11-100–32 ; LO 3876.
Responsibility governing use and administration of PH-544/ UF-TM 11-2303 .
WEM funds-Cir 34-1-1945 .
SPLINTING : -FM 8-50 .
Clothing and equipment, enlisted men-Cir 329 -III- SPOOLS : DR-8 ( ) used with wire W - 130 - SB 11-60.
1943. SPORTS : -TM 21-220.
Grade of enlisted men attending - Cir 291-11-1943. SPOTLIGHT SETS : AN/PVQ-1-TM 11--394.
repayment of soldier's deposits-Cir 335-11 AN/ TVQ-1-LO 3107 ; 3107A .
1945. PH-32/LO 3107 ; 3107A
PH-32-B-TM 11-434.
SPECIAL STAFF : New Developments Division-Cir 333–
XI-1944. PH - 34 - D -- TM 11-434D .
SPRAY ATTACK : Airplane, warning — TC 67–1943.
Illiterate, non-English speaking, and grade V men SPRAYERS :
Cir 127-II-1944. All types, technical data - TB 5-9720-7.
Instructions — WD Pam 20–8 . Gun , type MBC , DeVilbiss Co.-TM 5-9972.
Teaching devices — WD Pam 20–2. insect, portable, piston -pump type, gasoline engine
driven , skid -mounted, 3-GPM, with 4 50-ft
SPECIAL UNIT : Status - Cir 241–1944. lengths of 3 -in. oil resistant hose, and spray
nozzle, Bean model C -64 - S.I. - TM 5-9196 ; LO
Classification , designation-Cir 321--1-1943. Paint, bituminous emulsion, pneumatic, trailer-mounted.
Occupational , use, glove -insert lightweight- Cir 477 - II
4-steel wheels, with compressor, gasoline er.
1944 ; 165 - IV - 1945 . gine-driven , with attachments to operate di
Scarce categories, list - Cir 382–1945. rectly from a 55-gal, drum, tarrant, type H
Service, technical observers accompanying U. S. Army with Briggs & Stratton engine Model N
Forces in field - FM 30–27. type 205251-TM 5-9330.
Technical test, for enlisted men - Cir 223-VI-1945. Paint, pneumatic, portable
SPECIALIZED TREATMENT : General hospitals desig With compressor
nated-Cir 235–1944 ; 347-1-1944 . Gasoline engine-driven wheelbarrow -type with
two 5-Gal . galvanized steel tanks and acces
Civilian and military Occupational Specialists, previous Binks E-2-TM 5-9324 ; TB 5-9324–1.
instructions superseded - Cir 368 - IV - 1944. Binks, Models E- 1A and E - 1B - TB
Federal , beef, fresh, grades of carcass beef to be pur 59320-1.
chased-SB 10–174 . Eclipse - TM 5-540–8 .
Motor -driven, 14 -HP, 110-Volt, 60-cycle, 1 -phase
SPECIMENS : with 1 - qt. gun, Roche J Hose and attach
Blood—TB MED 78. ments, Binks-Roche, E - 4 ( Formerly know:
Parasitological, entomological, mammalian, and reptilian as SP 14 -EJ)-TM 5-9322.
-Cir 276–1944 . Without compressor, Binks, E-1A and E -1B_IN
Spinal fluid for virus identification , shipment — Cir 237– 5-9320 .
VIII- 1944 .
SPRAY GUNS : Type GD, DeVilbiss-TM 5-9970.
Form WD AGO No. 8-145 , instructions for use--Cir SPRAYS :
381-IX- 1944 . Outfit, DeVilbiss paint- TM 5-9974 .
Order form - Cir 129-III-1945. Stereoscope, Military Ryker, M-10, Harrison C. Ryker
Procurement - Cir 278-VII–1944 ; 113-IV-1945 ; WD -TM 5-9782.
Pam 8-5 . SPREADERS :
Redeployed personnel-Cir 269-XIII-1945. Aggregate, towed-type, traction -powered
9-ft. width, Good Roads, Berna model 8_TM 5
SPEECH RECORDER : See Recorder, speech . 1000.
SPEECH REPRODUCERS : See Reproducers, speech. 9- ft. width , Buckeye - TM 5-519-1 .
All types, technical data-TB 5-9720-4 .
SPEECHES : Concrete, gasoline engine-driven, form riding
Dissemination to the public-Cir 407-11-1944. 20-ft. width
Restriction , military personnel operating motor vehicles Blaw -Knox
--Cir 367-VIII-1944 . Model 8_TM 5-1066.
Model S and SA-TB 5-1058-2.
SPEEDOMETERS : -TM 9-1829A. Model SA 1

SPINAL CORD INJURIES : See Injuries . Continental engine - PF - 226_TM 5–1058; TB

5-1058-1 ; LO 1088 .
SPINAL : Hercules engine
Fluid, specimens for virus identification, shipment - Cir QXD-5—TM 5-1056.
237-VIII- 1944 . Jaeger, CS - 20 - TM 5-1062.
Puncture, employment as diagnostic procedure-Cir 102– 20 to 50 ft. Width Blaw- Knox SC - TB 5-1284-1 .
IV -1945 . Sand , towed-type, traction - powered Good Roads-28
SPINDLES : Wheel , replacement of broken-TB 9-1331-4 . TM 5-1048 .

Equilibrator, mulfunction, 37 -mm antiaircraft guns — TB Serviceability - Continued
9-235–7 ; MWO ORD G101-W13. Alarm, gas, M1 , CWS No. 560115-SB 3-25–3.
Front and rear, heavier - TB 9-803–5. Apparatus, decontaminating
Gunners periscope - MWO ORD G1-W16. 142 -quart, M2, CWS No. 572160_SB 3-25-4 .
Heavier-TB ORD 204.
Recoil and counter-recoil-TB 9-226–10 . 3 -gallon, M1 , CWS No. 572155 - SB 3-25-5.
Sear, B19662, modification — TB 9-1211 - FE1. Power driven , M3A1 ; CWS No. 570118 Ap
paratus, decontaminating, power driven ,
Shock absorber, preventing damage- TB 23–90–2. M3A2 ; CWS No. 570119 Apparatus, decon
SPROCKETS : taminating, power driven, M4, CWS No.
Inspection on truck, 14 -ton, 4 x 4 - TB 9-803-6 . 570124_SB 3-25-6 .
Rear wheel, installation of dowels-- TB 9-879-2. Apparatus, filling, field, land mine, M2, CWS No.
630110—SB 3-25-7 .
SQUADRON : Cavalry mechanized reconnaissance - FM 2 Axle RL - 27-1 ) -SB 11-100-41.
30. Beam, hoisting, airplane smoke tank, M2, CWS No.
644110 — SB 3-25-9.
SQUADS : Combat formations - TC 3-1945. Beam, crab, M1 , CWS No. 644210 - SB 3-25-8.
SQUADS AND PLATOONS : Combat formation-TC 3 Camera
1945. PH-47-D , E , and F-SB 11-100–13.
PH-270, PH-274, PH-274-A, and PH -516 /GF
SQUIER SIGNAL LABORATORY : Designation—GO 49 -SB 11-100-30 .
II-1945. PH - 324 SB 11-100–33.
STABILIZERS : -TM 9-1334. PH-502/PE-SB 11-100-37 .
Motion Picture
All types, technical data-TB 5-9720-2.
PH-330 A through H-SB 11-100–34.
Installation and servicing of fuel and oil tube fittings PH - 430 and PH - 430 - A - SB 11-100-34 .
_TB 9-1334-1 .
PH-431 –SB 11-100–34.
Soil, semi-trailer-mounted, with Dolly, Barber-Greene, PH-530/ PF-SB 11-100–34.
Model 821-TB 5-1280-3 ; TM 5–1280. View
STAFF : PH-120, PH-120A, PH - 120B - SB 11-100
Combat orders - FM 101-5 . 22 .
Officers, logistics - FM 101-10. PH-150, PH-150A-SB 11-100–22.
Supervision, records Administration program—Cir 416 PH-159–SB 11-100–22.
1944. PH-195, PH-195A-SB 11-100–22 .
Training, Officers, Command and General Staff School Carrier, shell, chemical mortar, M1, CWS No.
Cir 239-1945. 414645-SB 3-25–10 .
STAGING AREA : Cart, 4.2-inch chemical mortar and ammunition ,
M1A1 , CWS No. 414666 - SB 3-25–11 .
Items for resale by exchanges -- Cir 315-III–1944. Chemical Warfare Equipment—SB 3–25.
Recreational equipment - Cir 344 - IV - 1944. Classification of Technical Medical Equipment - SB
Rifles, mishandling - Cir 84–1–1943. 8-23 .
Simplified property accounting procedure — Cir 139–1944 ; Compressor, air, gasoline-engine-driven, 7 CFM,
332-1-1944 . M1 , CWS No. 631110 - SB 3-25-12.
STAKES : Bow, equipment, vehicles, modification — TB ORD Container, 1-Ton, type A , CWS No. 61350, con
FE - 23 . tainer ; 1-Ton, type D, CWS No. 613120 ; con
STAMPS : tainer 1 - Ton , type E , CWS No. 613125- SB
3-25-13 .
Dating, officers reviewing public funds to be paid, Converter M-209, M-209-A, M-209-B-SB 11-100
Treasury, United States-Cir 436-1-1944. 87 .
Procedure for procurement , issue, and accounting — Cir Curtain, gasproof, M1, CWS No. 529110—SB 3–
467-IX-1944 . 25–14 .

STAND-BY-STATUS : Government- owned installation , dis Detector Set SCR-625-1 ) -SB 11-100-55 .
Developing Machines
position of employee's files — Cir 30 - IV - 1945. PH-298–SB 11-100-31 .
STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE ( SOP ) : Army PH-413, PH -413 – A = SB 11-100-31.
exchanges within continental United States Developing Tanks -- PH - 15, PH-16, PH-17, PH-122,
Cir 57-1944. PH-122A, PH-185, PH-186, PH-187, PH
256, PH-256A , and PH - 322 - SB 11-100-12.
STANDARDIZATION : United States and British service, Dryers, PH-75, PH-176, and PH-288-SB 11-100
16 .
designation of comparable pyrotechnic signals
-Cir 442–1944. Enlargers PH -87, PH-87A , PH- 129, PH-129A ,
STANDARDS : PH-275 , PH -275A , and PH-275B- SB 11
100-19 .
74 -in. Gage, with Hyster D6N winch-TM 5-3104. Equipment
Frequency, TS - 308 / 0 — TM 11-2530. Ampro projector, PH-399—SB 11-100-36.
Overhaul, fifth -echelon installations, Browning machine Engineers, oversea shipments—SB 5-50.
gun , Cal . .50, M2_TB 9-1225-25 . Facsimile, RC-58-1 ) -SB 11-100-68.
Overseas shipment, domestic issue - SB 9–2. Interphone
Preparation and offset reproduction of Tables of Organi Amplifier, BC-376 , BC - 667 - SB 11-100-69 .
zation and Equipm nt-WD Pam 12–10 . RC-53 and TC-53A ( P/O ) -SB 11-100-69 .
Serviceability RC-99-SB 11-100-38 .
Adapter Mounted, Quartermaster Corps special purpose
Line filling, 1-Ton container, M1 , CWS No. vehicles_SB 10-233.
641125 - SB 3-25-1. Projector, PH-131 -A through G- SB 11-100
Suspension, M2, CWS No. 644519-SB 3-25–1 . 24.
STANDARDS - Continued STANDARDS—Conitnued
Serviceability-Continued Serviceability-Continued
Projector — Continued
Processing, PH-253A, PH-395, and PH - 406– Collective
SB 11-100-29 .
M2A2, CWS No. 520219—SB 3-25–35.
Radio, RC-184 ( Used with SCR-584 ) —SB 11 M3, CWS No. 520310—SB 3-25–36.
100-64 . 1
Projection screens-SB 11-100–17.
Remote control , RC-289—SB 11-100-39.
address Sets PA-5 and PA-5A-SB 11-1
Public 100-8.
Faucet, oil, 2-inch, M1 , CWS No. 631612-SB 3
25–15. Pump, airplane smoke tank, M2, CWS No. 641510–
Film Examining Machines SB 3-25-37.
PH-179–SB 11-100–27. Quartermaster Corps, miscellaneous mechanical
PH - 279 –– SB 11-100–27 . equipment-SB 10–236 .
PH-319-SB 11-100–27. Radio
Flame Thrower, portable, M2-2, CWS No. 440114 Equipment
SB 3-25-17 . RC-145 ( used with SCR-545 ) -SB 11
Frequency meter set SCR - 211- ( ) -SB 11-100–45. 100-62 .
Funnel, M3, CWS No. 631608 - SB 3–25–18. RC-148-B ( used with SCR-268 ) -SB 11
Generator, smoke mechanical, M2 ( 50-gallon ) , CWS 100-63.
No. 217122-SB 3-25-20 .
Receiver BC - 312-( ) -SB 11-100-2 .
Handset, ST - 10_SB 11-100–58. Set
Interphone amplifier BC - 376 , BC - 667 ( P/ ) , inter AN / VRC - 3_SB 11-100–77 .
phone equipment RC-53 and RC-53A-SB SCR- 193- ( ) -SB 11-100–44.
11-100-69 . SCR-268-1 ) -SB 11-100–46 .
Kit, chemical agent director, M9, CWS No. 564910 SCR-284-1 ) -SB 11-100-47.
-SB 3-25-21 . SCR-299- ( ) -SCR-399- ( ), SCR -499
Kit, repair, gas mask, universal , M8, CWS No. ( ) -SB 11-100–48 .
519124 - SB 3-25-23 . SCR -300-1 ) -SB 11-100-49.
Lamp equipment PH-62, PH-63 , PH-207, PH-207A, SCR - 506-1 ) -SB 11-100–50.
PH-208, PH-209, PH-211 , PH-216, PH SCR-508- ( ) -SCR-528-1 ), SCR -538–
216A , PH-217 , PH-251 , PH -421 , PH-422, ( ) -SB 11-100-51 .
PH-218 and PH-219-SB 11-100-14. SCR-509- ( )-SCR -510- ) -SB 11-100 !
52 .
Line, Filling SCR-511- ( ) -SB 11-100-53.
Airplane smoke tank, M3 , CWS . No. 641120 SCR-536-1 ) -SB 11-100-60.
SB 3-25-24.
SCR-543-A-SCR-543-B, SCR -543 - C — SB
Chemical spray tank , M2, CWS No. 641115 11-100-84 .
SB 3-25-24.
SCR-545-A-SB 11-100-65.
Mask , Gas SCR - 584-1 ) -SB 11-100-66 .
Diaphragm , Zi , M3—SB 3–25–28. SCR-593-A-SB 11-100–82.
Optical , lightweight - SB 3-25-25. SCR -608- ( ) -SCR -628– ( ) -SB 11-100
Service - SB 3–25–26. 61 .
Service, lightweight - SB 3-25–27 . SCR-609- ( ) -SCR 610- ( ) -SB 11-100
Mechanism , valve replacement M1 , CWS No. 643110 54 .
-SB 3–25–29. SCR-694-C-SB 11-100-85.
Meters, exposure PH-77, PH-77A, PH-77C, PH Transmitter BC-191-1 1 -SB 11-100–1.
77D, PH-77E, and PH-252A-SB 11-100-18. Recorder MC-311-SB 11-100-88 .
Microphone Rectifier
T-30-SB 11-100–79 . RA - 34- ( ) -SB 11-100-67.
T - 45 - SB 11-100-71 . RA-91 and RA-91 -A-SB 11-100–70 .
Mortar Reel
Chemical 4.2-inch, CWS No. 410618 - SB 3–25– Cart RL - 16 - SB 11-100–80.
30 . Equipment CE-11 -SB 11-100-5.
Subcaliber 3-inch M3 , CWS No. 410304-SB Unit
3-25-31 . RL - 26-1 ) -SB 11-100-40 .
Overseas and domestic shipments — SB 10–218. RL - 31-1 ) -SB 11-100–42.
Pack, mule, 4.2-inch Chemical Mortar, M2, CWS RL - 39- ( ) -SB 11-100–34.
No. 414682-SB 3-25-32. Relaxation for certain Cal. .30 U. S. Rifles - SB
9-42 .
Printers Repeater Set
Contract PH- 13 , PH-13A , PH - 13B, PK -48, TC - 18 - SB 11-100–76.
PH-51 , PH-51B, PH -192, PH-193 , PH-507/ TC- 19-SB 11-100–75 .
PF , and PH-508-SB 11-100-10. Reperforator teletypewriter TC - 16 – SB 11-100-83.
Continuous PH-67 , PH-314 , and PH - 299 - SB Respirator, dust, M1 , CWS No. 540110-SB 3-25-38 .
11-100-15 .
Rewinders PH-92, PH-242, PH-254, PH-355, PH
Print trimmers PH-8, PH-210, and PH-220-SB 355A , and PH -416A-SB 11-100–21.
11–100-9. Scales PH-14, PH-14A , PH-114, PH-115, PH-116
Projector -SB 11-100-11 .
Collective Signal
M2 , CWS No. 520210—SB 3-25-33 . Equipment in hands of troops-SB 11-100.
2A1 , CWS No. 520215- SB 3-25-34 . Generator I - 72 - SB 11-100–7 .
DeVry, 35 -mm sound, PH - 405 -- SB 11-100-59 . Skid barrel 10-foot, M1, CWS No. 631620_SB 3
Motion picture, PH-398 and 398A-SB 11-100 25-39 .
35 . Sling, chain, M1, CWS No. 631616 – SB 3-25–40.
STANDARDS-Continued STATE - Continued
Serviceability-Continued Notification of tuberculosis cases, discharged personnel
Splicers, Cir 313- III - 1944 .
PH-91 , PH-91A , PH-239, & PH-239A-SB 11- Transportation , routing instructions — CT Bull 2–1944.
PH - 321 SB 11-100-32. STATE ADJUTANTS GENERAL : Addressing mail--Cir
Stand 117-VIII-1945 ; 134-XII- 1945.
Barrel , M7 , CWS No. 631604 — SB 3-25-41. STATE GUARDS : Issue of Ordnance Matériel-SB 9-6.
Carrying, Mi , CWS No. 640410 -- SB 3-25--42.
Platform, airplane smoke tank , M6 , CWS No. STATEMENTS :
640310_SB 3-25-43 . Category I, II , III, or IV , signature of officers - Cir
Strip and slide projectors PH- 132, PH- 132B , PH 366 - IV - 1945 .
222, & PH-222A -SB 11-100-25 . Monthly commissary operating-SB 10-65.
BD-71 , BD-72, BD - 71 -A , & BD-72-A -SB 11- STATEMENT OF SERVICE : Enlisted Reserve Corps and
100-3 . National Guard - Cir 314-V-1944 .
BD - 100 - SB 11-100-4 .
of spare parts discontinued - Cir 260 - V - 1945.
Set TG-5- ( ) -SB 11-100--57 .
Terminal set TC-22- SB 11-100-81 . STATIONS: See also Meteorological station .
Telephones, Army Air Forces, designation -- Cir 287-1-1943.
Central office sets TC-4 and TC - 12 - SB 11- Cannon charges exempted from certain stations-Cir
100–56 . 353-VII-1944 .
EE-8, EE - 8A , & EE-8B-SB 11-100-6. Commander, responsibility in connection with troop,
Repeater movement - Cir 358 - IV - 1944 .
EE - 89 - SB 11-100--72 . Complement
TC-29-SB 11-100–73. Duties in connection with maneuvering organiza
TP - 3 -- SB 11-100-86. tions—Cir 402-11-1944 .
Teletypewriter Sets EE-97 and EE - 98 — SB 11 Enlisted men as auxiliary firemen - Cir 190-1944.
100–78 . Personnel economies-Cir 36 - IV - 1944 .
Trailer Control-TM 5-7111 ; 5-7112 ; 5–1722.
Chemical Service, M1, CWS No. 624110—SB Fiscal and disbursing, War Department–TM 14-711 .
3-25-44 . Hospitals. See Hospitals.
Chemical Handling, M2, CWS No. 624115—SB In continental U. S. , Sources of Medical supplies -- SB
3-25-44. 8-13.
Trays, PH-154 , PH - 155 , PH-157, PH-158, PH- Induction, armed forces, operations- TM 12–221.
158A , PH-160 , PH - 161, PH-161A , PH- 164 , Number, vouchers, collections representing expenditure
PH-164A , PH - 166, PH-166A , PH-170, PHỤ refunds-Cir 389-IV-1944 .
173 , PH - 173A , and PH - 18 - SB 11-100-26. Parent and satellite, supplies for railroad equipment ,
Tripods Cir 447-VII-1944.
PH -121 SB 11-100–23 . Pumping, 4-in. portable, with one gasoline engine-driven,
PH - 202 SB 11-100-23 . double-acting reciprocating pump, one sand
trap, one discharge section , one main line
PH - 203 ( P70 ) =SB 11-100–23.
PH - 270 SB 11-100–23. header section , one set of automatic controls,
PH -274-SB 11-100–23. 200 -barrels per hour against a pressure dif
PH -274A- SB 11-100-23 . ferential of 250-1b., Hanlon -Waters Model
B-222-TM 5-9458 .
PH -516/GF- SB 11-100–23.
PH-520 / U-SB 11-100–23 . Reception, Medical procedure to be followed for Military
PH - 524 / PF - SB 11-100-23 . Personnel returning from foreign duty-TB
MED 180.
Truck , crane, swinging boom , M1 , CWS No. 620130 Redistribution, Army Ground Forces and Army Service
--SB 3--25–46 .
Washers PH - 240A -- SB 11-100-28. Forces, Special 14-day menu issue charts and
Wrench, Valve-Removing recipe book - SB 10–128.
M1 , CWS No. 643510 - SB 3-25-47. Repairs and utilities, concentration of facilities for re
M2, CWS No. 643514-SB 3-25-47 . duction of overhead - Cir 461 - V - 1944.
Wagon , restrictions on utilization -- Cir 272 - X - 1944.
STANDS : Zone of Interior, Medical supply activities- SB 8–27 ;
8-22 .
Bench, horizontal , No. 60 , Model 3473—TM 5-4120.
Carrying, M1, CWS No. 640410, Serviceability standard STATIONERY :
-SB 3–25-42 . Army Conservation Program , emblems — Cir 2-11-1944 ;
Drills 69–1944 .
Model 102, machine type - TM 5-4738. Lightweight urged , oversea air transportation - Cir 323
Thor. No. 26 - TM 5-4084. VI-1945.
Platform airplane smoke tank Sets-SY- 1 - B, SY-2-B , SY-3-B , SY-4-A , and SY - 5
M6 , CWS No. 640310 - SB 3-25-43 . A- SB 11-27 .
M6A1 , CWS No. 640311 - SB 3–25-43. Use
Power Vise, No. 422—TM 5-9010. Camp newspaper --Cir 20-IV-1944.
Mimeographed news bulletins , etc.-Cir 86 - VI - 1944.
Cartridge, breeze- TM 9-1726G ; 9–1731 . STATISTICAL : Information, military personnel- Cir 337
Engine - MWO ORD G163 - W1. VII-1945 .
Motor, Engine driven generators TB ENG 76. STATUS : Current, Army Specialized Training Program
STATE : Cir 441-11-1944 .
Authorization , army officers to administer oath-Cir STATUTE : Pearl Harbor catastrophe, time limit extension
419-1944, for immunity - Bull 25-IV-1944 .
STEEL : Straightening - TB ENG 25. STORAGE-Continued
STENCILING : Tire pressures on motor vehicles-Cir 174 Prophylactic items- Cir 410–1–1944.
VIII-1945 . In locker boxes - Cir 173-11-1945.
STEREOSCOPIC RANGE AND HEIGHT FINDING : —TM Shipping and storage box—Cir 104–1945.
44-250 . Recreational equipment for oversea forces-Cir 344
STERILIZER : Instrument, Small 110-Volt-TM 8-628. Responsibility of materials handling equipment - Cir 33
II- 1945 .
STEVEDORING :-TM 55-310 ; TB 55-310-1. Rubber tires
STOCK : Conservation and maintenance - Cir 230-IV-1945.
Control - Tubes and camelback - SB 9-43 .
Stations-TM 38-220. Shipment chart
War Department publications and blank forms— Group L, Ordnance - SB 9-OSSC-1 .
Cir 264-1944 . Group A, Ordnance - SB 9-OSSC-A.
Credit, Depot maintenance-SB 11-18. Signal Corps message book-Cir 447-X-1944.
Level Solid fuels-Cir 390-11-1945.
Discontinued items, WAC clothing-Cir 6-11-1945. Spare parts, Special Services and Information & Edu
cation Division-Cir 206–II–1945 .
STOCK RECORD : Special Services Division publications, responsibility
Accounts — See also Property Accounting. Cir 103-11-1945.
Army Transport - Cir 18–1943 ; 134-11-1943 . Transfer of responsibility, issue of spare parts for spe
Auditing, posts, camps, or stations to be abandoned cific vehicles-SB 9-41.
-Cir 90-1-1945 . Truck, 34 -ton , standard-TB 9–808 - FE3 .
Captured enemy matériel-Cir 160-II–1945. Unexposed sensitized materials — TB MED 191 .
Perishable subsistence stores , Quartermaster mar- Warehouses, fire and access aisles - Cir 169-11-1945.
ket center-Cir 75--1944.
Posts, camps, and stations-Cir 192 - IV - 1944. STORAGE AND ISSUE :
Batteries, dry cells, assignment of responsibility - Cir
STOCKING : Distribution, policy governing - Cir 76 - IV 175-1-1944.
1945 ; 287-VII-1945 . Office equipment, responsibility - Cir 293 – VIII – 1945.
Pallets, assignment of responsibility - Cir 251-IV-1944.
STOP-OVER : Installations, prisoners en route under guard Spare parts for motor-driven gasoline dispensers-Cir
-Cir 107-1945. 117-III-1945 .
STORAGE : Standard demolition equipment, assignment of responsi
Ammunition-TC 47-1944 ; Cir 311-1-1945 . bility - Cir 281 -III-1944.
Antifreeze solution-Cir 169–111-1945 ; 274-III–1945. Willys engine model No. 441, responsibility - Cir 324
Anti -Friction bearings—TB ENG 11 . III-1944.
Basic, information-SB 10-266-1. STORES :
Boat flags, Transportation Corps depots—SB 55–16. Quartermaster clothing and equipage, sale - Cir 338 -VI
Care, preservation, controlled submarine mine matériel 1945 .
-SB 9-57 .
Carcass lamb - SB 10-187.
Sales, clothing and equipage not stocked for issue — Cir
Clothing and equipment - Cir 301-1–1944 . United States Military Academy Cadet Sales store es
Charges or transportation on baggage of enlisted men , tablished-Cir 483-V-1944.
procedure to secure recoupment of allotments
-Cir 178–1945 . STOVES :
Chart for Chemical Warfare Service Ammunition-SB Cooking, gasoline, M-1942, one-burner (Modified )-TB
3-24 . 10–400-5 .
Chemicals-TM 3-250.
Cleveland plan-SB 10–141 . TM 8-615 ; TB 10–400-1 ; TM 10–400 .
Disinfector and the spare parts-Cir 404–II–1944. M- 1942 , modified — TB QM 46.
Embossing machine-Cir 467-VI- 1944. STOWAGE :
Food , galvanized container, permissible and prohibited Explosives and ammunition
usages - Cir 138-V-1945. Aboard ship_Cir 370-III–1944.
Hold-down bolts and tie plates -- Cir 31-VI-1945. Being shipped to the United States-Cir 56 - II
Household goods, expense - Bull 27–1942 ; 314 - IV -1942. 1945 .
Inspection, issue of boxed and unboxed motor vehicles STOWAWAY :
SB 9-63 .
Issue-TM 10-250. Aircraft-Bull 4-1-1944.
Kansas City plan-SB 10–142 . Vessels-Bull 6-IV-1944.
Long term, active and inactive periods, railway artillery STRAIGHTENERS : Print, PH - 146 – TM 11-2382.
matériel-SB 9-54.
Long time, the Zone of Interior, inspection of gasoline- STRAPS : Protector, oil cooler, installation-TB ORD FE48.
SB 10-159 .
Open, protection of Ordnance matériel-SB 9-47. Commanding officer's authority to appoint
Ordnance general court martial-GO 63-1-1945.
Group G-SB 9-OSSC-G. Infantry, units-Cir 186–1944 ; 408–1944.
Group D-SB 9-OSSC -D .
Shipment chart, Group F- SB 9-OSSC-F . Unit citation-Cir 333-IV-1943.
Outside, ammunition and explosives-Cir 31-11-1945 . STRENGTH :
Petroleum products, collapsible containers — TB QM 35 . Bands—Cir 143-1-1944 .

Preparation of Engineers Equipment-TM 5-9715. Computation for the purpose of obtaining post trust
Property for oversea shipment - Cir 431-V-1944. funds-Cir 384-1945 .
STRENGTH-Continued SULPHURIC ACID : Bill of lading description on ship
Medical personnel for hospitals, zone of interior-Cir ments from plants - CT Bull 44-1-1945.
209-1944 ; 87-11-1945 ; 170 - IV - 1945 . SUMMARY COURT :
Units eligible for the Meritorious Service Unit Plaque Disposition of effects list of deceased persons — Cir 85–
award - Cir 345-1-1944 .
1945 .
Women's Army Corps_Bull 17-1-1943. Establishmnet in towns, cities, and recreational areas
STRIKE : Oil industry - Cir 304 - VIII - 1945 . Cir 296-IV-1945 ; 346 - VI - 1945.
Redesignation-GO 31-111-1944.
STUDENTS : Foreign aviation, issue of clothing—SB 10-43. SUPERCHARGING : -TM 1-404.
SUBMACHINE GUNS : See Guns. SUPERVISION : Orientation information and education
activities at classes I, II , III , and IV installa
SUBMARINE MINE : See Mine, Submarine. tions - Cir 360–1944 ; 392-VII–1944.
Canada, discontinued-Cir 342-111-1945 . AAF, stock maintenance at ground stations - Cir 208–
SUBROGEE : Claims, excluded in settlement Bull 9-1-1943. Administering and scoring Army Individual Test - Cir
421-1-1944 .
SUBSCRIBER SET : Teletypewriter, 132A2, and associated Ammunition-FM 9–6.
equipment - TM 11-2210. In zone of interior-Cir 269-III-1945.
Armored units - FM 17-50.
SUBSISTENCE : See also meal ticket ; Ration, subsistence Army of occupation of Germany, medal- Cir 448-- VI
allowance; subsistence stores. 1944 .
Aboard Army transports, charges-Cir 207–1–1945. Army Service Forces , Repair priorities and disposition
Accounting for perishable items — Cir 49-III–1944 ; SB SB 38-1-5 .
10–10 . Athletic clothing - SB 10–249.
Allowances Authorized, for Quartermaster Corps, laundries and dry
Enlisted men - Bull 19-11-1943 ; 20-11-1943 ; 9 - II cleaning plants — SB 10–185.
1945 . Batteries , bulbs, and flashlights, resale to Army ex
Enlisted personnel at service schools - Cir 155 - IV change in oversea theaters - Cir 155-111-1945 .
1945 . Channel, enemy matériel - Cir 160-11-1945 .
Per diem, civilian officers and employees-Bull 1- Clothing and equipage, enlisted men traveling from place
1944. to place - Cir 102-11-1945.
Charges, patients in hospitals - Cir 170 - III – 1944 . Clothing and equipment to enlisted personnel returned
Civilian employees at hospital operating on the garrison from overseas - Cir 72–1945 .
ration system — Cir 175–1945 . Clothing, Women's Army Corps—SB 10–262.
Hospitalized Red Cross personnel-Cir 450 - IX - 1944. Company, Quartermaster base depots — FM 10–38.
Items, sale of critical-Cir 137-XII-1945 ; 181-V-1945 ; Conservation, program to stress care, maintenance of
301-VI-1945 . - specified items - Cir 380-1-1945 .
Patient aboard hospital trains-Cir 480–1–1944 . Corps of Engineers — SB 5-51.
Perishable, accountability at Quartermaster market cen- “ Cross hauling"-Cir 338 - VII – 1944 .
ters - Cir 75-1944. Cryptographic , oversea commands - Cir 203–1944.
Personnel traveling in connection with group movement Data, electron tubes - SB 11-17 .
of patients from debarkation hospitals — Cir Depots responsibility -- SB 3-20.
184–1945 ; 298-XIII–1945. Dishwashing, guide, standard-TB QM 39.
Philippine Army personnel-Cir 158–1945. Distribution and issue of Ordnance, general- SB 9-3 .
Prisoners of war, evacuees while traveling - Cir 130-VI- Dry battery , Data-SB 11-6.
1944. Electrolyte - SB 11-97 .
Red Cross personnel - Cir 293–V-1944. Engineering ; changes and modifications restricted— Cir
Stores, depots and ports of embarkation - SB 10-151. 29-IV-1944 .
Equipment, units returned from overseas , -Cir 73-1945.
SUBSTATION : Evacuation, Infantry regiment - FM 7-30.
Installation - TM 11-474. Excess, disposition -- SB 55–12.
Maintenance - TM 11-468 . Expendable — Cir 149–1–1945.
Signal equipment, initial issue and authorized re
SUBVERSION : National defense projects, employees sus plenishment - SB 11-26.
pended - Cir 339-1943 . Unit system - Cir 126-111-1945.
SUGAR : For Signal base maintenance company, freight billing
guide - SB 8 - N - 587.
Ration Book No. IV , issuance - Cir 376-VII-1945 .
Funds for purchase of station items — Cir 146 - IV -1945.
Ration check , procedure for distribution of direct con Gasoline for range, field, M1937 - SB 10-121.
sumption - Cir 201 -VII– 1945 .
Ration credit, report of issuance - Cir 268 - VII - 1945 . General
Classification of serviceable used-SB 10–179.
Ration currency, issuance to military personnel - Cir
376-VI-1945 . Conservation–TB QM 32.
Issue of Ordnance matériel to State Guards- SB
9-6 .
SULFANILAMIDE : Local use , restriction-Cir 77-11-1945 . Graphic arts, nonexpendable, procurement responsibility
SULFONAMIDE DRUGS : See Drugs, Sulfonamide. -Cir 223-11-1945 .
Ground units, by air - FM 31-40.
SULFONAMIDE THERAPY : Wound treatment, discon Headquarters and service company, Ordnance Base,
tinued - Cir 160 - V - 1945 ; 176 - VI - 1945 . maintenance Battalion - SB 55-8- N-316 .
Hold-down bolts and tie plates , conservation - Cir 31
SULFADIAZINE : Prophylaxis -TB MED 112. VI-1945.
SUPPLIES - Continued SUPPLIES – Continued
Hospital reconditioning section upon activation - Cir 77– Repairs and utilities, disposal levels at permanent in
IV- 1944 . stallations-Cir 374-1-1945 .
Inspection of subsistence - TM 10-210 . Replacement factors and days of supply - Cir 375- IV
Issue, Ordnance, General, distribution-SB 9-3. 1944 .
Kitchen cars—TM 10-206. Resale items for Army exchanges - Cir 315-111-1944.
Local procurement, authority of commanding officer Sales items to oversea Army exchanges and Quarter.
outside continental United States-Cir 53 - IV master sales stores - Cir 261-1945.
1945 . Serviceability standards—Cir 208-VIII–1945.
Local purchase-Cir 310-VII-1944. Shipment air priority-Cir 369-II–1944.
Maneuvering material, Freight Billing Guide - SB 55- Shipped through ports of aerial embarkation account.
8 - N - 1. ability terminated-Cir 75-1-1945 .
Marking and shipment for overseas WD Pam 38–5. Signal Corps, sources SB 11-47.
Medical Stamps, tickets, or tokens-Cir 467-IX-1944.
Activities , at Zone of Interior Stations, supervision Standard demolition, storage and issue responsibility ,
-SB 8-22. Cir 281-III-1944.
Classification - SB 8-10 . Surgical—TM 8-611.
Packing and packing room lay -outs — SB 8–2.
Zone of Interior stations - SB 8-27 . Tools, Ordnance Evacuation Company, Freight billing
Mess, Equipment, procedure - Cir 165-III–1945. guide — SB 55-8 - N - 187.
Military Tools, Ordnance Ammunition Renovation platoon , freight
Disposal - Cir 202–1944. billing guide- SB 55-8 - N -500 -GA .
Shipment by mail-Cir 310-IV-1944 ; 391-III–1944. Tools, test equipment, spare parts, radar sets AN/TPL
1 and AN / TPX-4 .
Nonperishable Subsistence
Procurement, storage and distribution-SB 10–119. Transfer, non-Army agencies overseas- Cir 203–1944.
Reclamation clause in contracts-SB 10-112. Transportation Corps depots, stock control points — SB
55–15 .
Utilization of freight car space - SB 10–154. Treatment, Chemical casualties, Zone of Interior - SB
Northwest Service Command, Alaskan Department, Unit price not to exceed $10, accountability-Cir 116
Alaskan Wing Air Transport Command-GO 1944 ; 229-1-1944.
Ordnance Unit system of expendable items-Cir 126-111-1945.
Water, systems, fixed installations — TB ENG 71,
Armored vehicle maintenance company - SB 55– SUPPLY BULLETINS :
8-N-317. Distribution and numbering—SB 10–1.
Artillery and fire control maintenance com 5–1, amended-Cir 242-IV-1945 .
pany-SB 55-8 - N - 318 . 8–2, classification removed - Cir 361-1-1945.
Automotive maintenance company-SB 55-8 - N 10-8 , April 1945 , amended-Cir 149 - VI- 1945 .
327 ; 55-8 - N - 328 . 10–65, 11 May 1944, amended-Cir 235-VII–1945.
Small arms maintenance company-SB 55-8 10–126, including C 1 , canceled-Cir 350- IV - 1945.
N - 319 . 10-163 rescinded - Cir 282-III-1945.
Disposition of excess and unserviceable - SB 9-5. 10-182 amended-Cir 345-VIII-1945.
Local purchase - Cir 143-11-1945. 10-184, including C 1 , rescinded-Cir 269-XII-1945.
Maintenance Co., Air Force, freight billing guide 10–205, Mar 1945, rescinded-Cir 287 - V - 1945.
SB 55-8 - N - 257. 10-207, rescinded-Cir 339 - V - 1945 .
Motor vehicle distributing company - SB 55-8 - N 11-30 publications—Cir 391-1-1944.
337 .
11-100–87, classification removed-Cir 392-I-1945.
Overseas Rescinded list-Cir 333-IV-1945.
Commands, basic policy-Cir 24-III–1944 ; 74-V
1944 ; 127-V-1944 ; 203–1944 ; 455–V-1944. SUPPLY CATALOG : ASF catalog system explained - Cir
Procedure - Cir 5-IV-1945 . 304-III-1944.
Shipment, accountability-Cir 431- V - 1944 ; 84 - II
Paper cups, forks, plates, spoons, and towels, purchase STAFF . Functions-Cir 333 - V - 1944.
-Cir 123-IX-1945 .
German Radio Sets-TB SIG E20. Camouflage - FM 5-20C .
PP-13/TRA-1 , PP-13A/TRA-1, PP-13B/TRA-1 , Troop train ration-Cir 179-IX-1945.
PP-13C /TRA- 1 repair instructions — TM 11
4505. SUPPLY UNITS : Air, gasoline driven, portable, Bendix
Procedure, gas cylinders — SB 5-49. Westinghouse, Federal stock No. 66 - C - 1380–
Procurement and contracting authority outside United TM 10-1227 .
States-Cir 330 - I, II –1944.
Program , publication and distribution-Cir 210-11-1945. SUPPORTS :
Purchases by exchanges, Quartermaster stores, charges Antenna, AB - 33 / TRC - 1, AB-33A/TRC-1, AB- 33B '
-Cir 86-11-1945 . TRC-1_TB 11-2001–2 .
Quarterly dropping allowance - Cir 239-V-1944. End ( for fixed panel bridge Bailey type, M1 ) -TB 5
277-7 .
Items, interservice procurement-Cir 179-VIII–1945. FT - 478, FT-478-A , FT - 478 - T1 - LO 3100.
Price list-SB 10–227 . ML - 29 - B , ML - 29 - D , ML - 29 - E -- TM 11-424 .
Sources— SB 10-182 ; 10-182-1 . Trail ca er , reinforcement -TB 9-1303-FE1 .
Standard items - SB 10-242.
Use , visible filing equipment-Cir 440-VIII–1944. SURGEON :
Recreational, funds, welfare of enlisted men-Cir 34 - I- Female, appointment-Bull 8-1-1943 .
1945 ; 127-11-1945 . Flight, badges oxidized silver-Cir 431 - II - 1944 .
Responsibilities, insect and rodent control--- Cir 163– BD - 100 — TB 11-358–1; MWO SIG 11-358–1; MWO
1945. SIG 11-358–2 ; SB 11-100-4.
Venereal disease educational program-Cir 28-IV-1944 ; BD - 105 – TM 11-2052 .
98 - VIII - 1944. BD - 110 - A and B - MWO SIG 28.
SURGEON GENERAL, THE : BD-110, repair instructions, operational requirements
TM 11-4316 .
Duties and responsibility - Cir 120 - IV -1945 . BD - 116 - A - TM 11-1049.
cedure for classifying Medical Corps officers Press-to-talk, radio set, SCR - 536 - A , B, & C—MWO
-Cir 460-III-1944 . SIG 11-235-1.
SB-5 /PT-TM 11-2016.
SURGICAL MANAGEMENT : See Management, Surgical. SB - 6 /GG - TM 11-2035 .
SURGICAL OPERATION : Preinduction disability-Cir SB-7/ TTC- 1-TM 11-4318.
SB - 28 / TTC - 2 - TM 11-4318 .
360-1-1945 .
Telegraph, loop , Western Electric Company, 63B-TB
SURGICAL SUPPLIES : See Supplies. SIG 168.
Telephone - FM 24-75.
General hospitals designated - Cir 347-1–1944. Army administrativeTM 24-210.
Refusal to submit-GO 8–1-1942 . BD-116-B-TM 11-350.
Disposition , in oversea commands - TM 38–420.
Educational institutions, disposal - Cir 455–1–1944. Antenna selector, 1-5-4 - MWO SIG 11-275-8.
Release of information - Cir 372-VII–1945 . Chest units, T-26 and T - 46 - MWO SIG 20.
Settlement of war contract and disposal - Cir 372 - VII Master Battery, remote control handle, installations
1945 .
TB 9-729-FE7.
Radiosonde Test, field construction—TB 11-2403-3 .
Training aid prepared locally, disposition-Cir 353-VI Sail- operated , installation in high-pressure duct of Radio
1945 .
Set SCR-545-A-MWO SIG 11-1527-5.
SURPLUS REAL ESTATE : See Real Estate. Selector, 9-lever-MWO SIG 11-303–3.
SW-141 , removal of lock -on feature - MWO SIG 44 .
SURVEILLANCE : Ammunition , testing and inspection
equipment and supplies, freight billing guide SWITCHING SERVICE : Certificates covering transporta
-SB 55-8-N -10. tion-Cir 114-1-1945.
SURVEY : Morale, problems of soldiers - Cir 14- VII– 1944. SYMBOLS :
SURVEYING : -TM 5-235. Battle casualties-Cir 2-1-1945 ; 259 - II – 1945 .
Chemical warfare agents — Cir 483-II–1944 .
Airdromes , earthwork - TB ENG 18 . Communications, Assistant Chief of Staff , Operations
Officer, duties at consolidating station or freight dis Division - Cir 59-1942.
tributing agency-Cir 15-I-1945.
Tables-TM 5-236 . Control Approval, MGR-50 and MGR-51-Cir 5 - I
1945 .
SUSPENSION : CXL, ( Recommended for cancellation ) --- Cir 5-IV-1945.
Subversives, on defense projects — Cir 339–1943. Military-FM 21-30 ; 30–22.
Tank, light Number, contracts transferred to AAF installation
M3 -- TM 9-1726. Cir 461-III-1944 .
T9E1- TM 9-1724B. “ QMR ” , number on bills of lading - CT Bull 11-V-1944.
Track—TB 9-772-FE2 ; 9–772-FE3 ; TM 9–1727E. SYNCHRONIZING :-TM 1-510.
SWEEPERS : SYNTHETIC : Inner tubes, identification, inspection, classi
All types, technical data - TB 5–9720–4. fication , reconditioning and disposition-TB
Rotary- Broom ORD 239.
Tractor mounted and powered , one way sweeping,
30-in . by 6-ft. Brush, Hough M-TM 5–9118 ; SYNCHROSCOPES: 1-212_TB SIG 92.
5-9276 .
30-in. x 7-ft. Hough—TM 5-9082 ; TB 5-9082-1. Management - TB MED 198.
3-Wheel trailer-mounted , gasoline, two-way sweep
Neurosyphilis — TB MED 48.
ing, 30 - in. x 8-ft. Brush, Grace, MB- 100 Serodiagnostic test - Cir 209 - VII - 1945 .
TM 5-9078 ; TB 5-9078–1; TB 5-9078–2. WD , M.D. Form 78a—TB MED 3.
3-Wheel , trailer-mounted, gasoline, two -way sweep
ing, 30-in. x 8-ft. Brush Grace Model MB SYSTEMS :
100-MWO ENG 9078.
Air-conditioning and cooling, evaporative (desert) , ven
4-Wheel trailer-mounted, gasoline, two-way sweep tilating-TM 5-672.
ing, 30 - in . x 8-ft. Brush , Hough, Mu-way Air-cooling, for Keyer tube 6C21 Radio Set SCR-584—
TM 5-9138 .
MWO SIG 11-1524-1.
AS-83 /PPM-1A-MWO SIG 11-1140A-1 .
Pools : Sanitary control—TB MED 163.
Lightweight, for vehicular Radio Sets—SB 11–52.
SWITCHBOARDS : Positioning ( Radio Set SCR -584 - A ) -TB 11-1524–
BD - 14 - TM 11-331 . 19 .
BD-71 and BD-71 - A - SB 11-100-3 . Authentication — TC 74-1944 ; 33-1945.
BD-71 , BD-72, BD -72-A and BD-72-B-TM 11-330 ; Cable
SB 11-100-3 . M1 and M2-TM 9-1649 .
BD - 74 - MWO SIG 17. M7-TB 9-1671A-2.
BD - 95 – TM 11-2052. Carrier, spiral-four, 100 -mile, complete — TB 11-2001-1.
658749° 46--28 433
SYSTEMS - Continued SYSTEMS — Continued
Communication Power
Electrical—TM 11-486 ; 11-487. Brake ( Bendix-Westinghouse ) -TM 9-1827A .
Multichannel radio relay, components — TB SIG Train, electrical, carrier, cargo, T - 15 — TM 9–1793B.
184 ; TB SIG 185 . Priming, seven cylinder-FSMWO G104-W59,
Control Recoil , lubrication—TB ORD 138 ; TB 9-850–14.
Radio-interphone, Radio set AN/VRC-3—MWO SIG Refrigerating, miscellaneous- TM 5-671.
11-637-1 . Remote Control
Submarine mine, M3 - TM 9-405 . Antiaircraft artillery, change in oil—TB ORD 245.
Cooling, engines—TM 9–1729A ; 9–2858 ; MWO ORD M1 and M5-TM 9-1643.
G503-W1 . M2-TM 9-1642.
Data Transmission M5 - MWO ORD F208 -W3; MWO ORD F208-W1 ;
Installed on barbette carriage M1917-FSMWO FSMWO F208 - W1.
F190-W1 . M6 — TM 9-1676 ; MWO ORD F207-W2 .
M3—TM 9-1651 . M15—TM 9-1678 ; MWO ORD F208 - W4.
M4 - TM 9-1656 . Searchlight and control , 60-inch, Antiaircraft search
M5 - FSMWO F190-W1 . light, mobile and portable, 1934 Sperry Gyro
M6-TM 9-1653 . scope - TM 5-7132.
M7-FSMWO F190-W1 . Sewer
M7B1-FSMWO F190 - W1. Inspections and maintenance at fixed installations
M8 - FSMWO F190-W1 . -TM 5-66.
M9- FSMWO F190-W1 . Inspections and service sewage treatment plants
M10-FSMWO F190-W1 . fixed installations-TB ENG 70.
M13-FSMWO F190 - W1. Sighting
M14 - FSMWO F190_W1. M2 , with telescope, M7-TM 9–1606.
M15 - FSMWO F190 - W1. M3 - MWO ORD A50 - W18 .
M17-FSMWO F190 - W1. M5 and M6–TM 9-1607.
Electrical-MWO ORD G503-W7. Starting, tank, light, M3 and modifications — TM 9
6- and 12 - volt - TB 9-808-7. 1726A .
Basic half-track vehicles ( IHC ) -TM 9–1707C. Time, 24 hour, WD-TC 51-1942.
Change, truck, 142 - Ton , 4 x 4 ( Chevrolet) -TB 9- Transmission , base-end data and gun data - FM 4–32.
1765 B-1 . Vacuum Brack, ( Bendix BK ) -TM 9-1827B.
Generator, auxiliary, tanks, light, M5, M5A1 and Water supply, fixed installations - TB ENG 71 .
carriage, motor, 75-mm howitzer - TM 9- Water supply, fixed installations , inspection and serv
1727F . ices - TM 5-661 .
Hull and Turret, tracks and suspension , 3-in. gun ,
motor carriage, M10 and M10A1-TM 9 TAB : Arc, Wearing of certain AAF Commands—Cir 355
1750L. I- 1945 .
Power plant, for basic vehicles, 34 - Ton , 4 x 4 , and TABLE : Drop Pit, Locomotive (Whiting Model " B " 2
112 - Ton, 6 x 6 (Dodge )-TM 9–1808A . Screw, 35-Ton ) -LO 55-U11 .
Electrical , tank , light M5 and 75-mm howitzer mo
tor carriage MB-TM 9-1727B. Changes in 1-series-Cir 337-X-1943.
Fuel-TM 9–1727B . Changes, system of publishing-Cir 311 - VII – 1943.
Exhaust, tank , light , M5 and carriage, motor, 75 -mm
T/A 1-2, including C 1 , 2, 3, and 4 rescinded-Cir 268
howitzer, M8- TM 9-1732A .
Field wire-FM 24-20 . TABLE OF EQUIPMENT :
Fire Detector Interpretation, " Basis of Issue and Remarks” column
Removal- -Cir 178-VI-1944.
Carriage, motor, 75-mm howitzer, M8-FSMWO Nets, Camouflage, Issue to Units-Cir 281 -III–1943.
Tank, medium , M4 , M4A1 , M4A3-FSMWO Armored Units, Designation, Enlisted Men to Arm or
G104 - W103. Service - Cir 437-1-1944.
Fire extinguisher, fixed, operating instructions — TB 9- Medical Corps Officers — Cir 340–18-1944.
738-3 . Medical and Dental Officers and Chaplains-Cir 95 - VI
Fuels 1944.
Engines --TM 9-1729A . Nets, Camouflage Issue to Units -- Cir 281-III-1943.
Improvement for desert operation, carriage , motor, Noncurrent Files , Disposition-Cir 416–1944 .
105-mm howitzer, M7-FSMWO G128-W14 . Reduction in Number, Basic Privates - Cir 201-V-1944 ;
Lubrication, tanks, light, M3 and M3A1-TM 9 Cir 266 - III - 1944.
1726F . Units, Designated as Adjutant General's Department
Tank, medium , M3, M3A1 , M4, M4A1-FSMWO Troops- Cir 97 - VI - 1945 ; Cir 143 - VI - 1945.
* G104-W78.
Generating, tanks, light, M3 and modifications—TM 9 Medical Department, certain changes-Cir 346 - V -1945.
Policy Concerning Changes or Revision - Cir 409_V
Hydraulic, airplane-TM 1-411 . 1944 .
Ignition , tank, light, M5 and carriage, motor, 75 -mm Reduction in Number, Basic Privates-Cir 201-V-1944 ;
howitzer M84TM 9-1732A. Cir 266- III- 1944 .
Interphone, Radio Sets-MWO SIG 11-600-6 ; MWO TABLES :
SIG 11-600–7 ; MWO SIG 11-600-8 . Conversion - TM 4-238 .
Oil , modification on tank, medium M4A3-FSMWO Firing
G104-102. Abbreviated — IM 6-215.
Pipe line - TM 5-350 . Graphical-TM 9-526.
TABLES-Continued TANKS-Continued
Mathematical, for Artillery - TM 20-230. Engine, Continental, W670-9A .
Mileage, Official, War Department — TM 14-510 . Ford GAA , GAF , or GAN Tank Engine, Servicing Spark
Pay, Army—TM 14-509. Plugs (carriages or vehicles ) —TB ORD 288.
Personnel Strength for Hospitals, Zone of Interior Fuel
Cir 209-1944. Self-sealing Rubber ( vehicle landing, tracked, un
Surveying—TM 5-236. armored MK II LVT ( 2) ) -TB 9-775-5.
Telescope, Attaching Sunshade, ( Telescope, M53 ) — Vehicular, Removed, Cleaning and Preserving—TB
FSMWO F235-W1 . ORD 322.
Gunnery-FM 17-12.
TABLETS : Procurement of Sodium Chloride ( Salt ) -SB Heavy
10-21 . M6 – TM 9-721 .
M6A1-TM 9-721.
TABLEWARE : Silver-plated-SB 10-137. M26
TACHOMETERS : TM 9-1829A. Extension of Gun Traversing Lock Lever-TB
9-735 FE1 .
TACTICS : -FM 4-5 . Proper installation of Final Drive Oil Seal
TAGS : TB 9-735-3.
Caution, Placement in Driver's Compartments — TB ORD Tightening Transmission Oil Line Connections
20 .
-TB 9-735-2.
Identification . See Identification Tag. M26E1 -MWO ORD G160-W1 .
T26 Series—TB ORD 271 ; TB ORD FE34 ; TB
TAGALOG : Language Guide — TM 30–340. ORD FE41.
TAMPERS : T26E1-FM 17–74 ; TB ENG 52 ; MWO ORD G1
All Types, Technical Data-TB 5–9720-9.
Backfill T26E2—TB 9-735–1 ; LO 9-735–1 .
Cleveland Pneumatic 6A-TM 5-4088 . Tightening transmission oil line connections—TB 9
735-2 .
Independent Pneumatic, Thor 60 — TM 5-4094.
Ingersoll-Rand, Model 34 – TM 5-4062. T26E2, T26E3—MWO ORD G160 - W1.
Ingersoll-Rand , Model 34 — TM 5-540-11. T26E3—TM 9-735 ; TB 9–1735A-1 ; LO 9-735.
Pneumatic, Chicago Pneumatic , CP 3—TM 5-4110 . T26E5 , ( Tightening transmission oil line connec
Thor No. 60, Model No. 4814 ( Service Manual) tions ) —TB 9-735–2.
TM 5-4094. Indicators, Azimuth, M20 and M21, Ordnance Main
Form , Concrete, Gasoline- engine-driven, Adjustable for tenance - TM 9-1731D.
7 to 10-in. Forms, Jaeger-TM 5–1070. Installation of Radio - interphone Control System - MWO
SIG 11-637-1 .
Light : -TB ORD 123 ; TB ORD 125.
Automotive Center, Redesignation-Cir 67-III-1944. Effect of Air Cleaners on Idling Mixtures—TB
Battalion - FM 17-33 .
ORD 190.
Commanders, Install Vision Cupola ( to provide 360
degree vision for tank commander ) -MWO M2 Series, Conversion to LVT Transmission Assem
blies-TB 9-1728 FE1 .
ORD G104-W112.
Company - FM 17-32. M3 Series -- TM 9–726 ; TM 9–1726A ; TM 9-1726E ;
Destroyers : TM 9-1726F ; TM 9-1728 ; TB 9-1726–3 ; TB
M10 ( to equip with equipment for indirect fire ) - 9–1727K-3 ; TB ORD 80 ; TB ORD 125 ; TB
MWO ORD G170-W11 . 9-1728 FE1 .
Platoon - FM 18-20. M3A1-TM 9–727 ; TM 9-1726E ‫ ;ܝ‬TM 9–1726F ;
Platoon, Towed Gun-FM 18–21 . TB 9–1727K-1 ; TM 9–1728 ; TB 9-727-5 ; TB
Reconnaissance Platoon-FM 18–22. ORD 22 ; TB ORD 125.
Unit, Tactical Employment - FM 18–5 . M3A3—TB ORD 71 ; TB ORD 296 ; MWO ORD
Guns . See Guns, Tank. G1 -W18 ; TM 9-727 ; TM 11-2700 ; TB 9
Platoons-FM 17-30. 727–5 ; TB 9--1727K - 1 ; TB ORD 22 ; TB ORD
Recovery Vehicles. See Vehicles. 71 ; TB ORD 80 ; TB ORD 125 ; TB ORD 176 ;
TB ORD 296 ; LO 9–727.
TANKDOZERS :-- TB ENG 9 ; TB ENG 23. M5 Series, Crew Drill-FM 17–68 ; TB 9-1727K-3 ;
TANKS : TB ORD 30 ; TB ORD 125 ; TB 9-732 ; TM
Airplane, Smoke, AN-M33A1 and M33—TB 3-255B-1. 9-1727B ; TM 9-1727C ; TM 9–1727D ; TM 9
Airplane, Smoke, M2, Alteration of Beam, Hoisting 1727E ; TM 9–1727G ; TM 9–1727K ; TM 9
TB 3-255-4 . 1732A ; TB 9–1727B-1 ; TB 9–1727E-1 ; TB
All Types, Technical Data-TB 5-9720-2 ; TB 5-9720-4. ORD 22 ; TB ORD 24 ; TB ORD 30 ; TB ORD
Amphibian - FM 60-20. 68 ; TB ORD 80 ; TB ORD 125 ; TB ORD
Armored Employment with Infantry - FM 17–36. 191 ; TC 44-1943 ; MWO ORD G103-W35 ;
Asphalt, Steel - MWO ORD G127-W11 ; LO 9--732.
Trailer-mounted , with Steam Coils, 1,500-gal . , Lit M5 and M5A1-TB ORD 252 ; TB 9-1727C-1 ; TB
tleford Model 1025—TM 5-537-7; TM 5 ORD 179 ; TB 9-1732A-3 ; TB ORD 176 ; TB
1146 ; MWO ENG 537–7 . 9–732-29 ; TM 11-2720 ; TM 9–1729A ; TM
Truck-mounted with Heating Flues, 800 - gal., Rosco 9–1727F ; TB 9-1727C - 4 ; TB 9-1727D-5 ; TB
Model RMU with Wisconsin Engine Model ORD FE36 ; TB ORD FE50 ; MWO ORD
VE -41 - TM 5-1148. G1-W18 ; FSMWO * G103-W34.
Carriages, Motor, 105-mm Howitzer, M7, Medium, M4– M5A1-TM 9-732 ; TM 9-1727C ; TM 9–1727D ; TM
TB ORD 202 . 9–1727E ; TM 9–1727G ; TM 9–1729A ; TM
Caterpillar, Diesel , D17000, Power Unit-TM 55–1046. 11-2720 ; TB 9-132–28 ; TB 9-1727B-1 ; TB
Cleaning Interior-TB CW 20. 9–1727E -1 ; TB ORD 22 ; TB ORD 24 ; TB
Combat, Protection Against Enemy Tanks—WD Pam ORD 30 ; TB ORD 61 ; TB ORD 68 ; TB ORD
21-33. 78 ; TB ORD 80 ; TB ORD 125 ; TB ORD 191 ;
Company, Light and Medium-FM 17–33. TB ORD 183 ; LO 9-732 ; TC 44-1943.
TANKS-- Continued TANKS-Continued
Light - Contniued Medium - Continued
M22 - TB 9-724-7 ; LO 9-724 . M4, M4A1, M4A2, M4A3, M4A4 — MWO ORD G104
M24–TM 9-1729A ; TM 9-1729B ; TM 2754 ; TB W91 ; MWO ORD G1-W18 ; MWO ORD
9--729 -FE3 ; TB 9-729-FE4 ; TB 9-729-FE5 ; G104-W82 ; MWO ORD G104_W81; MWO
TB 9-729-5 ; TB 9-729-6 ; TB ORD 191 ; TB ORD G1-W16 ; MWO ORD G104 -W75 .
9-729- FE1 ; TB 9-729-FE2 ; TB 9-729-4 ; M4, M4A1, M4A3 — FSMWO G104 - W88; FSMWO
TB ORD 197 ; TB ORD 271 ; TB ORD FE43 ; G104- W97 ; FSMWO G104 - W103.
MWO ORD A55-W13 ; FM 17-75 ; TM 9-729 ; M4A1 -TB ORD FE51 ; MWO ORD G1 -W19;
TM 9-1729A ; TB 9-729-1 ; TB 9-729-2 ; TB MWO ORD G1-W18 ; MWO ORD G1-W17 ;
9-729–3 ; LO 9-729 ; MWO ORD G1-W17 ; MWO ORD G1 -W16 ; MWO ORD G1 -W17;
MWO ORD G1-W18 ; MWO ORD G200-W1 ; TB ORD 222 ; TB ENG 9 ; TB 9-2830-89;
TB 9-729-FE7 ; TB 9-729-FE6. MWO ORD G104-W113 ; MWO ORD G1
T9E1-TM 9-724 ; TM 9–1724A ; TM 9–1724B ; TM W18 ; TB ORD 183 ; TB ORD 106 ; TB
11-2705 ; TB ORD 183 ; MWO ORD G148– ORD 96 ; TB ORD 90 ; TB ORD 41 ; TB ORD
W6. 30 ; TB ORD 29 ; "TB ORD 192 ; TB ORD
Bogie, Idler Wheels_TB ORD 22. 165 ; TB ORD 219 ; TB ORD 213 ; TM 9
Engine Oil Drain Periods -- TB ORD 88. 731A ; LO 9–731A ; TB 9-731A-14 ; TB9
Medium-TB ORD 19 ; TB ORD 123 ; TB ORD 125. 731A-15 ; TB 9-731AA-1 ; TB ORD 178 ; TB
ORD 180 ; TB ORD 213 ; TB ORD 192 ; LO
Effect of Air Cleaners on Idling Mixtures-- TBORD 9-731 -AA - 1; TM 3-360 ; TB ORD FE5 ; TB
190 .
ORD 125 ; TB ORD 116 ; TB ORD 115 ; TB
M3-TM 9-750 ; TM 9-1750 ; TM 9-1750B ; TM 9 ORD 108.
1750D ; TM 9-1750E ; TM 9-1750H ; TM 9 M4A1, M4A2, M4A3_TM 11-2748.
1730K ; TM 9–1752 ; TB ORD 19 ; TB ORD
41 ; TB ORD 170 ; MWO ORD G104 - W 67 . M4A1 and M4A3-TM 3-362.
M3A1_TB ORD 19. M4A2-TM 9-731B ; TM 9–1750G ; TM 11-2748 ;
M3A2_TB ORD 19. TB 9-1750G - 5 ; TB ENG 41; TB ORD 11 ;
TB ORD 19 ; TB ORD 22 ; TB ORD 30 ; TB
M3A3 - TM 9–753 ; TM 9-1750G ; TB 9-1750G- 5 ; ORD 37 ; TB ORD 41 ; TB ORD 70 ; TB
TB 9-1750G-6 ; TB ORD 19 ; TB ORD 37 ; ORD 90 ; TB ORD 116 ; TB ORD 125 ; MWO
TB ORD 41 ; TB ORD 160 ; TB ORD 180. ORD G1-W23 ; TB 9–1750G - 6 ; TB ORD 160 ;
M3A4 - TM 9-1750F ; TM 9-1750J ; TM 9-730C ; LO 9-731B ; LO 9–731B - 1 ; MWO ORD G1
TB ORD 11 ; TB ORD 19 ; TB ORD 41 ; TB W18 ; MWO ORD G104 -W113 ; MWO ORD
ORD 43 . G1-W17 ; MWO ORD G1- W19 ; MWO ORD
M3A5 -- TM 9–753 ; TM 9-1750G ; TB 9–1750G-5 ; G1-W16 ; MWO ORD G1-W17 ; MWO ORD
G1-W18 ; MWO ORD G1-W19 ; MWO ORD
TB 9-1750G - 6 ; TB ORD 19 ; TB ORD 37 ; G1-W27 ; TB ORD FE51 .
TB ORD 41 ; TB ORD 160.
M4 Series-TM 9-731A ; TM 9-731AA ; TB ORD M4A3 - TM 9-759; TM 9-731C ; TM 9-757 ; TB
FE41 ; TB ORD FE26 ; TB ORD 243 ; TB ENG 41 ; TB ORD 11 ; TB ORD 22 ; MWO
ORD FE15 ; TB ORD 219 ; TB ORD 213 ; ORD G1-W18 ; TB ORD 30 ; TB ORD 41 ;
TB ORD 228 ; TB ORD 197 ; TB ORD FE8 ; TB ORD 70 ; TB ORD 83 ; TB ORD 90 ; TB
TM 9-798 ; TM 9-1731E ; TM 9-1731F ; TM ORD 95 ; TB ORD 96 ; TB ORD 116 ; LO
9–1731G ; TM 9–1731K ; TM 9–1750 ; TM 9 9–759 ; LO 9-759-2 ; TB ORD 125 ; TB ORD
1750B ; TM 9-1750D ; LO 9-731A ; TM 9 131 ; TB ORD FE5 ; TM 3-360; MWO ORD
1750E ; TM 9-1750K ; TB ORD 271 ; TB G104-W87 ; MWO ORD G1-W18 ; MWO ORD
G1-W22 ; MWO ORD G104-W93 ; MWO ORD
ORD 275 ; TB ORD 287; TB ORD 71 ; TM G104-W113 ; FSMWO G104-W101 ; FSMWO
11-2704 ; TB ORD 133 ; TB ORD 151 ; TB
ORD 152; TB ORD 154 ; TB ORD 159 ; TB G104-W102 ; LO 9-759-1 ; TB 9-759 - FEI; 1
TB ORD 41 ; TB ORD 183 ; TB ORD 1
9-731A-15 ; TB 9-731A A - 1 ; TB 9-1731G -3 ;
TB 9-1750K-2 ; TB ORD 22 ; TB ORD 29 ; FE29 ; MWO ORD G1-W16 ; MWO ORD
TB ORD 30 ; TB ORD 11 ; TB ORD 31 ; TB G1-W17; MWO ORD G1-W22 ; MWO ORD
G1-W27 ; TB ORD 180 ; TB 9-759 - FE1;
ORD 41 ; TB ORD 83 ; TB ORD 96 ; TB
ORD 98 ; TB ORD 106 ; TB ORD 108 ; TB MWO ORD G204 -W1; MWO ORD G1-W16 ;
ORD 115 ; TB ORD 116 ; TB ORD 125 ; TB MWO ORD G1-W17; MWO ORD G1 -W18 ;
ORD 158 ; TB ORD FE5 ; TB ORD 189 ; MWO ORD G1-W19 ; MWO ORD G1 -W22;
FM 17-76 ; TB ORD 170 ; TB ORD 192 ; LO MWO ORD G1-W27; TB ORD FE51 ; MWO
9-731 AA ; MWO ORD G1 - W17 ; MWO ORD ORD G1-W18 ; MWO ORD G1-W19 ; MWO
G1-W19 ; MWO ORD G104-W112 ; TB ORD ORD G1-W22; MWO ORD G1-W27 ; TM
11-2748 .
219 ; MWO ORD G1-W18 ; MWO ORD G104
W113 ; MWO ORD G104-W67 ; MWO ORD M4A3 , M4A3E2-TM 11-2748.
G104-W92 ; MWO ORD G104-W94 ; MWO M4A3E2—TB 9-759-FE2 ; TB ORD 95 ; MWO ORD
ORD G104-112 ; FSMWO * G104 - W67 ; G1-W18 ; MWO ORD G1-W22 ; MWO ORD
FSMWO G104-W100 ; FSMWO * G104 -W94 ; G1-W27.
MWO ORD G104-W93 ; MWO ORD G104 M4A4-TM 9-754 ; TM 9–1750F ; TM 9–1750J ; TB
W73 ; TB ORD 165 ; TB ORD FE43 ; FM ORD 11 ; TB ORD 22 ; TB ORD 30 ; TB ORD
17-67 ; TB ORD FE34 ; MWO ORD G1-W17 ; 41 ; TB ORD 83 ; TB ORD 90 ; TB ORD 116 ;
MWO ORD G1-W19 ; MWO ORD C64-W2 ; TBORD 125 ; TB ORD 165 ; LO 9-754 ; MWO
TB ORD FE35 ; MWO ORD G1 -W27 ; TB ORD G104-W113 ; MWO ORD G1-W18 ;
ORD 180 ; TB ORD 314 ; TB ORD FE53. MWO ORD G1 -W17.
M4 and M4A1 - TB ORD 222 ; TB 9-2830-89 ; TB M4A6—TM 9-756 ; TM 9-1756A ; TB ORD 11 ; TB
ORD FE35 ; MWO ORD G104 - W65 . ORD 116 ; LO 9-756 ; TBORD FE5 ; MWO
M4 , M4A1, M4A2, M4A3 – FSMWO G104-W51 ; ORD G1 -W17; MWÓ ORD G1 -W18 ; MWO
MWO ORD G104 - W108. ORD G1 -W19.
TANKS—Continued TARGETS - Continued
Medium - Continued Calibration Radar, TS -88 /GP - TB SIG 191,
M5 Series-TB ORD 30. Ground
M5 , M5A1-TB ORD 71 . Artillery Weapons - TC 2-1944.
M7—TM 9–732A ; TB ORD 165. Location, Adaptation of Radio Set SCR - 584 — TC
T234TM 9-734 ; TM 9-1734A ; TM 11-2730 ; TB Material and Training Course Lay -outs — TM 9–855.
9–1731G -3 ; TB ORD 95 ; TB ORD 165 ; TB New, Laying, to enable Tank Commander to Aid Gun
ORD 125 ; LO 9-734 ; TB 9–734-1 ; MWO ner
( tanks, medium M4 series ) -FSMWO
ORD G1-W17 ; MWO ORD G1-W18 ; MWO * G104-W94.
ORD C64-W2. Pilot Balloon
T25E1-TB 9-1731G-3 ; LO 9 -U301 ; TB ORD 95 ; ML - 306 / AP - TB SIG 191 .
T26E1-TM 9–735 ; TB 9-1731G-3 ; TB ORD 95 ; ML - 307 /AP, ML - 307A / AP, and ML - 307B / AP - TB
SIG 191 .
LO 9-U301 ; MWO ORD G1-W17 ; MWO ML - 309 /AP - TB SIG 191 .
ORD G1-W18.
ML-350/AP-TB SIG 191 .
Bogie and Idler Wheels-TB ORD 22. Practice , Artillery
Passage of Obstacles Other Than Mine Fields—TM 5 Antiaircraft - TM 4-234 .
220 .
Periscopes Seacoast – TM 4-235 .
Direct Sighting Telescopes (motor carriages, field Range, Communication Systems — TM 11-431.
Rocket, M - 2, Instructions for Use by Antiaircraft Units
artillery, and AA artillery) -TM 9–1608. -TM 4-236 .
Elbow Telescopes ( motor carriages, field artillery, Various, Selection of Bombs and Fuzes for Destruction
and AA artillery ) -TM 9-1608. -FM 1-110.
Platoon-FM 17-30.
Power Train Units — TB ORD 98. TARIFFS, SIZE :
Radial, Engines ( track installation ) _TB ORD 195. Part 1. Regular and Protective Clothing-SB 10–136.
Radiator Overflow , Installation to Avoid Loss of Regular and Protective Clothing for Women's Army
ing Solution in Truck, 142 -ton, 4 x 4 ( Chev Corps and Army Nurse Corps Personnel-SB
rolet )-FSMWO G506 - W2. 10–203.
Removal of Clocks - SB 9-39. Supplemental, Clothing and Footwear-SB 10–194.
Serviceability Standards for Developing Women's Oversea Resale Clothing, Items Listed in
PH -15 SB 11-100-12. Supply Bulletin in 10–160 - SB 10-225.
PH -16 SB 11-100-12 .
PH - 17 SB 11-100-12. TARPAULIN : Conservation -Cir 31 -VI-1945.
PH -122, PH - 122A -- SB 11-100-12. TAX :
PH-185-SB 11-100-12.
PH - 186 – SB 11-100-12 .
Compensation Earned in Messes, Clubs, Exchanges
Cir 359 - II - 1945 .
PH-187–SB 11-100-12 .
Exemption Certificates — Cir 231 - V - 1944 .
PH - 256 , PH - 256A - SB 11-100-12.
PH - 322 - SB 11-100-12. Exemptions, U. S. Forces Operating in Canada-Cir
372-V-1944 .
Smoke, Airplane
M10 — TB 3-255A-1 ; SB 3-25-42 . Federal Income, Information, 1944 and 1945—Ĉir 475–
M2 CWS No. 641510, Serviceability Standard - SB
3-25-37. Gasoline, Levied - Cir 386–V-1944.
Steel, Gasoline and Oil, 2-compartment, Skid-mounted, Government Transportation of Property - Bull 22- II
750-gal .,. Willborn-MWO ENG 9795–1. Income. See Income Tax.
Elimination of Airline Fractures — TB 9-813 - FE1. Internal Revenue, Gifts from Members of Armed Forces
Overseas - Cir 436-11-1944 .
Glass Fabric, GR-S Coated , Water, 3,000 Gallon Old-age and unemployment taxes of clubs and messes
(modification ) -MWO ENG 295–1. Cir 333-V-1945.
Track Adjustment-TB ORD 151 .
Track Roller-TB ORD 18 . Retailer's Excise, Sales at Commissaries and Exchange
-Cir 383-X-1944 .
Water 397 - VII
State Taxation of Military Personnel--- Cir
Canvas, with Sray Bar Attachment, 150-gal. Ca 1944.
pacity, U. S. Rubber-TM 5–2050. Tangible and Intangible Personal Property , Military
Steel, Semitrailer-mounted, 1,500-gal. Columbian Cir 397-VII-1944.
TM 5–9037 ; MWO ENG 9036–1 ; TM 5-9312 ; Transportation of Persons - Cir 231-IV-1944 ; Cir 244
LO 5-9312 . III-1944.
TAPE : Wireless, Wire and Transportation Services, Exemp
tions-Cir 164-V-1945.
Facsimile, Equipment, RC-58-B_TM 11-374.
Perforated ( wheatstone ) , McElroy Type, XTR - 442 - C TAXATION : Housing Protection for Military Personnel
( automatic transmitter ) -TM 11-2545. Bull 14-VI-1944 .
Semiautomatic, Fixed Station Equipment, Description
of Operation–TB SIG 198. TAXING JURISDICTION : Definition - Cir 397-VII-1944.
TT - 2 / TG - TM 11--254 . TEACHING : -TM 21-250.
TAPE - RELAY : Devices, Special Training Units — WD Pam 20–2.
Methods, Use of War Wound Moulages ( emergency
Method , radio and wire teletypewriter-Cir 322–1945 ;
medical care and first aid ) _TB MED 116 .
364-11-1945. Vocational-TM 1-1000.
Procedure - FM 24-24 .
Handling Captured Enemy Matériel Shipped to the
Airplane, Radio Controlled - TM 20–300. United States Cir 13-1945,
Attach , Night-TC 50–1944 . Infantry- Tank -Artillery, Communication-TC 75–1944 .
Boat ( JR ) Radio Controlled - TM 4-237. Mechanical Advisor, Types - Cir 4-1-1944.
Enemy Air Force Equipment-Cir 13–1945. TB 11-1062, Classification Changed - Cir 1-II-1945.
TB 11-1062-1 , Classification Removed-Cir 366–1–1945.
TECHNICAL BULLETIN : TB 11-1109–1 , Classification Changed - Cir 26–1945.
Certain Classified CONFIDENTIAL - Cir 323–1944. TB 11-1524–16 ,- Classification Changed-Cir 298–V-1945.
Correction of Date, TB9X - 98 - Cir 42-111-1945 . TB SIG 58, Classification Changed-Cir 170 - V -1945.
List TB SIG 91 , Classification Changed-Cir 170 - V - 1945 .
Classification changed-Cir 337-11-1945 , TB SIG 119, Classified “ Restricted ” -- Cir 476 - IV - 1944.
Classification removed-Cir 325-11-1945 ; 337 -II
1945 ; 373-11-1945 . TECHNICAL DATA :
TB QM 1. Pumps-TB 5-9720-12.
TB 11-114D-1 , Classification Changed-Cir 26–1945. Enemy - FM E101-10.
TB 11-1151-1 , Classification Changed-Cir 430 - II Staff Officers - FM 101-10.
1944. Trailers-TB 5-9720-15 .
TB 11-1406–1, Classification Changed-Cir 170 - V
TB 11-1505–2, Classification Changed - Cir 124–1945. TM 1-409, Rescinded-Cir 337-VI-1945.
TB 11-1505-3, Classification Changed - Cir 124–1945 . List, Classification Changed-Cir 335–1-1945 ; 366- I
TB 11-1506-1 , Classification Changed - Cir 170 - V 1945 .
1945. List , Classification Removed-Cir 325-11-1945 ; 335-1
TB 11-1506-2, Classification Changed - Cir 170 - V 1945 ; 353-II–1945 ; 366–1-1945 ; 387-I-1945.
1945 . TM 5–375, Including C1 , Classification Removed-Cir
TB 11-1506–3, Classification Changed - Cir 170 - V 232- V -1945 .
TM 9–304, Classification Changed-Cir 134-XIV-1945.
TB 11-1524-1 , Classification Changed-Cir 228-1 TM 9-314, Classification Changed-Cir 176 - VII - 1945.
1944. TM 9–1795C, Changed-Cir 404-VII–1944.
TB 11-1542-1, Classification Changed-Cir 444 - III- TM 10-215, Amended-Cir 460-I-1944 ; 315-VII–1945 ;
1944. 333-VI-1945 .
TB 11-1524-12, Classification Changed-Cir 26–1945 . TM 10-215, Amended-Cir 235-VII-1945.
TB 11-2623-1 , Classification Changed - Cir 5 - VII TM 11-200, Classification Changed-Cir 49 - III – 1945.
1945. TM 11-230C, Classification Changed - Cir 49-III-1945.
TB ENG 57, including C1 rescinded-Cir 324-V-1945. TM 11-231 , Classification Changed-Cir 49-III–1945.
TB SIG 8, Classification Changed-Cir 26–1945. TM 11-233 , Classification Changed - Cir 49-III-1945.
TB SIG 10, Classification Changed-Cir 26–1945 . TM 12-235 , Amended-Cir 64-XI- 1945 .
TB SIG 12, Classification Changed-Cir 26–1945. TM 11-235 , Classification Removed-Cir 108-11-1945.
TB SIG 17, Classification Changed-Cir 1-11-1945. TM 11-237, Classification Changed-Cir 47-III–1945.
TB SIG 20, Classification Changed-Cir 26–1945. TM 11-238 , Classification Changed- Cir 49-III-1945.
TB SIG 26, Classification Changed-Cir 298–V-1945 . TM 11-239, Classification Changed-Cir 49-III-1945.
TB SIG 56, Classification Changed-Cir 26–1945. TM 11-240D, Classification Changed-Cir 49-III-1945.
TB SIG 57 , Classification Changed-Cir 1-11-1945 ; Cir TM 11-242 , Classification Changed-Cir 49-III–1945.
26-1945 . TM 11-245, Classification Changed-Cir 49-111–1945.
TB SIG 111 , Classification Removed-Cir 366-1-1945 . TM 11-247, Classification Changed - Cir 49-III-1945.
TB 3-270-1 , Classified " Restricted ” -Cir 329-VII–1944. TM 11-250, Classification Changed-Cir 49-III–1945.
TB CW 23, Classification Changed-Cir 134-XIII–1945. TM 11-254, Classification Changed-Cir 49-III–1945.
TB CW 24, Classification Changed-Cir 208-IX-1945. TM 11-255 , Classification Changed-Cir 49-III–1945.
TB 5–25–4 , Classification Changed - Cir 455- IV - 1944. TM 11-256, Amended-Cir 281-1-1945 ; 284-V-1945.
TB ENG 12, Classification Changed-Cir 54 - III - 1945. TM 11-268, Classification Changed - Cir 267-VI-1945.
TB MED 4, rescinded-Cir 275 - V - 1945 . TM 11-272, Classification Changed-Cir 49-III–1945.
TB MED 14, Classification Changed-Cir 198-VI-1945. TM 11-273, Classification Changed - Cir 49-III-1945.
TB MED 65, “ Restricted" Removed-Cir 352- VIII- TM 11-280, Classification Changed - Cir 49-III–1945.
1944. TM 11-281 , Classification Changed - Cir 49-III–1945.
TB MED 72, Classification Removed-Cir 322-V-1944 . TM 11-305, Classification Changed-Cir 49 - III – 1945.
TB MED 114 , Classification Changed-Cir 456 - V - 1944 . TM 11-311 , Classification Changed-Cir 225 - IV -1945.
TB 9-1980–34, Classification Changed - Cir 50-VI-1945. TM 11-317, Classification Changed-Cri 204-III–1945.
TB 11-235-1 , Classification Removed-Cir 108-III-1945 . TM 11-318 , Classification Removed-Cir 212-IV-1945.
TB 11-235-2, Classification Removed-Cir 108-III–1945. TM 11-365 , Rescinded— Cir 355-X-1945.
TB 11-235-3, Classification Removed-Cir 108-III–1945. TM 11-380, Classification Removed-Cir 292–1-1945.
TB 11-235-4, Classification Removed-Cir 108 - III - 1945 . TM 11-380-1 , Classification Removed Cir. 292-1-1945.
TB 11-235-5 , Classification Removed-Cir 108-III-1945 . TM 11-467, Classification Changed-Ćir 200 - V - 1945.
TB 11-235-6, Classification Removed- Cir 108-III-1945 . TM 11-499, Classification Removed-Cir 319-11-1945.
TB 11-235-7, Classification Removed-Cir 108-III-1945 . TM 11-600, Classification Changed-Cir 49 - III - 1945.
TB 11-467-1, Classification Changed-Cir 231-V-1945. TM 11-601 , Classification Changed-Cir 49 - III - 1945.
TB 11-499-1, Classification Removed-Cir 319-11–1945 . TM 11-630, Classification Changed-Cir 49-III-1945 ;
TB 11-499–2, Classification Removed-Cir 319-11-1945. Cir 192-IV-1945 .
TB 11-499-3, Classification Removed-Cir 319-II-1945. TM 11-631 , Classification Changed - Cir 192-IV-1945.
TB 11-499-4, Classification Removed - Cir 319-11-1945 . TM 11-751 , Classification Changed - Cir 298 - V – 1945.
TB 11-499-5, Classification Removed-Cir 319-11-1945 . TM 11-820, Classification Changed-Cir 53-VI-1945.
TB 11-499-6, Classification Removed-Cir 319-11-1945. TM 11-859, Classification Changed-Cir 49-111-1945.
TB 11-499–7, Classification Removed-Cir 219-11-1945 . TM 11-867, Classification Changed-Cir 212-IV-1945.
TB 11-499-8 , Classification Removed - Cir 319-11-1945 . TM 11-873 , Classification Changed-Cir 49-III–1945.
TB 11-499-9, Classification Removed-Cir 319-II- 1945 . TM 11-874 , Classification Changed - Cir 225 - IV - 1945.
TB 11-499-10, Classification Removed-Cir 319-11-1945. TM 11-920G , Classification Changed-Cir 5-V-1945.
TB 11-499–11 , Classification Removed-Cir 319-11-1945 . TM 11-921 , Classification Changed-Cir 5-V-1945.
TB 11-499-12, Classification Removed - Cir 319-11-1945 . TM 11-925, Classification Changed-Cir 5-V-1945.
TB 11-499-13 , Classification Removed-Cir 319-II-1945. TM 11-929, Including ci , Classification Removed— Cir
TB 11-904-3 , Classified " Restricted " -Cir 21-11-1945 . 95-III-1945.
TM 11-931 , Classification Changed-Cir 5 - V - 1945 . TM 12–236 , Amended-Cir 177-V-1945 ; Cir 237– VIII
TM 11-932, Classification Changed-Cir 5 -V-1945. 1945 ; Cir 312-VIII-1945 ; 318-1-1945 ; 339–
TM 11-933, Classification Changed-Cir 42 - IV - 1945 . III–1945 ; 362–1945 ; 391-111-1945.
TM 11-939, Classification Changed-Cir 5-V-1945. TM 12-237, Amended - Cir 359- V - 1945 .
TM 11-947C, Classification Changed - Cir 5-V-1945. TM 12-238 , Amended-Cir 201-VIII-1945 ; Cir 198 - IV
TM 11–1033, Classification Changed-Cir 26–1945. 1945.
TM 11-1043, Classification Changed-Cir 26–1945 . TM 12–245, Amended --Cir 333-VII-1945 ; 362–1945.
TM 11-1051 , Classification Changed-Cir 222–1944. TM 12-256, Amended-Cir 219-V-1945 ; 281-1-1945 ;
TM 11-1051, Classification Changed-Cir 1-11-1945. 284 - V - 1945 ; 348-VIII–1945 ; 362–1945.
TM 11-1053, Classification Changed-Cir 1-11-1944. TM 12-259, Amended-Cir 317 - II - 1945 .
TM 11-1057, Classification Changed - Cir 124–1945. TM 12–275 , Amended-Cir 173-III–1945.
TM 11-1059, Classification Changed-Cir 26–1945. TM 12–305, Amended-Cir . 317-11-1945.
TM 11-1060, Classification Changed-Cir 258-V-1945. TM 12–407, Supply-Cir 204-VII–1944.
TM 11-1062, Classification Changed-Cir 410-11-1944. TM 12–425, Personnel Classification - Cir 404-1-1944 .
TM 11-1064, Classification Changed-Cir 26–1945. TM 12–425, Amended-Cir 102-VI-1945 ; Cir 263 - VII
TM 11-1075, Classification Changed-Cir 26–1945. 1945 ; 294-VIII-1945.
TM 11-1081, Classification Changed-Cir 124–1945. TM 14-501, Amended-Cir 348-1-1945.
TM 11-1085, Classification Changed-Cir 157 -VIII TM 14-502, Amended - Cir292 - III- 1945 ; 317-11-1945 ;
1945 . 348-1-1945.
TM 11-1110D, Classification Changed-Cir 81 -IV-1945. TM 14-506, Sec. III Amended-Cir 364-1944.
TM 11-1122, Classification Changed - Cir 32-V-1945. TM 14-700 , Changed etc. Pending Revision - Cir 200
TM 11-1148, Classification Changed - Cir 26–1945. II-1945.
TM 11-1308, Classification Changed-Cir 225-IV-1945. TM 14-708, Including C 1 and 2, Amended-Cir 71 - III
TM 11-1318, Classification Changed-Cir 225-IV-1945. 1945.
TM 11–1331, Classification Changed-Cir 225-IV-1945. TM 14-910, Amended - Cir 389 - I - 1945 .
TM 11-1332, Classification Changed-Cir 21–II–1945. TM 14-911 , Amended Cir 389-1-1945.
TM 11-1340, Classification Changed - Cir 362 – II – 1944. TM 14-1010 , Amended-Cir 248 - III – 1945 .
TM 11–1344, Classification Changed-Cir 192-IV-1945. TM 20--200, Distribution-Cir 71-III–1945.
TM 11-1355, Classification Changed - Cir 192-IV-1945. TM 20-221, Distribution - Cir 71-III–1945.
TM 11-1432, Classification Changed - Cir 266 – II – 1944. TM 24-205, Administrative Procedures for Communica
TM 11-1505, Classification Changed-Cir 124-1945. tions Services - Cir 45-11-1945 .
TM 11-1506, Classification Changed-Cir 26–1945. TM 24-205, Amended - Cir 292-VI-1945.
TM 11-1510, Classification Changed - Cir 26–1945 . TM 27-255, Amended - Cir 366 - VI - 1945 .
TM 11-1566, Classification Changed - Cir 315-XIII–1945. TM 28–325 , Soldier Handicrafts, Distribution - Cir 259–
TM 11-1570, Classification Changed - Cir 26–1945. V-1945.
TM 11-2003, Correction of Date - Cir 43-VIII-1945.
TM 30–215 , Sec . 3, 22 September 1943 Superseded-Cir
TM 11-2220, Classification Changed - Cir 91-111–1945. 379-1-1944.
TM 11-2351, Reprint and Distribution - Cir 430 -VI TM 30–218, Part II, Counterintelligence Investigative
1944 .
Reports - Cir 357–1944.
TM 11-2520, Classification Changed - Cir 186 - IX - 1945 . TM 30–410, Change in Classification - Cir 65 - V - 1944.
TM 11-2523, Classification Removed - Cir 225 - IV - 1945 . TM 38–205 , Distributed - Cir 307 - III -1943.
TM 11-2552, Classification Changed-Cir 142 - VI – 1945. TM 38-220 , Amended-Cir 225-VII-1945.
TM 11-2626, Classification Changed—Cir 186 - IX --1945. TM 38–402, Amended-Cir 169-11-1945.
TM 11-2627, Classification Changed - Cir 186 - IX - 1945. TM 38–403, Station Supply Procedure - Cir 385–II–1944.
TM 11-2631, Classification Removed Cir 204-111-1945 , TM 38–505 , Amended-Cir 264 - V -- 1945.
TM 11-2632, Classification Removed-Cir 264 - X - 1945 .
TM 11-2657B, Classification Removed - Cir 312 -VII TM 20-205, Pending Revision - Cir 360 - VII – 1944.
TM 21-205 , Changed , etc., Pending Revision-Cir 360
1944. VII-1944.
TM 11-2699, Amended-Cir 298 - XIV - 1945 .
TM 11-4001, Classification Removed-Cir 231-IV-1945. TM 27-251, Changed, etc., Pending Revision-Cir 150
TM 11-4002 , Classification Removed - Cir 231-IV-1945.
TM 11-4003, Classification Removed-Cir 231-IV-1945. TM 30–410, Classification Changed-Cir 65-V-1944.
TM 11-4004, Classification Removed-Cir 231-IV-1945. Accompaniment with Item of Equipment - Cir 342- V
1943 .
TM 11-4005, Classification Removed-Cir 231-IV-1945.
TM 11-4006, Classification Removed Cir 231-IV-1945. Instructions
TM 11-4007, Classification Removed-Cir 231-IV-1945. For handling Antifreeze Solution -- Cir 421-V-1944.
TM 11-4008 , Classification Removed-Cir 231-IV-1945. Preparation of Engineer Equipment for Export
Cir 72-V- 1944.
TM 11-4009, Classification Removed-Cir 231-IV-1945.
TM 11-4010, Classification Removed-Cir 231-IV-1945 . Prompt Distribution to Using and Servicing Units
TM 11-4011 , Classification Removed-Cir 231-IV-1945. Cir 174 - VII - 1945.
TM 11-4012, Classification Removed-Cir 231-IV-1945.
TM 11-4013, Classification Removed-Cir 231-IV--1945. TECHNICAL OBSERVER : Waiver of Claim Against United
States-Cir 295 - VI - 1944.
TM 11-4014 , Classification Removed-Cir 231-IV-1945 .
TM 11-4016, Classification Removed-Cir 231-IV-1945. TECHNICAL SERVICES :
TM 11-4017, Classification Removed-Cir 231-IV-1945. Army Service Forces Catalogs-Cir 304-III–1944.
TM 12–222, Amended by TM 12–236 — Cir 198-IV-1945 ; Employment by War Department -- Bull 27-1942.
317-II-1945 .
Recapture, Excess ASF Controlled Items of Equipment
TM 12-222, Separation Center Operation, procedure to Cir 300-1944.
maintain on a current basis-Cir 327 - IV
1945 ; 362–1945 ; 372 -IX - 1945 .
Responsibility, Modification of Matériel - Cir 41 - IV - 1945.
TM 12-230, Amended - Cir 202-VI-1945 ; Cir 215 -VII- TECHNICIANS :
1945 ; Cir 237-IV- 1945 ; 307-1-1945 . Badge , Army Air Forces-Cir 435-1-1944.
TM 12-235, Amended by TM 12–236—Cir 198-IV-1945. Dental-TM 8-225.
TM 12-235, Certain Changes Prescribed - Cir 47 - III- Dental Laboratory, Assignment-Cir 130 - III – 1944.
1945. Laboratory, Methods—TM 8–227.
TECHNICIANS - Continued TELEPHONES - Continued
Pharmacy, Methods - TM 8-233. Field , German, Model 33—TB SIG E24 .
Training of Camera Operators - Cir 177–1944. Maintenance, Truck , 242 - ton , 4 x 2, Federal M 2G, Dump

and 3G ( List of Equipment) —TB 9-821-1.

TECHNIQUES : Crystal Finishing, Maintenance and Opera No. " 17 " designated for reporting fire - Cir 183 – IV – 1945.
tion - TM 11-2540 .
Radio, Procedure - WD Pam 24-2.
TEETH : Radio Transmitter - TM 11-824 .
Facings — SB 8–19. Receivers, Disposition - TB SIG 137.
Serviceable - Cir 430–1–1944 . Repeaters
EE -89 - A - TM 11-2008 ; TM 11-4407.
TELEGRAM : Communications Act of 1934 Amended Bull EE - 99 - A - TB 11-348–1.
8-11-1943. TC - 29 - A - TM 11-348 ; SB 11-100–73 .
TELEGRAPH : TP - 3 — TB SIG 193 ; SB 11-100-86.
TP - 14 - TM 11-2007.
Adapter, TH - 4 / U - TB SIG 171.
Voice Frequency - TM 11-2028.
Central Office Set ; TC - 3 — TM 11-358 ; TB 11-358–1 ; Service
MWO SIG 11-358-2.
Long distance and toll calls-- Cir 222–1943.
Channel, messages - Cir 222–1943 ; 79–1–1945. Sets
Equipment, D- C Repeater , Packaged - TM 11-2034 .
ML - 110-1 ) and ML - 210-1 ) -TM 11-334.
M1-110 — TB 11-334-1.
Equipment - TM 11-353 . Switchboard - FM 24-75 ; TM 24-210 ; TM 11-350.
Sets ( Teletypewriter) EE - 97 and EE - 98 —- TM 11- Terminal: See Terminal.
354. TP - 3 — TM 11-2043 .
Radio Transmitter - TM 11-824 . TP - 9 - TM 11-2059 .
Repeater Transmitters : See Transmitters, Telephone.
D-C Regenerative ( Packaged Equipment)-TM 11 Unit, EE - 105 — TM 11-2014.
Packaged Equipment TM 11-2034. TELEPHONY : Fundamentals—TM 11-498.
TG - 5 , TG - 5 - A , and TG - 5 - B - TM 11-351. TELESCOPES :
TG - 5 (Modification by Replacement of Interrupter ) B.C., All Types, Ordnance Maintenance - TM : 11-1580.
MWO SIG 11-351-2 .
Set TG - 6- ( ) , Serviceability Standards -- SB 11-100–57.
Switchboard , SB - 6 / GG - TM 11-2035 . Direct Light, M70F ( Providing Instrument Light M32)
Transmitters, Radio --MWO ORD C44 - W7.
( Radiomarine Model ET 8003 ) -TM 11-831 . Direct Sighting ( Periscopes and Elbow Telescopes for
( Press Wireless Types PW-40-B and PW -40 - BA ) Tank, Motor Carriages, Field Artillery and
TM 11-835 . AA Artillery )-TM 9–1608 .
Terminal ; See Terminal. Elbow
Voice-Frequency, Carrier, Packaged Equipment ( Periscopes, Direct Sighting Telescopes ) -TM 9
Installation , Preliminary Supplemental Instructions
-TM 11-2024. M2 (Replaced by Elbow , M6 on Director, AA M4) —
Preliminary Instructions - TM 11-2029. MWO ORD F167 - W2.
M16 — TB 9-325-5 ; 9–325–7; MWO ORD F197 -W3;
Manual, Fundamentals - TM 11-498 . M17 --MWO ORD F231- W1; FSMWO F231 -W1.
Wire - TM 11-456. M24 - MWO ORD F224 -W1.
M26_MWO ORD F224 - W1.
Administrative Procedures for Communications Services Mounts : See Mounts.
-TM 24-205 . M6A1 -FSMWO D11-W34.
Carrier, Type C, Packaged Equipment, Installation, M31-TM 9-1539.
(Moisture-resistant), Preliminary Supplemen- M50 series - TB ORD 94.
tal Instructions TM 11-2023. M50 ( Replaced by M70-series in Tank and Combat Ve.
Central Office hicles ) -TB ORD 209 .
Installation-TM 11-471 . M54—TB 9-743–6 ; MWO ORD G103-W32 ; FSMWO
Set G103 - W32 .
TC-1-TM 11-335 ; MWO SIG 34 ; 38 . M70 series -- TB ORD 94.
TC-2-TM 11-340 ; MWO SIG 37 ; 11-340-2. M70 -- series ( Replacement of M50--series Direct Light
TC - 4 – TM 11-332 ; SB 11-100-56. Telescope in Tank and Combat Vehicles ) _TB
TC - 10_TM 11-338 ; MWO SIG 34 ; 38. ORD 209.
TC - 12 - TM 11-336 ; SB 11-100-56 . M70C ( Instrument Light to Illuminate the Reticle )
Circuit, Input , In Radio Set AN/MRQ-2 ( Modification ) MWO ORD C51-W2.
-MWO SIG 35. M70D ( Instrument Light to Illuminate the Reticle ) —
Classification and usage-Cir 222–1943, MWO ORD A55-W8.
Communication , use of sound recording equipment - Cir M70G ( Providing Instrument Light M29 ) —MWO ORD
82_V- 1945 . C43-W6.
Control Office, Equipment, Substitute-TM 11-2002. ML - 146 - TM 11-423 .
EE - 8, EE - 8 - A , and EE - 8 - B - TM 11-333 ; TB SIG 193 ; Observation
SB 11-100-6. M4 - MWO ORD F173-W1 .
EE-8-B ( Replacement of Lockwasher on Battery Con M4 ( Assigning Distinguishing Nomenclature) –
tacts ) -MWO SIG 11-333-1. FSMWO F173 - W1.
Equipment M48 and M49 --TM 9-1556 .
Common Battery--TM 11-485. Panoramic
Local Battery-TM 11-457. All Types — TM 9-1582.
Packaged , Type C Carrier (Moisture-resistant) M8–TM 9-2554 ; MWO ORD D11-W34 ; FSMWO
TM 11-2026. D11 - W34 ; F196 - W1.
TELESCOPE - Continued TERMINALS- Continued
Panoramic- Continued Sets
M12A1 -TM 9-1551 . Electronic Ocean Cable - TM 11-2213.
6 -inch and 12-inch, Modified on 105-mm Howitzer Radio
Carriage - MWO ORD F197-W2. AN / TRC - 3, AN / TRC -3A , AN / TRC - 3B, and
Radio , Terminal, Equipment, AN/FGC1 or AN /FGG AN / TRC - 3C — MWO SIG 11-2601-3.
IX-TM 11-356 . Teletype, Equipment, AN/FGCI or AN
Traffic, Communication, Elimination of Nonessential IX-TM 11-356 .
Cir 78-1-1945. Telegraph
TELETYPEWRITERS : CF-2-A ( Carrier ) -TM 11-355.
CF - 2 - B - TM 11-355B .
Equipment using modification kit, Semiautomatic tape
CF - 6 ( Carrier ) —TM 11-2009.
relay - MWO SIG 42. Set
Operator - TM 11-464. AN/TCC-1-TM 11-2206.
Paper Rolls-TB SIG 194. TC - 22 ( Serviceability Standards ) -SB 11-100
Perforator, Set TG-16 and TG - 17 - TM 11-2201 , 81 .
Procedure_FM 24–8 .
TH - 1 / TCC - 1 - TM 11-2206 ; MWO SIG 11
Radio and wire, tape -relay methods-Cir 322–1945. 2206-1.
Reperforator Telephone
Sets 10.4A and 10.5A-TM 11-2219. CF-1-A-TM 11-341 ; TM 11-400 .
TC - 16, Serviceability Standards — SB 11-100–83. CF-3-A-TM 11-341 . . .
Service, Procedure for Securing Leased - Cir 222–1943.
Sets TERMS : Army, Dictionary — TM 20–205.
AN / TGC - 1 - TM 11-2203; TB 11-2203–1 ; MWO SIG
11-2203-1 . TERRAIN : Excessively Sloping, Eliminating , Restrictions
EE - 97 - A , EE - 98 - A , and EE - 102 — TM 11-354 . in Traversing, 90-mm Antiaircraft Mount
EE - 97, Serviceability Standards — SB 11-100–78 . M2 — TB 9-1372A - FE1.
EE-98, Serviceability Standards — SB 11-100–78. TERRITORIAL DEPARTMENT : Training of military forces
Subscriber Set 133A2 - TM 11-2214.
Switchboards — TB SIG 52. for internal security - Bull 13 - V - 1944 .
Switching and Relay, Procedures - FM 24–14. TERRITORY OF HAWAII :
TG - 7 - B ( Replacement of Ribbon Reserve Mechanism ) Designation of military commanders - Bull 23-11-1944 ;
-TB 11-352-1.
Bull 21 -II-1945.
TG - 37 - B ( Replacement of Ribbon Reverse Mechanism )
-TB 11-352–1. TEST :
TT - 5 / FG and TT -6 / FG - TM 11-2215. Army General Classification - Cir 102-V-1945 ; 315–
TT-7 /FG and TT-8/FG-TM 11-2216. XIV-1945.
TEMPERATURE : High, Photography Under Such Condi Army personnel classification , Automotive Information
tions — TB SIG 190. and Shop Mechanics - Cir 307-V-1945 .
Classification , use at separation centers limited.
TEMPORARY DUTY : Classification , use in hospitals — Cir 374 - III - 1945 .
In the United States, disposition of individuals hos Equipment
pitalized for recuperation-Cir 69 - V - 1945. IE - 10, Conversion-SB 11-71.
Oversea assignment of officers — Cir 196–1945 . IE - 17 - E - TM 11-311.
Recuperation , rehabilitation and recovery, 45 days, IE - 17 - A , B, C, D, and E-MWO SIG 11-311-1.

Cir 389 - III - 1945 . IE - 284TM 11-2502.

TEMPORARY STATUTE : Prosecution after lapse-Bull 6– IE-29, Conversion-SB 11-71.
Meter, AN/GSM-1-TM 11-2535.
Radar ( Application, Description , and Performance
TENT : Pitching - FM 20--15 . Characteristics ) -TM 11-1200.
Radio Set SCR - 533 - T2 - TM 11-1136.
TENTAGE : RC -68 and RC - 68 - A - TM 11-1053.
Allowances for housing purposes-Cir 127-III–1945. RC - 70- ( ) -TM 11-1043 .
Care - FM 20-15. RC - 70 - A - TM 11-1043A.
Repairs — TB QM 22. TS - 30 / FMQ - 1 - TB 11-2403–3.
Minimum mental capacity for enlistment in the armed
TERMINAL LEAVE : forces - Cir 359-III-1945.
Officers Racks, No. 6ET and 14EL Equipment , Westinghouse Air
And warrant officers under 38 years—Cir 197 - I Brake Co. ( SPM–1495 ) —TM 5–4720 .
1944 . Set
Employed in the Government, payment - Cir 386– AN / FCM - 4 ( 2A ( SPL ) Test Unit Packaged Equip
II–1945 ; Bull 23-1-1945 . ment) -TM 11-2033.
Of household before issuance of discharge orders AN / FSM - 3 — TM 11-2606.
Cir 304-1-1945 . AN/GPM-1—TM 11-1080.
On leave transferred to separation center nearest AN/MPM-1-TM 11-1081 .
home - Cir 342-II- 1945 . AN /MPM - 2 - TM 11-1211 ; TB SIG 188.
Relieved while on leave - Cir 45 - V - 1945 . AN/ MPM-2, -3, and -5 — TB SIG 182.
WAC - Cir 24 - IX - 1944 . AN /MPM -3_TM 11-1230.
AN /MPM -44TM 11-1222.
TERMINAL PHYSICAL EXAMINATION : Transfer of En AN / MPM -5—TM 11-1221 ; TB SIG 188.
listed Reserve - Cir 117-1944 . AN /MPM - 6 — TM 11-1248.
TERMINALS : AN/ MPM-7-TM 11-1241 .
Cable, Stubbed, Packing and Handling—TB SIG 157. Crystal
Carrier, OA-13/FC ( Type H Carrier Telephone Packaged TS - 136 / FSM - 1 - TM 11-2676.
Equipment ) -TM 11-2025. TS - 137 /FSM - 1 - TM 11-2677 .
Repeater, TG-30—TM 11-4410. TS - 139 / FSM - 1 - TM 11-2679.
TEST-Continued TESTIMONIAL OF APPLICATION : Presidential , to hon
Set-Continued orably discharged service personnel - Cir 330
Crystal - Continued 1945 .
TS - 151/ FSM - 1 - TM 11-2663 . TESTIMONY :
TS - 268 / U_TB SIG 182.
TS-314/ FSM-1 ( Ray Jefferson Model AF -30 ) —
Military personnel, appearances before Congressional
committees - Cir 314-III-1944.
TM 11-2674.
Psychiatric, Before Courts Martial—TB MED 201 .
Distortion, TS - 383 /GG ( Teletype Signal Testing
Equipment)-TM 11-2217 . TESTING : Military personnel, policies and procedures -Cir
EE-65 and EE -65 - A through E-TM 11-361. 312-11-1943.
( Electrical Indicating ) Repair Instructions TM Aptitude-Cir 106-11-1945 .
11-4700 . Army General Classification - Cir 102- V - 1945.
1-48 - B - TM 11-2050 . Test, changes-Cir 228 – VII – 1945 .
1-49 - TM 11-2019. Army individual, procedure for administering — Cir 421
I-51-TM 11-379 . I– 1944.
1-56 - A - SB 11-98 . Army Personnel Classification_153-111-1945 .
1-56-A , C , D , E , H , J , and L - TB SIG 169 . Classification , use at separation centers limited - Cir 68–
IV - 1945 .
1-56-C ( Combination Tester, Triplett Model 1133–
SC ) -MWO SIG 11-3003-3. Driver's qualification - Cir 106-11-1945 .
1-56 - D -- SB 11-98 . Illiterate, non -English speaking, and grade V men - Cir
1-56 - D and 1-56 - H – TM 11-303 ; 11-303H ; MWO Individual , Army - WD Pam 12-12.
SIG 11-303-1.
Inspection of clothing and equipment, combat service
1-56-E-TM 11-303 ; 11-321 ; SB 11-98. ability - Cir 296–1944.
1-56 - H -- SB 11-98.
1-56 - J - TM 11-303 . Mechanical aptitude-Cir 102 - V1–1945 .
1-56 - L -- SB 11-98 . Officer candidate , waiver - Cir 468–111-1944.
Personnel-TM 12-260 .
1-61- A , B, C - TM 11-346. Psychological, administering in neuropsychiatric section
1-83- A , B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, and K-TM 11-2506.
1-153-A-TM 11-2532 . of hospitals - Cir 264 - VIII – 1945.
Qualifying for Expert Infantryman Badge - Cir 92–1945.
I-157-A ( Tube and Set Tester, Precision, Model Radio Direction Finders for site and instrumental errors
920P ) -TM 11-1209. -TB SIG 113 .
1-179-TM 11-2600. Screening, Army Trade-WD Pam 12–13 .
1-181–TM 11-2036 . Syphilis-Cir 209 - VII - 1945 .
1-193-A-TM 11-2513 . Technical Specialty for enlisted men - Cir 223-VI-1945.
1-199—TM 11-2604.
1-209-A-TM 11-2501 . TEXT :
1-209 - A and B, Instructions for Installation and EFM, Fixed ( Sender's Composition Cable or Radio Mes
Use -- TB SIG 152. sages ) -WD Pam 12-11.
1–209–B, Installation of Frequency Meter and A-C Instructional Aids for TM 11-466-TB 11-466–1.
Voltmeter-TB 11-2501-1 . Supply to schools-Cir 96 - IV - 1944 .
67B and 67B ( SPLO ) , Per D-173231 , Instructions Training ( Applicatory Exercises ) for Amplitude-Modu
( Test Receiver With External Resistance) lated Radio Sets -- TM 11-496 .
TM 11-2046.
TEXTILES : Inspection—TM 10-225.
TS - 2 / TG- ( Tentative )—TM 11-2208 .
TS - 26 / TSM - TM 11-2017. THAILAND : Medical and Sanitary Data—TB MED 63.
TS-27 /TSM-TM 11-2057.
TS - 27 / TSM ( Modification )-MWO SIG 11-2057-1 . THANKSGIVING DAY :
TS - 35 / AP - TM 11-1238. Turkey meal, guest authorized - Cir 326-VII–1945.
TS-117/GP (Wavemeter) —TM 11-2538. Proclamation of the President-Cir 346 - VII - 1945 .
TS-147 / UP_TM 11-1247 .
TS - 159 / TPX - TM 11-1234 . THE NEGRO SOLDIER : Army Orientation Course-Cir
TS - 172 / UP_TM 11-1219. 208-III-1944.
TS - 258 / UP_TM 11-1215 ; TB 11-1215-1 . THEATER HOSPITAL UNITS : Female Civilians, Clothing
TS - 268 / U , Crystal Rectifier - TM 11-1242. and Equipage - Cir 188-11-1942.
TS - 269A / UR - TM 11-2523 .
TS-303A/G ( RCA Chanalyst No. 162C ) -TM 11- THEATER OF OPERATIONS :
2659. Aircraft Capacity Control Cir 130-1-1944,
Wavemeter - TM 11-2538. Armored Units, Supply and Evacuation Guide-FM 17
Units . See Units , Test. 50 .
Assignment, WAC Personnel - Cir 308 - VIII– 1944.
TESTERS : Boundaries—Cir 62–1944 .
Combination , Triplett Model 1183-SC ( Part of Test Set Cleaning and Repairing Gasoline Containers-- TB QM 34.
1-56 - C ) (Modification ) -MWO SIG 11-303-3 . Construction -- TM 5-280,
Growler, Allen, E-32, Allen Electric and Equipment Co. Depot
-TM 5-4542. Acetylene Tetrachloride ( tetrachlorethane stored in
Stabilizer Circuit-TB 9-307-3 . drums ) ( procedure for determining service
Stereoscopic, M1A1 , Stereoscopic Trainers M2, M6, and ability ) -TB 3–270-355.
M7 ) -TM 9-654 . Procedure for Determining Serviceability of Chlor
Tube inated Paraffin - TB 3-270-284.
Espey Model 105 -- TM 11-2516 . Destruction of Unexploded Ammunition—TB ORD 249.
Hickok Model 560 (SPL ) -TM 11-2047 . European Spearhead Deposits-Cir 18-1945 .
1-177 -- TM 11-2627 ; TB SIG 122. Field Rations, Issue - Cir 383-111-1944 .
Supreme, Model 504 - A and -D-TM 11-2517. Fire Protection-TM 5-315 .
Volt- ohm ( Modification of high - voltage circuit ) -MWO Foreign Theater Fiscal Officers Established-Cir 441–
SIG 11-303-2. III -1944 .
THEATER OF OPERATIONS-Continued THERMOSTAT : Water Circulation, Reclamation — TB9
Graves Registration-Cir 206–1943.
Grenades, Incendiary, AN-M14, Surveillance Procedure “ THIS IS THE ARMY” : Detachment, awarded the Meri
TB 3-300-11518.
torious Service Unit Plaque- GO 95 - IV
Hospital Facilities - Cir 316–1943. 1945.
Inactive, Army Education Program-TM 28–205.
Insignia Prescribed, Combat Photographers — Cir 437 THISTLE : Designated Army Hospital Ship-GO 1-1-1944.
Medical Department Units-FM 8–5 . 1944.
Medical Service, Responsibility - Cir 53-III-1944 ,
THORACIC SURGERY : Cir 347-1–1944.
Modification of Ordnance Matériel-Cir 4–1944.
Photographic Units - WD Pam 11–2. THREADING MACHINES :
Procedure, Quality Check of Bleaching Material ( for dea No. 562. “ Tom Thumb” ( Oster Mfg. Co. ) -TM 5-4690.
contamination ) -TB CW 3-220–252. Pipe Thread
Quality Check of Shell, 4.2 Chemical Mortar M2 — TB 3– Beaver Pipe Tools , Inc. , 61-E—TM 5-4356 .
320-783 . Motor-driven, 12 to 2-in. ( Oster 502) -TM 5-9024.
Quartermaster Service-FM 10–10. THREADS : Damaged, Reclamation of GMC, Chevrolet and
Reimpregnation in Clothing, Impregnating Plants M1 Similar Split and Banjo Type Axle Housing
TB 3-270-5. TB 9-2830–91.
Replacement Factors and Days of Supply, Unit of
Measure for Establishing Over-All Reserve THUMBING : Rides, Military Personnel, Prohibited - Cir 95
Level-Cir 375 - IV - 1944 , III-1943 .
Requisitions for Batteries, Dry Cells (all types ) -Cir
175-1-1944 . TICKETS : Procedure for Procurement, Issue, and Account
Shipping Document — TM 38-413. ing — Cir 467-IX-1944.
Surveillance Procedure
Agent, Decontaminating, M4 ( two- compartment or TIE PLATE : Conservation and Supply-Cir 31 - VI - 1945.
dual container )-TB 3,220-6816 . TILLERS : Technical Data (for plows, mowers, etc. ) —TB
Apparatus , Decontaminating , 112 - quart, M2_TB :; 5-9720-20 .
Bombs, Incendiary, 100-1b., M47 Type—TB CW TILTDOZERS :
29513 . Tractor Mounting Cable Operated
Flame Thrower , Portable, M2–2–TB 3–376A - 258. Model A4 - TM 5-1216.
Impregnite I (CC - 2) and Impregnate I, Micronized Model A4 ( SP ) R. G. LeTourneau , Inc., Peoria ,
(XXCC - 3)—TB 3-270-456 . Illinois—TM 5–1226.
Chemical Agent Detector, M9—TB 3-290-4517. TIME :
Gas Mask Waterproofing , M1-TB 3–205–12 $ 15 . Control, Equipment RC - 133 — TM 11-433.
Protective Ointment, M5 - TB 290–189. Interval Apparatus. See Apparatus, Time Interval.
Repair, Gas Mask, Company, M11 and M2A1
TB 3-205-13S14. TIMEPIECES : Tools and Spare Parts, Requisitioning (Ord
nance ) —SB 9-18.
Testing, Impregnite in Clothing, M1-TB 3–290–
3810. TIMERS :
Lewisite in 1 -ton Containers—TB 3–250-1811 . Electronic ( Signal Corps No. 8A3832 )-TM 11-2395.
Smoke Grenades-TB 3-300-887 . PH-191-A-TM 11-2378.
Uniform Regulations, Civilian Automotive Advisors
Cir 98-IV-1944. " TIPS ON TRAIN TRAVEL : " Pamphlet, American Railroads
-Cir 78-11-1945.
THEATER SERVICE RIBBON : Eligibility to Wear - Cir 62–
1944 . TIRES : TB 9-2930–47 .
Artillery Carriages - TB ORD 139.
THEATRICAL PERFORMANCE : Participation by WAC Flaps—TB 9-1868-2.
Personnel-Cir 212-VI-1945. Inflation Pressures ( Ordnance wheeled matériel ) _TB 31
200-7 .
THEODOLITES : Large ( installation to permit greater mobility through
ML - 47 - C through ML - 47 - R - TM 11-423. increased Aotation in truck, 14 -ton , 4 x 4
ML - 247 - TM 11-423.
MX-194 /TVQ-1—TM 11-2534 ; LO 3107A . (Ford and Willys ) ) ---MWO ORD G503-W9.
PH - BC - 33, PH-BD-33, PH - BE - 33, PH -BF -33, PH - BG Maintenance and Care - TM 31--200 .
33 and PH - BH - 33 - TM 11--2534 .
PH- ( BD , BF, and BH ) -33-LO 3107 . Identification on Vehicles, Weapons and Equipment
SB 9-37 .
PH- ( BC, BE , and BG ) -33 - LO 3107A. Pressure
THERAPY : 4-ply, 4.00 x 8 Tire-TB 31-200-4 ; 31–200-5.
Occupational-TM 8-291. Stenciling on Motor Vehicles-Cir 174-VIII–1945.
Physical, Amputees — TB MED 122. Reconditioned , Inspection-TB 9-1868–1.
Sulfonamide, Wound Treatment Discontinued-Cir 160- Repair, Retread-TM 9-1868.
V - 1945 . Replacement-Cir 113 - VI - 1945 .
Rubber, Conservation , Storage, and Maintenance - Cir
THERMAL BURNS : See Burns, Thermal. 230-IV-1945 .
THERMISTOR PROBE : TS - 1941 CPM - 4 ( Radio Frequency Substitution (trailer, ammunition, M10 ) —TB 9-333-1.
Bridge TS - 1961 CPM-4 ) -TM 11-1206. Tubes and Flaps—TB 31-200-3.
Unserviceable, Classification, Marking and Disposition
THERMOGRAPHS : ML-77 and ML - 277 - TM 11-426. TB 9-1868-1.

THERMOMETERS : ML - 4 and ML - 5 - TM 11-2417. TISSUE : Pathology, Facilities -- TB MED 19.

TOKENS : Procedure for Procurement, Issue and Accounting TRACTORS - Continued
-Cir 467-IX- 1944. Amphibian T33—TM 9-784.
TOLL ; Artillery, Crawler Type, Diesel Engine-Driven, 61- to
Golden Gate Bridge - Bull 4-111-1944. 140- DBHP, with Artillery Towing Attach
Observing Equipment, ADW - BM - 100 — TM 11-2013 . ments ( winch, 1 drum , front-mounted , Allis
Chalmers Model HD10W ) -MWO ENG 787–1.
TON : Designation of Type Used in WD Reports and Records Battalion-FM 60-20 .
-Cir 255-VII-1945. Battery- powered—TB QM 4.
TONE BAND : Double, Transcriber - TM 11-2512.
R5 ( SPM–1279 ) -TM 5-3418 .
TOOLS : Transmission and Final Drive Lubrication Data (use
Aircraft, Mechanics—TM 1-425 . of OE-oil, engine ) -TB ENG 62.
Breechlock Holding ( for 120 -mm , gun , M1 ) --TB ORD, Chrysler Engine, T116–522, Clark Tructractor, Clarkror
FE 11 . 6 - SB 10-129.
Carpentry-TM 5-226. Crawler
Description and Use , Installation and Maintenance of Clark, CA - 1 - TM 5–3020 ; TB 5–3020-1 .
Packaged Equipment Offices - TM 11-2041 . Diesel
Digging, Freight Billing Guide-SB 55--8 - J - 6.
Equipment. See Equipment, Tool. 10- to 35- DBHP, Caterpillar D-2-TB 5-3340
Excess, Disposition-SB 55–12. 1.
General, Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad ( Separate ) , 35- to 40-DBHP, Standard, Caterpillar D4 , 44-in .
Freight Billing Guide-SB 55-8-N- 500-EB . gauge, with Athey W -4-1 Bucket Loader
Hand, Maintenance and Care—TM 9–867. TM 5-3121 ; TM 5-3118.
Hand Measuring, Power — TM 10–590. 35-DBHP, Standard, Caterpillar R4, 44-in. Gauze
Hand and Rigging ( engineer)--TM 5–225. with LeTourneau HN Power Control Unit,
Local Purchase-Cir 143-II–1945 . and Hyster - D4A Winch-TB 5–3140–1.
Machine and Related Equipment, Freight Billing Guide 55- to 65-DBHP, Standard Caterpillar D6 , 74 - in .
SB 55-8 - J - 101. Gauge , with La Plante -Choate R - 63 Angle
Percussion, Freight Billing Guide-SB 55-8-J-6. dozer and Hyster D6N Winch-TM 5–3101.
Sets Caterpillar D6, 60-74-in. Gauge - MWO ENG
3100-1 .
Medical Department, Supplementary No. 1 (Fed
eral Stock No. 41-T-3537-25 ) -SB 55-8 - N 20- to 30 -DBHP, Standard, with ( or without )

611 . Attachments, Caterpillar D2, 40. to 50-in.

Supplementary, Chemical Warfare Laboratory , Gauge — MWO ENG 3340-1 .
( Federal Stock No. 41-T-3532-10 ) -SB 55– 35. to 40-DBHP, International TD - 9 , 60-in. 1

8 - N -621. Gauge, 70- to 90 -DBHP, International TD-18,

Supplementary, Third Echelon Signal Radar, (Fed 74-in. Gauge, Rigid or Standard, with ( or
eral Stock No. 41 - T - 3542–365 ) -SB 55-8 - N without ) Attachments--TB 5–3272-1.
600 . 35- to 40- DBHP, Standard , Caterpillar D4, 44-in.
Unit Equipment, Special for Posts, Camps, and Sta Gauge, with La Plante-Choate 4 - R , Angle
tions , Freight Billing Guide- SB 55-8 - N - 23. dozer and Hyster D4A Winch - TM 5-3117.
Sound Ranging Set GR - 3 - C - SB 11-62. 36- to 45-DBHP, with Attachments , Cleveland,
Tool sets for Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad ( Freight Models BD and BDH (Engine, Hercules,
Billing Guide ) -SB 55-N-500FA . Model DJXC ) --TB 5-3458-1 .
Woodworking - TB 5-9720-7 . 46- to 60-DBHP, Allis -Chalmers, Model HD- TV
Wrecking, Freight Billing Guide - SB 55-8-J-6.
-TB 5–3194-1 ; MWO ENG 3378-1 .
46- to 90- DBHP, with Attachments, Cleveland,
TOURS : Recreational, Organized , Military Personnel Over Models DD and DDH ( Engines , Hercules.
seas - WD Pam 28-5 .
Model DRXB ) -TB 5-3458-1.
TOWERS : 55- to 65-DBHP ( Catterpillar D6 ) --LO 5–310 .
Observation , M1 -- TM 9-550. 61 to 90-DBHP, Allis -Chalmers, Models HD - 10
Radio, Guyed , 73 -in ., 7 - ft. ( foundation steel pedestal and HD - 10_W - TB 5-3194–1; MWO ENG
base )-TM 11-2615 . 3346-1 .
TR - 24 - A -- LO 3506. 61- to 90-DBHP, with Angledozer, Cable
TR-52 , Construction , Used with Radio Set SCR -615 - B operated, Power Control Unit, Cable-operated,
TB 11-1341B - 1 . One -drum , Front-mounted, Power Control
Trylon Ladder, 30 - foot Gin - pole Type, Assembling and Unit, Cable-operated, Two -drum , Rear-mount
Erecting --TM 11-2614. ed , Caterpillar D7—MWO ENG 3070-1.
TOW TARGET EQUIPMENT : TM 1-500. 61- to 90-DBHP, International Harvester, Model
TD - 18 - MWO ENG 3280-1.
TRACER OBSERVATION : Automatic Weapons-WD Pam 70- to 90-DBHP, Standard Caterpillar D7, 74
23-1 . in . Gauge, with LaPlante-Choate R - 76F
TRACKERS : M2_TB 9-1671B ; 9-1671B- 1 . Angledozer, LeTourneau FTD - 7 ; Power Cor
trol Unit and Hyster D7N Winch - TM 5-3086.
Special Socket Wrench and Extension Bar for Servicing
70- to 90-DBHP, Standard Caterpillar D7, 74 -in
Gauge, with LeTourneau XD-7 Bulldozer and
( tank , medium , M4 series ) ( equipped with R-7 Power Control Unit - TM 5–3092 ; LO :
horizontal volute suspension ) —TB ORD 287. 3348 .
Tank , Light 70- to 90 -DBHP, Standard Caterpillar D7, 74
M3- TM 9-1726B .
T9E1 -- TM 9-1724B . in . Gauge , with LeTourneau WCK-7 Angle
dozer and R-7 Power Control Unit- TH 3
TRACTORS : 3098 ; MWO ENG 3068-1.
Airborne, Case SI or DI ( saw, tractor -mounted and 70- to 90 -DBHP Rigid, Caterpillar D7, 71 - in .
powered , hydraulic -operated, 48 - in. , circular Gauge, with Trackson MD - 7 Pipelayer and
blade, Jacques , Model C ) -- TM 55-4404, AF-7 Anglefiller - TM 5-3108 .
TRACTORS-Continued TRACTORS - Continued
Crawler-Continued Crawler-Continued
Diesel-Continued Model HD 7
70- to 90-DBHP, Standard, Caterpillar D7, 71 Equipped with Garwood Model RB-D Bulldozer
in. Gauge, with LeTourneau XD-7 Bulldozer ( front pump ) and Buckeye Duty Double Drum
and R-7 Power Control Unit - TM 5-3092. Control UnitTM 5-3378 .
70- to 90-DBHP, Standard, Caterpillar D7, 74 Equipped with Carco Model FH Hoist Allis
in. Gauge , with LeTourneau XD-7 Bulldozer, Chalmers Company-TM 5–3392 .
R-7 Power Control Unit - TB 5–3092–1. Model HD 14
70- to 90-DBHP, Standard Caterpillar D7, 74. Allis-Chalmers-TM 5-3360.
in. Gauge, LaPlante-Choate R-76R Angle Equipped with Model CU2 P. C. U. Allis
dozer, Le Tourneau R-7 Power Control Unit Chalmers-TM 5–3362.
TM 5-3084 .
Equipped with Buckeye Utility Trailbuilder
70- to 90-DBHP, Standard or Rigid, Inter and Heavy Duty Power Control Unit. Allis
national TB-18, 74-in. Gauge-TB 5–3280–1 . Chalmers Company - TM 5–3364.
70- to 90-DBHP, Standard, Caterpillar D7, 74. Equipped with Buckeye Rigid Bulldozer and
in . Gauge, LaPlante-Choate R-76R Angle Heavy Duty Power Control Unit. Allis -Chal
dozer, Le Tourneau R-7 Power Control Unit mers Company–TM 5-3366 .
TM 5-3096 .
91. to 140-DBHP, Allis-Chalmers, Model HD-14 Equipped with Baker Model 351 Gradebuilder.
-TB 5-3194–1 ; MWO ENG 3360-1 . Allis-Chalmers Company—TM 5–3368.
91- to 140-DBHP, with Angledozer, Hydraulic Equipped with Baker 351 Gradebuilder and
operated, Front-mounted Pump, Power Control Carco HS Winch. Allis -Chalmers Company
Unit, Cable-operated, Two-drum , Rear-mount TM 5-3370 .
ed , Caterpillar D8 — MWO ENG 3052–1 . Equipped with Baker 351 Gradebuilder and Gar
110- to 140 -DBHP, Standard , CaterpillarD8, 78 wood CU 2 Power Control Unit. Allis - Chalm
in. Gauge, Le Tourneau CKD-8, Angledozer, ers Company-TM 5–3372.
R - 8 Power Control Unit - TM 5-3054.
Equipped with Baker 351 Gradebuilder and
110- to 140-DBHP, Standard, Caterpillar D8, 78 Buckeye Heavy Duty Double Drum Power
in. Gauge, Le Tourneau CKD-8, Angledozer, Control Unit. Allis-Chalmers—TM 5-3374 .
and FD-8 and R - 8 Power Control Units—TM
5–3044. Equipped with Baker 351 "Gradebuilder and
110- to 140-DBHP, Standard, Caterpillar D8, 78 Heil S - 2 Power Control Unit. Allis -Chalmers
in. Gauge-MWO ENG 3040–1. Company-TM 5–3394.
Diesel or Gasoilne Waterproofing for Deep-water Operation and Ford
35 - DBHP, Rigid, International T - 9, 60-in. Gauge ing — TB ENG 73.
with Trackson CT - 9 Crane ( 2-ton 34 -revolv Crane
ing, 12- to 18-ft. telescopic boom , 4,000-lb. Crawler, Diesel, 61- to 90-DBHP, with 30-ft. Boom ,
capacity at 8 ft. radius ) -MWO ENG 3220-1 . Revolving, Top-mounted, 17,900-1b. Capacity
35. to 40-DBHP, Caterpillar, Model D4 or R4, at 10 -ft. Radius, Caterpillar D-7, Cardwell
44 to 60- in . Gage - MWO ENG 3110–1 . Model C-MWO ENG 3068–3 .
36- to 45-DBHP, International TD9 or T9
MWO ENG 3226-1 . 1 -ton, International T6 / TM 9-2778.
55- to 65-DBHP, Standard with ( or without ) International , Diesel-TM 5-3226 .
1 -ton, M1 , Allis - Chalmers ( with Buckeye angledozer )
Attachments , International Models T-14 and -TM 5–3004.
TD - 14 , 74-in. Gauge - MWO ENG 3272-1.
1 -ton , M1 , Allis-Chalmers—TM 5-3210.
1 -ton , M1 , Allis- Chalmers ( with Hough loader)
10- to 35-DBHP, Hydraulic-operated, with Tow TM 5-3212.
ing Winch , Clark Model CA - 1, Clarkair- 2 - ton, M3, Caterpillar D61—TB ENG 13.

MWO ENG 3020–2; TB 5–3004-1 ; LO 5 2-ton , M5, International-TM 9-1781A.

3464 ; LO 5-3190 ; LO 5–3226 ; LO 5-U2 ; LO 2-ton , M5 ( IHC-T9 ) —TM 9-1781B ; 9–1781C.
5-3210 ; TB 5–3190–1. Engineering, Armoring — TB ENG 4.
35-DBHP, Standard Caterpillar R4 , 44-in . Gauge
with LeTourneau A - 4 Tilting, Blade, Le- Heavy
Tourneau HN Power Control Unit and Hyster Caterpillar
D-4A Winch-TB 5-3140_1.
15 -DBHP, Standard, Clark , CA-1 Clarkair, 31 -in. D7—TM 5–3092; TB ENG 13.
D8–TM 5–1372 ; 5–3056 ; 5–3154 ; 5-3434 ; TB
Gauge with La Plante Baby Bulldozer, La ENG 13 .
Plante-Choate Power Control Unit and Braden
Towing Winch-TB 5–3020–1. M1 , Allis-Chalmers, HD 10W-TM 5–3346 ; TM
5–3350 ; TM 5–3352 ; TM 5–3354 ; TM 5–3356 ;
15-DBHP, Standard , Clark , CA-1 , Clarkair , 31 TM 5-3388 ; TM 5–3390 ; TM 9-787A ; TM 9
in. Gauge, LaPlante-Choate Baby Bulldözer, 787C ; TM 9–1787A ; TM 9–1787C ; TM 9
Braden Towing Winch-TB 5–3020–2. 1787D .
10- to 35-DBHP, Rigid or Standard, with Attach
ments , International , T - 6 , 40-in . Gauge , Model M1 , Caterpillar D7—TM 5-3068 ; TM 5–3070 ;

T -6W , 50 -in . Gauge ; 36- to 45-DBHP, Model

9 TM 5–3072 ; TM 5-3074 ; TM 5–3076 ; TM 5
T - 9W , 60-in . Gauge-TB 5-3222-1. 3078 ; TM 5–3080 ; TM 5-3082 ; TM 5-3084 ;
20- to 30- DBHP, Cleveland , Model AG - MWO TM 5–3090 ; TB 5-3070–1; TM 5-3040 ; TM 5–
ENG 3464-1 . 3042 ; TM 5-3044 ; TM 5–3046 ; TM 5–3048 ;
30 -DBHP, Caterpillar, Model R4-TB 5–3134-1 . TM 5–3050 ; TM 5-3052 ; TB 5–3046-1 ; TM 9
35 - DBHP, Standard, International T-9, 60- in . 1773 .
Gauge-TM 5–3222. M1 , International TD - 18 - TM 5–3280; TM 5–
Caterpillar D4 and R4 with Loader, Aggregate , 3398 ; TM 5–3400 ; TM 9–777 ; TM 9–786B ;
Bucket, Tractor-mounting, Front-end , Cable TM 9-1777A ; TM 9–1777B ; TM 9–1777C ; TM
operated , Athey W -4-1 - MWO ENG 3118-1 . 9–1777D ; TM 9-2777.
TRACTORS — Continued TRACTORS - Continued
Highspeed Wheeled -- Continued
13-ton, M5-TB 9-786–1; LO 9-786 ; TB ORD FE 40 ; Case LA1—TM 5–3010 .
MWO G162 -W3; MWO ORD G162-W2 ; TM Case SI-TB 5-3012–1; 5–3012–2 ; TM 5–3014; TM
9-786 ; TM 9-1786A ; TM 9–1786B ; TB ORD 5-3012 .
179 ; TB 9-1786A-FE1 ; TB ORD 200 ; TB International 1-6 - TB 5–3228–1; TM 5-535–1.
9-786 - FE1; TB ORD FE57. Gasoline
18-ton, M4 — LO 9-785 ; TB ORD 200 ; TB 9-1785B - 2 ; Clark- ( "Clarktor B ” ) - TB 10-1637-1; 10
TB 9-1785B-1 ; TB ORD 9-785-4 ; TB ORD 1641-1 .
FE 16 ; TB ORD 302 ; TB ORD FE 40 ; TM Hebard
9-785 ; TB 9-1785B - FE 1 ; TB ORD FE 27 ; " A 3”—TM 10–1661 ; LO 6029 ; LO 6041 ;
TM 9-1785A ; TM 9-1785B ; TM 9–1785–2; TB 10–1672–1 .
TB ORD FE57 ; MWO ORD G150-W2 ; MWO “ A 14 " -TB 10 1671-1 ; 10–1677-1; L0
ORD G150-W3; MWO ORD G150-W5. 6030 ; LO 10–1677.
38-ton, M6 - TM 9-788 ; TB ORD 302 ; TB ORD FE " J233 and J233N”-TB 10-1662–1; LO
40 ; TB 9-788–3 ; TM 9–1785A ; TB 9–788–2 ; 6035 ; MWO QM 27 .
TB ORD FE 16 ; TM 9–1788 ; TB ORD FE 27 ; International Harvester - 1-9 Standard and 1-9
LO 9-788 ; TB 9-788–1 ; TB 9-788–2; TB ORD Special-TM 10–1633.
200 ; TB ORD FE57. 10- to 35-DBHP, Standard, ( Allis Chalmers
Industrial, International Model B )-LO 5-U1 .
Warehouse , Case V.A.I.W.-TM 10–1623.
Model 1-20 - TM 5-3412. Mercury
Model 1-30 - TM 5-3414 .
Model 1-404TM 5-3416 . “ Banty " -LO 6033 ; TM 10–1667.
1--6 , Crane, Wheeled, Gasoline ( LOHSE-“ 5 LD ” ) " Huskie " -LO 6021 ; TB 10–1659-1.
TB 10–1648-1. Rubber Tires, Gasoline Engine Driven, 10-35
1-9 - LO 6027 , 6027A. DBHP, Case Model SI Airborne- MWO ENG
T-9, Waterproofing - TB ENG 83 . 3014-1 .
Service Caster and Truck, " TT - 3 -ONC " and " TT
Light 4S- ONC”-TM 10–1635 .
Caterpillar D2 - TM 5-3340. Superior Grinding Standard - LO 6032.
M2, International T -6 , 40-in. Gauge - TM 5–3226 . Steel Tired, Gasoline-engine-driven, 30-DBHP (ap
Wheeled ,- Industrial Type, Allis -Chalmers B_TM proximate) Standard Case, Model DEC
9-790B ; 9-782. MWO ENG 3006–1.
Medium 3,300-lb. Drawbar Pull ( International Harvester
14 - TM 5–3110 ; TM 5_3420 ; TB 5-3112-1; TM 5 Model 1-4 )-TM 1-1624.
3112 ; TM 5-3114 ; TM 5–3116 ; TM 5–3118 ;
TM 5–3120 ; TM 5–3122; TM 5–3126 ; TB 5 TRACTOR TRUCK : M20, Component of 45-Ton Tank
Transporter Truck - Trailer M19, Engine ,
3118–1 ; TB 5–3124-1; TB ENG 13. Clutch, Fuel System, and Cooling System
16 - TM 5–3100 ; TM 5-3102; TM 5–3162; TM 5 TM 9-1768A .
3164; TM 5–3168 ; TM 5–3422 ; TM 5–3428 ;
TM 5–3430 ; TM 5-3432. TRACTRACTORS :
M1 , Allis- Chalmers HD7W-TM 5-3194 ; TM 5- T6, TD6, TD9, Diesel , International Harvester Company
-TM 5-3226 .
3196 ; TM 5–3200; TM 5–3344 ; TM 5–3384 ;
TM 5-3386 ; TM 5–3392; TM 9–783B ; TM 9- T6, Servicemen's GuideTM 5–3226 .
1783A ; TM 9–1783B ; TM 9–1783C . T9, Servicemen's Guide-TM 5–3226 .
Mi , Allis-Chalmers WM-TM 5–3004; TM 5–3210 ; TRAFFIC :
5-3212 . Control , excess grounds maintenance costs, installations
International T-9-TM 5-3222 . Cir 211 - IX - 1944.
International TD - 14 — TM 5–3272 ; 5-3396 ; 5–3402. Control Division, Transportation Corps, responsibility in
connection with troop movement - Cir 358 -IV
M1 , w/angledozer, Caterpillar R4 - TM 5–3132 ; 5 1944.
3134 ; 5-3136 ; 5-3138 ; 5-3140 ; TB 5–3132-1 . Government, toll exemption over Golden Gate Bridge
M1, w / angledozer, Cletrac - TM 5–3190. Bull 4-111-1944.
McCormick -Deering ( International Harvester), Military - FM 101-15.
0-4-TM 5–3408 . Operating permits, military personnel in District of
0-12-TM 5-3410 . Columbia-Bull 25-111-44.
Shop, T10 — TB ORD 61 ; 241 ; LO 9 - U358 ; MWO Passenger, routing under provisions of joint military
ORD G1 -W18. passenger agreements - CTB 43, 45.
Snow, M7-- LO 9-774 ; TB 9-774–1; TM 9–1774 ; 9- Signs, Military - TB ENG 15.
774 . TRAILERS :
Towing : 7,500 Pounds Drawbar Pull, International Ammunition
Harvester Company, Model I-9—MWO QM M10—TM 9-333 ; LO 9-333.
19 . M10 ( Substitution of Tires ) -- TB 9-331-1.
Truck M21-TM 9-972 ; LO 9-792.
Diesel-engine- driven , Bottom -dump Trailer, 13 M23-LO 9-793 .
Cubic Yard , Euclid , Model 9FDT Tractor, M23 ( T34E2 ) —TM 9-793.
Model 58-W Trailer ( preparation for export) Amphibian , 44 - ton -- TB 5–271-5 .
-TB 5-3310-1.
Antenna Mount, 3-ton Payload, 4-Wheel-TM 9-873.
Distribution - Cir 174 - III - 1944. Armored
M26_TB 9-1767A - FE1. M84TM 9-791 .
W-4 , McCormick - Deering , International Harvester M8 ( T32 ) -- LO 9-791.
Company - TM 5-3404. Athey
Wheeled 6-ton-TM 9-790A ; 9-1790A ; TB 9-790A - 1 ; LO 9
Case D1 -L0-1027 ; TM 5-3000 ; TB 5-3000-1; IB 790A .
5-3000-2; TB 5-3006-1. 20 - ton - TM 9-790B ; 9-1790A .
TRAILERS-Continued TRAILERS-Continued
Bay City Shovel , B - 16 – TM 5-9442. Ponton, 10-ton, 2-wheel, Pole Type -- TM 5-9030.
Bomb Rear-dump, Motorized , Cable-operated, 11-cu. yd. Le
34 -ton, T50 (M29 ) -LO 9–701 . Tourneau, Model W2–10—TB 5–9451-i.
1 -ton , 4 -wheel T53 — TM 9-797 ; LO 9-797. Refrigerator - TM 10–1614.
M5-- TM 9-760 ; TB 9-760-FE2 ; 9-1760–3; LO 9- Semi 7-ton, Stake and Platform-TM 9-882.
760 ; TB 9-760 --FE3. Snow, M19, 1 -ton-TM 9–774 ; LO 9-774.
Cargo, Amphibious Water-tight (Model WTCT-6) -LO Standardization-Cir 312-1-1943.
9-872 . Tactical-MWO ORD G1-W9.
Chemical Handling, M2, CWS No. 624115 — SB 3-25–44. Tank Transporter–TM 5–1242, 45-ton, M19_TB ORD
Chemical Service, MI , CWS No. 624110_SB 3-25–44 . 10-1225-1; LO 9-768-1 .
Clamshell M6–TM 9-771 ; TB 9-771-FE1 ; LO 9–771. Technical Data-TB 5–9720–15.
Combination Low -bed , 20-ton, Model DF6T- 20, LaCrosse Telephone, Cable Splicer, 44 - ton , K - 38 ( FWD ) -LO 9
-TM 5-9050. U324 .
Director Telephone Construction and Combination Cable Hauler,
M13—TM 9–881; TB ORD FE4 ; LO 9–881-1. 5-Ton, ( Signal Corps Model K37, K37 - A )
M14–TM 9-881 ; LO 9–881-1. LO 9-874 .
M22 - TM 9-881; LO 9-881-1. Tilting
Dump, Towed -type, 2 -wheel, 12 -ton, Converto—TM 5– Commercial Shearing, 4 - ton - TM 5–9102 ; TB 5
9084 ; TB 5-9084-1. 9102-1 .
Ford, Lighting Current-MWO ORD G - 503 - W2. Searchlight, 60-in., 4 -wheel, Fruehauf, Model 1131 ,
Full Flat Bed , 8 - ton Type M-1-TM 5–7044; TB 5-7044-1.
Hanson , SP8M- TM 5--9440. 2-wheel 6T Type III, Meil Blumberg - TM 5-9450.
Jahn, LKS - 408 — TM 5-9459. 4 -ton , for light tractor, commercial shearing &
Winter -Weiss S - 4, 38 —- TM 5-9452. stamping-MWO ENG 9102 .
Full Low -bed- , Track Press , Rogers 11, with 542 - in . Cylinder 40-in .,
8-ton, Fruehauf and Winter-Weiss, CPT - 8 Special Pump, Wisconsin Engine, Solenoid Throttle
TM 5-9032. Control & Rogers Power Track Wrench ,
16-ton, Fruehauf CPT - 16 Special-TM 5–9026 . Rogers Hydraulic, Inc.—TM 5-9756 .
Jahn LKD-616-TM 5-9202. Tractor Crane, T26 ( 7-ton) -TM 9–794.
LaCrosse - TM 5-9204 ; 5-9040 ; MWO ENG Truck, Transporter, Tank 40 -ton M25 — TB 9-767.
9040–1; TM 5-9042; 5-9044. Truck , Transporter, Tank 45-ton, M19_TM 9–768 ; 9–
1768C. 2

Rogers, Model H - 16 - L - C — TM 5-9206 . Willys , Lighting Current - MWO ORD G503 -W2.
Standard XBBM - TM 5-9004 ; 5-9200 .
6 -ton, Winter-Weiss—TM 9-883; LO 9–887.
20 -ton
2 -wheels
LaCrosse, Model DF6-204TM 5–9054. Bomb M29_TM 9-701.
Rogers, H - 20 - LS - 4 — TM 5–9022. QWT- T8 - TM 5-9968.
Timpte 2-0A - 20_TM 5-9184 . 14 -ton — TB ORD 204 ; TM 10–1230 ; 10–1281 ; LO 9
60-ton, Rogers, D - 60 - D - 5-5 - TM 5-9212 ; LO U327.
5-9212. 1-ton-LO 9–883 ; MWO ORD G527 -W1.
Generator 144 -ton, Arc Welder, Electric Wheel, D - 1752 - S
M7-TM 9-881 ; TB ORD FE4 ; LO 9–881. TM 5–9058 ; 5–9059.
M18—TM 9–881 ; TB 9–881- FE1; LO 9–881–2. 2-ton, Pole Hauling and Cargo, Signal Corps Mod.
K-28, A, B, & C , for Radio Sets SCR - 268 & SCR -516 K - 36 - LO 9-871 .
LO 3503. 242 - ton
K – 34 – B , C, D, & E, for Radio Sets SCR - 268 & SCR-316 Amphibian Cargo - TM 9-872.
-LO 3503A. Oil City-TM 5–9816 .
K - 34 - E - TM 11-2503 . Quick-way QWT-8—TM 5-9174.
K - 34 - D - TM 11-1056. Type I, Infantry Raft Equipment and/or Pneu
K - 38 - A - TB SIG 164. matic Bridge Equipment, Deere
D2252 - TM 5-9072 .
K - 39, K - 39 - A , for Radio Sets SCR-268 & SCR-516–
LO 3503. D2424 – TM 5-9074 ; TB 5-9074–1.
K - 75 - A - LO 3504A . D2498_TM 5-9460.
K - 76 - A and K - 77 - A - TM 11-1090. Type II, Trestle Bay Load, 10-ton Ponton
K - 78, -A , -B, for Radio Set SCR -485 - A & B - LO 3500. Bridge
Laundry, Quartermaster, Protection , Freezing Weather Deere D - 1665 — TM 5-9076.
-TB 10–351-3. Electric Wheel 1938–TM 5-9064
LKD -620, 20 -ton - TM 5-9208. D-2471_TM 5-9182.
Low-bed , 22-ton-TM 9-897 ; LO 9-897 ; LO 9-898 . Kentucky D-2471 —TM 5–9184.
LXS 408 , 8-ton, Jahn - TM 5-9444. And/or Type IV, Utility Power Boat
Map Reproduction, Fruehauf FFI - 228_TM 5–9750. Electric Wheel D -- 1820 - S - TM 5-9066.
Motor Vehicle Units-TM 10-560. Fruehauf T - 1120 - A - TM 5-9002.
Mounts Type III, Triangulation Tower, Meili-Blumberg,
M17_TM 9-881. 15-T-TM 5-5900.
M20-TM 9-789. Type IV, Utility Power Boar, Electric Wheel
Noncommon and Limited Volume - SB 9-60. Model D-2473-TM 5-9464.
Payload, Cargo Type V, Storm Boat, Deere D - 2476 -- TM 5-9190.
14 -ton-TB ORD FE 3. 6-ton , Winter-Weiss-TM 10–1170.
1 -ton, Cargo and Water - TM 9-883 ; TB 9–883–1 ; 10-ton Van Highway ( Model 2270 ) -TM 10–1381 .
LO 9-883 . 4 -wheels
1 -ton Water Tank, 250-gal-LO 9-883–1 . Special, Tandem , 7. to 14 -ton , 4 -DT, Eidal, Model
3- ton, 5-ton Gross, Tandem Axle, (Mount, Antenna, EL - 30 — TM 5-9046.
4-wheel ) -LO 9-873 . 5 - ton
4-ton-LO 9 - U350. Dual and Single Tires , Cargo , T49 - LO 9-875.
5- to 6 -ton -- TM 9-887 ; LO 9-887 ; TM 10–1353. Van ( Corbitt T-15 ) -LO 9-U351.
TRAILERS-Continued TRAINING - Continued
6 -wheels, 22-ton Payload, Low -bed - TM 9-898. Mess Management - TM 10-205 .
12-wheel ( 12dt) , 45-ton, M9—TM 9–1768C. Night Vision, General Principles — TC 40, 1945.
Operator, Materials Handling Equipment - TM 21-302.
TRAIN : Physical-FM 21–20.
Accommodations , employees - Cir 439 -IV - 1944 . WAC - FM 35–20 ; TC 40, 1944.
Evacuation, Armored Units-FM 17–50. Program , ROTC instructions - Cir 6 - III - 1944.
Hospital; Subsistence - Cir 184–1945. Recognition-FM 21-80.
Military prisoners transported — Cir 133–1944 ; 420–1944. Set, Code, AN /GSC-T1 -TM 11-437.
Utility railroad personnel - Cir 423 - III – 1944. Shipment with pertinent equipment - Cir 157–1944.
Signal , sea voyages - TC 11-1944,
TRAINEES : Special training units - TC 26–1944.
Air Crew, Mathematics—TM 1-900. Staff, Officers, Command and General Staff School - Cir
Conscientious objectors—Cir 121-11-1943 . 57–1945.
Truck Transporter, 45 - ton M19—TM 9-768. Table of Organization Units , Army Service Forces,
Truck , 40-ton Tank Transporter M25 ; Correct Winch Authorization of Shoulder Sleeve Insignia
SB 10-196 .
Operation & Adjustment- TB 9–767-2.
Troops, engineer mechanieal advisory service - Cir 4-1
TRAINERS : 1945 ; 270 - IV - 1945.
AA Machine Gun M9 Maintenance-TM 9-1221 , Unit, use of captured enemy matériel- Cir 160 – II – 1945.
BC - 968 - A - TM 11-1062. U. S. Army Song Leaders — WD Pam 28–18.
Director M8 — TM 9-657. Venereal disease -- TC 22, 1944.
Field Artillery M3—TM 6-225 ; TC 29, 1943 .
Machine Gun TRAJECTORY : Diagram, procedure for publication and dis
M9, Antiaircraft — TM 9-221 . tribution - Cir 254-11-1944 .
T9 (Cal. .30) —TB 9-205-5 .
Stereoscopic TRAMWAY :
All Types—TM 9-654. Light Aerial, M2_TM 5-9588 ; TM 5-9589; TB ENG
M2 - TM 9-1654.
M2, M6, and M7-TM 9–654.
M6-TM 9-1654 . Special Aerial, with 4-in. Stroke AAH Wisconsin Engine
M7-TM 9-1654 . Sterns-Rogers Co.- TM 5-9574.
TRAINING : TRANS - CEIVER : Acem Model CNP_TM 11-2645.
Disposition of locally prepared-Cir 253-VII-1945. TRANSCRIBER : Double, Toneband-TM 11-2512.
FM 21-8 - TC 36 , 1944 ,
Graphic, 8-1, Changes-TC 22, 1945. TRANSFER :
Military-FM 21-8.

Activities, Army Emergency Relief - Cir 272–1–1944 .

Oversea distribution-Cir 206 - IX - 1944.
Set No. 2, Japanese Mine, Use - TB ENG 79. Air field and installation -- Cir 200–1–1945 .
Supply to units overseas-Cir 157–1944. Armored Medical Research Laboratory-Cir 98- II– 1944.
Target Material - TM 9-855. ASF Personnel Replacement Depot, Camp Reynolds, Pa.
--Cir 425 - IV - 1944 .
Army Specialized Reserved Program - WD Pam 20-11 .
Aviation cadets-Cir 191 - IV - 1945 . Camp Somerset, Md.-Cir 308-111–1944.
Center, ASF, engineer training funds-Cir 294–1944 ; Camp Somerset, Md.; Oyster, Va. subpost, to 3d Service
354-1-1944. Command -- Cir 320 - V -- 1944 . ,
WAAC, discontinued-Cir 177-II–1943, Chattanooga National Cemetery, jurisdiction of War
Women's Army Corps , First, Iowa, Functions-Cir Department-Bull 24-1-1944.
Civilian employees , authority - Bull 27-1942 ,
Chemical agents—TM 3-305. Conscientious objectors-Cir 91 - VI - 1943.
Civilian safety, program-Cir 276–1945 . Contracts from ASF service commands to AAF installa
Corps , Reserve Officers '-- SB 9-7. tions-Cir 461-11-1944.
Crediting to senior division, ROTC-Cir 372–1–1945. Counterintelligence functions-- Cir 324-1943 .
Driver Vehicles , Half and Full-Track-TM 21-30–1 . Dayton Signal Corps Publication Agency, to AAF - Cir
Engineer organizations, use of engineer funds-Cir 182 406–V-1944 .
1945 . Engineer training funds, unobligated balances — Cir 182
Films-- FM 21-7. 1945 .
Distribution-Cir 252 - IX - 1944. Enlisted men
List, Classification removed-Cir 373-11-1945 . Clothing and equipment - Cir 329 - III – 1943.
Loan to manufacturers, civilian defense agencies Infantry-Cir 262–1944.
Cir 101 - IV - 1944 . Within regiment, indorsement of service record - Cir
Property accountability, exemption - Cir 177 - VI 307 - VII - 1944.
1943 . Enlisted personnel from one major command to another
References-Cir 368-IX-1944. -Cir 196–1945 .
Reference, converter M-209, number corrected-Cir Enlisted reserve components - Cir 117–1944.
444 - V - 1944. Federal personnel, priority classification between de
Supply to oversea units-Cir 157-1944 . partments and agencies—Bull 11 - III – 1944.
Funds , uses-Cir 39–1944 . Functions of Commanding General, Central Defense
General and special staff procedure - Cir 239–1945. Command-Cir 108-11-1944.
Individual and Unit, Field Artillery -- TM 6–605. Functions, 9th Service Command to Alaska Defense
Instructional materials for literacy-TC 39-II-1945. Command - Cir 73-1943.
Literature Functions, Ninth Service Command to Alaskan Depart.
Changes - TC 19--1944 . ment-Cir 24 - VII - 1944 ; 96 - V - 1944. 1

Oversea Distribution--Cir 206 - IX - 1944. General prisoners to Federal institutions- Cir 229-11 1
Shipment with pertinent equipment-- Cir 157-1944. !
1944 .
TRANSFER - Continued TRANSMISSIONS --Continued
Headquarters Northwest Service Command - GO 13 - VI- 42 -ton Truck, Chevrolet, Conversion of 1937 through 1940
1944 ; 65-11-1944. for use in as 1941 and 1942 Chevrolet , 12 -ton
Infantry, display of poster to encourage -- Cir 426 - III Track Transmission - TB 9-2830-80 .
1944. 112 -ton Dodge ( 1934–1939 ) Conversion-TB 9-2830–32 .
Jurisdiction , Fort Saulsbury, Dela .-- Cir 295 - II – 1944. GMC T16 ( 1938 ) & AFKX ( 1940 ) Conversion-TB 9
Military personnel - 2830-21.
From an organization of permanent assignment- Half-track Vehicles -- TM 9-1710 .
Cir 368-1-1945 . Hydramatic, Tanks, Light, M5, M5A1 , and 75-mm,
Individual and casual detachments, entry on morning Howitzer Motor Carriage MB - MWO ORD
report -- Cir 272- IX -1944; 415-11--1944. G10-W38 ; TM 9-1727C.
Separation centers—Cir 292–1944; 422–1944. Mainshaft Holding Fixture — TB 9–1803B - FE1.
Officers of Coast Geodetic Survey - Bull 19–1–1944 , Measuring Set, 13A ( SPL ) Per D-165655, Preliminary
Patients-Cir 140–1944 . Instructions- TM 11--2045 ; TM 11-2048.
Named general hospitals, policy -- Cir 316-1943; 12- Telegraph and Telephone Long Distance, Principles
1944. TM 11-475 .
Separation centers - Cir 423–1–1944 . Transfer Unit , Propeller Shafts, Controlled Differential
Personnel - forwarding of field military 201 files — Cir and Final Drives-TM 9-1729 - B .
Personnel funds of individuals serving oversea-Cir 44 Data, Seacoast and Railway Artillery-TM 9-1647.
1945 ; 237 - VI - 1945 . Base -end Data and Gun Data-FM 4-32.
Personnel to units for shipment to the United States
Railroad equipment—Cir 447-VII –1944. Beacon-
Railway activities and functions, Corps of Engineers to AN / PPN -1A - TB 11-1140A1 ; MWO SIG 11
Transportation Corps - GO 17-11-1943. 1140A-1 .
Real Estate, exeess and surplus- Cir 89–1945. AN / TPN - 2 - TM 11-1145 ; 11-1157 .
Depot , clothing and equipage - Cir 250-11-1943 . TRANSMITTERS:
To Ports-Cir 147-1945. Airport Control, 25 -watt, Equipment - TM 11-817A .
Responsibilities, funds, functions, personnel and equip Automatic-TM 11-2545.
ment peculiar to Army Air Forces-Cir 429– BC - 1081 - A - TB 11-1526-5 ; 11-1426-1 ; 11-1426-6 .
1-1944 .
BC- 1081 -T6—TB 11-1426–2 ; 11-1526-5 .
Responsibility, personnel and equipment at class III in BC 1253 , Disposition-SB 11-53.
stallations-Cir 388–1944 . M5 and M6-FSMWO F190-W1 .
Services records and allied papers to separation centers Radio
--Cir 292–1944. 33A-TM 11-818.
Signal Corps Aircraft Signal Agency, to AAF-Cir 406– 34A-TM 11-818 .
V-1944. BC - AA - 191 - TB 11-800-2.
Southeastern Branch, U. S. Disciplinary Barracks-Cir BC - 191- A , B, C, D , E , F, N ,—TB 11-800--2.
BC- 191- ( ) -SB 11-100-1 .
Station hospital at Camp White, Oregon to the Navy BC - 365 - F_TM 11-828 .
Cir 155-11-1945 . BC-392-LTM 11-817A .
Station property, policy-Cir 39–1944. BC - 400 - G - TM 11-2607G .
Student nurses to Federal hospital-Bull 8–1–1944 . BC-400-H_TM 11-2607.
Supplies , equipment to foreign governments-Cir 203– BC-409-A-LO 3503A.
1944. BC-446-A , B, C, D, E, F, G , H,-MWO SIG II

Supply, training 'films to Alaskan Department - Cir 1076–1.

253-IX-1944. BC - 604 - A , BC-604-C, and BC - 604 - D -- MWO SIG
Surplus, Supplies to Navy Department - Cir 202–1944. 11-600-2.
Unit, storage of clothing and equipment-Cir 301-1 BC-604-A , -C, D , -AM, -CM, and -DM, Repair
1944. instructions - TM 11-4034 .
War Department Budget Office - GO 37-I-1943 . BC- 610-E -MWO SIG 11-281-9.
BC-621 -LO 3503A .
TRANSFORMERS : BC - 1253-TB 11-1158 A - 1 .
High -voltage, Treatment-- TB 11-1426-1 ; 11-1406-1. BC - 1306 — TM 11-4009.
do PH-281 -TM 11-2341. BC - 9780A - TM 11-4004.
Rectifier Filament German 30W, S./24B-120-TB SIG E25 .
Radio Sets— SCR-399-A and SCR-499-A-MWO Lifeboat , Portable Model ET-8026–TM 11-830.
SIG 11-281-3. Press Wireless Type
Replacement Radio Set SCR-299-A, B , C , D , SCR PW-2.5A-MWO SIG 33.
399- A , and SCR-499- A-TB 11-1526–3 ; PW-15A-MWO SIG 32.
T-1505, Radio Sets SCR-584-A and -B-MWO SIG 11 PW-40A-MWO SIG 32.
1524-14. PW-40B-MWO SIG 32.
TF-13_TB SIG 153 . T-4 / FRC-MWO SIG 11-820–1.
T-14 / TRC-1 , T-14A /TRC-1 , T - 14B/ TRC - 1,
TRANSFUSION : Blood, Complications — TB MED 204. T - 14D / TRC - 1, and T - 14E / TRC - 1 - TM 11
4031 .
TRANS-JORDAN : Medical and Sanitary Data-TB MED T-87 /TRT-1-MWO SIG 11-269-1 .
126. Telegraph
Radiomarine Model ET 8003–TM 11-831 .
TRANSMISSIONS: Telephone, SST-101 -TM 11–824.
Data (Use of Oe-Oil , Engine ) , For all Caterpillar Trac Wilcox Types 96–200A and 96–200B_TM 11-802.
tors - TB ENG 62. Wilcox Types 86C and 96C3MTM 11-803 .
Emergency, Base- end Data , Seacoast Artillery - TC 1 Wilcox Electric Type 96C - MWO SIG 11-2671-2.
1945 ; TC -43, 1945. Radiotelegraph - TM 11-834 ; TM 11-821 ; TM 11-838.
658749 °-46 -29
Radiotelephone — TM 11-843. Disposition of Excess Equipment Tools and Supplies
Reperforator SB 55-12.
TG - 26 - A - TM 11-2220 ; MWO SIG 11-2220–1. Field Installations — CTB 42, 1945.
TG - 27 - A - TM 11-2220. Floating and railway equipment - Cir 307–II–1944.
Sealed, Disposition—TB SIG 137. List of Chemical Warfare Items, Traffic Data - SB
Telephone, Disposition—TB SIG 137. 3-2.
Type TS25–3 – TM 11-829. Maintenance of railroad equipment - Cir 447 - VII
Wind 1944 .
Cable Connecting Assembly - MWO SIG 11-429-2. Paints and Related Materials - SB 55-18 . !
Intensity - LO 3106 . Railway activities transferred from Corps of En
ML - 203 - A and ML - 203 - B - LO 3101. gineers—GO 17 17-11-1943.
Ships' Chronometers and Navigating Watches, Sup
TRANSMITTING SETS : AN / TPT - 1_TM 11-845. ply and Maintenance - SB 55-17 .
Sources of Supplies, Depots or Stock Control Points
TRANSPORT : -SB 55–15 .
Army Troops and Equipment - TM 71-210. “ Cross Hauling " -Cir 338 - VII – 1944.
Army ( Troopship )-WD Pam 21-6.
. Decontaminating Apparatus, M4 — TB 3,222–1;
Army and Navy, jurisdictional principles-Cir 164 - II Effects of war casualties – Cir 305–1944.
Disassembly and Loading Household and personal effects of military personnel
General Electric 60-in Searchlight Equipment, Model -Cir 140 - XIV – 1945 .
1942, Large and Small door C47 Cargo Planes Military and civilian personnel from overseas , Cir
-TB ENG 64 . 245–1945 ; 294-IX-1945.
Standard Engineer Equipment for Transporting Of military and civilian personnel from overseas
C-46 Cargo Plane — TB ENG 33C. Cir 245-1945 .
Disbursing agents on board, service for troops - Cir 99– Payment of claims for reimbursement- Cir 360
1945. III-1945.
Navy : See Navy transport. Personnel relief from permanent station to tempo
TECHNICAL SERVICE BULLETINS : See Bulletin, rary duty at another station - Cir 293 - II
transport technical service. 1945.
Vehicles and Trailers, Noncommon and Limited Volume Shipment of household goods to oversea homes of
-SB 9-60. military personnel being released from ac
tive duty-Cir 391-IV-1945.
Accommodations for patients—Cir 61 - IV - 1945 . Enemy aliens and prisoners of war - Cir 222–1945 .
Air Engineer Equipment in C54B Cargo Plane — TB ENG
Cancellation of air space reservations-Cir 369- III
1944 . Enlisted men, special service schools, attending - Cir
184 - III - 1943.
Commercial, temporary waiver of regulations—Cir Evacuation by motor vehicle-Cir 87–1–1944.
95-1-1945 .
Oversea Points-Cir 369 - V - 1944 . Foreign governments, military personnel and property
Cir 399–1944.
Responsibility of Army Air Forces-Cir 369–1–1944.
Responsibility of Commanding General, AAF - Cir Government, property tax exemption-Bull 22 - II – 1943.
386–II–1944 . Groups of 40 or more - Cir 199–1945.
Transmission of military information-Cir 237-111 Guide, time for less-carload oversea shipments forward
1945 . ed to ports of embarkation - CTB 32–1945.
Transports, regulations governing non -military and Household goods and dependents
non -naval passengers-Bull 23–1–1944. Civilian employees, U. S. payment-Bull 12 - III – 1945.
Aircraft capacity control in theaters—Cir 130–1–1944. Civilian employees of the War Department - Cir
Allotment-Cir 178–1945 ; 7-1-1945 ; 270–1–1945 ; 217– 129-IV-1945.
I – 1945 ; 294–1–1945 ; 318-11-1945 ; 349-1 Military personnel - Cir 445 – II – 1944 . ,
1945. Inland, property of foreign governments under lend
Animal-FM 25-5 . lease-Cir 395–1944 .
Authorized Baggage — CT Bull 45, 1945. Italian prisoners of war - Cir 195 - VI - 1944 ; 420–1944.
Baggage to ports of embarkation, charges-Cir 386 -IV Items of Supply, Local Purchases—SB 55–13,
1944 .
Local coordination, physical and administrative functions
Bills, certificates on contractor's, not required - Cir 342 -CTB 10 - III - 1943 .
Materials, Sensitized, Unexposed - TB MED 191.
Bus , Furnishing - TM 55-705. Medical or dental treatment - Cir 32-11-1944.
Canadian personnel serving with U. S. forces in con
tinental U. S.-Cir 252-I-1945. Mileage allowance, United States Military Academy
Changes against absentee enlisted men - Cir 49 – IV – 1944. graduates and cadets—Bull 11 - V - 1944.
Charges, temporary increases in passenger-CTB 54, Military personnel on furlough, reduced fare - Cir 103– '
V-1945 .
Civilian employees, costs-Bull 27–1942. Military railway service, rules — TM 55–265.
Motor-FM 25–10 .
Civilian officers and employees of executive department
Bull 7-1-1945 . Motor activities , transferred from Quartermaster Corps
Civilian personnel , use of privately-owned airplanes to Ordnance Department - Cir 318–111-1942.
Bull 1-III- 1945 . Movements
Commercial, Shipment, More than 1 Car on Bill of Lad Patients by rail-Cir 234–1944 ; 405–1944.
ing-CTB 7–1943 . Units-Cir 233 - IV - 1944.
Corps Non-military and non -Naval , on Army and Navy air
Depots- transports-Bull 18–1-1945 .
Boat Flags , Storage and Issue-SB 55–16. Nonmilitary classified mail by Army Courier Service
Missions - SB 38–3-TC . Cir 223-VII- 1945.
One-move restriction on transportation of dependents 6 x 4, Diamond T Motor Car Co. Maintenance Manual
and authorized baggage - Cir 287-X- 1945 ; TM 10-1255.
333-VIII-1945 . Tank, Truck Trailer, 40 - ton on M25 TB 9–767-2.
Oversea replacements — Cir 147–1945.
Pack - FM 25–7. TRAPS : Booby, Land Mines - FM 5-31.
Passengers, War Shipping Administration vessels-Cir TRAVEL :
Patients-Cir 140-1944 . Accommodations on trains-Cir 439-IV-1944.
15 or more --Cir 177-11-1945 . Overseas , baggage limitations-Cir 122-1-1944 .
Personal effects - Bull 11-1–1943 ; Cir 97-III–1943. Transport Command - Cir 451–1944.
Personnel Allotment, expenditures for obligations incurred after
Air, Transport command - Cir 6 - V - 1945 . 30 Jun 1945 - Cir 217–1–1945 ; 270-1-1945.
And cargo by Air Transport Command - Cir 451- Allowance - TM 14-503.
1944 ; 114-11-1945 ; 131-VII-1945 ; 215– VIII Canadian personnel serving with U. S. forces in con
1945 ; 323-XII - 1945. tinental U. S.-Cir 252-1-1945 .
Cargo, and mail on military aircraft-Cir 379 - IV Civilian1944officers,
, employees---Bull 1–1944; 11-11
1945. .
Possession and operation, railroads—Bull 25-11-1943. Enlisted personnel attending service school-Cir 155–
Prevention , dissemination of disease - Cir 198-I-1945. IV-1945.
Prisoner of war Military personnel-
Army hospital cars - Cir 28 - IX - 1945 . On Troop movements—Cir 432–1–1944.
Physically or mentally disabled-Cir 222–1945 ; 343– Separated or discharged-Cir 348-VIII–1945.
II- 1945. Pay accounts , military and civilian personnel-Cir
Rail, Zone of the Interior - TM 10–370.
WD Personnel—TM 14-503 .
Red Cross personnel transferred , or discharged from Blanket travel orders, policy governing issuance-Cir
Army hospitals - Cir 450-IX-1944. 295 - VIII - 1944.
Redeployed troops , maximum use of rail movement-Cir Civilian officers and employees of independent offices,
270 - VI - 1945 .
Reduced fares for military and naval personnel on com appropriation-Bull 7–1–1945.
mon carriers - Bull 22-V-1944. Civilian personnel, use of privately-owned airplanes
Bull 1 - III - 1945.
Reimbursement, dependents of military personnel-Cir Dependents of military personnel separated from service
235 - IX - 1945 .
reimbursement claims- Cir 336-11-1945 .
Request Discharged , retired, or released military personnel, re
Authentication of copies -- Cir 263 - V - 1944. duced fares—Cir 358 - III – 1944 ; 396-VI-1944.
Copy lost or misplaced , payment policy - Cir 52 -II- Enlisted personnel, on public carriers discipline-Cir 199–
1944 . 1945.
Disposition , instructions rescinded— Cir 295 - VII- Expenses
1944. Mentally incompetent and prisoner officers - Cir 121
Exemption of certain Federal tax on persons prop III–1945.
erty - Cir 23-IV- 1944. Voucher for reimbursement-Cir 445 – III - 1944 ,
Issuance through Prince Rupert, B.C.-CTB 38–45 . Government-owned motor convoy, use of WD Form 330
Memorandum copies, errors in instructions - CTB 8 -Cir 195-11-1945 .
1943 ; 12-1944. Mileage allowances , United States Military Academy
Report where transportation other than class called graduates and cadets - Bull 11 - V - 1944.
for is furnished-Cir 278 – IX - 1945 . Military and naval personnel, reduced fares on common
Routing instructions, index by States-CTB 2, 1944. carrier - Bull 22 - V - 1944.
Safeguarding classified orders-Cir 41 - V - 1945 . Officers
Ship officer, mission and duties -- Cir 141-11-1945 ; 319 Detailed between the war and Navy Department
V- 1945. Cir 366 - VII - 1945 .
Sick and wounded - FM 8–35. Within United States upon return from overseas
Sleeping- car accommodations - Cir 240-III-1945. Cir 242 - IV - 1944.
Sleeping Car and Similar Accommodations Class — TM Order
55-525 . Accompanying notification address for baggage
Cir 142 -- II - 1944.
Stowaway on vessel, penalty - Bull 6 - IV - 1944,
Students , Chemical Warfare School-- Cir 206-11-1944 . Authentication of copies—Cir . 263 - V - 1944.
Student officers, Engineer School ---Cir 130-IV-1944 . Blanket, policy governing issuance-Cir 295– VIII
Switching services, certificates covering—Cir 114–1–1945.
Classified, safeguarding - Cir 41-V–1945.
Tax, exemptions - Cir 164-V- 1945. Designation, acting transportation officers restricted
Taxes on travel of persons - Cir 231 -IV - 1944 . --Cir 172 - III - 1944.
Travel orders for individuals and groups — Cir 199–1945. Individuals, groups of 39 or less-Cir 199–1945.
United States military prisoners (other than prisoners Indorsements on departure and arrival-Cir 284 - V
of war ) -Cir 133–1944 ; 420-1944. 1945 .
Use of buses for administrative use-Cir 361-IX - 1945. Issue to AAF crew members-Cir 120-V-1945.
Use of Government -owned vehicles- Cir 344-VII–1943 . Officer couriers transporting secret documents - Cir
444 - VI - 1944 .
Via Air Transport Command, Domestic Cargo Service
CTB 9-1944. Oversea travel, mail address instructions - Cir 109–
War material , custom clearance - Cir 180–1945. III–1944 ; 332-IV-1944 ; 379-11-1944.
Per diem allowances-Cir 209-1-1943 .
Water - TM 10--380 .
Personnel traveling on official business, accommo
Ocean -going Vessels-FM 55–105. dations through Army reservation bureau
Zone of the Interior-TM 55-205 . Cir 396-1-1944 .
Zone , Railroad equipment, maintenance-Cir 447 - VII Philippine Army personnel - Cir 158–1945 .
1944 . Transportion under lend-lease aid-Cir 395–1944.
TRAVEL - Continued TRIAL :
Pamphlet, “ Tips on Train Travel” -Cir 78–II–1945. Court-martial, members of Merchant Marine - Cir 164
Personnel traveling under competent orders, train ac I-1943.
commodations-Cir 396-1-1944. General court-martial jurisdiction-Cir 132 – II – 1944 . 1
Ration credits, enlisted men on trains-Cir 10-VI–1944 ; Offenders against the law of war-r—Cir 2 - II – 1945 , H
400–1944 .
Safeguarding classified orders—Cir 41 - V -1945. TRIBUNAL : Jurisdiction, service courts of friendly foreign
Special service schools : Enlisted men attending — Cir forces-Bull 14 – V - 1944.
184-III-1943 .
Tax Exemption-Cir 164 - V - 1945. TRICHOMONAS : Vaginitis–TB MED 8.
What You Should Know Before You Go - WD Pam 21-29.
TRIGONOMETRIC : For Artillery - TM 20-230.
Mechanisms TRIMMERS :
Electric, Tanks, Medium, M4 and Modifications PH - 8 SB 11-100–9.
TM 9-1731E.
Hydraulic, Tank, Medium M4 and Modifications PH-210–SB 11-100–9.
TM 9-1731G. PH - 220 – SB 11-100–9.

Developing — MWO SIG 11-444-5 . LG-21 , Instructions for Modification – TB 11-392–1.
M5 - MWO ORD F101 -W1.
Loading, D47768 ,Application of Reinforcing Ribs - TB ML - 78- ( ) -TM 11-423.
Loading, Location—TB ORD 206. PH-520U, Modification, to accommodate Camera PH
430 - MWO SIG 11-2380–1.
Serviceability Standards
PH -18 – SB 11-100–26. Type S, Range finder carrying case—MWO ORD F20
PH - 154 – SB 11-100–26. W5 ; F25-W8.
PH - 155 –– SB 11-100–26. TROOP-AGE : Officer replacement , ROTC units - Cir 74 - III
PH-157–SB 11-100–26. 1944 .
PH - 158 A — SB 11-100–26 .
PH-160-SB 11-100–26. TROOPS :
PH-161 , PH161A-SB 11-100–26 . Aid to civil authorities in emergencies—Cir 85–1–1944.
PH - 164, PH-164A-SB 11-100–26. Airborne - FM 31-30 ; TC 113–1943 .
PH-166, PH - 166A - SB 11-100–26, Air Transport ( Equipment) -TM 71-210.
PH - 170 SB 11-100–26. Classification - Cir 356 - V - 1944.
PH - 173, PH-173A-SB 11-100–26. Combat
Matériel shipped overseas- -Cir 421 - IV - 1944.
TREADS : Rubber Maintenance and Care - TM 31-200. Operations - FM 100-5.
Corps Headquarters, Table of Organization and Equip
TREADWAYS : Steel, Reducing Twist Due to Torque - TB ment - Cir 160 - IV - 1945 .
5-272–3. Designation, enlisted personnel as Adjutant General's
TREATMENT : Department - Cir 97 - VI- 1945 ; 143 - VI - 1945.
Domestic washing machines-Cir 265 – V – 1944.
Certain Severe Mapharsen Reactions, Use of Bal in Oil Engineer - FM 5-5 .
-TB MED 104. Maintenance-TM 5-400 .
Diseases, Infectious, Sulfonamide Drugs—TB MED 172. From overseas, crowding in installations, disease pre
Fractures—TB MED 133 . vention-Cir 262-III-1945.
Fungi- resistant, for Cork Gaskets—TB ENG 87. Handling Signal Equipment, Serviceability Standards
Heat, Adverse Effects — TB MED 175. SB 11-100.
Medical, Massage in Physical Therapy-TB MED 173. Mechanized , Cavalry Reconnaissance-FM 2–20.
Military personnel, dispensaries in troop areas-Cir 387– Mountain , Supply-TB ENG 16.
II-1945. Movement
Moisture- and Fungi-resistant, for Signal Corps Kit and From overseas, disease control-Cir 198-1-1945.
Materials—SB 11–76.
Railroad Equipment — CTB 35–1945.
Peripheral nerve injury of military personnel-Cir 64 Report-CTB 39–45 .
XII-1945 ; 423-II–1944. Restriction Medical Corps officers accompanying
Poisoned Water-TB 5-295-1. Cir 156 - III - 1945 .
Psychiatric Patients—TB MED 28, 32. Unsanitary railroad equipment - Cir 334-111–1944.
Respiratory Depression and Asphyxia-TB MED 131 . Within continental United States-Cir 129–V-1945.
Supplies, Chemical Casualties, Zone of Interior - SB 8–11 . Moving overseas, prompt payment-Cir 106-11I- 1945;
Teletypewriter Paper Rolls, Instructions — TB SIG 194. 269 - XIV - 1945 .
Water, Areas Where Amebiasis and Schistosomiasis are Negro, Command-WD Pam 20-6.
hazards—TB MED 190, Organic, reorganization-Cir 256–1943.
Participation in civilian ceremonies-Cir 369-1-1945.
TREATY : Obligation to obey treaties and conventions — Cir Reconnaissance, Mechanized Cavalry-FM 2–20 .
383 - XI - 1944 .
Returning from overseas, discontinuance of malaria sup
pressive therapy - Cir 449–1944,
TREEDOZER : TD - 71-38 for D7 Caterpillar LaPlant-Choate Rifles, mishandling - Cir 84-1-1943 .
-TM 5-1514.
Signal , Training, sea voyages—TC 11–1944.
TRENCH FOOT : TB MED 81 . Traveling to or from points beyond continental limits of
the United States finance disbursing service
Wool socks, nonincrease in allowances - Cir 459 - V - 1944. Cir 99-1945 .
TRESTLES : Training, engineer mechanical advisory service-Cir 4
I–1945 ; 270-IV-1945 .
Equipment, Steel V -type - TM 5-375. Venereal disease control-Cir 88–1944.
Railway , Requisitions - TB ENG 56.
Steel, Light Standard and Standard Unit - TM 5–374. TROOPSHIPS : WD Pam 21-6.
Commanders 12 -ton, 4 x 2
Check List of Rail Equipment - WD Pam 20–14. All Types—TM 10–1139 ; LO 9-U318.
Guide ( Second Edition ) -WD Pam 20–7. Chevrolet, Series 3101 , Small Cargo and Telephone
Rail equipment check list - WD Pam 20–14 ; Cir 169– Maintenance - TM 10–1308.
Subsistence-Cir 400–1944.
Commanding officer, duties and responsibilities—Cir 358– All Types — TM 10-1139 ; LO 9-U318.
20C - TM 10–1436 .
218TF - TM 10–1541.
Enlisted personnel detailed as waiters-Cir 402–1–1944. WC - 36 , 39–TM 10-1378.
Field Range M1937-Cir 4--11-1945 .
Paper cups, forks, plates , spoons, and towels , purchase 1/2 - ton , 4 x4
Cir 123 - IX - 1945 . Dodge
Ration - Cir 179 - IX - 1945 ; 230 - VII - 1945 . Various Models : TM 10-1120 ; TM 10–1122 ;
Ration credits - Cir 10 - VI- 1944 ; 300–1944 . TM 10–1123 ; TM 10–1152 ; TM 10–1153 ;
Red Cross services to troops changing stations-Cir TM 10–1180 ; TM 10–1181 ; TM 10–1195 ;
319-VI-1945. TM 10–1201 ; TM 10–1209 ; TM 10–1442 ;
Restriction on Medical Corps officers accompanying-Cir TM 10–1368; MT 10–1442 ; TM 10–1443 ;
156 - III - 1945 . TB ORD 10-1223-1; TB ORD 42 ; LO 9
Supplies, kitchen cars-Cir 24 - VIII – 1944; 87-V-1944 ; 9-U304.
145 - IX - 1944 ; 194 - IV - 1944 ; 400–1944. T-202-TM 10–1194 ; 10–1210.
Time and date of departure and arrival, instruction T - 203 — TB 9-2830–39; TM 10–1178 ; 10
rescinded - Cir 314 - V - 1945 , 1192 ; 10–1193.
TROOP UNIT : T - 211 - TM 10–1200 ; MWO ORD G505-W1 .
WC 4 -USA and WC 6 - USA through WC 11
Over-age officers, removal - Cir 40-11-1944 . USA-TM 10–1198 .
Salvage activities, responsibility - Cir 48 - IV - 1943. WC – 43 TM 10–1444 ; 10–1445.
TROPHY : Ford, GPW—TB 9–803-FE6.
Retention by military personnel and merchant seamen Willys, MB_TB 9-803-FE6.
Cir 155-VI-1945 ; 267- VIII – 1945 ; 320 - VII Unauthorized Use of “ 217” ( cu, in. ) Engine TB
1945. ORD 284.
TROPICALIZATION : 42 -ton and 34 - ton , 4 x 2, Chevrolet
Field , Measures for Engineer Matériel—TB ENG 58. All Types - LO 9 - U316 .
Photographic Equipment - TB SIG 149. AK 3103 , 3104–TM 10-1308.
AK 3116 — TM 10–1306 ; 10–1308.
TROUBLE SHOOTING : BK 3101 -TM 10–1306.
Radar Set BK 3103—TM 10–1250 ; 10–1251 .
AN / TPL - 12TM 11-1552. 34 -ton
Repair, Radio Equipment–TM 11-4000 ; 11-1562. 4 x 2, Chevrolet, KD, KE–TB ORD 39.
Zenith Carburetors--- TB 9-1826C-1 . 4 x 4
active status - Cir 120 - III – 1945 . WC 54, Dodge T214-TB 9-808-FE2.
TRUCKS : Command Reconnaissance - TM 11-2726.
14 - ton, 4 x4 Dodge, T214 : TM 9–808 ; TM 10–1530 ; TM 11
Amphibian (Ford GPA) Radio Equipment – TM 11 2710 ; TB 9–808–4 ; TB 9-808-5 ; TB 9-808-6 ;
2715 . TB 9–808–8 ; TB 9-808-FE1 ; TB 9-1808B-1 ;
Command Reconnaissance ( Bantam 40 -BRC ) -TM TB ORD 47 ; TB ORD FE3 ; TB ORD FE56 ;
10-1205 . TB ORD FE57 ; LO 9-808 ; FSMWO *G502
Ford W7.
All Types—TB 9-803-4 ; TB 9-803-5 ; TB 9-803– Lubrication Instructions - TB 9-808-9 .
FE5 ; TB 9–803–6 ; LO 9–803 ; SB 9-44; MWO Unauthorized Use of “ 217” ( cu, in . ) Engine
ORD G503-W7 ; MWO ORD K503-W8 ; MWO TB ORD 284.
ORD G503-W9 ; SB 9-34. Weapon Carrier - TM 11-2725 ; TB 9-808–7.
GP_TM 10-1101 . 142 -ton , 4 x 2
GPA-TB 2830-69. Chevrolet
GPW-TM 9-803 ; TM 9-1803A ; TB 9-803–7 ; All Types — TB ORD 39 ; LO 3-U314 .
TM 9-1803B ; TB 9-1803B-FE1 ; TB 9-803– Various Types: TM 9–805 ; TB 9-805–1 ; TB 9
FE1 ; TB 9-803-FE3 ; TB 9-803 – FE7; TB 9 1765A - 1; TB 9–1765B-1 ; TM 10–1202 ; TB
803-FE8 ; TB 9-1803A-1 ; TB ORD 10 ; TB ORD 39 ; TB ORD 86 ; TB ORD 10-1557–2 ;
ORD FE57 . LO 9–805 ; FSMWO G506 -W2.
Monroe , M1-TB 5-9401-1 . Oversize Tie Rod Yoke Bolt-TB ORD 211 .
Willys G7116-TB ORD 10-1557-1 .
All Types—TB 9-803-4 ; TB 9-803 - FE5 ; TB G - 7123NN - TM 10-1131.
ORD FE57 ; LO 9-803 ; SB 9-44; MWO ORD G-7133—TM 10-1235 .
G503-W1 ; MWO ORD G503-W7 ; MWO ORD 4103-MR-TM 10–1298 ; 10-1340 ; 10-1410 ; 10
G503-W9 ; SB 9-34 ; FSMWO * G503–W1 . 1411 .
Ford GPW-TB 9-803-FE2 ; 9–803 -FE3; 9–803– 4103 - YR - TM 10--1316 .
FE3. 4109–MR—TM 10–1298 ; 10-1340 ; 10–1341.
MA-TM 10-1102. 4403-TM 10–1525.
MB-TM 9–803 ; TM 9-1803A ; TM 9-1803B ; 5103-TM 10–1321 .
TB 9-1803B-FE1 ; TB 9-803-5 ; TB 9-803–6 ; T-203—TB 9-2830–39 ; TM 10–1192 ; 10–1193.
TB 9–803-FE1 ; TB 9–803-FE7 ; TB 9-803– Dodge
FE8 ; TB 9-1803A-1 ; TB ORD 10. T-112-LO 9-U313 .
Chevrolet, Various Models—TM 10–1310. T-203—TM 10–1179 ; 10-1199 .
TRUCKS—Continued TRUCKS-Continued
142 -ton, 4 x 2–Continued 242 - ton , 4 x 4, C.O.E. , Autocar-Continued
Ford 242 - ton , 6 x 6–Continued
All Types—TM 9-806 ; 9-1806A ; 9-1806B. CCKW
2DT-LO 9-806. 352-TM 9-801 ; TM 9–1801 ; TM 9-1802A ;
2GT-TM 10-1329 . TM 10–1268 ; TB 9-801-4 ; TB 9-801-8 ;
GMC , CF - 351 — TM 10-1702 ; 10–1703 . TB 9-801-9 ; TB ORD 13 ; TB ORD 14 ;
GTB-TM 10–1435 ; TB ORD 10–1435-FE1 ; LO TB ORD 26 ; TB ORD 27 ; TB ORD 32 ;
U303 . TB ORD 47 ; TB ORD 85 ; TB ORD 86 ;
IHC - K5 -KS - 5 - LO 9-824. TB ORD 127 ; TB ORD 167 ; TB ORD 186 ;
112 -ton , 6 x 6 ( Dodge , T -223 )-TM 11-2743 ; TB ORD TB ORD FE 21 .
26 ; 284; TB ORD FE57 ; TB ORD FE56 ; 353—TB 9-1801-3.
LO 9-810. 352 and 353—TB 9–801-FE1 ; TB ORD 185;
112 -ton Dodge, 1939, 1940–1941—TB 9-2830–83. TB ORD 250 ; TB ORD 262 ; TB ORD 281;
142 to 3-ton , GMC TB ORD FE 22 ; TB ORD FE 30 ; LO 9
All Types—TM 10-1400. 801 ; MWO ORD K508 - W11,
AFKX - 352 — TM 10–1214 ; 10-1215 ; 10–1265 ; LO CCKW-353—TM 9–801; TB 9-801 -FE3; TM 9
1013 . 1801 ; TM 9–1802A ; TM 10–1268 ; TB 9–801-4 ;
242 - ton , 4 x 2 TB 9-801-8; TB 9-801-9; TB 9–801 - FE2; TB
ORD 13 ; TB ORD 14 ; TB ORD 26 ; TB ORD
Dump , IHC Model K-7-TM 9-1822. 27 ; TB ORD 32 ; TB ORD 47 ; TB ORD 62 ;
Federal, 26 – TM 9–821 ; 9–821X ; 9–1821 ; TB 821– TB ORD 81 ; TB ORD 85 ; TB ORD 86 ; TB
FE1 ; LO 9-821.
International, KR - 112TM 10–1687. ORD 127 ; TB ORD 167 ; TB ORD 186 ; LO
1014 ; MWO ORD G508 -W11.
( 2dt ) International K-7—TM 9–822 ; 10–1172 ; LO List of Equipment — TB ORD 9–801 .
Studebaker & Reo, US 6 — TM 9–807 ; TM 9–1807 ; TM
242 -ton , 4 x 4, C.O.E., Autocar 10–1564 ; TB 9-807–3; TB 9-807-4 ; TB 9-807
U-2044—TM 10–1392 ; 10–1394. 6 ; TB 9-1807-1 ; TB ORD 86 ; TB ORD 127 ;
U - 4044_TM 10-1396 . TB ORD 10–1564–1 ; LO 9–807.
212 - ton 6 x 4 Van K-60 , 144-in., 242 -ton , 6 x 6, 114-in. Wood or Steel
All Makes—TB ORD 26 ; 250. Cargo Body ( GMC ) Location and Installation
GMC , CCW-353—TB ORD 13 ; TB ORD 62 ; TB of Ordnance Maintenance Set “ G ” _MWO
ORD 167 ; TB ORD 281 ; TB ORD FE 21 ; LO ORD G508_W14 ; TB 9–1801-5.
9-U315 ; MWO ORD G508-W1. Set “ H ” —TB 9-1801-4 .
Mack, NB-TM 10–1188 ; 10-1189. Set " L " _TB 9-1801-2.
Studebaker & Reo, US 6–TM 9-807 ; TM 9 ( Oversize tie rod yoke bolt ) _TB ORD 211 .
1807 ; TB 9-807–4 ; TB 9-807–5 ; TB 9–1807-1; 4 - ton
TB ORD 86 ; LO 9-807-1 . 4 x 4, Cargo ( Four Wheel Drive, HAR - 1)-TM 9
21/2 -ton, 6 x 4 , Cargo ( Studebaker)-TM 9–807 ; 815; TM 9–1815A ; TM 9-1815B; TB 9-815–1;
9-1807 ; TB ORD 10–1564-1. LO 9-815.
212 - ton , 6 x 6 6 x 6, Diamond T
All Makes—TB ORD 26. Cargo, LWB, SWB, Dump and Wrecker - MWO
ORD G509 - W5.
Amphibian-TB 9-802-11; TB ORD FE22 ; 186 ; Dump—TB ORD FE 30.
Cargo, All Makes, Radio Equipment – TM 11 Lubrication Instructions — TB 9-811-3 ;' TM 10
1606 ; TB 9-811-FE1 ; LO 9-811 .
2709 ; TB SIG 97 ; TM 10–1504 ; TM 10–1505 ; Various Models—TM 9-811; 9–1811 ; TB ORD
TB SIG 184.
GMC— W /winch 790—TB 9-811-2.
All Models — TM 9-1801A ; TB ORD FE 13 ; 967-TM 10–1602.
TB 9-2830–39 ; TM 9-1801B ; TB 9-2830– 4-ton and Up , All Makes—TB ORD 279.
63 ; TB ORD 54 ; TB ORD 184 ; TB ORD 4. to 5-ton , 4 x 4
FE55 ; TB ORD FE57. C.O.E. Tractor
Amphibian ( GMC DUKW 353 ) -TM 9–802 ;
TM 9–1802A ; YM 9–1802B ; TM 9–1802C ; Autocar, U -7144T_TM 9-816 ; TM 9–1816 ; TM
TB 9–802–6 ; TB 9–802–7 ; TB 9-807–5 ; 10–1116 ; TM 10–1567 ; LO 9–816 ; TB ORD
TB 9-802-FE1 ; TB 9-1802 B-2 ; TB ORD 297 ; TB ORD FE 44.
5 ; TB ORD 13 ; TB ORD 26 ; TB ORD 54 ; Federal—TM 9–820 ; 10–1458 ; TB ORD 297.
TB ORD 81 ; TB ORD 185 ; TB 9-802–7 ; 94 x 43-TM 9-1816 ; 10–1106 .
TB ORD 262 ; LO 9–802 ; MWOORD 94 x 430—TB 9-820–1; LO 9–820.
G501-W28 ; MWO ORD G501-W29 ; White 444 - TB ORD 297 ; TB ORD FE 44.
MWOORD G501-W30 ; MWO ORD 5-ton, 4 x 2
G508 — W4 ; MWO ORD G508-W10 ; International
G508 - W13 ; FSM WO * G508 – W2 ;-
H542—TM 9-812; 9–1812 ; TB 9–812–1 ; 9-812–2 ; 9
FSMWO * G508-W3 ; FSMWO * G508–
812–3 ; LO 9-812.
KR-II-TM 9–823; 9–1823 ; 10–1144 ; 10–1686 ;
LO 9-823 .
ACKWX - 353 — TM 10–1232 ; 10–1233. Mack, Parts List – TM 10–1546.
AFKWX-352-TB ORD 262.
AFKWX-353 —TM 9–809 ; TM 9–1801-1 ; 5 - ton, 6 x 4
TB ORD 13 ; TB ORD 26 ; TB ORD 86 ; GMC CCW
TB ORD FE 21 ; LO 9-809 . 352-TB ORD 185.
AFKX 353—TB ORD 186 ; 262.
352 - TM 10-1226. International
804 - TM 10-1701 . M - 5-6_TM 10-1463 .
ASFX - 352 - TM 10–1136. M -5-6-4 - TM 10-1327 .
TRUCKS - Continued
5- to 6 -ton, 4 x 4 Fork lift - TB QM 4 – Continued
U - 7144 - T - TB ORD 216 ; TM 10–1117 ; 10 Electric -sparkproof - TM 10-1651.
1566 ; 10–1568 . Gasoline , Clark “ Utilitruc" and Cleveland "6000 "
U-8144 ( COE ) -TB ORD FE 44 . TM 10–1636 ; MWO QM 29 ; TM 10--1627 ; TB
UZ8144 - T - TM 9–817 ; 10-1118 ; 10-1119 . 10-1622-1 .
TU-8144 ( COE ) -- TB ORD FE 44 . Ross :
Mack, NJU-1-TM 10–1704; 10–1705 . 15 HT - MWO QM 10.
Ponton—TB 9-817-1 . 15 HT, 16 HT-MWO QM 11 .
SU - COE - TM 10-1377 ; LO 9-U317 ; LO 9–817 , 16 HT-MWO QM 10 .
6-ton , 6 x 6 % 18 HT - MWO QM 10..
18 HT, 19 HT-MWO QM 11 ,
Brockway—TB 9-813-FE1 ; TB ORD 216 ; TM 9 19 HT - MWO QM 10.
813 ; TM 10–1676 ; TB 9-813–1 ; TB 9-813-2 ; 20 HT - MWO QM 10 ; MWO QM 11 .
LO 9-813-1.
Corbitt—TB ORD 216 ; TM 9-813 ; TM 10-1108 ; TM Townmotor , LT 50, LT 56, LT 62 , and LT 72 — MWO
10-1109 ; TG 9-813–1 ; TB 9-813–2 ; LO 521 ; QM 12.
MWO ORD G1 -W20 . 2,000-1b., Capacity, ( Gasoline Clark "" Clipper” )
Mack MWO QM 30.
4DT - TB ORD 216. Vaughn -Mobilift:
NM - TM 10–1182; 10–1183 ; LO 9 - U307. Model Law - MWO QM 8.
NM - 5 -- TM 10–1477 . TAW-LO 6004 .
White, 666 — TB ORD 216 ; TM 9–813 ; TM 10-1220 ; TAW and TAL - MWO QM 16.
TB 9–813-1; TB 9-813-2; TB 9-813–3; TB Magnetos, Wico, Part No. S - 19 - SB 10–85.
ORD FE 44 ; LO 9-813; MWO ORD G1-W20. 6,000-1b.-- TM 10–1622 ; MWO KM 18 ; MWO QM 21 .
712 - Ton , 6 x 6 , Mack-TB 9-814–2 ; TB 9-1814B-2 ; TB Heavy Duty, Transfer Case - TC 14–1944.
ORD 10-1479-1 ; TB ORD 10–1679-1 ; TB Lift, M22 - TM 9-762.
10-1679-FE1 ; LO 9-0305 ; MWO ORD G532- LWB Cargo, 242 - ton , 6 x 6 – MWO ORD G508 -W12 .
W1 .
M6 ( Chevrolet ) -MWO ORD G85-W14 ; MWO ORD
10-ton , 6 x 4 G85 - W15 ; MWO ORD G85 - W17 .
Mack-TM 9-818 ; TB 9–818-2 ; TM 9-1818A ; 9 M27-MWO ORD G508 -W12.
1818B ; 9-1918A. Maintenance Drill
NR - TB 9-818–3 ; 9-818 - FE1. 1/2 -ton - WD Pam 37-1 .
6 x 6, Mack Model NR - TB 9-818-4 .
% -ton, 4 x 4JWC Pam 37–2.
Cargo, NR - LO 9-818. 192 -ton
White, 1064 - TB ORD 175 ; LO 9-U308 . 4 x 4 - WD Pam 37-2.
12-ton, 6 x 4, M20, Diamond T-TM 10-1225 ; TB ORD 6 x 64WD Pam 37-2.
10–1225–1; TB ORD 91 ; TB ORD 103 ; LO 24/2 -ton, 6 x 64WD Pam 37-2.
9-768 .
Mounts, Machine Guns—TM 9-224.
20- ton , 6 x 4 , Federal , 604 — TB ORD 175 ; LO 9 - D306 . Ordnance Small Arms Repair, Conversion to Basic Signal
K-44-B-TM 11-364 .
Corps Repair Truck-TB SIG 112.
Ammunition, 12-inch, M21 - MWO ORD E19 -W35 . Rear Dump, 10-Cu. Yd., Diesel- Engine- Driven, 15- Ton,
Authorized for Chaplains - Cir 355 - VI - 1945 . Euclid, Model 27 FD-LO 5-3467.
Basic Signal Corps Repair Conversion of Ordnance Small
Straddle Lumber — TB QM 4.
Arms Repair Truck-TB SIG 112.
Tractor :
M1 -TB 9–765–1; LO 26 ; LO 56.
M22/L09-762 . 40 -ton , Trailer, M252TM 9–767 ; TM 9-1767A ; TM
Bomb Service 9-1767C ; TB 9–767-1 ; LO 138 ; LO 138A ,
M1 M26 - MWO ORD G1-W18.
Ford-TM 9-761 . M26 and M26A1-MWO ORD G160 - W1.
GMC - TM 9–763 ; LO 26 . Trailer :
M6, Chevrolet - TM 9–765 ; 9-1765A ; 9–1765B ; TB 40 -ton , Transporter, M25—TM 9–767 ; TM 9-1767B ;
9-765–2 ; LO 9–765 . TM 9--1767 ; TB 9-767-1 ; LO 9–767.
M27 — TM 9-766 ; TB 9–766–2 ; TB 9–766 FE1 . 45- Ton , Transporter, M19—TM 9–768 ; TB ORD 91 ;
Cargo, Model 986, and 968A-FSMWO *G509-W1 . TM 9–1768A ; TB ORD 91 ; TB ORD 10
Company 1225-1.
Amphibian-FM 55-150. Used to Carry Radio Set SCR - 399 - A - MWO SIG 11
Quartermaster- FM 10–35. 281-10.
Construction , Field Wire — TB SIG 97.
Crane, Swinging Boom , M12TM 3–256 ; SB 3-25–46. Work , K-60, H.V.-LO 3504A.
Dump, Hydraulic Pump — TB ORD 59 . Wrecker, 4W
- ton, 6 x 6 ( Diamond T ) -MWO ORD G509–
Fire 3..
Central Fire Truck Corps , 1500-TM 5-9390. Wrecking, Heavy:
Power -pumper, Class 530—TB 5-315--1. Mi ( Kenworth ) _TB ORD 216 ; TM 9-1759C ; LO
750-GPM Pumper Mack Model 70, Type 70-44-TB 9-795-1 .
QM , 4. M1 ( Ward LaFrance )-TM 9–1759B ; TB ORD 216 ;
Fork - lift - TB QM 4 . TM 9-1795C ; TM 9–1795D ; TB 9–795-4 ; LO
Automatic Transportation Co.—TM 10–1651 . 9–795 .
Clark Series 1 and 2-TM 9–795.
Carloader and Utilitruc and Cleveland, 6000 Series 2, 3 , 4 , and 5-MWO ORD G116-W4 .
TM 10–1638 ; QM 17. Series 5 - LO 9-796 .
Electric, Clarkloader and.Utilitruc - LO 6026.
Clipper M1A1 - TM 9–796 ; TM 9-1796 ; MWO ORD G116–
W4 .
Gasoline-TB 10–1639-1; LO 6010 .
Planeloader-TB 10–1640–1; LO 09. TRUCK SERVICES : Expedited-CTB 23–1944 .
TRUCTRACTOR : Clark, Clarktor - 6 – SB 10–129. TUBES- Continued
TRUCK - TRAILER : M25, 40-ton, Tank Transporter - LO 9 Test Data, For Test Sets I-56-A, C, D, E, H, J and L
767 ; TM 9–1768A ; MWO ORD G160 - W1. TB SIG 169.
Authentication of Official Papers-Cir 263– V - 1944. In Radio Sets SCR -508 - A , C, D, AM, CM and DM,
Bill of Lading-Commercial Traffic Bull 7 , 1944 . and Radio Sets SCR -528 - A , C, D, AM, CM
and DM-MWO SIG 11-600-10 .
In Radio Sets SCR -608 - A and B, and SCR -628 - A
Locker, Issue-Cir 384 - VII - 1944 . and B-MWO SIG 11-620-2.
Preparation, Without Handle or Suitable Means for VT - 165—
Attaching Checks-Cir 30–1–1945. In Radio Sets SCR - 508 - A , C, D, AM, CM and DM
and Radio Sets SCR -528 - A , C, D, AM, CM,
TUBE FITTINGS : and DM-MWO SIG 11-600–10.
Fuel, Safety type, Installation and Servicing — TB 9– In Radio Sets SCR -608 - A and B, and SCR -628 - A
1334-1. and B-MWO SIG 11-620-2 .
Oil, Safety -type, Installation and Servicing — TB 9 Testers
1334-1. 1-77—TM 11-262–7 ; TB SIG 122.
Supreme, Model 504 - A - TM 11-2517.
TUBE PULLER : TL - 201 ( use with Radio Sets SCR -694 - C , Voltage regulator, Modification of Radio receiver ( WE
AN/TRC-2 ) —TB SIG 151 . type D-99945 ) -MWO SIG 11-884-2.
Acorn Type—
Military Personnel, Disposition - Cir 338 - VIII – 1944.
Plate and Grid Clips—MWO SIG 11-1506–1. Notification, Persons. Separated from Army Service
Replacement of Plate and Grid Clips (radio Sets Cir 313-III-1944.
SCR - 270-1 ) and SCR-271- ( ) . Receivers Pleurisy, Effusion -- TB MED 71.
BC - 404 - A , B , and C ) —MWO SIG 11-1114D- 1 .
Cathode-ray, 12GP7 ( Radio Set SCR -527 - A )-TB 11 TUBING :
1119-9 . Radioactive , Luminous, Vinylite - TB ENG 26.
Clamps Units, Calibration for Use with Radio Transmitters BC
VT-25 ( in radio transmitters BC-191-A, B, C, D, E ) 191 - A , B, C, D, E, F, N and BC - AA - 191–
-MWO SIG 11-800-1 . TB 11-800-2.
Modification of Rectifier RA - 34 - H Installations
MWO SIG 11-961-2. TUMBLERS : 1

Curing : Instructions Covering Care, Maintenance and Laundry, Mobile - LO 10–351-2.

Repair - TB 9–1868-3. Operation and Maintenance, Quartermaster Fixed Laun
Electron dry Equipment - TB QM 38.
Expendable and Nonexpendable, Interim List, Signal TUNISIA :
Corps-SB 11-2.
Campaign, Units Entitled to Battle Credits-GO 59–
For Rectifier Trojan Model 27820 — TM 11-2067. III–1945.
Relationship Between Electron Tubes GT/G- SB Medical and Sanitary Data - TB MED 98.
11-63 .
Supply Data-SB 11-17. TURKEY :
Extension , T1_FT 81-H-2. Meal, Thanksgiving and Christmas, guest authorized
Flexible, Nozzle, Allowance : Cir 111 - V - 1945. Cir 326-VII–1945 .
Inner Medical and Sanitary Data—TB MED 64 .
Deflation — TB 9-2830–47.
Synthetic, Identification , Inspection, Classification ,
Reconditioning, and Disposition. Car, Armored , T17E1 ( Chevrolet ) -TM 9–1741C.
Lubricator, Replacement ( to prevent failure of clutch Hull, Tank, Light T9E1 TM 9–1724B.
Inside , Held -down Belt,- Modification ( tank, medium ,
release bearing) ( tractor, high -speed, 13 -ton , M4A3E2 ) _TB 9-759 - FE2.
M5 ) —TB 9-1786A-FE1 . Light Tank, M3—TM 9-1726B .
Power, Care and Maintenance — TB SIG 166. Modification to Provide Adequate Ventilation, Tank,
Substitution in Power Supply, PP - 13 / TRA - 1, Part Medium, M4, M4A1 , M4A3-FSMWO G104
W88 .
of Amplifier Equipment AN / TRR - 1 - MWO Reinforcement (tanks, medium, M4 series )—MWO ORD
SIG 11-26-1-1. G104-W57.
VT - 46 - A , Mounting in Radio Sets, SCR-299-A , B, 12th HEADQUARTERS AND HEADQUARTERS DE
C, and D (modification ) MWO SIG 11-280-2. TACHMENT , SPECIAL TROOPS, FIRST
VT - 46 - A ( in radio sets SCR - 399 - A and SCR-499–
A ) -MWO SIG 11-281-2. ARMY : Commanding officer's authority to
appoint courts martial-GO 104-1-1945 .
Replacement : Cir 113-VI-1945. 25th HEADQUARTERS AND HEADQUARTERS DE
Service Life ( gun , 75-mm, M5 ( 113E1 ) , M5A1, M6, M10 TACHMENT, SPECIAL TROOPS, SEC
( T9E2 ) and T9E1 ) -TB ORD 255. OND ARMY : Commanding officer's authority
Sighting Lines Painted, 60-mm Mortar T18E6 — TB 23 to appoint general courts martial - GO 108
85-FE1 . I– 1945.
Markings ( change in model designation of tank guns, TACHMENT, SPECIAL TROOPS, FIRST
difference in models ) —TB ORD FE 24. ARMY : Commanding officer's authority to
Of Rectifiers RA - 34 - F and RA - 34 - C ( improved appoint courts martial-GO 104-1-1945 .
mounting ) —TB 11-9596-1 . 28th HEADQUARTERS AND HEADQUARTERS DE
Steam Release, GMC, Reclamation — TB 9-2830–51 . TACHMENT, SPECIAL TROOPS , FIRST
Subcaliber :
ARMY : Commanding officer's authority to
1 - pounder, for Guns 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14 -inch appoint courts martial-GO 104-1-1945 .
FT 37-C-2.
75 -mm or 2.95 inch-FT 75-D-1 . TWIST : Reducing Due to Torque in Steel Treadways : V
approach for Steel Treadways-TB 5-272-3.
201 FILE : Military, Maintenance and Disposition - Cir 96– UNIFORMS - Continued
1945 ; 298-X-1945 . Officers -- Continued
" TWO DOWN AND ONE TO GO ” : - Cir 130–1945 . Sale -- Cir 40-11-1945 .
Service coat-Cir 329 - VIII – 1944.
TWX CONFERENCE SERVICE : Curtailment of Calls—Cir Passengers on flights through neutral countries—Cir
222-1943. 122-1-1944 .
Student officers
TYNDALL FIELD , FLA.: Marine Repair Facilities , Classi Chemical Warfare School - Cir 206-11-1944.
fied , Class III-Cir 479 - IV - 1944 . Summer, WAC personnel-Cir 174 – IV , V–1944.
Unauthorized defacing field and herringbone twill jackets
TYPEWRITERS : -Cir 365 - IX - 1944 .
MaintenanceTM 37-305. Wearing
Responsibility for Storage and Issue-Cir 312-III-1944. Civilian employees—Cir 255 - VIII– 1945 .
Serviceability Standards—SB 11–100–74. Military personnel of foreign countries — Cir 381- X
Storage and Issue Responsibility-Cir 293-VIII–1945. 1944 .
Personnel discharged or separated from active ser
TYPHUS COMMISSION MEDAL, UNITED STATES OF vice, restriction -- Cir 126 - V - 1945.
Authorization - Cir 142 - V - 1944 ; 450 - VI - 1944 .
While on retirement furlough - Cir 116 - IV - 1945.
Correction - GO 77 - XII - 1944 . So-called summer battle jacket, unauthorized — Cir
Established - Bull 3-11-1943. Terminal leave, WAC officers - Cir 404 – III– 1944.
TYPHUS FEVER : Patients wearing in hospitals - Cir 355-XI-1945.
Commission Established_Bull 3-11-1943 .
Scrub — TB MED 31 . Personnel serving as volunteer nurses' aides-Cir
TYPHUS VACCINE : Expiration Date Extended, Manu Women, catalogue -- SB 10–160.
facturers-Cir 454 - VII - 1944.
UMPIRE MANUALS : of judgment - Bull 7–1944.
Air - FM 105-6.
Ground-FM 105-5 .
UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA : Passport and visa exemption
-Cir 340 – III – 1944 .
Appointment to remain in force during present war and for military personnel on duty-Cir 156 - I
6 months thereafter - Bull 25 – V - 1944. 1945 ; 344-1-1944 .
Organization-Cir 279–1945.
Reassignment of certain duties to Army Air Forces and UNITED NATIONS RELIEF AND REHABILITATION
Services of Supply-Cir 181-V-1942. ( UNRRA ) : Employment of Officers - Cir 277
Transfer of certain functions - Bull 17-III-1943 . IX-1945.

Education material
UNDERWEAR : Enlisted men, allowances-Cir 20 – III – 1945. Mailed overseas-Cir 376 - III – 1944.
UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION : Employees of clubs Education opportunities available to military personnel
Cir 291-1945.
and messes-Cir 333-V-1945.
Mediterranean Branch discontinued-Cir 323-11-1945.
UNIFORMS : Reclassification-Cir 369-111-1945.
Army nurses, physical therapists, and dietitians-Cir UNITED STATES ARMY SPECIFICATIONS : No. 2–1020,
387-11-1944 ; 174-11-1945. fuels and lubricants— Cir 129-1-1945 .
Blue and white, wearing—Cir 345-VI-1944.
Automotive advisors—Cir 98 - IV – 1944. ment of Army and Naval personnel-Cir 374–
Destined overseas - Cir 282-11-1945 ; 372-VI-1945 . IV-1944.
Field Jacket, wearing -- Cir 294-XI-1945 ; 299 - V- Appointments to cadetships - Cir 274-11-1945.
1945 .
Guards, War Department installations-Cir 237- III- UNITED STATES DISCIPLINARY BARRACKS :
1944. Activation
Marine personnel, duty on vessels operated by Chief Eastern Branch-Cir 311 -VI-1943 ; 321-11-1943 .
of Transportation-Cir 19–1–1945. Northwestern Barrack-Cir 251 - VII – 1944.
Clothing and equipage, class X-Cir 36-VI-1945. Establishment, Southern Branch - Cir 162-IX-1944.
EM , transferred, Enlisted Reserve Corps-Cir 117 Southeastern Branch
1944 . Established - Cir 406-III-1944.
Enlisted Transferred -Cir 467 - V - 1944.
Reserve Corps personnel as ASTRP students—Cir Southwestern Branch , established-Cir 132-1-1945.
Women , hospital duty-Cir 255 - X - 1945. UNITED STATES EMPLOYEES' COMPENSATION ACT :
Faculty members at ROTC institutions-Cir 295 - VII Hospitalization and medical care for civilian
1943 .
employees — Cir 175–1945.
Insignia denoting oversea service, how worn - Cir 268
Officers also National Service Life Insurance.
Cobelligerant nations, duty in United States - Cir Service Records - Cir 202-VI- 1945 .
217 - VII - 1944 ; 298 - XV - 1945 .
Engineer School - Cir 130-IV- 1944 , UNITED STATES LAWN TENNIS ASSOCIATION : Eligi
Memorandum W30-27-43 rescinded-Cir 476 - VII bility Standards - Cir 174 – V - 1942; Cir 181- II
1944 . 1942 .
Appointment - Cir 151-V1-1945 ; 154–1945. Control - Continued
Sons of persons killed in present war - Bull 23-III–1945.
Sons of persons who received the Medal of Honor RM-13-A, -B, -C, -D , and -G , Repair Instructions
-TM 11-4020 .
Bull 23 - II - 1945 .
RM - 36 - A - LO 3505A.
Aviation pay and allowances—Bull 28 – II – 1942; Cir 2014 Conversion, for Converting Boat, Lighter, Tank, to Fuel
Barge ( Heil ) -LO 5-9562.
Cadet sales store established-Cir 483 - V - 1944 . Converter, Power, PE - 104- A , (Modification of Radio Set
Mileage allowance, graduates and cadets — Bull 11 - V SCR - 284 - A , Filament Circuit. ) -MWO SIG
1944. 11-275-2 ; MWO SIG 11-275–12.
Music teacher, pay discrimination eliminated — Bull 6–
III–1944. Coupling, CU-96 / UP Installation—TB SIG 188.
Physical examination of military personnel, entrance and Credit for battle participation-Cir 62–1944 ; 195 - I
1944 .
terminal - Cir 59–1–1945 .
Preparatory training — Cir 207–1944 ; 441 - II – 1944 . Credited with assault landings - GO 75 - VIII – 1945,
UNITED STATES MILITARY DISBURSING OFFICER : CR -8B / U , (Dimensioning Quartz Blanks )-TB 11
2540-1 .
Payment Order - Cir 159 - IV - 1945 .
DC - 9 - M , DC - 9 - AD , DC - 9 - P, DC - 9 -AJ ( For use

UNITED STATES NAVAL ACADEMY : with Frequency Meter Sets SCR -211 - A , B,
Appointment C, D, E, or F. ) -MWO SIG 11-300-2.
Army personnel-Cir 374-IV-1944. Data , BC - 1075 — LO 3500E.
Sons of persons killed in present war - Bull 23 - III- Deleted from overseas movement orders, equipment
1945. Cir 73–1945.
Sons of persons who received the Medal of Honor Distillation
-Bull 23-II-1945.
Gasoline- Engine-Driven
UNITED STATES PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE : 2000 Gal.; M2E10 B, Cleaver -Brooks — TM 5
2062–1 .
Permit to import bacteria, viruses, or disease vectors
Cir 43-IV- 1945 . Skid-mounted, Thermocompression Type, 1,200
Responsibility for foreign quarantine - Cir 453-1944, Gallons per day E. B. Badger and Sons Co.
MWO ENG 2068-1 .
UNITED STATES SOLDIERS' HOME : Increase, Federal aid Skid -mounted, 2500-gal. per day Cleaver-Brooks, M3
to State and Territorial homes—Bull 25 - III E - 12 - TB 5-2062-1.
1943. Termo-Compression Type, Gasoline, Skid -Mounted ,
1200 gal . per day, Badger, ( Instructions for
UNITED STATES WAR BALLOT COMMISSION : Federal, Operation and Maintenance ) -TM 5–2068.
State, and local voting—Bull 5–1944 . 2000 Gals., M2 E10B, Cleaver-Brooks—TM 5–2060.
UNIT REPLACEMENT : Wheeled vehicles—TB ORD 173. BC-1080-A (Modification ) -MWO SIG 11-1524–7.
BC - 1080 - A and BC - 1080 - B , Resistor Strip - MWO
SIG 11-1524–12.
Air-conditioning, Self-contained type, Water-Cooled, 5.
HP Motor, 60,000- BTU per hour ( Chrysler Dynamotor, BD-77-C—TM 11-934.

Airtemp, Model 5-SCA-M ) -LO 5-9484. Electrical Apparatus-SB 55-8-M-1.

Electro - Surgical , Portable —– TM 8-616 .
Antiaircraft, instructions for use of Rocket Target, M2 Engineer Gas Generating Operation ) -TB 5-355–1.
TM 4-236 .
Assignment for purpose of transfer to the U. S.-Cir Enlisted men attached, carried on morning report - Cir
470-IV- 1944 .
312-VIII-1945 .
Entitled to battle credits
Automotive Power Transmission-TM 10-585 .
Aviation, Intelligence Procedure_FM 1-40. Air Combat, Balkans-GO 85-1-1945 .
Awarded the Bronze Service Arrowhead - GO 70–1945 . Aleutian Islands—GO 85-III–1945.
Bath Air Offensive, Europe - GO 85-11-1945.
Cleaver- Brooks, EC - 4 - LO 10-1612 . Algeria -French Morocco Campaign-GO 59–II–1945.
Antisubmarine -- GO 85-IV-1945.
Field , Mobile, Model 2B-24 , TM 10–1616.
Bathing, Field , Portable, EC - 4, Cleaver Brooks—TM 5– Ardennes-GO 114-1945.
9834 . Central Europe-GO 116–1945.
BE-77-A or BE-77-B-TB SIG 64. Central Pacific - GO 85-V-1945.
Cable Testing, Defiance Alloyed Products Models 130, Egypt- Libya campaign-GO 59-1-1945.
Portable Dry Air Compressor - TM 11-2539. European Theater, Ground Combat - GO 85- VI
1945 .
CAD ( Civil Affairs Division ) , Far East, Descriptive List
of Drugs and Chemicals—TB MED 149 . Naples-Foggia-GO 96–1945.
Car, PE-74, -84, and -137—MWO SIG 9. Normandy-GO 102–1945 .
Category IV units returning to United States , postal North Appennines—GO 94–1945 .
procedures for handling mail-Cir 258 - II Northern France - GO 103–1945 .
1945. Ploesti Rumania campaign, air combat_GO 59- IV
Chest , T-26 and T-46—MWO SIG 20. 1945 .
Citations and awards - Cir 5-VIII-1945. Po Valley - GO 93-1945.
Constitution and activation-Cir 318 - IV - 1943. Rome-Arno—GO 99-1945 .
Control Sicily-GO 91–1945 .
BC-1073 -A-LO 3507. Southern France-GO 87-1945 .
BC - 1085 - LO 3500E . Tunisia campaign-GO 59-III–1945,
BC-1162-A-LO 3507. Fire
BC - 1268-A-LO 3506 ; 3519 . 37-mm Antiaircraft Artillery-FM 44–58.
BC - 1293 - A - LO 3506 ; 3519. 40 -mm - FM 4-160 ; FM 44-60 ; FM 44–61,
C-209 / CPX -LO 3519. M1937—TB QM 15 .
RM-12- ( * ) -TM 11-312. M1937 ( Modification )-MWO QM 5 .
RM-13- ( * ) -TM 11-313. Flexibility-Cir 439-1-1944.
UNITS - Continued UNITS — Continued
Float, Automotive Fuel Tank, Reclamation—TB 9-2830– Range-Continued
38. BC - 1062- A and BC - 1062- B , Radio Sets SCR 584- A
Gas Absorber,> for Polar Relays, ( WECO Types 225 - A , and SCR 584-B Narrow Garet Delay Control
D - 164816, D - 163119 - A , and D-168651 ) -TB Circuit - MWO SIG 11-1524–11.
SIG 172. BC - 1062 - A and -B ( Modification )-MWO SIG 11
Gasoline Dispensing, Mobile, Habhagger PM-100-LO 1524–19.
10-1660. Rectifier, Wilcox Type 36A-TM 11-803 .
Generating Reel
M5, ( Winterizing kit M10) -TB 9-616-1. RL - 26- ( ), Serviceability Standards — SB 11-100
40 .
M5 and M6 — TM 9–1616 ; TB ORD 174.
M7—TB 9–1618–2 ; LO 9-618. RL - 26 , -A, -B , and -C, Maintenance of Clutch and
M7, M7A1, ( M15, M15A1, M18. Winterizing Kits Transmission Assembly-TB 11-360-2.
M12 , M13 ) —TB ORD 240. RL -31- ( .) , Serviccability-SB 11-100-42.
M7A1 and M15A1-TB 9-1618-1. RL - 49 - LO 3108 - A .
M15 , M15A1 —TB ORD 240. Refrigeration. See REFRIGERATION UNITS.
M18–TM 9-1617. Relay, BE 84-A 9 ( Teletype trunk)-TM 11-343.
M18 (M7, M7A1 , M15 , M15A1 . ) Winterizing Kits Remote Control
M12 , M13—TB ORD 240. Navy Type 23429- SB 11-39 .
M18 — LO 9-617 . RM - 6 - J, 25-watt Airport Control Transmitter Equip
Ground ment - TM 11-817A.
RM-10-F, Radio Transmitter BC - 365 - R - TM 11
Air supply-FM 31-40 . 828.
Air support-FM 31-35 . RM-21-A, B, and C, Permit use of Microphone T-45
Hypochlorination, Automatic, Portable, 2- to 100-gpm and Headset HS - 30 - MWO SIG 11-625-7 .
Flow, Wallace and Tiernan, A -506 -- TM 5 RM - 29 - A through E - MWO SIG 11-308-1,
RM - 45- A - TM 11-1076 ; TM 11-811 .
Indicator Returning to the U. S.
ID - 16 / TPS- 1A - TB 11-1547A-1 . Postal procedures for handling mail-Cir 228 - V
ID - 16 / TPS - 1A , ( Indicator Improvement Kit MX
350 / TPS - 1 )-TB 11-1547A-3. Supply of equipment - Cir 73–1945 .
Service - Mechanized Flame Thrower
Initial issue of engineer explosives after arrival over E8 and E8R1-LO 3-361.
seas-Cir 30 - III - 1945 .
E8R1 - TM 3–361 .
Instruction governing citations and awards-Cir 94- IV Shower
Field , Portable, with heater, 32 Shower Heads, Wal
Keying lace and Tiernan Novadel Agene Corp., A -529
BC - 409 - A -- TB SIG 68. TM 5-9144 .
BC-409 , BC - 409 - A , Installation of Protective Relay Field, Trailer-mounted with Heater, 8 Shower Heads,
MWO SIG 11-1506-2. Cleaver - Brooks, EC - 3 — TM 5-9722.
BC 609, Installation of Protective Relay — MWO SIG Small , Protection - FM 21-45.
BC - 758 - A - TB SIG 130.
Special, status—Cir 241–1944.
Larger -- FM 100–15. Special training - TC 26, 1944.
Instructions-Pam 20-6 .
Line, BE-77-A (Modification ) -MWO SIG 11-359–1. Teaching Devices-Pam 20-2.
Line Connector, EE-87—TM 11-433 . Standard, Crystal , Used in Signal Equipment – TB SIG
Machine Records , Codes-TM 12–310. 201 .
Mail clerk , duties—Cir 198–11–1945 .
Medical Department ( Theater of Operations ) -FM 8–5. Sterilization- Bath , Mobile - LO 10-641.
Meritorious Service Plaque - Cir 331-1-1945. Synchronizing, RM-44-LO 3108 - A .
Mobile, Medical Department- FM 8-5.
Modulator, Wilcox Type 50A-TM 11-803. 1-176/TM 11-2626.
Motor-driven Dispensing, Portable, Requisitions for 1-236-TM 11-2056.
Spare Parts (Quartermaster ) —SB 10-97. 2A ( SPL ) -TM 11-2033.
Movement within continental United States -- Cir 233– Tracking, Range Aided , BC - 1296 - A - LO 3505B.
IV - 1944. Transmitter Tuning, TU-7 Radio Set SCR-193–SB 11
Organized under cellular tables of organization-Cir 32.
358-1-1945. Tuning
Parachute, designation-Cir 194-11-1944 ; 257-VII–1944. Calibration for use with Radio Transmitters BC
Photographic, Theater of Operations-Pam 11-2. 191-A, B, C , B, E, F, N, and BC - AA - 191
Plan Position TB 11-800-2.
BC- 1058-1 ) _TB 11-1524–18 . BC-939-A-MWO SIG 11-281-9 .
BC- 1058-A and BC - 1058 - B - MWO SIG 11--1524–20 . Water Cooling RU-2-A-TM 11-801 .
Power See Power Units. Water Purification - See Water Purification Units.
Power Control See Power Control Units. X-Ray Field , Flouroscopic-MWO MED 2.
Power Supply See Power Supply Units.
Power Train ( Medium Tanks, M3 and M4 Mod.) - TM 9- UNIT FUND :
Domestic washing machines - Cir 265 – V - 1944.
Power Transmission , Automotive - TM 10–585. Farm machinery and equipment - Cir 217-111--1944.
Prompt distribution of technical publications—Cir 174– Newspapers , post, camp, or station-Cir 20 - IV --1944.
VII-1945 . Publication of camp newspapers -- Cir 310 - VI -- 1944,
Range Purchase of insurance -- Cir 258 - IX - 1944 .
BC - 436 - A , -B , and -C-LO 3503A.
BC - 723 - A --- TB 11-1505–3; LO 3505A. Constant Velocity, Lubrication -- TB ORD 297 .
BC - 1053 - A - LO 3504B . Cross Conversion of Chevrolet # 3660990-TB 9-2830–17.
UNIVERSITIES : Courses Offered, U. S. Arined Forces In- VEHICLES - Continued
stitute - Pam 20–4 . Combat-Continued
UPHOLSTERER :-TM 10-455 . Gun, 37-mm , M6, Mounted — TM 9-1250,
Gun, 90- mm, M3, Mounted in-TM 9-374.
UTILITY BAG : WAC, wearing-Cir 287 - IV - 1943. Major Assemblies, Preparation for Shipment of Un
serviceable Transport-SB 9–26 .
UTILIZATION : Freight Car Space, Nonperishable Subsist Mounted with 90 -mm Gun M3—TB ORD FE54.
ence Supplies—SB 10–154. Mounting 105 -mm Howitzer-TB ORD FE 39.
Ordnance—TB ORD FE 45 .
UTILIZATION OF MANPOWER : Concentration of facilities Transport, Ordnance — TB ORD 218.
at posts, camps, and stations-Cir 461 - V - 1944. Contractor operated, supply-Cir 176 - IV - 1945.
VACCINE : Distribution of medium passenger cars — Cir 272 - X - 1944;
Influenza, administered to Army personnel-Cir 267 - III Equipped with Bow Stakes and Bow Stake Pockets — TB
1945 ; 267-111-1945 ; 381-11-1945. ORD FE 23 .
Requisitions , immunization , Army horses and mules Excess controlled item , disposition-Cir 31-1944 .
Cir 50-VII- 1945 . Ford GAA, GAF, or GAN Tank Engine, Servicing Spark

VALVES : Plugs—TB ORD 288 .

Exhaust , Filled , Unserviceable, Disposition-TB ORD General Purpose
Reclamation of parts -- SB 9-62.
Fuel, Four-way, Replacement of Defective — TB 9-818-4. Wheel Jacks—TB ORD FE 42 .
Replacement Mechanism, Type M1-TB 3–255–1. GMC ( All ) With Banjo-Type Axles—TB ORD 177.
Shut-Off, In Fuel Lines, Provisions for in Carrier, Light .GMC and Chevrolet, Glove Compartment Doors Reclama
Cargo M29 ( T24 ) —MWO ORD G 109 –W4. tion—TB 9-2839-37.
Universal, Joint Relief, Low Pressure ( 80 lb. ) Replace Government-owned
ment in Ordnance Vehicles—TB ORD 306. Motor propelled , passenger -carrying — Cir 304 - IV
Windshield Wiper Regulator, Adjustment, Truck, 4-ton 1944 ; 195-V-1945.
and up—TB ORD 279. Use of - Cir 344-VII-1943 .
Half- Track
General hospital designated for specialized treatment -TB ORD 156 ; TB ORD 107 ; TB ORD 166;
Cir 347-1-1944 . TB ORD 155 ; FSMWO G147-W5 .
Patients, general hospitals designated for treatment Autocar, Diamond T and White-TB 9-710_24 ; TB
Cir 323-IV-1945. 9–710–25 ; TB ORD 8 ; TB ORD 23 ; TB ORD
191 ; TB : 9-1711-4.
“ V ” DEVICE : Worn on the Bronze Star Medal-Cir 383 - I Basic- ( IHC ) and Similar IHC Vehicles - TM 9
1945. 1707B .
Car, Scout M3A1-TB ORD 149 .
V-E DAY : Post Period , Guide for Information Education Chassis and Body for Maintenance-TM 9-1710C.
Officers - WD Pam 28-9. Clutch Maintenance and adjustment – TB 9–1711-1.
Compasses — TB ORD 164.
VEAL : Carcass, Storage and Issue-SB 10–187. Crew Drill for Armored Infantry - FM 17–71.
Engine, Sludge — TB ORD 28.
VECTOR : Permit to import-Cir 43-IV-1945 ; 43-IV-1945 ; Engine 160-AX White-TM 9–1711.
386 - IV -- 1945 . Gas Tank drain plug - TB ORD 162.
Idler Shackle Stop Bolt—TB ORD 38.
VEGETABLES : M5, M5A1-TB 9-2830–90.
Canned and Dehydrated-SB 10-5. M9A1-TB 9-2830–84 ; TB 9-2830–90 .
Compound germicidal rinse, disinfection - Cir 309 - I M14 — TB 9-2930–84 .
1945. M17—TB 9-2830–84.
Quick-Frozen , Storage, Distribution, Use, U. S. Army Maintenance Drill - WD Pam 37-3. -
SB 10-153 . Power Train_TM 9-1710.
Removal of Idler Adjusting Rod Lock Nut-TB ORD
VEHICLES: See also Carriers, Ordnance Vehicles, Tanks, 157.
Tractor Trailers , Trucks . White 160AX Engine-TM 9–1710B ; TM 9-1711 ;
Antenna installations—TB SIG 154. TM 9–1710B.
Armored White, Autocar and Diamond T-TB ORD 100 ; TB
Decontamination-FM 17-59. ORD 107 ; MWO ORD G102 - W35 ; TB 9-710
Engineer-TC 46, 1944. 26 ; TB 9–710–25 ; 9–710–24 ; 9-711-4 ; TB 9
Recognition - FM 21-80 ; FM 30–40 . 711-6 ; TB ORD 8 ; TB ORD 23 ; TB ORD
Utility, M39—TM 9-755. 100 ; TB ORD 107 ; TB 9-710-27 ; 9–710-28;
Basic 9-711 -FE1 ; TB 9-1711 -FE2 ; TB 9-1711-6.
Half-Track ( IHC) --TM 9-707 ; TM 9–1707A ; TM Half-Track and Full -Track , Driver Training - TM 21
9–1701B ; TM 9–1707A , B , C,; TB ORD 8 ; 301 .
TB ORD 107 ; TB ORD 166 ; MWOORD Inspections , Preventive Maintenance Services — TM 3
34 -ton , 4 x 4 Power Plant - TM 9-1808A . 2810 .
112 - ton , 6 x 6 ( Dodge ) Power Plant - TM 9-1808A . Installation Instructions for Radio Sets—TB SIG 143 .
Boxed and unboxed motor, Storage, inspection , and Landing, Tracked
issue of - SB 9-63 .
Camouflage ( See also Camouflage ).
Cargo, maximum utilization -Cir 255-IX- 1945. LVT-TB ORD 198 ; MWO SIG 11-637-1 .
Chart of responsibilities-Cir 240-1944. LVT ( A ) ( 1 ) _TB 9-1728 FE1 .
Combat LVT ( A ) ( 1 ) —TB ORD FE 32 ; TB ORD 307.
General-Purpose and Special-Purpose, Powered by LVT ( A ) ( 1 ); LVT ( 2 ) , LVT ( A ) ( 2 ) -TB
Gasoline Engines, Gasoline to be used in 9-1775-1 .
Service --TB ORD 328 . LVT ( 2 ) _TB 9-1728 FE1.
VEHICLES — Continued VEHICLES — Continued
Landing, Tracked — Continued Ordnance - Continued
Armored_Continued Distribution-Cir 122 - VI - 1944.
LVT ( A ) ( 2 ) -TB ORD FE 32 ; MWO SIG 11 Electric Brake Controls—TB ORD 234.
600–7; TB ORD 307 ; TB ORD FE 32 ; TB Fluids for Jacks and Hoists-TB ORD 104.
ORD 307 ; TB 9-1728 FE1 . Fuel Systems—TB ORD 75.
LVT ( 4 ) and LVT ( A ) ( 4 ) —TB ORD 296 ; Instrument Panel Voltmeter - TB ORD 172.
TB 9-1775–1 ; MWO SIG 11-600-1 ; TB ORD Liquid Container Bracket - TB ORD 92.
307 ; TM 11-2756 ; TB ORD FE 32 ; TB ORD Lubrication-TB ORD 12, 60.
102 ; TB 9-1728 FE1 . Universal Joints—TB ORD 44.
MK I-TB ORD 118. Motor Transport, Classification - SB 9-53.
Mounting decontaminating apparatus , M2-TB
MK I LVT ( A ) ( 1 ) —TC 33 , 1944 ; LO 141 ; LO
9-775 ; MWO ORD G1-W14. ORD 161 .
MWO ORD G1-W30 ; MWO ORD G1 -W34 ; Mounting Universal Rifle Bracket—TB ORD 163.
MWO SIG 11-600–7 ; TM 9-1775 ; TM 11 Protection of Electrical Equipment against Cor
2752 ; TB 9-775-8 . rosion and rust-TB ORD 242.
MK I, LVT- ( A ) -1 and LVT- ( A ) -2 — TB ORD Rifle Bracket - TB ORD FE 6.
102 ; TM 9-775 ; TM 3-365. Rules and Regulations Governing Driving, com
MK I , LVT-2–TC 33 , 1944. mercial Driveway Companies—SB 9-15.
MK II-TB ORD 118 ; TM 9–775 ; MWO G1 Wheeled—TB ORD FE 25 .
W28. Electric Brake Control-TB ORD 234.
MK II , LVT ( A ) ( 1 ) -MWO ORD G1 -W14 . Installation of Pioneer Tool Bracket - TB ORD
FE 25.
MK II, LVT (A ) ( 2 ) -LO 9-775 ; TB ORD 102 ;
TM 9–1775; LO 9–775 ; TB 9-775–3; MWO Provision for a Lubricant passage on Universal
ORD G1-W14 ; MWO ORD G1 -W30 ; MWO joint Trunnion Ends — TB ORD 147.
ORD G1-W33 ; W34 . Power Train, Medium Tank M4, Towing Procedure
MK III , LVT ( A ) ( 31 ) _TB ORD 102. TB ORD 243.
MK IV LVT ( 4 ) —MWO G1- W28 ; TB ORD 307 ; Powered Ground Equipment - TM 9-2858.
MWO ORD G1-W33 ; MWO ORD G1-W34 ; Recovery, Elimination of Interference Between Boom
MWO ORD G1-W34 ; TM 9–776 ; TM 2756 ; Turret of Towed Vehicle — TB 9-738-FE3.
TB 9-776–3; LO 9-7775-1 ; TB 9-776 FE1 . Registration, Data-SB 9-27 ; 9–28.
MK IV LVT- ( A ) -4 — TM 11-2753 ; LO 9-775–2 ; Special Purpose-TB ORD 123.
MWO ORD G1-W14 ; MWO ORD G1-W30 ; ( Quartermaster) Requisition for Spare Parts—SB
• MWO ORD G1 -W33 ; MWO ORD G1-W34. 10-97 .
Cold Weather Operations—TB 9-775-6. Quartermaster Corps, Serviceability Standards for
LVT ( A ) ( 1 ) , LVT ( 2 ) , LVT ( A ) ( 2 ) , LVT ( 4 ) , Mounted Equipment - SB 10–233.
and LVT ( A ) ( 4 ) —TB ORD 296. With medium tank chassis using vertical volute sus
Unarmored pension-MWOORD G1-W24.
MK 1-MWO G1 -W28 . Specific, Transfer of Responsibility - SB 9-41.
MKI, LT - 1 and MKII, LVT - 2 – TM 11-2756 ; Standard, Preparation and Stowage, In One C -47 - A or
TM 9-1784 . C - 46 - D Cargo Plane — TB 9-765-FE1.
MK 2 LVT ( 2 ) -TM 9-1775 ; TB 9-775 ; TB Standardization, chassis and trailers—Cir 312–1-1943.
9–775–3 ; TB 9-775-5 ; MWO ORD G1-W14 ; Supply for administrative and tactical purposes-Cir
MWO G1-W28 ; MWO ORD G1-W30 ; MWO 139–1945 ; 139-1945 ; 361-IX-1945.
ORD G1-W33 ; MWO ORD G1-W34 ; MWO Tactical-FSMWO G1-W6 ; FSMWO G1 -W9.
ORD G167 -W1; TM 9- 1784B . Tank Recovery
MK III , LVT-3—TM 11-2755. M31 — TB ORD 22 ; TB ORD 222 ; TB 9-739–3; LO
MK IV, LVT ( 4 ) —MWO ORD G-W14 ; MWO 9-739 .
G1-W28 ; MWO ORD G1-W30. M31 , M31B1 , M31B2 — MWO ORD G1 -W18.
Laying Half -Track and Full-Track Removal, Inspection, M31 ( T2 ) -TB ORD 125 ; TB 5–272–4 ; TB ORD 112.
Classification Reconditioning and dispostion M32 — TB 9-738–3 ; TM 9-738 ; TB 9-738–2 ; TB 9
tracks and bogie wheels—TB ORD 130. 738-FE1 ; TB ORD 41 ; TB ORD 125 ; MWO
Limited volume transport, Noncommon-SB 9–60. ORD G1-W25 ; LO 9-738 ; TB 9-738 - FE3.
Maintenance Equipment-TM 9–1834A. M32B1-TM 9–738 ; TB ORD 222 ; TB 9-738-FE2 ;
Major Unit Assembly Overhaul-SB 9-36 . MWO ORD GK-W25 ; TB ORD 41 ; TB ORD
Marking -- TC 15, 1944. 125 ; TB ORD FE 35.
M32, M32B1 , M32B2, M32B3, M32B4 — MWO ORD
Medium Tank Chassis Equipped with Radical Gas En G1 -W18 ; TB ORD 116.
gines-SB 9-25 ; TB ORD 314. M32B2-TM 9-738 ; TB ORD 41 ; TB ORD 125 ; MWO
Military-TM 9-2800. ORD G1 -W22 ; MWO ORD G1 - W23 ; MWO
Rules governing loading-CTB 29–1945. ORD G1 - W25 .
Motor - TM 10-510. M32B3—TM 9-738 ; TB ORD 41 ; TB ORD 125 ; TB
Caution Tags—TB ORD 20 ; TČ 54, 1943. ORD 180 ; MWO ORD G1 - W25 .
Chassis, Body and Trailer Units - TM 10-560. M32B4 - TM 9-738.
Commercial, State limitations on sizes and weights M32 B4 ( T5E4 ) _ * TB ORD 125.
-CT Bull 37-1945 . T2—TB ORD 61 ; TB ORD 31 ; TM 9-739 ; TB 9
Inspection and Preventive Maintenance - TM 37– 1750G - 5 ; TB ORD 148 ; TM 11-2703; TB
2810 . 9–1750C-6 ; TB ORD 115.
Transfer case-TC 14, 1944. Towed, Boom of Recovery Vehicles and Turret, Elimina
Ordnance tion of Interference — TB 9-738 - FE3.
Combat and Transport-TB ORD 306 ; TB ORD 217 ; Tracked Landing Cold Weather Operation-TB 9-775-6.
TB ORD 218. Track - Laying
Cooling Systems — TB ORD 74. Driver's Qualifications for awards — 441–1–1944.
Correcting Windshield Defroster switch short circuit Operation - Cir 484-VII–1944 ; 86-III-1943 ; 484
-TB ORD 146. VII - 1944 .
Transport Accepting WD AGO Form 38 in lieu of VA Form 350a
Engine Valve Tappet Clearances—TB ORD 205. -Cir 376-III-1945.
Headlight Adjustment ( Aiming Procedure ) —TB Employment-Cir 388–1945.
* ORD 247 . Facility
Unit equipment–TM 9-834. Officers transferred-Cir 474–1944 .
Unserviceable military dispostion and replacement - Cir Transfer of insane patients — Cir 272 - V - 1944.
7-1944 . Field organization and its functions — Cir 354–1945.
Using Continental R975 - C1, R975 - C4, Engines—TB ORD Function of personnel, military installations - Cir 315
235 . VI-1943 .
Use, Government- owned Sec., VII, WD Cir 344, 1943 Medical records of personnel submitting pension claims,
and W850–29–43, rescinded-Cir VIII–1944. from separation centers-Cir 424–1–1944.
Utility, Armored Organization , functions, and addresses - Cir 354-1945 ;
M39 - LO 9-755 . 359-VII-1945 .
M39 ( 141 ) or T41E1 -- TM 11-2757. Rendering assistance effecting personnel separating
Weight and dimension limitations exceeded - Cir 119 from military service - Cir 308–1945 .
1945. Responsibility, .orthopedic special measurement shoes
Wheeled Cir 346 - IV - 1945 .
Driver Selection, Training and Supervision -- TM 21- Supplemental of The Servicemen's Readjustment Act of
300 . 1944 - Cir 336-1944 ,
Ordnance, Stake and Platform Bodies, Body Stake Transmittal of pension applications and related records
Socket Swage - TB ORD FE 37 . of officers -- Cir 474–1944 .
Tire lock Ring Removing Tool -TB ORD 168. X -ray files — Cir 150-VIII–1945.
Unit Replacement and Repair Time Guide—TB VETERANS EMPLOYMENT SERVICE :
ORD 173 . Address-Cir
VENDOR'S CERTIFICATE : Modification - Cir 113 -VII- 1945 ,
ment-Bull 10–1944.
Control rack-LO 3500A.
Amendment by act of Congress - Bull 9-III-1944 .
Intake - LO 3500A .
Increased pension for service-incurred disability-Bull
24 - X - 1944.
VERMIN : Control-WD Pam 5-1.
VETERINARIAN : Civilian , employment and compensation
Cir 68 - V - 1944.
Army, naming-Cir 237-11-1944.
Employment of marine civilian personnel-- Cir 169 - I- VETERINARY :
1945 .
Administration – TM 8-450.
Foreign quarantine-Cir 453–1944. Corps
Lease - Bull 27-1942 . Officers, transfer to and from AAF - Cir 349-II-1944 .
Mail to and from personnel - Cir 355 - IV - 1945 . Qualification questionnaire of officers - Cir 335– III
Service abroad , campaign medal — Cir 142-11-1945 . 1943 .
Stowaway, punishment therefor — Bull 6 - IV - 1944. Forage report , amended-Cir 66-III- 1945.
VESTS : Armor , M12 - TB ORD 311 . School, See Army veterinary school.
Advise of 5- day work week of Selective Service Board - All types , technical data-TB 5-9720-9.
Cir 372 - IV - 1945 . Concrete
Blind, furnished seeing-eye dog-Bull 9-1-1944. Pneumatic, Chicago Pneumatic, CP - 219--TM 5-4112;
Burial arrangements, Arlington National Cemetery-Cir 4122 .
325-11-1944. Ingersoll-Rand IV-TM 5-4152.
Civil Service Commission conferring a competitive Vane -type, air-driven, PV288, Mall Tool Co.- TM 5
classified Civil Service Status - Bull 21-1 4405.
1945 Hash , antenna system , AS– 81 / TR_MWO SIG 12.
Civil War, granting pension to unremarried dependent Pack, PP-68/U-TM 11-2648.
widows -Bull 24-XI-1944. Power supply, PP - 114 /VRC– 3 – TM 11-983.
Disabled, increase of Federal aid—Bull 25 - III - 1943. Radio Set AN /VRC - 3 - SB 11-59 .
Housing for distressed veterans with families -- Bull 12
XIII-1945. VICTORY LOAN DRIVE : Period 29 Oct to 31 Dec 1945
Cir 295-1945 .
Job placement accomplished at home community - Cir
308-1945 . VIEWFINDERS : PH-532/UF-TB SIG 159 ; MWO SIG
Letter, from Administrator of Veterans Affairs-Cir 11-2396-1 .
355-XII- 1945 .
Mentally disabled , mustering -out payment - Bull 1 -VIII- V -MAIL :
1945. Camera equipment, PH -545/ PF - TM 11-2312.
Pensions, disability rates-Bull 24 - VI- 1944 ; Bull 17– Change of address forms - Cir 483-IV-1944 ; 259-VI,
II-1945. VII-1945.
Period of eligibility on civil service registers extended Developing machine
Bull 11-1-1945. PH-512/GF-TM 11-2305.
Requests for information concerning retraining and re PH -413 - A - TM 11-2315.
employment - Cir 90 - VII - 1945 . Enlarger
World War I , Government protection to widows and PH - 285 - TM 11-2307.
children--Bull 25-VI- 1944, PH-511 / GF-TM 11-2306.
World War I and II, pension increase- Bull 9-VII-1944 . PH -542 /UF_TM 11-2300 .
World War II, Serviccmen's Readjustment Act-Bull 10- Light meter - TM 11-2313.
1944 ; 12 - XII - 1945 . Microfilming service discontinued-Cir 323-VII-1945.
V -MAIL - Continued VOLUNTEER : Enlisted men , duty with Infantry, Infantry
Paper cutter, PH -513 /GF - TM 11-2302. paratroops - Cir 278 - IV - 1944 .
Photography - WD Pam 11-5 . VOTING :
Projector, PH-543/UF-TM 11-2304. Military personnel - WD Pam 21-11 ; 21-12.
Recorders, PH-283, PH - 283 - Y - TM 11-2310. In elections, 1945–- Cir 487–1944.
Reader, PH-284—TM 11-2309. Soldier
Splicer, PH -544 /UF - TM 11-2303. Connecticut-Cir 220-1945.
Utilization encouraged - Cir 376-11-1944,
Disposition , records --Cir 448-IX-1944.
VICTORY IN EUROPE ( VE ) : Proclamation of the President Georgia-Cir 134 -XV - 1945.
-Bull 6–1945 . Illinois-Cir 220–1945 .
Louisiana - Cir 379-V- 1945.
VICTORY LOAN DRIVE : Period 29 Oct through 8 Dec 45— Massachusetts-Cir 220–1945 .
Cir 288-VIII- 1945. Michigan-Cir 123-XV-1945 .
VICTORY TAX : Final 1943 federal income tax returns New Jersey-Cir 134-XV-1945 ; 220–1945.
Ohio - Cir 134 - XV - 1945 ; 220–1945 .
Cir 63-1944 .
Pennsylvania-Cir 220–1945.
VIRGIN ISLANDS : Selective Training and Service Act, 1940 Vermont, Municipal and town elections-Cir 379–
-Bull 14-IV- 1944. V-1945 .
Virginia-Cir 134 - XV - 1945 ; 220-1945.
VIRGINIA : State election, military personnel voting-Cir Wisconsin - Cir 379-V-1945 .
VIRUS : Plants and animals , importation policy-Cir 43 Bill of lading numbers shown-Cir 223-VIII–1945.
IV-1945 ; 386-IV-1945. Classification - Cir 41-V-1945 .
VIRUS LABORATORY, ARMY MEDICAL SCHOOL : Speci Collection , for expenditure refunds-Cir 217-III-1945.
mens of blood and spinal fluid - Cir 237 -VIII Disbursement and collection—TM 14-225 ; 14-507 .
1944. Final payment, officers' pay and allowance accounts
Cir 328-IV-1945 .
VISE : Power, stand No. 422—TM 5-9010 . Local purchase—Cir 310 - VII – 1944.
Medicine on prescription, civilian-Cir 305 -XIV – 1945 .
VISION : Night, General principles of night vision — TC 40, Number, bureau, purchase or delivery orders-Cir 123
1945. XI-1945.
VISIT : Officers' traveling outside the United States , reimburse
ment- Cir 356-11-1944 .
Foreign nationals, military establishment_Cir 395–1944. Pay, officer personnel who certify their own-Cir 71 - V1
Mexico on furlough and leave-Cir 268-VIII-1945. 1945 .
· Military personnel outside United States—Cir 307-IV Reimbursement, travel expenses and allowances-Cir
1 1944.
445 - III - 1944.
VISUAL : Sea , signal training-TC 26–1945.
Aids-FM 81-8 ; 21-80 ; TC 36–1944 .
VULCANIZATION : Floats, pneumatic—TB ENG 27.
Ordnance Stock record card , use - Cir 207 - VII - 1945.
Identification, equipments - ÁN / VVX - 1 and ANVVX-IX VULCANIZERS :
-TM 11-393 . Full circle mold type -- MWO ORD J16 - W1.
Signaling, Combined ( V/S procedure) —TM 24-22 ; 24–23. Rubber cable portable, electrically operated, mines model
Use, manufactures and civilian agencies -Cir 101-IV VDIR4G-TM 5-4136 .
WAAC REGULATIONS : See Women's Army Corps.
Equipment, ringer packaged—TB 11-2021–1 . WAC : See Women's Army Corps.
Ringer, instructions, packaged equipment - TM 11-2021 .
Telephone repeaters-TM 11-2028 . WAGE ADMINISTRATION AGENCY : Wage matters of
War Department-Cir 333-VII-1944.
VOLKSWAGON : German - TM 9-803.
WAGE SCHEDULE : Extension of control authority, installa
VOLTAGE : tions in Hawaii-Cir 346-1-1944 .
Polarizing—MWO SIG 11-1122–1 . WAGONS :
Regulator, M1-TB 9-1618–1 . All Types , Technical Data-TB 5-9720-1 .
Cannon Transport, M1A1-LO 9–336.
VOLTMETERS: Dirt or Rock, Crawler-Mounted, Bottom -dump, 13 -cu. yd.
AC, installation in test set I - 209- B -- TB 11-2501-1 . Athey , Model E - 13 — TM 5–3002.
DC, Thermoelectric type, reclamation—TB 9-2830-45. Transport
Instrument panel, ordnance vehicles—TB ORD 172. M1A1 , M2A1 , and M3A1-TM 9-1341-B.
IS- 189—TM 11-1244 . M4 and M5 - TM 9-340.
TS-363 / U-TM 11-1239 . Cannon
Vacuum tube, precision model EV -10 -MCP - TM 11 M1A1_MWO ORD D33-W27 ; MWO ORD D33–
2653 . W31.
West, M772, type 6—TM 11-1204. M1A1, M2A1-LO 9-336.
M2 and M2A1-MWO ORD D31-W27 ; MWO
Electronic, Radio city products , Model 664—TM 11-2624. M4 - LO 9-340. • .

1-107- A , B , C , and D—TB 11–206D-1 . Carriage

TS - 294 / U and TS - 294B /U_TM 11-2624B. M3 and M3A1 - MWO ORD D31 -W27 .
Weston model 772 , Type 6—TB 11-1204–1 . M3A1-LO 9-336 ; MWO ORD D31 --W31; MWO
ORD D33 -W31; MWO ORD D33-W27 ; MWO
VOLT -OHM -MILLIAMMETERS: Moisture-resistant, per D ORD D31-W30 ; MWO ORD D33-W30.
166852 — TM 11-2042. M5 - LO 9-340.
WAITER : Dining cars, enlisted. personnel detailed - Cir 402– WAR DEPARTMENT PAMPHLET - Continued
I–1944. No.-Continued
WAIVER : Assignment of officers to oversea duty who are 11-1 , superseded by TM 14-707-Cir 469 - IV - 1944.
disqualified - Cir 196–1945. 11-4, including all changes, classification removed
-Cir 359-1-1945 .
WAKEMAN GENERAL HOSPITAL, IND.: Designation-GO 11-6, including changes, distribution-Cir 322–1945.
34-1-1944. 12-3 , amended - Cir 447-X-1.944 .
12-5 , 10 Mar 44 , rescinded-Cir 287-IX-1945 .
Canned and Dehydrated Fruits and Vegetables 12-5 , Records Administration, Disposition of Rec
ords - Cir 481-IV- 1944.
-SB 10-5 .
12–11, Expeditionary Force Message - Cir 84-1–1945.
WAR AVIATION COMMITTEE : Designation --GO 30-1 12-11 rescinded-Cir 315 - XII - 1945 .
1942 . 12-14, noncurrent clinical records, distribution
Cir 293-VI-1945.
WAR BONDS : See Bonds. 19-1 , classification changed-Cir 473 - III - 1944.
19–2 , classification changed -- Cir 473 - III - 1944.
WAR CONTRACT RECORDS : Records Administration pro 20-3, Guide to the use of Information Materials
gram , handling procedures-Cir 416–1944.
Cir 466-1-1944 .
WAR CRIME : Reporting procedure-Cir 256–1945. 20-5 , sec . III , par. 3 amended - Cir 159-II– 1944.
20-7 :
Amended-Cir 156-III– 1945 ; 314 - V - 1945.
Fiscal and disbursing stations-TM 14-711 . If You Should be Captured these are Your
Officers detailed to the Navy Department, travel agree Rights, rescinded - Cir 237-VII- 1945.
ment-Cir 366 - VII - 1945 . Troop Train Commander's Guide Cir 358 -IV
Reorganization-Bull 11-1-1942 ; Cir 59–1942. 1944 ; 446 - IV - 1944.
Replacement, Factors-SB 38-4 -WD. 20-11 , including C 1 , rescinded - Cir 64-X- 1945.
WAR DEPARTMENT BOARD OF CONTRACT APPEALS : 20-14 , Amended-Cir 314-V- 1945 .
Office of the Under Secretary of War, re 21-4, Information for Soldiers Going Back to Ci.
sponsibility -- Cir 279–1945. vilian Life - Cir 287-XI -1945 .
21-14, Rail Equipment Check List for Troop Com
WAR DEPARTMENT BUDGET OFFICE : Transfer — GO manders— 1945-Cir 169-VI- 1945 .
37-1-1943 . 21-16, “ So You've Got a Furlough "-Cir 467 -VIII

1944 .
See Bureau of Public Relations. 21-20, Venereal Disease Overseas - Cir 161 - II- 194.5.
21-21 , rescinded-Cir 169-V-1945 ,
WAR DEPARTMENT CIVIL APPROPRIATION ACT, 1943 : 21-22, rsecinded - Cir 169-V–1945.
Motor purchases—Cir 166–III–1943 , 21-31 , “ Two Down and One to Go"-Cir 130–1945.
28-1 , rescinded - Cir 274-V-1945.
WAR DEPARTMENT DISPOSITION CENTER : See Dis 28-8, What's Your Problem ?, distribution-Cir 237
position Center. V-1945 .
28-11D , Amended - Cir 381 - VII - 1945 .
28-12A , distribution-Cir 342-IV- 1943 .
“ C ” series superseded - Cir 90-II-1944. 28-17, What's Your Problem ?, distribution-Cir
237-V-1945 .
Budget office of War Department—GO 37-I-1943 . Amended-Cir 69-111–1945; 304-VII–1945 ; 363
Operations Division, responsibility for strategic and VI- 1945 .
operational plans-Cir 134 -VII -- 1944.
Symbols for communications - Cir 59–1942 . POR , amended-Cir 238 -III-1945 .
31-1A , classification changed-Cir 148–1945.
WAR DEPARTMENT GROUPS : Composition-Cir 19 - IV 31-216, classification changed-Cir 148–1945.
1945 ; 36-X-1945 ; 76-V-1945 ; 427-V-1944 ; 35-1 revision - Cir 195 - V - 1945 .
448-X- 1944. 38-1 , rescinded - Cir 231- III-1944 .
38-4, classification removed-Cir 331 -V-1945 .
REFERENCE : Establishment new medium- WAR DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL :
Cir 368-IX-1944. Reassignment Centers. See Reassignment centers.
Center. See Personnel Center .
brication Orders .
WAR DEPARTMENT MANUALS : See also manuals. matters-Cir 368-X-1944 .
Sale of restricted - Cir 401-11-1942 . WAR DEPARTMENT SAFETY COUNCIL : Abolished
WAR DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM : General Instruc Cir 305-VIII- 1945.
tions - Cir 307-XI- 1944.
See Modification Work Orders. ment - Cir 363 - V - 1945.
8-5 :
Separation center.
Amended - Cir 113 - IV - 1945 ; 121 - II - 1945 ; 139- WD TENTATIVE MANUAL OF POLICIES AND PRO
Procurement of Spectacles for Military and ALTY INVESTIGATIONS, PMGO : Super
Other Authorized Personnel-Cir 278 - VII seded by TM 30–218, 15 July 1944-Cir 357
1944. 1944 .

partment . Rotation policy, duty outside the continental United
WAR DEPARTMENT WAR SAVINGS BOND : Informa States—Cir 8-1-1945 ; 48-IV-1945.
tive Memorandum No. 3 rescinded - Cir 354 Temporary appointment
IX - 1944 . Women's Army Corps - Cir 462–1944.
Testing, Orthotolidine used-Cir 84-111-1945.
WAREHOUSE : Cold-storage Plants and Ice Plants, Inspec- Traveling with troop train , ration-Cir 400–1944 .
tion and Preventive Maintenance Services Trunk Lockers, Issue for Oversea Duty - SB 10–126.
TM 5-673. Voluntary enlistment of discharged - Cir 197-I-1944.
Employment, discharged attorneys - Cir 224-III-1943.
WARFARE : Service ribbons —Cir 328 - V - 1943 .
Attack - FM 31-50. Vessels, lease-Bull 27-1942.
Chemical Tactics - FM 3-5 . Vessels , naming — Cir 237-II- 1944.
Desert - FM 31-25 .
Jungle - FM 31-20 ; FM 72-20 ; TC 55–1942 . WASHERS :
Rules-FM 27-10.
Car, Model w-11A , 3HP., 208V., 60C ., 3HP. The Wayne

Pump Company-TM 5-9680.

Treaties Governing-TM 27-251. Laundry
Mountain-TM 5-279.
Snow-FM 31-15 . Metal , Hoffman – 42 x 96 - LO 10-U4 .
Troy - LO 10-351-1 .
Winter - FM 70–15. Maintenance and Operation, Quartermaster Fixed Laun
WAR HOUSING PROJECTS : Civilian, report of transfer dry Equipment - TB QM 43.
to the War Department-Cir 353-X-1944 . PH-240-A-TM 11-2398 ; LO 3882 ; SB 11-100-28.
Spacer, Spring Seat, 2202834-TB ORD 167 .
WAR INFORMATION : Titles and instructions, distribu- Steel, Hardened — TB 9-724-6.
tion-Cir 283-II-1945.
WAR LABOR BOARD : See National War Labor Board . All Types, Technical Data - TB 5-9720-10.
WAR MANPOWER COMMISSION : Clearance prior to ap Sand and Gravel, 75-ton per hour, Pioneer Model 412–
VW-TM 5–1102.
pointment in the Army Nurse Corps - Cir
32-1-1945 . WASHING MACHINE :
Domestic , supply to troops - Cir 265- V - 1944 ; 437 - V
Regional headquarters, deactivation-Cir 260-11-1945. Laundry, Domestic ( Thor ) -TM 10–1689.
Request, retention of records of controlled materials
plans - Cir 392-IV-1944. WASHINGTON, D. C.: Military personnel on duty, housing
accommodations - Cir 325-I-1944 .
Missing persons Act-Cir 305–1944. WASTAGE TOLERANCE : Reporting housing capacities
Payment at maturity - Cir 385-IV-1944. Cir 321 -V- 1944 .
Redemption before maturity - Cir 385-IV-1944.
WAR SAVINGS BONDS AND STAMPS : Pay Reservation Navigating, ( Ships' Chronometers ) Supply and Main
Plan-Cir 368 - III - 1942 . tenance - SB 55-17 .
Pocket - TM 9-1575.
WARRANT OFFICER : Stop - TM 9-1575.
Application , officer's appointment, Army of the United Wrist-TM 9-1575.
States — Cir 363-1-1944. WATER :
Appointment as clinical psychologists—Cir 235-11-1945. Cooling, Unit, RU - 2 - A - TM 11-801.
Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard, Glider, Poisoned, Treatment - TB 5-295-1.
Flight pay-Cir 367–V-1944. Sale to certain classes of personnel-Cir 361- VIII
Cargo security officer assignment - Cir 387-1–1944. 1945.
! Casualty, disposition of records — Cir 326–1–1944 ; 373–
1944 .
Supply, Ground, for Military Operations — TM 5-296.
1 Supply and Purification – TM 5–295.
Glider badge-Cir 220-IV-1944 .
Hospitalized, return to insular possession of the U. S. Supply Systems at Fixed Installations, Inspections and
Services — TM 5-661 ; TB ENG 71 .
Cir 259-VIII-1945 .
Testing, Bacteria, reporting - Cir 119-11-1943.
Identification card - Cir 82–1944 . Transportation – TM 10–380 .
Leave of absence, emergency extension-Cir 77-III–1944. In Gasoline containers - Cir 85-II-1944.
Oversea replacement system-Cir 147–1945. In Areas Where Amebiasis and Schistosomiasis are
Pay Hazards — TB MED 190.
Glider flights - Bull 14-III-1944 .
Status-Bull 14-1-1943. WATER DIVISION : Redesignation , Army Transport Serv
Pension applications transmitted to Veterans Adminis ice - Cir 234-III-1943 .
tration-Cir 474–1944 .
Physical reclassification - Cir 313–1945. WATER PURIFICATION UNITS :
Pilot training in officer grade, AAF-Cir 221-IV-1945 . Gasoline Engine-driven
Pregnant, discharge or release from active duty - Cir Portable, 15-gpm, Wallace and Tiernan, Model 1940
404 - III – 1944 . -TB 5–2000–1 ; TM 5–2000.
Regular Army, annual physical examination discontinued Truck-mounted, 75-gpm, Wallace and Tiernan , Mod
-Cir 217-V-1944. els 1938, and 1939 and 1940-TM 5-2030 ; TB
Rent, premises occupied by dependents, payment-Cir 5–2030–1 ; LO 1019 ; MWO ENG 2030–1.
390 - III - 1944. Stationary, 50-gpm, Wallace, Wallace and Tiernan
Report of separation - Cir 120 - V - 1944 . -TM 5-2066 ; TB 5-2066–1 .
638749 °_1630 465
Knockdown, A -5121071 - Form - U -6163. Wallace & Tier- Pilots-TM 1-230.
nan , Inc.-TM 5-2260. Trainees — TM 1-232.
Pressure-Type with Chlorinator, Stationary, 125 -GPM Protection, Radio Equipment RC-127 - A , RC - 145 - A ,
-LO 5-2332. RC-184, Antenna AN - 154 - A - TB SIG 156 .
Sterelators , Series 36000, Type U, High Pressure, Ever- Service, responsibility of AAF-Cir 250-1-1945 .
son Mfg. Co.-TM 5-2322 . Service, Restrictions on dissemination, weather informa
tion - Cir 346-VII-1944 .
WATERPROOFING : TB 11-1324-1 . Figures on bills of lading-CT Bull 11-111-1944.
Crawler Type Tractors, Deep -water Operation and Motor vehicles, limitations exceeded - Cir 119-1945.
Fording - TB ENG 73 . Shipping, vehicular, official - TB 9-2800-1 ,
Gas mask canister - TC 8, 1943 . Women's Army Corps - Cir 447-XIII–1944.
Generator Regulators, Auto -lite — TB ORD 329. Zoning, HE -Filled, 4.2-inch Chemical Mortar Shell M3
-TB 3-320-8.
Engineer Equipment – TB ENG 13 .
International T-9 Tractor - TB ENG 83 .
Military vehicles — TB 9-850-13 .
WEIGHT AND CUBAGE DATA : Medical Department, As
semblages and Organizations - SB 8-1 .
nation - GO 30-1-1945.
WATTMETER : Radio Frequency, TS -429 / TRC - 6 ( XC-3 )
-TB 11-631-1 .
WELFARE FUND : Control within continental United
WAVEMETERS : States — Cir 30-V- 1945 .
Lavoie Model , 105 - SM - TM 11-2558. WELFARE OF ENLISTED MEN : Funds, use and admin .
Test Set. See Test, Wavemeter . istration-Cir 34-1-1945.
WAYBILLS : Freight, use of Government- CT Bull 44- WELDER GENERATOR : See Generators.
WEAPONS : Electric Arc
Aircraft, muzzle covers, synthetic rubber - TB ORD 330. Gasoline-engine-driven
Antiaircraft, disposition by organizations moving over Dualarc , SK-200-TM 5–5350.
seas - Cir 110-1-1944. Hobart EW - 91 - TM 5-5482.
Shop Wheel Mounted , Hobart
Subcaliber Qualification Course-TC 11-1945 . GR-300-P—TM 5-5120 ; TM 5-5124 ; TM
Use for Close Combat-WD Pam 21-33 . 5-5126 ; MWO ENG 5120-1 .
Artillery GR - 300 - S - TM 5-5126 ; MWO ENG
Care of gas check pads - Cir 79-11-1944. 5120-1 .
Coast – TM 4-210.
Skid- Mounted , Hobart GR - 300 - S - TM 5-5120 ;
Automatic TB 5-5124-1 ; 5-5120-1 .
Antiaircraft - FM 4-102. Trailer -Mounted, Hobart Model GR-300-S-TB
Artillery ENG 84.
Employment - FM 44-2. Shop Wheel- Mounted , Hobart MR - 300 - P_TM 5
Fire Control--FM 44-51 ; FM 4-151 , 5118 ; TB 5-5124-1 .
Gunnery - FM 44–11 . Seam
Tracer Observation-WD Pam 23-1 .
Circular, Gear- Driven
Heavy, Company Rifle Regiment—FM 7-15. Type S2-24-CG, Federal-TM 5-4621.
Identification of Pneumatic Tires - SB 9-37. Type S2-24-LG , Serial Nos. 9755 to 9761 in
Infantry, Camouflage - FM 5-20A . clusive, Federal - TM 5-4618.
Invisible - WD Pam 20-13 . Circular, Knurl-Driven , S2-18-CKD, Federal— TM
Lethal , Mutilation of Unserviceable-SB 9-58. 5-4620 .
Lubrication marking-Cir 174-VI-1945 . Longitudinal, Gear-Driven
New or approved, responsibility for military application Type S2-24- LG, Series Nos.:
-Cir 333-XI- 1944 . 9560 to 9562, inclusive, Federal — TM j
Small-Arms, usage factors - SB 9-50. 9560 to 9562, inclusive, Federal - TM 5
Tank, course — TC 41–1944. 4616.
Trainer, machine gun, antiaircraft, M9 - Cir 230-1-1943. 9722, 9723, 9724, Federal-TM 5-4617 .
WEATHER : -FM 1-50. 9725 to 9727 , inclusive, Federal - TM 5
Air crew trainees-TM 1-231 . 4619.
Cold 9748 to 9754, inclusive, Federal—TM -
4623 .
Effect on Black Gas Mask Facepieces and Black
Gas Mask Hose, Methods for restoring pli Longitudinal Knurl Driven Type 82-24-LK . Serials
ability -- TM 9-205-15. 9388 to 9399, incl. - The Federal Machine &
Operations for Tracked Landing Vehicles—TB 9 Welder Co.-TM 5-4624.
775-5 , Spot-
Photography - TB SIG 189 . Federal
Elementary , for Air Crew Trainees - TM 1-231 . Foot Operated , Type RS- 12- F_TM 5-4622.
Flying safety-TC 31-1944 . Motor Operated, Type R5-24M , Serials Nos.
Freezing, Protection of Quartermaster Corps Laundry 9716 to 9718, incl.; 9728 to 9731 , incl .; 9736
Trailers - TB 10-351-3 . to 9738, 9742 to 9744 , incl .-TM 5-4625.
Observer's Handbook - TM 1-235 . Tournacar, LeTourneau, Inc.—TM 5-5348.
WELDING : -- TM 1-430. WIFE-Continued
Cleaning, Combustible Materials—TB 9-2852–1 . Women's Army Corps personnel , members of armed
Equipment forces, assignment regulations-Cir 462–1944.
All Types, Technical Data - TB. 5-9720-14.
Set No. 2, Oxyacetylene Cutting WILLS :
Smith Welding Equipment Co.-TM 5-4100. Military personnel-Cir 97–1944 .
Air Reduction Sales Company-TM 5–4102. Employment in same oversea base, regulations-Cir
125-II- 1945 .
Steel, straightening — TB ENG 25.
Theory and Application–TM 9-2852. WILLIAMPERMETER : -TM 8-624 .
Under -water - TB ENG 49.
Equipment, Smith Welding Equipment Corporation , All Types, Technical Data-TB 5-9720-11.
Model F-9731A-TM 5-540-7 . Barrage Balloon, Portable
Set, Airco, Styles 9803, 9803, 9953, Air Reduction Sales Low Altitude, Wilson, U. S. Type, Model W-3 M
-TM 5-4102. 11-TM 5–7070 ; TB 5-7070-1 .
Very Low Altitude
WELFARE OF ENLISTED MEN : Funds provided-Bull British Type, Mark VII, Hand Operated—TM
27-1942 . 5-7066 .
WELL DRILLING : Frank or Benson , Model M-1 , Power Operated
-TB 5-7090-1.
Machine, Percussion-Type, Skid -Mounted , Gasoline En
gine -Driven, Star, Model 71-MWO ENG Braden, CV-3675501_MWO ORD G85-W14.
2002–1 ; TM 5–2002; TM 5–297. CV-3677698-MWO ORD G85-W14 .
Rotary-Type, Skid-Mounted, Gasoline Engine 2 -ton , No. 2-MWO ORD G85-W14 .
Driven, Failing, Model 314—TM 5-2024. Single Drum
Transportation -TB 5-297-1 . Front Mounted , Allis -Chalmers, Model HD10W
MWO ENG 787-1 .
WEST COAST PROCESSING CENTER : Absentees or de Nonreversible , Rear-Mounting Evans ECC — TM 5
serters returned - Cir 66-1-1945. 9556 .
Towing Model
WEST POINT : See United States Military Academy. 7DN, for Catterpillar D7 Tractor, Williamette
WEST PALM BEACH , FLA.: Marine repair facilities, Hyster Co.-TM 5-9150 .
classified , class III installation - Cir 477- IV DON, for Catterpillar Tractor D6, Williamette
1944. Hyster - TM 5-9152.
Tractor Mounting, Reversible Hyster, Model D4A
diction-Cir 183-1-1944 . Tractor Mounting, Reversible, Model D8N-TM 5
9302 .
W / FUZE :
M48 mods or M51A4 - FT 75- BB- 1 . Direction and Speed systems—TM 11-424 .
M53 , M52A1B1 , M52B1-FT 81 -C-3. Equipment
M57-FT 75 - BB - 1. AN/ GMQ-1-LO 3101 ; TB 11-429-1 .
M62A1-FT 75-BB-1 . Indicating, Selsyn Type — TM 11-2314.
T78 ( M84 ) -FT 81-V-1 . SCM-20-A, and Wind Equipment-AN/G, G-14TM
11-429 .
WHEEL HUBS : Reclamation—TB 9-2830-87. Transmitter-ML-203A and ML-203B-LO 3101 .
WHEEL JACKS : See Jacks, Wheel . WINE :
WHEELS : Sale on premises used for military purposes-Cir 381
VII-1944 .
Bogie, Installation of Lubricating Fittings, Carrier, Transportation - Bull 1-1-1943.
Cargo, M29 , M290—TB 9-772-FE4.
Bomb Service Truck M6 —— TM 9-1765A. “ WINGED VICTORY " : Motion picture - Cir 432–II–1944.
Light Tank, D34910, Reelamation – TB 9-2830-24. WINTER WARFARE : FM 70-15 .
Medium Tank, D37916, Reclamation—TB 9-2830–50. WIPERS :
Model 7D8 Athey Logging Cruiser-TM 5-9736 . Windshield
WHIRLER : Plate, Lithographic- Offset, Motor-Driven , 110 Adjustable Tension-Type-TB 9-803-FE2.
Volt, 60-Cycle, AC, Table -Mounted , · 225/8 x Vacuum-Type, Installation—TB 9-803-FE8.
23- in . , Pitman, Model AW-101-TM 5-6044 . WIRE :
WHITE PASS RAILWAY : Commanding General, N.W. Chief's, Testing Cabinet BE-70-A , -B , -C -D , -E , -F ,
Service Command, responsible-GO 15 - I -G, -H, -J, -K, -L, -M , -N , -P, -Q , -R, -S,
1943. -U, -AA , and -AB-TM 11-345 .
WIDOW : Communication, Open-Wire Transpositions - TB SIG_73.
Civil War veteran, granting pensions to unremarried
Construction , Open , for fixed Plant Application—TM
11-2253 .
dependent - Bull 24-XI- 1944 . Dispenser MX-301 /G-TB SIG 150 .
Deceased World War I Veteran , Government protection Field
-Bull 25-VI-1944.
Captured Enemy, Description and Use—TB SIG
Veterans of World War I and II, pension - Bull 9 -VII E15.
1944 .
Construction Truck, Accessory Equipments—TB
WIFE : SIG 97.
Enlisted man , Hospital and infant care - Bull 1–1943 ; Instructions for tying and use of weave tie—TB
Bull 9-IV -1944 . SIG 121 .
WIRE-Continued WOMEN'S ARMY CORPS-- Continued
Field-Continued Discharge
Laying Under Water-TB SIG 176. Because of minority-Cir 96 - VI - 1944 .
Systems-FM 24-20. Of enlisted women-Cir 46-11-1945.
Message, Tax, exemptions — Cir 164-V-1945. When husbands are separated from service - Cir
Notice 187-IV- 1945 ; 253-111-1945.
Shipment to ports of embarkation - Cir 50-V-1945. Disciplinary control Cir 61-VII-1945.
Shipments to Government consignees — Cir 209 - I Disposal of discontinued items-Cir 6-11-1945.
1945 . Duties in Army hospitals - Cir 71-VII- 1945 ; 121 - IV
Tactical 1945 ; 129-VI-1945 .
Long -Range, W-143—TB SIG 101 . Enlisted women , assigned after training-Cir 164 - VII
Repair Instructions—TB SIG 96. 1945 .
W-130 ( light field wire) Spool DR-8-1 ) -SB 11-60. Establishment - Bull 12-11-1943 .
Family allowances to dependents - Bull 21-1943 ; 310
WIRING : Electric-TB 5-283-2. 1943 .
First Training center, Fort Des Moines, Iowa , discon
WIRELESS SET : Model 94, Mark 5, Japanese Radio Set tinued - Cir 277-XVI -1945 .
TB SIG E19 . First WAC Training Center - Cir 60-VI-1945.
General staff training for officers - Cir 239-1945 .
WISTERIA ( EX WILLIAM OSLER ) : Designated as hos Good Conduct Medal-Cir 36-11-1944 .
pital ship - GO 40-11-1944.
Grade reduction prohibited, oversea orders-Cir 462
WITNESS : 194 4.
Military personnel Guide, Monthly Menu Adjustment - SB 10-155.
Before civil tribunals - Cir 350 - X - 1944. Hairdressers - Cir 120- IX-1944 ; 462–1944.
Wills-Cir 97-1944.
Individual clothing and equipment Record ( Form 732 ) —
“ W ” MEMORANDUM : General instructions - Cir 307 - XI Cir 476-IX-1944.
1944. Leave granted when husbands are on furlough-Cir
WOMEN'S : Legal advice and assistance-Cir 73–1944.
Life-WD Pam 35-3 .
Athletic activities, Army groups, conduct policy - Cir
282-VIII-1944 . Marriage, discharge-Cir 372 -III- 1945 .
Clothing and Uniforms, Catalog -- SB 10–160. Maternity care-Cir 179-111–1944 ; 292-II–1945.
Diseases, Trichomonas, Vaginalis, Vaginitis–TB MED 8.
Employees, pregnant, protection in Army -owned in Combined with enlisted men-Cir 17-III- 1945 .
dustries - Cir 288-IV-1944 . Utilization of personnel Cir 462–1944 ; 76 - VI- 1945.
Oversea Resale Clothing Items, listed in Supply Bulletin Mobilization training program - Cir 301-VI-1944 ; 170
10–160 - SB 10-225 . III- 1945 .
Overseas, Venereal Diseases—WD Pam 35-4 . M / T 35-2122 and M /T 35-2137 rescinded - Cir 162 - X
1944 .
Regular and Protective Clothing, Size Tariff's-SB 10
203 . Officers
Accrued leave-Cir 24-IX-1944 .
WOMEN'S ARMY AUXILIARY CORPS (WAAC ) : A Guide to Successful Leadership-Pam 35–2.
Campaign medals, current war - Cir 62–1944. Assignment and instructions, Far Eastern Civil
Fifth Training Center, discontinued - Cir 145-1-1943. affairs - Cir 462–1944 .
Insignia to denote oversea service-Cir 268–1944. Pension applications and related records transmitted
Investigations - Cir 20-V-1943. to Veterans - Cir 474-1944.
Lapel button issued to honorably discharged - Cir 311- Participation in theatrical performances - Cir 212 - VI
V- 1945, 1945 .
Service not counted in computing longevity pay -- Cir 64- Patient's clothing while on wards—Cir 355 - XI - 1945.
I-1945 ; 64-II-1945. Personal appearance - Cir 462-1944.
Training Center, Fort Devens, Mass., discontinued --Cir Personnel Administration School, rescinded 8 Nov 45
177 - II - 1943. Cir 298 - XII - 1945 .
Personnel returning from oversea, clothing and equip.
WOMEN'S ARMY CORPS : ment- Cir 72-1945.
Age limit for enlistment- Cir 156 - IV -1945 . Physical Profile serial system in MR-1-9, 22 May 44,
Appointment does not apply - Cir 98-VI- 1945.
Army Nurse Corps, Medical Department - Cir 462- Physical
1944 . Reclassification of officer - Cir 313–1945 .
Army of the United States, officers — Cir 77 - III Standards - Cir 462-1944 .
1945 . Therapists training, instruction rescinded - Cir 192
Second Lieutenants in the Sanitary Corps - Cir 462 VI - 1945 .
1944. Pregnancy, discharge or release from active duty _ ('i1
Training as physical therapy aides-Cir 462-1944. 404-911–1944 ; 209 - IV - 1945 .
Assignment Preparation of WD AGO Form 43 prior to oversea
Officer candidate school graduates - Cir 462–1944. movement - Cir 447- II -1944 .
Officers to oversea duty - Cir 462-1944. Public relations group established-Cir 204–VIII– 1944.
Theaters of operations-- Cir 462–1944. Recreational and entertainment activities-Cir 30-11
Civil affairs, assignment - Cir 462-1944 ; 83-1945. 1944 .
Clothing Recruiting Station, Neuropsychiatric Exam - TB MED
Allowances-Cir 193-11-1945 . 100 .
Standards of classification and procedure for utili- Regular and Protective Clothing, Size Tariffs - SB 10
zation-Cir 71-1-1945. 203 .
Supply and maintenance - Cir 311 - V - 1944 ; SB 10– Regulations - Cir 462–1944 .
262. Release and appointment as MD physical therapists
Conduct, personnel on public carriers - Cir 199–1945. Cir 462-1944 .
Restrictions on duties-Cir 462–1944. Combat, enlisted men, assignment, insular possession of
Return from overseas when husbands return on rota United States-Cir 349-1-1944.
tion or for disability-Cir 47-V- 1945 . Combat, special provisions in regard to release from
Roster and requisition , linguists-Cir 300-IV-1943 . active duty-Cir 290–1945 .
Separation centers designated, personnel transferred- In Action , Seamen returned on Army transports and
Cir 387-IV-1944. hospital ships—Cir 280-11-1943.
Separation from service WRECKERS :
National Civilian Advisory Committee assisting in 4-ton, 6 x 6 Diamond T-TB ORD 10–1607-1 .
future plan-Cir 278-X-1945. WRENCHES :
Retention of clothing and equipment-Cir 272–1945 . Fuze, M7A1-TB ORD 76.
Signatures—Cir 462–1944. Valve-Removing, M1 , CWS No. 643510, Serviceability
Social hygiene course-Cir 260-VI-1945 . Standards - SB 3-25-47 .
Staff and administrative organization-Cir 462–1944. Valve-Removing, M1 , CWS No. 643510—SB 3-25-47.
Stockings, distribution-Cir 76 - IV - 1945 ; 287-VII-1945. WUCHERERIA : See Filariasis ( WUCHERERIA) .
Strength prescribed-Bull 17–1–1943 . X-RAY :
Students at ASF schools-Cir 271-1945 . Apparatus, electrical requirements, in field or temporary
Training Center, First, Iowa, functions—Cir 31-VI-1945. installations — TB MED 117 .
Training in basic medical subjects-Cir 146-VI-1944. Field, Film Processing Equipment, Items 9611500 ,
Transfer, Enlisted Reserve Corps - Cir 117–1944. 9611700, 9605500 — TM 8-629.
Sex Hygiene Course - Pam 35-1 . Field Unit
Uniform Fluoroscopic , foreign body, localization , complete
Allowances-Bull 12-11-1943 . item 9621500—TM 8–633 ; MWO MED 2.
Hospital duty-Cir 255 -- X - 1945. Generator, Preventive Maintenance Services - TB
Red Cross, Nurses' Aide - Cir 86-IV-1944. MED 127 9606000 Item -- TM 8-630 .
Use of weapons or arms—Cir 163-VI-1944. Films
Utilization of personnel-Cir 462–1944 . Conservation-Cir 140-XV-1945.
Variety Nights, “ Curtain Going UP ” -WD Pam Files of military personnel-Cir 150-VIII –1945.
28-13A . Fluoroscopic—TB MED 22.
Venereal disease regulations-Cir 172-IV-1944 ; 462– Machine, dental-TM 8–634 ; 8-632.
1944 . Roentgenography - TB MED 62 .
XX BOMBER COMMAND : Commanding officer authorized
Badges representing qualification in arms pro to appoint general courts martial-GO 2-II-
hibited-Cir 462-1944 . 1944 .
Civilian Bridal apparel-Cir 86-IV-1944. YANK :
Red Cross nurses ' aide uniform - Cir 86 - IV
1944 . Army Weekly newspaper, publication discontinued — Cir
292-IX -1945 ,
Utility bag - Cir 287 - IV - 1943. The Army Weekly-Cir 466-II-1944.
Weight, maintenance-Cir 447-XIII- 1944 . YEAST :
WOMEN'S ARMY CORPS GROUP : Establishment within Compressed , QMC Contracts, Fiscal year 1945–SB 10
Bureau of Public Relations-Cir 204 - VIII 94 .
1944 .
Compressed, QMC Contracts, Fiscal year 1946 – SB 10
report, WACs disqualified as oversea replace- YUGOSLAVIA : Medical and Sanitary Data-TB MED 73.
ments-Cir 61 -VI-1944 . YUKON RAILWAY : Commanding General , N.W. Service
WOODWORK : Aircraft-TM 1-414. Command, responsible - GO 15–1–1943 .
WOODWORKING : Tools—TB 5-9720-7 . Administrative procedure, construction, maintenance
WORKBOOKS : Laboratory, for TM 11-466, Radar Elec Cir 58–1943 ; 62-IX-1943; 159-VI-1943 ; 182
1-1943 .
tronic Fundamentals—TM 11-466-LAB .
Artificial eye program-Cir 398–1–1944.
WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE : Civilians Field Rations, issue-Cir 383-III–1944.
paid from nonappropriated funds-Cir 366–
III – 1945 . Fire protection, War Department installations — Cir 190
1944 ; 307-V-1944 ; 401–1944 .
WORK WEEK : Hospital facilities – Cir 316–1943 .
Forty -eight hours, revocation - Bull 17-1-1945. - Hospitalization and evacuation of personnel-Cir 140
Veterans to be advised of 5-day work week of Selective 1944 ; 105-11-1945 .
Service Boards—Gir 372-IV-1945 . Personnel strength tables for hospitals—Cir 209–1944 .
WORLD WAR I : Veterans, increase of disability pay-Bull Regional and convalescent hospitals designated-Cir 115
9-VII-1944 . 1-1945 .
WORLD WAR II : Replacement factors and days of supply, unit of measure
Disability pay for veterans increased-Bull 9-VII-1944. for establishing over-all reserve level-Cir
Military history, procedure for publishing—Cir 64 - VIII 375-IV-1944.
1945. Resale of prophylactic items by Army exchanges-Cir
Official designation-GO 80-I-1945.
Veterans, aid for readjustment in civilian life-Bull 10– Service, Officers length of duty status-Cir 381- IV
1944. 1945 .
Victory Medal : General provision-Cir 326-VIII–1945 ; Supply procedures—Cir 5-IV-1945.
345-IX-1945 . Track-laying vehicles—Cir 484-VII–1944.
VORLD WAR VETERANS' ACT, 1924 : Amended-Bull 6– Transfer, counterintelligence functions-Cir 324–1943.
1-1943 . Transportation-TM 55-205 .
ZONE MASTER : Railroad equipment, maintenance - Cir
VOUND : 447-VII-1944 .
Tablet Packet -- TC 10–1944 .
Treatment, Sulfonamide Therapy-Cir 160-V-1945. U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1946-658749.4
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