TP Syllabus
TP Syllabus
TP Syllabus
This course will teach you Fundamentals of data collection, data analysis, forecasting, design,
drafting, evaluation, estimating and costing, management and maintenance of different components of
Transpiration System. Details of the curriculum is presented in the sections below.
Transportation engineering is the application of technology and scientific principles to the planning,
functional design, construction, operation, maintenance and management of facilities for any mode of
transportation in order to provide safe, efficient, rapid, comfortable, convenient, economical, and environmentally
compatible movement of people and goods transport. The facilities support air, highway, rail, road, pipeline, water
transportation. The design aspects of transportation engineering include the sizing of transportation facilities how
many lanes or how much capacity the facility has, determining the materials and thickness used
in pavement, designing the geometry (vertical and horizontal alignment) of the roadway or track. Operations and
Diploma in Civil Engineering 2020-21 C20
management involve traffic engineering, so that vehicles move smoothly on the road or track. Transportation
engineering emphasizes on Road safety and assess environmental and health impacts.
Pre-requisites: Pre-requisite
Before the start of this specialization course, you would have completed the following courses;
In the 1st year of study, you would have studied Engineering Mathematics, Communication Skills, Civil Engineering
Graphics, Statistics & Analysis, Basic IT Skills, Basic Surveying, Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering, Project Management skills, Construction Materials, Environmental Sustainability.
In the 2nd year of study, you would have studied Engineering Mechanics and Strength of Materials, Modern
Surveying, Construction Techniques, Building Drawing using CADD, Concrete Technology, Building Estimating and
valuation, Site Management, Design and detailing of RCC structures.
In this year of study, you shall be applying your previous years learning along with specialized field of study into
projects and real-world applications.
31. Cohort owner shall guide the cohorts for the execution of mini project.
Course outcome: At the end of the semester students will be able to,
Conduct Survey, investigate subgrade soil and test pavement material for its suitability and Prepare
Geometric design, required for the alignment of road construction.
Suggest suitable pavement construction methodology , Prepare Pavement design ,mix design , surface
drainage system design , select suitable equipment/ machinery for road construction and take
required safety precautions during road construction and Estimate the operational and annual cost of
highway project with skills of highway financing and recommend suitable maintenance method
Study the traffic flow and behavior of vehicular movement at intersection, Signals and importance of
CO3 signs and markings, conduct accident analysis ,road safety auditing and Assess environmental and
health impact
Compare between different types of railway systems with Local Bus transport system and
CO4 differentiate between different modes of transportation system( surface, water and air) and suggest
suitable transportation structure for the transportation project
CO5 Select the appropriate tools, production environment and deploy the model.
Provisions :
1. Set out simple curve by 1. Set out Reverse Curve between Two Parallel Lines
Rankine’s method using Total by Deflection Angle Method using Total Station in
Station in field field
2. Set out Compound curve by
2.Setting out Curves- Review of results and
Rankine’s method using Total
corrective action
Station in field
1 3 2 1. Cross Sectional elements –Cross 1 3 1.Drawing and detailing of typical Cross section of 3
slope or Camber, Width of roads
carriage way, Medians, Kerb,
2. Road Margins : Shoulders, guard
rail, Foot path, drive way, cycle • Cross Section in Embankment
track, parking lane, bus bay, • Cross Section in Cutting
frontage roads and embankment • Cross section of VR or ODR in embankment
slopes, cut slopes in rural area
3. Right of Way or Width of • Cross section of MDR in cutting in Rural area
Formation: Factors affecting • Cross section of two lanes in city in Urban
Right of way area
Case Exercise: Refer the following
1 3 3 1.. Factors affecting SSD and OSD, 1 3 1.Numerical problems on cross sectional elements, 3
Standard values of SSD and OSD for types of sight distances and elements of horizontal
different design speed as per IRC alignment
,Expressions for calculating SSD and OSD,
Overtaking zones
2. Numerical Problems on design of elements of
horizontal alignment as per IRC 38
2.Elements of Horizontal Alignment –
Objectives and Expressions for the
• Design speed
• Type of Curve provided
• Super elevation
• Water content
• Specific gravity
1. Flexible Pavement layers –
• Particle Size distribution
Subgrade, Sub base, Base course,
• Consistency limits
Surface course, Wearing course
2. Soil as Subgrade layer - Application • Insitu Density
of Soil Mechanics in Road
Construction 2.Soil Classification Systems: IS classification system and
HRB classification
3. Three Phase system of Soil, Water
Content, Density, Unit weights,
Specific Gravity, Void Ratio, Porosity 3. Numericals on determining index properties and soil
and Degree of Saturation, its classification by IS system and HRB systems
functional relationships
2. Conduction of experiment to
determine Specific Gravity in the 3. Conduction of field experiment on
given sample of soil determination of In-situ Density of soil by Core
Cutter method / sand replacement method
3. Conduction of experiment to
Case Exercise :
determine Particle Size Distribution
in the given sample of soil by Dry Importance of soil testing for Index properties in
Sieve analysis determining type and behavior of soil for road
5 CIE 1– Written and practice test Assessment Review and corrective action 3
Case Exercise :
Case Exercise :
5 CIE 2– Written and practice test Assessment Review and corrective action 3
6 2 1,3 1 1.Peer review on industry class 4 Design of Flexible Pavement: (IRC 37 2018) 2 1
• Wheel load
• Design period
• Design traffic
• Temperature differential
• Characteristics of Subgrade
and Sub base
• Drainage layer
• Characteristic strength and
Fatigue behavior of Concrete
• Calculation of stresses
• Pavement Maintenance
• Highway Finance
• Economic Evaluation
1,2 7 3 • Observe and Study about Constructional aspects and methodology for sub grade, sub base, base,
bituminous coarse / concrete pavements
1,2 7 4
• Observe and Study different types of Equipments, Machineries and Rollers used
• Observe and Study the Safety precautions taken during Pavement Construction
• Collect the data about Project details like Type of Soil and its investigations, Pavement materials used
and tests conducted , Preparation of pavement layers, setting / curing period and special techniques if
Preparation of Report on Site visit
5 CIE 3– Written and practice test Assessment Review and corrective action 3
3.Traffic Markings
3 7 3 Project 2 : Field visit: Visit Passive Control. Semi control and Active Control Intersections. –traffic survey 14
3 7 4
Observe and Study the following and prepare a report
• Flow of traffic
• Traffic rules followed by people using different modes of vehicles
• Different types of signs used and their characteristics
• VISSIM Software
1,2,3 7 1 1. Peer review on industry class 4 Project 3 : Proposal of New Highway Alignment
Project – Survey, Drawings and Report
2.Progress review of Project 2
Field Survey - Terrain to be chosen for survey
such that it should include vertical & Horizontal
9 1,2,3 7 2 1.Field Survey - Terrain to be chosen for survey such that it should include vertical & Horizontal curve 28
• Index plan
• Plan showing alignment with Horizontal Curves of road
• L.S & C.S of Road at different chainages as per IRC standards (Report should justify the selected
alignment with details of all geometric designs for horizontal curve and Vertical curves proposed,
traffic and design speed assumed.)
• Typical Cross Section of Road as per Pavement Design
• Block leveling @ the lowest level or valley curve placing Culvert – Cross Drainage works
o Half plan at top & half plan at foundation.
o Half sectional elevation, half front elevation.
o Half Cross section @centre half Cross section @ abutment
3.Quantity surveying
• Field sample of soil to be collected and laboratory and insitu experiments to be conducted to
determine the Index and engineering properties of soil- Subgrade and results to be reported
• Based on Pavement design for type of pavement proposed – Pavement materials to be laboratory
tested and results to be reported
• AUTOCAD Drawings
• Geometric Design geometric designs for horizontal curve and Vertical curves proposed
• Pavement design for type of pavement proposed
• Details of Cross Drainage work proposed
• Soil Investigation Report
• Pavement Material Testing Report
5 CIE 1– Written and practice test Assessment Review and corrective action 3
Introduction to Bridges
4 6 4 Assignment 2 : Report the following 4 CASE STUDY 1 : Conduct a case study on the 3
construction procedure of the following and
prepare a report
1. Cities/ Places in India where
1. Grade separators
Harbours and Airports are
• Flyover – Underpass
• Flyover – Overpass
2. Important features ,Purpose
• Interchange
and benifits of those harbours
2. Retaining wall in highways
and airports situated in
different cities of India
3. Project Completion Cost of
those Harbours and Airports
situated in different cities of
4. Types of Airports and
Harbours situated in India
5 CIE 1– Written and practice test Assessment Review and corrective action 3
• Public Transport
• Services and Freight
3,4 5,6 Audio- Visual Presentation on 2 2 CASE STUDY 2 : Conduct a case study on the 3
following and prepare a report
• Accident analysis
1. Step wise procedure followed
• Road safety auditing
in the road safety auditing
• Environmental and Health Impact
2. General and Formal
assessments of transportation systems
• Sustainability – Reclaimed Asphalt
3. Importance of Monitoring and
Pavement , Usage of alternative
Evaluation of road safety by
materials in road construction
4. Environmental Impact
assessment and Health Impact
Assessment of transportation
Internship Project
e) Secondary research on various e) Identification of the problem
industries and their operations to statement (from at least 3 known
13 identify at least 3 companies along with problems) the students would like
the areas of work interest and develop to work as part of the project –
an internship plan that clearly either as provided by faculty or as
highlights expectations from the identified by the student. Document
industry during the internship. the impact the project will have
f) Design and develop a cover letter for an from a technical, social and
internship request to all 3 identified business perspective.
companies and the resume to be f) Design and develop the project
submitted to potential companies. solution or methodology to be used
Prepare for an internship interview to to solve at least one of the problems
highlight your interests, areas of study, identified.
career aspirations and personnel Prepare a project plan that will include
competence – including the areas of a schedule, WBS, Budget and known
learning you expect to learn during risks along with strategies to mitigate
internship. them to ensure the project achieves the
desired outcome.
Note: Saturday session from 9 AM -2 PM
Sl No Description Marks
1 Project report 10
2 Project presentation 10
3 Viva voce 10
Total 30
Instructions to students:
Students will have the opportunity to update their final report submission for SEE 2 post CIE 6 in order to enable them to address the feedback received
during their CIE 6 assessment and also work towards achieving the desired project/case outcome.
1 Case submission 20
2 Case presentation 20
3 Case innovation 20
4 Result 20
5 Viva voce 20
Total 100
5 4 3 2 1 Student Score
Identifies and Identifies and
Identification Identifies and Identifies and Identifies limited
understands all understands most
of the main understands some understands a few issues
the main issues of the main issues 5
issues / of the issues in the of the issues in the in the problem
in the problem in the problem
problem problem statement problem statement statement
statement statement
Insightful and Superficial analysis
Analysis of the thorough of some of the issues Incomplete analysis No analysis of the
analysis of most 4
issues analysis of all the in the problem of the issues issue
of the issues
issues statement
Comments on
reasoned and Appropriate, well
solutions /
pedagogically thought out Little and/or
strategies (The Superficial and / or
appropriate comments about inappropriate No action to all
solution may inappropriate
comments on solutions, or solutions to all of issues in the
be in the solutions to some of 2
solutions, or proposals for the issues in the problem
problem the issues in the
proposals for solutions, to most problem statement
statement problem statement
solutions, to all of the issues in the statement
already or
issues in the problem statement
proposed by
research into the
Good research and
Links to course issues with Limited research
documented links Incomplete No research or
learning and clearly and documented
to the materials research and links links to any 3
additional documented links to any
read during the to any reading. reading
research links to course readings
learnings and
Total 14/20
Evaluati Studen
on t
5 4 3 2 1
ers Score
Clear flow of
ideas Most ideas flow Hard to
Very clear and concise flow No flow in the
Demonstrates but is lost at times follow the
of ideas Demonstrates presentation
Delivery & interest in the Limited evidence flow of ideas
passionate interest in the Poor 4
Enthusiasm topic and of interest in and Lack of
topic and engagement with presentation
class / examiner engagement engagement with enthusiasm
with class / the topic and interest
Limited use of Poor visuals used
Visuals augmented and and some visuals
Use of visuals visuals loosely No use of
Visuals extended comprehension of are not easy to 2
related to the topic related to the visuals
the issues in unique ways understand its
Uses stage effects
such as props, Limited use of
Uses stage effects such as
sound effects, and stage effects
props, sound effects, and
speech and/or used in a
speech modulation in a
modulation in an manner that did
unique and dramatic No use of stage Poor stage effects
Staging effective manner not enhance the 5
manner that enhances the effects usage
to extend the understanding of
understanding of the
understanding of the issues in the
issues in the problem
the issues in the problem
problem statement.
Questions and
Questions and
Excellent and salient discussions
Involvement discussions
discussion points that addressed Little or no
of the class / addressed
elucidated material to important attempt to Did not engage
Examiners important
develop a deep information that engage the the class /
superficial issues
• Questions understanding Appropriate developed class / examiner and 1
of the problem
• Discussion and imaginative activities understanding examiner in poor listening
statement Limited
s used to extend Appropriate demonstrating skills
use of activities to
• Activities understanding in a creative activities used to their learning
manner clarify
Total 12/20
Evaluation 5 4 3 2 1 Student
Parameters Score
The topic was well 4
researched and all
information and
The topic was
data included are The topic was The topic was
researched but
accurate and from researched and researched and data
information and data Desired results
reliable sources of most information were not from
were only partly from not obtained,
information like and data were from reliable sources.
reliable sources of but some
high impact journals reliable sources of The proof was not
information. relevant
Problem standards, etc. information. The backed up with
The proof was not fully research was
outcome The proof was proof was backed data, analysis or
backed up with good done. Outcome
enough backed up up with good data reasoning as taught
data or reasoning as not obtained as
with accurate data, and reasoning as in the class.
taught in the class. per the
analysis and taught in the class. Some outcome
Partial outcome problem brief
reasoning beyond Outcome achieved as obtained as per the
achieved as per the
the class learning. per the problem brief problem brief
problem brief
Outcome achieved
beyond the problem
Made effective use of Made good use of class 3
class principles, principles, models and
Made some use of Poorly applied
models and theories. theories Some creative
Application of class principles, Made limited use of class
Also used creativity ideas were explored to
class learning in models and theories class principles, principals,
to find effective find desired outcome
problem solving No creative ideas or models and theories models and
results appropriate but within the
models explored theories
to industry beyond framework of class
class learning. learning
Queries Excellent 2
Poor or no
response to Good response to Satisfactory response Limited response
Response to response to
comments and questions and to questions and to questions and
Class / questions and
discussion with discussions with some discussions with discussions with
Examiners did not
appropriate content connection made to limited reference to no reference to
Queries participate in
supported by theory/research theory/research theory/research
the discussions.
Has not 4
Provides limited
Provides detailed and Provides adequate and provided
Provides appropriate and somewhat
appropriate mostly appropriate appropriate
Conclusions conclusion for the appropriate
conclusion for the conclusions for the conclusions for
problem statement conclusions for the
problem statement problem statement the problem
problem statement
Total 13/20
Note : Theory to be conducted for 1 hour and practice for 3 hours, total duration of exam – 4 hours
Programme Civil Engineering Semester V
Course Transportation Engineering Max Marks 30
Course Code Duration 4 hours
Name of the course coordinator
Note: Answer one full question from each section.
Qn.No Question CL CO PO Marks
Section-1 (Theory) – 10 marks
Section-2 (Practical) - 20 marks
Assessment framework for SEE 1 (Theory) – 100 Marks / 3 hours (Reduced to 60 marks)
1 “ Highway Engineering “ by Khanna S.K. and Justo C.E.G, , Nemchand and Bros, Roorkee
2 “ Highway Material Testing Laboratory Manual” by Khanna SK and Justo CEG, Nemchand and Bros. Roorkee
5 “Railway Engineering “by Satish Chandra and Agarwal M M, Oxford university press.
8 Industry Consultation