Strat4 Tool 1 IDEAL CHKLST 508
Strat4 Tool 1 IDEAL CHKLST 508
Strat4 Tool 1 IDEAL CHKLST 508
4. Explain test results. Explain test results to the patient Ask the patient and family to repeat what you
and family. If test results are not available at said back to you in their own words to be sure
discharge, let the patient and family know when that you explained things well
they should get the results and identify who they
should call if they have not gotten results by that Listen to and honor the patient and family’s goals,
date. preferences, observations, and concerns.
5. Make followup appointments. Offer to make Invite the patient and family to use the white
followup appointments for the patient. Make sure board in their room to write questions or
that the patient and family know what followup is concerns
needed. Ask open-ended questions to elicit questions
and concerns.
Use Be Prepared to Go Home Checklist and
Booklet (Tools 2a and 2b) to make sure the
patient and family feel prepared to go home
Give the patient and family Tools 2a and 2b: Be Schedule discharge planning meeting with the
Prepared to Go Home Checklist and Booklet. patient, family, and hospital staff.
Who: Hospital to identify staff person to distribute, Who: Hospital to identify staff person to distribute,
for example a nurse, patient advocate, or discharge for example a nurse, patient advocate, or discharge
planner. planner.
Educated patient and family Educated patient and family Educated patient and family Educated patient and family
about condition and used about condition and used about condition and used about condition and used
teach back teach back teach back teach back
Discussed progress toward Discussed progress toward Discussed progress toward Discussed progress toward
patient, family, and clinician patient, family, and clinician patient, family, and clinician patient, family, and clinician
goals goals goals goals
Involved patient and family in Involved patient and family in Involved patient and family in Involved patient and family in
care practices, such as: care practices, such as: care practices, such as: care practices, such as: