500 Anniversary of The Jews of Portugal
500 Anniversary of The Jews of Portugal
500 Anniversary of The Jews of Portugal
October 1997
Five years ago we commemorated the expulsion of the Jews from Spain. The founders of this temple and
most of its members today are descendants of those Jews. The story of the Spanish Expulsion is well known.
Not so well known is what happened five years later in the neighboring country of Portugal. It is to honor the
memory of the victims of that event that we gather here tonight.
Of those Jews who chose to flee Spain in 1492, a large number went to Morocco, Italy,and to the Ottoman
Empire. But, the greatest number, perhaps half of the total went to Portugal.
King Joao II of Portugal, allowed them to enter. He was preparing for war against the Moors and he needed
the taxes collected from these Jews to finance that war. He also was aware of the great talent of the Jews in
many fields including the mechanics of arms making, which he hoped he would call upon and he did not want
that talent to be available to the Moors.
But his welcome was not complete. Permanent residence was granted only to 630 wealthy families who were
allowed to establish themselves in several parts of the country upon payment of 100 cruzados. A number of
craftsmen, skilled in arms making were also granted permanent residence. Others were allowed to settle for
only eight months upon payment of eight cruzados for each adult.
The king then bound himself to provide shipping so that they could leave. One hundred thousand refugees
may have entered under these conditions. At the end of eight months, however, little shipping was available
and few could leave. Those left behind were declared forfeit of their liberty and were declared slaves of the
king. In 1493, many Jewish children were torn from their parents and sent to the recently discovered island of
Sao Tome off the west coast of Africa.
"In this year of 1493... the king gave to Alvaro de Caminha the Captaincy of the Island of Sao Tome of right
and inheritance; and as for the Castilian Jews who had not left his kingdom within the assigned date, he
ordered that, according to the condition upon their entry, all the boys, and young men and girls of the Jews be
taken into captivity.
After having them all turned into Christians, he sent them to the said island with Alvaro de Caminha, so that
by being secluded, they would have reasons for being better Christians, and (the king) would have in this
reason for the island to be better populated, which, as a result, culminated in great growth." (1)
In 1993 the descendants of those children, still living on Sao Tome, held ceremonies to commemorate that
tragic event.
The son of King Joao II, Crown Prince Afonso, was married to Princess Isabel, the daughter of the Catholic
Kings of Spain. One day Afonso went fishing. Later that day his body was found, drowned. It is not known if
this was an accident or foul play. Princess Isabel, now a widow and still a very young woman, returned to
In 1494 King Joao died. Next in line of succession to the throne was a cousin, Manoel.
The new king recognized that the Jewish slaves were guiltless and he restored them their liberty. He even
refused a gift offered to him in gratitude. Was this because he truly was an enlightened monarch or because
he hoped to win them over to Christianity?
The status of the Jews of Portugal appeared to be improving and they must have felt secure to be ruled by
such a seemingly merciful king. But, their good fortune did not last. Soon their lives were again in peril.
There was some dispute as to the legitimacy of Manoel's claim to the monarchy. He needed a way to solidify
his position. his solution; marry Princess Isabel of Spain. A union with the widow of the late crown prince
would not only give him a stronger claim to the throne, but also create a possible future union with Spain in
which all of Iberia would be ruled by Manoel or one of his descendants.
He made an offer to Ferdinand and Isabella. Their answer; the marriage would be approved only if the Jews
were expelled from Portugal.
Manoel was in a dilemma; he did not want to lose the wealth and skills of Jews and he feared that these skills
would be used to the advantage of the Moors in the coming war. But, he felt that a marriage to Princess Isabel
was necessary.
Finally, Isabel herself interceded; she announced that she would not accept the marriage unless the Jews
were expelled. Manoel agreed to the terms. A marriage agreement was signed on November 30, 1496. Five
days later, the king issued a decree banishing the Jews from the country. They were ordered to leave Portugal
by October 1497.
Soon Manoel began to question his decision. He knew of the value of the Jews and may genuinely have felt
he could convert them. He wanted to find some way to keep them in Portugal as Catholics. On the advise of
the Apostate Levi ben Shem-tob he found a way to achieve this goal.
Friday March 19, 1497 the first day of Passover) Jewish parents were ordered to take their children between
the ages of four and fourteen to Lisbon. On arrival in the capital, they were told that their children would be
taken from them and given to Catholic families to be raised as good Catholics.
At the appointed time, those children who were not presented voluntarily were seized by the officials and
forced to the font. Scenes of indescribable horror were witnessed as they were torn away by the royal
bailiffs...In many cases, parents smothered their offspring in their farewell embrace. In others, they threw them
into wells in order to save them from the disgrace of apostasy, and then killed themselves. Sometimes, even
old men were dragged to the churches and forcibly baptized by over-zealous fanatics, who were under the
impression that a general conversion of all the Jews had been ordered. The desired effect of forcing the
parents to accompany their children into baptism rather than lose them for good was achieved only on
exceptionally rare occasions. In all other cases, the unwilling neophytes, some mere babies, were distributed
throughout the country, as far as possible from home, to be brought up in Christian surroundings.
More than thirty years later, the terrible scenes still lived in the mind of the old Bishop Coutinho. "I saw many
persons dragged by the hair to the font," he wrote. " Sometimes, I saw a father, his head covered in a sign of
grief and pain, lead his son to the font, protesting and calling to G-d to witness that they wished to die
together in the law of Moses. Yet more terrible things were done with them did I witness, with mine own eyes."
The Children of the Moslems, who were included in the edict of expulsion, were untouched. The authorities
cynically confessed the reason. It was that there were lands in which the Crescent was supreme, and in which
reprisals might be carried out! (2)
Meanwhile the final date for departure was arriving. At first the king gave the Jews three ports from which to
leave. But soon he changed his mind and ordered them all to leave from Lisbon. In October 1497 thousands
of Jews from all parts of Portugal gathered in Lisbon where they harangued by priests in an attempt to bring
them to the baptismal font. Some succumbed. The rest were informed that they were declared forfeit of their
liberty and again were the king's slaves. More succumbed, others were dragged to the font by force. And the
remainder? Holy water was sprinkled on them and they were declared to be Christians.
King Manoel then informed the Catholic King of Spain; " There are no more Jews in Portugal" (1) Sourse:
Pina, Rui de Chronica D'El Rei Dom Joao 11. Collecqua de Livros Inditos de Historia Portugueza (first
published in Lisbon, 1792)
As quoted in:
Raphael, David The Expulsion 1492 Chronicles, Carmi House Press, North Hollywood, CA 1992
(2) Roth Cecil. A History of the Marranos, 5th Ed, Sepher-Hermon Press, Inc New York, 1992
This lecture/article was printed in the Spring Ed. of HaLapid The Society For Crypto Judaic Studies fosters the
research and networking of information and ideas concerning the history and contempory developement of
Crypto Jews of Iberian origins. Membership is open to anyone who is interested in this facinating area. Editor:
Arthur Benveniste HaLapid is published quaterly. The Society for Crypto Judaic Studies, 333 Washington Blvd
#336, Marina Del Rey, CA. 90292 USA