Project Report
Project Report
Project Report
"!!!I'!` !l!I`
Subm|tted |n
art|a| Iu|f|||ment for
Degree of
MasLer of 8uslness AdmlnlsLraLlon (201012)
ac|f|c 8us|ness Schoo| Uda|pur
Aff|||ated to
ka[asthan 1echn|ca| Un|vers|ty
kC1A (ka[)
Culded by SubmlLLed 8y
8ahlla Corach nandra[ SlnghChauhan
"It is good to have knowIedge; it is good to have enthusiasm, But in order to achieve
effectiveness, it is essentiaI to have training"
"Pandit JawaharIaI Nehru"
Mai n ai m of t hi s "t rai ni ng at "SHREE RAJASTHAN SYNTEX LTD. -
DUNGARPUR i s t o get practi cal knowl edge about t he worki ng i n
corporat e sect or and use of management i n i t . Trai ni ng makes someone
t o know how theory i s appl i ed i n pract i cal si t uat i on.
am t hankf ul t o " Mr. R. K. DH MAN (Dy. G. M. P&A) SRSl ,
Dungarpur who has al l owed me t o be part of SRSL t eam t o carry down
my proj ect & summer t rai ni ng.
express my deep regards & grat i t ude t o " Mr. MADHUSUDAN
SHARMA (Asst . Manager, account s)-SRSl Dungarpur, and al l
Accounti ng st af f of SRSL f or suggest i ng t he advi ce, keen i nt erest , and
const ant boost up, i nval uabl e gui dance throughout t he t rai ni ng.
woul d l i ke t o express my whol e heart ed grat i t ude t o Prof .
"Pushpendra Khandel wal (Paci f i c Busi ness School , Udai pur) who at
every st ep hel ped duri ng t he course of proj ect - f rom i ni ti al poi nt t o
t ermi nal poi nt .
Al so woul d l i ke t o t hank my parent s wi t hout whose support t hi s
proj ect coul d not be compl et e.
Last but not t he l east express my si ncere thanks t o al l t hose
peopl e known and unknown who have di rect l y or i ndi rect l y cont ri but ed
i n maki ng t hi s proj ect a success.