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Project Report

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ro[ect keport

"!!!I'!` !l!I`
Subm|tted |n
art|a| Iu|f|||ment for
Degree of
MasLer of 8uslness AdmlnlsLraLlon (201012)

ac|f|c 8us|ness Schoo| Uda|pur
Aff|||ated to
ka[asthan 1echn|ca| Un|vers|ty
kC1A (ka[)
Culded by SubmlLLed 8y
8ahlla Corach nandra[ SlnghChauhan


"It is good to have knowIedge; it is good to have enthusiasm, But in order to achieve
effectiveness, it is essentiaI to have training"
"Pandit JawaharIaI Nehru"
Mai n ai m of t hi s "t rai ni ng at "SHREE RAJASTHAN SYNTEX LTD. -
DUNGARPUR i s t o get practi cal knowl edge about t he worki ng i n
corporat e sect or and use of management i n i t . Trai ni ng makes someone
t o know how theory i s appl i ed i n pract i cal si t uat i on.
am t hankf ul t o " Mr. R. K. DH MAN (Dy. G. M. P&A) SRSl ,
Dungarpur who has al l owed me t o be part of SRSL t eam t o carry down
my proj ect & summer t rai ni ng.
express my deep regards & grat i t ude t o " Mr. MADHUSUDAN
SHARMA (Asst . Manager, account s)-SRSl Dungarpur, and al l
Accounti ng st af f of SRSL f or suggest i ng t he advi ce, keen i nt erest , and
const ant boost up, i nval uabl e gui dance throughout t he t rai ni ng.
woul d l i ke t o express my whol e heart ed grat i t ude t o Prof .
"Pushpendra Khandel wal (Paci f i c Busi ness School , Udai pur) who at
every st ep hel ped duri ng t he course of proj ect - f rom i ni ti al poi nt t o
t ermi nal poi nt .
Al so woul d l i ke t o t hank my parent s wi t hout whose support t hi s
proj ect coul d not be compl et e.
Last but not t he l east express my si ncere thanks t o al l t hose
peopl e known and unknown who have di rect l y or i ndi rect l y cont ri but ed
i n maki ng t hi s proj ect a success.

Nandraj Singh Chauhan


lF ycu wi:h Ic p|cn fcr c yecr, :cw :eec:. lf ycu wi:h Ic p|cn fcr
Ien yecr: ,p|cnI Iree. lf ycu wi:h Ic p|cn fcr |ife Iime ceve|cp mcn."

Ihi: i: Chine:e prcverL , which high|ighI: Ihe impcrIcnce cf humcn
Emp|cyee: cre Ihe mc:I vc|ucL|e c::eI: cf Ihe crgcnizcIicn. lI i:
|ecrnI IhcI crgcnizcIicn mcney, mcchine cnc men ccn Le
exp|ciIec Ic Ihe ZeniIh. lI i: Iherefcre nece::cry Ic reIcin gccc
emp|cyee: cnc u:e Ic Iheir fu||e:I pcIenIic|.
Fer:cnne| ccui:iIicn pc|icy emerge: c: cn inIer re|cIec crcerec
:erie: cf ceci:icn:, e:IimcIing mcnpcwer reuiremenI, evc|ucIing
Ihe pcIenIic| LcIh exIernc| cnc inIernc| |cLcr ceIermining
reuiremenI meIhcc: cnc ceve|cping Iechniue: fcr :e|ecIing
cmcng cvci|cL|e cpp|iccnI:.
Un|ike Ihe pc:I, Icccy per:cnne| execuIive: cre cc||ec upcn Ic
mcke Ihe criIicc| emp|cyee :e|ecIicn ceci:icn:, innumercL|e Iime
in c yecr. Ie:Iing cnc engcgec Ihe new emp|cyee: cre grcwing
:Iecci|y cnc Ihe Iechniue: neecec Ic ccrry cuI.
Ihi: recruiImenI i: Ihe key cpercIive funcIicn cf cny crgcnizcIicn
c: LeIIer per:cnne| c|cne ccn rcIicnc||y ccnIrc| uIi|ize cnc
ceve|cp: Ihe re:curce: which u|IimcIe|y ceIermine Ihe mcrve|
repuIcIicn cf Ihe crgcnizcIicn .


1 An Cvervlew of 8ecrulLmenL SelecLlon

2 An Cvervlew of lndlan 1exLlle lndusLrles

3 1exLlle lndusLrles ln 8a[asLhan

4 An Cvervlew of 8ellance ChemoLax lndusLrles

3 8ecrulLmenL SelecLlon aL srsl

6 8esearch MeLhodology

8 uaLa Analysls

9 SWC1

108ecommendaLlon SuggesLlons



Company Profile

Srsl ( Shree Rajasthan Syntex Limited ) is the outcome of visionary Mr.
V.K. Ladia, CMD & Chief Mentor of the group dream to herald new era in
the yarn manufacturing.
With over 23 years of manufacturing experience, The Srsl laid its
On 23.3.1981 as Shree Rajasthan Syntex group by Mr. V.K. Ladia. Srsl
Group is the unique combination of refined management, application
shells (
Based on years of experience and inventiveness) it is one of the leading
producers of an entire range of high quality & high value yarns. SRSL
group has under its flag ship 4 units working.

1. Shree Rajasthan Syntax Limited

2. Shree Rajasthan Texchem Limited

3. Shree Shyam Filament

4. Shree Rajasthan Polycot


The scope of collective strength holding tremendous potential SRSLs
Remarkable success can be credited to its unique group management
In reflection of its thought and belief, the group logo clearly depicts its
Reliance on the quality of its people.

The SRSL Group produces 2500 MT. yearns per month. With the objective
To grow by at least 15% each year, SRSL Group consistently believes in
Upgrading its technology and yarn quality to maintain its competitive
The SRSL Group has taken initiative for self reliance in field of finance,
Human resource and power. All the companies of the group are equipped
With state of the art captive power plant and well appointed training
For its employees.

Moving from strength to strength the group is actively seeking partners to
Implement its forward integration programmed. Several options such as
Fabric, garment manufacturing is under consideration.
With its focus clearly on international trade, the group is presently
To over 25 countries globally with giants, the group has put in place a
Infrastructure that constitute technologically advanced plants procured
Word leaders like.

- Trutzschler (Germany)

- Leewha (korea)

- LMW ( India)

- Toyoda (Japan)

Backed by modern quality control and a qualified and truly dedicated
Resources, SRSL group is well poised to achieve its vision to be on the



Synthetic Blended Yarn Uni t: The plant is located at
Rajasthan, and has capaci ty to produce 12000 tons per annum.
Products i ncl ude Dyed Pol yester and Viscose bl ended Yarn.
100% viscose, 100% Polyester yarn, 100% cotton yarn. Pl ant
Manufacturers a range of qual i ty and high val ue yarns on Cross
Rol l (U.K.), Lakshmi Rei ter, Schlafhorst (Germany), Savio
(Ital y), and Leewha (Korea) machi nes.
The uni t has been l eader in supply of dyed yarn in domestic
markets. A wi de vari ety of yarns ranging from counts NE 15 to
30 are produced by qual ity twisting on T.F.O. machines. The
uni t
is produci ng Dyed, Mi lange, Gri ndl e, Rovi ng Gri ndl e and
Machi ne sl ub qual i ti es among other special effect yarns. There
is a very large shade range to match col our effect of various
yarns i n Normal twist as well as reverse twist. The company is
exporti ng its products to Chi l e, Germany, Kenya, Spai n, Syria,
Jordan, Brazi l, Egypt, Turkey etc.


Polypropyl ene Mul ti fil ament Yarn Uni t: The plant i s l ocated at
Bagru, Jaipur, Rajasthan havi ng capacity to produce 4000
per annum pol ypropyl ene Mul tifi lament yarn which is
under the brand name of "RAJLON".

Polypropyl ene Mul ti fil ament Yarn fi nds usage i n a range of
appl ication such as socks, furni shi ng fabri cs, carpets, etc. Its
products are exported to highly qual i ty consci ous countri es
across the world: U.K. Austral ia, Kuwai t, Sri Lanka, Malaysia,
Indonesia, South Afri ca etc.

The plant has been set up i n technical colorati on wi th M/s.
Neumg Germany. The company has i nstal l ed a host of other
val ue added machi ne from ICBT-ITALY, Heat set machine
from Superba- France, and Ai r Tecturisi ng Machines from
El tex Germany etc.


The Mi l l state of art Pl ant located at Dungarpur, Rajasthan
producti on capaci ty of 7,200 Tons of Raw White yarn per
annum. International qual i ty Raw Whi te yarn i n Pol yester
Viscose Bl ends, 100% Pol yester, 100% Viscose is produced
here. End uses of yarn include appl ications of Weaving,
Knitti ng and other i ndustrial uses.

Looking to the high appreciation of qual ity of yarn produced,
the Mi l l has expanded capaci ti es i n the year 2002 and is
addi ng addi ti onal capaci ti es for production of Raw Whi te
Polyester Cotton Yarns.

The Plant was fi rst i n India to use Blend mat BDT 019 systems
from Germany for Auto Bl endi ng and Auto Transfer of
Polyester Viscose fi ber i n the year 1996.
Other machi nery's include DK 760 Cardi ng machi nes, FL 16
Toyoda Speed Frames, Schl afhorst 238 Autoconers, and TFO
machi nes from Leewha Korea. The company exports 80% of
i ts production to forei gn countri es such as Chi l i , South Africa,
Spain, Portugal, Brazil , Kenya, Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Tai wan,
Bel gi um, Dubai, Israel etc.

The company has been ahead in terms of modern
i n the industry. Products of Polynosic/Pol yster, Sl ub fancy
yarns, Sewi ng Yarn, Mul ti fold yarns have been developed
successful l y for European markets. Latest packi ng technologi es
l i ke the Pal l et packing and Capsul e packi ng are i n use to
safe del i veri es and easy handl ing of material .

While Shree Rajasthan Syntex has already made entry in the export field,
the Polypropylene Yarn project heralds a powerful new thrust into world
markets. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been signed with a
leading Actual User in Germany for export of 40% of Company's
Polypropylene Yarn output. Indeed, exports shall be major thrust area in
years to come.

Polypropylene Filament Yarn - used the world over for carpets - is in
growing demand in international markets. Polypropylene carpets are
to maintain, stronger and more durable. Shree Rajasthan Syntex is
producing this variety of yarn for both export and domestic use.

Company's firm export tie-up and commitments entitle it to import of
and machinery at confessional Customs duty rates and to tax-free profits
The success story of Shree Rajasthan Syntex is indeed an ongoing one.
from promise to performance.
About The Founder

SRSL Group is headed by i t s Chai rman Shri Vi nod K. Ladi a,
who is also the Founder of the Group. Mr. Ladia is a Texti l e
Graduate from Texti l e Insti tute of Technol ogy, Bhi wani and is a
Post Graduate Diploma i n Busi ness Management (MBA) from
Indian Insti tute of Management, Ahmedabad. He started hi s
career in the year 1967 as a Management Trainee with M/s J.K.
Synthetics Limi ted, Kota and by 1979 was Incharge of al l

Commercial activi ti es i ncl udi ng Nyl on, Pol yester, Pol yester
Stapl e Fiber and Tyrecord busi ness of the JK Group. In the
1980 he laid the foundati on of M/s Shree Rajasthan Syntex
Li mited wi th ini tial capaci ty of 13,000 spi ndl es. Wi th the firm
of Customer ori ented pol ici es and abl e l eadershi p, today the
SRSL Group has an annual turn over of more than Rs.200
to i t s credi t and is l eadi ng suppl i er of Raw Whi te, Dyed
Polyester Viscose Yarns apart from bei ng largest Exporter of
Polypropyl ene Yarn from the Country.


It i s the Pol icy of Shree Rajasthan Syntex Ltd. to mai ntai n the
highest standards of busi ness ethi cs i n i ts dealing wi th its
customers and aim at achi eving their total satisfacti on.

Company is commi tted to produce and del i ver the yarn of
i nternational qual i ty standards. It shal l introduce new
technol ogi es from time to ti me and upgrade i ts systems as to
mai ntain its competi ti ve edge i n world market.

To achieve these qual i ty objectives, company shal l provide for
trai ni ng and educati on of al l i ts employees and seek thei r
i nvol vement.

Company is concerned about the wel fare of i ts employees and
shal l provide them the opportuni ti es for their growth,
advancement and better l ivi ng.

B Corporate Philosophy
To earn profi ts and have a l ong term vi ew i n growth of
corporate assets.
To have a reputation for i ntegri ty, honesty, strai ght
forward and just deali ngs wi th our customers and
To be commi tted to the qual i ty of our products.
To be commi tted to our customers wi thout whom our
very existence woul d be redundant.
To be i nnovati ve i n our approach and thought on the
bel i ef that there is al ways a better way of doi ng things.
To be open, fri endl y, si ncere and human in our behavi or
and atti tude.
To make the company and ever better place to work in.
To be commi tted to the personal and professi onal
development of our empl oyees whi l e providi ng an
envi ronment where i ndi vidual and team achi evements
are recognized and respected.
To contribute our share to the communi ty as a part of
our soci al responsibi l ity.



In every Iield oI operation, the SRSL Group hol ds one belieI
upper most : the best in all that is done. Thi s belieI is
translated i n the group' s every acti vit y and realm oI approach
: production methods, technol ogy, equipment, raw materi al s,
personnel and qualit y cont rol procedures. Technology and
equipment i s being i mported Irom worl d leaders li ke Neumag,
Trutzschler, SchlaIhorst, Savi o, Toyoda, Leewha.

The company has able and proIessional stewardship oI people such as
Mr. Vikas Ladia, Mrs. Monika Ladia, Mr. N. N. Agarwala, Mr. Y. P.
Gupta, Mr. Anil Jain, Mr. Prakash Bohra, Mr. JRK Soti, Mr. A. K.
Surana etc. The company has adopted some oI the world's most stringent
quality control measures. Synegised, these clean Iactors come together
to Iorm a corporate oI totality, and a product that can be truly called
Global Yarn.

Aims of The Company

Be it SRSL or STRL, the canvas before the group is the whole world, with
its multiple product range, SRSL and SRTL have already established a
national and international distribution network for itself.
From the beginning the companies have grown as a family united in
thought, action, goals and dreams. The logo which symbolizes the
company, reinforces the group's belief in the power of its people and its
team. It's growth all along has been uniform, related and consistently
widening its product and consumer base.

It is the goal of the group to further modernize its plants and increase
production capacities . There is continuous research and exercise to
improve yarn quality standards . It is planned to further add new
such as Poly- cotton blends with state of art machinery . At present the
group sells its products to more than 25 countries worldwide . Further
export markets are being explored by participation in international trade
fairs . Recently in May 2002 , the group presented its products in the "
International Yarn Show " at Shanghai China having its own stall and
received good response . Similarly participation in trade fairs in Mexico
and Greece is being planned for the year 2003 . The group is also in
active discussions for a joint venture with various overseas companies .


Working as a team has been SRSLs strength. Mr. V.K. Ladia,
Chairman of the Group is stationed at Udaipur where the Corporate
Office of the Group is located. The Board of Directors comprises of
highly professional technocrats who have excelled on their own fields.

Shri R.P. Goyal who is one of the Founder Director is Ex-Chairman,
State Bank of India, which has been the premier Banking institution
the Country.

Prof. S.C.Kuchhal has been a faculty member at Indian Institute of
Management for more than 25 years and is presently a business

Shri Raj singh Nirwan is a qualified Textile Engineer and having
from Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad and has held
senior Management posts during his tenure with leading companies of
India. He is also associated with Government of Rajasthan as
of Planning Commission.

Mr. Vijay Ladia, a Chemical Engineer from Punjab University, is also
successful entrepreneur based at Ludhiana.

Mr. S.R. Jain, a Civil Engineer by qualification, is a Business man
based at Bhilwara.
Mr. R.L. Kunawat, a Lawyer by profession, is stationed at Udaipur

Mr.Vikas Ladia, a Computer Engineer by qualification, heads the
operation of the Groups two Spinning Plants located at Dungarpur
is also Incharge of Companys facilities such as Power Generation,
School at Dungarpur. He is stationed at Dungarpur itself.

Mr. Anubhav Ladia, a Chartered Accountant by qualification, heads
financial activities of the Group and is also directly Incharge of
Polypropylene business.

Mrs. Monika Ladia, a Chemical Engineer by qualification, heads the
Export marketing of all Group companies and has been responsible
development of new market world wide

Mr. N.N. Agrawala, a Textile Engineer with MBA from Indian
Institute of Management, is also Executive Director of the Company
and Incharge of Raw material and other commercial activities.

Since 1999 the Groups both Spinning Units at Dungarpur were made

reliant on power. As a policy the Group decided to install its own power

generation at Dungarpur in order to improve availability, quality and

consistency of power. The Group has its own captive Power Plant of

capacity 8.03 MW based on Furnace Oil fuel running on base load. As a

matter of fact, both the Units at Dungarpur are not connected with

of Electricity Board since last two years.

In order to make the Power sector independent and separate profit
the Group plans to further expand capacities including installing
Air Conditioning equipment to use the exhaust air of the Engine,
Heat Recovery Units for steam generation apart from expansion plans.
The Power Plant is self equipped for fuel stock, water supply and has
Trained Staff headed by a Senior Marine Engineer to look after
themaintenance and operation of base load Engines.
Dungarpur Public School (DPS)

Dungarpur Publ ic School, Dungarpur is an Engl ish Medi um
School starting from Nursery to be upgraded upto Seni or
Secondary l evel i n a phased manner on the pattern of 10+2 in
accordance with the Nati onal Pol icy of Education, 1986,
Government of India, New Del hi .

The i nsti tute has been started to i mpart quali ty educati on to
chi ldren of Dungarpur and the surroundi ng areas.

Manufacturing Process

Department Wise Division of Syntex/Polycot Chambers

1. fiber Godown

2. Mixing and blending

3. Blow room

4. Carding - Sliver ribbon

5. Draw frame (First time) - Comber

6. Draw frame (2
time )

7. Speed frame

8. Rind frame

9. Auto corner - Cheese window

10. Packing

11. Ready and packed material in Godown

12. Market

Fiber Godown :-
this is place where the raw material is kept for
making yarn e.g. Polyester fiber, viscose fiber, Acrylic fiber and cotton
etc(All are type of Fiber). From hear the fiber know are sends in the
mixing room according to the requirement. In this room, only natural
light is allowed in and use of electricity is prohibited.

Mixing or blending:-
According to market conditions and requirement
fiber is mixed or blended according to the right ratio this processing is
known as mixing or blending for this process to take place, some time the
color is also added which is called as "Tinting and some chemicals like
"LV.40liquid are used. This is very important step because if the mixing
done properly, the yarn would be stronger and better in the quality.

Blow room :-
This is a process in which all dirty and other
particles are
taken out, in this room the fiber is Separated by beater and it is opened
so that all the dirty particles are separated groom it, with today, latest
technique the fiber is sent to the carding room.

Carding room :-
In this fiber fine yarns are separated and are
on sharp edge wire. In the way fiber dirt which is left in traces is also
taken out the fiber which is taken out from this department is taken out in
the from thick rope which is known as "Sliver Carding room is the heart
of the department. It is so because if carding process is done properly
then there will be good quality yarn.

Sliver room :-
In this room the cotton yarn is combed and directly send
to silver room instead of draw frame. Again, over her it is processed and
made in the form of semi liquids.

Comber department:-
As it is specified and known from its name
"Combing means "to comb. In this department, the sliver is combed
process all big and small yarns are taken out so that the cotton length is
increased. This processing is done only on cottons "fine count yarn.
Combed yarn is more stronger then carding done yarn. It has more shine
combed sliver is again given and taken out twice from "Draw frame

Draw frame department:-
In this department the material is again
out two times. First times from the "Barker and second time from
"Finisher. By the processing of sliver and combed the fiber are opened
but in different direction. To make them in one direction at least 4-6-8
bundles are taken to gather so that there thickness reduced.

Speed frame or simplex department: -
Sliver drawn from draw
frame is more stretched hear and a less twist rope is made which is called
"Roving. " Roving is twisted around a thick bobbin, which is known as
S/F bobbin. It is twisted tightly so that later on they are not opened.

Ring frame department: -
This is an important part of spinning
department. In this, a required number of counts from roving department
are taken out. Its work is done by roller through drafting cuts, and by the
help of rings and travelers. TPI is also a given high speed and twisted
around on upper part of bobbins. If the no. Of counts is more, the yarn
will be thinner and vice-versa.

Auto corner: -
In this process, the small package is converted into a
package and by "Splice the yarn is connected and by putting wax
heaviness of the yarn is reduced.

Cheese winding :-
When the yarn is twisted around cheese once or
it is known as cheese winding a single yarn should be twisted around
very carefully.

Doubling: -
This machine is also like ring frame. The double
yarn, which
has gone through cheese winding, is again twisted around bobbin and a
new yarn is made.

Winding (For double yarn) :-
The yarn which had undergone doubling
process is again twisted on cones so that is edges weight and length is
maintained of same type of cones.

TFO (Two for one) :-
As it is known from its name this machine
two role one of " Doubling machine and second of "wending It helps in
production of double twisted yarn and yarn together this is a part of every
mill, as it is a new and non time consuming technique. TFO helps in
reducing "Knots

Packing: -
Weaving department helps in packaging the final product so
it can be send to INDIA and abroad. Hear the material is accordingly its
packaging is done and its send to the require place. Packaging is done in
cartoons etc.

Ready material and Godown: -
Material from the packing department
kept in this godown and by truck, the materials send to its destination.


Industry Profile

Indian Textile Industry contributes about 11 percent to industrial
production, 14 per cent to the manufacturing sector, 4 percent to
GDP and 12 per cent to the country's total export earnings. It
direct employment to over 33.17 million people, the second largest
provider of employment after agriculture. Besides, another 54.85
million people are engaged in its allied activities. It has a total
size of US $52 billion ($32 billion as domestic household
and $20 billion as exports) which has potential to create large
of job opportunities.
The fundamental strength of this industry flows from its strong
production base of wide range of fibers / yarns from natural fibers
cotton, jute, silk and wool to synthetic /man-made fibers like
viscose, nylon and acrylic. We can track the strong multi-fibre base
highlighting the following important feature of this industry across
globe :

1. Cotton - Second largest cotton and cellulosic fibres producing
country in the world.

2. Silk - India is the second largest producer of silk and contributes
about 18% to the total world raw silk production.

3. Wool - India has 3rd largest sheep population in the world,
6.15 crores sheep, producing 45 million kg of raw wool, and
accounting for 3.1% of total world wool production. India ranks
6th amongst clean wool producer countries and 9th amongst
greasy wool producers.

4. Man-Made Fibers- the fifth largest in synthetic fibres/yarns.

5. Jute - India is the largest producer and second largest exporter
the jute goods.


Textile industry showed some sign of revival in the second half of
the financial year. The export performance of textile industry has
improved and domestic market has also shown some sign of
improvement. However this remains to be seen whether this
revival is stable or not. The international market has also shown
some improvement but much will depend upon the policy of the
Government for export incentives as some of the stimulus
packages has already been withdrawn by the Government.
02. Though China is better equipped for higher volume
commodity products, India's strength lies in better quality of
products, better services to the customers and exclusivity in
the premium and mid segment categories.
03. India has all the required raw materials, namely, cotton,
cellulosic and non cellulosic man made fibres and silk. Thus,
dependability for raw material is insignificant.


As per the IIP data, the textile group consisting of cotton, wool, silk
man made and jute textiles and textiles products, grew by 7.5 per
during April November 2009, compared to 1.0 per cent during April
November 2008. Over all the production of textile fabric increased
10.7 percent during April November 2009 -10 (provisional). The
highest growth was observed in the hosiery sector (12.8 per cent)
followed by power looms (12.5 per cent) while the handloom and
sectors could not revive from the previous year's slump.
The performance of Indian textiles continues to lag substantially
behind that of China in terms of rate of growth of exports and share
world textile exports. In US dollar terms, textile exports grew by
percent during 2007-08 but declined by 5.5 per cent during 2008 -
The textile exports during April to October 2009 - 10 amounted US
Million 9678.08 as compared to US Million 10647.07 during the
period April - October 2008.
The Technology Upgradation Fund Schemes (TUFS) and Scheme for
Integrated Textile Parks (SITP) are two flagship schemes of the
Ministry of Textiles. TUFS implemented with a view to facilitating
modernization and upgradation of the textile industry by providing
credit at reduced rate, under the scheme Rs.78,307 crore was
sanctioned against the project cost of Rs.1,79,856 crore and loans
worth Rs. 66,284 crore were disbursed to 25,777 applicants upto
June 30, 2009.
The stimulus scheme announced on January 02, 2009 included
extension of the Duty Entitlement Passbook Scheme (DEPB) scheme
till December 31, 2009 and restoration of the rates to those
prior to November 05, 2009 and increase in the duty drawback
rates on
certain knitted fabrics and specified categories of yarn with
retrospective effect from September 01, 2008.
The incentives introduced under the Foreign Trade Policy 2009 -
2014 included extension of incentive schemes by addition of new
products and markets' addition of 26 new markets under the Focus
Market Scheme (FMS), raising the incentive available under the
FMS from 2.5 percent to 3.0 per cent' raising the incentive available
under the FPS from 1.25 percent to 2.0 per cent; expansion of the
Market Limited Focus Product Schemes (MLFPS)' extension of
MLFPS benefits to export to additional market for certain products;
providing higher allocation for the MDA and MAI Schemes;
introduction of the EPCG Scheme at zero duty for apparels and
textiles among others' extension of the DEPB scheme till December
31, 2010 and removal of the requirement of Handloom Mark' for
availing of benefits under the FPS.
All the stimulus package in respect of excise duty concession has
withdrawn by the Govt. of India putting the textile industries in
disadvantageous position as it was still recovering from effect of


1. Rising imports : FTA's, especially with Asian countries
(BIMSTEC, Indo - ASSEAN, SAFTA, Singapore and Thailand)
should have adequate safeguards in terms of stringent adherence
to Rules of Origin (to prevent countries outside the FTA from
diverting trade through partner countries) and suspension of
concessionary tariffs in event of damage to local industry.
Without adequate safeguards in terms of rules of origin would
make the domestic industry to suffer in competition.
During April-October India's imports of textile products were
worth US Million 1362.93.

2. Raw material availability : Though India is having sufficient
availability of raw materials, namely, cotton, man made fibres
and silk but factors such as low rain fall in the cotton growing
areas, increase in crude oil prices in the international markets for
basic raw materials of man made fibres and increase in logistic
cost may effect the availability of raw material and
competitiveness of the industry.

3. Power availability : Most of the textile mills in India,
particularly in north and western parts are dependent on power
supply by self generation using furnace oil/coal as fuel. Because
of increase in cost of furnace oil/coal the cost of generation of
power is increasing which may effect the competitiveness of the

4. Slow down in world economy : The world economy is still not
completely out from recessions and recent EU crisis will have
negative impact on world economy.

5. Slow down in consumer spending : Slow down in global and
Indian economy, decline in savings in the developed world can
affect consumer expenditure on textiles leading to reduced

6. Currency risk : Since the textile industry has a major portion of
its revenue from exports, Indian rupee relation ship with foreign
currencies such as US Dollar is important. The industry hedges
currency risks by forward currency cover against sale contracts.
Hence movement is foreign currency vis-a-vis rupee has direct
impact on exports realization and import cost.

1extlle lndustrles ln

Textile Industries in Rajasthan

Rajasthan state situated at the Northern part oI India has always been known oI its
traditional printing and dying Industry at Saganer, Pali and Jodhpur. Most oI the modern
textile Industries is concentrated in Bhilwara, Alwar, Udaipur and Banswara districts. In the
recent past Rajasthan has made a name Ior itselI in the Textile Industry. Modern synthetic
spinning and weaving started in the stated in 1974 and has since been one oI the successIul
Industries in the stated providing direct requirement to its people. Rajasthan has a blend oI
traditional and modern textile spinning, weaving and processing Industry growing besides the
traditional textile printing Industry.
Rajasthan contributes about 40 oI the export oI synthetic blended yarn bridging
conIidence that in the coming years, garmenting will be the trust areas to meet India's export
targets. Processing needs to be equipped with high technique machines besides the spindle
age, as modernization oI weaving calls Ior priority. Knotting and technical textile also need
attention. Strategies need to be developed to provide Iro Iinance Ior up-gradation oI the
existing units, explore the market and product which can be exploited, develop designs and
marketing support, disseminate business intelligence and develop inIrastructural pools. The
textile mills oI the state presently are suIIering mainly Irom high cost oI power. Impact oI
entry tax and shortage oI water are looking Iorward Ior state government incentives and
concessions which could attract investments and attract growth. The member mills had
planned an investment oI Rs. 2000 crores which was to be made in the year 2005-07 and
other textile units are likely to make investments oI Rs. 1000 crores iI incentives are
The need oI the hour is to increase the competitiveness oI the products with regard to
cost, "ual i t y and timing availability hence diversiIying the existing production to those items
which are in demand in the sophisticated Ioreign markets by adding value. Prior to
independence there ware only 17 textile mills in Rajasthan; 10 spinning and 7 composite. As
a result oI the incentives provided by the state government oI Rajasthan to Technocrats and
entrepreneurs, 16 more textile mills came into existence in 1985. 2 more mills in 1991 and 9
more till 1997 leading to 2 more in 1998 making a total oI 46 at the end oI 1998. Out oI the
46, 35 became the members oI the RTMA (Rajasthan Textile Mills Association), 11 member
mills consisted oI 8 working and 3 non-working mills which have been closed. Among the 33
member mills, 25 in private sector, 3 in joint sector, 4 belong to the National textile
Corporation and 3 are in cooperative sector. Out oI the 35 mills, 28 are spinning mills, 6 spins
cotton, 19 synthetic and 3 spins both cotton and synthetic yarns.
25 out oI the 33 working members have been granted the Quality CertiIication License
oI IS/ ISO 9002 by the Bureau oI Indian Standards. Nine mills have achieved the Synthetic
and Rayon Textile export promotion council's award as the leading in the country in
commodities like; Polyester viscose blended Iabrics, Aciylic yarn, Polyester spun Iabric,
manmade Iiber, blended Iabric, polyester stable Iiber, polypropylene yarn, multiIilament yarn
etc. This has been an award achieved 12 times. The HRM policy in all the concerned mills
aims at developing their Hr in emotional, creativity, customer Iocus, quality consciousness
and above all the overall concern oI the society among the many aspects. The employee's
caliber is raised through training, QWL, motivation, empowerment, and participation in
management, motivation, welIare activities and industrial relations among the many more as
the mantras oI the textile industries. Some oI the mills have welIare committees, housing
Iacility, workers hostels, cooperative store, Iree transport, Group LIC, bank Loan Iacility etc.
The ATIRA, NITRA, Institute, oI Labor Development, HCL, etc. In house programs are also
in implementation.
The mills have contributed signiIicantly to social and cultural development oI the
society i.e. schools, hospitals and others are in the Integrated Rural Development Project and
running Literacy and CraIt Center in Rajasthan.
Textile is also the single largest export segment Iorming principle strength oI the
Industrial Economy and occupies a place oI pride in blended yarns spinning in India. Mills
are continuously enhancing themselves to keep pace with modernization oI plant and
machinery. Many machines are installed with DG SETS Ior captive power generation as a
step towards conserving energy and cost reduction oI the Hr. The basic growth oI the textile
Industry in Rajasthan is low cost iI transportation oI raw materials and Iinished goods,
peaceIul labor environment which makes Rajasthan the largest producer oI polyester
viscose yarn and second largest producer oI polyester viscose suiting.


0vervlew of lndlan
1extlle lndustrles

Overview of Indian Textile Industries

AIter the abolition oI Quota System under WTO agreements, the export
Iirmament has outstretched to the beneIit oI the Textile Industry too. Along side
there is a creation oI stiII competition as players look up to grab the markets. As
the threat oI the import penetration is real, India has got not only to protect its
domestic market but also to increase its international trade in Textiles and
clothing. Currently India's share in the world export in textile is about 4.2 and
in clothing about 3.1. The vision statement prepared by CRISIL has estimated
that India's export would rise up to 40 billion dollars by the year 2010 Irom 12
billion in the year 2003. The EXIM Bank also suggests that it can reach 70
Billion Dollars by the year 2014.
India's Textile Sector is the country's second largest aIter Agriculture.
India is the third largest producer oI cotton, second in cotton yarn and IiIth
largest producer in cotton Yam or Iiber. It has 21 oI the world's spinning
capacity and 33 weaving capacity, and it's characterized by a vast pool oI
Manpower, entrepreneurship and high Ilexibility in production processes. At the
same time there are weaknesses related to Iragment Industry, constraints in
processing, quality oI cotton, high power cost, poor labor productivity and
developing inIrastructure.
China being the largest producer oI cotton and man-made Iiber
comprising oI 27 globally, largest exporter oI textiles and apparel in the
world, having the largest spinning capacity and excellent Supply Chain System.
Hence it's the real threat to India. Pakistan has the strength oI low labor cost and
raw material base in cotton. Thailand poses threat with its modern machines,
better logistics and Indo-Thai Free Trade agreement.
The government has been taking a number oI steps Irom time to time to
strengthen India textile Industry Ior meeting the growing global competition.
Technology Up-gradation Fund Scheme (TUFS), Technology Mission on
Cotton (TMC), Integrated Textile Parks Scheme (ITPS) among the many are
the important schemes in operation. For speedy modernization oI the textile
processing industry, Government has introduced a Credit Linked Capital
Subsidy Scheme, and also rationalized the excise duty structure oI the Textile
Industries. Ready garments, hosiery and knitwear have been deserved Irom the
SSI sector. Import oI speciIied textile and garment machinery items has been
allowed under the automatic route.
The vision to incorporate strategies Ior industry to grow to $85 Billion
Irom $36 Billion currently, giving rise to jobs over 12 Million and has an
investment requirement oI about Rs. 1, 40,000 cores. However the Industry is
presently Iacing many problems such as increase oI Iuel prices, high cost oI
inputs and inadequacy oI the government schemes as it has proved a struggle
to meet the International standards. India is now being looked at as a major
supplier oI quality apparels and has come to be appreciated internationally.
Trade barriers are Iilling rapidly and the scope oI expansion is increasing
hence a better export scenario Ior India. The abundance oI aIIordable labor,
proximity oI raw materials especially oI the medium and a wide variety with
high capital avail the comparative cost advantage to the Indian Textile
India's textile industry is as old as Indian civilization passing through
ages, today the export oI textile (including jute and handcraIt) sealed to a new
height showing an increase in international acceptance.

Recrui t ment and Sel ecti on
Recruit ment and sel ect i on ar e t wo oI t he most i mport ant Iunct i ons oI
personnel management . Recruit ment precedes sel ect ion and hel ps i n sel ect i ng
a ri ght candi dat e.
8ecrul L menL l s a process Lo dl s cover Lhe sources of manpower Lo meeL Lhe
requl remenL of L he s Laffl ng schedul e and Lo empl oy eff ecLl ve measur es for
aLLracLl ng LhaL manpower l n adequaL e numbers Lo facl l l LaLe eff ecLl ve s el ecLl on of
effl cl enL personnel
SLaffl ng l s one basl c f uncLl on of managemenL Al l managers have
responsl bl l l L y of s Laffl ng funcLl on by sel ecL l ng L he chl ef execuLl ve and even L he
for emen and s uper vl sors have a sLaffl ng r es ponsl bl l l Ly when L hey s el ecL Lhe r ank
and fl l e workers Powever Lhe per sonnel manager and hl s pers onnel deparL menL
are mal nl y concer ned wl Lh Lhe sLaf fl ng funcLl on
Lvery or ganl zaLl on needs Lo l ook af Ler r ecrul LmenL and sel ecLl on l n Lhe
l nl Ll al perl od and Lhereaf L er as and when addl Ll onal manpower l s r equl red due Lo
expansl on and devel opmenL of busl ness acLl vl Ll es
'8lghL person for Lhe rlghL [ob' ls Lhe baslc prlnclple ln recrulLmenL and selecLlon Lver
organlzaLlon should glve aLLenLlon Lo Lhe selecLlon of lLs manpower especlally lLs managers 1he
operaLlve manpower ls equally lmporLanL and essenLlal for Lhe orderly worklng of an enLerprlse
Lvery buslness organlzaLlon/unlL needs manpower for carrylng dlfferenL buslness acLlvlLles smooLhly
and efflclenLly and for Lhls recrulLmenL and selecLlon of sulLable candldaLes ls essenLlal Puman
resource managemenL ln an organlzaLlon wlll noL be posslble lf unsulLable persons are selecLed and
employmenL ln a buslness unlL


98 of orqoni toti ono/ success depends upon ef f i ci ent emp/ oyee se/ ecti on


kecr u| tment means Lo esLl maL e Lhe aval l abl e vacancl es and Lo make
sul Labl e arrangemenLs f or Lhel r s el ecLl on and appol nL menL 8ecrul L menL l s
undersL ood as Lhe process of sear chl ng for and obLal nl ng appl l canLs for Lhe [ obs
from among whom Lhe rl ghL peopl e can be s el ecLed
A formal defl nl Ll on s LaL es l L l s Lhe process of fl ndl ng and aLL racLl ng
capabl e appl l canLs for L he empl oymenL 1he process begl ns when new r ecrul Ls ar e
soughL and ends when Lhel r appl l canLs ar e subml LL ed 1he r esul L l s a pool of
appl l canLs fr om whl ch new empl oyees are sel ecL ed" l n Lhl s Lhe aval l abl e
vacancl es ar e gl ven wl de publ l cl L y and sul Labl e candl daL es ar e encouraged L o
subml L appl l caLl ons so as Lo have a pool of el l gl bl e candl daL es for scl enLl fl c
sel ecLl on
In r ecruit ment , i nI or mat i on i s col l ect ed Ir om i nt er est ed candi dat es. For
t hi s di II er ent sour ce such as newspaper advert i sement , empl oyment
exchanges, i nt er nal pr omot i on, et c. are used.
l n Lhe recrul L menL a pool of el l gl bl e and l nL eresL ed candl daL es l s cr eaL ed
for s el ecLl on of mosL sul Labl e candl daL es 8ecrul L menL repr es enLs L he fl rsL conLacL
LhaL a company makes wl Lh poLenLl al empl oyees

efi ni ti on:
Accordl ng Lo DWI N ILI C kect ol tmeot l s tbe pt ocess of seotcbl oq f ot
ptospectl ve empl oyees ooJ stl mol otl oq tbem to oppl y f ot j obs l o tbe otqool zotl oo

Need for recrui tment:
1he need for recrul LmenL may be due Lo Lhe fol l owl ng reasons / sl LuaLl on
a) vacancl es due Lo pr omoLl ons Lransf er r eLl remenL L er ml naLl on per manenL
dl sabl l l Ly deaLh and l abor L urnover
b) Cr eaLl on of new vacancl es due Lo Lhe growLh expansl on and dl versl fl caLl on of
busl ness acLl vl Ll es of an enL erprl s e l n addl Ll on new vacancl es ar e possl bl e
due L o [ ob specl fl caLl on
Purpose and i mport ance of Recrui t ment :

1 ueL erml ne Lhe pr es enL and fuLur e r equl remenL s of L he or ganl zaLl on on
con[ uncLl on wl Lh l Ls personnel pl annl ng and [ ob anal ysl s acLl vl Ll es

2 l ncr ease Lhe pool of [ ob candl daL es aL ml nl mum cosL

3 Pel p l ncr eas e Lhe succes s raL e of Lhe s el ecLl on pr ocess by r educl ng Lhe
number of vl sl bl y under qual l fl ed or overqual l fl ed [ ob appl l canLs

4 Pel p reduce Lhe probabl l l Ly L haL [ ob appl l canLs once r ecrul L ed and
sel ecL ed wl l l l eave Lhe or ganl zaLl on onl y afLer a shorL perl od of Ll me

3 MeeL Lhe organl zaLl on' s l egal and socl al obl l gaLl ons r egardl ng Lhe
composl Ll on of l Ls work force
6 8egl n l denLl f yl ng and pr eparl ng poL enLl al [ ob appl l canLs who wl l l be
approprl aL e candl daLes

7 l ncr ease organl zaLl onal and l ndl vl dual eff ecLl veness l n L he shorL L er m and
l ong L erm

8 Lval uaL e Lhe eff ecLl veness of varl ous r ecrul L l ng L echnl ques and sour ces for
al l Lypes of [ ob appl l canLs

8ecrul L menL l s a posl Ll ve f uncLl on l n whl ch publ l cl L y l s gl ven Lo Lhe [ obs
aval l abl e l n Lhe or ganl zaLl on and l nL er es L ed candl daL es ar e encouraged Lo subml L
appl l caLl ons f or Lhe purpos e of sel ecLl on

8ecrul L menL r epr es enLs Lhe fl rs L conLacL LhaL a company makes wl Lh
poLenLl al empl oyees l L l s Lhrough recrul L menL LhaL many l ndl vl dual s wl l l come L o
know a company and evenL ual l y decl ded wheLher Lhey wl sh Lo work for l L A wel l
pl anned and wel l managed recrul Ll ng efforL wl l l resul L l n hl gh qual l Ly appl l canLs
whereas a haphazard and pl ecemeal efforLs wl l l resul L l n medl ocr e ones
Recruitment is the discovery oI potential applicants Ior actual or anticipated organizations vacancies.

It is linking activity bringing together with jobs and those seeking jobs. The purpose oI recruitment is
to locate sources oI manpower to meet job requirement and job speciIication.

Recruitment is regarded as the most important Iunction oI personnel administration, because
unless the right type oI people or hired even the best plans organizational charts and control systems
would Iail. It is the positive process as it stimulates people to apply Ior jobs to encore the hiring ratio;
i.e. the number oI appreciated Ior jobs.


W All organization whether small or big has engaged in secreting activity it depends upon:
W The size oI organization
W The employment conditions are community where organization is located
W The eIIect oI past recruiting eIIorts
W Rate oI growth oI organization
W Culture, economic and legal Iactors

W Internal Recruitment
W External Recruitment


Vacant posts oI higher level are Iilled up by promotion oI employees. It is the advancement oI
employees to a better job, better in terms oI greater responsibility, greater skills, higher status and
higher pay. They may be given training and promotions oI higher positions.

Promotion Basis

Seniority Basis Merit Basis


TransIer oI employees is made Irom one place to another in the list oI work, worker and the

II a person is misIit or he will be more useIul at some other place then he is shiIted in the case
oI transIer, scale oI pay remains unchanged
W emotion:

Business under deIlationary pressures, employees may be demoted back to their original jobs.
It is a process where the morale and selI respect oI an employee decreases and creates dissatisIaction
in mind oI employees. It reIers to the lowering down the status, salaries and responsibilities oI an
employee. It may lead to a deIensive behavior on the Iact oI person demoted.

W Recruitment of ex-employees:

It is adopted to employ to the organization and are too willing to join it again. Since, the
employee has been in the organization in post so they may be immediately picked up work without
any training.


u The cost oI training insiders Ior the senior post will be less.
u It makes best use oI capabilities oI its employees.
u Employees get opportunity Ior promotion.
u The service record oI employees is available in the organization so outside reIerences and
veriIications not required.
u This improves the morale oI employee; it promotes the loyalty among the employees

W Management may not reach - better qualiIied outsiders,
W In promotions, there may be clash between the Iactors like seniority and capability.
W The limited talent oI the insiders hinders Iurther growth oI the business.

W This sources the people outside oI the organization. This includes:
W New entrance oI the labor Iorce.
W Management employees wide range oI skills and ability.
W Retired experienced persons.

W Through Middleman:
Certain individuals and organization, which work as middleman, may supply workers iI the
enterprises Iail to get workers directly. They meet recruitment through these sources.

W actory gate:
It is made by labor oIIicers, workers gather at Iactory gate or they are called through notices.
The suitable candidate is recruited. Method is applied to meet casual needs oI employees useIul Ior
recruiting unskilled workers whenever there is such a work, this source oI recruitment is used.

W Through Private Institution:

These institutions are some by certain organization joins. They have inIormation about the
candidate and whenever there is any vacancy it is met through these institutions. They charge
commission Ior their services.


W Through Advertisement:

Enterprises advertise their vacancies in news paper, employment news, magazines etc. The
detail oI work and type oI persons required is given in the advertisement.

W Through Employment Exchange:

The employed and under employed males and Iemales register themselves with the
employment exchange. The complete inIormation oI the person is with them. The employees these
exchanges to meet their employee's requirement.

W Through Labor Union:

To keep workers and their union, satisIied employees can be recruited through workers union
W Irregular Application:

They are some highly qualiIied persons who contact the venture through their bio-data and
interview the person who may suit them.

W Through recommendation of existing employees:

These people recommend that recruitment oI the members who may be their Iamily member,
Iriend, relatives etc. and organization recruit them. This method creates the Ieelings oI belongingness
with the venture and the existing employees contribute their best eIIorts.


W The enterprise can expect to get Iresh, talented candidates Irom outside. This brings new ideas
into the enterprise.
W The Iresh selection can be made as the people are recruited Irom a large market without any
distinction oI caste, sex and color.


W It causes dissatisIaction and Irustration among the employees who deserve promotion.
W It takes more time since enterprise has to publish the vacancies and wait to the response oI the
prospective candidates.

W The prospective candidate may or may not be good Ior organization.
W It is more costly to recruit the staII Irom external sources. A lot oI money is spending on
advertising and process oI application.


Selection is a step ahead oI recruitment. It is the choosing amongst the
available candidate. It loads to employment oI workers. Selection is the negative
process as it involves rejection oI unsuitable candidates. More candidates are rejected
than actually selected. For Example: 100 Applicants have applied and out oI which 1
Applicants is selected. It means 90 Applicants are rejected it constitute 90 negative
process. This percentage depends upon the number oI persons applied is higher.

It involves various steps to weed out the unsuitable candidates Ior the job
consideration some criteria are laid down at each stage.

Selection is deIined us the process oI
diIIerentiuting between upplicunts in order to
identiIy {und hire) those with u greuter
likelihood oI soccess in u job.

5e/ ecti on i s bosi co/ / y pi cki nq on opp/ i cont f r om { o poo/ of
opp/ i conts) who hos the oppropri ote quo/ i f i coti on ond compet ency
to do the j ob

1he di ff erence between rec rui tment ond se/ ecti on
kecrui tment i s i denti f yi nq n encouroqi nq prospecti ve emp/ oyees to
opp/ y for o j ob

5e/ ecti on i s se/ ecti nq the ri qht condi dote f rom t he poo/ of
opp/ i conts
Envi ronment factor affecti ng sel ecti on: -
Select i on i s i nIl uenced by sever al Iact or s. More promi nent among t hem
ar e suppl y and demand oI speci Ii c ski l l s i n t he labor mar ket , unempl oyment
rat e, labor - mar ket condi t i ons, l egal and pol i t i cal consi derat i ons, company`s
i mage, company`s pol i cy, human r es ources planni ng and cost oI hi ri ng. The
last t hr ee const it ut e t he i nt er nal envi r onment and t he r emai ni ng I or m t he
ext er nal envi r onment oI s el ect i on process.

S1 1
TIe uppIIcunLs receIved Irom job seekers wouId be subjecL
Lo scruLIny so us Lo eIImInuLe unquuIIIIed uppIIcunLs. TII s I s
usuuIIy IoIIowed by u preII mI nury InLervI ew LIe purpose oI
wIIcI I s more or Iess LIe sume us scruLIny oI uppIIcuLIon, LIuL
I s, eIImI nuLe oI unquuIIIIed uppIIcunLs. ScruLI ny enubIes LIe
HR specI uIIsLs Lo eIImI nuLe unquuIIIIed jobseekers bused on
LIe I nIormuLI on suppII ed In LIeIr uppIIcuLI on Iorms.
PreIImI nury InLervIew, on LIe oLIer Iund, IeIps rejecL mI sIILs
Ior reuson, wIIcI dId noL uppeur In LIe uppIIcuLIon Iorms.
BesIdes, preIImI nury InLervI ew, oILen cuIIed 'courLesy
InLervIew`, I s u good pubIIc reIuLIon exercI se.
S1 2
! ob seekers who pass Lhe s cr eenl ng and L he pr el l ml nar y l nL ervl ew ar e cal l ed for
LesLs ul ffer enL L ypes of L es Ls may be adml nl sLer ed dependl ng on Lhe [ ob and Lhe
company Ceneral l y L es Ls are us ed Lo deL er ml ne L he appl l canL' s abl l l Ly apLl Lude
and per sonal l L y

1he f o| | ow| ng are the type of tests taken
1) Ab| | | ty tests
Assi st i n det er mi ni ng how wel l an i ndi vi dual can per Ior m t asks
r el at ed t o t he j ob. An excel l ent i l l ust rat i on oI t hi s is t he t ypi ng t est s gi ven
t o a pr ospect i ve empl oyer Ior secret ari al j ob. Al s o call ed as
ACHEIVEMENT TESTS`. It is concer ned wi t h what one has
accompl i shed. When appl i cant clai ms t o know s omet hi ng, an achi evement
t est is t aken t o measure how wel l t hey know i t . Trade t est s ar e t he most
common t ype oI achi evement t est gi ven. Quest i ons have been prepar ed and
t est ed Ior such t rades as asbest os wor ker, punch-pr ess operat ors,
el ect r i ci ans and machi ni st s. Ther e ar e, oI course, many unst andardis ed
achi evement t est s gi ven i n i ndust ri es, such as t yping or di ct at i on t est s I or
an appli cant I or a st enogr aphi c posi t i on.

2) Apt| tude test
Apt i t ude t ests measur e whet her an i ndi vi dual `s has t he capaci t y or
lat ent abi l i t y t o l earn a gi ven j ob i I gi ven adequat e t r ai ni ng. The use oI
apt it ude t est i s advi sabl e when an appl i cant has had l it t l e or no exper i ence
al ong t he l i ne oI t he j ob openi ng. Apt it udes t est s hel p det er mi ne a per son`s
pot ent ial t o l ear n i n a gi ven ar ea. An exampl e oI such t est i s t he gener al
management apt it ude t est s (GMAT), whi ch many busi ness st udent s t ake
pr i or t o gai ni ng admi ssion t o a graduat e busi ness school pr ogramme.
Apt it ude t est i ndi cat es t he abi l i t y or Iit ness oI an i ndi vi dual t o engage
successIul l y i n any number oI speci al i zed act i vi t i es. They cover such ar eas
cl eri cal apt it ude, numer i cal apt it ude, mechani cal apt it ude, mot or co-
or di nat i on, Iinger dext er it y and manual dext erit y. These t est s hel p t o det ect
posi t i ve negat i ve poi nt s i n a per son`s sensory or int el l ect ual abi l i t y. They
Iocus att ent i on on a part i cul ar t ype oI t al ent such as l ear ni ng or r easoni ng i n
r espect oI a part icul ar Ii el d oI wor k.

Ior ms of apt| tude test

1 Ment a| or | nte| | | gence test s
They measur e t he overal l i nt el l ect ual abi l i t y oI a pers on
and enabl e t o know whet her t he person has t he ment al abi l it y t o
deal wi t h cert ain pr obl ems.

2 Mechan| ca| apt| tude tests
1hey measur e Lhe abl l l Ly of a person L o l earn a parLl cul ar L ype
of mechanl cal work 1hese L esLs hel ps Lo measur e specl al l zed
Lechnl cal knowl edge and probl em sol vl ng abl l l Ll es l f Lhe candl daL e
1hey are usef ul l n sel ecLl on of mechanl cs mal nLenance workers eL c

sychomot or or sk| | | s tests
1hey ar e Lhos e whl ch measur e a pers on' s abl l l Ly L o do a
specl fl c [ ob Such L esLs ar e conducL ed l n r es pecL of s eml skl l l ed and
repeLl Ll ve [ obs such as packl ng L esLl ng and l nspecLl on eL c

) I nte| | | gence test
1hl s L esL hel ps L o eval uaL e Lral Ls of l nLel l l gence MenLal abl l l Ly pr esence of ml nd
( al erLness) numerl cal abl l l Ly memor y and s uch oLher aspecLs can be measured
The i nt el l i gence i s pr obabl y t he most wi del y admi nist er ed standardi zed t est
i n i ndust ry. It i s t aken t o j udge numeri cal, ski l l s, r easoni ng, memor y and
such ot her abi l it i es.
) I nterest 1est
1hl s l s conducL ed Lo fl nd ouL l l kes and dl sl l kes of candl daL es Lowards occupaLl ons
hobbl es eL c such L esLs l ndl caL e whl ch occupaLl ons ar e mor e l n l l ne wl Lh a
person' s l nL er esL Such L es Ls al so enabl e Lhe company Lo provl de vocaLl onal
gul dance Lo Lhe s el ecL ed candl daL es and even Lo Lhe exl s Ll ng empl oyees
1hes e L esLs are us ed Lo measure an l ndl vl dual ' s acLl vl L y pr efer ences 1hes e L esL s
are par Ll cul arl y us eful for sLudenLs consl derl ng many careers or empl oyees
decl dl ng upon car eer changes

) ersona| | ty 1est
1he l mpor Lance of pers onal l L y Lo [ ob success l s undenl abl e Cf L en an l ndl vl dual
who poss ess es Lhe l nL el l l gence apLl L ude and experl ence f or cer Lal n has fal l ed
becaus e of l nabl l l Ly Lo geL al ong wl Lh and moLl vaL e oL her peopl e
l L l s conducL ed Lo [ udge maLurl L y socl al or l nLerpersonal skl l l s behavl or under
sLress and sLral n eL c Lhl s LesL l s ver y much ess enLl al on case of s el ecLl on of s al es
force publ l c r el aLl on sLaff eL c wher e personal l Ly pl ays an l mporLanL rol e
ersonal l L y LesLs ar e sl ml l ar Lo l nL eresL L esL s l n LhaL L hey al so l nvol ve a s erl ous
probl em of obLal nl ng an honesL answer

6) r o[ ect| ve 1est
1hl s L esL r equl r es l nL er preLaLl on of probl ems or sl LuaLl ons lor exampl e a
phoL ograph or a pl cLure can be shown Lo L he candl daL es and Lhey ar e asked Lo
gl ve Lhel r vl ews and opl nl ons abouL Lhe pl cLure


) Gener a| know| edge 1est
now days C k 1esLs ar e ver y common L o fl nd general awareness of Lhe candl daL es
l n Lhe fl el d of sporLs pol l Ll cs worl d affal rs currenL affal rs

8) ercept| on 1est
AL Ll mes percepLl on L esLs can be conducLed Lo fl nd ouL bel l efs aL Ll Ludes and
menL al sharpness eL c

9) Grapho| ogy 1est
l L l s desl gned Lo anal yze Lhe handwrl Ll ng of l ndl vl dual l L has been sal d L haL an
l ndl vl dual ' s handwrl Ll ng can s uggesL L he degr ee of ener gy l nhl bl Ll on and
sponLanel Ly as wel l as dl scl os e L he l dl os yncrasl es and el emenLs of bal ance and
conLrol lor exampl e bl g l eLL ers and emphasl s on capl Lal l eLL er s l ndl caL e a
Lendency Lowards doml naLl on and compeLl Ll veness A sl anL L o Lhe rl ghL moderaL e
pressur e and good l egl bl l l Ly show l eaders hl p poL enLl al

10) o| ygraph 1est
ol ygraph l s a l l e deL ecL or whl ch l s desl gned L o ensure accuracy of Lhe
l nformaLl on gl ven l n L he appl l caLl ons ueparLmenL s Lor e banks Lreasur y offl ces
and [ ewel l er y shops L haL l s Lhos e hl ghl y vul nerabl e Lo Lhef L or swl ndl l ng may fl nd
pol ygraph LesLs useful

11) Med| ca| 1est
l L reveal s physl cal fl Lness of a candl daL e Wl Lh Lhe devel opmenL of L echnol ogy
medl cal L es Ls have become dl versl fl ed Medl cal servl cl ng hel ps measur e and
monl Lor a candl daL e' s physl cal resl l l ence upon exposure Lo hazardous cheml cal s



1he LesL musL be chosen l n Lhe crl L erl a of r el l abl l l Ly val l dl L y ob[ ecLl vl L y and
sLandar dl zaLl on 1hey ar e

1 kLI A8I LI 1
It r eI er s t o st andar di zat i on oI t he pr ocedur e oI admi ni st er i ng and
scor i ng t he t est resul t s. A per son who t akes t est s one day and makes a cert ai n
scor e shoul d be abl e t o t ake t he same t est t he next day or t he next week and
make mor e or l ess t he same score. An i ndi vi dual`s int el l i gence, Ior exampl e,
i s gener al l y a st abl e charact erist i c. So i I we admi ni st er an i nt el l i gence t est , a
person who scor es 110 i n Mar ch woul d scor e cl ose t o 110 i I t est ed i n Jul y.
Test s, whi ch pr oduce wi de var iat i ons i n r esul t s, s er ve l it t l e pur pos e i n
sel ect i on.
It is a t est , whi ch hel ps predi ct whet her a person wi l l be successIul i n
a gi ven j ob. A t est t hat has been val i dat ed can be hel pIul i n di II er ent i at i ng
bet ween pr ospect i ve empl oyees who wi ll be abl e t o perI or m t he j ob wel l and
t hos e who wi l l not . Nat ural l y, no t est wi l l be 100 accurat e i n pr edi ct i ng j ob
success. A val i dat ed t est i ncr eases possi bi l it y oI success.

1her e are thr ee ways of va| | dat| ng a test 1hey are as f o| | ows

1) oncurrent Va| | d| ty Lhl s l nvol ves deL erml nl ng Lhe facL ors LhaL are
characL erl s Ll cs of s uccessful empl oyees and Lhen usl ng Lhes e facLors as L he
yards Ll cks

2) red| ct| ve Va| | d| ty l L l nvol ves usl ng a sel ecLl on L esL durl ng Lhe s el ecLl on
process and Lhen l denLl f yl ng L he successf ul candl daL es 1he characL erl sLl cs of
boLh success ful and l ess successful candl daL es are Lhen l denLl fl ed

) Synt het| c Va| | d| ty l L l nvol ves Lakl ng parLs of several sl ml l ar [ obs raL her
Lhan one compl eL e [ ob Lo val l daL e Lhe sel ecLl on LesL
When Lwo or mor e peopl e can l nL er preL Lhe resul L of Lhe same L esL and derl ve Lhe
same concl usl on( s) Lhe L esL l s sal d Lo be ob[ ecLl ve CLherwl s e Lhe L es L
eval uaLors' sub[ ecLl ve opl nl ons may r ender Lhe L es L us el ess
A LesL LhaL l s sLandardl zed l s adml nl s Lered under s Landar d condl Ll on L o a
l arge group of pers on who ar e repr es enLaLl ves of Lhe l ndl vl dual s for whom l L l s
l nLended 1he purpos e of sLandardl zaLl on l s Lo obLal n norms or s Landard so LhaL a
specl fl c L es L scor e can be meanl ngful when compar ed Lo oLher scor e l n Lhe group

1he nexL sL ep l n L he sel ecLl on process l s an l nLer vl ew l nLer vl ew l s formal l n
depLh conversaLl on conducL ed Lo eval uaL e Lhe appl l canL' s accepLabl l l L y l L l s
consl dered Lo be excel l enL s el ecLl on devl ce l L l s faceLoface exchange of vl ew
l deas and opl nl on beLween Lhe candl daL es and l nLervl ewers 8asl cal l y l nLervl ew l s
noLhl ng buL an oral examl naLl on of candl daL es l nL er vl ew can be adapLed L o
unskl l l ed skl l l ed managerl al and professl on empl oyees

Cb[ ect| ves of | nterv| ew
l nLervl ew has aL l easL Lhree ob[ ecLl ves and Lhey are as fol l ows
1) Pel ps obLal n addl Ll onal l nformaLl on fr om L he appl l canLs
2) lacl l l LaL es gl vl ng general l nfor maLl on L o L he appl l canLs such as company
pol l cl es [ ob producL s manufacLured and Lhe l l ke
3) Pel ps bul l d Lhe company' s l mage among Lhe appl l canLs

1ypes of | nterv| ew
l nLervl ews can be of dl ff erenL L ypes 1here l nL ervl ews empl oyed by Lhe
companl es
lol l owl ng are Lhe varl ous L ypes of l nL ervl ew

1) I nf or ma| I nter v| ew
An l nformal l nLer vl ew l s an oral l nL ervl ew and may Lake pl ace anywher e 1he
empl oyee or Lhe manager or Lhe personnel manager may ask a f ew al mos L
l nconsequenLl al ques Ll ons l l ke name pl ace of bl rLh names of rel aLl ves eLc
el Lher l n Lhel r r especLl ve offl ces or anywhere ouLsl de L he pl anL of company l L
dl d noL pl anned and nobody pr epar es for l L 1hl s l s used wl del y when L he l abor
markeL l s Ll ghL and when you need workers badl y

2) Ior ma| I nterv| ew
lormal l nLervl ews may be hel d l n L he empl oymenL offl ce by Lhe empl oymenL
offl ce l n a mor e for mal aLmospher e wl Lh Lhe hel p of wel l sLrucLured ques Ll ons
Lhe Ll me and pl ace of L he l nL er vl ew wl l l be sLl pul aLed by L he empl oymenL offl ce

) Nond| rect| ve I nter v| ew
nondl recLl ve l nLervl ew or unsL rucLur ed l nLervl ew l s desl gned Lo l eL Lhe
l nLervl ewee speak hl s ml nd fr eel y 1he l nL ervl ewer has no for mal or dl recLl ve
quesLl ons buL hl s al l aL L enLl on l s Lo Lhe candl daL e Pe encourages Lhe candl daL e
Lo Lal k by a l l LLl e proddl ng whenever he l s sl l enL e g Mr 8ay pl eas e L el l us
abouL yours el f afL er you' r e graduaL ed from hl gh school "
1he l dea l s o gl ve Lhe candl daL e compl eL e f r eedom Lo s el l " hl ms el f wl LhouL Lhe
encumbrances of Lhe l nL er vl ewer' s quesLl on 8uL Lhe l nL ervl ewer musL be of
hl gher cal l ber and musL gul de and rel aL e Lhe l nformaLl on gl ven by Lhe appl l canL
Lo Lhe ob[ ecLl ve of Lhe l nL er vl ew

) Depth I nter v| ew
l L l s desl gned Lo l nL ensel y examl ne Lhe candl daL e' s backgr ound and Lhl nkl ng
and Lo go l nL o consl der abl e deLal l on par Ll cul ar sub[ ecLs of an l mporL anL naLur e
and of specl al l nLer esL Lo Lhe candl daL es lor exampl e l f Lhe candl daL e says LhaL
he l s l nL er es L ed l n Lennl s a serl es of quesLl ons may be asked Lo L es L Lhe depLh
of unders Landl ng and l nLeres L of L he candl daL e 1hes e probl ng quesLl ons musL
be asked wl Lh LacL and L hrough exhausLl ve anal ysl s l L l s possl bl e Lo geL a good
pl cLur e of L he candl daL e

) Str ess I nter v| ew
l L l s desl gned L o L esL Lhe candl daL e and hl s conducL and behavl or by hl m under
condl Ll ons of sLress and sLral n 1he l nLer vl ewer may s LarL wl Lh Mr ! oseph we
do noL L hl nk your qual l fl caLl ons and experl ence ar e adequaL e for Lhl s posl Ll on '
and waL ch L he r eacLl on of Lhe candl daLes A good candl daL es wl l l noL yl el d on
Lhe conLrar y he may subs LanLl aLe why he l s qual l fl ed Lo handl e Lhe [ ob
1hl s L ype of l nL er vl ew l s borrowed from Lhe Ml l l Lary or ganl zaLl on and Lhl s l s
ver y us eful Lo LesL behavl or of l ndl vl dual s when Lhey are faced wl L h
dl sagr eeabl e and Lr yl ng sl LuaLl ons

6) Gr oup I nterv| ew
l L l s desl gned Lo save bus y execuLl ve' s Ll me and Lo see how L he candl daL es
may be br oughL L ogeLher l n L he empl oymenL of fl ce and Lhey may be
l nLervl ewed

) ane| I nt er v| ew
A panel or l nLervl ewl ng board or sel ecLl on comml L Lee may l nL er vl ew Lhe
candl daL e usual l y l n Lhe case of super vl sory and managerl al posl Ll ons 1hl s
Lype of l nL ervl ew pool s Lhe col l ecLl ve [ udgmenL and wl sdom of Lhe panel l n
Lhe assessmenL of Lhe candl daL e and al so l n ques Ll onl ng L he facul Ll es of Lhe
candl daL e

8) Sequent| a| I nter v| ew
1he s equenLl al l nL er vl ew Lakes Lhe one Lo one a s L ep f urLher and l nvol ves a
serl es of l nL er vl ew usual l y uLl l l zl ng L he sL r engL h and knowl edgebase of each
l nLervl ewer so LhaL each l nLer vl ewer can as k quesLl ons l n r el aLl on Lo hl s or
her sub[ ecL ar ea of each candl daL e as L he candl daL e moves from room Lo

9) Str uct ures I nter v| ew
l n a sLrucLur ed l nL er vl ew Lhe l nLer vl ewer us es preseL s Landardl zed
quesLl ons whl ch are puL L o al l Lhe l nL er vl ewees 1hl s l nL ervl ew l s al so cal l ed
as ' Cul ded' or ' aLL erned' l nL ervl ew l L l s useful for val l d r esul Ls especl al l y
when deal l ng wl Lh Lhe l arge number of appl l canL s

10) Unst ructured I nter v| ew
l L l s al so known as ' unpaL enL ed' l nLer vl ew Lhe l nLer vl ew l s l ar gel y
unpl anned and L he l nL er vl ewee does mos L of Lhe Lal kl ng ungul ded l nL er vl ew
l s advanLageous l n as much as l L l eads L o a frl endl y conversaLl on beLween
Lhe l nLer vl ewer and Lhe l nL er vl ewee and l n Lhe process Lhe l aLer r eveal s
mor e of hl s or her desl r e and pr obl ems 8uL Lhe unpaL enL ed l nLer vl ew l acks
unl for ml L y and wor s e Lhl s approach may overl ook key ar eas of Lhe
appl l canL' s skl l l s or background l L l s useful when Lhe l nLer vl ewer Lrl es Lo
probe personal deLal l s of Lhe candl daL e l L anal yze why Lhey ar e noL rl ghL for
Lhe [ ob

11) M| xed I nt er v| ew
l n pracLl ce Lhe l nL er vl ewer whl l e l nL er vl ewl ng L he [ ob s eekers us es a bl end
of sLrucL ur ed and sLrucLur ed and unsLrucLured quesLl ons 1hl s appr oach l s
cal l ed L he Ml xed l nL ervl ew 1he sLrucLur ed quesLl ons provl de a bas e of
l nLervl ew more convenLl onal and per ml L greaL er l nsl ghLs l nLo Lhe unl que
dl fferences beLween appl l canL s

12) I mpr omptu I nt er v| ews
1hl s l nLervl ew commonl y occur s when empl oyers ar e approached dl recLl y
and L ends Lo be very l nformal and uns L rucL ur ed Appl l canLs shoul d be
prepar ed aL al l Ll mes for on LhespoL l nLer vl ews especl al l y l n sl LuaLl ons s uch
as a [ ob f al r or a col d cal l l L l s an l deal Ll me for empl oyers Lo ask Lhe
candl daL e some basl c quesLl ons Lo deL er ml ne wheLher he/she may be
l nLeresLed l n for mal l y l nL er vl ewl ng L he candl daL e

1) D| nner I nter v| ews
1hes e l nLer vl ews may be sLrucLur ed l nfor mal or socl al l y sl LuaL ed such as l n
a resLauranL uecl de whaL Lo eaL qul ckl y some l nL er vl ewers wl l l ask you Lo
order fl rsL ( do noL appear l ndecl sl ve) Avol d poL enLl al l y messy foods such as
spagheLLl 8e prepar ed for Lhe conversaLl on Lo abrupLl y change from frl endl y
chaL L o dl recL l nL ervl ew quesLl ons however do noL under esLl maL e Lhe val ue
of cas ual dl scussl on some empl oyers pl ace a gr eaL val ue on l L 8e pr epar ed
Lo swl L ch gears rapl dl y fr om fun Lal k Lo busl ness Lal k

1) 1e| ephone I nter v| ews
Pave a copy of your r es ume and any pol nLs you wanL Lo r emember Lo say
near by l f you are on your home L el ephone make sur e LhaL al l roommaLes or
faml l y members ar e aware of Lhe l nL ervl ew (no l oud sLer eos barkl ng dogs
eL c ) Speak a bl L sl ower Lhan usual l L l s crucl al LhaL you convey your
enLhusl as m verbal l y sl nce Lhe l nL er vl ewer cannoL see your face l f L her e ar e
paus es do noL worr y Lhe l nLer vl ewer l s l l kel y [ usL Lakl ng some noL es

1) Second I nter v| ews

! ob seekers ar e l nvl L ed back afL er Lhey have passed Lhe fl rs L l nl Ll al l nL ervl ew
Ml ddl e or s enl or managemenL general l y conducLs Lhe second l nL ervl ew
LogeLher or s eparaL el y Appl l canLs can expecL mor e l ndepLh quesLl ons and Lhe
empl oyer wl l l be expecLl ng a gr eaL er l evel of prepar aLl on on Lhe parL of Lhe
candl daL es Appl l canLs shoul d conLl nue Lo res ear ch Lhe empl oyer f ol l owl ng Lhe
fl rsL l nL er vl ew and be pr epar ed L o us e any l nfor maLl on gal ned Lhr ough Lhe
prevl ous l nLer vl ew Lo Lhel r advanLage

kIkN k
Many empl oyers r equesL names addresses and L el ephone number s
of r ef er ences for L he purpos e of verl fyl ng l nf ormaLl on and perhaps
gal nl ng addl Ll onal background l nformaLl on on an appl l canL Al Lhough l l sLed
on Lhe appl l caLl on for m ref er ences are noL usual l y checked unLl l an
appl l canL has successful l y reached Lhe f ourLh s Lage of a s equenLl al
sel ecLl on proces s When L he l abor markeL l s very Ll ghL or ganl zaLl ons
someLl mes hl r e appl l canLs before checkl ng ref erences
r evl ous empl oyers known as publ l c fl gures unl ver sl L y prof essors
nel ghbors or frl ends can acL as ref er ences r evl ous empl oyers ar e
preferabl e because Lhey ar e al ready aware of Lhe appl l canL' s perf or mance
8uL Lhe pr obl em wl Lh Lhl s ref er ence l s Lhe L endency on Lhe parL of Lhe
prevl ous empl oyers Lo overr aL e L he appl l canL' s perfor mance [ us L Lo geL rl d
of Lhe person
Crganl zaLl ons normal l y seek l eLLer s of ref er ence or L el ephone
ref erences 1he l aLL er l s advanLageous because of l Ls accuracy and l ow cos L
1he Lel ephone ref er ence al so has Lhe advanLage of sol l cl Ll ng l mmedl aL e
rel aLl vel y candl d commenLs and aLLl L ude can someLl mes be l nf err ed from
hesl LaLl ons and l nfl ecLl ons l n speech
l L may be s LaL ed LhaL Lhe l nf or maLl on gaLhered Lhr ough refer ences
hardl y l nfl uence sel ecLl on decl sl ons 1he reasons ar e obvl ous
1 1he candl daL e approaches onl y Lhos e pers ons who woul d speak wel l
abouL hl m or her
2 eopl e may wrl L e favorabl y abouL Lhe candl daL e l n order L o geL rl d of
hl m or her
3 eopl e may noL l l ke Lo dl vul ge Lhe LruLh abouL a candl daLe l esL l L ml ghL
damage or rul n hl s/her car eer

AfLer obLal nl ng l nfor maLl on Lhrough Lhe precedl ng sL eps sel ecLl on
decl sl on L he mosL crl Ll cal of al l Lhe sL eps mus L be made 1he oL her sLages
l n Lhe sel ecLl on process have been used Lo narrow Lhe number of Lhe
candl daL es 1he fl nal decl sl on has Lo be made Lhe pool of l ndl vl dual s who
pas Lhe L esLs l nL er vl ews and refer ence checks
1he vl ew of Lhe l l ne manager wl l l be general l y consl der ed l n Lhe fl nal
sel ecLl on because l L l s he/s he who l s res pons l bl e for Lhe perfor mance of Lhe
new empl oyee 1he P8 manager pl ays a crucl al rol e l n Lhe fl nal sel ecLl on

S1 6
AfLer Lhe sel ecLl on decl sl on and befor e Lhe [ ob off er l s made Lhe
candl daL e l s requl r ed Lo under go a physl cal fl Lness L es L A [ ob offer l s
ofL en conLl ngenL upon Lhe candl daL e bel ng decl ar ed fl L afL er L he physl cal
examl naLl on 1he resul Ls of Lhe medl cal fl L ness L esL ar e recorded l n a
sLaL emenL and are pr es er ved l n L he pers onnel r ecords 1her e are sever al
ob[ ecLl ves behl nd a physl cal L es L Cbvl ousl y one r eas on f or a physl cal
LesL l s Lo deLecL l f Lhe l ndl vl dual carrl es any l nfecLl ous dl seas e Secondl y
Lhe L esL assl sLs l n deL erml nl ng wheLher an appl l canL l s physl cal l y fl L Lo
perform Lhe work 1hl rdl y L he physl cal examl naLl on l nformaLl on can be
used Lo deL erml ne l f Lher e are cerLal n physl cal capabl l l Ll es whl ch
dl fferenLl aLe successf ul and l ess s uccessful empl oyees lour Lh medl cal
checkup proL ecLs appl l canLs wl Lh heal L h defecLs from underLakl ng wor k
LhaL coul d be deL rl menLal Lo L hem or ml ghL oLherwl s e endanger Lhe
empl oyer' s proper L y ll nal l y such an examl naLl on wl l l proLecL L he
empl oyer from workers compensaLl on cl al ms LhaL ar e noL val l d becaus e
Lhe l n[ url es or l l l ness wer e presenL when Lhe empl oyee was hl r ed

1he nexL s L ep l n L he sel ecLl on process l s [ ob off er Lo Lhos e appl l canL s
who have cr oss ed al l Lhe pr evl ous hurdl es ! ob off er l s made Lhr ough a
l eLL er of appol nL ed Such a l eL L er general l y conLal ns a daL e by whl ch Lhe
appol nL ee mus L repor L on duLy 1he appol nL ee musL be gl ven r eas onabl e
Ll me for r eporLl ng 1hos l s parLl cul arl y necessar y when he or she l s
al ready l n empl oymenL l n whl ch case Lhe appol nL ee l s requl red L o obLal n
a r el l evl ng cerLl fl caLe from Lhe pr evl ous empl oyer Agal n a new [ ob may
requl re movemenL L o anoLher cl L y whl ch means consl derabl e
preparaLl on and movemenL of pr oper Ly
1he company may al so wanL Lhe l ndl vl dual Lo del ay Lhe daLe of
reporLl ng on duL y l f L he new empl oyee' s fl rsL [ ob upon [ ol nl ng Lhe
company l s Lo go on company unLl l perhaps a week befor e such L ral nl ng
begl ns naLural l y Lhl s pracLl ce cannoL be abus ed especl al l y l f Lhe
l ndl vl dual l s unempl oyed and does noL have suffl cl enL fl nances
uecency demands LhaL Lhe r e[ ecL ed appl l canLs be l nformed abouL
Lhel r nons el ecLl on 1hel r appl l canLs may be pres er ved f or fuLur e us e l f
any l L needs no emphasl s LhaL Lhe appl l caLl ons of s el ecL ed candl daLes
mus L al so be pr es erved for L he fuLur e r ef erences

S1 8
AfLer L he [ ob off er has been mad and candl daL es accepL L he off er
cerLal n documenLs need Lo be execuL ed by Lhe empl oyer and Lhe
candl daL e Cne such documenL l s Lhe aL L esLaLl on for m 1hl s form conLal ns
vl Lal deL al l s abouL Lhe candl daL e whl ch ar e auLhenLl caLed and aLL es L ed
by hl m/her ALL es LaLl on for m wl l l be a val l d r ecord for Lhe fuLur e
ref erence
1her e l s al so a need f or pr eparl ng a conLr acL of empl oymenL 1he
basl c l nfor maLl on LhaL shoul d be l ncl uded l n a wrl LL en conLracL of
empl oymenL wl l l var y accordl ng Lo Lhe l evel of Lhe [ ob buL Lhe fol l owl ng
checkl l sL s eLs ouL Lhe L ypl cal headl ngs
1 ! ob Ll Ll e
2 uuLl es l ncl udl ng a pars e such as 1he empl oyee wl l l perfor m
such duLl es and wl l l be res ponsl bl e Lo such a person as Lhe
company may fr om Ll me Lo Ll me dl recL "
3 uaLe when conLl nuous empl oymenL sLarL s and Lhe basl s for
cal cul aLl ng s ervl ce
4 8aLe of pay al l owance overLl me and shl fL raLes meLhod of
3 Pours of work l ncl udl ng l unch break and overLl me and shl f L
6 Pol l day arrangemenLs
l ) al d hol l days per year
l l ) Cal cul aLl on of hol l day pay
l l l ) Cual l fyl ng perl od
l v ) Accrual of hol l days and hol l day pay
v ) ueLal l s of hol l day year
vl ) uaLes when hol l days can be Laken
vl l ) Maxl mum hol l day LhaL can be Lake aL any one Ll me
vl l l ) Carryover of hol l day enLl Ll emenL
l x ) ubl l c hol l days
7 LengLh of noLl ce due Lo and from empl oyee
8 Crl evances procedur e ( or r efer ence Lo l L)
9 ul scl pl l nary procedur e ( or any ref er ence Lo l L)
10 Work rul es ( or any r ef er ence Lo Lhem)
11 ArrangemenLs for L er ml naLl ng empl oymenL
12 ArrangemenLs for unl on member shl p ( l f appl l cabl e)
13 Specl al L er ms r el aLl ng Lo rl ghLs Lo paL enL s and desl gns
confl denLl al l nfor maLl on and r es Lral nLs on Lrade af L er
Lerml naLl on of empl oymenL
14 Lmpl oyer' s rl ghL Lo vary L er ms of Lhe conLracL sub[ ecL Lo proper
noLl fl caLl on bel ng gl ven

Al LernaLl vel y cal l ed empl oymenL agreemenLs or sl mpl y bonds
conLracLs of empl oymenL s er ve many useful purpos es Such conLracLs s eek
Lo r es Lral n [ obhoppers L o proL ecL knowl edge and l nfor maLl on L haL ml ghL
be vl Lal L o a company' s heal L hy boL Lom l l ne and Lo pr evenL compeLl Lor s
from poachl ng hl ghl y val ued empl oyees
CreaL care l s L aken Lo drafL Lhe conL racL forms Cf Len ser vl ces of l aw
fl rms ( pr oml nenL fl rms l n Lhl s caL egor y l ncl ude Mul l ah Cr aggl er 8l unL and
Care Crawford 8al l ey Amar chand Mangal das Pl ral al eL c ) are engag4d L o
geL L he forms dr afL ed and fl nal l zed
MosL empl oyers l nsl sL on agreemenL s bel ng sl gned by newl y hl red
empl oyees 8uL hl gh L urnover s ecLors such as sof Lwar e adver Ll sl ng and
medl a ar e more pr one Lo use conLracLs
1he dr awback wl Lh Lhe conLracLs l s LhaL l L l s al mosL Lo enfor ce L hem
A deL erml ned empl oyee l s bound Lo l eave L he organl saLl on conLracL or no
conLracL 1he empl oyee l s pr epar ed Lo pay Lhe penal L y for breachl ng Lhe
agr eemenL or Lhe new empl oyer wl l l provl de compensaLl ons l L l s Lhe
reason LhaL several companl es have scrapped Lhe conLracLs al LogeL her

S1 9

ConLrar y Lo popul ar percepLl on Lhe sel ecLl on process wl l l noL end wl L h
execuLl ng Lhe empl oymenL conLracL 1here l s anoLher sL ep amor e
sensl Ll ve one r eassurl ng L hose candl daL es who have noL s el ecL ed noL
becaus e of any s erl ous defl cl encl es l n Lhel r personal l L y buL becaus e Lhel r
profl l e dl d noL maL ch Lhe requl r emenL of L he or ganl zaLl on 1hey musL be
Lol d LhaL Lhose who were sel ecL ed wer e done pur el y on rel aLl ve merl L

S1 10
1he broad LesL of Lhe eff ecLl veness of Lhe sel ecLl on process l s Lhe
qual l Ly of Lhe personnel hl red An organl zaLl on musL have compeL enL and
comml LL ed personnel 1he s el ecLl on pr oces s l f properl y done wl l l ensur e
aval l abl l l Ly of such empl oyees Pow Lo eval uaL e Lhe eff ecLl veness of a
sel ecLl on progr ammed? A perl odl c audl L l s Lhe answer eopl e who work
l ndependenL of P8 deparL menL mus L conducL audl L 1he Labl e bel ow
conLal ns an ouLl l ne LhaL hl ghl l ghLs Lhe ar eas and quesLl ons Lo be cover ed l n
a sysL emaLl c eval uaLl on

our Approaches to Sel ecti on:
Ethnocent ri c Sel ecti on:
In t hi s appr oach, st aIIi ng deci si ons are made at t he or ganizat i on`s
headquart ers. Subsi diari es have l i mi t ed aut onomy, and t he empl oyees Irom
t he headquart ers at home and abroad Ii l l key j obs. Nat i onal s Irom t he par ent
count r y domi nat e t he organi zat i ons at home and abroad.

Pol ycentri c Sel ecti on:
In pol ycent r i c sel ect i on, each subsi di ar y is t reat ed as a di st i nct
nat ional ent i t y wi t h l ocal cont r ol key Ii nanci al t arget s and i nvest ment
deci si ons. Local ci t i zens manage subsi di ari es, but t he key j obs remai n wi t h
st aII Ir om t he par ent count r y. Thi s i s t he approach, whi ch i s lar gel y pract i ced
i n our count r y.

Regi ocentri c Sel ecti on: -
Her e, cont r ol wi t hi n t he gr oup and t he movement s oI st aII ar e managed
on a r egi onal basis, r eIl ect i ng t he part i cul ar di sposi t i on oI busi ness and
oper at i ons wi t hi n t he gr oup. Regi onal manager s have gr eat er di scr et i on i n
deci si on. Movement oI st aII is lar gel y r est ri ct ed t o speciIi c geogr aphical
r egi ons and pr omot i ons t o t he j obs cont i nue t o be domi nat ed by manager s
Irom t he par ent s company.

4 Geocentri c Staffi ng: -
In t hi s case, busi ness st rat egy is int egrat ed t hor oughl y on gl obal basi s.
St aII devel opment and promot i on ar e based on abi l it y, not nat i onal i t y. The
br oad and ot her part s oI t he t op management st r uct ure ar e t hor oughl y
i nt er nat i onal i n composi t i on. Needl ess t o say, such or ganizat i ons ar e
The mai n obj ect i ve oI sel ect i on i s t o hire peopl e havi ng compet ence and
commit ment . Thi s obj ect i ve s oIt en deIeat ed becaus e oI cert ai n barr i ers. The
i mpedi ment s, whi ch check eII ect i veness oI sel ect i on, ar e per cept i on, Iairness,
val i di t y, r el i abil it y and pressur e.

Percepti on: -
Our i nabi l i t y t o under st and ot hers accurat el y i s pr obabl y t he most
Iundament al barri er t o sel ect i ng t he r i ght candi dat e.
Sel ect i on demands an i ndi vi dual or a gr oup oI peopl e t o assess and
compare t he r espect i ve compet enci es oI ot hers, wi t h t he ai m oI choosi ng
t he ri ght persons Ior t he j obs. But our vi ews ar e hi ghl y personal i zed. We
al l percei ve t he wor l d di II er ent l y. Our l i mi t ed percept ual abi li t y is
obvi ousl y a st umbl i ng bl ock t o t he obj ect ive and r at i onal sel ect i on oI t he
peopl e.

ai rness: -
Fair ness i n sel ect i on r equi r es t hat no i ndi vi dual shoul d be di scr i mi nat ed
agai nst on t he basis oI rel i gi on, regi on, race or gender . But t he l ow
numbers oI women and ot her l ess pr i vi l eged s ect i ons oI t he soci et y i n
mi ddl e and seni or management posit i ons and open di scri mi nat i on on t he
basi s oI age i n j ob advert i sement s and i n t he sel ect i on process woul d
suggest t hat al l t he eIIort s t o mi ni mi ze i nequi t y have not been eII ect i ve.


Val i di ty: -
Val i di t y, as expl ai ned ear l ier, is a t est t hat hel ps pr edict j ob perIor mance
oI an i ncumbent . A t est t hat has been val i dat ed can di II er ent iat e bet ween
t he empl oyees who per Ior m wel l and t hos e who wi l l not . However , a
val i dat ed t est does not predi ct j ob success accurat el y. It can onl y
i ncr ease possi bi l i t y oI success.

Rel i abi l i ty: -
A r el i abl e met hod i s one, whi ch wi l l produce consi st ent r esul t s when
r epeat ed i n si mi l ar sit uat ions. Li ke vali dat ed t est, a r el i abl e t est may Iai l
t o pr edi ct j ob per Ior mance wi t h preci si on.

Press ure: -
Pr essur e is br ought on t he sel ect ors by pol it i ci ans, bureaucrat s, rel at i ves,
Iri ends and peer s t o sel ect part i cul ar candi dat es. Candi dat es sel ect ed
because oI compulsi ons ar e obvi ousl y not t he ri ght ones. Appoi nt ment s
t o publ i c sect ors under t aki ngs gener al l y t ake place under such pr essur es.

2 D| f f erence (kecr u| tment and Se| ect| on)

1 ) 8ecrul L menL l s Lhe process of searchl ng for prospecLl ve candl daL es and
moLl vaLl ng Lhem Lo appl y for [ ob l n Lhe organl zaLl on
Wher eas s el ecLl on l s a process of choosl ng mosL sul Labl e candl daL es ouL of Lhos e
who are l nL er es L ed and al so qual l fl ed for [ ob

2 ) l n Lhe r ecr ul L menL process vacancl es aval l abl e ar e fl nal l zed publ l cl Ly l s gl ven
Lo Lhem and appl l caLl ons are col l ecL ed from l nLer esL ed candl daL es
l n Lhe s el ecLl on process aval l abl e appl l caLl ons ar e scruLl nl zed 1es Ls l nL ervl ew
and medl cal examl naLl on ar e conducL ed l n order Lo s el ecL mos L sul Labl e
candl daL es

3 ) l n r ecrul L menL Lhe pur pos e l s Lo aLL racL maxl mum numbers of sul Labl e and
l nLeresLed candl daLes Lhrough appl l caLl ons
l n sel ecLl on process Lhe purpos e l s LhaL Lhe bes L candl daL e ouL of Lhos e qual l fl ed
and l nLer esLed l n Lhe appol nL menL

4 ) 8ecrul L menL l s prl or Lo sel ecLl on l L cr eaL es proper bas e for acL ual sel ecLl on
Sel ecLl on l s nexL Lo r ecr ul L menL l L l s ouL of candl daL es' aval l abl e/l nL eresLed

3 ) 8ecrul L menL l s L he posl Ll ve funcLl on l n whl ch l nL eresL ed candl daL es ar e
encour aged Lo subml L appl l caLl on
Sel ecLl on l s a negaLl ve funcLl on l n whl ch uns ul Labl e candl daL es ar e el l ml naLed and
Lhe besL one l s sel ecL ed

6 ) 8ecrul LmenL l s Lhe shorL process l n r ecr ul LmenL publ l cl L y l s gl ven L o vacancl es
and appl l caLl ons are col l ecLed fr om dl ff erenL sources
Sel ecLl on l s a l engLhy process l L l nvol ves scruLl ny of appl l caLl ons gl vl ng LesLs
arrangl ng l nLer vl ews and medl cal examl naLl on

7 ) l n recrul L menL s er vl ces of experL l s noL r equl r ed
Wher eas l n sel ecLl on ser vl ces of experL l s requl red

8 ) 8ecr ul L menL l s noL cosLl y Lxpendl Lur e l s r equl r ed mal nl y for adverLl sl ng Lhe
Sel ecLl on l s a cos Ll y acLl vl Ly as expendl Lur e l s needed for L esLl ng candl daL es and
conducL of l nL er vl ews



There cannot be a set oI procedure which can be applied in every venture their procedures
may vary as regards oI nature, size recruitment oI diIIerent ventures.

Screening oI Application

Preliminary Interview

Application Blank



Checking ReIerences

Final Selection

Medical Examination

Tests are deemed at measuring such skills and abilities in worker. Which would help him
perIorming his job well?



Trade Intelligence
Achievement Personality
Skill Movement


That seek to measure the skills and abilities which the candidate posses at the time oI testing. They
determine whether the claim made be the candidate about his skills and abilities are proved by his
actual skill and perIormances.

W Trade Test:

Aim at measuring the knowledge and proIiciency, which the candidate claims to have
achieved in his Iield.

W Ski ll Test:

Skill to measure how quickly and eIIiciently candidate perIorms the job.

To measure the skills and ability, the candidate may develop later; these tests check the
potential Ior perIorming a certain job in Iuture.

Intelligence: it contains a long list oI questions to be answered and problems to be solved within a
speciIied time. It will indicate the IQ oI the candidate. These tests will indicate creativity and
mental sharpness oI the candidate.

Personality test: it brings out the characteristics possessed by a candidate such as courage,
Iorwardness, bad temper, likes and dislikes etc.

The aim here is to ensure that the candidate has necessary temperamental and emotional make up
to handle the job Ior which he is to be employed.

Movement test: it seeks to measure the speed and precious oI movement oI candidate.

Interest test: it measures the candidate's interest in a particular type oI job. It will become easy to
assign job oI his greatest interest so that he drives maximum job satisIaction and contribute his
best to the enterprise
An interview is a Iormal consolidation to evaluate the aptitude, training, etc. oI a prospective
It is a Iace, observational and personal appraisal method to evaluate a candidate Ior a job. In
any interview the interviewer is generally is in dominant position. To be eIIective the questions
should be planned in advance.



Direct Indirect Patterned Stress Group Board

i rect :
This interview is a brieI in nature but straight Iorward, Iace to Iace, question-answer session between
interviewer and interviewee. It is not possible to make in-depth observation oI the candidate.

Indi rect :
In this type oI interview direct or change question are not put the candidate. He is encouraged to
express his views on any topic oI his liking. The purpose is to know which issue is considered by him
to be important Ior discussion and how he rates the enterprise and job applied by him.

Patt erned:
In this type oI interview number oI questions are put to a candidate are Iramed in advance.
Idle answers to the questions are determined in advance. Then the answers given by the candidate are
checked with idle answers.
StressIul situations are created and how the candidate reacts to such situation is seen. It can be
created by criticizing, creates hostile environment, remain silent Ior some time etc and how persons reacts
to that situation is seen whether he is still polite or he become angry etc.


In this number oI candidates are interviewed simultaneously a question as a problem situation is
pushed beIore them and each candidate is asked to participate in the discussions.

Board of Panel :

During such interview, there may be two or more interviewer to put question to a candidate. Each
interviewer is assigned an area oI which he has to choose his questions.

For example- One Interviewer may ask question on educational background another oI his
proIessional skills and so on.


Test can revive understanding oI the candidate as the whole can be understood aIter veriIying his
character and morality oI the candidate is made. In government services his veriIication is made by


The employees must be physically sound Ior the eIIicient and eIIective accomplishment oI work;
thereIore the candidate is examined physically beIore his appointment.

onc| us|ons

1he human el emenL of or ganl zaLl on l s Lhe mosL crucl al asseL of an or ganl zaLl on
1akl ng a cl oser per specLl ve l L l s Lhe ver y qual l Ly of Lhl s asseL LhaL seLs an
organl zaLl on apar L from Lhe oLhers Lhe ver y el emenL LhaL brl ngs Lhe or ganl zaLl on' s
vl sl on l nLo frul Ll on

1hus one can grasp Lhe sLraLegl c l mpl l caLl ons LhaL Lhe manpower of an or ganl zaLl on
has l n shapl ng Lhe for Lunes of an organl zaLl on 1hl s l s wher e Lhe compl emenLar y
rol es of 8ecr ul LmenL and Sel ecLl on come l n 1he rol e of Lhese aspecLs l n Lhe
conLemporar y or ganl zaLl on l s a sub[ ecL on whl ch Lhe exper Ls have ponder ed
del l beraLed and sLudl ed consl derl ng Lhe vl Lal rol e LhaL Lhey obvl ousl y pl ay

1he essence of r ecr ul LmenL can be summed up as ' Lhe phl l osophy of aLLracLl ng as
many appl l canLs as possl bl e for gl ven [ obs' 1he face val ue of Lhl s defl nl Ll on l s whaL
gul ded r ecrul LmenL acLl vl Ll es l n Lhe pasL 1hese days however Lhe emphasl s l s on
al l gnl ng Lhe or ganl zaLl on' s ob[ ecLl ves wl Lh LhaL of Lhe l ndl vl dual ' s 8y makl ng Lhl s a
prl orl Ly an or ganl zaLl on saf eguar ds l Ls l nLeresLs and sLandl ng AfLer al l a saLl sfl ed
workfor ce l s a sLabl e workf orce whl ch al so ensur es LhaL an organl zaLl on has cr edl bl e
and r el l abl e perfor mance l na bl d Lo underscor e Lhl s subLl e pol nL Lhe pr o[ ecL
examl nes Lhe varl ous pr ocesses and nuances one of Lhe mosL crl Ll cal acLl vl Ll es of an
organl zaLl on

1he end r esul L of Lhe r ecr ul LmenL process l s essenLl al l y a pool of appl l canLs nexL Lo
recrul LmenL Lhe l ogl cal sLep l n Lhe P8 pr ocess l s Lhe sel ecLl on of qual l fl ed and
compeLenL peopl e As such Lhl s process concenLraLes on dl ff er enLl aLl ng beLween
appl l canLs l n order Lo l denLl f y and hl re Lhose l ndl vl dual s whose abl l l Ll es ar e
consl sLenL wl Lh Lhe or ganl zaLl on' s r equl r emenLs
1he r eader wl l l do wel l Lo noLe LhaL Lhe Lr ansl Ll on beLween Lhe 2 acLl vl Ll es l s noL
sLrl ngenL 1he 2 acLl vl Ll es basl cal l y have one al m Lo yl el d a perf ecL empl oyee for Lhe
organl zaLl on
nor ar e Lhese acLl vl Ll es LypecasL Lver y or ganl zaLl on Lal l ors Lhe processes keepl ng l n
ml nd Lhe naLur e of Lhe or ganl zaLl on l Ls needs and consLral nLs
l n Lhl s pro[ ecL we examl ne Lhl s angl e Lhr ough Lhe case sLudl es of 2 companl es
l nvol ved l n Lhe same secLor buL essenLl al l y dl ff er enL l n Lhel r per cepLl ons Lowar ds
recrul LmenL and sel ecLl on And boLh seem Lo have benefl Led from Lhel r Lake on Lhe 2

l n Lhe end Lhl s pr o[ ecL endeavors Lo pr esenL a compr ehensl ve pl cLur e of 8ecrul LmenL
and Sel ecLl on and hopes Lo enabl e Lhe r eader Lo appr ecl aLe Lhe varl ous l nLrl cacl es
l nvol ved



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