BMT401 A
BMT401 A
BMT401 A
Answer all questions, each carries 3 marks. Marks
1 Define the following (i) Adjacency (ii) Connectivity (iii) Mach Bands. (3)
2 Describe 2D sampling theorem. What is the need for Nyquist rate? (3)
3 Discuss the properties of separable unitary transforms. (3)
4 Elaborate the concept of Basis Images (3)
5 Discuss the significance of histogram equalization in context to the processing of (3)
biomedical images.
6 Define the following (i) Contrast Stretching (ii) Bit Plane Slicing (iii) Image (3)
Subtraction. Also mention any one application for the same.
7 Draw and explain the image degradation model. (3)
8 Give any three applications of frequency domain image enhancement techniques (3)
on biomedical images.
9 What is component labelling? (3)
10 Discuss the need for boundary representation. (3)
Answer any one full question from each module, each carries 14 marks.
Module I
11 a) Describe the monochrome vision model in detail. (14)
12 a) Explain the effect of light, luminance, brightness and contrast in image perception. (14)
Module II
13 a) Detail on Hadamard Transform. Enumerate any five properties of Hadamard (14)
14 a) State and explain the properties of 2D DFT. (14)
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Module III
15 a) Explain clipping, thresholding, image negatives and intensity level slicing in (14)
image processing. Use suitable graphs to represent each
16 a) Explain the concept of histogram modification with necessary mathematical (14)
Module IV
17 a) Write short notes on edge detection and various operators used for detection. (14)
18 a) Explain and compare inverse filtering and Wiener filtering? What are the (14)
disadvantages of inverse filter? How is it overcome using Wiener filter?
Module V
19 a) Discuss the following boundary extraction methods in detail (i) Dynamic (14)
Programming (ii) Edge Linking and Heuristic Graph Searching with the help of
suitable examples.
20 a) How is an image segmented with amplitude thresholding? Give necessary (14)
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