Schedule - EKLAVYA Integrated Pre Cum Mains - B1
Schedule - EKLAVYA Integrated Pre Cum Mains - B1
Schedule - EKLAVYA Integrated Pre Cum Mains - B1
17th of July
18th of July
19th of July
20th of July
21st of July Political systems: Democratic & Non NCERTs: Class 9 and 10 -
to Democratic, Parliamentary & DemocraticPolitics 1 & 2
Presidential, Unitary & Federal, NCERT: Class 11
24th of July
Direct and Representative, Republic - Indian
(Prelims) and Monarchy etc. Constitution at
Constitutionalism Work
Historical Underpinnings Indian Polity by M Laxmikant
Evolution & Making of theConstitution The Hindu or Indian Express
Fundamental Rights
Directive Principles
TEST 01 + Revision of Topics covered from 21st - 24th of July
PRELIMS 29th of July Revision of Topics covered from 26th to 28th of July +
TEST 02 CA – January 2023
Supreme Court
High Courts
Subordinate Courts: District
Courts, Gram Nyayalayas, ADRs,
NALSA etc.,
Co-operative societies
Tribunals Elections and political
Problems and processes
Electoral politics
Representation of People's Act
Working of the political system
since independence
Good Governance
Transparency & Accountability
RTI, Citizen’s Charter & Anti
Civil Society, People participation
Reforms: Police Reform,
Administrative Reform, Judicial
Reform, Political Reform etc.
Social Audit
Public Policy: Making,
Implementation, Evaluation and
Guptas Age
Post Guptas Age
6th - 10th of India under East India Company’s Old NCERT: Modern India
September Rule Administration by BipinChandra
Struggle among European New NCERT : Themes
powers in India in IndianHistory – Part
Regulating Acts and Charter Acts: III
Regulating Act of 1773, Pitt’s India Act India’s struggle for
1773 and Charter acts of 1784, 1793, Independence –Bipin
1813,1833, 1853 Chandra
Indian Kingdoms in 18th century: “A Brief History of Modern
Marathas, Punjab, Mysore, Hyderabad India” –Spectrum Pub.
etc. The Hindu, Indian Express
17th - 20th of Indian Culture Will Cover The Salient Aspects Of Art Forms, Literature
September And Architecture From Ancient To Modern Times
Advent of Europeans in India;
(Mains - Art &
British Conquest and Consolidation of India;
Culture + Economic and Administrative Policies of British;
Modern Social Reform Movements;
History) Growth of Press & Education;
Tribal and Peasant Revolts;
Revolt of 1857;
Early Nationalist Struggle for freedom
Growth of Modern Industry & working class;
Impact of British Rule in India; The Early Organized Nationalist Phase
(1885 -1905);
The Assertive Nationalism Phase (1905-1918);
The Gandhian Phase (1919-1947);
Important contributors/contributions from different parts of the
Significant events of the 20th Century;
Various strands of Freedom Struggle;
Significant personality/ personalities
▪ Biogeography: Soils -
Classification, distribution,
erosion& Conservation
▪ Continents - Major physical
features, natural resources
TEST 07 September + Revision of Topics covered from 22nd - 27th of September
29 of Sept. Physical Geography of India 11th NCERT:
To ▪ Location: Latitude, Longitude Fundamental of
▪ Northern Mountains, Plains of Physical Geography
1 of October
India, Peninsular Plateau and 11th NCERT:
Islands of India. Geography - India
▪ Himalayan and Peninsular Physical Environment
Drainage System Certificate physical
▪ Spatial and temporal distributionof and humangeography -
temperature, pressure, winds and Goh Cheng Leong
rainfall Old NCERT Books of
Geography(Class 6, 7, 8)
▪ Indian Monsoon: mechanism, Orient Longman Atlas
onset and variability; spatial and or OxfordAtlas
temporal variations Down To earth Magazine
▪ Climatic Regions of India Website of Ministry of
▪ Classification of Soils Environment, Forest and
▪ Problems of Soil and Climate Change, Ministry of
Conservation Earth Sciences –reports, etc
The Hindu, Indian Express
▪ Forests and their distribution,
Forest Conservation
▪ Map Based Questions from India
(Location of state, city, river, lakes,
important places including Ramsar
sites, Biosphere Reserves, Wildlife
Sanctuaries and National Parks)
PRELIMS 2nd of Revision of Topics covered from 29th of Sept. To 1st of
TEST 08 October October + CA – March 2023
3rd - 7th of World Economic and Human 11th NCERT:
October Geography: Fundamental of
▪ Natural resources and mineral Physical Geography
resources and distribution of key 11th NCERT:
natural resources across the world Geography - India
▪ Agriculture and agro-climaticregions Physical Environment
▪ Industry and location factors Certificate physical
▪ Infrastructure and humangeography -
▪ World Population, density & Goh Cheng Leong
distribution, races & tribes, Old NCERT Books of
settlements & migration Geography(Class 6, 7, 8)
Orient Longman Atlas
▪ Map Based Questions from or OxfordAtlas
World (Location of state, city, Down To earth Magazine
minerals, industries etc.) Website of Ministry of
Environment, Forest and
Indian Geography Climate Change, Ministry of
▪ Agriculture typology and major Earth Sciences –reports, etc
Crops grown in India The Hindu, Indian Express
▪ Agro-Climatic Regions
▪ Land Reforms and Land usepattern
▪ Animal Husbandry, Fisheries and
Water Resources-
▪ Availability and potential: Lakes,
rivers, dams,power and irrigation
projects, wetlands and interlinking of
MAINS: Geography
9th - 11th of Physical Geography
October Physical 1 (Geomorphology And Geographical Phenomenon)
Important Geophysical Phenomena Such As Earthquakes, Tsunami,
Volcanic Activity, Cyclone Etc.,
Geographical Features &Their Location- Changes In Critical
Geographical Features (Including Water-Bodies And Ice-Caps) And In
Flora And Fauna And The Effects Of Such Changes
Indian Physical Geography
Economic Geography
Human (Demography, Census, Settlement, Migration And Human
Development) & Economic Geography
Distribution Of Key Natural Resources Across The World (Including
South Asia And The Indian Sub-Continent);
Factors Responsible For The Location Of Primary, Secondary, And
Tertiary Sector Industries In Various Parts Of The World (Including
PRELIMS: Economics
+ Current Affairs – April 2023
13th - 17th of National Income Accounting: 11th NCERT:
Definition Economics: Indian
Concepts: GDP, GNP, Market Price Economic Development
and Factor Cost, NNP, NDP,transfer 12th NCERT:
payments, National income at FC, Economics:
Personal Income, disposable income, Macroeconomics
factors affecting national income, net 12th NCERT
foreign facto income Economics:
Measurement of national income: Websites of regulatory
value added method, income bodies likeRBI, SEBI, etc.
method, expenditure method, Websites like Arthapedia,
Application of various methods, Base Ministryof Finance etc.
year, GDP deflator The Hindu, Indian Express
Debates around GDP and other PIB : www.pib.
indices Indian Economy - Dutt,
Sundaram /Uma Kapila /
Money and Banking Mishra Puri/Ramesh singh
Money: Definition, Functions and
/sanjeev verma
significance, Evolution of Money,
Money supply in India and factors
affecting it
➢ Recent trends in Agriculture
➢ Cropping System and Pattern;
➢ Agricultural Marketing andReforms
➢ Agricultural Research;
➢ Sustainable Agriculture;
➢ Animal Husbandry
Issues and potential of servicessector
Government policies etc.
Five year Plans: Priorities and
Performance, Issues related to
Energy Resources
▪ Non-Renewable
▪ Renewable: Solar, Wind, Hydel,
Geothermal, Biomass, Others
▪ Energy Conservation
MAINS: Environment
+ Disaster Management
• Energy
➢ Types of Energy Resources
➢ Fossil Fuels
➢ Renewable Sources and their
Development in India
• Nuclear Science
➢ Radioactivity
➢ Radioisotopes
➢ Nuclear Power
➢ Applications of Nuclear S&T
➢ Safety Issues
➢ Nuclear Weapons
➢ India’s Nuclear Science
➢ Particle Physics
• Superconductivity
➢ What is Superconductivity
➢ Uses and Applications
➢ Research in India
• Nanotechnology
➢ Understanding Nanotechnology
➢ Approaches in Nanotechnology
➢ Applications
➢ Implications and Various
➢ Nanotechnology in India
➢ Nano Mission
Major R&D Infrastructure in
Contribution of CSIR
Intellectual Property Rights
Comments on the National IPRPolicy
• Genetics
➢ What are Genetics?
➢ Physical Basis of Heredity
➢ Chemical Basis of Heredity
➢ Gene Mapping
➢ Genome Analysis and Human
• Biotechnology
➢ What is Biotechnology
➢ Biotechnology Techniques
➢ Genetic Engineering
➢ DNA Fingerprinting
➢ Cloning
➢ Artificial Insemination and
➢ Stem Cell Technology
➢ Applications of Biotechnology
➢ Biotech Research in India
➢ Patents and Biotechnology
• Applications of S&T
➢ Agriculture and Rural
➢ Basic Resources of Agriculture
➢ Environment-Friendly
Sustainable Agriculture
S&T Advancements in
Agricultural Produce in India
Genetically Modified Crops:
Biosafety and Regulation
Animal Husbandry
Agriculture in Special Areas
Climate-Smart Agriculture
Research, Education, Transfer of
Technology in India
S&T and Rural Development inIndia