Unit 15
Unit 15
Unit 15
ACter studyilig Lllis tuiil, you should be able lo:
9 explain [he concept oS bilaleral lrade reladons
9 disti~iguishbetweon bilateral lrade relalions and 1l1ulLil;ltcral trade rclalions
@ point oul Lhe relalive merits 2nd de~lleritsof bilateral Lrade rclalioiis and lilullilaleral
I Lrade relalions
e descrihe Qe structure of' WTO
E @ distinguish betweell the GATT and lhe WTO.
5 1 INTRODUCTION -- - - -- - - -
... ..........................................................................
2. Explain the meaning of following terms :
i) Counter bade
ii) Payments agreement
iii) Swing credit
I ; I t is ;I \~!irlchdopol' intcr~ra~ional
W;ltlc. regularly csamlnltlg thc kradc ri.gl111cs o l
indivillual inc1iihcr.s.
iv) Members are required t.o notify in detail various trade measures and statistics,
which are nlaintained by the WTO in a large data base.
15.5.3 Evaluation
The WTO is different from and an inlprovement over the GATT in tlie following respects:
i) The WTO will be more global in its membership.
ii) The WTO has introduced conlmercial activities into the multilateral trading
iii) GATT provisions in case of disputes were time-consuming, GATT could levy
penalties only through unanimous decision, which were virtually impossible.
Under WTO,.unanirnous decisions are no longer desired; all disputes are to be
settled within 18 months.
iv) WTO has one-country one-vote principle, unlike in the World Bank and IMF
where the economic strength of rich countries translates into a voting n~a.jority.
WTO is expected to contribute to a necessary strengthening of the global trading system,
with stronger procedure for settling disputes, a mechanism for reviewing country's trade
policies, and greater irivolvement of ministers in decision-making.
WTO is likely to generate global income gains of up to $ 200 billion a year. In co-
t , operation with the World Bank and the l&IF, the WTO is likely to be a very powerful
' ?
However, wiLh the new Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), TRIMS,
General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) and GATT conditionalities embodied in
the WTO, the clout of the MNCs is likely to increase enormously. Smaller developing
countries in particular will become a plaything of the MNCs. A few bigger developing
c13u1ntrieslike China, India, Brazil, etc., with large home market and large protected base
for production for export to the neighbouring regions may get a somewhat better deal from
the MNCs. But that would also depend upon the strength and integrity of their
'.averments, their capacity to mobilise the support of other concerneh governments,
lmplement firmly anti-monopoly aid restrictive practices md laws and promote competition
between the MNCs from different counlries as well as national corporations.
Check Your Progress C
What is GATT?
2. Briefly mention the functions of WTO.
Note: These questions will help you to understand the Unit better. Try to write
answers for them, but do not send your answers to the University. These are
for' your practice only.