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Other Flie

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Fannia canicularis ( Lesser Housefly , Hover Fly , Little House Fly )

Distribution :-

 United Kingdom
 United State of America
 Hawaii ( first record 1901 )
 Japan

The lesser house fly similar in appearance to the common house fly.

Main distinguish characteristics

Lesser house fly have unique zig zag flying pattern . ( jagged pattern , Bouncing Dance )

What is the connection between lesser fly and light fiitngs ?

When lesser fly enter to the house , its gravitate to the light fittings in the room and incessantly
fly round and round around the object to patrolling its territory around object. This pattern is
only perform by the male lesser fly . they do not hesitate to attack small insect that enter to
their territory .

In this behavior they do take periodical brakes and this behavior only perorm by them in day
time period. but in night time they rest somewhere close by to their territory .

Life Cycle


 Adult have 12 mm wingspan.

 Legs can be seen in dark/ balck colour
 greyish chest area has dark longitudinal bands.
 Oval shape abdomen is greyish in colour .
 Males abdomen is narrow and has yellow patches , at the bese of the abdomen bear
large yellow spot.
 Narrow boddied males abdomen more elongated and yellowed than females .
 Female house fly seek out faecal matter or rotting food as a site to lay eggs.
 In their rest position, wings are folded along the abdomen like blade .
 Matting process mainly located in houses, shade trees, bulding doorways , areas that
protected from wind and direct sunlight.
 Adults may appear in spring before housefly.
 In laboratory conditions , the longevity of male are 14 days and females are 24 days
 The lifespan of adults in fields , unknown .
 Adults of Fannia , Benjamini group commonly attract to the human sweat and mucus.

Adult diet :- adults move freely to seek any liquid or semi liquid food substance that can absorb
using suction base mouth parts . solid foods cant inject directly, so its involve “ regurgitation “
of droplets of saliva on to solid food .

Females required a protein food source to successfully mate and oviposit .


 Eggs are white in colour, elongated and transculent .

 Female laying eggs as batches.
 Each batch containing 500 eggs and a single female lays 2000 eggs in their lifespan .
( resulting infestation can quickly spread into hugr problem)
 Female laying eggs as one by one in very moist decaying substances .

Breeding habbitats :- feces , rotting fruits or bulbs, bird nest ,ritting garbage , ltrines, poultry

 As studies these eggs have dorsal wing longitudinal flanges . these stuctures purpose is
unclear but may be help to egg as floatation devices .
 The haching of eggs primary happen in day light hours.
 Both male and females are emerge concurrently in 1:1 sex ratio.


 3 laval stages .
 Have characteristic fringe appearance
 This appearance can use to easily distinguish lesser fly larvae from other flies larvae.
 The purpose of thrse lateral protuberances or fringes are help maggot to float in liquid
or semi liquid meadiums .
 Larva are brown or light brown , partially flattened with numerous spines in longitudinal
rows .( flat grainy skin )
 Move slowly and difficult to identify because whatever they live in stick to its
outgrowths .
 Larvae can be seen thrive in chicken or mink manures .
 Mature larvae 8 mm .
 Feeds on scavenging bacteria and other microorganisms in surrounding decaying
materials .
 Larvae can adopt and tolerate wide range of moisture levels
 Two posterior spiracles can be seen on lobed stalks or tubules.


 Pupate inside puparium

 Immobile stage .

Medical impotance :-

1. Nuisance

Nuisance is happen Because of the aggregation of males into matting swarms , within building
entryways , patios and other locations near development sites that arew protected from wind
and direct sunlight .

These flies swarms about 5-6 feet of the ground that putting them where they are most visibale
to humans . these swarming males don’t land on humans but the presence of numerous flies
circling above is enough to keep human away from that area .

2. Transmitting diseases

Following are The main diseases that transmitting by lesser fly.

 Salmonella
 Typhoid
 Dysentery
 Conjunctivitis

Pathogons that transmitting by this fly species are ,

 Campylobacter
 Bacillus subtilis
 Enterococcus
 Staphylococcus oureas

Other diseases transmitting

 Virus of Exotic New Castle Disease (END)

 Virus of leatian mink disease
 Intermiditate host of eye worm disease ( Thelazia californiensis )
 There are some reports that lesser fly transmiting human myiasis in early days .

Generally posses less health hazard than house fly .

3. Contamination of foods

Monitoring Aspects

 Sticky fly traps

 Walking sticky tape count ( in poultary facility , chicken house )
 Visual fly count / resting count
 Spot cards
 Larval stages :- core sampler method


Chemical Control

 Larvaecide:-
 Diazinon ( organophosphate insecticide) + gypsum mixture spread weekly to the
larval breading habitat
 Cyromazine ( IGR , WSG ) + feed throughly isectricide ( lavadex ) as oral
insectricide combination against maggot
 Neporex 2SG

Application of larvaecide to larval development area also reduce the abudence of fly predators
and other natural enemies .

 Adulticide :-
 ronnel , dimethoate ( organophosphate insecticide )
 can be use as the non- persistent sprays or fogs in poultry facilities to reduce
density of swarming males.
 Also can e use as the component of build traps against laser fly.
 Applying insecticides as surface spray ( IRS ) to the resting sites of laser fly like
facility walls , doorways , covered patios )

Cultural control / mechanical control

 Drying poultry feces at moisture level less than 40 %.

Methods of drying manure

 Allowing manure to pile or cone underneath confined poultry .

 Weekly remove of manure on soil in a thin layer .
 Weekly remove of manner followed by manner piling.
 Continues removal of manner using coveyor belts that catch manure beneth confine

 Frequently inspect watering system for any leaks that could lead to an increase in
manure moisture that lead to increase of fly population.
 Molasses trap :-

A trap that contains molasses and water as the attractant and covered by the cone
shape wire screen coated with an insecticide / wetted granular fly bait .

Biological control

 The natural enemies of little house fly like predatory beetles and parasitoides wasp
commonly can be found in poultry manure . these species attack and kill immature little
house fly to contribute significant reduction of fly density .
 Opportunistic predators like spiders , gamasid mites , scatophagid flies and capenter
ants also act as natural enemies of immature an adult laser fly .
 Entopathogenic fungus ( entomophthora muscue frosenius )
 Fannia – specific parasitoids ( Stilpnus anthomyidiperda )

Muscina stabulance ( false stable fly / the greater housefly )

Distribution :-
 All Australian states and territories.
 Canada
 Unites states
 Spain
 Costa Rica
 Argentina
Life cycle

Life cycle narmaly takes 14 days . and usually its longer than house fly’s life cycle .


 Slightly larger than house fly with heavier bodies . 8 -10 mm long .
 Body dark grey in colour. Head lighter whiteish grey colour.
 Greyish thorax has 4 longitudinal dark strips
 Posterior tip of scutellum pale yellow or red – orange in colour
 Abdomen gray and black with a bloched appearance with red slides .
 The 4th vein ( M1+2 ) not bend , coverage only slightly toward the vein infront of it ( this
character differ false stable fly from house fly but similar to stable fly )
 All tibia and apical parts of mid and hind femora are red gold or cinnamon (in manner
similar to house fly )
 Circular spiracular plates can be found separately by about one plate’s width in
posterior area .
 Main resting sites :-
 Poultry houses ( similar to House fly and other fly species Co- exist )
 Confined – animal houses
 latrines
 Household waste removals
 Waist water plants
Adult diet :- female need protein food source to ovary development . males manly depend on
sugar sources for their survival . the sponging and sucking mouth parts are using for obtain
liquid or semi liquid diet .

 Over the winter, adults are in reproductive diapause

 Mostly active during summer , somewhat active year around
 Mainly can be see in rural and natural environment . less density can be obtain in urban
structure .
 At the end of pupal period , immature fly break out it’s hard pupal shell and fly’s wings
being to spread that completely formed in pupal stage .
 The wings do not reaching its full size until escape from caccon .
 After the exist , fly able to expand its wings to full width and length because of the veins
of the wings , to complete its life cycle .
Characteristic of false stable fly :-

 Pale yellow tip of scutellum

 False stable fly cant bite a host like stable fly
 False stable fly is slightly larger than house fly
 Similar to house fly by :-
 Greyish thorax has 4 longitudinal dark strips
 All tibia and apical parts of mid and hind femora are red gold or cinnamon

 Each female lay 140 – 250 eggs .

 Very small in size .
 Female laying their eggs in habitats with decaying organic materials
 Accumulate manure
 Chicken carcasses
 Blemish or partially decayed fruit and vegetables
 Nets of starlings and sparrows

 Larvae feeds on decaying matters , like fruits , excrement and also fungi )
 Larvae development time directly correlated to ambient temperature .
 3rd instar larvae are facultatively predatory
 11 segments in body .
 Posterior end of larvae have set of spiracles . ( kidney shape )
 The number of curvature slits of spiracles help to determine the instar of larvae ( if
spiracle bear only one slit it mean larvae on 1st instar )
 Larvae do not have defined head .
 Have pair of grasping hooks at anterior end of body that helps to tear down food
 Larvae development takes 15 – 25 days .

 Many transformations occure in this stage ( formation of legs , head and wings
internally in puparium )
 Protective layer build up and form a caccon , which aid the protection of vital organs of
developing fly in caccon .
 The duration of pupal stage depending on the temperature and surrounding
environment conditions .

Medical importance

1. Annoyance

False stable fly is a member of filth fly community , so they make annoyance in rural an
natural areas .

2. Transmitting diseases

Act as mechanical vector that transmitting various kind of pathogens and diseases to
human and animals. This mechanical transmission occur using vector’s mouth parts and
legs .

Following are the diseases transmitting by false stable fly .

 Human myasis
 Poliomyelitis
 Transmitting traumatic myasis in animals
 Intestinal and cutaneous myasis
 Gastrointestinal diseases
Pathogens that transmitting by false stable fly are ,

 Bacteria
 Virus
 Protozoa

3. Record as a parasites or predators of wide variety of insects in immature stages .

 Order Lepidoptera
 Order Hymenoptera
 Order orthoptera
 Order Diptera
 Order Coleoptera

4. Food contamination.
What is the forensic importance of Muscina stabulans?

 M. stabulans can be essential to determine post- mortem intervals.

 The presence of Muscina larvae in diapers and genitalia can indicate a timeline for the
period of neglect in infant or elderly death cases.
 In Muscina larvae from 2nd instar to onward larval stages are predaceous upon other
larvae of forensic importance arthropods.
 Presence of false stable fly larvae on buried bodies, enable to investigators to estimate
time of death.
 The antennae of false stable fly can detect buried bodies, in this cases fly lay their eggs
on top of the soil and the hatching larvae will then burrow and invade the corpse.
 The stable fly also lay their eggs in blood even in the absent of body. the presence of
eggs in blood allow entomologist to estimate the time of injury which help crime scene
 Larvae of these fly can be found in corpse in autumn to winter.
 Larvae of the false stable fly present in fresh stage, but also predominately found in
adipocere like stages. it’s characterized by the hydrolysis of carcass fatty tissues.
 In this phase carcass lost its shape and is a mass of hair, flat skin, cartilage, the skin
eventually become rigid, protecting the larvae on carcass and insect underneath the
Stomoxys calcitrans ( stable fly / dog fly bitting house fly , power mover fly )

Stable fly is medically and veterinary importance blood sucking fly .

Distribution :-

 Stomoxys calcitrans is only worldwide synanthropic species in genus stomoxys .

 Some regions of united state ( costal New Jersey , the Lake Superior , Lake Michigan
shorelines , Tennessee’s valley Authority lakes , Florida )

Life cycle


Similar to house fly in size and colouration .

What are the characteristics of adult stable fly ?

 Adult stable fly have seven circular spots in check board pattern on their dorsal side of
 Stable fly have long bayonet like mouth parts for piercing skin and feeding on blood
House fly do not bear any pattern in abdomen or piercing and sucking mouth part. But because
of the similarties of appearance with house fly and its bitting bihavior stomoxys calcitrans call
as bitting house fly .

 Live 4-6 weeks in labouratory conditions and 7 to 10 weeks in field conditions .

 Adult can fly within 1 hr from post emergence .
 And also ready to mate after 3 -5 days after emergence .
 After matting process start female start to lay eggs within 5 to 8 days post emergence .
Adult diet :-

both adult male amd female take blood meal . mainly female take blood meal to obtain
protiens for egg production . males obtain sugar sources for their survival .

Adult primerly feed on large animals like cattle and horses . but if primary host unvailable
situations they feed on human and dogs and also goat ,sheep donkey and cats .

They usually bites legs , belly and also lower sides of body of their primary hosts when the fly
population in high density ( more than 25 flies for leg )

In humans they preffer to bite area like legs ,behind knees , and elbows to obtain blood meal .

They prefer ears ( rich with superficial blood vessels ) , head and legs like body parts of
secondary hosts of stable fly to obtain bood meal .

 Diurnal behavior . feeding occour in early morning and late afternoon in warm weather .
 In middle of the day with cooler weather .
 Without undisturbed condition , female take fully bloodmeal within 5 minutes .
 Following are the resting sites of adults :-
 Undersides of vegetation
 Fences
 Other structure near to host
 Occasionally in Florida , adults have summer peak but occasionally spring peaks also
happening .

 Small and white in colour , sausage shape .

 Approximately 1 mm in length .
 Smooth and curve surface on one side and straight with longitudinal groove on other
side .
 Female lay several clusters of eggs each cluch contain 60 to 130 eggs which laid as small
groups in moist , decaying organic matter .
 Each female lay up to 800 eggs in her lifespan .
 To lay each cluster required separate blood meal .
 Egg hatch 12-24 hr .


 Larvae are typical maggot shape ( vermiform ) fly larvae .

 1st instar larvae has translucent body and 3rd instar larvae has pale yellow or creamy
white body
 Larvae has pair of hooks on anterior end and pair of spiracles at posterior end of body
 3 larval instars can be obtain .
 12 to 13 days occur to complete larval stage .

 3rd instar larvae skin harden to form a puparium that is reddish brown and capsule like .
 After the formation of puparium, late larvae instar form pupae inside puparium .
 This cocoon is 4.5 mm to 6 mm in length and wide at anterior ( head ) end .
 As field study entire life cycle complete in 12 to 20 days , depending on environment
condition , but usually 28 days .

Medical importance

1. Nuisance and economical losses

 Stable flies are synanthropic , means that they are exploit habitats and food
sources created by human activities such as farming
 And also their human bitting behavior affecting florida tourism industry .bitting
sites not getting irritated .and rearly resulting alargic reaction .flies carried out to
florida beaches by northerly wind .
 Mainly effect animal industries . stable flies animal bittings are extremely
painfull. They ignore tactics animals trying to avoid fly bittes like sweating and
stamping . because of the continues blood feeding cattles and horses lost weight
and become weaken .
2. Act as mechanical potential vector of blood borne zoonotic diseases

Transmitting pathogen and diseases to animals mention bellow

Diseases that cause by stable fly are ,

 Equine infection anemia ( EIA ) / swamp fever
 Anaplasmosis
 African Swine fever
 Anthrax
Potential diseases are ,

 Harponematidosis
 Besncitiosis
 Trypanposomiasis in animals
 Lumpy skin disease (LSD)
Bitting wounds also become secondary infection to opportunistic pathogons .

Pathogons that transmitting by stable fly , are mention below ,

 Habronema mitrostoma ( causing stomach worms of horses , only

pathogen transmitted by cyclodevelopment by stable fly )
 Virus ( virus of swamp fever )
 Protozoa ( Besnoitia besnoiti , Tryponosoma brucei )
Not Known as primary vector of any medically importance human pathogen .

Monitoring and control


 Monitoring can be done by two ways .

Adult monitoring :-
 Trap catches count :-
 Alsynite trap
 Olson trap
 Blue – black cloth trap
 On – animal count :- counting flies on cattle ( feeding count , threshold
level 10 flies per animal , both front and back legs should be obtain , least
15 animals should be use )
Larvae / pupae monitoring :-

 Core / substrate sampling

 Non – contitative trowel sampling
 Pupal traps
 adult fly imergence trap

1. cultural conrol :-
 source reduction :-
 eliminate heavily productive breeding sites like hay ring feeding sites and
other assessable breeding sites
 modification of animal production
 spreading crop residues and animal manure thinly to dry quickly .
 clean up spilled food , rotate hay feeding areas in field
 management of feed and water by efficient and leak free water system to reduce moist
around environment in animal storage facilities .
2. mechanical / physical control
 trapping :-
 sticky traps :- starbat bite free trap , knightstick ( commercial
names ) ,sticky alysynite trap
biological control

 predators / Natural enemies of immature stages of stable fly .

 Macrochelid mites
 Staphylinid and histerid beetles
 Parasitoides :-
 Microhymenopteran parasitoide ( Spangia spp. )
 Entomopathogenic bacteria ( Serratia marcescens )
 Entomopathogenic fungi ( Metarhizium unisopliae ; effect eggs of stable fly )
 Entomopathogenic nematodes ( Heterorhabitidae ; effect reproductive system )
Chemical control

 Adulticide :-
 Incecricide trated blue – black fabric targets ( 1% lambdacyclothrin , 0.1
zeta – cypermethrin )
 Insectricide impregnated screens
 Larvaecides :-
 Pyriproxyfen
 Buprofezin
 IGR ( cyromazine , Novaluron )

Calliphoridae ( calliphorines / Blow fly )

Distribution :-

 Cosmopolitan
 North and south America :- Screw worms
 Pacific and east region Crysomyia megacephala
 Europe , North America :- cluster fly ( Pollenia rudis )

Blow flies are members of the family Calliphorida . flies in this family are often metallic in
appearance . some members of this family are known as blue bottles , Green bottles , Cluster fly
and Screwworms , the name of “ Blow Fly “ comes from an older English term for meat that
had eggs laid on it , which was said to be fly blown , Blow flies are the first insect to come in
contact with dead animals .

Sub families of Calliphorinae

There are 2 groups .

1. Metallic calliphorines :-

 Adult body with different metallic body colours .

 Metallic blue
 Metallic green
 Metallic purple
 Larvae have following fetures .
 Cone shape maggot has pear shape posterior spiracles
 These spiracles has 3 straight spiracular slits and converge towards
the bottom .
 Has distinct peritreme .
2. Non metallic calliphorines :-

 Adult body with black , grey or yellow in colour .

 Larvae have following fetures .
 Grub like ( worm like ) or oval shape body .
 Spiracles have various shapes and spricular slits do not coverge
toward the slit .
 No distinct peritreme .

Life cycle

Adult calliphorines have 6 distinct life stages in their life cycle and life cycle takes 2 to 3 weeks
to complete .


 Metallic blue , green , purple or black colour and noisy in flight .

 Average 8 – 10 mm in length .
 Typically , medium to large robust flies .
 Have particularly large noticeable pair of reddish brown compound eyes .
 Wings transparent and held flat over the back
 Slightly larger than house fly but similler with their habits .
 Adult blow fly fed on variety of materials .
 Adults lay their eggs on carcasses of dead animals .
 Female lay about 200 to 400 eggs near to open wounds or ears eyes or nose like
 Green bottle fly ( Lucilia ) and Blue bottle fly ( Calliphora ) distinguished by their colour
pattern and loud nuzzling flight .
 “Protocalliphora “ species have blood sucking behavior from nestling birds .
 Cluster fly ( Pollenia rudis ) are sluggish behavior and dark in colour .
 Adults of these fly gather in attics and other shelters as huge buzzing clusters for
hibernate in autumn and return to outdoors in spring .
 Adult blowfly thrive in warm , humid weather and do not well in windy , extreamly dry ,
hot or cold weather .
 Breeding habitats :- fresh carrion , dung , garbage , rotting organic matter .
 Blow fly’s antanae containing three segments with shiny bristal tips . all these segments
are featherly or plumose and the second segment is grooved .
 Have well develop callypters
 Different from other members of family calliphoridae by these characterisics .
 All blow flies have bristels , located on meron or on hard body parts on
side of the thorax
 Black blow fly adult has specialize wing with sharp bend and well develop calypters .
 Following are the characteristic fetures of black blow fly .
 Black gena ( the area below the compound eyes )
 Mostly white calypters .
 Antherior thoraxic spiracles .
 Spiracles are orange – yellow in colour because of because of bright
orange setae surround the spiracles
 Adult diet :-
 Female blow flies have to consume some protiens before mate to their ovary
development .
 Sustain them self by eating nectar and pollen from flowers and act as pollinators
in the process .
 Males are sexually mature when its borne .
 Adult resting sites :- warm sides of bulding walls , out croppings , fences , near breeding


 Eggs are elongated yellowish – white oval shape about 1 mm in length .

 Adult female lay 200 to 400 eggs near to an open wounds or other opening of meat or
carrion .
 Female can lay approximately 2300 eggs in her life time .
 Egg laying usually done over winter .


 3 laval stages and takes about 11 to 20 days for development .

 Depending on species the size of larvae be 10 – 20 mm .
 Cone shape / grub like maggots that are tan ,whitish or brownish in colour .
 Yellowish white with taperd head and no head capsule .
 Body alongated and broadest at the end of blunt flatterned abdomen .
 Larvae of most spicies are scavengers , that live on carrion and dung .
 When adult lay their eggs on dead animals carcasses maggots are feed on decaying
 ‘Screwworm” :- larvae of several blow fly species in northand and south America call by
this name because of their screwlike appearance of body with ringed of small spines .
 True screwworm ( Cochiomyia hominivorax ) and secondary screwworm ( Callitroya
macellaria ) develop in decaying flesh in surface wound of domestic animals and also
occationally humans .
 After the hatching , the maggots burrow in to the tissue .
 Blowfly larvae have enzymes that can break down proteins , these enzymes allow them
to consume semi – liquid matterials from carcasses .
 Larvae of blow fly have survival tactics that if larvae in lighted area , they imidietly
retreat to to darker spots to scape from predators .
 Larvae development may progress rapidly in warmer environment .


 Takes 6 to 12 days to complete this stage .

 In the pre pupal stage larvae move away from the body ,they been inhabition and into
near by soil .
 Pupae live inside their own hardened last larval skin call puparium .
 Foot ball shape elongated oval capsule .

Medical importance .

1. Nuisance

Outdoor areas that people are gathering like parks , outdoor dining areas . act as a
member of the “ filth fly “ community .

2. Act as mechanical vector

 Chrysomyia megacephala act as mechanical vector by transmitting pathogens of

following diseases .
 Dysentery
 Jundice
 Anthrax
 And also transmitting diseases like diarrhea , cholera , plague , tularemia ,
tuberculosis .
 Transmitting opportunistic parasites like salmonella that cause food borne illness
3. Invading live tissues and myiasis

Larvae of some speciese like Calliphora , Cochilomyia infest open wounds of

living animals .
 Screwworms harm sheep through myiasis .
 People in tropical area face parasitism by bottlefly creating boil like sores under
the skin .
4. Maggot debridement theraphy (MDT)

 Using green bottle fly maggot to trat wounds that doesn’t heal by removing
decaying tissues and prevent infection by cleaning away dead flesh and
producing “allantoin” .


Insect Light trap (ILTs )

 this technique can act as monitoring and also trap method .

 calculating the number of adult flies capture regularly.


Environmental sanitation and cultural control

 Remove garbage and animal waste in timely manner using garbage bags , and
garbage can with tight sealing lid .
 Dead animals should be disposed of properly soon after death .
 Maggots in garbage can killed cheaply and organically with hot water .
 Limitating adult entry to houses by “ fly proofing structures “ like screening
windows and doors installing air curtains , keep door shut and instaling door
sweeps .
 Source reduction by removing / eliminate blowfly breeding habitats .

Physical / mechanical control

 Light traps can be use in outdoors .

 Sticky traps ( musca stik )
 Baited traps
 Using fans to creat air flow help deter flies from entering buildings
 Fly swatters and electronic fly zappers .

Chemical control

 Using insecriside trated fly bait traps

 Using insecticide with residual formulations to treat the walls adjacent to dumpsters or
other fly breeding and resting sites ( IRS , supreme IT )
 Space spraying ( Aerosole ,pyrid insecricide )

Navel techniques

 Insect male sterilize technique

What is the importance of the “ Blow fly ‘ in Forensic Entomology ?

 Forensic investigators typically use the well known stages of blow fly development on
candavers as a biological clock to determine the time since death or the post mortem
intervals .
 There are 2 methods

1st method

 The deferent stages of the decomposition are attractive to the different species of insect
 Certain species of insects are often first witness of a crime .
 Calliphorines ( Blow fly ) and Sarophagidae ( Flesh fly ) usually arrive within 24 hr of
death if the season is suitable .
 Spring , summer fall in Canada they arrive within minutes in the presence of blood or
other body fluid .
 By the knowlwdge of the regional insect fauna and times of carrion colonization , the
insect assemblage associate with the remains can be analyzed to determine a window of
time , in which death took place .
 This method is usefull when decedent has been death from few weeks up to year or
several years .

2nd method
 Larvae of Calliphoridae , they attracted to the corpes very soon after the death After
they lay their eggs on corpes ( mainly on wounds or other region ) .
 Blow fly have a set of predictable life cycle , the time periods take to each life stages are
well known .
 The immature stages of blow fly are extreamly temperature depend .
 So the analysis of the oldest stage of the Calliphorines on the corpes and the
temperature of the region in which the body was discover lead to a day or range of days
that which death was occur .

Example :- if oldes stage 7 days old the decent must br death for 7 days .

 This method is only can be use till 1st adult imergance , after which is not possible to
determine which generation present .

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