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JP 6
JP 6
Shahid Ahmed
Economist, India Programme, UNCTAD, New Delhi (India)
Department of Economics, Jamia Millia Islamia (Central University), New Delhi
This study investigates the nature of the causal relationships between stock prices
and the key macro economic variables representing real and financial sector of the Indian
economy for the period March, 1995 to March, 2007 using quarterly data. These variables
are the index of industrial production, exports, foreign direct investment, money supply,
exchange rate, interest rate, NSE Nifty and BSE Sensex in India. Johansen`s approach of
cointegration and Toda and Yamamoto Granger causality test have been applied to explore
the long-run relationships while BVAR modeling for variance decomposition and impulse
response functions has been applied to examine short run relationships. The results of the
study reveal differential causal links between aggregate macro economic variables and
stock indices in the long run. However, the revealed causal pattern is similar in both
markets in the short run. The study indicates that stock prices in India lead economic
activity except movement in interest rate. Interest rate seems to lead the stock prices. The
study indicates that Indian stock market seems to be driven not only by actual performance
but also by expected potential performances. The study reveals that the movement of stock
prices is not only the outcome of behaviour of key macro economic variables but it is also
one of the causes of movement in other macro dimension in the economy.
The movement of stock indices is highly sensitive to the changes in fundamentals of the economy and
to the changes in expectations about future prospects. Expectations are influenced by the micro and
macro fundamentals which may be formed either rationally or adaptively on economic fundamentals,
as well as by many subjective factors which are unpredictable and also non quantifiable. It is assumed
that domestic economic fundamentals play determining role in the performance of stock market.
However, in the globally integrated economy, domestic economic variables are also subject to change
due to the policies adopted and expected to be adopted by other countries or some global events. The
common external factors influencing the stock return would be stock prices in global economy, the
interest rate and the exchange rate. For instance, capital inflows and outflows are not determined by
domestic interest rate only but also by changes in the interest rate by major economies in the world.
Recently, it is observed that contagion from the US sub prime crisis has played significant movement
142 International Research Journal of Finance and Economics - Issue 14 (2008)
in the capital markets across the world as foreign hedge funds unwind their positions in various
markets. Other burning example in India is the appreciation of currency due to higher inflow of foreign
exchange. Rupee appreciation has declined stock prices of major export oriented companies.
Information technology and textile sector are the example of falling stock prices due to rupee
The modern financial theory focuses upon systematic factors as sources of risk and
contemplates that the long run return on an individual asset must reflect the changes in such systematic
factors. This implies that securities market must have a significant relationship with real and financial
sectors of the economy. This relationship generally viewed in two ways. The first relationship views
the stock market as the leading indicator of the economic activity in the country, whereas the second
focuses on the possible impact the stock market may have on aggregate demand, particularly through
aggregate consumption and investment. The former case implies that stock market leads economic
activity, whereas the latter suggests that it lags economic activity. Knowledge of the sensitivity of
stock market to macro economic behaviour of key variables and vice-versa is important in many areas
of investments and finance. This research may be useful to understand this relationship.
From the beginning of the 1990s in India, a number of measures have been taken for economic
liberalization. At the same time, large number of steps has been taken to strengthen the stock market
such as opening of the stock markets to international investors, regulatory power of SEBI, trading in
derivatives, etc. These measures have resulted in significant improvements in the size and depth of
stock markets in India and they are beginning to play their due role. Presently, the movement in stock
market in India is viewed and analysed carefully by large number of global players. Understanding
macro dynamics of Indian stock market may be useful for policy makers, traders and investors. Results
may reveal whether the movement of stock prices is the outcome of something else or it is one of the
causes of movement in other macro dimension in the economy. The study also expects to explore
whether the movement of stock market are associated with real sector of the economy or financial
sector or both. In this context, the objective of this paper is to explore such causal relations for India as
there is a little work for this period. To the best of our knowledge no in-depth such analysis of macro
dynamics is available in the literature for the period of 1995 to 2007.
The paper is organised in the following sections. Section II provides review of selected
literature on the causal relationship between stock prices and macro variables. Section III discusses the
data and explains the methodology for testing the stationarity, the existence of cointegration, and the
direction of causality. Section IV reports the results and their interpretation. Finally, Section V
provides concluding remarks.
International Research Journal of Finance and Economics - Issue 14 (2008) 143
influence on the stock price. The advantage of the PVM model is that it can be used to focus on the
long run relationship between the stock market and macroeconomic variables.
In the literature, various theoretical reasons have been explained linking behaviour of stock
prices and key macro economic variables. For instance, Friedman (1988) suggests wealth effect and
substitution effect as the possible channels through which stock prices might directly effect money
demands in the economy. Friedman (1988) expected that the wealth effect will dominate and thus the
demand for money and stock prices to be positively related. The theoretical basis to examine the link
between stock prices and the real variables are well established in economic literature, e.g., in Baumol
(1965) and Bosworth (1975). The relationship between stock prices and real consumption
expenditures, for instance, is based on the life cycle theory, developed by Ando and Modigliani (1963),
which states that individuals base their consumption decision on their expected life time wealth. Part of
their wealth may be held in the form of stocks linking stock price changes to changes in consumption
expenditure. Similarly, the relationship between stock prices and investment spending is based on the
q theory of James Tobin (1969), where q is the ratio of total market value of firms to the replacement
cost of their existing capital stock at current prices.
In retrospect of the literature, a number of hypotheses also support the existence of a causal
relation between stock prices and exchange rates. For instance, goods market approaches (Dornbusch
and Fischer, 1980) suggest that changes in exchange rates affect the competitiveness of a firm as
fluctuations in exchange rate affects the value of the earnings and cost of its funds as many companies
borrow in foreign currencies to fund their operations and hence its stock price. An alternative
explanation for the relation between exchange rates and stock prices can be provided through portfolio
balance approaches that stress the role of capital account transaction. Like all commodities, exchange
rates are determined by market mechanism, i.e., the demand and supply condition. A blooming stock
market would attract capital flows from foreign investors, which may cause an increase in the demand
for a countrys currency. The reverse would happen in case of falling stock prices where the investors
would try to sell their stocks to avoid further losses and would convert their money into foreign
currency to move out of the country. There would be demand for foreign currency in exchange of local
currency and it would lead depreciation of local currency. As a result, rising (declining) stock prices
would lead to an appreciation (depreciation) in exchange rates. Moreover, foreign investment in
domestic equities could increase over time due to benefits of international diversification that foreign
investors would gain. Furthermore, movements in stock prices may influence exchange rates and
money demand because investors wealth and liquidity demand could depend on the performance of
the stock market.
Economic theories suggest causal relations between stock prices and exchange rates, existing
evidence also provides relatively stronger relationship between stock price and exchange rate. Ma and
Kao (1990) find that a currency appreciation negatively affects the domestic stock market for an
export-dominant country and positively affects the domestic stock market for an import-dominant
country, which seems to be consistent with the goods market theory. Bahmani and Sohrabian (1992)
found a bi-directional causality between stock prices measured by the Standard & Poor's 500 index and
the effective exchange rate of the dollar, at least in the short run. The co-integration analysis revealed
no long run relationship between the two variables. Similarly, Abdalla and Murinde (1996) investigate
interactions between exchange rates and stock prices in the emerging financial markets of India, Korea,
Pakistan and the Philippines. The results of the granger causality tests results show uni-directional
causality from exchange rates to stock prices in all the sample countries, except the Philippines. Ajayi
and Mougoue (1996), using daily data for eight countries, show significant interactions between
foreign exchange and stock markets, while Abdalla and Murinde (1997) document that a countrys
monthly exchange rates tends to lead its stock prices but not the other way around. Pan, Fok & Lui
(1999) used daily market data to study the causal relationship between stock prices and exchange rates
and found that the exchange rates Granger-cause stock prices with less significant causal relations from
stock prices to exchange rate. They also find that the causal relationship have been stronger after the
Asian crisis.
Chen, Roll, and Ross [1986], Bodie [1976], Fama [1981], Geske and Roll [1983], Pearce and
Roley [1983], Pearce [1985] and many papers have tried to show empirical associations between
macroeconomic variables and security returns. Bodie [1976], Fama [1981], Geske and Roll [1983], and
Pearce and Roley [1983], Pearce [1985] document a negative impact of inflation and money growth on
equity values. Many experts however believe that positive effects will outweigh the negative effects
and stock prices will eventually rise due to growth of money supply (e.g., Mukherjee and Naka, 1995).
They argue that a change in the money supply provides information on money demand, which is
caused by future output expectations. If the money supply increases, it means that money demand is
increasing, which, in effect, signals an increase in economic activity. Higher economic activity implies
higher cash flows, which causes stock prices to rise. Bernanke and Kuttner (2005) argue that the price
of a stock is a function of its monetary value and the perceived risk in holding the stock. A stock is
attractive if the monetary value it bears is high. On the other hand, a stock is unattractive if the
perceived risk is high. The authors argue that the money supply affects the stock market through its
effect on both the monetary value and the perceived risk. Money supply affects the monetary value of a
stock through its effect on the interest rate. The authors believe that tightening the money supply raises
the real interest rate. An increase in the interest rate would in turn raise the discount rate, which would
decrease the value of the stock as argued by the real activity theorists.
The impact of real sector macro variables on equity returns has been much more difficult to
establish. Mukherjee and Naka (1995) reveal that cointegration relation existed and positive
relationship was found between the Japanese industrial production and stock return. However, Cutler,
Poterba, and Summers [1989] (CPS) find that Industrial Production growth is significantly positively
correlated with real stock returns over the period 1926-1986, but not in the 1946- 85 sub-period. In
Indian context, Bhattacharya and Mukherjee (2002) studied the nature of the causal relationship
between stock prices and macro aggregates for the period of 1992-93 to 2000- 2001.Their results show
that there is no causal relationship between stock price and macro economic variables like money
supply, national income and interest rate but there exists a two way causation between stock price and
rate of inflation. Their results also indicate index of industrial production lead the stock price.
As discussed above, literature reveals differential causal pattern between key macro economic
variables and stock prices. This relationship varies in a number of different stock markets and time
horizons in the literature. This paper will add to the existing literature by providing robust result, which
is based on more than one technique, about causal links for the longer period, i.e., 12 years quarterly
A major criticism of the ADF unit root testing procedure is that it cannot distinguish between unit root
and near unit root processes especially when using short samples of data. This prompted the use of the
KPSS test, where the null is of stationarity against the alternative of a unit root. This ensures that the
alternative will be accepted (null rejected) only when there is strong evidence for (against) it
[Kwiatkowski, Phillips, Schmidt. and Shin (1992)].
Co-integration Test
Using non-stationary series, cointegration analysis has been used to examine whether there is any long-
run equilibrium relationship. For instance, when non-stationary series are used in regression analysis,
one as a dependent variable and the other as an independent variable, statistical inference becomes
problematic [Granger and Newbold, 1974]. Cointegration analysis becomes important for the
estimation of error correction models (ECM). The concept of error correction refers to the adjustment
process between short-run disequilibrium and a desired long run position. As Engle and Granger
(1987) have shown, if two variables are cointegrated, then there exists an error correction data
generating mechanism, and vice versa. Since, two variables that are cointegrated, would on average,
not drift apart over time, this concept provides insight into the long-run relationship between the two
variables and testing for the cointegration between two variables. In the present case, Johansens
Maximum Likelihood procedure for Cointegration has been applied.
Johansen (1991) method can be illustrated by considering the following general autoregressive
representation for the vector Y.
Yt A0 AjYt j
j 1
where Yt is an n 1 vector of non stationary I(1) variables, A0 is an n 1 vector of constants, p is the
number of lags, Aj is a (n x n) matrix of coefficients and t is assumed to be a ( n 1 ) vector of
Gaussian error terms.
In order to use Johansens test, the above vector autoregressive process can be reparametarized
and turned into a vector error correction model of the form:
j Aj
i j 1
I Aj
i j 1
maximum eigenvalue statistics test the null hypothesis that the number of co-integrating vectors is less
than or equal to r against the alternative of r +1 co-integrating vectors. Again, if the estimated value of
the characteristic root is close to zero, max will be small (Enders, 1995; Madala and Kim, 1998).
where Yt and xt are stationary random processes intended to capture other pertinent information not
contained in lagged values of X t and Yt . The lag length k is decided by AIC in our study. The series
Yt fails to Granger cause X t if 12(j)= 0 (j=1,2,3, k d max ); and the series X t fails to cause Yt . If
21(i)= 0 (i=1,2,3,.. k d max ).
Variance decomposition
The vector autoregression (VAR) by Sims (1980) has been estimated to capture short run causality
between stock prices and key economic macro economic variables. Variance decomposition and
impulse response function has been utilized for drawing inferences. Equation system is similar to the
equations for granger causality assuming simultaneity among a set of variables and treating all the
variables endogenous to system. VAR is commonly used for forecasting systems of interrelated time
series and for analyzing the dynamic impact of random disturbances on the system of variables. The
VAR approach sidesteps the need for structural modeling by treating every endogenous variable in the
system as a function of the lagged values of all of the endogenous variables in the system. In the
present study, BVAR model has been specified in first differences as given in equation 10 and 11.
The works of Bewley and Yang (1996) and Ho and Sorensen (1996) illustrate the problems associated with the utilization of the Johansen and
Juselius test on the analysis of cointegration
Where s are the stochastic error terms, called impulse response or innovations or shock in
the language of VAR. Impulse response functions have been estimated to trace the effects of a shock to
one endogenous variable on to the other variables in the BVAR. The impulse response functions can be
used to produce the time path of the dependent variables in the BVAR, to shocks from all the
explanatory variables. If the system of equations is stable any shock should decline to zero, an unstable
system would produce an explosive time path.
Variance decomposition (Choleski Decomposition) is the alternative way which separates the
variation in an endogenous variable into the component shocks to the BVAR. Thus, the variance
decomposition which provides information about the relative importance of each random innovation in
affecting the variables in the BVAR has also been presented. In econometric literature, both impulse
response functions and variance decomposition together are known as innovation accounting (Enders,
For empirical investigation, the data set for the India consists of the quarterly NSE Nifty, BSE
Sensex, Index of Industrial Production, Money Supply, Interest Rate, Foreign Direct Investment
Inflows and Export Earnings for the period March, 1995 to March 2007. The Indian capital market is
represented by the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). The data
for the NSE Nifty and BSE Sensex has been taken from their respective websites. The data for other
macro key variables have taken from Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Govt. of
India and Economic Intelligence Service, Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy Pvt. Ltd.
The first and simplest type of test one can apply to check for stationarity is to actually plot the
time series and look for evidence of trend in mean, variance, autocorrelation and seasonality. If any
such patterns are present then these are signs of non-stationarity. The eight time series displayed in
figure-1 exhibit different such patterns. Export, IIP and Money Supply seems to exhibit a trend in the
mean since it has a clear upward slope. In fact, sustained upward or downward sloping patterns (linear
or non-linear) are signs of a non-constant mean. The time series on Exchange Rate, FDI, NSE Nifty
and BSE sensex in the figure contains an obvious trend in both mean and variance. Along with a trend
in the mean, the vertical fluctuation of the series also appears to differ greatly from one portion of the
series to the other, indicating that the variance is not constant. Once again this is a sign of non-
9 .6
8 .4
9 .2
8 .0
8 .8
7 .6
8 .4
7 .2
8 .0
6 .8
7 .6
6 .4
95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06
95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06
9 .6 3 .9
3 .8
9 .2
3 .7
8 .8
3 .6
8 .4
3 .5
8 .0
3 .4
95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06
7 .6
95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 E X R A TE
15 .2
14 .8
14 .4
14 .0
13 .6
2.3 13 .2
2.2 12 .8
95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06
95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 MS
5 .8
5 .6 9
5 .4 8
5 .2 7
5 .0
4 .8
4 .6
95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 3
95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06
R e s p o n s e o f D (N IF T Y ) to C h o le s k y
O n e S .D . D ( E X R A T E ) In n o va ti o n
R e s p o n s e o f D ( E X R A T E ) t o C h o le s k y
O n e S . D . D ( N IF T Y ) In n o v a t i o n .0 0 5
.0 0 3
.0 0 0
.0 0 2
.0 0 1 -.0 0 5
.0 0 0
-.0 1 0
- .0 0 1
- .0 0 2
-.0 1 5
- .0 0 3
- .0 0 4
-.0 2 0
- .0 0 5
-.0 2 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
R e s p o n s e o f D ( E X P O R T ) to C h o le s k y
O n e S . D . D ( N IF T Y ) In n o v a t i o n
.0 6 R e s p o n s e o f D ( N IF T Y ) to C h o le s k y
O n e S . D . D ( E X P O R T ) In n o v a ti o n
.0 4 .0 2 0
.0 1 6
.0 2 .0 1 2
.0 0 8
.0 0
.0 0 4
- .0 2 .0 0 0
- .0 0 4
- .0 4
- .0 0 8
- .0 6 - .0 1 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 - .0 1 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
R e s p o n s e o f D ( IIP ) t o C h o le s k y
O n e S . D . D ( N IF T Y ) In n o v a t i o n
R e s p o n s e o f D ( N IF T Y ) to C h o le s k y
.0 2
O n e S .D . D ( IIP ) In n o v a t i o n
.0 2 4
.0 2 0 .0 1
.0 1 6
.0 1 2
.0 0
.0 0 8
.0 0 4
-.0 1
.0 0 0
- .0 0 4
- .0 0 8 -.0 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
- .0 1 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
R e s p o n s e o f D (M S ) to C h o le s k y R e s p o ns e o f D (N IF TY) to C ho le s k y
O n e S . D . D ( N I F T Y ) I n n o v a ti o n O ne S .D . D (M S ) Inno va ti o n
.0 0 15 .0 2 5
.0 0 10 .0 2 0
.0 0 05 .0 1 5
.0 0 00 .0 1 0
-.0005 .0 0 5
-.0010 .0 0 0
-.0015 -.0 0 5
-.0020 -.0 1 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
.00 -.001
-.01 -.003
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
R e s p o n s e o f D (N IF T Y) to C h o le s k y R e s p o ns e o f D (F D I) to C ho le s k y
O n e S .D . D ( F D I) In n o v a tio n O ne S .D . D (N IF TY) Inno va tio n
.0 3 .2
.0 2
.0 1
.0 0
-.0 1
-.0 2 -.2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
R e s p o n s e o f D ( S E N S E X ) t o C h o le s k y
R e s p o n s e o f D ( N IF T Y ) to C h o le s k y O n e S .D . D ( N IF T Y ) In n o v a ti o n
O n e S .D . D ( S E N S E X ) In n o v a ti o n
.0 3
.1 0
.0 8 .0 2
.0 6 .0 1
.0 4 .0 0
.0 2
- .0 1
.0 0
- .0 2
- .0 2
- .0 3
- .0 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Re sp o nse o f D (S E N S E X ) to C ho le s ky
Re sp o nse o f D (E X RA TE ) to C ho le sky O ne S .D . D (E X R A TE ) Inno va tio n
O ne S .D . D (S E NS E X ) Inno va tio n .0 1 0
.0 01
.0 0 5
.0 00
.0 0 0
-.00 1
-.0 0 5
-.00 2
-.0 1 0
-.00 3
-.0 1 5
-.00 4
-.0 2 0
-.00 5
-.0 2 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
-.00 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
R e sp o nse o f D (E X P O R T) to C hole s ky
O ne S .D . D (S E N S E X ) Inno va tio n
R e s p o ns e o f D (S E N S E X ) to C ho le s k y
O ne S .D . D (E X P O R T) Inno va ti o n
.0 2 0
.0 1 5
.0 1 0 .01
.0 0 5 .00
.0 0 0
-.0 0 5
-.0 1 0
-.0 1 5 -.03
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
-.0 2 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
.005 .0 1 0
.0 0 5
.0 0 0
- .0 0 5
- .0 1 0
-.015 - .0 1 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
R e s p o ns e o f D ( IN T ) to C ho le s k y R e s p o n s e o f D ( S E N S E X ) to C h o le s k y
O ne S .D . D (S E N S E X ) Inn o v a ti o n O n e S .D . D ( IN T ) In n o v a ti o n
.0 0 4 .0 3
.0 2
.0 0 2
.0 1
.0 0 0
.0 0
-.0 0 2 - .0 1
- .0 2
-.0 0 4
- .0 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
-.0 0 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
.002 .005
.001 .000
.000 -.005
-.001 -.010
-.002 -.015
-.003 -.020
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
.02 .1
-.02 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
As indicated by visual inspection, formal test for stationarity is essential to opt for appropriate
methodological framework. As a first step, we tested the eight variables (Exports, Exchange Rate,
Index of Industrial Production, Interest Rate, Money Supply, FDI, Nifty and Sensex) for stationarity by
applying ADF, PP unit root test and KPSS stationarity test. ADF, PP and KPSS statistics are given in
Table-2. On the basis of ADF statistics and PP test, all the series are found to be non-stationary at
levels except exchange rate. In the series of exchange rate, ADF and PP test statistics rejects null
hypotheses of unit root in case of levels at 5 percent and 6 percent level of significance. Further, ADF
statistics rejects null hypotheses of unit root in case of first differences of money supply only at 10
percent. Finally, KPSS test is applied which has null of stationarity. In this case, all variables including
exchange rate are non stationary in levels and stationary in first differences. Assuming all the variables
are non-stationary at levels and stationary at first differences on the basis of KPSS test and visual
inspections, Johansens approach of cointegration, Toda and Yamamoto Granger causality test and
VAR modeling for variance decomposition/impulse response functions have been applied.
To explore whether there is any long-run relationship between Indian stock markets and macro
economic variables such as exports, exchange rate, index of industrial production, foreign direct
investment, interest rate and money supply, Johansens cointegration test has been applied. The
number of lags in cointegartion analysis is chosen on the basis of Akaike Information Criteria. Before
discussing the results, it is important to discuss what it implies when two variables are cointegrated and
when they are not. When two variables are cointegrated, it implies that the two time series cannot
wander off in opposite directions for very long without coming back to a mean distance eventually. But
it doesnt mean that on a daily basis the two series have to move in synchrony at all. When two series
are not cointegrated it implies that the two time series can wander off in opposite directions for very
long without coming back to a mean distance eventually. Results indicate that NSE Nifty-Index of
Industrial production and Money Supply- NSE Nifty may be cointegrated in the long run as the results
vary depending on the varying assumption about trend and intercept. However, FDI- NSE Nifty is
cointegrated in the long run under all assumptions. In case of Exchange Rate-NSE Nifty; Export- NSE
Nifty and Interest Rate- NSE Nifty, there is no evidence of co-integration. Similar test was conducted
between Sensex and above referred macro variables. The results remain the same except that the study
could not reveal any long run relationship between FDI and Sensex as reported in case of NSE and
Nifty case (see Table-3 and 4).
To test long run direction of causality, Toda and Yamamoto Granger causality test was
conducted between Nifty and other variables. The results are presented in Table-4. In case of exchange
rate-NSE Nifty and IIP-NSE Nifty, there is no causality in either direction. The study reveals that
export performance does not have any effect on NSE Nifty while NSE Nifty affects export flows from
India. Further, results reveal that Interest Rate causes NSE Nifty while there is no causality from NSE
Nifty to Interest Rate. In case of Money Supply and NSE Nifty, there is no direct causal links. Money
supply might be affecting Nifty through its effect on interest rate. In case of FDI-NSE Nifty, FDI does
cause Nifty movement while movement in NSE Nifty does not have significant effect on IIP. This
links may be the outcome of positive effect of FDI inflows on expectations regarding growth, earning
and profit prospect of the sector. In case of Nifty and Sensex, Sensex causes Nifty while movement in
NSE Nifty does not have significant effect on Sensex.
Similar Toda and Yamamoto test for causality were conducted between BSE Sensex and other
macro economic variables. The results are presented in Table-5. The results reveal that exchange rate
does not influence the BSE Sensex while movement in BSE Sensex does cause change in exchange
rate. There is no evidence that export performance does have any effect on BSE Sensex while BSE
Sensex causes export flows from India. It is found that Index of Industrial production (IIP) does not
have any influence on Sensex movement while movement in BSE Sensex has significant effect on IIP.
Results reveal that Interest Rate causes BSE Sensex while there is no causality from BSE Sensex to
Interest Rate. In case of BSE Sensex -Money Supply and BSE Sensex -FDI, there is no causal link
observed in ether direction.
Table 5: T&Y(1995) Test of Granger Causality: Nifty and Other Macro Variables.
In the context of varying causal links of both stock indices with macro variables, Simss VAR
were applied and short run causal links were explored using Variance decomposition and Impulse
response functions. Variance decomposition determines how much of the k-step ahead forecast error
variance of given variable is explained by innovations to each explanatory variable. In practice, it is
usually observed that own series shocks most of the (forecast) error variance of the series in the VAR.
Variance decomposition separates the variation in an endogenous variable into the component shocks
to the VAR and provides information about the relative importance of each random innovation in
affecting the variables in the VAR. The variance decomposition results at the end of 10 periods are
shown in Table 7. The columns provide the percentage of the forecast variance due to each innovation
in bivariate VAR (BVAR) framework, with each row adding up to 100. In case of bivariate modeling
of Nifty and exchange rate, NSE Nifty explains nearly 97% of its own forecast error variance while
Exchange rate explains only 3 percent of NSE Nifty. Exchange Rate explains over 91% of its own
variance and Nifty explains remaining 9 percent of variance of exchange rate. It implies that NSE Nifty
causes Exchange Rate. Variance decomposition in case of Nifty-Export BVAR Model indicates that
NSE Nifty explains almost 100 percent of its variance while NSE nifty explains about 7 percent of
variance of exports. It is an indication that NSE Nifty causes exports. In case of Nifty and IIP BVAR,
Nifty explains 23 percent of variance of IIP while IIP explains about 20 percent of variance in NSE
Nifty. In this case, Nifty leads IIP. In case of Nifty-Interest Rate BVAR, results indicate that interest
rate explains 7.29 percent variance in NSE Nifty while NSE Nifty explains 3.72 percent of Interest
rate, thus Interest Rate affects NSE Nifty. In case of Nifty and FDI BVAR, FDI explains more than 4
percent of variance of Nifty while Nifty explains only 2 percent of FDI variance. FDI seems to have
some lead to NSE Nifty. In case of Nifty and Sensex BVAR, Sensex explains 90 percent of variance of
Nifty while Nifty explains about 3 percent of variance in Sensex. In this case, it is quite clear that
Sensex causes Nifty. Money supply only explains 2 percent of NSE Nifty while 5 percent of variance
of Money supply is explained by NSE Nifty. Direction of effect seems from NSE Nifty to Money
Similarly, the variance decomposition results at the end of 10 periods for BSE Sensex in
bivariate framework are shown in Table 8. In case of bivariate modeling of BSE Sensex and exchange
rate, BSE Sensex explains nearly 98% of its own forecast error variance while Exchange rate explains
only 2 percent of BSE Sensex. Results indicate Exchange Rate explains over 91% of its own variance
and Sensex explains remaining 9 percent of variance of exchange rate. It implies that BSE Sensex
causes Exchange Rate. Results indicate that BSE Sensex explains almost 99 percent of its variance and
about 3 percent of variance of exports while export explains about 1 percent of variance in BSE Sensex
and 97 percent its own variance. BSE Sensex seems to cause export flows. In case of Sensex and IIP
BVAR, Sensex explains 5 percent of variance of IIP while IIP explains about 1 percent of variance in
BSE Sensex. In this case, Sensex causes IIP. Sensex-Interest BVAR Rate results indicate that interest
rate explains 6.41 percent variance in BSE Sensex while BSE Sensex explains only 0.12 percent of
Interest rate, thus Interest Rate causes BSE Sensex. Money supply only explains 2.44 percent of BSE
Sensex while 6.90 percent of variance of Money supply is explained by BSE Sensex in case of Sensex-
Money Supply BVAR model. Direction of effect seems from BSE Sensex to Money Supply. It is
difficult to infer in case of Sensex-FDI BVAR, as small proportion of variance of each other are
explained in this case. FDI explains approximately 3 percent of Sensex variance while BSE sensex
explains 2 percent of FDI variance. However, FDI may be causing movement in BSE Sensex in this
To investigate dynamic responses further between the variables, Impulse Response of the VAR
system has also been estimated. An Impulse Response function traces the effect of a one-time shock to
one of the innovations on current and future values of the endogenous variables. So, for each variable
from each equation separately, a unit shock is applied to the error, and the effects upon the VAR
system over time is noted. A shock to the i-th variable not only directly affects the i-th variable but is
also transmitted to all of the other endogenous variables through the dynamic (lag) structure of the
VAR. Thus, if there are g variables in a system, total of g2 impulse responses could be generated. In
our case, we have thirteen BVAR pairs of variables; technically four graphs of Impulse Responses (IR)
for each BVAR pair are possible in each period totaling fifty two. However, we have presented only
twenty-six IR graph for the sake of brevity because IR graph representing direct affects on the i-th
variable have not been presented as it does not reveal any causal pattern of response in theses cases. As
indicated by variance decomposition, similar pattern of causality is also observed graphically using
impulse response functions. Further, Impulse Response Function indicates that the BVAR system is
6. Concluding Remarks
The purpose of the present study is to explore the causal relationships between stock prices and the key
macro variables representing real and financial sector of the Indian economy. These variables are the
index of industrial production, exports, foreign direct investment, money supply, exchange rate,
interest rate, NSE Nifty and BSE Sensex. The present analysis is based on quarterly data from March,
1995 to March, 2007. Johansens approach of cointegration and T-Y Granger causality test have been
applied to explore the long-run causal relationships while BVAR modeling for variance decomposition
and impulse response functions has been applied to examine short run causal relationships.
Co-integration regressions indicate the presence of a long run relationship between stock prices
and FDI, stock prices and MS and stock prices and IIP. However, except for interest rate and exports,
the pattern of cointegration and long-run Granger causality in each market indicates differential
pattern. In NSE, movement in NSE does not have effect on exchange rate and IIP while movement in
BSE Sensex seems to cause these variables. In this context, it is important to highlight that the
composition of NSE Nifty and BSE Sensex vary from each other. Nifty is a benchmark index that is
composed of 50 stocks i.e. shares of 50 companies. Sensex, on the other hand, is an index that is
composed of thirty stocks i.e. shares of 30 companies. The rate of change in variation may happen
because every stock in an index has some index-weightage and it is varying in each index. In case of
short run, there is no differential impact of causal pattern as indicated by variance decomposition and
impulse response functions. In this case, the results reveal that NSE Nifty causes exchange rate,
exports, IIP and money supply while interest rate and FDI causes NSE Nifty. Broadly, these patterns
are valid also in the case of BSE Sensex.
The study reveals that movement in stock prices causes movement in IIP. It clearly implies that
stock prices leads real economic activity. It reveals that growth rate of real sector is factored in the
movement in stock prices. One possible explanation is that major players such as FIIs and mutual
funds are well aware in advance of business plan of major industrial houses. Another explanation is the
higher demand of stocks created by positive growth expectations. Higher demand has been created by
increased due to increased participation of domestic retail investors and trader directly or through
mutual fund as the expected returns in alternative investment opportunities such as bank deposits,
deposits in post offices, etc are less than the expected return in stocks. Further, FIIs inflows has
increased in recent years due to expected higher growth of rate of return in Indian compared to USA,
EU and other developed economies. This has been possible due to change in legal and institutional
trading environment. This study also reveals that FDI does cause movement in stock prices while
movement in stock prices does not have significant effect on FDI. This links may be the outcome of
positive effect of FDI inflows on expectations regarding growth, earning and profit prospect of the
sector. Results indicate that the movements in stock prices seem to affect export flows, possibly
through its effect on exchange rate. It is to be noted that the movement in Sensex and Nifty are causing
changes in exchange rate at least in the short run. One possible inference may be drawn from the
present study is that the stock market movement in India seems to be driven by the performance of
industry in domestic market rather than in export market. It seems to be intuitively correct as the export
segment of major listed companies is small barring IT and textile sector.
The study indicates that exchange rate does not influence the BSE Sensex and NSE Nifty while
movement in BSE Sensex and NSE Nifty does cause change in exchange rate. It indicates towards
large FII inflows in recent years. It is causing serious problem to the real sector of the economy. As of
October, the rupee had appreciated close to 13 per cent on a year-on-year basis against the greenback.
Nearly 7.5 per cent of this appreciation came in the months of April and May. In recent months, net FII
inflows have picked up around $5.7 billion in October itself. The recent cuts in the Fed rate are
likely to provide a further impetus to the inflows and put more pressure on the rupee. One of the major
worries of rupee appreciation is the hit exports are expected to take.
The relationship between money supply and stock prices has been widely studied because of
the belief that money supply changes have important direct effects through portfolio changes, and
indirect effects through their effect on real economic activity, which in turn postulated to be the
fundamental determinants of stock prices. However, the study indicates that money supply does not
affect movement in stock market indices while interest rate causes change in stock indices. The
possible explanation may be the lack of understanding on the part of players in the stock market about
the complex linkage of money supply with cost and profit margin of industry. Further, major player are
either not able to predict the possible effect of money supply and monetary measures related to money
supply taken by RBI or they could not form their expectation on the basis of changes in money supply.
Given the demand for money, there is a direct inverse relationship between money supply and interest
rate. Probably, stock market reacts to money supply only if it causes changes in interest rate. It may be
inferred that monetary policy measures affecting interest rate are critical in influencing stock market in
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